#i intended to rec only four but
saptaincwan · 11 months
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47176348 https://archiveofourown.org/works/28542708
THANK U FOR THE RECS <3<3 this is so funny we have the same taste bc i've already read all of these but the 2nd one and loved them 😭 (esp the last one)
in turn here r a few recs of my own that i think about often. these r all well known too u might know about them already rip
harbor in the tempest i reread this the most i think. obsessed
lost stars <-- this whole collection is tied to an orphan account,, i feel lucky i found it. i've yet to read it all, but i like the author's style!
a fairytale beginning enchanted au = im a sucker for it and i love this author hiiii
but once a year i just love everything this author does ever
winter i think everyone and their mom has read this but for good reason
back to the start also insane author
a place only you can go I THINK EVERYONE SHOLD. READ THIS
the mountains call me home (and i must go) i like this :D
openheart i actually read this a couple years back and i remember very little but i am a huge twau liker so by default its a fav
halcyon (e) me thing but i tend to skip smut for the plot this is my One. exception. insane
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pedgito · 6 days
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𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐀 𝐅𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 | Javier Pena x reader
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summary | this is my own entry for the summer lovin' challenge, somehow torturing myself further by writing a fic amongst all my other wips and helping organize this challenge. there's sweaty javi p and office sex, that's all you need to know.
content warning | heavy smut, teasing upon teasing upon teasing, lots of mentions of heat/sweat, perfect use of ice in a situation like this, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, public-ish sex
word count — 5k
You curse quietly over your second paper cut of the day, nursing your pointer finger between your lips and silently reprimanding yourself for agreeing to help Steve—he was good at begging, you could give him that, and a hell of a sweet talker when he wanted to be. He always wore you down, a promise of coffee every day for a week on him, or lunch the following day, anything to sweeten the deal. This time it was neither.
“I rescheduled twice already,” He’s pointed out the reasons on his fingers, extending them out as he numbers them and using his finger to add emphasis as he pressed down on them as he went, “we finally have someone to watch Olivia for us this evening, and you know, you won’t even be alone—Pena’s staying late.”
He wiggled his three fingers like it was the best deal you’ve ever been offered, a smile growing on his face as he attempted to pass over the file that you took with reluctance, blowing out a puff of air and clutching it to your chest, arms crossed over the manila folder as you glance at your dainty watch—four in the afternoon. Not bad. Not great, either. You’ve stayed later—given your commute is only about five minutes. You tended to pick up the slack, for everyone, but mostly those boys. You weren’t sure how it ended up this way, but even Carillo acknowledged it. 
You did grunt work, small and miniscule things in the lives of two DEA agents who were out in the field hunting a notorious cartel leader every day—but you, you were dealing with papercuts and carpal tunnel, it wasn’t nearly as comparable.
And Javier Pena made sure to remind you every chance he had.
You pluck at the group of files labeled La Quica and El Limon, a hefty collection of data that has been compiled for the past several months and felt never ending—you were nearing the point of understanding every piece of information in this room back to front, knowing far too much about the cartel than you originally intended. It was terrifying; even seeing the look on either of the men’s faces when they returned back from a hard day of busts and undercover work.
And, maybe Javier just figured you didn’t care or wouldn’t be able to comprehend half of what was stored away in these files—but he sure wasn’t quiet about it.
It’s been around an hour now, tearing through the unorganized mess that the file room had become.
Mumbling the names under your breath as you drag your finger over the sticky note and kneeling down until your practically on all fours, digging through a box on the floor with your head tucked and oblivious to Javier as he rounds the corner to the secluded room, heavy footsteps falling on deaf ears, too entranced in the task to notice him.
He clears his throat with distinction and your head snaps up, looking clearly disturbed and annoyed—Javier offers a superficial smile and points a finger at the pile on the floor, his shoulder leaned against one of the tall shelves holding boxes upon boxes of crucial information.
Your eyebrows raise in expectation, head shaking slightly at him as you urge him to speak and get on with whatever comment he was dying to make as he continued to stare down, licking his lips briefly before they finally part and—
“Those the files we’ve been asking for?”
That Steve has been asking for—Not Javier, never Javier. He’s too macho and mighty for paperwork and sitting at a desk all day.
“It is part of them,” You say with emphasis, “I still have an entire section to go through. Steve asked me to pull everything we have on those two.”
“Well, everyone’s leaving—and I know where most of the shit is. I got it, you can head out.”
You seethe, jaw clenched and your eyebrow furrows as you stand, a pile of strewn papers in your arms.
“You know, instead of going through Steve to have me fetch the stuff you need—I don’t know, you could just man up and ask me directly.”
He has no idea what you’re talking about.
Except, he does.
He’s shoved off work to Steve who was enough of a pushover for his friend and partner, to pick it up when he had time, but this time it had landed on a busy day, a busy weekend, there just wasn’t enough time for him to handle it. 
“La Quica, El Limon—Carillo was talking to you about them this morning. What’s got you so tied up that you couldn’t handle it yourself?” You ask accusatory, back turned to him as you walk toward the table in the center of the room.
“We’ve got leads to check out, muñequita.” 
Out of your wheelhouse. Yeah—Okay, that explains it.
You roll your eyes at the nickname and drop the stack with a distinct thunk before moving past him, narrowly avoiding his broad shoulders as you walk past him, through the half-open door as you grab for one of the styrofoam cups on the water dispenser before spooning the ice into it and filling it with water, sipping with a distinct look of disdain as you eye Javier up and down, seeing that he’s followed you over, half in the doorway and half out.
“If you’re going to stand there the least you could do is help me,” You tell him, “that way we can both get out of here faster and not have to spend any more time together than we need to.”
“It’ll be faster if I do it myself,” He tells you, a metaphorical shoo-ing away as he nods toward the stairwell at the end of the hall, “I know this room like the back of my hand.”
“Have you been in here lately? It’s a mess. No one ever puts anything back in the right spot.” 
Javier’s got his signature pout on, looking downtrodden and pathetic behind his thick mustache perched on his upper lip, the constant look of being unimpressed by everything.
“I’m not leaving, Javier. You’re welcome to help, stay late, whatever—but I’ve been in this room, in this heat for an hour already and you’re not about to swoop in and snatch the credit for something you couldn’t be bothered doing yourself in the first place, alright?”
Javier looks surprised at that, not as much by the bite in your tone but the lack of snide comment, not calling him an asshole or a prick and storming off. Again, you brush past him with your drink in hand and take your seat, feeling the thin layer of sweat covering your body—it wasn’t that unbearable, but another hour and you would be a hell of a lot more crankier.
“Fine—” You respond, eyes tracking elsewhere as he moves form his place against the open door, only catching the lingering shadow of the door as it closed until it was far too late, “fuck, Javi! The—”
A loud click and Javier’s reaction time, given his ability to pull out a gun and have it propped at the ready in half a second, is far too slow. He turns, seeing the now closed door and turns back to you.
“Door,” You say, voice falling flat.
Javier backtracks and heads for the door, hoping and praying this was one of the days it wouldn’t lock—it was a tricky thing. Only working half of the time. Luckily, any other time it was during the day, surrounded by people who could help. But, now—it’s the two of you and no one else.
If you were pissed at Javier before, you were fuming now.
He jiggles the doorknob. Nothing. Fist pounding against the door. Nothing.
A quick shout out to anyone. Anything. Hoping someone would still be near.
Nothing. Not a sound.
“We’re stuck,” You sneer at him, “—sit down or that jiggling is going to drive me insane.”
He kicks the door for good measure, hoping by some miracle it might actually pop open.
You huff out an exhausted laugh under your breath and spread your hands out over the files, sorting out the important information and pictures from the notes and extra files that weren’t really needed. Javier approaches slowly and you take a sip of the water, thankful that you were at least able to reward yourself with that before you ended up in this mess.
Javier takes a look at his own watch and clicked his tongue before resigning to the fact that things weren’t going to go his way, dancing his fingers along the edge of the table as he took a seat, fingertips pressed into the surface as he settled, watching you casually under the flickering overhead light.
A few minutes slowly turn into several, quiet aside from the occasional shuffling of paper or sips of your water and you find that when no one else is around, Javier isn’t a total asshole. There’s no harsh quip or snide comment being lobbed your way but you can also tell that he’s just as frustrated as you, knowing that he needed to sift through this intel too.
But, the heat was sweltering—so distracting and despite the setting sun outside, had you reaching for a few buttons on your blouse as you leaned back, sighing as you picked up an empty file folder and fanned yourself in earnest, exposing your neck as you hung your head back.
You don’t hear Javier, but you feel him. His eyes on you as you lift your head back up.
Bewilderment. Annoyance. You can’t place it in the moment, he doesn’t even speak. But, you find yourself responding anyway.
“What? It’s hot.”
Javier throws a casual hand up in defense but his eyes follow your hand as they descend into your styrofoam cup, water long gone but the ice standing strong. You take a piece and cup it in your palm before rubbing it over your neck, instantly sighing at the crisp cold touch of it against your skin and aptly ignoring how it drips down the valley of your breasts, looking up to catch Javier at just the right time, his eyes looked on your movements and more pointedly—your chest.
“Here, try it,” You tell him, noticing the sheen of sweat on his neck, “it helps.”
He plucks a cigarette out of his half-empty pack and places it between his lips.
“I’m good.”
“Suit yourself, “ You shrug, but quickly lean forward to pluck the cigarette from his mouth and place it down on the table, “–hey, can you not?”
Javier looks at you in disbelief, snatching the cigarette off the table and tucking it away anyways.
“You smoke in this place all day, you can at least wait until we’re out of here.”
“Do you ever loosen up?” Javier pokes at you daringly, “I mean, what does it really take for you to pull that skirt out of your ass?”
“Not you,” You reply sharply, a smile spreading across your face, “but, putting away the cigarette is a start.”
Javier leans back in the chair with a dignified sigh, scratching at his forehead in frustration at the lack of progress and the fact that he literally has no way out of here.
“You know, he’s been off the grid for three weeks,” You speak out loud, knowing that Javier is well aware, “is there really anything in here that is going to help? Or is it just that all of the leads are dead?”
His demeanor breaks slightly, a shuffle in his shoulders as he crosses his arms over his chest.
“Both—maybe. This shit is probably pointless.”
“And that’s why you wanted me to take care of it,” You respond conclusively, “but you’re impatient—you don’t have to argue with me, I know you are.”
“Really, muñequita, you think you know me so well?” Javier asks testingly, tongue swiping over his bottom lip, “What else do you know about me?”
“That you like your ego boosted,” You retort, “and I’m not about to do that. So—”
“I didn’t ask you to,” Javier says with a smirk, eyes glinting with a faint, creeping darkness.
“Shut up,” You say in a clipped town before looking around curiously, “and what are we supposed to do now? Sleep here? I really can’t believe you fucking locked us in.”
“No, no—” Javier's finger wags in a motion that makes you want to bite them off, jaw clenching forcefully, “if you hadn’t wasted so much time then maybe we could have flagged down someone.”
“Okay, but you still let that door close.”
Once again, both arms crossed over your chest, a staredown is initiated. 
It wasn’t the first, it wasn’t the last, but you wanted to ruin him.
Knock him down a beg—hell, kick him off the pedestal and wipe the goddamn floor with him.
That stupid smirk, the boiling tone of cockiness wrapped in self-righteousness.
“Don’t think too hard, cariño.”
You huff out a half-impressed laugh and organize the files after a moment, stacking them to the side and reaching into your cup for another piece of your melting ice, repeating the same motion as earlier as you slide the ice between your breasts, but with the immense amount of eye contact you didn’t give Javier the first time.
Stubborn girl. He knew that much about you.
Javier doesn’t break immediately, but the small flex in his jaw, the slightest of cracks in his hard exterior.
Attack. Attack. Attack.
You wipe your arm against your sleeve, subconsciously pressing your breasts together in the process and Javier looks like he might keel over, eyes flicking up to meet your gaze now—he’s been caught. Gazing. Admiring. Seering to his memory for a later time.
You’re not really sure but you’re not going to let him off easy either.
“Now, Pena—Don’t think too hard.” You tell him in a sickly sweet tone, “It’s just a pair of tits.”
I don’t bite—you want to add. But, you don’t.
Because even if you found Javier attractive…there was just no way. 
No. Not possible.
“What is it?” Javier asks curiously, seemingly snapped out of his stupor, and meeting your gaze like he hadn’t just been staring directly at your breasts for far too long. “About me, I mean?”
You raise an eyebrow, finger circling the styrofoam cup as you center on the table.
“What?” You ask with a soft laugh of disbelief. “It’s—it isn’t your looks, Javier. It’s all of you. You undermine me, you treat me like a fucking lap dog. I might be a bitch but—I am not your bitch.”
He wasn’t expecting that intense of a response, it felt even more eerie as your tone continued on steadily. He considers interrupting but you continue, holding a finger up to stop him.
“You know—I transferred here to help with the assignment, collect the intel and take down Pablo Escobar just like you, but for some reason, you seem to think I’m just a personal assistant. Or one of the few receptionists who all want to throw themselves at you.”
“There something wrong with that?”
You roll your eyes in silence, but the gesture is loud.
“Did I say there was?” You counter, “I think the problem for you is that it isn’t me. That someone might actually find you repulsive, right?”
Javier only looks slightly dumb-founded, following your movements as you stand and fetch the stack of files, returning them to their make-shift home for the moment, buried away on a shelf that could be reorganized later—he turns in his chair, glaring right back at you when you turn on your heels. 
“Your legs don’t work?” You ask him, nodding toward thfew smaller stacks of files scattered about the table, “If you want to get the work done so bad, clean up—or do you want me to—”
“I. Got it.” Javier responds stiffly, standing on his own two feet. He scoops up the remaining files and puts them away opposite of the shelf you had, resting a palm on an empty spot as you lean back to pick up a stray piece of paper. “But, don’t act like I don’t see you kissing Carillo’s—”
You stand and shove the paper into his chest, “Finish that sentence and you will regret it, Javier.”
“It’s alright. No shame in your game and all that.”
Fuck this.
You reach for the cup of melted ice, splashing it promptly in Javier’s face before crushing the cup in your hand out of frustration, a moment of frozen realization coming to you.
Had you actually just done that?
Javier blinks, looking down at his soaked front before promptly removing his jacket in haste watching as you slowly back away, slightly disturbed by his calmness until he’s rearing on you.
Slowly—oh, so fucking slow. 
Your chest rises in slow, deep breaths and is nearly hanging off your shoulders by now, riddled with red, hot rage.
“Tell me I don’t make you even a little bit nervous, muñequita.” 
Is this a challenge? Is this what he’s worried about?
“You don’t.”
Your response is quick, but you find yourself pressed against a file cabinet and a few inches of free space before he’s right there—so close you can feel the heat of his body, your heart races slightly.
Okay, maybe just…a little.
“Again,” Javier beckons, a sneer to his tone as he crowds you in—“Look at me and say it.”
And for the love of god, the words never come.
“You let me flirt with you because you like it. Never correct me when I give you those little nicknames—look at you, you can’t even deny it.”
A half-truth. You didn’t mind it, but it wasn’t some sort of sustenance keeping you alive. Besides, it didn’t make up for half of the times he’s belittled you in front of your shared boss.
The heat is suffocating now and Javier’s eyes follow the trail of sweat down your neck, over your breasts, watching your fingers twitch at your side because—
Why do you feel the need to touch him so badly now?
To receive that touch in return and tenfold. 
“¿Qué pasa, pobrecita?” 
His fingers curl around the edge of the file cabinet behind you, barricading you between the wall and him and if you decided to show any signs of discomfort you knew Javier would back off in a heartbeat—you didn’t even need to say anything.
“Is that what it took?” You ask, voice soft in the small gap he’s created, eyes softening slightly as he hears you speak, “Being locked in here with me, nothing else to do—that’s what it takes for you to see me as anything other than some lowly little assistant to you?”
“You’re so fucking stubborn,” Javier says fondly, holding back a chuckle in his throat before his free hand is reaching for your neck and forcing your chin up and back, his thumb rubbing into the soft spot where your jaw twitches under his touch, swallowing hard.
“I thought you hated me.”
“I can say the same for you,” Javier responds, tilting his head slightly.
You’re so hot under his touch, skin clammy and wet from the ice and broken AC.
“I’m not saying I don’t.”
Javier presses his body against you slowly, your hands reaching for his shirt instinctively, curling into the fabric and feeling it stick to his skin, feel the weight of his chest against yours, and the very obvious strain of his slacks against your thin pencil skirt.
“And I never said I did,” Javier counters, “doesn’t change the fact that you get under my skin, querida.”
Javier leans in slow, that heavy eye contact never breaking until he’s there—nose pressed against your own and you sigh, breathing into his mouth as your eyes fall closed and he knows.
His lips are soft, careful. It feels like a test.
Your resolve melts in an instant, damning Javier for whatever spell he’s placed on you but you want more, hands skirting slowly up his front until they’re molding around his neck, kissing back with a similar eagerness, still laced in trepidation.
Things ramp up quickly, Javier’s fingers finding the edge of your shirt where it’s tucked into your skirt, pulling it free and squeezing at your sides, forcing your ass down against his knee from where it's tucked between your legs, somehow finding its way there in the chaos.
“Jav—Javier,” You breathe, pulling away, “maybe—maybe this isn’t the best place…”
Your eyes trail toward the camera tucked away in the corner of the room, knowing that it had to have some pretty damning evidence by this point—the list was long and you tried not to think about it for too long before Javier’s voice is pulling you back.
“That thing hasn’t worked in weeks,” He reassures and the flickering light above dims slightly, almost on cue, “are you scared of getting caught?”
You shake your head slowly and his smile grows, lips pressed against your own as he speaks and his hands tight at your hips, pressing your core right at the center of his thigh and pushing your skirt up until it’s bunched over your ass. You throb at the pressure, breathing out shakily.
“Then let go, muñequita,” He coos.
You hum, breath catching as he pushes his thigh up, your hips instinctively rocking against the pressure and if the heat weren’t already overwhelming, you would’ve passed out from that alone.
“It’s cute,” His hands aid your movement, a slow but steady rock of your hips as you furrow your brow at his voice, “—yeah that, you do that little thing with your brow whenever I talk to you.”
“Because I can’t s—stand you,” You voice falters, feeling him pick up the pace slightly to match your sudden eagerness, months without a proper sexual partner outside of yourself and you couldn’t help but be just a little bit more open to the idea of fucking someone who wasn’t your first option, or second—not even your last. Javier was nowhere on your list, actually. 
But, here he was. Offering himself over to you.
Besides, you had an entire night stuck alone with him—it wasn’t the worst way to entertain yourselves.
“Doesn’t seem that way right now,” Javier counters, his ego shining through.
“Stop. Talking.” You plead, hands pulling at the seam of buttons on his shirt, pulling at it roughly in two quick, forceful movements until it splits open, mangling some of the buttons in the process but if upsets him, he doesn’t say a word.
Instead, he rips it away just as quick, pulling his leg away to descend to his knees, pushing your blouse up your chest until he can reach bare skin, mouthing at the soft skin of your stomach and—christ, it’s distracting. He yanks at the short zipper on your skirt, making a small noise of happy acknowledgement when he’s able to get it undone and pull your skirt down the rest of the way, breath hot over your underwear as he stares up at you, fingers curled around the thread at your hips.
You nod silently and he presses his mouth against your center, teasing kisses along your inner thighs that slowly turn into playful bites until you’re nearly squirming, begging with a softer version of his name that you never tried to let him catch you using.
“Javi, please.”
He pulls your panties down your legs, over your heels and to the floor with little care, too focused on settling your leg over his shoulder before a hand is curling over the top of your thigh, fingertips digging in as he licks a broad stripe through the center of your pussy, his other hand balled into the fabric of your shirt and you need less—less clothing, less restriction.
You fumble with your buttons, head falling back against the metal of the filing cabinet with a sigh as the tip of his tongue slides over your clit and down, a motion he repeats several times in your poor attempts to undress and chuckles against you when you curse, finally getting your top unbuttoned and letting it sag at your shoulders, your fingers buried in his hair as he groans, lapping at you eagerly as his hand rises blindly until he can squeeze at your breast.
You moan loudly, instinctively covering your mouth at the sound as Javier pulls back in subtle shock himself, surprised that you allowed yourself to be so vocal about how he was affecting you.
“Not a fucking word, Javi.” You berate him, pushing a finger into his forehead gently which he takes in stride, laughing quietly.
“No one is here.” He reminds you, “Listen.”
And you do, Javier slowly rising to his feet and pressing his lips against the side of your neck, working at his belt in time, shucking his pants open just enough for you to slip your hand into his boxers, gripping his cock tight in your hand—still, absolute silence.
“Let me fuck you,” Javier begs—begs with fervor, his breath hot against your ear, “please?”
You nod jerkily, feeling him settle his slacks just low enough that they aren’t a nuisance and pulling the thigh that was resting over his shoulder around his hip, his fingers digging into your ass as you tug at him testingly, enjoying the look on his face when you squeeze a little harder than he’s expecting, enjoying the heavy weight of him in your hand.
“Oh, I can fuck that hate right out, querida ” Javier admonishes, “don’t try me.”
“I dare you,” You challenge him, using your free hand to pull at the hair at the nape of his neck, earning a soft grunt in return, “—just remember to pull out, yeah?”
Javier full on snorts at that, a noise muffled into your neck when he leans forward, guiding himself to press against your cunt before he sinks in, both of your momentary hostility turning to full bliss.
His hand curves around the back of your head, a simple gesture but maybe more of a warning, his hips snapping into you suddenly, quickly, jostling you against the hard surface. He was protecting your head from the sharp edge of the cabinet and you almost laughed at the thought, but his impatient, fevered movements are sending you into a spiral, eyes rolling back.
“Stay with me,” He teases softly, lips at the base of your neck,  “want you to look at me while I fuck you.”
And you do, boldly, despite how your heart races. You let your body do the work, shutting your mind off for the moment—the hesitation, the worry, the regret that would hit you five minutes after this was over. 
You don’t remember it feeling like this, either. The full body sensation, his gaze heating you from the inside out, your thumb slipping over his bottom lip curiously, his teeth biting down gently on the digit as he fucks you deeper into the surface of the cabinet, if that was possible. 
There are no words, just sounds—moans that could be heard across the bullpen if someone was close enough and Javier, who is plenty vocal and has shown himself to be, can’t even form words, grunting with every few sharp snaps of his hips, fucking you so thouroughly it aches.
“Touch yourself,” He instructs, “let me see, muñequita. Wanna know.”
It doesn’t matter if he’s thought about it before—or, if somewhere in the deep, dark shadows of your mind that you might have had the same thought about him too.
There is no convincing, feeling yourself so on the edge already that it wouldn’t take much. And it doesn’t, your hand descending until your fingers graze over your clit, steadily bringing yourself closer and closer, legs shaking under Javi’s grip until he has to bear most of your weight as you come, blunt fingernails digging into his shoulder as you cry out. And he’s there too, so close and hanging on by a thread, the unsteady thrust of his hips a tell-tale sign.
Your heart is racing, mind too, and the words that come out aren’t anything of rational thinking.
“In my mouth,” You tell him, sounding more earnest than you ever have.
“You sure?”
You laugh through the exhaustion.
“Are you really questioning that?”
He shakes his head in amusement before he’s patting the back of your neck gently and urging you to your knees, jerking himself into your open mouth a few seconds before he’s coming, somehow managing to keep the moment tender as he holds your chin and squeezes gently, watching you swallow down the heady taste of him with your eyes locked on his.
“So, what now?” You ask jokingly, taking the hand he offers to you after a moment of him tucking himself back into his jeans, cursing when you shoulder bumps a stack of files on the way up, dropping them to the floor in a pile. 
Javier fetches your clothes and hands them over, redressing himself before plucking at the files hastily.
You’re nearly dressed when you hear him curse behind you.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“Hm?” You turn on your heels, busy tucking your shirt back into your skirt when you spot the item in his hands—a small gold key. “Well—don’t fucking stare at it. Try it.”
Javier approaches the door with quick footsteps, followed by your softer ones as you slip on your heels, gasping as the key turns in the lock and suddenly—the past couple of hours dissipates in an instant.
“Look at it this way,” Javier says lightly, “we’d still be stuck in here otherwise.”
Being that, if he hadn’t fucked you against the filing cabinet you’d be spending your night sleeping on the murky carpet of the file room floor—so, as usual, Javier Pena saves the day.
“Let me give you a ride home,” Javier suggests, “it’s the least I could do.”
“I live like three blocks away from—”
“Humor me?”
You chew at your bottom lip hesitantly.
Javier reaches forward suddenly, soothing the worry with his thumb.
“Pobrecita, if it isn’t all gone, we can try again?”
You slap his hand away gently, wordlessly taking his offer as you step past him, watching as his smile grows to a satisfied grin.
“You didn’t say no,” He adds.
Maybe he hadn’t fucked all of the hate out of you, but it was a start.
↝ special thanks to @undercoverpena for taking a look over this for me <3
↝ divider credit: yours truly.
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bridenore · 1 month
HD eight year fic recs : less than 10k words
Here are a few drarry eight year fic recs that are less than 10k words. Posted in alphabetical order, as always.
All I Have to Do by @fluxweeed [9k]
The Patented Daydream Charm (Adult Edition) allows you to enter a top-quality, highly realistic thirty-minute sexual fantasy. Solitude and privacy spells advised. or: Draco finally has some alone time; Harry just needs to nip in for a book.
All We Want Is Danger by @cassiaratheslytherpuff [9k]
Something weird was happening to Draco. It wasn’t something Harry was used to being concerned about. He’d spent most of sixth year sure that Draco was up to something, yes, but this was different. This was – something was off. Wrong. Harry had never in his life been scared of Draco. And yet, something about him had changed enough to make the hair rise on the back of Harry’s neck every time he entered a room. The feeling was only made stranger by the rush of arousal that usually came along with it.
Alpha by @lqtraintracks [2k]
Finding out I’m Malfoy’s Alpha and he’s my Omega might have gone a lot differently had we not still hated each other. But we do, so here’s how it goes
Aurora by @wolfpants [5k]
Eighth Year at a half-built Hogwarts, and Harry is not following Draco Malfoy anymore. At least, that's what he's telling himself.
Awake in the Night by venis_envy [2k]
H/D Post war, eighth year Hogwarts.
Back to You by aibidil & daisymondays [8k]
The eighth years make Harry and Malfoy go head to head and back to back in a question-and-answer drinking game. The worst that can happen is they end up drunk, right?
Bare Feet, Giant Squid, and One Perfect Moment by bryoneybrynn [4k]
Gryffindor may be the House of the brave but Harry’s feeling a bit nervous. It’s one thing to face a dragon or a Dark Lord. It’s quite another to make a move on the bloke who’s been your nemesis for the last eight years…
Brandishing The Wand by @ladderofyears [2k]
When four Eighth Year boys overhear Draco and Harry having sex in the dormitory bathroom, each jumps to a very erroneous conclusion.
Checking out the Opposition by birdsofshore [6k]
Harry and Draco seem quite wound up after their latest game of Quidditch.
The Comfiest Armchair by @xanthippe74 [2k]
In which Harry and Draco won’t stop fighting over the best armchair in the Eighth-Year common room, Hermione takes matters into her own hands, and Harry sees a (ahem) side of Draco that he’s never seen before.
Empty Nights by  winterstorrm [4k]
Draco and Harry have had this ‘thing’ for months now. It’s ‘just sex’ though, right?
Erase the Shame by FleetofShippyShips [6k]
An Inter-House unity party is the last thing Draco wants to go to. It's not long into a game of Truth or Dare when he is reminded why. But maybe his dare is worth it after all.
Flutter by @shiftylinguini [4k]
Being back at Hogwarts is not what Harry expected, and neither is what’s going on between himself and Malfoy, but it feels good, and that? Well, that’s what Harry’s chasing this year. Amid the rebuilding of the school and the budding relationships of the other students at Hogwarts in spring, Harry finds that the flutter of change and the new feelings it brings are exactly what he wants ― and more.
Games Night by @agentmoppet [6k]
Harry has no idea why Hermione decided that an inter-house Games Night would be a good idea, but he’s here now, and he intends to beat Malfoy, no matter what game he chooses. But, who would have thought muggle games could be full of so much... tension?
A Ghost of Blissful Feelings by @alpha-exodus [6k]
Harry hadn’t expected to spend his eighth year fucking Draco Malfoy, but it’s the only thing that helps him let go.
A Good Place to Start by JET_Playin [2k]
Harry is finding 8th year rather dull until he goes to visit Hagrid and ends up helping him deliver Draco Malfoy’s baby. Now he has to protect Malfoy and keep his secrets and he might just be falling a little in love with both Malfoys just to complicate matters.
Good to Me (And I’d Be So Good to You) by AWickedMemory [8k]
Everyone returns to Hogwarts after the war, but nothing is quite the same. Harry’s groupies are creepier than ever, Ron and Hermione are snogging all over the place, and the once-proud Draco is shuffling around like a kicked puppy. But that’s okay: Harry’s got a plan.
Grow by @shiftylinguini [3k]
There’s an abandoned greenhouse, right at the back of the lot. There are unruly trees, and snagged brambles, and the grass is long and lush. It feels like the Forest, but tamer somehow, and Draco likes it. It feels like the spot where the castle meets the wild, or where the wild is trying to creep back in. There’s something mildly thrilling about it at night, the potential for danger, for something to look back at Draco as he stares into the dark, lush woods. Draco’s always loved that feeling.   This is where they meet.
Jump Into the Fog by taradiane [9k]           
Draco returns to Hogwarts for his eighth year carrying a secret that will change not just his life, but Harry’s as well.
Of the Heart's Fullness and Of the Coming Emptiness by tout a coup [9k]
Harry Potter is nineteen, and he's already peaked.
An Old Habit by fireflavored [8k]
The boys have changed a lot over the summer after the war, but Harry hasn’t got over the urge to spy on Malfoy. 
A Pain of Our Choosing by @lqtraintracks [5k]
It’s 8th year and everyone’s still a bit messed up. Harry and Draco fall into being messed up together.
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kneazles by curiouslyfic [1k]
Harry sort of comes back to the world to the sound of sniffling, which strikes him as odd.
Room for Improvement by acromantular [2k]
Malfoy’s family-rehabilitation project is going so well. But is Potter worth risking all his hard work?
Sexplanations (Of the Horrible Sort) by @bixgirl1 [7k]
Harry’s willing to put up with a certain amount of injury, as long as he and Malfoy can keep doing… whatever it is they’re doing. Maybe. Mostly. Especially if there might be more to it than sex. Based on a tumblr headcanon.
Snug by @moonflower-rose [6k]
Potter can’t keep his hands off himself. Draco can’t look away.
Sores by mijeli [3k]
It’s been going on for weeks. They don’t talk about it.
Speechless by mayberry_rose [6k]
In which Draco can’t speak, and Harry learns to listen.
Starting Positions by @bixgirl1 [8k]
Later, Harry would wonder if Malfoy regretted that first, surprised mutter after three days of hard-pointed silence. Later, Harry would wonder about his own lack of regret over looking up when he heard Malfoy’s voice. But that would come after everything had already happened, the way events always seemed to, when even a Time-Turner couldn’t change things. The shape of a path, as Harry knew very well by then, once walked, was a lot like a paper crane — unfolded and pressed flat, you could try to fashion it into something different, but the original creases would always remain.
Storm in a Teacup by @faith2wood [7k]
For reasons he’d rather not think about, Draco is obsessed with Potter’s hair. This cannot end well.
swallow your words by icarusinflight [9k]
The truth is, not many things are known about the magic that is behind soulmarks. They’ll turn up when they want and not before. The truth is, you don’t get a choice in your soulmark. The truth is, not everyone is okay with that.
This Heart Shut Wide by @xanthippe74 [4k]
It’s New Year’s Eve and Draco refuses to talk to anyone at this wretched party in the Eighth-Year common room. He’s going to ignore Harry Potter and not think about snogging him in the staircase earlier. And he’s definitely not going to let himself fuck up both their lives by continuing the reckless game they’re playing. As usual, nothing goes according to Draco’s plan.
Trouble with your tie, Potter? by @tenthousandyearsx​ [6k]
The last thing Harry expects when Slughorn partners him up with Zabini is Malfoy shooting them furious looks throughout the whole class and then unceremoniously snogging Harry in the corridor.
the Veela codec by curiouslyfic [3k]
Potter wants obvious. Draco wants Potter. Clearly, some sort of plan will be required.
What Potter Wants by birdsofshore [3k]
Harry definitely didn’t want to do that to Malfoy. Not at all. So why did Malfoy keep saying that he did?
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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danpuff-ao3 · 4 months
Bottom!Snape Snarry Recs
If you're craving Snarry fics featuring bottom!Snape....I have just the list for you!
Disclaimer: all rec lists are based on my personal experiences and preferences. This is not the be all end all of rec lists and we all have our own tastes. All opinions are mine and mine alone.
An Evening Adrift
by alhaz_red. Rated: E. Words: 4,966. Dirty talk. Canon divergence.
Severus and Harry keep themselves occupied during a lull in the War.
by asharie (@ashariewrites). Rated: E. Words: 2,308. Dubious consent. Hogwarts 8th year.
Strictly speaking, Severus had asked for this. He just was never any good at giving up control.
Close Encounters
by @bleedcolor & @likelightinglass. Rated: E. Words: 35,494. Awkward romance. Accidental bonding. Hurt/comfort. Praise kink. Anonymous sex.
Years after the war, Harry Potter and Severus Snape meet and fall in lust, then love. Too bad they don’t know who they’ve fallen for.
A Light in the Silence, a Voice in the Dark
by Cayce_Morris. Rated: E. Words: 76,153. Brief non-con. Underage (17).
Severus lives, just barely. Now what’s going on between him and Harry is too shocking for words. Everyone around Harry fears he’s lost his mind, but could there be more to this situation than meets the eye?
Lover Boy at Play
by danpuff. Rated: E. Words: 4,448. Parseltongue kink. Virginity loss. Voyeurism. Harry/others. Angst with a happy ending.
The sex is bad. Yet Severus wants.
The Tumtum Tree
by eldritcher. Rated: E. Words: 4,039. Impotence.
Harry figures out a thing or two.
Leo Season
by Ephemeral (@fleetingdesires) & JacksWild. Rated: E. Words: 2,215. Established relationship. Crack. Quickies. Dirty talk. Orgasm denial. Mentions of switching.
Severus and Harry test a lust potion. It works too well. Two horny men be doing what they do.
Unnatural Desires
by IvvyMoon. Rated: E. Words: 13,385. Parseltongue kink. Magical accidents. Mild dub-con.
Written for the prompt: Harry has some kind of accident and can only speak in Parseltongue, which drives Snape mad with desire. Can be taken seriously or as crack, with Snape jumping Harry every time he says something.
by JoyousRapture. Rated: E. Words: 2,431.
Severus didn’t know what to think. He’d intended to bed the boy, certainly, but it had never occurred to him that he’d be the one on all fours with a cock shoved deep in an arse that he’d never known might be hungry for it.
Finding Freedom
by Leela. Rated: E. Words: 1,997.
Having Potter in his mind left Snape feeling wide-open and vulnerable, but held to the earth by the weight of Potter's body, he finally felt free.
What Ever Would an Honest Hero Do?
by neymovirne. Rated: E. Words: 8,000. Romance. Humor. Fluff & smut. Light angst. Getting together.
Harry must slay a dragon to save his prince.
by perverse_idyll (@perverse-idyll). Rated: E. Words: 11,323. Established relationship. Rimming. Mentions of switching (Snape usually tops).
Severus still suffers the after-effects of Nagini's venom, especially in winter. Harry knows just how to warm him up.
Sheer Dumb Luck
by rexluscus. Rated: E. Words: 7,842. Captivity. Torture. Voyeurism. Humiliation. Somnophilia. Legilimency.
For once, Harry and Voldemort want the same thing, and they want it from Snape.
Magic Words
by Serpenscript. Rated: E. Words: 1,863. Fluff & humor. Orgasm denial. Cock rings. Make up sex.
Severus is a bastard at times, but Harry knows how to make him say the magic words. A drabble that grew too long to be called a drabble, prompt was "Does that hurt?"
In Perpetuity
by starcrossedgirl. Rated: E. Words: 11,830. BDSM. Hurt/comfort. Character study.
Some stories in life repeat in the same old patterns. Until they change.
Folie à Deux
by thesewarmstars. Rated: E. Words: 7,783. Christmas. Meet the family. Homophobia.
My Snarry Holidays 2009 gift for torino10154. Basically, I took Torino’s prompt of ‘meeting the family’ and ran with it.
made to be broken
by theshopislocal. Rated: E. Words: 10,334. Established relationship. Mild dub-con. Sexual dysfunction. PTSD.
For all Severus is softer, warmer with Harry than he is otherwise, he’s still a prickly bugger and notably maladjusted, with strange, almost inexplicable habits that Harry is only now beginning to truly understand.  In hindsight, Harry wonders how he hadn’t seen it before.
Whispers of Intent
by tiranog. Rated: E. Words: 30,213.
Auror Harry Potter has a life changing encounter at a bar.
Fly by Night
by twisting_vine_x. Rated: E. Words: 2,647.
It was one too many dark nights, one too many nightmares. One too many meetings in the late hours, with neither of them wanting to be alone. One too many moments of weakness, and it’s somehow gotten them here, with Severus pressed up against the wall of his chambers and Potter sucking a bruise into the side of his neck.
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sitp-recs · 3 months
Hello again! Thank you for your recommendations, I really liked several of them.
I wanted to tell you that I recently read Away Childish Things by Lettered and I loved it. This left me wondering, do you know of other drarrys who talk about the mistreatment Harry suffered under the Dursleys? I think it's very interesting to see the consequences of childhood abuse growing up and how someone (Draco in this case) can help heal that.
Hello friend! Happy to hear you’ve enjoyed the recs. Ahh yes, ACT is so uniquely cathartic - I still remember the awe I felt reading it for the first time, the emotional depth and character development are top notch. I can think of a few fics touching on Harry’s abusive childhood:
Timeshare by astolat (M, 14k)
“It’s not for long,” Hermione said. “By the time we get back to Hogwarts, the Unfettering Brew will be ready.”“Listen to you!” Ron said. “He’s got to get through a month with the Dursleys and a month at Malfoy Manor. With Draco Malfoy.”
Conquering the Dark by noeon (E, 24k)
Harry's a Healer specialising in the care of children, Draco Malfoy's an expert in neuromagic at St Mungo's. A difficult case forces them to work together and, in the process, unearths some of the trauma of the past, as well as the chance for healing in the present.
The Elusive Mate by 0idontknow0 (E, 26k)
Harry had done it (a) to save lives and (b) because the idea of him being Malfoy’s mate was clearly ridiculous, but now he had to tell Malfoy.
He Who Must Not Be Normal by lettered (E, 41k)
Potter has fame and fortune and posh clothes and all he wants is a simple life. Draco has a flat and a cat and a steady job and all he wants is a complicated life. Which makes you think this story has something exciting like body-swapping, but it doesn’t.
A Piercing Comfort by talithan (T, 44k)
When Harry Potter hits the lowest point of his life so far, it is not his friends who keep him honest. With Draco Malfoy's patience and guidance, Harry learns to stand on his own. The thing is, after the fact—he's no longer sure he wants to.
Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop (E, 70k)
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always.
Harry Potter and the elusive day off by pleasebekidding (E, 71k)
Auror Potter needs a fucking break. He is wiped. He is exhausted. He probably didn't intend to put himself into a magical coma but these things happen. And who cares, really? He is comfortable in a house where he has hidden away all the shit he can't deal with.
The Ordeal of Being Known by @lou-isfake (M, 146k)
When Auror Potter is anonymously cursed with silence by being forced to hide his own voice inside his mind, there's unfortunately only one person in the country with the qualifications to fix it: Certified and Licensed Healer Legilimens, Draco Malfoy, specialist in Mind Curses and Afflictions.
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elismor · 2 months
I see a lot of posts going by about comments and kudos and hits and...well... I've been thinking about the three quite a lot lately--as both a fic author and someone who spends a lot of my professional life looking at web metrics and determining which are actually important/accurate measures of user engagement.
Mileage varies, of course. And this is all just MY opinion, so do feel free to ignore it wholesale.
What I think when I see someone say that sorting by a hits to to kudos ratio is a good way to find "good" fic:
Hits are a measure of quantity (how many times your story or art has been viewed), but without knowing how AO3 defines a hit, it's actually kind of a meaningless number.  We know that our own views of our work do not count toward hits, but...if my BFF looks at my story 7 times in one day because she keeps trying to read it but getting interrupted...is that one hit, or seven? And if it's seven, then the numbers are artificially inflated because it's really just Bestie trying to get her Codex fix. And...if Bestie looks at it three times today and four tomorrow...is that 7 hits total, or two? 
Some transparency on the part of AO3 could clear this up handily, but until we get that...shrug. All it is is a number that may or may not be an accurate reflection of how many actual people looked at the page your fic is on.  Did they READ it? Or did they nope out?  No way to know.
Kudos are intended to be slightly more qualitative, but there is no way of knowing why the reader gave them. (Similar to likes here on tumblr.) It might be that they loved the piece. It might be a simple acknowledgement that the reader was there. It might even be a pity kudo. We have no way of knowing. It's, again, just a number.
Obviously, everyone is free to interpret both hits and kudos as positive reaction/interaction. I might do that myself if I didn't spend my workdays explaining to people that 50,000 "hits" to the website could be 50K people who came to learn about us or...simply the result of the computer labs on campus having the university homepage set to default.
Bigger numbers are just that....bigger numbers.
Comments are the only objective way to judge how someone is reacting to your fic or art.
So, what then? Sort by number of comments?
You can do that, sure. (I think. I confess I have never once gotten the AO3 search to work as well as people rave about.) But do keep in mind that many authors answer their comments. So, something with, say, 20 comments may be 20 people telling the author they loved it. Or it might be ten people and ten author-replies. OR, it might be three people having a conversation in the comments. You have to look and see.  
Bigger numbers are just bigger numbers.
Okay, fine Elis. What am I supposed to do then?
Look, I'm not your mother or your therapist and you are free to assign whatever meanings you like to these things. I, personally, find "good" fic through a combination of things including: recs, the fandom grapevine, dumb luck, events, and just...reading some of it and not feeling guilty if I nope out for some reason.
This all sounds a little depressing when laid out like this, huh? Especially when you take into account the downward trends in interacting and the rise of folks treating fic and art as content to be consumed. 
Here's what I have learned from writing fic for 30 years (well, 28 and counting):
As an author (and an artist, I would presume), you have absolutely no way of predicting which of your work will land and take hold and which will not. It's alchemy and luck and the weird (and not actual) algorithm of fandom. Sometimes, the piece you whipped out in 30 minutes and posted on the fly will land in the right person's inbox and they will share it and their friends will share it and it will get big.  Sometimes, the piece you slaved over for weeks and weeks will do that...sometimes it won't.  Sometimes your genius manifests and resonates, sometimes it does not.
My personal favorite fic of my own--the one I think is probably the best thing I have done in SW fandom-- has like 8 kudos and 4 comments (2 of which are my responses). Is it disappointing? Yes. Is it an indication that the fic is objectively "bad"? No.
The mercenary in me suggests that if you want to get lots of comments and kudos, you should pick the pairing that is THE pairing in the fandom and write for that--because that's where the eyeballs are, because that's where the connections are.  But that is not why I write, so it's just that--a very mercenary way of looking at things. Not that there is anything WRONG with doing it that way. Supply and demand run the world. If the people want Codywan and you want the people....give them Codywan. No shame in that.
And there is no shame in wanting or seeking validation for your work, either.
But it breaks my heart to see authors (and artists) give up on themselves when they do not receive piles of kudos and comments. It's not you. It's...the luck of the draw. It's...fandom. It's...an artificial and murky set of measurements that have almost no basis in anything meaningful.
Keep writing. Keep drawing. Keep sharing. You are what you make, not how people respond to it.
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kandisheek · 5 months
He Knows More Than You Do by ChibiSquirt
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 35,580 Tags: Medical Kink, Dom/Sub Undertones, Porn With Feelings
Summary: “It’s the science,” Tony blurted, and that definitely only made it worse. He spat it all out at once, trying to get it over with: “It’s the science, okay? Steve has all these enhancements, he’s not normal, and everybody knew— it is in literally every scientist’s notes! — that there was some change to sexual functioning, but nobody knew what, and I’ve thought about it, okay? That’s it! That’s the only reason! Nothing more!” He spread his hands defensively and then, only then, dared a look at Steve. Steve looked... thoughtful? Or maybe constipated, or bored, or just drunk. Whatever it was, it wasn’t punching Tony in the face, so Tony decided to take it and run. “Look, it’s pretty much got to be the stamina or the recovery rate,” he blurted, because apparently he had no control over his mouth.“The only question is, which. But it’s just for science, okay?”(Spoiler alert: It was not just for science.)
Reasons why I love it: The smut in this is so fucking amazing. ChibiSquirt hits so many different kinks and some really creative ways to exploit Steve's practically non-existent refractory period. And a Steve that has a hairpin-trigger is always a delight, especially when he's as well-written as this one is. Not to mention the emotions that come rushing in towards the end, god, it's so good. This fic is wonderful from start to finish, so I highly recommend you read it!
Operation Spank Bank by fohatic
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 19,171 Tags: Voyeurism, Escalating Situationship, Uniform Kink
Summary: Tony really shouldn't be hacking into classified SHIELD files behind Steve's back. Steve is a SHIELD agent, now—as well as Tony's captain—and this sort of thing reflects badly on him. So why is there a locked file titled "Operation Spank Bank" on Tony's private OS? And why hasn't Steve been briefed about any such operation? The file is password protected, but Steve has an eidetic memory and has seen Tony enter it, before -- it would serve Tony right if Steve were to 'hack the hacker' and learn for himself what "Operation Spank Bank" is all about...
Reasons why I love it: Give me all the sexually confident, openly teasing, little shit Steve Rogers! I love the transition from him being oblivious to what a spank bank even is to actively encouraging Tony's voyeuristic tendencies. And the shameless objectification of Steve is fucking amazing. I love this fic to pieces, and I bet you will too, so go and read it!
How to Fall In Love (in Four Easy Steps) by morphia
Pairing: Steve/Tony, minor Tony/Pepper Rating: E Words: 24,782 Tags: Casual Sex Partners, First Times, Happy Ending
Summary: Tony and Pepper's relationship is open, with only one clear rule: they must never let the other catch them with a fling. Soon after the events of The Avengers, Tony finally uses his license to sleep with others--with Steve. And Steve knows that their sexual encounters are intended to be strictly casual, but that doesn't stop him from falling hopelessly, stupidly in love. Or: What if they were actually banging behind the scenes?
Reasons why I love it: Are you looking for angst with a happy ending and a healthy dose of scorching hot smut? Then this is the fic for you. Steve's inner monologue is fantastic throughout the whole fic, and I love that we get to see canon play out in a subtly but significantly different way. Plus, the angsty parts are so packed with feels that they really hit home, no matter how many times I read this fic. Go and check it out, you won't regret it!
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roguegambitweek · 1 day
Romy Discord FanFic Rec List
In honor of Rogue/Gambit Week, some of the writers from the Romy Discord wanted to share some fics that we’ve written. 
With so much Romy love to share, we hope y’all find a new favorite or rediscover an old one. 
💚💖 Thanks for reading! 💖💚
Takes Two To Tango (or take down a Wild Sentinel) @aldreantreuperi by AldreanTreuPeri [ao3]
Rating: M | Universe: XtAS’97 | Words: 1,521 | Chapters: 1 | Status: Oneshot 
Summary: A battle is as much a dance as anything achieved on a dance floor…and having the proper partner can literally keep you alive… Episode 5 fix-it fic.
But Here We Are by AppleJ @applejacks1552 [ao3] 
Rating: M | Universe: Comics | Words: 32,978 | Chapters: 30 | Status: Complete 
Summary: They never thought this would be possible, but Rogue is uneXpectedly eXpecting. Yet nothing is ever THAT simple in the life of an X-Man. What secret will Gambit discover that complicates their happily-ever-after?
AppleJ says: Hmmmm ... why I wrote that fic in particular: First, because I wanted to make the fan theory that the twins (Maxime & Manon) were Romy kiddos real. Second, because I KNOW it will be a cold day in hell before Marvel ever gives Romy kids in the main 616 (like maybe long after I'm dead & they're out of storylines & they've already split/reunited them 5 times over?), so it seemed like fertile ground (pun intended). And third, because they say to write what you know & I wanted a pregnancy/birth story that reflected the reality that it isn't all sunshine & rainbows & certainty for many of us & that's okay too.
Mighty Thin Ice by Cajun_Hawk @cajunhawk [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: E | Universe: Comics | Words: 138,942 | Chapters: 11 | Status: WIP 
Summary: Rogue is working hard to get her powers under control while she and Gambit have decided to take their relationship to the next level, in hopes of having something normal very soon. 
The Legacy of Dark Cerebro by Chellerbelle @chellerbelles [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: T | Universe: Movies | Words: 45,064 | Chapters: 12 | Status: Complete 
Summary: What if X2 had ended differently? What if the X-Men hadn’t gotten to Professor Xavier in time and all the humans had died? Takes place 5 years after this alternate ending (exception of the prologue). 
Chelle says: After much indecision, I decided on The Legacy of Dark Cerebro. The opening scene had a special place in my heart, and New Sun vs Phoenix was on my fanfic bucket list for a long time. 🙂Also, this story seems a bit more “new reader” friendly than some of my other favourites, haha.
Risk and Reward by DayenuRose @dayenurose [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 47,518 | Chapters: 13 | Status: Complete
Summary: There’s an old adage that goes, the greater the risk, the greater the reward. As a thief, Remy LeBeau know full well that oftentimes the greatest risks come with the greatest rewards. When he starts to fall for the enigmatic Rogue, Remy must decide if the risks are worth the possible reward. 
Rose says: This was one of the first Romy fics I’ve written. It was a real entry into Romy fandom for me. Everyone was so welcoming and kind in the comments. And during the process of writing this, it helped me come to a better understand of Gambit, Rogue, and their relationship. 💜
LeBeau’s Eleven by Ilargikat @ilargikat [ao3]
Rating: G | Universe: Comics | Words: 14,182 | Chapters: 6 | Status: WIP
Summary: Planning a heist is not easy, especially when you need special skills to pull it off. The luck of being an X-Men is that the skills are within reach, maybe not people willing to commit a heist.
Once. Now. Before. Always. by lovethelebeaux @lovethelebeaux [ao3]
Rating: M | Universe: Comics | Words: 10,179 | Chapters: 4 | Status: Complete
Summary: Four vignettes from four different time periods over the course of Rogue and Gambit’s relationship. 
Lovethelebeax says: Heehee I've only written like four things so this will be easier for me than most 😅 it's this one, my first in 20 years
The Tailor & The Seamstress by Ludi_Ling @ludi-ling [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: M | Universe: X-Men |Words: 58,659 | Chapters: 13 | Status: Complete
Summary: Remy LeBeau is the creative lead at a waning fashion house in 1910 New York. Over the street is his employer’s rival, where a pretty and talented seamstress happens to work. Romance ensues, of course - in-between a friendly rivalry, that is. 
Ludi says: It was a tough call on which fic to choose, but I settled on this one because the last fic I write is always the one I'm most proud of, and this is the last one I completed! Last summer @narwhallove challenged me to write a Romy fic that played on my love of both them and of historical fashion. She threw some ideas at me, and I wrote nearly an entire chapter. Then, X-Men '97 starts, and I read back on what I wrote in July '23, and suddenly the rest of the story unfolds before me. I had a blast writing it! And I hope you have fun reading it too 😉
But I Can’t Trace Time by Sandmans_Raven @sandmansraven [ao3]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 8,998 | Chapters: 1 | Status: Oneshot 
Summary: After a battle with the time-traveling mutant-hunter known as Ahab, Rogue is sent into the future. To get back, she must rely on old friends and put a stop to Ahab’s plans. 
Toys by Spaceorphan @spaceorphan18 [ao3]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 1,619 | Chapters: 1 | Status: Oneshot 
Summary: Romy catches Remy playing with toy action figures of the X-Men. Shenanigans. Set in the 616 verse, but some fun meta-y references to XM97.
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jennagrinsoverml · 2 years
hii do you have a list of miraculous fics you think everyone should read at least once?
Anon, I have been excited to answer this request ever since I got it. What better way to celebrate my 50th Rec List (!!!!) than with my favourite fandom fics? 🎉🎉🎉
I've tried to choose fics with a variety of tones, from different fandom eras, and different authors. These fics are all special to me in some way, and whittling this list down was HARD. Others may have fics they think should be on this list, and to those people I say: make your own rec list. This one's mine. 😘
Experimental Kisses by @komorebirei
Ladybug watched him. Maybe it was guilt, maybe sympathy, maybe a streak of playfulness. Maybe the traumatic akuma experience had softened her up. Whatever the reason, a thought wafted lazily through her mind and out of her mouth. “You know… you’re right. It isn’t fair, is it?”
Chat Noir looked up.
“I remember my first kiss, but you don’t.” She hummed and tapped her chin, making a show of remembering. “It wasn’t a bad kiss, but we were in the middle of fighting an akuma, so I didn’t get to enjoy it much, either.”
Oops—that came out sounding a little, no, a lot more flirty than she had intended. Anyway, if she was going to commit to this idea, she may as well go all in.
One-shot. Ladybug offers to kiss Chat since he doesn’t remember their kiss and the way she reacts to the kiss…it lives in my mind rent-free. I have fallen asleep many a night fantasizing about what the repercussions of the kiss might look like. One of my absolute favourite Ladynoir fics.
team is a four letter word by @ladyofthenoodle
Alya didn’t want to come between Ladybug and Chat Noir. But she didn’t want to stop being Rena Rouge either. And if Chat Noir didn’t want to talk to her, then she’d need to find a different way to prove all three of them could be a team.
Her plan unintentionally brings a few secrets to light, which leads to even more secrets coming to light, which leads to… well, Alya is sure it’ll all work out eventually.
Multi-chapter. Warning, this fic is a WIP! (But there’s only one chapter to go.) Honestly, I didn’t want to have any WIPs on this list and I was lowkey hoping that it would be finished before I posted this list but I’m obsessed with this one and couldn’t leave it off. It’s literally one of the BEST fics in the entire fandom and, I think, the absolute best delving into the characterization and relationship dynamics of the core four. This fic feels so dynamic and complex, with all of the characters feelings so like themselves and each having their own distinct voices. The conflict is so well done and so realistic. It’s such a fantastic tackling of the issues that came up in the last couple seasons and I cannot rave about it enough!!
œuf ouch owie by @ominousunflower
Chat Noir enlists Rena Rouge's help to create an Aspik illusion. Absolutely nothing goes wrong.
Ladybug smiles. “I wanted to drop by and welcome Aspik. I know it must be a little intimidating, being surrounded by so many veteran heroes…so, welcome! We’re glad to have you on board.”
“I look like an egg!” Aspik announces, T-posing.
Chat turns to Rena, feeling like he has been punched in the solar plexus. What the hell? he mouths.
Rena grimaces, her eyes wide with panic. Stomach sinking, Chat remembers one of the first things he learned about the Fox Miraculous: that if Rena Rouge isn’t focused, her illusions go haywire.
Oh, no.
One-shot. This is hands down the FUNNIEST fic in the entire fandom asdfghjkl like I have read this fic at least 50 times and I still laugh out loud every single time. If you have somehow failed to read this fic before, read it now. You won’t regret it!
lucky (we're in love in every way) by @carpisuns​
Chat Noir is Adrien, and Marinette is freaking out. If she manages to quiet her internal screaming, maybe she can also find the guts to tell him her identity too. And maybe they'll actually live happily ever after—well, as soon as Tikki and Plagg are done humiliating them.
One-shot. This fic just makes me so incredibly happy. Like it puts a smile on my face every single time I read it (and I have read it many, many times!) I love Marinette’s reactions and Adrien’s sweetness and the kwamis just absolutely ROASTING both of them. Marissa has written a ton of amazing fics for this fandom (seriously we are so lucky to have her) and I was tempted by others (like tell me something i don't know) but in the end, I had to follow my heart with this one.
Your Kitty by @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights​
“Such a dramatic kitty.” Marinette scratched under his chin, bringing a smile to his face and a purr to his throat.
Your kitty, he didn’t say.
Wait. What?
(The one where Chat Noir thinks he needs pats like a cat, only to find out he may have jumped to the wrong conclusion.)
One-shot. When I think of Marichat, this is THE fic I think of. Adrien being touch starved is 100% my headcanon now. This is just so sweet! Marinette’s affection and Adrien’s determination to do the right thing no matter the personal cost and the way they fell for each other without meaning to... Also I love that they both encouraged the other to go back to their original crushes because that makes so much sense!!
rattle my cage by @lnc2​
In which history, despite Alya's best efforts, does not repeat itself.
One-shot. I am always here for Adrien being rash and Marinette being smart and capable and just switching to treating him as Chat absolutely seamlessly after a reveal. I absolutely love the vibes of this one.
Chasing the C/h/atwalk. by @runningoutofink
Paris. The city of lights, love and fashion. Follow the progress of Marinette Dupain Cheng as she enters the extremely competitive world of Reality television for a chance to be the winner of Project Runway: France.
Multi-chapter. It should come as no surprise by now that I’m a sucker for reality tv and this is my absolute favourite reality cross in the fandom! I love that it’s canon compliant, and frankly the idea of Marinette and Adrien as designer and model on Project Runway is friggin’ BRILLIANT. The slow burn and pining are delicious, and the identity reveal is incredibly well done! (And it has a steamy sequel, Meet me in the Middle, which is 🔥🔥🔥 and intensely satisfying after all of that build up.)
daydream by @clairelutra
you're my daydream
you know that i've been thinking about you lately
In which Adrien finds out Ladybug is Marinette, and beats the 'this is fine' dog at his own game.
One-shot. Shout-out to the author for realizing way before canon let on that Adrien is way more likely to figure out Marinette than the reverse! And then absolutely murdering us with this intense slow burn that absolutely drips with mutual pining and UST.
What Will You Do When Everyone Knows? by @sariahsue
They stepped in closer, shoulder to shoulder to catch the akuma as she landed, but she twisted in midair, landing squarely in front of Cat Noir, swiping at him. He stepped back, trying to keep his balance. Her fingertips almost touched his face, and Ladybug felt her stomach lurch.
“Duck!” she yelled to him as she whipped her yoyo around. He did, but unfortunately, the akuma woman did, too. Ladybug suddenly had no target to latch onto and lost her balance. Her stomach twisted again as she pitched forward. Black hands darted forward to catch her, but too late she realized it wasn’t her partner. Cold gloves caught her shoulder and neck, then slid up her face, brushing past her earrings. Cold. The woman’s touch froze Ladybug’s breath in her throat.
Then there was something warm around her middle. Cat Noir’s shout sounded distant as he pulled her away. As the woman’s black gloves left her face, Ladybug felt even more heat being pulled from her, along with… something else.
Multi-chapter. There really isn’t another fic in the fandom like this one. The akuma is original and provides an absolutely amazing premise for this fic. We have mystery, intrigue, and a huge upset to the status quo with the public revealing of Ladybug’s identity. I also loved the dramatic irony of Marinette being unable to understand Chat’s reactions to things that make perfect sense to us readers. It’s got amazing characterizations and suspense, and I love it!
But All I’m Seeing Is You by @chelseaapproved
After Ladybug finds out Adrien is her Chat Noir, they start dating. She didn’t think it’d be so hard to keep her identity a secret from him. She also didn’t realize how much it would affect her friendship with him as Marinette.
One-shot. This might be my favourite ladrien of all time. It’s only about 5k, but man does it ever pack in a lot of emotion and relationship development and I really, really, really love it.  I really felt how much they love each other in this one and Marinette is just so, so wonderful to Adrien and he’s so wonderful to her and if you haven’t already please read this.
A Miraculous Reveal by @kasienda​
Series of one-shots and drabbles all centered around The Reveal Moment. Identities will be revealed, feelings will be confessed, and secrets will be discovered through contrived situations, accidents, meddling friends, desperate moments, and moments of emotional vulnerability. Each chapter is a self contained piece. Love-square focused, but will not remain exclusive to them. Each chapter will have its own trigger warnings.
Collection of one-shots. I feel a little like I’m cheating in including a collection here, but like most of us in this fandom, I’m an absolute sucker for identity reveals, and @kasienda is especially talented at writing them! Every single one of these is beautiful, amazing and worth reading at least once.
the wonderful part of the mess that we made by heresie_irisee
They knew.
They knew, and there would be no magical reset button for the memories they'd made today. She'd have to  see him at school every day, and she'd see the Chat in him, as surely as  he'd see the Ladybug in her.
One-shot. Oblivio is probably my favourite episode and this is such a great alternate take on it. The mutual pining is so, so, so good! Especially love Marinette struggling to assimilate Adrien’s identities and Adrien’s obliviousness.
The following fics are amazing and absolutely worth reading, but do feature sexual content, so minors beware.
The Ladybugs and The Bees by @bullysquadess
AKA the early-fandom Ladynoir puberty fic that spiraled waaaaay out of proportion.
Multi-chapter. I’ve avoided reccing this fic for so long as it was literally the most kudosed fic in the entire fandom when I joined. However, the kudos are well-earned and I can’t make a list of must reads without including it. I love the ladynoir, the way it builds slowly, the focus on the developing relationship, both physical and otherwise, the yearning and the devotion and the vulnerability. And, of course, the steamy scenes are fantastic!! The whole thing is just so well developed and feels so grounded and real. I absolutely love it.
one night of moonlight by @mirthaculous
i’ll always think of you
inside of my private thoughts
i can imagine you
touching my private parts
2:13 ok im texting you now like i promised instead of drunktexting adrien and telling him how badly i want his cock tonight. arent you proud of me?
2:19 this is Adrien, hi.
Marinette’s brain-to-mouth filter isn’t great on the best of days. Add some beer and some misplaced texts, and things get a little more… interesting.
One-shot. Rated M. This is one of my favourite fics of all time. This is so steamy, seriously the UST is off the charts!! It is absolutely unreal how much these two want each other and the mutual pining and they’re so stupid and this fic literally killed me and I thanked it.
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pennyserenade · 11 months
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Below the cut is a list compiled of X-Files fanfic that I've enjoyed in the past month or so. Some of these fics (or maybe all of these fics) are ones that are probably well known by this fandom, but they are new to me. The purpose of this list is both to share my recommendations and also to have something to refer back to when my mind gets to wondering about one of them. There's nothing more heartbreaking than losing a good fic you remember vividly. Special thanks to those beyond incredible websites like X-Libris and Gossamer, as well as tumblr users with impressive fic recs such @lilydalexf, @enigmaticxbee, and @randomfoggytiger.
The Angle of the Wrist by pqlaertes (1.7k) (explicit):
season four, cancer arc. A heartbreakingly good, soft smut story where a concerned Mulder watches intently over a sick Scully, and loves her in his own ways. 
Inspection by IngridGradient (22k+) (explicit):
set seasons one through seven. Beginning in season one, Mulder and Scully begin to inspect one another’s bodies for ticks after certain field cases. What begins as a rather innocuous exercise gradually forms into something much different than intended. I loved this because it felt very Mulder and Scully in the way it was full of yearning and all the flirting and the loving was done so silently as to be almost deadly to the two of them. Mulder is so sappy and in love in this, too, and I adore it so much. Also it's hot! 
*Equilibrium by astronaught (currently at 14k+) (teen):
currently season one through eight. A deep look into the ever-adapting relationship of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully throughout the series, as well as the agents themselves. Begins in season one and offers insightful and moving analysis for each of the seasons. This one is truly literary and absolutely breathtaking. The author is beyond talented, offering insightful and touching analysis of these two brilliant characters in a decidedly brilliant way. I’ve re-read many of these chapters, not only because they are so good, but because I feel there’s always more to find within them. This isn’t finished yet but it is definitely worth checking out.
Overnight Sensation by Syntax6 (50k+) (explicit):
set in season six, between Tithonus and Arcadia. A peeved post One Son/Two Father’s Scully debates her future with The X-Files and Mulder. She ends up taking a case in Boston to try out another life for a size, and Mulder - being Mulder - follows her out there. Chaos ensues when past grudges (and loves) are dredged up, and a killer continues to unleash hell on the city of Boston. This is another good profiler Mulder fic and also a lovely jealousy fic. Mulder was such an ass in season six and some of Scully’s decisions in this feel a little gratifying. I wouldn’t say it was so much explicit in the case of sexual situations, but definitely in terms of the content surrounding the murders. Another to be wary of if you can’t do dark, but very, very good. This author is excellent at case file fics. 
All the Way Home by Syntax6 (48k+) (explicit):
set early season seven, a bit after The Sixth Extinction: Amor Fati. Mulder is forced down memory lane when a serial killer he tried to help catch years ago seemingly comes back -- and he wants Mulder’s attention. This one I remember being distinctively creepy. It's definitely what I would consider a case file fic and I highly recommend it (but you ought to know it does get dark and if you feel uncomfortable with say, the contents of Silence of the Lambs, you should be wary of this. If you can get through that then you should be okay, though). I love the way this writer writes Mulder and Scully, and quickly found that I’m quite attached to fics where Mulder is a profiler. It’s a different and captivating side to him and I love, love, love the way the author weaves who Mulder is into how he responds to cases such as these. Mulder is such a nuanced individual and this author always writes he and Scully with such respect and accuracy. I would not be surprised to find out they have also written X-Files episodes in real life. 
Eclipse by Diana Battis and Alanna (20k+) (explicit): 
set in season seven. Scully asks Mulder to help her conceive children and they spend the next few months fighting that battle together, close as they ever have been. This story is so heartbreakingly tender and I fear my heart won’t ever recover from reading it (especially with that ending).  
Parabiosis by Penumbra (50k+) (explicit):
set in season seven. Mulder and Scully’s relationship as it evolves during the era of season seven, with a little bit of Mummy casefile to top it off. This one was a bit hard to wrap my mind around at first, but once I got the hang of the structure, it was smooth sailing from there. The way this author writes Mulder and Scully’s evolving relationship is beautiful--almost so intimate that you feel intrusive just for reading. I couldn’t put it down. Also, I must say this in relation to this fic: Chris Carter, eat your heart out.
X-FILES: I WANT TO BELIEVE era (either pre or during):
Phenomenology by h0ldthiscat (3.6k+) (explicit):
Mulder wakes up frightened, afraid something has happened to Scully when he can’t find her in bed, and she comforts him. This is angsty but very good.
Porch Sex by icedteainthebag (1.8k+) (explicit):
I love, love, love a good flirty Mulder/Scully fic. This is definitely that. See also: the addressing of height difference during doggy sex. *chef’s kiss*’
Gravity by Malibu Sunset (26k+) (explicit):
Follows Mulder and Scully inside their life of exile, with Scully working as nurse and Mulder flying entirely under the radar; that is, until the events of the movie take place and he’s able to have a life outside of the unremarkable house again. I love this one for a lot of reasons -- the domesticity of Mulder and Scully, in which we get so little of in the original and revival series; the talk of William, of what they lost, and what they continue to lose; and the soft, comforting vignettes in between it all. I’m also particularly fond of the descriptive but accurate sex. It’s not always perfect (an aging Mulder has to wait until he can get another erection; they have drunk, imperfect sex while the lasagna cooks; Scully doesn’t cum each time; and Scully - yes even Scully - gets UTIs). 
knock three times by wtfmulder (1k) (explicit):
season eleven, plus one. Scully initiates sex with Mulder in the connected motel rooms. I have a special place in my heart for smut with an older Mulder and Scully. This is short and sweet and absolutely perfect. 
You He Did Not Fail by extraordinarily_ordinary (85k) (explicit):
seasons one-five, deriving from the plot a little after Scully goes into remission. Scully has left Mulder and the X-Files behind without an explanation, taking a reassignment in L.A. Needing an expert profiler to help her with a difficult case, Scully asks Skinner for one from Washington D.C. Mulder ends up being the one she gets, and he comes with lots of questions about her departure, along with the heavy weight of their shared past together. Scully is made to make some difficult decisions while she and Mulder make headway in the case. This fic was so good I devoured it in a single day. This derives from the plot in a way that I found equal parts realistic and painful, and I love the Mulder we get in this. He feels like Duchovny’s own deeply sorrowful man, who just can’t seem to catch a break no matter how he tries. Oh, and he’s deeply and pitifully in love with Scully. Scully too feels so well fleshed out here. This is an incredible, and perhaps more realistic, take on a plot I’ve always regarded with some questions in The X-Files, and it gives Scully back some agency that she deserves.
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foodsies4me · 4 months
February Malec fic rec!
Thanking @kalalab for this month's theme which is enemies to lovers! The same rules still apply, about one fic per author, but all of these authors have other brilliant fics you should be reading and if you want to add your own recs in the comments, tags, or reblogs please feel free to do so! 😊
Also, I have tagged the authors whose Tumblr account I know, but if you'd prefer I not tag you, please tell me so! I don't want these to be annoying for the authors.
Rumor Has It by Lecrit: A human AU which is not something I'm generally a fan of, but Lecrit just writes so well that I gobble this up anyway.
Magnus widens his eyes at him, silently asking him to just give him this one. Alec simply curves one of his stupidly perfect eyebrows in response, a simple gesture that carries the weight of a call for challenge. “Looks like you’re gonna have to postpone your wedding for now,” Maia giggles next to him. Magnus huffs, flexing his jaw. “Oh, it’s on, Lightwood,” he mouths at him.
Also, because I suck at keeping to my own rules, I'm adding a second fic rec that I maybe love just as much by Lecrit aka the way to a chef's heart. But, in my defense, both fics are great and one is about cooking and baking. I am weak when it comes to food, okay?
Anyway, summary:
After a scorching review on his restaurant in one of the world's most famous food magazines, world class chef Magnus Bane is set on finding the food critic who dared to slander his art and make him change his mind. He doesn't expect someone as stubborn or infuriating as Alec Lightwood
you're the light that i won't let go by oh-la-fraise: Another human AU as well as an Enemies to Lovers with a twist.
There were three unspoken rules to the Manhattan Institute of Higher Learning, New York’s premier private K-12 school: 1) Respect that the space under the football bleachers was for sex, and only for sex. 2) Don’t eat the cafeteria meatloaf. 3) Never mention Mr. Bane to Mr. Lightwood or vice versa, unless you wanted the whole class to get extra homework.
careless curses by @alexanderlightweight: I don't know what to say that isn't already stated in the summary except I love it when alexanderlightweight writes dark themes. (Or just writes in general).
The Lightwood family has been cursed by death for generations and now, Alec lives with death hovering over him. Sometimes life is the curse and death the reward.
Ten Not-Dates That Magnus Bane Spends Falling In Love with Alec Lightwood by Aria_Lerendeair: Magnus is hilariously done at the start of this fic.
Magnus was going to have words with the Clave. They would be decidedly unpleasant words, and they might be accompanied by a few very pointed magic blasts and maybe even curses.  They deserved it. Another Lightwood in charge of the New York Institute?
Multi-chapter fics or series:
All the Costs are Even by tsujiharu: A fic that deserves more love imo, is this Pride and Prejudice retelling. Also, I'm just now realizing that most of these are Human AU's despite me being notorious for generally not liking them, lol.
A modern day Pride and Prejudice AU, in which a disgruntled lawyer and an aloof entrepreneur can't seem to get over their pride (and prejudices?) and admit their very obvious attraction to each other.
love is a four-letter word by @la-muerta: Do la-muerta fics need to be recced? Probably not because I suspect most people have read them. Am I still going to to rec them because I love them? Yes! So here is another lovely human AU fic where first impressions maybe aren't what they seem.
Magnus knows he's one of the best editors in the business. So when the bigoted director of the publishing house he works for gives their grandson's best friend the promotion Magnus deserved to get, he decides that it's the last straw. Magnus intends to go out with a bang and take his new boss down with him — but he didn't mean for it to happen quite so literally.
Crush On You by @gospi: A FTH fic of 2023 that had me laughing at how salty Alec is about crushing on Magnus. A lot of fun.
An ancient, unsuccessful recipe for starting new relationshipsalliances: A dash of rumors. A sprinkle of heritage. A smidgen of jealousy. A dollop of chaotic disasters. A shitload of assumptions. Let it simmer. Enjoy!
My True Love Gave To Me by AlxSteele: Christmas repeats itself endlessly for Magnus and while it's annoying he does end up learning a new side from the awful baked Alec Lightwood. Surprise, he isn't all that awful.
Magnus Bane had a plan, a perfect Christmas Eve just like always. Hang out with his friends, bask in the Christmas Spirit. Then everything went wrong. Now he's stuck reliving the same day again and again and again. The bright side? Maybe Alec Lightwood isn't as terrible as Magnus always thought.
A fic that I am sure most people have already read because it is wonderful (which is the reason why I didn't add it last month even though it's a wing fic) is Fall Without Wings by @notcrypticbutcoy. It's a brilliant fic that's all.
Or: In which the Nephilim have wings, are taught to loathe Downworlders, and Alec is presented with a conundrum when Magnus Bane saves his life.
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bumblepony · 26 days
Fic Rec Thursday
I'm going to do a fic rec today because I have been re-reading this one, and I just forgot how much I love it. It's a Tess Lives Cannon divergent story by @treadlightlymydarlinggirl here on Tumblr.
Tess never intended to become a mother.
Some of the women she comes across in the QZ still call themselves that, mother, the first descriptor they’ll use for themselves, even though their children have been dead three or four times longer than they were ever alive.
The word they use for her is dangerous.
But now it comes down this, the woman who never wanted a kid and the man who has never gotten over losing one. A kid who has never known what it is to have a parent.
The woman who can’t even find the courage to ask Joel to love her, a man who can’t even refer to Tess as anything other than a business partner. A kid who doesn’t even understand what love is.
They’re an emotionally stunted trio who only have each other and it feels like a recipe for disaster.
(Tess lives).
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fallingrealms16 · 4 months
Destiel Fic Recs Part 2
(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
heheh part 2 <33333 I couldn't fit these in part 1 (*<3*)
Sounds of Someday by AlucardsBiddies
36K Words // Chapters: 13/16 // 6K Hits // UNCOMPLETED
"His relationship with Cas is complicated. Dean doesn't know if he can fix what’s broken between them. But he sure as hell can fix the roof of the cabin so it doesn't cave when the first snowfalls.” ------------------------------------------- Dean’s world has crumbled around him. Learning God's responsible for every awful thing in his life is hitting him hard and worst of all he pushed the person he loves most away. Determined to fix them, Dean tracks Cas down to Rufus's old cabin hoping to repair it and their relationship along the way.
2. Living Broken Adjacent by LittleAngelCassie
135K Words // Chapters: 41/41 // 27K Hits // COMPLETED
Hunt/Capture/Celebrate/Repeat. Dean Winchester’s world in four words: simple with no fuss. He’s not had a single, life-altering moment in the 13 years since he joined his dad as a professional bounty hunter. Why fix what’s not broken? That is, until everything around Dean comes to a screeching halt, leaving him alone in new surroundings. Suddenly, Dean’s forced to live in his own version of the Cuckoo’s Nest with the biter, the licker, and the joker. Where angels abound, and his roommate’s haunting blue eyes make him wonder about all his past choices. He’s got this no problem, right? WRONG! Who knew laughter and love could be found within the dull, institutional walls of a psychiatric hospital, teaching Dean that no one is ever truly broken, but sometimes you simply find yourself lost and stumbling through a life where you are living …broken adjacent.
3. Empty Spaces by thisisapaige
48K Words // Chapters: 20/20 // 5K Hits // COMPLETED
[Castiel] found the colour. It was a green, one of the few gentle colours at the edges of his dreams and the one he tried to capture in his paintings, never quite finding the right hue. He spent so long chasing the colours, trying to find it though pills and needles, but they always evaded his grasp. Yet he found one, right here, hiding in the eyes of a stranger. He studied the colour, the subtle differences between dark and light, the little flecks of gold nearly hidden in the sea of green, the ring around the outside. He studied it, trying to commit the colour to memory. The other man cleared his throat. “Uh, dude?” Oh. Castiel forgot the colour was attached to a person. ~~~ What if Castiel had fallen before the start of the series and met Dean on a routine hunt? Set in the spring before Dean goes to find Sam in Stanford. Intended as a three part series.
4. Breathe In | Breathe Out by Elizabeth1985
222K Words // Chapters: 38/38 // 17K Hits // COMPLETED
Guilt-stricken, Dean finds himself wasted on the asphalt behind a club with Gadreel’s trail gone cold. In what he believed was his lowest moment, Castiel came and picked him up, giving him hope for a future. But it’s all taken from him; everything he was gets twisted. The very soul of him being corrupted. Castiel has seen the ages of the world, the tragedies that would cripple the strongest men. But this? It changes everything. Mending Dean’s mind and soul should be his only priority and yet, that too, is stolen from him.
5. Starstruck by peanutbutterjelly-pie (Aleakim)
203K Words // Chapters: 50/50 // 223K hits // COMPLETED
From the outside Castiel Novak looks like a regular guy: a good job, two teenage kids, a nice house and a crappy car he’s way too attached to. But there’s one thing no one knows about him: that, over twenty years ago, he used to live next to none other than Dean Winchester – back then a brash and loud-mouthed boy and nowadays a huge movie star and Hollywood’s sweetheart. Castiel never bothered to tell anyone about his childhood friend because frankly, who would believe him? Probably even Dean himself already forgot about his former awkward and weird neighbor, so Castiel seriously doesn’t see any point in mentioning the whole thing ever. But then an interview on national TV happens where Dean reveals way more about his past than ever before … and Castiel - as well as the rest of the world - suddenly realizes that he left a much bigger impact on Dean’s life than he originally thought.
6. Fools Rush In by sysrae
132K Words // Chapters: 35/35 // 40K Hits // COMPLETED
''I'm sorry,' he said. The words came out in a gulp. He stumbled backwards, knocking over a pile of books and for once not caring, stopping only when he hit his desk. 'I shouldn't – I shouldn't have done that.' 'The hell you shouldn't,' Dean panted, touching two fingers against his mouth. It wasn't until he stared at their tips, his expression almost wondering, that Cas realised he was looking for blood – that he must have actually bitten him. Lust, and embarrassment, burned in him like fire. He gripped the edge of the desk and levered himself behind it, falling into his chair before his legs could give out. Had he ever kissed anyone like that? Had anyone ever kissed him like that? And why, of all people, did Dean Winchester have to be the one to make him wonder?'
Fools Rush In is a Destiel AU, complete with loan shark Crowley, cults, FBI politicking, and All The Angst Forever. Plus and also: smut.
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frostedpuffs · 2 years
hi ash, do you have a fic rec list of miraculous fics that you have enjoyed? 👀 i’ve watched miraculous for years and been a fan but i’m new to reading miraculous fics 🐞❤️🐈‍⬛💚
i can try! i actually don't read a lot of fanfic, but i can recommend a few I've read that I've enjoyed :) most are one-shots.
Experimental Kisses by MireilleTanaka (komorebirei) Summary: Ladybug watched him. Maybe it was guilt, maybe sympathy, maybe a streak of playfulness. Maybe the traumatic akuma experience had softened her up. Whatever the reason, a thought wafted lazily through her mind and out of her mouth. “You know… you’re right. It isn’t fair, is it?” Chat Noir looked up. “I remember my first kiss, but you don’t.” She hummed and tapped her chin, making a show of remembering. “It wasn’t a bad kiss, but we were in the middle of fighting an akuma, so I didn’t get to enjoy it much, either.” Oops—that came out sounding a little, no, a lot more flirty than she had intended. Anyway, if she was going to commit to this idea, she may as well go all in. Rating: T Comments: a very cute ladynoir kiss fic. i really like the way the author wrote the kisses here!
i think it’s time i told you (i’m a fan of your universe) by a_miiraculer, clairelutra Summary: Years after Hawkmoth’s defeat, Ladybug and Chat Noir have a conversation about life, love, and marriage. Rating: T Comments: a WONDERFUL little one-shot where chat noir buys a ring, and ladybug wonders who it's for. ladynoir.
where roses bloom by @carpisuns Summary: “You’re sick, aren’t you?” He drops down to the balcony. “You’re sick because you love someone and … they don’t love you back.” (Love square Hanahaki AU, Marichat centric) Rating: T Comments: i LOVE LOVE LOVE this fic. a bittersweet marichat centric Hanahaki AU that makes my heart feel things. please read it
whose woods these are (I think I know.) by Reiaji Summary: Four years after his future turns to cinders, Adrien is a servant in the house he was meant to inherit. Disowned by his father and abused by his stepmother, his days are filled with drudgery until he meets a masked huntress in the forest behind his father's chateau. As his friendship with Ladybug turns to first love, he dreams of a future spent at her side. Then, on the eve of the Princess's masquerade, he meets his guardian—and is granted a wish. [Ladrien Cinderella AU] Rating: T Comments: magical ladrien cinderella au. it wouldn't be a fic rec list by me if i didn't recommend the fic that i still think about on a daily basis. the poetic writing, the story, the characters, just...AUGH. i cant even describe how good this story is. I'll admit i wasn't into it at first but by the time i got near the end i COULD NOT PUT THIS FIC DOWN. very good please read. multichapter
Eating (nothing but) Affection by crownedcrusader Summary: Some cats won't eat unless they feel safe. Unless someone they trust is nearby, keeping them company. Unrelated: Adrien has pushed away so many cold meals that he can't eat if he's alone. Rating: G Comments: a sweet fic where adrien doesn't like to eat alone. his friends notice this.
Probably Not The Best Idea by @coffeebanana Summary: When Adrien first offered Ladybug his spare room, it was mostly joke. Not once in a million years did he think she'd actually take him up on the offer. After all, he's the only one who's hopelessly in love. Right? For her part, Ladybug never meant to make a habit out of visiting Adrien. But now that she has, well…spending time with him feels safe. It feels right. So why not give this roommates thing a try? Surely it'll be nice, not having to hide her hero identity in her own home for once, even if she has to hide her civilian identity instead. All in all, it might not be the best idea they've ever had, but…can it really be the worst? And if they happen to get a little more than they bargained for in the process? That's just part of the fun. Rating: T Comments: VERY cute premise, excellent writing, ladrien roommates who are obviously in love with each other, WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR GO READ IT. multichapter
œuf ouch owie by miraculousunflower (ominousunflower) Summary: Chat Noir enlists Rena Rouge's help to create an Aspik illusion. Absolutely nothing goes wrong. Rating: T Comments: literally the funniest gd fic I've ever read in my life. I've never had a fic actually make me laugh out loud before and this one did. i still go back and reread it when i need a laugh. it's like a shitpost in artistic form
L'Autonomie by @xiueryn Summary: After three years, Marinette tells Chat Noir who she is. The only problem is that he doesn't believe her, insisting that her and Marinette couldn't be the same person. With the knowledge he's close to her, she tries to figure out who he is. AU. (mari finds out adrien is chat noir and has fun planting clues to make him believe she's ladybug.) Rating: T Comments: a silly ladynoir and adrinette reveal fic. ladybug tries to convince chat noir she is marinette. he doesn't believe her. it's adorable and i love it
i hope this is enough! happy reading ♥
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xanthippe74 · 6 months
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The mood this year, as this header photo demonstrates, was Le Tired. Just physically and emotionally slogging along. Brain stuck on perpetual static. A pull-the-covers-over-my-head sort of year. I read a few books, watched a lot of shows, found new songs to listen to on repeat, and spent way too much time futzing around on Tumblr.
But that's not what this post is about! This is to remind myself that I did accomplish writer-ly things this year, even if it didn't feel like it sometimes. So here's my 2023 Fandom Year in Review:
🐈 A Dreadful Invasion (of the Feline Persuasion) rated G | 6K words
Most of the time, it’s easy for Harry to forget that Draco Malfoy is his next-door neighbour—until the night Malfoy seemingly goes round the twist in his back garden. Of course Harry has to investigate. A birthday gift for @caroll-in.
🍷 Under the Table rated T, 4K words
A string of nearly-insufferable dinner parties has made Draco acquainted with Harry Potter’s completely insufferable, social-climbing boyfriend. But tonight it seems like Potter’s finally had enough, and Draco’s more than happy to watch it all play out from across the table.
Microfics: Different  |  Thalassophile  |  Role play  | Careless |  Mama’s Gun  |  Raven  |  You Should Probably Leave  |  Afraid of the Dark  |  Eerie
WIP progress: I added about 25K to my Drarry retelling of Howl's Moving Castle. The working title is "Skybound" and it will be about 55 to 60K words when complete (by spring 2024, god help me!). Featuring: lots of banter, secret identities, adventures and misadventures in a floating house, a plucky house-elf, and (of course) a fire demon who wants to make a bargain.
9-1-1 fics, HP recs, and 2023 highlights under the cut!
🌧️ It pours, man it pours rated T | 11K words
An endless rainstorm. A head-on collision on a dark canyon road. Eddie and Buck find themselves stranded with a woman in labor after they’re cut off from the rest of the 118 by a flash flood. With the fate of their team unknown, can they weather the night ahead—and mend the rift Buck caused by trying to kiss his best friend?
💣 A Few Good Pranks rated T | 4K words
The firefighters of the 118 decide to give Bobby a turn at pranking them after seeing how disappointed he was to be left out. And since two heads are better than one, why not three? Or four? If only they could figure out who's pranking and who isn't, and who the intended victim is. It's all in good fun, though—as long as everyone is too distracted to notice that Buck and Eddie keep sneaking off alone.
❤️‍🩹Let It Be Me rated T | 1.8K words
After another Buckley Family reunion-turned-disaster, Buck makes a decision about his parents. Of course the 118 has his back. Or, Bobby employs some LAFD equipment to help Buck out—and tell him something he needs to hear.
Episode codas/fix-it ficlets: 1x01 | 1x03 | 2x01 | 2x03 | 6x10 | 6x11 | 6x12 | 6x13 | 6x15
WIP progress: First chapter of a season 3/canon divergence Buddie fic. Featuring: angst with a happy ending, a secret marriage of convenience, and pandemic bed sharing.
HP Rec List
I was inspired by this post to rec twelve favorite fan works from 2023 in twelve days in December. It actually took fourteen days, but I did it!
💖 12 Favorites from 2023 💖
(after posting those twelve, of course I thought of a few more faves that I missed. I'll try to share them soon!)
2023 Highlights
I'm so very grateful for the wonderful, funny, imaginative people here who shared their creative works, the memes that made them laugh, photos of their pets, gif sets of shows I didn't know I needed to watch, and insights into the characters we love. You all got me through the year, honestly.
I had a good time doodling some Halloween treats for Inbox Trick-or-Treating. I hope it will become an annual Tumblr event! Thanks to the folks who rang my doorbell that night and the other blogs who gave out treats.
I truly treasured every kudos, comment, and rec I received this year. I was also very fortunate to receive a few special gifts:
🎙️ EllaMcSmellBella recorded a Podfic of "Spooked in Salem," my Drarry 'Round the World fic.
🎙️ Spades/bumblingbees recorded a Podfic of "Crimson Neon."
📕 @cheriecherishchen wrote a lovely rec for "Vortex" and designed gorgeous book covers for that fic and its sequel, "Riptide."
✏️ @saijordison drew this incredible piece of art for "Riptide."
And finally, if you read all the way to the end of this post, I'm grateful for YOU. 😁
Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year and an excellent 2024!
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I'm off to fringe for a few days soon, do you have any recommendations on who to see this year?
I have no idea of what kind of comedy you like, but I do have a few! Although if you ask me in a week I may have more, as my husband will have had chance to see more and rec them to me; I'll be going up later in the month. But I have seen some in preview and heard great things about others.
Steffan Alun: Free Stand-Up Will Blow Your Mind. 11.45am, Just the Tonic at the Mash House.
Very good show this year, and when I saw it in final preview a woman in front of me very literally cried with laughter at one point, and had to take her glasses off to dry her face. It's about approaching middle age and wondering if you're a role model, and it's his usual style: very anecdotal, lil bit moral and political, very optimistic, and very Welsh. Owing to some Fringe Bollocks he's not in a great time slot, so every audience member is very appreciated this year, because it's a fantastic show that deserves more coverage than it's going to get (why do we even HAVE morning time slots...)
Josh Elton: Mountain Jew. 13.45, Brewdog
Another one I've seen in preview! Josh is a Welsh Jewish comedian and his show this year is about labels, and the benefits and drawbacks of them (eventually examining his own). It's charming and irreverent and makes good points while being hilarious.
Cerys Bradley: Not Overthinking Things 2019. 15.30, the Alcove at Laughing Horse @ Bar 50
A Tumblr darling, if only Tumblr kept up with comedy outside of famous TV comedians. Cerys is NB and autistic and had one of my favourite shows last year - it was about how they joined a women's rugby team and had to navigate being unfit, socially awkward, and trans. It was amazing. According to Steff, this year's show is even better, so it's first on my own list to watch when I get the chance. (Also Cerys is an absolute delight on a personal level. This is rare in a comedian. I mean, so is everyone else on this list, but eh.)
Jake Baker: Alone Together. 17.30, Just the Tonic at the Caves.
Another I saw in preview and Very Enjoyed! Gently political but charmingly whimsical and extremely funny, and I saw a relatively early preview so it'll be even better now. Jake has a really lovely stage presence, kind of sweet and slightly shy, which means you feel at ease but are therefore floored all the more when the bigger hooks come. Really good show.
Priya Hall: Grandmother's Daughter. 16.20, Monkey Barrel 2.
God, I remember when Priya did her fifth ever gig. At the end the MC, pro Welsh comic Matt Rees, got up to see her off the stage, and once she'd sat down he went "So...was that really your fifth gig?" And when she said yes, he said "Because... I don't know if anyone has told you yet, but... it's considered courtesy among comedians if, when you're starting out, you remember to be shit for a while."
We knew she'd be going places, is what I'm saying
Anyway, she's doing her debut! And I believe it's about her quest with her girlfriend to become parents, while talking about the role her Indian grandmother played in her Welsh family. I haven't seen it yet but I intend to.
Sooz Kempner: Y2K Woman. 15.45, Underbelly, Bristo Square
They've all been free or pay what you want so far, but this is the first of two ticketed shows in the Big Four that I'll flag up. £11 a standard ticket, £10 a concession, but with the Big Four keep an eye on the specials board - plus they often do two for one offers on tickets on Mondays and Tuesdays, so see if her show is included in that.
It's about late 90s/early 00s nostalgia, and also the fact that she's starring in a really interesting Doctor Who mixed media spin off project atm that hardcore Doctor Who fans hate and are furious about for reasons of being boring nerds with zero fun.
Alice Fraser: Twist. 20.30, Underbelly, Bristo Square
Honest to God the woman is just. A master. A maestro. A goddess of comedy. She could read the phone book and you'd be in hysterics, plus rolling around on the floor. You could receive news that every single person you'd ever met and liked had all been accidentally jettisoned into space in a freak accident involving a Tesla crashing into a SpaceX rocket, and you'd still laugh yourself sick at her show. She's breathtaking. Go and see her.
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