#i just like doing them more than trying to organize posts
cath-lic · 1 day
Hello, I was wondering if you believe non-Christians can be saved? I know many Catholics believe everyone that doesn't accept Jesus will go to hell. Personally, I find this outlook very sad and I was curious on other points of view so please anyone respond with their own opinions. I mean to ask you this: If God is love and is forgiving of our sins, why would he send everyone to hell simply because they could not find their way to him?
hi!! YES absolutely everyone is saved!! now, everyone and their brother has a conflicting opinion on this, but i’ll throw in my two cents.
my first, more concrete point: john 3:16. the everyman’s verse!!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
okay, but what if someone doesn’t believeth? vatican ii’s lumen gentium, no. 16, also covers this. (italics added by me)
Those also can attain to everlasting salvation who through no fault of their own do not know the gospel of Christ or his Church, yet sincerely seek God and, moved by grace, strive by their deeds to do his will as it is known to them through the dictates of conscience. Nor does divine Providence deny the help necessary for salvation to those who, without blame on their part, have not yet arrived at an explicit knowledge of God, but who strive to live a good life, thanks to his grace.
however, it’s important to note LG no. 14. bear with me here.
Whosoever knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by God through Jesus Christ would refuse to enter her or to remain in her could not be saved.
i’m not a theologian, i’m just joe off the street—so i may be taking things out of context. forgive me!
however—as much as i am catholic, i believe that this is putting WAY too much importance on the catholic church as we know it today. it is far, far different than the original organization founded upon the rock of st. peter, and i believe that there are many things that god takes issue with in the catholic church (notoriously, jesus criticized large institutions like these). therefore, i don’t know how much i believe that the catholic church today, nor as a whole, was made necessary by god through christ.
my second point: my most fervent belief is that god is love. pretty much all of my friends are atheists, and they are kind and caring and loving people. it is, therefore, impossible for me to believe that they are not saved.
my second-and-a-half point: i take a little bit of issue with your phrasing of “send” to hell.
personally, i believe that hell is not necessarily Dante’s inferno, but a place of complete and total separation from god. i also believe that hell is not a place you are sent to, but rather a place you send yourself.
i mentioned purgatory in my earlier answer to a different anon; this is where that comes in. i generally concur with pope francis when he says that he likes to think of hell as empty (note: he was not issuing doctrine here). i believe that in purgatory, 99.999% (you get it) of people, if not 100%, are able to reconcile with god and see the consequences of their decisions, good and bad, throughout their life.
you know when you tell someone something that is true, but they keep on rejecting it, no matter what evidence you show them? that’s what i imagine is happening to the other .001%.
god is endlessly patient; he doesn’t mind spending eons trying to convince others to have empathy for their fellow man. however, humans are not as patient. they get fed up and walk away—and this is my (limited) understanding of the process of going to hell.
i’ll be honest, i don’t know if hell is permanent, temporary, etc. i’m not sure how helpful it is to debate it, either. but what i do know is very helpfully summarized in this post by the lovely hymnsofheresy.
whenever i have doubts about some aspect of what i believe being incorrect, i remind myself that god is love. he loves us more than anything in the world, and nothing we can do will ever change that. he doesn’t look for reasons for you to go to hell; he wants to be with us all the time.
thank you for sending in this ask, and i hope it helped ❤️❤️❤️
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dollett3 · 2 days
•♡4 month weightloss challenge!♡•
From Sunday, June 9 to Semptember 10, I will be trying to lose as much weight as I can. First I'll start it the Gett Worse Diet, then I'll do the ABC diet, then I'll do alternate eating (fast for a day, eat the next day)
Alongside weightloss, I also want to GLOW THE HELL UP. To do this, I need to establish a good mindset, routine, and habits.
♡•♡•♡ Mindset Goals
Stop thinking all or nothing.
Make yourself HATE food.
Get organized.
Be more productive.
Stop being lazy.
Stop doing bad habits/sins.
♡•♡•♡ How I can achieve them
Repeat pr0 4n4 mantras over and over. Whenever I feel the need to eat, I'll count down from my weight in pounds, then count up. Afterwards, I'll drink alot of water. If that doesn't work, remember the things she said.
Spray chemicals on food you like, and if your fat enough to still eat it, you'll spit it out and associate that food with a bad taste. Snap an elastic band/bracelet evrytime you fee hungry. Your brain will associate food with pain.
Deep clean bedroom every Saturday, and organized everything whenever you get the chance. Make it so that if someone asks you where something specific is, you'll be able to find it quickly without messing things around. Keep organized drawers, lockers, bags, everything!
Clean on the weekends, and get steps in. Strive to finish schoolwork and study as much as possible. Try not to sit still for a long time, atleast move a pinky or a limb to burn calories. Whenever you think about being lazy, ask yourself, "would the highest version of myself be doing this?"
Whenever you think about doing a bad habit or committing a sin, think about how you'll be spoiling your relationship with God. He'll be less inclined to accept your prayers if you just keep defying him.
♡•♡•♡Beauty Goals
Get long eyelashes and thick eyebrows.
Have healthy hair.
Get clear skin.
Have a thigh gap, flat stomach, and just be overall skinny.
Have plump lips.
♡•♡•♡How I can achieve them
Put olive oil on them before going to bed.
Wash hair once a week, and moisturize after.
Eat clean, and be consistent with my skincare routine.
Lose 15kgs and do workouts!
Lipgloss and vaseline for moisture, and exfoliate!
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This is part 1, I'll post routines and how I plan on losing weight later!
Who wants to do this challenge with me? 14-16y/o girls please!
Edit: 👇
There are more people who wanted to join than I thought, so please dm/comment with your discord and we can make a gc.
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What I want to look like by the end of this 👆
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sapphicscholar · 20 hours
Hey there! With everyone posting their post-s3 Hacks fics now, I figured I'd shake things up a little with this multi-chapter X-Files AU! You don't need to have any knowledge of the original show (though there are Easter eggs dropped in for those who do) - this is more my playing in the world of the show but telling my own story than of trying to recreate the plot of TXF beat by beat.
Updates every Sunday unless the tag starts quieting down in a few weeks, in which case I'll probably bump to 2x/week updates :)
Chapter Preview:
Ava glances down at the slip of paper in her hands again. “B10.” The letters are scribbled in blue pen. The fuckers hadn’t even bothered to type up her new assignment on real letterhead or anything.
In the elevator, Ava’s finger hovers over the button for the basement level for a long moment before she jabs at G. If they’re not even going to pretend like this assignment is anything other than the death knell of a once-promising career, she doesn’t owe them a full 9-5 workday either. Besides, she’s pretty sure that the cute barista who works the morning shifts at Dolcezza was giving off flirty vibes last week, and she could really use the pick me up after the week she’s had. Not that she’s more than a day into it. Fuck.
Still, a good matcha latte is enough to fix most days a little bit, and even though Sam hadn’t been working, Ava decides it was the right decision. She almost isn’t resentful as she stabs at B and feels the elevator trundle down to the rarely used basement level of the Hoover Building.
Even though she’s pretty sure the janitorial staff hits all the floors, the air down here feels dusty. Like, call a doctor and order an inhaler levels of dusty. She sniffles a little as she peers down the hallway until she finds office 10, which she thinks might actually be the only office down here. With a grunt of effort and a bump of her hip, she manages to shove open the heavy door without having to put down her latte or her phone or the Post-it. She’s busy enough celebrating her small victory that she barely notices the other body in the room until a loud, “Excuse you,” startles Ava enough to have her latte slipping from her hand and crashing to the floor.
“Fuck!” Ava yells, watching as eight dollars spills across the carpeted floor—and, oh god, carpet? No wonder it smells like the 70s down here.
“Are you just gonna watch that? Pick it up!”
Ava jumps into action, grabbing her mostly empty cup from the ground and tossing it into the trash. It’s only then that she properly notices the woman who’s been yelling at her. She’s dressed impeccably in black suit pants, heels, and a satiny blouse thing, and Ava wonders how the hell she got lost and ended up down here instead of wherever she belongs. Ava’s bet is on legal. Maybe HR… A shame. She’s pretty hot, but probably way too into rule following and chain of command shit to be fun.
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ccasey0 · 2 months
who wants a map of all the sectors in "america"? btw, people dont actually call it america. they just refer to paces as the sectors they are in.
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okay, im sure some of these you can guess. but imma name them anyway.
WS(the one with washington in it)= Washington Sector.
NS(with north dakota)= Nebraskan sector.
LS= Lake sector.
TS(with texas)= Texas Sector.
NS(with california)= Needle Sector(named after a city in california).
AS= Albuquerque Sector.
HS= Hawaiian/The Hot Sector
AWS(alaska)= American Winter Sector
FS= Flower Sector
FKS= Flooded Kentucky Sector
NYS= New York Sector
NYS and FKS are the two that i'm actually going to be focusing on. yes, both of them. although im only just now getting to FKS, so you won't see any stuff from it when i start posting the actual story(which might be a while since im the president of procrastination).
honestly, the only reason i'm doing this is because i have something im working on for a certain calico shark * Cough cough * @sharkfinn
Anyways, hope this made even a little bit of sense. btw FKS is super flooded. they put up a wall to be a border for the other sectors, but then it flooded due to excessive rain for a very long time and lots of water towers and other stuff breaking. if you've ever watched water world, the it's kinda like that there. after it started to overflow from so much water a bunch of magicky people and sciency people came together and set up pillars around the wall. these pillars, when turned on, create a dome forcefield thing that keeps all the water in while also allowing people and stuff t get in. although id recommend not entering without diving gear and plenty of oxygen stored up because the water level goes quite far above the wall. the buildings inside are all submerged and people try to go down as far as possible to gather stuff. although very few have actually been able to make it to the bottom without gills or extra help. unfortunately, the corrupted there have adapted and all live underwater in the deepest parts. also, spore-producing plants have adapted as well, and they are now Underwater-spore-producing plants. so if you are diving and see a cloud of glowing yellow sparks, steer clear cuz they are spores and it is likely there is going to be corrupted there. the most dangerous corrupted to run into there is the Leviathan(yes i know im so original). he is basically a giant monster that im definitely going to draw soon that lives in the deepest pits of the Atlantis(which is what the people of the sector call the underwater city). everyone knows it means death to go near it's home. it'll even eat fellow corrupteds. on occasions, it'll come up to the surface to get more food and everyone is constantly looking for signs that he is surfacing. the main "island"(aka a bunch of rafts tied together on top of a few extra tall buildings that are somehow a good three stories above the water. dont ask me what buildings they are, because they probably dont exist in real life. they were built outside of the real world, purely existing in dimension 29) has a large cage next to it where they store dead bodies and corrupted to feed to leviathan in order to avoid him eating any of the rafts and people instead. dont worry though, he is only big enough to eat half the main island with one bite! as for the normal corrupted, think of the minecraft drowneds but make them 30 times more horrifying and tall enough to to touch the ceiling of a ten foot tall room. also give them 4 rows of extra sharp tiny little teeth. as well as fins and extra agility when they are underwater. there you go! Sea Corrupteds, aka "trenchers". yes, the people of FKS have all seen aquaman and all refer to sea corrupted as that to make a reference to the movie lol. there are normal fish too btw. most of them hang around in schools inside reef-turned buildings.
okay, so that's the gist of FKS! Casey, Jupiter, and Keigo have been to this sector once because they were trying to find materials and they found the border on accident. Casey almost drowned and they decided that once was enough.
hope you guys liked this! definitely didnt take a few hours to come up with all this haha why would you think that?
and nooo dont ask me what the leviathan looks like nooo then ill have an excuse to draw it and we dont want that haha noooo!
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jacksprostate · 4 months
Explanations for each creature from that poll (Part 1):
Firstly, about half knew one creature (I'm curious which!) and a quarter only one. A few knew most, and one knew them all. Very interesting!
Organism #1: Brachiopoda
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In the post I said this isn't a bivalve(clams, mussels, oysters, a group which is relatively close relatives with snails and octopi), and that's correct! But essentially, it's an example of convergent evolution. Learn to filter feed really well, become hard and immobile. It's a strategy that pops up a lot. It has something called a lophophore. Thats essentially like a curtain of tentacles around its mouth. What's WEIRD about it is this lophophore is an extension of the coelom. Aka, the internal body cavity. As opposed to a dedicated organ; it's like if the space where your guts are processed stuff instead of your guts.
Beyond that, brachiopods are extremely common in the fossil record. They were very badly affected by the Permian-Triassic extinction event (P-T event, also known as The Great Dying, aka the worst extinction event so far because the entire ocean acidified), but have since recovered — albeit slower than their convergently evolved distant cousins, the bivalves.
How to tell the difference between a brachiopod and a bivalve?
The correct way is to say Brachipods have dorsal and ventral valves (shells), while bivalves have left and right valves. Which is kind of useless unless you're a huge nerd. I mean, you can still see it in the lines of symmetry a bit, but. Firstly, some brachiopods don't have closely connected valves at all (called inarticulate), so you know those are brachiopods. For the articulate brachiopods, they often have a gap or hole in the hinge for their stalk. Between that and the general shape, I find that easiest.
Organism #2: Platyhelminthes
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Specifically, this is a hammerhead flatworm! Remember the coelom I just mentioned? The body cavity? Yeah they don't have that. They have no circulatory or respiratory organs... No blood vessels, no heart, no lungs. Everything has to work through diffusion! This is why the hammerhead flatworm is so amazing, because not only is it very large (which is hard to do when you're relying on diffusion) it also lives on land (which is hard to do when you're relying on diffusion). Unlike cnidarians (jellyfish, corals, and friends), they DO have specialized digestive and excretory systems. Since they rely on diffusion, large flatworms have branched guts that go all throughout their body so what they digest can get to all their cells! They use something called protonephridia to manage the toxins in their body — these are essentially proto-kidney cells.
Despite being very similar to another group called Acoelomorpha, who are sort of the base for all other bilateral animals, newer research thinks they're from later in the evolutionary tree and just retroactively lost a lot of what had been developed (such as a coelom and most organs. Wild)!
Free-living flatworms are often very small and cute, though there's larger ones like the hammerhead and the spanish dancer. Unfotunatelt, flatworms are very medically relevant: flukes and tapeworms are both specialized types of flatworms.
Organism #3: Siphonophores
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Siphonophores are really cool! They're a type of cnidarian (jellyfish, hydrozoans, corals, sea anenomes, gorgonians). You know cnidarians as "those assholes in the ocean that sting me" mostly. Well siphonophores are notably really good at that.
In Cnidaria, you have the coral and sea anenome-like things (Anthozoa) and the jellyfish-like things (Medusozoa). Anthozoans don't really have a mobile stage in their life, while medusozoans do! Medusozoans go in between an asexual, sessile (immobile) polyp form, and a sexual, mobile medusa form (imagine what you normally think of when you imagine a jellyfish).
Within Medusozoa, there's (roughly) two groups. The ones who decided to emphasize the medusa form are called Scyphozoa, and are your true jellyfish. They still have that polyp form, but spend a lot of time in the medusa stage of their life and invested in it evolutionarily.
The ones who invested heavily in the asexual polyp stage are called Hydrozoa. They still have a medusa stage, but it's often extremely reduced, to basically a freefloating gamete. Here's some usual hydrozoans/hydroids:
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Small, mostly an asexual clump of polyps. They're usually colonial — a bunch of clones, but connected through the gut. Fire coral is actually a hydroid which developed a calcium skeleton, and not a true coral!
What's really interesting is siphonophores are actually hydrozoans — they're very very unusual. They're those asexual polyps, they're a colony — but instead of the clones being identical, they specialize!
These are called zooids. They're akin to how we have specialized organs, like lungs, our livers, etc. Except. Each zooid is an entire clone of the original organism. They're all identical. But as part of the colony, they restrict and focus their development in certain ways. It's like if you were attached to another person, but they developed to just be a liver.
Most siphonophores are repeating sequences of certain zooids, mostly propulsion and digesting zooids. That's how they get so long. They have a very nasty sting, and thankfully most float down below where people normally go. However, there's a few that don't — notably, siphonophore's own atypical specimen, the Portuguese Man 'O War! Also known as a Blue Bottle. Pictured below.
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It looks a lot like a normal jellyfish medusa, like from scyphozoa! But you can see, it doesn't have that very round shape. The big sail is actually one zooid, the tentacles are other zooids, it's all zooids! It's an entire colonial animal, as opposed to a true jelly, which is just one.
Since the siphonophore is made up of clones, do we call it a group of animals? Generally, no. Due to the specialization involved with zooids, we treat the entire creature as one animal. Many individuals, one organism. Admittedly, it's still very strange. Colonialism is actually very common within cnidaria, as it serves to help cope with the lack of specialization opportunities due to not having an internal body cavity (and thus stuff like mesoderm). That said, even some animals with mesoderm and body cavities have evolved colonality, though I can't think off the top of my head of an example with such a degree of specialization of each zooid like siphonophores have.
Ending the post here for now, and I'll add the other organisms in subsequent reblogs. I hope this inspires interest in biology and evolution for you and lets you know about things you would've never even realized as possible!
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keeps-ache · 1 month
well! that project's out of my brain now :) now what
#just me hi#“now what” i have tide in there now and i am not going to post much about them lmao#or maybe i will i dunno! but some things stay the most fun when they're secrets ehe :3#//a lot of weather has been happening recently huh#lot more than i'm used to anyway lol - and why's it gotta be so humid out here like C'mon hghf#the air. is Thick. and Wet. like a toad#//Oh but i've been having so much fun drawing recently lol :D#it started getting flat and really boring for some reason to where it felt like i was doing it like a chore - just a motion to keep the#gears running ykno? but yeah i've been enjoying it a lot more these past so many days :D !#i didn't even really notice it until i realized i had zoned in on a comic i was drawing and hadn't considered working on anything else hfsh#//also i've been playing with that music box app/website again - i should prolly use a real music program but none of them are like this#thing ykno? cuz i just tip tap and Boom the sound i need is Right There !! :>#i tried soundtrap i really did but man it's a lot hhhghf#i don't like how it's set up unfortunately. oh well!#i need like minimal clutter or i Die. Gruesomely hbfsh - just what i need and nothing less nothing more. it's a balance#/despite that i am Really Bad at passively organizing things lol - and when i try i just misplace things like crazy. scavenger hunts are a#guarantee lol :)#//i'm still struggling spell guarantee btw but oo am i getting close !! hfshbh#it's the second A it always trips me up#that does not sound like an A. i believe that's identity fraud my friend [<- aggressive squinting]#//anyway sun's out i'm inside and i'm going to listen to music forever#/do you think there are electric guitars in the heavenly choir? hm!#//anyway back to my wanderings!! toodles toodles :D
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terrorbirb · 10 months
Manifesting: plz make me actually get a new job once my wife goes on disability
I'm looking at research lab management jobs at universities because our bat lab was not run well (lol) and other labs were not run well, and I can keep an entire small business afloat through overworking myself
#totes bro#i do not have a masters#but what i do have is years of experience purchasing industrial goods selling industrial goods speccing out and designing them#and i can do literally any job in an organization EXCEPT closing the books at the end of the month lol I'm not doing that#but i can do accounts payable and accounts receiable i can arrange logistics i supervise a production team#i used to do sales calls i do all purchasing i unwillingly do business development because my boss asks me what we should do as a company#i schedule I have figured out how to use our ERP system more efficiently than many larger companies with it#and most importantly: i clean things#which no one else ever does#this is me just pumping myself up in 3 months i can leave.....#ill have to move? which im terrified of#i love using my blog for this kind of post because 4 years from now im going to be like “aweeee”#oh i also do engineering and the sales engineer doesnt do engineering so i literally do all engineering outside of product design#while doing everything else#But i dont have a masters degree so we'll see what happens#i also think universities hire from within for this type of thing#but i personally think they should hire me 🥰#Because university labs are like fish out of water when they try to buy components to enact their ideas#i know because in addition to bat lab i have many university customers who have no idea whats happening or how to submit POs#my lab literally did not know how to send out RFQs? or ask for quotes? people do free engineering for you to sell you stuff#we were an engineering lab and didnt send out RFQs for components we just looked at ehat was available to buy online#??????? i dont know how they survive
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maxillo · 2 years
just now occured to me that maybe I have vastly different expectations and presentation methods of content specifically because i got my start on wikia
#as in im more used to just creating repositories of information that others then read#in a space thats in some sense communal and interlinked in content#i have no idea how to consistently post about my work on social media like most people do#and it always feels like it goes against the grain of my brain because i want to keep everything centralized#and that i have to cater and trim it in a way that gives a reason for people to read it if they find it at all#versus people only needing to find a specific wiki of specific kinds of content where everyone contributes their ideas in the same space#its hard for me to even find and try to interact with fellow creatives on tumblr or elsewhere#it feels like such a goose chase of algorithms that demands way more energy than just being part of a wiki where people come and socialize#on their own terms and occupying a close and inherently blended environment where collaboration and interaction is much easier#maybe thats why i dont like 'advertising myself' in places either#in my wikia days people would just find my stuff and interact with me of their own volition all in the same space#it feels so weird and uncomfortable trying to pitch myself and my ideas in places where im not guaranteed reciprocation of interest#no surprise that i still prefer to structure my ideas through wikis but theyre not community spaces because tiddlywiki is 'solo' on its own#and i genuinely dont know how to bridge the gap between them and social media#im honestly wanting to just either find or create an actually communal wiki space and invite friends and mutuals to join or observe that#and maybe somehow integrate it with the wikis i already have#i just really miss being part of creative communities in a mutual way and thats the only method to organize it that makes sense to me#max yaks
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getvalentined · 11 months
An open letter to @staff
I already submitted this to Support under "Feedback," but I'm sharing it here too as I don't expect it to get a response, and I feel like putting in out in public may be more effective than sending it off into the void.
The recent post on the Staff blog about changing tumblr to an algorithmic feed features a large amount of misinformation that I feel staff needs to address, openly and honestly, with information on where this data was sourced at the very least.
Claim 1: Algorithms help small creators.
This is false, as algorithms are designed to push content that gets engagement in order to get it more engagement, thereby assuring that the popular remain popular and the small remain small except in instances of extreme luck.
This can already be seen on the tumblr radar, which is a combination of staff picks (usually the same half-dozen fandoms or niche special interests like Lego photography) which already have a ton of engagement, or posts that are getting enough engagement to hit the radar organically. Tumblr has an algorithm that runs like every other socmed algorithm on the planet, and it will decimate the reach of small creators just like every other platform before it.
Claim 2: Only a small portion of users utilize the chronological feed.
You can find a poll by user @darkwood-sleddog here that at the time of writing this, sits at over 40 THOUSAND responses showing that over 96 percent of them use the chronological feed*. Claiming otherwise isn't just a misstatement, it's a lie. You are lying to your core userbase and expecting them to accept it as fact. It's not just unethical, it's insulting to people who have been supporting your platform for over a decade.
Claim 3: Tumblr is not easy to use.
This is also 100% false and you ABSOLUTELY know it. Tumblr is EXTREMELY easy to use, the issue is that the documentation, the explanations of features, and often even the stability of the service is subpar. All of this would be very easy for staff to fix, if they would invest in the creation of walkthroughs and clear explanations of how various site features work, as well as finally fixing the search function. Your inability to explain how your service works should not result in completely ignoring the needs and wants of your core long-term userbase. The fact that you're more willing to invest in the very systems that have made every other form of social media so horrifically toxic than in trying to make it easier for people to use the service AS IT WORKS NOW and fixing the parts that don't work as well speaks volumes toward what tumblr staff actually cares about.
You will not get a paycheck if your platform becomes defunct, and the thing that makes it special right now is that it is the ONLY large-scale socmed platform on THE ENTIRE INTERNET with a true chronological feed and no aggressive algorithmic content serving. The recent post from staff indicates that you are going to kill that, and are insisting that it's what we want. It is not. I'd hazard to guess that most of the dev team knows it isn't what we want, but I assume the money people don't care. The user base isn't relevant, just how much money they can bring in.
The CEO stated he wanted this to remain as sort of the last bastion of the Old Internet, and yet here we are, watching you declare you intend to burn it to the ground.
You can do so much better than this.
Response to the Update
Under the cut for readability, because everything said above still applies.
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I already said this in a reblog on the post itself, but I'm adding it to this one for easy access: people read it that way because that's what you said.
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Staff considers the main feed as it exists to be "outdated," to the point that you literally used that word to describe it, and the main goals expressed in this announcement is to figure out what makes "high-quality content" and serve that to users moving forward.
People read it that way because that is what you said.
*The final results of the poll, after 24 hours:
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136,635 votes breaks down thusly:
An algorithm based feed where I get "the best of tumblr." @ 1.3% (roughly 1,776 votes)
Chronological feed that only features blogs I follow. @ 95.2% (roughly 130,077 votes)
This doesn't affect me personally. @ 3.5% (roughly 4,782 votes)
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lover-of-mine · 7 months
It took me way tol long to realize 'i really need a tag for asks' is your tag for asks
aoksoaksoaksokass yeah, i have a few tags that are some variation of me saying i need a tag, like 'at this point i should have a cemetery tag lol', with the lol in the end, in most of my posts about the buddie cemetery scene, 'i need a maisie tag' for my posts with Maisie Peters lyrics, because I usually decide i need a tag after typing something like this out and then i just keep that tag because i don't have the creativity to come up with tags but i want a tag lol
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staff · 3 days
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We Asked an Expert...in Herpetology!
People on Tumblr come from all walks of life and all areas of expertise to grace our dashboards with paragraphs and photographs of the things they want to share with the world. Whether it's an artist uploading their speed art, a fanfic writer posting their WIPs, a language expert expounding on the origin of a specific word, or a historian ready to lay down the secrets of Ea-nasir, the hallways of Tumblr are filled with specialists sharing their knowledge with the world. We Asked an Expert is a deep dive into those expert brains on tumblr dot com. Today, we’re talking to Dr. Mark D. Scherz (@markscherz), an expert in Herpetology. Read on for some ribbeting frog facts, including what kind of frog the viral frog bread may be based on.
Reptiles v Amphibians. You have to choose one.
In a battle for my heart, I think amphibians beat out the reptiles. There is just something incredibly good about beholding a nice plump frog.
In a battle to the death, I have to give it to the reptiles—the number of reptiles that eat amphibians far, far outstrips the number of amphibians that eat reptiles.
In terms of ecological importance, I would give it to the amphibians again, though. Okay, reptiles may keep some insects and rodents in check, but many amphibians live a dual life, starting as herbivores and graduating to carnivory after metamorphosis, and as adults they are critical for keeping mosquitos and other pest insects in check.
What is the most recent exciting fact you discovered about herps?
This doesn’t really answer your question, but did you know that tadpole arms usually develop inside the body and later burst through the body wall fully formed? I learned about this as a Master’s student many years ago, but it still blows my mind. What’s curious is that this apparently does not happen in some of the species of frogs that don’t have tadpoles—oh yeah, like a third of all frogs or something don’t have free-living tadpoles; crazy, right? They just develop forelimbs on the outside of the body like all other four-legged beasties. But this has only really been examined in a couple species, so there is just so much we don’t know about development, especially in direct-developing frogs. Like, how the hell does it just… swap from chest-burster to ‘normal’ limb development? Is that the recovery of the ancestral programming, or is it newly generated? When in frog evolution did the chest-burster mode even evolve?
How can people contribute to conservation efforts for their local herps?
You can get involved with your local herpetological societies if they exist—and they probably do, as herpetologists are everywhere. You can upload observations of animals to iNaturalist, where you can get them identified while also contributing to datasets on species distribution and annual activity used by research scientists.
You can see if there are local conservation organizations that are doing any work locally, and if you find they are not, then you can get involved to try to get them started. For example, if you notice areas of particularly frequent roadkill, talking to your local council or national or local conservation organizations can get things like rescue programs or road protectors set up. You should also make sure you travel carefully and responsibly. Carefully wash and disinfect your hiking boots, especially between locations, as you do not want to be carrying chytrid or other nasty infectious diseases across the world, where they can cause population collapses and extinctions.
Here are some recent headlines. Quick question, what the frog is going on in the frog world? 
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Click through for Mark’s response to these absolutely wild headlines, more about his day-to-day job, his opinion on frog bread, and his favorite Tumblr.
✨D I S C O V E R Y✨
There are more people on Earth than ever before, with the most incredible technology that advances daily at their disposal, and they disperse that knowledge instantly. That means more eyes and ears observing, recording, and sharing than ever before. And so we are making big new discoveries all the time, and are able to document them and reach huge audiences with them.
That being said, these headlines also showcase how bad some media reporting has gotten. The frogs that scream actually scream mostly in the audible range—they just have harmonics that stretch up into ultrasound. So, we can hear them scream, we just can’t hear all of it. Because the harmonics are just multiples of the fundamental, they would anyway only add to the overall ‘quality’ of the sound, not anything different. The mushroom was sprouting from the flank of the frog, and scientists are not really worried about it because this is not how parasitic fungi work, and this is probably a very weird fluke. And finally, the Cuban tree frogs (Osteocephalus septentrionalis) are not really cannibals per se; they are just generalist predators who will just as happily eat a frog as they will a grasshopper, but the frogs they are eating are usually other species. People seem to forget that cannibalism is, by definition, within a species. The fact that they are generalist predators makes them a much bigger problem than if they were cannibals—a cannibal would actually kind of keep itself in check, which would be useful. The press just uses this to get people’s hackles up because Westerners are often equal parts disgusted and fascinated by cannibalism. 
What does an average day look like for the curator of herpetology at the Natural History Museum of Denmark?
No two days are the same, and that is one of the joys of the job. I could spend a whole day in meetings, where we might be discussing anything from which budget is going to pay for 1000 magnets to how we could attract big research funding, to what a label is going to say in our new museum exhibits (we are in the process of building a new museum). Equally, I might spend a day accompanying or facilitating a visitor dissecting a crocodile or photographing a hundred snakes. Or it might be divided into one-hour segments that cover a full spectrum: working with one of my students on a project, training volunteers in the collection, hunting down a lizard that someone wants to borrow from the museum, working on one of a dozen research projects of my own, writing funding proposals, or teaching classes. It is a job with a great deal of freedom, which really suits my work style and brain.
Oh yeah, and then every now and then, I get to go to the field and spend anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months tracking down reptiles and amphibians, usually in the rainforest. These are also work days—with work conditions you couldn’t sell to anyone: 18-hour work days, no weekends, no real rest, uncomfortable living conditions, sometimes dangerous locations or working conditions, field kitchen with limited options, and more leeches and other biting beasties than most health and welfare officers would tolerate—but the reward is the opportunity to make new discoveries and observations, collect critical data, and the privilege of getting to be in some of the most beautiful and biodiverse places left on the planet. So, I am humbled by the fact that I have the privilege and opportunity to undertake such expeditions, and grateful for the incredible teams I collaborate with that make all of this work—from the museum to the field—possible.
The Tibetan Blackbird is also known as Turdus maximus. What’s your favorite chortle-inducing scientific name in the world of herpetology?
Among reptiles and amphibians, there aren’t actually that many to choose from, but I must give great credit to my friend Oliver Hawlitschek and his team, who named the snake Lycodryas cococola, which actually means ‘Coco dweller’ in Latin, referring to its occurrence in coconut trees. When we were naming Mini mum, Mini scule, and Mini ature, I was inspired by the incredible list that Mark Isaac has compiled of punning species names, particularly by the extinct parrot Vini vidivici, and the beetles Gelae baen, Gelae belae, Gelae donut, Gelae fish, and Gelae rol. I have known about these since high school, and it has always been my ambition to get a species on this list.
If you were a frog, what frog would you be and why?
I think I would be a Phasmahyla because they’re weird and awkward, long-limbed, and look like they’re wearing glasses. As a 186 cm (6’3) glasses-wearing human with no coordination, they quite resonate with me.
Please rate this frog bread from 1/10. Can you tell us what frog it represents?
With the arms inside the body cavity like that, it can basically only be a brevicipitid rain frog. The roundness of the body fits, too. I’d say probably Breviceps macrops (or should I say Breadviceps?) based on those big eyes. 7/10, a little on the bumpy side and missing a finger and at least one toe.
Please follow Dr. Mark Scherz at @markscherz for even more incredibly educational, entertaining, and meaningful resources in the world of reptiles and amphibians.
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my kingdom for a function that will let you choose to exclude specific, individual posts from searches without having to shadowban your entire blog. i cannot overstate how much of this webbed site's most vicious drama this would have averted over the years. PLEASE staff for the love of god do this one thing i beg you it is not too late
#whosebaby talks#literally! i just want to be able to organize shit on my own blog in peace!#i refuse to use cutesy alt tags for Every Single Character or Piece of Media I Talk About to keep it from showing up in a tag#both because it's an organizational nightmare; and because--the arguably more important function it has--avoiding harassment#is only momentarily dodged by using alt tags#because overwhelmingly OMG STAY OUT OF OUR TAGS WE DON'T WANNA SEE THAT doesn't actually mean that#it means Don't Post Anything We Don't Like /At All/#so creeps and harassers would just find those cutesy alt tags and target people there#if anything it made it /easier for them to find targets all in one place/#and in my case a lot of it is a matter of wanting to be polite + avoiding Annoying People before they know i exist to start fights#but much more importantly avoiding being found in tags is a matter of Real Ass Safety because it greatly increases the risk of attracting#people who are just straight up fucking deranged; and on top of general trauma from being harassed and ostracized#they will talk about murdering you and tell you to kill yourself or dissolve your tongue in acid or say you deserved being abused#or sexually assaulted; and that they hope it happens again#they will do shit like doxx you or contact your workplace or try to get your kids taken away from you or mail a fucking bomb to your house#and more often than not these people will /stalk you for years/ once you've caught their eye#these people are fucking insane & all it takes is one post; & the entire community will at best turn a blind eye & refuse to get involved#at worst they will actively cheer it on; and they will mock you and act like you're paranoid and have a victim complex if you respond#accordingly to even the smallest expression of that rhetoric; because /you have no idea if you are going to become a statistic/#and avoiding all of that via tags is even more moot because of searches; you CANNOT have anything resembling safety unless you bend over#backward to mutilate your ability to search your blog; or make it impossible to engage in a community at all by shadowbanning yourself#the best i can think of is saying 'dick cock pussy' in the tags and hoping search yeets it#and again that's just the most urgent reason someone would want to avoid tags; i get pretty scathing about criticism of things i know that#people like on this blog; and have a very AND ANOTHER THING approach to stuff like that; and i don't want to spam or put out tons of#negativity where people can't avoid it at all; especially when it's in smaller less active fandoms; i would rather just be able to put out#shitposts and the occasional readmore'd measured; gathered; thoughtful essay on My Issues with a Thing#i try to add blacklistable tags for things like that but i know that's not very intuitive UI for people who don't read my blog#to know about my policies and aaaagggghhhhhh
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lizardsfromspace · 6 months
I'm not actually sure what Very Online types think should happen in Palestine and I don't think they're sure either bc what is this
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We shouldn't praise a teenager resisting the draft too hard bc. Bc...? I struggle to even parse what's being said here. It's guff about how "the bar is really this low" and then a reminder of how "we are seeing what is happening to Palestinians...and this is what people are uplifting?" but like. What does that mean though
They want Israeli oppression of Palestine to cease, but we can't be happy that a teenager refused to join in that oppression? So what should we do. Should we not encourage teens to resist the draft in a country with mandatory military service, heavy propaganda, and that has organized society to heavily stigmatize resisting military service? No, genuinely, what do they want people to do? We need the occupation to end, but also can't support anyone who's fighting for that to happen, since uhhh is the bar really this low??? Would it have been better if he joined the IDF
(do people not know Israel has mandatory military service? I've seen people agreeing with this by saying "refusing to join is the bare minimum, deciding to enlist is horrific". But they're not enlisting, it's conscription. Do they think this person enlisted then withdrew or something...? And why would that not be worth celebrating???)
The answer is ofc this person hasn't really thought about any of this. It's just raging id and an idea that engaging in online discourse is what's truly helpful. It's like the people who treated Hozier as if he was some pro-genocide goon for saying there needs to be "peace" in a statement far more condemnatory than most, since...I still don't know. "How can you talk about peace when one side's oppressing the other?" Well ending that is what peace is, definitionally speaking. How else will it end but with a treaty
The scenario here seems to be, we need the genocide and occupation to end. But also we can't support any Israelis trying to stop it, and should be sus of activism in general. Also we can't talk about "peace" in any way. We just need to post about how it should happen
Anyway when people pointed this out they instantly locked replies and said the "kumbaya libs found it 💔"
It reminds me of those people who swarm any story about Russian anti-war activists by saying it doesn't matter unless they personally assassinate Putin. Like cool. I guess people in the oppressor state should just do nothing to oppose it then if they can't fix anything. Screaming at someone who refuses to join the military that it's actually very problematic that they aren't joining in the oppression, when there's so much oppression to oppose instead of praising them for refusing to join the oppression
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yamameta-inc · 5 months
The Swiss Cheese Model of Covid Prevention
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An edited version of the swiss cheese model tailored towards the measures that you as an individual can take to minimize your risk of infection. Public health is ultimately what its name implies, public, but that doesn't mean you're powerless.
Covid prevention is not all-or-nothing. Think of it as risk reduction, rather than a binary.
Let's go through these step by step.
The current vaccines are meant primarily to reduce chances of severe illness, hospitalization, and death. They will reduce your chance of infection a bit--but not nearly as much as you might think. You should still get your boosters regularly, because avoiding severe illness is of course worth doing.
If you haven't gotten the updated monovalent vaccine yet, go get it. It is not a booster. Think of it as a new vaccine. It's targeted towards the XBB lineages, which are now the most common variants. Your last boosters were likely of the bivalent type, aimed at both the original Covid strain from 2020 and Omicron. The new vaccine is monovalent, meaning it targets one family in particular.
Some studies suggest that the Novavax vaccine, which is a more traditional protein-based vaccine, is more effective and safer than mRNA vaccines, and offers better protection against future variants. Of course, the data we have so far isn't 100% conclusive (the last paper I linked is a preprint). Make of these findings what you will, just something to keep in mind. The new Novavax vaccine's availability is still limited, especially outside of the US.
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Masking is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself. While it is true that masking and reducing Covid transmission protects those around you, the idea that masks can't protect the wearer is outdated information from the early days of the pandemic when medical authorities refused to acknowledge that Covid is airborne.
The key to protecting yourself is to wear a well-fitting respirator. You want to minimize any gaps where air might leak out. If your glasses get fogged up, that's a sign that air is leaking.
Headbands will always have a tighter fit than earloop masks (and therefore provide better protection). However, you can use earloop extenders to improve the fit of earloop masks. You can find these online. Your comfort in wearing a mask is important, but there are options for compromise.
The above graphic doesn't include elastomeric respirators. While some (like the Flo Mask) are expensive, they can be much more affordable than buying disposables--look for P100 respirators at your local hardware store, but make sure it fits your face well.
For more general information, see this FAQ. For mask recommendations (NA-centric, sorry!), see my list here or Mask Nerd's YouTube channel.
For situations where you need to hydrate but don't want to take your mask off, consider the SIP valve.
Not even N95s are foolproof (N95 means it filters at least 95% of particles--with the other 5% potentially reaching you). Most people will likely not have a perfect fit. There will be situations where you'll have to take your mask off. The key is risk reduction, and that's why the Swiss cheese model is crucial.
If you can't afford high-quality masks, look for a local mask bloc or other organization that gives out free masks. Project N95 has unfortunately shut down. In Canada, there's donatemask.ca.
This is rather self-explanatory. Indoor transmission is much, much, much more likely than outdoor transmission. If it's possible to move an activity outdoors instead, consider doing so.
If possible, try going to places like stores or the post office during less busy hours.
Viral particles can stay in the air for a considerable amount of time even after the person who expelled them has left. Do not take off your mask just because no one is currently present, if you know that it was previously crowded.
A CO2 monitor is a decent proxy for how many viral particles may have accumulated in the air around you. The gold standard is the Aranet4, but it's expensive, so here are some more affordable alternatives.
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Ventilation is effective for the same reason that outdoors is safer than indoors. If it's warm enough, keep windows open whenever possible. If it's cold, even cracking them open occasionally is better than nothing. Try to open windows or doors on different sides of a room to maximize airflow.
HEPA air filters can significantly reduce viral transmission indoors. Make sure to find one suitable for the room size, and replace the filters regularly. You want to look for devices with HEPA-13 filters.
You can use websites like these to calculate how long it takes for a device to change all the air in a room. Remember what I said about viral particles being able to hang around even after people have left? If an air purifier provides 2 air changes per hour, that means that after 30 minutes, any potential viral particles should be gone.
If you can't afford a commercial air filter, here's a useful DIY filter you can make with relatively simple materials. The filtration capacity is great--but due to being built with duct tape, replacing filters will be a challenge.
If you have to hold meetings or meet with people at work, having a smaller filter on the desk between you will also reduce chances of infection.
As a bonus, HEPA filters will also filter out other things like dust and allergens!
Viral load refers to the amount of virus in a person's blood. If you've been exposed to someone with Covid, how much you've been exposed matters.
You might escape infection if the viral load you've been exposed to is very small. Or, even if you get infected, there will be less virus in you overall, leading to milder illness--and crucially, a lower chance of the virus penetrating deep into your body, creating reservoirs in your organs and wreaking long-term havoc.
A low viral load is also less contagious.
This is the same reason that wearing your mask most of the time, but having to take it off for eating, is still much better than not wearing your mask at all.
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You might attract some odd looks. But if you're at high risk or just want to be as protected as possible, small portable air filters can help. Try to find models small enough to take with you on public transportation, to school, or while traveling.
These devices will be far too small to clean the air in the whole room. The goal is to have it filter air in your immediate vicinity. Be sure to angle the device so that the air is blowing in your face.
Unfortunately, rechargeable devices are much rarer and harder to find than normal air filters, and many are also expensive.
The best option at the moment, apart from DIY (which is possible, but you need to know what you're doing), seems to be the SmartAir QT3. The size and shape are a bit clunky, but it fits in a backpack. Its battery life isn't long, but it can be supplemented with a power bank.
There's some research that suggests that some nasal sprays may be effective in reducing risk of infection by interfering with viruses' ability to bind to your cells.
These sprays are generally affordable, easy to find, and safe. The key ingredient is carrageenan, which is extracted from seaweed. So there are no potential risks or side effects.
Be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging carefully. Here's a video on how to properly use nasal sprays if you've never used them before.
Covixyl is another type of nasal spray that uses a different key ingredient, ethyl lauroyl arginate HCI. It also aims to disrupt viruses' ability to bind to cell walls. Unfortunately, I think it's difficult to obtain outside of the US.
None of the methods listed here are foolproof on their own. But by layering them, you can drastically reduce your chances of infection.
The most important layers, by far, are masking and air quality. But you should also stay conscientious when engaging with those layers. Don't let yourself become complacent with rules of thumb, and allow yourself to assess risk and make thought out decisions when situations arise where you might have to take off your mask or enter a high-risk indoor area, such as a hospital.
Remember that the goal is risk reduction. It's impossible to live risk-free, because we live among countless other people. But you can use knowledge and tools to keep yourself as safe as possible.
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spacedace · 2 months
Still thinking about the Social Worker Jazz concept that @gilbirda posted about and it's slowly turning into a full Anger Management fic send help
Jason at length - much longer than it really should have taken really - set the resume down.
The new Social Worker’s resume. Because she was there, in his office, trying to convince him to hire her as a member of his criminal organization.
Crime Alley’s new social worker. A bright eyed Midwestern transplant from some tiny speck of a place that only qualified as a city because there was nothing bigger in a hundred miles in any direction to claim otherwise. The new social worker who had a Psy D. and three masters degrees and who had graduated Valedictorian. The one that had high paying private gigs lined up all over the country with the offering companies fighting over her.
The one who had, apparently, decided to take a shit job in Gotham’s shoddy social services department instead. The one that got kicked to Crime Alley - which was its own division despite technically being a small neighborhood in the grand scheme of things - within her first month. Supposedly for the sole purpose of scaring her off or getting her killed for all the questions she was asking and secret dealings she was sticking her nose into.
That social worker.
“I’m gonna need you to run this by me again.” Jason said, never so grateful for the voice modulator in his helmet as he was in that moment. It stripped out the bewilderment that had bled through into his words and made him sound stoic instead.
“I’d like to work for you.” The social worker - one Dr. Jasmine Nightingale - repeated primly. Back straight, clothes neat - if skewing more on the librarian side of professional - expression confident and hopeful. Completely and utterly oblivious of how fucking insane she sounded. “I was told that you’re the person in charge of Crime Alley.”
He resisted the urge to scrub at his face. It’d just look weird with his helmet on and not do anything to actually settle him in that moment anyway. “I understood that part.”
“Look, Doc,” She earned a doctorate and she was crazy enough to waltz into the office of one of Gotham’s most powerful Crime Lords, he’d be respectful about using her proper title at least, even if he suspected she was ten pounds of crazy in a five pound bag. “You’re going to have to tell me why. I was under the impression the only reason you ended up dumped on our end of the city ws because you wouldn’t play ball. But now you want to sign up for my crew?”
Nightingale frowned a little at that.
“Is that what people are saying?”
“What else are they gonna say?” Jason answered, leaning back in his seat, “Head of the department only dumps Crime Alley on folks he don’t like. And everyone knows he doesn’t like anyone that can’t or won’t play his game by his rules.”
“Alright, well. I’ll give you that.” Nightingale conceded, “Payne doesn’t like me. The feeling’s mutual. But for the record,” She added giving him a wry smile, as if sharing wry smiles with Red Hood was just something people did, “I asked to be assigned to the Park Row and Bowery neighborhoods.”
“You wanted to work here.”
Nightingale laughed. It was a bright sound. Not especially clear or pretty, but warm and welcoming in a way that carefully calculated giggles or overdone guffaws couldn’t be. Something with real and honest amusement in it, that encouraged those nearby to laugh along. Not the kind of involuntary, nervous chuckling people tended to slip into when they thought they had pissed someone that scared them off.
She just wasn’t intimidated by him at all, was she?
Behind his helmet, Jason found himself smiling. Just a bit.
“I’m serious.” She assured, blue-green eyes meeting the dark stare of his helmet without a moment of hesitation. He watched as she brushed a lock of her bright red hair behind her ear and out of the way. She’d woven it all into a practical, neat braid but a few sly pieces had snuck out to bounce around her. Gilding her quiet professionalism with a playful charm that worked well with her academia but make it cottagecore kindergarten teacher aesthetic.
“I’ll admit, Gotham wasn’t part of my plan when I first graduated. Time and choices take you funny places sometimes.” She plucked an invisible bit of lint off her soft blue cardigan, not nervous but absent as her gaze went distant for a moment. Thinking back on the events that had led her to his fine city. In a blink, those sharp eyes were back to focusing entirely on him. “But Gotham is where I am now, and I want to help.”
She looked at him, a serious, determined expression settling easily on her face. “The city as a whole has so much chaos and crime breaking out all the time.” No censure or horror in her voice, just a neutral fact to be observed. “But where the rest of the city has millions of dollars poured into it by various foundations or charities run by the Waynes, Park Row is largely ignored.”
Jason watched as steeliness sharpened her gaze, the blue-green shifting from the shine of a bird’s wing to the warning hue of something poisonous and deadly. “No one deserves that. No one.” Her chin tilted up, proud but not imperious. “So yes, I want to work here. There are people in Park Row and the Bowery who need help and I refuse to let any of them feel like they are going to be ignored.”
Jason considered her.
Really looked at her. Pealing back his initial off handed impression of her as some clueless transplant in over her head with no idea of what she was doing or what she was poking her nose into to find the real woman beneath. Her confident poise, her clear unshakable belief, her unflinching willingness to look danger in the eye and not blink. The tense curve of her frown, the lines of pain at the corners of her eyes, the simmering anger beneath it all. There was an edge to her, too. Something sharp and dangerously well hidden by the cardigan and folksy charm of her accent.
It was personal for the woman before him, Jason realized. Maybe not Crime Alley specifically, but something about the whole situation. The treatment the neighborhood and its residents received from the city at large, from those even beyond it.
Crime Alley wasn’t a place that received much in the way of charitable thought. The average joe with their house in Somerset and job at some corporate shithole hating every second of their life but thinking at least I don’t live in Crime Alley. Those asshole hoity-toites in city hall throwing money around equally between shit that’d get them re-elected and their off-shore slush funds in the Caymens doing their damn level best to pretend the black mark on the other end of the city just didn’t exist. Bruce, flooding the entire city with charitable programs and carefully constructed infrastructures shying away from the manifested grief and trauma that was the place he watched his parents get murdered.
For the most part no one from outside of the Alley gave a shit about the Alley other than as a place to avoid at all costs. And most of the time those natives that manages to claw their way out into better and brighter lives didn’t ever turn to glance back. Orpheus could have learned a thing or to from an ex-Alley Kid who managed to eek out a steady 9-to-5 and move to Burnley.
And something about that seemed to piss Dr. Jasmine Nightingale Psy. D right the fuck off.
He could see why Bill said he liked her enough to let her in.
“Alright.” He said, tilting his head, watching the woman seated across from him carefully, “Still doesn’t explain what you’re doing here. Why you’re trying to get on my payroll.”
“I’m not trying to get on your payroll.” She said, some of the glinting edge softening, but the steel remaining. Strong and unyielding. “I’m trying to get into your community outreach program.”
Jason thanked god and all the saints once again for the gift of his helmet. That baby had saved his ass more times than he could count both by keeping his head in one piece and keeping his stupefied expressions wrapped up and hidden from view. Dr. Nightingale was one hell of a woman to make him have to rely on that fact twice in one conversation.
“Wasn’t aware that was something I had.”
Nightingale, not fortunate enough to have a full face covering helmet of her own, had nothing to hide her stupefied expression behind. Jason had a feeling she might have removed it to make sure he saw even if she did though. She looked like she had caught him eating glue like it was a cheese stick.
“Yes you do.” She said, sounding deeply confused but unshakable confident in what she was saying. “I’ve seen it. The soup kitchens, the shelters, the collection boxes for donating old clothes, the after school day care.” Nightingale ticked off on her fingers, “I’ve lived here for less than two weeks and I’ve lost count of all the things I’ve seen setup to help people struggling in the area that I’ve been very reliably informed you and your organization are behind.”
“Those aren’t part of some community outreach program.” He said, “We are simply locals offering services for our neighbors.”
He watched as her caught-him-eating-glue expression shifted into one that said she’d stumbled upon him licking electrical sockets for a mid-day pick-me-up instead. He had to give it to her, the woman was not afraid to let one of the most dangerous men in the city know she thought he was a fucking idiot.
“Let me see if I understand this right.” She said, and he appreciated that there wasn’t any kind of condescension in her voice, even though she very clearly thought he’d been dropped on his head as a baby. Possibly from the top of a three story building. “You have a large group of people working together to plan, organize and execute multiple services in your area - your community, if you will - that provide aid and support to those that otherwise would not receive it. Reaching out with your available time and resources to offer these services, that you provide. For free.”
Alright, Jason got it. He had stumbled ass backwards into creating a community outreach program. But he wasn’t just going to let her think she won this one. He was Red Hood, he had a reputation to uphold here.
“What makes you think any of that is free?” He tilted his head at just the right angle, the one that cast shadows across the planes of his helmet and made him look hell-touched and terrifying. “Just because we don’t charge money, doesn’t mean there isn’t a price to pay.”
Dr. Nightingale, dressed like a damn kindergarten teacher, laughed at him.
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𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐 𝑵𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒔
/ / In which lando norris runs secret fan pages for his champion figure skater girlfriend !! / / ✿
. . ҂ 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: smau, fluff
✎ ᝰ 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: changed up the posting layouts lol. i added more efforts here lol.
© moonlightpearlspots
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liked by landonorris, avtrusova, and 791,104 others
yourinstagram montreal, you were amazing
view all comments
yourinstagram you were the biggest since last olympics baby 💕
user1 imagine saying oh yeah y/n l/n, the figure skating prodigy and 2x olympic champ and 3x world champion? yeah she's my gf
landonorris never related to smth harder more than that
yourinstagram omg lando sobbed too! he's not ready to see smth other than masters and margarita
yourinstagram babe you called thr program m&m for short because the name was too long for you
landonorris that was BEFORE i saw the program
user1 lando you lucky lucky guy
user2 skaters like her should be banned. she's so overscored because all she does is quads. there's not single speck of creativity in her program
4Aqueen it's so obvious that you have an emotional range of smaller than tea spoon, smaller than ronald weasley. if you cannot understand her programs then stfu. because my girl did 6 quads INCLUDING a quadaxel and the entire program had tons of creative work and artistry. go learn about emotions before commenting on her post while lazing on your couch.
user3 DAYUM BRO 💀
user4 lando norris might have competion now when it comes to being yn's biggest fan
user5 ronald weasley catching strays on insta? i thought i would never see this day 😭
user2 oh shit damn bro i take my words back 😭
user2 BACK TF OFF 🤺🤺
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liked by yourinstagram, oscarpiastri, mclaren and 929,491 others
landonorris princess treatment only for ms. world champion
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yourinstagram ily sm <3
landonorris ilyt babe 🧡
oscarpiastri i am letting this slide only because you won a wdc
yourinstagram stop trying to steal my boyfriend 🤺🤺
user1 the amount of flowers?! i am sobbing
user2 lord it is me again
user3 ahhh the daily reminder to make out with my gun 😍😍
user5 girl don't you have a organic chem test tmr? 😃
user4 AND?!
user6 is the 15th floor fine?
user7 time to sleep on railway tracks tonight
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liked by landonorris, avtrusova, mclaren and 791,104 others
yourinstagram it's off snz baby, time to report to my wag duties
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landonorris it's more like i am your wag
oscarpiastri the word simp isn't enough for you
landonorris fuck off
oscarpiastri oh no mate you're down BAD
oscarpiastri more like horrendously
oscarpiastri oh no atrociously down bad
landonorris did you swallow a thesaurus?!
oscarpiastri look at you using big words like thesaurus
yourinstagram i taught him that word oscar
oscarpiastri ahh no wonder
user1 god i love them sm
user2 the first lando photo?! 😭😭😭😭😭
mclaren always a pleasure to have you champ!
yourinstagram thank you for having me 🤗
oscarpiastri the pleasure was all lando's
landonorris you just hate happy couples
oscarpiastri i don't hate happy couples i hate couples who have no filter and shoves their relationship infront of everyone with their excessive pda
yourinstagram just admit it lily is not here so you're having lily withdrawals
user3 oscar have heard ✨️ things ✨️
francisca.cgomes ahhh so happy to see you back in the paddock <3
yourinstagram i missed you sm 🥺
ueer4 boo undeserving of her titles
4Aqueen oh yeah? if you think yn is undeserving so why don't you land 6 quads including a quad axel do candle spin and other complicated figure skating stuff and show us who's better
user5 4Aqueen never misses istg 💀
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liked by yourinstagram, oscarpiastri, and 971,103 others
landonorris my 4Aqueen
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yourinstagram oh baby ily sm even if you ran fan pages about me without telling me 🥺🥺
landonorris i manifested you i swear
yourinstagram okay but from how long were you running those fan pages
landonorris that my love is irrelevant to the world
user1 since 2017 actually
landonorris also user1 piss off you little snitch
oscarpiastri i told you the word simp isn't enough to describe this man
landonorris boo 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻
mclaren lando we cannot cause a civil war here
user2 poetic ahh caption
landonorris actually i manifested the shit outta her. incense sticks, crystals and all shite
yourinstagram oml you're so down bad but ily sm
oscarpiastri atrociously down bad*
user4 pov: you show up to who loves yn more competition and lando is your opponent
user5 he would take all 3 spots on podium
user6 all first 4 actually because yk his number is 4 and quads her speciality
user7 god i love yn sm
landonorris not as much as me
user8 the sexual tension btwn me and a wall rn 🤗
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