#i just have a lot of thoughts™️ about this
bluebellefox · 2 years
Sometimes I think about this fun little AU I have where Snape somehow ends up on the horcrux hunt with Harry, Hermione, and Ron for whatever bullshit plot reason. And the three of them are just like "Merlin he's an asshole, I can't believe we're gonna bully him into being our weird grumpy uncle figure" and then there's Snape being all disgruntled and trying to beat them off with a stick and the trio just doubling down harder out of spite.
Can you imagine Malfoy Manner with Snape being there, it would be a shitshow of epic proportions. Snape has really no idea that the three of them had grown on him like some kind of obnoxious fungus because he's absolutely terrible at handling his emotions right up until they're being threatened by torture to hand over the sword of Gryffindor and having that italicized "oh" moment right there. Which of course leads to him trying to goad Bellatrix and the rest of the Death Eaters into redirecting their attention on him because fuck those are kind of his kids now. And then the Golden Trio having their moment of realization with concrete proof that there's real emotions and feelings hiding underneath all that snark and snarling.
I just want them to get along.
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vampirepunks · 4 months
Since Kojima’s been saying that the Death Stranding film is going to tell a story that can only be told through the film medium, I really hope it’s a prequel to the game. There are a lot of background events represented through text and dialogue that wouldn’t translate well to a video game format on their own.
It’d be really cool to see the start of the Stranding, Victor and Igor’s backstory (as seen in the DS novelization), snippets from Sam’s childhood/early years with Bridges, the development and construction of the chiral network, and most of the events described in Higgs’ journals.
Coffin’s decision to leave her family behind, start a terrorist uprising by radicalizing the porters who unknowingly abetted human sacrifices by delivering BBs for the chiral network, and the decision to adopt Higgs as her protégé? That story alone would be worthy of a film.
#just thoughts#i would kill to see little baby Peter#and witness his Becoming™️ from that scared kid into the man we know and love#i know that ‘new world with a new sky’ moment would be POWERFUL#and what of his porter partner who died? what did that relationship look like? how close were they?#what of his relationship with Fragile after Coffin died? having a best friend who probably never saw his face?#not to mention his tragic rise to power and the secrecy that came with it. having to kill to maintain his DOOMS because people needed him#like he was handpicked as the inheritor of a rebellion against Bridges/the UCA and suddenly ended up with a LOT of responsibility when-#-Coffin died. and suddenly he was living a double life to care for and protect the people of the Western region#and those folks responded by calling him King Midas. naming him after a folk hero whose defining tragedy is being powerful but alone#everything he touched turn to gold but it’s so hard to form connections when you can’t shake hands#(sorry not sorry lol)#it’s such a complicated and nuanced backstory & so many people don’t even know about it because it’s in hard-to-reach texts & a side quest#idk I just think it’d make a really good movie. bonus points if it canonized him being a repatriate#it’d make a really good sci-fi political thriller/horror#i would vaporize in my seat if it cold opened with higgs saying 'once there was an explosion...' but now i'm just being self-indulgent#death stranding#death stranding movie#death stranding a24#higgs monaghan#logan.txt
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kuroosdarling · 9 months
hello friendz !! i am packing my bags and moving to @tetzoro !!! please come join me if ya want ^_^
back to navi.
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dahldahlbills · 4 months
I really need to get serious about personal projects again
#I think I said something like this last year too lol#currently in a weird headspace about it#the biggest reason why I lost focus on them was bc I prioritized engaging in fandom#(something that I never really did when I was focused on publishing a few years back)#so part of me feels like in order to make considerable progress on projects again I need to cut myself off from fandom#and I kinda have been weening myself off a bit from animanga but not really for that reason#it was mostly bc I was getting overwhelmed by how much I was consuming and I wanted to appreciate things fully#I don’t think I’d cut myself off from fandom completely either I’d still try to keep up with stuff#but the idea of not engaging in fandom anymore kinda.. scares me?#idk I feel like a major loser admitting this lol#it just feels like I’d lose a lot of connections with people#and would lose a lot of the love I have for stories if I’m not actively interacting with them :(#and then there’s also that stupid feeling of being a ‘fake fan’ because I’m not dedicating every single second of free time to fandom#which is dumb bc like I have a life and need to make money yknow I got things to do#im just Stressed bc I’m at such a critical stage career wise and im getting closer to 26 so hhhhh healthcare coverage will be up in the air#so I really can’t afford to dawdle#there’s just so much I wanna do and while I’m not necessarily racing to get it done I still want to take advantage of the time I have#but it also sucks feeling like I’m giving up a part of myself to progress on another part of myself#I don’t think any of this makes sense sorry I just needed to dump my thoughts bc I am Terrified™️#anyway personal projects! gotta get back to those !#blahblahbills#delete later
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avatardoggo · 6 months
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#sooooooooo BASICALLY i haven’t really been as active as normal bc of school and yk taking 5 courses is not for the weak but i am strong in#Jesus Name AMEN!! so this update might seem a bit random but ya we move. sooo this guy isn’t to be confused with pool table guy from october#that guy is cool and all but we only ever talk about anime and he leaves me on delivered a lot sooo on to the next ig but this guy that i#have developed Feels for issssss hmmm well call him Friendly Giant ™️ (FG) bc he’s like taalll (6’1 ish?) and dark skin and cute and all but#like he looks intimidating but then has the softest deepest voice and it’s all like aaaawwwwww#but basically he’s just this big sweet guy and at first i thought we were just friends and all but then yk you kinda can’t beat the Just#Friends allegations when you ft call a girlie up on CHRISTMAS bc she’s trying to figure out how she’s going to cross the boarder BY HERSELF#bc her siblings are of no help AND THEN when said girlie ft calls you the next day yall stay on the phone for 4(!!!) hours and THEN you offe#r to reach her how to drive and you brought her soup when she got her wisdom teeth surgery and when she bought something using your prime u#said she didn’t need to pay you back and when she insisted said FG GUY SAID AND I QUOTE “LET ME TAKE CARE OF YOU FOR ONCE 🤯#LIKEEEEE#all this while tho i was in fairytale land thinking about how he’s such a great friend and la dee daa bc i didn’t think i was his type and#all that but then i was praying last night and the i was like Holy Spirit do i like this man? and He was like yes and you’re trying to#rationalize your feelings but you like him and he likes you#so nooowwww i’m all like 🙂👍🏾🥳😳😳😳😳😳😳#YK?????????!!!!!!#but ya that’s the latest update 😚#i like a guy and he likes me 🥹😶😃👍🏾😳🤯#mutuals my beloved <3#vk overshares in the tags
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something something the way Rose and Lissa's bond is a physical manifestation of unhealthy co-dependency built after a shared trauma something something the way it was a "one-way bond" is representative of the give and take (or lack thereof) of their early relationship, leading up to Rose leaving Lissa behind in Shadow Kiss and the subsequent reclamation of the bond as somewhat "two-way" during the fight with Avery in Blood Promise that signals the new growth of their relationship into something healthier something something the bond (co-dependency) had to be broken in the end for either of them to successfully have their own lives while also maintaining their best friendship something something
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autisticidiot · 1 year
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elise-wing · 1 year
Thinking about the conflict that comes with being a spiderman who’s aware of the spiderverse. Like you’ve lost and lost and lost so much and to find all these others like you because it’s fate and destiny and written in an unavoidable way. Thinking about how if you’re one of those spiders and here’s this Miles Morales, fifteen years old, who’s about to lose someone of his own too. Thinking about the morality and the turmoil of being torn between knowing that it’s unavoidable and also not wanting this child, this kid, to feel the loss you did but at the same time also being resentful because why should he get that when you and so many others didn’t but at the same time hurting for this kid to find his happiness. He’s just a kid y’know? He shouldn’t need to choose between his family or the world
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oncominggstorm · 1 year
Y’all ever wish you could just take a vacation from thinking for a while?
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padfootastic · 2 years
Do you think fandom can be sexist towards female characters?
I see the Jegulus fandom wanting to write Lily completely out of the picture and wolfstar people generally hate Tonks.
oof. i have…a very rambly, very long answer to this bc i don’t think it’s a simple yes/no so i’ll put this under a cut for people to skip if they wanna, yeah?
so, straight off the bat, im not a fan of using pejorative labels for writers in general but particularly for fanfic authors. for one, we don’t know who’s writing behind the screen + what their motivations/inspirations/intentions are. two, everyone writes for a different reason. perhaps someone is venting, or projecting, or using it as a therapeutic release; often it’s lifted straight out of their own life. so i try not to judge the text in front of me based on stuff like that. (this leeway could also be because i used to read a lot of bashing fics where the majority of them are women, i think, and often with the flimsiest, most irrelevant reasons that are straight out of the Sexism Handbook of Traditional Patriarchy too so maybe i just started rationalising it for myself? idk)
second, i think it’s pretty well known that the majority of fandom is some combination of women/queer/neurodivergent/POC etc etc. so applying the lens of ‘critiquing mainstream media produced by cishet men’ doesn’t…really work here, i don’t think. the way we would analyse sexism in say, marvel or disney won’t (shouldn’t?) be the same as how we do it for fandom imo.
that being said, it’s still entirely possible for certain ‘problematic’ tropes/ideas to be prolific, right? this is where the sexism u mentioned comes in. i prefer to use symptomatic language here so saying ‘xyz has sexist/x-phobic elements’ instead of an absolute ‘the work/author is sexist/x-phobic’ because i don’t think the latter is either useful or accurate. when it comes to this, there’s one really important thing i look for here. is the author aware of what they’re writing? (which is a whole other issue tbh, complete w why i feel more comfortable around darkfic authors but let’s not go there rn lol) because a lot of the authors who write out lily or tonks in these ships do so knowingly bc it’s the only way for their plot to exist/evolve. sure, you can have an amicable resolution but will it provide the conflict u need? will it make for good entertainment? will it lead to 3D characters?
stories often need an antagonist and is it unfortunate that women often end up filling the role? sure. absolutely. i’d argue that one of the reasons we have so many mlm ships compared to wlw is because of mainstream media giving us better written men more often than not. and i think it’s totally fine to feel angry/frustrated/upset about that, especially when it carries over into fandom which is supposed to be a fun, inclusive, safe space. i get really frustrated at a lot of wolfstar discourse that entirely ignores the possibility of bisexuality. the vehement insistence that that a certain character can’t be with a woman bc they’re queer, for example, rubs me the wrong way and i think what you’re mentioning is something similar too. but, i always stop myself from assuming malicious intent on the author/fic’s part bc just because they write/believe something in fiction doesn’t make it true, ykno? and i can always step back and go look for something else that’s more to my liking.
and i think every creator would have something like this in their works tbh. i certainly do. i know for a fact that the way i’ve written lily in shovel talk and the patronus fic isn’t exactly favourable to her—even though i’ve tried to be neutral, she has definitely come out looking worse than the others and i admit that that’s on me. i wanted a certain dynamic & characterisation for james & sirius and this was the way to achieve it. people are allowed to dislike that. but they must also acknowledge that i’m allowed to write her that way.
i think, more often than not, we end up looking at this in simplistic binaries. ‘i like this -> good -> allowed to exist’ or ‘i don’t like this -> bad -> shouldn’t exist.’ i’m…not a fan of that. my opinion is we should advocate for more mindfulness within our writing but allowing writers to craft their stories the way they want (bc ultimately fic is supposed to simple and fun and not something you agonise over). and this is all interlinked, right? because the moment we say ‘ok. this might be portraying women in an icky manner, i don’t like it but the author can do that bc it’s a piece of fiction’ then u open the gates for more responsible reading & writing. authors would feel comfortable tagging their works with this, they can discuss it openly w/o being worried about reproach or ‘being cancelled’ and readers can make a more informed decision. but if you go in guns blazing with ‘ugh this fandom is so sexist, look at how it’s treating its women’ then you’ve pretty much killed all possibility for dialogue and improvement and that’s not helping anyone.
this kind of also ties in with my previous point about having differing standards for mainstream vs niche mediums of art. fanfiction authors are often, ironically enough, held to higher standards than published/paid creators which is interesting bc u can argue that their work doesn’t even have the kind of social impact that mainstream media does.
anyway. i’ve gone off on enough tangents here lol but i think i’ll end it with this: yes, women definitely come off worse in certain spaces, especially when they have to compete with mlm ships but i think that’s a conscious decision that authors take within the bounds of the material they have. as long as they are conscious of the fact/acknowledge it, i think likening it to sexism isn’t fair because u can’t have a story without plot devices, uncomfortable as they might be. if you see a pattern in someone’s stories of women being constantly shunted aside negatively, then i think u can take note of it and avoid it. maybe have a conversation with the author if they’re willing to talk about their creative choices. i feel like that’s the most u can do when it comes to online writing where u have no idea who’s on the other side of the screen.
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years
So I was reading a post about how bizarre it is that Obi-Wan in the Kenobi series clearly cannot kill Anakin, like no matter how bad things get, he can’t do it. Bizarre, the post says, because of how that sits at odds with his insistence to Luke that he must kill Vader, or else the Emperor has already won. And on the face of it, that seems like a fair argument, except…that dichotomy already existed in ROTS, the Kenobi series just exacerbated it 🤷‍♀️
Obi-Wan could’ve killed Anakin quickly in ROTS, but he delayed it for so long in that duel that ultimately Anakin’s “death” ended up being more painful than it should’ve been. Obi-Wan is kind of a hypocrite when it comes to Anakin, because his love for Anakin blurs with/morphs into attachment (they’re not the same thing, but when it gets to the point where someone you love dearly is committing atrocities and you still can’t straight-up kill them…love morphs into attachment) so much that he can’t fathom why Luke doesn’t want to kill Vader, because Luke doesn’t have that attachment and never did.
Luke didn’t know Vader or Anakin, he has no attachment to either of them really—Luke and Vader don’t really have a father-son relationship, because Vader’s actions meant that he wasn’t fit to raise his son, and Luke grew up with this idealized version of his father and has to reconcile that with the Sith Lord Vader. Obi-Wan has spent years rewiring his impression of Anakin, from “Anakin” to “Vader,” we see that beginning in the Kenobi series finale, it’s a long, nine-year process that gets him from “I’m sorry, Anakin, for all of it” to “you can’t win, Darth.” Luke reconciles the two as the same, Obi-Wan divorces them. And neither can understand the other’s perspective on that.
…all of this to say, the Kenobi series isn’t perfect (though I did enjoy it), and some of the critiques I’ve seen of it are valid, but this specific aspect is a strange critique imo. Obi-Wan’s reluctance to kill Anakin is nothing new—what this show does well, I think, is showing him start to let go. Recognizing that Anakin is truly dead, recognizing that his love for Anakin has morphed into attachment, recognizing that he has to let go in order to move forward. In a way, it further cements him as a Jedi—for ten years, he’s lingered in this hurt and grief and pain, but when he finally lets go and moves forward, he’s able to find light and laughter and love (in Leia, and then later in Luke).
That’s why he tells Luke to kill Vader. Not just for the dissolution of the Empire (though that is ofc his main motive), but because he knows the danger of loving someone so much that you think you can save them, refusing to kill them, and watching as they progressively get worse…and ultimately, Obi-Wan didn’t kill Vader/Anakin because he never could, but Luke could save himself this heartbreak.
Luke, of course, found another way. Part of this is because he was raised to be resourceful, and part of this was because he was raised with fierce love and practicality for 19 years. He had the kind of unconditional love for family, family names, etc (since Obi-Wan was raised communally, the statement “because he’s my father” doesn’t have the same meaning because the parental role in the Jedi Order is more spread out than for the general public).
He came to see Vader as Family, and he was stubborn, insistent, and yearning for Family, so he would stop at nothing to make that happen. Friends and Family for Luke are very much The Same Thing, and we see that so many times. Luke was going to save Vader and accept no other answer, and he had that choice because Vader wouldn’t hurt him severely after revealing he was his father. Vader isn’t furious with him like he is with Obi-Wan. So by the time Obi-Wan tried to save Vader…he failed, because Vader had moved firmly into hate. Luke was not only stubborn enough but also lucky/loved enough by Vader to have a chance to save him.
(Note that all mentions of love in this post are platonic, just to make that very clear.)
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malkaviian · 9 months
I can't stop imagining this character in situations so I'll share him now
#his name is beau and he was blade's high school boyfriend lel#he's a softie and had a crush on blade for a while bc he seemed Tough™️ and tried timidly to approach him a few times#so you can guess mr 'gets attached to people easily' also liked him rather quickly after they started talking#and honestly how nervous he was while with him and how he looked slightly intimidated even was like. instant crush#beau was like 15 and he was 16 when they started dating and actually they were like. 8 months together? which is a lot#they fucked a lot during that period 👍🏻 they were each other's first time and blade just couldn't stop fucking after that lel#also y'know. hormonal teenagers and all that#it was funny though. beau couldn't bring him to his house bc he was raised in christianity so he always went to blade's house#and apollo was all 👁👁 when his beloved brother was staying a lot of time on the guest room with his bf#i mean he knew they were most probably having sex. he just never wanted to ask and why would he.#they did fucked once on the school's bathroom though. hormonal teenagers again#their relationship was okay though. apollo thought he was decent for blade and beau wanted to be a good brother-in-law#he did felt. slightly wrong about the way apollo and blade interacted but he thought it was because he didn't had siblings#or so he thought! he has a half-brother called liam; who is younger for one year. they share their father#their father uh. cheated on beau's mother with liam's mother. and somehow he was able to hide it until beau was like 6#but his parents didn't got a divorce until he was 15 because they thought he was too young to deal with it yet#he meet liam when he was around 16 and they go along pretty okay!! even when. y'know the other circumstances#liam is another character i should introduce since i also imagine him in situations but this is about beau#anyways! beau broke up with blade because when his father accidentally discovered their relationship he got ENRAGED#and his mother; who is also religious but more lowkey; was like 'i would take my son being gay than being A FUCKING CHEATER'#and it was the thing that started their divorce 😭 so beau felt guilty and blamed himself. his solution was to broke up with him.#blade felt so sad 😞 beau also was tbf. to this day he still misses and thinks about him lmao#blade moved on though. but he wouldn't mind fucking him again for the old times or whatever#oc talk
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What I’ve learned from reading over multiple different drafts of this thing is that every different version of me has had very strong opinions on how the version of me from last year was wrong about characterizing Ro-Ro.
I’m the one who’s correct by the way <3
If you can’t read my terrible, squished in handwriting it says: No he’s not. He’s staring him down. He’s staring down a god because he’s been alone and hallucinating and starving for 4 years, and he needs to get some sort of last word so he doesn’t just die alone while the adults who did this mock him. He’s staring down a god because he’s saying, “I’m already in hell, I don’t fear you.”
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basementloser · 2 months
I would've loved an episode in which Danny and Dash switch bodies.
I imagine it happens because Dash is talking to Kwan about how cool Phantom is or something, and at some point he says "Man, I wish I was Danny Phantom!"
Of course Desiree hears this, she appears before him ("So you have wished it, so shall it be!"), and the next day Dash wakes up in Danny's body. Danny Fenton's body. In Danny's room.
At this point he's pretty familiar with Desiree, and he assumes she just heard him wrong, befause Fenton and Phantom do sound alike. ("Huh, how weird! How has no one noticed this before?" We hear Wes screaming in the distance as Dash makes this observation.)
But there is no way in hell that a puny little nerd like Fenton could be Dash's hero, so something must've gone wrong. He decides to find Desiree and correct his wish.
Meanwhile, Danny (to his horror) wakes up in Dash's body.
He assumes he overshadowed him for some reason, but when he tries to leave, he finds out he doesn't have his powers. He also doesn't feel Dash's presence in the body.
"I know i asked for a growth spurt, but not like this!"
This isn't good.
Dash makes his way downstairs, and is immediately greeted by Jack Fenton, who has a million chores for him.
"Come on, Danno! Those ghosts I fished out of the ghost zone with the Fenton Ghost Fisher™️ aren't gonna put themselves back!"
Before he can object he is pushed into the lab and has to fight a couple of ectopusses. This goes very badly at first, until Dash remembers the bit of ghost hunting training Danny gave him and his classmates, when they had to rescue their parents from that big pirate ship.
As soon as he's done, exhausted on the floor (Damn, Fenton really needs to work out more!), he hears Jack yelling down the stairs.
"Son, don't forget to change the ecto filtrator! You don't want Amity Park to blow up, do ya?"
More dangerous chores keep getting added for longer than Dash thought was humanly possible.
(At some point Jack gave him some fudge, which helped.)
How does Fenton live like this???
We switch back over to Danny, who is now looking around Dash's room. He already knew about the cute pink teddy bear collection, but he didn't expect to find what can only be described as a fan shrine to Phantom.
There are newspaper articles, pictures, merch ("Wait I have merch? How come i didn't know that? Who is selling Phantom merch?" it's Tucker), and a poster.
(the b-story of this episode is Sam & Tucker running a Phantom merch line, and trying to stop the Box Ghost from stealing all the boxes of merch.)
Danny keeps looking around Dash's room, and finding out more about him through his stuff.
At some point he finds Dash's diary. He contemplates if he should read it or not, but in the end he decides that since Dash is always such a jerk to him, he doesn't care about morals and reads it.
Reading the diary, Danny starts to feel kinda bad, because in the entries Dash actually seems human. He's insecure, and he actually struggles with a lot. He's afraid to talk about what he's going through.
His parents are very absent, and the A-listers kicked Valerie out when her life wasn't perfect anymore. He doesn't want that to happen to him.
(I personally headcanon Dash as an extremely closeted gay guy with a lot of internalised homophobia, who hasn't stopped trying to convince himself that he's straight, but his struggles could be about anything.)
After reading all that, Danny starts to feel kinda bad for him.
Over the course of the day ghosts keep showing up to fight or talk to Fenton, and Dash is incredibly confused by this. Also Danny must have a weird cold or something, because he's been exhaling cold air at random all day.
"I AM THE BOX GHO- Hey! Wait! Why are you running away? You never run away. You always trap me in your cylindrical contraption of doOoOoOm!" (The Box Ghost is wearing a Phantom t-shirt, and is holding a box full of other Phantom merch. After Dash runs away, Sam and Tucker appear, chasing the Box Ghost through the street, trying to get the merch back.)
Later Johnny 13 shows up to fight, because he and Kitty broke up for the 4th time this week, and he wants to let out some steam. "Shouldn't you change for our fight, kid?" Change into what? Wait he wanted to fight, right? Dash puts on his gym uniform, and boxing gloves. Johnny looks at him weird, but doesn't question it. They have a little boxing match in the backyard.
Youngblood came by to play astronauts with him, and was very disappointed that Danny didn't fly up to space with him. (Wait didn't that dead kid kidnap Dash's parents??! Also why in the hell does he think Fenton has the ability to fly?????!! And breathe(!) in space?!!!)
After finishing what seems like a billion ghost related chores (and dealing with way too many ghosts), Dash finally manages to get out of the Fenton house, and starts to look for Desiree.
Danny walks out of Dash's room, and runs into Dash's dad. He opens his mouth, but he doesn't seem to care about what he's going to say. "Son I am so incredibly disappointed in you." the dad starts, then continues to list all the reasons he is a huge disappointment who should try harder. "Those weird little bears in your closet!" and "Why don't you have a girlfriend yet?"
The whole interaction is horrible, and makes Danny appreciate his own parents (weird as they may be) so much.
Dash's mom also berates him about being a disappointment, because they found his Phantom collection ("He is a GHOST, Dash! He's dangerous!"), and because his grades are so low. ("What do you mean tutor? Just study harder!")
They threaten to take Pookie away if he doesn't get his shit together.
At some point Danny has deduced that this body situation must be some ghost bullshit, and he decides to go to Fentonworks.
Then he runs into Dash in his body, and they have a little spiderman moment
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After the internal shock and "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY BODY GET OUT!"s have gone around, Dash tells Danny what happened.
Danny informs Dash that most of Desiree's wishes become permanent after 24 hours. They decide to team up to get Desiree to undo this wish before that happens.
It's noted that Dash didn't say the word "puny" or any other insult, when he says "I really don't wanna stay in your body.".
We see a compilation of Danny and Dash searching Amity Park for Desiree, and other wishes she has granted. They fight off a couple of small ghost things together.
(during this compilation we see Sam and Tucker chasing the Box Ghost around. "How is he this hard to catch?? We've done this millions of times already!!!" -"Well maybe if you didn't drop the fucking thermos!")
After the fight, Dash sighs and says "Man, I had no idea how difficult your life is, Fenton. I've only been living it a day and it sucks."
they have a little heart to heart, and Dash sincerely apologises for bullying Danny so much.
"why did you want to be Phantom anyway? I assume his life isn't that easy either." Danny says.
"I dunno, man. I just thought it would be cool to be, y'know, going ghost."
White rings appear around Dash. He turns into Phantom.
they have another moment like this:
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Because of course, this is the moment that Desiree appears, and starts fighting them.
"I dont know how!!!"
The beginning of the fight is very awkward, with Dash not knowing how Danny's powers work, and Danny not being used to fighting Desiree without his powers.
Eventually they get the hang of it, with Danny telling Dash how to activate and use certain powers in the moment, and they defeat Desiree.
All the wishes get undone, and they suck her up into a thermos.
After that, they talk about Danny being Phantom. Danny tells Dash the story of how he died got his powers, and Dash shares some of his secrets with Danny so they're "even". (it's some stuff that wasn't in Dash's diary. Danny doesn't mention that he read that, but that can be conflict in a later episode)
They aren't friends yet, but it's a start. Now that he walked a mile in Danny's shoes, Dash feels so bad about bullying him all those years, and he starts to question his life choices. (start of a Dash redemption arc i guess). He promises to stop bullying in general, and help out Danny however he can. (He also promises to not tell anyone about Danny's secret identity.)
(The episode ends with Sam and Tucker, having finally caught the Box Ghost, only to realise that in the chase/fight all the merch got way too messed up to sell, so it was all for nothing. Tucker throws the thermos down in frustration, the Box Ghost gets free, grabs the Phantom shirt he wore earlier, yells "BEWARE!" and flies off. Sam sighs and gets ready to start chasing him again, but Tucker stops her. "I give up. Let him have the fucking shirt.")
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lundenloves · 1 year
bro ik simon buys his daughter some silly ass shit on missions😭 like he will buy her a mug ( a mug, FOR A BABY. ) titled: "worlds best daughter and dad duo" .. wont even let the reader hold their kid as long as hes some n shit.. just pls dad!simon hcs PLS
you ask and you shall receive anon. here are the current thoughts swooshing around in my messy brain right now. 🪄
dad!simon masterlist | hc 2
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my god definitely tho.
He’s the definition of girldad. To a T. Like, when she’s younger and he’s still new to the whole thing it’s all scary but once he’s past that and realises it’s literally just a tiny person. It’s over for everyone around him.
That little girl is worth crushing skulls for fr.
Waking up in the middle of the night to baby cries was something he took in stride. The first few times definitely scared the shit out of him and he wanted to wake you up. But then again, realising that it was just a tiny person. He would get up and probably fall asleep on the sofa with her instead of taking her back to the cot.
Not that he would admit it but he felt way more relaxed with her sleeping on his chest.
When she gets older, she starts asking questions about him and his job and all the ‘why’ follow ups. We’re talking ages 7-9 here.
“Why wear skull stuff if you’re called Ghost?”
“It’s a callsign.”
“What’s a callsign?”
“A nickname.”
Literally his mini-me though. She follows him everywhere. All around the house, upstairs downstairs, outside inside. EVERYWHERE. He never grows tired of it though. Always entertaining the questions.
“Do you have a name?”
“Yes. I have a name.”
Then telling her it and she goes onto call him Simon for three days straight before moving onto another source of entertainment.
She draws pictures of 141. Penning a little version of herself in the middle of the men, a big arrow pointing to each of them labelled by their names spelt wrong. Sop. Pris.
Soap draws pictures back stfu.
Definitely the type of relationship with his daughter where they’re close until she becomes interested in boys and her dad is suddenly embarrassing lmaoooo.
Johnny is actually the embarrassing uncle.
Her first boyfriend my days.
I know by this point, he has another daughter. No one can convince me otherwise. He has a minimum of two.
“She’s gonna see her boyfriend.” The younger one would sing and Simon is right onto that shit. Dad stance n’ all.
“What age is he?” First question.
His kids don’t actually know what he works as. It’s like, no one knows exactly what their dad does. SAS shit or smth.
For forms, he just waves a hand of dismissal and is like, “Just say i’m in the army.”
“Are you in the army?”
“No.” this mf
Having two daughters definitely be teaching him a lot. Like periods. He never took them seriously until he was being barked at for the seventeenth time in one day, deciding in that moment to understand.
Also the designated bag holder and credit card user on shopping trips.
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this is short but i’m writing a huge smut for him rn don’t tell anyone. you. yes, you.
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icarryitin · 1 month
spencer reid/gn!reader
i realised i’ve done a lot of introspective narratives about Feelings™️ but not a whole lot of interaction so pls have some as a treat ilu🧡
series masterlist
word count: 1.9k // warnings: there is so much pining in here it could be a forest
summary: Late nights in strange towns lead to the most unexpected conversations and confessions.
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You can’t sleep.
Sheep have been counted over, and over, and over again and still, it evades you. For a day where you’d been looking forward to nothing more than collapsing into bed at the end of it; you’re not best pleased. It’s a rough case as it is, you don’t want to be sleep deprived on top of everything else. But it just isn’t happening.
You count seventy three individual little swirly panels on the ceiling before you decide to get up. A walk might go a fair way to unravel your nerves enough to get a couple of hours, at least you hope it will.
With your jacket thrown over your old college hoodie, you don’t bother changing your sweatpants for jeans, and just slip your feet into your boots. Garcia would be outraged at the clashing colours. The look won’t win any best dressed awards, but at this time of night you’re more concerned with clipping your holster in place. You’re not taking any chances. Especially not with the victimology of this case - although you do have the advantage of knowing the Unsub is out there somewhere. It’s still not an overly comforting thought. But you’re out of options, it’s this or counting the rest of the ceiling panels and, frankly, you’re sure you’ll go blind if you have to stare at plaster swirls for much longer. So you tuck your phone and room key into your coat pockets, and leave the dingy little room behind for a while.
The hotel is, thankfully, almost completely dead, save for the night manager dozing at the front desk. Faded carpet plush under your feet, you’re quiet as you descend the stairs to the lobby and its dimmed lights. The world is dark outside the front doors and you hesitate. Is it really the best idea? To walk around in a city that’s home to a serial killer whose victims bear a striking resemblance to yourself? No, no it’s not. Especially not at, you tug your phone out of your pocket to check the time - jesus, two o’clock in the morning.
“Hey, you.”
It would honestly be wrong to say you’re not expecting his voice - if you were to guess which of the team would still be up and about at this time of night, you’d pick Spencer. It’s a no-brainer.
“Hey, me. Couldn’t sleep either?” Your smile is more strained than you mean for it to be when you turn it to him in response, he must have just come back, snuck in unnoticed while you were glaring at the time on your phone. He’s similarly dressed, coat huddled around mismatched pyjamas, another victim of case-induced insomnia then. His eyes are tired, they are more often than not these days. Yours aren’t all that better.
There’s a comfortable moment of silence where you just exist together, in the hushed quiet of the hotel lobby. Breathing in the calm of the night. It almost makes up for the chaos you know awaits the team in the morning.
“Is it nice out?” You ask, toeing the carpet with your scuffed boot.
“You’re not going for a walk, are you?”
“I’m armed, genius, and I’m twice as scary as anything out there.”
Spencer just huffs your name through an exasperated sigh and looks at you as you waltz past him with your hands in your pockets, turning at the waist to watch you go.
“So come with me.” There’s the vaguest hint of a teasing smile on your lips as you walk backwards towards to the front doors. He’s still not moved when you spin on your heel to push them open and walk off into the night - but you could live a hundred lives and still know the footsteps that follow you down the concrete steps anywhere.
He’s not exactly intimidating, but having him by your side in the small hours makes you feel safer than the weight of the gun at your hip ever could. You try not to think too hard about what that means.
“How many ceiling panels are in your room?” Your breath puffs out in a cloud, words winding around each other in the chill of the just about morning.
“A hundred and nine, if you count the ones that are cut in half.”
“Damn, I gave up at seventy three.”
“I’m not sure how much I believe that, I’ve never seen you give up on anything.” Spencer kicks a pebble into the road at the same moment your feet stop working.
To think he’s paid enough attention to you to notice a thing like that. Maybe you should expect it, especially being part of the team that studies human behaviour, but it still takes you by surprise. The idea that he could, would want to, notice things about you. It’s borderline dangerous. Stubbornness isn’t cute - you’ve been accused of being like a dog with a bone when it comes to your theories more than once. But the way he says it so casually yet so reverently, like it’s something to be proud of, like it’s something he admires. You just about manage to get your legs to cooperate before he can realise you’ve fallen a step behind.
He offers his elbow to you, an uncharacteristic first move, and you almost don’t know what to make of it. Spencer doesn’t initiate contact, ever. Or at least, you’ve never known him to unless it’s to check your tac-vest, and yet here he is. Hands in his pockets, sticking his arm out for you to take. You’re sliding your own arm through his before you even really realise it. Well, it would be rude not to wouldn’t it? When he’s offered so kindly?
In the name of safety, presumably. When there’s a killer on the loose and you just so happen to fit the victimology. Keeping you close is a precaution. You steer the conversation towards the case, if neither of you are resting then you might as well be trying to unravel the latest psycho’s motivations. Another precaution, although a little selfish this time around, to save your heart from falling even further for the man beside you.
“Statistically, people who are attractive are targeted more often that those who aren’t. This Unsub isn’t exactly going against the grain, he’s picking pretty victims.” He rattles off the thought as though it doesn’t threaten to stop your heart in your chest.
It was Spencer who’d pointed out the striking similarities between you and the victims in the first place.
“Doctor Reid, do you think I’m pretty?” Your scandalised gasp matches the hands you press against your chest in faux-shock. And, for once in his life, he doesn’t seem to have any words. He just stands there beside you, gulping like a fish. You like him too much to leave him squirming any longer than he already has.
“I, uh-“ He scrambles for a response.
“Because you’d be right, I am pretty.”
The answering chuckle you get is enough to encourage you to link your arm back through his.
“What you’re saying is,” You press on, shaking off the moment, giving him the time to recover, “There’s no shock factor. Single bullet to the head, dumped unceremoniously with the trash. There’s nothing that says ‘hey look at me’ about this guy.”
Spencer hums in agreement, suddenly very interested in his shoes as they traipse along the drizzle dampened pavement beside yours, and the conversation lulls. But you don’t mind. It’s never an uncomfortable silence with him, it never has been. You’re both more than content to just exist in the same space together - his is a calming presence, for all his nervous energy. There’s never any expectation to be anyone but yourself when you’re around him, no judgement, no pressure.
You’re more than happy to trundle along beside him between the streetlights, dodging puddles, the weight of your linked arms nestled comfortably between you. Except, you’re a profiler. So, for all his valiant efforts to keep your suspicions to a minimum, they’re just not quite effective enough. One glance at his face confirms that he’s thinking far too hard about something. You let your shoulder knock into his, your elbow in his side jolting him out of his thoughts.
“You’re doing it again.” It almost feels blasphemous to disturb the peace that’s settled over you.
Spencer releases his lip from between his teeth.
“There’s something we’re missing.”
“We’ll find it. With fresh eyes in the morning, I bet it smacks us right in the face.”
He doesn’t look like he believes you, and you’d have to agree with him there, but the furrow of his brow relaxes at your gentle reassurance. That’s enough for the moment.
A car door slams up the street and makes you both jump. For all the security the gun at your hip awards you, you’re still a little on edge. It’s just you, Spencer, and the door-slammer on the street - though the stranger seems to be so absorbed in his own world that he barely registers the pair of you. While you’re both fairly confident that the man walking towards you isn’t the Unsub, Spencer tugs you closer into his side by your linked arms all the same. He makes sure he’s solid where he stands between you and the passing stranger, even though you both know he wouldn’t stand a chance in that fight with his lanky frame. There isn’t a bit of you that minds the protection. Something catches in your chest, blooming, warming you from the inside out. It’s dangerous.
You’re not sure when you looped back onto yourselves, but the shadow of the hotel looms and suddenly there’s plush carpet under your feet again. Part of you is glad that your chances to embarrass yourself tonight are numbered. He’d be kind enough not to point it out if you did, though.
The elevator is too close to the front doors, there aren’t enough storeys to pass to get to the floor commandeered by the team, and your rooms are the first in the hallway. Doors opposite each other, the irony of the parallel isn’t lost on you. But it’s so rare that you get to spend time with him without any external pressures of a case or the prying eyes of more than a few colleagues. It feels a little unfair that the time has gone so quickly - an hour, your phone confirms when the screen lights up as you fish around in your pocket for your room key. There’s that pang in your chest again, the one that makes you feel like an impatient child. You know you can’t have him the way you want, you know why you can’t, you know it would probably end in heartbreak for everyone. But god, do you want him. It’d be worth every painful second.
Spencer’s voice across the hall stops your hand, room card outstretched halfway to the scanner in your fingers.
“For the record, I do.”
He’s chewing his lip again.
“You do what?”
You know what he means. He knows you know what he means. But neither of you will admit to it out loud. So it just hangs there, in the air between you, as you stand in front of your respective hotel room doors for a moment longer. And then he’s in his room, and you’re swiping your own keycard through the slot, and you’re shut away again. No less wired than you were when you left - but it’s hard to find it in yourself to worry about the sleep you definitely won’t be getting tonight, there’s no doubt about that.
Because Spencer Reid thinks you’re pretty.
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if you’re reading this then thank you i love you i owe you my life i can’t wait to put these guys in more situations 🧡🧡🧡
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