#i just have a lot of thoughts for when poor kids have phones
qcomicsy · 1 year
Random convo I bet happen between civilians and vigilantes
Civilian: What hair product do you use man?? My man's hair is shiiiiining
Nightwing, chuckling: I just let it dry (lying)
Civilian: Naaaah, man I see you jumping from rooftop to rooftop everyday, tell me your secrets–
Gothamite: And who's gonna pay for this scratch on my car?!!!
Robin (Tim), trying damn hard to stay stealth: Don't you have insurance?
Gothamite, don't giving a fuck: No!
Robin: You should have–
Gothamite: You know what? HEY TWO-FACE–
Robin: No, no, no– Hold on–
Gothamite: HE'S RIGHT HE–
Gothamite: Okay- Cannabis is very much legal in L.A.
Batman: We're not in L.A.
Gothamite: Yeah that's funny because– *runs*
Batman: *Runs after him.*
Gothamite: See I don't hate you
Signal: Always good to hear that–
Gothamite: You doing a pretty good job.
Signal: I–
Gothamite, also a bus driver: But you gotta stop being thrown at my window–
Signal: I don't control where villains throw me.
Gothamite: Yeah bro– But you better start, otherwise there's gonna be one more out there–
Gothamite, also a security guard on his phone at 3 am: Yeah, no honey it's literally desert here–
Gothamite: HOLY SHIT
Gothamite: Fucking warn a guy, mY GOD–
Gothamite: I thought you were taller.
Nightwing: I heard that a lot.
Gothamite: How do you see on that thing?
Batgirl (Cassandra):
Batgirl: I don't.
Gothamite, terrified: Oh okay–
Batman: Shouldn't you be at home?
Gothamite, who's also a teenager very much snicking out at four am: Shouldn't you mind you business?
After being forcefully driven to home on the batmobile
Gothamite That was really unecessary–
Gothamite: Are you alone??? Where'd your dad? Where's Batman?
Robin (Tim Drake, early days): Batman's not my dad.
Gothamite: See now I'm concerned.
Robin: Oh no–
Gothamite: What's is this a internship...? A job...?
Robin: You know what? Yeah, Pretty much.
Gothamite: Really? Oh okay, okay. I'm less concerned– Because–
Robin: Yeah I can see–
Gothamite: Like "is he kidnaping those children"?
Robin, chuckling: No, no–
Gothamite: You get paid?
Robin: Not really.
Gothamite: I'm back at being concerned–
Gothamite, from her window: Have you eaten yet?
Robin (Dick): No– (lying)
Gothamite: Oh, the poor child– Oh shame on you
Gothamite: The poor kid– You're dragging him alone with you to fight crime on a empty stomach?
Batman: I–
Gothamite: Unbelievable. I expected more on you– Hold on sweety I'll see If I have some cookies here to give you.
Dick: :)
Robin (Damian): Do I look like a fucking child?
Gothamite: Do you want me to answer that?
Old Gothamite being around the city since Batman year 1: You sound different.
Batman (Dick Grayson): No I don't.
Gothamite: Yes you do–
Gothamite: She looks different.
Gothamite: Mark is the same girl.
Gothamite: No honey, she looks different, she's was taller
Gothamite: Honey you're being paranoid.
Gothamite: She was a red-head!
Gothamite: Oh, Mark. Now the girl can't even dye her hair? Just because she's a Super-hero? Por girl can't even reinvent herself and people on this city start saying she's a different person?! Let her be! Her life must've be hard enough–
Gothamite: Jennet I swear to God that's not the same girl–
Batgirl (Stephanie), just trying to get some information:
Gothamite: You never notice when I change my hair–
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bunnys-kisses · 1 month
retired!price never thought that he'd ever become father. it honestly was only a passing glance throughout most of his life. like if he saw a kid at the grocery store or a colleague had a child. but, that all changed when you met him. there was something about you that got him going. he thought he had too much respect for women, but he felt almost chauvinistic towards you. you were younger, smaller, frailer. you should be at home cooking him dinner and putting the kids to bed instead of working the dreadful customer service job you were at. wouldn't life be better?
think about it, it's okay love. price would take care of everything. anything his angel needed, she got. that included a pretty ring and a round middle full of price brats. when price left where you work with purchases in hand, there was more than one occasion where he'd go back to his car and pleasure himself in the driver's seat. his car parked in the furthest part of the parking lot. alone with his thoughts of you. one baby on your hip and the other in your womb, price coming home to the scent of a warm-cooked meals. nights spent battering your poor soft, spongy womb, keeping it nice and full. you'd be in such contrast with your gruff husband. he stood so much taller than you, he could bruise you with ease. but he only wanted to love you, to feel you take him every night. to see you raise his children. he aiming for a minimum of three, close together in age. he was already looking at places that would be perfect. away from the hustle and bustle of london and somewhere quiet, where his wife would live a comfortable life. in his mind he always thought you were a virgin, pure for him to take apart and make to his liking. you'd be the perfect mrs. price, a phrase that went through his head as he came all over his hand. pearly cum even stained his blue jeans.
doesn't the life that price laid out for you feel perfect? a loving husband, kids, a big piece of land. you weren't going anywhere with this job, wouldn't it be more fulfilling to be married to price? he was retired and would raise your children alongside you. you'd be perfect for him. he wished that you'd see what he saw. something nicer for such a lovely woman.
it took a lot of courage for him to ask you out. it was the first time he felt nervous in a while. you simply giggled, a voice delicate like glass, you broke his head, "oh, sorry sir. i already have a boyfriend!" price just smiled and nodded, he wasn't going to cause a scene. he took his purchases and wished you a great day. but it was hard to pull the man that price was prior to retirement. the man needed a mission like a bloodhound needed prey.
oh, you had a boyfriend. what was his name? where did he live? what did he do for work? when price got his answers he didn't think your boyfriend was good enough. you needed a man, not a little boy who still used his old university i.d. to get discounts. he wasn't going to provide for you. he was weak. so why don't you take out your phone and text him goodbye because price always joked to his former team that he could fit a body in the trunk of his car. while he'd laugh it off, that and the neatly winded rope tucked in the corner were there for a reason.
please, his angel. come with him, he'll always keep you safe.
xoxo, bunny
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m1ckeyb3rry · 9 months
what it’s like to bring the jjk boys to…have dinner with your family!
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ft. fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji, gojo satoru, geto suguru, ijichi kyotaka, inumaki toge, itadori yuji, kamo choso, kamo noritoshi, mahito, muta kokichi, nanami kento, okkotsu yuta, panda, ryomen sukuna, todo aoi, yaga masamichi, yoshino junpei, zenin naoya
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warnings: not all of these are romantic! reader is lowkey desi coded in some of them. reader is mentioned to have a brother, dogs, aunts/uncles, and cousins in some of them. reader slanders like 75% of the characters. honestly the characters might be ooc too i wrote this two years ago for fun and giggles and just found it again and wanted to post. also tw naoya!
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Literally perfect
Your parents love him
Your dogs love him
You love him
Was kind of quiet at first but settled in eventually and opened up a bit
Was still kind of reserved but that’s to be expected from him
Your mother found it sweet that he tried to hide behind you when your uncles started interrogating getting to know him 
He let your younger cousins play with his shikigami so that your dogs could get a break from being bothered
Really liked the salad your mother made and asked for the recipe
Actually not too bad
Was polite enough and liked the food
Showed your parents pictures of Megumi as a baby
They were suitably impressed
Your cousin asked him where he goes to the gym
He told him he doesn’t believe in gyms (thinks they’re oppressive institutions designed to disadvantage the poor?)
Did give him a discount code for some random protein powder that he’s sponsored by though
Asked your parents to donate to his charity
They were happy to do so and thought it was amazing that he has a charity
You decided not to tell them that his “charity” is literally just his bank account
4/10 for scamming your family
Solid 7/10
Goofs around a lot but he did come so he gets points for that
Your parents hated him at first but then he showed them the album of cute Megumi pictures he has saved on his phone and they switched up
“He’s so responsible for raising a kid so young! And it’s not even his!”
He does NOT raise Megumi and you were the one who sent him half of those pictures 
Demoted to a 6/10 just for that but at least your parents like him
Also the fact that he had an album was cute
Somehow managed to keep the dirty jokes to a minimum
Your brother kept making fun of his eyes being so blue so halfway through he had to switch the glasses out for the blindfold
Surprisingly high spice tolerance
Honestly really a fun guy!
Actually brought his own dish to the dinner??
Your mother wants you two to get married now
Asked if he could take some leftovers back for Mimiko and Nanako
Which was very considerate of him actually
Your mother told him he didn’t have to return the dishes she packed the food in
Let your brother win at Scrabble
Listened to your mother talk about the auntie drama
Apparently he’s going to start putting coconut oil in his hair now
Your parents are going to adopt him and kick you out
9/10 would’ve been higher but he didn’t beat your brother’s ass at Scrabble (he wanted to “make a good impression”)
Similar to Nanami in that he and your father got along really well
Your brother called him “goofy”
He had to go to the bathroom and cry after that
He did compose himself and came back to eat
Can handle spicy food quite well
Complimented your mother’s cooking
Brought flowers as a thank you for the dinner
Was super sweet and grateful to be invited at all
11/10 would definitely invite him again
Everyone was really excited to meet him
Let your cousins play with his hair and do his make up and paint his nails
Was your partner for Charades and you two won by a LOT
Kept sneaking treats to your dogs
Your mother ordered seafood for him because he could only speak in rice ball ingredients and she thought he really wanted salmon
He did eat it though
He would be a 10/10 but he accidentally used his Cursed Speech on your aunt so 8/10
Somehow lit the grill on fire
Managed to put it out but he did lose his eyebrows in the process unfortunately
Looked stupid without eyebrows
Spent most of his time hanging out with the little kids
Your family actually really liked him though
He’s too sweet to dislike
Helped wash the dishes and did not break any
7/10 because you almost had to call the fire department
Showed up an hour late
Was friendly but kinda nervous and awkward at first
Loved the food
He and your brother are best friends now
Genuinely he gets along better with your brother than with you
Impressed your father with his history knowledge
3/10 was too perfect and now your parents keep asking why you’re not more like him
He hates kids
Spent the entire first half running away from your cousins
Once he finally escaped he got along great with the adults
They really liked how responsible and mature he is
Thought it was impressive that he’s going to be the clan head
Your aunt told you that he was a keeper and you should “marry for money, hope for love”
Started crying when your mother asked him if she could hang up his jacket for him
It reminded him of his own mother who he was forced to leave as a kid 
All of your aunts have unofficially adopted him now due to his tragic backstory
Deserves 10/10 just for being relatively normal 
-892378/10 your parents couldn’t see him because he’s a curse
He was very happy to hear that and nearly destroyed your house
You had to call Geto halfway through to chase him off
Your family was thrilled to see Geto again though so at least there’s that??
Sent a robot in his place obviously
Everyone wanted to know why you brought a robot to dinner
They thought you had hit a new low
You had to explain that Mechamaru was basically his body because of how weak his actual body was
Nobody believed you
-3/10 he was nice but it was overall a humiliating experience
Cannot eat anything spicy
Started tearing up at the appetizers alone
Had a massive stomach ache afterwards and his face was red for like twenty minutes 
Your father liked talking to him about business and the economy and shit
Did not get scared when asked about his plans for the future
Actually has plans for the future
Your brother is kind of gay for him tbh (??) and threatened to marry him if you don’t 
10/10 because he still finished everything on his plate so he didn’t seem rude even though he was lowkey dying 
Tried his best
Your dogs tried to leave with him because they liked him so much
He brought gifts from Africa for your entire family
Did stop a toddler from getting kidnapped
Is physically really good at grilling but emotionally cannot handle the stress
Had a mental breakdown when you asked for a vegetable burger
Made the discovery that he really likes corn and proceeded to eat all of the corn you had bought for the night so nobody else got any 
Summoned Rika and allowed your cousins to use her as their dress up doll
Rika was very nice and enjoyed the experience
She wants to be a fashion model now
2/10 he burnt your vegetable burger and you were really looking forward to having some corn
Is a panda
Your younger cousins thought he was adorable
You got asked multiple times if he was a furry
5/10 he was only invited because he had nothing else to do and you had to chase him with a hose beforehand because he refused to bathe
An asshole but what’s new 
Told your family to “go back to where you came from”
Degraded your parents
Degraded you
Degraded everyone really
You got into a fight with him and Gojo had to intervene
Did ask for one of your mother’s recipes so he could get Uraume to cook it for him
She did not give it to him
See you thought this would be hell on earth
But it wasn’t???
Played with your dogs
Carried your cousins around on his shoulders
Your uncles were impressed by his muscles
He saved a kitten that was stuck in a tree
Did not ask a single person about their type in women
Annihilated everyone in Wii Sports Resort
Absolutely sucked at Just Dance though
He thought he was too manly for the wrist strap but then he threw the remote into the TV while playing Wii bowling and it broke
6/10 he said he’d pay for a new one
Literally your boss
Only invited him because you wanted a raise
He liked the food
Exchanged sewing tips with your mother
200/10 you got the raise
Really cool!
Gave everyone good movie recommendations
Someone gave him a baby to hold and he nearly dropped it
Burnt his hand on the grill
Found your uncles’ shitty jokes funny so they all liked him
He was decent at debating with everyone and having intellectual conversations even though he cried whenever someone disagreed with him too harshly
Your parents were very dismayed to see the cigarette burn scars on his face
Your mother told him he could always come to your house if he needed to
4/10 because he almost gave a baby brain damage 
Told your parents about your sex life
Called your mother “woman”
Your cousins have a crush on him solely based on his looks
He thinks he has a harem now
0/10 they are all like 13 years old
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the-raindeer-king · 5 months
(A/N: prt 3 of Mama Riley! One use of pronouns but it's nothing too gendered. Ignore any spelling error. I wrote part of this half asleep.)
Silence stretches out between you and Mama Riley. She's dropped an absolute bombshell of information so casually, as if it was like talking about the weather. And she's so confident in her statement, leaving no room for argument.
You're not entirely sure how to respond. But you manage to squeak out, “Is that so?” which is such a bad response. You can't help but cringe at yourself.
It makes Mama Riley laugh though. She really does like you. You're a firecracker, in her opinion, and she thinks you'd be good for Simon. But she promises that if you don't want to date him, that's okay. You two were friends before Simon caught feelings, and she won't let anything change that. She tells you to at least consider it.
You spend the next week considering it. Looking back over your interactions with Simon, knowing how he feels, it feels almost obvious. He's tense around you because he likes you. He keeps bringing you gifts and remembering your favorite drink because he likes you.
But where do your own feelings lie? You hated him in the beginning, and gradually warmed up to the mountain of a man. But do you have feelings for him? The thought process makes your head spin, and there's a weird feeling in your chest. The question is no closer to being answered.
Not until he returns from deployment. He's got a new scar on his ear, and there's a limp in his walk. Caught a knife in the side, just barely missed anything important, he informs you and his mum. And your heart clenches at the thought.
Before you can really think about it, you're scolding him for being so casual about being injured. He's got people who care about him, he can't be so flippant about these things. He has a reason to come home, so he needs to act like it. If not for his own sake, then for you and his mom.
Despite the fact that you're chewing him out, there's this tender look on his face, affection in his eyes. He quietly huffs out a ‘yes ma'am/sir’, and the warmth in his eyes is reflected by the warmth growing on your cheeks.
There's a pause, something heavy in the air. Simon opens his mouth, ready to say something, but the moment is broken when Mama Riley comes bustling into the living room, dinner plates in hand. Her eyes dart between the two of you for a moment, a knowing smile on her face. But she doesn't comment on anything, just passes out dinner and settles down on the loveseat.
Over the next few weeks, you and Simon have a lot of tense moments, ready to finally admit your feelings to each other. But each time is ruined by some interruption. Mama Riley interrupts, your phone rings. Once, the kids down the hall came running past, shrieking about the upcoming snowfall.
Poor Simon is trying not to totally lose it. This is the closest he's gotten to admitting his feelings, to have you finally, and every time something interrupts you. He doesn't want to mess this up. It needs to be perfect because, in his head, that's what you deserve, that's how he's going to win you over. Unbeknownst to Simon, he's already won your heart. He just needs to ask you out.
Once again, it's Mama Riley to the rescue. You three have a tradition: the days leading up to Simon's next deployment, you all spend the night at Mama Riley's flat together. Now, Simon's on leave for the next few weeks, but she can't bear to watch the two of you struggle like this.
So she invites you both over, insisting that it'll be nice to have you both over for something fun instead of sad. And then she conveniently remembers that she's got a book club tonight, and she leaves, telling you two to get comfy, watch a movie. She'll be back.
Now's a better time than never, especially since Mama Riley's practically given you the chance. She's gone all of two seconds, before you whip your attention onto Simon, blurting out, “Your mom told me you're in love with me. Is that true?”
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priyajoyyy · 7 months
(idk how to name fics that aren’t based off a song)
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Clarisse la rue x Aphrodite!fem!reader
Reader sneaks into clarisses bed after a nightmare, forgetting that she was wearing short shorts and a tiny bra top, but people definitely remember when she walks back to the Aphrodite cabin wearing clarisses large shirt and what looks like nothing underneath…
Established relationship, implied new relationship, implied friendship to lovers, boys (gross ew) sexualising reader a bit, bad writing sorry, half of these are not warnings
lol sorry 😔 , fluff, poor dialogue because I’m still trying to work out how to properly write dialogue lol.
You couldn’t really remember what happened.
One minute you were gasping out in your cabin, hearing one of your sister grumble at you to be quiet, sitting up with wet cheeks and blurry eyes.
And the next minute you had grabbed your teddy bear and started making your way towards the ares cabin.
And of course you didn’t take notice of what you chose to wear to bed that day, you were half asleep and terrified from the nightmare you’d just had, the dark forest surrounding you not helping at all.
“Claire…” you whispered to the girl, shaking her a little, “can I sleep with you”
You knew you hadn’t woken anybody up in the ares cabin, seeing as they would be a lot more verbal about their annoyance being woken up than most of your own siblings would be.
However you also hadn’t been successful in waking your girlfriend up either, shaking her a little more before giving up.
You figured she wouldn’t mind you just getting to bed, you had slept in her cabin a handful of times before, and you knew she had a long day of practice planned for the next day in preparation for an upcoming quest, so she could deal with not being woken.
You had normally snuck out of the ares cabin before anyone could notice you the previous times you had stayed, though you hardly thought it mattered right now, no one would dare snitch on Clarisse so as long as Chiron didn’t see you you would be fine.
You crawled into the bed and snuck under clarisses arm, her grip tightening around you snuggly, and it didn’t take long to fall asleep in that state.
By the time you woke up. You could hear giggling surrounding you.
You didn’t take much notice, your sisters were often scheming in the early hours of the morning and you had always been a light sleeper, so it wasn’t really their fault it woke you.
It wasn’t till you heard a snapping noise and through your eyelids saw the faint light of a flash going off that you became more aware, your brain waking up and remembering what had happened the night before.
Obviously Clarisse hadn’t woken yet. Like it was proven last night, unlike you, she was a very deep sleeper, and you could still feel her arm around you and you begun to slowly get up in confusion.
“Shit, quick” you heard one of the kids stood by the bed infront of you say before taking another picture, the light momentarily blinding you.
The two ran off quickly, hiding the camera somewhere as you became aware that most of clarisses other siblings were watching you both also, laughing or trying not to.
It wasn’t exactly a normal sight to see Clarisse cuddled up in bed, arms wrapped around her girlfriend and teddy bear laying next to them.
Quickly, turning red, you jumped to get up, still not clocking what you were wearing.
Clarisses elder brother, emmet, certainly had however, staring at your boobs as you sat up quickly in bed and laughing along with his brother, and smacking their arm to get him to pay attention.
“Hey y/n, you don’t have to leave just yet” Ben, the other said as you searched around the bed for your phone. (Ik that technically their phones didn’t work in all ways but in my head I imagine them still having them at camp for photos and stuff)
“Yeah, we don’t need Clarisse to have a good time” emmett laughed as they approached you, his eyes resting on your ass as you bent over slightly, searching the bed.
“You could stay around tonight as well if you want…My bunks always free” he said, both of them laughing as though it was the funniest things he’d ever heard.
“Leave her alone” one of the girls said from her bed, adding, “Clarisse will kill you if she finds out anyway”
You turned around to face the two and stumbled back into the bed a little when you noticed them both closer to your body.
“Finds out what?” Clarisse asked in a groggy voice, looking up at her girlfriend’s back from her spot in bed in confusion, not knowing why you were there.
“Nothing clarry it’s fine” you said softly, turning your head round to her and smiling at her nervously, not wanting to cause any issues so early in the morning.
Clarisses younger sister kitty however had no problems causing an argument between the girl and their gross brothers, opting to kill two birds with one stone by telling on them to Clarisse.
“Oh nothing” kitty stated sarcastically, causing Clarisse to turn to her and glare.
“Kitty” she warned, demanding her to explain what’s going on to her in one word.
“They were just being rude to y/n is all” she stated with a smirk, jumping off of her bunk that she had been sat on and walking towards the bathroom as if she didn’t say anything, wanting to tell the girls in there about what was about to happen.
You didn’t know if you were glad she was somewhat standing up for you or annoyed that she was trying to start a fight this early in the morning, something bound to ruin clarisses, and in turn, everyone else’s, mood for the rest of the day.
And as you watched kitty return from the other room with 3 others following her, trying to act inconspicuous, you decided you wanted to kill her. Very
“No it’s fine Clarisse I promise” you attempted to reassure your girlfriend.
“Yeah clarisse, it’s fine” Benjamin added in a mocking voice, sitting on his bed as if he had no cares in the world.
Clarisse started to stand from her bed at that, grabbing your hips from behind, pulling you along with her, “Come here baby”
She guided you across the room, not really giving you a chance to turn until you had both reached your destination.
She bent down to search through the bottom drawer of the cabinet she had lead you to, rummaging through the shirts and tops.
You were weirded out by her sudden dismissal of her brothers, especially given their taunts, but you were glad nonetheless.
You turned back to look at them and caught them both still watching you, Ben still sat on the bed while emmet lent on a cabinet near it, smirking at you.
Eventually Clarisse pulled out an orange camp half blood tshirt, handing it up to you, grabbing your attention again before closing the drawer.
You looked at her in confusion, why was she handing you her, far too big for you, tshirt? Clarisse not yet acknowledging you as she walked back over to the two boys, watching you both from bens bed.
“You two are gonna apologise to my girlfriend right now and the only punishment you’re gonna get is laundry duty for two weeks…” Clarisse told the two in a scarily calm voice, “or, if not, we can go to training and I can beat your asses for thinking it’s ok to disrespect my girlfriend like that”
The two boys looked less amused now, Ben scowling and emmet rolling his eyes like a child about to throw a tantrum.
“And…you can beg 3 weeks of laundry duty” Clarisse added with a smirk, staring them down until they backed down.
“Ok whatever” Ben muttered, giving up first, “sorry y/n”
“I-it’s ok” you replied from the cabinet, clutching onto clarisses shirt.
“No y/n, it’s not ok” Clarisse said sternly, turning to her other half-brother with an expectant look in her eye, “emmet?”
After a slight pause with no response Clarisse stepped forwards raising her eyebrows at her brother, both of you watching his scowl deepen before giving in.
“Sorry” he stated, rolling his eyes.
“Nah that’s not good enough…” Clarisse told him with a grin, “try again”
“Clarisse it’s fine really” you told her, watching her just shake her head in response.
“Fine, I’m sorry y/n…good enough?” He said in annoyance.
“Perfect” Clarisse said stepping back and walking towards you, not turning around to tell them, “might wanna get those clothes to the laundry room…the hampers are looking pretty full”
“You didn’t need to do that” you told her with a pout, still holding onto the shirt she had handed you.
“You ok baby?” She asked.
“Yeah I’m fine, I said that” you reassured, gesturing to her shirt, assuming it was for her to wear, “do you want your shirt back?”
“Baby have you seen what you’re wearing?” Clarisse laughed, “I mean I don’t mind at all but I can’t imagine you’re gonna have fun running back to your cabin in a bra top, tiny shorts and no shoes”
With that she handed you some slippers off of the floor by her bed.
At that you finally realised why she wanted you to wear the top, looking down at your body, as your cheeks began to turn red you shyly looked back up at Clarisse and smiled at her with a giggle.
“Thank you” you told her, throwing the shirt over yourself and slipping the shoes on your feet.
“Now I hate to kick you out baby but I think if you stay any longer Chiron will see you” Clarisse told you, her hands reaching your waist.
“Yeah you’re probably right” you stated, not making any moves to walk away yet.
Clarisse leaned down to kiss you, her grip on your waist tightening slightly as she did.
You both continued to kiss for a moment before you heard laughs behind Clarisse, opening your eyes to see kitty and 3 other girls sat on a bed watching you.
Clarisse glares at the girls and you laugh at her. “Ok I should go then”
“I’ll see you later” Clarisse told you, knowing she’d come find you at lunch if she didn’t see you before then.
“Ok” you replied simply, picking up your teddy from the bed and walking towards the door of the cabin.
You noticed the stares on you as you rushed back to your own cabin, the children already up watching you depart from the Ares cabin wearing barely any clothes holding a teddy bear.
You were as quick as you could be, hoping not to get caught by Chiron and get back before he started making his rounds of the camp.
You heard a whistle from your right, an older boy watching you rush past him, you scowling in reply and raising a middle finger to him and you walked past.
You were just glad Clarisse wasn’t with you to start a fight with him for it.
Haven’t proof read this yet lol 😭
@slaggylemon @yourmom-25s-blog @l0veshellarcelia
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foxy-eva · 5 months
Rite of Passage
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Summary: Spencer is home alone with his daughter when she gets her period for the first time
Request: Spencer and Reader are married. They have a teenage daughter who gets her period for the first time (initially requested to @imagining-in-the-margins)
Pairing: Technically Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader but it’s mostly about Spencer and his daughter!
Category: Comfort, Fluff
Content Warnings: mentions blood, menstruation, period hygiene, cramps, female anatomy and biology, crying, food
Author's Note: I wrote this for @/imagining-in-the-margins Kid Fic Writing Challenge! 
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Sunday mornings always brought a certain calmness with them. Spencer was still half asleep when you kissed him goodbye, leaving for a little day trip with your friends when the sun was barely up. 
Spencer mumbled something that should have sounded like I love you before he closed his eyes once more, looking forward to some father-daughter quality time with your wonderful kid Marie. 
That was until he was awoken by shrill screams coming from her room. 
You were long gone when Spencer jumped out of bed, all of his years working with the FBI having him expect the worst. He rushed into his daughter’s room, finding her sitting in her bed, a look of horror spread across her face. 
“Are you okay!?” Spencer almost yelled when he reached her bedside. 
His daughter slowly shook her head while pulling back the blanket, revealing small blood stains on her pajama pants and the sheets. It only took Spencer a split second to realize what was happening. His facial features softened instantly. 
He thought he still had a few more months, maybe even another year, until this would happen. He had also hoped that you would be home for this occasion, certainly handling this a lot better than he ever could. 
“Oh sweetie,” he cooed while sitting down on the edge of her bed. “I think you got your period.”
Instead of saying anything, Marie just buried her face in her hands and started wailing. Spencer wasn’t sure if she was still in shock or if the general discomfort made her cry. 
“It’s okay. It just means you’re becoming a woman.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, he wished he could have taken them back. He hated the thought that his little girl was actually growing up more than anything. And it certainly didn't help in this moment. 
Without thinking about it, he did what he was most comfortable with and started rambling, “We talked about this, do you remember? It means that your uterine lining is shedding which results in the discharge of blood through your–”
“Dad!” She cried. “Please stop talking about my… you know! It’s weird!”
“I’m sorry, I’ll stop.” 
His little girl wiped away some tears from her cheeks before muttering, “Where’s mom? I wanna talk to her.”
Spencer sighed. He would have liked nothing more than to be able to let you take over right then. “She already left for her day trip. She won’t be home until six.” 
This explanation only led to more crying. Spencer reached out his hand to offer comfort with a gentle touch on her arm but Marie shied away from him.
“I feel gross,” she whined. 
“Why don’t you hop in the shower to get clean and then change into fresh clothes?” 
It seemed like he finally said something helpful. Her sobs simmered down as she got up from her bed to walk over to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Spencer quickly changed the sheets and put out some clean clothes for his daughter before disappearing in his bedroom.
He let out a loud breath as he reached for his phone to call you. Before you could say anything, he blurted out, “She got her period and won’t stop crying and I don’t know what to do!”
“Oh my poor girl! Is she with you right now?” You wanted to know. 
“She’s in the shower. Can you please come home?” 
You knew that he wasn’t being serious. A quiet laugh escaped our mouth before you said, “Don't be so dramatic, Spencer. I’m sure you're very capable of handling this.”
“I told her that her uterine lining was shedding. It was not helpful,” he sighed. 
“Yeah, maybe hold off on the biology lesson for now. You know where my pads are, right?”
“Oh yeah, right. She's gonna need them.” Spencer paused for a second. “Oh god, what if she wants to use a tampon? I can’t explain that to her. That conversation will make the both of us cry.” 
“Give her a pad for now, those are self-explanatory. I can talk to her about tampons later if she wants.”
“Okay, okay, yeah. She just turned off the shower, I gotta go!” 
“Good luck! And stop panicking!” 
That was easier said than done. Spencer almost jumped when he heard Marie knocking on the bedroom door. 
“You can come in!” 
His daughter, tightly wrapped in a bathrobe, stepped into the room. She had stopped crying but still seemed upset. Spencer’s heart always broke a little when he saw his little girl in discomfort.
“I’m still uhm…bleeding,” she whispered. 
“Yes, that's gonna last a couple of days,” Spencer replied with a soft voice. He disappeared in the master bathroom for a second to get a pack of pads. “Here. Do you know how to use them?”
“I’m not an idiot, dad,” she snubbed.
The tone of her voice gave away how irritated she was. Usually Spencer would remind her to be more respectful but decided to let it slide this time. 
“I know, Mimi. I just wanted to make sure,” he said instead. 
The use of this nickname for his daughter was yet another reminder of a time that seemed so long gone right then. Marie had trouble pronouncing her own name as a toddler so she’d say Mimi instead. Spencer loved it so much that he stuck with it ever since. 
Without saying another word, she disappeared in her room. Spencer rubbed his temples for a moment before getting ready for the day himself. He decided to give his daughter some space and prepare breakfast in the meantime. 
He was focussed on not burning the chocolate chip pancakes he was making when Marie stepped into the kitchen. 
“I’m sorry I snapped at you,” she mumbled. 
Spencer turned his head to smile at his daughter. “It's okay, sweetie. I know you aren’t feeling well.”
She placed her hands on her lower stomach and muttered, “It hurts.”
“Here,” Spencer said as he reached for the hot water bottle he had already prepared. “Heat has a proven effect on relieving period cramps.”
“Thank you.” 
A timid smile appeared on her face when she realized her father was preparing her favorite breakfast. She stepped closer to catch a glimpse of the pan while chirping, “Chocolate chip pancakes?” 
“You know I’d do anything to make you feel better, Mimi,” Spencer spoke in a soft voice while offering his daughter a hug. 
This time she accepted, tightly wrapping her arms around him. Spencer was relieved that he didn’t mess up yet another thing. Marie was very bright and realized something Spencer had thought about earlier, too. 
“Wait,” she said as she stepped back. “You always make mom her favorite meal when she’s in a bad mood.”
“You have a lot in common with your mother, “ he explained. “I figured I should try what works for her.” 
“Now you’ll have to deal with two cranky girls in the house,” Marie laughed while taking out two plates. 
“I really don't mind,” he sincerely replied. “I can’t imagine what it’s like to have all kinds of uncomfortable side effects during your period. Taking care of your mom – and now you – is the least I could do.”
After a moment of silence she said, “Earlier you said that I’m becoming a woman now. I thought about that when I was in the shower… What if I don't wanna grow up yet?” 
“I don’t know if that helps, but… You’ll always be my little girl,” Spencer responded while filling both plates with pancakes. 
“So you’ll still watch Disney movies with me?” 
A wide smile spread over Spencer’s face as he took the plates to walk over to the couch. “I was hoping you'd ask!”
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alexiapp · 4 months
Next Step With You
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Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: You and Alexia finally have the talk about Kids…
Note: I’ve been gone for so fucking long because of how insanely busy i’ve been but, i’m totally hoping on posting constantly and not keeping empty promises 😭..i’ve had an insane amount of writers block also so keep that in mind!! This isn’t my best work but it’ll have to do !
You never thought that you would be in love. You thought you were unlovable or maybe incapable of finding your ‘true one’. You presumed that maybe it was your strong personality or your high standards that caused these problems. You always had trouble with relationships, and had a couple horror stories when it came to your past love life. You always that you were the problem, until you met Alexia. She made you feel something that you never thought you would be able to experience. You felt giddy inside, and content. There wasn’t a dull moment between her and I.
Alexia was charming, and very charismatic and she also has a strong personality which drew you into her. Recently you guys have been entering a new chapter of your relationship. This year would be marking the 4th year you have been together. You couldn’t see your life without Alexia, it just wouldn’t feel right. You wanted to bring new milestones to you guys relationship. Everything you envision had Alexia in it.
You wanted to add an addition to you guys relationship badly..You wanted to build a family between the two of you. You only started feeling this way until you saw how attentive Alexia was towards kids, it always made you wonder how she’d be if you guys had kids. You knew deep down in your heart that Alexia would be an amazing mother, but you didn’t know if Alexia wanted to take that next step with you or if she was even ready. It’s something you’ve been hesitant to bring up, these loud thoughts always stayed in the back of your mind. You don’t wanna scare her away..imagine how crazy you’d looked if she didn’t feel the same way..i mean what if she thought you were a total nut case. This steered you away from Alexia, making you kind of cold and distance.
This situation made you second guess a lot of things. You took an immature approach, usually the average person would talk it out with there significant other in an healthy manner, but you being you, were quite stubborn and decided to isolate yourself. You started declining her offers to go out when she put the idea out there. You guys once long text messages turned into short and brief on your end no matter how hard the poor woman tried to carry the conversation.
You assumed Alexia didn’t notice how cold you’ve been ..Oh boy were you wrong. She was was in deep stress her mind was constantly racing wondering what she could’ve possibly done wrong. Trying to remember moments where she could’ve possibly said the wrong thing that might’ve hurt or offended you in any way. She was determined to get to the bottom of this and handle it quickly, she genuinely couldn’t take not having you around any longer.
After settling down and drowning in her thoughts she decided the only way to get your attention is by catching you at in unexpected moment. She decided she’d venture to your apartment without giving you any head’s up. She didn’t want you to find another excuse to brush her off and ignore her, she wanted to talk to you and get you back. She was determined and ready to do whatever it takes.
The determined blonde quickly grabbed her phone and car keys headed straight for your flat ready to corner you.
You were brought out of a day dream when you heard a knock on your apartment door. You got up and walked over to your door with confusion written all over your face. You weren’t expecting a visitor or any packages. Shock washed over you when you were met with a very agitated and worried blonde. The last person you wanted to see.
Your once confused face was replaced with a very shocked expression.
“Um..hi?” you muttered out in surprise at what you were faced with.
“Why have you been ignoring me” Said the hazel eyed woman as she pushed through into your apartment door.
“i..i haven’t been, i’ve just been very busy i-“ you said as you staggered your words.
“Don’t like to me, you know how much i hate when people lie” the blonde woman said cutting you off in your lousy excuse as to why you haven’t been very present in you guys relationship.
“You’ve been brushing me off, you’ve been texting me less and less. I want to know what i did wrong so i could fix it”. She said with fury in her voice.
“There’s nothing you can do, to stop me from me feeling how i feel right now Alexia” You said nervously.
“Then what is it! I need to know what it is so we can fix it. I want us to fix this” she said waving her hand between you and her.
“I feel like if i tell you what it is, our relationship would be over” you said with a meek expression.
“amor whatever it is we can try and get past it, i just have to know” she said gently as she walked towards you grabbing your hands as a form of comfort. She could tell you were nervous about what you wanted to say next.
“There’s things that i want to do in our relationship that you might not be ready for Alexia, and i don’t want that to jeopardize what we have.” You said conflicted on weather you should open up to her or not
“Hey, no matter what is bothering you, we can fix it and hopefully move past it..i promise” she said as she rubbed her thumb across my hand.
“I want us to have kids..i want to have kids with you, and i didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t want to scare you off i didn’t want you to think i’m so crazy person. I see myself starting a family with you..” You said with fear in your voice. You were almost quivering with fear on how she would react. You were shut down when you heard the woman in front of you hysterically laugh.
Oh no…she thought you were a joke, she must think you’re a loser..you told yourself, emotions bathing in a pool insecurity. You broke your hand away from her turning away in rejection. “ I knew this would happen, i just knew you wouldn’t take me seriously” you said with hurt and regret in your voice.
You turned your body away from her not wanting her to see how hurt you truly were.
“I’m sorry, come here” she said trying to make you turn towards her.
“i’m not laughing at you about what you said, i’m laughing because why wouldn’t you think i want that also?” she said chuckling lightly. She placed her fairly large hands on her face cupping your cheeks softly and said “why would i want to do that. There isn’t anyone i wouldn’t rather start a family with” she said shaking her head at your ridiculousness.
“I just thought that maybe you’d think that we’re moving to fast, i was just scared” you said looking into her hazel eyes.
“vale, firstly their isn’t anyway i could see life without you..let alone my future with you not being in it, if you told me how you felt ahead of time this wouldn’t be our outcome” she said has she brushed her thumb against your cheekbone
“Amor, you have to communicate with me when you’re feeling this vale ?” she said shaking her head to try to get me to understand. Which i nodded in response.
I leaned in and pecked the blonde’s lips, you were suddenly thrown over her shoulder, making you giggle in surprise “Let’s practice making that baby sí!” as she carried you to your apartment bedroom.
I’ll grammar check later !!
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heavenbarnes · 2 months
completely self indulgent thoughts about older!bf simon inspired by today's events at work. I work in tech/sales and a lot of my days are spent setting up new phones for people who are 35+, that for the life of them, can't figure out technology. just thinking about older!bf simon needing to get a new phone and asks reader for her thoughts, but when reader starts talking about storage size or sim cards he gets confused and just tells her "pick whatever love, I trust your judgement" not just because he does in fact, trust her judgement, but also because he can't he bothered trying to learn and understand.
have many thoughts about this.
friend, 90% of what i write is entirely self indulgent- we’ve got to do it 🫶🏼
it’s a miracle you convinced older bf!simon to finally get rid of that god forsaken flip phone and start working with an actual smartphone.
granted, it was like pulling teeth (yes the prospect of receiving nudes whilst he was deployed helped) but what mattered was he’d finally entered the 21st century.
and then he drops his cellphone on the drive and manages to boot it into the side of the neighbour’s garage. the thing was absolutely munted by the time it’d come off the end of simon’s steel cap.
which is why you’re standing in the middle of the electronics store looking at endless tables of cellphones and simon looks like he’s there at gunpoint.
“i ‘ave been held at gunpoint, was better than this”
so you lead him to the smartphones that are smart but not too smart, the ones that look hard to break or get wrong. they also look older than half the people working in the store, but that’s besides the point.
“can i help you both with anything?”
right on cue, a young but cheery guy appears across the table with a lanyard that tells you his name is hunter and he’s ready to help!
your elbow fits nicely under simon’s ribcage as you gear up to play hunter’s defence lawyer for however long this interaction is going to take.
“hi hunter, this one is looking for a new smartphone- what do you recommend?”
and while hunter does a standup job at explaining the benefits of a handful of phones he probably hasn’t sold to anyone under 75, simon is suddenly well engaged.
“and we’ve got a selection of cases, just regular ones or tough ones”
“need t’be tough, don’t want the fucker breakin’ when i’ve got someone in a headlock”
hunter pales and you veeeery slowly turn to simon with a look on your face that begs to know what the actual fuck is wrong with him.
“oh simon, you comic trailblazer- you know what, you’ve been so helpful hunter, thank you!”
you cut the kid loose as he tries to leave the table without taking his eyes off simon, who coincidentally is doing the exact same thing to him.
“would it kill you to let him help us?!”
“just about, didn’t like the way he looked at ‘ya”
the kid didn’t look a day out of school and naturally your better half has to pick a fight with any guy that so much as exists within your atmosphere.
he’s lucky he’s so handsome.
“ugh, which one do you prefer? 32GB? 64?”
“whaddyou’ reckon?”
and you’re about to let out the longest sigh known to man when you catch the look on his face.
that same look he gives you when he’s dressed up for dinner or just come back from a haircut, the look he gives you that tells you he’s looking for your opinion.
“32 would do you, i don’t think you need that much space”
he grunts before he pulls you into his side, taking you both to the counter so he can get you to say all that again to your helpful attendee.
“oi, hunter”
poor guy nearly jumps out of his skin but manages to settle when he realises he’s about to close the sale, even manages to upsell that tough case.
simon settles once he’s back in the car with you, eyes scanning the box his phone comes in and grumbling something under his breath.
when you ask him to speak up you immediately wish you hadn’t.
“lost all those videos ‘f yours, better be enough space f’the new ones”
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specialagentlokitty · 6 months
Hotch x reader - everybody’s favourite
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Sorry for requesting something so soon after my Wanda ask... But all I can think of is like Hotchkiss with reader who just absolutely spoils him and jack because their like a CEO or something and want them to have the best. And one day they send Hotch to work with a gift for Spencer after a hard case (maybe a book he's been looking for but can't find). So the team get a little jealous and want to meet her. - @azeal-peal 💜
Looking at your phone, you smiled at your lock screen and went back to looking at the people you were sat in a meeting with.
“How about we take a small break?” You asked.
“Your boyfriend calling?” Someone chuckled.
You laughed softly, standing up as you grabbed your phone.
“Actually my boyfriend is here, and we’re in no rush to finish this project, I trust you all. Go take a few hours, we’ll meet back just after lunch.”
Everybody seemed happy with this arrangement, and you quickly tidied a few of the papers away, setting them aside and picked up your papers.
Heading to your office, you set them on the desk, then walked back outside, making your way across the office.
You saw him before he saw you, and you grinned from ear to ear as you walked closer.
“Hello sweetheart.” You greeted.
Hotch turned around, a smile gracing his face as he saw you.
He opened his arms and you wrapped your arms around his neck, letting him wrap his own around you and you pulled him down for a kiss.
Letting him go after a minute, you played with the hairs on the base of his neck.
“I just got back, Jack is at school so I thought I’d come see if you’re free.”
“I’m always free for you my darling.”
Hotch chuckled a little bit, letting go of you he held his hand out and you took it, letting him lead you back to his office.
He gathered your phone, your keys and your wallet for you, putting them into the pockets of his blazer, then held out his arm.
You looped your arm with his, making your way down to the parking lot.
“I was thinking about jacks trip, and I want to get him some new clothes for it, oh and a new suit for you, we have an appointment with the tailor.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I know, but I’m going to do it. So, suck it up and tell me about your case.”
Hotch nodded, opening the car door for you, and you got in.
When he was in the drivers side, he began to tell you about the case on the way to the tailors.
He explained how hard the case was for Reid, and what had happened, the fact that Reece had been hurt, and he’s really struggling with the fact he was hurt.
You listened carefully as he talked.
“The poor kid has it hard.” You sighed.
“I know, but honestly he’s one of the best agents we have, if not the best agent. I just wish there was some way to boost his confidence in himself.” Hotch sighed.
“Give it time, I imagine life has been hard for him because of how smart he is, and we know this world isn’t too kind to people who are different. Just keep supporting him Aaron and let him know you’re there for him.”
You guided your boyfriend into the tailors and over to the man who was waiting for him.
While they were measuring up a new suit, you were flicking through some others, looking at the colours and designs, then you made your way over to the accessories.
You found a nice, though expensive watch in the glass case.
“It’s nice isn’t it?” Another man asked.
“Absolutely, though I was wondering if you have something a little less flashy and more work appropriate. My boyfriend wouldn’t be able to wear this to work.”
The man nodded his head, pulling out some watches.
“Some of these are more expensive due to their unique design, but they would be more appropriate for a working environment if you didn’t want it to be easily damaged.”
You looked through them, and you looked at a pure gold one, small intricate designs carved into the links of the watch.
“I like this, I’ll get this one. He’s currently getting a new suit fitted so I’d like to wait for that before paying, I’ll probably get him a few more ties as well. Something that says professional, but can be used for formal meals and such as well.”
He nodded.
“We have a few I think you’ll like them.”
You carried on picking some stuff up for Hotch, then waited by the counter for him, also getting yourself a new watch since you wanted a change.
When Hotch had his new suit fitted, it was brought over and he stood next to you.
“(Y/N) no, you can’t. This is all too much and it has to be expensive.”
You grinned a little bit, handing over your bank card.
“Oops, too late.”
He sighed, giving you a small smile as he shook his head and he leant forward, kissing your forehead.
“You’re too good for me…” he whispered.
“I’d say it’s the other way around sweetheart, oh, and before you go to work tomorrow I have something for you to take it.”
You never told Hotch what it was, but you did go pick it up later on that night before heading back home.
Jack was happily trying on all of his clothes, and you handed the box to Hotch with the instructions to give it to Reid first thing in the morning.
And he did, when he got to the office he waited for Reid and made his way over.
“(Y/N) wanted you to have this.”
He set the box on the desk and Reid furrowed his brows a little bit.
“Oh? The mysterious rich partner has a gift for the pretty boy?” Emily asked.
They all walked over to watch as Reid opened it.
He set the lid to the box aside, and he picked up the note that was neatly placed on the top.
“What’s it say?” Rossi asked.
“It says to always believe in myself.”
He set the note aside and picked up the very old book.
“It’s a first edition of a Russian novel I’ve been looking for…” he whispered.
“Oh my god that’s amazing!” Garcia gasped.
“Damn, that must’ve cost a lot.” Morgan whistled.
They all nodded in agreement and Hotch just chuckled a little bit, shaking his head.
“They don’t care about cost, to (Y/N) they just want everybody to have the best.”
“Seriously Hotch, we have to meet them this isn’t fair.” JJ laughed.
Everybody immediately started asking him and begging him to be able to meet you.
They’d all heard about you, they knew about you from being the CEO of a large company, they’d seen photos of you and seen interviews of you thanks to Garica.
But they hadn’t had the chance to meet you, and they wanted to meet you, finally get to see the person who keeps gifting them all expensive gifts
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
coparenting!megumi with satoru where one of you gets lost after school supply shopping it's not the actual child that gets lost
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"megs, where's satoru?"
"i thought he was with you."
"that's a problem, then, because he hasn't been with me for the past ten minutes." you plop down next to him, sliding your sunglasses to the top of your head and taking in the busy park in front of you. the weather was comfortable today, cool enough that you weren't sweating but warm enough to have megumi's ice cream dripping down the cone toward his little fingers. you wordlessly hand him a napkin and he takes it without looking at you, continuing to observe the people throwing around a frisbee or having a picnic in the sunshine. there was a playground on the other side of the field and you could vaguely make out the blurry forms of children running about. "you can go play, if you want. i can stay and watch the stuff."
"i don't really want to," he replies. "i like sitting here with you." the corner of your mouth turns up into a smile. he was barely big enough for his legs to touch the ground and he absentmindedly kicked his feet back and forth under the bench. "do we need to go anywhere else today?"
"i don't think so, no. i think we got everything that you'll need for next week." he nods in assent and the toes of his shoes brush against the plastic grocery bags holding his new school supplies.
you could tell megumi was excited, in his own quiet way, when the car pulled into the parking lot of the store. as much as he acted as the bane of satoru's existence, you knew he liked spending time with both of you. you stopped satoru with a gentle hand on his shoulder when his lanky legs ran for a cart, gesturing toward megumi heading down the first aisle, basket in hand. you barely had to do anything for most of the trip; at most, you'd remind the boy of a specific type of pencil or notebook he needed and provide feedback if he was split between two different designs. any additions by satoru were pointedly ignored by the boy unless they were reiterated by you. "if you need anything else, just let satoru know and he'll bring it to your school."
"you can't drop it off instead?"
"i know i usually do, but i have an assignment that's sending me out of town. you'll have to make do with your esteemed mentor for a bit." you smirk and nudge his shoulder with your elbow, chuckling softly when he frowns. it was a little funny, seeing a child have the expression of a businessman desperately waiting for retirement. "what is it, megs?"
"he scares all my teachers." you choke on the sip you take from your bottle, jolting forward and laugh-coughing your way to normal breathing again. it didn't surprise you, what megumi said; it was the incredibly straightforward, slightly amused note in his voice that had water going down the wrong pipes. "i'm serious. whenever you're visiting, people always gush about how well you take care of me."
"and when satoru comes around?"
"they hide." a prideful noise escapes your throat and the two of you have identical smirks as you sit on the bench. your eyes carefreely scan the field for any bright white hair or screams of commotion that could indicate your boyfriend's presence, but there are no such things. nonetheless, you're not worried. he always found his way back to you somehow.
at least, that's what you think.
you feel the telltale buzz-buzz-buzz of your phone in your back pocket and roll your eyes when you see the caller id.
"i'm lost."
"mmm, poor baby," you deadpan, glancing at megumi to see a small smile on his face.
"aren't you going to come find me?" his voice is teasingly playful, implying that he disappeared on purpose just for the hell of it.
"i'm not playing hide and seek with you, satoru. just come back to the ice cream cart."
"but it's so much more fun if you come get me instead," he argues, his voice slightly too insistent for you to think that he's joking. he better be kidding.
"okay, fine. i actually don't know where the hell i am." he is not kidding.
you sigh, standing and taking megumi's hand. "just retrace your steps, sweetheart." you stand and walk a random direction in hopes that your navigationally-challenged boyfriend would find his way to you. the plastic handle of the store bag digs into the crook of your elbow as you continue to hold the phone up to your ear. "can you describe your surroundings?"
"uh, trees."
"those are everywhere, satoru. we're in a park." you can't help the giggle that escapes your lips towards the tail end of your sentence. the irony of the most powerful human on earth being lost in a park was priceless. "any specific monuments or something that i can head to?"
"there's a big field-"
"again, baby, this is a park. look, i'm just gonna do the thing. if you can't find us from that, you might need to rethink your career choice." megumi stifles a snicker from next to you and you abruptly hang up, cutting off the distorted protests blaring from your phone. you have a seat on the grass and megumi mirrors your position, taking your hand when you offer it to him. "just like we practiced, okay?" he sighs impatiently, but you knew it wasn't you he was irritated with. "alright, i'll go first and then you add on to me, yeah?"
stretching your neck from side to side, you close your eyes and slowly channel more cursed energy until it engulfs your entire body. soon, you feel megumi's faint but determined aura bump against yours. after less than a minute, instinct tells you that satoru received your beacon and you look over your shoulder to see him strolling casually across the lawn. he's tall enough that, when he finally stands above you and megumi, he blocks out most of the sun. you can barely see his eyes, but you know he can see the exasperation on your face. he merely beams at you like you produced the oxygen he was breathing.
"found you."
"took you long enough." he effortlessly pulls you up from the ground and you stumble, nearly slamming into his chest. "where did you end up going, anyway?"
"there's an old daycare center towards the back of the park. sensed something there and wanted to kill it before it bothered us," he explains, humming when you brush your fingers over the fabric covering his eyes. he delicately takes your hand and presses light kisses to your knuckles, so dotingly you'd think either of you had just come back from war. you're about to kiss him properly when a small voice clears its throat some ways below you. your face heats, suddenly remembering megumi is still there.
"are we ready to go, or should i give you two a few minutes?" satoru's jaw drops in indignancy.
"watch it, megs, or i'm gonna have satoru be the one dropping off all of your things during the school year." your hand ruffles the black spikes of his hair and he pouts.
"please don't."
"wait, what's wrong with me bringing your things?" megumi exhales tiredly like he'd clocked out of his 9-5 and walks ahead to the parking lot. you and satoru lag behind, his arm wrapped around your waist and matching his steps with yours.
"i'll explain in the car. will you be able to find it okay, lost child?" you raise your eyebrows patronizingly, putting on your best doe-eyed gaze. he scoffs, but you're not done making fun of him just yet. "whatever shall i do if you were to suddenly disappear? i may be forced to find another...suitor." you bat your eyelashes dramatically and you can see his eyes rolling behind his blindfold.
"ha, ha. very funny." his hands ever so slightly squeeze the flesh around your hip and you jump. "now i know how it feels when i start reciting shakespeare over minor inconveniences." you laugh and melt a little when his thumb draws apologetic little circles on your waist. god, he's so in love with you.
"i'm surprised you didn't start monologuing on the phone. it worried me."
"you don't ever need to worry about finding me because i'll always come back."
"you promise?"
"on the moon and the stars."
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prompt is from @youneedsomeprompts because coparenting megumi inspiration comes and goes from my mind like an endangered species :))
hope you enjoyed ! likes, reblogs, and feedback are always appreciated <3
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barleyo · 2 months
BARELYYYYY write another daddy Leon fic, AND MY LIFE WILL BE YOURSSS
Real Dad! Leon Kennedy X F! Reader (smut)
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A/N: this fic is shitty and short, sorry ^_^ i literally have no drive or desire to write anymore, idk what's going on with me. probably some type of brain worm! but i thought i should at least try to get something written :3 (ily whoever knows what song the title is referencing)
Tags: incest (daddy-daughter), phone sex, age gap (21 and 50-ish), mutual masturbation, no actual sex, idk dude i'm not sure what i was going for with this
Wordcount: 719
"Little note wasn't lying," Leon said into his phone, sitting in his car near the back of the bar's mostly empty parking lot. "What's this about a good time, doll?"
It was too late for him to be out like this. Too late for him to be this far from sober. Too late for him to be calling some random number that was stuck to the urinal partition. And, of course, it was much too late for him to be this horny.
"Depends," a voice, your voice, spoke on the line. "What kinda night is it, mister?"
Thank god he was drunk, or else he would've heard right through your overly sensual, fake tone. Thank god you were stupid, or else you would've known it was him right from the sleazy nicknames he used.
Dirty fucking man. His hands were practically already in his pants. Roughly palming at himself over his tented jeans to the sound of some mystery broad's voice. 
"It's a real good night, babydoll. I think you could make it better though." He pulled his zipper down, cock pulsating desperately. 
You giggled on the other line, absolutely drowning in the sudden flush of attention. That's why you slipped the damn sticky note with your burner's number into the men's room all those nights ago, hoping some horned up man old enough to be your dad would ring your line and validate you. Little did you know, that man would truly be your dad. 
"Sounds like you could use it. I don't mind 'chatting' for a bit," you said, hand finding its way all over your body. "Tell me, y'touching yourself already?"
"To a voice like yours? Of course I am."
Leon freed himself from the confines of his pants, eyes shifting anxiously as he looked around the sparse parking lot. He was a grown man, he'd jerked off to hotlines and voices on the phone all the time. In public, though? New territory completely. 
He squeezed his shaft, feeling it pulse in his hand. Thing had a heartbeat of its own at that point as it practically begging to catch some friction and relief. 
"Glad you called," you said, sliding your panties off while you spoke. You tossed them in the corner of your room mindlessly. "I've been waiting for someone to find that little note."
Leon opened his mouth to respond when he heard a soft moan escape your mouth. That was enough for him to start. He wanted to take it slow, to enjoy himself, but who was he kidding? He was a needy fucker and he wanted to cum ASAP. 
"What'cha doing right now?" he was finally able to ask, swallowing thickly as he pumped his length. "Using those cute fingers, doll?"
You hummed through an over exaggerated moan, dramatizing and putting on a show for your 'mystery man.' 
"Sure am," you said, finger curled, reaching your g-spot the best you could with the limited length it had. "But it's not as good as the real thing."
He could practically hear the pout in your voice, and it drove him crazy. You sounded like a bratty little baby, just his type. 
"Awh, aren't you a poor thing? Bet some older cock would do you good, huh?" 
He heard the squelch of your cunt through the phone speaker. It picked up the sound of your palm hitting your clit, and the little gasps of air you let out each time you slammed your fingers in.
"Guess so." You bit your bottom lip, holding back an excited squeal at his words. "You offering?" 
Leon chuckled dryly, watching the tip of his cock weep with pre as he stroked himself. "Oh, someone's eager. Sure," he said, amused smirk on his face as he started to near his climax, hand still working furiously over his cock. "I'm offering. I could use a cute thing like you, anyway. It'll be much better than just hearing ya through the phone."
"We'll see about that," you teased, phone clicking off of the line just as he started to cum. 
(XXX)-867-5309: *sent location* 
(XXX)-867-5309: pull up ;)
Wait, that address? That was his house...
Leon's head fell back on the car seat headrest, brain going a mile a minute. Hand still covered in stray spurts of cum.
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yok00k · 9 months
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pairing: idol!jk x model!oc
genre: fluff!
“a kilómetros estamos conectando”
—synopsis: when you’re getting ready for a party and jungkook, who’s thousands kilometers away from you, wants to video call.
word count: 1,082
warning: ldr, they’re disguisingly so cute, the word “baby” was said for about 1 million times it’s sickening, different timezones, oc dress in front of jk, mention of insomnia, anxiety, stress, mention of an uncomfy situation of oc where other men were being men, protective jk (this jk is not a manipulator, trust), 1st person pov(im so sorry)
author’s note: my second drabble/fluff!!! this was shorter than I wanted it to be but there will be few (idk how many, it depends to the future me) series of idol!jk x model!oc. <the meaning of ‘mahal ko’ means ‘my love’ in filipino>
Taking a cold shower after having an intense leg day plus cardio at the gym hits so different. I feel like a brand new person after getting out of my bathroom. I then settle down in front of my vanity table and begin doing my skin care + makeup. As I finished a smooth base of foundation, my phone vibrated.
2 messages received from
mahal ko🐰🤍
|| hey baby
|| can we facetime plz? wanna see u
[10:33 pm]
his text was unanticipated at this hour since it’s 5 am in Korea.
|| sure bb
[10:34 pm]
mahal ko wants to facetime
drop everything i have with my hands, i swiftly hit the green button, eagerly to see and hear his voice. we’re mostly texting these days because of having different time zones and working schedules to follow. Oftentimes when he’s free and wants to facetime me, I would be either at work or sleeping and vice versa.
“hi pretty!!” he cheerfully greeted me as my phone screen revealed his cute sleepy face. As usual, he’s wearing one of the eight Supreme beanies i got for him when I was in Tokyo. [side story: i was just strolling in the streets of Harajuku when i found this one clothing store that has a lot of stuffs i know jungkook would like and that’s when i bought those comfy beanies along with other nice things]^_^
“helloo, my ggukie can't sleep?” i asked while finding something i can lean my phone on so that i can continue doing my makeup
“응.. i'm trying to sleep but can’t.“ he simply explained as he placed his phone on the side of his bed, moving his naked body to a more comfortable lying position. His arm filled with cool, artistic tattoos is out and on sight, while his other arm were covered with the thick white comforter, so as his entire body.
“What's been going on in your mind?” I know that something is bothering him at times like this. i get that having the job and lifestyle he has, isn’t merely easy. the pressure, the media, the fans, everything. But although he deals with all these things, I never once heard him complain about them because he knows that that’s what he signed up for the day he chose to pursue being an idol.
“Just been stressed lately with rehearsals and I'm still jet lagged, maybe I have insomnia? ‘m not sure but it’s driving me crazy. now i get what u mean when u say ur body is tired and ready to sleep but ur mind isn’t.” he further describes how he feels. The worry and anxiety is written in his facial expression.
“my poor kookie you could’ve call me earlier and i would help you to fall asleep”
“but you were at the gym. i know you like blasting reggaeton music while working out.” he pouty responds. well, in his defense he’s right. I love that he remembers small details about me but nothing can top my love for him.
“i do that but I prefer listening to my boyfriend’s angelic voice while working out so that i’ll have motivation to do more reps.” replied to him right off the bat. realistically i meant what i said. I usually don’t like talking to people when doing workouts but he is an exception.
I received no words but a soft laugh. He must have thought I was kidding. I took a glance at him before I put lipgloss on[his favorite shade].
i can see him covering the blush he has all over his face. i'm very glad to see him having relief.
‘’Where is my pretty girl up to? hmm?” he curiously asks as i put highlights as my last step to finish up the look
“just going to the club for Sakura’s birthday party, i'm running out of social energy almost every day because of work and parties but I can't miss this event” I explained as I headed over to my walk-in closet.
“hmm ‘kay tell her i said happy birthday. what are you gonna wear?”
“well i'm debating on wearing a black leather mini skirt with this asymmetrical black top and for shoes i have this black knee high boots or i just go with this simple black mini backless dress with these red bottoms high heels” i say as i show him all the clothes. he and I almost have the same taste in fashion. if we were to combine all of our clothes, they are pretty much all black. whenever it’s shoes, jackets, tops, pants, etc. this is why buying clothes for one another isn’t difficult for us.
“What did I tell you about mini skirts bb?” oh. i forgot that he allows me to wear mini skirts unless i’m with him since an incident happened when i was in the club and random guys were making me so uncomfortable by giving disguising lust looks and nastily commenting on my skirts. Although he and I know that no matter what a girl wears, guys in the clubs will act like animals regardless. He told me to not wear it because he’s controlling me but rather because he won’t be there to protect me if something happens.
“ok then the second choice it is” i confirmed, putting the first outfit choice back to where they belong.
“how about you wear that mini skirt when we go on a date? how’s that sound?” he suggests.
“ok then ggukie”
“dress in front of me?” he boyishly asks, using his deep alluring voice. He definitely knows what he’s doing. How can I say no to him?
After dressing, I proceeded to put on the Cartier necklace with his initials in it that he gifted to me when he first came to visit my penthouse in Chicago.
“still have my oversized leather jacket with you?” he inquire before he yawned
“yupp, why?” I curiously asked
“bring it with you please. i don’t want you getting cold in there” he softly requested. him and his simple gestures make me fall in love with him deeper.
“i will baby thank you”
“i love you ___, don’t look at other men” jk murmur jokingly. Well, I hope he said that in a humorous way for the reason that I assure him with my sincere words almost every hour.
“ I love you more gguk i’ll update you ok?” he just hums, waving his hands leisurely to say goodbye.
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please do something with peter parker for vday. I miss you writing for him
I started writing this one last year for Valentine's Day...forgive me for the long wait
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‘’No, you don’t understand, Ned. It needs to be perfect,’’ Peter explained, turning to his best friend for help.
‘’My longest and only relationship lasted about sixty hours, so I’m not really the one to come to for Valentine’s Day gift ideas.’’ 
‘’Uncle Ben always gave May flowers and chocolate.’’ And Peter always tried to steal chocolate from the box. ‘’But Y/N is Mr. Stark’s daughter, I can’t just buy her flowers and chocolate. She’ll think I’m poor.’’ 
‘’Didn’t you tell me this morning that you only have five dollars in your pockets?’’ Ned recalled, taking one of the homemade cookies his lola had put into his lunch bag and taking a bite. There was one for Peter too, but he was too busy worrying and panicking.
Peter groaned and hid his face in his crossed arms, frustrated and desperate. Being broke was a second problem to his Valentine’s Day plan. ‘’What am I gonna do? Valentine’s Day is in two days. I can’t not get her anything.’’ 
‘’If you go back to the roots of Valentine’s Day, it’s about celebrating love. You don’t have to spend money to show someone you love them.’’ Peter opened his mouth, but Ned spoke first. ‘’Even if she’s a Stark and bathes in money,’’ he added. ‘’She didn’t fall in love with you because of your economic status, she fell in love because of who you are.’’
On the big day, Peter set everything up in his living room. May was on a date with Happy, so he had the apartment to himself — until 10pm. He didn’t have a projector, so he made one with a shoebox and a magnifying glass, and hung a sheet to one of the walls to turn into a screen. He made cheese pastas and brought over the single chocolate cupcake he was able to afford. 
He was nervous, constantly checking his phone waiting for your ‘I’m here’ text. When he finally got it, Peter rushed to the door, smoothing his button up and fixing his hair before opening. If he was this nervous for Valentine’s Day, he didn’t want to imagine the nervous wreck he would be at his wedding. 
Not that he was planning on getting married anytime soon. 
‘’Happy Valentine’s Day,’’ you said with a smile on your glossy lips. 
Peter said the words back and let you in, gulping when his eyes fell on the small gift bag you were holding. You set it down on the table to take off your coat and boots, revealing a pink sweater and a sparkly necklace that cost probably more than anything in May's apartment.
You followed Peter to the living room, excitement bubbling in your stomach when seeing the frozen image of your favorite rom-com projected on the wall.  ‘’You made this?’’ 
Peter gave you a small nod. Projectors were easy to make. He learned how in a science book for kids when he was nine. May was so impressed when he showed her his ‘magic box’. 
‘’It’s not much, but—’’ he started to say, but you shut him up with a kiss. 
‘’Stop it,’’ you said, guessing his train of  thoughts. ‘’This is the best Valentine’s Day gift ever.’’ 
You never had another valentine before him — beside the little boys in middle school who sent you cards and heart lollipops  —, but Peter’s gift came from the heart. It was thoughtful and personal, therefore meant a lot to you. 
After eating the pastas, you handed Peter the gift bag. He was nervous just from holding it. 
He slowly pulled out the festive tissue papers and groaned when seeing a red and blue plush toy. ‘’Spiderman? Really?’’ Peter made an annoyed face. He didn't want to come off as ungrateful, but he was getting tired of the jokes with the Spiderman merch he had no control over. 
‘’Press his chest,’’ you instructed, ignoring his complaints.
Peter gave you a confused look, but listened. ‘’I love you, my Spidey,’’ the toy said.
You watched his expressions shift from confusion to surprise, Peter’s eyes widening when he recognized the sound of your voice. A genuine smile spread across his face, the small plush taking a whole other meaning. ‘’That's your voice,’’ he whispered, still holding the talking Spiderman plush. 
You nodded, the sparks in Peter’s eyes telling you that no expensive gift could have matched this one. He was truly touched. ‘’I know you don’t like when I get you expensive things, so I didn’t get you a new watch,’’ you explained, thinking back at the Cartier watch you hesitated on last week. He would have hated it. 
Turning toward you, Peter enveloped you in a hug to properly thank you. 
Your arms wrapped around him in return. ‘’Even when I’m not with you, you’ll always have something to remind you that I love you.’’ 
Marvel taglist: @xenasolos @chrizzierbsstuff @ayamenimthiriel @alina02 @turtleshavesoulmates @staygoldsquatchling02 @daemonslittlebitch  @wetwilliam02 @haileyismoo @manofworm @rhydianissuperior @supersanelyromantic @nicangel13 @mxxny-lupin  @sweeterheartxamerica @viridwityy @izzy-laufeyson @kenzi-woycehoski @arunaposeidondottie @liidiaaag @katsukis1wife  @amithesimpoffandoms @acornacreacure @chaotic-fangirl-blog  @hawkegfs @mommyruuetrue @youdontneedtoknowthisinformation  @aabananaa @starrrslove  @angeliod @nmedina8611 @1stevelacyfan  @yourfavdummy @laylasbunbunny  @slytherhoes @pedrosprincess  @luvvtxinityy @Eddiefrickenmunson @wandaswigglywoos @mikaelsonsstuff  @tcddszn  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous  @popeheywardssecretgf @kattybug @loverofdrewstarkey  @sl4sh3rfuck3r  @luci1fer @dingus0401  @idontknowwhatimdoing777 @nomorespahgetti  @bloodyhw @papayaboyluvr @slytherinambitious @t-candy  @adaydreamaway08  @johannelis2302nely  @lynbubble @straberryshortcake143 @mymultiveres @hopeurokays @not-liah @beth-gallagher22  @lonelywitchv2 @lausley336 @arinexeisnotworking  @rubyliquor @Danniackerman  @angelxxrose @angelxxrose  @upwritingallnight  @cruzgrecia @evelestrange  @sunnysunny133696 @aesthetixhoe  @hoeforsirius  @secretsthathauntus  @sarcasm-and-stiles
All and more taglist:  @kenqki  @hawkegfs  @gillybear17   @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade   @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff  @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity
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fangirl-dot-com · 8 months
Chapter 19 - All Hail Prince Charles
As a Charles fan, the day he wins the Monaco Grand Prix will be the happiest day of my life (I will probably cry). also, weird that I legit forgot until now - is that I have not been doing fastest lap...and I completely forgot about sprint races. So, in this reality, there were no sprints or fastest points until now because I wanted Charles to have a grand slam!
So, please enjoy this fun chapter! much love to all!
like always comments, questions, concerns, reblogs, and likes are always appreciate!
You stood next to the entrance to the paddock, phone out rapidly texting someone. With each sound of the turnstile, you thought it was the two brothers who you were waiting for. Well, them, their mother, and Max. 
Apparently, you had gotten the time wrong of when you needed to get to the paddock, and showed up almost two hours early. And, in pure introvert form (whenever you were around people you weren’t comfortable with), you just kept to yourself and waited right by the entrance. 
It was pretty busy in the paddock today. The color that stood out the most was the iconic red of the Tifosi, dressed to impress their favorite Monegasque driver. Even people who weren’t very fond of the sport came to support him. 
Charles was basically royalty. Which had you questioning if you and Max were “royalty” too, since you lived there. But, it didn’t extend as much as it does for Charles and his family. People practically kissed the ground he walked on. And maybe practically was an understatement as you had seen a guy do it one time. 
Your face was still buried in your phone, when someone suddenly bumped into you. You went to apologize before your eyes were set on your favorite pair of dimples. 
“Bonjour mon beau garcon,” you said softly, not to alert anyone in the surround area. You were still keeping the relationship on the down low, even if it had been almost two months. 
Arthur quickly hugged you, trying to make it not seem like a “romantic hug.” Besides, people had seen much hugs much more intimate than the ones you were now doing. Maybe you were toning it down a little too much. 
“Bonjour mon ange,” he whispered in your ear, making a blush cross your cheeks. Laughter was heard behind him and you peeked over his shoulder. 
Along with Max, Charles, and Pascale giving you smug looks, a certain German driver was also in the group. 
Not wasting anytime, you shoved your poor boyfriend to the side (completely missing his “kicked puppy dog eyes”), and jumped into the German’s arms. 
Now that got a lot of people’s attention. Suddenly camera clicks were heard from everywhere. You frantically pulled away. 
Sebastian looked a little shy in the limelight, or maybe it was just your imagination. But you were determined to get the cameras off of him. Your eyes darted to the red and white clad driver and suddenly you had an idea. The cameras weren’t focused on him, so it was perfect. 
You ran to the back of Charles and lightly put your hands of his back to push him out to the open. He gave you a questioning look. 
“Just do what you normally do Charlie.” 
Your eyes focused on an announcer with a megaphone. 
You raced over, said a few words to him, and came back to the group with megaphone in hand. 
“Kid, what are you doing?” Max asked, hands gripping his backpack. You ignored your older teammate and turned the thing on. 
With it almost kissing your lips, you started to yell hand outstretched in Charles’s direction. 
“All hail, Prince Charles Marc Herve, uh…” 
Arthur leaned over and whispered with a shit-eating grin on his face, “Perceval.” 
“Perceval – dude, how many middle names do you have – Leclerc!” 
Thankfully, your plan worked and now Charles was surrounded by multiple journalists and photographers. 
You ran back over to give the announcer the megaphone back. 
Looking back at Max, who was secretly recording Charles looking so lost in the crowd, you made your way to the group. 
“Shall we go Maximillian?” 
The Dutchman rolled his eyes. “That is not my name.” 
“Well if Charles has a lord-esque name, you can have one too! Thur, are you in our garage today or Ferrari?” 
He shot you a sad-ish smile. “I’m with Ferrari today. Seb and I are doing the thing.”
A look of clarity shone on your face. “Oooohhhh. Well then, you go do your thing. Wait, but you aren’t doing it with…” 
“Oui, but Sebastian is the guest and he wants me to be with him.” 
Your eyes playfully glared at the German, who held his hands up in mock-surrender. 
“I will return him in one piece kinde,” he promised. 
“Fine. Let’s go Maximilian.” 
“Geitje, once again, not my name.” 
“Then stop calling me a small goat. Well, I mean, I am a GOAT, in a sense.” 
“It’s cute!” 
Arthur watched as the two of you bickered, before going over to save his brother. It definitely didn’t help that Charles was on pole today, at his home race. Everyone was sweating and praying that this would be the year that he took his home race. Arthur was surprised that Max was in a playful mood, since he was starting a whopping P5 today and you were ahead of him at P4. 
He had wanted to ask you about it, but didn’t want to push for information that you might not have been comfortable to share.  
Starting Grid 
Charles Leclerc 
Carlos Sainz 
Lando Norris 
Y/n L/n 
Max Verstappen 
George Russell 
Lewis Hamilton 
Oscar Piastri 
Alex Albon
Logan Sargeant
Lance Stroll 
Yuki Tsunoda 
Fernando Alonso 
Pierre Gasly 
Daniel Ricciardo 
Valtteri Bottas 
Zhou Guanyu 
Esteban Ocon 
Kevin Magnussen 
Nico Hulkenberg 
Christian had asked you and Max to meet him quickly in one of the back rooms. You and Max were squished on one of the couches while your team principal comfortably sat on the opposite sofa. This felt like you and Max had been called to the principal’s office and you were about to get in trouble. 
Christian leaned forward. “Now, Max, we know that for some reason your tyres aren’t doing well in Monaco this year.” 
Max nodded, seeming to know where this was going. 
“But we wanted to ask you first if you’d be all right letting Y/n have the priority for this race. You are comfortably leading the championship as of right now. We would have liked to extend it by more points, but we can’t figure out what is wrong with the tyres this race.” 
Max sat for a moment and you winced. You knew he didn’t want to give up the giant gap that he had, especially since Charles won the last race as well. 
“It’s fine.” 
Your eyebrows raised as you looked at him. He met your eyes and gave you a smile that didn’t quite reach his. You knew he was mentally giving you the ok to go ahead, but it didn’t mean that you had to like it. Already knowing the race, Red Bull did not have the upper hand in Monaco. This race was for Ferrari and McLaren. 
The “meeting” didn’t go much longer, but the three of you did talk about new strategies so that the two of you could get the maximum points out of it. You both would be trying for fastest lap and as many positions gained as possible. 
Back in the garage, you whined as you were trying to clip the strap under your helmet. Normally, Arthur would be there to help, but no, he had to be in the enemy’s garage. You were silently cursing his and Seb’s management. 
Mitch thankfully saw your annoyance and came to help. 
“No help today?” she asked as she clipped the strap and then helped finagle your helmet to where it was supposed to go. 
“Nope,” you popped the ‘p,’ “he’s in enemy territory today.” 
You looked at her through the empty eye space. “Goodluck kiss?” You tried your best puppy eyes. 
The older woman rolled her eyes, but gave your helmet a kiss none-the-less. You grinned as you stepped into the car. 
It was definitely a sunny day in Monaco, that’s for sure. One of your mechanics held a small umbrella as you waited for the signal. 
“Radio check please Y/n.” 
“So Liam is in town, I saw him earlier. And we both know that this is thee Lightning McQueen circuit. Charles just keeps rolling his eyes. Also, Liam and his girlfriend invited me and Arthur for a double date to go to California for the summer break so that we can go see the Radiator Springs set up at Disneyland. Also!” 
“Ok, radio is working.” 
“Boooooo. You just don’t want to hear about my amazing plans. You could come too if you’d like!” 
“Kid, they gave the signal almost 5 seconds ago.” 
“And it’s lights out and away we go for the 2024 Monaco Grand Prix. Charles Leclerc has made a lightning start on his teammate. Did he switch out his car for another? Carlos Sainz is overtaken by Lando Norris on turn 1. Max Verstappen has made a position and is now in P5 ahead of his teammate. Now, Verstappen has complained about his tyre degradation all weekend long. We just need to see how long he can stay ahead of Y/n L/n as her tyres seem to last a bit longer than his.” 
“Mitch, I thought I was supposed to be ahead.” 
What was Max doing? He had said that it was fine for you to have the priority, but was being kind of an ass right now. 
“This was not the strategy that we went over. He’s being an asshole right now.” 
“Seems like the Bulls are fighting as Y/n L/n is voicing her irritation. I do wonder what they went over prior to the race.”  
Arthur watched as your tried to get around your teammate. His heart sunk a bit as you were pushed off the track, but got right back on. Pascale stood right next to him and put a hand on his shoulder for comfort. He wished he could be in your garage right now, because this was the last race until Austria that he’d be able to attend.
Mitch was finally able to give you an answer. “Ok, you are going to box now.” 
You entered the pit lane and were fitted with mediums since you started on softs. This race was going to be a one-stop-wonder. 
Right as you were coming out of the pit lane, you saw two cars collide right with each other. 
It was all in slow motion for you. One minute, you were in clear skies, the next you were covered in smoke. You had seen George try to go a bit wide, but you guessed he didn’t see Lewis. You frantically tried to remember where they seemed to stop as you continued through the smoke. 
Arthur had watched your car disappear behind the curtain of smoke. His heart sank even more than it had a few laps ago. He quickly stood up to look at the small tv a bit closer. He was joined by Sebastian and his mom. 
“Tu as dit que tu ferais attention,” he whispered. 
GP came over Max’s radio. “Red flag at the pit entrance, Max. Come in so they can clear the debris.” 
“The pits? Was it Y/n? I see smoke.” 
“It was the Mercedes.” 
“But she was right there?” 
Max quickly pulled in and all but jumped out of the car. 
Thankfully, you had expertly dodged the debris and flew out of the smoke. 
“Woo, that was a bit smoky. I’m guessing red flag?” you asked Mitch. 
“Yep, do your lap and then come in.” 
It took you a bit longer to get back, since you had just pitted, but you finally made it. What you weren’t expecting was a giant hug from Max who kept apologizing. 
“I’m sorry for the first move, I shouldn’t have done that.” 
You bumped him a bit. “No biggie. Just please don’t do that again. We don’t need a Brocedes 2.0. Time for a juice box.” 
The two of you thankfully found some juice boxes before you had to get back into the car. It would be another grid start, with how everyone was when they were out of the track. So you would have come out second, still behind Charles but in front of Lando. Max would be behind Carlos in P5. 
At the start, Charles still had a great get away, pulling way in front of you like Max had been able to do in 2023. You were able to keep your P2 ahead of Lando while Max gained Carlos’s position. 
Thankfully, the rest of the race was smooth going. Max had not been able to keep up with Lando and fell behind Carlos and ended the race in a pitiful P5.  
However, the crowds were roaring as Charles finally brought home the Monaco Grand Prix. 
“I can practically hear the celebrations starting. As he did in 2019, Charles Leclerc has won back-to-back races. And for the first time in 93 years, a Monegasque has crossed the checkered flag in P1. Charles Leclerc has done it and wins the 2024 Monaco Grand Prix. It is also a Grand Slam for the Ferrari driver as he had pole, P1, and fastest lap. 
“He is followed by Red Bull’s Y/n L/n and McLaren’s Lando Norris. Carlos Sainz finishes fourth with Max Verstappen finishing fifth.” 
Race Results 
Charles Leclerc + fastest lap – 26 points 
Y/n L/n – 18 points 
Lando Norris – 15 points 
Carlos Sainz – 12 points 
Max Verstappen – 11 points 
Oscar Piastri – 8 points 
Yuki Tsunoda – 6 points 
Logan Sargeant – 4 points 
Pierre Gasly – 2 points 
Daniel Ricciardo – 1 point  
Alex Albon
Lance Stroll 
Fernando Alonso 
Kevin Magnussen 
Zhou Guanyu 
Valtteri Bottas 
Esteban Ocon 
Nico Hulkenberg 
Lewis Hamilton – DNF 
George Russell – DNF 
Champions Standings 
Max Verstappen – 179 points 
Charles Leclerc – 146 points 
Y/n L/n – 98 points 
Lando Norris – 88 points 
Oscar Piastri – 61 points 
Lewis Hamilton – 60 points 
Carlos Sainz – 46 points 
George Russell – 35 points 
Alex Albon – 26 points 
Fernando Alonso – 23 points
Logan Sargeant – 23 points  
Daniel Ricciardo – 22 points
Yuki Tsunoda – 2 points 
Pierre Gasly – 1 point 
Lance Stroll 
Zhou Guanyu 
Kevin Magnussen 
Nico Hulkenberg 
Valtteri Bottas 
Esteban Ocon 
Constructors Standings  
Red Bull – 277 points 
Ferrari – 192 points 
McLaren – 149 points 
Mercedes – 95 points 
Williams – 49 points 
Racing Bulls – 24 points 
Aston Martin – 23 points 
Alpine – 1 point 
Alpha Romeo 
It felt nice, to be up with Charles and Lando on the podium. It would be your first without Max. Thinking back to the last weekend in Imola, you felt proud. You honestly didn’t care if your parents were watching or not. You being on the podium without the three-time world champ felt like the biggest middle finger plus an extra “fuck them” for good measure. 
You looked down at the crowd and saw Arthur standing with Pascale, Max, Christian, and Sebastian. You tried to spray them to the best of your ability after having almost dumped everything on Charles, who may or may not have cried during the national anthem (it’s ok though because you were crying right along with him). 
You knew how much it meant for him, especially after Jules and his dad. 
And it was great to see Lando, since he hasn’t podiumed all season long. Thankfully, he didn’t break Charles’s trophy (because you think the Ferrari driver would have cried again). 
To celebrate, the Leclercs picked a nice restaurant to go to, instead of a night club. Max, who was also invited, brought Kelly and P as well. 
“So Charles, now that you won the Monaco Grand Prix, do you feel even more like Lightning McQueen now?” 
y/n.89 has posted
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y.n89 if you told me that I would have podiumed with lightning mcqueen himself at his home race (and kind of mine as well), I would have laughed in your face. Sad my teammate couldn't join me, but this is for the people who thought I wasn't good enough. look at me now! kachow ⚡️⚡️
and I got to see my pretty boy as well!
tagged: charles_leclerc
liked by redbullracing, y/n_updates, liamlawson, and 67,204 others
y/n_on_top she cracks me up with each post, she did not tag Charles on lightning's picture
y/nxarthur hmmmm boyfriend maybe lives in Monaco, Arthur lives in Monaco, therefore - Arthur is the boyfriend
y/nxollie keep dreaming
charles_leclerc did you seriously post a picture of a cartoon character instead of me??
y/n.89 yes, because I asked you for pictures and you never responded 🤔 charles_leclerc we were at dinner?? maxverstappen1 and???? y/n.89 yeah, and?????????????
olliebearman MOM ON PODIUM
y/n_lives_inmyhead_rentfree see this is for the people literally shipping a mom and son y/n&co a single mom who works two jobs...
arthur_leclerc so so happy for you!
y/n'ssecretbf I feel bad for her boyfriend because her dad is literally Christian Horner, big brothers are Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc, and her best friend is Arthur Leclerc (no one is safe from the dimples)
liamlawson lightning mcqueen is the goat
maxverstappen1 no I am lewishamilton you're wrong there y/n.89 you are both wrong, who has 5 piston cups and who doesn't landonorris preach! 🙌🙌
y/n.nation that whole podium was chaos, glad lando didn't break the trophy
chachanation glad I wasn't the only one crying
rascalflatts guess we have to accept the invite to play at COTA
y/n.89 HELLO?????? BIG FAN liamlawson ME TOO maxverstappen1 oh no
charles_leclerc has posted
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charles_leclerc I never would have thought that I'd win a race in 2024 or even back to back races. Thank you to the team. This is for everyone who thought I was done with...I hope I have proved you wrong. For Papa and Jules, I'm home! Forza Ferrari ❤️🏎️
liked by arthur_leclerc, pascale_leclerc, suderiaferrari, and 1,294,028 others
leclerc_on_top YEAAHHHHHHHHHH
chuck_leclerck I was crying so much. was worried about the restart but he pushed through!
y/n.89 so so proud of you Charlie! Max will let you become WDC next year
maxverstappen1 when did I EVER agree to that?? y/n.89 just now :)
lestappenlove oh my gosh, first Monegasque in almost 100 years to win their home race! history maker right here!
max&Charlie sad that max wasn't there to celebrate with him :(
leclercbros apparently some people saw Max at dinner with the Leclerc family
y/n_best_rookie was y/n there as well? leclercbros yes she was! along with kelly and P
tifosi4ever now Carlos just needs to win the Spanish Grand Prix and then one of them needs to win Monza!
porsche.motorsport with arthur_leclerc and sebastianvettel has posted
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porsche.motorsport we are happy to announce the signing of Arthur Leclerc and Sebastian Vettel to our team. They will be preparing for future endurance racing and will be brand ambassadors until then as well. Welcome to the team Arthur and Seb!
liked by y/n.89, leclercbros, endurancexf1, and 9,204 others
endur4nce I was not expecting this today....but I'm not complaining
thurthur I did not see this coming, even after seb was in the garage with Arthur in Monaco
leclercbros oh yeah, I saw that but didn't even suspect anything
y/n.89 and what do we say?? ☺️☺️
arthur_leclerc thank you y/n for setting this amazing opportunity up (not like I got signed because I was incompetent) sebastianvettel just the pretty face for us arthur_leclerc w o w
arthur-leclerc4ferrari I guess I need to change my user
arthur-leclerc4porsche that's better
y/nxarthur this is sad because I looked at the calendar and Arthur will miss the next two races along with the Vegas race
porsche welcome to the family!
y/n.89 when will I get added? I have my two Porsches and haven't bought any other cars porsche.motorsports just sign with us?? redbullracing stay back from our rookie 🤺 maxverstappen1 yeah 🤺 🤺
Vettel-with-leclerc the lineup I didn't know I needed
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833 notes · View notes
back2bluesidex · 2 months
Hard Luck - JJK & KTH (18+) - Chapter 1
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◆ Pairing: CEO Jungkook X Fem employee Reader X Legal advisor Taehyung. 
◆ Summary: You have a good face, a nice body, a fat amount saved in your secondary bank account, a stable job that you love, loving friends and family, you are good in bed. You have almost everything other than a good luck in love. Sleeping around with random dudes don’t feel enough when your friends are getting married and having kids. If you are being honest, you have started getting bored of this prolonged singlehood already. 
Your last light of hope fades away when your work crush, aka the hot guy from the legal department, Kim Taehyung (with whom you might or might not have slept once, okay! twice!), asks you to set him up with your work best friend (who, apparently, is the most asked out woman of the company). But what you don’t know is that the CEO of the company has taken a liking to you and has started on a mission of winning your heart. 
But wait… Taehyung might have started developing feelings for you in the process of receiving your help.
◆ Chapter summary: Two meetings - One went good - another went downhill.
◆ Theme: Romance, drama, light angst, my poor attempt of humor, fluff and eventual smut. office romance au,
◆ Warnings: Tiny bit angst.
◆ Word count: 3.2k+
◆ A/N: let me know your thoughts.
Minors aren't allowed in this blog!!!!
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You have a very love-hate relationship with weekends. 
Love because who the hell doesn’t like free times, no rush to drive to work, a quiet time on their couch with some unhealthy snacks and a good movie playing on the TV? 
Hate because weekends make you feel alone. Today is just a copy of yesterday.  
On most Friday nights you end up going drinking with your teammates, save your Saturdays for your friends and your precious Sundays are for yourself and yourself only. 
But lately, your said friends have changed, not by choice but by circumstances. Two of them are married, one is engaged and another just started dating after a prolonged singlehood - leaving you completely out of the order. Now they name most of their Saturdays to their partners, which makes you angry but you know that’s the only normal thing to do. 
So, now you are the one that neither has a partner and nor anyone to spend most of your Saturdays with. 
You sigh as you scroll through netflix. 
There is nothing that catches your eyes, intrigues you enough to start watching. 
Just when you are about to read the description of this new cheesy romcom, your phone vibrates with a call. 
It’s your mom - she calls you ten times a day. 
“Hmmm?” you greet her absent-mindedly. 
“Mia just gave birth to a baby boy!!!” she squeals on the other side of the phone. You can feel her excitement through the vibration of her digitized voice. 
The news lights you up as well. Mia is your favorite cousin and older than you by a year only. 
“Really? Woah! Is the baby fine? Is she fine?” 
“Both of them are fine, ddal.” Your mother, now, replies calmly, “it’s only me who is not.” 
“What? What happened? Joint-pain again?” you sit up on the couch. 
“No. That's not it.” your mother whines. You love to hear her whines. 
“When will I have my grandchild?” she huffs, making you laugh. 
“Eomma, I’m only 27.” you remind her. 
“That’s why I am reminding you, darling. If you start looking for a man now, you will be able to gift me a grandchild before I hit seventy.”  
The mention of a ‘man’ draws a very particular face on your vision. 
You know you should not think too much, read too much into someone’s actions. But at this age, when you already started feeling alone, feeling the desire for someone to come back home to, you can’t help but to feel the need of holding the next best person who shows you a silver of interest. 
And Taehyung has shown a lot of it. 
You will win in life if you manage to bag someone as nice, hot, handsome and successful as him. 
“Maybe… maybe very soon, eomma.” you add a trail of words to end your thoughts. 
“Omo! Really? Are you seeing someone?” she’s now way too much excited and her excitement makes you want more from the guy who only fucked you twice. 
“No- it’s not that. I am just talking about the possibilities.” your voice sounds frail for some reason. Possibility is what it is. Nothing is confirmed. 
You know you have a crush on Taehyung but at the same time you have no idea if there is more than just lust in his mind.
You try not to think of negative things and engage your mother in off-topic conversations. But in the back of your mind, Taehyung stays still, with his baritone voice and boxy smile. 
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“Good morning, sweetheart” Hani, the colleague you are the closest to, chirps in with her sweet voice. 
She is the epitome of perfection. 
The girl looks like a goddess, very friendly, the life of the party, smiles at everyone - doesn’t really matter if she knows them or not, is an amazing cook, and good at the job she does. 
Her amazing persona accompanied by that next level face card, makes her the most desired woman of the company. 
There is hardly any bachelor who hasn’t asked her out yet. And Taehyung is one of them (which makes you think that he must be into you). 
Sometimes you are jealous of her - okay! Scratch that! Most of the time you are jealous of her ability to make friends, to have people wrapped around her fingers without having to do anything while you practically have to beg your own friends to spend their weekends with you. 
And being asked out? That’s a completely different story. 
What you have understood from your experience is that guys love to have you on their bed. You are a good fuck, you know that. But a wife material? No. 
You are way too aloof, emotionally unattached to entertain anyone more than normal boundaries allow you to. Hence, you end up pushing people away.  
And now - at an age where you should be in a long term relationship - you are alone. 
“Good morning, Hani.” you reply with a genuine smile gracing your lips. Honestly, very few people can pull a genuine smile out of you and Hani is certainly one of them. 
Had it been anyone else as popular as her, they would have a big fat ego. But Hani is different and that’s why you love her. 
“How was the weekend?” she asks, placing her order for her usual iced americano. You still don’t understand how people consume this as the first thing in the morning. It’s nothing but cold and bitter.  
You grab your iced vanilla latte and take a mouth full of the sweetness, “as usual. Boring. Only me and my couch and netflix” 
“Oh? You could have called me in. I was mostly alone too.” she sips her aa-aa, and makes a delightful face. You scrunch your nose at that. 
“Really? I thought you do those volunteering stuff on weekends?” you two walk towards the elevator while sipping on your beverages. 
“That’s for day-time. I am usually free during the nights. So, try calling me if you need a companion.” she eyes you expectantly. 
You know she feels alone too, just like you. 
Hani came out of her two year long relationship just a few months ago. She probably feels alone during her free time as her partner is not there to entertain her anymore. 
And maybe it’s a good idea. 
Even though you don’t like to extend your professional relationships beyond the gates of your workplace - Hani can be different. 
You can take this friendship a little further, you guess. 
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The elevator door slides open, revealing a certain someone you look for a lot these days. 
Taehyung smiles brightly at you. Two strands of his dark hair fall on his forehead, his siren eyes are full of mirth as they quickly dip down to check you out. But then his eyes fall on Hani. And if you are not wrong then they have a brief eye-contact before someone behind asks you and your friend to get inside and make space already. 
An odd feeling blooms inside your chest. 
Taehyung checked you out, that’s for sure. But what were those love eyes that he regarded Hani with? Did he just fall in love at first sight or something of that sort? 
You settle inside the dingy space of the elevator rather uncomfortably - both physically and metaphorically. 
Hani is standing in front of you and Taehyung is just behind your back. You are sandwiched between the two of them and weirdly enough - you don’t feel too good about the situation. Because you can see Taehyung staring at Hani through the glazed metal door or the elevator. Something churns inside of you at the thought of Taehyung being smitten by your work best friend. 
But maybe you are thinking too much? Maybe time will soon prove you wrong. 
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Wrong. Everything is wrong. 
Your teammates do an impressive job everyday except for the days when there is an important meeting and you need documented reports. 
Today is one of those days. And today is even more horrifying because this will be your very first meeting with the new CEO who took over less than a month ago. 
Streets say he is as strict as his father if not more. That’s basically all you know about Jeon Jungkook. You don’t know what he looks like or what he sounds like. And that makes you anxious. 
The prospect of having an one-on-one meeting with the new, young CEO has been freaking you out already and now your subordinate had to do a sloppy reporting job.  
“Oh lord! Sooho! Why did you write ‘no penetration this month’ when the chart is at its peak?” You don’t like to scream at all but the migraine that is climbing up through the path of your neck mixes with your frustration and turns your sentence a little more high pitched than what you usually use. 
“Oh?” your teammate blinks at you being dumbfounded, “is that called penetration?” 
“Yes of course? What did you think? We are asking about your sex life in the reports?” you can’t help but mock the boy. 
Laughter echoes through your workspace but it quickly dies down when you glare at your teammates. They mumble apologies but you pretend not to hear any of it. 
“Sorry, seonbae. I will fix it right away.” he runs towards his cubicle. 
“You have five minutes.” you issue a warning. Taking your phone in your hands, you find a text sitting on your screen. 
Taetae: Any plans tonight?
Your chest heaves with the long breath that you inhale upon reading the text. See… Taehyung still wants to see you! It’s you he wants to see! And you went on an overdrive thinking he might ditch you now and start chasing Hani like the other men of the office. 
Your nails clink against your phone screen as you type your reply. 
You: nope. 
You don’t even get the chance of putting down your phone because his reply comes right away. 
Taetae: Then let's get a coffee after work. I will wait at the lounge. 
You: Sounds cool. 
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You don’t know what you feel about this one-on-one meeting situation. 
The previous CEO, Mr. Jeon Jae Gyeong, had meetings with all of the department heads at once and got done with it. 
But the younger Mr. Jeon has sent out emails to everyone stating very clearly that he would be changing the meeting format. 
So, now you are here. Waiting outside his massive office (that could fit your entire workspace and still leave space for a snack pantry), on the verge of an anxiety attack. 
The more you wait, the more restless you feel. Your heels start tapping against the floor creating a rapid sound. The CEO’s assistant, a beautiful guy with blonde hair and soft features, looks at you with an assuring smile - as if to tell you that ‘it’s okay. Don’t get your nerves worked up.’ 
you smile back at him feeling a tiny bit better. 
Just then the huge door of the CEO’s office slides open. The head of the finance team walks out and from the look on his face you can tell that his meeting didn’t go too well. 
Your throat dries at the assumption of what you might face when you go inside. 
You are not going to get fired, right? Right?!
Mr. Bae, the finance head, walks out in haste heightening your anxiety even more. 
Just then the assistant receives a call on his line and murmurs something. He looks at you and says, “you may go inside now.” 
Your legs almost give out. You start planning to go home and update your resume to look for opportunities.  
Taking a long breath, you push the door open. 
Your eyes fall on the prominent figure that is sitting on the large mahogany table. His eyes are focused on the ipad. Mouth shut tight, lips pursed, his downturned face is casted with a shadow, which prevents you from taking a good look at his face. 
What you see is the silver ring that glints on his eyebrow. And are those tattoos on his hand? 
Even if he heard you coming in he clearly didn’t plan on providing you with any of his attention. 
“May I come in, Mr. Jeon?” you curse at the way there is zero confidence in your voice. 
He then looks up at you and locks his eyes with yours. 
Holy shit! He is handsome! 
Your chest heaves with another long breath. 
You wait for him to call you inside but he just sits still staring at you with big doe eyes. His gaze is piercing, intimidating and makes you weak on your knees. 
His Adam's apple bobs as he gulps once before clearing his throat, “Miss Y/N. Please come in.” 
You take careful steps towards his desk praying that you don’t trip and embarrass yourself. He ushers his hand towards the chair, asking you to take a seat voicelessly. 
You do as he asks. 
“How are you doing, Miss Y/N?” Jeon Jungkook asks without diverting his piercing gaze from yours. 
He is looking at you so intently as if he has known you for a long time. 
You give him an easy smile, “I’m doing fine, Mr.Jeon. What about you?” you return his courtesy. 
“Doing great.” Jeon Jungkook gives you a very pretty, heart fluttering kind of smile. 
If your heart really flutters a little  - you are not going to dwell upon it. 
“So, let’s talk about work.” he hums as he dives into his laptop and probably opens the reports you have mailed him earlier. 
Taking a minute to check all the reports, he opens his mouth to speak, “pretty impressive. I have gone through the reports from previous months as well and as I am seeing this month's reports - you have been bringing great results. Online traffic is at an all-time high, ad-clicks have gone past the five million mark, there are an average of 20 real-time users and at least 5 of them are from the states. Great. I must say” he pauses to look at you, “I am very impressed.” The last part of his sentence comes out breezy, a little bit suggestive as if his words are not only about your work. 
Your stomach feels light. 
“Thank you sir.” that’s all you manage to reply. Absent-mindedly you take your lower-lip in between your teeth and nip on it. 
The action catches Jungkook’s eyes. 
“Are you nervous?” he places a very unexpected question, catching you off-guard. 
“Ah- yeah. I mean, It’s my very first encounter with you as the CEO, so I could not help being a bit anxious. Apologies if my actions have disappointed you in any way.” you straighten your back and speak confidently this time. 
He doesn’t seem rude at all. You allow yourself to feel at ease. 
“Don’t worry about that. I get you. But be assured I am not going to eat you up.” he giggles. His giggle makes you break into a smile as well. 
“That’s all for the day. Looking forward to working with you…” Jungkook extends his hand towards you. You wrap your smaller one around his palm and he mutters, “...closely.”  
When you look into his eyes, you see mischief. 
“Sure.” you reply, sucking in all the air you could. 
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By the time you come out of his room, your heart is thumping inside your ears. 
What the fuck was that? How is he so handsome? And what were those eyes he looked at you with? Why did he murmur ‘closely’ like that? 
No! You are overthinking again! You scold yourself. 
The assistant gives you another smile as you bow at him a little and walk away. You find Hani waiting to be called inside. 
When she sees you, she approaches you with a nervous grin, “how is the new CEO?” she whisper-yells. 
“Very nice and handsome.” you whisper back. She makes an “O” with her mouth before she gets called inside. 
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You check your lips once more in the mirror. 
Being too focused on perfecting your lip liner, you don’t see Hani coming inside the washroom. You only become attentive of her presence when she smacks your ass. 
“Ouch!” a painful groan leaves your lips, “don’t do this! People might think we are dating!” 
“I’d have totally dated you if I wasn’t straight.” Hani chuckles standing beside you, “what’s the occasion tho? Have a date or something?” 
“Nope. Gonna meet Taehyung for a quick coffee.” 
Hani’s eyes wide at that, “Taehyung? As in Kim Taehyung from the legal team?” 
“Ohh hooo” she sings “I didn’t know you guys have coffees with each other, huh?” 
“It’s not what you think, Hani.” you look at her, raising a brow. 
“Oh? Really? But I think he is a good guy. He even greeted me when we met during lunch and I’m sure he didn’t even know me before this morning.” 
Huh? Taehyung greeted Hani? That’s weird. Because he hardly ever smiles at people he doesn’t know properly. 
You don’t let your expression give away your thoughts when you murmur a little ‘yeah’ to your friend. 
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Teahyung looks like a painting - or better - a sculpture as he sits there facing the huge window of the lounge. 
He is devastatingly handsome. A smile creeps up to your lips without you realizing so. 
This time you walk confidently, marching towards him as if you own it all. The sound of your heels against the floor makes him face you and look up at you.
“Hey” he greets you as you sit down across from him. 
“Hi” you greet back, waving your hand to a waiter. 
“How was the day?” Taehyung asks, once you are done placing your order. 
“Nerve-wracking. I almost fainted before the one-on-one meeting.” you recall the incidents, then the man. 
Jeon Jungkook’s handsome face flashes before your eyes for a second. 
Taehyung chuckles at your answer, “I know. Jungkook can be really intimidating.” 
You pout, “oh? You’re talking as if you know him personally?” 
“Actually yes. We are not at all close and probably talked a few times but we share the same group of friends.” 
Your eyebrows shoot towards your hairline at the information, “Really? That’s great. It would have been easy for you to face him then.” 
“Oh god! Not at all! He had me pinned at my seat for the entire meeting. All serious expressions and no smile.” Taehyung grimaces at the memory. 
“He smiled at me though. Actually… giggled. He was super nice.” you start recalling the encounter again. 
“He must have really liked you.” Taehyung muses. 
Is he jealous? You ask yourself. Even though Teahyung sounds anything but envious. 
“By the way, Y/N. I asked you to meet today for a selfish reason.” he smiles sheepishly. 
“What is it?” you ask sipping your coffee that just arrived. 
“Are you close to Hani?” 
As soon as the words leave Taehyung's lips, your world stops moving. You know what is about to come and it breaks your heart but you are determined not to show it on your face. 
“Yeah. why?” you manage to voice upon gulping the lump that formed in your throat. 
All of a sudden Taehyung lunches forward grasping your hands with his big ones, “help me please. Set me up with her! Pleaaaaseeeee” his boxy smile is on full view. 
Once that smile warmed you up but right now you feel nothing but cold. 
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 9 months
Hi I'm back. How are you?
How about... A yandere that has had a bunch of lovers and either killed them because he got bored or broke their heart beyond repair? But them he meets the reader and something changes?
Idk it seems like a fun dea.
Yandere! Male! Player x gn! Barista! Reader
Uh ohz, here is the player 🙄 there's a little twist to the request, meowing! I hope you don't mind. (Another Greek mythos twist. Not as blatant as Hades though. Only a bit of the Greek mythos is grabbed, not all.)
I'll see to it how can we break this little man
ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)
AND, I AM GOING TO STOP TAKING NEW YANDERE REQUESTS! But, I am going to take asks about the existing yanderes now!
Yandere! Player name: Amor
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A resounding slap echoed throughout the bustling cafe, silencing the people talking to each other. The woman, tear stricken and angry, looked at the man in front of her.
"We're over!" She yelled before stomping away from the cafe, leaving the man behind.
The people started to gossip amongst each other, but one particular action by the man stunned them.
He just sat down, took out his phone, and called somebody.
"Hey, fancy meeting tonight? I just know of this nice cafe. Date, my treat."
Shameless, the people thought as he chuckled and ended the call with a lazy smirk, stirring his coffee and sipping it.
Amor. Extremely handsome man. Charming, always knew how to get the ladies.
That's what made him full of shit since being handsome is his only redeeming quality.
He's arrogant, a bastard, selfish, has a pride taller than the Eiffel tower, and a total player.
He juggles women left and right, flavor of the day, who's gonna be my girl for the morning, afternoon, and night?
Why do people flock to this man again?
Ah, because the Gods favor this bitch.
What did he do in his past life that women love this man?
Well, in his past life, he's a boring nerd.
His family loved him dearly, and wanted him to succeed in life.
So, attending academic camps, prestigious schools, goddamn Kumon? He got it all.
Awards, upon awards. He collects them like pokemon.
Did it make him interesting?
No. All he knew is academics, and no outside skill.
He's book smart, not street smart.
Poor guy wasn't even attractive. So, when he finished University in an Ivy League Uni, he's lost. He doesn't have charisma to charm employers, he doesn't have the confidence to do public work...
Well, that, and NASA already hired him.
What? He is not street smart and has a hard time finding a job himself, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have connections.
In short, he's a Nepo baby.
At least he's a genius so NASA made sure to use him thoroughly.
But, he felt... Bored.
He wanted more from this life of his.
He wanted a girlfriend for fuck's sake!
So, by some stupid and desperation he himself never thought of doing, he turned to the old gods.
The old Gods, surprised by a sudden influx of eager and desperation of faith from only one man, decided to entertain them.
Oh... That's not...
He's really superficial....
Did the Gods care though? Nah. He's really entertaining. Awakening old Gods just for... Women?
So they granted his wish.
When he died of old age (unfortunately for him.), He woke up to another wealthy and loving family. But this time, he's the son of a world renowned Kpop idol, and a Miss Universe.
"This is overkill." Amor thought to himself as his mother cradled her. "But damn, ain't I happy!"
Growing up, even as a kid, girls liked him. He felt like on the top of the world. He retained his memory, so he's practically a gifted child. No, perfect child even!
Except that he's actually a foul kid.
He became arrogant, a snob. Someone who viewed himself too highly for people.
But do his parents care?
They spoil the kid a lot. And turn a blind eye to his lack in manners.
Again, went to prestigious Universities, to Kumon, academic camps.
Everything was a breeze for him now.
He got a job as a model immediately. He decided to not go down the academic path, but use his parents' connections once more to climb up the showbiz ladder!
He's still a Nepo baby in this life.
Well, again, his handsomeness is almost too good to be true (work of the goddess of beauty), so his model career is skyrocketing in success.
And women.
Countless of them.
He cycles through them like toilet paper. Throwing them away once he's got his fill.
Yet, people don't care.
He somehow built a reputation off of being a player. When people say that "he broke somebody's heart again!"
"Eh, what did you expect from being in a relationship with Amor?" They would say with a shake of their head and a smile.
That's how much the Gods intervened with his life.
Once he sets his eyes on someone, he 100% would get them.
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"Tsk. Where can I go now..."
Amor paced around the street, turning heads left and right as this man sculpted by the gods had a worried look on his face.
The cafe he frequents closed down, now he needs a new place to take his women to dates to.
He's about to get his phone when a flyer hit him directly on his face. With an irritated glower, he grabbed the flyer.
"ow! What the f... Oh?"
He stopped, seeing the content.
"new cafe open?"
It looks like a generic cafe. But what was interesting was that the cafe is located in an indoor garden. Like a greenhouse.
"This is interesting. Women love flowers, don't they? And a garden of all places!" He laughs, making the gods stir from the sudden new cafe they got.
They all fuzzed, saying that this would be a good place. But, the goddess of Beauty stirred. Saying she got a bad feeling about this.
"relax, nothing will happen."
And when he got inside the cafe, he immediately got shocked by the barista, you.
Has there ever been an ethereal beauty like you? Someone... Someone who rivals even the goddess of beauty herself?!
The goddess stirred again, shackles raised. She never made you, so why are you this attractive?
Then, the goddess whispered on his ear.
It's to make you fall in love with a monster. Someone ugly, a beast... Anything to get your status down! Nobody can be as beautiful as her!
Envy filled the goddess as she gave Amor arrows to hit you with.
Now, assigned with the task of making you fall in love with what the goddess call a 'monster', he sets off to your house in the middle of the night. With the help of the other Gods, he became invisible and flew on to your balcony.
With a creak, your balcony doors opened. Making him shimmy inside through the small crack.
Yet, fate tempted him as the moonlight hit your form. In a vulnerable state, your androgynous beauty is amplified. Your long eyelashes, your skin... Your figure...
Truly, your beauty rivaled the goddess. No, you were more beautiful than her.
His throat dried, eyes glazed over.
Gods, are they tempting him?
It would be a waste for you to fall in love with an ugly guy.
His fingers twitched, trying to grab the arrow.
He seethed, doubling over as he clutched his finger. It got pricked by the arrow.
He somehow forgot a crucial information.
'whoever the first person the pricked sees if the arrows only pricked one, they will fall in love with the first person they sees.'
And, as his eyes irritably looked at you, overwhelming love filled inside him as he gasped in the sudden influx of emotions.
He kneeled down, eyes wide.
He's rigid. All he could see is your form. Lovely and so bright.
And hid eyes softened. A dull light in it as his lips twitched into a lovesick smile.
He was already attracted to you before, and now, pricked by the arrows, he's utterly obsessed with you.
With a twitch of his hand once more, he grabbed the arrow and stabbed himself fully to the thigh.
He doubled over, gasping, twitching for air as his heart pulsed through his ears. His eyes frantically finding your sleeping form before letting out a shaky moan from the satisfaction.
It was like a drug. Everytime he sees you, he gets overwhelmed with feelings of affection.
Is this what love is about?
And before he knows it, the arrows are all used up.
It was morbid, seeing this man stabbed with so many arrows.
But his face says otherwise. Like a drugged up man, overdosed on ecstacy, he was in a drooling trance from the addictive feeling of love for you.
The arrow is effective enough by one arrow, and now this?
Well, let's just say...
"I count, right?" He shakily asked the gods. "I'm a monster, somebody who breaks women's heart left and right."
He trembled, standing up.
He walked over to you, legs unsteady as he dropped to his knees once more and planted his lips on your own.
It tasted, you tasted so sweet, divine upon his lips.
He wants more, but he can't risk waking you up.
"Goodbye, my love. See you tomorrow." Amor whispered, grabbing your hand and dragging his nose on your skin and inhaling your scent. Exhaling shakily, he stood up and flew away.
Let's say, the goddess of Beauty was really angry at him.
But her condition, a 'monster', fits him. So, what can she do?
She gritted her teeth and looked at him with hatred, yet complacency.
You're so pretty, it hurts.
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"Welcome to the Psyche cafe! How may I help you-- oh hello, sir Amor! The usual?"
Amor slowly nodded, clearing his throat.
"yes. The usual."
It's been weeks since then. And he made sure to make himself a regular in the cafe. He stopped going on dates, and pulled a lot of strings to somehow burry the player accusations. He knows he can't really burry it all.
So he made (threatened) the women he dated to be positive about him.
He wants to fly on your radar, spot on the middle, so bad.
So, with the invisibility power he got from the Gods, he always followed you. Even up to your home.
At first, his heart pounded like crazy. What if he suddenly appeared? Will you be freaked out? Surprised? Will you run away--
No, you can't run away.
Like you can, anyways.
He knew of your favorite food, fashion sense, hell, your taste in men...
He slowly changed himself into the man of your dreams.
Like a persona he integrated into himself, this sudden change shocked the people. But, they welcomed this change.
"Is he in love, that's why he's changing?"
More than that.
He's making himself into the perfect boyfriend for you.
Now, all he needs is you!
"Here's your coffee, sir!" You greeted with a sweet smile that he swore he had to grab his soul from leaving his body. "Enjoy!"
He gently grabbed the coffee and as usual, gave you 200$.
"sir..." You grimaced.
"Please, just accept it." He smiles. "You've always been a pleasant person to talk to, y/n. So, just see it as a generous tip. That I frequently give."
You looked down at the bill and smiled. Warmness spreads through your chest.
"thank you s--"
You looked up, and froze from the look he's giving you.
Deep, crazed...
You shivered in fear.
Sensing your eyes on him, he coughed loudly, averting his eyes before returning to the man you knew.
Or did you actually know him?
You don't even know anymore.
But hey, he gives huge tips.
"Thanks again for the coffee." Amor smiles, trying to sweep what happened under the rug as he waved at you.
He went to his usual table. Somewhere secluded, yet has a clear view of you surrounded by flowers.
He observes you. Plans on what to do next.
He knew he can't just waltz in and whisk you away. That's barbaric.
But he's not opposed to the idea though...
He smirks.
He can probably pull tons of strings for you to end up in his arms.
He loves you, don't mistake that.
But, a little bit of... Force would be good.
He's an impatient man.
Also, did he mention that he's a selfish asshole?
How about, making your life so miserable. Getting you kicked out of this cafe, your family suddenly getting a huge debt...
Something he knows you can't pay immediately.
And his family would coincidentally sponsor you by giving you a condition of marrying him!
Anything to be with you, really.
Or, just steal another arrow and hit it with you. That's also plausible.
But, the goddess is pissed with him. So that's the last resort.
He sips his coffee and crosses his long legs.
He's favored by the Gods anyways.
His eyes narrowed slightly as you interacted too amicably with your coworker. An obvious blush on the coworker's face as he got too touchy with you.
No, everyone in the cafe is enamoured with you. Your beauty too good for this world.
He gripped the handle of his cup.
But first, let's get rid of potential rivals, yes?
You are only his.
What is there to fear? He has the resources in his hands to make you his.
You didn't know yet, but your fate is already sealed, tied, and shackled to him.
You don't really have a choice.
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