#i hope this is satisfactory
ghcstao3 · 1 month
Okay I just saw someone’s Olympic x cod au (and it was so cool) so now I’m asking everyone what their Olympic x cod head canons are.
i’m sorry i’m so late to this. so late in fact that the olympics are over. but i’ll try my hand with the 141:
- price is a coach now, though only a few years retired. once upon a time he’d been a gymnast, and damn good at it too. he’s well-decorated in terms of medals, hadn’t planned on retiring so soon but a permanent injury had done him in. he still rubs the calluses on his hands as a sort of self-soothing motion whenever he watches a mentee compete.
- for gaz i’m torn between him being one of the athletes price coaches or him being a swimmer. either way he has the strength and drive, and though similar to soap it’s only his second games, anyone could see that he’s got a lot of potential ahead of him. it helps, of course, that everyone is easily dazzled by his charming smile, and he’s well-spoken for interviews—but also he is just a really great athlete.
- ghost i think would be in the shooting events. he has a sharp eye and steady aim—the hardest part about competing for him was learning how to drown out the noise. he’s not a perfect medallist by any means, but he’s garnered a sizeable collection over the years of a few bronzes, silvers, and (mostly) golds.
- and for soap i want to go with rugby. he’s aggressive, competitive, but he’s also a team player. right now he currently sits with a silver, but it is also only his second olympics. he hopes to place more in the future—hopes to someday get a gold—but he also does love meeting new people and travelling the world (even if that comes at the cost of plentiful training and the four-year gaps).
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fallencelsetial · 6 months
quastion. if you had to give each of the nu carnival guys a present, what would you give to each one? oh and let's assume monies aren't a problem here
To answer your Quastion. If Monies are not an issue, and I can just the boys whatever the hell I want, then-
Eiden: I'm getting this boy every single craft supply I can think of. Fabrics, yarns, tule, buttons, clays, pen, pencils. I'm getting him everything. He's so friggin talented and just an artsy boy. He'd definitely have an etsy or two on the side of his actual job.
Aster: You didn't say the presents had to be objects. Plus Asters got SO MUCH MONEY. Boy could get anything he wanted at any time. Hell. He's the clan sugar daddy. If I was getting him a gift, it would definitely be something practical. And Honestly, I'd probably just get him more staff. He's got so many things he's running, I'm sure he'd really appreciate the help, and especially, that he's not the one paying for it.
Morvay: Similarly to Aster, I wouldn't really get Morvay an object. What I would get him though, is food. He's a bit of a greedy boy. He's always getting yelled at by aster for sneaking out and feeding, and constantly getting overworked. I think he deserves a place where he can relax and indulge in his favorite things. I'm sure there's some club out there that has membership option and would allow him to just go ham.
Yakumo: Cooking tools seems too easy. I'm sure he's already got everything he needs. You know what? I'm actually gonna get him some alone time with Eiden. I'm getting them a vacation together. I'm gonna send him and Eiden off somewhere real private. Do you know how happy he'd probably be? Boy is so possessive. He'd be OVER THE MOON about having Eiden all to himself for like a week. And I'm sure Eiden would be happy about spending time with him too. Gross honeymooning ass bitches.
Edmond: I'm getting him all the porn and sweets he wants. Just because I know he's gonna be a bitch about it. I would know. I'm the same. "No, I'm not allowed to get this. People will look at me weird if I get that" and Now look at me. I have a whole shelf full of those books. I'm getting him all of it AND, He didn't spend any of his money on it so he can't feel ashamed about it. It was gifts. Now go. Be free.
Olivine: I saw a post somewhere about Oli not having any of his own clothes and how they would take him on a shopping spree and honestly same. And I'd help him pick out the sluttiest, most rebellious clothes possible. I was raised catholic. I know. I know how hard it is. We're going to get you so many things with Religious undertones so it feels safe, AND like you're breaking the rules at the same time.
Quincy: Gosh. He's such a simple dude. All forest man and shit. He probably would not accept anything that would make his life easier. Any more modern versions of tools he already uses would probably be rejected with a "This one works fine/better anyway" Getting a bunch of treats for topper might make him happy though. Actually might just get him something SUPER dad coded. Like a Flask/Canteen. Probably would say he doesn't need it, but would secretly use it anyway.
Kuya: We're getting him all the dumb weird shit. Mans has a collection of dumb weird shit. He's like Blade. Anything he finds intriguing he just keeps. I'm getting this man an old beat up Bakugan. "Check it out. It's opens when you place it on this card but ONLY on this card!" Do you know how psyched he would be??? He's so fucking simple. I'm getting him those boxes that show one character in one window, and another character on the other window.
Garu: I don't think he can have too many toys. I'm getting him so many more toys than what Eiden has already gotten him. Lots of meat too. Oh! And I'm getting him art supplies as well! His art fills me with joy. I love him.
Karu: ALRIGHT. I'm giving him play time. I'm buying/building him a whole play set. He wants to be ruler of everything and I am going to give him that. I am going to spoil the shit outta this puppy. I will get him his own little throne room. He's getting his own little kingdom where he is king, and EVERYONE BOWS TO HIM! He's also getting so much meat too. All Hail the Mighty Karu!!
Blade: I'm also getting him art supplies. Art supplies and Books! If we can find some that he hasn't read yet. Honestly the library is massive. Oooooh but if we go to a book store, there's bound to be new releases of something, and he'll read anything just to have read it, I'm sure he'd really appreciate that!
Dante: A vacation mother fucker. Shut up. Listen Child. I Don't want to hear it. Spa now. Break. Rest. Relaxation. Think of NOTHING. You know what? I'mma throw Eiden in there too. He'd probably help you a lot. Just like how Eiden would be a good part of the gift, for Yakumo, I feel the same goes for him as well. And also, Lots of gifts for Sooley.
Rei: Therapy. Notebooks. Lot's of notebooks. Replacement's for any Equipment he's broken. Some art supplies. Mostly charcoals for his sketches. All practical stuff too. I'd offer to fix some of his personal items, but...I think he prefers them dinged up and broken. Has a bit of a comfort in that. So the supplies would probably be most appreciated by him.
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Do you have any theories about David and Arei’s convo in the relaxation room? Since I do think it’s most important for David and especially Arei (if Ace’s account is 100% true) since I feel the moment is important for her arc before she ended up dying.
Hello anon! I apologize for the late reply to your ask, I've been writing up a lot of different posts + It was hard for me to come up with a theory for what you asked, cause this is a part of the trial I don't necessarily think about a lot. But I'll try my best for you! Before we get into it though, I guess I should start off by saying that like you alluded to in your ask, we don't even know if Ace is telling the truth or not. Both him telling the truth and not telling the truth have inconsistencies in their logic that we simply do not have enough information to confirm or deny. That being said, however: I personally do think that Ace is telling the truth about David and Arei's conversation. For one, from Ace's perspective, I don't necessarily see the logic in telling a lie. Ace isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he is very aware of how others feel about him.
(x) Ace: Ooohhh, I get it. Ace: You all think I'm damaged in the head. I got that. But more than that... Ace: Levi, Teruko, Nico, Veronika, and everyone else. You all think you can say whatever the fuck you want to my face, right? Ace: I'm stupid, irritating, a good-for-nothing, and a spineless coward. Ace: Is that what everyone really thinks about me? And it's fine that you drill it into my head over and over again, because you think that I'll forget about it in 5 minutes like you do?
Hell, him waiting until he's basically the main suspect to release his alibi most likely hints that he knew that the cast wasn't going to believe him (which he was right, most didn't), and if that really was his thought process, why would he lie when he knows the cast will most likely not believe him anyway? The second reason as for why I think Ace is telling the truth with his testimony is because of this
(x) David: My secret is that I have a family history of depression. Veronika: My, coming right out with it. Arei: ... David: The reason you're all fighting... It's because you're stressed from this killing game, right? More specifically, stressed over this motive.
I recommend watching the actual clip because it's hard to capture what I mean in just text, and I fear this might be a slight asspull, but at the same time I have learned that DT-Dev doesn't just include dialogue to fill space, everything a character says, even if it's just ellipsis, more than likely has a purpose behind it. So why is Arei shown to say nothing in response to David, instead of just cutting to David's next line after Veronika's? To me personally, I think it was to show Arei's understandable confusion at David saying a secret that wasn't the one she saw. So I do think that Ace was telling the truth with what he saw. That does open up a few question marks, like why Ace didn't hear anything after a certain point despite being literally right near the door, but I assume those will be filled in as time goes on if he really is telling the truth. With that cleared up, I think we should get to what you actually want to hear anon: What happened during the conversation itself. Something about David is that when he is interrogated, especially of something that goes against his image, he has one of two reactions: A) he'll shoo the person away, acting dismissive and blunt
(x) Teruko: Then which one is yours? Tell me, since you're all about sharing secrets-- David: Seriously, will you shut up already? David: ...Please?
or B) he'll completely double down
(x) David: I'm a lying, manipulative, scumbaggy piece of shit. Is that what you all wanted to hear?
(x) David: Tch. Listen to me. I'm not the killer-- David: ... David: [Sigh] David: I know when to give up. Like I said, I don't want to end up like Min. Futilely fighting a war that I can't win. David: Tch. Fine. David: Hahaha... David: Ahahahaha!! Oh, fucking fine. David: I... David: I killed Arei. David: Does hearing that make you happy?
(honestly the last 17 minutes of ch2-11 can be described as david doubling down, but these are the main two examples.)
Personally, I think David ended up doing both in the Arei conversation. At first he tried to dismiss her accusations, but since Arei is an incredibly stubborn person, he ended up doubling down on them, most likely acting very similarly to how he does in the latter half of CH2-11. This would most likely follow up with an argument between David's philosophy that no one will ever change and that people are born either good or bad people, and Arei's newfound desire to become a good person after bullying and manipulating others for so long, a hope that David gave her. Both of the people in this scenario are very much guided by their emotions, and said emotions are very high by the time Ace's flashback is cut off. I'd say it's an inevitability. As for what would happen after that, I'm not entirely sure. But those are the predictions that I'm sure about. If anyone has something to add, than please do so in the notes. I'd really appreciate it. Thank you so much for the ask!
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if you drew gothcleats that would be soooooo crazy like omg
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When your boyfriend is stupidly tall
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sophieswundergarten · 1 month
For the prompts game, 37. “Why? Why are you helping me?” With any characters you want (TMBS or wolf 359 I don’t care).
Hi, Bods! I hope you are doing well. This was really fun to work on :)
The boy was walking along the edge of the yard, swiping at bushes with a stick and enjoying the satisfying susurration. He didn't have anyone to talk to, but he didn't mind. Sometimes thoughts are better entertained by one's self.
Just as he was passing a particularly large clump of foliage, he heard a noise. It sounded as if someone was crying.
Dropping the stick, he turned and began hunting for the source of the noise, eventually coming across a small hollow in the bushes. There was a little girl sitting inside, head buried in her arms and knees skinned up.
Crouching down, he found that they were about the same size. "Hey," He whispered, "What's the matter?"
The girl's head shot up, and she looked at him, bewildered. "N- Nothing." She mumbled.
"It sure seems like something." He cocked his head, watching her with bright eyes.
"What do you care?" She sniffed, "You're just here to make fun of me like the others, aren't you?"
"No, of course not." He sounded shocked. "Who's been making fun of you? I'll fight 'em for you. I will!" He insisted when she shot him an incredulous look.
"Why?" The little girl started at the ground as she asked. "Why are you helping me?"
The boy shrugged, uncertain of how to respond. "You look like you need help." He said simply.
Then he pulled her to her feet, dusted her off, and gently held her face in his hands. "You're going to be alright." He clumsily tried to wipe the tears still collecting in her eyes.
"Oh." The little girl sniffed, "How do you know?"
"Because, I'm here now. And everything's better when you have a friend with you." He smiled.
“We’re not friends.” She said coldly, uncomfortable with the amount of attention being given to her. “I don’t even know your name.”
“It’s Jack,” He said. “What’s your name?”
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neongreenllama · 1 year
hello tell me some of your omega remus headcanons. is he sad? pathetic? damp?
oh hello, imp, glad to see you haven't blocked me yet
(this is the first ask i've ever recieved so please bear with me while i try to pretend i'm not a nervous wreck about it)
he is indeed very sad, pathetic, and damp, and not just because of all the slick.
i think sirius is a busy alpha and often works long hours doing very important things and also earning a lot of money to spoil his omega, which results in remus missing him a lot, especially close to his heat. he probably gets very clingy, sending him a lot of random texts in the hopes of a little interaction to get him through his day. he'll generally do a lot of things to remind himself of his alpha like wearing his clothes, preparing his favorite foods, staring at his pictures for hours, etc.
he'll also collect a lot of sweets and stash them in his bedside drawer which he and sirius can snack on while he's in heat and they're too ... *ahem* busy with sirius fucking the life out of him to eat actual food.
i also think he HATES his heat. like it just annoys him so much that he has to change all of his plans and can't stick to his very comfortable routine so he likes to pretend it's not happening until the very last moment when he can't ignore it anymore (i'm talking literally slick dripping out of him all over the floor and him almost slipping on it) and then suddenly he's begging for sirius' babies of course
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melodiclune · 17 days
20 23 and 27 👀
20. least favorite anime ships
I had to really think about this one!!! This was haaaard. NobaMaki, Yuuta x Inumaki, FyoLai, DabiHawks, some of the Haikyuu ships that make no sense to me, some AoT ships... It's like. There's so many ships that seem like they were made for the sake of shipping two characters rather than out of actual dynamic interest or chemistry?? Yeahhhh.....
23. unpopular character you love
Who even counts as an unpopular character?? Chenchen I don't Fandom enough for this. I guess I can go easy, I know a lot of people dislike Jinpachi Ego, that does Not include me.
27. anime you plan to watch in the future 
Actually watch: Sangatsu no Lion, Hibike Euphonium, Violet Evergarden off of the top of my head. But there's an entire list somewhere on my laptop lmaooo
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ihearnocomplaints · 4 months
Another idea: At day care, Sun notices one kid is missing. He goes looking for them and find them laying down one the ground unconscious (maybe he got injured, maybe he just passed out out of sugar in his blood, idk, feel free to write anything). Sun panics, Moon has to take charge even tho the light are on. It's super uncomfortable and somehow it even hurts being awake during light time but he needed to take charge of the situation, for the kid and for Sun's sake.
Maybe Sun having a blackout out of stress after seeing the kid fainted. A bit of angst for Moon to see Sun freaking out and crying from guilty. Maybe some comfort. Maybe you can put some influence of glitchtrap into the kid's accident to make it more mysterious. Glitching starting to affect moon after seeing the kid too.
Idk, just ideas! Feel free to use them or don't!
I am so sorry to get this out so super late after you sent this in, friend, but I got sudden inspiration to write for it!! Better late than never, I suppose
It will not be exactly as prompted, but similar.
Affectionately titled:
A Fool’s Job
Oh jeez— Oh, no. No no no, this isn’t right.
Sun hastily moves through the crowd of children to attend to one lying on the floor.
He isn’t properly trained for this! His optics quickly survey the child’s small form, a familiar panic gripping at the edges of his processors. His fans work overtime to cool off his nearly overheating body. His metal chest heaves with artificial, panicked breaths. He fights through the errors clogging his vision to properly diagnose the child, but he can’t figure out what’s wrong or why. The children surrounding him cry and beg for Sun to help, but he was never made for this kind of thing. He wasn’t made to care for children and the dangers that come with. He was thrown in here after the technicians installed the bare minimum programs it took to allow him to legally work as a Daycare Attendant. With all this information—all these possibilities—it’s impossible for him to sift through them before he malfunctions and ends up on the ground right next to the child.
Softly, as if a whisper, a ping of an order comes from somewhere within his robotic mind. Turn off the lights.
His body moves before he can even process the instructions. He practically sprints to the light switch, turning it off with a force that nearly cracks the thin plastic of the switch.
Sun lets out a breath of relief as he allows himself to fall out of control of the body.
As the lights go out, some kids let out screams and others huddle close in fear. Moon takes note of the ones with a fear of the dark and immediately executes the code to play his music box. A gentle, soothing melody hums out from deep within his chassis.
Moon wastes no time as he rushes to the unconscious child, gently ushering the surrounding children away. Methodically, he checks the child’s vital signs and carefully moves them into the Recovery Position. The cause of unconsciousness isn’t clear. Moon immediately pings for emergency services and stays by the child’s side. He lets his caretaker protocol take control of the body as he steps back to soothe Sun and take a breath himself.
Are you okay?
I’m sorry. I-I just- I can’t—
It's okay, Sun. I know. I handled it.
A pause for a moment.
Thank you. I don't know what I would do without you, Moon.
A warmth fills their shared mind and Moon can feel his chest tighten with some unidentifiable emotions. He lets out something between a soft chuckle and a snort.
It's no problem, Sun.
In the end, the child is taken care of by EMS and brought to their parents. Sun does his best to soothe the shaken up kids before starting a new round of hide-and-seek. The rest of the day goes by as normally.
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moider-time · 2 years
Okay, how about Trans Bryce Wayne, but she gets pregnant with Dick? Like she's hired as a surrogate for the Graysons and they keep in contact, showing her pictures and they tell Dick when he's around Bryce's age (when she lost her parents) the day before the Graysons themselves die about Bruce being his biological mother and maybe just happy ending with Bryce hugging her son?
Dick takes it better than the Graysons would've expected. He knows that no matter who gave birth to him, that they're his parents. Only to lose them the next day.
Or you could make it angsty and have him take it as a betrayal. That he's not actually their child. That their relationship is built on mistrust. And when they die the next day, he realises that the last thing his parents thought about him was that he hated them when that was the farthest from the truth.
Either way, the Graysons die and Dick is taken in by Bryce. She doesn't know that the Graysons already told him and feels like telling him now would be too much for him. Dick thinks that she's not bringing it up because she was only alright with his existence when other people were raising him.
The first few months of her taking him in are tense. They both just can't overcome the invisible hurdle between them. Bryce is caring and there for him completely but she doesn't want to replace his parents. And despite Dick not wanting to, he's getting attached too even though he thinks everything she's doing is just for show and not out of love.
It comes to a head when, because of a nightmare, Dick wakes Bryce with his screaming. He's tried to but he's still not good at muffling his screams and sobs. She asks if she can come in and when given permission, the first thing she sees is her son ward curled up fetal position and shaking. He doesn't know it but she's trembling too from seeing him in so much pain.
He's mumbling something when she sits next to him. She asks him to repeat himself and has to suck in a sharp breath when big, teary, blue eyes are turned on her with a trembling lip and flushed cheeks and he murmurs "d-did you ever truly want me?" And it all comes pouring out in a storm of tears, snot and sobs.
Bryce is stuck in some sort of limbo for what feels like hours but is actually seconds. To think that her baby ward knew that she gave birth to him and had been suffering in silence this entire time. That he believed that she took him in cause of everything except love. He didn't know that she had loved him ever since she had held him in her arms, covered in sweat and blood. That her love only grew with every picture sent to her by the Graysons.
She gathers Dick in her arms, similarly to how she once did, wipes away his tears and for the first time, she's completely honest with a person who isn't Alfred or her parents. She tells him that she has no regrets on taking him in, that she didn't know he knew about her being his biological mother, that she would've been in his life a lot earlier but her and the Graysons agreed that he would meet her once he knew the truth.
She also lets him know that he's under no obligation to see her as anything more than his caretaker. The Graysons were there for him and will always be his parents and she respects that. Needless to say, they end up with tears running down both their faces, feeling lighter and cuddling together in Dick's bed. Dick is still mourning and Bryce is still a new parent with a traumatised child but they're willing to work with eachother now.
"Goodnight chum, I love you"
"Love you too, Mama"
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broadwayy-kanaya · 2 years
Man Its Brutal Out There
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Oh yeah? You're gonna bite me back? Really? Even if you're limping in the floor? Try.
Oh I'll try. I'll hiss through the pain as you make sure I can't quite walk. I'll gnash my teeth at you but let's be honest, you know what buttons to press. I'll still try, barking and growling.
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r0zzk1ll · 6 months
whats your favorite bug :3
(or fave animal if u dont like any bugs)
tw for bug imagery
caterpilar sweep 🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛
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i mean. Look at them How could u not love it. he couldBe venomous but u never kno.
and to answer the other question because i want to
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i have lots of other Favorites but raccoons resonate with meIn a way i can't describe (i am a Racoon at heart) ❤😊
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mienar · 5 months
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the wandering painter, part one
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itsolie · 1 year
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i can’t endlessly retweet the original since i uninstalled stupid bird app, so i’m posting it here to endlessly reblog instead
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etheries1015 · 6 months
Imagining Malleus is going through his heat cycle, and finds himself needing to be guided through the motions by none other than Lilia, of course. His subject? You.
(18+ minors DNI. Afab reader, fem pronouns.) this ones for you, bestie @masquerade-of-misery <3 live laugh love "threesomnia" LMAOOO
How you came into this predicament will be far beyond you. How you were now stripped bare by a hungry Draconic Fae, with your bare back pressed up against Lilias's chest, holding you in his grasp with his hands coming around to play with your sensitive mounds. His hands gently groped your tender breasts, flicking a finger over your hard nipples and pinching them at just the right pressure. Your back arched against his touch and a small and yearning moan elicited from your lips, Malleus looking down at you with a flushed face with his tongue licking his dry and hungry lips. Lilia chuckled at Malleus's eager display.
"It depends on the person," Lilia pointed out as if giving some sort of classroom lecture to the black-haired male, "Sensitivity of the breasts isn't uncommon. However, it seems our prefect here may need a little more than simple foreplay of the bosom to feel satisfied..." He rolled your nipples in his fingers and used the bulk of his palm to give a little squish to your breast, your breath becoming ragged as you melted into his touch, holding back a moan from the back of your throat. Lilia smiled at your rather simple reaction, before eyeing the shirtless fae that loomed over you. Malleus gave him a confused look before Lilia grabbed his hand and placed it on your chest.
Encouraging him to move in the way Lilia had, Malleus placed his much larger and dexterous fingers against your soft skin. His movements were much more uncertain, slow, and passionate versus the older fae whose touch left you thinking about the surprising amount of skill he had and the ability to understand your body the moment his fingers touched your skin. As Malleus gently kneaded your breasts with caution, you were shocked when suddenly you felt sharp teeth dig into the crook of your neck. You let out a yelp of surprise mixed with a moan that sounded rather confused and high-pitched- even your body at odds with the pleasure of your chest and the now throbbing of your neck. Malleus looked up in concern at this, almost glaring daggers at the other fae as if to ask; 'what did you do?'
"The neck," Lilia purred into your ear nibbling the lobe, "Is a rather sensitive spot for humans...biting it is also seen as a form of possessiveness, in both Fae and Human mating. Interesting, no?" Lilia smiled mischievously as he playfully licked the wound he had left, your body shivering at the wet muscle that scaled from the base of your neck before teasing its way to your jawline. Malleus eyed the cheeky fae that held you in his arms, before heading his mentor's words and leaning over to take his place between the other side of your neck. Lilia moved your hair to the side to allow Malleus easier access to mark your neck, his hands continuing his relentless motions on your chest. It seemed he had gotten rather carried away, for you winced in pain and exclaimed "Ow!" when Malleus's nail ended up scratching your nipple. He pulled away, looking at you in worry and quickly removing his hands from your body. Lilia chuckled at this, a seemingly common pastime for him at this point.
"Humans are delicate," Lilia said to Malleus almost to chastise him for his mistake, "Make sure she is alright, and then continue forward. You need to think what each of your body parts are doing, and adapt accordingly." Malleus's eyes caught yours.
"Are you alright, child of man?" He cooed gently, his honey-deep voice immediately setting aside any uneasiness you may have felt. You gave him a nod and the okay to continue, Lilia whispering "Good girl," In your ear before his hands snaked down to the bottom half of your body, also bare for the two men to be witness to. Your legs were closed the time they were experimenting with your breast and higher extremities, Lilia used a skilled hand to open your knee and allow your legs to spread in front of the draconic fae. Malleus stared down at your dripping cunt, taking notice of the slick that glistened around your hole. The growing bulge of his pants became much more apparent as it grew in size, practically begging to be freed from the confines of the fabric he so frustratingly wanted to be released from.
Lilias hand snaked down from your inner thigh to place two fingers over your folds and spread them apart, making the wetness between your legs much more apparent for Malleus to see. You instinctively felt a jolt of pleasure at such a simple touch, your legs almost snapping shut if it wasn't for Malleus quickly using his hands to force your legs apart. Lilias eyes cocked in surprise at this action, his lips curling in a coy smile before resuming his "lecture."
"Human women have their own lubricating system. When they are aroused, they produce this-" He used two of his fingers to rub a few lines from the pearl of your cunt and entrance, holding them up to show off the glistening clear substance that now covered his fingers. "This is how they prepare to take the male in." Malleus watched earnestly with rosy cheeks, almost drooling at the simple idea that you were ready to take him in. Taking this point as the next step, Malleus began to unbuckle his belt to release him of his constricting confines. Your eyes widened at this, and Lilia 'tsked' at this, shaking his head. Malleus looked up in mild annoyance at the red eyed fae.
"Although she produced her own lubricant," Lilia pointed out, "We still must make sure it's safe for her to take you. You must prepare her, first." Malleus furrowed his eyebrows at this, sitting back slightly holding back a growl of impatience.
"Does her body not automatically prepare her for such actions? Is that not the purpose of the lubricant?" Malleus inquired. Lilia shook his head and gently rubbed your thigh, as if thanking you for your patience.
"I understand your impatience, Malleus. But you must understand, despite the lubricant, we want to avoid any injury that may occur for being ill-prepared for the size in which she is to take. To prevent tearing or pain, it's best to prepare her first in order to stretch her out to better take you in. Especially in your case, since most human males only have one." You started at this sudden statement, looking back between the two men bewildered.
"O-one? What do you mean by that?" Lilia looked at you with eyes wide with confusion.
"Hm? I thought you were aware? Draconic fae actually has two phalluses. One is for keeping the entrance of their mate open, while the other is to push their seed in for breeding. Although...it would be in your benefit to start with one at first, to ease you into it." Your face fell at this information, looking back at Malleus with your eyes wavering in concern. Malleus leaned over you, using a hand to place upon your cheek and stroke it gently, his emerald green eyes glowing with lust and affection for you.
"Do not worry," Malleus cooed with his words of honey, "I will be sure to prepare you as Lilia instructs." Biting your bottom lip, you nodded and tilted your head back. Malleus planted a gentle kiss against your forehead before returning back to his original position, awaiting patiently for Lilias's next set of instructions. Lilia continued to hold you against his chest, looking at Malleus from behind your slightly trembling body. The trembling was out of slight fear of the possibility of two fitting inside of you, yet it seemed all the more tantalizing and exciting at the same time...
"Now Malleus," Lilia continued his instruction, his hands trailing back down to your folds using two fingers to caress your pearl in a mix of circular and vertical movements, teasing the inside of your hole with only the tip of his fingertips, not quite indulging into it. you whined and found yourself moving your hips in the hope of more friction, for the bat's touch was light and you felt yourself become impatient. Lilia ignored your feeble movements and continued to explain as if you weren't so needlingly begging for more. "Start with one finger, and when you feel it enough, you can continue to add more. You will be able to tell she's ready by how much she can take of your fingers without feeling too tight." Lilia suddenly pushed two fingers at once inside of you, urging Malleus forward. He watched eagerly as a satisfied hum escaped your lips, your body arching ever so slightly as Lilia massaged the inside of your hole skillfully with his fingers. All at once and far too soon for your liking, Lilia removed his fingers, your slick completely covering them. "Now, you try. Move them like this-" The red eyed fae gave a demonstration to the horned male, malleus nodding before following instruction.
Malleus was much more clumsy when it came to such acts, you could feel it in the way his fingers stiffly entered you with very little fluid movement.
"curl your fingers gently and move upward. Feel how she tightens around your fingers when you do it correctly?" you had to admit, hearing Lilia talk about you in such a blunt manner about the ways in which your body reacted was enough to make your entire face red. Yet, the wetness down below was far more prominent with every word he spoke. Once he was able to add another two fingers, Malleus pulled out leaving you empty once more. He admired his fingers that were covered in your substance, before staring you directly in the eyes and using his tongue to lap up your wetness from his fingers. You weren't sure you could possibly become any more flustered than you already were, yet it seemed possible with every new action both of the men took. Deciding you had been stretched out enough, Lilia had given Malleus the okay to the next step.
The tall male stood up and unbuckled his belt, allowing his pants to fall to the ground and removing his boxers allowing his cocks to be seen by your mesmerized eyes. You watched in anticipation as he shuffled back in front of you on his knees, your eyes never leaving the sheer length and girth that he had been hiding all this time.
"remember what I said earlier," Lilia said, using his hand to pull your legs apart further, "Humans are incredibly delicate. If you are not careful when breeding, you could harm your mate. Enter her slowly..." Lilias fingers snaked back down to your folds and once again used his skilled hand to pull them apart, Malleus pumping the top of the two cocks a couple times before aligning it with your entrance. Lilias fingers remained spreading you apart as he talked Malleus through every inch, yet the second the head of his cock penetrated you, you couldn't help but suck in air and almost pull back.
"t-too.. too big..!" You whined, Lilia hushing you gently and planting a kiss upon your cheek. Malleus leaned forward and groaned, his cock throbbing in desire to bury deep inside you. As you were taking inches of Malleus, you couldn't help but notice something hard poke at your bare back, like cloth that was rubbing against your skin. Lilia was hard. You hadn't the chance to speak up about it before the older fae ignored his obvious 'issue' and continued to coach Malleus through the motions.
"Let her adjust," Lilia said to the black-haired male, "(y/n), Tell him when you're ready to take more. And if it is too much to bear, speak your mind." Lilias's words were kind and gentle, his lips pressing against the lobe of your ear before biting down. After a few moments of adjusting to Malleus's size, you gave him the okay as Lilia guided him deeper inside of you.
"So tight and wet," Malleus let out a deep primal growl from the back of his throat as he was able to finally fully engulf himself in your warmth, "So warm...ah.." groaning while leaning forward and biting the crook of your neck, Malleus found himself trying to push deeper and deeper inside of you. Tears pricked the side of your eyes at the number of stimuli you were receiving, Lilia took notice and moved your head to face him kissing the tears away from your cheeks. "There...Good girl. You're taking him so well, aren't you?" He purred, trailing kisses from your cheeks to your jawline, and from your jawline moving his teeth to graze against the other side of your neck. Once fully adjusted, Malleus began to go at a steady pace with moans of pleasure escaping his lips.
It wasn't long before he was fucking you relentlessly out of pure primal instinct, the room full of wet sounds of skin slapping against each other and moaning. Sweet moans that left your lips with one man penetrating you and the other sneaky hands roaming your body. Lilia used one hand to grope your breast and play with your hardened nipples while the other moved down to your clit and rubbed circles around it leading you closer and closer to your release. You could feel the bubbling pit of your stomach as your walls clenched around Malleus's cock and your back arched, a loud desperate moan slipping from your lips and your body trembling with ecstasy. At the same time, you felt Malleus twitch inside of you, with ropes of cum painting your swollen insides white. Your body went limp against Lillia's chest, panting roughly as the Draconic fae removed himself from the warmth of your cunt. Lilia used his thumb to pull open your swollen hole, watching as Malleus's thick seed pooled out of your twitching entrance. As Lilia sang your praises, Malleus leaned forward and kissed your forehead gently, you taking notice that he was still as hard as he had started.
"Seeing how well both of you did," Lilia smiled, "shall we try using the second one, next?"
You surely weren't going to be pulled away yet, not until Briar Valley had another heir on the way <3
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sophieswundergarten · 9 months
Sticky Washington for the 4 headcanons ask game because I love when you talk about him but if someone’s already beat me to it, you can do Dr. Garrison.
I hope you’re having a good evening!
Headcanon A: The Society are literally his first friends. He didn't exactly know how/get a chance to befriend other kids before
Headcanon B: Has never been to traditional school. Was homeschooled until his parents figured out how smart he is and then he taught himself
Headcanon C: Tried to make friends after meeting the Society and found out the hard way that not everyone is as kind and easy-going as his family :(
Headcanon D: He and Constance become really close and while they do tease each other they will defend one another with their life I don't care that they fight a lot in canon THEY'RE SIBLINGS
Dr. Garrison
Headcanon A: Had pet rats when she was growing up
Headcanon B: She has seen Curtain dance. Multiple times. He asked her for feedback.
Headcanon C: She actually destroyed her immune system living in a root cellar and not seeing the sun for months, and she got sick a lot for a long while
Headcanon D: She has a bunch of pet rats as an adult and they're all named after famous scientists except the leader, who is named Hoffman :)
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