#i killed them but that didn't clear the event. i thought they just fell off the cliff and that there'd be more on top
rubys-domain · 10 months
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well that was weird
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
This is actually an idea I've had a long time - that the reader is Eddie's girlfriend - they haven't been together very long but head over heels in love with each other. But then, at the events during s03 she gets dragged into the mess (maybe she works at the mall or even at Scoops Ahoy with Steve and Robin) and since she feels like she can't lie to Eddie to his face every day she breaks up with him, even though she still loves him. And then, that thing with Chrissy happens and she comes with the gang to Rick's place and Eddie is totally shocked she's there with them (maybe he thought she dumped him because she liked Steve better), and after he tells them about Chrissy and he founds out what happened he's like "wait ... this is why you broke up with me?" and they have a sweet and smutty reunion after the others leave.
I hope this is what you were looking for. I did not write a full smut scene, but the build-up is there
Never proofread ( I can admit that I feel like this is a letdown on my part compared to how amazing this idea is, so apologies in advance.)
Thank you for requesting <3
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Y/N lived a normal teenage life, she worked at an ice cream shop over the summer with her best friends and believed she met the love of her life.
She spent her summer days scooping up ice cream alongside Robin and Steve. And ended her nights in Eddie's arms. She was happy, she was having fun, and she was in love.
She met Eddie on the first day of summer, he came into the ice cream shop, and his smile and charm won her over instantly. It was a summer filled with love, desire, and tension. They got so caught up and fell so fast. But everyone could see the love between them, and no one ever thought they would see the day the couple had to be apart.
But then the world got flipped upside down. She got dragged into monster hunts with her best friends. Fighting for her life every day, and lying to the man she loved the most. She hated that she had to run out on so many dates with Eddie. Leave him alone in bed and race to the upside down. She had a secret life and it killed her that she had to lie to Eddie's face over and over.
"Please let me tell him! I can't keep lying to him when he wonders why I keep ditching him." Y/N pleaded.
Steve's heart broke for the girl, but he knew it would be too dangerous to tell Eddie the truth.
"I'm sorry but it's too dangerous. Do you want his life in danger?" Nancy asked, watching as Y/N's tears ran down her face even faster.
"Never, I want to keep him safe but I can't keep breaking his heart." Y/N whimpered, she could feel the makeup stinging her eyes.
The group knew Y/N didn't have a choice when she broke up with Eddie. She did it to keep him safe.
Steve held her all night when she sobbed in his arms. The freshness of breaking Eddie's heart took everything out of her body. She was empty and drained.
Nancy kept a close eye on her at all times. It was clear in Y/N's eyes she was barely living, just surviving.
Dustin's heart broke for the both of them. He knew breaking up with Eddie was something Y/N never wanted to do. And it killed Dustin to see Eddie's wet and puffy eyes when he answered the door. The drunk words fell off of Eddie's tongue. He wondered why she left, why she was distant, why he wasn't enough, and where they went wrong
Dustin tried to help Eddie the best he could, but it killed him to not tell Eddie the truth. He wanted to tell Eddie that she did love him, but it was out of her control.
Even months after the breakup, neither one was getting better.
They missed each other. He was hurt that he never got answers, and she hated that she never got to tell him the truth. She broke his heart and never got to apologize.
She never thought she would see the day he got yanked into the mess.
She felt the anxiety rush over her when she saw his name on the news. Chrissy was dead and he was on the run, but she knew Eddie would never harm someone. Dustin backed up her worries, convincing the gang Eddie was innocent and something wasn't right.
That's how she found herself holding back tears when she saw Eddie's body jump out of the boat, throwing himself at Steve, a scared look in his eyes.
"It's just us, you know me, Robin remember? I worked with Y/N" Robin tried to explain. Eddie's eyes ran her over, trying to click the connection to the girl.
"Eddie" Y/N whispered
His head turned around to her, and his grip on Steve went weak as his eyes stayed on her. Steve took the chance to move away from Eddie.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Eddie was shocked, he never thought he would see her again. It was like she broke his heart and ran away.
"Let's talk, yeah?" She offered
"You have to believe me." Eddie pleaded, his eyes staring right at her. He could never live with himself if Y/N believed he was a killer.
"I believe you, this is something I kind of know a lot about." She joked, even though nothing in the situation was funny.
"You know? What?" Eddie asked
He was convinced that no one would believe him. He believed that no one would ever see him the same again. He knew he sounded crazy.
"The upside down, and everything that connects to it." She explained everything she knew and the start of it all. Now was her chance to tell Eddie everything she wanted to tell him when she had to break up with him.
He listened to every word. His heart was breaking that she was going through so much and he never knew.
"Is that why you broke up with me?" It was killing him that he never truly knew why.
"She had to. She truly did not want to break up with you, but we couldn't risk telling you." Steve admitted he felt guilty that he was part of the reason they had to break up.
"I love you, and it killed me to leave you," Y/N confessed, moving herself to kneel right in front of Eddie. Cupping his handsome face in her hands.
The gang slowly walked out of the house, leaving the two alone to have their moment.
"All I wanted was to find out what I did wrong so I could fix myself for you," Eddie said, his voice cracking as he took in the feeling of her soft hands.
"You never did anything wrong. You are perfect. I wanted to come back to you the second we got everything figured out but then Chrissy happened and I don't think this will ever go away." Her hands stayed on his face as her voice shook.
"Now we can deal with it together. I appreciate you wanting to keep me safe. But we can keep each other safe. I cannot lose you again" Eddie whispered, moving his hands to wrap around her body. Closing his eyes as he melted into her touch.
"you...you weren't like with her, right?" Y/N felt like it was so inappropriate to ask. Chrissy was dead and all she could think about what if Eddie was dating her or not. She was a horrible person, but she had to know.
"No, I was selling her drugs. I never wanted to move on from you." He opened his eyes as he spoke.
"neither did I," She said, a smile stretching across her face as she leaned closer.
Eddie has been dying to kiss her since she left, he didn't care to wait another second.
He leaned in, smashing his lips on hers. Not hiding how desperate he was to be tasting her again. His hands ran up her back, sending shivers down her spine. Her hands moved down to his neck, traveling to dig her hands in his hair. Letting themselves lose each other as they hungrily kissed and grip onto each other.
Needing air, Eddie pulled away. His eyes were dark with desire as he took in her red lips and hooded eyes.
"Show me you missed me?" She practically begged. The desperation was in her voice as she moved her hands down to his jacket, pushing it off of his shoulders and down his arms.
Eddie didn't bother to say anything. Shaking off the jacket as he stood up. She followed his lead, standing up. He grabbed her hand, smiling as he led her to the bedroom.
She let go of his hand to take off her shirt, and Eddie was fast to take over. Slowly stripping her down until she was bare in front of him. He took a second to take him in. She was always so gorgeous. She felt shy under his stare, moving her arms to cover her chest but Eddie stopped her.
"Please don't hide" He whispered, his lips attached to the soft skin on her neck. She moaned into him once she felt his familiar touch. Every memory came back to her. All the nights she spent gasping his name when he was deep inside of her, she missed this.
And it was clear he missed her too.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila
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captainsophiestark · 1 month
Lost Memories
Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
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Requested by Anon! Hope you like it!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Summary: Elijah's spouse of the last thousand years, since before they became vampires, has had their memory taken by a witch. The immediate after effects are a little rough, but they've made it through worse together before.
Word Count: 2,423
Category: Angst, Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"...wake up... my love?"
Blearily, I opened my eyes. My head was pounding, and I had no idea why. I blinked a few times, trying to get my blurry vision to clear while my wits returned. I was laying on a nice, soft couch, and after a minute my surroundings came into focus enough to see a handsome man I didn't recognize kneeling before me, another stranger standing and hovering a short ways behind the first.
"Finally, she wakes," said the man standing, the corner of his mouth pulling up in a smile. The man kneeling next to me still looked gravely serious.
"How are you feeling?" he asked, voice low and soft and soothing. "Are you alright?"
"Uh... not great, honestly... where am I? Who... who are you?"
The face of the man before me fell instantly. The one behind him crossed the room closer to us, brows knit in concern, but the soft voice of the man kneeling returned my attention to him.
"My love... please tell me you're joking."
Slowly, I shook my head. "I'm sorry, no. I... should I know you?"
I could see the gears turning in his brain, a storm of emotions flitting across his face before he carefully wiped them away, a gentle expression settling in their place. He started to reach out a hand as if to take mine, then apparently thought better of it and stopped short.
"My name is Elijah Mikaelson," he said, speaking slowly. "And you are my wife."
My eyebrows shot up. "I'm sorry, but I think I would remember getting married."
"And do you remember anything else? Any other significant events? Details about your life?"
Elijah's voice was gentle, like he worried I might break. And as I though about his question, going back in my memory and trying to remember anything and I kept coming up blank, I got very close.
"What... what happened?" I finally breathed, meeting Elijah's gaze with wide eyes. I searched for any spark of recognition, but found nothing. My heart raced as I got closer and closer to tipping over the edge into panic until Elijah genlty rested a hand on my forearm, momentarily grounding me.
"You were kidnapped by an enemy of ours," he said. "Niklaus—my brother—and I thought we got to you in time to prevent any harm being done, but... evidently not."
His voice broke a bit on the last word, and I found myself reflexively taking his hand in mine and giving it a soft squeeze, despite the insanity of what he'd just said to me. He gave me a strained smile and squeezed back before taking a deep breath to continue.
"Hopefully it's something we can fix easily," he said. "Just look into my eyes..."
I did as he said and then, a moment later, it was like I couldn't look away. My whole world narrowed to the man in front of me and his gorgeous brown eyes as he spoke.
The word echoed around in my head, followed a moment later by a blinding pain. I screamed as an invisible spike pounded into my skull and everything around me disappeared. I wasn't sure how much time passed, but eventually the pain started to fade and the room came into focus around me again.
This time both brothers knelt before me, looking incredibly concerned. I blinked a few times as the last of the pain faded, my gaze landing on Elijah.
"I don't know what that was, but... I don't think it worked."
"Right! It's going to be just like breaking compulsion then, and you know what that means, Elijah," said the brother, Niklaus, as he stood and started heading for the door. "I'm off to go kill a witch."
My mouth dropped open and I turned to Elijah, expecting some joke or else an attempt to stop his brother. Instead, Niklaus just looked back at me over his shoulder, pausing briefly as he reached the door.
"You take care of yourself in the meantime, love. Don't worry, we'll get this fixed."
And with that, he was gone.
I turned my attention back to Elijah, who apparently wasn't phased by any of this in the least. He just kept watching me, wariness and concern etched into his expression.
"Elijah... I think you need to explain some things to me," I said. "Witches? Enemies of mine? And what on Earth was that... thing... you did before with your eyes and saying the word 'remember'? And why am I just... absolutely starving right now, but nothing I can think of sounds good to eat?"
Elijah sighed and reached to take my hand again, although I didn't remember him dropping it. Still, I let him, sitting up and moving over so he had room to sit next to me instead of kneeling on the floor.
"This is going to be... quite an explanation if you have no memories, so I'll need you to bear with me, alright?" I nodded despite my nerves as Elijah took another deep breath. "You and I.... are vampires."
My eyebrows shot into my hairline, but I managed to muzzle any response other than that, since I'd just promised Elijah to let him get through his whole explanation. Still, I didn't remember a lot about myself or my past, but remembering that vampires existed felt like something that probably shouldn't have disappeared along with everything else if it were true.
"You and I met a thousand years ago as humans," Elijah continued, now taking both my hands in his. I let him, especially as I noticed his eyes getting a little misty. I had to admit I felt something when I looked at him, some lingering feeling that wouldn't quite go away, although I couldn't name it. "We were married, and when the rest of my family and I turned, you turned with us. Since then, we've been inseparable, no matter how many different things have tried to change that. However, as a result of being what we are and... a few of my brother's more problematic choices, shall we say, we've developed a fair number of people in all that time who wish to do us harm, or to get revenge for some wrong, whether real or percieved. More recently, we've been trying to resettle here in New Orleans, and there are several groups who don't like that, some witches included.
"One of those witches kidnapped you, and evidently found a way to deeply erase your memory. As for the hunger you feel, it's most likely a result of your need to feed. If you haven't had blood in some time, well... then it'd be like starving a human."
I shook my head, trying to process most of his words while really blocking out the last sentence.
"But I don't remember vampires and witches and whatever else being real. If I rememeber... I don't know, things like the sky being blue, even though I haven't been outside since I woke up, why wouldn't I remember that creatures like that exist?"
Elijah grimaced and squeezed my hands a little tighter. "My guess would be the witches intentioanlly made you forget. Out of all of us, you've always been the most... human. The most connected to your humanity, no matter how long we've been alive. I think their hope was to make it as hard as possible for you to regain your memories or readjust to the world with the rest of us, knowing what it is that vampires do."
"And... what exactly is it that vampires do?"
"We do quite a lot of things," he said, the corner of his mouth pulling up in a slight smile. "But hopefully, you'll remember all of that on your own soon enough. The only thing we need to deal with immediately is... blood."
I grimaced, even as my stomach grumbled and tightened painfully. Elijah gently squeezed my hands again, bringing my attention back to him.
"I brought some with me, assuming you'd be hungry. If you'd like to try it...?"
I immediately started shaking my head, continuing as Elijah dropped one of my hands and reached into his jacket pocket and intesifying when he pulled out a small bag of what must have been blood.
"No. No no no, no way. I can't... drink that. And do you just, like, carry that on you?"
"Only recently, for you," he said, carefully considering the bag before holding it out to me. My stomach growled, but my mind and heart recoiled even as my body urged me forward. I shot back, forcing myself away. That had come from a person, and even worse, most likely out of a blood bank or something, where it should've been used to help save someone's life. Not for me to drink.
Elijah pursed his lips as I rocketed backwards, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he laid the bloodbag aside and turned back to me. His stare was intense, but kind. He started to move forward as if to reach for me again, but stopped short.
"I'm sorry. This was the hardest part the first time for you too, and it didn't get much easier for the first hundred years or so."
I let out a slightly hysterical laugh, the beginnings of tears forming in my eyes and threatening to fall. I bit my lip, trying to keep it together, but the pain and fear and hunger and confusion I'd felt since waking up was starting to catch up to me.
Just as the tide was starting to overwhelm me, strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a close, warm embrace. Finally, I couldn't hold back anymore. I started crying.
Gently, one of Elijah's hands came up to rest on the back of my head, gently and soothingly running down from there to my back. I cried harder, tucking my face into his shirt and breathing in the smell of him. It wasn't familiar, even though I felt like it should be, but it was at least comforting.
"Is this... alright?" Elijah asked, barely loud enough for me to hear, his voice sounding almost as fragile as I felt. "Is it alright that I'm holding you like this?"
I could only muster a nod as I curled further into Elijah's chest. He pulled me closer to him in response, wrapping his arms around me a little tighter as we huddled together on the couch.
I wasn't sure how long we stayed like that, holding each other, as my overloading emotions finished running their course. Most of the problems that had caused them still existed, but the tears combined with Elijah's comfort had at least lightened the load. Elijah rubbed soothing circles on my back as he finally spoke again.
"You've always been the most human of us, since the day we turned," he said, voice raw. "Normally, it's something we're all incredibly grateful for. You keep us grounded. You care, and you haven't let a thousand years on this Earth make you stop caring, or stop loving life. But right now, it's also making this even worse on you. And for that I am so, so sorry."
I huffed a short laugh, pulling away from him at last while wiping at my eyes.
"I wish I could say I remember you. I'm sorry that I don't. But thank you. Somehow, just being near you seems to make me feel better."
Elijah smiled slightly, reaching out to take my hand again. I gave it a squeeze, then slowly turned to look at the blood he'd set aside.
"If there's any way for me to make it easier, all you need to do is say the word," Elijah assured me. "Or if it might be easier to... drink mine?"
I turned to Elijah with wide eyes. "That's... an option?"
He nodded, then moved to roll up his sleeve before I stopped him with a hand on his arm.
"I appreciate the offer, but... I think that would probably be harder for me, trying to drink a live person's blood. At least this way I can kind of pretend it's a juice box or something."
Elijah chuckled as I steeled myself to reach forward and take the blood bag. I wanted to be more grossed out by it than I was, but I was also so hungry, and I just knew that this would fix it, the way nothing else could. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine it was just a V8 or something as I bit into it, feeling fangs pop out from my mouth naturally. Even after I finished drinking the last of the blood, I kept my eyes closed. I didn't want to face anything that might force me to think about what I'd just did.
Wordlessly, while I kept my eyes shut, I felt Elijah take the blood bag and ease it out of my hands. I heard a woosh and felt a light breeze brush across my face, and then Elijah spoke again.
"It's gone," he said softly. I opened my eyes and gave him a sheepish smile.
"Sorry about that."
"You never have to apologize to me, especially not for something like that. Your first time drinking blood was actually much worse, although I'll just let that story come back to you on its own. But no matter what, memories or no, I'm here for you. Always and forever."
We shared a smile, a warm feeling spreading through my chest at the sight of the man before me. I still didn't really recognize him or remember him at all, but clearly, I'd done a good job when I'd found him. After a moment, I took a deep breath.
"So... what now?"
"Well, for the moment at leaest, nothing. Hopefully my brother will be able to solve this before it becomes something we have to involve ourselves in."
I nodded, then opened my mouth again only to chicken out and close it. I repeated the process a few times before finally getting up the courage to say what I wanted to say. Elijah, for his part, just waited patiently, a soft smile on his face.
"Elijah? Can you... hold me? At least for a little, while we wait?"
"Of course, my love. Nothing would make me happier."
The two of us settled into the couch, arms around each other. While it didn't magically unlock anything in my memory, it did feel warm and safe to be there with Elijah. If we'd really made it through hundreds of years of time and space together like this... well, I didn't need my memory to know we'd be able to get through this together, too.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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dragon-watcher03 · 8 months
Hello! <3 how are you?! I love what you write, could you place an order for me, about bi-han's head cannons, Johnny cage, smoke and reptile from mortal kombat 1 meeting and falling in love and conquering an autistic reader or one with asperger's, I'm very curious about that already I have Asperger's and curiosity kills me a lot.
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Sorry it took so long to answer your ask. Had to do some research first.
Mk1 x Autistic! Reader
Ft: Sub-Zero, Smoke, Reptile, Johnny
Note: I appreciate all the asks and requests yall. <3
He was never good at understanding others either, so you 2 were the perfect match for each other.
He probably met you through Tomas or Kuai Liang and didn't talk to you at first. But as time passed, he realized that you are just as socially awkward as he was. So he plucked up the courage to start a conversation with you.
He fell in love with your strength; you can't tell me otherwise. It's what he looks for in a partner. He also found your silence endearing and comforting. And as you two grew closer, you eventually plucked up the courage to tell him about your autism.
He didn't react that much since that didn't change how he saw you. But he now understood why you were so quiet and socially awkward, so he tried to keep you away from situations like that so you don't feel uncomfortable.
He isn't very empathetic either, so you two can relate pretty well with each other. Most of your time is spent alone with each other in silence and just enjoying the comfortable silence.
He's a pretty social person, so he had a little trouble understanding you and your quietness.
You both met when Liu Kang introduced you to them and he obviously tried to start a conversation with you, but sensing your awkwardness and discomfort he stopped. Over time though you started talking a little bit with him which made him very happy.
He probably fell in love with your determination. Since you don't talk much he doesn't really know much about your personality but he saw your determination during missions as clear as day.
When you told him about your diagnosis, he was very supportive and reassuring that he didn't see you any differently. But he definitely does plenty of research about your specific type of autism and does his best to understand.
He tries to have you avoid social situations since he doesn't want to see you uncomfortable. Plus, he prefers your company over anyone else's so it's a win-win in his book.
He doesn't really go out of his way to talk with other people or attend social events, but that doesn't make him bad at it. In fact, he's actually quite good at socializing.
You both probably met through Ashrah and he didn't really see your awkwardness as odd, he thought it was normal for people to be quiet when they first meet.
But then over time, he saw you were still quite distant despite having known him for a while. So he took it upon himself to start a conversation with you.
He probably fell in love with your voice, at least when he does hear it. He thinks it's the most beautiful melody in the entire realm and wishes he would hear more of it, but he also doesn't know if it's weird to want to listen to someone's voice.
When you tell him of your condition, he's kind of confused. Poor boy doesn't know what Autism is, so you'll have to explain it to him. When he eventually does understand, he's very understanding. He usually talks for you in social settings but doesn't avoid them entirely since his species are social creatures.
He is the most social out of all of them, he's constantly going out to events and talking with everyone in the area.
You both met through Raiden and he warned Johnny that you weren't much of a talker. That didn't stop him from starting a conversation immediately. That's when he really saw how socially awkward you were.
So he laid you off for a bit since he thought maybe you were too shy to speak with him, but the longer he knew you, the more he noticed something off about your behavior. So he does some research and finds out you most likely have autism.
So he keeps it to himself but still tries to engage in conversation with you. He fell in love with your shyness, 100%. And he doesn't even need to do anything to make you that way.
Eventually, you tell him you have autism and he tells you he already knew. So now that you were comfortable with telling him that, he thought that meant you two were a lot closer now. So he tends to let you stay at home while he continues to socialize as he usually does, but he does it a little less often so he can also spend time with you as well.
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r0ttgu7 · 5 months
hi hii!! could you do prompt 1 & 6 with jouno? thank you!
1 (“you know i wasn't lying when i said i'd kill for you”) + 6 (“I love it when you scream and it's all because of me!”)
jouno my beloved but i struggled a little bit, still had a bunch of fun though!
-WC 889 // valentines event open!! tws: getting kidnapped, Jouno degrades reader a little
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You lived in a quiet little down, nothing went down, nothing unusual happened. The morning birds chirped blissfully while they watched from above. Sitting down near a pond while nature flutters around you, just admiring the gente ripples going to and across the water. As of late, there was an investigation of a possible rogue wanted ability user resting up in your down, having sent the best military dogs to find them. That's how you met Jouno Saigiku, full of pride and always with a smile. You were one of the people he questioned, however you took note your questioning took longer than the other people in your town. You shrugged it off as maybe they were just faster in their answers but some of those questions did get a little personal. Even his wording was a bit off, “you’re one of the people who I would kill to protect.”
Again, you didn't want to say anything. You shook off the thought, they’re only gonna be here for a limited time and most likely never again so you didnt concern yourself too much. The day went on as usual, nothing really standing out. Everyother breath and step felt like you were being monitored even if it was in direct sunlight. Sometimes you’d even bump into that man again, Jouno, his tone was kindly spoken, however the words not really. Quick to turn to something dark humored but you gave a little laugh. You still respected him because he was here for a reason.
You did notice weird shifting while trailing to go home, a hand quickly reached out to grab you and pull you away from your destination. You failed to scream out in time and everything else fell in darkness. 
You woke up dizzy, as you were in an unfamiliar place, the light was awful on your eyes, closing them up and squinting. The person who kidnapped you gave an awful smile as he told you, you weren’t gonna live long. Your eyes were watering, heart pouring out fear with every beat. Not a lot of details were spared to you, the guy simply going off while you’re stuck to a chair in an unfamiliar place. You tried to calm down and eventually started to lightly sleep, there's really nothing else you could do. However, before you could fully fall asleep you heard shouting and banging, it jolted you up, staring at the door where the noise was coming from. In all honesty you couldn't help but let out a small scream. You swallowed nervously, looking down at the floor and gaining some sense of calm. Trying to breathe in and out slowly despite the tremble in your breathing. Finally the door opened, you could hear faint drops of something hitting the floor while footsteps were walking towards you. “What a shame we meet like this again.” that voice, it was gentle. 
You look up and see Jouno, gasping seeing the state his clothes are in, while the red of the uniform was able to hide it well, the blood on his face was clear on what happened. He chuckled as he closed in, freeing you from your binds. “If it's not clear already, I wasn't lying about what I said earlier, I did say I would kill for someone like you.”
You were confused but chose to stay silent while he helped you up, the smile on his face never shifting while you were gathering your thoughts. “Maybe it seems you deserve to be more secluded so this doesn't happen again hm?” 
Nothing was making sense on what he was saying but you still were stunned to speak, the exhaustion of everything was getting to you and it was impacting your will to think properly.
Jouno obviously notices and sits you down, while you lean on his shoulder and close your eyes while your breathing gets calmer. 
The next place you wake up, it wasn't your house again, Jouno was by your side, holding his head up with his hand. You were even more confused about what was going on. Yet Jouno only gave a smile and straightened his posture. “From now on, you’ll be staying here, it's just a precaution.”
This didn't help your confusion, you knew something was being hidden but you didn't want to push anything. “Afterall, I am just worried since you walked off and got yourself caught by the person we were looking for, just a magnet for trouble.” 
You were getting overwhelmed again and you started bumbling questions on when you would get to go home, Jouno got a little closer and started to whisper, ” you’re never leaving here, you’ll be under my surveillance. After all, don't you prefer something else over the sorry mess you called a home back there?, you almost got killed, I don't want that happening again, you were defenseless in there.” 
You started to raise your voice in disbelief, tears building up as the stress was becoming too much for you to handle. Yet all Jouno could give back in response was just a few simple words, "I love it when you scream and it's all because of me." making you silent before continuing. “I couldn't help myself the first time I heard your scream, shame it behind that door, it was lovely to listen to.”
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bonebabbles · 11 months
Jagged Peak sucks too
And I'll say it actually. Gray Wing's anger is completely fucking justified. This has nothing to do with Jagged Peak's disability, this is because he's completely irresponsible with the well being of children
This isn't the first time he lost track of the kittens when he was in charge of them, either. Last time this happened they had to mount a rescue mission.
We see Sparrow Fur get painted a lovely shade of red in her own blood because she ran off on her Father Quest, mauled by One Eye in her goal to reconnect to her mother's domestic abuser, while Gray Wing trusted his brother with ONE JOB to make sure they didn't do something ridiculous
Gray doesn't know that Sparrow looks like a Children's Hospital right now, but he does know she's missing. And he learns where she is from OWL EYES
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It gets worse. Gray Wing calls him over FURIOUS and Jagged Peak plays stupid
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Jagged Peak started to look uncomfortable :(((((((((( "im sowwy i thought it would be okey :( after all the wifebeater is HER FATHER, gray wing, guy who was mates with turtle tail and is the only paternal figure the kittens have ever known. i thought you wouldnt be a little bitch about it because she's big enough that a fox could eat her in two bites instead of one."
THESE KITTENS WERE BORN IN SUMMER. IT IS CURRENTLY AUTUMN. THEY ARE, AT MOST, 6 MONTHS OLD. That is assuming that they were born at the start of summer and this is the end of autumn.
Most likely scenario is that we are looking at 4-month-old kittens, and Jagged Peak said it was FINE for Sparrow Fur to run off on her own into the Oh So Dangerous Woods
How many stupid pills is a lethal dose?
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You do not, under ANY circumstances, "GOTTA ADMIT HE WAS RIGHT"
EVERY time I believe that this arc has scraped the BOTTOM of the barrel, I hear the sickening crackle of wood and peak over the rim to watch them scooping out splinters.
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"all three of them wanted to train with the man who got their mom killed, gray wing. so i let your 10 year old run off into the woods. 10 is old enough to make their own choices gray wing. come on man. c'maaaaan"
Then he starts gushing about how HE is going to be a dad, because that's just fucking GREAT, Jagged Peak. You've really proven how responsible you are and how much you can totally be trusted with children.
RE: This has NOTHING to do with Jagged Peak's disability. None of that is a factor into LETTING CHILDREN RUN OFF INTO THE WILDERNESS UNSUPERVISED
But then The News reaches the Moor cats. Sparrow Fur has been mauled and she is hanging on for dear life. What a turn of events!! No one could have seen this coming!!!!!! Gray Wing rips into Jagged Peak.
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All THREE of you suck. NONE of you are okay people. You are all BLIGHTS on my eyeballs and I wish all three of you fell into a meat grinder at the end of this series
Gray Wing downplaying Clear Sky's role in everyone's pain and torment. AGAIN
Clear Sky "ohhh I feel dreadful :(" good. die.
Jagged Peak: "im sorry b-b-b-b-b-BUT your daughter was INSISTENT, so, you have to forgive me for letting her run into the woods alone--"
Before you go ahead, go on back up. Read that again. Sparrow Fur was put in danger because of Jagged Peak's STUPID choice, and he can't even FULLY take responsibility for it. "I AM sorry, I should have checked with you................................ BUT."
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Always, ALWAYS in this series, a character who is angry is treated as JUST AS BAD as the person who hurt them and mustered up a shitty apology.
You expect me to take Gray Wing FINALLY expressing anger towards the shitty people in his life as a bad thing?? You think I'm supposed to see this as an expression of ableism???? TWICE now Jagged Peak has let children wander off, they have been KIDNAPPED in the past, and now Gray Wing is faced with losing ANOTHER family member. All because of Jagged Peak being an irresponsible manbaby who couldn't say no to an "insistent" child
His leg had NOTHING to do with this. Jagged Peak is the same reckless kid that charged out of the mountains and forced Gray Wing to follow him to prevent him from becoming eagle food, not thinking about anyone else besides himself, but this time he isn't a kid anymore. He's an expectant father.
Fuck, I'll bet you that it's why he let Sparrow Fur run off into the woods alone in the first place. "I did it and turned out fine!" When he's always had GRAY WING behind him to save his ass
Is this harsh? Yes.
Is it deserved? ALSO YES. Jagged Peak should take this shit to heart and THINK about what it means to be a parent before his children come into the world and have to deal with having HIM for a father
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I hate that the only time this arc ever lets Gray Wing fucking unload onto someone, it has to go and try to make it a big shameful thing that he's NOT being a total doormat. He's RIGHT.
Jagged Peak needs his wife to jump in and stand up for him because he can't face the fact that his stupid, careless decision put Sparrow Fur in danger and his brother, NOTORIOUSLY A PUSHOVER, is rightfully losing his shit with him
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Jagged Peak, I hope it felt just as good to smack your brother as it did to call Bumble a fat slob before you stood by and watched her get dragged back to her domestic abuser. The same one you let a kitten run to. I hope your paw falls off.
But before it does, I hope you learn to take responsibility for your actions. Loser ass.
And before someone tries to clown at me about "Oh but Gray Wing was legitimately ableist to Jagged Peak in the past so actually it's not okay that he's yelling at him even though he's totally right!" Do you mean the time he prevented him from running towards a forest fire, the same one that also permanently disabled and ends up killing Gray Wing himself via complications, that everyone could only barely escape from with a lot of jumping? Or do you mean when he told him to defend the camp instead of joining in on the First Battle Murder Party, when Clear Sky was indiscriminately slaughtering people?
Or do you mean when Clear Sky was insulting him in public by calling him useless and Gray Wing was out here trying to insist that he IS useful? Which is its OWN bucket of problematic worms, but no, NEVER in a way that was meant to insult Jagged Peak for his ability or lack thereof.
This is completely new. He has NEVER snapped at Jagged Peak like this.
In fact I even point out in the link above that Jagged Peak shouldn't have to "justify" his existence. His life has value (even though he treated Bumble like hers didn't). That doesn't mean he can't face criticism for what he just allowed to happen to Gray Wing's adopted child. That doesn't mean he'll make a good dad if he doesn't smarten up. That doesn't mean Gray Wing shouldn't be fucking pissed at him.
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Shove off, Holly. Shove off, get lost, play in traffic, suck an egg. You should take out your pain on the person who is responsible for sending a child to an unsafe camp with her mother's abuser where she got mauled, actually. That's completely fucking reasonable.
Disclaimer: This is not a Gray Wing defense post. All three brothers are terrible. Clear Sky remains the absolute worst. Jagged Peak is the "least" bad but he's still fucking awful.
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smartycvnt · 9 months
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Title: Habits Pairing: Kevin Owens x Sami Zayn Prompt: 7. "What happened to us?" "You know what you did." R WC: 701
Seth's warning had been clear as day: Jey and Sami were going to be at the party together. It was an offering for Kevin to decline Becky's invitation to their party. Seth was the only one who really knew the extent of Sami's betrayal on Kevin. The man had been pretending for so long that he didn't care that Sami had stabbed him in the back for Jey. He pretended like he hadn't been carrying the entire weight of their title loss on his own back. Kevin had been pretending so much that he had forgotten how to be honest with himself. Everybody knew that it was only a matter of time before he snapped or broke down, and yet, Kevin was insistent on pretending that absolutely nothing was wrong in the first place.
Kevin realized his mistake in not accepting Seth's out to the party when he pulled up. The event wasn't so much a party as it was a gathering. There were a couple small groups of their friends that they had made throughout their careers. Kevin understood that it was a retirement party, but not the kind that the company liked to throw for people. This was intimate, and suddenly, there was no way Kevin would be able to avoid Sami. Even with as spacious as Seth and Becky's backyard was, Kevin kept seeing Sami in the corner of his eye.
"You know, I always thought you'd call it quits first old man," Seth teased as he clapped Kevin on the back. Kevin had never really tried to cover up his grey hairs, eventually embracing the silver fox look once he was on his own.
"I could keep going forever, not all of us are so fragile," Kevin shot back. Both men paused for a moment before laughing maniacally. It was enough to draw attention, including Sami's. Jey tried to tighten his grip on Sami's hand to keep him from walking off, but it was no use. Sami nervously approached the two men. It had been a long time since he had seen Kevin, the man who had once been his best friend and partner inside and out of the ring. Kevin, the man who Sami had driven off after they lost their titles. Kevin, who had returned back to the independent wrestling scene to remind people that in the decades he spent with the WWE, he hadn't lost a step.
"H-hey guys. Kev, it's been a long time." Sami hadn't been this nervous since his WrestleMania match. Kevin had grounded him that night. Things hadn't been the same since Kevin left, and Sami found that he enjoyed wrestling significantly less whenever Kevin wasn't there. Sami hadn't felt like he had done any impressive storytelling without Kevin there. The fans loved the things that Sami had been doing with Jey and the rest of the former Bloodline members, but without Kevin, there was a big piece of the story missing in Sami's mind. "You look good man."
"Thanks Sami. I've really had to kick it up to stay in step with some of these younger guys out there." The conversation was awkward, so much so that Seth left at the first opportunity. Kevin could feel a few people watching them, including Jey. The two of them had been friendly at one time, but now Kevin couldn't stand the sight of that man. Just like he was certain that Jey hated having to watch Sami and Kevin talking to each other.
"What happened to us?" Sami blurted out. Kevin gave him an incredulous look. Sami had the audacity to look surprised as he stared up at Kevin.
"You know what you did," Kevin said through grit teeth. Sami's face fell a bit, but his eyebrows were still knit with confusion. "And if you don't, then I can't see a way we can patch things up. I can't let you keep hurting me, it'll kill me Sami."
"So that's it?" Sami asked him.
"Yeah, that's it," Kevin answered. "You have Jey, so you don't need me anymore. I'm ready to move on, I want to find someone who is good for me. I want to feel the love I deserve."
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peachymilkandcream · 5 months
Can you do a oneshot with Mafia Levi and civilian Evelyn who is in debt with him :)
Payment|Levi and Evelyn AU
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(A/N: I'm honestly surprised we haven't done a mafia au yet but I'm glad this request came in. I love the idea of another power imbalance. To the other request in my inbox, you've been moved to my drafts don't worry and I'll try and get the oneshot out later tonight. (I must really like you guys to be working on my day off XD, just kidding, I love all your requests.) If someone requests a part two I probably will do it this was a lot of fun! Hope you enjoy!)
WARNINGS: implied noncon/dubcon, yandere themes/behaviours, misogyny, domestic violence, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, etc.
What kind of a stupid fool makes a deal with a mafia boss? She could have just let her business fall flat on its face and she wouldn't be in this situation.
The deal had been that Levi Ackerman, the one man who singlehandedly ran the city from the shadows, would give her a sizable loan to save her business and keep her afloat. It was such a stupid deal to make, but Evelyn was desperate to find a way not to crawl back to her parents as a failure.
In her defense, she didn't know he was a mafia boss, just a generous investor who took pity on her and chose to help her out. So once she had made the deal only then did he reveal his true self and she realized how deep in shit she really was.
Evelyn shook her head to clear her thoughts, no need to get upset, payday was coming and her business did end up making enough to pay him back. Within the week she'd be done with him.
The thought helped her swallow the ramen noodles she'd had to eat for the last week to avoid unnecessary expenses.
Payday arrived, and with it came the man who haunted her dreams at night for what he'd do to her if she couldn't pay it back. Images of being killed and then dissected to sell her organs constantly filled her mind and made her work harder.
But that was all over today. Today she'd be free of him and hopefully never see his face again. And besides, while scary looking, he wasn't a bad guy to her at least. Even though that meant she still couldn't show fear to him.
"Mr. Ackerman, you look well." She ventures with a friendly smile.
"Levi." He spits out, seeming bored as he looks around. "So I see you made use of my money."
"Yes sir I have," Pride shone through her voice now. "I've worked and saved and scraped together all that I owe you." She slides an envelope towards him.
Without much more than a sideways glance at her Levi takes the envelope and silently counts before looking at her with annoyance.
"This isn't the full amount."
"What do you mean?" Panic rises in her. "I counted it this morning-"
"This covers the loan for the business but not your other expenses."
Evelyn's stomach dropped, looking into the faces of his smug bodyguards, clearly this wasn't the first time they witnessed their boss crushing the hope out of a person. "What expenses-?"
Levi snaps his fingers and is given what seems to be a receipt. "Business loan, paid. Interest, paid. Disposal of persons count one, unpaid. Disposal of persons count two, unpaid."
She shakes her head in disbelief. "Wait, disposal of persons?"
"You know, like a hit?"
Her mouth hangs open. "You killed someone? I didn't ask you to kill anyone."
"Of course you did, I have clear record of one of my guys overhearing you reference to two customers that you hoped they fell in a ditch and died."
Evelyn can hardly believe her ears, the two in question was an old highschool bully named Petra who used to torment her, and the other was one of her lackeys who did as she said. The event was the two had come in to harass her and her business since apparently some people don't grow up after graduating.
"It was just a figure of speech- I didn't want them dead-"
"Then you should have clarified, it's not my fault you're unable to explain yourself."
While the idea of Petra being dead didn't exactly upset Evelyn, the idea of causing it was a little unsettling. "Okay fine, how much do I owe you then."
Levi says nothing but writes out a for her to sign, the amount making her eyes widen.
"I could never pay this back-"
"Then it seems we have a problem don't we."
"Look if you just gave me more time-"
"I've given you plenty of time." He nods and before she can react a cloth is placed over her nose and mouth.
Panic sets in and she can't stop her sharp breaths, each one making black edges come into her vision as Levi's leering face fills her unconscious.
Evelyn awakes handcuffed to a bed pole in a room more luxurious than anything she's ever seen. It was clean and neat and expensive, everything there probably cost more than all her organs combined.
She tugged on the cuffs, but as expected it was useless. She was alone in that room overlooking the city from the huge window. HOw she had gotten there no one knew, and when she'd be set free was just as certain.
The door opens and in walks the man of the hour, shred of his thick wool coat from before and just in a vest and suit. In his hand was a whiskey tumblr and a cigarette laced through his fingers.
"Good morning, although it is more like good evening."
"Look, Levi, please, I'll do whatever you want to pay it off, but please just don't hurt me- I'll work until I'm a hundred years old-"
"The amount of pain you receive is entirely up to you."
"What do you mean?"
"Well." He sets down the glass and puts out the cigarette before facing her. "If you're good, and do as I say and don't act like a bitch then I guarantee you'll have a great and long life. The best money can buy." As he stalked towards her his hand reached up to loosen his tie.
"And if I don't?"
"If you don't-" He climbs on the bed over her, a sadistic and twisted look in his eye.
"I'll make you wish you were never born."
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mintydeluxes-blog · 10 months
If Cybonic and Shadow meets
This warning this shall have fan-names
So here's how I think the meeting should go. After the events of victory team Cybonic, after clearing, some misconceptions from the villagers decided to visit the village themselves whenever they have free time.
Cyan, in particular, loves to fly and run around the island going through the jungle to the sandy beaches up to the bright blue sky. exploring As long as he can.
1 day on the island, taking a break from the duties of Roboken. He was flying around in the jungle when he spotted A familiar figure. running towards a cave. Naturally, he tried to follow, only to be led into it
When he got inside, the first thing he noticed was for this glowing writing on the walls. Most likely ancient writing if he had to guess, He looked to see if there's anything else. He found a strange hole, most likely It had something big. Given its size, maybe a machine? Then he felt that he was being watched. With a voice Ominously Asking
What are you doing here?
He turns around only to almost be punched by the face. If he didn't dodge in time They both engage Combat Not letting One another getting the upper hand but once they separate, he got a good look at the stranger
A black hedgehog with red stripes and a white fur chest.
This is Cyan first time seeing another hedgehog, and it seems this one can keep up.
What are you doing in this cave? The stranger asks angrily, remaining in the fighting stands
He decided to answer honestly As he already placed the pieces to what he saw earlier
Well, I just happened to follow you to this cave because I thought you were someone else. You wouldn't happen to know what the writing means on the wall. Do you?
What are you implying? The stranger asks, " That's am living in this cave?"
He was taken aback by this question, and that gave the stranger a moment to strike.
He blocks the attack, then countering it with his own. The two engage in combat once again, only this time. One was mainly defending from the other attacks.
Seeing that he can't talk his way out of this one, He decided to go circles around him, literally.
As he kicked up the dust and dirt around the black hedgehog He managed to trap him in a vortex Or so he thought
The black hedgehog teleported.
Being caught off guard he was he was kicked from behind his head. As he fell to the ground, the black hedgehog grabbed his arm. Pining his back into a wall. Forcing the hedgebot to look at him. Staring at his Ruby red eyes
I must say your little trick was impressive. He smirked. It's a shame you're a pathetic friends We'ren't here to see it, nor will they see your defeat.
Cyan began to feel fear across his circuits. Seeing that he was about to finish him off, then... one name changed everything.
Say goodbye Sonic the hedgehog.
At that moment. Everything went into the blur in his mind. One second, the black hedgehog was attacking him. The next thing he knew, the hedgehog was lying on the ground while switching sides.
A familiar voice call out to him
Bro, b-bro Cy? Cyan snap out of it!
He jolted Looking up at a red familiar face with eyes just like his own
Cyberknux? He asks, confused. How did you get here?
Worried for his blue brother, the robotic echidna sat the both of them down on the ground. Then he explained, "We were just setting up a game of Predator. When we heard fighting from this cave or the finishing act.
We? he asks curiously. C.K. simply points towards where the black hedgehog only is tied up by two badgers that could be twins. Despite one being a "Cyborg"
They listen to the conversation
So, Sticks. She asked in worry. Do you think these vines will really hold him?
Don't worry, Sister, we found the thickest ones we have in the jungle. They'll hold him Even if he tries to teleport
Teleport?! She looks at the black hedgehog. Then, back at her, then back at the black hedgehog again
I-Is he an alien?
Or a government spy. She said nonchalantly, and before you say you'll kill him, Steel, he did help us one time.
She once again stared at her with disbelief, not knowing what to say. She began to look away, only to notice the boys looking at them.
I see you snapped him out of it. She said relief. That got the other's attention she looked over, with the blue hedgebot looking more relaxed. Sitting by C.K. side. Steel mentally asking to be by their side, and she lets her.
As she watched her robotic sister join her brothers, she mind went to a flashback of what happened earlier
That looked a look of fear printed on his face, shaking but still standing. C.K. Cautiously came to his side, telling him that everything would be okay. If they didn't have the vines with them, He could have woken up by then if they tried to search for it.
And speak of the devil.
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cannibalcoyote · 9 months
Woodland Princess Ch.7: Turn of Events
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Ch.6 Ch.8
I made my way back to the trolls clearing to see that they had placed some dwarves each into separate bags to keep them from escaping and in the middle was the rest of them tied to a log and slowly being rotisseried.
I nearly laughed when I saw this but smacked myself at the thought that I was their only hope and was laughing. I took out my daggers which shone with the starlights powerful energy.
I slowly crept into a tree that was over one of the trolls that was near the edge of the clearing. I created an enduring burning rage which caused the blades to burn hotter than the sun since they are able to use your emotions to your advantage.
I jumped out of the tree and before the troll could figure out what was happening I stabbed the burning hot blades straight through the top of his head which killed him instantly.
Since Bilbo was talking to the other trolls they had no idea what happened when their friend dropped onto the floor with no reason according to them.
I quickly disappeared back into the forest, nobody saw what happened, not even the dwarves, so they wouldn't be able to give me away upon their own stupidity. I was closer to the ground now and crawled underneath a thick bush close to a foot.
Without waiting, I stabbed its leg and dragged it down to the bottom of their foot, and by the time he shrieked I was already back within the trees.
I caught sight of a gray blue guessing it was an animal of some sort, but when the sun's dawn light started to deep through the sky the gray blur turned out to be Gandalf who used his staffs and broke a rock that allowed the sun's light to come through and burn all the trolls to stone.
I didn't want any of them to know I'd helped them because then Thorin would know I have my weapons backs and would save his life even though he made me feel like the ground they step on everyday.
I quickly hurry back to camp and tell Raerthar to say nothing or else they would believe I was weak. Soon enough they came back to camp, some slightly limping and others just fine.
Thorin sent me a glare and thought 'And that's why you don't have a weapon, because you wouldn't even help us even if we're about to die'.
He stalked past me and hit his shoulder into mine as a way to say 'thanks for nothing'. I made no move to respond, knowing it was a bad idea.
Gandalf looked confused when he saw what Thorin did since he knew I was postponing the trolls from killing them, but I told Gandalf none of them had seen me so none of them knew and that that was how I wanted to keep it. He reluctantly agreed thinking it was a stupid thing but nonetheless agreed.
"Mountain trolls down here, this is quite odd." I say to Gandalf as we pack up the ponies.
"Yes, now that you mention it, it is quite odd judging that they haven't been this far since the last dark power fell." Explained Gandalf as he tacked up his horse.
"I find it strange how a wizard and an elf never seem to shut up!" Shouted Thorin from across the area. We decided to search for a nearby cave the trolls must've stayed in and sure enough we found one that smelled of death and decay.
I held my nose as I walked into the troll cave. Gandalf went around and searched for swords I believe he said while I looked around and found an odd looking thing with a deep dark blue color that quickly changed when I put it on my finger.
When everyone finally left the cave, Gandalf and I mounted our horses but it seems the other horses bolted when the trolls attacked so everyone else was walking which made me so happy at the looks of anger and jealousy Thorin threw at me when he was tired of trekking and carrying the things on his back the horses would've carried instead.
We stop at the edge of the forest where a plain opens up to drink and eat quickly. I slide off Raerthar and slip out two apples and a carrot then find her a patch of grass to eat while we're waiting.
"You know that food is much better off being given to a human other than some animal." Says a voice behind me. I turn and see Dwalin I quickly respond,"
"Why? Did you want one?" I say as nicely as I can and pull one out of the saddlebag and make sure to grab Raerthars attention without Dwalin noticing. I hold out the apple, he reaches to take it but I quickly throw it out of his reach to have Raerthar jump into the air and grab it.
The look Dwalin gave me was one of pure hatred but I laughed, hearing Gandalf chuckling slightly as well.
Ch.6 Ch.8
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iturbide · 2 years
Only GA thoughts you say?? I’ve been reading the posts with metaphorical popcorn in had, so- have some questions to ramble to (but I am Eager to hear any other thoughts you have, even if they have nothing to do with these).
For the Golden Attempt, is there anything you think would eventually convince Claude to trust Byleth? Or, well progress the amount of trust he has for them? Obviously it would take time, but any ideas for Events that might lead to him trusting them despite their obvious secrets?
And I must know- what was going though Claude’s head as he heard that his imposer killed his brother? There’s always room to assume the rumours were wrong, or that his brother was killed in battle, or that he died to spite ‘Claude’ but… yeah, if he ends up hearing the details of what happened, it’s going to shake him up quite a bit, and I am having so much fun watching this AU unfold.
okay so to your second question first: there was a lot of warring thoughts when he heard that news. On the one hand, trying to come to grips with the fact that his imposter might have killed his brother (even if he and Shahid had never gotten along well) is devastating -- but on the other, it's entirely possible that the facts have been warped in passing from person to person to person along the line. Jeralt said himself that it was what he heard, so he didn't see it first-hand.
And there would probably be a lot of conflicting reports of the event as they go through the Empire and into the Kingdom. Some people say that the Almyran commander died in battle, some people say Claude von Riegan executed him, some people say that he fell off a cliff...getting a real, clear picture would be basically impossible until they actually get in touch with someone who witnessed the events firsthand, which isn't going to be for a while. But that certainly doesn't stop him from trying to plan based on the worst things he's hearing: that whoever stole his name and face executed his brother in cold blood.
No, he and Shahid weren't close. Yes, he knows Shahid hates him. But even if he wasn't a fan of Shahid, he didn't want him dead, either. They're still family, and for all that he might want to lace Shahid's undershirt with itching powder something he probably did at least once in their youth, he wanted his brother alive. Not near him, maybe, but alive. And even knowing that Shahid would absolutely hate the world he had set out to create -- one without prejudice, where people can learn about each other freely rather than operating off stereotypes and assumptions -- he was hoping that his brother might come around someday...or, barring that, just live the rest of his life seething that he can't get away with blindly hating the people of Fodlan.
And then there's the news going back to Almyra. Beyond the fact that executing Shahid constitutes an act of war since he was, in fact, an Almyran prince, and I tend to think that killings in cold blood like that are grounds in Almyra for a blood vendetta -- the worst case news is that Claude did it. Claude, who is also an Almyran prince. Will his parents realize that something isn't right? That this doesn't sound like the son they know? Or are they going to take it at face value, leaving him with a target on his back should he ever go back home since any of his other siblings, not to mention the king of Almyra himself, would have grounds to kill him on account of that aforementioned blood vendetta? And then there's the very real and very terrifying possibility that, because of Shahid's execution, Almyra takes off the kid gloves and mounts a real and earnest invasion force in place of Shahid's ill-conceived attempt at winning their father's favor. And all this on top of the fact that the person who stole his name and face is not stopping and is, in fact, actively making things worse, and he can't put a stop to it on his own, and it's just...
Turning off his brain to get some decent sleep is not exactly the easiest thing in the world at present.
as for your first question: how did you know exactly what it was I wanted to dive into next? Are you psychic?? Are you in my brain right now??? if so i apologize i know it's kind of scary in there
Byleth’s father returned as afternoon turned to evening, his contract with the king of Faerghus in hand.  The Knights of Seiros arrived with the deepening twilight, their torches illuminating the otherwise dim streets and drawing out adherents and mourners both.
Night fell, and no word came.  
Dawn turned to morning, morning to midday, and midday once more turned from afternoon to evening.  At sunset, a messenger arrived from the palace, calling Khalid before the throne once more, and Byleth accompanied him up the icy stairs and down the smoky hall to the room where Dimitri and Rhea both awaited. 
When the king spoke, announcing that the Kingdom of Faerghus and the Church of Seiros had agreed to back his claim, they heard Khalid breathe a near-silent sigh of relief, the tense line of his shoulders relaxing a monumental fraction.  There were conditions, of course -- they had both expected as much -- but surveillance by guards from the Church or Kingdom seemed a meager concession for all they gained.
A fortnight passed in relative quiet.  Khalid spent much of his time in the Faerghus Castle library, studying everything he could about the Kingdom’s history, terrain, climate, resources, and the noble houses that comprised the bulk of its leadership.  Ashe and Annette shadowed him there most often -- likely because they were most familiar with the archives, if Byleth’s memories of their school days held true -- though sometimes Sylvain kept subtle watch while feigning boredom, and others Ingrid breathed down their necks seeking ill intent in every book they pulled from the shelves. 
Aside from those ventures, Khalid kept mostly to himself.  Many among the Kingdom and Church gave him wide berth, unwilling to trust a man that looked like their enemy’s commander; if not for Byleth’s habit of taking meals with him, they suspected he would have eaten alone, poring over the map of Faerghus he had painstakingly copied from one on display in the library.  And yet he spoke as often to them as he did to the Kingdom agents keeping watch over his every move.  They tried, sometimes, to engage him in discussion when he happened to look up from his notes -- but he only offered a brief, vague response before turning back to whatever work he’d set for himself. 
He was not the friend they’d lost in that other life.  He’d not learned the same lessons, or achieved the same triumphs.  They had, by now, lost track of how many times they’d reminded themselves of that fact. 
It did nothing to help the aching grief they felt at seeing him this way.
It was commotion that alerted them to the changing tides of war: the clank of armor as guards rushed through the palace halls, voices raised but still too distant to be distinct.  Byleth caught Khalid’s eye as he looked up from the biography he’d been examining -- and they rose in unison, abandoning their texts open on the table and hurrying toward the site of the disturbance. 
They found Dimitri in the main hall, a piece of parchment crumpled in one fist.  “What’s happening?” Khalid asked. 
The king looked at them, the silence stretching so long that they feared he would simply leave them to wonder…until he finally drew in a sharp breath.  “The Federation is approaching Fraldarius territory by sea.”
“By se--by sea?” Khalid repeated.  “Derdriu barely maintains a merchant fleet, let alone a navy, how are they making an approach by sea?” 
Dimitri shook his head.  “I could not say: the Fraldarius messenger only said that the ships looked foreign.”  Khalid went perfectly still again, his hand tightening on his walking stick.  “Felix has already mobilized to reinforce his father’s position, but if that line fails the Federation will doubtless march on Fhirdiad next.”
“Can you spare troops from Arianrhod to fortify Fhirdiad, send along an extra contingent or two to reinforce Fraldarius?”
“I would -- but Margrave Gautier sent word that Sreng has mobilized another assault on the northern border, as well.”
“...they saw the ships,” Khalid muttered under his breath.  “They saw the ships and decided to take advantage of the opportunity to strike.  He had to have expected that, he wanted to divide the Kingdom’s defenses--”
“I’ve summoned what forces we can spare from Arianrhod to hold the city,” Dimitri said, cutting through the spiral of Khalid’s thoughts, “ but with three fronts to keep watch over…we don’t have the manpower to hold it all.  We’ll be forced back to Fhirdiad and subjected to a siege we can’t endure--”
“Send the mercenaries to reinforce Fraldarius.”
Dimitri startled, looking over Khalid’s shoulder at Byleth as though he’d forgotten the contract he’d signed with their father.  “One band of mercenaries hardly seems sufficient--” 
“They’ll be the advance guard, shoring up Felix and his troops,” Khalid explained.  “Jeralt is a force to be reckoned with on his own; Byleth’s earned a reputation, and they live up to it -- and then some.  If you can spare a battalion, send them afterward: the mercenaries will get there first, so even if they and Felix and the Duke’s troops fail, the Federation will have another wave to deal with on top of everything else.”
“What of Sreng, then?” Dimitri asked.  “The Gautier family has led the northern border defense for generations, but they cannot hold the line alone--”
“I’ll go.”
Byleth frowned while the king gaped.  “You -- what?  Alone?”
“If you want to send some guards along you can, keep an eye on me--”
“No, that’s not what -- what do you propose to do?”
“Hopefully open up a discussion and work something out without a bunch of people dying,” Khalid replied easily.  “Barring that, probably try to rig a trap on the fly and go through a couple quivers of arrows--”
“Do you realize how mad that sounds?”
“Which part, the talking or the impromptu trap design?”
“Fair, I suppose,” Khalid shrugged.  “If you’re worried, though, send along what troops you can spare -- the smaller the group, the faster they can travel, and Margrave Gautier would probably appreciate the reinforcements sooner rather than later if he’s asking for help.  I can pack and be ready to move out within the hour, but if you’re going to send more people it’ll probably take longer to get them briefed and supplied…”
“Are you certain about this?” 
The question was almost gentle, in spite of how fraught the king seemed.  Khalid only smiled that practiced smile, one that never reached his eyes.  “I said I wanted to help.  Now seems like a good opportunity to make good on my word.”
“...if you’re sure,” Dimitri conceded.  “I will gather a contingent to accompany you and inform you when everything is ready--”
“I’ll get started on my own preparations, then,” Khalid said, starting toward the barracks.  “Don’t forget to send word along to the mercenaries that they’re moving out.”
“Byleth, would you…?” the king started -- but they had already turned to follow Khalid, their mind a blur of overlapping questions.  Why was he suggesting them for the eastern front?  If the worst came to pass with Sreng he would need the support, he had to know that, so why would he give them up so readily?
They had found no answers by the time they reached their quarters.  With so much of the army engaged elsewhere, Dimitri had offered the mercenaries a block of rooms in the Fhirdiad barracks to make use of until their deployment; Byleth had, much to their father’s apparent surprise, chosen to room with Khalid rather than bunk with him as they always had before.  And now, as their friend set to gathering his things, they closed the door behind them and caught his eye.  [I will go with you.]
[You should go with your father,] he signed back, pausing barely long enough to get the gestures out while he packed. 
[It’s dangerous to go by yourself.]
[I won’t be alone,] he replied.  [You heard Dimitri, he’s sending some of his men.]
[If your plan falls through, will that be enough?  My father can head up the reinforcements to the east, but I will go north with you.]
Khalid shook his head firmly.  [You should go east.]
He did not respond, instead wrapping a collection of vials in a yellow scarf and tucking them in his bag.  Confused, they reached out to touch his shoulder--
He jerked out from under their hand, fixing them with a flat, unreadable look.  [Why are you really sending me east?] Byleth signed carefully.
Khalid breathed a short sigh and raised his hands. [Because I want to be out from under the enemy’s watch for a while.]
Their mind reeled at the accusation.  [You think I am the enemy?]
He shrugged.  [I don’t know.  It seems as likely as you really being a friend.  I thought it was pretty strange, how someone I’d never met before managed to find a place no one in Fódlan seems to know about, then managed to get to a prisoner who no one had realized was even missing because he’d been replaced, navigating a maze of a city to do so without any trouble -- not once, but twice, coming and going -- then getting out again despite being forced to take a slower pace.  Don’t think I didn’t notice that we weren’t attacked after we got to the city entrance, and they didn’t bother to pursue us once we were out in the cave.]
He sat down on the edge of his cot, gripping his bad leg with a shaky hand before continuing.  [They tried everything they could manage in there to get the information they wanted.  Nothing worked.  So for all I know, you could be their next attempt.  Sending one of their own people in -- how else would you know the place so well? -- to stage an ‘escape,’ putting up just enough resistance to make it seem like the whole thing was real…and then letting me go, leaving me under the watch of their agent who obviously would have earned my trust by ‘rescuing’ me.  You haven’t left my side for more than ten minutes at a time.  It feels like you’re watching my every move.  And while I appreciate the help, getting here and working things out with Faerghus and the Church, this could all be a ploy to get what I wouldn’t tell them.  You’re keeping secrets -- and I know that’s rich, coming from me, the pot calling the kettle black -- but how can I trust you when everything that’s happened points at you being in league with the people who did all this?]
Byleth sank down onto the end of the cot.  They had thought it strange, when no one came for them while they crossed to the gate, but once they were out beyond the veins of light they had been too relieved by their success to care about the lack of pursuit.  For Khalid -- a man who knew even before setting out for Garreg Mach that his secrets would be deadly in the wrong hands, and who had already been subject to horrors Byleth couldn’t imagine…they could see, all too clearly, why he still suspected them. 
They bowed their head, folding their hands briefly in their lap…before lifting them again.  [You keep your secrets because the truth could prove dangerous to you.  I’ve kept my secrets because I’m afraid you won’t believe their truth.”
His face remained impassive, though they saw one eyebrow twitch up a fraction.  [Try me.]
Byleth sighed and steeled themselves.  [What do you want to know?]
[How did you know the imposter wasn’t really me.]
[He couldn’t sign,] they replied without hesitation. 
[And how did you know I could?] he pressed. 
[Because when we met, you were the first person outside my father’s band that I could talk to without needing an interpreter.]
[But we only met a few months ago.]
Byleth shook their head.  [It was the first time you met me.  It wasn’t the first time I met you.]
A thin furrow drew itself across his brow.  [So where did you meet me?]
They drew a deep breath, held it…and raised their hands.  [The better question is when did I meet you.]  
He frowned, but did not dismiss the idea.  Instead he watched them, waiting for them to continue.  [I met you several years ago near Garreg Mach.]
[I’ve never been to Garreg Mach,] he pointed out. 
[Not this time,] they agreed.  [But there was a time when you reached the monastery, and led the Golden Deer House.  That’s the time I lived in.  And when something went…wrong…I came back to try to fix it.  But things have happened differently this time, even though I’ve tried time and again to change it back to how I remembered it -- so since I can’t change it, I decided to try fixing it, instead.  By saving you.]
He considered their explanation for a long moment, his expression thoughtful.  [How?] he signed eventually.  [You said you lived in another time, and came back.  How?]
“Are you sure it’s wise to tell him?” Sothis cautioned. 
Byleth saw no other way. 
[The Goddess of Fódlan -- the one worshiped by the followers of the Church of Seiros -- has the power to stop and reverse time.  Her heart exists within me.]  They raised a hand to their chest, touching the place where their heart did not beat.  [I can use that power to change the outcome of events.]
[Can you prove it?]
They blinked, tilting their head slightly to one side.  [You know it sounds unbelievable,] he continued.  [You already admitted it: you’ve been keeping this a secret because you didn’t think I’d believe it.  And you’re right, it sounds insane.  But if you can prove it, then there’s no room left for doubt.  So can you?]
[How would I prove it?] Byleth asked.
Khalid looked briefly thoughtful.  [How about this: I’ll think of a word, and you tell me what it is before I tell you,] he signed.  [If you really can control time, you should be able to get the answer and then go back and give it to me before I tell you.  Right?]
“That’s actually quite clever,” Sothis mused over their shoulder.  
Byleth nodded, agreeing as much with Sothis as the proposal.  They had never forgotten how keen their friend’s tactical insight was -- but it still impressed them, seeing how easily he could find solutions to strange problems.  [Alright.]
He nodded.  [I have something.  Do you know what it is?]
They watched him for a moment, seeing the first hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth before they shook their head.  [What word?]
Khalid made a sign they had never seen before.  They gestured for him to repeat it, and he did without hesitation: palms facing out, thumbs linked together with fingers splayed, then shifting smoothly so that his wrists crossed, palms facing up, thumbs remaining linked but fingers half-curled.  They tried to make it themselves, fumbling a bit in the transition -- but he nodded approvingly, even so.  They still did it a few more times, though, just to be sure. 
[Is this right?] they finally asked, making the sign one more time. 
Khalid nodded in agreement. 
Time reversed.
Khalid had been half expecting Byleth to lunge for him when he confronted them about his suspicions.  If they really were allied with his kidnappers, knowing he’d found them out seemed like just the thing to spur them into action. 
But they didn’t.  Which was probably for the best, because while he was carrying a particularly noxious powdered poison in very easy reach for just such an event, he didn’t really want to use it in such close quarters because he’d probably get a lungful, himself. 
He hadn’t expected them to come right out with their secret when he asked, though.  And he definitely hadn’t been expecting them to claim something so wild as turning back time.  He might have thought it was too crazy to believe -- but he’d been getting a little too comfortable with crazy ideas being the truth, after watching someone turn into a perfect copy of him. 
He still needed proof, though.  It was one thing to see something that defied belief, another entirely to just take it on faith, especially when he’d always had a short supply of that.  And Byleth had agreed to his proposal without even blinking.  Either they were telling the truth, or they were really confident in their ability to guess. 
If it was the latter, he had a surprise for them. 
[I have something.  Do you know what it is?] he signed. 
They lifted their hands and replied, effortlessly, with the word he had in mind -- one no one west of the Locket should know. 
He stared at them, his thoughts spinning wildly out of control.  Sure, it had been a possibility that they were telling the truth, but seeing the proof of it was more than he’d been ready for--
Byleth raised their hands again.  [Was that right?] they prompted.  He nodded, still a little too stunned by the fact that he was talking with someone who could turn back time to form a coherent response-- [What does it mean?] they asked. 
The question caught him so off guard that he laughed.  They knew the sign but not the meaning: he couldn’t think of any more telling proof than that.  [It’s a special signal used by wyvern brigades in combat, telling all the riders to have their wyverns roar together.  It’s mostly an intimidation tactic, but it’s the kind of sign that only a wyvern rider would have a reason to know.]  Or someone who’d been obsessed with them since childhood, which is how he’d learned it. 
[Is it Almyran?]
Even though there was no risk of someone overhearing a sign, his breath still failed him for a second.  [You know about that?]
Byleth nodded.  [You told me.]
[You mean…the last time?]
They nodded again, a hint of a smile softening their usually serious expression.  [You said you stayed up most of the night trying to figure out how to do it, and it was still the scariest thing you’d ever done.  You never managed to tell the others, either -- you implied enough, but you couldn’t say it in front of them.]
[The others?] he asked. 
[The rest of the former students from the Golden Deer House.  And Judith.]
[To be fair, she knew I was Almyran.]
[She didn’t know you were friends with Nader the Undefeated, though.]
…in fairness, he hadn’t told her where in Almyra he’d grown up, so that made sense.  [How did Nader get involved?] he signed -- and then waved his hands to clear the question.  [Actually, start from the beginning.  What happened the first time?  Before you came back and everything changed?]
Byleth released a long, slow breath.  [You made it to Garreg Mach and became the leader of the Golden Deer house, as heir to the von Riegan family.  During a routine exercise outside the monastery, you and the other two House leaders, Edelgard and Dimitri, were attacked by bandits, and my father and I helped to drive them off.  Because of that, the archbishop asked me to be a professor at the Officer’s Academy to replace the one who had been lost in the bandit attack, and I chose to teach your House.]
[All that because I could sign?] he joked. 
They nodded, apparently not realizing how funny that sounded.  [My father was a Knight of Seiros, once, and left soon after I was born because he had concerns about the Archbishop.  He loved me, but in trying to keep me safe, he ended up isolating me.  There were a lot of things I didn’t know when I got to the Officer’s Academy, including how to be a teacher, because I’d been a mercenary all my life.  So it meant a lot to have someone I could talk to without needing an interpreter, and who could interpret for me with the other students until they learned.  It made me feel less alone.]
Khalid scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, feeling more than a little bad about making light of something that clearly meant a lot to them.  [So you made it as a teacher?]
[With help,] they agreed.  [But it was a strange year at Garreg Mach.  There was a great deal of unrest, caused by the group that kidnapped you here.  What we did not know was that Edelgard had allied with them, and helped them operate within the confines of the monastery.  …they killed my father.]
He had seen how close Byleth and Jeralt were during the months they’d spent on the road to Fhirdiad.  However gruff he might seem, the mercenary clearly loved his kid, and that affection was wholeheartedly returned.  It had made him homesick, early on, especially knowing how he’d left things with his own father -- he couldn’t imagine the pain they must have felt, losing him like that.  [You couldn’t change it?  Even with your power?]
They shook their head.  [I tried.  But when I attacked the one who killed him before she could strike, another appeared and deflected the blow.  My father still died.]
[I’m sorry,] he signed, wishing the words meant more. 
Byleth smiled, though, like they at least meant something.  [You helped me through it.  You helped me find answers I never could have reached alone.  But then Edelgard declared war on the Church of Seiros and attacked Garreg Mach.  She captured the Archbishop, and I…don’t know what happened.  I remember being attacked by the man who’d prevented me from saving my father, and falling over the edge of a cliff, but when I woke up five years had passed.]
Khalid gaped for a moment.  [Five years?  Can that power turn time forward, too?]
[No, only back.  I think I fell asleep, to recover from my injuries.  And Fódlan had changed in that time.  Dimitri had apparently been executed for killing his uncle who had been acting as regent.  The Empire had conquered much of the Kingdom, with only a few of the far northern territories holding out.  And despite the fact that Adrestia held the Great Bridge of Myrddin, the Alliance had maintained neutrality for five years thanks to Claude von Riegan keeping the Leicester round table embroiled in arguments with each other, rather than taking soldiers to the field.]
That, admittedly, sounded impressive.  Apparently he was pretty good at diplomacy in some other world.
[We reunited at the monastery and claimed it for a central base of operations, since it had been abandoned after Edelgard’s first attack.  When the Empire took notice and mobilized against us, we realized that our options were limited and took the bridge before the Imperial army could arrive.  From there, the remnants of the Kingdom rallied at Gronder Field along with the Adrestian and Leicester armies -- and Edelgard was forced to retreat.  We chased her back to Enbarr, but in the battle against her…]
[Something happened.]  Seemed the likeliest guess. 
[You were killed.]
He’d had a suspicion, but that didn’t make it any less eerie.  Not many people expected to be talking about their own death.  [Did that group keep you from undoing it?]
Byleth shook their head.  [I went back too far, without meaning to.  I was…distraught.  I lost control.  I came back to a moment before I ever met you, and when I arrived at the time where I should have, things happened differently.  I tried so many times to go back hoping that things would go right, and I would meet you again, but they never did.  So instead I started trying to find you.  It took a long time, and even once I found the city it took so many attempts to get the escape right that…]
[You memorized it.]  All that effort, all that pain…for him?  [Why did you try so hard?]
[Because you were my friend,] they signed, like it was the easiest thing in the world.  [You told me your dream, to break down the borders between people and nations and drive out prejudice by bringing them together.  Your last words were to thank me for helping you chase that dream.  I still wanted to help you reach it, even after I wound time back too far.  I still want to now.  So let me come with you to deal with Sreng.]
He could hear movement in the rooms around them, when he bothered to pay attention.  Dimitri must have gotten word out to Jeralt’s men.  [What about your father?]
[He should have no trouble handling things on his own.]
[No, I mean, what if something happens to him because you’re not there?]
Byleth went still, their hands curling into fists for a moment.  [It’s happened before, hasn’t it,] he signed.  [Someone in the imposter’s camp killed him.]
They didn’t deny it, which seemed about as close to agreement as he was likely to get.  [If I go and something happens to you--]
[I’m not the one going up against that imposter and his army,] he pointed out.  [Your father is.  I’m pretty sure I can handle things with Sreng: they do a good bit of trade with Almyra, I know enough of the language to get by, and if worse comes to worst I won’t be alone in it since the king’s sending along some more soldiers to cover me.  Odds are good that I’ll get out of there in one piece.]  Hesitantly, he reached out to touch Byleth’s shoulder -- and felt them lean into it, like a wyvern shoving its head into their rider’s hand after a long time apart.  “Go with your dad,” he said quietly.  “If something happens to him, you’ll be there to change things and make sure he gets out okay; if something happens to me, you can come back here and we’ll try it again.”
The sudden knock at the door made them both jump.  “Who is it?” Khalid asked. 
“It’s me,” Jeralt’s voice called back.  “Is Byleth in there?”
They looked at him again, and he could swear he saw the unspoken question in their eyes.  He nodded, giving their shoulder a final pat before sitting back to let them up.  “They’re on their way.”
After a final moment’s hesitation, Byleth rose from the end of the bed and moved to open the door.  Khalid didn’t bother to watch their conversation: their expressions told him everything he needed to know. 
That little pang of homesickness struck again.  How was his own father holding up?  Especially since news of Shahid’s death at Khalid’s hands must have reached him by now.  Would he realize that something was wrong?  Or like everyone else, would he take the word as truth, and assume his son wasn’t the man he thought after all?
…well.  Only time would tell.  And first he would have to do something about the imposter that stole his name and dragged it through the swamp.  
And if everything worked out, this would be the first step on that path.
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
Summary: You, the adopted child of Aizawa, go through your first day at U.A.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse
Notes: Your quirk is the inverse of Dabi's (AKA; You can use ice, but have fire resistance); Might make this into a one-shot series of Y/N Todoroki being adopted by multiple pro heroes in different timelines. Like, in this one, you're Y/N Aizawa, but there would also be Y/N Yagi (All Might), Y/N Kayama (Midnight), etc.
Disappointment. Weak. Failure.
Those were the words that were constantly spout out towards you by Enji Todoroki, your biological father. Those words scarred you emotionally, but you always had your mother and siblings there for you, helping you out. Until the day where you accidently set off a massive blizzard. The family believed you dead, gone the same way Touya was. But, unbeknownst to them all, you were saved. By your one true dad.
Shota Aizawa.
Those events ran through your mind, as you sat, 11 years later, in your spot in Class 1-A of U.A High. Frostbite scars were all over your body your body, but before you arrived (an hour before any of your classmates, of course), you made sure to put makeup on to conceal the scars, as you were, as much as you didn't want to admit it, insecure of them. A few of your classmates stared at you, as your head hung low and your eyes were shut. "Uh...ya think (Y/P)'s asleep?", asked the one with yellow hair, save for the black lightning streak.
"Oh my goodness, (Y/P) fell asleep in (Y/P) first class! Hah, they must really not like it here," said the pink one. She looked at the yellow haired one, and their faces immediately radiated mischief. As soon as their eyes made contact, the pink one reached into her bag and pulled out two drawing pens, giving one to the yellow haired one, before they both tiptoed towards you. Their giggles couldn't help but spill out, despite their best efforts to keep quiet, as they inched closer and closer towards you. Before long, they took off the lids of their pens, and aimed them at your face. "Oh, we're so teaching (Y/P) a lesson for falling asleep in-"
"I'm awake."
Immediately, the two worriedly shot back to their seats, clumsily rushing the pens back into the bag. "And I don't appreciate your goofing around. Shows how seriously you take being a hero. If you just came here to have fun and play games, then you should leave now," you said as you looked at the two, annoyance clear as crystal on your face. Soon, however, your gaze turned to your bio twin, Shoto, and you noticed him looking at you blankly, almost as if he didn't remember you much. You couldn't blame him, as Enji cruelly kept him away from the rest of you as much as he could, but it still stung.
Later that day:
School had ended, and the class was occupied packing their things to leave. Shoto still hadn't fully recognised you, and most of the classmate were annoying to you, although you did find the girl called Momo Yaoyorozu to be at least tolerable. You got your things packed not long after Shoto did, and left the building to see your father waiting for you. As you both began to talk and leave school premises, you noticed your sister, Fuyumi, waiting for Shoto, and her attention also met you.
However, unlike Shoto, she only took a few seconds to recognise your face.
Shoto immediately turned to you, as it then suddenly clicked for him. "...Hey Fuyu," you hesitantly replied, causing Fuyumi to smile, cry, then run up to and hug you. "Y/N...you're alive! I-I didn't- We thought you were-", Fuyumi cried out, before you hugged her back to comfort her. Shoto asked, "It's you...Now it all makes sense! But...what happened?" You looked at Shoto, then back to Fuyumi, and said, "...Alright. You deserve to know."
"There was ice, snow, and general cold everywhere. It was all burning on my skin. And while you though it killed me...Just before it could, the pro hero Eraserhead saved me. After that, he got me to a hospital, and...I couldn't go back. Not after what Enji did to all of us. So I begged Aizawa, or dad, as I should say, to not take me back. And then, he...He took me in as his own child. He made me whole again, after Enji nearly broke me."
The explanation floored Fuyumi and Shoto. After a few silent seconds of shock, Shoto asked, "OK, but how did the hospital manage to heal your frostbite scars? You said they were burning on your skin." With that, your face turned to one of sadness, as you slowly pulled out an arm, grabbed a cloth, and rubbed a part of that arm with it.
"They didn't."
Fuyumi and Shoto were stunned and appalled to see your once clear skin now showing a dark cyan blue marking. "I use makeup to conceal them. There's one on my neck, lots on my body, and a few on my legs, as well...Hey, you should get going. Enji'll probably be wondering where you are." Fuyumi and Shoto turned to each other, glumly nodded, and walked away, but not before Fuyumi stated, "We'll talk about this later."
You knew you all had a lot to talk about.
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catboyebooks · 2 years
i doubt this is a shock to anybody (if it is, are you like new here or something?) but i decided to spend free time with komaeda once again. though i remembered the info we learn from this scene, i didn't really remember the scene itself, and of course this is another interesting one.
first, the two of them spend some time talking and hanging out in the strawberry house, which i wanted to mention because the previous couple of hangout sessions have been rather more awkward (there was one where they just stared at each other and then another where komaeda did most of the talking and hinata found it frustrating to listen to).
once the actual scene starts, komaeda tells hinata he's really happy that hinata still wants to spend time with him after getting to know him better. hinata's like, hey, don't get the wrong idea, i'm just afraid to leave you alone because i still don't get what your deal is. komaeda says, well, it takes a lot of courage to try and understand something you can't make sense of, you definitely embody hope, your talent must be really cool, i wanna find out what it is asap, etc. hinata doesn't really seem to want to talk about this because he says "who cares about me, let's talk about you" and komaeda agrees, cracks a joke about how he'll start by talking about his own birth, then gets serious and says he wants to ask hinata something first. what does hinata think good luck is?
this is multiple-choice. the options are "the opposite of bad luck," "being lucky," and "absolute power." as may be clear from the fact that we already know komaeda's good luck is not the opposite of bad luck and the second answer is a non-answer, "absolute power" is correct. this is where things start to get really interesting.
when hinata gives this answer komaeda says that yes, his good luck is a form of absolute power, but since he can't actually control his luck it often winds up having "terrible results" for him. to try and explain, he gives hinata a few examples of how his luck cycle works, but this time they're personal examples rather than hypotheticals.
his first anecdote is about how when he was an elementary schooler, his family took a trip to the dominican republic. the airplane was hijacked (bad luck) but then a small meteorite fell from the sky and struck the hijacker, killing him (good luck) but also killing komaeda's parents (bad luck), but komaeda himself was fine and inherited all his parents' money (good luck). he recounts this story in an upbeat tone, as though he's really convinced himself that the entire sequence of events worked out just fine in the end. hinata doesn't really know how to react.
the second anecdote is about how when he was in middle school a murderer kidnapped him (bad luck), but he found a lottery ticket in the trash bag the murderer stuffed him in. once the police rescued him, he decided to check the numbers on the ticket and discovered he'd won $300 million (good luck).
komaeda then starts into a final example of something that happened to him right before starting at hope's peak (this must be him getting diagnosed with lymphoma and FTD) but then stops himself and says he shouldn't tell this story, he doesn't want to burden hinata with his "pointless situation." he then laughs it off and walks away.
hinata comments in his narration that he still feels like he doesn't know much about komaeda, but he at least gets what the hope fixation is about and thinks it's understandable, all things considered.
going to add some more thoughts to this in a reblog, hang on
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unknownusernumber13 · 4 months
Mortal Minds
This story was originally written based off the provided prompt below. I decided to continue that story because I fell in love with the characters, and couldn't stop thinking about how their story could possibly continue. I took the original post, made a few changes, and added to it so it could have a more complete beginning. Enjoy :)
Chapters will be posted in separate parts.
"A family has been trying and failing to kill you, an immortal, for many generations. In fact, it’s been going on for so long you forgot why they started hunting you in the first place."
Have you ever felt like you had forgotten something important? Like you're missing a key part of yourself, and won't be fully complete until you remember what it is? Well, that's my whole life. I've spent a very long time trying to find my missing piece. And trust me, I've had plenty of time. But that time has been consumed by pain, loss, and a whole pile of unsavory treasures. Stuff like that tends to happen when you're immortal, like me.
Being alive as long as I have, you would think I would have made many mistakes, and you'd be right. In fact, my so called "crimes" can be seen throughout history, although most of them go unnoticed. You might also think I've made enough enemies to last multiple lifetimes. Sorry to disappoint, but I have had only a few small disagreements with people that had little impact on historical events.
For example... I was once banned from this small local pub, somewhere in the middle of someplace that probably goes by a completely different name by now, because I claimed the owner needed a shower. I only made the comment in the first place because he complained about business being slow. I thought paying better attention to his personal hygiene would bring back customers. Not exactly my brightest moment, but I was young.
At least, I think I was young.
But never mind that, not the point. Being literally thrown out the front door, I crashed into a fellow lone traveler and broke the priceless vase he was holding into a million pieces. Turns out he was running from the current form of law enforcement, and was captured because of me. Well, me, and my poor choice of words.
The stolen artifact was lost and, overtime, completely forgotten. It could have been labeled as "priceless" for many reasons, but I suppose it really didn't hold any true value after all.
The same can be said for me, and anything else I managed to accomplish in the past. In the end, I was also forgotten. I'm just another artifact that collects dust in the corner. I don't have any real value.
Basically, forgotten people of no worth don't often have friends. So, how could a ghost of the past have fierce enemies?
And now, I'm simply a corpse. A living proof of dead memories, my figure being the only reminder. Anyone who really bothered remembering me is gone, and I currently live in the shadows of those around me. No one remembers, and no one takes notice.
However, there's one particular group of people that always take notice, and they never forget. Many have died, but their words of hatred live on throughout generations. Their clear disliking of me has been the only certain fact I've always been able to rely on. Sometimes I think of them as being the only people who really know me. If they weren't constantly trying to take my head off, I might think of them as close friends. That, or the world's best stalkers. No matter where I go, or who I become, they're always there.
That leads us to tonight. A night that will prove to have great value.
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lanaintheskydreams · 2 years
Dream Journal for Thu Dec 15, 2022
I haven't written in a while. Lots of random dreams since last post but this was worth writing about because it was so strange. First of all, I have decided to dedicate all of next year growing deep in my consciousness through diet, meditation, and learning. I will not be in sharing teacher mode but in learning, cultivating, discovering, documenting mode. It is important to do one thing at a time, and I need to focus all of my energies on this.
I only had magnesium last night though I did eat a few bites of tofu after I worked out. The only meal I had prior was for lunch -- sushi and ice cream. Not the healthiest. I actually have been eating sweets, bread, and cheese each day since the prior Thursday. Been so bad because holidays.
So last night (or this morning's dream). There was a man who was trying to pursue me but I knew he was trying to hurt children. He had a bunch of nails and other items in his hands and I was trying to stop him. He was headed to the school house.
The next part of the dream switched to an omniscient viewer like an audience member in a theater. The dream was very visual like it was a superhero movie.
A little girl about 10 years old in a witches outfit went out to a giant field with a wooden fence, and a big trailer vehicle drove on up to meet her. I have the feeling it floated down from the sky and then finished off driving on the ground. Another little girl about the same age in a witches outfit came out. I think they both had dogs. She said "We were going above, but now we are going below." Farm witch seemed to not want to comply with trailer witch and this pissed her off.
Before I knew it, the ground opened up into a massive hole portal and farm witch got grabbed by a metallic claw which was built into the earth, and she was threatened by a half dozen other metallic appendages that were weapons and they surrounded her from every direction. They were an inch away from her face and body and included giant sharp scissors, a rotating sharp cog wheel, a giant pizza cutter, a giant hammer, a spear -- they were all different. This was all happening about 10 feet underground. I could see the grassy land and the barn behind her, and the ominous night sky with the trailer vehicle to the right.
The instruments didn't kill her but retracted and then out of nowhere about 5 other little 10 year olds were side by side to farm witch and were also being held up by metallic claws. I guess these were her friends. But all the instruments that spared farm witch came back and now each little girl had just one of their own instruments hovering over them menacingly.
And the next part -- each instrument sliced up each of the friend's bodies methodically like a fruit in Fruit Ninja into about 6 different pieces and they all fell apart or went flying towards the ground and towards me.
Farm witch was very sad and hated watching her friends die. I remember seeing the beheaded faces still moving and expressing themselves. I had the thought that this happened often. Even though I was watching farm witch, I empathized with her and thought I was her. I did not recognize myself as a separate consciousness watching a movie at the time. I did not feel like I was the witch but I moreso felt a resonance with her. I felt very disturbed the moment I saw the bodies being cut up but in a numb way the way one sees a body in a movie being cut up. There was some sort of numbed separation or lack of reaction because I know if I had witnessed the same event in my waking life, I would be hella freaking out. I had felt like the trailer witch was evil and felt a clear evil and good aura divide. Whoever was in that trailer was also evil.
I then woke up and realized it was a dream but it was all so detailed. This is the second time I've dreamt of "witches". This is the second time in a short period that I have dreamt of a group being evil.
When I awoke I had the thought that there was a dream gun beaming visuals and stories into our minds the way a movie light projector projects images onto a screen and we get lost into that world. The dream had no meaning to me, but it affected me.
Right now, it is hard for me to determine if a dream is a real memory or if it is just visuals. Everything I dream I can tell the difference between a normal dream and a significant dream based upon the levels of memory, feeling, detail, symbolism, consciousness, creative ability, messages received, and knowing. In my waking life, I know a memory because I can remember my feelings in the moment, why I did something, and the before and after that led up to and followed the event. I know the people that were associated with the memory. On the other hand, everything I dream is in puzzle pieces and I don't remember names but there are many dreams that are real experiences with real feelings, messages, and even more intense profound feelings than my waking life. I will just leave it at that right now. Not determining if something is something or labeling something as real or fake but I can only describe what happened, what I felt, what I learned, and how to move forward.
*Correction I have been taking the Amenazol Bitters each day and that has Irish Moss in it, which makes me remember during dreams so has very likely affected my dreaming.
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inkyblinders · 3 years
These Fragile Pieces
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Requested by anon: Hi! I was wondering if I can request a Tommy Shelby angst to a happy ending imagine. Basically, Tommy told y/n to wait for him, but he moves on with Grace. Now, when she tries to move on, he won’t let her... etc.
Author’s note: This story is set shortly after the events of Season 1. ~1000 words.
Warnings: Angst
Tags: Let me know if you want to be added or removed
@rrtxcmt, @whizzbeesdukes ___________ “It starts and ends at the Garrison for us, eh?”
On a night like this, the pub should be filled with customers, red-faced with whisky and loud with song. But the tables are empty, the room so quiet you can almost hear the sawdust from the ceiling drift to the ground, swirling in the air like snowflakes.
You can do that--change business hours according to your whim and fancy-- when you’re the leader of the Peaky Blinders.
“Tommy, you didn’t need to close down the pub just to talk. It’s not like I’d run away. I’m not unreasonable.” Your mouth twists even as your voice is steady.
“Aye,” He says heavily. “It’s not you who’s unreasonable.”
He casts his eyes upward, and if you didn’t know any better you would think he was praying. But Tommy Shelby doesn’t pray to God. That part of him died when he went off to war and came back a man with a heart made of frost and stone.
“What do you want? If you need someone to mind the pub now that Grace is--”
“That’s not what I came to talk to you about. The truth is...”
Tommy reaches across the rickety old table and takes your hands, his own palms callused and warm. Good, strong hands. You’ve seen them kill a man before, but you’ve also seen them carefully pick bluebells from the field and thrust them to you, sweet and bashful in the way a boy in love could only be, because he knew they were your favorite.
That was years ago. Now you hardly know the man sitting across from you.
There were rumors that Tommy fell in love with a golden-haired siren and lost her when she betrayed him. You’ve seen Grace working in the pub before. She was quiet, polite to the rowdy customers but keeping to herself. When you told her you had kin from Galway she smiled wistfully and said she missed the rolling green hills there.
Her songs were clear and sweet, and they brought back some semblance of normalcy to the town. The war-haunted men of Small Heath have gone too long without something beautiful in their lives.
So when you saw Tommy grow closer and closer to Grace, lingering in the bar after hours, passing over your gaze as though you were a ghost, you couldn’t find it within yourself to hate her. After all, it wasn’t her fault that he left you waiting on an empty promise.
f,Now, as you look at Tommy’s hands holding yours, ashamedly waiting for you to find the truth behind his eyes, you realize what he came for. Why he needed to talk to you alone. And a sudden fury filled you so that you could barely speak.
“How dare you,” You say in a low voice, shaking. “How dare you waltz into my life, pretending nothing’s changed, when I’ve waited and waited for you to come back to me?"
“After Grace, I--”
“Was this seat where she sang for you, that first day? Did you pick this place because it reminds you of her? I'm not a dog to be replaced when your favorite runs away." The words rip out from you, dripping with acid, cruel even to your own ears.
He flinches as if you'd struck him in the face. "It's not like that," he says fiercely, "I never meant to hurt you. And I never loved Grace."
“We’re through, Tommy. You made your choice and I made mine. I have a man, now. He is kind to me, you know? Kind and true.”
“But you don’t love him.”
His matter-of-fact tone makes you truly want to strike him.
"You pretended I didn't exist, Tommy. You came back and pretended I was a stranger."
Tears blur your vision until his face dissolves into fractures of color and light. You blink them impatiently away, but more well up to replace them until you feel him get up and sit beside you. And despite hating yourself for it, you allow him to gather you in his arms, and press your head to his shoulder,
It has been so long, the closeness should feel foreign. But as he murmurs into your hair and tenderly wipes the tears away with his hand, as you breath in his scent like oxygen, it's like the war never happened and you only belonged to each other again.
"I came back from France different, and I didn't want you to see me like that." Tommy says quietly, his voice rumbling in his chest.
"Back in the trenches, when the cries of the dying were too loud to be ignored, I'd close my eyes and see your face. When I slept I'd dream of seeing you again, holding bluebells in your arms."
"But when I came back everything was wrong. All I saw were the blood and the mud and the dead. I saw Grace and I thought, maybe I could make you hate me this way, hate me enough to make you forget. So you don't ever have to see me trapped in my own mind, reliving horrors not meant for anyone to see."
Now it is he who twists his lips into a sardonic smile.
"But it seems like she left before she could do any damage."
"Grace never did anything. It was you who thought you could play God with my heart." You sniffle even as your heart breaks at the pain Tommy has hidden for so long.
“And what a fool I was for believing I could do that." Tommy sighs, full of regret.
"As for the Garrison, love, don't you remember? This was where you sent me off. You said you’d rather remember me here smiling and drunk instead of scared at the station. When we sat here, I also asked if you’d wait for me.”
"So I'm asking again, as wretched as a man can be, am I too late?"
"No," You whisper softly, reaching across the space between you to cup his face in your hands, "Never."
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