#i keep trying and trying but it just doesn’t get better
fastandcarlos · 3 days
Not Without You : ̗̀➛ Carlos Sainz
summary: filled with alcohol, carlos could almost fall asleep, but there's one very important thing that's missing for him
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Your head shook as you walked into the apartment, kicking Carlos’ shoes out of the way that he had left in the middle of the hallway. You want to be mad at him, but you can’t, placing them out of the way. There’s a faint light coming from the living room as you walk in, noticing a figure laid out across the sofa.
“Damn Carlos,” you snigger underneath your breath, placing your phone down before walking over to him. You knelt down just beside his head, brushing the hair out of his face. The smell of beer hit you as soon as you got close to him, the sign of a good night for Carlos as he went out drinking with a few of his friends. He was fast asleep, chest pressed into the sofa, completely unaware of you.
His keys and his phone had been discarded on the floor in his sleepy, tipsy state, which you quickly picked up and put on the coffee table to keep them safe. His shirt had a slight stain on it, knowing how incapable Carlos was at eating anything once he had just a single drink inside of him.
Your attention then turned to the man before you, lips parted, hands tucked in slightly to the sleeves of his jumper, feeling your heart pound with the adoration you had for Carlos hitting you hard. Your hand moved across his cheek, feeling his stubble tickle against the pad of your thumb as you try your best not to disturb him.
However, as you go to press a kiss to the top of his head before leaving him to rest, you end up doing exactly what you had tried your best not to do. You hear your name followed by the feeling of a hand around your wrist to keep you.
“When did you get here?” Carlos groggily asks you, slowly opening his eyes and flinching at the light. “Have I been asleep for long?”
“It’s almost three, I can’t imagine you’ve been asleep for long looking at the state of you,” you teased, taking a seat just beside where Carlos laid on the sofa. “Looks like you and the boys all must’ve had a good time, I don’t think I even want to ask what you all got up to together.”
Carlos stretches his hand out, craving for the feeling of your own intertwined with his. You do as he requests, sniggering as he lazily moves, huffing in discomfort as he rolls to face you and be able to face you on his side.
“I had a much better time then you did at work I imagine, are you alright?”
“Yeah, don’t worry about me,” you smile, offering Carlos a reassuring look. Even tipsy, he still cares, it’s by far one of your favourite things about him. “Do you want me to let you go back to sleep for a bit?”
“No,” he immediately responded, tightening his grip on you slightly. “You’re not allowed to leave me, you can only kiss me.”
You did as Carlos asked, closing the distance between the two of you. Carlos’ free hand cupped against the side of your face to bring you in, keeping you in position. Your hands rested against his chest to steady yourself as you forgot about the taste of beer that lingered on his lips for a moment and instead focused on savouring the feeling of Carlos’ touch against your skin.
After a few moments Carlos pulls away, but doesn’t let you move too far away from him. “I can smell coffee on you baby.”
“And I can smell beer on you, so I guess we’re even,” you teased in reply, dreading to think how many coffees you’d had in order to keep yourself awake. “You should really get some sleep now Carlos, I’ll be through to join you shortly.”
“I’m not moving,” he huffed, folding his arms across his chest, tapping the tiny space beside him on the sofa, inviting you to join him.
“I’m going to sort myself out,” you told him again, pushing yourself up off of the ground, using the sofa to help you. Once again, Carlos’ hand reaches out for you, but this time he’s not quick enough, reluctantly watching you walk away and head into the bathroom so you could sort yourself out and get into your cosy bed.
You were lost in your own little world as you started to get yourself ready for bed, you had a makeup wipe in hand, hair tied back as you wiped away the effects of the day. It almost didn’t seem fair how Carlos was awake after a night of fun with his friends, whilst you returned home off the back of a twelve hour shift, barely able to move anymore.
Once everything was sorted, you tidied up the bathroom, and the mess that Carlos had left in there too after he arrived home. You were ready to sleep, and for a long time too, safe in the knowledge that you’d have the bed to yourself tonight, with Carlos stubbornly unwilling to pry himself off of the sofa.
Or so you thought, as you opened the door.
“What the hell Carlos?”
Your hand grabbed onto the bathroom door in order to steady yourself, heart racing at the sight of the figure who stood as close to the doorway as he possibly could. There was a weak smile on his face as he looked blankly back at you, not realising just how much he had managed to scare you.
You reached out and pushed gently against Carlos’ chest, “what happened to not moving off of the sofa, you gave me such a fright.”
You wanted to yell and shout, but Carlos’ exhausted eyes soon stopped you. He leant against the doorway, too tired to find the strength in his legs to keep himself upright. You could only shake your head as he frowned at you, surprised you weren’t expecting him to have moved when you went away.
“The sofa was nice, but it’s not as nice as being able to lay in bed with you,” he softly speaks, keeping his voice as convincing as he can. “It’s not the same without you baby.”
You were left stunned by Carlos’ sudden confession, despite how drunk he was, you could tell by his voice just how much he meant exactly what he was saying to you, there was no doubt in your mind that he really wanted to sleep with you.
The two of you had so many moments when you were apart, that Carlos always promised himself to make the most of the ones when you were together. He made the most of every second, and made sure that every second was spent with his full attention on you. You often reassured Carlos that you understood the demand of his job, but he never took it for granted. He’d trained himself, no matter how tired, drunk or stressed he was to make sure that he still made the most of having you there with him. You never expected any of it from Carlos, and he never expected anything in return for the kindness that he showed you too, it was all that Carlos just wanted to do for you. The little moments were the ones that he treasured the most, particularly when he was able to fall asleep with you.
The closeness that you shared was the envy of others, they wished they could be as tentative and selfless as Carlos, or as sympathetic as you were. You both sacrificed a lot to make your relationship work, but the rewards at the end of it always proved to be more than worth it.
“You didn’t really want to get up, did you?” You asked as you took a hold of Carlos’ hand to help him to steady himself.
“You weren’t there,” he protested, shrugging his shoulders back at you, expecting you to be able to figure that out yourself. “There was just this cold, empty space beside me that some mean woman decided to ignore rather than cuddle up with me in.”
You had to give Carlos credit, if he was good at one thing, it was his ability to try and guilt you in order to get his own way. He knew exactly what to say to get you to do as he wanted, which was why he couldn’t help but smile when he found himself sat on the edge of your bed, watching as you looked through your drawers to try and find yourself a fresh pair of pyjamas to wear.
He’s lost in a moment of disbelief as he studies you, asking the same questions that he’s been asking for years, wondering if maybe today would finally give him the answer. How did he get so lucky? When did life get so perfect? What was it about him that drew you in and made you decide Carlos was your forever?
The click of fingers in front of his face snapped Carlos back into his reality, feeling the bed dip beside him. Your hand rested against Carlos’ thigh, squeezing against it gently. He responds by throwing his arm over your shoulders, pulling you down so that you’re both laid in the middle of your bed.
“Did you like what you saw there Sainz?” You enquired, referring back to you changing in front of him a few moments ago. There were no words, but as his smile slightly turned up, you knew exactly what Carlos was trying to tell you. “Come on, I think the both of us are on the verge of being overtired now.”
“Much better,” Carlos whispered to himself as the two of you pushed up and then pulled the duvet over you both. He could hear your giggles, unaware that you heard him, but with how drunk he was, nothing that Carlos did was quiet.
“You’re going to be such a giant pain in the morning,” you huffed as you watched Carlos relax as soon as his head hit the pillow. “You and hangovers are never a good combination for me.”
You knew all too well that Carlos was never going to remember any of this in the morning, if you told him how clingy he was or how needy he was for you to share the bed with him, he never would believe you. He could never imagine himself being so embarrassing, refusing to take on the role of soppy, emotional boyfriend.
After making himself comfortable, Carlos’ complete attention turned to you. His grip on you was incredibly strong as he pulled you into his hold, tying his legs in with your own. You were much colder than he was, still recovering from the chill in the air as you returned home, leaving Carlos running his hands along your body in order to try and warm you up a little bit.
“You’re not allowed to move for the rest of the night,” Carlos told you as he pressed a lazy kiss against the top of your head, “you’re mine forever now.”
“I don’t think I’d be able to escape even if I tried,” you joked, barely able to move in amongst Carlos’ tight embrace.
“I love you.”
“Carlos,” you whispered, resting your head against his chest. “I love you too,” you smiled, pausing for a moment to make sure that he was listening, wondering what world he was daydreaming in beside you. You still knew he wouldn’t remember what you had said, but the two of you had always promised that if one of you said ‘I love you,’ then the other always said it back.
“Be quiet now, it’s sleep time.”
You scoffed at how quick he was to shut you down, as if you had not been the one trying to get him to sleep half an hour earlier. How he’d finally decided it was time for him to sleep so now that meant that you had to be the one to go to sleep too. You could only shake your head, but seeing as Carlos had decided it was time to sleep, having not listened to you, you decided to test his boundaries.
“Do you really want to sleep now?” You asked, moving your hand down Carlos’ chest so that it settled just above his waistband.
You could feel his body tense up, he wasn’t drunk enough to miss what you were implying. “You said that I stunk of beer earlier.”
“And you said I stank of coffee,” you reminded him, propping yourself up to get a better look at him. “But I guess if I smell of coffee then you’ll just want me to move my hand back up here, won’t you?”
Carlos’ head shook as your eyes looked at him expectedly, “please don’t do this to me, it’s not fair baby.”
Before you know it, a pair of hands grip at your waist and turn you over so that Carlos is now the one hovering over the top of you. A shiver run downs your spine at how close he lays to you, not expecting Carlos to get so close. He can’t help it though, you’re like a magnet pulling him in, and the second that you drop the hint, he’s there and desperate to make the most of the situation.
It never fails to make him smile when he hears you whisper his name, followed by a shaky breath. He leans down and presses a kiss against your lips, capturing your bottom lip between his teeth. He tugs lightly, feeling your hands hold against his waist to try and pull him even closer towards him. Once you’re happy with where he is, you grab at the hem of his shirt and begin to lift it up, your kiss broken momentarily so that you could discard it to your bedroom floor.
“I love you,” Carlos repeats again, meeting your eyes as he pulls away from you.
You nod back at him, admiring the fiery passion that’s staring down at you. “I love you more,” you smirked, “why don’t you let me show you just how much I love you?”
“Baby…I am all yours.”
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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januaryembrs · 2 days
hot chocolate!
(last one i promise)
reader & spencer who aren’t exactly enemies but they’re def not friends but reader always double checks if spencer’s fbi vest is secured correctly which in return makes spencer check her over as well and they’re always like ‘stop checking up on me and worry about your own safety’ and it just happens every single time and they swear up and down that they dislike eachother deeply (they need to make out)
BANE OF MY EXISTENCE | Spencer Reid x reader
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description: Spencer hates you, and you hate him, until it comes to protecting each other in the field
length: 0.7k
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His fingers wound through the back of your vest as you made a move to dart past him, trailing after Hotch as you loaded your glock. 
You felt a yank at your neck, his obnoxiously long arms giving you a firm tug back with little to no effort, all but making you stumble backwards as he forced you to stop, and his fingers were at your hip, adjusting the strap before you could ask him just exactly what he was doing. 
“Wha- Reid, let go, my vest is fine,” You snapped, huffing when he ignored you, in the interest of fixing your belt, his brow turned down into a frown. 
“Don’t come crying to me when you get shot in abdomen and suddenly you’re bleeding out, and you lay there and thinking, dang if only the smart FBI would have told me to adjust my kevlar, and I’ll be right there to point and laugh and say I told you so,” He huffed, his fingers making light work of the fiddly strap, tightening it until he couldn’t see a single inch of your shirt to the point he heard your breathing constrict, but he thought he’d rather you be a little uncomfortable than shot. 
“I mean, if I’m laying bleeding out I won’t really have much to say other than, Reid, get medical, I think they hit something serious, please don’t come to my funeral, you were insufferable enough when I was living,” You said, allowing your body to be tugged back as he started on the other side, because there was no use fighting it when he got in those moods when he always needed to be right. 
He paused, his brain catching up to your words and he drew in a silent breath, wondering if the other side of your jacket needed tightening even more, or better yet, if there was any way Hotch would make you stay in the car as back up. 
Spencer yanked the strap with a vendetta, ignoring the way you whined it was too tight, and his lips pursed together. 
“Would you relax, I was clearly kidding,” You said, thinking his mood had come from your teasing, because you seemed to know exactly what to say to push every one of his buttons, “What I would probably be thinking however is if you’ll be able to flag down a medic with your shoelaces untied,”
His gaze snapped to his converse, and sure enough the double knot he relied on seemed to have failed him, and his strings were hazard material as they dragged along the pavement, already mucky where they’d probably been undone for hours. 
“Make sure you do them before we move in, I’m not carrying your bone head out of there if we start taking hits and you trip over your own feet,” You snipped, and he finally released you, immediately leaning down to fix his own issues, completely missing the way your eyes trailed down to make sure he did the loops tight enough because you were being serious when you said it would loathe you to be the one to carry him away from the danger, though probably not in the way he thought. 
He huffed, standing back to his full height and giving his feet a wiggle in their shoes to make sure they were comfortable, and he looked back at you where you were watching him carefully, catching the split second where something close to worry pooled in your eyes. 
It snapped back into your usual cold demeanour when you realised he was looking straight at you, and you whirled you keep your back to him, inspecting your loaded gun some more as a way to busy yourself. 
“Try not to miss, it doesn’t look good on the reports when I have to save your ass twice,” Spencer snarked, and he practically heard the scoff before you even gave it. 
“That was one time, Reid, and it was only cause I couldn’t see past your stupid fluffy hair. You’re a cop, Reid, not a poodle, you don't need that much volume,” You snapped back, the two of you squabbling the entire walk to the building, until Hotch separated you for the sake of his growing headache. 
He just wished you two would talk things out before he seriously considered Emily’s proposition of locking you in the broom closet together.
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uzurakis · 2 days
hello!! i hope ur having a good day. if not it will get better with time!! I don’t know if you’ve gotten this request yet, but I read your JJK men with a clingy reader and I was wondering if you could do a angst version one where they kind of don’t like it!! the reader would either hear them talking about how they don’t like it or they’ll say it to the readers face.
of course, if you want to and if you haven’t already. thank you for ur work. I LOVE IT!!
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featuring: fushiguro megumi. gojo satoru. geto suguru. nanami kento.
n. thankyou for loving my works! i was sorta confused how to do your ask because i personally think the boys would not stray away from your touch, it felt a bit off but i still went to write it. not a full on angst though, just a tiny winy bit of it. i still hope that’s okay though, i tried my best :’]
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NANAMI KENTO. he gently pulled away, holding you at arm’s length. “i love that you’re affectionate,” he began, voice soft but firm, “but i’m not in the mood for it right now.” nanami let out a heavy breath, pulling away his tie for some air. he felt a share of frustration and guilt. it wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate your love and warmth—he did, deeply—but today had been draining. the weight of his responsibilities, the stress of the day, it all hung heavily on him, making it difficult to switch gears so quickly. “it’s not your fault, sweetheart,” he said, trying to soften the blow. “it’s just been a really rough day, and i need some time to unwind.”
GOJO SATORU. “can we just sit side by side for now? save some of that energy later,” he smiled down at you, but after a moment, he gently repositioned your hands and stepped back slightly after you tried to wrap your arm around his tough body, leaning into his chest to feel his warmth. his words stung, but you tried not to show it. you nodded and took a step back, settling down on the couch next to him; folding your hands in your lap whilst forcing a smile.
GETO SUGURU. “i’m feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. can we.. tone it down a little?” geto fidgeted, playing and intertwining his fingers. he then continued, “it’s not that i don’t want to be close to you. i just need a bit of space to breathe, especially after a long day.” you bit your lip, trying to keep your voice steady, “suguru, i understand. i just… wanted to be close to you. i’m sorry..” but your boyfriend immediately answered by saying “sometimes i just need a little space to decompress. but that doesn’t mean i don’t love you or want to be with you.”
FUSHIGURO MEGUMI. you kept trying to make physical contact with megumi as the evening wore on, but he kept pulling back each time. he pretended to alter his position when he softly withdrew his hand when you sought to grab on to it while you were watching a movie. always moved slightly as you leaned on him, putting a little space between you two. he sighed softly, running a hand through his hair. “look, i’m not really a touchy person. it’s just how i am. i need a bit of space to feel comfortable.”
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steddiecameraroll · 11 hours
“Ugh, I wanna eat his ass.”
Oh shit, Eddie said that thought out loud. He slowly turns his head to see the one and only Max Mayfield staring wide-eyed and horrified at him.
“You didn’t hear me say that.” Eddie leans over and whispers desperately. “That was an inside thought that I accidentally had outside. Pretend you heard nothing.”
“Um, no?” She shrugs like Eddie just asked her to do the most ridiculous thing ever.
Which he supposes he did, but come on this is like a code red level secret here. Eddie needs her to keep her mouth shut. Otherwise, repeating his inside thoughts to the wrong person could either get him a fist in the face or lose the ability to even spend time here at Harrington’s place. Let alone ogle him.
“Come on, Red. You gotta do this one thing for me.” Eddie spins on his butt, planting his feet firmly on the warm deck beside his lounger. “You cannot tell anyone I just said that.”
He must look crazed right now because a small twitch of Max’s eye tells him she’s considering his plea.
“Please, I will do anything. Anything. Name it, and I’ll do it.” He digs his fingers into his thighs.
“Anything?” She asks with a smirk.
Eddie is suddenly terrified.
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Eddie drops an extra order of fries in front of Max before sliding into the booth across from her. He’s been buying her food for weeks now, and Steve doesn’t know if this is some hostage situation or if Eddie suddenly feels generous.
Steve watches the two of them trying to deduce what’s going on, but they’re not giving anything away.
"Why do you keep buying her food? Actually," Steve turns his attention to Max. "Why do you keep making him buy you food?"
Max's eyes flick to Eddie where she gives him a wicked smirk. Steve furrows his brows and turns to get a better look at Eddie. Yeah, this is a hostage situation if he's ever seen one.
"Spill it."
"It's nothing," Eddie avoids making eye contact.
"That's not even remotely true. What are you blackmailing him with?" Steve points a finger across the table at Max who shrugs innocently.
"You'd have to ask Eddie what I know and he doesn't want you to know."
Eddie's eyebrows shoot up his forehead and he stares at her wide-eyed and shocked. Interesting, so Max knows something big enough that Eddie is kind of freaking out about the idea of Steve finding out.
That's, yeah, interesting.
"What is it?" Steve leans in and lowers his voice.
"It's nothing!" Eddie says a little too loudly. "Nothing, nothing. She doesn't know anything. Do you Red?" Eddie tries to speak silently with very obvious eye contact which only illicits a chuckle from Max.
She's as cool as a cucumber, sitting across from them munching on her bribery fries.
"You're lying, and it's probably not even that big of a deal. I mean, how bad could it be?" Eddie's clearly worked up and it's bothering Steve's nerves. "Come on, what is it?"
Max smiles wide, "Eddie has a crush on someone."
"Max!" Steve feels Eddie's leg shoot out and attempt to kick the girl.
"Shit, man. Why is this such a coveted secret? Who cares? Is it super embarassing or something? Y'know, Robin had a crush on T- um, someone super embarassing and it wasn't a big deal. We joke about it now." Steve nudges Eddie's shoulder, egging the man on. "Who is it?"
"No one," Eddie picks up his burger and takes an obnoxiously large bite.
Steve glances at Max who's biting back a laugh. She leans back in the booth with a sigh, and gives him another shrug.
Clearly Eddie's embarassed because Max is here. He knows he would tell Steve otherwise. They tell each other everything. Eddie knows Steve kissed Tommy freshman year of high school. There's nothing that could be more embarassing than that. Maybe he can coax it out of him later tonight when they hang out.
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"What was that thing with Max today at lunch?" Steve asks while passing the joint back over to Eddie.
They're laying across the top of a picnic table at the apartment complex of Eddie's new place. The smoke from the joint is fading up into the night sky.
"What are you talking about?" Eddie's voice sounds tighter than it was five seconds ago.
"The secret thing. You know you can't let her do this to you. It's only going to escalate. She's too smart to keep it at free food, man."
"Fuck," Eddie exhales. "You're right."
"So? What is it?"
Eddie drops his hands to his side in what looks like defeat. Steve leans up and plucks the joint from his fingers, before laying back down. Eddie's foot starts to bounce slightly, like he's working through the consequences of sharing.
"You know what?" Eddie pushes himself up to sit upright next to Steve. "It's you."
Steve chokes a little on the smoke he was holding in his mouth, then twists to look up at the metalhead sitting above him.
"What?" He doesn't understand.
"It's you. Max overheard me say something out loud that I did not mean to say out loud and well, I didn't really want you to know, so she promised to keep her mouth shut if I bought her food. Whatever food she wanted. Whenever she wanted it."
Steve's brain is slowly parsing through what Eddie just admitted. His mouth is slightly open as he stares up at the man, because that wasn't what he was expecting.
"Me?" He questions.
"Uh, yeah? But don't worry about it. So, ok, she can't black mail me anymore. Fuck, ok. We're good right? I don't expect anything from you, nothing changes. It's not a big deal. I'm sorry, shit, I guess you'd decide if it wasn't a big deal. Crap!" He exclaims then pushes himself off the picnic table.
Steve rolls up to lean back on his palms, watching Eddie pace back and forth. He kind of reminds Steve of a caged animal.
"Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. It was only junk food." Eddie murmurs to himself.
"Fuck," Eddie skids to a stop and stares at Steve with wide eyes. "If you want to punch me, you can. I won't even move. Ok, I might flinch out of normal reaction, but I will try and stand still."
"What?" Steve chuckles.
"Punch me? Do you want to kick me instead?"
"No," Steve exhales. "I don't want to do anything to you. I think I'm trying to figure something out right now. Sit down." He pats the wood to his side.
Eddie nervously steps onto the bench, and then slides back into place beside Steve. Steve pokes the exposed skin of Eddie's knee through his ripped jeans.
"Do you cut them like this or do they wear through?"
"What?" Eddie leans forward.
"Your jeans."
"I just- dude, I have a crush on you?" Irritation bubbles from Eddie's tone.
"Yeah?" Steve shrugs.
"And your ok with this?"
Steve nods. "I might- I might have one on you too. Still figuring that out."
"I'm sorry, what did you just say?"
"I have to talk to Rob. She probably already knows."
Eddie's eyes dart all over Steve's face like he's looking for the lie. Steve nudges Eddie's knee, and raises his eyebrows.
"Would that be ok? If I had a crush on you too?"
"Would that be ok, he asks. Dude, it would've been nice to know this weeks ago. Do you know how much money I wasted on Max's extortion?"
Steve can't stop the smile and warmth of fondness he's feeling for this exasperated man.
"Ok, I figured it out." He nods. "I do."
"You do what?" Eddie throws his hands up.
"I have a crush on you. This is really cute and strangely doing something for me." Eddie's eyes go buggy and Steve's never noticed how much he looks like a cartoon character before. It's cute. "Let's finish this joint and then make out a little bit. What do you say?"
"Jesus, uh," Eddie fumbles. "Y-yeah, uh huh, ok. I could- we could do that."
"Great," Steve motions to the tabletop. "Lay down."
Eddie scrambles to flop down next to Steve, they're closer than they were before the start of this conversation. Steve smiles to himself, and reaches his pinky across the space between them, and hooks onto Eddie's.
"Oh, by the way, what did Max hear you say?"
"Uh, well?" Eddie takes a deep breath. "I kinda said I wanted to eat your ass."
Steve can't stop the laugh that bubbles from his chest. "Yep, that'll do it."
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coffee? ☕️🍩💕
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reidsdimples · 1 day
Feverish- 2
Spencer Reid x Reader
18+❤️‍🔥 MDNI‼️
Part 1
Spencer’s inhibitions are still lowered which causes him to escalate things in the shower
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You startle awake as Spencer flips over the side of your bed and pukes. You’re still pinned beneath him, his full weight on your legs. So you scrunch your nose and attempt to hold his hair back.
An awful groan escapes him along with a mumbled apology.
“I’m going to move you off of me so I don’t throw up on you and make this worse,” you say gently and help him roll to the other side of the bed.
At least he got into the small trash can you placed there.
Once you dispose of it you return to check on him, the two of you only having been asleep for about four hours. The sun had set and you figured you should attempt to give him more medicine.
Fumbling around in your cabinet you locate some drowsy flu and cold medicine that you didn’t realize you had.
You whip up some soup and grab him a Gatorade before padding back into your bedroom. He’s approached that level if misery where all he can do is lay there and groan in pain. It was awful to watch, Spencer was usually so calm and put together. In the six months you dated, you never saw him sick.
His eyes flutter open when you sit next to him and he pulls himself to a sitting position.
“You have to try to eat something so I can give you the medicine. I put ginger in the soup to help your stomach,” he nods. His hands are shaking so you opt to spoon feed him slowly.
Between bites you feel his forehead to discover he’s still burning up. You frown at him sympathetically. He definitely had the same awful flu you had two weeks ago. No doubt about it.
“Water, the sports drink will dehydrate me more without water in my system,” he says when you try to give him the Gatorade.
“Okay,” you bring his glass of water to his lips and he takes it down greedily. His hands linger on yours against the glass for a moment and he meets your eyes.
“Here,” you hand him the dose of the liquid medicine.
He scoots away from it.
“No pills? I hate the liquid,” he whines.
“No, you have to take this now. I’ll get you the pills tomorrow,” you grab his chin and turn his face back towards the medicine. “Don’t make me force this down your throat. I will,” you threaten.
He knows you’re serious, so he takes it throws it down before chasing it with water.
He only took a few bites of soup but it would have to do.
You help him back under the covers and place a thermometer under his tongue. You needed a true reading to monitor his progress.
“103.2 F,” you tell him. “You’re bad off.”
He nods in agreement.
“Drink this,” you give him orange juice with an immune boosting shot in it. “After this you can go back to sleep,” you promise him.
He looks so tired, so sick, that it makes your heart hurt.
“Stay with me,” he pleads.
“I’m not going anywhere Spence,” you place a hand on his face and brush his hair behind his ear. He gives you a thankful smile. “Just keep your tissues on your side of the bed,” you grimace at his now growing pile.
He smiles softly before groaning like it hurts.
He wakes some hours later with at least some clarity in his eyes. He’s on his face when he lifts up to look at you. He smiles sheepishly before groaning and rolling onto his back.
“You smell awful, you were sweating morning your sleep,” you place the book in your lap and look down at him.
“Sorry,” he mumbles.
You make him take his temperature.
“101.8 F, better,” you show him.
He throws his head back on the headboard and runs his hands through his long hair with a sigh.
You look for signs about whether or not he remembers kissing you so desperately the day before. He gives none.
“Let’s get you in the shower,” you pop up.
He doesn’t protest and he’s able to walk, albeit slowly to the bathroom on his own. He sways as if his head spins but he’s able to brush his teeth. You’re grateful for that.
He leans with he’s head on the wall as he scrubs his tongue, clearly getting up is taking a toll on him.
“I made sure it’s not too warm,” you tell him after turning on the shower head.
He looks between you and the shower expectantly.
“What?” You ask.
“Aren’t you going to leave so I can take these off?” He asks, some humor in his tone.
“I’m not leaving you to your own devices. I’ve seen you naked, it’s fine Spencer,” you reason with him.
“Not up for debate, you’re not falling and dying in my shower. Now come on,” you tug his arm towards you.
He doesn’t catch himself as quickly as he should be able to and barrels into you. You’re pinned between him and the wall when he places his hands on the wall on either side of your head to stead himself.
His mouth is partially open, he has no choice since he can’t breathe out of his nose. But somehow that mixed with his shirtlessness and messy hair is driving you crazy.
You hook your index fingers into the front of his boxers, pulling him closer to you in an attempt to break his eye contact.
“Lose these and get in the shower, Spence,” you whisper. He nods and obeys.
You move into the shower behind him. He’s leaning on the wall with his arms holding him up, his head dropped between his them as the water flushes all of his hair over his face. You take in the muscles in his lean back, his ass…
Then he turns to you. His eyes are heavy again, his breathing labored. He looks like hell.
You bring a new loofah between you and add soap. He reaches for it but you snatch it away. His eyes can’t help but to move over your wet naked body. You begin to move it over his chest, making slow circles until the soap lathers. You get his arms and move to his stomach. He seems to be getting closer to you.
He grabs your hand with the loofah before you trail down further, his eyes wide. You can see his arousal between his legs despite him feeling terrible.
You let him take the loofah and he turns you around and pulls you close. He wraps his arms around you. His tall lean frame, partially depending on you to keep him standing.
He squeezes out the loofah over your breasts and massages it down between them, his other hand gripping your left tit. His strong arms are wrapped around you as his hands start to cover you in soap. He’s slow and teasing about it.
You can feel his cock pressing upwards against your ass, a small groan escaping him.
You turn to him and make him take a step backward so that the water runs over you both. He watches you, unsure.
You pour more body wash in your hand and place in flat against his stomach, letting it run down over his hardened cock. You push him to lean against the wall. The coldness of the stone causes him to wince but he doesn’t care.
“Ah,” he moans when you wrap your hand around him.
“Would this make you feel better?” You whisper. He swallows hard and nods frantically.
“I need you so bad,” he whimpers.
You pump him slowly, dragging your hand and tightening it around him.
He leans forward on a moan when you speed up, he drops his head to the crook of your neck and begins kissing and sucking on your skin.
It doesn’t slow you down, you tighten and twist your hand just how he likes it until his leaning on you with his hands gripping your ass. The water falls over both of you, heating your body.
He twitches and moans, his knees getting weaker in his sickened state.
“Please,” he whines and takes your face in his hands.
His forehead is against yours as he pants for air.
“Ah,” he groans.
He drops his head to kiss your breasts as his cock begins to pulse. He shudders and you pump him harder until his hot cum is shooting outward. He grips your hips and slowly lowers himself to his knees before you.
He presses his face against your stomach, kissing and moaning, worshiping you. You take in the sight of him. Half out of it, half panting with satisfaction.
Unexpectedly though, he keeps kissing and sucking on your skin until his mouth trails down to your pussy. He looks up at you through the splashing water as if pleading to taste you. You nod.
He’s not gentle about it and he doesn’t take his time. Probably because he feels awful. But you don’t mind.
He leans his face up and burries it into you, his tongue trailing between your folds. He latches onto your pussy and sucks and licks frantically. You push your hands into his hair, spreading your legs to angel him just right.
“Yes baby,” you moan.
This beautiful man on his knees before you looked like a god with his soaked mane of hair. He was breathtaking as his eyes fluttered closed and he devoured you. He moaned into your pussy as he enjoyed feasting on everything you had to offer.
His nails dug into the flesh of your ass, urging you to grind on his face.
You oblige, screaming out at the intense sensation.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you pant as you ride his face. He continues sucking on your clit and pushing his tongue into your entrance.
It’s so good, your legs start to shake and the world blurs. He doesn’t let up and you think he must be exhausted. But he wants to please you. He’s always been like that.
“Spencer!” You scream as your orgasm ravishes you. Your pussy clenches and pulses as he sucks down your cum. It’s like he’s starving the way he does it.
You try to focus your eyes on him, you can’t believe he just did that.
He pulls his knees out from under him and sits back against the shower wall.
He closes eyes as and you can see them shifting behind his eyelids.
“Are you okay?” You crouch down in front of him.
“Dizzy,” he whispers.
“You shouldn’t have… we shouldn’t have,” you start to apologize. He shushes you.
“Don’t say that,” he urges weakly and shivers.
“Oh Spence,” you feel so bad. You weren’t even thinking. Clearly he wasn’t either.
You wrap a bath towel around him and help him up.
Once he’s dried off you get him back into bed and add an extra layer of blankets. Even in his sickened daze his eyes follow you around the room because you’re still naked.
“Here,” you make him take the medicine he hates along with a fever reducer.
“No more of that,” you gesture at the bathroom.
“What about when I’m better?” He grins. Your cheeks turn red and you can’t help but to smile.
“Just sleep, Spencer,” you lean over and kiss his forehead.
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sunshineandspencer · 2 days
Friendly face (Part 3)
A/N: I know I said I always succumb to peer pressure, but that did not need to be tested. Also if I did a Hotch(or Spencer) taglist, would anyone be interested, also.. how do you do a taglist?? I may be 20 and from the UK, but I have only been using tumblr for about two months, I’m learning (slowly). [I’ve made a form for a taglist!! it’s underneath the parts!!]
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Receptionist!Reader.
Summary: Little does the team know, their little receptionist and their Unit Chief had been closer for a lot longer than any of them knew. And while he’s brilliant at hiding it, she is now.
Word Count: 825
Warnings: please, stop requesting the fluff it hurts my little heart
part 1! and 2!!
be added to the taglist!!
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Honestly, she could come to work with a massive neon sign floating above her head saying ‘stupidly in love with Aaron Hotchner’ and it would have probably the same effect as she normally does to him.
While he goes through the rules, needing to check about whether their relationship - yes, relationship - was actually legal, they needed to keep it secret.
A serious conversation they’d had over dinner well over six months ago, one that she’d seem to conveniently forget whenever they were actually in the office together. Thankfully that isn’t very often, unless he’s personally asked for files she stays by her desk.
Sometimes, he will admit, he requests reports just to get her into the office, but not very often.
However, it seemed to have been just often enough for his coworkers - Emily, mostly - to realise. From there, and after getting everyone else to join her, they were trying to find exactly how much the pair actually cared for each other.
Crowding together at the round table, quickly giving everything they’d noticed before Hotch arrived.
Emily starts, grinning at both Morgan and Spencer, nothing better than a bit of office gossip.
“So, she doesn’t hide anything. But, we’re all well aware that he sometimes uses excuses to get her into his office. But I noticed that she always leaves post-it notes on the files that she does give him, and they do look sickeningly sweet. It’s hard to believe Hotch actually likes that.”
Spencer chimes in, wringing his fingers lightly. He loves gossip as much as the next person, but the receptionist is a sweetheart and treats him so kindly, plus he doesn’t really believe in talking about other people’s business.
However, he’s invested in her happiness, and knows that there’s more to the pair than meets the eye.
“Well.. he smiles at her, more than I’ve ever really seen. And he does things for her that he wouldn’t do for anyone else. He helped her set up her desk and made sure she settled properly with the team.. plus Penelope found the paperwork and he requested her to be moved up.”
“What?! She didn’t tell me that!” Morgan looked pretty dejected, and Emily could only pat his back apologetically. But as much as they want to say that Morgan is her favourite, Spencer is everyone’s favourite.
He just shrugged, and Morgan kept talking, needing to add in what he’d seen - and profiled - about the two of them.
“Whatever. We’ve all seen how smitten Jack is with her, kid practically has hearts coming from his eyes. And I heard them talking about her having stayed over on the weekend. And we all see the way Hotch is with the two of them, it’s like the past decade of the job lifts off him.”
They all eventually came to the agreement that they believed that Hotch and their receptionist were together, and they needed to know more. The achilles heel of most profilers, the desire for gossip whenever they can get it.
Hearing footsteps approaching, they quickly nominated Spencer to ask Hotch, panicking the younger agent as he spluttered over his words.
As Hotch stepped through, with her following close behind, files in her hands as she waited for Hotch to take them. Waving to the rest of the team happily, very grateful the images weren’t on screen yet. Emily booted Spencer under the table and he jolted, getting Hotch’s attention.
“Hotch!” His voice cracked, how cute. “I uh- we, we wondered if you and uhm.. if you two--”
Christ, she wanted to take pity on the poor boy, looking up at Aaron. Thankfully he seemed amused rather than irritated that they’d worked it out. Looks like they got their answers on whether or not the relationship was allowed.
He nodded at her softly and she grinned, leaning up to peck his lips quickly, stuffing the files into his hands.
“Let me know if you take the case?”
“I’ll text you.”
Grinning, she winked at Spencer, which earned her a warning “sweetheart”, which only fed into her giddiness now that they didn’t have to hide it. Loving the surprised looks on their faces, even though Morgan was definitely acting as if he knew the whole time. Exactly as Aaron said he would, god she loves that he knows them so well.
“Stay safe you lot. Bring my boyfriend home safe or I’ll hunt you down!”
As she walked out of the briefing room, she smacked Aaron’s ass and scampered off giggling, being followed with his scolding voice.
Eventually, he had to turn back around to his grinning teammates - bar a very embarrassed Spencer who now avoided his boss’ gaze - he sunk into his chair. Waiting for whichever one was going to say something first.
Emily, of course, was the one to speak up first, looking at him all innocently as if she didn’t know damn well what she was doing.
“Don’t push it.”
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Want more?! Good!
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moonstruckme · 12 hours
hi mae:) would you be willing to write a sirius x reader fic where reader just gets hammered and spills all of her family trauma to sirius? like, she’s no longer in that environment because she moved out but they were just really mean and terrible to her and she’s never told sirius but then she finally does and he’s just like “poor baby, let me tell you all of the love and reassurance you never got as a child:(“
Thanks for requesting lovely <3
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 634 words
You worry you’ve traumatized your boyfriend. 
Sirius has you tucked firmly under his chin, both arms squishing you to his front, and you’re not sure if the rocking is for you or him or possibly both. 
“Sirius,” you murmur, some of the vowels lost due to your malfunctioning tongue. “Baby, m’sorry.” 
“What’re you sorry for?” Your boyfriend’s voice sounds thin. He’s had a bit less to drink than you, but his words still sound like they’re written in cursive, strung together by thick emotion. “You haven’t done anything wrong.” 
You sigh. It feels nice, being cocooned in his warmth like this. He’s squeezing you just tight enough to be comfortable, and he smells more like himself than like rum. Your next inhale, you focus on it. Clove and nighttime. 
“I shouldn’t’ve dumped on you like this,” you admit.
“Yes you should have.” Sirius’ lips press firmly to the top of your head. “Sweetheart, I only wish you’d told me sooner. Why didn’t you?” 
His sympathy is bringing you dangerously close to tears again. Your first wave has only just dried. “Because I know it’s a lot,” you say, attempting to swallow the blockage in your throat. “S’not like you don’t have your own family shit to deal with. And anyway, I moved out.” 
“Baby.” Sirius sounds devastated. “I don’t care what shit I have, it doesn’t mean I don’t wanna hear about yours, too. I always do.” His fingers bunch in the fabric of your top, short nails scratching lightly against the skin underneath. “And I know better than fucking anyone that moving out helps, but it doesn’t fix everything. It can—you can still hurt.” 
Where Sirius’ chin touches your forehead, you feel a hot tear drip onto your skin. A pained sound slips from your throat as you pull away from him, taking his face between your hands. 
And you’d expected him to look upset, mournful even, but Sirius looks livid. Every sharp angle of his beautiful face is wrathful, silent tears gleaming on his cheeks and dark brows lowered over stormcloud eyes. His hands stay bunched in your top as if he means to keep you tethered to him by sheer force of will. 
“You’re good,” he tells you, voice quavering with conviction. “You’re lovely, and kind, and more than enough. Got it?” 
“Siri,” you whisper, brushing some of the wetness from his cheeks. “It’s okay.” 
“It’s not,” he insists. Some of the harshness has waned from his expression, though, under your gentle touch. “Nobody should ev—” His voice splinters, and Sirius looks frustrated with himself. You want to roll the both of you up in the comforter of your bed and never come out. “Should ever treat their kid that way,” he finishes. He looks you in your eyes, fierce in his earnestness. “I’m gonna love you so hard those fuckers will regret not giving it to you sooner.” 
Though you try to stop it, a corner of your mouth tips up. “I love you, too, baby. You can love me as hard as you want.” 
“Oh, fuck you.” He cracks a smile at your salacious tone. You stop trying to hold back the rest of your grin, and he grabs your face in both hands, smashing his lips to yours. 
The kiss is firm but not harsh, so fond it makes your heart feel like a bruise. Sirius moves to your forehead next. 
“My baby,” he says against your skin, both amused and ardent. Drops his forehead to yours. “I’m gonna make up for it. I’m gonna give you everything you never got back then. Do you have any idea how much I love you, sweet thing?” 
“I love you, too,” you promise him, pushing against his forehead lightly with your own. “Don’t worry, you already make up for everything.” 
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When I Say Run 1
Warnings: dark elements, such as chasing and kidnapping.
Note: I do appreciate all your feedback if you read this. I will hopefully have the next few part done soon. I don't intend this to be very much more than three or so parts.
Inspired by @navybrat817's Monday Thot
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You've seen the man before. Often the market is overcrowded enough that you rarely see the same face twice, but you recognize him at once. His deep blue eyes are hard to forget along with the grim shadow cast over his unaltered and unamused expression. You know him because he always seems to know you. 
More than once, you caught him watching you. At first, you convinced yourself he was looking past you, or through you, as it felt. But he doesn't look away that day, you do. 
You move to the next stall to examine some figs. You realise why you really noticed him. He doesn't belong. What it seems, by his fraying ball cap and canvas jacket, is that he is hiding from someone. 
The more you think about him, the more uneasy you are. How is it that you see him every time you come to the market? You come early and he is there, late and he is there. The coincidence feels too canny to be believed. 
Still, you aren’t convinced it is more than that. You get carried away and make up ridiculous hypotheticals in your mind. There are many who come to the market every weekend. You probably run into a dozen people over and over and never even realise it. Why then, does he stick out in your mind? 
You grab a carton of cherries and a couple of peaches. You pay and take your change, brushing against someone as you pull your hand back. You feel something fall on your foot and kneel down to help gather the dropped plums. The man’s gloved fingers touch the bruises on the skin and you hold back a gasp as you look him in the face. 
“Sorry,” you utter as you hand him a dark plum, “I didn’t see you there.” 
You stand as he takes the fruit and slip your own into your cloth bag. You sling it over your shoulder as he assures you it's fine but you don’t wait for a conversation. You hadn’t even noticed him get that close. Before, he was well across the plaza with a horde between you. That he moved that fast, so seamlessly is eerie. 
You enter a tent a few stalls down and pretend to admire the patterned china of a teapot. There is a putrid taste in your mouth, the rotten flavour of paranoia on your dry tongue. You check the tag on the pot and leave without purchase. 
You look around as you emerge back into the late morning sun, the heat of the crowd adding to the sheen of sweat over your brow. You clear your throat as you don’t see the man and keep your head down as you resign yourself to your light haul. You will feel better once you got home. 
You weave through the swarm to the edge of the market and dip down the side street as the hum of voices fades behind you. Your apartment is a few blocks down, nestled above a bookstore cafe. It's s humble and affordable, but you can’t complain. 
You pull out your change purse as you near the shop but as you reach the front door, it swings open before you can reach for it. It’s him. Again. The leather gloves, the vibrant irises, the dark shanks of hair that frame his squared jaw. He is striking in more ways than one. 
You thank him as he holds the door and enter the small shop. You’re nervous. You can get your coffee and wait him out. You don’t want to lead him back to your apartment just above. Or you could lead him on a chase through the city until you lose him and circle back. Your mind races as you try to convince yourself you’re overreacting but you just can’t. 
You order your cinnamon blend but the man once more curtails you. He hold a bill out to the cashier and grits for her to keep the change. 
“Sir, you don’t have to--” 
“I’d like to buy you a coffee,” he insists as he waves the bill at the cashier, “want something sweet to go with it?” 
His accent is subtle. He doesn’t speak your language naturally but he does it well. You shake your head and step away from the till. He follows you to the corner where you await your order. 
“You can have the coffee,” you say, “I’m not interested.” 
“Why not?” he asks. His bluntness makes you squirm. 
“I have a boyfriend,” you lie as you rub your neck, “here--” 
You unclasped your coin purse and he stops you, squeezing your hand until the clasp clicks shut. “No, you don’t,” he says, “it’s my treat.” 
“I don’t want it,” you recoil from him and repeat, “I’m not interested.” 
You make to brush by him and he catches your arm, “why not?” 
“Because,” you jerk away from him, “why are you following me?” 
“Following you?” he scoffs, “you feel special, don’t you?” 
“No, I told you, I have a boyfriend.” 
“You know, when you lie,” he says, “I can see it…” he hovers his finger along your throat, “right there. Your pulse picks up.” 
You push his hand away and sidle past him. You’re shaking as you hurry to the door and look back. He watches you but stays where he is. Your order is called and he turns to grab it. You leave under the chime of the door and peer up and down the street. 
You go to the left, heading for the market to hide among the sea of people. It will give you time to figure out what to do next. The station is on the other side of the plaza, you could probably get there without much trouble. That will scare him away. 
Your footsteps echo around you like a movie scene. You grip your bag on your shoulder and stop short as a figure appears from the alleyway. You can hear the market just ahead of you, just one corner away. 
“You forgot your coffee,” the man says as he blocks your path, “don’t you know that it’s rude to refuse a gift?” 
You swallow and back away, speechless. You glanc around. How did he move so fast? You spin on your heel and walk in the other direction. You listen for him behind you but when you dare to peek over your shoulder, he is gone. 
You quiver and hook around the next corner, hoping to loop to the west entrance of the market. He’s there too. He tilts his head as he grins and tosses the coffee so it spills down the brick wall. You retreat away from the splash and blink at him dumbly. The street is mostly empty but you hear someone else. 
You spin back and fight not to break into a sprint. That time, you don’t look back. You head back along the same way you came but turn down another street before you get to the alley. A metal rattle sounds from overhead as a blur drops down in front you from the rickety fire escape above. The man fixes his hat and chuckles. 
“I think you should start running,” he taunts. 
You nearly trip over your heels as you rear back. Fear bubbles in your chest and you fall into a run, spurred by his ominous timbre. The bag bounces against your side as you squeeze your change purse in your other hand, feet hitting the old brick road heavy and hard. You stumble as you glance back but find no pursuit. 
You slow as your chest burns and stop to catch your breath. It take a moment to get your bearings. You bend over and gulp. You straighten up and face the street behind you, searching for the man in the grey jacket. There is only a couple holding hands and a group of young boys giggling as they kick around a beaten football. 
You look up along the rooves of the buildings and the balconies. You don’t see anything. You shake your head and puff. Fucking creep. Probably just wanted to scare you. 
You don’t go back to your apartment right away. You’re too agitated for that. You can’t help but look around every few steps and peek down every alley and street before you pass. It’s a good forty minutes before you realise you're lost. You never come to this part of town. 
You swear under your breath and cringe. You should have gone to the precinct like you planned. You were so panicked you didn’t think. You were more focused on getting away than getting safe. 
You drop your change purse into your jumbled bag of cherries and peaches. You reach into your pocket and your heart drops. You search both pockets. Your phone must have fallen out when you were running. 
You resign yourself to a listless trail back home through the urban maze. You could figure it out, there has to be a map around here somewhere. You are sure you just passed one a moment ago.  
You start down the street and mourn the loss of your phone. That would take a while to replace with your lousy wages. Fuck. Why didn’t you buy the warranty? 
The roar of a motorcycle cuts through the din of the city streets and echoes all around you. You ignore it and follow the sidewalk as you squint at the street signs above. You try to find something familiar, something to find your way. 
Suddenly you're taken off your feet, a crushing grip knots the back of your shirt as you're hurtled forward. You scream as the brickwork hazes beneath you and suddenly the engine revs and you’re turned sharply with its motion. You float just above the ground, dangling from your shirt. 
You looked up in confusion, the strength of the man holding you with one arm sends ice through your veins. The twinkling eyes, the angle of his jaw, and the slight curve of his lips makes you wince. He thrusts you closer and bends you over the front of the motorcycle so that you're trapped between him and the tank. 
“Better tuck those feet in,” he warns as you're folded over the metal on your stomach, “I told you to run.” 
He veers suddenly and the momentum pushes you against him as you clung to the bike, wind whipping your face as it hovers before the dingy pipes of the bike. It feels as if you’ll fly off at any second. You reach to grasp onto the man's jacket as you clench every muscle of your body to keep from slipping. 
The engine rips through the air as your head spins. You have a choice; fall off and die or hang on and live. 
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packsvlog · 15 hours
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✶ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: being a kindergarten teacher is something you excel at, you even have two students you treat as if they were your own. not that they mind your endless devotion, much less do their dad, 𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨, if you could spare some attention to him as well.
✶ 𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: papamin!!!!!!! honestly i love papamin so much, i wish i could make that man a daddy. while on the topic, nanami is girl dad code, but for the plot he is sukuna’s and yuuji’s dad. also i loved writing sukuna as a baby, he is such a menace, he definitely was that kid who bite everyone. just posting this because i can’t wait till i post the series i’m making, i had to do something before. divider by: @cafekitsune
✶ 𝐬𝐲𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬: pure fluff / ooc!sukuna / reader has no gender / no curse!au / modern!au / mention of death and grief (minor character)
✶ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.7k
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Yuuji thinks you are his princess, and you let him play with the wood horses and gallops around your desk, sometimes you even play pretend with him, accepting the roses he plucks from the school’s garden and sharing your sandwiches with him. He loves you very dearly, it’s not a secret he keeps that you are his favorite teacher, but it is yours that he is one of your favorites as well.
Now Sukuna, his twin brother, is a whole story. The two and a half years old siblings can be perceived as the perfect opposites, because Yuuji is adorable and expressive in good ways, and Sukuna tries to bite your ankles whenever you move near him sitting on the floor. His sharp teeth are always on showcase by his little smirk, he is a menace.
You know Sukuna might sometimes dislike you, not because you have done him terrible wrong, au contrarie, you have been a good teacher, a good human! He tries to grab your hair with his tiny fists and you put him in your lap quickly, staring at him with a cute smile, he thinks you are encouraging him to leave you bald but he ends up not caring anymore, and decides to snuggle against you and sleep. Only to wake up later with a bite on your wrist.
It’s love for your profession and for the children that you don’t report any of this to the superiors or his parent, you think hopefully that you can change his ways, make him better. It does work, credits be given, he used to be worse! He used to bite the other students, now his teeth are all over your and, unfortunately, his twin.
It’s something you try your best to control, gods be good, Yuuji only whines before slapping his brother’s head, and then Sukuna cries and comes to you. You open your arms and again, he is biting you.
“Ow, Kuna!” You move his head away from your skin. “What do you eat to have such sharp teeth, hm?”
He doesn’t answer you, his big eyes are filled with tears and he is wiggling towards any skin of yours to sink his canines.
“C’mere.” You grab him and adjust the baby in your hips, before moving towards the box filled with toys and grabbing a plastic one, you take it to the class bathroom and wash it, while Sukuna sits on the balcony, staring at you with his sad puppy eyes. “You are so cute, y’know that, right?” He nods, which takes you by surprise. “You can not keep biting me anymore, Sukuna, you get this?”
As expected, Sukuna doesn’t answer this time. He only gets what he wants.
“But let’s make a deal, you don’t bite me or Yuuji, you bite this whenever you feel like it, hm?”
Sukuna is not supposed to be with pacifiers anymore, something requested by his parent and passed to you through your boss. So it’s a little secret to let him have the blue whale in his mouth, he bites the thing so deeply that by the end of the week, you have to change it for a red rubber duck.
It’s keeps going like this for a couple more days until you notice the progress being made, Sukuna always has the toy by his gripping hands or in his pockets, and whenever he falls to the ground or gets pushed by a classmate, his little eyebrows crunch into an angry face. You think he is going to jump the kid or run at you and be a little vampire, but instead he grabs his toy and starts to violently munch on it.
It’s adorable, it makes you want to eat him.
But you noticed, obviously you did, how Sukuna has anger issues, and being a baby he has no idea how to control the anger but to externalize it with violence, and you gave him a escape plan. Now, he isn’t so angry anymore, sometimes he just squeezes the little toy, he also doesn’t spend his time with only you or his brother, he makes some new friends such as little Uraume, who follows Sukuna around and both keep sharing their lunches.
You do find one more problem arising, anytime Ijichi, who you learn is their butler, comes to pick the boys, Sukuna cries desperate for having to return his toy. You tried to let him have but the man refuses and your superior reprimanded you once, after catching you trying to give it. The next day, you notice quickly that Yuuji and Sukuna both have little red teeth marks on their arms.
You sigh desperate.
After class is over, few days later, Ijichi is late for the pickup, so you sat both Sukuna (sucking his little toy) and Yuuji (talking your ear off) down. They stop what both were doing and stare at you, one with pure sparkling eyes and the other with a raising eyebrow. You laugh at that.
“My darling cherubs, we need to talk.” You sit on the floor. “Kuna, you are not allowed to keep biting your brother, you know that. And you can’t bite him as well, Yuuji. You have to go to your papa, okay?”
The little one nods at you.
“Sukuna, honey, you can’t bring the duck home, we tried. But you can find another one to bite, hm?” He doesn’t answer, of course, he is two years he is not going on a quest for a rubber toy. “I’ll talk to Ijichi-san, for you, okay buddy?”
It takes you by surprise when Sukuna gets up and moves to sit on your lap, snuggling his face to your chest. When your arms go to close, Yuuji follows his twin and sits on you as well.
“Thank you, sensei.” Kuna’s little voice melts your heart even more, you hug them back instantly.
“I’ll do anything for the both of you.”
You don’t notice the presence behind you, or the fact that it’s been there since you sat down, and payed attention to everything you said, but mostly by how Sukuna went for you instantly and thanked you. The little bundle of angriness has his eyes closed, but his brother stares behind your shoulder and gasp, wiggling out of your touch and running towards the door.
“PAPA!” Yuuji screams making your heart jump. You turn back, staring at the scene. A tall blonde man, with formal clothes, kneels to the floor before opening his arms and grabbing Yuuji on his arms, kissing the pink hair of his baby.
You have heard the gossips towards the twins’s father, how exceptionally good looking he is, most charming and polite man anyone has ever seen or meet. And that he is single.
Of course, because of Ijichi being the one to bring and get the boys and the first teacher-parents’s meeting of the year being in just a few weeks, you haven’t met the man yet, but he here is, Nanami Kento, in all his glory.
You get up with Sukuna at the same time Nanami get up with Yuuji, and you notice right away that in his other hand he holds a bouquet of purple tulips.
“Look, Kuna, your papa is here.” You bounce the sleepy head on your lap, he opens his eyes before smiling a bit, and closing it again. “I think he got pretty tired after the playground today.” You laugh quietly before staring at the man, his eyes on his baby, a small smile on his face as well.
“Pleasure to meet you, Y/n-sensei.” It’s the first thing he says to you, his voice shaking your smile for a bit. “I’m sorry about being so late, the driver got busy with some stuff, so I had to come. I got you this, for the inconvenience.” He presents you the flowers, in your mind, he was going on a date, never in millions thoughts you would expect this.
“Oh, oh! Thank you, they are beautiful.” With your spare hand, you grab the flowers and smell them, smiling sweetly.
“I told papa you like those, sensei.” Yuuji says, with his eyes closed and large smile.
“Thank you, Yuuji, my charming knight.” You put the flowers on your desk before giving a pat to his head. “And thank you again, Mr. Nanami.”
“Again, I’m very sorry. But now, I think it’s time we go, right boys? Your sensei deserves to rest after the two of you.” Nanami grabs Sukuna from your arms, the boy open his eyes again for a second before falling into slumber. You help the male grabbing the twins backpacks and both of you move towards the parking lot.
When Nanami puts the babies in their seats, he turns to you grabbing the bags.
“Thank you for being their teacher, is not an easy job, but they both really like you.”
“It’s my pleasure, really. Sukuna and Yuuji make this job really worth it.” You answer sincerely, the door to the car is closed and the boys can’t hear you.
“I heard what you said to them, about the bites. I’ll get the toys for Sukuna, thank you for caring for him.“ Before Nanami gets into his car, he stops and turns back at you. “Would you need a ride? After all we did kept you here for longer than anticipated.”
You stare at the sky, dark clouds already reaching the sunset orange and pink, even the moon hangs more brightly than ever. You are inclined to accept, but you hold yourself.
“I would, any other day, but there is so much I have to do in the classroom and to grade the kid’s exercises, but thank you for the offer, Mr. Nanami.” You both exchange a smile before you wave at the awake Yuuji, staring at you by the window.
The next day and the others after, surprising everyone, Nanami is the one picking his sons up. His back is always tainted with the sunset from the corridor’s widows whenever he stays at the door, and a dozens of mothers and staff keep staring at him, searching for any opening to create a conversation. You are putting Yuuji’s bear beanie on, when you hear your boss asking Nanami for coffee with the excuse of talking about the boys, you laugh silently before grabbing the twins’s hands and moving towards their dad, giving an scape for him to move away from the woman.
“No need for the coffee ‘date’, the parents reunion with the teachers is this saturday, we all can talk there.” You say a bit loud, enough to send the message across, and all those people ready to jump at the blonde male move away.
“Thank you.” He whispers before grabbing the boys in his arms. “No ride today?”
Every once in a while, after the first time meeting Nanami, he has been asking you if you need a ride, and with a strength you don’t know where came from, you refuse nicely. It’s not that you don’t want, would be stupid to, it’s more for the fact that he is dreamily, you wouldn’t be any better than those who salivate at the sight of him. You could be worse.
“Not today, Mr. Nanami, these two made a mess in the bathroom, although I think Sukuna has a talent for arts, he painted the walls really well.”
“God, you’re joking.” You sign no with your head and the man sighs. “I’ll ask for the price of repair, please don’t worry about it, it’s my kids, I’ll fix it.”
“No need! Seriously, I believe just water and soap and it’ll be fine.” You grab Sukuna’s cheeks and he hides his face in his dad’s chest. “But if not, it’ll be a cute memory in the future, when they move classes or school.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” Yuuji squirms. “We’re staying with you forever, right Papa?”
“C’mon, buddy, time to go home.” Nanami laughs his answer, and you move with them, holding their backpacks. It’s a little ritual now, you could say.
You wave them goodbye and return home that day with a slight tremble in your fingers, after this year most likely you wouldn’t see them ever again, and that fact made you terribly sad. You would miss pealing the fruits for Yuuji and being gifted half of it, would miss even the mark bites of Sukuna little mouth, even though he hadn’t been a menace in a long time now.
Admitting, you would miss Nanami and his lovely smile, the way he would ask you for a ride anytime. You should accept it, you know, but could you move on from this little crush you’ve been harboring, if you are meant to never see him again? Doubt it, no one can get over the Nanami Kento.
You sleep with those thoughts, these little moments you had with him and the sweet and gentle and chaotic memories you had with the twins. It’s a bittersweet feeling teachers have, you should be used to it by now, dealing with the fact that the babies don’t stay babies forever, only in your heart and memories. But there is something in that little family that shakes your core, that moves your mind and warms your heart, something that scares you.
Saturday comes but your anxiety stays. You decorate your classroom with a large table filled with charcuterie boards and juices, there is also paintings of the kids hanging by the walls, presents to give to their parents. All of them are on the corridor, you call for one couple after the other, for the intimacy of talking about their children.
You notice how each kid can resemble their parents in a comical and adorable way. Megumi, for example, who has his mom messy hair but his dad scowl, Nobara is energetic like her mom, and sensitive like her daddy who cries when gifted her painting.
You also see how they can be with their babies. Toge’s parents who are elated with your hand signs, and how you explain that you learned it in two months for the boy and has been using and teaching it in your class, for the other students to communicate with the him. Maki’s and Mai’s parents are stiff and bored, and you take notice of that to pay more attention to the girls, help if needed anything.
You do your job perfectly, but your eyes always go searching for a blonde man whenever you go call the next parents. He is not there yet, and you wonder if he won’t come. Maybe job related, maybe he forgot, you try to not be sad.
When you are taking Nanako’s and Mimiko’s fathers to the door, waving them goodbye, you catch sight of a man with beige suit and blue shirt, in his hands another bouquet of purple tulips.
“I told you we should have given something.” Mr. Geto whispers while staring at Nanami.
“Love, that’s not a ‘Thank you for being my kid’s teacher’ bouquet.” Mr. Satoru answers with a smirk your way.
“I miss when you would give me flowers.” Geto answers, his voice low because they are already by the end of the corridor.
“Huh? I gave your flowers last week?!”
Nanami and you are staring at the couple, until their figures disappear and both of you stare at each-other, smiling fondly at first and then laughing a second later.
“I’m guessing these are for me?” You ask when you move inside the classroom, Nanami following behind. You turn to him, and he nods, giving you the bouquet, perfumed perfectly. “Thank you.”
“I’m sorry I was late, the boys wanted to come as well but I had to keep them occupied and tired.” You nod laughing, before pointing at the table in front of your desk, putting your flowers there, he sits and you move towards the wall, grabbing two drawings.
“These are for you.” You sit by his side instead of in front of the man and give him the papers, he has a sweet smile while admiring the drawings. “I asked the class to draw their family, hasn’t had the time to check yet, but I hope it’s better than the one I saw earlier: the girl draw only her sister and their cats.”
“It’s perfect, don’t worry.” Nanami has his eyes on both drawings, side by side. You can tell which is which by the colors and traces, but none other, the art is basically the same. “This is Ijichi in the car, how cute.” Nanami points at the figure in a black suit driving a car besides the house in both paintings. You stares confused at the fifth stick person, besides Nanami and the twins. “Is that…?”
“I think so…” Your hands move to your mouth, hiding your growing smile when you notice characteristics in it that resembles you, specially a rubber duck in your hands, in Sukuna’s drawing. “I’m flattered they consider me family.”
“They are not wrong.” Nanami stares at you now. “That day we meet, you were helping them with one thing I had no idea how.” He moves the drawing to your desk. “I’m not their biological father, don’t know if you know that.” You don’t, so you keep yourself quiet and let him speak. “I was their godfather, been friends with their dad ever since we were little. Itadori Jin, great guy, that’s where they inherited that beautiful pink hair.” Nanami has a sad smile in his lips that break your heart. “He and his wife died in a car crash, first date since the birth of the babies, just two months old. Their grandfather was adamant on keeping them, but he realized he needed my help, so he let me adopt them officially.”
He sighs before grabbing his thighs.
“Recently I told them about their parents, that’s why Sukuna started the biting, his sorrow is physically showing. I tried to help but didn’t knew how, but you did, you handled it better than I could.”
“You are still a great father, they might not have come from you, but they are yours. And you did helped them, Sukuna might have received some slaps from Yuuji, but Yuu always hugged him whenever it became too much, and he listened to me instead of throwing a tantrum.” You hold his arm for a second before removing your hand. “You are raising them very well, Mr. Nanami, it’s not easy to be a parent, but you are doing fine.”
“Thank you, and please call me Kento.” It’s not professional, but you nod.
“Okay… Kento.” You whisper his name like a secret, and you wonder if you feel right, but it tastes like honey in your tongue. It’s just a second of both of you staring at each-other for his eyes to move to your lips. You should move back, but you don’t, nor you can. Instead, your eyes go to his pink lips as well. “We should wrap this up, it’s late, right?”
“Yeah, we should.” But none of you move, eyes moving to eyes and lips, over and over, you wet your lips, he groans and lunges at you. You accept him easily, moving your hands to circle his broad shoulders and touch his neck, while his large hands take your waist.
You shouldn’t be doing this, but it feels wrong to not be doing it. So you allow yourself to be kissed hungrily by Kento.
There is three knocks on the door before you both jump apart, your boss, the principal, makes her way in, eyes shinning at seeing Nanami.
“Mr. Nanami, so good to see you here! Would you like to come and have that coffee we were taking about some days ago?”
Kento looks at you, his hair is a little messy and his mouth is red, he looks even more ravishing than before. You cough awkward, grabbing your flowers, bag and the twins’s drawing before moving to his side.
“I’m so sorry, Principal, but Mr. Nanami is giving me a ride home.” The man has his hands on your back in an instant, moving both of you out of the class. “I see you monday.”
The two of you leave the baffled woman behind, Nanami has an eternal perfect smile charming his face, making you want to kiss him even more. Which you do, when he closes the door he opened for you, and enters the car you kiss him, when you both stop at a red light you kiss him. And when he let you at your house, his hands again in your back, he kisses you.
You are too tempted to bring him inside, even more to have your way with him, but he beats you to it, asking you to go out with him the next day.
It’s just the beginning of your blooming relationship, flowers every week, restaurant dates, kisses at every opportunity. You both keep yourselves occupied and yet reserved. He gives you rides home after most staff and students are gone, the boys happily talking with you all the way to your house, and he leaves you at your door with a peck the babies don’t see.
It’s at your last day of the year, all your students glued to you, crying red faces you promise them to always be there when needed, giving the parents your personal number, they happily accept it. Yuuji and Sukuna are the most devasted, their little hands keep you from moving far away from them, and when Nanami comes to pick them up, Sukuna cries together with his brother, taking you by surprise.
You tell them bye and run to your apartment, where you prepare a whole meal and dress nicely, soon you hear the door knocking. When you open, it takes three stunned seconds before two little babies are running to your arms, screaming happily to see you.
“Now it’s a good time to say, Y/n is staying in our lives.” Nanami says while hugging you, both boys in your arms holding you as well.
“Forever?” Sukuna asks, Yuuji stares at you waiting for the answer.
“Yes, my cherubs, forever.”
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hqbaby · 2 days
seventeen — be careful
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 1.9k content. profanity, sexual content [brief sex scene, vaginal penetration]
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You know better than to listen to Sukuna. Sukuna, who at seventeen came to you with his biggest, brightest idea: suction cups on every shoe in the world so people would—and you quote—“stop tripping on their damn faces all the time.”
You like to think that you’re better than this. That you won’t succumb to his idiocy, no matter how tempting it may seem. That you’re somehow more evolved than this, capable of saying no to anything your best friend deems to be a “good idea.”
Alas, you’re human and incapable of refusing Sukuna all the time.
Which is why you’re here, on your couch with your brilliant best friend balls deep inside of you while Maki and Nobara knock on your door, waiting for you to let them in to start the study session that you requested.
Sukuna is of course oblivious to the pounding on your door, to Maki’s threats of, “I’m gonna break your door down if you don’t let us in!” He is, unfortunately, too busy pounding into you, shoving his dick into your cunt as you try to push him off.
“Sukuna!” you hiss, hand pressed against his unmoving chest. “They’re here!”
He opens his eyes, grinning through the blissed out look on his face. “So? I don’t hear you telling me to stop.” He thrusts against a spot that has you, unwillingly moaning into the back of your hand. He snickers. “Want me to stop, tiger?”
Glaring at him, you reach down to your clit and bite his shoulder to keep your sounds at bay. “Just be quick,” you whimper, grabbing onto his back as he drills into your walls. “Fuck!”
He picks up the pace and soon enough the two of you are riding through your highs, and you are unceremoniously pushing him off of you. As he groans on the carpet, you scramble to look for your shorts, finding them in some corner—how did it even get there?—and pulling them on.
“Go into the bathroom,” you tell him, looking at your reflection on the fridge and attempting to make your hair look decent. You whip your head around when he doesn’t move. “Now!”
Sukuna stumbles getting up, grimacing as he peels the condom from his dick. “And then what?”
“Make yourself look decent!” you whisper-shout, throwing his jeans at him. “Quickly!”
“I’m going! I’m going!” he says as he scampers into the bathroom.
You give the room one last look, trying to spot any pieces of incriminating evidence, before you grab the knob and swing the door open.
“Hi!” you say, putting on your most convincing smile when you see your two friends on the other side. “Sorry, I got caught up with something.”
“Are you okay?” Maki asks as she and Nobara step inside your apartment. Of course she’d notice that something’s up. “You’re panting.”
You let out a nervous laugh. “Am I?” you say. “I didn’t notice.”
You lead them into the living room, eyes scanning the couch to check for any wet spots, any stains. Your two friends, oblivious to your panicked gaze, make themselves comfortable, taking their usual spots and placing their bags on the floor.
“Do you guys want anything to drink?” you ask them, quickly making your way to the kitchen. “I have tea, soda, whatever you want.”
“Tea please,” Nobara says, pulling her laptop out. She looks at you and frowns. “Maki’s right. You don’t look okay.”
“I’m fine!” you say a little too quickly. “Just—” 
“Oh! You guys are here!”
Sukuna walks out of the bathroom, face flushed as he tries his best to move coolly over to your friends. He has a totally-not-suspicious grin on his face as he sits down on the floor beside Nobara. At least he had enough sense to fix his hair. It was in a… not so good state just a few minutes ago.
“Oh, you’re here,” Nobara says, looking at Sukuna. While she’s definitely gotten used to his presence, you wouldn’t go so far as to call the two of them friends. “I didn’t know you were studying with us.”
“He’s not!” you cut in before Sukuna can say anything. “He was just passing through. Needed to use the toilet.”
He looks at you, eye twitching a little at the excuse you just gave for him. “Yeah,” he says through his smile. “You guys know me. And toilets.”
Maki looks between the two of you, immediately picking up on whatever nervous energy you aren’t able to hide. “Okay, what’s going on here?”
“Nothing!” the two of you say, not helping your case.
Maki turns to Sukuna, the weaker link. She always knows which buttons to push. “Why are you really here?” she asks. “And don’t even think of lying to me.”
A beat passes and he doesn’t answer.
Then another.
Then another.
“Holy shit! You’re fucking!”
You sink to the floor. “I’m gonna crawl into a hole and die now.”
Nobara is looking between the two of you wildly now, manic eyes shifting from you to Sukuna to you to Sukuna. She stands, pointing an accusatory finger somewhere between the two of you because the shock has made her lose all sense of direction apparently.
“No fucking way!” she says. To you? To Sukuna? You can’t tell. All you know is that she sounds confused, shocked, and mad all at the same time. “How long has this been going on?”
You roll your eyes at her theatrics (not that you weren’t being dramatic in your own right too) and walk over to them from the kitchen. “Barely two days,” you tell her. “It just… happened.”
Maki narrows her eyes at you. “His dick just so happened to slide inside you?”
Sukuna is red in the face, clearly beyond uncomfortable with this conversation. “Okay, now before you guys start—”
“You don’t talk,” Maki tells him firmly, forcing him to hug his knees and look down at the floor. She turns back to you. “I thought this wasn’t real, that the two of you,” she drags a finger from you to Sukuna, “were just fucking around because of the breakup.”
You shrink back, holding your arms and averting your gaze. “I think this is a good thing.”
The way your voice comes out is so quiet and vulnerable, it almost scares you. Judging by the look on Maki’s face when you turn to her after a moment of silence, you realize that it’s probably caused the same effect on her too. When was the last time she heard you be this open about the way you felt?
“Okay,” she says eventually. She turns to Sukuna. “Just because you two are a thing now, doesn’t mean you get to intrude on our girl time.”
He lifts his head and nods. “Yeah, yeah, I know.”
She waves him off. “Skedaddle, dude.”
“What? Like right now?”
“But you’re just gonna talk about me!” Sukuna whines. He glances at you, hoping for some support. “They’re gonna shit talk me.”
You shrug, grinning now at his distress. “Too bad,” you tell him. “It’s girl time, and you’re not a girl.”
After Sukuna leaves, the three of you go about your familiar routine. You get your friends drinks, Maki pulls out a bunch of food that she brought—against your wishes—and Nobara complains about the fact that she has way too many things to study and far too little time.
“It’s so fucking cold,” you tell Nobara when she turns the AC up. You grab the sweater on your couch and pull it over your head, rubbing your arms as you shiver, all exaggerated just to get your point across.
Nobara just shrugs and picks at some of the sushi Maki brought. “Too bad,” she tells you through a full mouth. “I’m your guest and it’s your duty as a host to make sure I get everything I want.”
“Maki, she’s being mean.”
Maki hums, focused on whatever it is she’s doing on her phone. “Nobara, don’t be mean,” she says mindlessly. When she puts her phone away she turns to you, “Kento’s gonna have your ass.”
You groan. “What did I do this time?”
“What do you think you did?”
“I dunno. I was my beautiful, wonderful self?”
“Nope,” she tells you, relaxing into her seat. “You missed a zero on the financial report.”
“Oh, I fucking did not,” you say, defensive. “I triple-checked that!”
“Well, apparently you missed it,” she says. “All good though because apparently it just means we have more money to donate now.”
You grin, all smug at your not-so-terrible-mistake. “Look at me, making money out of thin air.”
“He’s still gonna kill you though.”
“I know,” you tell her. You open one of the many bags of chips Maki brought and pop a piece in your mouth. “Does that man ever take a break? It’s like he’s always texting me about the club or calling you about some shitty thing I did.”
Nobara snorts at that.
“What?” you say, looking at her with a raised brow.
“Oh, please,” she says. “We all know he has a crush on you.”
You grab one of your throw pillows from the couch and hurl it at her. “Take that back right now!” you demand. “That’s so gross. He’s like a brother to me. An annoying nuisance of an older brother.”
“The same way Sukuna’s like a brother to you?”
You frown. It’s not like you thought the topic wouldn’t come up. Sukuna was right, you were obviously going to have to address the elephant in the room—when the elephant in question wasn’t in the room anymore of course.
“Is it real?” Nobara asks you. “Because if it isn’t—and I can’t believe I’m actually trying to do something good for that guy, but because I know how much he means to you—maybe you shouldn’t use your best friend as a rebound.”
“I’m not using him as a rebound.”
Your friends share a look. You hate when they do that because it always means that they know something you don’t. They see something you don’t see.
“I’m just saying, I don’t think you’re really over Satoru just yet,” Nobara tells you eventually.
“What makes you think that?” you ask. Your voice is quieter than you would like it to be. “I was the one who broke up with him.”
“That doesn’t mean anything,” Maki points out. “We all know how… complicated that was.”
You don’t like this. You don’t like this at all.
After the breakup, you did your best to steer clear of the topic of Satoru. The whole thing was too much for you, in more ways than one. Having to dig that all up now… It isn’t the way you want this to go.
“Sukuna and I are good,” you say, but you begin to wonder if you’re saying it for them or for yourself. “I know you guys don’t like him so much, but he cares about me. I’ve known him forever, I trust him.”
Maki nods, clearing her throat. “Yeah,” she says as she turns away from you. “So who’s sweater are you wearing?”
You furrow your brows, grabbing the fabric of the thing you’re wearing. You look down. What could she possibly be implying—
“Yeah,” Nobara says, watching the recognition in your eyes. She leans over the coffee table and places a hand on top of yours. “Just be careful, yeah?”
Your mouth feels dry as you look up at your friends. “Yeah,” you tell them. “I’ll be careful.”
Your fingers drag along the hem of the sweater. Not yours, definitely, far too big to be something you’d buy for yourself. You’d say you don’t know why you still have it, but you do. Of course you do.
You should really give it back to Satoru.
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notes. oh no! feelings!
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6esiree · 12 hours
Gen Z Things With The Hazbin Men
Just some funny stuff I saw on Instagram. I’ll do one with the women next! Also, writing for Zestial is so hard like, why does he speak like that? 😭
The Dill-Doe Shirt
“Look at what my darling bought me!” Alastor announces excitedly, stretching his shirt so everybody could see, the word ‘Dill-Doe’ below a deer in a pickle. “Ha! Isn’t it hilarious? It’s a doe wearing a dill pickle as a costume!”
“Al, that says Dill-Doe,” Angel says, trying not to laugh. “Do ya know what that is?”
“A what now?” Alastor asks innocently.
“Shut up, Angel!”
The J in June
“Luci, do you know what the J in June stands for?” You ask Lucifer.
“Oh, I didn’t even know it stood for anything,” Lucifer says. “Well, what is it, honey?”
“The J in June is for the Jiggle in my ass when I walk,” You say, looking over your shoulder as you strut down the hallway.
“I believe you,” Lucifer says, fanning his face as he watches your ass do just that.
“Oh my God, I was just joking!”
Spell RUN
“Husk, touch your toes,” You tell Husk, trying to keep a straight face as you discreetly record him.
“Fine, but it better not be somethin’ stupid,” Husk says, bending over and touching his toes.
“Okay, now spell ‘Run’ three times.”
“R-U-N, R-U-N, R-U—“ Husk realizes, his eyes widening as you start laughing while you hold up your phone. “Now, wait a fuckin’ minute.”
“HA! You’re asking if it’s in you—“ You start, but then he tackles you to the ground.
Can I Hold It While You Pee?
“I’m going to the restroom,” Vox announces as he stands up from the couch.
“Wait, let me come with you!” You say, following behind him.
“What, why would you want to do that?” Vox stutters, a horrified look on his face.
“Can I hold it while you pee?” You ask, but he shakes his head as he backs up from you. “At least let me tie a bow on it!”
*Vox teleports out of the room.*
Throw Cheeks, Bbg
“Throw cheeks, babygirl,” You tell Adam as you walk into the room.
He instantly turns his backside away from you, covering his ass with his wings.
“NO! I’M NOT THROWING CHEEKS,” Adam yells, folding his arms and shaking his head. “I DON’T WANNA!”
Angel Dust:
Impregnating A Man
“Ya eva’ love ya man so much ya just wish ya were seahorses?” Angel sighs as he looks at you, but you’re too busy scrolling on your phone to notice. “Ta get him pregnant, I mean.”
“Just because he’s a man doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try,” You tell him.
“Huh, yeah, ya right!” Angel says, grabbing your chin and making you look at him. “Wanna try, sweetcheeks?”
“Oh no, I forgot that was me.”
Sir Pentious:
“Hey, Pentious!” You greet the serpent, an innocent smile on your face. “Can I give you a BBL?”
“A BBL? What isss that?” Sir Pentious asks you, confused. “If it’s nothing bad, perhaps I could—“
“DON’T SAY YES, THEY BOTCHED MINE!” Angel screeches, barging into the room, two small pillows falling from his skirt.
I Don’t Take In Strays
“What’s your address?” Valentino texts you. You only gave him your number so he could leave you alone. “I’m spending the night.”
“4351 Pasadena Ave,” You text back.
“That’s the animal shelter?”
“Yeah, they take in strays. Not me, goodnight.”
Saint Peter:
When Did I Ask?
“So, uh, Emily was telling me about this new restaurant that opened up,” Saint Peter starts, nervously wringing his hands together. “And I was wondering if you wanted to go?”
“When?” You asked, trying not to laugh.
“Oh, well, how does Friday—“
“Did I ask?”
Saint Peter’s face drops, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment, losing whatever confidence he had built up to ask you out.
“Oh my God, you poor baby! I’m so, so sorry, I have no self control,” You said, rushing to him and holding his face in your hands, a relieved sigh escaping his throat as you litter him with kisses. “Yes! I’ll go out with you, a million times yes!”
Mike Who Cheese Hairy
“Good morning, sweetness,” Zestial says, leaning down to look at your shirt when you approach him. “Oh? What art thee wearing today?“
He squints as you stretch your shirt, four words written on it: Mike, Who, Cheese, and Hairy. Carmilla’s daughters are staring at you in shock.
“Repeat it and you’ll find out,” You say, a wicked smile on your face.
“Mike…Who…Cheese…Hairy,” Zestial says out loud, still confused. “I don’t understand?”
“Who said ‘My coochie is hairy?’” Carmilla asks as she walks into the room.
“Zestial!” You burst out laughing, but then she throttles you, leaving Zestial horrified.
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fun-loving-peach · 3 days
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Different Types of Kisses with Suguru Geto
a/n: if anybody wants to be on the tag list comment or send me an ask , have a lovely day my little peaches 🍑 ✨
Divider by lovely @plutism 🤍
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Suguru loves kissing the top of your head. Whenever he sees you working hunched over papers he places a gentle kiss on top as he lets you keep working after he tells you to join him in bed soon.
Suguru kisses you good morning and good night. He loves placing a kiss right as he wakes up and right as he falls asleep. For it brings some sort of comfort to know you’re there and you’re not leaving.
Suguru kisses your hand whenever you’re in public. He knows it might make you embarrassed if he kisses you in front of everyone. So he takes your hand looking directly into your eyes as he pressed a kiss to your knuckles.
Suguru loves seeing you on your tippy toes to give him a kiss. As he sees you try to reach him he bends down pulling your head up as he crashes his lips to yours. Fingers wrapped on your nape as he smiles into the kiss. You look so cute when you wanna kiss him.
Suguru sometimes catches you looking at his lips. He knows what you want he wants it too, but he doesn’t want to give in first. Even if your lips are looking plump and soft and… yeah he gives in first. Kissing your lips as you let out a chuckled. He always gives in the end.
Suguru loves the way your lips brush against him on soft intimate moments. You could be laying in bed in each others hold, just basking in one another’s presence. Soft touches, soft brushes before leaning in pressing a gentle kiss. Before pulling away and doing it all over again.
Suguru whisper’s “I love you” after every kiss before he follows it up with a stronger, hungrier kiss. Almost eating your soul as he kisses you deeply wanting more and more after each sound you make.
Suguru loves kissing you so hard it makes your body curve into his body. The way your chest presses against his. The way your hips rest against his. It drives him crazy with need.
Suguru loves the moments when you’re kissing and break away to murmur sweet nothings as your lips brush against each other. chuckles and giggles heard around the room as you leaned in again. He loves being so close to you and hear your praises and feel your lips on his. It can’t get any better than this can it.
Suguru kisses you before he needs to leave but immediately holds your face kissing you with all his being not wanting to separate from you even for a minute. Making him late but he doesn’t care.
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Taglist: @ladythornofrivia
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hollaaaa! i'd like to request a grumpy female reader with gojo pleaseee, where reader says something kinda mean to gojo and hurt his feelings </3 but things end up being okay later
💠 to infinity and beyond
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summary: you accidentally hurt satoru's feelings when he was only worried about you pairing: sunshine!gojo satoru x grumpy!female reader content warnings: angsty with happy ending, cursing a/n: i love this trope
“Satoru, wait-”
He only responds by closing the door.
A quiet sigh escapes you as you pinch the bridge of your nose, regretting the venomous words that spouted from your mouth. Your mother always said you have anger issues. You check the window only to find Satoru’s bike isn’t there anymore — he really left.
It would be best if you don’t text him. At least not yet. He’s angry, and you don’t want to drive him into a corner just so he’ll listen to your apology.
You look at your empty apartment and it feels ominous. Satoru spends so much time at your place that he practically lives here, and it’s weird without him around. You feel like a stranger in your own home.
Perhaps that’s how you’ve been acting these days, too. You don’t normally snap, not even when Satoru’s being extra annoying, but today’s just too much. Your stress got the best of you and you lashed out on Satoru. It’s not fair for him, especially not when he’s only been sweet to you the entire day.
No one’s ever been close to you like how Satoru is. It scares you to open up to him—what if he sees you and doesn’t like what he finds? What if he runs the other way? What if you fall harder and he’s not there to catch you?
“Hey sweets, you okay?” “I’m fine,” You fake a smile. Satoru knows better than to believe that. He also knows not to push your buttons, but he can’t help but feel you’re slipping away. Why are you so scared to be vulnerable with him? Why, after months of being in a relationship, does it feel like you’re still so guarded around him? Satoru’s a patient man, but even he has his limits. He knows you’ve been facing a lot of pressure from the higher-ups and as the strongest, of course, he knows how you must feel. But unlike Satoru who can literally do whatever he wants and still be the strongest, you’re unfortunately easily replaceable, and you can’t afford to be. Satoru doesn’t understand that. “Come on, take a break.” He lifts the mochi near your face, urging you to take a bite. “I’m not hungry, Toru.” You push his hand away, keeping your eyes on your laptop, reading papers. He sighs.
You’ve been avoiding him for a while, always saying you’re busy and don’t have time when in reality, you’re scared he’s getting too close. No, you don’t want to lose him. You want to open up and let him know all your troubles and dreams. All you have to do is not worry so much and trust that Satoru will love you as you are.
But you can’t trust someone not to hurt you, right?
If someone hurts you, then you’re hurt. All you can do is accept and deal with it. All you can do is trust yourself that you’ll be okay even if they hurt you and that you’ll be able to walk away.
But isn’t it tiring? Living life while always expecting the other shoe to drop?
You clutch Satoru’s hoodie, inhaling his scent before deciding to put it on. You think maybe it’ll alleviate your loneliness, but it just makes you miss him more. You sigh and try your best not to cry. Why did you say those words to him?
“Satoru, stop.” You push his head away from snuggling too close into your neck. Satoru frowns at that, and especially more when he sees your expression. Is that disgust? Discomfort? “Did I do something?” “No, just-” You sigh, “I’m just stressed. Sorry.” “You say that a lot.” “Excuse me?” “You’re always busy, always stressed, always have no time to spend together anymore, but you always have time to spar with Suguru or Maki.” He says, “You barely even look at me anymore.” “That’s not true-” “Do you hate me that much?” “I don’t hate you!” “Well, you clearly act like you do.” “I told you, I just have a lot going-” “Bullshit.” “Satoru-” “If you can’t even stand me then why don’t you just break up with me?!” “Fine then!” You grit your teeth. “Let’s break up! Clearly, this isn’t working. You want someone who’s as clingy, touchy, and sweet, and can handle all your shit — well I can’t! Just once, I want to be left alone, Satoru. Truly alone.” Satoru is silent. You can’t believe those words came out of your mouth, especially since none of it is true. Why did you say it? Just to push him away? If that’s the case then it worked, because the next thing you know, Satoru goes out the door without saying anything but a small “ok”. You’ve truly fucked up.
It’s almost been a week since you talked to Satoru. He hasn’t spoken to you, and your calls and messages are unanswered. You can’t blame him, since you’re the one who did him wrong, but you also don’t know how to make it right. Or if you even can. Even if Satoru doesn’t want to be with you again, you want to make it right.
Though you’re the one afraid of getting hurt, you end up hurting him instead. Knowing you hurt someone you love is worse than being the one who’s hurting. The guilt, the loneliness, the regret… maybe it’s best if Satoru hates you. Maybe it’ll make him feel better—move on faster.
You wipe your tears as you come out of your office and surprisingly collide with a certain someone with blue eyes. The pair of blue eyes that used to stare at you with adoration and love, but now full of doubt.
“S-” You’re even scared to say his name. “S-Satoru…”
“Let’s talk?”
You nod slowly, trailing behind him.
He hates you.
He hates you.
He hates you.
He hates you.
He hates you.
He hates you.
He hates you.
Maybe he’s here for closure, to really end things.
Your heart squeezes. Why do you feed these thoughts into your mind? Your hand grips your bag tighter. Satoru takes you to the park where you had your first date, and you think it’s cruel, but you convince yourself you deserve it.
You both sit on the swings, and it’s quiet. Where do you even start? Should you apologize again? You don’t want to seem like you’re forcing him to try to forgive you.
“You look terrible.”
You look at him bewilderedly for a second before looking away when you’re about to make eye contact. “Oh…”
“I saw Yaga scold you the other day.”
You can barely remember what Yaga said, to be honest. Your entire focus was elsewhere. Ever since the fight, you can’t function that well. You’re late to classes, you space out, and you need more breaks — Megumi even let you cry on his shoulder one time. You tried your best to continue your days as if nothing happened, but it was impossible, and it scares you. Because you’re utterly, completely, unavoidably falling in love with Satoru and your fears come true; he’s not there to catch you — which is completely your fault.
His voice is much closer now. Once you let your tears fall, you can see him crouching in front of you.
“I… I-” You wipe your tears with your sleeves and choke on a sob.
I understand if you hate me. I was mean to you and you didn’t deserve it. You deserve someone better, someone who can take care of you, someone who makes you happy. If that someone isn’t me, I understand. I will understand. I don’t deserve you, any part of you. I regret ever hurting you the way I did. I’m truly sorry, Satoru. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, I don’t blame you if you don’t. I’d hate me too.
“You…” Satoru starts, “You sound like you really want me to hate you.”
You blink a few times, only realizing that you said all of that out loud.
“That’s extremely selfish.” He says. “And in the wrongest way. How could you say that?”
He runs his hand through his hair, “How could you tell me to find someone else when all that I want is you? I don’t want anyone else, I don’t need anyone else—just you. I want the mess, the fights, the sleepless nights, as long as at the end of the day, I get to see you again and be in your arms. We’re both not perfect, but I don’t want that. I want us, and we’re more than perfect.”
“But all that only works if you want me, too.” He holds your hands, “So? Do you- mph!”
You jump forward and kiss him. It’s messy—your tears running down your cheeks with his own, hands all over each other, and you don’t want to let go. Satoru tightens his hold around you and you chuckle when you feel him smile over the kiss.
“I love you, Satoru. And I’m sor-”
“Don’t say it.” He shushes you. “Stop beating yourself up because of it. Just say you love me.”
You cup his face and kiss him deeply. “I love you, Satoru.”
“To infinity and beyond?”
You laugh, “Yes, to infinity and beyond.”
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theastrical · 1 day
genshin men confessing their feelings for you
diluc, kaeya, alhaitham, zhongli, childe x reader
diluc has always been keeping an eye on you for these past few months, either from having you as his now co worker at the tavern or…just by you existing. Not to mention that you guys are best friends and have been caught in the middle of everything in everywhere back when you guys were young…so working with him as your boss feels weird-although it doesn’t hide your excitement to be with him.
You won’t wonder or bother, since it hasn’t given you an answer around certain question that pop ups. So you continued your job per usual-You’re currently serving some customer and cleaning the cups, also the cigars bar that has been rusty since the dawn of man by this point. Diluc is beside you, making mocktails and cocktails for the rest of the customer.
Later-“Can we talk for a moment, outside..?” He whisper while you’re in the middle of cleaning the last cup; your head immediately charmed up by his question. His eyes look at yours, deeply-memorising yours, Hoping to get your spare minute. “Sure! What’s up?”, your reply seems to be a turn on, his shoulder gone straight and he looks more lifelike than before.
He went outside from the tavern and look at you, straight up, no talk, just…dreaming, wondering if you would ever say yes to him. “Look, it’s a bad timing but i..just couldn’t help it…” he paused. Looking at your eyes one more time. “….would you be delighted if i called you mine..?” He asked you nervously-you know that voice-he’s scared of rejection. And you’re scared if he actually loves you back…because you do-you realise, you loved him even tenfold than how younger you would..and with some pause between you both-your voice a bit tender, shaky, and scared. “Yes, i would love to diluc..”
Kaeya has always been such a teaser. You guys meet each other ever since you joined the knights of favonious-not as a knight though, you thought that’ll be too much of a hassle, but as a secretary. It’s not the best job, but they paid handsomely-with a burden as thick as a law book.
Kaeya would come and play, just visiting you in your office deliberately-searching for your antics to play with. At some point, it’ll be your…feelings or favorite things-but that’s okay, you always tolerate kaeya. You’ve never rejected him. Because deep down, you enjoyed being kaeya’s….play buddy-no, more than that.
Before going home, kaeya would usually play or spend time with you, especially when it’s raining-that’s the opposite for today. No sight of him. Just..plain old looking chair with nobody on that view. You prepare the files back on the shelf until you suddenly heard the creak of the door being pushed. “shit i’m wet from the rain…urgh…now the flowers are we—“ when he saw you all confused-he immediately excuse himself to “cough”-to restart as per his dictionary.
“My bad…uhm…soooooo are you going ho-“ “no” “oh ok sorry uhm…right..let me just get into it.” He immediately get to you, with his body all wet and his hair looking like a shrivelled wet cat, he gets the wet flower to your chest and “i like it better if you’re mine, so please take the flower if you’re willing to be one..” he smiles like a child, an innocent child that doesn’t know how all of this flutters your heart cohesively. So you take his flower and nod with a small smile…”sure capt..” he replied with a small peck on your cheek. “thanks cutie”
alhaitham knows you well-he hopes you do as well. Since he has been preparing a certain sentence of asking you to be his for almost 5 days now. He’s nervous-which is weird for a guy who can fight as if his rent with kaveh has been due. But alhaitham is alhaitham, this man’s pocker face means the world is in calm-but internally, HIS WORLD is in torture from all of the overthinking session he has of you.
Today is your first preparation of your last project of the semester and you’re currently trying to reach out to your professor about the project you’ve made in hope of an approval-which turn out to be alhaitham’s agenda to persuade you softly but surely-by asking the professor to immediately get you an approval-you sure did get one just by having him near you-which is great but at the same time, your heart is on cloud nine just by having him help you directly; which also means that alhaitham’s agenda is working.
When you were off dreaming-He immediately holds your palm-looking at your eyes then-“follow me..” you both run upstair as he take your hand in his. Gently overlapping, in order to save place. After you both arrived, He suddenly gives you…something related to your last project, the analysis and journalism you needed.
“Thought you might need it…also..” he pauses for a moment before he takes your hand again. Gently cupping it. “If you need me more, then just be mine”..he swiftly says it, finally the nervousness has long gone and now enter the anxiety-waiting for your— “i need you everytime at this moment alhaitham, thank you and…sure…l-let’s be together..!” Your optimistic voice break his raging anxiety.
being his tea partner is so much more than a privilege, it’s a blessing by the gods. To give such a man to your pawn, to have that man listen and talk to you whilst you just enjoy the sight. He would always serves you the cup of tea first despite being the older one in this friendship-yet here he is, trying to serve your third cup of tea today.
You both are currently playing cards-this time, unlike any other card games you played before, he makes a challenge, the one who win will have to spoilt out some questions to the loser. “Are you fine with such a rule?” He asked, his voice luring you into his fine demeanor just like that and you wished every morning you’ll hear him greet you. “of course, as long as there’s no money related game, since i’m the epitome of broke”-you joke. He laughs quietly. “Surely not, that’s against the law and i would rather be arrested with a criminal, not a friend.”
You chuckled, he has a humor of an old man but his body is as fresh as a youngster-he’s weird and you wishes he can be more weirder when you’re near…a sign of being comfortable. He shuffles the card and gives it to you. You both played quite slowly, enjoying the pace as you both give each other some comments. “How come you’re choosing that card [name]…” he chuckles. “Why not! It’s my deck of cards..” …”oh? Hahaha..a bit feisty are we?” He pauses and-“done, i win.”
You were shocked. That man easily beat you as if you’re just a mosquito that happened to be crushed by his own hand. You’re a bit confused-at some point you can only sighed, until he starts the conversation for the challenge. “say..i would like to have a partner-a relationship partner, somebody who i…enjoy the company of..” he explains it as your heart drops knowing he’s about to announce his own crush which is in her mind-not her-never her. “And i think it’s you, [name], would you like to accompany me and be mine perchance?” He says that softly and with a smile. Suddenly your heart feels like it has just popped out. “Yes please..?” He hears that and laughs…“Hahah no needd for please, thank you, i love you..”
you’re a nurse who-somehow become childe’s caretaker. He struggles on keeping himself intact so he would always need your help on medicating him at certain points, visiting your clinic especially after breaking his bones or bruising up his knees after fight.
So every single day, in hopes of both of you meeting each other, there some certain wishes you guys can meet outside of being a nurse and outside of being a fatui who continues to suffer through their workloads. But childe doesn’t want to just meet you, he wants to be WITH you. It’s obvious enough for his co workers. He wants more than meeting you every single day in hope of you medicating him, he just wants you to be there, to tell him “get well soon” with love and not in regards of your passion.
This thought lingers upon him even in a heated battle, but one thing for sure, he will survive this, even with a huge scratch, he will survive in order to confess his feelings rightfully. He was stuck between death and small chance of survival at this point, but childe is fully convinced, he will survive for the sake of you or else he’ll curse himself.
He did. He finally did it. Although watching you cry over his body is not something he would ever like to memorise..but it’s the part where he realised, you care for him way more than he thinks. So without further-ado, not wanting to lose his consciousness after everything, he said it right to your face, “i love you, i really do, i survive this….for us.”
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imaluckygirl · 3 days
⭑ taste better because of you
( enhypen reaction )
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synopsis: why does his orders always tastes better? — where you ask or get them to switch drinks/food after tasting his ; because his orders are always better.
( 엔하이픈 ) - maknaeline!fem.reader ( hyung ver. ) ; fluff & some domestic content.
──── bookshelf .
note: currently working on many headcanons right now because this week is going to be crazy for me ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
SPOILER ALERT: i wanted to point out that on sunwoo’s part i didn’t specified the milkshake’s flavour because many people doesn’t like mint choco flavour; so you can read it while thinking about your favourite flavour of choice lol
warnings : mentions of food & long descriptions.
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sunwoo would let out a “oh? really” and switch with you after trying yours — except that he hated your drink. mostly of the time sunwoo has a different beverage order than yours, but he’ll still try to convince you he liked your drink even though his face expression says otherwise. is funny, yet makes you sad and guilty. let’s write a scenario as an example? alright, let’s write an scenario as an example:
imagine both of you heading to a cafeteria and there sunwoo orders his favorite flavour of milkshake while you ordered another different flavour from his. he was holding your hand while waiting for the worker to finish his milkshake and then finish yours. when your boyfriend received his order, of course he thanked the employee and — as a gentleman himself — waited for yours to get ready. he wanted to exclusively enjoy his drink with you; not simply enjoy the moment, since he always thought any kinds of food tastes better when shared and with you.
the worker handed you your drink after five minutes preparing it, and you smiled at the guy across the counter and headed out of the place with your boyfriend having his hands glued to yours. you, unfortunately, took the first sip when both of you were already far from the cafeteria. why did you did that? because you were too concentrated on your boyfriend and forgot about your drink. however, you wished you had indeed forgot about it. why does it taste far from the usual? did they change the recipe? i think so — you thought while taking a look at the drink’s brand name and smacking your lips, clearly disgusted and unsatisfied.
since sunwoo was walking beside you, talking about a thing that happened to him at work days ago, and glanced at you for a second just to make sure you weren’t thinking your presence was indifferent for him, he understood you didn’t really liked your drink. still, he was waiting for you to say something before him, not wanting to assume anything and make you uncomfortable.
except that what he thought could be easy, wasn’t that easy: you were too quiet and taking baby sips — such smalls sips that he didn’t even know if you were actually drinking it. sunwoo took the hint and asked you if you wanted a sip of his milkshake and then proceeded to smile when saw how your face expression changed to a brighter one. “can i?” you would ask him with puppy eyes. your boyfriend just nodded humming and handing you his drink while you were taking a sip. “really good.” you nodded your head, but tried to keep a normal tone so your enjoyment couldn’t be discovered. “can i have some of yours?” sunwoo asked after a quick silence. “of course baby.” he smile and took the drink away from your hands, already planning to give his drink to you.
“oh, i–it’s good.” sunwoo said after coughing, almost spitting the drink out of his mouth. “baby? are you sure?” “just–*cough* keep my drink, i like this one, is just a bit sweet, isn’t it?” he waved his hands but you could tell he wasn’t really enjoying the drink. “baby, it’s okay if you didn’t like it; i can drink it–” “no, keep it, i’m okay, i loved this… this thing you ordered.” he forced a joyful smile, but you still knew it wasn’t hitting the spot because you haven’t seen his teeth when smiling.
in the end of this mess, sunwoo would accept your offer of sharing after you spent a long minute insisting that it was okay. he even promised he would pay another drink for you next time — or maybe two different drinks to make sure.
jungwon would immediately frown. imagine that confused won, that isn’t just confused but gets upset and purse his lips. he would tilt his head and breath between his teeth watching you take another sip of your drink after telling him you liked it, even though you just made a disgusted face just a second ago.
both of you were sitting on the cafe’s table and the place was considerably empty, a background slow song was playing and the atmosphere was just so calm. jungwon was sitting in front of you and he has just grabbed both of your’s order. “here it is~” he hummed happily, and you silently clapped your hands. “thank you.”
you were happy and excited to try your drink, but that happiness happened to run away a little too fast. you shouldn’t have change your order, and you shouldn’t be half blaming your boyfriend always telling you to try new things. talking about the blamed one: jungwon took a sip of his drink, hummed satisfied with how it tasted, then purses his lips — his dimples on display — and then his eyes finally lied on your disgusted frown.
“what’s wrong babe?” he asked and waited for your response while taking another sip of his drink. “nothing…” you said with a distracted voice while gazing at the drink with a disgusted frown, even pouting your lips a little — like you were trying to get slightly the taste of it off of your tongue/tastebuds. “did you like your drink?” jungwon knew the answer, but couldn’t help to ask you another question, just to make sure. “yeah…” you replied hesitantly, even taking a couple of seconds before actually opening your mouth to say something.
assuming you were letting yourself sound and look suspicious, you simply tried to brush his concern and question away with a content smile, asking how was he feeling today. he frowned, but still answered to your question, double checking every time you were talking to see when you were going to take another sip of your soon cooled down drink. “aren’t you going to drink it?” you heard your boyfriend asking you mid your comment about something you were talking about, nodding his chin to the beverage placed on the table. you were trying to cover your embarrassed smile, chuckling as you ran over your own words. “i–i am drinking it!” you told him; your tone sounding like you were feeling offended by his suspicions of you.
“are you sure?” he raised a brow, holding in a sarcastic chuckle. “it’s been almost five minutes and looks like i just handed you your drink.” he letted himself chuckle at your pouty face. “i swear i’m drinking it!” you protested, whining. “wanna try mine?” jungwon knew he made the right question when he saw how your face got brighter — and even your eyes grew bigger. you nodded your head with expectant eyes and took a sip of his drink; and damn, it was so much better.
keeping your ‘indifferent’ posture, you handed the drink back to its owner; “it’s good.” you shrugged, pretending to take a sip of your own drink. you heard your boyfriend’s breathy chuckle, murmuring a ‘i can’t believe this.’ jungwon could be cute and all, but he wasn’t stupid, trust me. he realised how your drink wasn’t going anywhere, so he just slipped the drink by the table to make it close to him and slipped his drink of choice closer to you. you sent him a confused glance, cocking your head to the side as you were non-verbally asking him why. “keep it, i like both of them silly.” he spoke with a teasingly smile, indirectly telling you that he knew you did not like your order. “wonnie, it’s okay–” “i don’t bother, it’s okay for me too.” your boyfriend nodded his head, reassuring you with a baby tone.
he definitely could just ask you if you wanted to order something else different from your today’s order, but he couldn’t help the giddy feeling of being the caring boyfriend he always cherished to be.
okay, nishimura riki would be the teasingly one; and it is so annoying at one point that you have to speak up yourself. as much as you love your boyfriend, you wished he wasn’t that much of a tease sometimes, but you knew he had his moments; so you usually feel like this and then remember is how he shows love, proceeding to brush it away.
holding hands after school was a must, even better when your boyfriend announces that he’s leading you to that boba shop close to school’s building. when both of you arrived at the shop, you could see some students wearing the same uniform as you and riki. you remember minutes ago — before walking out of school —, riki begging his mum to send him some money so he could get you some boba. you thought it was cute, but confronted him about it later, commenting that he couldn’t just ask his mum for money to spend on you, but he reassured you that his mum was pretty chill about it; since it was you.
“yes, two tall bobas please.” he nodded his head at the employee. your boyfriend turned his head to look at you, asking: “are you sure you’re ordering that one?” he asked you, cocking his brows, just about to hand the cashier his school’s card; to get some discount. “yeah, it sounds good.” you pouted, nodding your head at your own affirmative words. “it doesn’t have to sound good, it has to look and taste good dummy.” riki scrunched his nose at you in a playful way, and you followed his action, chuckling softly after watching a sheepish smile spread across his face; leading to a playful atmosphere.
after thanking the cashier and spending a few minutes chatting with you while waiting for both of yours order, when his name was called he tilted his head at the direction where the voice echoed; and murmuring a ‘wait here’ a you just for him to walk at the take out counter and pick up the bobas. he walked closer to you with a small smile, handing you the drink and asking if you wanted to stay there and take a sit or if you wanted him to walk you home. it was obvious you weren’t choosing any of his deals, telling him you would prefer to walk to a park and eventually sit on a bench — not mentioning you wanted to spend more time with him and give him more kisses than you have ever had all day. “let’s get going then.” he offered his hand to you, and you were happy to accept it.
walking happily at the nearby park, you sat on a bench by riki’s side and took a first long and fat sip onto your drink’s straw, and you already began regretting your whole existence. you frowned at the drink, taking a look at the bottle, like you were trying to figure out if there was something wrong. your boyfriend saw how your excitement was replaced by a sudden confusion and an unsatisfied look. you heard his chuckle while he took another sip onto his drink, and you pouted; “what’s wrong? something funny?” your frown got tighter. “yeah.” he nodded his head, humming while bitting the straw between his teeth. “what is it so funny then? i wanna know.” you spoke in a confronting tone. “you.” riki leaned his face close to yours, teasing your whines and pout. he laughed before leaning on the bench’s wood, breaking the closeness that his previous action created.
your lips twitched in disbelief, and you let out a scoff while looking away from his figure. “wah…” you cooed, looking at him once again, angrily biting your bottom lip. “you– wah…” you cooed again, shaking your head. you took a unconscious sip from your drink and twitched your face in disgust, distracted by your own emotions. you heard riki’s laugh again, and you ignored his presence, rolling your eyes back. “you aren’t enjoying your drink?!” he playfully pointed at you, teasing as he watched your disgusted frown. “no! i am!” you spoke back. “doesn’t look like it.” he shrugged and pouted his lips, dramatically acting satisfied with his order. “wow,” he spoke, nodding his head. “this tastes really good.” and he heard how you heavily sighed, annoyed. “riki,” he gazed at you. “walk me home.” and your boyfriend bursts out of laughter.
after a few long seconds laughing — while you were watching him with a serious face, without even flinching —, the black haired boy looked at you but didn’t say nothing, simply taking your drink away from you and then proceeding to place his order to your hand. he literally didn’t say nothing, already taking a long sip on your drink. “good.” he murmured to himself, but he knew damn well you heard that — he did it on purpose. you got confused, pouting as you were a bit surprised as well. riki was grinning at your confused face, without directly looking at your face, but gazing at your expression by his peripheral vision.
you wanted to ask him why. however, when you took a breath to speak and question him, your watched him standing up from the bench, turning his body at you with his left right hand inside his trouser’s pocket. “didn’t you say you wanted me to walk you home? let’s go then.” he shrugged, pouting his lips innocently as he turned his back at you; proceeding to walk away. “hey!” your eyes widened as you ran to follow him, since his long legs made difficult for you to follow along his path. “give me back!” you made grabby hands at your drink as you reached him. “the straw is covered with my saliva and i’m sick.” he lied. “liar, i kissed you all week and i didn’t get sick.” “then you didn’t kiss me enough.” your boyfriend glanced at you, smirking while biting onto the drink’s straw, believing your cheeks got super red.
realising he was impossible to win over, you took a sip of his boba order and unconsciously hummed in satisfaction, side eyeing him while trying to undercover your satisfied hum with a cough. “good choice.” you gave him a thumbs up after feeling his playful gaze burn onto your skin. “cute.” riki hummed after a discreet giggle followed by a smile, quickly placing a peck onto your cheek.
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© imaluckygirl , originals .ᐟ 24.
taglist: @jakesangel , @laylasbunbunny , @jaeyunpinkyring . . .
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Acotar Crack Headcanons
In which Reader introduces gold star stickers in the bedroom. Reader x everybody. Poly type deal. And it is most definitely a competition. There are sticker charts. Gold prize - for the male with the most stickers? A week alone with reader. No interruptions. No sharing.
(This crack list is brought you especially by the shared brain rot with @chairofchaos . Please enjoy our devolution into smut headcanons that tonight has brought us.)
Confused at first
When he realizes he’d be SO into the competition element
So competitive
“How many does this get me” as he’s just pounding
“And this?”
It devolves because you stop being able to give him stickers
“What about this, baby? What if you can’t walk tomorrow? How many stickers do I get then?”
You can’t do a damn thing about it as the sticker sheets fall from your hand
But when you’re done
The two of you curled up together
You take the whole sheet and start giving him stickers, one by one
He’s smirking as you line them up in rows along his chest and arms
Then you finally put one on his nose, grinning as you recall the feeling of his head between your legs
“It was that good, huh? Maybe we’d better try to one up ourselves. See how many stickers I earn from you then.”
Catches on quickly
He goes out that day to buy his own sticker sheets
Likes to give them to you too
Gives himself gold stars for how often he can make you moan
“Yep… that’s another one FOR ME”
Gives zero fucks about the overall competition
He just likes being in competition with himself
Puts the stickers on his nipples like pasties with a shit eating grin
You reach back to place a sticker on his thigh
He stills immediately
When you explain it, he’s so hurt about being interrupted
“What the fuck? What is this childish game?”
“Do not place your shiny sticker on me, woman.”
“I am doing sexy things here – leave me be”
He peels it off his thigh, sticks it on the small of your back and keeps going
He still kisses the star when he’s done
“So the stickers are a no?”
He’d sigh and kiss your forehead
“Just tell me first next time. I don’t like surprises.”
Has monkey brain - is super into it
Adds his own prizes to the mix
Is competitive but really just cares about making you feel GOOD
The stickers and prizes are just a bonus.
Walks around shirtless just to show off his stickers
“These are my rewards! Don't you like them?”
He has a sticker chart on the back of the bathroom door where he collects his stickers at the end of each day.
Eventually he just starts sticking them to random things around the house - mirrors, his daggers, the kitchen cabinets.
You give him a sticker on the forehead during oral
his little mechanical eye like gleams at you as he SMIRKS
he’s like 'hmm what's this?"
He takes one off the sheet and does his little smirk and the star just GLOWS
he sticks it on you down there
because he LOVES TO EAT
gives a little predatory grin as he crawls over you to move to the next thing
Gets distracted by you placing the sticker on his shoulder
Pauses mid thrust
“No no dont stop”
“What… what is that?”
“It’s a sticker. You’re doing a good job. Keep going”
“... what?”
He’s so confused
He doesn’t keep moving
You take the sticker back - “You stopped moving. You stop. You lose the sticker.”
He does NOT like the stickers
“Please put them away.”
He’s very butthurt over losing his only sticker
Immediately flaccid
Isn’t a part of the competition
That male is interested in Feyre and Feyre ONLY
Hears about the competition from Azriel
Immediately goes to Feyre
“We need to buy gold star stickers.”
“Trust me, Darling. Gold. Stickers.”
Your next visit to the river house becomes an adventure of finding all the places where the two of them left stickers while Rhys grins and Feyre rolls her eyes with a laugh
Your favorite find is under the tablecloth, where it’s next to a golden paint smear
“We recreated our mating night for the anniversary,” Rhys whispers to Cassian conspiratorially
He’s intentionally loud enough for all of you to hear
He doesn’t really understand the rules 
He just likes the idea of putting the stickers everywhere him and Feyre fucked so he can show off.
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