#i just thought it would be neat to have a masterlist for all of my photos as well
milksnake-tea · 10 hours
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✩ CHAPTER SUMMARY : When Sunday wakes up, the last thing he expects is to be in the middle of the Stellaron Hunters' infirmary.
✩ SERIES SYNOPSIS : Following the catastrophe of the Charmony Festival, rather than in one of Penacony's hospitals or prisons, Sunday awakens right in the base of one of the most notorious criminals in the galaxies. With nowhere else to go, he's left to follow you, the Stellaron Hunters' medic, in his attempts to become accustomed to his new life.
✩ WORD COUNT : 2.3k
✩ TAGLIST : @dr-felitas, @vxnuslogy, @https-mika
✩ ADDITIONAL NOTES : guys idk what im doing imma be so fr. BUT HEY !! we are here <33 also sunday has ocd and religious trauma so uh. be on the lookout for that lol. not beta read we die like sunday's mom
series masterlist || next chapter >>
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Beep. Beep. Beep.
Incessantly, it drones on, matching the repetitive beat of his heart. With his eyelids too heavy to lift, it’s all he can listen to - the whirring of a fan, the lub-dub in his chest, and, of course, the high-pitched beeping of the machine next to him. It’s maddening.
A pained grunt leaves him as he tries to move. His abdomen screams in anguish, the flesh feeling as though it’s about to be ripped apart by the seams. His lower wings are no better - cramped and crushed, they crumple against his body, cracks and pops sounding as he shifts.
It takes almost all his strength to squint his eyes open. His vision is blurry, disorientated, but he thinks he can see tiles.
Somewhere next to him, he hears wheels roll against clean floor tiles, and then the shuffling of cloth. Suddenly, a blinding light shines into his eyes. He immediately recoils, an unbecoming hiss escaping him.
“Reaction looks good, no cloudiness… You awake in there, birdie?”
Sunday squints out a glare, or well, he glares the best he can while having the sun in his face.
“Feisty. That’s good,” his company observes, but decides to take mercy on him anyway. Dark spots litter his vision as he blinks into reality, his eyes readjusting. 
The ceiling isn’t that outstanding, just the standard white tiles of any other hospital. There’s a curtain hanger in the corner of his eye, and other than that, he can’t see much else.
He tries to sit up again, but his arms, weakened by the fall, fail him. An arm catches and steadies him.
“Careful there. You’re still recovering from the fall.”
Sunday wearily looks over at who caught him. An unfamiliar face stares back. He’s mildly surprised - he knows every worker on Penacony by name, so to find someone he hadn’t met yet…
“How are you feeling?” they ask, helping him to sit up. “Dizzy? Pained? Ready to take another nap?”
He tries to focus on them, but can’t as his gaze wanders to the rest of the room. 
His earlier assessment proves to be accurate, or at least, he got the general idea right. It’s smaller than he originally thought, and it isn’t as neat and organized as the hospitals back on Penacony.
A doctor’s desk stands in one corner, covered in first-aid kits, notebooks, and holographic screens. Standing besides it is a mini-fridge and a microwave, and a cabinet looms overhead - likely containing more medical devices. There’s another bed other than his. It looks like it hasn't been used in months.
His gaze lands on the one thing that’s painfully out of place in this room - a rifle, dark, long and equipped with a bayonet, lying in a display case alongside many other firearms.
Figures. A wanted criminal of his magnitude wouldn’t be held in an esteemed hospital. He’s lucky he isn’t in a prison cell.
“I don’t…” Sunday shakes his head. “Where am I?”
“You’ll find out soon enough.”
Indignation sparks. “I’m… sorry?”
His captor caretaker sits back on their office chair. They look to be around Robin’s age, but their attire… To put it bluntly, it wasn’t anything a respectable healthcare worker would be caught wearing on duty.
“It’s best if you don’t ask too many questions right now,” they advise. “You can stress out later. Now, look at my finger.”
“I-” Reluctantly, Sunday does as he’s told, following their finger with his gaze as they move it around. “May I at least have your name?”
“Mm…” They quickly type something down. “Not right now.”
“Eat this.” Sunday nearly chokes as something’s shoved into his mouth mid-sentence. Spluttering, he eventually manages to chew, but it’s not without another heated (or at least, he hopes it’s heated) glare at the so-called doctor.
They raise a brow. “Don’t like sweets? That’s weird, could’ve sworn he said you did.”
He? Sunday pauses in his chewing. 
The person pokes his cheek, earning a squeak from the Halovian. “I can see your thoughts on your face, Birdie. You’ll meet him soon enough, just keep chewing.”
Weakly, Sunday’s wing bats at their finger. They chuckle lightly at that.
“You look like a kicked puppy.” They lean forward, resting their chin in their palm. “Does it still hurt?”
Sunday shifts to sit straighter. To his surprise, instead of sharp pain like before, there is only a dub ebb before it fades away entirely. He shakes his head, swallowing the rest of the medicine. Whatever it was left a distinct taste of pastries, like the ones he’d steal off Robin’s plate as a child.
Robin… The thought of his sister tears at his heart. The more coherent he becomes, the more he remembers, and the guiltier he feels. The last he’d seen of his sister was her wings as she embraced him for the first time in years, right before they’d plummeted to the ground.
“My sister,” he manages to croak out, wincing at his own hoarseness. “Is she alright?”
He searches the other’s face for any indication that she isn’t. Just the wrong twitch of the brow could send him rushing out of the bed and to wherever Robin was.
But he doesn’t find anything in that eerily calm smile.
“The pop star?” They cross their legs leisurely. “Should be. Kafka said she saw nurses when she picked you up.”
“Kafka,” Sunday repeats. Horror slowly dawns on him as he realizes where he’d heard the name. But it doesn’t last long before he forces on a smile once more. “You don’t mean Kafka, the Stellaron Hunter? The woman with a 10 billion credit bounty on her head?”
“11 billion actually, if you round it up.”
“...yes, thank you.” Sunday’s smile strains painfully against his face. He’s never wanted to throttle someone so badly, not even that despicable Aventurine of the IPC. But knowing just who sat in front of him, it’s a battle he can’t win.
He takes in a deep, shuddering breath to calm himself.
He almost wants to laugh. It’s ironic, isn’t it? The esteemed Oak Family Head, fallen from grace and saved from eternal damnation by one of the most infamous criminals the galaxies have ever known. If his younger self could see him now, he’d surely kill himself from the shock.
Sunday blinks tiredly. Maybe he should just kill himself now, and get it over with.
“Hey.” A pen tilts his chin up. The Stellaron Hunter offers him a reassuring grin that does little to ease his nerves. “Chin up. Think of it this way. If we wanted to hurt you, we would’ve. But we fixed you up instead. My services don’t exactly come for cheap, you know.”
“Then what do you people want?” Sunday chuckles depressingly, almost self-deprecatingly. “My position as Oak Family Head is no more, and the Harmony has surely turned their back on me. Unless you wish to trade me into the IPC for a bounty, I’m afraid I have very little use to you.”
Logically, he knows he needs to keep his mouth shut - his life lies in the hands of these criminals, and the last thing he needs is them thinking that he’s useless. But he can hardly bring himself to care anymore.
“Look, I don’t question Elio.” His wings twitch at the name of the infamous slave to destiny. “But he’s never been wrong before. He brought you here for a reason.”
Sunday looks up. Given the expression on your face, he must look pathetic. You reach over and pat him lightly on the head like a parent would their child.
“Like I said, don’t question too many things right now.” You stand up, quickly checking your wristwatch. “Elio will be here in a few minutes. As for me, I have something to attend to, so I’ll see you around.”
Sunday’s hands freeze. A few minutes?
That’s not nearly enough time.
His hands find his cuffs, and he readjusts them, over and over and over again until the metal link gleams just right and there are no wrinkles left in sight. He pats down his suit hurriedly, straightening out his lapel and brushing off his shoulders again and again before they’re finally weightless. His gloves are pulled tight against his fingers. The medallion that hangs off of his shoulder, he positions it once more to be sure. Then, just when he thinks he’s done, his gloved hand brushes against a lock of grey hair, and he remembers-
He’d just woken up. He must look disheveled, messy, dirty and unsightly and nothing like the Sunday of the Oak Family that he was supposed to be, and if he wasn’t what they expected, they’d surely kill him, or dispose of him, or-
He looks up. You’re seconds away from the door.
“Wait!” he calls out hurriedly, inwardly cursing himself for his haste, but he needs to make sure he is perfect. His voice evens as you turn. “My apologies. Do you happen to have a mirror around here? And… a hairbrush, if you don’t mind.”
You blink. Sunday’s heart pounds as he awaits your answer. Subconsciously, his fingers begin to fidget and dig into his palms. Was that too much of a request? Had he overstepped?
“So that’s why he told me to bring them,” you comment offhandedly, as if remembering a past conversation that had made no sense until this moment. “Yeah, just a sec.”
You open one of the drawers by the desk and rummage around a bit before taking out a handheld mirror and a hairbrush. Your shoes clicked against the floor tiles as you made your way back to Sunday’s side.
Sunday has to fight demons just to stop himself from snatching the hairbrush from you. Small tremors shake his hand as he takes it from your palm. He moves to take the mirror.
“Let me do it,” you interrupt, sitting down and holding the mirror up so that he can see himself. Sunday stills, before he smiles in appreciation.
“Thank you,” he whispers, although he’s not sure why. 
Seeing his reflection, admittedly, he doesn’t look as bad as he’d originally thought. But still, his hair is messier than normal, and that’s all it takes for the voices to scream imperfect and unsightly.
His eyes flick to you. You only watch him with mild interest at best, but it feels as though your eyes are piercing into his soul, scrutinizing and judging every bit of him. 
He digs his fingers into his palms, the mild pain grounding him. Then, he begins to brush.
The silence is deafening, but Sunday forces himself to ignore it. Meticulous and steadily controlled strokes and brushes gradually bring his hair back to the casual, yet elegant and put-together style it was usually in, and Sunday feels a weight lift from his chest.
“Did they give you any medication back on Penacony?” you ask suddenly. Sunday freezes.
“I’m… sorry?”
You tilt your head. “I’m just asking as a precaution, because sometimes we get Hunters who need these medications and can’t access them due to well...”
Ah. Sunday relaxes. Right, of course. You were just doing your job. You didn’t actually think there was anything wrong with him, that he was ailed.
“No, they did not,” he says pleasantly, finishing the final (excessive) touches to his hair. “Although I do appreciate the concern, there would be no need even if I did require such assistance. I have no intention of joining you all.”
You squint a bit at his answer, but don’t press. “You’re pretty prideful, aren’t you.”
“As is everyone.” Sunday sets down the hairbrush, pleased at last with his appearance. “Believe me, no matter how far you think me to have fallen, I will never stoop as low as to accept charity from the likes of you.”
A snort tests his patience, his eye twitching at the sound. You lower the mirror with a smile he can only describe as both infuriating and unnerving, as if he were a naive, overconfident child.
“That’s a lot of talk for someone who’s just become the Family’s number one enemy,” you snicker. “Where else are you turning to? The IPC? Pfft, good luck with that.”
“Where else but Penacony?” The corners of his eyes crinkle as he leers bitterly at you. “I am but a sinner, and as such I must face my punishment, whether it be eternal imprisonment or death.”
“That’s it?” You scoff. “You’re just going to accept your fate, just like that?”
Sunday closes his eyes. “Better to face a rightful punishment than to live as a criminal.”
He anticipates a scathing reply, but your conversation is interrupted by a creak of the door.
A cat? His eyes snap open. 
Standing in the now-opened doorway was a lithe black cat with yellow-green eyes that glow like fireflies. It licks its paw innocently, rubbing its head before it settles its gaze on you and Sunday.
A chill goes down Sunday’s back as they lock eyes. Under that cat’s eyes, he feels raw and exposed, as if someone had ripped him and all of his secrets wide open for the world to see. Instinctively his wings flare in a feeble attempt to defend himself.
“Well, that’s my cue.” The wheels on your chair roll as you stood up once more. “I’ll see you around, princess.”
“Do not call me that,” Sunday snarls. You laugh lightly.
“Don’t like it? I think it fits you pretty well.” You reach down, scratching the cat’s chin before respectfully moving out of the way. “Oh, and one more thing before I go.”
You turn around to give him one more lookover.
“Do try and stretch those wings more. Keep them cramped up like that any longer, and you’ll never fly again.”
With that, you shut the door, leaving Sunday alone with the cat and the eerie echo of your words.
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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natsgrave · 1 day
THE MANUSCRIPT | wanda maximoff
The only thing that's left is the manuscript. One last souvenir from my trip to your shores. Now and then I reread the manuscript but the story isn't mine anymore. i do not give permission for my work to be copied or translated on other sites. plagiarism is a crime!! masterlist
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It was a serene Saturday afternoon, and Y/N and Wanda were cozily ensconced in their favorite spot in the living room. The fireplace crackled softly, casting a warm glow over the room. They were wrapped in a shared blanket on the couch, Wanda's head resting on Y/N's shoulder, a feeling of contentment enveloping them.
"Y/N," Wanda began softly, breaking the comfortable silence. "Have you ever thought about what our wedding would be like?"
Y/N smiled, tilting her head to look at Wanda. "All the time. What about you? What do you imagine?"
Wanda's eyes sparkled with excitement as she shifted to face Y/N fully. "I've always dreamed of an outdoor wedding. Somewhere surrounded by nature, maybe a beautiful garden or a vineyard. Lots of flowers, twinkling fairy lights, and the sun setting in the background."
Y/N nodded, picturing the scene vividly. "That sounds perfect. I can see you walking down the aisle, looking stunning in a dress that flows with the breeze. I'd be waiting for you at the altar, feeling like the luckiest person in the world."
Wanda blushed slightly, her smile widening. "And what about the ceremony? How do you see it?"
"I think it should be intimate," Y/N said thoughtfully. "Just our closest friends and family. I want it to feel personal and meaningful. We could write our own vows, speaking from the heart about our journey and our love for each other."
Wanda's eyes misted over at the thought. "I love that idea. Our own vows, spoken with all the emotion and memories we've shared. It would make the moment even more special."
Y/N reached out, taking Wanda's hand in hers. "And after the ceremony, we could have a reception under the stars. A big tent with fairy lights, good music, and delicious food. Lots of dancing, laughter, and love filling the air."
Wanda squeezed Y/N's hand, her heart swelling with happiness. "Yes, and we could have a dance floor set up in the middle of the garden. Our first dance as a married couple would be to our favorite song, something that means a lot to both of us."
Y/N grinned. "Maybe 'Can't Help Falling in Love'? It's timeless and beautiful, just like you."
Wanda's cheeks flushed with warmth. "I love that song. It would be perfect for our first dance." ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
Y/N stood in the middle of the sprawling garden, taking a deep breath as she surveyed the space. This was where their dream would come to life, where Wanda's vision of a perfect wedding would unfold. The garden was a beautiful, verdant expanse, with lush greenery and vibrant flowers blooming everywhere. It was a picturesque setting, and Y/N could already see the transformation beginning in her mind.
The first step was to ensure the area was properly prepared. She had spent weeks coordinating with a team of landscapers and gardeners, making sure every detail was perfect. The grass was meticulously trimmed, and the flowerbeds were overflowing with colorful blooms. There were roses, lilies, daisies, and tulips, each chosen for their vibrant colors and sweet fragrances. The garden's natural beauty would serve as the perfect backdrop for Wanda's special day.
Next, Y/N focused on the seating arrangements. She wanted to create an intimate yet elegant setting for their guests. She decided on wooden chairs with white cushions, arranged in neat rows facing a beautiful archway covered in flowers. She enlisted the help of a skilled florist who spent hours weaving flowers and greenery into the arch, making it a stunning focal point.
As she supervised the setup, Y/N couldn't help but smile, thinking about how Wanda's eyes would light up when she saw everything. She knew how much this day meant to her, and she was determined to make it perfect. The ceremony area was taking shape beautifully, but there was still so much more to do.
Moving on to the reception area, Y/N envisioned a large tent set up in the middle of the garden. The tent would be draped with white fabric, creating a soft, romantic atmosphere. She worked closely with the rental company to ensure the tent was spacious and elegant, with enough room for dining, dancing, and mingling.
Inside the tent, Y/N decided on round tables covered with crisp white linens. She chose centerpieces of wildflowers arranged in mason jars, adding a touch of rustic charm. Each table was set with fine china, polished silverware, and crystal glasses, creating a beautiful contrast with the natural setting. Small, flickering candles were placed around the centerpieces, adding a warm and inviting glow.
The dance floor was another important aspect of the reception. Y/N envisioned a wooden dance floor under the stars, surrounded by twinkling fairy lights. She spent hours stringing the lights across the garden, ensuring they were evenly spaced and would create a magical atmosphere once the sun set. The lights would not only illuminate the dance floor but also add a whimsical touch to the entire area.
Y/N also arranged for a small stage where the band would play. She and Wanda had chosen a local band known for their ability to set the perfect mood, from soft, romantic ballads to lively dance numbers. The stage was decorated with more flowers and lights, blending seamlessly with the overall theme.
The food and drink were carefully selected to match the garden setting. Y/N worked with a caterer to design a menu featuring fresh, seasonal ingredients. There would be a variety of appetizers, a sumptuous main course, and a selection of decadent desserts. A long wooden bar was set up at one end of the tent, stocked with fine wines, craft beers, and signature cocktails. Bartenders were instructed to create custom drinks that reflected Wanda's tastes, adding a personal touch to the celebration.
Finally, Y/N turned her attention to the smaller details that would make the day truly special. She designed a welcome sign made from reclaimed wood, with elegant calligraphy welcoming guests to their wedding. She also created personalized wedding favors-small potted succulents with tags that read, "Let love grow." These would be placed at each table setting, giving guests a beautiful and lasting memento of the day.
The final touches were in place. The garden was a vision of beauty, filled with vibrant flowers, twinkling lights, and elegantly set tables. Y/N stood at the entrance, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She hoped that Wanda would love what she had done, even though the day wasn't exactly what she had envisioned for them both.
As Y/N took a deep breath, she felt a presence beside her. It was Natasha, one of Wanda's closest friends and someone who had been a rock for both of them through the planning process.
"Hey, Y/N," Natasha said softly, her voice filled with warmth. "You did a really great job with everything. It's absolutely beautiful."
Y/N turned to her, a grateful smile spreading across her face. "Thanks, Nat. That means a lot coming from you. I just wanted everything to be perfect for her."
Natasha nodded, her expression thoughtful. "It is perfect. Wanda is going to love it. You've put so much heart into this, and it shows."
Y/N looked down, her hands trembling slightly. "I just want her to be happy."
As the music started to play softly, signaling that the ceremony was about to begin, Natasha gave Y/N one last encouraging smile. "Are you ready?"
Y/N took a deep breath, her heart aching but resolute. "Yeah, I'm ready."
Natasha gave her one final squeeze before walking towards the seating area, leaving Y/N standing at the entrance. She watched as the guests took their places, the garden filling with an air of anticipation and excitement.
And then she saw her— Wanda, looking breathtakingly beautiful in her wedding dress, her eyes sparkling with happiness taking in the beauty of the garden and the thoughtful details that Y/N had put into making her dream a reality. Wanda's gaze found Y/N's, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Wanda's eyes softened, and she mouthed, "Thank you," her expression filled with gratitude and love.
Y/N managed a bittersweet smile, nodding slightly as she mouthed back, "You're welcome."
As the wedding march began to play, Wanda turned and started her walk down the aisle towards her groom, Vision. Y/N's heart clenched as she watched Wanda move gracefully, every step taking her further away from the dreams they had once shared.
Y/N found a spot at the back, where she could quietly watch the ceremony without drawing attention. She saw the joy in Wanda's eyes, the love between her and Vision palpable. It was a beautiful ceremony, filled with heartfelt vows and tender moments.
As Wanda and Vision exchanged rings and sealed their union with a kiss, Y/N couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They flowed freely down her cheeks, a mix of sadness and acceptance. She was happy for Wanda, truly, but the ache in her heart was undeniable.
Natasha found her after the ceremony, pulling her into a comforting hug. "You did great, Y/N. It's okay to feel what you're feeling. Just remember, you're stronger than you think." Natasha placed a reassuring hand on Y/N's shoulder. "You're incredibly strong for doing this, Y/N. Letting Wanda go and still making sure her day is perfect— it takes a lot of courage and selflessness."
Y/N sighed, her eyes glistening with tears. "I just… I love her so much. I want her to have everything she's ever dreamed of, even if it means I'm not the one standing beside her."
Natasha gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Wanda is lucky to have someone like you in her life. And remember, you're strong enough to get through this. You've shown that already."
Y/N nodded, wiping her tears away. "Thanks, Nat. I needed to hear that. I just… I need a moment."
Natasha gave her a reassuring pat on the back before heading back to join the other guests. Y/N took a deep breath, looking around the garden one last time. She had poured her heart into this place, for Wanda's happiness, and that was something she could be proud of.
As she walked away, leaving the newlyweds to their joy, Y/N felt a sense of closure. She had given her all, and now it was time to find her own path, her own happiness. The garden, with its beauty and memories, would always be a testament to the love she had for Wanda, a love that was selfless and true.
Ans now, the only thing that's left is the manuscript. Now and then Y/N reread the manuscript, but the story isn't hers anymore.
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hi, everyone! i hope you like this one, i really don't know how to feel about this... i hope this is good enough and reblog is highly appreciated!
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hyuckilstan · 6 months
Darling - P.Sh
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Pairing! — husband!Seonghwa x afab!reader
Genre! — fluffy smut
Summary! — seonghwa just cant wait to start a cute family with you :(
Warnings! — impregnation, breeding kink(cause c’mon its Hwa), the whole thing is sweet, its love making, praise, hwa calls reader darling a lot, dirty talk
Wc! — 1.8k+ words
a/n! — this was requested so I hope you like it
It was your usual Thursday evening, waiting for your very successful and busy husband to come home from work and fuck your brains out.
He usually got off early on Thursday so he always makes sure that he pays full attention on you when he gets home.
Today though, it seems that he is coming home later than he usually does, you don’t mind, of course, you know Seonghwa is a busy man with many responsibilities.
When you hear the sound of the door being unlocked you quickly jump up from your seat to give your husband a warm welcome.
He smiles back when he sees you and you smile, helping him to take off his coat and hanging it for him, “Thank you baby,” he says cupping your face and leaning down to kiss you and you happily return his kiss.
He walks to your shared bedroom to take a shower and now this time you’re waiting for your highly anticipated evening on the bed as you scroll through your phone.
When he walks out of the shower, you think you want the sight of Seonghwa with a towel loosely draped around his hips, abs glistening with small water droplets and damp hair that falls over his forehead which he usually combs back in a neat hairstyle to be imprinted in your head forever.
Seonghwa chuckles when he sees you staring, he then sits beside you, handing you a towel. You nod and shift to start drying his hair after putting your phone aside.
He hums, obviously relaxed from all the work stress, “This is nice, I missed you so much darling,” he says, “I missed you too Hwa, the house feels lonely without you.”
“I would get you a pet, but I have a feeling I wouldn’t like the thought of you paying attention to something else,” he jokes and you laugh, Seonghwa was always one to act rather possessive at times.
Once you’re done drying his hair, you put the towel away in the bathroom, when you get back to the bedroom, your husband is already staring at you with loving and lustful eyes.
“Come here,” he says, patting his lap and you walk over to him and he immediately pulls you by the wrist once you’re in his reach so that you are now sitting on his lap.
“Have you eaten?” you ask him when it gets too quiet and the tension is too strong for your brain to function properly, he shakes his head and smiles, kissing you on your temple.
“I’m craving something though,” he whispers in your ear, you feel like your whole body is heating up, especially when you start to notice Seonghwa’s bulge below you.
“What is it?” you probably sound so weak and defenseless right now, but he loves it.
“I’m craving for you darling, will you help me satisfy my hunger?” he asks oh so sweetly, you feel like you’re a prey and that he has cornered you but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Once Seonghwa gets a little nod of affirmation from you, he delivers you a brief smirk and before you know it, he has already pinned you down on the bed, with his hands securing your wrists above your head.
A whimper leaves your mouth and he coos at you, “You’re so precious my darling, it makes me want to ruin you,” he kisses your neck and collarbones, then eventually kisses you passionately on your lips.
As he continues to kiss you all over your body, his hands snake under your shorts, cupping your heat, “You’re fucking wet darling, is it for me?” what a rhetorical question.
“Y-yes, only for you Hwa, only for you” your breath becomes hitched when he starts rubbing your clit after collecting your essence with his fingers, “I’m rock hard baby, only for you~” he repeats your own words to tease you.
His hand slides down from your clit to your hole, “I bet I can slip my fingers in you easily, maybe even my cock,” he whispers next to your ear, kissing along your jaw shortly after, “Should I test it out?”
When you whine out, Seonghwa takes it as a yes and easily slips two fingers in you, he hums in satisfaction when he proves his theory right, smirking at you while seeing your face filled with pleasure and ecstasy.
He slowly fucks his fingers into you, then sets it at a faster pace, resulting in you turning into a whining state. Seonghwa huffs out a laugh at your cuteness, he loves when you’re like this, his wife presented right in front of him, just for him.
“Fuck baby, I just have to be in you,” he says, “Please Hwa, I want you to fuck me,” you plead, and how could he say no, his sweet sweet wife was begging him to get fucked.
He makes haste to take off your shorts and shirt, he firsts admires you before progressing to take off your remaining under garments. You feel like his hands that are all over your body are making your body more hot.
He caresses you with love and passion, he’s calm, perhaps too calm for your liking given that your heart feels like its going to jump out of your chest, but then it is when he pulls away that you know the reason to why he's not in a hurry anymore.
You look at him with questioning eyes which makes him smile. He cups your cheeks, his thumb is circling your skin gently, “Well there’s been something that has my mind occupied as of late, but I’m not sure if you feel the same,” he tells you.
You tell him to go on, he doesn’t say anything though, he’s back to kissing you on your lips, his hand sliding up your breast to grope it, it makes you sigh in the kiss. You’re sure you can feel his smile against his lips.
For a second, you had the assumption that Seonghwa simply decided to not say what he was about to so you also chose to ignore it. Then he started kissing along your jawline, continuing his words, “Darling, what would you think of starting a family with me?” he whispers below your ear, it takes just a second for goosebumps to appear all over your skin.
You wouldn’t say it is in a bad way, rather, in a way that gets you excited, Seonghwa wants to start a family with you. That sentence rings in your head and you don’t even realize that he is waiting for your response.
When you snap out of it, your hands are in Seonghwa’s hair, tugging his hair. That already assures Seonghwa, but you answer him anyway, “As long as you promise to fuck the shit out of me,” you giggle and Seonghwa also huffs out a laugh.
He kisses your lips again for a brief moment, he’s back at smiling at you, its so warm, it makes you fall in love with Seonghwa all over again, he’s just graceful in every way; makes you wonder how you were lucky enough to marry him.
He starts lining his cock against your entrance, first rubbing it along your sex to collect your wetness, he finally prods the tip of his cock to your entrance, slowly pushing it in.
As he’s entering your hole, he takes you in his arms, holding you tightly and you both moan out, almost breathless. He stays like that for a while, caressing your face, kissing you there, his slim fingers are brushing your hair, it couldn’t get any more intimate while your husband is making love to you.
When he’s pushed all the way in, you clench around him, that makes Seonghwa groan out, then he suddenly pulls back to push back all the way in. It makes you wrap around him tightly, your nails digging in his back.
You can hear your husband's heavy breaths, its mixed with your whimpers when he starts fucking into you, rolling his hips skillfully, also pulling your hips against his.
He swallows your moans when he kisses you, he’s whispering all types of sweet words in your ear, all the more reminders that tell you that you fell in love with the right person.
“My darling likes being filled full of my cock, don’t you?” he says with a small smirk on his face and you nod gingerly
Seonghwa pulls away from holding you. He puts your legs above your shoulders, then pins your hands above your head securely with one of his hands, he continues to pound into you, the new position allowing him more access to thrust into you deeper.
Your whimpering and squirming only turns your husband more and he picks up his pace, peppering you with kisses all over and he whispers sweet nothings into your ear, “My darling is so pretty like this, all fucked up for me,” he groans in your ears.
Seonghwa wouldn’t admit it openly, but he has always thought of filling you with his cum until it flowed out of you, to see you pregnant so that everyone knows that he fucked his cum into you, it was the possessive thought that made him feel that way.
Now you’re lying under him, willingly giving him teh pleasure to do all of that, “Fuck baby, I can’t wait to see you all full of my cum, of my baby so that everyone knows you’re mine.”
Your moans fill up the room as Seonghwa whispers just the things he knows that would make you go crazy, so that your thoughts are filled with him and him only, he loves you so much and he makes sure you know it with every word and good fuck he delivers to you.
You let the pleasure take you, the pleasure that Seonghwa gives you and which he loves to until it starts forming a familiar feeling of overwhelming pleasure and your husband could tell, it was quite hard to miss when he felt you clench around him again, momentarily stopping his thrusts with the sudden action.
“Baby, if you clench around me like that I won’t last long,” he tells you right before licking your lips as he starts to kiss you again his words doesn’t help and before you know it, you’re coming while he’s deep into you.
Once Seonghwa realizes that you have gone into your blissful orgasm, he fucks into faster, harder, deeper, his arms are still holding you tightly into place, but this time by your hips while you shudder in pleasure.
Seonghwa’s heavy breaths can be heard when he finally empties into you, his warm release filling you up, he pulls away, staring at your exhausted body for a while.
His eyes avert from your own to your cum filled hole, Seonghwa clicks his tongue before bending back down to kiss over your collarbone, “Cum is flowing out of you darling..” he calmly states in a raspy voice.
A gasp leaves you when he pushes his fingers into your abused hole, pushing his release back into you, “We can’t have that can we?” he hums in question.
Seonghwa smiles at you, caressing your face gently, like he always has, “You did so well for me my love,” he tells you and you hum, pulling him into a hug.
Your husband holds you close as nonetheless you wrap your arms around him tightly, he does the same, almost as if he’s afraid to let you go. He kisses your forehead without saying anything, not like there is anything to be said
“You’re going to be a great mother darling,” he said, a smile spreads across your face, knowing that you might be able to give Seonghwa what he always wants give you happiness, and the fact that he wants to experience having a family with you was a huge next step.
“You’re also going to be a great mother Hwa,” Seonghwa laughs at your joke, he’s aware that sometimes he might give off a mother energy or title rather than a father’s but he’s okay with that though
As long as he gets to experience that with you.
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Taglist!— @yeo-hehet , @hwanchaesong , @enivivs , @alphadisaster , @zen626 , @whatudowhennooneseesyou , @amangooo , @riboism (feel free to inform me if I had forgotten to add you or you wanted to be added in the taglist!)
I'm Going through my taglist right now and since I haven't been here for a long looooong time, if there's anyone who got left out please do inform me
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©hyuckilstan 2023. All rights reserved.
900 notes · View notes
myfictionaldreams · 10 months
You're Mine, Sweetheart // Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Eddie Munson loved many things but above all else, he loved teasing you, especially when it was so easy to do. All day he had been whispering into your ear and giving lingering touches and now, you were ready for him to do whatever he wanted to you.
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, dom/sub, dirty talk, pet names, teasing (LOTS), begging, sir kink, praise kink, panty kink/panty sniffing, discussion of past sex, restraints, polaroids, Eddie has an obsession with your smell and taste :), cum swallowing, blowjob, fingering, rough sex, pussy slapping, possessive behaviour, overstimulation, biting
Words: 6.6k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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It wasn’t a frequent event where you’d have to sleep by yourself, without your boyfriend wrapped around your body giving you warmth and comfort. Tonight unfortunately was one of those nights where you were tossing and turning, trying to find the same comfort that Eddie gave you, even positioning your pillows so that it may feel like him against your back but to no avail as you watched the hours slowly tick by on your alarm clock.
Eddie had a late-night gig at the hideout and your family had wanted to have a games night with even the extended family coming over so it wasn’t something you could sneak your way out of. By the time your family were in bed and Eddie was packing up his equipment, it would have been too late for him to come and pick you up and both decided like sensible adults to just meet the following day which also happened to be the weekly arcade meet up with all of your friends so that was something else to look forward to.
Now however, as the sun began to welcome the day,  you were dreading the idea of having to leave your bed and gain the energy to go to the arcade and hang with friends. Eddie, yes you wanted to see, but your social battery was already low and you’d hardly even started. As slumber was just about to consume your body, you were abruptly disturbed by your mom shouting up the stairs, “Darling, the phone!”.
With a pained grunt, you rolled out of bed, stumbling out of your room and down the stairs, not even bothering to open your eyes as you’d grown up in this house and could walk around it without looking. Knowing your mom had left the phone resting on top of the holder, you reached blindly for it and rested it against your face.
“Hello?”, your voice was croaky and thick with sleep, not that you cared though as you held the phone between your ear and shoulder so that you could rub the sleep out of your eyes.
A deep chuckle welcomed you on the other end of the line and immediately your entire body felt rejuvenated, a smile blooming across your lips. Your eyes opened but only to check your parents were anywhere close by as you began to nervously twist and play with the phone cable. “You sound just as tired as I feel, Sweetheart”, Eddie remarked but you could sense his happiness through his tone.
“Hey you”, your sleepy voice suddenly sounded light and flirtatious, “couldn’t sleep either?”.
Your boyfriend released an exacerbated sigh, followed by a soft known where you knew he’d rested his head back against the wall. “Nope, not a single second, missed you too much”.
His casual declaration for missing you, always so open about his feelings, made your heart thump harder in your chest like it was going to beat so hard your ribs would break. There was just something about knowing that he was as attached to you as you were to him.
“I missed you too. How was the gig?”, You bit your lip as he began to talk, it felt like you’d swallowed hundreds of little butterflies with the tumbling nerves floating in your stomach which always seemed to happen when talking to Eddie, he had you hooked beyond a reasonable doubt.
“It was fucking awesome! I nailed the solo, you know, the one I’ve been practising all week? Even got a well-done head nod from a couple of the locals which I thought was pretty neat”.
Your smile spread to a full grin hearing his passion as you praised him for doing so well, “That’s amazing Eddie! I wish I was there to see it, I’m sorry again that I wasn't, you know I would always come to support you if I could”.
“It’s no worries, Sweetheart, I only would have been distracted by you in the crowd like I always am. Especially when you start jumping up and down in those corroded coffin shirts”. The apples of your cheeks warmed as you glanced over your shoulder to double-check check your parents weren’t within earshot. When you and Eddie had begun to date, he gave you a corroded coffin shirt which was just a cheap white shirt with the name scribbled in a black sharpie so you redesigned it slightly and cut the sleeves and around the neckline so that the tops of your cleavage would be exposed.
When you didn’t respond to Eddie, he continued, the pitch of his voice lowering to the way that he usually used when he was whispering in your ear to get you in a certain mood. “Want to know a secret?”
“Yes”, you reply with an only just audibly heard response as your tongue suddenly feels heavy and thick in your mouth as you wait in anticipation for what he has to tell you.
“Do you remember those Polaroids we took a couple of weeks ago? The ones when we skipped school and hid in my van?”
Your cunt instantaneously pulse in sudden arousal at the reminder of those explicitly scandalous pictures from the time he’d convinced you to both skip school after spending most of the day whispering sweet nothings into your ear and getting you so riled up that you were practically begging him to tie you up in the back of his van and fuck you. So of course, he did just that: he had to take a pretty picture to remind him of the sight of you at his mercy.
“Princess?” Eddie asked when you once again didn’t reply.
“Sorry, yeah I remember those”.
“Good. Because it slipped my mind that I’d hidden a few of them in my guitar case so what a happy surprise for me when right before I went on stage, I found the Polaroid beneath my guitar. The one where your arms and legs are tied together with my cock buried into that pretty pussy of yours”.
You had to bite your lip to hold back the moan threatening to burst from you as you also had to lean against the wall due to your knees trembling as slickness gathered between your legs.
Eddie continued, “I had to go on stage with a fucking hard-on - luckily the guitar covered it but, as I looked out and couldn’t see you, all I could think about last night were your perfect tits, bouncing up and down- god I miss them!” he groaned deeply. “Want to know how bad it got? At the end of the gig I had to run to the bathroom and jerk off before I creamed in my pants like a fucking teenager”.
You were absentmindedly rubbing your thighs together to try and ease the ache and need that had settled through your core, your nipples pebbling beneath your shirt and rubbing against the material.
“And then”, Eddie continued, “oh… well I can always tell you what I did when I got back home when I see you later, how does that sound Princess?”
“Good”, you say breathlessly.
“Good, what?” Eddie encouraged.
“Good sir”, your entire body heated now with embarrassment, quickly remembering where you were so you glanced over your shoulders to check that your parents hadn’t suddenly appeared but thankfully they were still in the kitchen and couldn’t hear.
“That’s my girl”, his voice once again spiked arousal straight between your legs and you were sure that if in person you’d be begging for him to touch you, pleasure you until you couldn’t remember your name. “What time should I pick you up?” Eddie asked, casually snapping you out of your erotic thoughts and changing the subject completely.
Shaking your head to try and clear your mind, you contemplated for a moment, “Um, I could be ready in 30 minutes so whenever you’d like, no rush or anything, I don’t think we’re meeting anyone until midday anyway”.
“I’ll pick you up in 30 minutes”, were his last words before he hung up, no doubt in a rush to come and pick you up which then meant you also had to rush but you were almost giddy with excitement.
Washing was a simple task but staring at your wardrobe felt like an endless journey. Do you wear jeans or a skirt? Do you go casual or dressy? Pink or blue? You were able to give up and lie on the bed when a blue, knee-length dress caught your eye. It was simple, floaty thin material that wasn’t too over the top but pleasant enough to meet out with friends. Especially as it matched your Converse and jacket, you were happy and had enough time to apply a light sprinkling of make-up but not too much as Eddie always preferred you more naturally than all dolled up.
Looking at yourself once last time, you moved downstairs to wait for your boyfriend, having 2 minutes to quickly pick up a slice of toast before the tale tell rattle and bang from his van were heard through the open window. Quickly pecking both of your parents’ cheeks, you ran to the door, not stopping with your swift pace until you were colliding with a solid chest.
“Woah, hey Sweetheart”, Eddie laughed, cradling the back of your head and shoulders as you nuzzled into his plain black shirt, breathing in his scents of the recently smoked cigarette, leather jacket and cheap deodorant but under all of that was the lemon from his shampoo.
“Hey!” You couldn’t help but beam up at him, looking like a love-sick puppy but happy to see that he was giving you the same look as he dipped his lips to steal a kiss from your lips. You checked him over unsubtly, from his ripped baggy black jeans to the loosely done ponytail that already had a few curls escaping.
Your boyfriend was doing the same check as you as his chocolate eyes roamed over your outfit, focusing slightly for a second as he licked his lips and then snapping out of whatever he’d just remembered. Leaning over, you thought he was going to kiss you again but instead, he took a hefty bite out of your slice of toast before asking “Ready?”
Nodding your head, Eddie happily helped you into the van to be his passenger princess before climbing in himself. The two of you drove around for a while as you both caught up with each other's time without the other, no mention of Polaroids or whatever it was that Eddie did after returning home. 
Even though it has been less than 24 hours since you saw him last, the conversation seemed to flow endlessly as you sat happily next to him, admiring his dimpled grin and exaggerated expressions with his hands as he told you about Gareth locking himself out of his car. 
You laughed and casually leaned your head against his shoulder as he began to drive in the direction of the arcade. Eddie's hand gently landed on your covered thigh, stroking his thumb in comforting circles over the thin material. “Do you remember the last time you wore this dress?” He asks casually before kissing your temple whilst keeping his eyes on the road.
Your face set in concentration as you looked down at the dress, like it could spark a memory for you but it didn’t so you shook your head no, expecting him to say something cute like you wore it for your first date or something; he always had a good memory on these sorts of things.
As you were staring at the road, you weren’t able to see the corner of his lips quip up as he excited himself to tell you. His ringed fingers squeezed slightly against your thigh as he said two simple words: movie night.
A heavy breath rushed from you as it all came flooding back. The last time you’d decided to wear this outfit, Eddie had been so riled up by the pretty clothing, that he’d complimented you almost constantly as you both attended Steve’s for a group movie night. However neither you nor Eddie saw the end of the film as the two of you were locked in the bathroom with Eddie's fingers pumping into your hole.
“Remember now?” He asked noting the way your thighs clenched and eyes unfocused slightly.
“Yes I remember”, you mumbled in response, refusing the meet his eye contact for fear that you’d fall right into those beautiful orbs and lose your mind. 
“Good, I want you to think about that today as we’re out and about because I know for damn sure that’s exactly what I’m going to be thinking about”.
“Ok”, you paused for a breath and added, “sir” for good measure, absentmindedly reaching for the hand on your lap to play with his chunky silver rings, twisting them around and around. A little habit you’d developed when you were feeling somewhat submissive and needy, finding the touch of his jewellery comforting as it meant he was close. Eddie smirked down as he also noticed this, loving how easy it was for him to get you all worked up and needy for him, In fact, it was something he craved, especially when you clung to him like a koala, he needed you just as much as you needed him so welcomed the grabbing and touches. 
The two of you arrived and somehow managed to be late, even though you’d both been driving around for a while. Everyone was already inside the arcade, hardly even noticing your entrance until Eddie shouted, “The fun has arrived!”. Not only did this bring the attention of all of your friends but also the attention of everyone else so you promptly rushed to your favourite machine.
Eddie of course, followed directly behind you, wanting to stay close even though he was itching to play a different machine. Inserting the money, you began to play, full concentration on the tiny screen in front of you but this was swiftly distracted by the warm solid body standing directly behind you. His comforting smell wrapped around you like a warm hug as he rested his chin on your shoulder, hair stroking against your cheek and hands on your waist beneath your jacket. It was nice to just be in each other's company, friends around, casually chatting as they gamed next to you but once they’d left and you were once again just with each other, you became hyper-aware of his presence and casual kisses against your ticklish neck.
“Don’t get distracted now, Sweetheart”, Eddie teased whilst tightening his hold on your waist, pulling himself even more flush against your back. “Just concentrate on the game, not on me”.
Your silence was enough to know that you were doing exactly the opposite of his request and were tongue-tied and unable to think of a witty response. Especially as he gently blew onto your ear, sending a rush down your spine. “Keep your eyes on the screen, otherwise how will you win?”, Eddie’s voice was low and his chest vibrated against your back. Your eyes snapped back to the screen, not even realising that you’d tried to glance over your shoulder up at him. Eddie had returned to his earlier mindset, intent to thoroughly dampen your underwear and muddle your coherent thoughts with arousal and need, especially as he casually remarked, “I know it’s highly inappropriate but I would really love to take you back to my van and lift this dress right now and see what fun I could have”.
Thankfully Eddie's arms remained locked around your body as your knees wobbled and a weak moan burst from your throat but luck was on your side as the game machines were louder so no one could hear.
Eddie heard though as he laughed in your ear, “The thing is, I know you’d let me because you’re my special Princess, aren’t you?”
“Yes, sir”, you say without a care in the world or the fact that you’re in a public space.
“That’s my girl, keep up the good work”, his plump lips smashed into your cheek in a dramatic display of affection and then he was gone, moving away to play his own game, leaving you clutching onto the edges of the machine, trying to not look like you were about to melt into the floor.
Making a split-second decision, you purposefully died on the game and trailed after your boyfriend, finding him shouting at a game that was accepting his change. Eddie didn’t say anything as you slid your arms around his middle and ducked under his arm, he simply kissed your forehead and calmed down enough to play the game around your body.
Another hour came and went and you’d finally deemed it safe enough to venture on your own without feeling too needy to be around Eddie. However, it didn’t last long as he returned over your shoulder.
“Want to know the naughty things that I did when I got home last night?”, he asked referring to the conversation you’d had earlier in the morning.
Your fingers hesitated over the brightly coloured controls so Eddie swiftly braced his arms around you to continue playing on your behalf, holding your fingers onto the controls so you were now both playing. You wanted to know Eddie’s erotic tale of his adventures last night that were sure to drive you crazy but you were unsure of the public setting, knowing that you were already horny for him and any further taunting would drive you crazy. Eddie of course, was going to tell you regardless of whether it was a public space or not and was desperate to see just how crazed he could drive you so he didn’t wait for your response before continuing in short, swift statements.
“I got home, found a pair of your panties that still are hidden in my room… and touched myself whilst sniffing them like a fucking perv.”
You tried to turn and look at him to see if he was being serious or not but his arms tightened, keeping you facing forward.
There was too much to process but also not that much at all. He’s actually pleasured himself whilst sniffing your underwear. Eddie was always very vocal and complimentary of how much he loved your smell and taste and that it drove him crazy but you always assumed that it was all just words in the heat of the moment but clearly it wasn’t as he’d been able to pleasure himself with just your smell alone.
Neither of you said anything about this event, mostly because you were trying to convince your body to calm down and Eddie was silently planning his next way to tease you. Even as the hours passed, and you both mingled with friends, played games and snacked, Eddie would continue to whisper things under his breath to you.
Then there were his hands, brushing over your hands, tickling the skin on your neck, a stark comparison to the heavy touches against your hips, holding and squeezing as he’d casually walk past. Eddie Munson was unequivocally on a mission and you were failing very quickly.
It also seemed that Eddie was falling into his own trap, especially as he briefly glanced up at you from across the room and saw that you were biting your lip whilst looking at him, eyes exploring his body and something inside of him snapped. One minute you were surrounded by the bright colours of the arcade, the musky smell of aged carpet and the varying ages of people. The next moment, you’re greeted with fresh air and only Eddie surrounding you as he drags into the alleyway behind the arcade.
Your body was pushed against the uncomfortable brick wall as Eddie rested his arms on either side of your head, body pressed against your front and face dipped into your neck.
“Tease me some more and I’ll show you my reaction.”
“I…I wasn’t teasing, I mean- I wasn’t doing it on purpose”, you tried to explain with panic evident in your voice, already showing Eddie you were slipping further into your submissive mindset of always trying to make him happy.
“Uh huh”, Eddie continued to taunt, “I can see right through your pretty little lies. If you want to tease me like this, then you wouldn’t mind if I teased you right back, is that what you wanted? To trase me so much that I snap and fuck you in this disgusting alleyway?”
You couldn’t talk, eyes wide and worried and yet also wanting him to do exactly that. Eddie has you exactly where he wants you and almost feels bad for a moment knowing that he had been the one to do all the teasing but that didn’t stop him, especially as he had you so pent up. Lifting his ringed hand, he begins by stroking down your jaw with the tips of his fingers, all the whilst his jean-covered thigh lifts and slots itself between yours until it was flush against your clothed cunt.
You simultaneously whimper and shudder, pressing your hips down on your leg to add more stimulation to where you want to be touched the most.
Eddie’s eyes were dark as he studied you, “Look at you, already a whimpering little mess to my touches. Tell me, Sweetheart, what do you want me to do to you?”
Your brain screamed “everything!” and it seemed your mouth did the same as the next moment Eddie snickered. However, he did the opposite of what you wanted as he pulled his body away from yours and took a step back, not wanting to fuck you in the alleyway. His van was one thing but a dirty street? He’d never treat his princess like that.
Seeing and hearing your disappointment at his warmth moving away, he quickly cupped your cheeks, stroking his thumbs against the apple of your cheeks and pulling you into the most delicate kiss that he could muster. Your whimpers turned into mewls as your body raised onto the tips of your toes to try and be closer and deepen the kiss.
“Want you, Eddie, please can we go?” you asked between kisses.
Eddie contemplated denying you for a moment, knowing that the two of you should probably hang with your friends for a little longer but looking at the need in your pretty eyes and feeling your hands gripping his wrists like you never wanted to let go, he knew it was probably best to head back.
“Alright Sweetheart, don’t worry I’ll look after my needy girl, let’s get you to the van and I’ll tell the others we’re leaving”. He heard you audibly sigh in relief as he grasped your hands, interlocking your fingers together before heading in the direction of the car park however, you only took a few steps before stopping. “What’s wrong?” 
You were rubbing your legs together like you needed to pee but it wasn’t this that was the issue. “It’s uncomfortable to walk with wet panties, they’re rubbing on my skin”.
Eddie’s eyes immediately zoned in on the area that you were talking about like he had x-ray vision and could see through your dress. Licking his lips, he suggested, “Well, why don’t you take them off?”
Without even checking if there was anyone at the end of the alleyway, you reached beneath your dress and pulled down your matching shade of blue to the dress underwear, that blissful sigh of relief returning. Eddie to his credit was shocked that you would do something like this within view of anybody walking past and his cock throbbed painfully within his baggy jeans as he saw the sheen of arousal on the material.
Your boyfriend acted on instinct as he quickly grabbed your underwear and rubbed his thumb against the patch of juices, his eyes remaining on you though as he then sucked on his thumb. It was almost pornographic the moan he released, eyes rolling back in his head dramatically. Before you could even squeak or react, Eddie shoved the panties into his leather jacket pocket and grabbed your hand again, moving with more speed towards his van.
Much like this morning, he opened the passenger door for you to climb into, his hands on your waist again to give you a boost up before he shut the door and ran, actually running, into the arcade to say bye to everyone.
Whilst waiting for him, you tried to regain composure, deciding it was much too hot for your jacket and shrugging it off. Eddie returned in record time, slightly out of breath from how fast he’d run in and out of the building as he gave you a cheeky grin, his dimples deepening as he turned on the engine.
“What did you tell them?”, you asked.
“Just that you weren’t feeling very well and I needed to get you home to rest. I think they bought the lie but I also don’t care right now, I just want to be with you”.
You smiled fondly at him, cuddling in close to his side and resting your head on his shoulder as he rested his hand on your thigh in a stronghold which you appreciated, needing it to help ground you to the moment as you played with his rings.
Eddie drove like a madman, even though his body showed that he was at ease, it was clear that he just wanted to be back at his trailer already as he probably broke a couple of laws with how he was driving. The two of you both smiled upon seeing his home and after he parked up, he ran around to your side of the van and helped you down the large step. Thankfully his Uncle Wayne would be at work until the early hours of the morning so you both didn’t need to worry about being interrupted.
Once inside, Eddie let go of his hold on your hips so that he could shrug off his jacket, throwing it onto the couch. “Do you want a beer?” he asked over his shoulder, kicking off his shoes as he walked, something you also did but left them neatly next to the door rather than in a messy pile like Eddies.
“No thank you”, you politely responded, rubbing your arms with the loss of his warmth as your eyes followed his every move. Once more Eddie’s moves were calculated, knowing that you’d quickly follow after him, needing to feel him close, having felt like you’d waited too long to finally be properly alone with him.
Before he could even open the beer, you slid in front of him and pulled his face down to yours, kissing him desperately and breathlessly. The beer clattered onto the kitchen countertop as Eddie laughed against your mouth at how frantic you’d become. He pulled away, glancing down to see that you were trying to rub your body up against his.
“Aw, my princess, are you feeling needy?” he spoke in a patronizing tone which only made you lean in further to prove your point.
“Yes”, you gasp, trying once more to pull his face down to yours but he takes over, taking your wrists in one hand and pushing your body back until you are pressed up against the refrigerator with your hands now held above your head.
“What do you want? Tell me.”.
“I want you, please Sir”.
Eddie clicked his tongue, “Be specific, what do you want from me?”
“Everything I want…everything please, I need you, Eddie”.
The Hellfire leader felt like his chest was going to explode with how hard his heart was beating seeing you like this, he’d expected you to be needy but this desperate? He was ready to walk on flaming coals if you’d asked but he continued his taunting for now, wanting to see if he could get you to say something dirty.
“Aw… Have I turned you into a wet puddle?”
You moan at his words, bucking your hips to show him where you want to be touched. You pulled on your wrists as well, wanting to get out of his hold to play with his hair, kiss his neck, rip his clothes off, just something!
“I think the lack of sleep and horniness has ruined your pretty little submissive head, what do you think?”
You again moan but this time in frustration, face scrunching up as you weren’t getting what you wanted. The hand that wasn’t holding your wrists hovered over your body, moving up the dress until he was grasping your jaw, forcing you to look up into his beautiful puppy eyes that were now hardened and full of dominance. You could feel his chunky rings biting into your skin as his breath kissed the skin of your cheek as he contemplated just what he wanted to do with you first. “I love how responsive you are to me”, Eddie praised, “I mean, look how needy you are after just a few words and touches through the day. You really are mine, aren’t you?”
“Yes, only yours Eddie- Sorry, I meant Sir”, you quickly corrected yourself.
Eddie’s gaze softened slightly as he could see your thoughts racing with the need to please him in every way. “It’s ok, you can say my name, I always like it when you say my name”. Gently he kissed the tip of your nose, giving you a moment of care before asking, “I’ll giv eyou the option. Do you want me to touch you or do you want to touch me?”
“I want to touch you”, you say without a second's hesitation.
Eddies grip released as he held his hands away from you, “Then I’m all yours”.
He expected you to jump into his arms, kissing him or pulling on his hair like you always did when you needed him to be closer but this wasn’t what you did. Instead, you dropped to your knees and clawed at his jeans. Surprising even yourself, you managed to undo his zipper, reach into his checkered boxers and find his cock, hard and waiting for you as you pulled it out of the unzipped hole. Not even bothering to undo his belt as you just wanted to have him in your mouth.
“Shit Princess, Jesus Christ!”, Eddie shouted as your lips wrapped around the tip of his throbbing cock where it was wet with precum and red with how long he’d been hard for. You didn’t want to tease him, you just wanted him to find the ultimate pleasure so you hollowed your cheeks and sucked him deeper.
Your boyfriend tipped his head back, biting his knuckle to hold back the shouts that were sure to be loud enough to disturb the neighbours. Inch after inch of his cock slipped down your tongue and to the back of your throat until you were gagging but you kept him there, not pulling out until you were gasping for air.
“Wait, just wait a second”, Eddie gasped after a couple of minutes. Quickly, he undid his belt and button, moving the material of his jeans and boxers down his hips until his cock and balls were waiting proudly for your mouth.
“Thank you”, you say politely to him, wrapping a hand around the base and moving it out of the way so that you could suck on his balls, pulling each one into your mouth before returning to taking his length. Eddie rested a hand against the back of your head eventually helping your movement by pushing you further down, until you were gagging and burning for air, but the throb of his cock was only adding to the pleasure of it all.
“Let me see those eyes”, he softly demanded, and you hadn’t even realised your eyes had closed whilst in the thought of nothing but his cock. Opening them quickly, you made eye contact and were praised with a loving stroke of the back of his hand against your cheek. “Always so good for me, I fucking love you”, Eddie grunted, his hips snapping and balls tightening at the same time and you knew he was on the verge of cumming. His velvet shaft became harder against your tongue as you sucked him more vigorously “Swallow”, was all he demanded and you did just that as he swore, his pink lips dropping open as he came down your throat. His salty goodness was thick as you swallowed every single drop.
“Fuck Sweetheart, you did so well for me”, Eddie praised a moment later after his cock stopped throbbing and began to soften. Pulling out, strings of saliva connected the tip of his cock to your mouth as he chuckled, wiping it away, “Oh you’re drooling everywhere… Come here.”
Eddie helped you to stand but seeing how unsteady and weak your knees were, he lifted you onto the kitchen countertop, spreading your legs and lifting your dress to expose your drenched cunt to him. In a harsh grip, he grabbed a handful of your hair, holding you steady as he spread your juices around with his middle finger, circling your hole before pushing in.
“Look at you and to think, I’ve only just started using my fingers and you’re already shaking”, he taunted as he pushed his finger in and out slowly, watching your body respond with gasps and twitches. As he added a second finger, he praised, “I love the way you look with my fingers inside of you”.
Your hips bucked at his words as you tried to match his movements, especially as he began to curl his fingers to stroke against your pleasurable spot. However, then you said something that he wasn’t expecting, “Please don’t be gentle with me”.
Eddie didn’t need telling twice as he pulled out and gave your pussy a sharp slap, directly over your neglected clit. He rubbed away with a sting before doing it again and again, watching as you cried out and tried to lean into the touch and only did he stop when your pussy was drenched, puffy and your clit was overstimulated. “Did you like that Princess? Do you like it when I’m rough with you?”
“Yes, thank you sir!”, you shouted, whilst also leaning into the hand still holding your hair.
“So desperate today, aren’t you Sweetheart. Come on let's get this off of you”, as he spoke, he released his hold but only to grip the dress and lift it up and over your head. Next, he helped you down from sitting on the side but only so that he could turn you around and bend you over it instead as he also undid your bra and discarded that to the floor. The dress you’d worn was mde of a stretchy, flimsy material so he was easily able to use it to tie it around your wrists, getting the restrained behind your back.
“Let’s go”, he instructs, holding onto the material and using it to move you around, manhandling you to walk from the kitchen and into his bedroom, helping you to be face first on his mattress, careful to not hurt your neck as your arms were still restrained and arse perked into the air for him.
Eddie began to remove his clothes as you wiggled your hips invitingly and your boyfriend admired the perfect view in front of him before kneeling between your legs, hands massaging the flesh of your hips.
“Say you’re mine”, he demanded in a low, rough voice.
“I’m yours”.
“Tell me again”, he asked as he looked from your face to your cunt.
“I’m yours, Eddie”.
Hearing his name again, he couldn’t wait any longer as he carefully pushed the tip of his now hard cock into your hole. You were already so sensitive, even though you hadn’t cum yet, with all of the arousal pulsing through you, it felt like you’d already orgasmed a handful of times and with Eddie’s recent orgasm, he was just as sensitive. He moved slowly, even though you wanted it rough, he didn’t want to actually hurt you, knowing exactly what your limis were so he made sure to give you time to stretch and get used to his size.
However, once your moans were echoing around the room and you were trying to push yourself back on his cock, he released the restraint that he was holding onto. With his hands holding onto your hips, Eddie began to fuck you relentlessly, the tip of his cock brushing against your cervix, his bals smacking into your clit and hips pushing your face into the bed.
Eventually your knees lose any strength that was holding your body up and you collapsed forward onto the bed. Eddie didn’t stop though, especially when he could hear how good you were feeling so he moved one of your legs up, giving him more room and he body crowded over your back as he bites your shoulder.
“Wanna cum Eddie, your words were muffled against the bed but he could already feel how close you were from how tight your pussy was clenching.
“You can cum for me, you’re doing so well”, he praised, licking over the spot he’d just bitten.
However, you groaned in frustration rather than pleasure as you moaned, “But I wanna cum with you Eddie, please cum in my pussy”.
“Oh Princess, all you had to do was ask”.
Eddie fucked you harder, his mouth sloppily kissing your cheek as you tried to hold back your orgasm for as long as possible but it was getting too much, everything was too overwhelming and eventually you couldn’t keep it back anymore.
You came hard and with a high-pitched scream, your pussy clenching so tightly around Eddie that he too found his release, orgasming together, both sensitive and bodies rocking together through the pulses of pleasure.
He stayed inside of you for a moment, trying to catch his breath and it was only when he could feel your restrained fingers wiggling against his abdomen did he push his weight up on his arms to kiss delicately across your bare shoulder. “That tickles”, he mumbled, causing you to giggle tiredly.
Carefully, he knelt back, undoing your bound wrists and massaging the areas to get them to relax at your side. “I'm going to pull out, ok?”
You nod but still hiss at the discomfort of your walls being stimulated whilst being so sensitive and then there was the gush of his cum and your juices that began to pour out and down your clit. “My favourite sight”, he admires, stroking your arse cheek as you smiled over your shoulder before closing your eyes and taking a moment to relax.
Eddie clambers off of the bed, turning on his stereo to the latest heavy metal album and then returningto caefully wipe way between your legs before manhandling your to lie across his chest. There the two of you just lay, enjoying the post-sex high.
Eventually, Eddie sparked up a cigarette, careful to try and blow the smoke away from you but the smell of it had become a comfort for you as you nuzzled further into his naked chest, feeling sleep nearly taking over.
A delicate kiss to the tip of your nose however had you coming back to the moment and opening your eyes, “Hey, don’t go to sleep for me just yet, I’m not quite done with you. We’re just having a little break but I still need to taste you Sweetheart”.
Your body warmed and you were now wide awake with the adrenaline pulsing through you. Eddie took another long suck of smoke, blowing it into the air and you never realised just how much the sight would turn you on. It was going to be a very long, sleepless night.
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jaelvr · 3 months
Take my whiskey neat
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Home | NCT 127 masterlist |
Requested : no
Prompts ; 10. “You’re too sweet for me.”  + 32. “I know you think we aren’t right for each other, but we’ve run into each other too many times for you to tell me that this isn’t fate.” 
Pairing : frat! jaehyun x fem! reader
Pronouns : you/yours
Type : fluff
Word count : 1.6k
Warnings : mutual feelings, opposites, college au, fluff, slightly ooc
Have a great day !! 
His eyes lingered on you as you moved around, a gentle smile on his face. It was a wonder to him, how full of life you constantly were. Here you were, enjoying karaoke with the others, a drunken jungwoo who was accompanying you slurring his words while you were completely sober. He hovered around slightly, leaning against the doorway as he watched, his protective nature settling in while he sipped on his cup of whatever had been put into the frat juice. If someone had told him a year ago, that he, the notorious frat boy would end up in a situationship with one of the 'idol' students, he would've laughed. Yet here he was, completely wrapped around your finger, a lovestruck grin on his face.
He chuckled softly at Jungwoo's slurred attempt at the high note, making his way out of the living room to the kitchen, looking through the cupboards and the fridge. He'd settled on a glass of whiskey, taking it neat and pouring you a drink of coke, knowing you'd rather not drink. "Hey angel." he murmured as he felt your presence behind him, your arms attempting to wrap around his waist. He downed his drink before turning around, moving your arms up to his neck and his hands gently resting on your hips. He was completely lost in you. His mind was shouting at him - you were too sweet, too pure for him. Not one for the party atmosphere like him and his friends, yet you came anyway. Despite your innocent appearance, you still gained a lot of attention from the others, Jaehyun fully aware of the burning gazes from his frat brothers. He couldn't lie, it annoyed him a little - the thought they could even have a chance with you. He was possessive
You hummed, nuzzling into his neck as he gently caressed the back of your head, fingers softly running through your hair. "You doing alright?" he asked, a soft smirk on his face while he took in your sleepy state. "Sleepy." you mumbled, gently placing pecks along his neck, innocently messing with him. He chuckled. There was nothing innocent about the way you were acting - you knew exactly what you were doing to him, yet you were still so pure. He held on tighter, not letting you get away from him so easily. "You're playing a dangerous game, my girl." he huffed, breath hitching as his eyes grew slightly darker with lust.
"No idea what you're talking about." you giggled softly, hands gently resting on his chest, moving up and down. He raised an eyebrow, lowering his head so your faces were inches apart. His hands wrapped around your waist tighter, making it clear you weren't leaving. "You're too sweet for me." he whispered, gazing deeply into your eyes. "Let me make this easy for you." he whispered, holding you close to his body. "Keep doing what you're doing and I won't be able to stop myself." he growled.
"Maybe you should take me to your room." you murmured with a cheeky smirk on your face, knowing he was riled up. His whole body shivered, blood flooding his entire body with lustful heat. That small whisper on your breath was enough to drive him insane. "I want to.." his voice was a ragged whisper, breath hitching as his nostrils flared. "But I don't think I could hold myself, or you, back." he admitted as he stared down at you, his grip around your waist not loosening by a single inch.
"What is your problem?" you asked, your face unreadable. He remained still for a moment before taking a deep breath. He had avoided you for days, hoping you would forget about it. He had told himself that it meant nothing after all. That you were just another girl he was with. But when he was around you, it was like his body was on autopilot. His mind and heart were completely consumed by the mere thought of you. He didn't know how to react. He couldn't even find his voice as he stared at you quietly. He felt weak around you. So weak. "Well?" You asked, arms crossed as you waited for a response.
"I…" he trailed off, unsure of what to say. Did he simply come out and tell you it meant more to him than he had originally thought? No.. That would make it sound like he cared. That wasn't possible.
"Well... It's not like it meant anything anyways." he said finally, the look on his face cold as he forced himself to sound indifferent. "Jaehyun-" you started, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You picked up on the subtle hints he was lying, his ears having a red tint on them, growing darker by the second.
He looked away as he felt the familiar sting of shame on his cheeks. He hated the fact that he was lying to you. That he was hiding his real emotions in an attempt to prevent getting his heart broken. Yet he knew deep down that it was going to end up hurting him even worse in the end. He had to protect you from himself. "Stop looking at me like that." he murmured as he tried to shift his expression to something less expressive. “I know you think we aren’t right for each other, but we’ve run into each other too many times for you to tell me that this isn’t fate.” you murmured, stepping slightly closer to him.
Fate? Fate? He didn't believe in fate. He didn't believe in true love. In finding his soulmate. He was a playboy, remember? But now look at him. A playboy so enamoured with a girl who wasn't on his radar. A girl who was the complete opposite of him. He felt his chest constrict as he glanced at you with a helpless, pleading look. Perhaps you were right. Maybe this was destiny.
"Look…" he started, his voice becoming shaky as he attempted to explain himself, "I've been afraid… You make me feel things I've never felt before… Emotions I never thought I would feel. But I…." He paused when he could hear his voice falter. "What if I end up getting you hurt in the end?" he whispered. His body yearned for yours. His mind yearned for you. His heart yearned to belong to only you. He felt the heat throughout his body as his chest rose and fell from the quickening of his breath. He felt the tension in his fingers as his grip increased on your waist, not wanting to let go of you ever."You don't know that." you murmured softly, cupping his face.
"Just give us a try. Please?"
You tossed and turned in bed, letting out a soft yawn as you rubbed your eyes before opening them. They settled on him, quietly reading his book as he sat up in bed. One hand holding the book while the other gently scratched your scalp. "Jae??" you whispered after a few minutes of admiring him. "You okay? what're you doing awake at…" you paused, looking at the alarm clock. 3am. He looked up from his book when he heard you stir. You were looking at him with an adorable sleepy expression. Your hair was dishevelled and you were half asleep. It was hard not to notice the bags under your eyes. Yet he couldn't help but find the way you looked absolutely adorable. His gaze shifted down to the clock as he noticed the time. "Couldn't sleep." he muttered, closing his book and laying it on the side table beside the bed.
"Want me to go make us some coffee?" you asked softly, sitting up next to him and gently pecking his cheek. He felt the touch of your plump lips on his cheek, causing his body to shiver as the sensation radiated all through his body. He smiled, running his hand through your tangled hair as he gently pulled you down next to him. "That sounds perfect, my girl." he murmured softly, pulling you against his body, planting kisses on your forehead and cheeks. He missed this. So much. All he wanted was to stay in your arms like this forever. This was easily his favourite place ever.
You got up, pulling one of his shirts on which was oversized on you before you sleepily walked out of the bedroom, down the hallway and to the kitchen, flicking the lights on. You softly hummed to yourself as you got two mugs out, getting everything you needed and putting the kettle on, unaware of him leaning against the doorframe and watching you, a lovestruck smile on his face. Seeing you rummage around the kitchen in one of his oversized T-shirts with messy hair was probably the cutest sight he'd ever seen. His gaze followed you as you moved around the room, humming your little song. He took a deep breath, inhaling your sweet scent as he stared, unable to take his eyes off of you. It was obvious how he had fallen for you and fallen completely hard.
"You like your coffee black right?" you murmured gently, head tilted slightly as you made your coffee while waiting for his response."You know I do, babe." he murmured, moving slowly to the kitchen and leaning against the doorway next to you. "You know how I dislike milk and sugar," he smirked, wrapping his arms around your waist gently, his nose breathing in the scent of your hair as he stared at the back of your head with a loving gaze.
"You're sweet enough."
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mydear-corinthian · 2 months
Dirty Diana || Thomas Shelby x reader
Synopsis: After the war, you and Tommy were separated leaving you in London alone with no money at all. Pairing: Thomas Shelby x reader , Tommy Shelby x reader Warnings: SMUT +18, mentions of prostitution & misogynist, p in v, unprotected sex, dirty talk Notes: I saw this Dirty Diana edit of Tommy Shelby & Diana Mitford so why not do a fic about MJ's song?? I'm so happy that Dirty Diana is getting popular and getting the hype that it deserves !! This fic is terribly written and rushed :c Click here to see the MAIN MASTERLIST Click here to see the PEAKY BLINDERS MASTERLIST Click here to see the CILLIAN MURPHY MASTERLIST
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Tommy and you were together before the war. His family happily accepted you and eventually treat you as one.
Unfortunately, you two parted ways following the battle. While you were stuck in London trying to become a banker, he was back in his hometown.
As a woman, landing a career like that hasn't been normalized yet. Often, men claim that it was a "man's job" exclusively. You met all the standards perfectly, but in the end, you were not hired. You were left with nothing as a result. No family, no home, and no money.
That's when you started working as a prostitute, something you never thought you would do. It was your last option since you could no longer survive without money. Given that you were making far more money at the job, you cannot complain about it. Constantly receiving enormous sums of shillings in a single night.
You decided to change your name, Diana.
Every night you wait on the busy streets of London for customers. Bending over their vehicle, seducing them.
It wasn't easy and it will never be easy to be working in this line of work. You've been sleeping with young, old, single, married, or even widowed men for money.
It was the usual night. Waiting for new customers as you stood on the busy streets outside of a hotel. Your black dress perfectly traced your curves, a white shoulder fur covered your elbows.
You finally saw a car stopping in front of you. A man wearing a neat navy suit, a newsboy hat decorated his hair, a cigarette burning between his lips.
Due to his hat, you cannot fully see who he was, only his mouth. You walked seductively towards the man's car, bending over the window. "Sir, I have to go home 'cause I'm so tired you see..?" you ask, pretending to be exhausted. "I hate sleeping alone, why don't you take me?" He took a bill out of his pockets and showed it to you. "My place. The hotel." he plainly said.
Seeing the large amount of bill made your eyes widened. Never in your job had you encountered a man giving you this big amount of money for one night.
"Well, I'll see what I can do with that, sir," he exited the vehicle, walking towards the hotel as you followed him. The anonymous man was walking in front of you so you cannot see his face.
You couldn't shake the thought of Tommy, no matter how many men you slept with. You still have feelings for him. You was hoping he could find you and look for you. Your first love was and is him. He was everything to you. It's not that you two split up; rather, it was more that you stopped seeing one another, no goodbye's or hello's after the war. You believed that his 'breakup' was final. that he had already had enough of your relationship. While a part of you believes he is better off without you, the other half of you longs to visit him in Birmingham. That he's already forgotten you.
The both of you were already inside his luxurious hotel room. It wasn't really that tidy but it was manageable.
The anonymous man finally removed his hat, showing his full face at you. As soon as you saw him, your eyes widened and your heart sank.
"Tommy?" you shockingly asked.
"(Y/n)." he greeted plainly.
"How did you- How did you found me?"
He actually haven't moved on from you too. Tommy tried to marry someone for you to leave his mind but that didn't worked for him as well. He just doesn't feel the same feeling that he was with his current wife than you. He wants to relive that feeling and he is hoping that he will be with you again.
"I searched for you. I searched every spot in Birmingham and you weren't there. And so I found you here. In London," he said. "And I know about your job, Diana."
His deep and sultry voice always gets you. Having the sudden desire to take him, make you his, and just be with him.
"How about you stay with me, tonight?" he asked. 
"Oh Tommy, I'm all yours," you answered. Your lips meeting his, passionately tasting him. Tommy's hands roamed all around your small back, allowing the kiss to get deeper and deeper.
He suddenly stopped, pulling his face away. "My wife is at home tonight, she's probably worried tonight. I haven't told her I'm alright." he sighed, walking up to the telephone on the desk just beside the door. He rolled the numbers before speaking. 
Before he said something again, you heard a woman's voice on the telephone, screaming at him. Tommy's wife was mad.
Suddenly, you grabbed the telephone, hearing the voice of his wife. The speaker was on your ear, "He's not coming back, he's sleeping with me,"
You dropped the telephone harshly, smiling at him. "Are you not worried she'll leave you?" you asked, your fingers tapping his chest seductively. Tommy's lips found yours again. The kiss is turning harshly and messier. "It's alright, she was using me for money anyways," he said in between kisses. "And Polly didn't approved my relationship with her but we got married anyway,"
"God, I've been waiting for you," your hands found its way to his hair, crumpling it as you felt his tongue explore your mouth. You moaned in between kisses, eager for more. 
You pushed him into the king-sized bed's soft mattress. You unbutton your wrinkled shirt while leaving your bra on as you crawl from his legs to his hips. He showed how hard he was by the way his pants were rising. Tommy's breath hitched, his skin heats up.
"Where have you been, my darling?" he breathly asked, cupping your cheeks once again to examine your face, processing what is happening right now. You're back. You're here. 
Slowly, your hips rocked on his boner, the friction making your eyes roll. Tommy swallowed hard, feeling the sensation that's happening. "I've missed you, Tom," 
You continued to stroke the hard swell beneath his pants with a look of enticing eagerness, every stroke a whispered promise of something more. You carefully and slowly removed his belt buckle, the metal clasp giving way to your touch with a gentle click. With careful care, your fingertips traced the fabric of his pants, revealing the shapes of his buried need as you undid each button. Gentle yet focused.
A rush of electricity shot through Tommy as her hands discovered his shaft, igniting every nerve ending with a burning passion. You moved his cock up and down with such delicate strokes; it was a rhythmic dance that left him panting, his chest rising and falling in time with your motions.
"Oh god, you're so good at this," he praised. 
Your touch was like a kiss from heaven; it sent electric sparks of need shooting through him, burning an inferno of desire. His breath caught in his throat with every stroke, the melody of pleasure surrounding him so intensely that he was unable to resist, his moans echoing at the limits of his arousal.
He finally came, his white seed spurted all over the mattress and your hands, staining them You chuckled. 
Suddenly, Tommy switched positions, he's now on top of you. "You think we're done?" he asked, his fingers touched your clit, sending shivers all around your body due to the sudden touch. 
"Oh god!" you moaned. 
His fingertips tracing passionate patterns over the fabric that covered your aching core, your back arched in ecstasy as he increased his speed driven by an early desire. Your body trembled with anticipation with every round move, a burning desire that cried out to be let out. Time appeared to stop still as his touch danced over you in the heat of passion, each movement an ode to the unbearable depths of his desire.
You moaned out loud, feeling your orgasm coming. "Tom - I'm gonna .. oh god!"
His movements stopped unexpectedly, leaving you on the verge of euphoria and desperate for release. A line appeared on your forehead as a wave of opposing emotions passed over you, your need pounding against the limits his seductive pause forced.
"Ah, not yet," his husky voiced rang to your ears.
Tommy removed your underwear, showing how wet you were from him fingering you. He aligned his shaft in front of your cunt before you fully took him, making you moan. 
You felt full just from his cock. His warm cock filled you, making him push in even further. Your eyes closed, your head rolling back. 
"So fucking tight," he exhaled deeply. His rough hands gripped your hips making him pound in to you harshly, hitting your sensitive spots all over and over. 
"No one ever pleasured you this good huh?" 
Sweat was streaming down his strained brow, reflecting the fever that was pumping through his body. The air in his hotel room pumped with the sound of your lewd moans and his sultry groans, echoes swirling passionately together and filling the room with a euphoric atmosphere.
His trusts became faster and harsher. His and your skin slapped together, earning a loud sound. 
You felt your orgasm coming up again making you moan louder, seeing nothing but starts and feel like you've been drugged by the most pleasurable medicine there is out there. You clenched on his cock, indicating that you were close. 
"Tommy, I'm gonna cum," 
"Yeah? Cum then, love," he demanded.
You both reached the your high of ecstasy with a few last, powerful thrusts, your bodies combining in a melody of pleasure. During that moment of explosive release, when your senses were overwhelmed by a rush of sensations, you felt him spill out his essence into you, filling you to the overflowing limit with his ecstatic warmth. Every muscle clenched with fine pleasure as your climax came over you in waves of joy, your combined passion setting off an inferno of desire that swallowed you both completely.
Tommy pulled out before dropping his body beside you, panting hard. 
"Come back to me," he whispered. 
"Oh Tommy. I never left you."
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shuahoonie · 9 months
unspoken words | jeon wonwoo
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pairing: non-idol!wonwoo (svt) x fem!reader
notes: office!au (kinda?), fluff, suggestive jokes, swearing, idiots 2 lovers. alcohol consumption, jeonghan the matchmaker. the one where reader and wonwoo’s paths kept missing each other until they didn’t. loosely based on the song unspoken words by mxmtoon.
word count: 5.1k
summary: you and wonwoo always had a complicated relationship— no matter how hard you two tried, your lives had a funny way of getting intertwined.
and stubborn may you both be, wonwoo will always admit his feat when it comes to you.
part of the to x, with love mini series
shuahoonie's masterlist | to x, with love masterlist
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“i never asked you to stay,” wonwoo muttered as you helped him clean up after the info session that your work had conducted for a group of students.
“this is ridiculous,” you sighed more so to yourself “there’s no way you could’ve done this by yourself.” you said while you held the blue recycling bin, gathering all of the leftover flyers and other papers that had writing on them. you also had a separate bin for the coffee lids and cup sleeves to put in the recycling as well.
“you could’ve just left,” wonwoo was watching you the entire time, making a mental note that you were serious about putting away your trash. “i know seokmin is waiting for you in the lobby.”
“it’s okay.” you replied, not even bothering to look him in the eye. instead, you gathered everything in a neat pile.
“you shouldn’t keep him waiting,” the words came out so harsh when he said it. even wonwoo was surprised, he wasn’t usually like this.
“he’ll be fine,” you said dismissively, not really in the mood to argue with him.
“yn,” wonwoo calls your name as if he hated doing it. “go.”
it took everything within you to stop yourself from yelling at him. “your anger will mean nothing,” seokmin’s words would ring in your ear. so you took a deep breath, dropped what you were doing and left without another word.
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“oh, seok, i was ready to pounce him.” you grumbled, stabbing the lettuce on your salad a little too aggressively.
"what, like sexually?" seokmin realized it was a bad joke. the way you were practically throwing daggers at him made it painfully obvious that you were not in the mood to kid around. "i'm sorry, yn, but you really need to lighten up."
"if there's anyone who needs to lighten up, it's him," you argued, munching on your greens. "in fact, maybe i should light him up."
"i still don't understand how you two got off on the wrong foot," seokmin points out, hoping a proper explanation will emit from you.
you shrugged because you didn’t know what to tell your friend. the first time you properly met wonwoo was at your workplace. you even thought he was cute— quiet, had the nicest smile. your other coworkers were even raving about how polite and kind he was.
imagine your surprise when the ‘polite’ cutie from the editorial floor practically threw daggers at you as soon as you stepped into the office with the cerulean blue folders. this threw off wonwoo as he did the preparation for the meeting.
“in my defence, i saved both our asses when i replaced the folders during that important meeting with the new york office,” you grumbled.
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unbeknownst to you, wonwoo kept a close track of your encounters. the first time wonwoo met you was through university.
you were the president of the school’s undergraduate publication journal and you were only in your second year. wonwoo was one of the new student recruits, he was a third year. he actually thought you were cute until you had assigned him to deal with international relations— wonwoo had applied for the editorial layout section. wonwoo was not happy.
you probably don’t remember him, wonwoo knew it. how could you? you were running around, trying to figure out the logistics, gather and have people review these submissions, edit and have it all printed before the next term starts. meanwhile, wonwoo was stuck somewhere, trying to solve things on his end. you only left notes on his work, you two barely met during meetings. you two had no direct contact.
once you were in your third year, you had to step down as president and become a casual editor instead. wonwoo became the publication journal’s president that year. you two still had no direct contact.
you unintentionally beat him for that librarian assistant position that wonwoo was gunning for as it'll boost his resume.
somehow, for wonwoo, you were always one step ahead of him and he doesn't like that one bit.
so the day you pranced into the office with your signature bright smile, wonwoo felt territorial over a place where he felt like he finally was one step ahead of you.
wonwoo didn't even like that seungcheol served you the last chocolate cake the day he stopped by at heaven's cloud cafe.
"how could you, cheol?" wonwoo huffed, his arms crossed, as cheol placed the iced americano and a slice of strawberry cake on wonwoo's table.
"it's just a slice, dude," seungcheol looked at him weirdly. "and you don't even like chocolate.”
“yeah, but i wanted a chocolate cake today.”
“jeon wonwoo, quit being weird and eat your cake,” jun comments as he appears behind seungcheol, dropping his things on the floor and sitting on the opposite of wonwoo.
while jun waits for his order to arrive, he worked on the monthly report that his boss has been pressuring him to do. as jun went on rambling about how much he hates his job, wonwoo is occupied with the idea of you. how you were always a step ahead of him.
from then, jeon wonwoo declared a one-sided competition against you.
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your idea of jeon wonwoo was simple— he was the cute guy from the editorial team who hates your guts. why? surely, you don’t know.
one rainy afternoon, seokmin made sure to tell you that he won’t be able to give you a ride home, so he gave you the spare umbrella that he had.
“please be kind, ynnie, and let someone stand under your umbrella if they don’t have theirs,” seok reminded you.
“you know damn well i’m always kind,” you huffed with a pout— in which seok just gave you a pointed look before he handed you an umbrella and your lunch.
it seemed that your words had come to haunt you because here you were, walking under the rain using seok’s tiny umbrella, passing by wonwoo who was waiting in front of the office building— probably waiting for the rain to stop as he had no umbrella.
“he’d be waiting all night,” you thought to yourself. you had a long internal battle whether you’d just ignore him but seok’s words were ringing in your ear.
taking a deep breath, you asked “do you want to share an umbrella?”
wonwoo’s startled eyes looked at you and your umbrella. “i’m calling a cab,” he answered. wonwoo wasn’t exactly lying, he’s been trying to get one but the rain has made it extremely difficult to find one.
“well, you’d be calling all night. cabs are extremely hard to find especially at times like these,” you answered. wonwoo hated that you were right. again, always one step ahead of him. “subways are still running, do you want to walk together?”
wonwoo stared at you for what felt like an eternity before you rolled your eyes and pulled him under your umbrella. “we’re walking, stop overthinking it.”
you two were walking quietly in the rain. you’ve been coworkers for almost a year now and you can’t remember the time you and wonwoo had a proper conversation— one that you two didn’t end up bickering about senseless things. you didn’t even know why you two were always butting heads when you two were always working closely together. 
as you tried to squeeze the two of you under seok’s tiny umbrella, you noticed that his shoulder was practically soaking wet. of all the umbrellas that he’d give you, he had to choose the tiniest one he owned. this prompted you to hover the umbrella more on his side, allowing the rain to soak your exposed shoulder instead. 
wonwoo noticed how you moved the umbrella towards him, making him raise an eyebrow. you were wonwoo’s greatest puzzle— he can’t guess your next move and what’s worse is that you’re always one step ahead of him. “what are you doing?” he asked with furrowed brows. 
you looked up at him, suddenly aware of how tall he is. no wonder your arms were getting tired from holding that damn umbrella up. “what do you mean?” you asked, confused by his question.
wonwoo grabbed the umbrella from you— your hands touching for a brief moment. you ignored whatever was forming in the pit of your stomach. maybe you’re just hungry? wonwoo hovered the umbrella closer to you, fully aware of the fact that his shoulder was getting wet from the rain. “you’re getting soaked,” wonwoo replied curtly. 
“so are you,” you pointed out as you held the umbrella and tried to move it closer to him. however, wonwoo resisted it. 
“i’m fine,” he says. 
“whatever you say,” you huffed “it’s not like you intended to have annoyingly broad shoulders anyway,” you grumbled more to yourself, hoping he didn’t hear it. however, wonwoo heard your frustration over his shoulders and he couldn’t fight off the smile on his face. 
it was the first time he could openly admit to himself that you made him smile. it was also the first time you caught him smiling.
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“oh, how adorable,” mingyu grinned upon hearing the umbrella-sharing story from wonwoo. “and you said you weren’t one for office romances,” he teased earning a glare from wonwoo. 
"because i'm not," wonwoo rolled his eyes "and i don't like her," he said almost defensively.
mingyu snorted "yeah, as if i haven't heard that line before." he said while setting up the living room for a movie night between him, wonu, jun, and chan. jun and ichan were running a little late as they were buying drinks.
"well, it's true," wonwoo crossed his arms "there's something about her that makes me feel like..." wonwoo trailed off, finding the right words to say.
"like?" mingyu sat on the couch, turning towards wonwoo— clearly invested.
"like... fuck, i don't know..."
mingyu lets out a dramatic gasp. "dude," he stares at wonwoo in complete awe. "you swore..."
"you never swear unless you're completely frustrated," mingyu pointed out, a teasing look glimmering in his eyes. "you like yn, huh?!"
before wonwoo could even answer, mingyu's doorbell rang. saved by the bell, wonwoo thought.
"oh, this is not over, jeon wonwoo." mingyu said with a smirk, making wonwoo groan.
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"seok, quit looking at me like that," you whined as you hugged the pillow tighter, placing your chin on top of the pillow.
"what?" seok grinned "it's nice to know that your beef with your coworker is slowly coming to an end."
"he was probably thinking how ridiculous i sounded for mentioning his shoulders," you grumbled. "why did i even mention his shoulders?!" you groaned.
seokmin couldn't help but laugh at how adorable you were being. "oh my sweet, ynnie," he cooed, ruffling your hair.
"here you go, yn," vernon said as he handed you a pint of ice cream. you were hosting a sleepover with seok, vern, and kwan. you three were waiting for seungkwan to arrive with the rest of the snacks.
you initially thought that you'd have the ice cream later but vernon thought that you might need it sooner than later. "thanks, nonie," you smiled at him.
"for what it's worth ynnie, he finally smiled at what you said." vernon said before taking a bite of his ice cream.
"and now yn is acting up because she thought he was cute," seokmin said teasingly, making vernon laugh.
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wonwoo believes that the universe is out to get him. he kept complaining that you were always one step ahead of him and now, the universe is starting to retaliate.
"take yn," his manager tells him, making wonwoo clutch tighter on his notebook.
"sir?" wonwoo must be hearing things. there's no way that his manager actually asked him to take yn, right?
"take yn ln," his manager stresses your name. "didn't you two work on the last summit?"
"yes, but sir—"
"then it's final," his manager dismisses wonwoo "you two did a wonderful job with the last summit, i'd like you two to work on this year's professional development sessions."
"you two make a wonderful team," was the final thing that his manager said. without another word, wonwoo left the office feeling defeated. how can wonwoo be one step ahead of you if the universe is making him walk alongside you?
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it was no surprise that wonwoo was everyone's office crush in the editorial department. people would often turn their heads whenever he walked by. this time was no exception.
the people on your floor knew the budding tension between you two. so when wonwoo was walking towards your desk with two coffees and a bag of dessert in hand, heads definitely turned and people were bound to talk.
"here," wonwoo hands you an iced americano and a bag of what you assumed was a slice of chocolate cake, catching you off-guard. your desk computer was showing the available job listings in the other departments. "are you thinking of transferring?" he asked as he leaned closer to your monitor— closer to you. his cologne was easily filling your nostrils. you hate that he smells good. how are you supposed to despise a man who smells good?! you thought. wow, the bar is literally on the floor.
"i'm keeping my options open," you answered as you crossed your arms, snapping yourself to reality. "it's not like you're making my life any easier here," you muttered the latter sentence, though you did hope that he heard it.
it's been a month since you and wonwoo started working on the company's professional development sessions. it's also been a month of torture. you've gotten frequent migraines that you started looking up if taking tylenol frequently will kill you. you didn't like the results.
wonwoo heard the latter sentence. while the month has been torture for you, wonwoo didn't mind your company at all. sure you were butting heads most of the time, but he noticed how much you were willing to compromise just to settle a conclusion between you two. wonwoo liked pushing your buttons. he found you cute even if you wanted to bite his head off.
"is this a peace offering?" you motioned to the coffee and the cake that was sitting on your desk.
"for what?" wonwoo smirked, playing coy. "you agreed to the after-session event, fair and square."
"bitch?!" you stared at him as if he's gone mad "if anything, you made it your life's mission to annoy me into agreeing that going to an escape room is what we need after overloading our brains from the sessions."
"yn ln, you know i can go to HR because you cursed at me, right?"
"jeon wonwoo, you know we're banned from that floor unless there's a serious allegation," you said, massaging your temples. "now humour me, what's with the coffee and cake?"
"oh, i stopped by at heaven's cloud café earlier and jeonghan practically insisted that you have these," wonwoo said casually, looking away.
you stared at him suspiciously, "thanks, i guess." you haven't spoken to jeonghan in a while since you've always been swamped with work. but maybe that's why you got free coffee and desserts?
before you could even ask wonwoo another question, he quickly left without even looking back at you. deciding to ignore it, you snapped a quick picture of the coffee and the cake, shooting jeonghan a quick text, "thanks for the coffee & cake, hannie! miss u! ♡"
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"jeon wonwoo, is there a reason why yn sent me a text earlier, thanking me for the coffee and cake that i didn't give her?" jeonghan asked wonwoo, who was busy typing away on his laptop. wonwoo stopped at jeonghan's place after work as their other friends will be dropping by later as well.
"i don't know what you're talking about," wonwoo mumbled, not looking at han in the eye.
jeonghan was having none of it. "i'm texting yn that you gave those things to her," he threatened, pulling out his phone.
knowing jeonghan is probably going to commit to it, wonwoo sighed and threw his hands in defeat. "fine."
“and so the plot thickens,” jeonghan smirked, crossing his arms. “so is there a reason why?"
"she was having a rough day," wonwoo explained, closing his laptop. that report will be dealt with tomorrow. "i felt bad."
jeonghan raised an eyebrow at him. "i thought you didn't like her?"
"i don't."
"funny, because that's an odd way of expressing how you dislike her," jeonghan said, making wonwoo roll his eyes.
“i can at least recognize all the work she’s been doing in planning the pd session,” wonwoo replied, defensive.
jeonghan smirked because he knew. he knew that wonwoo was walking on a thin line. in fact, jeonghan was 100% sure that his friend has gone soft for you. “okay, whatever you say.”
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“ynnie!” seungcheol calls your name as he spots you, busy choosing what kind of juice you are going to buy. you decided to stop by at the grocery to grab a couple of things for the fridge.
you gave him a small wave, smiling. seungcheol, however, was eager to give you a hug. you, cheol, and han shared a couple of classes back when you three were in university. you were always supportive of their endeavours that’s why cheol & han always had a soft spot for you— they considered you like a little sister that they always had to take care of.
“how was the cake from earlier? you know i’ve been taking a lot of baking lessons recently,” cheol said with a proud smile.
“oh, it was great, cheol!” you said sincerely “i sent jeonghan a text earlier, saying thanks.”
“thanks for what?”
“for the cake…?” you trailed off, a bit off-guard by the confusion plastered on seungcheol’s face.
“why would you thank jeonghan?” seungcheol asked, even more confused.
“jeonghan wasn’t there?”
cheol shook his head no. “unless jeonghan told wonwoo, but i assumed wonwoo bought it for you. i was teasing him about it too, since he doesn’t like chocolate that much.”
“ah,” was all you could say as you felt your cheeks burning, surprised by cheol’s sudden information. is that why jeonghan hasn't replied to your text at all?
cheol suddenly felt like he just triggered a bomb. oh, he fucked up. as if on cue, his phone started ringing. mingyu was calling. "okay, i'm heading off, ynnie."
you just nodded and waved goodbye, feeling confused. it was a good thing that you won't be seeing wonwoo during the weekend otherwise you would've gone mad.
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heaven's cloud café was buzzing with people when you came in.
you spent a lot of time debating if you had to improvise how you would spend your sunday morning. you would usually stop by the heaven's cloud café and spend a good chunk of your time there— reading or chatting with jeonghan and seungcheol.
however, knowing that wonwoo might stop by at the cafe, it left you questioning if you wanted to derail your usual sunday routine.
and yet, your pride got the best of you. no matter how much you didn't want to see wonwoo, you weren't going to derail your sunday routine especially if it involved coffee.
although the café was usually busy on the weekends, today was unusually busy— you wondered if there was a special promotion taking place. jeonghan hasn't even acknowledged your presence yet as han is busy manning the till while also preparing the drinks. cheol is probably in the kitchen, preparing food.
you settled on the last empty table at the very back— dropping off your things, deciding to order a bit later once the line from the till calms down.
while you were busy scrolling on your phone, someone placed a tall glass of iced americano and a slice of strawberry cake on your table.
"you should try this, it's a house favourite," someone with a deep voice said. you looked up and saw jeon wonwoo with slightly messy hair, wearing your favourite black specs and a white button-up, smiling at you. fuck, he looks good. is hell officially frozen?
"are you perhaps a twin of jeon wonwoo?" you asked, completely boggled.
"yn, what the hell?" wonwoo laughs at your incredulous take, making you even more confused. why is this wonwoo variant laughing and smiling at you? most of all, why are they bringing you food when you haven't even ordered?! "what made you say that?"
you reached out your hand and poked his cheek, making him laugh. "are you really wonwoo from sector17 press?"
"yn, seriously, what makes you think that it's not me?"
"why are you so smiley all of a sudden," you cried, weirded out. "and why are you serving me food?"
"my, do you like it when i give you a hard time?" wonwoo said, teasingly "is that a kink of yours?"
"you're fucking weird, jeon wonwoo," you smacked his arm. "i've never met the weekend version of wonwoo and i don't think i like it," you cried quietly to yourself.
"cute," wonwoo says quietly, still smiling at you. "i'll talk to you later, okay? i'm helping cheol and han for the day and i feel like they'll beat my ass if they see me slacking off." wonwoo gently ruffled your hair and walked away, leaving you flabbergasted.
you felt that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach. oh god, what the fuck just happened?
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the friday night that jeonghan found out that wonwoo used jeonghan’s good name to protect his image, was the same night that seungcheol bumped into you at the grocery store.
drinks were getting passed rather at a rapid speed. for them, this night was a gem among other nights. most of jeonghan’s friends were at his place, enjoying the night away.
“ya, wonwoo,” cheol suddenly calls wonwoo, who was barely drinking— as per cheol’s opinion. “i thought tonight was the night that you were going to get loose.”
wonwoo chuckled, “i’m pacing myself.”
jeonghan snorted. “cheol, you’re talking to the guy who still cannot admit his high school crush on our ynnie.”
this earned a couple of laughs from the group, mainly from mingyu and jun.
“yoon jeonghan, just because you’re in a happy relationship—” wonwoo threw a balled up napkin at him, obviously not knowing how to reply.
“oh, wons, that reminds me…” cheol started rubbing the back of his head “i told yn that it was you who gave her the food and not jeonghan.”
as soon as the words left cheol’s mouth, it’s as if wonwoo felt annoyingly sober. he downed the tall shot of bacardi that was supposed to be mingyu’s shot.
“i don’t get why you’re tiptoeing around your feelings for her,” mingyu pointed out, filling the shot glass again. “it’s not like there’s a company policy against dating your coworkers.”
“isn’t there?” joshua asked. wonwoo shook his head no. “lucky bastard.” shua muttered, taking mingyu’s shot.
“you guys, what’s the point of doing rounds when you’re taking the shots as you please?” mingyu whines.
“i thought you didn’t like yn?” jun asked wonwoo, taking a bite of the kimchi jeon. “or is that like a weird defence mechanism against your feelings?”
"oh please," mingyu rolled his eyes "wonwoo had a huge crush on yn ever since our uni days," he pointed out, prompting wonwoo to hit him.
"weren't you two in like a school publication together?" jeonghan asked, taking the shot from mingyu.
"oh, right! you had like a one-sided beef with yn," jun's eyes lit up briefly, then proceeded to smirk at wonwoo, "ya! is that how you show your affection?"
"obviously not," cheol grins "our wonwoo is the type to show his affection through actions, not words."
"what are the chances that they'd end up working under the same company though," joshua commented with a fond smile.
"and in the same department too," jeonghan added.
wonwoo groans, before taking a shot, "i hate all of you."
"you two have a deep history, have you two never talked?" joshua asked, now invested.
wonwoo shakes his head, "we only talk about work."
"if they talk about work," mingyu laughs, "all they do is argue."
"how do you know all of this, gyu?" cheol asked in disbelief, laughing, "you work at a different company."
"i work with seokmin," mingyu replied "and seok likes to tell stories about yn."
"ya, didn't we invite him tonight?" cheol suddenly remembers, looking at his phone to check his message thread with seok.
"he's probably with yn," wonwoo muttered before taking another shot. this gets attention from the rest of the group— a series of teasing smirks and playful looks being exchanged.
like a kid on christmas morning, a bright smile appears on mingyu's face. "won, are you perhaps jealous?" he teased, with the new-found information.
wonwoo scoffed but didn't answer the question. wonwoo swore he wasn't the jealous type. but for some reason, he can't get over the fact that his friend was closer to you.
wonwoo knew that there was nothing going on with you and seok.
however, seok was your person, wonwoo would always think. you felt happier around seok. if wonwoo didn't know any better, he would assume that you liked seok. maybe she does, wonwoo can't help but think.
"you know they're just friends, right?" mingyu reminded wonwoo.
wonwoo doesn't say anything. he was just waiting for his friends to butt into the conversation. wonwoo's eyes caught jeonghan's. jeonghan smiles, that mischievous smile of his, leaving wonwoo confused.
"won, do you wanna know who she likes?" jeonghan instigates, leaning forward.
wonwoo waits, does he really wanna know?
jeonghan smiles, then says "you."
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wonwoo didn't believe in signs— for him, every little decision a person makes is pulled by the desired outcome. however, you were his only exception.
"if ynnie stops by at the café on sunday, will you finally talk to her like civilized beings?" jeonghan's words rang loudly in wonwoo's ear.
"i don't believe in signs," wonwoo states simply.
"and you can't make an exception for yn?" jeonghan knew how to play the game. he's just waiting for wonwoo to swallow his pride and address his suppressed feelings.
"maybe." wonwoo answers, making jeonghan smile mischievously. and so, it begins, jeonghan thinks.
it was ridiculous— waiting for something to happen when he could've just started a conversation with you. but it's so hard when it's you. god, it's so hard for wonwoo when it's you because you make him feel things that he thought were only exaggerated by films.
wonwoo didn't know if jeonghan's revelation about you was a lie, but he'd be lying if he said that it didn't affect him— because it did. it felt like he was back in high school and he's not sure if that's something he liked.
jeonghan and seungcheol were very much aware of your routine. every now and then, you would visit the café every sunday— even during the morning rush. they were most definitely aware of what's waiting for you and wonwoo.
the two owners had tasked wonwoo to help with serving the orders as more people flooded the café. "make yourself useful while you wait for your girlfriend!" was all jeonghan said as he handed wonwoo an apron.
and so when you entered the café, wonwoo gathered all his strength to talk to you casually, even if it sent him through an overdrive.
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while you were walking towards the washroom, you bumped into jeonghan who was grinning at you. you knew that man long enough to know that he's hiding something when he's smiling like that.
"ya," you pulled jeonghan to the side. "what are you hiding?"
"what do you mean?" han answers, blinking at you innocently.
"why is wonwoo being nice and smiley," you asked him with a huff, crossing your arms. wonwoo being smiley was something you didn't know would affect you this bad. "he's being too cute for my liking," you muttered the latter part.
jeonghan laughs at your dilemma. "isn't that what you wanted?"
"what do you mean—" you were confused with jeonghan's comment until it dawned on you. you remembered the time you went out for drinks with jeonghan and seungkwan. "yoon jeonghan!" you slapped his arm, making him yelp but he was still laughing.
"what?" he looks at you, acting confused as he rubs his arm. "i'm being supportive here!"
"you promised me you wouldn't tell him," you pouted.
"oh please, he was jealous of seok, i had to throw him something."
"so you told wonwoo about the time i got drunk with you and professed my undying feelings for him instead?!"
"no," jeonghan replies. his eyes moved past yours, looking past your shoulders, and smiled. "but i think you already did." jeonghan says, patting your shoulder before he left.
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wonwoo was sitting across from you with a smile on his face. you've never seen this man smile at you this much, it was starting to freak you out.
"don't look at me like that," you grumbled, glaring at wonwoo.
"i can't help it," he looks at you almost tenderly. "you look adorable even when you're sulking like that."
you felt the familiar sensation in your stomach. how can jeon wonwoo just say things like these to you? does he not care about your well-being?! how you'd feel?
"that was a long time ago, by the way," you said in defence— as if the damage hadn't been done. wonwoo waits for you to continue your sentence. "you know, me having a crush on you," you continued, your tone getting quieter after each word.
"i'm sorry, what was that?" wonwoo leans closer, as if he didn't hear what you just said. you knew he was just teasing you as you noticed that he was trying to fight off a smirk.
"i don't like you, jeon wonwoo," you whispered, prompting wonwoo to only focus on your lips.
"that's too bad because," wonwoo paused briefly and leaned even more, "i like you."
his face was dangerously close to yours— wonwoo didn't care if half of his body was practically hovering over the table. he wanted to lean closer to you.
you felt frozen in your place. a part of you wanted to lean back and smack him, but there's also a part of you that just wanted to grab his stupid face and kiss it.
"ya!" jeonghan suddenly appeared beside your table "if you two are going to make out in my café, can you move to cheol's office? i'm planning to keep this place family-friendly," jeonghan snickered.
maybe you should just kiss wonwoo and smack jeonghan instead.
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hello hello friends! i wrote this while i was sick in bed & was high on buckley's flu meds, so this is v cheesy. i hope you are all well & healthy! ♡
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loliwrites · 7 months
The One You Need | four
🎶 I spent most my life thinkin’ love was out of reach, so maybe just this once, you could be the one I need, if you let me be the one you need🎶
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pairing: neighbor!joel miller x f!reader  rating: explicit, 18+ minors dni  summary: when you move into town hellbent on keeping everyone at an arm’s length, your neighbor Joel finds his way into your life. warnings/tags: au, neighbor joel, age gap [reader is late 20s/early 30s, Joel is late 40s], hyper-independent reader, unannounced visitors, actual daddy issues, would-be suitor being forceful, perceived b&e, handgun [not used], SMUT, slight resistance kink, mild choking, fingering, oral [f receiving], slight degradation [one usage of whore] unprotected p in v sex, praise kink, aftercare, terms of endearment [sweetheart], THEY SHARE A BED, female reader, no physical description, protective!joel, soft!joel, dare i say ei!joel, no use of y/n. word count: 8.0k joel miller masterlist | part three a/n: we're doing the thing, y'all!
This was new for Joel. When you’d dodged him for nearly a month after he’d put your bed together, he just figured that was the action of a new neighbor from the west coast. He never figured you’d waltz your way back in with your faulty refrigerator. But this wasn’t that. This was post-sex when you all but fled his home. And for having told him one night stands weren’t your style, he thought you were doing a mighty fine job of making them your style. 
It had been three days since that night and he hadn’t heard a peep. Not a check in, drive by, or walk through. It was as if your presence in the neighborhood had been a figment of his imagination. The only reason he knew it was real was because he was missing one of his shirts – the one you’d left in. And for three days hadn’t even done as much as slingshot it back to him or send by way of carrier pigeon. The amount of times in the past three days he thought he’d walk over and ask for, or demand, an explanation surpassed the amount of digits on his hands. But every time he talked himself out of it, telling himself all you needed was time.
But time only brought you one thing. A boy. In some automatic, foreign car. He rolled up the night of that third day and stepped out in a well-pressed black suit. Joel wasn’t spying, no… he just happened to mosey out to the porch and saw it all happening. He even witnessed you leave your house in a long red dress. Saw you descend the porch with this new boy, how he opened up the passenger door for you, and how you ducked into it. As that foreign car drove away, Joel turned and punched the post by his porch steps. The post was left unaffected. Joel’s hand, however, throbbed for the next three hours.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
Staying out of Joel’s space had been intentional but the date had not been. This guy; he was a friend of a friend of a third cousin and he popped up out of nowhere. You hadn’t even really wanted to go out at all, let alone on some random date. But when you were shown a picture of the guy, he was… cute. He looked like the type of guy you normally let ruin your life, so ultimately you agreed. You hoped and prayed that Joel didn’t see you leave with this guy. And you spent the rest of the evening hoping and praying Joel would forgive you if he had. This wasn’t how you wanted it to go. The plan wasn’t to bed your neighbor and then leave him on the curb like trash. The plan wasn’t even to sleep with him, but given that you had, the rules to the game had changed so quickly. 
And Chad… Brad… whatever the hell his name was, he was just… what you expected he’d be. He was attractive and he knew it, but he had nothing on Joel and he had no idea. He had blonde hair cut into a neat and tidy style but it had no story. Joel’s unkempt graying curls told you of his age and the unwillingness to burden his life with things as menial as primping himself. This guy had bright blue eyes, but they didn’t leave you searching their depths for the meaning of life like Joel’s had. Clean-shaven, baby-faced, uncalloused hands… There were any number of things that he was that Joel wasn’t, and staying present in the moment with him proved to be a challenge when you hadn’t even processed everything about Joel yet.
When the date finally ended, and you were escorted home, you peeked over at Joel’s house, wondering if you’d see him out on his porch, strumming his guitar. You hoped not. Please, on everything that is holy, don’t let him be out there. And when you couldn’t quite tell if he was or not, you decided to count your lucky stars and work with the assumption that benefited you most.
Chad… Brad… walked you up to your door and stood eerily close to you while your back was to him, unlocking it. Heat radiated off of him, and unlike the heat that came from Joel, you didn’t quite like how this one felt against you. Door unlocked but foregoing opening it just yet, you pivoted in a tight circle so as to not brush up against him as you faced him.
“I had a good time tonight, thank you,” you murmured, staring at his face to get a read on if he was going to lean in for a kiss you were going to have to dodge.
“Y’know, I didn’t get to see your place when I first got here,” he said as if that were a totally normal thing for him to have done. “Maybe you can give me a tour,” he reached around you and went for the handle.
You pushed against his arm with your hip before he could get his thumb on the latch, “maybe another time.”
“You’re gonna cut the night short?” he smirked and closed the practically imperceptible gap that was between you anyway.
Trying to back up, but running out of room as your back hit the door, “yeah, I’ve got an early morning.”
“What I want won’t take very long,” he leaned his hips forward, pressing them up against yours where it was oh so very clear he was sporting a semi. “C’mon, I bought you a fancy dinner, the least you could do is put out,” he still reached around you and pressed on the latch, nudging open your front door.
“Hey bud,”
Your heart dropped into your stomach. Panic. Or was it relief? And managed to escape from Brad’s (or was it Chad?) hips, tugging your door shut again as you side-stepped away. He turned around and found Joel, climbing the porch steps coolly.
“I think you should leave,” Joel said, resting his hands on his hips. He even smiled at his suggestion.
“Who are you?” Your date asked and looked back in your direction as if he’d be able to grab you again, but you’d already moved to the side.
Joel flicked his eyes at you as if inspecting to see if any hurt had been done, then looked back at the would-be suitor. “Doesn’t matter, I think it’s time you got outta here,”
“Dude, she was just inviting me in,”
“Dude, no she wasn’t. I don’t wanna have to call the cops, just get goin’,”
Your date chuckled incredulously. He turned to you with what looked like mild fury in his eyes, “your pussy’s not worth all this.”
You nodded in agreement, “it definitely is not.”
Joel waited until he was gone – watched him all the way to his car, and until it took off down the street, before he looked back at you. You’d already made it back to your front door and were backing into it, leaning against the frame.
He nodded once and turned. Then over his shoulder, “your pussy is worth it.”
You laughed and shook your head, “thanks!” 
Back, safe and sound in your house, you locked the front door right away and carried on through the rooms, first into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, then back toward your bedroom. There was a brief thought about how Joel must’ve been outside when you’d arrived back home, and now there were new lucky stars to thank. But that thought was pushed aside when you glanced into the den as you passed it and it made your heart stop. It was the only room left to be unpacked. You’d eventually use it as an office, but right now it was just a handful of cardboard boxes and pictures that hadn’t been hung yet. But the mess wasn’t what gave you pause. It was that it was the room with your back door, and that door was currently wide open.
You ran back through the house, set your glass of water on something, and bolted back through the front door. “Joel! Joel!”
He was gathering his things from the porch, getting ready to go inside when he’d heard your panicked calls and immediately ran off his porch and toward you, meeting in the middle of the street.
“There’s– my door– open–” you took a deep breath just to fill your lungs with substantial air. “I think someone broke in,”
In the same instant, Joel reached behind his back and pulled a handgun out of his waistband. He side-stepped you and went toward your house, knowing you’d be right behind him.
“You had that on you the whole time?!” He didn’t answer. Just kept laser focus on your house. “Were you gonna shoot him?”
Finally, he turned toward you, and even in the darkness you could tell the glare he shot you was something icy. “‘M’gonna need you to be real quiet when we go through your house, okay?” He waited for you to nod, obediently. “Stay right behind me. Hand in my pocket or finger in my belt loop, got it?”
You nodded again, and when he turned around you tucked your fingertips into the back pocket of his jeans. Even as he began to walk and approach your home, you stuck close, feet falling in rhythm with his to practically meld yourself to his body. He held the handgun poised in front of him in both hands, only lowering one to push your door open. With a clear line of vision inside, he paused and listened before carrying on inside. All of his movements, searching and clearing each room, were deliberate and methodical. He took his time. Reaching around your back to hold you close to him when he needed to turn or pivot, making sure you remained fully behind him at all times. 
Without searching every room, he made his way back to your bedroom. No one was standing there, or hiding under the bed, and with the closet being the only other place to hide in the room, it was one of the easier one’s to search. The closet, he soon came to learn, wasn’t a viable hiding place as it was still only partially unpacked, stacks of luggage and boxes obscuring the floor. He shut your bedroom door and lifted your hand out of his pocket.
“I’m gonna search the rest of the house. Stay here and lock the door,”
“Joel, what if–”
He held up his hand and shook his head, “don’t worry about it. Lock the door. Don’t open it until I get back.”
That was it before he went back out. You ran up and locked it behind him, then quickly backed away, to your bed, nervous as all hell, and fighting every urge your body had to break out in a sob. It seemed to take forever. His absence made the worry inside you grow. If only he’d just come back. You’d say or do whatever he wanted to make things better again. To not have him shooting daggers your way. To just live as harmoniously as you needed to, to not make the neighborhood unbearable. You’d become a hermit and never see another man in all your life if that’s what it took. Not that that didn’t seem like a great option at this point.
Three gentle knocks on your door, “it’s me. You can open up,”
You ran to it and turned the knob, the lock clicked back on itself, and you came face to face with Joel once again, finding him completely unharmed. He tucked the handgun back into his waistband, “we had some strong winds earlier. Might’ve blown the back door open. Did you have it locked?”
Thinking back, you couldn’t be sure. You’d been in and out of it so frequently, throwing things in the trash that the likelihood of it having been left unsecure was relatively high. Shrugging, you looked up at him with timid eyes, hoping to find a little bit of comfort there. But they were still cold, thwarting off any advance you might be making for warmth.
“Well, the latch is busted now so you’ll have to get someone in here to fix it,”
“You can’t fix it?”
He tilted his head to the side. After what you’d put him through in the last few days, he was surprised you even asked that at all. You were the one who apparently didn’t want him around. That is, until you needed him for something. “You ignore me for three days after we sleep together and are only talking to me because you need me to do you a favor,”
“I’m not some fuckin’ toy you get to play with whenever it’s convenient for you,”
“You scare me!”
The argument had gotten loud and you hadn’t wanted it to. That was too much like home. You just wanted peace and quiet. But even if your surroundings could be, your brain never was. And it hadn’t been for the last three days. It had been loud and persistent. “Because what if this keeps going?! Whatever this is, it keeps going. We keep fucking. And you keep fixing things. And suddenly we’re staying the night at each other’s places sporadically. And then I’m meeting your daughter. And your brother. And you’re learning about all my fucked up stuff. And we keep doing this thing for however long. And then we give it a label. And we’re a couple. And it just keeps going.”
Having grown baffled at the road your brain had traveled down, Joel furrowed his eyebrows and studied you. He folded his arms over his chest, and only when you’d stopped talking did he offer any response, “so?”
All that and a one word answer? You could’ve slapped him silly. “What if we never break up?”
He laughed and rolled his eyes, “sweetheart, I don’t think that’d be an issue. You seem difficult,”
You shoved your hands against his chest as he continued to laugh. “I mean it! And then I’m like… dependent,” you nearly gagged at the word, “on you like some sad, servant housewife that’s just waiting in her window for her husband to get home so she can fix his meals and wash his clothes.”
He let out a breath that almost sounded like another laugh, “you’re fuckin’ insane, you know that?” Swinging at his chest again, he caught your wrists this time and held them against him tightly. “First of all, a wife’s not a servant. Second, I wouldn’t want you to cook for me anyways. Campbell’s soup in a can for the past week! And lastly, if we never broke up – which I assure you we would because you’re nutty – then you’d be the person I get to come home to and fall into your arms, and relax with! And I’d take the trash out to the bins, and pick the flowers in the yard for you, and pull your fuckin’ hair out of the shower drain when it clogs. And yeah, you might do my laundry every now and again, but we’d do it because we’d love each other. Your shit would be my shit, and there’s nothin’ I wouldn’t do for you.”
You stood, mouth agape, not blinking, staring up at Joel. He let go of your wrists and all but pushed them away, but you were back on him in a second. Hands replaced on his chest, this time with the utmost care, fingers curling into the fabric of his cotton t-shirt.
“I’m not trying to take your independence away. Not tryin’ to trap you. Hell, we don’t have to call this anything, just don’t ignore me.” He only stared, as if allowing himself to live in the feeling of your hands on him, pressing down on his chest but really into his soul. “If you want a man and not a boy, you got one, but it requires you to be a woman and not some scared, little girl.”
“I can be,” you assured, eyes dropping down to where your hands lay on his chest. Then once looking back into his eyes, your hands drifted further south, blazing a trail over the fabric of his shirt until you felt the rough denim of his jeans.
“Y’know,” he smirked almost devilishly, as if daring you to continue on, “you’re just a dog with a loud bark, but you got no bite.”
“Did you just call me a dog?” You grinned back, playfully squinting your eyes.
“No bite at all. You just fold and turn over on your back like a pup,”
“I got bite,”
Joel’s eyebrow quirked but his eyes didn’t waver from yours. Not even when you lowered a hand to his crotch and gave it a squeeze. He gave you no reaction, just tilted his head to the side as if he was waiting for you to amuse him.
And it got your mind spinning. What did bite look like? What did he think that meant? That you’d get on your knees and give him the sloppiest head this side of the Mississippi? Because to you, bite looked like everything you’d ever been to him. It looked like stubbornness or as he liked to call it brattiness. Last time, he’d fucked it out of you. A tried and true method. But if he wanted ‘bite’, he’d get it. Your way, on your terms.
So you swiftly undid his jeans, making quick work of the button and zipper as if they were only the slightest of inconveniences, and slipped your hand into his pants, giving him another generous and firm squeeze. By the looks of it, he was the one that nearly folded. But something else kept him preoccupied. It was then you remembered the handgun he’d tucked so haphazardly in his jeans. He reached around his back for it as you’d created a less secure space for it. And though it gave you pause as he pulled it out and glanced down at it to ensure the safety was on, it didn’t deter you completely from continuing. You removed your hand from his pants and pushed against his chest, sending you both in opposite directions. With the growing distance as you rounded to the side of your bed and a premature feeling that you’d somehow won, a smile passed over your lips. It was there and gone in a matter of milliseconds. No sooner than you’d felt it stretch across your face, Joel had closed the gap between you, lifted his free hand to your throat and with a firm hold on it, pushed you backwards. It wasn’t until you’d run out of real estate, pressed up against your closet door, that he stood over you with an almost playful glare like a cat who’d caught a mouse to toy with. He bent over and set the handgun down on the bedside table, then returned his complete focus to you. Fingers applied the softest of extra pressure to the sides of your neck and catching your gentle nod, he pressed them into a tighter squeeze.
Annoyance emanated from you – for you – that you liked it so much. That you enjoyed him having control over you, and effectively taking yours away. You hated that you wanted to give him control, when in every other aspect of life, you clung to it like a life raft in the ocean. Maybe thinking that that was all you had, there was no other fight or bite left, Joel’s fingers loosened from around your neck. And as though you hadn’t quite learned the lesson yet, thought you’d gained back some of the control, grunted and pushed on his chest again with all your might. It only sent him backward one step, and he retaliated with a searing grip on your wrist with one hand, and the return of his other hand to your neck for a cautious squeeze as his hips lowered to yours, effectively pinning you motionless.
“That was cute,”
You wriggled beneath him, trying to break free, but quickly found it pointless. His weight kept you where he wanted you and his hand on your neck was the decision-maker now. You let out a sigh of surrender, body fully collapsing and giving up beneath him.
Joel felt the fight leave your body and released your neck and wrist at the same time. With his hips still buried into yours, and now absently rubbing against you, he ducked his head to the side and planted a series of soft kisses to your neck where his fingers had just been.
“You just wanna be a good girl, don’tcha?” He could feel your pulse quicken against his lips on your neck. The only response he got came in the form of a needy whine and he set his hands on the closet door at either side of your head. “You don’t want to have to bite, huh?” He was almost goading you now, grinding his growing length against your waist. “Just looking for a bigger, badder dog to lead the way for you,”
You weren’t sure why, because except for in a sexual sense, it wasn’t necessarily true, but you nodded anyway. He could have control here. You liked not having it here if it meant you got to retain it in other aspects of life. At your acceptance, he laid a kiss on you. As good of a kiss as he’d ever given you; made sweeter by that fact that you’d made sure you’d gone without it for the last few days. Just as a headrush began, he pulled away, and it had you leaning forward as much as you could to try and get his lips back.
“I want you to get undressed and lay down on your back for me.” He thought you’d get going, but he was confronted with a pout instead. Smacking the side of your hip, “get going or I’ll put those lips to better use,”
“Is that a threat?” You smirked, reaching behind your back for the zipper on your dress.
“‘S’a promise,”
You couldn’t even really relish and appreciate his promise as at this point you remembered the trial in gymnastics it took to zip up your dress in the first place. It started far too low on your back and ended far too high to be accessible for a single human to do on their own, and at one point, you’d seriously considered just letting your date into your house without dinner just so you could stay naked and save the trouble. In hindsight – small blessings that you’d managed to get it zipped up.
“Help,” you murmured to Joel and spun around in the same moment, pressing your ass back against his crotch. Setting your hands on the closet door for more leverage to rut against him, you pressed harder, feeling the form of his growing length against your backside.
Joel didn’t waste too much time in helping you, opting to tug the zipper down in one quick fell swoop instead of taking his time with it. But as soon as your back was exposed to him, he snaked his arms around your torso and pressed one large, strong palm over your belly while the other found your clit. He cupped your sex and gently bit down on the back of your shoulder. Then as if he remembered what he’d previously been doing, he removed his hands from you and tapped your ass.
“G’on, lay down,”
You obeyed him and delicately let your dress fall from your shoulders and to the floor. He was pleased to see you already without a bra, and by the time you turned and laid back on your bed, Joel was at the latter part of pulling his t-shirt over his head and throwing it to the floor with your dress. He descended upon you as you’d moved up to rest your head on the pillows. But that wasn’t in his plans yet. He grabbed you by the ankle and pulled you down along the duvet until your legs hung over the end of the bed.
“Joel,” you gasped, finding yourself immediately repositioned. He hadn’t even bothered with a kiss to your lips or a check in, but opted for migrating straight to your breasts. 
“Yeah, sweetheart,” he kneaded your soft flesh in his hands and knelt to the floor at the end of your bed.
You heard his knees click on the way down, and truly wanted to say something about it this time – maybe that it was time for a couple knee replacements – but found yourself cut off again when he gripped onto the thin line of your g-string and began to pull it away from your center. “Joel, wait…”
And to his credit, being face to face with your wet slit and already sporting a hard on, his fingers stilled immediately. Quit their pursuit of ridding you from the underwear that was barely there anyway, and opted for bending in to kiss the inside of your thigh.
“I don’t think…” your voice trailed off as he sucked on your inner thigh, surely leaving a mark. Then steadfastly, kissed the skin again.
“I like you like this,” he murmured against your thigh before moving an inch higher and kissing that fresh skin. “Soft,”
A whimper died in your throat, only barely emitting soundwaves into the space between you. But your gaze remained locked on him for any sudden movements.
“I got you, you know that, right?” He kissed your opposite thigh when you nodded. “You can be soft, and small; I got you,” he smiled when you nodded again. “Can I take this off?” his fingers toyed with your g-string again, “can I taste you? And give you a couple brain-melting orgasms,”
“Where’s that horn,” you giggled and looked around the room as if searching for it, finding it bought you some time and distance from having to look directly in his soul-piercing eyes. But he grazed his teeth against your inner thigh again like a horse chomping at the bit, and that got you locked on him again. “You can try. A little bit,”
His hands got back to immediate work and carefully slid the miniscule fabric past the curve of your ass, down from your core, trying not to get lost in the way a bit of your arousal connected you to the fabric for a second longer until he pulled it further away, down your thighs, past your calves, and finally, off completely. He lifted your legs, set them atop his shoulders, positioning himself right in the center of where he yearned to be, and kissed your inner thigh again, this time higher than he’d previously been. His hands found their way to your hips, fingers digging into the flesh as he worked you into a more comfortable state before lips would meet your slit.
Nerves bubbling up to the surface, realizing you’d have a helluva time trying to dissociate from this, you reached down and clawed at the back of one of his hands. He flicked his eyes up to you in time to adjust, releasing your hip and allowing you to take his hand in yours. He moaned against your skin as he moved higher, now to where your leg and hip met, and laced his fingers with yours. You squeezed his hand and he took it as approval for the next step. Of laying a wet kiss on your clit. Thighs briefly squeezed closer to his head, releasing just in time as he licked a broad stripe from your entrance up to your clit. 
A high-pitched groan fell past your lips and he shook his head against you when his mouth made contact with your clit again. He hummed too, sounding beyond elated with his current position. A noise you hadn’t ever quite heard with such enthusiasm. As if everyone in the past had been doing it cursorily instead of out of sheer desire.
Joel flicked his tongue over your clit repeatedly, then lowered his mouth to your entrance and rimmed the tight opening. The feeling of you squirming beneath him was all he needed by way of encouragement. He guided your hand up to his head, not completely satisfied until you released his hand and grabbed hold of his hair. Only then did he move his hand up over your belly and pressing his palm flat against it to hold you still, while his other hand moved from your hip and hooked around your thigh.
“J-Joel… please,” you breathed out, lifting your head to look down at him. But his eyes were closed, getting lost in his ministrations that were unending. You let your head drop back to the bed, “oh my god, please.”
In the past, there had been a worry about the amount of time it took, or how long a boy would be willing to go to get you there. Now, you weren’t quite sure what time was. Or how much had passed. Maybe it had been only a few minutes, maybe it had been fifteen. But your eyes snapped open and made contact with your bedroom ceiling because Joel pressed his middle and ring fingers against your soaked entrance. “Joel,” you whimpered again.
For the first time since he’d begun, he pulled his mouth off you, though his eyes remained on his fingers for the time being, “I got you, girl. Bein’ such a good girl for me,” as he knew it would, your body reacted to his praise. Relaxed. And he slowly urged his fingers inside you, gaze now flicking upward to watch your expression. Jaw slack and eyes rolling back until they shut, he evenly pulled his fingers in and out of you. “Look at you, sweetheart. Like my fingers inside you?”
You nodded emphatically, choking out a sound with a throat that had run dry.
“This pussy’s so good,” he leaned back in and licked your entrance where it met his fingers and continued up to your clit, “tastes so fuckin’ good.”
Thighs closed around his head, muscles twitching and spasming on their own volition. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop,”
He smiled against you, softly sucking your clit into his mouth and rolling his tongue flat against it. The mewls it drew from your lips sounded like the sweetest song he’d ever heard. You didn’t need to tell him not to stop. He’d keep doing whatever it was that got that sound to come out of you. 
Joel moaned against you and it sent a vibration up through you that was the last thing you really needed to get you to your first orgasm of the night. It had been on a nonstop incline since he’d started, and the release was just there at the edge. You were sure Joel could tell. His fingers moved more hastily, his mouth and tongue not ceasing for even a second. But then – your brain entered the picture. Took center stage. Reminded you that some man was in between your legs, his mouth performing pure magic… and though your orgasm still neared, your brain fought for distance. 
Your hand had been nestled snugly in his hair, holding him against you, begging him to stay put. But now you were using it to push back on his head. Your release was there, centimeters away, and you desperately pressed against his head, trying to pry him off of you. “Joel, no, please. Stop,”
He pulled his mouth away, though his fingers remained pumping inside of you, and with a growl, he leaned forward and moved his free hand up to your neck, getting a soft grip on either side of it. “Come on, right here,” he curled his fingers inside you, “come all over my fingers.” 
But you only whined and writhed beneath him, now frustrated that you’d pushed away his mouth – the very thing that had been getting you to your climax.
“Got you moanin’ like a whore with my mouth… Push me away…” He shook his hand with his fingers deep inside you, rocking the entire lower half of your body, “c’mon, give it to me.”
The hold he had on your neck tightened and without his mouth, that had been your undoing. You came with a scream, back arching off the bed, chest spasming. Joel removed his fingers from you before you’d ridden out the entirety of your climax, and slapped his hand down on your clit at the tail end of it. You whined a little louder when that sent rippling shock waves through your body. Chest heaving, your sex, already red and swollen, Joel still got up from his knees and leaned over your body for a kiss. You could still taste a hint of yourself on his tongue and it made you want to ravage him more.
“Want you to fuck me,” you begged against his lips, pushing his underwear down past his waist. At some point while he was on his knees, he’d pushed his jeans down and had been able to step out of them when he stood back up. However it happened, you didn’t care, as long as it got him inside of you sooner.
Joel smiled against your lips and tapped your hip as he stood back up and rid himself of his underwear. “Turn over,” he ordered as he stroked himself, smearing the precum that leaked from his tip down along the length of his shaft.
Instantaneous obedience rushed over you and you clumsily turned over to your stomach and got up on your hands and knees. Joel’s hand returned to your skin soon thereafter. Fingers splayed over your ass cheek, digging into the supple flesh. It was the gentlest of the actions you’d feel over the next few minutes. Just enough time to relish in the expanse of his hand before he was using his other hand to guide his length to you, sliding his member over your wetness and then finally pushing himself inside of you.
The air evacuated your lungs with the feeling of him sinking into you. Relentlessly. Until he’d worked himself balls deep, nestled tight in your core. A throbbing overtook the lower half of your body and you allowed yourself to collapse, chest and head now resting on the bed while your backside remained up for Joel to use. And that he did. The thrusts you remembered from the first time together had felt deep, and were, no doubt. But they paled in comparison to the feeling of this, of his length actually splitting you in half, like an axe to a piece of wood. You released a long, lingering cry that changed into a breathy moan when his thrusts picked up, nothing but the sounds of your shared labored breaths and skin slapping together. 
“Shit,” Joel groaned, gripping onto your hips with a bone-crushing hold. His hips faltered for just a second. 
If you hadn’t been paying such rapt attention to the feeling of each inch inside you, you likely wouldn’t have noticed the stutter of his movement for the slightest of seconds. But it was impossible to ignore how he felt inside you. A fullness you sure was indescribable – at least indescribable by any sense that would do it justice. And a heaviness that was all-encompassing. It seemed to seep into every cell, weighing you down in the most delicious of ways. On shaky arms that seemed unlikely to be able to bear any weight, you pressed up from the bed to return to your hands and knees. 
But no sooner than you’d risen, a hand left your hip and migrated to the center of your upper back, pushing you back down until your chest was flush with the mattress again. “Stay like this,” his jaw dropped open when you squeezed around his shaft, and he very nearly doubled over. “Just like this,”
“Joel, I can’t–”
As though he was a mind reader, he slid his hand down your back and enveloped it around your hips; the pads of his fingers making contact with your clit again. Your body went soft for him again, malleable to whatever course of action was to come next.
“Yes. God yes,” you pleaded like God was in the room with you in the form of Joel.
“Feel fuckin’ incredible,” he moaned and offered a particularly hard thrust. One that had caught you off guard, and your knees slipped, sending your stomach down to the bed as well. 
He managed to follow you down, keeping himself sheathed deep inside you, and with hand still curled around you, kept you lifted enough for his fingers to continue massaging your clit in small, quick circles. Now with only your ass left above the rest of your body, he straddled your legs and scooted himself up closer. His thrusts now deep but short, you let out a shriek and curled your fists in your sheets.
“Takin’ this cock like a champ,” he bared his teeth into his bottom lip with a thrust that had his tip pressing against the opening to your cervix. You whimpered again, which only made him smile. “Yeah, you like that? Tell me about it,”
“Love it,” you panted. Legs pressed together, feeling fuller than ever with his hands on your clit, coil in your stomach was winding up. Tighter and tighter, and you knew it was only a matter of moments before you’d snap. “Fuckin’ love your cock, Joel,” 
Just expressing the sentiment made you throb, and you knew he felt it. Knew it when he replaced the circling of your clit with a couple quick taps to it which made your body jerk. He smiled again and reset his hands on your hips, using them for all the leverage he needed for what would end up being the last of what you’d be able to take. 
“Joel,” you cried and unwound a hand from the sheets to reach back for his hand on your hip. You curled it around two of his fingers, “I’m gonna…”
“Yeah, you are. Gonna be a good girl and come all over this cock?” He groaned after your body responded to his praise, “let me have it, sweetheart.”
You felt his hips falter again and thought if you could just hold out for a while longer, you’d both hit the peak together. So you stiffened your body, and tried to stave off the snapping of the spring inside you. Tried to blur out the pleasure for sheer focus. But all that did was send a shot of discomfort through you which settled in your chest and your body purged it with an animalistic growl.
Joel pressed his hands to the bed on either side of you and rested himself against your back, cautious to not lay all of his weight on you. He bit into your neck, “don’t wait for me. Go on, I’ll be right behind you,” his jaw slackened when your muscles clenched around him, sucking him in deeper and milking his length. 
“Promise?” you squeaked out, the beginning of your orgasm gearing up deep in your stomach. 
He smiled against your neck and nodded, “yeah, I promise. C’mon, sweetheart.”
It didn’t take too much more coaxing than that. One more thrust and you unraveled beneath him. Body trembling involuntarily with an endless string of moans filling the room. He grunted behind you and pulled out before you’d even finished. Stroked himself just a couple times before his own muscles flexed and released, releasing his come over your lower back and ass. You turned your head to the side when the feeling of his come hitting you finished, and smiled breathlessly at the sight of him giving his length a couple more tugs. He let go of his member and let it rest along your ass, taking deep breaths to steady himself.
Joel leaned down, his cock sliding to your lower back. He nestled his nose against your cheek and kissed your jaw, “you’re a good girl, huh?”
You grinned, cheeks growing hotter, and lifted your hands up behind you to tangle them in his hair.
“Yeah, you are,” he pecked your cheek once more then pushed himself off you. “I’ll be back, lemme clean you up.” He only waited for you to nod before he was off.
Left alone in your room, you leaned up on your elbows and looked around. It was pretty sparse and impersonal, like the rest of your house still. Nothing like Joel’s. In his house, everything screamed him. It was lived in, worn. The things that were out of place had been so for so long that their lack of a place became their place. He’d spent years making it a home while you were still just in a house. You wondered what it would take for your house to become that. Time? Maybe a dog? Or worst case scenario – a man?
Joel re-entered your room, towel in hand, and crawled back on the bed to you. He gently wiped away his spend until your skin was clean again. “Couldn’t find a washcloth,”
After he threw the towel to the floor by your bed, you rolled over onto your back, “don’t have ‘em. Got these,” you lifted her hands and waved them about.
He scrunched his nose and you swatted at his chest as he laid down beside you. With a hand holding yours against his chest, he maneuvered his other arm around you, behind your neck and shoulders, and pulled you into him. You rest your head down on his collarbone and focused on your fingers, running them along his tanned skin leaving invisible doodles in their wake. If you could just stay here like this, in the post-sex afterglow, you could almost convince yourself that the closeness wasn’t freaking you out. It was a lot so quickly. A far cry from your status quo.
“Can you stay tonight,” you asked in the same moment Joel kissed the top of your head. And because he didn’t answer right away, you felt the need to justify yourself. “If it wasn’t the wind and someone did bre–”
“I’ll stay,” he shook you reassuringly, “‘cause you’re nicer to cuddle up against than my old pillows,”
You wrapped your arm around him tighter, “this doesn’t mean anything.”
“Of course not.” For just a moment, he let his fingertips dance over the skin at your bare hip, smiling to himself at the goosebumps that erupted across it. Then he tapped your hip, “you should go to the bathroom,”
Ah, yes. Your delicate pH balance. Apparently it was on Joel’s mind more than it was on yours. You willed yourself out of bed and carried on into the bathroom, whereupon looking at yourself in the mirror, it was impossible to ignore the seemingly permanent smile on your face. You tried to get rid of it; tried to turn your lips into a straight line, but it wouldn’t leave. It was there. Etched deep and sure. And you knew it had very little to do with the fact that you were in your own home, a thousand miles away from family drama, and very much to do with the man waiting for you in bed.
If you from two months ago could see you now, you were sure there wouldn’t have been the slightest chance of recognition. While to most, and maybe even to Joel, a change had scarcely happened, you saw the leaps and bounds of apparent progress. Two months ago, you’d closed on the house and had swore off boys altogether. Like a form of housekeeping, you swept those ideas into a dustpan and deposited them in the garbage. Boys were superfluous. Intimate relationships were superfluous. A couple lousy boyfriends had taught you that, but they hadn’t been horribly awful people. They’d just been boys. Perhaps the worst of it was that your father had taught you that. Taught you that the man who was supposed to love you unconditionally, couldn’t, or just flat out didn’t. Taught you that romantic relationships looked like prison sentences. That a man would never be able to evolve and understand his own emotional range, let alone yours. And worst of all, that despite being obviously unhappy with everything, that he’d never leave, never let you leave; and instead hold you hostage in a relationship that everyone could see had failed, but he refused to admit for the sake of his own delicate ego. 
You grinned, thinking about how the only delicate thing about you was your pH balance.
“Y’alright?” Joel asked as you re-entered your bedroom. 
You figured you’d looked pretty spaced out upon returning. Not entirely sure how you’d made it back there from the bathroom. Still, you pressed a smile and crawled back into bed, immediately curling up into his side. Back in only his underwear, his skin against yours gave off tremendous heat and for the first time (perhaps in life), you really found yourself hoping that Joel was all the things he said he was, and that it wasn’t just performative.
“What’s this?” He held out a lone bolt in his fingers.
You tilted your head back from where it rested against his chest, “where’d you get that?”
“Side table,”
“You’re snooping in my stuff?”
“Yeah,” he nodded and jiggled the bolt in his hand again. “Where’d this come from?”
You shrugged and lowered your head, rubbing your cheek against his bare chest to get comfortable again. “Found it when I was Swifferin’ beneath my oven,”
The bolt stopped moving in Joel’s fingers and you peeked back up to find him stunned. “‘S’truly amazing your house hasn’t exploded yet,”
“What?” you whined, “it works and it’s not like I smell gas. It was probably an extra part,”
“Since when do ovens come with parts you don’t need?”
“Joel,” you whined again and wrapped your arm around his belly, holding him close.
He leaned over and set the bolt back down on the side table. He’d fix that tomorrow. Along with your back door. And maybe give everything else in your house a once over to make sure you wouldn’t combust.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
Sun rays filtered in between the slits in your blinds and you cursed yourself (yet again) for not having invested in black out curtains. One of these days you would and maybe then you’d get a restful night of sleep. With a groan and an aching in your hips, you turned onto your back and looked to the side where Joel was still asleep, his back to you. Generally, sharing a bed with someone resulted in you having the worst night of sleep known to man. It was as if your brain could never really settle knowing someone was beside you. And while you had slept some last night, you couldn’t wait for Joel to not be in your bed the following night. 
After having slid out of bed, successful in not rousing him, you padded down the hallway to the kitchen and squinted out the front window where the neighborhood was slowly coming to life. A couple kids were riding their bikes in the street. Mr. Cole was hobbling down his driveway to pick up the newspaper. Your routine was coffee first and after a night like last, where your hips weren’t the only thing sore, but your thighs and core, too, coffee was supremely necessary.
The slowness of the act was almost meditative. You could turn off your brain. Grab the filter, scoop the coffee grounds, add the water, hit the button. At least on a normal day. What you didn’t know at that moment, but came to know halfway pouring the water, today was not to be a normal day. Not at all. Because a knock on your front door had you spilling some of the water down the side of the machine instead of within the well. 
You turned, confused, and then were riled into action when the knock happened again, this time more insistent. Perhaps one day you’d learn to look through the window first, or install a door with a peephole, but on this day, you simply tugged the front door open and felt your heart drop into your stomach.
“Mom? Dad?”
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joonsytip · 1 year
The Selfish Dilemma || Jeonghan - Part 1
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Pairings: Jeonghan x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: It was love at first sight ever since you laid eyes on Jeonghan. To him, you are the annoying co-worker who keeps asking him out. No one is new to your courting agenda which only pisses off Jeonghan but what happens when you stop, all at once....
Word Count: 6k
Warnings (specific to this part): this part is SFW, pinning, unrequited love, lots of office jargons, profanity, tears, mention of alcohol consumption, aloof Jeonghan, reader is a love sick puppy, second lead Seokmin, wholesome co-workers Wonwoo, Soonyoung, Jihoon and Joshua, wholesome bestfriend Myeongho (lmk if I missed any)
Banner credits to my baby @hoeforhao <3
A/N: To be added to the taglist for the next part please send an ask or comment under this or the announcement post.
Please heart, comment and reblog, it would really help to keep me going <3
[Svt Main Masterlist] [Svt Flick - Fic Masterlist]
Teaser | Part 1 | Part 2 | Epilogue
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The cubicles are neat, the marble floors are shining brighter than crystals even after getting padded every now then. The fruity smell of the room refresher is strong enough to go on for days but the continuous clicking of keyboards sound loud enough to give a year worth migraines.
You duly wait by the office entrance, your daily routine, holding a takeaway paper cup which contains Iced Cinnamon Cappuccino.
A familiar car passes by towards the parking and you know that the person you're waiting for is gonna grace you with his presence soon.
Just in cue, that person walks by ignoring you and passes through the security check. You line up behind him, instantly feeling better just by seeing his face.
"How do you always manage to look so gorgeous?", you ask him giddily knowing very well that you won't be getting a response from him.
The security at the check smiles when you direct your requesting gaze at her. She let's you pass by and you're doing large strides in your heels.
"Here..", you are handing him the beverage cup, "Have a great day, Hannie!", you wish him and he doesn't even bat an eyelash as he saunters over to avail the elevator.
You stand there watching him as your lips curl up because your gazes meet for the first time for the day before the elevator door closes.
When you had switched to the current company you're working for two years ago as a Senior Developer you had never thought in your wildest dreams that you'd be turning into a lovesick puppy for the technical analyst of the team you had gotten assigned to.
Yoon Jeonghan got you enchanted the moment you had your eyes on him. You could vividly remember, it was your first day after getting assigned to a project and your manager was introducing you to your teammates.
Everyone seemed nice and greeted you with enthusiasm except one. Yoon Jeonghan was stoic throughout and for you, that heart within your chest thumped vigorously, eyes glued to him while the surroundings seemed to freeze.
Love at first sight was just a funny concept until Jeonghan made you experience it.
You would admit it unabashed that working in corporate world had given you chance to meet a lot of person but no one could ever do justice to suits more then Jeonghan.
Always been a spontaneous person and upon getting a confirmation that he's single your journey of courting him kickstarted.
It's been two years since then.
Everytime you ask him out, Jeonghan rejects you even without sparing a moment of thought.
You are currently working on debugging a piece of code which every other member of your team failed to solve and it ultimately fell into your court.
"I'm gonna run by the canteen, do you need anything?"
You lift your head to see Seokmin hovering over the partition of your desk.
"One strong black coffee, thanks Min.", you quickly say before focusing on the screen again.
You don't see the empathetic smile Seokmin throws at you.
It's almost afternoon and your prying eyes are stuck on the door of the cabin, adjacent to your desk.
Soon Jeonghan comes out of his cabin which prompts you to follow him to have lunch to together.
It's same everyday, Jeonghan not intending to let you sit with him but you do it anyways.
"Did the bug get resolved?", he asks, eyes set on the plate, "I think we have been stuck on this on for long, need to get it resolved asap."
You chew on the salad filling in your mouth to quickly gulp it and answer him, "I got the chance to look at it today. Hopefully, I wouldn't be spending much time on it."
Jeonghan nods making a brief eye contact with you.
So you proceed with the most important part of your daily ritual.
"Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?", you ask.
"No", comes his recorded response.
You smile mischievously, "Why? I thought I should be rewarded for fixing the code?"
Jeonghan scoffs, "You're knocking on the wrong door. Ask your manager to reward you. If he doesn't, go to the HR department and discuss the matter."
"But they're not you, Hannie.", you slip out the nickname on purpose knowing it irks him, "You're the one I want."
Jeonghan blatantly ignores you and when he's done eating, he cleans the corner of his lips with the tissues and then walks out of the canteen grabbing a water bottle.
Even his back profile should have a seperate fandom of its own, you ponder dreamily.
"Snap out of it, you're drooling."
You crane your neck to see that the seat beside you already occupied by Seokmin.
"Another rejection?" he asks and you nod.
The two of you continue to eat silently before Seokmin brings up the topic again, "Join our team Y/N, Wonwoo is moving out."
You give him a pointed look wishing it was as easy as it sounded. When you started working in the team, you worked under Jeonghan and within this span, everyone moved out or transferred except you. To work closer to Jeonghan and out of sentimentality, you stayed.
"It'll be a lot less hectic", Seokmin assures and points at your face, "Your concealor is doing a very bad job at hiding those dark circles."
You gasp and hit his arm, "Atleast Pandas got a competition even though they're cute and I'm just..."
"Beautiful." Seokmin says in a beat, "You are beautiful Y/N and Jeonghan is blind for not appreciating a woman like you."
He says with so much sincerity that you have to cower your gaze away.
"How long until you stop pursuing him?", he asks.
So that I can start courting you, he doesn't say.
"Until he accepts or...", you sing along, "the day I run out of my patience and the rejection finally settles in my bones."
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Red might be your favourite colour but currently you're seeing green.
"Who's she, Wonwoo?", you hiss, lamenting on how you have to witness such a sight.
Apparently a woman whom you've never seen before is standing too close to Jeonghan, much to your disliking and the man in the picture seems unbothered with her hogging over and he's smiling.
He's smiling at whatever nonsense she's uttering!
"She's Seonji, my replacement.", Wonwoo speaks calmly, "Since it's my last week, I'll be giving her KTs before my departure."
"You don't care about me or Seokmin, do you?", you say sadly, "How would I function at all without your inputs?"
Wonwoo is another efficient co-worker who works with Seokmin and is a very good friend of yours.
"Not everyone will be a fool to stall their growth because of sentiments Y/N.", he retorts, meaning no malice.
Your throat closes up for a moment but you somehow manage to speak, "We're not having this conversation now, Woo."
"I know this won't go anywhere but there's a limit to everything. How long until you see it's not Jeonghan but someone else who deserves you.", Wonwoo thinks it's time he rats out Seokmin's name because he himself would never.
"What do you mean by someone else?", you counter back confused.
"It's been two years Y/N, people can go through whole lot of loving in this span, don't you think he's behaviour towards you should have been different if he cared even a bit?", Wonwoo is ruthless because he knows he needs to be the one to tell you because no one else would, "Has he ever smiled at you like that?"
"Woo please stop...", your eyes are teary, voice cracking, "You think I don't know that?"
Then you are walking away, wiping your tears. When there's something on your mind you always go to the rooftop to clear your mind out, of course not alone, you always find a lot of others, some shedding tears, some smoking cigarettes or some staring at the abyss.
You don't realise how much time has passed because you don't have your phone with you. Just as you are mentally preparing yourself to indulge into work you hear the call of your name from a very familiar voice.
"Do you think this company is paying you for slacking off?", Jeonghan says nonchalantly as he stands in front of you, "I can't even reach you on your phone."
Your lips curl up instantly, tiredness disappearing from your eyes, "Did you miss me Hannie?"
Jeonghan turns back & walks towards the door. You follow.
"When you're done fixing the bug, bring it to me for review.", he continues, "The clients have scheduled a meeting with us at 7pm. Be there."
"Aye aye captain!", you say from behind, "Can I ask you a question?"
You don't wait for Jeonghan to respond and ask right away, "Do you hate me?"
"Yes.", comes another of his recorded response.
You wonder how many more yes you can take for an answer.
The meeting ends at 10 and you're quickly collecting your belongings and almost parading so that you could avail the last bus since your car is given up for servicing.
You are sure that availing the bus is far fetched so you're taking out your phone to book a cab when you hear honking.
The familiar car stops by the road where you're standing and Jeonghan rolls down the window.
"Get in, I'll drop you.", he's looking at the way ahead and you are instantly getting in the passenger's seat.
"Wanna go to a restaurant for dinner?", you ask robotically, your tone dry. Jeonghan notices and sweeps a glance at you.
You look exhausted and he hopes it's only because of work.
"No", he says, "Put your address on the system's GPS.", as if it's not already instilled in the system.
You do as asked and Jeonghan sees you putting a different address.
"Did you change places?", he asks.
"A friend's address.", you don't explain further and it doesn't resonate well with him.
You thank him when he drops you at the doorsteps and watch him drive away until the car disappears from your sight.
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The product deployment is scheduled for next month meaning work's gonna get more hectic than it already is.
You are knocking on the door and upon hearing a 'come in' you enter the cabin.
Jeonghan is seated on the revolving chair, the coat is hung on the headrest meaning that his only white shirt clad body is making you salivate. His head is laid back and you want nothing more than to stroke those luscious locks with your fingers. But for now, you push away your thoughts.
"I have mailed you a scheduler for the new product release.", you inform, "I think it's best if you arrange a meeting for all the teams involved and I'll give them a walkthrough on deployment and checkout procedures."
Jeonghan immediately straightens and checks the calender before scheduling a meeting for the next day.
"Tomorrow, 5 PM.", he stretches his arms out, "Anything else?"
The sight of viens protruding through his arms almost has you choked and you think it's best for your eyes to be up, "Y-Yeah? Oh well, I'll run by the Batch Ops department, do you have anything you want me to relay to them?"
Jeonghan searches for some files and takes out one from the stack and gives it to you, "Give it to Jihoon and tell him to send me the report by EOD."
You nod and ask, "There's this movie I have been meaning to watch, do you wanna go with me?"
"No.", he responds right away and you're already turning to exit the room when Seonji enters.
"Hannie!", she's intentionally loud and emphasizing and you are almost biting your tongue when you hear the nickname you've given him, to be called by her.
Not wanting to breathe in the same room as her, you are just taking a step ahead but you freeze on hearing her next words.
"The restaurant you took me to on Tuesday after work, I recommended it to my friends and they also loved it. Let's visit again sometime!"
You head whips to look at Jeonghan, to find him already staring at you.
It hurts your pride so you walk out of the room.
You're currently in the Batch Ops department, waiting for Jihoon. The said man is always busy, running on his heels and termed as the workaholic assistant supervisor of the department.
"Hey Y/N, did Jeonghan send the file?", you nod handing him the file and remind him to send the report.
"So how's your courting agenda going on?", he always asks and is even amused by the fact that how persistent you are to get Jeonghan when he doesn't show an ounce of interest in you.
You are generally joking with him on this but today you don't throw a banter and Jihoon is quick to understand that you're having a bad day so he doesn't pry further.
And on the way back you meet Seokmin who asks you to accompany him to the designated tent bar you both often go to. You agree instantly.
That night the owners of that tent bar knew how much you hate a woman named Seonji. They already know about your love for Jeonghan, since your alcohol tolerance is terrific, you cry river worth tears for that man everytime you're wasted and they feel pity for Seokmin who has to always clean up after you.
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The product release approaches and everyone is pulling late nights or all nighters. Those who working in higher posts have to almost use office as a makeshift home mainly because they are dealing directly with the foreign clients and the time zones differ.
Though you are tired tattered, you make sure a cup of coffee of his preference always awaits him when Jeonghan enters his cabin. You also arrange the files, putting sticky notes in each section so he doesn't have to waste time searching for something. You make sure the cabin smells good and the place is neat. The towels are kept warm in the bathroom attached to the cabin and his favourite fragrance is filling the air inside cabin, so even if he's spending time at office, your efforts makes him think it's home.
When the rest ask how you do this, why do you do this, your answer is simple.
Isn't this what love is, to keep giving and not expecting anything in return.
"I think it's time you move on, Y/N.", your best friend Myeongho says after he shows up at your apartment one day.
Before you could retaliate his arms are up in his defence as he continues, "You know I'm never the type to judge or disregard anything casually. But this has been going on for long and it might hurt you but it's stagnant. You both made no progress. Two years, definitely a very long time and you can appear all happy and unfazed but I know every rejection must be hurting as hell."
You don't need words, the tears those stream down your facr speak volumes. Myeongho's presence is itself soothing and maybe that's why you are not loosing yourself in pits of sorrow for the moment.
What are supposed to do, you're so in love with Jeonghan, you're so used to him, so dedicated to him.
Myeongho pats your back while he's talking to his wife on his phone. You ponder over how Myeongho met her a year ago and now they are happily married with a baby on the way.
No one's story is comparable to other, each having it's own circumstances and pace but as your best friend said yours is totally different.
Unrequited and stagnant.
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The product release is a success and now the work load is a lot lesser.
And as expected you're in Jeonghan's cabin.
"Are you free today?", you ask, "Wanna go to dinner? Not as a date, some people from our & Batch Ops team would be present as well."
Jeonghan is unabashed as usual, "I'm busy today."
He isn't explaining himself, it's his way of defining things. He's implying that on other days he's rejecting your advances without a reason and today he's doing it with a reason.
This time your face falls.
"Do you hate me?", you ask.
"Yes, you're annoying."
"Would you miss me if I leave?"
"No, a good riddance."
This time your heart hurts.
You are currently in a restaurant with Seokmin, Jihoon, Chaein and Joshua both working in your team, Soonyoung of Support Team and you've managed to pull Wonwoo in this eat out.
Wonwoo is currently making a disgusted face at Seokmin, who's doing some questionable mimicking of Jihoon, the man being mimicked being totally vested in eating whatever is there on his plate.
"Isn't that Jeonghan?"
Five pair of eyes follows Soonyoung's gaze and lands on Jeonghan.
"Wait that's Yoora with--"
Seokmin is late in slapping his hand over Soonyoung mouth because you have heard the name and it rings in your ear.
Kwon Yoora, Jeonghan's ex-girlfriend. The woman accompanying him tonight.
You have heard a lot about her from your colleagues because she used to work in the company you're working in. Well you're her replacement in terms of the position when you joined in. She worked with and under Jeonghan before you did.
This is the first time you're seeing her.
"I heard they had mutual breakup, seems they're still good friends.", Joshua comments.
Your eyes are glued to the table space where Jeonghan's hand is atop Yoora's. And he's smiling as he says something to her.
He never smiles at you like that.
"You guys continue eating.", Seokmin is already up grabbing his coat, "I'll get our food packed."
When Seokmin leaves, the rest four look at you worried and you feel pity for yourself. How could you not guess, Jeonghan had never lead you on, always being indifferent, constantly rejecting all your approaches for the last two year.
He didn't like you at all, he has been saying it all along but you were to stubborn to admit and accept. But now you do.
For you, it has been always him.
For him, it would be anyone but you.
You are grabbing your belongings, "Tell Seokmin, I'll be waiting by his car."
Then you sprint out. It's only when Wonwoo calls out your name, Jeonghan notices you.
He sees you running towards the exit, only if he didn't know better, he watches as you wipe your tears while do so.
Tonight it's not only you who's suffering from heartbreak, Seokmin's heart breaks yet again seeing those tear stained cheeks, hearing those wrenching sobs. He puts you to bed and sets the food on your table so that in the middle of night when you wake up hungry, you don't have to look around for food. He runs the bath for you, sets the towels and knowing that you'd be having a terrible headache later, he keeps the glass filled with water and the medicines on the nightstand. He does more and all while wiping his own tears.
Because like you, he too knows nothing breaks like a heart.
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Next day Jeonghan doesn't see you at the office entrance. You don't greet him when he walks by your desk to his cabin. It's almost afternoon and you haven't walked through the cabin door even once. At lunch you don't sit with him, you're happily chatting away with Chaein while eating.
Jeonghan thinks something is wrong with him. Everytime he hears faint sound of footsteps his eyes perks at the cabin door. He doesn't like the coffee Seonji makes him. He doesn't like it when some random guy sits in front of him at lunch and while his eyes stray at you almost every second, you don't spare him a glance.
It's around 5 in the evening when you knock on his door.
Jeonghan can't describe the sensation his feeling right now, as if he has waiting for this moment lifelong.
You place a file on his table and say, "The Scheduler team wants to know about all the applications which are planned to retire from our system before the next monthly cycle. I have made a list for same, please have a look once and let me know in case of any concerns."
"Okay.", he says and you give him a nod.
"Don't you have anything to say?", he asks and you look at him confused, "No, I think this is the priority task at the moment, I'll let you know if anything else comes up, Jeonghan."
His own name feels foreign to his ears. By the time he's about to say something again, you are already out of his cabin.
This goes on for the whole week and Jeonghan feels he can't function anymore. He makes unnecessary trips within the office premise everytime walking by your desk just in hopes of getting called by you. You never do.
He waits for you at lunch but you're always gone. He never sees you smiling at him again. You never ask him out now. The coffee doesn't help to keep his stress away, the office doesn't feel homier anymore.
Isn't this all he wanted, Jeonghan asks himself. Aren't you the annoying co-worker who was always getting on his nerves?
And he's scared to listen to the answer his heart has to echo.
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It's Monday, the first working day of a very new week and Jeonghan still looks at the entrance expectantly just to see you this time. He double takes to make sure he's not hallucinating and a smile tugs on his lips.
His face regains the seriousness as he approaches you and much to his dismay you don't notice him. He clears his throat to have your attention.
"Morning, Jeonghan.", you greet him curtly.
"Morning", he asks, eyes glancing over your hands to see if they have any takeaway coffee cup in them but they are empty, "Aren't you going in?"
"I'm waiting for someone.", comes your dry response.
Ain't that someone me?
"Okay....", he has no reason to linger anymore.
You are exhausted, sleep deprived blame the late night marathons of your favourite shows you've been pulling.
Reason, to keep your mind occupied with something which is not Jeonghan but the ache in your heart never dulls. Even though you have choosen peace with the fact that he'll never be yours, it's so new and difficult for you act indifferent towards him when you have been in love with him for two whole years.
When you're phones notifies you of a text, it has you rubbing your eyes just to make you're seeing it correct. You have got a text from Jeonghan reading-
Please make me coffee, it's a request.
When the Yoon Jeonghan who never texts you, never bothers to type back a response to your greetings or queries other anything related to work sends you a text, you're shocked.
Jeonghan feels like he can finally get the productive cells of body to work when he sees you entering holding a cup of coffee.
"You don't look good.", you say placing the cup on his table, "Are you okay?"
When he doesn't respond, you continue, "If you're not feeling well, please take the day off, I'll notify you of any urgent matters from our team prospective."
Jeonghan thinks it's the only chance he'd get to clear the misunderstandings so he speaks, "Me and Yoora are still good friends, that night at the restaurant she treated me because of a promotion she got at her company."
"Great to know. Good wishes on my behalf.", you are poised when you say, "From next time please refrain from sharing anything other from work related matters. I have no interest in your personal life and I think we are not close at all to be sharing updates on same."
Either he's mishearing or you're possessed, he's sure it's either. This ain't the you he wants. This ain't the you he needs.
Your tone emits grief when you speak further, "I deeply regret for the inconvenience I've caused you for the past years. I'm really sorry. But rest assured I won't be causing any more trouble, I'll out soon."
"What do you mean by that?", he's off his seat and in front of you instantly, "Did something happen?"
"Indeed.", You nod while smiling, "I accepted that you won't go out with me. I also accepted that you hate me. So there's no more pestering you from my side."
Jeonghan never thought his words would come back to him biting in his ass which he's not capable of taking.
"You can't do this...", he's not even sure of the words he's uttering, "Are you giving up on me?"
"Yes, I'm giving you what you wanted by giving up on you."
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Jeonghan realises how much that he has gotten used to you. You're like the good parasite that clogs his mind whenever you're around and even if you're not. His mornings used to start with your messages, you used to magnetize yourself on him during the office hours and the last notification he got before sleeping was also from you.
So now he doesn't like the lack of attention from you at all and he'd do anything to have it back. He'd do anything to have you back.
He tries to be in your shoes for the next days. He waits for you at the entrance holding four cups of takeaway coffee cups because he doesn't you what like. Everyone who passes throws him a questioning gaze. Everyone except you. You walk pass by him, unfazed and unbothered.
"Y/N wait!", when you don't stop, he is following you, "I bought these for you and also if you could tell me what you like so that I can buy that."
You give him an incredulous look, "What are trying to do?"
"Just trying to get you morning coffee..."
You scoff and walk away.
When you go for lunch, Jeonghan pops up out of nowhere and not only he's tailing you, he's even occupying the seat beside you. He's suddenly texting you good mornings and good nights and throughout the day something or other but there's no progress.
Roles reversed, you don't even bat an eyelash at him now.
It makes him realise how ass of a person he has been to you and how angel of a human you were to tolerate all this and still love him with your all.
"What's wrong with Jeonghan nowadays?", Joshua asks genuinely curious. You all are gathered for a coffee break, as he stands opposite to where Jeonghan is stood from accross the room, he constantly notices him throwing glances, "He keeps looking at you Y/N."
"Jeonghan is that thick brain who realises what he had and lost when it's too late.", Jihoon snorts as he takes a sip casually, "What the hell, who put sugar in my coffee?"
Joshua is suddenly walking away and you laugh which makes Jihoon aware of the culprit.
Next he's chasing Joshua.
You are still smiling, gaze lingering on those two when you notice Jeonghan approaching you from the periphery of your vision. Not wanting to waste any energy on him you think of leaving the hall when someone bumps into you.
It's Seonji.
"Heard you stopped chasing Jeonghan?", she taunts, "Good that your brain's finally working."
"I want to you know if this concerns you anyway and why?", you ask and quickly turn to check if Jeonghan is in hearing vicinity. He is.
"I thought it's obvious? That we're close and might be together soon.", she says confidently, "You've noticed how behaves towards you is completely opposite of how his behaviour is towards me."
"Congratulations", you pat on her arm and incline closer to her as you whisper in her ear , "Let's see if Jeonghan is aware of this as well?"
Seonji's freezes for a moment when she realises that Jeonghan has been present there all along and have listened to the conversation that just happened.
"Congratulations to you too Jeonghan.", you wish him, "I can see, a match made of likes."
"There's nothing going on between us Y/N", he pleads as his hands itches to grab you so that you don't slip away before he finishes but out of professionalism and respect he doesn't, "She's just a junior from my university."
'You don't have to explain, I'm not interested.", you tell him before walking out.
Jeonghan is furious and Seonji thinks his glare is enough to make her evaporate without any trace.
"Jo Seonji", his voice is dangerously low and threatening, "I was being nice to you just because we're acquaintances from before but I realised how wrong it was."
"It's Jeonghan for you. If I hear you uttering such nonsense one more time, I'll report you to the committee for harassing me.", he's practically glowering, "And I want the database for all the transactions that occurred between us and our oldest clients with the analysis document by EOD."
"But that's too much of data Jeonghan, how would I be able to--"
"That's for you to sort out.", he says, "If I don't get the design model, I'll report it to your manager and she'll handle it from there."
Seonji is all sweaty and faltering when she hears, "I see you anywhere near Y/N without any official need, I'll make sure you're stepping down your position."
To those who thought Jeonghan has changed, they just witnessed the infamous scary Yoon Jeonghan again today.
They also realised that Jeonghan is still the same authoritative, strict and stoic faced coordinator for all.
He has changed, just for you.
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"When are you gonna tell her?", Soonyoung asks wrapping his arm around Seokmin's shoulder as they gather on the rooftop during the lunch break.
Seokmin is torn.
"She's coping up with the pent ups because of Jeonghan and I don't wanna add to her stress.", he laments.
"I hate to admit that you're correct but I'm worried because I think if you don't shot your shoot now then it'll be gone.", Soonyoung's concern is evident in his tone.
"I can't just tell Y/N that I love her all of a sudden when she's in love with someone else for a long time.", it pains him to speak it out, "Because I know how painful unrequited love can be..."
Soonyoung sighs, as he frames his next question carefully, "When will be the right time, Seokmin?
There's never a right time, he thinks.
Jeonghan doesn't avail the elevator, he's climbing down the stairs hurriedly.
When he decided to go the rooftop to cool off after the Seonji episode he again unintendedly overhears the conversation between Soonyoung and Seokmin, the two men obviously staying oblivious about his presence.
His anger from before morphs into a mix of shock and scare. Shock because it didn't occur to him ever that Seokmin could be in love with you. Scared because, well he is yet to figure out the reason.
Walking through the hoistway door leads his chance encounter with Mr. Choi, your manager.
"Jeonghan", he calls him, "I have been meaning to meet you."
"Anything urgent Mr. Choi?"
Mr. Choi smiles, "It might be, for your concern. Y/N has requested for transfer, she wants to move out the team."
Jeonghan stiffens, all the strength in his body dwindles.
Carefully studying his face, his unfocused eyes and a lack of response urges Mr. Choi to speak further, "Since you're her immediate senior and she has been working under you for these years, your say would matter because I know no one would want to loose an efficient member like her. If the team has enough effort excluding her then I'd approve her request "
"Thanks for letting me know Mr. Choi. Please put it aside for now, I'll talk to her and get to back to you.", Jeonghan requests and the older man obliges.
You are currently working on reconciliation of a piece of code with all your concentration when there's a knock on your desk. You look up to find Jeonghan who's mutters a serious 'in my cabin now' when your gazes meet before walking into the said room.
You think of everything and anything you could have done to cause any trouble but nothing comes up, so you are immediately off your seat and entering the cabin.
Jeonghan has never felt this exhausted in his entire life, never because of you. When you used to clinge to him it had became a normality, though he never admited it was the only fun and good part of the office hours. You made him feel the belongingness, when everyone was scared of him, you were brave enough to step up and court him.
And now when he sees the indifference in you towards him, learns about Seokmin's feelings for you, he's beyond frustrated.
Another mistake, he channels it in a wrong way and at a wrong time.
Your call of his name breaks his reverie.
He looks you dead in yours eyes and asks, "You requested a tranfer?"
You knew your manager would be informing Jeonghan and the only obstacle in that request to get approved would be him, the reason you wanted the transfer in first place.
Before you could assert an answer Jeonghan scowls, "Are you really going to bring your personal life to your workspace? Suddenly one day you decide you'll stop liking me or whatever and then you're requesting to be assigned to a different project? Is that what you call professionalism Y/N?"
You are rendered speechless. You don't let those tears pooling in your eyes fall even though you are hurt.
"I thought two years is long enough to know someone", you inhale sharply, "But you don't know me at all. I wasted two years of my life for the guy who just now disregarded my love for him by calling it liking or whatever."
Jeonghan bites his tongue hard when he traces back on the words he had uttered.
"When I had asked you that if it would matter to you if I leave, you had casually slipped out a good riddance. So I'm doing us a favour and you should be happy but you're not.", you are hot in anger and rage, as your gaze tows upon the man infront of you, "You're not happy because no one's buying you coffee, no one's keeping you company, you don't have your files organised, you don't have anyone to take shit from you without retorting. Have you been always this selfish?"
It's his turn to be speechless. He has seemingly fueled every occurance for the past years to work against him currently.
"This is professionalism Yoon Jeonghan.", you tell him, "Me not stalling my growth anymore and letting in space for productivity and skills showcasing for myself is my professionalism. I stayed because of you but I won't do that anymore."
"I'm sorry, please let me clarify things", Jeonghan is eyeing you alarmingly as he walks towards you.
You hold out your arm and his feet instantly roots to the ground.
"Thanks for assuring me that I've made the right decision. You aren't worthy of my love, you never were. I'll stop loving you one day and I'll make sure that day comes soon."
A tear falls down your cheek and then they are streaming altogether. You fail to choke the sobs and Jeonghan says nothing, knowing that the only way he can help you is by keeping his silence.
And when you sprint out of the cabin, he wants nothing but to stop you and engulf you in his embrace. Although he's physically frozen but his mind deducts several conclusions.
He senses by hurting you, he hurts himself tenfold.
He laments on the fact that office is just all work and nothing to look forward to anymore because he misses you.
He likes his personal space invaded only if it's by you.
Maybe it's late but he's sure that his heart is constricting in pain within his chest because it's broken.
This time he's choking a sob, legs giving up as he falls to the ground when he finally accepts that he got his heartbroken even before he realised that he's in love.
That he's in love with you.
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→ Do not copy, re-post, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms! All stories are copyrighted, joonsytip. ©️
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gogogodzilla · 1 year
Um I was wondering if you could write smut about connor and about if he can vibrate if yk what i mean cause i feel like im not the only person that thinks that androids can vibrate. please and thank you
Tease || Connor (RK800)
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Summary: Connor can't wait until you get home.
Note Pt. 2: This is a spiritual epilogue of my completed Connor fanfic, Criminal Analysis!
Warnings: smut (obviously lol), afab reader, oral (reader receiving), fingering (connor has vibrating fingers), semi-public sex
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You knew what you were doing— you were wearing those pants Connor liked. Really liked. 
Of course, you had another reason to be wearing them other than riling him up. You knew that you’d be called into court eventually, that’s part of being a forensic psychologist, after all. 
It all started that morning. You got to sleep in a little due to court and you relished the few extra moments of unconsciousness. 
However, those moments lost their sweetness when you felt the cold, empty space beside you in bed. You blindly swatted the other side of the bed, hoping that if you reached just a little bit further you’d find your lover. He’d bring your groggy form into his embrace, and lull you back into a dreamless sleep. 
Your grasps came up empty and you rolled onto your back with a huff. The bedroom door opened with a click, and soft footsteps echoed throughout the room. You peeked open an eye and struggled to fight the grin that appeared at the sight of your love.
Connor’s hair was neat as always, but he had exchanged his Cyberlife jacket with a normal suit jacket. It was a refreshing change. 
Connor neared your side of the bed, and your grin grew. He bent down and pressed a soft, slow kiss to your temple and ran his fingers through your hair, smoothing out some of the tangles.  
He slowly peppered kisses down your face, moving from your forehead, down to the space between your eyebrows, to the tip of your nose, and, finally, your lips.
You didn’t hesitate to deepen the kiss, the ache for him already growing. You ran your fingers through his hair and tugged him towards you. 
Connor knew better than to fall into your trap, especially when he was running late. He placed a hand beside your head to stop himself from coming any closer. That didn’t stop you from trying, though.
“I have to go,” he whispered as he gently pulled away. 
You sighed dreamily as you sat up, “You should’ve woken me up sooner.” 
“If we started,” Connor purred as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, “we wouldn’t be able to stop.” 
You hummed in response as you slowly trailed your fingers up his thigh. He narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms, but you just grinned. 
You settled for resting your hands on his belt buckle, “You can afford to be a few minutes late.” 
Your argument was flawed, you knew that. Connor would rather cut off his own foot than be late. But, you also knew that you could be very persuasive. 
Connor pried your hand from his belt buckle and gave you a placating smile, “I’ll be home as soon as I can.” 
You let out a huff as you threw yourself back on the bed with a groan. You’re lucky you didn’t crack your head on the headboard, but you didn’t really care at the moment. 
Connor bent over and gave you a final kiss, whispering an ‘I love you’ against your lips. It was almost like you were Snow White, and he was your prince charming. Although, the only thing he’d awoken was a deep need throbbing between your legs. And then he was out the door. 
You set your plan into motion almost immediately. You felt a bit giddy at the thought of Connor getting all hot and bothered just by the sight of you. Especially, if he wouldn’t get to touch you until later that night. 
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Your heart raced as you pushed open the glass door to the precinct. Your shoes clicked across the tile floor as you made your way through the turnstile and to your desk. 
You ignored Connor’s eyes searing a hole in your back as you bent down slightly and slowly put the files you came for in your bag. 
A low whistle sounded behind you, “Damn, sweetheart, what’re you all dressed up for?” Gavin called as he made his way to his desk, steaming mug clutched in his hand. 
You rolled your eyes and fought off a grin. Gavin’s shameless flirting was playing right into your plan. 
“If you must know,” you straightened and placed your hands on your hips, “some of us actually have to do our jobs.”
Gavin sat down and leaned back in his chair, “Very funny.” 
You went back to your task, pretending to look in one of the drawers for something, making sure to give Connor a very good view. 
“I think your plastic boy toy is malfunctioning,” Gavin snickered, and you stopped your fake search and looked up at Gavin. “He just practically ran to the bathroom.” 
“I’ll go check on him,” you muttered as you closed the drawer to your desk. 
Gavin put his feet up on his desk and sent you one of his blinks that’s meant to be a wink, “Yeah, you go ahead and check on him.”
You flushed as you turned away, your hurried steps echoing as you made your way to the bathroom. Gavin wasn’t stupid. Hell, you’d done the same thing when he’d pissed you off when you were dating. 
Old habits died hard.
The door to the men’s bathroom silently shut behind you, and luckily only one stall was occupied. You locked the bathroom door with a click and sauntered over to the stall which contained the object of your desires. Well, more like the person of your desires.
“Connor,” you called out as you came to a stop in front of the stall door. A slight grin graced your features as you waited for him to answer. 
The door opened in a flash, and you were pulled inside. Quicker than you could process, Connor had you pressed up against the door and had both of your hands caged in his and held above your head. 
“You just couldn’t wait,” Connor taunted as he tilted his head to the side, letting his breath fan across your cheek. He slid his knee between your legs, allowing himself to get even closer. 
You raised your head to look at him. “I dunno, seems like you’re the one who couldn’t wait.” He let out a sigh as he released your hands and raked them down your body. You had to be quick, Connor knew that. Although, that didn’t stop him from teasing you. 
He gripped your thighs as he looked down at you and pressed a sloppy kiss to your lips. It was mostly tongue, but you were quick to wrap your arms around him and pull him impossibly closer to you. 
Connor made quick work of undoing the buttons on your dress shirt as he pressed open-mouthed kisses down the column of your throat and gripped your hips tightly. He was searching for that spot that made you make those noises he liked. You ground your core against his thigh, attempting to get some sort of relief.
Once he successfully got your shirt all the way unbuttoned, he was quick to attack the newly exposed skin, licking and sucking to his heart’s desire. You ran your fingers through his hair and tugged at the pieces at the nape of his neck eliciting a groan from him. 
Connor gripped your waist as he moved his sloppy kisses down your abdomen and slowly got to his knees. You gazed down at him through your heavy lids. He moved to unbutton your pants, eager to finally touch you. His movements were practiced and precise as he pulled your pants down to your ankles. He let out a shaky breath when he realized you weren’t wearing any underwear. 
You’d almost forgotten about that part of your plan.
He slotted himself neatly between your legs. He always fit so well there. 
“So needy for me,” he breathed against your core as he caressed your inner thighs. You clenched them together but his grip held you in place. He pressed a kiss on the inside of your knee before slowly moving upward, avoiding where you needed him most. 
You let out a groan, and Connor looked up at you. 
“Use your words, Doctor,” he gently reminded before latching his lips onto your core. Your breath is promptly knocked out of you, and any retort you had died in your throat. 
His grip tightened on your thighs as he desperately pulled you closer to him. His tongue expertly circled your clit as he found a rhythm that had your eyes rolling back. You gripped the hair at the nape of his neck, eliciting a moan that sent heavenly vibrations up your body. 
You groaned at the sight of him— your slick had begun to coat his face and he showed no sign of slowing. 
Connor slowly and sinfully pressed one finger inside you, which was quickly joined by another. You thrusted your hips forward, desperate to have even more of him. He pumped his fingers achingly slow, but a stream of vibrations caused you to jolt. 
That was new.
A sly grin had curved into Connor’s face and he looked up at you, taking in the confusion mixed with arousal that graced your features. He pulled away from you for a moment, “I was saving that for later.” 
“Fuck, Connor,” you whimpered. 
“Be quiet,” Connor grunted into your core as he jutted his fingers deeper into you. You pressed a hand over your mouth to silence the breathy moans that were escaping you. 
You trusted yourself for only a moment to whimper out, “Need you.” 
Connor was more than happy to oblige you as he rose to his feet and pushed his fingers past your lips, making you taste yourself. You busied yourself with undoing his belt buckle, fingers clumsy as you revealed what you ached for. 
Connor let out a shaky breath as you stroked him, and he met your strokes halfway. He gripped your thighs and in one swift motion lifted you up. He was practically bending you in half, but you didn’t mind. 
He angled his cock up to your entrance, and agonizingly, slowly pushed inside you. The way he stretched you was delicious, and you let out a high-pitched mewl at the feeling. 
He covered your mouth with one of his hands as he rutted inside of you and bottomed out. After a few moments, you started moving your hips, begging him to move. Mercifully, he obliged you and snapped his hips against yours. You let out a breathy moan against his hand, and he pressed sloppy kisses against your neck. 
“You’re perfect,” he slurred into your shoulder, “couldn’t wait until tonight to have you.” He moved his hand from your mouth to resting on your neck, and he looked you in the eyes as he pounded into you. Connor brought his hand down to where you were joined and the vibrations continued once again. 
You grip onto his bicep, that familiar coil beginning to tighten, and you panted heavily. “I’m close,” you whined.
“Come for me.” 
He didn’t have to ask twice. You groaned and you felt your eyes roll back as you reached your high. You came hard as you involuntarily pushed your hips into Connor’s. 
He came with your name gracing his lips along with a few other words. You attempted to catch your breath as Connor stilled within you. 
“You’re going to be late,” he said matter-of-factly as he pressed a kiss to your temple. You huffed out a laugh, and Connor gently set you back down. You grabbed onto his shoulders while you waited for your legs to stop feeling like jelly. 
Connor helped clean you up and make you look presentable. His hands were a lot steadier than yours at the moment. 
You pressed a kiss to his cheek and grinned, “I should tease you more often."
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 8 months
NSFW Alphabet: TCYM, Omega Nat
Authors note: this is my first nsfw alphabet, and I really hope you guys enjoy! If this is something you'd like to continue to see with other fics of mine, please let me know!
TCYM Masterlist Nat Masterlist Marvel Masterlist
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
She's very soft after sex, wanting to be cuddled and cared for. She loves being held close to her Alpha, wrapped up in your strong embrace as you scent each other and you whisper praises to her. Whenever you run a bath for her afterwards, she insists that you join her because, though she won’t say it out loud, she just needs you close by.
She never wants you to be left out in aftercare either so she makes sure to reassure you that you made her feel good and took good care of her. She likes to run her hands through your hair, or rub your back as the two of you cuddle. Giving you kisses is also a necessary thing for her.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Her breasts are definitely her favorite part of hers. They're just so sensitive since she's had Dima, and having them played with just feels so good. Especially when you suck on her swollen nipples after teasing them. And the feeling of her Alpha drinking from her is nothing like anything she's experienced before.
Her favorite body part of yours is your arms. Not just because she loves when you wrap them around her but because of how muscular they are. She loves how easy it is for you to manhandle her during sex, how effortlessly you can carry her, and how turned on just flexing your muscles makes her.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Though she's shy about admitting it, she loved the taste of her own cum. Back before she had a mate, when her heats would hit, she’d spend a lot of time just cleaning her essence off her toys and fingers after pleasuring herself with them.
Your cum, she's crazy about it. Of course her most favorite place for it is her pussy, she loves the feeling of it filling her up and dripping out of her. But she also enjoys its taste. Having you fill her mouth and pour down her throat leaves her a needy mess for you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
She secretly wishes to someday be able to peg her Alpha. The idea of being the one inside you, causing you so much pleasure that your cock hardens and leaks before you end up blowing your load drives her insane.
She's thought about it a lot, and is currently working up the courage to ask you about your interest in such a thing. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
The only experience she had before Bruce forced himself upon her was with a vibe and medium sized dildo in the comfort of her bedroom. That being said, she was no longer allowed such toys after Bruce got a hold of her. Still, she knows a lot of what she likes and doesn’t like, but she still has a few things she wishes to explore.
With you, she knows a fair bit about what she's doing. She can easily turn you on, work you up and make you feel good, but there's still a few kinks and interests she's yet to discover.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Her favorite is missionary, as she loves the intimacy of having you so close to her and highly enjoys being able to look up into your eyes as you pound into her. 
 But she's also a big fan of doggy and cowgirl. 😉
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
She's truly a mix. She can be quite serious, able to focus only on the combined pleasure of the two of you. But she can also be silly, usually feeding off of you if you are. She's able to laugh and joke about funny things that happen. But nearly all of the time, she's just very soft.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
She keeps herself trimmed, as having hair down there doesn’t bother her, she just likes to keep it neat. And yes, the carpet matches the drapes.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
She's very romantic. For her, it's all about loving words and actions as well as the pleasure. Even in heat, when she's consumed with need, she cares more about romance than she does a quick fuck.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
She currently feels incredibly guilty when masturbating. Because, though it was a rather normal occurrence in her college years, that all stopped with Bruce. He viewed it as disgusting and when he caught her, he would be very mean. He became violent and would break and throw things while calling her a whore. Ultimately, it just further proved how fragile his ego was, and how inferior of an Alpha he is. 
You, on the other hand, are trying to get her back into exploring herself. You've assured her multiple times that it's healthy and normal and it would never upset you, and you've even helped her pick out a few things to try. Though she's still a bit hesitant she has at least given into the urge a few times. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
She loves being praised, it's probably her favorite. She’s also into small bits of degradation as long as you're possessive about it. Such as: “My slutty Omega”, “My good little cumwhore” and so on. 
Another big one for her is her lactation kink that you share with her. She loves the feeling of your mouth on her nipples, and knowing that you're turned on from tasting her milk makes her feel so good.
She's yet to try this one with you, but she's absolutely turned on by the idea of double penetration. She wants to feel you deep in one of her holes while you use a toy to fill the other one.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
While with pup, her nest is her absolute favorite place. She loves how soft it is and how it has the perfect mix of her scent and yours. But she also enjoys it in bed, mostly because your scent is super strong there.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Any breast stimulation from you is an instant turn on. Sometimes a possessive grab of her hips will have her swooning as well. Your words are good at it too. Not just dirty talk either, but things like “good girl” or “my good Omega” are basically like pushing a start button. Oddly enough though, even seeing you being a good parent to Dima can turn her on. 
Currently, with her high hormone levels, just seeing your muscles flexing or your bulge in your boxers is enough to have her aching with need.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Impact play, choking, and weapon play are definite off limits due to everything she's gone through at the hands of Bruce. 
Anything more than mild and still loving degradation is also off limits.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
She enjoys receiving oral. The feeling of your mouth on her most sensitive parts never fails to fog her brain. And when you add your fingers to the mix, you’ll have her coming undone in no time. And you look so hot with her cum on your face.
She also enjoys giving oral. She loves making you feel good with her mouth and tongue. Looking up at you to see the look of pleasure on your face while getting to feel your cum spill down her throat always leaves her soaked. 
Her skill level is decent. She can easily make you feel good and always has you cumming, but she does still struggle at times to take your full length and she doesn't always know what to do with her hands. But she's learning.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
She usually enjoys it slow and sensual, but recently she's become more open to the idea of trying it fast and rough on occasion. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
She loves quickies, and while pregnant they are a very frequent occurrence. When not pregnant, she still enjoys them, but she's not as often.
To her, it just shows how in love the two of you are that you just can’t seem to keep your hands off each other whenever thoughts tend to wander.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
She's willing to experiment, but with Dima in the house it's a bit harder to be risky about what's done and where it's done. That being said, she’d love to try having sex in your car and in the backyard under the stars.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
She has impressive stamina, even while pregnant. Sometimes she can go multiple rounds over several hours. This is practically doubled when she's in heat. But like all things, it's not always the case. There are days where one round is more than enough for her.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Yes, she owns toys. Though using them was much more common when she was back in college and without a mate. With Bruce toy owning and usage was absolutely off limits, but you're trying to get her comfortable with the idea of using them. There's no shame in toys. 
You’ve bought her a vibrator, some nipple clamps, and a dildo specifically made to look and feel exactly like your cock. You know they interest her, as you have used them on her and she really enjoyed them. But solo play is understandably still hard for her.
And unknown to you, she's also bought a harness and dildo in the hopes that she’ll get to use them on you some day. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She enjoys teasing you quite a bit. Your natural dominating actions and soft possessiveness turn her on a lot, and she finds that you really let that show when she does something to you. 
She’ll do things like purposely: bend over naked in front of you, wear something to show off her milk enlarged tits, brush her ass or hand across your crotch, say something suggestive while looking up at you through her lashes, pump out her pheromones in order to overwhelm your senses, and start touching herself when she knows you’ll walk in and catch her. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Having a pup, she's learned to control her volume. But when alone, she lets herself lose control. She can be very loud. She moans, whimpers and purrs a lot during sex. But her favorite thing to do is moan your name, so you know how good you're making her feel. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
She's very eager to try roleplaying. Specifically with you in your security uniform from work. Something about seeing you in your element stirs something inside her, and all she can think about is you ‘detaining’ her and fucking her senseless.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
She has some old scars from her rough childhood before Melina and Alexei adopted her, but thankfully they're few in number. During college she had her belly button and nipples pierced, but she hasn’t worn any of her jewelry since becoming pregnant with Dima. Where her neck meets her collarbone is her claiming mark from you that covers up her now faded one that Bruce forced upon her. She has a small red star tattoo on her right ankle, to symbolize her Russian upbringing. Yelena has a matching one.
Her breasts are larger than they’d normally be as she's making milk for multiple pups now, and there is of course a swell to her belly where your pup is currently growing. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Currently, it's through the roof. Having pups inside her has her horny very often, and the only thing that can help her find relief is her Alpha.
Usually, she has her horny moments, sure, but she can contain herself until Dima is out of the house or nighttime comes around. Unless it's during her heats, during that time it's just easier to have Yelena watch the pups so you can give her your attention and sex almost constantly the whole time.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Currently, very quickly. Being with pup already takes a lot out of her, so once she cums she's pretty spent. And then, having you cuddling her just affirms how safe and loved she is, so it's very easy for her to just nod off.
Usually though, she doesn’t tire so easily. She can go a few rounds with you and still has energy to spare. Letting her attend to other things that either need done or is just something she wants to do.
Taglist: @naslt @lattayhottay16 @yelenabelov-ed @thatonebrazilian @that-one-gay-mosquito @marvelwomen-simp @wannabe-fic-reader @tashakink @whitewidowsbite @smromanoff @wandaromamoff69 @mmmmokdok @nataliasknife @natashasilverfox @when-wolves-howl @danveration @naomi-m3ndez @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @readings-stuff @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @xchaiix @iaminluvwithnat @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories @imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastormm  @zoomdeathknight @rayeofmoonlight @aeroae @sashawalker2
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Fall For Me (Poly! Sleep Token x Fem! Reader) - Part II
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Thank you to @spookyghostjelly for beta reading and letting me be insane in her DM's ❤️❤️❤️
Part I ~ Part III
My Masterlist! ~ AO3 Link!
You sigh as you finish your closing duties, giving the door one last pull to make sure it was locked with a tired sigh. You walked around to the back of the building, heading up to your apartment that was very conveniently located on top of your store. You kick the door shut behind you, haphazardly throwing your shoes in the entryway. You put the kettle on the stove, leaning against the counter and looking out the window as you waited for the water to boil. Your mind immediately wandered back to Vessel, your short interaction had left you with so many unanswered questions. Where did he come from? Why did he choose this sleepy little town of all places to settle down? Was he actually part of a cult? He was so different from what you had imagined. Hearing all the reports in the paper you had been terrified to run into any of them. Vessel, in what scraps of his personality you had seen, seemed so gentle. You were snapped from your thoughts by the sound of the kettle singing.
"At least our mystery man has a name now." You chuckle to your empty apartment. You guess you would just have to wait and see what tomorrow brought.
Music blasted through the speakers in the empty store, you sang along loudly with your favorite songs as you worked on restocking the shelves. You groaned as you hoisted one of the heavy crates of produce off the counter. You screamed, oranges scattering across the floor as you lost hold of the crate. There standing at the door was Vessel. Seeing that he had finally caught your attention, he pointed to his wrist as if he was motioning to a watch. You paused your music and quickly headed over to open the door for him. "I'm so sorry, I completely forgot to tell you we close early tonight." You blurt out the second you open up. Your eyes land on Vessel, this was the first time you had been standing in front of him without the barrier of the counter. He was a lot taller than you had realized, you stumbled back slightly to put some distance between you and the absolute wall that was his body. "Every Sunday I have to restock the store, I close at four."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll just-"
"No!" You exclaim, waving your hands wildly in front of you. "No, really, it's my fault. You come in and get what you need, just don't mind the mess. It'll take me a couple minutes to reopen the register." You motion him inside, he follows you hesitantly. He looks around the store, various pallets and stacks of crates are organized into neat categories waiting to be put away. From what he could see it was definitely more work than one person should be handling by themselves.
"Is it just you that works here?" You nod in response as you drop onto your knees to start collecting the oranges you had dropped. Your hand jerked back as your fingers bumped into Vessel's. Your eyes dart up to look at him, "it's my fault you dropped the crate, I'd like to help you pick up a little if that's alright." He says softly as he remains completely still. He could tell being so close to him made you nervous, yet it was somehow different than interactions he had in the past. You weren't scared, more… shy.
"You don't have to go to all that trouble, Vessel, really." You try to reassure him.
"And you shouldn't be alone trying to restock all of this inventory by yourself." You almost rolled your eyes at the statement.
"I've been managing just fine by myself for the last seven years, I think I can handle a spilled crate of fruit." He chuckles at your determined tone.
"I never said you couldn't," he returns to the task of picking up produce as he talks. "I'm saying you shouldn't have to. You work hard, I can tell by how meticulously your store is always maintained." He trails off for a moment, not exactly sure how to phrase his next statement. "I guess I'm just curious as to why you don't have any help."
"There isn't anybody I like enough to have them work here with me." You smile. "This place is my home, literally, my apartment's upstairs." He shakes his head with a slight laugh. "If they aren't someone I would invite into my home they're not someone I would want to spend hours upon end in here with them. Besides, I like working, it keeps me occupied." Vessel finishes helping you clean up. "You go get your groceries, I'm sure you have a long drive back to… your camp? House?"
"Camp works." He quips. You head up to the counter to get the register up and running again, knowing his supply runs never took long. You found yourself unable to tear your eyes away from him. The strange red sigil in the center of his white mask, the ornate detailing on the bottom edge, the black paint that covered every area of exposed skin, everything about him just made you curious. Your eyes snapped to your register as he glanced in your direction and you swore you heard the sound of him quietly chuckling. He carries his groceries up to the counter and lays them out.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"You can ask me as many questions as you want, I can't guarantee I'll answer." He responds bluntly.
"What made you decide to finally start talking to me?" He seemed a bit taken aback by your question, not expecting you to be so forward.
"It's no secret that a lot of people don't like the fact that we're around. Luckily, the only real nuisance we've had to deal with are the reporters, but I'm still worried about what would happen if we ventured too far into town. But, we needed supplies. We could only last so long on the sorry excuse of a garden we managed to start when we originally bought the land, your store is relatively close by and out of the way. As far as why I started talking to you, you're the only person I've met from this town so far that hasn't greeted me with hostility." Vessel laughs softly at your shocked expression. "I'm tired of running (Y/N). Tired of having to move from city to city every other month to try and keep ahead of the backlash from people who don't understand us. If I'm going to do that I need a place to come get supplies where I won't immediately get chased off, someone I can trust in my time of need… after some thought I think you might be that person. There's something special about you, I think we were fated to meet each other, I'm just not sure why yet."
"Well, I appreciate that." You can't help but smile at the admission. He trusted you. "If there's anything I can ever do to help you guys out, just say the word."
"Actually, there is something. Would it be alright if I start coming to grab supplies after you close, at least on Sunday's?" He asks.
"Of course you can. I was actually going to ask if that would work better for you." You admit with a chuckle. "I know that a lot of people around these parts tend to be pretty… close minded, to put it gently. I think it's smart for you to wait until you're ready to have those interactions." He nods his thanks at your agreement, collecting his belongings, and heading towards the door.
"Next Sunday it might not be just me, don't be intimidated." He dismissed himself with a chuckle, leaving you to finish restocking.
You pondered over who exactly he would be bringing with him. No one knew for sure how many members there were living in the woods, from what you had seen everyone except for Vessel dressed relatively similar. You were tempted to ask him throughout your daily visits, but you also didn't want to pry. As next Sunday arrived you kept anxiously looking up at the clock, waiting for closing time to roll around. You bid farewell to your final customer as you locked up. Just as you had pulled the key from the deadbolt you saw the familiar sight of an old, beat up pick up truck rumble into the parking lot. Vessel got out, talking to whoever was seated in the passenger seat before heading in your direction. You waved at him, opening up the door and stepping outside. "Is your friend coming in too?" You ask quietly as he gets closer to you.
"Yeah, he is. I just wanted to tell you something first. II isn't much of a talker until he gets to know people… He also has a staring problem." You laugh, Vessel returns your enthusiasm with a smile.
"If I can handle you giving me the silent treatment for a full week I think I can handle it big guy, don't worry." He waves at his friend to come join you. You waited in anxious anticipation as the passenger door opened, two heavy black leather boots thudding against the pavement as someone jumped out. The slam of the door echoes through the surrounding trees as you finally could see just who Vessel brought with him. II was a bit shorter than Vessel with a lean frame. His striking blue eyes met yours through the holes in his mask, black cloth with the same rune that adorned Vessel's, yet his covered the entirety of his face.
"II, this is (Y/N)." He slowly approaches you, you could tell he was studying you. He offers his hand which you timidly accept. His hand was warm around yours as he feigned the action of bringing your knuckles to his lips, his eyes never leaving your face. "Come on, I didn't bring you to flirt with her." You see the corners of II's eyes crinkle as he chuckles at Vessel's joke. He straightens up, moving swiftly to the door, holding it open and motioning for you to walk inside.
"Thank you II." You smile sweetly at him. Vessel claps him on the back as he walks past.
"We're here to help, what do you need?" He offers kindly.
"Oh, I couldn't ask you both to do that." II steps forward, offering you his arm. You cautiously take it with a curious expression. He leads you to your chair behind the counter, pulling it out for you to sit. He rolls up his sleeves, picking up the first box of stock he saw and searching for its tag.
"See? You don't even have to ask?" Vessel chuckles. You got your restock done in half the time you normally did with their help. Vessel stood in front of the register as you rang him up, smoking smugly. "Wasn't that easier than doing it all yourself?"
"What? You looking for a job?" You shoot back, you hear II breathe out a chuckle at your joke. You bag up his groceries, handing them off with a smile. "II, hopefully I'll see you next week." He nods his goodbye as he heads out the door.
"I think he likes you." Vessel jokes.
“He’s sweet.” You giggle. “If your whole group is this nice you’re welcome in my store anytime.” Vessel smiles at your statement.
“You’ll meet the others eventually, I think they’d enjoy getting to know you.” He starts walking towards the door, shooting you a flirtatious smirk. You waved goodbye to them through the window, catching II’s gaze as they drove off. The next night as you sat reading at the counter you smiled as the familiar sound of Vessel’s sputtering engine met your ears as he pulled into the lot. You looked up as the bell jingled over the door, your greeting froze in your throat as you realized it wasn’t Vessel who had entered the store.
“Hey II.” You couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face at the sight of him.
“(Y/N).” He greets you with a slight nod. His gaze traps you in place as his eyes meet yours, he saunters up to the counter, his hands shoved in his pockets.
“No Vessel today?” You ask, trying to keep your flustered state a secret.
“He had something to take care of today.” You could hear the gentle intonation of a smile in his voice. “Call me selfish but I wanted the chance to see you again.” You let out a flustered giggle. He leans his elbows on the counter, bringing his face impossibly close to yours. His eyes slowly scan over your features before catching your gaze. “He sent me with a list, think you could help me out?”
“Yeah, sure.” You stutter, making your way around the counter. He hands the list over to you, trailing behind you to hold everything you pulled from the shelves. You struggled to reach something on one of the higher shelves, a shiver ran up your spine at the sudden warmth that spread across your back as II stepped closer to you.
“Allow me.” He gazes down at you, bright blue eyes studying you for a moment. You feel his eyes on you the entire time as you scanned all of his groceries. You handed the bags over to him, his fingers brushing over yours. You smile bashfully as your eyes lock with his. “Hopefully I’ll see you soon.” He gazes at you playfully.
“Yeah, hopefully.” He bows slightly as he heads for the door.
“Goodnight, (Y/N).”
“Goodnight, II.”
Tag List: @herripinkle @themultiverseofmars @wingsofeternitysstuff @mustluvecho @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe @jumpcauseimfroggy (if I missed you or you'd like to be added to the Sleep Token tag list, please let me know!)
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teddyfalls · 2 months
WHY WON’T YOU BE MY GIRL? — conrad fisher
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PAIRING. conrad fisher x conklin!reader
SYNOPSIS. conrad asks you to go to the beach with him late at night so that he can teach you to surf and things lead elsewhere.
WARNINGS. fluff but angst if you squint, ooc conrad, shy reader, fem!reader (implied), you/yours pronouns used
TEDDY TALKS. hi!! this is my first fic posted on here so i hope you guys enjoy it. it’s also dedicated to my best friend and the moon to my sun <3
masterlist. | who i write for. | divider credit: @cafekitsune
this fic is based on “why won’t you be my girl?” by william hinson.
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THE NIGHT HAD FALLEN FASTER than you had fallen in love. It wasn’t a new thing by any means—anything Conrad did made you fall even more head-over-heels for him, even if that was near impossible. But tonight, it felt different. It felt like the love had come anew.
“Are you coming then?”
Even his voice sounded like honey. A perfect melody mixed intermittently with the midnight wind, like his voice was made to make you fall in love with him right then and there.
“To the beach?”
You ask, wondering why on Earth he was asking you to come to the beach with him at nine at night, just days after you’d gotten to Cousins. Conrad had been in a far better mood, that lovely light-bringing smile on his face, his past teasing demeanour at its full potential. Yet something still felt… off with him. Like something was toying with his mind, but you didn’t want to ask. Didn’t want to ruin his mood.
“Yeah, the beach. Obviously. Do you— d’you not want to come?”
There was a hesitance in his words that you wanted to point out, but your mind didn’t dwindle on it for too long.
However, you did stay silent for a moment, causing him to tilt his head to the side in mere confusion. It didn’t take him long to figure out that you had sensed the hesitation within his voice, and his eyes softened their glare.
He rested his hands against the smooth side of his surfboard, which was completely light blue in colour and reflected the moonlight against its surface.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just thought it’d be nice to offer, you know? Take you surfing like you asked last summer.”
That brings a smile back on your face.
He remembered.
You nod rather eagerly, and he smiles back—all teeth and lips, a complete sure smile that never faltered. It made you so glad to see him like this, no darkness behind those eyes, just a sparkle in them. A sparkle that only seemed to appear when he was with you.
It took you both only a couple of minutes to get down to the beach, the wind running through your hair making Conrad’s look rather neat compared to yours. It made him laugh quietly watching you spin against the weight of the wind to try and get it out of your face.
He stopped just before the crux of the ocean, where it swam up against the shore and licked the sand with its cold waters. He wanted to actually try to teach you before you got in the water, knowing it’d be safer for you that way (and knowing Steven would have his head if he put you in harm’s way).
As he planted his surfboard in the ground beside him, he held a hand out for yours.
“Oh? You want this?” You say with a laugh. “You’ll have to come and get it!”
And with that you took off, running down the beach and kicking your sliders off on the way, looking back at him.
He laughed wholeheartedly, yelling as he watched you run off.
“There’s no way I’m running!”
Even though it was dark—being nighttime and the time when you would usually be watching a movie with your mother and Savannah—you could still see his face lighting up with not just the moonlight, but with a happiness that you hadn’t seen in a long time. Happiness that you knew no matter what that he deserved more than anything.
Despite his words, the moment you’d stopped to turn around to see if he was following, he took off too, running after you with sand kicking up behind his feet.
He managed to catch up with you quick enough, hands reaching for yours blindly as the moon hid behind a cloud for a second. The moment he touched you, you’d dropped the surfboard you were holding and let it clatter to the ground as the moon came back out, coating you both in a glittery shimmer of moonlight. His hands were still clasping around your wrists when you moved one of your hands to manoeuvre the hair from his eyes, wanting to see that sparkle in a closer proximity.
“C—“ you began, but he cut you off.
“I think I caught you.” He says, breathlessly. Practically panting into your face, his eyes search yours, that smile on your face fading to something of a miniature grin. A knowing one.
“Yeah?” You whisper lightly.
“Yeah.” He mutters back, eyes flicking momentarily to your lips. His hands flex around your wrists, letting them go once his mind had returned to what he was actually doing.
Looking like he had more to say than just simply that, he gulps. Your Conrad—the boy you’d liked since, well, forever had you wrapped around his finger. Yet he was the shy one.
“I wanted to, ahem, ask something,” he manages to get out, a cough between his words, voice still low in the moonlight as he starts to make space between you, all too well conscious of the minimal amount of it from beforehand.
“Ask away, Conrad. I’m here.” You say, voice equally as quiet, if not more.
“Why won’t you be with me?”
You look extremely confused, so he presses on.
“Why won’t you be my girl?”
With that the proximity between you immediately minimises again, his breath fanning against your face in quick, short intervals. You look into his eyes, almost pleading him to say something, to break the silence before you have to do it yourself.
The hands by his sides move, almost in slow motion, but then it’s as if fireworks explode in your mind and you can’t help but let your body move without willing it to do so, letting your body have a pure mind of its own as you move even closer to him. He lets your bodies easily become one, hands coming up to cup your face as if it’s second nature.
Then he’s pressing his lips against yours and it's like nothing else in the world exists anymore. The more he tilts your chin up into his the more he smiles, and you smile too, and those fireworks feel like they’ll never cease to exist.
You’re the one to break it. Break the silence and the kiss, panting rugged breaths as his hand moves a strand of your hair from your eyes, just as you had done for him.
“I will.” You whisper, holding onto his wrists now.
“I will be your girl, Conrad.”
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⌗ teddyfalls
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kaciidubs · 9 months
Haiii its me, jellyfish🪼. BUT im back with maur delulu shit 🤭
Soooo here we go!
Fem!reader that has a fat AND I MEAN FAT cunt,like if you cut a peach in half then turn one side over FAT. You know whl eould go absolute batshit if they had this type of girl? pussydrunk!jisung 😈.Mans would go absolute insane every time he goes down on her. (BONUS: Her pussys sweet asl. And shes super sweet too :) [in personality]
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Jellyfish, my darling, this request changed me as a person and I THANK YOU FOR IT!!
❣ Summary: Jisung could have a PhD in pussy eating, if he wanted to. ❣  ❣ Word Count: 1.06k ❣ Warnings: Pussy Drunk! Jisung, slight Dom! Jisung, messy, messy pussy eating, pure smut, coming untouched, spit play, dirty talk ❣  ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣  ❣ Additional Tags: Han is referred to as Jisung, Sungie, Baby, and Ji, Reader is referred to as Jagi, probably the dirtiest pussy eating I've written to date ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist
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Jisung was fairly neat in life; he didn’t leave many dishes left out - save for the occasional cup or two - nor would he leave clothes lying around the apartment, if it was in his control then it would be kept clean. But, there were times where he was messy - messy and dirty and nasty and sloppy without a care or even a first thought.
Those times were when he was between your legs - or, to be more specific, when his head was between your legs, ravishing you like you were a thanksgiving feast after a year of fasting. 
And, admittedly, things were usually hot and desperate whenever you two fucked, but his infactuation with your pussy was one to be studied; it was almost like he lost all sense of self every time he got to eat you out.
“F-Fuck, Ji! Baby s-slow- ah- slow down!” You wailed, body trembling against the bed, stuck between wanting to put him away from your quivering pussy or pull him closer.
He had your legs over his shoulders, large hands gripping the flesh of your thighs like a lifeline as he lapped at your wetness as if you were his favorite ice cream cone, his tongue swirling around your clit before dipping back down to your hole to lick up more of your juices.
Your back arched as he dipped the tip past your walls, spit-glistened lips parting in a breathless moan, “Sungie-”
Jisung moaned against your pussy, pulling back with a lewd slurp and a sharp exhale, “Sweetest fucking pussy ever, y’know that, Jagi? So fucking sweet, and puffy, and fat-”
If his words didn’t have a flush of heat swarming your body, then what he did next surely made you feel like the room’s temperature skyrocketed to hell; his hands sliding their way to the inside of your thighs before pushing them open, your knees just barely grazing the mattress. His electric, lust fogged gaze went from you to your cunt - glistening under the low lights, open and spread for his viewing pleasure, before pursing his lips and letting a bead of spit drop onto your puffy clit.
Before you could even have a solid second to react, he dipped his head down and lapped it up, dropping his head lower for another rush of your arousal to coat his tongue before pulling back an inch to spit it back directly onto your hole.
“Fuck me-”
You were damn near in tears from the way he was going at you now, blunt fingernails digging into your plush thighs to keep you spread the way he wanted, one of your hands gripping his hair while the other twisted into the sheets underneath you.
“Mm- Love this pussy so much-” He didn’t even bother moving away when he spoke, the vibrations of his voice stimulating your clit in the best of ways, “Could stay forever between your legs - never wanna leave.”
He could feel your arousal everywhere - staining his cheeks and chin, coating his lips and tongue, even the tip of his nose was a little cold from the slick cooling there - and he was in heaven.
“Would you like that, Jagi? Want me to live between these thighs? Have you whenever I want?” 
He wouldn’t give you a chance to answer, he didn’t need an answer when he felt your hand urge him back to when you needed him - obliging with a sinister open mouthed kiss to your plump cunt, only to wrap his lips around your clit with a suck.
“‘M close, Sungie - please, let me come, baby!”
You felt the drag of his nails before you realized he was changing the position of your legs yet again, hooking your legs over his shoulders and bringing his hands underneath your ass, damn near lifting your lower half off the bed and forcing your cunt to stay on his mouth.
Speaking of, his tongue was absolutely destroying you, working its way past your walls and licking at you at a pace it was trained to - if you weren’t sane, you would’ve thought he was reciting one of his rap verses inside of you.
At this point, the only things leaving your mouth were nonsensical babbles and moans, your legs tightening around his head as each lick and suck brought you closer and closer to that peak.
“S-Sungie- ah- mm- it- I’m- y-yes- baby- Ji!”
He shook his head in an effort to get even closer, a low moan vibrating through him, and that was your final straw - your fingers twisting in his hair as your body tensed.
The partial formation of his name melted into a whiny moan as you came against his tongue, eyes rolling to the back of your head in the process.
Jisung continued lapping at you through each wave of your orgasm, moaning as your taste flooded his tongue and took over every one of his senses - if he died in this moment he would’ve considered it a full life.
Once your body fell lax, he relinquished his hold on you - lowering your ass back to the mattress, your legs slipping from his shoulders to grant him the pleasure of hearing your breathless pants. Giving your cunt on final, thorough drag of his tongue, he pushed himself up to sit on his calves; breathing heavily as he ran a hand through his undoubtedly messy hair.
“If-” You panted, head lolling to the side, “if you wanna… fuck me… you’re gonna have to give me a second…”
“Ah…” He dropped his gaze to his lap, a sheepish smile growing on his still wet lips, “I guess you’ll have to give me a second too.”
Peeking an eye open, you craned your head to follow his gaze, coming to find yourself staring at a fairly sized wet patch staining the front of his boxer briefs.
“Did… Did you…?”
“Jagi,” he huffed out a laugh, running his thumb across his bottom lip before licking the mixture of his spit and your cum off of the pad, “you taste really good - I can’t help it.”
You dropped your head with a whine, throwing your arms over your eyes, “You’re gonna be the death of me, Jisung.”
This time his laugh was fuller, his hand massaging your calf, “You’re gonna be the death of me too! Now, rest up because I definitely want more.”
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sweetbans29 · 2 months
Mia Bella - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: You and Caitlin meet at the dog park :)
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 1.9k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: Here's a cute one for you - I honestly just love the thought of meeting outside of basketball and then having mutual support of one another. Ugh - I digress.
6 weeks. 6 weeks was all your summer at home consisted of before having to head back to school to start pre-season training. You play volleyball for UCLA which had you back in SoCal starting in the middle of July. Your love for playing outweighed your disgust for such a short summer but 6 weeks felt like nothing. 
Your favorite part of being home was getting to spend all the time in the world with your baby, Mia. Mia is a six-year-old, beautiful aussie who has been your best friend ever since she was a puppy. She is your favorite reason to come home for the summer. She provided the rest you needed from training while keeping you out in the sun. And this summer you were extra excited.
The city had just put in a new dog park right down the street from your house that had triple the space than any of the parks within a 10-mile radius from you. The only plan you had was to take her there daily. You knew she wasn’t going to complain about that - it was a long-standing summer tradition for the two of you.
You got home on a Friday night and first thing Saturday morning was taking Mia to the park. You grab you both water, her ball, and a blanket and put it in a bag with some snacks (some for you and some for her). You grab Mia’s leash and next thing you know you are off to the park. 
It’s a beautiful day. Mia makes a b-line to the park as your dad had been taking her since it opened. You get to the park right around 9 and find a nice place to set up your blanket. You set everything down and take Mia off her leash, she immediately gets the zoomies and you run around with her. You grab her ball and begin to play fetch.
If there is anything Mia loves more in this world than you, it is playing fetch. She would play all day if someone was willing to throw the ball to her. As you are throwing the ball with her you see another pup come and join Mia. A beautiful golden joins in with Mia - never stealing the ball but just happy to have someone to run around with. Mia drops her ball and the two dogs begin introducing themselves. The golden comes your way to get some pets and seems so excited to find another friend, even if you aren't four-legged.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see another 2-legged friend come jogging your way. You get up from the squat you were in to give the pups some love and give a little wave to the girl coming up.
"I am so sorry," she begins but you immediately wave her off.
"Please don't apologize, your pup is a sweetheart," you say as you continue to love on her pup. "What is their name?"
"Bella," the girl says. "My sweet Bella."
"It's so nice to meet you, Bella!" You say as you give her ear scratches. Your dog then goes up and looks for pets from the Bella's owner. "That is Mia," you say signaling to your baby.
Once a moment passes, you realize you haven't introduced yourself and extend your hand to do so. She shakes your hand with a smile and tells you her name is Caitlin.
"Well it is certainly a pleasure to meet you, Caitlin," you say with a smile. “I’ve caught a few of your games last season - your game is strong.” It’s her turn to smile after you give the compliment.
You invite her to sit while your pups run around. The two of you begin to get to know one another. You learn that she’s played basketball her whole life and that she had to play on the boys' team while she was in elementary. Following that - she was chosen to play for Team USA when she was in high school. As she was talking about playing, it was really neat to hear how much she loves the sport but is still able to separate her game from who she knows she is. Sitting there listening to her, it feels like she has opened a door to her soul- her genuine self. Your heart was instantly hooked.
As she kept talking, it felt like everything in the world melted away - she could talk you into circles and you would follow her anywhere. She talked about how she wanted to go to UConn but they never reached out to her. The coach never came to any of her games and the school never contacted her family. She ended up going to Iowa which meant she was close to home and her family could come and watch her play whenever. She talked about how that affected her in a way she wouldn’t have expected at the time but was for the better. You don’t know what it was but it felt like she was telling you things she hasn’t told anyone.
After she finishes talking about basketball, she starts to talk about how she was born and raised here. She talks about her two brothers and how competitive she was and still is. She talks about how there wasn’t much time for anything outside of basketball. Not that she regretted missing out on things like prom and dating.
When it was your turn, you talked about how you had a very similar background but instead of basketball, it was volleyball. You grew up playing from a young age and are now playing D1 volleyball at UCLA which is a little further from home than you hoped. You talked about how your family travels to come see you as often as they can but it never feels like enough. You talk about how you don't really know what you want to do after playing in college - you have thought about coaching but haven't figured it out yet.
Continuing, you talk about your family and how you are an only child but always wanted siblings growing up. You talk about how nice it was to go to college away but how much you missed the Midwest and look forward to coming back after you graduate. You relate to her in how time outside of sports had you missing things that felt like a right of passage but never really minded it. You were lucky to always have friends on the teams that you played on - they kept you going.
Before the two of you know, it is already mid-afternoon. Both of your pups are napping next to one another like they have known each other their whole lives.
"How long are you home for?" Caitlin asks.
"I have about 6 weeks before having to head back for training. It's not much but it is better than nothing," you say, giving a half smile to your new friend.
"Dang, that feels like nothing," she says with a little laugh. "Do you have any plans?" She asks, hoping that this is just the start of a new friendship rather than a one-and-done thing. She had shared more with you in the last few hours than she had with most people in the first month.
"The only set plan I have is to bring Mia here as much as possible," you say with a smile. "If you aren't super busy, you should join! You and Bella of course," you follow up.
"It's a date," she says giving you a smile. Your cheeks start to heat up, smiling back.
The next few weeks were some of the best you have ever had while being home for the summer. Caitlin and you had spent every day at the park, bringing your dogs of course. Some days you would both bring a book and read, others you would end up talking the whole time. It was really nice to have someone to spend time with while you were home.
Getting to know each other at the park is what brought you to her house today. As you get out of your car, you see her come around the house and wave. You give her a wave back as you grab your things. You don't know how it happened but one day at the park you brought up how her shooting from the logo and how you couldn't shoot a basketball to save your life. She promised she would teach you before the summer was over.
So here you are, about to make a fool of yourself in front of one of the best women college players and there was nothing you could do. You walk over to her and give her a little hug.
"Are you ready to learn how to shoot?" Caitlin says with excitement. Her excitement is contagious.
"As ready as I will ever be!" You say with a chuckle, Caitlin's cute when she is excited.
The two of you stretch and she goes on about how she knows you will be a natural...or so she hoped.
You always love to prove people wrong, usually, it is those who are telling you that you can't do something. This time around, you wish you could prove her right because it was quite embarrassing.
"Well that was terrible," she says with a laugh. Both of you are lying on the ground in her home gym as you have just spent the last two hours trying to do anything that resembled basketball.
"I feel like that doesn't do justice to what I am capable of athletically. If you really want to see what I can do, you would come to one of my games," you say with a laugh.
"I would love to see you play," she says, turning her head to look at you. "Maybe someday we can make that happen."
Looking back at her you reply, "I would love that Cait."
"Then I'll come watch you play," you say with a smile. She smiles in response and scoots a little closer.
"Can I tell you something?" She asks. You nod, turning to face her. The ground wasn't the most comfortable thing, but you wanted to provide her your full attention.
"I am really glad our dogs met that day in the park," she begins, not really making eye contact with you. "I wasn't super excited about coming home for the summer but meeting and getting to know you has changed that. I am really glad we met. talking to you and laughing with you has brought me joy and I want to continue talking even when you go back to California. I don't want to not talk to you...or see you because well, I like you. I like you a lot. And I don't really know what to do with how much I like you because this is all new to me and..." You grab her hand and give it a squeeze. She finally looks up at you.
Her hand comes up to your face, her fingers brushing against your cheek. Her eyes look at your lips as she begins to lean in.
"Tell me if you want me to stop," she says just above a whisper, as her face inches closer to yours. You shake your head no as you close your eyes, waiting to feel her lips.
The kiss is simple. It is slow, just getting to know what the other feels like. Once she breaks away, you place your forehead against hers.
"I like you too," you say with a smile.
AN: Finally a shorter one, we are working on it. I hope you enjoyed it! And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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cutielando · 3 months
so I just saw the sleep token themed smau you did and it gave me an idea: reader is the daughter of a big new wave rockstar from the 80s (like someone from INXS or Duran Duran), and she’s started dating a driver (Alex or Mick) and now there’s a whole generation of fans who are like ‘her dad is who??? in what band???’
I just thought it could be neat, seeing two of my special interests merge like that lmao god I love the eighties-
a/n: this is so cute !! 🥹 hope you like it!!!❤️
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liked by lilymhe, landonorris and 3,193,285 others
y/n.rhodes Thank you mercedesamgf1 for having me!❤️ Such a fun weekend!!
view all 392,185 comments
mercedesamgf1 It was a pleasure having you with us for the weekend!❤️
user1 UMMMM????
user2 since when does she go to races?
landonorris such a shame you didn’t wear the papaya shirt i gave you
y/n.rhodes next time, i promise !!!!
landonorris hmmm, okay. mclaren do your thing
mclaren On it! 🫡
lilymhe you’re gorgeous babe 😍😍
y/n.rhodes have you seen yourself???😭❤️
alex_albon please don’t flirt with my girlfriend
y/n.rhodes you can’t stop us now. she’s OUR girlfriend
lilymhe sorry babe
alex_albon ???
zendaya i miss you girl !!!
y/n.rhodes i miss you too !!!!
user3 she is such an icon
user4 we should be grateful to be living in the same era as her
user3 for realllll
user4 i wanna be her so badly😭😭
lewishamilton it was a pleasure meeting you🥂
y/n.rhodes likewise, Sir Hamilton 😮‍💨
lewishamilton i told you not to call me that
y/n.rhodes i must have not heard you, loud garage you see
mickschumacher had a lovely time!❤️
y/n.rhodes so did i❤️
sir lewis
hey y/n
hello sir hamilton
sir lewis
okay sorry sorry
what’s up
sir lewis
what’s the deal with you and Mick?
what do you mean?
sir lewis
all the flirting in the garage
the comments
what’s going on?
do you have a crush?😉😉😉
we’re just friends
nothing is going on
sir lewis
are you sure?😌😌
yes lol
sir lewis
i don’t believe you, but okayyyy
lewis is onto us
the comment?????
maybe because we flirted in the garage?
he’s convinced we have crushes on each other
what do you want to do?
i mean
we can just go with the flow
just show up together and that would be it
are you sure?
we don’t have to
it’s okay, i wanna
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liked by y/n.rhodes, estebanocon and 684,195 others
mickschumacher great weekend, time to recharge
view all 89,143 comments
mercedesamgf1 Hope you enjoy your time off ;)
mickschumacher thank you admin :))
georgerussell63 very nice pictures, mate
mickschumacher thank you, i have a talented photographer
georgerussell63 i'm sure you do ;)
estebanocon you went on holiday without me? :(
mickschumacher i had to :( i didn't have a choice
estebanocon you always have a choice
mickschumacher no, he doesn't - the missus
estebanocon sorry ma'am, i take it back
user1 Mick having a girlfriend was not on my bingo card for this year
user2 I need to know who his girlfriend is like YESTERDAY
user3 I might know who she is
user4 BESTIE???????? SPILL
user3 I might be completely wrong and off-track but I believe it might be Y/N Rhodes
user3 isn't she the girl who visited the garage a couple of weeks back?
user4 Yes. She's the daughter of Nick Rhodes, a member of the band Duran Duran
y/n.rhodes those are some very nice pictures, mr. schumacher
mickschumacher i have a very good photographer who took them for me
y/n.rhodes you'll have to introduce them to me, they seem very good at what they do
user5 I wanna be on vacation with him too :(((
user7 this explains his impressive drive a couple of weeks back
lewishamilton interesting turn of events
mickschumacher i don't know what you're talking about
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liked by lewishamilton, mickschumacher and 5,291,825 others
y/n.rhodes i like the view tagged: mickschumacher
view all 602,185 comments
lewishamilton I KNEW IT
y/n.rhodes nostradamus, congratulations
lewishamilton don't mock your seniors
mickschumacher 🩵
y/n.rhodes 🩵
mercedesamgf1 Thank you Y/N for being our lucky charm from here on out! 🩵
y/n.rhodes always a pleasure 🩵🩵
user1 MICK AND Y/N?????
user2 this took me completely by surprise
estebanocon finally
mickschumacher :)
y/n.rhodes thank you for keeping quiet, estie bestie
estebanocon i told you not to call me that
y/n.rhodes sucks to suck
user4 Y/N seems like such a menace and I'm here for it
user5 mickschumacher did you meet Nick?
mickschumacher i did
user6 HOW WAS IT?????
mickschumacher intimidating, but we get along great
y/n.rhodes my dad loves him, he's a sucker for blondes
user7 DAMN Y/N
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much appreciated!!
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