#i hesitate to tag this naruto
notebooknonbinary · 2 years
Oh was Stranger Things your first introduction to Boys Don’t Cry by The Cure?
*side eyes 15 year old YouTube video Naruto Party 3*
Yep! Stranger Things was absolutely my introduction to Boys Don’t Cry!
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Show and Tell (Shino x Reader)
Synopsis: Just another day for Iruka teaching ninja kids.
Word Count: 0.7k
Tags/Warnings: Kid!Shino, Kid!Reader, Bugs/Bugs on you, Entomophobia, Fluff, No Reader Pronouns
Notes: I made this gif only to realize I already had an identical one saved. I like this one better though. You know why? BECAUSE I MADE IT
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“That one’s ​​Kononoka.”
“What about this one?”
“That one’s Komiruwa.”
The entire class was in an uproar, not that you or Shino really cared or noticed. Naruto started shouting in a mix of awe and horror, climbing onto the desks to narrate to the rest of the class. When no one seemed to be paying attention, he shouted louder. Ino had about broken down in the corner of the classroom, inconsolable as she wailed. Kiba stood about where you and Shino sat, raving about one thing or another, and that chaos didn’t stop for Iruka. 
He walked through the door, tense, with eyes already wide at the sheer anarchy that was his classroom. Iruka shouted for order with a disappointed frown, but his students were whipped up in too great of a frenzy to listen. Iruka groaned, wiping a hand down his face as he set his lesson plan for the day on his desk. 
“Alright, everyone, let’s get some butts in seats!” he clapped, making his way up the stairs. “Naruto! Down! This is a classroom, not a jungle gym!” A few students sat, staring over their shoulders at the chaos at the back of the room. A few disappointed grumbles scattered throughout the room. 
Iruka approached the screaming children surrounding you and Shino at the back of the class with urgency and hesitation. Surely, if someone were bleeding out, he’d know, right?
He peered over a dozen tiny heads; the sight in front of him just about made him stop right there. Iruka took a breath, placing his hands on his hips as he looked up at the ceiling—a tiny tug pulled at the leg of his pants.
“What are you looking at, Iruka-Sensei?” Naruto craned as he studied where Iruka had just cast his eyes. Iruka frowned.
“Didn’t I just tell you to sit down?” Naruto shrugged, not paying attention. Iruka clapped his hands again as he continued to make his way toward you. “It is not recess! Everyone to your seats.”
He crouched next to you once the crowd cleared. You were covered head to toe in beetles, unbothered, as hundreds of Shino’s insects marched across your body. Any more of them, and Iruka might not have been able to see a kid underneath. Shino sat with his legs pulled close to his chest, pointing at various members of the swarm.
“That one’s Konomo. And that’s Kogure.” 
Iruka snorted, raising a brow at the sight before him.
“Shino,” he said gently. “Class is about to start. Will you call your insects back?”
“But we haven’t gotten to everyone’s names, Iruka-Sensei,” you pouted. 
“You’ll have time to hear everyone’s names after school.” He nodded. The beetles had begun to descend, marching from you back to Shino. Your brow crinkled in distress as you bid each one farewell.
“Goodbye, ​​Kononoka. Goodbye, Kokoko. Bye-bye, Koeoku.” Iruka wondered if you actually remembered their names and, if you did, if you could remember his lessons that well too. 
Kiba stood up in his chair, cupping his hands around his mouth.
“Bugs are icky, and so are you!” he stuck his tongue out.
“Oh yeah?” you shot back before Iruka could intervene. You shook your tiny fists in the air. “Say that again, and I’ll punch your lights out, Dog Breath—!” Iruka gaped in shock before his lips turned into a deep frown. 
— “Hey! Knock it off, the two of you. We do not talk like that to each other.” He wondered what had gotten into his class as he gestured for Kiba to sit. “Apologize. That was not a nice thing to say.” Kiba bowed his head, not looking at you as he grumbled,
“Sorry.” Iruka glanced toward you.
“And we do not call names and threaten to hit each other. Say you’re sorry.”
You took Shino by the hand, ushering him to your seats next to each other. You didn’t spare a glance at Kiba.
Iruka sighed, looking back up toward the ceiling before returning to the front of the classroom. Perhaps someone was giving out free ice cream before class. Or maybe their previous instructor riled them up during training. He should check what phase the moon was in.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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livinglouderx3 · 11 months
SNStober - Day 18 I'll take care of you
"Naruto.", Sasuke deadpanned, staring at the other at his doorstep, "What the hell are you doing here-"
Without any regard for Sasuke's personal space (as always) the blonde just stepped forward, moving past him further into the small apartment Sasuke was now owning. He was even carrying a small bag on his back, making Sasuke fear the worst and unfortunately, he was usually right with his assumptions, at least those concerning a certain blonde idiot.
"I'm going to stay with you for a while.", Naruto told him completely nonchalantly, grinning over his shoulder as he looked back at his friend.
Sasuke could only raise his eyebrows, to taken aback to even answer. He could only stare.
No. Naruto couldn't possibly mean that, he had to be joking. Who just shows up at your doorstep out of the blue saying something like that. This was definitely a joke.
"I-", the other interrupted him, yet seeming to hesitate, thinking his next words over for a moment.
Good, maybe he realized how stupid that sounded, Sasuke contemplated.
 But then, completely unexpected, his mind seemed to play a trick on him. Or so he thought. For a moment he thought to have noticed a small blush on Naruto's cheeks. The blonde just shrugged, before taking off his bag, trying to avoid eye contact while searching for a place to leave his stuff. How strange.
"I thought it would be hard for you...", Naruto was once hesitating again, struggling to find his words, "at first... I mean." Sasuke still didn't understand where Naruto was getting at.
This felt strange, even for them. Sasuke didn't like it. He didn't like Naruto holding back like that. He didn't do that in the past, never with him.
Suddenly Naruto let out a deep breath. He seemed to have finally decided what to say. "I thought it might be hard for you to be back in Konoha so I might...tag along."
Sasuke frowned, "You...realize I used to live here, right? Why would I need-"
"Yes! But everything changed though!", the other exclaimed with sudden urgency. "Nearly everything had to get rebuild after Pain's attack, so it's practically a whole new town! It's not the same anymore-"
"I know.", Sasuke interrupted his blabbering, "Still, I see no reason why you would have to stay here. It makes no sense at all-"
He suddenly noticed Naruto uncomfortably look down at his arm, or rather the lack of it. It was only barely a second and almost instantly he looked away again - as if being burned.
So that's what's going on. That's what this was about.
Naruto taught he wouldn't be able to cope with only one hand? Did he feel guilt? Even though Sasuke didn't blame him at all,but quite the opposite. He had saved him after all and Sasuke was grateful for that. He had needed Naruto to find his way back again, to finally leave the path of revenge behind, which had been suffocating him for years.
Sasuke let out a sigh. "Naruto." The other looked up at his words. "I'll be fine."
Naruto didn't seem convinced though.  Sasuke thought he might also have to address the other elephant in the room. "I won't leave again."
He noticed the other tense up. "Obviously, I know that." He turned around to face Sasuke now fully, his brows furrowed. "It's not about that, you know."
"What's it about then? I don't get what-"
"You're still hurt." Naruto blurted out, emphasizing his last word, as if it was an undisputable fact that Sasuke somehow failed to see even though this was about him.
"I'm not-", but then he stopped, suddenly going silent as he watched Naruto's expression shift. This wasn't only about his missing limb. This was so much more, it was also about Sasuke's pain connected to Konoha, to the murder of his clan which had been orchestrated by the very place he was now living in. Sasuke felt a lump form in his throat, staring back into Naruto's eyes as the blonde watched him unrelentingly, seemingly hurt himself.
Even without words Sasuke finally got it.
I know you're still hurting.
But I'm here now.
I'm going to take care of you now.
He looked away, trying to hide his surfacing emotions. This stupid idiot knew.
Sasuke took a deep breath.
There was definitely no way out of this anymore, the other wouldn't leave no matter what Sasuke did or said now. Naruto would never just leave him. He never did in the past.
"Fine.", Sasuke gave in, trying to ignore the warmth he was feeling at the revelation, "but only for today."
At that, Naruto seemed to finally relax, letting out a laugh. "Yeah. Yeah. Sure, asshole." He winked as Sasuke met his eyes again. "I also brought ramen, so cheer up. We'll have a great time."
Sasuke couldn't help but roll his eyes at that.
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isadollie · 2 months
★ isadollie's 100 followers event!!
tysm everyone for participating in my event!! 🫶🫶 i look forward to making more in the future<3
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guys guys guyss!!! thank you so so much for 100 followers!! you have no idea how much it means to me, i'm thankful to every single one of you 🥹🫶 therefore, i came up with an event, as a thank you<3
i offer you two things;
1. Selfships!
★ send me some info about you, what you like, not like, what would be your perfect date, and tell me who your lover is<3 (basically any anime character you ship yourself with). based on info you sent me about yourself, and describing some details about you, and your lover, i'll give you:
• a little moonboard of your relationship
• some headcanons
• a song i like to fit your relationship
• a little drabble of some daily life/confession/cozy moment etc. all fluff!
interested? send me an ask through the inbox with the tag #isadollies100 and write as muchh as you can abt the two of you!
you can also choose a setting; i can give you your selfship in a "normal" au (the same one as the one that your character is from) or fantasy au (where i tell you what fantasy creature you or one of you would be)
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2. Matchups!
★ do you not know who do you ship yourself with? no problem, I'll help! send me a loot of info about you and choose a fandom, i'll give you your match! i'll also provide you with:
• a little moonboard of your relationship
• some headcanons
• a song i like to fit your relationship
• a little drabble, fluff only!
• explanation of your 2nd choice
basically the same as a selfship, the only difference is that i will also choose your match, instead of you choosing it yourself!
interested? send me an ask through the inbox with the tag #isadollies100 and write as much as you can about yourself!
same as for the selfships, both normal, and fantasy au are available!
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additional information:
— for a matchup, choose one fandom out of: tokyo revengers, haikyuu, blue lock, obey me, attack on titan, jujutsu kaisen (please note i only watched the first season)
— for a selfship, choose one character from any of these fandoms: tokyo revengers, haikyuu, blue lock, obey me, attack on titan, jujutsu kaisen, naruto, my hero academia (out of class 1A + aizawa/present mic/all might/hawks/dabi/shigaraki/toga), one piece (out of zoro, luffy, sanji, nami, usopp, robin, shanks, mihawk, as i'm still new to op)
— please specify your prefered name (or a nickname), pronouns and gender. i need all of these for the moonboard and drabbles too!!
— if you're not sure what information to give me exactly, check out my regular matchup requests and fill in the info i wrote there
— i only accept requests in inbox, not in dms
— one person can only request one thing, either a selfship or a matchup
— this event is only available for my followers, therefore i don't accept anon asks (unless it's your 2nd blong and in the anon ask you will tag your main account ykwim)
— write as much as you want, don't hold back, the longer the better!! don't be shy either; i won't post what you write, i'll just tag you in the finished post:)
— asks not following all the rules above will not be done
— have any doubts/i didn't explain well enough? don't hesitate to ask in the comments!
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tysm once more for 100 followers!! looking forward to writing more stuff for you guys<3
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bouncyirwin · 1 year
My 10 Years Fanfiction Anniversary 😳❣️
It has come to my attention that the 31st of August has marked the 10th year since I posted my first fic online in 2013.
I’ve started out writing detective conan fanfiction in my notebook when I was 8. Then started posting One Direction and 5SOS fics online as a teenager before I fell into the Naruto hole that has led to the theme of this account.
Out of all my fandom experiences, the Naruto fandom has unequivocally shaped me as a writer. The support I found here was unparalleled. Kind people from all over the internet pushed me to keep writing, to keep navigating a new language, to get over my hesitation over posting.
I’m forever grateful to every single one of you who has ever given me advice and tips. To all the people that suffered through beta-ing my fics with my horrible grammar and punctuation errors until I learned how to write. (Shoutout to @the-real-kakashisgf1, @denilmo, @nikkigrand and Endo)
I wish there was a way I can tag all of these people. And all the wonderful people who read and supported my fics, and checked out every update, and left heartwarming reviews.
I’m so incredibly moved.
I have since the start of my fanfiction journey posted 920k words on fanfiction sites online, written 114 fics, posted 116 twitter threads and wrote 100+ Tumblr fics (probably way way more than 300ish).
I’ve written fics for many fandoms, like: Detective Conan, 1D, 5SOS, MCU, Naruto, Yuri on Ice, Grey’s Anatomy, Jujutsu Kaisen, Haikyuu and Chainsaw man.
I’ve accepted commissions, did giveaway, gift exchanges and collaborations. I joined writing sprints, played writing games, joined in on brainstorming sessions. I feel so grateful in my bones for all of it.
Thank you for being a part of my journey. Thank you for helping me get here ♥️
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femfounders · 2 years
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Fem Founders 2023 Prompts!
Saturday March 4: Mother’s Love | Arranged Marriage | “Even a hawk cannot see the back of its own head”
Sunday March 5: Menstruation | No Powers | “All the world is a cage in a young girl’s eyes”
Monday March 6: Severed Fate | Fairytale | “The only way I could think to honor your was by continuing to live”
Reblogs are much appreciated!
Submitting Work:
Tumblr: @femfounders​ and/or use the tag #femfounders2023
Twitter: @/foundersfem and/or use the tag #femfounders2023
AO3 Collection: Fem Founders 2023
We’ll be accepting work until the end of March.
See the full list of FAQs for more information.
The focus of your work should be at least one female character from the  Naruto Founders era (female meaning either they’re female in canon or  you’re portraying a genderbent or trans version of the character). For  this event we’re allowing the following Founders characters: Mito, Touka, Naori, Hashirama, Madara, Izuna, Tobirama, Hikaku, Butsuma, Tajima. Female Founders OCs as main characters are welcome, as are any  secondary characters.
No sexism, homophobia, racism, ableism, etc. in works.
No bashing any characters.
NSFW allowed, but follow Tumblr guidelines on-site (tag properly, read more breaks, cropped, etc. if it applies)
Not allowed: underage
Don’t hesitate to DM/send asks if you have any questions. Happy creating!
Mods: @mira--mira​ @silverutahraptor​
Art: @canchuonsstuff​
Quotes from Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon.
@narutoborutoeventscalendar​ @narutoandborutoevents​ @fandomevents​
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cursxdshxdows · 1 month
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ooc heyo little note ━━
I’m completely new to tumblr rp so i might take a while figuring things out ! I used to rp on twt a while back ( naruto verse ) .
also friendly reminder ,, don't hesitate to tag me or reply to my posts — I’m super friendly but also very shy … so please bear with me as I work up the courage to interact 👀
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borealwrites · 4 months
My first post for @flashfictionfridayofficial in a bit!!
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This made me think of depression and things like that so yeah! I hope this makes sense and isn’t an incomprehensible mess 🤔😅
The Minute I Met You, The Colors of My Life Began To Pour
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: T
Warnings: Canonical Character Deaths, lots of blood, implied violence, allusions to depression
Ship: Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka
Other tags: Unreliable Narrator, Getting together, I didn’t beta or edit this at all but I’m not allowed to say bad things about my writing so this is all the warning you get
Since the day he came home and found his father dead on the floor, the only color in Kakashi’s life was red. Everything else was dull and muted; washed out and pale, like his father’s favorite sun-bleached yukata. There was only red. Like his father’s blood. Like Obito’s blood. Rin’s blood. Minato-sensei and Kushina-san’s blood. The sharingan.
If it wasn’t for the blood-red eye in his head, Kakashi might think himself a ghost. Though, there was red on his hands when he looked at them, and his ANBU mask had red, so sometimes he was less of a muted reflection of what a person was. Sometimes he was more of a blood-soaked specter, hunting Konoha’s enemies in the darkest hours of the night.
On good days, sometimes he saw green. Sometimes, there were eyes like a clear sky, and hair like sunshine, but those days hurt. Neither lasted, and it wouldn’t be long until there was only blood and the same washed-out colors again.
Then, one day, there was brown. Brown hair like the fertile soil he remembered his father showing him, and tanned skin that shone like bronze, even under the flickering streetlamp.
“ANBU-san? ANBU-san? Do you need me to get someone from the hospital?” Without fully registering what the man in front of him had asked, Kakashi shook his head. The only thing he needed was… was… he didn’t know. The man was still talking, his voice quiet and soothing, and Kakashi felt himself relaxing. He didn’t want to close his eyes; what if everything faded away again?
Kakashi woke up in the hospital, alone. They told him he’d been poisoned; he remembered the senbon, and wandering Konoha in a daze, and sitting under a streetlamp. He remembered the man with hair the color of life, and skin like bronze, but the staff wouldn’t tell him anything.
The day he was discharged from the hospital, the Sandaime dismissed him from ANBU. Kakashi wanted to be upset. Maybe, though, there would be less red.
Not even a week later, Kakashi captained a mission with one Umino Iruka, a man with hair the color of healthy soil, and tanned skin like bronze. A man whose laugh made the sunlight shine brighter, whose smile made the trees greener, who breathed color into Kakashi’s world through the simple act of existing. And there was red.
Leaving ANBU didn’t mean there was less red, less blood. It meant that the blood came not only from Konoha’s enemies, but from her people as well. From Iruka. Their medical nin assured Kakashi that Iruka would be fine, but Kakashi still felt fear gnawing at his insides.
Never before had he wanted to stop a fellow shinobi from doing their job, but Kakashi had only just met Iruka. Colors had only just started to come back. The devastation he’d feel if something were to happen… It wasn’t normal to feel this much about someone he didn’t know. It wasn’t right, or fair, to place so much on Iruka without him knowing or asking or accepting. That didn’t stop Kakashi’s knees from going weak with relief when Iruka announced he would become a teacher.
Kakashi would find another source of color in his life, besides Iruka. He would. Now he just… had more time to look.
It seemed as if the world disagreed. Time and again they would run into each other; shopping at the market, taking walks, at the mission desk. Iruka would smile at him, and ask how Kakashi was. And Kakashi, always, without hesitation, would respond. Sometimes they would eat dinner together, because Kakashi could never bring himself to say no.
After Iruka, it was easier to let people back in. Gai had never left, and Kakashi found himself responding more to his self-proclaimed rival. The first time Kakashi issued a challenge, he thought Gai was going to dehydrate himself from crying so hard. After Gai there was Tenzo again, then Asuma, and Kurenai, then Genma, Raido, Anko… and still, Iruka. Even after Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, Iruka was there.
It took Kakashi a long time to realize what it meant. Almost as long as it had taken for him to learn that looking to Iruka for vibrancy in his life wasn’t wrong; it meant he was in love. Only hours later did he realize that Iruka turned toward him when they sat together. Iruka’s face lit up when he saw Kakashi. Just like Kakashi did. Perhaps… Perhaps Kakashi brought Iruka’s world color, too.
“Before I met you, colors were dull and muted, unless they were red,” he said. “There was so much red, but then you were there.” Kakashi’s side was pressed against Iruka’s as they shared a bench, and Kakashi spoke into the night. That wasn’t what he wanted to say, but the words wouldn’t come. “Colors are… Life is brighter when you’re here.”
Neither of them spoke, and Kakashi felt frozen, stuck. Something wrapped around Kakashi’s hand, and it took him too long to realize it was Iruka’s hand, warm and gentle and calloused, twining their fingers together. A soft sigh that sounded fond as Iruka shifted to rest his head against Kakashi’s shoulder.
“Life is brighter when you’re with me too, Kakashi.”
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nekonom26 · 5 months
Hello MadaTobi fan, here the french version of my work for the MadaTobi BigBang 2024 @mdtb-bb. The first chapter of the english version will be posted soon
Rating: Explicit Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Major Character Death No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M M/M Multi Fandom: Naruto (Anime & Manga) Relationship: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Madara Characters: Senju Tobirama Uchiha Madara Uzumaki Mito Uchiha Izuna Uchiha Kagami Uchiha Sasuke Uchiha Itachi Hoshigaki Kisame Uchiha Tajima Senju Butsuma Additional Tags: Ancient Egyptian Deities Ancient Egyptian Literature & Mythology Lovers To Enemies Enemies to Lovers Madara as Atoum ra Tobirama as Apophys Betrayal Partner Betrayal Miscommunication so much miscommunication Break Up Angst So much angst Character Death Resurrection Parallels "accidental" child acquisition no mrega lil bit of smut a lot of blood arc 2 resume is trauma Domestic Violence Assassination Attempt(s) funeral ritual beginnings of the world Tobirama and Mito are BFF Uchiha Izuna Is A brat Madatobi bigbang 2024 Madatobi Bigbangt heme: rebirth and new beginning Other Additional Tags to Be Added LOTS of violence Language:Français
Collections:MadaTobi Big Bang 2024: Rebirth and New Beginnings
And just below the link of the art made by OfficerJamie the incredible artist i have been paired with. Don't hesitate to go check their other works. They will also post their art later on their tumblr @officerjennie
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nymphoheretic · 2 years
˜”°•.˜”°• In celebration of hitting 300 followers •°”˜.•°”˜
Nymph presents.....
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My first collab | Poppin' Cherries!
Nymph: Firstly, I'd love to thank everyone who followed me, liked my fics/shitpost/rps, commented nice things on them, and most importantly, reblogged them for others to find and enjoy! I'm passing out kisses to you all 💞💋
So, what's this collab about? Poppin' cherries, of course! And I don't mean the fruit. Be it Virgin Killers, First time, or the shy girl who wants to get rid of her virginity, this collab is all about losing it!
˜”°•.˜”°• The rules •°”˜.•°”˜
♡....You do not have to be following me to join! This collab is open to any and all creators!
♡...There is no deadline! I suck at them, so I don't want anyone to feel pressured by having one, but if you truly need one...lets just set a soft deadline for Feb 28? Duplicates of characters are allowed!!
♡....You must be 18+ to join as this is a nsfw collab. Please have your age somewhere accessible on your blog. I will not jump through hoops just to make sure you're of age. Please refer to my rules on what is an example of an appropriate age.
♡....please correctly tag your pieces. I do not want any minors interacting with me or my collab. There is no minimum word count nor a maximum one. Just please if it's over 500 words, add a readmore.
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˜”°•.˜”°• How to Join •°”˜.•°”˜
♡....this collab is open to any and all fandoms!
♡...Please when sending in your ask for entry, tell me what type of entry it is (i.e. fic, headcanons, art piece, etc...), the character and if it is dark content or not.
♡....if it is darker themed, please use the appropriate tags.
♡....all characters must be 18+. No underaged characters please!
♡....when submitting your work, please tag me or use the tag #poppin cherries♡
♡...if for any reason you need to drop out, please do not hesitate to tell me. Just shoot me and ask or a DM!
♡...lastly, just have fun!! I cannot wait to see what you come up with!
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˜”°•.˜”°• MASTERLIST •°”˜.•°”˜
Attack on Titan
popular!Armin x virgin!reader - @sirenh4ll
Nerdy!Armin x mean girl!reader - @kanekisfavoritegf
Aizen x reader (DC) - @semisgroupie
Virgin killer!Grimmjow x fem!reader x Cherry chaser Ichigo - @/me
Virgin Gyuutarou x fem!reader - @bleach-your-panties
Chainsaw Man
Yoshida x reader - @plum-pompadour
Demon Slayer
Sanemi x reader - @babiefwuit
Genshin Impact
Aether x Virgin killer!reader - @myaether
My Hero Academia
Virgin killer!Dabi x reader - @keigosmelody
Jojo's Bizarre Adventures
Kidnaper!Josuke x virgin reader (DC) - @esha-isboogara
Jujustu Kaisen
Suguru Geto x reader - @zorotits
Sukuna x virgin(fem)!reader (DC) - @bakugosbratx
Virgin killer!Matt Murdock x fem!reader - @angelltheninth
Itachi x fem!reader - @/me
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sessakag · 5 months
I’ve also read Prey and Secrets! (Monster looks really interesting but I can’t really handle MCD so unfortunately I cannot indulge 😔). I live for the Ino-Hina dynamics there.
I think a female Naruto would be very much like Ino, so it’s very easy for me to love any kind of relationship between Hinata and Ino. And more than anything else Ino was shown to be a supportive and loyal friend, so it makes sense to want someone like her as a friend for any character! I like Hinata with her Team 8 boys too of course, but Ino will always have my heart.
Ah I see, a lot of readers were hesitant to read it because its tagged MCD, some asked a few questions about who, but of course I don't wanna spoil who, but I do tell folks, I don't do permanent tragedies, and all my fics are a guaranteed NaruHina HEA 💕 It may just take a few sequels to get to it though. Unfortunately, that means its up for everyone else 🤷🏾‍♀️😓I'm not as attached to side, secondary, or other MCs that are not NaruHinata, they're always on the chopping block 😅
That's exactly it, she reminds me so much of a female Naruto, lol. She's literally Naruto without the denseness and way too much vanity 🤭I love Team 8 boys too, but its so different having a female friend than male. Each has their own set of characteristics that are really unique and cute 💕
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archon-maenad · 10 months
the taylor hebert I'm writing that got reincarnated as naruto (don't @ me ik it's cringe but I love the genre anyways) has gotten Attached to a minor character that somehow stumbled into the plot without my permission.
girlie he doesn't even have a canon last name! yes yes ik he's catnip to you because he's an authority figure who treats you with respect and focuses on the deconstruction of basics and actively helps in your weaponization of benign techniques, and ik it's the first time you've ever had a mentor who not only put effort into teaching you without hesitance but did so exactly in your style, but seriously I am having to build up this mfer from scratch it is SO MUCH effort why couldn't you have picked someone who had more than like ten minutes of screentime!!!
if this au ever becomes a publishable fic the first and possibly only relationship tag is gonna be "taylor hebert & ebisu (naruto)" bc this is just my life now.
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midnightpink · 4 months
Hanahaki Disease
read it here on ao3
"You... okay, Sasuke?" Naruto asked hesitantly.
Hesitant. That seemed like the best word to describe their relationship now. Naruto wasn't sure how to approach him, so he often did like Sasuke was a scared dog, with his hands lifted in surrender and his voice lowered to a soft pitch. If he had been the Sasuke from before, his heart would be burning in rage. But now, he could barely get a spark. Even without a flame, he still choked on all the smoke his hatred had left behind.
"Why are you asking?" Sasuke said.
"I heard you screaming, ya know," Naruto said softly. "I thought it might be another nightmare."
After the war, Sasuke explores the trauma of his life in the arms of the person who understands him best, and he gives himself a chance to try again.
by: imitationicarus
Words: 3,604, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English 
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Hatake Kakashi
Relationship: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
Additional Tags: Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Mention of Death, Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Post-War, Post-Fourth Shinobi War, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Baggage, soothing, Kissing, Drama, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Friends to Enemies to Lovers, Established Relationship, Kakashi trying to help sasunaru become canon, There isn't real Hanahaki in the story, its just a metaphor
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norinenglish · 8 months
Welcome to this blog!
Hi, I'm Nor and here's a bit of info about my content.
You can find me on AO3: @NorInEnglish You can ask me questions and send me prompts. I'm always happy to chat! Currently writing about: MCYT (Hermitcraft and the Life Series) Will post link of my work from other fandoms soon!
More info and usefull links under the cut!
Other main fandoms I'm in (and write for) : Haikyuu!! | Naruto
Important tags: - Norwrites for my writing - Nortalks for random things I might post or share opinions about - fic updates for... well, fic updates
My works that I have tags for: - The Canary of the Black Mines (MCYT, Team Rancher) - Stardew Rancher AU (my work on this au) and Traffic Stardew AU (for general posts and other people's work on this AU) - Guide of Canon (for now only about Tango's Double Life series)
If you would like to see more here, don't hesitate to tell me :)
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blackfangedreaper · 2 years
Prompt: "He's funny"- episode 2
Pairings: Luffy x black!fem!reader
Warning: fluff 💞, cursing, character crossovers, grammatical errors.
Note: Characters are aged up/down and within the range; 20-30.
Tags: @closet-degenerate @h3rfave @iin0va @avaricious-hoe @audreys-works @444katsuki
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You sighed leaning forward on the edge of the pool as you sipped your drink, light chatter sounding in the lounge right behind you, your housemates were scattered around, some on the lounge couch, others on the beach chairs beside the pool and the rest sitting with their legs dipped into the pool. You were at the edge, away from them as you took in the view of the beach from second layer of the three tier pool.
Your palm holding up your head as you thought about the fallout you had with your chosen partner for the first week. You both were actually really cool with each other...well you weren't really sure about him, he was stoic, strict and older, it gave him this sexy but mature sugar daddy vibe; as he was the oldest out of all of them.
You both barely talked only doing your daily partner tasks or challenges and chilling on beach chairs under the palm trees. Not that he wasn't interested in you. He was, very much so. He loved the innocence and naive feel you gave off; with you being the youngest, it made him feel like he was in control but he as tempted as he was he wasn't willing to leave boa; a potential love interest, for you.
When you noticed his hesitance you decided to talk to him about it but it seemed he wasn't willing to talk after you touched a major sour spot in him for someone who doesn't know him well, cause the next thing you know he's walking away from you leaving you to sulk in the empty bedroom. You genuinely were interested in him, you actually wanted to find your 'special someone' here since you barely have any luck in finding one outside.
After that incident levi's been ignoring you; only sparing you a glance at housemate challenges and such. The viewers at home find you the most relatable so you have quite the fanbase; when they watched the incident they felt so bad for you and let's not talk of ban who barely talked to you after the sex ban. men are scum.
They watched as you sipped your smoothie in the background out of the view of the other housemates, you looked so sullen they wished someone, anyone would talk to you- "Hey! You alright?" And their prayers were answered. There he was the Brazilian hottie almost everyone have been eyeing both in and out of the show.
Monkey D. Luffy, this spanish speaking man has been snatching and winning hearts all around the world with his cute and adorable antics, drawing both aww's and coos from the audience with his smile, laugh and funny bromance with his best friends Uzumaki Naruto and Natsu Igneel; all known as the 'sunshine trio'. His personality wasn't the only eye-catching feature of his, he had a banging bod too.
He's a hottie with an eight pac, tall slim build, an x-marked scar on his chest and two-stitched scar under his left eye; a backstory people are dying to know about. You both had never actually talked before only a brief name sharing during the gathering and that was all. So it was quite shocking when him of all people came to talk to you.
"Uh? Hello?" You snapped out of your suprised stupor and stuttered a 'I'm fine.' Before turning bavk to the view. "Are you gonna eat that?" Ah so that's why he was here; the viewers at home deadpanned. You looked at what he was pointing at. Turns out you brought dessert but you were in no mood to eat it so you guess you'll give it to him. "Eh, sure. I wasn't planning on eating it anyways."
You pushed the cake to him making sure it didn't fall into the water. "Alright! Thanks!" He beamed gulping the cake whole before laughing. You stared wide eyed at him, not sure whether you were flustered because he swallowed the damn thing whole without chewing or the fact that his smile and laughter was the sweetest thing you've ever seen or heard. Ah whipped already, welcome to the club; the audience sighed.
"Shishishi! That's better! You should smile more. It's beautiful." Your face heated up at his compliment, you didn't even know you were smiling, guess he was contagious. "You seemed so down earlier, cariña [sweetheart]. You sure you ok?" His accent tickling your ears and sending serotonin straight to your brain when he tried not to make it obvious. What a cutie. "Oh did i? Sorry it's just..." You sighed once more playing with the straw in your cup.
"It's that pendejo [asshole] isn't it? Should i go beat him up? I'll beat him up just for you!" He declared, demonstrating by jabbing and punching at the air. Then suddenly his heart jumped, his eyes growing wide, warmth filling the tips of his ears and cheeks at the sound of your sweet laughter. Looking clearly at you right now you were attractive. The sunset rays coating your brown skin, your glossed and plump lips catching his attention at it's upwards curve.
Your beige bandage bikini fitting snuggly around your body bringing out your curves and skin colour, your hair in an up-do, strands of it framing your face. Your adorable big brown eyes covered by your eyelids due to how hard you were laughing. You were so beautiful. How didn't he notice you before, how couldn't he notice such a gorgeous and ethereal being in his midst.
He felt his heart jump to his throat when your palm brushed his shoulder, the organ hammering faster when you looked up at him with those alluring browns of yours. Don't worry dude we felt the same but back of the line!; the viewers cooed then roared, they couldn't blame the man for falling hard and fast for their beautiful y/n. She was a goddess after all.
"Pfft- your funny! I-I'm Y/n l/n call me y/n." You beamed feeling your mood lift at his demonstration. You liked him he was...different, he was nice. "Nice to meet you! I'm Monkey D. Luffy, the man who made you laugh, don't ever forget!" He smiled softly at you rubbing his neck, his strawhat; which you just noticed, shuffling with every movement of his hand. "Ok 'the man that made me laugh' or 'Monkey D. Luffy, which one am i calling you?" You teased.
"L-Luffy, call me luffy." He chuckled, his ears taking a red tint at the way his full name rolled off your tongue; you didn't notice because of his dark hair covering it. "Well then luffy, what are you doing here?" Mierda [shit], say my name again. He internally groaned before his brows rose in confusion. "Here? Like in the pool?" You giggled, taking in his cute confused expression. "No silly, i mean in the show." He smiled at your cute giggle, joining you to watch the sunset before answering.
"Well my brothers kinda forced me, something about 'you'll never get married if all you do is run around and eat.' I was confused at first." He sighed ruffling his locks in frustration. You stretched your hand hesitating before rubbing his back, hoping to ease him a little. Little did you know he appreciated the gesture, loving the feeling of your soft and warm skin against his.
"It's ok if you don't wanna talk about it." You assured him running your hands up and his back soothingly. "No, it's ok." He exhaled before continuing. "My familia has this huge chain company all around the world and stuff, my brothers have a part they play and they don't need to get married inorder to get shit done." You nodded and he took it as a sign to continue.
"I was pissed until gramps explained they were giving the company to me." Your eye widened. "And obviously if i can't handle it i can fall back on my brothers but then i realised they weren't telling me to get married because of the company but for me. They wanted someone who would support me during the bad and good days, someone who would be with me through thick and thin, i guess." He explained, from his expression you could tell he was happy with the heartfelt thought from his family.
"T-That's uh- wow! i hope you find someone, luffy." You smiled dropping your hands from his back. He smiled back at you before asking you the same question. "How about you? Why are you here." You laughed. "Ha ha! What's that supposed to mean!" He laughed with you. "I mean- ¡Dios mío! [My God] look at you, you're gorgeous!" Your face heated up as you lifted yourself off of the edge to hit his chest with your fist. "Stop t-that!" He caught your fist pulling you closer and whispering. "I mean it."
"You could have anything and anyone you wanted." He said playing with your hands in his. "Well... I couldn't and that's why I'm here actually." You confessed looking down in embarrassment. "That's good." You lifted your head, looking at him in question. "Leave the blind to their vices and let's those with eyes appreciate such view, but i can't lie I've been blind this whole time too, Perdóname [Forgive me]." And that ladies and gentlemen was how luffy won not only your heart but the audience over too. God when?! they cried but they shipped it, they shipped it so hard that both you and luffy became top trending on every platform.
That cute scene become so popular that people started to watch the show just because of it. When the votes came in for couple of the week, you and luffy came in first. The director of the show knew this show was going to be a big hit so they suggested making luffy and you partners in the coming week. To them you were the golden goose and they were definitely gonna get golden eggs if they kept the chemistry between you both alive.
Not that they need to worry, you and luffy were definitely going to go strong, everyone knew it. The heartfelt conversation you both had gave the viewers not only hope but set their heart alight. Not just them but luffy's family too. Yes whitebeard and his sons gather together in their large living room on weekends to watch their last born find love and boy were they happy. Although watching him get down and dirty will always be a shock to them.
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SUMMARY: Ever since middle school, Kiba Inuzuka has been in love with Hinata Hyuga. Unfortunately, she's been hung up on Naruto Uzumaki for just as long. Now in college, Kiba is determined to win her over. And he's got a plan. A plan that involves you.
In all honesty you don't know why Kiba has roped you into this hare brained scheme of his, to pretend to date in order to invoke feelings of jealousy in Hinata, but you do owe him a favour. And really, what's the worst that could happen?
TAGGING: @tired-biscuit @saigethearies lmk if you want to be tagged!
CHAPTER ONE (chapter warnings: Street harassment, drug use)
If there was one major downside to your job, it was the late finishes.
By the time most people are curled up in bed, ready to sleep, you're counting up the till, doing all the paperwork, and making sure everything is ready for the next day. Usually it isn't too bad, and you're able to get everything done in good time, if somewhat on auto pilot. Unfortunately, tonight was a little more difficult, as you had forgotten your energy drink that would keep you awake, leaving you slow and lethargic. That, paired with an annoying number of prank phone calls, and customers that dawdled despite you saying that the store was closing soon. That last bit was a particularly big nuisance, as it meant you had to delay doing end of day tasks, meaning you were left locking up later than usual.
You yawned as you turned the key, having to put some force into it as the lock was also wanting to annoy you, moving into place rather slowly. "Stupid lock." You muttered. "Let me go home."
Finally, with a thunk, the lock was secured into place, allowing you to exhale in relief.
"What's up, beautiful?"
Spoke too soon it seems.
You ignored the speaker, picking up your bag and starting to leave, until someone stepped out in front of you.
"Where you going?" He asked, smirking.
"Home." You said curtly. Usually you wouldn't respond, but with everything else that had already happened, your patience had evaporated.
"Let me walk you home then." The stranger insisted, stepping in front of you and refusing to let you leave.
"Fuck off." You snapped. "Get a life fuckwad."
The stranger frowned, gritting his teeth. "Why are you being such a bitch?"
"Because you're a fuckwit, now fuck off or I swear I will scream." To prove your point, you inhaled deeply, ready to push your lungs to the brink.
"Why you little-"
"Something wrong?"
The stranger paused, turning around to see who had spoken, and you stepped to the side to get a good look yourself.
It was another stranger, but this one was accompanied by a large dog, with white fur and brown floppy ears. "Well?"
As the new stranger stepped closer, into the light of the street lamp, you were able to get a better look at him. He was tall, with messy brown hair, and dark brown eyes, that were narrowed as they stared down your harasser. His physique was mostly hidden by his leather jacket and black jeans, but by the looks of things, he seemed pretty well built, athletic. He folded his arms, looking between the two of you.
"None of your business." The first stranger snapped, trying to square up to the newcomer, but the clear height and build difference, plus the growling from the dog, made him quickly step back. "Leave it alone."
The newcomer raised a brow, turning to you. "You ok babe?"
You blinked, surprised at the use of the pet name. You hesitated, not sure how to respond.
"Hey, leave my girl alone asshole." The new guy said.
The stranger scoffed. "Or what?"
The new guy smirked. "Akamaru?"
The dog let out a deep, guttural growl, mouth pulling back into a vicious snarl as his hackles raised. He barked, once and sharp, and that was enough to send the first guy running, hurling insults at you over his shoulder as he did so.
You rolled your eyes and scoffed. "Fuckhead." You muttered, turning to your rescuer. "Thanks for that, appreciate it."
He smiled, his expression relaxed, no longer appearing angry. "Don't sweat it." He patted the dog, which was also smiling and let out a happy sounding bark. "The name's Kiba by the way, and this is Akamaru." He smiled at you as Akamaru let out another bark.
You stand there in silence for a few moments, until you realized that you were meant to give your name as well. "Uh, I'm Y/N." You look between Kiba and Akamaru, waiting for your cue as to what to say next. "Well uh, goodnight." You turn around, resting the strap of your bag on your shoulder.
"Want us to walk you back?" Kiba was suddenly at your side. "You know, in case some other asshole turns up?"
You eye him, curious, cautious.
"Hey, if you don't want us to, that's fine." Kiba held up his hands, and even took a step back, giving you some space.
"I-well, if you guys really want to…" You shove your hands into your jacket pockets. "Up to you."
"Well alright then." Kiba smiled again, and he soon fell into step with you, Akamaru at his side. "By the way, sorry for pretending to be your boyfriend back there. I figured it would help with getting the guy to lay off."
You shrugged. "Dealt with worse, it's fine."
"So where is your place?"
"Kishimoto Hall."
"That's part of the student housing for Senju University." Kiba raised his brows. "I go there too! What are you studying?"
"Law, first year. It's a conjoined degree with classical studies."
Kiba let out a low whistle. "Good for you man, one of my buddies is doing law too. I'm doing zoology and geology."
"Why's that?"
"I wanna do search and rescue, so I figure I might as well learn as much about nature as I can."
"Oh wow, good for you." You had never considered what people who do search and rescue might study, and you felt admiration for Kiba growing.
During the walk, Kiba filled up the silence, chatting about his classes and volleyball (he's on the university team, which also impressed you). You let him go on, small talk had never really been your forte.
And in what felt like no time at all, you made it back to your place, completely unharmed and unharassed, most likely due to your escorts. "Well, this is me." You got out your student ID card to swipe your way in. "Thanks again Kiba, you too Akamaru."
Akamaru barked, and Kiba smiled. "You're welcome. Take care out there." As he walked away he gave you a little wave, and you felt compelled to wave back.
When the card scanner recognized your ID, the doors to Kishimoto Hall slid open, and you slid in.
Out of all the halls, Kishimoto was by no means the flashiest, rather the opposite really. It was a simple, modest building that resembled a regular apartment building with a large lobby. The lobby itself was more or less where everyone hung out, featuring a TV, pool table, air hockey table, and various chairs and tables, none of which matched. Tucked away in a corner was a simple kitchen unit, with a microwave mostly used to reheat things, an oven that seemed to be reserved for frozen pizzas, and a fridge to store said pizzas, and other shareables.
It wasn't fancy, but it was close to work and in your budget, so who were you to complain.
You used the lift to get up to your floor, slumped against the wall. You exhaled deeply, yawning as you did so. The day had been too long.
The ding of the lift prompted you to stand up straight, and as you stepped out, you noticed a figure beside your door.
"Kankuro! Shit, sorry, I got held up."
The older boy smiled lazily at you, standing up from where he had been sitting. "No worries, you ok?"
"Long day at work, and some asshole tried to give me a hard time while I locked up." You opened the door to your room and gestured for Kankuro to go in, which he did. He of course knew that your door was unlocked, but out of respect for you he waited. You appreciated that.
"Shit, you good?" He looked back at you, and for a brief moment you thought he was genuinely concerned.
"Yeah, some guy showed up and shooed him off." You dumped your bag by the door and kicked your shoes off.
Your room, like all the others in the building, was essentially a modestly sized studio apartment, with a kitchen unit exactly like the one in the lobby on one side, and your single bed on the other. You flopped onto it, face partially buried in your My Melody duvet.
"Call me next time shit like that happens." Kankuro sat at your small table, resting his bag on his lap as he pulled out a plastic ziploc baggie containing three pre-rolled blunts.
You hummed, not bothering to point out how he probably wouldn't make it in time if you did. "What do you want for those?"
"Since it was a rough night for you, how about we say it's on the house?"
You sat up, furrowing your brows. "You sure?" He had never done that before. Ever since you started getting weed from him a year prior, the two of you always worked out some kind of compensation.
"Course." Kankuro smiled again. "You're not my only customer, sweet cheeks, I'll be fine."
"Feels wrong." You said, folding your arms. "I don't want charity."
"It's called a favour, not charity." He made his way over to you, squatting so you were both eye to eye. "But if you really feel that strongly about it, how about a kiss?"
That you could do.
You leaned in, not at all surprised when Kankuro grabbed your face and moved in for the kill. You would never accuse him of being patient.
Although he called it a kiss, it was really just a half step below a full make out session, but you expected that too.
By the time he pulled away you were partially out of breath, looking up at Kankuro. "Sorry again for making you wait."
"It's fine, really." He moved a hand from your cheek to the top of your head, patting it. "You're always worth it sweet cheeks." He stood back up, slinging his bag across his body. "See ya, don't be a stranger."
"Good night Kankuro." You fell back onto your bed, squinting at the ceiling as you yawned again.
You should really get your nighttime routine done, you'll hate yourself in the morning if you don't, you always do. So you will.
Right after one last, slow blink.
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