#i keep forgetting to tag things as my art. I'm sorry. it will happen again
zillychu · 1 year
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mice cream waffle cup (with sprinkles!)
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gardenerian · 1 year
I know you've been on Shameless and Gallavich tumblr for a while and I was hoping you could give me some advice. I hope this doesn't sound too pathetic.
I'm a massive Shameless and Gallavich fan. I have been here for nearly a year and I feel very excluded. I really want to connect with the others in this community, but it's not working no matter what I try. I don't write, draw, make art or create gifs. I don't have any creations to offer and share. I know those types of things would get me some attention and for people to notice and interact with me. I like and reblog a lot of other people's posts daily. I leave comments on people's posts as often as I can to praise their work or to share my thoughts but I rarely get any responses from the person. I post random Shameless and Gallavich thoughts and head-cannons with tags but they rarely get many likes and no one ever comments to strike up conversation. I take part in the tag games and tag others, but week after week never get tagged to participate, but I participate anyway. Still, I never get comments on the stuff that I share about myself to let others get to know me. I have tried sending ask to people about things they have posted to strike up conversation, but I either never get a response or it's a one time response that doesn't go anywhere after that.
I suppose the gist is that I keep trying to strike up conversations to connect with the people in this community and it falls flat every time. I'm simply at the point where it makes me sad to come on here and to see how tight-knit this community is and how much you all interact with each other, hype each other's posts and make posts for and mentioning each other like on birthdays. I know you are part of an especially close group so it seems like you might be just the person to ask.
I'm not writing this as a complaint or to accuse anyone of anything. It's the opposite. I want to join in in this community and feel included. I want to no longer feel sad and ignored when I am on here trying to participate and interact. Like I said, I don't write or make art so do you have any tips about how I can get noticed and accepted into this community? I just want to make friends with all of you and finally feel a part of this community.
hi there 😭 i am so sorry you're feeling this way. wanting to connect is such a human thing, and it's not pathetic at all to reach out. i think it's great. so thank you for coming to chat with me about it, and i hope i can help ❤️
excluding people is never something i want to do. i want to engage fully and enthusiastically - i think we all do! and while there are so many ways to get involved, i do think engagement around here (on tumblr as a whole!) is different than it used to be. for me personally, i was on tumblr 24/7 for a long time, but now that i am working again, it's a little harder for me to be present as much as i want! it comes and goes in waves, really. sometimes i am tagged in things that i don't get to, sometimes i forget to respond to asks, sometimes i miss posts that go around during busy times. and sometimes i think i'm following people when i'm not! this happens to me a lot and it's super embarrassing 😭 and i think these kinds of things happen to just about everyone! sometimes we just can't be here the way we want, even if we love it. and we do love it! so much!
i'm glad you're participating! and i want to make sure that everyone knows that making or posting things is not a requirement to be here. there's no entry fee to enjoy fandom space. if you want to give it a try, please do! but you don't owe us anything; your presence is more than enough.
for me the answer was just to keep talking. i wish i had more direct tips, but i just have not shut up since 2019. people started talking back, but for a while it did feel like i was just talking to myself. i know you've been putting yourself out there, and it's really brave and wonderful. i hope you'll keep trying. there are people that will love you, and i'm sorry if i've missed you so far. i don't want you to feel sad here. if you feel comfortable, shoot me a DM! tag me in things! i will hype you up, i promise. i want to hear what you have to say, and i want to get to know you. there are friends here for you 💓 edit: join the discord if you can!
anyone else with tips is welcome to chime in.
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oceangirl24 · 3 months
Find the Word... Nature Edition
Many thanks to my talented bestie @axolotlsupremacyowo for this one!
Tagging: @stealing-your-kittens @the-orion-scribe @amberlide @winterlovesong1 @violetrose-art @kayedium-writes and anyone else who liked to join in the fun. (Sorry if I missed anyone who wanted to be tagged. My memory is bad! 😭)
Words for me to find
Ivy, Palm, Moss, Blossom, Pebble,
Words for you to find
Rose, dirt, vines, oak, lily
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Ivy- The Return: Countdown
The only true discrepancy he could find between Jon and Jay was an article about donors to Collegiate School and one about academic honors:
Blake and Jacklyn Turner of Westport, CT, parents of sophomore hockey all-state defenseman, Jonathan Turner, donated $500,000 to the school for  the building of the Ivy Preparatory Hall upon which the cornerstone for the building will bear their name….
…Jay Andrews, son of Richard and Elizabeth Andrews, was awarded the President's Award for Educational Achievement. This is awarded to students who have shown remarkable growth and improvement in their studies…
Shawn leaned back from the table and put his knee up against its edge, musing over all the information he had. Jon and Jay were the same person, of that he was convinced but he still had unanswered questions and he wanted confirmation of what he thought he knew.
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Palm (not the tree, just the hand lol)- Saudade: Didn't We Almost Have It All
"I said the same thing, but I couldn't just walk away," Jon told him emphatically. "I tried and got my butt in so much trouble Audrey's dad had to bail me out. I know what it's like to have your parents in and out of your life."
Shawn sat back from him just a little and gave him a curious look. This was not something he'd ever heard before.
"I know what it's like to be kept close when it suits them," he went on. Shawn saw a familiar look in Jon's eyes; one he often had in his own when Chet disappointed him yet again. "I know what it's like to have the people who are supposed to love you and protect you turn their backs on you at fifteen."
Shawn was fighting hard to keep the tears back. So much so that the full meaning of what Jon was saying wasn't sinking in: how similar they were.
"I know the anger, Shawn."
He shook his head unable to see anything anymore. He pressed the palm of his free hand to his eyes to stop the flow.
Without thinking, Jon pulled him closer and tightened his grip on him. "My problem was I ran from my feelin's about my parents. I never dealt with it. Or them."
He paused a moment to collect himself. The kid sitting next to him could easily have been himself at fifteen.
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Moss- none
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Blossom- Saudade: The Ties that Bind
"Yeah," his teacher shot back. He put a hand against the door of the truck and wagged a finger at him, "but now you're gonna be out on the road with Audrey, too. This is serious, Shawn."
"I know it is!" he insisted. "But we've literally sat in a parkin' lot just goin' over the lights, the seatbelt, how to start the engine."
"You forgot about the adjustin' the rearview mirror and the seat."
Shawn let his head tip back until it made contact with the door's window. "I won't when I get in the truck."
"You just did!"
"I'm standin' outside of the truck," he pointed out, slapping a hand to his face. "Once I'm in the seat I'm sure muscle memory will kick in. Hours of doin' that very thing, Jon. Hours!"
Jon crossed his arms over his chest ready to pull the plug on the driving plans when Audrey walked out of the cabin with a plumeria blossom tucked behind her left ear. Seeing the location of the flower made Jon forget about his misgivings about Shawn's driving.
Shawn barely noticed the flower much less its significance as he rushed to grab the passenger door for her.
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Pebble- Saudade: Preparations
But life wasn't so beautiful.
She nearly lost her grandfather before she had the chance to get to know him. If that had happened, Shawn would disappear; there was no way her life could turn out right if his fell apart.
Maya's thoughts drifted to Riley's family. Uncle Jon wasn't the only one not doing well. Mr. Matthews was on a crash course to the same place if something didn't change for him. She couldn't understand why Riley didn't see what was happening to her father. Farkle did. Zay did. Lucas, who could be as naïve as Riley, saw it. Even Smackle, who attended a different school, saw it.
Riley truly believed nothing bad could happen to her father. Unlike Maya, Riley liked to believe beautiful lies. One day, Maya knew, something was going to happen and shatter Riley's world.
She sighed heavily as she scrolled through the files on her phone, determined to be there for her best friend when the pebble cracked the glass around her world. She wouldn't let Riley fall alone.
Tears blurred her sight as she scrolled, irritating her immensely. She didn't want Julia to see and worry. As she reached to wipe the tears away, her thumb hit a file on her phone and a video popped up.
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blueberry-lemon · 10 months
What I Did In 2023
Ever since finishing school in 2017, I've always had a hard time feeling like I've "accomplished anything" in a given year. The months all blur together, and it's crazy how quickly I will forget something that happened or something I did.
To help myself with this, I wrote up a post last year of What I Did In 2022, which honestly felt good. So I figured I'd try again.
Sorry if you find these kinds of posts obnoxious. Hidden under the Read More just in case you do!
A few things I accomplished in 2023:
I wrote some stuff
I wrote Chapters 3 and 4 of Soul Symphony: Abandoned Encore. This is a sequel to a webcomic called Soul Symphony that I made and completed from 2010-2015. Olivia Myers, former music maestro and magical-girl adventurer, lives life as a depressed freelancer after quitting her teaching job. I think literally only like 2 or 3 people are even reading this, but good enough!
I wrote about JOMO, the Joy of Missing Out, when players have to work with different characters and resources in games.
I wrote a review of Bittersweet, an album by Jamie Paige.
My big piece of the year, which I chipped away at for months, reflected on nostalgia in culture and our personal lives.
I wrote about Cozy Games, which bizarrely was recognized in a Critical Distance weekly roundup.
I wrote about my fear for the direction of art and social media, a review of the writing in Sea of Stars, and other Cohost/Tumblr posts, which you can find in the #blogofkylelab tag.
As usual, I've continued my work as a Writer working on Rhythm Doctor, detailed below.
Art and Game Dev
Another sad year of barely 👏 drawing 👏 anything 👏 which is a huge bummer but I'm coming to terms with it.
Don't have anything finished to show for it, but doing a lot of messing-around in Twine and RPGMaker, which has been good for practice at least.
I funded the guest art and music for an upcoming card game, Isle of Swaps. I commissioned around a dozen artists, who I think drew around 50 total cards. Getting paid work as an artist is getting rough out there, so I wanted to help freelance artists the best I could.
Still working on Rhythm Doctor and A Dance of Fire and Ice at 7th Beat Games
We released Act 5 of Rhythm Doctor, which was our huge undertaking of the year! I co-wrote this with fizzd, and for the first time we were working with a completely blank slate with no levels made beforehand. I was recently looking through my Google Docs and was reminded how many different drafts and outlines I had come up with for this Act, some of which were long before the "athlete" story was even decided upon at all. I eventually helped come up with the character of Lucky (designed by our pixel artist Winston), and we got it all built out from there. I had a part in almost every sentence you see in the Act, I believe. I think I did an okay job, and players seem to really like the story and characters of Act 5, so that's a big relief.
Other Stuff
I've been running IndieGamesOfCohost for more than a full year now! I hope people have been enjoying this. It's been really tough to make the spare time for it, especially getting multiple developer interviews up per month, but I'm gonna keep pushing forward. Maybe "one interview a month" is a better goal to aim for. It's hard to tell how much people enjoy the efforts, but people do keep Liking and Sharing and Following so hopefully that means I'm doing something good with my spare time lol.
My partner and I moved! Aside from Act 5 of Rhythm Doctor this was probably the biggest thing. It was my first time apartment-hunting, as well as finding and paying for a moving truck and buying big furniture, getting renters insurance and all sorts of annoying stuff. In past apartments, I was lucky enough to be invited in as a roommate after the place was already set up. I also helped my parents pack up to move from the house they lived in for 28 years. Lots of moving. Hopefully no moving in 2024.
I hope your 2023 was bearable! Take pride in the little things you were able to get done. Let's all push through 2024 together.
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weirdfishy · 11 months
20 Qs for Fic Writers
thanks to @mashumaru for tagging me!! <3 i love these, and i've finally got a minute to do it!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
45! i started writing in the end of 2020, it's kina mind boggling to think that it'll have been three years in a couple months
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
76,628 :)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I've currently written for Batman, Danny Phantom, BBC's Merlin & Sherlock, Spider-Man/Verse, The Sandman, Criminal Minds, Harry Potter, Heartstopper, Sk8 the Infinity, The Witcher, and BNHA.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Unknown Caller ID - danny phantom x batman, crack treated seriously, something i will eventually continue
Tim Drake's intoduction to ✨Ghosts✨ - dpxdc, silly goofy stuff
by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache - the sandman, dreamling get-together, my first multi-chap that i finished
just slip me on, i'll be your blanket - the sandman, dreamling angst, something that i've so far put a completed, but in my heart of hearts ik it needs more
crack, hob flirts back, heart attack - the sandman, crack, past hobrinthian, pre-dreamling, pov corinthian
5. Do you respond to comments?
i very much try to, yes, but i also tend to leave comments un responded to for fics i have yet to continue/finish
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
what's interesting abt the two fics i think have the angstiest endings, is they kina have the same tone? like, i wrote two fics abt two different characters having a 'life is absolutely terrible rn, i'm grieving the loss of better times, but no matter what i will keep fucking living god damn it'
anyway it's both to be forgotten but not forget (mcu peter parker) and never to sleep, never to die (hob gadling)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
[love how i totally forgot to answer this at first; sorry if tumblr tags u again for my editing]
imma go with something recent, a geraskier blurb based on art, :3 (that's the title, i couldn't come up with anything clever, so it's just that lol)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not directly
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
currently? no. have i? yeah. respect your local smut writers
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i never wrote crossovers prior to getting pulled into danny phantom x dc, and both of my posted ones are among my most popular
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of (if someone does steal a fic- that's shitty.)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not in the sense that someone has asked me to translate and repost, so as far as i know, no
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but snake n i have talked about co-writing before (we're busy as shit tho so it's yet to happen)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
merwaine in any form
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
it's not a WIP, but the second fic i ever posted i said i would rewrite and it's yet to come- i don't doubt that i will rewrite it, but that eventually is pretty far
16. What are your writing strengths?
prose-y scene setting maybe? i don't think about this, really, i just write
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue, in the sense that it doesn't much feature in my fics
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
personally i'll only do it if i'm 200% confident in its meaning (ie i've studied the language or i've got a second reliable opinion)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i've since lost it, but the first thing i wrote was for BTS (2018 almost-disbandment rlly had me emotional, ok?)
20. Favourite fic you've written?
i don't have a favorite, and i'm proud of every new thing bc it's a show of my progress
no pressure tags: @oliveofvanders @bootleg-exe & anyone else who would like to :)
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thatoneguy031 · 1 year
Can I talk about something? Out of character, I mean.
It's a long post, but you don't have to read it if you're not interested. It's more of a vent post than anything else.
I've been having a hard time with this blog. Not in the popularity sense, this is what I expected from this kind of thing. I mean like... I don't know what to do with it. I've experimented with a few things(You can go way back in my post history if you want to see what I mean), but those ideas sorta fell flat, no?
This was originally meant to be a storytelling blog. I wanted to share my little synopses of my characters and plot points or whatever, because I was genuinely proud of what I've done so far.
Then I resorted to trying to be a comedian. I would try to post something funny under most reblogs, leaving them be if I couldn't come up with a remark of any kind.
It wasn't until recently that I decided to turn this into a Pokemon IRL blog, and I'm not even doing that well with this. That, and I'm afraid that I come off as self-centered, so I cut any posts that give that kind of vibe. Heck, I even tried doing a playthrough series, but I keep forgetting about it, and when I do remember that it exists, I just postpone the next update to oblivion.
I really want to keep this blog going, and trust me when I say I'm going to, but it's not going anywhere, and I feel like nothing is happening. At first, I thought it was just Tumblr having boring days, but I realized that I'm just not doing anything entertaining. My blog just turned into a pool of reblogs with the occasional Pokemon-related post or rant. And I mostly wait for either @the-one-from-dres or @drizzileiscool to bring up the occasional topic that I might have enough insight to talk about. Sorry for @'ing you guys, by the way, I just need folks to know who I'm talking about. Y'all the goats.
Once I got my drawing tablet, I thought that I could do a bunch of art stuff, but then it devolved into the same potential self-obsession problem, where I would just draw that one character(which is literally just a Samurott with anxiety and a Goku complex, let's be honest with ourselves here) over and over again. I have other characters I can draw, and I'm even taking free art requests. Granted, I haven't gotten any requests yet, but the option was still there.
And that's how we got here. I have to retake my Regents in literally under 24 hours, and I'm bitching and moaning about how I'm not getting anywhere in my ha-ha internet blog, which everyone already takes as a joke anyway.
If anything, I think my problem comes from a lack of communication. There was this like, 4 day period that I didn't hear a word from Dres, and I thought he hated me for something I did, until he involved me in 3 back-to-back reblog games literally the next day.
I still feel awful about it now, it was so petty of me to even think that way. For context, Dres might as well be my day one, and he's inadvertently taught me the ins and outs of Tumblr, like how to use tags and things like that. Hell, we even played DnD together once. No exaggeration, he's the closest thing I've had to a real friend in years, and I'm convinced that's only the case because he hasn't seen me in person.
I love him deeply, and only wish the best for him. To think that he'd leave me after I did basically nothing, I've really hit a new level of desperate. He likely had his own things to do, while I'm still stressing about things that probably don't even matter in hindsight.
Back to my original point, I want to do a lot more on this blog, and I also wanted to make it a chill place.
That's one of the reasons why I don't talk about politics myself. I don't want to get involved in things like that at all, because I want people to live without worry. The furthest I go with that kind of thing is "Stop being dicks to each other. We're people, deal with it." I know it's more complicated than that, but at this point, I'm almost scared to get involved in that kind of thing. I don't even know what a terf is. I didn't know Rowling was a bad person until recently when Drizzile was talking about her.
And it's like, I don't even know why it's so hard to talk to people for me. But at the same time, I think I really have something wrong with me, but I'm too scared to get it checked out. And, while I'm not getting into personal details, I don't have the right circumstances to even have that happen in the first place. That's the out of character reason why I say I might have ADHD, instead of outright saying I have it. I literally can't get it diagnosed myself if I wanted to, and I don't do the self-diagnosis stuff because I always get paranoid and think my problem is worse than it is. For example, I've convinced myself three times within the past year and a half that I had appendicitis, because I would get this really specific pain in my stomach. Guess who I told about it?
No one. I was terrified of wasting someone's time just for it to be me freaking out over nothing, and if I'm being honest, I still am. At this point, I have a plethora of things wrong with me, I know that now, but I don't ever get them checked out. I'm doing well so far with them, why worry about it now.
I just don't want to offend anyone. All I wanted to do was make a place where I and other people could have fun.
This is still going to primarily be a Pokemon IRL blog, but I'm doing something different. Please, if there's anything you all want to see on here, let me know. Stuff for Guy, art stuff, whatever floats your boat besides the obvious. And I'll do my best to keep up with my stories and fanfics or whatever. Once I get my stuff settled again, obviously, but I don't want to make it seem like I'm doing this for myself.
I don't want to turn this into a pity party. I really don't. At this point, I'm sick of having people worry about me. Whenever they do, I feel like I'm being an attention hog, and it sucks. If you did read this, thanks for listening. I just needed to get this much off my chest.
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lotus-btas · 1 year
BTaS Update: May-July 2023 - Pages of Lotus
Back again after a VERY long while without an update. Sorry for that, I'm forgetful.
Let me catch you up to speed on how the progress for Beyond Time and Space has been going these past few months, where we are now, and how we'll do things moving into the future.
Starting with the past, I'm gonna be fully honest: I haven't made a lot of progress with episode 2. Towards the end of May and the entire month of June, I've been suffering some serious burnout, to the point where interacting with my work would make my physically ill and exhausted. For a while I thought about skipping episode 2 entirely and moving on to 3, but then remembered that I stopped working on ep 3 because of my dissatisfaction/change of ideas with ep 2 that mentally stopped me from moving into the next arc. I'm still semi trying to get over it, but every day I can feel my creative drive starting to kick back in. I just need to sit down, focus, and get to work, which is a lot harder these days than ever before.
I also mentioned in the past how I was gonna host a beta reading for the first episode of Beyond Time and Space on the 20th of May. That also didn't happen. Not only was I sick with a headache on the 19th of that month, but I was rushed to the hospital for treatment, and spend the 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd recovering. Plus, that post got little to no interest or attraction, so making a sign up that no one would bother to mess with seemed kind of pointless.
As of the present, right now I'm working on trying to balance my energy between BTaS and my other projects and interest, to make sure that my burnout doesn't get as dangerously bad as it did in May and June. It seems to be working. None of them are making much sound progress, as I keep getting distracted by my own thoughts, but it's keeping my energy in check, which is all I need.
I also decided to start working on a pilot for Beyond Time and Space! Yeah! The one thing that I should've started with, especially because this is an animated series, I'm doing now, a full year after I wrote the first episode! Kinda ironic! I find a huge benefit of this being that I know my characters super well now, but the big disadvantage is finding something for them to do; how they can interact with this new environment that I'm putting them in for a single short episode. That's also been a little draining. Might need to brainstorm some more.
And, last but not least, going forward. My plans from this point on is to hopefully have a more consistent update schedule (every or every other Saturday, if I can remember), maybe create and show off some art made specifically for the updates, like a visual summary. I'm also working on a twitter account for Beyond Time and Space that is currently up, but probably won't have anything on it for quite a while. I'm a full believer that it's never too early to share your work, but I'm an anxious gun that needs some sort of visual content to back it up, if that makes sense.
Anyways this is really long. Apologies for that. I would add a TL;DR, but I'm kinda in a rush now because I gotta cook dinner. Just getting this out of the way beforehand (and because the time it took to write this was the same amount of time I had left before the time to cook dinner struck, so it kind of just fell in my lap). Maybe I'll include one once I reblog with the tag list.
Thanks for spending your time reading this update! Your eyes are a blessing :D
- Yors Truly
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naitosutan · 1 year
(I didn't know how to respond to your tags on your reblog so I thought I would just send you an ask-)
I'm glad you thought I had some good concepts, I'm terrible at explaining things so it's nice to know that some people understood what I was getting at. And your tsum tsum steek drawing lives rent free in my head, it is so fricking cute. I love tsum tsums!! And I was glad I could influence your love of Steek, kvasgi's art of Steek was one of the first pieces of art for that ship that I saw which was part of the reason why I got into the ship too! And your sister's art is super cute as well, I love it all so much, especially her AU!
Since I'm here, I'd like to ask you, who are your favorite characters and what are your favorite ships?
Thanks again for the sweet response, have a great day!! ❤️❤️
@/steeklover AHH I’M SO SORRY I FOOLISHLY SAVED YOUR ASK AS A DRAFT ON MOBILE AND TUMBLR ATE IT 😭 Luckily, I had part of my response written already and I’ll try to reply as best I can to what I remember of your ask!
Did you know I’m a fool and inept at anything technology ._. I found the ask; somehow I saved the ask in my drafts completely separate from my response ahskkgj
Pls forgive me for the repost, I wanted to keep the original ask attached 🙇🏻‍♀️
I think you explained yourself pretty well! Legit, I always love reading your thoughts on Steek and seeing the ideas you have for them, whether it be your mood boards or playlists, I enjoy your ideas! You are THE Steek shipper to me so I really value your perspective on them and keep some of your posts in mind whenever I try to portray them!
Tsums are definitely a long standing obsession of mine lol Evie says thanks for the praise as well! Her AU means a lot for the three of us ✨
(Long post so favs and ships under the cut haha)
To answer your questions, I’d say Tweek is my favorite from the show, but Stan had definitely settled into also being a major fav of mine! When I was first watching it, I went into season six a bit bitter about Tweek taking Kenny’s spot but… he’s just a little dude :3 Simpsons Already Did It is one of my top favorite episodes lol Stan was a surprising favorite but I guess following him and his friends around the most, I really liked the way he was characterized and the struggles he deals with? I also love Kenny content 🥺🧡 Anything and everything for Kenny lol
Anyways, here are some of my top favorite ships!! As you can probably tell, my sisters and I have a lot of overlap in the ships we like, and tend to influence each other a lot lol I’m a multi-shipper who generally likes a ton of ships and also really enjoy crackships and rare pairs cuz of the untapped potential of interactions that could happen! I also enjoy polys but for simplicity I’ll put just pairings here! I had tried organizing them in a tier list but… it ended up as a ranking list anyways so…
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Stenny - I actually surprised Kim a lot when I first brought up that I liked her old flame lol My first and my fav ship, there’s something about them that makes me extremely happy and I can’t quite explain it. It probably has to do with their personalities and interactions, but I can’t really articulate it into words haha I also love all the fan created content of them! They’re lovely and adorable 💖
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K2 - The OTP of my sisters means a lot of amazing fics recommended to me that makes it hard to not love lol I’m not picky about how the dynamic is portrayed, I’m always down for these two together! They baby 🥹
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Steek - <333 SO much love for these two! Like I had said you were definitely a big reason for it. Plus why NOT ship your favorite characters together? They both have a tendency towards destructive patterns that I think the other could relate to, especially with seeking validation on their feelings? I think potential interactions between these two are severely under explored so I’m always searching for more Steek content!
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Revin - OKAY. This one was definitely a ship I shipped from the show before looking at the fan content lol Constantly seeing them together in the background just reminded me of playground crushes, and their moments were small but cute. AND THEN WHEN THEY BROKE UP I WAS DEVASTATED. CONFIRMATION THEY WERE DATING AT THE COST OF THEIR BREAK UP AND NEVER SEEING THEM TOGETHER AGAIN 😭 We’ve also headcanoned their personalities quite a bit and so I like to think of them both being a bit airheaded? Kevin constantly thinking about his sci-fi and Red seemingly not pay attention to things around her? Kevin calling their fruits sandwiches and Red just going along with it was also funny even if it’s just an animation error lol ALSO KEVIN BEING SO SAD AT THE BAY OF MEMORIAL PIGS DANCE AS RED DANCED WITH TOLKIEN I CAN’T 😭 I love little background details the most when it comes to characters, I think.
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Crenny - Again, Kim was a big influence in me liking Kenny ships, also Crenny has some of the most beautiful and heartfelt works I’ve ever seen and read? I think things would be pretty easy with these two and they’ve had some good moments together!
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Cryle - I know people say they don’t interact much but when has that ever stopped me lol They’re both stubborn in different ways, Craig more passive and Kyle more confrontational, I think? Like, I really liked the scene in Fishsticks where they’re both advising Jimmy. They were basically indirectly arguing against each other and I think that’s such an interesting and fun dynamic lololol There’s enough there for me to enjoy them together!
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Creek - Just LOOK at them lol. I do admit I like them a lot in the show but don’t seek them out in fanworks but they’re great <3
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Stendy - I HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT THEM TOO. Like Stendy is complicated but they’re also elementary school kids, of course they’re not gonna know how to relationship properly. But they’re still so messy?? And it’s just on their personalities mannn. I think Stan very much takes his friends for granted sometimes and especially his girlfriend. And Wendy isn’t a part of his friend group enough to really be comfortable discussing their faults? Like obviously he’s done some things and she has as well but things are always resolved offscreen or brushed aside so we never really see how they get over it. Basically they’re cute when he’s pining or when they’re domestically together and supportive but when they’re just not paying attention to each other they’re difficult lol
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Stolkien - Another ship from the show, I think their interactions are always so fun, especially in the later seasons 🥺💕
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Staig - I love rivals lol I think fandom plays up their hatred for each other a lot but Scauses really convinced me that they do notice each other lol That and Craig likes stirring the pot a lot XD
It feels like I’m missing so many characters and ships but I had to limit myself! Ten is enough haha (shout out to all the ships I do ship but didn’t make it to this list 😔) I tried to keep this short lol
I hope your days have been great as well!! Thank you so much for the ask!! 💖
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andagii-writes · 4 months
OC Interview
Tagged by @agirlandherquill!
I was working on a different WIP today so I'll be using my heroine from that piece. It's been a while since I talked about Of Spirits' Kindling here, so here's a quick synopsis before I dive into these questions with Yaeha.
Disillusioned photographer Kirinosaki Yaeha stands mired in her mind's darkest places. Desperate for a way out, she heads to her grandmother's hometown of Kagas Inlet, a small bay town home to forgotten relics and folklore. The quiet, foggy burg threatens to demoralize Yaeha further, until her camera captures a glimpse of the world beyond…
Open tag for anyone interested!
Were you named after anyone?
"Not that I know of. My grandmother is--was--'Mari,' my mother is 'Yomi' and my father is 'Taka,' so who knows where any of them got 'Yaeha' from. Even I think it's a weird name."
Do you have any kids?
"No. ...I'd feel bad for any kid who had to deal with me growing up."
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
"No. I'm not smart enough."
What is the first thing you notice about people?
"Their eyes. You know that whole 'eyes are the windows to the soul' thing? Yeah... so I can't help it. And color, I guess? Facial colors, clothes colors, hair colors. Just... colors. It doesn't make any sense, does it?"
What is your eye color?
"Dark. Dark brown. That black-looking type."
Scary movies or happy endings?
"Scary movies, I guess, if I need to choose. Happy endings are just so... impossible."
Any special talents?
"Not really? I mean, I can take pictures. Of... things. I think I'm pretty good at that. I keep forgetting to ask permission though so maybe I'm not as good as I think."
Where were you born?
"Kagas Inlet, apparently. But after having me, Mom and Dad moved us to the city. Then when Grandma's memory really started going, my parents moved her closer to us, and now that she's gone and I can drive myself, I'm going back to Kagas Inlet to see it again.
"...Sorry, that was too much information, wasn't it?"
Do you have any pets?
"No. The cat at home is my mother's. It stays away from me."
What sort of sports do you play?
"I hike, I guess? But not regularly. Not enough to call it a 'sport' so maybe I don't do anything at all."
How tall are you?
What was your favorite subject in high school?
"Art. No... photography. I'll just come out and say it. Photography wasn't just a club at my school, it was an actual class we could take as an elective. I was... really, really bad at it at first but I just loved the sounds of the camera, you know? And the window of the viewfinder and the feeling of like, being on my own and seeing something only I can see. And then being able to tell stories about the photos I took and reliving those moments again...! I... I really do love photography."
What is your dream job?
"I'm already doing it. I'm a freelance photographer. But, well... I'm on hiatus. A lot of things happened and I'm not... I can't do it right now. I still love it of course, but I also hate it. I hate... well, I really shouldn't say more.
"I should go."
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Zee, I would like to start by saying sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up horrible things talking about drama, you being “famous” from the asks, and your past. I had no idea, and I shouldn’t have said anything at all. I am so very sorry. Next, I am so angry on your behalf that any of this happened to you. This is horrendous. No one, especially not an adult, should have done anything like that to anyone (especially not a minor). There is no excuse for her behavior. 1/?
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Hello again, my darling.
I want to start off by saying that you have nothing to be sorry for. You didn't cross any boundaries. If I really felt uncomfortable answering, I would have kept it to myself and deleted the ask. You didn't pressure me into posting anything I didn't want to. This story needed to get told somewhere, anyway. I've been keeping it to myself for too long.
I told you it was batshit, and I hope I delivered.
I wouldn't call myself blameless in this story. I was manipulated, yes, and I was groomed, yes, but I'm not completely blameless. Or at least I don't think I am. Idk maybe it's just the leftover mental illness saying that, I wouldn't be surprised.
I don't feel much joy in art anymore. It brings me back to a time I'd like to forget. I found my love for writing again, and that is enough for me. The fact that I'm writing something that I've posted and people enjoy is enough for me. I don't know if I will ever find joy in art again, which is a shame because I was really fucking good at it, but c'est la vie.
Yeah, people finding me was really fucking weird, and really fucking scary. I stopped tagging my friends and family in posts and I changed my fucking name. It hasn't happened in a while now, and I think I'm probably safe. The last time it happened was last year. Someone on my college campus recognized me, so that was really fucking awkward.
I'm thankful to my family and friends and my therapist for getting me through it. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without them. I hope y'all understand what I mean now when I say that Dani is like one of my limbs, lmao. I genuinely can't live without her and she kept me sane throughout a lot of this - reminded me that I was allowed to have negative feelings about it.
Once again, darling, don't worry about it. You didn't do anything wrong. If I truly felt uncomfortable answering, I wouldn't have. There's a little "delete ask" option that I could have used. I'm not mad, or hurt, or re-traumatized or anything. It was a shitty situation, and it had a shitty aftermath, and I'm living with the consequences. It taught me lessons about life. Lessons I probably didn't want to learn, but needed to. And now y'all know a little more about me.
I'll leave you with this comment from Dani because I think it perfectly sums up what the fuck our lives were like in 2021:
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We were fucking teenagers. And we still are.
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din-jarhead · 3 years
In Good Hands
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Pairing: Remus Lupin x F!Reader x Sirius Black
Rating: very much E, 18+!!
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings/Tags: some violence, not very descriptive, reader gets injured (mild splinching), smut, MMF threesome, Daddy kink, age gap (legal, ~15 yrs), hurt/comfort, oral (f and m receiving), use of puppy as nickname, one (1) spank
Summary: Your first mission for The Order goes wrong and you can’t stop yourself from panicking when you make it back to Grimmauld Place. Remus and Sirius take care of you. Set during OOtP but don’t think too hard about the timeline bc it’s not 100% accurate lol
A/N: Listen this is filth. I am gonna go back to primarily writing for Pedro characters but I just was really in the mood for this so here it is, I'm not sorry.
After leaving Hogwarts, you hadn’t really found something you loved to do. You had always done well in Defense Against the Dark Arts, but being an Auror was not very appealing, and you certainly didn’t want to spend years training for a teaching job that you wouldn’t last more than a year doing. However, when your old DADA teacher sent you an owl after You-Know-Who’s return telling you about a group trying to stop him, you finally knew you were going to do something good.
You and Professor Lupin had always had a good relationship, you were one of his star students, and naturally you had developed a bit of a crush. You had never acted on it at all because you knew he was much too proper to flirt with a student, but the idea of something happening with him while working with The Order had certainly crossed your mind.
When you had first arrived at Number 12 Grimmauld Place, you quickly realized there was an obstacle in your way in the form of one Sirius Black. He and Remus were clearly involved, and while you were glad they had found each other again after so many painful years apart, you couldn’t help but feel a little sad.
You had tried to keep yourself from dwelling on something you couldn’t have though, so you focused your energy on getting ready for your first mission with The Order. You would be going with Tonks and Moody on a patrol in Diagon Alley. Since you were still pretty inexperienced, it was just supposed to be an easy night watching the area to make sure things were calm, as they had been for a while, and you would be with two very competent aurors, so everyone kept assuring you it would be just fine.
A few hours before you were set to leave with Tonks and Moody, Remus could tell you were nervous.
“You will be perfectly safe, those two are some of the best aurors I know, and it is very unlikely you will encounter any kind of trouble this evening.” He had told you, putting his hand on your shoulder reassuringly, and giving you that gentle smile which always calmed you down.
“I know professor, I’ve just never had to use any of my Defense Against the Dark Arts training in real life before, and I’m not entirely sure I wouldn’t panic and forget everything at the first sign of danger.”
“First of all, no need to continue calling me professor. You’re an adult now, and we are essentially colleagues. And secondly, you are a great wizard, and I was far too good of a teacher for you to forget everything.” Sitting at the kitchen table, Remus flicked his wand and a teapot floated over and poured two cups. He held one up to you and quirked his eyebrow in question. “Thank you prof-- Remus.” You took the tea and sat across from him, taking a deep breath. “I know it will be okay, and I really am excited to start contributing to the cause.”
“Atta girl. And you know Sirius and I will be here when you return to celebrate your success.” He held up his teacup and you did the same, toasting to a positive outcome.
The short conversation had been exactly what you needed to calm your nerves, and by the time Tonks and Moody called your name to leave for Diagon Alley, you felt entirely confident that the night would go well.
Unfortunately, the death eaters had other plans.
When you arrived in Diagon Alley, all was calm as you had expected. You took your positions and quietly watched the empty street for any movement, but for the first hour of the mission things appeared to be going exactly as you had hoped. However, as a distant clock struck midnight, there was a flurry of noise and movement, and for a moment you had no idea what had happened.
You saw four hooded figures apparate into the street, and immediately curses were being hurled in your direction. You found cover behind a large empty cage outside of Magical Menagerie and tried your best to defend yourself. You managed to knock the wand out of one of the death eaters’ hands, but quickly you realized you stood little chance against these much more powerful wizards. Fortunately, Tonks and Moody had managed to overpower two others, and the rest finally retreated. You heard Tonks call your name, so you left your hiding spot and joined them in the street, looking down at the two death eaters they had incapacitated.
“What the hell was that?!?” You tried not to yell, still catching your breath.
“An ambush. I don’t know how, but someone knew we would be here tonight” Moody grumbled.
“But why attack us? It’s not like we were really doing anything!”
“I don’t know, but I intend to find out. Tonks and I will return to the Ministry at once and take these men into custody. You go back to Grimmauld place and inform Remus and Sirius what has happened.”
Hands shaking, you tried to hold yourself together long enough to apparate back to Grimmauld Place, but apparently you should have tried harder because you managed to splinch your arm on the way. It wasn’t severe, but it certainly didn’t feel good.
You entered the house and Remus called out to you, telling you to come into the living room. He sounded perfectly at ease, not yet realizing something was wrong, but the pleasant expression on his face quickly dropped when he saw you, breathing heavily and holding your bloody arm.
He and Sirius immediately stood and rushed to you, examining your arm.
“What happened? Where are the others?” Sirius asked as Remus grabbed his wand, some dittany, and reached into his pocket for something. He was able to fix up your arm with a silent spell and the dittany, then handed you a square of chocolate.
“Eat this, you’ll feel better.”
Normally this remedy would have made you smile, but you were still too shaken to really notice, and you absent-mindedly ate the chocolate and sat in the nearest chair.
Sirius sat in the chair next to yours, while Remus knelt in front of you, both watching you anxiously as they waited for your answer.
“Some kind of ambush. Four of them. Tonks and Moody went back to the Ministry, they’re fine,” was all you managed to articulate, but it was enough for Remus and Sirius to calm down a little.
“What about you? Are you injured anywhere else?” Sirius asked.
“I’m fine I just evidently need more practice apparating. I just-- I didn’t know what to do, I thought they were going to kill us--” you started, feeling your chest tighten and the air leave your lungs. You were still shaking, and now you couldn’t breathe or say anything else. The room felt like it was spinning.
You heard Remus saying your name, but he sounded far away.
You then felt hands on yours, and finally you were brought back to reality.
“Breathe, kid, breathe” you heard Sirius say, and you found Remus’ eyes, looking quite concerned again.
“You are safe now, everything is okay. No one can hurt you here.” Remus squeezed your hands, not breaking eye contact.
Both men watched you quietly as you calmed your breathing.
“I’m sorry, you must think I’m so weak now” you finally said, dropping your gaze to the floor in front of you.
“Not at all. You defended yourself bravely, and managed to leave the encounter relatively unharmed. Anyone would be overwhelmed in a situation like that, especially when it was so unexpected.” Remus gently lifted your chin so you would look at him again.
“Just tell us what you need.”
You knew exactly what would make you feel much better, but you certainly weren’t going to ask for it from either of these men; they would laugh you out of London.
Apparently you were quiet too long, and Remus could sense your hesitation.
“Tell me, what do you need? I want to help.”
“I’m fine, it’s silly” you responded, trying to remove Remus’ hands from yours, but he held firm.
“Your needs are not silly, we want you to be okay, we care about you.”
Something in the way Sirius said they cared about you felt a little less than professional, and you thought maybe you could ask for what you wanted. Was it worth the risk?
“I just… I still don’t feel entirely grounded. I think it would help if-- if someone held me.”
You held your breath as the men considered what you had said, and both had unreadable expressions.
“I understand. Come, sit on the couch with me” Remus said as he stood, still holding your hands, and brought you to the couch.
“Here, put your legs over mine, yes like that, and lay on my chest. Is that better?”
Your heart rate was still skyrocketing, but now it was for an entirely different reason. Was he really okay with this? You never thought you’d actually end up basically sitting in Remus’ lap.
This is not romantic, you thought to yourself. His boyfriend is literally right there, he’s just being a good friend and comforting you like you asked. Right?
Hearing Remus’ calm heartbeat and steady breathing was starting to help you feel much more grounded, but you still weren’t sure what was happening. And Sirius’ next move didn’t make things any less confusing.
He got up from his chair and came to the couch as well.
“Can I join too? I want to help as well” he asked, scooting closer.
You nodded, and he pressed against you, sharing a look with Remus that you couldn’t understand.
You all sat silently for a few moments, appreciating the feeling of them both surrounding you and making you feel much safer than you had minutes before. But your heart leapt again when you felt Remus’ hand start slowly moving up and down on your thigh, and Sirius’ doing the same on your arm.
You looked up at Remus, confused.
“Is this okay? We can stop” Remus said, seeing your expression and worrying they had gone too far.
“No, please don’t stop. I’m just a little confused.”
Remus breathed out a laugh and smiled down at you.
“Ah yes, well, while Sirius and I are together, we sometimes like to… share. And we both have grown quite fond of you, and we thought maybe you’d like to join us?”
You turned back to look at Sirius, who was nodding and looking at you with hopeful eyes.
“Wait, so you talked about this before?”
“Yes, well, Moony here was quite clearly smitten with you for a while, and I had to get it out of him.”
“So Moony, this student of yours you want to ask about joining the Order, how long have you fancied her?”
“What the hell are you talking about Pads? I would never be attracted to a student.”
“I saw how you looked when you were telling everyone how ‘bright and talented’ she is. I’m not blind.”
“Okay fine, maybe I do have some slight feelings for her, but she’d never feel the same, I’m far too old for her.”
“Then I met you too, and I understood why he was so drawn to you. And I could tell you had quite the little crush on Moony.”
You blushed at that and turned your gaze from Sirius.
“No need to be shy sweetheart, I was quite pleased when Sirius told me” Remus said, again placing his fingers on your chin to get you to look at him. Suddenly the air felt much thicker.
“Can I kiss you?” He practically whispered, and you nodded.
“Use your words, pup.” Sirius had leaned in behind you, and spoke low into your ear. The proximity of both men and the reality of the situation caused a shiver to run down your spine, and a familiar warm wetness to pool between your legs.
“Yes. Please.” you breathed, and Remus finally closed the distance between you, pressing his lips gently to yours. You grabbed onto his collar with one hand, pulling him impossibly closer to you and kissing him more desperately. You felt Sirius shift behind you, and suddenly Remus was tilting your head so Sirius could begin kissing your neck. Sirius turned slightly and pulled you back against him, and you could feel him hard against your back. It was all a bit overwhelming, so you pushed gently on Remus’ chest to get him to stop kissing you for a moment.
“Are you okay sweetheart?” He asked, searching your face for what was wrong.
“Yes, I want to do this, but I’ve just never…”
“Been with two people before?” Sirius finished your sentence for you, and you shook your head.
“I don’t really have much experience in the first place, this is just a little overwhelming.”
“It’s okay, we’ll take care of you” Remus promised, stroking your knee.
You shuddered a bit at his tone, so caring and a little dominant at the same time. Sirius noticed.
“Hmm did you like that, puppy? You want us to take good care of you? Make you feel good?” He leaned into you again, nibbling your ear lobe between questions.
“Yes sir” you replied, letting yourself relax into your submissive side, feeling the last remnants of your anxiety fade.
“I think you can do better than that pup” Remus replied. You knew what he was looking for, and you would gladly give it.
“Yes… daddy” you bit your lip and hoped you had read him correctly. Based on the sound he made you knew you had.
“Good girl. Your daddies are going to take such good care of you. Do you want to go to the bedroom now?”
You started to nod, then Remus tilted his head and you remembered to use your words instead.
“Yes please daddy.”
Remus helped you off the couch onto shaky legs, and the two men led you up the stairs to Sirius’ room.
On the trip up the stairs you allowed your mind to wander back to earlier, wondering how it was going with Tonks and Moody and if they’d found out what had happened. You replayed the events in your mind, trying to see faces or pick out details you may have missed. You became so engrossed in your thoughts you didn’t notice that you had reached the bedroom, and Remus and Sirius were staring at you.
“Something on your mind, puppy?” Sirius purred, bringing you out of your head.
“Sorry, just thinking about earlier.”
“None of that love, we’re supposed to be taking your mind off of that. Come here.” Remus held out his arms to you, and you stepped toward him. He kissed you again, this time letting his hands wander, grabbing onto every part of you. When he found the hem of your shirt, he gently tugged and you broke the kiss for a moment to let him remove it. Sirius came up behind you and unclasped your bra, letting it drop to the floor as he moved his hands downward to the button of your jeans. Once those too joined the growing pile on the floor, he noticed your lace panties and tutted.
“And who are these for, puppy?” Sirius questioned, running his fingers along the hem but not getting closer to where you wanted him.
Remus stopped kissing you to admire them as well, smirking at you.
Blushing, you told them you hadn’t worn them for anyone (though now that you were in this situation you were grateful to have chosen them today), they just made you feel more confident.
“Well that’s certainly lovely, darling, but they’ll have to go now” Remus ordered, looking past you to Sirius, who understood the command and removed them for you. Now feeling completely exposed to the two men who were still fully clothed, you felt a little awkward.
“Daddy, aren’t you going to take your clothes off too?” You pouted, looking up at Remus.
“Soon, pup, but first daddy wants to taste you.”
Remus pulled you to the bed, waiting for Sirius to sit with his upper half propped up on the pillows before instructing you to lay down between his legs. Sirius stroked your arms and let his hands ghost over your sensitive nipples as you watched Remus join you on the bed.
He hovered over you to place one more kiss to your lips before lowering himself. You felt his warm breath over right where you needed him most, and you shivered.
“Please” you breathed, just wanting him to touch you.
That was apparently all he needed, and Remus quickly licked a long stripe through your folds before wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking. You let out a desperate moan, so overwhelmed with pleasure you couldn’t even try to hold it in.
“That’s our good girl, let us hear how good you feel” Sirius practically growled into your ear. His arms held you tight to him as you squirmed against Remus’ ministrations, the familiar coil in your belly tightening faster than you had expected.
“Daddy please don’t stop, I’m gonna—“
Your last word morphed into a moan as Remus pushed two long fingers into your heat and curled them, pushing you over the edge.
Sirius stroked your hair and Remus held tightly to your hips and continued to gently work you down from your high. Starting to squirm from overstimulation, you whined a little and Remus moved away from your core, kissing his way back up your body and landing once again on your lips.
“I bet she tastes lovely, Moony” Sirius purred from behind you, and Remus moved even further up the bed, letting Sirius suck Remus’ fingers into his mouth to let him see for himself.
“Can I touch you now please? Both of you?” You practically whined, needing more from the men.
“How can we say no to that face?”
Remus grabbed your hips.
“Turn over. Hands and knees, pup.” Sirius ordered, releasing your arms and allowing you to do so.
Behind you, you heard shuffling and Remus’ clothes being dropped to the floor, and you watched, practically drooling, as Sirius shed his own. Once he was bare, you finally kissed him, trailing your lips down his neck and tattooed chest, eventually reaching his hard length, which had been neglected too long. You took it into one hand and looked up at him with questioning eyes.
“Ask nicely, puppy” he commanded, though his strong tone was becoming slightly less composed.
“C-can I please suck your cock, daddy?” You put on your best pouty face, biting your lip as you awaited his response.
“Of course love, just go slow, I don’t want it to be too much for you” he replied, his dominant facade fading slightly.
“Thank you daddy.”
You took him slowly into your mouth, starting with a few quick licks to the tip before taking him further. Sirius groaned low in his chest, gently placing his large hand on the back of your head, not pushing, just holding onto you.
Behind you, you suddenly felt Remus press against your hips, feeling him hard and ready for you as well. You wiggled your hips a little, trying to feel him more.
“You want me to fuck you puppy?” Remus asked, with a slightly mocking tone. You hummed around Sirius’ cock, but that was apparently not good enough for Remus, as a hard smack swiftly landed on your ass, making you lurch forward.
“Words sweet girl, you don’t seem to be grasping this lesson very well” Remus scolded, soothing the stinging area on your backside.
Pulling off of Sirius with puffy lips and shallow breath, you craned your neck to see Remus as well as you could.
“Sorry daddy. Please, I want you inside me” you managed.
“Good girl” he murmured before bottoming out inside you with one quick motion, making you feel completely full. The stretch was so perfect, it felt like your body was made for him.
Sirius guided your mouth back down onto his cock, and you moved up and down on him in time with Remus’ thrusts.
“Fuck darling, you’re taking me so well, this cunt is perfect” Remus breathed, clearly losing control. He picked up his pace, hitting something devastating inside you each time.
Meanwhile, Sirius had started bucking into your mouth, clearly trying hard not to go too rough with you as he chased his own release. You opened up your throat to take him even deeper, and he moaned.
“I’m not gonna last long if you keep that up, puppy, feels so good” Sirius let his head fall back against the headboard, and his hand gripped your hair just a little harder. You could feel his cock twitch, so you took him as far down your throat as you could muster, hollowing your cheeks and sucking hard, and he was done for. You felt his release drip down your throat, savoring all of it, and pulling off of him with a smirk.
Sirius panted, stroking your cheek with his thumb, then looking up to Remus.
“She’s fucking good at that, Moons, I think she deserves to cum again.”
Remus hummed in agreement, clearly getting close himself. He snaked one hand around to your front, quickly finding your sensitive clit and circling it.
“You wanna cum puppy? Want daddy to make you cum then fill you up?” You knew Remus expected you to use your words, but you weren’t sure they would come. After a few moments to catch your breath, you managed to stutter out a “yes daddy, p-please let me cum, please cum inside me. Wanna feel you.” With a “good girl,” Remus moved his fingers on your clit a little faster, and his thrusts became sloppier, clearly trying to last long enough to let you cum first, which wasn’t an issue as you quickly felt that pressure build and snap, and you whined and grabbed harshly onto Sirius’ thighs as you rode out your high.
After a few last thrusts from Remus, you felt the warmth of him filling you, and he slumped over your back, out of breath.
After a few moments, he kissed your shoulder, sat up, and pulled slowly out of you, eliciting a small whine from you.
You and Sirius shifted so you were laying down, him spooning you, as Remus moved off the bed, toward the restroom.
He soon came back with a warm washcloth and started to clean you up.
“Can’t you use magic for that?” You mumbled, already half asleep.
“Mm yes, but this way seems more comforting” he replied, finishing up and using his wand to send the washcloth back where it came from and joining you on the other side of the bed.
“You okay love? We weren’t too rough were we?” Sirius said quietly behind you, stroking your arm as Remus looked at you for an answer.
“No of course not, that was amazing. You definitely took good care of me.” You smiled, leaning in for one more kiss from both of them.
You snuggled into Remus’ chest, feeling completely safe surrounded by these men, and the three of you got some well-deserved rest before having to confront the real world again in the morning.
The next day, Tonks, Moody, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley reported back to Grimmauld Place with updates on the previous day’s events, and to check on you.
“I hope you took care of our girl,” Molly said sternly to Remus and Sirius over breakfast, “I hear she had quite the frightful experience last night.”
“Not to worry Molly, she was in very good hands.” Remus replied, and both men winked at you.
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lovely-echoo · 3 years
Sleepy Bois Inc x FranBow!Reader
In-game AU
Part 1/? Pt.2
Plantonic!SBI x Young!Reader
(10/11 years old)
Genderneutral reader (they/them) 💜
INFO; If you haven't played or seen game play of Fran Bow then you can skip this if you'd like. If you don't care then go ahead.
Summary; Basically if you've seen/played the game you should know how this goes, you take place of Fran. So you go/went through the same things she did and you still have Mr. Midnight. This takes place while Fran is still in the mental hospital and then got teleported near the SBI.
Honestly I kept thinking about this but was afraid to request it to anyone so I'm doing it my myself-
If I get any info wrong, I'm sorry! I rewatched Markiplier's game play so it shouldn't be way off.
P.s not everything is described the same.
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(^ art by sunquids on twt)
CW/TW: mentions/includes of cussing, gore, death, blood, consumption of medication, sexual assault (brief mentions of Damian/The King)
(Angst if you squint)
How you ended up there - How you met Philza and Technoblade
As you were walking around the hospital, you decided to take a pill to see if it'll help.
You watched as your vision blurred and some sort of demonic noises rang in your ears.
After a few seconds your vision cleared up, you took a look around the front desk.
The once dull and lifeless room had turned into this even duller and just plain deathly like room.
Blood was everywhere, random body parts of babies where thrown around. A skeletal figure was hung with what looked like an umbilical cord wrapped around its thin bones, it was connected to this baby covered by a blue blanket.
Just about everything looked grotesque.
Suddenly the floor ahead of you opened and this slimy black tentacle like arm grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in.
It seemed you may have passed out during your fall because you woke up to the sounds of hissing and supposedly two men.
Oh and let's not forget the killer headache causing the ringing in your ears. :)
You rubbed your eyes as you sat up, the light around you seemed much brighter than before.
You looked at the two men in front of you and then glanced down, you spotted Mr. Midnight!
His fur was spiked up and his ears were flat against his head. He seemed to be trying to protect you from the men.
Ignoring their presence you immediately scooped up your precious fur baby in your arms.
Your mind completely forgot about the fact there are two strange looking men in front of you.
A few droplets of water dripped down your (S/C) cheeks onto your (F/C) shirt/dress.
You started crying, so much happened in a short period of time and you found your cat you oh so desperately tried to find.
It panicked one of the adults. Said adult was an average tall man with slightly longer blond hair than average, he also had a green and white striped bucket hat. But what stuck out the most was the large pair of wings behind his back.
At first you thought that it was your pills fault but everywhere around you looked….
It seemed like your meds wore off while you supposedly passed out.
But that doesn’t help or ease you at all. If the side effects wore off then how the hell did he have wings?!
The blond walked towards you slowly, like you were an injured puppy. His blue eyes roamed around your body, as if studying your every mouvements.
The other man who was beside him earlier seemed to tense up and looked at him as if he grew another head. He was on edge you assumed.
But he looked even weirder to you. He had long pink hair tied into a loose braid falling over his shoulder. Was it natural? He also had tusks peeking out from his bottom lip, they were large but not enough to be in the way. His skin seemed to be on the pinker side, it was roughed up with scars and calloused in certain areas. You noticed he had pig ears poking out his crown. Is he a king of sorts? Wait, that reminds you of someome... Oh! The king of course!
Ah yes, the king. You quite missed him actually, he was playful and let you use his cane- sword to get a key. But he didn't know about that part. You wonder if he's doing alright right know, the asylum sucks. And the shadow thing next to him said weird things to. Who exactly is the holy man? Why'd the shadow say he took off his clothes?
You couldn't dwell on it to much as you got distracted by the approaching man.
He reached out his hand to stop the winged male. “Phil-”
But the man named ‘Phil’ interrupted the crowned male by putting up his hand. He stopped his hand and let it limp to his side.
“It’s alright Tech, they seem harmless.” ‘Phil’ reassured, though ‘Tech’ nodded his head with a stern expression. There was still hesitance in his sharp red eyes.
‘Phil’ took the same hand he put up and reached it out to you. A soft and kind look in his eyes, you could’ve gotten lost in them if you weren’t careful.
“You alright there kid?” He asked, crouching down to meet your height from where you sat.
“Y-yeah, I think so…” You winced, your throat was hoarse and dry. You peered at ‘Phil’ as he took out this glass bottle with what you assumed was water.
He handed you the fragile bottle, he saw the look of hesitance in your childlike eyes. But something about them set off alarms in his head, they were dull. There’s nothing wrong with that of course! But they were too dull, at least for a mere kid.
He recognized a glint of trauma in your (Eye Shape) eyes, those beautiful (E/C) orbs had seen something they shouldn’t have. Haven’t they?
“Don’t worry mate, it’s fresh water.” He examined the way you handled the cork, you were inexperienced. He could tell you’ve never needed to do it, but why? It’s really the only way so far to keep water with you.
Did you not have any?
While he was lost in thought, you just had noticed he had an accent of sorts. Nothing wrong with it, you've just never heard of someone with it.
(^ Ignore that if you are british)
While the winged male was off in his own world the piglin hybrid watched as you sniffed the clear liquid in suspicion before letting your cat smell it as if you were looking for their approval.
To his surprise they did give it to you, the black cat nodded it’s head and squeaked out a meow. That strangely sounded like a yes- but he dismissed the thought. Probably was just the voices fucking with him.
You gulped down the water as if you hadn’t had any for months.
‘Why tf are they so desperate-’ ‘lowkey kinda concerned lmao’ ‘they look like they’d be an orphan tho’ ‘lmao maybe’ ‘idc about the kid, i want the cat’ ‘absolutely-’ ‘Nah fuck the cat, im allergic.’ ‘lol and?’ 'PFT ANY ASKERS???'
Those were all different voices speaking and overlapping each other.
Technoblade sighed as he glanced at his father, he knew him on the back of his hand. He let him be and slowly walked next to Phil and kneeled down.
“What’s your name kid?” he asked, taking the empty bottle you had handed him. “(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)/Bow.” You bluntly answered, looking at him in the eyes. He noticed how bloodshot they were, I mean you did cry not even 5 minutes ago.
"What's yours?" You questioned tilting your head a bit in the process.
Unbeknownst to you, some voices in a certain someone's head were losing their shit, squealing and chanting ‘protecc tiny bean’ over and over again.
"The name's Technoblade, but you can call me Techno." Strange name in your book but your not the one to judge. You simply nodded your head in acknowledgement.
"That guy is Philza, but you can call him Phil." He pointed his thumb to the unfocused man. Technoblade or Techno- cleared his throat.
“You’ve got somewhere to stay? Where are your parents?” “Why can’t you mind your business?”
Techno’s eyes twitched in annoyance and his teeth clenched to hold back any crude words.
Although he noticed the flash of pain in those dull (E/C) orbs of the mentions of your parents.
He sighed once again, something you noticed he did a lot. At least, so far he did.
“Look kid, do you have a place to stay or not?”
And that's how you ended up meeting your new family. . . <3
I may include a taglist if anyone's up to be tagged lmao
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ineffably-human · 3 years
did all my freaking out about the potential leak on a Discord server so going back and reading like 3000 pages of tags where people are losing their minds is SO FUNNY, anyway here's my thoughts. Under the cut because SPOILERS, POTENTIALLY and also I'm gonna get wordy as usual.
- some of the dialogue in this does seem kind of weird/off but you seem really nice OP so I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt
- if this man is British did he meet Guillermo in London, and in that case did he freaking fly to the States to see him again? how serious are they? or is his being British a coincidence?
- he is absolutely casing the place, not because I want Guillermo's one-off boyfriend to be evil (I think they can get a good plot of out this whether or not he is), but because he mentions the antiques like 300 times. this show does a lot with very little dialogue, they always try to keep it down to like 23 minutes. if this guy mentions art/antiques and being really excited by them a trillion times while also thinking Nandor's this senile guy who wouldn't care if a few things were missing, that's a setup for something. either he's gonna try to rob the house (and maybe try to get Guillermo to help?) or he's going to figure out something weird is going on because he knows art? (and also because half the pictures in certain rooms are of Nandor and Nandor's housemates.)
- "I would have prepared a lengthy welcome dance." What the actual fuck.
- "Ah, I see. Best friends." Guillermo has called Nandor his best friend at least twice I can think of, how is Kayvan gonna read this line?
- "We're dating. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Love your enmeshment with your very normal work friend, Guillermo.
- I want to know how Kayvan is going to deliver pretty much every line in this scene, because Nandor is trying so hard to be welcoming and nice, which means he's either sincerely happy for his very good friend Guillermo, or dying inside but trying to be happy for his hopeless crush/very good friend Guillermo. Either one is a win in my mind because my God, guys, they've come SO FAR.
- "Oh. Oh wow. You have nothing to be sorry about, Guillermo. This is fantastic. A long time coming. Guillermo has been so lonely. Like, really lonely. Like it was funny at first, but then it became a bit pathetic. At one point, I saw him having a tea party… with a dead body!" D-does Guillermo dress up corpses on the regular? Why a tea party? More importantly this is such a glorious combination of kindness/insensitivity, like it's the kind of thing I'd expect from a camera aside, not something Nandor would instantly tell his boyfriend, but also Nandor notices how lonely Guillermo was and is glad he isn't anymore.
- "So glad to have a new buddy." "That’s me. I am the buddy." This has big 'resigning yourself to the friend zone' energy.
- "Truly, a top-notch collection you’ve got here, Nandor. You should be very proud of yourself." "No one has ever said that to me before." Except for how Guillermo specifically has, so again, I really want to know how Kayvan's gonna deliver this one. I can see Nandor thinking about Guillermo here and I can see him completely forgetting when Guillermo told him that and saying this with complete sincerity because he is so weirdly proud of his homemaking he might as well consider their furniture to be homemaking-adjacent.
- "I don’t know what any of that means. But I love it." / "It would be my honor." Nandor, you are laying it on thick. My weird third option is that he too has developed a crush on Guillermo's boyfriend, which would be the funnier and more unpredictable version of this scenario, but it's awfully fast for that to happen.
- Anyway I would like Freddie to be casing the house to rob it and/or to be freaked out and put off by Guillermo's devotion to Nandor/his family in general, then Nandor basically tears the dude's throat out because "you were using Guillermo? you insulted and hurt my Guillermo?" and then maybe he doesn't want to hurt Guillermo too badly so he lies to him about exactly what happened.
If this is a slow burn romance, we can only win. (If it somehow isn't, after everything, but Guillermo is openly gay and dating guys? Still something of a win. I mean they know what the fans want, no reason they can't change their minds even if we've somehow misread every single storytelling signal up to now.)
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sashi-ya · 3 years
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Ch. 4 ~ NSFW ~ Trafalgar Law x F! Maid! Reader ~ A Dangerous Attraction.
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AU : Mafia AU. Mafia boss Law. He IS a murderer.
TW: BLOOD. Mafia & murderers. Graphic depictions of violence. Smut. Explicit. Making love. Vaginal sex. Impregnation. Self harm. Marks, bites. Mental health issues. Trauma. Fluff. Angst.
WC: 4.2K
Chapters: one ; two; three; four; five; final
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33273136
Tag list: @rivvd-art ; @chocokaylarobin ; @fantasyfairysworld ♥
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Inked fingers squeezing around your wrist, your body hanging into the void. You try to climb, but little rocks fall every time you try to use your feet to push yourself up. The desperation and Law is simply not moving, he is just holding you. If he wanted, he could let go of you and you would fall instantly. If he wanted, he could kill you and no one would know. If he wanted…
“Law! Pull me up!” you shout, with tears in your eyes. He is not listening; Law is completely frozen. His eyes opened wide; he doesn’t blink. He doesn’t breathe. His jaw muscles are clenched. Your arm hurts, the only thing that is keeping you alive is Law grabbing you.
“Law don’t let me fall. Save me…” you beg with tears sprouting from your eyes. “LAW!!!” you shout. The time passes so slowly, so painfully scary.
Suddenly he blinks quickly and pushes you up. Your body falls over his, you are safe now. Law hugs you; he starts crying. Your head rests over his chest, but quickly try to release yourself from his arms. “Let me go!” you shout, in distress.
Law stops hugging you and you stand up, trembling, still crying. You take your hand to your wrist, massaging the fingertips marks he has left over your skin. “I’m… you don’t understand. I didn’t…” he tries to tell you, but he fails as he stutters nervously.
“I wanna go home. My home” you tell him and start walking back through the path. You almost run; you can feel him walking behind you. Law is sobbing, he can’t stop crying. You hear some scratching noises, but you decide not to look back. If you dared to even look at him, you’ll pity him and forgive what just happened.
But something stops you, you hear a loud noise and a whining. A painful whining. You turn around, and there is Law, kneeling on the ground, right arm bleeding from the scratches he has made on himself, swollen eyes from all the crying. He keeps violently scratching his skin, and he can’t stop.
“What the hell?!” you shout and run to him. You crunch next to him and grab his arm, “Stop doing that. You are hurting yourself”. “I’m… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it…” he says repeatedly. “Stop, please. You are bleeding” you tell him, holding his arm. He puts his forehead over your chest imploring forgiveness. Your shirt gets damp by his tears. A mafia boss crying like this, so weak…
“Why didn’t you pull me up instantly, Law?” you ask all of a sudden. You know that whatever he says won’t stop you from running away from him, but that question escapes your mouth unintentionally. “I… I’m… my dad. My uncle…” he stutters. “What happened?” you ask. “My uncle… killed my dad. Doflamingo pushed him by the same hill. I was in the car looking at everything. My uncle said my dad slipped away because he was clumsy, but he didn’t. He pushed him. And I saw everything. And didn’t say anything, I was afraid. My… dad…I was seven”. And suddenly everything makes sense… he was facing his trauma, but he never let you fall. He saved you… once again.
You hug him so close, poor thing. You caress his black hair, rocking him back and forth. “It’s ok, it’s ok…” you repeat. A few minutes after he stops crying, “I’m sorry” he says, nuzzled on your chest.
“It’s ok, Law…”
But you can’t take this anymore. You are going to end up dying if you stay next to him. You definitely are.
Both walk back to the cabin, you start packing your stuff leaving only the maid costume over the big, still undone, bed. Sitting on the mattress you take out the photo of your family and look at it. In the photo you see your sisters, your mom and you in your father’s arms. It’s your birthday. Behind, a tall man running with a little boy wearing a white hat. You don’t really remember their faces. You only remember that man was your father’s partner. Both policemen. They were fighting against organised crime. After your dad was shot, you never hear anything else from his partner, nor the little kid. But you keep focusing on your family, and those happy times. You were smiling so joyfully, so naive…
You hear the surgeon at the door, and quickly put the photo on your pocket. There is no way you let a mafia boss see the face of your family members. It’s just too risky...
“You sure you don’t want to stay?” asks Law, now with a white bandage around his scratched arm. “I am sure, please take me back to my apartment” you tell him. “(Name)-ya, please, stay at my house. I promise I won’t talk to you” he says, tears building up in his eyes. But you remain strong. “Please…I need time to be on my own” you tell him as if you were begging him to stop insisting. You don’t know how much you are gonna go without succumbing to the dangerous attraction he represents to you.
“At least let me keep you safe, I won’t visit you, I won’t call you. But please, stay in one of my apartments. I beg you” he finally says, approaching you. You back up instantly, somehow him touching you, scares you.
“Fine” you finally accept. He is right, if you dare to come back to that apartment you might be in danger. Law eyes sparkle, he breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you, thank you so much” he says, approaching you once again as he was trying to hug you.
“Stop. Don’t touch me” you command. He freezes right away, the smile in his face is gone once again. “I’m sorry, I’ll be in the car waiting for you” he says, crestfallen and walks away. Your heart aches at him leaving the door, but you know too well this is the best decision you could have taken.
Once everything is set, and you are ready, you go downstairs. You give a last peek to the cabin, the place where Law and you let your passions go wild for the first time… a place where he almost chokes you to death… Closing the door behind you, you were sure this was the last time you would ever be in this place.
Opening the door of that amazing black car, you throw your bag on the backseat and sit next to Law. He is wearing black shades, tears falling through his cheeks. He is not speaking; he swallows and hits the gas. You don’t dare to look at him, so your head is turned towards the window. The magnificent forest, nature, a place where you’ve been the happiest… and the sudden memories of you almost losing your life for the second time…
No more than an hour passes, and you are already on the highway. The radio makes the painful silence a little less uncomfortable. A slowed cover of “We Found Love” by Rihanna playing.
“As your shadow crosses mine, what it takes to come alive.
It's the way I'm feeling I just can't deny. But I've gotta let it go.
We found love in a hopeless place…
Shine a light through an open door. Love and life I will divide.
Turn away 'cause I need you more”
“Tsk…” you express. “Hum?” he asks. “Nothing…”. There was no interaction, nothing. Law’s cheeks damped. Nose red from all the crying.
“(Name)-ya… would you prefer the 6th or the 8th floor?” he asks, sniffling. “Whatever you want, it’s ok for me either way” you tell him, feeling ashamed. You are leaving him, but still living on his property… this shouldn’t happen. “Ok… Then the 8th floor. It has a big terrace” he tells you and touches the screen of the car.
“Bepo, Law here”
“Law, I’m Pen. Tell me”
“Oh, Penguin. Please take all the (Name)-ya’s stuff to Swallow inns, the eighth floor”.
“Yes, boss. Are you ok? You need us to take some of your stuff too?”
“Just hers… oh, don’t forget the Kia”
Law hangs up before his friend could say anything else. His voice clearly shows how much he’s been crying; he knows his friend would ask. You simply ignore everything he says, you don’t really want to hear even though he is speaking via Bluetooth.
After two hours, you arrive at a luxurious apartment complex over the beach. A big sign that says “Swallow Inn” announces that this is the place you are gonna be living from now on. “Damn” you think, how the fuck your life changed so much that you ended up living in such a place…
“(Name)-ya, this is the place where the apartment is located. Our… your parking spot is the number 18” he informs you. “Uhm, ok…” you say, because you don’t even have a bicycle to park in there, but hey, thanks for the information. But, when you arrive at the said parking spot, a little black car is parked there. “Nice, someone parked on your spot” you say, sarcastically.
“It’s yours…” he says. “What? No” you categorically express. “Please, accept it. This place is far from the city, and there are no bus stops nearby. Please” he insists. “Ok…” you accept, even though you are sure you are not gonna use that car.
Law takes your stuff from the backseat and tells you to follow him inside. The place is modern, everything is clean, luxurious, white, pure. “Eighth floor” he says and presses the little 8th button of the elevator and a code. “Remember, you should enter this number so you can enter home, ok?”. You don’t speak, and just nod.
The doors open inside the apartment, again everything is so white and pure. Your stuff is already in place. Big windows show the immense sea ahead. Everything is perfect, so for rich people. “Law, this place is amazing. You sure you want me to live here?” you ask.
Law turns around, takes his sunglasses off. Swollen red eyes, more dark circles than ever. He fixes his grey irises on yours. “I’d rather you live with me. But this is the best second option I have to keep you safe”. You keep looking at him, you can’t take your eyes off him. It hurts so much, even more than the bruises on your wrist, on your neck… your heart shouts “stay with me”; but your head says no… no, or you are gonna end up dying.
“By the way, this is your phone. I recommend you use this one, it’s safer. Not for me, but for you” he says, lending you a mobile phone that’s over the breakfast nook. “Thanks” you nod and your fingers graze when gabbing the phone. How hard is this…
“Well, I know you want me to go, but, if you ever need me… just, call me. Ok?” says Law, taking his hand to your cheek, but quickly stopping himself. “Wait” you say and grab his hand to your face. He gasps but grazes your skin. You close your eyes and let your head rest over his palm for a moment.
“Thank you, Law… Give me some time, please” you whisper. “I’ll be waiting for you…” he says, and a few moments later he is gone. The elevator doors close, and your legs finally turn weak. You fall on your knees. You haven’t cried until now, and now you do. Tears won’t stop falling from your eyes to the marbled floor.
After all your tears have dry, you start looking around the apartment. Your bedroom is bigger than your ex-house. The bed looks just as the one Law has in his room. Satin sheets and white fluffy covers.
A wardrobe full of your clothes, old and some new outfits they bought you from the finest brands. And next to your clothes, men's ones. “Are these Law’s?”.
You can’t help but take one of his t shirts. You choose a yellow one, with black sleeves. “It has his smell…” you say, while taking the cloth to your nose. “I don’t think he would mind if I use it…” you say and put the shirt on. It has some kind of a smiley face stamped on it, and you wonder what it means.
The night comes, and your stomach growls. The fridge is full of ingredients, Law’s subordinates are so efficient. You cook a vegetable wok that you devour right away. The place is way too big for you, but it is what it is.
You inspect the new phone he gave you, such modern and pretty. You decide to pass all your photos from your old one to it. Same as the numbers. “I should call mum…” you think, remembering about the money. Where are you going to find any money to send them? “I can’t go back to the old bar; I’ll search for work tomorrow”.
“Hi, mum?”
“Darling!! I’ve been calling you, but you don’t seem to pick up. Is everything alright? Why are you calling from a private number?”
“It’s my new phone, I don’t know how to take it off. I will ask a friend to help me, and I’ll send you my number mum. Don’t worry” you lie. “How are you? How are the girls?
“Fine baby, but are you alright? You sound so sad…”
“I’m fine mum!! I moved! I will send you the address via text, ok? You should come someday! I have a sea view now!!” You act all excited, just for her not to worry, but moms know better…
“If you need mum, come spend some days with us darling. Ok?”
“Yes mum, I’m ok. I’ll be visiting you soon!” You lie once again, choking back tears.
The conversation is soon over, and after hanging up, tears run free. “I hate lying to my mum. Damn it. Damn Law…” you grunt, while searching for the picture of your family on your pocket.
“Where the fuck…?” You say, while searching for it desperately in your jean’s pockets. No sign of the photo, and you start to panic. The last photo you have with your dad, your seventh birthday…
“Don’t tell me I lost it, please!!!” You shout and start to look for it everywhere. Every place, every square. You can’t stop crying. You just can’t… something so precious to you.
“That’s what happens when you hang with the mafia… karma” you tell yourself before falling asleep, crying.
You wake up several times during the night, as nightmares invade your dreams. Law’s scratched arms, his eyes, the feeling of falling into the void. The day the police came to your house to tell your family, someone killed your dad. The way Law choked you… the way his hands were around your neck, the way his hips moved in and out of you, the way his kisses make you feel…
“Stop right there, (Name)” you say to yourself looking at the ceiling. How can you feel horny, huh? Are you crazy? “What’s wrong with me…?”. You know what’s wrong, of course you do. You are in love with Law and can’t deny it anymore. Your body misses him, you miss his scent, you are using his damn shirt to bed. You miss him so much; you are hugging a pillow pretending it is him.
Standing up from bed, you look through the big window of your room. The sea seems calm, sun is peeking from the horizon, still lazily resting until dawn. You sigh and say, “I fucking miss you… why aren’t you here?”.
Ding, Dong…
The sophisticated sound of the doorbell resonates all over the loft. “Fuck” you think, they’ve found you… Am I in danger? Should I call Law? Bepo? You tremble and walk towards the intercom.
Ding, Dong…
“Fuck” … you slowly pick up the phone of the intercom, and the little screen next to it turns on. The image of Law, a distressed Law appears. “What the fuck? I told him to give me some space…” you think, but he signs desperately for you to open.
“Law, what are you doing here?” You ask via the phone.
“Open, please, I have something important to show and tell you, I didn’t want to enter with my code” he says and shows a little square paper. Your most precious treasure, your family photo. You widen your eyes, “enter the code, come on”.
A minute passes and the door of the inside elevator opens. Law is standing right there; he looks like a mess. This must be the third night he hasn’t slept.
“Can I?” He asks for permission to even step into your -his- apartment. “Come in. Do you have my pic?” You ask ignoring the fact of wearing his shirt and only that over your body.
“Yes, but… I need to show you something about it” Law says, while looking at you up and down with a sweet expression. “Let’s sit, this is important” he insists. So, both of you sit on the couch. Law takes your photo out of his jacket pocket and puts it over the coffee table. “This is your photo, right?” He asks. “Yes, thank you!! Where was it?” You tell, but before you could take it, he stops your arm. “Wait… it was over the car seat. But, please, look at this…” he says and puts another photo next to it.
“I didn’t know, I promise”
“It can’t be, was your dad…?
“Yes, it was” …
Both of you start crying, recognizing how linked both of you are…
Law takes his finger to your cheek, wiping a single tear. You do the same, wiping the tears from his cheeks. “I’m so sorry…” he whispers. “Don’t…” you tell him, and you two hug. Pressing your bodies, you find the comfort, the warmth of home. That feeling you only experience when you know you are safe…
Your faces so close, your eyes fixed. The sun slowly rising, invading the place with lilac and orangey tones. Law is fighting not to kiss you, and you frankly too.
“Fuck it” you whisper and plant a sweet kiss over his lips. And that’s the spark you two needed to become fire. You set all your zipper free, no more clothes. You sit over his lap, both kissing so passionately, tongues playing with each other’s. Law cries, you cry. But you two smile pressing your foreheads.
You see how the scratches on his arm became scars already. You grab his arm and kiss softly over each wound. “Don’t do this ever again, please. If you have the need, talk to me, tell me, I’ll be there to help you…” you tell him, looking straight into his soul. Poor thing…
“I missed you” he says. “I missed you, too” you tell him. Even if you haven’t seen each other for some hours, your souls missed each other so much. You kiss him so relieved… your head keeps telling you stop, until the arousal drowns every single sign of reason.
Law gabs your thighs and stands up, carrying you to the bed. He softly puts you over the mattress, and he settles over your body. Gently kissing your neck, Law takes his time. His hands grazing your breasts so softly. “I want to make sweet love to you, I want to be gentle, I want it slow” he says, because he doesn’t want to hurt you. You smile and take your hands to his face. “Do it slow and do it faster. Do it gentle, and do it rough…make love to me, Law” you tell him.
His “death” hands travel from your neck to your waist, and even lower. His fingers buried on your hips as his mouth reaches your sex. “Spread, babe” he asks with a soft tone. You do it right away. “Good girl, now put your legs over my shoulders”. And so, you do.
Law’s mouth attacks your core, licking, tasting, devouring your juices. He little by little kneels on the bed, pushing you up. Your legs are still over his shoulders, he has better access to your core as he keeps giving you the best oral sex you ever experienced. You grab the sheets, pull from them, as your climax begins to arrive. Law presses your lower belly, while he sucks your clit. “Come on, come for me” he says, muzzled by your anatomy.
You are about to burst, and Law penetrates you with his middle finger and ring finger. The licking, the pressure, the fingering… you come, squirting, bathing his whole torso with your juices, as they come out with such pressure Law is not able to receive it all with his mouth.
“Such a good girl” he says, letting your legs over the mattress. You are panting, that position somehow made everything better… “L-Law…?” you mumble, still trembling from the orgasm you just had.
“What, baby?” He asks while wiping the rest of your climax off his chin with the back of his hand. “Don’t you ever stop fucking me like this” you tell him, so naturally, so unplanned.
“I won't, I won't ever stop”.
Law lays in bed, next to him, enjoying how you come back to normal, and the blushed on your cheeks that screams how good your orgasm felt. But he wants more, and of course, you too.
“Come here” he says and helps you to turn around. He is spooning you; you feel his hard member over your glutes. Law passes his right arm under your neck, and the left one reaches your left nipple. He pinches it, twists it. Law takes his index to your mouth and makes you suck it. “Wet it real good” he commands. Your teeth graze the E tattooed on his finger while sucking it so sexily.
The same finger, shiny from your saliva, is now tracing circles again over your nipple. You moan, it feels so good. He gropes you with his dick, your back feels the warmth of his inked chest. You push your ass against his member, trapping it in between both cheeks. Law grunts, and moves up and down, frotting his hard shaft over your rear entrance.
Your hand reaches for the surgeon’s hip. You carve your nails on his skin, pulling you even closer to you.
“Fuck me, fuck me now”. “If that’s what you want…” he says, while he bites your neck. The hand that was playing with your nipple now grabs his dick. He aligns it with your entrance, lubricating the tip with your dripping arousal. He slaps the shaft against your labia, forming strings of precum mixed with your juices.
His gland playfully hits your clit, and you squirm with it. But you burn with the need of being penetrated, filled by him. “I want you inside, please” you beg. “You want me inside? How much do you want it?” Law says pressing his mouth against your cheek, his beard grazing your skin. “Fill me up, I want it so bad. Fuck me, now…” you whine.
“Ok, my darling. Just because my shirt suits you so well” he says and kissing the side of your mouth he penetrates you so slow, little by little stretching your walls. The feeling of the tip going in and out, without fully penetrating you deep, sends you to heaven as it grazes your g spot. You can only whine his name, feeling as he gradually goes deeper, in and out.
You can feel Law’s wicked smile over your cheek as he finally penetrates you to the deepest point he can reach. Your walls clench around his member as he speeds up the pace. “Babe, you feel so good, so tight” he moans in your ear. The sound of his voice could kill you if it was meant for it.
You moan soundly, sure the neighbours could hear you, but unable to hold back as Law is now fucking you mercilessly. Soon the climax road is taken, and you are sure getting to it.
“I want to see your face while you come” Law says, and quickly turns you around. Classic missionary position, the most perfect man over you, his whole anatomy, sweating, panting.
Law puts your arms up your head, grabbing your wrists together. His body lean over you while he pounds into you, violent, deliciously thrusts. The way the muscles of his torso tightens when his hips move in and out are art, the finest piece of art you have ever seen.
And inevitably, both of you reach orgasms. This time, Law focused on your face, he didn’t bite his lip, he didn’t choke you, he didn’t lose track of reality. Law this time was being driven by love, by the only need of loving you, of making you happy… of not losing you.
You come, and so does he. Law fills you with his creamy seed. He collapses over you, still with his dick inside you, pushing his milk deep in you. Returning his breathing back to normal, he whispers into your ear “I think I’m still in love with you”.
“Still? What do you mean?” You ask, confused...
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
restart | four
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[ SEQUEL TO PERFECTLY WRONG ] | [ series masterlist ]
summary: as you and taehyung start to build your life together post graduation, things become more complicated than what you expected it to be. while taehyung struggles with his inner demons, you’ve become the sole supporter, the pillar, juggling different jobs to keep you two afloat. your love for each other has been put to the test as your relationship continues to face hurdles - hurdles that have you questioning whether or not your relationship will make it through.
pairing: reader x fiancé!kth
genre: post grad au, established relationship au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 4.8k
warnings: cussing/mature language, jealousy, lots of insecurities and overthinking, angst, crying, bar scene, alcohol consumption, flashback scene in the middle of the chapter, a lil sprinkle of fluff, implied sexual content, bickering/arguments
note: honestly, this was ALSO not supposed to get this long but like… 🙃 here we are lol
tags: @enchantaeduniverse​ @thedarkwinterrose​ @sapphirejeon​ @jwlmnbt​ @bluesharksandfish​ @ra-mun-e @brightcolorsoffendme​ @jungcrookthecookbook​ @sunniejinnie​ (please message me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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"Okay, I think that's it." You said, hands on your hips as you and Jungkook walked through your door for the final time.
"What are you selling, the world?" He huffs and puffs.
"For someone who works out often, you complain a lot." He rolls his eyes playfully.
"Where's Tae?"
"Sleeping still." He nods.
"Oh, okay. Ready to go then?" You nodded silently as you grabbed your bag to hitch a ride to the café with Jungkook since he was working today. He starts to talk about the girl who works with you two and how he thinks she's a little cutiepie. He has such a silly crush on her that his cheeks are lightly rose tinted every time he talks about certain encounters they've had. You're happy to see him happy, and you tell him to keep pursuing it since she's a super sweet girl. However, part of you is sad solely because you couldn't say you were 100% happy at this moment. You wish you were, but these problems were hindering you from feeling complete. You just wanted to get past this page in the book.
As soon as you both get to the cafe, you start unloading his trunk and getting everything inside. Jungkook claims he has the last two bags covered, so you walk to the back and take breather just to gather yourself before setting up. But you truly didn't expect to lose it right then and there.
"Okay! I got all the— Y/N?" Jungkook instantly worries when he sees you crying into your hands in the backroom and hurries over to you. "Hey, woah. What's going on?" He gets in front of you, gently trying to pry your hands off of your face.
"Fuck, I'm sorry." You continue to cry as he successfully removes your hands from your face.
"Sorry for what? What's going on?" He wipes your tears with his sweater and lifts your chin to look at you in the eye.
"The day barely started and you're already crying in the backroom." He says softly. "Don't try and lie to me."
"I just don't know what's going on between me and Tae and it's stressing me out."
"What's going on? Same stuff?" You nod, tears still streaming down your cheeks. You tell him about how he had been super weird about taking Jimin's help and how you both got into a huge argument about it. Then, you told him how last night ended [sparing your poor bestfriend the details] and how you couldn't help but feel used because he simply dismissed you, which is very unlike Taehyung when it comes to arguments and disagreements. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I know he's going through a rough time, but Tae also needs to respect you and look at you as his partner, not someone who's also attacking him or against him. Do you want me to talk to him?"
"No." Simply, no. Because you never get your friends involved like that. You just don't, no matter how much they wanna help. "He looks at me like I am, especially after this whole Jimin thing. I don't wanna say it's stupid because I don't wanna discredit his feelings, but god. Like, should I just do this on my own? Tell Jimin to forget it?"
"No." Jungkook shakes his head. "You're already getting a good start on your goals, Y/N. Don't let that go because of everything going on. Give him some time and space."
"I have been. For awhile now." You sat, feeling completely defeated already, tears still coming down your cheeks.
"Here, I'll go set up and I can take over the table for a bit. I'll ask Isabella if she can cover for a quick second." He stands in front of you, hands out to help support you as if you had lost your footing.
"No, I'll be fine—"
"Y/N, just sit. Okay?" He gives off a small sigh. "Just sit for a second and let yourself take a breather." He gently sits you down and makes sure you don't get up by slowly backing away from you.
"Kook, this isn't Marco Polo."
"I'm just trying to make sure you don't run off because you're stubborn!"
"Hey!" Isabella comes running in, a little confused as to what's happening.
"Hey, can you cover me at the front for a bit?" Jungkook stands back upright in a normal position to ask her sweetly, hands tucked behind his back as he bounced on his feet. This boy.
"Yeah, of course Jungkook." She blushes.
"Thanks. I'll be right back." He gives you a quick look before dashing off. You lay your head onto your arms as they rest on the table, a small headache forming at the center of your forehead.
"You okay, Y/N?" Isabella asks softly as she puts her things away.
"Yeah, sorry. Just a really weird day yesterday."
"I'm sorry." You feel her hand caress your back. "Let me know if you need anything, okay?" She says before shuffling herself out of the room. To be honest, you had no idea what was going on with you, and why you were feeling this way. You were just so sick and tired. Sick and tired of being sick and tired.
This was slowly taking a toll on you, and you weren't even sure if Taehyung realized what he was doing was hurting you in the process.
He can't say he does.
Tae set the weights down back onto the rack aggressively before sitting on the bench, watching Jimin finish his set. They had been working out after lunch, Jimin calling him shortly after Taehyung had fully woken up.
"Are you gonna go to the café after this?" Tae shrugged.
"I don't know, Y/N said she didn't need help and wouldn't be there all day."
"You won't even visit for a bit?" Jimin asks. Usually Tae was rushing to get back to you, but he knew everything that had been going on had been affecting your relationship to an extent.
"We'll see."
"You two coming to the bars tonight then?"
"What are we celebrating again?"
"Nothing. Just getting together like old times. I told Kook, Hobi and Yoongi. They're down." Tae nodded.
"Joon, too?"
"Joon, too."
"Me and Y/N will probably go but I don't think we'll stay long. She has to do that thing at the school—" He scratched his head. "The thing— the exhibit and talking to incoming art students or whatever." Jimin chuckled at how Tae couldn't get his words out.
"It's not whatever."
"You know that's not what I mean." Tae rolled his eyes at him, annoyed all over again at how Jimin had been kissing your ass lately. Cause fuck, the way Jimin had been painting himself as a knight in shining armor, an angel even, was pissing him the fuck off. It made him feel like he wasn't doing enough to support you, or like you couldn't turn to him for help. He hated that feeling, even though he had been rude as hell and showing it in a different way.
"That's fine. Just come out and hang out for a bit." Jimin sighed as he sat on the bench next to him, drinking some water before placing the bottle back down on the ground. "You two doing okay?"
"Yeah, what makes you think we aren't?" Tae asks, getting defensive. Jimin quickly eyes him, reading his body language. He knew Taehyung so well - so fucking well that he knew almost immediately when things were taking a toll on him. Things liiiike.. his parents. As a prime example. Jimin knew Taehyung and his parents obviously didn't have the best relationship, and he knew he took things to heart whenever his father got on him about stupid shit [just like he did over that dinner]. Taehyung wasn't one to show emotion much; he liked showing people he was mentally tough and that he could handle whatever came his way. For the most part, it was true. But, Jimin and Namjoon also knew he wasn't always like that, especially when it came to things that mattered the most to him - his family and you. Taehyung hated to admit it but his family's opinion of him was important no matter what. He was hard on himself because he wanted them to be proud. He wanted to actually feel like he had been doing something good for once. He was still longing for that feeling no matter what he said or did. It was a never-ending battle; like a plot with no happy ending in sight.
"I'm just asking." Jimin threw up his hands, showing that he wasn't suggesting anything behind the harmless question.
"We're fine. I know she's been stressed lately because of work and her art."
"It's funny." Taehyung chuckles at himself.
"What's funny?" Jimin laughed a bit, confused.
"I didn't expect to be caught up in her like this. After Hana, messing around with all these girls. She's my fucking fiancé."
"Yeah and you better not fuck that up." Jimin stands to gather his things.
"You sound like my dad." Tae jokes, even though he was pretty offended.
"I'm sorry, didn't mean to." Jimin instantly apologizes, knowing everyone had been walking on eggshells around Taehyung lately. "She's a good girl, you've got it good."
Taehyung softly smiles at the thought of you, but he wasn't gonna lie, he was hurt by Jimin's statement. Call him sensitive or whatever, but he wasn't feeling the fact that people were constantly looking at him as a fuck up and hinting at it. It seemed to be a reoccurring theme lately. "You ready?" Tae sighs before grabbing his stuff. They get into his car, departing from the gym to make their way to Jimin's so he can get dropped off before Tae heads home. Taehyung replays yesterday's events in his head, which instantly irks him all over again. But, he has such a soft spot for you that he feels terrible for having been too harsh about it. He was still upset, and he wasn't gonna let up on his feelings. But he knew he should have been better about how he approached it. He knew better than that. He's learned to do better.
Taehyung excitedly parks his car at the café to surprise you for your pop up today. He had been working endlessly to finish off finals strongly, and he had been so busy that he hadn't really gotten a chance to help you or support you. He felt terrible about it because you were his babygirl and he wanted nothing but to spoil you for all the hardwork you've been putting in.
He creeps up behind you, bouquet of flowers hidden behind his back. "Excuse me, miss." He says lowly near your ear.
"Holy fuck!" You say as he startles you. "Babe, what the hell! Don't do that!" He laughs.
"What's cookin', goodlookin'?" He wiggles his eyebrows, making you chuckle. "These are for you." He smiles toothlessly as he hands you the pretty bouquet. "And your favorite!" He hands you a Mcflurry cup.
You squeal. "Oreo Mcflurry! Aw, thank you baby." You place a quick kiss on his lips. "But don't ever scare me like that!" You playfully hit his chest, causing him to erupt in laughter.
"You should've seen your face."
"Ha-ha, very funny." You rolled your eyes, causing him to pinch your cheeks.
"How's it going?"
"Welp, I'm almost out for the day." You giggle. "I, uh, may have underestimated." You look down at his hoodie, realizing it was one of the hoodies you had made for a previous collection you sold at Jin's. "Waaaow, cute sweater, who made it?"
"Mm, I don't know if you know her. Her name's Y/N."
"Uh huh?" You nod, hand on your hip, waiting to hear more.
"She stands about this tall." He lowers himself close to the ground, causing you to laugh. "Cute, right? She's beautiful, incredibly smart and sexy. Brilliant visual designer and illustrator. Packed with hella attitude." He pretends to ponder on his thoughts. "I could go on about her, really. She's one of a kind."
"Cute. She must feel lucky." You smile.
"I know, I'd feel lucky if I knew me too." You roll your eyes and playfully hit him. "Ah, I'm kidding." He pulls you into a hug. "I keep this sweater in my trunk."
"Oh, so you keep it in your trunk just for emergency wear?" You sarcastically ask as he holds you from behind.
"Yeah, and cause it's the only sweater I'd choose to wear out of the hundreds I own." You smile up at him. "Mhm, not gonna try and win that one." He places a big, sloppy kiss on your cheek before pulling away. "Show me. How can I help my pretty baby today?"
"Hey, I can't stay out late tonight because of the event tomorrow."
"Yeah, I know." Taehyung says softly.
"Please don't drink too much."
"I wooooooon't." He whines with a small sigh, also slightly offended at that statement. He didn't know what it was, maybe it was the fact that his own father painted him in such a negative light that everything seemed off to him lately. Like people were just out to get him or constantly looking down at him and his actions. A personal attack at who he was. It was slowly piling up for him and he wasn't sure how much more of it he could take.
You prepared a quick dinner while he hopped in the shower. You set his plate aside before taking a look at the mail that had come in today.
Bills, bills and more bills.
You sighed to yourself as it felt like you had just paid things off, but clearly not. Moving into Taehyung's wasn't the greatest idea, being that his space was much more expensive than yours. But, he did have the space you needed for your work. There was money left, but you knew it wouldn't last forever. You hated tapping into your savings and whipping out your credit cards because you wanted to keep yourself clean as much as possible. However, that was proven difficult as of late. It was a sacrifice, especially since Taehyung had cut off his mother's help. Taehyung's pride was such a curse sometimes.
You shook your head, already finalizing the fact that you would deal with it later. You had began to set your things aside for the new student event tomorrow morning. You figured you'd get there early to set up and make your table at neat and cute, so you didnt have to worry much about it right now.
Taehyung comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, hair slicked back and wet. You turn to face him, your eyes wandering down to his chest and bottom area. God, why was he so beautiful? It wasn't fair. You loved him so much that you could crumble even being upset. He talks a whole lot about you being the death of him, when really, this man is going to be the death of you. Truly. There's no debate about it.
Getting to the bar, you both immediately spot your friends in the corner, a huge tower of beer decorating the center of the table. Jimin is the first to stand, coming towards you two with a huge smile on his face.
"Friends!" Jimin yells. "Drink!" He says, holding up two shot glasses.
"Fuck, man." Taehyung says taking the glass. "We just got here."
"So! Y/N needs to be home early remember?" He watches wide-eyed as you two take the shot and make sour faces at each other.
"Okay, I'm good." You say, being that you were the DD tonight. Taehyung could enjoy himself if he wanted to [to an extent], but you definitely needed to be in tip top shape to be a good role model to those incoming art students tomorrow.
Throughout the night, the bar starts to get packed from end to end, you and your friends staying at the table and keeping to yourselves. You could tell Taehyung was crossing the line of pretty fucking drunk, which somewhat bothered you. You literally just told him to take it easy tonight - just for one night - so you could do what you need to do tomorrow.
"Hey." Jimin comes next to you, swinging his arm over your shoulder like he always does. "One more shot?" You give him a toothless smile. Ugh, why the hell not? Your man was drunk, and Jimin had only been helpful lately. You could at least return the favor by taking a shot with him.
"What are we drinking to?"
"You." He smiles. "Your shop. Your art. It'll only go up from here, yeah?" He rose his shot glass up before clinking it against yours and taking it to the neck.
"Mkay, that does it for me." You chuckle. "Thanks for the shot."
"No problem. You doing okay?"
"Yeah, I'm good." You looked at your watch. "Should probably get out of here soon, but Tae looks like he's enjoying himself. I don't wanna drag him out of here."
"We can just bring him home." You shake your head worriedly.
"I don't wanna leave without him." Jimin chuckles and looks over at Taehyung.
"He'll be okay and you'll be just fine tomorrow. Besides, you can make up all the bullshit in the world to tell the incoming students, they'll believe it either way."
"That's mean." You chuckle.
"Come. Let's dance!" Jimin says, leading the way to the empty space near the table. Everyone gets up to dance, Taehyung slipping himself behind you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
"Can I at least get one minute with my lady without Jimin interrupting?" He says in your ear.
"Taehyung." You flatly say, looking back at him.
"That's your mad face." He holds you tightly from behind as he sways you from side to side.
"I'm not mad."
"Mhm." He kisses the back of your head. "Why don't you have fun with me for a little? We'll go home after this." You couldn't even stay mad at him, with that fucking frustratingly handsome face of his. He was definitely drunk though, you could smell the whiskey lingering on his breath as he danced with you for a bit. You let him be, just so you wouldn't trigger anything within drunk Taehyung. Everyone around you was having a good time, the feeling of nostalgia hitting you pretty hard. You missed the days where you could get together and go to parties after a long week of school. Or, when you would tease the fuck out of Taehyung as his fuckbuddy during parties, or at the clubs. You know, before graduation and responsibilities happened.
But as one hour turned into two, and two turned into three, you found yourself getting restless. It was nearing 2AM and you had to be at the school by 8am - even earlier just to set your table up. You made your way to the bathroom, hoping Tae would get the point and start getting himself ready to leave.
Once you were out the bathroom, he'd realize you had been gone for a little and start saying his goodbye's. He'd realize time got to the best of him. Right?
"It's a fucking good time tonight!" Jimin tells Namjoon, laughing with him as he watches Joon act a fool with his dance moves.
"I'm sure it is, since you've been in Y/N's space the entire night." Taehyung says it jokingly, but he doesn't realize it only comes off that way in his head. Jimin furrows his brows at him, his high quickly dying with Taehyung's unnecessary comment.
"Don't start with all that. Not tonight. Everyone's having a good time--"
"Or what, Jimin?" Taehyung chuckles like the petty ass he can be. "You know it's true. Don't you think it's a little disrespectful to be crossing boundaries?"
"Hey, let's step back for a bit." Jungkook lightly tugs on Taehyung's arm as he hears the conversation going south quickly. But Taehyung breaks from his grip, stepping forward towards Jimin.
"You really think I would do that to you?"
"Haven't you already? Swinging your arms around her and shit, being all angelic--"
"Tae, come on. That's enough. Don't." Namjoon steps in the middle. "Let's go outside to get some air."
"You really wanna make me look that bad in front of my own girl?" Jimin lightly pushes him away, Taehyung getting too into his space.
"Enough." Namjoon shakes his head, aggressively stepping in the way to create distance. Taehyung shakes his head and walks off, the rest of the group watching as he walks. You finish off in the bathroom, assuming Tae was already getting ready to go. However, you realize your assumption of leaving by the time you're back is absolutely incorrect because when you get to the table, Taehyung is nowhere to be seen.
"Where's Tae?" Kook looks at you frazzled, before his eyes begin to pan the room again.
"Look, don't freak out, but him and Jimin just got into it and he walked off."
"What the hell do you mean they got into it and he walked off?"
"It's nothing, Tae is just drunk—" Kook squeezes your wrist and shakes his head.
"No, it's not just nothing because you and I both know how he's been feeling lately." You run your hand through your hair. "What did he say?"
"He just got into it about Jimin getting close to you lately, and how he felt like he was disrespecting boundaries." You sigh heavily.
"We have an issue." Namjoon comes back from out of the blue. "He's not around."
"What do you mean?! Where did he go?" You run your hand through your hair.
"Okay, let's not panic." Jungkook tries to relax you. "Let me go check the bathrooms." Namjoon nods as he continues to look around the room.
"Please? We should get home." He nods to you before he's off to check for Tae in the bathroom. You stand near the table awkwardly, worry filling you quickly the more time passes.
"Hey, you okay? What can I do?" Hobi squeezes your arm, his face flushed with a red tint from how tipsy he is. You give him a small, reassuring smile and nod to try and keep calm.
"I honestly don't know anymore, but I'll be good. I think. We're just gonna look for him and head home."
"Is Kookie looking in the bathroom?" You nod. At this point, you catch a glimpse of Jungkook coming back alone.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't find him in there. I swear I tried."
"So, where the hell is he?" Jungkook shrugs.
"Lets check around again. I won't leave until we find him."
"Have you tried to call him?" You had already beaten Yoongi's question, calling Taehyung's phone only to see his phone vibrating and ringing on the fucking table. "Hm, okay. Maybe not."
"Fuck." You snatch Taehyung's phone from the table. "Is he serious right now? It's about to be 2:30AM. How the fuck can he get lost at this time?"
"Y/N just go home, we'll find him and bring him home." Jimin says, coming back from roaming around the place.
"No, I'm not leaving here without him."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." He says, looking at you in the eye. Although he was pretty fucking pissed, he couldn't help but worry about him either. No matter what, that was still his bestfriend. He didn't want anything to happen to him.
"It's not your fault."
"We need to check around the neighborhood." Jungkook suddenly comes back and grabs your arm. You follow him, Yoongi, Hobi, Namjoon and Jimin outside of the bar, the cold hitting your skin harshly.
"Let's split." Namjoon says. Jimin and Hobi split, Namjoon and Yoongi sticking together to go down a different path. You kept yourself close to Jungkook, knowing there were all sorts of drunk ass men out at this hour and you weren't helping wearing a tiny ass skirt and a deep cut shirt.
"Cutiepie, let me come holla!" A dude yells as he tries to swing his arm around your waist. Jungkook easily pushes him off, glaring at him.
"Back the fuck up." He spits out, your bestfriend coming to your rescue amongst the sea of men you're encountering on the sidewalk right now. He throws his jacket over your shoulders, hoping to shield you from them and the cold. "Your outfit." Jungkook frowns, a little worried.
"I mean, I didn't expect to lose Tae tonight." Once you had gotten to a quieter part of the street, you come from behind to walk beside him. "Where the hell could he have gone?" You whine. You're more worried for his safety and wellbeing right now more than anything and all you wanted to do was find him and bring him home, even though you were slightly worrying about yourself and how things would go tomorrow. You could give him an earful later. It could wait.
"He couldn't have gone far." You both continue down the street, heading towards your car, hoping he may be around the area. Jimin calls to check in, saying him and Hobi hadn't caught sight of him yet, and the same thing goes for Yoongi and Joon. You almost want to cry when you don't see Taehyung near your car, but Jungkook ends up walking further down towards the park near your parking spot. "Y/N! Here!" He calls out, running towards an individual slumped over on their knees on a bench. "Taehyungie?" Jungkook sits next to him and shakes him a bit.
"Shit dude, I just kept walking then I suddenly had no idea where I was at." He drunkily says as you sit next to him and sigh heavily.
"No one said you had to do that, Tae."
"I just needed some air."
"Yeah and look where that got you, it's close to 3AM." You respond, irritated.
"Y/N." Jungkook says softly, shaking his head at you as if he were signaling for you to quit with your attitude. "Let's go back to the car." Jungkook watches him stand up and wobble a bit, but eases up when he realizes Taehyung is capable of walking himself to the car. You three get back safely, letting the others know that you had found him before driving Jungkook back towards the club so he can meet with everyone else. You quickly thank him for his support before driving off to head home.
The car is incredibly cold, and silent.
"Love, I'm sorry. I just needed air and got lost." He breaks the silence.
"I see that." You say softly as you drive home, keeping your eyes glued to the road in front of you.
"Please don't be mad." He gives your thigh gentle squeeze. "I just got a little into my head tonight." You sighed, gently removing his hand from your thigh.
"Taehyung, I'm your fiancé, I'm doing this with you and only you. Do you even understand how worried I was? You just walked off, without your phone. Without saying anything to me. Just cause you got in your head for no reason."
"I'm sorry." He repeats at a whisper. You don't say anything else for the rest of the drive home. You silently park the car and head to the apartment, Taehyung sluggishly following behind you. He knows you're bothered, knowing it's closing to 3:30AM and you had an early morning. Honestly, he didn't realize how drunk he was until he had gotten himself into that argument with Jimin then got lost, especially without his phone. The fact that he had made you worry and stress like that made him feel terrible, especially after these past few days. You could have easily left, but you didn't leave without him even if it was this late. He instantly just wanted to cuddle you and tell you how sorry he was.
You quietly get ready for bed and line your things up by the door, just so it would be an easy quick and grab as you head out in the morning. You slip yourself into the sheets, Taehyung following shortly after he gets himself ready for bed. He shuts off all the lights and grabs himself a water bottle to sit by his nightstand before slipping in next to you.
"I love you." He whispers against your ear, wrapping his arms around you. But you don't respond. He peeks over to see your eyes shut, silently sighing to himself as he nuzzled his head against the nape of your neck. He knows you aren't fast asleep yet, and it hurts him that you hadn't said it back. You both just knew exactly how to love each other well, but also push each other's buttons. But, maybe, it was true - he was just fucking up left and right lately. Enough for you to go to bed without saying 'I love you' back.
'cause baby if i find a way, i'm sure of it, this love won't stray; just give me a chance to say i love you, and i need you. now are you here to stay, or fade away like every other day? you're the reason that i lie awake
track two: 3AM - finding hope
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hiimsociallyawkward · 4 years
hi bestie @lady-ofmagic-andstars it's been a while. i said i would do this episode last week but i had to wait for the destiny and chicken podcast to come out so here we are. basically, all of my thoughts while watching aithusia.
ugh the opening scene. i actually love it
ok ngl i remember that this guy is the bad guy but he's like 🥵🥵🥵 jeez
ik it's not just on tiktok but that tiktok where it goes 'but momma i'm in love with a criminal'
wow nice key bud
ok him running in the forest is just like you cannot outrun your demons and i thought that was so funny
smh he's so violent but he's so pretty :,)
ok but how old is this guy?? he say it's taken 20 years of his life. why 20? is that because that's when the 'last' dragon died out?? and at what age was he socially concious enough to recognize the implication of what it means to have a dragon? his is so dumb but probably like 15? so this guy is 35ish? idk man thoughts?
ok if he just feel off the cliff instead of being able to pull himself up we would've saved ourselves a lot of trouble i'm just saying druids.
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ok this is so pretty. my thoughts are like 25% me singing show tunes, 25% thinking of actual merlin things, 50% thinking about how pretty everything is
merlin is such a light sleeper. idk why that's important but he wakes up ALL the time
✨gaius is the worst ✨
ok colin's eye looked so good in this scene
stop i literally dress like this
i love his sleep clothes. it's such a vibe
aw merlin saying 'save the dragons is so cute' omg it reminds me of the vsco girls and saving the turtles HAHA
i love how equal merlin and kilgharrah feel here
asjflsjdasjdfl like ik this is the point but i love that merlin's inherited his father gift and he's always going to remember him. not that merlin would forget his father but idek
aw kilgharrah is like 'i beg you' ok now that i think abt it maybe it's slightly manipulative but it's also really not
ok actually i don't know how many time merlin uses this scene but i guess i'm keeping track now. but look how pretty
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wow the rising sun 🤪
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literally merlin just breaks in everywhere
merlin seems so earnest about wanting to see the dragons. i want to see the dragons too please
omg HAHA the woodworm is this episode??
this is a side note but i love arthur's key holder thingy it's actually pretty.
stop right now why is merlin using his magic to PANTS arthur
ok i'm pretty sure that agravaine is only in this episode this one time, and yk it's the little victories
i'm actually embarassed for arthur and merlin here. i don't like it at all
HOW DOES MERLIN DO THE HANDSTAND?? that's the one part i like
ok my question is how is he supposed to know where the last piece of the triskeleton is??
lasflkajsdljsad omg the betrayal. ouch my heart
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these scene are just like. it's actually art
ok how did merlin stay there all night and no one saw him?? literally camelot guards need to step up
omg no not merlin zooming
sklfja;lsdkjfasdlfs amerlin and the cup
i love how long merlin and arthur look at each other before arthur reacts
lsjfa;lksdsl woodworm omg and the fact that arthur believes that merlin is this chaotic is so funny
i think this is the funniest thing because gaius is like 'don't people about your magic' while YELLING ABOUT MERLIN'S MAGIC
ok that's a good point gaius we don't know what borden's intentions are
alsdjfalsd stop why didn't they wait for merlin :,(. this reminds me of when you're in highschool and you're finishing lunch and as you pack up everyone is leaving you??????
ok but i love that merlin rides in front with arthur. like- of course he does
merlin being observant 😍😍
i want to go horse riding now
THIS KNIGHT/DINNER GAG IS NOT FUNNY TO ME. NOT IN THE SLIGHTLEST. THERE'S THIS FIC by @a-small-batch-of-dragons. i literally spent like 10 minutes looking for it because i had to include it here
this scene just.. i don't like it. i never have and i never will
like- who decided that putting this scene in here would be good. no thanks
the knights sleeping in a circle and merlin sleeping on the outside. idk bro that made me a little sad
but also. i want a cloak please. i think i'm just going to say i want a cloak every episode
ok i chuckled at the interaction of 'ever herd of the word sorry?' and 'no is it a word you made up?'
dude don't ask why but i love it when people walk through waterfalls
i don't know why arthur looked so stupid when he was doing it though
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i love the nature of it all
yes merlin, you start walking toward the castle first
aw i love the knights working together. like, i know they work together- they're knights, but we love to see it
merlin and his sharp eyes again :,))
why are they making camp it's literally not even dark yet 😭😭
oh great another dinner gag. please stop. i dislike this immensely
wow i love that merlin can heal them. i also think it's surprising because merlin sucks at healing things but yk.. ✨plot✨
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this looks like the type of building teens would either be convinced is haunted and try to stay the night there or the type of building that all teens would go to to take pics for the #gram
ok is borden dead here or..
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yes i'm putting both of these picture here. who's going to stop me
just kidding it's three
ok so not dead
ok this is not meant to be creepy but colin has nice hands
borden is a creep please go away now
merlin use your ✨magic ✨ please
YES. tell him you're the last dragonlord. i stan. YES HIM AND HIS MAGIC
you better run boy
ok how he manages to get out of the castle is astounding
HAHA there was some CGI that fell and i laughed so hard because it looked so fake
omg merlin getting excited about the egg is actually so precious
both of their faces here are SO precious.
oasfasldfjasl idk why but whenever merlin walks across with the eggs i have this feeling he's going to faceplant and drop it for the comedic effect but i'm glad that never happens
bruh 'back where it belongs' like yes that makes sense but also that doesn't make sense
it's been a full moon for like 4 days now..??????
omg i actually love aithusa
tbh, i DO NOT know how to pronounce her name
why is she actually the cutest thing ever.
i love it when merlin cries, but not in a sadistic way yk? it's more the fact that he's allowed to cry
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ok i have a few dragon fics that i love but the only one i can think of right now is Returning the Favor by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle it's actually perfect
there are so many more that i love but i can't think of them but also- PLEASE REC YOUR FAVE DRAGON FAMILY DOMESTIC FICS PLEASE AND THANK YOU
anyways. i'll be back tomorrow to rant more about the darkest hr pt 2 so i'll see you then! also let me know if you want me to stop tagging you @lady-ofmagic-andstars because otherwise i will literally tag you in everything :,)
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