#i just will celebrate my own way. with food. and less ceremonial speeches.
equalseleventhirds · 1 year
with my graduation approaching, more and more ppl are learning that i'm gonna graduate and then asking if i'm gonna walk, and then, upon learning i will not, asking why.
and i was contemplating reasons but u kno what it boils down to?
there won't even be free food.
do u expect that i, very nearly 32 years old and terrified of my future, will actively wish to pay for a cap and gown, leave my house and go all the way to the graduation venue, sit through long speeches about the future and what it means to become an adult, and then have to join a long line of ppl walking across a stage to shake some guy's hand,
when there won't even be free food?
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kyndaris · 2 years
Imperial Wedding March
In society, marriages are considered sacred ceremonies where two people are joined together and are considered as one. For many, it’s a commitment to each other at the expense of all others. But in these modern age, there are some that enjoy an open marriage that gives each the freedom to pursue their interests while still having someone to return to. 
Marriages also serve another purpose. They are spectacle, bringing people together to celebrate a wondrous occasion with good food, good company and copious amounts of libations.
Not that I partake, mind you!
Now in my third decade of life, I’ve been to quite a few weddings. At least, ones that I can remember. In fact, in one of my earlier posts, I detailed my experience as a bridesmaid for a high school friend.
This time round, however, I was safely ensconced in the role of ‘guest.’ That meant not having to wake up at the crack of dawn to have my hair done or have a thick layer of make-up applied to my face - both things that I’ve never much liked ever since I was young.
It also meant taking my time to wander around as I waited for the reception instead of rushing around for photos.
Thankfully, the ceremony and reception were held in two locations that were easily reachable via public transport. The ceremony was at St Andrews Cathedral. For those not in the know, this hulking piece of Gothic architecture sits at the heart of Sydney, right next to Town Hall. Better yet, it’s a stone’s throw away from the Galeries where a rather small and lesser known book store calls home: Kinokuniya.
The reception, too, wasn’t very far (although there was trackwork that prevented me from taking a direct train over - instead, I needed to take a bus replacement). It was just across the Coat Hangar at the Kirribilli Club. And while the speeches from the parents were a tad waffling, with a non-subtle hint that children be pumped out immediately, it was still a joyous occasion full of music, laughs and conversation.
True, no one got to rip up the dance floor (a missed opportunity for Ay, Ay, Ay, I’m your little butterfly shenanigans), but it was a tasteful and refined affair.
No two people could have been well matched in their union.
And it got me thinking properly of my future. My mother has always wanted me to find a life companion. It’s always been her fervent belief that having a man in one’s life brings with it several benefits. One being a handyman that can help around the house (or, you know, to kill all those bloody spiders that manage to find their way into a person’s home).
Never had there really been a discussion of what I want or need.
While it’s true that I’ve redownloaded Hinge to try my luck on the dating market, I can’t help feeling that this whole pursuit of romance and happily-ever-afters might not be for me. There’s just something about romance and doing the deed that doesn’t entice me. Am I aromantic and/ or asexual? I’m not sure.
Ever since my high school years, I’d struggled with the concept of ‘falling in love’ with someone else. What did it mean to have a crush? How did you know you wanted to be with someone else? Why didn’t I have this gooey feeling inside me that others have described is the precursor to liking another person?
Despite that, I’ve also planned to wear a suit or a steampunk-inspired wedding dress should it ever occur.
Marriage might be sacred among many circles but for me, I’d rather less pomp and ceremony that seems synonymous with the event. Indeed, what I want would be something that’s personal and branded with my own unique and quirky sense of identity that continue with what other people have done ad nauseum. 
And honestly? A pagan binding ritual feels so much more enticing for this eccentric blogger.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. First of all, I need to find a person that is willing to deal with all my idiosyncrasies that even my mother and grandmother can’t seem to accept. I need someone who can put up with my anxieties and be able to reassure the neurotic Asian lady that’s having a mental breakdown in the corner, and growing dank mushrooms, that everything is going to be all right (but yes, that Asian lady is me!)
Before all that, though, I’ll need to sort out whatever baggage that is weighing me down that makes me feel unworthy of anything and anyone.
Small steps, right?
And besides, who needs therapy when I can shout everything out into the void of the internet?
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joontier · 3 years
Subliminal in Scrubs | V1; report vii
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pairings: dr. jeon jungkook x female reader
chapter rating: NC-17 | genre: humor, romance
warnings: FINALLY~ we get to see a little bit of JK’s pov heh 
word count: 2.4k
g/n: Send me your thoughts?
[taglist] @nottodayjjk @ditttiii​ @zeharilisharaban​ @btsbunny07​ @turquoiseandplaidinautumn  @aamxxrii @codeinebelle ​
Subliminal in Scrubs (the records) |  navi. | m.list
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“I hope you don’t mind us picking up a friend first then a drive thru afterwards... we did promise  someone a ride to the ceremony as well.” Chohee eyes Jungkook through the rear-view mirror. “Plus, we haven’t had any breakfast yet sooo…” Your new passenger uncharacteristically nods with unbridled enthusiasm. Huh.
“Totally not an issue at all. If you don’t mind, breakfast is on me,” he announces, sitting up a little straighter in his seat. You raise a freshly threaded eyebrow. There is no way this kid is actually offering to pay for your food. Jungkook clears his throat quietly, “Um...since you guys offered me a ride...you know…” 
Without even having to look at each other, you just know you and Chohee have similar smiles plastered on each of your faces. “Well,” Chohee makes a quick glance at the man seated at the back, “if you insist, Jungkook-ssi. How nice of you to do so.” 
You’re positive Jeon Jungkook will regret he even offered - in half an hour. Probably less. 
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Just recently, Chohee has decided to relive an old hobby of hers: teasing you relentlessly with men clearly way out of your league until you actually end up investing much more time than intended (just as planned by Chohee) - until you come to the realization that there wasn’t going to be even the slightest chance of them even liking you back. End point is - you end up getting heartbroken for irrational reasons. 
Chohee, whose eyes sparkle with mirth with every mention of the Jimin, continues her teasing, despite your constant reminders to have her energy and time diverted to another subject, instead of poking her head through your currently non-existent love life. 
It’s an undisputed fact that Jimin is a cutie and quite the charmer, especially with his heroic deed of saving your sorry ass from getting your drinked spiked at the bar. However, there is a part of you that knows the slightest bit of infatuation you might feel or might have felt for Jimin was probably caused by the lack of interaction with men for the majority of your collegiate life. Of course, you always came back to your principles, that of which is prioritizing your career to shun love interests. 
Admittedly, you might have gotten distracted once, but you won’t ever let that happen again. 
In line with your best friend’s attempt to have you score a date and a boyfriend eventually, (her timeline, not yours!)Chohee had even gone so far as offering Jimin a ride to the oath taking ceremony that’s going to be held today at the Coex convention center at Gangnam. 
With Jimin’s apartment just a couple of blocks away from the gasoline station, you spot him right away when Chohee turns right into the corner. He’s stood by the entrance of his apartment building, looking effortlessly attractive as he scrolls through his phone while waiting. 
Chohee presses her fist lightly against the center of the wheel, the car emitting a soft honk to get Jimin’s attention. Jimin gives a curt wave in acknowledgment and reaches between his legs to grab his satchel. As soon as Jimin opens the car door, his head jolts slightly backward in surprise when he sees another passenger already inside. 
Chohee does the ice-breaker, introducing Jungkook to Jimin while she drives off. “Just before we got to your place, we had to fill the tank first and whaddya know? Met Jungkook at the gas station too! His bike broke down and I’ve offered him a ride - ergo, your new seatmate.” She adds a thumbs up. “Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin.” 
Contrary to Chohee’s cheerful voice mere seconds ago, awkward silence ensues after the two men bow to each other in greeting. The only subject of sanity the car was holding onto was the soft voice of Chohee’s navigation app coming from her phone on the dashboard. 
Why was it so hard to talk when you’ve all got at least a few things in common? 
Right, maybe it’s the fact that Jimin may or may not have known about your beef with Jeon Jungkook. Chohee’s doing, obviously. 
Thankfully, you spot a Burger King joint along the way and propose getting a greasy breakfast instead of looking for other options. There are murmurs of agreement heard in the suddenly cramped space of your best friend’s car. “Jungkook-ssi, breakfast still on you, yeah?” Chohee asks, joining the queue. 
“Perfect! Just making sure because _________ and I are famished!” Okay - that wasn’t exactly the word you were looking for, but if it gets you the free meal, then you’re absolutely ravenous. Chohee’s eyes briefly pass yours before sending a wink in Jungkook’s direction. “How ‘bout you Jimin-ssi? You hungry?” 
He looks at you, then Chohee, then at Jungkook. “I’m fine, I’m not hungry.” You see Jungkook trying painfully hard to not let his eyes dart around too much. Just then,  a low rumble erupts from Jimin’s stomach. Woops. Your brain can dictate your emotions but tummy would never lie outright. 
“Jimin-ssi!” Jungkook clasps a hand on the blond’s shoulder. “It’s fine! Breakfast is on me. Order up, bro!” 
With Jimin still looking hesitant, Jungkook decides to add a little fairy dust to his encouragement, “think of it as a mini celebration of us finally getting to be licensed doctors in a few hours!” Jimin gives in with very evident reluctance, even offering to pay for the whole group instead at one point. 
Your swear you see hesitation cross Jungkook’s eyes briefly, but you’re glad he’s a man of honor, even if it be for this particular instance only, firmly dismissing Jimin’s proposal. Which is perfect, honestly, because  this time you get a chance at revenge and a very hearty breakfast. 
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“No crumbs on the floor, please!” 
From the backseat, you see Jungkook eyeing your paper bags on yours and Chohee’s laps, face stoic as ever. Emphasis on bags. A little more concentration and Jungkook can pretty much send lasers blasting through his eyes with the way he’s scrutinizing your orders. 
As shameless as it sounds, you and Chohee were never ones to back out of a free meal - and make the most out of it, especially when one had offered so nicely. So imagine Jungkook’s reaction when he and Jimin only got a Whopper meal and you and Chohee get upgraded full meals. 
“Doesn’t seem like we’re the ones who should be worrying about crumbs…” Jungkook mutters, taking a bite of his fry that’s a little too harsh for a slice of a poor fried potato. 
“You say something Jungkook?” Chohee queries, unabashedly letting out a small burp after taking a sip of her chocolate flavored milkshake. Bowing his head, Jimin tries to hide his smile as he takes a bite of his burger. You decide to step in, wanting to add a little more MSG to your breakfast menu this fine morning. 
“Hey Chee, heard of the news last Monday? There had been recent occurrences of drivers kicking out their passengers in the middle of the expressway, especially this road in particular… talk about some zombie apocalypse shenanigans...I wonder why though…” 
Jungkook clears his throat, addressing you this time. “Your strawberry milkshake...good, yeah?” With cheeks flushed, Jungkook dares not to look forward, murmuring his regrets over ordering more food next time. 
You nod with genuine gusto, throwing him an additional thumbs-up, which only causes Jungkook to sulk slightly in his seat. You eat the rest of your food with a bright smile. Ah, free food - what else is there to say? 
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“If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.” 
After reading the Hippocratic oath, the newly declared licensed medical doctors collectively put their hands down and take their seats. There is an immediate sense of fulfillment heavy in the air. Nobody can blame them - not when one has gruelled through six years of medical school. 
Jungkook inhales deeply, yet he still feels like he’s out of breath. 
He draws in another long one, savoring each second of exhale afterwards. From his peripheral vision, Jungkook watches you as you wave endlessly to the someone on the far right where the family and relatives are seated. Though he can’t see much from afar, with the way your hands are moving slower by the second, he figures you’ve already managed to catch the attention of whoever it is you were waving at. 
Jungkook diverts his eyes somewhere else, eventually landing on the stage where he sees his own father, standing behind the podium as he gives - what people beside him would consider - a ‘motivational’ speech in front of all the new doctors of Korea. 
He wonders if he could even see him, if he knew that his own son actually made it through college, if he realized that they were under the same roof at this very moment - an occurrence he never thought would happen again. 
Jungkook reverts his eyes back to you, watching you in secret as you talk to yourself while trying to address someone else. So you were waving to your parents after all. Cute. The man couldn’t fight back the small smile etching onto his face.  
He was happy for you - a genuine statement, even though majority, if not all, your encounters consist of you both bickering like small kids… And yet, he can’t deny the strong feeling of envy brewing at his heart, knowing that he could never have the same type of interaction you had with your parents, with how tight you all seem. 
Jungkook felt sick. Even though you ordered twice as much as he did, he felt like throwing up. He wanted this ceremony to be over with already.
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Much to Jungkook’s relief, the program ends shortly after that. Excited to greet and congratulate the new batch of doctors, people from all sides of the venue rush to the entrance. With literally nowhere else to go, Jungkook decides to follow you through the crowd, in the hopes that you’ll lead him to Chohee and Jimin so he could properly thank them for the ride and he could be on his way. 
He’s surprised to not see you the least bothered by it, but then again, the convention center is packed with both the oath-takers and their relatives, so you might have really not known that he’s been following you all along. 
Like usual, it’s Chohee who notices him first. This girl is everywhere, all the time. 
“Jungkook, you’re here!” 
Chohee's acknowledgement of his presence causes you to turn in your heel quickly to verify it. You stare at him briefly, opening your mouth as if to say something when someone calls out your name.  “Mom!! Dad!!” 
Your English call causes a few onlookers and Jungkook recalls somebody once pointing out that you were a foreigner - and that you were also the first one to finish at the top of the class at SNU. 
With Chohee’s parents tailing yours, they rush to their own daughter, congratulating her with a hug and a cute bouquet of tulips. As Jimin appears with his own party not too long afterwards, Jungkook figures it’s his cue to leave. At this rate, none of you would have noticed if he actually left. 
Just as Jungkook was about to take off, a small hand grabs his wrist. You’re looking up at him and he swears he sees your lips curve upward a little before dragging him back to your little group. Stunned as ever, Jungkook wonders if he hinted on a little bit of concern in your features… and you smiled at him! For the first time! At least that’s what he thought he saw. 
Admittedly, all interactions between you and him were not the most friendly. Jungkook knew he acted like a dick a couple of times, but it’s the only way he knows that might allow you to lower your guard because the only thing he was certain of was that you get worked up every time you see him. 
Regardless of whether or not it really was a smile, Jungkook finds himself standing in the midst of this gathering of some sort. “Moms, Dads, this is Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin.” 
The moms suddenly gush over them, while their fathers eye the two younger men warily. “Are you?… you’re not…” Chohee’s mother nudges her husband a little too obviously. “If they are, that wouldn’t be such a bad thing, would it?” she grits, a bright smile plastered on her face. Jungkook wanted to laugh at the uncanny resemblance with her daughter. 
“Oh what young fine men you are! Mrs. Park, you must be very proud of your son!” Your mother exclaims, resting her cheek on her palm. “But Jungkook-ssi, your parents must be lost then… my husband and I couldn’t figure out how this whole convention center works either…” 
Jungkook shakes his head slowly, lips pursed. “Oh. Um, my parents won’t make it today. They’re very busy people…” Jungkook drags his words, hoping they’ll drop the subject. 
Well, they did, but there was an inevitable pregnant pause after that - one which Jungkook was avoiding in the first place. Chohee’s mother clasps her hands together, breaking the awkward tension. “Uh - would you like to join us then? A little celebration for a memorable day?” 
Jungkook bows his head curtly and declines the offer. He wanted to, but he knows it’ll only do more damage to the wound. “It’s okay, Ma’am. I still have quite a lot of things to do today, like getting my motorcycle fixed.” Jungkook nods to Chohee and the girl briefly recalls how they got to the venue together. 
Jungkook doesn’t take long after that, bidding his goodbye to everyone and thanking Chohee for the ride that morning. “Well, I’ll be going now. __________-ssi, Chohee-ssi, Jimin-ssi, guess I’ll….see you when I see you.” 
“See you when we see you then,” you reply and Jungkook swears it’s an actual smile on your face this time. He returns the action and gets on his way, hoping that he really does get to see you all another time.
© joontier 2021
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shepard-ram · 3 years
Hello again this is Ender-anon with the next chapter of this story as we move on to Wilbur. p.s the poem will be at the bottom.
The most important day of your life so far.
Everything was chaos, as people rushed back and forth getting everything ready for you coronation the next day, dignitaries from other countrys ariving with gifts, the kichens had to order food from abroad inorder to fully cater the event. You however were nervous for a different reasion between going over the speechs with Enciodes and practicing the holy vows you would undertake tomorrow with the current Saintess Anya Silverash ( Enciodes and Ensia's sister), the Arctic Empires delegates had yet to arrive you knew thanks to Tommys latest letter ( and hadn't that been a surprise learning that you friend was the third prince, but you had assured him that it would change nothing between you he was still Tommy to you) his brother prince Wilbur second in line to the throne would be arriving with them since Tommy father had said that Tommy couldn't go. Which is why when the Arctic Empire arrived (with so many gifts Tommy really had gone overboard you though) without the prince saying that he had gone on ahead of the main group a wave of panic sweeped through those in attendance. The wilds were dangerous for outsiders at night the beasts of the land wouldn't attack your citizens ( ancient magic prevented them from doing so a spell cast by an allie of your venerated ancestor) but a lone prince was a different deal. Jumping into action you asked the nobility in attendance the Silverash,Rostova,Schwire and Nearl to search their grounds as they were the few nobles with manors outside to capital and on the way to get your winter coat discretely ordered a hidden member of the Armourless Union to imform the three Obsidians that finding the prince was their new hightest priority and to sent everyone Platinum, the two Lapis Lazuil and to track what woodlands hadn't been searched yet. Rushing out of the capital, lanturn in hand rushed into the nearby woods, woods that you had explored as far back as you could remember, woods you knew like the back of your hand as such when you heard the wolves howling in the distance you knew the quickest route to take after all those seconds could be the difference between finding the prince or finding a corpse.
Leaping over a ridge you found yourself between a terrified Wilbur and a pack of 5 wolves both pausing with your entrance. Wilbur snaped out it first yelling " Kid get out of here, I can distract the wolves RUN" you instead turn towards the wolves and told them to leave as they do you grab the stuperfied princes hand and lead him back towards the capital where you hand him off to his countrys dignitaries while you returned to the palace to get some sleep ready for your coronation tommorow. You looked at your reflection now dressed in your ceremonial outfit based on you ancestors outfit minus the black helmet of course looking over at your soon to be ex-regent Enciodes who looked at you with pride in his eyes, after gathering your nerves you follow him knights flanking you to the second biggest building in the capital after the palace, the temple to the Karlan Goddess. Kneeling before Anya at the goddesses alter you swore to protect your people, your nation and to uphold you nations values rising after Anya placed neatherite crown upon your head. Turning to look at those in attendance you saw Enciodes with tears in his eyes, Buldrokkas'tee with his daughter Yelena holding her up so she could see and curiously prince Wilbur looking at you with a weird look in his eyes that was a strange combination of pity and longing all while clutching a piece of paper close to his chest. During the after coronation celebrations you did manage to start a conversation with him by talking about Tommy of all thinks but he was what you two had in common you both cared about him a great deal before you left you handed him a letter to give to Tommy once he got back to the empire, he staired at it for a moment before handing over the piece of paper you saw him holding earlier you looked at it to see a poem on it "Its my gift to you, as thanks for saving me" he proclaimed after reading it you saw the themes of close bonds and friendship ( at least thats how it looked to you) and as such you thanked him for such a thoughtful poem giving him a hug " I must admit I can most certainly see why my baby brother is so attached to you" and with that he turned and left with the other delegates back to the Arctic Empire.
The most important encounter of his life
Wilbur was pretty sure even before meeting this ruler that he would hate them even though he hadn't met them yet. Why you may ask? First they charm his precious baby brother into letting them call him Tommy something that he only allowed family to do but he wouldn't stop carrying that doll dressed in black claiming that it was a gift from you, then whenever post would arive he would all but tear the poor messenger apart just on the chance you sent him a letter he remembered after he sent the letter informing you of his status he was sure that that would end this farce and he would have his adorable little brothers attention again but nooo you sent a letter telling him that it didn't matter Tommy was still your friend and that reguardless of his title he you wouldn't treat him any differently and to your credit you didn't. But thats nothing compared to what he's currently going through no since Tommy is to young he has to be the representative of the royal family to your coronation (despite Tommy throwing the biggest tantrum he had ever seen), so now he's walking along a poorly constructed road with a the other delegates with the mountain of gifts that his brother has bought you using every coin he had. Tired and just completely done with this day he told the others that he would be walking on ahead and they would meet back up at the palace, that was the plan at least he thinks to himself as he runs before he had strayed from the dirt path and stumbled upon a wolf pack that was now chasing him so his day has gotten even worse great. As he hits a dead end he turns to face the wolves looking around for a way to clime up the ridge above him as the wolves closed in, only for a kid in a winter coat holding a lanturn to jump down inbetween him and the wolves startling them both thankfully he snaped out of it first and yelled at you to run he wasn't about let a kid only a few years older than his baby brother get torn apart by these wolves but instead of fleeing you gave him a reassuring smile before turning to the wolves " He is no enemy of our nation, leave now" you commaned and to his surprise they obeyed his mind going blank trying to process what he just witnessed as you lead him out of the woods. It wasn't till he was in his room in the newly built embassy that he realised he never learned his saviors name after interrorgating the delegates he learns to his suprise that his savior was the person that took his place in his brothers heart.
Maybe he misjudged you he thinks as he spends the time before your cononation collecting information about you pretending that he was merely a curious tourist and when he returned to get dressed into his formal wear he thought about what he had learned, the most dishearting information was how alone you were you had no surviving family no cousins,no siblings and no parents but you still found reasions to smile, to try you best to be the ruler you nation would need despite the fact that said nation in his humble opinion was undeserving.How he had missjudge you so much, of course his brother would try and give you family that you never had he couldn't even think of a world without his little brother, his twin or his dad but you had to endure a world where that was the norm for you, and now he though bitterly this nation would be your burden to carry alone without family to turn to for help. He of course need to thank you and in his own way apologize for his incorrect image of you, he didn't bring his guitar so a poem would have to do, perhaps he could put an offer of family in it so you knew that you wouldn't be alone, yes that sounded good. As he stood with the others of importance during you coronation he couldn't help but think how small you looked in that all black outfit dispite knowing you were older that Tommy in this moment you didn't look it to him as you made vows that in the eyes of your nation, in the eyes of your goddess would forever bind you to a nation undeserving of you, a nation that had caused you to grow up alone surrounded by advisers and (if his brothers rants were anything to go by) a schemeing regent. He truly pitied you and wanted to take you away from this back to the empire where you could be a child for once not be forced to be a ruler, Tommy would be happy if he wisked you away and he realised as they placed a neatherite crown on your head he wouldn't mind having being your big brother. To his surprise you can over to talk to him during the after party, as the subject of conersation shifted to Tommy he saw your eyes light up as you trades stories back and forth acting less like royals from different countrys and more like siblings talking about their younger brother. Its only when you press a quickly written letter into his hands and asked for him to hand it to Tommy that he remembered his poem as such he handed the poem over to you and exsplaned that it was a thank you gift for rescuing him (and for him being so wrong about you) he searched your face as you read seeing if you got his hidden message before you thanked him for it and gave him a hug , hun he could in this moment certainly see why his baby brother was so attached to them oh if the look on your face was anything to go by he just said that aloud time to leave he thinks.On the plane ride home he can't help but read the letter you wrote for his baby brother only for his eyes to widen as you ask Tommy whats its like having a big brother like Wilbur or what its like having a big brother in general but a infuriated look fills his face as you say you think your starting to see Enciodas ( the scheming regent his brain supplied )and his sisters as your big siblings as your family,oh that seals it he thinks he is going to be big brother and save you from you misguided loyaltys at least he count on Tommy to help rescue their future sibling from themself.
Wilburs poem
It's hard to put into words, what I want to say.
But I want you to know your thought of, in a very special way.
Though the distance in between us, keeps us continents apart.
There will always be a place, for our bond within my heart.
Poems are strange arn't they, two people could read the same poem but come away with comletely different ideas as to what it means... Ender-anon
Okay I might stop talking all together on this entire FICS but this- yes absolutely very good
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bangtansbun · 4 years
Endgame || End This Way
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pairing: jeongguk x f. reader
genre: just sad :(
word count: 2,011
warnings: mentions of hypothetical alcohol use, just grab the tissues
a/n: and this is it. the last part (part 19) of past yn and guk. in a way, i feel really sad leaving these sweet babies behind, but there’s so much to come (some good things too!!)
It’s the morning of your graduation ceremony. You knew this day was coming and you should be feeling excited, right?? Finally getting to leave the hell that is high school and move on to bigger and better things. But you’re not excited. You’re not even the tiniest bit happy. The reason being that you won’t be celebrating this momentous day with your best friend and love of your life.
You’d both dreamt of this day. You’d planned to have an innocent sleepover with movies, popcorn, sweets, and maybe the tiniest bit of alcohol mixed in with your soft drink of choice (sprite for you, coke for him) to celebrate. You’d wake up together, not even hungover because neither of you like to go past tipsy, and have a large breakfast courtesy of your wonderful mom. You’d get ready together and then head for the ceremony. It would be long and boring but you two would entertain each other by making faces at one another through the rows of chairs. You’d both have your names called, being handed over that coveted diploma, and the rest of the day would be filled with graduation parties and laughter.
That wouldn’t be the case, though. Instead, you’d woken up alone, sent a text to Guk asking if you’d be able to see him today (even though you knew it would likely go unanswered), and ate your mom’s delicious breakfast sadly. You really weren’t sure if you’d get to talk to him at all today, but you still held out hope.
Your mom helped you get ready for your walk across the stage, but your sadness was palpable. You tried to keep your feelings at bay, though, because you knew this day would be much worse for Guk than it would be for you.
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It was three weeks ago that you got the call. It was just past five in the morning, and you knew the saying: bad news was the only news that couldn’t wait until morning. You picked up the phone with dread, already knowing what it would be about.
“She’s gone.”
Within seconds you had leapt out of bed, threw on your hard-sole slippers and went straight to his house. Guk was inconsolable, understandably so. His whole world came to a stop that day and there was nothing you could do to help. Sure, you could be there for him, but that didn’t change the fact that is mom was now gone and his family forever changed.
The funeral was just a few days later, on the weekend and you had never felt so sad in your life. His family was basically like your own. You can’t remember your childhood without his mom in it - always feeding you guys snacks or making you picnics in his back yard. Jeongguk was brave, though. He kept it together for the most part and you had never been so in awe of him. You knew he’d break down later, in the quiet of his bedroom, but for now he needed to be strong for his dad.
To your surprise, Guk asked to stay the night with you that night. He said he couldn’t bear to be in his house after everything that day. People were still there from after the funeral and he just wanted some peace and quiet. The couldn’t stand the thought of having to hear one more “I’m so sorry about your mom” or have to stomach the food provided after the funeral (how could anyone eat after that??). You held him in the dark and he cried into your chest. Long drawn out sobs, the kind that can only come from someone in mourning. The two of you fell asleep in each other’s arms, Guk’s cheeks stained with tears as his breathing evened out. You were glad you could do something, anything for him that night.
When you woke up the next morning he was gone already. He’d left a post-it note on your desk thanking you for the night before, and that was the last you’d heard from him despite your attempts to reach out. You understood for the most part. You couldn’t imagine losing your mom at such an early age and you didn’t want to push him. He needed his time to heal and you’d give him that, save for a few texts here and there just so he knows you’re still thinking about him. Still doesn’t change how much you miss him.
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You arrived at school with your family and you felt utterly lost once they left you to find their seats in the audience. You were supposed to be doing this with Guk and now you had to figure it all out on your own. It made you feel sad, but even sadder for him because he’s having to do it all alone too.
You desperately wanted to find him, even if he didn’t respond to your text this morning. You wanted to see him, hold his hand, and have him know you were there even if he tried to distance himself. You knew he didn’t mean to, Guk had always been sensitive and he tended to shutdown when wrought with emotion.  
You showered the crowd of students all in the same outfit. It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Your head kept whirling around in every direction, searching with no luck to find your love. Did he even come? you thought to yourself. He doesn’t technically have to walk across the stage to graduate. They could just mail his diploma to him. Maybe he just decided not to show up, the event too much for him without his mom to be here. That honestly made a lot of sense to you. You probably wouldn’t have come either if you were in his situation. Unfortunately for you, the announcement was made that you’d have to take your seats before you were able to find him.
You sadly trudged to your spot, but you felt a tiny flicker of happiness when you saw Guk sat in his seat. This was good. You’d easily be able to get to him after the ceremony now that you knew where he was. He turned around in his seat and made eye contact with you. You gave him a wave and a weak smile appeared on his face. He was definitely sad. You could tell that much for sure. All the signs were there in the way his smile was barely there, his eyes not creasing like they normally do, a glassy quality to them now.
The ceremony was long and boring, just as you expected it to be. You were beyond ready when they had gotten through all of the formalities and started actually calling out names.
You’d never yelled louder than you did when they called Jeongguk’s name. Jeon Jeongguk, they announced. He stood proud and tall as he walked across and received his diploma. A firm handshake given to the head of your school and then he took his seat once again as the other students’ names were called.
Soon enough, your own name was called and you felt a wash of overwhelm come over you. High school was over and your life was about to become so different. Again, you were supposed to be happy, but you weren’t prepared  for the future and you certainly weren’t prepared for one without Guk.
The head of your school gave a final speech, you all stood up and cheered, this was it. You quickly made your way to where Guk was seated, hoping he hadn’t already bolted. Amazement written all over your face when you finally spot him.
He saw you, and although you expected him to ignore you and run, he didn’t. He waited patiently for you to make your way through the crowd.
“Hey,” you say to him, feeling unsure of what to say in this moment. You really didn’t care what was said, you just wanted to be with him. “Hi,” he supplies back to you. You both stand there awkwardly for a moment, and then he surprises you by bringing you in for a tight hug. You’re quick to wrap your arms around him. Taking in his clean, fresh linen scent one more time. Wanting to commit it to memory just in case. It takes you a moment to realize he’s started crying, but you just continue to hold him. Soothing circles being rubbed into his back.
“I’m so sorry,” he says to you, his voice sounding wet. You know what he means even without context. He’s apologizing for not answering you back and practically not seeing you at all. “No, don’t be sorry. You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for,” you try to comfort him. Then, “I miss her so much.” That absolutely breaks your heart. Lost for words, you give him a comforting squeeze.
He doesn’t let go for a while, but when he does his face devastates you. You wish you could change everything, take all of the pain away, make everything better. Anything to not have to see him like this. But you know you can’t do that.
“You’re leaving soon aren’t you?” he asks you. You both had to get comfortable with the idea that you wouldn’t be going to college together anymore, therefore seeing less and less of each other. You would be leaving in a week to get settled in your apartment near campus and start your summer job there. You nod your head, not wanting to say a word because that would make it too real. “I don’t want you to leave.” God, you would drop everything for him if you could. You would risk it all for him if it wasn’t for the fact that your parents already took out student loans for you to go to the school of your choice. You feel tears starting to well in your eyes. Your emotions starting to get the better of you. “I’ll visit you as much as you want. Just tell me,” you try to reassure him with a shaky voice. A small smile creeps on to his face at that.
“Will you be able to make it to my graduation party?” You knew he had decided not to have one, but your parents insisted that you did and you hoped he’d come. “I’m not sure, I was thinking of just having a quiet dinner out with my dad. This is hard for him too.” You smile at him in understanding. However, the realization that this might be one of the last times you see him hits you like a truck. “Well, if you need anything tonight, let me know.” He nods at you and brings you in for another hug. You finally let the tears fall and he pulls you tights against him when he realizes you’re crying. Let’s you nuzzle into his chest. He gives a kiss to the top of your head, “I love you.” You sniffle before pulling away from him, “I love you too.” He knows the weight behind this moment just as much as you do, but he knows you have to part ways now, your families waiting for both of you. He gives you another kiss, but to your cheek this time and he walks away. Just like the night he told you about his mom, not looking back because he doesn’t think he’d be able to walk away from you if he saw your face again.
Neither of you wanted it to end this way.
The rest of your day should have been filled with party after graduation party, excitement, and laughter. Instead, it’s filled with fake smiles, moments of crying in the bathroom between saying “hi” to guests, and dread enveloping you as the day comes to an end and you have to start packing up your things. The week would come and go quickly and soon enough you’d be hours away from your hometown and the love of your life. This was it.
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taglist: @ggukkieland​ @hecticwonderer​ @kookiepout​ @koochiekoo​ @secretlycrazyhummingbird​ @imluckybitches​ @madaboutjeon​ @mybiasforsure​ @thequeen-kat​ @betysotelo18​ @scentedsope​ @apollukee​ @nightapple4jk​ @xtrataerrestrial​ @peachthi​ @pimpnameyannie​
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misssophiachase · 4 years
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Thanks to the talented @klarolineagainnaturally for the gorgeous cover, I am in love with it! So, in honour of Valentine’s Day, here is an UPDATE, thank you for the love you’ve all given me so far. Let me know what you think. 
Synopsis: One wedding involving a best man and maid of honour who've grown up together but don't know quite how to reconcile their unresolved feelings.
Mr Mikael and Mrs Esther Mikaelson and Dr Grayson and Mrs Miranda Pierce request the pleasure of your presence at the wedding of their children:
The Hon Elijah Edward Mikaelson and Dr Katherine Elena Pierce
On the twenty-third of June, twenty-twenty one, 1400h at Ely Cathedral followed by a reception at Mikaelson Manor, Ely Cambridgeshire
Dress: White Tie
23rd June 2021, Mikaelson Manor, Ely Cambridgeshire - 9:39am
“Okay, less trying to manhandle the cupcakes and instead more hustle, Mikaelson,” Caroline ordered, barely slowing down in the process.
Klaus, meanwhile, was trying to be annoyed but couldn’t stop thinking how adorable she was when taking charge. He’d met her in the kitchen as directed and was already in full ‘save the cake’ planning mode. She was in her element clearly.
He was a little disappointed she’d decided to change out of the shorts and robe combination into jeans and a t-shirt but Klaus decided that it was okay if he could spend even a little more time with her. Once the wedding started he doubted they’d have much time to talk, let alone anything else.
Which was unfortunate for Klaus because he had a lot he wanted to say. Over a decade’s worth of things, in fact.
The realisation that he’d liked her since high school but was too stupid to see it.
Then falling in love with her two years ago when they pseudo speed dated and watched romantic comedies on Valentine’s Day. He’d woken up with her cradled in his embrace and Klaus knew it probably wasn’t a coincidence they’d ended up that way.
The night had been unlike anything he’d ever experienced with anyone. When she pretended like nothing happened Klaus had no choice but to deny it too. He’d been in denial ever since until now.
The previous night’s events had been playing on repeat in his mind as he tried to sleep. She stole his sandwich and then they talked, like really talked.
Then there was that whole other thing that happened before Tully ate the wedding cake. Nobody knew about that yet and given it was his brother’s wedding day it was probably best.
Too much to say and too little time clearly.
“So, what exactly are these bonbons for anyway?” He asked, removing one from it’s white box and transferring it to the cake stand.
“It’s Bomboniere.”
“What now? We can’t all be wedding aficionados,” he joked.
“They are the gifts for the guests,” she explained. “We’ll make them the cake, not overly traditional but problem solved.”
“Well, not to nitpick love,” he murmured, she gave him a look which clearly meant she didn’t believe him. “But what are you going to give the guests instead? I mean I don’t need a gift, even if my presence is a gift in itself to the happy couple.”
“Ignoring that ego, I assumed people wouldn’t notice?”
“If you mean my grandmother as well as Mikael and Esther then good luck,” Klaus shared.
“Well, do you have any better ideas?”
8.5 hours earlier
“Well, do you have any better ideas?”
“I only mean that you could kill a few of the jokes and add some more sentimental content, I realise you do have that stand-up comedian dream but I’m sure it can wait a little longer,” Caroline teased, sandwich in hand. He’d long given up hope she’d return it to him.
“Sentimental? Have you met me, Forbes?”
“Oh come on, I’m sure you have something buried way deep, deep, deep down inside.”
“He’s your brother, you must have something you could share about growing up together and…”
“Well, there was that time he wet his pants when Kol…”
“Not what I meant, Mikaelson, and you know that. He’s getting married, this is your only opportunity to do this and you have to get it right.”
“So, what have you written for your Maid-of-Honour speech?”
“Oh, so now you’re going to copy me? Trust me, I don’t think you could pull off half my speech.”
“Let me guess, you are going to say something like...'the best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.'
“Did you memorise The Notebook?”
“You made me watch it remember?”
“Yeah, like two years ago."
“What can I say, cheesy lines have this annoying ability to lodge themselves in my brain, unfortunately.”
“Let me guess you’d say: a wedding is a sacrament... a joyous celebration of love and commitment. In utopia. In the real world... it's an excuse to drink excessively and say things you shouldn't say.”
“Says the girl who’s judging me but using her own rom com lines.”
Klaus realised he was trying to play it cool and quoting the Notebook and recognising dialogue from The Wedding Date wasn’t a great look. Klaus didn’t want to admit it, especially to Caroline, but he might have watched those movies a few times since.
It was ridiculous, especially given he didn’t like them..much...but they reminded him of her. He figured if he couldn’t have the real thing he’d torture himself with romantic comedies instead. Messed up, right?
“ So it isn’t true?”
“That guy had the right idea.” Of course he knew the guy was called Nick but Klaus figured he’d already embarrassed himself enough.
“So, you don’t believe in marriage.”
It was faint but he could sense the change in her tone and strain in her voice. For a split second Klaus felt buoyed, like maybe he still had a chance with her. But at the same time he wasn’t sure if he was imagining things.
“I believe in marriage if it’s for the right reasons and with the right person,” he replied, noticing her face soften slightly. “I just think the concept that the wedding day is supposed to be the biggest and happiest day of your life is wrong. It’s about the commitment, not just one day.”
“I think that’s fair, everyone gets caught up in all of the wedding festivities and forgets about the real meaning behind it all.”
“As we hunt for wedding rings in the garden and madly try to perfect our speech the night before,” he teased. “Although that part about drinking excessively and saying things you shouldn’t has my Great Aunt Maude written all over it.”
“Noted,” she chuckled. “So, maybe that’s what you need to say in your speech then.”
“I’m not sure my mother would appreciate me insulting Great Aunt Maude during the speeches, even if she will probably be too drunk to remember.”
“Not that part,” she shot back, rolling her eyes exaggeratedly. “The part about marriage being not just one day but a commitment shared for life.”
“Let’s hope everyone is too drunk to remember me saying that,” he joked. “I do have a reputation to protect, Forbes.”
“Well, maybe it’s time you stopped caring about what people think and be yourself. If there is anytime to do that it’s for your brother’s wedding.”
“You have this annoying habit of eating my food, making me watch romantic comedies and also making me feel guilty.”
“It was one sandwich, Mikaelson. If you don’t want me to eat it next time don’t add mayonnaise. As for the guilt, maybe that is just your conscience screaming to be heard in the form of a best man speech.”
“I never said I wasn’t taking notes.”
He held her gaze, a genuine smile that had been suppressed. Instead of looking away, Caroline’s blue eyes remained trained on his. It was as if there was no wedding or kitchen or mayo sandwiches. Just them. At this moment.
Klaus could pinpoint the exact moment he knowingly fell in love with Caroline Forbes, it was when she teased him about crying during the Notebook. The moment he unknowingly fell in love with her was when she rolled her eyes at him when he gave a smart ass comment during english class. Here and now, Klaus knew no one would ever compare to Caroline Forbes and that he needed to get out of his comfort zone and tell her just how he felt.
“Wow, is that the time?” She interrupted, her creamy cheeks tinged slight pink as she consulted her watch. “We should get to bed if we want to be functional tomorrow.”
Then she was gone as quickly as she’d arrived. Klaus wasn’t sure how to feel. Disappointed she’d interrupted him or relieved that he didn’t make a fool of himself.
Either way, sleep didn't come easily that night.
“What did you say?” Klaus broke out of his trance wondering how long she’d been trying to reach him.
“I said, how are we going to fix the Bomboniere issue,” she pressed. “It’s T minus four hours until the ceremony starts. If only your grandmother and parents didn’t have such a keen eye for detail.”
“It’s not detail, it’s how things will look,” he drawled, knowing his parents’ motives all too well. “I’m surprised they thought a cupcake would suffice to be honest.”
“Well, Kat wanted to do a donation gift to the hospital for the Bomboniere and there was so much back and forth during the planning stages that a cupcake was a quick fix.”
“A donation gift?”
“In lieu of a gift, the happy couple donate to a chosen charity on the guest’s behalf.”
“That’s a brilliant idea.”
“Well, not to brag but it was my suggestion.”
“Of course it was,” he said warmly, thinking it was just another reason to love her for being so kind and generous. “What was their issue with a donation to a good cause? Oh hang on why am I even asking, it’s my parents, I know exactly why.”
“Well, apparently your father argued it would be showing favouritism to donate to one particular cause and given Elijah is supposed to represent all people and groups it wouldn’t be a good look.”
“Oh please,” Klaus scoffed. “That is a lie and we all know it. I love how my parents can still manipulate every situation to their benefit even years later.”
“To be fair to Kat and Elijah I think it was just easier to give in to avoid further disruption of the event plans which were already fairly delayed.”
“It’s their wedding and they should be able to choose what they want,” he growled. “Okay, I have an idea.”
“I’m listening.”
“We nominate a half a dozen different charities and it is up to the guests to choose where their donations go. Then father can’t say the bride and groom are being partial to one charity over others…”
“But that the decision is ultimately up to the guests.”
“But there’s not much time to make it happen.”
“I hate to stereotype but I’m going to,” he shared. “Men don’t take that long to get ready, with the exception of Kol, so we can get this done in time, I promise.”
“I’d like to help...”
“On the other hand, and not to stereotype, but some women take longer to get ready.”
“You’re talking about Rebekah aren’t you?”
“Apparently I am incredibly transparent too. How about I work on this and you find a cake or cupcake topper?”
“Wow, you know its name? Have you ever considered wedding planning as a new career direction, Mikaelson?”
“You tell anyone about my part in this and I will detail the almost wedding ring loss in my best man speech and that is a promise, Forbes.”
“You drive a hard bargain,” she mused, her smile widening and tugging at his heart more than he was expecting. “But I’ll take it.”
She held out her hand and Klaus was almost afraid to touch it given the feelings it would no doubt conjure up and now was neither the time or the place. He acted against his better judgment and enveloped his hand in hers.
Her skin was soft and enticing and as soon as she touched him, the feelings he was trying to ignore had made their way from bubbling below the surface to front and centre. But there was a wedding and Klaus wasn’t even sure if she felt what he did so it really wasn’t the time.
“Klaus...” the way she said it was so vulnerable and inviting and all he wanted to do was let her finish the sentence but he was also afraid at the same time. He couldn’t do rejection right now, that was for sure.
“I, uh, better get going if we are going to pull this off,” he smiled, albeit awkwardly given his heart was racing due to their unexpected contact. “We’ll compare notes in a few hours.”
He was the one to leave this time.
Klaus felt bad but at the same time he knew it was the right thing to do given the enormous job at hand.
Entering his bedroom, Klaus close the door quietly behind him. He leaned his head up against the door, willing his heart to stop racing and to return to normal so he could try and be productive. Klaus knew he needed to focus.
Then he let his eyes wander around the room. He could be messy at times but this was another level. His clothes were strewn across the whole space. Given he hadn’t packed that much, Klaus was wondering how his clothing seemed to have tripled in that time. 
Then he realised it, there wasn’t more of it, it was just cut into many pieces. He bent down and grabbed a few handfuls of material confirming the jagged edges weren’t a fashion statement but sabotage pure and simple.
Klaus knew exactly who had done it and why. Klaus knew he was to blame for her outburst, although he was certain she wasn’t that upset at the time given she couldn’t wait to get out of this ‘god forsaken place’ he’d dragged her to in the ‘middle of nowhere’ with ‘nobodies’ to ‘the detriment of her social media.’
Yes, he’d woken from a restless night after his time in the kitchen with Caroline and decided it was best to be honest and tell the truth. Klaus couldn’t in good conscience keep dating Hayley when he was madly in love with Caroline. Even if she didn’t reciprocate his feelings Klaus knew Hayley didn’t deserve that. She’d basically packed her bags on the spot while he tended to the Tully cake eating emergency. When he’d returned briefly she’d shut herself in the adjoining bathroom and wasn’t ready to talk.
Looks like she still wasn’t given the bathroom door was wide open and her luggage was missing. On the plus side she’d left but on the down side she’d shredded his entire wardrobe. Immediately Klaus felt sick, rushing to the wardrobe to check on his suit for the wedding. Needless to say it had been unceremoniously massacred and left in a pathetic heap at the bottom of the cupboard.
A woman scorned and all that.
Now, he didn’t just have Bomboniere to fix, as promised, but now he had a suit emergency too.
“Bloody weddings,” he muttered, wondering how he was going to fix this problem.
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harrylee94 · 3 years
The Tournament - Chapter 5
You can find this on AO3!
Summary: "You are not fit to wear your armour. You are not fit to bear your clan name. You are not fit to be called Mandalorian."
Notes: I was not expecting this to happen! I have no idea what's going on!
Chapter 4
“I’ll be watching you, Djarin” - Din
It was the day before the Trials were set to begin. Contenders from across the kingdom had been arriving since the day after the announcement had been made, and now Din was sure that half of the Lords and Chiefs under his soon-to-be reign were either camping at his doorstep or even housed within his walls, maybe more. Tonight though, it was time for the welcome feast, a chance for him to show his appreciation for the support they were offering, and to pretend that he didn’t notice how they were all trying to make a grab for power.
As Prince of Mandalore, he had been the first to arrive, taking his place at the high table just to the right of the Witch King’s seat and watching as the nobles filtered in, their names and titles announced by the master of ceremonies, each pausing at the door as they did so before walking before him, offering a bow or curtsy -- depending on whether they were wearing skirts or not -- and heading over to their assigned seat.
It was a long and tedious process, but Din made sure to pay attention; these were to be his subjects, it wouldn’t do to make them think he didn’t care about them.
“It is an honour to meet you, my Prince,” another Chief, Veranaar of Clan Ruusuk Din remembered, said as they bowed to him. “My daughter, Veryn, shall be competing for the honour of being your Protector in the coming days.” He waved to the young woman at his side, who bowed as well, the pieces of armour she wore emblazoned with the symbol of their clan.
“I wish you the best of luck, Veryn of Clan Ruusuk,” Din said diplomatically, nodding at them as they continued on towards their seats.
There were a number of contestants in the room, most of them third or fourth born and wearing at least the pauldrons of their armour, but there were also some first or second born ade who were sending looks his way. Looks he was sure were meant to be provocative and alluring, but they felt slimy on his skin and made him want to shiver.
Being married to someone who only wanted to use you for the power he held wasn’t as bad as the idea of someone he didn’t trust following him around every second of the day, but it still made him sick to the stomach.
“Lord Shir’aat Suum’anar of House Suum’anar, and Ser Jaonar Suum’anar,” the master of ceremonies called, and two of the most pompous Mando’ade stepped into view.
The older of the men held himself like he was one of the highest ranking in the room, though Din noted that he was very careful to keep himself from overstepping. He wore no armour from what Din could see, but his tunic was beautifully embroidered in such a way to make it look like mail. His son, on the other hand, proudly wore his pauldrons, leather replacing what would usually have been a breast plate, a sun hammered into the surface, and vambraces tied to his forearms. He looked around the room like he belonged here, and gave off an air of vanity that did not bode well.
Together, they made Din feel both underdressed -- though the embroidery on his tunics still felt like too much, and his armour had been made by the best smith and leatherworker in the kingdom --and angry. Clothes like that would have cost a fortune, and the money could have been put to better use paying for the upkeep of the roads and for the welfare of their people, but instead they used it to show off just how grand they were.
He bit the inside of his cheek as they approached and bowed.
“My Prince,” Lord Suum’anar said with a flourish as he rose. “It’s such an honour to be welcomed to this celebration.”
“How could I not welcome one of my closest allies?” Geographically speaking. “Plus your son has been here for many months now.”
“Indeed he has,” Lord Suum’anar agreed. “Jaonar intends to compete for the position of Protector in the Trials.”
Position, not honour, Din noted.
“I wish you luck, Ser Jaonar,” he said with a false smile, and building suspicion when the knight went to say something but his father stopped him with a nudge of his elbow. He pretended he didn’t notice as they walked away with another quick bow to allow the next person -- who he'd missed the name of -- to approach.
It continued on like this for a while, listening to names, greeting people with false smiles and wishing he was somewhere else, perhaps having a drink with Cara, or finding an excuse to talk to Vanth, perhaps to ask about the shovel handle he’d set on his buir’s pyre, but then a name was called that he couldn’t ignore.
“Lady Bo-Katan Kryze of House Kryze!” the master of ceremonies called, and a woman in a blue tunic and trousers entered, chain mail resting over the top of the fabric, and dyed leather pauldrons were strapped to her shoulders. Her chest plate was painted with the owl of her clan in white, and her helm, peeking out from beneath her arm, had been crafted to a similar visage. It was the definition of overkill, but she moved like she'd been born in it.
Conversation around the room came to a halt as he rose from his seat, the guests Din had been speaking to quickly scuttling out of the way before she came to a stop before him.
The silence dragged on for several tense seconds, neither one of them moving. You could hear the wind whistling through the windows from how quiet it was.
House Kryze and House Djarin had been rivals for many years, the throne having once belonged to the Kryze family not even a hundred years ago, before the Djarins won it from them. Though the tension between their Houses had dissipated somewhat, it still remained.
The Lady Kryze bowed her head in a nod. “Prince Djarin.”
“Lady Kryze,” he replied.
The silence returned, and Din could feel his magic buzzing in anticipation.
She stepped closer to the table until they were less than a meter apart, and Din had to signal to keep Saruk and his guards from acting. A smirk appeared in the corner of her lips as she leaned over the table; perhaps she was impressed, but Din would likely never find out.
“I’ll be watching you, Djarin,” she said.
“Likewise,” he replied, keeping a careful eye on her as she stepped away and moved around the table to sit not three seats away from him. She took the goblet before her and held herself tall as she drank, and slowly the conversations started up again. Din set himself back down in his seat, and waved for the master of ceremonies to continue announcing the guests.
Despite the tension, he couldn't help but be a little relieved of Kryze's presence. In a room full of falsehoods, she was one of the few who didn't hide her intentions.
The rest of the introductions were difficult to concentrate on, especially with Kryze so close at hand, but soon enough all his guests had been seated and the food was being produced from the kitchens.
Roasted boar and fish were placed on a table in the centre of the hall, as were whole legs of lamb, pheasants, and even a swan. Dishes of vegetables and specially prepared fruits were offered by the servers as the carvers sliced the meats into servings, baskets of bread and cheese were offered, jugs of mead, ale and wine passed around, and, of course, a large cauldron of Tiingilar was carried in.
The smells that filled the room were enough to make even a full stomach rumble, but first Din had to make a speech.
Once again he rose from his seat, the action alone drawing everyone’s attention, and he put on his smile.
“My Lords, Ladies, and Verde,” he began, looking around the room. “I welcome you to my halls to share this celebration. Tomorrow the Trials for the honour of becoming the next Protector begin, but tonight we feast and make merry!” He raised his goblet high. “Oya!”
“Oya!” his guests cheered, their own drinking vessels rising.
As Din brought his own goblet to his lips, his magic suddenly fell silent, and it drew him up short. Ever since he could remember it had been there, humming at him in the background, curled around him at night, and in the past few weeks it had been the loudest it had ever been. The sudden silence unbalanced him, and he swayed a little in place. He was vaguely aware that Saruk had gripped their sword from where they stood at his side, but he was otherwise occupied by the sudden gap inside him. What was happening? Where had it gone? Why did he suddenly feel so cold? Had it abandoned him? Was he unworthy?
Before his thoughts could spiral any further, his magic surged back like a tidal wave, filling his limbs with warmth and washing his fear away, replacing it only with danger, danger, there .
His goblet fell as he released it without a thought, fingers curling instead around the sword at his belt. His magic continued to scream at him, and he spun in place, drawing the sword with it in one smooth moment. There was the sound of metal hitting metal, and Din was aware of something clattering to the table, and then the paved floor behind him, but he had eyes only on the young woman who still had her arm outstretched, eyes wide.
“Guards!” Saruk cried, and they swarmed the would-be assassin, grabbing her by the arms and shoulders and removing any other visible weapons before dragging her around the tables to stand before him as she struggled. It was as she was stood there that he was able to put a name to her face; Veryn of Clan Ruusuk. His eyes searched the tables until they came to rest upon her father, Veranaar, who looked pale and shocked. Perhaps she had worked alone then.
“Veryn of Clan Ruusuk,” he said, voice echoing in the now silent hall. “Would you care to explain why you have made an attempt on my life?”
She remained stubbornly silent as she glared up at him, struggling in the guards’ arms as they continued to pat her down to remove any additional weaponry she might have hidden away.
He waited for a few seconds more before nodding. “Very well. You are not fit to wear your armour." Straps were cut and leather and metal hit the floor. "You are not fit to bear your clan name." Her father gasped. "You are not fit to be called Mandalorian. You are dar'manda, and for your crime of treason, you are to be executed at dawn."
Veranaar choked on a sob. "Veryn, why?"
She turned to him with a sneer. "You've become weak, father," she said. "We were once a proud family, but now we are forced to bend low for the welfare of those lesser than us." She spat on the floor. "I will not bow to a King who allows this to continue."
"Take her away," Saruk ordered, "and escort Chief Ruusuk and the rest of his clan out of the keep." That they would be watched was left unspoken, but heard by all.
As Veryn was taken away, one of the guards who had come to stand behind him stooped to retrieve the weapon she'd thrown, and offered it to him. It was a wicked looking blade, though well balanced as all throwing knives were, the edges serrated and the blade itself holding the oily gleam of some sort of poison. He set it down carefully and waited for Clan Ruusuk to leave before waving at the minstrels who had been waiting in a corner and sheathing his sword.
Music began and he sat back in his seat with a sigh. He hadn't even been crowned yet and already there was a threat on his life. He looked over at Saruk, who gave him a nod of approval, their hand now resting threateningly on their sword, and then at Lady Kryze, who, much to his surprise, gave him a similar nod.
He sighed as talk resumed, and he was sure that the news of the attempt on his life would spread to the edges of the camp outside the walls before the day was out. Had it not been for his magic, he was sure it would have been a successful one.
Shoving that thought away, Din tried to focus on eating, but he knew he wouldn't be able to stomach much.
He'd just sentenced someone to death, and he was the one who would have to swing the sword. But even worse than that, now he knew what people thought of him, how could he trust any of the contenders for Protector?
Mando'a Translations:
Ade -- children
Mando’ade -- children of Mandalore
Buir -- parent
Tiingilar -- a hearty and traditional Mandalorian stew made with a multicoloured blend of meat, various vegetables, and a potent mix of spices
Verde -- warriors or soldiers
Oya -- cheers - lit. ‘let’s hunt’, but can also mean ‘stay alive’ or ‘go you’
Dar'manda -- not Mandalorian, soulless, has lost a right to their heritage
Chapter 6
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isitgintimeyet · 4 years
Road To The Aisles
So, eventually, here it is, the final chapter of this story. Thanks you all so much for taking the time to read this story and for all you likes, reblogs and comments. It means so much to me. 
Special thanks to @mo-nighean-rouge, @wickedgoodbooks, @happytoobserve for all their support with this too
Warning: it’s their wedding night - will be nsfw under the cut
Chapter 25: A Happily Ever After?
“And what would humans be without love?"
RARE, said Death.
― Terry Pratchett, Sourcery
It was that time of the day, that brief lull in the wedding proceedings. The wedding breakfast had been consumed (creamy wild mushroom soup, the tastiest Scottish salmon fillet, and a classic cranachan to follow), speeches had been made (the usual mix of teasing ribaldry and genuine heartfelt sentiments), toasts had been given. The wine had been flowing freely, just enough to relax everyone, but with no-one yet drunk. The marquee was full of chatter as different social groups began to mingle and the band unpacked their equipment ready for the evening festivities.
Claire sat back in her chair and sipped her gin and tonic (strictly clear liquids only today to prevent stains on her dress).  She gazed around, watching the comings and goings, the interactions of her and Jamie’s friends and family. One one side of the room, Geillis was holding court at a table, her hands gesticulating wildly, relating some hysterical anecdote judging by her audience’s reaction.
At another table, Mrs. Crook was feeding William stewed apple. After a bit of an unsettled start to the reception, William had quickly grown accustomed to the numerous unfamiliar faces and now seemed to be wallowing in all the attention, clapping his hands joyfully at every new effort to entertain him, even, most unusually,  managing to distract him from his food.
In the corner across the room, Murtagh was giving Wee Jamie a piggyback whilst being chased by Brian with Maggie in his arms. And straight ahead was the unmistakable broad back and shoulders of Jamie... her husband. He was in conversation with John, but, somehow sensing her eyes upon him, he turned around. Their eyes met, each full of promise. A promise not just for tonight but for their future life together. Claire felt a tingle up her spine. Even across a room full of people, their connection was physical, alive, electric.
His gaze intensified, his eyes darkening as Claire felt her cheeks warm under his scrutiny. Then, clearly mindful of the effect he was having on her, Jamie flashed a bright, knowing grin and blew her a kiss before turning back to his conversation with John.
Claire briefly closed her eyes, breathing deeply. The scrape of a chair next to her forced her eyes open. Isobel perched next to her, greeting her with a broad smile.
“It’s been a wonderful day so far.”
Claire returned the smile. “Yes, it’s been just perfect. And thank you for looking after William during the ceremony.”
“My pleasure. I wasn’t actually sure he was going to behave, he was none too keen on leaving his dad’s side at first. But how cute is his little tartan outfit?”
“I know. Jamie had it made specially. Such a thoughtful thing to do.”
“I’m sure that’s not the only thoughtful thing he’s done for today. I bet he has a —“
The ringtone from Isobel’s phone interrupted the conversation. She glanced at the screen before declining the call. Without a word necessary, it was clear to Claire who the caller had been.
“Was that —?”
Isobel nodded. “I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologise.”
“She keeps wanting updates. It’s like she’s torturing herself. I’ve sent her a picture of William and one message saying the ceremony is over. I’m hoping this all gives her enough closure to move on. Anyway, enjoy the rest of the day, Claire, you both deserve it. And don’t worry about William when Jamie—“
Neither of them had noticed Jamie creeping up behind them. Both jumped slightly at his staged cough. He kissed Isobel gently on the cheek before holding his hand out to Claire.
“Isobel, mind if I steal ma bride away? I think the band are about ready fer the first dance.”
Isobel smiled and shook her head as Claire took her husband’s hand and let him lead her onto the dance floor.
The lights dimmed as the band struck up the opening chords of ‘Fly me to The Moon’. Jamie and Claire made their way to the centre of the floor to enthusiastic applause from all their guests. Jamie grinned, made a bow and, with a dramatic flourish, pulled Claire into him.
With her head on his chest, he rested his cheek against her curls and closed his eyes, savouring the sensations around him; the softness of her hand against his palm, the scent of her delicate perfume, the lyrics of their favourite song, the gentle sway of his wife’s body in time to the music.
“You are all I long for, all I worship and adore,” Jamie whispered softly. “In other words, please be true. In other words, I love you.”
Claire raised her head and smiled. “Love you too.”
As the song drew to a close, Jamie led Claire over to an empty table.
“I’ve a wee bit of a surprise, tonight, Sassenach. We willna be staying here this evening. A friend of Da’s owns the Loch Ness County House hotel and we’ve a suite there this evening. We’ll be back here tomorrow after breakfast, in time tae head back tae Glasgow.”
“But, what about —“ Claire began.
“Dinna fash,Sassenach. Everything’s sorted. Isobel is staying here tonight to take care of William and Geillis has packed yer overnight bag. It’s ready in the hall fer ye. And Da has taken care of transport. He’s called in a favour and we will be travelling there in style — a friend’s Aston Martin no less. What do ye think? I wanted our first night tae be special, no’ jes’ in ma bedroom at Lallybroch next tae ma airfix models and old rugby kit. Ye dinna mind, do ye?”
Claire wrapped her arms around Jamie’s neck and kissed him gently on his nose.
“Not at all. Our first night would be special wherever we are, but that sounds just about perfect.”
“Well then, Mrs Fraser, let’s go and enjoy the rest of our reception, before our own private celebration.”
Claire gazed appreciatively around the hotel room as Jamie carried their overnight bags and placed them on a large blanket box at the foot of the enormous four poster bed. The room was definitely luxurious, in a suitably understated way. No rose petals on the bed, thankfully, or towels moulded into swans, but a platter of handmade chocolates and a bottle of champagne on ice next to two lead crystal champagne flutes.
She sighed happily and sat on the edge of the bed, bouncing gently on the mattress.
“Such a comfortable bed. I’ll have a fantastic night’s sleep in this.”
Jamie eyed her indignantly. “I dinna plan on sleeping, Sassenach.”
He moved closer, standing in front of her and took her hands in his. “When I first saw ye, in the kirk, ye took ma breath away. I couldna believe how beautiful ye looked in that dress… all day long, every time I saw ye. And now, all I want tae do is see ye out of it. I want ye naked next tae me.”
Claire eased herself off the bed and patted Jamie’s chest. “And there’s nothing I want more. Give me a moment.”
She leant past him and opened her bag. A cascade of tissue paper and a note lay on top. She read, in bold letters ‘TAKE THIS INTO THE BATHROOM, NOW … MRS FRASER.”
Ignoring Jamie’s quizzical stare, she gathered up the gift and paused briefly.
“Can you unhook me please?”
Jamie came up behind her and fumbled with the delicate hook and eye at the top of the zip. He eventually succeeded in unfastening it and then slowly drew the zip down Claire’s spine to her waist. His hands snaked their way underneath the fabric, fingertips lightly caressing her skin, trailing a path to her abdomen. She closed her eyes and gave a slight moan before pulling away.
“Pour the champagne, then, Jamie.I won’t be long.”
“Ye wee tease,” Jamie called after her. “D’ye ken what ye’re doing tae me?”
The bathroom, Claire noted, was as luxurious as the bedroom with a large whirlpool bath and a shower made for two (even those with Viking proportions). She put those thoughts aside as she ripped into the parcel.
Inside was another note from Geillis:
‘I ken the underwear you’re wearing now is pretty enough, but, as I told you before,  you need something special for tonight. So have a wonderful night.
Your husband can thank me later.
Love you, G’
Inside was a short kimono. Claire held it up, admiring the bronze shimmering hue of the (very) sheer fabric. Nestled in the tissue paper beneath it was a matching bra and thong. She quickly shimmied out of her dress and pretty but practical white strapless bra and seamless panties and donned the new attire.
Staring at her reflection in the full length mirror, she twirled quickly around, watching the fabric shimmer under the lights. She had never worn anything quite like this before. The plunge, underwired bra was completely sheer with pale peach scalloped embroidery trims and tiny satin bows. Her nipples, already erect with anticipation, were clearly visible through the flimsy fabric. The thong, in the same sheer fabric, left her bottom exposed, with the short kimono barely covering her rear. She gave a final quick twirl to her reflection before opening the door into the bedroom.
Jamie lay on the bed in his white shirt and kilt. He quickly sat up as Claire sashayed to his side.
He swallowed hard. “My god, that… that… incredible.”
Claire smiled coyly. “You like it, then?”
“Are ye kidding? Ye look amazing… sexy…” He reached out and ran a fingertip gently around one nipple, then the other. “I feel a bit overdressed.”
He made to stand up but Claire placed her hands on his chest, forcing him to lie down. She climbed on to the bed and straddled him, her knees on either side of his hips. Leaning forward, her fingers fumbled for the buttons on his shirt, a small sound of satisfaction escaping her lips with each successful unbuttoning. Finally, she pulled the shirt open. Raking her fingernails down his chest, through the ruddy hairs, she watched, fascinated, as his nipples puckered and skin pebbled at the sensation.
Jamie groaned and raised his head, his mouth demanding access to her breasts. Instantly, she complied, moving up his body. He greedily drew a nipple into his mouth, rolling his tongue around the hard bud, relishing the shivers running through Claire’s body.
Claire gave a whimper of dissatisfaction as he pulled away, the air cold against the now sodden fabric of her bra.
“My bra’s all wet now,” she pouted, looking down at her chest.
“Hmm, now tell me, Sassenach, is that the only place ye’re wet?” One hand traced a path from her breast down her abdomen, resting lightly on the small triangle of fabric. “I think I need tae see.”
His hands moved to grip her bottom firmly, urging her further up his body. Claire hesitated for a moment.
“Are you sure?”
Jamie grinned up at her. “Oh aye, Mrs Fraser.”
With a bit of careful manoeuvring, Claire shuffled up the bed until her knees rested on the pillow, either side of his head. She leant forward slightly, resting her forearms on the ornate headboard. Jamie’s breath was warm against her thighs. His hands caressed her bottom, drawing intricate, random patterns over her skin.
The tiny sliver of fabric was no barrier as Jamie’s mouth began its exploration. Instinctively, Claire shuddered at the exquisite sensation and closed her eyes. Her breath grew ragged as his tongue stroked along her wetness before flicking the small nub. A bolt of pleasure coursed through her body, her muscles contracting as his  lips began to suck, his tongue continuing its rhythmic assault on her core.
She slumped heavily against the headboard, now incapable of supporting herself, her body focusing solely on Jamie and the urgent climb towards release.
“Sassenach, open yer eyes. Look at me…” The low rumble of his voice created entirely new sensations on her sensitive flesh. “I want ye tae watch.”
She forced her eyes open and looked down to see his piercing blue eyes, watching her face intently. She watched transfixed as his tongue resumed its sensuous movements, swirling around her warm moistness. His face buried between her thighs was the most erotic sight she had ever seen.
Sensing her climax was near, Jamie increased the intensity. Claire moaned, throwing her head back.
“No, watch!” There was a sense of urgency in his muffled voice as, from behind, his fingers joined his lips and tongue in the pleasuring of her very core.
Claire felt her orgasm spread from deep in her belly, possessing every inch of her body. With a guttural cry of release, she came hard and fast.
Suddenly boneless, she fell to the side, one leg lying across Jamie’s chest. Still  panting, she reached across and stroked her husband's cheek, her moisture glistening on his lips.
“Oh my god, thank you,” she whispered.
He turned to face her and drew her close to him.
“I love seeing ye like that, the uncontrollable, wild ecstasy on yer face. I canna tell ye what it does tae me.”
Claire’s hand moved from his cheek, down his chest to rest against his groin. His excitement was clear through the fabric of his kilt.
“You don’t need to tell me what it does to you... it’s pretty obvious.”  She slowly stroked his erection.
Jamie grinned as he started to get up from the bed. “Let me take ma kilt off then.”
Claire shook her head. “No, don’t take it off. I want you to leave it on… please.”
“Well, then, just as well I’m a true Scot isn’t it? But,” he ran his fingers along the edge of her thong. “I think we need tae get rid of this wee thing afore we start on round two.”
“And, Sassenach, d’ye think we could mebbe try that again wi’ the camera?” He added hopefully.
Claire flung her arms around Jamie. “Oh, Jamie! How much do I love you?
Jamie stood on the decking and watched the waves breaking on the clean, white sand. The location of this, their honeymoon hideaway, was perfect, the sunny weather was perfect, the promise of five nights, just the two of them, was perfect.
“Sassenach,” Jamie called in through the open patio doors. “What are ye up tae? Yer coffee’s here and it’s getting cold… as is yer husband.”
Claire wandered onto the deck and wound her arms around Jamie’s waist. “Jamie, I’m sorry. I know we’ve done the shopping already, but we need to head into the village, to the pharmacist.”
“Are ye ok? I’ve some paracetamol in ma bag.”
“I’m fine. I’ve done a stupid thing though. I can’t believe I’ve done it… and on our honeymoon.” Claire buried her head against Jamie’s back.
Jamie turned and wrapped his arms around his wife. “It canna be so bad. What is it?”
“I’ve left my pills at home. We’ll have to go and get some condoms.”
Jamie was silent for a moment.
“Sorry.” Claire apologised once more.
“Or mebbe we dinna bother with the pharmacist.”
“But a honeymoon with no sex? Is that what you really want?”
Jamie put his hands on Claire’s cheeks and stared intently at her face, searching for a glimmer of understanding.
“Nah, I think there’ll be plenty of sex. That isna what I’m saying.”
“Then—“ Claire’s expression changed as she realised what he was asking her. “You mean—“
“Aye, Sassenach, let’s make a baby.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’ve only ever been surer about one thing in ma life, and that’s turning out pretty well, Mrs. Fraser. So what say ye? D’ye think it’s a good idea or are ye no’ ready? I willna be upset if ye want tae wait a while.”
Claire pulled Jamie’s head down to hers and kissed him firmly on the mouth. “Yes, James Fraser. Let’s make a baby.”
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master-sass-blast · 5 years
The Reception Fic
(Look, I know the title sucks. Let’s just ignore that, okay? Okay.)
Summary: Yours and Piotr’s wedding reception.
Pairing(s): Piotr Rasputin x Reader.
Rating: G. Ignore the swear words. Thank you.
Set after “Price Well Worth Paying.”
Taglist: @marvel-is-perfection, @chromecutie, @super-darkcloudstudent, @girl-obsessed-with-things, @nebulous-leo
The concept of a “magical” wedding had always seemed laughable to you, even after you’d met Piotr. First, the people using the phrase were often Pintrest-style bloggers and wedding planners trying to sell their websites that probably drank too much caffeine, and second, you’d been up close to enough real magic by now that you knew all too well that magic usually contained more blood and death than seemed appropriate for the average wedding.
But now you’re married to Piotr –married, til death do us part and everything—and you finally get what everyone’s been saying. It’s absolutely magical.
And, honestly, it isn’t the decorations, even though they do make everything look beautiful. It isn’t your dress, either, though you love it and love wearing it and love the way Piotr teared up when he saw you in it for the first time. It isn’t the location, or the weather, or the food either, though they all help contribute to making the day absolutely perfect.
It’s Piotr and that you love him and he loves you –and, to a slightly lesser degree, the people who are standing as witnesses and helping the two of you celebrate your love for each other.
You grin up at Piotr when your two’s first married kiss as a couple ends and mouth the words “I love you” at him.
He smiles, blue eyes sparkling, and mouths them back to you.
Yeah, it’s magical, alright.
There’s a short break between the ceremony and the reception so the necessary tables and chairs can be set up and so that Aiden and his team can take pictures of you and Piotr, your wedding party, and your families. They take advantage of the gardens and grounds attached to Xavier’s property, and have the lot of you in various positions and pairings to get a full spread of pictures to remember the day with.
(Most of them focus on you and Piotr, though some notable highlights include one of you and Wade messing around with sparklers, one where you and Piotr make goofy faces at the camera, and one of Nikolai adjusting Piotr’s tie.)
You grin up at Piotr as you head back towards the house for the reception. “Ready to party, baby?”
He grins back down at you and squeezes your hand in his. “With you? Always.”
The reception is kicked off with a toast to you and Piotr, accompanied with a shot of extremely bitter vodka for each of you as per the Russian tradition.
Piotr knocks his like a champ while everyone else chants “Gorko!” (or “Bitter!” for those who can’t get a hang of Russian.)
You, however, get maybe half a sip in your mouth before you gag and spit it out. You let out a scream of disgust while several people laugh and quickly set your shot glass aside. “Oh, hell no! Ew!”
Piotr chuckles as he sets his glass down. “Myshka, you have to drink—”
“No! Shut up and kiss me so I can eat something to get that taste out of my mouth!”
Everyone laughs, then claps, when Piotr dips his head to press his lips against yours.
Speeches and other toasts are given while everyone eats –courtesy of the open mic, which you managed to sneak in under Piotr’s radar for “things that might cause trouble.”
Wade and Ellie give their “man of honor” and “best lady” speeches; they both wind up taking the route to talk about how long it got took for the two of you to get together in the first place and how nauseatingly in love the two of you are on a day-to-day basis –and Wade manages to keep his speech mostly clean, to boot. All in all, it’s easily classified as a win.
And then they open the mic up to anyone who wants to tell funny anecdotes about the two of you, and you laugh as you watch Piotr drop his face into his hands.
Several people have a go of it, including Russell, Kitty, and Kurt, one of Piotr’s closer friends. Between your propensity for mischief and the occasional dichotomy between Piotr’s mannerisms and his willingness to entertain your ideas, there’s no shortage of funny stories that leave everyone in stitches from laughing so hard by the time it’s all sudden done.
The surprising highlight of the night, though, is Mikhail. You swear you see Piotr’s eyelid twitch when his older brother takes the microphone in hand, but then he launches into a speech about a time Piotr had saved a nearly drowned litter of kittens on their family farm as a kid, transitions that into his brother’s evident dedication to the things he cares about and loves and how he’s seen that same dedication in his commitment to you, and clinches it with a joke about “for all that you love cats, I am not certain how you wind up with mouse” before congratulation the two of you on your marriage and wishing you both well.
You find yourself wiping away a few tears while Piotr gets up and hugs his brother.
Yeah, it’s magical.
Piotr’s lips press against the top of your head as the two of you sway back and forth. “Your dancing skills have improved immensely, moya lyubov’.”
You beam up at him. “I know! I haven’t even stepped on your toes once—”
Piotr winces as you catch his foot with the heel of your shoe and jerks his foot out of the way.
“Dammit!” You press your forehead against his chest as he chuckles and rubs his hand up and down your back. “Sorry!”
“It is alright, myshka,” he reassures you. “It would not be us if there was not at least one mishap.”
You giggle and nod. “Yeah, that’s true. I love you.”
He grins and dips his head to kiss you. “And I love you, myshka.”
The reception, all in all, is a lot of fun. Everyone enjoys the food, swapping stories and conversation, and just about everyone joins in for a rousing group dance rendition of the “Cha Cha Slide” that is –as the kids say—absolutely lit.
There is also more than enough cake for everyone, which makes you happy beyond compare.
You also toss your bouquet during the reception, which is subsequently caught by an elated Kitty.
(The garter toss goes far less smoothly. You’re not sure who’s face is redder through the whole process, yours or Piotr’s, and Mikhail and Wade don’t stop making various inappropriate comments through the whole things –but what really tops it off is that, somehow, the garter winds up getting tossed straight into Alex’s face.
Fortunately, she –and everyone else—laugh about it, even if Piotr does bury his face against your legs at having accidentally launched your garter at his mother’s face.)
But, eventually, the festivities do come to a close. Grant and his servers pack up, as do Aiden and his team, and the guests head back into the mansion while you and Piotr stroll towards your new home, hand in hand.
“Hey,” you say as the two of you walk along the path that cuts through the trees to your new home in the early evening light. “We’re married.”
Piotr giggles and smiles down at you. “We are.”
“And we have our own home.”
“That we do.”
“So… when do you want to start the ‘marital consummation’ bit of all this?”
Piotr snorts and shakes his head. “Did you have something specific in mind?”
“I mean…” You make a small show of looking all around you. “There’s no one else here right now.”
Piotr rolls his eyes good naturedly and shakes his head. “Nyet.”
“I thought you liked having sex with me.”
He sighs, longsuffering, and tugs your hand. “Come on, myshka.”
You giggle to yourself and resume walking again.
Waiting for you on the front porch of your house, though, is your uncle. He looks a little tired –if the bags under his eyes are anything to go by, at least—but he still smiles when he sees the two of you.
“I didn’t think I would see you today!” you exclaim as you break away from Piotr to give your uncle a hug.
“I wasn’t sure if I was gonna see you, either. I’m glad I did, though.” He gives you a misty-eyed grin when he steps back. “You look beautiful, punk.” He pulls a few envelopes out of his inner jacket pocket and hands them to Piotr. “I can’t stay long, but –honeymoon information and plane tickets. Figured you two would want them.”
Piotr accepts them with a nod and a quiet “thank you.”
“I know you can’t stay, but I think there’s still some cake and stuff left,” you offer, gesturing in the direction of the mansion. “Everyone’s pretty well cleared out to do their own thing, so I don’t think anyone would see you.”
Your uncle smiles sadly. “I actually have to clear out now, punk. I wasn’t kidding when I said I wasn’t sure I’d be able to make it. I just… wanted to see you. Today’s important.”
“Yeah,” you say, equally as sad. “Okay.”
He pulls you into another hug and kisses the top of your head. “Love you, punk.”
“Love you, too.”
Piotr puts an arm around you as your uncle gets a running start and takes off. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you reassure your husband –husband, he’s your husband now—as you carefully dab at a few tears. “Just emotional.” You take a deep breath and steady yourself emotionally, then smile up at him. “Ready to go inside?”
Piotr smiles back. “Konechno.”
And then he sweeps you off your feet and into his arms, bridal-style.
How appropriate.
You laugh and loop your arms around his neck as he carries you up the front porch steps—
And then the front door swings open and Mikhail steps out of your house.
“Ublyudok!” Piotr hisses, tightening his grip on you so he doesn’t wind up accidentally dropping you. “What are you doing?”
“Relax, malen'kiy brat,” Mikhail says nonchalantly. “I just came to give this.” He hands you a plastic coffee grounds container with a label that says “motorcycle repair fund” taped to the front of it. “You’re welcome.”
Piotr eyes his brother suspiciously. “What about bike?”
Mikhail shrugs, grinning smugly. “Not broken.”
Piotr sighs and shakes his head. “Well, thank you.”
“Yeah,” you agree as you screw off the top and peek in. “Whoa, that’s a lot of cash!”
Piotr frowns as he peers down at the jar. “I did not give that much.”
“Community fund,” Mikhail explains with a wink. He nods towards you. “Get lady something nice on honeymoon, da?”
Piotr’s expression finally softens as he smiles at you. “That sounds like plan.”
“Thought you would agree. Now, if you two will excuse, I hear cake calling my name.”
You shake your head as he teleports out of view. “Still not used to that.”
“You are not only one.”
You chuckle, then look up at your husband. “Shall we, Mr. Rasputin?”
Piotr grins and resumes carrying you inside your new home. “We shall, Mrs. Rasputin.”
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writing-mermaid · 5 years
Today is where your book begins the rest is still unwritten
Summary : Y/N is about to marry her fiancé Brock Rumlow. Tired of being a trophy wife, and just before saying "I do", she runs away, helped by her best friends. She finds herself in Australia, where she will finally starts to be herself again.
Pairing : Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings : None
Word Count : 12 539
Square Filled : @star-spangled-bingo : Free space
@buckybarnesbingo : Sharing a bed
Author’s note : This story has been inspired to me by the wedding of friends. My thought was, what would happen if at the last moment, the bride to be says no. A huge inspiration for that story also comes from the song Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield. I'm fulfilling a few challenges with that story :  @until-theend-oftheline : "How did I even become this person ?" (I know your challenge is over for a little time but as I told you, I tag you in as I started to write that story a while ago), @staticscreenwriting : "Oh he's very handsome, isn't he ?", @writing4inspiration : "Am I ever going to see you again ?", @bxcksdoll : "I've got you. Breathe, okay ? I've got you.", @my-emotional-self : "Have you ever danced in the rain ?", @icantlivewithyou: "Dance with me." Don’t forget that feedback is appreciated and really important.
Song of the title : Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield
Bucky Barnes Bingo masterlist
Star Spangled Bingo masterlist
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It's not so hard to say. I do. Come on Y/N, you can do it. Yeah, when the minister is going to say : “Would you Y/N, take Brock Rumlow as your loving and faithful husband until death tear you apart ?” “Yes, I do”. It's not so hard ! Except that it is. I can't marry him, I thought that it was what I wanted but it's not. And I'm really realizing it right now, at the venue, in my white dress, making me look like a freaking meringue and that I didn't even choose. Not the date of that wedding, the place where we're celebrating it, the music, the flowers, the food, the rings, the honeymoon... I couldn't choose a thing and Brock did it according to his own tastes, that I don't share, without asking me, if I do or do not want this or that. And now, I'm standing in that fucking ugly dress, looking at myself in the full-length mirror, waiting for my dad to take me to the altar.
 Yet, my story with Brock started in a good way. I met him when I started to work in his father's law firm right after my studies. Brock was the one who welcomed me on my first day, waiting for me at the reception desk. The least to say on that day was that he was really handsome, his grey suit hugging his firm body, his dark brown hair perfectly combed, a confident smile on his face. When his brown gaze was fixed on me, I knew that I would probably be doomed. After a few months, Brock asked me out and I accepted gladly, why would have refused, he was handsome and charming, the perfect combo. One thing after another, things became serious and we moved together after two years of dating. I kept my apartment in case of needing but at the moment I moved in with Brock, he paid everything not wanting me to spend my money on everything. And that's when it really started, when Brock started to rule my life as he wished. He started to choose my clothes, the places I could go, what I could drink or eat, where we went on holidays, which friends I could see... I literally lost my free will. He even told me I could quit my job as he was making enough money for us to live and that someday, he'll take the lawyer firm after his father, and someday maybe our son would. He was planning everything without even asking me. I didn't resign anyway, saying that maybe we could need the money someday in case of hard blow, he laughed and said that I could keep my job if it was amusing me. When I opened up about this to my best friends, Steve and Peggy, they said that I should be careful, that soon, Brock would probably trapped me in an unhealthy relationship where he would control anything and unfortunately, I let it happened, and I was stupid enough to say yes when he asked me to marry him when I wasn't sure that it was what I wanted.
 And here I am, in that ugly white dress, my hair combed in a way I really hate, around a lot of people I don't really like or don't even know, in a place I didn't even choose, in a dress I didn't choose, for a wedding I know now I don't want, food I don't even like and a honeymoon in a place that don't even make me dream. I have lost my free will, living my life as if I'm not living it. How did I even become this person ? Someone so passive that she let a man deciding for everything in her life when she used to be a free spirit. I wanted to do a lot of things before I met Brock, and before I became a lawyer, and I didn't. I sigh, looking at myself in the mirror, once again, trying to force me to look radiant and happy to get married to the man I love. Or that I'm supposed to love, I don't know, frankly, I'm not even sure that I love Brock. A knock on the door makes me snap out of my daydream.
  “Y/N are you ready baby ?”, my dad asks, entering the room. “You look...”, he says, not finding his world, and I perfectly know that it's not because of the thought of his baby girl to get married.
“I am dad. Ready I mean.”
“Are you sure, you seem a little...”
“No, I'm good”, I try to reassure him with a small tight smile. “I promise, I'm good”, I add, squeezing his hand in mine.
“If you're ready then”, he holds me his arm and I take it, lifting my meringue to walk properly with that pair of heels I'm uncomfortable in.
  We walk towards the main room where the ceremony takes place, where Brock and all the guests are waiting for me. I take a deep breath when we stop in front of the huge wooden double-leaf door, and my father looks at me again, searching for any sign of me giving up on this wedding that him and my mother don't really seem to understand. One day, when we were alone, my mother even asked me if I was happy, she said, I seemed to have lost that spark I always had before, and that longing I had for discovering the world and writing.
  “You know, you don't have to do it if you don't want to”, my father states, looking down at me.
  Before I have time to answer him, the doors open, the music resonates and we walk towards the altar, I've made my decision, it was hard to do, but that's the good one. My father stops in front of the altar and kiss my forehead before letting go. Peggy is next to me, she already knows what I'll do, she, her sister Sharon and Steve (who was the only man with us last night) know what I'm going to do. The music stops and I stand by Brock, looking at me as if he has won a trophy. A trophy wife, that's all he wants, and I know it and I came to that realization. The ceremony starts and the minister starts his speech, asking if someone in the audience wants to oppose the wedding.
  “Would you, Brock Rumlow, take Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N as your loving and faithful wife in wealth and poverty, until death tears you apart ?”, the minister asks him.
“I do”, Brock answers, a smug smile on his face, looking down at me.
“And you, would you, Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, take Brock Rumlow as your loving and faithful husband in wealth and poverty, until death tears you apart ?”
“I don't”, I firmly answers, while surprised and shocked whispers rise from the crowd behind us.
“What do you mean, you can't ?”, Brock asks aggressively.
“I can't, I don't want to be your thing, I'm sorry, I have to go.”
  And without letting him the chance to say a thing, I grab the bottom of my dress and start to run towards the doors, Brock is so shocked that he's not even chasing me. I don't stop until I'm in the street, spotting Sharon in her car just in front of the entrance of the building. She opens the door from the inside, and I rush in. She barely closes the door and takes me to Steve's and Peggy's apartment.
  “You sure he's not going to look for you in here ?”, Sharon questions, opening the door.
“No, don't worry, I'm sure he's going to think I went to my apartment, that's the first place he's going to look for me and then at my parents. Luckily, I don't let any clue on where I'm going to go, and I don't even tell my parents.”
  I sit on the couch, thinking about them, my poor parents, I didn't even tell them what my plan was.
  “Are Steve and Peggy going to join us at the airport, as it was planned ?”, she pours two glasses of water while I go to the bathroom in order to change into more civil clothes and get rid of that abomination that someone dared to call a wedding dress.
“Yes, they are”, I shout through the open bathroom door, slipping myself into a pair of jeans and a random t-shirt. “That's more discreet than them coming back here to pick me up.”
“Y/N, I know you're worried about your parents and your family, but you took the best decision about it, you had to give Brock no choice or you would have been trapped in a marriage you didn't want”, she says, as if she was reading in my mind. “Don't worry, Steve, Peggy and I will tell your parents where you are in good time, you know you can count on us”, she adds, pulling me into a hug.
“I know”, I mumble in her hair. “I know that I can trust the three of you, and that you are the best friends someone could ask for.”
  She lets me go and I drink my glass in one go, before putting a pair of sneakers.
  “I'm ready to go”, I state.
“So, let's go for your biggest adventure !”, Sharon smiles, grabbing her car keys on the kitchen counter.
  With only a little suitcase and a backpack, I take one last look to my friends' apartment without any regret, just the feeling that I'm going to miss them so bad.
Less than an hour later, Steve and Peggy, join us at the JFK airport, Peggy is still wearing her bridesmaid dress and Steve his tuxedo.
  “Y/N”, Peggy shouts, running towards me, before taking me into her arms. “Are you alright ?”
“Yes, yes, I'm good. How was it back there ?”, I ask her.
“Your parents are wondering where you are and sort of worrying but they know you're going to be okay. And Brock, well, when he got a grip on himself, he screamed that he didn't understand how you could have done something like this. He rushed to your apartment and I wouldn't be surprise if he searches at your parents' home when he will see that you're not there.”
“I just hope he's not going to make your lives or my parents' a misery...”, I sigh.
“Don't worry, our lips are sealed !”, Steve says.
“Thank you Stevie”, I say, hugging him. “I love the three of you so much.”
“And we love you too”, Sharon adds, while now, the four of us are hugging in the middle of the airport, people passing by us and looking at that unusual show.
  I wipe the tears forming in my eyes and look at my three friends.
  “So, you really are doing it”, Peggy says, a little smile on her face, knowing that my destination was a dream I had since young age.
“I'm doing it. I would have love it to be under other circumstances, but, here I am.”
“Calling all the passengers for Sydney, flight 384. Passengers for Sidney, flight 384.”
“That's me”, I say, smiling to them.
“Have fun there”, Sharon says, hugging me one last time.
“I will.”
“Enjoy your freedom”, Steve adds, pulling me into his arms once again.
“I promise.”
“Take care of yourself and don't think about anything else, wear what you want, party as much as you want to, drink, go the beach and I don't know where else, live, that's all I can say to you after 7 years being a nun”, Peggy is the last one to say goodbye.
“I swear to you, I will live. I love you, the three of you. I'll let Sharon know when I'm there, she's the last person Brock will ask news about me.”
  I start to walk towards the registration desk, waving one last time at my friends, ready for a big adventure.
 Once I'm sitting on my seat, I sigh in satisfaction, savoring my restored freedom. I look at my bare ring finger, I left the outrageous engagement ring Brock offered me back in New York and someone there is supposed to send it back to him. After an hour or so in the air, I finish to fall asleep, just waking up in between during the flight to eat or go to the bathroom. I didn't realize until now that I was that tired. I'm probably relieved to leave all that wedding thing and loveless relationship behind me. I don't know how long I slept, but at some point, I feel my neighbor shifting on his seat, we might arrive soon. I wake up, completely rest and well. At least, as rest as you can be after such a long flight, but I feel well.
 We land two hours later, two hours, during which I took advantage of the magnificent view from the window. It's so different from everything I know, the landscape absolutely doesn't look like what I've seen until now. It's wild and has huge extent and I can't wait to discover that country or at least the region I'm going to stay in for a few times.
 As soon as I land in Australia, I feel tired again, even if it's barely the middle of the afternoon. My only haste is to go to the small bungalow I rented not far from the beach.
  “So here we are”, the owner says, showing me the little house. “It's small, but it's cozy, I think you'll enjoy it. I don't know how long you intend to stay but, I think you're going to like this place. Everything is nearby, the beach, the city, some stores. And it's very calm, as you asked for a quiet place, it's the good one.”
“It's perfect”, I answer her. “Thank you.”
“I think you probably want to rest a little, you had a long journey. I took the liberty to put some food on the fridge, and don't even think to refund it, that's on me. There are some fruits and juices and fresh water”, she adds, smiling before exiting the bungalow.
  I look around one last time before going into the bedroom and letting myself fall on the bed, instantly falling asleep. I don't know how long I slept but, when I wake up, the sky is all dark, glowing with stars I've never seen during my whole life. I step under the porch of the bungalow and look at the sky, thinking that I really took the good decision. I deeply breathe the sea air coming to me and head back inside in order to take a hot shower and going back to bed.
 When I wake up the next morning, I'm completely rest, and I decide to have a walk in the surrounding area. The sun is already high in the sky and it's also very hot, something I'm not usually used to when Brock chose the places we were going to visit and it was always planed, visit that thing at that hour, that one at this hour. Going on vacation with Brock was never spontaneous, always as regular as a clockwork. Once, we went to Paris and I wanted to climb the 270 steps to see Paris from the Sacré Coeur in Montmartre from where you can see the whole city's landscape at once, and where the view is stunning. So, I took him by surprise to take him there and once at the foot of the steps, he said we didn't have time and that wasn't on the program and that we were going to stick on it. He also said that the next afternoon I could do it on my own as he had an appointment for work. I thought we could do something romantic for once, but I was wrong, romantic things were only for the beginning of our story. I went to Montmartre on my own the next day.
 After another quick shower, I put my bath suit and over it, a white tank top and a short. In a bag I fold a towel, my wallet, sunscreen and my e-reader. Once under the porch, I slip my feet in a pair of flip-flops I bought last summer. I'm going to take a little walk this morning, probably eat something at noon and then head to the beach and enjoy the sun and the sea. During my walk downtown, I buy a summer hat to protect my head and my face of the burning sun of Australia. I finally stop in a small café, Hela's Cabin to take a breakfast. When I pass the threshold, a stunning dark-haired woman greets me and shows me a free spot in a corner.
  “Welcome to Hela's Cabin sweetie, what can I serve you ?”, she asks me, her Australian accent sort of singing in her words, while she was handing me a menu.
“I'm going to take”, I start, studying the menu in my hands. “I'm going to take a bowl of fresh fruits, an apple-pear-cinnamon juice and pancakes please.”
“On its way to you, love”, she says, after writing everything down on her notepad. “Skurge, fresh fruits, juice and pancakes on the way please !”, she shouts, to be answered a “yeah” by a drawling voice.
  I take a look around me, looking at the café's decoration. It looks like there is a mix between Australian culture and Northern European, like Sweden or Norway. This place seems to be such a peaceful one, suitable for everyone, families, couples, people that are alone, students, vacationers, everyone seems to be welcome here. I sit back and relax on my chair, pulling out my e-reader while waiting for my order.
  “And that's for you sweetheart”, the brunette comes back ten minutes later. “Enjoy your food and don't hesitate to compliment the chef !”, she adds, winking.
“Thanks”, I smile at her, before cutting a bite of pancakes.
  Jeez those are the best I never ate ! Nothing in common with those horrors that Brock made me ate every Sunday at that restaurant he likes to go for brunch. In here, it has a taste of paradise, it's sweet and light, not like those things full of grease and oil I have eaten in New York. I take a bite of the fresh fruits from the ball laying down in a white bowl next to the plate, it's divine. They are so juicy and sweet, just the perfect balance of sugar and juice. I'm never going to leave this place I swear.
  “Was it good ?”, the black hair woman questions, coming back when my dishes are empty.
“It was more than good, thank you so much.”
“You're welcome darling, come back whenever you want”, she adds, when I pay her. “We are open from 7 am to 1 pm. Serving food and drinks all day long.”
  When I go back outside, I'm surprised by the heat and realize how fresh the restaurant was. I take my sunscreen bottle from my bag and put some on my arms, legs and face, I rather be protected than burn because of the sun. I wander a little more and finish on a crowded beach. I take a quick look from the sidewalk I'm on, I see families playing on the sand or in the water, surfers taking the waves, some bathers. The water seems so good and I just want to dive in it. I take my flip-flops off and start to walk on the warm sand, letting my feet sinking in. It's such a pleasant sensation. I already know that this is something I couldn't have done barely two days ago. I sneak between the people around to find myself a spot, but I feel like I'm wasting my time, until I spot an empty place near a pile of beach towels and a cool box a few meters away. It's little but I can fit in it, I think. Once there, I start to unfold my own towel, ready to lie down under the sun a little, when a tall blond and muscular man, goes out of the water, a surfboard under his right arm, and jogs towards me.
  “Hi !”, he warmly says.
“Hi”, I say back. “I'm sorry, am I impinging on your space ? I can't leave if you want, find myself another spot.”
“No that's okay”, he answers with his deep voice. “You can stay here, you're not impinging and there are no other spots around, I don't think my friends are going to mind”, he smiles at me. “I'm Thor by the way”, he adds, extending his hand to me.
“Y/N”, I answer, shaking his strong hand, or rather being shaken by it. “Thor, isn't it a Scandinavian name ? I'm sorry maybe I'm a little too curious.”
“It's fine don't you worry and it's totally Scandinavian, my father is from Sweden and my mother is Australian, but she has a thing for Scandinavian culture”, he laughs.
“Well brother, I'm not sure that Annie is going to appreciate to know that you're flirting with a stranger”, a thin brunet guy states, sticking his board in the sand, next to Thor's one.
“Oh, dear Loki, I'm just making friend”, he answers him. “This is Y/N”, he motions towards me. “Y/N, this is my little brother Loki.”
“Pleasure to meet you Y/N”, he says, handing me his hand, as his brother did.
  I shake it and detail the two brothers. Unlike Thor, Loki is less muscular, he's more of a skinny lad, hair as black as his brother's is blond. Their eyes, however, look alike, they both have blue eyes, but I sort of notice a spark of green into Loki's. I also note that, if Thor has an Australian accent, his brother has a British one.
  “Where's James ?”, he returns his attention to his brother.
“Still in water, I presume”, the later answers.
  Suddenly, my eyes widen at the sight in front of me, making the two brothers turning towards the sea. A tall and broad man just goes out of the ocean, he also has a surfboard stuck under his left arm. He walks towards us, some strands of his long dark hair glued to his forehead, and those behind his ears dripping on his suit and finishing their race on the sand. I can see his muscle moving under his wetsuit, I can't help myself but looking at him, my eyes refuse to leave his tall form, I'm biting my lower lip, that guy looks like a Greek statue carved by the gods themselves. What's going on in that bloody country ? Are all men going out of the ocean here are more beautiful than the one before ?
  “Hey guys, what's up ?”, he asks, running his free hand in his hair, pushing the wet hair from his forehead, before sinking his board in the sand. He's even more gorgeous from a closer look.
  He starts to unzip his wetsuit, and I bite my lower lip harder. I haven't felt this way in a very long time. His back is to me, he removes his arms from the suit's sleeves. I breath heavily without even notice it. It's been a long time since I haven't really look at a man, aside from Brock, I must admit that staying eight years with the same man doesn't really makes you look around, even when love is gone. And now, here am I, completely fascinate by a man I don't even know and that barely said four words, and not even to me. He continues to slip the suit to his feet, not even once minding me nor at the other women around looking at him, he must be used to it. I can see a few scars on his left arm, running from the top on his shoulder to the side of his chest, to his wrist. It's really not pretty but it's a part of him. He pulls the suit from his legs and feet and finally seems to realize that his friends are not alone.
  “Hi”, he says, turning to me, a bright smile on his face, and I notice the unusual color of his eyes. Not exactly grey, but not entirely blue either. I examine him, he's handsome. “I'm James”, he continues, “but I mainly go by Bucky”, he extends his hand, waiting for me to do the same.
“Sorry, I'm Y/N”, I eventually answer, shaking his large and warm, but wet and sandy hand.
“Nice to meet you”, he smiles a little more, his eyes crinkling at this action.
“Maybe we should sit down with us and we could talk”, Thor states.
“No, I'm going to find myself a new spot, I don't want to bother you.”
“You don't, please Y/N, stay with us. You can tell us your story, because, judging by your accent, you're not from here”, Loki says.
“This is a good one Loki, not long ago you said you would tell Annie I was speaking to a woman, and now you invite the same woman to stay with us, when we barely meet her, what would Jenny say ?”
“Don't worry brother, I'm just being polite.”
“Yes, polite”, Thor laughs.
  The two brothers start to argue, not really but still, they are chatting loudly.
  “Don't mind them”, James says, sitting next to me. “It happens a lot, but they do love each other.”
“I can see this. I wish I had brothers and sisters.”
“I have five sisters, sometimes I wish I were an only child, but I realize that my life would suck without them.”
  He has a tender smile on his face mentioning his sisters.
  “So, Y/N, what does a New Yorker like you is doing in Australia ?”, he asks.
“I... Wait, how do you know I'm from New York ?”, I question, shocked by statement.
“Because, I'm from there too.”
“That’s a long story”, I answer. “And you, what brought you here ?”
“Less longer than your story probably, a pretty bad break-up. I needed to take a brand-new start. I left my job and I traveled the world. I thought it would help me, but I was really down when I arrived here. I was broke and I met those two”, he says, motioning towards Thor and Loki. “They helped me, taught me how to surf and I decided to stay.”
“And two Aussie guys taught you how to surf, is that it ?”
“Yes, that’s it, they were very patient with me, and it wasn’t that easy for them, but I have been a diligent pupil and I learned fast enough for them.”
“And when are you going back to New York ?”
“I don’t know. For now, I feel good here. It would take me something really serious to get me back to the US.”
“I see”, I smile at him, before turning back to admire the horizon and the surfers taking a particularly huge wave.
“Have you ever surf ?”, Bucky asks, pulling me away from the landscape to meet his beautiful blue eyes.
“Never”, I confess.
“Well, if you stay long enough, maybe I can take you on a ride, of even teach you how to catch the wave”, he tells me, flashing me a dazzling smile.
“Why not, I would love to.”
“Seems that the two of you already get along”, Thor says, sitting in front of us, hanging the both of us two beers.
“We actually discovered that we came from the same city”, I answer him, while Loki settles next to his brother. “And James offered to teach me how to catch the wave.”
“Nice, that means that you are going to tag along with us”, the blond adds, patting my shoulder with his huge hand.
“Yes, sure, if I’m not disturbing you.”
“Of course, you are not going to disturb us. Plus, we could make you visit the surrounding areas.”
“Okay, sure, this is so nicely asked, I can’t refuse.”
“Awesome ! You should come and eat with us tonight, we are doing a barbecue, the two of us, our sister, our girlfriends, James and you, if you accept the invitation.”
“I can’t refuse such a nice invitation, count on me”, I add, smiling at him. “Do I have to bring something ?”
“Don’t you worry for that, we have all that we will need”, Loki states, “our sister has a huge pantry.”
  We spend a few other minutes talking about the coming evening, before I decide to taste the water. Letting the three guys behind me, I can feel James’ gaze on my back while I’m walking between the people or towels lying on the sand. Talking about the sand, I feel it, warm under my feet at each step I’m talking, something I haven’t really felt for a long time. Once in front of the sea, I take a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the ocean. Of course, once again, this is something I didn’t do with Brock. According to him, sand is gross, the ocean is not a place to bath and let’s not talk about what he thinks about crowded beaches. A delicious sensation overwhelms me when the waves hit my toes, and for the first time in a long time, I finally feel free. I feel free to live my life as I want to, as I was delayed to. Walking forward and then, diving in the water makes me realize that I should have to open the dirty window from my gilded cage earlier. From now, I’ll live my life with arms wide open, because today is where my book begins the rest is still unwritten, I just have to stare at the blank page before me.
I go back, to my spot after what seems a day of swimming, when I only spent two hours in the water, James, Thor and Loki still there, happily chatting. I fall on my towel, appreciating the warmth of sun on my wet skin.
  “How was the water ?”, James asks, seeing the satisfying smile on my face.
“Very good, it’s been so long since I swam in the sea, I forgot how good it was. I probably will be completely sore tomorrow, but it was so satisfying”, I sigh.
  I might have fall asleep because at some point, I feel a warm hand on my shoulder. I open my eyes and stretch.
  “Sleeping Beauty is waking up”, Loki says with irony.
“Don’t listen to it, it seems that you needed it”, James says, while I’m rubbing my eyes, siting up on my towel. “Let me help you”, he adds when I’m fully awake, holding me his hand.
  I catch it and he pulls me with a force I didn’t expect. We are facing each other, our chests almost touching, our hands trapped between us.
  “Oh, kiss her already !”, Loki shouts, making us part, and my cheeks blush.
  I start to gather my things, putting back my short and my top on my bath suite, my flip-flop in my hand, my bag on my shoulder.
  “Y/N, would you like to come and eat with us tonight ?”, Thor offers.
“And that way, you’ll be able to let us know about your story”, James adds.
“Are you all sure this is okay with you ?”, I ask. “I don’t want to disturb you, especially if you already had something planed.”
“Oh, don’t worry”, Loki replies with his drawl voice, “If my brother invites you, that’s because you’ll be welcomed. He tends to bring lost puppy dogs in our group. Just look at that one”, he adds, motioning towards the second dark haired man. “He was miserable, and Thor brought him with us and now he’s better.”
“Don’t listen to him, I wasn’t that desperate, I just needed people to talk to”, Bucky shrugs. “I’ll give you my phone number and you’ll text me where you’re staying at and I’ll come and take you.”
“This sounds good for me”, I answer, fumbling for my phone in my bag, before handing it to him.
“Text me when you’re back home and I’ll pass by an hour later”, his fingers brush mine when he gives me my phone back.
“I will.”
  Once we’re back on the sidewalk, I part with them and walk toward my bungalow, turning around to see them laughing while they take the opposite direction.
When I open my door, I let my bag fall on the floor and sigh, it’s been a while since I really enjoy the company of people without Brock sighing every two seconds. And Bucky. How can someone I barely met had such an effect on me. Is it because for seven years I let someone direct me and my life, and that love fade away, and now I need something new ? I grab my phone and text him the address. He replies with a simple smiling emoji, but it’s enough to make me sigh of content. Brock would never have done that. He would have just sighed even more, or mumble that emojis are childish.
I remove my clothes whilst I walk toward the bathroom, wondering what outfit I can wear tonight. I barely know Thor, Loki and James, but they’re were so nice and friendly with me this afternoon, and they offered me to tag along with them. I usually don’t do that kind of things with strangers, but I have a very good feeling about them. I step into the shower, letting the warm water washing the sand and the salt of the sea from my skin. It was only my first day here, but already an amazing day.
When I go out of the shower, a towel wrapped around my wet body, I open of the drawers of the chest and start to fumble for a dress. I finally choose a simple white sundress with pink roses. I dry and style my hair, when I hear a soft knock on the front door.
  “Evening”, Bucky greets me when I open the door.
“Good evening to you too”, I reply. “Please come in, I will just put my bath suite in the washing machine, put a little make up, take my purse and I’m all yours.”
  The last part of my sentence makes him blush and I just want to facepalm myself. ‘I’m all yours’, what kind of girl says that to a man she barely knows.
  “That’s a nice bungalow that you rented”, he says, breaking the silence, while I’m in the bathroom.
“Thanks, I found it on the internet. Well actually, it’s my friend Steve.”
“Is it because of him that you are here ?”
“Steve ?! Oh no, he’s the one that help me escape what I wanted to escape. Him and his girlfriend Peggy, and her sister Sharon, they’re my best friends.”
“I see”, he simply says, and I go out of the bathroom.
“I’m ready”, I grab my purse and follow him outside.
  We take the same path I took this morning to go to Hela’s Cabin, and we stop a few houses further. Bucky pushes the portal, motioning for me to enter before him, following me. I can hear voices and laughs as we progress into the front yard, and the scent of a barbecue.
  “Don’t worry”, Bucky tells me, “You already know Thor and Loki, you’re gonna meet their girlfriends and their sister.”
  I just nod, still following him, before we stop at the side of the house, looking at a small group making food on a huge barbecue and a blond woman putting different kind of salad on a wooden table, a red hair woman setting the table.
  “James, Y/N, finally you’re here !”, Thor shouts. “You finally made it here. Please guys come.”
  He nearly pulls us into the garden.
  “Come on, let me introduce you to everyone you don’t know yet”, he excitedly adds, grabbing my hand and making me follow him.
“Thor please slow down”, I say, trying to calm him down, but also amazed that this big guy can be such a child. “We’ve got plenty of time for you to introduce me to anyone you want.”
  I follow him to the barbecue where a tall brunette stands next to a broad, tall, bald man, with black tattoos on his skull.
  “Y/N, this is my sister Hela, and her friend and associate, Skurge. Hela, Skurge, this is Y/N, the American girl Loki and I told you about.”
“Fresh fruits, apple-pear-cinnamon juice and pancakes well blow me down”, the brunette chuckles when she turns to us.
“You’re the…”, I stammer.
“Girl from the café, yes indeed sweetheart”, she cuts me. “What a complete coincidence. Skurge, that the young lady from this morning”, she turns to the huge man, turning the food on the barbecue.
“Hey”, he mumbles, returning quickly to his task.
“Come one, I have other people to introduce you to”, he grabs my arm this time and storms towards the bottom of the garden, where the blond girl I saw earlier is lightning some lanterns.
  I look behind me to see Bucky quietly chatting with Hela, a beer in one hand, shrugging towards me, as a manner to say that he’s sorry. We finally come to a stop in front of the blond girl. Thor lets go of my arm to tenderly snake his arms around her waist and kisses her cheek with the same tenderness.
  “Y/N”, he says, “let me introduce you to the love of my life, my sweet Annie.”
“Hi, nice to meet you”, Annie tells, trying to escape Thor’s grip, to pull me in a warm hug. “Since the moment I came back, Thor doesn’t stop to talk about you. I’ve never seen him so excited to have met someone new. Except for when we met”, she chuckles.
“Nice to meet you too.”
“Come now, you have to meet Loki’s girlfriend now.”
  He pulls me again, and it’s like I’m nearly flying because of the way drags me behind him. I almost stumble in the kitchen where Loki is leaning against the kitchen unit.
  “Goodness gracious brother, we barely met that poor girl and you’re already breaking her. Good evening Y/N.”
“Good evening Loki”, I answer, finally relieved that Thor lets go of me.
“I think everything is set”, a thick French accent comes from the other room, followed a few second later by a tall red hair girl. “Oh, hi, you must be Y/N”, she says. “Thor couldn’t shut up about you”, she laughs. “Nice to meet you, I’m Jenny.”
“Hey there”, Bucky’s head appears by the French-window. “Don’t yall want to come outside and have a drink.”
“Sure, coming, just before, I need to go to the bathroom, please.”
“I’ll show you”, Jenny volunteers.
“Wait a second before you go”, Loki says, grabbing her hand and pulling her to him before kissing her with passion.
  Seeing them and Thor and Annie, and the way they interact, the way they are with each other, makes me realize that my couple was the complete opposite. Not sign of affection in public or in private, monotonous sex, monotonous and boring life. All that mattered were Brock’s colleagues, Brock’s family, my family and friends being pushed into the background.
  “That’s this way”, Jenny softy says, pulling me back out of my thoughts.
“Thank you”, I tell her. “I’ll find the way back, don’t worry for me”, I smile at her.
“Don’t hesitate to shout if you need something”, she adds before leaving.
  A few minutes later, I go back to the garden, everyone is happily chatting, drinking and laughing. I can’t remember when was the last time I had a real barbecue outside and not a fancy dinner inside.
  “Hey Y/N”, Thor shouts again, waving his hand and smiling at me, that man is so sweet.
  Hela shows me a vacant seat next to her and offers me a drink. I thank her with a smile, looking her evolve around her brothers and sisters in law, after all, all I saw from her until now, was a smiley and friendly café owner. Then, we finally start to eat, and the long awaiting question comes from Annie.
  “So, Y/N, tell us your story, it seems that you told James it was a long one”, she says.
“Well, I hope you all have a long time to listen to what I’m going to tell.”
  And I start to tell them, start to tell my story to seven people I barely know. They all listen to me, something gasping, shifting in their seats at what I’m explaining to them.
  “So that’s the whole story”, I finally say when I tell them how I escaped New York and a miserable and unhappy life.
“I think you take the right decision”, Hela says. “It’s better to be alone than in bad company”, she adds. “Please tell me that from now you are going to savor that new freedom”, she concludes, squeezing my hand.
“I will enjoy every second of it”, I reply with a huge smile.
  A few hours later, full of food and happy to have new friends, I put my chin on my hand and start to stare at Bucky, who’s happily chatting with Jenny and Annie, laughing with them, I can’t hear what they are talking about, but still, James’ laugh must be one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard. I love how his eyes crinkle, and how he throws back his head when he laughs.
  “Oh, he’s very handsome, isn’t he ?”, Hela says behind me, making me snap out of my daydreams. “James, Bucky”, she adds, as I’m opening and closing my mouth, acting like a goldfish out of his tank. “That’s okay, after all, you’re only human. I perfectly understand. If I were attracted by men, I would surely also drool over him. Even if he’s not my type, the guy is gorgeous, in addition to be a sweetheart, so I completely get why you’re smitten. You know, the boy was pretty damaged when he first arrived here. Bad break up, like very very bad break up, his girlfriend was cheating on him for years with a friend of them. He told us that the moment he surprised them, he didn’t think straight, took a bag with a few things, went to the airport and took the first flight he saw on the board, and ended up here. Thor and Loki found him on the beach an early morning they were going to surf. He hadn’t sleep in days. They get him back on his feet. Thor calls that surf therapy. Since then, he stays here, does little jobs to pay a room and food. I don’t know when he’s going to be back in the USA but for now, he seems to be good here. He just needs to believe in him again and to trust someone else. I think each of you would do good to the other. And girl, if I were you and after what you told us tonight, I wouldn’t do anything but enjoy the man’s company, you need to live a little”, she concludes before lighting a cigarette.
  She’s right, I need to live a little. Before I can think about something more, Thor comes and grabs me by the shoulder, saying he’s going to show me some traditional Australian game. Around midnight, we all part, Hela saying that if we don’t leave her house, she’s going to kick us outside, because she has to wake up early the next morning. James insists to drop me at my bungalow, while the four others take the other way. We look at them going their way, Thor and Annie holding hands, Loki having his arm around Jenny’s shoulders, while her own arm is around his waist. We turn back to the direction we are supposed to take, a comfortable silence takes place between us. It doesn’t take more than ten minutes for us to reach my bungalow.
  “Thanks for taking me back James”, I say, once in front of the door. “I had an amazing evening.”
“I’m glad you did, that was a very nice evening indeed. Look, Y/N, as you intend to stay here for a while, I was thinking maybe I can make you visit the surroundings and if you still want it, I can teach you how to surf”, he says, scratching the back of his head.
“I would love to Bucky. I know this wasn’t hers to tell me but, Hela told me about what brought you here, and I’m sorry. You said it wasn’t a big deal compared to what the reason I was here, but I chose to leave Brock, you didn’t choose to leave that girl, you were forced to.”
“I’m sort of glad she told you, at least, we both learned each other’s story on the same night. Still, I think that that Brock guy never see how lucky he was to have you. You’re not the kind of girl that should be treated like a trophy wife. So, what do you say, do I take you for a stroll ? Thor and Loki are helping Hela tomorrow at her restaurant.”
“I’d love to.”
“So, let’s say tomorrow morning, I’ll be here at 9.30. Good night then”, he adds.
“Goodnight James.”
  With that, he turns back and starts to walk to his own place.
As planned, Bucky took me the next day, he parked in front of my door with a big bike. He hands me a helmet and tells me to hold on tight and he starts the engine again.
 After that day, meeting with Bucky, Thor, Loki or the girls became a habit. I’m here for a month now, and I think I got used to the fact of being free. Of course, I give news to my family and friends, I sent a few mails from a new email address I made, and postcard or letters, giving the less clue I can for Brock not to find me in case he’s visiting Steve and Peggy, or my parents, which seems very improbable. I had a lot of conversations with Bucky about what it’s like to be single after dating someone for a long time, after almost getting married. We’re becoming closer.
 And as he promised the first day we met, today he’s going to give me my first surf lesson. Yesterday we bought me a surf suit and for the time I’m learning, I’m going to use Bucky’s board before buying my own if I manage to stay on his one and if I enjoy it.
  “Okay”, he says, helping me to zip my suit, “I’ll be with you the whole time”, he adds, before taking my hand in his. “Are you ready ?”, he asks before we walk towards the water.
  I just nod in response, I think I’m impressed, I never surfed of my life.
  “Come on”, he makes me follow him in the water and put down the board on its surface. “As it’s your very first time, this is how we’re going to process. I’ll use the same method Thor used with me. You’re going to lay on the board as soon as we have water at the level of your waist. I’ll push the board a little further on the water, then I’ll let the sea push you back to the shore. Is it okay of you ?”, he asks, and I nod again. “Let’s go then.”
  I do as he says, and the waves bring me back peacefully on the sand. If it’s that easy, I don’t know why I so worried. The second time, Bucky makes me sit on the board, to check my balance on it. Once again, the waves push me back on the sand.
  “There are bigger waves coming, I want to try something if you’re okay”, he says. “You will take the same position sitting on the board, and I’ll be standing behind you. You’ll hold on the board and I’ll take the wave, that way you’ll have the real sensation of surfing, but not yet by surfing by yourself. Is it okay for you ?”
“I trust you, so let’s try it”, I answer.
  This time, he lays on the board while I’m sitting on it, swimming towards the open sea. I can see huge waves forming in the distance. Bucky continues to swim, until he stops, waiting for the waves to arrive towards us.
 “It’s coming, put yourself on your knees and hold on tight, don’t worry, I’m here”, I hear him shouts above the noise made by the waves. I swallow the lump in my throat when I feel the sea unleash around me. It’s too late to go back.
 This time is more violent than the two previous times. Bucky manages to get on his feet and directs the board the best he can, but the waves coming waves are really big. The waves are approaching us, and Bucky manages to keep on. I don’t really know how it happens, Bucky takes a wave looking like a tube and suddenly, we’re up in the air, flipping and the board nosedives, before hitting the surface of the water, making me let go of the edge of it. The last thing I know is that I hit the surface too, and then nothing.
  “I’ve got you. Breathe, okay ? I’ve got you.”
  I feel like I’m in haze, being dragged to the shore.
  “Y/N, can you hear me ? Breathe, I’ve got you and I’m not letting you go.”
  I can feel the sand under my legs and cough, water going out of my mouth.
  “Breathe, I’ve got you, you’re safe now.”
  I cough once or twice before opening my eyes. Bucky sits me up and takes me in his arms, putting a kiss on my head.
  “What happen ?”, I ask, still breathing heavily.
“We were caught in a tube. When we hit the water, the pressure made you let go of the board. But you’re okay, look at me”, he says, taking my head in his hands, forcing me to look at him. “You’re okay and that’s the most important”, he kisses my forehead and holds me tighter, while I’m still trying to catch my breathe.
  The following days, we try again, being careful that another incident doesn’t happen. After a week and a half, I manage to stand up on the board. I’m not really able to surf yet, but as Bucky says, it’s a good beginning. When he saw what I could do, Thor said that I was going to get better in a few times. They make me smile, they’re so sweet and amazing. I really love them all. A lot of evenings and days off everyone has is spend dinning together or at the beach, sometimes going to explore the surroundings. I really love being here.
 I’m here for two months now, and Bucky and I really became closer. We have long talks, sometimes we don’t even talk. Sometimes, I’m just sitting on the beach, a book or my e-reader in hand, his head on my knees, my finger sometimes running through his long chestnut locks. I really feel at peace here.
 Tonight, there’s just Bucky and I in my bungalow. Thor, Loki, Hela, Jenny and Annie have a family gathering at the Odinson’s, so I decided to invite him for a diner and a movie. The evening is nice and as usual, we talk about everything and nothing. The night is warm as the day was hot and sunny, the evening is spent quietly until I hear a soft ploc on the tin roofing of the bungalow. I rise for the couch, completely forgetting the movie and running to the window.
  “It’s raining”, I excitedly shout to Bucky, who’s still on the couch. “There is something I’ve always dreamed to do”, I put my shoes and rush outside.
  It’s not even cold outside and the raindrops are warm on my skin. In barely seconds, I’m drenched . Bucky followed me outside, and he’s standing under the porch, observing me.
  “Have you ever danced in the rain ?”, I ask him, joining the gesture to my words.
“Never but you’re gonna catch a cold. Come back.”
“No, I wanna feel the rain on my skin, because no one else can feel it for me.”
  I dance for a few more minutes, following the rhythm of the drops falling from the sky. I feel like I’m drunk when I’m obviously not, it’s just that brand new freedom that intoxicate me. I’m free, living in a small bungalow in front of the beach, just have dinner with a handsome guy, I have reasons to be happy.
  “Dance with me.”, I plead. “Come on James, dance with me.”
  He sighs and finally leaves the porch to join me.
  “You’re crazy, you know that”, he says stopping me while I spin on myself. “And anyway, how do you want to dance without music ?”
“There is music around us, can’t you hear it ? The music that the rain makes on the roofs, the walls, the ground.”
  I might sound very childish, but it makes him laugh, he throws his head back and laughs of that melodious laugh of his. He grabs my hand and pulls me to him, and we start to sway under the pouring rain. At some point, he pulls me closer to his body, his beautiful blue eyes glued to mine. My own eyes are travelling from his eyes to his lips, several times, and I surprise myself to wonder what his lips tastes like. I’ve never wanted someone to kiss me so much in my life. He might have read my thought because one second later, his lips are on mine, in the most passionate kiss anyone ever gave me. His lips are so soft against mine and my arms find his neck when he deepens the kiss. This makes me feel a little more alive. A real kiss, not those wet sucking Brock dared to call a kiss. After a few moments, we part, both panting, wetter because of the rain, smiling at each other.
  “We should go back inside”, he whispers against my lips, “we’re going to be sick.”
  He pecks my lips, grabs my hand and we head back to the house.
 From that moment, we are more inseparable that we have been since the beginning. I left home for six months now, my skin tanned, I now have brand new skills at surf, and I really not intend to go back for the moment. Steve and Peggy are coming tomorrow, they booked plane tickets to see me and meet Bucky. I also sent a postcard to my mom and dad to let them know that I was alright and that there was no reason to worry about me.
After spending the evening to watch the stars on the beach, we’re now making out on my bed, like a pair of horny teenagers. This became sort of a habit since our first kiss. I’m perfectly conscious that Bucky would like us to go further than just kissing, cuddling and sleeping in the same bed. He’s nested between my legs, his lips are trailing down my jaw and finding my neck that he starts to nibble. I know he wants more, so do I, but for now it’s impossible. I can feel his fingers caress my sides, and make their way under my top tank, tickling my stomach.
  “Stop, Bucky, you know we can’t for now”, I whisper.
“I know, I know”, he mumbles against my skin. “I still don’t get why though”, he adds rising his head looking deeply in my eyes. “I mean I get why, but you dumped that jerk six months ago.”
“I know, but I want to properly end this. There are some things I need to do back in New York.”
“Do you really think you plan is going to work the way you want it to ?”, he asks, lifting his body from mine, before spooning my body, his arms around my waist, his hands above mine on my stomach, his chin on my shoulder.
“I hope so”, I sigh. “I think I’m going to return there when Steve and Peggy will go back home. I will settle everything I have to take care of. I have to see my parents too. Move out from Brock’s apartment.”
“Do you want me to come and help you ?”
“You don’t have to James”, I answer, turning in his arms.
“But what if I want to, what if I want to go back to New York with you, help you to move back to your own place, meet your parents. You just have one word to say, and I’ll follow you anywhere you go.”
  All he gets for these offers is a kiss and me coming closer to his body, before falling asleep.
  “Do you see them ?”, I ask Bucky when we’re waiting at the exit of the plane landing.
“Calm down doll, I’m sure your friends are going to go out of that plane in a few minutes.”
“I can’t wait to see them.”
“I know but stay calm, they will be here in a few minutes”, he says, grabbing my hand and turning me to him, and my body collides with his strong one.
“Hum so do you have an idea to distract me while we’re waiting for them ?”, I ask, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh don’t worry, I have the perfect idea”, he says, leaning towards me and locking his lips with mine.
  And here’s the make out again, though, I’m not complaining. At least not until someone clear their throat behind me.
  “So that’s how you welcome your best friends ?”
“Oh my God, Steve”, I shout, throwing myself into his arms. “Peggy”, I do the same with her. “I missed you so much guys.”
“Yeah, we could see that”, Steve says ironically. “You must be James”, he adds, extending his hand to Bucky.
“I am”, the later answers, “and you’re Steve and Peggy. Y/N told me a lot about you.”
“And she told us a few about you, but not much, given the situation, but we’re staying here for a week, so we will have time to lean to know each other”, Peggy says, her arm hooked with mine.
“Let’s go”, Bucky says, “I borrowed Loki’s car and as I know him, if I haven’t return it by the time I said, he’s gonna be mad.”
 Steve and Peggy follow us through the airport. I can see their eyes widen at the sight of the Australian landscape. I can’t blame them, everything there is so beautiful. They rented a bungalow next to mine and Bucky drops them before returning the car to Loki.
That night, we are all on the beach, around a fire camp, eating, drinking, laughing. We are all in a good mood, Skurge is roasting some marshmallows on sticks to make us sandwiches with biscuits. I’m sitting between Bucky’s legs, my back to his chest, his jacket on my shoulders, enjoying the evening with my friends. Everything is perfect.
  “So that’s why you left”, a voice comes from the dark behind us.
  I suddenly freeze, I would recognize that voice in a crowd of thousand.
  “Y/N, what’s going on ?”, Bucky asks, as he can sense my body tense.
“What are you doing here Brock ?”, I ask, raising on my feet, Bucky following mere seconds later.
“What am I doing here ?”, he asks, ironically. “What am I doing here ?”, he repeats. “What do you think I’m fucking doing here Y/N ?!”, he screams this time. “I’m here to get my fiancée back to New York”, he finally adds, calmly.
“I’m not your fiancée anymore Brock”, I respond, trying to stay calm, Bucky staying behind me. “I thought this was clear.”
  I can see him fulminate in the light of the fire. He’s about to explode.
  “Leaving you on the wedding day and sent you back the engagement ring was supposed to be clear enough.”
“I looked for you everywhere, Y/N”, he continues. “Why did you go this far ?”
“Because I had to find somewhere where you wouldn’t fetch me, as this country represents a lot of things you hate, this was the perfect destination. By the way, how did you get here ?”
“Your parents”, he answers, and I open my mouth, completely shocked at the possibility that my parents betrayed me. “They didn’t explicitly said, but as I know I couldn’t expect those two”, he shows Steve and Peggy while saying this, “to tell me where you were, so I showed up at your parents, pretending that I wanted to have some news of them, and when they went to look for something they have to give me back, I looked around and found a post card from Australia pinned on their fridge, so I read it and then I spied on those two for a while and I managed to know when they were leaving, so I bought a ticket and followed. Now you’re going to come back with me and finish what we didn’t finish last time, meaning marry me.”
“No Brock, all that I’m going to do when I come back to New York is ending everything that has something to do with you”, I say, now completely pissed off.
“I don’t think so Y/N, you’ll come back, be my wife and shut up about everything else, you’ll just stand still and look pretty only opening your mouth when I’ll tell you to”, he spits, walking to me aggressively and grabbing my arm.
“Let me go, it hurts”, I try to struggle from his grip, but he only closes his hand tighter. “Let me go Brock.”
“You heard her, let her go”, Bucky moves from behind me to grab Brock’s collar, making him let go of me, while the others stand up, ready to move in case Bucky is in trouble.
“Or what ?”, Brock snarls.
“Bucky, please stop.”
“Bucky ?!”, Brock scoffs, “what kind of name is that, Bucky ?”
  This time, Bucky doesn’t hold himself for punching Brock. The later falls on the send, holding his bloody nose.
  “Are you okay ?”, Bucky asks me, taking my face between his hands.
“I am”, I nod. “What about your hand ?”, I ask, looking at it.
“It’s probably going to be bruised tomorrow, but it’ll be okay”, he answers before kissing the top of my head.
“I hope you understood now Brock”, I say while my ex fiancé is raising on his feet, “all I’m going to do when I go back to New York is break off all ties with my old life, and everything associate with you. You’ll leave me alone, live your life on your side and forget all about me. I don’t love you anymore, I stopped a while ago and I’m not a trophy wife, I deserve more, I’m my own person and I can decide by myself what I want to do and the most important, I’m finally going to be myself again. So yes, I’m coming back to New York with you at the end of the week, when Steve and Peggy are heading back, I’m getting rid of everything I have to and if you harass me, I’ll ask for a legal restriction from you to approach me. Did I make myself clear ?”
  Brock just nod, probably afraid that Bucky is going to punch him again. He raises on his feet, dusts his prohibitively expensive suit, like who wears a suit on an Australian beach, I know a dumbass thinking that the world belongs to him named Brock Rumlow. He turns back and leave. A few minutes later, by common consent, we all decide that it’s time for us to go back home.
  “Are you sure you’ll be able to handle all of this by yourself back in New York ?”, Bucky asks me when we’re back at my bungalow.
“I think I will. Don’t worry, I won’t be alone, Steve, Peggy, Sharon and my mom and dad are going to be there for me. This is something I have to do on my own”, I answer, putting my hand on one of his stubbled cheeks.
“Y/N, there is something I want to tell you for a while”, he takes a deep breath and looks at me in the eyes. “I love you. I love all and everything of you. I love your Y/H/C, your stunning Y/E/C, the way you fell in love with that country like I did, how you trust me to learn how to surf. I’m madly in love with you Y/N, and I’m ready to do anything for you. And I’m ready to move aside to let you deal with that jerk. But if you need me, I’ll be here for you.”
“Bucky, I… I love you too”, I answer.
  He takes my hand in one of his, and brings it to his lips, kissing each of my finger, then, the back of my hand, and my palm. Finally, his lips crash with mine. I spend the night in his arms, and all the following ones, until the day I have to leave.
It’s a pretty hot day, we surf one last time, have a last dinner at Hela’s Cabin before saying goodbye.
  “You will always be welcome here, sweetheart”, Hela says, taking me in her arms. “I packed you one or two things for you, Steve and Peggy to eat during the flight.”
“Thanks Hela”, I tell the brunette while I hug her tight.
  Then, Skurge gives me a quick but very tight hug, followed by huge hug from Thor and soft one from Jenny and Annie, and a small but warming one from Loki.
 “I’ll miss you all”, I tell them, trying not to cry.
“Call us”, the girls warmly say, “and if you want to come back, just ask.”
  Bucky is taking us to the airport, he borrowed Loki’s car again, but this time, the short dark hair man didn’t ask him to bring the car back right away when he did the last time. Once at the airport, I notice Brock walking with his suitcase towards the boarding gates with that arrogant way of walking of his own. Now that I have seen the man he really is, I wonder how I could fell in love with him, especially when sweet men like Bucky exist.
  “We are giving you some privacy”, Peggy says before we pass the boarding gates. “Come on Steve, let’s see what’s in the shop over there.”
  She grabs his hand and pulls him behind her to the said shop.
  “I wish you didn’t have to leave”, Bucky says, taking me in his arms.
“I wish it too”, I answer. “But you perfectly know why I have to go.”
“Am I ever going to see you again ?”, he asks.
“I hope so, I’m not ready to let go of you James Barnes. I don’t know yet when I’ll be able to come back, or if I’ll be able to come back, but I don’t want to lose contact with you.”
“And you won’t, even if that means we have to wait for a long time before seeing each other again. But I’ll call, text or Skype you every day.”
“Calling to all the passengers to New York, flight 568. Passengers to New York, flight 568.”
“That’s us”, I hear Peggy behind me.
“I don’t want to go, but I know that I have to”, I say, crying for good this time, the tears I was holding until now.
“Don’t forget that I love you.”
“And don’t forget that I do too”, I respond, while his forehead touches mine, before putting down a kiss on my lips.
  He quickly hugs Steve and Peggy, telling them to take care of me, before taking me again in his arms, before kissing me again. When we’re sitting in the plane, Peggy holds my hand and lets me cry on her shoulder. I feel heartbroken right now, leaving that place I lived in for six months, leaving my new friends, leaving Bucky. I cry myself to sleep, between my two best friends who promised to take care and support me as they always did their whole life to the man I fell in love with.
 Once in New York, I take the first few days to see my parents and to explain them everything, why I left and tell them about Bucky. Mom says he’s rather handsome, and dad, he hopes he’s not going to treat me the way Brock did. It’s so relieving to tell them the truth about what they thought was a happy relationship.
 Today is the day, I’m going to take back my freedom for real. Dressed in a blouse and a blue skirt, I’m ready to face my boss, Brock’s father, and Brock too, to finally tell them what I think of them and the job I hated for so long. I take a deep breath and push the glass door to enter the Rumlow and Sons law firm.
  “Oh, hi Y/N”, Greta, the girl from the reception desk greets me. “You’re finally back”, she adds.
“Not for long Greta”, I answer, “I’m just passing by.”
  She looks at me making my way to the elevators. On my way to the top of the building, my old colleagues greet me, all saying that’s it’s good to have me back. I simply smile back to them. When I finally arrive to the last floor, the elevator dings, and I confidently walk to John Rumlow’s office.
  “Y/N, please come in”, he friendly says, when he sees me through the windows of his office. “How are you my dear ? You look great.”
  He makes me enter his office and closes the door. Brock is already here, looking outside.
  “John, Brock.”
“Let’s finish this business, would you”, Brock responds, still bitter of the things I told him a week before in Australia.
“Brock be nice”, John says. “So, Y/N, what do you want to discuss ?”
“First, as I explicitly said to Brock, I’m not going to marry him, I make my self clear enough I think when I left him on our wedding day. I needed to find myself again, I didn’t recognize myself anymore in what I had become. That’s why I left, and it helped me knowing what I want and what I don’t want.”
“That’s what you say, I’m sure you left me for that long-haired guy, what was his name again ? Barky, some shit like this.”
“Brock please, stay polite.”
“James has absolutely nothing to do in that story, I met him there, in Australia. Thing is, I’m not here to discuss my trip or what I’ve done there, because that’s none of your business Brock, because I was free, I am free, I broke up with you the second I left the wedding venue. I’m here to let you know that I quit. Just that I quit, I hate that job, always did. If I did law studies, it was just to please my dad, but that’s not what I wanted. So yes, I may be thirty years old, I don’t know yet what I want, but I’ll probably figure it out. This is my resignation”, I add pulling out some papers from my bag. “I already signed them, this is the end. Nothing connects me with the Rumlow family anymore, and you know what, you can give me a bad reputation, I don’t care, I don’t care because I’m free, and because I met and love someone that don’t want to change me or force me to do things I don’t want. James loves me for who I am contrary to you Brock. Hope you’ll find your perfect trophy wife, it’ll just not be me.”
  With those words, I left the office, feeling so good that this should not even be legal. I say goodbye to Greta who watches me with her mouth wide open. It’s raining outside when I push the door to leave and I just want to dance under the drops, like I did back there in Australia, the night Bucky kissed me for the first time. Actually, I start to spin around under the stormy sky, while some of the lawyers working for Rumlow and Sons pass by me, sending me strange looks tucked under their umbrellas.
When my hair is drenched from the rain, I start to go down the stairs, I can see a man leaning on a car.
  “So, you also dance under the rain even in New York”, a voice I know very well says.
“What are you doing here ?”, I ask softly.
“Well, there is this girl I met six months ago in Australia. She’s beautiful, sweet, kind, she was rather unhappy here, was going to marry a total jerk before running away, from him. And I wanted to be with her, so here I am. I don’t really know yet what I’m going to do in a country that I ran away from almost three years ago, but it doesn’t matter, as long as I’m with her, if she still wants me. What about you ?”
“I runaway from an unhappy future wedding, went to Australia where I spent the best six months of my life. I met new friends, a handsome young man that I hope to see again someday, maybe try something with him, now that I’m free from my ex fiancé, the well-paid job I hated, that I’m back in my old apartment in Brooklyn, I just have to get my belongings back from said shitty ex fiancé, look for a new job. But above all, I wish I can be with the handsome man that taught me how to surf, he just has to come back to the USA for this, but I think I’m ready to follow him across the world.”
“This seems quite a plan. So, what do you think, would you accept a poor, broke guy that has nothing to offer to you ?”
“Of course, I will.”
  I throw myself into his arms, and he spins me around under the now pouring rain. We kiss under it, then Bucky takes my hand and we walk to the nearest subway station. I’m finally ready to write my story staring at the blank page before me. I finally dared to speak the word on my lips. Today is where my book begins, and the rest is still unwritten.
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evien-stark · 5 years
✧I Need You✧ Chapter 43
With one less thing to worry about, that’s exactly what you did. It still bothered you. A little. In the back of your head with everything else you’d buried. It probably wasn’t healthy to carry on that way, but you had very little other options. What Peggy had said when her mind had been certain and clear disturbed you. She knew more than she’d ever say- perhaps more than she’d ever be able to say. And it was obvious she was going to lose more with every passing day. But you couldn’t bother her over it.
 She’d sent a letter asking you to come.
She’d then told you in person to let it go- because you shouldn’t do that to him.
 So you wouldn’t. Not right now, anyway.
 October first was there before you knew it, and so was the relaunch of the Stark Expo- and its weekend long celebration. This time you’d gotten Tony to opt for something a little more subtle. No landing onto a platform as Iron Man. Just a nice speech with the two of you thanking everyone for their patience as you got the Expo up and running. Reintroducing its main mission of running over the course a year to bring all sorts of technological marvels to the forefront.
Of course, you made sure to invite one very special guest. “Pepper make sure to mail Tony’s thank you and three year long Expo passes to the Parker family.” You’d tracked down their address easily, and gotten Tony to scribble his signature on a very well thought out and sweet letter- of your own design, of course. Encouraging Peter to look towards the future, thanking him for all his help and his courage, and to go after whatever his heart desired.
While you had no idea if he was attending the opening ceremony that night, you imagined his little smiling face in the crowd regardless as you and Tony welcomed everyone and promised much fun and excitement in the coming year. Especially over the weekend, where fall themed activities were happening- free of charge, of course.
With everything up and running and no foreseeable nonsense… one thing off your endless list. What a joy that was. A nice quiet celebration was called for that evening.
Of course, the end of the month heralded another straight upward rocket in stocks as sales came in.
“Iron Man costumes sold out nationwide.”
“Of course they did.”
And so you made sure at Stark Industries, “Every kid that visits gets one piece of candy. ...but Iron Mans get two.”
A little marketing never hurt anyone.
As November crept in, you made sure to do your due diligence as a citizen and get caught in a photo-op heading into a voting booth on the second. Now more than ever the next president of the United States was an important pick. The world was shifting beneath your feet. And while your interests and corporate interests had always been important before, now an entirely new problem emerged.
You needed someone your side. Someone who would go to bat for you and Tony when this superhero business went screwy- and it would. It wasn’t a matter of where, it was a matter of when. And you needed a person on your side who understood Tony was doing his best. Someone as far away from Stern as possible.
Tony had gone on a couple of good will missions to sit down and have a drink with the candidates. You’d trusted his opinion when he’d told you Matthew Ellis was the guy.
So that’s who you voted for.
It was almost no surprise that with Stark Industries backing the man, quiet some ways and obvious in others, he went on to be the people’s choice for their next leader.
With the arrival of the holiday months, things became a little bit easier. Not because the people around you were working hard or anything, just the opposite. Vacation days started rolling in aplenty, even before the actual holidays arrived. But with less people around you were able to focus on more important things. Working yourself was sometimes much easier.
Pepper had flown home to a happy family and you…
“LUNA what’s left on my schedule today?” Stark Industries was a ghost town. Quiet, blissfully, allowing you to work through a fair amount of paperwork and get a lot of things done. Interesting once how the noise was gone you were able to do just so much more.
“Nothing, ma’am.” But this…
“No- that’s not true. I have that NPR interview in twenty minutes, don’t I?” At the very least you remembered that one because your brief notes were sitting in front of you. It was mostly just going to be a soft talk about how the tower construction in NYC was starting very soon and how the company was doing well.
“Not that I see.”
Clicking over your schedule on the computer- feeling the strangeness in having to do so manually for the first time in what felt like forever- you were just as surprised to see it clear there. “Mn. No… could you do a reset? This isn’t right. I know I have that interview.”
“Sure thing, ma’am.”
Were things really going this far awry without Pepper’s guiding hand? Unthinkable, almost. You were sure she’d double checked things for you before she’d left. And even if she hadn’t, being useless now that you had a great PA looking after you was not good.
Moving to pick up the phone on the corner of your desk, you dialed into the personal line for your NPR interviewer today. You got put on hold for a few minutes but eventually she picked up. “You’re a little early! But we’ll be glad to have you on the show today.” Her segment hadn’t started, the two of you off-air at the moment.
“Sorry. If you want I can call back. I just wanted to make sure we’re still on for today.”
“That’s okay- and of course. Yes. Still on. Did you wanna go over some no-go areas?” A usual question for favorable partners. It’s what made interviews like these almost too easy. Sometimes you preferred the more combative people just to be able to put someone in their place.
“No, I think I’ll be okay. Whatever you want to ask, go ahead.” Even trusting that she wouldn’t ask anything too callous, you knew the nature of the show, and it being Thanksgiving gave you an even gentler edge. Anyone listening right now- to this station in particular- wasn’t tuning in for a fight. And your interviewer knew that too.
“Okay, sounds great. I definitely can’t wait to ask you how things have changed since Mr. Stark announced to the world he was Iron Man a year ago.”
 Dread filled your heart.
 “...I’m sorry?”
“I know it must be very difficult to believe it was only that long ago-”
“To the day?”
“Yes. One year exactly.”
You stood very suddenly. “I’m sorry- I’m so sorry- I have to go- I have to cancel- we’ll reschedule- I have to go. I’m sorry.”
She was the least important person you had to apologize to.
 Holidays had never been important. You hadn’t had anyone to celebrate them with in a long time, and Tony cared even less. Sometimes there was the occasional party you had to attend just to make a good impression but nothing personal. It wasn’t just Thanksgiving though- unfortunate as the date landing had been. It was November 25th. A moment of both your lives that you remembered so clearly-
  If I was Iron Man I’d have this girlfriend who knew my true identity. She’d be a wreck. She’d always be worrying that I was gonna die- yet sort of proud of the man I’d become. She’d be wildly conflicted- which would only make her more... -crazy about me.
Are you finished?
No, I’m not. Is this a good time for the talk? I think we should have the talk.
   It was impossible to drive fast enough, the heat of shame and anxiousness welling up inside you. Why hadn’t he said anything? Was it important to him? It must have been, for him to clear your schedule like that. And you knew now it definitely had been him.
Almost making it to the garage, “LUNA, can you touch base with JARVIS- quietly- and let me know where Tony is?”
“You don’t him to know you’re checking in?”
Only a fraction of silence. “Tony is at home. In the kitchen.”
Not even in the lab. This was bad. You were awful. Terrible. Just absolutely fucking terrible. It might have been an easy excuse to make that you’d forgotten the date because was this really your anniversary? You hadn’t really put labels on things. It made it that much harder, right?
...but you knew. You knew in your heart if you’d been paying more attention you would have realized. That day was the day almost everything had started. That everything had changed.
In the driveway with the car parked, you nearly fell out of the door, taking a half tumble to the pavement, scurrying your way up the rest of the walk. The sun was setting. It was getting late.
“Welcome home.” JARVIS voiced overhead.
“Thank you.” No need to be impolite to him. It wasn’t his fault. Hurrying through the living room and around the bend, you smelled food. Breakfast food. Of course. “Tony, I’m-”
He was flipping over a pan of bacon. “Very sad to hear your NPR interview was canceled. I was really looking forward to that one.”
Standing at the kitchen island you looked at him helplessly. “Tony I’m sorry.”
Switching the stove top off he turned to look at you. His smile vanished. “Hey- will you relax? You look like you just ran fifteen miles.”
“That’s how I feel.” Shitty, basically. He wiped his hands on a dish towel and rounded the island, coming close. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you wait.” You weren’t exactly sure what he was doing- probably cooking breakfast for dinner. For the both of you.
His smile soothed your very soul. Hands over your hips, he lifted you slightly and you followed his lead, sitting down on one of the stools. “I think I remember telling you I was okay to wait.” Making it clear he’d been thinking about that day, too. Because of course he had.
 Right before you pushed that button, I made peace with that the last thing I’d ever see was you. I just have to know how much longer you want me to wait. Tomorrow? Next week? A month from now? I will- I just- ...I need to know. Am I still waiting at all?
 It was only your fucking anniversary.
You settled your hands on his chest. “Right. That’s why you cleared my schedule for me?” It hurt you to smile back. You felt like you deserved to see some sort of punishment for this. Or maybe you just wanted some to make yourself feel better.
“Figured you need a little push. Or help. Whichever one is better.” His arms wound around you and you hid your face against his shirt, if only a little bit in shame. “Will you chill out? I don’t want to start off the grand couple’s adventure with deciding who gets mad over which forgotten anniversary. Because let’s face it, I’m more likely, out of the two of us.”
“But it was meeee...” Whining a little dramatically into his shirt.
His chest shook with a touch of warm laughter. “Yeah. And next year to make up for it, I’ll do the forgetting. Does that make you feel better?” When you looked up at him, his hands reached up, palms cupping the sides of your face, grinning lightly. “Seriously- knock it off, would you? You’re making me feel bad and I was the good one.”
A sigh whooshed out of your lungs. “How many more times should I say I’m sorry?” Genuinely asking him.
“None. You’re working too hard and it slipped by you. It happens. ...although.”
“I guess I could ask for one apology gift.”
“Anything.” At this point? Pretty much anything in the world. Even if giving him that much power was extremely dangerous.
“Keep your schedule clear for the next couple of weeks. Let’s go somewhere.”
Ah, an anniversary vacation? Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad… you found a real smile this time. “Where do you wanna go?”
He shrugged, leaning in to kiss you briefly. “Doesn’t matter. Just be with me. And I’ll be with you.”
A tough promise to make- equally for the both of you. But if he wanted to commit, you did just as much. Reaching up you wrapped your arms around his neck and the kisses moved from brief to lingering. In between one and the next, “Are we planning on sight seeing?”
“-probably won’t leave the hotel-”
“Somewhere quiet then- penthouse suite- with- ...good room service-” His lips interrupting between each thought until there simply wasn’t any left.
 It was almost no surprise that the two of you landed in another penthouse suite on 5th Ave in New York City. For some reason there was just a pull there. Probably because construction started on Stark Tower in a few weeks, and if you were planning on being holed up in one place for an anniversary vacation… it was better to be right there when the presser started. Less flight time. Easier.
At least that’s what you told yourself, and Tony. But at the very least it was about the only thing you had to explain. Because the moment after the door to the high up luxury room closed behind the two of you, there was very little coherent words had.
You slipped him out of his coat, and he helped you out of yours. The chill in the city was terrible compared to your sunny California. But even out of all your clothes, it was easy to delight in the warmth of his body right next to yours under the covers. Sometimes on top of yours. Sometimes underneath. And just the one time behind, on your hands and knees, senseless to his rhythm until his hands slid up your sides and pulled you up, backwards into him. Holding you there while his hips rolled in sweet, shallow thrusts, your head back against his shoulder, while he laid long lines of kisses to your neck.
The two of you carried on for what seemed like days just tangled in each other. Something you realized you both sorely needed. Just time with each other. Only each other. Nothing to bother you or get between you. Nothing to think about but him.
Except maybe what had brought this on.
A year. It had been a whole year since you’d kissed him and since he’d put you both on the superhero track. Crazy as that was. And getting crazier all the time. It hadn’t all been bliss, either. Most of it hadn’t even been easy. But lying in his arms as the sun set, falling asleep after another long session of skin-on-skin, your reflections led you to the same place they always did.
You loved him. And you wouldn’t change your life for anything.
 Snow was settling over the city in a thick blanket the next morning when you finally got out of your oversized bed. Tony seemed to have been up for a while already, sitting at the cozy little table by the large windows with a cup of coffee in hand. After a quick wash of your face, a little comb of what really could only be described as wild sex hair, and a brush of your teeth, you put on a robe loosely and came over to sit across from him.
His handsome smile greeted you, stirring up the same feelings the two of you had been marinating in for days now. It was dangerous, you realized, how easy it was to get swept up by him. But for now, it was just simply wonderful. He got up without a word, leaning in to press a kiss to your cheek, and went to the kitchen, returning with a perfect cup of coffee for you.
You thanked him with a warm murmur and an even warmer kiss that almost started a path to getting back into bed. Both disappointed and relieved he ended it when he found the sense to do so. Much like you, he’d taken to wearing a robe half open, and some pajama pants you hardly recognized. Not that it mattered. Even just to see him so relaxed and casual was a blessing. He went back to reading something on his phone and you caught yourself staring at the vision of him.
He’d let more stubble grow in, unable to effectively groom while the two of you were too caught up, and his hair was messy and wonderful. Whatever he was reading, he was intently focused on it- and despite yourself your eyes dropped lower. Catching the sight of the Arc Reactor. You thought you’d gotten used to it by now, after everything. But, even so…
“You ever wonder what would have happened if that hadn’t happened?” The fact that he caught you staring without even looking at you put guilt hot and heavy into your chest.
“No.” Surprisingly, this was the truth. Maybe it was because you hadn’t had time to dwell on all the what ifs, or maybe it was just that you were too happy to do so. Either way… “Should I? Are you?”
Anniversaries often brought about reflections, you guessed…
“Not much to think about.” He was probably right about that. The future of that timeline was probably bleak. He’d have carried on being an arrogant weapon mongering jackass. And you… would either still be playing ball for his team or would have walked. Not the happiest of paths.
And yet. “But you are.” Otherwise why bring it up? “Is something wrong?” Should you take offense to the fact that the two of you had been having sex for days and now he was wondering how he’d ended up here?
“Not wrong.” He put his phone down, reaching to put his hand over yours. Soothing your feelings at least. “Did I ever tell you I thought about you in that cave?”
The words struck you hard, like a hand across the face. Such a dynamic shift in tone. That’s what he was thinking about? “No-? I don’t think so- I can’t imagine why.” Anxiety spiked in a cold wave. You hadn’t been expecting this, and you weren’t sure you were prepared for it. Tony had yet to really talk about his kidnapping. His torture. How he’d ended up like this.
“They had a man there. Yinsen. He performed the initial surgery on me to keep me alive. I was part of the problem that had burned his village to the ground. And I kept thinking about every time you fought with me. And that you’d been right the whole time.”
You were stuck in place while he spoke so softly and so intimately about what had happened to him. Unable to move, really. And you really had no idea what to say to it. But he’d said something like this to you before, when he’d come back. Now you fully understood why.
 You were the only one not looking the other way on me. Even on my payroll. You knew what was right. And you never compromised.
 He really had been mulling it over.
“Is Yinsen…?” Alive somewhere? You hoped. But you also knew that was not how this ended.
“He helped me get out. He didn’t make it.” His eyes finally broke from yours, going downcast.
You gave his hand a squeeze. “I’m sorry, Tony.” Truly.
There was a long pause that you let hang, unsure of what to say. His reflections cast a soft shade of blue around the room that you tried not to get caught up in, inevitable though it was. Even after all this time he seemed to be struggling with the very thing that had brought you both right where you were.
His eyes lifted, and the bare smile he was wearing wasn’t untruthful, but it was pained. “The last words he said to me were, don’t waste it. Don’t waste your life.”
“You haven’t.” Quick. Quick because you were absolutely sure. Tony hadn’t always been a good person, but he was much better now. And getting better every day. Doing the best with what he had, and making the best choices he could … relatively speaking.
That small smile turned into a warm glow and the blue dissipated all at once. “I know.” His fingers linked with yours, just holding on to you.
It all made sense now. It was more than just the fact that he’d gotten kidnapped. Tortured. This. This that had happened to him at the same time had caused him to hit the ground running as soon as he’d gotten home. Even if it had caused a lot of trouble- and in some ways still was. But it also explained why he’d been running so hard towards you.
Until that time right before the press conference when you’d finally found yourself running in the same direction.
He’d latched on to the one constant in his life both before and after.
“I love you, Tony. I wouldn’t change what happened. I know I’m where I’m supposed to be.”
His grin was light, a little quirk at the corner of his mouth as he lifted your hand closer and pressed a kiss to the back. “Me, too. Just checking.”
Tilting your hand from his, you turned it inward to cup his cheek in your palm. He easily leaned in, eyes dropping half-lidded. “Happy anniversary.”
Sliding his hand over yours at his cheek, he kept you there, turning just a little to press yet another kiss, this time to the bottom of your palm. “Happy anniversary. Back to bed?”
You sensed the jittery anxiousness in him after unloading something that heavy that he’d been carrying around. He wanted to run and put it away again. “In a little while. Let me finish my coffee.” Getting up from your spot you moved to sit right next to him, laying your head on him as his arm came around you. “Let’s just be for a little while.” He picked up his own mug, taking a slow sip, nodding in agreement. In the quiet, you let him know.
 I love you.
 Eyes closed, you felt his smile, and the soft oncoming roll of contentment. The evaporation of that nervousness.
“I love you, too.”
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imchick · 4 years
November 24, 2019, the most magical day of my life. ❤
Okay! Hard part is over! 😛 I don’t really like being the center of attention and all. You might say it’s the same since everyone will still be looking at us the entire time. But, with the other half, the reception — people are more relaxed. Everyone will be dancing, talking to each other, singing and eating their hearts out! So, less judging and critical eyes on us. 😀
Our Reception was held at Aquila Crystal Palace. It’s about 30 – 40 minutes from our Ceremony. We had time to relax and just talk to each other in the car on the way there. Mind you, we were still with our bride & groom assistants.
To give you a preview – here’s what it looked like. ❤
BUT BUT BUT! Before we get to that, let’s go back to the start. Shall we? While we were taking our post-nup pictorial, we prepared welcome snacks and drinks for our guests!
Our supplier for this Gabrielle’s Appetizer. We prepared 200 mini sandwiches (cucumber & kani, chicken salad, tuna salad, egg & bacon), 150 mini burgers (chicken and beef), 200 crostinis (gorgonzola bacon, goat cheese & fig ham, prosciutto & brie, smoked salmon) and 2 gallons of cucumber lemonade
I’m so happy to be hearing good feedback from our guests! Their favorites? the mini burgers! But before they can eat, they will pass by our Signages!
I’m proud to say that I designed all the layouts, with the help of my husband, of course. ❤ We decided to maintain the theme of our invitation – White Marble is such a classic and classy design. Aside from the welcome signage, I wanted to add a little extra! – An Infographic of our love story. ❤
While others are eating or taking a photo in our photobooth, we also prepared some games before everything starts!
I personally created a Word Search Game with Startbucks GC for their prizes! I devised a personalized puzzle with words that have roles or connected to our relationship. For instance – Management Trainee (we were both Management Trainees in a bank. This is how we met) 😀 Everything is so much more special when it is personalized. Do you agree?
Before they officially enter the reception area, I also insisted that I wanted a signage for their Seating Arrangement:
I’m definitely proud of this! I’m a huge, huge fan of F.R.I.E.N.D.S! I insisted to insert the friends theme in our seating arrangement! The heading is The One Where We got Married (just like how all their titles are worded). ❤ I also named our tables with all the memorable lines / quirks of the series such as Pivot, Big Fat Goalie, How you Doin and etc.
I also asked our host to ask our guests whether they know what theme our seating arrangement is. I prepared a FRIENDS themed prize also, which I bought online (a Friends Door Keychain).
The One thing that will welcome our guests upon entering the place is our Animated Monogram.
At first, I wanted a White Background with Gold font for our names. But our coordinator pointed out that I may not be seen if the background is also white. 😛 So, we decided to switch to Dark Green, still in line with our theme. ❤
Okay! So when we arrived at the scene, it’s time for our make-up retouch and time to fill our stomach with the incredible feast we chose for our guest. ❤ It was really delicious. While we were having our early dinner, there’s another game inside the reception: TRIVIA GAME where we gave out bags of chocolates for every correct answer. Some of the questions were: First movie together, Who said I love you first, Term of Enderament, Favorite Series Marathon food. (Some of the answers to the questions were posted in our Infographic) 😀 Clever. Huh?
Initally, we wanted the Fireworks at the end of the program. But we were also hesitant to schedule it after since it was Sunday and our guests might leave early.
Proven! Guests really do enjoy the fireworks! It also elevates your event! ❤ After the fireworks, guests were asked to return to their seats for the Grand Entrance. 😛
Our Bridal Squad were introduced in the tune of Dura by Daddy Yankee. while our Groom Squad danced to Boneless by Steve Aoki. 
As you can see, our male squad is definitely more coordinated with Matt Stefanina dance moves. Hence, they won the challenge of who’s better. 😛
Followed by the entrance of our esteemed entourage, our Prenup / Save the Date Video was shown to all of our guests.
And our Grand Entrance in the tune of Good Life by One Republic, inspired by our Wedding Hashtag of #itsJANNAbeaJUDElife transalated as It’s gonna be a good life.
TIP: Please please be witty enough to think of your own wedding hashtags! One, it’s simply fun. Two, it will encourage your guests to use your hashtag. Three, you’ll have an easier time in collating pictures and videos related to your event if it’s clear that YOU are the only ones using it instead of #JudeandJannaforever or #JudeandJanna2019. Maximize the power of hashtag!
For our Grand Entrance, we decided to use our Indoor Fireworks (which is not shown in the photo) plus this heart shaped confetti free of charge from our Coordinator. ❤
Followed quickly by our entrance, we gave a bit of our opening remarks to our family, friends and loved ones who celebrated with us.
Our first ever dance as a married couple is in the tune of Say you won’t let go by James Arthur. 🙂  This is also the song I was singing to when he proposed. ❤ This song is really special. ❤ Again, there were Indoor Fireworks and confetti as well.
Wedding Traditions followed such as Cake Cutting and Wine Toasting!
Our 3 tier carrot cake is designed with pure white with gold highlights with huge floral appliques. It’s so good! I’m actually sad that we forgot that it was in our ref.
The wine that we toasted is free from our package with Aquila Crystal Palace. If I remember it correctly, it was not hard because I finished it instantly. ❤
My sister, one  of the Matrons of Honor started the speech followed by my Brother in law and finally, my Best friend ended the speeches by inviting everyone to offer a toast for our marriage. ❤
After the long speeches, it’s time for the most awaited time of our guests! Dinner time. ❤ The cousins of my groom, Seth and Yohan led the prayer.
While the guests were eating or in line to get their food, some of the music that we chose to be played are the following: The way you look tonight, Collide, The last time, if I ain’t got you, Everything, Perfect and Close to you among others.
Well, you know how this goes already. . .  . . before they can even line up to the buffet, they all have to take a picture with us. ❤ Here are some of them.
While eating, another batch of Speeches coming from our Principal Sponsors.
Principal Sponsor speeches! We had to choose one from each of our side. My God mother, sister of my father gave a speech while it was a Family friend from the Groom’s side. After the speeches, a couple of games again — which is the second best game! Minute to Win It – Wedding edition. ❤
So we filmed a one time, one shot games of: Segregate it, Pingpong Ball, Shoot the Ball etc. Each table have to guess who won whether it’s the Bride and the Groom! Everyone turned out to be competitive at this part. ❤
After an interactive game, it’s the Parent Dances!
We decided to dance simultaneously to the tune of You are so Beautiful by Joe Cocker. 😀 I was scaring my dad and reminding him of their speech! 😛 while I think my mother in law is having the best time dancing with his son. ❤
After a bit serious of dances, it’s fuckin time for another game! Another game? We can never miss out on Single’s Game! To get the suspicion out of their minds, our host called them like they are about to receive a prize.
Men are lined up in front – a music is played and whoever dances the right move first gets to seat down! The following music were played – Watch me whip, Soulja Boy, Teach me How to Dougie, Gangnam, Level Up, Stayin Alive, Thriller and Can’t Touch this.
Then whoever doesn’t dance, will remain in front and the ladies will start searching for the safety pin. The lady who doesn’t find a single pin, loses. ❤
The losers  of both games, or rather the last man and woman standing wins a Starbucks GC which they can use to go on their ‘date’ – a little matchmaker doesn’t lose its touch on weddings!
It’s my husband’s colleague and one of my closes high school friend! ❤ And after this fun game, our host now calls on both of our parent’s for the wise words.
It’s the Welcome to the Family speech! It’s such a cliche but really overwhelming. It warms your heart, right? I felt really happy to hear it goes both ways. ❤ I have no better way of saying this but it felt really good.
Before the night is over, we prepared some awards to be given to our guests.
Cool Tito Award (right picture) and Fab Tita Award where we award the Best Dressed one – we gave them Wine and a Tefal Pan. ❤ We also awarded Dressed to Kill (Upper Right) for the Best Dressed Millenial and we gave them a 6-pack beers and a Make Up Kit.  Lastly, we gave out a Grand Prize (Lower Right) for the best picture and handed them a powerbank.
Then we played our On Site Photo and our Save the Date Video. ❤
Look at our faces!! ❤ Our Photo Team is led by TJ of Timoteo Photo and our SDE was created by Mac by Stories by Supermac! Extremely in awe, hearts bursting with joy and overwhelmed with gratitude and love. ❤
Before our night ends, we said our Thank yous and invited them for a night full of dancing and drinking!
Look at our ceiling treatment filled with an all white embellishments and gold highlights and black draping to make our ceiling pop out! ❤
The night ends as mentioned, with drinking and dancing! ❤ ❤ ❤
Our last picture before our guests go back to Manila! First up, my colleagues!
My brother and his girlfriend before they fled out of the scene. 😛 Haha. Next? Our Wedding Buddies, one week apart and now, we’re all married. ❤
I always come in threes, Don’t I? And Of course, My Bestfriends since High School.
It always put a smile on my face when I see my friends from different groups come together like this. 🙂
And before this day ends, I need a picture with my husband. ❤
I love you so much, husband! ❤ ❤ It’s been five months and it’s still the Best Day of My Life. ❤ 
EVERYDAY: Our Wedding (Reception) November 24, 2019, the most magical day of my life. ❤ Okay! Hard part is over! 😛 I don't really like being the center of attention and all.
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awkward-radar-tech · 5 years
An Awkward Tech: Part 9
Summary: After three and a half years of dating, it is finally graduation time for both you and Matt. 
A/N: It is finally here! The penultimate chapter of AAT. This has fluff to the max, and you may want tissues for happy tears.
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 – Part 6 – Part 7 – Part 8 – Part 10
You laid in bed on a lazy Sunday morning, and looked over towards your closet. There hung the dress you had bought for graduation, right next to Matt’s outfit, and you couldn’t believe the time had come for you to move on to the next chapter of your lives. In a week’s time you would no longer undergrads, you would be grads. And with that you remember what you’ve told friends and family since you started dating, that any future engagement and marriage would wait until you graduated. You and Matt had talked about marriage a few times this past year, you were both open to the idea of getting married, and ignoring any outside pressure you each felt it was the natural next step for you to take. 
In your three and a half years of dating you never really had a real fight, a couple minor disagreements, but nothing that kept you mad for over an hour. The closest you ever got to a real fight was when Matt was moving into your apartment after Ally moved out, and that was just a mix of stress and Ben hiding things, secretly the older triplets weren’t ready for the three of them to no longer be living under the same roof, but that was a bit over two years ago now. You had gone to visit your family a couple more times, the first to get Tate, but sometime after your last visit your dad found out who Matt’s mom was so your sister advised you not to come out anymore, not that you would ever go out to them without being asked, but in all honesty you were somewhat relieved. You told your sister all three of them were invited to your graduation, but so far you only knew your sister was going to drive out and stay in your guest room for the weekend so she could go to your graduation party the next afternoon. All of a sudden you were startled out of your thoughts by the bed shifting behind you.
Matt kissed between your shoulder blades, voice clearly still groggy, “You awake yet, Angel?”
You rolled over and gave him a kiss, “Yeah, Matty. Have been for a bit.”
“Why didn’t you wake me?”
“Because you needed some sleep after stressing over that final for so long.”
“Yeah, that makes sense. That reminds me, my professor said we’d have our grades today.”
Matt then got up and grabbed his laptop before returning to bed. After a few moments he exclaimed that he got an 87% on the final and that put him at a 92% for the class, he got a 4.0 during his senior year of college. 
“That is amazing Matty! That calls for some celebration!”
“That is what Saturday is for, Angel.”
“Alright, whatever you say. But you’re still getting a kiss right now.”
He had no issue accepting the kiss, “I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you, too.”
Later on Matt informed you he had to go over to his brothers’ for a little bit, but he would bring back some dinner when he was done. You didn’t know why he needed to go over there on such short notice, but you weren’t going to ask; if he wanted to say something he would. 
Matt had to go to see Ben and Kylo because his mom text she just received the ring back from her jeweler friend, and was heading into town to show him. Leia was going to hold onto it until graduation day, and hand it off to him after the ceremony before he found you, but he obviously wanted to see it again before the big day. The ring needed to be resized, after he finally got you to try on other rings two months ago so he could confirm the size of your left ring finger besides a lot smaller than his own. And, after years of sitting in a box, both in his own drawer until he moved and while at his grandmother’s, the ring needed some TLC to make it as sparkly as it was when Anakin gave it to Padmé. He was absolutely giddy when he got to hold it in his hand again, and he was ready to head home with it and propose as soon as he walked through the door carrying take out. But he restrained himself, being brought back to earth by the sight of his mom tearing up, and his brothers grinning at him from the couch. 
The three of them knew this day was coming from the first night when Matt came home late from helping a classmate’s roommate fix her laptop and he couldn’t stop talking about her with a smile on his face, and the smile he got every time he got a new text or was about to go see her. Then there was the picture taken in the garden the day after the first date, and that is when Leia knew you felt the same way and that you were the one for her little At-At, especially when she heard the story of how you absolutely roasted Ben and Kylo when they got too cocky like Han. Ben and Kylo knew then too, you were perfect for Matt and the family. 
After talking for around an hour, Matt and Leia left to head home for their respective dinner dates, Luke and Rey were coming over to Leia and Han’s and Matt had you. As he was walking out of the restaurant, he saw a lady selling flowers on the corner so he put the food in the car then went over and bought a bouquet before heading home to you. 
You sat at home waiting for Matt to return, wondering what he was going to bring home for dinner. When your stomach rumbled you text Matt to hurry up, and a moment later your phone began to buzz. Matt called you to say he was 5 minutes away with your favorite meal. He either lied or over estimated how far away he was since he walked in three minutes later. 
You smiled at the sight of your boyfriend holding flowers, “Those don’t look like dinner, babe.”
He smiled back, “What do you mean? This isn’t your favorite meal?”
“Uhh, no. But I do love them, just as home decor not food.”
Matt held up the bag of food, “Oh good, cuz I got you this for dinner.”
Without a word, you got up, gave Matt a kiss, took the flowers and the food, then went to the table and began to fish out your meal. You were stopped from your quest by strong arms around your waist, slowly pulling you away from the table, then you were spun around and given a big kiss.
Before finally letting you get dinner, Matt whispered, “I love you, princess. I can’t wait for Friday.”
You smiled, “I love you, too, Matty.”
The whole week passed by quickly, you focused on decorating both you and Matt’s caps and ensuring each of your gowns were steamed and perfect. On Friday you each slept in until 10, and when the alarm went off you immediately launched on top of Matt. 
“Oof, a bit excited, are we Angel?”
You kissed him, “Yes, we are babe.”
Matt wrapped you up in his arms and just held and kissed you for a while, he was excited about later for a whole different reason than you were, and he really just wanted to tell you now. He didn’t, he knew later would be so much better because you’d be expecting it even less.
You went and got breakfast together at the diner, and after you returned you began getting ready. Your sister was going to arrive within the hour and she told you she would drive the two of you so you wouldn’t have to worry about anything. It was a whirlwind of movement between you and Matt and before you knew it, you were taking photos on campus before heading to the designated location for you to gather before the ceremony began. 
When you heard Matt’s name called and he walked onto the stage, you couldn’t help but scream out in support, “That is the love of my life! Love you Matty!" 
Similarly, as you walked the stage you heard, "That’s my angel!" 
When the ceremony ended you focused on heading towards your predetermined meeting spot, knowing Matt would meet you there too. You gave hugs to Ally and your sister when you found them, and got whisked into a conversation with Ben and Kylo. 
After the ceremony, Matt went and met his mom to get the ring before heading to you. He tried his best to hold in his excitement, knowing if he walked any faster Leia wouldn’t make it to see her son finally propose. But, as soon as he saw you, deep in conversation with his brothers as planned, his pace quickened. For the last yard he practically sprint, losing his cap, but Leia made sure to pick it up; she was jogging now, fueled by her own excitement. 
You were talking with Ben and Kylo about your plans for graduate school when all of a sudden two large arms wrapped around you from behind, then lifted and spun you around in the air. You shrieked out the perpetrator’s name, begging him to set you down. When he did, you thanked him, and when he didn’t come around to give you a kiss or a proper hug you turned around. You gasped at the sight you turned to. Matt was down on one knee, holding out a simple box with a gorgeous ring inside. Before any words were spoken you began to cry.
After what seemed like a lifetime, Matt spoke through his own tears, "I had this long speech I was going to say about how much I love you and what you mean to me, but now, in this moment, I can’t remember any of it. So I’ll cut to the chase. My beautiful angel (y/n), would you do me the honor of making me the happiest man on earth? Will you marry me?”
You nodded, “Yes, yes. A thousand times, yes!”
He quickly put the ring on your finger and pulled you into a kiss, and all the cheers and congratulations that were happening around you fell away. You stood there hugging, ignoring the world for what felt like hours.
You whispered in Matt’s ear, “There’s you and me, and all of the people. And I don’t know why I can’t keep my eyes off of you.”
Matt continued the song, choosing to go with the end, “What day is it, and in what month? This clock never seemed so alive.”
After that exchange, you decided it was time to face the world, promise ring on the right, engagement ring on the left. You wondered if Matt would switch hands for his ring now, something to ask him tonight before falling asleep.
As you turned you couldn’t help but look directly at your sister and Ally, you silently screaming, them actually screaming and rushing towards you. 
“Did either of you know about this?”
Ally piped up while hugging you, “Yeah, Matt told me, and asked me to tell her.”
“Hey, you promised me you wouldn’t tell her that.”
“Matt, she would’ve found out eventually. Now get in on this hug.”
You thought getting ready today was a whirlwind, but it was a light breeze compared to this hurricane. You had more pictures to take, stopping to talk to random people giving you congratulations. All on top of processing what just happened. You. Are. Officially. Going. To. Marry. Matt! It is a thing, and you couldn’t believe this all wasn’t a dream.
After you were finally free to leave, everybody piled into cars and headed to dinner. While you didn’t know exactly where you were going since Leia made plans for dinner, you were not surprised when your sister pulled into the valet for “your” Italian restaurant.  
“Ooh, this place seems super bougie! Ben only gave me the address and I was too lazy to look up what it was.”
“It is Italian, Joy. I love the place. This is where Matt brought me for what turned out to be our first date. And we’ve returned for every anniversary since.”
“Aww, Leia is so sweet choosing this place for tonight!”
“Well, it is also one of our family’s favorite restaurants.” 
You and Matt had also come many times with his family over the years, and the staff now also knew your name. The two of you also became good friends with James, occasionally going out for drinks with him and his partner Alex. You hoped he was working tonight so you could share the news in person.
Your caps were left in the car, but you kept on the gowns because Leia told you to. The three of you walked in and the hostess was already gathering menus for you.
“Mr. Matt and Miss (y/n), you’re the first of your party. Would you like to wait for them or go sit down?”
Matt answered, “We’d like to go sit please.”
“Alright, if you would please follow me.” She spoke again before leaving you at your table, “James will be your server tonight. He requested he served you tonight.”
Before you could even open up the drink menu, James was practically running over with a bottle of champagne and two glasses, “Congratulations! I’m so excited for the two of you! I knew when I served you that first time you guys would last. Also, the owner said this is on him.”
“Matt, who didn’t know?”
“Uhh, you. And your dad and May, unless Joy told them.”
“No, I didn’t.”
James chimed in again, “Is this your sister?”
“Yes. James, this is Joy, my sister. And thank you so much. I still haven’t processed that we are engaged.”
“Nice to meet you Joy. Your sister is like the smartest person I know. Matt is right behind her. And what can I get you to drink?”
“Can I get a ginger ale please? I’m the DD for these two tonight.”
After James left to get your sister’s order, Ben, Kylo, and Ally, or the self-proclaimed “In-law squad”, came and sat, followed by Leia and Han. 
It was a wonderful night filled with laughs and love. You were pretty sure James just wanted to sit down and join you all in the celebration, and you hoped he and Alex were invited tomorrow. Ally and the triplets planned the party for tomorrow, and now you know why they were so adamant on you not helping, this wasn’t just going to be a graduation party. 
You felt slightly buzzed when you left, making you cling on to Matt for a little assistance with your balance since you normally never approached being buzzed. You said bye to James and gave him a quick hug before being lead out. 
In bed that night you cuddled close to your fiance, Tate sleeping at the foot of the bed, thinking about the ring that laid on your nightstand since you were scared it would tangle in somebody’s hair while you slept. You asked Matt if he would wear his promise ring on the left now, and he said he would if you wanted him to. As you drifted off to sleep Matt whispered a soft “I love you, princess” before placing an equally soft kiss to your cheekbone, right below your eye, one of his favorite places to leave a soft and sweet kiss. 
In the morning you woke to Joy softly rapping on your mostly closed bedroom door, “Wake up love birds. It is almost 11 and I made you guys breakfast.”
You grumbled out your response, not sure if she would be able to hear it, “Alright, give us a moment for our brains to turn on.”
“Okay, I’ll give you guys five minutes. That is when everything will be ready.”
You softly shook Matt awake, “Matty, it is time to wake up. Joy made us breakfast.”
Matt just groaned and pushed himself into a sitting position with his back to the headboard, and you took it as and invitation to cling to him, resting your head against his chest and listening to his heart.
Matt ran a hand through your hair, “Are we actually engaged now, or did I dream it?”
Just the mention of your engagement sent butterflies soaring in your stomach, “It is real, babe. Or else we dreamt the same thing.”
You heard and felt a content hum from your fiance, “Good.”
After a moment, your sister announced from the kitchen that breakfast was served so you let go of Matt and went in for breakfast, putting on the ring before walking out. 
“So how does it feel to be engaged?”
“I had to make sure I didn’t dream of proposing again when she woke me up.”
The three of you shared a pleasant breakfast, the main topic was Joy helping you figure out answers to the inevitable questions you were going to be asked at the party and that were already coming in through social media. Before long it was time to head to the party at the warehouse, since it had a large indoor and outdoor space. When Matt pulled up to the warehouse you tried not to cry. So many memories were made here, and celebrating a very big memory here meant a lot, along with celebrating the culmination of how you were brought together. 
You were startled by a shriek from the back seat, “I get to go see the garden, right Matt?”
“Yes. After I ensure everything is set up and going as planned.”
“Yay! Thank you Matt,” Joy exclaimed and then hopped out of the car and went to the open gate.
You stayed with Matt in the car for a moment, preparing to face the overwhelming and fun party ahead. The two of you shared a smile and a kiss, then Matt got out and rounded the car to help you out. He offered you his arm and escorted you to the awaiting party, which you could hear taking place on the patio. 
You were frankly surprised by all of the people that took the time to come to the party. You felt like everybody Matt brought into your life was here. Sitting at a table were Padmé, Anakin, Old Ben, Lando, Chewie, Luke, Han, and Leia, you saw Rey, Finn, and Rose dancing to the music, James and Alex were talking with the other two triplets, Poe, and Hux by the drink table, and your sister was talking with Ally and her husband.
You hadn’t had much time to take in much of your surroundings before you and Matt were practically bowled over by little Rey, who isn’t so little anymore. She was excited for you both, and you found another person who didn’t know Matt’s plan. 
Matt eventually left your side and went to check on everything. When Matt found you again you were sat with his parents and grandparents, talking with the whole table. He was brought into the conversation when he walked up.
Padmé addressed him first, “Oh, Matty, you found your princess again. I must tell you that my ring looks better than when Ani gave it to me. I’m so glad you finally gave it to her after I gave it to you 3 years ago.”
Luke jumped in, “Mom, you what?”
“Lukie, I’m pretty sure what I said was clear. I gave Matt my engagement ring while you all were serving yourselves dinner. I have an intuition with this type of thing, and you know it. And guess what? It was right again. But I think even a cashier would’ve known they would get engaged.”
Chewie commented next, “You’re one sneaky lady, Padmé.”
“That I am. Now, you two lovebirds go enjoy the party and dance with your friends.”
You said your thank yous and goodbyes, knowing they all would be leaving soon, or at least Padmé, Anakin, and Obi-Wan. Then you joined the rest of the party, getting whisked into many different conversations, but each at least having congratulations given and a few wedding questions asked. 
When you found your sister again, clearly flirting with Poe, although you weren’t sure if they were seriously flirting or just something that happened given their personalities, Matt offered to take her up to the garden before the sun set. She said yes, and the three of you snuck upstairs. Your sister enjoyed the garden for a bit, and then left you alone to rest, away from the people and questions. 
It felt like a different world up in Matt’s garden, especially tonight knowing there was a party happening down below that you couldn’t really hear. You sat together on the bench where you shared your first kiss, just sitting next to one another in silence. It hit you then that you would get to share moments like this with Matt for the rest of your life, you were going to get married and live your lives together. Together. The two of you, against the world, forever and always. 
“Matt. I’m so happy.”
“I’m glad you are, Angel. And so am I.”
He then pulled out his phone and started playing a song over the bluetooth speakers he set up a few months ago then stood up, “May I have this dance, sweetheart?”
You smiled up at him, “You may.”
It took you a moment before you could focus on the song and recognize it as “Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol. Next played “Little Wonders”, and you couldn’t hold back your tears even if you wanted. These moments with Matt, these little wonders, these twists and turns of fate, meant the most to you. Because you knew that when time falls away, when it is just you and Matt and all of the people with nothing to do, these small hours still remain.
Tags: @bellaren18, @redhairedfeistynerd
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theteaisaddictive · 5 years
okay but you can't just tease us with a wedding meme mentioning ejts in the tags. spill :D
ask and ye shall receive my dear :D
1) Who proposes? 2) How do they propose? 3) Reaction of the one being proposed to
in the middle of the chaos post-transformation, belle probably whispers to eve that she never wants to leave her side again. 
‘i know, i know,’ eve whispers. ‘i remember. i’ll never leave you again.’
‘no, i-’ belle says. ‘i mean, i want to stay with you forever’, and she drops to one knee right there on the newly-constructed balcony, still strewn with rose petals and the rosy-fingered dawn. she holds out her left hand palm-up. ‘do you?’
eve joins her kneeling on the ground, her legs still shaking from the transformation. she takes her hand, her eyes almost shockingly large now that they’re in a human face. ‘yes. yes. yes, belle, dearest, of course.’ she leans over and they kiss.
they kiss for quite a while. 
4) How they tell the others
chip, of course, asks as soon as the general excitement levels have gone down, ‘are they gonna get married?’
the senior staff all glance at each other wondering who’s going to have to finally teach this emblem of hope for the future about homophobia, but before the silence can get more than half a step beyond natural, eve chimes in with an ‘of course we are, chip. in fact, belle asked me not twenty minutes ago and i said yes.’
while mrs potts is relieved that eve is human again and that she’s no longer cold and cruel-hearted, she notices a certain fire in eve’s eyes that came straight from her father – the stubbornness which means she’s going to get her own way come hell or high water. it used to apply to hunting, and petty matters of daily life. mrs potts is proud to see it used to marry belle. 
(marie doesn’t find out that they’re married for … a while. how long an interval it’s going to be? haven’t decided yet.)
5) Who’d they choose as ring bearer
chip, of course! who else?
6) Who’s the one that spends the most time worrying about preps for the wedding?
surprisingly, there isn’t actually a lot of time to prep for the wedding. neither of them have much of a taste for fancy celebrations and would prefer a simple ceremony, so that’s what they choose. (but yes, eve does manage to get her bee in a bonnet regardless)
7) When they go looking for their outfits
it’s less ‘looking for outfits’ and more ‘repurposing old ones’. belle would be more than happy to just wear her best blue dress, but even though eve had a transformative experience shaped by queer love, she’s adamant that belle has a new, different dress she’s never worn before for the ceremony (so belle is in basically the celebration dress from the remake, and eve is in essentially ella’s wedding dress from the 2015 film but minus the train. yes i am trash. no i refuse to apologise.)
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8) Fusses over the other before the wedding day
they’re both very concerned about each other and it’s very sweet. they both stay up the night before the wedding in the library, keeping close together as midnight approaches. belle rubs her fingers soothingly against eve’s head and intermittently finger-combs her hair, and eve absent-mindedly runs her hand in circles over belle’s back as they talk quietly about tomorrow. 
9) Reactions to their wedding attire
ok so how i picture it is that since neither of them have people to give them away (léon and cogsworth offered their services, but both women declined), they mirror the ballroom scene so their first glimpses of each other are as they go down the stairs to the landing before descending to the ballroom proper. both of them almost stop in their tracks because of how BEAUTIFUL and RADIANT and HAPPY the other looks to be marrying HER. eve cries two tiny tears before she even reaches the landing. 
10) Who whispers the other “you look great”
belle to eve. they’re holding hands as they walk towards the servants, lefou and stanley, wait why are those two there what plot points will they be relevant to and léon
11) How are they feeling during vows
nervous as all fuck. jittery. excited. overjoyed. eve actually does start to cry during her vows. belle doesn’t, but she gets very, very close. 
12) What do their rings look like?
simple, thin gold bands. they wear them on their right hands. 
13) The kiss
the vows are exchanged. the rings placed. cogsworth looks at eve, whom he’s known and loved for the best part of a decade. ‘and now, by the power invested in me by the princess of this realm, i declared you to be married. you may now kiss the bride.’
belle smiles so wide that it hurts her cheeks, and she and eve take a step forwards at the same time. eve sweeps her into the kiss, one hand resting on her waist while the other cups belle’s neck. belle rests her own hand on the plane of eve’s back, allowing her other hand to brush eve’s shoulder as she kisses her wife. and for a moment in that kiss, it’s like their first up on the balcony – uncertain and desperately tender. eve breaks to take a breath, and belle pulls her back in for another kiss, their lips moving gently as the gathered congregation cheers. because they kissed. because they’re married. because eve is her wife.
14) What do they whisper to each other after vows?
nothing. they just look at each other. they’ve already said everything. 
15) When cutting their cake, and afterwards
the wedding breakfast is basically a garden party in the grounds with the staff and aforementioned guests. there is enough food and cake and drinks for everyone, and as the afternoon fades into the evening the mood goes from bright and joyous to quietly happy, but in that way where the amount of emotion present is the same it’s just expressed differently if that makes any kind of sense. both brides make speeches, and both begin their speech with ‘on behalf of my wife and i …’ (they had to make lumiere flip a coin bc they both wanted to go first but didn’t want to take the chance away from the other and it was halfway to becoming one of those stupid fights that in a sitcom would be the episode one cliffhanger of the wedding two-parter, but luckily lumiere was in possession of the throuple’s two brain cells that morning so he managed to de-escalate the situation.) belle went first, but the line got the obligatory cheer from the guests both times. 
16) The two dancing together
chapeau (or a Chapeau-Adjacent Character bc atm i can’t remember if i wrote him in or not) starts playing the fiddle, and the wives take their place on the ballroom floor (the reception has moved back inside by now). think home (reprise), the high note then gently glissandos down to the beginning of beauty and the beast. (can you glissando on a violin? idk. maybe it’s just a piano thing but you know what i’m trying to get across here)
they dance the steps that they first performed while eve was still a bird, and then eventually devolve into a gentle waltz. 
after the first dance, it’s country dances for all!! poor chapeau has his work cut out for him, but léon can play and stanley brought his accordion so by the end of the night everybody who has to play gets to dance to at least three songs. 
17) Who takes a picture of the other
not applicable! HOWEVER plumette takes quick sketches throughout the day, and in later years belle and eve have official portraits taken in their wedding dresses on repeat wears, so between one and the other they have plenty of memories.
18) Who lifts the other up (bridal style)
eve sweeps belle off her feet (again) (it’s something of a recurring motif for them)
19) The reaction of the person being carried
belle laughs, shrieking a little because she was caught off-guard. she presses small kisses to eve’s cheek and neck until her arms give out and she has to put belle down again. 
20) Wedding night
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
no, no, no, i’ll be genuine (and mildly explicit). they leave (eventually). chip fell asleep about an hour ago. the night is (fairly) young. they go up to the west wing together. eve can’t stop grinning. she has a wife. 
once safely in the west wing, they help each other out of the fine materials of their dresses and remove their stays, but otherwise stay pretty much fully dressed. they pile up on eve’s bed, in a similar position to how they were in the library the night before; belle is lying directly on the pillows, while eve is resting with her head on belle’s shoulder and their legs intertwined. before long, of course, they start kissing. and they clutch at each other, pressing so close they can feel their heartbeats through the layers of muscle and bone and fabric. and eve takes a very long time to roll belle’s stockings down her legs, kissing each inch as it appears. and then she kisses several other areas of her wife’s body (and belle can barely look at her as she does it, but the sight of that blonde head between her legs causes her to dig her fingers into eve’s hair, and that was a rather interesting discovery for both of them). and then belle, after a moment to catch her breath, pushes eve over to her back and pulls off her chemise. and she is just as slow as eve was, tracing her hands over eve’s body, and when she does finally push eve’s chemise away to press her lips to naked skin, the look in eve’s eyes is one she never forgets.
and then, after a long while, eve says, ‘we’re married. you’re my wife.’
‘and you’re my wife,’ belle says just as quietly. she presses a kiss to the top of eve’s forehead. 
‘i never thought this would happen,’ she says. ‘not even before the curse. i thought i would be like my mother, and that the most i could hope for was either to have a husband who would be kinder or to live as an old maid.’
belle wraps her arm around eve’s shoulders a little tighter, as if she wants to protect the girl of eighteen whom she never even met. knowing belle, eve thinks, that’s probably the case. 
‘i’m so glad i met you, eve,’ she says. ‘i never thought this kind of love could be possible. i’m beyond overjoyed that it’s with you.’
she cards her fingers through eve’s hair, the glint of her ring catching in the moonlight. a few minutes later, eve rearranges their positions, so that they’re both covered by the warm blankets and she’s pressed into belle’s back, her arms draped around her. their hands find each other under the covers, and they fall asleep peacefully on their first day of married life.
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fourangers · 6 years
Uchiha Sasuke’s odd mating rituals (ch. 2/4)
1st chapter here
Sasuke blinked, his mouth opening to a discreet yawn that he covered with his hand. “It's late night. You could have told me about this tomorrow morning.”
Naruto huffed, crossing his arms. “But⏤”
“Tomorrow Naruto.” Sasuke muttered, laying back on his bed as his hand shooed Naruto away. “I'll call the city council to book our appointment.” He heard a suspicious movement and added. “Don't you dare do any prank now.”
Naruto blew a raspberry back but still left him alone.
On the next morning Sasuke told him that, surprisingly, there was an hour available on the same day. Naruto wanted Iruka to participate the event, but the older nin was away in a monthly mission, so both men agreed that it'd be better if they married now.
Naruto glanced around the stuffy room, his feet tapping repeatedly while they waited for their turn. Honestly, this looked more like they were just there to grab some documents instead of marrying. He heard their call as they hurried to the room, being greeted by the officiant’s apathetic gaze. He began reciting the speech in a droning tone, that Naruto had already heard plenty times in movies before, the ceremony progressing without a hitch.
Sasuke signed his name, agreeing that from now on they would share a new surname Uchiha-Uzumaki. Shrugging, Naruto signed his consent, wondering why he was so reluctant about this whole thing.
“Congratulations, you may kiss your husband now.”
Oh, that’s why.
Naruto turned to stare at his best friend-turned-husband with wide eyes, even if Sasuke returned his gaze with apparent nonchalance. Never in his life he'd imagine that he'd do something like that to Sasuke, well, the first accidental kiss didn't count. He hoped he's not a lame kisser, he could count with his hands the amount of kisses he'd done in the past, he should have checked if his breath didn't stink, and oh God, he's not overthinking was he?
Naruto's brain took a halt when Sasuke started to approach towards him. He squinted his eyes, squaring his shoulders until he heard the officiant thanking them. Bewildered, he blinked open, as Sasuke was shaking hands with everybody, now his mind slowly registering at last the softest brush of lips that ended way too soon. Naruto glanced down, the small pang of disappointment coming from his chest.
“Maybe we should celebrate this milestone after all. I'm thinking ordering some sushi, what do you think?” Sasuke suggested as they were exiting the building.
Naruto perked up at the food mention, his scattered thoughts forgotten. “Cool! I'm down with sushi, I'll buy some sake for us to drink.”
Sasuke nodded. “Good. And tomorrow I'll help you packing your things to move in.”
"Huh? Wait, this is all happening so fast. And which house we're going to live in, by the way?"
"If I remember well, you said that yours is rented right?" When Naruto nodded, Sasuke added. "The house I'm living is mine though, so it’s one less expense in our pockets. Also, it's spacious enough for two men."
"I guess...but do I have to move so soon?" He rubbed the back of his blond head.
"It's better strike while the iron is hot. Now that we're married we can ask for some days off to organize everything."
So before Naruto could realize himself, he was already occupied folding his clothes and placing in big cardboard boxes, with Sasuke cleaning up the room afterwards. Overall he didn't have that many possessions, it was mostly clothes, his plants and some furniture here and there, most of them Sasuke had a hard time convincing Naruto to throw it out since he struggled to relinquish his beloved lumpy orange-colored couch.
Carrying them all was an easier task since they used their respective summoned animals, even if Gamakichi protested that he wasn't some kind of carriage mule. Naruto managed to quiet him down with promises that he'd give him some food in return. He glanced as Sasuke patted his hawk's beak, the gigantic bird taking flight. Why was the bastard's summons so much more cooperative than his?
Another couple of hours were used to put his things in Sasuke's house, though Naruto was positively surprised that they wasted fewer hours than expected. There were a lot of empty spaces for him.
"These closets are yours." Sasuke gestured the furniture on the right. He opened his cabinets and said. "The first three shelves are also yours."
"Thanks! Wow, how did you manage to clean up your clothes so fast in one day?" Naruto wondered though he only received a shrug back.
Their dinner was unexpectedly nicer than usual, with Naruto cooking and Sasuke setting the table, eating with their usual banter. Hey…He could get used to this, Naruto wondered, as the evening was spent watching a movie together. Soon his eyelids were feeling quite heavy as he widened a very tired yawn from his mouth.
"I guess it's almost time to sleep huh. Tomorrow morning you have some classes with Kakashi." Sasuke muttered.
"Hmm...yeah. I guess I'll sleep on the couch right?"
“Why? Let's just share our bed.”
“Errr…it's actually your bed and you're probably used to have it all for yourself right? I shouldn't bother you.”
Sasuke scoffed, turning around and walking to the bedroom. “Nonsense. My bed is big enough for both of us, it won't be an issue.” He gestured, laying on one side to show his point. He raised himself to a seating position, staring at Naruto.
“Well, if you say so.” Naruto mumbled, glancing down and shifted his feet.
In their bathroom, Sasuke practically dragged him to brush his teeth, launching a lecture about hygiene habits and so on. This bantering eased Naruto about the whole sharing bed thing, as they slept elbow jabbing the other.
Naruto groaned, the alarm clock ringing him awake as he struggled to move. His body was still in adjustment, sleeping in a much more softer surface in comparison to his old, hard bed. Yawning, he gingerly opened his eyes to realize that he was nestled on Sasuke's chest.
How did⏤When did⏤What?? Naruto reasoned himself, in an attempt to calm down. Maybe they moved while sleeping and this was an unfortunate position to be woken up, that's all, he shouldn't look too much into it. Yes, that's it. Now he really should stop being so aware of his best friend's close proximity that he could feel the warmth emanating from his body. Naruto breathed in, also picking up a pleasant scent coming from Sasuke, making him wonder if his friend was wearing some cologne or this was just his natural odor. Sasuke smelled really nice.
Oooookay, he was going insane, he should stop this. Now. Naruto grumbled about stupid bastard and his stupid pheromones, affecting his judgement somehow. He shifted backwards to widen the distance, realizing that Sasuke's hands were linked behind his back, limiting his movements. He was beginning to wonder how Sasuke hadn't woken up yet, perusing the handsome face, the usual knitted eyebrows smoothed out relaxed, jaw a little slack with a slow rhythmical breathing.
Naruto stiffened, brain panicking when Sasuke began to stir awake, graphite eyes blinking, realizing his surroundings. He turned to focus on the blond man's nervous glance, Naruto braced himself for any kind of reaction. However, Sasuke closed in dropping a simple kiss on the top of his head. "Morning." He muttered, yawning discreetly as he went to the bathroom.
Naruto remained frozen for a while, his mind asking for a much needed reboot to comprehend what the fuck had just happened. His best friend maybe, probably, definitely kissed his head. Naruto would have never guessed that Sasuke was a cuddler type, much less an affectionate one on mornings. Who the hell is this man and who snatched the usual cold bastard he knew?
Staring Sasuke's back as the latter finished his morning ritual, Naruto mused the need to inquiry. He opened his mouth, until Sasuke turned to face him. "I'm thinking cooking some breakfast, you like toast with some scrambled eggs right?"
Naruto quirked an eyebrow, but answered nevertheless. "Yeah, sure. It'd be nice." He got ready for the day as he heard a sizzling sound coming from the kitchen. How comforting this feels, listening to noises in his home instead of the deafening silence back when he lived alone. Feeling his mood improving exponentially, Naruto grinned, sitting on a nearby table until Sasuke finished it up and placed the food for them.
There was no sign of any drastic change coming from his friend, Naruto observed as Sasuke ate his bread in small bites. Maybe Sasuke was half-awake when he kissed his head, so this was probably a one-time thing. Nothing to be alarmed for.
They went on with their usual routine, jumping and sprinting to the Hokage tower, though Sasuke arrived first much to Naruto's chagrin. As they went inside, Naruto was ready to launch the usual quip about the Uchiha’s victorious smirk till he took a halt. Sasuke noticed the blond nin's slower steps, questioning. “What?”
Naruto quirked an eyebrow, raising their hands to show their fingers linked.
Sasuke shrugged. “Hn. Better do this to show the fangirls our current situation so they can stop pestering around. Which reminds me…” He rummaged his pocket and showed two rings to Naruto. “Here, one is yours.”
Blue eyes stared in mild astonishment, voicing out. “Uh… Do we really have to? Just the fact we're holding hands should discourage them right?”
“Am I really going to waste the opportunity to flaunt the fact that we're married? This way they will give up once and for all. It's just a ring dumbass, nothing big.” Sasuke said, placing his own ring on his finger.
Naruto gazed for a minute before also putting it on too. His new marital status was finally driving home, watching the shocked faces and bellowing screams from the passersby, while they were walking to the Hokage's office.
“Well…I guess I'll see you later.” Naruto said opening the door, while Kakashi and his assistants were waiting him to start the Hokage’s apprenticeship.
Sasuke grunted, nodding. “Have a nice day.” He muttered, then he dropped a kiss on the whiskered cheek while Naruto's guard was down.
“Sasuke, what⏤” Naruto exclaimed though Sasuke intervened.
“I just needed an extra convincing gesture. I think we succeeded here.”
Naruto turned around to see all eyes staring in stunned silence, some even let the mission reports slide to the ground, every jaw dropped in the scene.
He soon shut the door, his face beef red. Everyone recomposed themselves, resuming their conversation even if they gesticulated in stiff movements.
Walking towards the Hokage, the blond man scratched his head. “Um. So…Sasuke and I are married now.”
Kakashi gazed back flabbergasted, dawning in comprehension till he responded.  “Oooh, I see. I guess some congratulations to Sasuke is in order!”
Naruto narrowed his eyes. “And why do you want to congratulate specifically Sasuke when I’m married too?”
“Hm.” His teacher closed his eyes in amusement and the expression was eerily similar to Sakura's somehow. “I guess you’re right. Congratulations Naruto.”
Naruto ignored the teasing barb with a roll of eyes, as they concentrated in their tasks, Kakashi teaching him Konoha laws and so on.
Naruto ended up eating lunch with Sasuke, trying very hard not to blush too much when his…husband kissed him again on the cheek before they returned to work. He really ought to start getting used to call his best friend in this new naming from now on.
Fortunately once they were home, they returned to their usual selves, shifting to a comfortable zone Naruto was familiar with. It was hardly a chore adapting to this lifestyle, as expected, Sasuke fit perfectly well to him despite the differences. He tasked himself to clean up the house, Naruto learned not to leave trash on the ground after some sharp complaints. On the other hand, Naruto was responsible for cooking and washing clothes, both laying exhausted watching TV to pass the day.
As weeks have progressed, it was getting increasingly difficult to assess his companion. Sasuke was acting...uh...strange. As soon as they were outside their house, Sasuke insisted holding his hand to, in his words, reinforce their relationship status and not create any unnecessary gossip. But people were getting used to see them together in that way, drawing lesser gasps whenever Sasuke would kiss him in the ninja quarters.
Naruto could rationalize that what they were doing outside was only for appearances, so he sort of accepted this situation. He couldn’t come up with an excuse, however, whenever he would wake up with Sasuke’s arms enveloped around his body, an automatic kiss on his head ensuing later.
The third time this happened, Naruto confronted him. Sasuke gazed back in apparent composure, muttering. “You move too much while you’re sleeping, it’s the only way I can get you stay still so I can sleep.”
The blond nin raised his eyebrows, conceding this well-crafted explanation. Then, he muttered. “Yeah well, but what about the kiss? Why do you do that?”
Sasuke droned out. “What kiss?”
“You always kiss me on my head once you wake up.” Naruto pressed on, licking his lips.
“Do I?”
Naruto gave him a deadpan look, nodding.
His husband used few minutes in quiet contemplation, then stared back.
"Hm, maybe I did." Sasuke muttered airily, crossing his arms. "Why? Do you hate it?"
Taking off guard from Sasuke’s sincerity, it was Naruto’s turn to fall silent. He scratched the back of his head, shrugging. "No, I don't hate it, it's...well." Weird. Weird in the sense that it's weird he's not disliking this. At all.
“Well then, so what’s all the fuss is about?”
Naruto was at loss with words, feeling his face heating up as he glanced down, fumbling his thumbs. Since he couldn’t come up with a retort back, they went to bed as usual, but this time Naruto even allowed Sasuke to lace his arms around his waist, nose burrowing on the golden hair and letting out a contented sigh before they slept. When did the tables had turned around this way?
Things have changed since, with little details that were very noticeable for an affection starved person like Naruto. He knew that Sasuke wasn’t one with pointless movements, so whatever he did, hid a special meaning within. He was acutely aware whenever the touches would linger, the kisses would stretch few seconds more, hand squeezing a little tighter when they went shopping together.
As his heartbeats would increase whenever his husband would act like that, Naruto really really didn’t want to recognize an unnamed feeling that was wedging all the way in. It’s⏤it’s weird. It’s weird and awkward and highly embarrassing that he would have this kind of emotion towards his best friend, and the fact that he was enjoying these interactions made the whole issue so much worse.
3rd chapter
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titleknown · 6 years
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In a weird sleazy city, on an early November night, in an apartment slightly too small for hosting parties, there was a celebration being held. If one went up to the door, or looked in the window, one could see lights; a few candles, mostly electric, and hear the sounds of speech...
One could see faces talking about lives no longer amongst them, not solemnly but raucously, as the smell of chilli peppers and beans cooked in lard filled the air and sugar skulls adorned countertops. The host was unusual yes, a great muscular yellow-spined beast of a monster-woman by the handle of Body Shock. with the subtle crackle of electricity around her, but this was not a time where that was relevant.
This was a time for memories, as she roamed around the room, receiving and pushing forward wild antecdotes of days gone by, and music playing from several daisy-chained dollar-store speakers that she added a tune or so to the playlist when she heard someone mentioning a person gone by to them and their favorite song.
And all of this was around a great-small altar, built of brick and cardboard as high as the celling would let it go, and painted in bright colors, adorned with photographs and keepsakes and sugar skulls and candles, a fulcrum around which the party revolved.
And then, suddenly, it stopped. For, the door had creaked open and; into the room entered a woman. She carried an aura that brought a hush upon the crowd, a lean and deathly pallor of power despite the top of her hat barely reached to the shoulders of the next- shortest person in the room.
It was Boss McGlade, arch-criminal and enemy to Body Shock,  and if her eyes were not already blood red, they would have turned such as Body Shock grabbed McGlade by the front of her shirt collar.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” Shock said, in a voice b=vaguely approxiamting calm.
“Now, now,” said McGlade, flashing a shark-toothed; smug grin, “Is that any way to treat a guest? It would be gauche of you to disrupt this party with an assault on my person, as would it be gauche for me to commit any acts of assault against yourself in front of so many witnesses.”
Body Shock hoisted her higher “Nice fuckin try, but you still ain’t answered my question” One of the guests had gotten out a sword cane at this point.
“Simply put, because of your exact sort of response, and because I felt I could do so with few reprecussions, it would be of little benefit to yourself  to call the authorities on a party in this neighborhood.”
Body Shock lowered her a bit. It’s fascinating how the two were united in their mutual distaste for cops,  with reasonings that sometimes even matched up. “How the fuck do I know you ain’t here on some bullshit?”
“You would not believe me if I claimed I wasn’t. Plus, again, witnesses would be a means of disadvantage to us both, would they not?”
With that, Body Shock dropped her unceremoniously, with McGlade landing right on her own two feet with equal lack of pretense. “Alright, but I ain’t takin an eye off yas.”
“I would expect nothing less” said McGlade, as she went to get a plate.
The mood went back to celebration, albeit with nervous glances at the strange, blue-pallid woman who seemed only interested in a small cup of ginger-ale and a plate slathered in refried beans. But, her focus was on the altar, and the image at the top.
“Hm. Who is this man? You must find him of a great deal of importance for his position at this apex of your ofrenda.”
“Hey, it ain’t just mine, it’s the whole party’s altar. And if you’re lookin for hostages, you’re a few years too late. He’s gone.”
“An acquaintance of yours perhaps?”
“Fuck me, he’s my grandpa, ! Only motherfucker in the whole fuckin family who was ever nice to me! Like, when I was a kid, my parents bought a rabbit, said they’d got me a pet. I was so happy to see that lil’ fucker, Trucker I named ‘em. Month later, turns out it was fattenin’ him up for meat! And they laughed n laughed when I had the stew n I asked where Trucker was”.
“While outside my context, I would presume that seems hideous behavior.”
“I cried for a whole day! But abuelo, he was over there for dinner that night, didn’t know until they told him about 'em, convinced 'em to give him the bones n what was left of the skin for a lil funeral; in a shoebox. He even held a lil ceremony, n kept the foot on a necklace for me to keep,”
Body Shock pointed up at the apex of the Ofrenda, and there was an old; shriveled rabbit’s foot by the portrait of the old man “I still remember the vacant lot it was in…”
Body Shock sighed and put her head down “We were the only ones left there that weren’t trainwrecks or complete motherfuckers. He tried to make sure I got what he had when he left, but the parents weaseled a way to get it for their 'business.’ Like, you heard o the Necro-Narco epidemic?”
“I am vaguely familiar” said McGlade, lying only in that she was in fact extremely familiar with its various fallouts.
“Yeah, that was part o what they did. But hey,” Body Shock said, perking up immediately “they’re probably in a fuckin ditch somewhere, let 'em be forgotten!” She held up a drink and shouted, “A toast to abuelo, wherever the fuck he is right now!”
Glasses were raised, a toast was shouted, and Boss McGlade was suddenly looking down. If there was a vulnerable expression on her face, nobody but her could see it under her wide-brimmed hat and downturned look. Her hands were in her pockets.
“So, whattabout you Doc?” Body Shock responded “Got any loved ones you wanna offer to, some fuckbuddy got whacked by the mob; some dead ma who you wanna avenge or whatever people like y-”
She stopped as McGlade dug something out of her pocket. There was a slight snap of electricity amongst the silence of the audience, only for it to dissipate once everyone saw what it was. A small plastic figurine of what looked like a toy soldier, but with a broken egg with bat wings for an upper body.
She placed it upon the table next to an old; drippy candle, and dug out and placed a sugar skull next to it from her pockets, one of many she had pettily knicked for later consumption. She breathed in a deep sigh, and one could see her hair do a slight bristle as she began to speak:
“I am not at liberty to discuss the further detailings of this event, but I will state that I spent most of my younger life in a series of cruel and abhorrent laboratories, a child treated as simply a prisoner, a child lab-rat. There were others in that lab, and the one I remember most…”
She paused for a moment. “Her name was Susan.”
A few guests could swear they saw tears run down from her eyes. “That wasn’t the name they gave her, but she said she liked it instead of that number they gave us. She was my age, maybe a few months older. She was the only person who was a friend there to me, she shielded me from the punishments for when I had to sneak a scrap of food to not starve from the experiments.”
There were most definitely tears running down from her eyes now. “She used to smuggle in comics and these little figures from this collection. This was one of the ones she didn’t have before she, before she…”
McGlade breathed out a shuddering breath, “I don’t know if she’s even dead. They never found the body. We were going to get married, if we ever got out, we promised each other…”
Body Shock said nothing and walked over. She picked up the figurine, off the table, and placed it right at the top, next to the image of her grandfather.
“Hey, now,” Body Shock sad awkwardly. She wasn’t particularly equipped to deal with her own emotions, no less those of others. “Why don’t we put 'em up top? Seem fitting, like, thematically, yanno?”
Then, transitioning away from that awkwardness, she raised her glass. “A TOAST, TO SUSAN!”
There was a cheer, and a raising of glasses from the other participants and then’; at once; a raised glass from McGlade.
And so, in a weird sleazy city on an early Novermber night, a truce was called for this night alone. It may at first seem strange to call a truce on a holiday of the dead, but the dead never truly die if they are remembered. And, through kindness’ hands, memories work, and the dead may walk again, if but for one night…
So yeah! A more ambitious character piece, to celebrate the true meaning of Day Of The Dead!
As per usual, this drabble is under a CC-BY-SA license for direct adaptation, but all the characters/concepts/settings/ect are free to use as you see fit under a CC-BY-Vanilla license so long as I; Thomas F. Johnson, am credited as their creator!
And, if you wanna support me, maybe check out my Patreon, or even just send a Ko-Fi my way! Every penny is appreciated, and I am eternally grateful for those who donate!
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