#i haven’t done tomorrow’s yet YIKED
pixeldistractions · 2 years
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“I ran into Luis earlier tonight,” Selena said. “It was his graduation, too. Gosh, I haven’t thought about him in ages. But seeing him again in person, it brought back so many memories. That apartment we got together. It felt like the start of something, but then, it wasn’t.”
Summer had loved a couple guys in her time, but she never considered living with one. Maybe she knew all along that she wasn’t cut out for it.
“I do know one thing,” Summer said. “Don’t go there. I know what you’re thinking—he’s so familiar, so nostalgic. But no, just don’t.” 
“I wouldn’t,” Selena said. “You know, Andre and I are still a couple.”
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For now, Summer thought. “Okay, next year though. You’ll be lonely, craving something old and familiar. Show up at his football game wearing your tightest jeans, he stalks past your house walking his dog. I know how this goes. You figure, why not? Been there, done that, it feels familiar, it feels safe. Tried at tested. He knows what you like, you know what he likes. On and off and on and off. Oh, believe me, ex-sex is good! But exes are exes for a reason.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Selena said. 
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“Well, anyway, I’m glad you’re still here. I hate living alone, I’m glad to have another single girl around.”
Selena smirked. “Like I said. Not single. Andre and I didn’t break up.” 
Summers’ face said, Oh, sweetie. 
“Anyway, we’re gonna have a blast here. We can be stylish, too! Let’s clean up the place, get rid of that flea market sofa, plaster the walls with some artsy shit. Maybe a plant? Are you good at plants?”
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“No, not really,” Selena said. “But can we get a puppy?”
“Oh, yikes. A puppy sounds way harder than a plant. But if you want one, sure. Let’s get a puppy!”
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Selena liked the idea of a puppy. Just think of all that love and adoration! But tonight, she was alone. 
“Sorry,” Andre had said, “Its my brother’s first night back home, you understand? I’ll call you tomorrow.”
She did understand. He was a loyal son and loving brother. That was part of why she liked him. He would make a fantastic husband and father some distant, far-off day. So Selena didn’t want to give up hope on Andre just yet. If he was prepared to drag their strangled relationship through the dust, then she was going to pick up her end and drag it, too. And if that meant some long lonely months of being half single, then so be it. 
At least she had a room to herself now, cabinets for her shoes, romantic candles and a big beautiful cozy bed. She’d fall asleep and dream that he’d burst through the door and say, “I changed my mind, I love you, please come stay with me.” 
Her fantasies would keep her warm. And if they didn’t, perhaps a big cuddly ball of fur might do the trick. 
— [x]
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alunclewe · 1 year
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Consarn it I have really been slacking lately.  I haven’t posted anything in, uh, let’s see... almost a month!?  Yikes.
I have in fact been drawing some things, though not as much as I should.  I’ve participated in a few @sequentialartistsworkshop free Friday Night Workshops (though not last week’s, because I was working that day), but I haven’t posted my comics from those yet.  (Which is something I should do.  I’ll do it tomorrow.)
But in the meantime, I thought I’d get back to the Year of Art drawing challenge I’d been intermittently doing... except that it seems that there haven’t been any new prompts posted for that since March.  Although it could be I’m mistaken, because I thought once before that there were no new prompts and it turned out they were in a new post and I’d forgotten to check the tag; I did check the tag this time but it’s still possible I missed something else obvious.  And even if they did stop doing the prompts, I guess it’s understandable because I’m not sure who else was actually participating in that challenge and it makes sense the account behind the prompts wouldn’t want to bother to keep posting prompts if nobody was using them.
(I am intentionally not @-ing the account in question because (a) I don’t want it to seem like I’m calling them out about not posting prompts, which is definitely not my intent, and (b) they keep changing their username, and I’m not sure if they're trying to avoid being associated with past posts or something?  Although, on the other hand, am I robbing them of notice they would otherwise get by not naming them?  It is a dilemma.)
Anyway, even if there are no new prompts, there are enough old prompts I didn’t do that I figured I could just go through and try filling in the one I missed.  So, this drawing was for the Year of Art prompt back in January 5, “change”.  I did start this on January 5, but never finished it, and I figured I may as well do that.
You might notice that nothing is changing in this picture.  That is because it’s still not finished; this was going to be an animation, and I only have the first frame completely finished.  I’ll try to get the rest done tomorrow, and you’ll see then what he changes into.  (Although... it may not be hard to guess; I was basically just going for the first thing that came to mind for the prompt, so it’s kind of an obvious choice.)
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eurydicees · 2 years
50 for the writers asks: How is your fic-writing going?
a q for an a!
50. open question to the writer 
damn i said remind me to write and u did NOT fall through lmfao. thank you very much for the notifications telling me to write. i am…. trying? it’s going ok, honestly. i just spent the past few hours reading zuko-centric fanfics so like, that’s an L, but otherwise the fic is going alright. i’m enjoying where it’s headed and i’m really proud of what’s been written so far. i’m gonna have a two hr layover in an airport tomorrow, so i plan on getting some writing done then, if all goes to plan. i don’t really know where the story is going next bc i stopped last at a really nice ending point, and idk where to go from there. oops. we’ll see— maybe gonna get some writing in tonight, but i have yet to pack up my entire dorm room to move out and it is 10pm so like. yikes on that. 
i think the most frustrating part of it rly is just that i’ve been trying to work on it as a nano fic and i just haven’t had the time to commit to nano this month, so that really sucks. but i’m gonna keep writing it even after july ends, because i am 14.5k words in and i am committing goddamnit. 
ty for asking!!
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themonotonysyndrome · 3 years
REDACTED verse - When Lovely meets Angel
Summary: When the boyfriends are away, their partners try their best to be functioning members of society. Spoiler alert: they failed. 
Tw: [Mentions of Adam], [Profanity] and [Very, very brief mention of drugs. Like, half a sentence]
I shared this oneshot in the Discord server and I thought to share it here too before uploading it on AO3 later this weekend. 
You smile as your eyes do their best to track Vincent’s every move. Your head spins as your boyfriend flits from one room to another, never pausing for even a second. His duffel bag is lying beside you on the couch, gradually full of clothes, toiletries and other travelling necessities as he chucks them in Mach speed. 
You pick up the clothes that didn’t make it into the bag. You fold them nicely before placing them in with the rest. 
“Alright, I’ve stocked up the pantry to last at least for a few weeks, b-but I’ll be back by Sunday so don’t worry.” The blur that was Vincent said as he ran from their shared bedroom to the kitchen. With a fond shake of your head, you observe the Vampire made one last round. 
Letting Vincent fuss is your way of helping him calm down. And sure enough, it only takes a few minutes until your boyfriend is satisfied with the apartment - from the wards that he erected to the well-stocked kitchen and rows of laundry detergents. With the way he prepared for his departure, you couldn’t help but want to remind Vincent that he’ll only be leaving for three days; not three months. 
“Do you have Alexis’ number, Lovely? Sam’s?” Vincent asks - again - in concern as he pad towards you and the duffel bag. “Hang on, I’ll forward them to you now -” 
You grab his hand before he could reach for his phone and force him to sit beside you on the couch. You peck him on the cheek to startle him. No matter how many times you’ve done this; Vincent always reacts the same. Startled with a tinge of red dusting his pale cheeks. A simple kiss is enough to leave him speechless and it never fails to make your heart skip a beat at how precious he is. 
“Yes, you gave them to me this morning. I have their numbers on speed dial for any emergency of the Adam kind.” You easily assure him, only to backtrack quickly when you see how wide his eyes went. Oh yikes, bad move! Bad move! “N-Not that there will be any problem! Haha! I mean, you’re only going away with Will for three days, right? I can hold the fort, don’t worry!” 
Vincent bit his lower lip, still hesitant. “I wish I didn’t have to go, Lovely. It hurts to be away from you…” His head tilts down and holds your hand tight, yet always mindful of his Supernatural strength. “Sometimes… sometimes I could still see you in Adam’s arms, so pale and sick… your blood on his mouth - ”
“Hey, hey, Vince? Look at me please.” You gently tilt his chin using your hand that wasn’t captured by your worrisome boyfriend. You made sure to properly look him in the eyes before smiling softly. “You got me in time and for that? I’m forever grateful, but that’s in the past, OK? I’m here now with you! We both have been making good progress at D.A.M.N so that has to count for something, yeah? We’re both stronger than we were before.” 
That earns a tiny smile from Vincent and you mentally cheer in victory. “You always know what to say, huh, Lovely? And yeah, we’re pretty badass now, huh? A Vampire and an Electro Energetic? We’ll conquer this city in less than a month.” He joked. 
You try to picture it: you and Vincent - the King and Queen of Dahlia. The first thing you would do is declare PJ Friday - where everyone must wear PJs every Friday and those that wear the silliest PJs get brownie points. Collect enough of them and they’ll get a free meal in the most expensive restaurant Dahlia has to offer. Vincent can handle the boring stuff like, governing and health care. 
...Now that’s a thought; Vincent as a politician. 
Ah wait - Will would probably be disappointed in them if they tried to do a hostile takeover of this city and you couldn’t bear to disappoint him. After all, no one can pull off the perfect sad dad look other than Vincent’s Sire. Not even your own dad! 
“ - Lovely? Uh, Earth to Lovely? You there?” 
Vincent’s warm voice broke you off from your mad train of thoughts. You flash a sheepish grin when he realised that you haven’t paid a single word he said. Vincent wants to appear annoyed but his lips are twitching, as if he’s holding back from laughing at the dumbfounded expression on your face. 
“Sorry, babe. I spaced out because Will was disappointed in us.”  
“...What? Will? Lovely, what the - ”
“Anyway, don’t worry about me.” You quickly interject before you have to explain yourself. “You got me food, Alexis’ and Sam’s numbers are on my speed dial and my powers have been growing nicely over the last few classes. I got this; you got this.” To seal the deal you added, “And I promise to call you twice a day; in the morning and before I go to bed. Sounds good?” 
That finally assured Vincent. The tension melts away from his taunt shoulders and when he kisses you, it’s slow and sweet. You would’ve loved to wrap your arms around his shoulders and pull him on top of you and turn this into something more, but Will would surely call him if Vincent is late. 
Vincent moans when you pull away; disappointed and slightly frustrated. “Easy there, Vince. I’ll make sure to give you a very warm welcome when you get back.” You purr, loving how his eyes lid at your promise. 
But alas, as much as you love to drag Vincent to the bedroom, work comes first. So you allow Vincent to fuss around a little more before he slings the duffel bag over one shoulder, kisses you goodbye and leaves. 
Now, you planned this. You have a whole itinerary in your head for the days that Vincent is on a business trip with the King of the Solaire Clan. Assignments that need to be done, Despacito to learn on the piano (neither of them knew why Alexis dropped off an upright piano in their apartment on a random ass Wednesday night and when asked, she just cackled before pulling off a Batman and vanished into the night. So Vincent gave up trying to pester the answer out of her. You still think it’s some sort of an elaborate prank), boba pizza to cook for dinner tomorrow and a list of video games to pre-order so really, you would be so busy for the upcoming days that you wouldn’t even have the time to miss Vincent. 
If you repeat that long enough, you hope that’ll become true. 
Glancing at the clock hanging on the living room wall, you sigh at the time.10.30 PM. A little early to get ready for bed but hey, it’s not like there’s anything else that you want to do now. 
With little fanfare, you make sure that the apartment is locked and secure, switch off the lights before heading to the bedroom for your nightly ablutions.
Ok, that part about the itinerary? Yeah, that’s completely out of the window the moment you wake up missing Vincent’s arms around you. 
The gentle and warm sun rays pierce through the sheer curtains, promising a bright day ahead of you, but all you could think about is the space in this bedroom. Was the bed always this big? Was the bedroom always this quiet? Those questions rattled in your brain and it really doesn’t help that you can smell Vincent’s faint cologne lingered on the pillows. Soothing vanilla that never fails to clear your mind as opposed to sandalwood and bergamot. Vincent once claimed that the scent is too fancy for someone like him. 
Right now though? His cologne sends a pang of longing in your heart in his absence, and it’s only the first day! 
“I can’t stay here.” You decided out loud when the tangle of sleepiness ebbed away. Kicking the thick duvet off your body, you stomp to the bathroom to shower, dress up and quickly leave the apartment with nothing but your phone and backpack. 
You didn’t want to return to an empty apartment, so what better than walking around the city to distract yourself? Grab some breakfast at a new cafe, maybe do some window shopping afterwards… yeah, that sounds way better than anything you’ve planned before. 
Joggers pass you by as you walk through the park and the city slowly comes back to life. People are out and about, going through their monotonous day. Some are catching the bus, others are like her, eager to find something to eat. 
You recall that your classmate mentioned that they and someone named Damien found a Taiwanese bakery/cafe that recently opened up near the city’s library; a quaint little shop, squeezed between a hardware shop and a health & beauty care chain store. You can still remember how their eyes lit up as they excitedly described the brioche and the strawberry tiramisu they ate with vivid details. 
So that’s where you’re headed off to now. 
Apparently, the bakery is closer than you thought when you cut corners and jump through the shortcuts. Being born and raised here in Dahlia like so many others, you knew this city like the back of your hand. Though the existence of Shifters, Vampires, Daemons and more were a slap in the face to you.
Oh, that reminds you, be sure to ask Vincent if the Vampires have anything similar to Fangtasia here in this city. 
The bell above the door chimes when you enter the bakery. The sign outside says ‘OPEN’ but since it’s still quite early in the morning, you and a couple sitting at a table near the corner are the only customers currently. Manning behind the cashier is a young woman and her co-worker setting up freshly baked goods behind the display glass. 
You made a beeline to the counter. 
“Good morning. Uh, can I please have one sea salt coffee - regular size - one red bean mooncake and, umm…” You paused to scan the menu laid before you. “And a marble taro.” 
There. That's sort of a healthy breakfast, right? 
The young woman hardly bats an eye at your order. She drawl out the total amount of your food and drink to which you hand her some cash before choosing a table beside the large window so you could see the city and her people go about their lives. The scent of freshly baked pastries, hot chocolates and brewed coffees wash over you pleasantly. 
You couldn’t help but wonder if Vincent would love this place as much as you do… 
The cashier came over with a tray of your order before your musing could spiral down further. You thank her, snap a picture of your food and coffee for Vincent before enjoying your breakfast. It’s a perfect morning, well, almost a perfect morning… 
Halfway through your coffee, your phone vibrates. Vincent had texted back: 
‘Looks delish, Lovely! Make sure to finish your meal, OK? My flight was a nightmare - I’ll spare you the details - but Will and I reached the airport safely. I’ll call you soon, Lovely. I love you, always.’ 
Vincent’s text helps to fill his absence, somewhat. You polish off the last bit of your coffee and exhale loudly; there’s no use moping around. Adventure awaits! After all, there’s never a dull day here in Dahlia. For all you know, something is right around the corner just for you! 
Tummy warm and full, you bask in the morning light for a few more minutes before exiting the bakery. 
...And promptly collide with a walking furnace. Because seriously, the moment your chest hits them, it feels as if their body heat lunges at you.
“Ow!” You fell and landed hard on your ass. Whoever had the misfortune to collide against you, they were a tad taller and seemed to be in a rush to be able to hit you with an impact. 
“Oh fuck! I’m so so sorry! Are you alright!? I ran too fast because I always missed out on their marble taros! Oh gosh, oh gosh; can you hear me? Shit, I really hope I didn’t hurt you too badly…” The stranger rambled worriedly. 
“I-I’m fine. Just got the wind knocked out of me.” You assured them and gladly grabbed the offered hand. They gently pull you up from the pavement. 
“You sure? I can take you to the hospital right now if you want!” They pressed on, eyes checking for any sign of injuries on your body. “Just after I buy my pastries though.” 
You didn’t expect the blatant honesty; the idea that some loaves of bread are this person's top priorities crack you up. You couldn’t help it, so you burst out a giggle. 
“I’m good, I’m good; don’t worry.” You hiccup and wipe a stray tear from the corner of your right eye. You can’t believe this. “Go get your bread and oh, for the record? I totally get why you rush here. Their marble taro is really something else. You better hurry up; I heard the cashier said they’ll be making the last batch for the day.”
You smirk when the walking furnace’s eyes widen in horror. They darted into the bakery without a single word. The bell chimes loudly when they rush to yank the door and scramble towards the counter.
Just for the fuck of it, you lean against the window and decide to wait. Snippets of frantic conversation can be heard inside and it wasn’t long before the bell tinkle once more. 
The stranger that bumped into you pout, clutching a huge paper bag of pastries close to their chest as if they feared you would snatch it. “You lied.” 
“Shocker, I know.” You tease and then you feel your blood froze despite the warm morning. You suddenly recalled where and from whom you heard those words before and quickly stomped the image out of your head. 
“Uh, dude? Are you sure you’re alright? You look super pale.” The stranger narrowed their eyes on you. Despite the blatant concern on their face and how genuinely friendly and cheerful their voice is, you get the feeling that they’re trying to pull you apart by the seams to see if you would lie or not. 
So you opt for the honest option. “I will be.” You assured them. “Just some… bad memories pop up.” 
“Huh, well that sucks.” They glance at the bag of pastries for a moment, silent and contemplating. They then thrust it practically in your face before you could do so much as flinch. “You want some? Food always helps me feel good when I’m sad.” 
The loaves of bread smelled really good but for the second time, you giggled. “No, no, I’m full. Thank you though; that’s very kind of you to offer.” 
“It’s only the right thing to do.” They reply with an easy shrug. You get the feeling that the stranger’s kindness is something remarkable. “The name is -” 
Across the street, a truck driver pressed the horn when the car in front of him refused to budge despite the traffic lights having switched from red to green for ten minutes now.
“ - but you can call me Angel; all my friends do. Now that we’ve bumped into one another, your destiny just altered. Our fates will forever be intertwined once you give me your name.” 
Oh, you like where this is going.
“I’m - ” The driver in front of the truck kicked open his door and proceeded to shout at the truck driver. A line of cars gradually formed behind the vehicle and horns began to blare as a brawl broke out in the middle of the road. “ - nice to meet you!” 
“A lovely name…” Here your new friend - Angel - trailed off, their eyes appraising your body. “For a lovely soul. Lovely. Huh. Can I call you that?” 
Gorgeous, brimming with moxie mix with a spoonful of friendly flirting? Oh, you like them more and more by the second. 
Also, you idly wondered if there’s some weird magic attached to your name or else this is going to be a pattern every time you introduce yourself. 
“Sure.” You answered, and the two of you shook hands. 
“Say… who do you think would win? Godzilla or King Kong?” 
“Psh, is that even a question? Godzilla, obviously. He’s the king of monsters for a reason! And grandpa got his Atomic Breath; what does Kong even have?” 
“You. I like you. I have a feeling that this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.” 
When there’s no escaping from Angel’s octopus arm of love and friendship around your shoulders, you let yourself be swept away. 
“So you’re an Electro Energetic?” 
“Got any plans on what you’re going to be in the future?” 
“To shed my mortal body and transform into King Ghidorah.”
“...Can I be the left head?”
“I was hoping you’d ask that. We need the right head, though.” 
“I’ll give my friend a call; they’re a Freelancer studying at D.A.M.N too. Maybe you’ve seen them around?”
“Wait - you said your boyfriend is a Vampire?”
“He’s more of a dork than a Vampire, but yeah.”
“Cool, cool. Hey, my boyfriend is a Werewolf. Do you know what this means?” 
“...Twilight marathon?” 
“Twilight marathon! We have to do it. Let’s go, Lovely; you’re going to crash at my place for the best movie night of your life!” 
“I’ll grab some food and drinks from my place. Will be there in twenty minutes.” 
“This is the third time I’ve watched these movies and I think they just got worse over the years.” You complained, chugging down your fourth can of Red Bull. You don’t drink, so you wondered if this is how it feels like to slowly go drunk. Or high. 
You’re in your sleep wear - a simple black shorts and one of Vincent’s t-shirts. Exhausted, stomach bloated with snacks; you feel like shit. Your body is seconds away from saying fuck it and crash down. 
And yet you’ve never felt so alive before. 
The time on your phone says it's 3.23 AM; you and Angel slough through the first two movies and now finally, the end credits for Eclipse roll down on the TV screen. Angel lives with their boyfriend - who was on a business trip, coincidentally - in a very homely apartment. When you first entered, you could tell just what sort of couple they are. 
The place looks as if a small tornado tried to turn the apartment upside down but was fended off just barely - little knick knacks such as rainbow beaded bracelets were carelessly thrown on the kitchen counter behind a microwave, a crop top with printed bongo cats floating within a glittered galaxy is drape over a dining chair, three heart-shaped balloons knock against one another from the living room’s ceiling and for some reason, the USB stereo is on the floor playing Black Pink’s Pretty Savage. 
The other half of the apartment - the more organised side - are filled with neatly shelved books of all genres, an untouched bowl of fruits are on the coffee table and most of the expensive-looking dishes and silverwares are displayed behind a glass cabinet. Those were probably gifts from family and friends. 
You spend an entire day here, engaging in stupid but fun conversations with Angel, painted each others’ nails and even shop online for the sluttiest outfit that you two could find just for the hell of it before binge-watching the entire Twilight series. 
Unlike you, however, Angel is buzzing around like a hyperactive bunny on crackhead energy. Halfway through New Moon, she busted out stacks of colourful sticky notes, some thumbtacks and a huge yarn ball. You watch with utter fascination as they begin to furiously write down every little thing about the Vampires and Werewolves representations from the movies to your and their boyfriend. 
It’s 3.25 AM now. The entire living room wall looks like an abstract form of an art piece, made of common stationeries. 
Hair in a messy bun, a stick of strawberry pocky dangling from their lips like a lit cigarette, a black sharpie in one hand and dressed in black cat onesie, Angel tapped on the piece of red sticky note that wrote ‘culture appropriation or nah?’
“So what have we learned so far?” 
“Vampires don't sparkle.” You immediately piped up and this time, cracked open a can of black coffee. A brand name from Japan, but the bitter tang immediately zolt your already fried nerves to maximum level. You love it. “Period.” 
“Noted! Now, does this make Stephenie Meyer racist!?” 
You actually had to pause and consider that. “Will need to get you back on that one.” 
Angel hurried to scribble ‘remind Lovely for feedback’ inside the same note. “Very well. We shall move on to the Werewolves.” They start to list down the characteristics of the Werewolves portrayed in the movies and then compare them to their boyfriend; but the thing is, they didn’t realise that they verbally list down the quirks of their Shifter lover instead. 
You find it cute that Angel rambled on and on about someone named Davey, so you didn’t interrupt them. Hell, you’d be the same with Vincent. 
It wasn’t long before the two of you got sidetracked from comparing your lovers to spilling the tea about your relationships. 
“After we first slept together, I said to Davey, “Thanks for the sex, bro” complete with a peace sign and a wink. He got so mad that he refused to let me off the bed until I promised to stay.” Angel laughs fondly. They tear open a bag of Cheetos Puffs and throw one into your open mouth. The two of you celebrate with a high-five. 
“Vince freaked out when I told him he was my first.” You chewed, swallowed and washed the after taste of the junk food with even more coffee. Who needs sleep when you could reach divinity with cans of Red Bulls, Kirin Fire coffees and junk foods. “He was extra sweet to me the next day as if he was trying to make up for how rough he was. You could totally see how precious he is from Pluto.” 
“That’s so cute!” Angel cooed. “You’ve landed the golden D, dude. Congrats.” 
“Sounds like you’re the same. To us!” 
You clink your can of coffee with Angel’s bottle of Mountain Dew. 
Eventually, the night made way to the rising sun and the final scene of Breaking Dawn came to a close. The living room is a total mess - blankets and pillows are strewn all over the floor, empty bags of chips, cans and bottles are underneath the coffee table and you swore that one rolled underneath the couch and the wall is still a sad, modern version of cubism with strings. 
“So…” You tilt your head to stare at a wide-eyed Angel, still buzzing with energy. “Want to play Mario Kart? Loser has to let the winner dress them for the day.” 
“You’re on! I hope you like crop tops” 
Vincent couldn’t stop bouncing his leg. The airport is bustling with people rushing for their early morning flights despite dawn barely peeking from the horizon. Like most of the humans around them, Vincent and Will are waiting for their boarding gate to open. 
Speaking of Will, he had wandered off to inquire about their time of arrival to one of the help counters somewhere near the vending machines that they passed. 
These past three days felt like three years without Lovely at his side. Vincent was an idiot to think that a few simple phone calls were enough to chase the yearning of his undead heart for his lover. His sweet and strong, Lovely. 
How are they right now? Judging from the different time zones, Vincent reckoned that it’s nearly midnight where the city of Dahlia is right now. Is Lovely getting ready for bed? What did they have for dinner? How was their day? 
An amused chuckle startled Vincent from his musing. “Oh Vincent, did your phone somehow insult you? You’ve been glaring at it for at least five minutes since I’ve returned.” 
“G-Geez! Don’t sneak up on me like that, old man.” Vincent mumbled, he nearly dropped his phone from his Sire’s sudden and silent appearance. 
“Apologies. Perhaps you should give them a call?” Will suggested as he took a seat beside him. He offers a warm, knowing smile at Vincent’s confused expression. “You wore a lovelorn expression when you stared at your phone. Do us both a favour and call your Lovely, hmm?” 
“...I shouldn’t. They’re probably sleeping - ”
“Maybe. Or maybe not. For all you know, they might still be up, waiting for you to call them.” 
Vincent gave in. He desperately needed to hear Lovely's voice. Besides, their sleepy whines are so adorable and he misses them terribly. 
Will occupied himself with a John Grisham book while Vincent pressed familiar numbers and held his phone up to his ear. Lovely answered in less than a minute. 
“Hey, Lovely.” Vincent greets, feeling the uneasiness and longing untangled themselves from his chest. He can’t wait to return home and have them in his arms again. The next time he has to go on a business trip again, he’ll bring Lovely along. If Will has a problem with it, he could take Alexis. “Sorry for calling you again so late at night. I… I just need to hear your voice again. Anyway, are you on the bed - ”
“Oh my god, did you just throw your underwear at me!?” 
“Uh, Lovely?” 
Vincent immediately pull the phone away when his ear is assaulted by a cacophony of K-pop music blaring in the background, accompanied by an obnoxious laugh of glee and Lovely’s mutterings of “That slut is going to get it now”, “300% sugar in your boba tea? Dude, just do cocaine instead!” and “Oh, Dilf alert! He has a French accent too? A solid 8/10 from me, definitely.” 
Beside him, Will snorts. He happily ignores the glare Vincent threw at him and flips a page. 
But for a brief, crazy moment, Vincent was struck with fear at the thought of his lover harbouring a secret crush on his Sire. He still remembers how freely Lovely blush and giggle whenever Will was around.
“Lovely? Is everything alright?” Vincent tries again, straining to hear through the music and someone’s chattering. Who is with his Lovely past midnight? He starts to worry and feel… a little uncomfortable. 
“Vincent? What’s up, baby? You don’t usually call me so late.” Lovely reply, sounding a bit distracted. Suddenly, Vincent heard a crash, followed by a, “It’s not broken! It’s all good!” 
“Where are you? What’s going on? Are you at a party?” Vincent didn’t demand, he inquired as firmly as possible. Flashes of his Lovely dancing at a club or hanging out with some faceless man and woman keep popping in his mind. It stirs his bloodlust. 
Will idly pat his hand to calm Vincent down, eyes still glued to his book. 
“I’m at home; had a friend over for the night. The apartment is just… too quiet without you.” 
Lovely’s easy and genuine admittance settled something feral inside of Vincent. He guessed that his lover and their friend must be having a sleepover. 
“I’m sorry that I had to leave, Lovely.” Vincent murmurs. “Will and I are at the airport right now. We should be boarding in thirty minutes.” Here, he paused and continued in a quieter tone, “I’ve missed you so much, Lovely. I’ve left my heart with you and… well, it’s just not the same without you.”
“See!? Prime example of a golden D there, Lovely!” Someone - Vincent assumed is his lover’s friend - shriek in the background. 
Their sudden shriek didn’t surprise him. What did, however, was another, stranger’s voice joining in their conversation. 
From a couple of seats, right in front of Vincent. Right here in the airport. 
“Don’t shriek into the phone, Angel! Are you trying to make me go deaf in one ear!?” 
The man - no, Shifter, grumbled. Vincent could smell the scent of lush forest and dirt around him; a Werewolf, then. But his nature wasn’t the reason why Vincent’s jaw is hanging open. 
Will, who had given up the pretence of reading his book, couldn’t hold himself back from grinning widely. He already connected the dots, unlike Vincent. “Oh my, isn’t that Alpha Shaw? He must be on a business trip as well! What a small world.” 
Luckily Vincent was clutching his phone tightly or not he would’ve dropped it in shock. Alpha Shaw? No way… David Shaw!? The Alpha of the Werewolf’s pack in Dahlia!? What the fuck - 
“Turn down the volume, Angel, before the neighbours call the police!” Lovely shouted back. 
In front of him, Vincent and Will watch the impressive scowl on David Shaw’s - the Werewolf King of Dahlia, himself - face. “Uh, excuse me? The fuck? It’s way past midnight, Angel. Where are you; who are you with?” 
“Looks like your lover made a new friend.” Will said in mock-whisper. Even though both of them knew full well that the Shifter wouldn’t be able to hear them from where they are in his human form. “I have a feeling that the Shaw pack and the Solaire clan will be closely in touch in the coming days.” 
Vincent shakes his head; truly, his Lovely is something else. Without hesitation, the Vampire Prince got up to introduce himself to the annoyed Werewolf. He didn’t take it personally when the Shifter shot him a glare for interrupting his phone call. If looks could kill, well, let’s just say that Vincent is thankful that being a Vampire means that he’s not about to be a Werewolf’s chew toy anytime soon. 
“Hi. I’m Vincent Solaire - yes, you heard that right - and before you ask, I’m pretty sure our lovers are currently hanging out at my place right now.” 
That got the Alpha to do a wonderful imitation of a statue. He wouldn’t look out of place at the Louvre, Vincent thought.
David exhales loudly - as if he damn close to being done with everything that this world has to offer - before addressing his lover on the other side of the phone. “The things you got yourself into, you damn troublemaker.” No doubt that David probably isn’t too keen to know that his mate is friends with a Vampire’s lover, but Will has a knack for turning enemies to allies; he’ll let his Sire deal with the politics once they get back to Dahlia. 
“You love me!” Angel smugly replied. “Oh and guess what? We binge watched the entire Twilight movie series and we got some questions!” 
“And uh, just a heads up.” Lovely’s voice hesitantly chimes through Vincent’s phone. “We haven’t slept since you guys left. I mean, I slept the day you left Vince, but, uh...” 
Vincent winces and politely ignores David’s flow of cursing under his breath. 
They left home for only three days, surely their apartments are still standing and their lovers aren’t drunk, high or planning to commit anarchy!
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For Maribat March day 24 theme story
Master List 
“You know I remember the day I first saw him. My baby brother.” Marinette announced as all the Batkids formed a circle around her, like they were all students listening to their teacher read a story. Only this wasn’t an ordinary story she was telling, “Mom and Dad came home from the hospital holding a tiny human. I was 7 at the time, yet even after all these years I still remember.” 
“Was baby Bruce cute?” Steph asked. 
“He was the cutest little thing. His eyes were so innocent and curious, and blue, very blue. And when he grabbed my finger he didn’t let go until it was time for my mom to feed him. But baby Bruce was also boring, he did the traditional baby things like cry, poop his diaper, cry, eat baby food, and cry. But you wanna know what wasn’t boring, toddler Bruce.” All the Batkids subconsciously leaned in closer, eager to hear what embarrassing things Bruce did as a kid. “You know, my parents gave us nicknames when we were both toddlers, they called me butterfly, and him rhino.” 
“Why?” Tim blurted out, he didn’t get enough sleep to stop himself. 
“They said that when I was younger, I would float around like a butterfly, floating with the wind. But when my brother was younger he headbutted into everything, it was like his only solution to his problems. I’m surprised he didn’t get brain damage or something, hence the nickname rhino. I was their little butterfly and he was their little rhino. Those were good times.” 
“Wait, but you said that you went to school in Paris, right? So what happened there?” Babs interjected, curiosity written all over her face. 
“Don’t worry Babs, I’m getting there. Soon Bruce was no longer a toddler but a little kid. Now I know he doesn’t remember this, but when it was his first day of kindergarten, he was 5 I was 12, and I went with our mom to pick him up. He was holding hands with this girl, she was adorable, had her hair in pigtails and everything, ran up to me and said ‘Nettie Nettie! This is Josie and she’s my best friend!’ It was the cutest thing, it was only his first day of school and he had a best friend. We won’t talk about her parents or the fact that she moved the following year, but it was so cute in the moment. He had another friend, Logan, for a few years but he moved away too. I’m glad he moved away, he was such a bad influence on Bruce.” Her eyes landed on Cass who was trying to grab her attention.
“Why was this Logan a bad influence?” Cass signed. 
“Think of Logan as that one kid who always got detention, skipped class, didn’t do the work, talked back to the teacher, and always got his parents called in, but in the body and energy of a 9 to 14 boy. I mean, when they were in the 8th grade he tried to get Bruce to smoke. Pretty sure he was sent to military school or something. Good riddance.” 
Damian scoffed, “You still haven’t answered the question of how you ended up in Paris.”
“Oh I haven’t! Dang it I was rambling again. So when I was 12 our parents decided it would be a good idea to send me to an art school in Paris, since I was and am very into designing and our parents wanted to get me out of Gotham. They were going to do the same with Bruce but…” She trailed off and for the first time since they had met her she seemed to close in on herself as a few tears trickled down her cheek, “They would’ve loved you guys, if they got to meet you. I wasn’t there when it happened so I’m nowhere near as traumatized as Bruce but it still hurt.” She brought her sleeve up and wiped the tears off her face. 
Dick got up from his spot and hugged Marinette, Cass went over and did the same. 
“Thank you guys, man that was such a downer. Here I thought I would be telling you happy, silly stories about Bruce and now I’m crying.” 
Dick and Cass took a step back to give her more room and Cass signed, “You might not have been there, but they were your parents too.”
“Thank you Cass, now who wants to hear about how Bruce tried to impress a girl for the first and last time?” 
“Hell Y-” Jason was interrupted by Bruce’s voice. 
She whirled around and at the doorway stood Bruce, he probably just got home from work.
“Baby Bro! You’re finally home!” She ran over and picked him up in a hug. All the kids' jaws were on the ground, this woman who was a head shorter than Bruce was able to pick him up without any problems. 
“Marinette you can put me down, we’re getting too old for this.” Bruce tried to say with the little dignity he had left. 
“I’ll never be too old to carry you!” Marinette stated, grinning from ear to ear.
“Wait so are you gonna tell us about how Bruce tried to impress that one girl?” Duke innocently asked. 
“Oh yeah,” She ran back over to them, “Her name was Finely and-” 
“Don’t tell them about that!” Bruce yelled at her. 
“Why not?” Marinette challenged.
“No, don’t Marinette me! I refuse to let Kate be a cooler aunt than me! I mean I helped train you for goodness sake!” 
“Wait, you helped train him?” Damian questioned. 
“Well yeah-”
“I wanna hear that story!” Tim shouted, seeming to not be as sleep deprived as he once was mere minutes ago. 
“Wait no! I wanna hear about how B embarrassed himself in front of Finley!” Jason shouted back. 
Soon all the batkids had taken sides on which stories they wanted to hear first and then it was war. Marinette and Bruce watched from the sidelines, one amused, one annoyed. 
“Now look at what you’ve done.” Bruce stated, annoyance and tiredness clear in his voice. 
“Hey I was just trying to give them a good story. They’re your kids so you get the joy of reining them in,” She checked the time on her phone, “Yikes that late already huh. Bye kiddos see you tomorrow!” 
Although none of them heard her over their screams and battle cries. It wasn’t until a full hour later when Babs finally pointed out she was gone. 
“Where’d she go?” Steph asked. 
“Miss Marinette left quite a while ago, Miss Steph,” Alfred answered, appearing out of nowhere as always, “Now I believe it is time for dinner.” 
All the batkids made their way to the dining room, frowns on their faces. When Bruce finally sighed, “She’ll be back tomorrow.” Against his better judgement. 
Marinette only brought chaos with her and left a mess behind in her wake. But in the end she was his sister, one of the only things still standing despite how much his life tried to knock her down, it’d be wrong to ask her not to come back. So with a sigh he sent the text he knew she was waiting for. ‘Your welcome back tomorrow.’
Look who’s back from the dead! School killed me but I am back. I think what I’m gonna do is post 2 things for Maribat March despite it no longer being March every time I come back. So day 18 was where we had Little Sis Marinette, now we have Big Sis Marinette. I have not given up on Maribat March, life simply got busy. Hope everyone enjoyed this!
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nightbrightwrites · 4 years
A Good Classic
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~ A/N: I’m a bit nervous about posting here; I love writing but I’ve never written an imagine before. Hopefully you all like it, and feel free to let me know what you think and what you want to see!
Summary: You’ve always loved to read, and you weren’t going to let moving into the dorms separate you from your precious tomes! What you didn’t account for, was how the hell you were going to get everything upstairs. Luckily for you, a certain lightning bolt boy was ready and able to offer some help, and maybe get a date out of it too...
Reader is male, btw! Trans or cis isn’t specified, but I am a trans man myself so there will definitely be more trans male oriented content in the future!
Disclaimer: Most of the books mentioned here are English classics; I didn’t want to misrepresent any Japanese titles that I haven’t read. Thank you for your understanding!
You had never regretted your love of reading. It had been a constant in your life for as long as you could remember, and moving into the U.A. dorms wasn’t going to change that. When you woke up that morning, it had been with excitement at the thought of finally moving your books into your dorm. The past few days had been setting up the shelves, and now it was finally time to fill them.
What you didn’t ever think to consider was just how the hell you were going to get all the boxes to your room on the second floor, especially because the elevator was still getting fixed after a certain SOMEONE lost their temper once again.
Thanks Bakugo.
Getting the many boxes to the dorm building wasn’t too bad; you’d had the help of some of the other students of U.A. But none of them could stay, so the task of getting every box up the stairs and to your room, not to mention unpacked and organized, fell onto your shoulders. The sun was shining as of now, the air sweet with the promise of flowers blooming with the incoming spring, but if the forecast was to be believed and rain was on its way, then you needed to get it together and fast.
Before you could steel yourself to bend over and grab the first box, someone calling your name grabbed your attention.
“(Y/N)!” Kaminari was jogging to you with his ever present grin, boyish in its charm and more than enough to bring your own smile rising to the forefront. “What’s with all the boxes?”
At the reminder of your plight, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “I brought some books from home-”
“Some?!” Kaminari’s eyes bulged as he looked around at the many boxes surrounding the entrance. Luckily no one had needed to get around you, but you wanted to get these books safe and sound before the rain started.
“Yes, some!” You scoffed. “What can I say, I have good taste and I didn’t want to leave them behind! I just...” You rubbed at your temple. You thought about asking your classmates, but you didn’t know where they were and something didn’t sit right with leaving your books out here while you ran to find someone.
“Did you text someone to help? How’d you even get all of these here?” Kaminari looked way too amused in the face of your frustration, though he raised his hands in placation when you turned your gaze onto him.
“My friends helped me get them here, but they didn’t stick around. And I...don’t have anyone else’s number.” That was a lie, completely and utterly, but you also refused to admit that the thought of texting had completely slipped your mind. it just wasn’t something you were willing to admit, especially to Kaminari who’d never let you live it down.
“Yikes.” Kaminari looked around at your situation one more time, before his eyes met yours once more. He seemed to be considering something, lips pursed in thought, until he finally gave a lazy shrug.
“I’ll help!”
Saying that you were taken aback was an understatement. “...You?”
Kaminari’s bright grin dropped, and you had a to bite back a snort. “Sorry, sorry. I just wasn’t expecting that. Thank you, you’re the best!”
“Ah ah, don’t go singing my praises yet, pretty boy!” Kaminari kept talking, but your head was a little more focused on the pet name. Pretty boy, huh? No one had ever called you that before, and you...kinda liked it. Even though it threw you off balance, it was worth it for the butterflies that erupted in your stomach.
“Hello? Earth to (Y/N)! Don’t make me have to zap ya!” A hand waving in front of your face snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Were you listening to me?”
“No.” With that, you picked up a box and headed inside, rolling your eyes fondly at Kaminari’s protests. Soon enough you heard him stomping behind you, muttering something about the box being filled with rocks instead of books.
“So, Pride and Prejudice, huh?” Kaminari lifted the book with a raised brow.
You two had managed to get the last box inside just as the rain started, and both of you were exhausted to say the least. You didn’t want to keep him any longer, but he offered to unpack your books and you really could use the help.
You weren’t, however, going to take his shit. “Kaminari, I know for a fact that you like the classics just as much as I do.”
“Pfft, what? No way-”
“I know that you sit in the library every Friday before curfew to read in the little corner over in the history section. I sit there too sometimes, it’s very comfy.”
Kaminari sputtered for a moment, during which you took the time to load up your poor shelves with more literature. Listening to the usually confident boy sputter for a moment was a lovely soundtrack, though you silently prayed he didn’t short circuit. Your poor books couldn’t handle it.
“...S-So are you just stalking me or something? If you liked me that bad you could’ve just asked me out.” He chuckled, still slightly off-kilter. He hoped he was sounding at least somewhat flirty, but from the funny look you gave him, he wasn’t doing that good of a job.
“In your dreams, maybe.” You chuckled. “No offense, but I don’t think you’re my personal Mr. Darcy.”
“Mr. Rochester?”
You paused. “Is this your way of telling me you’re gonna lock me in the attic?”
Kaminari’s grin never dropped so fast, and you had to stifle a snort behind a hardcover.
“Come on, throw me a bone here (Y/N)!”
“I’m free tomorrow.”
Kaminari blinked, feeling his face heat ever so slightly. “H-Huh?”
“You wanted a bone, yes? I’m free tomorrow if you wanted to-”
“Yes!” Kaminari fist-pumped, already running through ideas in his head. “You won’t be disappointed, (Y/N)!” He sprinted out of the room, careful not to trip over or God forbid, step on any of your books.
“Kaminari, we’re not done-! And he’s gone.” You sighed, shaking your head fondly. Luckily you were almost done shelving, though it took you a bit longer than usual; your mind was a bit preoccupied with your date tomorrow.
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suituuup · 4 years
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pieces - chapter nine
Five years ago, Chloe dropped off the face of the Earth. Beca didn’t expect to see her again dancing in a strip club, out of all places.
rated: E (drug use and emotional abuse in early chapters)
ao3 link
 Beca called out when she came home that evening, pizza box in hand. She dropped her keys into the bowl by the entrance and toed off her boots, rounding the corner to the living room.
 She had noticed a definite shift in Chloe’s overall demeanor ever since Chloe decided to keep the baby.
 A light in her eyes that wasn’t there before, which reminded her of the Chloe she once knew, who was slowly coming back to life.
 It was weird and a little scary to think about how a newborn was going to be living with them in six months. She didn’t know how involved Chloe wanted her to be, but Beca was ready to help, whether it be with prepping the room, shopping for little Bean, or getting up at night to change diapers and feed them a bottle.
 “Hey,” Chloe greeted softly from her spot on the couch, clad in sweatpants and Beca’s Bellas hoodie she had kept since that night. “How was work?”
 “Good.” They’d just finished layering the song, but Beca chose to keep that to herself, as she wasn’t sure she was ready for Chloe to hear it, yet. “How was your NA meeting?”
 Chloe smiled and grabbed her purse, fishing for something in it. She produced a chip, showing it to Beca. The words      60 days clean and serene     were written on it, the NA logo on the other side.
 Beca beamed. “Holy shit, Chlo! That’s amazing!”
 She knew some days weren’t easy, even if Chloe’s overall mood seemed brighter, and she was insanely proud of her friend.
 “Yeah, I’m... “ Chloe shook her head. “I honestly didn’t think I would make it that far, when I got out of rehab,” she paused, meeting Beca’s eyes. “Thank you. For believing in me, and supporting me. I honestly-- I don’t know where I’d be if it weren’t for you.” She fiddled with the chip and smiled softly. “Now let’s make it to six months.”
 “Six months,” Beca echoed, nodding. “That sounds like a great goal.” She tilted her head to the side. “Have you talked to your parents today? How’s your dad?”
 “Yeah. He’s good, I think. I feel like he wouldn’t tell me if he was in pain, though.”
 “Did you tell them about Bean?” Beca asked softly.
 “No, I… I really want to tell them in person, once I’ve… told them the truth. Which is why I wanted to ask you…” Chloe nibbled on her bottom lip, clearly hesitant. “Would it be okay if I borrowed some money so I could visit them? I hate to ask this with everything you’re doing for me, and I promise I’ll pay you back when I get a job.”
 “Chlo,” Beca said gently, smiling. “Of course it’s okay. I’m glad you’re visiting them. That’s the first goal on your list, isn’t it?”
 Chloe nodded. “Yeah. And I was also wondering if-- you’d like to come with me? I know you’re busy, so I totally get if you can’t.”
 Beca pondered on that for a few beats. She was touched that Chloe offered for her to come along, and she hadn’t taken a break in a long time. “I’d love to. When did you want to go?”
 “Ideally before I start showing to the point where I can’t hide it anymore,” Chloe answered with a cringe as she rubbed the small bump hidden under her hoodie. “I guess I should be good for another month and a half or so?”
 Beca hummed. “Memorial day weekend is in three weeks, I could take Thursday and Friday off so we have three whole days there?”
 “That sounds perfect,” Chloe murmured. “I also wanted to know if it was okay if I invited Aubrey over for dinner next weekend? Now that I feel a little better.”
 “Of course. I’d love to see her, too. But I can totally hang out at Sarah’s if you guys want a one on one evening?”
 Chloe shook her head. “No, no, you can stay here.” She cleared her throat. “Is Sarah… okay with the situation?”
 “I uh, I haven’t told her yet,” Beca said. “About the baby, I mean. I wasn’t sure if you were okay with me telling her, yet.”
 “Oh. No, you can tell her.”
 “Okay, I will when I see her tomorrow,” Beca said. “I bought a bacon-mushroom pizza with pineapple on one half. You hungry?”
     “Starving.     I don’t know what it is with Bean, but I can’t stop eating.”
 Beca chuckled and pushed to her feet, giving Chloe a boost up. She padded to the island and opened the box, then headed to the cabinet to get two plates out. “Are we watching      The Bachelor?    ”
 She froze in her motion when Chloe zoomed down the hall, the sound of retching reaching her ears next.
 “Shit,” Beca muttered, setting the plates down on the counter before following after Chloe. She knelt by her and gathered her hair in her hand, rubbing her back in slow circles.
 “Bean doesn’t like mushrooms,” Chloe mumbled once she was done, reaching up to flush the toilet.
 “Are you sure it’s not the pineapple on pizza thing? Now      that’s     gross.”
 Chloe threw her a playful glare as she rested her back against the wall. “It’s definitely the mushrooms.”
 “I’ll go toss the pizza and open up some windows to clear the air. Want some ginger ale?” She had stocked up on that since it seemed to help Chloe with her morning sickness, which was lessening now that she had reached the end of her first trimester.
 “Sure, thanks.”
 Beca came back a minute later with a can and offered it to Chloe, lowering herself next to her. “Are you excited for your appointment next week?”
 Chloe took a sip. “Yeah. And nervous. Less so now that I’m past twelve weeks, but I’m scared something bad might pop up on the screen.”
 Beca’s hand came to rest on Chloe’s thigh. She had read into the possible complications cocaine use during pregnancy could have on a baby: premature delivery, malformations, weaning at birth… cocaine wasn’t as bad as opiates, and Beca had read that only 3-5% of babies had birth defects, but it was still enough to trigger some worry.
 “Want me to come with you?” She asked, always cautious when it came to not overstepping.
 Chloe covered Beca’s hand with her own, a small smile curving her lips. “Yeah.”
 Beca smiled back, then reached for her phone in her pocket and pulled up the app she was looking for. She angled her screen towards Chloe. “Bean is the size of a lemon this week.”
 Chloe cocked an eyebrow. “You downloaded an app that follows the baby’s growth?”
 “Yeah.” Beca’s nose crinkles in awkwardness. “Is that weird?”
 “No,” Chloe says, shaking her head. “I think it’s sweet. Bean’s going to have the best auntie in the world.”
 Chloe’s words made Beca’s heart swell, and she cleared the sudden emotions rising in her throat.      God    , that baby wasn’t even born but she knew she was already a goner. Which was weird to think about, because she couldn’t      stand     kids. But this was Chloe’s, so it was bound to be adorable, even despite Marco’s genes.
 “Aunties,” she corrects after a while. “All twelve of them.” A smirk curves her lips as she shrugs. “I’ll just be the coolest one.”
 Chloe raised an eyebrow. “The one Bean will come to for dating advice?”
 Beca’s nose scrunched up. “Yikes. I’ll swing that one over to Stacie.      No    , Aubrey. Can’t trust Stacie with dating advice.”
 She looked down at her phone when it lit up with a text from Sarah, saying she had just got off work and asking Beca if she wanted to come over to her place and whether she had eaten dinner yet.
 “Is that Sarah?” Chloe asked softly.
 “Yeah… she asked me if I wanted to go over, but--”
 “I’ll be      fine,”     Chloe assured her with a soft chuckle. “I’ll probably pass out on the couch around 8:30. You should go.”
 Beca nodded. “Okay.” She pushed to her feet, sliding her phone in her back pocket. “See ya, Beale and Bean.”
 She smiled at the sound of Chloe’s giggle on her way out, sliding her boots back on and grabbing her keys before slipping out. Sarah lived a fifteen-minute car ride away on a good traffic hour. Beca parked in front of her building, having stopped on her way over to grab sushi from her favorite place.
 “Hey you,” Sarah greeted as she opened her door.
 Beca smiled, pecking her lips as she stepped inside. “Sushi?”
 Sarah groaned, plucking the paper bag from her fingers. “You’re the best.”
 Beca chuckled. “Long shift?”
 “Yeah,” Sarah breathed out as she padded to her living area, setting the bag on her kitchen counter. “Beer?”
 They caught up on their respective days while they ate, low music playing from Sarah’s speaker.
 “How’s Chloe doing?” Sarah asked as she cleared up their plates.
 “Pretty good, I think.” Beca twisted around on her stool, tracking Sarah with her eyes as she cleared her throat. “She’s uh, she’s pregnant.”
 There was a notable pause in Sarah’s movements, before she gently set the plates down on the counter. “Wow,” she let out as she turned around. “Is she… keeping it?”
 “Yeah,” Beca replied. “I didn’t tell you before now because she just reached twelve weeks and the risk of miscarriage was pretty high up to that point.”
 Sarah nodded slowly. “Is she okay?”
 “It’s a lot, but she seems to be adjusting pretty well. If anything, the fact that she’s pregnant is helping her stay strong against her cravings.”
 “Good, that’s good,” Sarah murmured. She nibbled on her lower lip, something she often did when she was nervous or irritated about something, Beca had noticed. “So um, is she going to stay at your place?”
 Beca furrowed her brow. “Well, yeah. She doesn’t have a job and barely just got back on her feet, I’m not going to kick her out.”
 “No, of course. I mean, long term,” Sarah corrected herself. “Because she isn’t going to move out when the baby is born either, I’m guessing.”
 Beca tilted her head to the side. “Does that… bother you? The fact that Chloe is around?”
 “I just--” Sarah sighed, glancing down. “I’m not sure where I fit in all this.”
 “What do you mean?” Beca questioned softly, sliding off her stool and taking the few steps separating her from Sarah.
 “I guess I was hoping we would move in together, somewhere in the near future.” She shrugged. “We’ve been together for over a year and we haven’t even broached the subject.”
 A soft sigh flitted past her lips.
 “And I feel like a jerk,      again    , because Chloe obviously can’t be on her own right now, and what you’re doing to help her is remarkable and it makes me love you even more, but… I want a relationship with a trajectory, not a flat line. Those sleepovers a few times a week, and having some of our clothes at each other’s place, it just doesn’t feel like enough anymore. At least not to me. I want us to start building something real, you know? Not… with your best friend and her baby living right across the hall.”
 Beca licked her dry lips, swallowing. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know-- I had no idea that’s how you felt.”
 “Bec, is that what you want, too?” Sarah asked then, softly, almost shyly, as though afraid of Beca’s answer. “Because if it’s not…”
 “Yes,” Beca said, nodding. “Of course it is.” At least she believed so. She had always struggled when it came to commitment, and that was probably the reason why an uncomfortable feeling spread in her belly at the thought of moving in with Sarah. “We’ll figure something out, I promise.”
 Beca spent the drive home playing her conversation with Sarah over and over in her head. She understood where Sarah was coming from, and was even surprised Sarah had stuck around when Beca was so emotionally stunted when it came to expressing her feelings. She hadn’t given much of a thought to wanting to change things so soon, as she felt comfortable with the pace they were going.
 A heavy sigh puffed past her lips when she made it inside her apartment. She changed for bed, washed her face and brushed her teeth, settling in bed just past eleven. A knock at the door pulled her attention away from her phone.
 “Come in,” she called out softly, smiling when Chloe’s head popped inside. “Hey. What’s up?”
 Chloe shuffled in and sat at the foot of the bed, seemingly deep in her thoughts. “I’m-- I’m struggling.”
 Beca straightened a bit from her slouched position and set her phone aside. “Come here, Chlo,” she coaxed, patting the space next to here. “Cravings?”
 Chloe sat against the headboard, drawing her knees to her chest. She tugged on the ends of her hair, then started to bite at her nails. She was shaking. “I keep— finding reasons as to why I should— I should take something, telling myself one drink won’t hurt the baby and it would just be to—to take the edge off.” She reached inside the front pocket of her hoodie and handed Beca a twenty dollar bill, unable to meet Beca’s gaze. “I-I stole this from the bowl by the door to go buy myself a bottle.”
 Beca swallowed and plucked it from her fingers, making a mental note not to leave any money laying around either.
 “Thank you for telling me,” Beca murmured, imagining how hard it must be for Chloe to admit that she almost slipped up, and knowing how important for her recovery it was that she reached out.
 Among the many things Beca had read about addiction, one thing stuck with her: the opposite of addiction is connexion, something Chloe had lost for a long while when she let her job and her toxic relationship consume her. But she wasn’t on her own anymore, and Beca believed that was a vital step to her recovery.
 “You’re the strongest person I know, Chlo. What you’re doing is incredibly brave, and I’m in awe of you every single day. There’s no shame in thinking about it. It’s a normal part of the process. What is important is the fact that you didn’t let the addiction win.”
 Chloe shut her eyes and nodded, her shoulders slumping as she released a long breath.
 “Have you tried… singing it out? Or… dancing it out?”
 Chloe shook her head. Beca pushed to her feet, grabbing her phone and shuffling through her playlist. Florence + The Machine’s      Shake It Out     started to play from her built in speakers as she rounded the bed and extended her hands out.
 “Come on, Beale,” she coaxed once more when Chloe hesitated, holding out both hands.
 Chloe eventually relented, but she stood there, seemingly unsure of what to do. The carefreeness that once inhabited Chloe was nowhere in sight, and Beca’s heart broke upon realizing it.
 But she wasn’t giving up.
 She broke into her robot dance routine, knowing perfectly well it didn’t go with the music at all. Acting like a dork did make Chloe crack a timid smile, which prompted Beca to keep going, grinning when Chloe started swaying to the beat, slowly at first as she closed her eyes, taking it all in.
 “Shake ‘em out, Chlo,” Beca said, reaching out to increase the volume as the chorus hit.
 And Chloe danced. For real this time, without any chains holding her back as she let the music and the lyrics carry her, spinning around as she sang to the top of her lungs.
     “Shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa  
     And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back  
     So shake him off, oh whoa…”  
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relenafanel · 4 years
Dicks (in every definition): a fake-relationship AU
Find it on Ao3:  Dicks (in every definition) by relenafanel
Tag: witcherauseptember
“I can’t believe anyone could be such an unmitigated puss-filled dick,” Essi said, staring at her phone in disbelief. Jaskier groaned and let his head thunk on the bar.
“I can.” His sticky forehead was the least disgusting part of the evening.  He'd just come out to forget his ex, and maybe celebrate being free a little (as fucked up as that was) and quite frankly felt attacked by his social media.
“If I believed it from anyone it would be that narcissist,” she conceded, biting on her lip.
“I know,” Jaskier agreed. “That’s the worst part. I feel like it’s my fault being blindsided by this, as though I should have known something was going to happen today.”
Essi snorted. “It’s not your fault your ex is the worst.”
“No, but I was with him for almost 3 years. I don’t know. That’s my fault.”
“Don’t be stupid,” she said. “Look at this desperate fucker. Do you actually think he’s winning? He might be in a new relationship but the look of this guy makes my vagina want to shrivel up and die.”
Jaskier took her phone from her and looked again. Yeah. Yikes. Valdo was definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel with that one. Jaskier hadn’t even tried to join any dating sites post-breakup, but he was pretty sure there were better options. It wasn’t even the guy’s looks so much as he just screamed skeevy douchebag. It was making Jaskier’s metaphorical vagina also want to die.
“You need to get drunk. Maybe laid.”
“No,” Jaskier said, an idea starting to form as he looked at the relationship status change. “No. I need to match pettiness with pettiness. I need to find someone so hot that I’d have trouble getting him - let alone Valdo with his sad, small dick - and make sure to post a picture on Facebook.”
“Would that make you feel better?”
Jaskier smiled with teeth. “I think it would.”
It was their third bar of the evening and Essi was definitely sick of the manhunt. She probably hadn’t realized that when Jaskier was judging men fully objectively and not looking for matching personalities (relationship goals) or a willing body (one night stand goals) he had incredibly discerning tastes.
Probably too discerning.
“How about him?” Essi asked, barely looking up from her phone. She gestured to a guy sitting at the bar trying to make eye contact with a woman across the room.
“Ehh,” Jaskier said. “Sweater vest.”
Essi rolled her eyes. “But cute.”
“I’m not looking for cute. I’m looking for eye-searing hot.”
“I’m having trouble remembering how you’ve ever been in any relationships with these unrealistic expectations.”
“Valdo thought I was hot.” Jaskier thought about that for a moment. “Did I stay with someone for three years out of flattery?”
“Probably. Fuck. Get therapy.”
“I am.”
“You’re going to be working on tonight for a while.”
Fucking true. “Oh god, we just saw Valdo’s taste in men. Tell me true… am I ugly.”
“You’re spiraling.”
“That’s not an answer!”
“You’re spiraling!”
“Yes,” Jaskier agreed, pulling at his hair. “I’m so aware.”
“Based on the guy in his status update I’m going to guess you’re the hottest guy he could get.”
“You’re a good friend.” Jaskier pressed his head against her shoulder.
Then, a table opened up across the room, revealing the man sitting on the other side of it. “Holy shit.”
Essi looked up. Then she looked up. “Wow.”
“I hope he’s into men,” Jaskier said. “Or at least willing to play along with pretending to be for long enough for you to get a picture.”
“You’re going to walk up to that?” Essi asked. “You have more balls than brains.”
That was probably true.
“Hi, I’m Jaskier,” he opened with, dropping into the seat across from the gorgeous man. Up close he was even more startlingly pretty, with a chin dimple that highlighted his strong jaw and drew attention to his mouth. “And my boyfriend broke up with me two months ago, only to post his new relationship on Facebook today. Our three year anniversary. It’s the dickest of moves, right?”
The man hummed in agreement, but otherwise didn’t stop frowning in Jaskier’s general direction. Like someone waiting for him to get to the point. Jaskier saw that frown often.
“The reason for the oversharing is that I just forced my best friend to follow me to three different bars to find someone so phenomenally hot for me to spend time with and get picture proof, and here you are. I’d do jazz hands but you don’t seem like someone who responds well to jazz hands.”
“What are jazz hands?”
What a voice. What a sexy, sexy voice. Jaskier knew what he was talking about. He was a connoisseur of voices.
Jaskier wiggled his fingers at him. Tada! “Jazz hands.”
“Huh.” The man took a drink of his beer. “You want to use me as a revenge plot?”
“Exactly. Can I buy you a drink?”
The man gestured to his mostly full beer. “I’m not drinking to get drunk tonight.”
That was only a no to the beer. “Nachos or some other foodstuff?”
The guy seemed possibly interested in food.  
“Fine,” he agreed.  
Facebook: Julian Alfred Pankratz is in a relationship with Geralt of Rivia.
“Who’s Julian Pankratz?” Geralt muttered, staring at his phone.
“What?” Jaskier groaned, coming out a shitty sleep to a few realizations:
He’d gone home with the hottest guy on earth, which he should be pleased about, AND WAS PLEASED ABOUT
He might throw up
He’d done something last night. Something he’d said “that’s up for tomorrow Jaskier to sort out” because his drunk self was apparently a fucking masochist, and now Jaskier wasn’t really sure what that was.
Only Geralt was still scowling at his phone and seemed to know his real name.
“Fuck,” Jaskier groaned. His mouth tasted like nachos and the regret of doing shots too late in life. He was 28 years old, not dead, but his hangover didn’t seem to know that.  “We didn’t get married , did we?”
Jaskier risked the light filtering in through the edges of the blinds to look at Geralt. His hair was beyond mussed - Jaskier didn’t know hair could get that tangled overnight. He was still frowning at his phone.
“I’ve been calling you Jaskier.”
“I go by Jaskier,” he promised. He was too busy having his own crises to deal with Geralt’s! For fucksakes. “Now, back to the marriage thing??”
Phew. That was probably on him. He wasn’t sure people could actually get fake married overnight. Legally. He’d seen a lot of movies, though.
Ok. Next problem.  “I might throw up.”
Geralt turned his head slowly to look at him. Yikes. Too much beautiful-man-face in his face for this early in the morning.
“It’s eleven,” Geralt told him in the dry tone that told Jaskier he’d said that all outloud.
“Eleven after getting to bed at what? Five? Eugh, boo. Do you have any food?”
Geralt did have food.
Well, Geralt had protein bars and electrolytes, which was basically the same thing. Jaskier could always fall on top of a burger on his way home if he had to.  He’d finally looked at his phone by the time he was halfway through his breakfast.
107 new notifications.
What the fuck?
Julian Alfred Pankratz is in a relationship with Geralt of Rivia
Geralt and I were going to wait until announcing this wasn’t an asshole move, but now that it doesn’t really matter, I just wanted everyone to know that I’m doing GREAT.
Attached to it was the picture of the two of them together that Essi had taken with the caption of “I wouldn’t feel too sorry for Jaskier tonight”
His drunk self had a lot to answer for. No wonder Geralt had been scowling at his phone.
“I can’t believe I went Facebook Official with someone I haven’t even had sex with yet,” Jaskier mourned. “What is it, 2007?”
It took Jaskier almost the full day to recover enough to actually look through his comments on Facebook. By the time he had, they’d almost doubled and he’d made the mistake of clicking into Instagram to find one of those quintessential happy-relationship-our-feet-are-cute-together bullshit pictures. He had a different following on Instagram, mostly using it for pictures of himself singing.
Yikes. Yikes. Yikes. This wasn’t a contained problem, if you could call their mutual friends and families on Facebook that had been gathering in the wings for 15 years a contained problem . Fucking Facebook. Jaskier friended people he’d met once. He had a database of acquaintances. It was great for - you know - being a musician looking for gigs. He’d done 15 weddings in the last year.
It was pretty shitty when he’d faked having a boyfriend so people wouldn’t feel bad for him.
But, as he read through the comments and realized that some of them weren’t for him, he realized that maybe he wasn’t the one with the biggest problem.
Jaskier: Did you just come out?
Jaskier: Are you EVEN INTO MEN?
Jaskier: BUT
Geralt: I see you’ve read the comments
Geralt: my brother
Geralt: bold and caps?
Jaskier: and italics what the fuck. Why’d you let me do this?
Jaskier: wait.
Jaskier: WAIT
Geralt: there it is
Jaskier: this was your idea
Jaskier: did you use me to tell everyone you know that you’re gay or bi or whatever you identify as?
Jaskier: what a brilliant opportunity last night was for both of us
Geralt: you went back to sleep and didn’t process any of this yet, didn’t you?
Jaskier had been seen with that, fuck. He made a face at his phone even though Geralt couldn't see it.
A few moments later a response to Lambert popped up from Geralt himself.
@Lambert who says I haven’t been getting dicked down this entire time you heteronormative asshole
Followed by someone named Yennefer posting a picture of a strap on.
Who were these people? Could you love someone based on how their friends reacted to their ill-advised fake-relationship status change? Asking for a friend.
Geralt: for context, that’s my ex-wife
Geralt: we’re ok
Geralt: especially when she’s helping me fuck with my brother
Jaskier was debating the merits of asking Geralt if he wanted to come up with a break-up plan or just date when another comment showed up.
Vesemir left a comment:
You’ll bring him to brunch tomorrow?
Geralt left a comment:
We’ll be there
Vesemir left a comment:
Leave the frightening device at home
Geralt left a comment:
He doesn’t need it
This was followed by a string of variations of LOL and OH SHITs from about 7 different people. Jaskier watched it all unfold feeling like he’d stepped into the middle of something he didn’t understand - yet. He was definitely in trouble, if the way his heart rate increased at Geralt’s he doesn’t need it was any indication. It wasn’t even the dick reference, though that was amazing. It was the snappy, quick response. The underlying sarcasm.
Jaskier had a type. He could end a fake relationship that was based on seeing a searing hot guy across a room, but it was a bit harder when the guy had a personality he liked. If Geralt turned out to have a heart of gold, Jaskier was screwed and would probably be proposing marriage by year’s end.
Yeah, we’ll be there , he commented.
Geralt: my dad
Geralt: thanks
Jaskier: no problem
Jaskier : gonna call
“So I’m thinking,” Jaskier said the moment Geralt’s face showed up on the video call. He was squinting at his phone like no one had ever tried to video call him before.
“Hi,” Geralt replied, looking amused.
“I’ve been debating the merits of planning a breakup for our fake relationship or just… dating? I’m thinking maybe we should date? Do you have input?”
“Dating’s fine.”
“But do you… are you even attracted to me? Would you pick me?”
Oh fuck, what was that?! Something new to bring up in therapy.
Geralt tilted his head.  “You don’t know this about me yet, but I’m capable of saying no. Overly capable, some of my family might tell you.”
“So you’re not saying no?”
“I’m pretty confident I said yes instead.”
“As Jaskier’s best friend and the only witness,” Essi said into the microphone, holding up a glass of champagne to salute the two of them. “Our happy couple gave me full permission to tell the story of what happened the night Geralt and Jaskier met. Like Jaskier himself, the story is partially an embarrassing tale of bad decisions, half-cocked plans, and a lot of heart.”
Jaskier grinned, and nudged his shoulder into Geralt’s.
“And,” Essi continued with glee, “dicks in every definition.”
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benscursedkid · 3 years
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*title from the song of the same name by mansionair and a continuation of this post* 
synopsis: rebekah and ben’s relationship progression throughout their second year at hogwarts. (plus some bonus of other characters too.)
pairing: ben copper x mc; ben copper x rebekah roberts
genre: angst, fluff, etc. 
words: 5.160
a/n: is it 5am rn for me? yes it is. did i skip the ice vault scene because i’m tired and lazy? you bet. also, i know they’re in second year and thus supposed to be around twelve years old but i’m pretty sure i forgot what being twleve felt like (must be all the repressed embarrassment yikes) so i apologize if this seems slightly too heavy or at times mature for that. but then again, this is hphm so y’know... trauma <3 also be warned, i’m tired so this is unedited as of rn. i’ll come back and edit it maybe tomorrow or the next day but if you’re reading this then i have not done so yet. pls, enjoy anyway!
She woke up that morning with a spring in her step. Her bags had been packed for weeks, her robes already ironed and an outfit laid out for the morning. She discarded it, choosing instead to pull another one out of her trunk and switching their spots. The young girl ran all over the house, picking up anything that had been thoughtlessly left out and almost forgot to take time to sit and eat breakfast. 
It was a thing her parents still tried to insist on. Eating meals as a family despite the fact that they are indefinitely one member short. Their motivation usually wore off by lunch only to be half-heartedly reignited by dinner. 
The effort is just what she’d wanted except…Rebekah hates it, truth be told. They do nothing more than inquire about Rowan and Ben, occasionally touching on the weather before falling silent again. And that’s how they remain for the rest of the night. Disappearing into their room seems to be more habit than pastime for them now and Rebekah is left to her own devices. They don’t watch her father’s favorite movies, they don’t make any plans for the next day, they don’t laugh over old jokes. Sometimes, when the moon is high and her spirits are low, she wonders why they can’t try like she does. To fix their family. Her brother may no longer be around, but surely she is enough to keep them going, right? Surely, knowing that they still have their daughter left is enough...isn’t it? 
Her thoughts often took those turns at home, but today she hadn’t let them get to her. Her parents could be heard getting ready for the day in the solace of their quiet room while Rebekah finished brushing her teeth and gathering some last minute research she had done the night before. Mysteries might be fun, but it’s about time this one got solved. 
They were even quieter on the way to King’s Cross than usual—even by their new standards—but Rebekah didn’t care this time. Her mind was too busy running in different directions to spare a moment to anything else. 
“You be careful, ‘Bek,” Her mother whispers presently into her hair, her thin arms wrapped around her small body in the tightest hug she’s received since she came home two months ago. Her voice is uneven and Rebekah can feel the quivering of her lips against her dark hair. “Stay in one piece, alright?”
“I will.” She promises swiftly, the words leaving her mouth without much thought. 
Her father tries for a smile that even he has to know doesn’t land. “Say hi to your friends for us, yeah? Let them take care of you.”
His voice was gentle, his tone and intentions soft and well-meaning, but Rebekah can’t help but bite her lips to keep back a frown. It is glaringly something he would never have said before and for whatever reason, she doesn’t like the fact that he says it now. 
Her father’s hand reaches the back of her head, his palm cradling her cheek affectionately as she pulls away from her mother. He seems about to hug her himself, but in a move strangely unlike him, he doesn’t. Somehow she knew it wouldn’t come. Somehow her heart breaks just a little more anyway. 
The train whistles and she notices that her trolley has already been taken to the luggage compartments. Sound and perception come back to her all at once as the atmosphere seems to crack. Students mill about them in tandem and the heavy scent of the train’s engine prickles at her delicate nose. Her mother and father find their place again, stuck together like glue, and take a small step back. When they look at her their eyes are tired. 
“Have fun, Rebekah.” Her father offers as her mother struggles to keep up her already thin façade of a collected person. 
She nods at them in farewell, her body already turning towards the train. “I will.” She says again. 
She hated the summer holidays this year, yet turning her back on her parents is still a stinging betrayal that quells the breath in her throat. She makes a point to not look behind her lest she fall apart all together. 
Fortunately, there are still some reunions to be had today, the first of which she walks into before even stepping onto the Hogwarts Express. With her arms held tightly around herself and her eyes cast downward, Rebekah doesn’t notice it when a familiar head of blonde hair sticks itself out the window as she approaches the steps. 
“Rebekah!” Cheers a soft voice, one that is usually not heard over the ring of the crowd. 
On instinct, her eyes follow the sound, landing on the sight of Ben Copper with his neck stuck all the way out a compartment window. Unwittingly, all her claustrophobia melts off of her and a giggle even falls like a trickle from her lips. Her hand comes up to cover it but she doesn’t miss the way Ben’s cheeks flush deep with pink. 
The sight only strengthens her smile. 
“Ben,” Rebekah greets with a grin, moving out the way of the steps to instead walk over to stand directly in front of his window. Her hand still hesitates between covering her mouth and balling into a fist at her side. She swallows the uncertainty down. “What in Merlin’s name are you doing? Doesn’t your neck hurt?”
He blushes again and Rebekah gets the overwhelming urge to ruffle his already messy hair which clearly still shines with product. “No! Well, not before you mentioned it…” 
She chuckles. “Looking for the best view?”
“Not anymore.”
Emotions grips her throat and her smile hesitates between freezing and growing even larger. For his part, Ben simply rubs at the back of his neck shyly, unable to meet her eye now. 
His mouth opens to respond when she doesn’t immediately say anything back, only to be interrupted before he starts by a much higher, much more enthusiastic voice. 
“Rebekah? Is that you?” Rowan gasps, pushing Ben slightly to now fit her head through the window. The blonde grimaces next to her, his nose scrunching up in discomfort and the scene is so comical Rebekah has to laugh. It comes off her chest like a heavy secret she hadn’t known she’d been carrying. 
“You’re here!” Her friend gushes, her lips splitting with a grin so wide Rebekah fears it may cut her face in half. ‘What are you doing standing out there? Come in, the train will depart soon!”
Rebekah doesn’t mention how absurd she looks with her head popping out of a window like a cartoon character. She merely shakes her head and does as she’s instructed. 
It doesn’t take long to find her way to the compartment, even with the onslaught of students now hurrying to board the train. The whistle sounds off again somewhere, but the happy chatter of children and teens mute the sound of it. She’s barely taken a single step into the compartment when Rowan launches herself at her for a hug. Rebekah returns it gently, ignoring the way the rim of the other girl’s glasses press intently into the skin by her ear. 
Rowan releases her quickly, her arm looping through hers and already beginning to speak a mile a minute about something or other Rebekah doesn’t quite manage to catch yet. Perhaps she would, if her eyes hadn’t caught on Ben’s. His own are a warm and welcoming gold with the rays of fading summer sunshine catching on them through the window screen. They cast little squares across his face that Rebekah finds difficult not to count before—
Welcome back, he mouths to her silently, not daring to interrupt Rowan now that she’s started on another one of her tangents. 
Rebekah grins, a slight blush of her own rising to her cheeks. She nods to signal her acknowledgement before turning back to Rowan, barely catching the end of her complaint about the library near her house. 
It’s good to be back. 
I haven’t seen him since we stepped off the Hogwarts Express, Penny will tell her later but only after Ben has already been gone. Why hadn’t she noticed his absence sooner? I’m a little worried, Rebekah. Especially after what happened last year with the cursed ice. 
She tried to bring it to McGonagall’s or Angelica’s attention earlier, but Dumbledore called for everyone to go immediately to their dorms after dinner. No exceptions. 
They were ushered to their rooms like cattle, their prefects doing their best to calmly give them orders. Chester, for his part, seemed to pay her some extra attention. In hindsight, Rebekah knows that he has good reason to be suspicious, but at the time his scrutiny only served to further agitate her. 
How could he have disappeared already? Why did no one see him leave? 
Why didn’t she? 
And why is it always those closest to her? 
Her sleep that night was fitful and her appearance the next morning was even worse. And just her luck, her least favorite person caught her at the door to Transfiguration the next time she tried to see McGonagall. 
“You look worried, Roberts.” 
Rebekah sighs, her usually level temper flaring at the mere sight of her troublesome classmate. “What do you want, Merula?”
The Slytherin smirks, looking nonchalantly at the black polish chipping from her fingernails. “I was just wondering if you’d had any luck finding that cowardly mudblood friend of yours.”
Her eyes snap sharply over to Merula’s. Green meets magenta in a swirl of anger and pride, each of them holding onto both. When Rebekah speaks, her voice is low and measured. “Do you know what happened to Ben?”
“I know more than you,” The other girl mocks but suddenly she doesn’t seem so teasing anymore. She takes a taunting step closer and despite the daylight peeking through the windows, her eyes darken with mirth. “I know that sometimes even when people are missing, they’re exactly where they’re supposed to be.” 
The words are more than just a punch to the gut. It’s bad enough to be reminded of Jacob’s absence, but implying that the world is better for it is…
Merula takes this moment of hesitation to drive her point home. “There are things happening at this school you could never begin to understand, Roberts,” Jacob did. “Trying to uncover those things is going to get you killed.” Like Jacob?
“No,” Rebekah shakes her head, her hands balling into fists she just barely manages to keep at her sides. “Trying to get in my way is only going to end up hurting you, Merula.”
Merula glowers at her, her lips twisting up into a snarl. “You’ll learn everything soon enough.”
“If you’re not going to help me find Ben,” Rebekah snaps, her glare sharper than she thinks it's ever been before. “Then just stay away from me, Merula.”
“As you wish, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Rebekah finally pushes past her, but her words linger in her head far into the rest of the day. 
“Please, Madam Pomfrey,” Rebekah pleads, pouring all of her worry and concern into the five syllables. “Someone should be with him!”
But the healer just arches an unconvinced eyebrow, refusing to move from her place blocking her entrance into the hospital wing. She crosses her arms at Rebekah’s comment. “And you’ve come to the conclusion that a skilled healer is not enough company, Miss Roberts?”
Rebekah makes a noise of frustration that sounds strangled in her throat. “He needs a friend, Madam!” The woman does not budge and Rebekah runs a fraught hand through her short black hair. She’d wrestled her Ravenclaw tie loose earlier and discarded her robes at her dorm the second she’d gotten back from the fifth corridor, figuring that it was only a matter of time until Ben got seen here. 
“I won’t bother him. I won’t bother you. I won’t bother anyone, I promise.” It’s been days since she’s heard from him, she was starting to worry... “Please,” She says eventually, the weight of all her troubles finally managing to drag her down. “I just want to see him.” 
Pomfrey studies her closely for a long time before something close to recognition flashes across her face. 
She steps aside. 
He doesn’t wake up for another four days. By then the weekend has come along and not so easily, might she add. She’d spent much of her time after and between classes sitting in the hospital by Ben’s bedside. In the back of her mind, she knew that she should have been more worried about the notes and the quills and the clues, but every time she thought about that doubt crept into her mind. 
Surely, her luck couldn’t be that bad? How likely was it really that one of her very few friends was conspiring against her? And that it could be Ben? Of all people? 
It wasn’t just unlikely as far as Rebekah was concerned. It was impossible. 
Ben would never do that to her. 
Rowan and Penny had been worried about how thin she was stretching herself. Between classes and clues and uncomfortable hospital wing chairs. After her honesty in his class, Flitwick had given her a small extension on the last homework assignment, given how often—and how commonly known—she visits Ben when she can. Even Chester had taken to checking in on her, not that she was the one who needed it. 
And yet in spite of all this, she was not with him when he woke up. 
She’d been resting in her dorm with Rowan after being kicked out by Pomfrey the day before. The matron claimed her worried frowns and her frequency in the wing were beginning to scare some of the other students and instructed her to take the weekend away from the smell of pumpkin juice and disinfectant. She hadn’t wanted to leave, but she had been able to get Pomfrey to promise to alert her if anything changed. 
The rest of her and Rowan’s roommates had quickly vacated the premises when it became clear that Rebekah was not going to leave. She thinks they’re afraid of her, like many other people she’s noticed. Thinks that she’s mad. Like your brother, some of them say. You’re cursed. 
But Rowan stayed. For a while she tried to distract her with art or wizard’s chess, but eventually they settled on a book. Rowan sat on her bed, the book spread out on her lap as she read it to Rebekah out loud while she sat on her own bed upside down in boredom. Rowan had the better voice for it, they decided, and a longer attention span. 
It was like this that they found her. The poor frazzled student Pomfrey had apparently sent to fetch her. It’s Ben, they exclaimed and she swears the whole common room fell quiet behind the half-opened door. He’s awake. And he’s asking for you. 
Before she knew it, her legs were moving. She wasn’t really thinking—they knew where to go—as they ran her down the corridors. The pale morning sun blinked at her as she passed each window. Until the door came into view and she only just had enough wits about her to slow down, steady her now labored breaths before entering the wing.  
She pushed the door open and Madam Pomfrey was on her immediately. “That was quick.” She says matter-of-factly, her hands folding in front of her the way they commonly do, her shoulders straight and expression relaxed. 
Rebekah ignores her. “Is he alright?”
“I believe so,” She answers quickly without preamble and she heaves a sigh of relief. “His memory is erratic, but I have seen patients in far worse condition in my time as Matron of Hogwarts.”
“You said he asked to see me?”
“Many times, along with other strange requests and proclamations. I believe he’s experiencing some state of delirium.” 
“Can I talk to him?” She asks, ignoring the way her heart flips painfully in her chest at her previous words. She doesn’t want to think about how disoriented he must have been. She should have been there.
“Mister Copper has been through quite an ordeal and still remains in a very delicate state—” She begins but one look at Rebekah’s face tells her that little she can say will matter. She sighs in something that sounds like sympathy before gesturing over to his bed. “Make it fast.”
She smiles briefly in lieu of thanks before she’s moving again towards the familiar spot by his bedside. Pomfrey hadn’t even moved her chair. 
Despite his clearly groggy state, Ben smiles weakly as she approaches, recognizing her immediately. His voice is meek and scratchy when he says, “Hi, ‘Bekah…” 
Her lips pull up slightly at the unfamiliar nickname and she allows herself to fall habitually into the chair beside him. She reaches out to take his hand, but thinks better of it and wrings them together nervously underneath his bed instead. “How are you feeling?”
As she says this, Ben frowns, his whole body slumping further into his bed at the reminder of his condition. Dark spots can be seen beneath his eyes despite being unconscious for the past four days and his skin is still pasty and almost as pale as hers. Not for the first time, Rebekah wonders just what happened in the near week and a half it took to find him in the corridor. 
“Cold. Tired. Sore,” He laments, but his mouth manages to pick up just slightly anyway. “Not that different from usual to be honest.” 
Rebekah wants to laugh at his attempt at a joke—no matter how self-deprecating, acknowledging the effort it must have taken, but she doesn’t quite manage it. Instead, her brows knit together even more in worry for his health and well-being. 
“Are you comfortable?” She finds herself saying, her eyes flicking to his rather flat looking pillow and the cold bars of his bed. “Is there anything I can do?”
Ben smiles and this time it takes. He still looks tired and he still looks ragged, but not so lonely anymore. The sight reminds her of what a twelve year-old boy should look like as his round cheeks wrinkle with the change of expression. 
“Seeing your face is enough,” He admits a bit sheepishly, fiddling with his fingers purposefully, ducking his head down to look at them. “Madam Pomfrey is very helpful, but she doesn’t have the most comforting bedside manner.” 
This gets a chuckle out of her at the truth of it and Ben’s smile returns victoriously. 
Now it is Rebekah’s turn to look away and she nervously crosses her ankles before uncrossing them again. She shifts only subtly in her seat. “She said you asked to see me?”
His face twists in confusion. His head tilts in tired frustration. “Did I? I feel like I’m losing it…” 
A small part of her is left disappointed with his lack of remembrance, but it is far overshadowed by the full force of her concern coming back at his clearly patchy memory. Just what did that cursed ice do? 
Her hand twitches again to reach out to him but this time she listens to it. Her hand wraps cautiously around his wrist in what she hopes is a consoling manner. “What were you doing in that corridor, Ben? How did you get trapped in the ice?”
The Gryffindor shakes his head in anguish. “I don’t remember. I can hardly remember anything at all. Madam Pomfrey thinks it has something to do with the ice.” 
Emotion lodges itself in her throat and for a moment she can’t speak. Ben looks away from her, seemingly in shame, but shame for what she isn’t sure. And she hates that she questions it. This isn’t fair! Why must these things always happen to her? 
Paranoia pricks at her conscience and climbs up her spine. She has no choice but to press further. “I found a letter to you in the artefact room,” She explains and Ben still refuses to look at her directly. She isn’t sure whether to take that as a bad sign. “It led me to another one that told you to go to that corridor…” 
“I’m sorry, Rebekah,” Ben whispers as though he doesn’t have the strength for anything else. “I just don’t remember…” 
Something pulls at her chest. “Ben—”
“That’s enough for today, Miss Roberts,” Pomfrey announces, having snuck up behind Rebekah while she’d been distracted. “Mister Copper needs his rest.” 
“It’s okay,” Ben grabs her hand, his own not much bigger but it still offers her the reassurement that is intended. “I’m kind of tired, anyway.” 
Rebekah frowns half in suspicion and half in confusion. “You just woke up.” 
“I’ll be fine.” 
Pomfrey clears her throat and Rebekah sighs, reluctantly releasing her hold on Ben’s hand and offering her friend in question a wave as she disappears back behind the privacy curtain. 
She doesn’t see him for the rest of the day, but her mind stays stuck on the hospital wing and the missing week and a half of Ben’s memory of how he got there. 
In hindsight, meeting Bill had been, thankfully, one of the only good things to come out of that term. At the time, she couldn’t have ever guessed the way that things would soon be playing out, but one thing that was a constant in her life when nothing else was is Bill Weasley. 
Her surrogate big brother—and arguably the best one she ever had—went on to get her through the worst of times. Even when he couldn’t be there, he always lent her his support. Rebekah doesn’t know where she’d be without him. 
And to think she almost met him for the first time with a book about Patricia Rakepick. She knows now that hindsight isn’t always funny. 
Speaking of older brothers, she never quite expected to find comfort in dry as wood Chester Davies of all people but—What are prefects for?
Rebekah’s grin comes surprisingly easy, all traces of her nightmare forgotten. “Badgering everyone about house points?”
Rebekah groans as her face plants into her textbook, her head feeling like it holds nothing but bricks. Certainly no useful curse-breaking information. 
A light, breathy chuckle is heard from beside her and if she weren’t stressed out of her mind, it might have brought a smile to her face. Her shoulder is cautiously poked as her study companion regards her fondly. 
“You’re not tapping out already, are you?”
She lifts her head just high enough off the potions book to glare at him through the dark strands of her hair now stuck to her face. “Remind me again why we didn’t invite Penny to teach us this instead?”
He hums as though in contemplation, but the smile threatening to lift his lips tells a different story. “Because I need the extra study time and you were just bored enough to join me?”
It’s mostly a lie. She knows that she needed to study some possible potions her and Bill could bring into the vaults and ever since he got out of the hospital wing, she hasn’t been able to see Ben too often lately...but yes, he also did really need the study time. Unfortunately, the hospital wing isn’t the most convenient place to do homework and even though he did every assignment his roommates brought back to him, Ben had fallen a bit behind in Snape’s class. 
Though, really, she doesn’t think anyone but Penny is exactly ahead. 
Still, she frowns as Ben reaches to brush some of the hair out of her face. The tips of his fingers graze over her skin and he clears his throat before looking away. 
Rebekah does the same, casting her eyes around the room. Truthfully, there’s not much to look at. It’s the same potions classroom it's always been: dark, dreary, and slightly dingy. Though, she must admit that the faint green light coming from the dungeon corridor does cast a rather lovely reflection across his face. 
“Well now I’m even more bored.” 
“I’m sorry.”
Instantly, her brows draw together in slight disappointment and surprise at the sudden sad apology. When she looks back over at him he’s already turned subtly away from her, but his eyes are somewhere else. Somewhere distant and far away. 
“Ben, are you sure you want to deal with the cursed ice again?” 
He actually barks out a laugh, but’s hollow and strained. “No, I am absolutely unsure,” He huffs, chewing anxiously at his lower lip. “This potion makes me feel better about my likely injuries, but I’ll learn a new charm to try and avoid injuries and trouble altogether—” 
Without thinking, Rebekah allows her hand to fold over top of his and Ben stares at it for a second, his cheeks going a little pink again before continuing. 
“—s-sorry, Rebekah,” He stutters out for a moment and she finds it more endearing than she thinks it really is. “I didn’t mean to worry you.” 
“Somehow, I find that strangely hard to believe.” 
They laugh together effortlessly, most of the weight from before gone. As always, the expression transforms his face into something more youthful and unburdened—the way she thinks it was supposed to be. The sound of their laughter mixing together like paint sounds like music to her tired ears. 
“But seriously though,” Ben adds as it winds down, all thoughts of potions and textbooks forgotten. “I’m still going to do it.”
She can’t help but ask. “Why?”
And when he answers her, he says it simply. As simply as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. 
“Because you need me to.” 
She fell asleep on the train. 
Ravenclaw had a huge celebration the night before for winning the house cup. Rebekah hadn’t the energy to join in on the festivities—the cursed ice had really done a number on her, not to mention that bloody knight—but it was rather amusing to watch Chester run around trying to put out the fires of adrenaline. With all of that joy and creativity in one room, she’s sure he was up all night. 
Her and Rowan had their own secret celebration too. They congratulated themselves—and Bill, Penny, and Ben internally—for making it past the ice vault… and then spent the rest of the night theorizing on what the next one could possibly be. They certainly weren’t left empty-handed after all. 
But her brother’s voice haunted her well into dawn. She saw his face every time she closed her eyes. And she missed him. 
She missed him so much it hurt. 
“Rebekah,” A whisper. A tap to her shoulder. When did she fall asleep? “Rebek—”
“Don’t just poke her like that!” Mocks another voice, one equally as familiar yet in her groggy state she is unable to place it. 
“Well, the train has stopped, Rowan—”
“But you’re not gonna wake anyone up poking them like porcelain china, Ben—”
“Please tell me the two of you didn’t argue the whole time I was out?” Rebekah croaks out, her throat tight from recent disuse, attempting to blink herself fully awake. 
Rowan huffs slightly but doesn’t disagree while Ben remains still and silent and Rebekah suddenly realizes she’d fallen asleep on his shoulder. She sits up to give him his shoulder back and he offers her an understanding smile. 
“I’ll have you know I was perfectly civil—”
“—You threw your muggle studies book at me—”
“—well it’s the one I like the least, so—” 
Rebekah whines petulantly and throws them both a pleading look, her lower lip pulled over her other one in a pout. “C’mon, guys, summer holiday just started. Can’t this wait?”
Their frowns remain on their faces but they don’t object and Rebekah supposes she’ll have to start taking that as a win. 
“Thank you.” 
It doesn’t take long to gather their things and leave the train. Given that it has been stopped for the past few minutes, most students have already left. Only the slow stragglers remain. Ben and Rowan take up a spot on either side of her as they exit their compartment and descend the few short stairs to the King’s Cross platform. 
Immediately, the warm rush of summer air hits Rebekah as her foot touches the ground. With most of the families gone or leaving, it’s not as noisy as it was the last time she was here, but her ears do manage to catch on a voice calling out to them from her left. 
Rowan laughs from beside her and waves at her parents and cousins, her grip on her trunk nearly going white with how hard she squeezes it in excitement. She turns to give the shorter girl a quick hug and promises to write to her frequently, stopping only to throw Ben a hesitant nod of farewell before she’s skipping off to join her family. 
Rebekah takes a look around but does not immediately spot her parents. Or Ben’s. 
His throat clears and she turns back to him. His blue t-shirt ripples a little in the soft breeze, his hair waving with it, and his eyes bore into hers with intent. His brown eyes shine with something that feels like a goodbye and a hello all in one. 
She smiles. 
He opens his mouth but his attention catches on something behind her and she knows what he sees as an expression of fondness and recognition crosses over his features. His hand comes up into a small wave before looking back to her and sending the universal wait gesture. 
“Thank you,” Rebekah speaks before he can and catches him off-guard. “For all your help this year. I...I’m sorry about your memory. I’m sorry you couldn’t get it back.” 
Ben seems to shiver at the reminder before collecting himself. He shrugs in a more nonchalant way than she’s almost ever seen him. “Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault. Besides, considering where I ended up...I’m not sure I’d want to remember it anyway.”
She tries for a smile at the silver lining, no matter how bleak it is, but it feels cheap so she bites it back instead. 
“I’ll write you everyday,” Ben promises quickly, nodding almost confidently. “That way I wo—”
“Don’t do that,” She shakes her head, her smile half of a tease. “You won’t have too much to talk about if you write to me every day. Your letters will get short. Every weekend should suffice.” 
Ben nods at the idea. “Okay. Every weekend.” 
A beat passes between them. Neither of them speak. 
“I’ll see you later, Ben?” She asks somewhat hopefully and strangely somewhat unsure. Where did her uncertainty come from? 
But he only nods, a smile finally breaking through. 
“See you later, Rebekah.” 
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bedlamsbard · 4 years
760 words written today, concept writing.  I am very tired, and very stressed -- that kind of anxiety that settles in your torso to the extent that I’m pretty sure this counts as an ab workout.  Didn’t get enough sleep, got up about ten minutes before my morning class (yikes) and then had to go up to campus for the university-mandated covid test because I...forgot...for two weeks and they revoked my campus clearance.  (I absolutely cannot comprehend the passage of time right now, and university requirements at the moment mean I have to be on campus to get tested more often than I actually have to be on campus for the reason I need campus clearance.)  I am waiting anxiously on very important e-mails that haven’t come in yet and which are time-sensitive, and if they don’t come in I have to send “oh god please just sign and scan the damn form” begging e-mails tomorrow.  I’m just very tired and very stressed and want this one thing to be taken care of so I can go back to being stressed about normal stuff.
Snippet from reluctant roommates AU concept 1.
The Inquisitor picked up the bag at his feet and followed her into the Ghost.  He moved very quietly for a big man, making Hera’s lekku prickle with unease.  A sound from above made her look up, spotting Chopper peering down from the cockpit hatch.  The sight of him made her feel a little better as she gestured upwards, saying, “That’s Chopper.”
The Inquisitor followed her gaze and said gravely, “Hello.”
Chopper made a rude sound but didn’t withdraw.  Hera glanced sideways at the Inquisitor to see how he took the insult, but he didn’t say anything, just glanced around the Ghost’s hold.  There were a few new cases of equipment that had been delivered over the past three days, as well as a new speeder bike – presumably for the Inquisitor, since Hera already had one that she had modified to her preferences.
“This way,” Hera said. She bit her lip as she turned from him to climb up the ladder, unable to shake her terrified notion that he was going to grab her right then and there.  He didn’t, though, just waited for her to get most of the way up to the cockpit before he slung his bag over his shoulder and followed her.  Chopper moved back from the hatch so that Hera could pull herself up, then resumed his position to glare at the Inquisitor as the human put his head up.  Hera was so tightly wound that the resulting face-off startled a brief, hysterical giggle out of her, which made the Inquisitor glance at her and offer something that might have been construed as a smile in different circumstances.  Chopper responded by extending his electropod threateningly.
“Chop,” Hera said, since although she appreciated the thought, technically the Inquisitor hadn’t actually done anything yet.
Chopper swiveled his dome to regard her balefully, then sparked his prod again and rolled back enough that the Inquisitor could finish climbing into the cockpit.
22 notes · View notes
dirtykpopsnaps · 4 years
Brought Together by Dance - Jung Hoseok (soulmate au)
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Warnings: None
Contains: Cute soulmates!Hobi and Y/N meeting
Requested: no
Words: 7, 470 (huh...my longest yet and it’s for my bias...this was not intended😂😅)
I smile around at all of the little kids gathered before me. “Alright, guys, you heard Mrs. Melany, you can go,” I laugh lightly. As soon as I say this, all the little children start taking off their soft shoes as putting them away in their dance bags. Before long, Melany and I are alone in the room. Narrowing her eyes, she turns to me and playfully glares.
“Maybe you should teach beginner ballet. They actually listen to you,” she says. I laugh lightly, taking my soft shoes off and changing into my sneakers.
“I guess I just work well with little kids,” I smile. She rolls her eyes lightly at this explanation.
“Well, there’s that but they can also see your attachment when you dance,” she points out. I shrug lightly, nodding my head and smiling at her.
“Yeah...that could also be part of it,” I giggle.
When I’m done pulling my sneakers on, I look down at my ankle. Even through the light pink material of my tights, you can clearly see the outline of my attachment tattoo.
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My soulmate attachment is a small tattoo at my ankle. It’s of a little ballerina dancer and, truthfully, it’s part of the reason that I started doing ballet in the first place. When I was very little, I would ask my mother what it was and one day when I was about four, I asked if I could start ballet. From that moment on, ballet and dance in general have been a very big part of my life. I don’t know where I would be if my soulmate attachment was any different.
From next to me, Melany also pulls on her sneakers after practice. “So, when’s the flight?” She asks calmly. I shoot her an excited smile.
“Early tomorrow morning. Like, *super* early, so I’ll be turning in early tonight,” I tell her.
“I want lots of pictures, okay? Especially if you get to meet that group. You know the kids would love them,” she reminds me. I nod my head lightly and stand up, hoisting my dance bag onto my shoulder.
“I will absolutely send you pictures, especially if I meet them. I’m honestly not sure what’s going to happen,” I explain, shrugging my shoulders.
Talking between ourselves, Melany and I leave the ballet studio. We wave goodbye to the receptionist, Annalise, then head out to the parking lot. We climb into the car together, ready to get takeout and talk for a little while. You see, Melany is my best friend. I met her in my first ever ballet class and we just grew closer and closer over the years. When Melany asked me to help co-teach the beginning ballet class at her school, I was so excited! I immediately agreed and I’ve been co-teaching classes with her for about a year.It’s one of my favorite parts of what I do.
Melany and I chat happily all the way to the Italian place that she decided on earlier. “Alright, my place or your’s?” I ask, putting the bags of food in the backseat of her car. Melany takes a moment to think before responding.
“Your’s. You have to go to sleep early tonight, plus I don’t wanna wake up Thomas with our talking,” she explains. See, that’s one difference between Melany and I. Melany’s already met her soulmate, Noah, and she has a 6-month-old baby boy named Thomas with him. I, on the other hand, have yet to meet my soulmate. I nod my head lightly and climb back into the car.
“Good call,” I say quickly.
Calmly, Melany drives the car back to my small apartment. When we get their, I grab the food out of the back and hand her my keys to open the door. Melany pushes the door open and lets me inside the apartment. I immediately walk over to the coffee table and set the takeout on the table. When I turn back around, Melany is sending looking at her phone. She must feel me looking, because she looks up at me again and smiles softly, “Noah was just asking where I was. Told him I’d be home in a couple hours and that we’re just talking,” she explains. I nod my head lightly and we both sit down to start eating our food.
Once we start eating, our conversation dies down a little bit. “Okay, Y/N/N, I know you’ve told me the story already, but *please* tell me again? It’s so cool!” She squeals excitedly. I laugh lightly at her excitement and oblige.
“Okay, so obviously, you know that I’m a professional dancer. I do ballet productions all over the world and stuff like that, you know that. Well, a few months ago, I got this call from this music company is Korea called BigHit. Apparently they’re kind of a big deal, so of course I was like ‘what’s up? What do they want?’. Well, the person who called me said that they wanted a professional ballerina for an upcoming music video for one of their groups called BTS. It’s not a major part, just a few scenes here and there within the video, but it’s apparently a pretty big deal. And, by some *miracle*, when they started looking for professional ballerinas, my name came up. So, voila,” I giggle. Melany sighs, leaning her cheek into her hand.
“You’re literally so lucky,” she sighs happily. I shrug lightly, shooting her a soft smile.
“I guess I am. It’s kind of a big deal and I’m pretty excited about it.” Melany shoots me a look.
“So...have you seen any pictures of the group?” She asks. I give her an odd look and raise an eyebrow.
“If you think I didn’t look them up immediately afterward, you obviously aren’t my best friend.”
Melany squeals excitedly, doing a little dance in her seat. “Show me, show me, show me!” She squeals. I laugh loudly and go into the search engine on my phone, looking up ‘BTS’. Search results start folding my phone, but I just go into the ‘pictures’ tab and find a good picture. “Okay, here’s a kind of recent one,” I say, flipping the phone to show her.
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Melany looks at the picture, then back up at me. “Wow...they’re cute,” she says in surprise. I give her a wide eyed look.
“I know, right?” I respond. A few seconds of silence fall before she looks up at me again.
“What if one of them is your soulmate?!” She gasps. I roll my eyes and scoff at the idea.
“Ha, yeah right! Don’t get my hopes up, Mel,” I laugh.
“Well, they could be! You haven’t met your soulmate yet!” She points out excitedly.
“I mean, technically, yeah, one of them could be. But, I also don’t want to get my hopes up and then have them crushed,”
I tell her. She sighs softly, nodding her head at me.
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.”
For a while, Melany and I just bounce between topics. She makes me promise to take lots of pictures in Korea and I agree without having to be pressured. She tells me a little bit about Thomas and what’s going on with him. We even talk about the class today and how our students are coming along. After about an hour, I look up at the clock. “Mel, I should probably be getting to sleep. I have to be up and at the airport by, like, 6 AM,” I groan. Melany makes a hissing sound through her teeth.
“Oh, yikes, have fun with that. See you in a couple weeks, Y/N/N,” she says, pulling me into a big hug before grabbing her things and heading out the door.
Once Melany’s gone, I throw out my take out container and take a shower. I take a little longer in the shower than usual, singing softly and letting the hot water soothe my aches from teaching dance all day. When I finally feel soothed enough, I turn off the water and grab a towel from the hanger on the wall. I quickly change into pajamas and then brush my hair. I brush my teeth immediately afterward and then climb into bed. I know that going to sleep with wet hair is a *really* bad idea, but that’s morning Y/N’s problem, not mine.
After what feels like only five minutes later, my alarm starts blaring from my phone. I groan loudly, shifting around in bed to turn off the offensive noise. Peeling my eyes open, I stare up at the ceiling. After a few seconds, I groan again and sit up, climbing out of my warm covers. I walk into the bathroom and look into the mirror, sighing at myself. As I predicted, going to bed with wet hair was a bed decision. My hair is sticking up at odd angles and looks horrible. Sighing to myself, I pull a brush through it and just throw it up in a bun. I don’t have time to deal with that this morning.
I do my morning bathroom routine and walk back into the bedroom, pulling on the travel clothes that I had picked out yesterday morning. The travel outfit is a fairly simple one and one that I would normally wear if I didn’t have dance that day. It consists of a plain white t-shirt, my favorite dark blue flannel, ripped black jeans, and some black and white sneakers. Once I’m dressed, I check the time again and walk around my small apartment, checking to make sure that I didn’t leave anything I would need. I add my hairbrush and toothbrush to a small travel kit, then place them in the pocket of my carry on. When I’m sure that I have everything, I grab my phone, wallet, keys, and luggage and leave the apartment.
I order a Lyft to the airport and thank the driver when I’m finally dropped off. I grab my luggage and carry on out of the trunk and make my way into the airport. For the most part, my morning at the airport is just a bunch of running around. I need to check in my luggage, go through customs, and wait in *a lot* of long lines, but I finally make it to my terminal. While I wait for my flight, I grab a small breakfast from the little airport café right at my terminal and eat quickly. When I’m ready to just *wait forever* for my plane to start boarding, I sit down in one of the seats at the terminal and wait. I plug my earbuds into my phone and leave one earbud out so that I can hear if they start calling people to board. Calmly, I tap on Spotify and start playing the playlist of BTS songs that’s been recommended to me.
Honestly, ever since I got this job, I’ve been looking into BTS more and more. Now, I haven’t done a major deep dive information search on them, but I know the basics. I’ve learned their names and I know that Namjoon is the leader. I’ve focused a lot on listening to their music. Truthfully, I really do think that their music is pretty cool. A lot of it is really catchy and I won’t deny that I’ve had some of their songs playing through my head for the last few days. I’m actually pretty excited to have the opportunity to work with this group. This is a *really* big opportunity and it’s definitely a way for me to get myself out there a little more. Plus...how many people can say they’ve done something like this before?
Before I know it, I hear the hostess calling out people to board. I stand turn off my music and push my phone back into my carry on, standing up to join the growing line. Slowly, we make our way onto the plane and I search through all the isles, finally finding my seat. I put my carry on in the bag holder overhead and take my seat, settling in. It’s not long after that that the plane is in the air and I’m on my way to Korea.
Suddenly, I feel someone shaking my shoulder lightly. I yawn softly and stretch up, looking at the person next to me. The person is sweet, smiling stewardess. “We’re here, Ms,” she says. I nod my head lightly and thank her, getting up from my seat. My whole body feels exhausted from the flight and I can already feel my least favorite part of traveling setting in...jet lag. Brushing off the tiredness, I grab my bag from the overhead compartment and step off the plane and into the airport. As quickly as possible, I go through everything at the airport again. I check in and make sure that everything is set up correctly before I’m finally able to leave and try to hail a taxi to my hotel.
Thankfully, hailing the taxi does not take a particularly long time. A taxi drives up and I’m able to give him clear (enough) directions to the hotel that I’m staying at. The drive is fairly short and, when we get there, I pull out the chunk of money that I brought for the trip. The driver can obviously tell that I don’t know how much money I’m actually holding, so he just chuckles lightly and takes a couple of the bills. I flash him a thankful smile and grab my luggage and carry on out of the trunk again, heading into the hotel. Finding my room in the hotel goes about the same way as the taxi and I suddenly feel very thankful that everyone I’ve met so far is so kind and helpful. The worker is able to direct me to the correct room and I thank them and wave softly before I head over to the elevator.
By the time I get to my room, I can already see the sunlight creeping up over the buildings and I sigh softly. Again, I’m very thankful that I was able to sleep most of the plane ride here. That doesn’t mean I’m not incredibly exhausted, but at least I won’t be dying of tiredness by the time I come back to the hotel tonight. For a little bit, I look around my little hotel room and nod my head. It’s nice. When I’ve seen everything that I can, I open up my luggage and pull out my squished dance bag. I set it on the bed and start filling it with some of the things I might need, like my pointe shoes, my soft shoes, extra tights, and deodorant.
Once I have my dance bag filled with things, I change out of my travel clothes and into an outfit more fit for dance. I was reassured that the company would have a costume made for me specifically for the music video, so I don’t need to worry about that. Calmly, I walk into the bathroom and fix my hair again, putting it into a nice ballerina bun. After what feels like hundreds of bobby pins and clips, I feel satisfied with my hair and grab my dance bag before heading out of the room.
Before I leave the hotel, I grab out my phone and walk up to the front desk again. “Hi, um, could you give me directions to...this address?” I ask, showing the receptionist the address I was given. She nods her head happily and starts pointing out of the door, doing her best to give me directions that I would understand. When she’s done, I thank her profusely and start walking in the direction that she told me. The directions were fairly straightforward, so I’m able to find the building without much trouble and I’m soon standing right in front of the biggest building on the street.
Slowly, I open up the door and walk into the building. The lobby of the building is large and there are people everywhere. A receptionist behind the desk catches my attention. “How can I help you?” She asks, tilting her head lightly.
“Hi, I’m Y/N Y/L/N. I’m the ballet dancer that was contacted for BTS’s mv,” I explain. Immediately, realization frowns on her face and she picks up a phone, speaking into the receiver. When she’s done with the conversation, she looks at me again.
“They’ll be down in a moment to take you to the costume department, then you’ll be taken to the stage for the mv,” she says sweetly. I nod my head and thank her, looking around while I wait for whoever is coming to get me.
After a few moments, the elevator door opens up and a woman steps into the lobby. She notices me and waves me over. I hoist my bag up again and walk over to her. I see her eye my bag curiously and I feel a little nervous. “Sorry. I wasn’t sure what to bring, so I packed a dance bag,” I say softly. She chuckles lightly and smiles at me.
“That was smart. Unnecessary, but smart. Thank you for being prepared,” she says. I nod my head at her once, then look away again. She presses the button of the elevator again and we both wait in silence. I look down at the floor, resting my hand lightly against my dance bag.
When the elevator arrives, we both climb inside and she presses a button on the wall. I’m still looking down at the ground and feeling a little awkward when the doors open again. I look up and my jaw drops to the ground. This floor is decorated plainly, but there are rooms that lead off in all directions. Racks of clothes, shoes, and other accessaries are scattered all over the place. Each room has a small sign for what the room contains. The woman pays no attention and steps off the elevator, making her way through the floor and making sure not to touch anything. I follow after her and she leads me into a separate room. The sign on the door simply reads ‘extra costumes’ and I follow her inside the room.
The room inside is filled to the brim with racks of costumes. There are boxes of accessaries stacked on shelves and shoes lining the floor. She shifts through the room and comes back to me with a beautiful white and gold professional ballet costume. In her other hand, she pointe shoes of the same color. I search around the room once before looking back at her. “Sorry if I sound ungrateful, but are there soft shoes, as well?” I ask. The woman nods her head and points towards some shoes on the floor. I pick them up off the floor and nod my head. “Soft shoes are easier to walk in. I’ll switch to the pointe shoes when they ask me to,” I explain. She nods her head and flashes a soft smile before handing me the costume and leaving the room.
As quickly as possible, I change into my tights and the costume. I slip on the soft shoes and check my hair in the mirror. Before I leave the room, I put all my clothes into the dance bag and pick it up again. Once I’m ready, I pick up the pointe shoes and walk into the hall again. The woman smiles when she sees the costume. “You look very pretty,” she compliments. I flash her and soft smile.
“Thank you. This costume is absolutely beautiful,” I respond.
“Thank *you*. I worked very hard on it,” she says. With that, she gestures me to the elevator again and we both wait for it to appear.
When the elevator arrives, she stays on the elevator and gestures me out. This level looks large enough to be a warehouse. There are people hurrying around and fixing things. Some couches are pushed off to the side, far out of view of the camera. Several cameras are focused around different sets with props to make them look a certain way. A person comes hurrying over to me and I suppose he’s the director. He looks me up and down before smiling. “I’m going to guess that you’re Y/N?” He asks. I nod my head quickly. “Good! This way.”
Immediately, the man leads me passed several of the sets. I look at each one as we pass, but I’m only able to catch glimpses. He leads me up to a set that is made to look like a room. It’s intricately made and very detailed and there are people hurrying around to fix small things. I walk back towards the wall and set my dance bag against the wall. Curiously, I look around the whole area and my eyes suddenly are pulled across the room. On a different set of couches at the far wall, I see several men gathered around and talking. It doesn’t take me long to realize who they are. It’s BTS. They’re all gathered around the couches, obviously enjoying a small amount of downtime while something is being adjusted.
As I look at them, I see one of the members look up and point me out the the others. I take deep breaths and look back at the set again. I really *really* don’t want to bother them, no matter how much I want to talk to them. However, I’m not the one who starts the conversation. I’m watching the people ready the set for my part when I suddenly feel someone next to me. I turn my head towards them and my breath catches in my throat as I gasp. Jimin is standing right next to me, watching the set, as well. Slowly, he turns and smiles at me. “Hi, you must be, Y/N. We’ve heard them talking about you,” he says, sticking out his hand for a handshake. Taking a. Deep breath, I shake his hand and force a smile.
“Uh, yeah, I am. And you’re...Jimin,” I say, trying to be as calm as possible. He flashes me another sweet smile.
“I hope you don’t mind if I watch. I’d love to see you dance,” he says. I shake my head lightly.
“No, no, watch if you want to. I mean, it’s your video, anyway,” I say nervously.
Jimin opens his mouth to say something else, but I’m called over to the set. I send him an apologetic smile and hurry over to the man again. He gives me a few instructions, telling me what sort of mood they want from the music video. However, he leaves the dance movements up to me. “I’ve seen you dance before and I want to see what you come up with,” he says kindly. I nod my head and steady my breathing before everyone gets off the set. When I’m ready, I open my eyes and nod towards the men behind the camera. I hear the click of the camera as soon as it starts rolling.
Closing my eyes again, I block out everything around me. I block out the people and all the other sets. I block out all the intrusive and self conscious thoughts. I block out the thought that *Park. Jimin.* is watching me dance. I block everything out and I just let my body move the way that it wants. In my head, the small clip of music that they sent me plays through my mind on repeat. I choose movements that I think portray the feel of the music and then I hear someone yell “cut!”. I open my eyes again and get instructions from the director and cameramen.
For a while, this is how things go. Over and over, I retake the shot and remind myself of the small recommendations that they’re giving me. We eventually switch over to my pointe shoes and I do the same thing, blocking out anything that could bother me. When the cameras finish rolling, I step off the stage and dig down to take off my pointe shoes. Immediately, Jimin kneels down next to me. “That was gorgeous!” He compliments. I smile at him, chuckling lightly.
“Thanks! I’m just hoping it’s good enough for your video,” I tell him.
Suddenly, Jimin goes silent next to me. I look up at him and see that his eyes are trained on my ankle. Through the white tights, you can see the outline of my tattoo. “What’s...that?” He asks, pointing towards my tattoo.
“Oh, it’s my soulmate attachment,” I tell him calmly, pulling the soft shoes back on.
“Is that a ballerina doing a pirouette?” He asks, his voice slightly shaky. I look at him nervously, nodding my head.
“Y-Yeah? Is that important?” I ask nervously. Jimin’s eyes meet mine again and he takes a deep breath.
“Stay here. I need to go get someone,” he tells me. I nod my head and he immediately hurried off, running over to the other members of BTS.
I watch nervously as he has a very quick conversation with them. He keeps looking over his shoulders every few seconds to make sure that I’m still there. He says something and then suddenly several of the members jump off the couch. “You’re kidding!” I hear someone exclaim. My eyes go wide and my mouth goes dry. What is *hell* is going on? Immediately after this exclamation there’s more hurried conversation.
“Yes, I’m sure of it! Just come look!” Jimin defends himself, running off from the group and back to me. Several of the other members go chasing after him seconds later.
Jimin skids next to me and kneels down again, looking at my attachment. “What the hell is going on?!” I ask in shock, my mouth hanging open. Jimin’s bright and hopeful eyes look up at me again.
“I think we found your soulmate,” he says plainly. My breath hitches and I stare at him in shock.
“You’re kidding,” I say plainly, not wanting to believe it. Jimin shakes his head frantically at me and the other members kneel down around me. The other members make room and a member that I recognize as J-Hope sits down next to me.
“Can...Can I see your attachment?” He asks softly. I nod my head softly and shift my leg so that he can see my tattoo better.
For a few seconds he stares at it in shock. Then, very quickly, he yanks up the legs of his pants. On the same ankle as mine, in the exact same spot, is the exact. same. tattoo. I stare at his tattoo for several seconds, my mouth dry as I look at every little detail. Looking at this tattoo, there’s absolutely nothing that distinguishes it from the tattoo that I’ve spent my whole life looking at. Quickly, we both look up at each other break into huge smiles. “We’re soulmates!” I say excitedly, my heart beating wildly inside my chest.
“That’s...I honestly can’t even believe it,” he breathes, searching over my tattoo again.
“And to think...had I not taken this job, I might’ve never met you,” I say. He looks into my eyes again and flashes a bright smile.
“Hey, but you did take the job! And here we are, and we have matching tattoos, and we’re soulmates!” He says excitedly. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N,” I say, not able to force the smile from my face. He laughs lightly.
“Well, my name is Jung Hoseok, but everyone calls me Hobi,” he says.
Suddenly, I hear someone talking from the set in front of us. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. What’s going on here?” The director asks, his eyes flirting over the group of people gathered around Hobi and I.
“We found his soulmate,” Jimin explains. The director looks down at the two of us, his eyes searching everywhere that an attachment could possibly be. Finally, he sees the small tattoo on Hoseok’s ankle. His eyes immediately shift over to my ankle and he can just see the tattoo through my tights. He looks around at everyone else on the set.
“Then I think we should call it a day, we can continue with this tomorrow,” he says.
Calmly, I stand up and walk back over the wall, looking back at them. Is there any place that I can change?” I ask. Immediately, at the members point over to where they were sitting. There is a door just beside the couch and I nod my head, thanking them. I walk over to the door and head inside once I get there. Inside is a dressing room with clothing and makeup chairs scattered around. I set my bag down on the ground and quickly change back into the outfit I came in. When I’m fully changed, I pick up a hanger and hang the costume dress on it. I open the door and step onto the stage again, taking the costume and my bag with me.
When I step out, almost everyone has already left the stage. Everything is fairly quiet and I can’t even see any of the members of BTS around. I pout sadly, wishing Hobi would have stuck around when someone speaks up. “No need to pout, I’m over here,” Hobi says. I jump in surprise and laugh loudly when I see him sitting on the couch, waiting for me.
“God, I didn’t even see you there,” I laugh.
“What? Did you think I was gonna leave while my soulmate was changing? No! It’s taken me 26 years to find you, I’m not leaving you,” he smiles sweetly. My heart flutters at his comment and I giggle, holding out my hand. He chuckles lightly and takes it into his, entwining our fingers.
Calmly, he leads us through the hallways of the BigHig building again. We pass quite a few people on the way, but he ignores them and I do the same. I honestly just want to spend time with him right now. “So, tell me about yourself. Obviously, you’re a professional dancer. What brought you to that?” He asks.
“Well...our attachment, honestly. When I was little, I used to ask my mom about it and I apparently asked for ballet lessons when I was 4. Ever since then, I’ve loved ballet and dance in general. I co-teach a beginner ballet class with my best friend when I don’t have any jobs around the world and I love it,” I say. He laughs lightly.
“Our attachment is what got me into dance, too. Obviously, not ballet, but dance. I thought it was really cool and I always really loved the movements that you would see street dancers doing and I started teaching myself,” he shrugs.
Hobi leads me out of the BigHit building and onto the street. As soon as we leave the building, all eyes are drawn to us. I can feel everyone staring and I slowly start to feel more self conscious. Hobi knits his eyebrows together and looks at me curiously. “Is something wrong?” He asks. I look up into his eyes, then around at the street again.
“Everyone is staring at us,” I say quietly, squeezing his hand lightly. He sighs and nods his head.
“Sadly, it comes with the job. I wish there was something I could do about it,” he sighs. Taking a deep breath, I force myself to calm down and look up at him again.
“It’s alright, I’ll get over it. I’m just excited that I get to spend the day with my soulmate,” I say excitedly. He flashes a bright smile again and starts looking up and down the street.
“So, is there anything you would like to do? We have a whole day,” he says, his eyes landing on me again.
For a second, I think about all the ideas. “Can we...take a picture together? My best friend insisted that I needed to get a picture with you guys and she says I need to send her lots of pictures,” I explain. A huge smile breaks across his face and he nods.
“Absolutely!” He laughs. We walk a little further, looking for a place where we can step aside to take a picture together. Finally, we find a little divot that leads into an alleyway and we stand at the mouth of the alleyway. Hobi takes my phone since he’s the taller of the two of us and we squish together. “Make a silly face!” He says. I immediately pull a silly face and he does the same, snapping the picture.
Giggling, I take my phone back from him and look at the picture. “Oh, that’s beautiful,” I laugh, looking at the goofy faces that we both pulled.
“I like it! Especially this one, she’s such a cutie,” he jokes, pointing to me in the picture. I giggle and click into my messaging app on my phone. I quickly send the photo to Melany and type in a quick message.
To Melany🤞🏻: I found my soulmate!
As soon as the message sends, I turn off my phone and put it in the pocket of my bag. Hobi gives me a confused look and I decide to explain.
“If I don’t put my phone down, Melany won’t leave me alone until I relay *every. detail.* of what happened. I’ll do that later tonight. Right now, I just wanna hang out with my soulmate,” I say. Hobi nods his head lightly, then something seems to catch his eye.
“Have you had lunch yet?” He asks, looking down at me. I shake my head lightly.
“Nope. I got breakfast at the airport earlier, but I haven’t eaten in *hours*,” I say. He scrunches you his nose at the mention of airport food.
“Well, we should get some decent food into your stomach, like, now. There’s a little food cart down the street that has awesome food,” he suggests. I lick my lips at the mention of food.
“Sounds good to me, I’m starving.” Hobi smiles and leads me down the street to the food cart.
When we get there, there’s a short line waiting for food. Since I’ve never been to Korea before, Hobi reads off the menu to me and describes what the food is. I think for a few seconds before deciding what to have. “I think I’ll try some tteokbokki,” I say, looking at the collection of rice cakes on the cart. Hobi nods his head lightly and orders our food. Not thinking anything of it, I start searching through my dance bag for my wallet. As soon as I pull it out, Hobi gives me a look.
“If you think I’m letting you pay, you’re insane,” he dates plainly. I look up at him in shock for a few seconds before slowly pushing my wallet back into my bag. He laughs at lightly at the action and we stand against the wall while we wait for our food.
When our food arrives, Hobi hands it to me and we walk down the street together. As we walk, he’s points out little attractions here and there, telling me what he knows about them. “So, is this your first time in Korea?” He asks, taking another bite of his tteokbokki. I nod my head lightly.
“Mhm, but I’ve been to a lot of other places. I’ve been to Russia a couple times. A few years ago, I was in England. I had a job in Australia when I first started professionally,” I list off a few of the places I’ve traveled to.
“Where’re you from?”
“America,” I say plainly, taking a bite of the food again. At my answer, he sighs softly.
“That’s pretty far away,” he says softly. I sigh, as well, and squeeze his hand.
“Yeah, it is, but we’ll figure it out. My work isn’t really set in one place, so I could easily move here and start teaching a few ballet classes here,” I say nonchalantly. He gives me a surprised look.
“You’d do that?” He asks in shock. I laugh lightly, looking up at him.
“Um, yeah? Absolutely? Your life is here, Hobi, and so is your work. You’re my soulmate and we’re *literally* made for each other, so moving would honestly be nothing,” I shrug. A huge smile flashes across his face and he wraps me in a big hug. I giggle lightly, hugging him back.
As we walk along, he hums softly under his breath. “It’s kinda crazy that we finally met. I honestly never expected to meet my soulmate through work,” he laughs, shaking his head in amazement.
“Well, I guess we just got lucky like that. I definitely didn’t expect to meet my soulmate on this trip either, but here we are,” I giggle, rubbing my thumb lightly over the back of his hand. Silently, I look up at him and just stare at him for a little bit. The sun is playing off of his black hair and he’s looking around for something that the two of us can do together. He has these beautiful brown eyes which just light up when he smiles and I’m in amazement of how someone could be so gorgeous.
Although I’m trying to be subtle about my staring, I don’t seem to be doing a very good job. Hobi laughs, bumping my arms slightly with his shoulder. “What are you thinking about? Why do you keep staring at me?” He laughs, finally looking down at me again. I squeeze his hand lightly before answering.
“I guess I’m just...taking in my soulmate. I never knew someone could be so perfect and then there’s you and I feel completely knocked off my feet,” I smile. He laughs lightly at me.
“I sure hope you mean that in a good way. But, I understand what you mean. I can’t even fully describe it, but there’s just...something about you that is so perfect,” he says.
“Exactly! Like, I don’t know how to say it, but there’s just this feeling of ‘hey. this is your person’,” I giggle.
For a little while longer, Hobi and I walk down the street and just talk. Around 2ish, I decide to ask him something. “Do you just wanna hang out at the hotel I’m staying at? We can just talk and watch movies and order room service tonight,” I suggest. He smiles brightly and nods his head.
“That sounds like a really good idea,” he smiles. Calmly, the two of us turn back around and start heading back towards the hotel I’m staying at. I tell him the name of the hotel and he nods his head, looking up directions so we can find our way there a little easier.
When we reach the hotel again, I take his hand and bring him into the hotel. Hobi ducks his head a little bit so the receptionist can’t see his face, but she doesn’t seem to be paying us much attention anyway. I way softly at her in greeting, but she’s not looking in my direction, so she doesn’t respond at all. I click on the button for the elevator and we wait for a few seconds before the soft ‘ding’ tells us that’s it’s arrived. When we get in, I press the button for my floor and we wait while it slowly makes its way up through the floors. Finally, the elevator reaches the correct floor For a little while longer, Hobi and I walk down the street and just talk. Around 2ish, I decide to ask him something. “Do you just wanna hang out at the hotel I’m staying at? We can just talk and watch movies and order room service tonight,” I suggest. He smiles brightly and nods his head.
“That sounds like a really good idea,” he smiles. Calmly, the two of us turn back around and start heading back towards the hotel I’m staying at. I tell him the name of the hotel and he nods his head, looking up directions so we can find our way there a little easier.
When we reach the hotel again, I take his hand and bring him into the hotel. Hobi ducks his head a little bit so the receptionist can’t see his face, but she doesn’t seem to be paying us much attention anyway. I way softly at her in greeting, but she’s not looking in my direction, so she doesn’t respond at all. I click on the button for the elevator and we wait for a few seconds before the soft ‘ding’ tells us that’s it’s arrived. When we get in, I press the button for my floor and we wait while it slowly makes its way up through the floors. When it reaches the right floor, it stops and gives another little ‘ding’ to alert us.
When the doors slide open, I step out and start searching through my dance bag for my keycard. When I finally find it, I slip the keycard into the slot and give it a few moments for it to process before the ‘clock’ signals that it’s opened. He pushes down the door handle and I step inside, setting my dance bag down on the floor near the bed. Calmly, Hobi and I sit down on the bed together. I smile softly and cuddle up close to him. At my actions, he lets out a snort of laughter and wraps his arm shoulder my shoulder.
Leaning over, I grab the controller off the top of the nightstand on turn on the tv, flipping through some random channels that I can’t even read. “Can you read these to me, Hope? I can’t read them,” I say plainly. For a few seconds, Hobi is silent and I look at him in confusion.
“Did you just call me ‘Hope’?” He asks, tilting his head a little. I stare at him in surprise.
“Did...Did I? I didn’t realize it. If you don’t want me to, I can try and not do that,” I say softly. He shakes his head immediately.
“No, no, I like it, it’s cute. My stage name is J-Hope, so Hope actually fits pretty nicely,” he chuckles. Calmly, he starts reading through the shows that are playing and the description of them. I lean my head on shoulder, listening intently and deciding.
“So, what do you think we should watch? I don’t mind reading subtitles, either,” I say.
“You don’t mind?” He asks curiously. I shake my head lightly.
“Like I said, I’ve been to different places around the world and not all of them spoke English, so I’ve gotten good at reading subtitles,” I explain.
“Then I think we should watch The King of the Mask Singer, it’s a pretty good show,” he says, clicking on the channel. As soon as the show comes on, Hobi turns on the English subtitles so that I can watch, too.
For a while, Hobi and I just cuddle together and watch some shows. It’s mostly reruns, but we don’t really care. When the show gets a bit boring or during commercials, we talk about different things. We even kind of start a game of 20 questions, but we don’t stick to the ‘20 questions’ rule. We’re just sitting and getting to know each other a little better. When one of us wants to know more about the other’s answer, we ask them to elaborate and they do. It’s actually a very nice way to spend time, getting to know him. I couldn’t ask for a better way to get to know my soulmate and I’m truly interested in his answers.
A little ways into the show, I must fall asleep because when I wake up, Hobi’s shaking my shoulder lightly. “We should probably think about ordering food soon, sweetheart,” he tells me. I nod my head and get out the room service menu, asking Hobi to translate again. He chuckles lightly, but does so with ease. Yawning softly, I cover my mouth, then speak up.
“I think I might try seolleongtang,” I hum, curling into his side. Hobi chuckles and picks up the phone to order and tells the receptionist the order for both of us. While we wait, I begin to fall asleep again, but Hobi just keeps chuckling and bouncing his shoulder to wake me up.
When the food comes, we eat in silence and go back to watching tv after we finish. Hobi chuckles lightly and kisses my hair. “Now you can get some sleep, sweetheart. It’s pretty obvious that you’re really tired,” he jokes. I nod my head sleepily.
“Jet lag sucks,” I mumble. Hobi laughs, pulling his fingers through my hair.
“I know exactly what you mean. Get some sleep, baby.” He kisses my head again and that’s how I fall asleep.
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johnsbleu · 4 years
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 83
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warnings: nsfw, sorry. HMH masterlist
Tess has had two false labors this past week, and she’s starting to really get aggravated. The good thing is that their basement is finally fixed and they moved back home just in time. The bad thing is you’ve been on pins and needles every day since Tess moved back home since she’s not under your watchful eye anymore. She reassured you that she’d be fine, and the moment her water breaks, she’ll call you and let you know.
Your mom flew out late last night, and Jimmy picked her up from the airport and brought her back to their house. Since Tess will be having Finn soon, your mom will be staying with them to help out. She’s planning on staying for at least two weeks, which is nice for Tess because she’s going to need a lot of rest so she can heal.
Jimmy has already taken off a few weeks from work, and he’s more than excited to finally hold his baby in his arms. It’s so cute to see how excited he is to be a dad, and it warms your heart to know that Tess married a really good guy.
Since the shop will be open next week, John has called in all of the employees for a quick little meeting to get them familiar with the new look of the store and to give them their new schedules. They’re all sitting around the counter when you walk in, and you see Grace perk up a little.
Grace reaches out and hugs you, then she moves to look at Tess’ belly when she walks in. The two start to talk, so you walk over to John and lean up to kiss him.
“How’s it going? Mom asking too many questions?”
You laugh and hug him again, “No, but she has been asking a few questions about the wedding. I haven’t told her anything yet.”
John looks up as your mom looks around the shop, then he looks down at you again, “You better tell her.”
You shrug playfully, “Yeah, I will eventually.”
John places a kiss on the top of your head, then he takes a deep breath, “Gotta make a speech or something.”
“You’ll do great.” you pat his shoulder, then you walk over and stand by your mom.
John clears his throat to get everyone’s attention, and they all walk over to listen to him. He’s their boss now, and it’s funny how they’re looking at him: so wide eyed and curious. You never even thought about it, but they really don’t know John. They only know him from being your boyfriend, and now your fiance.
John is shuffling in place a little since he’s growing a bit nervous, and you smile at him encouragingly when he looks over at you for reassurance.
“So, I’m John.” he says, laughing a little, “I worked with Bernard a lot, I would bind books for him to sell to certain clients, and he’d even put some out on the shelves.”
Tess raises her hand, and John looks at her, “Yes, hi, uh, do we have to work this week? I uh, might be a little busy.”
“No, the shop doesn’t open until next week, but I wanted you all to be the first to see it, and I wanted to introduce myself. So, again, I’m John.” he says, then he looks over at you and smiles, “Uh, you might also know that I am engaged to Y/N, which brings me to the next thing I wanted to talk about. We own this shop now, if you need to talk to one of us, we’re willing to listen. You can come to either of us with any concerns that you have. She’s just as much an owner as I am. Come here, baby.”
You walk over to John as he reaches out for your hand, then he wraps his right arm around your waist. You let out a small laugh and look up at everyone as your cheeks turn red.
“Hi, everyone. I don’t want you to think any differently of me now that I own the shop. I’m still me, and we can still gossip about the mean old shop owner.” you say, gesturing to John.
Tess laughs, then jokingly wipes her brow, “Thank god!”
You look up at John and smile, “As for now, there are only 6 of us that work here, which is fine since the shop is quite small and it’s not that busy, but in these next few weeks, we’re going to be hiring more people. Tess is obviously pregnant, and she’s going to be taking some time off so she can spend it with her husband and her baby. And as for John and I, we’re going to be getting married this fall and we’re going to be starting a family. So, my point is, there might be a lot of work, but hopefully we can hire a few more people to take some of the work off your shoulders.”
“We work in a book shop, I think it’s a pretty chill atmosphere.” Tess laughs.
You give Tess a disapproving look that makes her laugh, then you shake your head a little, “I know, but I just don’t want anyone to unhappy here. If you’re unhappy with your job, we would really like to hear from you.”
“I think you’ll all be happy to know that you’ll all be getting a raise as well.” John says, and they all begin to smile. “It’s not much, but it’s something for now.”
You watch as they look around at each other, then Grace looks at you and smiles. Grace claps her hands, then squeals a little, “You’re getting married!”
“I am.” you laugh, holding up your hand as Grace runs over to look at your ring.
John pats your hip as he walks over to talk to a few of the employees to give them their schedules, then he heads up the stairs to show them the new upper level that will be open. You don’t really know the newer employees, but they all seem nice so far.
Tony is one of the newer employees, and you can tell that he already thinks John is the coolest guy he’s ever met. He’s much quieter than everyone else, and he almost never speaks up when he has an issue -- something you’re definitely going to work on with him.
Natalie has worked here for a few months before John bought the shop and she’s not your favorite person, but she does what’s she told to do. She constantly stares at John, which is a little annoying, but you can’t blame her. She also has a bit of an attitude, and you hope she’ll keep it in check since she knows that you can easily fire her now.
Grace has worked here almost as long as you. She’s younger than you, but she’s great to work with since she’s always full of dramatic stories, but unfortunately sometimes it spills into her work and she’ll get too distracted and forget that she’s working. Her boyfriend has also been kicked out of the shop a few times already by you and Tess.
Then there’s Tess. One of the better employees, but of course you’re biased. She’s a great employee, and she’s so good with customers since she’s always so friendly. She’s going to be on maternity leave for the first few weeks that the shop is open, but you know Tess, and you know she’ll end up coming in, even if it’s just to sit with you.
You’ll definitely need to hire a few more people since you and John won’t be working as much, but until then, John has offered to work your shifts since he knows that you want to help Tess.
Your mom taps on your shoulder, and you turn around to look at her, “Your shop is lovely. I love this little nook back here.”
“Yeah, it’s not completely done yet, but we can’t keep the shop closed for much longer.” you smile and look up to see John leaning over the railing to wave at you, “Hi, baby.”
“It looks nice up here. Come up here.” he says, then he looks at Tess, “Not you, you can’t come up here.”
“Well now, that’s just rude.” she says, crossing her arms.
“You’re 40 weeks pregnant.” you gesture to the stairs, “You think you could make it?”
Tess laughs, “Oh, absolutely not.”
You let out a small laugh, then you quickly run up the stairs to John’s side. You’ve never even been up here before, and it’s a lot nicer and bigger than you thought. There’s a few tables for people to sit and read at, and there’s a nice chair in the corner for people to also sit in. The shelves are so nice and new, and they’re packed with books.
“This looks really nice.” you turn around and look down at your mom and Tess talking. “Whoa, this is a lot higher than I thought.”
John laughs and leans against the railing with you, “So, you think it looks good?”
“I think it looks great.” you nod, looking at John, “You did a great job, Jonathan. I’m proud of you, and I can’t wait for what our little kid’s corner downstairs will look like when you’re finished with that.”
“Yeah, about that, did you know that Amanda paints?” he says, and you shrug, “Yeah, she paints. I asked if she’d paint the walls down there. She said yeah, so she’s going to come in this weekend and get a look at it so she can get some ideas. I told her some princesses and stuff would be good, and some dragons or something.”
“No, I did not know that she paints, but that’s a great idea. I hope she brings Harper with her. I miss that little chunk.”
“I saw her the other day when I was at Aurelio’s shop. She’s getting so big.” he says, then you start your way back down the stairs when you see everyone getting ready to leave.
John hands everyone their schedules, then he makes sure to point out that his number is at the bottom and that they can call at anytime if they have any concerns. Natalie smirks a little more, and you and Tess both look at each other and roll your eyes.
Since John is closing up the shop and locking it up, you walk with your mom and Tess to her car and lean against the door as you talk to them.
“What are your plans for tonight?”
Tess shrugs, “Probably just making sure I have the last of my things ready. They induce me if I don’t go into labor by the end of the week, so…yikes. What about you?”
“Wedding planning.” you say, and your mom perks up, “We decided to get married this fall. September 5th. Mark your calendar.”
“Well,” your mom crosses her arms, “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“We just decided it last month, and I knew I’d see you soon so I decided to wait and tell you in person.” you jokingly roll your eyes, “You’re so ungrateful.”
Your mom playfully pats your shoulder and pulls on her seat belt, “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
You lean back in the car and point at Tess’ belly, “The moment it breaks, you call me.”
Tess laughs, “Yeah, yeah.”
You’ve been showing John all the ideas that you have come across in the wedding magazines you’ve been buying. There’s three stacked up on the table, one in the kitchen, and one next to your bed. They’re everywhere. You’ve caught John looking at them a few times, and he’s even folded over a page or two for you to look at later.
You stretch out on the couch, laying across John’s lap as you yawn, “We should head upstairs, it’s nearly 3 AM.”
“I’m not tired, but I’ll watch some TV while you sleep.” he says, then he tucks one arm under your legs and the other around your back to carry you upstairs. “I shouldn’t have had a cup of coffee when I got home this afternoon.”
John lays you down on the bed, then he lays down on top of you as he kisses you. You part your lips as he slides his tongue into your mouth, and you scoot back on the bed so you can wrap your legs around his waist.
You watch your finger as you trail it along John’s jawline, then you look up to meet his gaze. He’s watching your every move, and you smile a little more when he licks his lips.
John’s hands are everywhere on your body, but he keeps his lips connected to yours as you pull up your shirt a little. You grab John’s waist to pull him closer to you, and you bite your lip a little when you feel John hard in his pants. He rubs himself against you teasingly, then he smiles when he looks at you.
“Want it?”
You nod your head, “Yes, please.”
“Good girl.” he whispers against your lips, then he leans down to kiss you before he pulls your pajama shorts off. “Let me see her, let me see her!”
You laugh loudly and shake your head, “You’re so funny.”
He closes his eyes and bites his bottom lip when he sees you’re not wearing underwear, and he leans down to kiss your thighs. He slowly slides his fingers into your pussy, then he pulls them out, “Mmm, look how wet I make you.”
You look up at John as he slowly rubs your clit, then he stands up to pull off his pants. He kicks them to the side as he pulls his shirt over his head, and you sit up to pull your shirt off.
Reaching out for John, you whimper a little, wanting him more and more, but damn, he’s teasing you. He strokes his cock in his hand, and you crawl to the end of the bed and immediately take him into your mouth. You’re nearly choking yourself on his cock, but he tastes and feels so good that you don’t even care.
“Fuck, yes.” John whispers, looking down at you, “Look at you devouring me.”
You sit back on the bed and spread your legs, “Fuck me.”
John smiles as he crawls on the bed, and you hold his gaze as he slowly slides between your legs. He pushes himself in further as you moan, and your eyes roll shut and teeth chatter from the pleasure.
Just as John begins to move his hips at a lazy pace, your phone rings and he stops. You wave it off and pull John down, moaning loudly as he slides deeper between your legs. He slowly bucks his hips, then he immediately begins to pick up speed. You’re breathing heavily and moaning loudly as John continues his thrusts, and your phone begins to ring again.
“Fuck.” you look at John and smile, “Don’t you dare stop fucking me.”
John smiles, “Yes, ma’am.”
You lean over to grab your phone and see Tess is calling, “Hello?”
“Uh, what are you doing?”
You bite your lip as you try to hold in a moan when John rotates his hips, and you press your hand to your mouth when John begins to rub circles on your clit and kiss your neck.
“I’m fine.” you say, holding your breath. “What’s up?”
“Are you serious right now? Is he…is he…” Tess laughs, then she whispers, “Are you having sex?”
You grab onto the sheets and squeeze your phone so hard in your hand that you think you just might crush it, and you look up at John as he smiles smugly. He bites his lip as he jerks his hips, and he reaches down to cover your mouth as you moan.
“What do you want, Tess?” you finally manage to choke out.
“Oh, uh, nothing big. Just wanted to let you know that my water broke at 2:58.” she says, and you put your hand on John’s chest to stop him.
“What? Are you going to the hospital?” you ask, and John sits up a little.
Tess laughs quietly, “Well, I’m currently sitting in the car while mom and Jimmy run around frantically. Keep having sex though. Don’t mind me, I’m just going to shove a baby out of my vagina in a few hours.”
“Tess, I’ll be right there. I’ll get dressed and I’ll be down there in 5 minutes.” you say, then you grab John to stop him when he starts to get off of you. “Okay, babe? I’ll be right there.”
Tess sniffles a little, “I’m really scared.”
“I know, and I’m coming.” you say, and the line goes silent for a moment, “I…I didn’t mean it like that, but…”
Tess laughs hysterically, “Oh, sweet Jesus. Just finish up and get down here so I can tease you in person.”
You toss your phone onto the floor, then you grabs John’s biceps and wrap your legs around him tighter as he begins to rock his hips faster. Both of you were trying your hardest to hold it off, and now that you’re going to meet Tess in 5 minutes, you’re ready to finally have that orgasm that’s been building this whole time.
John puts your right leg over his shoulder, then he takes deep and long thrusts as he rubs your clit, and you grab at his arms and whimper as your body tenses up. Letting out a string of moans, you moan John’s name loudly as he beams with pride, then he grunts as he thrusts so deep that you swear he’s going to tear you in half.
“I’m coming,” you whine, tilting your head back, “Fuck, you’re making me come!”
John lays down on top of you to kiss you as he bucks his hips every few seconds and spills inside of you, his warmth filling your core. You lay there for a moment before John pulls out, then you immediately get up and run into the bathroom to clean yourself up.
You head back into the room and grab a sports bra from your drawer, then you pull on the first pair of leggings you can find. John is getting dressed as well, and the two of you move around each other quickly. You spot yourself in the mirror and notice your hair looks like a mess, but you don’t have time to fix it so you just pull it into a bun on the top of your head.
“Ready?” you ask as you zip up your hoodie.
John nods, hopping on one foot as he puts his shoe on, “Yup.”
You grab your bag by the door, then you hop in the car and wait for John to lock the house. He gets in the car and starts it, then he backs out of the driveway. Tess’ car is gone, so you assume that they’re already on their way to the hospital.
“I’m so nervous.” you say, reaching over for John’s hand, “She’s really scared, and as much as I love Jimmy, I just don’t know how he’s going to react to this, so I need to be there.”
“I’ll get you there, baby.” he says, then he presses on the gas a little more, “We’ll be right behind them.”
Tess is already in her room when you walk in, and you sigh a breath of relief when you see she’s smiling and laughing. Jimmy is sitting in the chair next to the bed, and he’s holding her hand as the nurse talks to them. You quietly slip in and gesture to the couch for John to sit down, and you wait for the nurse to leave before you walk over to Tess. She smiles at you, then she lays back and closes her eyes.
She smiles, “Yup, and I feel pretty dang good. It hurt like a bitch, but whatever, I feel fantastic. How are you?”
You look around the room, then point at yourself, “Me? I’m fine. I just wanted to be here with you, I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner.”
Tess looks over at John and smiles, “I don’t blame you.”
John’s cheeks turn red, and he takes his phone out of his pocket to look at it to avoid Tess’ gaze on him. You look back at her and shake your head disapprovingly.
“At 3 AM? Really?”
Your mom furrows her brow and stands up, “What about 3 AM?”
“Tess, I swear to god.” you warn, but Tess just laughs loudly as your cheeks begin to burn.
“I called her to tell her that my water broke, and when she answered…” she laughs, and your mom looks at you, squinting her eyes playfully.
You look at your mom and shrug, “What?! We’re trying to get pregnant, okay?”
You walk over and sit down next to John who is still looking at his phone, and he winks when he glances at you. You smile when you see him commenting on a picture that Amanda has posted of Benji, and you lean your head against his shoulder as he continues scrolling through his phone. He shows you the picture that he posted of you from earlier that day, and you roll your eyes when you read the caption.
“Cheesy. I always love your cheesy captions.” you whisper as he looks over at you, “I didn’t even see that you posted that. I haven’t looked at my phone all day.”
John looks at the picture on his phone and smiles proudly, “I just like to show you off.”
“And I love that.” you say, leaning over to kiss him.
John smiles as he leans over to kiss you, then he looks up when the nurse comes back in. He widens his eyes and looks over at you to give Tess some privacy when they lift the sheet to check out how she’s doing.
“I don’t think I should be in here.” he whispers, and you look up at him, “I don’t think I should be in here when she’s giving birth. I mean, she’s like my little sister. I don’t really want to see that.”
“I’m not going to be in here. It’ll just be Jimmy and my mom. We can sit outside when she’s ready to push.”
“Wait, really?” Tess sits up on the bed and looks at the nurse, and you look over at her. “Like right now?”
“Like right now.” the nurse nods, “You ready to meet your baby?”
Tess looks around as she begins to grow nervous, “I mean, yeah, but…”
“Tess, you’re going to do great.” you say as you get up and sit down next to her, “You’re going to see your baby, and he’s going to be perfect.”
“What if I die?” she asks, and Jimmy starts to laugh.
“You’re not going to die, babe. It’s gonna be fine.” he stands up and helps her get in the right position as more nurses enter the room.
You look over your shoulder as John slips out of the room, then you look back at Tess, “John and I will just be outside the room. If you need me…”
She nods, “Just yell, yeah, I will.”
You hug Tess tight, then you lean down to kiss her belly, “I’ll see you soon, Finny.”
As you back out of the room, you look at Jimmy as he holds tight to Tess’ hand and he presses a kiss to her forehead. There’s no need to be worried about Jimmy, he’s going to do great. Your mom already has tears in her eyes as she stands on the other side of Tess and holds her hand. You would have been more than happy to be in the room with Tess, but with all the nurses, it’s just too crowded. The people who need to be there are there: your mom and Jimmy.
John is leaning against the wall when you walk out into the hallway, then he nods his head towards the cafeteria, “Let’s go get something to eat.”
You intertwine your fingers with John’s and look up at him, “Felt a little weird to just leave earlier.”
“What do you mean?”
“Like…we just had sex and I got up right after.” you shrug as you get on the elevator, “We usually lay together and talk after.”
John laughs and leans back against the wall, “Well, yeah, but we didn’t have time.”
“I would be terrible as a one night stand. I would want to sit and talk to them, and they’d be like, internally screaming because this girl will not get out of their bed.” you say, and John laughs again. “Was I like that the first time we had sex?”
“The first time we ever had sex, we took a shower right after and you fell asleep. I was the one talking.” he laughs, reaching for your hand when the elevator dings, “So, no, you weren’t like that.”
“Oh, yeah…” you smile as you lean up to kiss John, “That was the night you told me that you were in love with me.”
You and John are sitting outside of Tess’ room as she cusses loudly, and you’re both trying to keep yourself composed, but it’s really fucking hard.
“Jesus Christ, why does this hurt so fucking much?!”
“You’re almost there, babe.” Jimmy says, and you peek into her room to see Tess struggling to push.
It’s so hard to not run in and be with her, but you can’t, so you sit back down next to John and pick at your nails. John puts his hand on top of yours and gives you a reassuring smile when you look at him.
“I know this is hard for you.” he says, then he winces when he hears Tess grunting.
“Where is she?!” Tess finally yells, and you smile proudly when she calls your name. You walk into the room and stand at her side as she cries, “Fuck, this is hard. I can’t feel anything down there.”
“It’s okay, Tess.” you wipe her hair away from her face and smile, “You’re doing great.”
Jimmy looks between her legs and smiles wide, “Baby, he’s coming, I can see him.”
Tess’ face is pure determination and focus as she gives one big push. She exhales loudly and sits back to gain her strength to do it again.
“You’re doing great, Tess.” you whisper, and she looks over at you, “One more push!”
“Everyone keeps saying that, but it’s not one more push, it’s like five.” she whines, nearly in tears.
You grip her hand tighter and look at her, “You can do this, Tess.”
Tess pushes several more times as you all encourage her, then she finally sits back when she hears Finn crying. You back away so the doctors can help clean him and Tess up, and you walk back into the hallway to find John. You fall into his lap and lean your head against his shoulder.
“Wow, she did great.”
John smiles, “I heard. You should be a mid-wife.”
You laugh loudly, “It’s really nice to have a fiance who thinks I’m good at everything. I frost a cake, you think I should be a baker. I put a band aid on your cuts, you think I should be a doctor.”
“Because I believe in you, and I know you’d be great at all of these things.”
Rolling your eyes, you lean down to kiss John, then you look up when the doctors and nurses start to leave the room. There’s still a nurse or two coming in and out of the room to help Tess, so you don’t know whether or not the two of you should head in to see Finn.
“Did you see him?”
You shake your head, “No, but man, he’s got a set of lungs on him. He’s definitely Tess’ baby.”
You and John are still waiting outside of Tess’ room since she’s being tended to, and you’re playing a fun little game of ‘I spy’ to pass the time. John has won almost every round so far since you gave up after he picked things that were way too hard to guess.
Jimmy finally pokes his head into the hallway and waves at you and John, “Come meet him.”
Holding hands with John, you walk in and see Tess holding Finn in her arms and pressing a kiss to the top of his head. He has a little hat on to keep him warm, and you nearly die when you see the tiny little diaper he’s wearing.
“Congratulations, man.” John says, hugging Jimmy, then he walks over and kisses Tess’ cheek as he sets the vase of flowers he bought on the side table, “Good job, Tess. He’s beautiful.”
“He’s so tiny!” you frown dramatically, then you rub your finger against his cheek, “He’s so cute! Hi, Finn. Oh wait, you named him Finn, right? You didn’t decide at the last minute to name him something random like Rexford or…Tobin?”
Jimmy laughs as he looks at you, “Nope, Finn James Hendricks. You can keep calling him Finny James.”
“Though I did go back and forth between Finley and Finn, but we settled on Finn.” Tess hugs him a little and lets out a small laugh as she wipes away the tear on her cheek. She looks up at Jimmy and frowns, “Sorry if I was mean to you.”
Jimmy waves it off, “No problem, babe.”
“I feel bad.” she says, and she starts to cry. “I feel so bad for being mean to you my whole pregnancy, and now I’m really emotional.”
“Aw.” Jimmy walks over and sits down next to Tess as your mom takes Finn from her so the two can have a moment.
Your mom stands in front of John on the couch and smiles, “Would you like to hold him?”
“Oh, uh,” John wipes his palms on his jeans and looks at you, “Uh, yeah, I’ll hold him. Will you help me?”
“Of course.” you laugh, and you smile as Finn is placed in John’s arms.
“Hey, buddy.” John whispers and smiles, “He’s so tiny.”
Finn looks so tiny in John’s arms, and he wiggles in his place a little as John gets comfortable. He’s wiggling around pretty wildly, and you’re a little surprised to see him looking around as much as he is. He has Tess’ blue eyes, but he’s a good mix of the two.
Finn scrunches up his face, and John looks at you with concern, “Did I do something?”
“No,” you shake your head and lean closer, “He’s fine. I mean, realistically, he’s probably pooping right now.”
John begins to bounce Finn in his arms a little, and you look over at your mom and smile proudly. John has always been such a natural when it comes to kids, he just hasn’t realized it yet.
“He’s really cute.” John says, looking up at Jimmy and Tess.
“Yeah,” Jimmy puffs his chest, “He got his looks from…well, no, he definitely got his looks from his mom.”
“He definitely looks like the two of you.” your mom says as she packs her bag.
Tess laughs loudly and shakes her head, “He looks like a potato right now, and I can say that, I’m his mom. Oh, my god. I’m a mom.”
Finn lets out a loud cry, and John immediately leans over to hand him to you. You take him from John and rock him in your arms as he falls back asleep.
“Hi, Finny James. You just don’t know who this guy is, do you? He’s just not used to your voice, John.” you look at him and bump his shoulder, then you look at Finn, “That’s your uncle! He’s a big softie, and I bet you’re going to love him so much when you’re older. He tells really bad jokes, but it’s okay because he’s just so sweet. He’s gonna love you unconditionally, and you’re gonna be so grateful to have him as your uncle.”
John laughs, “Thanks.”
“It’s true. And eventually, you’re going to have a cousin, and they’re going to be your best friend. The two of you are going to be inseparable.” you lean down and press several kisses to Finn’s soft cheek, then you look up, “Tess and Jimmy, he’s beautiful. I’m really happy for the two of you.”
You try to hold back the tears as you hand Finn to Jimmy, but John can see you struggling. He wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
It’s so nice to see Tess and Jimmy so happy, and you’re beyond excited that Tess is finally able to hold her baby. The two of them can’t stop smiling and kissing each other and Finn. You have to admit, it does make you a little sad that it’s not you in this position instead. You’ll get there eventually, but it’s okay to be sad.
Tess is getting tired from all the work that she did, and Jimmy is pretty tired as well, so you figure it’s probably time to leave.
“We better get out of here and let you two -- oh, nope, you three get some rest.” you say as you walk over to them. You reach out and give Jimmy a big hug, and Tess smiles as she watches you two. You kiss him on the cheek, then you lean over to hug Tess, “Are you staying here all day tomorrow?”
“They said I need to be here for at least 24 hours to monitor me and Finn, so, yeah, basically. Jimmy’s parents will probably come up here in a few hours too.” she says, and you nod your head. “I’ll probably be home Wednesday morning.”
Your mom is talking with John and Jimmy, so you look back at Tess again to continue talking to her, “You did a great job, Tess. Your mom and dad would be so proud of you, and they’d be so happy for you.”
Tess immediately tears up and looks away from you as she starts to cry, “Thank you.”
“I’m so sorry that they couldn’t be here for this, but mom and I are so proud of you, and I am beyond happy for you. The way your life has turned out, I don’t know anyone who deserves it more.” you grab a tissue and wipe away the tears on your cheek, “You have an amazing husband, and now you have the most beautiful little boy.”
Tess is still crying, but she nods her head and looks up at you. You lean your forehead against Tess’, and you both let out a small laugh.
“If you need anything, let me know.” you press a kiss to Finn’s head, then you stand up and walk over to John when he reaches for your hand. “Mom, are you staying here?”
Your mom wrings her hands and shrugs, “I’m not sure.”
Tess nods, “Yeah, stay here with us. Just in case.”
“Well, I guess I’m staying here.” she says, then she reaches out to hug both you and John.
Tess sits up a little and looks at you,“Oh, wait, can you get Sadie? I hate that she’s home alone. Garfield will be fine, but Sadie is probably wondering where we are.”
John nods his head as he walks over to Tess, “Yeah, of course. We’ll get her once we get back home.”
Looking back at Tess, you smile wide as Jimmy scoots onto the bed to sit with her. They look like such a cute little family, and your heart couldn’t possibly handle more, but when John leans down and kisses the top of Finn’s head, you nearly pass out.
“Okay, well, that just about killed me. Get that baby away from him!” you laugh, tugging John’s arm. You look at Tess again and wave, “I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll come visit you obviously.”
“Bye.” she smiles, then she looks down at Finn and gives Jimmy a kiss as you slowly close the door.
taglist: @callmeglenncoco @ficsnroses​ @tnu-ree @keanureevesisbae @rubywantsafuitgummy @cheekybluefox @hylianhbu @re-florescer-a @tea-time-fun-posts @star017 @fangirl-fantasize​
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atlafan · 5 years
Take it Slow - Part Forty-Two
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff and Smut. 
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
Harry wakes up feeling your butt shift against his pelvis. He opens is eyes slowly and sees you scrolling on your phone. You were reading something, but he couldn’t make out what. His head didn’t feel too bad, but he knew he drank too much. He felt so happy he had you to take care of him. He was also happy that your drama with Sarah had come to a close.
The arm that’s draped over you moves up from your stomach and to your breast. He presses his morning wood against you. He kisses on your neck and you wince.
“What’s wrong?”
“Spot’s a little tender.”
“M’sorry, did I hurt ya last night?”
“Didn’t hurt while you were doing it.” You turn onto your back so you can look at him. He gets a better look at it.
“Yikes, I’m sorry. I’ll, uh, cool it there for a bit.” He rests his head on your chest. He lightly plays with one of your piercings. “You have such a beautiful body, you know that?” You giggle and run your hand through his hair.
“Thanks babe.”
“You took care of me last night?”
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have drank that much.”
“It’s okay, you weren’t that difficult to take care of.”
“Are you sure?” He props himself to look at you. “Sometimes I can be a real goober.”
“Oh god.” You groan while he laughs.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t get over it. What a weird name for candy!”
“But they were good right?”
“Yeah I actually really liked ‘em.” He kisses your cheek. “Is there anythin’ we need to do today?”
“Grocery shop, laundry, other chores.” He groans.
“I hate cleanin’.”
“Well���you don’t really clean.” You stroke his cheek gently.
“Wha’? I clean.”
“And then I re-clean.” You smile. “I really don’t mind. I kinda like doing it myself. If you want maybe you could meal prep the lunches.”
“Deal. And I can do all the laundry.”
“Oh, I like the sound of that.” He moves to hover over you, and he kisses on the less tender side of your neck. Your phone starts to go off. It’s Niall.
“He can wait.”
“It could be important, Harry.” You swipe to answer the call. “Hey baby what’s shakin’?” Harry glares at you. He can hear Niall chuckling.
“He still in bed with ya?”
“You’re funny.”
“I’m aware. What’s up?”
“Do ya have plans later today?”
“Well it depends on when I finish all my chores and stuff, why?”
“Wanna come over for dinner?”
“Just moi?”
“Just toi! Sarah’s totally cool now.”
“Oh that’s great. Did you two have a good night?”
“Very good.”
“Yay! Okay sure I’d love to come for, shit, dinner.” Harry’s hand moved between your legs and started rubbing on your clit.
“You okay?”
“Mhm, I’ll text you later okay?”
“Alright, BYE WIFEY!”
“Bye hubby!” You hang up the phone and put it on the nightstand. “Very funny doing that while I’m on the phone.”
He moves your legs to wrap them around his waist.
“You know I don’t really like the husband/wife shit.”
“It’s just a joke, chill.” He nods.
“Hm, chill?”
“Yeah, chiiillllll.” He plunges two of his fingers into you. He smirks at your reaction. You tighten around him and moan out. You loved having sex in the morning, you were always way more stimulated. “Fuck.”
“So he invited you over tonight?”
“Harry please.”
“It’s a simple question.”
“I, fuck, don’t wanna think about him right now.”
“Good answer.”
He pumps in and out of you faster. You move your hips along with his fingers.
“Harry, please use your cock.” He pulls his fingers out of you completely.
“Nah, we gotta go grocery shoppin’.”
“What…what do you mean nah?”
“We have shit to do today, love.” He gets off of you and goes into the bathroom, leaving you there stunned. What in the actual fuck? Was he seriously edging you? He comes back out and smirks at you. “C’mon, time to start the day.” He starts getting dressed. You get out of bed, glaring at him.
You were completely frazzled. Not only did he deprive you of his dick, but he deprived you of an orgasm. Rude. You get dressed, and go through the shopping list on your phone. Harry throws a load into the wash before you leave. The car ride is quiet at first.
“Harry…you’re not mad that I’m hanging out with Niall tonight, are you? Would you have preferred I asked before agreeing?” You’re asking in a genuine tone. You didn’t want his feelings hurt.
“Not at all.” He places his hand on your thigh. “Want ya t’hang out with your friends. Why would you think I’m mad?”
“I don’t know…this morning…” You pinch your legs together.
“Left ya hangin’ did I?”
“Little bit.” He nods but doesn’t say anything else.
You get through your shopping. You clean up the kitchen while Harry flips the load of laundry. You turn some music on, and start mopping. Harry watches while you dance around with the mop. Next you dust and vacuum while he starts prepping your lunches for the week. It was a pretty good system. You really didn’t mind cleaning. You knew he wasn’t going to deep clean certain things. Plus, you loved when he cooked so you knew you’d enjoy your lunches even more this week.
“All done babe.” He says throwing the sponge back in the sink. You hug him and kiss him on the cheek.
“Thank you so much! I can’t wait to eat your delicious creation this week.” He wraps his arms around you.
“My pleasure. Thanks for cleanin’ everything else up.” He squishes his nose to yours and you giggle.
You tilt your head up to kiss him. You were still feeling sort of deprived from earlier, so you deepen the kiss. His hands slide down to your butt and kneads your cheeks. His eyes glance over to the clock. You feel him smirk against you.
“Nothin’, you should get goin’, wouldn’t wanna keep hubby waitin’.”
“You are mad at me…”
“I promise I’m not. Go on, have fun.” He kisses you on the cheek.
“I don’t have to go right this second, we could-“
“Nah.” He shrugs and goes over to his desk. “I have some stuff I need to get done, love.” You sigh and grab your things.
“Alright, I’ll be back in a little while.”
You drive to Niall’s slightly annoyed. You knew exactly what Harry was doing to you. He wanted you to want it so bad it would be all you thought about while you were with Niall. Maybe you wouldn’t want to stay as long, or maybe he just wanted you to think of him the entire time. You ring Niall’s buzzer and he lets you up.
“Hey!” You both say at the same time and hug. You come in and hang your jacket up. “I ordered a pizza, know you don’t get to have real cheese too often.”
“God that sounds amazing.” You both get settled on the couch.
“Thought I would put that Wet Hot American Summer series on in the background while we chat. Haven’t watched that in a while, but it’s not somethin’ we need to pay attention to.”
“Good thinking.” He turns on Netflix and puts the show on.
“Okay, I want every single dirty detail, and I want it now. How was the first time?” You take a bite of the pizza.
“Where should I begin…”
You tell Niall everything, even down to Harry accidentally coming on your face. You both laugh hysterically about it. You tell him about the couple of times after that, and you laugh even harder when you talk about Niall walking in on you.
“That was so awkward.” You say.
“I felt terrible about it. Literally was the last thing I was expectin’.”
“So everything really is cool with you and Sarah now?”
“Yeah, we talked through a lot. She felt really bad for trying to ruin our friendship. She explained she just needed more reassurance, which I’m happy to give her.”
“Little Niall, in love.” You jostle the hair on his head.
“It’s a great feelin’ for sure.”
“And she was fine with giving up a date night to let you hang with me tonight?”
“Yeah, she said her and Rachel were going to hang out.”
“Oh good.”
“And Harry was okay with it?”
“Mhm. We got all of our Sunday chores out of the way today, so tomorrow we can do whatever.”
“So what’s he up to then?”
“Working, I think.”
“Do ya want anythin’ t’drink? I have tequila.”
“Yes please! Do you have anything to mix with it?”
“Orange juice work?”
“You bet!” He comes back with the drink. “Thanks.”
“Alright, so, I know we’ve both been busy so I’m assumin’ you haven’t watched the second season of You yet?”
“Nope.” You grin.
“Shall we take the opportunity to binge?”
“I don’t think we have a choice.” Niall pulls up the show, and you both get comfortable.
“The first season was so good, I hope this is a good follow up.”
“I’ve heard excellent reviews.”
Harry didn’t realize how much time had passed. He had ripped through a ton of his freelance work and had actually gotten caught up. When he looked at his watch and saw that it was nearly 9:30, he got a little worried. You said you were just going over for dinner. He didn’t think this would be a late night thing. It was Saturday night after all. He wanted to call to see when you’d be home, but he didn’t want to seem controlling.
You were on your third drink, and third episode. You knew it was getting late, but this is what you and Niall used to do all the time. You would binge entire seasons of shows together. You were also just enjoying the quality time. You guys had a lot of time together at work, but it was nice to not talk about work.
“I love the way this show is narrated.” He says.
“Me too! It really feels like someone’s inner thoughts. I also just like the way his voice sounds. The cadence is interesting.”
“Agreed.” You finish your drink. “Hey, could I have some water, I should probably start to sober up.”
“Sure!” Niall gets up and fills a glass for you. “Here ya are.”
“You know I can just drive you home?”
“I know, but then I’d have to come to get my car tomorrow and it’ll be a whole thing.”
“You could call Harry. Bet he would just uber over here, then he could drive your car back.”
“No, I don’t wanna bother him.” You sigh. “I don’t think he likes that we’re married.” He starts laughing.
“Harry? I never would’ve guessed.” He says facetiously. “Jesus, he’s not gonna start gettin’ all jealous now is he? We just got over all this drama.”
“I don’t know, he was acting weird earlier. I don’t think it’s jealousy, I think…I think it’s a territory thing.”
“Ohhh, yup, I could definitely see that. Something I’ve learned about him over the years is that once something is his, he doesn’t really like having to share it, even if that thing has someone else in their life.”
“So…he’s done this with other girlfriends?”
“No.” You raise an eyebrow at him. “M’talkin’ about Louis.”
“Oh! Like when him and El first got together?”
“Even when him and his ex were together. Harry got very territorial with him. But Lou was also territorial with Harry.”
“I don’t know really.” He shrugs. “They had this like big brother/little brother thing. They were just protective of each other. I also think, at the time, Harry couldn’t wrap his head around Louis only wanting to be with one girl since he was happy just hookin’ up.”
“You don’t think he’d try to tell us we couldn’t hang out, do you?”
“Nah. But I could see him making sure it’s known that you’re no one’s but his.”
“He knows that.”
“Yeah, but he wants to make sure everyone else knows that…I’ve told ya before, he’s sorta needy. Little bit clingy.”
“So I’ve noticed.” You smile.
“You don’t mind?”
“Honestly? No. I kind of like it. I’ve never been with someone who just likes everything about me the way he does. I think…he really sees a future with me.”
“And movin’ in together didn’t make ya realize that sooner?” He smirks and swat your hand at him.
“He’s just been dropping small comments lately. Like, for example, he mentioned how our potential new place had room to grow.”
“For like a dog?”
“That’s what he said when I asked him to clarify, but I think he meant for like a baby.”
“He loves babies.” He chuckles.
“I know! And then last night when he was drunk, I made a joke about something for the rest of my life or whatever, and he was like I hope so.” You sip on your water. “Like…does boy wanna marry me?” You giggle.
“Y/N, you really read too far into things. I don’t think he’s been thinkin’ about it yet…even if he has, so what? A lot of people get engaged after being with each other for a year, sometimes less. Oh! Like in I love you man, Peter and Zooey get engaged after only eight months and they’ve been livin’ together.”
“Oh my god, how cute of you to compare us to one of the best film couples of all time.” You put your hands over your heart. “We need to watch that movie again, I love it so much.”
“Maybe that could be our next double date! We could invite Rachel and Lora too.”
“If Harry and I get the apartment we could have a small house warming and watch it!”
“Why are we literally the two most brilliant people in the world?”
“This is why we’re mom and dad of the division, I swear to god.” You both laugh.
Around eleven you decide to call it a night. You were itching to get home to Harry. You were surprised he hadn’t texted you, but to be fair you hadn’t texted him. You help Niall clean everything up.
“Text me when ya get home.” He hugs you.
“Will do.” You hug him back. “Thanks for a fun night, love ya!”
“Love ya back!”
You key into your apartment. Harry was wrapped in a blanket on the sofa watching TV. You smile when you see him.
“Hi baby.” You say.
“Hi there.” You walk over and sit down next to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Have fun?”
“Didn’t think you’d be gone for so long.”
“I’m sorry, I should’ve texted you to check in. Time just got away from us.”
“What did you guys do?”
“Caught up on life. Then we binged the first few episodes of You season two. It’s really good so far. I can’t wait to keep watching. We’ll have to use our lunch breaks to keep watching together.”
“That’s all you guys did, sit and watch TV?”
“Mhm, we love watching TV together. We like to make insightful comments with each other.” He can smell the tequila on you.
“Did you drink?”
“A little, but don’t worry I sobered up. That’s why I’m home so late, I didn’t wanna be buzzed.”
“You could’ve called me.”
“I didn’t wanna bother you babe. What did you do tonight?”
“Got caught up on all my freelance shit.”
“That’s great!” You smile at him. “I appreciate you being so cool about me hanging out with him tonight. He really is one of my best friends, and I’ve missed spending alone time with him.”
“I get it, making time for friends is important. Just maybe next time could you let me know when you’re going to be home? I didn’t know if I should wait up or not, and then I got kinda worried.” He rubs the back of his neck. “But I also didn’t wanna call because I didn’t want you to think I was up your ass.”
“I’m sorry baby, I feel bad you were worried. I’ll definitely check in with you next time.” You yawn. “Are you ready for bed? I’m tired.”
“Sure. Did you, um, think of me at all tonight?”
“Course I did.” You kiss him, and get up. He follows you into the bedroom.
You go into the bathroom and do your nightly routine. When you come out Harry’s in the bed with his glasses on, an arm behind his head, and the other hand has his book in his hand. You notice it’s a new book. You get into bed.
“What’s this one about?” You tap the outside of the book.
“Oh, this is a good one. This is a friend’s to lovers story. I think I’ve read it like four times already. It’s one of my favorites.”
“Would you read it to me since you’re just starting it?”
“You’re going to fall asleep though, I’d want ya to be fully invested.”
“I’ll tell you what, I will sit up while you read, and if I feel really tired, I’ll let you know. I love when you read to me, please?” He chuckles
“Alright.” You shift to sit up against the headboard. “Ready?”
“Proceed.” He clears his throat.
“’They had been friends for as long as he could remember. They had been through everything together, he was even in her wedding party. Eric was the best friend Jane could have ever had. When her husband left her, he was right there for her. Being a single mom to a two year old was not easy. Eric often helped Jane out on the weekends. He would babysit so she could have some time to herself. He loved that child like it was his own.’”
You were hooked immediately. You loved the way the words fell from Harry’s lips. You couldn’t wait to learn more about Eric and Jane. When you hear Harry yawn you look over at him.
“Think that’s enough for tonight.” He dog ear’s the page he’s on, and puts the book on the night stand. He takes his glasses off and rubs his eyes. “What do you think so far?”
“I am invested.” You giggle. “Do you always reread books like that?”
“Sometimes. I get into these funks where I just miss the characters.”
“God, Harry, you are so sweet.” He turns off the light, and you lay on his chest. “Seriously, you are the cutest thing in the world.” You look up at him. “You’re so sensitive, it’s so sexy.” He feels his cock twitch.
“Mhm.” He rubs your back lightly. You move to straddle him, surprising him a little. “I mean, there’s a lot of sexy things about you.”
“Like what?” He plays innocent.
“Well, for starters, these lips.” You brush your thumb over his bottom lip. “So sexy.” He kisses your thumb. You move your other hand to stroke through his hair. “And your beautiful, soft hair? Incredibly sexy.” You make a fist and tug at it. The hand near his mouth slides down to his throat. You run your thumb over his Adam’s apple. “God, and that deep voice of yours? When you whisper in my ear…I mean, fuck, that’s sexy.”
He leans up and kisses you. There was nothing more he enjoyed than when you loved on him like this. He missed you all night, and you were totally making up for it. His hands move to cup your cheeks as the kiss deepens. Your hands flatten on his chest. Your tongues drag against each other and you moan against him. Your hips roll down on him, and his lift up to yours. You reach between the two of you, and grip his hard cock. You lift slightly, and guide him in. You both moan out at the contact. You slowly grind down on him. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, and hide your face in his neck.
Harry’s hands move down to your hips, and grips you tightly. He helps you move up and down on him as he thrust ups into you. You could feel your forehead sweating against his neck. You were letting out small moans. He was getting in so deep from the way you were sitting on him. You kiss on his collarbone, and suck his skin into your mouth. He gasps at the sensation. He moves you faster on him. Your hands move to his hair. You were feeling so good.
“Harry.” You moan into his ear.
“Talk to me, angel.” One of his hands moves to your clit, and he rubs slow, sensual circles on it.
“You feel so good inside me.”
“Mhm. Do you like how tight I am around you?”
“God, yes.” His head nearly rolls back as you continue to move together.
“You like fucking me like this?”
“Yes.” He says through gritted teeth.
“You make me feel so hot, Harry. I’m so fucking wet.” You tighten around him.
“Oh, fuck.” One of his hands moves to your back to press you as close as he possibly can.
“I love you so much, Harry. You’re the only person I ever want to fuck me.”
“Shit, shit, Y/N.” Harry shoots his come up inside you. Between the warmth from that and the way he’s rubbing on your clit, you release as well. “I…love…you too.” He breaths heavily. He presses his head into your shoulder.
You move your hands to tilt his head up. You make sinful eye contact and kiss passionately. He shifts the two of you so you’re lying on your back. You feel him getting hard again inside you. You wrap your legs around his waist, and rest your heels against his butt.
“You’re the only person I ever want to fuck.” He says into your ear. He takes both of your hands in his and lifts them above your head as he moves in and out of you. “You feel so good around me.”
This was some of the best sex you two had ever had. It was so passionate. You could feel the sweat pooling between both of your stomachs and it didn’t bother you at all.
“Keep talking, baby.” You moan.
“I’m going to fuck you into this mattress.” Jesus. “I’m going to have you screaming.” Oh god. “I’m going to have you begging me to never stop.” Mother of fuck.
Harry delivered on everything he said to you. You had sex four times. FOUR TIMES! You lost track of how many orgasms you had. He had you all over the bed. Eventually you just felt too raw to keep going. You both fell asleep with big smiles on your faces.
The next day it hurt to walk. You felt like if you even sneezed your vagina was going to fall out. It honestly felt like after the first time you ever had sex years ago. It also hurt extremely bad to pee. You wondered if your body would ever get used to the way Harry stretched you out.
He was walking on sunshine when he got up. He was enjoying your state of being way too much. He didn’t want you to be in pain of course, but he was very proud of his work. You were completely and utterly fucked for him, and knew it. 
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Bop to the Top
Oh boy what have I done? I wrote fanfic, that’s what I done. Basically, I was just chilling, minding my business, when I came across this YouTube video:
I then had an idea for a fanfic that would not let me go until I wrote it. So I wrote it. Please be nice, this is my first time writing fanfic ever. It also became longer than I anticipated so here it is in all its unedited glory. Enjoy! Story begins under the cut, because yikes, why is this over 2000 words?!?
(Set roughly five years after the end of the war. Zuko brought in a special team to help with Azula and her situation, because Zuko is a sweet boy who still loves his sister and wants her to be okay. The comics? I don’t know her.)
Sokka was spending a perfectly pleasant afternoon strolling around the gardens at the palace when he was unexpectedly tackled by someone sneaking up on him. Actually, make that two someones sneaking up on him.
“Ooof,” he grunts as his body makes contact with the ground. Any hope he might have had for regaining his breath is dashed when the two someones who tackled him promptly fall right on top of him as well.
“Sokka!” a giddy voice shouts, followed by peals of laughter. Sokka opens his eyes to find himself face to face with a chirping lemur. The pressure on his back disappears as his two attackers stand up.
“Sorry, sorry!” another voice rings out, reaching down to help Sokka to his feet. “We were just so excited to surprise you!” Sokka turns around to see his sister Katara, and Aang standing there.
“Guess we got a little carried away!” Aang adds with a sheepish tone in his voice that somehow doesn’t match up with the light in his eyes or wide grin on his face. Sokka doesn’t say anything, just reaches out to scoop Katara and Aang into a hug as Momo scurries up to perch on his shoulder.
“I had no idea you were coming for a visit,” Sokka says, releasing the others from the hug after a few moments.
“It was a last minute decision,” Katara explains. “We were charting our course to the next destination on our itinerary, and realized that it wasn’t that far out of our way to stop by here en route. Thought it would be nice to come see you and Zuko for a day or two.”
“And I thought ‘What would be more fun than making this visit?’ Making this a ‘Surprise visit!’” Aang crowed happily. “Hope that’s okay,” he said then, a bit more tentatively, as if it was just occurring to him that maybe advance warning of their arrival would have been a good thing.
“Of course it is!” Sokka beams, “You know I’m always excited to get to see you two!” A slightly angry chirp comes from the direction of his shoulder. “And you too Momo. I couldn’t forget about my favorite flying lemur.”
It is at this moment that two palace guards come running up to the group out of breath. “Master Sokka,” one pants, “Your sister and the Avatar have arrived unexpectedly and wish to see you immediately.” 
Sokka exchanges a brief look with Aang and Katara at this obvious statement, but decides not to comment on it out loud.
“We apologize for not leading them here for a proper greeting,” the other guard says, looking somewhat miffed as well as quite sweaty. “But…” He trails off looking at the two visitors, neatly conveying the hesitance of the guards to attempt to stop the waterbending master and Avatar from going anywhere they might want.
“That’s quite alright,” Sokka states, addressing the red-faced guards. “If you could please see to it that appropriate arrangements are made for my sister and Aang to stay here for the next few days. Thank you.” With that the two guards make their bows to the group and depart.
Katara and Aang loop their arms through Sokka’s as they begin to walk towards the far end of the garden. “So,” Katara begins, “how have you been? How’s that Fire Lord fiancé of yours?”
Sokka grins at this. “I’m good, he’s good. Been keeping busy with Ambassador duties, and Fire Lord duties for him. There have been a couple of small uprising plans discovered recently, but nothing like the turmoil of the early days…” he said trailing off. He still didn’t like to remember those difficult months after Zuko assumed the throne, which featured a steady influx of plots to remove him from power and resume the war. Based on the looks on Katara and Aang’s faces, they didn’t like this reminder either. The three quickly shook themselves out of their momentary gloom, focusing back on the present. “I know he’ll want to see you as well, he’ll be so thrilled you’re here!”
“Where is he?” Aang questions.
“He’s spending some time with Azula,” Sokka explains. “She’s been doing really well recently,” he adds after seeing the dubious expressions on their faces. “Ever since we got those new healers in and the new chambers in the hospital wing set up specially for her she’s been showing a lot of improvement. Way fewer rants about taking back her rightful place as Fire Lord!” Katara and Aang still don’t look convinced, and he supposes he can’t blame them for that. If he didn’t live here and see the daily workings of the situation he probably wouldn’t believe it either. “It’s just about time for Zuko to be finishing up with his visit to her,” Sokka says somewhat hastily, eager to move past this particular subject. “I’ll go over and get him, let him know you’re here. Then we can all have dinner together, properly catch up.”
“Great!” Aang exclaims. “Me and Katara should go see about getting Appa settled in, he can be very picky about how he wants things you know!” Katara gave a slight roll of her eyes as Aang bounded off with Momo flying behind him. 
“We’ll see you at dinner!” she calls with a wave as she follows her boyfriend. Sokka smiles at their retreating backs. He’s so happy that they’re here, and he knows Zuko will be as well. With that thought in mind he heads off for the hospital wing of the palace.
As he rounds the corner leading to Azula’s chambers he hears something extremely unexpected. Typical noises that can be found in the hallway are soft talking, loud screams about Azula finally breaking free and reclaiming her place, tears, or silence. This is none of those things. This seems to be… music? Sokka is confused, and quietly pushes open the door to the room. He learned the hard way that making his presence known immediately was not necessarily a smart idea. Who knew a hairbrush could be such a powerful projectile weapon? 
Sokka instantly freezes at the sight that meets his eyes. Zuko and Azula are in the center of the room and they seem to be doing some sort of… choreographed dance routine? There is an entirely unnecessary amount of jazz hands and shimmying that seems to be happening and Sokka is absolutely thrilled. He breaks out into an unbelieving and slightly wicked smile. This is good, this is just the sort of low level embarrassing incident he can use to tease Zuko for ages. The two dancing firebenders haven’t yet noticed Sokka’s presence, they’re too focused on the dance. The song continues to play in the background, something about bopping and glory. Sokka isn’t paying close attention to the words of the song, the sight in front of him is far more entertaining and deserves his full attention. The song comes to an end, and Zuko and Azula make their grand finale on a ladder (where did they get a ladder from? Sokka muses briefly). It is only then that Sokka makes his presence known, by beginning to clap. He knew that they would instantly stop dancing if they were aware of him earlier, and he was not about to sacrifice seeing this for anything. The two whirl around at the sound of his clapping, as well as the muffled laughter he’s been holding in this entire time and is starting to lose control of.
Zuko flushes red. “How long have you been standing there?” he asks, a slightly panicked look in his eyes. He knows his fiancé, and he knows full well the amount of teasing he can expect to get from this sort of situation. At this point he can only hope for the damage to be minimal, and that Sokka didn’t see too much of the routine. He knows he’s lost when he sees the evil gleam in Sokka’s eyes.
“Oh,” Sokka laughs, “I’m pretty sure I caught most of that, and let me say I am very happy I did. When can we expect to see performances of it in the theaters around town? Personally, I think all Fire Nation citizens should have a chance to witness that. It would probably be very good for morale.” He crosses his arms and grins at the siblings, who have since come down off of the ladder. Surprisingly Azula hasn’t said anything yet, and has kept her face aimed downwards towards the floor. Both Sokka and Zuko dart their gaze to her, somewhat nervously gauging her reaction.
She looks up abruptly, her gaze moving back and forth between the two. A small smile spread across her lips. “What do you think Zuzu? A couple more months of practice before our grand debut?” Zuko looks shocked for a minute before getting his expression back under control. She turns to Sokka. “You know,” she drawls to him, “I could be ready to perform for the masses tomorrow, but you know Zuzu, he’s not as fast a learner as I am. He needs more time to practice, and I refuse to perform if the routine is not perfected! But, alas, it is now time for dinner, and so perfection shall have to wait another day at least. We can pick up with practice again another day Zuzu,” she states imperiously, laying a hand on his arm as she walks into the small dining area off of the main room. When she gets to the doorway she turns her head slightly to look at him. “Thank you,” she murmurs softly, “I had fun.” Then she sweeps into the other room and out of their sight.
Wordlessly, Zuko and Sokka exit her chambers and begin walking back towards the main part of the palace. “Wow,” Zuko mutters.
“I know,” Sokka says, “She was actually… nice for once. Glad to see the new environment and healers are helping her so much.”
“Me too,” Zuko says quietly, lost in his own thoughts.
“And you,” Sokka blurts out. Zuko looks up at him questioningly. “You’re really helping her too. Clearly,” Sokka rambles. “She seems to be coming around to trusting you a lot more. I know that’s important to you.”
Zuko smiles a bit at that. “Yeah, yeah it is.”
“Sooooooo, about that dance….” Sokka grins at him
“Oh no. No, no, no,” Zuko whines. “I just had a major breakthrough with my sister, can’t I get a pass on the mocking for once?”
Sokka looks vaguely affronted. “Do you know me at all? I am very happy about the whole ‘Breakthrough with formerly evil sister thing,’ but if you think you’re gonna be able to get out of this on the strength of that alone…” he scoffs. “That dance routine is the best material that has fallen into my lap in years, there’s no way I’m about to pass it up!”
Zuko groans affectionately, he knew that was gonna be the answer, and despite his embarrassment he can’t find it in himself to be too upset. He goodnaturedly puts up with Sokka’s shrieking about it as they begin to make their way to dinner. He’s only half paying attention when Sokka says “Oh man, Katara and Aang are gonna love this! Dinner just got so much better!” That snaps Zuko out of his trance right away.
“What do you mean ‘Katara’ and ‘Aang’ and ‘Dinner’?” He demands.
“Oh,” Sokka says slyly, looking at him out of the corner of his eye, “Did I forget to mention? Katara and Aang have dropped in for a surprise visit. We’re headed to dinner with them right now. And trust me, this story, is gonna be the highlight of the evening!” With that Sokka gives him a quick kiss on the cheek, flashes a wicked grin and runs away down the hall and into the dining room. Zuko huffs indignantly, realizing Sokka had run away before he had a chance to respond. Grumbling, but still smiling slightly, he follows his fiancé into the dining room, looking forward to seeing his friends.
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chimtaera · 5 years
imagine model namjoon.
Tumblr media
ok let’s not kid ourselves
boy’s already a model
he’s got the body.
got the looks.
what can i say, he’s no super model (too clumsy), but he get’s around with the more diverse castings yanno
probably got started on instagram,
with his #kimdaily outfits
which are sometimes just chill, pretty, sporty, casual, cool
and other times completely wacky and just ??? how did you even think to wear those ??? at the same time?? together ???
he always looks good tho
but some looks will give you whiplash. ur warned.
but that’s part of his appeal tbh
hhhh probably gains a lot of popularity when one of those more ‘out there’ outfits circulates on twitter or reddit and people are like “hOW does he make that work??? why does it look good??? is he just that hot??”
the answer is yes.
from there he builds a solid following.
for his great looks, great fashion sense, and his 4am instagram stories that are just a black pic with like a three paragraph text about how rain might feel if it had feelings.
also, solid music recommendations omg 
you probably make ur own spotify playlist with just his recommendations.
ok ok so you best bELIEVE when this boy finally gets cast for a show he’s gonna fall on his ass and go viral
claim to fame baby
probably becomes a meme and rolls with it tbh
like he’ll share the memes in his story, so as not to ruin the ・゚:*aesthetic*:・゚and react to them and shit
but then also get on live and talk at length about how faceplanting on the catwalk impacts your self-esteem, how he’s habit he could benefit positively from such an embarrassing moment, and how there’s a lesson for everyone here, and that he hopes all our embarrassing moments may in some way benefit us one day.
he’s such a sweetheart im-
so you might be a stylist?
a hair stylist?
makeup artist?
fellow model?
whatever you’re comfortable with.
you definitely see him on instagram first tho
you came for the memes but are super impressed with his profile and end up staying for the music.
...... and him.
he’s hot, come on.
also 90% of networking is done on instagram these days let us be real.
okay so oNE DAY, or like late evening, who cares
he post a music recommendation and you’re like !!!!!!!!
it’s that low key indie band with like only one EP out that you found on some obscure spotify playlist and you’ve been jamming to since october
and apparently namjoon has too because they’ve released a new single and you didn’t even know ????
and you’re so excited your fingers slip and oopsie you’ve sent a short but rambling message explaining exactly that into his DM’s
instant regret.
then the anxiety bubbles up in you.
and then you calm yourself and convince yourself that he gets a LOT of messages he probably won’t even see yours, so it’s fine it’s fine it’s-
next morning you have a reply
a new follow
yikes, you didn’t even have time to give your feed a spring cleaning
you just like his short “ikr!!!!”, too mortified to reply.
alas, the regrets!
but also
the butterflies.
then you see him at an event one time.
it’s fashion week, you’re hecking busy and about to leave because it’s like midnight and you’ve got places to be tomorrow
but it’s always so strange to see people from insta irl like ??? all those dimensions??? you really be lookign like that ??? damn.
once you’ve stared long enough to be certain that’s actually what he looks like (so handome!!! so tall!!!! wtf!!!! who allowed this??) you turn to leave just as he glances up and cetches your eye for like the tiniest fraction of a second
and you hightail it outta there and hope to heaven he doesn’t know you were staring.
but he likes your pic from the party the next morning and you almost choke on your coffee and the lump in your throat stays there all day
and you’re like, am i?? catching feelings ??? for the catwalk faceplant guy??? you’ve never even talked to the man smh
he’s fucking hot tho.
so, fashion week ends and with it comes another party
you can finally relax, celebrate, wind down from the long week.
you’re talking to some designer about their next project and they’re going on about this instagram dude who’s already on board when they start waving someone over like “hey hey, there he is, y/n have you met kim namjoon yet?”
you turn around you’re like !!!!! fuck. he’s so much taller up close.
“hey, no, yeah, no, but i’ve seen you on, uh, on instagram. i think.” smooth, y/n.
after introductions, the designer gets pulled along into some other conversation and you and namjoon are kinda awkward for a minute.
you just sip your drink like ‘fuck fuck fuckfuck fuck aaaaaaa’
but then he asks you easy questions about what you do and what you’ve been working on this week and it’s the same thing you’ve been talking about with everyone you’ve met this week so it goes pretty smoothly
he makes it easy for you, like he’s very attentive, nods along enthusiastically asking follow-up questions and seems genuinely interested in your work it’s so nice! he’s so nice!
and you ask him the same things you’ve asked everyone else this week like you haven’t seen everything on his instagram already.
actually you’ve missed a few things since you’ve been so busy and your interest is genuine, before you know it the two of you are at a table and getting along like a house on fire, showing each other pics from the week.
he asks you send him a pic from one of the shows he didn’t get to see and when he do he’s sees your old messages and is like ?? oh !!
i mean, he totally knew it was you, but he had forgotten the part about that obscure indie band and the new single, so he shows you!
you’ve been following them even closer since then so you know they’re playing a gig in like two weeks and you tell him.
turns out he’s missed this info because of fashion week and he’s super excited!! you guys have to go together!!!¨
“i mean, we don’t have to- it’s just, i don’t know anyone else who listens to them, i could probably go alone, but, you know, it would be cool-”
and of course you’ll go with him, so you two exchange numbers and end up texting the next two weeks.
at first you’re just making tentative plans to meet and go to to the gig, but then there’s a gallery opening the same day, and you know this realy good thrift shop nearby that he should check out, and you guys should get dinner before because namjoon knows this really cool place and-
and it’s a date.
namjoon has every intention to kiss you that night after the gig, but he wants to ask you first and he’s not sure exactly how so he’s just like “um ??? can i ??? uhhh ?? do you ??? uh”
and ur like, “hey, namjoon, i really want u to kiss me, please?”
the rest is history.
you two are too cute, with your instagram aesthetic and lowkey couple outfits, and highkey couple pics, i’d follow.
you two would be gOALS, and it does wonders for both your careers tbh
omg imagine all the cool collaborations you two could do.
and eventually namjoon would go viral again when the paparazzi captures him spilling his coffee and your cute reaction.
but the best thing about dating model namjoon is he makes you your very own playlist.
and you get your very own story highlight with all the aesthetic pics he snaps of you just like buying milk and stealing his fries, and exploring the city on sundays afternoons, going vintage shopping and reading in the park, titled: “bae.” with every colour heart.
hyping each other in the comments always.
and the thirst omg
anyway, nsfw under the cut.
so you take it kinda slow at first because turns out namjoon has a huge crush on you and he lowkey can’t keep his hands off you but also wants to “date you properly”, whatever that means.
props to you if you get impatient with him and tease him a little, a thirst trap here, a netflix and chill there, sending a sexy song his way, or even better post it on your story for him to see.
if it doesn’t provoke him to action it’ll at least get him hard flustered, which is cute.
in the end joon is a soft boy and you can sit up all night talking, so you end up talking about sex long before having it.
and that just makes it all the more special tbh
and when it does happen, it’s like everything else the two of you do, a little awkward at first, a little clumsy, fumbly, but a lot of fun, and it’s namjoon, and you love namjoon. so, so much.
like it doesn’t matter if he accidentally bumps your nose, because he’ll apologise and the two of you will just giggle and continue. 
and he might pull your hair on accident, but that way you can admit to him that it’s.. kinda hot.
and when your teeth collide when you kiss it’s only because any amount of distance between you quickly becomes unbearable, and you both need each other so, so much.
imagine slow, lazy sunday morning snuggle fuck with namjoon.
and then later when you’re on a blanket in the park reading both your books he’ll get distracted, thinking about it, lean in close and tell you something ridiculous like he wishes you would wake him up by sitting on his face.
and imagine backstage heavy petting after a show, leaving the afterparty early, because you’re both buzzing with unrelieved tension and namjoon is very hard in his pants, pressing himself against you as you try to have a polite conversation with some influencer.
love, love, loooooves, watching you ride.
and he’ll go down on you for hours if you let him, honestly.
anytime, anywhere tbh
how did you get so lucky?
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itshardcandy · 4 years
Kim Seokjin x Reader
(Originally written for and posted by @letsgetitinbusan for a writing game but I chose to also post it on this blog now)
8806 Words
Genre: Fluff, Friends to lovers, Smut, Crack,
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, dirty talk, fingering, outdoor sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it, kids), Jimin’s cakes
Summary: Camping with your friends was supposed to be fun- you could only agree, now that Jin had made camping even funner.
You mumbled with a full mouth,
You said and Jimin smiled proudly. Jin watched the interaction quietly from his seat. Damn, he thought, he should have remembered to bring some rice cakes for you. He wasn’t really jealous of Jimin and his cakes. Really, he wasn’t. He was convinced that little crush of yours was completely food related, so he didn’t really think there was anything more to it. All he wanted was for that interaction to have taken place with him and also, for you to give all your attention to him and not Jimin. That seems like a reasonable mindset, right?
“Yikes, I wouldn’t wanna be her right now”
Said the bus boy standing next to you, crossing his arms as he watched the restaurant manager approach the newest addition to the waiter team, who was currently involved in a rather heated discussion with a guest,
“It’s a shame she’s gonna have to leave, she was nice…” 
You added and both of you sighed heavily and returned to your duties while the poor girl was being fired for standing her ground. She was the third one this month alone. To be fair, your manager was not an easy man to please, so it only made sense that new additions to the tea would be examined even more closely than you and the others, who had worked here for longer. The only thing keeping you safe from the manager’s wrath was your natural ability to fake-smile for hours on end. It was a gift as much as it was a curse but it had secured your job in the customer service sector so far.
And soon you will have survived another painful day of serving bitchy, rude and entitled Karen’s and Chad’s for the sake of financing your studies. At least they tipped well if you smiled hard enough.
This was your last day of work before you could look forward to two weeks of uninterrupted relaxation time. You handed in your last paper for this semester last week, so all of the work for university was also done and nothing would interfere with your plans to sleep for three days straight and then spend the rest of the time at the beach, cooking in the sun.
 “See you guys in a few weeks”
You yelled into the kitchen after you gathered your things and clocked out for the night. A few hurried goodbyes reached your ears before you exited through the back door of the restaurant and finally breathed in the fresh air, smelling of freedom and definitely not the burger grease stench coming from the kitchen AC vent.
No, it was definitely freedom and it was glorious.
After a hot shower and big glass of wine you were slumped on your couch, ready to pass out any second now, when your phone went off and almost gave you a heart-attack.
You took a deep breath and checked the caller ID to see your friend Seokjin calling,
“What is it?”
Normally, Jin calling was a thing you were happy about, however, being interrupted while passing out after a 10-hour shift at your job, was not a happy occasion and you couldn’t mask the annoyance in your voice,
“Whoa, what’s got your panties in a twist? Did that guy at work steal your tips again?”
He asked and you breathed a heavy sigh,
“No, I think he learnt his lesson after I cut out the butt on all his work pants…
You answered, slowly sitting up and reaching for your wine glass to empty it with a last few sips before continuing the conversation
“Why are you calling so late? I was about to fall asleep…”,
“I just wanted to remind you to pack if you haven’t done it already. Which you probably haven’t. Case in point”
Pack? You creased your brows. Pack for what?
“YN? You still there?”,
“Uhh, yeah I am I just… can you remind me what I’m supposed to be packing for?”
If you weren’t so tired, you’d probably be a little more embarrassed,
“Seriously? It’s that time of the year, YN! It’s blackout week! Joon send everyone reminders months ago! And then weeks ago! And then again 2 days ago! How could you forget the most magical event of the year?”  
You needed to hold the phone at a slight distance as to not go deaf at the sound of Seokjin’s friendly reminder. He was right, though, how could you forget? Blackout Week was the one week that you and your group of friends all looked forward to collectively every year. A whole week of camping in the mountains near a beautiful lake and no one was allowed to bring any kind of electronic devices, unless it was absolutely necessary for survival. A flashlight would be an exception but other than that you guys were pretty adapt at reverting your way of life back to the good old dark ages. You were lucky that Jungkook and Hoseok had been part of a group of boy scouts or else blackout week would have ended in a disaster each time. Yeah well, maybe you had exaggerated when you said that all of you were pretty adapt at this stuff… But nevertheless, you were all very determined, which was just as important,
“Shit, you’re right, I completely forgot…”
You ran your hand across your face and sighed,
“Of course, you forgot, why am I even surprised…”
Jin sounded more upset that he actually was, you knew him by now. You just needed to work him a little bit,
“How early are we leaving tomorrow? Can I do it in the morning? I’m so tired…”
You probably sounded a little whiney but that usually did the trick with Jin,
“I told you to be ready at 5, you know how long the drive is. Ah YN, I still can’t believe it, you’re so careless sometimes…”
He already sounded a little softer,
“I’m sorry, I’ll start packing right now, ok?”,
You made sure to sound like the helpless damsel in distress you wanted Jin to believe you were and you were sure you had cracked him. You heard him sigh heavily on the other end of the line,
“Do you need help packing? I’ll come over and help you, it’ll be quicker and you can get more sleep”,
“Are you sure? It’s late already…”,
“Just stay awake for the next fifteen minutes and open the door when I knock, ok? I’ll be right there”,
He hung up and you smiled to yourself. There were a few advantages to knowing how Jin’s mind worked. And knowing Jin, he would never not come and help you out and you were grateful to have such a selfless friend. He knew you were an absolute mess and he didn’t mind picking up your slack once in a while because you took care of him in turn. It wasn’t like you turned up whenever he called, like he usually did for you but you were the type of friend to think of things he forgot to do for himself. You had been friends for so long, that he had given you a key to his apartment a while back and you used it to make sure his fridge was always stocked, and his plants were taken care of. He worked a lot. Way more than you and the little things like self-care and chores sometimes got put on the back burner. Since you had a little more time on your hands you would take care of these things once in a while. Before you got up off the couch to put on some comfy pants, you stretched your tired limbs and pressed play again to let Netflix run in the background. Jin knocked right as you finished pouring two mugs of coffee, which both of you would probably need to undertake the monumental task of packing your camping bag. You opened the door and let him inside, handing him the mug right away and watching a smile creep onto his face,
“Coffee was a good idea”
He said and slurped loudly after he closed the door,
“Thought it would make me feel less dead. I have yet to see that theory proven”
You sipped on your coffee, too,
“Thank you for helping me, though, I completely forgot about the trip”
Jin waved you off,
“At this point I’d be surprised if you actually remembered to take a shower after work. I know I’m usually the busy one but this semester you’ve had so much stuff to do, that I can’t even be mad you forgot everything not related to uni”
You smiled at him. Even though Jin loved to get his Dad mode on and get all red-faced and out of breath from all the scolding, he was a softie at heart and everyone knew, no matter how hard he puffed up his chest, he never really meant any harm. He was all bark and no bite and none of your friends took anything he said seriously,
“Let’s get started then”
He said and put down the mug in your sink before waltzing off towards your bedroom and digging around in your closet until he emerged with your suitcase. You watched him zoom around the place for a second until you joined him, sitting down on the bedroom floor and grabbing some clothes to roll up and place in the case,
“You want any snacks?”
You asked Jin in case he wanted some food in addition to the great entertainment you provided with Netflix in the background, your loud combined breathing and the rustling of useless stuff around you as you moved it around to find viable things to pack,
“I’m good, thanks, though”
He said and dived head first into a pile of clothes to look for your warmer sweatshirts. The end of summer was in sight and you would be staying pretty high up the mountains, so better be prepared,
“Although… do you still have some of those mini pretzels?”,
“Yeah, sure”
You got up and got him the bag of his beloved snack and then it was time to get some real work done.
“Thank GOD we finally made it!”
Jin jumped out of the car and went to kneel down to kiss the ground but you stopped him before things could get ugly. What a baby, you thought to yourself… so what if you sang along to Cotton Eyed Joe for three hours straight? It’s a timeless masterpiece,
“So what if I sang along to Cotton Eyed Joe for three hours straight, it’s a timeless masterpiece!”
You argued and Jin’s eyes almost bulged out of his head,
“A timeless- can you even comprehend the unspeakable agony I was in? It felt like my soul left my mortal body and only the haunting of Cotton Eyed Joe remained…”
He could be such a drama queen sometimes. You rolled your eyes and sighed; deciding to be the bigger person really should be considered a virtue,
“Anyway, we made it here on time, didn’t we? You sure know how to burn some rubber when you don’t like the music I play…”
Jin pulled himself off the ground, holding onto the car door. His joints weakly cracked while he got up,
“I aged like 30 years during this trip and it’s only just starting…”
He mumbled to himself, shaking his head and making his neck crack in addition to everything else,
“What was that?”
You asked and Jin quickly went to unload the trunk,
“Nothing, nothing”
He answered, avoiding an even longer discussion about Cotton Eyed Joe.
You quickly joined him and had your bags unloaded in no time.
It seemed like you were the first ones to arrive at the camping site and when you informed Jin of that, his mood immediately shifted,
“We get to choose our spot?”
He looked at you in disbelief,
“Seems like it…”,
“Finally, we don’t have to sleep next to the dumpster!”
You never got to choose your spot because you had never been the first ones to arrive,
“Jin, there isn’t even a dumpster here, were in the middle of literal nowhere, nothing but lake, mountains and forest for miles”,
“True but somehow, the garbage always ended up being next to our tent because it was the only space left”
Ok, well, you guessed that was kinda true. You didn’t mind it though, you were a heavy sleeper,
“Ok, so let’s pick a good spot this time, hm?”
You said, clapped your hands together and looked around to assess the available spots,
“How about over there?”
You pointed to the edge of the clearing, where the trees began to grow thicker and taller. Jin squinted and pursed his lips,
He hummed and you guessed you wouldn’t be setting up there,
“What do you think about setting up here?”
You walked into the middle of the clearing, near the stump where the campfire would be set up later and Jin immediately pursed his lips even harder and hummed louder and you quickly suggested more,
“Ok, so near the lake then? Work with me here, Jin”
You walked down to the soft grass near the shore and presented it as appealingly as possible and Jin lips formed a smile. He nodded, finally. He walked towards you with the rolled-up tent under his arm and you planted it firmly in the ground. Not a second to soon, too because right after you set it down, another car approached and parked right beside Jin’s,
“Ah, the cavalry arrives”
You commented and just as you and Jin had planted the last fixture and the tent was stable, the car doors opened and the three Musketeers exited the vehicle in style.
Yoongi, sporting his usual urban-grandpa-couture, adjusted his tinted glasses and ran a hand through the hair that stuck out from his headband, before he casually nodded at you and Jin in greeting. Hoseok and his brother Taehyung waved at you enthusiastically in their brightly coloured jackets and each held up a bag filled with goodies that looked extremely promising,
“Woooow! You’re here early!”
Hoseok could barely believe it,
“And you even grabbed the best spot, well done guys!”
He congratulated you, genuinely surprised that you made it here before anyone else for the first time,
“be honest, did you ever expect this to happen?”
You asked him as he came over to hug you and Jin simultaneously,
“Not in a million years”,
“But we’ve been rooting for you guys ever since we started this tradition”
Tae said as he leisurely strolled over and hugged you tightly,
“Thanks, it only took us almost 10 years to get here, so we’re gonna make sure to rub it in your faces whenever possible”
Jin piped up and you chuckled to yourself,
“If you got here so early you could have prepared the fire already instead of being lazy”
Yoongi grumbled and trudged over, as well,
“Missed you too, boo bear”
You cooed at him and went to pinch his cheeks,
“Goochie goo, look at you, you put on weight”
You loved treating him like a baby. He also loved it when you did it but he would sooner die than ever admit to that,
“Ugh, don’t touch me”
He weakly tried to wiggle out of your grip on his pinchable cheeks and after they presented all the goodies, they brought with them, you helped the guys set up their tent. Then you actually did prepare the fire. The last of your friends to arrive were Namjoon, his baby cousin Jungkook and Jimin. Even more pinchable cheeks for you to victimize, you thought, rubbing your hands together evilly. When they arrived, the rest of you were sitting around the fire and you only noticed their arrival when you heard their voices approach through the trees. Apparently, they had chosen to hike here,
“I’m never listening to you again… hiking here, for fuck’s sake! I can’t believe I thought this was a good idea”
Joon said, sounding somewhat out of breath as he and Jungkook stepped into the clearing. He dropped his bags and drew in a long breath,
“Come on, it wasn’t that bad! And it’s not like you couldn’t use a little more exercise…”
Jungkook said, mumbling the last part of the sentence,
“What was that?”,
“Nothing, nothing…”
Jungkook picked up Joon’s bags in addition to his and marched on towards you guys, sitting by the fire. Jimin stepped out of the woods last and looked just as ethereal as everyone remembered. As he ran a hand through his hair, the sun immediately took a step back to let him take the place in the spotlight. A collective sigh ran through your group and a couple of awkward glances and coughs were exchanged before you all got your bearings back. He smiled when he saw you and gave a little wave that made you giggle like a little girl when you waved back. Jin could only shake his head in disbelief. Sure, Jimin was hot. Even he could admit to that; but surely you thought Jin was handsome, too, right?
“Sorry we’re late, guys!”
Jungkook said as he reached you and set the bags down,
“Don’t worry about it”
Hoseok got up first and hugged the younger boy tightly before the rest of you got up and said hi. Joon and Jimin walked over, too and the hugging continued for a little longer than usual hugging because everyone took a little more time to get an extended hug with Jimin. It was honestly ridiculous how thirsty all of you were for him. And the poor guy had no idea.
After all the tents had been set up, everything was prepared and all of you had settled back around the fire, you watched Yoongi and Jimin prepare dinner, while Hoseok and Taehyung played UNO and Jungkook was scribbling something in a notebook. Jin was sitting next to you and reading through the gas grill’s user manual, Jimin and Yoongi were currently trying t get to work,
“Are you sure, you’re not holding it upside down?”
You asked him and reached out to grab it from him but he held it out of your reach and sighed,
“YN, I know how to read a damn…- hold on, it’s actually upside down”,
“Wait, really?
You were only joking about the upside-down thing,
“NO, of course not! How incapable do you think I am?”
Jin slapped your shoulder with the papers and you laughed as you tried to lean away far enough,
“Very, and I’m not even sorry for it”
you said and Jin’s mouth dropped open and he coughed out a laugh,
“With a friend like you, I really don’t need any enemies”
He said and you leaned back in to look up at him and channel your cutest pout,
“This is why you love me, though”
You were right, he thought, no one could make him feel so dumb, yet so happy at the same time. Especially with an annoyingly cute pouty face like yours,
“You’re lucky, that’s true”
He continued flipping through the manual and soon, the grill was working and he saved Yoongi and Jimin from their misery. Just in time, too because Tae was getting hungry and no one wanted to deal with that.
“Aw man, that was so good!”
Jungkook said, stuffing the last food from his bowl into his mouth, chewing loudly,
“You want the rest of mine?”
You asked him, holding your bowl in his direction and he nodded eagerly, big eyes getting even bigger,
“There you go, big boy”
You smiled to yourself and handed him your bowl,
“God, where is all that food even going?”
Yoongi said, as he watched Jungkook devour the additional food he had just received,
“Shhh, let him eat”
You shushed Yoongi with a pat to his leg and watched Jungkook munch happily,
“Anyone want some rice cakes?”
Jimin piped up and opened up a Tupperware filled with the juicy looking sweet treats,
“Oooooh, Jimin, they look amazing!”
You couldn’t believe your eyes; they were your favourite,
“I knew you’d like them”
Jimin said as he watched your eyes and smile grow bigger,
“Have some”
He added and held the box your way,
“Oh yes! Thank you”
You got up and tiptoed around the fire to kneel in front of him to munch on his cakes. You looked at him with glossy eyes, happy that he remembered your favourite treat. And they were good, too. So good, that you had to close your eyes as you had the first bite,
You mumbled with a full mouth,
You said and Jimin smiled proudly. Jin watched the interaction quietly from his seat. Damn, he thought, he should have remembered to bring some rice cakes for you. He wasn’t really jealous of Jimin and his cakes. Really, he wasn’t. He was convinced that little crush of yours was completely food related, so he didn’t really think there was anything more to it. All he wanted was for that interaction to have taken place with him and also, for you to give all your attention to him and not Jimin. That seems like a reasonable mindset, right? So, in conclusion, he wasn’t jealous, at all. However, when Jimin took a second rice cake out of the box and held it to your lips, time seemed to slow down for Jin and not in the good, romantic way he would have preferred it. Jimin gently placed the cake in your mouth and your lips closed around his finger for a second before he slowly pulled away. You moaned in pleasure as you started chewing and Jin had to bite down on his tongue to not lose his mind. To the others this was a completely normal and innocent thing to witness; just two friends sharing some food, what’s wrong with that? Everything, according to the way Jin was currently staring Jimin down and tried to telepathically communicate his disdain for the way he fed you food in the most erotic way possible. Ok, maybe he was a little jealous, after all. Why was this suddenly getting to him? He knows that the relationship you have with him isn’t purely based on friendship, since the both of you had had some ambiguous moments of will they, won’t they before but it was never really anything you acted upon or even talked about. Nothing to take seriously. Maybe, by watching you and Jimin flirt so innocently, he had just realized now, how precious you really were to him and that he wanted to try and incorporate a romantic aspect into your relationship. Or maybe, he just never felt threatened before. Never felt like his place in your life was about to be taken away from him by a guy with sweet, juicy and delicious cakes. Damn Jimin’s cakes! Jin got up and started collecting everyone’s dishes. He didn’t want to continue watching you basically crawling in Jimin’s lap and sucking the cakes off his fingers. Maybe he went a little too hard with the whole dish collecting thing because as he ripped Jungkook’s bowl from his hands, the younger hadn’t completely finished I and yelled after Jin, as he went down to the lake and started vigorously scrubbing everything. However, Jin didn’t know that he had absolutely nothing to be jealous of because as soon as he had left the circle, Tae, who was sat next to Jimin, made him feed him cakes, as well. Let’s just say that even someone as oblivious as you knew when some actual sexual tension was developing. You decided it was time to awkwardly retreat to your seat now, before you were sandwiched in between the two boys. Only now did you notice that Jin had left the comfort of his camping chair,
“Hey, where did he go?”
You asked Joon, who was wrapped in a thick jacket with his hands around a warm cup of tea. While someone outside of your circle might be a little confused at the sight of someone with such a warm jacket on in this warm weather, you had stopped wondering about his weird habits a while ago. He slurped his tea and pointed down to the shore where, if you squinted heavily, you could faintly recognise the outline of Jin’s body in the dark. You excused yourself from the others and walked the short distance to join Jin in washing the dishes. He was slumped over, kneeling at the shore and, apparently, hadn’t noticed you approaching. So you yelled and gripped his shoulders from behind:
The high-pitched scream he let out almost burst your eardrums but it was definitely worth it to see him almost jump into the water in shock,
“What the hell, YN? Why would you do that?”
He was clearly very upset about the whole thing but you only snickered like a mean little kid and kneeled down next to him,
“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist”
You said and took the knife he was scrubbing out of his hands. Safer this way. Even in the dark you could see his eyes, big as saucers and it only made you laugh more. You took his hand in yours in apology and Jin didn’t resist, he just yelled louder like he usually did,
“You’re such a brat! I volunteer to do the dishes and what do you do? Wow, the disrespect is off the charts!”
His yelling was like an affectionate pat on the back by now because you knew he would never actually yell at you in anger. He knew you loved it because you always laughed even harder when he started ranting. And when you squeezed his hand a little tighter, he was sure there was nothing he enjoyed more than making you laugh by making an ass of himself,
“I’ll stop, I promise!”
You bowed your head and clutched his hand to your chest, still smiling,
“Tsk, empty promises”
He shook his head and you looked up at him,
“I’ll make it up to you, I’ll help you with the dishes”
You said eagerly,
“And also, I snagged one of the rice cakes for you”
Jin listened up,
“I know you love these things even more than I do”
He heard some shuffling and then you held your hand up in front of his face, a tiny cake sitting in your palm,
“Open up”
You said, taking the treat between two fingers and holding it up for Jin,
“For me?”
He asked, just to make sure he wasn’t imagining this,
“Of course, for you, you genius”
 Jin slowly opened his mouth and you gently placed the treat in it, like Jimin did with you. However, Jin didn’t think of Jimin in this moment, he only thought about the way your thumb lingered on his lower lip for a few seconds before you pulled your hand back. He felt his affection for you stir in his heart again. He also felt something else stir in a different bodily region at the feeling of your fingers on his lips. He quickly turned away and swallowed the sweet cake before clearing his throat, 
He managed to mumble and went right back to washing dishing and willing away the growing problem you were responsible for,    
“Move over, I’ll help”
You said and crowded his space again to help him with the dishes and then a comfortable silence set in, only interrupted by the occasional loud laughter from the rest of the guys.
The last night approached quicker than all of you would have liked. After all of the days spent on the lakeshore, basking in the sun and eating smores at night around the campfire, it was finally time to return to your normal life. You and Jin had gotten used to the tent situation quickly, even though it wasn’t the most comfortable or convenient. Well, for Jin at least. After the you had gone to sleep on the first night, Jin lay awake for a while longer, not being able to get your small fingers and your gentle touch out of his mind and it didn’t help that you were right here next to him, bodies only separated by a thin sheet you used as blanket.
And it had only gotten worse.
Tonight, the silhouette of your body, illuminated by the dying light of the fire outside, made Jin especially weak. He, like you and the others, had a few drinks to celebrate your trip and commemorate your friendship and, surprisingly, alcohol didn’t do a lot to enhance his self -control. More like the opposite,
“You good? Are you comfortable?”, 
You and Jin had finally arranged yourselves into the bed rolls and were about to go to sleep. You were turned away from him with not a lot of distance between your bodies. It had been an especially hot day and even though it was already dark, the air and the ground hadn’t begun to cool down, yet. Jin was uncomfortable in the heat and he had already stripped down to his briefs; just being in the tent, next to you, not even a sheet over your bodies, to avoid even more heat, he felt like his body was heating up even more. He heard you shuffle around a little and then your thin top was flying over his face and you wore nothing but your underwear,
“I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but I feel like I’m melting”
You said and fanned your face to feel even the slightest relief from the heat. Jin didn’t say anything for a few seconds, too caught up in the realisation that you were in nothing but your underwear, right next to him,
“It’s fine”
His voice betrayed him, sounding breathy and thin. He cleared his throat,
“Don’t worry about it”  
There, he sounded super manly again,
“I’m dying over here… it was nice when we were in the water but now? I’m not made for this weather”
You lamented and turned to Jin, tucking your hands under your head to be comfortable. He was glad that it was so dark because if there were even a little bit more light coming in from the outside you would have seen him staring shamelessly at your tits, pushed together between your arms,
“Yeah it’s uh… really bad”
Very smooth, Jin, managing to answer even though his briefs were getting uncomfortably tight, he thought to himself. The fire outside finally went out completely and the clinking of glasses and the sound of another tent zipper let you know that the last of your friends were about to hit the hay, as well,
“Do you mind if I open the zipper? Let some more air in?”
You asked and sat up already,
“No, go ahead, can’t be worse than this, anyway”  
You felt around for the zipper and dragged it down until the flaps of the tent opened and a slight breeze greeted you from outside,
“Well, it’s not much but I can breathe a little better”,
You fell back into the bed roll with a sigh and Jin suddenly had an idea,
“Hey, YN”,
“How about we just go down to the lake? Put our feet in the water, cool down a little, you know?”,
“Mhmh, I guess”,
“It’s probably more effective than just opening the zipper”,
“Yeah, you’re right”
You sighed again and sat up in the tent,
“Ok then, let’s go. We gotta be quiet though, I think everyone’s sleeping already” 
You said and Jin sat up, too, to crawl out of the tent and help you stand up after you crawled out, too. He grabbed your hand and slowly you navigated the dark clearing in the full moon light down to the soft grass around the lake shore until you felt the water gently lap on your feet. Both of you sat down on the grass and let the waves envelope your feet on their way up,
“Ugh, I already feel so much better”
You relaxed and lay back on the grass, stretching your overheated and tired limbs,
Jin stretched his legs, tapping and tickling your smaller feet with his and making you giggle,
“Jin, that tickles”
You tried to wiggle away, and escape his big gorilla feet,
“Is this an unexplored fetish of yours?”  
you asked, making Jin laugh and trying to not be too loud,
“The tickling or the feet?”,
“Oh my god is it both?”,
“Are you kink-shaming me?”
“Definitely! Feet are gross”
You smiled and pushed yourself off the grass back into a sitting position,
“I don’t have a weird kink, calm down”
Jin loved riling you up, just as much as you did it to him,
“Anyway, I’m gonna go in, I think”
He announced after he was done teasing you and slowly waded into the shallow water,
“you coming?”
You looked up at him, shaking your head,
“I don’t think so, I don’t have my bathing suit. Don’t wanna sleep in wet undies”
“Suit yourself. But don’t complain about the heat”
He simply said and turned around, walking until water reached up to his ribs. It probably wouldn’t be so bad to get your underwear wet; in this heat they would be dry in no time anyway. But another thought crossed your mind and you contemplated just going commando. Even though yours and Jin’s relationship had never been anything more that friendly, except for a little flirting here and there, you felt like it could be more. There could be more to the flirting and the innocent hand touching. And times like these made you want to just cross the line. Despite Jin thinking he was pretty subtle about everything, you had noticed how, during the trip, he eyed you and Jimin curiously whenever you were talking. You had also noticed how he tried to put as much distance between you as possible in the tent as to not push his very obvious hard on anywhere near you. By now you just wanted to see if he would cross the line first. Watching him, you unclipped your bra and slipped your panties down your legs, before you also let the cool waves roll against your body. He had already made his way a little farther out and you stopped where your feet could still feel the ground and the water just reached around your clavicle,
“Guess the heat finally got to you, hm?”
Jin said, as he noticed you approaching,
“Right, the heat”
You mumbled and he swam closer, back to you,
“Not worried about the clothes anymore?”
You shook your head and smiled,
“What clothes?”,
“Your under- Oh”
Jin stopped in the middle of the sentence after he had realised what you meant. His mouth fell open as his eyes took in the naked line of your shoulders, no straps in sight,
“I didn’t wanna get them wet”
You said and Jin has to swallow hard. You’re naked under the blurry sheen of the water and he doesn’t know how to handle the situation,
“Yeah, no, I get it, convenience and all that, right?”
He laughs awkwardly and tries and fails to cover up his sudden insecurity about your naked boobs just a few inches away from his face,
“Yeah, I just thought I’d let the girls breathe, you know?”
You looked down and Jin could see your hands covering your boobs right under the surface,
“Yeah, yeah, no big deal, just let the… the girls out”
He took a deep breath and tried to look anywhere but your hands encasing your tits. The trees were pretty in the dark, so out there. And their crowns looked so big and full and round in the moonlight. They were probably very soft if he were to submerge his face between them.
Yeah, trees really were something; He had always been a tree guy.
And he probably should take a step back so he wouldn’t accidentally poke you in the stomach,
“Are you ok? Am I making you uncomfortable?”
You asked, your voice sounding all soft an innocent,
“Do you want me to put it all back on?”
Jin whipped his head around at that and held his hands up,
“No! No, I mean…”
More awkward coughing,
“Don’t bother, you’re comfortable. I’m completely fine”
You giggled cutely and Jin felt his self-control pack its bags and jump out of the window,
“Are you sure? You seem kinda bothered…”
You took a step forward and Jin escaped immediately,
“I think I’m gonna go back out, it’s freezing in here, don’t you think?”
He stuttered and rushed through the water so fast that I splashed you in the face. You smiled to yourself, fully aware that Jin was definitely not unbothered by your boobs. A fact, that you would use to your advantage.
And Entertainment.
You also swam back to the shore, where Jin was already standing on the grass again, his back turned to the water. When the water wasn’t high enough to cover up your nakedness anymore you wanted to get Jin’s attention again. You slowly exited the water and walked towards Jin, who was currently picking up your underwear carefully. You noticed him stalling a moment and feeling the soft fabric of your panties between his fingers before he spoke up,
“YN, I’ll leave your stuff closer to the water, ok?”
He said, thinking you were still swimming around without a care in the world,
“No need”
You said from behind him and he jumped, dropping your things, then tripped and landed on his ass, as he tried to put some more distance between you again,  
“Ah… you scared me again
He said, sitting on the floor and covering his eyes with his fingers immediately. He was only able to see your face through the gaps between his fingers. You didn’t say anything; you just stood there for a few seconds, making Jin suffer even more,
“I uh, do you wanna go back by any chance? I’m kinda tired”
He tried to find an excuse to flee again but you weren’t having it. You knelt down and placed your self firmly in his lap, straddling him,
“I don’t wanna go back, yet”
You mumbled and gently wrapped your small fingers around the wrist of Jin’s hand, trying to get him to uncover his eyes and look at you. He resisted. Not at all cost but it was enough to give you pause and make you doubt your intentions,
“Jin, it’s ok, you can look”
You tried to soothe him a little but he didn’t relent,
“YN, please, I’m trying so hard”
He whispered, hoping you would get the message.
It wasn’t like he didn’t want to look, he definitely wanted to. He was sure, the hard dick poking you in the thighs told you so very clearly. It was just that he wasn’t sure what would happen, if he gave in. Your friendship was something he treasured and was thankful for every day, no matter how annoying you could be at times,
“Would it be so bad? We’ve been friends for so long, have you never thought about it?”
Your soft voice slowly but surely worked on dismantling his determination,
“Of course, I thought about it. Multiple times, actually. Especially this week”
Jin answered and he felt you shift slightly above him,
“So, if you thought about it, does that mean… you just don’t want to?”
He thought he heard something like disappointment in your voice and he was never good at ignoring when you felt down,
“Are you kidding? You think I’d be this hard if I didn’t want to?”
He tried to lighten the mood and let his free hand move up and down your thigh,
“I’ve been wanting to do this forever, YN, I just don’t know if this is a good idea”, 
“Jin, please…”
He swallowed as he felt you move again, this time you were pushing down on him, grinding against him and he had a hard time to keep his eyes covered,
He cursed at the feeling of you grinding on him and you moved his hand higher from your thigh while you tried again to remove his hand from his face. He slowly let you but he kept his eyes closed,
“Jin, look at me”
You now held both of his hands in yours and you slowly moved the up your body until they cupped your breasts. You sighed and squeezed Jin’s hands around them making him moan and his head fell forward, against your shoulder,
“YN, fuck, you need to stop… I’m a weak man and your tits feel amazing”
He started squeezing on his own and slowly rubbed his thumbs on your nipples,
“Touch me, baby, please”
Your pleas were making him so weak and he knew there was no way he would stop now, that he felt your soft skin under his hands. He turned his head just a little, placing his lips against your neck and kissing you gently. He listened to your moans and let you move against him, rub yourself against his dick in his briefs and it made him so hard; shit, you just felt so good against him, warm and soft and your tits were so fucking nice he couldn’t form a coherent thought anymore. He wanted more, needed more, needed to touch more and taste more of you, so he quickly spun you around and pushed your body back into the soft grass and hovered above you,
“Kiss me”
You whine and he wants nothing more than to kiss every inch of your skin. Starting with your pretty lips; you pretty lips which were always pouting smiling, making him crazy and making him wish he knew what the felt like around his dick. He leans down and they’re so soft. So damn soft like your beautiful tits, which he went right back to squeezing and massaging, making you moan into his mouth. Then it’s wet; tongues finding each other, wet bodies grinding together and your wet pussy rubbing against him. God, you’re so wet. He even feels it through his boxer briefs. He never thought he’d be able to get you this wet. When you lift your legs and wrap them around his hips, he can’t hold back any longer,
“Shit, you feel so good, YN, so fucking soft”
He starts kissing your neck again, moving along the smooth skin down to your collarbone and then further down to suck one of your nipples into his mouth. You moaned and ran your hands through his hair, tugging slightly and running your nails along his scalp,
“Feel good, baby?”
He asked, voice rough as he switched sides,  
“So good…”
You managed to answer through your bliss-clouded mind,
“Want more”
You added and weakly grabbed one of Jin’s hands to move it lower, between your legs,
“More? Want me here? Want me to touch your pussy?”
You never would have guessed Jin would be so vocal during sex, you always thought he’d be the sweet and vanilla type of guy but you weren’t about to complain when his fingers felt so good rubbing your lower lips,
“Yes, touch me, please, want you so much”
you pulled his face back down to yours to kiss him as he let his fingers slide through your wetness and moaned into the kiss at how fucking good it felt,
“Shit, you’re so wet… so fucking warm, fuck”
He started rubbing your clit lightly and you broke the kiss to bury your face in his neck and muffle your moans,
“Ah, Jin…”,
“Like this?”,
“Fuck, yes”
He made you feel so good, you wanted to do the same. You worked your hand between your bodies, too and started rubbing Jin through the fabric of his briefs. The feeling of his hard dick in your hands made you want more and you slipped your hand inside, wrapping it around him for real and gently moving it until you felt his fingers lose their rhythm on your clit and all you could hear were the pleasured moans he failed to hold in,
“Am I doing it right?”
You knew you were doing it right but you also knew Jin loved it when you acted helpless and cute. Could only apply even more in this situation,
“Yeah, you are… So right, so good, shit”
He sucked on the skin of your neck and slid his finger from your clit down and slowly, gently slipped it inside of you, moaning at the warm wet feeling that greeted him. You couldn’t find any words that would accurately express your thoughts at this moment; you could just tighten your legs around him and try not to be so loud you’d wake the others,
“You like that, hm? Feel so tight, baby, can’t wait to fuck you”
Jin moaned in your ear and you felt a heatwave run through your body,
“Jin, fuck me, plea- Ah…”
right as you begged him, he slid in a second finger,
“That what you want? Want me to fuck you?”
He pushed his fingers in deeper and you tried to not lose the rhythm you had going on with your hand around his dick,
You couldn’t form a decent answer at this point,
“You sure, baby? I could make you come like this and then fuck you; make you come again”
He kissed you slow and deep this time, moving his fingers in tandem with his tongue. You shook your head, tightening your legs again, pushing his fingers even deeper,
“No? You want it now? Want me to fuck that tight little pussy?”
Jesus, you thought, you never knew words could turn you on so much,
“Then you’ll get it, baby”
He pulled his fingers out slowly and you watched as he stuck them in his mouth to suck them clean,
“Mhm, fuck, I’ll eat you next time, don’t even try to stop me”
You spread your legs as he sat back on his haunches and pushed his briefs down, finally. You couldn’t make out his size in the dark but you had already felt that it was a little bigger than what you were used to.
Jin gripped himself, moving his hand along his dick and sighing,
“Can’t believe this is happening…”
He said and leaning back down, hovering over your body,
“Wanted this for so long”
He continued and you let your hand travel over his naked chest as he guided his dick to slide through your wetness. You watched him shudder and a breath hitched in his throat as his dick made contact with your wet, warm centre,
“God, feels so good already, Jin, don’t tease me”
He bent down and kissed you,
“I won’t, I just…”
He hesitated for a second and took a deep breath,
“I don’t have any condoms with me, I wasn’t really planning on this to happen”
You smiled at the sudden insecurity in his voice and gently ran a hand through his dishevelled hair,
“It’s fine, I have an IUD, you don’t have to worry”,
“I can come inside you? You sure?”,
“I want you to”,
Jin went right back to kissing and sucking on your neck,
“Please, Jin, just fuck me… want you so bad”
The way you sounded so fucking whiney and sweet; he moaned into your skin and rubbed his dick along your pussy before he slowly pushed the head inside. Unprepared for the incredible feeling of your wet, tight pussy around his dick, he pushed in even more, swallowing all your moans and pleas. Never had he felt this good before, literally never. Your pussy felt so damn good around him, he wasn’t even completely sure this was real,
“Ah, Jin!”
He could tell you tried to be quiet,
“Shit, it’s so big…”,
“You ok? Want me to go slow?”
He asked for your comfort, yet he wasn’t sure he could do anything about it because his dick was definitely pushing itself deeper inside you of its own accord. He probably couldn’t stop, even if he wanted to,
“No, I’m fine, it feels amazing”
You threw your head back into the grass and Jin bent a little to suck your nipple back into his mouth, adding to your pleasure even more. He pushed in deeper and deeper, moving his hips until they wouldn’t go any further and he was balls deep inside you. Even if you didn’t, he needed a moment to come back to reality and not finish before he had even started. You held him so tightly and he squeezed every bit of skin he could reach as your hips moved against his, stealing his breath and making him feel so fucking good,
“You feel so good, YN, so fucking good”
He closed his eyes and let himself get lost in the feeling of your body against his, 
“So wet, so tight- this pussy’s made for me”
He mumbled against your skin and kissed and sucked what his lips could find. He wanted to be more in control, wanted to be more focused on your pleasure but it just felt so good. He could only hope he was making you feel as good as he possibly could,
“Jin, touch me…”
He heard you sigh and he placed one last kiss to your lips before he pushed himself up to sit back, so he could bring his fingers back to your clit,
“Like this?”
He asked as he rubbed you and immediately felt you clench around him,
“Yes, ah… like that”,
He lifted your leg onto his shoulder with his other hand, spreading you even more for him. This new angle had him hitting you deeper and Jin did his very best to hit all the right places. He already felt his end approaching and he knew he couldn’t hold it off for long,
“Jin, fuck, I’m close, don’t stop”
Your words were music to his ears. He held your leg tightly to his chest, fucking you deeper and harder, working his fingers as close to the rhythm his hips were setting as possible,
“That’s it, baby, come for me”
He ben forward slightly, wanting to be closer to you, wanting to see your face when you came,
“Come all over my dick”
His words made you feel hot all over and you felt your muscles contracting, bringing you closer to your end,
“Ahh, I’m gonna come”
Your voice was strained and you put both of your hands over your mouth, knowing this was gonna be a loud one. Jin was captivated by the pure look of pleasure on your face and devoted all of his movements to making you come, desperate to see your face and feel you clench around his dick,
“Gonna come for me? I can feel it, baby, tell me what to do”,
“Just like that, don’t stop”,
“You’re so beautiful… look so good like this; I want you so much”
He told you all the things he always wanted you to know and more until he felt your pussy tighten around him and your leg spasm in his grip while you moaned through your hands in a desperate attempt to deafen the noise as you came around him. He pushed in so deep, revelling in the feeling of your orgasm and letting his own take over. He bent down, pushing your hands out of your face and capturing your lips in a slow, deep kiss that made your toes curl like that orgasm just did. He came so deep inside you, filling you up so good and holding you so tight and close, you never wanted him to let you go. As your muscles relaxed and your breathing evened out again, just like Jin’s, he took your hands in his and kissed them before intertwining your fingers and pressing another long, deep kiss to your lips,
“Jeesus, Jin, I never would have thought you’d be so uh... vocal”
Was the first thing that came to your mind as he slipped out of you and lay down next to you. He let out a hearty laugh and ran a hand over his face,
“I don’t know what came over me”
He said and you smiled,
“I just bring out the best in you, don’t I?”
He squeezed your hand lovingly,
“My best is definitely in you, yes”
He snickered and you slapped his shoulder,
“You’re so nasty”
You both giggled as suddenly a loud voice rang through your post-orgasmic bliss,
“You’re both nasty! Fucking like horny teenagers while all your friends are trying to sleep? What are you, 16? Get a damn room next time, fuck!”
Both of you recognized Yoongi’s voice. You probably woke him up or kept him from sleeping,
You said, hiding your face in Jin’s neck,
“You should be happy it’s only happened now! Otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten any sleep at all!”  
Jin yelled back and you laughed even harder.
He had exactly zero shame and that was probably why you worked so well together. And you continued to work well together two more times that night. And then you continued to work even better together for a lot more years to come.
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