#i have to repeat to myself 'you're the teacher'
aurae-rori · 2 days
hi friend, i am literally so glad i've found another dr. ratio enjoyer! you're literally such a great writer and I love your character analyses.
anyways, my curiosity is peaked, how is children of the city dr. ratio core?
First of all, thank you so much - haha, I'm glad that you enjoy my analyses and writings. I'm so sorry that it took me this long to get back to you - I had a few things to take care of, but I'm going to do a full analysis in your honour!
Analysis under the cut, because it gets really long. :)
"Sleep for a total of 800 hours per day And then drink a liter of milk Warm-up before you go play Only eat, or write Or pull the trigger with your right hand Only thing that's left Is to work on following commands"
I'm totally not projecting my gifted child trauma here, nuh uh... Anyway, my personal HC for Ratio is that his child might have felt monotonous being in classes that he was already too "intelligent" for. Learning things at a quicker pace than other children, absorbing knowledge up like a sponge - sure, the praise is nice, but after awhile, especially when you get to higher levels, intelligence isn't enough to carry you. You have to put diligence, effort, blood sweat and tears into what you're studying for, especially if you want to make a change, like how Dr. Ratio wanted to. It. must have gotten lonely, getting up only to do more researcher, eating only to go back to work. Following a schedule is wonderful, and he would have enjoyed the routine, but after being isolated from other people along with that, it might have made him feel subhuman or less than human for only being there for the studying of more knowledge. Eat, study, work, repeat. This is more of a personal HC rather than something canon, though. :)
"By the time you realize You'll be restrained to a desk And with your dreams on the floor, you comply Eyes chained to the test In 30 minutes, find a groom or bride Bonus if brunette In 90 hours, spill their insides Paint your room picturesque"
I feel like the prospect of romance is pushed onto children at a very young age - and that can be applied to Dr. Ratio. Who knows what romantic beliefs that he grew with? However, I believe this is less of him observing himself, but more of him seeing what the education system does to others, and how society molds others into the person that they "should" be, rather than what they want to be. Also, it could be a reference to academic trauma and placing all your self worth in your grades.
"Now it's time for another vendetta Going through the shelves Picking out my pre-written persona (ha-ah-ah) Children of the city sees only the neon stars Reflected upon the murky gutter sky Don't ask me why I desperately wish to be included in the city's night"
This is how I see Dr. Ratio holding a grudge against the Aeons and other figures of authority. We are all expected to be "good" and "well-behaved", and yet, we all look to the "city's night" - the approval of those who are in a higher position of us. We want to gain the approval and the praise of our parents, of our teachers - it's natural, after. We want to be included in the "city's night" - in Dr. Ratio's case, the gaze of Nous. He wants to be acknowledged by Nous and let into the Genius Society because his beliefs that were instilled into him as a child dictate that since he is hailed as a genius, he should be seen as one by the Aeons, right? However, I'd like to point out the usage of the words "neon stars" - stars are not neon. This implies that the stars are fake - I can also see this as a pointer to the idea of there system itself being fake, or societal "norms" being fake, as we are all unique.
"In four hundred thousand meters, turn right
Pick up a knife and stab a familiar warm body Learned to fight before I knew love or bitterness of coffee Snippy scissors cut down the strings I set myself free Only to figure out everything I chose was by proxy"
Dr. Ratio following orders until he doesn't. Fitting in until he gives up on it. Setting himself free from the chains of what is expected from him of other people, but not by the Aeons - no, that's something that still stays with him. However, I like to interpret the idea of a "familiar warm body" being his own childhood - killing the child that you used to be in favour of facing the future. Coffee is also something commonly regarded as students or workers using it to keep awake during long periods of work and study - it talks about how he has known to fight for himself, or fight for what he wants, before he was told to suck it up and just work for the sake of others, for the sake of the authority. However, this might feel scripted to him as well, with the mention of a "proxy" - it was a decision someone else made for him, maybe? Who knows? Maybe his selflessness was originally chosen by someone else, and drilled into him?
"As we suckled upon the nine millimeter pacifier Swallowing the fact that other than to expand We had no purpose As my ever-burning will to stay afloat backfires I now know I must be comfortable being Who I considered worthless"
This is definitely expanding on the idea of being raised to just be used by the authorities. Also, this can also be a representation of the way that he calls himself "mundane" - he was called a genius and raised as one, and now that Nous has not seen him, he must be "mundane" and he must come to terms that he is exactly what he wasn't called growing up. None of their words of praise have any meaning any more, because in the all seeing gaze of an Aeon, he is nothing.
"Follow the city's ribbon To a heart nobody seems to listen It takes my heart being broken and broken again (broken and broken again) To know that I am the reason why (the reason why) The sufferings never end"
As Dr. Ratio uncovers the truth of his childhood and the truth of why he was raised this way, the empathy that he has suppressed comes back up. And this is it - because he feels for others, because he is so incredibly human, that is the reason why his suffering does not end. He cannot detach himself like other people, like other geniuses, and treat life with little to no care. He cannot, because he loves, and that is his fatal flaw. He listens to his heart, as well as his mind, and that does not make him a genius in the eyes of an Aeon.
"Do not go home until you finish reading the value of E. 2.71 8281 8284 5904 5235 3602 8747 1352 6624 9775 7247 0936 9995 9574 9669 6762"
"E" is a mathematical constant, and therefore is logical. It's called the base of a natural logarithm, and while my knowledge in that area is limited, the fact that it is called a "constant" means that it cannot change, just like all numbers cannot. It might be a representation of the idea of Dr. Ratio trying again to fit in with others, only to fail once more, even though he knows all the rules. He was simply born in a different way, doomed from the start. It wasn't his fault.
He was just human.
You can also see this as Dr. Ratio observing the world as he grows up in an "apathetic" and "detached" way - as he pushes down his own emotions in favour of staring at his own success to help others, knowing that his empathy will not get him anywhere in terms of a cruel world. However, he cannot help it.
Ultimately, "Children of the City" is about how we are raised in a society that forces the idea of work on us ever since we are young. We do not get to cherish our childhoods nor our youth, and are immediately turned to the prospect of how we can provide value to society. We are raised in a never ending cycle like machines, to be puppets to corporations, to be slaves by the desire of the majority, to never have free will of our own.
Summoning @ironunderstands @pepper-demon @misty-lilies @sleepyburito :)
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unwinthehart · 7 months
I really think I took more than I can chew with this class, ffs anxiety is eating me alive
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magentagalaxies · 8 months
fucking love it when one of my professors brings up kids in the hall in giving me feedback, not in a pandering way but in a "this is an observation i've made about their work and how you could channel this aspect in your own comedy to get yourself out of your comfort zone and play with new things"
#shoutout to my improv teacher fr#we were talking about how i don't use dynamic physicality and movement as much in my characters#and she brought up how so much of their characters are very physical and encouraged me to play with that#and also specifically character temperament and emotions and stuff bc i have a specific range i play in#and it's funny even tho i personally think my comedy style is most like bruce#and scott in a lot of ways has these uninhibited moments i wish i could throw myself into#in terms of character range/voice/temperament/emotion? i'm playing heavily in the scott zone rn#and my professor was like ''that's great but also i wanna see you play a bruce girl''#we also had a whole conversation about gender and kith and how gender plays into my improv or is absent from it a lot of the time#and holy shit erin my improv teacher wins cis ally of the day award she was so respectful while also having good feedback#(her feedback was low key ''be more overtly trans even if it makes cis people uncomfortable'')#bc like. i'm very overtly trans in my standup rn like you know how aubrey is#but in improv? sure i play many characters regardless of gender but that's the thing. it's ''regardless'' of gender#so i sort of default to being neutral so that others can project onto me. it's sort of ''idgaf i'm chill'' which in itself still is radical#but it gives ''cis allys'' who don't want to deal with gender an outlet to just project onto me in a way that i could own much more#anyway the way i process feedback is often by repeating it to someone else so like. this didn't need to be a post this is for me#but idk if you're following along with my comedy journey (or even if you just want to hear my professor reference kids in the hall!)#maybe this is of interest to you. in any case i'm very excited to play with all this stuff much more#and i definitely feel confident in my comedic identity and trans identity and most of all my trans-comedian identity#and i'm excited to see how i grow from here
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gojoux · 10 months
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· Pairing: Geto Suguru x Reader
· Summary: The girl you're supervising for a mission is a spoiled brat princess. Once her eyes met your boyfriend, she becomes obsessed with him. You decided you've had enough once she took the chance.
· CW: 11.6k (sigh) // Fluff. Angst. Annoying behaviour. Act of deception. You and the girl having a beef. Jealousy. Suggestive themes. Implied and mention of sex. Implied past oral sex. Mention of genitals lmao.
Female reader, uses she/her pronouns, called ‘girl’ and ‘miss’.
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“Excuse me, but what?” You look at your teacher, Yaga, after he tells you what your next mission is.
“You heard me. Your next mission is to look after one of the higher-ups' grand-daughter. Her parents are going out of town for a five days, and they want you to look after their only daughter.” Yaga explained once more.
“Your job is to keep her safe from cursed spirits. She's not a sorcerer therefore she can't use cursed technique, but she does see them.” He adds.
“But, why me?” You complain but make it sound as polite as you can since he's the teacher. “Shouldn't I be going on a mission to exorcise cursed spirits around the city instead?”
“You're the only one available right now,” Yaga answers straight to the point. “Anything else you want to say?”
‘The only one available, my ass.’ You curse in your mind.
“How about Utahime-san? She doesn't go much on a mission, right?” You try to bargain, hoping he would change your position.
“That's exactly why you're assisted. You're a frontline sorcerer, Iori is not, she's a support. What would happen if a cursed spirit attacked?” He answers sternly, not buying your suggestions.
You huff at the reasonable answer he gave you. “Any more questions?” He looks at you intently. “No.” You shake your head. Yaga nods at your response, “Good. You're dismissed.” 
You turn around to walk out of his office before he speaks again, “Three million yen of reward will wait for you if you complete this mission.” 
You stop your track, turning back to him slowly. “Three million yen?" You repeat as if in disbelief. “For taking care of a rich man's daughter?” You ask again.
Yaga nods at you for confirmation. “Just another piece of information.” He said. “For motivation purposes.” He adds tad a bit quietly.
‘Well, I'll be damned.’
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You walk side by side with your boyfriend in the school's hallway, heading out to grab some snacks and drinks before heading out to your respective missions.
“What about your mission?” He asked, looking at you. “Anything special, or just some lower-grade curses?”
You huff in annoyance. “My next mission is actually to look after the grand-daughter of one of the higher-ups because her parents are out of town. You know, keeping an eye on her from cursed spirits.” You shrug. “I hope she's not a brat.”
“Oh? So you’re just a glorified babysitter for now.” He chuckles. “Don’t screw up now, okay?” He said playfully, then looked at you and smiled. “Are you at least getting paid extra?” He then adds in a joking tone.
“Hey!” You nudge his side with your elbow. He chuckles again, smiling brightly before looking at you and stroking your cheek.
“If I had a yen for every time you make that face, I'll be able to buy myself a house.” He said with the most teasing tone. “But seriously, is that all you’re doing? Looking after a girl? It can't be hard, right?”
”Yeah, but she's the only daughter from a rich family, her parents paid a lot for this.” You answer.
”So, they're rich? Do you get to be fed delicious food, perhaps?” He suggest with a sly smile.
“You just earned yourself the easiest mission ever, love,” he then said with a small nod. “Well, that depends on the princess you're going to babysit.” He jokes a bit while still leaning close to you with a smirk.
“I could lend a hand for you if you want?” He jokingly asks you with a wink.
“Please, do. I'll split the mission's reward with you, just a bit, though.” You shake your head at the thought of something that might happen in this mere mission or is it just you overthinking. 
“I have a feeling I'm the one who's going to have a hard time.” You let out a harsh sigh before shaking the negative thoughts off your head. “After that, we can get some good food.” 
“I'm just messing around. I'm not taking your reward, love." He chuckled a bit, patting your head. “So long as I’m with you, it’s already a reward.” 
Then, he thought for a moment before nodding. “Hey, maybe we can also cook some good food ourselves.” 
“What do you say?” He asked. “I can show you how to cook some dishes that my mom taught me.” He smiles sweetly at you.
“Really? That sounds wonderful. We can do that, too.” You nod at his suggestion. He pats your head again in response.
“So, are you excited to have a new job as a babysitter?” He asked you while walking, a little smug smile appeared on his face again. “I'm sure you can manage.” He added.
“Or... Do you want me to try babysitting you first to see what it's like taking care of a child?” He asked you jokingly, looking at you.
“I'm not a child.” You pout at him as you both walk closer to the vending machine.
“Hmm? You're not?” He asked with a teasing smile, knowing that you were being affected by his comment. “Are you sure? I'm seeing a certain toddler in front of me right now.” You huff at his words.
He reaches into his pocket and takes out a few coins. “Say, do you want anything, love?” He asked you, then looked at the vending machine in front of you and the snack options.
“Cola, please.” You step closer, standing next to him. “Such a spoiled little girl.” He said jokingly before chuckling. He inserts the necessary amount of coins and waits for the cola to drop down.
“And snacks.” He took out some more coins and put them inside of the machine before getting out some chips for the two of you.
“Here you go, my child.” He said jokingly before handing you a can of cola and some chips. “Don't eat too much.” He ruffles your hair gently.
“Yes, Father. Thank you for the treats.” You play along with the game and kiss him on the cheek as gratitude. 
He takes out his food, looking at you while he talks to you. “So, I guess we both have our own missions now. Who do you think will have it easier first, me or you?” He asked you, trying to initiate a little conversation.
“You.” You roll your eyes in annoyance. “I'll be stuck with a brat here instead. The only child of a rich family is not far from being spoiled after all.” You complain once again.
“You never know.” He said while eating his snack. “This person could be the sweetest thing on the face of the earth, but with the way you're talking, she probably senses your dislike for her, which will make her act out in return.” He said, still joking around with you to ease your mood about the mission.
“Please, don't jinx it.” You groan at the thought. Geto chuckles at your reaction. “Maybe this brat of a princess can be your bestie, you'll never know.” He said playfully.
“And if the brat ends up acting up like you're expecting them to, you can always ask Daddy for help.” He teases you more. “I think I will.” You roll your eyes.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket, you take it out with your free hand to see that you got a text from Yaga, saying that the rich man's daughter you're assigned to has arrived at school, which means your mission starts now. 
“The brat is here. I'll see you later, okay? Be safe on your mission!” You give him a short kiss on the lips. You gathered the snacks on your one arm and hold the cola on your other.
“I'll see you later, love.” He replied with his soft smile, waving goodbye to you. “Don't worry about me, I'll be back before you know it.” He added.
“Just be a good babysitter, okay?” He then smirked playfully, still waving goodbye to you. You wave back as you walk towards Yaga's office again to begin your task.
Once you reached the office, there's Yaga standing with a girl beside him outside of the office's door. They turn to you at the same time, expecting your arrival.
Did Geto really jinx it or did your instinct come true, you don't know, but you're cursing fate and whoever has sent this evil spirit to your presence. 
“Oh, how kind of you.” She grabs your chips and cola from your hands. The one that your boyfriend bought for you, and this brat thought you bought this for her.
‘It's the first day, come on. You can do this.’ You mentally cheer yourself. Pessimistically.
“This is Hanada Yui, the girl you'll be looking after.” Yaga introduced you to the girl as she held the chip close to her chest. “And this is (L/N) (Y/N), the one who is going to look after you for the next five days from now.” He adds, introducing you to her.
She looks young, but not far younger than you. She dresses well with expensive brand clothing, as expected from a child coming from a rich family.
“Nice to meet you, Hanada-chan.” You forced a smile, trying to be friendly with her, grimacing at the word ‘nice’ since you know it's not true at all.
“You, too.” She answers casually, a small smile gracing her face, you're not sure if it's genuine or not, but you brush it off, trying not to care so much.
“Alright. She's yours now.” He said to you before pointing toward the girl. Yaga walks closer to you before leaning a bit closer, “Be nice to the girl, okay?” He then said to you before looking at the girl. “Try to have a conversation with her, too.”
Yaga knows that you're not exactly the friendliest around new people, let alone the ones that don't strike well with you.
“Yes, got it.” You nod at him, assuring him and yourself. “Good, good.” Yaga gives you a small approving smile before excusing himself, letting you both talk with each other.
Yui, on the other hand, looks up at you with a slight pout. “So, you're my babysitter?” She asked you, her arms crossed in front of her and still holding onto the chips and cola. 
“I thought so.” She said, sounding disappointed. “I was hoping for a hot guy who's going to look after me.” She shrugs, her decorated pigtails moving as she tilts her head to the side. 
“How long am I stuck with you, by the way?” She asks. “Five days.” You answer shortly, trying to not let any annoyance come out of your tone.
“Ohh, that's long.” She groans as she eats the chip. After a while of her eating her chip in silence, she suddenly asked you a question. “Why are you even a babysitter in the first place? Shouldn't you have a real job?” She asked you, curious at your response.
‘Because I'm not.’ You grumble to yourself in your mind.
“You can see curses but you can't use a cursed technique, that's why your parents sent you here and assigned me, a Jujutsu sorcerer, to look after your safety. It's my mission.” You explain to her.
“Well, that's boring.” She looks at you in disapproval. 
“Why can't you at least play games with me?” She said to you while continuing to eat her snack. “I'm sure they pay you to let me have fun, I don't see the reason why you want me to just sit here all day. Do you plan on watching me until I sleep?” She asks you while sounding slightly annoyed.
“I'll do whatever you want.” You answer her, keeping your cool together. You just know that this brat is going to be a pain in the ass.
“You'll do whatever I want? No way. You're probably just trying to mess with me. I mean, you already seem like a boring babysitter to me.” She said while giving you the most unimpressed look ever. 
“Hmm...” She looks at you curiously, tilting her head while looking at you with her arms crossed. She then grins at you when she sees that you're actually taking her words seriously. 
“You'll do whatever I tell you to do, right? You're going to be my slave the entire time.” She then says with a smirk, and by the way you two are interacting, it seems like this is what she wanted.
‘Babysitter to slave? What a downgrade.’ You roll your eyes.
“Whatever you said, princess.” You answer with a hint of mocking. It's official, you got beef with this brat.
“Oh... Did I strike a nerve there?” She asked you with a smirk, clearly enjoying this. “I like you.” With her still smirking at you, she finally finishes her snack and hands you the empty packet of chips, looking at you while waiting for your response.
You grab the trash from her, “You're welcome.” You smile sarcastically at her as walks past you. You roll your eyes once more behind her back before following her.
“Hhmm... Alright, what should we do next?” She asked you, clearly looking for some fun. “Oh, how about a shopping spree?” She suggested.
“I think my wardrobe needs a bit of improvement. Don't you think so?” She said, expecting you to obey her orders.
“Yeah, sounds good.” You answer her, clearly not enjoying it. From now, you just have to answer her straight on, not entertain her ego even more even though Yaga just told you to be nice and talk with her.
“Ohhhh, you're actually going along with my idea, huh? I thought you'd be more resistant. Well, this is going to be fun!” She said with a slight snicker.
“Hurry up! We don't have all day!” She yelled at you as she walked ahead. It seems like she's the one in control of the situation right now, which might become a big problem if she keeps on treating you like that.
Yui wanted to go to the mall for shopping, and who are you to deny that? Your job is to look after her anyway, which means you'll be stuck around her to your own dismay. Good thing you're going to get paid well with this mission.
After the assistant manager drives to the mall and drops you both off, she excitedly enters the mall with you following close behind her.
It seems like Yui has a specific place in mind where she wants to go. She quickly makes a beeline towards a boutique store, pulling you along by the sleeves of your uniform.
“Come on, hurry!” She said as she opened the store door for you. “You better get me everything I want, okay? It's your job after all!” She said, looking at you with a smug smile before stepping inside the store.
“I thought the little princess was rich? Did Daddy not give you enough pocket money, sweetheart?” You answer mockingly with an equally smug smile. You're not going to let this brat have whatever she wants.
“Hmph.” She grunted once she heard your comment. Your words got to the little princess. She made a pout on her face, crossing her arms in front of her while letting out an angry groan.
“Of course, he gave me money! I just don't want to use it.” She said, trying to act tough. “Why should I use the allowance my daddy gave me when I could use your money instead?” She said, sounding bratty now.
“Oops, sorry, didn't bring any.” You pull the inside of your pockets out from your uniform, showing nothing with a feign apologetic tone.
It seems like that's not the right answer to say at the moment as Yui's expression immediately changes, her eyes widening as she lets out another groan of annoyance. She was pretty obviously expecting you to be her piggy bank, but that was quickly put to a stop.
She then tugs on the cuffs of your uniform sleeve aggressively, almost pulling your arm, before speaking to you in an angry voice.
“What?! So, you're saying that you're my babysitter but you didn't bring any money?” She asked you, sounding outraged by your reply. “How are you going to buy things for me then?” She then said, sounding demanding. “You better fix your mistake!”
“The garbage outside is free. I could get you that.” You shrug, looking around the boutique, not giving in to her bratty needs.
The comment you made clearly stung her heart, causing her to ball up her fists with anger.
“How dare you suggest to get me garbage, are you mocking me?” She said, her tone becoming a little more aggressive than before. “I'm not some poor kid that you could trick into thinking that getting garbage is even a good idea.” She then said, her voice getting raised a little.
“Now, let's find something to spend your money on.” She then added, pointing at you to get moving.
“Alright, alright.” You lift your hands in defense, letting her pull your uniform sleeve by force once more. “Good, you're understanding.” Then she just walks forward, expecting you to follow her.
She starts looking for something that she'll like while you're left to look after her and make sure she doesn't get into trouble.
She quickly walked over to a dress rack, and without even looking at you, she started to pull out some dresses that she wants to try
“Hm... I think I'll get this red dress.” She said to you, pointing at the red dress on the mannequin. “What do you think?” She then asked you, seemingly wanting to hear a response from you. 
“That's pretty.” You look at the dress she's pointing at. What an expensive-looking dress with an equally expensive price.
This got her smiling a little bit. “You really do think it's pretty?” She asks you while still looking at the dress that she's currently pointing at. “Do you want to go ahead and pay for me?” She adds with a proud smile.
“Oh, what's the limit again? Can I get more than one dress? Hmm... I'm sure you have enough to pay.” She said before looking at you with a cheeky grin.
Oh, how you want to wipe that off her face.
“Yeah, I'm filthy rich after all.“ You cross your arms smugly. “Pick any clothes you want, princess.” You play along with her game.
She seems happy to hear that. “Great! Then, I want this green dress as well.” She said while pointing at the green dress near the red dress. “And also those shoes, they'll go great with my dresses.” She added, pointing at a pair of white shoes.
“We might as well get some accessories too. Let's see...” She strokes her chin, looking at the accessories. “I'll get this headband and... How about... This one, this one, and... This one?” She picked more dresses out of the rack. “Is that a yes on my request, Miss Babysitter?” She then asked you still with a smug smile on her face.
“Yes, princess.” You roll your eyes. She keeps going here and there. You followed her with boredom, choosing to stay on your phone. After she was done, we went to the counter to pay. 
“How about you wait outside while I pay for this?” You offered. She tilts her head in confusion but does exactly what you ask her to do.
You wait at the counter, holding the things that she's chosen to buy while the saleslady is scanning the barcodes to price them individually.
“What a funny girl.” You shake your head, eyeing her from inside the boutique to make sure she doesn't go anywhere, and there are no cursed spirits around her. 
“The total would be three hundred forty-six thousand yen.” The saleslady put the clothes and accessories in the bag. You give her the credit card, watching her intently.
“With the name Hanada Yui?” She asks to make sure. “That's right.” You nod, trying to hide your sly smile. “Just type in the code here.” She turns around the card swipe machine for you to enter the pin.
The thing about being a sorcerer, you got to learn how to be sneaky and smart, never let them know what your next move is. That is exactly what you did.
While Yui was busy, you sneak inside her purse, grabbing the card from one of the pockets. You're kind of surprised she doesn't notice, well, that's what people do when they're too focused on one thing. You spend your time on your phone to search for the numbers of her credit card and get the code.
‘Filty rich, I wished.’ You chuckle at your words earlier.
Poor girl really thinks you're buying all her stuff, which she chooses many on purpose, even though you feel bad for deceiving her.
“Thank you for shopping.” The saleslady gives you back the card along with the bags with a respectful bow which you return.
She waited outside while you paid for all of the dresses that she picked out. When you got out of the store, she looked at you, expecting you to hand the dresses to her.
“It took you forever.” She said, not seeming too pleased by your actions. “Are you trying to make me unhappy? Because it's working.” She added, still not getting the dresses you bought for her as she looked at you with an annoyed expression.
“Here you go, princess.” You hand her the bags full of clothes and accessories she bought. “Wanna go back now?” 
She took the bags you gave to her while looking at you with a surprised smile. “Thank you, Miss Babysitter.” She said, sounding much more pleasant and bratty in a way.
“Of course, I want to go back. What? Do you think I'll willingly spend the entire day out here?” She sound annoyed by your question.
“Oh, right, I don't have to worry about that.” She then said, smirking once more. “Since you're my babysitter, you'll be with me for the entire day, whether you like it or not.”
You let out an annoyed sigh, dialing the same assistant manager to pick you up from the mall. As you wait, you got a few text from Geto.
I just finished the mission in Yokohama. Heading to Hachioji right now.
How was the babysitting duty, love?
You smile at his texts before typing,
Okay, stay safe ( ੭ ˘ ³˘)੭‎♥
It's horrid.
After a while, he read the your response and replied back,
I'll be back after a day. Be a good girl, okay? ♥
Tell me about it.
Yui seems to be curious on why you're smiling while on your phone, “Who are you texting?” You look up from your phone with a shrug, “No one.”
I'm always a good girl!!!ヽ(`д´;)/
I will later.
You put your phone back into your pocket as the car arrived. You wonder what tomorrow would be like with this brat around.
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The second day doesn't get any better. This spoiled brat Yui keeps demanding things, and the more she does it, the more irritated you become.
“Can I have that?”
“Can we go here?”
“Can you buy me this?”
She keeps on asking you in a pushy tone, but you can't refuse her demands if you want to accomplish your mission. 
She still doesn't show any signs of calming down as she keeps on giving you multiple different requests for you to do. She seems to be trying hard to make your mission harder than it actually is.
She's not just asking for normal stuff either, like eating snacks or drinking cold drinks in the afternoon. No, she asks for the latest fashion accessories, the newest phone model, or the trendiest hairstyle.
In other words, she's the most bratty princess you probably have seen, which makes your mission harder than you'd think.
“I thought I'm your babysitter? Not your sugar mommy?” You look at her ridiculously, refusing the things she wants. Expensive stuff? Hell, no.
“Awww, Miss Babysitter doesn't wanna be my sugar mommy?” She asks you, putting on an exaggerated fake-cute voice. “Are you too poor to buy these things for me?” She asks you mockingly.
“Oh, I suppose I am, that's not good.” You feign the act of being sad, putting a hand to your forehead for the dramatic act, before relaxing back against the couch, crossing your legs.
“I'm starting to doubt you're actually rich when you keep refusing to use your own money.” You say, trying to get a rise out of this brat. “Is your credit card actually zero?” You feign surprise.
She tilted her head in confusion for a few seconds before her face suddenly grew tense with anger. “You dare say that I'm lying about being rich, huh?” She asks accusingly.
“I'll show you, Miss Babysitter.” She reached for her handbag before taking out a big bundle of money. “Look.” She shows you the money. “Is this zero to you?” She asked with a smirk on her face, wanting to hear your answer.
“Oho...” You chuckle at the sight, amused by her reaction. “I've seen more.” You say nonchalantly as if you're not impressed.
‘Yeah, Gojo's money when he lost a bet.’ You snicker to yourself.
“More? Who do you think you are?” She asked, offended by your remark. “Are you trying to say that you're richer than me?” She said like a spoiled princess. “You want to play the ‘I'm superior to you’ game now, huh?”
You let out a yawn, choosing to play on your phone instead as you relax on the couch, letting her talk whatever she wants. She doesn't seem to like your behavior right now, especially since she's trying her best to make you entertain her.
“Hey! Aren't you supposed to be looking after me?” She snapped at you, wanting your attention. “It's your job, isn't it? I thought you'd been hired to look after my safety, not to sit on the couch and be lazy!” She added with a scolding tone.
“Do you want to get fired? You won't get paid if you don't look after me.” She said, trying to intimidate you.
“Jujutsu sorcerers don't get fired, smartass.” You answer nonchalantly as you keep playing with your phone. “What do you want me to do anyway?”
This seems to make her even more angry again. “Is that how you react when someone hires you? By ignoring their orders?” She asked you, sounding annoyed.
“As I said before, you were hired to look after my safety. Now, do your job, or I'll complain to the teacher!” She then said, sounding a little bit more stern with her words as she looked at you, waiting for your response. “Do I really need to give you instructions, Miss Babysitter?”
The princess is angry again. Text you later (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
He replied soon after you sent him the text,
wwwwwww alright. Later, love ♥
“Okay, then, princess. What would you like to do?” You put your phone down, leaning against the couch with your attention on her.
Her frown is replaced by a smug smile when you finally give in. “Can't you be imaginative by yourself? Do you need me to tell you what to do?” She asks you sarcastically while crossing her arms in front of her with a smug smile.
“But, I could give you some ideas on what to do.” She added before uncrossing her arms. “There's a cute cafe nearby. We could go there and have a chat. What do you say?” She sounds somewhat sweet as she says this.
“Alright, we can go there.” You get up from the couch. She seems delighted to hear your approval. “That's the spirit. Let's go there now.” She said excitedly, and with that, you both walked out of the dorm to get a ride from another available assistant manager and go to the said cafe that she mentioned earlier.
Once you manage to reach the cafe, she takes a seat and beckons you to sit down with her. “Come, sit down with me. I want to get to know you better.” She says to you, sounding pleasant. You sit in front of her right across the table.
“Now, let's begin by getting to know you first, Miss Babysitter.” She leaning towards you a little bit. “What do you like to do in your spare time? And are you in a relationship currently?” She asks you while looking at you with a small smile.
“Well, I like watching movies in my spare time. Maybe rest when I have no missions or school work.” You shrug.
When you didn't answer her last question, Yui made a curious sound. “Oh, then you're single?” She asked with a smirk on her face.
“You want to know?” You ask back teasingly. “You still didn't answer the last question, aren't you in a relationship? Don't be scared.” She sounds a little bit frustrated.
‘Damn, she's pushy as always.’
“I am.” You smile smugly. “He's a Special Grade sorcerer, he's on a mission right now.” You answer with a sense of pride.
“I see.” She leans back into her chair and crosses her arms. “So... You're saying that you're in a romantic relationship with some Special Grade sorcerer right now, huh?” She asked you, trying to make you tell her about the sorcerer she's talking about.
“How about you? Do you have any hobbies?” You avoid the topic. She seemed to be in a bit of a mood after hearing your reply, trying to change the subject.
“I asked you a question, I want you to answer that first. Tell me about this Special Grade sorcerer.” She asked you. “And no, I don't answer your questions while you're not answering mine.” She added, sounding a little bit more annoyed than before.
“Why would you want to know your babysitter's love life, hm? You wanna know if he's a hot shot or something?” You answer teasingly. Yui let out a groan while rolling her eyes.
“I should've known you won't give me a straightforward answer.” She said, annoyed. Her frown slowly changed into another smirk after you answered her question like that.
“Actually, I'm curious to know what kind of man your boyfriend is. Is he cute? Is he handsome? Does he have a great personality?” She asked you, sounding a little bit sarcastic while holding back her giggles.
“He's all of that.” You lean back on your seat, crossing your arms as well. Rubbing to her face about your boyfriend.
She raises both of her eyebrows in surprise, seeming to be a little bit frustrated now after hearing your answer.
“Wait... You serious? You actually have a hot boyfriend? He's both cute, handsome, and has a great personality?” She looks like she couldn't believe what you just told her. “No wonder you won't tell me about him.” She said with a pout on her face, crossing her arms and looking at the table.
“What? You jealous?” You snicker at her reaction, knowing exactly where this is going.
“Jealous? Me? Jealous over your boyfriend? Ha!” She answers sarcastically, shaking her head while looking at you. “I'll have you know that I can steal your boyfriend when I want to.” She added arrogantly while looking at you with a smug smile.
“So, you might want to watch what you're saying, otherwise, you might find yourself without a boyfriend by the end of the day.” She said sarcastically but a little bit intimidating at the same time.
“My boyfriend doesn't like bratty girls. Sorry, you don't have a chance.” You answer back with a feigned sympathy tone.
Her face turned into a displeased one upon hearing what you said. “What did you just call me?” She asked you, her voice sounded a little bit shaky as she gripped the arms of her chair very tightly.
“I'll have you know that I'm not a bratty girl at all.” She's defensive and a little bit prideful while giving you a cold stare. “You shouldn't assume that your boyfriend doesn't like bratty girls just because you don't like them.” 
You shake your head in amusement. “Whatever you said, princess.”
We spend more or less two hours at the cafe. Yui also leads you towards the arcade since she wants to play there, this time, you really paid for it.
You can't lie, you did enjoy playing the arcade with her despite her attitude problems. After it gets darker, she requested another meal at a restaurant before heading back to the school dorm.
It's 10:34 PM once you head back to your room after assisting Yui to her room. You plop down on the bed, drained after the day. 
Not long after, you heard knocking on your door. You get up with a groan, walking towards the door, ready to be greeted with the sight of Yui with her night cravings.
But to your surprise, you see your boyfriend, already home from his mission. “I'm back.” He opens his arms wide with a smile on his face. “Suguru!” You quickly jump into his embrace.
“Aww, you missed me, too, love?” He asked, holding you close into his warm body. He gives you a long kiss on your forehead before leading you back inside your bedroom before closing the door.
“I've missed you so much.” He rubs your cheek slowly while he stares at you lovingly with his soft eyes.
He chuckled slightly as you jumped into his arms, wrapping his arms around your body to hold you.
He laid you down on the bed as he lay beside you. “How was your day?” He asked you sweetly, caressing your hair.
“Tiring.” You groan, remember how you're babysitting a bratty girl who's almost the same age as yours. “The brat did give me a hard time, but she was okay today.” You've been talking about this through text, and he wants to hear it directly from you.
He chuckles lightly at your reply. “Oh, that girl again?” He asks you in a playful tone. “I see she got you all worked up, huh?” He looks at you amused.
“So, what did she do this time? Or should I say, what didn't she do this time?” He asked, curious and teasing at the same time.
“She asked if I have a boyfriend or something. She doesn't seem pleased when I answer her.” You shake your head with a dry chuckle. “Are you interested in bratty girls?” You caress his cheek with your thumb, remembering Yui's words from earlier.
He raised an eyebrow in surprise upon hearing your story, “What did she say when she found out that you're in a relationship?” He asked you while stroking your hair lovingly.
“And no, I'm not interested in bratty girls. Well, when you are being bratty, then yes. You're the only one for me.” He added in a flirty tone before leaning in to kiss your lips. “Good.” You said after returning the kiss. “Because she said she can steal you from me.” You huff.
“Steal me from you? She said that, huh?” He asked you with a chuckle, still stroking your hair. “She really thinks that she has a chance to be with me?” He asked you in a bewildered voice.
“Right? Glad you think so, too.” This time you lean to kiss him first. “Don't worry, my love. I'll always be by your side, only you.” He said assuringly. 
“She can keep trying but she won't succeed.” He gave you a kiss on the forehead before adding, “She probably just said that just because she wants to make you jealous, darling.”
“Yeah, I know that.” You frown, your hand slowly sneaking under his t-shirt for comfort, feeling his toned abs and cold skin. Seems like he just took a shower before coming here.
He lets out a hum as he feels your hand touching him underneath. “Ah, you're a one handsy girl. What's getting you in the mood, darling?” He seems to be enjoying the moment as he leans closer before kissing you.
He takes off his t-shirt and tosses it to the side, holding your hands onto his chest to feel his body more. “Mmm... Forget about the bratty girl. Let's enjoy each other.” He whispers to you, the mood starting to get intimate. “Let's focus on us.”
He lets out a small groan of pleasure as you pull him into an even deeper and more passionate kiss, one that could lead to something more. He closes his eyes in bliss as he deepens the kiss, his hands gently caressing your waist.
He makes no attempt to stop you, allowing the kiss to go on for as long as you want it to. He immediately holds your body in place, wanting you to be on top of him instead.
He looks at you as he continues to kiss you, his hands traveling down your back before he holds both of your hips. He starts to unbutton your sleeping shirt, his eyes still looking at you.
“Let me give you a good time, darling.” He says in a seductive voice. His eyes traveled slowly from your shoulders to your hips, his tongue teasingly sticking out for a moment before he finally took off your shirt and threw it beside him.
“My princess deserves to be treated like a queen tonight.”
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In the morning, you wake up at the continuous knocking on the door. You snuggle onto Geto's bare chest, ignoring the sound.
You're still tired after last night, and you can't even think straight right now. But the knocking is getting louder and it's starting to annoy you.
Geto wakes up as well after hearing the knocking sound. He looks at you while lying down on the bed, annoyed.
He groans, bothered by the knocking sound, so eventually, he gets up from the bed and puts his pants on. “Hmm... Who's knocking so loudly like this...” He adds, still sleepy.
He heads to the door and opens it slightly, only to see Yui, standing outside. She seems surprised to see a man, a very handsome man opening the door of your room, shirtless even.
Geto is only wearing his pants, showing off his gloriously upper body from his v-line, abs, and chest. Not to mention there's a bulge from his pants since he doesn't wear anything underneath. His long hair is disheveled across his shoulder.
She just stares at Geto silently for a moment, then starts to blush as she turns her gaze away from him, feeling a little bit embarrassed at her actions. After a moment, she speaks up.
“W-what are you doing at (Y/N)-chan's room?” She asked, still looking away as her face looks a little bit red now.
“What are you doing? Knocking on someone's door this early.” Geto answered back, leaning against the wall. His face is not pleased after being disturbed in his sleep, especially after the mission and intimate moment with his girlfriend last night.
She looks up at Geto now, her body in a more confident position. She raises an eyebrow at his reply. “Why? I'm checking in on my babysitting assignment, she's supposed to take care of me by now. Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?” She replies angrily.
“Plus, I've been hearing some noise coming from this room. Is it normal for you to let your assignment make all the noise at such an hour?” She adds with more annoyance in her voice. “I could've been sleeping instead of hearing all that noise.” A scowl appears on her face.
“Ah, right, sorry for that. We were busy last night.” He gives her a small apologetic smile, even still in his half-sleep state. She seems to be flustered upon seeing Geto's smile.
"A... ah... I see. You were busy last night doing... things." She looks away once again as she blushes slightly. “Well, at least, you're sorry. As for the noise, make sure it won't happen again.” She says while looking back at him.
“I expect you to be a proper babysitter. That means, no noise past your bedtime. Is that clear?” She asked while sounding a little bit like an annoyed teacher.
Geto shakes his head with a chuckle, starting to know why you're always rambling about this girl over the text. She has quite an attitude, and he knows you don't like being on the receiving end.
“Got it, princess~” He replied with the same tone you used on the nickname. Yui can't help but feel even more flustered at the nickname this handsome man just called her.
“What were you two doing last night? What do you mean ‘busy’?” She crossed her arms, always wanting to know everyone's business.
“Having sex?” Geto answered casually, saying the most obvious thing. “Why?” 
“What?!” She exclaimed as she looked at him in shock, her eyes widened at his sudden answer. 
“That's... A bit inappropriate for you to say in front of someone.” She then said, sounding a little bit embarrassed for him. “I'm sure your girlfriend wouldn't like it either.” She added.
“I know my girlfriend, she doesn't mind.” He chuckles at Yui's reaction. “By the way, what do you need this early?” He asked, back to the topic. 
The answer seems to fly out of her mind once she sees Geto like she's charmed so badly that she got a few seconds of amnesia.
“N-nothing... Just tell (Y/N)-chan that she's late for babysitting. She need to accompany me, right now.” She crossed her arms in annoyance, yet her eyes are somewhere else, trailing over Geto's body, and he doesn't seem to be bothered even though he noticed.
“She's still sleeping. Do you mind a bit later?” He offered. “Are you still busy?” She raised a brow before mumbling under her breath, “Fine, then.” She said before walking away.
He could only raise a brow for what just happened before letting out a sigh and closing the door. He takes off his pants before climbing up the bed with you, cradling your body against his.
“What does the brat want?” You ask him sleepily. “She wants you to accompany her.” He answered you, still sleepy as well.
"I told her that you're still asleep, but she doesn't seem to believe me. She probably thinks that you're busy with...” He then said as he pointed at himself, wanting to imply that you're busy doing intimate things with him.
“But I told her that I'll convince you to accompany her, so please wake up.” He said to you in a stern voice, but he's definitely smiling.
“Ah, yes, my babysitting duties to take care of the brat.” You groan before slowly waking up. He smiles at you, laying his head on the pillow, “Yeah, she's really persistent in having you accompany her.” He said while rolling his eyes playfully.
“Yeah. Two more days and I'll be free from this miserable duty.”
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You noticed how you feel less annoyed with Yui around. She doesn't seem to need your company like she always whined about. And you suddenly come to the realization that this brat is paying attention less to you, and is locked onto her new target.
Your boyfriend.
You frown as you sit on the dorm's living room couch, crossing your arms and looking at their interaction as you slump against the couch.
‘This little brat...’ 
Geto seems to be aware of Yui's presence as he looks at her while she's clinging to him, and the way she occasionally leans towards him is making him uncomfortable. “Why are you clinging to me like that?” He asked Yui with a curious look on his face.
He doesn't want to say anything mean to Yui, but he also doesn't like the way she's clinging to him. 
“Do you want me to buy you something?” He added, confused but a little bit annoyed at the same time. “You shouldn't be so clingy with strangers, you know?”
“Let's get to know each other more, then!” Yui exclaimed happily, her personality changed when she was with him compared to when she was with you. 
Geto seems quite troubled by this suggestion. “Why should we get to know each other more? I mean... you're already being clingy with me right now and I barely even know your last name.”
"You should be thankful I'm even tolerating you right now." He said in a stern tone. Not even a few seconds after, he sighs for a moment before deciding to give in to her demands.
“Alright, let's get to know each other more.” He said in a soft tone, sounding somewhat reluctant, but he didn't want to come off as rude.
You could see him roll his eyes while talking to Yui. “What do you want to know about me? I'll answer your questions sincerely. As long as it's not too personal.”
Yui seems to still be thinking about what to ask, but she eventually comes up with a question to ask. “Okay... Um... What's your type? Oh, and don't be embarrassed about your answer.” She asks him in a soft tone, a tone she never uses with you.
Geto raised his eyebrows in surprise upon hearing her question. You roll your eyes in annoyance at the sight. What kind of shameless ass would ask a man his type when his girlfriend is right here? The brat.
He thinks about his answer for a moment. “Well, I think I have a thing for nice and beautiful girls.” He said, looking at you when he said the word ‘beautiful’. “Which means, my girl right here is my type.” He added with a loving smile as he looked at you.
He noticed your annoyed expression, turning to Yui again. “Why did you ask me about my taste in women? Do you want to know if you're my type or not?” 
“Yeah!” Yui answer. “Do you think I could be your type?” She asks in a flirty tone. You roll your eyes in annoyance once more at the sight.
Geto looked at Yui and you while rubbing his chin, trying to come up with the right answer. Instead, he gets an idea. He just wants to mess around with you, wondering how you'd react if he responded to Yui's flirting.
“Hmm... I'd say, yes, you're definitely my type.” He said with a flirtatious tone while looking at Yui, clearly trying to get you jealous.
“Who wouldn't love a cute girl like you, right?” He then said while stroking Yui's hair, looking at you while doing it. He wanted to see your reaction to their small flirting.
He kept entertaining her for a while, right in front of you. Responding Yui's flirt with his own with the gesture he only uses with you.
‘What the actual fuck?’ You scoff in disbelief. The audacity of him to mess around like that.
You're already been annoyed for the past two days stuck with this brat, and another annoyance just added to the list of your headaches.
Can't stand the sight any longer, you get up in a harsh manner before walking away, every step of your feet is hard against the wooden floor with how irritated you are.
He smiles a little bit while looking at you, noticing that you walked away after feeling annoyed.
“I see that my darling is jealous.” He said with a smile on his face before looking back at Yui. “I guess I'm going to spend the entire day with Yui, then.” He said in a playful tone while looking at her, wanting you to get even more jealous.
You frown at his words, clearly not entertained as you keep walking, not minding his comments.
He seemed to notice that you were hurt by his words as his smile turned into a soft one and got off the couch to catch up to you.
“Hey, sweetheart. Don't feel sad.” He said while reaching out to you, pulling you into a gentle hug from the back.
“You know how serious I am when it comes to our relationship, right? And I'm just joking when I was talking to Yui, you should know that by now.” He said, sounding a little bit defensive. “I was just trying to make you jealous.” He then added while caressing your hair gently.
“Yeah, I know. Why shouldn't I?” You pull yourself away from his grasp, starting to get mad at him. “Darling...” He called out to you, sounding a little bit disappointed when you pulled yourself away.
“If you know I was just trying to tease you a little bit, then why did you get mad, huh?” He asked you while caressing your arms. “I'm just trying to have some fun with you, my sweetheart.”
“I'm not in the mood, Suguru. Thank you for that.” You glare at him before walking away.
He widened his eyes in surprise when you called him by his name instead of his usual nickname, knowing that you're seriously mad right now.
“Love... Can't we just talk things out?” You can feel him following you while trying to talk to you, he still calls you by your nickname even though you called him by his name earlier.
Before he could catch up to you, Yui grabs his arms. “Just leave her, okay? You still have me.”
He looked annoyed as Yui grabbed his arm, causing him to stop in his tracks for a moment, giving her a stern look on his face.
“Stop trying to get me away from my beloved, Yui.” He looks at her, pulling his arm out of her grasp.
“Hey, hey!” Yui holds his arm yet again to hold him back from going after you, this time with more force, like how she did with you on the first day at the boutique. “We were talking before, right? Shouldn't we continue?” She smiled at him cheekily.
He lets out an irritated groan. “You really have a lot of boldness for a brat, you know that?” Yet she doesn't seem amused by his words.
He wants to talk to you and resolve this problem between you two, but it seems the brat is not letting him go that easily. He decided to give you space for a while.
“Fine, okay. We will continue, but after that, I'm going to try to talk to my girlfriend again, alright?” He said to Yui with a serious look on his face. “Yeay!” She gladly pulls him back to talk his ears off.
A few hours have passed and they're still at it. That brat keeps clinging to him wherever goes, like a parasite. You watched from afar this time, the girl has someone who's looking after her right now, why bother staying close to that nuisance?
The longer you watch her and Geto together, the more you feel frustrated and annoyed.
Geto was smiling, and Yui, at some point, laid her head against his shoulder while giggling at something he said.
“What a joke.” You mumble under your breath, feeling irritated. It almost felt like they don't even have a care in the world like they're not even thinking about being in a relationship with you or that you're right here.
Once the day comes to an end, you enter your room with a frown on your face, not planning to talk with Geto since you're still pissed at him for what he did earlier. You lay on the bed and tried to calm down, wanting to cool off a little bit in the room first.
After he escorts Yui back to her room, he lets out a sigh, “No wonder she's in a bad mood.” He shakes his head, understanding your behavior, because, damn, being close to that girl really drains your energy. Maybe she does have a cursed technique after all.
He walks towards your room, hoping to finally talk to you after making you wait for so long. He decided to not go in immediately but instead wanted to wait for a few minutes in case you're not ready to talk yet.
“Love...” He says to you from the door, not even going in yet. “Are you ready to talk?” He asked softly, guilty and worried about what he did earlier.
“Go away! Go with that brat you're having fun with earlier!” You yelled from your room, not even moving an inch from your bed.
He flinches a little from your sudden yell, slightly surprised by your tone as he tries to speak up once more. “But, love, you know I was just joking around, right? I just want to mess around with you.” He said in a soft tone while scratching his head.
“Is it really that bad?” He asked you, sad from your reply. “Please talk to me, love.” He added softly.
You keep on quiet, too tired to deal with this, but he's persistent. “Darling?” He calls out to you again, still standing right outside the door of your room.
“Please, could you just listen to what I want to say? At least give me a chance to explain.” He sounded desperate, wanting to fix whatever problem you two were having right now. “I just want to talk and spend quality time with you, is that too much to ask?”
His face filled with disappointment as he hears your silence outside the door, unsure if he should just enter and try to talk with you or not.
He sighs, trying to figure out what to do before he decides to try and enter your room in a moment. He hesitates and then, he finally does it. He slowly opened the door and entered the room without saying anything.
“What do you want?” You heard the door open and close. “I want to talk to you.” He said, somewhat defensive from your tone toward him.
He looks at you for a moment before sitting near your bed, deciding to stay in your room for the moment to talk things out. “Darling, you need to understand that I'm just trying to have fun with you. I wasn't being serious when I was flirting with Yui earlier.” He said, sincerely.
“I know.” You mumble. “I'm just not in the mood, okay? That brat gave me a hard time, I don't need my boyfriend adding the fuel.” You grumble, not even looking at him. He seems more relieved to hear that you understand his intention, but he didn't know how to react to what you just said.
He sighs before laying down on the bed and turning his body toward you, still looking at you. “I'm sorry that I have made you feel this way, darling. You're right, I wasn't thinking about your feelings at that moment.” 
“Fine. Now just go to sleep or whatever.” You mumble, your back is still on him. “I can't, love.” He immediately answered.
“Do you know how worried I am right now? I don't want to lose you over something like this.” He added. “You're not. I'm not that dramatic.” You answered shortly before silence fill the room again.
“Are we really going to sleep like this? I don't want to leave things like this between us.” He said while stroking your head from the back.
“Talk to me, love.” He's desperate from your continued silence. “You're so difficult to handle sometimes.” He said in a playful tone, hoping to lighten up the mood between the two of you.
You pout against the pillow at his words. He chuckled softly at your response before he slowly lifted his body to move your front so he could see you.
“Do you always have to be like this when you get moody?” He said in a teasing tone before he started to poke at you playfully. He can't help it, he always feels like poking you whenever you pout and act like a child.
He suddenly stops poking you and sits down, sighing loudly before he speaks up again. “I'm sorry, love.” He said again. “I didn't know this would turn out to be a serious issue. I thought you would laugh or play along with me like you always do whenever I tease you.”
“Can you forgive me?” He asked in a pleading tone. You only nod against the pillow, “Okay.”
“Is that really all I get?” He whispered with a soft chuckle while trying to joke with you. “I know you're still a little bit upset with me from what I did earlier.” He went silent for a moment. “Could you smile for me, please?” He asked softly as he looked at you with a smile of his own.
“Not in the mood.” You mumble the same words again. “Just hug me.” He gives you a small nod and moves even closer to you before opening his arm and pulling you in for a warm hug.
“You're not allowed to move away from me, okay?” He said playfully before kissing you on the forehead, stroking your hair gently while still hugging you.
“You don't need to talk or smile if you're feeling moody.” He kisses you again on the forehead. “I just want to feel your presence here right now.” He said before giving you a squeeze in his embrace.
“She's going to cling all over you again tomorrow, don't get attached to her, okay?” You mumble with a hint of worry.
“Attached to her?” He asks you curiously while stroking your hair. “Is that what you're worried about?” He chuckled softly.
“Darling, why would I be attached to her? You're the one I love, and I love you for a really long time now. I'm only treating her like another girl, nothing else.” He added without sounding offended by your possible accusation.
“Now, don't get jealous of her, please.” He then said while smiling sweetly at you, wanting to reassure you that he loves you and only you.
“Yeah, okay, whatever.” You nuzzle your nose to his chest before looking up. “Kiss me. I miss you today.” 
“You're such a child, aren't you?” He chuckled at your demand as he got closer to you, leaning in and planting a soft kiss on your lips before he deepened the kiss.
He presses you closer to his body as his other arm wraps around your waist, holding you in place while he was still kissing you, causing him to moan softly.
His hands are now grabbing your body, wanting to feel you more. He's holding you tightly while his lips and tongue are still playing with yours. He breaks off the kiss briefly and lets out a deep breath before he continues kissing you again.
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Just like you predicted, Yui is all over your boyfriend again. This time, you're not as annoyed as yesterday after getting his assurance last night.
“Suguru-kun~ Let's walk around?” She clings to his arm as she speaks with her exaggerated sweet tone.
“Uh... Sure, I guess.” He said, sounding a bit unsure of his answer. He starts to figure that Yui can be very persistent, but it's not worth it to push her away so he gives in.
You followed closely from behind. Seems like you're no longer looking after her from cursed spirits, it's more like looking after her so she won't do anything beyond the line with your boyfriend.
“Miss Babysitter! I'm thirsty, buy me something to drink.” She turns around to talk to you, again with the demanding tone.
You roll your eyes with a sigh, ”Yes, princess.” before you walk away to find the nearest vending machine.
He looked at you when Yui asked you for a drink, not liking the way she talks to you, it makes him irritated by how demanding she was. “You can't buy it yourself?” He asked her with a raised brow.
“It's her job as my babysitter, isn't it? She's paid to do that.” Yui shrugs, not seeing the problem with this. 
“You know... You can ask her in a nicer way, Yui-chan. I'm sure she will get you a drink without your demanding tone.” He advises Yui in a soft tone, like how he would scold Gojo for the way he talks.
“But, I'm being nice, though? I didn't ask a lot, didn't I?” She answered as if it was a normal thing to her. He was a little bit stumped by her remark, not expecting her answer to be like that.
“You could've said ‘please’, Yui-chan.” He chuckled softly without sounding annoyed. “But, seriously though... You should be nicer.” He switches his tone to a stern tone. “Don't ask it like that, it's rude.”
“So boring!” She whines. “Ah, by the way, I've been wanting to say this since last night, but I like you.” She lets go of his arm and steps in front of him.
He stares at her, both surprised and shocked at her sudden confession right in front of him. “What? You like me?” He asks back, somewhat confused.
“You... What do you mean?” He said in a rush voice, trying to process his thoughts right now since he doesn't know how he should respond.
“Do you mean you like me as a person or...?” He then said, still sounding confused and unsure about what was going on with Yui right now.
His eyes then widened as he finally realized what she meant with her confession, not believing what he just heard.
“What?” He sounds surprised and more scared this time, also wondering if she just made a move toward him.
“You can't be serious, right? You do know that I already have a girlfriend, and I love her.” He brushes it off after a while with a small chuckle, thinking that her love confession was just a joke of some sort.
Yui's face quickly turns into an annoyed one when he doesn't seem to take her confession seriously. “I'm serious!” She frowns at him. “I'll prove it to you.” She reached his shoulder before leaning up to kiss his lips.
He flinches back when Yui leaned in quickly to kiss his lips, taken by surprise by the sudden action that the brat just did. He stepped back, looking at her with a mixture of surprise and disappointment.
“Yui, what are you doing?!” He said in a hurried and panicked tone, asking her what she was trying to accomplish by kissing him right now when he already has you as his girlfriend. “What was that for?” His tone turns cold by the second, still trying to process what Yui has done just now.
At the same time, you just come back and are greeted by the sight. You slam one of the three soda cans that you just bought in anger, which it's supposed to be for her.
“What is this?” You glare at them. Geto immediately turns at you, wanting to explain himself and what the brat, Yui, just tried to do earlier.
He notices your angry look, but he can't really say anything against you. You have the right to be mad after what Yui was trying to do.
“Darling, I can explain everything. She's just... trying to get a reaction out of me...” He explained, sounding worried and desperate. “It's nothing like what you think it is, love!” He continued, the panic in his voice as clear as day.
He pulls himself out from Yui's hold and quickly walks towards you, holding both of your hands in tight grip. “Darling, please, trust me. I would never do anything that would hurt you like that. I love you, I only love you!" He looks at you seriously, still with a hint of panic and concern in his tone.
“So?” You turn to Yui, still standing there as if she did nothing wrong. “What does my pussy taste like?” You ask Yui straightforwardly, tilting your head to the side and crossing your arms as you glare at her.
Both of them instantly freeze at your vulgar and embarrassing question to Yui, as she lets out a surprised yelp at your word. She didn't expect this to happen, and she didn't expect a harsh word like that from you.
“If you want to taste his dick so bad you should have kissed me instead.” You look at her in disgust. Yui's eyes widened as she heard what you said and that you were serious about it.
Geto then looks at you, feeling surprised by the way you confronted her right now. “Darl—” He started, wanting to say something, but then he stopped, letting you do the talk and let out your frustration at her. 
“Don't you dare talk about such things, (Y/N)-chan! I only want to be close to him because I like him, not because I want... something else." She said nervously, clearly not telling the truth, before she started to tremble when a mixture of fear and embarrassment washed over her.
“Yui-chan, what makes you think you can try to kiss me without any hesitation? You need to learn that everyone has boundaries, including yourself.” He looks at her disappointedly as he scolds her once again.
Yui's face turns red from how angry and humiliated she is after being confronted like this. And for the first time in four days, she doesn't know how to talk back like she usually does.
“I'm sick of her ass. I really am.” You take out your phone, quickly texting your upperclassmen. “I'm switching with Mei-san. She knows how to handle a brat like this one.”
“Go back to your room! I'm not assisting you again this time.” You raise your voice at her after days of keeping your annoyance back. She looks at you wide-eyed, ready to complain but when she sees how Geto looks at her, she shakes her head and runs away to the dorm.
He nods, glad that you made a good choice. “Yeah, that's actually not a bad idea. Mei-san is a good choice... I think she'll be able to handle Yui.”
He then looked at where Yui is going, wanting to confront and advise her more about her behavior, but he doesn't want to continue talking to her for too long, as he knows it will only lead to another argument and possible trouble.
He turns to you, sensing your silence while you're busy on the phone. “I'm sorry about Yui, love... I know you're still mad at me, but, please, hear me out.” He looks at you, wanting to talk to you right now as he wants to clear out this misunderstanding between the two of you.
Eventually, he walks to your side and stands close behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. He then leans on your shoulder before kissing it gently. “Are you angry... with me, too?” He said in a quiet tone as he gently caressed your hair with his free hand.
“My baby...” He sighs softly when you don't answer and takes your hand gently on his own. “Can you look at me, please?” He pleads, wanting to see your face, hoping to get a chance to see your beautiful smile again.
“I'm upset.” You put your phone down. He lets out a small chuckle as he looks at you. “I know, you just gave me ‘the look’ of your sulkiness just now.”
“Still, can you look at me for a little bit? Even if you're mad at me at the moment, I still want to see your beautiful smile... I miss it.” He said softly, stepping in front of you again as he held your cheek.
“Mei-san wants the reward of my mission in return.” You pout, showing him your text with Mei-Mei, another reason you're upset.
3,000,000 yen for 5 days? Interesting. I'll take the last-day offer, then.
I'm expecting the 600.000 yen in return~
“Huh.” He reads her text. “Well, that's Mei-san for you. She loves money more than anything else.” He said in a light tone.
You look at him again. “You know, I really want to wipe your lips after that kiss with Yui.” His eyes widened at your comment. He then lets out a small chuckle, feeling slightly embarrassed by your comment.
“But, she forced herself onto me.” He said, guilty but still wanting to make things clear. “I'm sorry... If you want me to wipe my lips, then you can do so anytime.” He said, not refusing your offer.
You smile at him, cupping his face to give him a long, deep kiss. He let out a soft sigh, enjoying the feeling of your kiss, even for a moment. “This lips... Is mine to taste...” You say between kisses.
“Mmm...” He lets out a soft sound in response to your action, leaning toward you even more. He returns your kiss, making sure that it's deep and full of affection for you. His eyes were closed as if he just wants to savor your kiss as much as possible. He pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around your body while caressing your back. 
“Mm, I needed that..." He said softly after you two broke off from the kiss, looking at you with a smile on his face. He kisses you again, one of his hands going up to the back of your head to deepen the kiss.
You pushed your tongue against his lips to part them open, letting your tongue enter his mouth to savor him. “Mmm... Love that... Your taste...” He murmur between kisses before he pressed his lips more against yours with a bit of aggressiveness, wanting the kiss to be as fiery and lustful as he feels inside from this moment of the kiss.
He slowly moves both of his hands to your hips and pulls you towards him, wanting to feel you closer to him. He starts to kiss you down your neck, his lips trailing down your throat, nibbling the skin of your sensitive spot, his teeth lightly grazing against the delicate skin around your skin until it leaves a mark there before licking it.
“Speaking of taste...” His lips trail back up from your neck to your cheek, kissing the side of your lips. “What did you say I tasted like?” He reminds you of what you said earlier, wanting to hear it again.
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Got carried away with this 😮‍💨 It's originally longer, but I decided to cut some parts and replaced it with shorter words because it's already long enough 😭
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transvampireboyfriend · 5 months
Teacher AU
Eddie who studied to be a music teacher but right before graduation Corroded Coffin takes off. It's fast, they have to mail him his diploma to avoid a crowd of fans at his classmates' ceremony.
But it goes as fast as it comes, a few years of touring and then popularity wanes. Eddie is not bothered by it, neither are the guys, they enjoyed it while it lasted, yet they all knew they couldn't live like that for the rest of their lives, so it's all for the best.
Eddie lives off of album and merch sales and writing songs for other bands and artists now. This is when his best friend, Chrissy, tells him she heard the music teacher was retiring at her old pre-school.
Eddie applies for the vacant position, fearing they won't like his former star status but ultimately, after a good interview, he gets the job.
Steve who became a pre-school teacher and started teaching as soon as he could. He lives with his best friend, Robin, and coaches the town's junior basketball teams (both boys and girls) on his off time.
Steve who's nearing his thirties and getting a little frustrated with his love life. No matter how many dates, no matter how many 6 month relationships, no matter how many 1 year and a half and moving in together debacles, he still just never quite fits his partners, he never feels that thing, that excitement everyone talks about. No matter how amazing the person. Robin calls him an idealist, says he's being naïve. Steve sticks by his instinct to hope for more.
Steve who stares (a little slack-jawed) at the new music teacher for a good minute when he comes pick up his kids. Trying to take in the wild hair pinned up by a pencil, the glasses around big cow eyes, the tattoos peeking out of his long sleeves, the dimples.
He was aware Mrs. Wallace retired and a new teacher was brought on, he just hadn't expected his heart to race at the mere sight of him.
Steve completely misses his name, has to ask him to come again when those beautiful brown eyes get a mischievous sparkle and look expectant, like he got stood up waiting for an answer.
"I said it's nice meeting you" the new teacher repeats
"Oh! Of course! You're very nice. I mean it's very- It's nice meeting you too" Steve says and forcefully shuts his mouth, pressing his lips into a thin line.
The new teacher's smile just gets bigger and he nods and leads the kids to his class.
Robin thinks it's beyond funny that Steve doesn't know the new teacher's name, but she refuses to explain, refuses to tell him what it is and encourages him to find out on his own.
Steve approaches the guy in the teacher's lounge at lunch.
Beyond whatever the hell makes Steve's brain functions jump ship when he's around him, Steve does think it was rude of him to stare and not even introduce himself when they first met.
His mother may have been real shitty, but she didn't raise someone impolite.
"Hi," Steve starts, making the other man look up at him from underneath his glasses. Steve looks away for a second to avoid getting lost in those eyes.
"I think I owe you an apology," Steve starts, the other teacher raises his eyebrows and lowers the book in his hands.
"I'm sorry?"
"That's my line," Steve points out, he's rewarded by a small laugh and dimples, "I was rude," Steve explains, "I was staring and I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Steve." he smiles and extends his hands to the other man.
"I know." the guy says, smiling big enough to show his teeth, but gently taking Steve's hand in his own "I told you, they were nice enough to put all the names in my schedule, remember?" he says,
Steve freezes.
How come he didn't think of that? His schedule is the same, all schedules for teachers have everybodys' names. They even distributed new schedules for everyone when the hiring decision was made, Steve just hadn't bother to look at it yet, knowing the important bits hadn't changed.
Steve would facepalm if his dominant hand wasn't otherwise occupied.
"Uh-" Steve starts, thankfully the other man cuts him off,
"Hey," he says, with the kindest eyes Steve has ever seen, and still gently holding Steve's hand, "It's cool. I get it." he tells Steve,
Then he asks, "Are you a fan?"
Steve stares again.
Excuse him?
Judging by Robin's smirk accross the room, Steve's face must be as red as a ripe tomato.
Steve yanks his hand back.
Well, that's presumptuous. Just because Steve isn't very good at thinking whe he's around him, doesn't mean that- Sure, Steve came prepared to flirt with him, but he does not appreciate beaing treated like he's easy.
Steve frowns at him before turning around and promptly walking away. He guesses he'll have to go check his schedule if he wants to know the name of this jerk.
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blitzyn · 6 months
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alhaitham x m!reader
Request: well, since requests are open, perhaps I could request an alhaitham X male s/o where s/o has been really stressed lately with school and has been overworking himself. Because of this, alhaitham being the caring boyfriend he is comes to comfort and relax his beloved s/o with sex and aftercare. If possible, pls let alhaitham call his s/o a 'good boy' and just a praise kink in general, tysm!! 💕 — @ezraelo
a/n -> this mf reminds me of my dad so i kinda wrote what I think he'd say if i was in reader's situation tbh. NOT THE SEX THOUGH. anyways pgr fic first then hate sex w/childe next its been decades since I've done him (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠) sigh sometimes i forget i don’t have to write so damn much
wc -> 3.6k
cw -> soft alhaitham (heart eyes pt2), anal fingering, anal sex, praise, not beta read
merry christmas and happy holidays!!
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To say you were tired was an understatement—you were exhausted. Stressed. Angry. It felt like everything that could go wrong did go wrong.
First, you accidentally woke up late, was scolded by your teacher when you arrived and made the "perfect" example on what a scholar from the Akademiya should not be. Then you had to study for several hours for a few of your upcoming exams and evaluations—all while having to take some more tests the following week.
And as if that wasn't e-fucking-nough, you had done horribly on one of your essays so now you had to redo it for a better score, on top of needing to start yet another one regarding... Something. You forgot what the prompt was. Honestly, you forgot to do a lot of things. Like eat. Or drink water. Which was something that really didn't help to improve your mood.
You stumbled through the door trying to pry your uniform off, haphazardly tossing your hat to the side. You felt like shit and wanted nothing more than to flop on your bed and stay in there for the rest of your miserable life. But, like the universe was trying to give you the biggest middle finger ever, one of the loops on your clothes got caught on the corner of a counter. While you'd normally just take it off and go on your merry way, you weren't having it today and just yanked yourself forward, tearing the loop and the fabric it was connected to.
Finally making it to your room, you flopped on the bed face-first, muffling the loud groan that came from you. You stayed like that for a moment longer before turning your head, remembering to breathe deeply.
Two knocks came from the door. "You okay?" Your boyfriend, Alhaitham, asked, leaning against the frame as he stared at you.
"You're smart. Figure it out yourself," you muttered bitterly, wincing at the accusatory tone in your voice. You sighed, deciding to face him. "Sorry."
He shrugged, walking to sit on the edge of your shared bed. "What's wrong?" He questioned, his expression unchanging even when he watched your brows furrow in irritation.
"It's just... Ugh," you grumbled, rolling your eyes childishly. "Just a bad week. It feels like everything's going against me." You rolled onto your back, arms and legs sprawled out like a starfish. "I don't think I can catch up."
"You're in the Akademiya," Alhaitham said, giving you a look that made it seem like he didn't know why you were complaining. "Obviously it's going to be hard for you."
"'For you,'" you repeated, glaring at nothing in particular, but it was getting increasingly evident that you were beginning to direct your anger towards him. "Of course you don't get it. You've been smart your whole life."
He was quiet for a moment, letting you try to calm yourself before speaking again. "Don't sell yourself short like that. It's unhealthy."
You huffed. "It's not selling myself short if it's actually true." You pressed your palms against your eyes until you saw faint fireworks coloring the darkness. "I have to redo an essay because apparently it didn't go with damn prompt. Then I have to do another one, and I don't even know where to start, and—" you listed off your problems, your voice getting higher in pitch until you were on the verge of shedding tears, overwhelmed with the sheer amount of work you accidentally accumulated.
"Hey," he interrupted you, leaning to place a hand on your thigh. "Calm down." He gave you an unimpressed look when you snapped your mouth open to retort, watching you begrudgingly close it in defeat. "Breathe. You're getting worked up over things you can change."
But when you could hardly focus on utilizing the breathing techniques he taught you, he decided to take a different approach. "Let's have sex, then."
"What? Why? 'Cause of the post-nut clarity?" You sighed, rubbing your temple to stave off the impending headache after staring at him incredulously. Damn. Sometimes you forget how straightforward he could be.
Alhaitham gave you a look. It was deadpan—because when was it not?—but you could still sense the slightest bit of confusion. "If that's how you want to word it, yes," he said, before elaborating. "Sex can also help you relax and improve your immune system."
He quickly looked you up and down, and despite not saying anything, you knew what he was trying to imply. You looked like a mess.
"It can also help improve your quality of sleep," he added, crossing his arms against his chest. "It has a few other benefits than just feeling good, you know." He watched you ponder his suggestion, chewing on your lip absentmindedly before giving in with a sigh.
"Fine. But you're doing all the work," you said, propping yourself up on your elbows to look at him better.
"That was the plan." The corners of his lips quirked up in a brief, subtle smirk as he leaned to place his hands on your shoulders to gently push you back down. "Just relax."
He continued when you nodded, running his hands along your body, gently caressing every curve and contour of your frame. An eyebrow raised in question when he felt the torn patch in your clothes but decided against mentioning it as he guided you out of your suffocating uniform with practiced ease. Already, you seemed a bit calmer than earlier, giving yourself a well-deserved stretch that made you remind him of a cat.
You felt the tension beginning to seep out of your body with every article of clothing that was carelessly tossed to the floor, reaching your hands out to tug him closer. He obliged without hesitation, sighing in satisfaction when he melded his lips with yours. His hands slid below your underclothes, snaking them upwards until they found your chest. He tweaked and pinched your nipples as he moved his way downwards, placing kisses along your jawline and neck.
You softly moaned, brushing your fingers through his hair that had him leaning into your hand. He removed your shirt, trailing appreciative kisses down your sternum. A hand made its way down your front toward your pants, slipping a hand inside to wrap his fingers around your flaccid dick. Your breath hitched, instinctively widening your legs to give him better access, much to his pleasure.
He was gentle; his hands were soft and careful, and neither of you were in a rush. You felt your eyes flutter shut as your lips parted with every quiet gasp and sigh that left you, and he couldn't help but stare.
It annoyed him how little you thought of yourself when he could clearly see you as something more. Sure, it irked him how you complained about things that could easily be changed if you put your effort into it, but you were also right. He always had it academically easy and often found it hard to connect with others or understand their problems on a level that wasn't with you. He was well aware of this issue, knowing that it often hindered his ability to comfort, and—for the first time in how long?—it frustrated him.
Even if he had no idea how to properly soften his words around you or to consistently change his facial expressions, he always showed he cared by spending time with you, teaching you new things, or helping you understand foreign concepts. But even then, he was willing to try to tell you that you were more than what those pompous Akademiya professors reduced you to, that you were better than what you said you were.
"Look at me," he said, his voice soft and smooth, coaxing your pretty eyes open. He slipped his hands out of your shirt and cupped your cheeks tenderly, ensuring your focus on him. "It doesn't matter what everyone says about you when they don't understand that you have strengths that rest beyond the traditional Akademiya expectations."
"But that doesn't—"
He gave you yet another stern look, to which you quieted down with a huff. "It's okay to struggle. Everyone does at some point. Even those professors found something difficult before they became what they are. But you know what they did?"
He paused, gauging your reaction. He was aware that what he was saying probably didn't make you feel better or make the most sense, but he hoped that you could feel the sincerity in his voice. "They took a step back, took a deep breath, and figured out what they were doing wrong. They didn't do that overnight or by working themselves to the bone. That's what you need to acknowledge."
"But all my other colleagues are doing fine, and I'm the only one struggling..." You appreciated his words, truly, but they did little to quell your worries.
"Are you? How do you know that for sure?" He countered, sliding his hands down to caress your hips. He watched you pursed your lips, squirming slightly under his gaze. "Point is, you shouldn't try to compare yourself to everyone around you and overwork yourself because that only leads to bad work and a bigger hole for you to climb out of. You have everything else to be proud of—not just your academic qualities. Understand? Besides, you made it into the Akademiya. That's something very few people can do in the first place."
You looked away with a frown, but you nodded softly. Even though it sucked knowing that you weren't the best, he did have a point. Wallowing in your own failure did nothing to better yourself, as much as you hated to admit it.
"Thanks," you muttered, sniffling a little. His thumbs swiped underneath your eyes, clearing away any of the tears that happened to escape you.
"Don't let them define you. Define yourself," he said finally, leaning back down to kiss you again. It was soft, tender, unhurried, like he wanted you to feel every ounce of affection he harbored for you. He pulled away slightly, resting his forehead against yours. "Do you still want to do this?"
You nodded again, giving him a quick peck to the lips before wrapping your arms around his shoulders. "Mhm. I really need those benefits." Plus, you didn't favor being horny and sad.
Your lips curved in a smug grin when you saw his own quirk upwards in amusement, but he didn't comment on it. He sat up to tug your pants and underwear down, revealing your semi-hard cock. You shivered instinctively but kept your focus on him, waiting in anticipation for him to continue.
He leaned over to grab a bottle of lube from your nightstand, squeezing a generous amount on his fingers before pressing one into your hole. You sighed, sinking your teeth into your lower lip. He only offered a few pumps of his hand before adding a second one in, gently spreading them apart in a scissoring motion.
He wrapped his free hand around your cock, slowly jerking you off. He rubbed his thumb over the tip to smear the precum across your skin as wet sounds gradually filled the room. You noticed his eyes locked on your face and the expressions you wore, committing them to memory. He added a third finger for good measure, feeling you tense reflexively before relaxing just as fast.
"You're doing so good, [Name]," he praised, his voice low. He curled his fingers, pressing them against your prostate. He could feel his cock twitch in his pants at the sound of your moan, straining against the fabric. "I'm almost done. Then we can start."
You nodded, inhaling sharply through your nose when he began targeting the sensitive spot inside you. You could practically feel every surge of heat shoot up and down your spine, ending at your fingertips. Alhaitham could feel it too, every time your cock throbbed in his hold.
Your body felt warm and tingly when he moved both hands away from your body, wiping them off using a few tissues atop your nightstand. He grabbed the lube again and poured some on his palm to coat his cock, using his free hand to spread one of your thighs a bit wider. He peered up through his lashes, subtly raising an eyebrow in question. He continued as soon as you nodded, slowly pushing himself inside you.
You both let out a satisfied groan as he filled you, grasping onto his wrists as he held onto your hips.
"Fuck," he hissed, pushing further until he bottomed out completely. "You're such a good boy. You're taking me in so well." He perked up in attention when he felt you tighten at his words, noting how your eyes fluttered shut like you were savoring them. He wasn't overly aware of this newfound information, but maybe you had accidentally brought it to his attention now that you're stressed?
Either way, he didn’t comment on it, instead deciding to continue. “You feel so good, [Name]," he praised, leaning down to press his lips against the skin underneath your earlobe. You could feel the low rumble of his voice vibrating in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. He let you take a moment to adjust to him before moving, gently thrusting his hips.
You noticed him moving away again as you opened your eyes, finding yourself enamored with the way his muscles flexed in every movement of his. Soft gasps and moans left your lips when you looked up, instantly noticing his gaze on you.
“Stop staring at me,” you mumbled shyly, squirming a bit. It wasn’t that you hated having him look at you—frankly, that’s all you longed for sometimes, it’s just that what you did hit you. Being as vulnerable as you were wasn’t something you preferred, even when Alhaitham didn’t berate you for it.
“You were staring at me, first,” he countered swiftly, and you could hear the rare undertone of his amusement in his voice. It was your favorite sound. “Besides, what’s the harm in looking at the most handsome man in Sumeru?” His monotony nearly made his words laughable, but you could see that he was genuinely trying. Knowing that sent butterflies in your stomach all over again.
You looked away, effectively flustered with all his attention. “It’s embarrassing…”
“Only because you make it embarrassing,” he said, sliding a hand upwards to toy with one of your nipples. He subtly shifted his hips, angling them so that his cock better pressed against your prostate. He watched you intently when you let out a throaty moan, feeling his dick throb inside you.
You reflexively clenched your thighs tighter against his hips, sinking your teeth into your lower lip. You snaked a hand down to your leaking cock, wrapping your fingers around the base to give it a squeeze. “You can go faster,” you muttered, looking down to watch the way he slid in and out of you.
He nodded with a quiet hum, adjusting his grip on your waist to shift the weight on his knees to sacrifice his slower, deeper thrusts for quick and shallow ones. Moaning, you jerked yourself off in time with his movements, unable to tear your gaze away from him, even for a moment. Your eyebrows furrowed in concentration as you brought your free hand up to bring him closer to you by the back of his head. You kissed him needily and fervently, letting out noises that mixed in with the wet sounds that came from your hole. Your body rocked gently, listening intently to the rustling of your bedsheets and Alhaitham’s deep, husky breaths.
Suddenly, he lifted a hand up to place over your abdomen, lightly pushing down on it just as he buried himself balls deep inside you. He paused for a moment, sighing as he watched you squirm at the sudden stop before continuing, feeling himself move in and out of you. You could feel the heat in your belly intensifying with every thrust to your prostate, back arching, legs tightening around his waist.
“Fuck, I’m…” you panted, clenching tighter around his cock. “I’m so close, ‘Haitham.”
“I know. I can feel you,” he said, gently moving your hand away from your leaking cock to wrap his fingers around it. Quiet slaps mixed in with your soft noises and his breathy grunts as he fucked you a bit harder, eyes fixated on the blissful expression on in your face. His dick throbbed inside you as he eagerly chased after his own orgasm, leaning down to press his lips to your jaw, kissing up towards your ear.
“C’mon, [Name], cum for me,” he whispered, sending yet another wave of heat shoot up and down your spine. You could hardly stop the stream of moans that spilled from your lips as he focused on the tip of your cock, rubbing his thumb on the sensitive spot just below it, as if trying to coax out your cum.
“Oh god,” your voice was strained as you felt the coil in your stomach tighten to an unbearable degree, trying to hold out just a little longer. “F—Fuck! Alhaitham!” You moaned in ecstasy when you finally came, squeezing your eyes tightly shut. You tensed and trembled as your dick spurt cum on your stomach and his fingers as he helped you ride out your high.
“You’re so beautiful when you orgasm,” he groaned, his thrusts beginning to lose rhythm as he neared his own climax. He dug his fingers into your waist tighter, muttering praises into your ear when you began squirming at the discomfort of your overstimulation. It didn’t take much longer for him to finish as he stilled, gritting his teeth when he quickly pulled out to stroke himself to completion. He sighed in satisfaction when his orgasm subsided, leaving your abdomen coated in ropes of his cum.
“Wh—Why did you pull out?” You panted, wiping a bead of sweat off of your forehead.
“Isn’t it annoying to clean up afterward? You're always complaining about it whenever we have sex,” he questioned after a moment, taking a second to bask in the afterglow before getting up to reach for a tissue to clean your skin. He put his pants back on, gathering your clothes to put them in a laundry basket.
You shrugged. “I mean, sometimes. But I’m gonna take a bath either way.” You blinked in confusion when you saw him quirk a brow, fidgeting a bit when he didn’t stop staring at you.
“No. You’re going to sit and wait here while I make you something to eat, first,” he instructed, leaving no room for negotiation. “Afterwards, you’re going to go to sleep. Then you can take a bath when you wake up.”
As if on cue, your stomach growled audibly, quickly reminding you that you haven't eaten anything since yesterday. "But then I'm gonna be all sticky and gross when I eat," you said, knowing how much he disliked having dirty bedsheets for too long. It surprised you when he shrugged, leaning against the doorframe as he waited for you to decide.
"If you want to take a bath first, then I'll help you," he offered. You swiftly nodded, wanting to eat clean and comfortably. He nodded and told you to wait for a moment as he prepared the water for you, leaving you by yourself for a while until he returned. The two of you walked into the bathroom where a bathtub of warm water awaited you. But just as you raised your leg to enter, a sudden wave of dizziness overcame you. Luckily, Alhaitham was there to keep you from falling with a firm hand on your arm, carefully helping you into the water.
"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes darting across your face for any sign of distress. He relaxed upon seeing nothing but waited for your response for further confirmation.
"Yeah. It's just something that happens when I get too hungry, y'know?" You explained sheepishly, splashing some of the water onto your arms and back.
"No, I don't know." He ignored the way you rolled your eyes. "I'll be right back, then."
You hummed to yourself, not minding his absence as you savored the warmth surrounding you, resting your head against the edge of the tub. You nearly fell asleep in the time it took for Alhaitham to return, jumping in surprise at the sound of his voice.
"Hey," he spoke, returning to your side with a bowl in his hand. "Eat this for now."
He kneeled down, bringing the bowl close enough to let you reach in and take whatever was inside. They were fruits, you saw as you happily grabbed one, tossing it into your mouth. You had to stop yourself from grabbing a handful and eating it all in one go, forcing yourself to appreciate every bite. You noticed him shifting behind you, leaning forward instinctively when he began cleaning your back with a small, wet towel.
The two of you basked in the comforting silence for a while as you let him take care of you until you turned your head to face him. "I love you," you said with a little grin.
"I know," he replied, putting the bowl onto the floor.
"Say it back." You pouted, but you knew he was only teasing.
His mouth quirked up in a faint smile, leaning forward to give you a quick peck on your lips. "I love you too."
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eliluvschan · 3 months
pairing: bang chan x reader
word count: 512
warnings: fluffy, is it suggestive? i'm not sure. + pls tell me if there's something else
genre: fluff
a/n: wrote this really fast right before i had my English exam [which i aced] so enjoy this one while i go celebrate :) enjooooy
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i wrapped my hair up in a towel and put on a robe.
when i stepped out of the bathroom, i heard a knock from downstairs.
i put on my slippers and went down. when i opened the door, he was standing there.
“oh..” he looked me up and down. “i’m sorry. i had nothing to do and came earlier.” he laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck.
i could feel myself getting red.
“come in.” i bit my lip.
i closed the door and shook my head as his back was turned to me.
“to get a head start.” he said as i walked him over to the dining table.
“of course.” i said. “uh, just give me a few minutes. i’ll be right back.”
he nodded and sat down. i practically ran up the stairs.
“shit.” i yanked the towel off of my head.
i went over to my dresser, sliding on a clean underwear and putting on a bra. i took off my robe and grabbed a pair of black sweats and a random crewneck.
after quickly blow drying my hair, i grabbed my things and went downstairs.
“i’m so sorry.” i said, sitting down on the chair next to him.
''naurr, i'm sorry.'' he said, his thick Australian accent coming through. ''i have a tendency to show up early to things without warning. i should have called.''
i just nodded.
''let's get started?'' he raised an eyebrow at me.
long story short, i'm failing entry level Korean.
my teacher reached out to my parents and he said Chan could tutor me. since he's also fluent in English. at first i denied the help, but my mother insisted. and now, he's here.
i opened my Korean textbook to the first page.
there was a list of basic vocabulary and some practice sentences at the bottom of it.
''so, what is it you're having trouble with?''
''everything.'' i scoffed.
''how come?''
''because mr. Lee is so boring and i just can't pay attention to anything that goes on in class. i just don't like Korean. at all.''
he looked at me like i insulted him.
''no offence.'' i reassured.
why did i just say that? he's literally Korean, and trying to help me pass this class. idiot.
''none taken.'' he said. ''do you at least know what yes and no are?''
''네 and 아니요.''
''good.'' he said. ''let's just start with a simple introductory sentence.''
i nodded.
''repeat after me.''
''제'' he started.
''제'' i repeated.
''이름은'' he continued.
the way the words fell so smoothly and perfectly from his lips practically made me drool.
''very good.'' he grinned. ''i can teach you another simple sentence.''
''키스해주세요.'' he said slowly.
''키스해주세요.'' i repeated. ''what does it mean?''
''kiss me.''
before i knew it, his lips were already on mine while his hand stroked over my right cheek. it took a while for us to pull away from each other.
''like Korean now?''
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nothing0fnothing · 4 months
As a young girl in the church I was taught to "respect myself."
We were told it from every angle. Our teachers, our preachers, our parents. "As a woman you have to respect yourselves." "How can men respect you if you're not respectful of yourself?"
I'm not sure why an 11 year old girl needed tips on how to make men respect her, but they felt it was important nonetheless.
So I educated myself and spoke my mind. I wanted to be respected for how clever I was. I asked questions that were thoughtful and well reasoned, I corrected elders when they were wrong and I focused on knowing as much as I could.
They didn't like that.
So I put all that aside, and instead I learned about feminism. I decided I should be respected for how firm I was. I said no loudly and clearly. I made my boundaries known and I reacted loudly when they were crossed.
They didn't mean like that either.
So instead, I put myself in therapy. I wanted to be respected for how self assured I was. I started caring for myself and putting me first. I healed from my trauma and learned how to not repeat old cycles, and everyone who I could, I brought them up with me.
They didn't like that at all.
No, apparently the type of self respect they wanted me to learn was the type where I beleived lies at face value, said nothing to those who crossed my boundaries and wallowed in depression and toxic cycles. But also like, while keeping my shoulders covered or something.
Silly me.
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vixenvoider · 9 months
intention setting practice
step 1 spend one week practicing simple intentions
intention setting is easier than you think. i think living in the end can sound confusing, if it works for you thats fine but a word i prefer is expecting things to happen, so this is what i want you to do.
decide what time you are going to get sleepy each day by expecting it to happen. intend that you will get tired at 8pm tonight by just expecting that you will get tired at 8pm tonight
decide what time you will wake up each day by expecting it to happen
decide that you will remember your dreams each day by just expecting that you will
REMEMBER: make sure to change the times each night and morning. if you expect to wake up at 7am everyday your body will just get used to it and it's not your actual intentions working each day
step 2 spend another week practicing slightly harder intentions
decide what temperature each day will be. you don't need to go too crazy, do it simply. if it's raining, expect that the rain will stop when you're outside and will only resume once you're inside or covered and can't get wet. or expect that even if it's hot that whatever room you're in will be cooler and comfortable.
decide you will get a text from someone or a text from a friend telling you something specific by expecting it to happen
decide that people will be in a good mood around you. this works best if you have someone in your life that is a moody person, like if you have a teacher who's class you worry about going to because they are so moody, just expect when you go into class they will be in a good mood today.
if your confidence has boosted after these two weeks, then start deciding on your own intentions and watch them come true. after you have proven this to you, then most void methods should work for you. intend that meditation works, intend that subliminals work, intend that you will lucid dream. if you think you need to practice more, then repeat this process until you are confident and every single intention is working for you.
come up with other intention ideas of your own as you wish too btw i just recommend starting off with easy ones and moving onto slightly harder ones just so you don't overwhelm yourself. other ideas for you could include, your fave chocolate bar going on sale when the sales change, finding money on the ground, if you live at home and someone cooks for you that they will cook your fave dinner one night, that customer service workers will be really friendly to you, that a friend buys you something small like a coke or friendship bracelet, homework or an assignment or exam being postponed.
and if the word expecting does not work for you, change it to what makes sense for you. you can choose believe, intend, or whatever else resonates.
if you try this please let me know how it works for you, this is all based on what advice i would have told myself :)
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prideofcelestia · 1 year
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❝when you repeat his words❞
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« characters -> lucifer, asmodeus, solomon, diavolo, barbatos, luke, mephistopheles »
« gender neutral reader »
« headcanons »
« notes -> suggestive for lucifer's part, the way he is in the game... platonic for luke »
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His brows furrow.
"What is the meaning of this?"
When you mimic his displeased demeanour, he is almost sure that you are making fun of him.
Eyes narrowed, he stares at you for a while before sighing and bursting out into laughter, "You sure come up with the most random activities to have fun. It's cute."
Sure enough, you repeat his words.
"Hmmm? Why don't you follow me to my room and I will tell you about the latest activity I thought of? We can both take part in it and it won't be 'cute'," he smiles meaningfully.
"Awwww, you're such a cutie, trying to mimic my words!" he says. After a moment of pondering, he smiles seductively and coos, "I love love looove you, Asmo chan ♡.You are the brightest star on any stage! I swoon over your perfection, my lovely darling. Why don't you reserve all your hugs and kisses for me only? I want you all to myself! Oh, you are such a tease! Why do you leave me even for a moment? Please take me in your arms, right now and spoil me, my sweetheart!"
You are left speechless at the words he came up with on the spot. Since you didn't memoriese the words, you tried to satisfy him in your own way.
"Asmo, you know how I love you. You steal my attention when you walk into a room~"
He squeals, "Kyaaaa♡~ You did almost as good as the original! I knew you wouldn't disappoint me."
He laughs at your antics and is amused to find you mimicking that sound too. When he narrows his eyes, you know that the cogwheels in his head are turning with some idea of its own.
"I am glad that I have a good teacher," he says coyly, waiting for you to reply. The smirk on his face makes you falter. You realise that irrespective of your reply, he will have his fun so you shrug and give up.
When you stay silent, his smile widens. "Seems like your teacher taught you well. You know when to quit. Hahaha."
He blushes when he notices, his initial surprise fading away. Normally he would consider it rude but since it's you, he knows you're not making fun of him. So he's fine with it.
"H-Hey! Why are you repeating my words?"
"And the cute chihuahua says, 'H-Hey! Why are you repeating my words?'." you tease.
"I am NOT a chihuahua!" he pouts with hands formed in fists.
"I am NOT a chihuahua!" you bellow in an exaggerated manner and sulk.
Luke looks upset so you drop the act.
He doesn't really react so you are left wondering if he even realised what you are doing.
"Barbatos, did you notice that I repeated the exact words you said? And copied your mannerisms too?"
"Why, yes, of course I did." he answers with soft laughter escaping his lips. " If I may take the liberty, allow me to say that I quite enjoyed it. And now, if you will quench my curiosity, why did you do so?"
His curious eyes fixed on you, taking you quite by surprise. "Eh... I was just having fun."
"Ah, I see. If it makes you happy, I will like to see you continue your endeavour."
A blush dusts his cheeks as he continues, "If I may be so bold, I will be really happy to know that I am the only one you mimic."
He finds the whole experience highly enjoyable.
"Oh, is this a human world game where you mimic the other's words? Hahaha I think this is an innovative way to bring people together."
The twinkle in his eyes makes you answer his question rather than continuing your prank. "Yes, it's really fun."
"Ohhhh? Is it my turn to repeat your words now?" he muses. Mirroring your actions, his voice echos, "Yes, it's fun."
You laugh at his seriousness so he joins you - half for the game, half because he wants to share the moment with you.
When Barbatos finds you two like that, he quickly exits. The sacred moment need not a third participant.
"I don't have time for this," he says when you stare at him for a while without speaking. "If you have something to say, say it."
He frowns when you repeat his words.
"Has the cold and lack of sun gotten to your head? You were the one who came to me."
He looks irritated when you mimic him again.
"I am a demon. I am used to the cold and lack of sun.... Ah I see. I read about a game like this in the human world. Why don't you find another victim, like Lucifer? I would love to know how he reacted."
The idea seems to please him so much that he starts daydreaming on the spot.
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explosionkatsu · 1 year
“Age doesn’t matter” 10
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Dad!Bakugo x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Days have passed and you're finally discharged from the hospital. You were happy of course, especially when you remembered what Katsuki offered you.
"What I'm trying to say. No one will take care of Kazui. I can't always rely on my parents. My friends are heroes as well. Since you mentioned you used to be a babysitter. I would like to hire you."
You looked at him surprised once again. Are you in heaven? Are sure you're still alive?
“M-me?” Y/n stutters placing a shaking hand on her chest.
“The fuck am I talking to.” Katsuki rolled his eyes. Are you really even a teacher? “I don't need to repeat myself. If you fucking reject it, it's fine.”
“N-no! I was just surprised!” Y/n immediately shut Katsuki. “I-i was just surprised, honestly.” Finally, Y/n smiled. “I didn't expect you to say that. It makes my heart melt. I’m happy.”
After that day, Katsuki dropped you off at your apartment. He’s been stopping by to visit you at the hospital after his shift which you don't mind. But you often think you were bothering him which he says you're not.
Now here you are getting ready to leave your apartment to babysit Kazui.
Y/n grabbed her keys from the counter and left, securing the door behind her. Better safe than sorry is what they say.
It's a good day for her. Of course, you were trying to ignore the new insecurities. You kept reminding yourself that the scars you got were a sign of your boldness.
Yes yes.
A soft smile appeared on your lips. Bravery isn't something you should be insecure about. You were even glad you protected Kazui. Not an ounce of regret you were feeling. So you took a step towards your destination only to realize Katsuki didn't give you their address.
Y/n mentally smack herself. How could she forget to ask for the address? So much for being confident.
Y/n grabs her phone from her bag deciding to call Katsuki. Boy, she was glad she had his number due to school purposes. While standing a few meters away from her apartment, she clicked the call button and placed her phone in her ear waiting.
It just so happens that it's Katsuki's day off.
Due to exhaustion, Katsuki overslept which we all know is pretty rare. So, when he realized this, he panicked and rapidly stumbled out of his bed reaching for his phone. But as soon as he saw what day it was. He relaxed while on the carpeted floor.
Katsuki still decided to get up though. Slowly, he got off the floor and stretched, snapping a few bones, and stepped out of his bedroom, not even bothering to pick up his thick shroud nor fix his bed.
“Kazui? Are you awake?” Katsuki shouted as he made his way to his son’s bedroom.
He quietly flares the door open only to see a sleeping Kazui, snuggling comfortably on his bed. The sight made Katsuki smile. He was glad Kazui was okay. His treasure. Even though sometimes Kazui can be a brat, he loves him more than he even loves himself. More than he loves his job. His barefoot quietly made contact with the floor as he walked closer to Kazui. Carefully, he bent down kissing Kazui's forehead making him squirm but went back to sleep.
After this, Katsuki left Kazui’s bedroom and made his way to his kitchen. Now that he’s fully awake, he needs breakfast. He was scratching his head as he strides down the stairs, yawning a bit. Once he reached the kitchen, he placed his phone on the countertop and reached for the refrigerator handle only to get interrupted by his phone ringing.
It’s too fucking early for a phone call, unless it’s his company finally realizing they needed his guidance on some work issue. Probably? Who would even call this early anyway. Groaning, he reached for his phone and took a closer look to check who was the caller. Almost instantly, he picked it up.
“Good morning, Bakugo-san.”
God. Hearing your voice early in the morning sends a shiver down his spines. Not that kind of shiver you perverts.
“The hell I said about formalities, hah?” Katsuki said ignoring that his voice is still raspy.
“O-oh! I’m sorry. I forgot, haha.”
Fuck, was he in heaven right now? Unconsciously, Katsuki lips turned into a small smile. “The hell do you want this early.”
“W-well.” Why the hell are you even stuttering? Hell you can even defeat Izuku stuttering, “I kinda forgot to ask for your address..”
Oh yeah, now that you mentioned it, you’ll babysit Kazui today. “I’ll message it to you.” Katsuki simply said.
“Thank you, Bakugo!”
He can hear the happiness in your voice. Weird.
“Can’t pick you up. No one will watch over Kazui.” Katsuki mumbled finally reaching for the refrigerator handle and pulling it open to check the contents inside.
“You don’t have to! I can get there on my own!”
“I’ll be waiting then.”
“See you!”
When the call ended, Katsuki was staring blanky in the fridge. Why the fuck he said he’ll be waiting? He groaned out loud this time. Why the hell is he sounding desperate? Is he desperate? Oh, hell nah.
Eijiro was glad he was off duty as well. That means he can visit Kazui and spend time with him. But his main priority right now is to find the location an intel told him.
Location where Katsuki’s ex-wife is.
Just thinking about this made his blood boil. Of course, he’ll never hurt a woman. It wouldn’t be very manly of him. But this one made him want to be unmanly.
Fists inside his pocket, he reached the said location. Eijiro was standing in front of a huge house, face staring blankly at it.
It’s now or never.
Eijiro gradually made his way to the front door. He took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. Few seconds only passed when the door opened. His eyes hardened when he laid his eyes on her.
“I’ll join you in a minute babe!” She was giggling. But stopped when she saw who it was.
Eijiro didn’t say anything. He was staring at her intently.
“H-how did you-
“I came here to give you this.” His voice was low, so very not like his usual tone handing her a bunch of documents.
“What’s this?” she asked curiously as she raised a shaking hand and reached for the documents from his grasp.
“Discover it yourself.” Eijiro glared.
Gulping. She shakingly flipped the folder open in her hands and read its content.
A divorce paper with Katsuki’s name in it but without his signature, whilst the next paper was a warrant of arrest for abandoning Katsuki and Kazui.
“Ms. *, you are under arrest for abandoning your child.”
A sudden sound of a police automobile was heard making her panic.
“N-no.” She plead. “No! Please!!”
“The court will deal with you.” Eijiro left the scene as soon as the police arrived and dealt with her.
It was wrong that Katsuki didn’t know about this, but he’ll do anything for his buddy and his nephew.
“You’re free, Katsuki.” Eijiro mumled as he disappeared from the scene.
Meanwhile, while cooking breakfast, Katsuki suddenly felt a huge weight disappear from his chest.
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moodymisty · 1 year
✓ Private Lesson ✓
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Author's Note: I love Teacher Tech. And Medic Tech. And Dom Tech. Sensing a theme here. I’ve been writing a bunch of fluff lately, so here’s a little somethin’ nasty I did in my spare time.
Summary: Tech wants to take the Marauder for a test flight after some adjustments, but decides to give you a piloting lesson beforehand.
Relationships: Tech/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, All smut, Porn without plot, Cockwarming, Competency kink, Sex in the Marauder, Lap sitting, Tech decides to be your teacher but are you really learning anything?, A little bit of praise kink, Unprotected sex, creampies, Technically semi-public sex,
Word count: 1959
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"Now, what do you do first?"
Tech's voice is firm but gentle in your ears, speaking with his usual smooth tone. If one listens you might be able to hear the tiniest bit of strain, but your heart is thumping in your ears so loudly you aren't able to notice it yourself.
He's been meaning to take the Marauder for a simple test flight. He’s been doing some, unauthorized work on the ship, and decided to use their current shore leave on Coruscant as a chance to make sure everything was in working order.
It will be; Tech just needs to be thorough.
But you’ve never flown a ship before, thinking as you look over the control panel that might as well be speaking a dead language. Tech has spoken a million different times before about it, but you have no actual real world experience.
All of his brothers have decided to hit one of the mid-levels for some food and drinks; And with Tech not being much of a fan of that type of scene, and having work to do, he decided to stay back here in the ship. You'd showed up after they'd already left, so no one but Tech knows you're here with him.
You remember the first time he showed you the Marauder; his pride and joy. You’d asked so many questions you almost turned blue in the face, and he answered every one of them with the gusto of a man with a love of the craft and pride in his work.
He had promised to take you on a flight one day, and when he had it was some of the most fun you'd ever had together. And not moments after he'd landed he promised that one day, he'd teach you. He saw the opportunity to share his knowledge and held it out for you, and you'd accepted his potential future lesson.
And while it's been awhile since he'd promised to teach you how to fly, last you checked he hadn't mentioned some of the more, intimate details were apparently included in this lesson.
His armor is cold and unyielding against the backs of your thighs, as you sit firmly spread in his lap. Your underwear are tangled around one ankle, legs spread over his. His cock is stuffing you full, but he isn't moving even a fraction; Instead torturing you like this.
When you don't answer the first question on his verbal test, he sighs.
"Do I need to perhaps repeat myself? I thought you were smarter than this." One of your hands rests on the armrest; It's the only thing grounding you as your cunt flutters around him.
“Tech, I, I don’t remember.” He has the gall to make an unamused noise, as if him fucking you gormless should be just a minor inconvenience.
“Clearly I didn’t teach you thoroughly enough. Or you were not listening.” He feels the way your groan, adjusting your position in his lap as your hands hover in front of the controls. When you do it's impossible not to feel the way his cock shifts inside of you, trying hard to not let out an embarrassing moan.
“You, set course with the Navicomputer,” Tech hums.
“Lock in the destination, then warm up the, the,” his hand brushes over your clit, fingertips feeling just above where he’s buried inside of you.
“Words, love. Do you remember how to use them?”
Snarky ass.
“The engines. You would warm up the engines.” He gives an approving noise, rubbing circles around your clit. He's so composed, his voice barely cracks despite the fact that you can feel his cock throbbing inside of you, almost painfully hard.
"Now, would you like to put it to practice?" Leaning his head down he presses his lips to the soft spot of your neck just behind your ear, feeling how your neck instantly moves to give him more access to such a sensitive spot.
"Tech you, you can't be serious..." You can't see his face at this angle, but you can tell by the tone in his voice that his eyebrows are more than likely raised in an unamused expression.
"It is not often at all that I am not serious." You let out a desperate whine, just hoping for this sweet torture he's decided to put you through to end.
"Tech I, I can't even think straight, I'm not going to be able to fly this..."
His other hand brushes over your hip, while the other is still firmly nestled between your thighs. You can hear every little motion his fingers make, pussy slopping wet against his fingers and around his cock.
"Then at least show me you can prepare the ship as if we were going go depart."
As if it's just so easy, you think; Swallowing the thick knot in your throat. His chest is still pressed against your back as he adjusts slightly underneath you, and neither of you can stop the little noises you make from even such a small movement.
At least this torture is going both ways, as you can feel the heat radiating off his face while you look forward.
Ok, you've seen Tech do this multiple times now... And he's right here. It's not like you're actually going to fly; You just need to show him you can turn everything on.
That isn't that hard, right?
You lean forward, gritting your teeth and whining at the way his cock feels even deeper inside of your as your stomach folds, stuffing your cunt and leaving not a centimeter of room.
The navicomputer is set, you press the correct buttons to lock it in, and whimper at the way his fingers firmly brush over your clit. He's done so well being composed thus far, but you can hear his harder breaths; Feel the way he's trying not to thrust his hips upward into you. Pulling his lips away from your neck he leans up, looking over your head to watch your hands.
Locking the destination in you lean back, letting out a large shaky breath as your shoulderblades press against his chest armor. He hasn't scolded you yet, so you must have done everything right so far.
"Then, you start the engine with... Those buttons, warm them up, and then the throttle." Tech's fingers press against your clit harder, deftly teasing you and groaning at the way you tighten around him.
"Good girl. I knew I taught you well."
You've never heard Tech call you anything like that before; But gods, what you wouldn't give to hear him say it again.
His hands drift to hold you by the hips and help you move in his lap, moaning as you finally get some form of friction for your efforts. You just barely lift off of his lap, hearing the sound of your bare skin against his armor. One of your hands grasps his forearm, the other the arm of the seat as you bite your lip hard. Top bunched upward it's normally quite cold in the Marauder, but you couldn't be less so as Tech thrusts his cock deep into you.
"How, do you jump to hyperspace?"
He suddenly blurts out, and you can feel him already starting to slow down to dull what little pleasure you've finally gotten your hands on. It's almost impossible not to just cry right then and there, your head lolling back against his shoulder as you whine.
"Tech!" He responds just as swift as one might expect.
"Answer me, or I will stop."
Cruel, snarky ass.
"Fuck Tech, I, I don't know..." HIs hands keep grinding you into his lap, feeling the way your body leans into him.
"You know the answer; I taught you."
You lean forward just enough to gesture at the correct things, groaning as you already feel so close to cumming, but he keeps you from reaching it.
"That one, that one, and-" You bite your lip as your stomach tightens, feeling the way his cock shifts and throbs inside of you. "That one." It seems like you're right, judging by the way he hums approvingly.
"It seems like you were actually listening." You attempt to fuck yourself on him, but Tech's surprising strength keeps you from making any significant movement upward or forward. You spit out your desperation in words, pleading with an almost angry sounding tone.
"Gods Tech, please just fuck me or I swear..." Maybe he decides to give you a bit of mercy, or perhaps he himself can't take his own torture; As a moan slips from his throat and his hips thrust upward. His hands don't even stop you as you grip the armrests, grinding yourself against him as much as your body can manage.
He's been teasing you at this for so long now, it doesn't take much to make you cum at all, your thighs quaking as you tighten around him. He almost feels like you're going to suffocate him, and he can't help but let out moan loud enough to echo through the ship.
Even if the fear of anyone seeing or hearing you from outside the ship is unwarranted, given the area outside the civilian hanger where you're landed is practically abandoned, it still crosses your mind once or twice as you glance out the viewport. It's not a thought that sticks however, within moments it's gone from your head as Tech keeps bouncing you on his lap. And whatever composure he's managed to hold up until this point is quickly crumbling away, his voice strained in your ear as his hands tightly grip your body. Tech has always had a surprising amount of strength, and while he isn't gripping you enough to hurt, it is showing how strong his lithe arms really are as he fucks you.
You can feel the moment he cums by the way he lets out a strained, choked groan, his head leaning forward enough that it hits the side of your head. Your heart is pounding in your chest, and having been sitting in his lap so long off the ground, your feet are almost starting to fall asleep.
The ship now only echoes with the sound of both of you and Tech's heavy breathing, your body limp as you lay back against him. His hands now lay much more gently against your body, one against your thigh and the other your hip.
When he shifts underneath you, he can feel the way his own cum leaks out of you and over his cock, a feeling he'll secretly never grow tired of.
You can feel his soft breaths on the back of your head, him just as out of breath as you are. It's a quiet moment, and you take a moment to just enjoy it.
Until you feel him lean forward, and adjust something on the control panel just within reach. And in your tired, ecstasy driven fatigue, you comment.
"Tech, you're seriously still going to do a test flight after all of that? I can barely move..." He doesn't react to your bafflement as you expect, and instead still attempts to maintain his almost always present composure. Even if it had just been melted away only moments ago.
"You can stay on my lap, if you would prefer." You'd prefer to take a nap; Especially given the haggard state of what few articles of clothing you currently have on.
"Let's just, wait a minute." As much as Tech might want to do what he had originally planned, having you here with him sways his judgement enough so that he can put it off, just a little bit longer.
"Alright, we can wait for a little while."
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Join the taglist here: @seriowan @starborncyare @simp-legend @nekotaetae @chad-something @coffeyorky @merkitty49 @lokigirlszendaya @get-wr3ckered @mandoloriancookie @rebel-finn @totesnothere04
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pumpkzsafeplace · 9 months
anon questions 💌: selective mutism in age regression.
selective mutism is when you feel comfortable talking in certain situations- but in others you can't. it can be linked to many things and can just become apparent or stay with you your whole life
i've suffered with selective mutism since i was a child, so here are some pumpkin tips to help <3.
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it's okay ⭐
one of the first things i'd like to say is that it's completely okay and valid to have selective mutism. i suffered a lot with it through school and got my fair share of weird looks & hushed remarks.
just remember that it's completely valid, okay <3. we can't control, we don't force it to happen- it just does and it's something we have to live with. don't try and let the mean comments consume you okay? you're not a chore & you're not a burden either.
i thought i'd be lonely forever because of how broken i was- and now i have a positive page that helps people and a adoring boyfriend & caregiver of three years- things do get better <3.
❀•°❀°•❀ notebooks! 🌙
notebooks helped me a lot in school. i was not very verbal with strangers- i think our head master thought i was mute my entire school year & so to communicate with teachers i would use my notebook or leave little comments for them to read at the end of worksheets etc. notebooks can be used to draw illustrations of what you mean, leave notes, start conversations, be a silent form of communication between peers. it's honestly a life saver & helped me through some dark times <3.
having a comfort person & space ⭐
my comfort person was a small group of friends i got to know near the end of my school year. before that i would eat & exist alone in either the school libary or in the corners of the school where no one really went. i think one of the downsides of having selective mutism is the loneliness that can follow- especially in an evironment where you need to talk first to create a bond. but just know that you won't be alone forever! your comfort people will come & honestly make you feel like you're euphoric 24/7. having a comfort person/place is almost like a safe heaven when things go bad. they can help order things, communicate your needs, and just protect you on those dark and overwhelming days <3
❀•°❀°•❀ apps & other things that can help. 🌙
when i was in school- i unfortunately didn't have the kind of support that i do now.
but for young honeybees- there is a mountain load to make those dark days a little less scary! there are plently of others but these are my two favourites! > AAC apps: Augmentative and alternative communication apps are avaliable to anyone that suffers with mutism in any form! i tend to use them a lot when i'm overstimulated & having autistic meldtdowns.
one of my favourite apps to use is Leeloo which is avaliable on android & apple! it's been a life saver and for the free version you get a healthy amount of free phrases <3.
> communication cards: these are a great for schools or any environments that don't allow technology! you are bascially have a handful of cards with basic communicational phrases and point to which one you'd like to express!
for me personally, these help best when i'm having panic attacks as the motion of going through and understanding each question helps me take control & ground myself a little easier <3
❀•°❀°•❀ pushing through the guilt. ⭐
the guilt of not being deemed 'normal' was one of the biggest things i had to overcome when i was younger. seeing people my age communicate with strangers so eaisly used to fuel so much anger and fustration because they use to do it so flawlessly- whilst i had to sit in front of a mirror and practice on repeat. but as i grew older and gotten to understand myself a little easier, i've realised that i was born into a world created and designed for people who don't have or suffer with what i go through. so why am i forcing myself to reach unexpected expetations when instead i can put myself & my mentality first and heal <3.
do whatever makes you happy, jump threough hurdles you want to go through and push to make a difference however you want! you don't have to had concured the moon to be somebody in the world.
sometimes just complimenting a stranger can make you the hero you want to be <3.
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gif isn't mine
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outsideratheart · 1 year
I’ll protect you (Ana-Maria Crnogorcevic x reader)
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Based off this request.
Have you ever met someone who you instantly have a connection with? Where it's like you knew each other in a past life and your first meeting is actual a reunion? That is the way you would describe the day you met Ana.
Now almost three years later the two are you are inseparable although neither one of you have confessed that you want your relationship to be more than platonic.
One of the things you loved about Ana was her commitment to the team and the Catalonian people. It came as a shock when she picked up Spanish as quickly as she did but it could be argued that it wasn't the student that was good, it was you the teacher.
Her passion carried over when Barcelona played Real Madrid, the legendary El Classico.
"Someone's excited" you spot Ana in her locker, her knee bouncing up and down.
"And you're not? I know you love this match just as much as me, if not more" Ana helps you tape your wrists, it was your first of many pre match rituals.
"I know that with Jenni gone and Alexia on the sidelines I am going to be their number one target"
In every El Classico so far, Real Madrid were predictable. They made it known very early on in the game who they wanted to take out. You enjoyed it and you loved any chance to tease your Madrid counterparts although they didn't find it fun getting beat time and time again.
"I'll protect you" Ana is deadly serious when she makes her promise to you.
"I can look out for myself. Focus on getting the ball in the back of the net"
History is sure to repeat itself as Barcelona find themselves 2-0 up just before half time. Madrid start to get desperate but it was to be expected and you warned the girls of this. Esther was no longer hiding her intention to hurt you and after the third of fourth tackle she got a yellow card. At this point you thought she would back off in fear of getting a second and then a red only this doesn't happen.
The half time whistle blows and instead of going into the locker room, you go straight for the woman that has been on your back the entire game.
"Keep going Esther. You know I have my limits and you are dangerously close" you body check her before walking away.
"I barely touched you. You just don't know how to play football without your friends. The whole world knows that you're struggling to play without Alexia and it is only a matter of time before they see that you're not worth the credit you get" Esther spits.
"Shut up or the next thing to come out of your mouth with be your teeth" Ana's presence startles you.
Esther continues rambling as she walks through the tunnel, her voice becoming quieter with every step she takes.
"She's right" you admit as you sink into your locker.
"No, she isn't and you'll prove her wrong when you go back out there and show the world just how good Y/N Y/L/N is"
Ana always has faith in you even when you didn't. Over the past few months you have doubted yourself more than ever but she was always there to remind you who you are.
In the second half you played with a new purpose, to show Esther who Spain's best forward was. With your confidence level at an all time high it led to Esther making more tackles than she did in the first half and every one she made got worse and worse.
Whilst you remain level headed you knew Ana was get close to blowing up. She liked to protect you whether that was in a nightclub when a stranger refused to take no for answer or like today when you're get getting hurt and nothing is being done about it.
The final nails on the Real Madrid coffin come in the form of two more goals, both coming from you. After the second one you saw the opportunity to taunt Esther and get in her head so after you finished celebrating with your team you look directly at her and do her signature celebration. You knew that it would anger her more but you no longer cared. There was only 7 minutes left on the clock, you could handle it.
Barcelona receive a corner which doesn't go to plan. Instead of football it becomes a game of ping pong, the ball going from head to head. You see it coming your way and you jump to head in the direction of the goal but at the last minute you see Esther coming towards with her foot high. Already in the air, you close your eyes and wait for her foot to hit your head only it doesn't, instead you feel her studs connect with your sternum.
The breath is knocked out of you, a mixture of the impact and the force in which you hit the floor.
"Y/N" Aitana tries to get your attention but your eyes remain shut as you try to focus on your breathing.
Something else that sticks out is the headache that comes thick and fast, you know you must have hit it on the floor when you fell. Your surroundings are a blur but you recognise the sound of the medics asking you question.
"I-can't-breathe" you say through laboured breaths.
"Try to stay still" one of them tells you.
"Ana" you use all your energy to call out for the one woman you want by your side.
"I'm here Y/N. Everything's going to be ok" Ana takes a hold of your hand. When she sees you close you eyes she squeezes you hand tightly so that you know she is there even if you can't see her.
Ana has never felt more helpless in her life. The medics cut open your shirt so they can asses the damage, it's something she wasn't ready to see. There in the middle of your chest was a boot print, some marking had even opened up and blood was trickling down your chest. You wince when you feel someone brush over the point of impact.
You swat the hand away immediately.
"Y/N let them do there job, please" you turn your attention to Ana. Her face is pale and you see a single tear roll down her cheek.
The medics lift you onto the stretcher, Ana remaining by your side the entire time. That is until she hears Esther speak ill of you, yet again, only this time she does something about it.
"At least now she gets to watch in the stands with dear La Reina" Esther jokes with her teammates only no one is laughing. Their faces drop when they see the Swiss international approaching them at speed.
"You're so insecure of your own abilities that you purposely try to hurt Y/N. You are a discrace and don't deserve to play football" Ana shoves Esther, sending her to the floor but she is soon back to her feet.
"Mierda!" Patri says as she runs after her team mate, others follow in suit.
Patri and Irene try their hardest to pull Ana away but nothing they do works.
"Come on" Patri begs.
"Don't let her get to you" Irene adds.
They both grab hold of her but she shrugs them off, clearly she wasn't done with the Madrid forward.
"You better hope she is ok or the next time we meet i'll--" Ana threatens only to be cut off.
"You'll do what?" Esther pushes Ana again.
This time Ana shoves her a lot harder than the first time and Esther hits the floor hard.
"You don't want to find out"
"Ana, walk away" Marta, who has been called over for extra help says "They are taking her to the hospital. Jona has got Mariona ready to sub in for you but if don't leave now you won't be able to go with Y/N"
This seems to work because Ana runs off the pitch without saying another word. She ignores the ref but thanks her coach when she gets to the side lines.
Later than night you are discharged from the hospital. After getting several scans you are told that you have a minor concussion due to the fall and a broken sternum thanks to Esther.
Ana accompanies you back to your apartment and insists on staying the night despite you telling her numerous times that you are fine. After all the doctors gave you some strong painkillers which reduced the pain significantly although you were warned that you would be very sore in the morning.
She helps you get changed, turning around when you are indecent even though she has seen you topless number of times.
Once in bed Ana helps you get comfy before leaving.
"I thought you said you were staying the night" even though you are adamant you don't need help you were still looking forward to the sleepover with your best friend.
"I'll be in the living room. You need to get some rest" Ana leans against the door frame.
When she sees you pouting she shakes her head ever so slightly. You pull back the corner of the duvet on the empty side of the bed and pat it a couple of times.
"Ana-Maria Crnogorcevic please come to bed"
Ana loved the way you said her name. The way you pronounced every syllable and how your spanish accent meant you rolled the r's. It made saying no to you incredibly difficult and you were fully aware of this, it's why you did it.
The two of you gets settled and Ana picks out a movie, one that she is sure you've never seen before. You may be focused on the TV but whenever you look over to your best friend you find her staring at your chest.
"Stop looking at my boobs"
"I -- I wasn't looking at them -- I mean I was but I wasn't -- I was looking at--" Ana face rivals the colour of a beetroot at your accusation.
"Looking at this" you pull the front of your tank top down revealing all of the marks left by Esther's boot.
"I told you I would protect you" Ana refuses to look you in your eyes as she thinks about how she failed you.
"There's nothing you could have done and from what i've heard you defended my honour afterwards" you could tell that Ana felt bad about you getting hurt and whilst you don't mind being the damsel in distress if she is the one saving you, you knew that this was just one of those times where nothing or no one could stop Esther from her attack.
"It's my fault"
"Really Ana?" You were staring to get annoyed. Ana was making is obvious that she wanted to punish herself but you really didn't want to spend the night talking about what happened.
"Don't look at me like that" Ana senses your annoyance "I provoked her at half time and since then her tackles got worse. She knew that by going after you she would be hurting me"
"This isn't about you"
"No it's not. It's abut you Y/N. Do you know how scared I was? I told you I would protect you and I failed you. I couldn't protect the woman I" Ana stops herself before she says something she cannot take back.
Your eyes widen when you realise what she was about to say. Is this really what it took for you both to admit your feelings. Was you getting put in the hospital your version of an airport confessions from the movies.
"Finish your sentence" you tell her. The expression on your face is serious. No part of you wants her to think you are making fun of her.
"I can't"
Then it hits her. You know what you was about to say and you want her to say it anyway.
Ana tucks a stray hair behind your ear, her palm rests on your cheek and you melt into her touch. She looks you in the eye then at your lips, you didn't pull away from her touch yet she was still hesitating.
"Fuck it" you lean forward, ignoring the pain that rises to your chest at the sudden move and kiss your best friend.
It is Ana who deepens this kiss but you have to push her away.
"Ow, ow, ow" you lay back down as you try to get your breathe.
"Sorry. That's my fault, I shouldn't have -"" Ana begins to apologise only for you to cut her off.
"I swear to god Ana if you blame yourself once more I am kicking you out"
Ana hold her hands up in surrender. In this moment she would do anything to stay with you.
"Come here" Ana extends her arms so you can lay against her side" Carefully" you warns when she hears you wince.
The two of you go back to watching the film only for Ana to pause it after 20 minutes.
"The woman I love. I love you Y/N" Ana finishes her sentence.
You turn slightly so that you can face her.
"I love you Ana-Maria" you softly kiss her again. You want her and in this moment you ignore the pain you are feeling.
Ana cups your face and gently pulls away. You pout at the lack of connection but this time is doesn't work.
"Don't look at me like that. I want this just as much as you do but I won't have you hurting yourself more" Your heart warms at how Ana was back to protecting you, only this time it was from yourself.
It took 2 weeks for your concussion to pass and 6 weeks for your broken sternum to heal. The day you got the green light Ana took you out on your first official date and that night the longing you two of you experienced over the years was let go.
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nicoleheichou · 1 year
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Girl Of My Dreams - Chapter 50: I 🩷 You
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Synopsis: Sakusa was the type to always get things done on his own, but now that he's forced to juggle between his successful pro-volleyball career and being a single dad, what happens when he enrolls his daughter in a new preschool and meets his daughter's new teacher? Will their relationship remain professional or will it evolve into something more?
Once you returned from your day out with Mrs. Sakusa, you found yourself spending the night avoiding Kiyoomi. You'd stick to his mother's side or use Kimi as a buffer. You didn't want to have that talk with him. You were nervous to hear that although he said you were his end game that maybe you were way more attached than he was. You didn't want to hear him tell you that you were getting ahead of yourself.
But now that Kimi had fallen asleep and was now comfortably tucked into bed, you knew the conversation was inevitable. "Can you stop avoiding me now darling so we can talk?" Kiyoomi says as he closes the door behind him, leaving a small crack to let the light shine through knowing the little girl can't sleep if the room was completely dark. You let out a sigh before nodding. "Okay." He puts out a hand for you which you hesitantly take, letting him lead you out onto the back porch and allowing him to help you settle onto the porch swing before placing a blanket over your laps. For a moment it's silent, the both of you just enjoying the night sky and the quiet the countryside brings.
"Do you want to tell me why you're avoiding me?" He questions while turning his head to the side so he could get a better look at you. "You know why I am." You can't help but pout not wanting to have to spell it out for him. "Actually, I don't. I don't know what I did to have you avoid me after we'd spent the whole day away from each other." He replies, a hand coming up to ruffle his curls. You notice the frown etched on his face, clearly not happy with you having avoided him the whole night.
You let out a sigh. You know you're being immature by pretending you don't know what he's talking about but you're worried he might not feel the same way, that he might think you're way too attached. "It's nothing you did Omi. It was what I did. I'm sorry I told you I love you and that I love the brat." You cover your face in hopes he doesn't see the redness of your cheeks even if it is dark out.
"Say that again." He says while gently prying your hands away from your face. Your eyes meet his before he's repeating himself. "Say that again darling." You let out a breath before mustering up the courage to repeat yourself. "I love you. I love you and Kimi." The biggest smile appears on his face, you could swear you've never seen him smile like this, you're worried if he smiled any wider that it would split his face in two. "I love you too darling. A lot." It's your turn to smile, the apples of your cheeks hurting from how wide you were grinning.
"Don't ever apologize for how you feel darling. Especially when it comes to love. Why would you think I'd be upset?" You just shrug your shoulders, unsure why you were even worried in the first place. You should have known that Sakusa wouldn't judge you or invalidate your feelings. "I thought you'd think I was getting ahead of myself." He moves a stray lock of hair behind your ear before looking into your eyes, a look of disbelief on his features. "And you don't think I am? I introduced you to my parents. I told you that you're my end game and I haven't even officially asked you to be my girlfriend. Darling, I think I'm more in love with you than you are with me."
You let out a laugh before you're burying your face in the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry for avoiding you. I should have known you'd be so understanding." You mumble against him which causes him to chuckle. "Why are you so perfect?" You can't help but whine, feeling a little embarassed that you wasted the evening avoiding him. "I'm far from perfect. But I want to remind you that you can always talk to me okay? Whatever it may be, I'm here for you and we'll get through it together. Okay?" You nod, knowing if you opened your mouth to respond that you'd start to cry. How did you get so lucky? He plants a kiss on the top of your head. "You love me?" He lets out a chuckle before nodding. "Yeah. I love you."
You hear the sliding door open, causing the both of you to turn towards the direction of the door. You're met with a toddler rubbing at her eyes. "What's wrong baby?" You question as you watch her make her way towards the both of you. "I woke up and I was alone." You can hear the wobble in her voice. "Come here brat. Did you think we left you?" Sakusa questions as he reaches for her. She shakes her head before she's being pulled onto her dad's lap. "I know you and mommy wouldn't leave me...but I couldn't find you or mommy and I was lonely. I don't want to be alone." You can tell she's pouting and you can't help but feel bad for her.
"Why don't we get you back in bed baby. We'll stay with you so you aren't alone. Does that sound good?" You suggest knowing she's still pretty tired if the yawn that escaped her lips was any indication. She nods her head before putting her arms out, signaling for you to carry her. Sakusa happily passes her into your arms before he's ushering the two of you inside. He can't help but smile when he watches Kimi easily melt into you, arms wrapping around your neck as she plants a tired kiss on your cheek. "I love you mommy." You don't skip a beat, quickly responding to her declaration. "I love you too baby." Sakusa wanted to engrave this moment in his brain, to replay whenever he was having a bad day.
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Um I love them??
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
and if you do write for him maybe professor draco smut 🫣
Wrong answer
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Pairing: professor Draco x student reader
Summary: you're gonna fail potions but your professor has an offer to help you pass…
Word count:1,043
Warning: fingering, oral [fem receiving], unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it this is fictional), dirty talk, sir kink, professor kink, light spanking [he does it once], praising kink, pet names [little girl] reader is of age!!! I think that's it let me know if I missed anything.
Universe: professor
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You bite your nails, eyes pacing as you await the arrival of your professor. It's not that he's cruel, it's the fact that you'll be trapped in this room with him knowing you'd thought of him in ways a student shouldn't think of a teacher. The door was pulled open, startling you from your anxious thoughts.
"I do suppose you have the basic things you need right ms.[Last name]" he greeted taking a seat at his desk.
your eyes overlook the older professor missing his question. he looked the same as always, a glare with glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, blonde lashes above his sliver blue eyes, his all-black suit except for the dark green tie, and the rest was tucked away under his desk at the moment.
"I don't like repeating myself so answer my question or leave me to assume you don't have what you need" he states, you swallow meeting his piercing gaze.
"Yes sir, I brought the notes I need help with" you replied. He hums in acknowledgment before standing. He's moved to your side leaning over your shoulder to check over what's written on the paper. your breath comes to a stop as if you're afraid to breathe around him.
"breath [name]" he whispers, his hand coming to your shoulder in a firm grip. you try to do as he says but it falls on deaf ears.
He leans closer and says, "I think I have an idea for our lesson."
If someone would have told you you'd be bent over for your professor, you would have replied-
"Please, just touch me already sir." you whimpered. He had been teasing you for each answer you'd gotten wrong. his cold fingers would rotate on your clit or push in just enough to have you moaning out before pulling them away. He chuckled.
"I am touching you, you needy little girl" he responded from behind your open legs. your skirt was flipped up and he was sitting back watching your pussy drool for his attention. his large hands covered both your ass cheeks before you felt the flat of his tongue licking through your lips and catch on your clit as it peeked through them. he let the saliva run free on your pussy, mixing with your arousal as it came out of you. he latches on to your bud sucking at it like he was drinking from a straw. your legs struggle to stay open as he eats you out sloppily, making a mess of your wetness.
"you taste so fucking good" he groaned, nipping at your inner thigh. you could just picture the lower half of his face smeared with juices and spite running down his chin. He didn't say anything else before you felt the wet muscle buried in you.
"oh fuck sir" you let out, body resting on the table till a hard slap comes to your ass making you shoot up and grab the corners of the wooden desk. your eyes look around the empty potions class before they roll back feeling two fingers prying into your warmness. his tongue is back on your clit repeating the sucking motion. your cheeks burn while you bite your lip, grip tightening on the wood with your hips jerking as you near your release, but he pulls back making you cry bucking your hips against nothing.He's standing behind you, shadow dark against the floors.
"spread your legs wider for me" he ordered and you comply spreading them as wide as they can go.
"good girl" he says, planting a kiss on your back through your wrinkled button-up. a clunking sound is heard before his tip is pushing at your entrance.
"I need you to relax so I can fit inside little girl" he inhaled, you take a deep breath letting your body rest until he's completely rutting into you, stretching your walls to fit around his cock. you feel dizzy as your body is rocked against the desk. you're letting out small yelping sounds in between the thrust into you. The stretch burns deliciously and your tummy ties sweet knots that have your body spasming on top of the school work. He leans forward, putting his bigger hands over yours.
"you can take it" he whispered, his teeth grazing your ear breathing heavily against your neck.
"Professor," your mind runs circles from how intimate it all feels. Your toes are squeezed tight in your sneakers and you're sure you look cock drunk with a tint on your cheeks, sweat coated with your eyes rolled back.
"yeah that's right, fall apart for me little girl. Take it, take every inch." he rambled, slamming into you, making the room fill with a screeching noise along with your moans and slapping skin. Your warmth swallows his thick, veiny, cock as he pounds into your g-spot, his hips striking your ass while you mutter things you don't even understand but he responds when he does.
"it-its feels so good sir." you moan like you had a taste of your favorite frozen dessert.
"Yeah, you like it when I use you like this,'' he answered.
"yes, please don't stop" you whine and he chuckles. "not till your cum is all over my cock little girl." he keeps that promise, still fucking into your quivering walls as they clench around him desperate to keep him buried there. the knots in your belly are pulling loose slowly triggering you to rock back against him.
"Good girl, take what you need," he says, gripping your waist, probably bruising the skin with his calloused hands. your legs shake against the table as you repeat his name on a loop before your breath hitches, heat spreads over your skin, and your walls flutter as you soak his cock with blurred vision. He's still going as you fall limp on the desk.
"Almost there, you did so good, taking me so well" he praises; his muscles tense against you before he's flooding you with every last drop of his seed.
"fuckkk" he growls, fingernails digging in your skin till you hiss.
You didn't study much, but you know you're Passing the lesson for making professor Malfoy cum and you'll take that to your grave.
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Request open 👐
Draco's lovers and requests: @alexxavicry , @sarahthehuffpuff, @supercoffeeblogs , @thatwattpadobsessed, @ameliaclare04 , @kyracanwrite , @animeloverfreak310 , @imafangirl22, @phildunphyisadilf @jac1ndaa
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