#i hope this was okay ??
updownlately · 1 year
‘cause all that you are (is all that i’ll ever need)
| alessia russo x reader | some angst and some fluff | 3.3k | inspo: kiss me by ed sheeran & tenerife sea by ed sheeran | a/n: so this req was a long time coming, thanks for your patience amigo! hope you like it! idk how to feel about this one but ima get this out for now and if i need to re-do it later then ill be more than happy to!
Late training sessions were definitely not on Alessia’s list of favourite things in the world, especially not when all she wanted to do was escape the rainy Manchester weather and cold. It was safe to say really, that if she could change any one thing about her football career, past, present, and future, she’d limit the number of evening practices, especially those on rainy days to near zero. 
Being soaking wet after a practice, the number of times she had fallen no doubt a contributing factor, the chill in the air seemed to send a continuous shiver in her bones, one that not even a shower post-practice could abolish. 
So albeit showered and freshened up, all the blonde really wanted to do at seven in the evening on a Tuesday was take a hot shower at home and curl up beside you; dinner, a movie, and unlimited cuddles the only things things on the cards for the night. 
But that plan required many things, one of which included you being free, something you likely weren’t. 
Caught up in all your coursework for your degree, you had recently been swamped with a never-ending to-do list, something which pained Alessia almost, if not more, as much as it pained you.
Entering your shared apartment, Alessia gently dropped her kit bag and paused for a brief second to try and decipher where you might be. Hearing nothing that would give any indication of your location, she kicked off her shoes before haphazardly placing them on the rack and heading in to find you.
With finals season upon you, you had been hiding away from Alessia to finish your work a lot more, conscious of how her mere presence distracted you, had you contemplating why you wanted to finish your degree this year when you could instead cuddle up with her on the couch and put on a show to watch. 
However, the tiredness of the day was finally catching up to her and the Gunner wanted nothing more than to find you and drape herself over you, cuddles galore, her heaven on earth. 
Quickly peering into the kitchen and then the dining area before checking the living room, Alessia wandered through the living space, not wanting to shout for you lest you be on a call of some sort. 
Walking towards your office/makeshift study space, she started to take her wet hair out of its bun, hoping that she could get you to agree to plait it for her as you normally would. 
Between rainy English weather and the nearly two years of you two dating, it had become a sort of ritual between the pair of you- countless nights of a dimly lit living room, a brush in your hands as you sat on the couch with the footballer on the floor between your legs, you working ever so carefully and gently to untangle and braid her wet hair into a somewhat manageable braid.
It had started when you had realized that Alessia would leave her soaked, post-shower hair in a messy bun until it would eventually dry eons later, making everything her head came in contact with during the meantime a damp mess.
After the fourth time you had to change out of a wet t-shirt post cuddling session, you had finally given up on trusting the striker to do her own hair, instead taking matters into your own hands. 
Since then, it had become normal for the Englishwoman to find you after most practices or games, silently taking seat between your legs or in front of you with a towel, brush, and blow-dryer in hand. 
So Alessia made a quick stop to your shared ensuite, grabbing the aforementioned items in a breeze before continuing on the remainder of her short walk to you office next door. 
Well aware that you may be on one of your numerous zoom calls with a course mate or advisor of some sort, the blonde knocked gently before slowly turning the handle and peeking her head inside. 
Eyes just barely adjusting to the dimly lit room, Alessia sighed, already being able to tell you had barely left your study space for a while, the countless dishes piled up on the table beside you a worrying sign.
Stepping in and choosing to make her presence known, the blonde walked over to where you were sat at your desk in the back corner of the room, eyes focused intently on the screen in front of you. 
Coming to stop right beside you, your girlfriend teetered from one foot to the other nervously, waiting for a reaction.
You barely looked up from your monitor as you hummed in response, a disastrous number of tabs open on the screen and the laptop beside you, mind nearly as scattered. 
Wringing her hands, her voice came out soft, nearly a whisper, heart already tired from the long day she had. 
“Could you please plait my hair when you get the chance?”
Had you been paying attention to the blonde one your left, you would’ve taken in the tiredness in her eyes, the defeated weight on her shoulders, and the nervousness thrumming in her body as she fiddled with the hairbrush in her hand. 
But you weren’t.
Eyes not leaving the screen for a second as you took notes on your iPad without looking down, you inhaled sharply. 
If you had known better, you wouldn’t have reacted as you did. Would’ve separated your frustration with your paper from your love for the striker. 
You didn’t however. 
Instead, you let your frustration seep through, a gruff exhale escaping you. 
“Less I’m busy. Just do it yourself yeah?”
Not waiting for an answer, you continued with the task at hand, flipping between another website and copying and pasting text into your notes document. 
Beside you, Alessia quickly shut her eyes, straightening her back in an effort not to become upset at your sharp answer. 
She knew you were stressed, this degree something you had been working on tirelessly to achieve. She knew this frustration wasn’t aimed at you, more so at the tight deadline coming up, the need for perfection that you craved. So why did she feel like shit now?
Taking a deep breath, she figured it would be worth a shot to ask you about dinner, aware that you likely hadn’t eaten- your habit of hyper focusing a common obstacle when it came to taking care of yourself. 
“Before I go, do you want anything in particular for supper? I was thinki-”
“Anything’s fine. I’ll eat later. I really need to finish this up.” Your voice cut in, not bothering to wait for her to finish. 
Eyebrows furrowing at your interjection, Alessia’s shoulders deflated, well aware that any time spend together was likely off the table for the night. As if this night couldn’t possibly get worse. 
Sighing near silently, the Arsenal forward turned on her heels, making her way out of the room quickly as to not disturb you any further. 
It was only when she had fully made it out of the room, door shut firmly behind her, that Alessia let the weight of the day crash on her.
As a handful of silent tears of frustration came barrelling down her face, the striker made her way back into your shared bedroom, haphazardly throwing the items from her hands onto the bathroom counter before wiping away the tears and throwing her hair into a bun once more. 
Deciding that tonight was not a night where the blonde wanted to be cooking, at least not anymore, not since you very likely wouldn’t be joining her, she reached for her phone, eyes scanning the numerous apps through her blurred vision before finding the desired delivery app. 
Quickly ordering comfort food for herself and your usual order from the restaurant she had chosen (she wasn’t heartless, could never be towards you), the striker threw herself onto the bed, arms coming to wrap around her own midsection in a vain attempt to provide herself with some comfort. 
And when the ordered food finally arrived, bag somehow soaked from the pouring weather, the Englishwoman knew that the universe was playing a cruel joke on her, maybe even getting her back for jumping on Leah when she had been soaked after practice earlier. 
Clenching her jaw, Alessia quietly plated her food before taking a seat at the island, dim lights and the soft murmur of the world outside the only company for her on the lonesome night, the empty stool beside her mocking her as she ate, a pounding headache growing due to the bun she wore, food lukewarm, and heart alone.
What a lovely night…
You were proud of yourself. 
It had taken nearly a week but here you were, essay nearly done, on the brink of submission a handful of days early, qualification for graduation just a few clicks away. 
All that was left was to proofread it for the fourth time, you well aware that you were being nit-picky, the perfectionist in you making itself known. 
But that could wait. That could most definitely wait. Because all you wanted to do right now, aching neck, tired eyes, and growling stomach in tow, was to relax with your girl for a bit, a well deserved reward should you say yourself.
Pushing yourself away from your desk, your eyes flickered over to top corner of your monitor, a place you tended not to look often in an attempt to not intimidate yourself with the passing minutes. 
Now though? Now you wish you had looked at the clock earlier.
Cursing yourself for being so caught up in your own mind that you had tuned out the world most important to you, you hastily got up from your seat. 
The bright digits glared at you as quickly started cleaning up your desk- 9:47 pm- much much later than you had anticipated. 
Exiting out of now useless tabs and turning off what needed to be shut down, your quickly grabbed your mountain of dishes, precariously balancing them as you tucked your nearly dead phone into your pocket and scrambled towards the door.
Less couldn’t be asleep right? Not yet at least…surely?
You silently prayed that the blonde was still awake, the pattering of the rain outside and darkness filling the empty corners of the apartment as you made your way to the kitchen. 
The silence in the apartment was eerily haunting, a reminder- no- an indication of just how selfish you had been. 
Entering the threshold, your eyes fell on the sticky note left on the counter, space barely illuminated by the streetlights.
Gently placing your dishes in the sink, letting warm water run over them, you backtracked, picking up the yellow post-it and reading the message- once and then again, heart sinking at the unsaid words. 
‘Supper’s in the fridge. Went to bed early.’
The lack of words told you everything you needed to know. You had fucked up.
No 'I love you', no 'I'll be waiting for you', none of that. Just eight direct words, saying everything that Alessia didn't voice.
Swallowing hard, you contemplated your options, wondering whether it would be worth the risk to potentially upset Alessia more than you already had.
It wasn’t a secret to you that the blonde hated late practices, especially on days like today, where there were double practices, afternoon and evening. Add the pouring rain that had brought you comfort the past few hours, hours that Less had likely passed around waiting for you, hair no doubt a mess, a headache likely from the cold, stuff you usually helped her prevent post-practices, you knew you had messed up. 
In your blindside to free yourself up early, you had ignored the one you loved. Just fucking great.
Deciding then and there to make amends, you made your way to your shared bedroom, taking the gamble to see whether Alessia had fallen asleep or not, hoping you could rectify your earlier actions. 
This time, it was your turn to nervously enter the room, turning the knob nervously and slowly stepping in. 
In front of you lay the taller girl, frame looking small on the bed, her back facing you, the dark room doing nothing to help your uneasiness.
Stepping forward, you reached out, pulling up the covers on your side of the bed, you sliding in after.
Holding your breath, you strained to listen to Alessia’s breathing, trained in being able to identify whether the blonde was on the brink of sleep or not, years of being together aiding you immensely.
Finally exhaling when you realized the blonde was still awake, you took your chances.
Keeping your voice soft, you let it carry, the weight of your words hanging in the air. 
“I know you’re still awake…”
You could feel the mattress move before she did, the blonde shuffling further to her own side of the bed, nearly falling off the edge with how much space she left in the middle. 
Silence being your only response, you tried again. 
“I’m sorry for being an ass.” 
This time you heard a slight huff. Not the best response but a response in the least- a positive in your eye. You chose to continue, hoping you could dig yourself out of this hole.
“I’m sorry for being huge dickwad. You didn’t deserve me snapping at you like that.”
And as Alessia’s hoarse voice responded, your gut sank with guilt, jaw tensing.
“Just the snapping? I asked you about supper and whether you could take just a few- a few- minutes to plait my hair like always, and you got upset with me.”
“I know. I’m sorry, I really am. You were only trying to help and you were tired yourself and I was dumb.” Surging forward, you reached out tentatively, slowly placing your hand on Alessia’s shoulder, pulling her into you.
“You really were.”
Placing a kiss on the back of her head once she was close enough, you murmured against her scalp. “Can I make it up to you? Let me braid your hair?”
“That doesn’t excuse your behaviour…”
Nodding in agreeance, you let your arms wrap around the taller girl’s waist. “It doesn’t, but I’ll get there, I promise.”
Alessia sinking backwards into your grasp at your words gave you the answer you needed, you holding her for a few more minutes before quickly rising up and getting the items you needed.
Turning on a lamp as you returned, you settled behind the footballer, plugging in the hair drier and undoing the bird’s nest on your lover’s head. 
Silently working, you meticulously dried the blonde’s hair enough that her pillow wouldn’t get any more soaked, teasing out the kinks and knots gently before braiding her hair loosely.
Finally pleased with your work, you set the comb and hair drier aside, pulling Alessia back against your front and wrapping her up in your hold, placing a gentle kiss on her shoulder and lingering for a second.
“I can’t promise I won’t be stupid again, but I can promise you that I’ll try my best to never do that again.”
“No more ignoring me no matter how busy you are alright? Just let me in your head…tell me your plans so that I’m not left here waiting for god knows how long, as you snap at me when I try to care…please?”
“I promise. Solemnly swear in fact.”
Feeling the blonde smile at your words, you let a grin take over your own face. 
“Now, I know you already ate, but would you fancy joining me for dinner? It could be our own little date? You, me, a little Love Island, and ton of cuddles?”
And as Alessia turned in your hold, burying her face into the crook of your neck, you kissed the her crown, holding her just a tad bit tighter. 
Only making a move to get up when your stomach grumbled loudly, you shot a sheepish smile to the angel in your arms before loosening your hold.
And as the pair of you exited the room, hand in hand, you made sure to grab the softest blanket you could, her comfort blanket, settling the striker on the couch before rushing into the kitchen to make yourself a plate of food, getting an extra helping, well aware that your girlfriend would munch with you.
Nearly sprinting back to the living room, food in hand, the pair of you got comfortable, the blonde resting her head on your shoulder, blanket wrapped around you both as the tv illuminated the living room, the rain now setting a comforting tone to the night.
Feeding the Gunner small bites as you ate your food, the two of you managed to finish off the plate quite quickly, setting it on the table before sinking together, a few more episodes, a handful of minute more spend cuddling.
Mindlessly tracing your fingers up her arm, you pulled the tired woman into you, body shuffling to lay across the couch, Alessia's head resting on your chest as the other girl whispered out little comments at every turn in the show.
It was only when you could finally feel the taller girl’s body growing heavier a bit more with each passing minute that you decided that it was a good time to head to bed.
Skimming your fingers up and down her spine, tracing the ridges of her back, you slowly, just barely, pulled Alessia out of her lethargic state, silently pulling her into a sitting position.
Moving to get up, you wrapped the blanket around her, ignoring her groans of protest at her own personal space heater walking away.
Convincing her you would only be a minute, you ran and put ur dishes away before coming back to usher a somewhat sleepy Less to your bedroom, the blonde slightly waking up a bit more at the movement.
Walking both yourself and your sleepy counterpart through brushing your teeth, you pulling silly faces randomly before splashing the taller girl with some water to tease her, you eventually managed to get the two of you back into bed, you on your back and the taller girl resting her head on your chest, sleepy yawns escaping her as she got comfortable once more.
Taking her now dry hair out of its braid, you loosely combed your fingers through it, nails scratching her scalp in a successful effort to soothe.
“Tell me about your day?” Your voice was quiet, just barely audible, not wanting to rouse the girl in your arms any further.
“Well my girlfriend was kind of an arse to me…”
Shaking your head as your chest rumbled with silent laughter, you gently hit Alessia’s shoulder. 
“I mean it...I wanna listen dork.”
And as the blonde recited her day to you, you could feel her breathing get heavier, the tiredness finally catching up to her.
Placing a gentle kiss on top of her head, you murmured another quiet apology as Alessia’s voice died down, you tightening your hold, mentally vowing never to let yourself get consumed by school or work so immensely ever again.
Unbeknown to you, the striker was just barely awake, her whispers of ’never again’ making her conscious state known. 
Agreeing, you repeated the words, whispering an I love you, the sentiment returned before Alessia’s breathing finally evened out, body completely relaxed in your hold. Finally letting yourself unwind, the tension from studying earlier totally seeping out of your body, you let a smile spread across your face.
Well aware this was all you really needed, you let the warmth spread through your body.
Here, your lover in your hold, silent breaths puffed against your neck, the weight of your love hanging comfortably in the air, you followed Alessia’s lead, letting sleep overcome you, everything that really mattered to you in this world, here, in your arms. 
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silverbladexyz · 8 months
TW: Mentions of death, injuries, self-loathing. Part 2 to this. Part 3 is here.
"I can't believe you sometimes. What if you had actually been killed because of your recklessness?!"
"But I wasn't! Even if combat isn't my strong suit, I had it all under control; and besides, these wounds are nothing compared to what we've faced before!"
In the normally tranquil environment of the Port Mafia's infirmary, two voices argued back and forth. One laced with worry and anger, the other laced with guilty adamance. A pair of best friends seemed to be the reason behind this noise; with their stubbornness a guise of the true feelings that they harboured for each other.
"Are you seriously kidding me right now? Even if you had it all under control, that doesn't mean you can gamble your life away like it's nothing! How do you think everyone would feel if you died? Do you want to put them through more pain and suffering that could've been prevented if you were more cautious? Do you even care?!"
Instead of replying, you turned away, suddenly finding the window to be more interesting than whatever was going on right now.
He was right. You didn't think properly about the consequences before you jumped straight in to engage with the enemy, even if you may have had a backup plan.
"... I'm sorry."
It was soft, but Chuuya managed to catch it.
He gave a small sigh, his shoulders dropping as the tension in them wore out. You fiddled with your bandages, not having the courage to look at him in the eyes. Did you even deserve to, afterall? When you worried him sick after he learnt that he almost lost you?
You heard his footsteps approaching you, and mentally prepared for the next thing that he was going to say.
Only for him to somewhat tug you into his arms.
Your eyes widened, and you blinked several times before realising that Chuuya Nakahara, your best friend, was hugging you.
His breath fanned against your collarbone as he buried his face into your shoulder. Strong arms held you close to him, being mindful of the injuries that you sustained on your body- yet the grip they held you in was tight but secure.
"... You idiot. Don't you dare do that again."
It was the most vulnerable you had ever seen him.
You hugged him back, inhaling his rich scent as an unknown heat bloomed in your chest.
"I won't. I promise, Chuuya."
His warmth never left your memories.
Now, you watched as he stood with her, holding her hand. They were too far away for you to make out their words, but whatever she said made Chuuya laugh. A genuine, happy laugh that seemed so much more different from the short chuckles he normally gave you.
He put his arm around her shoulder, and you unconsciously hugged your body as you felt yourself getting colder. It was the third of December- the start of another winter in Yokohama. Marking the six month anniversary of their relationship.
A wry smile made it's way on your face as Chuuya pulled Yasuko in for a kiss. Even though it was a short peck, it was enough to make your heart twist in longing that exemplified whenever you were around him. It was stupid; you knew that your best friend deserved to have someone much better than the monster you were, but it didn't stop you from wishing that you were her. Someone that was a sight for sore eyes, with an aura brighter than the blue skies- someone that could get Chuuya mesmerised.
You even noticed how he became slightly more distant in the friendship. You knew that he wasn't doing it on purpose; he was still the great best friend that he always was, but the little signs were there. Holding your hand so that you wouldn't get lost in the crowd had diminished to just staying close to you. Whenever you called him on a free day to ask if he wanted to hang out with you, he would apologise, saying 'I have a date with Yasuko later'. And the fact that you had the same free days really said something about how much they meant to him.
You walked away, the sight getting too much to handle. Once you were at a safe distance, you crumpled against a wall, biting down on the inside of your mouth to stop the tears from leaking out. A higher-ranking mafioso like you, crying over some crush? Pathetic. An unfitting model for your subordinates who looked up to you as a great unflinching leader.
"Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty." You chuckled bitterly, digging your nails into your palms. You hated it- the soft gaze in Chuuya's eyes whenever Yasuko was mentioned, the way that he gently held her hand, the way he became much more sweet and patient with her that was almost nothing like how he acted around you- you hated it all. You regretted not confessing to him sooner all those years ago.
But you were only the side character in their romance; forever doomed to support them while you suffered in silence.
Was there something or somebody that you could blame for this agony that you were currently in? Destiny, perhaps? Or even Cupid? Those names only made you scoff as you stuffed your hands into your pockets.
There was nobody you could blame except for yourself.
Perhaps it would have been better if you were the one who saved Yasuko, not Chuuya. They would have never spent as much time with each other, and you'd still have a chance at romancing him. None of this would have happened if the roles were reversed at that time.
But who were you kidding? One way or another, they’d end up together by the red string of fate. The most perfect match in all of Yokohama that could put every other couple to shame. And you'd always be the third wheel- the 'best friend' whose sacrifices went unseen just so that they could be happy.
Or maybe it would have been better if Yasuko didn't exist in the first place.
"-Y/N? Y/N?"
A voice broke you out of your thoughts, and you blinked a bit before refocusing onto the girl in front of you.
"Is everything okay? N-not that you have to tell me what's wrong, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll always be here for you."
Yasuko looked at you with a concerned expression, her eyes searching your face for any sign of discomfort.
Those innocent, beautiful eyes of hers that had held Chuuya captive in their gaze.
Ah, right. You were currently in the shopping mall with her, because her boyfriend had asked you to accompany her like some sort of bodyguard. And who were you to refuse, as his best friend who was always there for him? Well, you were grateful that Chuuya trusted you enough to let you near Yasuko. You had seen how protective he was of her.
"... Nothing. I'm alright."
You smiled at her, all traces of your previous emotions now gone. How could you have let your composure slip so easily? This hangout was so that you could 'get closer' with her, not reminiscing about the pathetic past that held you captive in this agonising love.
She frowned a little, but before she could say anything else, you jumped at the opportunity to distract her. Anything that could make you temporarily forget your pain for one moment was what you desperately needed now.
"Oh, looks like they're selling discounted jewellery! Let's take a look! You might find something that you like."
Grabbing her wrist, you dragged her towards the jewellery store despite having no intentions to buy anything. You simply wanted her to be distracted by the precious stones, so meticulously cut and fit into fine metal that it was laughable how they were mostly for show. A valuable trinket only made to be admired and forgotten at the end of the day, even when so much blood had been spilled over them. Blood that would forever stain the hands of a sinner such as you.
"Oh! I remember Chuuya taking me to a similiar store! He bought me a ring; I said that there was no need, but he insisted." Yasuko glanced down at the gold-and-red circlet that lay snugly around her index finger, her gaze becoming shyer as she profoundly remembered the day that her beloved boyfriend had bought it for her.
Your own silver ring that he gifted to you on your 18th birthday paled in comparison to the 5-carat Burmese ruby that sat atop her finger. It was a harsh reminder of who the buyer really preferred from between the two of you. That twisted feeling in your gut resurfaced, but you pushed it back down. You had no more frivolous hopes that he would one day realise you were the one whom he truly belonged with.
"Haha... did he now? I didn't know Chuuya was such a romantic. Did you know that rubies symbolise passionate and undying love?" You smiled as she blushed; the redness on her cheeks rivaling the shade of the precious gemstone that was proof of his commitment to her.
People were right when they said love hurts, but they never mentioned that it was the most painful sensation in the world. All the stab wounds and burns and whatnot that you had experienced from your enemies were nothing compared to a broken heart. A heart that was made to be torn apart to pieces as it weeps for the love it would never get.
Something cold brushed against your wrist, and you looked down to see a bracelet made up of the most exquisite yellow topaz. Yasuko held an identical one in her hand, her expression almost bashful as she faced you.
"I... I wanted to get matching bracelets for the two of us. I know it's only been a few months since we became friends, but being around you has really brightened up my life. I'm glad that we got to meet each other, and I hope that our friendship continues to grow and strengthen!"
She smiled at you; a smile so full of purity and beauty that it would've made many men fall onto her knees in front of her. It was a smile that didn't belong in the dark depths of Yokohama- instead, it belonged to a goddess that was too good for this world. A goddess that clearly deserved to call Nakahara Chuuya hers. Just seeing that smile made you feel infinitely more guilty about the nasty thoughts you had about her each night.
Yasuko's smile faded, worried that she might have overstepped your boundaries due to your silence.
"S-sorry... I should've asked you beforehand if you wanted to buy matching bracelets. Please don't force yourself to buy it just to make me happy-"
You shut her up by slipping it onto your right wrist, the topaz seeming to reflect the sun's golden rays back at you. Shooting her a smile, you grasped Yasuko's hand and put the other bracelet onto her left wrist joint. It fit nicely; just like anything else that she wore.
"May our friendship last until death do us part." It was a pact that you had sworn with Chuuya before. And you always kept your word, never breaking a promise to someone no matter how bizarre or extreme it was.
How unfortunate, really, that death did you apart too early.
@circinuus @riiwrites @ruanais @justcallmesakira @yasu-masashige @oldworldpoolhall @heartsfourdazai @ashthemadwriter-uwu @sariel626 @yuugen-benni @chocsra @iridescentdove
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
Writer prompt: “When will I get people who care the way I care?” Steve + the party hurt/comfort
Lmaooooo not you turning my own words on me (thank you I probably needed to write this ngl)
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Steve made a point to remember the kids’ birthdays. To know their favorite foods, their allergies, to have their favorite tapes in his car.
And it’s not like it’s serious. Steve wouldn’t die from it. Probably.
It’s just… well. He told them he was allergic to shellfish. He remembered the day, especially, because they’d all had a long discussion about what was actually classified as shellfish.
But now someone decided to bring a clambake up to Bumfuck, Indiana, right where Steve lived, and all the kids are so excited about it, and he’s excited for them, honest.
But they don’t understand when he declines the offer to go, their request to drive them. Slowly but surely, he realizes they forgot.
Maybe he should’ve expected that. Maybe he should’ve known the expectations are different on the babysitter versus the babysat. Maybe-
“Alright,” Eddie says suddenly, one loud clap getting everyone’s attention. “Everyone out! Something’s come up. Great to see you, same time next week, untold horrors, et cerera. Get the fuck outta here.”
Eddie turns to Steve once everyone’s gone. “What’s wrong?”
Steve blinks. “What?”
“You’re making a face like something’s wrong.”
“Oh.” Steve debates not telling him, except that’s never done him any favors before, and he doubts it’ll start now. “Um. Just. Y’know the clambake?”
Eddie chuckles. “It’s practically all the kids talk about.”
“Yeah. Um. They didn’t understand why I didn’t want to go. Or why I didn’t want to take them.”
“Okay,” Eddie says slowly. “I’m all for telling the little shits no once in a while, don’t get me wrong. But… why did you tell them no?”
“I’m allergic to shellfish.”
Eddie’s mouth opens in an o. “Do they know?”
“Yeah. Or they did, I dunno. I guess they forgot. And I just… I dunno. Got in my head about it, I guess, because I remember things that are important to them, y’know? I have their tapes in my car, I know their favorite foods, I know what they’re allergic to. I know what to do to help all of them through a nightmare or a panic attack. And I spend so much of my time giving, and being what they need me to be, and… I guess it gets tiring, sometimes.” He shrugs, looks down. “I’m just wondering when I’m gonna get people who care the way I care. Who remember the little things, maybe not even cause they’re important, but because they’re part of me, y’know?”
Eddie smiles sadly, sits next to him. Turns his body to face Steve’s. “You mean like the face you make when you’re cooking and your sauce needs more salt? Or the way you dance a little, wiggle your hips, when you’ve got music playing and you’re doing the dishes? Or the way you clench your fists when you think no one’s looking, when you’re trying not to fidget or reach out and touch?” He touches one of Steve’s hands, clenched in his lap. “You can.”
Steve sighs, releases his hands. Turns one over and capture’s Eddie’s. “And the important thing,” Eddie continues. “The way you keep the pool lights turned off when the kids aren’t over. The way you hate to cook for just yourself. You ever wonder why I invite myself over so much? ‘S because I know you wouldn’t eat otherwise. The kids are assholes, I’ll give you that. They’re also kids. Let them grow up some, keep showing them the love that you are, and trust that one day they’ll show it back. Until then, can I be enough for you?”
“Eddie,” Steve whispers, chokes. “You’re always enough. More than.”
Eddie moves in closer. “Let yourself take,” he whispers back, slotting an arm over Steve’s shoulders and pulling him in. “Trust that I’m giving. That I want you to have it.”
Steve leans in. Doesn’t say thank you. Doesn’t kiss him. He doesn’t have to. He’s taking, accepting. And that says everything.
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I've been into gaining for quite a while now, but I've never really participated myself and am really fit and go to the gym a lot. But the last two weeks I've completely blown up... My pants literally don't fit anymore when it still fit two weeks ago. I feel like I've doubled in size... My belly is spilling all over it and it looks like my pants are barely containing me. I know I need to lose the weight but it's been a huge turn on and I can't stop thinking about it. Could you maybe tease me a bit? 🥺
Aw, did you get a taste of what it’s like to indulge and now you’re too addicted to stop? I always love those stories. Formerly fit person realizes they can just. eat whatever they want and then they can’t control themselves.
oof, the way I would enable you….you say you need to lose the weight but do you really? don’t you want to see what it’s like to have a huge, soft belly? When you’re packing your belly full of fattening foods, I hope you think about me egging you on, bringing you treats, baking, cooking for you to ensure you’re always well fed. And you’d eat it all, too. You’ve already done such a good job fattening yourself up - can you imagine what it’d be like to be in the hands of an expert? ;)
I bet you touch yourself to how greedy you’ve been. To how it feels to soften up all over because you lack the control you may have had before. Just let go. You claim you can just lose the weight so why not see what it’s like to let go just a little bit more?
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etherealyoungk · 1 year
having a late night picnic, laying down under the stars on a blanket and just talking about sweet nothings as fireflies hover around them (i was thinking shua?)
hi sky! this is such a sweet idea omg ^^
when joshua called you, asking you to wear something warm and be ready you were confused. it was late and you were struggling to fall asleep if you were being honest. but you still trudged around your room and changed into some warm clothes and a hoodie. the sound of your doorbell echoed in the quiet house, indicating joshua's arrival.
he smiles when you open the door and holds his hand for you to take. "what is this about?", you ask curiously but he only tells you it's a surprise.
and that's how you were sitting down in a field with joshua with late-night snacks and blankets. he'd gotten your favorites and after eating a bit you lay down with joshua, wrapped in his arms as you both looked at the stars.
"how did you even think of this?", you ask softly as you look up at the dark night sky, with stars scattered all over. "i have my ways", he says. "the sky looks so pretty", you tell. "but you're prettier", he adds, making you turn your head towards him, a small smile playing on your lips.
"you're so silly", you mumble and just then a firefly comes and lands on joshua's knee. you insist that he stays still so you can take a picture while he's telling you that it'll be too dark to see anything on the camera anyway but you still insist.
later you both try to spot constellations but you're sure he's just making up random names for constellations that don't even exist as he points to the sky. "that's not even a real constellation shua", you say. "what it is i swear!", he defends. "yeah right", you reply and he chuckles. "i mean we can always claim we discovered that constellation right baby, we'd become famous you know", he explains and you softly laugh at his silliness.
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pradaxstyles · 1 year
“Okay, maybe I have a crush on you! So what?” 
This would totally work for Ellie, after Santa Barbara, cause I think she'd be a complete and total emotional mess and wouldn't know how to handle her feelings..
Pairing -> Ellie Williams x Fem Reader
Warnings -> Some game dialogue (second game, Tommy made me so mad when he came to Ellie with this. like let the girl live in peace please), brief mention of Ellie's missing fingers, swearing, end is a little rushed, not proofread, fluff at the end bc I said so <3
Word count -> 1.3k
Playlist -> Unbroken, Gustavo Santaolalla
Alexa's notes✨ -> Caroline!!!!! Thank you so so much for requesting something! It means the world to me. I really hope you enjoy this and that I did it justice! As always, please come chat or leave some feedback! love yall xoxo
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Your relationship with Ellie wasn't something that was clear cut. It didn't have clear lines, it wasn't black and white. It was more of an array of muddled colors that somehow worked together seamlessly. You knew how she felt about you, and you her, so there wasn't a question as to whether you would go with her to Seattle in search of Abby and her friends.
When that was all said and done you both agreed on starting a life together outside of Jackson. The farmhouse had been one your favorite places you've lived in, partly because Ellie was right by your side.
That was until Ellie left for Santa Barbara.
The day Tommy came by, you could see the wheels turning in Ellie's mind. You had done so much to get where you were, and he was threatening that stability. You knew Ellie struggled with what happened to Joel. You knew it. Ellie tried so hard to hide everything from you, even now.
You'd been by her with everything that happened in Seattle, putting your life at risk every damn day because you loved Ellie. You've had the front row seat to everything that is Ellie Williams, and here she was, debating Tommy's words.
"This new guy heard my story," Tommy began. "He told me about a woman that he traded with while he was moving through California." He unfolded the map and laid it down on the table, smoothing out the creases. "Described her as built like an ox, traveling with a kid with scars across his face."
Ellie was hanging on to his every word.
You stood off to the side trying not to eavesdrop, but how could you not? Ellie sat up straighter, leaning in slightly to take a glance at the map in front of her.
"He said they were livin' across this coast, in a beached sail boat," Tommy reached over and pointed a single finger on the dusty map, "Right here."
You could tell Ellie felt torn, her eyebrows knitted together as she glanced around the room. Her gaze landed on you for a split second, and you could see the internal struggle that raged within the girl.
Moving to place yourself next to Ellie, "That's enough," you articulated, "We're done with that and you know it."
Ellie reached to place her hand on the small of your back. Shaking her head, she whispered a small, "I'm sorry."
The scratch of the chair against the wood filled the brief silence, followed by Tommy's scoff. "Reckon it's easy to forget about her. Sitting all comfy way out here-"
You took a protective step in front of Ellie, "Tommy-"
"'I'll make her pay.' That's what you said when we got back to Jackson."
Placing a strong hand against his chest, you gave him a shove. The look in your eyes lethal, "That is enough!" you exclaimed. "Get the hell out of my house and don't come back with that shit, ever again. Do you hear me?"
Tommy scoffed again, "What a joke." He shuffled toward the door while mumbling things under his breath.
You placed a gentle hand on Ellie's cheek and ran your thumb across her lips before stomping after Tommy. The screen door smacked into the side of the house with the force of you pushing it.
"You're a real jackass, you know that? How dare yo-"
"How dare I? She made me a promise! Don't you think that should mean something?"
A sarcastic laugh fell from your lips, "Are you fucking kidding me? Do you not realize what she's been through?" barely taking a breath, "What we have been through? We almost died in Seattle and I'll be damned if you pressure Ellie into going back out there for some stupid lead."
Soft pants came from your parted mouth. You were absolutely seething at Tommy's audacity. Why couldn't he just drop it? So many lives were lost in the search for Abby. It wasn't his life he was putting at risk, it was Ellie's. He'd have to shoot you dead before you allowed that.
Tommy gave you a sharp look before turning his back and leading his horse to the front gate.
You watched him ride off as you caught your breath.
Pulling the screen door shut behind you, you turned to find Ellie still seated at the table.
"Els, I'm so sorry he did that. He had absolutely no right to show up here and treat you like that."
Ellie warily glanced up at you, a bleak look painted her features. A sigh escaped her lips as she grabbed your hand and led you to the seat across from her.
"Babe, I think-"
"Please tell me you're not actually considering this. Please."
Ellie snapped her gaze down to the map and back up to you. "I can't live like this anymore, knowing she's still out there. I don't eat, I don't sleep."
You blinked the tears away that were threatening to slip. "Ellie.." Your voice broke slightly as you rose to stand. "You need to know that I've grown to care for you, deeply. But if you walk out of this house, I don't know if I'll be here waiting for you to come back."
Ellie rose and stood to face you, inches between you both. A pained expression covered her face, "That's up to you."
With that, she took her backpack and walked out the door, leaving you in the beloved farmhouse alone.
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆
It had been three months, and there was still no sign of Ellie. You waited every day for her to walk through that door and into your arms. The old calendar in the kitchen had been marked up, serving as a tracker for the days that molded into one.
It was easy to grow weary, to sit in silence most days and reminisce on the months prior. The ache was a deep, constant feeling in your body.
There was one day, the sun's embrace warm as you sat on the porch swing that you saw it.
Ellie's slim figure making its way up to the front gate, backpack in hand.
Your eyes fell into a sharp squint thinking your mind had been playing tricks on you.
The gate clanked open, and you knew she was home.
Standing up, you scampered towards the girl.
"Ellie?! Is that you?"
Ellie's own footsteps broke into a run after hearing your sweet voice. God, she missed that voice so much.
You slammed your body into her strong frame, wrapping your arms tightly around her neck. "Ellie," you melted, "I'm so happy you're back home."
She picked you up off the ground slightly, inhaling the scent of your freshly washed hair. "I missed you so much, baby. You have no idea."
Placing you back on your feet, her cool hands met your cheeks and you leaned into her touch, relishing the feel of her skin against yours.
Opening one eye at the unfamiliar sensation, "Uh, Els? What the hell happened to your fingers?" You all but ripped her hand off your cheek and brought it up to your face to inspect.
A deep chuckle fell from her lips and she smiled at you, "I'll explain everything, I promise. Let's go inside before you get cold."
Slinging her backpack across her shoulders, she intertwined your fingers in her good hand and led you back to the house. It felt right being back home with you. Ellie realized a lot of things while she was gone and was finally able to process some of those feelings. Not that she wouldn't tell you eventually, but Ellie loved you from the moment she first laid eyes on you all those years ago in Jackson. It took her a while to decipher those feelings, but she's never been so sure of something as she is this.
Glancing down at you, she gave your hand a slight squeeze, "I love you, sweet girl. More than you'll ever know."
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 months
some people I want to know better
Oh gosh, I was tagged by like 😂 @herrmannhalsteadproduction @do-androids-dream-ao3acc @lavenderleahy and @judymarch15 oh gosh thank you all. Sorry it took me a beat to get to this haha
LAST SONG? - Bless the Telephone by Labi Siffre
FAVORITE COLOR? - blue. The kind that feels almost solidly neon blue, but a touch less hard on the eyes and maybe leaning a little toward purple.
CURRENTLY WATCHING? - Orphan Black: Echoes. It is. A show lol But also Evil, Evil rocks socks and more people should watch it. House of the Dragon too, it's not perfect but it's very good. Ooh and also Elementary, but it's my first time watching and the only thing stopping me from quitting it is Lucy Liu, her Joan Watson rules and I must subject myself to 2010s genius equals asshole to keep watching this show for her. I guess I also recently finished the latest season of the Dragon Prince, but is that currently watching if that was a binge watch 🤔 I'm sorry, I just constantly need sounds and sometimes, that's a show in the background lol
LAST MOVIE? - Deadpool & Wolverine as well as Twisters hehe
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY? - Sweet. I Iove spicy food, but I definitely have a sweet tooth.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS? - Lol wouldn't people like to know 😉
CURRENT OBSESSIONS? - Videos about House of the Dragon on Youtube for some reason. I don't know why. I like other things. Oh and also Make Some Noise I suppose. And I am a bit on a podfic binge, people have good podfics, send them my way.
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED? Gather Up by Matt Berry because sometimes I just type something in google to find the youtube video lol Oh wait it might have been Conflict Resolution because I need to know some theory about the psychology or philosophy of that for a fic lol
Uhhhh no pressure tags to: @dadbodbuck @wikiangela @funsized-loser @jemgirl86 @abarbaricyalp
@buckhastwohands @tenmiceinacoat @apsiringghostmusicians @drcloyd @perfectlysunny02
@sadieb798 @downwarddnaspiral @staying-elive @kinardsevan @mattdoestevan
That's probably too many and like there are others I wanna tag but gosh, I'll stop haha
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
If your still doing requests can I see a ratchet vs. Knockout for when reader does something stupid and gets a big ole concussion?
(TFP) Ratchet & (TFP) Knockout with a Human Reader who gets a concussion:
{It happened after you went through the groundbridge to get Miko. Almost immediately, you get blasted back by an attack, and your head hits something hard.}
{Ratchet wants to help you out, but he’s still not great with human stuff like this. But, he gets some help from June, who also helps you out.}
{Whenever you’re in the base, you’re usually laying on that little couch in the human area, and you can always notice Ratchet watching you closely- making sure that you’re doing okay.}
{If you ever need something, he’s going to make sure you stay resting or whatever, not wanting you to disrupt your recovery, so he’ll do what you need, or get one of the others.}
{He’s also given some stuff from June to give to you if you need it.}
{It probably wasn’t the best idea of his to take you out with him while he’d been in the middle of a mission for Megatron.}
{Neither he or his partner Breakdown know too much about humans- so they both have to look up stuff for you- things about human concussions and other.}
{He makes sure you’re resting and not doing what you’re not supposed to or anything. He’ll have Breakdown watch you if he can’t be around- and if neither of them can, then Starscream, or one of the Vehicons, is the next best option.}
{If you ever need anything, for the concussion, or anything else, then, the two’ll get it... but it’ll be stolen. Though, thats kind of what they’ve been doing to get you stuff from the beginning, anyway.}
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molinaskies · 1 year
First off, I adore your Sonic analyses--they're incredibly insightful. Secondly... so, Sonic letting Eggman live is like Batman letting the Joker live? Or superheroes letting villains live, in general. What do you think?
Hey, thank you so much!!
I think Sonic letting Eggman live is more so the consequence of Sonic not wanting to play God or some arbiter of justice.
You have to remember that in Sonic’s mind, he didn’t spare Eggman, he spared Mr. Tinker (a huge part of the good that Sonic sees in him). Sonic didn’t want to punish, in essence, an innocent person for the crimes of a terrorist. In that sense, he’s pretty justified.
That said, that’s not to say Sonic has never punished or killed anyone before. Erazor Djinn comes to mind, as the one example everyone cites when they cry about how IDW Sonic is “too soft.” Erazor Djinn was bad and deserved his end, but Eggman is worse. There’s no denying that, but it’s more complicated than that.
Sonic and Eggman have a complicated history and relationship. They hate each other, but they also respect each other, and they have worked together so many times that they’ve come to truly understand each other. It’s not that Sonic can’t bare to lose him (far from that), but that Sonic doesn’t want to give up hope that Eggman can be good. Eggman could do such good for people if he had different morals, and Sonic wants to see that through because he wants to see that in everyone.
Sonic X has probably my favourite depiction of Eggman because we get to see the most nuance from him (what Sonic sees despite what everyone around him says). Eggman has a compassionate side to him that takes a vested interest in those around him, even his enemies. Eggman takes a stand for the common good when thinks things are going too far. Eggman intervenes not only when it serves him, but when he sees that standing by will lead to what he believes to be untimely harm. Saving Shadow, helping Chris get home, confronting Sonic (for his own good) when he was denying that everyone would have to go home, and fighting the Metarex all come to mind.
Sonic doesn’t believe in denying someone the chance to be good, even if that means putting a stop to all the bad they do in the process. And that’s the important thing: as long as Sonic stands, Sonic will stop him—again, and again, and again.
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Bright red and golden eyes gleamed at the scene before them. Upon the table sat a display of various foods, from sweet potatoes to sakura mochi.
An eager hum resounded from the bright man who owned the equally bright pair of eyes. His large hand moved to gently pick up the plate of tempura to place in front of him. With a smile that only seemed to stretch, he turned his gaze up to the woman sitting across the table.
From the moment Kyojuro had been invited in to the moment they had sat down, she had been awfully quiet. Not that it was out of the ordinary- she usually kept to herself but he could tell there was a shift in the air around her. It appears that she was nervous. Waiting in suspense for his approval!
Well, that certainly won’t do. He knew that she had been working hard on her culinary skills. So, while her wavering aura did set off a strange yet pleasant spark in his chest, he didn’t want to see her losing her usual confidence.
She was beautiful and thus surely her food will taste just as so.
“Thank you for the food!” his voice resounded, as clear as the morning sun in a bright blue sky.
Kyojuro raised his chopsticks and took a large, eager bite.
Instant regret.
Shouldn’t have taken such a big bite.
“Delicious!” he almost seemed to cry. His voice resounded again but it seemed as though the food wasn’t the reason why he couldn’t speak as clearly as before.
‘Is it really that good?’ Yuna thought as her eyes widened and continued to rival Kyojuro’s intent stare.
Immediately, he forced the food down as if it were a reflex. His eyes dropped back to the display and darted around until landing on a bowl of miso soup.
It’s not water but it should do the trick! I mean, it’s miso soup. Soup! You can’t go wrong with soup.
You can go wrong with soup.
Very, wrong.
How do you burn soup???
His hand gripped the bowl while the other possessed a tight clutch on his knee. His smile strained wider and his brows inched closer.
“Delicious!” whatever voice sounded from Kyojuro this time was a far cry from his usual boisterous tone.
And in a final desperate attempt of redemption, he quickly snatched a piece of sweet potato and took a bite.
A bite of doom.
Third time wasn’t a charm.
It was a hex.
And that was the final blow.
All that could be heard next was a loud smack, as the head of the flame hashira connected with the plate in front of him.
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haruniki · 1 year
Since you're planning on closing the mermaid Ei/mermaid au asks at the end of the season. I figured I'd hit you up with an idea for it.
How about Ei and (if you're up to it) Kokomi with an S/O (human) who is an ama diver? They're from Watatsumi island, like you propose in your post about what Inazuma is like in your AU, and they have this talent (seemingly a sixth) for finding air pockets and knowing the best places to search of pearls, or hunt for food. And on the eve of their (the characters) anniversary with the reader,and they go looking for her, but when approaching they ask around after being unable to find then theirselves, they hear that they'd gone out for dive, saying that they went out looking for a "gift worthy of them". And worried that something had happened to them (the reader), they (the characters) go off to search for them. After a while of searching for them, they proverbially (or if we wanna be goofy a bit, literally) bump into them, and maybe after some "are you okay?"'s and the like, find themselves presented with the most beautiful of pearls that the reader had found!
a/n: hiiii, tysm for requesting!! This was a lot of information for this request, i also didn't know what an ama diver was before i got this request so thank you for providing me with new information. Im also gonna do Ei as i haven't really fleshed out many of the characters in this au yet rip. I started working on the mondstat characters for this au to kinda try to get one character for each region for request/future request. Also for the sake of this story let's pretend purple pearls are found in salt water. Ihope you enjoy!!
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Anniversary had once had no real meaning to Ei. The only anniversary she had before she met and all in love with you was her birth and more recently her alliance agreement with the mermaids of watatsumi island, which lands on your anniversary with her.
Upon visiting the waters near your village and asking around for you, most saying that they are unaware of your whereabouts. However, she does eventually find an older mermaid that said she had seen a human swimming around looking for something. The mermaid had also said that something may have happend to you as she had seen you thrashing around a bit and upon trying to get help, you had disappeared.
Hearing that made Ei nervous. There's many creature in the sea that would want to attack a human, not to mention what if you had drowned. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself. A general location provided to Ei gives her a good idea that maybe you had found a cave with an air pocket and you were resting, catching your breath.
After some searching and some slight thrashing, and breaking some rocks to pieces. She decides to return back to the area of your village. Maybe you were fine and had gone back to your village above the surface.
While swimming back, she notices a very familiar figure. Her faces brightens a bit from the dampen expression she had to a more joyful one.
Startled would be a understatement to how you felt when a giant purple mermaid came up to you with such speed. However, you calmed down when you noticed her, even hiding the small bag you had with you behind your back.
Swimming around and even prodding you a little she determines that your realtively fine and drags you up to the surface, finding a nice rock edge to drag you on to.
"I was worried, very worried. Why didn't you leave a message in the mermaid village or perhaps staying on the edge of the water of your own village. I was told you were attacked y'know.. You really shouldn't leave an area alone."
You let out a small laugh. Ei had such a worrisome expression and it's quite seeing her like this. Her webbed hands holding your own hands and her long her flowing into the water.
After some explaining that you went to get an anniversary gift for Ei, she seemed to relax a little. Grabbing your bag, you reach in and pull-out purple pearls. Something a bit hard to find even just one of, so Ei was quite surprised to see four of them.
After a little speech on how much you loved her and how glad you were the Ei cared so much about you, you gave her a deep kiss. Ei smiling into and moving forward a bit after you pull away. A small pout making way onto her face.
"I feel kind of silly now. You're much too smart to be harmed by some mere sea creature, not to mention you know of more air pockets than i can think of. I must confess though; I didn't bring you a gift. Perhaps i can make it up to you in another way?"
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starrylevi · 1 year
Hi, so I was wondering if you could do Levi x anorexic reader headcanons? That would really make my week! thank you.
TW: eating disorder
Levi knows all of your safe foods and makes sure he has them available on the days you're hungry.
He can tell when you’re thinking if you should eat something or not, mentally calculating the calories and considering how you’ll feel after if you do eat it. In those moments he’ll remind you it’s okay to eat. You’re allowed to. Your brain might tell you differently but your brain is wrong.
He won’t judge you when you break down because you ate an extra bite of something your brain decided you weren’t supposed to. He’ll hold you as you cry, rocking you while telling you “It’s okay, you’re okay.”
Levi won’t force you to eat a whole meal but he will try to get you to least snack throughout the day.
When you’re having a really horrific body image day he’ll lie in bed with you, rubbing your back as you try to make the thoughts stop.
When you’re deciding on what to wear for an event you don’t even have to say anything, Levi already knows. “It looks great on you but if you’re not comfortable you can change.”
Levi makes sure any, and all scales, are hidden away from you.
Levi knows your triggers and does his best to keep you from getting in a bad headspace.
Although it may feel like it, Levi will try his best to make you understand that food is not the enemy. The world will not end if you overeat. The feeling of discomfort will eventually go away.
He'll continue to remind you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. One day you won't be at complete war with your body. But until then, he'll be your shield.
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transplutonic · 1 year
this wonderful post by @27paperlilies has not left my brain since I read it and i have not been able to stop thinking about it. so. here's an inspired rambling
Tonight, the Local Void is calling out my name.
and I just cannot find where to pin the blame – Tonight is a night where my mind makes me erupt into flame and then a flaming inferno takes my place, lighting up the skies and blazing its way into outer space.
Fighting the numbing apathy in my veins in vain, outside is only lightning and rain and where summer once had smelled of peace and earth, she now only smells of pain. I cease the never-ending search for the symphony of the heart and the soul – the percussion erratic in its beating and the voice long lost in the noise of a storm – of stories torn apart and gone untold  – both young but still so old.
Quietened have the songs the stars once sung, and only silence greets me from the capsizing comet to which I’m strung – but I am the son of the sun, and when once more I remember my face, I will impart on them the knowledge of my rebirth. Throughout the heavens and earth, life will begin anew – water from clouds will flow and stream, trees from concrete will grow lush and green, to perspire and house the morning dew – the sweat of dreams, of days begun anew.
Quietened have the songs the stars once sung, but tomorrow, my soul will have rebegun.
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doevademe · 2 years
So here is a more risqué prompt; Percy is just coming to terms that he likes Nico and thinking of all the ways he wants to hold and touch him, going from simple hugs and kisses, to intimate thing, unaware that in that moment, Nico is taking a shower (lets say Nico is staying at Percy’s place for a bit) and Percy is accidentally using his powers to caress Nico’s body with the water
It had been an accident. Percy was just trying to learn how to cook some simple pasta dishes from Nico so he could surprise his mom, since her birthday was coming up.
He hadn't intended to drop the hot tomato sauce on Nico's shirt.
"Oh gods, I'm so sorry, Nico!" he said, getting the dishrag and trying to clean Nico, but only making the stain bigger. "Here, let me just—"
"Stop," Nico said. He didn't look mad, just mildly annoyed. Then the unthinkable happened.
Nico di Angelo removed his shirt.
Percy gaped as he looked at Nico's thin but well defined frame as he examined the stain on his shirt. For the last month or so, Percy had been looking at Nico differently, and was just coming to accept that he liked Nico in a very non-platonic way.
"Nico!" He said escandalized. Nico turned and raised an eyebrow.
"Only one of us is from the 30s, and I'm sure it's not you," he said. Percy gulped as Nico turned back to the shirt. "I may be able to clean this... can I use your bathroom?"
"S-sure, go ahead!" Percy stammered. Nico nodded and went on his way, giving Percy a very nice view of his back and tight pants, usually covered by his long, slightly baggy black shirt.
He turned off the stove and paced, trying to control himself, but the image of Nico shirtless kept popping up.
He sat on the couch and gave up. Nico would take a while cleaning up his shirt.
He closed his eyes and let his imagination about shirtless Nico run wild.
Nico soon realized his shirt was a lost cause. The ways he knew to remove tomato stains would leave his black shirt in even worse shape, and by that point it was easier to buy a new one.
He would have to borrow one from Percy in the meantime, though, he felt all sticky from cooking and what little sauce had passed through his shirt.
"Percy won't mind if I take a quick shower," he muttered to himself as he undid his pants and dropped his underwear. "It's his fault I'm all dirty, after all."
He turned on the shower and hopped in as soon as it was a nice temperature.
The water felt so nice agains his skin. He took Percy's soap and lathered his body as well as he could.
Just as he was about to rinse off the soap suds, he felt it.
Instead of following gravity, the water moved upwards, almost carressing his hair and cheek.
"What the— Ah!" The water started moving in circles around his sides and stomach, tickling him a little. "S-stop!"
His arms, his face, his whole upper body really, was being touched by the water in a very not water-like way. He grunted a bit, squirming, when the water seemed to gather around his lips and press.
Was... was he being kissed? By water, of all things?
Nico tried to push away, but aside from having a mind of its own, it was still water, his fingers just passed throught the liquid.
After the kiss, the water got bolder, moving on to his legs and thighs.
Nico tensed up, but the water took its sweet time everywhere else, even pressing on his nipples, making him moan in surprise.
Nico shut off the shower, but the remains of the water was still on his body, moving and touching and making him feel way too good.
If only he knew why...
Nico's eyes widened.
"Percy?" He shouted. The water immediately stilled and started behaving normally again.
"Yeah?" Percy asked from the other side of the door. He sounded a bit flustered.
"My shirt is ruined, so I took a shower," he said. "Do you think you can pass me a towel? And can I borrow a shirt?"
"Uh, sure, just wait a minute!" He said, a little too quickly.
Nico started pacing in the shower. Had Percy...? No, or at least, not consciously. He knew his friend enough to know he would never force himself on someone else.
Which meant Percy had been... thinking about doing all those things with him, and the water had just obeyed him without him noticing.
Nico stopped pacing and looked at himself in the mirror, his ruined shirt still in the sink.
"Percy likes me," he whispered to his reflection. He saw himself grin like a loon.
There was a knock on the door.
"Nico? It might be a little big on you but—" The son of Poseidon stopped mid sentence and stared as Nico opened the door wide open, giving him an eyeful of his naked frame.
He ignored the screaming in his head as he took a step closer to Percy and took the towel, wrapping it around his waist.
"Thanks Percy, it'll do," he said, but Percy seemed frozen in place. "Give me five minutes and we'll get back to the pomodoro sauce."
"Uh... um..." he managed to say before just nodding and closing the door with a bit too much force.
Nico sighed in relief and almost fell to the floor at his own boldness.
"Percy likes me," he repeated to himself, touching his lips and remembering the watery kiss.
He was half tempted to turn on the shower again and see what Percy imagined this time, but he shook his head and decided to get dressed.
It wouldn't be too long before he had the real thing, anyway.
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Could I request just some general platonic affection headcanons? Maybe with IDW Fulcrum, Earthspark Skullcruncher, and IDW Cyclonus?
Since you didn’t say which reader, I just kinda did both. Human for Skullcruncher, Cybertronian for the IDW mechs.
Platonic affection Headcanons involving (TFES) Skullcruncher, (IDW1/MTMTE) Fulcrum, & (IDW1/MTMTE) Cyclonus with Human/Cybertronian Reader:
{He didn’t seem like the affectionate type- but it seemed that he was, especially after you helped him get away from GHOST.}
{Typically, he’ll transform into his beast mode, and lay down around you, his tail wrapped around carefully. This is how the two of you have fallen asleep a couple of times.}
{He’ll carry you around sometimes, and he keeps you close to his chassis, making sure that he won’t accidentally drop you.}
{Hugs are pretty normal between the two of you, too- but since you’re much smaller than him, it’s something that he’s careful with.}
{He’ll give you very gentle head pats sometimes.}
{You always like to hold his servo, and he’ll hold yours, too. Sometimes you end up holding both his and Tailgate’s whenever the mini is around.}
{You like just... sitting or standing with him, listening to him sing (again, sometimes with Tailgate), and just complimenting him on it. You sometimes wonder about asking him to teach you.}
{He’s your friend, you care about him, and he cares about you, too. If something is ever wrong, you always go to him, and there’s usually a hug- but not before you ask.}
{You’re there to reassure him if something is ever up, sometimes with a servo on the shoulder, sometimes a hug, etc, and vise versa.}
{The two of you have always been pretty affectionate- when you got reunited with your friend, the first thing that happened was a hug.}
{The two of you will sometimes just be sitting around and talking, sometimes watching the other working on something, and there’s always a few little compliments here and there.}
{You both like to hold each-other’s servos. In general, but when something is upsetting you/if something is wrong, Fulcrum is usually reaching for your hand and talking to you.}
{Hugs already happen pretty frequently, but so does cuddling. Especially if one of you happened to have a nightmare, or if it was something else. Fulcrum having a nightmare, or anything else, involving Styx? You’re there to reassure him, comfort him, and give him cuddles. Etc.}
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<<<< @iixiplaytimeisoverixii
"Happy Birthday atem!!!~", mana yelled hugging the pharao tightly. She leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Don't go to sleep early tonight, I'll come and give you your present~". With that mana leaned away, let go of atem and looked at him with a teasing smirk. "Bye for now my pharao~", mana said in a polite manner and waved at the guards, happily walking away.
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~💜~💜~💜~ Later in the night ~💜~💜~💜~
The magican came as promised and climbed up over the balcony, entering atems bed chambers. "Atem? Oh! Lucky me, so you are still awake!", mana smiled, running towards him and giggeled. She couldn't help it. Feeling pure happiness as soon as she sees him. Truth be told she missed him all day and couldn't wait for this moment to come.
"Are you ready for your present? If you are.. come and follow me! We have somewhere to be~", mana held her hand out to him and waited for his answer, "eh.. also please don't ask how I made it possible. I made suuuper sure that isn't dangerous at all! And you'll be save all the way!!!", mana smiled with a bright grin as she walked him out of the palace to some horses. "It isn't far from here, it's place I found by myself and I wanted to show it to you", mana explained while climbing onto her horse, then holding her hand out for the pharao. "D-Don't look at me like that.. Let me be your knight in shining amor for tonight! Sit behind me!", the magican blushed as she looked away from his eyes. The gaze seemed to heated. Mana didn't know how to act at the current moment. She wondered if this was to much..
~💜~💜~💜~ Later ~💜~💜~💜~
"We are here!! Wait! Wait! Sit, don't get up yet!", mana held atem back in panic. After all she had this all so well planed and organized. It would be sad if it didn't work out well. So mana jumped quickly down from the horse and turned around, holding her hand out towards him, "May I?", she smiled gently at him.
"Don't worry what I want to show you is just up ahead!", mana said while she walked through a gate, it was covered in beautiful flowers and plants. Walking inside, there was a small, yet so breathtaking garden. With a big fountain in the middle. A cute swing hung down from the trees and roses, flowers, plants everywhere. Some butterflys and fireflys flew in the air, setting the right mood. While walking through the middle of it, there was a table, with two seats. One looking like a throne while the other looked like a normal chair. Their names were written on them.
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"Please sit down atem~", mana smiled while she pointed towards the throne. "I made this for both of us. I'm not best cook so I mostly just brought some fruits and chocolate.. I still hope you'll enjoy it~". With that the magican snipped her finger and the box disappeared. Instead a plates with fruits and sweets appeared on the table, "Don't worry they are all fresh~", mana giggled while eating one of the grapes, "see?", while chewing it and shwalloing it.
The magican noticed atem's gaze right away. Yes.. she should explain. Of course he would be confused. Maybe this was really to much. But the book said that you treat the person you love like this.. maybe the book lied? What a mess..
With a blush mana stood up and walked infront of the pharao. "My dear atem, I'm sorry for acting all mysteryious. I wish you happy birthday. And this garden as everything in it is my present for you! I created this garden in the thought of you!" the magican smiled with a special gaze in her eyes. She looked at him with pure love. Spreading her arms out to her sides as to show of the garden, "The whole garden", then she pointed on the seats and the food, "plus everything in it belongs to you".
Mana took one last step closer to him as she hugged herself, "even me~", she whispered so only he could hear, blushing cutely. With that mana turned around, blushing heavily, her heart beating faster as usually. Not wanting to look at him. Was she scared? Maybe? Would atem understand what she was trying to say? Maybe? Hopefully?
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(Here you go! As I said I would write something~ I really hope this was okay! I connected a view points of the headcanons here, you will find out later~ 💜 )
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