#i just had a random thought on my way to lecture and then boom
jisungsplatforms · 4 years
[Chapter III: Hyunjin & Felix- Certified FBI Agents (or b*tches)]
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Pairing: Producer/Music Major! Han Jisung x Photographer! fem! reader
Genre: NSFW! Smut; non idol au, college au, strangers to lovers
Warnings: Mature Content! strong language, phone sex, masterbation (m&f) + guided masterbation, use of adult toys
Chapter Word Count: 3.9k
Taglist: @hyunjeongins @seungstarss @es-kay-zee @hyunjinsplaything @formidxble @freckledquokka @lbxgsunshine (want to be added? send an ask or a dm! <3)
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Filthy. You felt absolutely filthy.
You met a cute guy through text- as in an unknown dude you merely glanced at a random party. You sent certain texts to the cute guy- as in, a stranger you just met last night. You masterbated to the cute guy- as in, a man you barely even knew. Worse of all, you’re still thinking about said cute guy and how he affected you in a way you’ve never felt before.
But you loved it.
The next morning, you walked through the halls with a tight chest. Your heart beat rapidly at the thought of seeing your red beanie cutie, or rather, Jisung, in person. ‘Why the hell am I so nervous?’ You gripped your camera bag closer to your form as you made your way to your chemistry class.
“Y/n!” You heard deep voice say. You looked up to see Felix and Hyunjin waving to you. As you were about to greet the two, another person called out your name.
“Y/n!!” It was from a voice you’ve never heard before. You turned around to see Jisung running up to you with a cute smile, his red headphones dangling around his neck as he ran. Your eyes widened. You were about to greet him when he ambushed you with the biggest hug ever. “Good morning, Y/n! It’s so nice seeing you in person!”
‘How warm...’ you thought as you closed your eyes and returned his hug. You had to refrain yourself from whining out a complain when he let go of you. “How are you? Did you sleep well last night?” he asked, placing his hands on your shoulders.
Your mouth was agape. You stared into his pure, star-y eyes, speechless. ‘No way is this the same dude I was sending dirty texts to’. He looked at you expectantly, head tilted, waiting for your response. ‘Fuck. He’s so damn cute!’ “O-oh,” you stammered. “Yeah! I did sleep...good...last night…”
“Awesome! Me too! I really had fun talking with you,” he smiled, his words seemingly innocent. You could only blush. Oh if anyone knew the truth behind his words. “Speaking of talking, let’s hang out later so we can get to know each other a little more!”
“R-really? I mean- great! Yeah, let’s hangout later!” you nervously said.
“Yes! I’ll see you later, Y/n!” Jisung gave you another hug before leaving, waving to you as he walked further away from you. You weakly smiled as you waved back. ‘Why am I so awkward?’ Sighing, you turned around to see Felix and Hyunjin gaping at you. ‘Oh, right. Forgot about them’.
“Morning guys,” you stiffly greeted.
“Uh-good morning to you too, Y/n?” Felix replied. “So...How did the party go?”
You glanced at Hyunjin for a brief moment. “Oh, You know. Same old same old. Loud music. Lots of alcohol. People getting drunk, making out, fucking. Kinda what you expect in a typical college party in those cheesy tv shows.”
“Okay, cut the crap, Y/n,” Hyunjin intervened. “Since when did you and Jisung get close? Did something happen between you two?”
Felix nodded. “Yeah, I have never seen you two interact before today. Something happened during the party that you’re not telling us!”
“What’s this? An interrogation?” you said accusingly, “Nothing happened! We just happened to meet yesterday and got each other’s phone numbers. That’s all!”
“Liar,” Hyunjin scoffed. “I know Jisung. He wouldn’t be so buddy-buddy with someone he just met in less than 24 hours- especially to that extent. Something happened! I know it!”
You rolled your eyes. “Whatever. You wouldn’t remember cause you were dead drunk last night.”
“Seriously, man?!” Felix laughed. “Is that why you were complaining about having a headache?”
“Y/n!” Hyunjin whined. “Look what you did!”
“Not my fault! You kept pestering me!”
“Okay. Okay. Let’s stop now,” your freckled friend pushed you two apart. “We’re gonna be late!”
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The bell rang, signaling the end of class...and the continuation of Felix and Hyunjin’s interrogation.
“Tell us.”
“Tell us.”
“Yeah, tell us.”
“Time to tell us~.”
“Come clean, Y/n~.”
“The truth shall set you free~.”
“Are you guys fucking serious?” you said exasperatedly. The boys corned you against the wall like FBI agents. Or more like those cliché high school bullies. Either way, it was suffocating. “I told you! Nothing noteworthy happened! We met, then talked, then texted, and that’s it! End of story!”
“Hm…” Hyunjin looked at you suspiciously. “I smell cap.”
“Something else happened. We can feel it,” Felix said with a sly grin.
“God! You’re both so annoying!”
The boys laughed. “We wouldn’t be so annoying if you just told us!” Hyunjin defended, making you groan.
“Geez…” you muttered as you rubbed your temples.
“Hey! No bullying in the halls!” You all turned to see Minho walking towards you three with an annoying grin.
Felix scoffed before chuckling. “Like you’re one to talk.”
“Wait, Minho!” Hyunjin gasped. “You were sober last night. What happened between Y/n and Jisung?”
“They fucked.”
The younger boys gasped in shock, turning to you in disbelief. Meanwhile, you scowled at Minho’s terrible attempt at a joke. You sighed, “First of all: NO, we didn’t. Second of all, don’t lie to them like that, you asshole.” Minho bursted out in laughter while the other two stared in confusion.
“So...y’all didn’t fuck?” Felix asked.
“Then what happened?!”
“Why do guys wanna know so bad?” Minho asked.
Hyunjin pouted. “Because! It’s just a little weird how those two talked as if they’ve known each other their whole lives.”
“What? What did they do?”
“We just witnessed Jisung coming out of nowhere and hugging Y/n as if they were long lost lovers,” Felix explained.
“Oh?” Minho raised a brow, smirking. “What did you two do to make him act like that?”
“Not you too!” you cried. “Why are you all so hung up?!”
“Because this is Han Jisung we’re talking about! I told you, he’s a shy boy, so it’s just surprising to see him warm up to you so fast!”
“Right?!” Hyunjin said. “It took him a while to warm up to us! That’s why we wanna know.”
You sighed in irritation for the nth time. The once playful interaction was now getting on your nerves. “Alright, no more bullying Y/n, losers. Only I can,” Minho said, patting your back. “I was just joking with you all. Honestly, Jisung thought Y/n was cute so I did little bit of an exchange and they hit it off, I guess.”
Hyunjin muttered, “Still doesn’t explain why he was so clingy with Y/n but whatever.”
Minho shrugged. “I don’t know either. Connection or something.”
“Hmm...Fine,” Hyunjin and Felix said. You let out a breath of relief. Finally…The school bell rang again, making Felix and Hyunjin panic.
“Shit. Let’s go, Hyunjin!” Felix hissed, pulling the taller male with him. Once they left your field of sight, you turned to Minho with a tired expression.
“My Lord, I offer you my sincerest thanks.”
He shrugged nonchalantly. “I know I’m the best. You’re welcome,” he said smugly. “Now that they’re gone...Tell me all the dirty shit you guys sent.”
You stared blankly at him. “What?”
“Come on, you don’t think I know? I’ve been friends with you and Jisung long enough to know where this would go. Now spill.”
Your face grew hot as Minho continued to stare you down with a smirk. “Do I have to?”
“Yes! I hooked you two up, so I need to know the details! Not too graphic though.”
You gave him a pouty look. “No.”
“Boo…” Minho chortled. “You’re lame.”
“Fuck off.”
“Hey. Be nice. I’m the reason you now have a fuck buddy.”
“Again. Fuck off, you little-” You stopped yourself when you saw a familiar figure with red headphones infront of you. “Jisung!” Minho whipped his head around to see Jisung walking toward the two of you. Your friend offered you a knowing smile. He wiggled his eyebrows at you, prompting you to subtly shove him.
“Oh, hi Y/n! Hi Minho!” Jisung smiled, nodding his head.
Minho waved. “Hey, Ji.”
“What’re you doing? Don’t you have a class?” you asked Jisung.
“Eh...My lit teacher is out so we have a free period today. What about you guys?”
“Same here,” Minho said. “Trig teacher out, Minho out.”
The two of you giggled at Minho’s choice of words. “How about you, Y/N?” Jisung asked.
“I, uh, have a free class.”
“Oh, really?” the blonde haired boy exclaimed, his eyes widened excitedly.
“My literature teacher is out too, so yeah. Boom, I’m free.”
“Wait…” Minho said. “Who’s English class are you guys in?”
You and Jisung answered at the same time. “Mrs. Jung.” Minho stared at the both of you expectantly, waiting for the realization to kick in. And eventually, it did.
“Hold on, you have Mrs. Jung too?!” You both yelled.
Minho chuckled. “Finally. How did you two not notice each other before?”
Shrugging, you said, “I don’t know. Maybe it’s the fact that it’s a lecture hall filled with 30 plus people? Of course we wouldn’t have known.”
“Pff, still surprising though.”
Jisung gasped then faced you. “Oh, Y/n! Since we both have a free class, why don’t we hang out now?” he asked, his fingers twiddling with the drawstrings of his white hoodie.
“Oh right. Yeah, we could,” you said. “Wanna come along, Min?”
The older male waved you off. “Pass. Don’t wanna be there to see you two fuck.”
You and Jisung felt embarrassment run throughout your bodies, unappreciative of Minho’s joke. He, however, enjoyed the response he got from you both. “Don’t deny it! We’re all adults still in school. We gotta relieve the stress somehow.”
Minho bellowed out with laughter, beginning to walk away. “I’m just gonna go to the library. See ya, lovebirds! Remember, no sex in public areas! We’re still at school!”
“Hyung, you fucker!” Jisung called out as you sigh. As Minho walked further away, throwing you both a sly smirk as he did, Jisung started pulling you to face him. “Uhm. Sorry about him, Y/n,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
You chuckled, “Nah, it’s fine. I know what he’s like too.”
“So…Since we’re both free for the period. Shall we?” he bowed like a sophisticated nobleman offering to dance with a maiden at a ball. You giggled, curtsying to play along.
“We shall, kind sir.”
Jisung smiled, standing up straight to meet your eyes. He started to walk again. “Awesome! I mean- excellent. I know a wonderfully secluded place where we may chat amongst ourselves.”
“‘Chat’?” you asked cheekily. “Are you sure that’s not code for something?”
Jisung’s face glowed red. “No!” he panicked. “No no no. I swear I didn’t mean anything by that! I just genuinely wanted to talk to you. No sexual innuendos whatsoever!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his shyness. “Relax. I was just messing with you, Jisung.”
“Oh,” he sighed in relief. You laughed even more when you saw his shoulders slump.
“Sorry, but you were just so cute, I couldn’t help it.” Before any of you could dwell on your words and grow flustered, you dragged him through the hallways. “Let’s go? I’m dying to see this ‘wonderfully secluded’ place you’re talking about.”
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Jisung led you outside of the building, towards the garden near the back of the campus. “Oh wow,” you breathed, taking in the serenity of the area. “I didn’t even know we had a garden here.” You reached your hand out to run your fingers against the sea of Hydrangeas.
“Right?” he chuckled as he led you down the concrete path. “I didn’t even know about it either until the beginning of the school year.”
“How’d you find it?”
“I-uh-found out about it when I was hiding from Changbin.”
“Changbin?” you looked at him in surprise. “The sweet, muscle-y dude that wore all black at the party?”
“Pff, ‘sweet’ but yeah. Him. I’d...rather not talk about what I did to make him hunt me down.” Jisung shivered as if he had relived a horror movie. You snorted at his reaction, finding it funny. “Yeah...but ever since I found the place, I come here when I feel overwhelmed with life or need inspiration. So, a lot,” he snickered.
The two of you walked further into the garden until you reached an empty patch of grass. “And...here we are!” Before he let you sit, he took off the mismatched flannel he was wearing over his hoodie and laid it on the ground. “After you,” he gestured to it. You laughed as you sat down, finding the act sweet.
“Thank you!”
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The two of you spent the last 80 minutes getting to know each other and it felt like it was the fastest 80 minutes spent. You learned about each other’s passions, dreams, fears, everything. Nothing sexual mentioned at all, not even the sinful deeds you’ve both committed the night before.
“Okay okay. Favorite color?” you joked, laughing when Jisung rolled his eyes.
“Really? Are you running out of questions?” he playfully sneered at you.
“Just answer!”
“Red. What’s your favorite subject?”
“Photography, duh. I am an aspiring photographer,” you lightly shoved him with your shoulder which made him chuckle. “Oh! Speaking of, can I take a few pictures of the garden? It’s pretty and I might need them someday.”
“Go ahead.”
You snapped some pictures of the different areas of the garden, taking extra attention to the pink Azaleas and other flowers in the vicinity. Wanting to ask Jisung a question, you turned around to find him already staring at you like a love-struck fool. The both of you blushed; you didn’t even remember what your question was anymore. You heard Jisung chuckle timidly under his breath. Getting the pictures you were looking for, you went back to Jisung, who was now laying down with his eyes closed. Finding the way he looked so relaxed pleasing, you snapped a quick shot of him sunbathing under the cool skies with the flowers swaying in the background. Remembering what you wanted to ask him, you were about to ask him your question before the bell rang. “Crap. second period already ended?”
“For real, right?” Jisung said, looking at the building. “Didn’t even feel like an hour passed.”
“Yeah…” you whispered. You walked back to where Jisung was at to grab your things.
“Where are you going?” you looked up to see Jisung sitting up and giving you his doe eyes- which made your heart thump.
“Don’t you wanna eat?”
“Nah,” he said as he laid back down on the makeshift blanket, closing his eyes. “I’d rather stay here and talk to you more.” You heard him whisper. You felt giddy at the fact that he wanted to spend more time with you. “Oh!” he quickly sat up to look at you. “But if you’re hungry, we can totally go to the canteen!” You lightly nodded, feeling your stomach growl.
“Sorry but I didn’t eat breakfast...”
“No problem! That’s why I said we can go!” He stood up and gathered up his things from the ground. He picked up the flannel and dusted it off. “Ready?” He stuck his left arm out for you to take. You giggled as you wordlessly looped your right arm with his. You snuggled closer to his arm, catching a whiff of his cologne. You felt so safe with him, despite only knowing each other for a day.
And that scared you.
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You sat on your desk, writing your notes. The black inked pen glided smoothly on the lined parchment. The only source of light was the white lamp on the left side of your desk. Sighing, you stopped writing, feeling the need to sleep overcome you. You placed your pen down and rubbed your face. The chair lightly screeched as you stood up. You switched your lamp off then climbed to your bed, not even bothering to clean up your study space.
As you pulled your blanket over your body, your phone pinged. You turned your head to check the time on the clock. ‘9:57p.m.’, it read. Your eyebrow ticked in irritation. Grabbing your phone, you wanted to text the person the kindest ‘fuck you’ until you read the name.
Message from Min’s ho3
Seeing that it was from Jisung, you abruptly sat up to reply to him, internally cringing at the fact you were so desperate for him. ‘I need to change this dude’s contact name’ you laughed silently. Your phone unlocked and immediately directed you to the message.
Min’s ho3: u up?
Me: Yeah, I am.
I was about to sleep tho ngl
Min’s ho3: fr? dang you sleep early lol
reminds me of seungmin
You scoffed.
Me: It’s not even that early!
Min’s ho3: hmmm yeah it is... 🤗
Me: Excuse me?
Min’s ho3: jkjk
anyways. how are you? wanna chat?
or if you really wanna sleep, thats fine too
Me: Nah. I’d rather stay and talk to you than sleep
You smiled, wondering if Jisung would get your reference.
Min’s ho3: ohhh you make me blush. really using my own words against me, baby?
Me: What? Did that bother you?
What are you gonna do? Punish me?
You squirmed on your bed, squeezing your legs together after sending that risqué text. You were nervous if Jisung didn’t want to reciprocate your feelings...But you knew he would. Of course he would.
Minho’s ho3: it didn’t bother me before, not even a little, but now?
call me
In a flash, you pressed on his contact and tapped on the telephone icon under the picture-less grey icon. The texts faded and changed to the call screen. Your phone only rang once before Jisung answered.
“Baby…” his voice sounded raspy, sending a delightful chill up your spine. ‘Shit…’
You cleared your throat before speaking. “Jisung?”
“Nuh uh. Don’t ‘Jisung’ me, baby,” he spoke. His voice held an air of authority in it, causing your core clench around nothing. “Are you asking for a punishment?” You nodded your head, not even realizing he couldn’t see you. “Hm, baby? What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue all of a sudden?”
“No? Then answer me. Are you asking for a punishment, angel?”
Jisung scoffed. “Well too late now, baby,” he said. “Take off your pajamas for me.” You dropped your phone and slowly stripped off your shorts and underwear. You kicked them to the side of your bed and shivered, feeling the cold air hit your wetness. “Off, babe?”
“Y-yeah,” you whimpered. “They’re off.”
“Good. Do you have any sex toys?”
You felt your face heat up. The thought of you revealing to anyone that you own them was humiliating. “I- yeah. Yeah, I do.”
“Then use it.”
You hesitantly reached under your bed for your dildo. Embarrassment filled your chest. ‘I’ve used it before. Why am I so ashamed to use it now?’ Before you could insert the purple silicone toy inside you, Jisung spoke.
“Don’t fuck it just yet, beautiful. Want you to tease yourself first.”
You huffed in frustration, not liking how Jisung stopped you but still listened to him. You brushed the dildo on your clit, sighing when you felt the stimulation. You continued rubbing yourself, your hips raising once in a while. Through the phone, you could hear Jisung panting, signaling that he started touching himself as well. The thought made you wetter. “Fuck. Jisung,” you whimpered, biting your lip.
“Not yet, baby,” he sighed. “Keep playing with yourself until I tell you otherwise.”
You wanted to cry. The feeling was good but didn’t want anymore teasing. You moved the toy from your clit to your core, teasing your entrance. You felt yourself clench when it touched you. “Jisung…” you pouted, wanting him to give you permission to fuck yourself.
“I said not yet, brat,” he growled, faintly hearing wet slapping in the background. “Keep asking and you’re not gonna cum at all.”
All you could do was to shut up, not wanting to piss him off any further. You threw your head back, toying with your clit again. You whined and moaned, feeling the beginning of your release bubbling. You called out Jisung’s name again, warning him that you wanted to cum.
“Close already, baby?” he chuckled darkly. “So fast.” You put more pressure on your sensitive bud, core clench rapidly. You were on the brink of cumming when…
As if you were possessed by his words, you immediately removed the dildo from your clit, making you whine. Tears began streaming down your face at the loss of your orgasm. ‘That fucking sadist’.
Hearing your sniffles, Jisung laughed darkly. “Aww,” he sarcastically sympathized. “Were about to cum?”
“Y-yes…” you said quietly, trying not to back talk to him in case he decides to be crueler to you.
“You were? Aw, I’m sorry, darling,” Jisung snickered. “How about I let you fuck your dildo, hm? To make up for it?”
“Yes, please!”
“Then go for it, angel.”
Finally, you let the silicone toy invade your sopping pussy, letting out a loud moan as it slowly entered you. Hearing your cries of pleasure made Jisung throw his head back with a moan of his own, loving the sinful sounds that escaped your lips. He stroked his cock faster when we heard another moan from his phone.
“Oh shit, Y/n,” he hissed. Your eyes rolled back when you heard him, moving the toy faster inside you. Because of your denied orgasm prior, it didn’t take too long for you to grow close to your second attempt of a release. You moaned, your core clench tighter and tighter with every pump.
“Jisung!” you cried. “‘M so close! Shit!”
“W-wait. ‘Want you to hold it,” Jisung ordered. His breath was heavy, hips bucking as he drew nearer to his orgasm. “Want to- fuck. Wanna cum together, baby.” The thought of cumming together sounded hot. You tried slowing your movements only by a little, still keeping the strength of each thrust. That proved to be useless, however, because you could still feel the warmth in your lower stomach grow hotter and tighter. You bit your lip, feeling the need to scream.
“Jisung, please!” you were full on sobbing at this point, the need to cum was overpowering.
“Shit, ‘m close, Y/n!” he moaned. “J-just a little more!”
Fuck it. You snapped your wrist faster, hoping that Jisung would hurry and catch up to you. On the other line, Jisung was nearing his end, spurred on by the sound of your filthy cries of his name. His hand pumped himself faster, twisting when he was at his tip. Hearing your breathy moans and whines was driving him mad. It was addicting; so addicting that it was the main reason why he was moaning quieter-just to hear you.
“Holy fuck- Y/n!” Jisung cried, his dick spurting steaks of white all over his hand and stomach. Hearing him moan brought you to your own release, twisting and twitching as you cummed around the purple dildo. You called out his name the same manner he did. You shook, quietly whimpering, as you continued to ride out your orgasm until you slowly pulled it out of you. The both of you could only hear the sound of each other’s heavy breathing through your phone. Jisung was the first to speak, though he was still too breathless to speak completely coherent.
“Ah-shit. D-did you feel good, Y/n?”
You hummed as an answer, not having enough energy to do or say anything. The round cheeked boy giggled when he realized this. His chest surged with pride. He smiled lazily to himself. “Really? Sweet,” he sighed. “I’ll go now to let you sleep, yeah?”
You hum again in acknowledgment. “Goodnight, beautiful. Sleep tight.” You closed your eyes, listening to the sound of your phone beeping, signifying the end of your call. As you sat up to clean yourself up, you caught sight of your messages with Jisung.
‘Crap, what am I doing with this boy?’
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192 notes · View notes
from-seas-to-skies · 4 years
The Teacher / Bakugou x Reader ♕︎
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warnings: NSFW, teacher/student relationship, oral sex, spitting, sir kink, slut shaming, somewhat brat taming, age difference, unprotected sex
words: 5,772
(a/n): Bakugou is 30 in this; reader is younger (college age)
Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
One, two, three, four… How long was it going to take until class ended again?
Looking up from your notebook, you stare up at the clock, the large, monotonous face seemingly glaring straight back at you. You don’t know how it happens, but time always moves so slow when it comes to your calculus class. Frankly, you’d rather ditch the class altogether, but if you wanted to graduate from college, you had to pass. Curse stupid curriculums and all that shit.
However, despite absolutely dreading having to stare at numbers for a solid hour and a half, there is a plus side to taking this dreaded class. In fact, it’s the very reason why you signed up for it in the first place. You’ve heard so many wonderful things about it, all from girls and guys alike, and you knew you had to see it up close and personal – rather, you had to see him.
Professor Bakugou.
Age thirty, drives a Land Rover, and, most importantly, single.
He’s about as dreamy as they come; a complete and utter Dreamboat Annie, absolutely huge in both height and stature, intelligent, and handsome. He’s only been a professor for a few years, but it’s been made apparent to the school that he’s worth it. Not only are his teaching methods and lectures incredible, but he’s turned out some of the highest grades your college has even seen. That itself is impress, and, combined with the hype of how hot he is, it’s no wonder people rush to take his classes.
So, when it came time for class schedules to come out, you were excited, needless to say. Despite having a general disliking to math in the first place, you figured this one guy could be what it takes to turn that idea around. Oh, but that was before you first laid your eyes on him.
Shit, you had heard that he was attractive – godly, even – but this? You weren’t expecting this. His biceps alone could crack a watermelon, and his sharp jawline could easily cut diamonds. It sounds cliché, that’s true, but you have no other way of putting it. Words did not do this man any justice.
At first, his constant yelling and crude demeanor were a total turn off. Professor Bakugou was essentially the teacher version of Gordon Ramsay, and you weren’t entirely sure if you liked that or not. However, as time continued, you actually grew accustomed to it. In fact, if he didn’t yell at least once during the class, you’d immediately figured he was having a bad day.
That’s when the thoughts began. Call it infatuation, a mindless crush, whatever, but you wanted Professor Bakugou. Your eyes soon began to watch his large hands flex while he wrote on the board rather than the content itself. You’d watch his forearms flex while he turned the page in his textbook, prominent veins inviting you for a better look. How you longed to touch him, to grab his sturdy shoulders or pull his wild hair. He always looked so good, clothes tailored to fit his muscular frame perfectly.
You’d fantasize about the most random of scenarios, each of them usually ending up with him bending you over his desk at the front of the room. You liked colder days the best, especially since Professor Bakugou had the habit of wearing form-fitting sweaters that outlined his massive pecs or the swell of his arms. You wanted to make him feel better, to sit underneath the desk and suck him off while he taught the rest of the class. Those narrow hips had to be strong, and you’d be damned if you never got to experience their power at least once.
It’s almost as if Professor Bakugou had cast a spell over all of his students. Nearly all of them gushed about how great he was; and, if you were in the proper company, they exchanged fantasies or proclamations about how fucking gorgeous he was. You’d usually grow bitter at these types of conversations. It was a crush, for fuck’s sake. There was no need to get all pouty like some problematic schoolgirl.
Still, the thoughts wouldn’t go away, not when he taught, not when he yelled. His booming voice became a part of your wicked fantasies, wondering how it’d sound to hear him grunting your name or commanding you to spread his legs for him. Again and again, you told yourself that it was fine, that people develop crushes on their teachers all the time. It was only in the dead of night that you’d have your hand stuffed down your pants and mouth moaning his name into a pillow was when you regretted it. It was a phase, nothing more.
And yet, over two months into the semester, and these thoughts still won’t go away. The constant ticking of the clock brings you back down to Earth, your eyes focusing on the problems before you. Swallowing thickly, you loosen your hand, now just noticing how hard you’ve begun to clench your pencil. Your insides feel oddly warm, that pleasant, heavy feeling sitting behind your belly button. Dammit, you mentally curse, this is not the time to be getting distracted.
Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
If only class could end sooner.
“Right,” Professor Bakugou suddenly says from his desk, “this Friday, I’m holding a study session for the upcoming exam on Monday. There’s only going to be a limited number of seats available, so if you wanna join, here’s your chance.” With his words, he holds a blank sheet of notebook paper up, a rather bored expression on his face.
He must be tired, you think, unconsciously biting your bottom lip. But why?
Around you, students shuffle to the front of the class, waiting for a chance to scribble their names onto the paper. Some seem a bit more excited than others, obviously arching their backs or flipping their hair over their shoulders. With a scoff, you look back down to your work. Did they really think they could catch his attention like that? Yeah, so he doesn’t show off a ring on his finger, but it’s pretty likely that he has people throwing themselves at him all the time. Besides, Professor Bakugou is a strict guy; there’s no way he’d engage in a relationship with a student.
You really shouldn’t be getting your hopes up. It’s pointless to pine after your teacher like that, especially with the risks that come along with getting involved with each other. Still, you can’t help but feel bitter. Professor Bakugou is a god that walks amongst men, so how could you not want somebody like him?
“Alright, that’s all for today. Class dismissed,” Professor Bakugou calls out. Dammit, you spaced out again. Maybe you should get that checked out?
With a sigh, you stuff your belongings into your backpack and draw to a stand. You wish it would be spring already; trudging through snow and ice is never fun, and the fact that your dorm is basically on the other side of campus makes it even more rough. Pulling your coat on and slinging your backpack over your shoulders, you make way towards the classroom door, completely unaware of a set of eyes watching your every move.
“Man, this is impossible,” your best friend, Ashido Mina, groans. “I’m going to bomb this exam for sure!” Sprawled out on her stomach, she squirms on the floor, her face scrunching with her displeasure.
You, on the other hand, sit cross-legged across from her. Notebooks and math textbooks surround the two of you, your laptop and calculator at the ready. Bags of chips and pretzels sit to the side, along with abandoned coffee cups and empty water bottles. Professor Bakugou’s exams were notorious for being hard, but at the same time, if you payed attention in class and studied, you’d succeed. The thing is, though, that neither you nor Mina are the best when it comes to math.
“I thought you went to his study session?” you ask, glancing up from your own notebook.
Flashing you a pout, Mina nervously runs a hand through her fluffy hair. “Well, yeah, but you know how it goes! A secluded area with Professor Bakugou! It’s like a dream come true! It was hard to focus when he’s leaning over your shoulder like that…”
Rolling your eyes, you puff in amusement. “Really? Mina, you know what will happen if you fail this test.”
“Yeah, yeah, but come on! You can’t blame me! You would’ve done the exact same thing!”
“I don’t think so.”
“Oh yes you would’ve!” Mina exclaims, pointing an accusing finger your way. “Don’t pretend like you don’t ogle Professor Bakugou during class! He’s one hell of a hunk, isn’t he? I never knew college professors could be so hot!” she gushes, a giggle following her words. “And that study session – oh my god, I nearly thought I was going to heart attack when he helped me solve this one problem. He’s so warm and he smells great!”
You cock an eyebrow at her. “You were smelling our teacher?”
At that, Mina blows a raspberry and waves a dismissive hand. “I’m not Kaminari, sweetheart. I have class. Besides, Professor Bakugou smells like caramel. Can you believe it? I wonder if he uses cologne or feminine soap.”
Caramel, eh? Now that’s something you can get behind.
“You want him to fuck you, right?”
Wait, what?
Narrowing your gaze at her, your brows knit closely together. “What kind of question is that?”
Mina rolls her eyes. “What, like you don’t think about it? Practically everyone on this campus has thought about it at some point or another? I mean, hello! He’s totally Daddy material. I’ve heard that he goes to the gym sometimes here on campus – turns out he’s huge.”
Huge. Of course this is what Mina chooses to focus on. You wish you had a spray bottle to squirt at her horny ass.
“And I don’t mean muscle wise,” Mina continues, a mischievous expression coming to her face. “I bet he tastes like candy.”
“Why yes, Mr. Bakugou sir! I’ll gladly suck your fat cock for an A!”
“His ass is really nice, too. I wouldn’t mind pegging him-“
You smack your forehead and groan as your hand trails down your face. “Are you going to study or not? I don’t know about you, but I’d rather graduate than work at McDonald’s for the rest of my life.”
Mina purses her lips at you in an excessive pout. “You’re such a fun sponge, holy shit. I think you need a good dicking down by Professor Bakugou. Maybe then you’d stop staring after him all the time during class.”
Your face heats up at her words, but there’s no way you’re owning up to that. Okay, so yeah, maybe getting fucked by him would be a dream come true, but you’re more realistic than that. “And you’re not concerned at all that he’s our teacher? You know, like he could lose his job and you could be expelled? That doesn’t bother you? At all?”
Mina shrugs. “Meh.”
“Woooow…. You really are shameless.”
“Hey, you win some, you lose some. If I could get that man to put a ring on my finger, then I’d be okay with it.”
“Yeah, because you definitely want to bring your math professor home. Uh huh, great one. Tell me how that goes.”
With a grunt, Mina rolls over and sits up. “Whatever, man. I’m hungry, so I’m going to go down to the dining hall. Wanna come with?”
Glancing at the alarm clock sitting on your nightstand, you see that it’s only 5:15. True, you could get a bite to eat, but you’d rather stay back and finish a few more problems. “I think I’ll join up with you later,” you tell Mina.
She nods her head and offers you a small smile. “Suit yourself, sweetheart. I’ll see you later.” Gathering up her things, she unceremoniously shoves them into her backpack and salutes you with a goodbye. After she pulls the door shut behind her, you turn back to the task at hand.
It shouldn’t be this hard to solve these last couple of problems, but your brain is really starting to feel the struggle. A dull ache is already forming between your eyeballs, and you truly wonder if you’re going to make it through this or not. Maybe you should take a break, or at least give your eyes a rest. Still, that little stubborn streak in you tells you to carry on. You only have a few more problems left, and you’re so close to finally finishing!
As you set to work, the digits on your alarm clock change as time drags on. Okay, so maybe you’re demanding too much of yourself. Your brain is absolutely fried, and your headache is spreading. Glancing back up at the clock, luminous green lines glare a 5:31. Jeez, it’s only been sixteen minutes since you last checked, yet it seems as though hours have passed. You really want to finish this study session, but the last problem is throwing you in for a loop.
You’ve already scoured your notes and the textbook for how to go about the problem, but your mind is drawing up with a blank. It has to be because you’re tired, right? It’s not that hard… Or is it?
“Dammit,” you mutter, sitting back and pressing your palms flat against the floor. Again, you look at the clock. Frankly, you don’t want to spend all night pouring over this, and you don’t want to skip dinner, either. You know for a fact that Mina will beat your ass for skipping out on food. “Screw it.”
Scrambling off the floor, you throw a thick coat on and slide on your sneakers. Professor Bakugou sometimes has the habit of frequenting his office during the weekends (or so you’ve heard), and you desperately need to know how to solve this problem. Chances are something similar will be on the exam, and you want to get as good of a grade as possible. Plus, if he is there…
You swallow thickly. Now is not the time to let Mina’s previous words get to you.
And so, with your notebook tucked underneath an arm, you take off.
It’s a damned shame that his office is practically on the other side of campus, but you figure it wouldn’t be too bad to get your body moving after spending so much time hunched over. Now that you think about, you could just email him, but you’re not sure how quick he’d respond. This is a dire moment. Okay, maybe not, but still. Maybe you want to see Professor Bakugou. Maybe.
You’re thankful when you finally enter the building, free of the flurries of snow and the seeping chill. Stomping your feet free from snow, you look around, creeped out yet fascinated by the silent, empty halls. You doubt very many people are here besides lingering staff and the janitors. One could only hope that Professor Bakugou is frequenting his office.
As you draw closer and closer to his office, your footsteps bounce off the walls, reminding you of how alone you are. There’s a fifty/fifty chance that he’s even going to be in his office, yet your heart pounds frantically in your chest. If he isn’t there, you’ll just simply turn around and stalk back to your dorm and hope for the best. If he is there, well, you’re not entirely sure what you should say.
He’s your teacher, dammit. It shouldn’t be this hard going up to him and asking him for help. It’s literally his job to help students out; nothing more, nothing less. Still, Mina’s words ring throughout your mind. It’s just a crush, you remind yourself. Stop getting so worked up about it.
There it is, just straight up ahead – Professor Bakugou’s office.
Like the other offices lining the hall, it’s made from a heavy wood, a frosted window place in the top half with Professor Bakugou’s name printed on it. A simple door like this shouldn’t intimidate you so much, but yet it does. All you have to do is knock on it, wait for a possible response, and then go from there. However, now that you’re in front of it, you somewhat hope he’s not there. Your palms are growing clammy and your throat feels fuzzy.
“Here goes nothing,” you tell yourself, reaching up and rapping on the door.
For a moment, nothing happens. Perhaps Lady Luck has decided to spare some mercy on you, after all. Releasing a pent-up breath you didn’t know you were even holding, you prepare to step back and walk away, but then a muffled come in sounds through the door.
Oh, shit.
You wince as your cowardice floods you with a renewed force. There’s no way you can just leave now, not if you want Professor Bakugou potentially chasing you down. Taking in a deep breath, you turn the brass knob and poke your head inside. “Uh, Professor Bakugou?”
Oh, shit.
There he is, sitting behind an oak desk, hunched down over a stack of papers. He holds up a single finger, a signal for you to give him a moment. Immediately, your eyes skim over his exposed forearms, skim over the tight black turtleneck that fits him like a glove. Rolled sleeves, watch on wrist, and a pair of glasses perched on his nose, he’s just dripping with classy sexiness.
The steady tick tock, tick tock fills the otherwise silent room. It grates on your already wired nerves, mocks you for just standing there, waiting. You can’t help but glance at its face – 5:49. It’s already dark out, winter’s everlasting darkness sapping the Earth’s light. Stepping fully inside the room, you gently shut the door behind you, not wanting to interrupt his train of thought.
After another moment or so, he finally clicks his pen closed, tosses it onto the desk, and leans back in his chair. “Oi – what do you want?”
Removing your notebook from underneath your arm, you hold it out for him to take. “I was… I was wondering if you could explain how to work out this problem?”
Quirking an eyebrow, Professor Bakugou sits upright and glances at what you’ve written. “We discussed this during the study session on Friday.” His eyes dart up to yours. “I’m surprised you weren’t there.”
Is he singling you out right now? It feels like he’s singling you out right now. But wait, doesn’t that also mean that he noticed you not being there? He’s just saying that to say it, right? …Right?
“There was a lot on my mind,” you say softly.
Professor Bakugou sighs. “Alright, come here.” Maybe it’s the gruffness of his voice, but the simple command nearly has you whimpering on the spot. Jesus, you need to get your act together!
“Of course, sir,” you reply, the title subconsciously rolling off your tongue. Skirting around the desk, you come to his side, unaware of him shifting in his seat.
“It’s really not that hard if you put your damned brain to use,” he grunts, picking his pen back up. You notice how the tendons in his hand flex with the subtle movement; actually, now that you’re up close in personal, you can clearly see the veins racing up his forearms, the sheen of blond hairs.
Warmth seems to radiate off of him, just like how Mina said. You wonder if he gets hot easily, or if that’s just the way he is. Either way, you shimmy the slightest bit closer to him, eager to ward off the chill that still clings to you from the outside. He goes into great detail about how to go through each step surrounding the problem; you lean over his shoulder as he goes through the steps, the heat emanating from his skin drawing you in more and more. With each breath, the scent of caramel floods your senses. You’re almost half tempted to press your nose to his nape and get a better smell, but that’d just be creepy. Plus, even if you did that, Professor Bakugou could probably pick you up and literally throw you out of his office.
Still, despite knowing the risk, your mind takes off, just like it usually does whenever you’re in his presence. It would just be so easy to squeeze his thick arms, to run your fingers through his thick blonde hair. Maybe you could push the collar of his turtleneck down, expose his neck and bite the pulse. It’s almost ridiculous just how big he is, how easily he could overpower you. A familiar warmth floods your system, encasing your insides and clutching onto your heart. This is bad – very, very bad.
“Oi, what the hell are you staring at?” Professor Bakugou barks.
Snapping yourself back to attention, you notice him staring at you, his glasses now off his handsome face. If possible, he’s even more attractive up close; thick lashes, full lips, a slight gleam in his eyes that demand power and control. He almost looks entirely different like this, face lax instead of fixed with a scowl. Good lord, you really are whipped for him.
“Oh, um, sorry,” you ramble, eyes going wide. “It’s just that your hair looks really… fluffy…?”
You quickly avert your eyes. “Nevermind…”
“You know,” Professor Bakugou starts, voice low, “you stare at me a lot during class, too. You’re not very subtle.”
You wince at his words. “I… I’m not sure what you’re talking about-“
Rolling his eyes, he scoffs and tosses down his pen. “You’re not majoring in theatre, are you? Because you suck at acting.” He flashes you a cocky smirk when you look back to him. “Just admit it – you like what you see, don’t ya? Can’t say I blame you.”
Okay, wow, cocky much. Yeah, sure, he’s an absolute babe, but wouldn’t you think he’d be a bit more… modest?
Now it’s your turn to scoff. “Didn’t know my math professor thought so highly of himself.”
“Tch. Looks like you got a damn mouth on you, after all. Well, if you’re done undressing me with your eyes, do you want to learn how to do this problem or not? I don’t like repeating myself, but I’ll let it slide just this once since I like you.”
Wait, wait, hold up. Did he just say he likes you?
“You’re a good student,” Professor Bakugou continues. “Even if you do focus on me more than my lecture.”
Is this how the conversation was supposed to play out? Because damn you’re nearly shaking, and you still have your coat on. He knows too much, dammit. He’s known this entire time and he’s playing you.
“And yet you could’ve easily told me to stop,” you shoot right back, sick of being prosecuted like this. Sure, it might be a bad idea to pick a fight with a teacher, but this is outside of classroom hours; and, frankly, he can kiss your ass. Crude demeanor or not, you’re not about to let this man push you around.
“Who said I wanted you to stop?”
No. There’s no way he just said that. This big-headed narcissist is relishing in this, isn’t he? Bastard.
“Hate to break it to you, Professor, but almost everyone stares at you like that,” you tell him. You realize you just admitted it to the accusation, but there’s no point in defending it anymore.
“Like I give a shit about the others? Really? You’re gonna talk about them?” He scoffs his amusement and leans back in his chair, thick arms crossing over his chest. “Did you come here to ask me questions about the exam or did you just want to be with me all by yourself?”
You hesitate. Is that really the reason you came here tonight? The whole way here you debated this yourself, Mina’s words circling around your head. No, you’re smarter than this. It’s a bad idea to get involved with a teacher – it’s wrong.
“I’m not going to lie or deny the truth,” Professor Bakugou continues, his voice dropping to an uncharacteristically low pitch. “I’m also not stupid. You’re just as scared as me, aren’t you? Of the repercussions.”
Your mouth falls agape. What is he going on about…?
Slowly, Professor Bakugou sits back up, his face getting dangerously close to yours. Hot breath fans over the bottom half of your face. His eyes are heavily lidded, his lashes kissing his cheeks. “I’m not going to force anything on you,” he murmurs. “Tell me to stop and I will.”
Oh my god.
Unable to resist the close proximity anymore, you shoot forward, your hands landing on the arms of the chair; Professor Bakugou’s lips are softer than you anticipated, but in no way is he gentle. Right away he’s clutching the back of your neck, dragging you forward so you’re settled on his lap. The arms of the chair pinch into your thighs at the tight fit, but you could care less. You’re on Professor Bakugou’s lap, you have his tongue in your mouth, his hands landing on your ass and kneading the flesh.
“Fuck, I’ve been wanting to do this forever,” he growls, his hands slipping under your shirt and gliding over your lower back. You arch into his touch, a breathless moan slipping past your lips.
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” you pant.
“I know.”
Fuck, it’s all so good, his tongue licking the inside of your mouth and hands unbuttoning your jeans. A startled noise erupts from your throat as a large hand slides into the front of your pants, cupping your crotch. You buck into his touch, all sense dissipating from your thoughts as you fervently grind into his heated palm. There’s a clutter of paper and office supplies as they hit the floor. Before you know it, you’re rising from the chair, your ass landing on the wooden desk instead.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking hot,” Professor Bakugou grits. Your ass is barely on the desk by the time he’s done dragging you forward, your jeans aggressively getting yanked off, your underwear following suit. Your thighs instinctively snap shut at the cold air making contact with your bared skin, but strong hands pry them apart, fingertips kneading into the flesh. “I wanna make you cum with my tongue.”
“Wai- Ah! Fuck!” you cry out, your fingers clutching onto the edge of the desk as his head ducks down, his mouth latching onto your sex. Until now, you weren’t even aware that you were dripping with arousal. Sinful noises spill from between your legs as Professor Bakugou fucks you with his mouth, his lips wrapping around your most sensitive parts.
“God, you’re such a slut.”
You cry out as he brings a hand down on the innermost part of your thigh; your nerves quake, your blood pumps wildly through your veins. Again, he slaps your thigh, a growl tearing itself from his chest as he looks up, his eyes catching yours.
“Say it.”
“I – I’m a slut,” you babble, tongue feeling heavy in your mouth.
“What was that?”
“I said I’m a slut!” you exclaim, voice cracking.
“I expect you to refer to me properly,” he says darkly, his pupils dilating to the point where you could barely see his irises. “Got it?”
“Yes, sir.”
A single smirk is thrown your way before his mouth is back on you, his tongue lapping up your arousal. His moves are quick, sensual. It’s clear he’s experienced, and you don’t blame him. Just look at him for Christ’s sake. The man is basically sex on legs, all nicely wrapped up in a turtleneck sweater and a simple pair of slacks. The pleasure only heightens as his fingers come into play, prodding at your hole; the tips just barely push past the muscle, leaving you moaning even louder and clutching harder on the desk. Your fingernails scratch the surface, the lacquer coming off.
“Tasty little brat, aren’t ya?” he drawls. Your entire body jolts as he spits on your sex. “I could get used to doing this.”
“Please, sir,” you plead, desperation filling your voice. You want his mouth back on you. You want to cum. “Please, it feels so good…”
Professor Bakugou clicks his tongue. “Shit, you’re even obedient. How nice.” He redoubles his efforts, then, wet noises filling the room along with your heavy breathing.
“Shit, shit, oh my god,” you babble, your body tensing. Still, his tongue digs in just right and there goes your sanity, flying out the window as you cum.
A deep chuckle fills your ears as Professor Bakugou sucks it down; drawing away, he flashes you his tongue, your arousal coating his tongue before he makes a show of swallowing the last bit of it. Wiping his mouth off with the back of his hand, he draws to a stand. The tent in his slacks is obvious, the front of it darker than the rest. Your insides squeeze around nothing, the idea of making him get like that making you feel hotter than before.
You’re hypnotized as he pulls his hands away. His movements are slow and methodical, the clink of his belt echoing throughout the room. Swallowing thickly, you bite your lip as he leisurely undoes his belt and slacks. Blood rushes through your ears, your mind a complete mess. You feel dizzy with want, with the need to sink your teeth into the swell of his pectoral, to claw the plains of his back.
All the air is sucked from your lungs when he finally pulls his cock out, the head flushed a deep red. Your eyes trail over the prominent veins, the fat bead of precum pushing its way out the tip. Fuck, he’s huge, both in length and girth. Whoever told Mina that he was big wasn’t lying. Your legs subconsciously spread even wider, a silent plead for him to fill you up and fuck you raw.
“Tell me you want this,” he husks. He does the honor of unzipping your coat and slipping it off your shoulders before easing you onto your back. The cold from the wood permeates through your shirt, brings a new wave of goosebumps to your flesh.
“Only if you tell me the same thing,” you croak. “Do you fuck all of your students who walk in through that door?”
“No,” Professor Bakugou blatantly says, and you can tell he’s being earnest. “It’s wrong of me to think so, but I’ve been wanting to do something with you since I saw you. It sounds like some sappy bullshit, but it’s the truth. I was too much of a pussy to ask you out for a coffee.”
Something about hearing him confess his feelings to you sets your heart alight. A slight smile tugs at your lips. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“Tch. And you’re a fucking brat.”
Hunching over you, a large hand plants itself by your head while the other guides his cock to your awaiting hole. A shaky breath passes through your mouth as he pushes himself in; the stretch burns, his thick cock filling you up in a way that you didn’t even know was possible.
“Fuck, you’re tight,” he breathes. “Look at you, sucking in my cock like that. What a good little slut. I bet you’ve been waiting for this, haven’t you? I bet you touched yourself while thinking about this very moment, about me fucking you on my desk like this.” A surprised squeak bursts from your throat as he grabs your legs and throws him over his shoulders, effectively bending you in half. “Gotta fuck you nice and deep, right? Because that’s how a slut like you likes it.”
Like this, with your knees almost touching your ears, the tip of his cock hits your soft spot. A pathetic whimper comes from you as he grinds his cock into you, his eyes carefully watching your erotic expressions, figuring out what you like best.
Before long, he’s fucking into with vigor, his hips moving restlessly. His cock pounds into you mercilessly, the slap of skin against skin mixing with your cries. His mouth is at your throat, teeth skimming your jugular before he latches onto your thundering pulse. You helplessly claw at his shoulders, your fingers bunching into the fabric of his shirt. You’re so fucking full, your velvety walls clamping around his cock selfishly. A blend of curses and yes, fuck, you fucking slut fill your ears; he’s panting hard, a slight chuckle breaking through every once in a while.
“Fucking let everyone know who’s fucking you this good,” he grits. “Jesus, look at the mess you’re making…”
“Professor Bakugou!” you whine. “Your cock feels so good… Fuck, fuck, oh my god, yes-“
“Katsuki. My name is Katsuki.”
The name rolls around your brain like a loose bolt. It settles on the tip of your tongue, just waiting to be let out.
It’s when you cum that you shout his name, your walls tightening around him harshly while your nails dig into the meat of his shoulders. A load groan rumbles from the depths of his chest as he follows suit shortly after, his hips moving erratically as his cum splashes against your insides.
The both of you are sweating, panting messes by the time he finally pulls out. You whimper as you clench around nothing, the emptiness a bit too much to bear. Surprisingly, Professor Bakugou – no, Katsuki – is gentle as he cleans you up, his free hand rubbing your side. Swallowing your pride, you clear your throat.
His eyes flick up, land on yours. “What.”
“Do you…” You worry your bottom lip. “Do you want to get coffee sometime?”
Katsuki snorts. “Wow, got a real fucking charmer here, don’t I? How about you come to my place instead and I make you a proper dinner. You didn’t eat yet, did you?”
As if on cue, your stomach growls. Well, you did deny Mina’s offer for dinner, after all. You smile nervously and give him a shrug.
Chest swelling (with pride, you assume), Katsuki flashes you a cocky smile. “I’m a damn good cook, brat. I’ll cook a meal that will have you weak in the knees.”
“Maybe… Maybe you could finally show me how to do that problem?” you offer.
He rolls his eyes. “Will you finally pay attention this time or will I have to pound it into your brain?”
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jisungsmochi · 4 years
rest your love - lee haechan
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don’t worry!! i didn’t forget about this series hehe,, i personally really liked this one!! i’m probably going to try and write more often!
anyways pls enjoy,, i’ll link my masterlist for the other parts of this series (nct dream as ‘the vamps’ songs)
word count: 2.2k 
summary: “when the world gets loud, baby you can rest your love on me”
haechan never understood why people liked to be chased. he thought that all he needed to do was ask someone out and boom, a beautiful relationship. until he befriends you, and learns that sometimes people just need a shoulder to lean on, before they can rest their love on someone.
I see you move, so I do understand
Why you get attention?
I hear you talk, but I don't comprehend
Why I get no mention?
“it’s physically impossible to dislike me, i’m just a catch” haechan brags while walking to his first college class, his friends, renjun and jaemin trailing behind him.
“just because everyone liked you in high school, doesn’t mean people will in college. it’s a completely different ball game” renjun rolled his eyes at how overly optimistic and delusional his friend was being.
“ah let him live, he’ll find out soon enough” jaemin chuckles softly as he and renjun wave to haechan,  scurrying off to their own lectures.
haechan shrugs, not taking in any of his friends words. he stumbled into the classroom, scanning for an empty seat. he quickly made his way to a spare desk, pulling out all his materials. just as the tutor walked into the room, his eyes met those of, who he believed, was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. you flaunted your way to the last empty seat, which happened to be next to the awfully cheery boy, smiling at you.
you weren’t having the best day, immediately regretting your choice of a desk mate. as soon as you sat down, haechan was a blabbering mess. he shot questions left and right at you, despite the fact you barely responded to any of them. you just assumed he wanted to make friends fast, or he was just a chatterbox. “so how are you doing on this fine day?” he mutters to you, but received a stern glare in response. you tilted your head to the front of the room, zoning in on your tutor. haechan would lie if he said he didn’t feel slightly deflated. usually he had no problem making conversation with strangers. but you were so cold, so uninterested, it really hurt his ego. maybe renjun was right, not everyone would like him. but haechan was an unbelievably stubborn optimist. he was going to befriend you, no matter how long it took.
And you know, you know where to find me
Yeah, you know where to go when you're looking for love
And you know, you know where I'm hiding
Yeah, you know
it had been over three weeks since haechan first met you and you still wouldn’t budge. you only spoke to him during group tasks, other than that you continued to ignore his advances. haechan got the message loud and clear that you weren’t going to pay him attention. it took a toll on his own self confidence, until renjun gave him a stern talking to,
“god don’t let her get to your head, dude!! she’s awful for not wanting to be friends with you”
haechan pouted, “but she’s so pretty, i can’t just ignore her”
at that moment, he received a notification on his phone.
y/n: is this haechan? i think you took my notes by accident
his eyes widened, how did you even get his facebook account?
he scrambled around his room, looking into his backpack and surely enough, there were your notes, prettily written up.
haechan: hello! i do have your notes, i can meet you somewhere to hand it back? maybe the cafe? we can get something to eat!
renjun was now peering over haechan’s shoulder, too invested in this interaction.
y/n: no it’s fine, just give it to me next class, thanks
after reading your message, renjun bursted out laughing.
“dude that’s brutal, she’s something else” haechan fiddled with his phone, glaring at the other boy. he clicked on your profile, sending you a friend request as he scrolled through your posts. he saw that your friends had wished you a happy birthday, almost a year ago. he then realised it was in a few days...
“i have the perfect plan to get her to notice me” haechan smirks, renjun rolling his eyes,
“you’re ridiculous”
it was a friday afternoon, when haechan stumbled into class. you looked over at him, expecting some type of greeting, but you didn’t hear a peep from the boy.
strange, you thought to yourself.
as you were preparing for the lesson, haechan pulled something out of his bag. you looked over, noticing a small pink box now placed on your side of the table. you raised your eyebrow at him, in which he whispered,
“happy birthday, y/n”
your face froze. how did he know it was your birthday?
you looked back at the small box, slowly moving your hands to open it. to your surprise, there was a red velvet cupcake, decorated with a ton of rainbow sprinkles. there was a tiny picket that said:
“happy birthday, cutie!”
you couldn’t hide your smile, which only made haechan swoon even more. you weren’t the type to make a big deal out of your birthday, but this gesture from haechan truly made your day. you bit your lip softly, eyes meeting his.
“t-thankyou, haechan. i really appreciate this” you smiled at him softly, not caring that you were now on speaking terms with him.
“anything for you, y/n” he cheerfully responded, turning his attention to the front of the room.
maybe lee haechan was worth letting in...
the days following, haechan would spam you with random texts throughout the day. initially you would have been annoyed, but after his generous birthday gift, you started to enjoy his company. although you wouldn’t say it to his face, you silently appreciated him.
“how is my beautiful, y/n doing?” he smirked as he walked with you after class. he’d always compliment you, each time making you gush inside.
“i’m alright, have a ton of homework to do though” you sigh, thinking back to the stack of work you had on your desk.
“oh poor thing! do you want to copy my work? i have it here right now i ca-“
“no, haechan, it’s okay. if i need help, i’ll just...call you or something” you paused, looking over at the boy whose eyes just lit up like a christmas tree.
“of course you can call me! call me anytime you want!” he exclaimed. you shake your head softly at him as you both continued walking.
once haechan met up with renjun and jaemin again, he couldn’t stop gushing about you.
“...and then she said i could call her! well she said she’d call me, but same thing” he explained your interaction to his two friends as they were eating at a local diner.
“so romantic” renjun sarcastically comments, causing jaemin to elbow him slightly.
“i think it’s a good step! i mean atleast she’s talking to you now” jaemin chimed in, feeding into his friend’s cheerful nature.
“yeah! i have a lot of hope for us” haechan smiles to himself, in which jaemin and renjun looked over at eachother before rolling their eyes.
you did end up calling haechan that night, as you were stuck on the very last question of the homework.
“y/n, it’s hard to explain, let me just send you my answer” haechan insisted,
“no, i feel guilty” you sigh, placing down your pen.
“it’s really okay, i want to help you” you bit your lip, eventually giving in.
“okay fine, but i’ll owe you something in return” you agree, hoping whatever he wanted wouldn’t be too bad.
“hmmm how about going to the movies with me this weekend? i know you wanted to see the new zombie one that just came out” he suggested. although you were shocked he was practically asking you on a date, were more shocked he remembered you talking about this movie.
“do you really think that is proportionate to what you’re doing for me?” you roll your eyes playfully, finding his advances quite endearing.
“yep!! take it or leave it” you hesitated for a moment, what’s the worst that could happen?
“okay fine, you have yourself a deal” you replied. haechan quickly put himself on mute (or so he thought), letting out a loud ‘YES!’, before returning to the call. you had heard everything, softly chuckling to yourself.
he was pretty cute.
That when the stars go out, you can rest your love on me
And when the world gets loud, baby, you can rest your love on me
“that ending was terrible” you pouted as you left the cinema with haechan.
“it wasn’t so bad, it could have been worse” he shrugged, leading you to the next location.
“hm i guess so, by the way, where are we going anyway?” you questioned, walking alongside him, observing your surroundings.
“this cool burger place i found online, here i’ll show you some photos” he pulled out his phone, swiping through the photos. you nodded along, agreeing to let him lead the way.
“y/n? is that you?” you heard a deep voice call, you head shot up, so did haechan’s.
“who’s that?” your mouth went dry. your body froze up. why was he here? why did he have to call out to you?
“oh my god it is you! long time no see” the mysterious boy approached the pair of you, completely disregarding haechan’s existence. he noticed how uncomfortable you were, eyes flickering between the boy and you. he placed his arm loosely around your back, the other boy’s eyes following in suit.
“oh i see, you’re dating someone. dang, i guess i missed my shot. he doesn’t seem like your type” the boy scoffed, arms folded as he stared you both down.
“w-we have to go” you finally bring yourself to mutter, pulling haechan along with you.
“y/n who was that?” haechan kept repeating, which only made you want to cry.
“he’s my ex, okay? just take me home” you sniffled, haechan immediately became concerned. he didn’t ask any further questions, driving you straight back to your place.
as he reached your house, he looked over at you, tears brimming your eyes.
“i-i’m sorry that our day was cut short. i was really enjoying myself. my ex and i ended on pretty bad terms and i would just like some time alone right now, i hope you understand” you sniffled, which made haechan’s heart ache.
“you don’t have to apologise. you know where to find me if you need me. i’ll be waiting for you to open up to me one day, y/n. however long it takes” he assures you, leaving you with a warm feeling in your stomach. you just nodded back at him, making your way into your house.
haechan sat in his car for a while, wishing he could take away all your pain.
you invited haechan to meet you at the local park. with no further questions, he rushed out of his room, eager to see you again. you waited patiently on the small bench, swinging your legs back and forth. you heard heavy footsteps approach, your eyes meeting those of the boy who radiated happiness.
“are you alright?” haechan starts as he takes a seat next to you, leaving a small gap between you both.
“y-yeah, i’m ready to tell you everything” you began,
“he and i ‘dated’ two years ago. i say ‘dated’ because well, i thought we were, but turns out he was just another player and i was just another pawn in his little game. it was my first relationship too, messed me up pretty bad. that’s why i tend to keep to myself, not really letting others in too much. he made me feel like every guy who gave me attention just wanted me for their own selfish needs” you sigh, eyes avoiding haechan’s. he wanted to hold your hand, but opted not to.
“he’s an asshole, you didn’t deserve that. i-i could treat you so much better i promise-“
“haechan, c-can we just slow things down?” you finally made eye contact with him, his face contorting into a confused expression.
“i know you like me, and i would be lying if i said i didn’t have a slight interest in you too. but i don’t think i’m ready for a relationship yet” you admit, worried for his reaction. but to your surprise, he didn’t feel sad or dejected at all. instead he smiled widely at you, leaning in closer.
“i’ll go as slow as you want. you can rest your love on me, whenever you need. i’m just glad to hear you like me too” he batted his eyelids, making you softly chuckle.
“thankyou” you whispered to him, moving closer so that your shoulders touched. the rest of the day was filled with random activities from the arcade, to a bike ride along the park’s trail and finally dinner. haechan came to realise that being with somebody wasn’t black and white. there was a grey area that lied in between. he didn’t care how long he needed to wait, all he knew was that he finally got you to like him. and that was enough to make him the happiest man alive.
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everafterkeiji · 4 years
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Song: Paper Rings by Taylor Swift
Summary: Hanamaki finally seals your fate by proposing to you- with a crappy ring that is.
Pairings: Takahiro Hanamaki x fem! reader
Word count: 6.9k
Genre: absolute fluff and crack, curse words
A/N: not me screaming when i had this idea, I've never felt more single in my life- brb bawling my eyes out- also let's pretend their in the same classes✋
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Well, fate isn't something to be entirely trusted upon and neither should Hanamaki.
"Aw, shit."
He cusses when you bump into him, considering his incredibly tall figure, you were caught off guard on who you even crashed into. A small clink sound lands on the floor as you immediately face the boy who was looking at the ground, quite weirdly searching his pockets.
"Sorry- wait you're Hanamaki right?" You asked him, familiar with his hair color. You've seen him play countless of times due to the support of the school for each of their games yet you've never been this close with him. With his state, you immediately question what's got him so frantic.
He eyes the pen that was dead on the floor and he pouts before crouching down to reach it before he dusts off the dirt on it. He opens the cap of it before mindlessly writing on his hand and frowning even more when the ink didn't held its usual consistency- every stroke of a word had it loosing its pigment.
"Man, 'Kawas gonna kill me." He sighs before putting his hands and pen in his pocket as he looks at you surprised. How can he dismiss that he'd bump into you? He immediately bows in a way to apologize to you, completely forgetting that you were the one to hit him.
You knew he was pertaining to the well known setter but you were solely confused in what he was so worried about. Looking at the pen in his pocket, you saw how the ink was full but there were black spillage in the inside. You raise your eyebrow in confusion.
Did he just drop a new pen?
"I'm sorry I dropped your pen- I can let you borrow mine." You propose to him as he takes the pen in his hands admiring it like a wound in someone's arm. Seeing how you were scrambling in your bag to reach for your pencil case, his eyes sparkled at how it contained numerous pens, highlighters and mechanical pencils.
"Looking at the murder you caused, I'm simply asking for more than one pen then."
You tilt your head in curiosity but instead you opened your pencil case as he digs his hand in there picking three pens making you want to scoff at how he picked the gel pens that were your favorite. He looked at each one, writing on his palm if everything was working. He raises an eyebrow at you making you question if this was a fever dream because of how random it was- he acted like he was in a stationary section and it benefitted him that this particular section was free.
He then takes your hand causing you to internally yelp at his actions. Your eyes trail to what he was writing, you noticed it was his name instead. You look up at him as he smiled. Once he finishes writing, he extends his hand out while with the other hand held a pen ready for you to take.
"What's your name?" He asks processing on your features and asking himself why he's seen you dozens of times yet he's yet to get your name.
"Y/N." You say as he gestures for his hand as if telling you to write it. Somewhat following your instincts, you write your name on his hand. After it, he peeks the spelling of it and then casually shakes your hand as introduction.
"See you around, Y/N! You saved my ass with those pens so I guess I owe you one."
"Those are expensive."
"Now hold on there-"
That was how you met and the universe couldn't even joke about how they put you two together.
Now here you two are, invested in a stare off as Matsukawas sleepy eyes often switch his gaze between you and his best friend.
"Makki, it's in a week."
"I specifically remember it's the week after that."
"You two are hopeless." Issei comments making you laugh as Makki pouts at how you agreed with him. Nevertheless, Matsukawa leans his head on his arm ready to fall asleep at any moment. You return to arranging your notes while Makki twirls a pen in his hands while glancing at you once in a while.
Truth be told, it seems that fate still worked its way to the both of you. Ever since your-rather unique- encounter, a friendship was bound to happen. He surely made an impression on you and how could you miss to not be around him? Soon enough, you were also introduced to his teammates and you disliked how it strengthened your bond with him. There was comfort in his presence and to see him fool around with his teammates always radiated an amazing energy between you and him.
You also wanted to thank Oikawa for being somewhat the reason your conversation led to where you are now.
"What'd the pen do to make you this- scared?" You asked as he puts both hands behind his head, leaning on the seat.
"It's a scary pen when it belongs to Oikawa." You turn to him confused as you rest your chin on the palm of your hand, ears perking up at how interesting it was.
"You're telling me you don't own a single pen and you always borrow Oikawas?" He scoffs with a smile before looking at you.
"Of course I bring pens, it's just better if it was from him." You let out a loud laugh, finding it hard to believe this was the sole reason Oikawa would commit murder on him. Hanamaki smiles at the sound of your laugh before shaking his head, at awe at the situation.
It was a coincidence how Oikawa always found a way to strike a nerve to Hanamaki when you visit them in the gym. He knew that beyond his teammates calm composure was a boy who undoubtedly likes you. Ever since Hanamaki returned the pen to him, he knew it wasn't his and in his mind, he asked himself who could've lent him a pen, more so that he had three brand new ones.
So when he sees you tagging beside him, he's taken his first lead to figure the two of you out. After a few more observations, he's convinced that you two were just blind to the feelings that were lingering around.
He's told Iwaizumi about it but all he got was a lecture on how he should let Hanamaki take it easy with asking you out. Which he also argued since it was taking too long, making Iwaizumi land him a smack to the head.
He had his boundaries, maybe not for himself, but for his friends he was more than willing to wait for this relationship to come together.
"So- a date? That's cool right? I mean arcades and shit."
"Makki, you're a loser."
"Arcades are awesome shut up."
"Yeah, for sure. Like Y/N is interested in 'arcades and shit'." Mattsun chuckles as Hanamaki lets out another pout as he sinks in his bed.
"I mean- we've gone on hang outs, she likes them anyway!" He argues making Mattsun shake his head with an amused smirk on his lips.
"So you're telling me you've actually had dates with her then?" Issei asks as Hanamaki shrugs making the other boy groan at the lack of response. Hanamaki raises his head, pursing his lips at the actual thought.
You have actually gone on multiple dates with him. If you could even call it that. To Makki, he thought they were just subtle friendly things but he realizes how he's actually grown some fondness in each place.
"Y/N no I'm telling you- if I were the mastermind, we'd be successful." He argues before taking a sip from his drink. You rolled your eyes as you let your mind ran through the scenarios of having a heist with him and the boys.
You two just finished a heist movie and now you had to endure Makkis fantasies of how it would go down if the characters were him and the rest of the volleyball team. He was so invested in it that you actually had an entire plot and characterization for each teammate.
He argued that he'd be the best mastermind to ever conjure a plan for a heist. A stealthy ninja is what he says he mimics. You tried to argue that Iwaizumi would be good at it, since you noticed how responsible and at control he was but it had Hanamaki listing his reasons.
"No one would ever notice me! Because you know what- their attention would be on Oikawa! Then boom, get in the getaway car with a shit ton of money and thanks to who? Me of course." You let out a laugh making him stop his occupied thoughts to take a look at you. He adores the sound of it too much, especially since he was the usual cause of it. He sees the way you were wiping your eyes with the scenarios he'd told you.
Then your laughter slowly fades when you started to eat again as Makki admires you and how you've effortlessly got his mind to set more dates just to see you this happy.
You look up from your previous position, looking at him with an eyebrow raised.
"Wait, where am I in the heist then?"
He looks at you, almost blurting out the initial idea he had for you in this specific role.
Honestly, I'd spend the money on you. Take you anywhere you wanted to go, Y/N.
That was what he wanted to say but his mouth translated it to a different saying.
"You could die-"
"Makki!" You shouted playfully, ruffling his hair. He laughs but unknowingly, his hand lands on top of yours when you sat back down.
"Excuse you, I can be a good distraction and assistance for action." You commented making him scoff.
"Yeah like you'd be able to hold a gun for a second."
"Please, I had Oikawa beg me to delete a photo of him."
"Okay maybe you are powerful."
You laughed once again, not even feeling how right it was for you to be holding hands like this. It felt comforting yet it brought your heart to speed up like it was in a marathon. You wondered if Makki felt the same, or was this another act of friendliness?
"I wouldn't want you to get hurt though." He whispers, making you smile and blush at the same time. As if it was another point on the score board for how many times he's had your heart go on a frenzy.
"Well, that's what the great mastermind is for right? To keep us safe and succeed?" You say, making him give a gentle squeeze to your hand, as you glanced down on them enjoying the way it looked.
As if I'm gonna let anyone lay a hand on you, Y/N. You're safe with me always.
After a few sly times where he'd hold your hand while you crossed the street or even tugging on your jacket when passing through a huge crowd so he doesn't lose you, he's realized he would absolutely drop the stars for you. He doesn't know whether he should feel terrified because of how he could put your friendship at risk but then he feels- almost relieved that the first person he could ever love is you.
It shouldn't even be difficult to ask you to hang out. You'd usually respond a second after he asks you, it's not even that big of a deal.
Now it's different.
He's finally gotten a clutch on his feelings and he thinks about his next moves. He often just let things happen, loving the way the moments just flowed naturally and perfect in some way but now he's choosing his words since he didn't plan on confessing in such a dorky way- especially when he just says it out loud without proper practice.
"Why don't you ask Oikawa for help then?" Issei suggests making the boy shake his head at the thought already.
"Do you know how much blackmail that idea comes with? He'll never live it down." Hanamaki says as he scrolled through his phone, almost frowning at the thought of humiliation coming from their captain.
"C'mon! He knows a lot of shit about flirting and dates! Maybe even help you in confessing, idiot."
He thinks about that deeply. Each member of the team would have completely diverse answers. As of the mean time, the only proper suggestions he'd get is from Iwaizumi, Oikawa and Mattsun. Though Mattsun has given him plenty of advices, he knew Oikawa was at the top for someone's idea of romance. The man has fangirls, he's obviously heard and experienced many hopeless romantic scenes in his life.
Iwaizumi would've actually been a lot of help knowing the guy is very good at maintaining control and responsibility. He'd give the proper date ideas, the mood to set. He looked like the perfect blueprint for Hanamaki to copy. He also believed that Iwaizumi would think nothing of these advices so it's a win-win if you ask him.
"Right, okay. I got this."
"Why me though?" Iwaizumi asks as Hanamaki spikes another ball.
"Look Iwa- I genuinely trust your judgment more. I just need help." Iwaizumi chuckles before collecting another ball.
"Fine fine. Just meet me after practice."
Hanamaki cheers when he hears him, even smiling now that he can figure out a way to show you how much he likes you.
Sure, he's doing it unintentionally sometimes. Tiny signs that should show you how he is absolutely in love with you. He'd show this in various ways as well. It comes as an instinct in some way. He'd hit you with a "let's have lunch" and you'd gladly accept. Mattsun has pointed out that Makki has already made a move on you countless of times but it had Makki questioning the depths of being friendly and going through courting you.
You haven't even made things official yet these so-called dates had your classmates wondering how your relationship started, even if it hasn't. Makki would always lean his head on your shoulder during lunch, to rest his brain from the lessons. For you, it's nothing. Makki has always been like this after you got comfortable with each other. This affectionate side of him even had Mattsun wonder why on Earth would he ask for help when he clearly doesn't need it.
The three of you are now seated in a lecture, boredom crossing your minds but Mattsun's mind was rattled by Hanamaki. After their conversation about asking help from Oikawa, he thought that Makki would actually go through the plan. Looking back on his motives with you, he just doesn't see a reason why he needs assistance from the setter. He can handle this all on his own, so scribbling down on a piece of paper, he throws it to Hanamaki who awakens by the action.
Hanamaki yawns as he opens the crumpled paper, his eyes widening and cheeks heating at the group of words.
'You can literally just confess to her now, even without shittykawa.'
He glares at Mattsun while the other boy shrugs with an expression that says "seriously, it's not that deep." He huffs before grabbing a pen and replying to his previous statement, then throwing it again.
'Try confessing to the girl you like during a lecture, Sherlock.'
Mattsun chuckles as Makki crosses his arms in front of his chest. His eyes land on you, who is fixated on the lecture. He smiles softly at the idea of a date with you, but this faint moment was ruined when Mattsun directly throws the ball of paper to Hanamakis face, earning a chuckle from some of his classmates.
He opens with eyebrows furrowed, annoyed at the shot.
'Not now dumbass, after classes. Just go up to her and say you like her, it's that easy dude.'
Hanamaki turns to him mocking his words while Mattsun rolls his eyes as Makki writes again. As he was about to throw the paper in Mattsuns direction, a student raised their hand hitting the paper and it suddenly landed on the floor beside you instead. The boys had their eyes widen as you saw the paper.
In a flash, Hanamaki picks up the piece of paper before you could grab a hold of it and you let out a gasp when he suddenly appeared in front of you. You blinked at him as he slowly walked away, wide eyed, to avoid conflict with the teacher.
You and Mattsun share a look together as you looked away, utterly speechless at what just happened. When you looked away, Mattsun hides his laughter by stuffing his face in his arm as Makkis cheeks never grew out of its red shade.
Meanwhile, Mattsun finally held a memory that he can never forget.
"It's not a big deal. You guys have been friends for so long. I don't think Y/N would mind." Iwaizumi comments making Hanamaki silent.
Can you really feel the same way?
A year of knowing you- should that be enough to fall in this deep? Is there even a requirement before someone can confess? Because in a span of time knowing you, there wasn't a moment where he regretted anything. He could thank the universe for one stupid pen, maybe even Oikawa. Everything that led to where you are now, he's never been more contented in his life.
During movies, your favorite spot was to lean your head on his shoulder. To just sling your arm around his waist on the way home, holding his hand while walking through crowds, it just fits. No matter where you were, what you were doing with him, it seemed like there wasn't an extra space in the puzzle pieces, it all connected.
But you two couldn't figure it out for yourselves.
"Well, does every confession need some sort of grand gesture?" He asks Iwaizumi. The ace bites his lips before kicking a rock on the path he was walking on.
"I don't really know. What does Y/N like anyway?"
"Hopefully me." Hanamaki jokes, but he deeply wanted it to be real. He figures if all of this asking for help was going to guarantee him something good, better yet, a yes from your lips. But first, he had to answer Iwaizumis question.
"She likes simple things- you know how she likes it when I like hold her stuff and all? She also likes those weird food thingys at one date-or hang out we had- you know that scent that reminds you of a romance movie-"
"Makki, you know her this well and you're nervous for nothing. I'm sure that she'll love whatever you do- you're friends for a reason." Iwaizumi says making Hanamaki sigh, hearing those words again.
"Exactly! That's the problem. Fuck- I can't even act like I don't like her. Am I being too obvious or friendly? I don't know where the line ends or starts. I shouldn't get nervous cause it's her- she doesn't care what I do- she's happy with whatever but I just want it to be.. perfect." He rants and ends it with a tired sigh. God, he was getting frustrated. At this point his feelings were overwhelming him, he just needed an outlet for it.
He can't just act like the sight of your smile doesn't make him smile as well, or even just seeing your sleepy state when you walk into class. If his heart didn't flutter whenever you were around, maybe by then you couldn't call it admiration but he just fell and there wasn't a way to stop him.
He didn't wanna stop either.
"Mattsun." You say as Mattsun lets out another laugh as you roll your eyes. It was after practice and since Takahiro couldn't walk you home because he told you he had to talk to Iwaizumi about something, Issei was the one to walk you home.
"This is gold." He states making you shove him a bit. He smiles when he sees you pout. This is where he decides. He could literally say how Hanamaki was asking him for advices like you are right now, but a side of him just wants to see what Makki could do. It was all too funny for him, even if hated how oblivious you two were.
If Hanamaki was falling for you with each day, you did the same. It was inescapable. You met him during second year and the fact that he had you tugging on your heart strings, it was something you can't ignore.
"What exactly are you doing?"
"I'm studying, 'Hiro. What's up?" You asked him as he raised an eyebrow at you. You stopped writing to look at him fully.
"We're at a mall." He states like you didn't know. It was bizarre to go to a mall cafe and your purpose was to study when you were with the spontaneous Hanamaki. That's on you for getting distracted on your strict teachers subject.
"Yes, Makki. I know that." He lets out a pft then takes the notebook of yours, closing it. Even putting on the caps of your pens and placing them back in your pen pouch. He also grabs your bag and placing all of those items inside.
You didn't stop him though. You've had enough with 'studying either way'. You'd die if saw how you weren't even taking notes, you were actually writing about how beautiful his eyes were. You were just purely lucky that he didn't care what you were writing because he thought it was about school.
"Happy now?" You asked him as he nods with a childish grin.
"Super. Let's go, cutie." Your eyes widened with his statement so you turn your head away to sling the backpack on your shoulder but he stops you before you could.
He removes his hoodie and hands it to you, making you stare at him.
"What for?"
"It's hot- well duh it's cold, Y/N. C'mon I wanna go to cinema. " He says nonchalantly as you take the hoodie and wear it. What causes you to stop midway was when he pulled down your blouse to prevent it from rising up when you wore his jacket. After placing your arms in, you blushed at minimal gesture.
It made Hanamaki let out a cough, when he did it like a reflex, not even thinking about it.
"Cutie huh?" You teased making him roll his eyes, though he was thankful that you broke the silence.
"Yeah no shut it."
There were many more memories that could list out why you liked him but maybe they just held the same reason.
"Leave him a note then if you can't say it in person." Mattsun suggests, even though he wishes he could've said something else. He doesn't know if that was a good suggestion or not. This could ruin whatever Makki was planning on doing. He should ask him about his plan later on so he can tell you what not to do in order for his best friend to succeed.
You reached the front of your house as you gave Issei a hug, to thank him. He pats your hair as your pull away from him.
"Hey, you've got this. It's you and Makki." He says smiling, assuring you. You nod at him as you sent a wave, him doing the same then walking away.
When you entered your room, your phone rang. Seeing Makkis name light up your room had you answering it in a heartbeat.
"Makki, what's up?"
"Hey, I just called to say I'm sorry I couldn't walk you home today. " He says running his fingers through his hair. He did want to walk with you but he trusted Mattsun. He couldn't waste the time Iwaizumi gave him for advice.
"It's fine, 'Hiro. Mattsun and I are fine." He smiles at what you said, while you left your phone on the nightstand you decided to change out of your uniform. While Makki decides on what to say next.
"Hey Y/N?" He calls for you, once you were done dressing up, you took the phone lying down on your bed.
"Wanna go out, for real this time?"
"I'm gonna go sleep." He says, biting his tongue, despising how he couldn't say it. He hears you yawn on the other end of the line.
"That's a lie but night Makki Makki!" You said chuckling as his ears turned red at the nickname. He shakes his head with a smile.
"Goodnight, dumbie."
"Hey! I called you a decent nickname."
"Wow okay then. Goodnight, princess."
Hold up, he said what?
I said that?
He quickly ends the call before you could let out a comment on what he just said. A wave of panic rushes to him not knowing your reaction. You covered your face with the pillows the surrounded you, letting out a frustrated scream.
The morning comes and Hanamakis heart was racing like he going to attend a deadly match but in reality he was just going to confess. He's set all the things that he needed for today, mostly the materials but he himself wasn't nearly as ready.
He's going to wear a uniform. How the fuck do you make that look presentable and polished? Should he wear a new hoodie for you to wear afterwards? Just- how?
He's been staring at himself for too long then he hears his parents call for him saying that Mattsukawa was at his front porch. He sighs before grabbing his bag and heading out of his room.
"So you ready?" Issei asks as Hanamaki shrugs. He wanted it to end right away but then again he wants things to slow down while he sees your reaction when does it.
"Fuck no. Iwaizumi helped me with a few things, he said something about gifts so I searched for some." Mattsukawa nods, as he thinks about what you were up to. Can it actually happen now? The two idiots would finally have the guts to confess on the same day?
"Honestly, this will be very entertaining. What time?"
"I was thinking kind of like after school." He says making Mattsukawa agree with him. It benefits the both of you. Never in a rush to admit, it could also give Makki some time to accomplish some of his plans.
"Do you think it'll go ok?" Hanamaki asks, almost nervous for his answer. Mattsukawa only smiles, knowing the possible ending.
Betrayer. Oikawa thinks.
He lets out a pout of annoyance and when he spots you, he immediately walks over to you before Hanamaki could.
"Morning Oikawa! Have you seen-"
"Y/N-chan! I'll walk you to class today!" He says sweetly making you question in what was going on. He sees you peer your head over his shoulder, looking for Hanamaki which made him scoot a bit so your vision was blocked. Realizing that Hanamaki probably hasn't arrived yet, you shrugged.
"Okay, Tooru."
As Oikawa slings his arm around your shoulder, he could feel Takahiros stare as he walked with you. Even Iwaizumi had to double take on what he just saw.
"What's with him?" Hanamaki asks, feeling a slight burn in his heart when he sees you laughing with the pretty setter.
"I don't know, maybe he's just bugging her." Iwaizumi comments, making Makki roll his eyes. Mattsun takes notice of his behavior and lets out a chuckle.
"Aww, seriously. It's Oikawa! He's not going to steal your girl." Hanamaki blushes at his words and the boys eye his reaction, making them laugh at the change. Makki rolls his eyes before letting out a sigh, an act as if to reassure himself that things would go according to plan.
When Makki enters the room and meets your eyes, you already flash him a smile gesturing for him to seat with them. Oikawa sends a glare in his way making Mattsun lazily raise an eyebrow to the setter. Oikawa turns his attention to you once again, his chin on his palm as he stares at you.
"You're so pretty Y/N-chan! Wouldn't want that to go to waste do we?" Your ears couldn't really believe what you just heard. A sea of gasps echoed through the room when the compliment left Oikawas mouth. Murmurs of how luck you were started to spread and Makki was stood frozen.
"Flirting with my best friend isn't cute, shittykawa." Hanamaki comments, a distinct tone in his voice that didn't sound all too jokingly. The word best friend rings in your head as you actually felt a strike to your heart with his words.
How can you confess like this when you're down to rejection?
You felt like Hanamaki gave you a wake up call. Is this really the farthest you could go? Just friends? You let out a sigh, suddenly throwing away your previous plans of admitting your feelings for him. You gripped the pen in your hand as you tried not to be controlled by the pain.
Mattsukawa sees how your hand was trembling, replaying what Makki said, he nudges the boy next to him who was busy giving a cold shoulder to Oikawa. Mattsukawa prays that Hanamaki realizes what he just said.
Hanamaki feels the harsh nudge of his best friend making him look your way, a downcast evident in your features. Before he could ask you what's got you upset, the teacher walks in making Oikawa and Iwaizumi leave. Oikawa passes by Hanamaki making the tension even more noticeable.
Mattsukawa grips Hanamakis arm, to stop his mouth from sending a snarky comment and to hold him back from a glare. Hanamaki sits in his usual place as he ponders on what's gotten you this down. Was it Oikawa? What did he tell you? Could it be something that included him?
He sincerely hopes it doesn't involve him or else his hearts going to keep aching with jealousy.
What the fuck?
That was the only question that lingered in Hanamakis head.
Throughout the day, he figured that he'd be able to avoid you without you knowing what he was doing but instead, he found himself getting distracted in the fact that you sat with Oikawa between breaks. He couldn't even focus where to put the gifts in, he's totally forgotten about his locker and the possibility of you finding about it makes him panic.
He just hated how he feels the envy consume him. It took him a while to not give in to it. He had to continue, if he didn't- he would cower away. He wasn't going to waste another chance because of Oikawa, he can promise you that.
"You think Oikawa knew something? Maybe he's actually stalling you." Mattsukawa suggests, to remind Hanamaki that he was sure the setter isn't a barrier to his plans.
"He said something to her- I just know it. She's distant with me." He says tiredly, Iwaizumi leans on his arm to whisper to Hanamaki.
"Maybe he figured out you were going to confess." Iwaizumi says shrugging, Hanamaki shakes his head.
Are you turning him down then if this was real?
A way to softly push him away and tell him that your friendship mattered more?
If this was the case, he's leading his heart to a trap.
And it went like this until Makki had to confront Oikawa, sick of the change in you. It was practice time so he had the setter to himself. He knew you were waiting for him so he decided to take matters into his own hands.
He just wanted to be yours already.
"Oikawa, what did you tell her?" He asks quietly. Even if his heart held its beat because of jealousy, he's sure that the boy he was talking to had no interest in you the same way he has. Oikawa has never shown you signs of love or any affection at all. Sure, it was fun to be around him but he looked at you as a friend, a company he can find comfort in but who's to say Makki doesn't feel nervous?
"I didn't tell her anything what are you talking about?" The boy answers making Makki sigh.
"She's avoiding me. It doesn't make sense then." Oikawa raises an eyebrow at Takahiros expression. He looked so- distraught. It starts to sink in him how the lack of your presence takes a toll on his friend and there was the tiny ounce of regret that hits his mind.
When he sees Hanamaki open his locker to reveal a boquet of flowers, his eyes widen. He then closes them immediately, cursing himself for the misunderstanding.
"Isn't that what you were supposed to give Aika?" He asks, his throat dwelling with nervousness. Hanamaki furrows his eyebrows, evidently confused in how their classmate who he is even close to, got dragged into the situation.
I hate running.
He says to himself whie doing it, he's never ran this fast before. God, now everything was at rush. He had to pack his things immediately, make sure the sweat didn't cling to him like it did. He even had to rummage through his locker to make sure everything was inside his bag. Mattsukawa was also frantic. Iwaizumi was calm enough to knock some sense into Oikawa after Hanamaki tells the news on what exactly happened.
So here he was running to your neighborhood, flowers and all because he'd be dumb enough to be the guy in Oikawas misunderstood scenario.
"Wait okay fuck I'm sorry- I might have heard something wrong earlier." He says, a hand to the back of his neck. Hanamaki isn't sure if he should feel relieved that Oikawa doesn't have any admiration towards or feel the fucking rage to strangle him for whatever led to this.
"What exactly did you hear anyway?"
"I can't just give the flowers to Aika. I can't act like an admirer of hers, I have to confess to her myself." Hanamaki says sighing as Iwaizumi and Mattsukawa nods.
Oikawa turns his back on the trio as he frowns at the idea of you and Hanamaki not being a couple. It seems that his friendly gestures didn't actually hold anything else, he'd fallen for Aika instead. Though he feels slightly pissed that Hanamaki led you on in some sort of way.
Once he sees you, he immediately goes your way in order for you to not witness the heartbreak that was about to unfold.
"Oikawa, I was planning to confess to Y/N. Mattsukawa suggested that I try to give her the flowers anonymously at first by letting Aika bring it to her but like I said, I didn't wanna look like an unknown loser." Hanamaki lets out a puff of annoyance as Oikawa rests his hand on the boys shoulder, now that tiny ounce of guilt grew and grew.
"I'm really really sorry, Makki." He says sincerely, Hanamaki sighs before nodding at Oikaws, accepting his apology knowing Iwaizumi could lecture the boy after his slip up.
"I need to go to Y/N now." He says but Kindaichi looks at his teammate with a water bottle in hand.
"Y/N-san left hours ago." He says as Hanamaki sends a glare towards Oikawa then he looks at Kunimi just to confirm Kindaichis statement. Kunimi nods before returning back to his unbothered state. Hanamaki lets out a scream of frustration as he dashes towards Mattsukawa and Iwaizumi, Oikawa being dragged along by his shirt.
"Oi, did you two fight?"
"Long-story short he thought I was giving the flowers to Aika. Now please, lecture the damn asshole- I need to find Y/N." He basically hands Oikawa to Iwaizumi who already landed a ball to the captains head as he runs off to his locker to leave immediately.
He could never adore someone else when you remained to stay at the top of his list- since no other name follows it.
He pats down his sweat with a towel before drinking water then spraying his cologne all around him. He was in front of your room door since your parents gladly invited him in while he mentions to be quiet at the sight of the boquet of flowers in hand and now it's finally happening. He was either going to face a prize or a bucket of tears.
Here goes nothing then.
He knocks on the door as you continued to scroll through your phone but you spoke, "It's open!"
He opens it softly, before stepping in your room, closing the door in the process. You look up from your phone only to get the life knocked out of you when you see Hanamaki.
"Hey Makki-"
"Y/N please I just need to tell you something okay."
He takes the vacant spot next to you on your bed as both your hearts pounded loudly with each second. Your mind couldn't stop racing at what he was going to say if it was just flat out rejection, meanwhile Hanamaki doubts what he bought you. He carefully takes your hand with his, caressing it gently while your cheeks were heating at the moment.
"Y/N I-"
You roll your eyes before ending the call, not even caring to know who called. Meanwhile, Makki wanted to stop himself from coughing from the embarrassment.
The phone rings. Oh, fuck me.
"Go on- really sorry." You say with a slight chuckle, as he smiles, thankful you read the room at how nervous he was. Instead, he went to his bag to find a certain box. Once he finds the blue box, he takes your palm and places the object on it.
You smiled at him you opened the box, praying that you don't let out a squeal when you see what's inside.
"Paper rings?" You say chuckling as Hanamakis eyes widen, threatened to pop out of his sockets since he was in full disbelief. You laughed as Hanamaki tried to get the back from you but you ran from your bed to wear the damn thing.
"Y/N!" He yells trying to reach the box from your hands but your laughter echoes through the room.
You're too fucking cute for me. You think to yourself.
"It's a perfect fit on me, Takahiro." You say even holding out your hand with the paper ring as Hanamaki hides his face on a pillow, an attempt to hide the humiliation. He can never bounce back from this. Where was the actual matching rings that he bought? The one with yours and his initials were embedded on? Did he leave it on his desk when he was trying to figure out your ring size? He was truly fucked.
When you tried to reach for him, the ring broke since it was surrounded by tape and it didn't really held strength to it. Realizing that it was folded paper, you opened it seeing scribbles and doodles from Makki.
Y/N's ring size is 6 maybe 7?
Get the flowers that Iwaizumi suggested. Which flower was it again? The ones that symbols love? Fuck it.
Does she prefer me with this perfume or not?
She smells amazing all the time, I hate it.
God, I like her too much it's unbelievable.
I feel like I'm proposing to her but I'm not complaining.
You immediately drop the paper to look at him, switching your gaze between him and the paper. You hid your face in your hands as you wondered if this was actually reality. Hanamaki likes you back? Proposing? It was overwhelmingly cute.
Hanamaki lifts his head from the pillow and he sees you looking like you were embarrassed for him. He immediately goes to you, hands on yours as he tries to lift them off your face.
"Do you want me to kiss it better?" He teases, hopefully it was able to grab your attention, and it did. You slap his chest from how flustered you were as he laughs before taking you in his arms, playing with your hair as your mind goes blank.
"Okay maybe the secret is out but I'm serious, Y/N. I like you- so fucking much it makes me wanna buy all the shit you want if we succeed in a heist- and I never wanna stop feeling this. The ring is crappy but I've got the actual one in my room so" He pulls away from your embrace as he lifts your chin to meet with his face who was intoxicatingly close.
"Do you accept my proposal of being my girlfriend?"
"If I said no?" You teased with a smile as he chuckles before locking his lip with yours, his hand finding its way to your cheek as you immediately kiss back, the pieces finally clicking in its rightful place. He deepens the kiss as your hand finds its way to the nape of his hair, pulling him closer while his own hands make a trip to your waist who he soon finds addicting.
He pulls away, caressing your cheek as your forehead touched, smiles plastered on either faces.
"I gladly accept, 'Hiro."
"Not like I'll take no for an answer, princess."
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no-disco · 3 years
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NME, 2nd May 1981. Photo by Jean Bernard Sohiez
transcription under the cut.
article retrieved from sacreddm.net on the wayback machine, photos from www.depeche-mode.be/magazines/1980-1989/nme-r677
  “When I’m introduced to people they all look in horror at me, and say – that’s Daniel Miller?!?
  “Which suits me perfectly. That’s what I like. They all expect some kind of Steve Strange character. That,” continues Daniel, gleefully chopsticking at the seaweed on his plate, “makes me very happy. That I’m still Normal. Not quite right.
  “I’ve never fitted in, I suppose.”
  His smile works better than underfloor heating.
  Daniel Miller, also known as The Normal. Also known as The Silicon Teens. The earmaster behind the various works of Fad Gadget, DAF, and now the chart-enterers Depeche Mode. Founder and pilot of Mute Records. Grace Jones covered his “Warm Leatherette”, the flip of his epoch-making “TVOD”, positively the first synthesiser weird pop single, released in ’77.
  The strangeness of that sound is difficult to conceive of now, with synthesisers almost as common as electric typewriters (both keyboard instruments). Daniel’s newscaster evenness, the accent plummy after months of yobspeak, rattling through a terse morse code of images, all ominous as the froth on bursting pods (really, they’re human clones…).
  The rhythm was all machines! If things carried on this way, regular human musicians would be redundant!
  They were to become clichés in their turn, but moments like the growing entry of random radios, coupled with the teen-appeal of lines like “I don’t need no TV screen, I just stick the aerial into my vein” were shiny new currency then [1], suggested a marginally less bourgeois origin than Daniel’s bedroom in Golder’s Green.
  But that is precisely the glory of Mute. The incongruity of a professional drop-out from a media-conscious middle-class immigrant background, a man who looks more like a messy college lecturer than a pop star, setting the controls for a swathe of svelte synthesisers.
  At the time Daniel made “TVOD” he wasn’t in contact with any other musicians. He basically worked in complete isolation, with only the early works of Neu, Kraftwerk, Can and Klaus Schulze pointing vaguely in similar directions. And they weren’t making independent pop singles, either.
  He’d just got back from working as a disc jockey in Swiss clubs – this was before the synthadisco boom, so it was down to Abba and Schlager music; heavy metal.
  Daniel had already scored some Normal musical credentials; “I played with groups when I was at school. I suppose that’s what decided me to work alone.
  “I was really frustrated. I couldn’t play guitar” – I flash on hearing Daniel and Fad Gadget condemn a record with their ultimate insult: “Ugh! They’re a guitar band!” – “I couldn’t express myself musically.
  “When I was 14 I used to play noise alone in my room, using metal objects to hit the guitar with. I was always arguing about music with my friends, people in the band. I had very strong ideas. Everybody always thought I was nuts. Our band was terrible. We used to play at dances and parties. That was the best thing about it – we were the worst musicians from all the bands in the school (King Alfred’s in Hampstead) so there was no pressure to be good musically…”
  Which helps explain why, when Daniel returned from his Swiss DJ excursion in ’76, he yelled “What the fux this?” with great glee on hearing The Ramones. He loved the noise. He adored the lack of guitar solos.
  “Guitars? Well… they have their place. I like Keith Levene, and Marco when he was with Rema-Rema. They’re not using the guitar in the traditional way. It used to play along and provide a rhythmic backing for the voice, then play a melody in the middle, but its function was becoming circular. It was just repeating itself, not leading anywhere in music.
  “The good guitarists now are the ones that have been listening to synthesizers. Guitarists used to think they were getting better because they were playing more notes to the minute, playing longer solos, jazz-rock riffs, meaningful classical influences. In fact, it was the same with keyboards and drums too – quantity is quality.
  “Not to mention the sexual role of the guitar… I’m not clear on my ideas about this, but it’s – the guitar as truncheon. Why women in bands play guitar, I think that’s really strange. In many ways it’s a very offensive male instrument…” [2]
  All of which is in contrast to the synthesizer, which Daniel sees as one of those instruments you can play best when you can’t play at all.
  Thus, inspired by the new-found punk do-it-yourself philosophy, Daniel decided to go back to work in the “crushingly boring” field of editing TV commercials, freelance, to raise the money for a £200 Korg 700S synthesiser in early ’77. Then he bought a TEAC four-track, 7½” per second, with small reels, and started mucking about for fun at home – again, without realising that Cabaret Voltaire, Human League and Throbbing Gristle were up to the same japes. Then he decided to make a record, after hearing about The Desperate Bicycles’ self-production.
  “I never thought of approaching a ‘major’ label. I didn’t like them because they’d ruined quite a few of my favourite bands – like Can, Faust and Klaus Schultze with Virgin. May be the companies just thought it was cool to sign those bands, and didn’t have much judgement of what was good.
  “The idea of being an independent appealed to me because if I’m working with someone else I just tend to put the load on them, it’s more personal than ideological” (more power then to Mute’s doughty Hildy Swengard who carries her load like a feather – even down to sneaking the workaholic Daniel off to surprise holidays to prevent total collapse) “So I rented an echo unit for three days…”
  Daniel pressed up 500 of “TVOD” / “Warm Leatherette”. “It was just the same process as film – you cut, process, approve… I thought nobody would be interested at all. The only thing remotely like it was Kraftwerk. Punk was big then, and getting very boring. I’ve sold 30,000 by now – and that’s just from England. It’s also been released in America, France and Australia.
  “When I took the test pressing into Rough Trade, they just loved it and said they’d help me press 2000. I was dead chuffed. Although I didn’t know any music people, I’d heard of Rough Trade, and I knew they were supposed to be – quite cool.”
  Since the unprecedented success of his single as The Normal, Daniel hasn’t released anything as a solo artiste. Officially, that is. Why?
  “I was taken aback by the good reviews. It made me a bit nervous. Does that make sense? I thought I was making a record no one wanted to listen to or buy. I didn’t even want it to be liked all that much. Then I thought – what’s the point of making another record?
  “But I was besotted with electronic music. I felt that this was what people should be doing, or listening to, there was so much you could do with it…”
  Flash back to Stiff Little Fingers’ first big tour, when “Inflammable Material” had just come out. Daniel and Robert Rental performing on the same bill.
  All the black leather’d pogo puppies staring bemused at these two unlikely figures, unglamorous in all the ways expected of people that get up on a stage before a young audience. Quite a polite response, considering so many people seemed to dislike it…
  What of the established idea of the musician as poser, extrovert style-setter? Where do you stand with that one?    ”I feel like I’m in a different world, musically and ideologically. I don’t feel that I have anything to do with rock and roll music or ideas – not then, anyway. Now I’m more realistic. For example – the Mute night that John Curd’s putting on at the Lyceum. [3] Life is so full of contradictions.
  “It’s hard for a band that if they want huge chart success they still have to follow the old routines, like touring. Some bands, like PiL, get away with it – great band. They should be on Mute, then they’d really go places!
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
you’re taking reaction/imagine requests? asdfghjkl um- can we have an imagine with ateez teasing and embarrassing you in front of your classmates during your online classes during quarantine? i know it sounds lame zxcbxm
❥ kim hongjoong
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“so i was thinking i could do this part and maybe you could do-“
hongjoong opened the door to your shared bedroom, making you look up from your computer and narrow your eyes at your boyfriend. you subtly shake your head at him before continuing to speak to your project partners. 
he had heard you complain for the past week about how they hadn’t been doing anything, that their powerpoint slides and essay portion still wasn’t done despite the deadline being tomorrow. he raised an eyebrow at the girl’s nasally voice saying that she still didn’t quite understand what she had to do. 
he could only listen to you for so long try to explain it to her, voice high and shaky the way it always is when you’re uncomfortable; he knows how much you prefer working alone, that group work and public speaking are the two worst aspects for you in school. 
it’s why he prances his way over to your desk as you look into the camera, only sensing his presence when he leans over your shoulder and places his arm down on the desk. “are these the girls who weren’t doing shit?” he asks, mouth in your ear but the words loud enough for everyone to hear. your cheeks flame and you push him away from the desk, stuttering out an apology as you glare at hongjoong who’s looking at you from across the room. 
embarrassment and all, though, it must’ve hit a nerve in them because when you checked back at the document a few hours later, after yelling and scolding hongjoong for a good thirty minutes, everything was completed. 
❥ park seonghwa
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you had told him to stay out of the camera. that you would stay in the living room with him but that he couldn’t make a sound or have his presence known. 
and it’d been working until your teacher called on you to answer a question, his voice hard and commanding the way all of your classmates have grown used to. everyone had just thought the man hated you all, his blunt way of speaking and loud, booming tone scaring the shit out of all of you for the first few weeks of class.
you came to learn that’s just how he was, a severe case of tough love that some long-time professors just harbor after dealing with loudmouth college kids. but when seonghwa heard the man harshly call your name, his head looked up from his phone and he narrowed his eyes; he didn’t like someone talking to you like that. 
“can you give us your thoughts since you’ve just been sitting there with a stupid look on your face.” 
he isn’t able to see the small smirk on your face at the professor’s words, instead throwing his phone aside and poking your arm gently. 
“who the fuck is he talking to like that?” 
your eyes widen as you immediately mute your sound, pushing seonghwa back and shaking your head at him. “seonghwa, are you crazy!?” your laptop is turned away so your classmates and professor don’t see you and your boyfriend talking back and forth, the crazy overprotective man next to you saying he doesn’t care who it is, no one’s allowed to say shit like that to you. 
“he doesn’t mean it in a bad way, he’s just like that!” but when seonghwa shakes his head and deems that’s completely unnecessary, you take your laptop and stomp off toward the bedroom. you ignore the call of seonghwa’s voice before you close the door, warning him through gritted your teeth he better not follow you. 
when you turn your camera back on, your cheeks are warm and embarrassment floods through you at the smirk on your teacher’s lips and the curious looks of your classmates. 
“your boyfriend’s not gonna beat me up, is he?”
❥ jeong yunho
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you were listening to the professor’s lecture with your feet in yunho’s lap, the boy quietly doing his own studies as he listened to music through his headphones. 
the video session was scheduled for an hour and a half, looking at the time in the corner to reveal only forty minutes have passed. you let out a sigh, resting your head on your hand as you do everything in power to pay attention to the professor’s monotone voice. 
yunho looks up and sees the bored expression on your face, pausing his music but remaining nonchalant as he moves his gaze back to his textbook. but just as he hears you start to yawn, he moves his long finger to your foot and scratches up the bottom of your sock-covered skin.
and thank god your mic is muted because you jump and yelp at the ticklish feeling and your laptop falls over into the couch cushion, your squeaky “yunho!” followed by his deep chuckle making you smack him playfully as you adjust yourself again. 
you notice a few of your classmates smirking and hope it has nothing to do with your little mishap, squinting at yunho as he continues to laugh at you. when the teacher announces it’s time for a class discussion, you go to move your feet but he grabs your ankle, a pout on his face as he promises not to do it again. 
but you missed the way his pointer and middle finger were crossed behind his thigh, the mischievous boy waiting until you started talking to scratch his nail under the bottom of your foot. 
“and i think that’s something really import-ANT…in this lesson,” you say, the way you jump making him snort. you kick him in the side before sitting up, apologizing to your professor before you attempt to continue your intellectual discussion. 
❥ kang yeosang
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you thought it was lucky that your class time matched up with yeosang’s practice time, a quiet peaceful hour and a half for you to sip your coffee and really pay attention to the lecture. 
but since you were in your room, you didn’t hear the front door or the sound of shoes hitting the floor. you only became aware of your boyfriend at the same time as your whole class, your bedroom door pushing open and yeosang jumping to belly flop onto the bed directly behind you. 
“hi, baby! shit, i am so sweaty, i can’t believe-“
“uh, yeosang-“ you try to say but the boy only takes a heavy breath and continues to talk, going on about how difficult the new choreography is and how if he doesn’t start working out hard, it’s gonna be the death of him. and you love that he’s telling you all of this, you really do, but you’re also not ignorant of the fact that your entire call has turned silent in amusement and fascination at yeosang’s cute rambling. 
“why are you sitting over there, can’t you just lay with me so i can-“
“yeosang, please stop talking,” you beg him quietly, the panic in your voice causing him to look up; your cheeks are burning and you look about ready to burst out into awkward laughter, the boy’s face dropping when he sees about 25 boxes of random faces staring at him. 
“oh-oh my god! oh my, god! i’m so sorry, i’m just gonna- why wouldn’t you tell me!” he frantically runs out of the room, your own hand covering your face because it’s not even like he gave you a chance. 
“i’m sorry,” you say to your class, your pink cheeks causing your professor to smile and shake her head, carrying on with the lesson like you and your boyfriend aren’t gonna hide under the covers in embarrassment for the rest of the day over this. 
❥ choi san
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your teacher didn’t require sound during lectures but she liked to make sure everyone was up and awake for the eight a.m class, always asking you guys to leave your cameras on so she can see you’re “attentive and alert.”
and usually you didn’t mind but today san was fast asleep so you had your headphones in, your camera turned away from your bed and facing the bright window as you tried your hardest not to nod off right then and there. 
you didn’t think you woke san when you snuck out from under his arm but you found that you were sadly mistaken, just twenty minutes into the lecture his whiny morning voice starting. 
“baby….come back to bed,” he mumbled into the pillow, a smirk on your lips as you look over at him. his one eye peeks open and he sees you sitting at the desk in front of your laptop, wearing his shirt and a pair of shorts with knee high socks that makes him all too desperate and needy to have you back in bed with him. 
you watch his eyes rake over you and a pout make its way on his face, holding his arm out as he whines out your name. “soon, san, i’m almost done,” you tell him, even though it’s a lie and you hope he’ll fall back asleep within the next few minutes
but he waits for all about five before he gets up, concentrating on writing notes down with the professor’s voice in your ear that you miss the way he shuffles toward you. it’s not until he wraps his arms around you from behind and buries his face in your neck that you realize he’s here, your eyes shooting to the camera and cheeks flushing before raising it to the ceiling. 
“san! my whole class just saw that!” you squeal, the way he pulls your neck back to kiss your lips proving he’s completely unbothered by the fact; he just wants you back in the warm bed, who cares about school?
❥ song mingi
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“guys, you have to be quiet!” your roommate tells the boys, “y/n’s on a video chat with her class and-”
mingi, in a burst of excitement to finally see you after being apart for a week, ignores the girl’s words and bursts right into your room. his deep, happy yelp of your name and excited waves causes you to snap your head back and smile immediately at him; your heart softens at the way he’s bouncing like a giant child. 
you return a small wave before nodding toward the door, holding up your two palms and wiggling your fingers to indicate ten more minutes. but the boy just doesn’t get it, making his way over to you before he stops and sees a whole laptop of people staring at him. 
he looks at you in surprise, like he wasn’t already warned that you were doing this, before jumping to the side and waiting politely in your bean bag chair. 
you turn back around and have to fight the smiling desperate to make it’s way on your pink cheeks, ignoring the way your friend in the class starts private messaging you asking who the cute boy behind you was. 
❥ jung wooyoung
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“why’s your camera off, y/n?”
your eyes narrow at the obnoxiously familiar voice coming through your laptop speakers, shaking your head as you do your best not to curse him out. 
given that your real class time is over two hours, your professor allows for a fifteen minute break where usually everyone either turns off their cameras to eat or has one big chaotic chat, usually led by no other than 
“wooyoung, shut up,” you snap when you can’t take it anymore, his nonstop questioning and high pitched giggle piercing right through your eyes. 
“why don’t you say it to my face?” he counters and you can just hear the smirk in his voice. you leave your computer and stomp out of your bedroom and down the hall, kicking open the door to see the boy himself sitting in front of his laptop with a shit eating grin on his face. 
“we are never taking another class together again!”
❥ choi jongho
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“any last minute questions?”
“oh, um yes!” you reluctantly speak up, hating to ask in the first place and especially now over this new type of video chat set up. “about the project,  should we be using apa format or-”
“goodbye, baby, goodbye!” 
your mouth drops open and heat immediately creeps on your face, jongho walking past you with headphones in as he sings and dances like there’s no one around. but there’s about thirty of you around, his singing piercing through the speakers of every single one of your classmates as they watch him shimmy and shake across the room.
he continues his singing until he closes the door to the bathroom and you don’t even think he noticed you sitting in your desk at the corner, an awkward laugh threatening to bubble out of your mouth as you try to regain your composure. 
“i’m so sorry,” you blurt out, cheeks pink as you shake your head and try to ignore the giggles coming from your classmate when, even from the bathroom, they can hear jongho singing his heart out.
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angelanika · 4 years
Rough Day
{Rin Matsuoka x Reader}
{College AU}
A/N: I literally thought of this as I ate my first meal at 3pm :D Enjoy!
TW: Brief mention of suicide
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Your hands trembled in your lap, occasionally being struck by the cold tears that fell down your cheeks. You sat alone in the corner of the busy cafeteria with your tear-stained face hanging low. Your glossy eyes slowly shifted to the side catching a glimpse of your pathetic reflection in the large, glass window. They then trailed down to your simple wrist-watch. 
You wondered how the time slipped away so quickly, how you even got to this point but thinking back to today’s events made you want to cry even more. 
“Shit!” you cursed, tripping over yourself while struggling to slip on your leather boots. 
You couldn’t understand how you managed to sleep in seeing that you’ve never missed your alarm before. Sure you snoozed it from time to time but the thought of all the money you had to pay to even be at this university was usually enough motivation to get you out of bed. 
You frantically tapped at your phone but it shone back brightly with a black screen, mocking you. 
You were on it all night last night trying to go over some last minute study material before falling asleep and by time you put it down, you knew it was all out of juice but you SWORE you plugged it in!! How did you not plug it in?!?!
You wildly shrugged on a random coat from your cramped closet and did a quick glance over in the mirror. Damn, you looked rough. No time for that though. You dashed to the sink, gargled (damn near choked), snatched up your bag, keys, phone and flew out the door.
“What’s the time? What’s the time? What’s the time?” you chanted to yourself as you ran. Your watch (aka your new best friend) replied happily with a 9:13am.
“Son of Bitch!! The exam started at 9,″ you cried. 
Whipping through the heavy wooden doors of the exam hall, you made your way in, throwing a panicked “sorry” to anyone you accidentally ran into. You crashed into the room, apologized to the frowning professor at the door, took an empty seat already equipped with an exam booklet and got to work. 
“So should I do a flip when I jump off the building or...” you thought to yourself.
After that horrid exam you remained quietly in your seat. All the other students had ran out, eager to discuss it with their peers but you couldn’t even bring yourself to lift your head. The room was empty, quiet and cold...just like how you were feeling inside. 
“I studied so hard for this shit. How did I screw up so much?!” 
“Please refrain from using such foul language in the classroom Mr/Ms. L/N” 
You jumped up.
Did I say that aloud...
There in front of you stood your professor with all the exam booklets in hand. 
“I was making my way out but I couldn’t help but notice that you’re still here,” she explained.
“Oh yeah...sorry,” you replied weakly.
She immediately picked up on your tired, sad eyes and pulled out the chair next to you. 
“Hm. Let’s see if I can give you some good news,” she said while taking a seat. 
She began rummaging through the booklets before stopping to pull out yours. 
You quietly listened to the steady sound of a pen being dragged across paper. Your head was face down on the desk but you could still make out the image of check marks being drawn beside you. 
You heard quite a number of these and were starting to perk up a bit but then, it stopped. 
“Hmmmm uhh good idea but...i guess you can get half a mark...hmm...i don’t know about that...”
Your professor really tried to save your grade but she can only award marks to what actually makes sense. You sighed audibly and began collecting your things. 
“Well I can tell you your grade now but it’s not really that grea-”
“No thanks,” you interrupted. You could only handle so much heartbreak in one day. “Bye Miss. Thank you. Have a good day.” 
And with that you were out. 
You reluctantly went through your other back-to-back classes for the day, dealt with some less than friendly customers at work in the bookstore, got lectured by your manager for unorganization and stepped in gum on your way out ALL without a single bite to eat!! This brings us to the present. 
You never thought that the sight of the plain, unseasoned cafeteria food would bring tears to your eyes...in a happy way. You were so tired. So hungry. So mentally drain-
The booming voice of your beloved boyfriend, Rin Matsuoka, making his way across the cafeteria sent you flying, startling your innocent metal fork out of your hand and to the ground and whipping a few heads to turn in your direction.
He was now seated across from you, clutching his phone dangerously tight out of frustration. His stunning red hair was wet and wild and he was dressed in his usual swim jersey, obviously just getting out of training. He wasn’t yelling but his tone was far from easy-going. He was clearly upset with you.
However, your eyes didn’t meet his once since he sat down. They were trained on the metal fork lounging on the floor. The ding-a-ling sound still echoing in your mind. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The final straw for you. Cue the waterworks, your body couldn’t hold back any longer. 
“YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK Y/N!! THE LEAST YOU COULD’VE DONE IS...is...y/n? What’s wrong?” his crimson eyes widen upon seeing tears streaming rapidly down your beautiful face. It felt like a stab in the chest to him.
“I-I didn’t mean to make you cry babe. I’m so sorry...I was just worried and I finally saw you here so I came over and I-” he speedily tried to apologize. 
“No no it’s fine Rin,” you mumble in between sobs “It’s not your fault. I just had a really rough day.” 
Your hands were now lifelessly sprawled on the table which Rin made quick to grab.
“Babe...what happened?”
He worriedly stared into your eyes but you couldn’t bring yourself to look back at him with your pitiful ones, opting to turn towards the window once again as you rambled. 
“Well...first I missed my alarm and woke up late cuz my phone was dead. Rin I swear I put it to charge!!” you cried, “so I ended up being late for an exam I was preparing really hard for but I completely bombed that too. Then I had 2 more classes that I couldn’t miss and I went to work and I haven’t had a single meal all day and my phone is still dead and-”
“Breathe y/n breathe,”  Rin whispers, trying to calm you down.
“I’m so sorry about the texts and breakfast Rin. It’s just really not my day,” you finished. 
Rin was quick to dismiss your apologies and assured you that he completely understood. 
“College life is really rough babe but you gotta make sure to take better care of yourself,” he explained.
You nodded. 
“Having your first meal at 7pm can’t work y/n. Suppose you collapsed from fatigue. And of course you couldn’t do well on that test without something in your stomach. I always tell you that breakfast is the most impor-”
You didn’t mean to blow up on him like that but you were so hungry, the food was getting cold with all his health talk that you really didn’t need right now, you looked like trash and your fork was still on the filthy fucking floor. 
He was visibly taken aback by the sudden change in tone but he only sighed and stood from the seat.
“Well I’m glad you know babe,” he said softly, planting a tender kiss on the top of your head. “Now let me get you another fork and I’ll be sure to give your body all the TLC it needs to get back on track later...” he teased with a wink. 
“Sounds good.”
Sounds damn good indeed...
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glassesandswords · 3 years
It was a normal, peaceful day in school until Eren tried to impress him, and now Levi found himself hiding in a cramped dark closet with a girl he barely knew to escape the wrath of a thousand bees ready to unleash their vengeance on them.
Dammit Eren.
Read the fic below: 
It all started when that bitchbrat Eren slammed open the window that was not supposed to be opened.
Just a few minutes ago, Levi was having a nice, normal day at school. He had skipped PE to finish up his homework in his classroom, relishing the silence that came with being alone after spending most of his morning with his draining classmates. The only sounds that filled the empty, echoing classroom was the creak of the dusty old ceiling fan and scratch of his pen on his notebook. Soft sunlight shone in through the two of the five windows that were open and even if Levi was sitting near one of the closed windows, he did not feel like shifting to a seat with better lighting.
But his moment of silence was broken when Eren entered the classroom.
“Ah, Levi! Why are you all alone here?”
Levi suppressed a frustrated sigh. Eren was his junior, three grades younger than him. Levi never attempted to interact with his peers in other divisions, much less in other grades, but unfortunately for him, he and Eren shared the same bus-stop. And for some reason, Eren’s eyes would always sparkle like stars when he saw Levi.
It was annoying.
“Why are you here?” Levi frowned as Eren walked in, looking around curiously at his senior’s classroom.
“Ah, I had taken a washroom break.”
“Then go.”
“I did. I just wanted to kill some time before going back to my classroom. Geography is a boring subject.”
Levi was not surprised. No person, sane or insane, liked geography anyway.
Eren noticed the shoes littering the classroom. “Oh, did your classmates go for PE?”
“Then why did you not go? I thought you liked PE. You are the fastest sprinter after all.”
“Just because I’m good at something doesn’t mean I have to like it,” He waved his notebook at him. “I’m finishing up my homework.”
“Oh, do you need any help?”
“Sure, solve this for me,” He pushed a complex quadratic equation at Eren. Eren stared at it, eyes blissfully blank and then chuckled in a sheepish way, scratching at his ear.
“I can’t do sums three grades higher than me.”
“Then shut up and go back to your class.”
Much to his ire, Eren shook his head, “Well that doesn’t mean I can’t do other things to help you, you know? I can speed up the fan if you want!”
“No need.”
“Oh, why are you sitting in the dark? That’s right, let me open the window for you at least.”
It took Levi a second before the gravity of his words hit him through the continuous stream of ‘oh god he is annoying’ that looped in his brain. “Wait, no,” he exclaimed, his eyes widening as he whipped his head towards Eren, “Don’t touch that win-”
Too late.
Eren, with his chest puffed up in triumph, pushed open the window with all his strength and in that moment, Levi could see his entire life flashing before his eyes.
Levi was the first one to notice it a few months ago as he stared out of the window during tedious lectures- the little goop on the slab shading the window from outside, and how there seemed to be an influx of bees buzzing around. After a while, it was obvious: a group of honeybees had started to build a hive right outside the window. When he had informed it to his teacher, she asked the students to close the window and not open it till the hive was removed.
But days passed by and no one removed the hive. One day, as Levi was walking past the watchman Hannes, he heard him talking about it with the other staff members.
“The beehive outside the third floor classroom has grown pretty big, y'know. I did ask Principal Zachary about its removal, but he said that it was a pain in the ass to call in men and remove the hive when it was that small, so he’s planning to wait till it grows so that he can harvest the honey while removing it as well.”
“But what if it hurts the children?” one of the other staff asked, leaning on his broom.
“Tis what I asked. But the principal seemed firm in his decision. He told the students and the teachers to not open the window and the two windows next to it. After all, bees don’t bother you if you don’t bother them.”
“I get that, y’know? If the beehive grows to the maximum size, we could probably harvest more than twenty kilograms of honey from it. Honey fetches a good price after all...”
So the beehive remained carefully untouched till then.
And when Eren, in his oblivious glory, slammed open the window, all hell broke loose.
Levi barely had the time to grab a screaming Eren by the back of his collar and run for their lives. The heavy wooden door hit the fat hive and the angry bees swarmed in, poised with their stings to defend their home. Once they were out of the classroom, Levi flung the boy ahead of him. “Run,” he commanded.
And Eren ran. Levi held back, slamming the door and windows on the other side of the classroom shut so that the bees would be contained within the classroom instead of finding their way into the corridor to the rest of the school.
But the bees had other ideas, and other routes. And within seconds, there was an uproar throughout the building.
“Tch,” Levi cursed internally as he ran towards the school office. He had to alert the authorities, to ask them to announce through the speakers to shut all the windows. However, the bees had already entered the school through the other passages and they were now flooding the corridors in a buzzing cloud of fury as students and teachers started rushing outside the classrooms alike, screams filling the air.
“Everyone, lock the doors and windows of your classrooms,” boomed all the speakers in the school at once, “A swarm of bees are spreading out. Take shelter immediately.”
Finally Eren did something useful for once, Levi thought as he turned a corner, looking desperately for somewhere to hide. But the doors and windows of the other classrooms were already locked shut, and Levi knew if he were to bang on the door and wait for them to let him in, he’d risk not just being bitten, but also letting the bees enter into the classrooms.
An overly aggressive bee zoomed straight at him, and in reflex, Levi tried to swat it away. Which was a very bad idea, as he immediately felt a sharp sting on the back of his palm. He hissed, gritting his teeth in pain.
One of the buzzing bastards had got him at last.
With watery vision and panic rising steadily within him, he almost felt his heart jump out of his throat when a random hand grabbed his arm, breaking his run, to yank him inside a storage closet and close the door shut.
Levi crashed into something soft, which in turn crashed into something hard. He felt small objects raining on him- both metal and plastic- as if he had knocked over a shelf lined with things. He was in one of the storage closets after all.
A soft groan from below made Levi push himself up, only for him to freeze as he came face to face with a girl sprawled underneath him. With the help of the small glass peep-window on the door that let in a sliver of light inside the dark room, he saw the startled look in her big brown eyes behind an askew pair of glasses.
A girl. He had a girl pinned underneath him.
She rubbed the back of her head, ruffling her messy brown hair in the process as she cocked her head to the side, like a bird.
“You’re welcome, but you are kinda heavy, you know?”
Levi felt heat rush to his ears as he scrambled away, his back digging into yet another shelf as he tried to put some distance between them. It did not work very well, however, the storage closet was too small and cramped that it was only comfortable for one person standing in it at a time.
“What’s happening out there?” the girl asked, straightening her glasses as she stood up, “Are they removing the hive?”
“No,” Levi said as he glanced at the stinger buried in the back of his hand, “A stupid kid disturbed it.”
“You got stung?”
“Wait, show it to me in the light.”
Levi was curious himself, so he obeyed, positioning his hand in the sliver of light that streamed in through the tiny glass window at the top of the door.
His skin had reddened and started to swell where the stinger had embedded itself. It was agonizing and Levi clenched his jaw as the girl hovered close to it. “Wow, that must hurt. Any other place you got stung?”
“Okay, let me remove this for you.”
“Huh?” Levi automatically pulled his hand back from her vicinity, “No.”
The girl’s eyebrows rose. “You don’t trust me with that?”
“I don’t even know you.”
“Right,” the girl pointed to herself with a thumb, “I’m Hange, and I think I’ve seen you around before.”
“We are in the same grade, you know. Just different divisions.”
Levi squinted. True, he did not pay much attention to his classmates in other divisions, much less bother to remember them or their names, but why did he not recognize her from her appearance at least?
“Oh, I joined this school this year, by the way.”
Ah. That explained it.
“I have been a very outdoorsy person from childhood and I’ve been stung by bees more than once in my life. So, I know what you must feel right now and I kinda know what to do about it,” she continued, “Anyway, I think that’s enough information for you to trust me with the stinger.”
Without waiting for Levi’s reply she swiped her ID card from its holder and grabbed Levi’s hand.
“What about you?” she asked, “What’s your name?”
Distracted by the question, Levi attempted to answer it. “Le-”
He flinched, grunting in pain as Hange swiped the ID over his hand without hesitation, effectively removing the stinger, with way more force than necessary.
“There we go!” she declared proudly, a wide smile on her face. “Good job, Lee!”
Levi was still smarting from the sting to correct her.
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jougogo · 4 years
lemon flavored breakfast bars
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college au!daichi sawamura x gn!reader
word count: 1.3k
previous chapter // next chapter
a/n: hi guys! this is the first part of a 6 part daichi x reader series called lemons for love. i hope you enjoy xoxo mwah also yes i highly recommend the lemon bars they’re real and you can find them at like walmart
warnings: none!! 
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you were in your first year of college when you first met daichi. 
it was the first day of school, and you were lost in the sea of frantic students rushing to get to their lectures. the morning so far has been horrible. not only did you wake up late, but in your rush, you had forgotten to grab the campus map that you left on the nightstand.
"this is nothing like what they tell you in the tours," you muttered under your breath as you stumbled back into the student lounge in your dorm. exhausted from trying to find your way through the crowd, you had turned around and hoped that some sort of a savior will come along and help you. picking a random person to ask for directions was your last resort, and albeit the most embarrassing, but you didn't have any other choice. the boy with the tie standing in the corner? nope, he didn't look like he wanted to talk to anyone. the haughty girl furiously texting someone on her phone? she'd probably walk away while silently judging your mildly disheveled appearance. the boy in a hoodie getting snacks from the vending machine? well, he was your only chance. tentatively, you walked over to the boy and tugged at his sweatshirt. 
"excuse me?" you asked, slightly embarrassed at the fact that you sounded like a lost child. he whipped around, and you froze. oh my god, he was beautiful. the fine male specimen standing in front of you had a strong build, with broad shoulders and toned arms peeking out from the soft cotton material of his hoodie. you could make out the outline of his muscular thighs through his gray sweatpants. his dark hair was slightly ruffled, and his mahogany brown eyes peered at you curiously. it was like this guy stepped right out of a fairy tale, one where the handsome prince lends a hand to help the poor, confused village girl and they fall in love and live happily ever aft-
"yeah, what's up? are you okay?" the beautiful stranger replied, pulling you out of your daydream.
"oh, uh, i was wondering if you knew how to get to room A205? i have a lecture there and, uh, i got lost." you sheepishly admitted, sensing a blush making its way onto your cheeks.
"oh, no worries! i have a lecture there later, so i don't mind walking you over. i’m daichi," he grinned, bending down to pick up the snack he had just purchased from the vending machine. a familiar bright yellow packaging caught your eye.
"lemon bars… so he's a man with good taste." you thought to yourself. seeing that you noticed his snack of choice, he glanced down shyly before explaining 
" i didn't get to have breakfast today, and these…" he paused, turning the little package over to read the nutrition label, "fiber one lemon breakfast bars, which is only, uh, 70 calories with 5 grams of fiber per bar, looked pretty healthy." 
"no worries, i've had plenty of those myself." you laughed. in fact, you had lived off of those practically every time finals week came around. 
"oh? so i guess they must be pretty good." he blushed, staring at the concrete floor as you two walked in the deserted hallway.
"so, professor hendricks...have you had him before?" you asked, surprising yourself at how desperate you were to fill in the silence. there was just something so. . . addicting about his voice. the way they sound so deep, rough, and just a bit raspy. yet, they were like soothing music to your ears.
"yeah, this is going to be my second year. he's decently entertaining, and i enjoyed his other class so i thought it might be fun to pick this one," he hummed. "last year, he treated all his students to a pizza party after midterms. i still don't know how he managed to sneak all that by the dean," he let out a small chuckle. "but that small, insignificant event managed to bring the class together, which made the rest of the year even more fun because now other students were no longer just strangers in the same room. that's what i want to do with my life; bring people together. " his eyes sparkled with marvel and wonder. "sometimes, when i feel like i have no purpose in life, it really does help to know that some time in your life, there was an event that you caused to happen, you know? it could be as simple as picking a certain snack in the vending machine, or even offering to help someone. but to know that you made a difference? that's what i live for." after noticing your curious stare, he quickly apologized. "oh my god, i'm so sorry, i get lost in my thoughts sometimes. it’s probably weird to talk about something so deep with a stranger. i’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable, " he stuttered. 
"no, no it's fine! I actually thought it was really sweet, and i love that you have a clear goal and future that you want to achieve. i wish i was that ambitious. right now, i'm just trying to figure out how i'm going to survive after college, you know?" you looked out the window wistfully, rubbing your fingers together. high school had almost torn you apart, and now that you’re in a new city, with no friends or family? it was going to be hell for the next couple years.
"hey, don’t worry about it. you seem like a capable person so you’ll probably get through it. plus, overthinking won’t do you any good. here, have some food," daichi snapped you out of your sullen state and back to reality. his words were comforting, almost sympathetic. it was almost like he could sense that you needed friends. in his hands, he held out half of the breakfast bar that he had split. the soft cookie was studded with lemon flavored white chocolate chips, and drizzled with a tangy citrus icing. it was enticing, and almost hard to resist. 
"are you sure? this is your breakfast,"
"yeah, its fine! i'm not that hungry"  he reassured you. tentatively, you held out your hand and took the food from his palms.
"thanks." you said before nibbling on the soft cookie. he was so thoughtful, and was definitely boyfriend material. also, his hands were huge. for a moment, you wondered what your hand would feel like enveloped in his calloused fingers and warm palm. "too bad he's out of my league," you thought.
footsteps came to an abrupt halt and daichi stopped in front of a large auditorium. 
"here's A205. have fun in your lecture," daichi waved as he walks off. 
"sawamura, where do you think you're going?" a loud voice boomed out from inside the room. both you and daichi froze. a short old man stepped out of the room. 
"you're trying to skip class? you're in this class, you know." the man, who you assumed to be professor hendricks, jabbed at the paled upperclassmen.
 "oh, my bad. i thought my class was in the afternoon." daichi apologized, bowing his head towards the short man.
"and you must be?" the professor turned to you. 
"y/n. l/n y/n, professor. i apologize, i was lost and, uh, daichi-senpai was helping me." you spoke timidly. it was your fault that he had gotten into trouble, and he was definitely going to hate you now. why did he have to be so damn kind and offer to walk you to the class? you mentally slapped yourself for forgetting that stupid campus map. now he was definitely out of your league.
"ahh, i see. alright. come into class, both of you. just make sure you're not late next time," the professor grinned, opening the door.
daichi couldn't help but fluster at the way his name smoothly rolled off your tongue, and the way you called him senpai. but more importantly, he couldn't get your name out of his mind. 
"too bad you're out of my league." he thought to himself as he strolled into the class behind you.
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@mrs-kuroojinguji​ @gigis-galaxy​
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dramione4e · 4 years
Red and Green
Dramione | Marriage Law AU Raiting: T
So this is my first attempt at writing a Dramione fic. Is a One Shot that you can also find here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26831194
Draco Malfoy was a lucky man. 
 Seven years ago, he had avoided going to Azkaban; he had been able to clean his family name by donating obscene amounts of money to several charities; he’d gotten a very decent job at the Ministry as a Senior Auror and, as if he deserved it, had a circle of close friends, many of them he could even call family. 
 But, damn, he was going to need something more than sheer luck to get out of this mess free or even alive. 
“I’m not entirely sure this is OK, Weasley,” he half whispered, half shouted while looking at both ways of the empty street with an anxious look on his face while his former enemy and now also Auror partner, worked on removing the wards of the house that belonged to none other than Hermione Granger. 
 “I told you, Malfoy,” said Ron, dragging his words. “She showed me how to enter her house in case of an emergency. Just a few more spells and we’ll be able to get in.”
 The plan that both of them had come up with just an hour ago at the Leaky Cauldron was just to go to her house and talk to her. It made sense at the time but now Draco was sobering up and suddenly it didn’t seem like a good idea so much as breaking and entering.
 “Are you sure she is home?” he insisted. “We’ve been pounding at her door for ages.”
 “Believe me, she’s a heavy sleeper.” 
 That made Draco’s insides cringe a little bit. He didn’t like thinking about how Weasley knew such intimate information. Not like he was jealous or anything, the former Slytherin was just pointing out that he himself didn’t know that.
 He heard a click and the door finally swung open. Ron ushered him inside and followed him into the sitting room. It was very early in the morning so it was still a little dark inside. The place still looked the same as he remembered from the previous time he had been invited over for drinks when the gang was celebrating something he couldn’t ever care about now. 
 His red haired partner went upstairs to look for the witch but came back without her. 
 “She’s not home.”
 Yep. Breaking and entering. Good bye, freedom.
 “I guess we'll just have to sit here and wait for her,” the former Gryffindor announced, plummeting on the couch.
 “Are you mental?” 
 But before he got an answer, the front door was opened and he heard a scream coming from behind him.
“What part of for emergencies was so difficult for you to understand, Ronald?!” Hermione was yelling at both wizards who were now sitting on the couch while she was pacing from right to left in front of them. “Do you have any idea how long it takes me to set up wards like this?!”
 None of them answered. The room was fully lighted now and there was a lingering smell of Pepperup Potion in the air.
 “I could have seriously injured you, you fools!” Hermione kept on lecturing them. Ron had his head down, looking ashamed at the floor but Draco could not look away from the sight in front of him.
 Dear Salazar, what is she wearing? 
 His mental question was rhetorical. Draco was no longer a stranger to Muggle culture, in fact he prided himself on how much he’d learned over the past few years. Hermione had been actually the main source of help as she was now the owner of a company that fussed magic with Muggle technology in a safe and convenient way and said company also provided training and seminars to educate magical beings on how to use appliances, electronics and others.
 Besides attending all of the lectures, he had also expanded his knowledge by asking Hermione for more sources on different Muggle topics and he remembered reading about sports and exercise. Still, one thing was looking at pictures of random strangers in textbooks and a very different thing was to have the Gryffindor princess model the outfit.
 She was wearing high waisted leggings that went from under her belly button to the skin above her ankles, and was it called a sports bra? Whatever it was, it left her flat belly totally exposed and Merlin! he was being hypnotized by the swing of her hips and the drops of sweet that ran down her neck to her chest and disappeared inside her small top. Even though she was mostly covered, that outfit left little to the imagination, in his opinion.
 She’d explained she had gone running very early in the morning, something that perhaps she’d happened to mention she usually did but the two brilliant Aurors, in the state they were, couldn’t have possibly remembered.
 When she finally calmed down and the Pepperup Potion kicked in, the men were able to express their apologies which she begrudgingly accepted.
 “Anyway, why are you here?” her tone was softer, but she had her arms crossed in front of her.
 “Remember when I told you I would keep you informed about the Marriage Law?” Ron asked.
 Malfoy had almost forgotten the reason he was there in the first place.
 Five years after the war was over, the Ministry of Magic came to the realization that the wizarding population in the country had alarmingly decreased. Furthermore, the expected “Baby Boom” didn’t pan out because of a large adoption campaign -founded principally by the only Malfoy heir- to help children who became orphans after the war get a home. 
 Two years ago, the Ministry announced that now witches and wizards of marriageable age had a year and a half to find a suitor or suitress to marry, otherwise the Ministry would assign one based on the results of an old ritual that conjured ‘core matching magic’ and ‘soulmate bonding’ in addition to several compatibility tests that they were all ask to fill -some even under Veritaserum.
 “Why? Did you find out who I was paired with?” She took a seat on the armchair in front of them. “Is it someone bad?”
 “Yes, it’s bad, ‘Mione,” her best friend answered quickly.
 Fucking Weasley. Aren’t we supposed to be friends now?
 Draco had indeed developed a strong friendship with Ron Weasley and subsequently with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger -they were a package deal apparently-. Although the last two he didn’t see that often, with Granger he regularly engaged in pleasant conversations about the recent creations of her company, his most interesting cases as an Auror; also literature, music and films (Muggle and otherwise); their interests and, well, many things. 
 She was a very interesting woman and, in the recent past, he had admitted to himself that they had a lot in common and it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if someday they went out to dinner together, just the two of them, as in a date. Still, he had never thought that they would be a perfect match, according to the experts at the Ministry. The highest one on the list by far. 
 After the initial shock had worn out, he’d felt elated. His co-workers had even patted him on the back as if this was his highest accomplishment. Hermione Granger, The Brightest Witch of Her Age, was his match. His soulmate. He was floating.
 When the high that this information gave him ended, he started questioning if he really deserved it. In his mind, they were perfect for each other. After all opposites attract, right? 
 She was a Gryffindor; he was a Slytherin.
 She was Muggle-born; he was a Pureblood.
 She was a member of The Order of the Phoenix; he was a Death Eater.
 She was smart, beautiful, kind, honest, generous, brave; he was… 
 Guilt had been eating him all day. Maybe they were not a good match after all. Red and green didn’t go well together, right?
 That’s how he ended drinking with Ron.
 “Well? Who is it?” her apathy had now changed into wariness. 
 “I can’t tell you. All ministry workers signed up a non-disclosure agreement and until the owls are sent to the respective witches and wizards, we can’t say, write, point, mimic, spell-”
 “For fuck’s sake, Ron!” she interrupted and stood up again, her arms akimbo her hips. “Why the hell did you bother coming here if you can’t even tell me?!”
 At this, Weasley smirked, “Luckily for you, ‘Mione, we found a loophole,” he said smugly and pointed to himself and Draco even when it had been the blond Slytherin’s idea at the pub. “If you guess the name of this person, I could nod or shake my head without breaking the contract.”
 That seemed to somewhat relax her.
 “OK, so, I’m guessing is someone we know, must be single, and the age…” she muttered more to herself biting her lip. “And you said it’s bad? Does he work at the ministry?” She looked at the red head for confirmation and he nodded at both questions.
 “Oh, no.”
 Here we come.
 “Is it McLaggen?”
 Weasley shook his head.
 “Is it Smith from finance?” 
 Another head shake.
 “The one that works in the same office as your father?”
 Every name was followed by a head shake and Draco was elated to know he didn’t even make the list.
 “Oh, no,” her eyes opened wide and now Draco was sure he was about to hear his own name. “Is it you?” but she was still looking at Weasley. 
 “Oi!” Weasley countered. “You’d be lucky if that were the case!”
 At this Hermione rolled her eyes and left an exasperated scoff, “I don’t have time for this, I’m gonna be late for work.”
 She dismiss them and disappeared upstairs.
 Malfoy couldn’t fight the smile that crept up his lips.
Draco was waiting outside of Granger, Inc. in Diagon Alley. After he and Ron left her house, he went home and immediately owled the witch to ask if she would be available for lunch. When he got her reply accepting his invitation, he went to bed for a few hours, after all, he’d needed to regain his beauty sleep.
 His head hurt a little and he was sure it wasn’t a hangover. Thoughts about how to best approach the subject swirled in his mind and thoughts about her reaction after she found out tormented him. However, he had come prepared to hear the worst and the best.
 “I’m ready.” The witch had stepped out of her office, bringing him out of his stupor. He noticed she was no longer wearing sportswear. Instead she fashioned a velvet looking set of robes that went from a very dark purple at the bottom to a faded, light lilac at the top. Her hair was pulled back in a low ponytail.
 Apparently leggings were not necessary for him to go into a trance. When the person was Hermione Granger it didn’t matter what she was wearing. That morning she had looked sexy and provocative and now she, only a few hours later, was the picture of elegance and professionalism and he liked both looks the most.
 When he came back to his senses he cleared his throat, “Shall we?” he asked and they walked together towards a close restaurant where they had met in the past with some of their friends.
 After ordering their drinks and meals, the gray eyed man thought he should just rip off the band aid.
 “I wanted to apologize,” he began. “For the incident this morning. Weasley and I shouldn’t have gotten that drunk and acted so stupidly.”
 “Don’t worry about it,” she shrugged. “I was mostly mad at Ron for messing with my wards, I can tell the whole thing was his idea.” At this, the waiter came back with their drinks and put them on the table.
 “So, did you want to talk to me about something or is this just an ‘apology lunch’?” she inquired with a playful tone and then took a sip of her beverage, never taking her eyes off him.
 He was about to answer when he noticed the intentional look she was giving him and her raised eyebrow.
 “You know?” he ventured.
 “I’m not sure if I know,” she corrected. “I thought you just happened to be with Ron when he concocted his stupid plan this morning,” she mused. “But then after I got your owl, I thought that maybe it was you he was referring to.”
 He nodded to answer her implied question and automatically felt the binding lifting from him. Now that she knew, he was free to talk.
 “Why were you in such an urgent state to let me know?” she inquired. 
 “Weasley said you weren’t going to be happy with the news and he thought it was best to warn you as soon as possible,” he explained. “He said you would come up with a way to avoid the match and get a different guy.”
 “I probably could,” she offered and he knew she was so popular and well-connected in the Ministry that even if she couldn’t get herself out of the whole program, it would take no more than an owl asking them to change her match for them to go ahead and do it. “Is that what you want?”
 Was this the best case scenario? Of course not. He would have liked to ask her out on proper dates, build up a relationship and eventually take things to a more serious level. He could easily see them becoming more than just boyfriend and girlfriend. So far, he already liked everything about her. He had dived inside her mind several times to know that.
 Not to mention that she got more beautiful by the day, and no, the glimpse of what her body looked like under the robes had nothing to do with it.
 OK, maybe a little. It was a perk.
 Anyways, the witch was waiting for a response. Should he just take the plunge or listen to the Ron Weasley inside his head, telling him he was a bad choice for her?
 “I know it is not ideal,” he answered. “I mean, to start a relationship with what is basically a forced marriage in which we are expected to wait only a year before we start having children. Not even pureblood arrangements work that way.
 “It is not fair for either of us,” at that moment the waiter interrupted him by bringing their plates. 
 Granger had kept quiet so far and just fixed him with a look that conveyed nothing. He’d learned that when she wanted, her face became unreadable, but he was not to be discouraged.
 He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
 “I would hate to not be the one who marries you,” he dared to say and was pleased to see her cheeks become red. “If we were to do this my way, believe me that I would have courted you the right way. I swear I thought about asking you out many times in the last couple of years and now I feel like a complete idiot for not working up the courage to do it.
 “If you do me the honor of letting me be your husband,” he offered. “I vow to never take you for granted. We will take things slow. As slow as you want. I don’t want this marriage law to get in the way of dating you properly.
 “And you have my word that, if at any point you want out, you’ll be free to do it. I wouldn’t stop you,” he promised.
 She blinked a few times before she reached her hand across the table and put it on top of his.
 “I’d like that,” she answered, her honeyed eyes full of sincerity. “To date you, that is. I’ve also entertained the thought of asking you out a few times,” she admitted blushing even redder. “If in order to date we have to get married, then so be it.”
 He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and couldn’t stop the grin on his face. He turned his hand upwards to intertwine their fingers together and then brought her hand to his mouth at the same time he leaned in to plant a kiss on her knuckles. The electrifying feeling of her soft hand was going to be carved in his memory forever.
 “Thank you, Granger,” he murmured. 
 After they finished their lunches he was now walking her back to her office while holding hands. They were met with multiple stares and gasps along Diagon Alley but he didn’t mind one bit and she even made it seem as if she was oblivious to that.
 “So we’re dating now,” she stated, looking up to meet his eyes. 
 “Yes.” He found that just thinking about it made his face feel warm, but not intending to hide it, he looked back at her with what he hoped was a sincere smile. 
 They entered the building that was her business and Draco could see several heads turning to look at them.
 “Can we talk for a minute in your office?” he asked her and she agreed.
 Once the door was closed and locked he got close to her and took both her hands in his.
 “I know it seems like we are not given much of a choice about this, but,” he said feeling his hands getting sweaty with nerves. “In the off chance that you don’t realize along the way, that you are way out of my league and decide to leave me, I want to ask you the right way so we’ll be able to remember this moment forever.”
 Draco pulled out a small box from inside his robes and opened it in front of her. He heard her curse a ‘holy shit’ under her breath at the sight of the red and green tear-shaped tourmaline ring. Turns out that red and green did go well together. 
 He locked his eyes with hers and she gave him a small nervous smile, “Everything I know about you I already like and it would make me the happiest wizard if you let me learn more. I want to discuss not only academia and the news but also learn about your dreams and fears; I yearn to know how you take your tea in the morning and if you have a preferred side of the bed at night. I long for the happy moments, the new adventures, the memories we will create together and even the fights and arguments. I promise I will try my best to make you happy for as long as you have me.” He got down on one knee. 
 “Hermione Jean Granger,” he intoned. “Will you marry me?”
 The witch’s face was soaked with tears but her smile had gotten wider the more she listened to him.
 “Yes,” she croaked, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She extended her hand in front of her. 
 The wizard happily took it and slipped the ring onto her finger. He then stood up and felt Granger’s soft fingers over his own cheeks. 
 He hadn’t realized he had been crying too.
 “So, we’re really dating now,” she echoed her words from before, moving closer to him and resting her hands on his shoulders.
 “Yes,” he smiled and closed the gap between them, his fingers going up and down her back. “But we’re also engaged.”
 “We’re moving so fast,” she whispered a fake protest, her face only inches from his. 
 He hummed in agreement, his eyes were close now. 
 “And yet,” their noses touched, her voice barely audible. “We haven’t even kissed. That’s not fair, is it?”
 He couldn’t resist anymore. He pulled her closer -if that was even possible- and pressed his lips against hers. She was ready for him and quickly returned the kiss.
 Her lips were the softest and her taste was oh so sweet. 
 What started as slow and tender quickly became heated and passionate. It was new and exciting and yet so familiar. Their lips and tongues moved in a dance as old as time and when they finally stopped for air he opened his eyes to find her staring at him with a warm smile and even warmer eyes.
 She never looked so beautiful.
 Draco Malfoy was indeed a lucky man.
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swaps55 · 4 years
5 Favorites
5 favorite snippets from 5 reasonably recent stories. Or whatever. Rules are mere suggestions. 
Tagged by @nug-juggler. Thank you! I love sharing snippets. 
Tagging @pigeontheoneandonly, @shadoedseptmbr, @forlornmelody, @nightmarestudio606 and anyone who’s interested, no obligations!
1. From Cantata, Chapter 3 – Welcome to the Fire:
Shepard halts, pivots, corona blazing forth once more. He says something Kaidan doesn’t understand, but the mercenary pauses, then chortles and breaks into a sprint.
Anyone in their right mind would have quailed at the sight of a charging krogan. Shepard grins.
It’s feral.
And utterly unafraid.
His fists curl. The gravity well somersaults as Shepard channels a maelstrom of dark energy. Kaidan sucks in a sharp breath, the sheer force of it enough to make him dizzy.
The krogan’s shotgun blares. Every hair on Kaidan’s arms stands on end as Shepard forms a wall of shearing mass effect fields and slams it into the krogan, shoulder jerking as his kinetic barriers absorb the full brunt of the shotgun blast.
The krogan bellows as the shearing fields chew through him. The shotgun drops from rigid fingers and clatters to the ground. Shepard races forward, own shotgun booming as fast as he can pull the trigger. When it overheats he casts it aside, and to Kaidan’s sheer horror, attacks the krogan with his bare hands.
He lands one hit, then two, using his smaller size and quickness to his advantage in ways Kaidan had only dreamed of when he and Shepard had their impromptu sparring session a week ago. Still, the krogan nearly makes it back to his feet before Shepard seizes the barrel of the massive shotgun, jerks it up into the krogan’s throat, then flips it around and fires point blank into the krogan’s uncovered head. Blood, grey matter and bone spray outward. The recoil kicks hard into Shepard’s shoulder, the same one that had already bled off the shotgun pellets.
Holy fuck.
2. From “The Words That Change Us”
Kaidan falls silent. Fuck his implant. Fuck the faulty wiring in his head. Fuck not remembering to bring his own damn meds. If only Anderson could see this. Keep Shepard on his feet my ass. Can’t even keep myself on my feet.
“Anderson thanked me today,” Kaidan says, cracking an eye open. Every ship in the Alliance is practically a darkroom. Why the hell is Arcturus so bright? He sucks air in through his teeth. “Can’t figure out why.”
Shepard gives him a bemused look. “No wonder you have a migraine.”
“Stop trying to be funny,” Kaidan grunts. “It gives me a migraine.”
“I’m delightfully funny,” Shepard informs him, “which you might notice if you weren’t so busy thinking yourself into a migraine.”
Kaidan tries to laugh, but immediately regrets it. Shepard tightens his grip on Kaidan’s arm.
“See? Funny.”
“You’re deflecting.”
“Quit noticing."
“Shepard.” It comes out as a mumble, and the way Shepard’s fingers dig into his forearm before relaxing suggests he’s listening now. “He said I keep you on your feet. Why would he say that?”
Shepard’s brow furrows. Instead of answer, he gets to his feet and pulls Kaidan back to his. “How about we get the icepick out of your head, and then talk about this.”
“No. If we talk about it now you’ll take pity and actually give me an answer.”
Shepard huffs, grips Kaidan’s arm and resumes course, footsteps slow and steady.
“I didn’t do anything to help you earn this,” Kaidan persists. “Why does he think I did?”
More silence. More steps. Each footfall ricochets off the deckplates, pricking at the base of Kaidan’s skull. Where the fuck is the airlock? It feels like they’ve been walking for hours.
“You’re stable ground,” Shepard says at last.
Stable ground. Maybe if his head wasn’t throbbing so hard he could figure out what the hell that means.
“You don’t…want anything from me,” Shepard continues. His voice is small, uncertain, as though now that he’s voiced the thought aloud he might find out it isn’t true.
It isn’t true.
You. I want you.
3. From Sonata, Chapter 10 - Unsteady
There are more well-dressed people in this one room than Joker has seen in his entire lifetime. It should be his worst nightmare, but he’s actually having fun. Turns out Tali has an exceptional gift for making unbearable social occasions bearable.
“And what about her?” Joker asks, pointing to a woman who looks like a canary covered in taffeta.
Tali leans against the table beside him and tilts her head, the purple and black sequined scarf that Mrs. Alenko had given her for the evening catching in the bright lights of the ballroom. 
“Hmmm. A widower. Discovered her husband of more than thirty years had gambled away their entire fortune, leaving her penniless. She is here to mourn—not him, but his brother. The man she was truly in love with. She thought he did not love her back, but the truth is that he was too afraid to tell her. After his brother’s death, he swore he would, but he went down with the Cairo before he had the chance.”
“Damn, Tali, that’s dark,” Joker says with a chuckle. “You got a happy one? How about that guy?” He points to a random stranger who’s sipping a glass of wine and laughing too hard.
She swirls the liquid in her glass. Forget the geth. This is where she really shines.
“He professed his love to…” she scans the room. Eventually she points at another well-dressed man, who looks absolutely no different from any of the rest as far as Joker is concerned. “That man over there. They are desperately in love, but he,” she points again at the new guy, “is afraid of his feelings. He has a dark past, and doesn’t want to drag his true love down with his demons.”
“Happy, Tali. I was looking for happy.”
She raises her glass. “A few spins on the dancefloor and he’s going to realize that pushing him away will only snap them back together. Like quarks.”
Joker clinks his glass against hers. “That’s my girl.”
4. From Fugue, Chapter 4 – This Hole You Left
But while most of the galaxy is preparing to mourn Commander Shepard, the soldier standing next to him might be the only person he knows who’s grieving for Sam. Anderson swirls the remaining liquid in his glass.
“He was the most reckless SOB I’ve ever met,” Anderson says, watching a hanar drift along one of the intact pathways below them. “I’m pretty sure half the shit he pulled over the years was just to piss me off.”
Alenko raises an eyebrow ever so slightly in surprise, but doesn’t turn his head. “He’s always at his best when the plan goes to hell.”
“Since he was a kid,” Anderson agrees, not missing the fact that Alenko had referred to him in the present tense. “First time I ever laid eyes on him he was four. He’d wandered away from Daniel on Arcturus and he called in the cavalry to look for him. You know where I found him?”
Alenko shakes his head.
“In a fountain, playing with a model ship. I asked him what the hell his spaceship was doing in the water. He said, ‘I’m about to find out.’”
Alenko’s mouth curves in a brittle smile. “I didn’t know you knew him that young.”
“I doubt he remembered,” Anderson says. “His father and I were good friends. I dropped in on occasion while he was growing up.” Before Shepard was a soldier. Before he was the Butcher of Torfan or the Savior of the Citadel. Back when he was still Sam, all knees and elbows, so desperate to please he couldn’t sit still.
Anderson still misses that kid.
5. From “The Way Back”
“You have a gun, Shepard, and it shoots mass-accelerated projectiles a hell of a lot more efficiently than you can shoot yourself. That was a titanic amount of energy you put out. How in the hell do you justify the cost of that on your own body?”
“Because it saved your life,” he snaps, dropping the barrel extension onto the bench with a clatter. “She had your head in her crosshairs, and I put her the fuck down. So yeah, it was worth the cost.”
Kaidan falls silent.
Shepard shoots him a reproachful look. “You know, I didn’t miss your fucking lectures.”
Kaidan holds his gaze, retort right on the tip of his tongue. Shepard shouldn’t need a lecture to know that fucking with his own mass as a combat tactic was reckless, stupid, and above all, unnecessary. But he did need one. And someone willing to get in his way long enough to do it.
Wasn’t that part of what had always made them so good together? Shepard charging into a china shop like a bull, with Kaidan standing at the door waving his arms? Shepard would run through him as often as he stopped or swerved, but no matter how it ended Kaidan was there to help him pick up the pieces.
He softens. “Yeah, well, I did miss what a complete idiot you are sometimes. You could have, just, I don’t know. Knocked me to the ground. Or knocked her to the ground. Using her own mass.”
Shepard’s brow furrows and he opens his mouth to protest before he sighs in defeat. “Yeah. Ok. That probably would have worked, too.”
Kaidan’s smile deepens. “You always did prefer theatrics out in the field.”
“Me?” Shepard huffs and pokes at the pieces of the Carnifex, chin low to hide his own smile. “Okay, maybe I occasionally enjoy a small flair for the dramatic.”
“Small. You call turning yourself into the most impractical mass-accelerated weapon I could conceive of small.”
Shepard’s smile turns into a smirk. “Say whatever you want. But just imagine being that sniper getting an eyeful of me coming right at her. That’s the kind of fear of god she’s not going to forget anytime soon.”
“You put a shotgun round point blank into her head. She forgot it pretty quick.”
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heresyourramen · 4 years
First Date : Jungkook Imagine
A fluffy first date imagine about Y/N and Jeon Jungkook from BTS.
I hope it’s okay, and you enjoy it!
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It was a blind date. 
Another one.
In fact you had pretty much given up hope on finding love as a college graduate after the first three dates but your roommate had insisted this boy wouldn’t be half as trash as the previous ones. 
You didn’t really know if you could trust her instincts any more, they were getting shady. So far all three of the guys had been far misses. Still only dressed in your towel you flopped onto your unmade bed. 
“Ow, shit!” You look down to see that you had flopped right onto your eyelash curler of all things and let out a frustrated sigh.
What do you even wear to an Arcade? 
The last time you visited one you were 13, who decides to go there at the age of 23? If that wasn’t enough, it was Autumn and winter was closing in fast, cancelling out all those cute little summer dresses and skirts you preferred wearing on first dates.  
After giving up on your less than cold weather appropriate closet, you decide to slip on your usual pair of ripped skinny jeans and your old university sweater. You did light make up and left your hair loose. Slipping on your air forces and a big puffy jacket you leave the warmth of your small apartment and make your way to the designated date spot. 
He’d told you to meet him by the tree decorated with fairy lights outside the arcade but the guy standing there couldn’t possibly be your date. You couldn’t help but stand there in disbelief and instant regret at your half-assed outfit. You even contemplated going back to your apartment for a change but the 20 minute trip would be less than appropriate if you wanted a chance at a second date.
His long dark hair was wavy and parted in the middle, unveiling his big doe like eyes as they wandered around the crowd curiously  and slightly covering his ears where some earrings dangled. He stood with his hands in the pockets of his ripped black skinny jeans and awkwardly shuffling his black boots from side to side as he tried to adjust to the cold, his grey sweater obviously not as cold breeze resistant as it looked. Quickly fixing your hair, you made your way up to where he stood. Looking up with a shy smile you decided to make your presence known.
“Hi, are you Jeon Jungkook?” his big eyes settled on you and slightly widened as if he was surprised before he held his hand out and gave you a quick nod.
“Y/N?” he said your name as if it was a question and you nodded confirming your identity.
“Want to go inside? It’s pretty cold outside.” You suggested more for his part than your own.
“Oh thank God, it’s freezing.” He said with an awkward grin before taking long strides towards the entrance before pausing and looking back at you who struggled to keep up with your short legs, he slowed down his pace to match it with yours. 
Pushing open the arcades doors you noticed the dark interior was filled with thousands of little flickering neon lights, each game with it’s own unique colour scheme. A wave of nostalgia hit you as you noticed a group of kids competing against one another on one of those dancing games that your uncoordinated self could never even consider attempting. A poppy tune played somewhere faintly but the sounds of the loud games were making it difficult to hear which song it was exactly. 
“Uh do you want me to take your jacket? We have to get some tickets, I can give it to them to keep while we’re busy.” He explained and pointed at the booth stuck in a corner of the massive space. You slip off your jacket and hand it to him.
“Go look around and pick a game so long, I’ll be back in a second.” He gave you a friendly smile before making his way to the booth, your coat tucked under his arm. Awkwardly you made your way through the rows of different games, your two sizes to big sweaters sleeves covering your hands. You must have looked like a lost child in a store because when Jungkook made it back to you he seemed concerned. “Are you okay? You look like someone who’s walked into a physics lecture by mistake”
“Uh yeah, I just, I can’t remember the last time I was in an arcade but I blame that on me blocking all my memories of being a teenager.” He chuckled softly before making his way over to a basketball game. 
“Let’s start off simple then?” He gave you a soft smile before the loud music and announcer's voice signaled the start of the game. You were sure he had your best interest at heart and genuinely thought it might be easy but your heart stopped at the thought of any target. Not only had your small body proven itself unable to walk on flat surfaces without tripping it had also made a point that not even running was a safe sport for you to do. He handed you the ball and you made an effort to hide your reluctance as you took it. 
As you expected you had widely over estimated the target, hitting the board above the net with enough force to have the ball come flying right back towards you. Had your date not graciously tugged you out of the way, the date would probably have ended 2 minutes in with you on your way to the hospital with a bloody nose. 
You were suddenly very aware of your surroundings, especially how your back was pressed up against the body behind you. His hands gripped your arms and you noticed the faint tattoos on his right hand as you looked down at it before slowly sliding out of his grasp.
“Let’s avoid any games that require any athletic ability if possible?” You suggested as you walked over to collect the ball handing it back to him sheepishly. You saw the smile on his face and you watched as his nose scrunched as he started to laugh. You could feel your ears and cheeks go a bright red in embarrassment but you couldn’t help but think his laugh wasn’t degrading you like guys often did when you said something strange, and as the light chuckles continued to fill the air you couldn’t help but laugh along with him. Both of you standing in front of a game that’s timer had run out, giggling like 6 year old’s at each other.
“You’re a lot stronger than you look.” He said as he tried to compose himself, you wiped away some tears that had started in the corner of your eyes from all the laughing.
“I agree no more sporty games, you might break the strength measuring games.” He said with a grin and a small wink as you both made your way over to some of the older looking games, luckily they only required you pressing buttons. 
For the next hour your childish competitiveness ran free as the two of you actively tried to beat the other in whatever game you found yourself playing. He ended up persuading you to play one of the newer looking games, hesitantly you picked up the plastic gun and stood in front of the screen. As soon as the game started you were bombarded with the sounds of gunshots and your confusion didn’t even last 30 seconds before your character had died. The game loudly announced your failure and you felt your ears go red with frustration and embarrassment. 
“You haven’t played a game like this before right?” Jungkook said, putting down his own plastic gun and giving you a small smile, you shook your head ‘no’. “I was wondering why you suddenly started letting me win at something.” that was a lie, you had narrowly beaten him at maybe three of the games but you appreciated his attempt at making you feel better. 
“Here, let me help you.” He put in another ticket and selected single player mode and moved to stand behind you. For the second time that day you were very aware of how much smaller you were than him, Your back was pressed against his hard chest and you felt his arms wrap around your body as he placed his hands over your own as you both held the plastic gun. The loud boom of the game was blocked out as your senses suddenly focused on how good he smelled and how gently his hands held yours, everytime his hands moved slightly to aim you felt tingles on your finger tips. It didn’t take too long until  the character on the screen was overwhelmed and the game ended. You felt him step away, his hands no longer holding yours as he let go, he looked down at you with a small smile and you felt yourself blushing again but this time not because of the game. 
“That was our last ticket and it’s pretty late, lets get your jacket and go get some food.” He suggested and you followed after him to the front desk. He helped you slip on your jacket and you guys went outside only to be hit with a bone chilling breeze. You saw him visibly shiver at the cold. 
“Um, do you want to use this instead?” You started taking off your coat but he stopped you. 
“No! It’s okay, look there’s a food cart!” he took your hand and started making your way over to where the warm food was steaming, he ordered and paid before you could open your wallet to pay your half, not once letting go of your hand. You felt bad as he stood awkwardly shuffling because of the cold so you made a daring decision. You gently guided the hand he held into one of the big pockets of your coat, he turned his head from where he was watching the elderly lady assemble your meals and grinned as he gave your small hand a squeeze. You guys got your food and you suggested heading to your apartment to eat it there, the walk was short but he held your hand in your pocket all the way until you had to use it to unlock the door. You watched as he nearly sprinted into the warm interior and you couldn't help but smile at the little waddle he did. 
You took out bowls and cutlery for your food and put on the kettle to make you both some tea. When you walked back into your tiny living room, you saw your dates big body had somehow managed to squish himself in the space between the coffee table and the couch, you placed everything down and quickly selected a random movie before you both started to eat your food when you were both finished he helped you carry everything back to the kitchen. 
After the both of you settled on the old couch under a variety of blankets as you continued to watch the movie, it wasn't long until you felt your eyes slowly falling shut, job hunting had tired you out and the excitement of the day seems to have drained you.
Jungkook stiffened when he felt your head suddenly rest on your shoulder but relaxed when he saw your closed eyes and felt your slow breaths. The excitement of the day had worn both of you out and he couldn’t help but feel relieved that he wasn’t the only one who was tired. He gently brushed the hair out of your face before adjusting himself that you both were comfortable, your head rested on his chest as your arms automatically draped around his waist in your sleep, he rubbed soft circles on your back before finally dozing off himself. 
He woke up, his nose being tempted by the familiar smell of bacon and fried eggs, his eyes wandered to where you stood in your clothes from the day before making breakfast softly humming a tune. He looked down to see himself covered by a few million blankets before he rubbed his eyes, when he opened them again he saw you standing there with two plates and a friendly smile.
“Good morning!” you said cheerfully and put down the plate on the coffee table. “Morning Y/N, I didn’t realise date two would be so soon.” Jungkook said with a sleepy smile before happily digging into the delicious breakfast.
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chupacabrahhh · 3 years
*~{ Garden of Golden Deer }~* a Fire Emblem: Three Houses Part 1 drabble
okayyy this is kinda brazy, I've never written fanfic for a video game before but man fe3h really got my imagination juices goin, and it's all thanks to my wonderful Golden Deers Q v Q
[ set during the aftermath of ch5 when Miklan is defeated & you rescue the Lance of Ruin. I recruited Sylvain the previous chapter and he replaces Lorenz in my house. The professor tells her students a story her father Jeralt once told her long ago. ]
It was nearing late afternoon, and the end of the Golden Deer’s lesson for the day. Byleth had everyone practicing combat moves they had drafted earlier, the sounds of weapons clashing ringing throughout the training grounds. The professor herself was locked in special dedication with Sylvain, the Sword of the Creator parried against his newly acquired Lance of Ruin. This was the first time he was allowed a feel for the relic in combat, but his clammy grip and furrowed brow gave insight to inner turmoil unlike Byleth had ever seen on her student’s face, especially when wielding a lance with which he was already very proficient.
“Of course he must still feel some type of way over Miklan. I bet he hasn’t laid a hand on the relic that stole his brother’s humanity since the day it was handed over to him. This must be very difficult for him..” she thought empathetically. Next to Claude, Sylvain was her most cocky and skilled student with their weapon of choice. She had never seen him mishandle a lance or without a confident smile on his face, but in front of her now he kept changing grip position and shifting the weight of the Lance of Ruin away from him, his body language screaming that he still wanted nothing to do with the thing. Byleth wished she could ease her student’s troubles, but she didn’t know what to say to comfort him about wielding this Hero’s Relic when she herself still wasn’t all that acquainted with the Sword of the Creator. And her past experience as a mercenary made her nothing if not numb to the taking and end of life, either around her or by her own hand. Suddenly, a memory from years past flickered back into her consciousness from a time when she was very small and had questioned death for the first time, before it became a daily part of her existence.
“Sylvain, that’s enough for today,” she nodded at him with eyes as kind as she could emote, and sheathed her sword. “Everyone, wrap up your sparring and meet me underneath the oak tree outside of the training grounds.”
She turned her back to the sounds of her students exclaiming victories over the others or getting into teasing squabbles. Byleth grabbed her water canteen on the way out and took a few gulps, knowing she would need the hydration for what she planned next. A part of her felt nervous at the coming prospect but an even greater part was assured in the comfort she hoped to bring her Golden Deer. Taking a seat on a large rock underneath the shade of the great tree, Byleth closed her eyes and tried transporting herself years back in her memories of being a small girl in her father’s arms. She could recall the feeling of his fur coat’s neckline as she gripped it, could smell the crisp air of winter’s final gusts as spring made its grand appearance across the land. At this time the mountains were still capped white but the valleys were turning lush and verdant, and buds of the bravest flowers were starting to stand tall, yet withheld the magnificence of their blooms.
Opening her eyes now, she gazed upon seven colorful and expectant faces all looking up at her with mixed expressions, her own little garden she was tasked with tending. Sigh, but the face of their biggest problem plant- er, child, was not among them.
“Claude, get your golden butt over here and sit down with the others. I haven't dismissed you yet.”
“Augh Teach, I was just a few steps away from making it home free, if only you had stayed in your trance a moment longer,” the house leader lamented teasingly but obediently plopped down in the back of the bunch beside Leonie and the Lance of Ruin, which Sylvain had expectantly distanced farthest from him as he sat towards the front of the bunch.
“Professor, are you going to make us meditate because that’s really not my thing and I already promised to meet someone for tea so,” Hilda piped up next and smiled sweetly as she twirled the ends of her pink hair, hoping to be obliged to leave as well.
“No, Hilda, we are not going to meditate and I promise this won’t be long. I’d like to share a quick little story with you all.”
“A story?” Lyisthea spoke next with a twinge of annoyance coloring her tone, but her doe eyes gave away her true excitement.
“Yes, this is a story my father told me back when I was a young child, and it’s stuck with me ever since. As we continue receiving missions that send us onto the battlefield, you’re all going to have to become very acquainted with death, which still might be a difficult or painful concept for you to grasp, understandably.” The mood had shifted from playful to pensive as she brought up death, and the change had caused that prickle of anxiety to return. Lecturing about battle tactics was something she had been forced to get used to by now, impersonal, automatic and well within her wheelhouse, but storytelling with colorful language and emotional sentiment was definitely leagues outside of her comfort zone. She gulped back the fear quickly and cleared her throat to begin, not wanting the silence to stretch any longer than it had.
“This is a story about what becomes of those who die on the battlefield.” Her opening statement grabbed the attention of all her students, with Leonie leaning in the most, obviously setting her expectations high as she hungrily awaited the words of Jeralt. “It was around the end of the Lone moon and I was small enough to be carried by my father but had already seen the handiwork of what he and his fellow mercenaries were hired to do. The image of bodies lying facedown on the land had been imprinted into my mind, and as we walked among the melting snow and coming flowers, I asked him what would become of those who died fighting? Accomplished nobles had grand sendoffs, and villagers were lovingly prepared by the hands of their families, but what was to become of those violent strangers who met their end in a random battlefield? Without missing a beat, he said…”
Byleth took a moment to appreciate the looks on her deer’s faces, with Sylvain’s amber eyes gleaming the brightest of the bunch.
“They become flowers.”
“Flowers!?” Raphael booming incredulous tone contrasted the professor’s soft spokenness.
“Yes, the fighters become flowers. As their blood and life force seeped out of their bodies and into the land, the great exchange was transmuted by the goddess into the most delicate and lovely creation, flowers. What’s more, he explained, was that the soul of each warrior who had taken life as their means of living would spend their next reincarnation as a flower, to learn the lessons of fragility, powerlessness, and surrender. A brief moment in their soul’s journey back to the goddess where they embody what it means to be defenseless. A child could come running along to pick it, a deer grazing and eat it, or at the end of the year it withers to the natural cycle of the seasons, never once harming another soul in its lifetime. He says that is how balance is restored  and how all warriors learn the lesson of gentleness.” Byleth concluded her storytelling with a breath and leaned back with a tiny amused expression watching the unexpected existential and poetic tale turn over in their minds.
Leonie was the first to speak up. “Pardon me, Professor, but I have trouble believing Captain Jeralt the Blade Breaker came up with a story so… uh, flowery.”
“Very perceptive, Leonie, you do know him well. You’re right that that tale didn’t originate from his thoughts. My mother told it to him. But I can assure you he does believe in its message.” Leonie blushed and huffed embarrassedly at being praised by her one-sided rival but nodded once in acknowledgement.
“So Teach, do you believe in that myth? That you and he and all of us will reincarnate as flowers in the next life?” Of course she was expecting that from Claude, a languid smirk on his face as he awaited her answer with interest.
Byleth pondered her inner self for just a moment then nodded slightly. “Yes, I do.”
“Oh, I knew that to be true, Professor! I always noticed that wherever you walk, you always take care to never step on flowers. It’s something I always admired about you..” Marianne was softly glowing with a rare joy then remembered she was in the company of all her classmates and immediately wiped the smile from her face and looked downwards.
Ignatz spoke next, the stars of inspiration lighting his whole body language. “Professor, thank you for sharing such a moving tale! I believe it must be true, as it aligns with all that I believe the goddess values as well! A-and if I may, Professor, I believe that in your next life, you will be a grand and magnificent tree, just like the one we’re all gathered under.”
“Ignatz, so bold! I’m impressed with you!” Sylvain smiled teasingly and ruffled his peer’s olive bowlcut, causing the boy to blush an even deeper shade than his proclamation had him before. “And I have to say, I agree with you. The Professor has to be a majestic and wise tree,” he said, turning his smile towards her. Byleth noticed most of the darkness had left his amber eyes and his inner light was shining through once again, so even though the storytime was a bit embarrassing and uncomfortable, seeing him embody a bit of his old self again made it all worth it, as much as the wonder in the rest of her Golden Deer’s faces. Yes, she felt herself smile genuinely, they were indeed a vibrant garden of individuals.
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writer-k-pop · 4 years
Fire Fights
난 단지 네가 다치는 것을 원하지 않았을 뿐이야. I just didn’t want you to get hurt.
Description: You and Namjoon have been friends for ages. Both being fire benders and all. Even though you don’t run in the same circles anymore, he’s always around. And now he’s saving you when some fire benders decide to pick on Jungkook, your water bending friend. Which leads to an argument that reveals someone’s true feelings.  Warnings: Swearing Genre: Angst, Fluff, Bender!AU, FireBender!Namjoon x Fem!Reader Word Count: 2.7k
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"Late. Again." My professor, Mrs. Kwon, eyes the few students who slink into the classroom 15 minutes late. She sighs before continuing the lesson. "Alright, back to water properties."
Her voice begins to fade as I zone out, staring at the projector screen.
Jungkook, sitting next to me, discreetly nudges my shoulder to bring me out of my trance.
I turn to him a give him a "what was that for?" look.
"New slide." He whispers, nodding towards the screen.
I look at the screen and sure enough, Jungkook is correct. I quickly start to write down the notes before Mrs. Kwon moves on to the next.
"Alright, any questions?" Mrs. Kwon asks 25 minutes later.
A silence blankets over the classroom and it feels like no one is breathing.
Mrs. Kwon nods, "Well, that's all I had planned for today. Remember that the first drafts of your research essays are due by the end of next week. You can make an appointment with me if you want to check your work before the due date." She reminds us over the noise of students packing up their belongings.
I roll my eyes at the impatience of some (most) students.
"Have a good weekend!" Mrs. Kwon finishes and begins to pack up her own papers.
Once she's done talking, students' conversation grow in volume in a matter of seconds and I start packing away my belongings.
"I'm torn." Jungkook sighs as I sling my backpack over my shoulder.
"About what?" I question and we begin climbing the steps towards the lecture hall's exits.
"What to write the research paper on." Jungkook ponders.
I widen my eyes at him, "You haven't decided that yet? That was supposed to be done like a week ago."
Jungkook shrugs, "I kind of want to use the paper I wrote for the 302 class I took last year."
I shake my head, "I never understood why you decided to take this 205 class when you've already taken the 302 AND you're a water bender."
"You said you wanted to take it and not be alone." Jungkook defends his choice, "Plus, it fills a credit and it's interesting taking the class with a bunch of fire benders." He playfully winks at me and holds the door open.
"Are we that fascinating to you?" I glance at me as we walk out towards the main courtyard. In the center, the central column spews fire up towards the sky.
"Fascinating enough." Jungkook replies, "Like why do you guys need a very large candle in the middle of your campus?"
I smack his shoulder and he laughs. "You guys have that peeing sculpture in the middle of yours so hush."
"Alfred is not a peeing sculpture." Jungkook gasps and holds a hand over his heart in offense.
I chuckle, "Sure looks like one."
Jungkook and I became good friends through my other good friend Jin, who's also a water bender. Jin and I have been friends since childhood. As a fire-bender and water-bender, we balanced each other out fairly well and never could quite defeat the other.
Though, Jin's got a girlfriend now so we don't see him around as much.
"Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing here?" A cocky female voice calls out to us.
I roll my eyes before turning to my left to face the all too familiar group of people. Sitting on benches and standing around are the most popular kids in school. But not the cool, kind populars. No, these are the populars who have all of daddy's money stuffed in unmentionable places. The worst kind.
"I go to class here, Elsie." I yell back in hopes that they'll be feeling nice and let Jungkook and I pass. But my hopes, as always, are crushed.
"Not you, hush puppy." Elsie says with boredom then her nods towards Jungkook, "I was talking to the wet one."
My fist clenches but Jungkook rests a hand on my wrist before I can move.
"I have a class here. You may have heard of it. W205?" Jungkook responds calmly.
"Lame." Elsie rolls her eyes and her pose giggles. "Why don't you stick to your campus from now on? Hm? We wouldn't want a poor wet one to get burned by fire now would we?" She cocks her head to the side and I want to wipe the smack the pout from her lips.
"Not unless I drowned you first." I suddenly say without a second thought and release my arm from Jungkook's grasp. "Is that a challenge?" Elsie asks with a wicked smile and takes a step forward.
"We're not fully trained so water fighting fire would be a little unfair don't you think?" I explain, "But fire fighting fire seems more fair, doesn't it?"
"Since you're a girl, I might actually be tested on my true abilities." Elsie rests her hands on her hips, her confidence soaring. "Though, I don't know if you could keep up."
The blood in my veins boils and it takes literally everything within me to not charge at her right this second.
"I bet I could." I reply, both fists now balled.
"I'm sure you could." Elsie nods, "In 3 years."
I roll my eyes and drop my backpack, "Will you stop talking and actually get your ass over here to find out?"
"What are you doing?" Jungkook whispers, "You almost got suspended last time."
"I don't care." I look back at him.
"(y/n)!" Elsie calls out to me, "Catch." She simply says before sending a fire ball but not at me. At Jungkook.
With speed, I step in front of the attack and disperse the flame with ease.
"ELSIE!" Namjoon's voice booms from some yards away. His voice and presence drags both of our attentions to him as he strides over.
Namjoon is one of those cool, kind popular kids and he commands the attention and respect from almost everyone on our campus. And he just so happens to be my best friend. I always question why he's still my friend when we are barely even in the same friend circles anymore but every time I start to miss him or need him, he shows up. Just like that.
Part of me is relieved he's here so she'll leave us alone but the other part of me is upset that Namjoon's stopping me from finally teaching her the lesson she deserves. He's like an angel appearing at just the right time but at the same time, he's Satan's spawn just loving that he's messing with my life.
"What the hell is your problem?" Namjoon questions her with anger when he reaches her.
"Oh, Namjoon, how are you?" Elsie dodges the question with a sweet smile.
"Just answer the question." Namjoon instructs with a no-play tone.
Elsie rolls her eyes before answering, "The water bender was bothering me."
"Exactly how was he bothering you?" Namjoon asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
Elsie looks taken aback then stutters, "Well, I mean he, he was just-"
Namjoon curtly nods once, "Water benders are allowed to take classes on other campuses. Worry about your own self." He then turns and walks towards Jungkook and I while Elsie and her crew walk away.
Jungkook picks up my backpack and hands it to me just as Namjoon reaches the two of us.
"Are you guys okay?" He asks, glancing between the two of us. When we both nod, he says, "What the hell were YOU thinking?" Checking on me before launching into a scolding, as expected of my best friend. "Why would you instigate her like that?"
"I could've handled her fine." I roll my eyes, now more annoyed he interrupted. "I could've shown her a damn lesson or two."
"In the middle of the day in the middle of the courtyard?" Namjoon continues to question me.
"It would've been fine." I repeat and start walking out of the campus.
"You would've been actually suspended this time." Namjoon follows with Jungkook next to him.
"That's what I said." Jungkook pipes up.
"You should've listened to that." Namjoon finishes with me then turns to Jungkook. "And why didn't you stop her? You could've dragged her away."
Jungkook raises his hands in surrender, "I tried. I swear., But you know how she gets when she gets into that mood."
"It wasn't a mood." I defend myself.
"Fine, attitude then." Jungkook corrects himself, sticking out his tongue at me.
"It was not a-"
"Enough." Namjoon pinches the bridge of his nose. "Just, just walk away next time. Please?"
"What and let Ms. Made-Perfect-by-Daddy's-Money continue to berate the other elements like that?" I raise my eyebrows at Namjoon. "Like hell I would let that happen."
Namjoon sighs, "Verbally fight with her, throw around threats, sure. But just don't actually fight her."
I let out a puff of air in disbelief, "You don't think I could actually fight her and hold my own, do you?"
Now, quite annoyed with my best friend, I turn Jungkook in a random direction. "I'll see you later Namjoon." I say before he can explain himself.
Nearly pushing Jungkook, we make our way in the opposite direction.
"You do know that we have to go back in that direction and not this direction." Jungkook mentions as he starts walking on his own.
"We're taking the long way around." I spew out the words, my tone immediately telling him not to argue with me.
--------------The Next Morning----------------
The wind blows past my shoulders and makes my paper flutter as they stay locked to my binder. The mid-morning sun is warm but not too hot and the wind gives a nice relief.
I decided to study on the roof this morning because my room got way too stuffy last night and because no one's out here in the morning so it's nice and quiet.
I live in an apartment building and the owners were nice enough to purchase a few picnic tables up here since so many of us tenants are students. Cool people.
"You're still annoyed with me?" Namjoon's voice appears behind me.
I grip my pencil ever so slightly tighter, "Yeah, just a bit." I tell him without looking at him.
Without a word, he sits at the table a foot to my right.
I take a quick glance at him. He doesn't have his backpack and he's wearing black pants and a light washed denim jacket. He rests his arms on the table and is just staring straight ahead. Once I get a good look at him, I turn back to my notes but none of the written words register.
"The other day, what I said." Namjoon says, perking up my ears. "I didn't mean it that way."
I lift my head up and lay down my pencil, "Sure sounded like it."
"Well, it wasn't and if you would let me explain, you would see that." Namjoon turns to me, waiting for my answer.
I purse my lips and ponder his request, "Fine, what did you mean by saying that?" I ask him the question and meet his eyes.
He gives me a small smile, "Honestly, I do think you could take Elsie and you would handle yourself very well if it ever came down to a fire fight." I take the compliment but prepare for the largest but I would hear in my lifetime. "But... I just didn't want you to get hurt."
"You were worried about me getting hurt?" I raise my eyebrows slightly in confusion.
"Yeah, I didn't want to sit back and watch you get hurt if I could do something about it." Namjoon explains.
"Why would you care if I got hurt?" I question.
Namjoon suddenly gets flustered and rubs the back of his neck, "I mean, you know, you're my best friend and I'd hate to see that."
I squint my eyes at him, "Okay, but if that was true, you would've stopped me from doing all the other stupid things I've done with Jungkook. Most of which, by the way, you actually encouraged me to do."
"Those, those were different." Namjoon counters, "They were with Jungkook and you weren't fighting with fire."
I rest my head in my hand, "And I'm pretty sure I got injured much worse those times that I would've been had I been in-"
"I care about you, alright?" Namjoon blurts out. "Elsie's not worth the energy to fight and she's certainly not worth any injury, big or small."
My heart begins to pound and flutter at the same time. "I mean," I clear my throat, "I care about you too. You're my best friend."
Namjoon shakes his head with a smile playing on his lips, "No, I mean like more than best friends. I care about you a lot, (y/n)."
I stay silent, trying to process the words he's saying and he takes the silence as a signal to keep talking.
"Why do you think I'm always saving your ass from Elsie? Why do you think that I bring your favorite snacks around the time your periods is about to attack? Honestly, I'm quite tired of spitting out the same 'treat everyone equally' bullshit because I'd treat you better than everyone else."
My mind is racing through millions of thoughts at hundreds of miles an hour. I think I left my legs back in 'holy shit what is happening' land and my heart in 'holy shit this is actually happening' land.
"(y/n)?" Namjoon rests a hand on my shoulder, "Say something? It gets kind of weird if I'm the only one talking." He attempts to lighten the mood.
I register his words and now all the visits and hangouts and run ins make so much more sense. He didn't just randomly run into me or thought of me. He purposefully was where I always needed him to be. He was always there not because it was coincidence, but because he WANTED to be.
I run my hands through my hair and chuckle. "I am so dumb."
Now it's Namjoon's turn to be confused.
"How did I not see any of it?" I ask mainly myself.
Namjoon recovers from his confusion and shrugs his shoulders, "You were pretty focused on studying and not beating the crap out of Elsie."
I chuckle but it dies down pretty quickly. "All this time, huh?" I ask, looking at him.
Namjoon breathes in, "Yeah, all this time."
"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" I question.
"You said you were completely and utterly done with relationships so I was nervous to tell you that I liked you." Namjoon repeats my words from over a year ago and slides closer to me.
"You could've said something." I told him, nudging his shoulder.
"I could've." Namjoon says, "But I also watched the few guys who tried only to get shut down."
I laugh, "Point taken."
"So." He leans his head on his fist, facing me.
"So?" I repeat, questioningly.
"Have I been accepted or will I go join the rejects?" Namjoon clarifies.
I squeeze my eyes shut and mentally facepalm all while calling myself dumb for not catching onto that.
"I won't accept or reject you quite yet." I answer, "You still have to take me on a date. Then we'll see."
Namjoon lazily smiles, like he's already confident he won't be rejected. Which he's not entirely wrong. He's got a really nice face and his personality matches with mine and he *almost* always has me laughing. I would be lying if I said that I didn't have a suppressed crush that started years ago.
"You want a date. I can give you a date." Namjoon says and sits up straight. "Where should we go? And when?"
I smile, "Surprise me."
Namjoon smiles widely, now excited, "Oh, you got it." He raises from his seat, "I gotta run but tomorrow night. Be ready. I'll text you the time."
"Oh, okay." I reply, slightly surprised at how soon this date will be. "Hey, you didn't like plan for this did you?" I call out to him as he walks towards the door.
He pauses and turns around, "Maybe!" Namjoon calls back with a playful smile before continuing towards the door.
Once the door closes behind him and I'm left alone on the rooftop once more, all motivation to study jumps off the roof and all I can think about is the date I have tomorrow night with Namjoon, my best friend.
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officehrs · 3 years
i had a dream about r that felt so real. 😔 VERY long post excuse me ,, if u read, feel free to analyze or tell me to shut up fkfnkfnfd
i dont remember anything about how it started but the first thing that really happened was that i was on a site on my laptop in his class, solving some sort of "riddle",,,, i read it to myself aloud very quietly trying to process it, when r came up from behind me and whispered a small fragment of the sentence into my ear so breathily and slowly?? like "hmmmm [breathes] how how how [breathes] do we do thisssssssss" ... i mocked the gesture back to him when he was done (bc admittedly it WAS super weird for him) as he sat down. its important to note he acted cold towards me in a way, and seemed really different.
he asked me "so, what is it youre doinggg", the same way he said stuff before. i read to him the context of the question on the site and he understood somehow. immediately, he pulled out his phone (which was an older black samsung instead of his iphone??) and began typing an email with all the answers and an explanation. while he did, i subconsciously leaned myself against his shoulder and his whole left arm, before he began to adjust his shoulder as if to shake me off. i sat in the back of my chair, slightly saddened by his gesture, but i didnt want to push boundaries.
it only took 10 seconds and when i checked my email, it was at least 6 pages worth of text. i was super confused as to how he typed so fast!! but he didnt really say anything about it. i scrolled to the end and found he wrote about "forgiving" (idk what to call it, i didnt do anything bad HFKFJFJF) something i had done in real life, hence why this dream felt so real. he gave me an extra assignment in the email and wrote it on a white board on the wall, with a smiley face next to it 🥺 i didnt notice it until later though
i dont remember the context but HE STARTED BRUSHING MY HAIR?? it seemed like he didnt think anything of it, so in my head i was like 😳oh my god ,,, AND I WAS THINKING OF POSTING ABOUT IT ASAP ON MY ACCOUNT GJFBFNF it felt incredible and i didnt want him to stop, and he didnt for some time ,, he played with my hair a little and kept brushing bffnndn and he said stuff while he brushed in that same breathy tone and it made me Lose My Mind
then, he stopped and some stuff happened idk but i sat back down at my usual desk,, he had put a movie up on the big smartboard at the front of the class, and somehow sent us a multi-pic instagram post to look at, which was a quote from some revolutionary about going against our oppressor (🧍NDNDNDMDM) ,, i found some problematic part at the very end, which at this time he walked past my seat, walking around the class as usual. i subconsciously looked to be in deep speculation, and i felt him look down at me, and my screen?? but i didnt look up, as he seemed to be breathing in the same kind of deprived tone as before. he was still walking, though very slowly. it was somehow quiet in the class except for the movie, so his footsteps boomed throughout. somewhere at this time is where i noticed the smiley face on the board, and thought it was very sweet!!
then, the final bell rang for the day. everyone got up, including me and r. i grabbed a black acoustic guitar he just had on display in his class, and went to the cafeteria, waiting for my ride to get here (which i dont do irl?? anyway) ,, on my way there, in the hallways people were talking about the movie they watched in class, and some people were sad they missed out on seeing the insta post ,, i noted it in my head, and i kept on my way to the cafeteria.
i made it there, and found a corner to stand in. the whole place was kinda packed?? i guess it was bc some teacher/staff person was giving a speech right as i was walking into the cafeteria. he said, verbatim, "he said 'im just gonna get a whole fuckton of money and then save it all' and now look at him! hes dead! that motherfucker is dead because he didnt know how to save his shit!" which i found very weird, of course. everyone was quiet during this, and it may have been out of shock too. i was most particularly shocked by the fact that a bunch of staff was lines up near this lecturer, but didnt twitch or bat an eye at all. like they were ok with this???? something very different from irl
when the little rant ended, everyone went back to talking to each other. i began quietly playing the guitar, as i had no one to speak to, even though i did know the person i stood next to. the people who stood around me stopped talking after a few seconds, most of them watching me. unintelligibly, the person i knew asked "you play the sgrhgsuejfk?",, i assumed they had said "guitar" and after careful contemplation for like 10 seconds, i said yes. they didnt reply, so i kept playing as they watched.
some person to the left of me, standing kinda far started annoyingly asking questions towards us. they wouldnt stop, and started targeting people to ask their dumb and strange questions to. i quit playing and walked right up to their face, saying repeatedly "if you're gonna harass anyone, let it be me. why dont you harass me instead? go ahead, ask whatever. harass me, not them." i dont think they were genuinely harassing people post-dream, but thats how i felt and thats how i stated it anyway. after 10 seconds of shouting at them, the person started asking me the question, and as i was about to answer, i looked down at my phone (which read 7:50) and said "i gotta go anyway" ,, i needed to return r's guitar back to his class, so i left the cafeteria, with the person i knew following me, i think.
the hallways seemed much different. i was looking around for r's classroom, confused, and it seemed to become a maze of sorts of unlabelled, windowless doors. instead of looking for his classroom, instarted looking for r himself, wandering around. and i found him!! but he gave me a cold glance as he looked behind himself before closing the door he just opened. as a result, i went to a door parallel, across the hallway. i opened it and it lead to a dark, dimly lit hallway full of several other doors. i was very disoriented, and kept going through random doors. i found r again several times, only for him to enter through another passage of doors, coldly. eventually i found my way out of the maze, and the person i knew reappeared to the right of me, talking to me. we conversed about our day, as i tried to figure out how to get to r's classroom. the school seemed to have a different layout, one that was continuous, unfamiliar, and yet i felt as if i had a sense of direction. the person didnt comment on it, only they followed me wherever i went. we went up and down floors, made it back to the cafeteria, and as we were going up again to try to find his classroom (realizing we went the wrong way) the dream ended.
this was very strange 🧍
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anomitafics · 4 years
When The Heart Beats || [6]
Softly closing the wooden door, Erwin was greeted by the sight of a certain trio that never in his life would he expect seeing in this current situation.
Why were they here? Especially Ackerman... Was she able to get into their thick characters already?
She never really did fail to surprise him.
Turing a blind eye at the small group waiting outside the room that held their team captain captive, the blonde then started walking past them, only to be stopped by a certain male's brusque demand:
"Oi... Aren't you going to tell us what ever happened to that hell of a captain ours?"
Jaw clenching at how degraded his dear friend was addressed, Erwin stopped in his tracks.
"Language, Ackerman." the blonde pointed before once again walking away from the scene.
"Oi--!" an irritated Levi once again started, about to knock some piece of shit into this blonde who dare to correct him with his damned language. But was halted by Farlan.
Eyeing the male beside him, Farlan only shook his head to Levi who looked at him with a pissed look.
"We were just worried Captain, if you'd be so kind to tell us what had happened to her." this time, Farlan attempted in a polite way only to be snobbed by the stern blonde.
Farlan had never felt so insulted, brows furrowed, a thought that he was avoiding to acknowledge had finally dawned him.
This organization... These people... They're all the same. They're nothing but a bunch of soldiers who let their own prejudices get ahead of their own humanity.
And they were lucky enough to even be placed under someone who was different from all of them.
Someone who viewed them as an equal. Someone who had never once looked at them with such disgust grazed over her soft features. Someone who had never used their pasts against them.
He'd always been curious about Sairam's loyalty towards her, and now he'd finally understood. It wasn't merely because of the sweets and tea she had offered, but her own empathy and rightful judgement.
Levi eyed the blonde as he continued to scowl over Erwin's retreating form. It seems like the latter had hit some kind of realization. And he wondered what it was.
Levi continued to watch Farlan's features, the blonde was making a face that he had yet to witness since stepping out of the filthy underground.
Gone are his polite and gleeful facade. This was the face the blonde had always made whenever he saw the limp children at the corners of the undergrounds being mistreated.
This was who Farlan really was back inside the underground.
Levi wondered why he was able to have seen it again now after a long period of time.
Was he... trying to leave his past self in order to fit into this gruesome society?
The onyx-haired male scoffed at the thought. They could never abandon the title of being an underground thug. At least not within these walls of never ending stereotypes and prejudices.
"We were all unhappy at the fact that she were to be our captain. But I come to have finally regret our judgement." alas the taller male had finally spoke.
"I... " this time, Isabel spoke. The strawberry haired female started fidgeting her foot with the ground as she continued:
"...I also feel guilty about judging right away..."
Both waited for the onyx haired male's outburst for their incompetence, they expected him to lecture them about how easily they trust, and how it doesn't even matter who they trust in the first place as long as they kill Erwin, yet it never came.
Slowly raising her head, Isabel gazed at Levi who was now staring at the metal door knob.
"...what did you say that had happened to her Farlan?" Levi asked making Farlan's eyes widened at the thought of his usually detached friend asking for something of such.
"I wasn't able to see anything clearly but I saw Erwin carry her unconscious form from the crowd." Farlan explained remembering how he witnessed such worry in Erwin's eyes as the blonde carried away their Captain, something he chose to not mention.
After all, it might've only been his imagination. It was just oh to impossible.
"So she was knocked out unconscious huh?" Levi murmured as he thought of ways to solve his friends' worries towards the female captain.
Levi wasn't even worried himself. It wasn't like he had grown attached to her. After all, he still had his doubts despite having started to trust the captain a little.
Yet unlike him, his friends seem to have grown fond of her and were both worried sick that they had even pleaded him to help them locate their captain's whereabouts. He had no choice but to tag along and help them ease their worries.
"Ah..." a quiet gasp made the trio face the now opened door which had just revealed a flustered looking Sairam, who quickly closed the door behind him upon setting sight on the trio.
"Sairam! I knew it! She's in there!" Isabel exclaimed loudly as she pointed at Sairam who was standing idly by the door. Farlan quickly started hushing down an overly excited Isabel.
Levi however, took note of how Sairam, who was usually calm and reserved was now looking so agitated.
Sairam who've noticed Levi studying him, was quick to have recompose himself, clearing his throat in the process.
"(Y/N) doesn't want those three knowing... at least not yet..."
Captain Hange's words rung in is head as if to remind him of doing anything he can to not let the trio in front of him start suspecting anything.
"If you're looking for the captain then you're right, she's inside, although it is prohibited to go inside. " Sairam stated.
"What?! Then why are you inside! We're part of her squad to!" Isabel complained making Sairam's eyes twitch in irritation.
"It's alright." Farlan said halting Isabel's small outburst.
"Then could you just inform us on what had happened to her?" Farlan continued making Sairam sigh.
"The captain was overworking herself these past few days, that's the reason she fainted."
"Well now that you three know shouldn't you be trai--" as Sairam was speaking, the wooden door suddenly swung open revealing the captain herself.
"No one's going training without me." (Y/N), who looked like as if a sudden gush of wind can bring her down at any second murmured.
The female fixed her hair as she rubbed her eyes.
"Captain!" Sairam exclaimed as Farlan and Isabel stared eyes wide at their captain's sorry state. Levi remained calm but was observing.
"I'm sorry for interrupting your test Farlan, we can continue now if you--" (Y/N) stated weakly but was suddenly interrupted by the booming voice of none other than Erwin Smith.
"No." the blonde had just finally came back from fetching food for the female.
The [c] haired female was about to argue yet again but was halted by Levi's voice.
"If you're going to train anyone in that sorry state then you better be ashamed of your damned self." the onyx haired male clicked his tongue, not caring about everyone's gloomy reaction towards his sharp words.
Signalling to both perplexed Farlan and Isabel he murmured small "Let's go", making the two follow him unquestionably.
Out of everyone else, Farlan and Isabel knew Levi best. Sure, the aloof male could be sharp with his words but it was only to avoid (Y/N) from having to push herself to the edge. And they both understood this.
Passing by Erwin's tall figure, Levi was reminded of everything the blonde had done to degrade him and his friends.
'He will meet his end... by my hands.'
And thus, the stoic male's revengeful vow continued to linger within his mind up until dinner.
As usual the mess hall was buzzing from the different chatters of each individual soldier, Levi along with his friends continued to make their way through the gnashing crowd of hungry soldiers.
Getting his foot stepped on along with having multiple shoulders bump into his cheek had become Levi's usual struggle when it comes to lining up for food in the small cramped mess hall.
When his face was bumped into for the first time, the onyx haired male couldn't help but to make a scene, his two friends along side him attempting to calm down both parties: Levi and the random soldier who had his elbow graze on the latter's face.
Yet, Levi was soon to get tired of fighting with whoever were to bump onto his face or step on his foot. The latter just wished he could've gotten a little taller in order to avoid having his face get elbowed all the time; he didn't mind having his foot stepped on twice as much if it meant his face were to be safe from getting hit.
Farlan who had silently known about Levi's struggle was the one leading their small line, much to Levi's pleasure. Though it didn't entirely avoided all of the blows on the latter's face but it was enough to be endurable.
"There! Over there! Perfect timing, they're just leaving!" Isabel had finally found a table for their small group.
Looking over to where the strawberry haired female was pointing to, Farlan now gazed behind him, where he waited for Levi's sign of aproval to sit on the said table.
The latter didn't really like sitting with people who seem to be of nuisance to them, but alas, the said table was completely deserted.
Giving a small hum of approval the group made their way to the table, placing their meals in front of them as they sat side by side.
Isabel's golden eyes watched as cramped group of soldiers went passed in front them from time to time as she took a bite on the clean bread on her hand.
At least that was what she liked calling it.
Unlike everything within the underground, the young female viewed each object of thw world from the above as clean.
Clean, not only for it was surely manufactured in clean surroundings but also it was neither stolen nor eaten illegally.
Isabel had always been fascinated at the world above her former home yet had also been trying hard to hide these feelings to her two friends, especially her Big Bro since the male had expressed little to no fascination to the matter.
And Levi was no fool to be oblivious to his companion's hidden feelings.
Watching Isabel's curious expression who simply sat beside him as she continued to gaze at each soldier who had passed their table, Levi knew the female wanted, or at least, was interested on having at least a little group of acquaintances.
Yet the onyx-haired male was also aware of how impossible it was. No one even dared taking the vacant seats in front of them no matter how crowded the mess hall was.
He hated the fact that his walls were too damn high and wide that even his friends were trapped inside it with him.
Isabel had always wanted to receive those candies from that crazy woman Hange, and so did Farlan wanted to at least get closer to their Captain, yet they couldn't... just because... he seemed like he didn't want to.
"That frown's deeper than normal commander, what's the matter?"
A cheery voice snapped the onyx haired male from his yet another train of thoughts, lifting his gaze from his almost colorless food, Levi was confronted by the smiling face of his captain.
The hell's wrong with her...?! Smiling all the time...
"Can I sit here?"
At this, both Isabel and Farlan's gazes landed on the male who sat between them, as if waiting for his answer.
Levi clicked his tongue at this as he murmured:
"You're your own person, decide for yourselves."
When The Heart Beats Masterlist    <--------- Chapters here
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