#very disturbing and makes me incredibly uncomfortable
loveydovey-leviathan · 11 months
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neteyamu · 1 year
Idk if ur taking requests but if u do neteyam x human!reader where the reader sleep in really weird positions and him just not understanding how it could be comfortable?
pairing — neteyam x human gn!reader
genre — fluff
warnings — not proofread we die like men💪, a mild seizure joke thing (pls tell me if theres anything else <3)
wc — 736
a/n — hey love!! i dont mind taking requests as of now so if you would like to send more pls do 🫶 but i cannot guarantee that i will be able to finish writing all of them quickly, especially since i have school :(
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Neteyam instantly woke up as he felt a sudden jab to his stomach. He groaned in confusion as he looked around in the dark, trying to find whatever caused the disturbance. His eyes immediately drifted to your small frame laying beside him. His eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment as he took in your position. Your right leg was stretched out and resting against his stomach, your left bent inwards but faced the other way. Your torso was leaning away from him though it turned to face him at a weird angle. And your arms were all over the place.
Neteyam was incredibly confused. How were you able to sleep peacefully like that? Was it not uncomfortable? He quietly shuffled back a bit and brought his hands towards you, gently straightening out your legs and placing you flat on your back. His hands then moved to your arms and brought them beside you. He made sure your exopack was secure before laying down again and wrapping his arms around you. Right before he fell asleep he made a mental note to himself to make fun of you in the morning for your weird sleeping position.
Neteyam grunted as he felt something poke him. Not again, he thought. Have you already started moving?! It can’t have been that long since he last fixed your posture. He decides to ignore it, maybe you’re just turning onto your side. Another poke. And then a push. Neteyam growls in frustration as he opens his eyes for the second time that night. As soon as he looks at you his eyes widen in shock. There is no way that is normal.
You are laid across the bed horizontally. your legs facing him as your head is hanging off the edge of the bed. Your right leg is folded underneath you and your left is digging into Neteyam’s abdomen. Half of your left arm is hanging off the bed beside your head and your right hand is calmly resting beside you.
Neteyam just stops and stares at you in disbelief. How is this even possible? How are you not in any pain? He can see the first rays of the sun starting to show and he gives up on trying to sleep. Neteyam sighs as he sits up and continues to stare at you. He crawls over to you and slowly pulls you back onto the bed, deciding to wake you up. He gently shakes you, but with you being so small compared to him it felt as if there was a mini earthquake happening and you jolted awake.
“‘Teyam! You almost gave me a heart attack!”, you said with your voice still groggy from sleep and your hand clutching your heart, your eyes squinting at him because of the light.
“I am really sorry yawne, but I had to ask you something”, he says with a slightly raspy voice.
You give Neteyam a nod, signalling him to go ahead.
“Are you possessed.” he asks with a straight face and you burst out laughing.
“What!?” you question in between your giggles.
“I think you should see my grandmother. Just in case.” Neteyam says so seriously you might actually piss yourself from laughing.
“Neteyam are you alright? Did you get enough sleep?”, you ask him as your giggles slowly come to a stop.
“No, in fact, I did not. You gave me nightmares. I do not know how anyone can sleep like that”, he says, shuddering as he remembered how you twisted and turned.
“Oh really? Like what”, you ask Neteyam, confusion overtaking your features.
“Like someone froze you mid seizure” he says as he gets up and stretches, walking over to grab his bow and arrows, slinging them across his back.
“Hey! That’s not very nice ‘Teyam”, you scowl at him and get out of bed as well.
“I am just being honest” he says, putting his hands up in defence.
“Anyways, I really have to go otherwise my dad will get mad, but I will see you later tonight.” Neteyam says, leaning down and giving you a quick peck on your head.
He leans down even lower and whispers into your ear.
“Maybe you should go see my grandmother while I am gone. Just to be sure you know?”
You cross your arms over your chest and glare at him as he walks backwards out the tent, laughing and waving goodbye to you.
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danlous · 4 months
I'm getting tired of hearing the sentiment that Louis doesn't care about Armand's trauma or have any sympathy for him. In the museum scene his expressions and body language were almost exactly similar to the scenes where Claudia and Lestat talk about their respective assaults. And in all these scenes he's mostly quiet. So does it mean Louis doesn't care about Claudia's or Lestat's traumas either? Of course not. It's just how he outwardly reacts in situations like this. He tends to shut down and doesn't know how to express his empathy and distress. Dreamstat represents Louis' hidden thoughts, but at the museum he's actually next to Louis listening quietly for the most of the scene. It's only at the end when Armand compares Marius, Magnus and Lestat to each other that dreamstat reacts angrily. And it's not mocking what happened to Armand, it's a manifestation of Louis' discomfort, him fearing that he's being manipulated and being uncomfortable that Lestat is brought up and that his relationship with Lestat is compared to Armand and Lestat's disturbing relationships with their own makers.
What Louis says to Armand in San Francisco is incredibly cruel. He's on drugs and extremely upset and intentionally trying come up with the most hurtful words he can think of, they both are. He very obviously deeply regrets it later. When he wakes up after the sun scene and remembers what he did and what kind of things he said before it he's ashamed and distressed. He's crying (though partially because of pain) and immediately tries to apologize to Armand and reach out for him. He's not angry when Armand leaves him in pain, probably thinking that he deserves it. When Armand later says "after what you put me through here i deserve this" Louis agrees. That's not someone who doesn't care or have empathy.
As often with Louis, i think the things he says to Armand are as much about Louis himself as they're about Armand. He sees himself in Daniel, and his entire speech to Claudia in 2.01 is directed also at himself, and he's projecting his own self-hatred and insecurities onto Armand. Louis fears that he is boring and dull. His husband repeatedly cheated on him and laughed in his face when Louis asked isn't he enough. During his depression years Lestat complained about Louis just reading and not leaving the house and how he was drawing Lestat into his gloom. He felt his sister-daughter was more interested in the theater and the coven than spending time with him. The coven mocked him and his passions and didn't find him that interesting after he stopped being a novelty. He was told that he didn't have much artistic talent. In the 70s his life seems to be repetitive and meaningless.
Louis subconsciously detests the qualities he recognizes in Armand that he recognizes and detests in himself - including being a victim. The interview was interrupted when Daniel criticized Louis for going back to Lestat and for his passivity and suicidal ideation. When he's fighting with Armand that all is on his mind. What he says about Armand's "daddy vampire grooming him into a little bitch" actually brings to my mind such scenes as how he derisively said in the second interview that he had become an unhappy housewife living with Lestat, and how dreamstat called him a "little whore". The shame of having experienced abuse and all the feelings of emasculation and degradation that came with it have never left him. Even in the second interview Louis firmly says to Daniel that he doesn't consider himself abused and that he isn't a victim. I don't think Louis consciously thinks that being abused makes someone a bad or weak person, but on some subconsious level he probably feels like that - at least if it's about himself. Again, in this same episode we see Louis acting like he deserves how Armand treats him after their fight and his suicide attempt
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dr-spectre · 22 days
I really like it when fan artists in the Splatoon community draw Hypno Callie as Callie but way more psychotic and fucked up.
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The way artists draw her with the swirly eyes, red backgrounds, unique posing, etc, it's so cool! Way better than drawing her as some cold brainwashed zombie that sucks the life out of Callie because God forbid that woman has a neutral expression.
It fits more in line with how Hypno Callie actually acts like in Splatoon 2. She ain't a mindless brainwashed drone and the Callie we know is gone as lots of people say oh no no no. She is a CRAZY WOMAN!!! Her dialogue is shockingly similar to her harsh dialogue found in Splatoon 1 Splatfests.
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Like... friendly reminder, hypnosis ≠ brainwashing/mind control. You cannot use the two terms interchangeably no matter how hard you try to argue. Hypnosis is a weird and unique state for a person to be in.
To me, Hypno Callie works best when Callie who has been under a lot of distress and suffering from her lonely busy life, runs off and decides to join the Octarians out of her own free will, and Octavio creates these hypnotic shades in order to basically keep Callie under control more as she is a wild card and could decide to run off at random. He doesn't outright brainwash her or mind control her, but he just gives her suggestions in a relaxed hypnotic state, and those suggestions just so happen line up with Callie's morals in her mentally unwell mind.
And Callie... she just needs help. She needs that reminder of the good memories she went through. All the times with Marie... when the shades get shot off of her, she still fights with Marie, she's still angry and full of this darkness inside her heart. But when she hears that heavenly melody... all of those positive memories finally rush back into her and she goes "wait... I remember! YEAH!!!" And then she finally reunites with her cousin and gets to have a fresh start with her...
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It makes Splatoon 3 more satisfying too as Callie and Marie are so happy together and look back at the past with respect and go "you know, if it wasn't for those events, maybe we wouldn't be the people we are today." That's some incredible stuff man.
And when fan artists properly show that and show Hypno Callie as the girl we know but in a crazed state that needs help, it's some powerful art...
I've seen so much art of Hypno Callie with octopus tentacles around her and her "brainwashing" Marie too and it's so fucking vile and uncomfortable and disgusting to me. Its so gross that people wanna treat Callie like that, you know? It's this weird... disturbing and... here we go....
.....sexual thing the community used to do back in 2017 to 2019. It was an awful time and the VERY SERIOUS AND DISTURBING implications that it brought up are just... WHY?!?!?! GOD WHY?!?! UGHHH!!! You want Callie to be kidnapped, get brainwashed forcefully, lose her memories AND THEN GET SEXUALLY... NO... IM NOT GONNA FINISH THAT! FUCK YOU!!! FUCK OFF!!! HOW DARE YOU!!! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!!!!
...But I'm very glad that fan artists have moved past that weird and uncomfortable phase and are drawing this important arc for Callie in a more visually powerful way.
So yeah, good job Splatoon fan artists! You're doing DAMN great!!!! Now it's time for youtubers and timeline explainers to pick up the slack....
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AITA for lying about my age to make some new friends?
I (17nb) recently joined a new fandom. I did the usual procedure of finding popular artists and writers, following them, and consuming their content while falling down the famous rabbit-hole. Then I saw one of the artists I liked had a discord server. I joined it bc I saw it as a way to make new fandom friends, get fic recs etc etc
i joined the server and the carl-bot(?) message popped up and a few people waved to it, so it was all on a high-note. Then I checked the rules and saw that it was 18+ members only and anyone found to be below 18 would be kicked. This is where I worry i may be the asshole.
People were already greeting the small flux of new members in the chat (I had joined in a small wave of other new members) and they were all incredibly friendly. I suddenly felt very self-concious about the idea of immediately leaving so soon after joining so, when writing my introduction, I said I was 18.
At the time, it felt like a bit of a white lie - after all, I'm 17 and am oftentimes mistaken for being ~20 online. I don't have my age in any of my socials for internet safety and I've always behaved quite maturely for my age. 18 was the lowest number I could go, and many of my friends are 18, so I know i can at least be friends with other 18 yr-olds.
The issue comes with the fact there is an nsfw channel in the server. Now, I'm on the internet and heavily versed in fandom - i use ao3. I'm not going to cry over a discord server which has an nsfw channel, that's just stupid. The issue is, I am very aware that quite a lot of the members might be uncomfortable with the idea they've been making nsfw jokes or posting nsfw art where a minor can see, no matter how close to an adult that minor is.
I've been doing my best to 'minimalize' the damage - I rarely talk in the nsfw chat and keep quite strictly to the sfw channels instead. It gives me some sense of, idk, decency for what I'm doing.
I've been in the server for several months now and it's a really safe and fun environment - it's discourse-free and everyone is just really great to talk to. I really enjoy being a member. However, I am also aware I'm violating the rules and lying about my age. I fear leaving now, abruptly, might bring attention to me or upset some of the people who I often talk to on the server.
But it also feels like a very tiny offense - I'm not going around, 'disturbing the peace', and kicking up drama. I'm avoiding what I know they wouldn't be comfortable with me seeing and I stay friendly and mature within conversation
So, aita? Should I leave the server or would that just be a dramatic reaction for one white lie?
What are these acronyms?
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sleepingsun501 · 10 months
Good Morning, Princess
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Pairing: Boba Fett x F!reader
Summary: Boba helps satisfy your needs after you wake up hot and bothered in the middle of the night.
Rating: Explicit 18+ (Minors DNI)
Warnings: Soft!dom Boba, established relationship, female masturbation, fingering, dirty talk, praise, PiV sex (wrap it up), aftercare.
Word Count: 2k
Ao3 link
A/N: MINORS GET OUT OF HERE!! Hello all!! It’s been a while since I’ve churned out a fic, but I got inspired and couldn’t keep it in. It’s my first time writing for Boba, so I hope you all enjoy!! If this isn’t your cup of tea, however, just scroll on.
Good Morning, Princess
In the early hours of the morning, well before the suns rose above the sands, you found yourself squirming beneath the heavy blankets on your luxurious bed and trying to ignore the persistent ache between your legs.
It had hit you unexpectedly, waking you in the dead silence of the night and only grew worse as the hours passed, making you restless and uncomfortable. You had done your best to ignore it, but your body was beginning to overheat with need—the cool desert air wafting in from the Dune Sea doing very little to soothe you.
Boba lay oblivious beside you—one arm tucked behind his head, softly snoring, and looking more peaceful than you had seen him in weeks. The steady rise and fall of his muscular chest in the low light did not help to quell the need stirring in your core, but you would not wake him for this. The stress on the mighty Daimyo’s shoulders had been heavy lately, and although he was still incredibly capable, the sleepless nights of his bounty hunting days were over. You could not imagine how badly he needed to make up for all that lost sleep.
Not wanting to disturb him but unable to bear the urges any longer, you shimmied your way further to the edge of the sprawling bed, pausing briefly when Boba shifted from the absence of your warmth.
Silently, you slipped a hand beneath the seam of your soaked panties and covered your mouth with your other hand to stifle your pleasured gasp, trying to imagine your fingers as Boba’s drawing tight, fast circles on your swollen clit to relieve the pressure building within you.
For several minutes, it seemed to help, but it did not last. You closed your eyes to keep your concentration and tried to pretend the powerful man beside you was the one bringing you to the edge of bliss, but it was no use. Your fingers were too small, too soft to be his.
Feeling frustration take the place of your brief contentment, you whimpered needily into your hand. In your desperation, you drew your legs up and plunged your fingers as deeply as you could into your drenched walls, but you could not reach that sweet spot you craved.
“Mesh’la,” Boba’s deep voice rumbled languidly from across the large bed.
Startled, you squeaked in surprise and yanked your hand from your dripping folds, scrambling to hide yourself beneath the blankets before Boba quickly snatched them from your grasp, leaving you exposed in your skimpy nightgown. The embarrassment of having been caught flooded through you in waves, only fueling your arousal as Boba’s knowing gaze locked onto your own.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you… I just… I-I was…” your words sputtered out of your mouth like the mewlings of a tooka kitten that had found its voice for the first time as you reached for the stolen blankets.
You yelped again as Boba reached over, pulled you to his side of the bed in one quick, fluid motion, and settled over you. He braced his hands on either side of you and was still peering down at you with that infuriatingly unreadable expression, and you felt the flush rising in your cheeks.
“Y-you were sleeping… I’m sorry,” you apologized automatically.
“You know you could have woken me, princess,” he whispered, his eyes softening and tracing the curve of your cheek with the roughened pad of his thumb. “I’m a little disappointed you didn’t.”
“But—” you started, but your excuse died on your tongue when you saw the desire burning in his deep brown eyes. A pang of guilt settled deep in your gut from the look, making your tightening core impossibly uncomfortable. “I just didn’t want to wake you. You looked so tired earlier and I could’ve taken care of myself,” you explained, breaking your eyes away from him in shame.
The thumb brushing your cheek grasped your chin and forced you to look back at him. “You don’t get to cum unless I say so,” he said quietly. His voice may have been soft, but the firm tone was irrefutable. “Unless I’ve suddenly started to talk in my sleep, I don’t recall saying so tonight.”
You shook your head in admission, biting your lip and shifting beneath him. His whole body was like a cage above you, and you wanted nothing more than to be ravaged by him—you wanted to feel his muscles flexing beneath the softness of his tummy crushing you to your shared bed, and the hardness of his cock stretching you open and driving deep within you until you forgot your name.
“Does my princess need to be taken care of?” Boba asked, taking the hand you had been pleasuring yourself with and suckling your fingers into his mouth. He cleaned your fingers thoroughly with his tongue, humming his approval when he tasted you, before hiking your nightgown up above your breasts and taking one into his mouth.
You gasped as your nipple pebbled beneath his tongue, and he spread your knees apart to grind his hips into yours. He was hard as a rock, feeling your intense heat through your soaking panties, and repeated his question impatiently against the shell of your ear. “I’m waiting for an answer, little one.”
“Yes. Fuck, yes, Boba. Just need you,” you sighed, pressing your hips up to meet his.
Returning to your breast, he gave your nipple a love bite, making you moan but doing nothing to assuage the ache now threatening to overwhelm your senses. “I think you should apologize first. Only good girls get to cum.”
You pouted at his teasing, but you also knew Boba would drag this out until the twin suns rose high in the sky if he wanted to as he began leaving delicate marks on your chest.
“I… I’m sorry,” you whimpered as he sucked a darker mark onto the tender skin of your opposite breast.
He chuckled darkly at your pathetic attempt. “Come now, my sweet girl, you can do better than that.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t wake you,” you breathed, your hands coming up to grasp his broad shoulders. “I want you, Boba. I want you to make me cum. I need you inside me… need to cum on your cock. Please, I’ll be good and tell you when I need you from now on, I promise.”
Seemingly satisfied with your plea, Boba pushed your dampened panties aside and slid a thick finger into your warmth. You cried out in relief as your body responded to the intrusion, your cunt tightening around the digit and rocking your hips to grind your clit against his palm.
“That wasn’t so difficult, now was it, princess?” he teased, the smirk on his face leaching into his voice. He curled his finger inside you, finding that sensitive spot with ease before adding a second.
“Ohh, Maker… Boba, please more. I need… just need more!” you begged as the hot, electric sparks of your arousal fired through your limbs. You grasped his shoulders so tightly that your nails left little half moons dimpled into his bronzed, scarred skin.
“Don’t worry, little one. I’ll give you what you want, but fingers first. Always have to make sure you’re ready to take me,” he practically growled.
You pouted again, but any brattiness behind it melted away with a needy whimper as he eased his underwear down and slipped one of your hands around his length before settling beside you and throwing your leg over his hip. “That’s right, baby girl, you can take it. I know you can.”
You grasped his thick, leaking cock greedily and stroked him as best you could in time with his movements. Just the way he twitched and throbbed in your grasp with a deep groan was already enough to push you to the edge.
Combined with his fingers making the most lewd sounds as they pumped in and out of your soaked cunt, the feeling of his sturdy body shielding you, and the encouragement dripping from his beautiful lips, it was all too much to hold back. You crashed over the edge with a desperate cry into his chest, burying yourself against him for both affection and security as you rode out your first high.
“There it is,” he murmured soothingly into your hair, continuing to stroke you as you clenched around him. “That’s my good girl. That feels better, doesn’t it?”
You could barely hear him as your heart thundered in your ears. The tension and heat in your tightly wired core finally releasing around his long fingers but only bringing you a fraction of the relief you craved.
Before you had stopped spasming, Boba rested you onto your back again as you twitched through the aftershocks and buried himself in your walls with slow, steady strokes. He graciously waited until he felt the stretch of your walls accommodate him comfortably, but all you could do was cling to his dense shoulders again as he began pounding into you, losing himself in your wet heat.
“You feel so good, baby. So fucking tight… always so perfect for me,” he praised, his tone borderline reverential. He ran a hand up your body over the silk of your nightgown that had fallen back into place, marveling at the softness of it over your searing hot skin and silently worshiping you with his touch.
You let your eyes flutter shut as you gasped out his name, feeling your entire body quake beneath him as he drove you into the mattress. Somewhere in the depths of your lust-addled brain, you were glad he had taken you apart with his fingers first. He had gotten you out of your head, and now you could fully surrender to his control, never having felt safer in any other man’s arms.
The length of his thick cock slipping through your slick cunt was addictive and each stroke pushed you both higher into ecstasy, a sensation which you wished would never end. Even through the fervor of his thrusts, Boba cupped the back of your head ever so gently and brought your lips to his in the tenderest of kisses.
“You’re so beautiful like this,” he whispered, his breath hot and sweet against your skin. “I love you, my perfect girl. Love you so much… gonna take care of you… never letting you go.”
“Boba…” you sighed, the devotion in his words melting your heart. You were about to echo the sentiment, but he stole your words from you with another breathless kiss as he reached between you and found your clit again.
You could feel yourself hurtling toward that blissful cliff again, bracing yourself for the plunge you knew he would take with you as he chased his release.
“Boba, I need—need to… please!” you cried, begging for permission.
“Together, baby. Cum with me.”
With a hiss and a shuddering, throaty groan, Boba tensed above you, pressing his forehead to yours. You could feel the heat deep within your walls as he painted your insides, and it triggered your second orgasm. Your cunt sucked him in deep as your legs trembled and locked in a vice grip around his waist, and Boba could not help but sigh your name sweetly at the sensation.
Though you both savored the peak as long as you could, you shivered at the loss of him as he eventually eased his softening cock from you. He quickly maneuvered you out of your sweaty nightgown and into the cradle of his arms as he reclined back and pulled the soft blankets up over your exposed form.
The faintest tinge of gold and pink was appearing beyond the horizon through the arches of the balcony, but Boba only had eyes for you. He toyed with the ends of your hair as he took you in, smiling down at you gently.
“I think we’re due for a bit of a lie-in today, don’t you think?” he asked.
You giggled and nodded in agreement, already settling into his chest and wanting to drift back to sleep in his strong arms. “Good morning, my love.”
He rested his head against the top of yours, breathing in your scent, and you felt him relax as well. “Good morning, princess.”
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balkanradfem · 11 months
I've noticed a woman on the street today; she had pants that made her backside very noticeable. I made myself look away, and wondered to myself, am I allowed to stare after her? Am I being creepy right now? Should I mind my own business and not let my gaze wonder? Would she feel uncomfortable knowing I'm looking at her, regardless of what I'm thinking? (I thought she looked very nice).
And it reminded me to how when a woman on tumblr posts a very gaze-catching photo, all of us ssa ladies comment on it 'I am looking respectfully' and we mean it. We're saying, we like the picture, and we respect you, and we also cannot tear our gaze apart because you are incredibly attractive on that pic.
And isn't that a lovely way to respond? We never for a moment forget to consider that she is human, and to write in a way that wouldn't make another human being feel threatened and uncomfortable.
Think what a stark contrast that is to male reactions to female pictures! Males will throw in numbers on an imagined scale, jokes on how they would destroy or violate her, isolating and criticizing parts of her, enacting fantasies of possessiveness and unwanted sexual advances, condemning her personality, and then go the whole way to jealousy over who has ownership of her, anger that she dared to post it, indignation over her existing, threats, sexual threats, and in the end they will throw slurs if she exists and isn't offered as a service to them.
It's disturbing, the first thing they do is forget that she is a human being, they see an object without thoughts, or ability of having an emotional reaction to what is being said. Or, maybe they don't forget it, and it's that emotional reaction of fear, discomfort, pain and demotion of her self-esteem is what they are really after.
My point is, I love the culture of women being respectful to other women. I feel comfortable here, knowing nobody will ever forget that another woman is human, no matter how much or little clothing she is wearing, regardless of attraction we feel, regardless of what she is showing to us. We don't want to do anything to damage her self-esteem, her courage or her own self-perception, we don't want her to feel threatened or uncomfortable. That means women can do whatever they want without having to fear disastrous consequences. As they should!
And I think it's good too, that my first thoughts are if I'm making someone uncomfortable. It's good to be aware that other human beings are not here to be gawked at, regardless of what they're wearing.
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foxwyrm · 9 months
Edit: turns out op misinterpreted another post, and made an albeit poorly-worded response to it. It was not their intention to hurt those with intrusive thoughts, as they suffer from those as well. While they definitely could have worded things in better taste, it was not their intention to make a "thoughtcrimes are real" statement. I will delete this post if op wishes.
😐? 🤨?
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I am NOT going to respond directly to op because well I do not think they would treat me very well ! however I'm mad at this so I'm posting here
- urges are morally neutral. urges are morally neutral. whether or not you ACT on that urge determines morality. I thought we knew that intrusive thoughts are not representative of personal interests! I get violent urges towards human beings sometimes when I'm upset! But I don't act on them because that's bad and i know its bad!! I am not a bad person for having violent urges, I am a good person for not acting on them!
- "you don't have to question whether or not you're a piece of shit for wanting to harm...your pet" well op you see the people you're talking about probably already feel really fucking awful about these urges then and therefore are probably not acting on them. but here you are, making them feel so much fucking worse for something they genuinely have no control over
- insanely ableist language all around from op to be honest.
- "if you want to do gross things like animals in the wild that's fucked up" .....a lot of us are animals. "animal" comes with this gross parts too. you can be uncomfortable with it and cater your online experience to avoid it but like. animals are going to do animal things man. a lot of predatory nonhumans hunt deer and that's cool! Good for them! I am uncomfortable around guns, so I generally don't interact with nonhumans who frequently post about hunting. Maybe people posting about their violent or otherwise gross urges upsets you, which is really valid! Most intrusive thoughts ARE extremely upsetting, especially for the person having them. so instead of making them feel worse, just move on, block if you need to.
- all in all op is a fucking ableist asshole who only cares about the palatable side of nonhumanity.
Nonhumans, and humans! who have incredibly disturbing intrusive thoughts, urges, etc. and feel gross and awful about them: you are not a bad person. you cannot control intrusive thoughts, that's why they're called intrusive. your thoughts do not determine if you're a good being, whether or not you act on them does.
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actual-changeling · 5 months
some early fluffy msr featuring once again a very tired scully and a worried mulder. if i end up writing more vignettes like these i might start posting them on ao3. this is set a few days after the first pfaster incident.
Mulder should really wake her up.
Not only is sleeping on the desk incredibly uncomfortable—speaking from a lot of experience—but he also knows that her first reaction to realising she fell asleep at work will be shame. She is slumped over in her usual chair, angled towards him and with her back to the door; every now and then she makes a little noise and buries her face deeper into the cradle of her arms.
Her blazer has ridden up her back and her blouse with it, revealing not soft skin but a deep-blue, slowly healing bruise. There are several more littering her entire body, and Mulder has caught her wincing or hissing in pain more times than he can count, swallowing the needle of guilt that comes with it. The memory of her sobbing into his chest is at the forefront of his mind, impermeable and achingly bright, and he regrets not shooting Pfaster dead right where he stood.
Scully had insisted on going back to work and shrugged off any and all attempts at getting her medical attention, eventually telling him to 'leave her alone or so help me god'. Not wanting to push, he had, and yet, seeing the shadows under her eyes match her bruises more and more, he wishes he had said something—anything—if just to make sure she is not hurting more than can be avoided.
It is not difficult to guess what exactly is keeping her up at night, and this is not the first or the last time a harrowing experience haunted them all the way home. Nightmares are as much part of the job as paperwork, and he would carry it all for her if he could.
Mulder watches her lips part for a sigh, a week's worth of fatigue finally catching up with her, and his indecision disappears entirely. He quietly pushes back his chair and tiptoes around their office, first taking the phones off the hook, then switching off their cellphones too. If anyone wanted something from them (and 'anyone' was almost exclusively Skinner), they were going to have to wait.
After locking the door, he turns off the ceiling light, picks up his coat, and gently drapes it over her shoulders; the heavy fabric wraps around her like a cocoon, making her appear even smaller than she already was. Shifting for a few seconds, Scully seems to adjust to the new weight and influx of warmth, but she quickly settles again with sleep softening her features. Hesitantly, Mulder reaches out and tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear, disproportionately endeared by the content noise he gets in response.
In the late afternoon twilight, her red hair is littered with specks of gold, and he cannot resist the urge to run a palm over the back of her head to smooth it down further. Leaning in, he presses a tender kiss on her temple, murmuring "_sweet dreams"_ before he can second-guess himself.
Mulder knows he cannot change what happened or the lingering trauma she is inevitably struggling with, but he can allow her to get the rest she needs, if just for a little while, his gaze never straying far from her. No uninvited visitors disturb her peace, and he busies himself with expense reports and filing while she naps. 
The sun sets, the moon rises, and a handful of hours later, he catches her lashes fluttering and fingers twitching as she finds her way back to consciousness.
Contrary to his initial assumption, Scully doesn't seem to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable, but rather leans back and pulls his coat tighter around herself. Her eyes are clear, and he can spot the beginning of a smile tugging on her lips. He breathes against the sudden wave of anxiety washing over him, worried that he somehow overstepped.
Scully nods, letting out a puff of air and looking away as a blush rises to her cheeks.
"Thank you," she whispers, extending her arm to take his hand, which was starting to make a mess of the files without him noticing. Mulder squeezes it in return, his thumb unconsciously drawing circles along her knuckles. Unsure of how to deal with the emotions surging between them, he bites back the joke on his tongue and settles for honesty instead.
"If you ever—you can call. Anytime. Odds are I'm probably up anyway, and if-" he stumbles, mentally preparing himself to see her walls slot back into place, but she is meeting his gaze with steady, familiar affection. 
"If that's something I can do, please. Let me."
Scully squeezes his hand one more time before pulling back, carefully pushing herself upright. His coat is swallowing her, merging her with the creeping shadows on the wall, and her hair is a flame, drawing him in like a moth to the light. His light. 
"Dinner? Your choice."
Mulder smiles, recognising the offer for what it is: gratitude and affirmation wrapped in one.
"Let's go."
(When Scully calls him later in the early morning hours, they end up falling asleep together, and seeing her lively and infinitely less tired at work is worth the phone bills he continues to amass over the next few weeks.)
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mydeerfellow · 8 months
The Rubber Ball Of Uncontrollable Honesty
“I honestly wouldn’t fuck anyone in the room besides you! And maybe him!” Angel pointed at Husk, then Alastor.
“Really?” Both of them said at the same time, looking speculative and mortified in turn.
“And Vaggie but only if she had a strap—”
“Fuck you especially.”
The room was overwhelmingly, awkwardly silent as everyone collectively looked up from the bags of Lucifer’s old shit they’d come across in one of the storage rooms in the basement. Alastor was the last to look up, and seemed shocked that he had even said anything.
“Uh… thanks?” Angel blinked, taken aback by the sudden hostility.
Alastor laughed nervously. “What? No! No, I just think you’re very strange and you make me incredibly uncomfortable! AHA! What the fuck?” He flailed and dropped the small rubber ball he had been messing with.
“Wow, that was… really, really honest, Alastor!” Charlie applauded awkwardly. “Um… I mean, maybe a little… abrupt…” She looked at Angel, who seemed torn between amusement and genuine surprise. “But! But, at least you were open, and… and you—”
“An’ he didn’t mean to say any of that shit. What the hell’s this thing, anyway?” Husk cut her off and stalked forward, eyeing the rubber ball on the floor. “You still feelin’ honest there, boss?” He looked at Alastor, who immediately pivoted to look away, but not before speaking: “Yooouuu— have enormous eyebrows!”
“You wanna fork it over now, or are we gonna wait for you to drop a bombshell?” Husk held out a hand, one brow raised, and for a moment it looked like Alastor might haul back and punch him. Then, he picked up the ball and put it squarely into Husk’s palm. “Ha ha! Now the curse is passed to you!”
“What kinda bullshit Curse Of The Mummy bullshit are you on right now? You can’t just pass it along to the next poor schmuck who tries to help! You know what? Fuck you. Figure it out your own fucking— ah well, shit.” Husk threw the ball at Angel, who caught it with a bit of a fumble.
“I honestly wouldn’t fuck anyone in the room besides you! And maybe him!” Angel pointed at Husk, then Alastor.
“Really?” Both of them said at the same time, looking speculative and mortified in turn.
“And Vaggie but only if she had a strap—”
“Gimme that, you dick.” Vaggie used a broom handle to knock the ball out of Angel’s hands and it rolled over to Niffty’s feet, who immediately held it above her head with a screech.
“Yes, dear?” Alastor patted her head as she wheezed excitedly.
“I would marry a bug if I could, just so I could stab him to death in his sleep and steal his money!”
The silence was overwhelming, and even Alastor looked somewhat put off by her… honesty. “Okay. That’s very disturbing and I think you could use some professional help.” He said at last. “Oh dear, it’s still working.”
“I got committment issues, so I’m never gonna actually fuck you.” Husk let Angel know, who nodded sagely. “That guy really fucked up my whole everything, honestly.” He pointed at Alastor, who raised his hands innocently.
“That’s okay, sex is more of a job anyway, let’s be real.”
“I wish I could stab a bad boy right now.” Niffty yelled.
“You know what, Niff? We’re gonna just… put a pin in that, okay?” Charlie laughed nervously and snatched the ball before anyone else could accidentally pick it up. “Sooo, anyway… I thought my mom got rid of this a long time ago. See, I had this kinda little lying issue when I was really little, so Dad made this!” She held it up and squinted at it. “It just makes you kinda wanna tell the truth. Or it used to, anyway. I think the spell got a little wonky, ‘cause I never… did what you guys are doing.” She looked over at Alastor and Husk, who were giving detailed descriptions of everything they didn’t like about each other while Angel offered background commentary on their personality flaws.
“If I had my time back I’d have drowned you in a washing machine when I had the chance!” Alastor said sweetly. “In fact, the only reason I don’t do that is because the dear, sweet child who runs this hotel would almost certainly be upset if I redecorated her foyer with—”
“That’s a fucking riot comin’ from a man who bends over backwards every time his floozy fuckin’ friend barks up your tree wantin’ a favor for dick-all!”
“At least I have a friend~”
“I got plenty of those, pal!”
Alastor pursed his lips, giving Angel a window of opportunity to jump in. “Aw, come on, maybe now’s not the time, huh? What’s the fun of a bitch fight when everybody’s gotta be stone-cold honest?” He held up his hands and smiled nervously, sidling between Alastor and Husk. “Nobody’s gonna come out on top, amirite? Come on, Charlie.” He waved at her behind his back and she jumped in valiantly.
“I think… we’re all probably going to say things we don’t really mean.”
“It’s a truth… ball… thing! Ain’t the point to be honest?” Husk spat, even as he backed off.
Charlie himmed and hawwed for a second. “Not really. Honesty’s kind of… hard. I don’t think it’s wrong to have a little bit of a… a… Vaggie, help. What am I saying?”
“Honesty’s got a lot of shades of gray. This shit just tries to make it black and white. I’m glad your Mom tossed it in here.” Vaggie covered Charlie’s hands, and the ball, with her own. “I think it’s probably better to just destroy it for good, though. Don’t you?”
The full body relaxation that Vaggie caused in Charlie was probably something that could be marketed and sold for a small fortune, just based on the broad smile on her face. Between their hands, the ball crumbled into dust.
“Well, I, for one, would fuck you any day of the week, and twice on Sunday!” Alastor exclaimed loudly, gesturing at Angel with both hands, who looked like he was seeing the sunrise for the first time. “Oh good, it worked!” He added after a pause, laughing uproariously at his own joke as he walked up the stairs. “I’ve got to go wash my brain with bleach, thank you all for this horrible experience!”
“What about once on Sunday?!” Angel yelled up after him, cackling when he was flipped off with both hands as the door slammed shut. “Ah, I’m wearing ‘em down. Just you wait.”
Husk shuddered and mock-gagged. “Maybe you should just stay down here an’ think about why you’re the way you are.” He patted Angel on the shoulder as he brushed past, following Alastor upstairs. “Niffty, don’t lick the dirt. You don’t know where’s it’s been.” He added, as Niffty was currently attempting to suction the truth ball dust off the unfinished floor.
“Cool, that’s my cue to skedaddle. C’mon, basket case, let’s go wash yer tongue before it falls off.” Angel picked up Niffty by the back of the shirt and tossed her up the stairs and into Husk’s arms like a football. “You two comin’ or what? Lezbehonest, this ain’t the most romantic setting, but you do you, babes.”
“Did you just— we’re holding hands, Angel!”
“Hey, whatever tickles yer pickle.” He swung the door shut behind him, and turned off the light for good measure, plunging them into darkness while they both yelled after him and scrambled blindly for the stairs.
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candlecordyceps · 5 months
This is just my raw emotional reactions, opinions, and just general interpretations of the last few scenes in the episode.
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Starting off, I’m beginning with Shuro confronting Laois for what he did. Shuro seems to be a very high-standing fellow from what I’ve been given so far (as an anime only currently- I will start reading the manga once it finishes releasing I promise). He has guards that are close to him, and I assume he’s rich, and knowing that he will DEFINITELY care a lot more about black magic and laws, because they effect him more due to his (assumed) status. He’s understandably terrified of what this means for Falin. And he confronts Laois by asking him,
“Do you know what you’ve done?” He tells him all the hell that he can go through for it, what FALIN will go through for it, Marcille will go through- but Laois knows.
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He’s well aware of the consequences and he was willing to do it anyways. For Falin. For his sister. Because she was willing to risk her life for him and for everyone, everyone followed suit, and the desperation to do so was so powerful they were willing to do what it took. And Laois ALSO knows, that despite what Shuro is doing right now,
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He would’ve done the same. Shuro won’t kill him, because he knows he would’ve done anything too. Laois doesn’t GET people. He thought he could trust Shuro to be quiet. At this point it’s pretty obvious to me, especially in the episode with him being clingy and friendly with Shuro, calling him the one of the “only ones to call him a friend”, despite Shuro’s very obvious uncomfortable-disturbed-annoyed attitude toward Laois and general unwellness being unnoticed (until told specifically of it, to which Laois immediately got onto Shuro about his health). Yet, he knows Shuro would’ve done anything too.
Shuro stays his sword, Laois wishes for understanding, Kabru gets a drama boner (I find it funny how into it he is), and the scene changes. And FUCK man.
Laois loves Falin so much, and he knows how much Shuro cares. He cared enough to return. He told him everything because he needs the help, and he’s banking on the care for Falin to be enough to work with him to return her to safety. I’m SOOOO hoping he does help. That he breaks down and the sword falls from Laois’s neck. That even though it goes against a law so potent it could get everyone involved into extremely deep trouble, the bonds he’s made are enough. I don’t know Shuro well enough at all. Lord knows if he’ll even keep it to himself if they get out of the dungeon. But GOD am I not thrilled to figure out more. AND NOW, to the scene that made me scream from my seat multiple times,
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Faliiiiiinnnnnnnnn GHHHHHOOOODDDD. When I tell you I GASPED. Watching the hands that we had witnessed painstakingly put together. The hands That two people took the care into fixing and making sure each was in the perfect place- scraping against the floor. Bloody around the sleeves, clawing forward- on a mission for someone she doesn’t actually know. Her mind is warped by the mission of the mage. Put back together just to bleed and be reshaped and melded to something scary and unknown and new-
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AND ITS TERRIFYING. LOOK AT HER. JESUS CHRRRIIIIIIIST. Someone so loved and someone they all want to protect is RIGHT THERE, but she’s almost unrecognizable beyond her face, and mentally she’s so incredibly far away.
I can’t imagine the distress in everyone as they realize that they have to fight the exact person they’ve been fighting for. Because there’s no way she is peaceful and there is no way she’ll just “be Falin” without some extreme inbetweens. There’s no way that the mage doesn’t return if/when they succeed. I’m SOO excited to witness them figure it out and try to save her once more.
IF YOU MADE IT HERE THANKS FOR READING ME YAPPING!! This is mainly a little storage for me later when I wanna revisit and figure out what I thought before I knew what happened. Have a nice day/night readers!
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thatoneluckybee · 10 months
School Bus Graveyard Episode 61 Thoughts
Okay thoughts time cause HU!HG?!?Q>?
The logo was altered!! Not by much but I love the detail that some falling rubble was covering the edges of the logo at the beginning of the episode.
Ben holding/protecting Tyler under the (table? desk?) is everything to me. Ben Clark is a golden retriever in all the best ways. I am dealing with the after effects of the Ben Fever we all got a few weeks ago.
Same goes for Taylor protecting Ashlyn! It’s so cute and Taylor has been coming in CLUTCH lately. I’m so excited for this development with her after Tyler’s injury. I just hope she’s able to target her (rightful) anger at the right people and not at the rest of the group. (Also ASHLYN CRYING BABY NO)
“Wanna Know How I Got These Scars?” Aiden, no, we do not, put your eyes back in please. (Also—I LOVE the shading and dramatic effects on this panel.)
Okay, the parents are DEFINITELY being affected by the rift and Phantom Dimension. Mike was dizzy when the kids all came back!! And I love how responsible both of Ashlyn’s parents (as well as everyone else so far) are being—Immediately jumping in to help when it sounds like someone is in trouble. I just hope this serves as a wake-up call for Aiden’s mom and dad.
We’ve seen Ashlyn scared before but… holy cow I don’t think she’s been pictured as this terrified before. And rightfully so! I want to give her a hug and a chocolate milk. Also, I adore how Logan immediately noticed and rushed to help. He’s really grown in his emotional maturity over the series and I’m loving the payoff.
Yes, honey, you are becoming phantoms. Is this confirmation of the theory? I’ll take it as confirmation of the theory.
…The parallels between the earlier panel of Tyler “waking up” vs Aiden now is…. oh my. And the altered text was DEEPLY disturbing. But I had to try not to laugh at imagining what he sounds like right now. Probably like he’s a 40 year old man who’s smoked a six-pack ev’ry night since way back when.
LILY BABY NooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and Aiden IMMEDIATELY being concerned about Ashlyn is everything. In all honestly the ship concerned me at the beginning but I am ALL ABOARD and ready to set sail now. They both have grown so much and while it would have been iffy at the start it’s becoming a really sweet and wholesome relationship, regardless of whether it stays platonic or divulges into romance.
The flashbacks were INSANE. But also, let’s take a moment seeing these to appreciate HOW MUCH THE ART HAS IMPROVED!!! Supersupersuper proud of Red and her entire team. This was like a short montage of the growth and I love that so much. Also…. could this potentially count as an “oh” moment for Ashlyn?? And the immediate jump afterwards to Aiden’s maybe-dead-maybe-not body was such incredibly timed and perfected formatted whiplash!!!!!
Ashlyn initiating the contact was huge for her. We know she isn’t a fan of touchy-feely stuff or close contact so this is big. I thing there was a “some people are worth being uncomfortable for” comic with the BTW and TBH creature that sums up my thoughts on this? But yeah, I loved this. She’s growing more comfortable AND this was entirely respectful of her boundaries while also allowing her to push past her comfort zone? Amazing.
”So this is what it feels like” uhhhhhhhh I need a seperate ramble post for this cause I don’t want to trigger tag this one and have it filtered but I have… a lot to say. Very relatable and makes me appreciate these characters more. I love how this whole short scene was pulled off though. Definitely a lot of emotions for this one, I had to pause for a moment to process.
“I don’t like how much she’s shaking” MY HEART
Aaaaand THANK YOU RED FOR ANOTHER AMAZING EPISODE!!! I’ve got so many longer thoughts and theories and ideas and rambels and AUGHHHHHHH I can’t fit them all!!!
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balgur · 10 months
some thoughts on mystra's relationship with gale
idk if this will be considered a hot take or whatever but i'd been thinking about the dynamic between the two for a while and i'd like to imagine i have a perspective on it that could add to the discussion (or not, lmao) and i'm too annoying not to put it down into words
i'll start by saying i'm a teacher and have been teaching for a while. i'm looking at mystra from a teacher's perspective - a teacher of magic, not just a 'mother' per se but solely as a figure of education. a lot of times, people really don't realise how much influence teachers have over their pupils. we have so so so so much influence, so much authority and implicit trust placed in us from our students, regardless of how young/old a student is.
additionally, as a teacher i cannot state how incredibly weird and uncomfortable it would be and is for any student to take a personal interest in me even platonically - it's so easy to take that boundary and abuse it. if a teacher wanted to cause emotional harm to a student, they could do so with a disturbing amount of ease. it's genuinely very important that teachers recognise this.
so with mystra as gale's personal teacher and mentor, it creeps me the fuck out that mystra entirely overstepped the boundary of teacher into that of lover. she took an implicit and complete trust in her as an authority figure to pursue a romantic interest in a student that had been in her sights since he was underage. that is so unfathomably creepy and wrong to do that it just makes me so repulsed.
this isn't even getting into the other components of mystra's reputation among wizards as a literal goddess, but even in this dynamic it's so gross and morally wrong
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naavispider · 10 months
What if, 16 years after his Ambassador Programme failed, Mercer returns Bridgehead to deliver his quarterly mining report to Ardmore, only to run into Quaritch? What if he'd heard whispers of a human boy captured from the hands of the Na'vi, with incredible physiological adaptations? And what if Quaritch knew of Mercer's merciless past... his history with children who don't belong? (Inspired by a prompt from @hyperfixatedfandomer 💞)
“There’s only so much you can do, boss…” Wainfleet’s voice tailed off as they entered the mess hall. The canteen was filled with soldiers hungry for lunch, who all looked up at the recoms as they entered. They still hadn’t gotten used to seeing them around base. 
The men weren’t what got Quaritch’s guard up, however. There was something else. A face, across the room… one he hadn’t seen in sixteen years. 
Quaritch’s usually alert tail stilled behind him. John Mercer’s presence filled any room he occupied with a heavy sense of trepidation. It was a feeling that Quaritch had become familiar with as a human, one that he himself exuded. Looking at the disgraced RDA leader now, Quaritch was disturbed to find that the sense of unease exuded by his ugly presence had only grown.
“As I live and breathe…” Mercer’s eyes caught Quaritch’s and widened in disbelief. He had always been a short man, even shorter now that Quaritch had grown several feet himself, but unlike most men who seemed to shrink in Quaritch’s presence, Mercer stood up straighter. His thick set eyebrows framed his calculating, dark eyes. “Miles Quaritch, they told me you’d come back, but this is something…”
“Mercer,” Quaritch greeted him shortly. He closed the short gap across the canteen. “It’s been a while.”
“And Lyle Wainfleet too,” Mercer’s eyes roved over Quaritch’s second in command, taking them both in. 
“I didn’t expect to find you here,” Lyle commented awkwardly.
Mercer’s lips curled up in an unpleasant smile. “I wasn’t about to pass up a shot at revenge. Much like yourselves I assume. What have they got you running around for now, then?”
Quaritch’s tail flicked involuntarily behind his back. The conversation around them had quietened, the soldiers who were eating nearby interested in this exchange, though they tried to hide it. 
Something in Quaritch told him not to divulge the specifics of his latest mission to Mercer. The man opposite him was known for his brutality and mercilessness, and an uncomfortable sensation was starting to prick at the back of Miles’s neck.
He sniffed. “Same old business, Mercer. Sully’s still out there. Which means we got races to run.”
Mercer appraised him for a moment, as if still taking in Quaritch’s new body. “There’s no doubt they got the best parts of you in there,” he said slyly. “I always admired your… commitment to the cause.��
Quaritch nodded. “What about you, Mercer? I thought the Ambassador Programme closed down after the war.” A sliver of unease ran its way down Quaritch’s spine. A nagging sensation that even as he said them, his words could be wrong. 
A sly smirk slithered its way across Mercer’s dark features. The soldier who he’d just been talking to grabbed his tray and moved on, leaving them to it. “The Ambassador Programme was cut short too soon. We were in the process of wielding great results.”
Quaritch nodded, making sure to keep his ears from flicking backwards in annoyance. If there was anyone who would be able to read him, it would be John Mercer. 
“I’m in the mines now. Overseeing production in the North. Only checking in with base every now and then to report on progress. It doesn’t quite have the… job satisfaction… as my previous work.” The slippery tone of his words floated across the air ominously. “Speaking of, I’ve heard some very interesting things about you, Colonel.”
Quaritch had become too still. 
“Tell me... Is it true what they’re saying?”
“I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Quaritch replied evenly, trying to appear uninterested. His heart was thundering. 
“Come now, Quaritch. Don’t be coy.” His ugly smirk was back in place, and Mercer took another step closer, leaning in so that the other soldiers wouldn’t be able to hear. “There’s a human boy on base. One that grew up on Pandora, with the natives.” 
Quaritch schooled his expression, looking down at the ugly little man in front of him. How had Mercer found out about the kid? “He’s being ground for information now. There won’t be much left of his brain when they’re through with him. He’s worthless.”
“Oh, I’m sure I could get some results.”
Beside him, Wainfleet took a step towards Mercer. “The kid is in SecOps custody. There are no plans to release him.”
Mercer turned to Lyle, his hungry expression settling into one of boredom. “A shame.” He returned his icy eyes to Quaritch, each word dripping with threat. “A great shame. That boy is worth a great deal.”
Quaritch couldn’t help the flinch his hand made towards Mercer. Every inch of him wanted to throttle the vile man standing before him. He had to cool it. 
“As my Corporal said, the boy is undergoing information extraction. He’ll be put to use by our SecOps. Apologies if you had any interest.” 
Mercer never stopped smiling, as if he already had a plan. It was beginning to scare the shit out of Quaritch. Eventually, Mercer made a gesture of acceptance, jovially exclaiming that he might still ‘get his hands on’ Spider eventually. 
It was all Quaritch could do to nod goodbye curtly as Mercer turned to rejoin his companion at a table across the hall. 
“What a psychopath,” Lyle mumbled. 
Quaritch didn’t know how to respond. He had never seen how creepy Mercer’s attitude was until now. In all his years as a human, it had never bothered him. Hell, he’d even been curious to hear about Mercer’s progress with TAP. Why now did it boil his blood to picture Mercer locking Spider into one of his science experiments? 
It was no worse than what the kid was facing now in the Neuroscanner. 
Quaritch set his jaw, thinking hard. “Spider needs to talk.”
With Mercer sniffing around, eager to snap Spider up into some sick reimagined version of the Ambassador Programme, Quaritch doubted that Ardmore would be lenient, even if the kid did talk. 
“Okay, but what then?” Lyle pressed as they grabbed their food. “He reveals Sully's location and then… the RDA dispose of him?”
“Jesus, Lyle, I don’t know!” Quaritch didn’t want to think about it, because he didn’t have the answers. 
“If the kid talks, he’s sealing the nail in his coffin.”
Quaritch looked up sharply from the coffee he was pouring. 
“He’s of no more use to Ardmore,” Lyle said, with the air of delivering bad news to a sick patient. 
“That’s not gonna happen.”
He didn’t know how, but he had to make a deal with Ardmore. And he had to do it before Mercer got there first. 
“Well, well, well. John Mercer. I never thought I’d have the privilege.” General Ardmore flicked the report closed on her desk, determining that that particular problem would have to wait. “What brings you to my door?” She narrowed her eyes shrewdly, though she thought she had an inkling already. 
“General,” Mercer saluted before entering her office, closing the door behind him. “Thank you for seeing me. Word of your successes gets around. I’m sure you’re a busy woman.” He paused, but Ardmore made no sign of replying. He decided to cut to the chase. “I assume you know about my previous projects on Pandora?”
“You assume correct.”
“Well, mining is essential to our progress here, but I’m sure you can understand it isn’t where my heart lies.”
Ardmore sighed. “Your efforts in helping to colonise the Western Frontier have not gone unnoticed. You’ve made a strong vice president in resources acquisition.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” He bowed his head. “However I cannot deny that I feel somewhat… misplaced in my current deployment. My previous programmes-”
“Your previous programmes were shut down. And for good reason.”
“The Ambassador Programme was leading to real results!” Mercer urged, taking a step towards Ardmore’s desk. His passion came through in a way Ardmore hadn’t expected of the washed up, sleazy ex-mission leader. He came alive when he spoke of TAP. 
“I can promise you right now, if you hand the human boy over to me, I will get you results.”
Ardmore considered him, joining her hands together on the table in front of her. Mercer looked desperate - greedy - which was precisely the quality that worried her most about him. She wasn’t above brutality in war, but Mercer didn’t seem to have a conscience at all. He proved that when he ordered the massacre of the TAP children. 
“And precisely what kind of results do you think I’m after?” she asked.
“You want the location of Jake Sully, right? So do I. I can get you that, first and foremost. But the boy is worth far more than just that. He’s grown up on Pandora. His whole physiology is different - he has adaptations we can study and utilise. He can teach us so much about how to adapt in this environment. We can learn how to use this to our advantage!”
“I hear what you’re saying, Mercer. And yes, eventually it would make sense to study him. But we are at war. And there are other considerations to be taken into account.”
Mercer paused. “Other considerations, ma’am?”
It was sensitive information, but Ardmore saw no point in hiding the truth. “The boy. He’s the biological son of Miles Quaritch.”
Mercer’s jaw had tensed, his eyes narrowing. 
Ardmore continued. “The recombinant Colonel has already started to form… an attachment. The RDA poured billions into his creation and we cannot afford any… defects. The situation is sensitive. I’m afraid we are bound by keeping Quaritch on side.”
At this, Mercer visibly bristled. “So you’re holding back the progress of all mankind on the whim of not wanting to upset your Colonel?” 
His voice had risen just too much. Ardmore wouldn’t entertain this tangent any longer. “That, is not your place to question, Mercer. It is my decision what happens on this moon, and I do not take kindly to insubordinates.”
This seemed to have stumped Merer, though he still surveyed her with a foreboding glint in his dark eyes. “Of course not, ma’am.” His voice was silky smooth, laced with poison. “I would never mean to imply I disapprove of your decisions, hard as they may be.”
“Is that all, Mercer?”
Mercer smiled. Ardmore wasn’t easily intimidated, but he had the uncomfortable ability to make her skin crawl. “Yes, ma’am. I apologise if I overstepped the line.”
“See that your next report has the highest gross profit,” she said by means of dismissal. 
Mercer bowed his head respectfully and was about to leave before turning, his hand on the doorknob. “If you run into any… problems… with your Colonel, you know where I’ll be.”
With that, the greasy haired man disappeared around the corner and out of view.
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dreams-and-drabbles · 2 years
Hello !!! I saw your recent post about Elysia and mobius jealous HC can you do one for Kevin and Su ?
Absolutely!!! ^^
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KEVIN doesn’t like others messing with you, and given his position, it would be foolish for anyone to try anything. It’s no secret that he’s incredibly strong, and most Kaslanas share one trait — They are incredibly passionate and fiercely protect those they love.
KEVIN adores you, so really, it’s no surprise he gets jealous. After enduring one heart break, he will do anything, as to not feel that way again. He never expected to fall in love again, and you, you were a treasure.
KEVIN welcomes anyone to try anything with you, but oh— They should be aware of what exactly they’re starting. Ah. Well, some individuals just couldn’t help themselves, it seemed. He couldn’t blame them, you were wonderful, after all. You were also his treasure, his dearest, and they—
“Step away from them. Now.” Kevin bit out, his tone pure authority. The person who’d been flirting with you paled, recognising the threat.
You sighed, your lips quirking upwards into a small smile. “Kevin,” You greeted, your tone soft.
Kevin grabbed your hand, squeezing it tightly.
“Are you okay, [F/N]? They didn’t disturb you too long before I arrived, did they?”
You shook your head, a small laugh escaping your lips. “No, they did not. It’s not often something like that happens, anyways. What— With my White Knight always swooping in.”
Kevin looked pleased at that, his lips upturned in a smug grin, and he pressed his lips to the back of your hand.
“Hmm. Good. I’d hate for someone to mess with my most treasured person. Then, perhaps, the knight would have to do something not so chivalrous…”
Kevin spoke, pale blue eyes narrowed and glinting dangerously. You sucked in a breath at his expression, titling your head to the side slightly.
It was easy to forget, with how kindly he treated you, but Kevin was perhaps one of the most dangerous people alive—
Still, you loved him.
He loved you, as well—
That was all that really mattered.
“Well, Dear Knight. Would you be so kind as to join me?” You spoke, your tone hushed, and Kevin wrapped his arms around your center.
He buried his face into the crook of your neck, his breath warm against your skin.
“Always, [F/N]. I would follow you anywhere.”
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SU isn’t necessarily a jealous individual. He’s never been quick to anger and very rarely did he ever lose his cool— It took quite a bit to make him even the slightest bit irritable, and that was what made him so good at what he did— He was a helper, a healer, and he for once, was mad.
You’d gotten under his skin in ways that he didn’t understand, and then, he did understand. He’d fallen in love with you, and you— You, amazing as you were, reciprocated those feelings. He’d been so maddeningly happy that he felt as though he’d burst—
SU made a living of helping others ease their discomfort, but something about seeing you uncomfortable rubbed him in the worst possible way— Especially, as it seemed to be caused by another person, of all things!!
“[F/N]…? Are you well, Dove?”
Su asked, his tone soft and light, and his gaze was kind as it fell on you. Had it not been for the slight curl to his lips, as he glanced at the person who was flirting with you, you’d have never suspected he was upset—
You, however, knew Su well enough to read his expressions. You offered him a small smile, your gaze trailing to the person that kept bothering you. Su caught on quickly, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, and offering the person a smile.
“Sorry, you see, [F/N] was waiting for me. If you didn’t believe them, well, here I am. Proof in the flesh. This won’t happen again, I hope?”
The person stared between the two of you with wide eyes, their mouth opening and closing, before they rushed away.
You laughed, leaning against Su’s form, a cheerful smile on your face.
“You’re so kind, Su. It throws people off.”
Su smiled at your statement, giving you a teasing smile. “You know what they say, ‘Kill them with kindness.’ It’s quite an effective method, I’ve found.”
You chuckled, pressing your lips to his cheek, before pulling away with a bright smile.
“Thank you, Su.”
Su hummed, entwining his hand in yours, and pulling you a bit closer to him.
“Ah, I believe you missed…? I was thinking a little more lipwards in direction?”
He murmured, his tone teasing, and you snorted.
You pressed your lips to Su’s, and for a moment, all was right in the world.
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keep-on-burnin · 2 years
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blurb of austin being an amazing husband and dad to actress!reader and little Presley🫶
Warnings: I couldn’t resist naming their daughter Presley for obvious reasons, but of course you can change it if you want, reader is very exhausted, unedited again I know I’m horrible🫣 other than that it’s fluff to the max and it makes me want to cry❤️
you had been in your’s and Austin’s shared office for most of the day preparing for an upcoming role in one of the biggest films you’ve had the honour of working on. The only time you had spent outside of dim lit room was in the morning when you and Austin had made breakfast for your four year old daughter. He and Presley had been left to fend for themselves for the past week while you worked tirelessly on your preparation.
You gazed exhaustedly at the wall clock on the opposite side of the room from where you were hunched over on the small couch, book in hand. Your brained was officially fried. The words on the pages began to float around and you had to re-read a sentence at least five times to process the information. Not to mention the soreness in your neck and back from the uncomfortable position you had acquired about two hours ago.
You attempted to blink the tiredness from your eyes, but you couldn’t shake the utter exhaustion that had settled in your body and mind. So, like any person who isn’t completely insane, you decided to take a break. You knew that this break could possibly end with you passed out in your king sized bed, but you frankly didn’t give a shit.
You sat up from your awkward position and stretched, all of your bones cracking in unison. As you began to make your way to the door of your office a soft melody floated into the room. You made your way quietly down the dark hallway that lead to your spacious living room. Just as you thought, at the grand piano sat your husband with your baby girl on his lap. You wouldn’t be able to tell that Presley was there if it wasn’t for the little pieces of blonde hair that stuck up above the piano.
You leant your stiff shoulder against the wall so you could observe the precious moment without disturbing.
Austin began to play, effortlessly hitting every note correctly. You noticed the song as Unchained Melody, one of Austin’s favourite Elvis tunes and one he would sing to your daughter quite often. The bond between Austin and Presley was everything you had hoped for. Austin was an absolutely incredible dad and always made the effort to be with Presley whenever he could. You were beyond grateful for such an amazing husband.
Once Austin was about halfway through the song, you slowly made your way over to the piano. He didn’t to notice you as he was too immersed in the song until your arms tenderly wrapped around his shoulders. Your head heavily rested on top of his as you continued to listen to his beautiful voice.
After another minute, Austin’s fingers stopped moving along the keys and moved up to softly rub your arms.
“you okay, honey?” he whispered, the rasp of his voice causing your heart to skip a beat.
“mhm,” you hummed in response, “just tired.”
Austin nodded and let go of your arms after moving them off of his shoulders so he could rise from the bench with a sleeping Presley in his arms. You giggled softly and Austin smiled.
“she fell asleep half way through the song.” Austin laughed quietly, trying his hardest not to wake her up. He began slowly walking towards the stairs and up to Presley’s room, beckoning you to follow him.
Once your daughter was tucked in her bed, Austin turned to you and engulfed you in a warm hug. Your head heavily leant against his chest where his heart was as you sighed. You were finally beginning to relax.
Austin kissed the top of your head tenderly as he said, “I think you need a break tomorrow.”
A grin slipped across your lips as you looked up at him. His bright blue eyes shone beautifully under the light of Presley’s lamp.
“yeah, I think so too.” You simply responded before lifting onto your toes, delicately grabbing his face in both your hands and laying a gentle kiss on his lips.
You could feel him smiling against yours as you pulled away and gazed amorously into his eyes.
“but only under one condition.” You smirked.
A soft laugh left his mouth, his mind wandering to places they probably shouldn’t have while standing in your daughter’s bedroom.
“and what would that be?” He questioned, genuinely curious as to what you were thinking.
“you have to sing unchained melody for me again” you stated more than asked, already knowing that Austin would do anything for you.
“of course, sweetheart.” and he sealed the deal with another kiss.
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