#i haven't eaten yet today and I'm hungry
absolutebl · 1 year
I was wondering if you’ve seen Good Omens (2 seasons out on Amazon Prime) and if you would consider it BL? It has some similar aspects while other aspects are considerably different. Thoughts?
I started watching Season 1 but like Our Flag Means Death it's not really my thing. I don't watch much TV in English anymore unless I have to for work.
I do not consider it in any way BL. It has none of the tropes, origins, source material, country, archetypes, settings, characters, or yaoi heritage. There's nothing BL about it.
It's kinda gay, I guess?
ALL BL has a queer romantic arc, but not all content with a queer romantic arc is BL.
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Also, Good O doesn't NEED to be associated with BL. It's not in it's marketing or DNA. It's not relevant to its fanbase or demographics. Why would they want to slap a BL moniker on it? Why would you? Why would anyone?
I mean there is crossover watchers (between BL and us) but that's about it. But that's because it's Gaimen (not because it's at all BL) and for some reason Gaimen is a big deal with lots of fans. (Don't @ me I can't STAND his stuff. It's like Stephen King. I'm never gonna get it. You do you massive fandoms, don't involve me, I don't like your content. I'm side eyeing Star Wars, Twilight, and Harry Potter too. Look I'm either too old or too young and that shit just sailed by me and I toddled along in a weird kid fog of trying to find queer shit as a total geek - which, as a few of you reading this know, took us olds to some very odd places in the days before the internet... bootlegged Ranma ½ anyone? Just me?)
See my feels on Heartstopper for more on this kind of discussion.
Also, I do think I'm coming down pretty firmly on the side of...
BL has to be Asian.
Something about the cultural and linguistic backbone means BL just doesn't seem to work if it comes from somewhere else.
I'm thinking also about the great 2020 Dialogue around Date Me, Bryson Keller - which is an English Language derivative(?) work of my favorite BL of all time, Seven Days.
And I really don't want to get into that kind of debate again.
All of which is to say:
Good Omens is not BL.
IMHO of course. But...
I'm right.
So there.
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*** Added note from the comments chatting with @heretherebedork
The point of genre (or sub genre) is to manage our expectations. It's like the label on a TV dinner. We gotta know if we're getting Spaghetti or Pad Thai. That packaged meal could very well be a terrible execution of either, and they ARE both noodles, but I want my expectations met. And if I opened a container labeled Pad Thai and got spaghetti I'd be pretty darn pissed.
If someone sold me Good Omens by saying it was a BL? And I watched it thinking it was? I'd be mad at both them and it.
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Being on a strictly liquid/soft diet right now is wild. Never in my life have I been so excited to eat yogurt (god yes finally something different). I am craving things I wouldn't normally crave. I can't wait to eat some breaded shrimp or a piece of toast. My god, a slice of cheddar cheese sounds excellent right now.
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zoophagist · 2 years
i’m a fucking GOD of productivity today with a bunch of answered asks in the queue. god i’m So Competent and So Good At Running A Blog.
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alex-jacksons · 2 months
So uh, update on my summer so far.
One, I went to an event called exploration day (It is multiple days do not be fooled), had a heat exhaustion episode in which my head was trying it's best to explode.
Two, went to a fair. It was horrible. Never again. It sucked, I was on my period and I experienced a horrible cramp that felt like I was being cut in half, sqeezed (bad type), and torn apart at the waist. "Yes, I'd like to return my uterus."
Three, I went to my older brothers house. It was awesome. 10/10 experience. I went to visit an art museum with a mini army of children (that part was overestimating as fuck), but my cousin(?) who is also neurodivergent had noise canceling headphones, (Gods above I need a pair) that she let me borrow. Another day I went to a game night, there were probably twenty neurodivergents in that house, it was awesome.
Four, I went two a four day camp, (the first and last day were half days so it was like, ½, 1, 1, ½) it was eh. I don't like outside or a lot of people. But some of the activities were fun. (Others could be described as torture) But I had a heat indused panic attack! On the second day! I got to sit in the air conditioned cabin for like two hours and color so that was great! Then I was forced to do kick ball. My team smoked the other team to Christmas btw. We won like 14 to 3. I also showed my team that even though I almost needed a hospital earlier that day I am a force to be reckoned with. I out ran multiple people (by a lot, thank you long ass legs)
So yeah! So far this summer has felt like three consecutive summers combined into one file to save space!
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furuu · 19 days
◝ ‿    You noticed how grumpy Sukuna had been all day, his temper flaring at every little thing, lashing out at servants with sharp, biting words. The deep, guttural growl that seemed to rumble from his chest set everyone on edge. His usual terrifying presence had become even more menacing, a dark aura clinging to him like a second skin.
Despite his brooding demeanor, a part of you couldn't help but feel a mix of concern and curiosity. You tilted your head slightly, watching him with keen eyes as he huffed, his expression stoic but tinged with annoyance. His four, fiery crimson eyes, which normally blazed with authority, now held a glint of something else-something darker and more irritated.
Approaching him carefully, you couldn't resist the urge to ask, "You doing alright, my love?" Your voice was soft, cautious, as if trying not to provoke him further. In response, he let out another agitated huff, but as he heard your voice, his irritation seemed to subside, if only for a moment.
His gaze softened slightly, the flicker of affection in his eyes undeniable. "I'm perfectly fine," he grumbled, crossing his powerful arms over his broad chest, trying to maintain his gruff demeanor. But you could see right through him-your presence alone had a calming effect, even if he refused to admit it.
You hummed quietly to yourself as you moved closer, a small smile playing on your lips. Without hesitation, you climbed onto his large lap, settling comfortably as he sat upon his imposing throne. He let out another quiet, dramatic huff, as if trying to emphasize his unknown frustrations. An idea formed in your mind, and you couldn't help but giggle softly. Though his face remained expressionless, you noticed that his lower set of eyes were locked onto you, following your every move with a silent intensity.
Despite his grumpy demeanor, you knew Sukuna well enough to recognize that he was drawn to you, his attention unwavering.
His lower set of eyes seemed to plead for your attention, even if his pride wouldn't allow him to ask for it outright. Raising an eyebrow slightly, he finally broke the silence, his voice gruff yet laced with curiosity.
"What's so amusing?"
You leaned in closer, the playful smile never leaving your face. "You're hungry, aren't you, my lord?" you teased, your voice tinged with amusement. "Is that why you've been so grumpy today? You haven't eaten a thing yet, have you?"
For a brief moment, Sukuna's grouchy expression faltered as your words hit the mark. "Are you implying I'm... hangry?" he questioned, his voice losing some of its initial sharpness. His four arms crossed defensively as his lower eyes averted your gaze. "I'm the King of Curses. I do not get hangry," he protested, though the slight rumbling of his stomach betrayed his claim.
You pouted playfully, noticing the subtle snarl of his lips in response. "You poor thing," you cooed, your hand snaking behind his head to rub at the sensitive undercut of his hair. He grunted under your touch, clearly enjoying the sensation despite himself. "Why don't you eat, my love? You're such a grouchy thing without a full belly."
Sukuna huffed again, leaning subtly into your touch. He hadn't eaten because he knew how much you disliked it when he indulged in his darker, more primal cravings—cannibalism, his twisted preference for human flesh or organs. He wouldn't admit that he was holding back for your sake, though. "I don't need to eat—I'm not that hungry," he muttered, but the quiet rumble of his stomach told you otherwise.
Before you could respond, Uraume, Sukuna's trusted subordinate, entered the room quietly and swiftly. They approached with a small bowl, offering it to you-a grim assortment of human parts carefully prepared for your lord. Uraume's presence was fleeting, and they quickly dismissed themselves, leaving you alone with Ryomen once more. You noticed how his abs clenched in hunger, even as his expression remained distant and stoic, his lower eyes locked onto your small hands holding the bowl.
"Are you sure?" you asked softly, teasingly, as you noticed the way his gaze lingered. His growl in response was all the answer you needed.
Sukuna's body trembled slightly as he fought to resist the overwhelming urge to feed. The aroma of the human flesh assaulted his senses, his mouth watering in anticipation. You could see his resolve wavering, the sound of his stomach rumbling growing louder, betraying his need.
One of your hands gently reached up to his face, guiding his gaze to yours with a tender touch along his jawline. "Shhh," you soothed, feeling his head lean into your palm, his usual resistance melting away under your touch. His four eyes met yours, the hunger in them now mingled with a hint of surrender.
You ran your thumb over his lower lip, lifting it slightly to reveal his sharp, lethal fangs.
With your other hand, you picked up a piece of meat from the bowl, holding it up to his mouth. "Hush now," you whispered, your voice soft and coaxing. "This will make you feel better."
As your thumb grazed his lip, Sukuna shivered under your touch. He tried to maintain his composure, but you could see the struggle in his eyes as his resistance began to crumble. The piece of meat you held in front of him seemed to taunt him, the primal desire within him threatening to take over.
"Hush now, boy," you cooed again, your tone patient and soothing, waiting for him to give in and take the meat. At your gentle command, Sukuna's pride wavered. The word "boy" irritated him slightly, but the hunger gnawing at him was too strong to ignore. With a resigned huff, he opened his mouth, allowing you to place the morsel on his tongue. As soon as the taste hit him, a low, guttural groan escaped his throat, and he began to chew, his primal instincts finally taking over.
You watched him with adoration in your eyes, your hand still caressing the side of his tattooed face as he ate. With each bite, you could see the tension and irritation slowly melting away, replaced by a deep sense of relief and satisfaction. His lower eyes closed slightly, contented, as he continued to lean into your touch.
After swallowing the flesh, his adam's apple bobbing as he did, Sukuna's voice was calmer when he spoke again. "More."
You smiled softly, letting go of his face only long enough to offer him another piece of meat. This time, as you held the food to his lips, his gaze remained fixed on you, a hint of irritation flickering in his eyes until you gently placed your hand on his jawline again.
He visibly relaxed, his irritation fading as he accepted the food.
Grunting in satisfaction, Sukuna leaned further into your touch, silently expressing his contentment with being fed and your understanding of his unspoken needs.
Once Sukuna had finished the last of the food you offered him, you found yourselves lying together in his chambers. His body was finally relaxed, the earlier tension completely gone. He nestled against you, his cheek resting on your soft chest, soaking in the warmth and comfort of your presence. You felt his head nuzzle deeper into you as he sighed in contentment.
"My good boy," you whispered, your fingers gently threading through his pink hair. "Just needed to eat, hm? So stubborn."
Sukuna let out a quiet grumble, a weak protest against your words, though the pleasure in his expression was undeniable.
"Not a good boy," he muttered, his voice laced with defiance, but his eyes were closed, fully enjoying the moment.
Despite his protests, it didn't take long for Sukuna to drift off into a deep sleep, his powerful lower arms wrapping around your waist as he held you close. His hands absentmindedly pawed at the soft flesh of your thighs, almost like a cat kneading its favorite spot, as he surrendered to sleep.
"Such a kitty too," you whispered softly, a fond smile playing on your lips as you watched him. "So grumpy until you're nice and full, hm? Then you take a nice long nap."
He grumbled faintly in his sleep, a sound that was both a protest and a sign of pleasure, his grip on your waist tightening slightly as he cuddled closer. As you held him, you couldn't help but feel a deep affection for the powerful, yet strangely vulnerable, king of curses lying in your arms.  𓈒 ꒱ა
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ghostofhyuck · 6 months
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NCT Dream finding out that you're not eating. 
Mark Lee ; lying about not eating
Mark would be disappointed that you lied to him about not eating. He knows how you're cramming your thesis and at the same time rotting in bed. If it wasn't for your roommate snitching you to your boyfriend, he wouldn't know that you're starving yourself. He'll go to your dorm and bring you not only food but also groceries that you can cook easily. "Most of these are instant noodles, but! it's better than not eating at all, don't make me worry okay?" 
Huang Renjun ; caught you not having a dinner
When Renjun left your apartment, you were in the middle of studying for your exam. He's going out with Dreamies and promised that he'll be home late. But before he left, he reminded you to eat dinner. When Renjun returned, you're still in your seat, not even moving. When Renjun asked if you ate dinner, you stopped. You totally forgot about it but it was enough to be nagged by Renjun, "Okay time out, get up and come with me, you need food. How can you review well with an empty stomach?" 
Lee Jeno ; not having energy
Jeno noticed how quiet you are when you two met. He picked you up from your Uni and while walking home, he noticed how you barely respond to his stories. He asked you what's wrong and you shrugged it, that's when he began poking around. "Why are you pale today, did you eat anything?" you were caught-off guard with his question, you remember not having a decent meal since yesterday. When you confessed it to Jeno, you can see how disappointed he is, but then he drags you to the nearest restaurant to feed you. "Stop starving yourself, it's unhealthy! Look at you, you don't even have the energy today."
Lee Donghyuck ; stomach growling
You visited Haechan during his practice and just in time, he's all alone while the rest of Dreamies went to buy food. When he asked if you want some, you quietly rejected it, but your stomach sudddenly growled. It was embarrassing but Haechan laughed and even teased you that you're hungry, but you became quiet, making your boyfriend suspicious. "What do you mean you haven't eaten yet? It's almost midnight!? What --- okay I'll text the boys to buy a portion for you, that's final. You think I'll let you starve?"
Na Jaemin ; fainting
It was an accident. You attest to your boyfriend who's worried sick. You look pale and your lips are dry. "You fainted," he pointed out. "It's because I played sports," you rebutted. "Without eating anything! You're bound to faint." He justified, and then proceed to give you an earful leacture of not eating and how you should engage in sports with a full stomach. He couldn't be angry that long, but asked you to promise him to never do it again. "Do it again, and I'll deliver food to your place everyday." 
Zhong Chenle ; seeing the fridge empty
Chenle decided to visit you even though you're in the middle of exams week. He just wanted to spend time with you even though you're focused with your studies. It was nearing dinner when he volunteered to cook dinner for both of you. As he went to the fridge, he was surprised to see your fridge empty. Chenle looked at every cupboards in your kitchen and found nothing, not even a cup of instant ramen. He asked you about it and that's when you realized that you haven't done any groceries yet. When asked when did you had a decent meal, you were quiet. Chenle could only shake his head in disbelief, grabbing his phone to order food for you two. "We should buy some groceries for you tomorrow, you shouldn't be starving yourself you know that?"
Park Jisung ; not having any appetite
When asked what you want, you only shrugged. Jisung was confused because usually, you're the one who chooses what food to buy. He scrolled through the food app and since he's indecisive, Jisung let you do the decision. "Anything Ji, I'm not hungry," you said quietly. Jisung asked why but you only shrugged, when he asked if you had any meal today you repeated your words again. "That's unhealthy you know that!? You should eat something, okay I'll choose this time, and you need to eat! You can't just starve yourself just because you're not hungry." he nagged, choosing the nearest restaurant at your place. 
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iluvmattsbeard · 5 months
this isn’t me (m.s)
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master list
matt sturniolo x reader
warnings: slight gore/strong language/mentions blood/death/throw up
preview: Matt has recently started changing. the way he looks, the way he acts, and his demeanor in general. you slowly notice how distant he’s become. you were worried, a long with his brothers, so you all see what he's been up to. the scene left you, Chris, and Nick in shock.
a/n: this type of writing is different for me so i hope it lives up to your guys liking! likes and reblogs are appreciated!
it was a foggy morning in Boston. you were waiting at a post lamp for your best friend, Matt. you both walked to school together every morning ever since he asked to join you a few years back. now, you guys were attached to the hip. you had your hands in your pocket keeping them warm. you let out a breath which caused air to be visible in front of your face. that's how cold it was. you were starting to wonder what took Matt so long.
eventually you gave up waiting and texted him saying you'll just meet him there. you then headed over to the dreadful place. once you got to your first class. you noticed Chris and Nick were at their seats but, Matt was no where to be seen. you sat at your seat as you looked at Nick, "where is he?" you asked putting your back pack down. all he did was give you a confused face, "Matt? I thought he was with you?" he asks. you ended up giving him the same confused look. "what do you mean?" "I saw him head out before us. I assumed he was already going to meet up with you." Chris adds on. you turn your head towards him, "well I never saw him." you let out still confused.
you picked up your phone checking to see if Matt responded to your text. nothing. the text wasn't even seen.
Matt what are you up to? Chris and Nick said they saw you head out to meet me. where are you?
"maybe he's just ditching?" Chris says. "you know that's not like-" your voice trails off when you see Matt walk into class. "you’re late Matthew." you hear the teacher say. "do you have a tardy slip?" all Matt does is shake his head and walk over to his seat right next to you. "why are you late?" you whisper to him. "It was nice out. I took the long way." he says avoiding eye contact. that's unlike him. plus, you didn't even know there was a long way.
the whole day at school, Matt was quiet. which he usually is but today? not a single word at all. even at lunch, he just sat there not even touching his food. "Matt eat your lunch." Nick says. "not hungry." Matt responds with a tone that was different. you, Nick, and Chris just look at each other. "okay then?" Nick responds quietly. "more for me." Chris says taking the hamburger off Matt's tray before eating it. you and Nick just let out a small laugh.
at the end of the day, you followed behind Matt as you spoke, "what happened?" all Matt did was stay quiet as he walks. "Matt are you listening?" you add on. he still just continues walking. you step in front of him as you look at his face. it seemed different. his skin looked more pale, his eyes were tired, and they were dark. "what's the matter with you?" he just stares into your eyes with a blank face. nothing came out of his mouth except for one word, "move." walking past you. you just stood there in shock. what is his problem?
later at home, you receive a text.
i'm sorry for acting the way I did earlier. it's complicated.
you sigh texting back.
can you talk to me about it?
not yet.
it's too much.
your face turns into confusion before texting back. what does that even mean?
can you just tell me?
you text but soon after you were left on read.
meanwhile at the triplets house, Matt was sitting at the kitchen table quietly. "Matt you haven't eaten all day. you need to eat something." Marylou says sliding the plate in front of him. Nick and Chris look at him as Matt just stays still with the same blank face from earlier. "Mom it's not going to work. he's been quiet all day. he didn't even meet with Y/n this morning. he was late to class." Nick says. "what?" Marylou says looking back at Matt. "what is up with you sweetheart?" she says with a worried look. Matt just gets up and walks out the house. "Matt!" Marylou shouts but it was already too late.
something is wrong with Matt. it's starting to worry us. has he told you anything yet?
you look at the text with a saddened expression before texting back.
he texted me earlier apologizing but that was all. I'm currently left on read.
well he just walked out the house not too long ago.
you and Nick text all night, discussing what could possibly be wrong with Matt before heading to bed.
later that night, Matt arrives home, rushing to his bathroom. he was breathing heavily as he panicked washing his hands. "Matt?" Nick knocks on the door. Matt stopped in his place as he slowly looks up at himself in the mirror with his dark eyes. he had blood smeared across his mouth as he snaps back to reality. "what the fuck." Matt whispers to himself before hurrying to wash his face. "Matt! can we talk!" Nick yells from the other side of the door. "hold on!" Matt responds cleaning off the remaining blood that was smeared on the sink before opening the door. "where were you all night? all of us, including Y/n, are worried." Nick says, trying to read his face. "I was just trying to clear my head." Matt says. "well can you let us know what's wrong? you're acting so strange." Nick says with a somber look. he really wanted to figure out what was eating up his brother. if only he knew the truth. it would freak him out. so Matt stayed quiet, walking past him, straight to his room closing the door and locking it.
Nick just lets out a sigh as he does the same. The next day, Matt didn't show up to school at all. "he's not answering his phone." Chris says putting his phone done on the lunch table.
Matt's POV
it's been a few days since the unthinkable happened to me. it was late one night when I rushed to the bathroom throwing up an unusual amount into the toilet. I felt like I was releasing my whole insides. by the time I was done, I woke up confused on the bathroom floor. I felt something different within me. I couldn't comprehend all of of this. I started to ignore everyone. not because I wanted to, but because I needed to protect them from what i've been doing. who knows what could potentially happen next. I don't need the people I love to be in between, especially Y/n. it's been so hard staying away from her, but I have to.
i let out a breath as I drop the shovel onto the ground. I can't believe this is happening to me. I thought this type of shit only happened in movies or TV shows. i take off my gloves as I throw them into a trash can near by. I throw my hood over my head as I head home skipping school. I have to wash myself up.
End of Matt's POV
please Matt. whatever you’re going through, I don't want you to feel like you're alone. I miss you. text me when you have the chance.
you sat anxiously waiting for a response. "he's not going to respond." you say biting your lip softly. "then lets find out what's wrong with him." Nick says looking at both you and Chris. "how?" You respond. "we follow him. he's been heading out with no explanation. let's see what he's been up to." Nick says. you and Chris look at each other and nod. "let's do it." You reply.
You, Chris, and Nick create a group chat where you've been coming up with plans to spy on Matt. you guys wanted to time it perfectly. a plan was made for the next few days. You will sleep over at their house, in Nick's room, without Matt finding out. Chris will slip an air tag into Matt's jacket so you guys can keep track of where he goes.
alright. we have a plan. come over Friday night.
got it. see you guys then.
see you.
when Friday hits, you pack your clothes into a small backpack as you sigh. "I really hope this works." you whisper to yourself before throwing it on your shoulder. you head down the stairs and slide on your shoes as you head out the door. eventually, you arrive at their house. walking to the back door so Matt doesn't see you.
you text as you wait for someone to let you in. Chris opens the door and greets you. "Matt is in the bathroom so we have to be quiet heading upstairs." he says whispering. you nod and head upstairs quietly. Chris and You both head into Nick's room, shutting the door locking it. "Chris just placed the air tag in Matt's jacket. so all we have to do now is wait till he leaves." Nick says sitting down on his bed. you nod and you three talk, killing time until it hits 10 p.m. "does he usually head out later?" you say with a yawn. "it'll be anytime now." Nick responds looking at the time. he was right. you three hear a door open, indicating Matt getting out of his room. you hear slight foot steps going down the stairs, hearing the front door open and shut.
Chris pulls out his phone as he watches the little dot on his screen move. You get up and throw on a hoodie as you watch the little dot as well. after a bit, the dot stops moving. Nick's eyes widen, "that can't be right..." Chris whispers. "Abandoned house on Imperial Street." you whisper. you three look at each other and don't hesitate getting up before heading out the door.
"why would he be here?" you ask whispering. "I don't know." Nick responds as you three walk up to the worn down house. you look at the two of them and gulp, "what if we see something we shouldn't?" you ask. "we have no choice. we need to know what he's been hiding." Nick adds on. you look at the broken door and let out a breath. "come on." Chris says as you and Nick follow behind quietly. your heart was racing. what could he be possibly doing? as soon as you head inside, you couldn't help but shudder. it was cold and you knew something wasn't right. Chris looks at his phone as he follows where the dot is.
which it lead you three to a horrifying sight in the broke down kitchen. before you let out a sound, Chris covers your mouth and pulls you to the side. Nick follows as he hits his back against the wall with his face in shock. "w-what was that?" Nick whispers. your heart was now pounding out of your chest as you replay what you saw in your head. Matt was leaned over a limp body that was clearly torn open. you could hear the noises come from his mouth around the corner. was he actually indulging someone’s insides right now? you thought to yourself as you felt your stomach twist in a knot. “h-how is that even possible?” you whisper shakily. “what do we do?” Nick says clutching his chest, breathing unsteadily. “what could we even do Nick? this is fucking terrifying.” Chris responds. “no shit! but that’s our brother! what do we do?” Nick responds quietly freaking out.
"we need to get out of here." Chris whispers. Nick agrees as he walks with Chris towards the door. Chris looks at you indicating for you to follow but you just stay frozen. "come on" he mouths. but the two brothers then rush out when a noise from the air tag plays in Matt's jacket.
you peek your head around the corner as you watch Matt stop what he's doing to reach into his pocket, pulling out the small device. he shoots his head up as he looks around. "fuck." he mutters out. he stands up and looks at the body on the ground. you let out a small gasp as you get a clearer view of the person. Matt then locks eyes with you as he speaks, "who's there?" you step out slowly as you gulp, standing there in shock. you see his eyes soften as he stares at you. "Y-Y/n... what are you doing here?" he stutters out. all you do is look down at the body again shaking. "Y/n please listen to me." he says stepping closer to you but he stops when he sees you back away terrified. you clutch onto your stomach as tears roll down your eyes, "w-what is this?" you say as your breath hitches. "It's not what it looks like-" he says but you interrupt him. "t-to me it looks as clear as day. y-you were just fucking eating some innocent person's insides."
all he does is shake his head before responding, "y/n, you know I would never do something like this." "then what is this?!" you shout in fear. "I-i don't know!" Matt shouts back. "I don't know what made me like this. it's scaring me Y/n. I kept myself distant because I know how this looks. it's unbelievable." he continues. "I know your scared. but this isn't me Y/n. you know this." he says but suddenly hold his head in pain. "fuck!" he yells out. "Y/n please..." he weakly mutters. your heart aches at his voice. he was right. you knew he would never do this. you could tell he didn't want any of this to happen.
"I need help y/n." he says with a sadden expression. you look around on the floor, stepping into a puddle of blood. "please help me." he whispers desperately. you look up at him and gulp. "this is bad…" you whisper. “i know! but i can’t function without doing this. i can’t eat real food.” he says wiping his mouth. your eyes are still on the deceased person. still trying to wrap your head around it. “who even is this Matt?” you say before gulping. “i-i don’t know. that’s the thing. i don’t even realize i’m doing all this until last minute. so i don’t know any of the people.” he replies. “please y/n just help me.” he adds on. you look at him as you give him a blank stare. “tell me what to do…” you whisper.
you couldn’t just let him deal with all of this alone. you needed to find out more. he nods and next thing you know, you were helping him drag a big trash bag into the back yard of the abandoned house.
Y/n?! are you okay?!
"fuck Nick she's not responding!" Chris says freaking out. "Chris calm down! Matt would never hurt her." Nick says reassuring his shaking brother. “that was not Matt!” Chris exclaims. “that was some type of creature. that wasn’t our brother.” Nick shakes his head before responding, “no matter what he turned to, he’s still our brother!” Chris looks at him as he stops pacing around, “if someone catches him, people might mistake us for him.” Chris says. Nick’s face drops as he thinks about it. “you’re right…” he replies.
the bag hits the dirt with a thud. you stand there quietly as you watch Matt handle this situation. you flinch when you hear the shovel hit the ground. "don't tell anyone Y/n." Matt says looking at you with a look you remembered. you just stand there still in shock with a blank expression. "come on lets go home." Matt says taking your hand softly as he walks the both of you out. when you look down at your shoes, you notice how dirty they were from helping and the fresh red stains. you look up straight ahead as you ask a question in your mind, "what did i just get myself into?"
when you arrive at his house, Chris and Nick right away jump at the sight. you and Matt were hand in hand with your clothes dirty and bloodied. you gulp as you let go of Matt’s hand. “i need a shower.” you whisper out, walking past the two boys and straight to the bathroom. Chris and Nick’s eyes stare at Matt nervously. “so you saw?” Matt says not breaking eye contact. all the boys could do was stare at him and nod hesitantly. Matt was about to speak but, he decided to just head straight to his room, leaving the brothers with unanswered questions.
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a/n: this is different from my usual stuff. let me know if you guys enjoyed reading!
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disneyprincemuke · 9 months
baby, it's cold outside
alternatively: she just wants to stay in bed
in which she always get seasonal depression at the same time of the year and he tries to make her feel better about it
(series masterlist)
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logan opens the door to their apartment, slightly baffled at the eerie silence he's greeted with. he smiles slightly when stubby approaches him with a smile, hopping right by him as he slips his shoes off right by the entryway.
the corgi pads behind him by a step as he makes his way further into the house. when he entered the living room, he had half expected to find his girlfriend sitting on the couch with kidnapper on her lap while she binged on the new netflix show she started to watch last night.
but nothing. his girlfriend is nowhere to be found in the common areas.
he hums before heading for his room - the last place he had seen her before he left in the morning for the gym. surely enough, there she was still in the same spot as he remembered.
"you haven't eaten yet?" logan voices out, gently putting his bag down right by his bedroom door. he turns on the light, tilting his head in confusion when she pulls the blankets over her head. "babe, it's almost one in the afternoon."
"i'm not hungry," she answers simply.
"have you gotten out of bed yet?"
"no, i don't have anything to do today."
"have you fed the kids?"
"i thought you fed them breakfast."
"i did. what about lunch? they were supposed to eat at twelve-thirty."
she doesn't respond immediately. she removes the blanket from her head and turns to look at him. "i lost track of time. i'm sorry."
she starts to push herself off the bed, carefully moving around the cat that's decided to take solace at the foot of the bed right next to her feet. "i'll do it right now."
"hey, don't worry about it," logan sighs, walking over to where she is. he holds her shoulders and gently forces her back down to her previous spot. "what's wrong? you're usually up and about by nine."
she lowers her chin and then lifts her eyes to meet him. she pushes her hair behind her ear and sighs. "it's too cold," she mutters, shaking her head slightly. "and it's so dark outside - i couldn't get myself out of bed."
something immediately connects in his head. he should've known that this was coming. every year, without fail, during the peak of winter when it gets too cold to do anything, she tends to start feeling a little bit under the weather.
the sun is only out for a short window of time every day, and it’s only contributed to how hard it’s been to get herself out of bed.
everything just seems so blue and mellow, as she’s said several times before.
“okay, how about,” logan hums with a small smile, taking a seat on the edge of his bed. he takes his hands into hers. “i’ll go make lunch, feed kidnapper and stubby. and then let’s go on a date? let’s go drive to the park outside of town and take a walk?
“or, if you want… i heard from ciara that there’s a new go-kart place that opened downtown. if you wanna race, we can go and do that!”
“the sun is gonna set in two hours,” she whines, throwing herself back into the bed head first. “what is the point of even doing anything during the winter?”
“don’t say that,” logan frowns, pulling her up to prevent her from lying back down. “we’re heading to australia in a couple of days — just hang on for a bit and then we can go bask in the sun and piss oscar off.”
“that’s too far away. i don’t wanna do anything until we absolutely have to leave for the airport,” she insists, attempting to drop herself back into the bed once more. “just leave me here to rot and die.”
he laughs softly, letting go of her hands when she drops herself on her back one more time. she turns around to lie on her stomach and buries her face into his pillow. “babe, you have to eat something.”
“i don’t have to eat anything. a human body can survive days without food,” she says, moving her head slightly to peek at him with one eye. “i hate winter. i’m so glad we’re going to melbourne for christmas.”
“i won’t be able to go to melbourne with you if you don’t eat anything,” logan frowns, resting a hand on her lower back. he shakes her slightly, prompting an annoyed mew from the black cat on the bed. “sorry.”
“i’ll starve until melbourne.”
he presses his lips together, trying to rake his brain for the file that had the list of ways that they would do over the years to pull her out of her seasonal depression. it’s always a challenge to try and remember the whole list.
instead of thinking, logan inches forward before resting his entire body weight on her back. she groans and attempts to roll out from under him, but he doubles down and simply grabs her wrists.
“let me cook you lunch so i can nurture you! your mum will kill me if i let you starve!”
“she won’t know unless you tell her!”
“i’ll tell her!”
“then i’ll feel bad cause she will kill you! just don’t tell her!”
“feel bad enough to eat what i’ll cook you?”
“what if we go to the chinese restaurant down the street?”
he feels her lift her head, making him crane his neck to look at her. she pushes the hair out of her face and stares at him blankly. “beef noodles? dimsum? really?”
he smiles at her enthusiasm. “yeah, of course. that’s what you eat off their menu.”
for the first time that day, there’s a spark in her eye and a smile that he’s glad is finally making an appearance. “and then let’s go-kart after?”
“yeah! it’s a date?” he gets off her to sit up, letting her roll over and sit up with him. “and then we can go to your favourite cafe for some coffee and cake.”
she lifts her eyebrows, puckering her lips out. “oo, cake.”
she sits on her legs with her hands resting on her knees politely. “i’ll get ready after i feed the kids! hold on.” she starts moving away from him, crawling towards the other side of the bed. “kidnapper, let’s feed you.”
logan yanks her into him, making her fall on her back and her head lands in his lap. he grins and pinches her cheek lightly. “i’ll feed them. you go get ready.”
“but i was supposed to feed them lunch.”
“yeah, but i’m here now. i can do that,” he beams. “you worry about getting ready — i’ll take care of everything else.”
she pouts her lip out. she stretches her arms up towards him, cupping his cheeks to squish his face. “that’s so sweet. thank you.”
“of course.” he scrunches his nose as she pulls him down, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. “cup of orange juice for the pretty girl?"
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taglist: @myxticmoon
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loganwritesprobably · 21 days
Special Treat
It's been a while since I posted some non-OC content so take some Sanji as an apology!
I have plans for two series of little drabbles like this coming up while I cook some requests in the background, this is the start of the Modern AU series of drabbles.. comment who else you'd like to see?
Notes/Warnings: Modern AU, Sanji/GN!Reader, Sanji is a cook, reader hasn't eaten for unspecified reasons, reader faints, Sanji is less.. Like That
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"I thought we'd lost you there." A soft voice said above you. You blinked a few times as the world came back into focus around you and realised rather quickly that you were on the ground. You weren't on the ground a second ago.
A soft, pale hand was offered to you and you took it, being helped to your feet and into a normal chair rather than the uncomfortable tiled floor you'd been sitting on.
"You okay?" The same voice asked, and you looked at the blonde man who was directing the words at you. He was handsome, and looked kind. You nodded, swallowing as you attempted to wet your dry mouth and throat.
"Yeah, I'm okay." You confirmed, rubbing a hand over the back of your head to find no blood, nor any signs of a lump or bruising. Lucky you.
"You fainted, I'm pretty sure," the blonde man said, and you nodded, that sounded reasonable, "I'm Sanji." He finally introduced, and offered you his hand, this time to shake. You took it in a shaky grip and smiled at him as best as you could.
"I'm guessing you caught me? Thanks."
"You don't sound too surprised that you fainted." Sanji pointed out, and you sighed. You weren't.
"I haven't eaten anything yet today." You admitted, a little sheepish in the admission but hoping your use of the word yet would mean he'd let it go without much worrying. You hated it when new people became concerned about or invested in your eating habits. You had everything under control.
"Well, sounds like this is your lucky day, I'm a chef here. Why don't I put something together for you, on the house." Sanji offered, and only then did it occur to you to look up and take in your surroundings. You'd walked down this street so many times, you barely even processed it while passing by anymore.
Apparently, you'd fainted right outside the most popular restaurant this side of town - the Baratie. Lucky day indeed. If there was any place to faint, it may just be here. Sanji had helped you up into one of the outdoor seats, and was still hovering, waiting for your answer.
"I don't want to cause any more trouble than I already have-" you began, but the blonde quickly cut you off.
"No such thing. In my house, everyone eats, no matter what." He insisted, and you simply nodded. You briefly discussed your dietary requirements, then he disappeared inside after you insisted you were enjoying the fresh air.
It took just fifteen minutes for Sanji to reappear with a plate of food in hand and frankly it looked incredible. In such a short timeframe, he'd managed to make something that you had no doubt would be amazing.
"Hopefully it's to your tastes. I wanted to bring out something light, I didn't want it to upset your stomach. If you're still hungry, you can tell me and I can make you something else." He said, hesitating beside you while he waited for you to try the food and confirm that you did, in fact, like it. And you certainly did - it may have been the best meal you'd ever had the privilege of eating.
"This is amazing Sanji, but really I couldn't ask you for anything else."
"I insist. The only thing I hate more than waste is seeing people go hungry. If you've room for more, come find me inside, I can make dessert."
And then he was gone, like a cooking angel. The food was wonderful, and you knew you couldn't afford Baratie prices even if you tried. Before leaving though, you did head to the host stand and pass a small tip along to be given to Sanji.
You'd remember him, and the kindness he'd showed you, and one day you'd pay it forward.
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hurpdurpburps · 2 months
Otherside Picnic Manga Yuri Club Special Story 1 English Translation
It has recently come to my attention that Japanese animanga merch store Gamers (ゲーマーズ)'s Yuri Club (百合部) benefits programme's publication of the OP manga series come with an exclusive bonus short story for every volume (not the same as the Kozakura POV shorts).
Since I haven't come across any English translations of these bonus stories online, and they seem unlikely to receive official English licensing, I've decided to translate them myself and share them with the internet.
You can check out the official Yuri Club website if you wish to find out more (Japanese-only).
SPOILER WARNING: Takes place immediately before the events of File 3 - Station February in Vol 1 of the novels.
Written by: Miyazawa Iori
Translated by: @hurpdurpburps
Chapter 1: Shinjuku, The First Meet-Up
As it was my first time meeting up with someone in Shinjuku, I asked about where we should meet.
A message saying "I don't know, I'm not very familiar with Shinjuku," returned in response.
What an unreliable woman. You’re the one who insisted on having an afterparty…
I was glaring at the screen of my smartphone when the next message appeared along with a goofy pop-up sound effect. "You can pick a spot, Sorawo."
You’re not supposed to say "You can pick a spot". Shouldn’t you be saying "Could you pick a spot, please?" [1]
Oh, whatever. She helped me out when we encountered Hasshaku-sama the other day, so I'll pick a meeting place as a way of returning the favour…
After consulting the internet, I decided for us to meet at 4.30pm in front of an installation called "The Eye of Shinjuku". From there, we would make our way to the commercial district along the West Exit of the station and pick a restaurant at random.
It's going to be early Friday evening, so it shouldn't get too crowded yet… Is that too optimistic of me? No, I'm sure it'll be fine. This is Tokyo, there are lots of shops, I’m sure it’ll work out somehow.
With excessive trust in Tokyo's crowd capacity that was typical of someone from the countryside, I informed Toriko of the meeting place.
The next evening. The station's layout was more complicated than I thought, so I got a little lost. I cut through the underground hurriedly and finally arrived at my destination five minutes late. Toriko, who was leaning against “The Eye of Shinjuku' - a shining eye-shaped object against a black stone wall, waved as soon as she saw me.
Toriko stood out, so she'd caught my eye before `"The Eye of Shinjuku" did, which was supposed to have been the focal point of attention. Perhaps we might have been able to catch each other anyway if I’d gotten Toriko to stand at a random location.
"Sorry to keep you waiting."
"No, it's okay. I just got here." [2]
"When did you actually arrive?"
"About fifteen minutes ago, I think."
"… That's a little early?"
"I was looking forward to it!"
Toriko was in a good mood despite having been kept waiting, and looked like she was about to start hopping around.
"Let's hurry up. I haven't eaten anything since I woke up, so I'm really hungry."
"Fine, fine. Well, um… I guess it’s this way."
Together with Toriko, I started walking towards the West Exit.
"By the way, why did you choose this side of the station? Isn't the East Exit side more bustling?"
"Well, that side seems a little scary… Isn't Kabukicho or whatever over there?"
"Yeah. Haven't you been there?"
"Absolutely not. Isn't it scary?"
"No it’s not. There’s lots of stuff over there, like a movie theatre. It's annoying when people call out to you when you're alone, though."
"It's scary after all."
"It'll be fine, I’m with you. Wanna head over there now?"
"Nope, I’m good. Maybe next time if I feel like it." [3]
As we engaged in frivolous conversation, I was suddenly struck by a strange feeling. Meeting up with a friend to go drinking made me feel like an ordinary college student. I wasn’t planning on going to the Otherside today, had a surplus of cash in my pocket, and I didn't have my gun with me either.
So even I can do something like that…
As I indulged myself in the sentiment, I walked side-by-side with Toriko through the streets of Shinjuku, where bars were starting to open for business.
TL Notes
General note: I adopted a more 'literary' prose style to match the tone of the novels. Hence, the translation in this series will be significantly more liberal than my usual analytical posts. Feel free to ask me anything. Feedback regarding translation accuracy is also welcome.
[1] The original Japanese here says 決めていいよじゃないよ。決めていただけませんか、じゃないの?
TLDR Sorawo is just being petty and griping about Toriko's not using formal/polite language for what was essentially a request/favour while not having the 'moral high ground' so to speak.
[2] More of a cultural note than a translation one. These two lines are something of a standard greeting for scenes depicting a (new-ish) couple going on a date.
And also throwback!!!! To their conversation at Shosen Grande when Sorawo was waiting for Toriko before their second trip to the Otherside in Vol 1 (File 2 - Hasshaku-sama survival).
“Did I keep you waiting?” “Fifteen minutes.” “Isn’t this where you’re supposed to say, ‘I just got here’?” “Did you think this was a date or something?” I said curtly, heading outside without listening to her response.
Gotta love how Sorawo just punched through social niceties and interrogated Toriko about the truth. But more importantly she didn't call out Toriko again on the date-ish line lol.
[3] Vol 5 foreshadowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Nuff said.
List of Yuri Club's Otherside Picnic Short Stories [my translations]:
1. Shinjuku, The First Meet-Up (新宿、初めての待ち合わせ)
2. Hasshaku-sama Epilogue (八尺様エピローグ)
3. Ochanomizu, The First Afterparty (お茶の水、初めての打ち上げ)
4. Ikebukuro, Cafe Meal For One (池袋、ひとりカフェ飯)
5. Naha, After The Big Job (那覇、大仕事の後)
6. Ishigaki Island, A Dazed Vacation (石垣島、呆然のリゾート)
7. Mercedes AMG, The Backseat (メルセデスAMG、後部座席)
8. Otherworldly Elevator, On The Way Back (異世界エレベーター、帰路)
9. Kozakura Mansion, Pizza Party (小桜屋敷、ピザパーティー)
10. TBD
11. TBD
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miksmind · 7 months
haven't eaten yet today. I don't feel hungry but I want to eat everything in sight... I'm a fat ass I know
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quinncupine · 11 months
Pumpkin Pranks
I thought it would be fun to write a little silly fic featuring teen Eri! and her Halloween pranks.
Relationship: Izuku Midoriya X Reader
Word Count: 800
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"Hey Honey," Izuku walked through the door and lazily slipped off his shoes. "I'm home."
Silence greeted him, but he knew that couldn't be the case. You said you'd be home all afternoon, getting everything ready for tonight's party. He could still smell the lingering sweet scent of whatever you had decided to bake.
"Y/N?" He ventured into the kitchen, eyeing the plate of steaming pumpkin cookies that just begged to be eaten. "Hello?"
Still no response. Maybe you stepped out to get some supplies?
His stomach rumbled as he neared the plate. There was no time to eat lunch today because some villain thought it would be a good idea to rob the bank just down the street from his agency. Needless to say, things were handled quickly, but he still had to fill out paperwork over the event during his lunch break.
Those cookies sat there, mocking him, in all their pumpkin spicy glory, just waiting to be eaten by one rather hungry hero. Surely you wouldn't miss just one cookie? A quick glance around the empty apartment and he grabbed one off the top.
A warty goblin's face popped out from behind the cookies with a loud "BOO!"
Startled, Izuku dropped the cookie with a yelp and crashed into the counter behind him.
On the other side of the island was someone wearing a little gremlin mask, cackling. She removed the mask and nearly doubled over as she tried to catch her breath. You popped up next to her, hand over your mouth as you giggled through your fingers.
"Eri!" Izuku sputtered, face red as he tried to compose himself. "When did you get here?"
"Y/N picked me up from school." Eri finally managed to taper down her chortles and grabbed a cookie. "You should've seen the look on your face! And I got it on film! Kota's gonna love that."
As she laughed, you plucked the cookie from her hand. "Ah-ah, no sweets before dinner. Now, go wash up. Mirio and Aizawa are going to be here soon."
Eri pouted but set down the mask and headed for the bathroom. When she passed Izuku, she tackled him in a quick hug and then sprinted down the hallway.
You took a bite out of the cookie with a wink and sauntered around the island where your husband smirked at you.
"So, you picked up Eri?" He grabbed the cookie from your hand, or tried to anyway.
You pulled it out of his reach with a giggle and instead gave a sneaky kiss in its place. His hand snaked around your waist to pull you close and deepen the kiss.
"What happened to no sweets before dinner?" He asked once he pulled away, tasting the slightest bit of pumpkin on his lips.
"Ah, you're right," you sighed, hovering just above his lips and turned away. "No sweets then."
He only tightened his grip on you and tucked you firmly into his arms with a grin. "I suppose I can make an exception." He laughed and kissed you sweetly.
"Hey, is that a cookie!" Eri said behind you, hands on her hips.
Surprised, you both jumped away from each other. She smirked as you both blushed pink from being caught by the teen.
"It is!" She marched over and crossed her arms. "And what exactly were you two getting up to,hmm? In front of a poor innocent child, I might add."
"Innocent my butt," you muttered, not able to hide your exasperated chuckle. "Fine. One cookie. Don't tell Aizawa." You locked your pinky with hers.
She snatched a cookie off the pile and took a large bite. "Bribery? Not very heroic, Y/N."
"Says the one who's eating said bribe. What's with all this hero talk, huh? I thought you wanted to be a doctor or an awesome nurse like me?"
"I haven't decided yet," she chewed thoughtfully. "But maybe if I get another cookie, I could see the possibility of looking into medical school."
"She's been hanging out with you too much," Izuku tittered, glancing between the two of you. "She's turning into a mini you."
You crossed your arms, "And what's so wrong with that?"
"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Eri mimicked, a mock scowl on her face.
He froze as he stared at the double glare leveled at him and raised his hands slowly. "…This is a trap. I'm just gonna go take my shower now."
Izuku escaped before he incurred any more wrath, and as soon as he disappeared, you both broke into laughter.
"Hey, do you think we can scare Mirio when he walks in? Oh, what about Dad?" She picked up the mask with a menacing grin.
"If you can manage to scare Aizawa, then I'll give you twenty bucks."
"You're on!"
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junnylunny · 2 months
!pairing- pizza buyer!jake x pizza lover!reader
: ̗̀➛ you are now listening to "PIZZA" by OOHYO ´ˎ˗
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! synopsis- jake has always been the one suggesting and ordering the meals whenever everybody hung out. and when a sudden confession by jake is presented to y/n, it makes her realize that there's actually a deeper meaning towards his choice of order: pizza.
! word count: 1.2k
! includes- fluff, college life, pizzaaa
an unbearable feeling of stuffiness filled the young airy night, with mosquitos swarming every light post on the street- leading everyone to stay at home with their air conditioners on.
especially for y/n and her guy friends; they had to blast the ac on to replace the odoriferous fume of sweat consuming the apartment.
with everyone in the building, ravenous for food, it was merely a tractable situation. once in a while when everyone agreed to meet at the same dorm room, jake would ask to order pizza. and with familiarity, everyone would settle on his request and head to the convenient store for alcohol. since finals were published and summer was finally here, they were probably going to spend more time together.
"i'm hungry," junhoo dreadfully groaned on the couch.
"should we order pizza?" jake asked with a smirk across his face, sitting next to junhoo, knowing the obvious reply.
"yeah. yeah. hurry up and order," junhoo remarked, waving his arms frantically, expressing his nonchalant yet desperate hunger. jake swiftly got his phone out to take orders.
"1 cheese, 1 pepperoni, and 1 everything?" he asked, not looking away from his screen.
"don't forget the can of coke." eunwoo noted, entering the living room with y/n.
"you guys genuinely need to take a shower," y/n scrunched her nose, interrupting the list of foods being ordered. "all i smell is sweat and it's killing me. eunwoo and i opened the ones in the rooms."
"i'll open the windows," jake said, taking initiative to y/n's complaints.
"where are the freshmen at?" junhoo asked.
"doyoon said he's coming with the rest of them in 20 minutes," y/n said, checking her phone.
"okay perfect. pizza is coming in 20. we can go get alcohol." jake said, finalizing his order.
"let's go!!!" junhoon excitedly yelled.
y/n, jake, eunwoo, and junhoon quickly got their wallets and headed to the convenience store to buy some alcohol and chips. they busily dumped in their favorite snacks and left the store happily, carefree of their problems at the moment.
y/n had a popsicle stick in her mouth, trying to eat it faster than the hot weather that was melting it, following the rest of the guys behind with jake by her side.
"wait, y/n." jake suddenly pulled y/n behind, stopping the both of them from their tracks while the others continued to walk away.
"what's wrong?" y/n asked with a puzzled look.
"i have something to tell you," he said.
"all of a sudden? okay," y/n awkwardly laughed, unsure what he'd bring up.
"this is really random timing but i felt like i should tell you today." jake began his confession. y/n stood still, listening carefully to what jake was saying, noticing his shift to a serious demeanor.
"um. i really like you. not as a friend but, you know, as a girl." jake confessed. before y/n could even comprehend what jake said, he interrupted, "but you don't have to tell me your response right now. i'll wait." the air began to feel quiet and cold. y/n's empty response left the both in an awkward situation.
"i-," before y/n could say anything, jake ran away, heading the opposite way of where both the guys and the apartment lay.
y/n felt confused. jake had just confessed and abruptly ran away. what kind of a confession was that? y/n slightly laughed with her only presence, confused yet flustered.
after y/n had walked alone back to the apartment, she realized that jake had not returned. actually, nobody had heard back from jake after the incident. even when the rest of the guys would meet, jake was nowhere to be seen.
"now that jake isn't here, we haven't eaten pizza at all" junhoo suddenly realized.
"you're right," doyoon said. "probably because y/n liked them so much," he mumbled- a bit too obvious for everyone to hear.
eunwoo batted an eye at doyoon. "oh shoot," he said slyly.
"wait what?" y/n asked.
"gosh finally. i was wondering when we were going to tell her," junhoo said, letting out a sigh while rolling his eyes.
"jake would order pizza all the time because you liked them so much. apparently you mentioned really really liking pizza during orientation or something and he remembered. what a creep."
"he was so persistent. i was kind of concerned," doyoon laughed.
"i thought we promised to keep it a secret?" eunwoo interrupted.
"oh he confessed already." a freshman butted in.
"what???" everyone yelled at once, looking at y/n for confirmation. y/n just nodded, unsure what to say.
"seriously? when?" eunwoo asked, feeling betrayed by his best friend.
"he confessed the night we went to go get alcohol and i came back alone..." y/n uttered, embarrassed to admit the situation. how could jake just run off like that?
"oh so that's why you came alone... wait- did you reject him???" junhoo assumed, not liking the silence y/n was giving.
"no. he asked to give him a response later, although i have no idea when that is." y/n said, looking away.
"and that coward just never came back to hear your response? wow." eunwoo said, even ashamed of his action.
another moment of silence filled the room. everyone had been walking on eggshells since freshman year whenever jake would mention y/n, not wanting to poke him in any way.
"well!" junhoo exclaimed. "let's have some pizza y/n likes..."
while everyone enjoyed the pizza, y/n ate the pizza with a blank expression. she was processing everything the guys had said. so jake liked y/n since orientation? wow...
y/n had decided to head to the convenient store alone to clear her head, grabbing the alcohol as well on her way. as she headed out the store, she saw a familiar figure leaning against a gated fence, staring blankly at the ground.
"jake?" y/n called out, walking towards him.
"oh hey, y/n" he replied, looking up to meet eye contact.
"omg. where were you? we were worried."
jake didn't respond. he just stayed leaning, observing every detail on y/n's face.
"i had some things to solve. sorry i couldn't reply to the group chat." he said sincerely.
"it's fine. the boys are over. let's go eat," y/n said, raising up the bag of alcohol and swinging it to show jake.
"wait," jake stopped y/n from her tracks by the wrist. he stayed silent, hoping that y/n would break it. "never mind..." he backed away, letting go of her wrist.
y/n replaced the silence by saying, "pizza sucks without you."
"what?" jake looked puzzled.
"i said pizza sucks without you…”y/n repeated herself. “and summer has been boring without you... and everything has sucked without you." 
he looked shocked by y/n's response, his face turning bright red.
"let's go," y/n declared, taking jake's hand, giving him an assuring face.
"wait." jake pulled y/n by the hand, her proximity becoming closer.
"just like how much you like your pizzas, that's how much i like you." jake slowly grabbed y/n by the chin and kissed her lips. 
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His Flower | KTH
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Pairing: Yandere! Vampire! Taehyung x Fem! Reader
Summary: You thought you had met your soulmate in the most cute and cliché way you could possible could. But when Taehyung revealed his true identity to you, he did something you couldn't forgive him for. But that didn't stop him from making you stay with him forever.
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: Hello, everyone! I really hope you will like this small and dark drabble. I'll be posting more content soon, promise! Let me know what you thought of this in the comments, please!
*A/N: I don't own Taehyung's picture on the banner. Credits to the author. I only used it for the banner, that's all.
**A/N: If you'd like to be tagged in my next post, let me know! I will create separate taglists as I post more things in here.
Warnings: yandere! taehyung, angst, manipulation, possessiveness, kidnapping, marking (?), blood, biting (obviously), forced stay, fear, more angst, let me know if I missed anything!
*I do not condone the activities done in this fic to be done in real life nor do I think any of the members would ever do something like this. This is a work of fiction and does not, at any point, have to do with any person in real life, this is just for fun.
Likes, comments & reblogs are really appreciated!!!
Your gaze was locked on the little snowflakes that fell from the dark sky. Your arms were wrapped around yourself, trying to keep the cold away as your eyes were lost in the distance, mind already gone back with memories of your past.
A shiver travelled down your spine when you heard the sound of footsteps approaching from the hallway. You knew it couldn't be good. You hadn't felt at ease with him in the same room as you since you arrived at this place.
His home.
"Flower, you've been here all day. Join me for dinner."
You knew he was standing close to the entrance way as his voice didn't sound as close as you expected it to be. You didn't turn around, not wanting to have this conversation, not wanting to speak with him. The man who had selfishly taken you for his own pleasures. The man who kept you trapped, chained to him.
"I'm not hungry."
Was your answer. Voice flat and your eyes remained locked on the falling snowflakes.
At least they are free.
You heard him sigh deeply only for then for him to approach you. You felt him. Felt his gaze trained on your body, his aura surrounding your soul, his scent invading your senses. Like before, where you even brought him a nice perfume.
Don't go there.
You thought. Eyes glossy with the remnants of your memories that now seemed to be so far away from your reach. As if they happened years ago. Perhaps they were.
"You haven't eaten at all today."
"Yet I still am not hungry."
He sighed again. His red eyes running all over your features, trying to decipher your thoughts. As if that was something his kind could do.
"Don't be so stubborn, you need to eat. You live here so that I can take care of you."
Those words were the snapping cord for you. Did he really think you were doing him a favour? Did he think you were here by choice? that you were enjoying it?
"Because you took me here and won't let me go. That's why I'm living here. I never wanted this, Taehyung!"
You raised your voice with the last sentence. He was getting on your nerves. The little spark of chemistry that was going on between you both was extinguished by him when he took you. Stole you from your life.
(e/c) met red in a dancing storm of emotions as you turned to look at him. You saw his gaze changed from his sickening care to a swirling storm of anger, desperation and rage.
"I did it to protect you! To protect us! You know, (y/n), you know better than anyone that to society we are monsters. I am a monster."
Tears began gathering in your eyes. But they weren't because you were sad. They were because of your anger. Of your hate.
"That's not true. And even if it was, you didn't have to trick me like you did. You didn't have to lie to me."
Taehyung let out a dry chuckle, his red irises roaming around the large library before they returned to look at you.
"I was starting to like you, Tae. To really like you."
The nickname flew out of your lips so naturally that it almost gave him a spark of hope. His heart skipped a beat, you hadn't called him "Tae" in a long time. Not since he took you and revealed his true identity. Revealed his secret. His nature to you.
It seemed to have passed ages ago when you met for the first time in that small library where you tried to reach a book on a higher shelf and he had grabbed it for you. Placing it in your hands with a warm smile.
What happened next between the two of you was a muddy concoction of memories and emotions. Of smiles and shared experiences. Of cute dates and future places. You even got to the point of thinking that perhaps he was the one for you.
"Don't you like me anymore?"
His question brought you back from your thoughts. From your sweet memories and your naïve past self who had fallen into his trap without resistance at all.
You looked at him with a straight face. No emotion at all marked your beautiful features as you stared at him with empty eyes.
"I hate you."
Taehyung felt as if someone had stabbed him in the heart. Even a stab wound would have hurt less than your words. Has he not shown you how much you mean to him? Had he not been there for you? Cared for you? Loved you enough?
"I hate you with every ounce of me."
His eyes closed, jaw clenching as the venom of your words dripped into his wounded heart.
"You don't mean that. You are just angry. You are being ungrateful, (y/n)!"
You scoffed, taking a step back. The tears in your eyes began rolling down your cheeks in utter desperation.
"Ungrateful?! I can't leave this place, Taehyung! You are forcing me to be here! You don't have the slightest idea of how much my freedom meant to me and you just took it. I don't belong to you, I don't belong to anyone. So yes, I am angry. I hate you with all my being but don't you dare call me ungrateful for something you took from me!"
You didn't leave room for any more discussions as you turned around and left the large library, going back to the room that Taehyung assigned to you in his mansion. The room you were going to have to call home sooner or later.
Taehyung watched you go. His heart twisted with the remnants of your words yet his mind was proud of himself for taking you, keeping you and protecting you. Even if you didn't see it that way.
In his perspective, you just didn't understand how he and you wouldn't be able to be together where society saw his kind in a lower level.
But he didn't ask for it. He never was given the option of becoming what he was now. How people would refer to him as a vampire. He never wanted to become a monster and even less in your eyes.
He was keeping you safe in a place where you both would be able to be together and happy.
You just couldn't see it that way.
To you, he had taken you, kidnapped you out of selfishness. You didn't care what he was. To you, the uneasiness he felt when he revealed his true persona to you was strange. You didn't care. You wouldn't have cared if he hadn't been selfish, if he had thought about how to solve it out instead of acting on impulse.
That was how you found yourself there. In his big and beautiful mansion. You became an item of decoration to him. A gem he had to preserve. A rose he had to garden. His flower.
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You didn't go downstairs for dinner. Taehyung didn't see you again that evening. Now, it was dark outside. A snowstorm racked through the beautiful gardens of his mansion yet inside it was quiet. Only the cracking of the fireplace in the dining hall could be heard, where the handsome vampire sat at the end of the large table, a glass of wine in his hand.
Taehyung knew there wasn't a way he'd be able to convince you that what he did was the right thing. Your mind has been corrupted by society. Or so he thought. There was only one way you wouldn't try to escape from him, run away from his protection and love.
It was the only way to keep you safe.
To keep you with him.
"I'm doing it for you, flower."
Those whispered words got carried by the wind as he set the glass down and stood up, walking towards your bedroom as his shadow enlarged into one of the walls as he stepped further and further into the darkness of the mansion.
His steps were precise. His red eyes looked forward. His jaw clenched. The door to your room opened without a noise. Taehyung was able to walk around your bed until he stood next to your lying position on the comfortable mattress.
The moonlight illuminated his crimson irises as he watched you sleep. A primal instinct setting at the bottom of his chest. Sitting down next to you on the bed, his eyes roamed all over your figure. His large hand caresses your cheek softly as his fangs reveal themselves with his murmured words.
"You will understand why I'm doing this, flower of mine. It is the only way."
The quiet murmur of his deep voice resonated along the tall walls of your room. Taehyung looked down on your exposed neck and before he could think it twice, he bent down to you. The sweet smell of your skin invaded his senses, pupils dilating as his pulse accelerated.
He sunk his fangs in the delicate skin of your neck, the taste of your blood was even better than what he had fantasised about. He became addicted. Addicted to you.
The pain increased and you woke up. Pushing with all your strength at his shoulders as whimpers left your lips.
"Please, don't. Stop it."
But your cries of desperation fell on deaf ears. He continued to suck your blood while his own poison got into your system and travelled through your veins. You were going to become like him. An eternal being forced to live on this earth. Forever.
By his side.
In that moment, you knew you were never going to escape him. You were chained to him now in a different way. Tangled in a web of time. You became his in that exact moment. His love. His to keep.
Taehyung knew it was the only way of keeping you by his side. You would learn to love him. Learn to live the way he had for centuries. And he was willing to wait for your heart to accept him. He had lived in a dark emptiness for so long, he could endure it again with the promise of your love and devotion as the final reward.
You were his. In more ways than before. Bounded by a created fate in an eternal timeline traced with blood.
You became more to him than he had ever wished. And as the sweet taste of your blood invaded his mouth, he promised to keep you with him. To keep you safe as you were, and would always be, his precious flower to protect in an eternity tainted in crimson blood.
May 20/2023
Likes, comments & reblogs are really appreciated!!!
☕Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Heal My Wounds
Rhea's Friends (Part 7)
Rhea Ripley x Reader
Tw: physical and sexual abuse, toxic relationship, selfharm, eating disorder
Summary: You are in a toxic relationship with an abusive man but manage to run away. A tall, black haired woman picks you up from the streets just in time so your ex doesn't get you. But who is she and why does she seem so familiar to you? As you get to know each other you start to notice weird feelings you never had before whenever she's around.
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Rhea opens the door to let in the three boys. The shortest one hugs Rhea, he didn't even notice you yet.
"Who is this?" a very tall and muscular man asks. He scares you a bit. Rhea smiles and puts an arms around you.
"Do you wanna introduce yourself or should I do it for you?" she whispers. "You please" you answer. You're scared she might tell them about what happened but you also didn't dare to speak for yourself just yet.
"So, this is y/n, she's staying at mine for some time so get used to it." Demi tells the boys.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Dominic but you can call me Dom like everyone else." the short one who hugged Rhea says.
"I'm Damian" says the tall one and reaches out to shake your hand. You shyly return the gesture.
"And I'm Finn" the third one who hasn't spoken yet says. You just nod and try to smile at them.
"Alright" Rhea says and grabs your hand. You follow her into the living room, they boys right behind you.
They sit down on the couch and Dominic turns on the TV. "Come here y/n" Demi says. Only now do you realize that you're the only one still standing.
You sit down next to her at the end of the couch. She puts her arm around you and leans back. "So what's the plan for today?" Rhea asks.
"What about we play some games and order pizza later. We could also watch a movie then" Finn says.
"Or we could make a horror movie marathon" Dom says enthusiastically. "No way, as much as I'd love to but y/n here can't stand horror." Rhea quickly throws in.
"What about we watch some stupid movies to laugh about" Damian suggests. "Oh yes, do you wanna watch barbie?" Demi says and looks at you. You shrug "fine by me"
"OK yeah, let's do it" Dom says and scrolls through a list of movies to find what they're looking for. "I'll order pizza, what do you guys want?" Finn says.
Everyone orders except for you. "What do you want y/n?" Damian says. "Nothing thanks" you reply shyly.
"y/n can we talk for a sec?" Rhea says and stands up. You're confused but follow her into the kitchen.
Demi leans against a counter and looks at you. "What is it that you wanna talk about?" "Are you hungry?" she asks.
You give her a confused look. "No why you asking?" you lie. "Because it's almost 2pm and you haven't eaten anything today except the little breakfast we had at around 9."
You sigh "I'm just not comfortable with eating in front of other men" Rhea gives you a sad smile "okay, but if you change your mind you can always take some of my pizza ok?" "thank you" you smile.
You return to the living room and join the boys who waited with the start of the film until you were back.
It was actually more fun than you originally thought. You were even comfortable enough to laugh out loud, even if it wasn't often, and steal one of Rhea's pizza slices.
It was around 10pm when Demi practically threw the boys out because they just wouldn't leave. "Byee" you both said before Rhea closed the door behind them.
"That wasn't as bad as I thought, they're pretty cool" you say and she grins at you. "Yea, I liked it too but I'm pretty tired now." Demi yawns.
You hesitate before asking "can you sleep with me in the bed again?" Rhea smirks, "sure" then grabs your hand and leads you to the bedroom.
You both get ready for bed and lay down. "Demi?" you whisper. "hm" she hums. "I know you're tired and everything but can we cuddle? I feel a bit lonely right now."
"Of course, come here love" she responds and stretches out her arm so you can snuggle up to her.
I like the feeling I get when we touch. You think. Damn I never felt this way with him, like, actually cared for and protected and comfortable and all that.
"Good night" Rhea whispers. You feel her lips slightly brushing the top of your head.
I wonder what it would be like to kiss her. "Good night Demi, thank you for everything!" "You're welcome" she says and pecks you on your head.
Heat rushes through your body. Something you never felt before. With your ex you always wished for things to be over as soon as possible, with Rhea you wanted them to never end.
Part sevennnn and many more planned ;)
Wishes, suggestions etc in the comments.
Taglist: @thatonepansexual2000
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etherealbelphie · 11 months
The Things Humans Come Up With (Ft. Beelzebub and GN!MC)
Warnings: Romantic relationships implied
Word count: 0.7k
A/N: Hi :D It's been a while, Character AI sort of took over my life, but I'm back now! There was this one scene from Obey Me! where the boys were absolutely baffled by human technology (like an ice cream maker), so that's kind of where the idea for this story came from. I hope you like it :D
I don't think this story requires many warnings, but if I should add one please let me know!
-Ethereal ^J^
Story below, please don't claim as your own!
Using your spatula, you carefully lifted up the bread to check the color. Nope, not quite ready yet. You put the lid back over the pan, opting to check your phone while you waited for your grilled cheese to finish cooking. You were idly scrolling through Devilgram when you caught something moving out of the corner of your eye. You glanced up, seeing Beel standing sheepishly in the doorway.
"Whatever you're cooking smells really good..." He started, shyly fidgeting with his hands.
"Thanks!" You told him
He took a few uncertain steps, and you swear you could hear his stomach growling. "I haven't eaten since Fangol practice..."
"No?" You asked. You knew what he was hinting at, but it was hard not to tease him on the rare occasion he was shy.
“Y-Yeah…and…dinner isn’t for a while…”
“No, it isn’t,” you agreed.
"Your food smells really yummy..." He gave you a pitiful look as his stomach growled, much noisier this time.
You smiled internally, finally giving in. "Beel, did you want me to make you some too?"
He lit up immediately, nodding. "Yes, please!
You smiled, nodding as you pulled out a few more slices of bread and set to work.
"What are you making, anyways?" Beel asked, coming over to lean against the counter.
"They're grilled cheeses," you answered.
"What are those?"
You nearly dropped the bread in your hand. "You don't know what a grilled cheese is?!"
Beel shook his head. "We don't have those here. It's a human food, I'm guessing?"
Man, culture shock still hit you hard sometimes.
"Yeah. It's like a cheese sandwich, but the bread is crispy, and the cheese is melted. You can put things like meat or eggs in them, too, but that's more of a panini at that point."
"Can you make those too?" Beel asked.
"Not today, but next time it's my turn to make breakfast, okay?"
He nodded enthusiastically and watched as you began to fry up his sandwiches. "You humans always come up with the neatest things," Beel commented.
“Yeah?” You asked.
"Yeah! Like, I heard you guys have a thing that turns food into drinks!"
"A...a what?" You asked.
"Yeah! Like, the thing where you put fruits into the cup with milk, and the magic turns it into a drink!"
"The...Oh, you mean a blender!" You exclaimed.
"Yeah, a blender!" He repeated, as if trying to commit it to memory. "And what's that thing called where there are little cages at the end that spin around really fast?"
"I've seen them use it on human cooking shows," Beel explained patiently. "You plug it in, then sometimes the little cages spin too fast and goop ends up everywhere."
"Oh!" You snapped your fingers. "That's called an electric whisk. Sometimes people call it a beater.”
"I will say, I don't really like the thing that makes the bread stale."
"The toaster?" You guessed, and felt oddly proud when he nodded.
"Yeah, it just makes it super dry. I'll eat it if I get hungry enough, but it's not my favorite."
"I can't believe you don't like toast," you said. "What did you put on it?"
He paused. "...What?"
"What did you put on the toast after you toasted it?"
"...You're supposed to put something on it?"
“I mean, yeah.”
“…Like what?” He asked.
“I dunno, butter usually? Any spreadable condiment, really.”
“…That makes sense,” Beel admitted. “I’ll have to try that next time.”
You giggled, nodding. “Maybe, yeah.”
You plated all the sandwiches and sliced them each in half, then motioned for Beel to join you.
You didn’t have to ask him twice; he took his seat and grabbed one of the sandwiches.
He took a bite, and his eyes widened. “Mmph!” He exclaimed. “I’mph sho goom!”
You laughed. “What?”
He swallowed, smiling. “It’s so good!” He repeated. He reached for another slice, then suddenly snapped his fingers. “I know!” He exclaimed, grinning at you.
“Know…know what?” You asked.
“I know the best thing that humans have ever come up with,” Beel explained.
“Oh, yeah?” You laughed. “Is it grilled cheeses, because I don’t know if I’d ag-“
“It’s you,” he interrupted.
“A-Ah…” You blushed, staring at the table. He could be so dang sweet sometimes.  When you looked up, you caught him smirking at you for a split second.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
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