#i just think it's so funny seeing the disconnect between my mutuals
metalichotchoco · 1 month
Honestly what I’d like to see in more ihnmaims media if we ever get any is the relationships between survivors, here’s my take, picking and choosing from each version of canon.
Ellen is the most stable so her relationships will be saved for another part
In the triangle that is ted, Gorrister and Benny it’s a vicious cycle
Ted and Benny have a complicated mutual hate towards one another they both play to their most deep insecurities. Ted already believes that everyone hates him due to being “better” or not broken the way they’ve been so it’s not hard for him to antagonize people anyways. For Benny’s part ted provokes his complexes about sexuality, animalisticness and the difference between the weak and strong. For as much as ted is a lying narcissistic criminal, he’s shameless about it, about his nature he cares about the consequences not the actions. Benny cannot own his actions at all, there’s a disconnect between the educated, handsome former general and professor and the aggressive,almost feral war criminal he is. Ted is very self centered but doesn’t handle slights to his ego well, Benny in his non mutated form is much more successful and traditionally attractive than him. God he even deludes himself into thinking am changed Benny’s “size” in the book. Both of their moralities are twisted and it’s not hard to imagine them being snippy when they both have the mind to think properly. They are also coincidentally am’s favorite victims.
I do think it would be in character for both of them to make snide remarks about gorrister’s former hippie status, he’d be seen as an extreme liberal since this book takes its characters from the dawn of the Cold War, just after ww2. Most of Benny’s pride and identity came from being in the military so that’s obvious to see how that’d pan out, whereas ted seems like the type to not care about politics unless it directly relates to him. His problems come from the idea of people not centering their lives around money or power.
Individually there’s some fun dynamics to be had. Ted in general would think gorrister is a bore. For a person who likes stories, ted finds non fiction exhausting. Gorrister likes talking about history and politics even though his spark has faded out. It’s a bit funny that Ted believes am has changed Gorrister too despite his symptoms sounding much more like being worn out and becoming depressed. It’s not like he’d really consider that a real condition though. Gorrister just finds ted to be a bit annoying. An attention seeker but he figures ted was always just a weird kind of guy.
Gorrister is mostly ambivalent to his forever roommates, though he would consider Benny a war dog past his prime. A key example of what happens to soliders, men forced to kill and then given power. Then as soon as it’s given, it’s taken away and you’re left with an unstable pitiable person. How could they go back to living a normal life after that. With am being a literal war machine made by the government Benny put so much trust in, he finds it poetic in a sober way. Benny finds Gorrister very confusing, he never understood protesters before anyways. He would’ve found him preachy if he had met him beforehand. Gorrister does threaten his masculinity though, like ted he’s a brand that’s not the ultra traditional that he’s built himself around. Gorrister freely admits that he’s had queer experiences while still carrying a traditional masculine job, a truck driver. He can’t be put into that stereotypical box that’s nice and safe for Benny. It’s also good to mention that Benny is soothed by gorrister’s stories even if in that scene he wasn’t fully there.
Both ted and Gorrister see the clear closet case that is Benny but they don’t act on that knowledge. Both of them believe that being a solider sucks but for different reasons. Ted thinks it’s for suckers who get caught up in manipulation tactics going on about morals. Gorrister also believes they are manipulated but also sees the horrors of war as that, horrors. Basically he takes a more empathic view. Gorrister and Benny both agree that Ted is annoying but not in the way ted himself thinks everyone hates him. He’s very loud and shows off his now eternal youth. They are not even sure if the man did or did not graduate college. Gorrister doesn’t mind breaking laws but he does care about people’s wellbeing whereas Benny’s stricter about following the script but he’s done worse so he doesn’t have room to talk.
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thecorvidrotation · 2 years
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#adam: well as reluctant group-appointed dark chess entity. apparently. i decree that the first person to make sand chess hell gets 20 points
My Top Posts in 2022:
professionally (librarian) the trc misinformation trend unnerves me but personally. personally. it is so fucking funny oh my god
9 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
dammit i heard a song the other day that made me feel ronan-feral and now i cannot for the life of me remember what it was
12 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
probably gonna be a month before i get my hands on Greywaren so i’m gonna just say meaningless generalities about the dreamer trilogy that i can’t actually know or prove.
17 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
i was rereading some of my old posts on a whim and now I’ve made myself deeply emotional about Gansey and his friends because like... I said once how in TRB, Ronan and Adam have this interesting dynamic where they still don’t seem to actually like each other very much, yet they understand each other much better than Gansey appears to understand either of them. I think there’s mutual recognition that they are each, at their cores, uncompromising; mutual comprehension that they can’t be shaped into anything other than what they are or (in Adam’s case especially) what they want to be. 
Adam and Ronan don’t appear to like each other much in TRB, but they respect each other – and Gansey respects them no less! He cares deeply about his friends, he trusts them more than anyone else, and he feels the least himself when he’s forced away from them. Gansey’s respect and love for his friends is undeniable.
Yet, he’s perpetually running headlong into their uncompromising natures. 
And it’s not that he’s unaware of who his friends are, it’s not that he’s consciously trying to force them to be what they’re not. No, what’s kicking me in the heart today is that “fixing things,” smoothing things over and making it all look okay, is how Gansey was taught to care. 
Gansey’s first instinct, always, whether it’s his own actions or someone else’s life, is to reduce the amount of fuss and commotion. This is his anxiety and his masking, this is how his WASP family operates. “Fixing” the problem without actually addressing the cause, hiding the issue, smoothing things over for polite company, minimizing the impact, that IS the way the Ganseys show that they care. WASPs are deeply subtextual in how they express a lot of feelings (source: knowing my WASP-adjacent mom for my whole life and still learning how to correctly interpret her many layers of subtext). Care is often implicit, communicated quietly through actions but rarely expressed outright. 
The difference between Gansey and his family is that his family fundamentally doesn’t understand him, making their care for him very abstract at best and disconnected from the reality of who he is, while Gansey’s love for his friends is deep and true. When Gansey tries to “fix” Adam or Ronan’s lives, he’s not being his parents in intention – he’s NOT merely trying to sweep the truth under the rug to hide something difficult from polite company. He is truly, genuinely, attempting to help, and he means well. But he still emulates his parents’ in actions, because it’s what he knows how to do. 
And that’s where the critical miscommunication lies: Because Gansey’s friends can’t see gestures that so run counter to who they are as expressions of care, and Gansey can’t (yet) recognize that he’s copying the same behaviors that have made him feel so stifled in his own family. And thus his confusion and anxiety, as his gestures are rejected, is genuine as well.
95 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
there’s almost no way that Stief would leak major top-shelf plot spoilers on social media because (1) that’s unhinged (2) Scholastic’s publicity team WILL hunt her for sport over it if she did, but the implications of Adam asking Ronan if he’s the Lace NOT being a major plot spoiler are still absolutely BANANAS. like good golly what’s the wild ride we’re gonna go on just to get to the point where Adam feels like he has to ask that and it’s NOT EVEN the cornerstone of the plot???? cannot wait to absolutely lose it reading this book.
123 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
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elliebear666 · 2 years
So, today in therapy, aside from the gaggle of tangents that inevitably took us away from the main point, and ended up having me forgetting half the stuff I wanted to say, we talked about a lot. Lol
I forgot what I wanted to write about, give me a second.
Right, I sat for a minute and wracked my brain.
We talked about my gender dysphoria (among many other random things) and how it's funny that, as a teen, I began developing this sensation of "something missing" between my legs. Like, this is weird... something should be here. I can feel that something should be here. Why is there nothing? Why do I have this penis? It doesn't feel right. Something is wrong. I honestly feel like I want to get rid of it. Maybe I should cut it off 🤔
As I aged, and grew, so too did the dysphoria regarding my genitals. I had a very difficult time identifying the feelings and emotions involving my penis. It was a mass of differently colored string, each thread a different emotion. And I couldn't unravel this mess. So, in many ways, I began to stray away from the desire for sex. I found many girls I liked, but to be honest, I didn't want them to see my penis. It wasn't that it was small and I was "embarrassed" of my tiny dick. I mean, to be completely honest I measured the shit out of that mother fucker because I couldn't understand why I hated it so much. I mean, did I hate it because I perceived it as small? I wondered that, but that wasn't it when I really thought about it. For a while I felt like I was, when in reality I was absolutely average sized. But those feelings persisted and grew in intensity. I fucking hated my penis, and I wanted it gone. I didn't want girls to see it. I didn't want guys to see it. I didn't WANT to have it! I shouldn't have it, was my thought. So... I didn't lose my virginity until I was like... 24? In the back of my car lmao
I forgot to put a condom on in my anxious state, and had to pull out before I came and like... came on the floor so I told her that I forgot the condom (which was true) and put it on and, somehow, kept going until I came again lmao
But... the whole time... I just felt wrong. I couldn't fully comprehend it. It felt good, don't get me wrong. Sex feels good. But... it wasn't right. I mean, to be fair, I shoved every object known to man up my asshole, felt like something was missing between my legs, you'd think I'd have put two and two together. But... I didn't fully. Even though I knew, inside, that I was a girl, the disconnect between what I saw and what I felt permeated my every interaction.
So, in some ways, I started to think... well, maybe it's because I don't love her? So, after a couple years of a tumultuous and stormy relationship, I broke things off. I rebounded, in many ways, into my ex. Not at first. I thought she was pretty but I just needed a friend. But then I started getting feelings. And, we ended up kind of dating and I felt in love with her - the relationship was inevitably toxic and mutually abusive and full of fights and splitting and basically BPD insanity. We had sex a lot and often, and she was gorgeous and I loved her. Fuck I loved her so fucking much. I would have moved heaven and earth to see her smile. But I had so many problems, and she wasn't meant to be mine, no matter how much I was obsessed with her and adored her. But sex still felt wrong. I wondered if it was because I didn't love her either. I was attracted to her, I loved her. But sex started to become upsetting. And yet I never said anything. Fuck, I suppressed myself so completely that I never let it slip. I told her lies about who I was and the people I'd dated. I'm not even sure why. I lied to everyone all the time tbh. I lived a fiction because my real life was so fucking painful and wrong that I figured I might as well create a fiction to live in. If I can't be a woman, if I can't wake up the woman I should be, I'd just live a lie. And I hurt people too. I did. I hurt people with my lies and my pain and anger and acting out. Fuck I hated myself. But god damn it I can't even express how much agony I was in every fucking day. I wish everyone knew what I was dealing with. Fuck... I wish everyone knew.
After that relationship eventually crumbled into disaster and my unhinged behavior escalated - I was unmedicated, in emotional torment, and dealing with gender dysphoria. I was a horrible and vile person and I wanted to kill myself because I was so bad. Even after attempting it because the pain of the breakup was too much.
But... then something clicked. It was one night, while I sat alone in my little house in the backyard. In the middle of the night, I'd gone and bought briquettes that I was going to use to suffocate myself with CO2. I'd put towels under the door and a blanket around it to keep the air from circulating. I had a little bbq thing that I was going to put the briquettes in. And I had written letters to all my family, to my ex, apologizing profusely for all the pain I caused and how I hoped she would find happiness because I would always love her. One each to my two best friends.
And, as I sat in the dark in the middle of the night, I decided to think about... 1. Why I wanted to die and had wanted to die for so long. 2. What would make me not want to die.
I wracked my brain. Would I not want to die if my ex came back to me? No... I still would. She was a bandaid at best, and all the love and obsession I had with her was only keeping me from looking deep within myself.
No. I realized that night. "If I was female, living my life as a normal woman, I wouldn't want to die. If I was the girl I felt I should be, for as long as I can remember... if I was her? I could live even without my ex, despite how much I fucking just... FUCK. I was obsessively and madly in love with this woman and... god I don't think she knew how much I loved her. I don't even know if she cared. But... god... fuck. But, I was Matthew. How could I ever live life as the woman I was if I looked like this? Sounded like this? Like, I had vocal dysphoria for so fucking long. I tried to sing like a woman when I was alone in my room at my apartment when I was like 18-21 and I just couldn't do it. So I'd talk into voice changers, make my voice feminine, and long and dream about being the woman I wanted to be. All day every day. I would go to sleep praying, and wake up devastated every morning. I can't even explain yo you how much I suffered because of this. More than much of my trauma and growing BPD patterns, more than my bipolar disorder and undiagnosed ADHD.
So, I started to Google that. I started doing research. I took down all the shit I'd prepared for my suicide, put away the briquettes, and started to look into shit. Gender dysphoria. Becoming a woman. How to become a woman. How to look and sound female. How to be the girl I needed to be. And slowly but surely, as I languished alone in my little house all through the night, it finally started dawning on me that... fuck. I was fucking trans. I was a trans woman. I had gender dysphoria that was fucking killing me. And I found out, shortly after, that hormones were issued for exactly the process of changing our sex markers and either feminizing or masculinizing our bodies. It was slow at first, and I had a lot of shame and internalized transphobia... but over time I knew what I had to do. Tbh, I still measured my penis for a while. I just... although I knew I was trans I still couldn't recognize the actual emotions I felt about my penis. Like... I knew I was being obsessive, and i knew there was technically nothing wrong with my penis... and then, I can't quite remember when, it suddenly fully made sense in my head and I no longer cared about trying to understand the emotions. In many ways, it was disgust. It was pain. It was anger. It was frustration. It was dysphoria. I shouldn't have been born with a penis because, fuck, I was a woman, dude. I was a girl and I had felt so fucking trapped in this horrific nightmare for so fucking long... so fucking long. I just... fuck, since I was 6 or 7 I knew. Maybe even before. But it was so hard to accept what I felt, when what I was told and what I saw... was that I was boy.
But now? Hell, my cock and have shrunk a good bit. Like, I'm betting I've lost a good 1.5-2 inches on my penis, and my testicles are little tiny balls. The funny thing is, I'm fucking ecstatic that my genitals have shrunk. I haven't even thought about measuring the damn thing to see how much I've actually lost because I 100% understood my feelings. Sure, there was insecurity. But... not about the fucking size of the damn thing, it was that I fucking HAD ONE. It wouldn't have mattered if I was fucking hung as shit. I'd still have hated it and wanted it gone and been insecure about it's very existence. I should have been born with a fucking pussy, bro lmao. And my body and brain were telling me this and, because males aren't taught about emotions, self or identity, I suffered in agonizing silence for fucking two+ decades and I couldn't even put to words my emotions. I didn't understand what I was feeling. Like, yeah, Alexithymia. But... idk, I feel so fuckong liberated. I feel free. I feel actual happiness and I am coming to actually love both myself and my body, my face. My breasts. My femininity.
I never thought I would have this in my fucking life. I thought I was destined to suffer as Matthew for my entire fucking life... and yet, here I am. Alive. As Elleanor AKA Ellie. And fuck... I'm so fucking euphoric and happy with my voice and my social life and my relationships and my body and emotions and hormones. Like... FUCK.
For anyone that doesn't understand how fucking painful being trans can be, for how real of a phenomenon it is? Stop being a piece of shit lmao
Transitioning has saved my fucking life. I am alive today because I realized that I could be the woman I was, that I could be the person that lived in my head since I was a child. The girl I called Sarah for so long. I fucking love myself.
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youngmudra · 3 years
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Synastry that intrigues me
Anyones 12th house overlapping someones 1st house - Very intricate dynamic that almost reminds me of a master/student relationship. The first house person always tends to lead, but the 12th house person is the real powerhouse... the 1st house is just trying to gain some type of “level’ ground. The 12th house person just seems to know so much and doesnt even care to share the knowledge which sends 1st house into a tizzy. Funny part is, 12th house doesnt even know whats aggravating the 1st house person. 12th house person will feel the need to depart from the 1st house inevitably because of the eventual disconnect thats felt. Its funny though because 12th house person is all soul, and 1st house is all ego and the 2 can learn to balance in each others presence. but it takes a mature outlook. Id say this would also be the case for someone who has their Neptune in your 1st house, or for the people that feel someones sun in your 12th house. But the 12th house person will always have the upper hand when it comes to seeing the bigger picture. Sun/1st house person will feel thrown aside and unimportant. And even though thats not the case, 12th house person has NO way of consoling 1st house in the way they need. Interesting because of its tragedy. 
When i think of overlapping houses i like to think of it as how the other sees you in THAT spectrum of their lives, and the planets just add some spice. This is the only MUTUAL energy that you BOTH will feel.. The houses overlapping will show you a lot about each other
If someone is overlapping their 2nd house with your 6th house, you may both want to go into business and take a lot of very small steps that get you to your eventual goal. If someones 11th house is overlapping your 1st house you both may look for individuality through your friend group. Maybe you have a very niche interest in something, and find it easy to find others with the same interest. IF someones 4th house is overlapping your 9th house maybe you both dream of starting a life and family overseas or are very interested in living overseas at some point in life. And so on, i find it every interesting, but if you think about it, it makes sense. Your 10th house is activating my 12th house and vice versa. So its the only MUTUAL energy that we can find in a synastry chart which is honestly a majorrrrr part of a relationship..
If i wanted to look into the compatibility between 2 people through synastry. Im looking at the overlaps in houses and the signs the houses are in and then the planets that occupy the houses. Overlaps between taurus and virgo are the same type of energy of 2nd and 6th house overlaps. 
12th and 1st make me tingle because its literally the death and rebirth, its the all knowing and the explorer. Its just interesting. Im going to post more on this, but theres so many levels to a synastry chart. Beautiful and also unsetting
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sneakyboymerlin · 3 years
I have seen so many merwaine fics where Merlin is pinning over Arthur and Gwaine is a rebound or a second choice, or just a placeholder until Arthur realizes “oh I’m in love with Merlin” and all I can say is- no one ships Arwen more than Merlin does, and my Gwaine and Merlin loving heart needs some happy Gwaine being loved right back, so, do you have any fic recs?
The order of biggest Arwen shippers is:
3rd Place: Fate
2nd Place: Arthur and Gwen (tied)
1st Place: Merlin
It’s sad that Gwaine doesn’t amount to more than Merlin’s second choice in some fics (let’s be honest, Gwaine and Lance are both Merlin’s type) but if you’re looking for fics that show Gwaine feeling just as loved by Merlin as he feels for Merlin…
I can’t promise that Gwaine will be happy in any of these, but he’s most certainly loved!
Rec list below the cut:
Ever With Me - Nebula5030
(wordcount: 2.6k)
While recovering after being stabbed during a bandit attack, Merlin realizes there's one person he wants to stay with him more than anyone.
This is a great oneshot (among others in this series of disconnected stories) for mutual merwaine. It organically portrays a uniqueness to Merlin and Gwaine’s dynamic that Gwaine is particularly insecure about, wrongly believing himself to be a second or third or last choice for Merlin. @the-astro-ace knocks his low self-esteem right out the window. Bonus points for hurt!Merlin and caring!Gwaine.
Among Friends - slightlytookish
(wordcount: <700)
Merlin wonders why Gwaine doesn't settle down, but perhaps Gwaine already has.
A quick little ficlet that takes place shortly after the pheasant scene in Eye of the Pheonix. Merlin and Gwaine’s night certainly doesn’t end where it cuts off onscreen, and this author fills in those blanks nicely. This one is especially good for the depth it gives Gwaine in its seamless extension from “Not Arthur.”
Fall Through the Trees - fishoutofcamelot
(wordcount: 1k)
Merlin and Gwaine are trees, somehow.
I… may be part of the reason this one exists. But the first thing you should know is that this is not the funny story it looks like. Honestly, every writing choice that @fishoutofcamelot makes here is full of skillful, brilliant angst. The perspective alone is an act of art. Inspired by this post, if you were wondering. Again, you have our resident fish to thank for this. And again, as this is Fish, there will be body horror.
Beauty’s Closed Eyes - KimliPan
(Wordcount: 1.3k)
Gwaine accidentally drinks a poison that was meant for Arthur. Mistaking the behavior for being drunk, he's put to bed and left alone, giving the poison a chance to set in. This is his recovery, with Merlin at his side to care for him.
I’ll admit that I’m partial to the dynamic of hurt!Merlin with protective!Gwaine as much as the next person, but we’ve seen Merlin be pretty protective of Gwaine in return, and I think this fic expands on that beautifully. If you’re looking for Gwaine to have Merlin’s full care and attention, poisoning him will do.
Breathing Spell - Eldee
(Wordcount: 10.5k)
Merlin can tell Arthur is troubled by the quest. And when he surprises Merlin with time off, Merlin travels to see a friend. (post-3.08 fic)
Warning for this fic: NSFW as hell. However, Merlin and Gwaine’s interlocking emotional arcs do well to sum up the conflict between Merlin’s duties and desires. It’s an excellent read for those of us who want to see Merlin learn how he can uphold healthy relationships outside of his imbalanced friendship with Arthur. Basically, Merlin gets some much needed time off, away from servitude and away from destiny. And he chooses to spend it with Gwaine.
Hallucinations - whumpling (LiGi)
(Wordcount: 1.4k)
Gwaine has a high fever and it's making him see horrible things.
This is technically not merwaine (though it can be interpreted as pre-relationship), but it definitely fulfills the need to see some caring Merlin content. It’s not often that you get to see Merlin’s own protectiveness over Gwaine shine through, but this story beautifully exemplifies how protection can come in more forms than one. Just as Gwaine defends Merlin with his strength and skill in swordsmanship, Merlin comforts Gwaine through his compassion and skill in healing. Beware of the angst.
Alone Together - SneakyBoyMerlin
(Wordcount: 8.5k)
If Merlin and Gwaine keep this up, maybe their lovely host will be inspired to let them go. If it was peace and quiet he was after, he should’ve chosen someone else to kidnap.
What? Nobody said I couldn’t self-rec. In any case, this fic is pretty popular with my followers, especially those interested in hurt!Merlin/protective!Gwaine. Unfortunately for our Heroes, I must warn that there’s some mildly graphic torture in this. But at its core, this is a story about what happens when you get kidnapped and tied to the annoying jokester who you’re in love with. Kidnappers hate them!
Deserter - fishoutofcamelot
(Wordcount: 6.9k)
For the second time, Gwaine says goodbye to Camelot. He always figured this day would come. What he didn’t expect was for the king’s clumsy, kind-hearted servant to join him in exile.
Of course I recced a second Fish fic. Fish is a genius with words. The emotional depth they give to all the characters, especially Gwaine, draws you in before you can even help yourself. This fic focuses mainly on Gwaine’s insecurities being overturned, his loneliness disappearing with every smile he gets out of Merlin. And eventually, he learns how to smile again, too. Warning because it’s a REAL tearjerker.
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Anyways, hope these recs satisfy your need for mutual merwaine !!!!! We, as a society, can always use more merwaine ;-)
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tuiyla · 3 years
What do you think of Lauren and how she interacts with the ND girls in season 2 in particular?
Oh, interesting!
First off, I really dig Lauren. It's a shame her character was basically abandoned but I think she was a refreshing addition to the New Directions. Her confidence is quite unparalleled and I wish she got to interact more with members other than Puck. I dislike how much of her story, especially at first, boils down to fatphobic jokes because there was really something there with how unabashed she is and the way Glee played it, it was half-earnest but also half-satirical. Like yeah, haha, the fat girl is so full of herself even though she's, you know, fat, qué funny. But in a world where everyone takes themselves and show choir so seriously she's such a breath of fresh air. Show choir is kinda lame and ND are very dramatic for such low stakes but she stays for the shits and giggles and for Puck. Ashley Fink is also just such a delight and frankly she deserved better from Glee.
As for her and the ND girls, I just realize now that she missed out on all the girls vs. boys stuff which is a shame because I would have loved to see her bond with them as a group. I feel like was largely disconnected from the group as a whole which is why it was so easy to write her out. She really does mostly just hang with Puck save for one or two substantial interactions with others. That said, let's recap what she did have and what I wish she had with the rest of the girls:
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She's the first one that comes to mind because of the Born This Way plot they have together. I see the clash of worlds between them, Quinn's Little Miss Perfect persona going up against Lauren's non-traditional but actually way more stable sense of identity. And then we get the Lucy Caboosy story where Quinn admits to having been a lot more like Lauren in the past. Btw I hate how Lauren is pretty much seen as unattractive in the camera's eyes for being fat, and that implication transfers to Lucy - like okay, even Dianna Agron isn't immune to fatphobia? Damn okay so you're gonna do the most beautiful woman on earth like that huh because you're so repulsed. Anyway.
I think despite this, and despite how cruel it is of Laurel to put those posters up there's a mutual respect between them. From Lauren's perspective, she's successfully proven that Quinn's Prom Queen candidate persona is a lie, and really all of season 2 is one big lie for her. But after she gets over the initial schadenfreude, Lauren feels kinda bad for her. Okay so scratch mutual respect, I've changed my mind it's mostly just Lauren seeing through Quinn and realizing that she's a car about to crash. And both she and Quinn realize that though Quinn might be the much more traditional Prom Queen candidate and she even gets sympathy for her Lucy past, out of the two of them Quinn is a much more insecure and fundamentally sad person.
There's a sense of resentment, imo, when Lauren initially targets Quinn and goes so far as to dig up her past because really, it's human nature to be just a little bitter over people like Quinn. But yeah, we all know Quinn's a hot mess under all that whereas Lauren genuinely does have confidence and a stable sense of identity that doesn't rely on arbitrary notions of popularity or how pretty people think she is. And they both recognize the power in that. I actually would have loved to see them butt heads or go up against each other in a different situation. They'd be a great pair to explore the idea that the more you deviate from the norm the less pressure you feel to be the norm.
The second one I think of can't not be the iconic hallway fight, Santana's second in the second season. Girl tried to bite Lauren's leg lmao. So unlike with Quinn, where I think Lauren does reach an understanding with her, she and Santana never do. I both mean that we literally do not see them interact after this fight and that I don't headcanon them ever having a one-on-one or direct conversation. You know, as someone who loves Santana above all when it comes to Glee I'm weirdly okay with the idea of Lauren either actively disliking or at least not caring about her lol.
Let's be real, Santana is very very rude to her and then she starts a fight with Lauren, a canon member of the wrestling team. And Santana's all bark no bite so is it any wonder Lauren absolutely demolishes her? Sure Santana has her own internal logic in that episode and it's a very, very juicy ep for her and her comphet but Lauren doesn't care about that. From Lauren's perspective, she's this skinny bitch with an attitude who just insulted her and is trying to get with the guy Lauren maybe-kinda likes.
After the fight, they just leave it at that. It's the final chapter for Pucktana so that's not an issue and even Santana isn't bold enough to cross Lauren again. Now it is interesting to think about them in late season 2 and how much of Santana's struggles Lauren might or might not have noticed. If she did, I think she'd reach much the same conclusion she did with Quinn. Is Lauren the only person I don't headcanon Santana having a friendship with? Hmm might be. Not everyone has to get along. But I think they'd be a much more interesting duo if they were to ever reunite in later seasons when Santana's softened a lot and wouldn't pick a fight anymore. But in season 2? They're the least likely to form any kind of bond.
(Thinking about the two of them always reminds me of that really good Brittana fics I didn't bookmark; it's about the Brittana relationship from others' eyes and when they found out, and Lauren has a chapter. I should try to find that because that's the Lauren-Santana dynamic I always have in mind.)
Next up I think of Mercedes and the Night of Neglect storyline. Yes it's played for laughs from Lauren's pov but I kinda love how she doesn't generally care too much about glee but recognizes Mercedes' talent for what it is and demands Mercedes knows her worth. That's some real women gotta stick together stuff. I like the idea of Lauren finding all this kinda lame but not being able to just leave Mercedes be underappreciated. Me too, girl.
Not much comes of it and like I said it is played for comedy, like ah Lauren is encouraging her to make ridiculous demands, but the core message of her passing on this skill of valuing yourself is nice. Lauren probably likes Mercedes the most out of the ND girls just because she's no-nonsense, isn't annoying, is very talented but doesn't act like the whole world revolves around her and isn't a bitch to her lol. Mercedes just has this air, doesn't she, she's just generally one of the most likable members. They wouldn't keep in touch or anything but I think Lauren would respect her the most.
Despite the reasons I listed as to why Lauren likes Mercedes, I don't think she has much of an issue with Rachel. Yes, Rachel's over the top and pretty much everything I see Lauren disliking about this world of show choir but she's also entertaining so that makes up for it. Do they interact in season 2? Only season 1 comes to mind where Lauren was a very minor character as an AV club member and someone used by Sue to scare Rachel. So a lot of this is headcanons - in fact, everything is form here on out.
So like I said, I think Lauren is generally amused by Rachel. On the occasions where Rachel takes it way too seriously and demands Lauren does this or that she sort of just glares at Rachel until she backs off. But they're generally cool and Rachel, like Mercedes, has never been rude to her.
The only ~interaction~ I can think of for Tina (and Brittany) is providing backup during I Know What Boys Like, which, isn't a lot. But that said I do think Lauren would dig Tina. Maybe she'd have a low tolerance for Tina's more emotional outbursts, just as she does for Rachel's dramatics but for some reason I think Lauren would feel an inclination to try and get Tina to be more confident and be less afraid to take up space. Just as Lauren spots Mercedes' talent, she recognizes Tina's and laments why she's never featured.
If the timeline aligned, I think it would have been cool for Lauren to be the one to encourage Tina's shift from season 3 to season 4. It would make sense that Tina would go overboard with confidence and her need to be featured if egged on by Lauren "my client is a diva" Zizes. And I think it could be a cute friendship where Lauren sort of thinks of Tina as an adopted puppy lol.
So unlike with Quinntana I think Lauren's relationship with Britt could evolve into a friendship of sorts. At first, Lauren would dismiss her as another vapid cheerleader but then she realizes how weird Brittany is and how funny that is. She wouldn't always get her but I think Britt's brand of honesty is something Lauren would appreciate and they just have that vibe that they would gel well. Santana doesn't approve but she isn't about to get her ass kicked again when it's just Brittany sharing her wildest conspiracy theories and Pizes nodding along.
Like with most others, Britt also has quirks that would be too much and annoy Lauren but she'd dismiss them easily. I'm torn on whether she'd truly appreciate Britt's genius or just be amused by it. Bit of both, I think Lauren is more open to hearing Britt out but would rarely earnestly think she's onto something.
To close out, Lauren's ranking of the ND girls in my personal opinion:
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butchhamlet · 4 years
Can i get your hamlet thoughts? both about the play and its themes in general and the character? Especially on hamlet/horatio and hamlet/ophelia?
hell YES you can. have some assorted hot takes which i did not organize at all. tw for some suicide mentions
[particularly for this bullet point] ...because it’s a suicide play. june sent me a really interesting article once and idk... i think of all the plays i’ve read it deals most directly w suicide and i know hamlet objectively doesn’t kill himself but i think he knew what he was doing
i also think it’s hugely about generational differences! i know there’s a lot of debate about hamlet’s age (and personally i am FIRMLY in the ‘hamlet is sixteen and just fucked up really bad’ category, like, pry that from my cold dead hands <3) but i think no matter how old hamlet is there should be a very clear disconnect between the younger & older generations. this is a play about parents not understanding their children
among other things, i mean, hamlet’s a play about everything -
i think we should talk about hamlet’s relationship to religion more. i do not say this because i have a complex relationship with religion myself or anything. i’m uninvested in this personally
hamlet was mentally ill before his father died, he just hid it really really well up until then + the symptoms manifested differently and not so debilitatingly
specifically hamlet has ocd
that one i can’t even pretend to be uninvested in but it’s also just a fact and i swear to god i will make that post on it someday
like he just. he JUST does i’m sorry. the way he thinks? the way he talks through his own thoughts? the constant doubt and inability to make a decision? he JUST does have ocd i don’t make the rules
i hate polonius i think he’s a fucking bastard and a terrible parent
i really like “king hamlet SUPER sucked” interpretations and i’ll admit i kind of like claudius if only because he is so fucking funny as a character. no morals + horny
gertrude is one of the most fascinating characters in the play and is CRIMINALLY underutilized and underanalyzed especially in her parallels w ophelia. also if you tell me hamlet wanted to fuck her i get to mince you
hamlet x horatio is peak im sorry it just is. it JUST is. it’s about the mutual respect & the seeing each other as people beyond social class and their vastly different circumstances & the way that horatio is the only one who can still joke around with hamlet after his father’s death
that said i very much want to think that before hamlet’s father died, their relationship was more... equal? if that makes sense? bc i think horatio tends to bend to hamlet in the canon of the text, and he tends to put hamlet’s needs before all else, and that’s completely understandable seeing as hamlet’s dad died literally two months ago and now he’s in a mental illness spiral with his horrible horrible family. but under more normal circumstances i want to believe horatio is less... self-carelessly selfless and actually calls hamlet on shit when necessary
thinking about hamlet and horatio pre-canon being roommates at wittenberg and sometimes kissing while they study latin declensions or whatever the fuck... this gives me brain damage. don’t talk to me </3
i think ophelia and hamlet are FAR more interesting when considered as foil characters rather than lovers. like i’m not saying i don’t think they should have a romance (i think it’s interesting to explore) but i just think they are so much more interesting when looked at in terms of the way they mirror each other over and over again
particularly in regard to the fact that they both lose fathers & they both at least consider suicide
and maybe my seeing them as foils is even part of the reason i don’t particularly... ship them? (at least not in canon.) because i HAVE to wonder if ophelia’s madness and suicide are influenced by hamlet’s madness, performance or not. and i have to wonder how things might have gone differently if they hadn’t both spiraled at the same time yknow
that said. outside of canon / in an au where hamlet isn’t so actively destructive to the people around him... horatio/hamlet/ophelia as an ot3? god tier
i know hamlet is four hours long. i know. i still think cutting horatio and/or fortinbras is a mortal sin
i think hamlet hooked up with everyone his age in that play but he had messy breakups with everyone except horatio
yes this includes fortinbras
hamlet’s not real as a character, like, he’s infinitely interpretable on PURPOSE and it’s very hard to pin down more than a few concrete character traits for him (especially because we never see him before his father dies) which is why we all kin him
that SAID. when i made my post about that macy said smthn really insightful in the tags which was that hamlet’s not real on a TEXTUAL level but he should be real in a production, like, there are infinite ways to characterize him but if you’re actually... playing him... you have to pick one... if HAMLET in hamlet is boring you’re doing it fucking wronggggg
hamlet is trans. “what flavor of trans” literally any flavor of trans makes his relationship to his father & his misogyny 10x more interesting. goodbye
points at him. bottom
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clarste · 3 years
Since it's been a few weeks, what's your opinion on Chapter 8 of Arknights? Reading about your opinion on other pieces of Arknights has been very nice so far.
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I find this enemy description inordinately amusing so I will start with this before going to spoilers below the break.
1) First of all I am a sucker for flashbacks following the villain, so the basic structure of Chapter 8 was right up my alley. Even if Talulah's arc was more or less predictable—who among us did not expect Alina to die? I think some people might feel that it was a little too long, but honestly I think it said everything it needed to say and frankly there is nothing more important the chapter could have said. If anything, the parts that weren't about Talulah would be first on my chopping list if I were editing this story down. In particular, the whole bit with Kal'tsit and the sarcophagus and all that had almost nothing to do with the themes of this chapter or the Reunion arc, so they seemed especially superfluous. Even if that story might have been interesting told on its own.
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2) Talulah. The main character of this chapter, obviously. I think there are two different angles to approach her from that seem almost mutually exclusive, which are that A) she is a tragic figure who started with noble ideals but was pushed to her limits until she became a ruthless shell of her former self and B) she is literally possessed by Kaschey, ie: the Deathless Black Snake, who is the immortal spirit of Imperialism manipulating the country of Ursus into a constant state of war. From what I've seen of people’s reactions, I think most people focus more on angle B, which makes sense because that is literally true in the story, but what I took from it is that it's a lot more ambiguous than that.
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What I mean is that the story is constantly emphasizing that the Deathless Black Snake can only take action as long as Talulah agrees with it. It's more insidious than just an external ghost taking control of her (and thereby freeing her of responsibility for her actions), it's a philosophy that was planted in her by her mentor, a way of thinking, an idea. A living meme. So when I say that it's the immortal spirit of imperialism, I don't mean that as a joke, it is the embodiment of imperialism itself, of imperialist ideals and goals, manifested in this particular person the moment she starts seeing her enemies as obstacles to be eliminated instead of people with their own motivations. I certainly don't think that the trigger for the transformation was set arbitrarily, that's just Who She Needed To Be in order to buy into the ideas that Kaschey and the Snake had taught her from a young age. It’s also an ancient god taking physical control over her, but hey, it's fantasy.
Ultimately, we didn't defeat the Deathless Black Snake in battle, we just gave Talulah second thoughts. And she will live with what she's done for the rest of her life.
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3) Amiya. In this chapter, more than anywhere else, it's clear that Amiya is the main character of Arknights. Sure, we have whatever Kal'tsit is plotting, and whatever the hell the Doctor is, but that doesn't actually matter. In fact, they spent this entire chapter walking around in the basement and never once interacting with Talulah. The Doctor shows up at the end with no idea what's going on or what happened, which is quite comical when you think about it.
By contrast, Amiya sees the big picture. Of the three people on top of the tower during the climax, only Amiya knows what both Talulah and Chen have been through, or indeed what she’s been though. What brought them all to that point. She is watching all these flashbacks right alongside us through her empathy powers. Which, as I've mentioned before, is really the best superpower in this setting: the power to see the world through someone else's eyes, and to feel the pain that drives them. And we, the players, feel what she feels. In a certain sense, she's even more of a player avatar here than even the Doctor, which I mean in the best possible way.
And of course her empathy gives her cool shounen superpowers that are suspiciously similar to Emiya Shirou, but I will allow it.
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4) Chen. Chen is honestly kind of the weak link here, imo. While of course we've been following her character arc since chapter 3 and I don't mind where they've taken her, it ironically kind of felt to me like she had no personal stakes in the final battle. Which is odd since the story seemed to be hammering that it's all personal for her, what with Talulah being her long-lost sister and all that. The problem (imo) is that her close relationship with Talulah is all Told-Not-Shown, and also that Talulah is being possessed by the Deathless Black Snake, so it kind of feels like she's being left out of the loop, both in terms of knowing the facts and also emotionally.
I'm not saying she doesn't get any good lines, or that her banter with Amiya isn't cool or funny, I'm just saying that what should have been a big emotional moment at the climax of the story just sort of fell flat for me, and I was left wondering "wait, why is Chen here again?"
That said, I did enjoy her bit afterward where she's like "you need to stand fair trial for your crimes, Talulah, but in this world that discriminates against the Infected, there’s nowhere worthy of giving you one." I feel that sums up the game's stance on these things quite succinctly.
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5) Rosmontis. Rosmontis had sort of an interesting arc here because it separated her from Amiya and I almost want to say that was a good thing? While I thought her relationship to Amiya was one of the most interesting things about her in the previous chapter, it almost feels like it was preventing her from forming bonds with other people and becoming a more well-rounded person? I guess what I want to say that is that Rosmontis was being coddled, sheltered, treated as a child. While some would call her a monster, Amiya was always around to say "no no no, don't listen to them, you're cute!" And while that was certainly nice of Amiya, it feels like what truly made her accept herself was almost the opposite: being accepted as a monster (or rather, a person with monstrous powers) by people used to fighting alongside monsters. Being told that she's allowed to hate the people who hurt her, and to be ruthless to her enemies. That her own emotions, both good or bad, are valid. For the first time, she felt human.
What you'll note, of course, is that these aren't exactly heroic virtues, and in fact they're kind of similar to what Amiya rejects and what got Talulah into so much trouble? Honestly I don't know if I would say Rosmontis is a good person right now, but what she is doing is thinking on her own for the first time, and deciding what's right and wrong for herself. It sounds almost malicious to put it this way, but it's like Amiya and Rhodes Island were trying to mold her into someone she's not. In some ways the opposite of what Kaschey did to Talulah.
I don't think her story is over yet, of course, but I found it an interesting direction to take. Rosmontis is on the path to find her own justice, which may or may not align with Rhodes Island's.
Also, kitty:
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6) W. Back when I was doing a write-up for chapter 7, I said that maybe she would have been better off being recruitable in chapter 8 instead of 7, because it seemed a little early in her arc for that. I was wrong. She wouldn't fit in for chapter 8 either. Honestly she probably shouldn't be recruitable at all right now, not that I'm complaining as someone who uses her. Just, you know, narratively she is not at a place where she would consider joining RI, and in fact she ends the chapter pretty much going "later losers, I hope we never meet again." Which implies that the W in my squad right now is like a totally different person who is either from an alternate dimension or the future, after a lot of character development. That's not like the worst thing ever, it just seems a little weird to have her right now. W's story isn't about Reunion and never was. It's about Theresa and Babel, which as of now we are still only getting little hints of. I'd be glad to see that story when it happens, but until then W's just kind of there.
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7) Themes. For some reason, this one line in this chapter really hit me. While it's not literally true, especially if you count all the former child slaves or feral children and whatnot, it does feel broadly true that most of the characters come from middle-class backgrounds. Like, your Krooses and Orchids of the world. Kal'tsit goes on to explain that this is because RI can only really recruit in cities, and that rural Infected tend to get thrown into the wilderness on their own and have no idea that RI exists.
Interestingly, this idea also sort of comes up in Talalah's side, when it's revealed that Talulah is the daughter of a duke, making her followers hesitate for a moment. While I don't recall it being explicitly spelled out, the implication was obviously that she's not "one of them" and this might be a cause for distrust. But what are "they' exactly? Clearly she is in fact Infected, she made sure of that herself. But she wasn't abandoned in the same way her followers were. She had a choice, and chose to side with the Infected. Which is honorable of her and all, but it also indicates a fundamental disconnect between them because they never had a choice. She could've used her influence to hide her oripathy and be treated like a normal person (as we saw happened with both Chen and Patriot), or used her wealth to get sent to a fancy private hospital like Rhodes Island, with the latest medical technology and treatments.
So while the story focuses on the discrimination of the Infected, it's clear here that that's not really the only thing going on. Being Infected means little to those in power, while for those without power it's just an an excuse to intrude on their lives and make sure they aren't "harboring any Infected" or whatever. Basically the story starts discussing intersectionality, which I found interesting.
8) This is a good line:
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writingstarling · 3 years
Comfort in You
Adrien needed to get out. He curled deeper into himself as the walls chased down to cage him like a determined hunter.
It was a trick of the mind, he knew. He knew his room was spacious enough to support a relatively large apartment. That it would be impossible for him to be closed in.
He knew. But his brain couldn’t process that.
Today wasn’t what Adrien would call a good day—and he certainly had better. Just thinking of it sent him into a spiral of his own thoughts.
The air in his room were lego blocks he's forced to inhale. Smothering his nostrils in full force. And was it just him or was the ground starting to sway?
“Breathe,” a voice brought him back to reality. Adrien didn’t even notice he was holding his breath.
He had to calm down. Gain his head back.
Breathe, Agreste. Just like the article said, 4 7 8. Inhale through the nose for 4. Hold it for 7. Exhale through the mouth for 8, Adrien did as so.
You’re alright, you’re okay. Just calm down and you can get out of here!
Somehow he had managed. His surroundings were clearing up. The walls didn’t look like they were about to collapse on him anymore. The air filtering through his nostrils lightened in weight.
He was fine.
“Fine” was an overstatement really. He was far from it as it is.
But in his situation and for argument’s sake, “fine” would fit in nicely.
Exhaling one last shaky breath, Adrien fixed eye contact with his furry companion and smiled.
“Thanks, Plagg. I needed that.”
The black cat rubbed his cheek against his chosen’s. Not for long though. Despite appearances, Plagg had a reputation to keep. He couldn’t let Tikki make fun of him!
Plagg did loops in the air before favouring a spot in front of his chosen. His flipper like hands poised on his waist and a sly smirk played on his lips.
“So, you ready to break out of this place?”
Adrien mirrored his smirk with a fresh new glint in his eyes, “Plagg, claws out!”
Life had been considerably unpredictable for Marinette. With her secret life as a superhero and the sudden debut of a supposed supervillain—or magical terrorist with the ability to grant people magical powers through the aid of butterflies, Marinette had thought that she was beginning to gain the capability to be unfazed by the unexpected. That with all the bizzare events in her life she became acquainted with it.
Apparently she was wrong.
Never had she expected for a certain cat—or perhaps Chat to be perched on her veranda. It rattled her at first. Chat’s last visit had been... interesting, to put it nicely. It wasn’t his fault per se, nevertheless the escalating events left a bad taste in her father regarding the cat themed hero. The bad blood died down, but finding the very person that broke your daughter’s heart on your balcony would certainly summon a very irresistible impulse to jettison him; and Marinette really didn’t want to explain to Paris why one of their heroes managed to become roadkill near her bakery (the suit would probably protect him, but Marinette did not want to take that chance).
That put aside, Marinette shuffled under her sole protector from peering—or in this case, Chat Noir’s eyes. A hand stationed at her trapdoor as her eyes spied on her partner.
His back faced her as he surveyed the city; his cat ears were flat on his tousled gold locks while he hummed a song Marinette became familliar with as “Little Cat on The Roof”. Her lips twitched into a knowing frown.
Being partners for so long they were bound to notice habits the other owned. At the moment, it was Chat’s occasional croons. Marinette recognised the song as Chat's solace. A safe haven achieved by focusing on the assortment of melodies the song offered. She came to the conclusion that her kitty was distressed; presumably due to family circumstances.
Marinette weighted her odds. It didn’t seem like Chat had noticed her yet—which was good. She hadn’t known what action to take. On the one hand, it would be wise to not nose around and let him solve it in his own time. But on the other hand, seeing him lack his usual jubilant and bright attitude sent a jab to her heart.
She wanted to help. To be of service to him like the terrible jokes and over the top shenanigans he did for her. No matter how stubborn she was to clung to her sour mood, he would do almost everything that came to mind to alleviate her spirits. She wanted to do the same for him.
The mentioned girl tensed before sighing internally. She knew she was bound to be spotted (HA!) somehow, though she did wish it would be from her own volition rather than a slip aided by Chat’s observation skills. Marinette didn’t loiter on that thought longer and pulled herself up. Red bloomed on her cheeks as the crisp autumn air caressed her skin while embarrassment added an even darker shade of red.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to spy,” she found great interest in the floor as her fingers busied themselves by connecting and disconnecting themselves, stealing peeks as she did.
She expected, hoped, for him to take the chance to chaff her of having an infatuation on him or alleging her of being stunted by his self-proclaimed dashing looks (Marinette has thrown herself into a spiral of denial), albeit begrudgingly. She had, because if he did—there lied a glimmer of hope that it would be easier to buoy her partner. Chat, however, had other plans in mind.
Chat offered her a smile. Impeccably centered and hollow like a well crafted porcelain doll, “It’s okay, it was rude of me to steal your balcony.”
Internally Marinette cringed at the sight. Her stomach wrapped itself in knots of discomfort. It reminded her of the smile Adrien would plaster whenever Chloe or Lila claimed possession of him. That night Marinette vowed that she would never let that smile abide on either boys ever again.
“It’s all right,” she spoke as her feet planted herself next to him.
A pregnant pause held them hostage. Both fearful of breaking the fragile semblance of peace between them despite the mutually felt inquietude.
“So,” Marinette threaded with rightfully earned prudence. Voice soft and light like footsteps on thin ice.
“I have some croissants.”
Finally a piece of her kitty came to light in the form of a grin on his lips and a glint in his eyes.
“You would indulge this poor stray to the finest pastries in the world? Truly, you are the most a-meow-zing purr-incess in the world!”
Marinette fought the giggle bubbling in her throat with no success before sending him a playful glare coupled by a smirk that flourished nothing but friskiness, “Careful now, those awful puns might just cost you.”
Chat’s hand sought his heart above the magical leather suit as an overly inflated gasp found freedom from his peach pink lips.
“How could you Purr-incess! My puns are widely ad-mew-tted to be fur-ry paw-esome,” he retaliated, voice brimmed with feigned smugness.
Snacks and chagrins were soon forgotten as they fell into an easy rhythm of banter. Jabs aimed to Chat’s puns would immediately be reciprocated with a flimsy defense along with an additional pun. Each one personally designed to perturb her further into submission. But despite it, Marinette couldn’t brush away the warmth buzzing through her entire body as they went back and forth. The once brisk air nipping at her skin replaced by a fervour akin to a hug from a dear friend.
After a particularly long laughter from both parties as Chat had finally managed to delivered a humorous pun - “EXCUSE mew Purr-incess, my puns are always funny!” - they settled in another lapse of silence. Consisted of feather lightness and melodic sweetness.
The city was exceptionally beautiful, they had agreed. Perhaps it was due to the occurrence of a full moon, offering the city a better lighting to its beauty; perhaps it was the fiery orange lining the streets with its playful gradient; or perhaps the most immediately discarded thought in their heads, the company they had.
It was a territory they never dared to venture. A land littered with minefields yet to be discovered, yet to explode with much more uncertainty and a set of emotions they were far too fearful to label. Because trying to label the unknown might shatter the bits of understanding of their emotions they barely possessed. Putting the hesitantly glued pieces into shambles; and as a teenager finding their place in the world, it was a risk they were walking eggshells on.
Neither allowed themselves to loiter on the thought longer than a second.
“I, I should get going.” Perhaps it was her imagination, perhaps it was reality how Chat’s ears drooped as he spoke.
“Uh, yeah, it's getting late...”
Chat took the initiative to climb the rails of her balcony, hunched and ready to set off. Baton in hand and his leather-covered thumb hovering over the button to extend it the moment he leaps.
Swivelling his head to face the pig-tailed girl, he gave her a smile, genuine and sincere. “Thanks Marinette, I’ll see you next time.”
For reasons unkown to Marinette herself, a giggle burst forth from her throat. Tickling the air around them with her bubbly laughter. All at once, the air felt warmer to Chat Noir.
“Sure thing, you silly cat.”
Marinette had expected for Chat Noir to make his way. However, still he was in his previous position, unmoving. Marinette was one breath away from uttering her worries when Chat Noir’s voice cut through the air in slight whispers timid and uncharacteristic.
“Can I,” he paused for a minute, but persevered nonetheless, “can I come here again?”
The question sounded child-like in Marinette’s ears. Like a shy little kid trying to make friends while shouldering a large fear of rejection. He sounded so small, so vulnerable.
Marinette took a breath to ease the tenseness she felt from Chat’s question. She needed to deliver an answer appropriate from her words down to her tone in order to fully put Chat at ease.
Gentle and fluffy, sweeter than all the candies in the world with a tone of loveliness, she spoke. “You’re always welcomed here, Chat.”
A weight could visibly be seen lifted off Chat’s shoulders. Shoulders once guarded and fearful of rejection came to relax for the first time that night. With a nod, Chat finally made his way back to his house.
The journey was something he didn’t desire, but he can’t impose Marinette with his overdue stay. At the very least, he came back with a new feeling better than anything he had in a long time. A feeling of warmth buzzing in his heart. Perhaps, he’s finally starting to remember the feeling of home again.
I uh, I forgot about this thing’s existence and neglected it for 2 years...
Well so that’s also why the writing style is a bit screwed up but I tried and honestly I was too lazy to rewrite the whole thing so you can have this mess instead ❤️.
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sapphicambitions · 4 years
Okay so I finished watching black sails a few days ago and I’ve spent the last few days reading other metas and posts and interviews about Flint & Silver to gather my thoughts (thots, if you will) and these are the conclusions I have come to:
John Silver and James Flint have the most interesting and well written dynamic ives ever seen between two characters. I am endlessly fascinated by their relationship. Because it’s so unique and complex and I can’t think of any other relationship between two men on screen that even gets close to being on their level, that level of intimacy and their DIALOGUE????? especially in season four????? there is no daylight between us???? i have made myself transparent to you????? you already know me in all the ways that’s relevant???? fuck me up dude!!!!!
All of that being said, I don’t like… ship them. At least not in the conventional way of shipping. I don’t see them as boyfriends or husbands or even as romantically involved. Like I said I LOVE their dynamic and I am fascinated with the complexities of it, and I really and truly think that they loved each other deeply, but to me the idea of them being like in an explicit, canon relationship sort of... cheapens it?
Especially if we’re talking about seasons 1-3 flint & silver. To me, saying that they were romantically involved during that time period sort of misses the point of their build up. Because they didn’t even really like each other then. They were necessary evils in each other’s stories. ESPECIALLY in seasons 1 & 2, they weren’t friends! They were work place acquaintances who needed each other to survive. And remember Silver’s whole season three arc of “I think flint controls the weather”???? Lmaooo the idea that they were romantically involved at that time, to me, almost does a disservice to their characters and the journey that they took to get to where they were in the fourth season.
Because I don’t think that they truly started to even be friends until that night around the fire. When Silver asked in who’s name they were fighting the war and Flint told the truth about his past. When Flint made himself transparent and vulnerable to Silver, and they openly discussed their partnership. When they came to a mutual understanding of each other, when they felt the possibility of the future together, that is when they really and truly emotionally connected and became more than work place acquaintances, became even more than just casual friends.
But I still don’t think that they were like, together together in season four.
Do I think there were extremely high levels of homoeroticism? also-fucking-lutely. But I don’t think they were romantically involved. For many reasons.
I think that the last two episodes of the series do not work if they did not love each other. The last two episodes are not effective if there is not something deeper there, if there isn’t something to lose when they fall apart. Like when Billy and Silver fall apart? I was like aww they were friends. :( and that’s it. When Silver and Flint fell apart? I sobbed my fucking eyes out. Would I have been as destroyed by Silver’s betrayal if I didn’t truly believe that these two men had a deep and profound relationship, that they needed each other and completed each other? Lmao no! No I wouldn’t have. If Flint didn’t love Silver, he wouldn’t have taught him sword fighting, he wouldn’t have shot Dooley, he wouldn’t have looked so deeply crushed when Silver raised the gun. Because the look on his face? When that happens? That is heartbreak, pure and simple.
BUT. I ALSO think that the last two episodes of the series do not work if that love is explicit and defined. I do not think it works if Silver is fully aware of that love. Because I don’t think he is. I think he has found himself closer and closer to Flint, committing himself to Flint, becoming the other half of Flint, and….. doesn’t quite realize how homoerotic it is lmao. Because he has Madi! And Silver has never really had someone to be close to before, so I honestly don’t believe that Silver was aware how how Homo(TM) the whole thing was with Flint, at least not consciously, at least not out loud. And I say this because there is a very important moment in the finale that doesn’t work if their relationship is defined and official or romantic in any way.
It’s when Flint says “This will all have been for nothing. We will have been for nothing. Defined by their histories. Distorted to fit into their narrative. Until all that is left of us are the monsters in the stories they tell their children,” That is his last card to play. That, to me, is the THESIS of the series, that moment is what they have been building up to for four seasons, that is Flint’s driving force as a person. And Silver says: “I don’t care,”
That moment is reliant on Silver not understanding the queer implications behind what Flint said. That moment is reliant on Silver being a man who has never experienced the life ruining homophobia that Flint has experienced. That moment is reliant on Silver genuinely not caring, it is reliant on the complete disconnect from Flint in that moment, and if the two of them had been in a defined relationship at the moment, I wouldn’t have bought it. And it is heartbreaking and tragic because Silver DOESN’T get it. He doesn’t! He does not know what it means to fear how the world will see you for who you fundamentally are, fear how mothers will tell their children about you, fear how your story will be told, and I do not buy that moment if Silver is aware of his own queerness. Maybe other characters in other stories, I might, but Silver, self serving and self saving Silver, to not care? He has to genuinely NOT care.
I’ve mentioned before in other posts that watching Silver and Flint’s story play out is a lot like watching Romeo and Juliet, that you know that their story will end in tragedy, but you watch it unfold anyway. But there’s another reason I think they parallel the star crossed lovers. And I think the moral of Romeo & Juliet (it’s my favorite play step up and fight me) is not that the young lovers were stupid and reckless, but the moral is that they might have lived if not for the outside forces trying to drive them apart. Romeo and Juliet is about how the toxic and warring world in which they lived wasn’t sustainable for their love, that they were driven to their deaths by parents who didn’t realize the harm they were inflicting upon their children.
I digress but the POINT being that it is outside forces that drove the two of them apart. (Get Wreked, Billy) The toxic and warring world in which they lived wasn’t sustainable for their partnership. You can see it best in 4x09 when the flashbacks of the two of them alone on the beach are funny and tender and vulnerable and open between the two of them, and present day where Silver’s trying to get Flint a little bit KILLED and you can see how much things have changed between them since that day on the beach.
How might have things changed in another direction if they hadn’t been driven apart? Because like I said earlier, Silver and Flint’s relationship was a JOURNEY, it didn’t happen overnight. And I can’t help but feel like they were only at the beginning of their relationship when they fell apart and that is another tragedy, the what if? of it all. How might their relationship have changed and gotten even deeper if they hadn’t been pushed apart? What hadn’t been explored between them, what was still left unsaid when Silver raised his gun at Flint? So that’s ANOTHER reason I don’t think they were like ~together~ because there is tragedy is losing something you don’t have, that you might have had. Losing something that you don’t know what it could have become and that breaks my heart because it feels like they had only JUST begun and then they were ending in the most heartbreaking and tragic way.
Also to be honest, the main reason that I love Them is because I’m a slut for tragedy, and knowing that something is going to have a sad ending but rooting for them anyway. Romeo and Juliet, the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical, Hadestown, the Song of Achilles, They Both Die at The End, even rewatching Brokeback Mountain, you get it. Tell me that they aren’t going to make it in the end and then let me watch them fall in love anyway. Let me watch them grow to love each other knowing that they’re going to end in tragedy. I should be sobbing on the floor by the end of it, I WANT to be sobbing on the floor by the end of it. That’s my shit. It is literally my favorite type of story. fuck me UP
So those are my Thots (TM) about Flint & Silver. They have one of the most well written relationships I’ve ever seen on screen and I am endlessly fascinated by them. I don’t like romantically ship them because I think it’s too complicated to reduce their relationship to “they’re dating“ when it is their journey from reluctant work place acquaintances to “It’s hard to know where one began and the other ended” that is so incredible. But I do think there is a deep and profound love between them and the finale doesn’t WORK unless they love each other, but it also has to be somewhat unspoken for it to work, too.  Because I don’t think Silver was aware of his own queerness and I think he has to actively not understand the queerness of Flint’s fight in order to do what he does otherwise I wouldn’t buy it. And I think that they were only at the beginning of their partnership, and I wonder where it could have gone if they hadn’t been ripped apart. Theirs is a tragedy of losing someone you love and losing something that isn’t easily defined, losing something that could have been. And their tragedy does not work if they didn’t have something to lose.
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dahniwitchoflight · 4 years
Homesquared Chapter 14 part b
Alright time for more reactions to Homesqaured- oh jeezus
the last one of these I did was from october last year, hoo boy alright brain time to get back on the time train things are happening fast
we last left off with me thinking they just fucking hilled Harry but I remembered the wrong house so Harrys fine, John not so much
Yeah, John sad but ooh Karkat shows up!
They seem to have a mutual conversation about lost youth and stuff, really makes these characters feel oold
“JOHN: jeez, i'm sorry karkat.
JOHN: i had no idea how much time had passed.
JOHN: i must have gotten a bit distracted by my house being blown up.“
Oh man, John thats a whole ass MOOD
lol at sburb allocated blow job
yeah Karkats right tho, John does kind of need a kick in the pants to see how he might have been useful here, but Johns still stuck in this rut of not seeing anything around him as Real real, so hes blind to all of the consequences of inaction
John its called derealization and depersonalization, you can get help for that yknow
But I mean, cant really blame him, hes being smothered by the fires of Doom all around him
Its interesting to see that Karkat, a Blood player, is more comfortable navigating through things that constrain them and tie them down, since constraint is something Blood and Doom have in common, Chains and Barriers and Laws and etc
Whereas John the Breath player, just gets bogged down, hes totally out of his element
so it ends up being like John: “Id like to cling to some funny moments of my youth pls and try to lighten the situation up a bit because I cant do anything when so heavy”
John: ):
Hmm, both Vriskas have been captured, but Annie basically rescued herself, knowing Vriska Prime she probably has a plan or an idea about that, see well see how that goes
Oh. Well I guess that was Dirk’s “plans” for Jane all along. Obviously he was using Jane as a vehicle to gather “players” for his eventually next session, interesting
But who has Jane kidnapped in total thus far?
Does Tavros count? he was certainly trapped with her for some amount of his life, but I dont know if that counts as a kidnapping, John certainly tried to kidnap HIM though from the epilogues
Annie certainly counts as being kidnapped
Vrissy has JUST been captured so that counts, and Harry so far is still fine
Which bodes so well for Harry’s future Im sure
Yeah, Vriska should have been able to not outwit any capture attempts, but my guess is either Vrissy got capture and Vriska dove in, OR, Vriska’s doing an inside job so to speak and got caught on purpose, dragging Vrissy along as well
I guess we’ll see when we see their “prison”
Anyway John, don’t get so down on yourself, you’re just ignorant to everythiong around you! thats why nothing makes sense and you can’t connect to anything, easy fix! Just try to learn more and care more about stuff lol
Man does this feel like a strong metaphor between people who are into/care about politics and people who feel like they can’t get into it though
Crossing that hurdle from one side to the other is rough
man, this is all feeling startlingly relevant to the current times, I should have read this sooner
hah, oh wow, Karkat when you phrase it like that, it’s almost as if you’ve become self aware of your tendencies to Moirail people out of their problems
Not really that out of character for a Blood player to end up being the Therapy Friend though lol
Just don’t burn yourself out on that though
JOHN: karkat, we still haven't spoken about *you*!
JOHN: yes.
JOHN: about you.
JOHN: well...
JOHN: you know, how you feel!
I know Karkat has probably matured past misunderstandings like this now given he’s really come into a great understanding of his Blood aspect, but by golly do I wish Karkat would misunderstand this as John’s attempts to be Moirail-reciprocal sdkjfhwlijebr
What a perfect way to continue their relationship, on top of more misconstrued romance quadrants XD
Spades is old Hat, Diamonds are in now babey
this started out funny, but Karkat’s emotional rant just ended up being depressing not funny ):
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I have to say though, it is REALLY interesting to see John’s depression manifesting in a very breathy sort of way
Karkat in these panels was more closer together, connected, but as John gets more and more depressed over the course of Karkat’s rant when he realizes Karkat doesn’t know dave died, the panels get seperated by lines of blue, and slowly drift off away from John and from eachother
but thats basically been hows its been manifesting all along
the more John feels Disconnected and Seperate from the reality he finds himself in, the more he finds his will untethered, the more depressed and unable to act he gets
and right now its so much so that even a fuller fledged Blood player is having trouble grounding him back down
I don’t know, I always viewed the depression metaphor as a dark watery void to sink into and feels heavy and encapsulating (but probably thats just my Light-y interpretation of it)
so its interesting to see the depression metaphor as this floating disconnection instead, so much that it leans towards derelaization/depersonalistion/dissociation as well
I wonder if John will start dealing with bouts of actual full blown dissociation as this gets worse?
I mean, Breath aspect has given the literal ability to ghost around wherever he pleases in all other ways, why not literally and physcologically as well?
So John seems to be fully overembracing his aspect here, to a very unhealthy degree here, which I see you asking “aha Dahni, but hes doesn’t have overblown self esteem here, quite the opposite, is this not an inverted state instead? or something else because hes acting like hes inverting to Breath?”
and I say not so! reader, for overembracing is the idea that through your aspect, your will is overwriting the wills of others, and in someone like Vriska, this manifests in a very selfish and over self esteemed way
but is not John’s will overwriting Karkat’s here? Through Breath? And isnt John also being a little selfish here? Considering how he feels about things, more important than how anyone else feels? How Karkat feels?
John is too dissociated to understand that this reality is Real and has Consequences he needs to care about, and Karkat is trying to fight against that, trying to instill his belief that no, this shit is real and it Matters Why Don’t You Care, trying to ground him, trying to give him that dose of Blood he needs
but John’s overembracing Breath is just, blowing that all away, its becoming too strong
Roxy in the epilogues dealt with this as well, when John was really in the shits with it and started to believe Roxy’s whole personality was somehow fake and his own construction, because he convinced himself Roxy would never choose to do the things she did, but Roxy was able to snap him out of it and make him understand and respect it was her own choices that led down his path, not the idea that John’s choices are somehow overriding everyones
But man, John sure is riding that Breath train way too hard, and he keeps snapping back into it as well
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Further and Further
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nellie-elizabeth · 3 years
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Truth (1x05)
Well, okay then.
I've complained about the uneven time given to Sam and Bucky, and while I appreciate where this episode went with everything, it did shine a further light on how little Sam has had to do all season. How his growth has been happening in the background to other things. I wish the balance could have been changed a little.
I also continue to be less interested in the Flag Smashers than I am in anything else in the show. Not the ideology or how they function politically in this world, but the actual individual characters. Spending time getting to know them makes sense, it humanizes their struggles and what they're willing to sacrifice for their cause. But I just don't find Karli to be a particularly compelling individual, so it makes those scenes a slough to get through.
The opening fight scene between Sam, Bucky, and John Walker was good, but it wasn't great. The whole time I was watching it I kept thinking about the Tony/Steve/Bucky fight at the end of Civil War, three men fighting, the shield pinging between them. So much angst and desperation and history and weight to the whole thing. This fight should have been like that, but instead it felt a little more measured. Sam and Bucky are fighting to take the shield away from a dangerous man who has clearly lost control. It almost felt like they were just doing a job. Their connection to the shield was muted during the fight itself, which made that final beat, when Bucky throws the shield down at Sam's side and walks off, hit a little less hard.
And that's one other thing - I loved the Sam and Bucky talk, of course I did. Bucky needed to apologize and it was great to see. But what changed Bucky's mind? We see Sam's journey, but Bucky starts the episode still in that mindset of blaming Sam, and then he comes and helps with the boat, and then he apologizes. What made him realize that he needed to adjust his perspective? I wish I could have understood that a bit more. The only scene we get of him on his own is with Zemo, and that bit of closure seems wholly disconnected to the stuff with the shield.
This is a small thing, but I've gotta bring it up: when Bucky is apologizing to Sam, he says "when Steve told me what he was planning"... and when I tell you I screamed... this is literally so important to me. I hate the end of Endgame for Steve. I truly do. The one thing that makes it bearable is the head-canon that he cleared it with Bucky first, that Bucky knew, before Steve left to go return the stones, what he was going to do. And now we have actual canon confirmation that that was the case! I am so incredibly moved by that, I can't even tell you.
But let's talk about that whole scene, shall we? I feel like I could ramble on about it for quite some time, but I'll just say that seeing them throw the shield around like a damn football was so... funny? But also sweet? There's something here about men and how they communicate and how hard it can be to break down the walls and be vulnerable. They manage it because they frame it around a physical activity, with the shared symbol of complicated national loyalties bouncing around between them. Also, the shared symbol of their dead friend Steve. It opens up something between them, allowing Sam to give his "tough love" advice. Allowing Bucky to give a heartfelt apology. It's the stuff they never would have said to each other in that therapy session, but they can say it now, and that's beautiful. The best moment for me, and it was really subtle, was Bucky handing the shield to Sam, saying sorry. Then Sam continues to throw it against the trees and let it bounce back, and he does it specifically so Bucky can catch it again. So there's this almost ceremonial hand-off, and then Sam, magnanimous, lets Bucky know it's still a part of him too.
And Bucky talking about the shield as his family? Yes please. I love it so much. This scene really wrapped up Bucky's arc for me on this show, in a way I hadn't known to expect. Sam tells him that Steve is gone, and that it doesn't matter what Steve thought, or what he meant. Bucky needs to stop defining himself solely by other people. This doesn't mean the struggle is over. Bucky's got a long road ahead. But he understands that road now, and Sam helped him to find his way, which I think is just the loveliest thing.
Another thing about the way these men communicate, is that the apology was necessary, and it was good that it happened, but even before that apology, Bucky showed up and helped with the boat. He fished for an invite to stay, and Sam gave it without question. They joke about being "partners", no, "co-workers," "just two guys who had a mutual friend," but the fact is, they're a part of each other's lives, and they come through for each other. Even with lingering resentments.
I'll talk briefly about Zemo here before we get into the Sam stuff in this episode... I kind of love that he went gently with the Wakandans. It was so different from what I expected, and yet it also followed logically from everything we knew about him from Civil War. It felt like a natural button to his arc on this show. And him telling Bucky that there's no resentment on his end... I mean, on the one hand, I sure as fuck would hope not, given what Zemo tried to do to Bucky. But also that's the point, isn't it? Sam says as much during the tough love speech. Bucky needs to make amends by being of service, by giving closure to the people he hurt as the Winter Solider. Even if they were bad people. Even if they don't "deserve" it.
I still worry about the optics of Sam taking on the shield instead of retiring it permanently. But I was impressed by how far the show was willing to go in explaining the weight of that choice. Isaiah doesn't say some party line like "I love America but these were some bad people." He doesn't say "things were bad then but they're better now." No. He says the truth, which is that America did this to him. It wasn't one bad actor sneaking through an otherwise benevolent system. It was a corrosive, systemic issue that ruined his life, separated him from his loved ones, forced him to hide away and live as a dead man. And he's telling Sam that it's still like that. Oh, sure, things have changed. But not as much as they need to, and not in the ways that really count for a lot, a lot of people.
I respect that the show laid this out, didn't pull its punches in stating this reality. Sam is being positioned as perhaps naïve, overly optimistic, in still wanting to take that pain and make something good from it. Overly optimistic? Willing to jump into situations that are too big for any one man to manage, no matter what? Well, if there's a list of qualifiers for Captain America, I'd say Sam fits the bill just as much, if not more, than Steve did.
And we see that Sam has a community, a history, a deep connection to his sister and his nephews and all the people his parents knew back in the day. I'm a sucker for a good moment like the one we got with the boat, everyone turning up to help. And then Sarah saying that they can't sell it after all... it's just so moving. Sam's fighting the big fights and the small ones, and that makes him worthy of being an exemplar of human excellence. If he wants to fight that fight while holding the shield, I would trust him to try and turn the symbol into something worthy.
Briefly, I want to talk about Lemar. That scene where John went to his parents was really interesting, because it showed that opinions on these very serious issues are by no means shared universally. You've got Isaiah saying that no black man with any self respect would ever take up the shield. Then you've got Lemar's parents saying how proud their son was to be Captain America's partner. It's a lot more complicated than people want to make it. Things would be simpler if we all agreed that America sucks and its history and legacy is negative and racist and therefore let's burn the whole thing to the ground. But there are a lot of people, a lot of black Americans, who like being Americans, who are proud to serve their country. It's not an attitude I know how to understand, but pretending it doesn't exist isn't doing anyone any favors. I like that we saw this aspect of it, too.
A couple last tidbits, moments I really enjoyed.
- Bucky flirting with Sarah.
- Sam's nephews playing with the shield, Bucky waking up and smiling at the sight.
- The super relevant, super hard to hear scene at the end of all the government officials getting ready to round up refugees and march them back across borders... like, damn.
- Bucky forgetting he has a metal arm, but then later using it to save Sam some trouble on the boat.
This was a great episode. Do I have qualms about the arc of the series as a whole? Yes I do. I'll be very curious to see where everything lands in next week's finale. But in all, this one was a winner in my books.
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aros001 · 3 years
Going in blind: Watching season 5 for the first time. Random thoughts.
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Episode 1: Well...that dinner got dark. From what other fans have told me apparently Glimmer gets a lot of hate for her decisions during the series and I just find that odd. I was more annoyed with her in the early seasons where her actions were more harmless simply because she had no patience and wouldn't listen because of her immaturity. Season 4 and here though? Even her most reckless and risky actions have at least been fueled by the genuine desire to keep people safe during a very hard situation. Even here, yeah, she tells Prime something it's very bad for him to know but he was going to have Adora and everyone else literally murdered before her eyes if she didn't. I can't really be mad at Glimmer for making a bad choice when it flows logically and fueled by the desire to keep the people she cares about from being slaughtered.
I don't think we've ever seen Catra this completely at the mercy of another person before, save maybe for Shadow Weaver when she was a child. She has nothing to offer that Prime doesn't already possess. Nothing he wants that he can't get for himself. Her relationship with everyone these past few seasons have been either "I'm your commander and you have to do what I say" or "You are my commander and here's the reason you have to keep me around". This time she has nothing to protect herself behind and the only reason she's still around is because Prime might think of a use for her later.
I love having Scorpia on the heroes' side.
Episode 2: That ending though.
I think what helps elevate Entrapta for me and keeps her for being annoying or irritating is that the show really sells that she just genuinely has trouble understanding why she should/shouldn't be doing certain things. It's not stupidity or even pure self-absorption, she just struggles with people and social ques while machines and science is a lot more straightforward. Heck, she was probably able to bond so well with Hordak because work together in the lab was them meeting on a common middle ground she could understand and relax in. The way she's trying to overcome the issue to help save Glimmer reminds me a little of Mob from Mob Psycho 100, feeling a little frustrated in not understanding something that she knows she should be.
Episode 3: Anybody else get a Disney's Hercules vibes at the end there?
Catra: "Besides, O Oneness, you can't beat her! She has no weaknesses! She's gonna kick your...!"
Prime, smiling: "I think she does, little sister." [Strokes Catra's hair] "I truly think...she does."
This episode really sold how completely isolated Catra is. With the sole exception of Glimmer, she's in space, no idea where exactly she is, onboard a ship filled with nothing but Prime and hundreds of cultist clones. Throughout the entire series we've seen Catra push everyone away and now that she's in a situation where she is almost well and truly on her own with no power, freedom, or authority, she seeks out the one other person around to find any sense of comfort in. Despite everything, Catra doesn't like being alone.
Little child Catra lashing out because she didn't want Adora to have any friends other than her kind of reminds me of Glimmer and Bow during the Princess Prom episode. I imagine it's the same mentality. Growing up in isolation, even if in different forms, and finding only that one person they feel thay can really lean on, there is that fear that they'll find someone else they like more and start caring about them less, or even outright stop. The difference is Bow set Glimmer straight, assuring her he'll always be her friend no matter what but he's not going to be just solely dedicated to her. Her fear was understandable but she was not respecting him as a friend either. Adora never really had that with Catra, one because she was much younger and less mature than Bow, and Catra was probably all she had too, to an extent. As we saw season 1, she was always trying to look after her, even when Catra needed to take responsibility for herself. Bow is not Glimmer's keeper, while Adora too often was that for Catra, so Bow and Glimmer have a better foundation of mutual respect while Adora and Catra's dynamic has been really screwed up for a long time.
Kind of tying into that, despite all that's happened between them, the minute Adora hears Catra's in distress she starts panicking and tearing up. The last time they saw each other they were very much enemies and Adora was done reaching her hand out to her. I suppose you could make the argument she's really been hoping all this time that Catra would finally do the right thing for once, just probably didn't expect it to be like this.
Prime better not mind wipe Catra like he did Hordak.
Episode 4: See, calling the heroes the rebellion now makes sense since they are rebelling against the established power, which is Prime.
Love that trick with the reflections, where you can sort of see/sort of can't see She-Ra. A nice little tease for what I imagine will be a big reveal later.
I really like that explanation for what Bow's going through. Last season's finale was the last he'd seen Glimmer and was desperately trying to save her, and he's been consistently worried for her since then. Now that she's safe he's starting to let himself process his other emotions towards her, and I totally get it. It's hard to be mad at someone when you're also terrified over what might be happening to them, even if your anger is justified. While I get why Glimmer last season did what she thought she had to, it was still a big risk that Bow warned her about and she didn't listen, putting them all in danger. This situation and Glimmer's words is a very mature way of handle this topic. He's not wrong for being mad and it's not a contradiction to what we've been seeing from him this season. Humans and emotions are complicated.
Episode 5: SHE HAS PAAAAAAAAANTS!!! (I will miss the cape though)
That almost makes up for them cutting Catra hair. Seriously, that mane was beautiful!
But boy, speaking of Hercules, that return of She-Ra definitely felt like Hercules emerging from the pool of souls to save Meg.
With the one clone being disconnected from the hive mind and having a breakdown over it, that does make me wonder if Hordak has been connected to it. Wasn't he deemed a defect because Prime couldn't connect to his mind? I suppose it's possible that flaw was corrected. Clearly Prime can take over minds other than just his clones, like with Catra. But if he could do that I'm wondering why he just didn't when Hordak was first created and he instead cast him out to Etheria.
Was Catra purring at the end? I swear there was a sound that sounded like purring.
Episode 6: Assimilation is easily one of my biggest fears in fiction, be it zombies, Borgs and Cybermen, Get Out, the freaking Sapphire Dragon from Xiaolin Showdown that scared the hell out of me as a kid! Just the concept of having your free will and autonomy completely ripped away from you, potentially with you still being aware but unable to do anything about it, is horrifying! At least with Prime's chips the process is reversible.
Anyway, in lighter plots, I kind of love Wrong Hordak. He's really funny. I feel bad that he's being deliberately misled, but he really shouldn't be following Prime anyway, so...
I do like that Adora is being a little more tough on Catra. She needs kindness, yes, but she also needs honesty and discipline, the kind that has actual love and care behind it, unlike what she got from Shadow Weaver. Adora is genuinely trying to help so Catra needs to stop acting like a brat and LET HER HELP.
Episode 7: Catra was definitely purring.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume people probably ship Scorpia and Perfuma. Not that I have any problem with that. It's like the Midoriya/Todoroki ship; I don't ship it myself but I totally get why others do. It's a relationship based in mutual respect and one of the characters having a significantly positive effect on the life of the other. As long as the shipper themselves is not horrifically toxic, I don't care.
Also, I don't think I've ever been so intimidated by Mermista before than I was with that one shot of her in silhouette, just before the reveal she was chipped.
Episode 8: Okay, I definitely love Wrong Hordak. Just that realization of his. "Horde Prime...lied to us..." There's just something about it that's so full of character. Obviously he's a brainwashed clone but he was truly devoted to Prime and just to find out that he would keep something so big from them, from the hive mind that's supposed to be so open to him and each other, it destroys everything he ever believed in. It's hilarious to watch him prepare to lead his brothers in a revolt against Prime.
I assume magic is Prime's "weakness" in that he himself cannot control it. Obviously he can control magical beings like Spinnerella and have them use magic but magic itself is too free and too powerful for him to contain and fully fight back against. He's all about order and stillness and magic is basically chaos.
Episode 9: I like to believe the mushroom kingdom they saved is a Mario reference.
Something I like in hero stories is "the power of a name" or "the power of a symbol". Something as simple as Superman's S-shield can have so much weight and meaning behind it just because of the person it's tied to. She-Ra isn't just a powerful warrior to the people of Etheria, she's a hero of legend. We saw it touched on even back in season 1 how much Adora returning She-Ra to the world meant to everyone. She-Ra to them is a symbol of hope. If they have her on their side, then they believe they might be able to win and with that ordinary people can find the strength to fight too. It's something I think the Green Lantern put best with how the Blue Rings of hope supercharge the Green Rings of will but lose a lot of their functions when the greens are not around. Hope is useless if you don't have the will to also act, but in turn hope can give people the will to act. The more hope they have that they can win, the more they will fight to win.
That was the nerdiest comparison I've ever made.
Episode 10: I appreciate a good bad dad joke and that's why I can't approve of "punderstand". It's too much of stretch to flow well. "Ruined" was good though.
I'm less surprised that Scorpia's been chipped and more that she's even alive. She was at the bottom of the ocean when the roof broke and she's a scorpion woman. I don't think water is a very friendly element for her. She's even commented on how good the desert was to her.
I wonder her She-Ra mode is not working for her simply because Adora is exhausted; mentally and physically. I don't think she's ever used the form this continuously before, and she's been doing it without the First Ones' sword that she has experience with. Her new sword and its transformations may be made out of her own energy for all we know. And then there's just the emotional toil of having Catra back in her life while it feels like more and more of the world is being turned against her.
Episode 11: Oh, I'm definitely shipping Hordak and Entrapta.
I think Re:Zero has spoiled me on dark magic. While Micah with his dark magic is a threat, in this show and many others dark magic basically just equates to "spooky, evil, bad stuff" magic that isn't that different from most other kinds of magic other than being either harder to control or more geared towards causing harm. In Re:Zero, dark magic was DARK. It felt unnatural, like a perversion of how their world's magic is supposed to be and that it didn't belong in this reality. Micah's dark magic is basically "I'm attacking you with shadows, oOoOoOo so scary!"
Not really surprised Catra left. She just got Adora back and now she's potentially about to let herself die. Perfuma said it best, letting people in and letting herself be vulnerable is hard. Caring about Adora and watching her die would be a huge blow, so Catra would rather curl back up into her shell and block out Adora again than have to risk taking that hit.
Episode 12: I keep saying it but now having them right next to each other, yeah, Mara's She-Ra outfit is better than Adora's. I don't know, there's just something grander about it. Anyway, on topic, I'm a big fan of superheroes and legacy and all that and I really like Mara's words to Adora. All she did and sacrificed was so that others, especially the next She-Ra, wouldn't have to do the same. It doesn't matter how noble and heroic it is, tragedy is tragedy and anyone who knows that kind of pain doesn't want anyone else to have to go through it.
I'm not surprised by the love confession between Glimmer and Bow. I felt it could go either way with them either hooking up or just staying really good friends, but that in itself is a sign of how good and natural their friendship is. I can easily buy how it would evolve into something more between them. The situation they're in probably helps. When Glimmer was taken they both thought they might never see each other again and that fear and worry probably caused them to reevaluate how they feel about the other. They've been clinging to each other since getting back, as every day could be their last. Something like that is naturally going to push two people together.
Episode 13: So...are there any plans for a season 6? Or a comic continuation like Avatar and Korra got? Because this was a good finale...buuuuuuuuut I feel there are definitely some things that needed a bit more exploration.
This is typically why I like stories with epilogue endings, especially those set some number of years in the future. Little glimpses of what everyone's doing now, allowing the audience to fill in for themselves what happened in-between. There's nothing wrong with this episode but it does just kind of...stop. They beat Prime. Everybody's cheering and happy. Adora suggests they bring magic back to the universe. And...that's it. We don't see anything more. No aftermath, no post-war, nothing. We end on the moment of victory, and while it's not a bad moment it leaves the ending feeling a little incomplete.
It kind of feels like the writers either really had to rush to the ending to make the 13 episode deadline or simply didn't want to address whatever happens with Catra and Hordak now. With the bigger threat of Horde Prime it makes sense why everyone puts aside past issues and works together. But now that the crisis is over, naturally everyone would have to address everything the Horde had done to Etheria for years with Hordak and Catra leading it. Don't get me wrong, I believe that Catra loves Adora, I believe Adora loves her, and I believe Catra wants to be a better person. It's not like I'm saying she needs to be locked up or executed. But she did cause a lot of damage and put Adora especially through hell, and just because Shadow Weaver is the one who screwed her up so bad doesn't mean she doesn't have any responsibility for her own actions. So it just would have been nice to get even a little bit of lip service to show that Catra would be trying to right her wrongs from this point forward, instead of just "Prime's gone, everyone's happy, bye!" At least with Entrapta she seemed to genuinely not understand why what she was doing at the time was wrong and Scorpia, like Adora and Huntara, defected from the Horde to do the right thing despite it being even more part of her upbringing than anyone else. I can't even imagine what happens with Hordak now.
Don't get me wrong, this is far from the worst I've ever seen a redemption handled. I haven't read/watched any of Boruto outside of the movie and Gaiden tie-in but I've read all of Naruto and there is no reason that Orochimaru should just be walking around and casually talking with people after all he's done. Kaiba in the Yu-Gi-Oh manga built an entire theme park to try an murder Yugi and his friends and they bring it up like twice after that arc. Kylo Ren turning back to the light was one of the potential paths for his character, so that made sense in TROS, but they essentially did "He died heroically and therefore totally redeemed himself for every terrible thing he's ever done."; basically a cop-out. Catra's alive and can at least potentially still own up to her actions and work to redeem herself. And I love Steven Universe, but kind of like with Catra nearly killing everyone (including herself) via the unstable portal, fans have naturally pointed out that the Diamonds enslaved and committed genocide on multiple planets and really faced no consequences for that other than "Stop it". Catra's not at the gold standard of redemption stories, which for me is probably Zuko and Endeavor, but she's far from the bottom. I think the best way to describe it is that Catra had as good, if not better, reasons for being so bad and screwed up as Zuko did, just as good step-up for turning good as Zuko did, but she didn't have nearly as much payoff afterwards to make it feel like a full journey like Zuko did.
But enough about all that. Love the basically goddess She-Ra Adora became. Given the emphasis on healing powers with She-Ra we've had, I'm guessing that's essentially how she destroyed Prime. She purified Hordak and Prime was basically an infection within him. I like when heroes snatch victory from the jaws of defeat but I also when there's an implication towards the villain that "Wow. I never stood a chance." She-Ra's power just dwarfs his. Full potential realized by Adora and he was just gone.
Also I don't know how I forgot that Prime could jump into the bodies of his clones but his possession of Hordak got me. I genuinely couldn't think of how he'd survive after Hordak shoved him off the edge (set free by the power of love!).
And even if the ending feels a little incomplete, the episode itself still did well with my emotional investment. I was gripped by during Catra's confession and the tension within the heart.
Season 5 and overall series verdict: I'm very glad I saw this series. Even though its ending falls a little short for me, this was still really good. Seasons 3 was probably my favorite overall but this story had a very good flow to it. It steadily built up bigger each season, with Catra and Hordak being really compelling villains driving the whole thing. Not that Prime was bad. He was a genuine threat and his cult of clones is a good creepy concept. He's just not as good as the other two. I'm sure part of what elevates him up is because I'm thinking of the JL director's cut but Hordak really is just better Steppenwolf. Everything that worked about that character, Hordak is that to an 11.
Given how I've talked about her more than any of the others, Catra is probably my favorite character. Just the damage that girl has been through. I always understood why she was doing what she did, even though there was rarely a moment I'd agree with exactly what she was doing. Again, it's one of the reasons it feels like the series just kind of ended. There's a lot to be seen with Catra's character now, a lot that can be done, and it just feels like a shame to really not show any of it. This isn't a fault of SRPOP itself because so many series, especially animated and anime, are guilty of but it always bugs me when a series ends on two characters hooking. Relationships are interesting, I'd argue more so than the build-up to them, but no writer ever wants to actually explore them after the hook-up. I never cared about Korra and Mako being a couple but I still found their relationship as a couple more interesting and character building than any of the will they/won't they build-up to it. And I actually like the idea of Adora and Catra as a couple. It's a big reason why I'm so happy the Harley Quinn animated series got renewed for a third season, as it otherwise would have just ended on a hook-up between two characters who, like Adora and Catra, love each other but have had a complicated dynamic for a while. I believe Adora and Catra love each other, but they've got a lot of stuff to work out and I want to see that! Catra's got abandonment issues and that in turn caused her to be unhealthily possessive over Adora. Just seeing the two of them try to work through that alone would be fascinating.
Like I suspected early on, Scorpia's my favorite supporting character. Entrapta's a decent 2nd. Took a small dip when it seemed like she was joining the Horde over feeling abandoned by the princesses when they thought she was dead but that picked back up once it was made more clear "Oh, okay, you're not being petty or stupid. You genuinely don't understand." It made her a more interesting character, and I love her and Hordak's relationship.
Least favorite characters...probably Sea Hawk and those three former Horde friends of Adora and Catra. I never hated them but I never cared about what was happening when they were on screen. They fill out the world a bit, they drive the plot, they're not wastes of space, they even get some laughs. There are just so many other characters in the series way more interesting than them.
Biggest surprise for me was definitely Glimmer and Bow. I never thought I'd dislike them but the best friends characters in series like this can kind of go one way or another with how relevant or deep they are. Glimmer especially I was surprised how much I was invested. She really grew a lot as a person throughout the series and I thought the dilemma over the Heart of Etheria was a good one.
Honestly there's a lot more I could talk about but I have only so many words and my thoughts are a jumble right now so I'm going to leave it at that. I will say I really appreciate how supportive you all on this Reddit have been. It's something I hate about some other fandoms I'm in where they basically are so toxic that they make no one else actually want to watch/read the thing they're fans of because they can't help but associate it with them.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/o2p6wq/going_in_blind_watching_season_5_for_the_first/
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calypsoff · 4 years
Thirty Eight.
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A month into the overseas tour and I can honestly say I am enjoying it; I am enjoying it way more than I did for my American tour dates. Everything is ever so relaxed, we are going country to country very fluid, I have been happy, it’s been nice to visit these places and get to see more countries. Overseas fan love is just so much more different, I feel the love from them, but I am most excited to be landing in England, I just love the place. I feel like the place has close connections to France and Germany where I can expand my horizons in the fashion industry and makeup line, I just want to spend some time here again and just get a feel for the place. Maybe move here with Chris obviously but the base in England will be so much better, the connections I can build. I did my river island deal here so I can do it, I just need to see how I can do it, but I will eventually. I am currently on the jet to England now, get to the hotel and then I’m out again for dinner with the managing director of Puma, I am trying to make moves and it will happen. Chris has been so good, like I think my happiness stems from the fact Chris is happy. He’s just positive vibes, he misses me a lot though but he’s very upbeats. He wants to do a lot; he is showing improvements. I tend to go through his therapist talk with him, ask him what they spoke about because I want him to know I care and I listen, which I do. He’s drawing again, and I warned him about making any type of mess in that home, it’s rented. I am not paying out for the damages, so he said I got a book, and he will show me soon “oh we about to land soon” Yusuf announced “thank god, I need to get to the hotel and get ready. Big night for me, if I can pull this off I am untouchable” not to be big headed “I am telling you they will want you” Yusuf sounds so confident in that, not so much me.
“Bitch move your phone, I can’t do your hair” Yusuf complained, looking up at him “one minute please” I pleaded with him “fine” he walked off, I am trying to talk to Chris while getting ready and I can say it’s not going well because I’m trying to speak to him while they are trying to make me look pretty “I’m happy you got there safely anyways, I guess you got to go but will you call me once done? I will be waiting. Maybe FaceTime if you would like, I can show you my two step” I laughed out “boy please, I don’t want you spraining your ankle, but we shall FaceTime. I miss your beard; I am going to murder you if I come back and you’re still the same. We are going onto a month into this tour Chris. Please” I think he’s now doing it on purpose, I have a feeling “soon, I keep saying this twin. But goodluck with Puma, get me some freebies while you’re there, joking. I know you’ll kill it out there baby, I really do. But talk soon, take care yeah. Love you” I do like this Chris, such a calm soul “I love you more baby, don’t worry I’ll haggle some freebies for you, talk soon. Bye” I hate saying bye to him, disconnecting the call “oh my heart, splitting up the lovebirds. But time is of the essence, we need to get the hair done” he has a point “did you tell Chris how you were being proposed too by these Arab princes” I snorted “hell nah, I wouldn’t because it will play on his mind but it was funny. Imagine me being a princess? But anyways I’ll pass on that” my phone buzzed on my lap, looking down at the message “bitch!” Yusuf spat “let me see, it’s Chris” opening the message.
From: Chris
To: Robyn
What hotel are you at? I’m not coming I just want to know ❤️
To: Chris
From: Robyn
Corinthia London I got a little excited then..... lol
From: Chris
To: Robyn
So did I 😕
He’s stupid “anyways proceed” let me stop playing around because this is becoming a longer process for me right now.
Walking into the restaurant alone, I mean Rich did walk me to the door but the waiter let me follow them to the table, I am a little nervous about it all. I am just hoping I can do this; I really want to get into fashion “right here madam” seeing this bald Middle aged white man, always white of course. He shot up from his seat “you look beautiful, pleased to meet you Rihanna” he shook my hand “likewise Bjorn, I have been counting down the days until I meet you” he gestured for me to sit “the people are going to think how did I get someone so beautiful to eat with me, my lonely self. But please” I smiled sitting down, my nerves are kicking in “we saw your River Island set, we saw the demand. The queues, the love. We absolutely loved it and we do feel that you will bring that creation to Puma, when our mutual friend reached out and said Rihanna is interesting I said set up the meeting, I wanted it ASAP. I feel like you create things that is with the times and it sells, you sell. So yeah, I am grateful you came” I cooed out “little old me, stop it but this is literally a dream for me. When I were asked I said of course I will meet him and I’m glad I have” I am excited “shall we start going into detail now?” Nodding my head “why not” I want to get over with the whole small talk, I want to start the business talk already.
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Closing my book ever so quickly “what was that baby?” my mother questioned, she is so damn nosey “mom stop creeping up on me like that, it’s not nice” that was annoying, I am testing myself, I thought I would draw Robyn naked, see if I remember every curve of her body and then see if I got it right, hand on my heart I know I am right. The picture is not degrading at all, not like she got her legs open; I mean I know her coochie off by heart but it’s more tasteful, a little side boob showing. It’s my imagination anyways but I like it “I was just asking baby, you seem so quiet in your book now” watching my mom sit down “yeah because I am designing for my clothing so stop being nosey” rolling my eyes, I lied but it’s whatever “guess what I did anyways” I cheesed “what did you do?” my dad asked “I sent roses to Robyn’ hotel, she has like this big meeting with Puma, I know she’s going to do well so I sent her congratulation roses and I miss you” my dad didn’t look impressed even though I am happy about it “and what if she don’t get it?” waving my dad off “do you not know Robyn? She gets what she wants, they set up the meeting. They worked around her schedule; I know she has. But what you think?” I think he was concerned she might not have got it “if you believe that then I am fine with it, it’s the sweetest thing you can do. She will love it son” I grinned so wide; I can’t wait for her to call me all excited now.
I need to tell Robyn that I am not on crutches anymore, I mean I feel stupid, but I am using a walking frame now. I can shuffle to places, I don’t hop anymore “I was telling your mother how proud I am of you, watching you sweat. You are pushing yourself to get the leg better more than ever” nodding my head smiling “yeah, I am getting a six pack too. You see those leg exercises” lifting my tee up “six pack!” I spat “six pack Joyce, he is doing the most but with Robyn how come you didn’t do that? Just a question, you seemed maybe a little laid back I suppose” good question “erm, because I made a promise to Robyn, I promised I would be better. I would do better for her, and just seeing her on tour and how beautiful she looks, I said to the therapist. I said I get a little jealous, like I don’t feel I can compare to her and he made me feel better, he really did, and it made me realise that Robyn is with me looking a whole mess, she didn’t care. She took care of me a lot, something I wish she didn’t, but she did. The therapist every week, I just feel more and more positive. The things that happened to me wasn’t my fault, I am just in a good place. And then this, I can literally shuffle, I am slowly being able to pick my foot up while walking. I am happy” my mom looks so emotional “and the beard will remain until she is coming back because I want to annoy her” I laughed to myself “you love stressing her out, Chris I am so sorry we never took you to therapy, we just didn’t know. We are sorry” shaking my head “don’t be. But I am going to propose to her” I said smiling “what!?” my mother shouted, “really son?” my dad is a little shocked “you work faster then I did, wow boy” my dad said, I chuckled “yeah well, it’s time. She has been nothing but be a wife to me, she wants that title, and I am going to give it her soon, I will let you know when I figure it out but it’s closer then you both think. But I am going to propose to her, I am going to wife that up on sight” my mother gushed “my daughter in law, god. I wished for someone to be loving towards you, and she is perfect. I am so over the moon Chris; I love you son. A wedding!” my mother got up from the couch running to me “mon, this stays between us. I am telling you both first, just keep it quiet until I get permission, doing it like a man” I am doing it the proper way.
My mom keeps on looking at me in awe “what?” I questioned placing my fork down “I can’t believe my son wants to get married, I am just shocked. All I ever wanted was for you to happy, to see you smile and I always saw that when you were with Robyn but it’s just so emotional, you are marrying the love of your life Chris, it’s just so emotional” here we go, my mom would cry “yeah I know, so did you” I grinned “that honestly made me want love, to see you both at home. You both have set that goal in my life; this is why I had to find out. I had to see if Robyn did remember me, she did. I knew it was love then” I mumbled “it is baby, it’s love. She loves you so much Chris, I see it in her eyes. but marriage? I am just so happy for you both” my mom is not going to drop this “mom, this needs to be a secret. Please stop speaking on it” she needs to calm down, my phone pinged on the table. Picking my phone up and opening the message.
From: Robyn
To: Chris
OMG! I am calling you in 5 minsss
I chuckled, she has seen the roses then “I think Robyn has seen the roses, that is me though. I will be going to sleep after the call, tired after today” getting up from the chair steady “careful son” my dad said, he worries about me walking but I am getting there “I know” grabbing my phone and placing it in my pocket, grabbing my walking frame “I hate this shit, I look like some old man. Mom, you don’t need to get up” she does the most “it’s making you better boy, you can do this” my mother placed her hands over my cheeks “I am so happy for your progress, the happiness you are showing. It reminds me of my son that I knew” I laughed “thank you mom, I love you” she kissed my cheek “I love you too, goodnight baby. See you in the morning” nodding my had, let me shuffle myself to the bedroom, I will get there.
Sitting on the bed, I just got into the room. Robyn has tried to facetime me twice, but I have been trying so hard to get to the bedroom, takes me a little while to get here. Tapping on Robyn’ to facetime her back, I hope she picks up and she did “Christopher!! Oh my god, poppa. I am literally so emotional right now Chris, oh my god. These are beautiful, I came into my room and this” Robyn turned the camera showing the roses “I am so happy you like them; I know it’s not me but still. Oh my god, is that my bear? That is so cute, look how he is just sat laid out on the bed. Missing me that much huh” I laughed “oh I really do, I posted the roses on my Instagram, thank you Chris. It bought a smile to my face, I love, love, love you so much poppa” I cooed out “I love you too, I just wanted you to smile, and I got it. To see your happiness is my happiness” Robyn really can’t stop smiling, I love that for her “and I got it baby, Fenty x Puma!!!!!” Robyn shouted “oh my god, really!? Robyn that is amazing, see I knew it. You read the card? I predicted this; I am proud of you baby. I love you and your smile” Robyn giggled “thank you” she is so happy “so this is a secret for now? I just want to make sure” Robyn nodded her head “keep it between us until we can release the actual announcement, I can’t wait Chris. The managing director said he wanted me to work with them, they love my vibe so yeah. I can’t wait, you can help me too or I can seal your clothing ideas” I gasped “you better not” it’s so refreshing to see her like this.
I made Robyn close her eyes, I propped the phone up for this “ok, I am ready. You can look now, I mean it’s nothing much, but I am using a walking frame now and look” I shuffled ahead a little “oh my god, Chris! The progress!!! I have only been gone a month, oh wow. You’re going to be walking in no time, I am so proud of you” I laughed at my stupidity, it’s really nothing “also, look at this” turning slowly “six pack too, I kept this a little secret” I hope she can see “my panties are wet Chris, you working out there? You are doing this while I am gone?” Robyn looks offended, shuffling over to the bed carefully “I do a lot of leg exercises at home, remember they said it takes a lot of strength, it’s building my muscle I guess” sitting on the bed and grabbing my phone “you about to look handsome for me?” raising an eyebrow “with my beard yes” Robyn rolled her eyes “I will accept for now because of the roses, Chris you really made my day. You really did, thank you. I miss you poppa, I sniff the bear now and then, it smells like you of course” I miss her face so much, I just want to touch her so bad “I love you” I smiled down the phone.
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twiddlebirdlet · 4 years
Inbox Collective Part II
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hagarsays said: I don’t believe that cause if Chris liked something we would have gotten a notification saying Chris Evans likes....... also people and photoshop shit
Anonymous said: well one thing's for sure this pr seems to be hitting, it has been posted everywhere and all comments are positive from what I reading , people like him obv and they love lily and no one is suspicious , the only criticism I'm finding is with fans because of the Corona thing (rightfully so), the general public doesn't seem to notice it, i think it's because the picture seem cozy and don't not flashy unlike sebastian
Anonymous said: I also don’t understand how ppl can’t hold their fave accountable like that doesn’t make you or your fav a bad person. Everyone makes mistakes, calling them out helps them realize they were in the wrong and hopefully allows them to grow to be a better person
Anonymous said: The like and unlike of the tweet coupled with these new pics of him looking at the camera is just so shady to me. Its not as if he’s had any bad press at the minute or really has anything to sell, so what does he actually have to gain from pulling a stunt like this at almost 40 years old? Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.
Anonymous said: Is he still in London to be practicing lines with her
Anonymous said: I find it hard to believe he liked that tweet cause people can fake something like that all the time and you would have gotten a notification saying Chris Evans like something I didn’t get anything I just got a RT notification
Anonymous said: Don't know if I'm reaching here but Jenn Streicher sometimes used to do lily's make up but the last time I can find is 2016 so I don't know if she could of introduced them
Anonymous said: Chris’s Great Maskless Papwalk Stunt Adventure! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh, Twid, you kill me!
Anonymous said: Seb took the pressure off of Chris cause he been seen with his GF without a mask and they are out in the open😂
Anonymous said: I’ve been seeing some people say he did this for a personal trip and they are dating. The paps were there coming out. What do you think about this?
Anonymous said: I know you won't agree with me but I think they are serious and talked before. I am not saying she's is soulmate but it's gonna last.
Anonymous said: So pretty much every article is running with the hot new couple?? take. And no denial from either side. I guess they're playing this game through? Just curious what you think, if the goal was to get buzz around their names, but they're not actually doing the dating thing, when would you think a denial would come?
Anonymous said: So idk who situation is way worse Seb or Chris cause Seb is out and about with his GF and they aren’t wearing a mask while Chris was with lily and no mask but it was at night so what you think
Anonymous said: Okay out there theory. Maybe CDAN was right it could of just been dinner and explains the very little romantic information we're receiving. I know in previous interviews the avengers cast has gone to dinner together out and about with little pictures. I think he's even just gone with Scarlett we just never got any photos. Thank God. And as sketchy as it seems I've been at friends house way later than 1 am and literally played games/talked. This could possibly be a set up or exactly what it looks
hagarsays submitted: I’m other news SEBASTIAN WHERE IS YOUR MASK 😷 https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fthesebnews%2Fstatus%2F1280541447570194432%3Fs%3D21&t=OWNjN2E2OTY3ZWNmODBhNDI3ZGJmODQ3MDRmY2YwYzM2Y2QxMWY1NSxjMmVmNzY5YmZjNWMzODIyNDY1ZDVmNDYyY2M2ZjcwMmE3YTNhYTAw Twitter
Anonymous said: Hello. I'm new to Chris Evan's blogs or fansite so this question might sound ridiculous. But why am I seeing so many people suggesting he or his team have staged things, especially with women, for the paps? I guess he never seemed like the type to me so it's all surprising. Also, in the photos with Lily he didn't seem aware of the cameras. However, she seemed very aware as she was looking dead at the photographer. She didn't seem to be trying to avoid it Thanks in advance for any answers
hagarsays said: Some people who where fans are leaving the fandom over what happen like that a really stupid reason they are acting like he did some bad that he can get arrested😂😂 like clam down people it’s not that crazy
Anonymous said: I personally think this was a hookup or a PR stunt. Even if they did get together in the hotel, I don’t think Chris would intentionally be this careless to let the paps see. Either way, good for them. If it’s an actual relationship, I’m happy for him. I just don’t see how it would work rn under these circumstances and them living in two different countries. Also, people are still going on about the condom. Like, who cares. At least he’s being safe if it was 🙄
Anonymous said: lily is so smart, first she calls the paparazzi to photograph her going to a hotel where she is staying and then the paparazzi catches her with chris, she is very committed to disconnecting from her ex
Anonymous said: Do you think he’s still in London or back in MA?
Anonymous said: Just Jared posted another article mentioning an old interview where Chris talks about dating actresses because of life shared experience. Considering that JJ is really celeb friendly, I wonder if this has to do with his team or if it's just a slow news day.
Anonymous said: Just Jared posted another article mentioning an old interview where Chris talks about dating actresses because of life shared experience. Considering that JJ is really celeb friendly, I wonder if this has to do with his team or if it's just a slow news day.
Anonymous said: ASP launch reschedules in 3..2..1
Anonymous said: It's funny how many people now are desperately trying to prove that Lily and Chris didn't sleep together because they believe he's with a certain engaged actress instead. Like Chris voluntarily left the event with Lily, got into a cab with her, and they went to the same hotel, but gosh, he had no idea this was going to happen and he is just shocked! They're trying to make it seem like Chris was utterly clueless and Lily was the bad guy in all this so they can still believe he's true to the tree.
Anonymous said: Chris just tweeted and deleted again. That is twice in 24 hours. I really need that gif where he says I am not angry just disappointed to be inserted here.
Anonymous said: Hopefully these "mask manips" will make their way back to "The Maskless Boy Blunder" like Scott & Yvette Nicole Brown was so eager to bring those acylics & bonnets manips to his attn…😒
Anonymous said: You are killing it, Mod. Case in point: “The Great Maskless Papwalk Stunt Adventure” moniker and the reminder of Chris’ penchant for overly melodramatic 90’s films. You are the best. Please insert appropriate self-congratulatory gif here.
Anonymous said: Someone left a comment under asp instagram post that Chris didn’t wear a mask and now that post gone.
Anonymous said: Did you read Lainey Gossip's article? She actually thinks Chris self quarantined for 2 weeks after arriving in the UK. Oh lord 🤦🏽‍♀️. He literally got there last week, and is probably out of there by now.
Anonymous said: What he tweeted and deleted?
Anonymous said: Ya what’s a little weird. I went on US weekly to look at that article and it was not on a top headline where news from yesterday was still on there. And it’s hard to find. Even US Weekly was like ya we aren’t getting paid for this nonsense. Haha.
Anonymous said: A starting point just deleted tweet and ig post. Yesterday Chris deleted his retweet. Very interesting 🤔
Anonymous said: ASP instagram just deleted post. WTF happening. Too much bad comments?
Anonymous said: Bets on Chris retweet new ASP tweet or not?
hagarsays submitted: ASP was 3 years in the making didn’t he just started interviewing politicians in 2019? https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fasp%2Fstatus%2F1280502252319449089%3Fs%3D21&t=YmEyZmYxMzMzYTkxMDNkMzdlNTdkMjFlZWQwZWNkOWFlM2Q3NDZjYixmM2VmZGE1NzhhNGYzZThmNjI1ZWNhYmYzOWEzODRlMWU0ZGRkZTI2 Twitter
Anonymous said: Her hotel is closer to the club they were in and nicer too. Why did she go to his and walk through the back while he took the closer door like i love lily she can do better. I read he did the same thing to Jenny even after they went public like i wonder how he even brings it up
Anonymous said: Do you really think he was there for work? Idk why I find that so hard to believe. Apart of me thinks he literally flew to meet her and had it papped. What are your thoughts? The flight isn’t that long from Boston.
Anonymous said: Is this definitely a pr stunt? Could it not be the start of a new relationship between him and Lilly whilst acknowledging it’s crap timing without a mask etc
Anonymous said: people know say that him was holding a condom he must be embarrassed now
Anonymous said: Flying across the sea during a pandemic, not wearing a mask, was wrong. But Chris is in love, again. He's been following her IG for quite a while now and their mutual friends (Powley and Cooper) probably introduced them via Skype, Zoom, whatever. It's been 2 years now, so he's more than ready for another affair. This will get really interesting once they start flying back and forth to be together. Should be fun watching this one - Chris finally has himself a Disney princess!
hagarsays said: Also I just realize this if they wanted to milk this PR stunt even more they would have made another plan where they meet up somewhere and look like they are having fun. I honestly think and I could be wrong this was a one time PR stunt cause as of now I haven’t see any fan pictures of Chris and fans from London know where he staying so that’s why I think he back home or maybe yet hiding 😂
Anonymous said: I'm the anon who mentioned that some relatives got sick during a barbecue. I wanted to thank you for your answer and say that today, my cousin told us that my aunt will be released from the hospital. The staff was sweet and sent pics and a video for my cousin.She stayed there almost 2 months.I couldn't recognize her. She is really weak and could barely speak at the video. She has a long road to fully recovery.Take this virus seriously guys.My aunt is young and had no health problems before this.
Anonymous said: Lmao if the anon is talking about those actors not doing pap walks, a lot of them have, esp when there was some controversy. And Tom Hanks had a whole affair with Rita Wilson. Like, some of ya'll are projecting.
Anonymous said: Literally in a crowded park? The group looks like they socially distanced and kept to themselves so let's not overstate things. People have been spending time at parks and not wearing masks since it's outside. Making assumptions on any "candids" doesn't work since you just see a fraction of what happened. Especially if we're assuming PR.
Anonymous said: I wonder if we will get a Dodger pic or a pap walk wearing a mask. Does anyone know how twitter reacted? I don't have an acct there, so I don't know.
Anonymous said: Do you think that Chris and Lily’s PR stunt really increases his chances of getting the Emmy nod? Cause although it might get his name in the media, idk if it’s a good look for his image or ASP. Plus, if he wants to be taken seriously as an actor and not be seen as just Captain America, idk if engaging in a fake relationship and traveling abroad to club without a mask will get the Emmy voters on his side.
Anonymous said: Not going to lie this whole situation has made me lose a little bit of respect for Chris. Also just seen pictures Johnny Depp in London and he is wearing a mask and think he came from US.
Anonymous said: I am Dumbfounded! Why is everyone still Surprised at Chris Evans Behavior? It is expected that he will do more stupid things than good. One step forward, two steps back. Oh! Make it three!! LoL and what is the basis of Emmy's for a nomination? By Being more popular and who have more exposure in press and media? Isn't supposed to be who have a better acting and who is a more talended actor? Which Chris Evans is Lacking? Sorry not sorry but he is mediocre at best. He needs Acting Workshops badly.
Anonymous said: I’m assuming Chris is back in MA about his deleted retweet. But that would mean he was in the UK for 3-4 days. He was also styled for an event (he never dresses that nice). I don’t buy into lily breaking up with her BF and then quarantining with him for 3 months. I think they are still together but it’s a bad look for her to just get back with him if he cheated. So her team makes her look desirable and having fun and then her and Matt will “rekindle” their romance (1/2) With her not even being papped in the hotel that makes me think nothing happened and it was a setup. Usually Chris’ team puts out an article for relationships. Which didn’t happen with (this) lily. I bet their will be announcement about her being in a project with him soon (maybe LSOH). And she will be papped with Matt. Chris is so private that i doubt that he would start doing this now. There’s too many places he could have been papped in the UK but wasn’t. Just my take🤷‍♀️. (2/2)
Anonymous said: “Sometimes what Chris says doesn’t always line up with what he does. Today is another example.” What do you mean?
Anonymous said: The club checks your temperatures at the door and it was reopening night. They have rules for people who can come there because of this pandemic. Why and who he was with? I don’t care but I hate that people are making it seem like he was in some nasty club with glow-sticks dancing to old rap music & ringing in the New Years then took a girl back just to fuck her. How ridiculous and presumptuous of people. Chris has his faults but he’s not a complete idiot.
Anonymous said: Did you see the IG post from justheretoruinlives literally it zooms in on what they portray as a condom. Lololol
Anonymous said: girl i think like you !! I see many say they already had sex just for being at the hotel at 1am? but we only know that she supposedly entered the hotel through another door? but in the photos she is not inside !! Also, don't we really know if it was that hour or not? DM is never as reliable as the medium! I also think PR but I want to think that this was more of her! We can only hope what Chris's team says about this!!!
Anonymous said: Chris is just blegh the past couple of months. ASP for starters. He’s going to get torn to shreds for it and rightfully so. No doubt he’ll slowly stop acknowledging its existence and cut the partnership in a few months. His quarantine interviews.. dude get some new one liners. Saying the same thing always. Trying to use big words so he sounds smart. He sounds pretentious and annoying. Then ignoring Rudd to scroll on his phone and constantly cutting him off.. BOO!!! I’m over his hypocritical bs!
Anonymous said: I’m trying to figure out why Chris would partake in this kind of PR stunt right now, though. It’s SUCH a bad time for that... what would be the purpose for it?? Not trying to be combative, I’m just truly baffled by it. Like, why??
Anonymous said: I didn't even watch his last interview I'm disgusted he's acting even younger than me and I'm mid twenties. This took attention away from all the semi-good things he's doing. I don't think most people are paying attention anymore. Megan is going to have to sadly clean this up if she didn't have a hand in this.
Anonymous said: Nobody has memory of anything serious he's doing anymore lol. Defending Ryan right? Sorry never heard of her. He reduced himself to tabloid fodder and it's disgusting.
Anonymous said: He’s been working PR for the past 8 months. He mad his insta in December, made it public in April (around the time of DJ a similar strategy they did for Jen A.), had a single but dating article in Jan. Has been doing nonstop press since April/May. Mentions LSOH in the last couple interviews. Follows Lily (June) and is now papped with her. Well played Chris, well played
Anonymous said: So does the timing of his tweet indicate he is back stateside? I noticed he followed someone last night (DJ costume designer) when it would have been the middle of the night or very early in the UK. He's probably back home.
Anonymous said: Sounds like she playing cat and mouse with her ex. Buying decorations one month then getting papped the next with someone new. Not saying it isn't possible to move that fast. But....if ex came a knocking she would probably ditch this pr blunder.
Anonymous said: As much as we tried to deny it, we knew Chris could be messy. I’m REALLY disappointed that Gemma Chan was with Lily on her maskless park romp the other day. I’m a big fan of hers and thought she was smarter than that, especially since she’s said a lot supporting frontline healthcare workers through this whole time. Really over this selfish behavior from everyone, both celebs and normal people. It’s just making this longer and harder for all of us.
Anonymous said: The thing is: Chris says he wants sth, but I doubt that even Chris knows what he truly wants. That's okay! A lot of people don't know what they want. What really bothers me is that he keeps selling the same narrative over and over again (cuz he knows we will buy them) and then do sth that suggest the opposite of what he states. C'mon man, be yourself and don't give a damn to people's opinions. It's better than contradicting yourself. Sorry if that doesn't make sense
Anonymous said: Mark Ruffalo is a national treasure. Take notes, Chris. You could learn a thing or two.
Anonymous said: Must be nice for him that he’s in a position where he COULD get a Covid test on demand if he wanted one (and I’m SURE he could). Even in my state, which is doing worlds better than other states, we have a testing bottleneck and also concern about supplies. People who are sick are having to wait. Healthcare pros and teachers and essential workers are having trouble me getting tested. I know I shouldn’t get so upset about him but it’s just really disappointing.
Anonymous said: Also if he knew he was gonna be papped why didn't he wear a mask. I think a case might be made for that as well. When he moved Scott no mask. Assuming most people wouldn't even notice probably and only one did. LA protest his most likely chance of being photographed, he had a mask. Even posted on his story. I'm just grasping at straws🤔
Anonymous said: She have an article on DailyMail every single week. So angry about this dumb decision to play a pr couple. I had a better opinion about Chris.
Anonymous said: Well if the artwork thing is true I can definitely see this being pr and her having no actual interest in him. But no pr can explain away why he endangered himself and others. I hope scott tore into him.
Anonymous said: I thought it was PR 101 to like not be in a PR relationship with a girl who calls the paps, and was rumored to be doing drugs in a park a few days ago. I feel like he has a better pool to choose from to be taken seriously
Anonymous said: Change of subject/pace: I wonder why Halle Berry thought she was going to do what they VERY PUBLICLY shut down Johansson from attempting not to long ago: play a transgender in a movie. If Berry wasn't paying attn then, surely her team was?? And now with JKRowling v Everybody... Maybe Berry thought her "historic" Oscar-win would protect/excuse her…???
Anonymous said: cya Chris! > I’ve watched all his interviews and imo he doesn’t come off as cocky but that’s just how I see him. I still think he’s a good person that needs to get his shit together. I hope everyone is staying safe
Anonymous said: I don’t watch his interviews. Can the other anon elaborate on how he came across as self-absorbed, cocky, hypocritical and dumb? I believe you, I just don’t want to do the work myself
Anonymous said: I had a weird feeling when him and Scott starting following her as well. Maybe it was because she was weirdly being papped a lot at the time where I would be like why is this girl getting papped
Anonymous said: The girl that was with Sebastian posted a pic of then two togheter on jet sky one day before the pap pics
Anonymous said: The thing that those pictures from Saturday but posted on Monday morning US time speaking it self. But I think this was planned from both sides. Lily could approved way earlier. I can’t wait for their next walk of shame pictures.
hagarsays said: Also his fans even said they have no problem with lily James and him being seen together it that he didn’t wear a mask is the problem but also they all moved on cause it’s so unnecessary to go back and for with pictures that’s where taken on Saturday
Anonymous said: Not to be that person...but lily was seen in a park with Gemma Chan, Billie piper, Dominic cooper - All not wearing masks. Her and Chris were at mark club which is a private members only place with a dress code and social distancing rules - no mask reg (check the site). The doorman wasn’t wearing a mask either. The UK seems weird with rules and while I don’t like it - I am not surprised. They DRESSED up but didn’t need masks. What’s wrong with this picture?
hagarsays said: I agree can we all move on cause we are all going on circles at this point and it’s making us all go crazy for no reason. So if there another major information between them you would know also if there a statement we would know too but as of now there isn’t
Anonymous said: Entertainment tonight, people and us weekly have reached out to there team for a comment do you think they will get an answer
hagarsays said: If I’m right he started following once he got his insta cause I had to look at something and her name was part of the 70 total following but now he follow 3 more people
Anonymous said: Chris does not even follow the director or any producers of LSOH on Instagram so I would not assume his following Lily is automatically related to the movie.
Anonymous said: Have you seen the knives out page? They blocked the ana de armas update page. Hilarious break if you need one.
Anonymous said: I think like you. I think mainly chris is there for work !! Maybe it's already gone or is it still there? in my opinion I think it was more PR of her than chris !! when chris has done a type of PR that involves that he spent the night with a girl? why many think that already !! maybe the hotel part was part of it? why is chris seen entering the hotel quickly?
Anonymous said: Asian Tree gal pal is Scarlett. She didn't have on her unique engagement ring in one of the grocery store pap sets (she's had it on in subsequent sightings) that might've given her away, and when dressed down with her hair pulled back she's no "Black Widow," and still managed to get ID'ed, so NOPE, no excuse for Evans to not have on a mask or one in view.
Anonymous said: And if he "forgot" his mask, I'm prettttty sure the luxury hotel or exclusive restaurant would've arranged to get/lend him one. Buuuuuut then we wouldn't have 50+ "candids" at different locales, angles, and postions, now would we...? 📷📷📷
Anonymous said: Asian Tree gal pal is Scarlett. She didn't have on her unique engagement ring in one of the grocery store pap sets (she's had it on in subsequent sightings) that might've given her away, and when dressed down with her hair pulled back she's no "Black Widow," and still managed to get ID'ed, so now excuse for Evans to not have on a mask or one in view.
Anonymous said: My opinion is she called the Pap but the plan went to the left with the back door. This is not coming from Chris he wouldn’t leave anyone sees him with out a mask in this pandemic. Even if it was just for the Pap walk
Anonymous said: I live in the UK, we don't have to wear mask, we do have to social distance though, u are allowed to be in a bubble, i wouldn't say a 4th of July fuck is social distancing or being in a bubble. I work with some very sick people who have had life saving treatment cancelled. Then u get people like Chris who do as they please for a weekend fuck😡
Anonymous said: Getting back to the Michael and Alicia thing, did they start as PR and end in marriage? Or is the marriage also PR? I know that sounds ridiculous, but I’ve heard it happens
Anonymous said: I wonder if Megan is like “sooo that backfired” LMAO I haven’t really seen a lot of positives hahah
Anonymous said:
I would like to know what's on Cris's mind now what is he feeling, if him regrets this “drama”
Anonymous said: I hope he does get dragged for not wearing a mask and I don’t feel sorry for him that he can’t retweet something without crazy comments. For someone who pretends to be smart using big words he sure is stupid sometimes. Also-did you see the Tom Hanks PSA...lol “I have no respect for people who don’t wear masks) I could care less about A Starting Point. Covid has hit so close to home with friends and family I’m just floored about this.
Anonymous said: If they use the “having fun” “seeing where things are going” language in the next article about them it’s a publicity stunt. Because those phrases are not only what Chris’ team has used in the past but it’s also what many other celeb PR stunts use.
Anonymous said: Maybe Chris deleted the retweet because he knows most of his fans aren’t happy with him right now so he’s rather lay low
Anonymous said: Sorry but does that anon have more information on Minka and Trevor? How do they know they’re dating????
Anonymous said: Surley if they were dating they would be staying in the hotel together the past week or so or however long he's been there, it's clear from the pics she hadn't been there with him before and had to wait to be let in, they would know who she was surley……
Anonymous said: Some of his fans moved on cause they know this whole situation is BULLSHIT and it’s all PR shit for the movie while other are demanding Chris to say something
Anonymous said: I just want to comment and laugh at you explaining to the other Anon what the ‘Dark Ages’ where. That’s the most appropriate and best description I’ve ever heard over that wretched and gross time lol
Anonymous said: The ASP launch is literally one week away. He should be promoting that instead of doing this. He's sabotaging himself. I don't really think it will affect the success or failure of the website itself, but it's taking away from what should be his promotional narrative. That's why I have a hard time accepting he'd play this game this way right now.
hagarsays said: Also if Chris is back home we would never know not if he was seen somewhere in Boston
hagarsays said: I really just want to know why do this like what’s was the reason was it because lily might be taking Scarlett role so they want to make a name for her so they picked Chris cause they know how his fans will react like I need to know😂
Anonymous said: Meanwhile Scott is on IG advocating for trans safety and rights. I think he’s a great advocate and ally and I appreciate the awareness he brings way more than something like ASP.
Anonymous said: lmao people are making assumptions though. Did you physically see him walk through the front without a mask? Did you also see the doorman without a mask? All of these assumptions are ridiculous at this point. People say it's pr so they get the pics then what? You literally don't see it.
Anonymous said: Those screenshot are from a gossip site. Also in the UK we call it snogging🤷‍♀️
Anonymous said: Do you believe the DM that said they where making out in that person post you posted
Anonymous said: Just wanted to say thank you for being logical and realistic about all of this. I see a lot of people trying to make excuses for Chris and say this isn’t PR
Anonymous said: I'm pretty sure lilly still lives with her ex. And was probably partying so hard to get over said ex. Then gets papped again with a new guy. It feels like maybe revenge more than her actually being interested in casanova over here.
Anonymous said: I think like you. I think mainly chris is there for work!! Maybe it's already gone or is it still there? in my opinion I think it was more PR of her than chris !! when chris has done a type of PR that involves that he spent the night with a girl? why many think that already !! maybe the hotel part was part of it? why is chris seen entering the hotel quickly?
Anonymous said: Considering how vastly worse Black people have been impacted by covid, anyone who tweeted about BLM but isn’t taking the pandemic seriously is a fucking hypocrite in my opinion
Anonymous said: Why would this trip's purpose be LSOH? It's not like Chris is involved in the making of it, i.e., producer, etc. Why would he be going to London to meet with Lily? I believe they've been in touch in the past month or so (email, DM, text, etc.) and he wanted to personally meet with her. Wait and see what happens after the launch of ASP to see if he goes back there or if she comes over here.
Anonymous said: God I hope Megan wasn’t... he would need a new PR team immediately.
Anonymous said: I don't see him settle down. I never felt this vibe coming from him even with all what he says in interview. I think I like the idea to be a husband and a dad but if he did it he couldn't hook up with women he meets in nightclub, ask their number to girls, go to strip club with all the freedom he has right now. I read often it's because he doesn't meet again the one but he doesn't invests energy, make compromises for a serious relationship for me.
Anonymous said: If I were the PR person arranging this, I would have booked Chris at the same hotel lily was papped at a few days and sold it as “they hit it off at the party and were staying at the same place, what they did when they got inside is anyone’s guess” leaves fans speculating enough without the embarrassment or messiness of her going waiting around a back door for no real reason
Anonymous said: Also wasn’t it teased that lily and producers wanted to do mamma Mia 3🤔
Anonymous said: I think settling down with a wife and kids sounds nice to Chris in a “maybe one day...” kind of way but it’s not something he’s eagerly looking for or trying to make happen.
Anonymous said: Being papped during a hookup seems way off from settling down to me….
Anonymous said: I’ve always said his settle down wife and kids thing was PR😂😂 either way this is messy and I don’t think they knew it would backfire. Also the US weekly and People article mentioned it could be for work after hours of the dailymail article and fans roasting him for not wearing a mask and traveling
Anonymous said: maybe him is having a midlife crisis
Anonymous said: I think that’s the big takeaway here. If it’s real it will never work. Mr. Boston ain’t leavin Massachusetts for anyone anytime soon and she is firmly rooted in the UK. I don’t dislike her at all, the opposite, I actually like her better than most of his exes, but as a fan of both, this just isn’t rooted in reality long term. I’d be all for the man having some fun if the rest of the world wasn’t on fire right now.
Anonymous said: Umm shouldn’t we not idk jump to conclusions until we officially know what happen between them
Anonymous said: Thanks you guys for making this MORE about these dated, sloppy (PR?) moves and his reckless UNMASKED/NON-QUARENTINED behavior. I'm glad this didn't turn into outright bashing her or needlessly excusing him as *certain* parts of his fandom does with EVERY tenuously linked female in his orbit. Business or pleasure, HE has more to lose in just goodwill. Our climate is MUCH diff than in '15-'17. He & this better be "handled" in keeping with our changing world/times, cuz it's short-sighted and tacky.
Anonymous said: HAHAH! He is not settling down. He is literally hooking up or creating a narrative he is hooking up at 1am in a pandemic. Clearly Dad Chris Evans I want to get married and carve pumpkins reputation and brand has flown out the window.
Anonymous said: She was with a man for 5+ years and might have been cheated on. In the last 7 months she’s been papped a lot and with different guys and looking like she’s having fun. Now with an A list actor. This is her team making her look desirable and her making her ex jealous. For Chris it’s getting his name out there more and pushing the bachelor image. He followed her months ago and I would be surprised if this was planned but I think it backfired and makes them both look tacky😬
Anonymous said: Get a grip! Nobody here knows Chris at all, none of us do. You can't say things like 'I don't think Chris would like this' or 'Chris wouldn't do that' because we don't know. All we know is the very carefully cultivated image presented to us by him and his team. We have no idea who the real Chris Evans is.
Anonymous said: This is all so messy and quite frankly embarrassing because it’s so transparently PR. I think they both made bad choices here - Chris especially since his penchant for privacy made me expect more from him. How long do you thing this circus will last? I was around for the last PR stunt so I’m not sure how these things go.
Anonymous said: I don’t think she’s any messier than he has been in the past. I’d like to think he’s changed but the reality is we have no idea. His last major relationship had its own set of bright red flags. There’s plenty of judgement to be had about the pandemic situation but directing anything else towards just her isn’t really fair. I know a certain faction likes to always blame the woman but they’re in this together, whatever this is. I see people already turning on her and it’s kind of obnoxious.
Anonymous said: more to that anon's point about her being super messy. WHY would he want to be associated with that messiness when he has seemingly worked hard to get rid of or at least hide his partying image? I'm not sure I'm phrasing that right. But my point stands. He wants to be taken super seriously for the whole ASP thing and I don't think this helps him. The only real 'winner' here is her.
Anonymous said: I really and I mean REALLY hope this was just a work event and they went for one night stand. But if he will do pr dating with her or he’s really into this young drug addict with messy relationship history Im out of this fandom. He says how he wants a family and trying to look smart using all those fancy words but in reality he’s a huge disappointment.
Anonymous said: To everybody who is disappointed at Chris cuz he seems to be acting different from the image he's been projecting over the last years: Mr. Mercurial has always stated his appetite changes a lot. Maybe this is just an example of it (yes, I'm being sarcastic) 🤷‍♀️😂
Anonymous said: Why are people making a big deal about separate entrances to the hotel? Most hotels right now will only let you in the main lobby if you're currently staying with them. I think you even have to make a reservation before you get there. Lily isn't a guest at the hotel so they aren't going to let randos walk through the main lobby.
Anonymous said: None of this makes sense. I can only see 3 possible explanations: 1. They met for work, but where so smitten, they hooked up (but how would the paps have had advance notice?) 2. They met on SM and planned a date (but he’s never invited paps to his first dates before. 3. They really are hooking up and he’s so insecure about everyone knowing he was single in lockdown that he wanted to broadcast getting laid to the world (maybe he’s more of a bro than we thought?). But why so cheap and tacky?
Anonymous said: “Do you think he may have taken her back to the US given that she has been living in a hotel?”>>>>>I think some of you might be getting a little bit ahead yourselves over this one set of photos.
Anonymous said: “after one date/hookup” No one knows the real reason they were there or together. It’s just speculation at this point.
Anonymous said: I think it’s his old suit.
Anonymous said: I don't blame you for not noticing, Chris follows a few random women. People were just focused on the wrong one. Nothing even indicated they had contact until the pics. Even though I wouldn't be suprised if most of the contact was through their pr agencies. Once again who is buying this random relationship/hookup.
Anonymous said: I don’t know anything about lily. What’s her reputation?
Anonymous said: You think him & Lily are a thing now bc he followed her months ago on ig? He’s not dating every female he follows tho. Maybe it’s bc of LSOH.
Anonymous said: Yeah those were the words I was looking for to describe this whole thing. Cheap and tacky. The right way to reveal something to the public is them going out and getting papped at dinner, something more romantic that can at least give the illusion of a potential serious relationship, not a party and back entrance of a hotel. It just looks so messy and dare I say gross. Don’t reveal a potential hookup even if it’s just for the sake of publicity.
Anonymous said: Cheap, tacky and irresponsible considering the current situation at the world. He doesn't have Marvel anymore. I was curious if he would take the path of the actors and actresses in HW. IMO, this answer it all. I know he used PR before but it used to be subtle. This is ridiculous and entitled, principally, because of the current situation, as I said before.
hagarsays said: The only people who follow Lily is a scott and Chris but Chris been following her since he got insta. But idk about Lisa and his sisters cause there page is private
Anonymous said: The funny thing is this pr date is getting alot of positive feedback. So I could see then dragging this out for a couple of months. The only people that see through this are fans🤦🏾‍♀️. I bet that if they reported this on the gossip news tonight while dragging them for not wearing masks, he would stay his butt inside until filming and stop the shenanigans. Which I doubt they will, but it seems tone deaf to report on Nick Codero. Then report on two idiots w/o masks on gallivanting around London
Anonymous said: I'm staying away from Chris's tag on Twitter because it a mess. Some are excited about the prospect of Chris and Lily, some are pissed about the international travel and being maskless, some are confused by the randomness of the whole thing. I'm just not sure this is the kind of press he needs before the launch of his political website and the Emmy noms. I hope his team puts a pin in it soon. Also, it's difficult to take ASP seriously after seeing his irresponsible behaviour.
Anonymous said: Something I find interesting is that in the people article they mentioned Chris and her both quarantining separately. I have no idea why they would believe anybody would buy this relationship. Even as a hookup it's sketchy. Honestly they should let it die. They couldn't even get the dates right on some of the articles.
Anonymous said: No one knew Chris was even in London so that sounds like PR to me. Makes no sense for it to be unknown he’s there & then pap pics get posted from this site who is known to stage pap pics. What else would it be?
Anonymous said: I don't think they were at a party though. The article says they were at the private club, and that's it. No mention of a party anywhere.
Anonymous said: Wasn't she at the front door of the hotel at first then went round to the back/side, how would she know all the doors to the hotel, I doubt this was their first encounter at this hotel
Anonymous said: Lily and her group of friends are known to partake in shall I say powdered sugar. That’s nothing new that’s been the talk of the town for years here in London. That group of friends are known on the party scene which is their right but I don’t find druggies to be cool.
Anonymous said: I’ll never understand how these things translate into award nominations….
Anonymous said: A bunch of outlets said they were making out but like I don’t buy it. This might come back to bite me in the ass but like idk
Anonymous said: Trying to think logical and the timing of pandemic and them both being in different continents, information and pictures in May that she’s back with her ex, before Covid Chris traveling between DC and Canada... How these two could be dating?... even starting as online would be a nightmare because of time in both countries. This ether a PR stunt or she called paps when he asked her to his room.
Anonymous said: I've had a real fun day today thanks to Chris. Like many of you, I've been at home now for over 3 months. I'm really enjoying this. I'm hopeful this will continue to give me some laughs over the next few months. I'm looking forward to her arriving in Boston, that will really kill the fandom :):)
Anonymous said: Am I the only one who thinks they banged? I’m not denying they were there for work but how realistic is she left after the phots
Anonymous said: maybe we'll see the “new couple” at the Emmys
Anonymous said: What’s happening in the Seb fandom? Do people think that’s a PR stunt, as well? And, you’re awesome, Mod. You keep things in perspective.
Anonymous said: I feel like all this nonstop discussion about are they, aren't they plays right into their hands and gives them the attention they wanted. Granted it's a small section of his fandom here, but I hate playing these games. In an effort to change the subject, I for one would love to hear your thoughts about ASP (whenever you're up for it of course). As a fellow Texan, I almost canceled Chris on the spot after he met with ted cruz. Gross.
Anonymous said: If you go on her twitter (Minka) she didn’t take her geo tag off she has been back and forth in nyc since Jan. Also spotted in NYC in March. And follows Trevors Manager’s wife on IG. I know that is a random follow but she wouldn’t just randomly follow his managers wife if she didn’t know her. Either way she has been in NYC back and forth with the geo tag and obvi not working and you wouldn’t stay with a girlfriend back and forth.
Anonymous said: Do you think it’s a hookup gone wrong or PR?
Anonymous said: Speaking of LILY 1.0: Biel pulled the same stunt yrs ago w the then "King of F-Boys," I MEAN Sparta! Broken up w Timberlake (over Olivia Munn?), well after filmimg wraps, managed to get pap'd cozy on a motorcycle w recent costar Gerard Butler, despite both wearing shades & helmets, being in traffic on PCH. Everybody denied everything, but Biel was reunited & ENGAGED soon after. IF thats what this is, Evans should be weary of possible "rebound n release" relationships by now, but we're here!🍿
Anonymous said: I hope he doesn't post about masks and protecting yourself and others because that will be even more hipocritical.
Anonymous said: Ok, I have to voice my opinion since it seems everyone else has -- he has been following her on IG for quite a while now, perhaps they have been dm'ing and decided to give it a try. We'll have to see if she shows up in Concord MA. It's just really bad timing though - a pandemic and ASP starting up. Is he really this stupid?????
Anonymous said: I can’t take ASP seriously from a guy who went to London to hook up and not even wear a mask, or a guy who did all of that for PR. He is a joke.
Anonymous said: If it’s PR I give to 3 - 6 months
Anonymous said: If he's back in the USA then that's even crazier to me. Why would he go to the UK for just a few days, whether for work or not? That would be a bit weird even if there wasn't a pandemic going on.
Anonymous said: This is almost as entertaining as Ben and Ana.
Anonymous said: With JS and MK it was organic and there were things leading out to them being together. This is out of the blue and with no previous indication of it happening. Also London is a long way for causal sex or even a first date. The fact that Chris is most used news sources say he’s there for work. It just seems like a very sloppy and thrown together PR stunt.
Anonymous said: Looking at lily's Instagram following list Chris is second on the recent list, do you think its possible they were both at the bar separately and met then they hooked up then she followed him?
Anonymous said: Valerie is crying in LA right now hahahahah
Anonymous said: There was rumors about Lily and her sniffing habits. People can google them self. Chris could find someone with a better image if he really serious about asp website and his own image. Remember back in the days there was rumors about him and drugs too. People who hates him and his politics views will use this info.
Anonymous said: Do you think with this Deadline interview is his team trying to change the focus
Anonymous said: Even looking at JS and Minka there was some level of affection and SOME discretion. This was lily Collins, Lucy Pinder-esque. I think if he would have been papped at the airport and then later at a grocery store with him it would have been different. Ben and Ana are believable because it was months in the making this is out of nowhere
Anonymous said: The only other movie besides LSOH that Chris is rumored to be involved with is Bermuda, and that seems to have gotten a lot less traction than LSOH. Would it be likely that he's already starting work on a movie that no one's even heard of yet?
Anonymous said: Someone on LSA pointed out that he follows Bel Powley this weekend and she was in the park with that group. She was in lobby hero and in the party with Pete Davidson last year with Chris. So he is friends with her and is maybe the link.
Anonymous said: Feels like bad timing with ASP launching next week
Anonymous said: This screams PR but for what I’m not sure but I’ll bet money that she’ll be announced as Audrey in LSOH.
Anonymous said: Honestly I hope this is real because why have you risking your life and being photographed doing it. I'm sick of celebs and pr. Even though Ben and Ana are hilarious and entertaining. I thought he would be past this at this point. It's disappointing and he knows it's nothing but drama. Are more people really gonna see the movie/visit his website/hype him for Emmy's cause he's dating/boinking lilly? I'm truly done with him
Anonymous said: It's sad with the number of years Chris is in this industry, with his pass with Minka and Jenny he didn't learn his lessons or is doing it for have his name in the media for a nom. I didn't see Ruffalo do it. He lives his life with his wife and kids and shared pictures from the set. If it's a pr romance or just for speculation Chris uses the bad way if he wants to be take as a serious actor. Very disappointing if it's that bc I don't see a rs between us when he was in Usa and her UK.
Anonymous said: Do you remember that girl that was papped holding hands with Chris and we never seen then togheter again maybe this will happen again
Anonymous said: I would like to point out that the taxi could have stopped closer to the hotel. Not only Lily did her "walk" in front of the hotel but Chris did his too. And if he went there for work, he could and should have restricted his stay only for work, which obvioulsy wasn't what happened.
hagarsays said: Wait I though lily is still rumored to be In LSOH it’s been confirmed now?
Anonymous said: if they be together and both on LSZH is just gonna add more rumors about Chris and his co stars and I don’t think is good to his career to be rumored with costar in all his jobs
Anonymous said: This trip might be work related (with a hook up on the side), but this very well could be the start of a relationship between them. The long distance works for John Krasinski and Emily Blunt. Maybe Lily will like living in Concord MA. They could have been having a long distance get to know you via email or DM and now are ready to go public with it.
Anonymous said: Wasn't Matt seen out with Claire during the time he was supposedly back together with Lily? I don't think their "on again" was ever confirmed.
Anonymous said: Tbh she doesn’t seem like the type to be going to Boston to hang out with him and dodger she just doesn’t fit that vibe imo. And he doesn’t seem the type to be going to London every few weeks to see her?
hagarsays said: Just putting out there regardless relationship or not it won’t changed how I feel about him I will always be his fan😂 BUT Chris your on time out for leaving dodger
Anonymous said: I’m glad he’s getting called out about the mask thing. That and the travel are really the only things here that bother me. I’m in a hotspot. I know people who have gotten sick. A friend of mine was forced back to work with the public and now she and her family are awaiting their results. I was heartbroken to hear about Nick Cordero yesterday. This pandemic isn’t over. I’m disappointed to see him blatantly flout the rules. I feel for the driver and hotel staff.
Anonymous said: I wonder if the hotel Chris is staying at only lets guests staying at the hotel entry through the lobby. I had to stay at a hotel for work and received a pdf that only guests can go through the lobby. If I was meeting up with someone they would have to wait for me outside. I also had to get my temperature taken each time. They wouldn't be able to keep track of all non-guests not staying at the hotel.
Anonymous said: Also these pics were on Friday and bars/pubs and restaurants were closed in the UK until 4th July they were allowed to open from 6am on the 4th. But hey one rule for the rich and famous and one for everyone else
Anonymous said: If they were together, and he flew down to London just to be with her (like some people are saying), wouldn't he at least have checked into the same hotel as her? This smells like a PR game or one night stand or something.
Anonymous said: Actually Tom cruise is the only person who doesn’t have to do the 14 days quarantine idk why but there an article about it
Anonymous said: She was pictured in different hotel couple days ago not the same they pictured Chris with her. So no they did not live in same hotel and was pictured together by accident. Also if she was staying there she wouldn’t go from the back doors.
Anonymous said: I think Chris has been in London at least since late June. I follow his twitter and he’s randomly for weeks posted at oddly early (EST time) - 6-7 am. Too early for PST, kinda early for EST quarantine. I wondered if he was overseas and saw on IG last week he started following Gemma Chan and other brit actors. I think he’s been in London (lowkey) until those pics since late June. I think he flew private and he’s been incognito until those photos. Basically - I don’t think he JUST flew in
hagarsays said: I feel like the more his team stays quiet the more it get worse cause so mine think Chris is the reason Matt and lily broke up so if I was megan I would put out a statement so everyone can move on already cause drying quite make shit way worse
Anonymous said: The funny thing is I actually like Lily James. I’d actually like them together. I just don’t like these circumstances or this timing. The quarantine rules are rules for a reason, I don’t care who you are. This is some BS I’d expect from a Kardashian or Trump kid. It’s selfish.
Anonymous said: My guess is that it’s PR with a lie pleasure mixed in….
Anonymous said: as much as people or US did not confirm that they are dating? and they are the font that chris uses !! I think Chris is in London for work and people say something with that !! I think it was an exit maybe as friends or just for PR for both of them !! dailyM is so exaggerated already by little it says that chris had sex with her in its headlines !! In addition, if CN is correct, maybe it was she who originated all this to generate people to talk about dating with Chris?
Anonymous said: To be fair on the coke thing it’s no secret Chris has imbibed in partying in the past. I don’t care what he or she do to party. I care that whatever they’re doing now is during the Covid crisis. I’m sure the masked attendant in the background would love to not have unmasked people gallivanting around.
Anonymous said: Agree that this has all the hallmarks of PR. Even if it’s real, she’s not as objectionable as some of his exes and she is age appropriate. It’s just the timing of things. For someone who tried to appear “woke” and has spoken of the seriousness of the pandemic, this isn’t a good look. I’d love to be able to go on my now cancelled London trip this summer with my friends. But I’m not a celebrity so the rules actually apply to me. That’s really the only problem I have with this.
Anonymous said: Considering the article were put online with such a small difference, maybe his team sent the same e-mail to everyone? Lol
Anonymous said: confirmation about their relationship > Media articles don’t know shit tbh half the time they’re labeling a relationship even when there’s nothing to be labeled
hagarsays said: His team need to say something cause right now people are going crazy also one fan was being rude and making fun of lily tweet is not there but this whole thing is just a hot mess
Anonymous said: If this all just PR it was a dumb move on his part. I see most of his fans calling him out or their at least not happy with him. And this could get him some bad press right before ASP goes up (which might also get a lot of backlash)
Anonymous said: Shit... it’s really happening... It’s gonna be a long summer guys.
Anonymous said: The US weekly article seems to suggest he is just dating around still. Do you think? The People article says it can’t contact his agent
Anonymous said: If they are dating they look like a cute couple I have to say
Anonymous said: Relationship? I don't think any article confirmed it. This sounds more like pr for Lily in regards to Matt. They even bring up their "tense" lunch/dinner or whatever it is.
Anonymous said: There are rumors SJ could be pregnant (though that rumor seems to be around a lot since she's not super-skinny), maybe that's why she's been replaced if in fact Lily will be Audrey? I remember Billy Porter basically confirmed SJ and Chris would be in LSOH, maybe back in April or May?
Anonymous said: From what I’ve seen Chris makes an extra effort to get to know his cast and crew so I wouldn’t put it past him if he went to London to meet up with the cast or just see things that are happening for LSOH. He just doesn’t seem like the guy to fly out to a different country for a girl he’s a real homebody imo
Anonymous said: It's still so strange that mere days ago Chris was all "Yeah, LSOH is on the backburner right now" and then like practically the next day he's in London, seemingly for work. And if this turns out to have nothing to do with LSOH then it's doubly strange. And what's going to happen with ASP? He's either going to have to do it from the UK or he'll have taken these big risks just to be in London for like a week. If he wanted to do PR for an Emmy, I'm sure he could have found an actress in LA or NYC.
Anonymous said: What pisses me off the most about this Chris nonsense it that I’m a nurse and we have so many patients new coming in and we unfortunately see them die. I really wished he wore a mask even if the UK said it was fine to be without a mask. Chris miss rona ain’t a joke she don’t care if you’re hot rich and young. I love him but my god it breaks my heart seeing people die from this.
Anonymous said: There was another daily mail exclusive about Matt and her quarantining together and back together. Close Friends was the source talking about their connection. Than they were papped biking together
Anonymous said: I agree with the anon that said the narrative from us weekly or people will depend on the reaction to this. Time will tell I guess.
Anonymous said: This has nothing to do with Scarjo, she is clearly out of the games. Lily James will be in LSOH, that' s why he started following her weeks ago. But I agree this is all a big staged mess. Who knows if it will turn into a real fling though. Drugs and alcohol, she is definitely his type.
Anonymous said: I agree with everything you said this screams pr also i did a quick search of Lily and she has been in the press so much the last couple of weeks with so many exclusives by the daily mail! She also checked into a central london hotel on the 2nd july and guess what its only 7 minutes away from Chris's, so perfect for paps to get there shot of her outside his hotel and her to go in and hide in the lobby for 10 mins then get a cab back to her hotel 👀
Anonymous said: “Chris never travels outside of the US unless it’s work related. In all my years of following him, I’ve never once seen him travel abroad for recreational reasons. It’s always for work.” THIS THIS X1000! Chris never leaves the US (or Boston really) unless it’s for work. I really don’t think this was a coincidence, there’s so many think that various anons have pointed out but this is probably the most important one.
Anonymous said: When did he done his live interview? He’s definitely less than 14 days in London so he really didn’t followed the rules.
Anonymous said: I feel like this is PR only time will tell tho. They may end up being thing but rn I’m leaning towards PR
Anonymous said: Hi! Sorry if this is a stupid question, but how does a PR "relationship" would help with the Emmy noms? Is it the fact that he is out there more, so there are better chances of voters checking out his work? That's the only way I can make sense of this. Thank you!
Anonymous said: If it’s just PR that’s worse than if they were dating/hooking up. He thinks an Emmy is worth risking his health and the health of others?
Anonymous said: "And Chris wants that Emmy nod to finally feel like he’s taken seriously as an actor. They both would greatly benefit from this being a thing. " Sorry but how you find an actor serious after he flew in a middle of global pandemic to go to a private party with an actress who have not the best image lately. It's definitely good for her but for Chris it's a different picture.
Anonymous said: It may be less irresponsible than it appears. Rich people have access to tests, fast-acting (hours) & reasonably accurate. Films are a business. Insurance is a huge factor. An actor’s carelessness during pre-pro would alarm the $$$ guys, I would think. Haven’t read much on how insurance is now structured during CV19 but if LSOH is going forward, then someone weighed the PR opportunity against possible severe illness that would cost $$$. And decided they were safe enuff to pap stroll.
Anonymous said: I’m the anon who asked about PR romance. So basically his PR people have him seem shady to get attention since bad publicity is still publicity? I mean to say, is this his PR persons ideas for him to do these things or his and they cover for him?
Anonymous said: about emmys Mark is amazing in his role he deserve win the show is amazing
hagarsays said: Honestly at this point his team needs to put on some type of statement cause it’s not going away anytime soon until they set the record straight on why he there and was seen with lily
Anonymous said: It’s just disturbing to me since Amanda Kloots husband died of Covid 19 last night and then this morning Chris is maskless traveling, staging pap pics. Like we are in a pandemic. If this was from his team, they need to be morally better.
Anonymous said: But now it's a bad image for Chris... Going to UK, partying, hook up with his costar... oh boy it's feels like early 2000.
Anonymous said: I was hoping he learnt from his past relationships with MK and JS but no. I am disapointed but more by the fact he didn't wear a mask. We've got lots of people who are sick in Europe
Anonymous said: Not saying it’s not possible but I don’t think Chris into online dating, so this looks like pr for me. They didn’t see each other for months before last night. I hope Megan will think something smart and we didn’t see new couple alert.
Anonymous said: I feel like we only get paparazzi photos of Chris when it PR and have been called. You have never of known that he was in London other wise.
Anonymous said: This club (Marks) is not a nightclub. It’s basically like any media members club. People have meetings, sociales, eat and drink. It quite formal. You can hire it, or part of it out for meetings and events. So this is definitely work based. The hotel? I don’t know. Would CE hook up with an actress he may be working with straight away maybe? But it think not.
Anonymous said: i feel like this isn't the right time for them to do promo, it makes them both look like assholes
Anonymous said: The place they went to isn't a night club. It's a private club with very strict covid-19 rules. It's members and invite only. They have private rooms and limited staff during the pandemic. They have a thermal imaging thingy to check temperatures as well. So he wasn't around the general public or strangers. Read up on Mark's Club.
Anonymous said: It’s funny how some fans give him and Lily a pass because she’s pretty. Just wait while they found pictures of her wasted from last week. This is not a good look for a “politician” Chris.
Anonymous said: I hope he stays at quarentene when he comes back. The right thing to do was to not travel at all but since he was irresponsible enough for that, I can only hope he be responsible when he comes back, for his family.
Anonymous said: Take a step back and look how Chris is dress. He is usually casual for parties and hookups (Jenny, Minka) this instance he has been styled. He’s is currently on a Emmy campaign and has been in the us since forever. He followed lily months ago. Then these pics were specifically released to the dailymail (a UK based gossip site). And the paps just so happen to there at the right place and right time. Yeah they could be doing it but Chris is WAY more sneaky that this.
Anonymous said: LMAO. His staged pap walk got foiled by getting locked out of the hotel. How embarrassing. 😂😂 Chris Chris Chris don’t you know these stunts backfire?
Anonymous said: Seeing the pic of Stan at the yatch with the staff wearing masks and then seeing the pics of Chris with the employee of the hotel wearing a mask is practically a deja vú. I don't think this is good PR but of course people will run to defend him and ship them.
Anonymous said: Lily still share the house with her ex
Anonymous said: If this is PR it’s stupid and lazy. Another (British) Lily in an on again/off again relationship who will probably rekindle her romance with her ex in a few weeks. And, who runs his PR? Partying and implied hotel sex during a pandemic is not a good look. At least in Seb’s case, it looked like he was dating his girl. This looks like a hookup with a potential co-star. What, did they get tested just so they could sleep together (if that’s the narrative)?
Anonymous said: The photos where taken on Saturday night but are only been posted Monday afternoon.
Anonymous said: So can we wait for a pic of Dogder? If people calls out him on twitter, chances are there will be a new pic.
Anonymous said: I don't care if it's real or it's PR. It's stupid and reckless. He is travelling and walking maskless in the country in Europe with more deaths by covid and during a pandemic that killed more than 100.000 americans and thousands of people around the world. And yes, I am calling out Chris, as I am calling out people around me. Just because governments are putting less restrictions because of money and economy, doesn't mean we all should act as if nothig is happening.
Anonymous said: now I think that chris definelly follow women that he is interested and maybe slide in her dms
Anonymous said: Some people think they called the paps to put out an an official announcement about their relationship soon. Also, did Scott go with Chris to London? Or did he start following her after he saw the pap pics?
Anonymous said: **THANOS SNAP!** and the fandom's in a tailspin cuz he's done everything all at once! Travelled into a RECENTLY former pandemic "hotspot," "caught" with a "usual suspect (wht female, 30s, brunette, relationship status: complicated 😏)," pics framed like a pre-walk-of-shame (also that shitty site's M.O. - which had pics Fri but waited til Mon to release 😉), DAMN plebeian rules! = no mask or courtesy 2wk self-quarantine. So sensational...& stupid. Now: ASP who? But let's sit n sip together. 🕵🍿☕
Anonymous said: Guess ASP and serious smart guy image not his priority anymore. Rumors about dating his costars like in his twenties more interesting to his team. Sorry Megan but it’s not the right time for this bullshit.
Anonymous said: Also with it being a PR thing, surely this is not the Image he wants out there. Travelling to the UK, going to a party and hooking up all during a pandemic. I live in the UK and things are a mess here at the moment. I would not be heading out like that
Anonymous said: No masks, she was in DA with Michelle. He’s not normally one to get caught with a woman when he’s out with one (cause we know he’s no monk). Time will tell
Anonymous said: Gemma who?
Anonymous said: I mean considering in May she got back together with Matt Smith idk what to think. Also hook up fine but I don’t think this girl is moving to Boston having 4 kids and being his wife at home...I’m not taking this seriously.
Anonymous said: I just need to vent. So I apologize in advance but Chris is an idiot. I just saw the photos of him & Lily James that were allegedly taken friday on the Daily Mail site. And I am angry. Not because he is doing whatever with whoever but because he decides to go London & walk around without a mask, the day that all the pubs and clubs reopened. Like I said. He is an idiot. I truly thought he had more brains due to the fact that he was wearing one while he was in LA. Again, I'm sorry for the vent.
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jojoreadwhat · 5 years
how about forever? | g.d. x fem!reader
authors note: Hi! So this is going to be confusing! This piece isn’t new, before Tumblr I used to write on Wattpad about bands (The 1975, my account was sunphazed) but a lot of fan bases died on there and it got all confusing with formats and what not. So I’m moving some of my pieces to here, specially since I’m seeing a lot of mutuals! I hope you enjoy! (And I promise I’m working on borhap material!!!! Here’s some stuff to keep you on your toes!
Prompt: newlyweds fem!reader and George Daniel are renovating a new house and things get frisky
Mentions: none in particular
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, unprotected sex, strong language and lots of fluff and cuteness
Words: 2k+
Tumblr media
You nodded your head to the radio station playing tunes from when you were young. Singing along to nostalgia of summer afternoons. Enjoying in the sun and swirling with the light breeze. That caught a hold of the roses aligned in your yard. Smiling just a bright as the beam above. Feeling all forms of happiness dancing through your bones. Never finding another day like it since.
Until today as you stood in front a large wall, doused freshly in white. That same afternoon sun ricoheting around you, glistening off the gloss. The summer breeze tickling the loose hairs on your neck, as they escaped your messy ponytail. The roses being replaced with toxins from the paint that hit the brim of your nose. But still just as bittersweet. Feeling a different kind of happiness, as you've spent all morning painting the living room of your new home.
Since you were young, you always had the longing dreams of a big house. Right in the heart of the city you loved, unconditionally. Beautiful windows, bigger than you. Looking out to the pretty streets, decorated in all shades of brick and mortors. Covered and aligned with ginormous trees that arched above like a path to another world. That gave enough shade yet, lighting your rooms till golden hour. Holding little choirs of birds that soundtracked the walks of life outside yours.
Sighing, harmonizingly to Springsteen. You backed up a bit, admiring that the shadows were now completely covered and even. You were covered head to toe in specks on your lilac bralette and dark denim overalls, that were two sizes too big. Along your arms and legs, your hair and face and to the fingertips of your hands. With the only exception of one missed spot. The one under the two golden bands that relaxed on the fourth finger of your left hand. A heavenly reminder of your name change a month before it was signed to your lease next to your husband's, George Daniel.
"It's looking really good," George broke the silence between the song change , with his deep, thick accent. His big hands finding placement onto your waist, pulling you close to his broad chest and following a kiss to your temple.
You never thought your life would end up like it has. You had grounds set already, a good job, independence was your thing. Lovers were optional, a luxury, as all your necessities were taken care of.
One night, two and a half years back. Your perspective was completely changed. It was hilarious to you, still disbelief. How a little question of 'do you have a light?' turned into a flame that hasn't been put out. George became your lover, your friend, your person. Just in the knick of time where you thought you were completely fine with life. But no, that wasn't the case. George in your life has given more and then some. It was safe to say 'there's a reason for everything.' became a lot more than a plaque in your mother's sun room.
You relaxed into him, the back of your head meeting his shoulder and your free hand finding his tattooed cover arm. "You think so?" You replied, almost reassured.
You were never good at house improvements, it was one of the qualities you fell short of. You felt the slow jolt of George nodding, leaving you smile, impressed with your job well done.
That was until George had a better view of a foot above you.
"Hold on," He added then. Grabbing the roller from your hand, his large fingers moving to the rounding edge of your shoulder blade. As he leaned up behind you to roll away the shadow that made it's getaway. Some of the paint never made the spot and landed on you.
"Babe!" George exclaimed as the cold liquid hit your cheek.
You gasped, startled by the splash. Raising your hand to your face and looking up at George now. Biting his lip to subside a laughing fit.
"Funny?" You questioned, wiping your face with your hand. He smirked then, "A little bit."
You looked at the wet paint in your palm, "Are you sure about that?" Feeling your face warm as a devious smile curled upon your lips. Preparing for the stunt festering through your head. As George's perfectly structured face, pressed into confusion.
"Cause I think," You began, stepping closer and closing the space between. "That it would compliment your eyes." Before you pressed the paint to his face.
He chuckled, moving his large hand over yours that rested on his cheek. "Oh yeah?" He gritted through his smile, and you bit your lip knowing that it was on in seconds. Before you knew it, George raised the roller and you were able to slip through his grip. Shuffling to the other side of the room where the paint brushes were.
This went on for a few minutes, George's tall, towering figuration chasing you through the room. Laughs echoing throughout the room. Watching the paint fly and thanking whoever that created canvas covers for your furniture. It landed everywhere, triple coating the both of you. You knew it was probably leaving a mess, but you didn't care. This was your house, no landlord to explain yourself too. This was George and yours clean slate for a colorful beginning. A memory to be retold in years to come. Plus you couldn't beat the butterflies that danced in your stomach at the rhythm of George's contagious laugh.
You began to feel your legs weaken from the laps about the room. Causing George to catch up with you and grab ahold of your back pocket. Pulling you down to the canvas blanket covering the floor.
You laid on top of him, spinning around till you faced each other. Admiring him as he laid beneath you, meeting your gaze.
"You know, white really is a nice color on you." You repeated, watching George's lips curl. His golden brown curls bleached at the tips, fanned against the floor. Feeling his hand grazing the small of your back. You both were silent, just comfortable within each other.
George's chuckle warmed you. "You have paint in your hair." He mentioned, then. Moving the loose strands behind your ear. The sensation causing goosebumps as you pressed your cheek into his palm. Closing your eyes in reflex till they opened to the now rich browns and golds looking back at you. It was like you both sensed what was needed, release. Since you two had been so busy renovating.
George had your face still cupped in his hand as he brought you down. Meeting the softness of his lips. When you kissed George, that same sweet feeling swirled inside like it was your first. It almost felt rejuvenating to your body. The silk feeling traveled, as you adjusted yourself onto him. Straddling him now as he leaned up to you, reconnecting your lips and his hands found your waist. Yours fumbled with the hem of his shirt, silently asking permission to take it off. Pulling away for a second and the shirt landing across the way. Listening to the jingling sounds of the buttons of your overalls being disconnected and the warmth of back grazed with chill.
Your lips traveled all over George. From his mouth, to his sharp jaw and his neck. Soft grunts leaving his lips as the friction of your grinding raised havoc under his jeans. He was no better as he pulled at the lobe of your ear with his teeth, and a moan escaping your mouth. Soon, George's fingers found the skin under your bralette, removing it eagerly before he lied you down.
His mouth warming the stiff buds of breasts, one by one. Flicking, tracing over and around. Tugging at the sensitive skin and leaving you begging for him to devour the rest of you. George chuckled at your eagerness as you reached the waistband of his denim. Grabbing both of your wrists and pinning them above your head.
"Patience, baby girl." He whispered before he kissed you and continued to explore. You obliged as he left a trail of love bites and kisses over your jeans. Before you could even blink, your jeans were being taken off. And a coolness met the drench fabric left on your body, causing you to ache as the fire ignited throughout.
His long fingers traced the fabric over your lips. You watched him as he smirked at how wet you were. How you were at his mercy and you needed him and only him. "You're so wet, but I need a little more." He advised, continuing to trace and drive you mad.
George was never boring when it came to being intimate. He loved to tease, play games. He gave you the works, even if it meant you were practically begging for him.
"G-George, please." You called out, you were so far done with his tricks and he knew this. He tilted his head as he observed you, "Alright, but under one condition." You were skeptic on what he had in mind, but you couldn't wait any longer.
He stopped tracing for a second, "My way." He said, as his thumb pressed into the center of your folds and your head hit lightly against the wood floor gasping as he circled. Before you nodded, slowly and met his gaze.
"I want you on all fours. Now." He commanded, and you obeyed. You couldn't deny that this was your favorite side of George. So dominant and stern, yet so sensual at the touch.
Your backside was facing George in a crawling position. He stood up behind you, hearing the sounds of his belt and zipper undoing before they dropped to his ankles. You were excited, anticipation setting as your breathing was at a uncontrollable level. Curling your toes at the thought of his next move.
You looked back, catching George looking at you. His tall, broad figuration towering over you. Draped in gorgeous art along his build. His hard shaft almost ripping through his briefs. You were tempted to turn around and help him spring free,
"There's no time for play, baby." He interrupted your dirty mind, and you pouted a bit. But it washed away when he kneeled behind you, his hand meeting your calf, and spreading your legs to align between them.
"Oh!" escaped your lips when his fingers met your folds again. Beginning to feel his other bracing you as his lips ran up your back, meeting your neck.
You felt his member nearing your entrance, but lost focus when his lips kissed the skin below your ear. "Are you ready for me?" He asked, feeling him align the tip of his cock. Before you could finish saying yes, George had thrusted slowly into you. It pained just a bit, you've never gotten used to his size but you weren't complaining.
He was slow with you, in and out at a savoring pace. Leaving you a moaning mess. His hands caressing your body, George's moans fighting against yours. It was all fueling you even more aside from how he was making you feel.
You were finding yourself weak, almost close to leaning your face to floor when George pulled you back to his chest. Moving your arm around his neck, and giving him access to feel more of your body. Trembling at the knees. Shaking as the knot traveled throughout your body and your core. George's pace began to pick up as he knew you were both nearing. Thrusting up, hitting you spot generously as the back of your thighs rested on his legs.
"George, oh my god. George!" You moaned, breathlessly. His lips never left you. The intense feeling of his breath grazing and grunts vibrating your skin. "I love you baby." He said against your neck, his fingers finding their way to your clit and embedding figure eights.
"I love you too." You barely spoke, as you were feeling yourself clench around George's cock. Ecstasy overbearing your senses, as you whimpered his name over and over again as you came. George grabbed your hands as he came inside of you and his thrusts became sloppy and his breathing was erratic.
Still inside of you, George turned your face to his. Passionately kissing you, as you both came down from your orgasms. Steadying your breathing patterns, and locked in each other's embraces as he held you.
George brushed your hair back, before he kissed the edge of your jaw. "So," He began with a smirk, then. "Do you think we can paint my practice room?"
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