#i jst think……. it would be an interesting dynamic…
chryzure-archive · 1 year
i also don’t know why it would occur in any regard, given that chrysi’s pretty ride-or-die with her boyfriends, but au where she and gil are separated and wren goes between both their houses.. i think he’d call jacks his evil stepmom while at gil’s place, and when gil’s like, “oh, i don’t like jacks either. i don’t know why chrysi’s dating him.” wren will look at him very seriously and says, “i like jacks. he’s my evil stepmom, but he’s very, very bad at it. he tried to drop me off in the middle of the woods, but he ended up getting lost, so i had to lead him out.” gil is in shock.
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anonymouscheeses · 26 days
Vaggie and Valentino are connected and no one has been talking about it (I think 😭)
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Brutha. I've always known this but like these two are surface level similar yet so SO SO SOOOO different its terrifying.
Question might be, why tf am I comparing the r*pist and the beautiful, gorgeous, fantastic, inspiring, humble, generous, smeggsy, former angel?
Simply because they are both moth demon's that speak Spanish. It's a bit too specific. And rlly that's kind of all I have right now. Sure, you could say "erm actually, Vaggie isn't a moth demon 🤓" and ur probably right. But if she's not, why is it that in her redesign for the show they lean into the moth hair? It's look much MUCH more moth than in the pilot. So if Viv wanted to stray away from the moth theme, why make it look more like that? She may not he exactly a moth demon but she does have intentional moth features. Perhaps Vaggie just disguised herself like that, either way, still a connection..
I would get it if one of them were in helluva boss jst as a way to recycle and make room or whatever. But no, they are in the same show, same world, same ring of hell, same city(I think). It's a weird connection and I kind of don't want it to exist. Like at all. Because if they are connected I can't think of any other way they are except that Val could be a fallen angel. Which I CANT imagine. Unless Vaggie is like, a winner that became an exterminator, but genuinely that would be a bit complex. But what isn't in this show. Then again, Adam said he created her, or that could be a metaphor for that Vaggie was never noticed as a human and just brushed off to the side so therefore Adam "created" her (created a name and image/status of her). But that's unlikely, I don't they would be that smart lmao.
Personality wise, they both have anger issues. Pilot Vaggie and show Valentino are more alike but show Vaggie is still somewhat spicy. They also both have hot voices, sorry not sorry, like fuck Val (not literally) but his voice is BAZINGA 😍 and I'm a simp for Stephanie Beatriz. I'm a simple gal.
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Design wise they have rare commonalities. They are both heavily red but thats everyone in the show it make my eyes bleed. But. A weird thing someone pointed out in a slideshow on tiktok is that show Valentino has white stripes on his hips. Me personally I'm not sure what to think about it really. Like I mean it IS a new detail that spawned AFTER the pilot and it is like... on the EXACT place. But like, it's such a weird thing to include when it's such a common pose yknow?
Also the X's on the boobs are so sensual I cannot be the only one. And ykno Val is the king of sensual (🤮)
Maybe you could be asking, "if Val and Vaggie r connected jst because they are moth demons then that jst means that anyone that are the same species are somehow tied to eachother huh? 🤓" like Angel Dust and Zestial. But what I think differs from that is the fact these two have actual big similarities apart from jst the fact they are moths. Like what I just explained, personality, design, both speak Spanish. While Angel Dust and Zestial are only just both spiders. Angel's reason for being a spider is due to the ykno, "web of crime" thing. And Zesty man? Idk he probably got bit and fucking died by a poisonous spider. I mean, health shit wasn't exactly great back in his ye olde time.
For Val and Vaggie we have NO idea why they are moths
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But I did find this! From google AI.....? (I didn't even know that was a thing..) but, I think it's true. It explains the dynamic with Angel alot and I think that's an interesting detail.
Which could also apply to Vaggie because of her hyper-dependency on Charlie.
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Plus this fits Vaggie so. SO much. If my theory that Vaggie just disguised herself as a moth to blend in then that would be a good connection to the entire moth motif. Love, I don't even need to explain.
It can fit Val too if you think abt the disguise part a bit. Like he disguises himself as this charming and calming figure to avoid suspicion and lure victims... fucking creepy 🤮
Also in Vaggie's past designs she was more moth.
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Here is like. ONE image I could find that wasn't too blurry. Like I wouldn't say it's heavy moth but I think if you asked me what insect she was based off I would guess moth in like a few minutes. The colors being dark, the fluffy legwarmers. Yum, that's a mothy. (THIS DESIGN YHO KINDA PISSES ME OFF. WHY IS THERE THE FEMALE SIGN OK HER SHIRY I THOUGHT SHE WAS STRAIGHT IN THIS VER??? also str8 vaggie scares me don't ever bring up that thing around me. They are NOT the same. #notmyvagina)
From what I know there aren't any previous old beta designs of Valentino, so he was likely made for the show specifically.
Overall, they are both sexy Spanish speakers who are moth demons, in the same show, oddly specific connected design choices, and have some anger issues.
Oh also they both hate Angel Dust 💜
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daydream-corpse · 5 months
I think Buttercup and Mandark would have an interesting dynamic / friendship / queerplatonic Because they're both loners (I feel like Buttercup would try the most to break out of the trio in her teenage years, even if they really like their sisters, they'd have the hardest time finding themselves between the three) Buttercup would gravitate toward Mandark at first just because he's a villain and they thinks they can fuck him up on their own but then he's just a scrawny nerd and he already got an archrival anyway and he's the one actually getting picked on and now they jst weirdly bump into each other at school and outside a lot of time, and oh no he's Buttercup's nerd now They just relate to each other because they're both queer and don't fit in with the crowd (but for different reason, as Buttercup got their family as a safety cushion which can make Mandark a little bit bitter), they tend to hang around and enjoy nto having to justificate themselves for what they want to do (and Mandark is definitely filming if Buttercup decides to destroy something or setting it on fire). They're frankly have different way of thinking and experiencing the world but they also see each other as stable enough to come back again and again wheen needing a hand.
They'd also be good dynamic duo in fighting style (Mandark making making stuff for Buttercup ! Their family getting worried about the spike gloves that spite heat-seeking missile!!!! Utonium giving a stern talking to to Mandark, Mandark getting invited in the Utonium house and having him mentoring him a little,,, that kind of things)
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margle · 11 months
anon from yesterday n yea i watched it earlier, overall p much what i expected . i thought kaitlins acting was rly good in particular in the scene where dennis was monologuing abt their childhood n i think it provided interesting insight into her as a character nd how dennis can affect her but th misogynistic speeches were just a little 2 real for me so i just kinda sat thru them like uhh …. okay then! bc they were jst sooo aggressively vitriolic. like, sure, you’re not supposed to agree with dennis, but at the same time, none of it was being said in a comedic way yk. it was just dennis repeating real things ppl actually think and say abt women
yeah so much of the episode had me sitting there stone faced. which isnt really a great thing for a comedy show. in terms of lore I like the episode because it provides some more insight into the trash twins dynamic. and also it was a dee centric episode (finally!).
but imo I think the issue comes from the fact they are trying to do three things at once.
1: use the characters as vessels for social satire, in this case satirising the way men treat women's sports and also the way they try and negatively define the relationships between women.
but also 2: create interesting and deep characters that feel human. the gang are deeply flawed but you do connect with them.
and finally 3: make it all funny.
and sometimes these three things can work together well. but sometimes they can clash.
for example:
they were trying to depict the way men treat women's sports. and lots of things about it was effective. it felt viscerally uncomfortable. you could really empathise with dee and how small she felt in that moment. it said some interesting things about how women are people who are going have conflict with one another but their inter-personal relationships aren't entirely positive or negative. they are complex.
but none of that was particularly funny. or, as a woman who rlly likes dee, enjoyable. (and you could also argue that it didnt achieve anything - ill get to that later)
it also felt less like an exploration of the trash twins as siblings, and more like an exploration of men vs women. which is okay, because in this instance they were using their dynamic as a means to portray an issue. but when they do that, it is often at the expense of making them feel human. or at least making them feel like their own characters.
and then theres the whole thing about whether satire is effective if it is just someone touting bigoted language with no real subversion. (this shit is confusing so feel free to disagree with me if ive said it wrong)
I think I would've loved the episode sooooo much more if there was more explicit subversion of the stuff dennis was saying. for example, the waitress kicks the punching bag and is great at it. but then dennis beats her. when I watched that, I presumed it would be revealed that it was part of the waitress's plan to make dennis hurt himself, so they could win. but that was never said, I dont think. and also at the end: the waitress says she doesnt like womens sports. which is something dennis said earlier. and on one hand, that is completely fine because the whole point is that women arent a monolith. they have differing opinions about women's sport.
but then again, why does dee just stand there and take it? she was beaten down throughout the episode, and at the last moment had a tiny victory. she overcame her internal obstacles. but her victory was subverted and turned bitter because she received no external validation. (which is interesting from a dee lore stand point but not satisfying as the audience) so that was aim 3, being funny, getting in the way. they went for a punchline, which slightly ruined the effectiveness of the satire. because dennis's claims were only temporarily subverted. in fact, his misogyny about women's sports was actually reinforced by the ending.
so aim 3, being funny, got in the way of the satire and also the portrayal of the waitress's character. despite being seen as multi-faceted throughout the episode, at the end her motivations and character becomes secondary to a punchline. why would the waitress do all that if she didnt care about sport? (im suppressing my deetress instincts rn) why would she stay? why did dee not question why she said that? whatever it achieved, it definitely made dee's character more tragic.
so ultimately this episode is fascinating because I think most of the issues with it, you could argue, are subjective. you could argue that sacrificing humour for a serious and uncomfortable depiction of misogyny (like in the gutter ball scene) is fine. or you could have even found that scene hilarious. and you could argue that because the ending is funny, it is fine to negate the other two main aims. and you could even argue that the ending is actually brilliant because it subverts the sports movie stereotype and is a more accurate portrayal of the experiences of women in sport!
I hope I dont seem like im just shitting on the episode. I liked lots of it. and ill probably be talking about its implications with dee and her relationship with dennis for ages. but yeah idk. I could argue about this in circles forever.
but tldr: weird episode. some good bits, some bad bits. and also the good bits could be bad bits and the bad bits could be good bits. depending on your priorities / what you want the show to be.
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Hi again :)
Once again for the character ask game, Eda?
ok take two of this:
What I like about them
shes a badass whos (mostly) confident in herself and she loves her kids!
What I dislike about them
more of a s1 thing but being kinda irrespoible like mam those are children
Favourite moment
her and dell talking!! i ave lots of clawthrone family dynamic thoughts but thats a post for another time
Least favourite moment
hmmm i cant think of like. i guess when she refused to open raine i wanted to throw my phone at the wall
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
i would love to know more about her adventures in the human realm and time when she was on the run before the slow. also more of her and king flashbacks
An interesting AU for this character
mainly my reverse au i guess. i mentioned it with luz but its basically just an age swap where edas the runaway human teen and luz is the older wild witch. i love that au so much i should post about it more
A crossover
gravity falls/toh crossover WHEN. also ive noticed a unch of them have her and stan getting back together which no. she married him bc she wanted his car and then immedalty crashed it. they should just see each other and have the most horrorifcly awkard silence and then try to move on get that romace shit outta here
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
raeda for the win
Other ships?
hmmm nah. again not much of a shipper lol
i think it would be funny if her and perry kind of reconnected fter luz and gus became friends. dropping luz off at guses house and being like wait i didnt realize he was related to That Porter (haha i just realized. reporter. end me now). they have awkward lunches together and luz thinks its hilarious
againg just no incest or weird age gaps. icky.
An assortment of headcanons! 
eda lived in the portal shack before she found the owl house for like a While. coven cant get her if shes in another realm! shes a local cyprid around gravesfield. pepople know her as 'maralyn that strange woman who runs off if you ask her about her wellbeing or her family." she constatly shoplifts from large corporations and they all close their doors whenevr shes in town. camilla has heard of her and they have met exactly Once atlike a target or something and camila doesnt make the connecttion until sveeral weeks after wathcing and dreaming. she only went back to the human realm because there was like a statewide manhunt for her for all the crimes she comitted. she would take out loans in all cash, convert it to all gold, and then sell it in the demon realm for money. they keptntryg to send people to her house to arrest her but she doesnt hav an address so they jst start trying to murder her. shes got like 15 hits on her from shady organizations and also te government so she fled back to the demon realm.
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mingjue · 2 years
also momiji :]
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I love momiji so genuinely much no one understands me
My opinions here are going to be a bit more open ended since we dont have sp momiji in global yet, but overall momiji has been one of my favorites since the beginning esp with her dynamic over shuten and ibaraki. And i say Over instead of With for a reason, bc i think she cldve had legitimate power if she wanted to LOL
From what i DO know of sp momiji, her bg is honestly Very similar to what i personally had for her? The only exception is that i never made her have a fiance, just that her dad was a genuine asshole and abusive. So apollo slammed me with the dodgeball on that, BUT another key thing that sp momiji doesn't do is fucking murk the entire family + fiance? I think she shouldve killed everyone & i think this is where my opinion on her gets "controversial" to some
I do want her to love herself! I want her to fully accept who she is and Love who she is, but she is still a being of spite. I want her to genuinely injure one of the seimeis. I want her to curse orochi-- and should that mf try anything again, this could lead to her temporarily siding with seimei. But i also just want her to kill jst bc she can. Idc. Literally every single woman in onmyoji that kills kills for some form of love. And ARGUABLY i would say this is still killing out of love, but love for herself, not for a man or as a mother or even as a sibling. For Herself. My god
I also kind of wish her relationship with shuten was more sinister? In my rewrite for mt oe a Lot of her relationship built with amnesia era shuten is over their bonding in hunting/eating humans & its messy. It becomes an unhealthy obsession on both sides that builds up and spills over the more desperate shuten gets for her, and she only takes advantage of it in order to get to seimei, and even holds it over ibaraki as shuten listens to what she tells him to do. I think shuten would be the first man To listen, but its still out of sexual desire that momiji is well aware of. She strings him along until she gets sick of him, and until seimei gets sick of Her.
It couldve brought in SO many interesting things to the plot-- demons on mt oe worshipping Her as the new demon king, seeing how "easily" she was able to bend shuten to her will, the noble family she's from hailing on seimei and trying to rebel against the Minamotos seeing as he used to be apart of the clan, on top of trying to exterminate Mt Oe once again upon finding out shuten is latched onto her. Like she couldve had So much power built up over people ans be a genuine antagonist to Seimei if she was given time to develop further, ESPECIALLYYYYY over mt oe
And the fact that Shuten isnt even addressed in sp momiji event as far as i know . . . . Like in canon i want him to at least compensate her for emotional distress. LMFAO. But of all times they actually wldve had a reason to give shuten screen time they just didnt and it makes me so mad 😭😭 mf will pop up in other parts of the world to stick his nose in but wont come apologize to the woman he harassed for god knows how long.
Ok anyways im her wife.
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newgameplus · 3 years
💕💔🏳‍🌈💎 for fire emblem + dcmk?
since its two fandoms ill just preemtively put it under the
fe 💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them! nintendo spotlight voice....marth....... HES JST A GOOD BOYY.......its so sad to me how little actual content mr marth has despite being basically the face of the series. him and caeda are so sweet together......... he's a sweet boy and he's trying his best and i love him SO much 💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them. its not really a huge hatred but i find that felix is pretty overrepresented in the fandom (felix stans... dont kill me...) i dont really have a lot against him, he's a good unit and yeah his supports can be interesting I GUESS but if i wanted someone on the field slinging racially charged statements, i'd prefer takumi LMAO.. also sylvix is like, sure its good theres sure something there but like... sure. idk im not really invested (not to say i hate seeing it, i dont mind it i just dont go out of my way looking for it) and the saturation in the tag is like sigh ok.
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you? i want marths' gender. the archanean polycule is vast and a family can be you your girlfriend/s your husband his boyfriend his boyfriend his partner and re fe3h though (pointing) those kids are trans and theres nothing the church can do about it. byleth none gender left sword. yuri nb! claude felix trans. ingrid trans.. marrianne and hilda? lesbiams. ignatz is green and an archer unit do i HAVE to say more. just. gestures. all of them. queer.
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share? god i hate trivia. uhm. in the OVA marth's tiara is actually his sister's tiara that she gave to him during the seige on altea castle. theres a fact. i think its sweet :,)
dcmk 💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them! KAITOOOOO mr kaito kuroba my beloved. hes my boy!!!!!!! why i like him can be summed up with "it could be that deep" dot png, he's got a ton of potential and SUCH interesting internal conflict going on btwn his motivations to keep stealing and all the stuff going onnnn and the dynamic with him and 'guru are GOOOD gosho answer my calls.
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them. genuinely dont know if i have a least favourite character in dcmk...like.. shinichi is the funniest person alive. ran is a girlboss. heiji? beloved. kazuha? wife. kaito is my boy. aoko lives in my heart. i am holding saguru. if you dont like the detective boys theres something wrong w u. sonoko is also the funniest person alive. (continues listing)...................... i cant think of anyone. to still use this to bitch tho, kaishin............just dont really do it for me. i prefer em platonic.
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you? nb kaito. autistic saguru. trans gal aoko makes me 🥺. i love when the ekoda gang are written well for a little polyam troupe that shit...sweet. holds everyone up these people are all queer and there is nothing gosho can do abt it
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share? how about the absolutely detested amount of decto there IS. 1058 chapters that update weekly since '94 and yet magic kaito hasn't gotten new material since 2017 (coming in at ~30 chapters) gosho....answer my calls.....
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ofmerrit · 4 years
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*  ◜  kristine froseth  ,  cis  woman  &  she/her  ◞  *  according  to  school  records  ,  that’s  merrit  antonietta  unn  hornsby  walking  on  campus  grounds  with  their  usual  iced-americano  from  the ancient  grounds  cafe  .  they’re  known  for  their  long  ,  dark  blonde  locks  outshining  their  surprisingly  tall  figure   and  are  often  spotted  at   the  versailles  garden  reading  wild  geese  by  mary  oliver  .  almost  everyone  knows  their  family  is  worth  like  1.2  billion  dollars  ,  so  we  suspect  they’re  a  member  of   olympus   ,  you  know  ,  the  one  for  old   money  .  do  you  know  where  they  were  the  night  that  the  scholarship  student  died  ?  they  claim  they  were  touring  around  the  campus  for  inspiration  ,  must  be  an  architecture major  thing  ,  right  .  and  hey  ,  don’t  you  agree  that  the  sophomore  reminds  you  of  muffled  screams  into  silk  pillows  ,  the  bellyache  you  get  after  doing  something  wrong  &  vacant smiles ?  you  better  watch  out  h e s t i a  before  something  dangerous  happens  to  you  and  life  ends  at  twenty-two  .  *  ◜  barb  ,  twenty-two  ,  gmt +3  &  she / her  ◞  *
alright alright . it’s me , wrinkle free brain bar from gmt +3 !! so pumped to be here w you sexies mwah <3 here’s merrit’s pinterest board if you’re interested ( pls im a virgo n pinterest addict .. lemme make boards for our muses .. id d*e ! ) imma . bore u to de*th w this intro pls .. forgive me .. i only hav 2 brain cells , this is all over the place HDFJK rip </3 tw: kidnapping, death.
starting w the boring statistics :     full name: merrit antonietta ‘antonia’ unn hornsby     nicknames: mer, antonia, ant, tbc.     code name: hestia ; the goddess of hearth , the family , the state & the domesticity.      star sign: libra sun , virgo moon , scorpio rising.     sexuality: bisexual.     favourite literature piece: wild geese by mary oliver ,  an anthology .                                              “meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,                                              are heading home again.                                              whoever you are, no matter how lonely,                                              the world offers itself to your imagination,                                              calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting                                              over and over announcing your place                                              in the family of things.”
merrit is the only child of the young hornsby couple. she doesn’t remember much of her childhood, according to her grandma, she was the happiest kid. had everything she could ever ask for and more. 
the reason why merrit can’t remember any of this is the beginning of a tragedy — a stormy december night, she and her parents went missing. grandma says they were gone for over five months. a kidnapping case gone cold, they thought. right when the old couple was giving up on them, an angel from above delivered antonia to their door step. malnourished, void of any memory but alive.
life after losing her parents was easier than expected, grandma hornsby ( nee du pont ) made sure merrit would recover from this without any trauma & in a way, she did.
doesn’t have the best relationship with her grandpa, he’s harsh and cranky and too smart for his own good, merrit is lowkey afraid of him lmfao 
she’s currently studying architecture — her dream major was interior design but grandpa encouraged her to pursue architecture to follow her father’s footsteps.  kinda made sense because she’s fascinated by houses .. in reality the insides, the families living there are the real source of interest for her but she’s happy to settle for outside for now gshdjkf
personality stuff !!!
uMM.... i’d say she’s lowkey a people pleaser sdhjkf like ?? making her grandparents proud is . literally the only thing she’s ever wanted in this world n now she feels the same responsibility for every single soul in her life . a torturous existence if you ask me 
can’t say no <3  if she thinks its gonna make u feel a tiny bit better . boom . she’s in .
the friend you’d call to bury a body . no questions asked . she’s pickin up the shovel as you speak asdghfjk unless it’s between her grandparents n you, then *michael scott vc* how the turntables.... sdhjfk shes rattin u out instantly rip
LOVES to talk n listen . fills her heart with joy . a blabbermouth . 
an overachiever . doesn’t sleep much, rocks the dark circles 7/24 lmfao works bc doesn’t like the idea of .. wasting life if that makes sense ??
loyal 2 a fault. mostly to olympus. wld do anything to stay in the secret society / establish her place .
extremely gentle n caring . sometimes ?? its just . too much sdjkf like. tone it down <3
likes poetry ,, especially mary oliver n louise glück ! her fav poem is the orange by wendy cope.
i imagine her wearing flowy, tulle dresses with floral embroidery or vintage pieces idk 
has shit ton of plants but struggles to keep them alive rip
!!! im . terrible at explaining her fr i hate it here ok i hav a vision but ??? i cant explain it
safe 2 say shes having difficulty deciding who she’s supposed to be . a part of her wants to be the golden child for her grandparents n the other side .. jst wants to live her life y’know ??? 
UPDATE ! i’ve realised that by hiding her secret, i also unintentionally hid a big portion of her personality and she comes across as the typical, soft & gentle soul. don’t get me wrong, she is indeed gentle and soft but she’s also volatile and deceitful !
connection ideas !!!
childhood friends - except she doesn’t remember any of it. maybe your muse thinks she’s changed. maybe they don’t care. maybe they are no longer friends . idk 
penpals - seriously ???  i imagine her as someone who writes letters jst bc they’re nostalgic n cute ??? cld be fun.
a home - i kno home’s not a person but a feeling but tell that to merrit lmao. this person’s probably the only one in the whole damn world she’d choose over her grandparents. platonic or romantic, doesn’t matter.
betrothed - super old school yikes. nt exactly betrothed either .. maybe her grandma thot it’d be better if these two were in a relationship . maybe they remained as friends . maybe they hated each other . maybe they kept the publicity stunt ( cue 2 merrit begging to keep faking the rel so her grandpa wld be happy )
exes - a classic. ts this is me trying vibes . on good or bad terms . lingering feelings ? yes please .
bad + good influence - again, classic sdhjfk
saw u at the garden but cldn’t say hi bc i’m a dumb binch - basically someone she has a minor, unrequited crush on. probably knows this person through her other friends but she’s too damn timid to take the first step
a friend from labyrinth . ok hear me out . this is a big deal for her bc she’s all in for her society n v opposed to the idea of a second one even existing . wouldn’t say shes openly mean or .. rude to labyrinth members but ?? jst . wants to protect her own , so this would be a v secret friendship .
a project - could say she has some sort of a savior complex . wants to ‘fix’ people up .. toxic much, mer? <3 anyway ashdjk maybe she thinks .. she can change your muse ? i truly dont know. 
ok final one . its juicy . someone who’s suspicious of her . she has a secret n for the obv reason i didn’t talk abt it, your muse’s suspicious n it’s just . hashtag awkward
these r the only connection ideas i have rn my brain said get tht fire exit door im off im so sorry forgive moi bUT im a sucker for angst : ) so theres that 
something inspired by my queen n savior phoebe bridgers or . folklore ?? yeah.
give me noora / william vibes . the ex friends . the dan / blair dynamic . i live for them ok sgdhfjkl
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apothecarywormcrud · 4 years
aerith or kabuto (or both) 4 the ask meme !! :] (@selfshiqqer)
oh u know im doin both i aint talked abt either of em in a hot minute. 
favorite thing about them: i had no fuckin idea what to expect goin into the remake but like. she’s so fucking rowdy and down to throw down and she cares about people so much,,,,advent children did her fucking dirty.  least favorite thing about them: she’s alive nd well but if she weren’t it would be that  favorite line: i like when she threatens to rip off corneo’s balls  OTP: aerith/tifa but cloud can come too. they all have two hands.  nOTP: u know there’s gotta be at least one bitch out there shipping aerith/hojo. i can smell it.  favorite picture of them: 
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favorite thing about them: it’s specifically noted in the databooks that his least favorite food is raw meat, which is...very specific. i figure it’s due to a combination of his medical sensibilities and like. being forced to eat it at some point, somehow.  least favorite thing about them: he’s so fucking stupid it’s unreal. bitches will drop their boss’ monstrous corpse into the blender and inject his blood in order to gain his power and then go on a trauma-fueled necromancy binge and be like, cant help being a pisces!  favorite line: there’s a page in the manga that’s 90% kabuto infodump and i think about it every day of my life.  brOTP: kabuto and guren hate each other so fucking much but also like. gay/lesbian solidarity.  OTP: this isn’t even from a shipping perspective but kabuto nd orochimaru’s dynamic is just inherently fascinating to me.  nOTP: i saw someone on twitter drawing kabuto/nonou ship art and i jst. thats his fucking mom you weirdos.  random headcanon: barely sleeps, can do it pretty much anywhere, occasionally does it with his eyes open, and more often than not makes faces like this: 
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unpopular opinion: he has one of the most interesting motivations (villain or no) in the series and was cheated out of the closure he rightfully deserved.  song i associate with them: i am once again asking you to listen to lifeforms by daughter  favorite picture of them: i am particularly fond of this sequence partly bc he looks very cute and partly because it’s a reminder that he does, in fact, have things he cares about. get u a boy who looks at u like kabuto looks at his scalpels. 
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hopelass-a · 4 years
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MULTIMUSE MEME!        definitely accepting!   /   @lucioleptit​ SEND  ❔  AND I’LL LIST A FEW MUSES I WANT TO THROW AT YOU.
CLARA AND ANNETTE:     clara is literally......... the best woman on earth if u need a mother figure even before she has kids and both of them are bookworm-y n such .......... this just immediately popped into my head 
LIBBY AND ANNETTE:   these two are p polar opposite at first glance but i think tht would make things interesting ?    since libs is a sorority girl n they DO have self esteem issues in common n libby is jst constantly in hysterics so RIP 
FARRAH AND ANNETTE:   kind of a similar dynamic to that of her n libby BUT.  farrah is even younger than annette and . a real pistol for her age and would probably create a p tumultuous relationship but . thats whats fun
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actualbird · 5 years
can i state what i believe is an unpopular opinion for dirk gently. like is it jst me or did bart and ken have a more natural friendship develop than todd and dirk? todd and dirk had a lot more long monologues abt being good or bad but that scene when ken sits outside the bathroom door and smiles softly at bart being naive hit me harder than anything t & d did. they both kidnapped a friend but bart talking abt feeling bad abt kidnapping ken was more emotional u know. sjsjdjf is that invalid
you are completely valid!!!! everybody gets their own opinions and i definitely can see where you’re coming from!!!
personally, i dont like to see it as one friendship being more natural than the other. i see it more like....theyre just Different (But Similar) Relationships Framed Slightly Differently. THAT SOUNDS CONFUSING, BUT LEMME EXPLAIN.
bart and ken’s relationship is GODSEND. literally no other show will ever top this weird dynamic of “unwilling hostage to serial killer slowly gets endeared to said serial killer and it isnt even creepy or stockholm-y, it’s just HEARTWARMING.” bart and ken really tug on my heartstrings because at its core it’s a dude who is terrified who slowly comes to learn that bart is a sweetheart.
i also would die for dirk and todd’s friendship. if ken was held hostage with the very real threat of death, todd was held hostage by the power of dirk’s determination which really just reminds me of the scene from Up where the dog says “i hid under your porch because i love you.” 
in both relationships, there are similarities, the most apparent one being the trend of initial unwillingness slowly growing into deep fondness and care. 
what interests me is their differences though. in bart and ken’s relationship, it’s ken who gets to know bart. not much of the other way around happens. in dirk and todd’s relationship, it’s the opposite. dirk gets to know more about todd, while what dirk reveals about himself is marginally less in comparison. on one end, we get to know more of the holistic one, and on the other, we get to know more of the quote unquote normal dude.
another key element is the perspective from which we see these relationships develop. the show shows us these relationships through the eyes of the ordinary person, in this case, ken and todd, because theyre simply more relatable. theyre the normal ones being pulled into the weird, much like us, the audience, taking in the bizarreness of the show we’re watching. because we see bart and ken’s relationship through ken’s eyes, we can definitely empathize with how he starts to care for bart (proof: i have not seen a single person EVER say that they do not like bart curlish.) on the flipside, we see dirk and todd’s relationship primarily through todd’s eyes, and todd doesnt get to know much about dirk, in s1. the one being pried apart emotionally is todd. this isnt to say that we dont get endeared to dirk (we do. i have not seen a single person say that they do not like dirk gently. and if i do see that person, i am ready to fight for his honor), but that, maybe, emotionally, bart and ken’s relationship might seem a little more natural because we see it from the perspective of the one getting to know the weird (as opposed to the perspective of todd, the perspective of getting one’s life completely turned upside down by this mysterious weird who is more questions than actual answers)
or well, that’s just what i think dsjkfhkdsjf. but dont worry, anon, you are definitely valid. 
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parklevi · 5 years
& intro
hi i’m ani and i’m at the office and i jst..... broke one of my nails which was traumatic and is making typing hard but i’m gonna bring my intros back and probably ditch old threads and post some open starters... its good to be here please hmu for angsty connections
BYUN BAEKHYUN  / CISMALE. — levi park is really making a name for themselves as a sheep. i think that he is studying astrophysics in their senior year at lockwood, living in audax. originally from new york city, levi is known to be kind & outgoing, but can also be self-destructive & guarded. — ani / 27 / gmt-3 / she/her.
k so levi park was born may 6 to a beautiful korean family that had been living in america for a couple of years now. his older brother isaac is three years older and was always destined for greatness. levi was always… backup.
levi’s dad is a big name astrophysicist who got a tenure position in a big university in new york, and since before levi can remember, his dad’s biggest concern was his legacy. how his kids would follow on his footsteps and make sure their family was remembered as a whole unit of geniuses. this was….. a bit of a burden.
at first isaac seemed the most likely candidate to achieve this, getting straight a’s and being wildly interested in what his dad did, but as he entered his teenage years, he started going stray. pressure was then slowly diverted towards levi once it became clear that it was too late to get isaac back on the good path if he was to make it into a good university.
problem was levi wasn’t just getting pressured by his father to be a perfect student while getting pressured by his mother to be a perfect man so he could bring her the perfect daughter in law, he was also constantly under the influence of isaac who kept teasing him about him being a suck up. as much as levi wanted to make his brother happy and proud, he also wanted his parents to stop fighting and yelling and crying. especially, he wanted them to stop yelling at isaac, because he’d seen what that did — isaac could get angry easily, and he would get very, very angry. tables had been broken, glasses smashed. isaac’s knuckles were often bruised when he came back after storming out, and no one wanted to ask why.
homophobia tw, violence tw || this is literally getting longer than before so lets just get to it! sixteen year old levi eventually realized much to his dismay that he was bi. he figured this out one night while at a club, and his realization came in the form of one of his brother’s friends kissing him in the line for the bathroom. he also realized this was going to be a very heavy burden, and this realization came in the form of his brother getting very, very angry at the sight. the friend was in the hospital, his brother did community service, levi had a black eye and a broken nose, and the family dynamics switched again. suddenly isaac was the good kid who had tried to save his brother, levi the stray sheep. still, levi was the only hope they had academically, so his mom tried to fix things. it was a long summer at a very nice camp that didn’t do much for levi’s sexuality, but did quite a lot of damage for his self esteem.
drugs tw || college has been messy. levi isn’t sure who he is or what he wants, seeing everything still through the lens of what will make his family happier. he’s been through fuckboy phases, partying phases, locked in his room studying while on adderall for weeks phases.
death tw || a few months ago, levi’s dad passed away after being sick for a very long time. it changed things, but levi isn’t quite sure how just yet. to get his mom to let him come home to see him while he was in the hospital, levi had to make up some lies about him getting over everything she thought was wrong in him, but at least he got to be there and say goodybe. his final conversations with his dad were, as always, about work, but now that it’s been a couple weeks and levi’s finally back in college after taking some time off, he’s starting to wonder if this is about him, or about his father’s legacy, and if it even matters that he figures that out when the world is clearly going crazy around him, app and all that.
wcs are literally…. everything. he’s been gone a while but give him friends? he could use a ride or die always, party friends that never talk about anything serious, party friends that only hang out while extremely high and only talk about very serious things. fuckbuddies, a couple of exes for sure. distant cousins. i dont know, throw it all at me and ill be here with open arms for u!
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slowdivcs · 4 years
plot ideas ! bc i wna plot w all ur muses n it’s good to have a starting point so my brain doesn’t explode :~)
EMI is looking for . . .
a roomie - too broke to live on her own & wanted to move out of her parents house. dynamic could be positive or negative 
rival/annoyance - need some more banter in her life tbh ! someone she subtweets
connected thru her twin brother - maybe elio’s best friend or ex or anything ! would know each other thru association and dynamic can be determined based on connection
an ex - **(aged 20-22) either from high school or maybe early in her college career. honestly a v fun relationship, v teasing at times. could’ve end badly bt they still have good rapport 
a crush - someone emi has been developing feelings for bt will literally swallow them before admitting it 
family friend - maybe they can’t stand each other bt always turn to them during company during family events
ANDY is looking for . . .
a roomie - andy has a cat n comes home in the middle of night, kinda shit roommate tbh 
best friend - someone who deals w his shit and someone he’d die for. someone he sends pics of his cat to. 
confidants - someone who he shares deeper parts abt himself that he doesn’t with the rest of the world, have deep meaningful convos abt the world
hateship - they jst don’t get along for whatver reason
an ex/almost  - **(aged 21-25) most likey his only serious relationship that left him more heartbroken than before bc of whatever reason. prob broke up on bad terms but maybe still have love for each other we discuss !
flirtationship - someone who he loves to flirt n play w lmao
fwb/hook-up/one night stand - lots of options we discuss !
partner in crime - bc andy gets up to a lot of no good 
SIENNA is looking for . . .
a neighbour - someone she bumps into in the halls or tells them to knock the music down when she needs to sleep. could also meet each other on the roof of their apartment 
carpool - sienna drives fast n reckless thru the city in her jeep but she hates pollution so she wld def be willingly to drive ur muse to work jst hang on to ur seat 
almost lover - **(aged 25-30) someone that she got close to and there was a spark and possibility of a relationship but she pulled away bc she got cold feet or something n it’s jst all the what ifs
a current failing relationship - **(aged 25-30) someone she’s dating for the convenience but there’s no joy to be found in the relationship anymore they’re jst used to each other n dont wna lose that taken status 
soft spot - someone she can’t help but spoil and treat w kindness despite her strict n sensible personality, someone she spoils
old college friend/close friend - someone she actually lets loose around whether it be drinking together at a reunion or when she actually has free time. someone to tell her to chill a bit 
MILO is looking for . . .
frequent customer - either ur muse frequents the book shop he works at or milo goes to their place of work, maybe they know each other as a regular
bad influence - indulging milo’s bad habits like sharing a smoke n seeking out abandoned buildings in the middle of the night
old friend - someone who’s known him for a while, maybe grew up together n it’s interesting to see where the world had place them 
ex-friends - for whatver reason they went their separate ways, maybe one of them hurt the other n it’s angsty
lost connection - maybe they had a rly good night out together n connected on a deeper level n milo would’ve liked to see them again but maybe they jst ghosted or something we can discuss 
best friends - prob one or two at most who know him rly well n they have their own lil world 
a muse - bc he’s a writer n loves to hear other’s stories.. maybe he even uses them as inspiration for the book he’s writing without them knowing 
AIDEN is looking for . . .
co-worker - they have each other’s backs at the cafe they work at and their manager hates them 
childhood friend - someone who he grew up with and either naturally outgrew each other or one of them moved away. things are diff now but they still care for each other
frenemies - just a pair that likes to banter and bicker and clown each other, yet somehow they still hang out often, probably deny being friends but care abt one another like only friends do
platonic soulmates - the dream team !! they can live without each other but they don’t want to, get along like family and get thru problems together. prob the one person that helps aiden realize all his potential. act as confidants for each other
college art friends - any fellow artists he might’ve gotten to know n they can do art together, maybe someone to practice his tattoo designs on 
ex-girlfriend - **(aged 20-22) he wasn’t rly looking for love and he happened to meet this muse by chance. they both had their own shit to deal w but feelings jst crept up on them and aiden fell in love forever,, the pure ‘it’s u n me against the world’ kinda relationship until they broke up n he got his heart broken. even tho they’re no longer together aiden will always hold love n care for them 
dormmates - a couple of people who he lives with in one of those shared living space dorms but they had their own rooms !! im thinking abt 4 total in a lil apt style dorm 
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lookwhatilost · 5 years
if i had to tell u one thing abt how my parents see me that rly Says As Much As It Needs To, they tell me constantly that they planned me down to the month i was born
24 seems like an old age to be stuck on rebellion against one’s parents. and it absolutely is. i should have gotten it out of my system a long time ago, but circumstance never really allowed. everything had to be planned. they had their plans for me, very strict ones, and if i were to say “no”, then i’d best be equipped w an alternative one. there’s no room for indecision, or confusion. life is not a predictable thing, and i’m not always a predictable person, but if you want to please them, these are things you have to pretend not to be aware of. there’s no room for exploration, or actually taking time to think. you have to constantly be moving from one goal post to the next. that’s how this is. you always have to have an answer to the question “what will you do?”
there isn’t a “now” with people like them. only a “next”
they bought me merch shit from lehigh university from the time i was 5 or 6 years old. there are pics of me in the family photo album of me in my first grade cheerleading garb, and in one of them, i’m wearing a pint-sized lehigh sweatshirt over my actual uniform. when i got a little older, like end of middle school, i told them i wanted to go to college in boston and they both replied w a confused “i thought you wanted to go to lehigh” kinda response. but i remember thinking back then, yknow, i never could recall expressing any organic interest in that. jst sort of resigning to it. “okay, i guess that’s what i’m supposed to do”
they wanted me to be a chemical engineer. isn’t that hilarious?
to bulk up my college application, they railroaded me into a bunch of extracurriculars that i didn’t wanna participate in. forced to swim competitively since i was 8, i had grown so weary of it by the time i’d reached high school. i told them i was tired, that i didn’t want to do it anymore. they said “well if you’re not going to swim, then what are you going to do?” and i didn’t have an answer, but they wouldn’t accept “nothing” as an answer. so i kept doing it even though i didn’t want to. disobedience to them could be met w violence and it wasn’t frequent, but frequent enough that i was always worrying abt it. so i did what they said even if it was making me unhappy
my grades suffered progressively each time we’d move, and when bullying rly ratcheted up in middle school, it sort of bled into this lifelong pattern of personal distress rendering me completely non-functional. i was always a good test taker, but it was hard for me to do any classwork outside of that, bc all i was capable of focusing on was how depressed and lonely i felt. i’d go to my sports practices after school, and come home jst. completely burnt out. rinse and repeat
joke’s on them when i dropped out of high school, i guess. that beefy college application was never sent out to any actual colleges. “well if you’re not going to finish high school, then what are you going to do?” and i didn’t have an answer, but they wouldn’t accept “nothing” as an answer, so i got my equivalency and enrolled in community college. but i was still in the same predicament from personal stress being entirely consuming. i had a rly toxic dynamic w my ex boyfriend (and some of the people who have been following me for a rly long time may remember when i was in the thick of this) who was constantly tasking me w cleaning up the messes he got into through his addiction and general irresponsibility. and then he would dump me for the umpteenth time. or cheat on me. or do something else stupid, and i tolerated it bc he was half of my support system and i couldn’t lose that. it got so stressful and i ended up attempting to k*ll m*self several times, and had to withdraw from school bc i’d missed so much when i was in residential psychiatric treatment
“well if you’re not going to community college, then what are you going to do?” and i didn’t have an answer, but they wouldn’t accept “nothing” as an answer. so i went to cosmetology school and sunk 5 years of my life into an atrocious and thankless industry. i guess i have to hand it to myself. i’ve never stuck w anything for so long, but i never rly cared for any of it. it was easy. and a lot of people in it are really stupid, and it’s easy to excel above people like that. but i never liked it that much. i guess it’s unfair to say i never had my moments. i did have my moments where i was optimistic, where i thought my skill would carry me. i soared above my classmates and had high expectations for myself for a while... until i realized that i wasn’t rly the kind of person who succeeds in this industry. the kind of person who makes any money here is the kind of person who’s complacent enough never to question it. can i really recommend things to people in good faith when i’m aware of the ridiculous markup? can i really insist that what we’re selling is so much better than what they’re getting in the drugstore when i know you’d need a comprehensive education in biochemistry to understand a bottle of shampoo, when i know that almost every beauty school is incidentally owned by one of the companies that manufacture these professional products? can i ever feel okay about plying into people’s insecurities to upsell a ticket? can i ever reconcile that it all, at its core, goes against my ethics?
and i dnt think i can. my roommate and i were looking into moving out of state, but when he pulled back, i still wanted to follow through on the decision. but transferring my cosmetology license would have been very labor-intensive and expensive for something i was already disenchanted with. i thought about other reasons to legitimize the move, and i figured since i was on a cooking kick, maybe it’d be worth monetizing. i am very good at it. when you have a restrictive ED, and dnt want to eat processed diet food shit all day, it teaches you a lot about how to season and prepare things effectively. a lot about portioning, about measurement, about precision, about control. i have it mastered down to an art. i only wanted to look at schools in the specific place i wanted to move, and i only wanted to do a certificate program. when i mistakenly involved my parents in the decision making process, they scheduled me a tour at a more collegiate-minded school in an entirely different state bc it was “the best one” and coaxed me into applying. i did. i realized i’d made a huge mistake, that i was going down the same path that me so unhappy in a trade before. if i go about this from a “nothing” job, if i realize it’s not an environment i wanna be in... it’s not as much of a loss of time, money, expectantions. i told them. they were angry.
i sat down w my dad a few days ago. i explained to him how i felt. he tried to convince me to hold onto it, to try it, “jst one semester, it can’t hurt”. unwilling to see where i was coming from. unwilling to budge. and then he said it, that one thing, that i’m so fucking sick of hearing
“well, if you’re not going to go to culinary school, then what are you going to do?”
and i didn’t have an answer, but he wouldn’t accept “nothing” as an answer
so i said “nothing”
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janeaustentextposts · 7 years
Edward Ferrars seems weak to me. He impulsively proposes to someone he barely knows (Lucy) because he's feeling lost, he shows clear interest in Elinor despite being engaged to someone else, he kind of leads Elinor on and then withdraws without telling her why, and he jst generally seems to let his mother and sister railroad him despite knowing they're awful. I feel like Elinor would ultimately do better with a stronger, more independent man whom she could fully respect.
None of Austen’s heroes are perfect, to be frank, and I wouldn’t wish them to be, but this is a very strong scrutiny of Edward’s flaws without much balance given by considering his circumstances, or even the part Elinor played in everything, or her own flaws and circumstances as well. Edward’s not an evil actor in all he does, and Elinor is not a put-upon paragon. (Also where is this Better Man Elinor’s gonna find and love? She has no social life. She is not a girl for the London style of courtship. Why sacrifice the Edward we actually see and know to some abstract dude who never turns up and is unlikely to? Elinor and Edwards’ hearts are already lost by chapter five. The rest of the book is them trying to deal with that.)Edward proposes to Lucy when he’s nineteen–and there are very few people who could make a sensible proposal of marriage at nineteen. For his era and his position, Edward couldn’t honourably continue his flirtation with Lucy without any intention of doing right by her and making her an offer, and so he does–because he knows that’s what a just and honourable man would do. He’s foolish and doesn’t know what real regard is, but imagines he does for long enough to get himself bound to a promise to Lucy. This happens throughout Austen–perhaps the most famous fall-out of such a situation being Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Bennet’s marriage. I don’t know that Edward would end up displaying such obvious contempt for Lucy, and Lucy herself is much cleverer than Mrs. Bennet. The pain of a hasty match would certainly take its toll on any couple, but it’s also not exactly the end of the world. In a society which insists upon marriage as a provision for genteel women and a strict form of honourable courtship, there isn’t much room for a young man like Edward to behave in any way other than what he does. He’s not a rake. He’s not got his father taking him up to London and letting him run riot among sex-workers to blow off some steam and realize that superficial flirtations are just that. He’s isolated and lonesome and has no guidance on true wisdom, and every encouragement from those he considers his closest friends at Mr. Pratt’s to pursue Lucy.For your second point–does he show a clear interest in Elinor? These are young people to whom the lines between friendly accord and courtship get very blurred, indeed. Marianne and Mrs. Dashwood presume there is something deeper going on, and even Elinor may privately hope that perhaps there is, but Marianne and Mrs. Dashwood are noted as being intensely romantic-minded and eager to see what they wish to see. Elinor protests to her own family that she has no definite proof of her own admiration for Edward being mutual. When Marianne brings it up, Elinor is deeply uncomfortable and tries to deny it all, because she sees the very danger she wishes to avoid–and which Marianne, later, does not–in believing in a deeper attachment to exist without any solid proof. Elinor feels her own perceptions may be coloured by wishful thinking, and this is apparently not an entirely unreasonable presumption. Edward has been living at Norland with the family in a very intimate fashion, as Fanny’s brother, and beyond his shyness, he is a good person. Friends are rather thin on the ground at Norland, so if there is natural accord between Elinor and Edward, Elinor especially may be drawn to him. Does it follow that Edward is displaying a clear romantic interest and intention to Elinor? With his shy nature and his own knowledge of his being honour-bound to Lucy, I really doubt that he gives any overt sign to Elinor that he is harbouring any deeper feelings for her, unless it is entirely subconscious and against his will, which would then have to be signs so subtle that it’s entirely right that Elinor cannot hold them up as proof of his intentions, if indeed he has any intentions at all. (Which we know he cannot, due to Lucy’s existence.)
So, no, Edward does not show clear signs of interest–unless simply getting along well with somebody is a sign of clear interest (which Marianne and Mrs. Dashwood definitely think it is, but look where that gets Marianne,)–and he does not lead Elinor on, unless Elinor picks up on some vague sense of feeling and runs with it as a certainty, (which, c’mon, this is Elinor, she would very much resist doing that.) Elinor amends her own words in explaining to Marianne her feelings for Edward, that it is not even a suspicion but a hope of his returning her affection. She begins to say she suspects but must immediately retract and clarify that to acknowledge that she only hopes. Even Elinor acknowledges that she has no real reason to firmly believe that Edward cares for her enough to warrant any expectation. In her heart, she harbours a few doubts, but generally will allow that she believes he likes her–which is not unreasonable–but must acknowledge that there are many difficulties in their way which would make a proposal more and more unlikely…and she does not even know about Lucy! Even without Lucy, Elinor has more than enough considerations to keep her from truly believing that Edward owes her a proposal. Elinor even often observes in him a kind of depression, which we later find out is likely due to his feeling the increasing contrast between what he feels for Elinor and what he owes to Lucy. Edward is by no means playing the scoundrel with Elinor, and has this tendency to withdraw into himself in a morose way and put up these walls in his unhappiness as he considers his future. This only gets worse as they spend more time together, after forming their easy and natural bond: “…the longer they were together, the more doubtful seemed the nature of his regard; and sometimes, for a few painful minutes, she believed it to be no more than friendship.”
It’s at this point that Fanny sees or hears enough to interfere, though as Marianne and Mrs. Dashwood are already treating Elinor and Edward as if an engagement must exist, it’s impossible to say if Fanny picks up on that or on some subtle element of her brother’s own behaviour, or a combination of it all.
Elinor attempts to guess at the cause of Edward’s melancholy, and presumes it is to do with his difficult family situation with his mother, which is still keeping him in this kind of limbo with his hands tied, idle and unable to do anything he really wants to do, even for an active career, much less for his choice of a wife. This is a delicate and painful enough situation that she knows better than to inquire, and, honestly, knows she has no right to know the particulars. It would be extremely weird and awkward for Edward to even broach the subject with her, and he knows that would possibly lead to conjecturing about how all his family issues are bound up in his hypothetical marriage, as well. And he cannot tell her about Lucy. I know in the 1995 adaptation he seems to begin to explain, but this never happens in the book, and never ought to happen at all–Edward has a duty to protect Lucy’s reputation, and even telling Elinor would be a pointless betrayal of his honour. As Elinor herself fights the notion of harbouring any expectations, and represses her own feelings, Edward believes he can simply safely say nothing about any of it, to anyone. To confess to Elinor about Lucy would be to openly admit that he does feel something deeper for her, and only be giving Elinor greater pain in confirming their mutual regard at the same time as acknowledging that they can never be together. We see no direct interaction between Edward and Elinor on the page in those early days–it is all second-hand recollections as they are narrated or discussed between the Dashwood women.
Edward is in a kind of stasis as regards his mother and sister, with his inheritance and career and marriage–basically all the pillars of his future life–in a very uncertain position. He knows he has made at least one promise to Lucy, however, and he knows enough of his own mind to know that he does not wish for a life of public glory and distinction in the world of fashion, as Mrs. Ferrars and Fanny would like. So do they railroad him into doing what they want? They want him to be someone grand in society, and to marry Miss Morton, a lord’s daughter with 30 000 pounds. He…does not. He treads delicately and doesn’t seem to do much of anything for a few years, likely not wanting to upset the family balance, or wishing to find a way to be happy in his own way within the mess of the Ferrars’ family dynamics and his tyrant of a mother and insipid siblings. (Family dynamics are complex and we probably all have awful relatives we maintain some degree of contact with because family. And people raised with awful parents and siblings know that these relationships are rarely cut-and-dry, and it can take many years and a lot of strength to even begin to question the toxicity you’re raised to view as ‘normal’.) Yet in his quiet idleness, Edward is still resisting. He is not shoved into a career he despises, he does not take Miss Morton and her fortune. He keeps the peace as he’s probably trying to figure out what the hell he’s supposed to do with his life without burning bridges unnecessarily, and along the way he meets Elinor and oops he falls in love.
Ultimately, of course, his engagement to Lucy is exposed, but when the shit hits the fan and he’s served ultimatums which now will decide the course of his future life, he is given the opportunity to maintain a ‘good’ relationship with his own family by at least agreeing to marry Miss Morton and be ‘forgiven’, but Edward at this point digs deep and doubles down and knows that it’s now or never. He upholds the honour of his promise to Lucy and resigns himself to a precarious and poor position as he scrambles to find a way to make even the barest living to support a wife and family, giving up all else for the sake of a woman he now knows he can neither love nor respect. Until he hears of Lucy’s dealings with Robert, he does truly believe she is simply an ignorant girl who truly loves him, and that for him to break off his engagement to her would be a cruelty she does not deserve. He is willing to burn down every certainty of material and emotional comfort in this world to stand by who he is and the choices he made for himself, so I don’t really see him, at any point, being truly pushed around by his mother and sister. When the chips are down, he knows what he has to do in order to at least be able to look himself in the eye as an honourable man.
Edward finds his strength and his independence, and in the end, when Elinor knows everything and knows exactly how terrible Lucy is, she sees what he’s done, and she respects the heck out of him for it, even as she knows he will be unhappy, and is sorry for him. She’s long known of the secret engagement, so she’s been doing her best to pack away her own feelings, but for Edward’s sake she can at least see the virtue in his final freedom from his family’s interference, and the self-respect he will have in pursuing the life he wants, even if it is not with the woman he wants. Edward is not flashy, he is not overtly romantic, but his honourable intentions cannot be doubted, and the strength he requires to go against his family when there is no possible benefit to himself apart from Knowing He Did the Morally Right Thing gives him a deep and abiding dignity which cannot be denied.Elinor is not her sister–she does not dare display her feelings for Edward at any point. Though she later does reproach Edward for remaining at Norland and apparently giving rise to expectations from their families, as well as her own hopes, he can point out that he had no idea he was putting Elinor in any real danger of falling in love with him. Whatever Elinor’s own mother and sister might have fancied they saw, Edward either did not know the nuances of Elinor’s character intimately enough to recognize her feeling, or else Marianne and Mrs. Dashwood may have exaggerated what they perceived because they wished it to be so. Edward admits that he fell in love too gradually to suppose there was any risk to himself or Elinor, and, after realizing his own feelings, still did not believe he could rely on Elinor’s returning them–and at that point he could have no desire for it, knowing he was bound to Lucy. Even Mrs. Dashwood is ultimately rather surprised to find out how much Elinor felt for Edward, having long since convinced herself that she must have been mistaken at first in believing Elinor to have cared for Edward very deeply: “[Mrs. Dashwood] found that she had been misled by the careful, the considerate attention of her daughter, to think the attachment, which once she had so well understood, much slighter in reality than she had been wont to believe, or than it was now proved to be. She feared that under this   persuasion she had been unjust, inattentive–nay, almost unkind, to her Elinor:–that Marianne’s affliction, because more acknowledged, more immediately before her, had too much engrossed her tenderness, and led her away to forget that in Elinor she might have a daughter suffering almost as much, certainly with less self-provocation, and greater fortitude.”
While I’d hesitate to say any or all of the misery is one or the other’s fault in all of this, as we see Elinor and Marianne react to similar situations in very different ways, and both suffer mightily for it; I wouldn’t be quick to condemn Edward, who in actuality appears so little in the main portions of the narrative. We never even really hear his own true thoughts and feelings until the very end, when he is open with Elinor about all that has passed. His behaviour towards Elinor is viewed through the lens of the Dashwood women; and his behaviour to Lucy is then viewed through the lens of Elinor’s knowledge of the secret engagement, and later through all the gossip of Mrs. Jennings and her circle. (Naturally we find it difficult to believe it when Lucy speaks of Edward’s glowing protestations of deepest love after their engagement is revealed, knowing word of it will all eventually get back to Elinor. He likely does his best to re-assure her that he will stand by her and that he appreciates her constancy and affection even after he has been cut off with no prospects, but doubtless this is not in such profuse and animated terms of violent passion as Lucy would like everyone to think.)
Elinor does fully respect a strong and independent Edward–and it is even she who must encourage him to reconcile with his mother, where Edward for a time remains too proud and angry at Mrs. Ferrars to even consider reaching out to her for any kind of forgiveness, even if it could result in some material advantage which would enable him and Elinor to marry sooner rather than later. In the end they are both able to see where their own behaviour unwittingly led them into painful circumstances; but as they are now together and happy, reproach for what each did without being aware of the effects upon others is rather pointless.
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menstral · 7 years
because while she made friends with all of them and comes to love all of them, she wasn’t just..... immediately best friends with them. she had unique impressions and feelings towards each of them nd it’s weird 2 me that people think she just . ..... .... is automatically bffs when beverly is a fairly closed-off, cautious person who has been treated Very Badly in her life. so anyway
BILL :  bill actually is someone she trusted p quickly & formed a bond with him quickly & her loyalties lied with him for the most part in the summer bc... she likes him best. she doesn’t get bad vibes off him, he obviously likes her but aside from that, he treats her well & he tells her immediately that he doesn’t believe the rumors. so bill she was quick & close friends with.
BEN :  she made friends with ben quickly, but didn’t form as deep a friendship like she did w/ bill. when she first talked to him, she was nice and gently teasing bc she didn’t see any danger in him. she felt a more casual & teasing friendship w/ him which is something she really wanted/needed so its perfectly good in its own way. just different. RICHIE :  this is one i feel kinda strongly abt because i dont think they were best friends at first. i think richie was probably who she felt Most . . .. uncomfortable/distant with in the beginning. he just very vocally believes these rumors, he’s very off-putting & beverly liked him well enough but it took time to get used to him. so i think any Best Friendship would take a lot of development bc they aint close at the start.
STAN :  i have screamed abt bev and stan before and i’ll do it again. i think they had/have a v good connection.  he’s who she called when the blood erupted from her sink. he’s a sweet kid but he also has that spunky Fire that she thinks is really funny and she clicks with well.  theyre not super close but they definitely have good chemistry.  later on, as the summer progresses, she gets frustrated w/ his  ””””””””””””””cowardice”””””””””””””””  and they might drift a little after it all but yeah. MIKE :  mike’s the only one who joined the group after her which makes for a kinda interesting dynamic.  the whole reason  (in the movie anyway idk abt the book)  that they met him was because bev said they had to help him.  and i can’t see them ever getting super close, but she does feel protective??? of him??? in a way????? like she may not be too close to him but thats her friend and she’ll kill u if u touch him. EDDIE :  kinda similar to richie except with way more chill.  mostly, she just isn’t sure how she feels about eddie. because hes weirdly uptight but still does stuff, he seems like hed have believed all the shit about her but hes not so open about it, he seems Judgy but also Not shes jst like ?????  she’s Cautious with him. and eventually, she comes 2 enjoy having a kind of teasing relationship with him too and she likes him a lot but it takes her awhile to figure out how wary she should be of eddie.
so yeah !!   i jst feel weird about the concept that theyre all immediately friends when they All have their own reservations towards her/her towards them/etc.  so theres my thoughts thanks bye
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