#i honestly don’t expect him to win but it would be cool to see how far they get!
jaycewrites-192000 · 9 months
Crush | Part One
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(Mikey wins!)
Summery: Y/n shows up to the Sano house, expecting to hang out with Emma. Instead, she hangs out with Mikey instead.
Paring(s): Sano “Mikey” Manjiro x Reader
Warning(s): None
A/N: This series can be considered not actually “canon” to the actual Kawata Siblings Series. Also, reader isn’t in Toman in this series.
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When your brothers finally took you to one of their Toman meetings for the first time, your admiration for their leader Mikey had began to grow. You had heard stories about him, and you were interested right away. Then actually meeting him in person was a amazing experience. He wasn’t as scary as people made him out to be. At least when it came to just talking with him. You had never seen him in a fight, so you couldn’t toss that rumor aside completely just yet.
While at that meeting, you had became friends with Mikey’s sister, Emma, fairly easily. And because of that, you’d be around Mikey a lot more. Emma would invite you over for hang outs every now and then, and honestly. It was a little weird to be around Mikey so casually. You only knew him for a short while, so you couldn’t consider the two of you to be friends. Not close friends anyway.
But that would change eventually.
“Emma, it’s me Y/n.” You announce after knocking on the door. Today Emma asked you to meet up so you two can go shopping. When there was no answer, you tried again. “Emma? You there?” After a few more seconds, the door finally opened. Only, Emma was not the one who answered.
“Oh Y/n. It’s you.”
It was Mikey. And he looked like he just got out bed. Wasn’t it like, 10 am? How is only just now waking up?
“Uh. Hi Mikey.” You say. “Hey. What are you doing here?” Mikey asks with a yawn. “Emma asked me to come over. We’re going shopping.”
“Oh. Emma’s not here.”
“Huh?” You tilt your head. “Where is she then?”
“With Ken-Chin. He came over earlier and they left together.”
You furrow your brows slightly before grabbing your phone and calling Emma. She answered after a few rings.
“Emma! Did you really ditch me to hang out with your boyfriend?”
‘H-He’s not boy boyfriend! Not yet at least…’ Emma says on the other line quietly. Draken must have been close by.
“Why didn’t you tell me before I came here?”
‘Sorry I meant to. Guess I got distracted.’
‘Sorry Y/n. Next time, for sure!’
“Alright. You better not flake on me again though.”
‘I won’t, I promise. I’ll talk to you later k?’
“Alright, bye.” You said before hanging up. You sighed before looking to Mikey. “Sorry for waking you up. I thought your sister was here.”
“It’s cool.” Mikey shrugs. “I’ll see you around Mikey.” You say as you turned to leave. “You’re leaving?” You stopped when he asked that, turning back to face him. “Yeah? Emma isn’t here.” You tell him. “You came all the way here though. You can stay for a minute if you want.” Mikey casually says. You blink in surprise. “Uh…”
As awkward as his approach was, were you really gonna pass up the chance to hang out with the leader of Toman? No way.
“Sure.” You smile. “If you don’t mind.” Mikey nods. “Come on.” He walks past you, you follow after him. The two of you walked to the side of the house, where there was a decently sized shed that was connected to the home. “What’s this?” You asked. “My room.” Mikey answers simply. “Your…room?” You mutter. They make him sleep in the shed? Mikey opens the door and walks inside, you follow in.
The shed was actually made into a pretty cool looking room. There was a small couch in the middle of the room, in front was a large tv with two speaker hanging from above on the entertainment system. And to the far right of the room, was his bed.
Mikey walked further in and seemed to have caught his reflection in a near by mirror. He frowned slightly and tried to smooth out his messy hair. “Ken-Chin does it so much better.” You could hear him mutter as he tries to move his hair out of his face. You tear your attention away from a admiring his room to look at him. You repress a laugh as you watch him struggle to straighten out his bed head.
You walked over. “Want me to help?” You asked. Mikey looked at you, slightly confused. You then realized how you must sound right now, an awkward feeling washed over you while you tried to explain. “Um, I might be able to help, is what I mean. I use to help my brothers with their hair, and every now and then I will if they ask.”
Mikey thought about it for a moment before shrugging. “Sure.” He walked over to a small table and tossed you a brush and hair band. Then heads to the couch and sat down. Your smile grew as you hurried to his side and sat next to him. “Alright, turn around please.” You instruct him, he nods and turns his back to you. You gently combed through his hair, surprised that his hair was so soft, even when messy and tangled.
Mikey’s head swayed slightly, your furrow your brows slightly, looking over his shoulder. “Are you falling asleep?” You ask. “Hm? Oh yeah. Sorry.” Mikey mutters, sitting straight up again. “Seriously Mikey, did you stay up all night?” You chuckle. “Yeah. Me and Ken-Chin were out late riding around.” He answers. “Didn’t get back until…hm, 3 am?”
“3 am? You’re lucky it’s Saturday. You’d be drifting off in class right now.” You say as you part his bangs. “Eh, never pay attention to those boring classes anyway.” Mikey shrugs. “I’d be asleep regardless.” You rolled your eyes with a smile. “I can only imagine what your grades must look like.”
Mikey laughs. “They’re pretty bad.”
“I bet. Turn and face me again.” You put the hair band around your wrist to be at the ready when you need it. When you look up, you see that Mikey was facing you. Eyes locked on yours. And it was only then, you realized how weird this was. You were doing a gang leader’s hair. One of the most feared and well respected gang leader at that. But forget all that. You and Mikey weren’t on a personal level. And yet, here you were, in his house, in his room, doing his hair?
It was weird.
You tried to ignore the feeling as you comb his bangs back, then take the hair band off before tying it back. As soon as you were done, you put some space in between you and Mikey. “So, what do you think?” You asked, still trying not to feel awkward.
Mikey stood up from the couch and looked in the mirror again. “Huh, pretty good.” You couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks.” You still couldn’t believe you were here of all places, and hanging out with Mikey of all people. Honestly, maybe it should have felt weirder than it is. But really, Mikey isn’t some sort of god, or above everyone else.
Sure, he was to be respected. But it’s not like he couldn’t be welcoming and friendly. And that is what’s happening right now. Right now, Mikey isn’t being a leader. He’s being a friend. And maybe that’s what’s keeping you from freaking out. Though it still was a little surreal.
Mikey returned to the couch. “Sorry that you didn’t get to hang out with Emma. You’re here with me instead.” He says with a light laugh. “It’s fine.” You say with a shrug. “Emma really likes Draken. Who am I to stop her from getting closer to him? And besides.” You smile softly. “You’re really cool, I like hanging out with you.”
Mikey smiles and leans back on the couch. “You’re pretty cool too Y/n.”
“Me? How?” You ask. “You’re good at doing hair. Also, you’re pretty chill. Didn’t expect that, knowing your older brothers.” Y/n chuckle. “Thanks?”
“You know, before, some people didn’t think we were related until we told them.”
“Yeah. That, or when they wouldn’t dye their hair.”
That seemed to have caught Mikey’s attention. He sat up a little straighter. “What’s their natural hair color?” He asks excitedly. You giggle. “Oh I dunno. Should I really tell their secrets like that?”
“Yes, tell me.”
“Do you really not know?”
“No. No one does. Come on, tell me!”
You roll your eyes playfully. “I can’t believe you’ve known them this long and don’t know. Alright, listen up.” Mikey leaned closer, and you tell him your brothers’ “secret”.
“Really? Huh.” Mikey nods. “Alright.”
“I don’t know if they want that public so. Keep this between us.” You joke. “So. What’s with the shed bedroom? It’s cool.” You ask. “It use to be my brother’s.” Mikey’s answer took you off guard. “Your brother?”
“Yeah. He use to work on bikes in here.” Mikey says with a smile. “I didn’t know you had a brother Mikey.” You say. “Does he not live with you and Emma?”
“Nah. He died some years back.”
“Oh, Mikey, I’m so sorry.” You quickly apologize. Mikey waves it off. “You didn’t know. It’s cool. The bed is the only thing that belongs to be.” You take another look around the room. “It just felt right, me moving in here.” Mikey starts. “I feel closer to him, knowing that he spent so much time in here.”
“He was amazing. I really looked up to him, even though he was pretty lame sometimes.” Mikey chuckles. “He was the founder of Black Dragon, people were pretty drawn to him super easily. His attitude, his charm, his will. All of it. Everyone knew him, everyone respected him.” He looks up at Toman’s flag on the wall. “Hope I can be half the man he was someday.”
You look up at the flag then back to him. “I think you’re already there.” Mikey looks to you, slightly surprised. “I mean, from how you describe him. You’re like a near perfect replica. You have a whole gang who’s inspired by you, they all look to you for a reason. Hell, I’m not even in Toman and I admire you. Seriously, you’re like the coolest person I’ve ever met.”
Mikey blinks, the corners of his mouth turned up into a grin. He chuckles and looks away from you. “Jeez Y/n. You trying to get on my good side or something?”
“I mean, I did fix your hair. I’d hope I’m already on your good side.”
“Good point.” Mikey smirks. “Not everyone gets the privilege of getting that close. Consider yourself lucky.” Oh you did. Coming here, you didn’t even think you’d be seeing Mikey. And now here you were, casually chatting it up with him. Suddenly, there was a knock at Mikey’s door. Then came a voice.
“Hey Mikey, you in there?”
It was Draken’s voice.
“Yeah, come in.”
Draken opened the door, Emma at his side. The two seemed a bit shocked to see you here. “Y/n? What are you doing here?” Emma asked. “Well, I was going to go home after calling you. But, Mikey invited me in.“
“Oh.” Emma mutter. “Uh, well, sorry again for bailing. We can get together tomorrow if you want.” You stood up from the couch. “Sure thing.” You looked down at Mikey. “I’ll catch you later Mikey. I gotta get back and help my brothers out with the restaurant. They’ll chew me out if I’m late again.” You say as you walk towards the door. “Thanks for letting me hang out.”
“See you around.” Mikey waves before you left, closing the door behind you. Draken and Emma looked away from the door and back to Mikey expectantly.
“…What?” Mikey asks.
“Didn’t know you two were so close.” Said Emma. Mikey shrugs. “She’s cool.”
“Did she do your hair too?” Draken asks, knowing well that no one but him touched Mikey’s hair. Mikey nods. “Yeah. She’s pretty good at it.”
Draken and Emma look at each other.
“Why are you guys being weird?” Mikey asks, slightly suspicious.
“It’s nothing Mikey. Have you ate yet?” Emma asks. Mikey’s suspicion left him quickly at that question. He was quick to follow his sister and friend inside the house.
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You rushed inside of the ramen restaurant your brothers helped maintain, tying your hair back as you walked in. “I’m back.” Your brothers greeted you before you head towards the back. You walked back into the kitchen, where your oldest brother was at. You didn’t cook, but you did clean.
“Almost late sis.” Smiley said teasingly. “What were you up to?” You roll your eyes. “You know I was hanging out with Emma today. I lost track of time.” Smiley glances at you. “Thought she and Draken were hanging out.” You gave him a bewildered look. “How do you know that?” You ask.
Smiley held up his phone. “She was posting pics of their “date” every five minutes.” He says before putting it away. Your shock quickly wore off. Of course. “Well, I really was at her house.” You sigh. “Doing what?” Smiley asks.
“Hanging out with Mikey.”
Smiley stopped what he was doing and turned to face you. “You what?”
“Yeah, it took me off guard too. But, he just asked me to hang with him for a little while.” You didn’t notice the smile that found it’s way on your lips, or the slight change of tone in your voice as you spoke fondly about Mikey. “I thought I’d be really tense around him, but he’s actually really chill. I mean, I figured he might be. But when you think about Mikey without really knowing him, you’d wouldn’t expect him to be so down to earth.”
“I hope I can do it again sometime.”
“Huh.” Smiley mutters. “I see.”
“What?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. “What’s that look for?”
“Oh nothing. Just didn’t expect you to be getting so close to Mikey so fast.”
You narrow your eyes suspiciously, having a feeling where this was going. “Nahoya. Got something you wanna say?” Smiley just shrugs and turns back to what he was doing. “Nah.” Yeah right. You shake your head and walk past him. “Don’t be weird. We’re just friends.”
“Oh shut it.” You say before walking out of the kitchen. You couldn’t believe that. Your brothers were protective, sure. But come on. You and Mikey? No way. That would be weird. Wouldn’t it? Like, Mikey of all people. Seriously.
“Y/n? You’ve been cleaning the same table for like five minutes.”
You look over to your brother Angry, who was looking confused. You turn your head away to hide your slightly flustered face. “Sorry. I zoned out.”
“You feeling ok?” Angry asks. You nod. “Yep.” You answer simply. “Hm. Ok.” Angry mutters before going back to what he was doing. You sigh. What were you even thinking? Overthinking, really. You and Mikey were friends. That’s all. End of story.
Well. You hope you two were friends after today. Mikey was a great guy, to be friends with him would be awesome. Though, you had a feeling you two would be hanging out a lot more often.
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madsfrank · 1 month
How would the Dead by Daylight Killers(Mastermind, Trickster, and Ghostface) would react to a Survivor! Himbo! Male! Reader that's a bit like Ken from the Barbie movie?
Himbo! Reader is a 6'6 powerhouse of a guy whose heart of gold, cheerful demeanor, and great sense of fashion makes up for his lack of braincells!
He's just so nice to literally everyone, even Killers lol
(you can delete this ask if you want)
'*•.¸♡ SFW II HC 𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖆 𝕳𝖎𝖒𝖇𝖔! 𝕾𝖚𝖗𝖛𝖎𝖛𝖔𝖗 ♡¸.•*'
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-ˏˋDirectoryˊˎ -ˏˋ Masterlist ˊˎ -ˏˋ Mastermind ˊˎ -ˏˋ Trickster ˊˎ -ˏˋGhostface ˊˎ
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖉 ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
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No like seriously this man is going to stare at you and be like “ah my long lost Redfield.” Especially if you’re nice.
Honestly, he’s probably going to maul you more since you remind him so of his beloved friend-zone situationship.
However, if you start giving him fashion advice? He’ll hook you….but you may or may not see him in the next trial with more than just black leathers.
I feel like you would always be the last alive and of you play into his silly mind games, he may let you get hatch. Maybe.
Either way, all your fellow survivors are extremely jealous you’ve somehow managed to survive even sometimes around Wesker.
It may get so bad that wesker will actually discard the real Chris Refield because your too much of a fun toy to play with.
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕿𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
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First of all, who hurt you? Why are you trying to befriend this man?
Secondly, the trickster is hardly nice in any trials. You will be getting some knives launched at you. Advice? Sharpen his blades for him and after each trial to win him over.
Yeah, he’s still gonna kill you. But at least it will be more painless than what the others get.
If you’re really insistent and somehow convince him you want to really befriend him, not just another fan, he may even let you stay in his realm. The little studio apartment that the entity lets him keep.
I swear the man would probably completely change. Instead of the hyper on stage attitude he’s probably be a bit more…chill? How he is with his manager mostly.
You are physically at an advantage against him, he’ll probably admire you for that, which will give you some lenience with him on allowing other survivors into his realm.
Just don’t get too cocky and don’t trash his place either!
Not to mention that every time you go back to the campfire, you are getting some major outfit changes, he’s totally going to force you to dress like he does. Not even an option to say no. If you have any taste, it’s gonna be his.
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕲𝖍𝖔𝖘𝖙𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖊 ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
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Now this, this is fun.
You’re a powerhouse of a man, yes? Perfect.
Danny is a short king. Ideal.
You are carrying him on your back. In trials. To hunt down other survivors. He does not care.
Ok yes, the other survivors are laughing their asses off but also getting slashed in the throat so who really wins?
This is the fastest friend setup you will ever witness.
Also you’re carrying him bridal style now everywhere. Final.
Not to mention this man is gonna want your help in designing his new costumes. You think there should be hot pink flames on his mask? There should be hot pink flames on his mask. You get the point.
Needless to say you are getting hatch every single trial. Also, any of your closest friends are also getting hatch. Plus, a houseparty at his realm.
Danny is pretty chill ngl, so expect him only to kill you if he wants to show you a new technique he just learned.
“Dude, check this out” and you get gutted, but hey! At least it was pretty cool right? You literally end up giving him pointers while verging on blood loss.
So great, you’ve become the Ghostface’s #1, and you’re never getting rid of him!
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fullofbees · 3 months
Obey Me Brothers with an AroAce MC!
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I know it's technically July 1st but shhhhhhhhh
CW: None!
»»----------► Reader is Gender Neutral
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He would be the most nonchalant about it. When you first come out to him, he lifts his head from the desk, staring at you confused. You sweat, about to overexplain before he interrupts you with a question. 
“Will this affect our relationship as it exists now?”   You shake your head, “Of course not, I’m more than content.”  He nods, returning to the paperwork on his desk, the silence only broken by the scribbles of his pen. You remain in place, now the one staring in confusion.  When he notices you haven’t left, he raises his head, “Everything alright?”  “I’m just shocked. Most people have a few... follow-up questions.”  Lucifer shrugs, “Lust isn’t my department.” 
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He would first ask a million questions trying to understand. It’s not that I don’t think Mammon couldn’t understand, I think it’s more that he genuinely does not care what you identify as, but he wants to learn about you so he’s going to pester you about it. So long as you remain his friend, and he gets to retain his bragging rights as your first demon, you’ll always be cool. 
You try to keep up as he drags you down the street.   “Mammon, why do I need to go the casino with you again?”  The demons rolls his eyes like you just asked the most ridiculous question in the world, “Pffft! You’re my lucky charm of course.”   “I am not playing the slots for you!”  You almost ram straight into his back when he abruptly stops.   “Don’t need ya to. I’ll be sure ta win with an ace up my sleeve!”   Now its your turn to roll your eyes, at least so you don’t have to look at his smug face. It’ll only encourage him. 
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When you first explain your orientation to Levi, he is excited. You know Levi gets easily flustered when it comes to emotions, but he’s made great strides to let you see his vulnerability, so in the end you decided to show yours too. It still doesn’t mean you were expecting him to start on another anime ramble. 
“That makes so much sense!! I mean in My Whole Life I’ve Been a Cat but A Wizard Recently Made Me Human and Now I Have to Attend High School Where a Pack of Dogs Is Out to Get Me Because I’m The Adopted Daughter of Their Rival Gang Leader, the protagonist never receives a love interest! I totally thought they were retconning the manga when they had her turning down every declaration of love but her being aroace would fit the storyline so much better--” 
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Already understands; you don’t even have to explain the terms to him. 
“Wait, you.. Know what I’m talking about?”  The demon glances up at you from his book, “That is what I just said.”  “Wha- from what- how?” You hate blathering incoherently, especially in front of Satan, but his reaction is not what you were expecting.  The demon raises his book so that you can see the cover, “Sherlock Holmes.”  You process the comical nature of this interaction before quipping back, “Yes, I suppose it is elementary.” 
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Would probably go overboard in his support. Of course he means well, he’s just excited!! He goes out of his way to stay up-to-date on the tea news of the community; and honestly, he probably finds you the most obscure pride merch. 
“You should let me paint your nails the colors of the flag, hon!”  You stare down at your plain, dry nailbeds. They are definitely overdue some TLC.  “I don’t know if I want to be that on the nose about it...”  “Oh hush, I’ve never disappointed you before, have I?” He says with a giggle and a wink, “C’mon, chop chop! Off to my studio!”   “You mean your room?” You tease.  “Studiiiioo~”  
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Finds out because he overheard you discussing the garlic bread and cake memes.  
“Aroace cake.... sound delicious, what’s in it?” The hungry demon asks just after his signature stomach growl.  “It’s not a real cake, Beel,” says Levi.  The poor demon’s face drops, now pouting as he looks down at his aching stomach.   “Beel, you okay?”  He dejectedly sulks out of the room and towards the kitchen, muttering to himself about the cake being a lie. 
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I think Belphie would understand it to a startling degree. He has never had any serious relationships himself, finding that he already feels fulfilled with his friends and family. Perhaps you can help him explore this new revelation.  
“Mmm, it must be nice, actually. Less time wasted, more time for naps.”  “I never thought of it like that before... I should take more naps.”  He nods with a sleepy grin, patting the cushion next to him, “Who needs a thirst trap when you can have your first nap?” 
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•••✦ ❤ ✦••• Submit A Request •••✦ ❤ ✦•••
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A/N: Happy Pride Month from your fellow aroace author! Wishing you all the best <3
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aubreysheadspace · 5 months
Hello! This is my first time requesting something like this so I’m a little bit nervous <:3 But anyway can I request the omori faraway gang (including Mari) with a partner who is just in LOVE with snakes. Like they have several snakes at home, both big and small. She knows all these facts about snakes and how to take care of them. Just a reader who absolutely loves sneks :3
OMG SNAKES LOOK SO COOL but I’m absolutely terrified of them honestly . THIS REQUEST IS CUTE THOUGH??? hope u enjoy ! (Spoiler alert: they’re all a bit afraid)
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this man SUNNY has definitely never seen a snake personally, i mean he has no reason to after all, he lives in a town! either way he’s probably afraid of them without even realizing it
once he visits your room full of snakes.. he doesn’t move from his place. he’s petrified. you might need to help him walk from his spot at the front of your door.
conclusion: he’s never coming over, which sucks but hey, the man’s afraid after all. sure he had a snake give him daily allowance in his HEADSPACE, but that was in his mind!
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AUBREY grew up in FARAWAY TOWN, so she also had no experience with a snake. nobody owned a pet snake until you moved into town (last time i checked). she always listened to when you spoke facts about snakes.
it was weird that you knew so much, she clearly didn’t take the hint that you probably owned one. so when she came over one day… let’s just say AUBREY saw the life flash before her eyes. (exaggeration)
conclusion: she was TERRIFIED at first, but of course you let her know your snakes weren’t venomous. at one point she even held a tiny snake in her hands, until she got too frantic and tried to shake it off. she’s also not letting them around her pet BUN-BUN at all, her bunny is not food for your snakes!
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BASIL is a fond of all animals just like he is with plants, but snakes and other scarier animals are just.. scary to him. they are fun to read about.. but to actually meet one in person? he’d die from a heart attack for sure.
even thought that’s the case, he loves hearing all about your snake facts! your conversations are like a deal being made. you give snake facts, and in return basil gives you plant facts. it’s a win-win on both ends. so when he finally comes over and meets all of your snakes..
conclusion: he fainted, well almost. he tried to keep it cool but flinched at every one of them that tried to move. eventually he starts calming down and sees that they’re kinda cute! just.. just don’t ask him to feed them with a dead animal or he’ll actually pass out.
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while KEL moved to FARAWAY TOWN when he was just a kid, he had grown accustomed to the town and never expected to meet any strange wild animals. if he did, he would totally go, "woah look! a cool looking bear!"
KEL loves when you rant to him about the snake facts you have up your sleeves! he thinks snakes are so cool and awesome, it’s like he doesn’t even think he’s gonna meet any..! until the day you invited him over.
conclusion: give him time to process the many snakes in your room. he’s gonna think they’re so cool! he definitely the type who goes up to one of them in their glass tank and taps the glass to say, "hey little guy!"
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HERO is probably a guy who would pass out the minute he sees an wild animal roaming the streets. thankfully he never had to deal with an exotic animal in his life until.. you came along!
he’s a guy who would ask questions about the things a person is interested in, and would allow them to ramble, so of course he does it with you and your wild facts about snakes! when you asked him to come over, he doesn’t mind and happily says yes! i mean, what could go wrong?
conclusion: you might’ve just given him a new fear. spiders are still his number one enemy but snakes might be in his top 20. of course he tries to like them for your sake but.. it’s hard for him when they’re constantly making noises at him like they wanna bite him..
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MARI is someone who’s a fan of regular pets like a cat than exotic ones like a snake. she doesn’t judge though, because it’s MARI after all! you can talk to her about anything and she would always listen!
so of course when you talk about snakes with her, she loves all the snake facts you bring to the table. she’ll even surprise you with a snake fact the next day, she researched it in hopes you enjoyed it! even after all this, she never expected you to actually have snakes in your house until the day she came over..
conclusion: she’s very … flinchy around your snakes at first, so you might wanna help her with that. eventually she’ll grow to love your snakes and start to think they’re adorable the more she focuses on their cute face!
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Winter King with a Summer Sovereign
Based off an ask I got. It asked for a Summer Queen scenario, but since I wasn’t comfortable doing x reader fics when I got it, here are some headcanons. I might do the scenario later.
I’m assuming Summer Queen has some weather and fire powers. I’ll flesh that out when I do the fic.
Also, I meant originally for it to be more feminine leaning, but I made it neutral again. Whoops.
• It’s so romantic when opposites meet! This combination is especially cute. Winter would be so dreadful without the times where you’re warm and cozy, and summer would be blistering without iced teas and waters and air conditioning.
• You either rule over a kingdom in the grasslands by the fire kingdom, in the fire kingdom, or in the desert lands beside the ocean (which we could also call the Beach Kingdom).
• Whichever Kingdom you rule over, it’s so hot and humid. You and your citizens are used to it, but sometimes people from other kingdoms have issues with the heat.
• You would expect to have the same problem with the Winter King, but, thanks to his ice powers, he never seems to get too hot.
• In fact, the citizens of other kingdoms are so happy to see him at any kind of gathering in your kingdom since he can cool everything down.
• And you tend to warm up non-ice citizens at a lot of the events in the Winter Kingdom. He has control over the temperature for the most part, but he tends to overestimate how comfortable everyone is in the cold.
• Winter sports are very popular in the Winter Kingdom, and I imagine the Winter King hosts winter sport events. Your kingdom probably hosts a ton of summer sport events as well. Any kind of summer sport could played. Soccer, football, track, rugby, baseball, volleyball, swimming, and surfing are all possibilities.
• He participates in all of the winter sports, and he’s so graceful in all of them. We got a taste of that in his episode, but he would make everything he does look so easy.
• He feels the same way about you. Every time you do a volleyball spike or surfing trick, he’s enamored.
• He definitely asks you to show him your tricks and how to play your sports, and he’s glad to show you his.
• Honestly he hopes you’re bad at first at whatever he tries to show you (and vice versa) since it’s so romantic to help you balance on the ice and subtly give you a win. He hopes you can do the same for him.
• He probably does let himself get kidnapped by the Candy Queen often, and you’re almost always there to save him.
• If you’re there to save him, he is so dramatic about it and showers you in attention and praise after you do so.
• At the same time, he warns you not to melt her by accident. He's worried that if you melted the Candy Queen by accident, the madness could come back to him.
• Since you (probably) don’t know about the madness, he would make up a reason for you to be careful about not melting her. He would insist you that even though they are sworn enemies, she would come back, more malformed and crazy than ever if you melted her.
• Everything I’ve written about body heat is true here too. He loves to be around you and especially cuddle.
• I don’t think he’d be worried at all about making you too cold, but everything from sleeping with a heat pad while you’re gone and getting kidnapped because he’s clinging to you is still true.
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brysbeddixt · 2 years
Watching the finale of MSP and I’m having FEELINGS, but I wanna talk about Sound real quick. He’s honestly my favorite character in the series, and I love how his characterization intentionally swerved what his archetype is meant to be.
From the first time he’s introduced, he seems like the cool, collected guitar boy who doesn’t show much emotion to people other than his SO (a la Sarawat 2gether). This has always come across to me as very deliberate on Sound’s part. He’s Tinn’s rival, so it’s assumed he gets good grades, is popular, all that. Maybe he holds people at arms length, because he assumes they’re trying to use him.
And the thing is, Chinzilla IS trying to use him. They are VERY up front about that fact. So when he joins the group, he’s aware of it, but so are they. There’s no deception there. And when he harshly critiques them, expecting them to throw him out, Gun just…says he’s right, quits the band, and gives leadership to Sound. Which he is WOEFULLY unprepared to deal with, and he realizes this. Gun has an emotional pull with the other members that he just doesn’t, so it’s an obvious relief to him when Gun comes back.
The thing is, you can tell that after Gun comes back, he’s STILL expecting them to throw him out. He’s been rude to them, pushed them, he’s waiting for them to say, “you’re a great guitarist, but you’re an asshole and we don’t want to work with you.” But Gun includes him in the ritual of eating barbecue pork, solidifying his place in the group instead.
From that exact scene on, Sound blooms in the narrative. He is NEVER portrayed as cold, or embarrassed by the rest of the group’s antics like his character typically would be. He LOVES doing their silly Chinzilla pose, is SO into it, is just so visibly happy to be included so wholeheartedly in the group. He eats barbecue pork, he goes along with their questionable plans and antics; he is just so unlike what he originally was trying to portray himself as. In the finale, he says, “You never made me feel like an outsider.” Because even when he first joined the group, it wasn’t Chinzilla keeping Sound on the outside, it was Sound himself.
And at least partially because of this, because he’s allowed himself to open up in a way he maybe never has, he starts to fall in love with Win. And this freaks him out, so he starts treating Win like he was used to treating people before Chinzilla. The thing is: Win KNOWS him. Win has gotten to know him through bickering, and compromising, and learning to like each other anyway. When Sound pulls away, he’s expecting it to go like it always does - or used to, when no-one knew him well enough to tell that something was wrong. But Chinzilla DOES know him that well; so Win notices, and then Gun notices. (And I LOVE SoundGun’s friendship so much, you have no idea. There’s so much mutual respect and understanding there.)
By the final episode, Sound is open enough to kiss Win on the cheek in front of everyone. We see in the flashbacks that he acts just as flustered and adorable as everyone else when the teacher catches them playing games. He’s there in almost every shot, because even in the narrative, the camera work, there is no Chinzilla without Sound. He leaves his guitar, the one he brought himself to the club, with a sticky note addressed to whoever comes after him to take care of it.
But Sound has ALWAYS been that kind of person. He hasn’t really changed that much - narratively - from that first moment he was accepted into the band, so much as he’s allowed himself to show other people who he is: which is a goofy, sappy, supportive, thoughtful person who is way less cool than most people think he is. He doesn’t have to worry about maintaining any kind of image, because the people that he surrounds himself with aren’t trying to use him for anything. They just love him, and he loves them.
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ellascreams · 5 months
I’m a poet and I’m bored, I’m going to over analyze the lyrics of the I Expect You To Die 2 opening credits. Spoilers. (Note, I couldn’t actually find the official lyrics anywhere, so the placement of the line breaks are sort of just me guessing. It shouldn’t affect my analysis much but it might annoy some people.)
From the spotlight I can see you Play your cards right, Kill your stage fright, This could be you Murder pun! Huge fan of the ABAAB rhyme scheme btw. I think this could definitely be a reference to how Zoraxis immediately knows that you’re involved, you get noticed in Stage Fright, which is when Juniper is literally in the spotlight. Juniper is also the one who first figures out you’re the agent from the Death Engine.
To me the most notable thing is that it immediately established the fact that the entire world is focused on Juniper, but he’s the only one focused on you, even more than the other Zoraxis agents are. It also foreshadows Phoenix’s rise to fame. Juniper is a celebrity, the whole world is focused on him, but if you play your cards right and stop his evil scheme he falls out of the public’s view while you suddenly become famous for saving everyone.
If all the world’s a stage, let’s set it on fire So you’ll be the spy and I’ll be the liar
Moving on to a simple couplet, AA rhyme scheme. The imagery of the first line is absolutely sick and I love it. There’s the obvious meaning in this line of Juniper’s evil plans, emphasized by the music video’s visuals of the nukes. Digging a little deeper, I think it’s interesting that Juniper really does seem to think of the world as a stage. He thinks of himself as the star and Phoenix as an extra, he thinks of his plans as scripts, his lies as roles, it’s his real egotistical view of the world around him and it’s what Zor exploits to get him to do what they want.
From the background You can hear me Highest billing, Makes a killing, They revere me
Switching to more of a ABCCB now but I don’t mind. Another murder pun! I honestly love those. Paralleling the first verse, once again calling attention to the fact that you’re hiding in the background while Juniper hides in plain sight, this also parallels Juniper noticing you. He’s paying attention to you more than anyone else is, and you see him for who he truly is more than anyone else does. You’re both aware of each other and you both know each other.
That beautiful mask you wear is all I desire So you’ll be the spy and I’ll be the liar
Great imagery once again. One thing they put a lot of emphasis on in this game (or at least the song and trailers) is the fact that spies are inherently liars or at the very least disguised. As he’ll mention more in some later lines, Juniper wants to defeat you, partially by getting past those disguises and lies. They’re your main defense. Once they’re gone he’ll have a better shot at winning.
He mostly just wants to destroy your disguises, but the video does show him stealing a mask, I think that’s because he can also use them to an extent. With the mimic mask, people’s faces become his masks. He uses the Handler’s voice to trick you. He could maybe use your voice and face to trick someone else. At the very least, something or someone in the Agency would probably be useful to him.
Face to face to face again
Because you’re both two faced. Probably my favorite line, it’s just such fun wordplay.
And through the camera lenses we ascend
This line could be taken a few different ways I think? First of all, it’s just cool imagery again. Secondly, it could be taken as breaking through lies. By breaking the camera lens, which would also be breaking through the fourth wall, you’re breaking through the unreality that is trapping you. As I mentioned earlier, Juniper really views the world as just another stage, so this could also definitely represent breaking through his plans and lies.
The final thing I noticed is the use of the word “ascend.” English as a language tends to view being placed higher, or at the top, as good while being placed lower, at the bottom, is bad. There’s a whole bunch of phrases related to it. It’s one of those little quirks of language. My point is that “ascending,” getting higher, can be seen as some sort of victory or success. This is somewhat emphasized by the music itself, with the instruments from the success score playing, and the actual success score itself being played a bit later.
I also think it’s worth quickly mentioning that these different meaning aren’t mutually exclusive. A line can mean several different things at once, that’s part of the beauty of poetry and language.
You’re a minor part I’m the major star Ha! The credits are more than just the end
Once again with him thinking of the world as a stage, thinking he’s the star, the most important person in the whole world, while you’re just an extra. As he says “the end” the success theme plays, which is just a neat detail, and it could be connected to the “ascend” line as I mentioned earlier. I also think it’s important that it plays while he’s talking about credits and endings, since that theme plays at the end of successful missions.
I might be overthinking it here but I also think this whole verse has some parallels to his monologue. You properly meet face to face for kind of the first time actually, you break through his film set, then there’s the obvious one of him calling himself the star and saying you’re just an extra, and then he calls the peace summit your final scenes but they’re just the beginning of Zor’s rule.
Cause the truth is I despise you I will tear apart All these works of art That disguise you
Love this verse. The voice actor is absolutely great by the way. When he says “I despise you” it really sounds like he means it. Juniper really does despise you too. That’s one of the things that makes him such a fun villain to me, he truly hates you, possibly even more than Zor and Prism hate you, because they at least respect you as a skilled adversary. Juniper doesn’t. He thinks you’re pathetic but you somehow keep messing up his plans anyway. To him, you’re like a pesky fly that won’t stop buzzing around his head and tripping him up.
This is also furthering the themes of the second chorus. Being a spy as you are, you’re protected mostly by disguises. He wants to destroy those disguises. He wants to tear apart the things that protect you. And this is once again described using masks because the mask imagery really is so central to Juniper’s character.
I’m making the final cut, it’s down to the wire So you’ll be the spy and I’ll be the liar And I’ll be the liar And I’ll be the liar And I’ll be the liar!
Another potential parallel to safe and sound, I think he quite literally tries to make “the final cut” once you burn down the set. I think now’s the best time to talk about the repeating phrase, the game’s namesake, “you’ll be the spy and I’ll be the liar.” I especially like the fact that the final verse puts extra emphasis on the liar part, because that’s ultimately the game’s main theme, lies and breaking through them.
From what I can tell, even the puzzle solving in this game has a lot more emphasis on seeing through lies and people actively trying to trip you up then the others. Like Jet Set, where you have to actively ignore almost everything Juniper tells you to avoid the death traps, or the notes the Fabricator left telling you to just “enjoy the show” in Stage Fright, you even have to distrust your Handler in Safe and Sound.
One very important thing for this theme is the parallels between Phoenix and John Juniper. They’re both liars hiding behind various disguises. That’s again represented by the gameplay, you go undercover fairly often. The big difference is just that Phoenix hides in the shadows and Juniper hides in the spotlight.
This theme and parallel is also super noticeable in the last level, Rising Phoenix. In order to stop Juniper, Phoenix has to reveal themself to the world. In the end, all the lies and disguises are gone from the EOD and Zoraxis, but for the EOD it’s mostly a good thing, and it’s very bad for Zoraxis. This is also when Phoenix sort of takes Juniper’s fame. And there’s another layer to the lies with Zor’s betrayal.
Wow ok so I went off on a tangent there. I just wanted to fully explain myself because it seems like a lot of people don’t understand the title. I think the repetition and connection of the spy and the liar helps showcase those parallels. The way it’s used makes it almost sounds like a common phrase, but it’s not, and that makes you stop to think what makes spies and liars related to each other. How are they similar? How are they different?
I like how in the song Juniper specifically says “you’ll be the spy and I’ll be the liar.” It reminds me of agreeing on roles before acting out an improv scene together or something similar. It once again highlights Juniper’s view of the world. In the title, and in most of the song and game, it acts like spy and liar are what you both truly are. What’s left when you take away all the lies. But with Juniper telling you that these are the roles you’ll be playing, it adds another layer of doubt and disguise. Are you really just the spy and the liar? Maybe. But maybe it’s just another act.
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
So, for day five of the event, I used number 44 from prompt 2 for the Misfit Class from Iruma-kun! I hope everyone enjoys the headcanons 😊
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44. If you are of age, will you try to enter the Triwizard Tournament if they ever host one again?
I don’t think Iruma would really want to enter the Triwizard Tournament. In fact, he’s really against it. He doesn’t want to stand out and he thinks it would be more fun to watch the tournament with his friends or even to cheer one of his friends on that really do want to participate. However, because this is Iruma we’re talking about, I do see something happening where his name gets put in there without him knowing and someone tampers with the Cup enough (*cough* Sullivan *cough*) for Iruma’s name to get chosen.
Asmodeus definitely would want to enter the Tournament. To him, it’s a way to show his strength, bring honor to his family name and to impress and bring honor to Iruma. He puts his name in proudly and he’s one of the students that most are certain would be likely to be chosen by the Cup.
Clara sees the whole Tournament as a really fun game, honestly. She really doesn’t get it beyond that and with that in her mind, of course she’d want to enter!
Sabnock is another one that would love to enter. To him, it’s his shot to show how cool, manly, and awesome he is. He puts his name in while bragging about how there’s no possibility the cup would choose anyone but him and honestly, to say he really wants to be chosen is an understatement.
I think Gaap goes in between wanting to enter and wanting to watch the Tournament. He thinks it would be really interesting to participate in the tournament and see how strong he is, but especially would love to participate in order to make friends with those from other schools. However, he is a little worried he wouldn’t be strong enough to win and would bring dishonor upon not only his House but Hogwarts as a whole.
Lied and Jazz talk about how fun participating in the tournament would be, how they could definitely win, how cool it would be to have all the other students practically worshipping them, but neither of them ever really gets up the courage to actually put their name in.
Both Agares and Allocer wouldn’t even consider putting their names in. For Agares, it’s just too much work and too much trouble. He’d rather just relax and take it easy. For Allocer, he’s already doing a class more than the others, maintaining his status as top of his year, and the tournament would only get in the way of his schoolwork. He’ll go and watch the Tournament with his friends but that’s about the extent of it, though he really does hope the winner is not only from Hogwarts, but from his House.
Purson puts in his name, but nobody notices, and he doesn’t get chosen. He wasn’t expecting his name to get chosen anyway, so he’s not disappointed when it doesn’t. He mostly just did it for the experience.
Caim and Elizabetta never even considered putting their names in but they’re both loudly supportive of the Hogwarts champion and are very invested in the tournament right from the time it’s announced.
Kerori really just doesn’t care about the Tournament. It’s not her kind of thing, she’s just not that interested in it. If a friend of hers ends up as the Hogwarts champion, she’ll support them but otherwise, she’s just kind of meh about the whole subject.
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A lil ficlet for Kakashi’s Victory in the Kakashi Vs Lee poll! A hard earned victory that should have both sides proud because we all fought for our favs tooth and nail 🥰🥰🥰 @narutocharacterpolls
The numbers glimmered across the board. Each one shinning brightly as Lee read them over and over again, committing them to memory.
He’d wanted so badly to win. To prove to everyone that he was the best, yet as he looked at the numbers he couldn’t help but feel proud.
1,169 votes for him and 1,339 votes for Kakashi-Sensei.
Even though he’d lost, he still felt like he’d proven himself. To keep such a close score with someone as cool as Kakashi-Sensei was amazing.
There was no reason he should feel disappointed with such an impressive score.
“Look,” Kakashi-Sensei stepped up to his side and gave Lee an apologetic look. “I didn’t think this would happen. I honestly thought that- well…” he waved a hand towards the scoreboard. “I thought people would finally choose the right person.”
A fire sprang to life in Lee’s soul when he heard those words.
“You…” squeezing his eyes shut, he tried his best to contain his excitement, but it was hopeless. There was just so much he wanted to say. So many things that needed to be said so that Kakashi-Sensei could understand just. How amazing he was. It wasn’t long before his excitement spilled over and his eyes flew open, causing Kakashi-Sensei to take a cautious step back. “You really are as amazing as Gai-Sensei says!”
“I-“ Kakashi-Sensei stared at him as if he’d just said the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard. A reaction that Lee fully expected based on all of the things his Sensei had told him about his eternal rival over the years.
“You won!” He threw his arms up into the air and cheered. “And it was an impressive win! One worthy of celebration!”
The whole competition had been very close. There was never a moment when Lee had given up hope on pulling ahead, but in the end Kakashi-Sensei had kept his small lead.
“It was the most passionate poll so far!” A grin split across his face before the memory of Tenten’s last competition sprang to memory. “Well, the second most passionate poll, but still! There is nothing for me to feel ashamed of!”
For a second Kakashi-Sensei simply stared at him, bewildered by his enthusiasm. Then the bewilderment washed away from his face, replaced by a fond cheerful smile.
“I guess it was,” a light laughter filled the air. “Well, i suspect you’ll be cheering for Gai in the next round?”
Lee’s smile only grew wider. “Of course!” Jumping back a foot, he extended his right arm out in front of himself and gave Kakashi-Sensei a thumbs up. “It will be a spectacular battle! A face-off between eternal rivals!”
His enthusiasm was greeted with more laughter, this time a little softer and a lot warmer.
A laughter which he would never have expected to come from someone as cool as Kakashi-Sensei, but which seemed to fit him perfectly.
“It’ll certainly be something,” he agreed. “Oh, and Lee?”
Lowering his arm, Lee tilted his head to the side. “Yes?”
“Make sure to really pump Gai up to everyone,” closing his eyes, Kakashi-Sensei offered a soft, friendly smile. “Winning against you was bad enough. I don’t want a repeat of that against Gai, got it?”
He wanted to argue.
To assure Kakashi-Sensei that his win was well earned and just.
The problem was, he knew his words would fall onto deaf ears. He’d seen his Sensei try so many times in the past to convince his eternal rival of his awesomeness, yet it never seemed to work.
If Gai-Sensei couldn’t manage it, what hope did Lee have of succeeding?
‘Don’t think like that’ he scolded himself, shaking his head to rid his mind of such terrible thoughts. ‘Kakashi-Sensei doesn’t need to hear it, but maybe seeing how much people love him-‘
An idea came to him at that moment.
A brilliant idea which he was sure he could convince his teammates to agree to. One which involved supporting their fantastic Sensei while also supporting his best friend at the same time.
“You got it,” He agreed, grinning even wider than he had before. “I’ll go get started now. See you later, Kakashi-Sensei!”
With that, he was gone. Nothing left but a trail of dust trailing behind him as he headed to his next destination.
If everything went well, Gai-Sensei would win his next match but Kakashi-Sensei would walk away a more confident man.
A man who maybe finally understood just how fantastic he was.
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c0ffee-gh0ul · 9 months
Writing request:
How Joseph and Stephen met but based around the new scott pilgrim takes off series
This one definitely had me a little stumped, but thanks to my best friend @kylealtavevo, I was able to figure it out! (creds to them for the idea, thanks pal!) I really hope you like it, sorry if it's not exactly what you expected!
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“This is my friend, Joseph,” Kim announced, entering band practice. “He knows about music, and, uh, he wanted to hang out today, so… Yeah.”
“Hi,” Scott said, waving.
“What’s up?” Stephen greeted.
Stephen and Scott were already in their places, behind their microphones, guitars in hand. Young Neil was on the sofa with Knives. It was her first time at band practice too.
Joseph squeezed onto the sofa with Knives and Young Neil. He waved to them and didn’t say anything. He wasn’t a man of many words.
“We are Sex Bob-Omb! 1, 2, 3, 4!” Kim shouted, catching Joseph off guard. 
“Does she always do that?” He asked Neil.
“Yeah, pretty cool, right?” Neil replied. Joseph nodded slowly in return, unsure of his answer. He looked over to Knives, who was watching intently with her eyes wide.
When the song was over, Knives immediately reacted by saying how awesome it was. Neil clapped. Joseph was still trying to soak it in, looking directly at Stephen.
“Um… Band huddle, real quick?” Stephen said to Scott and Kim. The three of them huddled together like a football team. “Who is Joseph?”
“My friend, Hollie’s roommate,” Kim replied. “Why? Do you have a problem with him or something? He doesn’t say much.”
“N-no, no problems! Just… he knows about music?”
“Yeah, he’s got a recording set up in his bedroom,”
Stephen’s eyes lit up. It was now his duty to impress the heck out of Joseph. Maybe he could help them record a Sex Bob-Omb album!
“Hi, I’m Stephen. Nice to meet you,” The huddle disbanded and he sauntered right up to Joseph.
“Joseph,” He replied, shaking Stephen’s hand.
After that, Stephen didn’t see much of Joseph. Scott “died,” and Stephen grew closer to Knives, like siblings. He kept asking Kim to bring him around to band practices again, but it was always something. He was working, or helping a friend move, or on vacation, or something.
Stephen and Knives teamed up to create a musical to win over Matthew Patel, hoping he would give them a record deal in return of him being casted as the main role.
Opening night came, for the musical titled, “Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Musical,” and Stephen spotted Joseph in the same row sitting with Kim and Hollie. His heart skipped a beat and he went pale.
“Everything okay?” Knives asked, noticing his change in demeanor.
“Joseph is here!” He whispered. “I hope I can impress him… He knows about music! Maybe he can collaborate with us and Matthew!”
“Oh, yeah! He has a music studio in his house! I mean, Matthew owns G-Man, so he’s got, like, a real studio, but… yeah! Cool!” Knives smiled.
The musical started, and Stephen kept glancing over at Joseph to see if he could read his expressions. Honestly, Joseph was expressionless the whole time. Stephen couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
When the show ended, Knives and Stephen went out to the lobby, hoping to see Joseph and talk to him.
“Do you like… Have a thing for him or something?” Knives asked. Stephen had recently come to the conclusion that he was gay, but Knives was really the only person he told.
“I-I… I don’t know! Maybe?” He replied. “Feelings are confusing.”
Soon enough, Joseph approached them, along with Hollie and Kim. 
“Great show, guys,” Kim said.
“What did you think, Joseph?” Stephen asked immediately. 
“Musicals aren’t really my thing, but… Not bad,” He replied, nodding his head.
“Well, uh, we were about to head out for celebratory pizza, wanna join us?”
“Um, what are we? Chopped liver?” Hollie raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, you guys too!” Knives cut in.
“I don’t mind some pizza,” Joseph replied. He, along with Hollie and Kim, walked ahead of Knives and Stephen.
“You totally have a thing for him!” Knives teased Stephen.
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charnelhouse · 2 years
Bro I can see Simon or price being the type who is 100% okay with their s/o having body hair.
Like Simon sees it as “everyone grows fucking body hair, dumbass” and just couldn’t care less how hairy you are. That’s not gonna stop him from fucking you or laying up on you at night. Nothing bothers him like underarms, legs, privates, nothing. It’s just hair, who the fuck cares? It’s none of his business and he’s sure as hell not shaving his legs, arms, or under arms every fUCKING day. That shit would take too long so he doesn’t expect you to do it. If you do cool, more power to you but he’s not. Again, it’s none of his business whay so ever you do what YOU want to do to YOUR body and he does whatever HE WANTS with HIS body. He probably prefers you with body hair tbh. Not some weird fetish or anything more like he doesn’t want to be with someone who changes themselves or put themselves through hell for him. Like just he yourself. If yourself is being hairy do it. If it’s being hairless then do it, don’t let him stop you from doing what YOU want. If you ever ask him what he prefers he’s gonna shut that shit down and shut you up before you can ever start. The only thing he probably doesn’t like is when that shit is sharp. DAMN it makes him jump when your prickly legs brush against him cause he isn’t expecting it LOL.
Price is probably the type who likes to poke fun but not in a mean way more like a playful way. He likes to rub his leg up to yours in bed and jokingly say you’re about to out do him with his leg hair if you keep it up. Or he likes to put your legs on top of his and run his hand over your prickly legs when the hair starts to grow back when you two watch tv. He’s even at the point he’ll ask you to shave his back or whatever and if you ask him to shave something for you he will and make jokes the whole time. He’s another that every one has body hair who cares. When he was young he probably had some stupid slick shit about the whole “body hair on women is bad” thing and he will admit he was a ass for that and needed to be HUMBLED but now that hes older he understands that it’s just hair. Who the hell cares. Honestly he prefers when you’re more comfortable with yourself and don’t have to stress about being hairless. He likes to make competition on who can be the hairiest and let me tell you you’ll never win cause GAWD DAMN hes fucking grows hair every inch on his body except his upper thighs 🤡🤡
I really appreciate your commitment to the body hair headcanon anon
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rirus-den · 2 years
Here we are baby, I'm back!! 
I pretty much come back to Tumblr every time there's any news about the Trolls franchise and then dip once again after a film comes out, but what can I say, carpe diem? 
I was not expecting an announcement so quickly but there it is! An official date of release for the third film of the Trolls saga. No plot premise, no teaser, nothing known at all about the film so I just thought to jump in with my predictions/wishlist for Trolls 3.
Disclaimer!! These are my opinions, I don’t expect everyone to agree with them and as much as I’d love to hear what people have to say, please be polite in the way you interact with others in the fandom, whether you agree with them or not. 
So, without any further ado, here's my predictions/hopes for the next trolls movie:
1. Branch-centred 
As much as Branch is already one of the main characters of the franchise, Poppy has stolen the show in terms of actually being the protagonist, and I think it's kind of unfair considering that Branch has more going on as a character. So far we’ve seen Branch’s arcs revolving around trying to win over Poppy’s affection, but now that after THIH and the confirmation of their relationship (amen) Branch needs a new point of development outside of his relationship to Poppy. And there might be an interesting solution.
2. Branch the King
This might sound very fanfiction-like, but I think it’s very likely for Branch to be considered the ‘King’ of the Pop Trolls, even only based on the implications of his relationship with Poppy. And I can see why it would make such a great conflict! Trolls hinting at him becoming king, would 100% make Branch spiral into a whirlpool of insecurities. How could he feel ready or worthy of such a role if  just a few years back he was the gray survivalist everyone wanted to avoid? In a kind of similar fashion to what Dreamworkd did with HTTYD 2, I’d love to see Branch battle with these new insecurities about the fear of becoming a leader and follow his journey into self-worth and acceptance (considering he’s pretty much already covering the role of a leader without even realising it).
3. Branch calling Poppy ‘sweetheart’
There’s literally no reason for this other than personal gratification. Take this with a grain of salt.
4. Insights of Branch’s other relationships outside of Poppy
I think since the first movie Branch has gotten better in terms of developing relationships with other characters, but it hasn’t been shown much in the past films, so I’d like to see how these other new relationships (other than the one he has with Poppy) would affect him, especially with characters like Prince D or Cooper, which I think are the closest friends he has at this point. Or even Cloud Guy, to be honest.
5. Movie’s enemy
Someone said that if we get one more female antagonist, trolls would be the first franchise to have had only female villains, and that to me seems very cool already. Either that, or a natural enemy? Like, something is destroying our home and we need to leave. Trope that has been used and reused multiple times, but honestly I just need an excuse to see different genres of trolls and different environments as they all just look stunning in that handcrafted sort of aesthetic. 
Personally, I really wished they never had to recycle Creek as a character in the tv show so he would make a comeback as a fully fledged villain, but it's too late for that now, isn't it. 
6. Other Trolls cultures
Disco trolls are 99% likely to happen so I'll consider that a win. But more music subgenre? Yes please! Especially if we consider music genres from different cultures with a different history. Yodel was something that I feel should have been developed more, especially if you can throw in different environments and designs for different trolls (trolls living in the snowy mountains yodelling? Why the hell not??) 
7. Poppy and Branch’s solo adventure
This is less likely to happen, but honestly I just want some good old 'married couple banter' just like what we got in the first movie. Leave James Corden and the two trolls under a cowboy hat at home this time, please. 
8. New grey characters
I feel like it's about time we get introduced to other grey characters, even just to see how greyness affects other trolls too. 
9. Something else other than turning grey
I’m 100% stealing the idea from someone's fan fiction here, but there should be a deeper state of depression other than being grey in the troll universe. 
10. Poppy saving Branch
This is probably the thing I want the most in the next movie, because I feel Branch has done so much for Poppy in their previous adventures but I still have to see Poppy do something for Branch. We have seen him saving her from turning grey in the first film, we’ve seen him jump to save her from Barb’s spell in the second one, I'd love to see Poppy be the one actually saving Branch, even for it to turn into a reverse ‘True Colours’ moment. 
Honestly, I just hope the film is good :)
Stay safe kids and have good Holidays!
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hislittleraincloud · 9 months
Caveat: I don't know exactly what the voters need to be looking for when judging this shit. And for all I know the paint blood F/X thing is more of a responsibility for the people behind the camera who want things to look good in the frame.
But really...I honestly cannot believe that this incongruous piece of shit makeup work from 'Woe What a Night' that I always point and laugh at when it's on my screen big or small won a goddamn Creative Arts Emmy for Outstanding Contemporary Non-Prosthetic Makeup...because shit like this exists in the episode:
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In the earlier part of the scene, it's watery paint. We can see that, and we can see how it dripped onto Ortega's face in that thin film, full face coverage, then right after her vision, she zips out of the ballroom intent on getting to Eugene.
But then some ✨creative✨ thought that it would be cool to mix up actual stage blood and then dump it onto Ortega's clearly clean face, even though the paint didn't have that thicker consistency at all (because yanno...Stupid Viewers Are Stupid and Won't Notice, it's not important, so long as it looks okay! which I've never thought that it does 💀). I wouldn't take issue with this if they had just used the stage blood to begin with, but there are pro rules for that too, with professional makeup artists warning not to misuse stage blood:
"...Misusing fake blood can also quickly make a realistic design appear overtly fake. When designing a look, consider the optimal color and thickness of any fake blood you intend to use. It should closely resemble the wound or effect you are trying to create.
Pro Tip: To make a special effects makeup look more realistic, consider the direction that blood would flow from a wound, or how the blood would splatter. Don’t simply spray blood in every direction. In real life, this doesn’t happen NEARLY as much as you’d think."
I can't be the only one annoyed by the difference, SINCE WEDNESDAY EXPLICITLY SAID THAT SHE WAS DISAPPOINTED THAT THEY COULDN'T EVEN SPRING FOR PIG'S BLOOD. "IT'S ONLY PAINT." And it wasn't just on Ortega's clean face, it's on Ricci's clean face too:
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✨But Tor, it LOOKS BETTER TH --✨
This is just some bull💩 if the Academy thinks this was better contemporary makeup work than The Last of Us, AHS, or Picard. As much as I like and tolerate this show, its continuity is HORRENDOUS, as I've pointed out in Fuck Those Propmasters.
...So congrats(?) on casting some kind of spell over the voters for the win. I haven't even mentioned the CAKE on Ortega's face throughout that erases all of her freckles. Yes, I get it, she had to do whiteface since Wednesday is pale/dead looking, but there was just too much in some places that was really noticeable. (It's most evident when she talks to Enid at the beginning with her Murder Board and when Xavier makes her ask him to the Rave'N. But then it isn't caked during the Rave'N itself. It's actually not as caked on in other episode scenes, like when she's opening her snood gift. Perhaps the makeup of the Rave'N was a factor since it was nice, especially the Nightshade girls and Enid.)
Anyway, IDGAF if I sound like a raging cunt. I expect things that win awards to be legit worthy of recognition...this was not. Not for this, at least. Contemporary Costuming, fair, I guess (I mean...the Nevermore uniforms seem like an homage to Beetlejuice, the cat costumes Batman Returns, but otherwise, costuming seemed rather boring to me, but whatever, maybe it was the contrast between Wends and her colorful roommate that made it stand out). But not makeup, it was just way too inconsistent and there were better nominees.
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ETA: I had to re-edit this because some of my other edits didn't save for some reason.
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caribbean-ace · 2 years
Let’s dive into my thoughts and full on rambling about Station 19 6x05. You know the drill spoilers ahead people!
I’m glad Andy stays in touch with her mom, this might be an unpopular opinion but i’d like to see the insights of their relationship. I mean her mom was there when the whole assault happened, supporting her but i guess we have to put those pieces together on our own.
I honestly don’t mind Sullivan and Ross happening, what bothers me the most out of the whole thing is how they act all mighty and perfect while they keep their relationship on the low because they KNOW it’s wrong, yet Sullivan goes pointing fingers at people when they do the wrong thing. It’s only a matter of time for them to get caught (or at least that’s what i think)
Maya and Carina! Probably what most people were expecting lol, but by the end of this you’ll notice how it’s not super happy stuff going on. Alright so Maya seems to be downplaying her injury since she was taking care of it in their guest room which makes me think that Carina isn’t probably aware of how badly things are. It was good to get a small peak for us how things happened between them, Maya was the one who insisted on them seeing each other more than once according to Carina, because Carina only thought their interaction as a simple hook up. Nice to know the lingerie she was wearing that day was exactly the one she had on when they first hooked up. The surprise was nice but we still see Maya push back a little, the kiss was a win but honestly i wish we had more of it.
Beckett being nice? What is this man up to?
The duality of the call was pretty cool, not gonna lie, at first i didn’t think much of it but hey, i thought it was nice to have it. All i have to say: hate corporations
Travis’ scandal, oh my boy, politics are dirty for sure and i truly hope they can spin this. As much as i love Vic supporting him they gotta seek the professional help to fix this mess
*sighs* Jack what are we going to do with you? I mean i’m glad he’s turning his life around i guess but a shower and a haircut is not gonna be enough. I actually hated what he said to Ben about the clinic, like bro this was your idea and you just took off to god knows where and left them stranded with all the work. Side note: Carina being sarcastic and “hating” on Jack is funny to me especially after S5 went down, the news at the end surprised me a lot, we’ll see what happens after that
I liked Theo’s approach, after what he said about Maya in the first episodes i was like wtf with this dude but he stood up for her which i’m glad it’s happening because Maya Bishop is not in a good place. I’m wondering how this is going to end because Theo was right, maybe that call wasn’t Beckett’s fault but the other ones? They have been questionables at best, Ross knows she has to do something about it but i wonder how things went down after the whole blackmailing thing with Ross, Sullivan and Beckett
And that brings me to my last point, Maya Bishop not realizing she needs help, i’m glad Carina knows when and how to push (for the lack of a better term). Maya is so deep into “eyes forward” that a nice evening with her wife is not going to fix that, is unrealistic so obviously it’s gonna take more to realize that she needs help. We all thought 6x04 that last scene was Maya’s breaking point but it seems that something else will happen that would make her understand she needs to get actual help. I’m guessing pregnancy is the thing that would make Maya realize this, so we see how she’s pushing Carina away because she thinks that coping her way it’s fine but when you’re about to grow your family it goes beyond the two of them, we all saw how Carina stormed to the bathroom so i guess she knows the results now? Idk, lots of things moving forward, i’m thinking as i said on Twitter maybe Carina blurts out she’s pregnant to Maya and that’s the tipping point for them into getting in a healthier place
Bonus: the lesbian weed cookies were back! I had so much fun with them😂
So if you read all of this thank you for following my massive ramble, we’re approaching the last episode of the year so i don’t really know what to expect after the things we saw today. I’m on twitter so feel free to chat with me! @caribbean_ace
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Hi, it’s me, again, Fanfic Anon #2. I’m glad you all liked my last piece. Honestly, I really appreciate all your warm feedback, everyone. You all are just the sweetest. As always, if there’s something specific you want to see, don’t hesitate to ask me.
I think you will all figure out what this one is based on. Hope you enjoy.
He was so happy: the G7 was going off without a hitch, no one had pulled any surprises, he had managed to keep both Donald and Boris under control (a fact that had led Brigitte to joke after the group dinner last night "if that isn’t worthy of a Nobel Peace Price, I don’t know what is!"), and, according to his wife, the spouses were having fun. He felt a little bit like he was on top of the world.
So of course, he should have expected the bubble to pop.
He knew it was not good when an aide pulled him aside before his next meeting, grabbing his arm and yanking him quickly into the nearest vacant room, seeing this cool as a cucumber man looking as angry as he’s ever seen him.
"What happened?" He asked, his stomach suddenly filling with dread.
"I think you’re going to want to see this," he replied gently, passing the phone to Emmanuel.
He didn’t know he could get this angry. He could get heated, frustrated, mad. But anger like this? Even during his worst fight with his worst enemy, even when Le Pen came after his family, he didn’t feel like this; didn’t feel this rage, this anger, down to the very last cell of his body as he stared at the screen.
"Please tell me this is a joke," Emmanuel finally said after several minutes of silence when he finally felt he had enough control to speak, when he finally stopped vibrating from controlling his rage.
"I’m afraid not. I’m afraid the President of Brazil really posted that."
"That bastard -" Emmanuel raged.
"You cannot do something -"
"The hell I can’t!"
"The whole point of this was to hurt you. To make you act like this. You can’t let him win."
"He went after my wife! I don’t care about the optics, I don’t care about the implications of how weak I’m going to look or whatever -"
"It’s not just the optics here. You can’t start a war with another country because he calls your wife ugly."
"What kind of husband would I be if I stand here and let him get a way with this huh?"
"A husband who is also President of a country with a nuclear arsenal -"
"He hurt her because of me! Don’t you get that? They all hurt her because of me. Well, I’m sick of it! I’m not taking this one lying down!" He yelled, the anguish clear in his voice.
He took a second to calm down, knowing he needed to get to his wife, and the last thing she needed was to take care of him, which he knows she would feel obligated to do if he was angry, his selfless wife, always putting others before herself. With finality, before running to their suite as fast as humanly possible, he ordered, "figure out what the least damaging thing here is, and then we’re going to do it. Because he is not getting away with this. Now. I need to go find Brigitte."
"But you have -"
"Boris can piss off. And if doesn’t understand why I’m blowing him off after he sees this - because the whole world is going to see this - he can piss off all the way back to England."
"Yes, sir," his aide replied, barely heard as Emmanuel booked it up to the suite.
His heart sank when he could hear her crying all the way out in the hallway. "Oh, Brigitte," he whispered to himself as he approached her loyal bodyguard.
"Sir," he acknowledged, stepping away to give them their privacy.
"Who told her?" Emmanuel asked, needing to know what to expect when he walked in there.
"Tristan, I believe, sir."
"At least it was someone kind," he mumbled to himself, before thanking the man, and walking inside.
"Brigitte?" He called out to announce himself, not wanting to startle her. Hearing no answer, he continued until her got to the bedroom. "Oh, mon cœur," he said as he saw her balled into herself in the fetal position. He quickly toed off his shoes, and climbed into bed, wrapping himself, tightly, protectively around her, hoping to shield her from any more pain.
"Emmanuel?" She asked, weakly, sniffling heavily when she finally registered his presence.
"I’m right here, chérie," he promised, pressing kisses to every part of her he could reach. "I’m so sorry. I am so, so sorry," he kept whispering as he rocked her, gently trying to calm her down.
He noticed that at some point as she was calming down she had fallen asleep, her breathing had evened out and she relaxed slowly out of the rigid position he had found her in. Carefully, as not to wake her, he disentangled himself so he could grab one of his cell phones. Quickly, he typed to Alexis, "we’re in for the night. Do whatever you have to do. I’m not leaving her."
He waited for the "yes, sir," reply before he crawled back in bed, taking her once again in his arms. "I’m going to make him pay for this, Brigitte. I swear it," he vowed before he too fell into a fitful sleep.
Hellooo fanfic Anon! ❤️
Ugh. Ducking Bolsonaro 😤
What a mixed of emotions! It was infuriating and sad but also sweet at the same time. Emmanuel having enough of people hurting his wife just to get to him 🥺
“You can’t start a war with another country because he calls your wife ugly.” - my mind went, oh yes the hell he can!!! And the part about Boris piss off back to England made me chuckle 🤭 hahaha
But everything gets better when they are in others arms ❤️
Thank you so much, fanfic Anon #2! ❤️❤️❤️
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trentskis · 1 year
meh as a liverpool fan i don’t think fans or pgmol should try and get involved in romero and macca’s instagram comments lmao they’re nt teammates and know each other irl, the way they banter cannot be interpreted by any governing body or by fans. it’s a pity seeing the rightful criticism of pgmol and refereeing being overshadowed by a vocal minority who have it in for spurs. they’re not my fave club either but honestly other than being the other team on the pitch i don’t see what they’ve done wrong, not the players’ or the manager’s fault the ref fucked up (var gave it as a goal the ref misinterpreted it). going after them just delegitimises the cause imo (not saying you have at all, just been seeing it a lot and thought this would be a good place to have a levelheaded discussion)
i honestly think it is borderline weird for pgmol to get involved in macca's instagram comment, yeah instagram is a public platform but him leaving a comment on his friends' instagram bcus he was a bit pissed off is no reason for fuckin pgmol to get involved imo. what is their beef w macca djsjd first they give him that red that wasn't a red and now they're goin after him for a silly instagram comment like will they ever get a grip 😭 it is really bizarre imo that players literally can't make a negative comment or criticise a referee at all without some consequence now. like wtf
i also agree w the comment about spurs - i am all for some petty club hatred as is football tradition, and ppl who already hated spurs is one thing but ppl who think they had some involvement in it and blame them for it... i personally don't think so i think the referee is just a corrupt gobshite, esp because he's apparently done stuff like this before. like i said in my tags what i do think would be helpful from their pov is being like oh yeah that refereeing was fucked up instead of downplaying it, esp because pgmol admitted they made mistakes, it would not harm them in any way to say something. because if it's one side saying they were fucked by referees in a match they lost, and the winning side saying nothing, to me it's kind of like.. making it look like liverpool r just bitter bcus they lost. and i know some spurs fans see it that way too. so idk i think since everyone gets fucked over by referees it would be cool to see some kind of solidarity abt it bcus then something might get done, and it would also further legitimise liverpool's cause, which would end up benefitting the pl as a whole maybe. idk if u agree neither am i expecting u to, maybe spurs feel like its not their place or something, just how i feel about it personally!
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