#i hope you guys injoyed it!!
It’s scented… right?
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Summary: The boys help shop for all you feminine products while you are away
Word count: 0.6k
A/n: I really just needed to write, so, please injoy :)
The buggy’s front wheel spun in quick circles, the squeaking irritating Dean the deeper into the store he went. Sam had two hands on the handle bar, leading them down various isles as he grabbed what was on the grocery list. 
“Did you get the milk?” He asked, glancing at his brother as he placed a bag of chips into the buggy. 
“Why not? We were just at the dairy isle.” 
Dean shrugged his shoulders eyes glazing across the chips. “I thought you grabbed it.”
A huff left Sam’s lips. “Yes, because I’d grab the milk after I told you to do it.”
“I’ll get it later, ok.” Dean told him, snatching the grocery list from his brothers hands. “What do we need to grab next?”
“Tampons and a couple pads.” Sam answered, having memorized the list already. 
“Tampons and pads? I thought she had that.”
“No, Dean.” Sam muttered leading him and his brother to the feminine isle. “If she had it we wouldn’t need to get more.”
Cas made his way towards the brothers a case of beer in hand as he placed it into the cart. “All they had was light beer, so I hope that’s alright.” He told them, trailing next to the buggy. 
“That’s fine, Cas.” Sam told the angel. 
“Yeah, for you.” Dean mumbled, shooting a small glare at the alcohol. 
Taking another turn, the three wandered down the isle stacked full of female products. Each stoping beside one another as they took in all of the many items that filled the shelves. 
You’d asked Sam specifically to grab your feminine items, seeing as he’s the only one who’d lived with a woman before. It would have been a whole lot easier than asking Dean or Cas to do it. 
“So,” Dean began arms crossing over one another as he stood before the various pads and tampons. “What does she need? Yellow? Green? Purple?”
Sam glanced up from the list to look at his brother. “What are you talking about? Why are you naming colors?”
He nodded towards a tampon box. “They all have different colors, Sam, kinda like fruits.”
Cas wondered over to Deans side, his eyebrows furrowing. “These things have taste?” He asked, picking up a box to look at it more closely. 
Sam shot a glare at his older brother. “What?” Dean asked.
“Why would it be flavored?” He asked trying to reason with the man. 
Dean shrugged his shoulders, taking the box back from Cas and placing it back in the shelf. “Some guys like that kind of stuff, Sam.”
Sam scrunched his nose in disgust. “That’s disgusting.”
“But it’s not flavored, Cas,” Dean began, turning towards the angel. “Because it’s scented.”
“Dear god.” Sam mumbled to himself, running a hand across his face. 
Dean nodded, gesturing to the rows of boxes. “Of course they’re scented. Because blood has smell, and so girls have to cover it up with a better smell.” He snapped his fingers, an example coming to mind. “Like perfume.”
Cas let out a small hum, his attention returning back to the products. Dean glanced over at his brother, his voice dropping down to a whisper. “It’s scented… right?”
Sam shook his head. 
A small ‘oh’ fell from the older man’s lips, face ever so slightly heating up on how wrong he truly was. Facing the shelves one last time Dean had begun to pluck and pull a good many boxes from their previous spots. “We’ll just get one of everything,” he told the others, placing the items into the cart. “Better safe than sorry.”
A sigh fell from Sam’s lips as he watched both Dean and Cas place multiple box’s into the buggy, before wandering away to the desserts isle. Leaving the poor man with the over loaded cart full of felmine products. 
“I’ll handle it, y/n,” he mumbled to himself, trailing after his brother and angelic friend. “I know what to get you, trust me.” Sam leaned his upper body against the handle bar, glancing over all the items that they’d gathered. “We won’t need to get more for another year or so now.”
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maxthemany · 11 months
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He guys!
Just thought of celebrating my return to tumblr! Staying at the luscious venue of an elderly guy at the moment so feel free to grab urself some nice host and come over!
Meet the owner of the venue. He's taken by a buddy of mine at the moment. I myself felt like hopping over to this guy I saw at the gym yesterday (as seen above).
So feel free to bring whomever you want! This will be a blast! Were already pretty well packed with some buddies of mine...
Injoying the pool...
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The stables...
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The gym of cause...
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The garden...
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Hope you'll find something to injoy!
Warm welcome to @bodyswap-possession-shapeshift looking hot af!
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tmbatcat · 5 months
passed out for a couple of hours and when i woke up this was on my canvas
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like I said "I will not explain myself". hope you guys injoy the brainrot on display
if it's not evident, I did not plan this at all
This started more like a sketch for logic to understand how to draw them and then i got bored and I started to doodle the other skills and this is what ended up
I want to learn how to simplify all of them in a cartoony style... it's not really working
these are 100% just for me but whatever
also thinking to draw some of the skills in cool clothing becourse I think that would be awesome
I put all the skills in the tags cuz I'm insaneeee >:}c
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biganncookie19 · 2 years
a cold day off pt1
König x reader
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könig x reader
summary: new guy shows up to the base and warms up reader dring his stay. one thing lead to a another.
a/n: this is my first fanfic so not sure how good its. hope you injoy this big guy like a do, i may do a part 2 
warnings: slow burn, fluff, agissty, i dont know am doing 
 the last couple of days have been quite in the med bay, mostly being marked up to task force 141 being grounded for the next 2 weeks. Something about the last mission was a buss and ended up with soap having a gunshot to the leg and Gaz’s arm with some burns. most of the day I’ve spend reorganizing the office and taking count of stock, taking note that am low on disinfect, ointment and rapping gaze. Deciding to find the captain and ask about when the next supply drop, making my way thought the cold building. “Who idea was to pick the middle of England during the fucking winter for a dame base” I mumble to myself. Not even with baggy cargo pants and hoodie I can still feel the cold nipping at my fingers.
Turing in to the makeshift dining room to Find Captain price with ghost and Gaz looking over the table that was covered in folders and lose papers talking about the next steps for the mission. “captain I got a question for ya” saying while walking over to the table, “whatcha need doc” he grumbled his eyes never leaving the paper in his hand.  “ I wanted to know when the next supply drop was going to come in, the med bays running low on materials”. Gaz passing me a paper while saying “it going to be coming in sooner by tonight, do you want one of us to help you load up the truck ?”.Captain Price picks his head up to say “that won't be needed, i called for more arms support The new guy should be coming on the plane. You don't mind picking him do you y/n?’.
“As long as he helps load up the trunk than ya i don’t mind, less time in the cold for me” shrugging my shoulders putting the paper back on the table.
 “Also how’s soap doing haven't seen him around base”
 Ghost replies first “he been in bed all day, came down with a small cold”
 “ ah, tell him to get his butt out of bed and to see me in the med bay when I get back to check over him,” saying while walking over to the coffee pot to pour myself a cup for the night. “ Who's the new guy anyway?”.
 Captain Price leans back in his chair to say “he is an insertion specialist with a private military company apparently he is more on the shy side, so try not to scare him off’ y/n”.  Finishing Stirring sweetener into my cup “was hoping for another lady but he shall do” taking a sip out of the cup, also hoping there is some milk on the plane.
 It is around 7am when I got to the airport and had to wait in the truck until it was safe to park the truck close to the plane to load it up. Rubbing my hands together to warm them up I really should have bought another jacket, so I don’t freeze my ass off even with the heater all the way up it only helps a little. Seeing one of the runway men give all clear to go in, staring up the car to back it up. Whence lined up to the plane putting the truck in park and jumping out of the truck to see the new guy and the supplies. One the pilots comes up to me with a click board in hand “this is for you to sign also the new guy should be out in a little bit” signing the paper and handing it back to him. “There no rush, let start loading the truck I am pretty sure no one wants to be out here longer than they need to”. Walking over to the back of the truck to drop the tailgate and help load, turning around to only to see a massive man walk down the ramp. He's wearing some kind of hood covering all of his face, kind of like ghost but only taller and skinnier. I hold my hand out for him to shake “ the name’s y/n am the medic for the team you can put your bag in the front of the truck and can you give me a hand moving the boxes?” He takes my hand engulfing it with his, giving it a small shake nodding his head but never meeting my eyes.
 After putting his bag in the truck, he starts helping me move the boxes picking them up like it’s nothing and without losing breath. To say it didn't make me blush a little bit would be an understatement, but what really caught my eye was his surprisingly   small waist! The members of 141 are more on the big side having to be well built with muscle and some fat, and I thought ghost had the small waist. Leaning back after the both of us finish with the boxes, now that i can get a better look at the new guy he’s very tall for sure maybe around 6’10 but kind of looks goofy with the big puffy jacket.
 “ I take it you're not used to the cold?” I say trying to at least make the car ride back not awkward.
 “ n-n-no ma'am I don't take well to this k-kind of weather” he spurs out  
 “Same here, let’s get going. I have the heater on inside” quickly turning around to get inside the trunk. Oh god. His voice is not at all what I expected, hitting right in the soft spot with his dorkie high voice. Come on y/n, you can handle this there is no reason a man with a dorkie voice, tall and strong should be leaving you blushing like a high school girl. Just drive back to base and you’ll be fine. Ones’ were both in the truck I rub my hands together trying to warm them up before driving, I can feel someone’s eyes burning into the side of my head. “ so mm i don't think i got your name?” turning to catch his eyes.
 “i-it’s König ma’am” even with the mask i can see that he has soft doe eyes that are covered in some kind of black eyeshadow. Taking a quick glance down to his hands, he is playing with his slender fingers.
 “Yeah, there no need for formalities am just the doctor” i try to wave off seeing if that would make him any less nervous
 “O-oh i'm-sorry” his voice cracks a bit and his eyes snap to his fingers and sinking back into the seat, it looks like he's trying to make himself smaller.  Dag it y/n now he looks like a sad jellyfish.
 The drive back to base was awkward but manageable. Turning off the truck and opening the door had the cold hitting right in my face like a wall. “Come on let's get inside before it gets colder” jumping off the truck and closing the door.
 “B-but what about the supplies?’’  König asked
 “We can get them tomorrow, come on big guy” I say while waving my hand to follow me inside. Basically, jogging to escape the harsh outdoors. Following me close behind with his bag in hand. Opening the door to get in, I guess I forgot to say watch your head cuz i heard a thunk behind me. quickly turning around to see König holding his head down grumbling in pain, without thinking my hands instantly went to check his head. “are you ok, am sorry i should have given you a heads up” Rambling out
 “N-n-no no no I should have been looking” he said looking up, realizing that I have his face in my hands and atop of his. Pulling my hands back, shoving them into my pockets, I spilled out “ w-we should go get you to the team” turning around to speed walk to the makeshift kitchen. At this point I’m pretty sure my face is all red, I just want to go hide in my office. Getting to the room I see captain price, ghost and gaz all still at the table, “sup, I got the new guy” i moved to the side to give König space to see the others. Captain Price was the first to get up to greet König “welcome to the team König, with your skills I am sure we can pull through the mission” he gave a smile to König. König hands caught my eye again , his free hand fingers were rubbing together hard.
  As the team started talking i Slipped out of the room, skedaddle back to my room since it’s closer. Closing the door behind me and leading on it, he’s only been here less than 3 hours and he’s already got me all flustered. Thinking back to when I had my hand on top of his, his hands were rough and warm. I wonder what his hands would feel like ar- .no no no put yourself together y/n he’s here to do his job not rail some chick he just met, his probably stressed out and nervous. Mumbling to myself, I’ve been stationed out here for a long time i haven't had any intimacy with another person i guess i just jump on whatever chance there is now.  
 Its whatever now, its late and i would like to sleep this off and get stuff done tomorrow. Looking around my room seeing clothes all over the floor and on the spare bed, i was lucky to score a room to myself. I wouldn't mind sharing a room with one of the guys but i like knowing my eyeshadow hasn’t been raided by ghost and the room doesn't smell. Changing out of my cargo pants into some short shorts, cuz for the life of me i cant sleep in any kind of pants. Taking off the hoodie to only leave the light long-sleeve. walking over to my bed ready  to throw myself into my mess of blankets
 A knock at the door catches my attention, opening the door i see gaz. “ yo price wants to see if its ok to have König in your room tonight?.i would have him in my room i would like if König doesnt get sick by soap”. “Auh yeah am fine with that just need to clean” i spill out, god my heart is racing right now why would i say yes. “Don't trip on your clothes” gaz said laughing as he walked away
 Panicking i shove some of the clothes under my bed, picking up the rest and shoving it into my drawers. Rushing to clear off the spare bed and cleaning it off. A another knock on the door, dag it dag it “ give me a minute” i shout out. I rush over to my desk to spray myself with a body spray,just in case.
Rushing over to open the door for König, seeing him stan there so unsure of himself makes my heart pater a little bit. “ sorry for the wait i had to clean up a bit, so sorry for the mess” i breathed out moving to the side for him to come in. he walks in and stands next to the spare bed putting his bag down  “ a-a-are you sure yo-your ok with me being here?” i waved him off. “ its fine König am use to men being around, plus you also need your sleep”
I move over my bed to mess with it and clear it off to sleep, i can hear König move around a bit than the bed creaking under his weight. As i was done messing with the bed i move on to my desk to organize it since am no where close to sleepy. As am walking over to the desk i see König siting on the bed taking off parts of his gear  but not his mask. I turn to him asking “ if you don't mind me asking König do you take off your mask or your like ghost who sleeps in it?” hes leaning on hes knees one of which is jumping, not looking at me
 “ i p-pefer to k-keep it on”
 “Ah gotcha, i don't mind it” he glazes up for a sec but not to my face, i blush a bit moving to my desk to do something. Before i walked away i took note on how hes wearing a tight long sleeve shirt that hangs to his frame. He dose look good tho
 After like 6 mins at being at my desk i get up to leave the room to give König some space, but as i was going to walk pass him he gets up right as am front of him. It feels likes like running in to a tree almost knocking me over. But before i could fall over i feel König slender hands land on my hips keeping me in place
“ a-a-am so sorry y-y/n i wasn't -l-looking, are you alright??” he sounded panicked
 Every part of me is red and hot at this point, realizing his hands are still on my hips. I push my self off “ i-it fine König it fine am just going to the bathroom” i say with my hands up leaving the room. Rushing to the bathroom I get in closing the door. Leaning over the sink “ get a hold of yourself y/n you cant fold this easily “I mumbled out. Looking down at my leg’s which are barely even covered, I move my hands to where  König had his placed. I can still feel his warmth and the pressure i smiled a bit. Oh god he must feel horribly i cant imagine how  bad his anxiety is right now.
 I calm myself down taking deep breaths and splashing my face with some icy water. I walk back to my room and open the door, soon as i go in König stans up and he starts talking fast fumbling over his words. No doubt  hes also flustered trying to apologize for bumping into me. I wave my hands “it fine really it was a accident your fine” i say trying to calm him down.
 “A-are you sure?”
 “Yes König”
 “O-ok” he says siting back down on the bed, oh this man is too cute
 “Oh! I almost forgot to give you a pillow and blanket” i turn around to grab some form my bed
 “  oh y-y/n you d-don't have to, you al-already done so must for me” he tries to protest
 “Nonesec König you said so yourself you don't do well in the cold” i bend over to pick up the bedding to give to him. As soon i turned around König head snap to the floor, pretty sure he was looking at my ass. cheeky man. I handed him my spare pillow and blanket “do you want another pillow?”
 Still not meeting my eyes he spits  out “your t-too kind this is f-fine thank you”  
 I gave him a nod i turned around to go to bed, as i climbed in i looked at König one last time. Now in the light I can see that there two faded red line’s coming down from König eyes holes. “König If you don’t mind can you turn off the light when you’re done, please. He’s head come up “yes well do”
I turned around and laid my head on my pillow.
Let’s hope tomorrow  is a lot better
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bella2367744 · 2 months
See guys I’m sorry I know I said that I was going to write the yuta x bunny y/n and I will promise but ,(Lee heeseung x black y/n is like 😵‍💫.)Its in my mind I can’t stop it so there for I will just jump right 
As always MDNI and cause I think that everyone in anime and k-pop would have a black gf 🤪✊
So if you don’t like it fuck off my dick 
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Hope yall injoy  
•Like just think a black y/n going to enhypen’s fan meet and walking up to Heeseungs table the second he lays eyes on you he immediately gets hard . Like he has never see anyone that looks as sexy as you did, in the skirt it’s not that you were showing a lot of skin but the way the skirt covered your big ass and slightly showed off the big thighs riled something in him and yall know how freaky Heeseung is so yes or no 
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neverlookatthisblog · 2 years
Guilty Pleasure
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(Felt like posting it here hope you all injoy it)
You were Mae's best friend she was dating jack you and jack had a nice and very sensual friendship behind close doors but Mae didn't know that
There was sexual tension between the two of you,you guys have hook up a couple of times you wanted Mae to be happy but you were also jealous
One day jack asked you to come over
"Why" you questioned him over the phone
"Because we need to talk about something" you felt guilty because Mae was your best friend but then again it felt right to you
You sighing to yourself you agreed to meet him right after you left the house to meet jack Mae had texted you about going to Jordan's Halloween party
You bit your nails as you thought about the decision you were about to make
You met jack at his house you thought you would have a real conversation with him but known how y'all are that didn't happen once you got into the house jack pick you up
"Jack I really don't think we should be doing this honestly-" jack shushed you as he made his way to the bed room
"Mae texted me that she is too tired to come over today" he kissed your lips putting you on the bed you gave him a frown
"Baby don't pretend like we haven't done this before" jack said kissing down your stomach
"I know but it feels wrong" you said
"Let's not worry about the things that feel wrong and worry more about the things that feel right" jack said making contact with your panties
"What did I say" jack said rubbing his fingers along your cloth pussy
"Fuck" you moved your hips with jacks fingers creating more simulation
"Jack please"
"Please what?"
"Can you please touch me do something" You whined jack was about to make you beg but he decided not to atleast this time
Jack smiled as he watched you become more desperate
He pulled off your underwear once his hands were on you,you felt less desperate
"Shit" you moaned as jack rubbed small circles around your clit
"Jack this isn't enough" you huffed
He nodded his head without thinking he put to fingers into your entrance
it felt good but it still wasn't enough for you
"Jack" you moaned as much as you loved this right now at that moment you needed more
"Jack" you desperately called out for him
"What's wrong" he said concerned
"This is enough either"
Jack smirked he knew what you wanted
"Then tell me what you want" he said still have a smirk on his face
"I want you"
"You want what?" Jack acted like he couldn't hear you
"I want you" you said start getting frustrated
"Tsk tsk tsk not an answer I'm not gonna accept it " he said shaking his head you huffed once again
"I want you to fuck me jack goddamn it dude were you not listen to me or-" you were cut off by feeling of his dick pushing into your entrance
"This is what you want" jack said you felt his hand move to your neck lightly squeezing it as he moved in and out of you
"Yes" You whined
"Enough of the That whining shit" jack tapped your face his grip on your neck became taught but not to taught to were it would hurt you
"Yes just like that" you bit your lip as his speed start to increase jack moaned leaning down to kiss your lips
"Is this enough for you?" Jack asked as he hit the right spots
You wanted to answer but you couldn't with how good he was fucking you
"Answers me"jack lightly slapped your face
"Oh- fuck- yes it's enough" you moaned feeling your orgasm approach
"Your gonna cum huh? I can feel you" jack moaned as he felt you clenching around him
"Mhm" you couldn't speak atleast not right now
"Come on then.cum all over me" jack said picking you up and as he started to bounce you on his dick
"Oh my god- I'm cuming" you said holding on to jack as you felt your eyes roll back and your toes curling
You and jack both gasped as you both came you guys layed there huffing and puffing until you decided to go to the kitchen jack let you wear one of his shirts you decided not to wear pants because it was just the to of you
You heard footsteps from behind you, you thought it was jack until you turned around
"Wtf y/n why are you in my boyfriends shirt and why the hell are not wearing pants " you dropped your glass you were in shock
Jack came out of the room in just his boxer with a concerned look on his face
"Y/n what happe-" jack stopped in his tracks once he seen Mae in the kitchen
"Oh my god you two were fucking weren't- I can't believe this " Mae says putting her hands above her head
"No-" jack said trying to clear this up but it was obvious
"You know what..fuck both of you" and with that Mae left the house
You and jack both turned to look at each other and all you guys did was laugh
If you were being honest you did really feel guilty anymore fucking your best friends boyfriend was the best mistake you ever made
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 7 months
Hi, I just want to say this well I don’t like angel dust all that much I do think their is some hope in him. If the show is willing to dig deep. We can’t forget that Angel was a closet gay mafia guy in the 1910-40’s who have fun killing people and die by OD then gotten SA in the after life.
What I’m saying is Angel’s Sa is only tip of the iceberg for the reason why he takes drugs because he clearly have issues and what can cause him to fall of the wagon if one of those issues ever comes back again . In fact what if Angel went with Charlie and Vaggie to heaven for his trial, now Angel if off drugs so now he is in his most vulnerable.
During the trial we are given testimony with all the victims one by one that have gotten their life’s ruined by Angel’s actions. Each given gruesome details, some gotten so bad to the point that the victims begs the princesses of hell to keep angel in hell. This will lead to the final victim that one that broke the camel back which is angel’s boyfriend. ( let’s name him Jack).
Now Jack much like Charlie did everything he could to help angel out with his addiction and problems a roof in his head, hot meals, and a steady part time job working with him in his family small shop. Everything goes well but as Jack soon will find out old habits dies hard and again and again and again. It gotten so bad to the point that money and stuff will go missing from the store. Stranger in the front door demanding money , drug hidden in the sofa it can go on and on. It gotten to the point that when Jack does try to kick Anthony ( Angel’s real name) out guess what Anthony does he tries keeping Jack in line by using sex, drugs, and saying stuff like “ I’m sorry it won’t happen again please forgive me or I have change.” This relationship will randomly in the worst ways by Angel choose his abusive family respect over his caring boyfriend and well he made his choice.
Jack last words before he goes will also be a  warning for Charlie to understand “ He left, with the respect of the of people that he told he hated the most ,I was left in the cold ground slowly dying,alone so be careful princess because that man is only gonna you drag you down with him.” 
This would be both Charlie and Angel wake up call
A; he have to understand that redemption doesn’t mean doing it for yourself so that you can better life, but to understand that your actions have a hurt so many people and that you where a toxic person when you were alive and if you want a better afterlife you need to take responsibility for you own actions.
C: she is going to learn the harsh reality that her plans might under developed that Sinners have layers in them , that teachers them sorry isn’t going to help because where was that apology before? That should sinners will devise to go to heaven and that if they truly are sorry then they should accept their punishment.
Maybe season 2 will tackle that  subject or not we just have to wait and see. Sorry for the long rant injoy the rest of your day.
I really like the concept of tackling repenting as in actually accepting you did bad stuff in your past instead of just trying to be good now, but also I have no idea who Jack is and this is strangely worded like Angel SA’d this random guy?😭
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strxnged · 1 year
love bart 4 (after many requests) jiman x readet
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jimin x reader fan ficyion fluff and steamy
read part 3 first otherwist you wont know wgst is happenign
summary: seokjin and namjuon fight for dominince but theres plot twisst. trigger warning your parents are dead
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i go to higu school with all the members of bts. my name is y/n and i have long hair blond blue sparkling orbs. my parents are dead and i ak poor i live all alonr in a shack behind a contruction sight. i am the popular girl at my schopl and nobody likes me because I'm shy and dont talk.
himin my boyfreind has feelibgs for me and kisses me every day after my class. i he also texts me when i get home to make shure i get home saif.
hello " sez my buttler, tayhung. "did you get home safe.0
"yes v i did. i had a good day how about you"
"i hadda good day to. you have male."
you opened your malebox and took out some letters from your secret admirers. onebof them was from you're crush, jungkoock. i onow he likes me and i like hom two. slay.
i texted yim and said hey i got you're lter it sounds like you like me like is that troue?
"yes sugarlips, sweet honey punkin bear?
you kised uim on the lips and he fell over on the you
uour eyes bugged out of your skull and you were shooked shocked even. "jimin is that you?"
he didn't say. he only stared back at you in shock. you were both so shcoked that yoi could feel your face turn red as a beet when you lookied at him his face was bright as a tometo!
you thiought maybr he recieprocatef. but he didn't recyprole. he waked out?!
you were never the same. your personal cok tehying made you dinner and you never got a letter ever again
the next day you ran right into the house of the boy. you had to tell him rhe noose. he was on a cowch and working on filing his taxes for his manchun. babygirl do you. need to shower
you saud yes please help me junkook I can't do it myselph so ge helped
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5his was a really importan project for me thos year. i hope yoy guys injoyed my fick because i wurked reely gard on it thisbyear.
take care guys sorry this is late my dog got ran ove rby a subway when we went to bew york
part three is hear
taglist @short4life @howdyfriend @so2uv
ps i hope u gyts liked this picture i found on pinktrest with
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lonelyrosegold · 3 years
Your a security Guard at the pizzaplex, you been working there for about a year now and you've gotten along really well with the animatronics so far . . . Or you thought you did
You don't know what went wrong, the night started out normal doing the usual security stuff and checking up on freddy and the other then making you usual rounds then next thing you know your being chased by monty
Your running through the pizzaplex as he's chasing you, you make your way down to the basement to try to shake him and it works! . . . Kinda of
you realized . . . You have no idea where you are, you go to check your faz-watch only to realize you cant seem to reach anyone "i must be to far undergrown to get a signal" so you do the only thing you can and just start walking, you'll find an exit soon (you hope)
After waking through the maze like halls of the basement for what feels like hours you come across a metal door
"This seems hopefully"
You use your security pass on the door scanner and walk through as soon as it opens
As soon as you walk through the door you look up and then freeze in fear
The hallway is filled with endoskeletons . . .
Next thing you know the door closes behind you and you hear on a emergency speaker
"Have fun trying to run from these guys kid!"
'This cant get any worse' you think
Then the lights go out
As you stare into the void in fear waiting for something to happen . . . But nothing happens
"Whos there!?!" You say as you (uselessly) look around
"Hey, its ok I'm going to help get you out of here I just need you to listen to me"
"How can I know to trust you?!"
"Cause honey I don't think you have a choice"
'Their kinda right, it can't really get any worse . . . I hope'
"OK . . . I'll listen" you speak into the void
"Good, fist things first you need to keep your eyes open and keep moving, they cant tell that you cant see them"
"Are you insane!"
"Maybe a little bit but if you dont start moving they may realize that you cant see"
"What if I run into one?" You say in a panic tone
"You won't ok, I can see so I will guide you I just need you to trust me . . . I promise I will get you out of here, Ok?"
". . . Ok"
"Good, just think of this as a game, now just take a few steps. . . "
Slowly the voice guides you through the dark hall and after what feels like hours (40 minutes at most) and a few close calls (and getting lost somehow a few times) you feel your self back into another metal door
"OK keep your eyes open and looking forward, I'll open the door"
In a quick flash you feel the metal door slide open behind you and light seeps into the hall and you see a endoskeleton inches away from your face
"EEP!" you eep as you feel a hand grab the back of your shirt and pull you backwards through the door onto the floor then hearing the door slam shut
Once your eyes get use to the light and your able to get your bearings you realized the room you were pulled into was looks to be a abandoned security room
"See i told you I told you I get you out"
You looked up to the person that saved you and there in all his somewhat torn up be still functional glory
I am not a writer so I can not give more then this im sorry, but I still invite you to injoy this
(And yes I reference doctor who! SUE ME!)
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The Royal Garden pt. 3
I stayed up really late last night to finish this chapter as I was really excited to get it out! Hope you guys Injoy! :D
Sapnap grumbled to himself as he walked into his room and started taking his armor off shaking the chicken feathers out of it, he really should have thought ahead with his chicken prank considering Niki was the person he was messing with- which is already a horrible idea considering how terrifying she was.
The raven hair knight started changing due to a pair of clean clothes since he still had some rounds you had to make around the castle before Sam would let him relax, Sapnap didn't really mind having to do extra work well Dream and Bad where out on a mission. Sapnap can easily get the gifts for his love bugs tomorrow if he didn't have time today, Karl and Quackity never mind waiting for there gifts as long as all three of them got to hang out and talk at night.
"Ooh Panda!" A quiet voice called out from underneath Sapnap's bed causing the half-demon to jump of it and slowly walk over to his bed sitting down next to it, he smiled noticing a tiny box wrapped with a pink bow.
Sapnap picked up the present inspecting "Hey dumplings! What's this gift for?" He slowly started unwrapping the present noticing there were two small objects inside of it.
"Me and Quackity made you some good luck charms!" Karl explained moving a bit deeper under the bed once Sapnap got closer, Quackity pulled him into a hug obviously getting nervous again with how close Sapnap was. The two borrowers watch the ribbon they had borrowed fall to the ground as Sapnap opened up his present.
"Aww it's a duck and frog! I'll make sure I keep these in my pocket when I go patrolling later." Sapnap slipped the two small wooden carvings into his pocket as he climbed up onto his bed and dangled one of his arms over the edge, hoping today might be the day his love bugs reveal themselves to him.
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Surprise! I learned you into a false sense of security! Get rickrolled nerds! >:D
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rose-petal-spam · 4 years
Children were not an option with schlatt, but life likes laughing in the face of her plaything's plans.
A Dark figure stood outside Schlatts front door holding a sleeping baby boy. They gently placed a kiss on his head, setting him down in a basket of soft chubby flesh with curly blonde hair contrasting to the red blanket and white envelope setting in his lap. Soft sweet words and melodies kept the child's mind at ease as the figure rang the doorbell scurrying away from the scene of the crime leaving soft coos and cries on the doorstep of Schlatts house.
Who the fuck could be up at 12 o’clock in the fucking night? Ughh if it Connor or ty I swear I’m going to skin their asses.
I can’t see shit in this fucking pitch-black house!
the hallway should be around here somewhere, oh great here it is.
fuck! the peephole is too tall, all I can see is the street which of course is empty.
Probably just the neighborhood kids playing a prank but I was supposed to get a package today with a schlattcoin in it.
The door squeaked slightly open summers lingering warmth invading the perfectly cool house.
the porch looked empty at least-
A small child sat in a basket slept soundly under the porch light golden fizz crowning him like a halo.
“What the fuck??”
Did someone just fucking leave a baby on my doorstep?
I glanced down the still vacant block, nothing had changed. No slow cars or anything, just a baby in a basket with a letter sitting on my fucking front door.
What do I do?
I could just walk away from this definitely is not my problem in the slightest.
God damnit I can't just leave a baby on my doorstep-
"Hey um did someone leave their baby on my porch?"
fuck. welp I just take him in and then drop him off at the orphanage in the morning
yeah they'll be able to take care of him, he'll be in good care.
yeah, then this whole weird dream can be over.
okay, kid let's get you inside whoever left you on my doorstep must be really upset.
ugh, fuck, it's too fucking dark in here to see anything.
Where was the floor lamp again?
Fucking! where is the stupid twisty thing
ah there!
the lamp flickered to life illuminating the dim living room, soft black second-hand couches with mismatched coffee tables, and a flat-screen TV. Half of the stains on the couch had been made by Connor at this point, and Ty always insisted on using a cozy on the coffee tables to not leave a watermark despite the countless others already there.
okay um, he'll just sleep in the basket tonight.
wait aren't babies supposed to sleep a certain way?
Maybe I should let him sleep in the bed with me?
fuck what if I accidentally move and sleep on him though-
yeah, let's just keep him in the basket what's the worst that can happen-
I'll just sit on the couch and yeah
I’ll just sit here and make sure he's' okay.
Then in the morning we can drop him off and find his mom and dad.
yeah,, just um sit here and make sure he's okay
Oh fuck- the letter
how the hell did I forget- and why the hell haven't I read it yet it literally had my name on it
'I'm sorry to drop him off on your front door but I can no longer support him'. 'He is your son'. 'His name is Tommy after my grandfather Thomas'. 'please take good care of him'.
that bitch-
she just- after having the kid can't even go and support him!
I mean I would have-
I would have fucking helped out if I knew!
How haven't I heard anything about this?
fucking hell, I have a kid- I'm a dad now I guess? how the fuck-
I don't know the first fucking thing to being a dad
wait fuck am I ready to be a dad?
would I even make a good dad- I run a fucking scam business
how am i-
Small sounds came next to me, the small wiggling infant was stretching himself out kicking the blanket away. His bright blue eyes glanced at the world around him before falling shut again. I don't know why, but everything in me just swole with pride looking at his stupid ravioli sized fist and beautiful blue eyes
I can't drop him off at the orphanage tomorrow
I can't just leave him.
I um
I guess I am a dad now? fuck I'm not prepared at all for this.
A small tight squeal erupted next to me as Tommy wiggled upset by something.
"fuck um- wait- shit no-no"
fuck I don't want to hurt him-
"shh shh it's okay little guy I got you it's okay"
his soft body fit in my arms as I gently cradled him, rocking him back and forth as he softly fell back into a deep sleep.
Okay yeah, yeah I um.
I can do this.
I'll be a good dad for you toms.
A tale like any other filled the room: big happy balloons and birthday cake sitting on a table with a now 8-year-old Tommy sitting across from Jschlatt. The candles had long since lost their wish powers and gifts already opened and played with. Connor and Ty were sipping on their drinks listening to the story of how we got here with frosting-covered silverware and a now 9-year-old boy casually adding their comments on how Jschlatt didn't even know how to change a diaper before ty stepped in. Jschlatt had just finished his story of the now happiest day of his life.
"-and that Toms is the story of how I became your dad"
Tommy looked amazed and confused, his brows furrowed in thought.
god, he looks so much like me when he does that.
his horns should start sprouting soon too if I am correct.
"So I was your gift," he finally responded, "like from the Easter bunny?"
Conor snickered, remembering the panicked phone call he got that night at 1 am with Tommy crying in the background while I pleaded for him to come over and help. It was far from a gift at the time, more like being shoved into a car going 40 miles an hour with no clue what to do.
But I gotta bite. I would never trade it for anything in the world ever.
"Yeah, and to this day it's the best thing he ever got me way better than chocolate in my humble opinion"
yeah, the best gift I could have ever been given.
This took a lot longer then the first fic ill admit but its also twice as long so i hope you guys injoy it just as much.
also again thank you gheysnakelady or @dadschlatt-tommyau for this amazing au i really like it.
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gh0styai · 3 years
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Chapter one coming out tomorrow! TvT
I hope you guys injoy TvT
|| Page 1 ||
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ask-idv-sleepycarl · 3 years
So many Aesops,,,, owo✨
What are your thoughts on the other Aesops, Sleepycarl? Who do you get along better with?
The sleepy embalmer pondered on the fact that yes there's so many versions of himself even though he is one out of many.. Well he does need to answer this question wisely.
SleepyCarl: Well scents we do have lot of versions of me. I guess Aesop round up?? Sorry if my signing is bit bad but this how I remember every version of me aka my self.
The sleepy embalmer snaps his fingers and a hair brush came out of no where and music started to play.
((Here SleepyCarl explains who each Aesop is just a thought))
SleepyCarl: So.... Ah.. How I did? I think I went over bord just tad bit.... Oh.
He made his hairbrush disappear by throwing behind him. He coughed in his hand like clear his throat.
SleepyCarl: If I have to choose be with? That's where I don't know yet we all the same person but with slight differences and thoughts. Yet I don't know about the others and their thought process on me. Scents some of them seen me do my dream magic and or not. That means something.
SleepyCarl: Now would you excuse me, I need get up from this dream scents this is my own dream room. Thanks Anon, also if you want I can try be contact with Marge, Patty and Ms. Michiko. I'm not the only one to keep everyone in check.
((Hey this Mod Abbx, hello hi its been awhile. I do hope you yal like the video that I made, I will make a separate post to show the full layout of all the drawings that is in the video. I might make event on where you guys ask questions to Marge(female dancer), Patty(Enchantress) and Michiko(Geshia) and what they do with Aesop during their trip in the dream version of the manor. So keep an eye on the blog to see that event. Sea you later~ Mod Abbx out!))
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creamytheartist · 4 years
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Good or bad au! (Au was made by bunnyartsowo)
This took me 3 hours to make qwq
I hope you guys injoy it ^^ ❤️
Art was inspired by bunnyartsowo!
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randomteenwriter · 4 years
Jobs Part 2! Batfam x Peds Surgeon Batmom
A/N: Hey Guys! I cant believe I actually started on part 2! (Have really bad writers block right now) I hope you enjoy my bad writing
Warnings: Injury, Medical problems, Implied Near Death, My Horrible Writing
Request: nope! :)
Word Count: 1565
Part 1
Still not a doctor (all my info is from greys anatomy and some other shows)
As you walked rounds with your team of interns and resident you stoped at room 127
“Tim Wayne, Male, sixteen, GSW surgery post op day one.”
“Good, we will be keeping you here for 6 more days ok timmy.”
Y/n informed, changing her tone when talked to her son
“Next room.”
After rounds y/n made her way to her sons room walking at a normal pace checking in on other kids as she went
“Hey Tim, do you need anything?”
“No but I was wondering when I can have coffee so I can get back to work.”
“On day three.”
“But if you get bored tomorrow I have a surgery you can watch from the gallery if you want.”
“Really is that aloud?”
“Of course! Im the Peds Cheif and part of the board.”
The day was long. You had three surgeries and a shift in the Nicu. 12 hours straight of caring for 27 tiny humans when your child is in the same hospital and your three other children are doing dangerous things that could put them here as well. Walking around the warm room checking heart beats, monitors, and colour. Making sure that each baby survives the night. You were holding one of the healthiest babies singing softy.
‘Ultimately I don’t understand a thing
I try to do the best I can
I know you try to do the same’
When you looked up so saw Tim standing at the sliding glass door. Putting the little boy back in his ‘bed’ you ealked over to the incom.
“Tim, what are you doing here?” You asked pressing the red button
“Im just watching, I wanted to get a grip on what you do”
The smile that appeared when he said that fadded when a fast pace beebing intupted the silence
“Ohhh, no no no no no”
“come on Saige, 4 hours left”
You did everything you could when you finally had to call it
“Time of death 1:53 am”
Walking out of the Nicu you sighed when you went to the desk to grab papers filling them out and grabing your phone. Your son watched as you called the family”
“Hi, doctor Wayne here, Im very sorry we did everything we could but Saiges heart failed. You can come see her if you would like”
“We will be right there”
“Ok again I am so sorry”
Sitting down you finished of the paperwork
“Mom” a small voice that came out of Tim was slightly heartbreaking “What happened”
You stoped thinking for a good answer “She didnt make it through the night, that happens alot in my specialty”
Tim sat next to you. He had one of his very serious faces on “how do you do it?”
“Do what timmy ?” He stoped like you had looking for the proper way to word his thoughts “this job, all of these kids dying” you didn’t hesitate to answer “I think how luck I am that my four sons are healthy”
Tim smiled as he watched you page an resident when she arrived you told her everything she had to do and when to page you. Finally you smiled as you and Tim walked back to his room
“Hailey present please”
“Tim Wayne 16, last day of post op”
“Very good lets move people”
Y/n lead her team away. Walking to the next room she instructed them to finish rounds without her. Walking up to a desk y/n grabbed some papers as she walked back to Her sons room. She sat down filling out the papers as Tim was on his laptop
“Ok Tim pack it up we are going home”
You had been at work for almost a week straight and we’re finally at home for your days off. Spending all of your time with your family you relaxed. On your last day of freedom you went to the roof of wayne mannor looking out on the night sky. Going to bed way to early you got up and eat breakfast with your family.
“Ok im off to work” you spoke getting up to kiss everyones head “ I dont want anyone else showing up at my hospital hurt”
They all nodded their heads indicating they understood. You started walking to the door. When you Damians voice stoped you, “can we come to watch you work?”
“Of course, but I dont think you will injoy it”
Tim interjected “of course we will, your job is amazing!” That out the biggest smile in your face because before you felt like you children felt unloved because of how many hour you had to work. This made you feel better.
Jobs Part 2! Batfam x Peds Surgeon Batmom
A/N: Hey Guys! I cant believe I actually started in part 2! (Have really bad writers block right now) I hope you enjoy my bad righting
Warnings: Injury, Medical problems, Implied Near Death, Death My Horrible Writing
Request: nope! :)
Word Count:
Still not a doctor (all my info is from greys anatomy and some other shows)
As you walked rounds with your team of interns and resident you stoped at room 127
“Tim Wayne, Male, sixteen, GSW surgery post op day one.”
“Good, we will be keeping you here for 6 more days ok timmy.”
Y/n informed, changing her tone when talked to her son
“Next room.”
After rounds y/n made her way to her sons room walking at a normal pace checking in on other kids as she went
“Hey Tim, do you need anything?”
“No but I was wondering when I can have coffee so I can get back to work.”
“On day three.”
“But if you get bored tomorrow I have a surgery you can watch from the gallery if you want.”
“Really is that aloud?”
“Of course! Im the Peds Cheif and part of the board.”
The day was long. You had three surgeries and a shift in the Nicu. 12 hours straight of caring for 27 tiny humans when your child is in the same hospital and your three other children are doing dangerous things that could put them here as well. Walking around the warm room checking heart beats, monitors, and colour. Making sure that each baby survives the night. You were holding one of the healthiest babies singing softy.
‘Ultimately I don’t understand a thing
I try to do the best I can
I know you try to do the same’
When you looked up so saw Tim standing at the sliding glass door. Putting the little boy back in his ‘bed’ you ealked over to the incom.
“Tim, what are you doing here?” You asked pressing the red button
“Im just watching, I wanted to get a grip on what you do”
The smile that appeared when he said that fadded when a fast pace beebing intupted the silence
“Ohhh, no no no no no”
“come on Saige, 4 hours left”
You did everything you could when you finally had to call it
“Time of death 1:53 am”
Walking out of the Nicu you sighed when you went to the desk to grab papers filling them out and grabing your phone. Your son watched as you called the family”
“Hi, doctor Wayne here, Im very sorry we did everything we could but Saiges heart failed. You can come see her if you would like”
“We will be right there”
“Ok again I am so sorry”
Sitting down you finished of the paperwork
“Mom” a small voice that came out of Tim was slightly heartbreaking “What happened”
You stoped thinking for a good answer “She didnt make it through the night, that happens alot in my specialty”
Tim sat next to you. He had one of his very serious faces on “how do you do it?”
“Do what timmy ?” He stoped like you had looking for the proper way to word his thoughts “this job, all of these kids dying” you didn’t hesitate to answer “I think how luck I am that my four sons are healthy”
Tim smiled as he watched you page an resident when she arrived you told her everything she had to do and when to page you. Finally you smiled as you and Tim walked back to his room
“Hailey present please”
“Tim Wayne 16, last day of post op”
“Very good lets move people”
Y/n lead her team away. Walking to the next room she instructed them to finish rounds without her. Walking up to a desk y/n grabbed some papers as she walked back to Her sons room. She sat down filling out the papers as Tim was on his laptop
“Ok Tim pack it up we are going home”
Hahahahdgadhsnsn finally done part 2! It wss kinda rushed and its kinda bad but part three is coming (its going to be from the boys pov!) hope you enjoyed my crappy writing
Part 3 when it come out will be here….
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lovekatsukibakugo · 6 years
Bad Habits [Katsuki Bakugo x Reader]
This is super short so I guess it counts as an actual Drabble! It’s only a page long in Google Docs (where I write all my stuff) and that’s funny because usually I never go below two pages! 
Warning for accidentally self harm (?) I don’t know if that’s how I’m supposed to tag it, but okay, lets go with it. (adding this in kinda late, but warning for some gory stuff and blood)
I hope you guys injoy and if you could give me some feed back, I would love it! I love receiving criticism and interacting with all of you! 
You were walking down hallway with your boyfriend, Bakugo, holding his hand in yours somewhat tightly. He wasn’t the type to be all cutesy with the PDA, but he liked showing everyone around you that you were his. So he was holding your hand, but if you wanted to swing your hands as you walked, it was a big fat no. He was a simple guy when it came to your relationship. He didn’t like PDA, but succumbed to hand holding when he realized other people were eying you. And he hated that more than anything else. Plus, after some time, he started to like it.
Everything seemed peaceful and normal for once, or at least as normal as they can be. You were blissfully unaware of the odd look your boyfriend was giving you, though to everyone else it may have looked like an annoyed stare. He was thinking, possibly a little too had into things. But he felt how rough your fingers were against his skin. Now he might of let it slide if it had to do with your quirk, but he knew for a fact that your quirk didn’t damage your hands. He took a sneaky glance at them, not noticing anything too out of the ordinary, but your nails were short, too short to be comfortable.
He didn’t say anything about it as he looked at you again, noticing your other hand was to your mouth. He tugged you closer to him, making you turn your head to him and smile. He couldn’t resist your smile, even though he was concerned, and gave you a smug (loving) smirk back.
The two of you continued to walk along, until he pulled you into a lonely corner and pinned you to the wall. He will repeatedly tell everyone how much he hates PDA, and it’s true, but there are times when he cannot help himself. He just gets the overwhelming urge to kiss you and will pull you to a darker area where no one will find the two of you - unless they were really looking - and kiss you. And this is what he was about to do when he saw a small dribble of blood sliding down your chin. You felt it and immediately wiped it away, but it was too late. He was inspecting the damage done to your lips.
The were bloodied and raw, the skin mostly gone from them. You had chewed it all away out of nervous habit. You had done something similar to your fingernail, picking them down while in class and causing them to bleed. None of it was on purpose, you just couldn’t help it! Your mind was running wild and giving you so much worry.
“What happened?” he asked lowly, looking at you with all the concern he felt in his eyes. This was a side of him only you saw, because sure he could be worried for others, but he didn’t care for them as much as he cared for you.
“I didn’t mean to do it, it just happened, and I’m sorry. I just can’t help it when I’m nervous and worried, so it just happens. I know it’s stupid and bad and crazy, and I’m trying to stop. It’s just really hard.” You spoke in rapid fire and he barely caught what you had said, but he stopped your rambling by cupping your face in his hands. He looked you dead in the eyes and gave you a small smile.
“You’re okay,” he told you, kissing your forehead. “I’ll help you break the habit, but first you have to tell me what has you so worked up and nervous.”
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