#i j used to listen to it a lot when i was. in the worst parts of it
agostise · 1 year
(prematurely) suffering from a “breakup”/separation that won't even be mine
listening to heartbreaking music and thinking “wow, damn, this will totally be mo and i am Not Ready For It”
and when im spacing out im imagining a whole angst fanfic about when It Finally — Yet Unfortunately — Happens
tianshan has fully consumed all my time without me knowing
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gaysexforlosers · 1 year
when the Thoughts kick in and i gotta remind myself its after 8pm so im not allowed to listen. but damn they r making some good points 🙃
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sunlight-fics · 1 month
Hiii can you do a fluff alphabet for Hozier ? It's okay if u don't, love youuuu
YES!! Absolutely and here you go!! I’m so sorry for making you wait so long for it, I got super busy with life. I hope you enjoy and I tried my best!🤍
Fluff Alphabet
Hozier X reader
A = Acts of Kindness
* He would definitely bring home flowers after a long tour. Before leaving the house he would write little notes and leave them all over. If it’s been a long stressful day for you and you have no motivation he would cook dinner for you and it would could either the best dinner or the worst.
B = Boyfriend
* He really wasn’t sure if he would make a good partner, but damn he was the best. He’s the type to take it slow and just enjoy the little moments.
C = Cuddling
* THE CUDDLING KING, let’s rest your head on his chest and either rubs your back or runs his fingers through your hair.
D = determined
* Absolutely determined to do anything that makes you feel comfortable after a long day. It doesn’t matter what but he is determined!
E = encouragement
* “Darling I know it seems hard, but you’re a tough person. You’ve got this, and I believe in you no matter what!” Would hands down something he would say!!!
F = funny
* Making little jokes here and there after a stressful situation or even just making jokes about his past mistakes and just laughing with you about them.
G = gentle
* Let’s say you’ve got some trauma from a past relationship or something and you’ve moved on to Andrew. If you ever just so happened to have a trauma reaction or response from something he accidentally did or said, he would notice and instantly fix whatever was wrong. After it was all fixed he would be the most gentle person you’ve ever met. Gentle cuddles, kisses, hugs, ect.
H = hugs
* Bear hugs or the most gentle hugs. No questions asked. Just that.
I = ideal boyfriend
* Would and probably is the ideal partner.
J = journeys
* Spontaneous and random journey. Whether it be into the forest behind his house or “Hey I just bought us plane tickets to Brazil. Let’s get packed because we’ve gotta get to the airport soon.”
K = kindness
* the kindest person to everyone he’s ever met. But especially kind to you, no matter what he’s always been great about showing kindness.
L = love
* “My love” he would whisper gently to you in the late night hours while running his fingers through your hair and when the world was asleep, but he was still awake.
M = motivation
* What type of motivation? Well either Ted talks or random. It can be the most inspirational and motivating thing you’re ever hear or it could be motivational.
N = neat
* Is he a neat person? Great question. But probably on the weekends or when he’s not on tour he would probably take the time to clean.
O = Observational
* You would observe him as he goes through a normal day not on tour. See what he likes, what he doesn’t, and in between. He would do the same for you
P = protective
* A fairly protective partner, always watching out for you and you do the same for him. (NFWMB)
Q = quite
* After a long stressful and loud day it’s nice to come home to peace and calm settings. Specially when it’s just listening to the records and cuddling on the couch or just laying in bed with your head resting on his chest
R = respect
* Even if you both just started dating he would have already have so much respect for you. But the thing is, show respect to earn respect and in the end his respect for you grows and your respect for him also grows.
S = sleep
* Sleep is important for the both of you, especially after long weeks. Lazy weeks tend to happen a lot, just some so simple as laying cuddled up next to him or admiring him as he sleeps.
T = trust
* Trust builds a relationship, and you both trust each other so much. He trust you with a lot. For example, his house when he’s on tour, his dog (Elwood), his phone, and so many other things.
U = unique
* What type of unique interest does he have or any random unique facts or traits.
V = vulnerable
* It takes AWHILE for him to open up to you but once he finally opens up and becomes more vulnerable and comfortable with you, a lot of actions makes more sense. You feel like you can finally help him and help him see that he a wonderful person and deserves nothing but the best and nothing but love. Real love.
W = wisdom
* Both of you are equally wise and great at giving advice to each other. But sometimes the wisdom isn’t taken in the way that was intended so that leads to one of you feeling offended or upset. But because they’re such a strong relationship it’s easy to talk through it.
X = (couldn’t find a word😐👍)
Y = yearning
* The yearning for you when he’s away or even when you’re away is insane. It gets to the point where he starts right letters or poems to give to you once you return.
Z = Zealful
* You both show nothing but passion for each other and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 2 months
04/15/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Taika; Samson Kayo; Kay Buchanan; Nathan Foad; Watch parties; GLAAD LAST DAYS; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika.
== David Jenkins ==
Okay so I apologize all-- somehow I missed that all the David Jenkins pics going around were NEW. I don't know why but I thought they were from a while back. My taxes brain really has me messed up. So these are from the past 2-4 days. Now it makes a lot of sense too as to why everyone's been honking louder! You can see him there at WB Studios, and yes that is him with OFMD fan-stickers on his laptop.
Source: Kinga Malisz' IG
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== Taika Waititi ==
A small glimpse of Taika and his ginormous doe eyes on the set of Klara and The Sun. Src: Vas J Morgan's IG
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== Samson Kayo ==
Samson was out in Abu Dhabi U.A.E sporting his Prada Sun Glasses! Chaos Dad and Samba happened to pop into his comments as well! Thanks @ashes-skye for pointing out these great photos! SRC: Samson's Instagram
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== Kay Buchanan ==
Our lovely leatherworker Kay Buchanan posted lots of cool things today on her instagram! Stede's Dagger Sheath
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Next up was the Gunpowder Pouches for OFMD
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== Nathan Foad ==
Some first shots of Nathan in his role in #LovesLabourLost! Src: Royal Shakespeare Company IG
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== Watch Party Reminders! ==
== Flight Of the Conchords ==
Season 1 is done! Season 2 starts tomorrow with Episodes 1 and 2! Join Save OFMD Crew, and @/ iamadequate1 this week for Flight of the Conchords watch parties! You can watch each day at 4pm PT, 7 pm ET, 11pm BST! If you don't have access, feel free to join us on the #RhysDarbyFaction Discord server, you can hit me up for an invite.
Voting closes in two days, get your votes in while you can! Remember: you can vote more than once. 😉🏴‍☠️
IMG Src: @saveofmdcrewmates
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== Fan Spotlight ==
One of our crewmates @/RabinaryCode on youtube has put together this cute Queen Parody for Rhys! Give it a listen if you have some time :) Vocals: @ferventrabbitao3
Lyrics: @tanteclem
== Cast Cards ==
To quote @melvisik "Tonight is Ian Alda (yup, related to Alan Alda) playing the clerk... reads notes Clark Clerkwell... person who told Stede he's dead "
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. I hope you all are having a fresh start to your week. I've heard good news and rough news, so I truly hope if you have good news, it stays that way and if you have bad news, it looks up for you!
I really am so glad to see people clowning though. I know no one wants to get their hopes up, but it's nice to see that kind of energy flowing through the fandom again. We deserve a little treat of hope once in a while and it warms my heart how much people are running with it.
Hope is the dream lovelies. All things spring from hope. Don't give up on it. Even when things feel the worst, hope is what keeps us going. I have so much love for you friends. I know we have our bad days, but I hope you know that no matter what happens me and the crew will send you love. We love sharing this space with you. Rest well lovelies. Some quotes about hope tonight:
"The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience." - Emily Dickinson
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Sorry, tonight's theme is just... this interview because every time I see it it makes me smile so horrendously huge. I love them so much and certainly together like this. The goofy bastards. Gif Courtesy of @captain-flint
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kairiscorner · 11 months
Watching miguel marry somebody else? Then gabri courts us /j
walking down the aisle with someone who isn't me — miguel o'hara x reader
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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summary: you felt your whole world crumble when you were there with him, by the altar—just not you as the one he'll be marrying. you feel like crying, screaming, running away—you just can't stand the sight of miguel being with anybody but you. but could you blame him? you waited too late to tell him the truth, what you really felt. word count: 868
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you were never one to cry at weddings, you honestly couldn't care about someone starting their life again with the addition of another person in it. if anything, weddings always brought smiles to your face. you always dreamed as a young child what your wedding would be like, how beautiful your spouse would be, how tall your cake would be, how much tears your parents and friends would shed, and just... how happy you were going to be for the rest of your life. and just when you thought you found that person... everything comes crashing down on you when he tells you himself, with a wide grin and his right hand over his left, obscuring his surprise, that he's found someone special to him.
why, oh why, universe, do you find your sorrow entertaining?
and the worst part of it all was... you were the person of honor at his wedding. you stood there, close to him, but not close enough to be that special person who he gazed at with such affection, held overflowing love and devotion for in his heart, the one he was going to spend the rest of his life with. you were none of those things to him, and for the first time, you saw yourself outside of your body, you wanted to grab yourself by the shoulders and shake you awake. you wanted to slap that fraudulent smile off your face, it hurt to force yourself to stretch a smile this wide when all you wanted to do was sob yourself into next month.
but you couldn't do that, no. you'd be selfish for not being there when he specifically asked you to. besides, it was your fault for not admitting to him sooner. you had loved him for more than a decade, you had adored him for what was about to be 15 years in the making. he held your heart in the palm of his hands without even knowing it; with his silly smiles when he would be caught off guard snickering at something, when he'd look all aloof and stoic when completely in focus, and when that shine and widening of his eyebrows when his interest has been piqued—when he's completely enamored with something—or someone, it seemed—you felt your heart beat a little faster, sometimes skipping to beat once or twice altogether.
you realized it at the end of your junior year, you were in love with miguel o'hara, the only guy who ever looked at you like you were worth something, despite his unbearable attitude and snarkiness—he cared about you a lot more than he's ever cared anyone else. but caring for and loving are not one in the same. you were the one he cared for, but you never were the one he loved.
you supported him and were there for him even after you realized your feelings for him. you were there when his previous partners left him, when he was struggling with his powers at first—you were actually the first person he admitted about them to, he trusted you that much. you were there for him when he needed immediate medical attention, and you were there to listen to him go on and on about his inner turmoils.
you were there. you were always there. you hoped that maybe he'd open his eyes one day to the truth of it all, that no one would ever love him the way you loved him. you felt like you were owed to be with him at the end of all this, that one day, he'd ask you if you loved him, and you'd say yes, and he'd take you up in his arms and thank the stars above that you loved him back. but that kind of stuff only happens in fairy tales, and you were living in a bleak, gray reality where nice people can only go so far.
and here you were, the only one who ever really loved him, never once being seen that way by the man you loved. he was getting married to someone else, someone whose name you didn't care to remember, whose face you didn't wish to keep stowed away in the depths of your mind. you knew he was a catch, you knew a lot of people have the same dreams as you do, to have a piece of him—to bed him, to wake up with him, to hold his hand and kiss him and forget your worries as he holds you close and reassures you he's here for you—but that's all it'll ever be: dreams.
as they exchanged vows and their 'i do's', miguel sneaks a look at you and smiles widely, and it wasn't out of sympathy or friendship—it was a smile that thanked you, a smile that reassured you that even if he's married... he appreciates you. and it was only here, at this very altar, that you found yourself crying for the first time at a wedding; a wedding you would've felt joyous at, proud of for your friend that he found his somebody—if you could only stop yourself from wishing that somebody was you.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck @fiannee @fictarian @yuridopted0
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rendawngrimes · 4 months
Yandere Harry Potter Alphabet! <33
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Dark (ish) themes below the cut!
I’m so so sorry if there’s any grammar or timeline mistakes :(( (He’s a cutie pie :3)
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A-affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
- Harry loves holding you, he’s almost always touching you and he tends to keep close.
B-Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
- He could possibly have to get rid of a few people, but he wouldn’t really try to go out of his way. Perhaps using the unforgivable curse, but I doubt it.
C-Cruelty: How would they treat their darling?/ are they cruel to them
- he’s never cruel! :(( he loves you!! Harry would never be cruel, he’d probably tease, but nothing that bad!
D-Darling: Aside from (possible) abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
- I honestly don’t think he would make you do a bunch against your will, maybe a few small, simple things like making you eat your food, He wants what’s best for you!
E-Exposed: How much of their heart do they bear to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
- He bears his whole heart (and more) to you! He is a little vulnerable, so you can use it to your advantage….but why would you want to!??
F-Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
- He’d be a little annoyed, sad even..he’d tease you about it a little though!…he’d most likely end up casting some sort of charm to make you shush up
G-Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
- NO!! absolutely not! This isn’t some kind of sick, twisted game to him! And he hates seeing you attempting to leave!! :(
H-Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
- I honestly think your worst experience with him would be when he first kidnapped I mean.. saved you!
I-Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
- He’d probably just want to be happy with you….forever and ever and ever and ever….
J-Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope? 
- Harry is honestly a jealous behind! before he “saved” you he would see you talk to other boys and he’d complain to both Ron and Hermione..!
K-Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
- He’s really clingy and overprotective, you’d be sitting on the couch, relaxing a little and he would come along and just plop down with you! Too many hugs!
L-Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
- Ever since you both first met, you became friends, he obviously liked you…so he would do small, tiny things to get your attention..
M-Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
- Not really, he’s just a lot more touchy.! sorry this one’s short :(
N-Naughty: How would they punish their darling
- Nothing mean, he’d probably just scold you a little, if you still don’t listen..he’d smack you around a little bit (GENTLY…ish)
O-Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
- I think the main one is….the right to being alone!! Its gone! You can kiss it Bye bye!!
P-Patience: How patient are they with their darling? 
-Harry tries to be patient, but sometimes you make it hard..! Why would you do that to him?? he just wants to make you happy!! :((
Q-Quit: If their darling leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on? 
- i don’t think he could ever move on..he loves you!..but that’s ok because he has a trusty map that’ll always tell him where you are! (It’s his elite employee!! Hehe)
R-Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go? 
- Whenever he sees you cry over it, his heart cracks a little and he tries to comfort you, but letting you go is a big no no :((
S-Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc.)?
-When he first met you, he was in the library, with Ron and Hermione, you asked if one of them could help you find a section of books, and you all became friends, over time Harry noticed how Professor Snape would yell at you, how people would laugh at you, he needed to get you away from those meanies!! >:(
T-Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
- as I said a little earlier, it would make him upset, he’d do his best to comfort you!!
U-Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
- Nothin much besides the fact he’s a wizard! 🤠 (yehaw!!) but in all seriousness, Not really, he’s on the gentle side though!
V-Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
- Honestly, I don’t think there is anything you can do, with all the magic, and the map :( although there’s a tiny chance Ron or Hermione would save you!
W-Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
- gently! He’d gently hurt you, he’d feel bad!..you made him do it anyways! :(
X- Xoanon How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
- Harry probably wouldn’t worship you, just love you!..a whoooleee lot :)
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
- maybe a few years of being one of your best friends
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
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Whooo yay that’s my first time ever writing on an app!! I’m so proud >:3 thank you sm for reading🫶 if you have any requests or tips on how to get better please tell me<33
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NO cause I don’t think you understand. I’m a boyfriend hoodie kinda person and I like wearing clothes that are too big for me, you can’t just say “Muerte would fuck you while you wear his poncho” and expect me to be CALM about it are you insane?? You brought this upon yourself Kal /j
Anyways, getting right down to business, I feel like most of the time when you’re wearing it it’s not with the intention to rile him up, at least not at first. Muerte’s a wolf, they’re territorial creatures, and like you said in your SFW alphabet, he isn’t naturally a jealous lover. Seeing you in his clothes (but ESPECIALLY his poncho) doesn’t make him think “this marks them as mine” it’s more of a knee jerk reaction of affection (or cuteness aggression LMAO), not possession.
He wouldn’t have a huge reaction to seeing you wear it for the first time, just a playful “oh so you’re taking my clothes now?” before curling up with you in bed or on the couch. All innocent until he starts thinking and taking you in at least. The poncho isn’t dirty or anything but he can still very clearly smell himself on it but what really gets him is your smell mingling with his so closely. The only time it’s that closely woven together is when you two are having sex and he basically has a Pavlovian response to it. He doesn’t immediately jump into fucking you but he’s definitely grinding on you as inconspicuously as he can.
It’s a little cute. Pressing his whole face into your shoulder and trying not to be too obvious with what he’s doing but at the same time he’s got a grip on you that’s hard not to notice. Tease him or don’t- you’ll get the same outcome. In this situation, where it’s not on purpose, it’s more of a cuddle-fuck, Muerte wants to be close to you, he’s definitely a lot gentler than usual, kissing you, holding your legs apart, basically not letting you do any of the work, just be good and let him use you, alright?
Afterwards he’s just a wee bit embarrassed about having that kind of response to you just wearing his clothes and DO NOT let him live it down, the motherfucker (lovingly) kinkshames you all the time, he will not be spared. (“Are you going to do laundry or are you just going to steal my clothes all week.” “Oh you would like that wouldn’t you?” “listen-”)
On the other hand, if you’re wearing Muerte’s poncho with the full knowledge of what you’re doing? You’re in for it.
It’s a little funny, if you wear the poncho with nothing on underneath and “hide” further back in the house he already has a clue what’s going on. Muerte can smell you pretty clearly (whether it be because he’s intimately familiar with your scent or you’re just that bad at hiding how aroused you are) and he kinda assumes that he knows what he’s in for, but when he actually finds you he pauses.
You don’t actually sense him until he’s right behind you, grabbing your jaw and tilting your head back so he can get a good look at you. He doesn’t know why but the way you’re trying to pretend like you’re not standing here fully naked save for his poncho, which is swallowing you up in the best and worst ways. He likes that you’re wearing it but he wants it off for pretty obvious reasons.
He’s a bit stuck on what to do for a moment, Muerte’s lost in his thoughts and he’s not in any way shy or embarrassed about the way he’s feeling you up through the poncho. (PLEASEE the way he’d have your back against his chest/stomach while he gropes your chest, rolling your nipple between his fingers, how he’d be lowkey choking you while he rubs on your clit�� god) Squirm and whine all you want, he’s not letting go, nor is he giving in to any attempt to get him to cave in and fuck you against the wall. Nope, he’s gonna pick you apart slowly and that’s that.
He’s def manhandling you, but who’s complaining about that? You certainly aren’t. There’s just a small (very small, minuscule even, he swears) part of him that wants to make you cry and plead for him, and ‘unfortunately’ he’s gonna act on it. One minute you’re on your back, one leg up over Muerte’s shoulder, making you take all of him because despite how you’re crying “too much- s’ too much I can’t-!”he can feel you clench around him. He’s happy to tell you that if it’s ‘too much’ then he’ll just pull out, just to see you practically sob and claw at his shoulders, trying to pull him back to you.
Muerte isn’t above being cruel- he doesn’t do it often to you, he prefers praising you- but it’s so easy to croon over you in mock sympathy as you hiccup and sob when he’s done fucking you on your back. Don’t think he’s done with you though, he’ll give you a quick break (you’re only human after all) but the second you think maybe, just maybe he’s done, he’s pulling you up, putting you on all fours and starting back up again.
This time he’s got one hand (paw?) on your hip with the other on the back of your neck, forcing you to turn your head and look back at him. He’s kind enough to move the hand on your hip up to your chest when your arms give out, bending you at the waist and leaning over you so he can get right in your ear. (“Are you crying because it hurts or are you just ashamed that you like being fucked like this? You can be honest sweet thing, after all it doesn’t matter- I’ll fuck you like this either way.”)
Muerte gets a little lost in the moment, my guy is WHIPPED even if he has an extreme way of showing it. He already says some filthy shit but he is FOUL when he’s got you like this- please don’t feed into it in any way if you can still speak at this point, cause you won’t be leaving anytime soon if you do.
Yes the poncho is on during all of this. That shit stays ON during sex.
The aftercare every time is immaculate. The duality of Muerte is one minute he’s fucking you like he absolutely loathes you then sweet talking and pampering you like you dropped from heaven the next. He’ll carry you wherever you need to go to clean up then lay with you for as long as he can before he has to go. He feels bad for having to go but let’s be real you’re fast asleep the second he’s done cleaning you up.
Head in my hands I’m going to go live in the woods. Hell has a very special place for my horny ass 🕳👩🏽‍🦯
Muerte fucking you in his poncho [thoughts]
 ->Anon I don't even know where to start with this, I am very glad I brought this upon myself hehe. Under the cut due to length.
You’re right first of all, when you do it unintentionally the sex is very soft. It is definitely your smell and his own that get Muerte going and I do think it is a little obvious. From his grip on you, the way his claws dig in slightly, to the way he’s sniffing you, and finally the way his tail starts thumping on the bed/couch slightly [not to mention the fact that Muerte is probably packing so you can feel him against you anyway LMAO].
Muerte will definitely turn you around to face him during this, one paw slipping under his poncho and onto your back while the other hooks your leg around his waist. Manages to kind of curl around you during it too, face having barely left your shoulder/neck, licking and biting gently as he breathes in the scent of you both. The way he fucks you is admittedly a little desperate, going from slow and gentle to fast and rough as he gets closer to cumming, but all things considered it remains soft.
And yeah, there’s definitely embarrassment afterwards. I think the main cause of that is that Muerte prides himself on being in control of his own desires. He is calm and collected almost always, and even though he’s certainly gotten lost in the pleasure of fucking you before he has always thought himself composed enough to not get turned on by something as simple as your scent with his. Do tease him about it, he almost gets flustered when you do and it’s adorable.
Now intentionally? Yeah like you said, you’re absolutely fucking in for it. Wearing his poncho with nothing underneath is a sure fire way to make sure your legs just don’t work for the next few days because Muerte does not hold back. At all. 
Which is a little surprising because once again: pride in remaining composed.
Which I think Muerte actually manages at first. Sure, the moment he finds you you’re pressed between his chest and the wall, but his breathing -- while shallow - is calm, and the way he touches you is strategic almost, going for places he knows will have you squirming and whining in his grasp. He keeps the illusion of being fully in control of himself perfectly at first, though it might be more correct to say that he gets you so focused on what’s going to happen that you don’t actually notice his composure start to break.
The main thing keeping Muerte’s composure from fully snapping is that he wants to see you break first. Have you begging and pleading for him, reduce you to an incoherent tear filled mess. Especially in regards to you actually taking his cock. You cries of “too much” are just so cute to him, though I don’t think he’d threaten to pull out. He praises you, telling you that you’re such a good little mate for him and that he knows you can take him, and then just proceed to shove himself in you all at once. Don’t worry, he’ll give you a minute or two to adjust, placing affection licks and kisses to you face to help you relax before just fucking you silly. 
And yeah, he is definitely a bit mean during it. Sickeningly sweet would be a good way to describe it; praising you but it’s so condescending and almost cold. Though it never really feels like he doesn’t care for you, despite what he’s saying there’s a soft undertone to his voice, even if it’s almost drowned out by mock care.
Now before Muerte puts you in doggy I think he’d make you ride him. You’re exhausted even after one round, legs shaking and head uselessly tilting to the side as you try to gather your thoughts in an even remotely coherent manner, which is exactly why he likes this position. Muerte loves watching your legs threaten to give out as you try to bounce yourself on his lap, and the way he way you cling to his shoulders for support it so cutely pathetic to him, it’s intoxicating. And when you finally collapse on his chest because you can’t possibly keep riding him he calls you his useless little thing before pulling you off him and putting you on your hands and knees.
That ends with him having to hold you to his chest as he fucks you from behind, because your arms and legs are practically jelly at that point, and that’s also when Muerte’s composure fully breaks. He’s growling and snarling above you, drooling as he fucks into you like a wild beast. You can’t even make out what he’s saying anymore, save for faint mutters of “mine”.
And yes!!! The aftercare is fucking amazing. Muerte smothers you in praise and affection before going to clean you up, running you a nice warm bath and washing you because there’s no way you can do it yourself. Makes sure to dry you with the fluffiest towels before carrying you to bed and cuddling up to you. Muerte is admittedly a little worn out himself, so there’s a far chance he’ll be falling asleep with you, and even if he has to leave I could see him shirking his duties just to stay with you. Hehe tail wagging hehe
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bestworstcase · 3 months
I think it'll be interesting when RWBYJ tells everyone about the ever after, specifically Oscar/Ozpin. I think that'll be a hell of a slap in the face to those two. Imo it's pretty clear that Oz doesn't like the Brothers (his lie for his curse literally puts them in the WORST light to anyone who hears it), but isn't exactly open about it nor does he think on it much. But hearing that the 'gods' are essentially just people who got kicked out of their home would make him. Well I hesitate to say that he'd flip the fuck out, but I definitely think he wouldn't be happy at ALL. I'm sure he'd be furious while simultaneously having an existential crisis.
Frankly, Oz is just. An interesting character when it comes to his thoughts on the Brothers. He went from more or less listening to Light without question (but immediately started questioning when Salem talked to him- "Unsure of where his loyalties still lay-" he trusts Salems words but is confused about his stance on Light, perhaps afraid of questioning him), to putting them in a bad light repeatedly and more or less giving up on his task (there's far far easier ways to unite the world i.e. war- why would he deliberately make it hard on himself? He's far from stupid. He still foes his best to foster peace because why wouldn't he?). And, now, he's actively fighting his curse, and is doing so the second he got an ounce of hope.
I think why he hasn't really thought of fighting the Gods is bc a) he's still scared of them (and it makes sense, I'd be scared too) and b) he never knew that they, well, were just people. I think he'd need some convincing, but I really think he'd be happy to try his hand at giving Light a piece of his mind lol. Something tells me Oz has millennia of bottled up anger- something will eventually be the straw that broke the camels back, as even the most resilient of people can break.
Though I think the biggest issue would be the idea of teaming up with Salem. He's bitter and terrified of her, and although we don't know exactly what's happened between them since their first fight (beyond Oz spending several lives as an alcoholic, then wandering Remnant being reminded of Salem (not necessarily bc he thought every Grimm attack was her, Grimm just remind him of her)), it's entirely possible Salem has also done... something to hurt him. No one's that bitter or terrified of someone for absolutely no reason, but whatever the reason is, that'll definitely be an obstacle between him being allied with her against the Gods. Plus she also, yknow, tortured him and allowed Hazel to torture him (which Oscar took most of it, but they're in the same body).
I think that interaction would be... interesting. Especially since I really don't think Oz even is 'Ozma' anymore. Ozma is the foundations yes, but the merge changes you fundamentally. He has changed his name every lifetime (if Oz doesn't accidentally answer to the name Oscar I'll eat my left shoe), but how much of him really is Ozma anymore? Ship of theseus and all that. If he, by all accounts, isn't 'Ozma' anymore and Salem isn't aware of this, I think it'd be an interesting revelation for her. There's similarities between Oz and how he used to be, but I feel like 'Ozma' is functionally a deadname for him (Oz trans/DID allegory? /j). Especially since I think Ozma is just- not who he is anymore. He's tried living up to the name, but he can't and he knows it (the words his illusion in v9 says speaks a lot to his mental state and his opinion of himself).
God speaking of his illusion on v9, I think it's incredibly clear that what each illusion says pertains to that character in some way. And it says so so much about Ozpin and how he sees himself. It's ironic how the God of Light, associated with creation, made him, yet he thinks that all he does is destroy. He's scarily good at splitting people apart just accidentally (i.e. v6, Summer basically throwing him under the bus thus STRQ broke apart and blamed him, etc) too. Yet Salem, immortal via Lights curse, made herself through Grimm and is very good at rallying people. Dunno, fun thought there (it's why swap aus are so damn tasty with these two).
Sorry for the long ask, I just wanted to ramble in your inbox for a bit. I have many thoughts about Oz.
not. to be snarky but
To live free or die, it’s all the same The enemy was right, there’s no reclaiming In waves of shame We’re desperate to make amends But through a simple soul we lie complacent  Love brings us dreams But grief makes the heart burst at the seams  As light fills my eyes I’ll picture me beside her And pray that I’ll inspire  I promise I’ll be here until the end I promise I’ll be here until… Our story has been told Til our bodies break down every door Til we find what we’ve been looking for
terrified she’ll never forgive him and terrified of what will happen if she confronts the gods again, yes. but terrified of her?
the enemy was right. we’re desperate to make amends. grief makes the heart burst at the seams. i’ll picture me beside her. ozma isn’t terrified of salem; he is, explicitly, ashamed of himself and desperate to make amends and longing for her.
listen. you don’t have to go salem did dot dot dot something to hurt him. we KNOW exactly what she did; rejected the mandate, fought him, burned him alive. they blew up their home and killed their own kids. is this insufficiently traumatizing to explain him.
similarly i do not have to go ozma did dot dot dot something to salem: we know exactly what he did. we know why she’s furious and bitter and still hurting. it is not ambiguous.
he’s spent the intervening centuries hiding inside a narrative where salem is the Great Evil he must defeat because the guilt he feels for deceiving and manipulating her and the grief for everything he sacrificed is so unbearable that he can’t touch it except through layers and layers of distortion. but it’s bleeding through the cracks everywhere. the infinite man tried to be a hero and is a fool who may not be worthy of forgiveness, ozpin suggests. look far enough ahead from the ending of the girl in the tower, and you’ll find the hero who saved her turned out to be a villain.
he hates salem. (he deserves her hatred.) this is the wrenching internal war he fights with himself day after day and life after life; the only way he can live with himself enough to function is by hating her, but the hatred is a fiction, a lie, to protect him from his fear. the truth is that he neither hates her nor deserves her hatred.
i am being intentional about calling him ozma, by the way. i am also intentional about when i call him ozpin or oz. i do not think ozma is a deadname. i don’t think ozma is an ideal he is trying and failing to live up to. he doesn’t identify himself as ozpin; he says “the professor ozpin you all met was not my first form.” he dons these other identities as a mask—i am the combination of countless men who have spent their lives trying to protect the people of remnant—because he hates himself. ozma is who he’s running away from because he doesn’t think ozma has ever been enough.
that is why. salem distinguishes between ozpin and ozma the way that she does. and why she is able to differentiate between oscar and ozma even when oscar is mimicking ozpin, because ozpin is the latest in a long series of masks that ozma wears.
(ozpin is tippetarius enforcing his own exile, and thus he became the wizard. ozma is the true self imprisoned by the curse. he’s… named ozma for a reason.)
”what if you could be anyone?” <- the blacksmith does not ask ruby this question because ruby needs to stop being herself in order to be happy. she offers ruby a metaphorical representation of ozma’s curse—what if you could be anyone, slip into a like-minded soul and become that person—in order to guide ruby to the realization that only her true self is the right fit. this is what i like to call blunt force foreshadowing.
ozma is trying to be a thousand different heroes and salem has only ever wanted ozma. ozma then is not the same person as ozma now, but ozma is ozma is ozma. the ship of theseus is the ship of theseus, then as now. on those who enter the same rivers, ever different waters flow. read heraclitus.
the thing is. yeah. he’s going to snap like a brittle twig when he learns the truth about the gods… because he already knows salem is right, deep down. the enemy is right. it bleeds through even into the lost fable, which is narrated in his voice. jinn’s telling—his telling—obfuscates and twists away from salem’s interiority, her feelings, her motives except for the moment of her realization about the brothers: perhaps the gods were not as powerful as they seemed; she had lied to them, turned them against each other; they were fallible.
the enemy is right. he knows she’s right.
hearing what the kids learned in the ever after is going to shatter the cognitive dissonance preventing him from acting on that knowledge. it’s going to surface ‘until the end’ but now joined to the hope he has—since the end of v8—that he can make amends for his cowardice and lies.
ozma apologizing to the kids and asking for a second chance to earn their trust was, uh, a practice run for ozma apologizing to salem and asking for a second chance. the fallout of the lost fable (“there was so much you hadn’t told us! how could you think that was okay!” and “i gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world; i thought i was finally doing some good!”) is a reflection of salem’s distress. the narrative is on her side. because. he lied to manipulate her and grievously betrayed her trust. in exactly the same way he did to the kids.
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cassiaallen · 1 year
I have had this in my notes forever, and since I’m not sure if I’ll ever turn this into a fanfic, I thought I’d post it here.
A lot of this is my own version of canon, but it’s also partly inspired by wonderful accounts such as @halfblood-princes-crown, @moonlightdancer26 and more.
Hope you enjoy!
Severus Snape’s Death Eater Journey
-Eileen married Tobias because she was the eldest of her siblings and thus the "heir" and hated it
-she was in Gryffindor (hat stall, almost in Slytherin)
-Tobias was a misogynistic wife-beater and child abuser
-he hated magic
-he didn’t like feeling his wife was superior to him
-he beat his wife to "get the magic out of her" and when that didn’t work, he did the same to his son
-Severus started to resent T when he was about 5
-his first bit of magic showed during a time when he was defending himself against his father
-he started thinking "are all muggles this bad?", but slightly changed that view whenever he spoke to his muggle neighbours and the Evans family
-Sev is excited to go to Hogwarts as he thinks he can finally escape his family’s tormenting
-he latches onto Lily as she’s A) magical (and thus, an "outsider" like him) and B) a complete contrast to everything he had ever known
-encounter in the train 01.09.1971
-at first, he brushes it off
-Lily being Sorted into Gryffindor upsets him mainly because it reminds him of his miserable home life (Gryffindor as a symbol of badness)
-first week of school, J&S play a prank on Sev
-they find his reaction funny, play some more pranks on him during the next few months and decide to make him their main target
-part of J&S detentions are the result of Sev telling prefect Lucius (this in turn contributes to their hatred of Sev and Slytherin)
-the pranks are physically harmless at first, "just" humiliating
-Sev throws himself into his studies, becoming a very skilled wizard
-in year 2/3, the "pranks" become more and more physically violent
-in year 4, Sev accidentally hexes an OC as he believes them to be one of the marauders (he just saw someone coming in his direction from the corner of his eye)
-he apologises and takes the OC to the hospital wing
-the only people that somewhat listen to him when it comes to the M are Slytherins
-he is not close to any of them though
-he starts hanging out with Avery and Mulciber
-he’s happy to be somewhat included, so he doesn’t openly criticise their anti-muggleborn views
-despite his friendship with Lily, Sev associates the Light™️ with his oppressors
-he begins to learn more about the Dark Arts to fight back (he focuses on the opposite of what his bullies stand for)
-he hears slurs in his common room all the time and often they refer to his bullies (which is largely why he calls Lily that)
-he never says the slur out loud, only in his head/under his breath
-one time Sev and Mulciber bitch about the Gryffindors/his bullies in particular and Sev calls Remus + Peter the slur under his breath (he wants to get back at them for all the pain they’ve caused him by supporting J&S)
-Sev says he dislikes an OC as much as the M, which leads to people believing he calls everyone of Lily’s birth the slur
-January 1976 Werewolf Incident
-February 1976 Mulciber tries doing something to Mary MacDonald ("They don’t use Dark Magic though.")
-Sev's anger and bitterness increases as Dumbledore forces him to keep quiet about the WI
-May/June 1976 Lake Incident (+ failed apology)
-Sev comes home that summer to find out his father had (accidentally) killed his mother ("She fell down the stairs.")
-the summer holidays are awful as A) Sev misses his mum and B) his father now takes all his anger out on him
-he spends as much time outside as possible
-he spends some time on the playground where he first saw Lily
-he writes her a letter, delivers it personally, and Lily’s parents promise to give it to her (she never responds)
-year 6 is the worst bullying ever, as J&S A) realise Sev no longer has Lily’s support and B) Sirius’s disowning fuelled their anger at Slytherins
-Lily pointedly ignores him
-Sev's only safe haven is the Dark Arts, but he is also hesitant as this is what drove Lily (=the Light) away
-due to the increased bullying that year, Sev ends up in the hospital wing every other week
-summer 1977 is when he starts getting caught in the loop of "I want power to protect myself from my pain (J&S, Gryffindor, everything they represent)" and "but I don’t want to commit evil acts (Cruciatus Curse etc)"
-through spies at Hogwarts (Lucius?) Voldemort finds out about a skilled and vulnerable Sev and starts preying on him
-he is on the fence, but when he finds out Lily is dating James (his tormentor) in 1978, that tips him over the edge
-his motivation for joining the DE is revenge for the pain the light side caused him (the M bullying, Dumbledore covering it all up, Lily "betraying" him by joining his tormentors), gaining power to protect himself against future attacks, and to protect Lily from "their clutches"
-he comes home that summer to find out his father died in a car accident (he was driving while drunk), so he owns the Spinner’s End house
-he receives the Dark Mark a few months after graduation September 1978
-Voldemort instructs Sev to use his home to make potions for the DE
-he occasionally takes part in battles, but during his first year, his main job is brewing potions
-while spending so much time at home, he goes through his old belongings and discovers things from his friendship with Lily
-guilt starts to manifest, but the DE are the first people who value him and his skills and don’t make fun of him, so he ignores their pure-blood ideology even though he doesn’t believe in it himself
-in 1979/1980 Voldemort starts using Sev as a spy as he recognises his talent for it during previous battles
-15.05.1980 the Prophecy
-August 1980 Voldemort decides to go after the Potters and guilt hits Sev in the face so hard he can barely breathe
-"well, I don’t care about Potter, but I can’t leave Lily dead or unhappy"
-asking Voldemort to spare her (had he asked for the whole family, it would have been suspicious)
-asking Dumbledore to spare all ("Anything.")
-starts teaching at Hogwarts (V believes it is to spy on D but it’s actually the opposite)
-Halloween 1981
-guilt and grief times ♾
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sshbpodcast · 2 months
Character Spotlight: Jake Sisko
By Ames
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We’ve talked a bunch of times on A Star to Steer Her By about how Jake Sisko is the best. He’s one of the best child characters in the whole Star Trek franchise, in both writing and acting (second to maybe Mezoti and/or Rok-Tahk). His relationship with his father is depicted so beautifully in so many episodes, as we’ll surely discuss below. And that kid’s personal style bypasses Wesley Crusher’s in every single way.
So this week, we’re picking up a Jake Sisko holonovel to read as your SSHB hosts declare our favorite Jake-O moments and scrape up some bad moments to consider. Our definition of what a Worst Moment is – which was shaky at best to begin with – gets really stretched this week. So enjoy them all below, listen to our chatter this week on the podcast (jump over to 1:01:52), and prepare for Jake Sisko to make a deal for you to have great damn day.
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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“A” is for Apple, “B” is for Best friend ever Jake is just a straight-up good kid. So good that we happily forgive everything on our bad list, and this early moment really established what a pure heart he has. When Rom pulls Nog out of Keiko’s school in “The Nagus” and Sisko is about to get all racist at the Ferengi for corrupting his son, we learn that Jake has been sneaking off to teach Nog to read, squashing all the jumped-to conclusions and being the example that everyone on the station needs right now.
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Who wears the lobes in this relationship? Speaking of teaching things to Nog, when the two form the Noh-Jay Consortium in “Progress,” which is adorable enough on its own, Jake somehow schools Nog on the value of owning land when they start trading assets around. How a Ferengi doesn’t understand real estate is beyond me, but Jake knows a good deal when he sees one. Turns out Jake’s got the lobes!
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My friend’s real sorry for what he did In our Nog coverage on the podcast, I mistakenly sullied Jake’s name, claiming he started a fight with the Skrrean kids in “Sanctuary.” Well I was dead wrong! Jake, the ever goody-two-shoes, actually tries to prevent the fight and then does one better by patching things up with Tumak in line for the replimat later. How I could think Jake would have a vicious bone in his body was my error.
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I need to find what’s me While we gave Nog lots of props for pursuing his dream of being the first Ferengi to join Starfleet, Jake goes the opposite path, and we love him even more for it! You’d think with a father commanding a whole station, Jake would go the Starfleet route too, but in “Shadowplay,” he reveals he’d rather pursue something he’s more passionate about.
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First let me get the hang of flying at impulse When the away team gets captured during “The Jem’Hadar,” Jake and Nog sneak aboard the runabout to escape. Despite not knowing how to pilot the thing, Jake is able to elude disaster and invaders long enough to be rescued. Add to that the fact that they were there to ensure Nog got a passing grade, and Jake comes out as the hero of this episode! (Sorry, Quark.)
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If I go, you’ll be all alone Even though he wants to spend time with Leanne, Jake decides to accompany his father on the lightship in “Explorers.” This episode gives us some more of those patented lovely father-son moments of the two being honest and supportive of each other, as Jake expresses his interest in writing and also that he’s concerned about Ben coping without him if he went away to school.
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Something called “Sliding into Second” An episode later in “Family Business,” Sisko relents to Jake’s insistence that he get a girlfriend by going on a date with Kasidy Yates based on his son’s matchmaking skills. And it turns out Kasidy is perfect for Ben! Now whether Ben is perfect for Kasidy is another matter altogether that we hinted at a little in our Ben Sisko post, but let’s just say Jake has solid taste.
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To my father, who’s coming home I cannot overstate how beautiful “The Visitor” is, and at the center of it is Jake’s relationship with Ben, undoubtedly the strongest asset of all of Deep Space Nine. Jake’s love for his missing father is so strong and pure that he dedicates his life to getting him back from the white void. Is it what Ben would have wanted? Absolutely not. But is it perfect for Jake Sisko? Tremendously.
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You may be a little rusty, but you’re still the Chief When O’Brien has gone through literal decades of torture after his brain adventure in “Hard Time,” who better than Jake Sisko to help reacclimate him to all his tools? Jake, who apprenticed briefly under the Chief earlier in the series, shows characteristic patience and empathy for the man who is clearly in need of much rehabilitation and therapy.
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The line between courage and cowardice Cirroc Lofton gets his time to shine in “...Nor the Battle to the Strong,” providing an understandably terrified face to the front lines. Not only does he scrub up to help Julian and the other combat medics as injured soldiers start pouring in, AND thwart a Klingon siege by blasting out the ceiling, but he also reminds us that war is absolutely horrifying, in case we’ve forgotten.
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You can always find something that’ll make you smile Yet another feel-good moment comes from Jake in the entire lovetrip that is “In the Cards.” While trying to cheer up his dad by getting him a baseball card, Jake and Nog find themselves running a series of fetch quests that add up to one thing: finding ways to make everyone have a nice day, even in the middle of the Dominion War. It was a breath of fresh air in a very serious season.
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Let people read it and decide for themselves While Nog and the rest of Red Squad were entirely taken in by the opportunity to play war, Jake saw through Watters’s bullshit immediately in “Valiant.” He’s able to scrape Nog and Dorian Collins together and save them from destruction. And I’ve got to give him credit for endeavoring to write both sides of the story, without bias or condemnation, even if Watters deserves it.
Worst moments
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Watch the wheel, not the girl Boy, that Jake Sisko has a type, and that type is older Bajorans. We first meet Mardah in the flesh in “The Abandoned,” and not only is she a Dabo Girl (whom we know have sex acts with Quark written into their contracts), but she’s also too old for him. I don’t know what age of consent laws are in the future, but when she’s 20 and he’s 16, it just feels on the wrong side of legal.
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Stop calling her Nerys When things with Mardah don’t work out, Jake sets his sights on another Bajoran who’s definitely too old for him in “Fascination”: Major Kira. And sure, you could justify this one by saying that everyone on the station is affected by Lwaxana Troi’s Zanthi Fever, but out of all the uncomfortable pairings, it was this one that just felt kinda gross about it.
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I guess I just forgot you’re a Ferengi While we blame Nog for his terrible behavior during their double date in “Life Support,” Jake isn’t innocent either. First, how he let Nog weasel in is just a goofy plot device to make the episode happen. But also, Jake shows naivete on his part for not understanding that this is perfectly normal for a Ferengi, and blaming his friend for his upbringing isn’t a good look.
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So you’re Jennifer Sisko, but you’re just not my mom Okay, this one’s a little on Ben too for trusting mirror Jennifer to be alone with Jake, like a fool, but Jake’s whole attitude toward his mirror mom in “Shattered Mirror” plays right into her trap. He is so blindsided by her presence that he doesn’t think rationally, even if he’s heard the stories about how nefarious everyone is in the alternate universe. Jake, don’t trust this imposter!
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I can spot a creative soul a galaxy away Jake’s weird thing for older women shows up again in “The Muse” when Onaya easily manipulates the poor boy. This is just an episode after “Shattered Mirror,” when his mirror mom took advantage of his trusting nature and eagerness to believe people have good intentions. And this soul-sucker preys on him so easily because he lets himself get taken in.
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How much laundry is too much laundry? One last one that’s on both Nog’s and Jake’s list somewhere, since the two are so intertwined: While Nog has become a complete square in “The Ascent,” Jake has turned into a slob so comically disorganized that it stretches credulity. Nog is literally gone for several hours and when he’s returned, Jake’s laundry coats their quarters. How is that even possible?
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These visions, they’re not worth dying for This is one of those instances that’s more bad for Jake than bad for us at home. When Ben is catatonic from prophet visions in “Rapture,” it’s Jake’s responsibility as next of kin to decide his fate. He chooses for his father to live, partly selfishly, even though it’s not what Ben would have wanted. But really, I say they should have put this decision on Joe and not a teenage boy.
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Just remember, Bashir is spelled with an I Consistently, it’s a running joke on the show that Jake’s spelling is poor. It comes up a couple of times! Nog has to correct all his spelling in “The Ascent.” Sisko points it out when he reads Anslem in “The Muse.” And clearly he spelled Dr. Bashir’s name wrong in his article from “...Nor the Battle to the Strong” because Julian reminds him of the spelling in “Call to Arms.”
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This is where I belong After all the Starfleet personnel have abandoned the station in “Call to Arms,” Jake opts to stay behind to do some journalism work, hoping that his status as the Emissary’s son will keep him safe because the Bajorans will revolt if some harm comes to him. So he effectively makes himself a hostage of the Dominion just for a writing gig. Weird flex, Jake-O.
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What about freedom of the press? And then the stories Jake writes about the Dominion occupation don’t even go anywhere because Weyoun keeps intercepting them in “A Time to Stand”! Jake, my dude, you can’t go writing clearly biased stories and thinking they’ll make it to your audience. You think Weyoun’s going to let you interview him when he knows your angle? Oh you sweet summer child.
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Anything for a story I’ll admit that Jake’s actions and uncharacteristic ability to see through bullshit in “Valiant” were commendable, but his reasons for being there in the first place were thin at best. He weasels into Nog’s trip to Ferenginar to try to get an exclusive interview with the Nagus. Presumptuous much, kid? This after promising to Nog that he wouldn’t be acting as a reporter on his mission.
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Please, no more Vic Fontaine! When Nog returns to the station in “It’s Only a Paper Moon” after his leg replacement and clearly suffering from PTSD, the support he gets from friends, family, and professional therapists alike is laughable. Even Jake. It strikes me as out of character that Jake fails at being tolerant of Nog’s wishes during a painful time. Maybe get the guy some comically large headphones instead of kicking him out next time.
Send this one off to the presses because we’re done! We’ve still got some more Deep Space Nine characters to spotlight coming up, so keep following along for those. We also hope you’re watching Enterprise along with us over on SoundCloud or wherever you get your podcasts. You can play some dot-jot with us over on Facebook and Twitter, and check your spelling before submitting because evidently there’s no Clippy on DS9!
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offorestsongs · 14 days
lilyarrow headcanons/rambles
welcome to: the most embarrassing thing i've posted yet shfjdjf but i'm sick and i'm having the worst brainrot known to man so i think i'm allowed to be self indulgent (im constantly battling the little cop in my brain that's telling me i'm being cringe with anything i do lmao) either way, enjoy some Rook/Lysander rambles
they actually first met pretty early on,, sometime after book 2 maybe???
Vil once said that it's a shame that the Prefect has such long, pretty hair, yet he doesn't take good care of it and how he wouldn't let that fly if Lysander was in Pomefiore
cue Rook bringing Lysander to Vil so Vil can give him guidance (Vil: that's not what i asked of you??)
Lysander is like a delicate flower, Rook couldn't let his beauty wither away! that would be failing his life mission!
Lysander is a sweetheart, but he's also a little weird, which comes with growing up very isolated - meet with a guy who seems to know his name, age, height and preferences he just. blushes
he thinks it's SO sweet that somebody would pay so much attention to him heaven's help him
they're the definition of slow burn friends to lovers 300k words
it was always my interpretation that while Rook gets infatuated easily, it takes him a lot to truly fall in love
meanwhile Lysander falls fast and hard and is panicking about it So bad
this is the first time he'd ever had a crush on somebody who's not wholly unreachable to him and he's NOT dealing with it well
Ace relentlessly bullies Lysander for his choice in love interest sshfjsjfdhdk
it's very important to me that Lysander is somebody who grew up mostly confined to one place and he meets somebody who can show him the world and let him be more free
they bond over their love of nature/wilderness!!! they go on silly little adventures together!!!
Rook also showed Lysander how to climb trees bc Lysander was never allowed to as a kid
i like to think they had a little "there was only one bed" situation in book 5 lmao
i mean, despite Lysander’s best efforts, Ramshackle doesn't have that many rooms that are actually suitable for guests, they have to squeeze somebody in somehow
(it was probably Vil’s suggestion that they sleep in the same room; he's so tired of listening to Rook talking about how elegantly Lysander ate a sandwich this morning)
Lysander has actually trouble falling asleep sometimes, for a lot of reasons, but now he suddenly discovers that it takes him like, five seconds to fall asleep with Rook next to him because Rook makes him feel so safe
(Rook is weird about falling asleep with other people around so he mostly watches Lysander sleep. not that hes complaining! to the contrary!)
Rook is very uh. attuned to Lysander’s smell. he always notices when Lysander uses a different shampoo/conditioner/shower gel. he also notices when his own smell rubs off on Lysander (and he's appropriately smug about it)
they're THE WORST couple to be around once they actually get together somebody help them DHFJDJ they're very open with their affections (Lysander has at least the decency to get embarrassed but not as much to stop)
also Rook often visits Lysander when he has his shifts at the Mostro Longue and Azul is pissed because their couple-y shit is driving away the customers (insert the homophobic dog there should be more gay discrimination at the workplace meme here /j)
yes Rook writes Lysander handwritten love letters but Lysander writes him letters as well because he's a sappy old man at heart
this post was supposed to be longer but Tumblr hates me and ate half of it so bye 😭
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
Wait why the SJM hate? Honest question I had no idea she was a bad person?
ok so i've gotten quite a few asks like this and i'm gonna answer them all here. sorry anon, i'm using your ask as my little soapbox for a moment.
explanation under the cut- fair warning it's long and talks about racism, misogyny, abuse, and rape/sexual assault
this is also gonna be the one time and one time only i address this because i'm a CoD writing blog and (and i'm gonna sound mean here) google is free and if a bunch of people, especially a large group of poc (and more specifically black people), have said an author is problematic and you don't take the time to at least listen or do your own research on that author that's your own fault and willful ignorance.
for some of the other anons asking who sjm is: sarah j maas is an author most famous for her throne of glass (tog) and a court of thorns and roses (acotar) series.
for people who want to say i don't like her because i haven't read her book: i was, at one point, a fan of hers and have read every single one of her books.
sjm and her works are presented as ya and for a lot of people, much like how harry potter and jkr were for my age group, her books were probably their first pick up at around 13 and their first introduction to the ya fantasy genre, to ya romance, or to sexy scenes.
the problem is, her books are hailed as "feminist" titles, when all she does is romanticize these extremely toxic and straight-up abusive relationships between her characters as romantic. the moment the dark, broody love interest is introduced, the female mc loses all agency. (this isn't just an sjm problem, but she's who we're talking about right now)
(tw: rape/sexual assault/abuse/misogyny)
you're given a protagonist who's supposed to be intelligent/capable/able to take care of herself, but as soon as the male love interest (who you can tell sjm likes far more than the female mc) swaggers in, and become a part of the story. the moment the heroine starts to fall, she becomes a side character in her own tale: all of her motivations, her purpose, her desire are now only about furthering this broody mystery man with shadow powers and his ambitions. it may be said that they're equals, there might even be a few tender moments of false hope that the heroine is going to get her spot back as the main character of the book, but it's all a façade. she is and always will be subordinate to the male love interest, and every other man she comes across. and sjm has a big problem with making it clear through her writing that really, it was never the heroine's story in the first place, it was always the man's.
@happysharkintensifies put it best in this post:
It was never her story in the first place. It was his. She no longer makes decisions or takes initiative for herself; it's now for him. It's no longer about her mission or goals or desire; it's now about his. It's no longer about her struggles or pains or hardships, it's now about his. And it's not just her story that's stolen from her. Her personality, character and strengths are wittled away as well. If she's competent and skill at something, then she'll suddenly have the rug pulled out from beneath her by a man who inexplicably outclasses her. If she's confident, well-spoken, and respected, then she'll suddenly become tongue-tied, flustered and condescended to by a smirking man who's somehow more witty and eloquent than she is. If she has ambitions that don't immediately revolve around men or relationships, then she'll suddenly have her mind changed by a man who'll make her forget and discard her goals in favor of his. If she's disinterested in, or indifferent to men, she'll suddenly become infatuated with and softened up by an excessively attractive man almost instantaneously. And, worst of all, if she confronts him for his gaslighting/manipulation/violence/abuse, she'll suddenly find her anger and will crumbling as the story and narrative excuses and forgives him for his misdeeds. Worst of all, she'll be forced to admit that she's wrong."
and to especially add on to that last point, in the acotar series, feyre (the golden white woman) is raped and sexually assaulted by both of her love interests. and when it happens at the hands of rhysand (sjm's favorite brooding love interest) it's described and romanticized as an act of protection- he's doing this for her benefit, and it's not allowed to be brought up in a negative light because he's assaulted her for her own good. the amount of times women in her series are abused/gaslit/manipulated/killed and it is framed as romantic because she's either in a relationship with the man doing it or because he "likes" her is quite frankly disturbing and is a shit message for her majority teen fanbase who are reading these books and solidifying that same stupid rhetoric we all heard as kids that "if a boy hurts/bullies/is mean to you that means he likes you".
there's also the trope she seems to favor in her books of "only good (and mostly white) girls get to keep their powers".
good girls put their man first. they're modest and humble. they need to be saved by a big, strong, brooding man with a dark past. they would never wear revealing clothes and are so so scandalized when they have to be paraded around half-dressed for a plot point. they only fuck when they have to or are forced to because any sort of sexual agency is immediately looked down upon by their man and god forbid they disappoint their man. they're often mistreated by any man they meet and will take the abuse and thank the man for the treatment because they're a good girl.
they're not like other girls, the bad girls.
bad girls are too independent. they're too strong, too proud, too into their looks. they need to be put into their place. how dare they be seductive, wear revealing clothes, sleep with whomever they want.
@ekileh puts it well in this post:
feyre is the literal holotype of a good girl. she puts everyone else, especially her male partner, before herself. she is a little more selfish at the beginning of the books, but she undergoes a lot of character growth by acowar/acofas. in acowar i think it makes her compelling because she’s so recklessly brave that it almost sets her allies’ efforts back (it’s almost a mistake!) but everything always works out for her. but by acofas, when she’s wearing herself to the bone doing charity work, she’s become a martyr. she also is forced into wearing sexy clothes (by rhys) and they don’t do anything sexual until there’s, of course, only one bed. she’s so OP her powers eventually get nerfed for plot reasons (nesta, elain, and other side characters need a chance to shine, so feyre gets pregnant, shielded, and now has a baby to protect so she probably won’t risk herself unless anything threatens nyx), but her powers are still there. she still has control and agency over her powers. she’s just choosing not to use them or put herself in harm’s way because she’s now a mother. nesta, amren, and aelin are bad girls because they are selfish, proud, difficult to get along with. we don’t know much about amren’s sexual history but we know aelin cockteased rowan for months, and nesta made her way through velaris and jumped right into bed with cassian—not for love, but for a distraction—once she was confined to the house of wind. (i know feyre claimed her one bed moment with rhysand was for a distraction as well, but she wasn’t really in the same place as nesta where sex was an active self-destructive coping mechanism for her. and she later admits to rhys she was lying about wanting distraction to protect herself.) and yeah amren and aelin gives up their powers for the wars and nesta gives up her powers for……a wider pelvis. because bad girls can only be redeemed by sacrificing their power. good girls will gladly sacrifice their power and lives, but they are always spared. bad girls may offer their lives too (as amren and aelin did), but even if their lives are spared they never get to keep their power like good girls do. (and of course OP men always get to keep their powers.)
(tw: racism/homophobia/ableism/abuse)
before we get into this next part: i am black, more specifically a queer black woman living in america.
it's no secret that sjm's books are severely lacking in diversity. there's the illusion of diversity with the "dark" brooding love interest and his gaggle of equally broody assholes- the slight tan, or golden bronze, or light olive skin meant to placate readers looking for more representation. and sjm knows this, so she gives them a setting and culture that's a poorly picked apart and reduced version of real life non-white cultures without any care of thought.
and what representation people of color do get in her books are almost the same as most other popular fantasy novels (looking especially at you, game of thrones):
they're the dark-skinned savages, the uneducated and violent
they're the conquerors, the people who have been harassing our straight white girl main and ethnically ambiguous faves and need to be put in their place
they're the former servants or slaves who are rising against their oppressors but aren't doing it in a polite or kind way the mc's deem fit so their often valid points are immediately dismissed
they're the beautiful, strong seductresses who are in the way of the perfect white mc getting with her dark, broody man so they must die, often in an unnecessary or extremely violent manner
sjm says she supports the black lives matter movement, says that there is diversity in her books, and then in the same breath will prop up and praise art for her books that blatantly whitewashes what few characters of color there are, she will give the excuse that it was her publishers who lightened these characters skin without her knowledge because, of course this character who she's never described as anything other than tan with european features is actually supposed to be a character of color,
she will use the death of a real black woman murdered by police as a way to promote her next book (link)
it is exhausting and unbelievably hurtful, to have to watch as an author (especially a non-black author) who has shown no respect towards her black characters or any of the real cultures she boils down to basics for her books praise herself and let her fans praise her on having diversity in her books, blatantly and carelessly use a movement meant to bring to light and discuss the violent ways black people are murdered at the hands of the police to promote herself and her books where black and characters of color exist only to be killed and black and poc women are fridged for white pain.
it is also hurtful as someone who is a part of the lgbtq+ community and disabled to have to sit through books that contain things like:
this woman identifies as lesbian, but she's going to be in a love triangle with men and will suffer unbelievable amounts of sexual abuse and violence at the hands of men so her lesbianism will disappear because sleeping with men is her trauma response
all bisexuals are threesome sex fiends
magical cures for disabilities because how dare someone not want to be "normal"
it's not abuse if it was done for your own good followed by the outrageous lengths sjm goes to in order to redeem male abusers and rapists like rhysand, and tamlin, and eris to the point where some of them get the best happy ending but then violently murder all female abusers in the most horrific ways
look, at the end of the day, sarah j maas is a popular author. she writes (imo) mediocre books that are really only for white women/teens/young adults to live out their tall, dark and handsome mystery magic man fantasy. but she's famous, and more than happy to let her fans speak over any valid criticisms black and people of color have brought up over her writing, and her acts as a person.
she will never go away, most likely never change or acknowledge or take responsibility for things she's said/done/written, her fans will probably never care or give a shit about these problems, and as long as people continue to support her and buy her books she won't give a shit either.
all i can do is curate the content i consume to ensure i don't have to see or deal with her or her writing.
if you're a fan of hers- fine, you do you. i know there are people who i'm sure are perfectly nice individuals who are fans of her and i'm sure there are people of color who enjoy her books- that's entirely up to them. i'm not going to go around telling people to not read her books, or go into spaces for her fans to scold people over their like of her. If you want to read her books and support her despite the harm she's caused and the criticisms poc have spoken about, that's on you and i have little respect for you.
i know i sound mean in some of this, but this is my blog and i'm sure there are hundreds of other blogs out there ready to sing sarah j maas's praises. so, if you're a fan of hers and don't want to see criticism of or any type of negative feelings towards her or her books, i am going to politely suggest that my blog is not the place for you.
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You’re On Your Own, Kid Chapter 4
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TITLE: You’re On Your Own, Kid Chapter 4 PAIRING: Bob/OC RATING: T CHAPTER: 4/? SUMMARY: Caroline Kazansky’s birth was the Navy’s worst kept secret. Taken in by Admiral Kazansky after being dropped on his doorstep months after her birth, her true father has been kept a secret from her. Her father is none other than her adoptive father’s wingman, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell. So what happens when she’s called back to Top Gun? And what happens when she catches the eye of a shy WSO?
[A/N - This is mostly a filler chapter, but I wanted to show more of Rooster and Caroline’s friendship.]
They suited up, grabbed their helmets, and made their way to their jets to check them over before the exercise.
“Did you know he’d be here?” Rooster asked Caroline.
“What? No.”
“Don’t lie to me, Caroline.”
“I’m not lying to you Rooster! I mean, I had a suspicion when I saw him at the Hard Deck last night, but I’ve never even met Maverick!”
Rooster’s brows furrowed. “You…you’ve never…?”
Caroline shook her head.
“Rooster!” Maverick called.
Rooster ignored him. “You swear you’ve never met Maverick?” Rooster asked.
Caroline shook her head and took Rooster’s hand in her own. “I swear to you, Bradley. I’ve never met Maverick in my life. I’d never lie to you. You’re my best friend and brother.”
“Lieutenant Bradshaw!”
Rooster finally turned to Maverick. “Yes, sir.”
Maverick looked at Caroline. “You’re dismissed Lieutenant Kazansky.”
Caroline nodded and squeezed Rooster’s hand before walking off. She found Bob checking his jet with Phoenix and kissed his cheek. “Good luck out there.”
“Th-Thanks,” he stuttered.
Rooster, Fanboy, and Payback were up first.
Caroline sat in the rec room with the rest of the pilots listening to the radio.
“Good morning, aviators. This is your captain speaking. Welcome to basic fighter maneuvers. As briefed, today’s exercise is dogfighting. Guns only, no missiles. We do not go below the hard deck of 5,000 feet. Working as a team, you have to shoot me down, or else.”
“Or else what, sir?” Payback asked.
“Or else I shoot back. If I shoot either one of you down, you both lose.”
“This guy needs an ego check,” Hangman said, causing Caroline to roll her eyes.
“We’ll see to that,” a couple of the pilots said.
“So what do you say we put some skin the game?” Payback suggested.
“What did you have in mind?” Maverick asked.
“Whoever gets shot down first has to do 200 push-ups.”
“Guys, that’s a lot of push-ups.”
“Well they don’t call it exercise for nothing, sir,” Fanboy said.
“You got yourself a deal, gentlemen. Fight’s on. Let’s turn and burn.”
God, Caroline would give anything to be in the air right now. She’d heard of Maverick’s exploits from her father, but now she would get to see the pilot in action.
“Fanboy, you see him?” Rooster asked.
“Nothing on radar up ahead. He must be somewhere behind us.”
“What the hell?” Payback asked.
“Shit!” Fanboy cursed.
Careful Rooster.
Caroline knew her godbrother could be very temperamental and hot-headed. She hoped he kept his cool today.
“Tally, tally, tally!” Fanboy called out, “Maverick’s coming in! Break left!”
“Breaking left,” Payback said.
“Payback, where’s your wingman?” Maverick asked.
“Rooster, where are you?”
“I got you back. I’m coming. Hang in there. Hang in there.”
“Hurry up, man! Hurry up!”
“Payback, break right.”
“Breaking right.”
“Rooster just saved your life, fellas. But it’s gonna cost him.”
“Not this time, old man.”
Rooster was letting his anger rule him.
“Rooster, you’re too low! Pull up! You’re hitting the hard deck,” Payback told him.
“Oh, shit.”
There was tone.
“That’s a kill,” Maverick said.
“Fuck!” Rooster cursed. He landed his jet and started doing his push-ups while Payback and Fanboy joined the other pilots in the rec-room.
“That should be us down there,” Fanboy said.
“But it’s not. And now you know a little something about Rooster,” Phoenix said.
Yale, Harvard, and Fritz were up next.
Rooster finished his push-ups as they took off in their jets. He joined the other pilots in the rec-room.
Caroline was waiting for him with her hip cocked and her arms crossed over her chest.
“I know, okay? I know,” he said.
She hit him on the arm. “You let you temper get the best of you. Again. I get that you’re angry with Maverick about what he did, but if I somehow get picked for this mission, I’m not flying without you.”
Caroline had been the first person he reached out to when Maverick pulled his papers to the Academy. She tried to go to her father to reverse the action, but Iceman’s hands had been tied at the time.
“I just need you to keep your cool long enough to get through this mission and then you won’t ever have to see Maverick again.”
“What? Why?”
“Because this is his last posting Rooster. That’s why my dad pulled all the strings he could.”
Rooster gave her a smirk. “I thought you didn’t know anything about this mission.”
“And I didn’t until today. But I know my father. He’d do anything for Maverick.”
Top Gun Taglist: @maverick-wingman​ @thescarletknight2014
Lewis Pullman Taglist: @tallrock35 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @luckyladycreator2 @justanothermagicalsara @anotherr-fine-mess @airedale17​ @xcastawayherosx
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rudnitskaia · 1 year
Just a sketch of my OC in Lackadaisy universe. :3
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Maura Venza.
Born April 14, 1905 in Torino, Italy. Lived in Italy with her family until 1908, but barely remembers that period. Most of her life she spent already in the US. Nevertheless, bilingual. Has an adorable accent with lovely vibrant r’s and g/j’s.
Mau with her father moved to St. Louis from Kansas City in 1927 because of ‘some issues’. If you ask her about those ‘issues’, she will only feed you with long-winded jocose explanations, neither of which are true. Still, it seems that Maura has no connection with all this underground world at all; now she is occupied as a waitress in her father’s small eatery. She bets that she can make you the best coffee in your whole life. And/or can cook for you her ‘trademark’ sugary pizza. Here are some of Maura’s instructions (don't try this at home, kids!):
Roll out the dough and bake pizza with some corn syrup instead of sauce.
Add much more corn syrup on top, when pizza dough is ready.
While it’s still hot, decorate it with powdered sugar, pear jam, bits of couple marshmallows and of a chocolate-peanut bar (any kind of).
And don’t forget to put the small scoop of vanilla ice cream in the middle!
Profit! You’re fabulous! Enjoy your meal!
Get through the worst sugar crash after (unless you're Roark Rickaby or you have the same kind of metabolism, then skip to 7).
Crave for more!!!
Adores musical theater (which she unfortunately can visit truly rarely because of lack of time and money) and radio, listens to it often while working and knows many songs by heart (though won’t sing any until she’s completely alone). Once dreamed about being somehow involved into theatrical life, but knows that it’s a doomed dream and just enjoys those little things.
Can beat you in billiards with apparent ease, but doesn’t like to show it and tries to hide her skills for some reasons. It will be hard for you to shove the cue stick to her hands (she’ll childishly refuse to take it), and even harder to get her out to the place where billiard tables are.
You rarely can meet Mau outside her father’s eatery, but she will definitely be glad to talk to you if you visit her. She likes to listen while others talk and is the talkative one herself, but be prepared for friendly teasing and puns. Lots of puns… once you might even think you’re guilty in something and this is some kind of PUNishment. :D
Ah, and sometimes treats furniture as if it’s alive, but (for heaven’s sake) Mau’s sane and doesn’t expect it to answer; just a little quirk that appeared due to her overall talkative nature. :D I mean, who won’t ‘shush!’ the radio when it’s too loud, right? Right...?
Well, uh… so… who wants some sugary pizza? :3
P.S.: Art by me. Please credit my tumblr acc if repost or post somewhere else, thank you.
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junjiie · 6 months
⊹ . ⠀ for my faves !!! ☆
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♡ ⠀ you know who you are be fr.. My Four Faves!!!! (and taeil). i feel like tht shld be a trademarked phrase or sth LMAOO. anw. my gross little msgs for you 🤓 in no particular order i promise 😓 happy new yearr my sillies muah i love you all lots and lots!!!
› ⠀ GO ⠀ ★ ⠀ !
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( @wave2love ) ⠀ ✦ ⠀ KARMA 🫧
let’s get this over with i Guess.. THE FIRST!!!! (on this acc anw). my main supporter when i was nothing but a nugu fr. i might start repeating what i said in my christmas msgs so sorry if i do but first. I LOVE YOUUU!!! MY STARMA!!! you are so strange and it’s a chore and a half to find songs you like and you spend way too much money on tiny bits of cardboard that really you could probably just print off and you make fun of me on twitter but i am taking one for the team and shouldering it all because i really do love you a lot 💗 my best friend!!! even if you call me a senior and apparently i have the worst reads ever (still scarred from how i got TORN TO PIECES over assigning you an idol and a song like. your other friends are crazy it was never that serious..) thank you for all the karma updates and the random little asks saying “us” (they really make my day) and reading over or looking at the things i send you and for letting me YAP on and on for two long ass paragraphs with multiple spelling mistakes about plots i am never going to actually follow through with (#RIPROCKET because let’s face it im probably never getting around to it). i still remember our pact and hopefully i’ll actually make a start on it this year. my tyun, my chenle, my ricky, my younger brother. i love you 💗
an us song ♪ ⠀ might b kind of an odd choice.. but it’s one i introduced you to!!! and you put it on your playlist!!! so it’s ours now ^.^
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( @mins-fins ) ⠀ ✿ ⠀ ISA 🧸
ISAAA ML 🫶 another one of this accs first iktr.. I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHH i love your fics and your ocs and your brain (eats it) and all the comments you leave on my own stuff and all your asks (that i should really work on reciprocating omg!!! one of my resolutions will be to pop up in your inbox more i promise) and i just want to wrap you in a massive hug and spin you around until we fall over. even if you do make me want to log off permanently and start bawling with some of your angst fics (angst for MARK LEE of all people.. crazy). you are another one of my best friends ever!!! one of my favourites ever!!! you are so soft blanket cuddly teddy bear i want to do something really dumb and cringe with you like lie on a blanket in a park and look at the weird shaped clouds like they do in romcoms 😭 thank you for being one of the best parts of my year!!! you always make my day when we talk even just a little bit. i think you’re like an actual little pill of happiness omg.. i just love you so much. let’s have lots of fun this year too ^.^ isa wisaaa you’re my cinnamoroll jeno!!! and if i had to give us some other duos i think we’re quite haobin and sunkyu too 💗 (i think you’re very hanbin and changmin. for sure).
an us song ♪ ⠀ dream scenario where we’re in a dark room with blinding flashing disco lights and dancing and having fun and this is playing way too loudly in the background. this is our song now deal with it!! i love a bit of kylie omg.. x
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( @so2uv @taeiun ) ⠀ ⟡ ⠀ SOL 🪼
i never know when you’re on which acc so i’ll j tag both. ‘become a dreamzen’ BETTER be on your to-do list for this year because so help me god i am going to make it happen. another from-the-start whaaaat!!! (all four of u are idk why i keep saying it like We Know..) I LOVE YOU SO BADDD CHEESECAKE OMG!!! actually so happy we got closer because you’re so cool and funny and amazing and a little Strange and Odd. in a good way. like i want to make you a little jellyfish tank in my heart or brain or chest something so you can live there and i can feed you. jellyfish food (????? boy i don’t know what jellyfish eat). thank you for the song recs and for listening to MY song recs (even if it takes you a while) and listening to my rambling and letting me in on things for fics or your ocs early (it makes me feel so special i fr giggle a little bit like what) and matching pfps w me (#2MIN4L.. we’re just too good) and forgiving me for unfollowing you like twice now 😓 (AN ACCIDENT BOTH TIMES I SWEAR). i love you a lot you’re so silly and fun and i’m glad i met you!!! i hope we talk a lot and have some fun this year too! and longer after that!!! my minho, my hyunjin, my renjun, my 원할 땐 맘껏 뿌려 jalapenos.. muah 💗
an us song ♪ ⠀ no, it’s not pretzel. it should’ve been. but it’s not. this is my favourite onlyoneof song, and i think it sounds a bit like you. so it’s ours now. Wink (ˊᗜˋ*)
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( @astrozuya ) ⠀ ✶ ⠀ LUKA 💫
the FIRST first.. raise your hand if you remember heartchikara. and i55ji. and 7irara. ok the last 2 were the same acc but still. SFTOPP i went back and reread the thing i wrote you for your birthday and oh my god 😭 Call the Gay police.. this guy right here 🚨🚨🚔 ahhh but to be fr though i really meant it all :( i love you so baddd it makes my eye twitch and i start like breaking out into nervous giggles and i am at constant risk of exploding. i know we’ve kinda drifted a couple times this year so i am being FOR REAL when i say for 2024 im gonna try and annoy you so hard!!! you’ll be sick to death of me and scream for it to stop!!! but i just won’t!!! maybe not the long ass us otd ones as much (running out of us pictures.. there’s only so many duos i can pull out of my ass) but just. tiny little updates and stuff with songs that gave me a real #LUKAVIBE. thank you for still wanting to talk to me and listening to my song recs and sending me cute little asks and most of all for just. sticking around (๑´ㅂ`๑) it’s us forever loca!!! you are stuck with me i fear.. you’re a cute little rock or sea creature or something and im the barnacle attached to you. Forever. or maybe not if that’s too weird. #SOZ. so yeah. i love you so so soooo much. jjka (???? it was on the fly forgive me) duo 4L! my hyuka, my haechan, my hao, my slime (LMFAOO), and my star ⭐
an us song ♪ ⠀ it’s nothing new because it’s already on your playlist (sorry :<) but i just love it so much. steve lacy fr called me up and asked what i wanted to say to you and then made this song. Not even joking.
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TAEIL ⠀ ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
laugh it up #IDGAF. guys he Will see this i am NOT crazy. stop do you wanna know sth funny.. before i started love, love, love he wasn’t even on my bias list 😭 back then it was mark jaehyun & doie LOLL. and then i wanted someone to be like a recurring theme so i chose taeil at random and then. i just fell down a massive rabbit hole. he’s so odd and weird and silly and strange and like genuinely i love him so bad????? he’s my ULT ult like i will never feel this crazy over another kpop guy EVER this is the end of the road for me. he is stuck with me forever (he does not know i exist). plus we’re literally #CONNECTED like my fave sanrio character is badtz-maru and guess who he got in the collab.. Yeah. ik ur all in shock rn. jjaeil is real johnny move over. kinda the worst year to become a mds though like he’s been THROUGH IT this year omg. i hope 2024 goes better for him and he makes a full recovery ^.^ god knows how im gonna cope when he enlists but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. thank you taeil for being my favourite and bringing me comfort, i love you ♡
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you all deserve like. the whole world and more. muah 💕 happy new year lomls.. stay safe, maybe get a little drunk (NOT karma. go to bed toddler..), have fun, and i wish you all love and happiness and money and good music and good movies and good food. KISSESSS from ur fave (Me). baii!!!
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unluckyhoneybee · 1 year
Random Prompt list.
See the writing in #Random Prompt List
How does it work? The prompts are coded, simply send me the code of the prompts you want and the person you want me to write about.
CHECK THE BASICS IN HERE. (people I write for, basic rules, etc)
The requests go to my inbox, not to comment sections or dm´s.
If the request doesn't follow the rules, I will delete it. I will mix requests that are similar.
Send as many prompts as you want in one request.
Check the people I write for here. I won't write about anyone who isn't in there.
The context of the story is always welcomed. My imagination is limited.
I will write blurbs, some shorter than others. Never One shot.
Nothing too angsty, I'm a sucker for hurt comfort and I'm the worst with sad endings.
No smut, I always get super stuck with it. Maybe spicy, but not explicit smut.
Tropes (no need to choose one, but I'd prefer if you do):
White: Best friend.
Blue: Brother's best friend.
Violet: Forced proximity.
Yellow: Single dad.
Cherry: Single mum.
Peach: Exes.
Mint: Neighbors.
Silver: suggest one
"I would have come if you had told me"
"I'm here now"
"So please remind me it's not too late" 🎶Undertow- Son Lux.
"Who did that to you?"
"How did we end up here?"
"If you don't ask for help next time I will..." "What?" "End you"
"This wasn't supposed to happen"
"Hold it in, let's go dancing" 🎶 Time is dancing- Ben Howard.
"No, wait. I have something to tell you."
"I heard what you said last night. And... me too"
"Why are you here?" "I had nowhere to go" The cliche
"What the fuck are you doing?" "Shh"
"You said you needed me, I came to help you. Easy"
"No, no. Don't cry. I didn't want you to cry"
"You can be so childish sometimes."
"Is he here?" "No" "Good, 'cause we are leaving now"
"You, me, tacos... what do you say?"
"My mum told me to not let you go and she is always right"
"Don't do that again. Ever. You scared me to death"
"I think we could be great together"
"You came" "I couldn't miss this *event*, it's important for you"
"I miss you. I miss you so bad. The house feels lonely"
"He loves you, you know?"
"You must be his/her favourite person in the world."
"Listen to me, I'm here now. I won't leave. There is no need to be scared. I'm with you."
"Have you ever wanted to kiss someone, but like... A lot" "Yes. I do"
"You are making me nervous" "Am I?"
"How do you know if you are in love with someone?"
"I heard you weren't feeling right, so I bring sweets"
"It's easy, come here and kiss me"
"Why are you doing this for me?"
"I have been hurt before"
"Who made you believe that? I don't hate you"
"Let me help you with that" "No" "Yes"
"I'm here for you, and I will always be" "Why?" "I love you"
"He is my little brother and lives with me. He is also a big fan of yours"
"That you don't the same music as me doesn't mean it's bad music" "Okay, don't be angry and give me a kiss"
"Just ask me, I have been waiting to say yes for a long time"
"If you come with me tonight I won't be able to go back to what we used to be"
"It's okay" "It's not, I made you cry"
What is happening?. (check the link for visual inspo)
A. Shyly holding their hand at social gatherings.
B. A note was left in the kitchen.
C. Needing comfort and a quiet moment.
D. Everyone knows you are in love.
d. Another version of D
E. Late nights conversations.
F. Doing crazy stuff only because he is your person.
f. Another version of F.
G. When he realizes you are the one.
H. He is driving you somewhere important and he grabs your hand.
I. That look before breaking down due to the tension.
J. Moving his hands over your body when he is too shy to touch you.
K. You have an impromptu date late afternoon date.
L. Slowly climbing onto his lap before kissing him.
M. Sliding your hand in his and holding it tight when he is nervous.
N. Making you sit on his lap when your ex is watching (but it's all cute)
O. Accidently falling asleep together.
P. You cross the room and kiss him when you don't know what else to say.
Q. He is not good at taking hints.
R. A friend exposes you in their stories, that's how realize how obvious it is.
S. He is better with kids than you.
T. Your best friend texts you.
U. He has a great relationship with your special person.
V. A not-so-drunk test by him.
X. He is great with kids. Not only better than you, great.
Y. You are having a rough time so he takes you to a rage room.
Z. Send me some inspo. (not spicy)
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