#im going to be RANTING and there will be negative thoughts
loveydovey-leviathan · 11 months
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just-gay-thoughts · 4 months
Good news! Mri says my hip is normal! If this is somehow has not stopped the pain or discomfort you can schedule a meeting to talk about follow up! Gotta wait a month though! We know you're only in town for 3 months but dont worry, I'm sure we'll get a lot done before you need to leave again!
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errorwarblesrr · 9 months
do you like totk or botw better?
In short: Yes, I like botw better.
Here are my reasons, though!
I know a lot of people view it as the better experience, which is completely subjective and valid if you do and like it better, but I just view botw as being better in almost every way.
I will give it to totk. The dungeons have a lot better atmosphere. The game has some extremely high highs with the build-up to the wind temple, the whole great sky island segment, and the final boss is a much better fight (though dark beast ganon has a better theme song imo).
Other than that, I prefer botw. Totk has a much grander story, but it's completely mishandled. You can argue that totk has a great story but has poor execution, and to me, execution plays a big role in what makes a story good. You can have good ideas bit it all falls apart if they aren't executed well which ends up making the story bad. It's not that totk has a good story with poor execution, it has good ideas but the bad execution leads to a poorly told story. (I hope that makes sense). Botw has less of a story and is more like a set of events. Botw has history and backstory that is told more organically. Link has amnesia so he slowly regains some of his memories of the past with some people trying to help fill him in. It feels more real...in a weird fantasy way. I guess totk is similar with how we see Zelda's memories, but not really? It's weird to explain. Everything 100 years ago is felt in present day botw while in totk most of those things don't really matter as it happened so long ago. Things only start to resurge because Zelda wanted to investigate under the castle. Totk also has twists like a story. Idk if this is making sense but that's how I feel on their stories. There was just not much botw could mess up on story wise as the way it was presented.
Gameplay wise I can not lie totk is technical marvel with the zonai tech. That's the most impressive thing about it. Tbh building contraptions isn't my thing though, it takes too long to make and experiment with a machine when I can just do whatever that machine was gonna do much faster. I see why people have a lot of fun with it though, it just isn't my thing. One thing I HATE in totk though is the amount of menuing I have to do. Elemental arrows had a serious downgrade. Yeah it's cool to fuse stuff to arrows, but not when I have to do it to ever single individual arrow and if I want to try something new I have to scroll past 50 other items in a single line. It's just tedious. If I want to use a good weapon I have to go to the menu, drop an item, and menu again to fuse it to a weapon that will still break. Item breaking is still an issue but it's more annoying and the weapons no longer look cool. Totk has some cool abilities, but idk I'd trade them all for remote bombs lmao. I hate going through caves, especially early game, and having to deal with the rock walls where they want me to fuse a rock to a stick 10 times to get through one cave. There's just a lot of little things gameplay wise that bug me. They doubled down on botws gameplay issues and added some more annoying ones. I don't even have to mention the sages abilities, that's a whole mess.
On the topic of gameplay, botw just has the better world. Idc, exploring that world for the first time is an unforgettable experience. Totks main world is too similar so the magic is gone. The sky and depths are also unimpressive and repetitive. Botw also has the benefit on how the word felt so lonely yet alive. Everything had a purpose or a story. The world has a history. And totk just doesn't have that. Outside of the upheaval, totk doesn't really build on botws world that much. I was hoping to see if they would've added new towns or see how they'd rebuild hyrule, but they really didn't do that. We only got lookout landing, which doesn't really count as a town, and a bunch of building stuff lying around which is cool I guess. Hateno has a school and Terry Town expanded a little, but with the estimate of about 5 years since botw it makes you wonder...what have these people been doing? We can theoretically build Terry Town in one day. There could be new towns.
Totk is a sequel that doesn't really acknowledge it's predecessor which is so odd. Botw stands on its own and is an overall more cohesive experience. Everything in the world feels purposefully crafted for that world while totk just slaps things on top of it with not much thought. Botw has some amazing world building while for totk it's either "the Zonai did it" or has some contradictory world building. For example, the old sages lifted up the sky islands so that Link would be protected from Ganondorf shenanigans, but then other sky islands suggest how they've been around long before Rauru since young Zonai used to train in them or something. There is also how Zelda says Link never leaves her side, but people she interacts with on an almost daily basis do not recognize him and how even treat as if he doesn't know some facts about her. So either she is overexaggerating by a lot and/or lying in her own diary or that people in hyrule have the collective memory of a rock. There's also Zelda supposedly never giving Link the champions leathers yet as a gift, but we see him wearing it in the beginning. Idk there's more contradictories, but I haven't experienced this for botw??? Totk is so disconnected and disjointed in comparison.
I'm trying to be vague but there's a lot to say, I'm sorry. I really was enjoying this game at the beginning but the more I played the more I noticed or saw things that bugged me and just kept adding up and up on each other. Botw was never like this for me. It's just more cohesive and I like that. There are so many other things I haven't brought up like the repetitive cutscenes, or missing characters/characters that SHOULD know Link but don't (namely Bolson and Hestu). But this post is long. I can't keep complaining about this game. Botw really is that one of a kind experience, and totk tries to replicate it but worse. Botw had a vine that totk lacks. You feel so alone, but you meet knew people and make friends. You build connections as you learn about the past and help those around you. There is no story, you're just a person going through the motions and exploring the vast world around you. Totk can't replace that for me. I'm the main character playing a side role in a disjointed world where not much makes sense. Everything is similar in all the wrong ways.
And most important of all, they took away Link's fun dialogue and personality now he really is bland asf and used to defend that he wasn't.
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mageofcolors · 7 months
it's so so tempting when youre sad to start reblogging sad things but man. does it only send you down a worse spiral
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wttcsms · 7 months
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we are soooo back, bro
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ramshacklerumble · 5 months
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my-thirteenth-reason · 3 months
kicking my feet and giggling (<- just got apologised to)
#guys i have worth??? im actually a human being deserving of basic respect and SHOULD be apologised to if i am not given that??? holy shit#ok but like i actually was pretty mad and i just wasn't going to talk to them when the weekend ended but to think they'd actually apologise#guys i am a friend worth apologising to omg this is so nice#(<- was fuming over how i was a “friend” not even worthy of her basic decency and respect an hour ago)#LIKE IM STILL MAD#okay i actually cant vaguepost to save my life but basically this girl whos a friend i recently got close to and formed a friendgroup with#shes really fucking whiny and ive been tolerating it for so long but on friday she was extremely whiny and rude whenever i just asked a#simple question#and it's really draining and humiliating to be spoken to like poop on the sidewalk in front of other people#but anyway other than that i was really upset because during pe i wanted to show her my hip injury cuz i thought it was funny#(it wasn't diagnosed yet i just felt my joints moving weirdly)#and like that involves her putting her hand on my hip#so i asked her to do that then she started whining about how she doesn't want to touch me and that i'm weird for asking ppl to touch me#then she started telling like the 3 other ppl around us i was weird and wanted ppl to touch me#then this other cool girl overheard and looked at us funny i guess cuz then the friend said 'haha now [cool girls name] is also laughing'#i was so fucking embarrassed and humiliated i still want to tear up thinking about it#like are you actually my friend wtf i don't even need enemies w a friend like you#i wanted to cry so bad then#ugh i hate it#like you couldve just said no thanks bro what is ur problem#this just made me realise how much i hate how she talks to me sometimes#and i know i need to stop surrounding myself with negative vibes in order to feel happy#but its still so frustrating#we were doing so well the other day and google meeting everyday#then this happened and then she got mad and started ignoring me on the way home#bro idk i hate ts i should just stop making friends#rant
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yooniesim · 21 days
some of yall care more about ai than actual creeps and bigots in this community lol. like I get it, ai fuckin sucks, but god yall pick and choose the absolute pettiest subjects and easiest targets like crazy. every time I see something making its rounds on here it's always the most popular & inoffensive regurgitated opinions, usually with side shady comments against ppl u dislike that u think are easy to dogpile on or are going thru tough times aka are more vulnerable, bc ya always choose the path of least resistance as the only time you use ur voices. it's real easy to fight when u know ur gonna have plenty of backup, & the bad actors u inspire to spew in others' inboxes but don't have to take accountability for is just a fun bonus right? i mean god forbid yall actually say something when it aint some basic barely important take thats gonna get ya brownie points with some simblr u salviate over or a bunch of anons fluffing ya up. yall wannabe saviors wouldn't last a second with a strong opinion that don't line up with what's "safe" to say. like maybe it's the tism but I swear it's so easy to see when yall are either a) tryna make yourself feel/look good in one big circlejerk or b) shamelessly use a cause in order to attack someone ya didn't like anyway. i mean its been the same tactics since 2017 aint ya tired? like don't yall ever feel the urge to smell fresh air cos...
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raksh-writes · 11 months
Maybe this doesn’t need to be said, but Im feeling awful about it, so -- to any mutuals that might notice Im not following them anymore, I'm sorry about that. I've just seen too many posts on my dash that I have no way of blocking because they're not tagged in any way and they're distressing enough it's turning one of the only places I considered a safe space not safe for me anymore. So for my own mental health, I had to unfollow. I Will refollow in the future and I still love y'all, but I just-- I can’t. Ive been noticing some very worrying stuff about my mental and emotional state and it's just too much currently. I hope it's at least an understandable decision, and I wish y'all are having a good day out there 💗
#personal#I know its important to keep up with current events#but life overall's been a bit too much for me lately#I should prob go back to my therapist#I haven’t seen her since I went back to uni#for one because I didn’t know my schedule when we last meet and we both thought this should balance me#finally having purpose again and doing what I actually enjoy#but I also don’t have a job now so its costs and... I don’t know#but I probably should now that Im thinking maybe its time to actually get medicated for real#tho first maybe I should just visit my family doc and ask for those vit d supplements my therapists talked about#see if thats gonna be enough#autumn (and winter) has always been an awful time for me in terms of mental and emotional health#but it feels even worse these days#like Im battling against depression every day recently and rarely anything works to distract me#which is why its been hard to get back to peels in dms and such too#I was meant to meet with a friend now that Im studying in a city she lives in but I have yet to get back to her#and it feels like I have not only Zero but like Negative energy and motivation#+ Ive been dealing with an upset stomach for Weeks now#no matter what I eat it feels weird and achy and barely anything tastes good for me already so now its even worse#anyway this turned into such a rant Im sorry#I just didn’t want the lovely peeps Ive been mutuals with for a long time to think I stopped liking them or smth#its just certain untagged posts that I would otherwise block if I could#and I dont wanna impose onto anyone like a 'rule' to tag them or whatever#so yeah this is just temporary#hopefully at some point I get better enough to survive the couple distressing posts heh...
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aria0fgold · 6 months
Okay like, I think it'd be too long to put in the tags of the last post so I'm making my own post but ngl that method helped me A LOT. It helped me unlearn So Much stuff by having that first thought, interrogating it, and replacing it. Cuz way back, the thing I'd do is have the first thought, hate myself for it, never try to have it again which isn't helpful At All. And then I reached a point in my life where it was like, have the first thought, avoid it, which is just as worse.
And then last year, when I realized A Lot of stuff bout me, I had to work on unlearning so much during then and like okay, this is like treading the territory of "you gotta be unwell a lil bit to heal" typa thing, like imagining your favourite characters Right There. But mine is like, a lil to the left. Cuz when I realized all the stuff I gotta unlearn, there wasn't any character from a media that can count for that just yet (I got hyperfixated on Cain months after the realization but if I've known him earlier he would've ngl took on the patron saint role in my life of unlearning unhealthy stuff)
So what I did was... used an OC. It wasn't Alec and Ray surprisingly enough cuz in my head they have their own lives and it was a lil harder for me to put them in that role. And it just so happens I have One OC that is specifically made with an awareness that makes it seem like he's a self-insert but not really. It's Alerik. The designated creator of the universe that is practically aware of the truth behind that universe and his own existence so it was easier to pull him. And it worked.
Cuz whenever I do the have first thought, interrogate it, replace it thing, I can't get it right in a way that when I think of interrogating Myself, my brain's immediate reaction is always "hatred" so then when I got Alerik to do the interrogation, my brain couldn't react immediately cuz it isn't just Me, there's Alerik now and he's both me and not at the same time, he's a piece of me. That I love. So my brain couldn't react with "hatred" towards a character I made with love, it worked. I could interrogate myself, figure out "why" I reacted the way I did, "why" I had that first thought, and what I could do moving forward without hating myself or avoiding anything. And I love it. Cuz after a year of just that, slow and steady, I managed to unlearn most of the bad habits and get rid of the self-hate. I love myself now! And the world! And everything just seems so much beautiful this way.
#aria rants#yall rlly just be insane in a way that you gotta pull a character to help with your healing and unlearning of unhealthy stuff#it just so happens that i did it a lil to the left but it still worked! it ngl only works on alerik cuz it comes easy for him somehow#like i dont have to concentrate or focus or anything. if i had smth i need help with in regards to myself he'd just pop up#i still do it from time to time cuz improvement doesnt just happen once! but i dont do it as frequently which is a good thing i think#like whenever i catch myself thinking really negatively im like: whoa there. alerik cmere cmere#and i just give myself a few minutes of silence of figure stuff out. also kinda funny how in order for me to silence my brain's#habit of self-hate. i had to trick it by pulling a character i love in front like a shield just to stop that one habit#like as much as i hated myself back then. all the ocs i made are made out of love. it was where i redirected my love to#so the thought of hating my own characters never rlly crossed my mind at all. even the ''villain'' ones. so my brain couldnt#redirect the hatred meant for Me towards a character i made with a love that i specifically directed to when i couldnt direct it to myself#ya need a lil bit of trickery to get by the habits that your brain has been trained by. continuously. and then someday.#all those bad habits will slowly go away. may not even be permanently but itll be okay! itll come back and leave but it wont stay
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#so theres this terrible thing i do where i force myself to get up way too early and go into the lab before anyone else#bc i get overwhelmed when lots of ppl r around. its terrible bc if u do that over and over it kinda breaks ur brain#but there is something i like abt walking around while its still dark out and on ones on thr roads looking up at the stars and theyre all#haloed here bc theres actually moisture in thr air here. i feel. idk how i feel. more normal i guess. like neutral but in a negative way.#like i dont really care about anything. probably im just tired. i haven't been sleeping well. maybe its the birth control#which im still taking bc im too curious abt how my mood fluctuates when my hormones r controlled. or maybe its my mood. but ive been tired#and ive not been having fun. i just feel like im very no thoughts empty head. here's info do u have anything to say abt it? any observations#? no. no. cant read cant think cant talk in a way that makes may sense. what do we do abt it? i dunno. i dunno.#sleep maybe. stop taking the birth control maybe. talk to my councilor monday definitely. give her an insane rant abt how im definitely not#bipolar lol i think ive got a point. but i go back and forth idk. it doesn't really matter. i just find it interesting#sigh. remember when i had time to draw? remember when i wanted to draw? now im just tired#whatever. ill sleep and feel better. get my executives to function maybe. maybe. but probably not#i did cut off like 3 inches of hair on impulse. got that chin length depression haircut. classic#unrelated
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orcelito · 1 year
My mom called me at 5pm while I was at work and left me a minute long voice-mail of the most pathetic sounding "I love you, I miss you, I have short term memory problems and that's why I forgot I promised to take you to the water park that one time, also I'm not together with [shitty boyfriend] anymore so Talk to me maybe?"
And I'm just like. She was obviously looking at the letter I wrote to her a few years back, where I outlined where I stood with everything. & in the letter I said so long as she stays with her shitty boyfriend I can't have a relationship with her
So she says she's not with him anymore. But it's only been a few weeks. She's had times where she's "broken up" with him before, only to end up back together again.
I'm not hopeful. Genuinely, her attachment to me is a nuisance. My life is better without her, and yet there's this woman who insists she loves me (she doesn't know the first thing about me) and begs me to talk to her (she's never cared to ask me anything about myself if I don't freely offer the information).
And of course she does this at 5 pm on a Wednesday while I'm at work. I don't have her number saved so I was just like "? Who tf is calling me?" And just ignored it bc I was busy making 7 fucking XL mocha lattes bc I was At Work & I only just now checked the voice-mail, 7 hours later.
A part of me wonders if she deserves another chance. If she truly has broken up with him, I feel like it's in part a plea for me to talk with her again. And some part of me still does feel like I'm indebted to her or smth
But I'm not lol. She didn't raise me. My dad raised me. And before that, my grandparents and sister raised me. Only when I was too small to remember it did my mom actually raise me. And 4 years I can't even remember when I'm Twenty Six? It doesn't mean much of anything.
Maybe it's heartless to not want to give her a chance. But she's only ever brought annoyance and discomfort into my life. She's the embodiment of everything I hate in myself. A carbon copy of my own mental illness, except unchecked and untreated. She has no self awareness & is far too conceited and self-pitying. She's just plain unpleasant to be around, Mommy Issues aside.
I haven't talked to her in over a year. I was potentially willing to make an exception for Xmas or mother's day, but she didn't even try. She's living out her life as a shell of a woman daydreaming of a reality that Does Not Exist.
I'm not her sweet little daughter, and I haven't been for a long time.
You reap what you sow.
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pastelprince18 · 1 year
hands in face oh god why do I sound like an asshole when explaining  something I enjoy-. Is it how I type?? Do I sound imitated or annoyed- I hope to god I'm not cause I can get too deep into explaining things and I just hope people think im a ass-
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foreverxdaydreaming · 2 years
never realize how many useless notifications you get until you put your volume on.. all of these emails / scams / marketing have ruined the importance of calls/notifications entirely,,
#my phone lives on silent and only goes on volume/vibrate occasionally bc i just can't stand it omfg#but also so that it won't distract me. so dnd is usually my best friend bc that way if anything important comes in I'll still get it#in other words... im stuck at an appt rn that's absolute dogwater and i regret not canceling it 💀#never thought I'd prefer to be at work so bad lmao.. waste of my pto is what today has been istfg💀#and my phone keep going insane with messaging notifs that are absolute bs bc ive alr marked em all as read.... jfc#almost had a mf panic attack bc of how terrible getting here + the shitty entirely full parking garage were....#dont wanna waste the rest of my pto/miss for no reason but like.... at this point..... my gods🥴#& my bosses are as wonderful (dry af) as ever and keep asking me for drs notes every mf time i miss bc they don't believe me 'bc im young'#despite me being fairly honest about my health with em previously and now im getting shot in the foot constantly#bitch its not absentism or missing for funsies i have a bunch of fucking appts to check wtf is wrong w/ me bc no dr has figured it out yet#but anyway.... the more i think about it the more it stresses me out. and hr is the most useless thing in existence so forget them bruh#istfg if iget one more text/notif as im typing this (there's been at least 7) im gonna throw smth into the fucking wall#holy mother of fucking god#200% should have just trusted my gut and canceled. never listening to my mom about this again 😐 😒#jj.txt#/neg#vent/rant#tengo el petty resubido hoy and i can fucking FEEL it#ive got the dramatic anime fire in my eyes at this point in time
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Regaining my will to live was probably the worst thing to ever happen to me
#personal#depression#vent#rant#sorry its just.#i hate wanting to live#i hate that i want to live and experience life and not die#bc the world fucking SUCKS#u cant treat my depression bc the world just genuinely fucking sucks everything just gets worse#u can try to give me all the therapy u want but that wont change the world is so fucked#i wanna live but i dont wanna live in this world#and theres nothing i can do to help change anything#i wanna live so bad but the world isnt fucking worth living in#i wanna go back to being suicidal#i wanna not give a shit if i live or die i wanna go back to actively just wanting to Die#learning to love living has made everything so much more complicated in purely negative ways#its taken away my comfort and my future i dont wanna fucking be here !!!#now im just desperately clinging onto the few good parts of life and waiting for the day i finally get to bite it#i dont wanna want to live bc that means i cant kill myself even though the world is shit#and im not capable of helping change anything#and when im dead everything will be over i cant wait for that darkness#but i cant bring it to myself now bc i still wanna experience life while i still can#I HATE ITTT#god humans werent fucking built for this 24/7 stream of horribleness and suffering from all around the world#i hate the internet get me out of hereee#i never wanna hear another news in my life i wanna just become a complete hermit and never hear about anything relevant ever again#this isnt anti recovery btw. i dont wanna scare anyone off trying to imrpove their mental health#just personal thoughts for my personal situation
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kideternity · 1 year
6 & 13
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
Lame answer but basically any fans of like a popular white m/f ship LOLLL Like obviously obviously I'm over exaggerating when I say all of them but in my experience people who are way too into like white cis m/f ships are usually always sooooo annoying about it like acting like they’re oppressed whenever someone doesn’t like the same ship…….. or like getting REAL NASTY to people who think that the characters involved if they don’t have canon sexualities are like gay or lesbian or aroace etc….. not to mention some of them I've seen have taken to being like SUPER heinous to writers on like twitter like full on harassing them for story decisions like “The characters broke up” like I understand totally in spaces where the writer isn’t around being like hyperbolic negative but literally going to their social media and harassing them in their daily life ?! like WTF?! You people are NOT seeing heaven….
13. worst blorboficiation
Literally every time a character whose like canonically an alt righter or like a pedophile or rapist or something has like fans who baby them and defend everything they do and get mad at everyone whose like UNDERSTANDABLY uncomfortable with the character or them doing that O_O ie H@nk Pym, D3athstroke, H@l J0rdan, Ry0 A0ki from yakuza/RGG, etc
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