#i hope i anwsered your question?????
skywerse · 6 months
very random question but making the whole recent animatic you did (which was AMAZING btw) how do you feel about it in terms of progress you've made on your art skill? because like I've also very recently started getting into making animatics and it seems like a constant flow of working on the art and personally I've felt a shift in how I approach making normal pieces of art, so I was just wondering how much of that feeling would be there for you after finishing such a big project? I'm sorry if that didn't make sense lskdjfal i just kinda want you to talk and ramble about your thoughts and all during making the animatic sjskla
no one's ever asked me about this stuff before, so buckle up because this might turn into a lengthy fucking ramble
to start, if we were to talk about progress, I'd have to talk about it more in retrospective than just my latest animatic. it's been three years since I started animating, and this particular animatic was more of a silly and short side project, I didn't put much thought into it really.
before diving into animation, I had a foundation in graphic design, four years at a tech school. this gave me a strong grasp of the basics and by that I mean visuals, colours, composition, and more. but yeah, when you transition to animation your view on art definitely shifts, at least mine did. because animation, at its core, is storytelling through visuals. so you're basically delving into film, and now you're not just thinking about static elements, you're considering movement, pacing, cinematography, even sound design. and as an animator, you're the director, the cinematographer, the storyboard artist, and the editor. each role requires specific skills. you need an understanding of visual storytelling, character design, motion graphics, timing, and so on and so on! and you're learning them along the way as you work on your projects. I'm learning all that still, and if you take a look at how my animatics looked in 2020 and now it's so much progress. HELL, both in my animation AND my drawings.
if you really think about this riptide animatic in retrospection you're basically seeing 10 years of my hard work on perfecting those skills combined into one silly video lol BUT without it, for me it's just silly thing that I did and I'm just glad people seem to like it, I'm not dwelling on progress here
now, when it comes to how I feel after finishing a project? in general? it's a mix. there's a sense of achievement, sure. like here I have to mention my short film again. I spent a whole year on it, mostly working on my own but with some guidance from my thesis supervisor. the film is 7 minutes long, and I worked on animating it from march to august. and when I compare the start to the finish, I can SO clearly see the improvement, both in terms of skill and artistic vision. BUT I also tend to look back and think about what I could've done better or differently. and while I see areas for improvement, this self-critique pushes me to get better with each project. eeeh it's a bit of a love-hate relationship with my work really. that's how it always been for me lol
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thefallennightmare · 7 months
Miracle-twenty two
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Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings/Tropes: forced proximity, slight enemies to lovers, slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death, and swearing.
Summary: Reader is the merch girl for Bad Omens. It wasn't what she wanted to do with her life but when her mother got sick with Alzheimer's, reader took a job where she could to help with the costs. She thought it would be a one-time gig but the longer she was on the road with them, the harder she fell for Noah Sebastian; even if he wanted nothing to do with her. She needed a miracle to save her mom and her future.
Author Note: The moment you've all been waiting for. I know I teased masked sex in this one BUT it's going to have to wait for the next chapter. TWO CHAPTERS LEFT; I REPEAT TWO CHAPTERS LEFT!
Tags: @ada-clarence @nonamessblog @thescarlettvvitch @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @theoneandonlykymberlee @yumikitten @blackveilomens @cherrymedicine13 @thebadchic @notmaddihealy @jay02bo @beaker1636 @jakekiszkasguitarpick @punk-pr1ncessxoxo @er3nslovergirl @iamdesolate @lma1986 @jessitpwk @themodern-daywednesday @writethrough @bngurngheart @dreams-that-are-anwsered @loeytuan98 @omens-in-reverse @loverofagoodbeard @jay02bo @niicoleleigh @tearfallpixie @cupidsdreams
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"Noah, I swear to the gods, put me down," I giggled while smacking his back.
He ignored my protest and pathetic attempt to break free from his hold as he opened the door to his room, kicking it closed behind him. My upside down view was of his round ass, which I tried hard not to take a bite out off, so I wasn't able to see what was scattered around the room and bed until Noah gently let me fall to my feet.
I brushed my hair out of my face while narrowing my eyes at him. "You can't manhandle me to get what you want, you know."
He scoffed while raising a brow. "Says the girl that just jerked me off in front of the guys."
I pursed my lips, a red hue covering my cheeks, and when I went to retort back with a witty comeback, I noticed the scene in front of me.
Behind Noah, who was smirking like an idiot, were a couple bouquets of flowers; one on his dresser, one on the table next to his bed, and one on his desk next to his computer. All black dahlia's, my favorite.
"Davis told me that back in high school you used to be obsessed with black dahlia's," Noah said as he watched me fiddle with one between my fingers.
Tears burned at the back of my eyes but I refused to let them slip.
"Yeah," I cleared my throat. "After the murder; call me grotesque but I'm a huge true crime nerd."
Noah smiled warmly at me when I gazed over to him. "When did you do all this? We've been together all night.
"I set it up when you ran to grab the pizza's. Although, I was hoping to have you up here a lot sooner. The playlist I made is almost over."
"Playlist?" I questioned, now hearing the soft tune of music play from his computer.
Bending over the desk, I scrolled through the entire Spotify playlist he created and titled it Angel. It had all of my favorite songs and of course, some Bad Omens songs. Between the flowers and playlist, my heart was swooning with such an intense feeling that I had to grip the chair in front of me to steady myself. Why did I feel like this? Why was this unknown feeling so intense that I couldn't breathe?
Love, you idiot. You fucking love Noah Sebastian.
I almost stumbled on my feet when the realization slammed through me like a fucking truck. There always was this sensation that lurked at the depths of my heart and soul that knew I loved Noah. With everything that's happened the last few weeks, however, clouded over those sensations until recently. The more time I spent with now, the intense those sensations vibrated throughout my veins.
"You didn't have to do all this, Noah," my bottom lip trembled.
He cupped my cheek, thumb grazing over the trembling lip. "Yes, I did. You've been going through so much lately and while I don't know what's going on in your mind exactly."
Noah's fingers tapped against my forehead causing me to let out a small laugh.
"I do know that you needed something to lift your spirits," he finished then motioned to the bed behind me.
Looking over my shoulder, a gasp fell from my lips when I saw a small velvet box on the bed, next to a piece of paper that folded perfectly in half. Noah quickly hushed my panic with a kiss to the side of my head when he noticed my shoulders went stiff.
"It's not a ring, don't worry," he muttered.
Because I only realized I loved him, the last thing I needed right now was a proposal. But that didn't mean I was opposed to it down the road.
With shaky hands, I opted in picking up the piece of paper first and seeing what it was made my stomach flip repeatedly.
"A plane ticket?" I peered up at Noah.
"You're coming with to Europe, angel. Wether its to work for Bad Omens or to be with me. I'm not letting you stay back," Noah's tucked a piece of hair behind my ears, fingers lingering on the skin of my neck.
Guilt pulled at my heart. "I think I have no choice but to work for you. I have to save up some money if I want to find a place. Although, I'm not sure how I'm going to afford anything over in Europe. Maybe I should stay back and find a job here-."
Noah hushed my ramblings with a fiery kiss, hand burying into my hair while the other grasped at the back of my neck to pull me into his chest. The plane ticket fluttered to the ground as I grabbed a fist full of his shirt and I had to stand on my toes to lean up into the kiss.
"For once, angel. Stop worrying about what you have to do in order to survive. I'm here now, let me help you with things," he muttered against my lips.
"But I-."
Once again, Noah cut off my words with his lips but this kiss wasn't intense as the last one.
"Please let me do this, okay?" He leaned back so he could look into my eyes. "Let me take care of you the way I should have from the start."
The part of me that was used to fighting help or fighting to survive screamed to decline, tell Noah to fuck off and I didn't need his help. But learning to change and heal from the trauma of my past made me eventually nod. I needed to learn to accept help because there were something I couldn't do on my own.
"Okay," I breathed. "But I still think I should start looking for an apartment. It might take a while of me working to save up."
Noah grabbed the other gift and placed it in my hands. "This might help."
I raised a curious brow at him. "What is it?"
"That's the whole concept of a gift. You open it and see," he urged me on with a nod.
I smacked his hand away as he tried to open the box for me and when I saw what was inside; I was even more confused.
"A key?" I wondered while picking it up out of the box. "What's this for?"
Noah rubbed the back of his neck."Uh, shit. I had this whole thing planned in my head but now that you're standing in front of me, I'm nervous."
My heart hammered against my chest as I waited for him to find the words he needed to say, still clutching the key tight in my hand. I knew what he was going to ask and my brain was screaming the answer already before he even asked.
With his hand in mine, the thumb that had the angel wings tattoo rubbing across the back of my hand, Noah locked his eyes with mine.
"Move in with me, angel."
The words stumbled out in one large garbled mess, and Noah cursed. "Fuck, this was a lot easier when I practiced it in my head."
Through my own nerves, I couldn't help but giggle at how adorable he was in this moment. From the second I opened the small box, I knew what he wanted to ask me but I was still very on the fence about it.
"Are you sure that's a good idea? We're going to be with each other all the time at home and at work? Won't you get sick of me?"
The corner of Noah's lips curled up in a smile. "You said home."
I bit the inside of my cheek to hide my own smile. "You know what I mean."
He pulled me down to sit on his bed with him and brough my legs into his lap, fingers grazing over the bare skin of my thighs. The small action did so much to calm my racing heart.
"There's no way I could get sick of you. Having you with me when I wake up in the morning or go to sleep at the end of a long day makes whatever issues we may have down the road worth it. It makes sense if you think about it. Why would I have you go find a place of your own when Jolly and I have all this extra space?"
My eyes widened. "Oh, please tell me you talked to Jolly about this? I don't want him to feel left out or what if he thinks we're going to kick him out?"
"Jolly is fine with it," Noah reassured me by pulling out his phone to show me the text thread between him and Jolly.
Of course, he was telling the truth. Jolly even called him out for not asking sooner. But when I watched Noah swipe out of the messages, I got a peak at the background on his phone and my cheeks flushed with a blazing heat. It was a picture of me, one that I posted on my Only Fans; the one of mean in their Bad Omens shirt in the tour bus bathroom.
"Noah Sebastian!" I scolded. "Why the fuck is that your background?!"
I jumped into his lap to snatch the phone from him hoping to change the background. Noah laughed while one hand kept the phone away from quite a distance and his other arm snaked around my back to keep me in place.
"It's fucking hot, angel." Noah shrugged so matter-of-factly.
"What if someone sees it?" I seethed trying to reach for the phone again. "Well, Folio's already seen those but still."
"Don't remind me," Noah grumbled, dropping his phone on his bed.
The grip on me turned possessive and for a moment, I stopped trying to grab his phone and instead, cupped Noah's face.
"You have no reason to be jealous. I deleted the page but we both know those pictures are out there. It was something I knew would happen when I started the page."
"I know," he eventually sighed.
"Why do you even want that picture as your background? You can't see my face," I wondered.
Noah's eyes darkened as he licked his lips. "Maybe you should take another one for me, this time where I can see your gorgeous face."
"Hm," I hummed while brushing my nose across his. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"You don't even know."
My squeal of laughter echoed around the room when Noah flipped us on the bed so he was leaning over me, digging his hips into mine. A mixture between a moan and a whine fell from my lips and I grasped at his hips so I could keep him close. He was still wearing his sweats from earlier so I could still feel the hard definition of his hardening cock. With his face buried in the crook of my neck, Noah breathed me in while leaving pepper light kisses everywhere.
"You said home," he repeated his words form earlier.
"Yes," I breathed out a moan when his cock slide over the folds of my pussy.
I was still turned on from our little under the blanket action earlier and with everything he was doing right now; I was minutes away from coming undone.
"So you'll stay?"
Noah pulled away so he could gaze down at me, hair falling into his eyes. I gently brushed it away so I could get a good look of his face to see if he truly meant and understood what he was asking of me. This wasn't something he could take back, or well he could but it would mean the end of our relationship. That wasn't something I wanted.
But through the dark depths of his eyes, I could see that Noah meant every part of his question.
Leaning up so my lips ghosted over his, I smiled. "Only if you change your background."
"It's a fucking deal, angel," Noah said before crashing his lips to mine.
We both moaned into the kiss, starved for the desire that's been clawing at our insides for weeks. It's been an unspoken rule between us that even though we've fooled around, we still haven't had sex yet. Neither of us knew why we were waiting so long to jump over that hurdle but now that the future was bright and clear of any more obstacles, we were ready.
I was ready.
Noah's large hand spread across the skin of my stomach as he slipped it underneath my shirt, fingers pulling at the waistband of my pants, a silent question.
"Please," I begged, raising my hips up to meet his.
He made quick work of shedding me of my pants then my shirt, me now laying underneath him in just a pair of black panties. Sheer darkness filled the whites of his eyes as he cocked his head at me.
"You weren't wearing a bra all night?"
I shrugged innocently. "Oops."
Noah's savageness poured out of him through his kiss as he attacked my lips once more and now it was me who slipped him off his shirt and sweats, the black briefs doing absolutely nothing to hide the hardness of his cock. I ran my palm over it, his entire body shivering underneath my touch.
"Fuck, angel. If you keep that up I'm going to cum in your hand all over again," he groaned while bitting my bottom lip.
I hissed in pleasure, the taste of copper lingering on my tongue.
"Did you-." I licked my bottom lip. "Did you just bite me?"
Noah shrugged. "Oops."
Wrapping my legs around his waist, I somehow managed to flip us around so I was now straddling him. It wasn't an easy task since he was much taller than me but we made it work even though we were horizontal on the bed.
His name fell from my lips in a whine full of desperation. He barley touched me but the wetness between my legs was warm and I needed this release so fucking bad.
"What do you want from me?" His hand slide up my stomach to cup my breast, fingers pinching and pulling my nipples.
"You. I just want you."
With his free hand, he helped me shimmy out of my panties then I hurriedly slid his briefs down his long legs, eyes lingering on the array of tattoo's. I was kneeling in front of him and leaned towards the rose tattoo on his right kneecap to pepper kisses along it before jumping over to the Japanese style mask on his left leg, purposely avoiding the tattoo of Bryan's face.
"That's so fucking weird."
"Trust me. That's not the weirdest tattoo I have," he chuckled.
My lips parted over the leaking head of Noah's cock, fingers wrapping around the base, and I licked up the bits of pre-cum that seeped through the slit. I hummed in pure delight as the salty taste lingered on my lips.
"So good," I praised looking up at him through my lashes
He groaned pleasure, or annoyance that I was taking my time, I wasn't sure. Noah sat up and rested his elbows on his knees, the LED lights behind his bed and around his room bathed him in an orange glow.
"Angel," he warned. "I'm not in the mood for games. Please."
I rose to my feet slowly. "Is Noah Sebastian begging?"
"Fuck yes I am," he sighed.
"Well, who am I to make you wait," I straddled his hips once again and gently pushed him back onto the bed, the head of his cock sliding along my folds.
My head leaned back in pure bliss when Noah guided himself past my wetness, the thickness of his cock filling me completely. It pulsed inside of me, earning a desperate groan from me. Noah's eyes fluttered shut as his lips parted to an 'O' shape and hands gripping my hips so tight I was sure there would be bruises in the morning.
But I didn't care. Having him finally inside of me felt so fucking good.
I rocked my hips against him with my swollen clit rubbing against his warm stomach and I shivered at the sensation. Everything from earlier sent me in a spiral of pure desire and I felt the coil in my stomach pulling tight.
"Are you alright?" I asked when I realized Noah was barley moving.
He nodded, eyes finding mine through the messy strands of hair that covered his face.
"You're just so fucking beautiful, angel. I've wanted this for so long," he admitted and grabbed the back of my neck to yank me down towards him.
He attacked my lips with so my force I had to rest a hand on his chest, our tongues exploring each other mouths in a kiss so vicious it made my head spin. Noah's hips finally moved in a slow, steady stroke and I whined into the kiss.
"More," I mumbled into his lips.
"Fuck, angel." He groaned. "If I go faster, I'll-. It's too good."
I cupped his face to look at him. "Noah, please don't think you need to make this last an hour. I'm so fucking close and I can tell you are too. I have an implant so you don't have to worry about anything."
That's all he needed before his arms wrapped around my back, pulling me closer to his chest as his hips snapped up into me in violent strokes, the head of his cock hitting that perfect spot. I yelled out my pleasure, exposing my neck to Noah who immediately attacked it with his teeth leaving bite marks all along it.
My body hummed in a prayer like awaking, the flames and heat burning high in my belly as my organs crested higher; so fucking high I was afraid I would combust into nothing but matter in the air. His name fell from my lips in devotion, a woman praying to her God, and my toes curled as the orgasm ripped through me with so much force I screamed out in pure bliss.
"I love you."
The aftershocks halted, my body going rigid in Noah's embrace, who didn't bother to stop moving his hips. My heart swelled with so much emotion at hearing those three words and I brushed back the stand of hair from Noah's face, it stuck to the skin with his sweat.
"Wha-what did you say?" I stammered, breathless.
He blinked slow. "I love you, angel. I'm so fucking sorry for everything hurtful thing I've done or said to you but I promise I'll spend forever making it up to you."
"I." Thrust. "Love." Thrust. "You."
A second orgasm tore through my entire being at Noah's proclamation and my head fell into his chest, his cock twitching before he released himself deep within my walls, a low groan rumbling from his throat. We lay there tangled in each other's arms for a long moment to let our breathing calm, along with our hearts. Although, there was no way mine would ever beat normal after hearing Noah loved me.
He loves me.
I peppered kisses all along the tattoo's over his chest as I curled myself underneath his arm, exhaustion digging deep into my bones.
"I love you too, Noah."
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kandavers · 3 months
Hi!!!! I'm a huge fan of your art, and I was wondering if you could just help me understand QPR relationships a little better? Google won't give me a straight anwser and I am very confused LOL. In your art they have kissed, that one mpreg related comic, and implied nsfw, so I can't exactly understand how it's different from a romantic relationship? AHH sorry!!! I'm just not sure how to understand better, and I thought it would be good to go to you, who seems to know a lot about it!
I've already explained a little bit on QPRs in one of the previous asks: here!
But the simple answer to the question of 'How a QPR is any different from a romantic relationship' is romantic attraction is NOT involved.
A lot of people view intimate acts such as Kissing or Going on Dates or Sleeping with One Another (as you have mentioned) as something only a 'romantic couple' would do. Thus, there's the term *queer* platonic, which quite literally means a sort of friendship that does these things that defy society's general view of 'intimacy can only be shared between lovers'
I'm not the best at explaining things (believe me, i'd defend QPRs with my life, the only thing capping me is English not being my first language 💀 /hj) and it's not like I'm the CEO of QPRs or anything so I may make mistakes myself too, but I hope this helps your understanding of it even a little bit ^^
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lonleydweller · 1 month
Yandere prompt 30 for Arkham Knight Riddler, please?
🥀Yandere Arkham Knight Riddler + prompt 30🥀
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!Warnings!: yandere trope, violence, kidnapping, threats of violence, blackmailing
Yanderes are OK in fiction. They should stay fiction. They are not example of healthy relationships. These behaviors are NOT okay in real life. This is for entertainment purposes
Your body trembles as you clamor to your feet. Letting out a shakey breath as your eyes are assaulted with bright green neon paint, blaring neon green lights, and ramblings that cover the grimey metal walls. The question mark buttons out of your reach that taunt you. The floor comprised of odd looking tiles. The faint crackle of electricity running through the room. This wasn't your first time being a rat in one of his mazes. In fact he seemed to just absolutely love putting you in them.
He loved taunting and cooing at you while you scrambled for your freedom. Spouting his delusions of "love" at you. Knowing you didn't have any choice to listen to his voice blare over the speakers. He always had some trick up his sleeve. A button in a hidden spot, a lever just out of reach, a timer, or a riddle to solve. You'd always loose by a meere second, a hair, a technicality. He'd gloat as if he won. Until batman would show of course.
For a moment you think maybe this was a dream. After all there was more than a minute of silence without his voice tormenting you. Maybe this wasn't real. Maybe you wouldn't have to fear for your safety. You almost jump out of your skin when the projection of him flickers onto the wall. A smug greeting.
"Look who's finally awake! Welcome back once more my dear."
You can only grimace. Not wanting to reply to his banter. You've learned that no amount of swears, pleads, cries, and screams would make him budge.
"Let's just get this over with. You want me to complete some stupid puzzle before s timer runs out right? Want me to anwser a riddle? Just like the other ones? Right?"
You question. Hoping maybe you could speed this grueling game up. An important part of that would be getting him to talk the least amount possible. He tries to talk once more, but you cut him off. Practically pleading.
"We've done this enough times. I'm not stupid. Please. Let's just get on with it. Enough with the theatrics."
He stays silent for a moment. Before recovering from your blunt response. Talking over you before you can shut him down again. Clearly a bit annoyed by the cut off.
"Well if you would let me speak, you'd see this little game I've set up is quite different than the previous ones I've challenged you with dear! After all I'd hate for these to be too easy for you. I mean, where's the fun in that?"
Your brow furrows. This wasn't good. It seems your flimsy plan wasn't going to hold up. He'd already thrown so many different mechanisms your way. What else could he possibly have? What other headache inducing thing would you have to remember? His obnoxious giggle echoes as he boasts.
"I've added something a new! A new risk. I've upped the stakes, so to speak!... something you can't ignore. Nor brush off this time like it's nothing."
The feed switches to with an audible noise, from Edwards disgusting face to a person tied in to a chair, wiring hooked up to it. A wave of nausea hits you, your body shudders, your blood runs cold. You feel frozen, like your feet are stuck in concrete.
It was your friend. Your dear friend who's comforted you through all of this, stuck by your side, and pushed gotham authorities to do more, they even let you stay at their place when your's was no longer safe.
This had to be a joke. This had to be fake. Maybe it was just someone that looked like them? He wouldn't go this far would he? He had to be just bluffing right?
"This has to be a joke..."
You say out loud in disbelief. Tears pooling down your face, dripping onto the metal tiles at your feet. The muffled cries of your friend echo throughout the room.
"Oh I assure you, this is no joke my dear. What you see is most certainly real. I've gotten this.. cretin you refer to as a friend hooked up to a series of wires ready to deliver more than enough electricity to fire their tiny brain."
You sputter out more words in a desperate plea, hoping maybe this was just one big trick.
"No.. no.. you can't be serious right? Y-you wouldn't actually do this.. y-you wouldn't go this far all over me.. You're bluffing, you have to be, please."
His smile drops, he looks almost offended. He let's out a strained chuckle. Speaking through gritted teeth, his voice shaking a bit.
"I don't think you quite understand just how far I'd go to have you."
And with that deadly declaration of devotion, the timer starts ticking down.
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toasttt11 · 5 months
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June 31, 2023
Luke gently slid off the couch covering Octavia with the blanket letting her continue to sleep in, after they had stayed up late last night on the basement couch talking until they fell asleep.
He quickly and quietly walked to his room in the lake house getting ready and slid on his slides and heading up the stairs and no surprise seeing the rest of his family alreadly awake especially since Luke and Octavia would sleep all day if they could.
“Morning Lukey.” Jack sent a smile at his brother and Quinn looked up from his phoen sending a smile at Luke, Ellen and Jim looked up from the puzzle they were doing at the kitchen island.
“Luke! Are you leaving now?” Ellen smiled at her son, knowing what he’s been planning for his sister.
“Yeah i’ll be home soon.” Luke anwsered his mother sending a nod to the rest of them before grabbing the car keys heading out of the house and heading to the car in the driveway, he hopped into his car and started the drive.
Ten minutes later he pulled up to the address and parked his car. Luke walked up to the front door and knocked, the door opening revealing a woman that looked around his mother’s age, “You must be Luke.” She warmly smiled at the boy, Luke nodded, “Come on he’s back here.” She led him into her house through the living room and into the dinning room where a small crate was on the table, “Here he is.”
Luke smiled bending down so he was leveled with the crate seeing the puppy, “He’s adorable.” Luke smiled putting his hand on the cage letting the puppy sniff him before the puppy licked Luke’s hand.
“He is.” The woman smiled at the puppy, “Well you already paid so you are good to go. If you have any problems or questions my number is open.” The woman shook Luke’s hand.
“Thank you!” Luke smiled shaking her hand appreciating how the woman made everything a super easy experience.
“Of course! I hope she enjoys this.” The woman smiled having been told who the puppy is for.
“Oh she will.” Luke grinned knowing how much Octavia has always wanted this certain puppy.
Luke walked out of the house to his car opening the passenger door putting the dog crate into the passenger seat putting the seat belt around it.
Luke quickly walked around the car and slid into the drivers seat seeing the puppy looking at him, “Hi buddy, i’m your Uncle Luke.” Luke put his finger back at the crate making the puppy nudge his finger.
Luke started the car and drove back home, he pulled back into the driveway shutting the car off. He unclicked the seat belt grabbing the crate and carried it to the house.
Luke walked into the house hearing the chatter of his family still in the kitchen together, “I’m home!” Luke walked into the kitchen seeing Octavia awake and no surpise by the espresso machines. Octavia was focused on her coffee so she didn’t look up when Luke walked in, not seeing him set the crate right onto the island behind her and Ellen and Jack both filming her.
Octavia turned around her coffee mug againt her lips but froze seeing a dog crate on the island, but not any puppy in the crate, but a chocolate and cream mini long hair dachshund. Her dream dog since she was a child.
Octavia opens and closed her mouth before reaching behind her setting her coffee cup on the counter, “What is this.” Octavia finally stammered out.
“What you don’t like your new puppy.” Luke teased his twin sister with a smile.
“My puppy!” Octavia looked at her twin in shock.
“Who else.” Luke softly smiled at his best friend.
Octavia smiled taking a step to the crate and opening the door letting the puppy sniff her hand and the puppy immediately starting licking her hand making her giggle, she slowly and gently picked up the puppy who immediately cuddled up into her arms licking her cheek. Octavia happily giggled feeling her eyes mist up holding the puppy.
Octavia was giggling happily looking over at her twin brother who was watching her with a fond smile, she looked at him and he immediately stepped closer to her making her immediately pull him into a hug with her free arm, “Thank you lucky.”
“Of course Winnie, i wanted you too have someone with you.” Luke whispered back to his twin, knowing how difficult it’s been for them the last year but it’s been harder for Octavia as she lives alone.
Octavia held onto him tighter before reluctantly pulling back feeling the puppy lick her cheek again, she looked down at the puppy in her arm, “I think you need a name buddy.” She scratched behind his ear, “What about Louie.” The puppy made a tiny bark, “Yeah Louie Hughes sounds good.” Octavia smiled at her puppy.
Jack set down his phone before quickly walking over to the puppy, letting the puppy sniff him before petting Louie.
Quinn smiled at his siblings before letting Louie smell him as well, Quinn quickly gave the puppy some pets.
“He needs a lot of stuff.” Octavia realized knowing they haven’t had a dog since they all lived in Toronto years ago.
“Shopping!” Ellen excitedly smiled knowing she could get her daughter to do some type of shopping for once.
“This once only.” Octavia warned smiling at her mother. Truthfully she still went shopping every once in a while with her mother because Octavia knew how much her mother likes shopping with her.
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foxxology · 6 months
The last page was sick!!! i hoped its okay but can i ask about the aftermath?
How did mumbo react? what about the other hermits? Is Grian now the tallest hermit? is that weird to him to be so diffrent now? does it impact him negatively? what are the postives? can he alter his apprence at all becuase i imagen some of that is SUPER inconvient to have all the time (like the giant spike collar lol), does he ever tell them the full story about the watcher stuff?
Does he and scar have a sit down when he's yelled at becuase throughout the comic scar was VERY upset he wasnt told stuff by grian. Does Grian do more warden/skulk stuff? how do the wardens treat him now he's so diffrent?
Sorry for the slew of questions but it was burning my mind XD feel free to anwser and not anwser whichever you please, or none at all!!
thanks for your time and have a good day!
Ooooo lost of questions!
Mumbo is shocked and thinks its illegal that Grian is in any way shape or form taller. Not taller than him just TALLER. Otherwise he just is kind of rolling with it! Weirder things have happened on Hermicraft lol
Grian as a Sentinel is pretty visually blind now because of it, and not just because of the code scarring in his eyes, so he's gotten glasses to help him read signs. He's got seismic seeing now, so he's able to feel rather than see whats around him. He's able to move through sculk and almost like..... teleport through it? if theres any patches of sculk he can basically fast travel to it!
His appearance can't really change, but he CAN make the sculk on him recede.
Grian doesnt like talking about what happened with him and the Watchers so no.
Scar and Grian do talk! Go read the fic i posted!
Thanks for the questions!
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vitanithepure · 9 months
i saw you mentioning seeing Gale as ace-coded may I ask why? I'm jus curious.
Oh, uhm... it's kind of hard for me to explain? It's sort of like you smell something and immediately know if it's sweet or sour, or hear a voice and instantly imagine how the person might look like?
I just see a man that is very verbose, could write you a poem about how much he loves you on the go and then gets immediately flustered when going into the physical aspect of a romance.
His idea of comfortable sex is through a connection on a much deeper level than just the physical act.
He is absolutely not okay with people seeing him naked, even his cat.
He doesn't strike me as a type of person to engage in any kind of sexual activities with people he doesn't feel strongly about.
All of that kind of make me think about him as being very ace-coded, demisexual if I had to pinpoint it, but it's just a guess on my part, that is my take on this. Hope this anwsers the question, thank you for your time anon! :)
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littlemissagere · 8 months
hello! Its the nonnie who was asking about Cg! Jing Yuan.
To anwser your question, Mimi / Snowmoon is Jing Yuan's pet lion! (The white lion on his splash art, that Jing Yuan leans on.) When He initially got Mimi as a cub, he thought it was a grimakin, and did not realize it was a lion. (Alot of Mimi's lore is in texts) In Canon, they may not be around anymore, but alot of people in fics have Mimi still around.
I hope this helps clear things up!
Hi Anon, thanks for requesting! <3
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Caregiver!Jing Yuan and a Skiddish/Sensitive Little!Reader
Ft. Mimi and Yanqing
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Jing Yuan thought he knew where you were while he was talking to Yanqing, though, admittedly, he was a bit distracted while Yanqing was rambling his ear off. When he glanced behind him to grab his cup, he noticed you and Mimi were no longer behind him snuggling. Jing Yuan put his hand up, as a signal for Yanqing to stop talking. “Dear? Where have you gone? Is this a game of hide and seek?” Jing Yuan soft,y called out, trying to think of what could have possibly caused you to flee.
Yanqing, being Yanqing, and not understanding the situation… started looking around until he came across Jing Yuan's office and attempted to enter without a knock. Mimi growled rather loudly at Yanqing's attempt, causing Yanqing to get into a verbal quarrel with the Lion. Mimi stood guard of the door, knowing you were incredibly overwhelmed.
Luckily, Jing Yuan heard the commotion. He walked slowly and calmly to the door, placing his hand on Yanqing's shoulder. “Yanqing, I’m going to ask you to leave for now.”
“Ugh, but General..! We don’t know where they are and Mimi's being—“ Yanqing is then cut off by Jing Juan clearing his throat. With a huff, the young boy left down the hallway.
“Mimi, it’s alright. Let me in, please,” Jing Yuan asked calmly, hoping to keep Mimi calm. The Lion let up eventually, backing up and letting him in. Jing Yuan had a frown upon his face as he heard the intense sobbing coming from the closet in the closet. He slowly approached it, and opened the door of the closet. “Sweetheart…” Jing Yuan whispered, as he knelt down.
He saw you sobbing into your palms, curled up and sat against the back of the closet. He sighed softly as he placed a hand a-top of your head, gently caressing your hair in hopes of comforting you.
“Dear, please, come here,” Jing Yuan asked gently, as he opened his arms, giving you the choice to come out when you could. You. While still crying, made your way into his arms, sobbing quite a lot. Mimi sat beside Jing Yuan, in concern for you. Jing Yuan hummed one of your favorite lullabies, as he rocked you slowly.
Slowly, but surely… you had stopped crying, your thumb in your mouth for extra comfort.
“Sweetheart… I am sorry I did not notice sooner.” He apologized, he was rather worried for you. If he had known, he would’ve helped far sooner. He kissed your forehead gently, and squeezed you gently to reassure you.
You only gave a soft mumble in response, followed by a little sniffle. Mimi tucked her head under Jing Yuan's arm, to check on your herself.
Jing Yuan stayed with you the rest of the day, making sure nothing like that will happen again… <3
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I hope this was what you wanted— I really tried my best :'D !
Please read the banners!
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emzii-hi · 6 months
if you dont mind, what pens do you usually use for your doodles? (if you use procreate)
SOO , for procreate these are the main brushes that I stick with.
studio pen comes with the procreate app and the other brushes come from 2 separate brush sets that are free and if asked I can link them in this response.
They are honestly my favorite and i love using them as they make me feel like i give my art a story book feel.
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penguin--person · 5 months
what’s iwatex and what’s it about you’re the only person I’ve ever seen posting about it
ouhehe!!! iwatex my good friend iwatex:) iwatex stands for ' I Was A Teenage Exocolonist ' and it's one of my favourite games ever maybe. i'll try to keep this spoiler free !! tho there will be spoilers for. the intro i guess
i was a teenage exocolonist a timeloop game. you play as sol from the ages of 11-19, who grew up in space. near their 11th birthday they land on vertumna, a planet very distant from earth. the game centres around the struggles the new colony goes through as it finds its footing in this new world. you can help shape this colony, and who knows, maybe even lead it!
it also explores its timeloop mechanic very well. i cant go too much into this without going into spoiler territory, but i do like it very much. on another, unrelated note, this game can be replayed many times.
it also focuses on sols relationships with the other people of vertumna. you grow up alongside them, watch them grow, grief, laugh. a thing that i really like about iwatex is that you do not have to date any of the characters to unlock their 'max level' of friendship. you can! you'll unlock different dialogue/scenes/opportunities if you date them, but i dont think thats a flaw. i also very much like that they can just like reject you. if you give a certain character a flower and tell them "not even this flower is as beautiful as you" or smth, that negatively affects your relationship!!!! awesome.
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this is them as children, as you first encounter them ingame
there are many different things you can do in iwatex. you can explore the new planet, you can rebel, you can get pets, you can grow your skills, you can affect vertumnas future !! dude you can pet your pets.
the art is also very wonderful, id say. i love the character designs. awesomes.
my favourite character is congruence:)
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shes not a major character but i love her
theres many things i love about iwatex, but most of them would be spoilers. iwatex has awesome themes and has many endings and is definetely worth playing if youre thinking about it. if it sounds like your kind of game. theres a lot of reading btw its a visual novel mostly.. its also a card playing game!:) i like it. you can turn card playing off/Put it on automatic, so you dont have to play those if you dont wanna.
it has gutwrenching scenes and joyful scenes and has made me cry and has just such a wide range of things it can portray id say.. its not a perfect game id say, it has its flaws, but i like it:)!!!
hope i anwsered your quastion sufficiently, lmk if you have any more questions!!
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ofcircusesandhives · 10 days
why shouldn’t I fall asleep? Also what’s with the moth spotter?
Analyzing ranger question- please wait....
please wait...
Thank you for waiting!
-Moth Spotter is a in house internet search engine made by our dear friends at -ERROR, ERROR- and is used to help our rangers keep both themselves and our visitors informed!
-One of the biggest rules for a night shift park ranger is to Not fall asleep, for it could result in missing important information involving multiple factors! These factors include- Missing a rare animal! Missing a lost hiker! Missing someone in distress- Leaving yourself without defenses.
We hope this anwsered your questions :D
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shewreckz · 6 months
How often will you be updating your patelgraves fic? I fell in love with it. Also is this only patelgraves fic, or gideonxmatthewxjulie, bc you called it a patelgraves fic but there is a tag julie/gideon (i will read it either way, i honestly love your writting. Please keep up the good work!) 💕
(Sorry for bad English, it isn't my first language)
Hihi im so glad you liked it! i'm unsure how often ill be updating it. the first chapter took me a little over a week to write but i'm often busy with school and commissions so no guarantees it'll be very often. might be a little sporadic.
with that said i AM working on the second chapter right now. ive received so much love on the fic already and i really appreciate yalls interest in my little self indulgent gideon fic so thank you everyone!! i'm also currently on winter break so it might be coming out sooner than you think 👀
also to anwser your second questions the fic is mainly patelgraves and while goosepowers is going to be a big focus they're not going to be endgame. i promise i'm not just going to write off julie for the sake of having patelgraves though, shes going to be a very important part of gideon's character and she'll have a very prominent role in the next chapter. i have a pretty clear picture in mind of what i want to do, though its definitely going to be very angsty and show a lot of the bad aspects of their relationship so if you want goosepowers fluff this is definitely not the fic you want to read....
but anyways yes tsym for the ask i hope you guys will enjoy the future chapters!!
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Delicously dark! Aemond x OC (Snow falls, Chapter 16: Await our turn.
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CONCEPT: You are Willa Wyldewoods, lady of Wyldecrest. After being denied your hand in marriage, Aemond murders your family and makes himself Lord of WyldeCrest, out-powering you. He claims you as his wife and spoils, He commands and goes over your home now and as you will learn right now: No one is safe under his reign. Not even you.
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WARNINGS: Painplay, smut, rough sex, himulation, aemond being an asshole to his wife, dom/sub themes, cussing, torture, pleasure control and denial and other dark smuttish things but its consentual, spankings, choking, aemond getting off on willa/oc's pain and being a sadist, oc being a sub. NECROMANY AND MAJOR CHARACTER DEAD AS WELL AS LOSS OF A CHILD
You will never forget the day that you found out that your mother had died. It was snowing as always. Aemond was just a guest. You weren't married to him yet.
Until he took hold of the castle and everyone in it. You remember crying when he married you, and you remember mourning your parents. You felt alone and scared. The duties forced upon you were heavy. You were not only a wife now, you were to be a mother, a plaything and a whore to him as well. He was not gentle and kind, and the first few times hurt.
You wished you could have your mother to hold you. And here she is. Alive and well. She smiles at you, lowering the hood from her head. "It has been quite some time, Willa." She speaks your name as sweet as usual but you fear her.
You back away. What you are seeing can not be real. Your mother is dead. Aemond is dead. This must be a trick. Or worse... It has to be ungodly magic. "Aemond killed you." You mutter.
You do not understand. Aemond did not only kill her, Aemond cut her body into pieces and send it to your enemies. How she is standing right in front of you should not be possible. "Mother, I do not trust you."
The former lady of WyldeCrest grins. "I did not expect anything less. Let me explain a few things to you." She gestures to Aemond's dagger in your hand and to the bloodmoon above your heads.
"What do you know of my old family home?" You feel your face frown in confusion. What does her house have to do with any of this? Yet you anwser.
You heard stories that your mother was injured when she was young by a fire. Her family was killed. Your father took her into his house for shelter and the two of them fell in love. They had your brother Mychal, your brother Brand and finally later, you.
Your teeth are clenching as you speak. You do not like that she is avoiding the questions. "That it was in the riverlands. It was called the Beakers and the sigil is a seabass."
There is that scoffing smile again. But it is almost painful and breakable. "I see you remember the tales I told you." She sounds proud.
You are insulted that you think you would forget that. "Of course. You are my mother." At least you hope so. "Can you tell me the brief version?" Your mother smirks.
Your head is hurting. "All you need to know is that you are lady Willa WyldeWoods. But you are also part of my house. House DolkBurg." That does not explain enough to you.
It is not enough for you. "And the fact that my husband was dead and you were too?" You demand an answer. You grab her arm. You stop when there is blood on your fingers. From when you cut her.
She sighs. "I studied with a witch, as is common in my house. In Ashai. We learned forbidden magic. But all magic has a price. Only death can pay for life. I knew your father was dead. So I bonded his soul to mine. I lived, but Aemond thought he had killed me." She used your father as a weapon to survive.
There is one thing that sits uneasy. If only dead can pay for life; how come Aemond is alive? Who paid that price? And there is one other thing bothering you...
She did not come back for you. Not once. You feel tears sting. "Then... Who paid the price this time?" You eye Aemond uncertainly. It can't be you. You would have been dead by now.
She reaches out and touches your belly. "Your son did. I linked the two of them when I heard Aemond was dying. Your son withered away and saved his life." Withered away. As if he was a mere weed.
You glare as you bawl your fists. "Your son was going to die either way." She reassures you when you glare at her through tears. "He was going to be a stillborn. You are lucky he got cut out before you had to tell Aemond that his precious son had died. I am not sure he would've taken that well." She chuckles to herself, but you are silent. There is truth in that.
You see the truth now. Your mother is a witch. "It was you, wasn't it? Who saved my life all those years ago? When I was ill?" They called it a miracle. You know better now. It was dark magic.
She caresses your face. "Yes, my darling. I did." She speaks sweet as your sigil, but her eyes are full of warnings and threats.
There is another thing you don't understand. If she cared enough to keep you alive, why bring back the man that hurt you time after time? "Why did you revive Aemond?"
She sighs dramatically. "I like the idea of my daughter sitting that throne. The king is not bright. He is unloved, and tragedy is not done playing with them yet. Move at the right moment, and the throne will be yours."
"What if I don't want the throne?" She shrugs at your choice of words.
There is one last thing to be asked. "Who paid that price when I was sick?" You ask. "I died. Who saved my life?"
You already put two and two together, but you need to hear it from her lips. She grabs your face to manipulate you further into thinking that she loves you. "Your brother did." You just know whom she is referring to. Her own boy of four summers old died mysteriously the same winter you were born.
She killed your own brother. Her own flesh and blood. "You killed Mychal?" You can't believe it. He was only four summers old and innocent.
Your mother rolls her eyes whining a bit. "Do not look at me like that, Willa. I was raised differently. Men are incapable of carrying on our tradition. Therefore, we either must give them away or put them out of their misery." You think of Brand. Your other brother. Was she planning to kill him as well?
You let your tears fall. "I will never use this magic." You vow.
She sighs as if she pities you. "Willa, that is good because you can't use that magic. You were born during the northern full moon during a snowstorm. It clouded the bloodtree. Our sigil."
She takes two steps back. "Take good care of your husband, Willa." She vanishes yet again.
---- You slept terrible. Nightmares of the assassins haunted you. But also nightmares of Aemond and your stillborn son. Of Your mother and her dark magic.
When the first few rays of daylight shine, you sit up in the bed. Aemond is gone. Your first instinct is to panic, but you know he is safe and already up.
You get dressed, accepting that you won't be sleeping anymore. The door of your room is opened. You sit up straight and proper like a lady. Your husband enters.
You wish him a good morrow, but you notice there are new walls between the two of you now. His voice cuts through you as if it is a blade made of steel. "We are leaving." Leaving?
You shake your head, terrified of that thought. "Aemond, wait..." You rapidly get out of the bed and rush to him. You pull him into your arms and just feel his heartbeat. "It is early."
There is a dark smirk on his lips. A smirk you haven't missed at all. His hands reach for your ass squeezing it tightly beneath your gown. "O, I am well aware."He groans in your ear. "Grab a small bag. We are leaving this frozen shithole." You gawk insulted.
You can't bear the thought of leaving home. "No. We will talk about this." You promise him and yourself. "I am not your plaything. I am your wife. You will listen to me as well." You two made too much progress.
He chuckles, amused as he slowly steps forward. "I see how it is. One little act of kindness, and we are right back where we started with your training." Fear grows in your belly as well as excitement and wetness.
You force yourself to be brave and to glare at him. "Aemond, I understand that you are scared..." You try to see it from his point of view. He was attacked here. He died here. He lost his son here.
He growls before taking hold of your throat. He applies more pressure than usual. He wants to hurt you. "I am not scared!" Aemond raises his voice at you when you try to break free. He leans in and whispers in your ear. "You are. You always have been. I bet you never set foot outside these woods! You have no one left but me, little wife. You will obey me and follow my orders!" He is so angry that there is a bit of spit in your face.
You whine pathetically. "Aemond, you hurt me." You mutter, and you know it is no good.
He finally drops you as if you are something dirty. Something rotten. He clicks his fingers at you as if you are a dog that he tells to lay down. "Good. Bed. Now." He commands you, slightly narrowing his eyes when you do not obey right away.
You do not move an inch. Your mouth tells him something dangerous. Something disastrous. Aemond hates setbacks. Aemond hates disobedience. Aemond hates everything that might interrupt his perfect plotted plans. "No!" You speak. "You will not have me. You will sit down and we will talk about this as is the right and healthy thing to do!"
There is not a single muscle in his face that moves. No smirk is made. No smile is cracked. No eyes bat or blink. He just stares at you calmly. Without any emotion. "Undress." He says as if he did not hear your protests. He folds his hands on his back and waits for you to strip. He thinks you will do the right thing and yield.
Perhaps you can distract him. He was on the edge of dead. "You said you wanted to leave? Shouldn't I pack?" You ask him.
He pins you down on the bed. You struggle. You try to fight him off as he pins you on the matrass. He rips off his eyepatch and forces you to kiss his scarred socket. You whimper weak and terrified. "The only that you should be wrapping is my cock when your whore mouth takes it in." You struggle as he keeps pressing you down, bending your arms causing tears in your eyes.
He smiles and makes sure his erection is known to you. "You feel that, little wife? You feel my cock press against your little legs? You must be so fucking pleased. You are exactly where you want to be, aren't you? You want to get fucked. You want that little cunny sticky and dirty." He rips the gown open; revealing your breasts. Your nipples tell enough. You lower your head in shame and cover them.
He leans in closer to your breasts and takes both of your hands. He rips them from your breasts, exposing your nipples to him. He chuckles as he sees the effect he has on you. "My little sinful pet. Your cunt must be wet too. I think, I think I'll take a little look myself." You are wet. There is no denying that. You won't make this easy for him.
You are, however, pinned down easily, and your gown is ripped from under now, too. You feel the cold air from the window tickle your sensitive cunt. He leans in closer and closer until his lips leave a soft teasing and core shaking kiss. There is a weak sound leaving your mouth.
He is amused by you."Yes, I bet your little cunt just cries for gentleness. I haven't been gentle with you, have I now, pet?" You think of the fucking and the spanking. Gentle is not a word to describe him.
He grins at your anger and your pouting lips. He knows you are well stimulated and ready for his cock. He is waiting on purpose. "How does your master fuck you?" He whispers in your ear. "Show me. Show how beautiually you can obey me." You shiver at his requests. He begs for you in a way.
But you won't bow. He licks his lips, tasting your wetness as he moans."O, a silent pet. I like silent pets. Father used to discipline me when I was a child. You know what he told me when I once ripped a page in his old history book on accident?" He grins. "He told me that everyone has a breaking point."
Your legs are spread as you end up on your ass, legs in the air. Your legs are spread as wide as possible before he slowly blows hot air at your entrance. Your body likes that.
Aemond chuckles. "Keep them spread." He warns you with a soft slap on your cunny. You want to tear up in pain but instead keep obeying him like a good girl, keeping your arms wrapped around your legs.
He returns briefly. Your cunt clenches when you see your husband again. He holds an exciting new toy, a pair of handcuffs. But they are not for your hands. He clicks them with a smirk, causing you to flinch.
He smiles. He chains your feet together so you can't close them anymore. And your hands are next. He watches you intruged. "How does my little pet feel?" He asks, gently stroking your entrance, dipping just the top of his finger in. You feel your wet hot cunt swallow it eagerly and you fight every instinct to roll your hips to let him sink in deep. To statisify that need deep inside of you.
His finger makes little circles. "I am upset with you. Your defiance is disappointing. Especially since I granted you such a big reward..."
Your scoff is interrupted as he eases the finger down slowly stroking you, eagerly scrapping you out as if you are bottle of honey he can't wait to taste. He brings his soaked fingers to his thin lips and licks off your drips. You moan at the sight.
Aemond does not allow you to enjoy it for long. "Yield, little pet." He tells you instead.
You lower your head. He is pleased with your surrender. "Good girl. Do you accept me?" He asks, taking off his belt. He drops it before working on his pants. You start to pant and nod.
Your response is weak. "Y-yes, I accept you."
He laughs as if he has gone mad. "Good. But now I need to hear one last sentence." He rubs his cock. You watch in awe. You should be doing that. With your tongue. You should taste his precum and you should be the one to make him come.
You beg, once more. "I accept you, my master. Please fuck me." You beg. You are still angry. Of course you are. But you need him. He smiles. He has won.
He takes off his coat and his vest. You watch as his expensive clothing ends up on the floor. "I will fuck you. Close your eyes." He tells you. You wonder how he will do that, with you in that position. He takes hold of your chin and releases only when your eyelids are closed obediently.
You hear nothing but the silence. The wind blowing outside and your own breathing. Until you hear something rapidly being swinged and the sound of leather cracking on skin.
The pain is unrecognisable and humiliating.Your cunt hurts as if someone lit it on fire. "Ow!" Your eyes burst open as tears fall down your cheeks. Aemond has taken his belt and it howers over your cunt. He hits again and somehow seeing it happen makes the pain even worse.
Aemond grins when you sob in pain. "I never wanted to fuck you. You like that. You deserve to suffer." He tells you. "Now, my little pet. I have seen enough of this hell. You will pack a bag, because we will leave before sundown." He promises you when putting his clothing back on. He is going to leave you here. Like this.
"H-husband? Aemond? You forgot the cuffs." You remind him awkwardly. He smirks.
"Your maids can help you with that. I like the sight of your little cunt red and swollen and just begging for me."
He leaves with a heartless chuckle.
--- Bertha finds you. She has unchained you like you asked but she is clearly judging you. You tell her that Aemond wants to move back to King's Landing and that your heart tells you to remain here. "My lady, you should flee him. Just run." She tells you when you pack your favourite dresses for the journey. You also pack your stuffed little fox.
You dryly point to your sapphire eye tattoo. "Yes, because that went well the last time. Aemond will find me no matter where I go. He is determined and stubborn."
You watch as hope and light die. You are handed a familair blue leather covered book. "Your drawing book, my lady. You always were drawing." You haven't glanced at your drawings for years.
The first few pages are full of attempted foxes. It was the first animal you wanted to draw. The next page is full of hearts and stars and other shapes. You smile as you watch your artstyle improve and quickly browse the pages.
Until you see it. Your smile dies. The final page of the book resembles a terrifying drawing. You try to make sense of it as you sit down watching the book. You see a large bloodred tree. You never saw it before. But you know that is your mother's sigil.
You ignore it for now slapping it shut. You shelf the book. "I don't need my drawings in King's Landing." You at least hope so. The drawings are not good enough to even ask stones for.
-- Aemond waits for you by the carriage that evening. You have a bag with you and wear your favourite fox coat. He opens the carriage for you and helps you in. He follows inside himself. Guards escort the carriage. The carriage is an old heirloom from your family.
Your husband either does not know, does not care, or has no desire to wait for a Targaryen carriage to arrive.
You put your bag by your feet and sit down on the cold fabric of the carriage. Aemond sits on the other bench. "I asked Bertha to keep an eye at the house." Aemond tells you. "A few guards will remain here as well. We don't want that whore to take this hell." You know he refers to his sister. The Queen Rhaenyra.
It is odd. The assassins said she was behind this. They said it themselves. But you have the feeling, based on what your father told you about her grace that she would never even entertain such a horrible thought to kill a child.
That is more Aemond's style. But you know he wanted heirs. He can't shut up about it whenever you two fuck. He boasts about impregnating you as if you are his little pet and fucking you until you birth him seven sons, for every kingdom a son.
You saw his surprise. You saw him bleed and die. There is no way he could have planned that.
Or could he?
He breaks from a lusty stare at your breasts. He puts his legs up, and with just his knee, he stimulates you through your clothing. He winks and pats his knee. "I am glad she finally has learned some manners. Now, will you show me what you learned, or do you like the spankings?" You are still wet with desire. You know he can make you feel delirious with lust.
Your cheeks burn with shame and desire. You want to crawl on his leg and feel that knee fuck you through your clothes. You want to feel him softly slap and spank your ass. "It's alright to admit it, my little pet. Just tell me that you love my spankings, and I am more than happy to spank you." You won't make this easy.
You think of how he spanked. How hard he smacked you with a belt. "You already spanked me." You remind him with a eyeroll.
That was a mistake. Aemond's good eye narrows in displeasure. "Ah, she talks." He smirks slyly and victorious. "I thought I married a mute for a moment there." The mute and the half blind. You would make a lovely couple.
Another silence follows. The carriage ride is unpleasant and uncomfortable. Aemond uses this time to make up for what you refuse to do in the morning. He oggles you as if he is a little boy with his hands in the sweets he can't wait to taste. You look at your hands and refuse to pay him any mind.
Hours later, Aemond suddenly sits up and watches you as you play with your necklace. You are nervous from his gawking. "I bet you never been this far from home before. Have you?" He asks.
You are surprised by that. Why does he even care? You shake your head, letting go of your necklace. "No, I have not."
He eyes the window. "Hm. What do you think of the view?" What is there to think of? You passed hundreds of little villages and countless trees. They will never be home. The air, the clouds even the way the carriage rocks is different than WyldeCrest.
You do not respond. He growls. "Shall I tell you what you think?" You like to see him try. He does not understand anything about you.
You scoff. Let's see him try "You are welcome to try."
Aemond looks out the windo, judging the better clothing of the people that have come out to see what is happening. "You think: This is far more civilised than my own home. You worry you will stand out. You will stand out. We are from different kingdoms, you and I." You do your best to not sigh scoff or roll your eyes.
He smiles at that. "But, if you keep being a good pet and shut up that little mouth of yours, I might be able to sell the story to my family that I finally tamed you." He says. You will not be paraded around as his pet.
He notices your displeasure. He reads you as if you are a book. He sinks back on the bench and pushes his crotch up a bit before slowly unlacing his trousers. You gulp.
You watch anxiously as if a monster can come out any moment now. "I am a little bored. We have hours left. I think I have a fun little task for you to keep you occupied." You once were innocent but not anymore. You know what he thinks of.
You grab a book from your bag and show him the cover. The pirate princess. "I brought a book for me to read." You tell him excitedly. Aemond takes the book from you, pretends to read it, and throws it out of the window. You yelp, staring at your beloved book as it lands within your reach.
You open the door. "My book! Please get me my book!" You beg the guard riding close to the carriage. "Please, it's a heirloom." The only thing left from your grandmother.
Aemond chuckles amused as you panic and start crying as a little helpless girl. "You are begging the wrong man for your book." Him. You should beg him. You would rather not, but you want your book.
What is more important: reminding him angry you are from moving or getting your book back?
You swallow your pride and fears and beg him. "Please, husband, return me my book. Please." You beg pathetic just as he likes. Aemond clicks his tongue and points to his feet. You sink off the bench, begging at his feet. "Please, my good sweet master. Return my book to me."
His voice is heavy with lust and arousal as he smirks, slowly unbuttoning your vest so he can see your breasts poke through your gown. "What do I get in exchange?"
You have nothing left for him to take. "My gratitude and a kiss?" You ask.
He scoffs, getting in your face with his own. Your nose is pressed against his as he forces his lips on your left ear. He hisses. "I am Prince Aemond of house Targaryen. Do you think that will statisify me?" No.
It was all the ideas you had. "No." You admit, hanging your head, eyes stinging with little tears. You avoid looking at him when the tears roll. You know it's stupid, but for a while, that book was your only friend. And he threw it out as if it was nothing.
He sighs. "I would act quick if I were you. You can pick up your little book, and when you get here, I will collect what you owe me." He tells the guards to stop the carriage, and they obey him.
You rush out of the carriage, jumping out and running down the road following the traces of the carriage to find your beloved book.
You find the book near a river. It is not soaked, but there is sand on the cover. You whipe the cover clean before rushing back to the carriage. You quietly wonder as you approach if Aemond is that cruel to tell his horses to speed it up so you end up running behind him.
You don't see him near the guards near the carriage. Your heart sinks. Until you spot him lecturing a guard. The guard seems embarrassed as Aemond grabs him by the throat. You overhear just a little bit, but it's enough to understand. "Do not fucking dare to aim your pathetic crossbow at her, unless you want to have it showed down your throat, you scum." He warns the guard.
The guard is quick to nod and even drops his crossbow. He trembles. You remind your husband you are back. "My prince. Shall we continue our journey? Surely your time is better invested elsewhere?"
Aemond chuckles as if you challenged him. You quickly mutter. "His commander should discipline him. You are above him." He nods as if approving that. He sees the book in your hand. You clutch it tightly.
He smirks, scoffing. "Ah. The little book that is worth so much trouble." He says. His brow briefly twists with confusion before rising slightly above his socket. He rereads the title and the author. "I think I know this one." He says, finally.
You hand it over. "You do? You read?" You ask, surprised. You know he can read. But you did not know that it was a hobby of him.
He flips the pages and eagerly reads the words. "Of course. Reading is combat training for the mind, little fox." He stops reading halfway in the book, and a small sly smirk grows on his lips.
You remember reading the book when you were little but also when you were a woman grown. You remember the tingles your belly made when reading how the pirate and the princess finally made love.
Judging his smirk, he is reading that right now. You worry what he'll think of it. He must think you are improper and a slut.
You receive a soft spanking on your behind, causing you to yelp as Aemond grabs you. Guards respectfully turn their heads away, granting you as much peace and privacy as you are going to get.
He leans in before kissing your mouth, muttering something in your ear. "O, you dirty minded little thing." It is an insult, but you feel praised and loved.
You blink. "What are you talking about, husband?" You act as if you do not know. Aemond sees your shaking legs and your trembling hands. He notices the change in your voice and the way you play with your necklace, avoiding his eye.
Aemond chuckles. "There's profanity in here. Quite the inappropriate reading material for any lady, especially highborn ones. I will think about this."
You find it unfair. He gets to fuck with any woman he wants and you are punished for reading a book. "We'll talk in the carriage, little pet." He warns before forcing you in. You hang your head and obey sitting down as Aemond holds the book.
He pats his leg. You sit down on his lap as he holds you close, sighting deeply. "My naughty little pet. You keep surprising me." That does not sound good.
He is going to throw it out. "Please don't throw it out, Aemond. This book is maybe sinful and against what you want for me, but I am quite attached to the story." You beg him.
Your fox coat is pushed off your shoulders. He takes off your necklace, too. He makes sure you sit comfortable before rubbing your back. "Did it make your tummy tingle when you first read it? Was this the first time you felt as a woman?" He groans darkly in your ear.
Your mouth opens, but you hold back the whimpers. He wants to know about the first time you enjoyed the book more than you should have. You nervously touch your dress, pulling a loose treat. "As a woman? You confuse me, husband.' You lie smoothly.
He knows you are lying and avoiding his question. "Let me simplify: Did this little book make your little cunny wet for the first time?" He sings softly in your ear, enchanting you and turning your mind to dust with every single tune.
You do not dare admit it out loud but nod with an ashamed red blush on both your cheeks. He likes hearing that. "Describe that experience to me."
You bite down on your lip. "It was confusing and scary at first. But it felt good..." Your voice is soft as a whisper. You doubt he even heard it.
He rubs your knees to comfort you. "Yes, it usually is, isn't it? Tell me, when you picked up the book, did you know you would stumble upon that filth?" You would never even dare to look at books that improper.
You often blushed and felt uncomfortable as your Septa prepared you for marriage life by telling you patiently what a man does with his wife on his wedding night. She did not prepare you for Aemond in the slightest.
You shake off that memory. "N-no, it was a surprise, and It shocked me, husband. I hoped they would marry first and perhaps defeat their foes and live happily ever after." You confess. You feel foolish right after that confession. He must think you are not only lusty but also stupid.
Aemond smirks. "Tell me, did you know what a cock was when it was described to you?" He firmly rubs your back. "Did you learn another word for it?"
You wish. Your father used that word a lot to insult man who would not listen."No, husband. My father had a..foul mouth. I am afraid I know more improper words than a sailor." You admit softly.
You expect him to lecture you but instead he laughs at that. You allow yourself to smile as well. He becomes serious again. "Did the pirate ever disciplined his princess?" He wonders.
You think he did not. Not once. Not ever. Not the way Aemond disciplines you. "Why would he, husband? He is her true love." You say. "He loves her too much to hurt her."
You want to say something else, but Aemond silences you as he leaves a trail of kisses on your neck. You shiver. He sucks on your collarbone before leaving a bit of possessive little kisses. "Oh, little pet. So deliciously naive." He moans.
You nod but stop that the moment he possessively bites in your neck, leaving a mark. You whimper and moan at the same time. You like the pain but love the pleasure.
Your husband makes sure you understand why he disciplines you."Sometimes we don't discipline people because we hate them, sometimes we discipline them because we love them." He gives you a lot to think about.
Your husband leans back and pulls you on top of him before gently tapping your nose. "Now, my little pet. Your master wants his promised reward for giving you your book back."
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yuufujimaru · 1 year
what do you think will happen if we attached a magical gem to a wand??? (this is def impossible but i wanted your thoughts on it lmao, hope you're doing well w/ ur health lately <33)
Short answer-Fucking explosion.
Long Answer-It would be complicated in the fact that the person would need to have the ability to produce or make a Unique Magic as well as having a magical core. Yuu is a unique case in and of himself as he is able to manipulate his magical core to produce a UM, because he was not essentially indoctrinated into the Magical World of HP. Once you have wand it becomes locked on your core and essentially trains it to work as well as possible for your chosen wand and attributes attached to that wand. Because Yuu was in Twisted Wonderland first his magical core became much more malleable and open compared to other wizards, enabling him to use wandless magic more than a usual wizard. Twisted Wonderland is a Land that does not fear magic and integrates it into daily life, allowing all people, magical and non, to experience it their day to say life making it easier for them to handle compared to wizards.
Back in the first story the wand tried to compensate for Yuu's flexible magical core by embedding itself with Emeralds to try and emulate a magic pen but the two opposing magical forces don't meld together, making it highly unlikely that a wand/pen mix will ever come to fruition.
Note-Thank you for your concern, it's some mental things I am working through as well as intense burnout from life, work and school. I will try my best to keep moving forward though! Hope this anwsers you question!
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threewishgoldfish · 3 months
Hi! Your color sketches are so beautiful! And also super expressive and you use such a variety of face types. I really love your art! Do you take commissions for people’s dnd characters?
Hi, first of all, thank you! It means a lot. To anwser your question, I don't currently take commissions. I am planning on starting at some point though, but I need more time to figure it out, as I'm still relatively new to posting stuff on the internet (and I also currently have a lot of responsibilities and probably would work very slowly). Not to mention I want to simply work on my skills a bit more so I can offer good quality stuff consistently. When I open commissions, I will for sure post on my blog, with all the necessary information. And I hope by that point (more likely months than weeks, unfortunately) you'll still be interested, 'cause I love drawing character art.
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Alright been a bit and collected my thoughts I want to talk about the ending of the Twitch plays DND.
First off there was a bit of a theme in the voting this time. We tied 3/4 votes. First vote we tied was All Stats Upgrade and Upgrade Health. DM upgraded both stats and health a bit.
Then we tied the Upgrade Three Allys Vote. While First Place was Ringwall/Necromancer 2nd was a tie between Moonblood and Solar Knight. Also because Ringwall was also the boss we were going to fight to prove our worth the DM told us he added a third phase to the boss fight. I also don't know if there were ramifications to tieing SK and Moonblood.
The final one we tied was Giving a charecter a gift. That was tied between the player charecter and our guide in the world/DM Insert The Sage. I also don't know the consequence to tieing this or what it really did. Like yeah The Knight got a happy ending but the DM said that was decided by us being kind.
The one we didn't tie was to learn a powerful Profane magic from Ringwall, Sacred magic from Solar Knight, or Technique from Moonblood. We chose Moonblood, hoping to learn a techquie that in a previous poll we could have learned we nicknamed Reality Marble. Instead we learned a technique we abused the hell out of Berserk Snap, which granted a bonus turn at the cost of damge, the damage increasing every time we used it.
Anyway session started off with a cool twist. The DM revealed he had borrowed an idea from the discord, that being shoving our unused stats into a different body with necromancy. This meant we were fighting the main boss weakened but with our crew and the "secret boss"/Boss needed for the true ending at full strength but without our crew (not that we would of had our crew if we didn't split ourselves into two bodies Ringwall told us it was 1v1.
First stage of the true boss was a bit of a cake walk. The Boss had a poison ability which was kind of our weakness and Moonblood self damages. But with our health increase, lucky rolls, and also a chat suggestion of Moonblood using Watercasting to pull all of the poison out of themselves and then a different chat message suggested using that poison blood to stab the boss it was easy.
The Ringwall fight was not. First of all, she has a very, very power ability to just not mechanically take wounds. Wounds happen when you hit 0 HP and remove a D6 from your dice pool. This meant unlike other fights she would not get weaker as we did damage. Also whenever she would take a wound she, rather then having to roll to heal for about half health she instead would just instantly heal to full.
Also in the first phase she had two annoying abilites. Whenever she was hit with a regular, melee attack she could counterattack. If it succeeded we would be stunned, making us loose our movement for that turn and also no actions or movement for the next. However we had multi-attacks and range so wasn't super annoying after the first time.
What was more annoying was the Quiz Time. She would ask us a question with three potential anwsers. We would have to run to the correct anwser and if we either didn't or chose wrong. We would be hit with a ton of damage. While we could move before damage she also had the ability to fuck with us. For example in a failed attempt she was going to try and trip us if we ran past her and in a nearly succesful one she threw us across the room and then placed the skeletons out of reach unless we sprinted.
However the DM with Chat's help realized "You have a fuckton of synergy" we stacked up a thing that gave us bonuses and multi-attack while zoning her and destoryed 3/4 of her health bars in a single move.
Next phase was much much less annoying. The main mechanic was three giant skulls (kind of like Gaster Blasters now that I think about it) would shoot either vertically or horizontally and do a shit ton of damge if we didn't avoid them. One of our stats had a teleport it was very easy to zone her and do the above stacking and destroy her again. She also did a fairly OP attack but she missed and it was melee so it didn't really matter
Third phase we nearly died on. Up till this point we were nearly full HP after using our OP healing item. She took us down to near death, and remember unlike Ringwall, we did take Wounds, every time she took us down to 0 we would heal and then loose a dice. Luckily exploiting our kit to do the giant combo we surived and so we got the Best Ending.
Anyway Ringwall fight and Phase one Boss ended at near the same time. Main version us and Ringwall arrived right as the boss was powering up and we fucked him over so bad. We willingly let him "absorb us" and then let our allies kill us, with each time we got a Wound the dice that was Wounded would join their sheet. It was really sweet send off for the main charecter. Each aspect of us ending up with one of our allies.
Beast of God ended up with Solar Knight which of course. They were our trusted ally from the begining and Beast of God maybe had a tiny little cursh maybe. Solar Knight would end up becoming a god.
Fool's Hope ended up with the Pioneer aka tje pirate. With the Pirate showing them the world and eventually turning a place of theives and heretics to a country who would welcome those who had nowhere else to go.
Lore went with Caster of the Profane Uraden aka our H2Bro. Lore was a scolar and H2Bro was a monk it was an obvious match. Also Lore was the last one to leave the thing they became after merging with the boss. The stat we didn't choose, the first stat. It was fitting. Also H2Bro wrote the entire adventure in a book and that's what our adventure was, him retelling his book.
Wandering Stray ended up with Whispered Moonblooded, another great match as they vibed a ton having similar personalites and Stray learning their Jump abilites from them, and like the name implies they Wandered. Moonblood wanted to complete a bucket list of wishes of fallen allies before they passed from their curse.
Blooming Heart got yoinked by The Exile. And we don't know what the hell happened to them. The Exile decided to go on a journey of self discovery after a pep talk from Bloom and Father Fateless so I guess they finally bloomed offscreen.
Father of the Fateless ended up with Ringwall. And Ringwall started going to the battlefields from The Knights past. Trying to understand where they got their power from, and maybe understand them too.
We also learned we weren't the Knight. The Knight was a solidier of a dead age that no one eanted who decided to house the voices of the dead, and when they were gone he once again lost his purpose and so floated aimlessly. However the kindness the spirts showed themselves, show The Knight. When they were given the order to Live, they gladly followed.
I fucking cried 2 different tears during this oh my god this was so good.
Oh fuckin dope
Sad that it's over but sounds like a fun ride!
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