#i just don’t want ppl to see someone lying about us and get confused
leonardalphachurch · 1 month
wait huh? whos racefaking?
it’s a long story i don’t want to get into both because this person has no following on tumblr or in this fandom so there’s no reason for me to publicize this information and because i really just want to wash my hands of it. this is the only thing i’ll say about it unless the other person tries escalating further
tl;dr: a white person who was claiming to be lakota (and black) wrote a callout post accusing us of racism because we were trying to de-escalate an argument instead of allowing them to attack and lie about people as much as they wanted. also they’re racefaking. did i mention the racefaking?
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lilhawkeye3 · 2 years
12 months ago, I was friends with a popular art blog. Or at least I thought I was. We talked a lot. Even made a server together. But over the course of us knowing each other, I would often do things that would upset them without warning and only be allowed back into their good graces after apologizing for things that I didn’t understand to be wrong. It culminated in them and their new friend group of popular creators blocking me without warning and I was stuck alone, confused as to what I did. Unless someone had been on their bad side, most ppl I mentioned this to didn’t believe me.
And then it turned out that they had a history of being racist to Black creators across several fandoms, of sending mean anon messages, of their friends doing the same… and I had to realize there wasn’t anything I could’ve done to fix things, because I hadn’t done anything wrong.
So when another popular creator treated me in a similar manner… I largely stayed quiet about it.
And then six(ish) months ago, it came out that another popular blog had been racist (among other things), and that I was one of their targets.
I thought that I had lucked out! That someone else had spoken up about them and I thought people would believe me now when I explained what had happened! I wouldn’t be alone with what happened anymore.
Until a few creators I had considered mutuals and friends blamed me for not telling them that this person was hurtful. It was my fault for not informing them, and I should’ve trusted them enough to tell them.
That’s when I realized I couldn’t win.
It didn’t matter what I did. If I named names, it would’ve been me against everyone else, and it’s really fucking lonely being the only one to do something controversial like that. I would know, seeing as that’s what happened when I made my Bad Batch design post months before any hashtag started. And then I would need to take the risk for people to believe what I said was true. They had not done so in the similar previous situation. I couldn’t risk it being the same again.
And things were different. This second hurtful person knew my name, my phone number. I thought we were friends. I really thought I found something genuine.
Maybe I’m just stupidly hopeful.
I wish I could just teach myself this lesson all tied up in one neat bow, but it would mean lying to myself. “You’re the problem”— while an easy scapegoat, I wasn’t the inciting issue in those cases. “You’re a bad friend/person”— potentially true but my therapist disagrees. “No one likes you”— likely true but not an excuse for people to have been racist to me. “Internet friends aren’t real friends”— well that’s just completely false, because some of them have proven to be true friends. One sent me groceries when I struggled to eat. Two sent birthday presents, two sent cards. One let me send booty shorts and another wine lmao. And several didn’t abandon me when I was at my lowest point mental health wise and lashed out at everyone around me, trying selfishly to get them to all leave because I thought I was hurting them simply by existing.
I’m not a good person or great friend, but I logically get now that I don’t have a Midas touch either lmao.
But also… I can’t ignore the damage that was done to me emotionally. I really was hurt by people I trusted. The behaviors they perpetuated online are those that encouraged the racist bs I deal with. And now I forever have to look over my shoulder and second guess everything people tell me because I don’t know who is genuine up front anymore.
And now I see that big groups of creators seem to be becoming the next new facet of social media. Maybe cause isolation, but I think it’s natural for us all to want a solid group of friends that we can be ourselves with. Sigh i don’t know. I’ve never been in a friend group, so everything I say comes from an outside point of view and from the perspective who was hurt by two different popular groups but… please, just… understand the power that you potentially have? And how someone can get hurt by it? Things get passed around like a game of telephone and shared and twisted and next thing I know, I’m hearing three sides to a story during my gift exchange fest over why they in their subgroups of the fandom are wary of others. Some people are genuinely malicious but idk, maybe I’m not hopeless enough to thing that everyone is.
I’m not really sure why I’m writing this. Maybe because my therapist suggested it because clearly I use writing as an emotional outlet lol. Maybe because when I went through my ask box to find some kiss prompts, I had to face some of the awful messages I get sent every once and a while. Unfortunate for them, I have decided that killing myself is too energy consuming and expensive. And the insults to my creative ability: yeah okay you aren’t saying anything bad about myself that I haven’t already thought.
Or maybe I just felt like I’ve pent up all this hurt about the situations I was forced into this past year and now writing this while I cry is the best outlet for it all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyways yeah. I don’t really know where I’m going with this. I was just sad and wanted to write about why I was sad I suppose. Might stay up and finish a spicy Jango Fett art, bc I might be a fake fan but I thrive off of spite and horny chaos.
In conclusion, if you want to see some good homegrown drama, join a Facebook fandom group. Thanks for coming to my Sad Time with Hawk Talk.
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adezahnae · 3 years
While Mommy’s on a Little Trip (Part 3)
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A/N: HELLOO!! TODAY IS PART 3!! sadly this mini-series will be ending soon🥺 I hope you enjoy☺️
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 2.5 | Part 3 | Part 4
Warnings: NSFW, smut, cheating, secrets, angst?, oral (fem. receiving), public sex, dirty talk, spanking, squirting, creampie, fingering, stepdaughter!student!reader x dilf!stepdad!mathteacher!jaehyun ft. dilf!boss!doyoung
Tagged Ppl: @softieekayy @seungmoomin @keeach @seoyutayong @whoreforshuaaa @mrg-jjh
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Your POV
I felt someone poking my cheek making me scrunch my nose. “Baby...Baby wake up..” I heard Mr. Jung whisper. I opened my eyes to see his beautiful smile. I smiled back. “Good Morning..” He said in his morning voice, making me shiver. “G-Good Morning, Daddy..” I said. He kissed my forehead. I turned over to see the time 10:23am on the clock. I gasped. “Daddy! School we’re-“ “Baby, it’s Saturday.” He said.
I breathed out and laid back down. “Then why did you wake me up? I was dreaming.” I pouted. “About me and you, I know.” He said. I cocked my head. “How?” I asked sitting up. “You moaned in your sleep the same words you said when we first fooled around.” He smirked. I blushed and looked away embarrassed. He laughed at me. “Aww Princess, it’s okay. I still think about that day as well..” He said pulling me into his lap. “Really?” I asked. He nodded his head. He put a kiss to my lips but I back away, scurrying off of him.
“What’s wrong?” He asked. “I have Morning breath..” I mumbled. He smiled at my cuteness. “Well, go and get ready. I’m taking you out for the day.” He said getting out of bed. “Where are we going?” I asked. “Firstly, for food because I’m starving and then, wherever you like.” He smiled. I squealed and jumped on him, hugging him.
“Thank you!!” I said. I jumped off of him and ran down to my room. “Daddy loves me!!” I yelled going down the halls. After I got dressed, I went downstairs and grabbed my bag. “I’m ready!” I said. He was already by the door, looking good as ever. He wore a black T-Shirt with black skinny jeans and black shoes, along with dressing it up with his sliver necklace and watch along with a black hat.
“Come on, Princess.” He said opening the door for me. We got in the car and fastened our seatbelts. I was about to kiss him on the cheek, but he turned his head, making me kiss him on the lips. I giggled and hit his arm. He smiled and pulled off. We rode pass many buildings on the city watching the sun reflect off of them. Just me and him. No one to stop us from loving each other...
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“Doyoung..yes...” I moaned gripping his hair. He hummed against me, sending vibrations through my body. This is so wrong...lying to my daughter and husband about going on a business trip, knowing that I’m here, sleeping with my boss. He looked up at me with such lustful eyes making me forget about my guilt. He pulled away and came back up to kiss me. He then looked away. “What’s wrong?” I asked sitting up.
“Are you thinking about him?” He asked me with his jaw clenched. I stuttered. “N-No, I-“ “Then why do you have the look of guilt on your face?” Doyoung asked. I looked away from him, sighing. “Do you love him?” He asked now looking at me. I avoided his gaze. It’s no secret that I love Jaehyun. He’s a great father and husband to me and my daughter. I know he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, but I’m hurting him. By cheating on him with his best friend.
Doyoung scoffed got off the bed. “Doyoung wait.” I said grabbing his hand. “What, Mia?” He replied back. “Don’t leave me...I need you..” I said. “Then if you need me, say it.” He said sternly. He gripped my chin and looked at me. “Say it, Mia. Tell me that you want me and that you need me..” he ordered. I looked in his eyes, taking his thumb in my mouth, sucking on it. I pulled away and told him. “I want you and I need you, Doyoung. I love you, only you...” He placed a kiss on my lips and laid me back down. “Good...” He mumbled against my neck.
“I’m taking you back home tomorrow and you are packing your things and coming with me.” He said. I breathed out. “Okay..” I whispered. He laid down on the bed pulled me on top of him. “Show me how much you love me..” He smirked. I smiled back and leaned down to give him a kiss. “Yes sir..”
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Your POV
“Do you like this one, Princess?” He asked me holding up a red dress. I walked towards him and smiled. “I do, but don’t you think you’ve bought enough?” I asked. He chuckled at me and grabbed the dress anyway going to the cash register, ready to check out of the store. “Daddy!” I said following behind him. “I can never spend too much when it comes to you.” He said pinching my cheek. I huffed and grabbed my allowance.
“Here.” I said handing him the money. He looked at me confused. “Sweetheart what’s this?” He asked. “My allowance for the past month. It’s $105. Just use it to pay for it.” I said. He scoffed and smiled. He took the money and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out 5 $100 dollar bills and handed it to me along with my allowance. “Here.” He said.
I looked a him with disbelief. “Dad-“ “You take it and go find two more pairs of shoes or whatever you want to spend it on.” He said. “But I-“ “Princess, are you going against Daddy’s orders?” He asked in warning tone. I shook my head. “No Daddy..” He replied. “Good, now go and get what you want.” He smiled. I hugged him and ran off to the shoe aisle.
As I was looking at shoes, I heard someone calling me. “Hey! Hey Y/n!” They said. I turned in the direction the voice came from and seen the same boy from my class who tried to give me his number. I sighed. “What is it, Adam?” I asked looking at shoes. “What are you doing here?” He asked. I looked at him. “Adam you need to go, like now.” I said. “Why?” He asked getting closer while looking around. “Because I’m here with my dad now go! You know what he said in class! He doesn’t play about that stuff!!” I exclaimed, nervously still peeking in his direction. He was too busy looking at more clothes so he couldn’t really see me. Adam laughed.
“What? I can handle our big, buff and bad teacher.” He said exaggerating his voice. I laughed at little at his joke attempt. “Oh! A smile..I finally made you smile.” He said smiling back. We were then having a small conversation until I heard footsteps behind me.
I turned around seeing that it was Mr. Jung. I gasped. “Daddy I-“ “Come here, Y/n.” He said calmly. I rushed to his side and seen him approaching Adam. “Dad, he’s okay.” I said. “Adam, where’s your phone?” Mr. Jung asked completely ignoring me. Adam felt around for his phone, not getting a sign that his phone was on him. Mr. Jung pulled Adam’s phone from his pocket. He then looked at the text messages and showed them to me. I took the phone and read them.
Adam: I’m gonna get Y/n you just wait!
Ethan (Friend): You still haven’t gotten in her pants?
Adam: No! But I will!
Ethan: No you lost the bet! You haven’t fucked her yet so...
Adam: I will! Just give me two more days!
Ethan: Fine. Time is ticking😈
I looked at Adam with disbelief. “You tried to just get into my pants?!” I asked walking up to him, but Mr. Jung held me back. “Y/n! I wasn’t trying to-“ I threw his phone at him. “Go to hell Adam! Don’t you ever talk to me again!” I yelled. I walked off away from Adam. “You bitch-“ Before he could finish the sentence, Mr. Jung punched him in his mouth.
I ran over to grab Mr. Jung and pulled him away from Adam. “Let’s go, Daddy! Come on!” I said going to the cash register. I put the boxes of shoes on the top, letting the cashier scan the clothes. “$1,295 dollars and 56 cents.” He said. Mr. Jung pulled out his credit card and handed to the cashier.
The cashier looked at me and smiled. “That guy back there was for sure wrong..” He said. I nod. “I know.” I replied. “If you were my girlfriend, I would never let that happen to you. Ever..” He said grabbing my hand. I smiled but then I froze and looked at Mr. Jung, who was burning holes in his eyes. Mr. Jung took he card back, along with the clothes. “Excuse me, but we’re not done shopping.” He said.
He took my hand and led me to the back where the dressing rooms were. He pushed me in the room and closed the door and locked it. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Pull your pants and panties down, don’t make me tell you twice.” He said pulling off his hat and shirt. I pulled down my pants and panties waiting for his next instructions.
He walked up to me pushed me again the wall. He kissed on my neck and made his way down my chest. His hands went to my button up shirt and ripped my shirt open half and half. I gasped. “Daddy-“ “I’ll buy you a new one Princess.” He mumbled against my chest. He made his way to my heat. He took my legs and put them on his shoulders. He gave my clit a kiss, flicking his tongue over it. I gasped out and grabbed his hair. He made patterns with his tongue and licked a long slow stripe along my entire heat. He took two of his fingers and teased my hole, then pushing them in.
“D-Daddy..so good...” I whispered. He sped up his pace, bring me closer and closer to my high. He looked up at me and sucked on my clit. “I-I’m...Ohhhh!” I moaned. I reached my high and he pulled away. He stood up and tapped the back of my legs. “Jump.” He ordered. I jumped and his picked me up, placing me on the wall again. He unbuckled his pants and pulled them down just enough to let himself free.
He slammed me down on his member, making me scream out. Luckily, it was just me and him back here. He started at a brutal pace, making me cry out. “Wait! I-It’s too much!” I said tapping his shoulder but clearly enjoying the pace. “It seems like my Princess needs to be reminded that she’s mine and no else’s.” He grunted going harder than before. He took my arms and pinned them against the wall above me. I whimpered out at the pace.
He put me down and turned me around. “Hands on the wall.” He ordered. I put my arms on the wall and arched my back, the way he liked it. He gave me a smack on the ass and re-entered himself, still a brutal pace. He groaned out and gripped on my hair, yanking it a little. “Harder! Yank my hair harder!” I begged. He yanked my hair harder, making me clench around him, signaling that I was close. He bent down to my ear. “Don’t you even think about cumming right now. I mean that.” He ordered in a low voice.
I whimpered and pushed myself back on him, wanting it more harder than before. He slowed his pace really, really slow. I whined. “Daddy~” I said pushing back. He smacked me on my butt. “Beg for it.” He ordered. “I want it!!” I whined. “That’s not enough, Princess. I need more.” He smacked me on my butt again. “Please! Oh please Daddy, I need it. I want you to fuck me hard! Harder than before, please!! Plesseee!!” I whined shaking my butt back onto him. He spanked me again and went at a hard and fast pace. I whined out in pleasure.
“I’m so clossssee!” I said. “To whom you belong to?” He whispered in my ear. “Daddy! I belong to you daddy! Only you!” I ranted. “Cum.” He ordered. He kept hitting my spot as came, causing me to squirt. I cried tears as he continued to slam his hips against mines. He came after me with groans and growls. He rode out our highs and pulled out. Once he did, our cum ran down my legs, causing me to shake. He kissed me on my back and shoulders giving praise. “Good job, Princess..good job..” He mumbled.
My body stood still, shivering at the littlest touch. He looked in my bag and pulled out tissues. He cleaned up the mess on my legs and pussy and on the floor. He placed them in the trash can and grabbed my clothes. He placed my legs in the panties and slipped them on me along with my pants.
He dressed himself back up, looking as if he didn’t just have sex in a dressing room. “Stay right here.” He said. He walked out of the dressing room and grabbed a pretty black button up shirt from the rack, went to the cashier and paid for it and came back to me. He put in on me and buttoned it up for me. I gave him a weak smile. “Thank you...” I mumbled. He kissed on my forehead and smiled. “You’re welcome.”
He fixed my messy hair and he picked me up and put me on his back. He grabbed my bag and clothes, carrying me to the cash register. She rung us up to over $1,000 dollars. He happily paid and I grabbed the bags. And us leaving the store. I giggled as he ran down the sidewalk with me on his back.
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genshinobsession · 3 years
About the sentience au, i have no idea if u take request/ consider ideas so feel free to ignore
I got some thoughts so i hope u don't mind me ranting here hehe
But here's the thing, if the character somehow got to our world and found out that their life was created by someone for ppl to pass time and entertain themselves, what would be their reaction to the fandom (fics, ships, reader insert stuff, fanart and other fan made stuff), the creator (and them getting profit or being responsible for their suffering and creating them the way they are? Like flaws/ appearance/ personality n that shit), the gatcha, other characters that they knew, and just generally to the whole thing about them being a fictional character from a game in a different world
Thank you for coming to my ted talk <3
Sentience Au
characters included:
(More is coming after, I just didn’t want there to be do much scrolling to get to the character you want)
“So, what you’re saying is I’m from a video game, and I am a very desired character. And because of this many people draw pictures of me.” He asks, standing with his hand on his chin as he tried to process this.
You nodded and you got your phone and looked up a simple
“Diluc fanart”
And showed him the results.
He was a little put off now knowing that there were so many people watching him at all times. Not only were they were watching him but they liked him enough to draw him.
“Well, they all are very talented, but why is this one titled ‘Daddy Diluc’ with my shirt off?” He asked, and you snatched your phone from a him as quick as possible and closed out of whatever file or photo album he scrolled to.
With a nervous laugh you turned back to him hiding your phone, not wanting to admit to what he had seen.
“How about we look at some fanfics instead.” You suggested, changing tabs on your phone. You showed him the Tumblr thread as he began to scroll.
“And these are-?” He asked as he looked back at you.
“Stories about you and other characters, or somethings you and the person reading. Those are called self inserts.” You explained, he nodded, slightly understanding until he had scrolled to an NSFW story.
“What does NSFW stand for?” He asked, you shot up from your chair and smacked the phone out of his hand as quickly as possible.
“Okay maybe that’s not a good idea either.” You laughed nervously again as Diluc stared at you curiously. As far as he was concerned NSFW was just a couple of meaningless letters thrown together, but your reaction makes him think it was obviously more than that.
“How about I explain it this way. Because you’re a very desired character, many people are attracted to you,” You began. He nodded, understanding.
“myself included,” you mumbled, he didn’t catch it so you cleared your throat and continued.
“Many of them make art of you and other characters together and more often than not it’s because of a ship.”
Right at that moment you completely lost him. He looked at you confused,
“What do boats have anything to do with this?” He asked, his eyebrows were furrowed together as he tried to think of a logical way that a mode of water transport would have anything to do with him and other characters.
“No no, this kind of ship is a pairing of you and another character, like a relationSHIP.”
Diluc nodded in response,
“So wait, people pair me with other characters? Like who?” He asked, you sighed knowing the question was going to come up sooner or later.
“Well-“ you began as you listed off every person he had been shipped with. As you went on Dilucs face began to contort out of confusion and slight disgust.
“Just... don’t ask and we can both forget about it.” You suggested and he nodded in agreement.
“Well this is... interesting.” The blue haired man muttered as he had scrolled through the object that he held in his hands.
He had just seen it lying face up on the counter and his curiosity got the better of him.
And he was very surprised by what he saw.
Just, pages and pages and pages of him in different poses with different people, in varying levels of... intensity.
He was very confused at first, unsure of how to respond but as he wen through he realized each post had a red heart underneath it.
What could that possibly mean?
As he scrolled through he eventually got into the works of writing, all with the same ‘Kaeya x reader’ underneath their titles.
Before he could scroll any farther he heard the door creak open as you walked into the room with a warm joyous smile on your face.
Well until you saw Kaeya with your phone.
“Kaeya, why do you have my phone?” You asked, he looked down at the bright object then back at you.
“So that’s what it’s called, well you did just leave it open so I decided to have a look.” He admitted with a shrug.
You quickly snatched it from him and looked at it realizing he had been through all your posts that you had saved under the label ‘Kaeya’.
Your heart pace quickened out of embarrassment,
“How much did you see?” You asked, he chuckled and moved closer to you, he lightly lifted you chin so you’d look at him, he leaned into your ear and whispered,
“You seem to like me in some interesting positions.” He teased, and let go of your face.
You covered your face, not wanting to look at him.
“Oh, don’t be shy now, its quite cute that you like me that much. I find it, oddly endearing.” He admitted, patting your head lightly.
You finally took your head out of your hands as you looked up at him. He smiled at you as he leaned in close to your face yet again.
“Although, you should be more careful about having your ‘phone’ open to such a... suggestive image.” He teased yet again as you backed up from your face and walked out of the room.
You looked down at your phone which screen has been dimmed a bit, as you raised the brightness you saw a picture of Kaeya you definitely would not be able to unsee for a long while.
Zhongli is definitely a fan of stories,
But the stories he found were definitely not the ones he had in mind.
You didn’t know how to explain to Zhongli that he’s from a game and people all over the internet love and adore him, without showing him.
He doesn’t even know what technology is, let alone the fact people use it to create artwork of him.
“Traveler, I apologize if this is a bit odd, but I saw you looking at some paintings of me on your phone item. How do you have so many? Did you make them also yourself? You’re quite talented if so.” He asked, as you looked from him, to your phone, then back up to him.
He was just patiently standing infront of you, waiting for an answer.
You sighed slightly as you put down whatever you were doing and grabbed your phone.
“Oh, I’m sorry, was that not something I was supposed to bring up?” He asked, confused by your reaction.
You shook your head as you patted the spot next to you, gesturing for him to sit down next to him.
“No no, you were going to find out sooner or later.” You said as he politely sat down next to you and faced you, ready to listen to whatever story or explanation you were going to give him.
As you explained he asked a few questions, which you answered as best you could.
After you explained how the world Zhongli came from was not exactly real, he was just a character in a video game, and because of that, many people around the world love him and make things to show their love and appreciation for him.
He nodded, trying to understand,
“Well that’s definitely not what I expected. I’ve always had some sort of following but this, admittedly was not what I expected. So all of these people know about Rex Lapis?” He asked, to which you nodded in response.
“I see, well. There’s not much I can to about it now I suppose.” He said, turning back to you with a slight sigh. All the effort putting into hiding and it was, somewhat for nothing.
Liyue was going to have to learn how to be on their own regardless, so leaving wasn’t going to affect them to much, which was comforting to him.
“Thank you, traveler, for answering my question. I understand it was probably hard to explain this to me but I believe I understand now.” He thanked, you nodded accepting it and smiled at him.
However, your smile faltered when you saw Zhongli so lost in thought. You supposed it was because he basically left behind the only thing he’s every known.
You lightly put your hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“Hey, Why don’t we make some tea, I feel like you’d want to try these flavours.” You said, as he looked back over to you, he recognized this as a way to cheer him up and appreciated it.
“That would be wonderful.”
(Next part coming out is ‘they escape Part 2 pocket edition’)
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heyyylittlemo · 3 years
Small details in 19 Days that keep me up at night
((That I feel rarely gets talked about))
-Mo Guan Shan & The Zodiac Magazine
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This chapter was pretty early on in 19days—So that must mean Mo Guan Shan has done this a lot more since, right??😳 and he didn’t even rlly know HT that well at this point so...he must be in heat on the low for HT by now 🥵🥵
So it canonically confirms at least a base physical attraction from the start—and c’mon if this isn’t the most relatable thing ever. Soon as I get an attraction to someone I’m a bit piqued to find out their zodiac. Mo Guan Shan’s hidden curiosity for HT is lwk so cute.
It def suggests that MGS has an under the surface lvl (where he can’t even detect it) pull to understand and get closer to HT.
Mo Guan Shan dreaming of He Tian
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I know it was passed off like a “joke” and a “nightmare” but cmon this gay as hawlll
Who DOESN’T dream of their crush?? Dreams usually are about things we heavily think about and/or what we thought about before bed—and I can’t help but to think OX was onto smth
Not to mention, this has high bottom-denial energy. Literally. Like he was soooo trying to avoid getting a shot at the docs bc it was in his ass, why??? Like sir...ur fragile masculinity that was created from ur inner homophobia towards ur own bottom reality was def crashing at that second
N Why he got pain in his tushy??? In this dream?? N ppl bullying him like that abt it lmaoo who irl be saying those things?? Things like “aren’t in the guy who got a shot in ur ass” and “haha I’d like to see you with ur ass in the air~” even tho the translation and the way it was written can be said to mean that these bullies are literally finding it funny that his ass was in the air I have a feeling it was censored and rephrased to hint at its actual implications,, I feel like these guys were actually trying to jokingly solicit Mo in gay acts thru him bottoming—in reaction to the needle butt-scenario. I feel like OX wants us to read between the lines.
And if you see it that way, it really makes it seem like Mo is having a sexuality crisis here. And I think it’s what OX was building up to around that time bcuz it was around after the kiss happened.
It rlly makes me believe MGS genuinely thinks getting a shot in his ass will somehow societally and with unspoken words “expose” him and miraculously express to others that he likes it up the ass—bcuz u cannot tell me that dream and what those bullies were saying weren’t his damn paranoia demons talking
I think a dream interpreter could stretch it enough to say that the bullies are a metaphor of his own insecurities towards his homosexuality and particularly towards his upcoming bottoming feelings. Like he’s legit scared of a hospital needle in his butt—this is not straight behavior. And then we have He Tian to the rescue—(and do you see his look and his flirtatious line) and omg he’s gripping the shit out of his ass in the dream. He’s both being bullied for his bottom-ness and guilty-pleasure getting one rubbed out by He Tian. Like ok, have ur cake and eat it then bitch.
Mo Guan Shan Staring at He Tian
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This was a moment leading up to the kiss. MGS was staring (probably admiring while also judging and heating up over HT) He Tian while he was playing BSKTBall—and As a BL writer myself can’t help but to think HT noticed MGS very not-straightly stare at him with a sort of sexual attraction he had towards him on the field.
Like cmon?? I doubt OX writes lines like these for no reason.
I feel like...at least irl...The eyes usually give it away if someone is interested in you or not. you can always see if someone is checking you out and noticing you in a different light like it just has different vibe and feel to it. OX was def trying to show and not tell with this panel that MGS has noticed HT and stares at him in the way we all hope he does. We don’t really get to see and (and I guess it keeps us on our toes and keeps us wondering if the little redhead could actually be falling for HT)—so it’s very subtle, but it is there, and once you notice it you’re like d a m n this makes the kiss scene so much more hopeful (at least for me).
I think this was the push that gave HT hopes to kiss MGS in the first place and it gets overlooked. How do you think HT own curiosity peeked? I think as a community we often think abt Mo and how he developed feelings or will develop feelings for HT but rarely do we ever questions The Who what when where and how He Tian came to like Mo himself. I have my own feelings about them that I can’t explain in this post, least it gets off-topic, but I think it’s very important.
I think his comment “Do I really disgust you that much” makes more sense in this context, of MGS giving HT some reassurance through non-verbal ques. HT was already under the impression that MGS was egging him on with his staring so it can warrant some of He Tian’s confusion. HT probably is pursuing MGS bc he probably senses some lvl of homosexual tension from Mo, and it’s exciting to him. Not only that, but MGS is exciting in his character. So I think HT was also relatively new to this venture and kinda spontaneously kissed Mo out of his own curioustes to explore their attractions and to get a grasp of what Mo was feeling.
It also makes me think HT and MGS experienced some undeniable pleasure or unspoken moment that could not be denied within the kiss as attraction and when MGS then decided to go agaisnt that with violence it only further hit HT, who knew MGS was lying to himself. I mean, it’s a classic BL moment. The two kiss, obviously feel smth (probably couldn’t show much of that due to censorship so had to pass it along as a 100% unsatisfactory exchange) and then one, feeling too much all at once and isn’t comfortable with their confirmed suspensions abt their sexuality—denies everything to the other causing further tensions especially sense both know how eachother really feel despite the others denial. And then the rejected one downplays the kiss’ seriousness to soothe their ego knowing full well the kiss meant smth. So they both internalize what the other said and both feel rejected, but both actually liked it. It’s a classic.
I truly feel that if it wasn’t due to censorship, that the kissing scene would’ve looked a lot more consensual than so forceful and wrong. Like it would’ve been taken as an tension filled “experimentation” that we see a lot in BLs and it only further ties into why MGS would be so bashful whenever the kiss is mentioned, and why HT can use it As a leverage over Mo (“don’t make me kiss you again”) bcuz it brings them back to thy moment where HT experienced some “answer” between Mo and that answer was fulfilling even tho it cannot be fulfilled and probably HT is hoping that maybe one day if he teases him enough about it they can share another kiss one that is a lot less rushed and now that they are closer, will lead to a better result.
Anyways those are my speculations. And I actually have written a short story based on these assumptions(focused on the kiss—and it’s also leading up to a jealously fic) but ofc I haven’t written it in ahwile haha. Just thought it was worth sharing since I noticed 19 days has been updating pretty “eh” lately.
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siriusmydeer · 3 years
Hi hi hi, First thing, I legit love your theme sm-
Second thing, I was wondering if I could maybe request a fic where Fred is best friends with a gryffindor fem!reader who try’s to stay in the shadows but he and George are basically her best friends who she loves with all her heart bc they treat her kindly and don’t try to over push her limits and Fred always try’s to check up on her every other night because he wants to make sure she doesn’t get too lonely (they have a really fluffy relationship) and time skip to him asking her to the Yule ball and then dancing with her in private where they can still hear the music but where ppl can’t see because he knows she doesn’t like crowds and idrk just fluffy and they end up kissing or smth
Anyway, have a good day and don’t feel pressured to do this okay! Drink some water and eat some food.
hi, darling!!! thank u so much for the request, also if anyone else has sent me a request i’ll be working on them this weekend. i hope this is what you wanted :))
not a yule ball
fred weasley x fem!gryffindor!reader
summary: fred and you have your own yule ball.
warnings: food, mentions of loneliness, mentions of claustrophobia, mentions of underage drinking, mentions of alcohol, fred being a sweet heart, TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF, mutual pining but freddie being a simp, a KISS, a light slap (like on the chest?), mentions of spiking drinks with alcohol and mentions of a panic attack
word count: 2.2k
“when are you gonna tell her, mate?” george said looking at his ginger twin. “tell who, what?” he said defensively, afraid that he had made his feelings to obvious. “are you forgetting we’re magical twins? i know everything.” george said smugly, smirking and looking back at his newest invention while fred went to lay on his four poster bed.
fred was about to defend himself, lying at the fact his twin caught him dreaming about his crush who also happened to be his bestfriend, besides george of course. “you can barely stomach the thought of her getting pranked, i know you better than yourself it’s not that hard to tell” his twin looked back to his him as fred grumbled something under his breath.
he was about to continue his plea to his fiery headed twin as you, you’re gorgeous locks framing your face, your perfect coloured irises looked for him first, the way your skin looked good in every shade of lighting and the way your figure made its way over to his sitting beside his laying figure.
“you alright, freddie? you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” you said looking at the red head confused. his eyes widened before sitting up next to you. “yeah, you alright love? look a bit fidgety.” he said as you were wringing your fingers together and george smirked over to fred before getting up going to the common room.
“alright, i guess. for transfiguration mcgonagall partnered me with people i don’t really know so i have to meet them in the library soon. i dunno, it’s stupid m’just nervous” you mumbled, embarrassed before looking at him. he scooted closer to you and placing a hand on your arm.
“darling, if you want i can talk to her, i mean she favours us gryffindors and i can tell her i’ll lay off the pranks and stuff?” he said quickly before adding, “i just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” he said in a sorrowful tone, rubbing his hand up and down your arm before pulling you into a hug. his hands rested on your waist as your arms winded their way around his neck and your head on his shoulder.
“no..no... m’fine i’ll just get over it, i have to go but i’ll see you and georgie later?” you said standing up, smoothing down your skirt and walking towards the door. “yeah?” “of course darling, i couldn’t leave you alone even if i wanted too.” and with that you were off to the library. a few seconds later the other mischievous twin apparated into the dorm and pouncing on fred’s bed.
“damn, didn’t know you were that whipped.” george added, with a laugh. “oh, bugger off!” the long haired ginger, yelled hitting george with a pillow.
later that evening fred couldn’t keep his mind off you, and your well being. he always knew that you tended to distance yourself, normally not on purpose but it was a habit that he always wanted to help you break. he knew like it was written on the back of his hand that large crowds made you nervous, he also knew that that when you were nervous you would pull on your favourite ring he made you for your birthday. you tended to like things homemade things rather than store bought, when you were nervous you would bounce your leg to the point where he would have to grab your leg to stop it.
he memorized every quirk, every indication of a mood change and he knew when things were good or bad. he didn’t think he was whipped, he thought this was what friends normally for other friends. that was until he saw you flip your hair a certain way, or loosen that gryffindor tie of yours and he absolutely wanted to kiss you senseless. he hadn’t told you, or george for that matter because he didn’t want to ruin the strong friendship you had built since second year when he helped you through a panic attack after snape had embarrassed you infront of the whole class.
‘maybe i should check on her... i don’t want to be to clingy?’ he thought to himself.
he opted to go to your dormitory, biding past the charm on the staircase and knocking on your door twice, an indication it was him before seeing you on your lay on your twin bed chipping away at your nail polish. “anything you wanna talk about?” he said before hopping on your bed sitting back on your headboard.
“it wasn’t bad, just frustrating.” you said looking into his brown irises through your dark eyelashes. “cormac kept speaking over me, he just kept interrupting and it was frustrating.” you mumbled before looking back at your fingernails.
“you had mclaggen in your group? absolutely not, i’m talking to mcgonagall.” he said, trying to stand up but not before you grabbed his hand pulling it back down. he got flustered at the completely innocent gesture, face flaring up, stomach getting tingly and his heart feeling like it could burst from his chest.
“you freddie, aren’t doing anything.” you sigh, “i’ll just work through it, it’s only a few days.” you giggled before adding, “plus if you’re coming to check on me, then i really don’t mind.” you say scrunching your nose in his direction before padding over to your desk to grab something.
if fred was flustered before, everything that had just occurred inside of his body exhilarated one hundred times harder. you WANTED him to come see you, and check on you. fred was of course, quite the flirt and he mostly new what to say to girls. but with a girl as gorgeous, and caring as you, you had him completely speechless.
“hey- you ate today right? drank water, took care of yourself? i know you forget sometimes, angel...” he said sheepishly fumbling with his ring-clad fingers looking at his lap. you smiled at his ability for care for someone, you of all people, “yeah... yeah, hermione brought me stuff.” you looked at him before grabbing a makeup wipe and looking in the mirror.
“i should- i should go me and george.... are working on a new prank, so i’m gonna go.” he said before walking to the door,
“see you tomorrow, freddie?”
“see you tomorrow, darling.”
the first bit of the semester quickly approached, the sooner you were to christmas, the sooner was... the yule ball. a ball with teenagers, dancing, fancy clothes and people trying to subtly drink alcohol... i mean who wouldn’t love it? you. you definitely did not love it. big sweaty crowds, with music you probably wouldn’t like, and drink spiking with god knows what liquor.
i mean as long as the clothes were ugly you definitely didn’t mind, and seeing fred in a suit was something you also definitely did not mind either but the claustrophobia of it all really made you want to lay in your bed and have a nice and long nap.
george’s reminders of fred’s pining definitely didn’t help either, fred wanted to go with you of course but he also knew that you definitely weren’t fond of big groups. so he had a brewing idea bubbling in that gorgeous mind of his, and the room of requirement. he had went to george with the idea hoping that it was a way to have a fun time in your own way, the more sensitive twin of the bunch agreed it was great idea.
after working on a 4ft scroll for potions, you were about to go find your 2 prankster bestfriends when you heard a double knock at the door and then the creak of it opening. you’re favourite fiery redhead walked in without his normal strut, and padded in nervously with his gaze strictly at the floor before sheepishly looking at you. “are you busy..?” he said before walking closer.
you set your quill down and look back at him and cock an eyebrow, “no...why?” you said nervously, hoping he wasn’t about to prank you considering he hadn’t since the beginning of term.
“i wanted to take you somewhere.., that’s if your not busy” he said interlocking his fingers together looking back at you. “no i’ve just done all my homework..” you stuck your hand out, “take me to the secret man cave where you test all your pranks on the innocent.” you said giggling while he interlocks your fingers together.
you guys roam around the castle till he guides you up the astronomy tower, the sky painted hues of red and orange.
“i’ve never looked at the view from up here...” you say flashing your irises towards him then back at the sunset. “yeah, it’s stunning.” he says, staring directly at your (BEAUTIFULLY CARVED) side profile, “oh yeah, the sunsets alright too” he said with a chuckle, untangling your fingers and brining his arm around your waist.
you look back at the lanky red head before lightly slapping your hand against his chest and looking up at him. “such a flirt, weasley.” you say looking back at the fading sky.
“go to the ball with me.”
“well that’s demanding.”
“well, get a pretty dress, do your hair all nice or don’t you look gorgeous at every moment of the day” fred wasn’t sure where this surge of gryffindor confidence came from, but he wasn’t exactly going to back down now.
“and don’t worry we’re not gonna be around sweaty, horny teenagers... i’ve got a surprise.” he says looking at you with smirk, oh he new you all too well.
“yeah freddie, i’ll go to a not yule ball with you”
then night was tonight, a pretty dress that excentuated every dip, curve and line of your body. you chose gryffindor red for house pride, even thought nobody would see it besides fred. you had done your makeup to perfectly match your completion, and done a hair style that exactly matched the hair type that laid on your head. your tresses, makeup and dress all compliment each-other. you look in the mirror a little more, wringing your fingers together before looking up at the door.
fred opened the door, leaning on its frame. his hair was long, not styled but you had always liked it better messy anyways. he was dressed in brown and black dress robes and if you thought fred was attractive before? you really thought we was beautiful now.
“you’re-... wow. everything is wow, you’re just so beautiful” fred said, looking you up and down analyzing your hair, face, and dress. “freddie, you look... really good” you nervously laughed before walking up to his lanky figure.
he grabbed your hand and brought you through the hallways, he also had made you cover your eyes and guided you once you reached a certain hallway. your movements were put to a halt when he whispered to you that were were almost there, you stood before a few seconds before you heard his footsteps again. ‘was he.... pacing?’ you thought to yourself. he grabbed your hand again before bringing you in a room.
“okay... open your eyes”
you quickly opened your eyes, a giant ballroom, with a instruments charmed to play your favourite music and fred to your left grinning like an idiot.
“oh my merlin.... did you do all this for me?” you say looking at him in the eyes, eyebrows scrunched and tearing welling in your eyes. “sweaty teenagers, bad music and spiked drinks with fire whisky aren’t really your favourite but i still wanted you to have a good evening. so i opted for this.” he said before looking at the floor then back at you.
“fred, i cannot fathom how amazing you are.” you said with a squeal before kissing his cheek and running to the middle of the floor. “c’mon now! don’t waste the music, dance with me!”
and with that, he was off. some songs were fast, some songs were slow. but then your favourite slow song came and he knew no matter how much protesting his brain was saying, george’s little voice was much to over powering. “i can see those gears in your head moving, care to tell me what your thinking about?”
“i’m going to need you to elaborate, please.” she always has a smooth way with words, he thought.
“everything, you’re everything. you mean everything to me.” fred definitely wasn’t a nervous, butterfly in the stomach and flustered guy but for for you we was tripping over his feet and becoming beet red at the slightest touch from you.
“kiss me.” for being such a closed off girl, you sure were bold. you said it more of a statement rather than a question but fred didn’t care, in that moment he only wanted to kiss the girl that also wanted to kiss him.
he moved his hand to your cheek, stroking it with his thumb. he moved forward engaging you in a kiss, it was slow, passionate and it was something you had been both waiting for. you pulled away for a second to let your lungs breath but not before he captured your lips again moving faster, his grip on your waist tighted.
“merlin, i’ve been waiting to do that”
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night-fallz · 3 years
XY’s Muse
Based on this prompt
Like I have stated before, this is my first fanfic. Please let me know what you think of it. Any kind of criticism will be welcome.
uploaded on 01/23/21
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Ao3 // Wattpad
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Chapter 2
XY was staring at the ceiling. A week has already passed. And he still couldn't stop thinking about the day he spent with Marinette. It was the most fun he'd had in a while.
Before the whole Silencer fiasco, his father would not stop pressuring him to produce a new song. So when they met up for dinner and his dad came up with the idea of stealing someone else's music, he couldn’t bring himself to decline.
XY knew it was wrong.
But all he wanted was the chance to finally impress his dad. Bob Roth might not have the best attitude towards him, but he was all XY had left.
Xy already lost his mom. He would not lose his dad too.
At least, that's what he believed. He should've known that his father was just using him for money. According to his dad, money was the most valuable thing in life.
XY scoffed. He should've known better. He should've known that all his father thought of hi-
He felt a buzz in his pocket and his face immediately brightened. Marinette just texted him!
Marinette: what's up?
Marinette: have u been inspired yet?
Marinette gave XY the idea to just sit back and let inspiration hit him. It was a common idea but it was one that most people tend to forget in the long run.
XY: nothing much
XY: and nope.
XY: my dad has been pressuring me to come up with something tho
Marinette: ignore him
Marinette: he's just mad cause he can't get any ladies
The three dots popped up on his screen.
Marinette: OH CRAP I'M LATE
Marinette: TTYL.
XY rolled his eyes and smiled.
They've been texting back and forth these past few days. He's learned so many things about her and vice versa.
It was nice. It's been a while since XY has had a friend.
Maybe she'll be even more, XY couldn’t help but think as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Huh," XY said out loud. "Even more"
And just like that, inspiration for his next song hit him.
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Marinette was thinking of a certain blonde-haired, blue-eyed musician when she heard her phone ring.
"Tikki!" she screamed, staring at her phone as if it was Hawkmoth himself.. "He's calling me. XY is calling me."
Tikki sighed and floated next to Marinette, "Maybe you should answer it. It would be pretty rude to keep him waiting."
"Right, right," Marinette answered his call and hoped her voice didn’t sound as squeaky as she thought it did.. "Hey."
There was a moment of awkward silence.
Marinette didn’t know what to do. She glanced at the small goddess.
Tikki rolled her eyes at their awkwardness as she gestured to the phone. Ask him why he called you, she mouthed to Marinette.
Marinette nodded. That was a smart idea. "So," Marinette cleared her throat. "Why did you call me?"
"Right, Uhm." Marinette heard him shuffling around his room. "You know how you've been asking me if I was inspired and stuff?"
Marinette's eyes grew wide and a huge smile took over her face as she started to nod before remembering that he couldn't see her. "Yep." she eagerly said, "Did you find any?"
"Yes!" Marinette could hear the excitement in his voice. "I was actually wondering if you wanted to design the outfits for my music video."
Marinette's eyes looked shocked. "Yes!" she jumped around in excitement before remembering she was still in a call with XY. "Why me though?"
XY’s voice sounded confused.. "What do you mean, why you? You're literally perfect for it. You're talented. Plus, everyone loves your designs."
Marinette’s cheeks resembled a tomato. She has never been more thankful for the fact that he couldn't see her right now.
"Thank you." Marinette managed to mumble. "That really means a lot."
"You're welcome." XY said. Marinette had a feeling he was smiling though. "I have to go and have my dad listen to the demo. But I'll text you later, okay?"
"Yep," Marinette whispered and gave Tikki a cookie. "Good luck. I know that whatever song you came up with is gonna sound good. No matter what he'll say."
Marinette heard a faint "Thanks" from the phone before the call ended.
Marinette screamed into her pillow and looked up and saw Tikki look at her with amusement. “I think I like him.”
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"So, what do you think?" XY asked as his father finished listening to his song. "Is it bad? Do you think people will like it?"
Bob Roth grinned at his son. "This is a Masterpiece. Where did you find this?" He gestured to the video of XY singing the song, "Who did you steal this from?"
XY's proud smile immediately turned into a scowl. "What do you mean, who did I steal this from?" He yelled at his dad, his blue eyes glaring at him as he grabbed the demo from the table. "I made it. I came up with it myself." XY felt his eyes tearing up. "Something you would actually know if you thought of me as something more than a money-making machine."
How could he? XY thought as he climbed up the stairs. Is it that hard to believe that I could come up with something good?
XY slammed his door shut. "All I wanted was to prove to him that I wasn't a talentless son." XY put his hands on his face. "I just wanted to make him proud."
XY felt a buzz in his pocket and immediately knew that it was Marinette. After all, she’s the only one that ever texts him.
Marinette: how did it go?
Marinette: did he like it?
XY wiped away the tears that were starting to come out of his eyes. He couldn't help but smile. Marinette certainly had an effect on him.
XY: he called it a masterpiece
Marinette: yes! I knew he would like it.
XY: yeah
XY: but then he asked me who i stole it from
Marinette: THAT JERK
Marinette: WTF
Marinette: THAT's SO MESSED UP
Marinette: HOW COULD HE-
XY laughed at her text messages. He only started to text her and he already felt better.
XY: no, it's fine
XY: i actually yelled at him
Marinette: ...
Marinette: do you feel better?
XY: actually, yep.
XY: he's a really sucky father
Marinette: for some reason, a lot of the blondes i know have a toxic parent
Marinette: it's kinda sad
XY: maybe it's a paris thing
They texted back and forth, XY laughing at the memes Marinette sent.
XY: You're definitely a daughter of Athena
Marinette: ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
Marinette: is that a percy jackson reference i see
XY: yep
XY: have u read the books?
Marinette: duh
Marinette: you haven't lived til you've read the books
Marinette: sadly, the movies sucked tho
Marinette: EXACTLY!!
XY: oh yeah
XY: before i forget
XY: what's ur insta?
Marinette: which one
XY scrunched his eyebrows up in confusion.
XY: What do you mean by which one?
Marinette: i have two
Marinette: one as my personal one and the other one for commissions and stuff
XY: ohhh
XY: smart
Marinette: i know ;)
Marinette: my personal one is @Mdupaincheng and the one for my commissions one if @MDCdesigns
XY switched his apps and searched up Marinette's personal instagram. He clicked on the first result that came up.
The profile picture was Marinette in a blue, silky dress that went just above her ankle. There was a slit on her left leg that showed her knee. It was nighttime and Marinette was practically glowing under the city lights. She was staring at something on her right side, with one hand running through her silky black hair which was down for once.
She looked hot.
After XY stopped admiring her profile picture, he finally noticed her follower count.
She had 200,000 followers. 200,000.
It wasn't as high as XY's follower count, that was still quite a lot.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
XY: i didn't know u were insta famous
Marinette: wdym?  
Marinette: which acc
XY: ur personal one
XY: u have over 200k followers
Marinette thought that she read his text wrong. There's no way that Marinette had that many followers. 200,000? There was no way.
Marinette: ur lying
XY: I'm not.
XY: check ur acc
It's been a while since Marinette has logged onto her personal account. The hate she got the last time she's been signed in was too much for her and when Alya told her to log out and just focus on her other account, @MDCdesigns, she couldn't bring herself to argue against her.
Marinette hasn't even thought of that account since that day. So when she logged in and saw that XY wasn't lying, she accidentally dropped her phone in shock.
Tikki looked at Marinette with a questioning look.  
Marinette ignored her kwami and texted the blue-eyes boy back.
Marinette: HOLY SHIT
Marinette: I HAVE 200k FOLLOWERS
XY: when was the last time you checked ur acc
Marinette: about 3 months ago
Marinette: the media thought i was adrien's gf and his fangirls came at me
Marinette: i got a ton of hate and a friend of mine told me to log out and just focus on my @MDCdesigns acc
Marinette: so i did
Marinette: i haven't thought abt that acc since then
XY: the fangirls were probably just jealous
XY: it's been months so they probably calmed down
XY: I'm looking through the comments rn and so far the latest hate comment you've got was about 2 weeks ago
XY: you've got a bit of a fanbase yk
Marinette: WHAT DO I DO
XY: don't post anything rn
XY: post a picture of yourself and the caption it something that shows ur thankful for the number of followers u received
XY: a few hours before u post the picture, make sure u post on ur story abt how ur back from ur break on social media
XY: that way ppl will understand why u haven't been active
XY: it'll also have ppl prepared for ur post and they'll be waiting for u to post it
XY: that'll give u more engagement and stuff
Marinette: thank u
Marinette: that was really helpful
Marinette: when should i post something?
XY: u told ur friend that u were taking a break from social media right?
Marinette: yes
XY: then they probably weren't expecting u to post anything so they weren't checking ur insta
XY: u should post something on the weekend
XY: that way ppl wouldn't bother u during school this week
XY: if u want i can help u come up with ideas tomorrow?
Marinette: yes, please!
Marinette: do u wanna come over
Marinette: we can plan it in my room so that ppl won't overhear us
XY: guess I'll see u tomorrow then
XY: just text me the time ur available and I'll be there
Marinette: make sure to wear a disguise tho!
Marinette: we got lucky last time and no tabloids caught us
XY: ur right
XY: we must've been really lucky if no one got a pic of us
XY: but okay
XY: I'll wear my best disguise
XY: goodnight, princess
Marinette blinked a few times, making sure she read the text correctly.
Marinette: goodnight ♥
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This is the first chapter of the story. Please let me know what you think
1,967 words
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whatiwillsay · 3 years
I just read your response to that prime day anon and I have to say when I listen to your podcast you come across as genuinely open minded and thoughtful, but when you respond to some of the swiftgron anons here, you consistently seem to cut some of them down for their genuine curiosity while others are openly welcomed. It just strikes me as a bit confusing and bias and rubs me the wrong way since you make money by leading and promoting a swiftgron/gaylor blog, patreon, and podcast. You were the one to put the swiftgron/gaylor topic on your back (and still promote), yet I’ve witnessed on multiple occasions you make it seem like some of us curious about and willing to discuss the potential state of swiftgron are the ones bothering you (even though sometimes you seem all for it). If Toe is what you truly adamant believe to point of shutting down any current swiftgron talk (regardless of implication) then why not just outright say you’re not gonna talk about anything present-day swiftgron, instead of leading many of us on by thinking this is a place to discuss such things, so we can go somewhere else then, since nothing that anon said was extreme.
while curiosity is fine i literally know for a fact dianna has been dating around and NOT with taylor. like they are not together. they are probably friendly. saying shit that isn’t true like “two people who have been with other people and been in the same room ONE TIME since 2014 must be secretly together” and literally making up stuff like… i do not have patience for people who are lying. my frustration wasn’t directed at anon but at the source of the lies they were talking about.
there is no potential state of swiftgron other than potential friends. i do not want to be involved in theories about them being together right now it’s harmful and outlandish unless it’s just for fun and joking/not serious. it also ruins the very good base of content we have from 2012/2013 to water it down with reaches and crack from anything beyond that.
anyone anoning in about current day swiftgron has not spent the amount of time and care that i have in researching that ship nor do they know who i know that has connections to dianna and confirmed winstanna was real + dianna dating some people after they split. she hasn’t been with taylor. her friends have not been around taylor, no one has spotted them together it’s simply not happening and i KNOW this. ofc i WISH we could get swiftgron together right now i would adore that and if we see them hanging out together regularly i would be open to that discussion but we don’t. people who reach and crack out make the rest of us look bad and i don’t like it. swiftgron from 2012-2013 is amazing and fun and makes sense and adds up - why can’t that be enough?
ofc you don’t have to agree with me. i don’t bother people who go to other lanes and crack out about late stage swiftgron. i don’t love it because it looks unhinged in some ways but i leave ppl alone who do that. but if someone comes to my blog and asks me i’m going to share what i believe to be the truth. as always i could be wrong but i would be astounded if i was wrong about this.
i have never been “all for” talking about dianna and taylor being together present day although in my last answer i said i may have entertained it in the past because i used to clown more and didn’t understand how harmful conspiratorial thinking could be.
i am open minded about fair theories with merit. given everything i know late stage swiftgron, while it would be truly amazing, has NO merit. zero. nothing. zilch. if that changes i would be the first to shout it from the rooftops. but for now it hasn’t. i’m sorry i don’t know what else to say.
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buckyodinson · 4 years
Pedro boys (or who ever your most comfy writing for) reactions to trying to woo a girl not easily impressed/doesn't trust dudes easily??? I feel like a lot of ppl get this vibe sometimes or maybe its just me, love your blog btw keep being ah-mazing! 💖💖💖
Hi!!! Thank you for requesting, I had fun with these - sorry they took a while! :) 
Din would bring little things back to the ship for you while you looked after the Child. He would make mental notes of things you mentioned that you missed about home or things you craved, and if he ever saw them on his travels, he would buy them for you. Din is very awkward about dealing with his feelings, and it doesn’t help that you don’t seem interested at all. He carries on regardless even if you don’t feel the same back, living for the little smiles that light up your face when you see what he’s brought back. But he comes back from a bounty one day and you don’t hear him, and he’s about to climb the ladder to the cockpit, when he hears you up there with the Child, telling it that you think you love Din but you’re worried. His heart hammers underneath the beskar and before he knows it, he’s climbing the ladder to reach you, confessing his feelings once you turn around in shock at his sudden appearance. You admit your worries but that you can see what a softy he is under the armour, and he hugs you tightly, with the child pressed between your bodies. He speaks quiety through the modulator that he’ll prove to you he is worthy of your love (in your mind, though, you know he already is).
Whiskey is a charmer. But once he realised his flirting was getting him nowhere with you, he toned it down, and tried to just be friendly with you. You were much more receptive to that, and he enjoyed your little passing talks in the corridors of the distillery, or when you’d just sit and have lunch together. You didn’t really trust Whiskey at first, seeing the way he flirted with just about any woman he laid his eyes on. But you definitely opened up to him as time went on, and the pair of you grew closer. He’d remember the little things about you that you told him in passing, and he would try to bring them up as naturally as possible in future conversations to prove he really does listen intently to everything you say. After a while, you started to develop feelings for him, and you were glad you were initially resistant to his flirting, because it allowed you to really get to know him first and fall in love with him for himself, instead of the flirty persona he seems to have turned on all the time.
Javier was notorious around the DEA for his sexual exploits. The other agents constantly teased him about how he got his information, and whether he had to pay for it this time. When you learnt that he often frequented to local brothels and fucked the girls there for information, it put you off Javier (which was a shame, because he was so attractive). But you knew you wanted no part in joining the long list of women he’d taken to bed, so when Javier took an interest in you, you made an effort to seem like you had no interest in return. But you did start to notice that Javi wasn’t getting as much intel as usual, and the other guys would still ask and tease him about the various brothels in town, but he didn’t have his usual banter with them. Steve was pretty tired of watching Javi pine over you (which you were seemingly oblivious to), that he pulled you aside one day and told you Javi had feelings for you. You snorted rolled your eyes, “Nice one, Murphy.” you spoke as you tried to walk away, but he grabbed your wrist and told you to really pay attention to Javi. You narrowed your eyes at him, but did as he said, and noticed over the next few days that Javi was different. He seemed a little sadder, and he had no new information either. You confronted him one night after he left the office, and he confessed to you. You were still wary about his tendencies, but you agreed you were willing to give it a go.
Pope introduced you and Catfish and you really fell for him (and vice versa).You were a bit wary, knowing a little about his past. You knew they were both in the army, and that didn’t bother you, but Pope had told you about that fateful ‘mission’, and you saw him in a little different light after all that had transpired, but you knew they must have been desperate to do what they did. But Pope was still a close friend of yours and after you were introduced to Catfish, you hung out with the pair of them a fair bit, and you really enjoyed Frankie’s company, and you were slowly coming to terms with the fact that he wasn’t the man he used to be, and he was actually a real sweetheart. When Frankie noticed that you kinda shut off from him a bit when you all hung out, he assumed you didn’t like him and was only appeasing Pope. He quickly dipped into his self-loathing tendencies. One night, you had fallen asleep on Pope’s sofa, and you stirred and went to grab some water from the kitchen when you overheard Frankie telling Pope how he was stupid to think you could love someone like him, after everything he’d done. You knocked softly on the door, alerting them both to you presence, and Frankie’s face dropped, but you simply walked over and wrapped your arms around him.
Ezra and his partner came across you on the green moon, and offered for you to join them prospecting for a three-way split of everything you make. You were fairly new to the profession, and you leaped at the opportunity, hoping you’d make a little more money than you expected. However, you were wary of Ezra and his silent partner. After a tense stand-off with other prospectors, Ezra’s partner was killed, and it became just the two of you. He flirted with you a lot (at least you think it was flirting, you didn’t really understand half he stuff he said to you), but you still didn’t trust him very much, wondering if any day now he’d kill you and take everything for himself. You couldn’t deny the nagging feeling burrowing it’s way into your chest when he spoke, or so much as looked at you, however. The night he lost his arm, you did your best to help relieve the pain, and he was lying in his cot, pretty delirious after the medication you had given him. He stared at you while you were putting the gems from the day away. You asked him if he was okay, and he smiled in response, telling you that if he died because of his injury, he’d be glad you were the last thing he sees, before promptly passing out. You blushed and told yourself you would ask him about that when he woke up the next morning.
Oberyn seemed like quite the gentleman to you, but you weren’t so sure about his sexual exploits. You couldn’t deny the attraction you held towards him, but the many lovers he had, and the constant orgies that could be heard from all corners of the Sunspear did put you off slightly. He tried to charm you a lot, complimenting you any time he saw you around the castle, often asking if you’d like to join him and Ellaria. You would deny his offer and scurry off quickly. He will admit, he was confused by you, most people were gracious to accept the invite to his chamber. It made you all that more interesting, and he wanted you even more. He would never overstep your boundaries, though. He respected you too much. But he would have things sent to you - flowers, fruits, poems he’d written. Eventually, Ellaria came upon you in the gardens. She asked you whether you liked the prince or not, and you replied truthfully, telling her you certainly found him attractive, but that you were worried he would fuck you and then never want to see you again. Ellaria told you that Oberyn had not stopped speaking of you in weeks, wondering what he had done to offend you, and hoping he had not upset you in any way. You smiled at that, and she walked you to Oberyn’s chambers, where he enveloped you in an embrace.
Maxwell takes it like a challenge. Most of the women he hires in his company seem to throw themselves at his feet (most likely due to his money), but not you. You keep to yourself, and you do a pretty damn good job of your work. But if he ever offers to take you out for lunch or for a drink, you kindly decline his offer. He doesn’t give up though. He admires that you hold your place, and don’t just give in to him for the sake of it. Eventually though, he starts to just buy you food and bring it to you, sometimes sitting opposite your desk and eating with you. He spends more time getting to know you, and you open up a little more as time goes on. He figures out you probably didn’t trust him very much, so he tries to be a little vulnerable around you, telling you personal things and testing boundaries. Eventually, you agree to a drink with him, and you admit that you were worried about his advances. You figured it would be a bad idea to get involved with your boss, especially if it was just a sexual thing, for fear of the judgement from others, but when you realised he was genuinely trying to get to know you and get closer with you, you realised you quite liked Maxwell too. And it took off from there.
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delicrieux · 4 years
Hello! May I have a one-shot with Kylo being injured and reader, who is part of the resistance, finds him and takes care of him? Thanks!
idk how this turned out to be 5k words but WHEW i mean if ppl want me to continue it im down so send in sum request of wat u think should happen!! xoxo gossip girl
requests are open! | masterlist | part 2.
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Fear. The kind that makes it hard to breathe as if you are kept underwater; the kind that makes your muscles clench and freeze as all senses flow out one by one. Today had been almost too typical — you woke up, you trained, you talked to your comrades and learned battle strategy — and you were certain your evening walk would be just as uneventful. The breeze in your hair was playful; the setting sun provided warm light and set your surroundings in a pleasant, rosy glow. You like the fresh air; you like exploring; you like the freedom that comes with being alone in wilderness. And in turn, it serves as a reminder for why you are fighting in the first place. To preserve this peace, this freedom, that now has been tarnished when you stumble upon a body.
For a heartbeat you think he’s dead — his expression is lifeless and his face, pale as first snow, is bruised, covered in soot and dried blood. Willing your legs to move, you approach cautiously, not breathing, afraid to break the shrill, sudden silence — no birdsong, no wails of wind passing through trees… nothing. Life had, at that moment, stilled completely. But as you draw closer, grass crunching under your feet softly, you intake a breath of both relief and surprise. Dark locks of hair spray on his forehead and obscure the minuscule knit of his brows, his trembling lashes. He’s alive. The thought consumes you and you fall to your knees, skidding beside him, pushing his hair from his face and landing your palm on his forehead.
It’s awfully cold. Chilling. Almost biting at your sensitive flesh, urging you to pull away. It rolls in waves, this sudden cold, sudden sickness, as if it is a virus that spreads and you have caught it with this minimal contact. But you don’t pull away, despite the near overwhelming urge to do so, despite the fear returning with a new blow. Instead you glide your fingers down his jaw and press on his neck, breaking into a small, crooked smile once you feel a slow drum against them. He is alive, but barely. You glance about him, looking around the area. Nothing out the ordinary, no branches broken, no bushes disturbed and no trails left on the grass. How he got here is a mystery that will have to be solved a different time.
You hope he will tell you once he wakes up, if he even wakes up at all.
That, and, his name, too.
Your base is small and tugged away in a dense jungle, the tall trees and heat warding from unwanted visitors — the First Order. The compartments are small; there are barely above a few dozen people here; it serves more as a safe haven for lost wanderers looking for a cause or shelter, or a backup base in case others were destroyed and the rebels had nowhere to go. It is far away enough from war. Everyone here is, to some extent, safe.
You had never been on the front lines. You had never faced a Storm Trooper, had never seen the Force at work — if there even is such a thing, speculations speculations, nothing consistent, merely gossip — and you had never seen a dead body. Perhaps that is why you froze up so terribly at the sight of him. Perhaps that’s why you felt as if a void opened within you, swallowing up the last shred of light, of life, and leaving you hollow.
You should get used to the sight, though. There will be many dead in battle.
He’s the only one occupying a bed in the Medical Wing and he hasn’t woken up for two days now. His vitals are stable — no internal bleeding, no disease detected, nothing out of place as it seemed. But he is lost in deep sleep, constantly dreaming about something that made him tremble and muss and toss and turn, but never wake. It is entirely bizarre how his state is simply there, caused by no injury, no blow, nothing. And the more you take care of him… the more questions you get.
You eat in the cafeteria, a vast enough, pale walled space occupied by few people during lunch time. Next to you sits a blue eyed, blonde haired cherubic woman – she serves as the doctor, the only doctor here. She smiles lightly at you when you catch her gaze. You had always wondered why her name is Vendetta. 
The amount of denizens is small here, so small in fact that the only ones serving under this branch is a rag tag team of scavengers, travelers, nobodies that had abandoned their old lives to fight in this war. Rebels, quite literally, with a cause. Many have taken new names. Vendetta, too, had a name before this, a life, a different purpose. Though her odd choice leads you to believe that what ever had happened to drive her here was painful and severe, deserving justice. In front of you sits a tall, bony, brown haired, brow eyed mechanic with a scar running down half of their face – Q. And beside them, July – you had never seen him smiling, had never heard his voice hold a tender note in it. He is always displeased. Always with a frown.
“Seven.” Vendetta calls you, noting your blank stare, the untouched food in your plate. Seven. You chose this because you were the seventh child in your family, and, subsequently, the seventh person to join the Resistance when this base first opened.
“She’s probably thinking about the stranger.” Q mutters, taking a sip, “His origins are…” They glance about, leaning in slightly, “ A hot topic, after all.”
“We get injured wanderers all the time.” Vendetta waves them off, “As if he’s any different.”
“I don’t think we should be so quick to dismiss him, V.” July grumbles, his voice low, the sound of crunching gravel. He sits with his arms crossed over his chest, observing the three of you with something akin to hostility, “You never know who may be working for the Order.”
“You can’t just assume that.” You pipe up, “He might just be another gambler dropped by the Floating Casino because he couldn’t pay his debts.”
“Or he might be a spy.” July stresses, glaring.
“No one knows there is a base here.” You continue, unrelenting, “Half the Resistance doesn’t know it exists, how can someone from the Order?”
“Still, I advice we exercise caution.” Q says calmly, a pleasant smile on their face — if anyone can defuse an argument before it starts, it’s them, “You never know what people are hiding, Seven.”
“Okay,” Vendetta chimes, “I will certainly not disclose this vital information when the man awakes from his comatose state. I shall make sure to confuse and frighten him further by chaining him to his bed.”
“Good.” July says.
“That is not what I had in mind, and you know it.” Q mutters, a tad disappointed, “I was thinking more along the lines of… An interview.”
“Too civil.” July mumbles, “I say we go with Vendetta’s idea.”
“That was not an idea,” She hisses, “it was sarcasm.”
“Fine, interview.” You submit, “Either way, I doubt anyone from the Order would not say they are from there. They are feared. Probably would think he has the upper hand, or something. Plus, our disguise is impeccable. We look like a research facility. Better yet, a shelter if no one wanders up to the main rooms.”
“I also sincerely doubt anyone, Order or not, is so good at lying first thing when they wake up.” Vendetta agrees.
July narrows his eyes at her, “That is an awfully naive observation to make.”
“Really now? It is a known fact that people half-asleep always tell the truth.”
Another hour of this and you feel drained and sore and with a mild headache. As much as their company has helped you, they can be a bit too eager to prove one another wrong. On most occasions you’d enjoy the chatter. Today, however, you feel too distracted to focus on anything. Q makes some good points, July argues, Vendetta and her biting comments pick at your skin. Always the blazing look in her eyes, always a certain gleam of anger hiding within her mellow, sweet tone. You excuse yourself when you finish your meal and they do not keep you from leaving. Perhaps they noticed you being out of it. Perhaps they were too caught up in their new topic – Lo and Chester’s sudden break up. 
It does not take you long to come to the Medical Wing. The door shuts with a silent sweep and your heart drops – the bed is empty. Before you can do much else strong arms wrap around you from behind. With a yelp you feel a hand squeeze your throat and your breath leaves you with a helpless whine, sparks flying in your vision. Your reflexes kick in before you can control them. In a panic, you elbow your attacker in the chest and the grip loosens a bit, enough to allow you to escape and put some distance. Inhaling mouthfuls of air, you turn to the man that had been sleeping since you found him in the wilderness.
You never quite realized how tall he is, or how angry he could be. He’s confused and you see fire in his eyes, a sneer on his face, and he stands unmoving, waiting for you to try something, anything, so that he could grab you and try to kill you again.
You raise your hands, palms up —a fragile, harmless motion to indicate you mean no harm. His guard is still up. He’s heaving and his shoulders are tense, his gaze not once leaving your form, “…Hi,” You wheeze, almost voiceless, “I’m not here to hurt you.” You indicate softly. Cold, again, as if thrown into a bottomless ocean; body heavy, like a stone. You gulp. “Are you alright?” You question gently, afraid to provoke him again. “You must be tired. You’ve been out for a while.”
“Where am I?” His voice is deep and scratchy and it seems to set him off. He trembles from anger, you can almost feel the steady build up of rage in his chest, ”Who are you?”
“I’m Seven.” You introduce, “I found you outside our base. Do you know how you got here?”
He takes a threatening step forward and your arms shoot higher, “I’m not your enemy.” You insist, “You are not a prisoner here. You were dying and I wanted to help you.”
He regards you for a silent moment as if unsure whether to believe you or not. However, you sense that he will not try to hurt you, for now at least. You give him a shaky smile, trying to ease him — you cannot imagine how frightening it is to awake in some room among strangers and not knowing where you are or what had happened. “Do you…know your name?” You continue your questions, your arms slowly falling by your sides. After another pause, he nods curtly, “Good. That’s good.” you step away from his bed, “Please, lie down. You’re still recovering. No shady business, I promise.”
You are a bit surprised that he listens, but you don’t show it. He’s cautious, regarding you as if you were some dangerous animal cornering him, and his walk is sluggish. You can tell it’s hard for him to move, but don’t say anything. You doubt it would do any good. He finally sits down and just stares at you. You try to smile again, “Do you know how you got here? It’s okay if you don’t.”
“How long have I been here for?” He asks instead.
“Two full days in the base.” You say calmly, “But out there?” You vaguely motion with your head to the outside world, “I don’t know.”
Your answer unnerves him. For the first time his frown falls and he stares at you with big eyes and a trembling lip, as if a lost child not knowing what to do. That expression warps suddenly and he looks away, his hands gripping the side of the bed so tightly his knuckles turn white. 
“Well, if there is…anything you need…” You start mildly, “You can call upon me. Or Vendetta. She’s the doctor here, so if you feel any pain or sickness, you should tell her. She’s sweet.” You smile, “And she will help. But right now, just try to rest…I’ll…leave you to it.”
You bolt past him to the door but– “You don’t know who I am, do you?”
You turn back to him, shaking your head lightly, “No. But it doesn’t matter. A lot of adventures come through here, lost and injured. You aren’t the first one. Now rest, please.”
He’s volatile, is what you learn upon the first days of his resurrection. His mood can change in a flip of a coin and he goes from placid to enraged in a blink of an eye. Tantrums, yelling — all signatures of a spoiled child not knowing what he has but simply wanting to break it. He’s nobility, or so your peers gossip. You hear snippets of all sorts of things, each more outrageous than the one before. The one that he is a prince kicked out of home for adultery seems to be the most popular one.
And he’s egotistical. He had not been, besides the attempted murder, that hostile and untamed towards you — the choking you told no one about as you concluded he simply felt threatened and scared. Though his other tantrums you are not so quick to chalk up as self-defense. Vendetta, exasperated, one evening told you that she somehow offended him — ”All I said is stop pouting because you need my help!” — and he, with a bruised ego, so high and mighty promptly jumped out of bed. Whatever he was trying to do backfired — perhaps he was trying to leave, or trying to grab something and to hit her with — but he slipped and fell and hit his head into the sharp corner of table. “And I said to him, oh I said: look what you’ve done now! Off to bed, quickly!” Vendetta finished bitterly, stabbing her fork idly into her food, possibly imagining his face there. His nose, much to V’s displeasure, was not broken, but an ugly gash and a dark bruise split his skin in half and he laid in bed sulking for at least a day.
As the week passed, he seemed to favor your company the most. It is not that he smiled and joked and laughed in your presence, and you were not exchanging secrets or hugging or even calling each other friends. He simply seemed to be more mellow around you, possibly because you oddly knew what to say and what to keep silent. It is as if you sensed the subtle shift of his moods; could read his expressions in a way no one could, perhaps no one tried. And you would come and visit him as often as you could when relieved of your duties — you felt responsible for him in a way, and you wondered if you would still feel this weight on your shoulders when he eventually left this place. After all it was you that had found him lying in the grass; it was you that had insisted to help him; and now, it is you that brings him food and tries to provide some comfort in a form of conversation. You don’t pry into his past, don’t even ask for his name, because you know he does not want to give it, and you won’t risk questioning in fear of another explosion of his temper. You talk about inconsequential things: what’s happening around the base, what sort of plants grow around here, what bugs could kill him before he took two steps. He especially enjoys hearing the rumors about him, even if he is too prideful to admit that they amuse him greatly.
“And what if I am?” He questions one evening, something akin to a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips. His eyes, a kind hazel color that could be beautiful if not for the persistent angry spark within them that is now, seemingly, vacant, watch you closely.
You frown softly, “Are what?” You question, “A prince?” He nods. You snort, “Well then, your majesty, I shall make sure to inform the others. What will be your first decree?” 
He pretends to think, “No more slacking around.” He says sternly, “This is supposed to be a military base, isn’t it?” He ends on a cheeky note. You gulp. Ah, yes, you might have let it slip that he’s in one of the Resistance’s safe houses, though you did not disclose the coordinates.
“On a mission to make fun illegal, are you?” You ask with a raised brow. 
He frowns, “Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too!”
Childish, really, though you suppose it is better than arguing with July.
You feel it before you hear it— rain and thunder. The merciless patter on the roof and on your window. In night the sound is almost deafening — a loud roar of an engine, followed by cracks of lightning and flashes in the dark sky. You would have slept through it if not for the pins and needles washing your skin behind the warm sheets thrown on your body. You stir. Thunder roars and a flash of bright white light illuminates your room and seeps through the cracks of your lashes. Cold, again, as if standing in the middle of a storm.
You finally sit up, rubbing your face and then looking around to see if your friends are playing some sort of joke on you. You were almost certain they had dragged you outside and left you to get drenched. But you are alone in your room and you frown and shiver from the biting cold. Groggily you throw the sheets away and leave your bed, not entirely certain where you are going but there is a pull in your gut and half-asleep you follow it. You think you might still be dreaming —the rain on your dry skin feels real, though all dreams feel real until you awake. You leave the dormitories and take the elevator to the first floor. The base is silent, save for the shrill of machinery. Finally, still in your pajamas and almost fully awake, you step past the main entrance and stop.
It’s pouring, a curtain of rain obscuring the confusing contours of trees and leaves and bushes. The darkness does not help. A bleak light pulses to life once you pass the sensor and your surroundings illuminate. Thunder, lighting, more rain. You stand safe and dry under the roof, and he stands at the very edge of it, half soaking, his face kissed and washed by the rain.
You are not sure what to think. He seems lonely standing there surrounded by darkness and water. It’s whispers, or something akin to that, that urge and beseech that he does not want to be alone. You hear them somewhere in the back of your mind. If he noticed you, and he should have with the light suddenly on, he does not show it. You approach him slowly, your footsteps concealed over the heavy drum of rain.
“Not used to it, are you?” You ask, your voice followed by a bolt of thunder. He stirs, head tilting in your direction. Your heart skips a beat when your eyes meet — there is no hostility in them, no anger, just a distant sadness. You give him a soft smile, “I can tell you don’t see it often. I didn’t, either, at first. I grew up surrounded by deserts and I had not seen a drop of rain for at least eighteen years. But, here… Well, there’s no shortage of it. We have storms at least once a week. You’ll grow sick of it before you leave, trust me.”
He says nothing, still looking at you. The light sniffs out. Both of you stand unmoving.
“Why are you here?” He asks, a note of genuine confusion slipping past his calm tone.
“I… don’t know.” You admit. A frown pulls on your brows and you bite your lower lip, staring into the heavy curtain of rain, “I…I really don’t know.” You turn to him, “Why are you here?”
He doesn’t answer for a moment, savoring the silence. Then, “I got bored laying in bed.” Somehow you feel that anxiety has more to do with his sudden nightly venture, rather than actual boredom. Though, you suppose it is quite tedious doing nothing all day. You imagine he is active, judging by his built. He has a strong character and he knows what he wants (most of the time), or rather has a distinct sense of what he doesn’t want. You imagine he’d be a good commander, or leader, with his deep voice and unrelenting stare, if only he wasn’t so sensitive. He’s too unpredictable. Too uncontrollable. His emotions get the better of him too quickly for him to be unbiased. For that reason alone you deem him unfit to be a spy, or a soldier, or a figure of military power. He’d burn all he would build if that were the case. No, him being of noble birth and being stranded here as some sort of twisted punishment sounds believable enough.
“What are you thinking?” He questions, drawing you out of your thoughts. You hum, ponder whether you should be honest with him or not. “Don’t lie to me.” He says suddenly and you jolt, heart drumming painfully in your chest. For a frightening moment you figured he could read your mind. Then again, you have been spending a lot of time together. He must have noticed how gentle you are with him, how carefully you pick your words. His signature frown is back, you see it for a second when lightning strikes.
“I was thinking about your life.” You admit, “Your work. Whether you really are a royal as most of my crew mates seem to think.”
Flash. You see half a smile blooming on his lips.
“But I know you won’t tell me. Don’t worry, I get it. Ladies love a mystery.”
It’s your turn to grin, “Oh, please, it’s almost all I hear about. Seven brought a brooding stranger with a secret past into the base. Lo…Michel… Two of your rapid admirers. I already told you that your arrival has sparked many speculations.”
“I…I haven’t…” He sounds uncertain, flustered almost, as if embarrassed, but there is no way he is, you refuse to believe it. He stumbles upon his words and lastly says nothing. You snicker silently. Another flash of lightning and you see the same confused, puppy-like look on his face you have had the pleasure of seeing once or twice. He does not shield it this time, this moment of vulnerability. He probably doesn’t see the point because darkness obscures everything again.
You extend your hand to him as a silent offering. How many things have you offered him now? Life, health, your company. He regards it, ponders a bit, lastly gently clasps his hand over yours. You jerk. Electricity courses through you and your eyes go wide, tingles rushing all over your body. Lightning strikes. You see wonder on his face, a mimic of your own surprised expression.
“Come on,” You stutter, tugging him, “you’ll catch a cold.” He follows after you. The light blinks on. You don’t know what is happening. Couldn’t have been the thunder, the feeling is not as intense. It felt more like a build up of energy; like you accidentally touched a circuit and it zapped you.
Impossible, you hear something alike his voice but not quite — it’s quiet, distant, muddy.
Once inside, the door sweeps shut behind you, “What did you say?”
“I didn’t say anything.” He sounds a bit ticked now, and you decide to drop it.
“Oh,” You mutter, “must’ve imagined it, then.”
His hand is cold in yours and you squeeze it just a bit, hoping he won’t notice and hoping that you will warm it. When you reach the Medical Wing, you tilt your head and say, “Wait here. I’ll get you dry clothes from the storage.”
But as you turn to leave he doesn’t let go, though doesn’t say anything either. He’s choked up — either he doesn’t know how to say it or doesn’t want to say it at all. He doesn’t want to be alone. Those whispers come again, ringing in your ears so quietly you aren’t sure they’re even there. You give him a soft smile, catching his gaze, “Okay, we can go together. You’ll probably stay here for at least another week, so, it’s best you know where the storage is anyway.” There’s no rush in your words, no annoyance, just simple acceptance. It eases him, relieves him of saying and admitting things he’s not willing to bring to light.
The walk is quiet and you still hold hands. His is much bigger than yours, rough, though not unpleasant. They are hands of a man that uses them often — for better, or for worse — and a twinge in your heart, a sudden thud of uncertainty, informs you that your previous speculations might have not been correct at all. His hand doesn’t feel like that of a prince (not that you would know what that would feel like), no, it feels like a hand of a soldier. But that inching of something amiss is swept away by warmth, silent happiness, a certain deliriousness that starts blooming within you and spreading all around. You feel him, somehow; feel a connection. You can’t put it into words exactly, you doubt you could ever explain it to anyone. It’s fragile. And beautiful. And maddening that such a devout emotion is sprung by something as innocent as holding hands
You wonder if he feels it. You somehow know he does.
The storage room is not big. Your hand slips from his as he chooses to stand by the doorway and you rummage to get his things. You feel braver. Perhaps it’s the tiredness that leaves you so open and bold, but searching you can’t help but ask, “So tell me…” You start, handing him some towels, “What were you actually doing? Besides being melodramatic.” You add, your lips quirking upwards.
He regards you with lively eyes and you see a grin lift his cheeks. He’s smiling, actually smiling, and you know this action is precious and rare and you can’t help but beam at him in return, “You think I was being melodramatic?” He questions.
You laugh a little, a breathless bell-like “Yes” falling from your lips as you fetch him dry clothes from the upper shelf, “All you needed was a cape to swing around.”
His expression abruptly falls and the temperature drops with it.
“Right, no cape.” You mumble, a tad disappointed, handing him his clothes.
As you make your way back, you can’t help but saying, “I just thought it would suit you, is all.”
“What else do you think would suit me?”
You raise a brow, trying to keep up with his drastic shift in moods: again, hes smiling, then he’s pensive, now he seems lighthearted, genuinely curious. “You like to ask a lot of questions.” You conclude.
He shrugs, “I’m just trying to figure out what you think of me.”
“And why are you curious?”
“Now you are the one asking a lot of questions.” He points out. You snort.
“You started it.”
“Did not.”
“Did too!”
This again, followed by quiet chuckles. You don’t turn to the Medical Wing now, instead stopping by the elevator and pressing the red button. The doors slide open. You glance at him.
“So…” You mumble, “This is not how I imagined my night going, but…” You aren’t quite sure how to finish, how to vocalize the strange swirl of emotions in your chest, “Well, goodnight.”
You step into the elevator, going to push the button—“Ben.” He says suddenly, making you flinch and turn to him. He’s not looking at you, instead staring at the floor, “My name. It’s Ben.”
Again, that same energy, that same shock you felt when you first touched his hand ignites your body with something closely akin to happiness. Trust. Bond. He trusts you. The connection you felt was not an exaggeration. He would not have given you his name otherwise.
“Goodnight, Ben.” You say softly, fighting a smile that’s trying to rise on your face, “Sweet dreams.”
“…Goodnight, Seven.”
As the elevator doors shut, you think you hear him say “Thank you”, but that might have just been your imagination.
hope you liked it! xxx
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qualidude · 3 years
Hi!! I was wondering if I could talk to you abt something bc i sometimes see ppl reaching out to you but it's ok if you don't want to or if something I say is wrong or inappropriate just ignore it. but like i always had some issues w/ my body bc im afab but some older ppl in my family usually say I don't have big enough breasts or say the way I dress and am isn't very feminine and even though I think I always rejected things that are perceived as too feminine I still internalized a lot of feeling wrong about my body/ the way i am and then when I was a teen I realized I was a lesbian and i thought "oh that's it, there's that". But since then (I'm 23 now) ive been learning and realizing stuff about gender and how i feel about everything and i started feeling like i don't wanna really get put in this woman box my family taught me and "everyone" expects but im not uncomfortable with my pronouns and i also had a moment when a person questioned me about transitioning unprompted and i felt uncomfortable bc i don't wanna be perceived as a guy. And here on tumblr I learned about non binarity and stuff which makes sense to me bc i started looking at myself and instead of going like "ok I'm a woman" i just try to see myself for myself and it makes so much more sense? but i also feel somewhat wrong like I'm being disrespectful or lying bc i actually prefer using she/her and i don't really wanna ~come out to most the ppl in my life about this. And i don't care being called a girl or a boy (in my first language most words are gendered so I don't care too if someone refers to me with a masculine gendered word, depending on the tone and who says it I guess). And also i realized I don't wanna reject all feminine stuff I just don't wanna be viewed as a woman conforming to what is expected. But yea I feel wrong bc it's all more about how i wanna look like and be perceived I guess (?) Like i wanna be androgynous looking or dress like it or have like a aura idk and also i feel much more comfortable viewing myself, as I said earlier, me just like me not trying to fit the expectations of gender binarity. I guess I'm sending this ask bc i don't know who to talk to and express these feelings and also bc idk if this is a big deal or if I'm wrong in anyway bc i feel kinda like im an imposter or something and I'm resisting talk to ppl close to me about it bc of it too like i only talked to two ppl but really superficially(?) Idk and I'm sorry too if this is confusing! If this ask is ok and idk you could give me advice or some input or anything that could help and i could come off anon for it to be private I would really like it. (I'm sending this in anon bc im somewhat scared jsjsja) but again if this is too much or inappropriate I'm really sorry
sorry this took me so long to get around to answering! I’ve been mostly offline the past few days 💖
I want to start by saying you are absolutely valid in your feelings about gender and it doesn’t make you any less non-binary to prefer she/her pronouns for yourself. Gender is a very individual experience and no two people feel exactly the same! ♥️ You don’t have to change anything about your body or appearance to be trans. The only thing that makes someone trans is that they experience their assigned gender differently from cis people in that same group.
It is also totally valid for you to not want to come out to people in your life for any reason, be that safety or just for your own comfort. I still have not come out to my family, not because I’m necessarily scared of their reaction as much as they haven’t really shown me that they are deserving of that conversation because of how much emotional work I would have to do to help them understand me. Instead, I’ve been surrounding myself with people who do understand me and see me for who I am already.
My best advice to you would be to keep talking to the people you’re comfortable talking to, and to approach others in your life at your own pace and comfort. It’s okay if you never end up telling them! You might find yourself getting closer to the people you can talk about it with, and drifting away from the other people in your life, and that’s totally okay too! I have replaced many friends over the years who weren’t able to get on my level
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
immj2 30+31.12.20 lbs
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lmao ep starts off itself with vansh and kabir ka staring match.
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vansh steady in first place, not having blinked for................ like 3 minutes now? this dude a fucking freak.
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while riddhima gazes adoringly at him thinking bhagwaan ne mujhe itnaaaaaaaaaa achcha pati diya hai. pft. idk what the hell sins you did in your last life riddhima, to get a husband like this one in this life, but it had to be something reallllllllllll bad. like stealing from little orphans and kicking puppies or some shit.
thankfully dadi is here to put an end to this chutiyaapa.
countdown blah blah, no1 currrrrrrrrr.
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itna pheeeeeeeeeenka happy new year. bhai-behen ho kya???
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now we talking.
he just says some trite shit like new kahaani that will be remembered for ages blah blah and gives creepy looks. dude why can’t you be normal on oneeeee bloody day?
ahaana also giving random creepy looks seeing vansh/riddhima hugging. and she goes and............
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i think i watch this show and rrahul a little too closely ki i instantly knew this isn’t his hand and thus it’s not vansh’s hand she’s holding.
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yupppppppppp. bola tha na.
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damn they make a hotass couple of shady bitches.
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ok wow i’m really feeling it. wish kabir wasn’t a sociopath who is incapable of feeling attachment (“love” is too strong a word) for anyone but his mother.
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lmao his reaction when ahaana tells him ki riddhima didn’t believe any of the pattiii she padaofied her about vansh.
ok but how do these two know each other??? matlab yeh le aaya hai issko? i thought vansh le aaya hoga?!!?
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mereko kya kaunsa manhoos le aaya? i’m just here for the attractive ppl pressing their bodies up against each other. keep on keeping on, #KaHana
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he’s warning her against ever double-crossing him and dude the angry/hate-sex vibes here are *~~~ExQuISiTe*~~~~
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the way she’s confidently gazing at him all sexy tells me she’s a much more seasoned player than riddhima and i already love her more than the damn lead of the show.
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damn. that’s a gnarly period you got riddhima. that’s an unusual amount of flow. go see a doctor about it, sis.
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i’ve heard about ppl making art with menstrual blood and all, but this is fucking ridiculous.
anyway of course the dumbass goes investigating it. and got fucking attacked in the storeroom and SOMEONE HUNG HER UP. LITERALLY WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN THIS MESSED UP HOUSE DUDE????/ WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU STILLL LIVE HERE????
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Chehra Appreciation Break
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asadkjasldjlaskdjlsakjdlas the way he’s yelling for everyone and interrogating them of their whereabouts coz riddhima’s missing.
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lmao ishani and ahaana’s reactions at this temper tantrum are fucking amazing.
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dang what’s with the suuuuuper orange lower half of his face???? ugh. the foundation woes are back now that the beard’s growing back in.
anyway he went barrelling off to find her after some more chabaaya hua dhamkis at his fam. ahaana already regretting moving into this pagaal khaana.
this scene is so fucking disturbing to watch that i don’t even wanna fucking cap it. but she was legit getting HANGED and he managed to get there in the nick of time and save her.
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this poor girl, my god. i don’t think i’ve ever watched a tellywood FL be tortured to the extent that this one is on a daily basis. it’s fucking ridiculous. there’s no redemption for any of the raisinghanias at this point. she just needs to fucking leave (and file several domestic violence cases against each and every one of them, except dadi.)
anyway she tells him whatever went down today, starting from the period blood fiasco onwards and he’s........ vibrating in anger. cool i guess.
some promises and shit about how who ever did this will pay, time for “humaara khel” and .......... dude. you say this shit every single time. and nothing changes. i don’t give a fuck anymore about your stupid promises. move the fuck outta this hellhole with your wife if you really mean it.
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seedha jaake ahaana ke sar pe bandook taan di. based on what evidence? only the Good Lord above knows, coz vansh and the writers sure don’t.
no literally based on what is he accusing her and pulling the trigger??????? idgi??????
almost shot her and is saying “riddhima pe kharonchh nahi aani chahiye, baat ishq aur vishwaas ki hai” and ahaana is giggling and literally what the fuck is going on i’m so confused.
ahaana saying wowwwww, you want revenge also, and she shouldn’t get hurt also.
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MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE’S THE ONE WHO BROUGHT AHAANA IN!!!!!!!!!!!!
literally what the fuck is this dude on???? badla chahiye, par dard nahi hona chahiye. bhai, kya phoonk ke aaye ho, humein bhi toh thoda de do.
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ok this is tooooo fucking convoluted a game. riddhima thinks kabir is the one attacking her. but it’s kabir + ahaana. kabir thinks ahaana is on his side and brought her into VR mansion, but ahaana is double agent who was actually planted in kabir’s nazar by vansh to fuck over BOTH kabir and riddhima. i think?????????
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ahaana be like re devaaaaaa, what fucking madness have i gotten myself into????????????? the things i have to do for health insurance coverage during a pandemic.
first 5 minutes is some new year ka naach gaana bs. fwding.
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ok this fucker is a legit motherflipping crazy. he just wants to keep torturing riddhima for god knows how long.
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even ahaana is alarmed.
did he do absolutely noooooo research after the cliff chhalaang? like....... this revenge shit is so dumb at this point, when he knows she brought in vihaan to stop kabir from ruining the family, and took a second fucking bullet for him?!?!?!?!?!?! they shouldn’t have written the second gunshot plot point, coz now he looks like a reallllllllll unappreciative fucker for whom literally no good deed is enough.
also can’t say rrahul’s extra chabaaaaa chabaaaaaaa ke bolna is making this enjoyable to watch at all.
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all i wanna know is what ahaana has on him that he’s indebted to her and thought her worthy enough to join forces with. SPILL SPILL SPILL SPILL!!!!!!!!!!!! what does ahaana get outta all this?!!?!?!!!!!!
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riddhima on the other hand running around wondering whom vansh is gonna murder. SIS YOU JUST GOT STRANGULATED CAN YOU SIT DOWN FOR A HOT SEC AND REST?!?!!?!?
ahaana is like bro you gonna ruin riddhima’s life, and he’s like yeah, that’s what i want. jesus christ, dude. just divorce her then. why prolong this shit out like this????? truly psychopathic.
riddhima hears his voice and heads to the pool area..........
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............. isn’t that his shoulder there behind the tree? is she fucking blind???????? HOW CAN SHE NOT SEE HIS 7 FOOT TALL HULKING ASS BEHIND THAT PATLA SA JHAADI?????? HE’S LITERALLY THERE LIKE........
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........... she left. god. she’s really really REALLY stupid. like pretty sure these crimes against her count as extraaaaaaaaa bad....... like, pick on someone with your own brain capacity, vansh? leave the simple minded sis alone!
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the only gift that’s acceptable from you rn sir, is divorce papers. and a self-filed restraining order promising to stay 3 whole districts away.
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yikes, that beard is notttttt growing in well.
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“tum mujhe apne saare stress de do.” BITCH YOU’RE HER BIGGEST STRESS. ASSHOLE. I HATE YOU SO MUCH.
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“tumse door jaake jaaonga kahaan? abhi toh bohut kuch baaki hai.” fucking dieeee, you psychopath.
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lmaoooooooooooooooo her face when she doesn’t understand wtf this gift is supposed to be. i’ve been there sis. trying to fake enthusiasm for some reallllll bad gifts from men is truly painful.
also she’s so dang cute when they let her use her face properly!!!!!! har waqt bechaari ko bass rulaate rehte hain iss show mein.
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one ainvayiiii gift ke bahaane some random cuteness.
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sis gazing at him some more thinking omg he loves me soooooooo much.
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she remembered ahaana’s warning, and is like no she was lying to me!!!!!!!!! stupid stupid stupiddddddd. no matter whoever planted her, you should believe that sister over your haraami misters. motive jo bhi ho, bol toh behen sach hi rahi thi.
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yuck that looks ugly af. why the hell would you want that on your bedroom wall? esp. when your bedroom is already so goddamn fugly.
anyway he’s gaslighting her some more about ahaana blah blah.
riddhima like i’ll prove it. le, iska jee nahi bharaa. she wants to do more jasoosi and go get stuck in random traps that try to kill her.
vansh promising he’ll throw ahaana and her partners out if she can prove it. meaning you’ll........... throw yourself out?????
whatever man, idk and idc anymore what this fucker does. i’m just here for the faces.
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threatening notes planted in all these ppl’s rooms. everyone instantly like OMG VANSHHHHHHHHHHH DID THISSSSS. lol coz who else does this chutiyaapa of leaving random messages around like this.
but nope. chachi saw riddhima’s earring lying there and knows it’s her.
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isko bhi mila.
lmao kabir rueing the day he set eyes on riddhima coz jeena haraam kar rakha hai ladki ne.
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riddhima like mwahahahahhaha they must have got my notes and now they’ll come attack me! behen, woh toh note ke bina bhi roz karte aaye hain...............
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there. promptly got jumped.
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surprise, surprise.
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lol attitude toh dekho behen ka. wish she was the lead of the show instead of riddhima.
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shouta-aizawow · 4 years
1) Hope u are ok, i will let you this one here. Bakugou coming out as asexual-aromanitc, and having to explain to everyone what is it. (And if you want angst, people not believing him, that he's not grown enough to know, all that bullshit) Sorry is a little bit of proyection.
I’m doing well, thank you!!! And dw, I project HARDCORE and I also LOVE aroace Katsuki so it’s all good!! (i’m actually gonna project a bit in this one lol)
When the other kids were busy talking about crushes and who they were dating, Katsuki was focused on becoming a hero.
He had no time for romance, especially that sappy type he always sees on tv.
No, Katsuki was gonna become the greatest hero, and he would do that alone.
He never thought much of it. It didn’t seem unusual to him that he never had an interest in anyone else, that he couldn’t join in on conversations where the topic was romantic love or sexual attraction.
In fact, he felt smug when all the other extras were held down by girlfriends and boyfriends and datemates while he was forging on ahead. Seeing the confusion and awe on their faces when he told them that he had never been attracted to anyone was enough to erase the slight embarrassment he felt at not being able to relate to them.
Katsuki was invincible, unaffected by the curse that is romantic and sexual attraction, and he needs to let everybody know it.
(A few years later, at the tender age of 13, Katsuki finds he isn’t a superior being, he’s just aroace...
Well... okay then.)
He is aroace and still unaffected by the curse that is romantic and sexual attraction!
He didn’t really have friends to share his epiphany with, and the extras that followed him around were too dense to know what he was talking about to care. Besides, they’d probably just hear that he wasn’t attracted to girls and throw a fit.
Anyway, it’s not like he really wants to share this. No, this information is for Katsuki and Katsuki only.
But when he gets into UA, starts building a, admittedly reluctant at first, relationship with his classmates, the desire to tell them something he’s kept locked away grows.
It all comes to a head one night at the dorms. It’s a rare night of him hanging out in the common room with most of his other classmates.
Katsuki doesn’t know how the conversation steers this way, but the topic is now crushes. Some people are coming out, some people are just observing. Katsuki is becoming bored, and just as he gets up to leave, he’s noticed and asked, “Who do you have a crush on?”
He’s tempted to ignore the question, but surrounded by this open group of people that showed their support whenever someone revealed themself to be gay or bisexual or pan, he has the urge to let them know this part of him as well.
So he replies. “I don’t have one.”
“So who did you have a crush on?”
“Never had one either, Earjacks.”
Everyone becomes interested now.
Jirou looks skeptical, “It’s not weak to have a crush, yknow. If you don’t wanna tell us, fine, but to lie—”
“I ain’t lying, I’m aroace.”
There’s silent confusion, and Katsuki’s heartbeat thunders in his chest.
Someone asks what that is and, huffing, Katsuki tells them, “It means I don’t experience romantic, aro, or sexual, ace, attraction.”
They ignore his muttered “dumbasses” in favor of questioning him with a “You don’t, or you haven’t?”
“I just said I don’t. What are you on about?”
Kaminari then decides to speak up. “Dude, just give it time! You don’t know who you’re gonna meet that’ll knock you right off those stubborn feet of yours.” And he punctuates it with a wink.
Katsuki is getting annoyed.
“Okay, whatever. If that happens, that happens, but right now, it hasn’t. Therefore, I’m choosing the label aroace.”
Momo, with a finger on her chin and a contemplative expression on her face decides to voice, “But aren’t you acting a little hasty, Bakugou-kun? You shouldn’t use such a definitive label when you’re so young.”
Some people are voicing their agreement, and Katsuki feels like screaming, but he’s too busy being frozen in shock, looking at Momo with with the most incredulous look he could muster.
“What the actual fuck? How is me calling myself aroace any more ‘definitive’ than y’all calling yourself gay?” He can’t help the crack in his voice as he continues, “I’m genuinely confused.”
Before they could reply, Katsuki asks his own question with the most deadpan look he could offer:
“Do you ever wanna date a cat?”
There are exclamations of “No” and looks of bewilderment, but Katsuki continues, crossing his arms.
“Well I don’t think you should act so certain. I mean, maybe you haven’t met the right cat, yet.”
They’re telling him that that’s different, shouldn’t be used as an argument.
But then Kirishima perks up, and Katsuki feels dread consume him.
“Love, or don’t love I guess, who you... don’t... love, bro!”
And Katsuki feels hope bloom in his chest.
Only to have it crushed with his best friend’s next words.
“But we’re just trying to help you! We don’t want you to feel like you’re moving too fa—“
“Not only did I not ask for any help, but how is any of this helping me?!” Katsuki throws his arms in the air. “I came out to you guys, something we’ve been doing all evening, and you have the audacity to tell me I’m wrong?!”
He’s pacing now.
“Why the hell are you acting like I’m signing a death wish with my identity! You guys are the biggest fucking hypocrites, holy hell.”
Katsuki shakes his head and storms off, unwilling to be in that toxic situation any longer.
The next few days are met with guilt-ridden eyes from his classmates and the cold shoulder from him.
They don’t try to approach him, and for that, Katsuki is grateful, because he doesn’t know what he’d do if the people that rejected who he is tried to act like they did nothing wrong.
Yeah, maybe they weren’t being malicious, maybe it was just ignorance, but Katsuki is by no means obligated to forgive nor teach them. Until they pull their heads out of their asses and realize there’s a plus after LGBTQ for a reason, he’s perfectly fine with the distance.
1) The class that was there does their research and apologizes and are forgiven and whatnot (happy ending)
2) The class doesn’t do their research and just assumes that Katsuki doesn’t want to have sex or kiss anyone. They apologize, but the relationship is still tense with their ignorant comments and jokes. Katsuki is still hurt, especially when they start dating each other or other students, and he’s left to be the only one that values a strong friendship over romance. He feels left behind. (Angsty ending)
3) The class doesn’t apologize or do their research, because they think Katsuki was making a big deal out of nothing. After those few weeks of the silent treatment, they try to approach him and act like everything is great.
Katsuki is angry and hurt, but eventually he finds comfort and very close friendships with Todoroki, Tokoyami, Shinsou, and Shoji. Not all of them are aroace, but they’re on the spectrum for one or both (bittersweet ending)
IM DONE!!! This honestly didn’t go the way I was thinking it would go, but I ain’t upset so it’s all good.
So ofc I projected with the being annoyed when people act like my sexuality isn’t a real thing (which is lots of ppl online and the classmates I told when they asked)
Also, that part about telling people that you’ve never had a crush and being smug when they’re like :0? Yeah, I used to do that until I was 13 when my older sib was like “yeah, you’re aroace” and I was like :0 “i saw that term in one fanfiction years back but i genuinely didn’t think abt it when i looked up to see what ‘ace’ meant but it fits perfectly”
So anyway, my sib also told me that what I was is Agender (which I knew abt but thought “that’s not me,,, right?” wrong) and I realized when they asked me if they could tell their friend my gender identity. I was confused like sure?? and then they said i was agender and their friend asked for my pronouns and i said i didn’t care
like,, i thought i was nb, but i wasn’t sure exactly what “type”(?) idk, but after that, i looked at the definition for agender that i didn’t understand before and was like :0 yep that’s me
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artisticplace · 4 years
Signs as Camila Cabello songs.🌹
Aries: This Love, okay so the reason I chose this song for all of you I think is because talks about a deeply passionate lover even though I think the song wants to express a toxic relationship, I think all those parts of the song like “Get out of my veins” things like that made me think in Aries love, super passionate.🌹
Taurus: Easy, this song talks about how this person showed that loving you is easy literally. Although you are a Venus sign I think as you are fixed and an earth sign makes you feel “weird” thinking of the idea of someone loves you or is interested in you. I think this is the perfect song for all of you.🍂
Gemini: Bad Kind of Butterflies, yeah hahah this is your song, Gemini has this duality (ik sounds super stereotypical but just face it is true and is a good thing, doesn’t mean you are two-faced okaaay??? Love you Gemini, I did a freakin letter for you, sorry if you are cringing) So this song talks about confusion in love and I kinda think you experiment this very often bc is part of your charm and it’s not a secret that you have a lot of “ideal types” this song express perfectly this.🦋
Cancer: First Man, this song I think represents you, such a romantic but you love your family as well so this song is kinda of nostalgic but full of love and that made me think of you. When you love someone you love hard, so I imagine this like your wedding dance with your father or some paternal figure.💗
Leo: Cry for Me, this isn’t a surprise you love when people praise you and spoil you hahhaha. This song talks about you want your ex suffer for you, this is what a Leo would listen after a break up. You just want the attention you deserve even tho isn’t your lover anymore but that doesn’t matter for you, they need to cry to fulfill your ego. Don’t worry Leos nobody can forget you that easily hahahah.🧡
Virgo: Feel it Twice, I thought of you while listening to this song bc talks about someone who is coming back from your past and try to get another opportunity, in this song you are rejecting that person but specially the part that says “Hurts me to hurt you baby” or “I don’t know what’s worse getting broken or making it break” I think this parts specially reflects that you are a person that really thinks in others, you like to help, so I think a Virgo breaking a heart would make you feel bad. ✨
Libra: Living Proof, this song is for you, you are such romantics don’t lie to me, the phrases “When you touch me paint me like Van Gogh” talking about physical touch in general in this song but such in a “softer way” is your song. I think this song express a lot how you feel when you fall in love.🤍
Scorpio: Shameless, this is not a surprise hahaha, Scorpios crave for deep love, they don’t want nothing superficial they are super down when they love. Passionate love, the dark love, the consuming love without hesitation. Direct about feelings, you all are super brave of loving the way you do. This is such a Scorpio song.♥️
Sagittarius: Used to this, this is such a beautiful song and I think is suits you well, talks about this love that is so light and share a lot of memories with this person. It resonated in my opinion bc mentions “When I am with you I love everywhere” Such a sagittarius vibe there, talking about traveling and everywhere is just beautiful with that person, this your song.🌻
Capricorn: Should’ve said it, this goes to my beautiful Capricorns, I chose this one for all of you because sometimes you love people that doesn’t love you back but they after that they see your worth and value and they want to have a opportunity. I hope this song remembers you that you are worth of everything.💙
Aquarius: Liar, the reason I chose this one for you it’s because you always want to make ppl think that you are emotionless and detached when you are not, you are just a human with feelings face it hahah. (I am not trying to roasting you, sorry) My point is this song is about when you try to convince yourself that you don’t want and love or relationship but you are just lying to yourself.⚡️
Pisces: Dream of you, this isn’t a surprise hahahah. You are just a dreamer, you want everything with your partner, this song resonated a lot when I heard it bc at first looks like a normal romantic song but then it says that “I wasn’t living, I was writing about it” that’s Pisces vibes, Dream in general, expressing love through art makes a lot of sense, just imagine being with this person in rose colored glasses with hearts everywhere, this is your song.💗
*Hope you enjoyed, I recommend to check Venus, moon, and the Venus in your persona chart can resonate as well*
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krokonoko · 4 years
the heart wants what it wants. and as much as I love my angst, sometimes I need me some freaky shit like,,, Lacho AUs in which the cartel is not a factor and Lalo and Nacho are just. REGULAR ASS BOYFRIENDS.
LOTS of assorted headcanons under the cut!
shield thine eyes, there’s some heavy ass fluff incoming.
Lalo has his own little restaurant. No one knows how it stays afloat with the erratic way Lalo’s leading it, but it seems his family’s somehow just absolutely loaded, so he can afford it. Honestly sometimes it feels like he just uses it to fuck around with new recipes. Like there’s no real rhyme or reason to what he’s doing, but everyone loves his food, he’s really good with the patrons and if he parties the whole night through then it doesn’t matter cuz the next morning the kitchen still looks spick and span and Lalo’s awake and chipper, ready for the next day! How does he do it? No one knows, especially not his staff. But when someone asks, he just laughs it off and changes the subject and oh my god he’s so charming how could anyone resist him? -
Lalo’s still on the antisocial spectrum and manic af in this AU, so his approach to relationships and emotions is a bit different than your neurotypical one. He seems to have a penchant for breaking rules, can be manipulative at times, and certain things don’t affect him the way you’d expect. But most of the time you wouldn’t even know, cuz generally he’s a really affable guy who’s a lot of fun to be around. He’s genuinely trying not to step on anyone’s toes. That being said, you don’t like him then yeah, he don’t give two shits. -
Nacho used to be part of some gang, but got out in time. He now studies business or something like that. He’s super ambitious and keeps badgering his papá about investing into technical improvements that would make his shop more effective and streamlined. Manuel gets heart burn every time Nacho runs the numbers by him. He’s been running the shop for longer than Nacho is alive, he’s not gonna contract new debts after it took him so long to pay everything off...! And Nacho insists that’s how business WORKS, it’s all about investment and growth. Manuel says with a smile that when the shop is Nacho’s, he can stuff it with all the novelty apparatuses that he wants, but he’ll have to wait until Manuel is no more, and Nacho is like papá don’t be so overdramatic...!! And Manuel laughs and pats Nacho’s back because actually he’s really proud of his son and the fact that he’s so concerned with the shop and they’re HAPPY GODDAMMIT -
For some reason this AU doubles as a modern AU as well. Which means smartphones exist. Nacho spends. SO much time on Instagram. Photos of his car. Photos of Nacho leaning against his car. Gym selfies. All over the damn place. And Lalo doesn’t understand insta cuz he’s a tech averse king, but he still secretly checks out Nacho’s blog all the time cuz yummy! Sometimes he comments on Nacho’s posts with a bunch of. really weird emojis, half of which don’t mean what Lalo thinks they mean, and Nacho thinks it’s cringe af. -
They’ve been having this thing going on for about a year and they’re both suuuper casual about it, like, SO casual, especially Nacho, wow he is so incredibly low key about this, like he is not too all over this or anything, just the right amount of relaxed, laid back, so cool, yeah. -
Just that Lalo is actually incredibly flirty all the time and courts the hell out of Nacho, he’s almost a bit gentleman-like about it, almost a bit old-school, and Nacho thinks that’s kinda dope and the way Lalo treats him like he’s the sexiest thing on earth sometimes comes across as a little condescending but there’s something about it, too, that makes Nacho sometimes lie awake at night thinking about it, brushing his thumb over his lower lip and thinking about the way Lalo pulls him in for kisses. -
When Lalo picks Nacho up from the gym, Nacho smiles when he sees him. When Lalo cracks a crude joke about making people swallow condoms, Nacho chuckles. When Lalo makes him food, Nacho enjoys it. When they walk along the sidewalk in the evening, Nacho casually bumps into Lalo and Lalo puts an arm around Nacho. When Lalo is close, Nacho feels comfortable, and warm, and drawn to him. -
Nacho has had a couple of girl- and boyfriends, but he’s only ever introduced Manuel to his girlfriends. Manuel’s known that Nacho’s into boys ever since he came home early to teenage Nacho and Domingo sitting on the living room couch 6 ft apart with their shirts rumpled and their faces red as beet. But Nacho didn’t seem to want to talk about it, so Manuel respected that. He’s a bit concerned cuz he’s afraid Nacho feels like he can’t talk to him, but he wouldn’t wanna push him. -
So all of Lalo’s attempts to meet papá Varga have been met by Nacho with stone-walling and general avoidance. -
But Lalo’s a very family oriented person so he just decides to make it a surprise dinner! At first Manuel is a bit wary cuz alright, what’s going on, who is this guy? But then Lalo turns up the charm and he’s just one of these guys who are absolutely stellar at wooing older ppl. So he keeps charming circles around Manuel with food and jokes, and Manuel kinda starting to like this guy, and when Manuel wants to get himself some more beer- nonono you stay put Sr. Varga, I’m gonna take care of this for you - and then they get to the part of the evening where Manuel tells childhood stories about Nacho like how he cried when he lost his first tooth and Lalo is just ab-so-lute-ly ENTHRALLED by it all and before you know it he and Manuel are BFF. -
all the while Nacho just. SEETHES in his corner. -
Manuel leaves and Lalo and Nacho start cleaning up the kitchen, and they’re very quiet until Nacho just goes “are you going to tell me what the hell all that was about?” and Lalo’s like “???” and Nacho’s just. “That little sing-and-dance you just did there? Like. What’s your end-game here. If this was some kind of attempt to get to me through my, dad, to, idk, somehow get emotional leverage over me, istg...!” And Lalo’s gets honestly serious and looks and Nacho all earnest-like... “man... is it really that hard to believe that it’s important to me that your dad likes me...?” and then he goes “you know what, Ignacio, you seem upset. Why don’t you just go home and leave the kitchen to me, yeah?” and so Nacho does, and he’s really angry at Lalo, and he doesn’t really get what just happened there. -
a couple days later his dad calls him and Nacho is kinda concerned but Manuel doesn’t pick up on it, he’s just like “Mijo, I just. Wanted to say how important that was to me, to meet your boyfriend, he’s a really nice y-...nice man.” (Nacho notices the gap where the “young” should have been lmao) and actually Manuel is trying to be like “Mijo, I am supportive of you please notice that I am trying to tell you that I think this is super okay!” but Nacho is so busy being confused cuz he’s never referred to Lalo as his boyfriend in his head even though they’ve been at this for over a year. So Nacho’s kinda monosyllabic and like “so. he didn’t upset you or anything?” and Manuel’s like “noo, he was really friendly. You didn’t give him a hard time, did you, Ignacio...??” Manuel gets all stern and fatherly...!! “Let me tell you one thing. Not a single one of your girlfriends has ever been this polite or interested in me. This man, he’s being serious about you. Maybe it’s time to stop being cautious.” -
and that’s when it starts to dawn on Nacho that that’s. Honestly all there is to it. Lalo wasn’t trying to manipulate him or whatever. He honestly just noticed that Manuel is an important part of Nacho’s life, and wanted to connect with that. And that is- actually. really sweet of him, what the fuck?!? -
Nacho lays awake again that night and notices that there’s something going on in his chest, like something big and warm blooming there and oh my fucking god you can’t be SERIOUS this is RIDICULOUS he’s way too old for this shit, AND way too worldly-wise and all that! -
So Nacho drives by Lalo’s place the other day and asks him whether he wants to go for a drink and so they go to a bar and sit there in silence for a moment until Nacho goes “my dad asked about you” and Lalo chuckles and is like “yeah? at least someone who misses me!” and Nacho rolls his eyes but he’s kinda got it coming now. Anyway, so, Nacho starts explaining that his dad is the most important person in his life, and he is soft and sweet and precious and a national treasure that must be protected at all costs and if someone was to hurt him and all that jazz. And Lalo’s like, yeah, no, I get it. Family is everything. And your dad is a really cool guy.  The problem is that for Nacho, it’s just been him and Manuel against the world for so long, he’s gotten kinda prickly about letting anyone else get close to his dad. But maybe this is good, and maybe, oh god he doesn’t really wanna think about it in that much detail, but like, Lalo gets it, and they leave the bar together and Lalo immediately gets out his phone and calls Manuel like “Sr. Varga, I’ve been wondering how you’ve been doing! What, Nachito? He’s doing fine. No, nooo, he’s not been mean at all. Couldn’t if he tried. Well, I hope you have a great evening. Yeah, talk to you soon!” and Lalo’s just absolutely obnoxious about this, winking at Nacho and everything and Nacho sighs and accepts his punishment. (Later Lalo’s gonna be like “of course you were right, I did have ulterior motives. I was just trying to butter you up for the dinner I have planned with my uncle Hector!” and Lalo keeps talking about how much he loves his tio and how he’s basically a father figure to him and such a great guy. But then they meet him and Lalo only introduces Nacho as “a friend”, and Hector is this grumpy old guy who hates absolutely everyone and everything, can’t go two sentences without being racist, sexist or homophobic. And Nacho’s like aaalright, guess I gotta deal with THIS now. But they don’t meet him that often so it’s alright.) -
OH but Manuel is still a BIT conservative about SOME things?? Like, he’s fine with Nacho having a boyfriend, but does he have to be so. you know. old...? Like. He’s not your sugar daddy, right Ignacio...? You’re not expecting him to keep you, right Ignacio...??? And Nacho is kinda pissy because UHM?? the implications?? He would never?? He’s nobody’s trophy boyfriend. He does like getting paraded around like one every now and then but he’s not. He buys his own damn stuff. But yeah sorry Nacho, that’s just how parents are sometimes lmao -
ANYWAY the point is, they. They care. Nacho cares Lalo. And seeks out his company on his own accord without any outside influences forcing him to. And Lalo cares Nacho. And they kinda start to accept that this is. a thing. And Nacho learns to accept that he can let himself feel save and comfortable around Lalo. And they’re just regular ass boyfriends. Who go on vacation together. Who have just fantastic sex without any coercion or backstabbing involved. Who fall asleep on the couch watching movies together. Who celebrate each other’s birthdays. All that freaky shit!!! 😭😭😭
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willowistic22 · 4 years
Please... (Redfinch)
Albert has been thrown to the refuge before. It was an ugly story but at least it prepared him from what was coming when he got thrown in again. But Finch? This was his first time learning on his own how relentless Snyder is...
Word count: 3302
Part : [1 this] - (if ppl like this i’ll make more parts)
Warnings: Blood, abuse, torture, knife cuts, restraints, mentions of death, beatings, cussing (no surprise there lol), in short this is a whump fic. I probably missed some warnings and if I did please let me know!
A/N: Hello, yes, I am well aware that I’ve vanished from my fanfic writing spree. It’s gonna be more common now because school is more hectic online than irl. Anyways, i came up with this idea when I was in the middle of having writers block from writing another wip and ended up finishing this one whoops. I also like ignored the remainder of requests from my inbox not bcs i don’t want to do them but i haven’t gotten the time. Especially since this is October and my school always have special plans on October so I’m sorry. But, hey I got a fic out! ENJOY! (might make this a three part thing if you guys want idk) 
[ @jaelynn-is-slightly-confused i did it.......................... ]
The first time he got sent to this hellspace was years ago, and fortunately for Albert it only lasted for four days before he was able to bust out. Odd how he thought something would be different. He expected the treatment would stay the same, no surprise there. The bounded limbs, the painful souvenirs smeared all over his body, being left to fend for your own life, none of this was new. And yet, Al thought maybe something physical about this awful settlement would be different. Maybe painting the walls a different color? Cleaning the little drops of blood on the floor?
A funny idea to be thinking about in this kind of situation. But he needed something to calm him down. Something to distract him from the pain all over his body. The bruises from punches, the strangling feeling made by a strong pair of hands ghosting his neck, the cuts from a knife marking his skin, the pain in his wrists while they’re tightly bound to each other with a rope, basically everything that’s been given to him the minute he arrived here. 
An itch in his throat triggered him to go on a coughing fit. It made him feel every inch of pain all over his torso as he reached for that itch. He ends up opening his eyes after spending a long time closing them. 
His senses are now hyper focused on everything around him. Albert can feel the coarse cement wall through the back of his shirt. It’s the only thing making him sit up properly while he spreads his legs out on the dirty floor, just as equally coarse as the wall. He can see streaks of lights coming from the tiny windows on the wall he’s leaning onto. The only light source provided for this basement. 
There isn’t anything in here. Most of the kids held in the refuge would stay up stairs. Rooms provided with rickety bunks where at least six kids slept all at once. Big scary men put on guard on every corner with batons, ready to strike when a kid acted up. You only get sent down to the basement, or what most kids would say the ‘torture chamber’, when the ungoldy amount of scars already given to you haven’t made you obey anything they say. And Albert has been a huge pain in the ass. 
The sound of the heavy metal door opening bounces on the walls, pulling Albert’s consciousness away from the distraction forming in his head as he was about to close his eyes for another rest. Slow footsteps climbing down the wooden stairs echoes throughout the room. A weak light slowly gets stronger as the footsteps get louder in Al’s ears. 
The sound of the footsteps against the wooden stairs turn into strong assertive steps on the concrete floor. Al weakly darts his eyes up at the big man, bringing a candle in one hand and a lit cigarette hanging loosely in his mouth. 
“Good to see you again, Al!” Snyder exclaimed after huffing out a cloud of smoke, a devilish grin painting his face. 
“Wish I could say the same to you” Albert voiced as best as he could, hoarse but Snyder could hear the hatred behind it. 
The beaten up redhead proceeds to spit at his captor’s shoes with a glare. In return, Snyder chuckles out whilst shaking his head. 
“You think that’s funny?” Snyder challenged. 
“Actually, I do!”
In the matter of seconds, Snyder gets closer and viciously grabs Albert by the neck with a tight grip. He holds him up with one hand on the neck, high with his back up against the wall. 
Despite his throat being seconds away from being totally crushed, he was able to hold up his glare. The pain is unimaginable, but his smile remains. Albert is not giving in to obeying this man in any way. Not even the fear he’s trying to assert on him. 
“Fearless. I admire that” Snyder notes, curiously tilting his head as he examines the details of his face. 
“Thanks. My parents are pretty proud of that too” Albert needed some effort to get the words out, but thought it was definitely worth the pain to see the displeased look in Snyder. 
“And very stubborn...” 
They lock their eyes in a glare, none of them showing any sign of turning away. 
“I’ll have to fix that attitude…” Snyder exclaimed. He turns towards the stairs leading upstairs and shouts, “Bring ‘em in” 
The door opened, followed by a sound of two men viciously telling someone to obey their orders. Not a moment later, a tumbling noise reveals a weak body being pushed down the stairs and onto the concrete floor with a loud thud. Their back was facing Al, so he didn’t know who that was. 
But Al noticed the newsboy cap, lying on the floor not far from the figure. It was thrown away from their head when they fell down the stairs. The cap looks eerily familiar. God, did Albert hope it wasn’t who he thinks it is…
The two men from earlier came down. One uses his feet to flip over the person they’ve just thrown down here, along with the bound wrists with the same rope as Al dropping in front of their chest. With the minimal light provided by the little windows and now the presence of Snyder’s candle, Albert can tell who they’ve just thrown in. 
His smirk slowly drops at the sight of the weak boy. His hazel eyes no longer glaring at his captor, but staring helplessly at the body lying on the floor. Blond hair no longer electrified as it used to. Al’s favorite face to cradle no longer looks the same as before. Eyes still clenched shut. Snyder smirks, seeing his tactic has shown some progress. And he barely did anything yet. 
“Not so funny now, huh?” Snyder taunted under his breath, only Albert was able to hear it, “Should’ve brought the boy into the mix sooner…” 
Snyder loosens his grip around Al’s neck, but he’s soon held up once again by two of Snyder’s henchmen. One holds down his shoulders, pinning him up against the wall, and another by the chest and stomach. 
Snyder makes his way to the boy on the ground with lazy steps. Albert can see him reaching for something under his jacket. It was soon revealed to be a knife once he playfully glides it in the air while kneeling down to the boy. He throws away his burnt out cigarette and places the candle on the floor, not far from the helpless body. He grabs the boy’s chin to make him look up with his free hand, smiling like the devil when he hears the boy whimpering from his touch. 
“I’m not one to like guys… but this one’s clearly a looker, don’t you think?” Snyder examines the face in his hand. 
Albert’s temper was acting up, but his struggles to break free from the strong grip was instantly met with punches to the stomach. The bruises from earlier makes the pain hurt even more. With a silent raise of two fingers, Snyder made the two henchmen stop the punching. It gives Albert some time to settle in with the pain. 
Another signal from Snyder, and the henchmen drops Al on the floor and leaves the basement to the three. Albert’s head was up against the concrete floor, taking in the cold and dusty texture. 
He’s on the same eye level as the boy. A desperate gaze towards the innocent face now full of blood, water, dust, and dirt all smudged together on his skin. Al could see more details, maybe bruises or cuts covered up by the smudges. 
“Come on now, Finch! You’re invited to the party!” Snyder said to the boy, bringing his face right to his own. It forces him to slightly sit up, whimpering along as his body is getting forced under all that pain, “The least you could do is appreciate the invitation” 
It was the order to open his eyes. God knows what Snyder would do if he didn’t. The action reveals a pair of Albert’s favorite blue eyes, but fear clouds it along with the redness caused from what he assumes to be a lot of crying. 
Finch never loses his composure. He’s that cool and mysterious guy everyone is intrigued by. Either have a cool smirk or a neutral quiet face at all times. He doesn’t express his feelings freely, so it keeps people guessing. But those tear streaks, shaky limbs, pressed down sobs in his throat, that wasn’t usual. Albert may have seen him vulnerable, but this wasn’t the romantic and soft side of him that he’s used to. This was genuine fear. 
“I know you’re not one to follow orders from me…” Snyder started, guiding Finch to sit up properly. His unbalanced head moves along with the dazing motion in his mind. In a split second, the sound of a slap echoes through the room. Finch falling helplessly the moment his huge hand connects to his cheek. With a little yelp from the pain, he’s back on the ground, desperately holding back his sobs and scrunching his eyes shut. 
“... But I’m sure we could… make some changes to that” Snyder continued, turning his head around to face Albert. 
By now, Al found the little strength to prop himself up to sit up against the wall again. He snarls, pushing Snyder to smile to his own amusement.
“I see progress being made!” He exclaimed with an unsettling grin after noting his silence. He turns back to face Finch, “Let’s see how much of that we can get for today’s session…” 
Snyder drags Finch by the ropes that ties his arms together up till it can reach the rusty old hook attached to the ceiling. He gasps at the pain in his wrists carrying his entire weight up on the hook, all the pain being stretched out. The tip of his toes grazed the floor and his head hung low.
The same knife from earlier makes its way to press on Finch’s chest. Albert had only realized his shirt was unbuttoned just now and takes in all the horrifying scars. It ranges from faint purples and blues and very clear red and pink lines, all of which are smeared across his body. The cold blade hasn’t cut through his skin, but it made Finch’s senses hyper focused. Lungs working at full force, loud breathing and rapid chest movements. He thought he was just playing tricks, making him think he’s seconds away from cutting some skin. 
When he least expected it, the blade drew another line just below his collar bone. It causes the boy to let out a half suppressed yelp. Snyder dragged the knife so slow, Finch could feel every bit of the pain. 
“Wait! Stop!” Albert could only yell from a distance. 
“Thought we’ve managed to get you to shut up...” Snyder turns his head a little to see Albert behind his shoulder. He digs the blade an inch deeper into Finch’s skin, causing a little cry to finally escape his lips but soon was suppressed once again. 
“He has nothin’ to do with this!” 
Albert shifts a bit loudly. It instantly alerts Snyder, causing him to fully turn his head towards him with a glare.
“Try getting any closer, and I’ll slit his throat open right now!” Snyder growled, firmly holding the blade against the weak throat. It made Finch pull his head up to avoid getting cut, inevitably forcing his eyes to open to stay cautious around it. 
Albert locks his eyes in Finch’s desperate gaze back at him. A silent cry for help, which only made Al furious because he can’t do anything. He wants to wipe his tears away, clean his face, and just hold him tight against his chest. Get the two back to the lodge where their friends are waiting. Everything in his power to get Finch away from any more torture. 
Snyder smiled at Albert’s compliance, forcibly settling his body back on the wall. 
“Atta, boy,” He said, turning his head back to face Finch. He grabs a fistful of blonde curls and whispers, “See? Told’ja he’d listen to you” 
Snyder pulls the knife out of his flesh. Finch gasps at the pain, red blood dripping down his body. His breath becomes fast and uncontrollable once again. And he didn’t stop there. Punches being thrown, more knife cuts, and a hand gripping firmly around his neck while he growls words that shapes nightmares. The chest starts to add in more color to it. Streaks of blood dripped down his slightly toned body. Each of those marks burns deeply into him. With every swing from the fist, Finch uses all his energy to suppress his voice despite the unimaginable pain it emits.
Finch has been in a fight before. He knows what it feels like getting punched over and over again. But this? This is something new. He’s in a position where he can’t do anything. And god is he scared for his life. Albert won’t blame him. After a few dozen punches, his lover fell limp. Hanging helplessly on the hook and taking all the new cuts and bruises like he deserves it. His heart skipped a beat, thinking that he actually might’ve given up. 
“Can’t you tell he’s had enough of it?” Albert shouted, helplessly watching his lover get tortured to near death. 
Snyder continues to use Finch as a punching bag, ignoring his near silent cries and Albert’s pleas to stop. 
“What does it have to do with ‘im?!” 
A hook to the chin this time.
“You fucking bastard! You’ll kill him!” 
Finch couldn’t hold his crying anymore, despite being told to before he got thrown in the basement. Snyder draws out the knife again upon hearing all the sobs escape his cut lips. 
“Snyder, please!” Albert’s voice shakes.
He stops his arm and turns to face Albert, dropping his hand with the knife to his side. Albert can be seen on the verge of tears, and he won’t deny it to anyone. Snyder’s lips fell open with wonderment. 
“I get the point already. You don’t have to keep hurting him...” Albert explained even further, desperation lacing his words. Eyes slowly welling up with water, “Please…”
Snyder scoffs, twisting his lips into the devil's satisfied smile, “Say that again” 
He just wants to see Albert complying to him. Hear him beg to stop the injustice torture. Maybe as far as to hear him cry. 
“Please… Let him go...” breathlessly, Albert begged. He could feel a drop of water from one of his eyes threatening to fall down his cheek. 
Snyder approaches Albert, kneeling down in front of him. He uses the knife from earlier, still full of Finch’s blood dripping off the blade, to tilt Albert’s chin upwards. He glares at Snyder once their eyes meet, but it only makes the man smirk with delight.
“I see you’ve come to your senses” 
Hopefully that meant he’d stop and let Finch back upstairs. But this is Snyder, he’s not going to let one of his detained kids off for free. 
“But I don’t think you’re... ‘docile’ enough,” Snyder added.
He puts away the knife, letting Albert breathe for a moment. But that breath was stolen from him as Snyder proceeds to slap his cheek, so hard the noise echoes throughout the room. He falls to the ground, adding more to the pain he’s feeling. If his hands weren’t tied up, he would’ve already punched the crap out of that monster. 
“You sound adorable when you beg, y’know?” Snyder said standing up to walk back to Finch. 
Albert huffs out breaths full of anger, watching him approach his bloody human punching bag. He blows a strain of red locks away from his eyes to carefully watch what he’s going to do. 
Snyder grabs Finch’s cheeks, forcing him to look up, “You’re definitely a keeper. Isn’t that right, Al?” 
He turns to face Albert, watching as the redhead struggles to sit upright once again. He didn’t break his glare at the man while doing so, showing his own daggers through hazel eyes. 
Snyder scoffs it off, focusing back to Finch. He unhooks the rope off of the ceiling, the limp body giving in to gravity and hitting the floor instantly. His breathing is slowing down, but hitched with a sob ever so often. 
“So, why don’tcha have a little alone time—“ He grabs Finch by the hair. He yelped in pain before being tossed towards where Albert is sitting, his feet somehow complying to the push despite the ache he feels, “—and think about what you did” 
He was lucky, Albert was able to catch him into his chest and lap. If he didn’t, Finch would’ve hit the floor and added another bruise on his face. Finch quickly scrambles himself into his embrace as best as he can with tied hands in front of him. Shaking with suppressed sobs into Al’s tattered clothes. 
“You don’t wanna make him suffer for something he didn’t do, right?” Snyder taunted. 
It fuels Albert’s anger to the brim. He tries his best to wrap his arms around the boy while maintaining his glare at Snyder as he makes his way up the stairs. The heavy door quickly opens and shuts not long after a dozen or so drawn out steps up the stairs. The basement is once again left with minimal lighting since the candle from previously was brought up along with him. 
The moment he hears the door close, Finch lets out his sobs. Loud, fueled with ache and fear. Albert suspects he was told to stay quiet while they were doing… whatever it is they did to him to make him look like this. He had a few guesses about what it was, but Al couldn’t bear to put the image in his head. 
“Oh, Finch, what did they do to you?” Albert whispered, carefully holding Finch’s cheek up to see the damage. 
Finch stays silent as they view each other’s faces. Albert wipes Finch’s tears with his thumb delicately to be careful as to not harm him. He cries at the touch of his soft hand, the gentleness he’s been longing for the moment he got into this shithole of a place. 
He crashes his face into the crook of Albert’s neck, sobbing a little softer than before. Al places his chin on his curls gently. He rubs Finch’s back and shushes in his hair. Albert knows it won’t calm him down, but there’s nothing wrong with trying. 
“Albert… please… I wanna go home…” Finch said shakily, so soft Al nearly couldn’t hear him. About the only thing he has said since the moment the couple has reunited. 
Albert hushed the boy, rubbing his cheeks against Finch’s curls, “I know. I know. Just hold on for me” 
He continues to sob, a puddle slowly forming on Albert’s shirt. The dam for Albert himself finally broke, letting a drop of water fall down his cheek and a nose slowly getting stuffed. He holds him in his tight arms, as if he’d disappear the moment he lets go. 
“We’re gettin’ outta here. I promise” Albert promised, a big promise to uphold too. 
It would seem difficult with the position they’re in. He believes their friends are out there coming up with an escape plan or will visit them frequently to check up on them till a plan forms. Till then, he promises to do everything he can to get Finch off of Snyder’s evil hands. Anything to see his Finchy smile again. Even if it ends up being the last thing he does. 
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