#i honestly might start shipping my ocs with each other more often their dynamics are good
andorerso · 1 year
Sissi, please satiate my very academic curiosity about your two OCs Dani and Elijah because I've seen you tag them on some very omg-thats-my-jam dynamics.
Like I need details. Whats their story? Do they hate each other and then oh-shit-regrettably-its-u hate-fuck in some Boston bar? Like I already have headcanons for them, we neeed moore 🥺
me seeing this ask in the morning
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they're honestly one of my favorite OC ships, like top three AT LEAST. and honestly? hooking up in some Boston bar is not unimaginable! like you're not very far off at all and I love it 🥰 please tell me more headcanons *chin in hands*
you might regret asking me though because I have a looooooot to say! so much to say. too much, you might think 😭 but they have a long story, and I couldn't give them justice if I condensed it, so I think I'm gonna put this under a read-more
okay, so important context first: the setting is urban fantasy with magic and different sorts of monsters but the twist that it's all out in the open and the world has known about the existence of these paranormal things for a long while now.
Dani's in her mid-20s (around 25-27 at the start) and she has this the devil may care attitude with some serious abandonment issues (because her family situation is complicated and not the greatest). She's very rarely had real connections with anyone, whether platonic or romantic, so it makes her very lonely and basically the only person she's close to is her brother. She will pretend she likes it that way but I mean... she clearly does not. She's also a licensed monster hunter, but while most of her family on her mother's side, including her brother, were/are witches, she's got no magic of her own. So it makes her kind of an outsider even in her own family.
And Elijah isn't human. In fact, he comes from a different dimension altogether so he's a something but no one knows what yet because his kind hasn't really been seen ever before and people just don't have a name for it. He's a couple hundred years old which is old in the human sense, but not so much for their kind. Kinda early 30s in appearance. Elijah technically isn't even his real name but it's his human name and what he goes by for the entire story. His dimension is sort of splintering apart at the seams and his kind are dying by the millions so many of them started seeking refuge in other worlds, including our world. Of course they all have different attitudes towards humans, some think they should be peaceful and co-exist, some think they should just take over and subjugate humans, and some think that co-existence IS optimal but they don't think very high of humans regardless and don't really want to interact much. Basically like "you're just a small ant and I'm better than you in every way but I don't hate you so I guess you can stay." Elijah falls more into that category at the start, although he's actually curious about humans, but he's following his mentor's lead who's kinda like a father figure and the person who leads the group he came over with.
So anyway, Dani gets tangled up in this whole situation as she's one of the first person to actually see and interact with one of the others. You could kinda say they're enemies because Elijah's super loyal to his own people, and Dani's very skeptical and distrustful of them. But most of all, she really doesn't trust Elijah's mentor and that obviously creates some tension between them. So they start off on the wrong foot and they really can't stand each other first. It's a lot of unfair assumptions and prejudices basically, and they're both guilty of it. But they also clash simply because of their personalities.
Elijah's calm, collected, reserved, a bit cold some would say, he doesn't show much emotion and is entirely too serious for his own sake. Dani's more laidback and fun and likes to hide her pain with stupid jokes. She's also very much ruled by her emotions so she's hot-tempered and prone to make hasty decisions that often result in bad consequences and Elijah just. does not vibe with that. At all. There's definitely attraction from the start tbh but it's a "fuck, why them, I cannot stand them" kind of attraction. The "I think you're hot and I'm annoyed about it" kind of attraction.
They do become friendlier as time goes on and they find common ground and realize that they may not be so different after all. During this stage, only a few months after meeting, they actually end up sleeping together at a low point in both of their lives. It's one of those "you're here, I'm here, let's just make each other feel alive" kind of things. But because this is absolutely a slowburn, the next morning Dani's like "you know that was just a one night sort of thing, right?" because she does fool around with people often so it's nothing new to her but Elijah does not, isn't used to this, so he's like "uhm... yeah of course." But internally he's kinda spiraling about it. They don't talk about it, but ofc they're thinking about it.
So as time goes on, they end up becoming really close as friends and literally everyone's shocked about this development but they just... see each other, you know? They get each other in an instinctive way that no one else does. Elijah's absolutely in love with Dani at this point but doesn't really understand what he's feeling so he never does anything about it, just pines from afar, and Dani's sort of still in the denial phase (plus you know, the whole "he's my best friend and I don't really have a lot of people I'm close to so I can't lose him"). Dumb shit, obviously.
There's a jealousy sideplot at some point because I like them but it's not a love triangle because I hate those. It's basically just more of Elijah pining to be honest. Lots of angst because that's just how I roll. Over time, there's like 2 or 3 incidents when they actually kiss (I could even see another one night stand at some point, it depends) but they always pull back or change their minds or something happens outside of their control and it just never ever goes anywhere. At this point, Elijah loves her and realized it, but he's actually kinda content to be just her friend. He's okay with loving her from afar because he doesn't really think it possible to be with her for real, and it's very sad.
Dani, on the other hand, is the opposite. She has also accepted the fact that she loves him and she does not want to be just friends. At some point, they have one of those heated arguments that end with Dani, finally too frustrated with this thing between them, blurting out that she loves him, and Elijah for his own reasons (he has a lot of shit going on) pretty much ignores it and pulls away from her. It's like "this is best for both of us, I'm trying to protect you" blablabla, it's stupid and although they technically remain friends, their relationship is very obviously strained because Dani doesn't forgive him for it. Like the girl can absolutely hold a grudge, but also this is probably the time he hurts her the most, so understandable. I mean you gotta know that this is the first time she said those words to anyone that isn't her brother, and she feels rejected, feels like doesn't love or want her, feels kinda worthless because he's an immortal being from a different dimension, ofc he doesn't want her, why would he, and she feels incredibly angry that she still loves him despite all that. It’s a cycle of self-hatred and resentment, and then all that, along with some other things, pushes Dani into spiraling and she has a brief evil arc, and that's another thing preventing them from being together. (She's pretty mean to him during this era but he's also one of the things that brings her back to herself so you know... fun stuff!)
Anyway, they do get together eventually. I'm undecided on this part because idk what works better yet. One possibility is that one of them, probably Elijah, shows up at her door before a big battle that's gonna happen and confesses and they spend the night together knowing it might be their last night alive. The other possibility is that one of them, probably Dani gets hurt during the battle and Elijah confesses while she's bleeding out in his arms. Either way, they don't expect to survive so they finally come clean, and then... they survive. So now they gotta actually confront this for once.
They decide to give a relationship a try, but it doesn't end well the first time. Sure, they're happy and disgustingly in love for a while but neither knows how to be in a relationship because neither have experience. So as soon as something comes along to shake their foundations a bit, the whole thing crumbles. The following crash and burn might even be the angstiest part of the story, idk. I'm gonna be honest, the end does get a little fuzzy, I haven't fleshed out everything yet. I know I want there to be a temporary character death at some point because I know it's cheap but I live for that stuff. So Elijah dies, probably while they're still broken up, and Dani definitely goes a little feral and sets out on an impossible path to bring him back. The good stuff. He comes back, they reunite, etc. I don't wanna say everything's perfect after that because they still gotta work on their issues, but they have a happy ending and that's what matters.
Tropes include but not limited to: slowburn, mutual pining, it was always you, battle couple, hot-headed & level-headed, unhealthy codependency/mutual obsession, soulmate coded, opposite sides of the same coin, not even death can defeat us, anguished declarations of love, sad people growing an intense connection from shared trauma, grumpy character who only smiles for love interest
Songs that remind me of them: 
Remember to Remember Me by Isak Danielson - this one is pretty angsty, but it really fits a certain period in their story and every single time I hear it, it makes me think of them
An Evening I Will Not Forget by Dermot Kennedy
Evermore by Taylor Swift ft. Bon Iver
The Alcott by Taylor Swift ft. The National
Love Like Ghost by Lord Huron
Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler
(Dani also has a playlist that she made for him even when they were just friends and it's super secret and she's kinda embarrassed about it but she does end up sharing it with him later when they get together. Fun fact, I did actually make that playlist on Spotify.)
Other trivia tidbit that I like but couldn't fit into elsewhere: Dani's full name is Danielle and she HATES when people call her that. Her parents used to do it when they were angry, and her brother still does it to mess with her or when he's disappointed with her. So no thank you. Except if it's Elijah. Other people say it in anger or admonition but Elijah says it out of sheer devotion, and she's very into it.
I could also like... make moodboards if anyone's interested? Or even if no one's interested...
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c0rrupted-mov · 1 year
CHIAKI KOMAEDA . and maybe chihiros if u feel inclined :3
I answered Chiaki's in the previous ask sooo it's Komaeda and Chihiro time!
favorite thing about them
Everything. love him a lot. Has been obsessed with him since my first watch of the playthrough almost four years ago. There's nothing you can do about liking him you just have to accept it. But I think I can say that I especially like the way he's written
least favorite thing about them
the way fandom treats him. It's super rare to see someone interpret him normally, without falling into either "uwu soft baby who did nothing wrong" or "insane freak without a sense of morality who loves to commit arson for the fun of it". I think his behavior in the prologue of sdr2 is the most accurate version of him
favorite line
His "huh?" in the 4th trial... I just find it pretty funny. The "Am I allowed to speak now?" also deserves mentioning. All his other memorable lines are SO memed in the fandom that I kinda even find them annoying lol xD
I can't decide T^T I love the Soda, Fuyhiko and Nagito friendship but also recently I've been thinking of Sonia, Gundham and Nagito... I just think they have a lot in common,,, Or just Sonia. Also with Ibuki, he deserves some optimism and silliness in his life. I just want him to have friends man T^T
KOMANAMI but def not in cishet way. There's no way either of them is straight. Ngl, I first started liking them in a little seff shipping way because I relate to Nanami a lot xD I grew to love them outside of that pretty soon tho I just think they have a nice cute dynamic and will be very healthy and helpful to each other :)
I'm not sure I have one?.. I used to hate komahina before because of the fandom but now I kinda like them. Maybe I could say komamiki but not in the "I hate it so much don't you dare talk to me about it". I used to ship it but then grew to like their dynamic as haters/very bitter friends at first who might become closer and kinder to each other later
random headcanon
Autistic! Like that makes so much sense for him (komanami autistic4autistic swag). Also he/they pronouns
unpopular opinion
sexuality discourse sucks and also often uses biphobic and/or stupid rhetoric. The fact that he didn't react inappropriately when he fell between Mikan's legs doesn't mean that headcanoning him as mspec isn't allowed! That's just a normal human behavior and you're weird!
song i associate with them
This is super predictable and basic but,,, hope by Jack Stauber. Ik the song is about addiction but it also fits Komaeda's relationship with hope. I mean, it is the thing that "keeps him going everyday" right? Also maaaaybe "pretty cvnt" (hate the name) but only because I feel like the lyrics could kinda be similar to Komaeda's self hatred lol. I would love to say more but I very rarely associate songs with fictional characters,,, maybe with my OCs at best but yeah sorry :(
favorite picture of them
THERE'RE SO MANY IT'S SO DIFFICULT but maybe this I KNOW THAT THIS ARTIST IS FAMOUS FOR SUPER BAD STUFF OKAY but he looks like a smiling samoyed here T^T
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CHIHIRO! This one is going to be a bit difficult because honestly, I never really thought much about her T^T I'm sorry I'm that person in the fandom that knows everything about two characters and almost nothing about the rest fglhk
favorite thing about them
I think her talent! I just find it very interesting and it makes me wonder how it would work with other characters and in different fields
least favorite thing about them
Once again, the way fandom treats her. The way how people can't see that the fact that dr is a very problematic franchise that has transphobic writing doesn't mean that it's okay and fine to take all of this at face value and accept it without processing
favorite line
I don't remember any lines from thh lol xD
Chiaki and/or Naegi! I like to see Chihiro and Chiaki as siblings but either way they would get a long. I also feel like Naegi would be a good friend to her too
I don't really ship her with anyone I think? Tho I've seen some cute celeshiro art recently ( tho sadly the artist sees her as cis lol). I feel like they both can relate to the feelings of pretending to be someone you're not, esp if you hc Celestia as trans
Don't think I have one?..
random headcanon
Loves hairclips. Has a big collection of very different ones for every occasion
unpopular opinion
Does trans Chihiro count as unpopular? Idk
song i associate with them
Sorry, I don't have one :(
favorite picture of them
I just find it funny xD
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atangledfate · 2 years
'Shio Bias' ~Tangle
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" Oh well i have alot of ships for Tangle... so i'll list them! least 5? maybe more...
Whisper x Tangle, i think it's obvious this is my favorite ship for Tangle I wish we'd get some kind of official ship or something in the comics. It's super clear they are suppose to be dating at this point so why not just say it? anyway! yea love these two!
Surge x Tangle, This idea started out as kind of a silly idea, but honestly thanks to @diffxrentwxrlds we got to explore the concept. I have to say it was pretty great! I still love the idea of angst surge and fun loving tangle being a couple and surge just ruining poor tangle's sense of right and wrong! Surge might be bad for Tangle, but i think they could be great for each other in the long run!
Flask x Tangle, maybe i'm biased because @mobian-of-science mun has been a friend of mine since forever now. They are such a wonderful person outside of threads and Flask and Tangle have such fun energy together! Nerdy sweet girl, meets energetic tomboy its sweet! it's been a running ship since i had the old blog and i hope it continues to stay!
Tangle x Espia, another Ship as old as my blog @sakuraandscales mun is a wonderful rper! i adore the threads we do. Tangle and Espia together is so sweet and cute and i love the idea of Tangle getting overwhelmed by culture shock! plus i still loved the thread where she got Espia to help her dress in a kimono! wonderful stuff!
Tangle x Vex, while i feel this ship is very shitposty at times i can't deny i love the dynamic of Vex (@greedandrebel) and those fun loving moments they have. I could see Vex and Tangle being pretty close despite one having very sticky fingers. Whats with me and shipping tangle with bad girls?
Tangle x Amy, This was a fun ship which i think mostly done on discord but imma list it! @freedomgals and i did a short lived ship of Amy and Tangle, which was a really fun and though we don't mention it to often i feel like i need to! I enjoyed there dynamic as Amy was there in a bad time for Tangle, dealing with her injuries from mimic. It was a really natural progression and never felt forced which i loved! stull adore these two!
I realize i have alot of OC ships with Tangle... and i'm not apologizing! give me your OC's i will ship with them! "
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linawritesocs · 2 years
so while writing allen's chats, i realized that he actually can be shipped with all of my ocs. AND THESE SHIP DYNAMICS MAKE SENSE
allen x avery: as i said before, tsundere x yandere IS GOOD. ALSO, both of them fighting over eureka and then getting rejected by her and bonding over it.. imagine how much of a power move would it be for them to start dating after that. just how funny and epic would it be. and again, ALLEN LIKES TO BE PUT IN HIS PLACE. AND AVERY IS GOOD AT DOING JUST THAT.
allen x vance: two boys that are always excited, always running around and others think that they're weird. they're a bit quirky, but that's alright because they understand each other completely. also vance wouldn't mind allen's obsessive tendencies because, well, that's just what type of character allen is! he was programmed to be this way and the least vance can do for allen is accept him.
allen x merrill: allen DID have a crush on merrill before he met eureka, but it doesn't mean that he can't fall in love with him again and for real this time! (even though he likes to think otherwise) also merrill really was a bit sad after he found out that allen doesn't like him anymore.
allen x roland: roland HATES HIS GUTS because allen reminds him of how he used to be. allen, however, wants to be friends and keeps annoying him, because he wants to see that other side of roland. NICE.
allen x fake!jay: they literally went on a date once and jay used to have a crush on him. jay still respects him A LOT, allen is pretty much his idol and he follows him around, asking for writing and/or relationship advice. allen thinks jay is adorable and trusts him fully, but also wishes jay would say what's on his mind more often and he wants to help jay become more confident.
allen x austin: AGAIN. GET HIM TWO TSUNDERE BOYFRIENDS BECAUSE HE DESERVES IT. but austin not only can put allen in his place, he can help him see everything more clearly and stop him when allen gets a bit too excited or becomes obsessed over someone or something again. ALSO AUSTIN WOULD ASK ALLEN TO WRITE FANFICS FOR HIS FAVORITE SHOWS
allen x minnie: i'm pretty sure he at least once thought that minnie was nemis. two red-haired short angry girls.
allen x hayden: LISTEN. LISTEN IF YOU'RE INTO THIS KIND OF STUFF THEIR DYNAMIC IS KINDA.. INTERESTING. it gets even BETTER after allen leaves him because allen starts treating hayden like trash that he is, but consider. consider. what if hayden accidentally falls in love with him after that. like, he's not pretending anymore. he really does get a crush on him. what is he gonna do. he can't get allen's trust back now, so he will have to suffer in silence.
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luimnigh · 4 years
So, I’m just gonna go through the Reddit AMA that happened today (December 2nd 2020), and compile the answered questions that I personally find interesting
Taking part in this AMA was Eddy Rivas, RWBY co-writer; Eugene C. Myers, write of After the Fall, Before the Dawn and Fairy Tales of Remnant; and Violet Tobacco, illustrator on Fairy Tales of Remnant. 
(Not all questions and answers are repeated here verbatim, if you want to check the exact wording, please use the link above.)
This is gonna be long, so I’ll place a cut here:
Eddy Answers:
JNPR Birthdays: Someday. They’d rather reserve that information for the show or other materials, but they felt it was well past due to learn RWBY’s birthday. 
Who is the girl in the photo in Theodore’s office?: “That’s something we’ll come back to later.”
Mercury Thoughts: He’s reserving them for later in the Volume, though he does find some people’s takes on his character “interesting”, but can’t say why just yet. 
Thoughts on the Em/Merc/Hazel dynamic:  “As for the Merc/Em/Hazel dynamic, moooooore to come. I've always enjoyed that little trio in the midst of these bananas villains.”
Are we ever gonna get an origin for Dust, even a biased one?: “Yes, more than likely.”
Are Ghira and Kali’s bands in each other’s colours “wedding bands”, and is this a faunus/huntsman tradition? (The asker also notes that Tai has a red armband):  “Different cultures/kingdoms have different ways of expressing their bonds to other people, and there's not even really a set standard for that across the board. Most often it comes to incorporating it on their clothes/person in some way, usually through color.”
Do the Gods have actual names, or are they only known by their titles as God of Light and God of Darkness?: “Certainly the Two Brothers might have other things that they are known by!”
Does the women who first followed the Infinite Man have a name as well? “Ozpin was choosing in the re-telling of that story to keep those things pretty general/vague -- more than likely to keep it from being perceived by the audience as truth.”
Things created by the Staff of Creation have no ontological inertia: a created object will disappear once the Staff is used again.
The Grimm in Before The Dawn were attracted to the amped Auras because “large flare-ups of Aura (the soul, which goes hand in hand with emotions) would read similarly to the emotions that Grimm are naturally drawn to.”
Remnant Holidays: “There are certainly different holidays in Remnant, many of them similar to our own. This is the kind of thing we always want to save for the screen or other materials if we can help it!”
Semblance Rules: “Semblances can basically be anything, we just make sure there is some kind of check on it -- take Tock, for instance, who could become invulnerable but it's going to lead to her Aura breaking. I wouldn't say there's a hard and fast rule against a Semblance being transformative, but it certainly would be uncommon.”
It seems Ironwood did issue an arrest warrant for Robyn, but the Council offered her safe passage to Atlas and Schnee Manor, in order to put Ironwood off-balance. 
Is Nicholas Schnee dead or is he still alive?: “Yes.”
Production of the 2D shorts on various Fairy Tales has been impacted by the pandemic, but more details are “hopefully coming soon”.
Sage is not connected to the AceOps, despite being based on an Aesop. There are more characters based on Aesops besides them. 
Beacon’s Academic Year: “It's fairly similar to our own semesters.”
The events of the books will impact the main series, but they want to fit them in in such a way that non-readers won’t feel like they’re missing out.
Will we ever find out more about Summer/how she died?: “It certainly seems like a pretty important thing for the show to touch on :)”
RWBY’s favourite fairytales: “We'll get to this.”
Eddy says we will learn more characters’ sexualities. 
Will We Ever See Roman Again?:  “I will say that Roman is a very fun character who has obviously made an impact on everybody. There will always be a desire to go back to that well.”
Aura would block a Lightsaber.
Cinder did not get any of the Spring Maiden’s power when she used her arm on Raven.
Is there is a link between semblance and magic?: “Yes.”
Are the Gods All-Powerful?: “This is a tough question to answer, but a very good one. I think it's something we'll actually learn more about... later.”
Eugene Answers:
At one point, Eugene, not knowing the ships of the fandom, named a location “Arkos”. His editor had to tell him why he couldn’t use it.
What inspired you to choose memory erasing and telepathy for Yatsu and Fox respectively?: “For Fox, it came about honestly because he had never spoken on the show, and I wanted to provide a canon reason for it, and then it just opened up so many interesting possibilities. For Yatsu, it probably started as I thought about Edward and Augustus and what might fit in thematically; and again, it fits in with Yatsu's more meditative nature, and I like the fact that his Semblance isn't based on physical strength.”
“”From my perspective, it was very important to me to not contradict anything in the series past or future, help expand on things that haven't been covered in the show yet, and help lay the foundation for things that may appear in later volumes. The RWBY writing team is terrific to collaborate with, answering all the questions I had as much as they could, and of course they review, approve, and correct anything needed to fit the show's continuity and its tone.”
Does the Chill have a physical form?: “I envisioned the Chill as being incorporeal, living in the shadows.”
Can you save someone from the Chill?: “You could save someone from possession, if you acted quickly.“
The books tell us Coco has an older brother, Toma; and a younger brother, Mate; as well as a third brother, Van. Eugene confirms Van to be younger than Coco.
He wishes he could have spent more time on Scarlet and Sage.
Favourite OC: Rumpole. Favourite Show Character: Penny
Fox’s Personality: “People often compare him a bit to Toph, who is my favorite Avatar character, so I think that influenced his character. Plus, the voice in your head would have to be the one that says things you shouldn't say aloud. That's Fox.”
If he gets to make a third novel, it would be SSSN-focused.
“I believe it took SSSN several months to reach Vacuo from Haven, partially because they weren't in any hurry, and it's a long way. And then the main events of BtD take place a month or so after AtF.” 
Before the Dawn takes place before Volume 8.
Violet Answers:
What are some of your artistic inspirations?: “Arthur Rackham was the biggest inspiration throughout. The grungy, rough nature of his work was very helpful in merging my style with something more traditional to match the fairytale feel needed for this book.“ 
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carynsilver · 4 years
Favorite Fics: Drarry Edition
Like I mentioned last time, reading has been a big comfort to me with all this craziness and sheltering at home, so I want to pay it forward and send love to some of the writers whose work has been brightening my quarantine. Thanks, guys!
For this list, we’re leaving the MCU for a while and heading over to the Wizarding World. I liked Harry Potter when it came out, but I never really read much fanfic until I realized a couple of years ago how much a redeemed Draco fit into the redemption trope that I loved in Harringrove, LoVe, SnowBaz, and other fandoms and ships. Once I started perusing the fics out there, I realized that one of the strengths of this fandom is the length and quality of the stories. I love stories that are a meal, and Drarry provides so many!
As I’ve gotten into the ship (so many years late, lol), these are my top 10 favorites.
dirtynumbangelboy by @magpiefngrl
This is probably the Drarry fic that I most enjoy. I come back to it fairly often when I need just a good read in the HP world. Fake dating is one of my absolute favorite tropes, which made this one an automatic win for me, but it’s written with such heart. I really, really love Draco in this fic. His uni studies and his flat being so different from the diffident image he projects. This is also probably the best Astoria I’ve ever read. Also--Jam Today! Read it now!
Do It All Over Again by DracoWillHearAboutThis
I only discovered this series earlier this year, and I’ve already read it at least three times from beginning to end. It’s a re-telling of the original series starting from Book 1. Draco sends himself a letter from the future basically saying that his dad is wrong, and he needs to give up his pure blood ideals and befriend Harry, then--boom--the Golden Trio’s adventures all happen with Draco in tow (and eventual romance, of course). The plot is fairly similar to the actual series, but I am there for the angst and the character growth. Narcissa kicks ass in this ‘verse, and Draco/Hermionie as besties is a treat! Book 4 and Book 6 are both amazing. And her titles are hilarious. This is the only series on my list that is still a WIP, but there’s plenty to read. Books 1 - 6 are complete, and a new chapter for 7 comes out every two weeks. It’s a safe bet so far, and it’s so good--why wait?
A Secondary Education by Thunderbird587
In this fic, Draco takes a job as Potions Professor at Hogwarts after getting divorced under horrible circumstances and renews his acquaintance with Harry, who is the DADA Professor. It’s got a bisexual awakening, and manages to combine friends with benefits with some supreme pining. Like a whole pine forest. Thunderbird587′s Draco POV is so fleshed out, and yet it also lets us see how Harry is pining, even when Draco himself doesn’t. Plus, at over 200K, it is long enough to get lost in for ages, which is perfect right about now. And when you finish the main fic, there are three other ancillary fics, two in Harry’s POV that take place during the main one. The cufflinks one is my favorite, but the writing is so good that I even thoroughly enjoyed the third sub-fic that fleshed out an OC. So, so worth the read--all of it!
The Foundations!verse by Saras_Girl
All of the fics by Saras_Girl are great. You can’t go wrong with any of them. But Reparations, Foundations, and all the little one-shots after are my favorite. It honestly surprised me at first, because alcoholism is a trigger for me, but this fic actually helped me realize that it’s the addiction part, the fall to rock bottom that triggers me. Recovery stories are different. And, I guess, this one is a bit different in that, though it has plenty of characters recovering, Draco himself is actually in a healthy place and facilitating recovery without relapsing. Harry is a Healer in this one, which is not the usual, and I quite enjoy his other relationships in this ‘verse, as well. He, Ron, and Hermione’s friendship is great in this one (their pub nights crack me up), but I also really like Harry’s friends at St. Mungo’s. My second favorite Terry Boot ever, and two awesome OC chicks. And the process of Drarry going from can’t stand each other to in love is slow and prickly and yet really believable. Oh, and Harry and Narcissa’s relationship in this one is just fabulous.
Golden Age by zeitgeistic (faire_weather)
The Hufflepuff in me was bound to fall in love with this fic. I really enjoy Eighth Year fics, especially the ones that embrace inter-house unity (shouldn’t have taken them a war to see the need for that!). This one takes it to a new level when everyone in... I think it was 6th - 8th years were resorted at the welcome feast, and the whole 8th year dynamic is shaken up. Harry, Draco and Neville become Hufflepuffs; Hermione and Pansy become Ravenclaws; Ginny becomes a Slytherin; and somehow Ron and Blaise are the ones who stay in their houses because the hat thinks they are basically the uber Gryffindor and Slytherin. But with the rest of them, we get to see them embrace other facets of their personalities, which is super interesting. And then, after the resorting, we find out that Hufflepuffs have a whole different world going on that basically no one outside their house knows about, and that world is brilliant. Even Hufflepuff food in the Great Hall is different! Everyone would enjoy this story, I think, but if you are a ‘Puff, you really, truly should not miss it. And if you like this one, check out some of zeitgeistic’s other works. Her world building is fabulous.
Life skills outside the curriculum by Endrina
In this fic, Harry gets fed up with the Dursleys before his 11th birthday and runs away before he gets his Hogwarts letter. He ends up on the streets and somehow embraces this kind of instinctual magic that is really fascinating. A few years later, Draco runs away rather than get involved more closely with the Dark Lord, and of course they meet up. This whole fic is super compelling. Harry’s world view and the way people gravitate toward him even without chosen one status. Also, this fic has one of my favorite versions of Remus and Sirius ever. I really wish there was a part two that went in depth on everything that happened after the end of this one, but even on its own it is so worth the read. And everything is wrapped up. I’m just greedy and would’ve loved more. :-)
A Convenient Impracticality by @firethesound
This fic combines friends with benefits and fake dating into a really enjoyable story. Harry is so oblivious, but it all works out in the end. And Draco is a secret mastermind, but in a good way. So is Hermione. Unlike some of the other, angstier stories on my list, this one is so fun, and I love it. And if you like it, check out more of firethesound’s work, as well. It’s worth it!
you’ve got the antidote for me by kandakicksass
And then, back on the angst train, lol. Soulmates, red string of fate, rejected bond = terminal disease. Whew! There’s a lot to unpack in this one, but after I read it, I never forgot it. I read a lot of fic in a lot of fandoms, and I always know a story is going to become a favorite if it stands out so much that I remember it later and think about it. That surely happened here.
(We’ll Call This Fixer-Upper) Home by phdmama
This is one of the first fics I read on my first Drarry binge, and I’ve always remembered it. Just like I love Eighth Year and Hogwarts professor fics, I also love fics where they have really unexpected jobs--pretty much anything other than Aurors. In this one, Harry is an artist/photographer and Draco is an up-and-coming rock star. The music and art, the creativity is important in this fic, but it also really looks at Draco’s recovery after the war in ways I haven’t read since, and I’m also a sucker for our favorite characters actually addressing and recovering from their trauma. 
Boom Clap (The Sound of My Heart) by @femmequixotic and noeon (noe)
This fic takes the Eighth Year trope to the next level. Draco, Harry, Hermione, and some other faves are teaching fellows at Hogwarts. Junior professors, kind of. It read like if the HP crew went to college. And, of course, Draco and Harry fall in love along the way, but not without much angst and obliviousness. I really enjoy the Draco POV in this. His worries and anxieties feel so real for that stage in his life, but amped up because of the past. This was one I read, never forgot, and then had to go back and find so i could read it again.
So, those are my top 10, but there is lots of other good Drarry out there--both from these authors and all the others in the ship and the fandom. Thanks for all the writing you guys do.
Oh, and tagging @virtual-insomnia, but only because she said she might want to make some quarantine fic lists of her own. :-)
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thecursedhellblazer · 4 years
Boxing Day and Mistletoe for the December meme!
December Positivity meme || Accepting !
★ Boxing Day: tag someone whose writing style you love
(( Uuuh, I definitely have quite a few people to tag for this one. I had the luck to meet a fair number of very talented people on this hellsite, and being able to write with them is a blessing! And please consider this as a (alphabetical) list of recommendations! ))
@adventurepunks : ‘cause in this lair we love and cherish Bianca (who, aside from a great RP partner, has also found the will to become friends with me, something I am very grateful for). She honestly can write almost any sort of thread, from the silly or fluffy one, to action based threads, to heavy ones with introspection, and make each of them a great ride. Also, we allow each other to indulge in our macabre streak, which is a huge added bonus. And she’s a gal who knows her lore (so a rare kind).
@blizzardmuses : I love Bea and I love her portrayals. So far, I have RPed only with her female muses, but I’m sure that she can write her male muses just as well. I love how she’s able to give the right amount of personality and energy said muses deserve (which is rare considering that it’s much harder to find female muses in the rpc), both in what she has them do and in how she writes them (body language and dialogues). The vitality you can find in her writing is refreshing.
@cosmosfated : Yet another great writer. I’m not even sure where to start from. Their character is one of the most complex I’ve met so far and their writing style adapts perfectly to Fleur’s quirks and moods. They also manage to hint things in between the lines, without telling you all you’d like to know and leaving you wonder (much like their character does). Their replies are always so very lively, it’s a pleasure to receive them.
@rapxir : Katie is another amazing writer I have the luck to write with and a very good friend. Writing is her thing and it shows. Not only in her writing style, but also in the complexity of her character. She’s a very adaptable writer, so she can easily shift between different themes and fandoms too, no matter how different they are. Also, she manages to put a lot of attention in the psychology of her character, through writing small details of her reactions, and that’s a delightful way to learn about Ruby every time a bit more.
@thedemonconstantine : I’m pretty sure that a lot of people who follow this blog (and more) follow K’s too, so that doesn’t leave me much to say I guess. I’ll just quote something that someone said and on which I totally agree: K is the best when it comes to quick actions scenes. That’s pretty much almost set in stone xD
(( A special mention for @darkdabbling , whom I’m just starting to discover. I already love how detailed their writing is, full of introspection and elegant! I’m really looking forward to write with them properly! ))
★ Mistletoe: tag your shipping partners
(( I’ll be tagging again the people I mentioned in the other question, don’t mind me! Also, I’m including platonic ships too, ‘cause they are as important as the romantic ones! ))
@thedemonconstantine : John & Demon John are my bloody guilty pleasure and I’m so not getting over them any time soon (which is both a good and a very bad thing). I can’t remember the last time I got so invested in a ship, in all its shades. Besides those two twats, I have two of my fave platonic ships: Tim & John (and I have to thank K for allowing me to discover both them as a pair, full of parallels and with that mentor/pupil dynamic where you can’t tell who is what, and Timmy as a character) and Chas & John (love them in canon, love the additional we have created in our interactions. They deepened even more their not always healthy bond and I love their shenanigans). Special mention: John & Yoyo.
@adventurepunks : John & Nick are...complicated xD Under some points of view they are still sniffing each other and I love the slow burn we are building, with a step forward and then a few steps backwards. Seeing them getting to know each other, learning how to deal with their differences, bonding...and we all know how it ends (sweet tragedy). Also, John & Zee! We still haven’t developed them as much as the blokes, but I already enjoy their bantering and soft friendship. I can’t wait to work on them too. And of course, the thruple dynamics (which is still a work in progress). Special mention: Francis.
@thegreenxrcher : John & Oliver are another of my main ships on this blog. They are my fault, I’ll confess it, but it seems that all has turned out well, so I’m proud of it xD They really compliment each other, with both their differences and similarities. John also has an odd dynamic with Shar’s demon OC...and I’m curious to see where that will go.
@rapxir : Ah, Ruby, John’s other unofficially adopted kid. I love the parallels between them and how protective they are of each other, even if they bicker a lot and poke each other, hiding their real shared affection. They are just...so good for each other. And they totally deserve each other xD Special mention; Bump.
@blizzardmuses : John & Kori make me crying in all the possible sense of the term. She is the sort of friend John needs, with her unshakable hope and all her efforts to see the bright side. At the same time, John can definitely teach her how to see and deal with the darkest sides of life. Plus, they have a lot trauma in common and that alone is fated to bring them together.
@paradiseturnedhell : John & T’s Nick are quite the odd pair. Enemies and friends, adversaries and lovers, hunter and prey (and this last two roles get switched often). I enjoy the different dynamics they have and how their relationship slowly shift towards one side or the other. It opens a lot of interesting doors!
@obsessionsarenotforheroes : Miss T again, this time John & Jessica. They got so close and so...soft with each other, and I was not expecting it. They found in each other the kind of friend they needed and that makes me so happy, tbh. I might have a preference for angst (which these two offer in abundance), but it’s nice to see them helping each other out of their respective abysses too.
@cosmosfated : John & Fleur are...something else. I wouldn’t know how to describe their relationship and it’s pretty clear that they don’t know for sure either...which makes things even more interesting. I absolutely love how they can go from being complete idiots to completely serious, and all there’s in-between. They are unpredictable and that’s all part of the fun.
@xstabcastx : John & Ava are definitely my fave BrOTP from the Arrowverse adaptation. As much as I love John & Sara’s friendship, Lina made me fall in love with our two idiots. They are such an unlikely pair of friends and that makes them perfect x3
@laughter-in-white : I honestly don’t know what to say about John & Croptop!J aside from the fact that they are fuckin’ hilarious x'D They are yet another unlikely pair, perhaps the most unlikely, and yet, at the same time, they have more in common than they realise. And the fact that the mun’s portrayal is a delight in general just make it all much, much better!
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Soul of a Warrior. Chapter 16: Calm Before The Storm
Fandom: The Witcher
Ship: Jaskier x Nissa (OC)
Previous Chapter - Chapter Index - Next Chapter
Please reblog and leave a comment, it would make my day!
Our relationship doesn’t change much, and at the same time, it changes drastically. We still flirt, we still joke and we are still extremely close and touchy. The only true difference is that we now openly kiss. Then how is it that our entire dynamic feels different? Is it because of the simple knowledge that the intense burning feelings are reciprocated? Is that why I can’t get enough of Jaskier? I feel closer to him than I have ever felt with anyone, and his mere presence makes me happier than I ever thought I could be. His touch alone heals the past wounds with the graze of his fingers. It makes me smile as he suddenly pulls me in closer and traps me in an embrace that I have no intention in escaping.
“Come here, angel” He says as he repeatedly kisses my face all over. My cheek, my temple, my jaw, my eyelids, the corner of my lips, just anywhere he can reach. It seems as though he can’t get enough of me either. I giggle at his endless and tireless adoring touches.
Geralt, ahead of us, loudly grunts in a clear complaint to our blatant displays of affection.
“Do that again” I tell Jaskier, and he loses no time in returning to his amorous ministrations.
“You love it, don’t you?” He smirks against my cheek, but I squeeze his hands on my stomach to claim his attention.
“I do, and by all means don’t stop” I tease him, earning a confused look from him. “But I was referring to the other thing”
“Oh” Jaskier bashfully laughs, begrudgingly quitting his kisses even if his arms linger.
There are many things I know about Jaskier. That dusk is his favorite time of the day. That he fidgets his fingers when he is nervous. That he often talks in his sleep. That he wrote his first song when he was eighteen. As it turns out, however, I have so much more to learn about him. For example, that his real name is Julian Alfred Pankratz, even if I will still always call him Jaskier, or otherwise, stupid bard. Another of the incredible facts I have learned about him is that he does a flawless Geralt of Rivia impression. I try not to gather the witcher’s attention as I muffle my laughter at Jaskier’s growling voice. He sounds exactly like Geralt.
“Fuck…” Jaskier says now, emulating the witcher’s deadpan voice to perfection.
I have to cover my mouth with my hand not to laugh out loud. Even so, I hide my face on his shoulder to suffocate the badly contained giggling. If Geralt discovers us, it will unleash his anger. Knowing this, Jaskier is having lots of fun making me laugh and putting me in his radar.
“What are you laughing at?” Geralt doesn’t bother to stop walking or even glance at us.
Jaskier takes a breath, prepared to reply, and so I quickly cover his mouth with my hand. Whatever he was about to say, I know him well enough to realize it is better if it doesn’t reach Geralt’s ears.
“Nothing” I innocently say, and the witcher only grunts in annoyance.
These few days, and much to Geralt’s vexation, Jaskier and I have been inseparable, quite literally so, as our hands seem to permanently be fused together. Our fingers always find each other to easily press our palms together, just like they do right now. Jaskier and I exchange a look and lowly giggle together. This childish energy continues on as we murmur and follow after Geralt.
After several more days of travel, we have finally reached Cintra. Everything has regained a feeling of normalcy after we visited Mousesack, Geralt’s druid friend, and he helped us recover our horses as well as our belongings left behind. After that, Geralt accepted a witcher job that we decided to join him in. I still can’t believe we have convinced Jaskier to accompany us, or rather, I have. Kader’s spirit seems to have taken over me as I find myself understanding his yearning for adventure more and more, as well as his fascination for the witcher’s job after all that we have experienced together.
A subtle shift in the ambience warns me that we are getting close. It feels eerie and heavy. Jaskier seems to feel it too, because his feet halt and his hand squeezes mine. Watching the witcher, I think of the quickest most absurd way to distract my preoccupied lover.
“Don’t you ever get the urge to braid Geralt’s hair?” I whisper to him, to which he chuckles. Jaskier has no problem in following along with my silliness as he stares at Geralt as well.
“I wish I knew how to braid”
“I could teach you”
“Really, you would do that for me? You’re so kind”
“It’s not every day I get to teach the great Jaskier something”
“Are you flirting with me, Nissa?”
“I am, thanks for noticing”
The witcher doesn’t stop walking, but he interrupts us again when we start giggling.
“What are you two muttering?” He turns to us, and I cringe a bit at the sight.
“Shit, I forgot about his eyes” I avert my gaze, finding the change jarring.
“Oh, gosh!” Jaskier exclaims himself at the sight of Geralt’s frightening black eyes. “I will never get used to that”
Surely, Geralt took the elixir knowing how dark it would be inside the crypt. Nonetheless, a part of me believes the witcher was having a bit of fun by taking the potion beforehand, precisely for Jaskier’s amusing reaction.
“We’re here” Indeed, I catch a glimpse of a smirk on Geralt’s lips. “Are you coming in?”
Now that we have arrived, I hesitate. Even from the outside, I can tell it is pitch black inside, and I can’t imagine myself navigating the dark crypt. Strange sounds reach my ears even from afar. Geralt won’t be facing only ghouls, as I believed. Imagining myself in there, I already feel the chills creeping up my neck. That place will be swarming with spiders, which would be the least of my concerns. I can picture the dread and paranoia as I blindly advance the claustrophobic rooms. For a change, I have no need to subject myself to that.
“Uh, no” Jaskier mutters for me. “No, we will wait for you here, thank you very much”
He firmly grasps my hand as he vehemently shakes his head. Perhaps he is worried that I might still run after Geralt. I no longer have any intention to do so.
“Good” Geralt absently rests his hand against the medallion hanging from his neck and then unsheathes his sword. “Stay here”
“Geralt?” My eyes quickly fall upon the pitch darkness inside the crypt before settling over his burly figure once more. “Be careful”
Geralt nods his head and faces his back to us. Before he enters, however, a growl echoes from the depths of the crypt. His shoulders grow tense and he pauses for a moment.
“Fuck” I mouth, just as Geralt speaks the word. Jaskier laughs and kisses me in the cheek.
As the witcher immerses himself into the crypt, I turn to my beloved. His bright grin awaits me as it rests against my jaw now. The butterflies return in anticipation, and although I truly enjoy his lips traveling down my neck, I take a deep breath to focus and quiet down my racing heart. We are both eager to make up for lost time, but not yet. Not now. We must take this opportunity to train again. We have been during every break in order to teach Jaskier some self-defense techniques. Or rather, I have while Geralt watches him fumble with the dagger in amusement.
“Jaskier…” I pipe up, mustering all my willpower to ask him to move away.
“If you tell me you don’t like it, I will stop” He replies against my neck, with a cocky hint to his voice.
“Oi” I push him away from me, although reluctantly. “I have something else in mind”
“Do you now?” He smirks, especially so when my hand sneaks past his doublet. “Oh, yes, show me then”
I then pull the dagger that he clings to his waistband. It is a relief to see he still carries it with him. As the realization hits, Jaskier groans in exasperation and hides his face in my neck. His warmth is enveloping and comfortable, but I must resist him.
“Ugh… please, no…” He miserably covers his face with his hands. “Not again, Nissa…”
I watch him without batting an eye. After a bit, he shows his face again. To further entice me, he shows me those trained puppy eyes and pouts his bottom lip. When I calmly shake my head at him, he runs a hand through his thick brown hair and huffs in resignation.
“Honestly, Nissa” He takes my hand as a last resort. “It’s so tedious and dull, I much rather be doing something else with you”
“You need to know how to defend yourself” I offer him the dagger, and although he eyes it, he refuses to take it. “I don’t want you getting hurt again, Jas”
Jaskier sighs, rolling his eyes with such fervor that I fear they might get stuck on his skull. Then, however, he sighs and his vexed exasperation turns to fond admiration as he watches me.
“I won’t” His arms fall around me, yet in a different manner they usually do. He is now using a lock I have taught him, securing the grip by holding his own wrist. It keeps me pinned against him. “So what happens if I refuse?”
“That’s daring” I push a hand against his chest, though he does not budge and instead tightens his hold on me. Now I have no space to move as our fronts are pressed together. “Especially given that I am armed and you are not”
“You can never hurt me” He is cocky enough to not only whisper those words, but to also lean his mouth dangerously close to mine as he does.
“Do you have a death wish, stupid bard?” I lean the tip of the dagger below his chin.
Jaskier cocks an eyebrow, and although he doesn’t move, the smugness lingers on his lips. There we stand, not moving an inch. His mouth is still dangerously close to mine. It would be terribly easy to kiss him, and the offer is far too tempting. He knows this and smirks.
Of course I would never hurt him. I just hoped he had the decency of pretending this was a real fight. It is completely useless given that he is determined not to train now. As well as the fact that I cannot resist him no matter how hard I try. I glare at him, though he holds my gaze as I lower the weapon. He nods his head, satisfied, and drops his arms. His bright smile returns with ease as he stares at me. When I shake my head at him, he plops down in a big boulder and pouts at me from below.
“Why don’t you just sit here instead?” He suggestively pats his lap. “Rest for a bit, darling”
“I mean it, Jaskier” I roll my eyes at him despite the smile that tugs at the corners of my lips. A similar gesture plays on his even as he pushes my hand away, and with it the dagger. “You need to keep learning and-“
“Then why don’t you have Geralt teach me, hm?”
“Because I need an excuse to be this close to you”
“You don’t need any excuses”
I yelp as he unexpectedly takes ahold of my hips and pulls me down into his lap. He lovingly squeezes me against him and nuzzles my neck. I have found my sides aren’t the only tickling spot, as the back of my shoulders grows tingly with his touch.
“Don’t…” I try to convince myself that training is more important than this, although less pleasurable. “Jas…”
“Don’t?” He laughs as he moves to delicately kiss the bit of skin exposed in my shoulder. “Don’t what?”
“You know what, Jaskier…” My arms find their way around his neck as I give in and pull him closer against me. I clench my jaw when he smugly smirks against me.
“Just relax, Nis” With his words, I heave a deep breath and lay my head on his shoulder.
I have been a bit tense ever since he got hurt. Honestly, it terrifies me that I may not be able to heal him again if he were to be injured once more. All this stress melts away, however, when his nimble fingers sink into my hair. I close my eyes and lose myself in the feeling of his loving caresses.
“Aren’t you tired?” His tender voice nearly lulls me to sleep, as I am indeed fatigued. “You’ve got many visits lately”
“People need healers, just like they need witchers”
“And bards, as well”
“Do they now? What do you do, dear bard?”
“I, my lovely Nissa” He pauses dramatically. “Bring joy and cheer to the hearts of people by means of song”
“Do you?” Our gazes meet, and when they do, I cock an eyebrow at him.
“Why, of course!” Jaskier frowns in response. I can only laugh as I tease him more.
“Do you really think of your music so highly?” I hold on to his nape as I move my mouth dangerously close to his. He takes a deep breath, though he gulps as he glances down to my lips. I smirk, but don’t move.
“Don’t you start it too” Now he is the one trying to distance himself from me, holding a finger up. “Geralt complains about my songs, like he doesn’t enjoy them. You both love them, don't you dare deny it”
“We don’t” A laugh escapes me when he gasps and gawks at me.
“Nis-“ Before he can complain, I silence him with a kiss. My hand cups his cheek, and my thumb caresses him to confirm that I wasn’t serious in my taunting, even if he already knows.
Our lips move in sync, hungry for each other’s taste, as we cling on to the other’s body. The sound of our love, translated into kisses, fills the silent environment. My lungs start burning and begging for oxygen, and only then do I break away from him. Our eyes meet and we smile. We laugh together. I have been missing these brief intimate moments. We stop to rest too sparingly, and even when we do Geralt is not too keen on putting up with our affection.
I accommodate myself against his lap, overcome with that feeling of happiness once more. If we hadn’t been a pair of idiots, we could have had this sooner, though perhaps destiny meant it to happen this way... to ensure it was the right moment, that we were properly prepared to reach this part in our relationship. Perhaps we needed to be separated for a bit in order to get here.
As he repeatedly pecks my jaw, I giggle and lock my arms around his neck. Jaskier’s lips suddenly latch to my neck once more, more passionately than before. Heat arrives to my cheek and spreads down my body, filling me within and leaving me breathless.
“Jaskier!” I call him in outrage between ragged breaths.
“Hm?” He only asks, not stopping his ministrations.
“Geralt will return any moment” I remind him when his mouth and hands start growing hungry. The downside of our wait is the fact that our passion now overflows as we had been repressing it for so long.
Jaskier complies and only nuzzles my neck instead. I sigh in relief, instructing my accelerated heart to quiet down. The torture of being with him without being with him had been unbearable for me too. The more I think about it, the more I wonder how I had enough restraint not to throw myself at him. Perhaps the fear of rejection was too great. I smile in content and forget about all that. We are here now, together.
Returning to our previous position, his hand is in my hair once more. I shove my face in the crook of his neck as he caresses me and lowly starts singing an improvised tune.
“You’re going to put me to sleep…” He has definitely done a good job in soothing my anguish. I feel completely relaxed, nearly lulled to slumber with the marvelous sound of his beautiful voice. Jaskier laughs.
The short pause that follows foretells mischief. I never find out why. Something heavily suddenly drops next to us. I jump in alarm, and Jaskier yelps as well. Confused, the both of us look to see a ghoul head on the ground. Geralt walks to reunite with us, saving his sword.
“Bloody hell…” Jaskier’s hand moves to rest against his chest.
“You have a twisted sense of humor, witcher” I tell him, averting my eyes from the sight.
“Don’t do that!” Jaskier absently ushers me off his lap to stand up and scold him. “You scared me out of my wits, Geralt!”
The witcher smirks a bit, staring at me. Although he startled me too, I must admit it was quite funny. Jaskier, however, is going on about how rude it was and how Geralt is a brute.
“Good to know you have my back, Jaskier” He teases him in a deadpan voice. The bard follows after him when Geralt heads back towards the horses.
“I mean it, Geralt!” Jaskier continues speaking nonsense. “How would you-?”
Calm throughout his melodrama, I take him by the shirt and pull him against me. When my lips smash against his, he breathes out and it doesn’t take long for him to melt into the kiss. I smile, and he puts a hand on my side to squeeze it. Giggling to his retaliation, I pull away and grin at him.
“How did you do that?” Geralt quickly turns to us.
“Do what?” I separate myself from Jaskier, even if my hand lingers over his shirt and plays with his chest hair.
“Shut him up” The witcher watches us intently, and I have to purse my lips in amusement.
“I kissed him” I don’t say that I did so just to, in fact, shut him up. It’s clear for our friend.
“Hm” Geralt turns back around and continues walking. “Maybe it’s not so bad after all…”
“Unbelievable!” Jaskier takes my hand off him and scowls at me. “By all means, speak your mind about how insufferable you think I am, Nissa, you-“
I kiss him again, smirking against his lips. Jaskier melts into the exchange once more. Both his hands fly to my waist in an automatic gesture. I show him an angelical smile as we pull away and he grins like a fool.
“Heh...” Jaskier cutely wrinkles his nose at me. “Had I known I was so irresistible, I…”
“Yes?” I encourage him when he stops himself.
“Wait, did you just do it again?” When I push my face against his shoulder to suffocate my laughter, he insistently pats the small of my back. “Oi, answer me, Nissa!”
I press my lips together, trying not to laugh. I know it will only earn me his never ending outrage. It becomes a hard task when Geralt grins at the bard’s outraged ramblings.
Another city, another inn. After so long, they all start blurring together. The only real proof of the passing of time is the situation we are in. The first inn welcomed us as nearly strangers. Then we were companions and almost friends. Now… well, now things are very different. As well as a strengthening of our bonds, there is another change. Precariousness hangs in the air. We have been evading the subject, yet that won’t make the problem disappear. We must face it and do something about it.
Geralt nods his head, hidden under his hood, and quietly occupies a table in the corner of the tavern. Jaskier and I make our way towards the reception, knowing what we are to do. My stomach churns in anticipation as we reach the weary innkeeper.
“Hello, good sir” Jaskier starts, making use of his particular charm. “We are looking for someone, can you help us?”
“Who?” The man replies, glancing from one to the other.
I approach the counter to address him. I have to make a conscious effort not to look at Geralt waiting at the table. Even if he is wearing the hooded cape, I worry for him.
“A group of treasure hunters” I continue, which Jaskier allows me. “Most of them have brown hair. One of them has a big scar on his jaw, here”
As soon as I point a finger to my own face, the barkeeper squints and nods. By the disgust in his eyes, I can tell he has definitely encountered them.
“A bunch of scoundrels” Indeed, he nods his head. “As far as I know, they headed for the outskirts”
Jaskier and I share a look of understanding. A sinking feeling reaches my stomach.
“Will there be anything else?” The man asks us, and Jaskier is quick to answer.
“Three tankards of your best ale, please” Expertly hiding his restlessness, he leans on the counter.
We take the mugs, thanking the innkeeper, and return with Geralt. My head boils with thoughts. They are still here. Perhaps we can anticipate their next assault by attacking first. The three of us are done hiding and willing to face it.
“They’re at the outskirts” Jaskier says as he sits in front of Geralt and hands him the ale.
“They might have a hideout there” His voice projects from the depths of the cape.
“I hate to be a downer, but we are actively seeking those who want to kill us and nearly succeeded many times” The bard sighs, gesticulating quite a lot as he rests his hands over the table. “Are we sure this is a good idea?”
“What is our other option?” I don’t like this anymore than he does, but we have to retaliate. “Let them kill us? Sit by and wait to be slaughtered?”
Jaskier watches me in silence, pressing his lips together in unease.
“We’ll go to the outskirts first thing tomorrow” Geralt’s golden eyes shine slightly under the cape. “We need to be well rested and prepared”
“And uh… what is my role here?” Jaskier asks, looking from me to him. “A distraction? I can do that”
I smirk, and although I'm about to tease him, I wish he could just stay behind where he is safe. However, just like Geralt, he is involved in this. Those men made sure of it when they injured him. It isn’t only a personal matter to me because of Kader. Those bastards made it personal for them too.
“You just be pretty and stay quiet” I move the mug close to my lips to drink. “Although the last part might be hard for you”
“I’ll show you, you little minx” Jaskier passionately mutters between grit teeth. Then he whispers something in my ear, something that causes me to blush violently and choke on my beverage. The bastard sniggers when I start coughing.
“I don’t want to know” Geralt lets his eyes wander, finding interest in anything other than us. “Stop that already”
Even as he pats my back to aid me in my recovery from choking on the ale, Jaskier smirks.
“I…” My attempt to regain my composure fails, and I have to wait several more seconds until my voice obeys my command. “If you will excuse me, I’m off to take a bath”
I stand up without waiting for any responses. In any case, I have a faint idea of what Jaskier’s might be. And I prefer he doesn’t say it in front of Geralt.
I absently dry my hair with the towel, letting my thoughts wander. I’m not focusing on anything in particular, but I still get slightly startled when the door opens behind me.
“Hey, Jas” I smile at him when he languidly comes in.
“Hello, my love” There is a mischievous grin plastered in his lips.
“What is it?” I stop the motion of my hands, leaving my wet hair to dry on its own. As he advances towards me, his expression only intensifies. “Do you have mischief on your mind?”
Jaskier approaches me, and now his smirk acquires a mysterious glow. I wish I was psychic like Hana always said. That way I could read his mind right this moment.
“Not exactly” He ceremoniously takes the towel from my hands and carelessly tosses it over his shoulder.
“What are you doing?” I observe him under the dim light filtering through the window to my right. Only the little sunlight left, as it turns to night, illuminates his features.
Jaskier now smiles sweetly, as though the light wasn’t making his profile attractive enough.
“Nothing, I just missed you” He shrugs a bit, but I’m not quite buying his innocent act.
Indeed, he puts his arms around me and brings me close. I rest my hands on his chest, ready to push him back if he gets cocky, which he might. We remain silent while we stare into each other’s eyes.
“I only took a bath” I scoff, playfully wrinkling my nose at him. “We saw each other no more than ten minutes ago, you-“
His lips interrupt me when they hungrily seek mine. My eyes close on their own. I lose the ability to breathe. My body automatically responds to the kiss, deepening it as he does. It brings me back to that moment outside the crypt, making it harder to ignore my desire for much longer. My hands fly to his nape, bringing him impossibly close to me. His hands against the small of my back do too, even if there is no space at all between our bodies. Our mouths dance in sync, drinking from each other’s essence. I feel so connected to him that I almost think our hearts are synchronized as well. Jaskier is breathless, and he begrudgingly leaves my mouth for oxygen. I take a deep breath myself, feeling my heart racing and my breathing erratic. But he doesn’t stop there. He quickly goes for my neck. He seems to have special fondness for that spot. When the butterflies appear in my stomach, my brain gives an alarm. I’m enjoying Jaskier’s lips on my neck, perhaps a little too much, which is why I nervously push him away. He gawks at me, his mouth still frozen in the position for a kiss.
“What’s the matter, Nissa?” He asks, showcasing that puppy look in his beautiful blue eyes.
“You sneaky little shit…” I chuckle in awe, understanding what his intentions were. Especially when I have to take a second to calm down, and his red cheeks tell the same tale.
“What do you mean, love?” The bard still looks innocently at me, so I give him a soft glare.
“You know exactly what I mean”
“You don’t… you don’t want to do that?”
He has turned more serious, noticing my hesitance. I sigh, conflicted about my own emotions. There are many reasons why I am unsure.
Firstly, what awaits us tomorrow feels too important to focus on anything else. I fear that, if we were to trespass that threshold, it would be more due to the fear of losing our chance than because we desire to do it. We know the dangers that lay at the outskirts.
Secondly, the matter is more personal than just the possibility of meeting an early end. It had been so long since last time. Thinking about that moment also brings Vizima to mind. It reminds me how much has occurred since I last was this intimate with someone, how love and sex had completely left my mind when more important things, like grief or loss, occupied my thoughts and my soul.
Jaskier’s hands, which had been firmly settled on my hips, leave me completely. The absence of his touch makes me feel cold and empty. I shiver, unsure if because of the low room temperature or the conflict within me.
“We don’t…” He scrunches his face in a carefree gesture. “We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, I…”
My finger goes to rest against his lips, efficiently silencing him. We stare at each other for a moment. His eyebrows arch in surprise and anticipation.
“It’s not that…” My hands slid down his neck and over his shoulders. This encourages him to rest his on my back, returning to that warm touch. “I just don’t want that to be the only thing between us now. I don’t want our relationship to be only that”
“Nis…” The nickname warns me of a light-hearted response. He adorably tilts his head as well, staring at me fondly. “You know I don’t want just that either. I fell for you, all of you. Not just what you can give me”
“Well, I-“
“I wasn’t finished!”
“Go on then, silly”
“Do you want to know when I knew I was inevitably in love with you?”
“Back when you so wittily verbally retaliated against me for calling you a delicate flower”
“Jaskier... that’s the day after we met”
“And you waited all this time to court me”
“I wasn’t waiting, I continuously tried to-“
“No, you didn’t! How was I to know your endless and obvious adoration was genuine?”
We both laugh when I begrudgingly take most of the blame. Only most of it.
“I’ll tell you how. I promise you something, Nissa… your heart is safe with me”
“I…” His earnest emotional response surprises me for a moment. “I bet you tell that to everyone”
Jaskier grins in amusement to my teasing. His pretty eyes twinkle as he watches me fondly. It only fuels my desire to taunt him, so I peck his lips and retreat immediately after. He groans in quite a needy whine.
Delicate flower… I smirk to myself at the thought that I proved him wrong. And I proved him right. Perhaps I can be a delicate flower, but as he once said, roses are flowers with thorns.
“H-Hang on… Jaskier…” I gasp when I am hit with realization. “That day… Delicate Flower… That song…”
Jaskier grins. Even that gesture is breathtaking. He arches his eyebrows and vehemently nods his head. For a moment, watching his smug grin, I forget what we were talking about.
“Thank you for noticing, love” He playfully kisses me on the nose. “It took you a bit”
“Is that why it took you so long to write it?” It is my turn to smirk, and he blushes a tad.
Jaskier doesn’t reply. In fact, his eyes look anywhere but me. I laugh and slap his shoulder.
“What’s the matter, Jas?” I teasingly say, squeezing his arm. “You seem flustered”
Jaskier now stares into my eyes. His gaze is piercing, intense. When he opens his mouth to reply, his tone is hushed and tender.
“How to express what my heart yearned to say? There was no way to show how I feel about you. Even now that the song is finished… it doesn’t quite explain all these wonderful things you make me feel”
The tables are turned when I am now flustered myself. His sweet smile, reinforcing his genuine words, only makes matters worse. Nonetheless, I tilt my chin up and recover.
“If you’re so smitten, then explain that entrance, you cheeky bard” I try to hide my nervousness by teasing him, poking his shoulder. “Did you harbor pure thoughts then?”
“I will admit” He smirks, responding to my provocation. Nonetheless, his hand gives my waist a comforting squeeze. “I had only one thing in mind, but… you were in the bath”
“You… ugh” When I feel myself turning several shades redder, I plop my forehead against his chest. Jaskier chuckles, delicately tangling his fingers in my wet hair.
“Fine, you perv-” As soon as we are face to face again, he lifts one finger and leans it against my lips. His soft expression shocks me. It is softer than I have seen in a while.
“Do you want to?” He insists, slowly retracting his finger so I can speak.
“I do”
“But!” I hold my hand up, causing him to arch his eyebrows in expectation. “You better treat me right still after, Jas, or I will-“
He interrupts my flimsy joking threat with a kiss, showcasing the sweetest of touches yet. My eyes flutter closed and I happily shiver. I hang on to him, pressing myself against his chest as close as I can. Our lips meet again and again with feather light pressure. Delicately.
Jaskier slowly breaks away, and I open my eyes to look at him.
“I love you, Nissa” He suddenly says. I gawk at Jaskier, as he said it so confidently. There are no doubts in his mind whatsoever that what he says is true, that his feelings are real and strong. I have the conviction that so are mine.
Unaware that I have been holding my breath, I let it out. His brows knit in concern, though I smile reassuringly. A timid grin grows on his lips as well.
“And I love you too, my stupid bard” I say in return, caressing his face. Saying those words feels right. Voicing those feelings is freeing, cathartic. It finally feels as though I have confessed what gnawed at me for far too long.
Jaskier sighs with a mixture of relief and glee. A bright smile grows on his mouth. He leans in, and just as his lips are brushing against mine, I halt. The moment somehow feels familiar. He stares at me in awe.
“Why does it feel like I have said it before?”
“Because…” Jaskier pauses for a brief moment, showcasing a smug smirk. “You said it before”
“Oh, no… that day... I forgot about it…” I hide in his chest in embarrassment. He kisses my hair, even if the bastard is laughing as his lips linger on my head.
“You didn’t believe me” Jaskier says to further tease me. “And you started sobbing”
I chuckle in spite of myself, and shiver when he returns to kiss me. My breath shakes in my chest as he busies his mouth with my neck.
“I'm glad..." I can hardly speak as the butterflies intensify and spread the heat of passion within me. "That my embarrassment is amusing to you”
As soon as I lock eyes with him, we both laugh together. Jaskier then wiggles his eyebrows at me. A mischievous laugh is all warning I get before he kisses me on the lips again. I just melt right into it, into his arms. Against his mouth. I even find myself giggling as we both stumble in our passionate stupor and fall together onto the bed.
Tag list: @x-joie-x​ / @x-jodi-x​ / @dancingwith-thesunflowers​ / @golden-guide​ / @alwayshave-faith​ / @this-is-whump-dammit​ / @legallyblindgamer727​ / @lilyevans1​ / @kingniazx​ / @molethemollie / @a-somehow-functioning-dumbass // Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list to be notified when I post next chapter!!
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enchantedbride · 4 years
Get to Know A Little About Joey’s Self-Ships!: Lucifer/Obey Me!Joey
So I’ve talked a little about my main ship (which I made do a little follow-up post for since have a Human!Joanna AU for Three Houses). 
But! The next ship I’m going to talk about is my newest ship and the one I’m currently hyperfixating on at the time of writing this. 
Tagging: @goldenworldsabound, @foreveryours-mouse
Lucifer/Joey Andrews (also known as Obey Me!Joey)
Note: Lucifer from Obey Me! does share his name and part of his backstory with the biblical/Christian figure Lucifer. I myself was raised in a Christian household, so my upbringing initially made me feel very weird and uncomfortable about my attraction to the Obey Me! character Lucifer.  However, I eventually realized (thanks to support from my best friend and what I remembered learning growing up) that Obey Me!Lucifer and biblical Lucifer share little in common aside from those two major points. And eventually I became comfortable with it because to me, Obey Me!Lucifer (and the characters/world of Obey Me! in general) are kind of their own thing. 
And honestly? This ship has turned out to be crazy therapeutic for me. But also, I just really loved some of the stuff I’ve come up with for it concept wise.
(Warning for a Death Mention and talk of demons and angels below the cut, but otherwise there are no major warnings I can think to put atm.)
So to start off with, while Obey Me! has a pre-built self-insert for the player in the form of the MC, I didn’t really like the backstory/lore and story arc associated with the MC as far as making my own self-insert was concerned. So, Obey Me!Joey is a separate character from the MC with her own backstory and character arc and interactions. The MC is still a character though, just an OC instead of self-insert (whom I named Katherine or ‘Kat’ for short). And I did wind up messing around somewhat with the plot too to make everything work.
So, Joey is one of three human students sent to the Devildom (where demons live) as part of the Royal Academy of Diavolo’s exchange program with the human world and Celestial Realm (the academy to my understanding is supposed to resemble a college/university). The exchange program was pioneered by Diavolo, Prince of the Devildom and head of the academy’s student council, in hopes to build positive relationships and understanding between demons, humans and angels.  
However, because she and Kat seem to be ordinary humans with no magic powers to protect themselves, rather than having them live with the third human exchange student and the three angelic exchange students from the Celestial Realm, Joey and Kat are instead assigned to live in the House of Lamentation. The house to the seven members of RAD’s student council (aside from Diavolo), including Prince Diavolo’s right hand man, Lucifer. 
Lucifer and Joey are both people who tend to push themselves quite hard, often neglecting to take care of themselves in pursuit of their goals. But they can and will go out of their way for others. They both deal with a lot of shame and concerns about how they appear to others, but the way it manifests in each of them in completely different. It causes them to grate against each other in the beginning, especially when compounded with the ways in which they’re different. But, over time the both of them come to deeply affect one another, and not just because of developing romantic feelings, but because they force each other to reevaluate themselves and their own perspectives. 
During the course of the year Joey is to spend at the academy, a terrible conflict breaks out between demons who support and oppose Diavolo’s exchange program. Joey attempts to protect Lucifer, Diavolo, and one of her fellow exchange students and loses her life in the process. 
However, she returns to life as an angel, and not only does she cope with the trauma of death and coming back to life, but she has to cope with her new life changing in a lot of dramatic ways. And, instead of returning to the human world, she instead is to go with the angels to the Celestial Realm at the end of her stay in the Devildom.
And as for Lucifer, he worries about not only her well-being, but what what might become of their relationship once she leaves for the Celestial Realm. 
How to best summarize their dynamic:
Lucifer doesn’t like to admit it, but Joey has him wrapped around her little finger. But even if he won’t admit it, it’s obvious from his behavior. He’d do just about anything for her. She not only challenges his perspective and changes him, but she gives him the sort of affection, validation, and space to be honest and vulnerable he has gotten from few others. He loves spoiling her when they have a chance to spend time alone together and when they’re not alone he enjoys keeping her close at hand if he can, as often as he can.
Joey’s perspective is also challenged in kind, and she receives from Lucifer a lot of care and affection that were sorely missing from her life. She is confronted with tempering her kindness and compassion with being able to think of herself and her own needs, and to develop a strength of heart to confront things she didn’t think she had the courage to face. She likes helping Lucifer step away from his work so he can rest once in a while, and to coax him to be honest, vulnerable and to treat other’s with more respect than he initially does. 
They both care for each other, and are strongly affectionate and devoted to each other. They butt heads quite a bit, though. But, usually they are able to resolve their conflicts, even the longer-lived ones.
Some Lucifer/Joey Facts: 
Part way through her stay in the Devildom, while she was still human, Lucifer and Joey made a pact as a guard against the possibility of those who opposed Diavolo and the exchange program gaining a hold magic that could allow them to control Lucifer and his brothers and turn them unwillingly against Diavolo. This pact dissolved when Joey died as a human and became an angel.
Joey doesn’t like Lucifer calling her ‘Master’ (a human who makes a pact with a demon is technically their ‘master’ for the duration of the pact). Lucifer sometimes refers to her as such in order to tease her, but only when the two of them are in private. 
Lucifer initially doesn’t like video games, but he becomes somewhat interested in strategy games after Joey slowly introduces him to them, starting with virtual chess and working her way up to a Devildom game that’s similar to Fire Emblem but has a PVP component somewhat similar to Fates. 
Lucifer winds up teaching Joey a bit about the plants that grow in the Devildom because of his interest in gardening. She can’t take care of all of his plants for him, but she can help out with a couple of them if he’s got a lot of work to do.
Cerberus (Lucifer’s dog) likes, trusts, and is very friendly towards Joey. 
Lucifer also teaches her some of the basics of being an angel after she dies and comes back as one, revealing some pieces of his time in the Celestial Realm that he normally would be reluctant to share with others.
Joey considers herself a pretty good cook. Lucifer disagrees. In his opinion, she is an excellent cook. 
I headcanon that Lucifer is actually fairly decent at mending clothing in a pinch and has fixed a couple articles of Joey’s clothing in the past. 
Joey also encourages Lucifer to be more respectful of people’s boundaries and to ask for things more often rather than demand them. He’s gotten better about this with several folks (Joey being the person he’s best about it with), but it’s trickier when it comes to his brothers since they tend not to listen to him unless he’s being a dick. It’s a work in progress. 
Simeon was Lucifer’s wingman and Diavolo was Joey’s wingman for Lucifer and Joey getting together. 
Simeon’s The Seven Lords novels are based on Lucifer and his brothers, and he eventually added a character based on Joey (named Lady Fortitude) whose in a relationship with Lucifer’s stand in character in the series, the Lord of Corruption. 
Joey becomes one of the few people besides Diavolo who can get through to Lucifer when he’s in a rage. Initially, she can only keep him talking long enough for Diavolo to come and calm him down, but as she and Lucifer get closer, she gains the ability to calm him down herself. 
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beyondthetemples · 5 years
Multimuse RP questions!
{{ I couldn’t figure out which RP blog to stick these on (since I have like. nine), so I figured I’d just skip to the Answering Part over here. =w=
Found here: https://memesfortheroleplayerssoul.tumblr.com/post/163688858676
is there a muse that you wish gets more attention? Honestly? Dove. There are a couple of people who've said they love reading about her, and I'm so absolutely eternally delighted for them, too deeply appreciative for words! A couple friends I met via rping her, and a couple friends I met in Certain discord servers, but that's about it anymore. But she's my baby, you know? I love her, she's amazing, and I wish more people took the time to write stories with her, because she just has so much potential! I mean, yeah, for angst of course, but also for healing and comfort, for action and fantasy, for mystical and mundane plots alike. She's so multi-faceted and fascinating to explore, I just... well, maybe it's more selfish in that I need help exploring some of the more mundane stuff with her. Because if it doesn't really Have Relevance to a Particular Plot, I generally won't wind up writing it, let alone publishing it. :P But this answer's already too long; I could rave about Dove for hours! All I'm trying to say is, I wish more people cared about OCs.
if you HAD to choose, who’s your favorite muse? Favorite to RP with? Far and away, Dove! Favorite for crack RPs, Srentha or Leyla. Favorite canon character is a GIGANTIC toss-up between Raven and Lapis. Favorite characters to explore for personal reasons are Ryou Bakura and Blue Diamond, but I have a hard time bringing myself to actually WRITE about them, for some reason...
is there a muse that not a lot of people roleplay with? (Besides the ones I haven't advertised? ^^';;) Maybe Phobia? She has only ever existed in comic canons-- though she WAS in the Teen Titans Go comics too! (The original series, not the... bastardization). Anyways, she's a much lesser-known muse. And my muse for her is wildly unreliable, she's a volatile and abrasive character, and my inspiration for her has run dry for awhile now...
if you HAD to choose, who’s your least favorite muse? Phobia. o_o See above, actually.
which one of your muses have you been playing the longest? Prooobably Dove? She was the one I started rping with, of course!
which one of your muses has the most ships? Ships in their canon, or ships in my rps? Because you're talking to a demigray here; I don't really do romance? But in my stories, Dove has 3 ships (all at different times in her life). In rps, Dove has been kinda-contemplating-it shipped a couple times, but never got to the point of, you know, kissing... and in fandom, Lapis probably has the most.
what is each of your muses’ otps? notps? ~ Dove and Srentha together~ (Don't have notps for them.) ~ Kary: food? sleep? Her canon boyfriend Eric ~ Leyla has a qpp named Toby in the stories. ~ Raven: I'm demonbirds trash. I don't even know how that happened, honestly. (Notps include B|BRae and, while not as strong of a NO in the jlvtt canon, ter/raven.) ~ Lapis Lazuli: OTP with Peridot! Intensely notp with jasper. ~ Blue Diamond: OTP with Yellow hardcore, no notps to speak of. ~ Phobia: Utterly unexplored??? I think she voluntarily abstains. ~ Ryou: OTP with Joey (thank my girlfriend for that one)! Notp with Yami Bakura, it’s absolutely 100% possibly my most violently-disgusted NOtp yet. Also with Diva because... What The Fuck??? But I won't rant about that just now. ~ Jess: I haven't really done much shipping, though Mistress and Trick are a hella canon, deeply bonded breeding couple. ~ Evangeline? Sorta-OTP with my gf's character Taex, though it's not exactly a ~romantic~ dynamic. Notp with Srentha, probably, considering she'd try to kill him, given the chance, and she’s pissed at Dove for marrying him.
why were you drawn to each one of your characters? Okay, listen, you can't just ask something like this and expect an easy answer! I could write an Actual Legitimate Essay on EACH ONE, because I only write a character when I'm Extremely Highkey Personally Emotionally Inspired by them!
UPDATE: I tried to summarize, I really did! But there's just so MUCH, and it turned into an essay on its own. --> https://beyondthetemples-ooc.tumblr.com/post/189837029682/why-were-you-drawn-to-each-one-of-your-characters
Summaries go like this: Dove is brave, complex enough to delve deeply in and constantly discover new facets of, and inspiring enough to create a positive experience while doing so. Srentha is fun, positive, and passionate, and legitimate ADHD representation. Leyla is a chill miracle child of creativity and quiet passion. Raven is the reason I'm still alive and perfectly reflected me at about age 14, so I have a very deep personal connection to her. Kary is so fun to explore because she's my polar opposite, as a temperamental pyrokinetic who revels in chaos and really just wants to have a good time. Evangeline is everything Dove suppresses, brought to life, so she's fun to explore as an extension of Dove! Lapis has a lot of struggles to explore and has done a lot of healing and growth that I'd like to expand on someday. Blue Diamond and Ryou Bakura were basically literally me, so I can explore the trauma and healing from their perspectives in a safe space. And Phobia? I just wanted to put characters' mettle to the test honestly, and see what would happen.
which muse is the most fun to write for? Oh, Srentha, absolutely hands down! Dove does have the best close-friends casual-fun kind of rp relationships, though. And Mistress the Mismagius has this sardonic teasing sense of humor that always makes me smile, especially with Murky (Murkrow).
is there another muse you’ve been thinking of adding or writing for? who? Oh stars, I don't need another one. =w= I've been... struggling to get my Ryou blog actually up and running for a long while now. Nobody new has inspired me lately, but I'm pretty stuck in my fandom ways.
what is something everyone should know about your muses before interacting? I stick it all in their bios! But, let's see... Dove: Even though she's Raven's half-sister, she keeps it DESPERATELY hidden, and nobody IC is supposed to know about that. Srentha is very deeply rooted in Azarathean pacifism and won't do much in battle besides help people retreat. Leyla has her father's heart condition and can't do anything too active. Kary will rarely use her powers, as conjuring even a simple spark stings her scar badly. Lapis is more than her toxic relationship! Blue Diamond is NOT the dictator she once was! Ryou does NOT want the spirit of the millennium ring in his life anymore! Jess just... sticks mostly to Sinnoh and rarely ever leaves. And Evangeline has a palpable evil aura about her; she makes SURE of it.
what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses? Dove hates pie. Srentha loves colorful things. Leyla will cover everything in glitter if you let her. Kary will do anything for some good food and/or a nap. Ryou's hair is untamable. Lapis doesn't guard her gem as carefully as she should. Blue Diamond may be more emotional, but she won't sing about it as frequently as other Gems. Raven... doesn't wear underwear?
which muse has the most aus or verses? I mean, the Lapis I was writing for was 97% canon divergent. Evangeline only exists as her own person (and not merely a partition of Dove's mind) in a DCUO-compatible timeline. But I don't really do aus or verses otherwise; it's just more stressful for me.
can you sort your muses from youngest to oldest? Sorting based on the ages I'll generally play them: Leyla (8-14), Dove (15-25), Kary (18+), Ryou (19+), Srentha (20+), Jess (22+), Phobia (23+), Lapis (5k+), Blue Diamond (10k+).
which muse is most willing to fight another muse? Oh, definitely Kary. (She won't fight Dove or Leyla, even if there's a really good reason. And Srentha has this weird power of defusing her. But anyone else, she can easily be provoked to fight on a dime.) Or maybe Evangeline, who will fight anyone at any time for any reason whatsoever?
do your muses get along with each other? Evangeline gets along with nobody. Dove/Srentha/Leyla are all a very tight-knit family, and Kary considers herself Dove's sister and Leyla's aunt. I've thought about what might happen if Lapis met Blue Diamond, but I don’t have the faintest idea of how that'd go? I did start an RP once where Lapis met Dove, and I planned to have them bond over homesickness and purpose-seeking, but then I lost the ehd I had that prewritten on, and never had the heart to try rewriting it. Ryou and Jess kinda exist in their own universe's bubble. (Jess has a whole cast of Pokemon creature muses she very much gets along with, though~)
would you ship any of your muses together? who? Dove and Srentha are hella-canon endgame already, that's been decided for like 12 years!
for each muse, is there a character you wish had a blog so you could interact with them? You know, I've never really been one much for wishing like that. I do wish Dove had a stable Raven again, since both of my all-time favorite Raven rpers have left the rp circle... but that's about it, really.
have you ever considered making a multimuse/is it easier having a multimuse? I mean, my Pokemon blog has like 19 muses built into the breeding center... 8F But no, I prefer to keep my drafts, rps, and tag systems for each muse on separate sideblogs. Tumblr's tags break WAY too often to shove them all in one place. (And with a sideblog, I don't have to log in and out every time I want to check for replies!)
which muse is the most problematic towards other muses? Toss-up between Phobia and Evangeline, obviously. Blue Diamond is a reformed Gem, the way I play her. (I don't care what anyone says, THAT'S CANON as HELL too!) But Evangeline actively goes out of her way to hurt and/or sacrifice people to her own ends,
which muse is most likely to make new friends? Probably Leyla, though now that SU has sent out a message across the Gem universe that Gems are welcome on Earth, Lapis could wind up meeting quite a lot of new acquaintances. It's much harder to befriend her, though. Srentha has a lot of charismatic energy too, and he’ll go out and make friends with anyone, given the chance.
which muses’ fandom do you like the best? Ahhh, don't make me CHOOSE like that! ;; Fandom like being a fan of them, or fandom like, liking the other people in the fandom? Because Steven Universe, Teen Titans, and YuGiOh all have incredibly special places in my heart, while having Their Issues amongst the fandom... Pokemon seems to be the best mannered fandom though, especially amidst the RP community.
is there someone playing the same muse/s as you and you really look up to them? Ohgosh, well there's a blog called, I think, melancholeyes?, that plays Blue so well, it's like reading canon scenes. I did see a blog that played a Ryou I respected, but I can't remember their name... and of course Larissa and Pix played great Ravens, but each a different version.
which muse do people send the most asks for? Probably Dove, thanks in large part to Caleb!
which muse is most likely to have kids? Leyla is already Dove's kid, so... 8F
is there a rule that someone keeps breaking for your muses? Not to my knowledge, but my rules aren't strict anyways.
can you sort your muses from weakest to strongest? ...Oh, stars. How am I supposed to sort them? Well, let's try this.
Weakest to strongest in combat (based on their style of choice): Ryou, Leyla, Srentha, Phobia, Evangeline, Jess, Kary, Dove, Lapis, Blue Diamond, Raven. ( * i switched raven and blue diamond around SO many times. both are immensely powerful with god-like abilities, but raven can literally destroy reality itself. so...)
Weakest to strongest by strength of heart and character: Phobia, Evangeline, uh... Kary? Srentha...? Uh... frICK THIS ONE'S HARD. Because they're all so strong in their own ways. Probably Leyla? Next tier is probably Blue, Lapis, and Jess, and Dove, Raven, and Ryou are highest tier.
which muse are you considering deleting? Phobia, and maybe sometimes Blue. (I actually... never got a single RP or follower on Blue. I'm still debating if I really WANT to rp as her, at least on Tumblr, knowing how toxic the fandom can get around the Diamonds...)
most importantly, are you having fun playing each one of your muses? Pretty much! Especially Dove, Srentha, Leyla, and Raven!~ Raven's wit and clipped verbiage can be tricky to for me sometimes, but all it takes is a little tlc on her dialogue, and it doesn't slow down my enjoyment one bit. :} And when I'm in a Pokemon-hyperfocus mood, writing the Pokemon team is ALWAYS a blast! (Especially the Pokemon; their personalities are so dynamic together.) With muses like Lapis and Blue, and even Kary, the mood for their emotionality waxes and wanes, but I don't write for them unless I'm in The Right Frame of Mind to KEEP UP with them, you know? I never push myself in an rp until it's not fun anymore; at least I know where my writing burnout limits are.
Phobia and Evangeline are both sadistic, and when you're a compassionate person, that can be very hard to write out in the painstaking detail of my style. But sometimes my mind just Won't Shut UP about 'Vangie unless I WRITE IT OUT. Which is a good exercise of course, stretching my horizons and all that, and I do love writing the drama and conflict they stir up.
But beyond the momentary discomforts, I'm just so eager to explore their lives and minds and adventures, so yes, I absolutely DO have fun writing for each and every one!
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dcarhcarts · 5 years
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This.....is the 1000th post on this blog, and I definitely waited until that could be true to post it, and that’s honestly? Very fitting. Seriously, you guys are a m a z i n g and I have literally never done a milestone before so I can’t tell you what it’s supposed to look like?? But we’ve somehow Miraculously (tm) managed to reach 100 followers and - anyway, this is going to be me very unprofessionally gushing about everyone because....I love you all and you’re all amazing aaaaaa. I’m??? Literally so blessed to have made friends and write with all of you. Y’all with multiple blogs, I’m only tagging once so I don’t spam your feed ok? And - as usual, this is going to get Long, because everything I do gets Long apparently. I tried to do it chronologically but IDK how well it worked oops.
@ccrrupticn  / D!!!! you are?? literally the reason I made this blog?? Without you, this thing would n o t mcfreaking exist omg!! You’re such an amazing writer (seriously, you manage so many muses and you give them all such distinct voices??? witchcraft???) and also so ???ridiculously kind! I love gushing to you about our Kids and you’re honestly A Saint (tm) for dealing with all of my blog construction/life related breakdowns, my crazy crossover headcanons and crashing into your inbox rambling about musicals <3 I miss talking to you so hmu whenever you come back if you want!!
@personnages /  Lynna!! You’re like an Actual Angel. I think you were the first person!! who talked to me??  And You were So Nice and Welcoming that you literally soothed half of my fears coming into rpc like immediately?? You basically helped me figure out how diminutives work and you’re responsible for me adding at least 3 of my muses and I cannot tell you how much I love you and every time you pop onto my dash/feed/discord/etc, it just makes me happy inside <3 Definitely 100000% will follow you to every blog (if you’ll have me lmao) regardless of fandom!! i’m super excited about all of our ship/friendship roulettes and you’re just an absolute joy to talk to.
@nikolacvnas / LYDIA goodness you are a W O N D E R. Probably the best? Historically based blog I’ve ever encountered, and definitely one of my favorite parts of the Anastasia rpc!! The care and research and attention to detail that goes into your portrayals are a s t o n i s h i n g? Your Tatya is divine, your Maria is So Lovely and I Cry For Joy that you write Dima honestly. I’d been eyeing your blog for a little bit before I made my own - and I was honestly a little scared of you when we started cause you are a GODDESS and I am a potato, but then we talked??? and you’re hilarious and a ridiculously kind person and I love you? And of course, I love your dog (the cutest in the universe).
@mythostold / LESLIE~  Different blog, same story~ Man, I’ve been following you since maybe day two of this blog being active? No matter which fandom you end up in and which muse you write, you have such!! good!!! takes!!! For one, I love reading your meta posts??? Like you’re just so incredibly passionate about your muses?? And your writing style is so good aaaaaaa it’s so atmospheric. And on top of all of that - you’re??? such a sweet and incredible??? person??? And I love talking to you boo <3 
@lifeawoke  /  NAT BBYSWEET <3 <3 <3  I have told the story of how I did a victory dance when you followed me to d e a t h probably but it’s t r u e your writing is amazing and your blog is amazing and y o u are amazing! You are the Natasha to my Sonya, and literally every time you send me a musing I’m like immediate-goofy-grin-heart-eyes???? It’s honestly a crime we don’t have more threads but like you’re an absolute joy to talk to and meme with and I adore you/your portrayal of beautiful bratty Natasha even if she drives my Sonya up the wall <3 You are Definitely the Funny Mutual lololol I crack up so much talking to you <3
@valianceearned / CARP you’re an amazing person/writer and holy h e c k am I impressed by your OCs!! They’re all so well thought out and developed? Your bios are so detailed and so much love and care is put into all of your characters. And your writing is so Lovely and it’s also very aesthetically lovely like holy heck the amount of work you put into both the content and the formatting? I am agog, I am aghast!! 
@gearsandlevers / Callie!!!!! YOU ROUND ALL THE CORNERS I STRAIGHTEN THE CURVES!! love your kids so much. Your Violet is a delightfully clever and likeable kid, your Evan might have literally walked off the stage two seconds ago, and you’ve put so much thought into your cinnabon stoner Henry. Your dialogue is amazing and I love our headcanon sessions lobbing ideas back and forth with you!! 
@spareisms / HEY MAGGIE GUESS WHAT YOU’RE WORTH MELTING FOR!!  You’re like the sweetest person alive??? How are you an Actual Real Life Disney Princess?? Your Anna is so well characterized and multi layered and I love how she an be so flawed but so brave and just how human she is. I’m very excited for your Anne Shirley too!! You’re a great writer (and a super sweet person aaaa) and I love you!! 
@gcneralvaganov /  Deanna, I have just one question: How? Have we only known each other for like 2 months???? It feels like my dash would literally be incomplete without you??  You play such deeply complex and incredibly flawed muses with such a great depth of respect and humanity. I love all of our AUs (we.....probably have a dozen by now), our long fix-canon tangents, and....look the inevitable conclusion to this whole thing is that we should....basically just write Anastasia tbh???  You’re incredibly funny and kind and talented and I’m so glad I yeeted myself into your IMs that first time 2 months ago! I love you, I love your muses, (Dima and Anya love their Dumb Boyfriend), and I love writing with you! 
@ncvaflows / ALEXA YOU ABSOLUTE LEGEND YOU. You??? Unlocked Ultimate AU Mode Ro and it’s like I c a n ‘ t stop?? First off, I cannot believe we literally own the same books and like the same barbie movies. How are we not literally the same person??  (Maybe w e ’ r e Anneliese and Erika lmao). Honestly from day 1 you’ve been so welcoming and lovely and I’m so glad we crashed into each other’s IMs yelling at top volume about random ya lit/movies/aus!! I adore literally all of your OCs (is everyone a b s o l u t e l y sure they’re not canon??? hmmmmm a Mystery)???? In the words of Li Shang, “You WRITE GOOD????” Anyway you’re amazing and I love you <3
@curtainrisen / Rebekah, dude, you’re a wonder. Your muses??? So diverse, and your voices for them? Super on the nose and amazing. I love your Helene and how human she is, and I really gotta toss more of my kids at you (Super excited for Duke!!). You’re real chill to meme with and I love talking/writing with you!!
@heartlosttravelers / Tor!! I love that you stan Raoul de Chagny So Hard ( the pure cinnamon roll boy deserves it honestly) and you’re super cool and great to talk to! All your muses are a m a z i n g and I always love the read when you pop up on my dash! 
@damerusse / Marie!! You’re hella chill. Your memes???? 10000000% actually legendary. Meming with you cracks me The Heck Up. Lily is forever the puppy dealer, that is all, thank you, gnight. Ok for real though - your Lily is pretty Legendary too and you really got all that Spark and Fire right down. You’re amazing, and I love stalking your threads on my dash!  
@lionhvrted / Fortune, my buddy my pal, we really be Out Here making Jane Austen plots even m o r e rom-com. Like. How did we manage that??? We might be literally magical lmao. We don’t have a ton of stuff going on at the moment but I love our dumb pining kids and I love the justice and humanity you give to your Caroline, and Fitzy loves his (future) wife.
@guvernantka / P R U E I already love our Exasperated Big Sis / Annoying Lil Sis / LITERALLY WHO EVEN ARE YOU YOU SMELLY DUMBASS LIL BRO IN LAW dynamic. You have the Best Sense of Humor (tm) and I’m always catching you when it’s like 12 in the morning here so I’m always cracking up silently in bed trying not to wake my roommies up. 
@anastcsie / I LOVE OUR ANGRY SMOL AND DIRTY TOL YOUNG-BUT-OLD MARRIED COUPLE AND THEIR OLDEST DAUGHTER NAMED MARIA ALREADY.  I love your Anya and how feisty and fiery she is (Dima, needless to say, loves his wife) and I love how chill (and hilarious!!) you are as a person. We do have a tendency to turn into angst monsters 24/7 but honestly that’s half the fun!! 
@asundrop / Polly!!!! ok so I know we haven’t really done anything w/ Raps (yet muahaha) BUT b o y was I hella excited when I found someone willing to yell about CDrama with me??? Thank you for being the Eternally Stoic/Always Annoyed Ancient God to my Tiny Dumb Fox Princess?? I love them and I love you (you’re hella cool) so there! 
@moretreasurewithin / KAAAATE goodness it’s only been a couple of days but I’m So Comfortable talking to you already? You’re just honestly really amazingly kind and I love screaming about Anastasia with you. We gotta get more going but I love your Dima and Maria Already (tm) and I love your sense of humor (here’s to torturing Dima with ties!!) and I can’t wait to get to know you better!
@annastrxng / AAAA somehow I managed to chat with you and then?? We never got anything going and it’s definitely mostly my fault cause of that High Anxiety (and also the fact that I got Immediately Busy) but you are literally So Nice and The Most Understanding and super great to talk to!! I hope we get something going in the future!! 
@soulcrossed / ROSE we have the same name I keep forgetting this lmao BUT ANYWAY. All your muses?? Amazing. You gotta throw more of them at me. Your Sophie?? Are you Actually Diana Wynn Jones in disguise?? I love our crazy au/headcanon sessions and I love/hate that you’re The Worst Enabler and I’m inevitably going to end up with the other two Hatter sisters on this blog lmao. 
@alonecour / @steeledstark / @professor-of-predators / @sclskinn / @dulcettc / @volaticoux / @frxncaise / @argelfrasterr / @i-wrote-myway / @zharptiitsa / @villainsfall / @anyaromanovarp / @agoodandloyalrussian / @aliquisinter 
AND EVERY ONE OF Y’ALL AMAZING PEOPLE OUT THERE I’M ADMIRING SILENTLY FROM AFAR EVEN NOW BECAUSE I CHICKENED OUT OF TAGGING YOU LAST MINUTE CAUSE WHAT IF YOU’RE LIKE “LMAO WHO IS THIS WEIRDO TAGGING ME??” (p.s. this is 100000% permission to slide into my IMs/like a plotting call/etc. I honestly think y’all are hella cool and probably love you already)
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so-shiny-so-chrome · 6 years
Witness: Donda
Creator name (AO3): Donda
Creator name (Tumblr): thatonezombiecosplayer
Link to creator works: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Donda
Q: Why the Mad Max Fandom?
A: I kind of just tend to find one thing I like, and latch onto it with a deathgrip, though there's not really one specific reason I latched onto Mad Max. The only post-apocalyptic thing I had any interest in prior to Fury Road was a comic called Romantically Apocalyptic, but I wouldn't have called myself a die-hard fan of the genre. I think it was just that Fury Road was such a fantastic movie in so many ways that it really caught my attention, and then when I got involved in the fandom, I found it to be all around a really really great group of people, and they were talking about such interesting things, and I just fell in love and decided this was my fandom home! Since then, I've made some really good friends through this fandom and gotten involved in Wasteland Weekend because of it, so this fandom will always remain near and dear to me.
Q: What do you think are some defining aspects of your work? Do you have a style? Recurrent themes?
A: I really like to take this dark, gritty world, and make it kind of light and fun, honestly. Or at least as much as one can without completely detracting from the reality of the state of the world. I've written a couple of darker or more serious fics, but my favorite things to write involve putting a touch of magic or an interesting little twist into the world, and handling the sillier side of things.
Q: Which of your works was the most fun to create? The most difficult? Which is your most popular? Most successful? Your favourite overall?
A: I think I had equal amounts of fun writing my Pocket Sized and Corvus Cormax, because they were just light and silly and kind of intriguing situations for me. I also really really enjoyed writing No Going Back, even though it was on the more serious side of things for me. The prompt just grabbed my imagination, and I was really inspired to write from start to finish. For most difficult, I'll have to go with Consonance, because I am presently stuck on it and have been for months and if you were reading and enjoying that one, I am so so sorry. D: Convalescence got the most hits and kudos overall, but I think that was mostly just because it was posted very early in the Fury Road fandom. Just based on response, I'd say Corvus Cormax was my most popular/successful, and was also my favorite overall.
Q: How do you like your wasteland? Gritty? Hopeful? Campy? Soft? Why?
A: Hopeful with a bit of humor and sometimes a little wasteland magic. I'm into escapism first and foremost, so the least like our own world I can make things, the more enjoyable.
Q: Walk us through your creative process from idea to finished product. What's your prefered environment for creating? How do you get through rough patches?
A: The idea itself usually sparks scenes in my head, and I build around those. Sometimes I'll be writing along and think of something I'd like to happen down the line, or a scene will just start playing through my head, so I'll go write that, and connect the pieces later. Which can sort of cause problems, because when I go writing all the good bits first, filling in the bits in between that are less interesting can get tedious. When I hit a patch that just leaves me completely stuck, most often running the fic by someone else and bouncing ideas around with them helps me tremendously. I tend to like to write from the comfort of my room where there aren't a lot of distractions, but sometimes I'll write on my phone if I'm away from my computer and bored or inspired.
Q: What (if any) music do you listen to for help getting those creative juices flowing?
A: Honestly I basically always listen to my entire music library on random. It's super eclectic, but I'm so familiar with all my songs that it's basically just background noise. Very occasionally I will skip a song that's not suiting the mood of what I'm writing, but mostly anything goes.
Q: What is your biggest challenge as a creator?
A: Getting stuck sucks so much and is my most common problem, because sometimes I feel like I have just exhausted all ideas and there's nowhere to go. Bouncing ideas off of other people always helps, but often I avoid that either because I don't want to bother people, or because I'm super protective of my works until I consider them done. I don't know, I just like people to read the work in it's finalized form, as I intend it to be read, and not in some incomplete messy state.
Q: How have you grown as a creator through your participation in the Mad Max Fandom? How has your work changed? Have you learned anything about yourself?
A: I'm sure my writing has improved, but it's been such a fluid process that I'm not really sure! I guess I've grown and my work has changed in that I've gotten braver in my ideas, more willing to just go for something and not worry about people thinking it's silly or I'm weird. 
Q: Do you have any favourite relationships to portray? What interests you about them?
A: I'm aro/ace myself, so fandom ships have never been a big draw of mine. I tag a lot of my works with "platonic soulmates" because I've just fallen in love with the idea of Max and Furiosa being very close to each other, but not romantically or sexually. They have a really interesting dynamic, and I like to explore them really getting to know each other completely platonically. 
Q: How does your work for the fandom change how you look at the source material?
A: I've explored some headcanons in my writing, and built on ideas in ways that let me sort of see more into the movie, imagine things under the surface beyond the canon, and feel like I know the motivations behind certain characters' actions, even if it's never explained.
Q: Do you prefer to create in one defined chronology or do your works stand alone? Why or why not?
A: My works stand alone for the most part. I've got two series that each consist of a couple fics that follow the same timeline, but otherwise each of my fics is a completely different world.
Q: To break or not to break canon? Why?
A: *Chanting* break canon, break canon, break canon. I like playing with new ideas! Sometimes it's fun to explore some headcanons with fic and build on the movie that way, but I've found that taking the canon and changing a detail and letting it play out from there is the most fun.
Q: Share some headcanons.
A: Immortal!Max is my biggest and most-loved headcanon. I like the idea that he's only sort of peripherally aware of it, too. He knows it's been a pretty long time since the fall of the world, and he's catching on that people who appear his age were born after the fall, but if it even has sunk in that he's not aging and not dying, he actively tries not to think about it too much because that seems like Too Much and he's not ready to face that. He's accepted it as a possibility, but he doesn't put much weight on it. It's just part of him now, and all he can do is live with it.
Q: If you work with OCs walk us through your process for creating them. Who are some of your favourites?
A: Eheh... My OCs are basically fleshed out juuuust enough to be believable and I put zero effort into them beyond that, to be honest. They're often only there to help along the story for the canon characters, and then I toss them away and never think about them again.
Q: What advice can you give someone who is struggling to make their own works more interesting, compelling, cohesive, etc.? 
A: I don't know if my methods will work for anybody else, but three things: 1) imagine the scene like it's a movie playing out in front of you, before writing, while writing, and while re-reading. It helps me keep track of who is where, what's going on, and it makes any continuity mistakes really jump out at me. 2) really get into your characters' heads, think like they do, and share their motivations for what they're doing and their thoughts at what is going on around them in your writing. I think that helps people relate to them more and get into the story more, and it makes you think about how characters would react in realistic, if not always outwardly reasonable, ways. 3) Proof read like a crazy person. This may be weird, but similar to how I get into my characters' heads when I write, I also sort of get into... well, not my own head, when I re-read my works. I try to put myself in a different perspective, and proof-reading my fics with a different mindset really helps me see things that didn't end up making sense the first time around, or sound off, or might be confusing if you don't already know where I was going with it. If I'm thinking like I was when I wrote it, of course everything's going to make sense and work the way I imagined it. If I throw out those preconceptions and intentions, it can almost seem completely new to me, like it would be to a reader reading it for the first time.
Q: Have you visited or do you plan to visit Australia, Wasteland Weekend, or other Mad Max place?
A: I would love to visit Australia, though honestly when I do, priority number one is going to be bats, weird marsupials, and other wildlife. Australia stands out to me mostly as being this weird giant island where evolution just went fucking crazy. But Wasteland Weekend! Hoo boy am I involved in Wasteland Weekend, let me tell you, and I absolutely love it. I love the themed areas and how they completely immerse you in the world, I love the community (seriously, some of the best people I have ever met) and even though it was originally built on Mad Max, which is generally a pretty violent, hard world, I love the atmosphere people create there: the idea that even if the world ended and society as we know it collapsed, people would coexist, look out for each other, and celebrate life. 10/10, highly recommend, hit me up if you plan on attending in the future.
Q: Tell us about a current WIP or planned project.
A: I've unfortunately fallen out of writing quite a bit for the time being, so no planned projects outside of what I'm currently working on, but boy let me tell you how much I love the one I'm co-writing with Catlady! We've put a ton of thought and worldbuilding into it, and a lot of character development in the works for Max, as well as his developing relationship with Furiosa. It's an AU that really gets my imagination going, and I'm super excited for some of the things we have planned. If you like Fae and wasteland magic and discovering/learning to accept oneself, go check out our fic Forgotten Ways!
Thank you @thatonezombiecosplayer
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lunima · 6 years
Shipping Info Meme
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Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
In her canon probably Ez / Death ( NOT IN THE WAY UR THINKING AJEGND ) Because she’s veritably the First Spirit and conscious life incarnate, she has a very special relationship with Death. She has so much tenderness in her heart for them. Because she is what she is, Ezra doesn’t have the same fear of death others might. Death is a loving guide that leads you to somewhere better. Every path leads straight to Them. Because she’s immortal, unless her body is dying they cannot be with each other. There’s always that thin veil that separates the two. 
Most of my ships are ones that have yet to be developed on the dash, but my partners and I have talked about extensively on discord and what not. Ezra’s longest and most established ships to date are with Jordy’s Original Character, Ryan @urulxce​ and also her Peter Quill @elataan​
Just about anything tbh ( within reason ofc, y’all already know ) I’m here for all of the genre’s and all of the plots.
No one under 21 tbh. Ezra is physically 25-27 in a lot of her current verses ( and spiritually older than time ) and and even if it’s legal anything younger is just weird to BOTH of us. If u can’t buy a drink in amurica ur a baby.
I always say that I am but as soon as someones like ‘...yo... u wanna make ‘em kiss.’ I’m like ‘u bet ur sweet ass I do...’ lmao. The thing about shipping with me is that it takes like 293085 years to actually make it onto the dash ( at least on my end ) Once the first interactions are out of the way and we have a solid plot in place, I love love love talking dynamics with my friends. It makes writing threads more enjoyable when you know where they’re going and lbr its just fun to scream and your pals and fling angst and n.sfw at them when they least expect it. 
I like to be safe, so if clothes start coming off in any capacity I generally start tagging.
I have some WONDERFUL and v soft ships with @crownedclaw ,  @cailicah , and  @fateinexorable ! Jaime, Cain and Shane are so good to my girl.
PLEASE, GOD. As a female OC ( hell, as a female character in general ) I never want to push my luck with anyone, especially canon characters ‘cause well... you know lol. If you wanna ship just COME AT ME and we’ll talk about it and see how we can bring them together in an organic way, or if you see potential in a thread we have. 
I don’t really have an answer? I suppose whenever the fancy strikes. I like to keep shipping a fun and laid back thing so it’s just whenever it happens~ Ez is simultaneously easy AND difficult to ship with at the same time. She has A Lot of shit going on and a lot of baggage associated with it that can make her... Challenging. But being what she is, this chick’s got a LOT of love in her heart and desperately wants to BE loved sometimes so here we are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  If ur ready for a damn ride buckle up sonny. 
More-or-less unless we’ve already got something going. THEN I’d say I’m pretty ship obsessed ( just ask the aforementioned people. I’M NOT SORRY!! ) 
I AM MY OWN FANDOM!!! Honestly I haven’t gotten around to plotting any canon relationships for Ezra, outside of her lil shadow demon buddy ( which is more of an unspoken thing??? maybe?? she won’t tell me so we don’t know yet ) 
I feel like I’ve answered this one already :thinking: deadass just interact with me and we’ll see where it goes from there. The only lasting ships I’ve had over the last few years are with friends I talk to on a semi regular basis. Communication is SO important or things just tend to fizzle out ( story AND ship-wise ) you have to be excited to want to write these things and p much the only way that happens is if you hype each other up out of character~
Tagged by: @fractempyreal !! Thank you friend!
Tagging: @voxaer / @cailicah / @desperatous / @liberons / @silverskins / @fateinexorable / @arcusignis / @crownedclaw / @knightfailed / @starszakrew / @glysimachia / @magicrot / @asheat + ANYONE ELSE THAT WANTS TO just say I tagged you~
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elddansurin · 6 years
i filled out that entire got damn OC meme not once but four times for my main TES OCs because you know what? i have that power.
featuring: Gavriil, my dragonborn, Serras, the dragonborn’s weird boyfriend/travel companion, Lleris, my Nerevarine, and Gerrick, a non-vestige 2E OC who lives out the aldmeri dominion questline. this thing is long as shit behind the cut, but idc if anyone reads it, i did it for me. 
1. It’s a little unreasonable for everyone in a Middle Ages-esque fantasy to be perfectly literate, and writing with quills was considered legitimate labor! How well can your oc read and/or write? How detailed is their quest log/journal, if they keep one at all? -Gav: He's extensively literate and very well read. He keeps a pretty detailed journal going, though it's kind of a hybrid of field notes/emotions log. He does a lot of alchemical research when traveling, so he might have a few pages of notes on reagents, field sketches, etc, then another five pages of intrusive thoughts. His biggest fear is they'll be published after his death and everyone's just gonna be like "huh." -Serras: Just barely literate. He's got very childlike printing abilities, can barely spell, and struggles reading any big words. He's extremely self conscious about this. He doesn't keep any journals, but he writes letters about his adventures to his father every now and again. -Lleris: Again, quite well read. He does a lot more reading than writing, and his journaling is kind of the equivalent of writing notes on his arm. -Gerrick: I'd say he maybe has around an 8th grade reading level. He's got the core stuff down no problem, but as soon as technical jargon or anything too esoteric kicks off, his eyes glaze over.
2. How educated is your oc? Did their parents teach them, did they have a tutor or were they apprenticed to a master, or did they attend a university? What university? What are they educated in? How long did their education take? (Learned skills like blacksmithing count here too!) -Gav: Overly so. He has the education/research equivalent of phD, I'd reckon. All the best schooilng daddy's money could buy. -Serras: He was "home schooled" by a man with no resources undergoing a 30+ year nervous breakdown. So like, it's shitty that Serras is as uneducated as he is, but kind of understandable, given the situation. -Lleris: Also more or less home schooled, but at the opposite end of the spectrum. His aunt (the person who raised him), was a fucking genius. Balls-out eccentric, but a genius. -Gerrick: He was raised and educated by kind of an ensemble cast of characters, so his education is fairly well rounded and extremely based in practical over theoretical. He later joins the mages guild, but he uses that less as an opportunity to pursue higher education, but moreso a way to figure out how to sling a better lightning bolt
3. Does your oc have any kind of crafting skills that either aren’t in-game or don’t have as much importance in-game as they would in real life? (For example, can your oc sew or weave, etc? Are they skilled in any kind of art? Can they make jewelry or work glass? Are they musicians? etc) -Gav has a practical knowledge of most crafts necessary for a sad bachelor life. He can cook well enough to keep himself fed, he can patch up most of the wear in his gear, but nothing that would really impress anyone. I'd imagine, in another lifetime, he played the lute. Not sure he'd remember how at this point, though. -Serras is extremely crafty. He'd an extremely resourceful cook, he can repair just about anything, and he's a natural outdoorsman. Dude's had a lifetime of learning how to do a lot with very, very little. Art is kind of a hobby for him that he doesnt get to indulge in quite as much as he'd like. -Lleris can barely function on his own. He cannot cook a damn thing, when his clothes tear he throws them out, and he almost dies of exposure on more than one occasion. It's a sad sight to behold. -Gerrick is fond of roughin it. His life skills are exactly as honed as they need to be. Not much, but enough to keep him alive and scrappy.
4. What pantheon does your oc worship? If they worship the Cyrodiilic/Imperial pantheon, does that include Talos? If they secretly worship Talos, how do they justify hiding it?   -Gav: Pretty straightforward believer in the Altmeri pantheon. He's especially devout to Mara, though he's got a long way to go toward internalizing the whole "love yourself" thing -Serras: He's never really figured out what to believe in. Way back in the day, his family was heavily involved in House Indoril, and when the Tribunal kind of fizzled out, they were all pretty lost and not exactly stoked to go back to worshipping the "good" daedra. That more or less carried down to Serras, although he's not even aware of his ties to House Indoril or any of that Tribunal stuff. He has a learned fear of any sort of daedra, courtesy his father. -Lleris: He's pretty tight with Azura, natch. -Gerrick: Dude straight up does not care, but will absolutely pay lip service to Auri-El if it makes him look good.
5. How religious is your oc? Do they come into conflict with others over their beliefs? If their patron deity told them to do something extremely undesirable or against their moral compass, would they do it? Would your oc sell someone’s soul for a corn chip? -Gav is devout enough to have taken a shake at becoming a priest. Didn't pan out, because he couldn't deal with the pressure of being any kind of authority figure, and he's been kind of having a crisis of faith in the midst of his most recent extended nervous breakdown. As soon as he starts clearing his head again, he pretty much goes back to being pretty dang devout. -Serras is struggling to figure out his moral compass on his own. He wouldn't mind being religious, but growing up in a non-religious setting can make it hard to just start believing in something. -Lleris becomes way more into Azura worship as the whole Nerevarine thing plays out, and he would absolutely fuck things up in her name. His sour opinion of the Tribunal is absolutely influenced by Azura’s grudge. -Gerrick, again, does not care. His morals are his own, and no one's going to talk him into doing something that doesn't align with his own beliefs about life.
6. Does your oc have a family of origin? How many members of their FoO are still living? Do they have a good relationship? How much contact does your oc have with their FoO? How in-the-loop is your oc’s FoO about your oc’s being Dragonborn/HoK/Nerevarine? -Gavriil's immediate family are all still alive (except his sister, who died before he was born), and they have not been in contact in like, 200 years. None of them even know if he's still alive until a few years after the whole Dragonborn thing starts making its way back to Auridon. His parents are just kind of like "huh." and then continue to never bring him up in conversation. His younger brother eventually seeks him out to try and forge the relationship they never got to have. -Serras has a codependent relationship with his father. They love each other a lot, but their relationship was very, very unhealthy. That's the major reason why he ended up leaving home, because he finally realized the only way to heal the unhealthy dynamic was to learn how to be his own person. He has a pretty good relationship with his (maternal) aunt. His mother is still alive, and he has three half-siblings he's never met. None of them ever end up meeting. His mom never does figure out what happened to her firstborn. It is what it is. -Lleris is completely on his own at this point. His parents died when he was barely a year old, and he went to go live with his wacky aunt abroad. Those two were thick as thieves, but when she passed, Lleris was legit on his own. -Gerrick and his weird pirate family are all still on good terms. Both of his parents are still alive and although they dont see each other often, it's a grand old time when they finally do.
7. What social class was your oc born into? Did they change classes at all? How? -Gav: Super, super upper-crust. His family was nobles marrying nobles all the way back, and Gav just couldn't cut it in that world. His slump into absolute poverty is gradual, but pretty vicious. He does eventually pick himself up out of the gutter, but I'll go more into that a few questions down. -Serras: He was born into a weird, backwoods cult and spends the next 30-something years of his life living an extremely hand-to-mouth existence either in some slum or the legit middle of nowhere. Dude wasn’t exactly born into privilege. -Lleris: He was born into House Telvanni and lived a pretty well to do life until he was in his early 20s. After his aunt passed, he lived a few months as a street urchin before being arrested, then he slogs across Vvardenfell for like three years, "re-joins" House Telvanni and starts living a cushy life again, then gets tossed onto an Akavir-bound boat with a bag over his head. Takes a bit of a while before he lives the high life again after that. -Gerrick: Outlaw from birth. He was the son of the ship’s captain and her then-lover, and he was raised by the entire crew, more or less. He grows up to become, of all things, an Eye of the Queen. Yeah.
8. How politically active is your oc? Are they obviously influential, or is their influence more subtle? -Gav willfully keeps his head in the sand when it comes to politics, especially in places he doesn't think of as home. It's not an accident that he started moving further and further away from Summerset as the Thalmor became more entrenched in local politics. He absolutely does not touch the Imperial/Stormcloak tension. And honestly, even when he was at the height of his Dragonborn influence, no one wanted his opinion about the war, because not a single person in Skyrim wants to hear what an Altmer has to say about Nord politics. -Serras has a lot of opinions about the way Nords treat non-Nords, but he has pretty much no political agency. -Lleris starts out mostly entangled in Telvanni politics and helps his bff Aryon sack Gothren. He also tries and mostly fails to rub elbows with Neloth, because Neloth. Later on down the Nerevarine rabbit hole, he starts getting more and more vocal in general Morrowind politics, which culminates in him "volunteering" to go "explore" Akavir. -Gerrick, surprisingly for someone born a pirate, he canonically carries out the Aldmeri Dominion questline from ESO, so yeah he's just a little bit involved in politics.
9. What unplayable faction would/did your oc join, if any? Why? -Gav is associated with the Mage's guild, or I guess was associated. Which by the way? Bullshit that the guild was written out. But also, since I absolutely headcanon that enough of House Telvanni survives the Red Year to rebuild outside of Vvardenfell, I also imagine Gavriil worming his way into House Telvanni after he busts ass out of Skyrim. He never becomes very involved in House politics, he's more interested in going back into academia. Which he does. He more or less spends the rest of his days chillin in a mushroom house in Morrowind, writing books about levitating and shit. -Serras briefly had a stint with the Skyrim thieves guild, but he cuts ties pretty quickly because he is pretty disgusted with robbing from the poor to give to Maven Black-Briar.  -Lleris has always had ties to House Telvanni, though he does have a brief stint with the Mages Guild before they are like holy shit, please leave us alone forever. He later swings by Solstheim as an old man to bother Neloth, who is like holy shit, please leave me alone forever. -Gerrick may not actively be a pirate anymore, but he is on pretty good terms with a bunch of them.
10. How trustworthy is your oc? Would they ever change opposing factions? -Gav: He's pretty much your lawful good kind of guy. He's decently loyal, even if only due to constant, overbearing guilt. At very worst, he'll just disappear rather than fulfill an obligation, but he'd sooner die than double cross anyone. -Serras: This is a guy who's mostly looking out for himself and the ones closest to him. In otherwords, Gavriil and/or his father. Probably not wise to put too much trust into him otherwise, because he's not exactly loyal if he's not actively benefitting from the arrangement. That said, he's not too much of a double-crosser, but don't trust him not to steal from you then lie about it. -Lleris: His loyalty can be bought. He won't feel too many qualms about changing sides if it benefits him more. So far, no one's offered him a better gig than being a champion of Azura, so it'd take a lot to get him to betray her. -Gerrick: His trustworthiness is super situational. He's in tight with Ayrenn, because you can't get much better than being the queen's go-to guy. He's smart enough to know not to betray her or the people involved with her. For the average person that he meets? Might be best to sleep with your eyes open around him. Patty is pretty much the only other person he wouldn't stab in the back at the drop of a hat. Outlaw roots, and all.
11. What is your oc’s main source of income, if they have one besides plundering tombs and adventuring? If they’re mercenaries, are they part of a company? Does your oc own their own business, and if so, what is it? -Gav has no source of income. Most of what he earns in his time in Skyrim is from acts of charity. For a few months, he pulls a legit job copying old texts for a bookseller in Solitude, but that only lasts as long as his precarious mental state will allow. Apart from that, he's pretty reliant on Serras's money. -Serras steals almost impulsively. He doesn't exactly keep a steady income, but its enough to keep both him and Gavriil in good supplies. Mostly. That they're both living off the land a lot does help. -Lleris does a lot of odd jobs where ever he goes. That and he has a bit of a history of pawning high ticket items that don't exactly belong to him. Keep your eyes on your soul gems when he’s in your house. -Gerrick lives the high life when he's actively working for the queen, but between Queens Eye stints, he's mostly earning a mercenary's salary. And he picks a lot of pockets. Why do I have so many thief-y characters?
12. Is your oc good with finances? Bartering? How long can they keep the money they make? -Gavriil: Not at all. At least not anymore. His parents never really taught him the art of finance to begin with, and his whole "functional" alcoholism thing makes it a bit hard to hang onto his money. He does get a bit better with time, but it DOES take time. -Serras: He's very good at knowing what things generally cost. Not worth the risk of stealing something that doesn’t get a good return. -Lleris: He can spend pretty loosely, but he also earns a fat cut with all the daedric weapons he gets his hands on. Him and that mudcrab merchant are pretty familiar with each other. -Gerrick: Generally earns a lot more than he spends. His standard of living is not particularily high, so even when he's "living large," he's not living THAT large.
13. Does your oc have any particular rivalry or mutual dislike with any NPC? -Gavriil has a really reluctant relationship with Delphine. He doesn't particularily respect her, and she's not impressed with who he is and who he chooses to be. That said, they do both realize they have some level of dependence on each other, right up until Delphine gives him the ultimatum about New BFF Paarthunax. After that he's like "lol bye" and they never see each other again. -Serras hates pretty much everyone in Skyrim for some reason or another, but they're all extremely one-sided relationships, because no one knows who the fuck he is. -Lleris is in the shit with virtually everyone in the Mages Guild, as well as anyone in every other great house. Both because of his connections with House Telvanni and, well, Lleris can be hard to be around sometimes. -Gerrick had always had a bad feeling about Estre and the fucking second she shows her ass, Gerrick's all “I FUCKING KNEW IT.” Estre wishes Gerrick would just die because who the HELL is this half-Maormer pirate asshole who's suddenly playing way too big of a part in Summerset politics.
14. How well-liked is your oc? What is their reputation, if they’re well-known? Are they simply liked/disliked, or are they respected but feared, or personally liked but not taken seriously, etc? Do major factions consider your oc an important player? -Gav: People have such mixed reactions to him. They usually hear about him well before they meet him, and at first they're like oh shit!!! Dragonborn!!!! Then they meet him and they're like uuuh he's a weird homeless dude with blatant unaddressed trauma. Kind of wish he wasn't the one who was going toe to toe with all these dragons. -Serras: Who? -Lleris: House Telvanni loves him. Except for like, Gothren, who gets killed by him. And Neloth, who never did get that robe of drake's pride. And Dratha. As for the rest of Vvardenfell, people start slowly warming up to him as he becomes more certifiably Nerevarine. Then they get real sick of him again. -Gerrick: His reputation is tied firmly with how someone feels about Ayrenn. If they like her, then Gerrick is unconventional but damnit, he gets the job done. If they oppose Ayrenn, then Gerrick is symbolic of everything that's wrong with Ayrenn and her foreign policy.
15. Does your oc have a horse/other mount? A pet? How did they get this animal? If they were given the animal, do they have the money to maintain it? How careful/careless are they with their animal? What do they do with their pets while adventuring, especially on dangerous quests? -Gerrick is the only one, and he has a giant stag mount that kind of comes and goes. He also has a constant clannfear familiar, which is, you know, conjured.
16. Does your oc take their time as they travel, or are they purposeful? How do they survive in the wilds, especially if they aren’t hunter-types? How dependent is your oc on civilized society? -Gav and Serras both spend ample time in the wilderness, even if civilization might be available. Gavriil enjoys keeping a low profile more and more as the whole Dragonborn affair goes on, and toward the end, he's keeping his head down as much as possible. Serras is fine with it because that's just what his life's like. -Lleris makes a beeline from town to town and will take silt striders whenever possible. He doesn't know how to hunt or dress game, he can barely pitch a tent, and more often than not will just sleep on the bare-ass ground like an idiot. Again, he has almost died of exposure on more than one occasion. -Gerrick could disappear into the wilderness for months and be just fine. He could be equally fine spending months in the middle of a major city. He's flexible.
17. What does your oc like to eat? How much food do they eat? Can your oc cook, and can they do it well? -Gav used to be a super picky eater in his earlier years. Now he'll eat anything that'll keep him alive. Too much grain alcohol has dulled his sense of taste. He knows how to decently fire-roast small animals, but he's not exactly an inspirational cook. -Serras is a fan of good food. One of the biggest inspirations for him teaching himself how to cook was so that he could eat good food on the reg. He can make a little go a long way, in terms of quality of ingredients. -Lleris is the kind of guy who'd burn spaghetti. -Gerrick is a pretty decent cook. His specialty is hearty campfire shit like stews and chowders.
18. What does your oc wear in the city/settlements? In the house? When travelling, but not adventuring or expecting combat? Do they vary their clothes depending on what hold/city they’re in? If they don’t, why not (e.g., if your oc wears the same outfit to tend their garden or lounge around the house as they did to meet Ulfric or Elisif, why?) Does your oc have a good or bad sense of fashion? How many clothes does your oc have? -Gavriil has one outfit, the same tunic and threadbare enchanted robe he's worn for the past dozen or so miles. It's all he's got, babey. -Serras has more outfits than you'd expect from the kind of guy who lives out of a tent 10 months out of the year. He likes to look cute. Also, he's almost always wearing a scarf, because he's pretty sure that's just what Dunmer do. -Lleris's outfit of choice is flowing, elegant mage robes, daedric boots, and pretty much nothing else. Naked under your robes seems like a pretty Telvanni thing to do, if we're being honest here. -Gerrick wears roguish pirate garb fairly often during the adventure phase, but he does have some fancy threads when he's in the company of royalty.
19. How picky is your oc about their gear? Do they have different equipment for different adventures, or is it the same suit of armor for everything (not counting upgrades like from steel to ebony)? -Gav, again, has one outfit. He does swap out his tunic after one is shredded/absolutely drenched in his own blood, but the robe has been with him for years at this point. He cannot be assed to enchant a new one. -Serras is not particularily picky about what his kit looks like. He's usually fine with a bit of leather armor, but he opts for pauldrons more often than not as, again, he's convinced that's just what Dunmer do. -Lleris won't wear it if it's not cute. -Gerrick is surprisingly discerning about his gear. He has a very high standard for what his weapons should look like, and everything needs to be properly enchanted if he's gonna be using it.
20. How does your oc acquire their clothes, and from where/whom? -Gav's robe is an old piece he enchanted himself when he was a bit more put together, and the rest of his outfit is more or less charity. Like hey, couldn't help but notice you got nearly torn in half by a dragon, can I offer you this shirt? -Serras's clothes were all honestly bought with money he earned from pawning stolen goods. Hmm. -Lleris will always make the time to shop for cute outfits when he gets to a big city. The boots? Conjured. -Gerrick's things were mostly honest purchases, but not all of them. He's not above pulling a pair of nice boots off a dead man's feet.
21. Can your oc swim, and how well? Have they ever swam in the ocean, or only lakes/rivers? Remember, it’s much harder to swim in the ocean than in a lake! If your oc is an Argonian, do they take special advantage of it somehow (e.g., do they go diving for fun/for profit, do they instinctively hide in the water, etc)? If your oc is a Khajiit who can swim, how do they get their fur dry? -Gav was born by the sea and as long as the water is warm, he loves to swim. The rivers and lakes in Skyrim are all too damn cold for him, even in the summer, so he water walks more often than he swims. -Serras is a decently strong swimmer, though he's never actually seen the ocean. Rivers and lakes, though, no big deal. -Lleris can barely swim and will water walk 99% of the time he encounters water. Even though he knows a water breathing spell, he's never actually used it. -Gerrick was born on a boat and is half Maormer. He fucking knows how to swim ok.
22. How easy/difficult is it to rob your oc? Pickpocket? Bribe? -Gav: Too easy. He's got nothing of value to take, so his guard is at like, 0. -Serras: He's a pickpocket by trade, he knows all the tricks. You'd have to be pretty fucking crafty to life something from under his nose. Even if you did, you can be sure as shit he'd steal it right back. -Lleris: He's been robbed a handful of times. -Gerrick: It wouldn't be impossible to pick his pocket, just very difficult and very unwise.
23. If your oc is part of one of the more morally questionable or outright evil factions, how do they justify it to themselves? Do they still consider themselves as morally good? How well known is their affiliation to these groups? Do they have separate personas (e.g. Dragonborn to some people, Listener to others)? Do their family/friends know? If they have separate personas, how do they keep their less than righteous activities secret? -Gav, despite being provably morally good, deals with a lot of completely unjustified guilt. He doesn't think of himself as that great of a person, because he feels too selfish. -Serras doesn't really hide that he's a thief by trade, at least to anyone who knows him. He's had his shot at honest work, and he just couldn't cut it. And well, a dude's gotta make a living somehow. He tries to keep his mind clear by only stealing from people who can afford to have things go missing. Or just if he hates them. Either way. -Lleris is very hush-hush about any work he's done with the thieves guild. He doesn't consider him to be affiliated with them, moreso that they stay in fleeting business arrangements, arrangements which become less and less frequent the more involved he gets in Telvanni politics. -Gerrick having pirate roots is something of an open secret. Part of his appeal as an Eye is his roguishness, and it's not exactly hard for him to work with shadowy sources. He'll never deny his heritage to anyone who directly asks. Not many people have the gall to do that, however, so rumors do fly.
24. How helpful is your oc, and why? Are they helpful or kind even during difficult situations? Are they pragmatic, or do they have a hero syndrome? -Gav has a weird obligation on/off switch. He feels guilted into helping people in certain situations, while he can walk away from others with a clear conscience. When the guilt hits, he will go so far against his own interests to help people, even if he's actively suffering as he does so. Even then, god does he hate being recognized as some kind of hero. Nothing he does in Skyrim makes him feel like a hero, and he actively lives out the world's most aggressive case of imposter syndrome even after Alduin fucking dies. He immediately leaves Skyrim after Alduin's death, because he can't live with the recognition he feels he fell dick first into. No one knows or cares who the Dragonborn is in Morrowind, so he busts ass to the eastern border the second his ass gets back to Nirn. -Serras historically doesn't go that far out of his way to help people, unless they're someone he already cares about, or who he owes some kind of debt. Part of his Growth is slowly taking up his father's mantel as a healer, and dedicating the rest of his life to helping people. Big claps for Serras! -Lleris has such a bad hero syndrome. The fucking second he gets the impression that he might be Nerevarine, that's how he's introducing himself to people. He does get to play big damn hero for a little while after the events at Red Mountain, but the novelty does eventually wear off, at least for the people around him. Well into his second or third century, he'll still bring up that time he was Azura's champion and killed not one, but two living gods. For like the thousandth time. -Gerrick can help or hurt. When he's helpful, he's super fucking helpful. He's your fucking MVP. But the second you cross him, he’ll be out for blood. And while he does have a reputation that often precedes him, he doesn't exactly milk it.
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sugrmottas · 6 years
what actually are your glee ships?
short answer is everything, more or less. i’m too much of a multishipper lmao
long answer is under the cut.
here are my preferred endgames:
rachel: jesse/rachel, but in an entirely different way than it unfolded in the show??? also they’d get together pretty far into their twenties/maybe even early thirties vs. rachel being 21 and jesse being 23.
finn: i have an oc endgame for finn (had he lived) because i honestly don’t really see him working with anyone actually on the show. 
kurt: i do stick by my preference of adam/kurt (he needs to be someone more mature than him Honestly), but as time goes by i do find myself growing more and more fond of the adam/elliott/kurt ot3. i never quite got the appeal of any of kurt’s other ships (especially kurt/puck and kurt/karofsky) so that might be a factor there, admittedly.
mercedes: in the event that tike isn’t endgame, i do find myself pretty soft for mercedes/mike. they have such a great dynamic in s4 (that was dropped thereafter but that’s glee i Suppose) and it’s easy to see how it could grow into a romantic relationship between the two of them. they’d do friends to lovers so well. i’m endlessly fascinated by their potential. i have an oc endgame for her otherwise, because nobody else on this hellshow deserves mercedes jones.
tina: mike/tina was super undeveloped but also one of the healthiest relationships glee had so they’re automatically my endgame for them but as i delve more into the post-glee headcanons, idk. maybe not. if not mike, i’d probably end up putting her with an oc. maybe a warbler, but lbr, all but blaine/kurt/sebastian/hunter count as ocs. sooooooooo
artie: honestly? idk. i’m v soft for artie/kitty but i enjoy artie so little as a character that i find it hard to pair him with anyone. 
quinn: i ship quinn with literally everything under the sun. i don’t think i have a stable endgame for her, but i always end up coming back around to pairing her with warbler wes. (kids born into ohio’s high society and forcing themselves to live up to impossible standards until they just can’t anymore is my LIFEBLOOD.)
santana: dani/santana. i think santana does need an intellectual equal to be fully satisfied in a relationship and as much as she loves brittany, she just… doesn’t hit the mark. and that’s okay. seriously. dani and santana kind of feed into each other’s prejudices (fuck your biphobia ladies) so they need to do a lot of growing together, but i think they’d do it well.
brittany: i don’t have a solid endgame for brittany just because i struggle to understand her character, which is my bad. i think if anything i’d have her in a polyamorous relationship (usually of 4, sometimes 3, rarely more) with a group of ocs - usually a warbler’s thrown in there (jeff more often than not) but the others are completely from scratch.
puck: puck/rachel has always owned my heart, so i feel it necessary to give them a shoutout here. but honestly, lauren/puck is just… so good. 
mike: mandatory callouts for mike/tina and mercedes/mike. i think for mike, mike/tina makes a lot more sense - she pushes him to challenge his father which is Huge, but i struggle to see where he’d challenge her. he’d support her to the end, but stops short of telling her to be more. i think there’s less of him holding back in his relationship with mercedes (they have a dynamic built on mutual respect, where mike and tina started hooking up behind tina’s boyfriend’s back), so i think i’m more partial to them here.
matt: i felt weird not including him but honestly matt/screentime
sam: blam, surprising nobody.
blaine: blam, surprising nobody. seblaine’s a Big secondary ship, though.
sugar: warbler nick fuck y’all crusty bitches who don’t give a shit about boys if they ain’t gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rory: ??? idk man, rory deserved better than this hellshow.
joe: i have an oc endgame for him!
marley: jake/marley/ryder. jake and marley date for-freaking-ever (fuck the cheating storyline), breaking up when the time comes for college - jake gets an insane scholarship to julliard while marley’s staying in ohio. who else is staying in ohio? oh gee, ryder! so marley and ryder spend a Lot of time together, eventually begin dating, except there’s always a weird cloud of Jake hanging above them. jake ends up dropping out of julliard and drops off the map for a while and eventually jake’s mom calls ryley begging them to try and help find her baby because they were His People and even though they haven’t spoken to jake in nearly three years, they go because of course they do. there’s a Lot more to this story, but i’m trying to keep this short so: they find jake in new york eventually, in with the entirely wrong crowd and end up staying in the city (in blaine and sam’s apartment which is too small for the two of them let alone all five) to try and help him recover/through his withdrawals (they do long-distance schooling because blaine mother hens the shit out of them and refuses to let them fuck up their hard work just because jake’s struggling) and a few years laterrrr they’re all together.
jake: read above
ryder: read above
kitty: artie/kitty. also v partial to kitty/warbler thad. i just like putting the second generation of new directions with warblers oKaY
unique: i honestly. do not know. i love unique but have such a flimsy grasp on her character (probably because i hate alex) that i just never know what the fuck i’m doing with her post-canon?????? probably an oc, though.
i feel like the 3rd generation pairs itself up nicely (alistair/spencer, jane/mason) and don’t have too much of an idea of madison and roderick’s endgames (not each other, fuck y’all crusty bitches not being able to come up with unique endgames for them when they clearly weren’t super into each other) sooo uh END SECTION
i mentioned various secondary endgames above, but here are my big midgame ships.
rachel: finchel (uh fuck canon), pezberry (uh fuck canon x2), samchel, puckleberry (idk how i feel about canon here).
finn: finchel, fuinn strictly in the sense of “i don’t ship them romantically but view them as integral to each of their individual development”.
kurt: klaine. also ngl i’m vaguely interested in what Could have happened with chandler/kurt but i don’t think i ship it much.
mercedes: samcedes, idk their ship name but mercedes/shane was also a good ship, you guys are just mean.
tina: tartie. also the older i get, the more i lowkey ship sam/tina tbh.
artie: tartie, quartie.
quinn: fuinn, quick, quam, quartie. also it’s Mostly a crackship but st. fabray kind of??? appeals to me??? also quinntana and faberry but there’s so much meta there that idk if i ship them or just find them incredibly interesting
santana: brittana, pezberry, quinntana. 
brittany: brittana, bram (quinn and sam are kind of my shipping bicycles pls help).
puck: quick. also the age-difference was super whack, but i’d be interested in him and kitty dating when she’s, you know, legal.
mike: personal headcanon is that mike’s demisexual but biromantic, so i don’t do a lot of casual shipping with him. i’ve been playing with the concept of him going on a few dates with a male oc when they’re in college, though idk if it’s a Big thing yet.
sam: samcedes, quam, bram, samchel, sam/tina (sina? tam? ew).
blaine: klaine. also i’ll be honest, the concept of a bi!blaine is super interesting to me (i cried when biota aired lmao) and if it was Ever a thing, i’d ship blaine/brittany/sam so hard.
sugar: rory/sugar, artie/sugar, a bunch of idiot men/sugar.
rory: rory/sugar. also i have a weird thing where i think he and marley would be super close but idk if it’s in a ship way or best friends??? sos
joe: i know it was never super developed, but i was kinda soft for joe/quinn ngl.
marley: n/a??? idk she’s a v first love/last love kind of girl.
jake: jake/kitty.
ryder: i have a Thing for ryder/tina and i don’t understand it but blake and jenna had some Super Cute moments so i blame them. also i’m adding ryder to the list of “members of new directions 2.0 randomly dating warblers”, this time the lucky warbler being an oc soooo SRY
kitty: jake/kitty. jitty? i feel like they had a ship name.
unique: n/a???
and then there’s notp’s, of which i have one: k*rtsofky :) also k*rley is…kinda gross lads. also s*btana just let thm b gay!!!
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voidfishersong · 6 years
Fallane and Eliza Fate, please
Alright, these two are from different ‘verses just fyi. so any supernatural elements are very, very different, as well as social situations.
WARNING: Fallane’s contains reference to some things that might be triggering. nothing in-detail, but please be advised.
Full Name: Fallane
Gender and Sexuality:
 male-ish but with a rising intonation and a hand-wiggly gesture. sexuality is definitely just a hand-wiggly gesture, we think he has a slight preference for men but tbh no one cares
 he/him. if you used other ones he probably wouldn’t object but if you asked he’d say ‘he/him’
 Egyptian. and he’s like,,, vaguely a demon but not actually. he’s
 to be one of the generals/servants/sextoys/whatever of AN ASSHOLE who reincarnates every 30 years or so, possesses a young girl, and makes everyone’s life hell but he said ‘nope that’ and (mostly) left. so he’s not actually a demon but that’s what his kind got characterized as by various mortals and usually he doesn’t correct people
Birthplace and Birthdate:
 like literal ancient egypt in like 2,700 bc or smth
Guilty Pleasures:
 I don’t think he’s guilty about any of his pleasures.
that came out way more sexual than I intended
I just meant that he likes things and he’s not ashamed of it
 ahhhh this ‘verse is so dark help. I’d say sexual assault is pretty high on the list. I think he’s also a bit claustrophobic. more than a bit. he’s very claustrophobic he just doesn’t get into many situations like that
What They Would Be Famous For:
 he could be a model? like actually. he wouldn’t but he
. he’s got a wicked fashion sense and is really good at makeup. ooh he could model makeup too
What They Would Get Arrested For:
 can u get arrested for smoking indoors? he would. or shoplifting. he likes petty crime because either a) ‘this shouldn’t be privately owned and private ownership is just a social construct’ or b) ‘haha what are u gonna do, catch me?’
OC You Ship Them With:
 Sam!! Sam Reeve x Fallane is best ship. you could also ship him with Kai but Sam is most perfectest. I made a ship name for them but it’s lame and I’m not sharing unless u dm me. I also ship Fallane with a healthy lifestyle but that’s never gonna be canon so
OC Most Likely To Murder Them:
 does Nara canonically murdering him count? there r a lot of ppl who want to murder Fallane so I feel like this is an unfair question. Kai genuinely hates him for a large part of the story. ahaha Kai canonically kills him too jesus christ Fallane you’ve been killed three times you gotta chill. but I think Nara would be more likely to succeed than Kai so. the answer I pick is Nara. in a sarcastic way tho it’d be Mista, who is so done with his shit and she’s the type to say ‘im going to murder you’ when he like, puts his feet on the table or something
Favorite Movie/Book Genre:
 mystery? anything he can sarcastically criticize the plot of, tbh. maybe horror
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche:
 if he’s a horror fan, then it’d be where any time someone says ‘dont do this’ the person does it and dies. I think he definitely dislikes the ‘aliens are always technological experts’ cliche like what if the explorers are anthropologists with no clue how their ship works?? did you ever think of that?? no you didn’t
Talents and/or Powers:
 his main talent is sarcasm. he’s very gifted with picking up languages and accents, and he has a high appreciation for all forms of art. in the supernatural realm, he’s got a lot. he’s a natural low-level empath, and then he got powers on top of that, which made him nigh immortal, gave him rly cool wings, and magical charisma (which is like subconscious suggestion, except,, magic) which he mostly uses to convince people he’s paid for shit he
 paid for. in the name of disabling capitalism, of course, and not because he just wants the pillow. then he’s also got some extradimensional abilities which are often interpreted as a kind of telekinesis but isn’t technically. and his empathic abilities get turned up to eleven until he can project so hard he can accidentally (or purposefully) kill someone
Why Someone Might Love Them:
 if you’re about grey moralities, ambiguity, and anti-heroes, you’ll probably love Fallane. he’s also very protective, and a single dad of energetic twins so there’s no shortage of relatability, either. but I think a lot of his charm comes from his interactions with other characters, because he feels very strongly and brings many things other characters are afraid to say. there’s a weighty sense of honesty with him, and a real desire to do right by the world and help the downtrodden. he also struggles with trauma and mental illness and he’s really, really messed up but he
 and sometimes he fails and I think people will find a surprising amount to identify with. Fallane is my ultimate walking contradiction, but I think it works.
Why Someone Might Hate Them:
 I feel like he’s a character people would be just indifferent toward UNTIL people started being apologists and saying he does nothing wrong and then he’d be one of those characters that the fandom just splits on, as polarizing ends get increasingly more argumentative. he can be manipulative too and I think people might take issue with things like that, but I feel like most people who would actively hate him would be misinterpreting him. he’s not supposed to be a paragon of good morality
How They Change:
 in the first few waves of this ‘verse Fallane was a definite villain, if a hero-aiding anti-villain. then I decided villains were overrated and now there’s no villains, just a complicated mess of varying degrees of grey morality. in canon, this is reflected. he goes from a certain ‘I can’t do anything substantial about it so I just won’t bother’ to someone who
 on his desire to combat discrimination and abuse. he also gets his family back, and gains a little sister, and he’s constantly learning how to love (in every way) and how to
Why You Love Them:
 he’s learning how to live. much of Fallane’s backstory (and his role-switch from anti-villain to anti-hero) came from when I got over being suicidal, so he’s sometimes a comfort character. ngl, I also love his aesthetic. I’m also a bit biased because he has ocd and I have ocd and that’s relatable too and it makes his aesthetic
 relatable. he’s also incredibly emotional and that’s always an adventure to write. I really love Fallane guys.
also this ao3 tag is like the greatest descriptor of him:
Tumblr media
Full Name: Eliza Fate
Gender and Sexuality:
female, bisexual
: She/Her
English. and she’s a vampire so uh yea
Birthplace and Birthdate:
England and uh….. like…. idk….. a long time ago
Guilty Pleasures:
both slow and fast jazz music. also she’s surprisingly good with children - I like to think that sometimes, she volunteers at daycare-like-places in the shadier parts of town where there’s too many kids and not enough workers and she just helps out these toddlers and teaches them to jazz dance, the way you teach little kids anything, which is hold them and pretend they’re following anything you’re saying
I don’t think she’s phobic of anything, but she’s afraid of losing her family. they’re very important to her and I think her deepest fear is that someday she’s going to wake up completely alone. she’s not afraid of any one person leaving (obviously she’d be upset), it’s just the idea that
 could disappear
What They Would Be Famous For:
she’s kind of famous within the criminal underworld because she’s like a mob boss, and she’s mostly famous for having a very large family, and for being independent. she went almost two centuries without a right-hand man/woman/etc which, especially as a woman, was quite unique
What They Would Get Arrested For:
I mean she already murders ppl and runs a mafia so that
 get her arrested, but if she ever got caught it’d probably be something like she murdered a child abuser or something really,
 violently and not well-planned
OC You Ship Them With:
 Itsuki, who’s her canon boyfriend, and Andrea, who’s her canon girlfriend. she’s poly and her relationships are usually open relationships, including with those two. I also ship her hardcore with Katsumi, although that’s a very different dynamic (1960s lots of drugs and alcohol and free sex and it’s about pushing each other further and further and not always healthy but they know that and it’s okay). I feel like Eliza would be really great for romance fanfic because you can go with many time periods!
OC Most Likely To Murder Them:
 Rin. boi Rin has wanted to murder her since he met her probably, he just hated her on principle and then Eliza went and decided she liked Itsuki so Rin hated that and
 she started dating Katsumi too and so she’s in love with both his roommates and that pisses Rin off. it’s funny.
actually it’s often really depressing because they end up blaming each other for Katsumi’s death and just about everything else and I think Rin might actually wish she had never existed but
usually it’s a sarcastic ‘I would murder you right now Eliza I swear’
Favorite Movie/Book Genre:
 slice of life. I think she likes the variety and the normalcy of it all, and she usually thinks the couples are cute. her least favorite genre is probably mystery
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche:
 love triangles. they’re way, way overdone. also they invalidate the possibility of poly or open relationships. on a less serious note, she hates any mystery story that ends with like ‘the detective was the culprit all along!’ there’s not really a reason why she hates that but. she does. I made her I make the rules
Talents and/or Powers:
 powers: well, she’s a vampire. talents: charisma. she is very good at getting people to understand her viewpoint, when she puts her foot down on something, which is rare. she’s also good at dancing. and very good at sex too apparently. she’s good with children too! but only really smol ones, once they get above like 5 they’re usually assholes
Why Someone Might Love Them:
 she’s strong, and independent, and I think she’s over all a good person. she doesn’t take shit from people, but she doesn’t assume that people
 giving her shit. she’s quite easy-going, all-in-all. she’s also really loving to her family, and in many ways she fulfills feminine roles, but the way she does them and the way she thinks about them are empowering, I think
Why Someone Might Hate Them:
 when Eliza was first conceptualized in mid high school, I was terrified that people would see her as bad representation because she’s not morally straight
 I worried that making her bi and poly would make people angry. but I think I’ve mostly gotten past that? idk. but I definitely think people might dislike her for her constant relationships - she doesn’t do well if she doesn’t have at least one datemate, and people might see that as too dependent or needy. she sometimes comes across as needy, so there’s that. I think there’d definitely be Eliza Fate stans and Eliza Fate haters
How They Change:
 you get to see her progression from the civil rights era to present day, and she does change a bit, but overall she’s one of the most stable characters in this ‘verse. she really learns to accept rejection, and since she adopts a literal child (Nayeli) into her family and doesn’t raise Nayeli with any expectations of her joining the Family, I think she learns to work with people during their formative adolescent years, too
Why You Love Them:
Eliza is a character from the second wave of this ‘verse, so she’s quite old to have changed so little. I also love how she can differ depending on the time, so her roles change depending on the context. her personality doesn’t really change between any of them, but she’s a very complex character (a side effect of having been in my head for at least 5 years) and you can actually
 all her facets. also she’s a mob boss mom??? like that’s cool idk she’s super suave and i’m gay
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