#i just have a lot of feelings about my girl
punkitt-is-here · 2 days
Hey, dunno if this is anything, but I wanted to say, seeing you transition brings me joy in an odd way.
I’m a cis-girl, and I’ve run through many of the experiences your beginning to have. But, to me there’s something very special about the happiness you experience in having them. A lot of these (like make-up for ex) were things I just “had” to do because I was a woman and i had to fit inside the standards of one to some degree. It made me isolated from them because I couldn’t separate femininity from the social pain.
But then seeing trans-woman like you go through them with a great euphoria to be feminine or to be a woman, it healed me in a way I can’t describe. I started wearing long skirts again, I put on makeup for myself, I started wearing face paint designs and flowers and braiding my hair because I found joy in being feminine again. Seeing someone love turning into a woman- BEING a woman, it overwhelmed me with a love so big I kind of wanted to cry. The love of being a woman in any way, not just trying to fit the perception of someone else’s ideal of “woman”, is something so important to me but I didn’t even realize it until seeing trans woman just enjoy it. We are woman and people can’t take that away from us.
so everytime you feel a win from feeling pretty in an outfit or something like that, I hope you know I’m rooting for you. And I hope you know it’s small bursts of love that trans-woman have that make me want to be a woman again. Thank you.
THIS IS SO SWEET????!??!?!?? THANK YOU!??!?!?!? IM GONNA CRY THIS MEANS SO MUCH TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
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purplecoffee13 · 2 days
Please Please Please - Pt 2* (final)
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Summary: “A sudden call from Harry in the middle of the night makes you realize just how little you actually know about your neighbor.”
Wc: 5k
Tropes: good girl x bad boy / neighbors
Warnings: angst, fighting, cursing, SMUT, bit of a degradation kink, multiple orgasms, GUN KINK, corruption kink
A/N: Hey guys! As promised, here is part 2 of Pls Pls Pls. It is quite a sudden 180 from the previous part, so try not to get whiplash. Enjoy!! :)
General Masterlist
Spending your Sunday night at a police station bailing out your neighbor was definitely not on your list of preferred weekend activities. But here you are, sitting on a chair, waiting for the officers to bring Harry outside.
You couldn't believe it at first. Of course, you knew it had to be some kind of emergency when your ringing phone woke you up. After all, it was two in the morning, and random calls at two in the morning usually didn't indicate anything good.
"Hello?" Your croaky voice greeted whoever was calling you this late, or early, depending on your lifestyle.
"Hi love. I need your help." You frowned at the sound of Harry talking through the phone.
"Harry?" You questioned.
"Yes, darling?"
"Wha— are you okay? Where are you?" You leaned over your nightstand to turn on the lamp. Your eyes shut tightly at the sudden harsh light, rubbing your eyes as you stifled a yawn.
"I'm fine, I'm at the police station. Listen, I need you to go into my apartment, get the envelope with cash from under my mattress, and then I need you to get over here. Could you do that for me, darling?"
"Uhm, yes. Yes, of course." You got up from your bed and grabbed the first pants you saw. Your movements got to a halt when you realized it would be impossible to even do that. "But wait, I don't have your—"
"There's an extra key in your top kitchen drawer next to the fridge."
"Wha..." your voice trailed off as you buried over to your kitchen and opened the drawer, indeed finding a key that didn't belong to your apartment. "When did you put this here?"
"I'll explain later, I promise. See you in a bit?"
You sighed. What the absolute fuck was going on? This man might just be even more mysterious than you had already thought.
"See you in a bit."
The muffled voices coming from the other side of the door makes your perk up in your seat. Like you had expected, you spot Harry's face through the windows on the door. He is wearing a frown that makes him look very intimidating, and a wave of intense stress hits you.
Who the fuck even is this neighbor of yours?
You are on your feet very quickly when Harry finally walks through the door. Your eyes widen at the state of him. He is wearing a tank top with a dress shirt thrown over it. The dress shirt is scratched open and his entire outfit is dirty. His face is mostly untouched, except for a cut in his eyebrow that is covered in dried blood. He looks rough.
His lips form into a grin when he spots you, but you are having none of it. Your knitted eyebrows make your glare more intense, and you don't even give Harry the opportunity to greet you when he is close enough, because you are already walking towards the exit.
You push the doors open and storm across the parking lot. You hear the chuckling scoff from behind you after the creaking door signals that Harry is hot on your heels.
"What's wrong sweetheart?" He asks almost cockily, strutting behind you. You've arrived at your car, so you turn around to face him, shaking your head in disbelief.
"Are you serious?!" You groan, to which Harry shrugs lazily. "You called me in the middle of the night, asking me to bail you out with money that you've hid in a duffel bag under your bed, which — by the way — I had access to because you planted a spare house key in my apartment! That's what wrong!"
"I told you I'd explain." Harry says, still nonchalant as ever. You can quite literally feel your blood boiling. Why in God's name is he being so relaxed about this? 
"Yeah, you fucking better." You spit out, clenching your jaw as you turn back towards the car. Harry's spiteful voice stops you in your tracks, though.
"Hey! You didn't have to come here, nobody forced you."
When your eyes meet his again, you don't miss the frustration that radiates from his. It is your turn to scoff as you take a few steps towards Harry until you stand in front of him.
"Oh yeah, that's fucking easy," you are about ready to start a fight, but the sight of his bruised face makes you think twice. Instead, you sigh, throwing your arms over each other. "Get in the car, we'll talk at home."
You are about to get back to the car when you realize that Harry isn't following you. You squint at him and the way he is standing there on the parking lot, a wide stance with his hands behind his back. He doesn't do well with following orders or demands, you've learned that about him in these past weeks. But right now, you couldn't care less.
Rolling your eyes, you march back to Harry and grab a fistful of his shirt before pulling him along to the passenger seat. By how easy it is to get him in the car, you figure that he enjoys your current attitude, otherwise he never would've let you boss him around like this.
You aren't interested in whether he likes it or not right now, all you care about it getting home.
The drive is excruciating. The radio fills the silence that neither of you are willing to break. Every shift in his seat and sigh from his mouth manages to make your blood boil. You can't believe he has the nerve to act as if he has the right to be pissed right now.
It is only when the both of you are at your door, and you silently walk into your own apartment, that Harry breaks the silence.
"Where are you going?" He asks, irritated.
"Thought you wanted to talk." His tone his mocking, but you can tell that he is hiding real confusion behind it.
"I decided I'm not in the mood to hear your bullshit excuses right now, maybe tomorrow." You shrug, keys rattling as you open the door.
"So dramatic..." Harry mutters under his breath, but you hear him just fine. You are quick to turn around.
"What did you say?"
Harry shakes his head, sighing. "You heard me. If you're so fucking mad about this, why the fuck did you even come in the first place?"
"Well, what the fuck did you think, Harry?! Did you expect me to be all cool and casual about this?!" You throw your hands up expressively. You turn around and open the door of your apartment, walking in at a furious pace with Harry hot on your heels.
"I told you I'd fucking explain! Jesus Christ... If I'd known you were gonna whine about this so much, I would've called one of my buddies." He says, and it makes you stifle a laugh. Hands on your hips, you take a few steps towards Harry.
"Fine, explain then, tell me what the fuck you were doing in there." You demand, and you notice how his face softens at your calmer yet stern tone. He sighs, looking to the side. Your heart stops for a second, tension growing on your stomach. He is avoiding your gaze. He never avoids it.
"Just— got caught up in a brawl at the pub. Let my buddies take a run for it, but the police did catch me." He says, eyeing your body. You frown, your eyes searching for his but you absolutely cannot get him to look at you.
"You're lying to me." You say, and even though it is merely a suggestive thought, Harry's reaction makes you realize you are speaking the truth. Harry takes a deep breath, shaking his head as if it should be able to convince you. "You're a fucking liar."
You step forward, making sure it is impossible to avoid eye contact with you. "You told me you were letting me know you. But you don't want me to know you. Telling me simple things to give me the illusion that you trust me. Meanwhile your knuckles are constantly covered in bruises and you have duffel bags of money in your bed. Or that gun, in the drawer of your nightstand?"
A furrow grows between Harry's eyebrows at the mention of the gun. "You went through my things?" He growls. You nod calmly.
"I figured I might as well get to know the guy I'm bailing out." You shrug, watching the anger rise to his face.
"Do you have any idea who the fuck you're talking to right now?" He asks, near the brink of a meltdown. His jaw is clenched and he looks like he might kill you.
"No, apparently I don't!" You shout into his face. Harry laughs bitterly, sending a shiver down your spine. He shakes his head and turns around, heading for the door.
"Should've called one of my buddies..." He mutters as he goes to open the door.
"You keep saying that, but you called me." You call out, and Harry looks back at you.
"Yeah, and it was a big fucking mistake. Don't know what I was thinking." He retorts.
"You called me, because you knew that I'd come. Because I care about you and I was worried sick, and because I would come and get you every single fucking time. No matter the situation, no matter the amount of money filled duffel bags you have under your bed, no matter the gun you sleep next to every night." You're now standing in front of Harry, looking up at him. The confrontation in your sentence is rubbing him the wrong way, you can see it in his face. You continue anyway; he needs to hear it.
"But you're too much of a pussy to admit that someone cares about you, unconditionally, because that would make it all a bit too real, wouldn't it? But I'm not disposable, you can't just cut me out of your life whenever you please. That's not how this works."
That strikes a nerve. Harry steps even closer, leaning down a little bit. "You have no fucking idea how easily I can cut you out of my life."
"Go, then." You cross your arms, waiting for him to walk out that door. Your words are cocky, and you are confident in what you are saying, but a small part of you worries that maybe you've miscalculated your connection with Harry.
Harry doesn't say anything, merely scoffing at your casual words. He wants to turn around, walk out, and never come back. To prove to you just how disposable you are. But he can't, because you aren't.
"For fucks sake..."
The words fall from his lips in a whisper, and before you can figure out what he means, Harry lunges forward and grabs your head to pull it close to him, his lips pressing against yours.
You moan at the feel of his tongue intertwining with yours, and you wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer to you. There is so much anger, frustration, sadness, love, and other indescribable things that built the intensity of the kiss. Nothing could've prepared you.
He pushes you against the wall, his hands taking all over your body while yours are tangling themselves in his beautiful curls. With a hand on your lower back, Harry pulls your body closer to his, your bodies almost as close as your tongues are now. You need more of him.
Taking ahold of your thighs, Harry lifts you up and carries you to your bedroom, where he drops you onto the bed. Your back hasn't even entirely hit the mattress before Harry's hands start undressing you. He takes off your shoes and pants in no time, the both of you way too pent up to take your time right now. Then, he slides your underwear down your legs and throwing it into the corner of the room.
Three of his fingers trace over your upper body before he pushes down your lower jaw and stuffs them in your mouth.
"Suck." He orders.
You do as he says, licking and sucking on his fingers like it is the last thing you are ever allowed to do. After a couple seconds, Harry takes back his fingers, and leans down, spitting on your pussy himself. A whimper leaves your mouth the second the liquid comes in contact with your sensitive skin, and you moan loudly when he starts to rub it over your cunt.
"You're so fucking frustrating. Shouting at me, cursing me out..." He mentions. Two of his wet fingers enter your pussy, and you let your head fall back. Refraining yourself from arching into him too much already, you try and focus on something—anything— else. "You're such a brat... and you don't even know who you're dealing with."
Mewling at the feeling of his amazing touch, you manage to croak out. "Show me, then."
"What, sweetheart?" Harry asks with a fake smile. In fact, it seems rather devilish. It shouldn't turn you on even more, but for some fucked up reason it does.
"Show me who I'm dealing with."
A low chuckle escapes his throat. You frown, not amused with the apparent joy he gets from what you're saying. You're being completely serious.
"I don't think you can handle that, sweetheart." He smirks, and it makes you pout.
"Yes, I can." You argue, the frown on your face combined with your big Bambi eyes making you look adorably mad. Harry sighs, clearly entertained by your stubbornness. Without another word, he leans forward and digs his head between your legs. You cry out at the contact of his tongue with your clit, and repeatedly moan his name at the mix of his fingers and tongue driving you properly insane.
Your hips keep shooting upward, and Harry tries to contain your non-stop squirming by pushing down your hips with his free arm. He doesn't restrain you entirely, liking the view of you falling apart for him too much anyway.
When you reach your climax, your hand has found Harry's hair, on which you mercilessly tug while making a mess below him. After riding out your high, Harry grabs your arm and scoops an arm around your waist before picking you up and slinging you over his shoulder.
"What are you doing?!" You shriek, being able to do nothing but hang over him like a ragdoll as he walks out of the bedroom and, towards the front door?
You gasp when he opens the door and you find yourself in the hallway, without any pants on. You hear the sound of keys jingling and a door open, and before you can demand Harry let you go, he waltzes into his own apartment.
His dark walls and furniture are the exact opposite of your apartment. Very manly, very serious.
Harry puts you down, laying you on his couch. He leans forward, his hand sneaking under your shirt to fondle your breast. You bite your lip at the feeling of his firm hands massaging you.
"You wanna know me? You want to know who you're dealing with?" He whispers, and you nod furiously, not being able to go without his touch down there for much longer. "We'll start with a house tour then. This is the living room."
You frown, it's not like his apartment is much different from yours. You look around the room, but your attention is back on Harry the second his mouth is back on your cunt. You mewl, not having expected his mouth on you again so soon.
Harry's skilled tongue along with the sensitivity from your first orgasm gets you closer and closer in an almost embarrassingly short time. Your legs try to control the amount of pleasure that you are getting, but Harry's hands keep spreading them apart, leaving you with no choice but to take everything he gives you.
"I— I'm gonna come!" You groan, that tension in your stomach so close to exploding. He keeps the quick paced tempo with which his tongue is assaulting your clit, and in no time you are twitching as your orgasm washes over you. Harry moans at the way you cry out his name, and licks you clean despite the pleas that tell him to stop because you're too sensitive.
You don't have time to steady your breathing, because Harry is already pulling you up and leading you to the kitchen. He doesn't waste any time, taking off your shirt, leaving you entirely naked. You watch as he takes your body in, your mind too cloudy to feel insecure. But with the way Harry looks at you, you don't think you would've worried about that in the first place.
His eyes rake down your body as he takes off his belt, and walks closer to you. Your hands reach forward, wanting to take off his shirt, but Harry grabs one of your wrists and turns you around. Taking ahold of the other wrist, he ties your hands together with his belt before bending you over his counter.
"My house, my rules." His low voice reminds you, making you shiver in anticipation. You hear some ruffling behind you, and you can only figure that Harry has taken off his pants. His hand rubs over your skin, lowering from your waist to your ass.
"Poor girl, you have no idea what you got yourself into." He taunts, his cock lining up with your pussy, the top of him stroking over your soaking wet cunt. You whine at the minimal contact, needing him to enter you right this second. You flinch forward, moaning loudly when Harry brings his hand down onto your ass. The sting of it almost makes you cry, you want him so bad.
"Please, please... please." you cry, pushing yourself backwards and into him. He pushes you back forward, tutting you.
"So desperate..."
Not being able to hold it any longer, Harry plunges his hard cock into you. A muffled cry escapes your throat, shocked by the size and girth of him. Of course you aren't entirely surprised—he just exceeds that kind of energy—but you hadn't dreamed of it being this big.
"Ah, shit! Harry... oh my god!" The string of words summed up exactly what you were feeling as he thrusted himself into you over and over again: everything.
"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do this..." He says, his hands sliding up and down your back. "Ever since you knocked on my fucking door wearing nothing but that oversized shirt."
"And now here you are, bent over my counter, letting me fuck you in every corner of my apartment." He groans, spanking your ass again. You shoot forward at the impact, moaning at the painful feeling. You didn't know that turned you on so much until now.
"W— What took you so long?" You have the nerve to ask him, but by the laugh that sounded from behind you, it seems that Harry likes your boldness.
"I'm a bad guy, sweetheart. Didn't want to ruin you." He coos, which is extremely contradicting to the harsh thrusts with which he drives himself into you. "But I guess that's too late now."
"I was yours to ruin anyway." You say softly, and it makes Harry still inside of you, followed by a very deep groan. You frown when you feel Harry pulling his cock out of you, confused by the sudden change.
"Fuck, baby. You can't just say shit like that to me, nearly made me come." He is breathing heavily, and tugs on your arms to make you stand up straight. He begins to walk away and grabs your arm, taking you with him. You follow him all the way to a door, which you realize is his bedroom as soon as he opens it.
You are about to ask him about a photograph that his hanging on his wall, when he pushes you onto the bed. Hands still tied behind your back, you let Harry get you a little bit higher on the bed before positioning himself in front of you again.
He spreads your legs as wide as he can, fingers dug into your waistline as he enters you again. You let your head fall back, knitting your eyebrows at how those short seconds without his cock have made his second time entering feel just as tight as the first time. Harry seems to think the same thing, moaning loudly at the tightness of you.
Arching your back, Harry gets an amazing view of your tits bouncing back and forth as he fucks you like you're some sort of ragdoll. He can't help but reach for your breasts again, playing with them and trying not too orgasm too soon upon hearing your loud moans.
You feel like you are on sensory overload. The restraint, the nipple stimulation, and Harry's cock pounding into you, it is bringing you into another galaxy. You never thought it was possible to feel this much pleasure at the same time.
"You are mine to ruin." Harry mumbles, as if reminding himself. You nod at his words, wholeheartedly agreeing with that. If ruining meant him fucking you like this every day, then he could do whatever he wanted.
"Mm, you love that, don't you?" He asks. You open your eyes to look at him, a devilish smile forming on your face. "You love that I'm the monster who you're supposed to be running from. I bet you fantasize about it all the time; the big bad guy corrupting you from your innocence by fucking you into oblivion."
"Yes, yes, yes..." you repeat, too fucked out to say anything else.
"Such a bad girl, getting pounded by her dangerous neighbor." He taunts you, increasing his already quick pace. Your eyes roll into the back of your head, letting the pleasure just wash over you. You feel like you might pass out any minute, but you've also never felt more alive. "You'd let me do it all, won't you?"
"Anything." You pant, struggling to keep your eyes open. You shriek when Harry thrusts into you very deeply and stays there for a couple seconds, leaning over you to grab something. You gasp when you Harry holding his gun. Before you can ask him what the fuck he thinks he's doing, he starts moving again.
It shouldn't be the reason why you're so close to your orgasm all of a sudden, but the sight of Harry holding that gun is quite literally driving you insane. You can't believe it, it is the hottest thing you have ever seen.
To your surprise, he begins to trace lines over your body with the barrel of the gun. You whimper at the cold feeling of the object against your skin, not sure how long you're going to be able to hold in that third orgasm. Then, the gun travels upwards, all the way to your mouth, and your eyes widen when the words leave Harry's pink lips.
You look down at the gun, and back at him, a bit unsure of how safe it is, despite wanting to obey him very badly.
"Safety's on." He adds, calming your nerves a bit. And without a second thought, without considering you are doing a very dangerous thing right now, you take the gun in your mouth. In spite of Harry's vagueness, you trust him very much.
And so you begin sucking on the gun, moaning at the way Harry reacts to it. His thrusts increase in speed and intensity, and the way he massages your breasts are getting you incredibly close.
"Fuck, you're insane. You're fucking perfect." His compliments have you clenching your walls around him, something he doesn't miss. "Are you gonna come for me again, baby? Should've known that danger turns you on so much. Will do anything to keep me close, huh? Even taking my gun in your mouth while you get ruined by my cock."
"Yes, anything—oh fuck! I'm gonna cum!" The words are barely comprehensible with your mouth still filled up with the barrel of his gun, but your body tells Harry enough. Licking the pad of his thumb, he brings it to your clit, rubbing circles until you are a blubbering mess under him. You feel like jelly.
The way you are tightening around him sets off Harry's orgasm. He groans out your name repeatedly as he comes inside of you. The feeling of him coating your walls is a thought you find yourself liking a bit too much for a regular person.
Nothing could've prepared you for this, for him. He takes the gun out of your mouth and puts it back on the nightstand. He keeps his body leaned over you, held up by his own two arms. His hair falls in front of his face, making it a bit more difficult to find your eyes. The both of you are panting heavily, and Harry smiles at your fucked out face.
Slipping a hand underneath your waist, Harry leans back and takes you with him, making you sit up straight. He unties your wrists, throwing the belt on the floor.
"Let's get you to the bathroom, hmm? Last part of the tour." He says, gently picking you up and carrying you over to his bathroom. When he puts you down, you have to hold yourself upright by holding on to the sink. Harry closes the door, giving you some privacy as you pee and check out your face in the bathroom. You wipe off the excess mascara that rests on your cheeks, smiling at the memory of what just happened.
When you get back to Harry's room, he has his boxers back on. At the sight of you, he grabs a t-shirt from the bed and hands it over to you. You put it on without question, only realizing that it is a Rolling Stones t-shirt when you catch yourself in the mirror.
"Got you some water." He points to the nightstand, and indeed, standing next to the gun there is a glass of water. You walk over to it and take a few sips, your eyes falling back on the gun.
"C'mere." Harry's voice interrupts your thoughts, and when you look up, you see that he has sat down. Crawling onto the bed, you join him.
He takes your chin in your hands, his face moving closer to you. "I want you to know that I'm not the safest guy to be around, and I understand if you want to walk away from this. But if you decide to stay, I promise I will keep you safe."
"So this is not going to be the last time that I'm gonna have to bail you out of jail?" You ask, partly joking, as you climb over him to sit on his lap.
"I'll be more careful." He responds, and his avoidance of your question gives you an answer. You nod, your face getting a bit more serious as you think about this a little bit more.
"Should I be scared?" You pout, not knowing if you would be able to handle constant fear. Harry shakes his head, a small smile on his face.
"Like you said, people are afraid of me, not necessarily the other way around." His fingertips dance around your thighs. "I'll keep it separated. And, unless for pleasure intended purposes, I won't ever use that gun around you."
You sigh. "Don't prove the people in this town right, okay? Don't be someone I have to run from."
Harry pulls you close, bringing your lips to his. It is a short and sweet kiss, one filled with the reassurance of a promise.
"I wouldn't dream of it."
taglist: @mellamolayla @natedelrey
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xxacidnekoxx · 2 days
I remember how nice people acted to me when I was in the closet and literally coming out as trans was traumatic for me and how angry people got at me that I "would become more ugly" if I did testosterone . . . I know that it just all means the friends I had weren't good in the first place it is so... upsetting to be living in this body that I have that I dont feel like I should be in and also experiencing misogyny, and how angry people get at me for things that are so small in comparison to how it used to be when I "was cis" yes I often miss being a cis bisexual lady because everyone was so niceys to meeee ..... But no... there are people who treat me right and its better knowing its real, I will never go back even if I decide to wear dresses or anything I'm still a man too.. idk I heard a lot of trans mascs end up detransitioning and it makes me sad because I totally understand the pressure to give up and become a cis girl and I have nightmares about detransitioning and everyone around me saying things like "OH FINALLY ... you're WAY cuter like this I HATED that you had that phase but finally you're cute again :) " also I never ever had been called "creepy" before I came out that whole "creepy freak" vibe thing only happened after I became trans and yeah people were calling me creepy by the day I came out (and I was never called that before and I already had a pretty long art career beforehand.. ) >_> ? my art has gotten more tame over time too its literally the most tame its ever been LOL
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pitchsidestories · 22 hours
can't stop this feeling (2) II Alessia Russo x Reader
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part 1 I masterlist I word count: 1869
a/n: hi, yes, we're still obsessed with the Alessia picture above and hope you'll enjoy part 2 as much as the one before, can be read before part 1. 💕
When the final whistle blew, the sound reverberated across the football field. You sighed in defeat. Arsenal had lost their game. It was stupid and unnecessary but it had happened.
You tried to shake the loss off as quickly as possible, the next game would come soon. From across the field, Alessia caught your attention.
She stood in front in front of the Arsenal fans, her head hung low and applauded them. She looked sad and embarrassed like she wanted to be anywhere else at this moment. Your heart ached for her.
You walked over, slipping a hand on her shoulder: “Heads up, Lessi.“
“Yeah… wasn’t a great game…“, she admitted, her voice was thin and hoarse.
“We all have those games.“, you tried to encouraging.
When Alessia finally turned to her, you realized that her eyes were rimmed red. “Feels like I constantly have them.“
“That’s not true. It’s your first season here, it’s normal that it takes time. Plus, you already showed your potential.“, you shook your head.
Alessia was taller than you but she looked so small standing right in front of you. “I just feel like people expect more from me…“
You smiled at her: “Yeah, because you’re the star girl.“
“Not at the moment.“
“To me, you’re.“, you assured her.
The corners of her mouth slightly quirked up: “You’re the sweetest. I love you.“
You blinked at her for a moment. It’s been weeks since your talk, weeks since you started dating. A lot of things were still new to Alessia so you were taken aback by the fact that she said it so casually.
“I love you too.“, you finally replied after a few heartbeats.
“You always make me smile.“ The striker pulled you into a quick hug.
“It was the first time you said it out loud…“
She looked at you just as surprised: “Was it?“
“I didn’t even realize.“
For a moment you both only stood there, astonished by the situation. A slow warm sensation spread through your body, the exhilaration of hearing these three words for the first time pushed aside the defeat.
You could feel yourself grinning as you took Alessias hand: “Come on, we’ve team dinner tonight.“
“Yeah, can’t wait. That’s always fun.“, she nodded and followed you towards the changing room.
“I’m sure Kyra’s already up to some mischief again.“
“She always is.“, the striker laughed.
“Let’s go, love.“
You watched Alessias cheeks turn pink as you left the pitch and the bad game behind.
Alessia loved camps with the England national team, the Mediterranean location in which they their staying at spoke to her sunny soul.
After the training she and Lucy immediately jumped into the ice tub to cool themselves down.  The Blonde loved chatting with the older woman who was in a relationship with one of her closer friends:” I know that Ona is very happy with you Lucy, when we actually find time to phone call each other, she won’t stop talking about you.”
“Ugh, can’t believe you still talk.”, the defender groaned playfully.
“Excuse me? Friendship never ends.”, Alessia snorted.
“I know you two gossip about me.”, she replied, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“All the time and about y/n.”, the forward laughed light-heartedly.
“I knew it!”, the dark-haired woman grinned.
“I mean it’s always fun to gossip about each other’s girlfriends.”, the younger woman shrugged nonchalantly.
Immediately the chattiness between all the players who were soaking up the sunshine came to a halt and stared shocked at the two players standing in the ice tub.
“Girlfriends?”, Lucy repeated stunned.
“Yes, y/n is my girlfriend.”, Alessia told her proudly smiling as she tried hard to o ignore the quietness around them.
“I didn’t know you were into girls.”, the defender muttered. It was a rare occasion to see her this surprised about something.
“Me neither, y/n was the first woman to make me question things.”, the half-Italian answered in an honest tone.
“That’s how we all started.”, Fran explained, the smaller player who was sitting closest to them was coming to her to pad her shoulder encouraginlx.
“Very true.”, Millie added smirking.
“Who would have thought.”, Lucy shook her head in amusement.
“Not me.”, Jess admitted truthfully.
“But I knew!”, Beth tuned into the conversation with a triumphantly smile on her lips.
“And I was the first whom Lessi told that she kissed a girl!”, Ella yelled excitedly, hugging her best friend after she and the Barcelona player left the ice tub.
“Guys!”, Alessia nervously tucked a loose string of her hair behind her ear. This was too much attention on her coming out for her liking.
“Don’t worry, baby gay, we’re here for you.”, Lucy winked at the red-faced forward.
“Oh my god.”, slightly embarrassed the younger woman hid her face in her hands.
“It’s okay to be gay, you’re in good company.”, Beth reassured the fellow Blonde cheerfully.
“I know it’s. I just don’t won’t to be babied.”, Alessia clarified while sticking her tongue out into the direction of the Barcelona defender.
“Lucy won’t do it again. I’ll take care of it.“, Beth promised, raising an eyebrow in the direction of your older teammate.
Unimpressed by Beths threat, Lucy smirked at her: “What are you going to do about it?“
“I’ve my tools for that.“, the winger replied, elbowing the defender hard in the side.
Alessia had to suppress a laugh. Yes, it was still awkward to talk about it but she could always count on her teammates to provide a safe space.
Right after the international break, you had a few free days. And you had something planned for Alessia.
Cluelessly, the blonde striker followed you through the streets of London. You had told her to dress up and that you would go out but you never said where you would take care.
You felt a bit nervous, hoping that she would like the idea as you came to a stop.
Alessia looked at you, then at the sign of the gay bar. You could see her thoughts racing behind her eyes.
You smiled at her encouragingly: “Let’s get inside. Millie and Ona are already waiting, Lessi.“
“Okay…“, she said plainly.
“No need to be nervous. Trust me.“, you promised her and gently took her head. You led her inside the bar where Ona Battle and Millie Turner already sat at a table, waving at the two of you.
“Hi, girls.“, you smiled.
“Hey!“, Ona greeted you and Alessia with a hug. You could feel Alessia relax beside you.
“Hi, great to see you two again.“, she beamed at her former Manchester United teammates.
“Miss you at Manchester, girl.“, Millie laughed.
You pulled Alessia closer to you: “Sorry, she plays for Arsenal now!“
“What about me?“, Ona complained loudly.
“Oni, I miss you the most. Your hair is so good for braiding!“, Millie grinned, running a hair through the Spaniards ponytail.
“Oh my god! You’ve a favourite!“, Alessia yelled, sitting down at the table with them. Being with her friends seemed to help her nervousness. You watched with a smile on your lips.
Ona pulled her hair out of Millies grip: “We’re not here to braid hair!“
“No, first round of drinks is on me.“, Alessia said confidently.
The Spanish defender shook her head determinedly: “No, it’s on us!“
“What? Why?“, Alessia asked, looking at her former teammates in confusion.
“Because it’s your first time here.“
Alessia looked at you from across the table: “It has been many firsts at the moment but I love them all.“
Your heart filled with so much love at the sight of her beaming with happiness.
“That’s normal in your first queer relationship.”, the Manchester United admitted.
“True.”, Ona agreed with a warm smile on her lips.
“I really appreciate how supportive everyone is. Makes me feel less stupid.”, your girlfriend confessed.
After a short pause she lifted her drink:” Cheers everyone.”
“Cheers.”, you all clinked your glasses against each other. The fun part of the evening officially started. It turned out to be a very happy reunion, a lot of memories were made together.
Later in the tube, Alessia whispered into your ear:” I want to do it tonight.”
The sentence sends a shiver down your spine.
“Are you sure?”, you asked her, while you couldn’t hide how thrilled you were at the prospect of it.
“Yes.”, the blonde confirmed seriously. Her light blue eyes turned darker with desire as the tube was rushing through the London Underground system. Filling you with thrill and excitement about what was to come.
“Alright.”, you smiled at her.
“Please. I can’t wait.”, Alessia answered passionately, running her free hand who wasn’t on the handle impatiently through your open hair.
“Okay, babe. We’ll be doing it.”, you replied, before kissing her, much to your surprise the blonde answered this kiss even hungrier. Both of you forgot where you were in this moment, the only thing that mattered right now were you two.
“Shit, we need to get out.”, you realized, when the tube stopped at your station.
“Oh shit.”, your girlfriend cursed.
You let out a relieved laugh, once you left it, the sound of closing doors behind you: ”  Thank god, we made it out of there right in time.”
“We’re home.”, you announced. Alessia and you were both a little nervous. Expectation hung in the air.
“Finally.”, the forward responded, letting her handbag fall to the ground, so she was able to cup your face with her hands before giving you fervent kisses enlighten a fire inside of you.
Turned out the wait has been worth it, the first sex with her was perfect.
A few months have passed since that day, you felt proudness when your girlfriend asked you to go as her date to an award ceremony. Both of you had fun planning your outfits together.
In the evening you walked hand in hand on the red carpet.
“Miss Russo, it’s cute that your teammate is accompanying you tonight, how are you feeling tonight?”, the journalist addressed the question to Alessia.
“Really good. I’m very excited that my girlfriend can be here with me.”, she beamed at him.
“Girlfriend?”, the man raised an eyebrow.
“Yes.”, the blonde confidently raised her chin.
“What are you two wearing?”, the journalist swiftly changed the topic.
“It’s cute, right?”, Alessia swirled around to show off her dress.
“Tooney, hi.”, you waved at the familiar face. The walk on the red carpet was over for you both.
“Hi.”, she greeted you two.
“You’re looking great.”, your girlfriend complimented her best friend.
“Thanks so do you.”, Ella winked.
“I had the best personal stylist at my side.”, Alessia said while looking at you.
“Oh, please.”, you felt your cheeks turn hot.
“It’s true.”, she pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“I thought you were just trying to experiment, but you look so much happier now.”, Ella told your girlfriend happily.
“I am, Tooney.”, the Arsenal forward’s face lit up.
“That’s the most important part.”, Ella answered, before pulling you both into a hug.
Alessia couldn’t stop the feelings she had for you and the football player wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated. <3
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squishygirl46 · 1 day
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I'm 20 years old blue-eyesed blonde Russian girl!
My height: 170 cm At start: Now:
SW: 46 kg / 101 pound Breast: 86 cm / 99 cm
CW: 72 kg / 152 pound Waist: 57 cm / 86 cm
GW: 92 kg / 202 pound Hips: 98 cm / 113 cm
Hey, everybody. You can just call me Squishygirl. I'm here to share my weight gain.
All my life I've been slim and exercising because I was afraid of gaining weight! But I always liked to eat a lot of food and for this I had to torture myself with exhausting workouts and diets. And because of this thinness I was not as healthy as I could be!
But somewhere deep down I always liked the curves and the fat. As I got older, I stopped being so dependent on society's opinion and decided to let myself go. About a year ago I decided to consciously get fat. The first six months were very hard, I choked on food and ate through force. It was very difficult to gain weight.
But when I gained the first 10 kilograms and my figure became softer I decided not to stop. 🐷🐷🐷🐷 And now I have this blog to share my feelings and beauty with you!
I'm only into soft feedesim. So I do love and look forward to your compliments, thank you!
And if you want to make me even softer and bigger, support me on Curvage/Patreon/Boosty. So much more content to come! More of me ahhha! And all the money from there I spend on food and gluttony!
And also i really want you guys to encourage me in soft form, of course🥰
Your compliments make me feel confident that I'm doing the right thing
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231 notes · View notes
sterredem · 2 days
Please Please Please
A part 2 to espresso but can be read as a stand alone
Charles leclerc x singer!reader
Kind of a espresso part 2
Face claim Sabrina Carpenter
Warning nothing, not proofread (so there will be spelling mistakes), maybe some hate(?)
Summary Y/n releases a new song.
A/N hi! I’m so sorry that it took this long to post but I had it really busy with life. I hope y’all still like it! I am quite proud of it!
Don’t forget to repost and comments, it helps a lot! And please give feedback!
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Liked by Charles_Leclerc and 3.736.735 others
Yourusername Tomorrow, 8pm est
View all 5.735 comments
Charles_Leclerc So proud🫶 liked by author
User1 she’s in jail??? The end of espresso??!?
User2 Y/n world domination
User3 who’s that man?!?! Kinda looks like Charles
User5 Pop princess is really feeding us!
User6 Feeding us with the sad songs 🧎‍♀️‍➡️
User7 SO READY!!
User8 she’s feeding her children
User9 who’s this about? This feels like a sad song but she’s happy with Charles…
User10 she has also had relationships before him so it can be about that. And we don’t even know if it will be a sad song sooo……
User11 So exited!!
User12 icon
User13 SO SOON?!
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Liked by TaylorSwift and 3.736.835 others
Yourusername Tonight, 8 pm est
View all 3.736 comments
MTV I cancelled my plans for this
Charles_Leclerc I’m ready
User1 the people’s pop princess
User2 everybody stay calm!
User3 so soon after espresso is insane, I love it!
User4 I love the necklace!
User5 can’t wait!
User6 I’m curious to see what colour this is!
User7 what do you mean?
User6 with all of her past songs she had a colour that she associates with that for example; the light blue heart 🩵 with espresso
User7 Ohhhh thank you for explaining!
User8 🎤👑
User9 I’m in love with you
User10 I’m in Europe but I WILL set my clock to listen to this song AS SOON as it is out!!
User11 IM SAT!
User12 the outfit is soooo cool!
User13 So exited!!!!
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Liked by Charles_Leclerc and 4.836.735 others
Yourusername all I’m askin baby
Thank you so much to all the people that helped me make this amazing video! I hope you like it!!💛🫶
View all 5.835 comments
Charles_Leclerc So proud of you mon amour🫶❤️ liked by author
OliviaRodrigo I love youuuuu😘
Yourusername I love you tooooo😘
User2 It’s so cuteee
User3 we really are getreind spoiled!
User4 they are so cute!
User5 I want what they have!
User6 Love the MV!
User7 you’re so pretty!
User8 😍😍
User9 they are couple goals!
User10 not het casting her irl bc in a song where she talks about her bf not embarrassed her😂😂
User11 I would too. Have you seen his pants?🤣
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Liked by Charles_Leclerc and 4.972.725 others
Yourusername Thank you so much Gov ball for having us! It was so much fun playing for all of you! One of the loudest crowds ever!!!💛
View all 5.525 comments
Charles_Leclerc 💛❤️
User2 That Color looks so good on you!
User3 They got a dog?!
User4 yes! Leo was seen at the paddock a few times!
User5 Leo is such a cute name!
User6 yeah! On his paddock pas stood ‘Leo leclerc-Y/l/n!
User7 It was rare I was there!
User8 pretty
User9 I’m a simple women; I see pretty girl, I like.
User10 I wonder who Charles is looking at🤔
User11 I see myself!
User12 they are just adorable!
User13 I love supportive boyfriend!
♫ Y/n y/l/n - Please Please Please ♫
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Liked by Charles_Leclerc and 5.736.826 others
Yourusername s’il vous plaît
s’il vous plaît
s’il vous plaît
View all 7.836 comments
francisca.cgomes You’re cute
Yourusername Says you
User1 Gorgeous
User2 her speaking her bf’s language 😭🥲😢
User3 not the meme😂
User4 girls don’t want boys, they want Y/n y/l/n and her hair
User5 can Charles fight??
User6 why isn’t Charles commenting????
User7 probably cause they are together rn and he doesn’t have to 🤷‍♀️
User8 She’s kinda……
User9 you think??
User10 I need you in a way that’s concerning to feminism
User11 she always eats with outfits!
User12 Mother!!!(fucker)
User13 I want your dog.
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Liked by OliviaRodrigo and 3.836.936 others
Yourusername Summertime ball, it was amazing! Thank you for having me! I’m so thankful for every 80.000 of you! Thank u UK for being so good!
View all 3.735 comments
OliviaRodrigo kiss 💋
Yourusername 💋💋
User1 Why is Lando in the likes???
User2 prolly cause he’s friends with charles?
User1 still weird, he never liked the posts
User2 well I don’t blame him. She’s hot.
User3 Yellow looks good on you
User4 your dog and bf are cute
User5 she knows she a TEN
User6 literal POP PRINCESS 👸👑
User7 I love you
User8 why aren’t any of the wags in the comments or likes??
User9 they don’t have to. This is her job and she also doesn’t like all their posts soooo….…
User11 new album when??
User12 💛🩵❤️
User13 gorgeussssa!
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Liked by TaylorSwift and 6.837.837 others
Yourusername “short n’ sweet”
This is a very special album to me, I hope you all look out to it!!
View all 30.736 comments
Gracieabrams WOO
OliviaRodrigo SO READY!
Conangray That’s my bff y’all!
Taylorswift So exited!
Charles_Leclerc So proud!!
francisca.cgomes I already heard it!
Lilymhe I love you!
Carmenmmundt Amazing!
User1 All the wags supporting her! We love to see it!!
User2 OMG?!?!
User4 I just KNOW that this will be a love album with how it’s going with Charles!
User7 album of the summer!
User8 god bless Y/n y/l/n
User9 First Taylor then Billie then Gracie and now this?!?! We are really getting it all in 2024!!
User11 I KNEW IT!!
User12 🩵💙
218 notes · View notes
brujamala-aka-gigi · 3 days
a tarot reading just in case you need to remember this: it's okay to be a bitch.
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we all know good vibes, kindness and empathy are amazing traits and etc BUT... there's shitty people who don't deserve that and some of us can't pretend like we are not full of anger. "negative" emotions are just as valid as "positive" ones, they contribute to our growth and our character, and they also keep us same from further harm.
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pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
pick a pile and let's find out what type of "bitch" behavior can bring something good to your life.
xoxo gigi <3
images from pinterest and dividers by @ithemes 
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plz excuse the shit quality pictures of the cards, i'm working on that but i didn't realize how bad they were until i uploaded them :(
btw I'm doing a poll so you can pick a day when its convenient for you and me to do an ask game on here, answer some questions with my tarots and give away readings from my menu.
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Pile Number One
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Hello there! So, the cards on this reading are mostly “positive” if we take a superficial approach, and ignore the prompt of this reading. What I see here is that, although there’s a sense of brightness, joy and enthusiasm that is typically associated with your identity, there’s a lot of your inner world that it’s not getting any chances to be manifested into your daily life. I think many people assume you are happier than you actually feel, and many people think the joys and blessings of your life came to you out of nowhere, they think you’re naturally successful, when in reality you are quite the hard worker. Nobody likes to be realistic in the struggle to achieve anything, so it's understandable to some extent that people are not seeing the actual strength and patience that it took you to be where you are. 
Personally, I think that sometimes it’s really hard to fight back against misconceptions on how hard do we actually have to work in order to get something, it’s even harder when people don’t allow you to express anger, and belittle any feeling that it’s not as comfortable to be around as your usual “good vibes”. You are the type of person who everyone is too lazy to understand beyond their own romantic ideas of you. Don’t let others dehumanize you like that, you are a person, not a secondary character in someone’s love life, or the sweet innocent sidekick, or the girl next door, or whatever. Embrace everything that makes you complex and misunderstood, as these are the things that will bring you closer to people who are actually interested in your true self. 
But, there’s absolutely nothing wrong if you’re being strategic about who gets to see your most genuine version and who doesn’t. I see a lot of prosperity for you in the future, and you might not be able to appreciate this now, but your career choices will make you quite happy eventually. Take a lot of time to reflect on the people you want to keep around you, trust your intuition and prioritize your mental health, don’t be afraid to communicate your emotions in ways that others might find uncomfortable, in the worst case, by doing this you will find out who actually deserves your time and energy. And please, don’t fall for the first person who shows any kind of romantic interest, this is not a great moment for you to deal with a relationship, as there’s some emotional work to do first. Be persistent with how you take care of yourself, be patient and kind to you in the same way you are with others. 
Pile Number Two
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What I’m seeing a lot on these cards is a lack of closure and proper communication about it. I’m not necessarily talking about a situation that hasn’t been settled yet, but more so about the fact that you are able to perceive things deeper than the average person and whenever you can, you do go ahead and take the actions necessary in order to get things going in the way you know best. You are someone who moves quickly and efficiently, but others who are more dogmatic in their ways are beginning to find issue with this, forcing you to conform to spaces where everyone knows you are too overqualified to be in. 
I don’t think you are someone who is submissive or someone who allows people to walk all over you, but I see that you’re trying to find less conflictive approaches to issues and situations that you are used to solving in more explosive ways. Behaving in a more “diplomatic” or “assertive” way is not exactly what works for you, but at this point it is necessary that you learn to tolerate being put in this position. I don’t see you losing your values or your ideals, not even your personal strength. But I am concerned that you might be doubting yourself with things that are so bonded to your nature that you haven’t even thought twice about so far, and rightly so! You’re lucky that your determination and passionate ways, even when proving an inconvenience to others who don’t get it, has been channeled in such proactive ways. 
At this point, all I can tell you is that whenever you are being forced to remain in stagnation due to self doubt, you shouldn't attribute this to your lack of will to stick to norms and traditions, but more so, this situations happen because people around you need to catch up with what you already saw and processed. This means that many times you will have to choose between waiting or moving on by yourself. Be strategic about this, and always make sure that there are comfortable places for when you need to reflect and relax. Yes, many things have gone right for you by moving impulsively and following your gut, but imagine how much more you could accomplish if you took some time to plan. 
There’s nothing wrong with your creativity thriving in chaotic environments, there’s nothing wrong with being confrontational and hot headed, absolutely nothing bad about being perceived as hot headed and impulsive… just be more mindful on how to channel these parts of yourself. 
Pile Number 3
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Okay, this is a complex set of cards for a complex and sensitive person.  What I'm seeing here is this sort of nostalgia other people have for a version of you that was painful to live for yourself. I think plenty of people were feeling too comfortable with you when you were not on top of your game or working towards your own personal happiness. I feel like you are now beginning to find new ways of questioning and deconstructing ideas and actions that are no longer serving your deeper desires, and you are sharing this with people who are not willing to join you in this path, while also alienating you from your own power to manifest into existence the person you want to become. 
As you are beginning to move away from spaces of comfort that were designed for a weakened version of yourself, you will realize there’s plenty of facades and deceitful half truths. It’s a shame that all you have during this moment is your own emotional intelligence and a well justified sense of hope, nobody should face things like this on their own. But being realistic, solitude is a strength in your case, and you will soon find out that this journey was meant to give you consciousness about the powers and strength, many have tried to hide from you in order for them to keep the spotlight. 
Don’t let others force you into being someone who is only an ornament or a tool for keeping a facade. Even if you are naturally generous, kind, empathetic, and altruistic, it’s not a betrayal of those values to focus on growing outside places that don’t deserve all your sensitivity. This is a moment where you will find plenty of personal characteristics that many have ignored or belittled, cultivate those and nurture your ability to exist on your own terms. You have more control than you think, and far more tools than you imagine. It takes bravery and intellect to take the steps you are taking into finding new ways of being yourself, while also being celebrated and respected. 
Always remember that many times, others will make you believe something crucial to you is a defect, or a disadvantage, but it’s up to you if you’re taking into consideration the thoughts of someone who doesn’t know why you are who you are, and who you are trying to be. (You shouldn't).
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kurooh · 1 day
do u have any suna inspo,, im thinking of sitting on hus face and his pretty eyes staring up at u like 😭😭😭 i love him sm
୨୧ 18+ content & mdni, f! reader, facesitting
i was inspired by your ask and struck with ideas.. & yes rin’s eyes are gorgeous omg
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“r-rin, quit staring,” you mumble from above him, your cheeks burning at how he’s been keenly observing you the whole time you’ve been sitting on his face. lifting you gently by the hips, rintarou huffs against your pussy, and the heat of his breath on your clit makes your thighs clench at either side of his head.
“but i wanna watch my pretty girl cum on my tongue. what’s so wrong with that?”
“it’s embarrassing,” you cry, your face on fire. since pulling you down onto his face, he’s been watching your every movement, committing the sight of your face crumbling in pleasure to memory. rintarou might be lazy about a lot of things, but never you.
“just close your eyes.” he carelessly pulls you down onto his face, and starts to lick your clit lightly. gooey slick drips from his chin, from where you’d previously grinded on his face in your excitement.
you glance downwards, and rintarou’s eyes are still wide open, set on you. as if to distract you, he adjusts, hands on your ass, and takes your clit between his lips. a few gentle sucks have your pussy squeezing, and your eyes closing in bliss.
“a-ah, rin,” you sigh breathily, voice trembling, “feels so good.”
you feel a few more gentle sucks before he starts to suck on your clit harder, more forcefully; your body sways forward and you catch yourself, hands planted above his head, palms sinking into the pillows. you grind on his face experimentally, hips twisting when he releases your clit from between his lips and tenses his tongue.
intoxicated by your taste, rintarou moans before he starts to lick at your clit like candy. you feel his spit and your wetness drip from your hole in gooey strands, landing on his neck. a hot pressure races through your body before it slowly builds in your pelvis after a particularly rough rub of your clit against his silky tongue.
“rin, i’m getting close,” you warn steadily, pushing off the pillows and sitting up again. he hums, licking with his whole tongue now. “ah, just like that.”
your honeyed words have his fingers gripping at the skin of your asscheeks tighter, pushing you closer into his tongue. your pussy squeezes tightly, tingling ever so slightly, and your jaw drops at the astounding pleasure you feel.
“suck on my clit, baby,” you direct him, starting to hump his face with uncontrolled need. the heat from earlier rushes from your whole pelvis to your clit, and your body jackknifes as though you’ve been shocked.
eyes snapping open, you manage to gasp “rintarou! c-cumming, ah!” before your orgasm hits you and crashes over your whole body like a wave. as you twitch, you stare into his half lidded eyes hazily. have they always been this pretty? as you stare into bright olive green, you catch the crinkling at the corners of his eyes, shining with satisfaction and affection.
“rin,” you whisper, attempting to scoot off him to cuddle, “your eyes are so—”
rintarou grips you tightly, lifting you and preventing you from moving off him. “can we stay like this? i love being between my baby’s thighs.”
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hi angel! i love your work so much and fell in love with bambi!reader, so i was hoping you could write something for me ^_^
can you pls pls pls write bambi!reader comforting rafe after he gets into it with ward? i feel like she’d know exactly how to comfort himmm (pure fluff pls, i read too much smut lmaooo)
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warnings: ward cameron, arguing, shouting, a little bit of physical violence, poor rafe who deserves so much better, mention of murder (i’m not referencing peterkin), fluff, soft petting, words of affirmation
a/n: aww bambi!reader has been getting so much love, it makes my heart happy to know that you enjoy the works that she’s in <3
“you had one job, rafe.. one!” ward had been shouting at rafe for nearly an hour already, his face flush with anger. “you really have a way of fucking things up, huh? i should put a caution sign on your forehead.” rafe’s fist clenched as he listened to his father, trying his best to ignore the sinking feeling in his chest with every word that ward spat.
“i already told you that i couldn’t close out the business accounts and wire the money to a different one. apparently i’m not next in line to own cameron development anymore. ‘you know something about that?” rafe was in disbelief when he had to find out from a service representative that his own father took him off of the family business, something that he worked hard all these years for in order to prove he was worthy of running.
ward froze. he had forgotten about that. “were you ever gonna tell me, or were you just gonna be a coward about it?” rafe stood up, towering over his father with that crazy look in his eyes. “what you forgot to do before you faked your own death instead of facing your problems like a man, was take my name off of the inheritance of tanneyhill.” he laughed, “i own this shit now.” rafe stepped closer, backing ward into the wall. “get out of my house.” ward was seething, his hand coming up to fist rafe’s shirt.
“your house? i’m the one who worked like a dog to get us here.” ward said through gritted teeth, shoving rafe in his chest. rafe stumbled, scoffing out a laugh as he then pushed his father. “worked like a dog to get us here but you were more than willing to leave me here while you start a new life in fuckin’ guatemala.” rafe fought to keep his emotions at bay.
“leave. and don’t ever come back.” ward’s chest was rising and falling, both him and rafe glaring at one another. “you’re cut off. good luck keeping up with this place on your own.” ward smiled bitterly. “cut off?” rafe narrowed his eyes, “i’ve been cut off, dad. i haven’t used a cent of yours since i was nineteen. all this time i’ve been making money my own way, and a lot of it too. ‘seems like your old man brain forgot about that.” rafe nudged ward as he walked past, his father following him out of the master bedroom.
“i’m leaving. when i come back i want you out of here,” rafe grabbed his truck keys, his skin on fire as he looked up the staircase, “and by the way, asshole, i’m not by myself. i got the prettiest girl on the island on my arm everywhere i go.” ward watched as his son walked out the front door. rafe was seeing red the whole time he drove to your house, cursing under his breath as he recalled his father’s words.
“the fucking nerve that guy has.” he punched the steering wheel, nostrils flaring as tears pricked at his eyes. he was the only one who was there to take care of things when ward was ‘gone’. even going as far as committing crimes so his father wouldn’t face any kind of scrutiny. yet, there he was telling him that he was a fuck up.
rafe spent the next five minutes mumbling to himself, his hands shaking as he parked outside your driveway. you were curled up on the porch swing, an open book in your lap when he walked up the stone path. all it took was one look at your boyfriend to have you scrambling up from your seat, eager to soothe him in any way you can. “oh, ray, what’s wrong?” you guided him inside, locking the door shut before both of you made your way up to your room.
“it’s ward. he came back just to tell me shit about not closing the bank accounts under cameron development.” you knew all about rafe’s conflict with his father. from the way he favored everyone else over his eldest, to the constant nagging and insults. sitting rafe down on the edge of your bed, you couldn’t help the way your heart sunk at the sight of defeat in his shoulders, his eyes void of any emotion.
slipping his shoes off, you took your usual seat in his lap, stroking the outline of his jaw as he vented. “i’ll never be good enough for him. i killed for him goddamit, and what do i get in return? ‘i should put a caution sign on your forehead.’ rafe imitated ward’s voice from earlier. you blinked, pecking his cheek. “you’re an amazing son, rafe. shame on him for not recognizing that.” rafe stared up at you, his heart beating wildly in his chest.
you were the only one that looked at him with pure adoration, the only one who made him feel like he had a purpose. “i think you’re amazing, rafe. you don’t sit around, waiting to get things done, you’re so helpful, and so, so kind— to me.” he chuckled at the clarification, rubbing a large hand over your knee. “you think so?” he leaned his head against your chest, your arms coming up to hold him. “i know so.” you sighed, breathing in his scent.
“wanna be little spoon tonight?” your voice alone made him relax, his eyes fluttering shut.
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Sex & Super Smash Bros. - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: Ethan finally makes a move on his best friend.
Contains: Oral - m and f receiving, p in v, a smidge of dirty talk, praise, and one ass slap lmao.
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: When I first started writing this, I was OBSESSED with the song Sex & Super Smash Bros. by Kyle lmao.
So, I have a few other fics in the works atm(This one wasn't even the one I wanted to post first, but it's been half-finished for like, two months🙃). BUT I posted the other day that all of my requests disappeared, so if anyone has anything they wanted written that hasn't been yet, PLEASE let me know. I was saving all the ones I hadn't written until I got the inspiration for them.
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Ethan Landry was your best friend. Sometimes you’d go out to dinner by yourselves, or go see movies together, but they were never dates. Well, maybe they were. He always wanted to pay, and he’d walk you back to your apartment door every time, but there was never any affection aside from a hug.
You were so close that you even drug him into Victoria’s Secret during a mall trip because you noticed they were having a sale. He had to pretend the whole time that he wasn’t imagining you in the things you picked out, and good god why did you need the skimpiest panties and bras they had? He felt a little jealous as he wondered who you wanted to wear them for, but the truth is, you didn’t need to wear them for anyone. As long as you felt good in what was underneath your clothes, that’s all that mattered to you.
Ethan was always talking to Chad about you because he thought he had no game whatsoever to even stand a chance. He thought he was stuck in the friend zone, because you just felt so comfortable with him.
“You’re not in the friendzone,” Chad said, glancing over to his friend as he sat on the opposite end of the couch. “I think she’s into you.”
“Dude, I’m starting to wonder if she thinks I’m even interested in girls,” Ethan said, as Chad burst out in laughter. “I’m serious! What girl takes her straight best friend into Victoria’s secret?”
“She feels comfortable with you,” Chad said, trying to convince him that he’s just overthinking it. “That’s a good thing. You never know, maybe she wanted you to know what she wears underneath her clothes.”
“Do you think I should stop hanging out with her so much, and maybe she’ll see that I should be more than her best friend?”
“That’s a stupid idea. Just ask her out on a date.”
“You think I haven’t tried that? She still treats me like I’m just a friend,” Ethan sighed, thinking about all the ‘Dates’ he’s taken you on.
“You need to put moves on her. Like, show her that you want more. Start with something simple, like putting your arm around her or holding her hand. If she doesn’t pull away, she’s interested.”
“It’s just getting to that point…I get so nervous,” Ethan said, before he got an idea. “What if I invite her over to hang out? Maybe I won’t be as nervous if there aren’t a lot of people around if she rejects me.”
“Now that is a good idea,” Chad said, smiling in approval. “Just let me know when so I won’t walk in and interrupt.”
You never brought Ethan up to Tara because she always brought him up first. Like clockwork, the girl’s nights the two of you had consisted of face masks and a movie, then after, she’d always bring up your best friend.
“I think you should talk to Ethan,” Tara said, as you sighed and rolled your eyes. “What? You’re obviously in love with him.”
“That’s the thing…if it’s so obvious, he should’ve noticed. He’s not interested,” you said, as you brushed the topcoat over your nails you’d just painted.
“You know he’s a little shy. Maybe that’s why he hasn’t yet.”
“I think you’re a little delusional,” you joked, as she grabbed one of the gummy bears out of the bag she was snacking from and threw it at you. “Thanks,” you said, grabbing it off the bed beside you and popping it in your mouth.
“I’m not delusional. You hang out with him all the time, by yourself. You go on dates!”
“If they were dates, we would’ve slept together by now,” you said, as she started to smirk.
“Have you thought about sleeping with him?” she questioned, as you felt your cheeks start to heat up. She got her answer when you refused to look at her. “I knew it! He’s tall, too. You know what they say about tall guys.”
“Okay, we’re not talking about how big he is,” you said, shutting down the conversation as she giggled.
Ethan had asked you to come over to hang out many times before, but this time was different. He kept typing and deleting the message he was going to send you, before settling on ‘You want to come over and hang out after class today?’. He rolled his eyes at himself for not wanting to start with that in the first place.
You: Sure. I get out of class at 6. Is that okay?
Ethan: Yeah, I’ll order food so it’ll already be here. See you soon!
Once Ethan checked the time and saw that it was close to six, he felt his palms start to get a little sweaty. He was wondering if he had it in him to do the things that Chad suggested, because what if you weren’t okay with it? The last thing he wanted was for your friendship to come to a halt because he made you uncomfortable.
He heard his phone ding, and he shook his head once he read your ‘I’m here’ text.
“You know, knocking is a thing,” he said, once he’d opened the door for you.
“I know,” you said, smiling at him as you took in the aroma of Chinese food. “Oooh, that smells good.”
“I got your favorite,” he said, following you to the kitchen.
After you ate dinner, Ethan was trying to figure out the best way to make his move. He thought about watching a movie and putting his arm around you, but you had another idea in mind.
“Let’s play Super Smash,” you suggested, as he started to laugh. “What?”
“I win every time. Is that fun for you?”
“Well teach me how to play then,” you said, as he walked over to grab the controllers.
“I can’t show you how to play if I’m the one playing against you.”
“Play someone online. I’ll watch and learn all the tricks,” you said, as he shrugged.
He noticed that you were trying to keep up with glancing at the tv and seeing what his hands were doing. He got an idea, his nerves kicking in as he turned to look at you.
“We could try something different,” he said, as you curiously looked at him. “Come here.” He spread his legs for you to sit between them as he got more comfortable on the couch. “Okay, just put your hands on mine and you’ll feel what I’m doing.”
“Okay,” you giggled, placing your hands on his. You felt him take a deep breath as your back rested against his chest.
Ethan didn’t know how he was keeping his composure in that moment, but he didn’t want it to be obvious that he was freaking out. Your hands felt so soft on top of his, and the way his arms were wrapped around you to play had his heart racing. You were trying so hard to pay attention to the buttons he was pressing and what happened when he did, but the only thing you could think about was how skillfully his fingers moved.
He was playing against someone that was really good, but Ethan started to press all these different buttons and won the game.
“I don’t know how you just won that,” you said, angling your head so you could look at him. He looked down at you and smiled.
“You helped me win.”
“I didn’t do anything,” you said, as you turned your head back to the tv. His mind was racing, thinking that was the perfect opportunity to try to kiss you, and he didn’t want to let the confidence he was building up slip through the cracks.
He placed his hand under your chin and tilted your head back to face him as he leaned down and placed his lips against yours. You were a little surprised at first, but quickly kissed him back. You felt his tongue brush against your bottom lip, your mouth instinctively opening so he could deepen the kiss. You loved having his mouth on yours, but after a while your neck really started to hurt from the angle.
His eyes shot open once you pulled away, his lips pouty and swollen from the intensity of the kiss.
“Neck cramp,” you said, as he nodded and directed his attention back to the tv. You smirked at him as he got ready to start another round. “Oh, you’re done kissing me?”
“Not at all,” he said, tossing the controller on the coffee table before he pushed you back on the couch. He got settled between your legs, and placed one of his hands beside your head on the couch cushion before he leaned down to connect his lips to yours.
Your hands were in his curls as his tongue fought yours for dominance, your legs tightly wrapped around him to keep him close. He was trying to be in the moment and distract himself at the same time, because he knew he was going to get hard. Once your hips started to squirm, he groaned into the kiss, unable to fight it anymore.
“Okay,” he mumbled against your lips before he sat up. “I need a minute.” His eyes connected with yours that were glazed over in lust, your breathing still heavy from the kiss. You had a feeling that he was really starting to get into it, and you didn’t want to stop.
“We can do more than make out…if you want.”
That was all he needed to hear before he was back on top of you, your legs around his waist again as he started to grind himself against you. You were whimpering into the kiss every time you felt his hard cock brush against your pussy.
“You want to go to my room?” he asked, pulling away to read your face.
When Ethan asked you to hang out, you didn’t think it would lead to the two of you shedding your clothes, both so desperate for each other. Once he was in nothing but his boxers and you in your bra and panties, he recognized the set you were wearing from the day you went shopping.
“Fuuuck me,” he groaned, “I don’t know if I want to take these off you.”
You crawled up on his bed, his eyes still on you as you got comfortable.
“It’s cool. I’ll take them off,” you said, smirking at him as you reached around to unhook your bra. His breathing got even heavier the second he took in the newly exposed skin, but once you reached down to slide your panties off, he sighed in disbelief that his best friend was getting naked for him.
He got on top of his bed with you, but before he crawled on top to connect your lips again, he hesitated. You were wondering if you somehow read the situation wrong until he finally started to speak.
“Before we do this, I need to tell you how I feel,” he said, running one of his hands through his hair as his eyes refused to meet yours. He was nervous, which was more than obvious as you sat up and waited for him to tell you what he needed to tell you. “I’ve had feelings for you for so long…and I know you aren’t supposed to feel that way about your best friend, but I can’t help the way I feel. If you don’t feel the same, maybe we shouldn’t do this. I don’t want to get my heart broken because I’m thinking with my dick right now and tomorrow I’ll be sad that the girl I want more than anything doesn’t want to be with me.”
“Ethan,” you got out, before he started to speak again.
“If you don’t feel the same, it’ll suck, but I still think our friendship is more important than the feelings I have, and I hope things don’t have to change between us,” he rambled, as you giggled and grabbed his hand that was resting on his thigh.
“Are you done? Or can I say what I need to say now?” you said, your tone playful as a small smile formed on his lips, his eyes finally meeting yours. “I have feelings for you, too. I wouldn’t be naked in your bed right now if I didn’t.”
“Seriously?” he asked, a huge smile on his face at the confession. You nodded as you leaned in to connect your lips with his again.
You moved to straddle his lap, your mouth not leaving his as his hands roamed the areas of your body he could reach. The kiss got even more desperate as his hands moved to your ass, pulling you closer so your soaked pussy was resting against his hard cock that was straining in his boxers. He gasped at the feeling when you started to grind, both of you getting some of the friction you were craving.
Your lips moved to his neck, placing open mouthed kisses until you found his sweet spot and lightly sucked on it, the feeling making a small moan slip past his lips.
“Lay back, baby,” you mumbled against his neck as he did what he said, your body moving with his as he relaxed against his comforter.
You kissed down his chest, over his stomach, finally stopping once you made it to the waistband of his boxers. You smirked at him as you sat up a little, watching how quickly his chest was rising and falling, his eyes pleading for you to do more.
You watched his face as your hand reached up to palm him over his boxers, his mouth falling open at the feeling.
“Can I-“ was all you got out before Ethan whimpered “Please” not fully sure of what you were even going to ask, but he desperately needed more.
You giggled to yourself as your fingers hooked in the top of his boxers before you started to inch them down, his hips lifting a little once he noticed you were struggling to get them off.
You glanced down at his cock as you wrapped your hand around it, salivating at the drop of precum already leaking out of his tip before you looked up at him. Your hand moved up and down as his eyes darted between yours and your hand.
“Jesus Christ,” he rushed out as he looked at you, your hand moving a little quicker. “This feels better than I thought it would.”
“You’ve thought about this?” you teased, as he mumbled a ‘Mhm’. “Have you thought about my mouth, too?”
“All the fucking time,” he admitted without missing a beat.
You leaned your head down to lick away the drop of precum, swirling your tongue over the tip of his cock before you inched him in your mouth. Ethan’s hand lazily rested on the back of your head as you took as much of him as you could, your hand moving up and down around what you couldn’t fit.
Ethan was trying so hard to keep quiet, hid bottom lip tightly held between his teeth as your head bobbed, but once you started to gag around him, he let out this strangled whimper. Hearing how good he was feeling only motivated you even more as you moved faster, your saliva dripping down his cock as you hollowed your cheeks.
“Fuck, you’re doing such a good job,” he said, his praise going straight to your throbbing pussy.
His fingers tangled in your hair, the gentle tugs making you moan around him. His breathing got heavier, your name rolling off his tongue in a string of whines. You slid him out of your mouth a little to focus on his tip, your eyes looking deep into his hooded ones.
You knew he was getting close as your hand moved and twisted around him, his hips jerking at the feeling.
“Gonna cum,” he whimpered, the sound making you laugh a little as you sucked harder on his sensitive tip. “Fuck fuck fuck.”
He had his fists bawled up, one in his comforter, the other in your hair as you tasted the salty liquid coat the inside of your mouth. You stopped sucking and switched to gentle licks as you collected ever drop of cum on your tongue, before you swallowed and sat up to look at him.
Ethan’s cheeks were flush, his eyes slowly fluttering open as he came down from his high. He lazily smiled at you before he sat up and grabbed you, flipping you so your back was resting against his bed.
You giggled as his lips attached to your neck, a soft moan slipping out once he found your sweet spot. He sucked on it as your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling his hips closer to yours. You whined as you felt his cock, already hard again for you, resting against your pussy.
“Ethan, I need you,” you said, as he chuckled and placed kisses along your collar bone.
“Patience, baby,” he said, the new pet name making your heart swell as he made his way down your chest.
He ran his tongue over one of your nipples a few times before he sucked it into his mouth, gasps slipping past your lips as you tried to stay still. He gave the other side the same attention, and as good as it felt, your pussy desperately needed attention.
It was like Ethan could read your mind, his fingertips gently moving up your thigh before they reached where you needed him.
“Fuck,” you whispered as his fingers made it to your clit.
He rubbed slow circles, and you were finally starting to feel a little bit of the relief you needed. Once he added more pressure and rubbed faster, your hips were arching off the bed, your moans getting louder as he kissed down your body.
He replaced his fingers with his tongue, flicking it across your sensitive bundle of nerves before he licked fat stripes from your entrance to your clit. Your legs were tingling at that feeling alone, but once he sucked your clit into his mouth and slid two of his fingers inside your dripping pussy, you were fighting to keep your legs open for him.
He held eye contact with you as he angled his fingers just right, your brain getting cloudy as he worked you closer to your orgasm.
“Oh fuck,” you whimpered, the sound quickly becoming his new favorite as your hand ran through his curls.
The pads of his fingers pressed harder against that spongy spot inside you, your eyes fluttering closed as the coil in the pit of your stomach got tighter and tighter, so close to snapping. Once he hummed with your clit in his mouth, you felt the familiar white-hot feeling spread across your body, your thighs closing in around his head as you cried out.
He slowed his fingers a little as his mouth kept working on your clit, until you pulled away from the slight overstimulation he was giving you.
He slid his fingers out and sat up to look at you, the smile on his face showing how proud of himself he was for making you feel that good.
“I didn’t think you’d be bad at that, but I didn’t expect it to be that good,” you said, as your heavy breathing slowed.
“Well, after the head you gave me, I couldn’t disappoint you,” he said, as he moved back up to the bed to cuddle.
He laid his head on your chest as your fingers lazily ran through his curls. He wanted more, but he didn’t want to ask for it. He just wanted to be close to you at that moment. But once you asked if he had a condom, he sat up and leaned over you, reaching into the nightstand beside his bed.
Ethan moved so he was in between your legs again, sitting on his knees as he opened the condom and rolled it on. You stared at his size, a little nervous that it would hurt because he was definitely above average, and your jaw was still a little sore from sucking it, but you took a deep breath to relax before he slid his tip inside of you.
He only made it a few inches before he groaned, the tightness making his head spin.
“Your pussy is pulling me in right now,” he said, “You want it that bad, baby?”
“Yes,” you moaned, as he inched the rest of his cock inside you.
You winced a little at the burning feeling of him stretching you out, a concerned look on his face as he stared at you.
“I’m okay,” you said, “You can move.”
“You sure?” he asked, as he leaned down so his chest was pressed against yours.
“Please fuck me,” you said, before you leaned up a little, connecting your mouth to his.
He slowly slid in and out of you as you made out with him, your hands running along his bare back. Everything felt so sensual and intimate, and you swore you could feel the love radiating off him.
As he pulled away from the kiss, he softly bit your bottom lip before he sat back up on his knees, the position making it easier for him to go faster. His hands were all over you, from your legs to your chest, every touch feeling like fire against your skin.
Your bottom lip was in between your teeth, your eyebrows furrowing as he hit that spot every single time. He couldn’t take his eyes off you, a smirk playing on his lips as he thrusted faster.
“Oh my god,” you whimpered, “Feels so good.”
“You like it when I fuck your tight little pussy?” he asked, as you quickly nodded your head. “You’re taking it so well.”
Between his dirty talk and his praise, you felt your second orgasm of the night creeping up. Your hips were moving to meet his, your sounds getting louder as he kept his pace.
“I’m clo-“ was all you got out, before his hips slowed and he slid out of you. “Ethannn,” you whined, as he smiled and grabbed your hips to flip you over.
“It’s okay, baby. I’ll make you cum,” he said, as he adjusted you so your ass was sticking up in the air for him.
He gave it a smack before he slid back inside of you, a loud moan flying out of your mouth as he went faster than he had before. You were a whimpering mess, your brain turning to mush as he hit your g-spot over and over again.
Your hand snaked underneath you to rub circles on your clit as his hands tightly held your hips, pulling you back to meet every deep thrust me was giving you.
Your orgasm was right on the edge again as you tried to turn your thoughts into words, finally begging “Please don’t stop.”
You heard him grunting behind you as he kept his pace, your eyes rolling back as your entire body started to tingle.
“Cum for me,” he said, as you whimpered his name, that feeling crashing into you so hard that you felt dizzy.
Your pussy was clenching his cock so hard that he moaned out, his hips stuttering as pulled your hips back to meet his even faster.
“Gonna cum,” he rushed out, giving you a few more hard thrusts before his hips stilled.
He stayed inside of you as he caught his breath, his hand running through his sweaty hair as he smiled. Your back was still arched, your hand lazily gripping the sheets. If it wasn’t for the sight in front of him, he would’ve thought this was just a figment of his imagination. He never expected you to feel the same for him, but he was so happy that you did.
He slid out, a soft whine slipping past your lips at the empty feeling before you relaxed your hips, your body flatly laid on top of his bed. He ran his hand over your back before he leaned down, placing kisses along your shoulders and spine.
“That was amazing, babe,” you said, as he smirked against you.
“I agree,” he said, smiling as he thought about it. “Do you want to go shower? I want to cuddle, but I’m so sweaty right now.”
“Sure,” you said, as he sat up and slid off the side of his bed, before he helped you get off it.
Your legs were a little wobbly like you were taking your first steps as Ethan held onto you. He cracked open his bedroom door, listening to see if he heard anyone else in the apartment. It was silent aside from the game music still coming from the tv, but Ethan wanted to be safe.
“Chad?” he yelled, and once he didn’t get a response, he led you to the bathroom.
You leaned against the counter as he got the water temperature just right, before he walked back over to you. He held onto you as you stepped over the side of the tub before he got in, a goofy smile on his lips as he stared at you.
“How long have you had these feelings for me?” he questioned, as he grabbed the bottle of his shampoo and body wash combo off the shower rack.
You giggled to yourself as he cocked his eyebrow at you.
“A while,” you said, as he started to massage the soap into his hair. “I didn’t think you were interested in me.”
“I’ve been interested in you since the day I met you,” he admitted, as he grabbed his loofah.
You took it from his hand and put some of the body wash on it before you lathered it up and ran it across his chest.
“Why didn’t you say something?” you asked, as you maneuvered around him to wash his back.
“You make me nervous,” he said, chuckling softly. “Not in a bad way, though. You give me butterflies. And there were so many nights after we’d go out that I wanted to try to kiss you, but I was scared you wouldn’t want me to.”
He turned around to face you, a sweet smile on his lips as you stood on your tippy toes to kiss him.
“I’m happy you did tonight.”
After Ethan washed your body like you did his, you got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around yourself as Ethan wrapped his around his hips. You were so caught up in talking to each other when you walked out of the bathroom that you didn’t notice Chad walking down the hallway.
“Um,” he mumbled, as he turned around, his back facing you and Ethan as you both laughed. “I guess you told her how you feel?”
“Yep,” Ethan said, as Chad stood there, blocking the path you and Ethan needed to walk in to get back to his room. “Dude, are you going to stand there all night? I’m getting cold.”
“Sorry,” Chad said, as he stepped to the side for you and Ethan to pass him. “Congrats, by the way.”
“Thanks,” you responded, as you walked into Ethan’s room and closed the door behind you.
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zaczenemiji · 1 day
Hi! Just saw your request are open. I thought it would be a great to request a OS of Kenji Sato x Fem! Reader.
I got inspired by that song of "Too Sweet" from Hozier and I got the idea of how good is Reader with Emi, (since she knows he's Ultraman and also raises a baby Kaiju alone) such a Sunshine, even Emi sees her as a new maternal figure, he thinks she's too sweet, getting the idea of having kids with her but having the thought she deserves better.
But she thinks on the contrary, he's such a bad boy with a good heart. If you wanna add more things, it's up to you. I'll leave it to your imagination. Take your time and no need to rush. Take care.
Too Good, Too True
Kenji Sato x Reader
Word Count: 1,456
Author’s Note: Particularly in love with this one, and Too Sweet plays rent-free in my head.
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You know everything about Kenji: his past—the reason he’s distant from his dad, his secret—that he’s Ultraman, and his love child the 20-foot-tall kaiju baby in his basement.
You guys have been together for a long while now, even before everyone knew him as Ken Sato, the baseball star—the one whose name dominates the headlines.
With millions of adoring fans, you’re grateful you still have a place in his life. At first, there was a looming thought at the back of your head that tells you how easily replaceable you are.
No matter how you repress the thought, the fact remains that it is true. Who are you when compared to Kenji? You weren’t a model, an icon, a singer, or the daughter of a CEO—like all the other women waiting in line for him.
You were just… you. Simply (y/n) in her soft pastel and floral dresses. You don’t own a lot either, just a flower shop in LA. Your favorite hobby is tending to your garden where you grew the flowers that you sold.
All of your issues regarding this have long been resolved since Kenji has always been quick to reassure you of his love. That to him, everything and anyone else pails in comparison to you. He wishes you knew your impact on his life.
You have always been his breath of fresh air. It started at college during his baseball trainings, he’d wait for a certain girl to pass by. His eyes were always quick to find you among your group of friends.
On his games, you were his number one cheerleader. Your friends and his teammates were always so surprised to see the quiet dainty girl that you were yelling and cheering for his name.
Back when his mom was around, you got along with her so well. Kenji would find you and his mom in their kitchen baking cakes and making cute little pastries.
His mom loved having you around. You were always welcome at his house. When she found out that you were an international student who flew to LA alone and lived in a dorm, she almost wanted to adopt you.
But ain’t no way Kenji wanted to be just a brother in your life.
Many things have changed since then. In becoming a baseball star, half of his life was no longer private. In becoming Ultraman, his responsibilities were no longer limited to that of his career and personal life. And in becoming a daddy to a kaiju baby, he realized you deserve better.
You came over to his house every day to visit Emi. He admired your patience with her and how you were always a ray of sunshine to everyone, including a kaiju. And you’re not afraid of playing with her even if she could literally crush you out of nowhere.
You’d come over with fresh flowers picked from your parents’ garden. You’d make big flower crowns just for Emi and smaller ones for yourself and Mina.
Today was a particularly rough day as Kenji got home from a game. You wanted to accompany him today but he insisted for you to watch over Emi. He has been feeling like shit lately, not knowing what to do with Emi and his declining performance in his games.
Upon passing by the kitchen table, he sees a can of his favorite fizzy drink. Under it, a note. He lifted the can and read, “left this up here so mina won’t see (。- .•)”
For the first time that day, he smiled. You’ve always told him how lucky you thought you were for being with someone as great as him. But the truth is, it’s the other way around.
In one go, he finished his drink so he could immediately head down to see you. You and Mina were too busy playing with Emi to notice him. He stayed at the lounge where he could see you from the other side of the glass.
There you were, beautiful, with flowers adorning your hair. You looked so pure and innocent. Your gentle demeanor had always put him at ease.
Your expressive eyes looked up at Emi in an attempt to communicate beyond words. Kenji loved your eyes. They were always filled with warmth and kindness but when you look at him, all he sees is love.
On the contrary, there’s him. He and his troubled past.
He is distant from his dad, wanting little to no connection with him. If it wasn’t for his mom, he wouldn’t have returned to Japan.
You weren’t like that. You had a good relationship with your parents. You deserve someone who could give you and your future children the same kind of environment you grew up in—peaceful and without the fear of the possibility that one day, your husband might not come home.
He worries he’d be like his dad, absent. He is Ultraman now. His duties would one day require him to be away, sometimes without notice and for extended periods. You deserve someone who can be there for you consistently.
He is constantly under the scrutiny of the public eye, both as Ultraman and the baseball star that he is. And the public is not often gentle. You deserve a private and peaceful life, away from the criticisms of society.
Kenji loves you dearly, he really does. But oftentimes, he thinks he’s not the best person for you. He thinks you deserve someone who can offer you a simpler and safer life.
Too deep in his thoughts, he failed to notice you enter the room. The kiss you gave on his cheek pulled him back to reality.
“Tough day?” You asked, sitting beside him on the couch.
“Yeah,” he nodded. “But I’m okay now. You’re here now.” He turned to look at you, his rest.
“Would you like to talk about your day?” You asked, reaching out to brush strands of his hair away from his face.
He shook his head. “I’d like to hear about yours first.”
You smiled, excited to tell him what you planned on doing. Since he’s staying here in Japan for good, you thought you would too. The flower shop in LA would be left in a good friend’s care. And here, you thought of working as a kindergarten teacher. You had doubts before but after being able to take care of Emi and enjoying it, you were now sure that this is the kind of job for you.
Kenji’s expression shifted upon knowing this. A shadow of doubt crossed his face. “What’s wrong?” you asked. “Do you not approve?”
“You deserve better,” he said, eyes falling downward before turning away to lean properly on the couch.
Confused, you leaned back as well. “Better job?” You asked. “Kenji, I think this is the bes—“
“Better than a guy who’s got a kaiju baby to take care of and a past, present, and future that’s complicated,” he continued his earlier statement, cutting you mid-sentence.
You were shocked. You never expected him to feel this way. You felt bad because for every time he assured you of his love, you failed to realize that he needed reassurance too.
“Oh no, Kenji,” you said. You turned his face to look at you, cupping it with both of your hands. “You’re a good man.”
“I’m worried, (y/n),” he said softly. “I worry that I can’t give you the life you deserve.“
He wants to marry you, he truly does. He dreamed of having children with you, teaching them, watching them grow. And when all is done, living the rest of his life with you.
When he passes by jewelry stores, he always thinks of you. He’d get in, and browse their selection of rings, but thinking of how you’re too sweet for him holds him back from buying.
"You're the best man for me, Kenji. Not despite your past and your duties, but because of them. They've shaped you into the person I love,” you told him.
“You're a wonderful father to Emi. And if you ever wanted more—if you ever wanted us to be more,” you leaned in to press your forehead on his. “I know you'll be an amazing father because of how you love me every day.”
Kenji closed his eyes, leaning into your touch, the tension slowly leaving his body. "You really believe that?"
"Every word," you said softly. "You are my home, Kenji. As long as we're together, I'm not afraid of anything."
He opened his eyes, looking at you with a mixture of relief and gratitude. "Thank you, (y/n),” he said. “I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You'll never have to find out," you replied, pulling him into a tight embrace.
Taglist is open! Comment if u wanna be tagged on future Kenji oneshots
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martiansodas-blog · 2 days
Hi! I was just reading your art donaldson head cannons and when I read this part specifically:
♡ wouldn’t mind having a slightly younger partner. he’d like teaching them things and it’d boost his ego a little bit. you two would tease each other about your age all the time.
I immediately new I had to request a one shot ( I think thats what they’re re called ) of them actually teasing each other maybe a bit nswf but yeah so if you could make one 🙏🥹
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“you keep me young.”
“and you gave me my first gray hair, can we go now??”
art liked to imagine you old with all gray hair and fine lines. him standing right by your side.
but he’s getting ahead of himself.
“ya know speaking of hair, you should let me use my curly products on you!”
“you don’t think i’ve outgrown that?”
“are you kidding? it would look so good on you now! i’ve only seen pictures of you with a mop on your head i want to experience it first hand.”
he rolled his eyes but the crinkles around them brought by your cheekiness was prevalent. he can’t hide anything around you.
“alright. you’ve convinced me.”
the two of you were chatting in a local coffee shop. there are a dozen cafes closer but you love this one. and art loves whatever you love. it has personality. they make their syrups from scratch and have a little patio for when it’s sunny.
the man was already convinced you were an angel, but the sun behind you giving you a halo was icing on top.
art drowned in your beauty.
the kind of beauty that made everyone else in the room look bad.
the kind that made you create a whole album in your phones photo app.
he made sure you knew just how stunning you were.
but your beauty was also the least interesting thing about you.
“thanks for taking me here.”
“of course. we really don’t come here as often as we should.”
“it’s out of the way. i’d feel bad if you had to fill up your car AND pay for my meal.”
you said it jokingly but it’s easy to feel guilty that about art spoiling you to the extent that he does. you didn’t have much to give in return.
art takes your smaller hand in his and plays with your fingers. the next time he speaks it’s quieter, and with fervor.
“you are a gift, my gift. you were sent to me.”
he looks into your eyes.
“everything i get to do for you is a joy, ok?”
art wasn’t raised religious, frankly he thinks most of them are bullshit. he never thought about believed in fate.
until you.
it took some getting used to- being appreciated on this level.
boys your age could never worship you the way art does.
you were younger than art, yes. but he wasn’t attracted to you because you were mailable. he was attracted to you because you were brilliant. you were passionate, funny, and if you disagreed with someone you stood your ground. you brought a fresher perspective to his life.
with that being said, he still wants to protect you from the big bad world.
you can defend yourself in every sense of the word, but why would you need to when you have a rich experienced man by your side? there’s a lot of people out there who don’t have the best intentions. especially with a girl in her twenties. that’s where art comes in.
he decides that you still need some convincing even after today's date, so he keeps you in his master bedroom for a few hours.
he wants to rewire your brain and ruin anyone else for you.
“you don't get it, do you? when i said i liked you, it wasn't just skin deep. ive got some bad intentions. i wanna take every inch of you and make it mine; i want you to breathe for me, eat for me, i want all of your orgasms to be because of me.”
the only heaven i’ll be sent to is when i’m alone with you
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iamred-iamyellow · 2 days
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Encontrar su media naranja
♥ pairing: lando norris x latina!fem!singer!reader
♥ synopsis: during one of your concerts a fan threw their phone up on stage. after you finished recording a video, you tried tossing it back to them and ended up accidentally hitting a world famous f1 driver in the face
♥ smau - none of the pictures are mine - face claim: alexa demie and girls on pinterest
♥ warnings: swearing, blood, accidental violence lol !!!
♥ notes: if I had a nickel for every time I wrote a fanfic about finding love by getting hit in the face with object I'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
♥ masterlist
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You turned your back towards the crowd as people cheered. You raised the phone in your hand up high to get as many people in the video as possible. After you ended the recording, you clicked the phone off and tried tossing it back to the original fan that threw it on stage.
There was an audible gasp from the crowd around the barricades as the phone hit a man's face. You covered your gaping mouth with your hand as you realized what you'd just done.
Your jaw was still dropped as you tried to speak.
"¿Estás bien?" you questioned.
(are you okay?)
You panicked internally as you tried to think of what to do.
"Can we get him some help?" you said, turning your gaze towards a few security guards.
"Todo el mundo por favor retroceda."
(everyone please stand back)
Security walked the man and his party out of the stadium rendering you absolutely speechless.
"Uhm," you said into the mic. "Did you get your phone back?" you asked the initial fan with an embarrassed expression.
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liked by carlossainz55, oscarpiastri, and 743,684 more
landonorris aftermath
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user9 miss girl can THROWWW
user1 y/n l/n baseball career when?
user7 girl needs to be pitching for the red sox, fuck 😭
user5 I feel so bad for laughing so hard
user10 the piss poor bandages on his nose-
user4 why is there so much blood holy shit
user12 didn't know Lando was a fan of her
user14 pretty sure Carlos dragged him to her concert lol
user2 not his friends laughing at him 💀
user18 someone drop the video
user16 is he okay?!?!
user17 meet cute 😍
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, and 563,932 more
yourusername safe to say he forgave me
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user1 you can throw a phone at my face any time 🤷‍♀️
user9 I will never get over this 😭
user18 it was just an inchident
user16 wait she wasn't wearing that while she was there??
user19 pretty sure that was a pic of her at whatever after parties they went to lol
user14 Florida nights are cold as fuck
user4 do you think Carlos is jealous of all the attention Lando is getting from her
user2 the poly fics write themselves
user10 oh my god YESSS!!!
user50 why does f1 invite celebrities that know nothing about the sport???
user12 not her wearing landos merch
user3 im sure he made her wear it lmaoo
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-A Few Months Later-
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liked by landonorris, yourbestfriend, and 238,849 more
yourusername @ landonorris
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carlossainz55 and this was the same guy who was complaining about going to her concert a few months ago
landonorris if I remember correctly that concert ended pretty badly for me
user12 you got a girlfriend out of it I’d call that a win
user40 @ user12 they're not dating ???
user10 find someone who smiles at you the way they smile at each other
user9 they’re so cute
user3 don’t be shy drop the picture(s) he took of her
user7 I need him I fear
user8 📱👃
user1 hes so cute
user13 just date already
user15 you're so pretty
user17 I will literally never forget her breaking his nose lmaooo
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liked by landonorris, kaliuchis, carlossainz55, and 656,943 more
yourusername my new single "encontrar su media naranja" is out now 🧡
view comments
user8 ok but why does the guy in the music video look like lando...
user7 oh my god
user13 I see the vision
user1 Kali Uchis collab when?
user12 literally begging for a song with her, kali, and peso pluma
user3 orange sodas >>>
user24 📱👃
user11 this song is so good 🧡
user18 who's the guy in the mv???
user19 shes gorgeous
user17 I love her
user25 wait this is the singer that broke lando's nose
user5 🧡🧡🧡
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liked by landonorris, yourbestfriend, carlossainz55 and 472,396 more
yourusername encontré a mi otra mitad
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landonorris te amo querida 🧡
yourusername 🧡
user5 bro's adorable
user2 encontrar su media naranja? more like econtrar su media papaya
user1 that's an interesting angle
user9 Lando still doesn't know how to make a heart with his hands lmao 😭
user11 YESSS
user14 and now they're married with five kids
user18 mom and dad
carlossainz55 formally known as lando "who's y/n?"Norris
landonorris ive grown since then
user12 fuck Romeo and Juliet I want what they have
user6 so the song WAS about lando
user8 and it all started with a phone 📱
user10 I'm tearing up
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morgana-larkin · 2 days
Love your work, i think ive read all ur melissa x reader fics😭. So yk how melissa says “youse”? I was wondering if u could make a fic where reader is a new teacher and shes from the south and constantly says “ya’ll” instead. Idk what after that tbh
Girl next time I'll need a bit more than that. And really happy that you love my work and thank you for the prompt. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I'm finally getting to all your prompts, so if you sent one, it's coming soon! I believe I have 5 other Melissa ones and 1 Chessy prompt.
Southern Girl
Warnings: Fluff, Reader having doubt
Words: 2k
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You walk into the doors of Abbott all excited. You’ve been subbing for a year now, mostly at Addington Elementary, the charter school down the street. Now you’re Abbott Elementary’s new art teacher. You check in at the office and get your classroom key and badge with the photo from the interview a week ago. 
“Alright newbie, you’re here. Follow me to the teacher’s lounge and I’ll introduce you to the ones that I tolerate here.” Ava pipes up from behind you and you follow her there.
You both walk in and 8 sets of eyes fall on you two. 3 from a corner in the back, 3 from a table near the window and 2 from a table near the fridge. 
“Newbie this is where you introduce yourself.” Ava tells you as you were shocked with the sudden spotlight on you.
“Oh right, hi y’all my name is Y/n Y/l/n. I’m the new art teacher here.” You introduce yourself, your southern accent visible. Two teachers come bouncing over to you and talking a mile a minute. The things you got were Janine Teagues, second grade teacher as well as Jacob Hill, 8th grade teacher. The rest you didn’t catch at all as it was a lot before 8am.
“Janine dear, why don’t you and Jacob give her some room, she just got here.” One of the women from the table near the fridge says. “Hello dear, I’m Barbara Howard, kindergarten teacher.” She says gently as Janine and Jacob go to sit down. Barb then softly nudges the woman next to her and gets a weird look from the ginger. You have to admit that this nameless ginger is very attractive. “You should introduce yourself.” Barb tells her and she sighs.
“But she’s from the south, for all we know she can be a cowboys fan.” She says to Barb.
“The girl from south is right here and can hear you. And are you talking about the Dallas Cowboys?” You ask and she quirks an eyebrow at you.
“So youse a fan?” She asks and crosses her arms.
“Of the cowboys, no. Never really been a fan until I got here to be honest. It was all the rage when I got here so I looked into it, the Eagles aren’t bad of a team.” You tell her and you see the slightest smile on her face. 
“I’m Melissa Schemmenti, 2nd grade teacher.” She introduces herself and you freeze.
“Schemmenti? Why does that name sound familiar?” You say and she sighs.
“Have you been to Addington?” She asks and you nod.
“Quite a bit actually.” 
“You might have met my sister Kristen Marie there then.” She says and you widen your eyes.
“Of course, I do know her. Her and I are texting buddies, we text about once a week. I honestly forgot about her last name.” You tell her and she shakes her head. “Wait you’re Melissa, she’s mentioned you a few times.” You add.
“All bad things I’m assuming, knowing my sister.” She says and you shake your head.
“No, not bad at all.” Mostly embarrassing things, but you ain’t mentioning that to her. “Well I’d love to stay and chat with y’all but I gotta skedaddle. Lots to do in just a week.” You tell them and then leave the room. Everyone turns to look at Melissa and while she doesn’t see it, she feels them all staring at her.
“What are all youse looking at?” Melissa says without turning to look at them.
“You gave your name so… willingly.” Janine says confused.
“You heard her, she doesn’t mind the Eagles, she seems alright.” Melissa says with barely a thought to the answer.
At the end of the day you go to turn into the teachers lounge to get your lunchbox, only to run into Melissa, physically run right into her.
“Oh I’m so sorry Melissa, you ok?” You tell her while you have your hands on her arms to stabilise her. 
“Ya I’m fine kid, are you alright?” She asks you and you nod. You go to get your lunchbox from the fridge and when you go to leave, she’s still there, waiting for you.
“Should I be flattered that you’re waiting for me?” You joke with her and she chuckles.
“I think so. I mean, I’ve never done it for anyone else before.” She says and you smile.
“Well considered me flattered then.” You tell her and she smiles at you.
“Well let’s, what did you say earlier? Skedaddle?” She teases you and you laugh. You both start to walk to the parking lot.
“Why Melissa, I hope you’re not making fun of the language of the south.” You joke with her and she laughs.
“Wouldn’t dream of it southy.” 
“Oh I get a nickname too? You’re too sweet.” You say and she playfully shoves your shoulder with hers.
You reach the parking lot and then you both walk to her car which was right next to yours. 
“Well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” You ask her, not wanting this moment to end. 
“Ya, you will kid.” She tells you with a smile then gets in her car.
2 months go by and it’s safe to say you’re settling in pretty well. You’ve gotten support from your coworkers and your students are loving your classes. There’s one specific coworker that stands out to you and that’s Melissa. You’ve found yourself admiring her a couple weeks now. Ever since you were able to watch her teach, you’ve been wanting to again. At lunch, she offered you a spot at her and Barb’s table, which apparently has never happened before, and you find yourself staring at her when she’s talking. When she comes to drop her kids off at your class, you make yourself more presentable before she gets there, you quickly brush your hair, reapply lip balm, just anything to make yourself look better for her. You got looks from people when she invited you over to her house for the first time and you loved every second of it. You’ve also gotten weird looks from Barb and the trio lately and you have no idea why, until Barb talks to you. 
“Hello dear, can I come in?” She asks from your doorway and you look up from your sketchbook.
“Barb, hi. Ya of course.” You tell her and she smiles as she walks in and closes the door. “What’s up?” You ask as you put your pencil down and lean back in your chair to look at her. 
“I’ll be blunt with you.” She starts and you tilt your head at her in question. “You have a crush on Melissa right?” She asks and you widen your eyes. “We all see it, you’re not good at hiding it.” She adds.
Well no use in trying to cover it up. “Oh god, does that mean that Melissa knows?” 
You ask her and she shakes her head.
“No, Melissa won’t ever think that you’ll like her. The only way she’ll know is if you tell her.” She says and you sigh.
“Well that won’t ever happen?” You say and she tilts her head at you.
“Sweetheart, what reason can you have to not want to tell her?”
“Many reasons. About to start with the fact that she’s straight, she’s my friend, she’ll never be into me, she’s out of my league, and did I mention that she’s straight?” You say and she smiles at you.
“You did mention it. Dear, I have known Melissa a long time, and what I can tell you is that you’ve caught her eye. I’ve seen how she is when someone catches her interest and how she is with friends. She treats you differently then how she treats me and the rest of the Abbott crew, and everyone else she has ever befriended. What I’m saying is, I think if you told her about your feelings for her, you might be surprised of her answer.” Barb says and you look at her stunned. 
“I’ll- I’ll think about it.” You tell her.
“I wouldn’t take too long, Gary has his sights on her too.” She tells you and you widen your eyes.
“The vending machine guy?” You ask and she nods.
“Well she might be better off with him.” You say casually.
“Why do you say that? Why wouldn’t she be happy with you?”
“Cause I’m me.” You tell her and then get back to your drawing. Barb walks up to you and puts her hand on your shoulder.
“Yes you’re you, and Melissa likes who you are.” Barb tells you and then leaves.
At the end of the day you finish cleaning up the art supplies, then you grab your stuff and leave and you bump into someone on the way out.
“Oh sorry hon.” Melissa tells you.
“Oh Melissa, hi.” You stutter. “Wha- what are you doing in this corner of the school?” You ask her, considering her classroom is on the other side of the school.
“I came here to see you.”
“I didn’t see you at lunch today, or barely at all today actually.” She says.
“Melissa, are you saying you missed me?” You tell her in a teasing tone.
“I did actually, if you must know.” She says and playfully shoves your shoulder. “Something happened at lunch actually.” She adds and you tilt your head to let her continue. “Gary asked me out.” She says and you stop breathing for a second and widen your eyes.
“Oh.” You say, you stayed in your classroom at lunch today going over what Barb told you before lunch. Now it seems you missed your chance.
“I turned him down.” She says and that snaps you out of your head.
“What? You said no?” You tell her and she nods her head. “Why?”
“Because I don’t want to go out with him. I’d rather go out with someone else.” She tells you and she takes a step towards you. You’re breathing quickens as you look into her emerald green eyes that captures you in them. Your faces are close together, as you’re the same height, it wouldn’t take much to lean forward and kiss her. You gulp as you realise she’s waiting for you to say something.
“And who is it that you’d rather go out with?” You ask and you glance down at her lips before looking into her eyes again.
“You.” Is all she says but it still leaves you breathless. You see her glance down at your lips briefly before looking into your e/c eyes. Without thinking, you lean forward and kiss her fiercely. She kisses you back with just as much force and she grabs the back of your head with both of her hands. You place your hands on her waist and press her up against the wall and you both continue kissing each other as if your lives depended on it.
 “Should we stop them? I mean it is still school property.” Janine says as the trio, Barb, Ava and Gary are watching you two make out down the hall.
“I think we should let them enjoy today. Then if we catch them making out again, then we can stop them.” Barb says, glad you both finally took the chance. “And Gary, thanks for asking her out, I knew it would make Melissa finally admit her feelings.” Barb tells him and he nods at her.
“Glad I could help.” He says and they all leave.
You both pull back to catch your breath. Melissa giggles as you look at each other. “Did you kiss all the southern girls that told you they have feelings for you?” She asks with a smile.
“I never liked them back so no.” You tell her and she cups your cheek. You surge forward to capture her lips on yours again, never wanting to pull back.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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onlygarden · 2 days
[i won't let us go south, baby] - lee heeseung
genre: angst
description: heeseung starts to believe that he can treat you however he wants to since he does a lot for you. he ends up hurting you more than he could've ever imagined. he's quite manipulative, and emotionally abusive.
a/n: my heart was beating fast while i was writing this one. i got pretty into it heheh i hope u all love it <3
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as long as you’ve been with heeseung, you’ve always felt so high in a daze that even the thought of the two of you crashing down seemed eternities away. even in the next life, you knew there would be a way that you two were inevitably brought together; you’ve never experienced a bond that rivals the undefinable spark between you and heeseung in the slightest. even when your time together stretched deep into the night, and you rambled on and on, heeseung still felt as though he could never hear enough about you. in your lovestruck mind, even if you and heeseung had forever together, it still didn’t feel like nearly enough time. 
‘as long as this life allows, i’ll keep pouring my love on you,’ you’ll never forget the charming words heeseung professed to you in the card he wrote to you on your second anniversary together. 
of course, it was only natural for you and him to argue. you can remember plenty of seemingly endless nights spent bickering about whatever it was that neither of you could seem to let go. even when you made him angry, and he ended up making you cry, he refused to let you fall asleep heartbroken by the thought of him. 
he always told you, in the gentlest voice, ‘you know i’m not gonna let you keep pent up feelings. you know i can’t sleep when you’re crying, baby, i’ll do everything i can to keep my beautiful girl happy.’ he’d ease your mind of any concerns that bloomed inside of it in the best way he could. 
ever since heeseung discovered you, he’s fallen undeniably in love with every factor that embodied you, and you’ve become the most priceless and irreplaceable aspect of his life. he’s never once even thought to treat you without the most delicate of intentions. 
“baby,” heeseung calls from the kitchen, removing your attention from the tv in front of you. 
“hm?” you hum, letting heeseung know that he held your focus. 
“did you remember to pick up the food i needed for practice tomorrow?” heeseung asks, and guilt runs through you as you realize that you certainly didn’t remember. 
you gasp, standing up to approach heeseung in the kitchen, telling him, “i’m so sorry, baby! i really didn’t mean to forget,” as you proceed towards him. 
heeseung sighs. he gazes at you, both of his hands resting upon the counter in front of him. you’re certain he’ll assure you that ‘it’s no big deal, baby,’ but your body is still utterly plagued by guilt, and you punish yourself for being so incompetent. 
“you’ve been forgetting things like this a lot lately,” heeseung observes flatly. you can tell from his tone that he’s been biting these words back. he sounded tired of you. 
“baby, i really am sorry,” you tell him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “i was pretty busy today, too, but i’ll go grab it now,” you say, moving to grab your keys before heeseung’s voice rings in your ears again, with the same lifeless tone that traveled from his throat before. 
“no, i’ll go and get it. you just stay right here, i clearly can’t count on you.” 
the expression that heeseung met your eyes with impacted you with the same dreariness as his words. grabbing his keys, he sweeps past you and disappears behind the door of your home. a breath leaves your parted lips as his name withers in your throat, his departure so sudden that you didn’t have the chance to prevent it. 
he was only leaving to go to the store, and he would certainly return within the hour, but something about the way he deserted you left you uneasy. 
wasn’t he being too harsh? does he really think he can’t count on you for anything? your mind was so cruel, thoroughly analyzing the meaning behind each word heeseung bluntly tossed at you beyond your control. you try to dismiss the sudden thought that heeseung was forcing himself  to be so kind and understanding for all these years, but his strained tone insisted that your theory held some level of truth.
he was right, though. for the past few weeks, you allowed his soft requests of ‘can you grab this for me, baby?’ and ‘can you do this for me, baby?’ to escape you under the guise of  ‘i was busy, baby,’ or ‘it completely slipped my mind, baby.’ 
sure, you were quite busy lately, but you couldn’t shrug off the shame you felt from failing heeseung. you didn’t want to keep making excuses, eventually transforming into someone who was unreliable in heeseung’s eyes. you always did a lot for your boyfriend, going beyond his expectations just to see him smile. however, heeseung had always done a lot for you, too, and he never allowed the words ‘too busy’ to reach your ears. 
you return to the couch, anxiety looming over you as you awaited heeseung’s return. it’s possible that you’ve become so comfortable in the fact that heeseung will be understanding of any slight mistake you make, that your effort to be a dependable girlfriend began to falter. 
the door opens. heeseung seems a bit brighter as he slips his shoes off and travels into the kitchen. you stand up to join him, intending to discuss your sudden revelation with your boyfriend. 
“heeseung,” you start, your tone gentle, “i know i haven’t been fair to you lately, but i promise i won’t use being ‘busy’ as an excuse anymore. i feel like i failed you, baby, and i know you’re starting to get sick of it. i’m sorry,” you say, still guilty that you allowed it to get this far. 
heeseung pauses his movements around the kitchen, his body turning to face yours, meeting your remorse-filled gaze. 
you hope he’ll say ‘i get it baby, i know you didn’t mean to.’  with such tenderness and sensitivity, the way he always tended to you. 
“lately?” he asks, frowning in confusion, as if to question your nerve to say such a thing.
“you say ‘lately’ as if you’ve ever done as much for me as i’ve done for you,” heeseung shoots at you, anger sewn into his slightly raised tone. 
what? you’re certain you’ve always been completely devoted to him, and he always gave you his gratitude, so where was this coming from all of a sudden? 
“excuse me, heeseung,” you assert, raising your tone to match his, “don’t try and act like i’ve never done anything for you just because i’ve been forgetful lately,” you tell him, as he continues to glare down at you.
“i know i could’ve been better, but now you’re just being cruel,” you say, genuinely taken aback by heeseung’s careless dismissal of your efforts towards him. 
heeseung’s bitter resentment stubbornly remains. 
“don’t stand here and tell me you could’ve been ‘better’ when you were never that great to begin with.” 
as soon as the words leave his lips, heeseung deserts you again, walking past you to head up the stairs.
dreading the thought of joining your boyfriend in the bedroom, you decide to sleep on the couch, your mind bruised from the way heeseung’s words tortured you. 
you hope it’s just his irritation steering him from the path of clear thinking, but you can’t help but wonder if he really thought of you as such a useless girlfriend. sleep seems worlds away as your thoughts of heeseung launch you into a space of distress.  
tonight, for the first time in your relationship with him, heeseung leaves you wounded as he drifts to sleep soundly.  
the morning glows through your windows, calling you from your troubled sleep. heeseung doesn’t apologize to you. glancing at your figure which rests upon the couch, he advances past you, more concerned with making himself something for breakfast. he looks entirely unconcerned, having already readied himself for the day with glee, it seems. 
just like the night before, you join him in the kitchen, but this time you remain just as silent as him. there was nothing more you could say to him, anyway. 
“wow,” heeseung announces emotionlessly, “i’m surprised you didn’t come in here bitching,” he remarks.
was he fucking serious? you were already in such a state of turmoil, and heeseung only intended to make you spiral further.
you lift your head hastily, your gaze landing on heeseung who casually gathered the petty ingredients for the petty breakfast he was preparing. was he really comfortable ignoring such a major issue? it wasn’t like him to focus on such trivial things while such a significant issue lingered, especially if that issue involved you. 
“are you fucking kidding me, heeseung? if i bring up a concern, that’s ‘bitching’ to you?” you ask incredulously, tone already raised slightly despite having woken up only moments ago. 
“i’m telling you right now, y/n, i’m not dealing with your attitude,” heeseung raises his voice, slamming the refrigerator shut, completely ignoring the sentiment of your question. 
you open your mouth to respond to heeseung’s unbelievable words, but he tells you to ‘shut up’ without even sparing you another glance. 
“you’re acting like a child,” you comment, traveling up the stairs to prepare yourself for the day. you weren’t going to keep attempting to get through to him if he was going to keep treating you this way. 
upon your return, you can hear heeseung’s voice joined by another; you easily recognize that voice to be jake’s. it wasn’t unlike heeseung to invite his members over to your home, but he would normally inform you beforehand. since he was so irritated with you, though, he surely paid no heed to your desire to prepare for a guest.
the two of them sat in the living room, and jake’s face grew strangely alarmed as you drew closer with the intention of greeting him. it almost seemed as though jake didn’t expect you to be home. 
you wonder why jake signals for heeseung to stop talking with such urgency. surely your boyfriend wasn’t talking about you. 
heeseung shakes his head, quelling jake’s avid concern. 
“don’t worry about it, man, as much as i do for her, she’d be crazy to ever get angry at me,” heeseung says, his volume clear as ever. 
in this moment, you settle in favor of ignoring heeseung’s remark, not entirely fond of arguing freely in front of jake. however, you couldn’t ignore the pain in your chest that heeseung’s words easily graced you with. how could he speak about you that way?  
you wave to jake, smiling subtly, and he returns your gesture. you originally planned to greet him with a hug, but you were too overcome by the awkwardness that began to settle in your home. 
as you begin to grab a drink for your guest, heeseung’s voice summons your attention from where he sat in the living room. 
“y/n, did you forget to clean up in here?” he sighs, annoyance laced with his breath, “don’t you realize that we have a guest? stop fucking around in the kitchen, come do your part.” 
his words flew at you without a hint of hesitation; he didn’t stop to think about the insensitivity of his words, and he certainly didn’t stop to consider the absolutely humiliating position he would place you in. 
“what the fuck, heeseung?” you yell back from the kitchen, “are you being serious? if you made a mess, you can clean up after yourself! you’re a grown ass man, after all.” 
heeseung had already crossed a line, but now he had truly gone too far. he was treating you more like a servant rather than his precious woman. he spoke as if he expected you to run to him obediently, eager to clean the dirt off his shoes.
“i do everything for you, and you think you have the right to yell at me? cleaning up after me is the least you could do, fucking brat.” 
you hurry into the living room, preferring to see heeseung’s face during a such a charged conversation. jake stands up from his position on the couch, politely excusing himself and leaving through the front door without a sound. you truly hated that he was made to feel uncomfortable, but you’re partially grateful that he left; now you could free the feelings which persisted inside of you, and heeseung could be completely transparent about why he spoke to you this way. 
your gaze travels to heeseung. he remains on the couch, splendidly relaxed, his face donning an expression that refused to display a single sign of regret for his words. 
“why are you talking to me this way, heeseung? i haven’t done anything to deserve this,” you tell him, hoping your quieter tone would encourage his irritation to fade away. 
“you’re still giving me attitude? maybe if you’d just say, ‘yes, heeseung’ we wouldn’t even have this problem,” heeseung says angrily. his voice was quiet, but his irritation continued to exist proudly. 
you place your hands over your eyes, nearly digging them into the sockets. 
“fuck this,” you announce fiercely, turning away from heeseung and traveling up the stairs. 
without a second thought, and without a moment of doubt or ‘maybe he’ll apologize tomorrow,’ you begin to toss your belongings into a large suitcase. heeseung has mutilated any certainty you once felt towards an apology. even if he did, what could he possibly say to make matters better now? your lovely heeseung, the man who would once crumble at the thought of your sorrow-stricken face, sits comfortably in the living room as you make quick work of detaching yourself from his life. 
here you were, plummeting from your once dreamlike position in the sky with heeseung. he was the one who brought you there, but he was the one who hurled you so violently into a painful spiral of regression. as much as you love heeseung, he’s the only one who could ever fill you with enough security to give in, and allow yourself to be carried to such an unimaginable height. in that same sentiment, he’s the only one capable of snatching that safety away from you, and watching with calm eyes as your distance from him grows further. 
you trusted that he would never handle you so negligently, though. he’s shown you just how wrong you were to place your safety in his hands. 
why didn’t he feel guilty?
after filling your first suitcase as well as you could manage, you carry it down the stairs to place it into your car. the bump of your suitcase wheels as they glided along the stairs burned against heeseung’s ears. surely, he was mistaken, he hoped. 
you confirm his suspicions as you appear in front of him, tears welling above your lower lashes, using every fiber of your being to constrain your despair as you march towards the front door. 
“baby? woah, where are you going?” heeseung blurts, startled, as his body compels him to stand from the couch before he can even realize he’s not sitting anymore.
you stop in front of the door, refusing to face him. you didn’t want to allow his pretty brown eyes, full of belated remorse to stop you from leaving.
“you have the nerve to act surprised after the way you’ve been treating me?” you say, beginning to shake gently as your tears demand you to allow them to flow down your face. 
“no, baby, i’m,” he starts, genuinely unsure of what he can say to make you take your hand off of the door knob. 
“i never wanted you to feel this way, please, don’t open the door,” heeseung is rushing towards you now, but he stops before he touches you. it almost feels as though an invisible force was shielding you from him. 
“yes you did, heeseung. why else would you say it? what other reason could there possibly be to make you say those things to me, if you didn’t want to hurt me?” your tears were free now, sliding down your face in glee, reveling in the pleasure they felt as they were no longer prisoners behind your eyelids. your voice sounded so defeated, your lungs hardly finding the strength to provide air behind them.
heeseung could just cry. he felt as though his body was crumbling beyond his control. he sorted through every word that even slightly resembled an apology in his mind, rapidly searching for the right words to say. he was desperate for the words that would stop the floor from disappearing under his feet, leaving him groundless and helpless. 
“i’m sorry, baby, i swear to you that i am, but you know i just can’t live without you,” heeseung’s voice trembled as he spoke, much like your own, and he reached to remove the suitcase from your grip. you glared at him as his hand hovered over yours, and he retracted it in misery (though he was reluctant, of course). 
“you’re ‘sorry’?” your chest forces out, disbelief settling within you. “do you even realize how badly you’ve hurt me, heeseung? why would you do it to me in the first place? i still just don’t understand!” you shout through the narrow opening your throat allowed, tears occupying most of the space there. 
“where was this before, heeseung?” you continue, “why did you wait until i was almost out the door to show me how much you regret what you said?” your breathing became almost uncontrollable as your body forces you to feel a plethora of grim emotions all at once. 
“baby, come to the couch so we can talk. promise me you won’t leave,” heeseung begs, wanting you to come away from the door, grasping for certainty that you won’t leave him. the fear of a life without you crawled hideously across his body, and the panic that settled within him stirred a violent feeling of nausea. 
“answer my question, heeseung,” you hiss, refusing to go anywhere until he told you why he made you suffer so much.   
heeseung was conflicted. he wanted to pull your trembling body into a hug, but he knew his touch would only peeve you. he wanted to sit down with you, promising to make any troubling thought in your head disappear, but he knew his words pushed you past the threshold of such fluffy consolation. more than anything, he wanted you to tell him that you weren’t actually going to leave, but he knew your mind was set firmly in that direction. 
“i don’t know, baby, i really don’t” he starts, cautious of the words he chose to say. “i just- i started to feel like you were taking me for granted, and i thought i needed more respect from you,” he looks away from you, clearly ashamed of the words that fell from his mouth. 
“but i know it was stupid, baby. you do everything for me, you are everything for me,” his hand twitches like he’s aching to reach out to you. 
“you’ve always been so kind to me, you’ve never been anything less than grateful and devoted,” he continues, “and i know it was selfish of me to think i could treat you that way.” 
heeseung places an arm on your shoulder, timid as a rabbit, anticipating the way you reacted to his touch. 
you don’t shake his hand off, but you don’t provide any reaction at all to his fingers on your skin.
you sigh, your breath stuttering as it left your body. you loosen your grip around the suitcase, and you remove your hand from the door knob it clung desperately to. 
as you look up at heeseung, you notice the way relief rushes to his features slightly, a fragment of his fear still remaining since you haven’t spoken yet. he almost looked like a ghost, a dull, colorless sheen draped over him. you could tell he cowered at the thought of your love coming to an end. 
“alright, heeseung. i’m not leaving. but please, don’t ever make me feel that way again.” you couldn’t manage to say anything else, but you wanted heeseung to know that you wouldn’t put up with that kind of treatment from him a second time.
“oh my god, baby, you don’t even have to think about that. i love you so much,” heeseung pulls you towards him with urgency, your body nearly melding with his as he squeezed you into him. 
heeseung had crashed down with you, wanting the both of you to climb back to your precious place in the sky together. he’d never let you travel such a journey alone. 
“i love you, heeseung,” you respond, feeling so light from the emotion you just poured out. “i wouldn’t ever take you for granted,” you say, remembering his earlier words. 
“i know you wouldn’t baby,” he starts, closing his eyes as he remembers his behavior. “i told you i was stupid,” heeseung says, the thought to loosen his grip on you still refusing to cross his mind.  
heeseung held you for a while, allowing his body to tell you that he would never stop pouring his love on you, for as long as you would allow.
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billwidoll · 3 days
Enemies aside
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It was a party at the Cameron mansion and it was packed and everyone was having sex, drinking or dancing. And Rafe was one of them, Rafe was drinking and dancing a lot he was definitely on drugs too, But he didn't take his eyes off you. You were dancing and singing, You probably weren't drinking because you didn't drink much, you just liked to have fun.
"What the fuck is that girl doing at my party?!" Rafe asks Topper looking at you hanging out with your friends
"I don't know man, I think it was Sarah who invited you" Topper says drinking his beer and hoping there won't be a fight between you and Rafe
"She's getting out of here now!" Rafe speaks through his teeth, leaving Topper and unfortunately heading towards you.
You were dancing madly and that was bothering Rafe, he just wanted you to stop. Rafe grabs his arm tightly and turns you towards him.
"Let go of me you idiot!!" you say letting go of Rafe brutally
"What the fuck are you doing at my fucking party?" Rafe speaks completely angry and you laugh like sarcasm
"Huh? I thought you invited me" you say in an innocent voice, but smile like a devil
"You're a bitch..." Rafe says that to affect you, but he was looking deeply into your brown eyes and his body was giving a slight tremor
"Yes, I'm a little bitch, but I wanted to be Rafe Cameron's bitch..." You speak seductively and get closer to Rafe. Your favorite game was make Rafe Cameron crazy about you
"Stop it..." Rafe says in a hoarse voice, feeling your body shake and the tension and fire between you two increases
"With what? You love me Rafe Cameron...Meet me upstairs" You say getting very close to Rafe's lips, but leaving him soon after and going up to the second floor of the mansion, which was the Room
Rafe didn't want to give in, but you messed with him incredibly. Rafe was afraid of this, he never felt this way with a girl
Rafe obeys you and a few minutes later, he goes up to his room and you were there lying on his bed
"How audacious of you to lie in my bed" Rafe says in a sarcastic and sexual voice
"Oops... I guess I didn't know that was Rafe Cameron's bed" you say, feigning a slight misunderstanding
"Okay, but what did you want with me? Why did you call me here?" Rafe speaks already knowing about his ulterior motives
"Because I like your smell, I like your smile, I like your body and I like the way you are. You're hot!" You say getting close to him and touching Rafe's muscles as he spoke
"Didn't you hate me?" Rafe speaks with a disgusting smile on his face
"Enemies Aside...?" You whisper in Rafe's ear
"Girl...you're going to be the death of me!" Rafe says kissing you hard and leaving you in the clouds
"I hate you so much Cameron!" You speak breathlessly between hot and fierce kisses
You and Rafe's relationship was quite troubled. The two of you were always arguing and physically attacking each other. You never date, you just hate each other and no one ever understands the origin of this accumulated hatred between you both, You always said that Rafe was a shitty playboy and sexist, Rafe always said that you were spoiled and selfish.
"I hate you even more!" Rafe speaks breathlessly and horny
"I want you for myself! I want you to be my wife!" Rafe speaks completely surrendered to you and at that moment you realized you had the world in your hands
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