#i just kinda wish they died and suffered a lot before they could get to that part
loveydovey-leviathan · 11 months
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harryxmarvel · 5 months
Shatter my soul
Summary : Harry has been suffering from an addiction and y/n decides to take time for herself or based on this ask
Pairing: rockstarboyfried!Harry x reader!y/n
Warnings: Angst
A/n: this piece turned so much better than I hoped for.
My masterlist
When they decided to take time for themselves harry and y/n were in a rough spot with not only their 11 years long relationship but their entire life.
After being falsely accused and getting fired from her dream job, gave up any and all hope y/n had as she came home to her love only to find him passed out in the middle of the living room.
His cocaine addiction was getting out of hand so much that he almost died of overdose saved by y/n who decided to come home early for some reason.He swore to never touch that stuff again but there he was high off his mind as he mumbles incoherently lying on the floor a week later.
The next day after getting him sober y/n decided it was best for them to take a break to figure out themselves and their life as she can't stand by him hurting himself like that. Harry had his issues, stress eating him alive at every wake hour ,he decides it was better if he wasn't in his own mind. The cocaine he could easily get his hands on was just a massive perk for him.
It had been a month and half. Y/n got a job at a restaurant and works as a bartender at night. She moved back to her old appartment after their break up and had been doing well on her own. She missed harry a lot even though their good days were well past months she still loved him, still wanted to help him and show him that she was there for him no matter what. She just wished he was doing better too. After their first week of breakup harry had called her high as he mumbled how much he missed her and promised to be better she just hopes he kept his promise.
It was a month later when y/n was at her favourite arcade bar with her friends. The place was a little loud with drunk men drinking beers and shouting at the screens.
They were seated in a booth after a good round of beers and  fun. She was mindlessly talking with her friend klara when the bartender calls her name.
Y/n walks to the bar and the bartender points to the payphone at the corner of the room.
They still got payphones
Y/n thinks to herself as she brings the phone to her ears. The first thing she hears is a sob which sends her into alert. "Hello?" She questions and the person on the other line replies "Baby, it's me.." he sobs out making y/n quiet as he continues "I'm getting sober. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do but I'd do anything for you baby. Just want you back, want to love on you like you deserve" he says breathing hard as y/n finds her words.
"I'm so happy to hear that H. That's what I wanted for you." Y/n says a smile breaking on her face as she tries to calm him down but he doesn't he keeps crying which makes y/n a little scared because it would've been really hard for him to be doing this alone.
Y/n should've struck by him, isn't that what their relationship should have meant. She feels incredibly guilty for walking away when things got worse but she did it wishing for the best and maybe it kinda did work out in the end and now all she wanted was to be with him and show him how much she appreciates him doing this for her.
"I'm gonna be there okay? I'm so proud of you baby" y/n says ready to hang up the phone but harry breaths out before she could "No, no i....you can't....I want you to but" y/n cuts him off in worry "what's going on H?"
"I wrote you a letter"he says and the other end is quiet as he continues.
"I wrote it so I could get everything out. I think?" He sounded so unsure his voice raspier than usual. " It should be in your apartment" he adds and y/n says she would read it and come by his place before hanging up the phone.
She bids goodbye to her friends after explaining them about the situation and then waving her off with a concerned look on their face as y/n walks back to her apartment. She goes through all her mail and finds the one harry had sent. Her name and address on the envelope.
She opens it and it had two sheets folded inside it. She didn't know what to expect as she reads through it.
My love,
             Today has been particularly hard without you by my side. My manager has been pressing me for the next album but how could I think about anything but you. It had been 8 weeks since I last heard your voice and I never knew how much it filled my life untill I couldn't hear it anymore and I think maybe that's what made me want to give up the drugs even if it feels like I'm drowning. I'd do it for you.
I still remember the tears in your eyes when you told me about you ex and how mad it made me. I wanted to bury him alive for hurting you like that. I never wanted to infect any kind of pain in you. I swore I never would when I saw the lack of trust in your eyes.
It killed me to see the smile on your face slowly fading away because of me. I wanted to hold you close and tell you I'd be back. We'll get all of the good times we had together back because that was what you deserved. But I couldn't save myself not for me but for you because you are everything i have left. The only person who stood by me through it all and maybe that's what made me realise I was nothing without when you left.
I was always honest with you even when I was out of my mind i tried to explain what I was feeling. I know you blamed yourself that you couldn't help me but this was my own battle and you were the warrior in the front ready to kill anyone even though you didn't have to. You were always there for me and I'm really sorry if I wasn't baby. Because
 You deserve better than that.
You deserve someone who would be there for you.
You deserve someone who would stay true to their promises.
You deserve someone who would stay good for you.
You deserve better than me.
You deserve every happiness in this world.
She is at the end of the page her soul shattered with each word when a knock on the door pulls her out. She has a few tears falling down her cheeks. She wips them off before opening the door to find her close friend klara.
"Hey , what ar-" y/n is cut off as klara bursts "I need to tell you something"
"Oh okay, come on in" y/n opens the door wider to let her in but klara shakes her head as she continues "No, I just need to tell you this....i" she's breathless and y/n patiently waits for her to continue.
"I slept with harry" she says after a few deafening seconds which stretches to minutes after the words are out.
"It was stupid and I was drunk and it just happened. We were both out of our minds and we didn't know what was happening. I'm really sorry y/n. I didn't mean for it to happen. I'm sorry"
Y/n is still as she listens to her ramble. All of y/n's friends hated harry something about him not treating her right while he was the total opposite.  She never knew why that was but to hear her bestfriend had slept with her boyfriend of years cut deep into her poor heart and the stabs just kept coming.
"It happened a few months ago and I couldn't stop myself from going back. I didn't mean for it to happen y/n you have to believe me" klara begs her eyes welled up with tears.
Y/n couldn't stop herself from thinking how much of a fool she was for thinking all those nail marks on his shoulder, love bites on his jaw and chest were from her when she knew it wasn't. The woman's perfumes he used to smell like made her realise it wasn't just Klara. And one thought kept haunting her mind as she stands on her doorway.
Had she really been that delusional ?
A/n: I think I just broke my own heart 😭. Who wants a part 2?
Read part 2 here
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howlsofbloodhounds · 5 days
Howl I'm thinking about Nightmare's gang being a cult again.
Just how fucked up is it that Killer had to go through that twice? First with the Something New Player rewiring how his brain works entirely, while Chara meticulously breaks down his boundaries and reworking his identity until only they could decide who he is. Only for Nightmare to do exactly the same once Killer finally killed them.
And not only that, but now he has to watch as the same exact thing happens to others. And Stage 2 can push for apathy as much as they want to try and protect them from that crushing realization, but eventually it's gonna hit. Eventually Killer's brain is gonna let its thoughts wander in that direction because boredom is always gonna be the greatest threat for it. And then Killer will wish he'd never done that, because this whole time he's kinda been complicit in their indoctrination.
But, then again, by then he doesn't really know another way to live. He knows that once he broke free of Chara's very similar conditioning, but he doesn't have a concrete idea of what could come next. He doesn't know what life outside a cultish structure looks like and that makes the prospect of ever leaving terrifying.
I think Color coming in and showing him that there is a possible future out there for him is the saving grace he needed all along. And also the push he'll need to get the others out too. Because he's definitely not gonna let them leave for as long as he doesn't see an exit. Whether they hate him or not for it.
It is extremely fucked up. And that’s why I’ll keep saying that Something New is a psychological horror until someone eventually starts writing a fic about it. /lh
And the realization that hits is still very likely going to be tinged with that deep seated apathy that chara reinforced. I can’t see killer breaking out of his belief that he’s emotionless, that emotions are signs of being weak and that attachments are threats to his autonomy and independence, for many many years, with a lot of set backs, and I can’t see it happening when he’s under nightmare.
I don’t really think killer has broken free from chara’s conditioning—despite how much he’d like to claim he is free now that they’re dead. Because they cant be dead when their voice still rings in his mind, and their eyes still watch him everywhere he goes. A constant lurking shadow.
Chara never died, killer never escaped. they just became more elusive.
I think there’s still a lot going on in killer mind he doesn’t realize is conditioning, such as his belief in his emotionlessness. His kill or be killed, controlled or be controlled mentality. Even the reason why he turned on chara was still within the confines of what they taught him—the most determined decides fate, the strongest controls the weakest, and he had no need for them anymore. and so he will make them suffer.
with nightmare, i do think he wont even realize or care what’s happening to the others—because its just how things work. not until color comes along, showing him that things don’t have to be like that. before that, i can see killer helping only in ways that would benefit or amuse him, or whenever nightmare tells him to help someone—because he doesn’t think theyd ever willingly help him if it came down to it.
but if he realized somehow before color comes along—because he definitely wouldn’t take into consideration anything horror, murder, or cross have to say about it because they are apart of the weak/the controlled and they’re just struggling to realize that. it is inevitable, and it’s pointless to try and change it. or at least that’s his justification for avoiding any responsibility.
but i can see any attempts to “help” them being tainted by his worldview and what he’s been taught; such as teaching them how and when to avoid upsetting nightmare, teaching them the rules of the place, trying to teach them when to go to limp and stop resisting, how to learn how to enjoy the pain of themselves or of others. best ways to torture others, and how to “go away inside” if they truly can’t handle it.
and he definitely wouldn’t let them leave unless nightmare says so, which is unlikely. In his mind this place in castle can be learned and then eventually become predictable, they’d struggle outside of the castle because of who they are and what they do. that’s really the only kindness he knows how to give.
..i can definitely see spiting the Chara in his head for being a huge motivation for certain more “merciful” or “kinder” things. just to prove to himself they don’t have control over him anymore, and to spite them even beyond the grave.
{ @stellocchia }
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angelkissiies · 2 years
takes two to toxic
ellie williams x reader
cw/tw : fighting, cursing, hurt no comfort, aggression, manipulation, cunnilingus, toxic relationship, sex obvi, mentions of violence, mean!ellie. like a lot more but i cannot remember.
wc : 2.5k
proof read : yes | hell no
a/n : i have no idea how this reads and i cannot bring myself to re-read it - so enjoy! also this is only one of the dark!ellie fics i have planned!! also this kinds sucks.
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Seattle had been taxing, putting a strain not only on your bodies but also your relationship. It had been two weeks since Ellie had even slept in the same bed as you, causing you to suffer alone in your sleeping bag. You knew it had been a long couple of months for her, so you tried not to hold it against her- but you couldn’t control the feelings when they bubbled over and bubble over they had been. She’d found a fun hobby of being insanely reckless and picking fights with you when you criticized her. It drove you insane, leading your mouth to react before you could control it. 
“Ellie, that was so fucking stupid!” You huffed, slamming the theater doors closed before shoving the chair back into place. She’d decided to sneak off whilst you were sleeping, ending up catching an arrow in the shoulder- thankfully she wasn’t dead, but as she rolled her eyes at you, you kinda wished she’d gotten a little more damage done. “What were you even thinking?”
It wasn’t usual for her to storm off and ignore you until you ultimately cooled down over the situation, but something made her halt as you shouted. Yes, it was stupid- but she couldn’t find it in herself to care how stupid or dangerous her moves were. It was progress, one way or the other. Ellie prided herself, usually, on keeping a cool head. On being able to handle situations without popping a blood vessel, but as she looked at you a glowering rage entered her body. Even if you didn’t realize it, you were a walking reminder of the reason she had to do this. “I did it for us, babe.” She spat, her usually delightful green eyes becoming murky in the dark light of the theater. “Thank me and get over it.”
You scoffed, pulling your pack off and letting it fall to the floor with an obnoxious thump. “Thank you? You really expect me to sit here and thank you for going out there alone and almost fucking dying?” The gall of the woman before you genuinely made your stomach churn, how could she be so blind to the recklessness of her actions? And how could she possibly think you’d be cool with it? “What did you even get out of this? Did you find anything new? Did you find her?” You knew the answer, seeing as when you found her she was taking her anger out on some poor long-dead infected. 
Ellie brought her tongue up to skim her gums as an angry smile came to rest on her lips, “At least I’m doing something. Hm? You couldn’t possibly understand that since you’ve been the one bitching the entire time about being tired.” She saw you wince at her words, bringing her to take a step back from you. As much as she didn’t want to be doing this, she couldn’t stop herself as words kept flowing, poisoning the air between you two. “You begged to come with me, so don’t fucking complain about what I do.”
“Y’know, you’re just like her.” You whispered, pushing past her to find some dark corner to tuck yourself into. She was so mean, too mean. You often thought back to Joel, how he’d feel about the person his little girl had become, surely he’d be appalled. YOu knew you were, as you often tried to force yourself to forget the Ellie that’d died back in Jackson. The Ellie you’d fallen in love with. The Ellie who’d never have spoken to you like this. 
Her hand wrapped around your wrist, jerking you back towards her as you attempted to pull away. Her grip was like steel, her slender fingers digging into your skin roughly. “Who.” She asked, internally knowing the answer. She knew exactly what you meant at that moment, and the restraint she’d been holding inside completely disappeared as she pulled you back to stand in front of her. 
You’d had enough, no longer fearing the consequences as you peered up at her- her impossibly overwhelming aura seeping into you as your face morphed into something staining in hatred. “Abby. Who else? you two fucking deserve each other.” You sneered, feeling her nails begin to pierce your skin as her grip began to tremble from how hard she was squeezing. “Fucking let go!” Your free hand came up to push against her chest, trying to free yourself from her death grip. 
Ellie’s entire body felt hot, having urges she’d never experienced as she felt your hands fighting against her but failing as she overpowered you. She couldn’t understand why the feelings she had about you now were so violent, so brutal. They used to be so gentle, so innocent. It didn’t change the fact that her mind was spinning now, seeking a way to convey her feelings. A way to show you how she felt without hurting you any more than she already had, though part of her wasn’t opposed to the idea. 
Her hands moved faster than you could comprehend, one coming up to weave into your hair whilst the other wrapped around your neck. It was dizzying, how unpredictable she was. She jerked your head back, dipping down to connect your lips in a clash of teeth and flesh as you battled against her- not understanding why. She was persistent, not letting you wriggle free as she stole the air from your lungs. 
You hate her? You didn’t even know, still feeling the sting of her words as you cowered before her. The grip on your throat made your head fuzzy as she finally allowed you a second to breathe before backing you onto the decades-old couch in the middle of the room. You didn’t know why your fight against her had slowed, letting her win as you blindly followed her wherever it was she wanted. Maybe it was the love you still held for her or maybe it was something in your stomach that had fluttered when she’d put her hands on you. 
“Don’t make this harder than it has to be, okay?” Her voice was rough, filled with an edge of desperation as she realized that this entire time the hatred she held for you wasn’t because of Joel or Abby. It was because she’d been letting her want for you turn into disdain with every moment she distanced herself from you. Every second she barred herself from sharing with you, every lonely night in her sleeping bag, every joke she stopped herself from telling you. She’d been the reason for all of this, her own happiness being smothered by her need for revenge. On Abby and herself. “I know you want this too.” 
“I-,” Did you want this? She’d been making your life a living hell since you left Jackson. She’d said some really horrible things to you, even going as far as to threaten you when it got too heated- yet you could deny the yearning you had to be important to her again. You couldn’t think of anything you wanted as much as being hers again, and it was evident now as you felt a heat begin to pool between your legs as she hovered above you on the couch. “I want this.”
She didn’t hesitate for a second, the pit in her stomach begging to be filled as she shoved her hands under your shirt- practically ripping it from you before discarding it out of sight. She felt like an animal, nursing a hunger she could only fill with you as she attached her mouth to your nipple, dragging her tongue against the bud before taking it between her teeth. She didn’t understand the need she had, something inside of her still wanted to hurt you. To make you cry, whilst the other just needed you to look at her with- those eyes. As she looked up at you, mouth attacking your poor bud, she saw them. Your eyes were filled with a familiar haze, one she’d last seen in Jackson when she’d chased you through the woods outside the walls- hunting you down. 
You whined, arching your back to be closer to her as she sucked a dark mark onto the skin of your breast- almost drawing blood with how hard she was biting. “Fuck, Els, want you.” You breathed, hands coming up to wind in her auburn hair. 
She was quick with her movements, hands dipping down to the button of your cargo pants as she pressed chaste kisses to the skin of your stomach, dragging her teeth across sensitive spots as she got closer to your waist. Her fingers broke the waistband, pulling your pants and underwear down as she did so- discarding them haphazardly. You attempted to close your legs, only to be stopped almost instantly by her arm coming up to hold your left leg down to the couch roughly.
“Keep your legs open,” Ellie grunted, dipping down between your thighs to lick a stripe up your pathetically wet cunt. She practically moaned at the taste, fingers digging into your thighs as she used her tongue to separate your folds- finding your sensitive numb all puffy, and swollen begging to be touched. She didn’t hesitate to circle her tongue around the orb, flicking it roughly with every pass she did. 
“Oh my god, Ellie!” Your stomach tensed, cunt releasing an embarrassing amount of arousal as she played with you. The sensation was almost enough to make you cum on the spot, having spent so long without any kind of sexual stimulation- you were more than a bit frustrated. You knew how easy it would be for her to fuck you and go back to how it was, and at this point, you weren't sure you cared. You’d take the hits if it meant keeping her for yourself. “Fuck.”
Her mouth dipped down to lap up some of the slick that had begun pooling around your slit, gently coaxing her tongue past your swollen lips and inside of you in one swift movement, She moved her hand up to rest on your stomach, thumb reaching down to deliver rough stimulation to your clit as she dipped her tongue in and out of your tight cunt. The barely audible noises escaping her mouth vibrated against you, making you press her face further into your heat. 
You practically screamed at the added pleasure, bucking your hips as you ground into her mouth- wet noises echoing through the desolate theater and more than likely out into the street via the broken windows. You couldn’t care, the dizzying pleasure beginning to wind in your stomach like a rubber band- aching to snap as she pushed you further and further into a place you could only describe as heaven. You cursed her, internally, for having such a way with her tongue that made you put a backseat to all the shit you’d been through with her. If there was one thing you knew she excelled at, it was manipulation. “M’gonna cum, Els.” You whimpered, her abuse of your clit making you attempt to pull away. 
Her tongue came up to replace her thumb on your clit, pulling the nub in between her lips as she sucked on it harshly- eliciting a sharp gasp to leave your mouth. She didn’t need you to tell her you were close, as the fluttering of your cunt around her tongue had already keyed her on. “Tell me you hate me, tell me that you belong to me.” She groaned against your clit, savoring every inch of you as she peered up to take you in. 
You’d thrown your head back, just barely hovering over the dusty couch cushions, with your mouth agape as you let out messy moans of her name. Her words hit a sweet spot, prompting you to give her a sweet whine in response. “Fuckin.. Fucking hate you, Els. So fucking much.” It was mostly a lie, though the words felt good as they slipped off of your tongue and into the thick tension that surrounded the two of you. You didn’t want to mean it but as you recalled all of her abuse in your haze of pleasure, you’d found a wave of anger rising despite everything. 
You didn't want to say it, not wanting to give her the pleasure of owning you again- when you’d already given her everything you’d had. It bubbled at your lips, on the tip of your tongue as you panted. “No.”
Ellie halted, her dark eyes meeting yours as she stopped completely, mouth coated in arousal as she glowered at you. “What was that?” The untamed aggression she’d been pushing down arose again, this time doubling as she tilted her head at you. You were hers. Bottom line. What were you saying? She’d been processing all of this and doing all of this for you. You weren’t leaving, were you? No, that couldn’t be it. There had to be another explanation. Right?
Your eyes grew wide as you tried to push yourself back, away from her but she kept you locked firmly in place. You wanted to be upset about your ruined orgasm but couldn’t as you cowered under her gaze. She was terrifying, like a completely different person from moments ago. You didn��t think she could become more intimidating, more ferocious in her pursuit but you were wrong. “E-Ellie... I-,” You began, voice unsteady as you felt her hand move down to her pocket. 
“You’re mine. You’re not anyone else's. Hear me?” She growled, letting her hand caress the soft perfect slate of skin that covered your thigh. She was an artist, this was art. You were art, or at least you would be. 
You whimpered, eyes clouding with anticipation as you felt goosebumps arise at her touch. You were terrified, of course, but embarrassingly enough it didn’t stop your cunt from becoming even more soaked as she spoke. You should definitely not be finding anything about this pleasurable, hell, you should've turned around and headed back to Jackson by now but something about her kept drawing you in. It was unhealthy. Toxic. Addictive. “M’yours?” You said, speaking it as more a question than a statement- making Ellie grow frustrated. 
Ellie drew her hand from her pocket, switchblade flicking open as she scoffed lightly. “You are so dumb,” She began, letting the blade skim the sensitive skin. “But, god, you’re so pretty.” She was as if whiplash was personified, sending you for a loop every time you thought you understood what was happening. “M’gonna make sure everyone knows you belong to me.”
You furrowed your brows, nodding along with her mindlessly. God, what was wrong with you. Every piece of self-respect and resolve to defend yourself had been whittled away into a need to be with her. You’d tried to fight. You’d tried to leave. You’d done everything you could to put yourself first and you’d failed completely. Every effort had been in vain as you felt the cool metal press into your thigh. “Are you gonna hurt me, Els?” You whispered, watching her bite back a smirk that rose to her lips with the sound of your feeble voice. 
“Yeah, I am, baby.”
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writerfae · 5 months
Rant at me about Sera!
How old was she when she got married btw, because my guess is 18-19? By my math, when Trevor was born, she was probably 20?
Also, funny story (welcome to half asleep Knights of the Alder theories!):
Me: Wakes up at 3am the other day
Me: No, brain, Trevor's tough time is not going to be Sera axe murdering her husband, go back to sleep
Also, Talon looking like Trevor when he was little😭😭❤️❤️ i caaaaan't
So here’s finally a Sera rant!
I love her so much honestly. Like, she had it kinda tough and still tries to get the best out of it, still tries to make those she loves comfortable.
Much like Talon, even if not to the same degree she has been standing in the shadow of their dead brother. Especially since she was the first child after Thorin died.
Cyrus had wished for a son. Which by no means meant he didn’t love Sera, but he was also a bit… disappointed? Idk how exactly to put it.
She was four when Talon was born and immediately stripped off of the title as heir of the house. Not that four year old Sera cared much about being heir. And later on too she never wanted that title, but she felt kinda guilty that Talon had to play that part because of her.
And she loves her little brother so much. From the day he was born she was absolutely enchanted by him and she wanted to do everything she could to be a good sister to him. And she was!
She played with him a lot and taught him things and shielded him from their father’s expectations a bit (as good as a child could). Little Talon was formed so much by his sister and he really loved her.
They had that little deal that they would become guards together, because it’s been a dream and a passion for both of them. Sera was very good at sword fighting too. That’s why her father let her start guard training in the first place, she had talent and passion.
But Talon wasn’t the only one with expectations on him in the family. Sera had her daughterly duties she was expected to fulfill too. She was basically raised to one day be a good wife, a bride that you could give away to a good family.
Then one day there were words that in the neighbor court a high lord had died and that his son, the new high lord, was in search of a wife. So her father promoted that he’d be a good candidate for an engagement with Sera.
It was honestly a bad timing. Sera was in the midst of guard training. But ever the dutiful daughter and knowing that he was a good party, she agreed with it even when her mother was against the idea.
Sera met the guy and liked him pretty much. He was charming and good looking and not as much of a prick as other high lords and heirs she knew.
She married him at eighteen, before she could complete her guard training. She quit it because of her marriage and pretty much gave up her (and Talon’s) dream. Which is the reason Talon refused to talk with her, he felt left alone and betrayed and was mad she moved and broke her promise.
Sera suffered a lot from her brother’s treatment. She tried fighting for Talon as best as she could, not wanting to lose him. When Trevor was born it got better luckily.
Her marriage started out pretty good. Later it went a bit downhill, though. It’s not like he treated her badly, it’s just that he and his family again had lots of expectations that she had to fit into and it made her a bit uncomfortable. They didn’t let her continue guard training for example.
And her husband, though nice to her, grew more and more distant. After she birthed him an heir, it seemed like he spent less and less time with her. He flirted with other girls too. Sera felt rather lonely.
Trevor was her only light in this situation. She poured all the love she had to offer into him and he loved her in return. Sera is very protective of him, trying to prevent him being groomed into an heir like her brother as best as she can, even though it gets harder to do so.
People think Trevor is too soft. Sera defends him with all she got. She wants the best for him and the more time she spends in her husband’s house the more she starts to doubt that it is good for Trevor to get raised there.
Anyway, Sera is so strong and kind and a good sister and daughter and mother and she’s a real fighter. I have more Sera thoughts but I can’t put them in words so that’s all for now 😭
And no, Sera won’t axe murder her husband, but the idea is interesting (it might seem a bit tempting too, at times. For Talon especially) 😂
The similarities Talon and his nephew have are so sweet honestly 😭 Trevor reminds Sera of her brother a lot
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rainnotliam · 2 years
Is it possible to make a yandare arven but kinda fluffy? Sometimes I wish the main character/reader can accept the yandare-ness (especially arven cause he been through a lot) idk so fluffy yandare arven please? 🥺
Yandere Arven, but fluff fic? Challenge accepted my friend!
Reader x Arven, of course . Slight possessive behavior, but much fluff and cuddles too!
You scrolled through your Rotom phone, absolutely tired from today. As nice as it was to have Battle Studies, the amount of training one had to go through to satisfy Dendra was energy draining. The only thing that made it really worth it was the amount of Experience Points that could level up any team easily.
Luckily, this period was language. Mr. Salvatore had mercy on class (no pun intended) and let a little of free time before class. So you decided it would be best to see what kinds of battle items would help your team in the Ace tournament.
“Leftovers would be good… but perhaps the Lucky Egg could level my team up faster?”
You questioned your decisions, torn between power or levels.
“Or maybe-”
Suddenly, there is a rush of footsteps, before your vision is covered. You drop your Rotom phone in surprise, the device landing with a loud CLACK! on your desk.
“Who is it?”
An energetic tone emitted from the question. You chuckle to yourself, before putting your own hands over the large warm ones.
“Hmm… I don’t know? Who’s very good at cooking, the soon-to-be famous chef?” You smile.
“I wonder?” The voice had a hint of amusement too.
“Arven, eres bien canijo!”
A giggle escaped your upperclassman’s mouth, as he uncovered his hands from your eyes. Arven bent down to hug you from your sitting position, burying his face into your neck.
“We’re best buds, of course you know who I am!”
“Why wouldn’t I? Arven, your voice is so soft just like that caring soul. Plus, those hands are rough from all that adventuring,” you tease lightly.
There was definitely a smile going on, because you could feel his lips curving upwards.
“I shouldn’t expect any less, that’s coming from a Champion,” Arven said. He looked up from his position, now resting his chin on your shoulder. “Que estás viendo?”
“Battle items. The Ace tournament is a lot harder, Nemona’s been training hard.”
Arven hummed, one of his hands traveling up to your hair. He ruffled it slightly, fingers gently caressing the strands.
“She’s not empujando te to do something, is she?” He asked.
Your stomach felt like jittery jello hearing those few words. Nemona had asked you to train with her but…
“No, of course not! She may be eager and happy someone is her rival, but it doesn’t mean she goes to those lengths! It’s nothing to worry about,” you manage to muster.
Arven pondered about the answer for a minute or two, before taking himself off you.
“Well, class is starting. Gotta go to my seat, see you later bud!”
He waves at you with a happy aura painting him. You smile to yourself: Arven reminded you of a joyful puppy.
A puppy that hadn’t seen light in a decade or so, ever since Turo died. Ever since Mabosstiff got injured.
You didn’t mind the way he held you especially close. After all, he had suffered through so much, the least you could do was stay by his side… right?
Well, that joy only lasted for so long. You froze as you heard the seat right beside you creak, someone sitting in it. They placed their items near yours, giving you a slightly warm smile.
Your eyes went wide, before frantically shaking your head, hoping they would take the hint. Thankfully for your classmate, Mr. Salvatore walked in.
You tuned out the usual greeting from him, responding with a slightly grim “Oui.”
Class seemed to take ages, replaced by the shakiness of your body. Even though Pikachu was here as well, the Pokémon’s usual cheerful “Pika!” exclamations.
Hopefully this person would ignore you and take the hint you didn’t want anything to do with them. That you wanted them to get away as soon as possible, never approach you once again. The thought of what would happen…
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
That can’t happen.
Before you knew it, the bell rang. Mr. Salvatore audibly gaped at the bell, before shaking his head. He muttered a few things, before baring them a slightly cheerful “Adieu!”
You quickly tried to gather your items, fear settling into your stomach. The least that could happen was a minor injury but even so…
“Y/N! Hey, you got any plans?”
Arceus. This couldn’t have gone any better could it?
“Um, I guess not?” Your breath was shaky, but you managed to pull the simple response together.
“Wanna train with me and my group? We really admire you, and would like-”
A flinch was forced from your natural instinct, as a hand planted firmly across your shoulder. You could feel a menacing aura behind you, and inhaled deeply.
“Sorry. They have plans with me already.”
Arven’s usual gentle voice, forced a deeper tone. You couldn’t see his eyes, yet knew they were already forming to slits. The usual calm gleam was storming in his eyes.
“Y/N, is that true?”
You knew better by now than to deny any lies, because they were going to be true.
“Well yeah, me and Arven planned on going out for a while, going for ice cream.”
“Ooo! Can I go with you?”
“Absolutely not,” Arven piped up.
You and your classmate look at Arven in wide eyes. He had never spoken up in conversations, other than holding a protective hand over you.
“What’s it to you?”
“It’s a date. And by the way, we’re not including you for a threesome,” Arven rolled his eyes.
“Then how come I’ve never seen you with them? Prove it right here and right now,” your classmate insisted.
“What do I need to prove? You don’t believe me?” Arven asked.
“Prove that you’re dating. No way PokeNews would not announce something like that, mentiroso.”
Confusion filled your mind. How was your upperclassman going to prove that? It wasn’t easy to convince someone that you’re dating the Champion, currently No.1 in the region-
“So what? You really don’t believe me? I’m not lying, te estoy diciendo la verdad, en Arceus.”
Why did it seem like Arven was toying around with their classmate?
“On Arceus? Pshhh, por favor.”
You looked up, only to see a slightly smiling Arven, who turned his gaze at you. You felt a hand suddenly grab your chin, firmly holding it, before tipping it slightly upwards.
He slightly moved forward a few inches.
“Allow me, to ‘prove’ this then?”
“You’re joking, there’s no way!”
You felt your face heat up within each movement, his face closing in on yours.
Wait, was he-?
There was an audible gasp from your classmate, and the rest of the class, who watched intensely. The Champion… with the Professor’s son?
Warm lips pressed against your cold ones, the heat transferring with ease. You faintly heard Arven murmur something, but couldn’t decipher what it was at that moment. His left hand was still on your shoulder, right one gently caressing your hair from earlier in class.
Something within you coiled tightly with embarrassment, as his tongue -wet and hot - pushed through your sweet lips, and right into your mouth.
There was no doubt a brilliant red blush was spreading from the bridge of your nose to the tip of your ears.
Arven’s tongue with no doubt was dominant enough, as you weren’t quite experienced enough with kissing. His saliva dripped from the files of tastebuds, the maneuver made with so much care. Arven clearly needed more of you to savor, yet gently explored your mouth for flavor.
As for his taste?
God, you couldn’t get enough from the spicy remnants of the Tomato berries he usually cooks with. You could remember seeing him, sitting on his bed, watching with wide eyes as he bit straight into one, juice slightly spilling to the sides of his mouth.
(“It‘s about the way you handle an extreme flavor,” Arven said.
“Handling in it that way?” You asked skeptically. “No way, a death sentence for me.”
Your upperclassman grinned at you. “Wanna try it out? I’m pretty good at least giving love to some.”
You ponder for a moment, before embarrassment fills your stomach. The realization hit you like a bat to a ball, stupidly.
“Don’t even! I would never give that a try!”)
You denied ever wanting to kiss him just for handling a flavor…
Yet here you are.
Absolutely a hypocrite wanting more, wanting to know where that hand sliding down your back was going, wanting to give the same treatment to Arven. After all, he hasn’t been loved in so long…
Arven broke the kiss off, looking into the direction where the exclamation was made me.
And boy was it embarrassing, as you turned too.
“I know we sometimes want to show affection to others,” Mr. Salvatore looked very flushed at the sight of the scene, “-but please… keep it calm for the sake of your classmates eyes.”
You were sure your face was now ruby red by now, if not, caused by the heat of the kiss too.
Arven didn’t seem too bashed by this, but his cheeks were flustered pink too. “Yes, Mr. Salvatore,” he said.
“Now… I can safely say, the school day is over. Take a break my students…” Salvatore trailed off. He beckoned for you and Arven to leave immediately, obviously trying very hard not to say anything else. It was the first time he hadn’t used his various languages.
You bowed your head, face feeling as though it were on fire. Arven had just…
Just casually kissed you on the mouth? What was his logic in needing to prove something? Couldn’t you both have just pulled out a photo taken together?
Arven’s grip was still firmly in place on your shoulder. He looked back at their shocked classmates, and waved with a flashy smile.
“Is that all you needed Hirano? Not much to ask for, as Y/N is my partner after all.”
All Hirano could do was look at you with a dumb expression, mouth opening and closing like a Magikarp.
“But they didn’t-? How are you both dating?”
Arven frowned at this, reaching for your hand, grabbing it. He pulls you right against him, before leading you out of class.
Your mind can’t help but process a dozen explanations why Arven kissed you. It definitely wasn’t accidental: he was very intimate in the way he handled it. He couldn’t really be in love with you…
“Llamando me un mentiroso… cabrones van a pagar después.”
Arven murmured phrases like these as you both went up the staircase. Definitivamente no estuvo bien feliz.
“They have the nerve to even talk to me like that, even after all that I’ve been through with their shit!”
“Arven?” You asked a little more loudly.
“Not to mention, treating you like some sort of prize… they don’t see your real beauty and personality!”
You recoiled at the response, as though he had hit you. Arven NEVER snapped at you, even when he was absolutely livid at someone.
He looked at you for a few moments, before realizing what he had just done.
“Y/N, I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s fine…” you murmured.
“It’s not fine.”
It was a moment before you realized you were in front of Arven’s dorm.
“Why are we here?” You interrupted the numerous mutters of apologizes.
“Que? Supongo que yo quise…”
The blush from earlier was turning a Tomato berry shade. Arven fidgeted with his backpack strap, before sighing.
“He made me jealous, alright? You’re just my little buddy Y/N, and you know I don’t like it when people get so close to you…”
“-Because you’re afraid to lose me to someone else?”
He blinked. “How did you guess? Como adivinaste?”
You decided not to point out the bunch of obvious points. Arven was adorable trying to communicate his feelings, yet delaying a confession about it because of his actions.
Not to mention, his obsession.
“Penny told me that too, since the jerks who bullied her told her she wasn’t worth it for my friendship.”
Arven didn’t say anything: he had a strange faraway look on his face. You look at him with curiosity, wondering what he was thinking.
“Well, that’s not the point here.”
“Then what is? You told me you brung me here for a reason, que es?”
Your upperclassman inhaled deeply, exhaling softly. He turned away, looking at the floor.
“I want… to cuddle.”
What in Arceus!?
Arven wanted to cuddle? Did you hear correctly?
“Cuddle? As in, a sort of thing you’d do with Mabosstiff?” you asked.
There was a soft sigh. Arven didn’t wait for a reply, merely opening the door to his dorm. He beckoned for you to get inside, and you stepped in.
Of course this dorm was familiar. You had been here many times, swayed by the delicious aroma of cooking, awed by how much yellow there was, inquisitive about all the items Arven had. Especially that raincoat he had. If it weren’t obvious enough from the weather, Arven loved going out and playing in the rain with Mabosstiff.
There was a soft click! as the door closed. You took off your small backpack and set it down near the coat hanger, along with your shoes. Arven did the same, only picking up your bag to actually hang it. It was a small gesture, but certainly a kind one.
He took off his puffy jacket as well (on the coat hanger it went), only to throw his tie across the room with mere care.
“A lot hasn’t changed.”
“Except Poké Beans I got for a deal while there was an auction.”
You went over to Arven’s bed, only slightly turning a corner the wall had, containing the entrance for the bathroom.
“Even the bedsheets are the same.”
“I’m surprised que te lo memorizaste,” Arven lightly teased.
You flopped onto the bed, mainly stretching your legs, and keeping your arms tucked into your chest. After all, it was slightly cold in Arven’s dorm. He probably had the best air conditioning room in the academy.
“No Burmy talk here.”
Footsteps approached the bed, and you close your eyes as Arven’s hand runs through your hair. Arceus did it feel satisfying after a hard day at school… and all the worries that had filled your brain.
You had never mentioned Arven’s obsession with you. At first, you assumed it was because you became Champion. After all, who doesn’t like a little fame from their companion?
But you had noticed the intimate actions he took. For example, hugs completely out of nowhere, possessive behavior that drove you insane, and even a protective hand over your shoulder when someone suggested you go with them.
Without your upperclassman.
Still, he had sometimes pushed himself away for no reason, but then came back begging for attention.
What did he really want? Not to mention, merely minutes ago, he had just asked to cuddle?
Arven hummed, implying to go on. The way he ruffled your hair so gently… you shook your head, trying not to sleep.
“Why what?”
“Why’re you being so… close? First, you kiss me to prove a point. A worthless one. Then, you tell me… you want to cuddle…”
Your face flushed at the last phrase, and you covered your face with your hands.
Silence stretched throughout the room, as the only thing you could hear was the light buzzing sound of the air conditioning. Arven stopped ruffling your hair, hand completely motionless.
“You wouldn’t understand.”
“How come?” You quipped.
Almost immediately, you wished you didn’t say those words. Arven’s hand started shaking, before it pulled away.
“I said, you wouldn’t understand Y/N. You’re so naive,” he whispered.
You lifted yourself up, looking at him. Arven was looking directly at you, his mouth trembling.
“Arven, please-”
“You don’t understand!” He suddenly yelled.
“What don’t I understand!?” You said with frustration.
“Anything about me! You don’t understand shit about me! Nor do you really care about my feelings! I know you don’t but you really pretend you do, and I hate it so much! I hate it that you don’t love me the way you do!”
You stared in disbelief at this declaration of the outburst. None of that was true! Nada fue la verdad!
“Arven, por favor!”
“I love you so much goddammit, you’re so willing to be able to care for me, so willing to hear about my problems, the light to my dark when I was lost!”
“And I know you know that I have these feelings for you! I just wish you would tell me, I’m so sick of having to show how much I care for you back! I know what’s best for you!”
“ARVEN, LISTEN TO ME!” You finally raised your voice.
He paused for a moment, his breathing hitched.
“What you’re saying isn’t true at all! I love you too, you make me feel like I’m such an important person to someone!“
You looked down at the yellow sheets, hand picking at them. Why… why do you feel like this?
Aren’t you supposed to be feeling happy and giddy telling Arven you love him? Aren’t you supposed to be over the moon knowing he’d go to any lengths for you? Then why do you have this unsettling feeling deep down?
Is this the same fear that took you over…
After that one day where he bashed Hirano’s friends skull repeatedly against the wall, until he fainted? All because of planting his hand on your shoulder?
“Do you really mean it?”
How could you?
You couldn’t reject his now said out loud declaration of love. That would be such a cruel thing to do. Arven never had love because of his family- only some for Mabosstiff, because it was his partner Pokémon.
“I-I do…!”
“Me too. I love you, I love you so much.”
“About your cuddles?” You were keen to change the love tone-
The only response you received was Arven finally swinging up his legs onto the bed, snuggling up to you. One arm wrapped around your waist, the other freely going up to caress your hair once more. He curled one leg over yours, making sure to tighten his grip.
“You’re so perfect,” he muttered.
You said nothing. Your hand reached to touch his (the one on your waist), intertwining fingers slightly.
“You deserve all the love.”
Arven nuzzled his head into your neck, his curly hair lightly tickling your ear. His hot breath spread over your body, warming you right up.
At that moment, all you could really do was go to sleep with him, drifting off with the warmth of his body right next to yours.
In the morning however, you wouldn’t be so lucky. Arven didn’t like to wake up early, and you had to stay in the cuddling position for at least two more hours.
If you ever moved, he was yank you right back into the embrace. Arven would murmur phrases in Spanish, telling you how much he wanted to do this.
How could you refuse?
Arven ached for love after all these years.
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thegamingcatmom · 2 months
Choose violence 12 and 23
Hi there!
12. The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them.
Irina Denali
A lot of people resent her because of her behavior and actions throughout the movies. Which...I kinda get it:
she´s part of the reason the Denalis did not aid the Cullens in fighting off Victoria and her army in Eclipse (Tanya´s to blame for that as well imo - she´s the leader and, as such, should´ve been the voice of reason)
in BD Part 1, she still refused to believe Laurent tried to kill Bella (basically called Edward a liar) and I fully believe she´d have offed one of the wolves (probs Seth) after the wedding, had Tanya allowed it
then you got all of BD Part 2...I mean, I think we all know (always always always get your facts right first)
I think a lot of people don´t make an effort to actually understand such complex characters. It´s easier to go by what you can see rather than digging deeper and wondering about the Why:
I don´t believe Laurent and her were "meant to be", but Irina probably did. (Hence why she wouldn´t believe a word Edward said.) After centuries of searching, she´d finally found her mate. The one thing she´d always hoped and longed for. (I HC her as someone who´s dreamed of marriage since she was a little girl. Just like Rosalie.) The one thing all vampires hope and long for, I reckon.
...Only to have that ripped away from her in a matter of...days? Weeks? Months? (Not sure how long Laurent´s been with the Denalis before he returned to Forks to finish the job.) It broke her. I´d even go so far as to argue she felt a pain similar to when her mother died. Not as severe, but powerful enough to leave a gaping hole in her chest. I think Laurent´s death changed her, made her bitter, and I really wish we´d have gotten to see the Irina before Laurent. She was probs a whole different person.
Besides: Yall can´t tell me any of the Cullens would´ve reacted any differently if their mate had been slaughtered by the wolves. A vampire will always be out for blood and revenge after that.
The (not quite) immortal child
Well, what to say here? It was a misunderstanding, a big one. One that could´ve been prevented by Irina herself, if only she´d have taken the time to think before acting.
...But rational thinking can be difficult when your past comes back to haunt you. She saw the child, and got triggered. She didn´t even think about thinking, she was simply not able to. The death of her mother was a traumatic experience for her, and seeing Renesmée probs felt like living through that trauma all over again. She looked disgusted when she saw her and Bella because she has suffered the consequences of such a selfish act (turning a child) before. How could the Cullens, people she considered family, commit such a heinous crime when they knew what it cost them (the sisters)?
I think, above all else, Irina felt utterly betrayed.
With that said, Irina wasn´t a "bad" person. She´s simply been dealt very shitty cards, and while all of that is no excuse for some of the things she´s done, it makes her, for a lack of a better word, human.
23. Ship you´ve unwillingly come around to.
...Don´t hit me pls (looking at you @ynhara):
Irina Denali x reader
Look...I gotta confess something:
I´ve never been fond of Irina, probs because of the very reasons I´ve stated above. I just never really got attached to her, yknow? Sometimes, there´s people you just don´t click with, right?
...Until you start looking deeper into their story. So, basically, ever since I started writing about the Denalis, some of my views just...changed. In order to come up with these HCs and silly little posts and whatnot, I had to deal with her and her story. How else was I supposed to come up with stuff? So, the more I wrote, the more I understood (e.g.: see above). And with understanding came fondness.
If there´s one thing I´ve learned from this, it´s that you should always make an effort to get to know the person behind the mask. 🎭
Thanks for your ask! 💋
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drbtinglecannon · 2 months
for the character ask: genshin asogi? 👀
Everything during canon happened because of the professor case... Heh, could say London really felt Genshin's Impact 🥁
How I feel about this character
Sorry Kazuma I have a lot of unholy thoughts about your dad
Haha but really I have a lot of conflicting hcs for him, like I imagine he was very serious and focused, but I also like imagining he was snarky and comedically strict about his opinions like Kazuma is (like why he wore the hackimaki in the first place or the over the top manner he talks about Karuma, etc). It's bittersweet when a character is soooo bare bones in canon, because sure I can imagine anything and it'll never be contradicted in canon! But also I want information!!! Tell me about them!!!!!
Anyway regardless of other traits I'm munching over, I always stick with he and Klint were genuinely extremely close, like Herlock&Yujin level, and they shared a joking mean humor in private like calling each other a twat over any little inconvenience
All the people I ship romantically with this character
His own wife haha, Klint, and Klint & Lady B
Kazuma has enough issues so his parents not really caring about each other doesn't do it for me. Legit tho it isn't compelling to me to think they were a loveless marriage, the only point to it I can remember being was she wasn't mentioned in his final letter, but there's bittersweetness to explaining that away as out of a sense of paranoia that it would be wishing ill on them so he had to stay quiet until he made his escape, which..we know how that went. I think them having a loving marriage also kinda ties up the original study students, with Genshin having a wife and child he's leaving, Yujin losing his wife but gaining a newborn he has to leave behind, and Jigoku not having a spouse or kids, and it mirroring each Londoner they attached to (Klint has a wife and a baby on the way by the end but loses both, Herlock loses Yujin but gains a newborn, and Stronghart never takes a family). Genshin can almost relate to Yujin too, their wives are no longer around and they have young kids back home, but he still was expected to be able to return to her one day, and his fate is so similar to Klint's, they both lose their wives and their kids end up losing their connection to the family & being taken in by someone else (iirc Kazuma is kind of cut off from the Asougi clan after they learn his dad died and was outted as "a killer"), those parallels work better if Genshin and his wife were mutual love.
Genklint had an insane unhinged yaoi ending like the homoeroticism of a duel to the death for the honor of your friend that fell so far but you still cared about him too much to leave him like that... when it would've been way smarter for them to team up and kill Stronghart then Genshin tell Klint "no more killing or istfg >:(" and that's that. I also love the mutual suffering that is Barok & Kazuma going back to the prosecutor's office after 2-5 and just staring into the room with the deepest eyebags and deadest expressions like "they definitely fucked in here"
Genklintville is just the ultimate version of genklint haha. It makes it all so much hotter AND tragic! And what more could we ask for from their canon endings
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Genshin & Yujin is a fun relationship I think about a lot. I wonder if they were both jealous of their respective British bestie for being able to get so much closer than they ever were with each other? Was Genshin the shoulder Yujin cried on during the boat trip to London and during the time before he met Herlock? Yujin went above and beyond to help Genshin when he was arrested, and maybe if Genshin listened to him on getting extradited he would've survived, but also Yujin cared so much for him to not only go to Lady B at his request but take Kazuma in once all the dust settled. Idk, I'm not sure I'd call them an OTP but they're a favorite non romantic dynamic for both characters
My unpopular opinion about this character
Ok so there was a post from a blog I love that used pixels from the games to determine character heights and deemed that Genshin was 6' tall based on that information, and I've seen a number of fics describe Genshin as very tall, and I vehemently disagree. Genshin was at most 5'10, taller than average and a tiny bit taller than Kazuma, but still noticeably shorter than Klint & Barok. I will die on this hill
One thing I wish would happen/ had happened with this character in canon
Lived haha but really I can't think of anything that wouldn't drastically change canon (him living, them killing Stronghart, him actually escaping, etc) that like is actually impactful for his role in the story. Not that I don't love AUs but I like leaving this all as my sandbox and not canon. I guess I wanna know his height so I can be correct that it's not 6' tall haha!
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nutal · 3 months
man, sometimes I dunno why I come up with stuff in my head, then let my brain beat the shit out of me and tell me that I just suck in general at everything, but im still gonna come up with a pair of headcanons cuz yes, this time abt Eve >:))) (again, it may age as bad as milk but just hear me out and here we go)
So pretty much, kinda like what I said before on an older ask, I'm pretty sure that unlike Lilith, who had a strong desire for independence, Eve was a lot more obedient and dependent on Adam. And that Adam loved her a lot more than Lilith (you could say that Lilith was like a middle/high school crush for him, while with Eve, they had a more truly loving relationship, since Adam now has more experience and is more mature than he was before)
Then, when Eve ate the apple, the both of them (Adam and Eve) fell down to earth and had to suffer there
Tho I am more leaning with the theory of Eve = Roo, what if she wasn't actually evil, even tho she was Roo? Hear me out for a bit:
Basically, when the two went down to earth and stuff, while in Adams point of view (like I said in that older ask), he saw Eve becoming colder and more distant, until she disappeared, in Eve's point of view, she was so ashamed of not listening to Adam's countless warnings to NOT eat the apple (to which, she did eat the apple), that she thought Adam hated her now. With the amount of self pity and self hatred she had for herself, she just disappeared, thinking that he wanted her gone for good, and with that, she also died of grief and being alone, just like Adam did when Eve left him.
Tho on one hand, since Adam didn't ate the apple (which meant he went to heaven by default, but didn't actually have any choice), on the other hand, Eve DID eat the apple (which meant she committed the first sin, so she went to hell, BUT she had free will, so that could've meant that she actually chose to go to hell bc, again, of her self-pity and hated for herself, but also bc of her strong want for revenge against the ones who gave her the apple, aka Lilith and Lucifer)
In her time in hell, she basically let her sins transform into the very monster she thought she was (and actually dreaded to have become), because, again, her intense anger towards Lili and Luci, and with that intense anger, somehow gave her a lot of power (Little did she know, when she ate that specific apple, it caused her to also have a little devil on her shoulder. Roo, the root of all Evil. I mean, what better way to start, then to convince the person who started sin to give in into their own sins, and give them all of the power of the sins itself? Eventually becoming one with each other? :)) (I may of not phrased that well but I tried lol)
And with that, Eve became Roo. The root of all Evil. Wishing that one day, she'll take revenge on Lilith and Lucifer.
Now this is where I start to get into sinner Adam stuff >:)))
Okay, so we prob know that Adam most likely didn't eat the apple? Which meant that he doesn't have any free will and just goes to heaven by default, because again, he got no freedom. boiiiiiiii (ok ok im joking xdd, but u get what I mean)
WHAT IF, when Adam's soul (in hell) eventually reaches to Roo (Eve), she might have actually felt.. even worse?
I think that, if Roo finds that Adam, the one she really loved, died right there, in front of her. Even if Eve let Roo consume her with evil, she still felt something sting inside of her deeply. She even felt.. even ANGRIER at Lucifer for doing this to Adam. She might of seen Adam already move on with another girl (Lute), she still wanted to at least help him out a bit.
So, she revives him with his soul, and he becomes a sinner in hell. Hoping that maybe.. maybe she helped with something. Maybe even helping him see Lute again, even if Eve still loved him on the inside. (its tragic af ik)
Now here's where I think, on how Roo/Eve got defeated.
So, in the very final battle, when Roo/Eve finally manages to reach the Hotel to get revenge, she sees Adam. And Adam sees her.
Adam, instead of wanting to fight her, looked he wanted to forgive her and help her out (may or may not have learned the forgiveness and helping side of things from Charlie XDDDD). Tho Lili and Luci were more reluctant about reasoning with Roo than Adam was at first, they eventually agreed to try their best.
So, together with the help of Lilith and Lucifer to give him a hand (or multiple hands), he tries desperately to reason with her, as Roo is in control now. Lilith and Lucifer would try to reason with her aswell, but it wouldn't work out so well for them.
But then, when Adam told her how much he regretted for not taking care of Eve well enough, that it was NEVER her fault.. suddenly, something clicked inside of Eve, realizing that all this time... Adam NEVER hated her to begin with... and all this time.. she was wallowing in self-pity for NOTHING. That SHE just made him suffer this much all along...
But when Roo is about to try to kill him, with no hesitation or pity whatsoever, suddenly, something deep inside, stop her immediately. Even if Eve indeed, let Roo consume her almost entirely, ever since she went to hell, THIS TIME, she wasn't letting Roo harm Adam. Not even Lilith and Lucifer.
As she was having the most intense internal battle she had ever had in her entire life: Eve between Roo, Eve cries on how much she made Adam suffer, how much she made everyone else around her suffer.. how she let Roo literally become one with her.. and how much she just wallowed herself in self-pity and hatred.. because of HERSELF.
But this time.. she was going to stop all of this. SHE was going to end all of this. By pulling Roo to the grave with her (Eve).
And with enough force from Eve, she rips her whole chest, revealing that she'd taken out her own rib from the inside out with her bare hands (I kinda have the head canon that Eve's rib is basically her pulse, so without it, she dead fr fr)
Adam, Lilith and Lucifer would be in complete shock. Then, Eve would fall to her death.
Adam, even though he was still trying to comprehend on what just fucking happened (bc it was so fucking traumatizing), he tried to catch Eve, only for him to find her body completely lifeless on the ground below. Just motionless and gone.
As he lays there in shock, Lute comes immediately to comfort him, and Adam would just try in Lute's arms.
Lucifer would also come to be next to Adam's side (bc they eventually forgave each other in the course of Adam staying at the hotel, becoming friends again like in Eden), and Lilith would check if Eve was still alive. Realizing she was dead, she would just take a deep breath, and just let her body stay there a little bit, before Lilith picked it up to, at the very least, put it somewhere more peaceful, to pay respect for Eve's death (Lilith ain't that of an asshole man, even if she's a bit biased UnU, bc I low-key also want Eve and Lilith to be deep to make the story 1000x more interesting)
so uhh, ye, just felt like dumping my imaginary stuff upon u cuz I wanna make u even more insane than you already are >:)))))
OH LORD THIS IS BATSHIT INSANE OHMYGODHEKDBDN 😭😭😭 EVE STILL WANTING TO HELP HIM OUT EVEN AFTER KNOWING ADAM’S WITH LUTE NOW AAAAGGHEGDHGHD THE ANGST MAN!! And yeah I def do agree that in terms of relationships, Lilith was a lot more like independent and wanting control while Eve was on the exact opposite end being extremely obedient and like reliant on Adam
ALSO THE ROO EVE STUFF IS VERRY INTERESTING and dude eve wallowing in self hatred man…
and then like, adam trying to catch eve in his arms only for him to just find her lifeless body and lute tryna comfort him and he’s just crying in her arms jesus christ bruh
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doctor-badadvice · 9 months
Let's talk about Fast Forward for a bit.
Specifically I want to talk about the main theme of that season: why? Why did the art style deteriorate so much? Why did the writing get so bad? Why did this come out before season 5 but also supposedly happens after season 5 and at the same time only occasionally acknowledges its events? Why is there a kid now? Why am I watching this when I only really care about maybe three episodes at best?
Because I was bored. But let's go with order.
I'm going to say it now, I'm still going to claim there is no season 6 in Ba Sing Se. But at the same time, it isn't all that bad actually?
Here's the thing. FF was inevitable for many reasons. TMNT, with its aliens and magic, has the potential to go on forever. However, at some point "turtle fatigue" will set in. In the 80s, this happened around season 7 which yeah, it's about 150 episodes in. For the 2003 show it happens around season 5 but this doesn't mean the higher-ups will try stupid changes to bring back the old glory.
Moreover, the show brought it upon itself. The main culprits, so to speak, are the writing's insistence on portraying consequences as much as possible (see: Leo's scarred shell for instance), as well as season 4 with its funny gory shift (see: that one episode where Baxter watches his own body fall apart which wow).
So it isn't unexpected that the higher-ups and especially the toy maker went "Kids, could you lighten up a little?" and messed up everything that was good about the show.
So this is basically why I don’t like FF. Five seasons are a long commitment. You have to sit through the ninja tribunal arc which is boring as hell, then have to be really patient and accept that there are just dragons now for some reason. Then FF comes up and it has nothing of what you previously enjoyed. The style is different, too flat and kinda clunky and ugly in some spots, nothing that happened before matters and now Cody is there.
Remember networks, kids don't want to watch other kids go on adventures in their place and it doesn't get better with age. But you do you.
So I despised FF but after rewatching the season on its own, I have to make amends in some spots.
The general impression when you watch FF on its own, without the better stuff still fresh in mind and with something to do during the dull parts, is that of good background noise.
It takes many steps backwards. The turtles are suddenly less competent at fighting where it's convenient, their personalities are more one dimensional depending on the plot and they're kinda shitty to each other for no reason. They really suffer from that serial effect where the reset button is hit as soon as the credits roll. They used to go out to murder the Shredder knowing they might die and now it's "Today Mikey really wants a new video game and next episode we're going to a fancy party with the kid dressed in the dumbest suits ever and a silly happens :)"
Splinter also gets sidetracked a lot and he's more there to occasionally call the turtles whippersnappers but again, there isn't much of a reason for him to step in anymore.
And this brings me to the villains. I feel like the turtles only work as well as their villains. They work when they're getting into a fight with a local street gang, or trying to kick an alien empire out of the planet before everyone dies. They work when the Shredder actually does something meaningful and generally speaking are going against someone actually dangerous.
The first five seasons had Shredder, the Foot, Hun, the Triceratons and Bishop. FF has an annoying wrestler whose main priority is property damage, a gang of netrunners who I wish got up to more interesting things than scalping and quoting the Matrix, literal evil twins from the tv trope literal evil twins, and the idiots in charge.
The idiots in charge are of course beloved uncle Darius and Sh'Okanabo.
These two really are something. Darius is essentially that guy from the first Iron Man movie. He's the acting CEO because the owner is a literal child. He smiles and preaches big keeping up the facade of benevolent company of the shiny Earth utopia but he has a dark secret which is that he's making guns and a mecha suit for himself and Cody takes several episodes to realize this for some reason.
You'd think Darius would stop being a threat the moment his dark deeds are uncovered since his whole thing is "evil capitalist guy is evil". But no, he's gonna go higher, he's going to ally with Shittibobo because he needs new genetically modified minions he can badmouth while fucking around all day in his sewers loft and we don't even get the payoff of Darius realizing that he's being fucked over by an alien during the Day of Awakening.
Plus because of how afraid FF is to explore anything heavier than Mikey insisting they go out to achieve explosive diarrhea from questionable junk food, even the fact that Darius is an abusive father figure for Cody has no real importance because Cody is only allowed to look sad on screen for five seconds. Remove Darius and the overall season arc remains the same.
What about the other guy? Well, Sushibooboo is the supposed big bad of the season. He's an alien who wants to kill life on Earth to steal resources. He's something beloved President Bishop goes out of his way to personally murder. But the only thing he achieves is to confirm that he's just offensively stupid.
Sh'Okanabo is supposedly an alien boogeyman who's so evil he just can't be real, right? Unfortunately, he's the literal cause of his own demise.
Since the turtles are more than content with babysitting Cody and going around complaining about historical accuracies like that one Futurama episode, they don't know who Sh'Okanabo is and after talking to Bishop they don't care to find out. Great. This means he can operate in the dark, grow his eggs and prepare to kill everyone, right? No way. In pure Sasalele style, he goes out of his way to attack the turtles, tell them what he’s up to and scare them enough to start to actively prepare to fight him.
And on top of that he wastes time to build a time machine because somehow Shredder had to return for one episode which in turn almost fucks up his plan entirely since his ship almost explodes.
So I still don't like FF because of the way the writing plummeted. A lot of stuff happens because it's convenient and often falls back into exquisitely 90s/2000s tropes (see: the obviously evil guy gets away with evil deeds because the parents/cops/people with power are blind and children are stupid, that one car race episode which is a repeat of the previous car race episode from earlier in the show, a female character who's only there to be a love interest and is allowed to be smart and cute because Cody likes them smart and cute, just to name a few). The turtles get dumber depending on the episode and there are some attempts at comedy like Starlee's shitty family that give out levels of second hand embarrassment not seen since Star Trek TNG.
But I don't hate this season entirely either. FF is just very mid and it makes me think that it could have worked as a standalone show for a while because you can watch it more or less. I'm just this isn't what we got in place of the actual show because it wouldn’t have lasted.
Still I did enjoy some things:
Torbin Zixx is fun. He has some interesting tricks, even though 60% of them only work because the turtles are written especially stupid in his episodes. Plus he steals Bishop's space shuttle which is glorious
I ended up liking Sterling a little towards the end. I still feel like his humor is a sanitized version of Baxter's but I like that he collects clips of the turtles getting hurt to watch to calm down and that he's actually always ready to throw hands
President Bishop is so stupid, yet brilliant (and I'm going to talk about him in a separate post because the worldbuilding is really something and I have OPINIONS)
Raph commenting that power armors are so last season while fighting Darius made me chuckle even though I won't tolerate this supersuit slander
This moment:
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bengiyo · 11 months
Kiseki: Dear to Me Ep 13 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, Fan Zhe Rui met the Bai family again, and it seems we still have some drama to resolve with the Fan family. Chen Yi and Ai Di got it in, the Plus & Minus boys had a cute cameo, the girl who works with Bai Zong Yi is clearly a spy, and then Chen Yi got shot??
So they faked a hit on Chen Yi to scare Ai Di into coming back, and now they're trying to soothe things over with PPL??
Mafia dads are giving Supernova (2022).
I hope we see more of Louis Chiang. I enjoy the way he has physically embodied Ai Di.
They could have let Ai Di and Chen Yi fool around more before going back to the plot.
Shit just be happening so fast in this show. Right as we learn about ole girl she runs up and stabs Zhe Rui.
This show reminding me that they brought Wayne on this show just to kill off his character that Chun Chih's character was also pining for is a bad choice.
Ai Di is wearing a BLESS THIS MESS shirt. HOW DARE THEY???
I'm with Bai Zong Yi. What is the point of all they've suffered if Zhe Rui is going to let himself be stabbed to death?
Though I love the aesthetics of this car make out, aren't they supposed to be on guard for potential assaults now that Chen Yi is the Boss?
I like how we get a quick check in with the Bai family and then it's like, anyway back to the Mafia bros sex sesh we interrupted.
LOL he got an Ai Di pillow as well!
Oh, I guess it's over?
In the kitchen! Unsanitary.
Final Verdict: 5, Bless This Mess. It was interesting to have a show where the primary angst was external for most of the run, but this show was genuinely a mess. Normally I'd give a show like this a 7 because it was so amusing for Taiwanese BL fans and because the chemistry was so consistent across the entire cast, but they brought Wayne and Chun Chih on this show just to kill Wayne. I'm as mad as hell about it, and I'm not going to take this anymore. The Mafia stuff is just not really well done in this and I kinda wish it wasn't part of the drama at all. It rears up whenever they want a spike in the drama, but it feels constantly misplaced. In the past the enthusiasm from the cast would have carried me a lot further with a show than this one did, but we've had a lot of great pair work this year, so the hot mess of a plot around this show stands out a lot more. I enjoyed the cast a lot, but I won't rewatch this ever.
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hannya-writes · 2 years
Every Broken Shard of Your Heart
Title: Every Broken Shard of Your Heart
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Donquixote Rosinante x Reader (implied), Donquixote Doflamingo x Reader
Other characters: None
Category: Romance, Smut, a bit of Angst
Warnings: the first and most important: This is a Smut, so don't read it if you are under 18y/o. Besides that we got misuse of Devil Fruit powers, murder, fool language, thighs fucking, size kink (is not mentioned a lot), Fingering, Dominant!Doflamingo, Death of a character.
Author's note: I started writing this while watching Dressrosa arc and that was like, three months ago however I ended writing this because I kinda dig the idea of Doffy being in love with someone who loves Rosi, and then taking advantage of her broken heart.
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— wait, Doffy! — you said on your knees between the two Donquixote brothers, Rosinante behind you and Doflamingo in front of you — Don’t do anything you’ll regret— you asked, covering Rosinante all you could with your own body.
Doflamingo clenched his teeth, a vein popped in his forehead out of frustration and hate. You were begging for his little brother's life, you who were proud and arrogant, the only one in his family who didn’t fear him or his fury for going against his wishes. You, the only one in his family who he asked himself to be by his side. For a split second he thought you chose his brother over him, until you continued speaking and he considered your ideas as the words came out of your mouth.
— Use him — the words came out with more conviction than ever — You know he’s a spy, make him your tool, a double agent, that way we can use him to have information about the Marine — Your idea made Doflamingo almost smile. Almost.
— He’s been lying to us — he said with a cold, harsh tone — He lied to you— he took a step closer — and me — another step closer — did you know he could speak? — closer — did you know he was a Marine? — he squatted in front of you but he already knew the answer.
— No — you exhaled with that short word and looked down in shame, you were supposed to know these things.
His warm hand caressed your cheek and stopped in your chin, making you look up at him, the glasses were the only barrier between your y/e/c eyes and his.
— Don’t worry about me, this is not something I’ll regret — he promised and pointed the gun over your shoulder and shot.
You didn’t flinch as every bullet was shot, even when the gun was right by your side. You were used to that sound, to the blood and gore that existed in your line of work, however it wasn’t because of that you didn’t react. It was because of fear. Fear, sorrow and a deep pain froze you with each explosion.
You wanted to cry, stop him, wail with every fiber of your being but you couldn’t. Your negative emotions didn’t reach the surface anymore, that much you have suffered in life. This was just another blow that life gave you, after all, you just witnessed the murder of the love of your life.
You died inside once again every day you woke up and realized that event had actually happened. You weren’t going to find Corazon around a corner, you weren’t going to have to save him from burning himself with a cigarette, you will never see his hidden smile in the morning, or smell his cologne mixed with those cigarettes, feel his arms around you, his soft kisses, or anything else. He was gone. You almost wished you could cry, maybe that way you would stop feeling so full of pain and sadness.
— you're smoking — Doflamingo took you by surprise one night as you were doing exactly what he said.
His words took you by surprise since you only smoked in the security of your room, where no one could see you as you laid in bed, thinking of Rosinante, reliving your memories with him, especially those where he kissed and worshiped your body before making love to you.
— not the sharper tool of the box, uh? — you asked sarcastically and he laughed for a moment before getting serious and walking in your room, closing the door behind him.
— when did you start? — he asked and you puffed out some smoke.
— sorry, didn't look at the clock— you answered, letting the cigarette hang on your mouth as you spoke, he stood by the side of the bed towering over you.
— don't make me repeat myself— he threatened, pulling the cigarette out of your mouth, throwing it to the floor to step on it.
— two weeks ago — you confessed and he frowned, it was the exact number of days that had passed since the death of his brother — I missed the smell, decided to try it, turns out it feels good — you added and he sat by your side in bed.
— you miss him — he accused you, showing his unhappiness. A little vein popping in his forehead.
— I'm guilty, your honor, sentence me to hang from the neck till I die — you said plainly, joking sarcastically.
He groaned bothered by the joke, by your attitude. You were usually sarcastic but this was strange. It sounded almost as if you actually wanted to be sentenced to die.
— That’s what you want? — he asked, looking at you from over his shoulder, trying to read your blank expression. Your lack of an answer annoyed the hell out of him, he turned and his big hand caught you by the neck. — I can solve it — he added with a big smile, hovering over you.
It hurt, one of his hands was enough to choke you and kill you. Breathing was difficult, speaking even more.
— You miss — you said, keeping your eyes on his face as he pressed your neck, making it more difficult to breathe with each second — him too — Doflamingo relaxed his hand on your neck out of surprise.
Your hand touched his own softly, without asking for him to take it away, just offering comfort, the same you needed.
— Why are you not fighting me? — he asked, putting a slight pressure again on your neck.
— My life has always been in your hands, why should I start to fear death from them? — you asked even when inside you wanted to tell him to end you.
He laughed with joy as he leaned towards you, all smiles and charm on.
— you have always been the most loyal of all — he praised you, as he leaned closer you were able to see your reflection on his glasses — I must reward you, after all you took care of my brother —
— no — you growled, angry at the mention of Corazon. He was your lover, you didn’t wanted to hear his murderer talk about him — Don’t talk to me about him! —
— You treated his burns every time he caught on fire, you healed his wounds, covered his incompetence, you gave everything for him — his words were the truth but you didn’t want to hear it. — he was like a little brother to you and he still betrayed you — his harsh whisper left you perplexed.
He was right, you have given up even your heart for Rosinante. He made you happy, his clumsiness was cute, he managed to made you blush without even speaking. You laid with him in that same bed, tangled in his body, you slept by his side, but he didn’t gave a fuck about you. It had all been a farse for him, a cover to keep going on his mission.
— I know, so what? — you asked angry, only for the giant's pleasure.
It hurt. It hurt like hell and all you wanted was for it to stop but Doffy was poking the wound only to see you suffer.
— So, I can make you forget — his breath hit the corner of your lips
If you were stupid you would have thought he was flirting.
Your mouth opened to say something but the words didn’t leave before he captured your lips in his. His hand released you and moved slowly over your chest, caressing slowly the curve of your breast. His tongue entered your mouth and the soft, wet appendage looked for your tongue.
“Stop” your mind yelled but your body reacted to him, your tongue followed his, your hands held to him for dear life and your eyes closed, surrendering to his will. It felt just like Rosinante, but it was different. Doflamingo kissed you with fervor and need, his touch soft and careful without being annoying, like Rosinante's teasing nature and his fear of breaking you.
"Fuck him" you thought to yourself before biting Doffy's lip to correspond his offer of sex because Rosi betrayed you and you only had to be loyal to Doffy. With your eyes closed, you could pretend he was his brother. Moaning into his mouth you arched into him, looking for him. He split apart from your lips, smiling at the sight of your chest going up and down quickly, trying to grasp enough air in your lungs. The thread of saliva connecting both of you broke and you gulped down staring at his lips.
He chuckled at your eagerness, enjoying the way your tiny hands unbuttoned his shirt to get to his skin.
— tell me — he ordered and you felt your mouth dry without the intrusion of his tongue — what do you want? —
— You — you answered without a second thought, pushing the bed with your elbows to get closer to him. — Please — your warm breath tickled his lips as he smiled pleased with your answer.
He crawled over the bed to cage you under his bigger frame, leaving his coat and black dress shirt on the floor. You took off your top and he licked his lips at the sight of your half naked form. His lips trapped yours again, kissing you with eagerness and lust. Tongues swirling in a lewd way before he started to kiss your neck, sucking on your skin before biting hard. Marking you, making you moan loudly from the pain and arousal such action provoqued on you.
— so delicate — he muttered against the valley of your breast — all for me — he commented before licking a small circle around your nipple. Your already labored breathing turned into full moans as he played with your tit. His treacherous hand moved, controlling the thread of your jeans making it disappear in an instant, only for him to caress your mount Venus, coaxing you to open up your legs for him. Soft, tender caresses from his finger teased your core as soon as enough space was open for his hand.
You moaned his name at the feeling of his middle finger pressing the wet spot of your underwear against your slit, staining it with your arousal.
— fuck — you cried out pleased, blush evident in your face.
— that good, uh?— he laughed in your ear before pressing a wet kiss to your earlobe — stay still — he ordered, pushing away your panties to penetrate you with one of his thick fingers, curling it in search of the place that made you feel bliss.
— Doffy — you moaned his name in his ear, holding to his shoulders to control the need to push your hips against his hand to make him go faster.
— what is it? Does my finger feels so good for you? — he asked and you bit your lip, happy to feel something different than the usual pain and sadness.
— yes — you answered, biting your lip, at the way your hot inside was being softly and dexterously massaged by his middle finger as he penetrated your hole slowly.
— it's so…— the sentence was left in the air as he pushed deeper and started taking a quicker pace.
His mouth sucked your right breast, as he continued fingering you with just one of those fingers. Your arousal coated his finger, making it easy for him to continue. A second finger prodded your entrance and you buckled your hips, trying to get it inside.
— you are taking it so good — he commented letting go of your erect and swollen nipple from his attention to it. — now, fuck yourself in my fingers — he said stopping the movement to let you do it yourself. — show me how to fuck you —
You raised your hips from the bed and started to do as he had ordered, using his fingers like a toy, bouncing quickly on them, mercilessly, with the same roughness you used to fuck with Rosinante. He chuckled against your left boob, sticking his tongue out to lick the aureole, making your nipple stand in attention. Your hands moved from his shoulders to his chest and abdomen, enjoying the warmth from his body.
— what a pretty whore — he said suddenly and your walls clenched around his fingers at the praise — you wanna be fuck like a whore — he stated and you looked at him perplexed by what his words made to your body as your vagina milked his fingers. — your slutty pussy is sucking my fingers — he added with a smile — I'll give you what you want — he decided.
His hand started moving quickly, making the squelching sound more evident, one of his hands raised one of your legs and he was able to go deeper in his ministrations as he plunged three of his finger on you.
— there — you gasped, scratching his chest as he curled a bit more his fingers and his thumb caressed your clitoris — mmm, gonna cum — you warned him, feeling the pleasure about to explode in your belly.
— cum in my fingers then — he added and those words send you over the edge, body arching as bliss extended in your every nerve, leaving any worry behind, mind blank with pleasure, and your hole filled with him.
— Doffy — your moaned, calling for him and he went in your aid, fingers fucking you through your orgasm, mouth and tongue silencing your stammered words of pleasure as you dug your nails in his abdomen.
His free hand moved against the bed and his pants suddenly were gone. He was naked in his full glory over your own sweaty body.
Your fogged lustful mind got time to enjoy the view since Doffy pulled out his fingers from your cavern only for him to lick your arousal from his hand. His erect cock had a slight curve, the prideful tip pressed against his lower abdomen, stealing your attention.
Your mouth watered at the sight, you raised from the bed to touch him but he pushed you down and pulled you towards him
— don't de stupid — he chastised pumping his cock at the sight of your glistening cunt, ready to be ravaged. — you can't take it, not yet — he said annoyedly, before pressing his cock over your mount Venus, showing you the size difference between both. His cock was huge, warm and heavy against your body.— lt will break you — he warned you with a serious face — and I want to keep fucking the sadness away from my pretty slut — he added with a smile, caressing your lower lip with his thumb before pressing it inside your mouth for you to suck on it.
Your tongue swirled around his digit and you sucked hard, showing him how much you agreed with his statement. He pulled his finger away with a loud pop and you realized your legs were moving but you weren't the one making them move, there were threads making you raise both legs, closing them slowly around his cock.
— Doffy what are you…? — you started to ask but the man pushed two of his fingers in your mouth, shutting you up.
Your ankles were wrapped by thread together, staying abnormally in the air as he thrusted two of his fingers in your mouth, pulling and pushing until they reached the limit of your mouth making you almost gag.
He assessed your body, content with the sight. Your pink cheeks, watery eyes for the way he forced his fingers on your mouth, your thighs in display for him to fuck.
— whores don't speak unless asked to — he mocked before spitting in his cock to use as lubricant as he started to move between your thighs, enjoying the delicious sensation of his aching cock wrapped by you.
You hummed in pleasure and he accelerated his thrusting, sliding over your slit, using your juice to fuck you, making you writhe under him
— swallow — he ordered, forcing his fingers in your throat. You obeyed letting him use your throat as a second pussy while he pumped his length in you.
Tears from the effort of sucking his fingers fell from your eyes and that spurred something inside Doffy. He liked too much the image he got of you: crying, drooling on his fingers, nothing like your usual proud and smartass self. He had made this to you and he loved the sensation of power, he loved to see you broken, lewd. He pumped more in you, wishing it was your precious cunt taking his cock, swallowing him greedily.
You hummed in his fingers and started bobbing your head, enjoying the intrusion, sticking your tongue out to welcome the abuse. Who would have known that two of his fingers gave the perfect girth of a cock. Who would have known fucking Doflamingo could be so lewd and delectable.
The sound of flesh against flesh and the slurping of your mouth had gone in a crescendo. Doflamingo's hips thrusted his cock between your plush thighs relentlessly, his heavy balls slapping against your sex, making you hum on his digits lasciviously.
— so good — he grunted leaning closer, your legs resting over one of his shoulders, bending you in half, his fingers escaped your mouth and his hand guided you to look down to see his wet cock poking between your thighs with every thrust. It made you blush, it was so obscene but somehow it turned you on to see the reddish tip fucking into you. It was so big, so wet. He leaned closer to you, the slight change of position making his balls hit your clitoris with every thrust, your gummy walls clenching over nothing as he used your body.
— fuck… yes… — you moaned in absolute pleasure, wondering if he felt as good as you did. — more… more — you whined drunk of pleasure, lowering a hand to tease the tip of his cock every time it poked over your Venus mount.
— you dirty bitch — he said in a low growl that made you arch against him — I decide when you come… no the other way around — he scolded you before taking your hand away.
You cried feeling every nerve in your cunt start to burn with all the pleasure.
— I…can’t — you announced feeling at the limit of pleasure — cum…cum…ming —you sobbed clinging to his neck with both of your arms.
— good girl — he commented and with that a fountain of pleasure broke inside you making your legs tremble, your hands scratched his neck and a cloud of bliss overtok you.
Doffy enjoyed your expression of pleasure, the way you were sweaty and dirty with your own fluids made him proud.
Messy, quick thrusts followed before he could reach his own climax, from the trembling of your plush thighs. White, hot sperm splashed from his cock, painting your abs and breast to complete the masterpiece he had made with you.
Dazed, you looked at him with a smile, slowly comming back from cloud nine. Catching your breath.
Your fingers cleaned a little of his cum from your breast and brought it to your mouth.
— how dirty — he said observing you under him.
— Says the man who just used my thighs to cum — you answered trying to normalize your breathing and he laughed.
— I couldn't be rash with my pretty slut — he said, taking you by your chin to make you see him right to the glasses. — I must take it slowly or else, this beautiful body of yours would break — he said tracing one of the sides of your body in appreciation, only to end up with cum smeared in his finger.
— It's a pleasure, young master — you said half mockingly, half serious since he had made you cum twice
— Say again the last word — he instructed and smirked.
— Master? — you said and he leaned down to lick your neck. Between your legs you were able to feel his cock twitch at the word.
— that's right, I'm your master — he answered with a low voice that made you shiver. — and you are my whore — his hand went to your waist.
— Sure thing, as long as you make me feel better — you answered by playing hard to get with a smirk in your lips.
The man over you moved one of his hands, commanding the threads to open up your legs to show your wet, sticky crotch and your vagina in full display.
— such big words, from such a tiny slut — he laughed and with a movement he released you from his threads letting you relax, as he fell in bed by your side— don't worry, we are going to have fun—
You turned to your side to look at him and he looked back at you, only you couldn't read his expression because of the glasses. How annoyinh, he had just fuck you while using those ridiculous glasses. Rolling your eyes you took the glasses from his face and put them on the nightstand.
— Next time, glasses off — you instructed and the dark, sharp eyes of the head of the Donquixote family looked back at you. He looked so handsome, dangerous and… relaxed. He wasn't like Rocinante who held you close to his body and made you feel safe but it felt good. It felt good to feel something besides the pain, the loss and the coldness of loneliness.
— sure — he answered tiredly, looking at your eyes, at the spark of peaceful attention and desire in them. He liked that gaze, he liked how honest your eyes were. He had always liked you but never knew how to get in your pants. He should thank his brother, thanks to Rocinante's death he had found a way to get close enough. Roci had won your heart, but Doffy knew he had everything else. It was only a matter of time for him to pick up every broken shard of your heart.
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Fleurs de Mort
Content warnings for cults, death, suicide ideation, and mental trauma
A lot of people have a fairly common fear of death. I… kinda don’t. I have a pretty uncommon fear of death, I think.
For those not in the know, I used to be in a cult. Cult in several scare quotes. The creators never intended it to become a cult, and it was only meant to be like a study group for the overlap of occultism and the founders spirituality. Specifically around how their view of the afterlife was shaped by the three of them being Jewish people that got into occultism. I should stress that there were no fees or divisions of labor or any of the manipulation tactics that make cults dangerous, which is why I’m hesitant to actually call it one.
It was, however, in ever sense of the word a death cult, but not the kind you hear about in media. It was focused on growth, and suicide was considered the single worst thing a person could do. It was about exploring occult teachings to explore your own life in new ways, and grow to be more and more, because when you died you became something more. Something greater. And you required lived experiences to grow enough to survive in that new state.
The founders of the cult did a lot of work, filtering out people who had a mental state that might not mesh well with it. The first signs of depression or suicidal ideation and they would pull you aside and do their best to help you because they were well aware of how dangerous the subject matter was and none of them wanted blood on their hands.
Unfortunately, I didn’t really… interact much. I wasn’t that active a member. I just kind of observed passively. So there were no red flags, nothing they could have spotted or done to pull me aside and help me. They had no way of knowing what was happening inside my head, and how it changed me, at a fundamental level.
I ended up leaving, explain my mental health was in a bad state and it wouldn’t be safe for me to be around the subject matter much longer. The heads of the cult understood and wished me the best. We still talked for a while after that, played minecraft together a few times. Watched some movies. Just stayed friends for a bit before slowly drifting apart.
But the seed of that flower had already been planted deep in my mind, and had begun growing into something else. Blossoming isn’t the right word for what it did though. It constrained a part of my mind. All those teachings, all my neuroses, it bound them together tight and sealed them away in the back of my mind, repressed thoughts I forgot even existed until about a year ago. That became my first alter, the first hint of my DID as my mind fractured itself to stop the growth of that seed. It now lies dormant, pruning itself, culling away aspects of my personality that are unsatisfactory to it. The rest of us are slaughtered, rarely surviving more than a few months, torn apart and stitched back together as the pieces of us that fall away are used as the fertilizer for its growth.
The only time it awakens is long enough to stop me from pulling the trigger when things get to bad. It won’t ever help me fix my life, help me do the things I need to make the pain stop. Pain and suffering is inconsequential to it. They are just more lived experiences with which it can foster its own growth. As long as I don’t pull the trigger, as long as I don’t take that step off the edge, it doesn’t care what happens to me.
If I manage to fix my life and get it on the right track? Well that’s useful. Those parts make the best fertilizer for what it needs to grow, and so it cuts those parts away and digs its roots into them, hiding them away from me. It’s frustrating, and it makes life incredibly difficult.
The person I am changes so quickly, rebuilding myself out of the scraps it leaves behind. Making an identity or two out of the remains and hoping against hope that this time it’s functional enough to allow me to live without drawing its attention.
And so I’m left here, thinking about life, and about death. Most people fear death as an end. What if nothing exists after it? How horrifying, they think. My fear of death is far more complex. I’ve felt it so many times, felt my identity crumble and be ripped apart. If the death of my body was just that again, I have nothing to fear.
My fear, is that it’s not the end. My fear is this plant finally blooming, and what will happen after that. Will it take us with it? Will it leave us behind? Are we just a means to and end for it? Something to be discarded after this stage of our existence is over with?
I have lived with this thing in my head for nearly a decade now. And my fear is that only in death will I find out if it was the tether holding me together, or the parasite ripping me apart.
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m0tel6mxzzy · 2 years
amy winehouse + oversimplification of addiction
// tw addiction + ed ment //
really kinda grinds my gears when ppl act as if amy winehouse like…could’ve still been alive had she never met blake. i think that’s a gross way to simplify how addiction works.
i do personally believe he is not responsible for her death even if he played a role in enabling her, but what ppl need to realize is…mental illness does not have a magic on/off button that shuts off if u never meet certain people.
both blake and amy struggled with depression, which is why they identified with each other so well. considering they were on and off, there is a huge possibility both of them never really had anyone who understood their depression and despite their issues, that’s always why they came back to each other on and off.
and i do hope blake is well and do not wish him suffering for having gone through addiction and constantly blamed for “causing” amy’s. nor do i wish mitch suffering because he enabled her for the sake of touring—this heavily impacted amy, but at the same time there’s a guarantee w/ the way he and her mother treated her bulimia (which i’m not excusing, but nothing can be done) he had no tools of support to know how to help her as compared to rehab.
amy still had bulimia (which was never intervened by her parents, getting to the point where her entire studio knew she had a problem, and this was around her early to late 20s) for 12+ years before her death.
she never recieved help for that and could have died any moment even without drugs and alcohol present. she already was predisposed to certain mental issues unfortunately that were never properly resolved, and it did not help that the culture in the time period she was raised in was heavily stigmatizing toward depression and nonchalant about eating disorders.
it did not help that she was constantly mocked for her appearance and people based the state of her health on her weight, when amy had health issues that likely wouldn’t be known unless she admitted it since she was a teenager even during her frank era where people say she was “healthier” because she hadn’t yet developed substance abuse.
and i really don’t like defining her as one of the other—she was a person at the end of the day. she is not her health, the causes/factors of death, nor is she whoever ppl scapegoat for her illness instead of the fact: addictions of all kinds are not always success stories. even when someone is recovered or appears to be, amy was still struggling and always had been, but she also had music in her life as an outlet which was incredibly wonderful.
i know ppl would’ve liked some story in which she was better without blake and loved completely free of addiction, but she was still all the more valid as a human being and worthy of basic respect even during her relapses. and the media didn’t give that to her until they could profit off pretending they didn’t make shit worse for her. people simply do not treat those with addiction well (in some cases) unless there is a success story to self gratify themselves with because you haven’t endured it yourself and that person “became” more like you, or a tragedy to learn from. people don’t need to be your lessons. they can just be people.
point blank, at one point in time this talented woman was on this earth, went thru a lot of fucked shit with zero resources, and did the best she could. music was an outlet for her, and that was amazing she found something that made her happy.
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anyway i’m off my soapbox. if you want to know more abt amy, watch the 2015 amy docu. may your memory be a blessing amy. i hope you know there’s ppl, even if it took quite a while, who understand + have compassion for you. <3
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lava-bros · 2 years
How are you guys?
Probably not the answer you're expecting but I feel like there's probably some form of closure I should give this blog. I definitely went very ambitious with the development I wanted to do with these characters, at the time obviously I had the energy and desire to make the stories so I'm not faulting myself for doing it. It was fun at the time and that's what these blogs are about!
So here's some fun story bits that were in the works before I moved on to other creative things. If you DO end up reading this, be prepared it's pretty lengthy. There's some old thumbnails of updates that I never got to finish, along with a few designs of story elements.
As well as a few trigger warnings, there's some talk about death, loss, substance abuse(in a magical sense), a lot of fire, emotional trauma. I think that covers it, so if you're fine with that continue on!
Sol was made to be this sort of slimy two faced asshole that used people for his thirst for knowledge without care of what happened to the people he left behind in the process. He pushes the limits of his relationships until they either break or start to bend to him whim. There was a long time he wasn't a good person, and his friends suffered for it.
BEFORE THAT THOUGH, we're going to time skip backwards a bit before he was introduced to the blogs. Sol used to be a slimy single faced asshole that actually had friends. He was on top of the world, gave no shits about who knew him, who liked him, who hated him. He'd escaped from the lab he was created from and he wanted to experience life to the fullest because this man honest to god believed NOTHING could hurt him. He ended up forming a crew, they got up to some hijinks, they had a great time doing it, and they were a big family. This was supposed to be explored with the "Remember your sins" meme, but lost the drive pretty quick after starting. I did some digging around and I found some of the old thumbnails
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Essentially it filled in some of the missing pieces of Sol getting backstabbed by one of his crew members and learning that he's not as invincible as he thought. This was also where the explanation of the White and Black Cores come in. Black cores I was able to finish with the explaination, white cores I unfortunately never got around to. I'm sure there's some roughs floating around or at least on paper. But basically white cores plays in the opposite of the black cores. Black cores are too much magic, so white is not enough. So Sol witnessed having his core broken into and he lost an huge amount of his magic which threatened his existence. His body went into panic mode, and he went absolutely nuts and killed his family(or so he thought). He set the whole place on fire, and definitely Skip died because when he finally came too he just sort of stuck around her corpse and spired into a depression. He went through some stuff it wasn't a good year(or decade I can't remember) for him.
Skip ahead to his next phase, rebuild. So after all that shit, he picked himself back up, made a new identity, tried to rebuild his empire. Got mixed up with some not so good relationships(the not so good being on his end), finding himself unable to trust again because of obvious previous shit. He still didn't know who it was that betrayed him, and so he gave up that shit to be a new brand of asshole. The kind that DOESN'T actually want to make friends anymore.
That's where we jump to Sol adopting kids and it's the worst idea. This plot point I honestly kinda wished I did so differently. It was such a missed opportunity for Boom and Pom to have a parental figure, regardless if he was so bad at being on. Whenever I make AUs with these three now, their dynamic is so different, Piper(Pom) adores Sol regardless if he sucks at taking care of any sort of organic creature. That's all I really have to say about that. Boom sees him more like a boss and Pom hates him but slowly builds into being okay with him later on in the blogs.
So now I'll get into the present/future stuff. A big part of what the blog was going towards was this project called "the interviews" and man I wish I had all the thumbs for it, but I think a lot of it was on paper. Here's just some of the beginning ones:
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Shout out to Simon's very obvious in check emotions.
Anyways, so this was going to be a series of updates in regards to looking for new hires. Along the way it would cut back and forth between Bob and Sol, Bob who's trying to move forward while Sol who's still held back by the past and can't move on. The above section was basically going to be what Bob was going through.
Meanwhile with Sol, he would meet Skip who's been haunting the warehouse as a Boo, unable to move on because of her ties of anger and regret for what Sol had done. She'd go on talking about how she'd been there since she died, hating Sol quietly and learning her new powers to find a way to get revenge. But as she watched him grovel for nearly a decade over her body, she decided that he'd done a better job torturing himself over and over enough times that she didn't need to do anything. But she reconciles with him, telling her friend that it's time for him to move on. Sol argues that he's unable to, how could he after what he's done, and wishing it hadn't happen. He goes on mentioning that he couldn't control himself, he wouldn't have done that even if she betrayed him by breaking his core. That's when Skip reveals that it wasn't her, it was Po, the snowpokey of their team.
Learning this, Sol is furious, but keeps his cool for the time being. Him and Skip have a bit of a bonding moment, reminiscing about the past, then Sol offers Skip one of the jobs. She reluctantly agrees, since she's stuck there anyways, and she becomes the new security. Sol brings her to Bob, and he has an emotional moment with her too, seeing that one of his friends did in fact pass away at the incident.
That was as much as I had solid plans for, at least with Sol's arc. Rough ideas was Sol going to confront Po on his own, and turns out Po's resented him for years. They fight and as Po looks about to win Bob comes in and shows off his own frustrations that he'd been keeping. He loses it and beats Po to an inch of his life sort of deal, Sol stops him, and he offers Po an opportunity to change, which he declines. Maybe later on he changes his mind, unsure. Didn't get that far into it. But yeah that was pretty much Sol's whole arc. Pretty long. A lot of bummer city stuff, but becomes pretty chill at the end.
NOW SIMON. Honestly his was a lot tamer in the sense of just his own self discovery. His arc is essentially feeling abandoned by Sol when he escaped whatever vague lab they were from. He's always felt Sol could connect with people a lot easier than he could. Sol was full of a lot of sympathy where as Simon was empathy. He couldn't exactly relate to a lot of what people felt. Unlike Sol, that you could argue was created with a lot of emotion, Simon was made with very little. It made him desperate to feel what others did, and from that it made him feel empty. So to fill that void, he filled it with the only thing he knew he could. Magic. Thus it lead to him consuming magic constantly, and furiously.
Simon developed these 'black core' symptoms very early on, where he has a constant hunger to consume magic and it's completely messed up his way of thinking because of it. Though his ultimate goal had always been to basically combine with Sol, because in his eyes, Sol is everything he wants to be. So ultimately at one point, he does. It's right during the big arc where Boom loses his arm in the fight. They lose and Simon and Sol combine to make this guy.
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It was during the time I unfortunately pretty burnt out on trying to produce all this content on my spare time. So doing huge updates and big arcs were getting harder and harder to do. I missed just having a funny blog to draw silly answers for, so I skipped over all this, and instead just planned on it all being talked about in past tense. That's when Bob and Scotty suddenly came in.
As for the rest of Simon's arc, part of it was shown on the blog. Scotty helped separate the two after combining, and turns out everything he thought would fix him came crashing down. It didn't work, he didn't feel how he wanted to, and he hit a low point in just having no idea what to do anymore. His thoughts consumed by this hunger that can't be satisfied, and he can't grasp the concept of love or what it is to love.
He slowly comes back to with Scotty's help, showing him compassion and forgiveness for his actions. Teaching him that there is nothing wrong with not understanding. There is nothing wrong with not having those feelings. It takes time and experience to understand and find yourself. So she helps him rebuild, helping him do the things he enjoys that doesn't, you know, hurt others with an ending violent hunger for power. He officially gets his weird uncle status badge. Hooray!
Now a character I didn't get much opportunity to explore, Scotty. She doesn't exactly have "end game" planned, because she's definitely more of a supporting cast for these two. So she was created in the same facility, you know the vague unnamed one, after Sol left. She was given a little less magic so she didn't, you know, go nuts like Simon, and perhaps a little less emotional than Sol. She was supposed to be the in between but basically the "better" version of them. And then Simon lost it and destroyed the vague unnamed facility and broke her core. That's what the grabby hands represented in this post
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But with still a little magic left, she wasn't gone. There was a vague concept of either Bob or Sol returning to the facility and finding her core. Probably Bob if I think about it now, to look for some answers about what Sol is and how to get him to be less... uh... fire. And sort of repairs Scotty while he's there and just sort of leaves her to figure out her thing. Then upon Simon and Sol combining, Scotty arrives, using her ability to separate them through means. I honestly cannot remember how.
But that's it! Those are the arcs that I had planned for this blog that I never got to, and honestly never will get to. I do still love these characters deeply, I use them all the time in AUs I will sometimes post on my main art blog. They're my self indulgent characters, and I love them dearly.
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They've grown a lot since this blog began, or heck, even before this blog began. Sol was made to be a throw away character, made just to be Boom's really terrible abusive boss in his early years. Christ look at this absolute piece of shit. My whole design concept was literally "sleazey car salesman"
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And Simon was literally a joke. I misspelled Splorch once, and he was created from it. He was meant to be the opposite of Sol in every way, and he honestly still is.
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What a lovely walk down memory lane. Thanks for sticking around for those that got this far. I honestly enjoyed the time I had with these blogs, they were truly a lot of fun. I met some great people from them, and it's lead to some really great friendships. Aside from that shit though, gave me these characters, and they're going to stick with me for a long time.
Thanks for all the support that this obscure blog received over the years. This one hit so much different than BoomPom did. I felt like this one was more of my own, and less tied to the popularity of other much bigger blogs. It honestly shocks me that people sent asks here, and people took interest in these characters. Means a lot to me if you did and for all the asks this blog received in it's life span.
I hope you have a pleasant day, you deserve it.
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cardistrymagic · 1 year
MI7 spoilers (my long rant)
extremely religious takes on the enemy lmao. i think because i'm a sucker for tech being used in spy movies that the airport scene was my favourite. 1. ethan not being found through the cctv- what a fun intro! 2. benji with the bomb- nice to see him do something...( i mean you made me think him running in the airport trailer scene was important 🙄)
IMF team: luther talked more than he has in other movies and i demand more. thanks. i kinda wish they'd use the team more ig. because they are literal field agents so they can fight? i hope? and the whole train scene benji was just gone like waiting thinking "wow he should be here by now" like LET HIM DO SOMETHING!!!
the fact that the entity has control over lots of techy stuff so benji n luther cant really do much??? makes me sad. like let them talk to each other :( i like the gadgets. i liked the little banter luther n benji had.
lastly- the scene where ethan jumps off the cliff- only women are in his flashbacks?? like i thought we'd established the IMF team as his. family lowkey y'know. it was just like okay...
in venice: white widow wasnt bad i guess. the benji dupe voice- love how it played on ethan's loyalty! i think it showed well how dangerous the enemy was- but for some reason i'm still more afraid of the past villain- lane, due to the many examples and horrors he's actually committed. ig im not into the blue ai enemy.
grace: my one thing is that i get that she might have had to be brought into the team to be safe BUT compared to ilsa, she is a pickpocket. a crime commiter at best. she is not at the level of a field agent (unless plot armour??) . not much fighting skills. to me she's kinda a liability. not to mention her constantly running away like. i was endeared to her at the airport because of her confidence. i get that maybe she becomes aware of the world-threatening shitshow she's been dragged into unwillingly but still. idk if she's cut out for the job. compared to ilsa a literal ex-agent with ties to MI6. even on the goddamn train she didnt really trust ethan YOU almost DIED?! if not for the plot armour of ethan parachuting into the carriage. girl literally almost killed him by handcuffing him to the car like very funny he just saved your life. literally not trusting ethan on the piano scene What? i dont care thats shes a orphan you've literallly been through so much. with ethan.
one second she's like not able to do much besides throwing a key around. on the other hand she can fight knife to knife with a super skilled killer (gabriel) like what? a citizen thrown into stuff out of her league-driving a car (she cant) playing a good white widow (id forgive her for never doing this ever) and the train (ok thats fine) like i just dont see the value of her being in the team besides being able to play. a woman? which im sure the og team could do to be honest. . can grace shoot a gun?
btw i feel like her relationship w/ ethan moves so fast?
grace: i dont trust you. i will let the police capture you. you saved my life but im still running!! i messed your plans up (sorry)
ethan:( holds her face) my life is worth less than yours.
What is this intimacy??affection idk closeness? i know ethan is a loyal guy but???
villain: dark messiah. death as a gift. ghost. ai. gabriel (angel wow) i love more religious imagery. the flashback was like a decent window into ethan lore BEFORE imf (oooo) but i just dont really get what gabriel wants? the entity is messing shit up already. and gabriel seems to already work with it (comms faked in venice) i assume that ethan is a variable the entity needs to eliminate but just kill him? hahaha? gabriel probably likes seeing ethan suffer but compared to lane's stuff i'm not really. amused. (ethan literally has nightmares about lane)
also paris i didnt even know if they ever said her name? she was angry and dressed up and had some rabid dog scenes (like go girl) but i hope she does more in the next part! like the part where she holds up ethan and grace with a stab wound (woah. strong)
other stuff: the dutch angles being used in like 50% of the shots like CALM DOWN i love the mi:1 references but were they always so disorieting maybe im just getting old
the scenes? ilsa dies and ethan looks a bit distressed. the scene where they're hugging was so like woah okay but felt really like. shoved in there like. Okay yeah something bad is gonna happen to her 😭😭
in the end, rogue nation + ghost protocol are still my #1s. characters like brandt and ilsa had really interesting backgrounds and fit into the IMF team easily- the films centering around their teamwork is why i got so into MI in the first place. grace doesn't offer any like addition i dont think she can even bicker with the team for funsies (like brandt/ilsa) . she's not cool shes a poor girl that didnt know what she was getting into 😭
things i did like:
action scenes. awesome((besides the lack of luther and benji there)) ilsa being awesome in the desert
the cinematography (beautiful. as always.)
everyone in suits ( lawyer ethan. benji. )
thanks for reading and feel free to yell at me about your thoughts!!!!!
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