#i just want to piss in peace bro 😭😭
bipolbur · 3 months
sorry for my unreasonable request to keep the living room light that does not effect you on at all times so i dont feel like im going to get murdered when i leave my room in the middle of the night. wish we had a guillotine so you could give me what i deserve
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devilsrecreation · 2 months
More thoughts on TLG episodes
The Savannah Summit:
First things first, major kudos to Makuu for actually being responsible and caring about what’s best for his float
You really can’t blame Kion and everyone else to be super skeptical about Makuu. I know he changed for the better, but he’s done…a lot since he beat Pua
“but to invite him to the Savannah Summit? With all these other peaceful animals?”—I hate to break it to you, Kion, but just bc an animal is an herbivore doesn’t mean they’re peaceful and friendly. If anything, it means survivor
Crocs at the Summit worked with Pua cuz everybody loves him 😎
“Makuu has more enemies than friends!”—So does Bunga lmao
The song is great. I love how everyone seems annoyed at first but near the end, it’s all 🎶Kumbaya, my lord! 🎶. Except Makuu…dude looks like he’s lowkey regretting his life choices he did NOT ask for a bs song
I’m totally on Makuu’s side. He was genuinely trying to be civil here, especially when it comes to Bupu
At least Beshte was trying to be the mediator cuz he looks at Makuu AND Bupu, Kion was just being kinda speciesist
Shut up, Bupu, you started the whole thing
Vuruga Vuruga saying “buffalo eat whatever we want” is actually pretty accurate. They, like other animals, don’t care. I read that buffalo will occasionally eat insects if it were an option. Even Twiga could sucking on a bone if she wanted to. Seriously, look it up
If Zazu had a nickel for every time a rhino used him as a chair, he’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice (great nod to the OG movie)
Rafiki is such a mood “not the official painting” you old ass gremlin/aff
I remember Athena P criticizing Simba for blaming Kion about ruining the Summit after Makuu understandably leaves and I agree. Wtf Simba he’s 10. Go easy on him, come on 😭
The part that irks me the most is that when Mufasa asks “What has Makuu done to make you think this way?”, Kion says “Nothing, really”. BRO WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘NOTHING REALLY’?! I understand Mufasa meant what Makuu has done today but there are a LOT of things Makuu’s done in the past that Kion should have told his grandpa. In fact, here’s a whole list:
-Taking over Big Springs when he became leader, resulting in all the animals to scatter
-Challenging kids to fight
-Taking over the flood plains
-Trying to eat Basi which would have been just him being a crocodile if not for the fact that the reason is so he wouldn’t have to follow any rules (says so on the wiki)
-TAKING NALA HOSTAGE (seriously did Simba even KNOW about that? Did Nala or Kion bother to tell him?)
-Generally being a dick to animals
Makuu I know you did nothing wrong in this episode, but you can’t blame Kion for acting this way
I’m not placing any blame on Mtoto. He’s a good boy and all he did was tell the guard what he heard and that’s it
Twiga and Vuruga Vuruga coming up with the trap doesn’t surprise me. Cape buffalo are actually really vengeful irl so it makes sense how she wanted to teach Makuu a lesson. They ain’t called “Black Death” or “Widow Maker” for nothing
It’s cool how Makuu took the prank well. Respect.
Wonder how Makuu felt about animals fighting over him lmao?
Let Sleeping Crocs Lie
Once again this episode would be VERY different if my oc Piga was still alive
Kiburi has a right to be mad. I’m not excusing what he does later in the episode but I’d be pissed too if someone woke me up
Okay but Nduli sleeping next to Kiburi is adorable. Adds to my hc how close they are
Serious question: Why exactly can’t the crocs go back to sleep after they’ve been woken up? The obvious answer is bc it drives the plot forward, but is it true in actual crocodiles? I kinda wanna know the scientific reason
Good on Makuu for going the pacifism route. He’d really do anything for his float
Love how Kiburi was like “Yeah yeah, whatever you say” but the second Makuu left, he was like “ANARCHY!”
Idk if any of you caught this, but when Ushari’s like “we reptiles will rule the pridelands under your leadership, right?” Scar actually hesitated before going “sure bud”. That makes me think he was going to betray Ushari the moment he and his army get rid of Simba and the Lion Guard
Crocs really DO need a lot of water, otherwise their lives are on the line. Makuu was really more concerned than upset
“KIBURI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”—Fighting a child, what’s it look like
Side hc: I like to think something similar happened with Pua, Piga, and Kujivunia. Pua saw Piga antagonizing some poor young animal and he was all “Piga! What in the Pridelands do you think you’re doing?” and Kujivunia (who happened to be there), with her typical sarcasm was like “Performing a dance number, Pua 🙄”
There go the skinks again. Njano with his cuteness and Shupavu…doing her best Grinch face
“At least you’ll be close to all your friends!”Awww Beshte trying to be positive 🥺
Kiburi saying “we crocs deserve better!” brings me back to my hc that Kiburi had good intentions (again, until further in the episode), he just went about it the wrong way. He’s almost like an activist in a way. He’s not trying to be selfish, he just wanted a better watering hole. Now going as far as to rule the Pridelands…..yeah too far
The background crocodiles who were like 😦 when Kiburi called for the mashindano are so me. I’m the one going “Ooooooh shit!”
Still not getting over that super gay conversation between Kiburi and Ushari
Nduli looks so derpy I love him
Lmao Nduli just gave up like “Fuck it you win”
Love the parallels of Makuu pinning down Kiburi like he did to Pua
Kiburi, I love you but what the hell did you expect? You literally confessed to like 500 animals about your plan and then you get surprised when Simba and Makuu banish you? What did you think was gonna happen? You got way too cocky, I swear
Saying this again, Tamka and Nduli looked worried/traumatized when they were exiled
“Now you’re calling me a reptile?”—My love, you ARE a reptile. I thought crocodiles were supposed to be smart omg
Kiburi’s actually showing emotion for the first time
Full disclosure: “I have a plan” is mediocre at best. It has nothing on Be Prepared. That being said, I love Kiburi’s “Aiight I’m in” smile
That’s pretty much it. Maybe I’ll do more in the future
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
~late night car drives with bsd charas~
this is an idea i got while listening to depressing vocaliod songs, SO HERE WE ARE!!! these are just some hc i have about how it would go, some charas are COMPLETELY platonic!! (this is mostly platonic in the 1st place tbh) this is my first time writing on this app, and i haven't written anything online in a few years, so if the formatting is weird, PLEASE TELL ME IDK WHAT IM DOIMNHG
chara list: dazai, chuuya, poe, ranpo, and yosano
GENRE: fluff fluff fluff and sillies
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-he would probably be going to some weird ass convenience store with you at ungodly hours in the morning 💀
-i feel like he would mess with you and fucking drift the car when yall turn
-lets just say you get close to dying more then once 😁
-one time when yall tried to sneak out, kunikida caught yalls asses (your ears still hurt to this day from the mouthing off you got from kunikida)
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-ok so i know i said late night CAR rides BUT CMON WHO DOESNT WANNA RIDE A COOL ASS MOTORCYCLE WITH CHUUYA!??!?!?/1
-i hc that when chuuya gets really pissed and the person is super rude to him, he fucking makes their car float...LIKE FULL ON 😭
-but other then his road rage, its honestly pretty chill
-i know that he has a BANGER playlist, I JUST KNOW IT
-i fell like he'd also play around on the motorcycle a bit, BUT AT LEAST HE WOULDNT NEARLY KILL YOU UNLIKE DAZAI (눈‸눈)
-id say its pretty nice and balanced, with enough calmness to make it enjoyable for the most part, but enough thrill to keep asking him to take you out <33
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-just gonna let you know right off the bat, his ass is NOT driving 😂
-there is a high chance that he JUST woke up and started banging on your door because he had cravings and well, he ran out of his snacks...so OBVIOUSLY he had to bang on your door, its important!!!
-and even if he was completely awake...he would get yall lost so fast
-so you were driving him
-honestly? its kinda funny to see groggy ranpo walk around and try to grab what snack he wants at the convenience store when he's barely awake
-bro literally drops the bag like 5 times (you picked it up all 5 bc you kinda pitied him rn 😭)
-he basically ends up sleep walking his ass outta there
-the ride is mostly quiet, mainly because ranpo falls asleep on the way back
-imagine if you played heavy metal and woke him up
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-these car rides would be so peaceful
-ngl he would probably sometimes take you out just to drive with you (its not like gas is a problem for him anyways 😭)
-doesnt seem like a talker tbh, he might ask you if you want to go anywhere specific, but you guys mostly just listen to music together (he saves the story telling for another time <3)
-you hold karl in your lap and pet him like you're an evil villain (cannon)
-very calming and relaxing drive <33
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-ngl she kinda gives dazai vibes, in terms of playlist
-there has been more than one occasion when she just drunk-drove you
-shes a small talker, OR A GOSSIPER WHILE YALL DRIVE
-yall just have so much fun talking about the ada and everything that's going on there <333
-would scream the lyrics to any 2010's throwback song, while having a (hopefully) safe dance party
-very fun to be around, and even though she drunk drives, shes def safer then dazai
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mxsonxmountx · 1 year
Mason Mount AU: Holiday
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Liked by: jackgrealish, declanrice, benchilwell, youruser and others.
masonmount: the perfect holiday with youruser. Well needed break, I love you 🤍
benchiwell: what a place to go, hope you had a good one
↪️bro honestly, it was so peaceful. Let’s do a lad’s holiday!
↪️benchilwell: yes yes I’m down
chunkz: exactly where the misses wants to go, looks beautiful out there
↪️the pictures doesn’t do it justice
jackgrealish: at least you got a real tan this time, instead of a sunbed
↪️that’s just mean jack… piss off
↪️youruser: mase… he’s being honest 😂
conorgallaher92: ah mate, this looks like a dream! Definitely need to come with you and the misses next time. Gutted
↪️youruser: yes please, maybe your girlfriend will take better pictures than my boyfriend
tammyabraham: you look my advice and booked Greece, such a lovely place!
↪️I always take your advice tam, always bro
calteck10: oh god, here he comes with the 101 holiday photos
Liked by user
youruser: the best holiday ever. Thank you, I love you 💙
↪️next trip pending…
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liked by: lew.mount, masonmount, woody_, reecejames and others.
youruser: the holiday of a lifetime, the perfect little getaway. Couldn’t ask for anything more. Thank you masonmount 🤎
laurenfryer_: girl, this looks amazing
↪️lauren, it was so beautiful
sophiaaemelia: you need to go back, just us girls
↪️can we?! We deserve another holiday. Our boyfriends are hard work 😮‍💨
↪️kaihavertz29: I’m not hard work 😭
↪️masonmount: me neither😭
↪️kaihavertz29: you are mase…
woody_: the prettiest pictures
↪️masonmountforever: woody???? She’s your best friend’s girlfriend, stop hitting on her
↪️mason4life: actually they went to school together, grew up together and woody is dating youruser best friend…
↪️thank you woods, can’t wait to see you soon
carlottaconstant: need to tell me all the details over a coffee date
↪️yes please!!!
andrea.martinezf: okay okay okay, re pack your case, we’re going
↪️let’s go girls! laurenfryer_ & sophiaaemelia
lew.mount: glad you enjoyed your time
↪️always lew
masonmount: 🤍🤍🤍🤍
↪️my angel 💙
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trafal-gah · 6 months
Decided to do a Tokyo Revengers gc😂, hope you like it.
Desc: Smiley accidentally spills readers crush so now she's pissed.
Chaotic GC
Mikey: Hey everyone
Ran: Hey Mickey✨😌
Mikey: It's Mikey, not Mickey😐
Ran: I know, just wanna get on your nerves 😌
Draken: You just had to, didn't you, Haitani? 🙄
Ran: Leave me alone 😤
Smiley: Has anyone talked to Y/N-chan since my slip up? 😅
Mikey: You fucked up big time.
Emma: Fr, fucking dumbass 💀
Y/N: Guys!!! 😭
Smiley: Y/N-chan!!! 😭😭
Y/N: Don't you dare, I will end you😐
Mikey: Dayum😂
Draken: She mad, good job bro👍
Y/N: You have no idea what you made me go through 😐😐
Emma: Utter humiliation?
Ran: Total disgrace?
Y/N: Precisely, gold star for you both😗✨
Ran: I'll cherish it forever 😭
Y/N: I even lost my phone 😭
Rindou: How is that his fault? 😐
Y/N: Story time Mfs😗😌
Chifuyu: Oh oh, start with once upon a time.
Y/N: It's quite long so.... Yh.... Once upon time, there lived a blabber mouth, called Nahoya, who couldn't keep his mouth shut and blabbed an unnecessary information about girl named Y/N.
Mikey: We know this part🙄
Y/N: Hush😪. Anyway, to sum it up, I went for a walk, yada yada yada, I met Inupi and Koko having such an adorable date 😭😭✨✨✨
Mikey: Ewww😐
Y/N: Inupi terrified me, but Koko was really nice and took me shopping.
Koko: Ya welcome 😌😌
Y/N: So in the process, my phone went missing. That is the end of my story😪😪😪
Draken: So wtf are u chatting with😐?
Y/N: Turns out it was with Koko, my mum called it, he answered and he dropped it over at my house.
Ran: Hold up, he knows your house now? 😐
Koko: Indeed I do😌✨
Chifuyu: So how much you want, Koko? 👀
Mikey: Aren't you broke? 👀
Chifuyu: No😐
Mikey:But when I asked you to buy me dorayaki, you said you were broke😭😭😭😭
Chifuyu: That was then😐 besides, Y/N is a girl🙂
Smiley: Wanna get a makeover, Mikey? 👀
Mikey: Yes I do, that's gender inequality right there 😭😭😭
Taiju: Do you idiots realize how late it is🙄?
Y/N: Oh shit.....
*Y/N has left the group*
Mikey: She left? 😭😭😭
Rindou: Your fault, Smiley😒
Smiley: I apologized 😭
Emma: No you didn't 😶
Shinichiro: You're all noisy, for fucks sake go to bed😑
Taiju: Yo Shin
Shinichiro: Yo Taiju
Waka: Yo
Mikey: Why are the old people coming now😶?
Waka: Tf😑😑
Emma: Shin-nii, I'm hungry 😭😭
Mikey: I'm hungry too
Izana: Same here😪😪
Shinichiro: The fuck😶? Y'all just ate😶😶
Mikey: We did not 'just' eat....
Izana: Yeah, that was like 30 minutes ago 😐😐
Ran: I'm so glad I don't have any younger siblings 😌😌👍👍😗😗
Rindou: Excuse me😐😐😐
*Rindou is Offline*
Ran: Holy shit, what have I done😐😐😐?
Koko: So there's only 1 Haitani left, right? 😂😂
Draken: Looks that way, Rindou's probably gonna drop Ran on the streets.
Ran: Shut up.
Izana: I'm still hungry😶😶
Waka: Young Kurokawa, we say 'hangry' not 'hungry'👍👍😌😌
Taiju: Fucking dumbass
Waka: Aye, aye, don't insult your elders.
Mikey: Big deal, you turned 22, we won't have peace of mind anymore 😐😐😐
Ran: So.... Um....
Chifuyu: How did it go? 😂
Ran: Whose house can I stay in at under short notice for two day😅😭
Shinichiro: It's a full house
Emma: Tell me about it
Waka: Takeomi and Benkai are already at my place 😪
Draken: Not enough room
Chifuyu: Baji-san and Kazutora are crashing at mine😗
Izana: You already heard it from Shin and Emma so I don't owe you an explanation ✨
Taiju: I would let you stay
Mikey: Plot twist coming 😪
Taiju: But I just wanna see you suffer and sleep on the streets😌
Mikey: Called it✨
Ran: Anyone, please 😭😭😭😭😭😭, I'm too handsome to sleep on the streets 😭😭😭
Mikey: Coughs in Spanish 💀
Ran: Got something to say midget😪
Mikey: No no, anyways, good night Haitani, have fine sleeping with the rats👍✨😌
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Hope you liked it😗😗🙂🙂, I originally got this gc idea from @mulletmitsuya so go check out their work.
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hajimeshoe · 2 years
I've had this one on my mind for too damn long!
I see a lot of fem!s/o headcanons where she's defended, but hardly any where she defends herself or likes to play rough!
So I'm asking!
Could you do a Jamil, Leona, The Leech twins, and Kalim with a tall(6'0) fem!s/o who's pretty docile and soft with a smart mouth. *I mean the insulting kind of smart mouth*.
She doesn't know her own strength when she play fights and accidentally hurts people sometimes. She's very kind to others as long as she likes them.
Now, in the event that she is physically provoked into a fight, she wails on her aggressor, and she won't stop until she's satisfied with the damage dealt, or until she's pulled off. And she's strong, so people have a hard time.
How would they calm her down from her anger, and how would they stop the fight?
I- Shiba, I struggled with this one - half of these guys are the “Would murder someone for the slightest misstep” Squad 😃 It honestly was fun to write tho
You and Leona would be insulting eachother CONSTANTLY. Like, I can picture this as an “on again, off again” relationship
And you two scrap allllll the time - when he’s not half-asleep
So when you’re going ham on this other student
Leona would sit there watching for a bit
You’re his herbivore, he knows you can defend yourself
He'd blame the other person for pissing you off, honestly
And he is wayyy too lazy to get involved
But, as per his culture (Which raises them with a healthy dose of respect women juice) he has to get involved
Now, you may be tall, but so is Leona
So it's not an issue for him to walk over and drag you off, kicking, screaming and insulting him the entire way (Out of all of them, Leona is the only one I can picture having no issues dragging you around)
"Calm down, Herbivore, we're taking a nap"
“No tf we aren’t!! I have a murder to commit! 🤬”
Cue Leona literally wrapping himself around you like a koala to keep you from trying to run back and finish shit - he already has Ruggie using his unique magic to humiliate them for a couple of days
He's a babysitter for Kalim, he's a babysitter for his girlfriend - he never does get a moment of peace, does he?
He does love you're smart mouth, and how creative you can get with insults but...
The second he see's you beating the fuck out of this student, he just facepalms and sighs.
"Kalim, stay!"
Left Kalim to make his way toward you
A single mom who works two jobs, who loves his kids and never stops
It doesn't matter if you're taller or not, he'll end this quickly and get you and Kalim both somewhere neither of you can continue to cause issues
He interrogated a random student to figure out what happened. Somebody had insulted you?
When Jamil fails to pull you off, he just gives up and uses magic
Bro literally just grabs your face with one hand (like a disobedient child) and forces you to look in his eyes so he can hypnotize you
And he hypnotized the other person to stay there
Once he has you nice and compliant, he’ll have you walking to Scarabia so he can hole you up in his room
(One week later - You: Jamil, what happened to that student I beat up? Jamil:… Jamil: I should probably drop the hypnosis before they die)
(He has his hands full with you and Kalim, he can’t honestly give a damn about other peoples health 😭)
One word: Panic.
Yes, you're taller than him. Yes, you're stronger. He still panics because he doesn't want you getting into fights
It takes him, Jamil and three other students from Scarabia to de-escalate the fight by separating you two
Afterwards, you have an impromptu therapy session complete with cuddles, your favourite movies, snacks, ice cream, chocolate - he is literally rich with no sense of impulse control, you say the word and it's yours
(Baby already had Jamil overblot, he isn't risking it happening to you)
First things first, you and Jade 100% have competitions where you insult eachother to see who ends up crying first
It's normally him
He'd actually like to see who would win in a fight - you or Floyd
But he knows one or both of you will get carried away and be mortal enemies the rest of your lives if that happens
So when he sees you beating up some guy? He’ll blackmail him jnto admitting what he did wrong later (you may or may not end up with the guy as you new slave)
For now, he recruits Floyd to help him frag you off of they guy and back down to Octavinelle
The trip takes double the amount of time that it should given they’re both over 6foot tall merpeople
But you are deceptively strong for a normally fairly docile person (He and Floyd had to use all of their combined strength and still struggled)
Once he has you safely in Octavinelle, I feel like he’d calm you down by - hear me out, even if you think it’s out of character - letting you take your anger out on him
He’s certain he can take it, and he trusts you won’t do any permanent damage.
He loves you, what can I say?
Will he end up in the infirmary for a week? Yes. Does he care? Definitely. But in his mind, it’s still worth it.
He will sit there eating popcorn
Until it starts to bore him
Then he's in a bad mood and just wants to go
His pride? It takes a huge hit when he can't just drag you off by himself and - surprise, surprise - his mood worsens even more
Now he's pissed off and has some pride issues
I’d say watch your back in case he attempts to a) squeeze you to death or b) drown you, but I gotta feeling you’ll be A-O-K
He ends up needing reinforcements to grab you, but who? Some of the poor, poor freshies he’s managed to scare into helping him grab you
How does he calm you down? He tries (Keyword: TRIED) to beat your ass
Now, now, it may seem counterproductive, but hey - it works
You got to beat up two people, and now your boyfriend is in the infirmary in one of the worst moods Jade has seen him in, but you’re calm and that’s all that matters 😌
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vivaladicamillo · 1 year
asking very politely for how steve-o or bam would be dating a fem jackass member whos also just as crazy as the crew idk just silly activities
pls add whatever u like im good with everything IM JUST IN NEED OF CONTENT🙏🙏
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ok so i have no clue if u were asking for them separately or together so ima just wing it and do SOMETHING
WARNINGS: talks of drinking and drugs
well being in a relationship with this guy would be crazy
would constantly brag abt ur looks to the guys
“my girlfriend is so hot bro”
shit like that
would probably tease u abt and just poke fun of u in a playing type way
expect to be pranked at any moment
his pranks on u arent too crazy tho he doesnt want u breaking up with him now
LOTS of partying
bam is wild and carefree so probably when u guys are younger, lots of house parties that slowly turned into clubs/famous peoples parties as he got more and more popular
NEEDY 24/7
just wants u by his side just to show u off and have u near him
would write u crazy ass stunts to do
he doesnt want u getting too hurt tho
will fist fight if someone ever tries to disrespect u (man or women)
everyone KNOWS u are with him, he makes that clear
behind the scenes though, meaning when no friends or cameras are around and its just u too
hes the most mushy guy ever
just wanting to attach to u and never let go
probably would lick the side of ur face just to piss u off
expect to be at lots of skating venues and events
hey maybe he would even try to teach u how to skate
until u wipe out for the first time and hes laughing his ass off
he makes sure ur fine but he just found it funny
him is love him is life
also going to cky concerts with him
or really any concert that has a band he knows playing
he can be so mean sometimes
but he loves u
literally such a dick
but hes YOUR dick (literally)
just smack him around a bit and u will be fine 🙏
ok so he actually might be a little bit more crazy then bam
but hes more affectionate then crazy
with steve-o its a constant adventure theres infinite opportunities on what to do
he could take u out on a nice dinner date or do something extremely illegal with u and now yall are running from the cops
partying is also a constant affair with him (u have a type anon🤨)
he will bring u around show u off and brag abt how much of a amazing girl u are
always has one hand on u at all times
i feel like secretly he just loves to cuddle with u
hes just constantly put doing things so having a moment of peace with someone he loves the most makes him feel more normal
when they are filming for wild boyz i feel like he would make jeff include u in a lot of scenes
he loves giving u bear hugs just all the time
he doesnt care who is watching he loves u and he wants to show that
steve-o is a huge partier too like bam as i have said
but unlike bam with steveo it gets more intense
probably would have to clean up his messes after long nights
that means cleaning up whatever vomit, shit, piss, or drug related things left behind
i feel like living in his apartment would be an experience
just being with him in that era would be crazy
him making u a custom shirt that says to listen to his new rap album 😭
doctor steveos nurse?? yes please
in the end its always an adventure with steveo, at least u know he loves u
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speedystarshine · 2 years
If I may, can I request how the different Matpat egos would react to the winged player (yn) picking them up and flying with them? (Bonus points if it’s out of nowhere and they don’t see it coming) I’m absolutely LOVING this blog!!
ofc, and ty for the kind words! I just used the same characters that I did in the 30 post :P
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Characters: Matpat, Madpat, Mack (Crewmate/Engineer/Dictator), The Detective, The Hermit, Warfpat.
screaming, crying, pissing his pants, calling his mommy,
No but don't he will actually throw up the second you reach the ground
He swears he hates you so much for that especially since it's highly likely that he was like hitting your chest to get you to put him down and then suddenly you're 10,0000 feet in the air and be like "yeah sure okay :D"
Demands you carry him half because he's petty and half because his legs are shaking so bad 😭
Bro had coffee too like. He loves you but his coffee man c'mon not cool :(
Demands hugs and kisses and literally anything that'll stop him feeling nauseous he's such a baby 🙄
Probably threatens to clip your wings but you know he's too pussy to actually do it/hj
You made him drop his chainthrower :( 
(yes he calls it that he told me himself and also you owe him a new one and also here’s the marriage papers before you can process-)
Screams for like half a second and then just sits there like :T he’s processing okay- 
Honestly, he just clings to you like a koala, let him have his internal mental breakdown in peace 😭
You finally put him down and he doesn’t let go-
He comes back half an hour later looking as if he’s been crying and asks you to take him again so he can have his quirky y/n wattpad moment 
give him a hug bro just wants to look cool in front of you okay let him have that   :(( you don’t, and give him hugs instead :)) *cue mat standing outside the door like HUH?!?!? 😡😡🤡🥺😭*
He does genuinely find it fun, (and is slightly scared at the fact you can just fly up with him like he weighs nothing) but he will also cry-
he’s trying :(
Mack (Crewmate)
in space? :0 (I’m joking this is probably either on Earth or when y’all get to the new planet)
do. do you want to be single?/j
but seriously- his reaction would be similar to mat’s except its just non stop screaming the whole time :(
and then extra :( because when you two get down he won’t talk to you and just kinda follow you around with the 🥺 expression on his face. 
He needs hugs and ice cream and distractions asap right away bc he genuinely thought this was a murder attempt or sum (it wasn’t, but he doesn’t know that!! :dd)
Mark would laugh but he honestly just feels sorry for him because of the puppy eyes- 
probably drags him to you to make you apologize (Even tho you probably have 10000 times the second he started crying) He’ll talk to you again dw he just found it funny how you were so panicked at his reaction >:) manipulative shit-
Mack (Engineer)
Kinda just freaks out and laughs nervously the whole time while tucking his face into your chest
the second you land, he is so pale. Like damn bro you need a minute-
in the most monotone voice ever, excuses himself to the bathroom, where the distant sounds of throwing up, sobbing, fanboying?? and other stages of grief can be heard 
he finds it hot 😭
Marks thinks its the funniest shit ever like full on kidney collapse knee slaps, table slams- Yeah he’s not ever letting Mack forget it even tho it was your fault
Don’t worry though, Mack will still hug you and hang out with you and stuff but he’s always tense as if your gonna swoop off again
he even starts bragging to the others as if he wasn’t a millisecond away from pissing his pants and praying
relaxes eventually tho :D kinda holds a grudge against you, but jesus just-
warn him next time if you want to do it again 
Mack (Dictator)
Haha what wings?
What freedom of limbs to be able to swoop in the first place?/j
no but you might actually want to start running after you pull a stunt like that, bro’s gonna pull fucking operation: hunt the bird 😭
his reaction is kinda funny but also not? 
lets out a yelp, and demands you put him down but in this very startled squealing tone- 
after he gets used to it glares at you with an ‘unamused’ expression but you’re so close to him that you can see this man is 👌 close away from crying
just kinda stands there and processes when you put him down and then immediately chases after you
he has a gun so you might want to be good at dodging mid air-
yeah you’re definitely in big BIG trouble afterwards but in your opinion it was totally worth it (unless that’s not the first time or prank you’ve pulled and he decides to clip your wings :((()
tbh the thing he’s most embarrassed about is the fact that there were people around to witness
calls the firing squad on those that tease him about it because haha funky dictator man >:D
The Detective
why? literally just why would you do this to him 
you will be paying for his therapy/j
he finds it really fun but would prefer if he doesn’t have that falling feeling in his stomach
or in his entire body. like at all
his glasses fall off halfway through. you will also be paying for-
he’s so polite about it too although his voice definitely breaks a lot 😭
you get halfway up and he goes “yeah uM y/n this is reAlly nice and all bUt can you put me dOwnokaynevermindholyshitfuckcuntbitchmotherfu” 
he just clings to you afterwards with an awkward smile like “hi <:)?” yeah he’s not letting go bestie you can say buh bye to privacy after that <3
he doesn’t throw up bc he’s a girlboss but definitely feels queasy after which is half of the reason why he’s still clinging to you
probably wouldn’t get it, but if he felt confident enough sometime later would ask if you can take him up again :)
and immediately regrets it- he finds it cool that you can fly though, even if he doesn’t prefer it!
tbh he just wants to see the sky and shit with you because he’s a dork and a simp and we love him 😌
The Hermit
are you sure. are you ABSOLUTELY sure that you would want to pull that shit with this man.
you ever hear the phrase “they’re either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid”?
i mean- okay. yeah sure. say you did
I feel like he’d be ready because the second he feels you about to prepare he just kinda instantly knows what’s gonna happen
ik his character is sketchy as hell and he keeps making it seem like he’s gonna kill you but bestie if you do pull this off you might figure out pretty soon where he gets all that food from
it’d definitely be different if you were his s/o, but just because you’re safe doesn’t mean you’re wings are! :D 
yeah but no he’s not having it why would you even do this
honestly the only scenario this happens and you don’t die or lose limbs is if you ask him first and makes sure he wants to because otherwise you’re next honestly 😭
absolute suicide mission and his reaction isn’t even fun he just gives you that polite strained adult smile while staring into your soul-
*sighs* its funny because I think this is the same way I started out the intro on the other post-
but yeah, crazy man would love it, you know he would. Probably giggles and shit as if he’s not suspended 20,00000 feat in the air being carried by a person who is shorter than him and theoretically shouldn’t even be able to carry him
because he can warp reality, I think he’d use that power to ‘spice things up’ with your little trip
and by that I mean you’ll endlessly be doing the loop the loop because he keeps flipping the sky upside down and noclipping you EVERYWHERE
bro the tables have turned because the second you land he’s clapping and wanting to go again and y/n is the one throwing up and shit-
he actually unironically finds it cute and its like a 50/50 on whether his exaggerated swooning is sarcastic or not
you drop him halfway up whether on purpose or just because you feel like being a dick and he teleports your ass with him 😭
wants to give you kisses mid-air because he would meanwhile you’re too focused on not crash landing into either his studio or the Ego mansion
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There you go, sorry they took so long to do, I was knocked out cold today! :P
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darkfictionjude · 1 day
I dont mean to trauma dump or whatever but like lore? and gotta keep the peeps entertained while waiting for you to update.
Hes my ex stepdad btw, just my sisters father so yh. Wanting to clear that up because my mom would never stay with someone who does that.
So basically i was telling him to his face what a shit dad he was to my little sister, his smug face pissed me off (hes also a narcissist but i managed to piss him off anyway) i threw a cola at him and dirtied his 200 dollar shirt, big deal, Bitch cried about it like literally "MY SHIRT". Bro came at me like a fucking gorilla and started strangling me.
Mind you hes short, but fat as fuck, so who the fuck has the power to push that leprocy ass dickfuck man off of me, my mom barely succeeded then threw him out the house.
I wanted to call my dad and tell him what happened but that would complicate things bc he would actually kill him, and i dont want him going to jail so yh.
But ugh imagine putting ur hands on a teenage girl as a grown manchild, really showing ur authority there bruv.
Peace ✌️
If yall need more short interesting stories lemme know, im full of em.
Heart ya Jude 💜
The word interesting is great because it can be neutral this story is so horrible but it does take away boredom so tasked passed successfully 😭👌🏼
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mamamittens · 1 year
Alright, so I just might actually write tomorrow cause Tears of the Kingdom is driving me batty with these piss poor weapons everywhere. I don't feel like rocking up to a boss again with a rock glued to a long stick for 7 damage when in BoTW I'd hoard swords with 20s and 30s at every opportunity 😭
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And the hands oh God the hands 😨
But this weekend is gonna be a tad busy as I'm turning 27 on Monday! So we... Might be doing something Saturday or Monday? Not sure yet. Roomie wants to get cake again and idk how to gently beg for normal ass cake. Last time she insisted on getting fancy cake despite my protests and I could barely finish a small slice. It wasn't bad, something along the lines of black forest cake with cherries and dark chocolate??? Idk, the taste was too rich and overwhelming it's the tism.
She also wants to go to an arcade and dinner with a mutual friend and her bf but fuck I just wanna disappear into my room and not emerge for a solid two days at least, not a single word to anyone. Maybe sleep at least half of that. I've already gone out to eat once with her, my bro, and his friend this month can I please die in introverted peace
If I had a damn computer that could handle it, I'd set up a stream and game but mine struggles with Power wash Simulator on big maps so the streaming experience is... Difficult to put it lightly. Unfortunately cause somehow those crazy bastards got SpongeBob DLC?!? ALONG WITH LAURA CROFT MANOR AND FINAL FANTASY?!?!?
But! I've got I think 3 inbox messages to handle, a pending request, and my already promised 2 yan romance AUs that I hope to do soon!
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Thank you everyone who's been around, come around, and just generally vibed with me! One Piece has unexpectedly given me many new friends that have genuinely made my life brighter despite my *gestures to all of me* uuuuhhhhhhh....
Low-key bitchyness and socially awkward ways?
Never really been a people person (and a little too neurospicy for small town USA to be socialized anyway), let's put it that way. I relate too hard with Ace in a lot of ways and that's probably not a good thing lmao
ANYWAY! Enough of the feels! I gotta go to bed, I just wanted to catch y'all up on stuff for anyone eagerly awaiting a response to their message or promised content!
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fuwaprince · 7 months
Thoughts on friendship, shared experiences, swimming/drowning and my apprehensiveness
When I was kid at the public pool, I enjoyed swimming in the deep ends. There were usually other kids around who couldn't swim as well. Sometimes I would be GRABBED out of nowhere and I'd feel like I'd just been assaulted!!! I'd instinctively want to throw/shake these grabby assholes off of me UNTIL assessing what was happening and realizing that most of these "assholes trying to drown me" were actually just kids like 9/10 times who literally just COULD NOT fucking swim and needed help getting to the edge of the pool. I remember they wouldn't ask bc they were usually already coughing up mouthfuls of water 😭 sometimes a stressed out mom would apologize to me afterwards and try to explain that their kid didn't know how to swim yet and I would just be like omg no I get it!!! it's okay, are they tho?
Sometimes the kid would apologize. Sometimes it was their friend or their sibling. Other times they'd just be too panicked and leave without a word and that was okay too. Even though I was left startled, that was fine compared to how startled I would be to see someone not moving at the bottom of the pool.
My bro couldn't swim well either and sometimes he did the same thing when he was first learning to swim. Didn't say excuse me before just reaching for whoever was closest to him for support to get to the outer edges of the pool. Only focused on shallow, safer ends and clinging to the nearby edge. People got pissed but many of them understood he wasn't trying to harm them. No one punched him in the face.
I've been both that desperate drowning person and the pissed off bystander that gets pulled into someone else's stressful situation.
Today I listened to a pair vent about having to drop a toxic friend for threatening suicide. I listened to them dismiss a crushing amount of real compounding shit someone else was unfortunate enough to be going through in favor of reducing their ex friend's desperate grasping for life as a needless, selfish tantrum and an exhausting, painful emotional burden on them. Idk but to me it just felt like they lacked major compassion and that they weren't willing to tolerate the pain and toxicity, which is fair and good for them. Emotional manipulation IS toxic... And going through shitty things isn't a free pass to be a pain in the ass to all your friends... but if someone/a friend is drowning before your eyes and reaches out to you, regardless of how they did it, wouldn't it make sense for you to try to protect them? How rational could it be to leave them to drown (sometimes it is)? What's the point of escalating the situation for them before leaving?
It's one thing if you aren't able to swim very well. I wouldn't suggest someone unable to support someone else try to if there's a high probability that'll end up with two drowning people. If you can't, you can't. Can't hold that against anybody! But wow imagine cutting off and recharacterizing a friend as a vengeful asshole for something they probably couldn't help either. People go through all kinds of things outside of their control and we only know what drowning looks like on the surface. Some people have these giant weights pulling them down and from the surface others could never be able to tell just how hard they're trying to keep their head above water. It might look like they're choosing not to swim harder ig.
I got the feeling that the friends felt like it was an attack on them too in ways. Like it was a threat not against their friend's life but against their own first and foremost. They basically responded to the possibility of their friend's voluntary death like "why would they do this to me? why would they threaten our whole friendship? why would they threaten MY peace plus everyone else's? that approach is toxic and i know they're manipulating me to try and stay alive. so selfish, we aren't friends anymore".
I hate the implications that it wouldn't be okay to ask the person closest to you for a lifeline. What are we taught in emergencies? You go to the nearest place you think is safe and ask for help, right? That's so common and normally taught early on. It's a survival instinct. Yet
Idk. If I dropped all the people who went to me during stressful times instead of a therapist I'd have like 0 friends. Friends are supposed to be safe spaces you can go to if available... Literally what are friends for? It isn't just laughs and somebody to have lunch with. It's weird to think you'd drop a whole ass friend for that. It's weird you'd go on to talk shit about them and use dumping them as toxic waste as something to be proud of bc being reached out to at all is supposed to be interpreted as a testament to trustworthiness.
It's weird the pair walked up to me in the middle of me crying to say all that then followed it up with "tons of people come to me for support so I'll do my best for you if you tell me what's wrong". Like I started off saying I was apprehensive to talk and they made themselves sound like the most unsafe people as if it would convince me they were so nice that people felt good enough to be vulnerable with them. holy shit. I feel bad for their ex friend for not having their vulnerability protected. I feel like I 100% can't trust those people so I'm glad I didn't open up. I'm not willing to talk to anybody and everybody about what's going on out of desperation anymore.
I'm doggy paddling by myself sometimes and it's better that way. It's hard but it's better than clinging to someone who will treat me badly. Call me leary? I feel bad for people who don't know how to swim. I've been that person before.
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milimima · 1 year
Like fuck ok ya this what it is. Keem gives me all the attention and willing to put in da work. Right? Then it’s like our energies don’t mesh as a couple yk. Like real good friends but then it’s like idk it’s always felt off. Idk if it was the dick or how he made me feel cause bro it was a bunch of shit that got me to this point w this nigga. Whole lotta arguments, fights, shit going bad shit going good/comfortable then it got bad again and it’s like we held to that good even in hell. Dayummmmmm. It’s like I lowkey already put that together. But then it’s this nigga Shawd. Where bitch. Why my phone capitalized his name not me bitch 😭😏 where bruh I can’t explain the feeling. That feeling of peace and bliss where we good together. It’s a different experience. It’s like a climate change. Where it’s like we talk without words… we speak in between the lines and it’s just like daddy come out. Ugh jk sorry distracted 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Bro idk even when it’s bad it’s like eternally I don’t and can’t hold that feeling with him. And that’s scary. It’s like even when he does not the best by me it’s like I get it. Fuck moe. I feel like I see him brah. But idk if he sees me. Or if he even wants to. That’s why he’s been avoiding my eyes 🥺 and it’s like I let ‘em go for him. for me. I had to let Shawd go cause you gotta let it go. If it loves you it’ll come back id it’s meant it’ll work out.
For keem. I had to let you go for you and for me as well. For you nigga cause I don’t like you bro. We cool but you really b pissing me off like a lil bro and I am completely turned off and my pussy don’t feel da same bro. You really think you and you dick all that. Yea it can be good bro but my bod rl be rejecting him after awhile bro. I can’t even like our bodies be on different pages fr. And he don’t be seeing it. Or refusing to look. I refuse to not see anymore
I see the fuck shit going on. Everywhere.
Literally the day after. We fucked bro all my plans my car. My spot.
God please. I’m sorry. Fr. I’m sooo sorry.
Wtf uggahaggdhhhsbsjs it’s like Ikeewww I shouldn’t have but I let myself be of flesh and weak God fuck. My other nigga being a bitch. God I’m tireddddddd.
Guess E was unproblematic divk but he ughhhhahshwjsbsjj u see his thoughts. Iguess I ain’t mad. I want a new lil soul mate to teach me a nice lesson. Can I get a good lesson on love and what I’m supposed to be treated like. Sheeesh. Yea idk if I even wantchu to play w my emotions like that God.
Bring me a man that fears you only. A man of his own decisions and desires. One that understands me and speaks my language. A beyond intellect. He so fine I don’t be knowing how to feel sometimes. Dick that’s rl made for me God. I want to feel that.
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT last spin-off before Baki-Dou! This one actually happens after Baki: Son of Ogre and it's more about Hanayama so this will be fun! Time to read Baki Gaiden: Scarface ☺️
Chapter 1
No hace falta decir que quede re fisura de mi pelado pero bueno el Yakuza es bueno tambien
I looove color 😍
He's just 5 cm taller than Yuji-chan 🤣
Red eyes 😳
This is boring af but i will give it another chance
Chapter 2
Mean af kid smh :/
That mf hot as FUCK but we all know that
He's stupid 😂
Ooohhyugyy flashbacks to his fight with Spec 😍☺️
Hana you are literally younger than him
That ending was a bit 🥺 ngl
Chapter 3
I love that they have clothes his size
Kizaki is this you bro?
Mmm patas (judging Itagaki here)
It's been weeks but i need to read more
Chapter 4
"well, don't"
Kizaki has girlboss vibes
Same meal as when he was a kid... So cute
I love the effect Hana has on ppl
Chapter 5
Where... Is this gout thing going?
Why would Hana just, destroy a train?
Oh, no :/
I think i know who this T-Rex lad might be 😳
Mf went 😰
Aw bro this is sad af
Fang OwO
"the big muscle guy from America" beautiful description of Oliva
It's funny how Kureha can revive ppl but cannot cure arthritis smh
Chapter 6
Damn he's LORGE
God i relate to this guy so bad
Chapter 7
Hana needs to wear hats fr
I'm literally going to cry
Child? Idk if he's younger than you Hana
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
This is wholesome as fuck
T-Rex my beloved
Chapter 10
Big fish!!!
A woman as example? Wow 😳
Motherfuckers took his ass smh
Glad he learnt how to swim, he didn't know when he was 15 <3
Chapter 11
Um, orcas are literally right there??
He's pissed off >:D
Small brain LOL!
Like boobs
Chapter 12
K-Kizaki. You are wearing a suit.
Chapter 13
Girl what
Yo ignoring this freak, it would be cool af if Jack n Hana ever fought
A... Mf in the comments doesn't know Ricardo Milos is gay 🧍
Chapter 14
I love how kind he is
At least there were no civilians hurt
Chapter 15
That WAS cool yeah
I mean he's not wrong but he's past a hunk man
Chapter 16
A penguin :y
This guy is kinda cool
Chapter 17
He's just trying his best man ough, this is sadder than Toba's backstory 😢
Okay i looked it up and T-Rex is 17 I'm going to try avoid jail time and not say i want to kiss him
Chapter 18
Are those his gums? Is he toothless?
Bro he looks so peaceful 🥺,,,
Oh my god.
Chapter 19
Hey isn't this the cop from the second book?
This mf more op than Dorian or Baki (in the illusion sense)
Oh NVM utdduayeysrsyrate
Chapter 20
C'mon he's trying :/
I mean queen idk maybe a lil hot? I like idk girl
He isss a gentleman~
Chapter 21
I have no idea what this guy is saying
Yo that's too far :/
Chapter 22
Oh shit that's true i never thought of it but all these men must suffer a LOT when it rains, especially considering all the broken and broken and broken bones they have
Chapter 23
It's like that post of the hedgehog, legit funny tho
Oh no 😰
Oh he didn't have teeth fr i see
Fucked up man
Chapter 24
Shit this was a short one tf
Chapter 25
This midget a freak bro
Chapter 26
Smoking his weed, dream blunt rotation
Idk man they bad guys but i like these assassins
Rip 😔💔 /j
Chapter 27
How did his pants fall?
Also he fights naked sm seeing him like that isn't even like 😳 lmao
Hey Hana? Hana bro? Don't die here bro
Chapter 28
Oh hey Tokugawa
Mf couldn't put on pants no pussy out sort of doctor
Chapter 29
RETSU, KATSUMI! Wait, wasn't this during the Raitai tournament? HE KNEW AND DIDN'T TELL BAKI? Brooo :/
WIG 😭💀
Yessss Shiba 😢💞
Assholes y'all are making me cry
"My boy Kureha always coming in clutch to deus ex machina the shit out of every dying character" he's our hero
Chapter 30
Kureha passed out is cute
They are gonna arrive and he's gonna be gone already i bet
I called it
Fucking legend
Chapter 31
Hana don't die NOW
Chapter 32
I'm gonna lose it.
Imagine thinking you can get a finger from Yujiro lmao
Moustache assassin hot
I was willing to believe that
Chapter 33 and last
He's stronger than Yujiro, he knows how to use doors! 😍
Yuichiro who? Hanayama babey
Hehe the dudesss, i recognize that noseless guy. I was gonna point him out when he first appeared but i chose not to
That outfit lmao
Chapter 36
Oh god he's pissed off 👁️👁️
Okay even bigger of a cliffhanger now :/
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