#i kinda forget i have them bc i don't. i don't like. smile naturally and get a good view of them when i look in the mirror
britneyshakespeare · 5 months
you know at the end of the day today i was chatting w some other paras. i was a special ed para for a seventh grader today that's what i did. and the last block for them is just learning center and it's chill and it's friday and some of the kids were making pizza and no one was really doing anything or stressed or bothered so the kids and the adults just have various little shooting-the-breeze sessions although im usually not that active in these bc Im Shy, And A Substitute so i feel very out of place a lot of the time. but anyway i had never really talked much w either of the paras i was with today and we struck up a conversation about some stuff and one of them says to me "you know just so you know i LOVE your hair" and she turns to the other para and she's like "isnt it gorgeous? dont you love her hair?"
and i kinda blushed and said thank you a couple of times and looked down bc that's what i do when i receive a sincere-sounding compliment unexpectedly. and then i chatted a little more before i kinda drifted out of the conversation and opened my book and after a page or two one of them asked me about what i was reading (it's Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human by Siddhartha Mukherjee if you were wondering and i started it a few days ago). so i told them a bit about it and started chatting again on the topic of reading and i guess i was just naturally smiling and the same one who complimented my hair said "look at those dimples. i just can't w you"
#made me wanna cry a little. i was like thank u mom#felt beautiful at work. who do i tell this to?#tales from diana#i have never had my dimples complimented not to my memory at least#i kinda forget i have them bc i don't. i don't like. smile naturally and get a good view of them when i look in the mirror#i dont think they show up when i dont smile candidly either? unless im forced-smiling really hard#yeah idrk what they look like i guess#i received both of these compliments with a little bit of an 'oh shucks' (blushes) attitude#i have to say. it's not that i don't get complimented on my appearance. but most of the time it doesn't sound... don't wanna say 'sincere'#it doesn't feel like. FELT. as a compliment. a lot of the time#like sometimes it feels like courtesy. and other times. it feels like#someone will mention to me that im like young and pretty but theyll say it in a 'but im not impressed' tone which is really#odd bc. it's not like i asked?#it's like in a small way it's to 'put me in my place' or address some elephant in the room#like it's an annoyance to them rather than an expression of. you know. admiration#not that i need to be admired for my appearance but that's what i mean. like it felt nice#like a lot of the time ppl will tell me im pretty it sounds either like flattery or like some kind of weird anti-flattery#they're trying to give me a big head or they assume it's already big and they wanna deflate it#yeah that was nice tho. i talked w one of those paras for a pretty long time abt art and photography#she has a children's book coming out soon too and it sounded so interesting. i liked her a lot#i also like the kid i worked w today. i had been w her before but not in like 6 months. she's a sweetie
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minggukieology · 2 years
How Jimin and Jungkook recollect their first meeting and how it became the epitome of the nature of their relationship ✍️
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Q: Tell us the first impressions of each other.
Jimin: I remember it exactly. I saw (Jungkook) for the first time at the dorm. Back then (his) image was way different from the current one. Kind of like from a manhwa, a bright student that is smiling/laughing a lot kind of a feel?
Jungkook: When we met in front of the dorm's door for the first time, you thought I was your hyung.
Jimin: That's right, that's why I greeted you with "annyeonghaseyo" (*polite greeting)
Jimin: Aaah what kind of impression is thaaat (laughter)
Jungkook: So just.. that was my first impression (laughter)
After seeing this quote from an old interview on how Jimin and Jungkook described their first meeting it occurred to me just how perfectly it predicted the evolution of their whole relationship over the years. I just translated another exerpt the other day, in which Jimin describes how Jungkook treats him more as a play buddy and someone to fool around and use his strength with, rather than a hyung that is older and should be regarded as such 😄
All throughout the years we saw how the boundaries between them have been fluid (in the age-communication, behavior hierarchy sense) and how they became way more relaxed with showing that part of the relationship to us as well, in the last few years especially. The footage of Jungkook drawing a funny tiny+cute snowman figure as Jimin (emphasis on cute acc to Jungkook) closing it off by saying "But still I don't forget that he is my hyung, right..." (as if kind of referring to the way he was describing him up until that point- as someone cute + also drew him as someone super small (might be just bc of the theme but still cute)) This all just further reminded me of the same point.
full translation of Jungkook's description of Jimin:
Like.. *how to say* (Jimin's) expression is always cute
Also his eyes are kinda droopy and cute like this...
So (here is) Jiminie hyung (shows the drawing)
He must be cute in the eyes of ARMY for sure but Jimin-ssi is also extremely* cute in my eyes.
But still I don't forget that he is my hyung, right...
(*Jungkook uses '굉장히' -stronger version of very- to emphasize just how veeery cute Jimin is in his eyes too)
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Kara gets roped into the RenFaire scene one summer as a face painter because a) she's an art major, and b) she's an art major who needs money. Her friend Nia has worked concessions there since she was old enough to get her workers permit, and swears to Kara that its a great place to work if she doesn't mind the occasional heat wave.
Which, to Nia's credit, is true. Except what Nia forgets to mention is that the resident RenFaire fiddler will make Kara feel like she's living in a permanent heat wave.
The fiddler's name is Lena, and she's gorgeous. Long raven locks and skin like ivory, wearing frocks of green leaves and shimmering wings, she looks like something out of a fairytale.
There's an invisible threshold between the summerbounders and those who have made the Faire their home, marked only by how naturally they fit in their medieval, fantastical roles. Summerbounders, like Kara, throw themselves into it with all the good-hearted cheesey pomp they can muster. The others, well-- they simply are their roles.
Lena is of the latter group. She was raised in the Faire, after all, spending her summers flitting between booths while her mother sold charms to enchanted patrons. But even when her mother passed, Lena didn't want for love. The Faire is her family too.
For her part, Lena immediately takes a shine to Kara, quickly noting her kindness towards children while she paints whimsical designs on cheeks and foreheads. But when Kara seems to clam up and shut down any time Lena comes anywhere close, Lena learns to keep a relative distance. Kara isn't about to approach Lena herself, so they fall into a pattern of mutual admiration from afar.
Until Nia asks Kara how she likes Lena (bc Nia lowkey shipped them when she suggested the job to Kara), and is surprised to learn they have yet to have a single meaningful conversation.
All right. That's it.
Nia invites Kara to a sleepover at the faire grounds overnight, for those who camp there-- among which is Lena. Surely, with the glitter wiped away and the lack of wings Kara will be less blinded and more... personable.
Except that after getting some mead in her system, Kara is even more entranced by Lena. How could she not be, with a speck of overlooked glitter on Lena's neck, glinting merrily in the firelight, and her long dark hair let loose around her shoulders.
But now, mellowed by said mead, Kara can't bring herself to look away when Lena catches her staring. Their eyes lock, and Lena's surprise soon gives way to a blush, then a smile as warm as the fire between them.
Lena doesn't play her fiddle this night-- everyone is pleasantly tired, and content to lounge on their logs and stumps. But someone does pull out a lyre, and Kara does notice that Lena softly sings along to the tune most everyone seems to know.
When Nia and another of the folks seated next to Kara rises to fetch a refill of their tankards, Kara blinks to find a new figure filling their empty seats.
"Hi," Lena greets, her voice low in her throat. The sound is heady, buzzing deep in Kara's core.
"Hey," Kara returns. Thankfully, the drink has smoothed her tongue, eliminating the stammer that previously caught in her throat had Lena approached her at the face painting station.
"You've been avoiding me," she's told.
Kara grimaces. "Kinda... I'm sorry."
"Well, so long as it's not because I smell bad...."
Though of course now Kara breathes in, and her lungs fill with the scent of woodsmoke and pine, and something floral. The floral, she surmises, is Lena.
To be sure, Kara leans in and inhales once again, this time with her nose just brushing the side of Lena's neck. The floral is in fact Lena. Kara notes the jumping pulse point in before her eyes and the catch in Lena's breath.
"Nope," she pulls back languidly, letting a goofy grin spread across her features. "You don't stink."
They're still perilously close, and Kara watches how Lena's gaze jumps from her eyes to her lips and back again. How has she missed this, Kara marvels at herself. To have missed Lena's interest in her is... a travesty.
Lena's head is turned towards her like the rest of the group has fallen away, and perhaps they have-- Kara takes little note of them.
"You're very smooth for someone who's been scared to be within ten feet of me."
"What can I say?" Kara shrugs. "I know to be wary of the fair folk."
"Fair or faire?" Lena teases.
Kara smirks. "I'm sure both are equally dangerous."
"Then you're doomed, considering I already have your name."
Suddenly Kara's brain shortcircuits as Lena leans in, eyes slipping shut as their lips come near enough to brush as Lena speaks.
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sanriokamabodo · 1 year
college!bf douma
A/N: im struggling w writers block + had a heavy day so i decided to write smth i conjured up instead of a request!i will be back in business soon my sweets!heehee<3 if y'all want a part two feel free to ask djdjd
CW's: hes kinda sleazy in the beginning, reader sucks at math. suggestive themes>:) douma is goth in my college au bc i said so. the day i proofread is the day i die!
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A psychology major with a minor in religious studies. Doesn't practice any religion himself but finds the subject interesting nevertheless.
Barely studies but somehow manages to pass with flying colours.
That one hookup you regret with all your might, let me elaborate;
Douma tutors math and it's no coincidence he slept with majority of the people he tutored.
No, you're not an exception. Cute try though!
Something about Douma's piercings, his choppy hair that he probably cut himself and his 'don't give a fuck' attitude managed to dissolve your IQ and last bit of self respect around him.
He knows how to give you just enough attention to keep you interested, but little enough for you to purposely screw up your math tests for an excuse to see him.
Yes, he mocked your intelligence by asking if rats ate your brain or whether you were just born this stupid, but the way he ruffled your hair as he fake-pouted at you made something bubble in your stomach.
It's no surprise you ended up with Douma in the men's restroom, a hand smacked tightly over your mouth that day.
You weren't allowed to ride the high of having hooked up with the hottest guy on campus for long.
Throughout the night you were bombarded with messages from your friends, all of them being about Douma. Why didn't you tell them? Was he good? ... Was he big?
You thought your heart was going to thump out of your chest. Sweaty hands refreshing the messages five, ten, twenty times.
This had to be a sick joke, right? Was this Douma's true nature?
About to throw your phone away in defeat, it vibrated once more. You didn't want to look but curiousity got the better of you.
[Douma, 11:06]: I think we need to talk.
Your chest thundered with anger at the message.
[Y/n, 11:07]: You think!?
[Douma, 11.07]: I know you don't owe me anything, but can we please meet somewhere?
[Y/n, 11.08]: I don't feel like showing my face today, thanks:)
We're you being dramatic? Maybe a little. But you were an introverted person. Being known by everyone on campus wasn't on your to-do list, and the reason why just made it that much worse.
[Douma, 11.08]: Text me your adress, I'm coming over.
[Y/n, 11.09]: No.
[Douma, 11.10]: Please, give me a chance to set things straight. I'll fix it, I promise.
You pondered for a moment. Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen? You texted him the address of your dorm and within an hour you heard a knock on your door.
Opening the door Douma stood on your doorstep, looking rather apologetic. You waved him inside, a thankful smile grazed his lips.
"I like what you did with the place."
"Shut up."
"Fair enough." He nodded.
"I did tell my friends we hooked up." He said, making you scoff. He threw his hands up defensively, before you could say anything.
"But! But! I didn't want them to tell everybody else..! They know I like you... a lot."
A small blush across up your cheeks at the sudden confession.
"You like me?"
Now you've done it, Douma started rambling.
"I get really fucking dumb about crushes. I wanted to text you all the time but I didn't want to come across as creepy. I thought we could just... hook up and I would forget about my stupid little crush and of course it just made me like you even more, because c'mon you're hot as fuck." He sighs pinching the bridge of his nose dramatically. "So what I'm trying to say here is that I would really like to make it up to you because I'm really fucking sorry and I would also really, really like to take you on a date and have a fresh start, please?" A shy smile painted his features.
You laughed. You were stupid if you were to deny him like this, especially considering you really liked him too.
"I'd love to go on a date with you."
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noemitenshi · 1 year
Hey! I was wondering you had any thoughts on why Troy was like.. so upfront with Madison in 3.15 about being the one to lead the horde and how he doesn't feel bad and he'd do it all over again (or something like that, I forget his actual words) bc I'm like is he dumb 😭 did he think Madison would somehow not care? (I guess so, bc he does start saying how Madison gets it or something like that)
I've always (always as in for the last three months bc that's when I first watched the show..) been like why would he not at least pretend to feel bad and regret it? I guess he's just really that deep in whatever bs his dad fed him to make be Like That idk
I feel like I mildly get it but also I can't wrap my head around it at the same time, at least not well enough to put into words so I thought you might have something to say about it :)
Ok. So. Listen. Listen That scene, omg, that scene. I knew something bad was coming since I have been warned by a kind fan beforehand. I knew it had to do with Madison and once he started his confession I was all "NOOOO" but also "ok this is it, he's done for". But also, I… had difficulty finding an in-world motivation/explanation for his behavior in that scene for some time. I mean, it kinda seemed to me more like the writers deciding "Troy's gotta go" than it being a natural conclusion from… what has been going on in the show. Especially how… unreceptive to Madison's clear discomfort he was during his confession. How he did not read the room. He appears pretty perceptive normally, so I didn't quite get that. It was like he was shouting "KILL ME ALREADY" (which, I mean, I still think he low-key had a deathwish through all of s3, so…it kinda fits?). Itt was, as you said, dumb of him. Very dumb and it made me a bit angry (ask me sometime about Troy's very fluctuating uh abilities. Like when they (writers) need him to, he's like the most clever person and than other times he's so dumb. What's that about… (I mean, I kinda explain this away by uh seeing ftwd as from the POV of the Clarks. We don't really get into Troy's head, but we kinda do know what the Clarks are thinking… so maybe that's just their view of him, and yes that could explain it. Sorry went off on a tangent there…) Also, about pretending to feel bad - I don't think he would have. He.. doesn't seem like the type to put effort into hiding his emotions or making them palatable for others. But, you know, he could've just not said anything. That would've saved him (for the moment, no one's to say he wouldn't have fucked up later on 😂 It's Troy, he's just learning to be a human). Anyway, for a long time I just chalked Troy being dump up to 'he needed to die so that's what the writers came up with, whatever'. And didn't spend too much time on that. But then I wanted to use this moment in one of my fanfics and well… I had to make sense of what he was doing not by explaining it away with the writers but with Troy's own motivation. Get into his head in this moment after all... And I hope it's ok if I just quote the relevant part here.
Troy felt relieved when he heard Madison asked, “Why would Daniel want to kill Troy?” This was it, he was sure of it. This was the missing piece to get back into step with Madison. Because even though she’d just told him “we’re good” he knew they weren’t. He had sensed her trepidation in her ingenious smile, in the hesitation in her voice. And now he was sure it was because he was still keeping a secret from her. A secret that only become one because of Nick, because he had followed Nick’s lead on this. And he hadn’t minded, understood that Nick rather not tell his sister Jake died partly because of him… But now he couldn’t keep quiet anymore. Not if it talking could mean that it would bring Madison and him close together again. Not if it meant it could again be as it was, before, between Madison and him. And yes, their conversation got heated once he admitted what he’d done. He should’ve expected that but he was too caught up in it. In trying to explain himself, in trying to rush to go where they’d been before. He should’ve given her more time to process… he knew she would’ve, eventually. She understood him. They were the same – and that was what he was trying to tell her, remind her of, however clumsily. “I’d do it all again,” he implored her, trying to make her see, “All of it, Madison.”
~ I'd do it all again, Chapter 1
So, as you can see, I don't think he thought Madison wouldn't care - it was worse than that. He thought she would… well almost like thank him for it. Not for what he did but for saying it. And I do think he really thought she'd get it. He thought this would show her their similarities, remind her of it again (and maybe it did, and maybe *that's* why she killed him (or not killed as we now know)). He thought it would bring them closer together. He thought he'd found his people with Madison and Nick, those who could understand him, tolerate him (maybe even be thankful for his existence). But he badly misjudged and he realized too late. And you know, now that I'm writing this out… I remember back to the ask about Troy's expression in his moments of imminent death and how it looked to me, among other things, like there was acceptance there. If it was, maybe he realized that Madison killing him is kinda proof of what he said to her, the "And you would, too, I know you would." Because she kinda did, didn't she. So on this depressing note, I'll end my explanation. Hope it was what you were looking for and thank you so much for the ask 🧡🧡🧡
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yariktrapov · 1 year
Warning: i am going twitter mode controversial.
So. I watched that one video essay about abortion and it was supposed to advocate for pro-choice, and i was pro-choice originally, but i think i switched side to some gray area.
So. I, as a person, am lazy. Extremely lazy. So i don't research topics if not much depends on it. If i don't need it for a debate or a assignment i'm not gonna think on it too hard.
So my core morals are mostly based on feelings, not thoughts. And i'm sure many people out there are just like me.
So. This video. I suggest you watch it. Very enlightening.
The questions i had was: 1. When is it immoral to get an abortion? And we kinda got the answer in the video: when the person expresses their desires which is at birth.
But.. does it?
No! I disagree.
So that prompts another question.
2. When does the future person gets desires they can express?
The desire comes from the new human, so the human must have something to create this desire. I am hinting onto a little thing called a nervous system.
So. Basically. I think a fetus can express desires, we just don't have the technology to observe it yet.
For example: the felus shifts in the tummy, and kicks and stuff. It does so because it wants to. A desire is here.
But also there's another question: Can the desire be expressed through the pregnant person? Like cravings. Does those count? Can we say that the fetus wants a certain chemical and requests it through its bearer? Or is the fetus a natural part of the pregnant persons body and not a separate entity and therefore it can't have desires before some point in time? So. I
I am stopping my thought right now. Fuck, i got a terrible unrelated realization.
I think i'm in the house of a psycho rn actually. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I feel scared now. Fuck.
I didn't get a dorms room (those are extremely cheap and i am, as my family is dirt poor). So my mom asked his friend to give me a place to stay. He gives her a place to stay all the time so one more person won't be an issue.
I met this guy a few times, he gave me and my mom a few rides, he's kinda aggressive in the roadrage department, but a good driver. Very talkative also.
But i met many of my mom friends so they all blend into the same image for me. I forget the details she tells me because they all have similar names, faces and mannerisms. I can't tell them apart, literally. I meet them so rarely.
So. I meet this guy again. He has the "All women belong in the kitchen" mentality, but to be honest, all of her friend have this shit. I tolerate it, because these dudes are kinda a big deal, i get a few benefits for my great acting job. But yeah, that's not concerning.
We get into his car and he tells me that we're gonna clean his house today, because he does those "clean thursdays" and it's totally is his thing. My mom confirmed he made her clean and cook for him, bc woman. But he did help with the cleaning.
He shauferred us around for our errands for a while and i was a bit creeped out for his smile but it was ok, i get scared of men a lot, that's chill.
So we get to the place and my first thought is: "Poggers! There's no carpets and the furniture is all leather. It will be a piece of cake cleaning up in here!
So we made lunch, ate it together while listening to some typical Alpha male war podcast. Sketch.
We start cleaning up. I do the kitchen. I thought i did a decent job but then i went to look how they were cleaning.
They. Were. Wiping the fucking walls and everything with the window cleaner. And i mean everything! Normal things: TV, windows, mirrors. But also: doors, walls, wooden furniture. Idk if literally anyone else does that!
So i thought he was just a dude obsessed with cleaning and misogyny. Wierd but not totally out of the ordinary.
And then i made a convo that went something like this:
Him: Good job cleaning.
Mom: Are you feeling tired?
Me: Yeah. I was tired from the journey before! I didn't need anymore work today.
Him: Well, now i won't give you anymore work today. We'll see about tomorrow though.
Me: And that's how he treats his guests.
Him: That's how i treat the guests i like!
Me: Oooh, i get it. Where's the shotgun?
Mom: Yarik! (Well, she said my real name but i won't get my name on the internet nonono)
*end of convo*
And that's when it hit me. The fucking shotgun.
Owning firearms is kinda illegal here. Owning guns comes with a legal reason, a permit and BIG SURVEILENCE.
There was one friend whose shotgun my mom found in the closet while cleaning.
It was. him.
I did not remember it was him! These men, they are all the same to me! I did not remember the name!
So then i started theorizing.
We have a bald strong kinda violent man, with misogynistic war-obsessed mentality. Who owns a gun and does a casual deepclean every week, has no wife, kids or pets and has leather non-absorbant furniture. (Also i missed to tell you that he's a devoted patriot, a communist and he's also gives out insults like candy on halloween)
So i think there's 3 scenarios:
1. That man is afraid someone will plant a corpse in his house and frame him.
2. He might be afraid of someone intruding on his house and doing something to him or his house. So he accepts the possibility of shooting a perpetrator.
3. He's a fucking phycho and thinks he can shoot us if we disobey him! I am panicking i am panicking i am panicking i am panicking. Wtf wtf wtf wtf He's got a gun in a big city. With a silenser btw. Why?!? My mom thought he was a sniper. Sniper my ass, he's a psycho. Crazy person
Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy.
If you can't tell i did this because i need to calm down.
And i can't to my mom about it because she's a terrible lier and an even more terrible actor.
I'm sure i can play it cool for like a week or two. I'm a champion at ignoring my problems. I'll finish my problematic rant later when i don't feel my heart in my feet.
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tenthgrove · 2 years
What if yandere la squadra had the nightmare? Sorry if it's too harsh bc I've read horror and sad stuffs. It's about he found his darling (who leave for nightshift work) sobs and cried, her body filled with blood, cuts and tears in the dark street. When he asking her what happen to her? Who hurts her? She's looks at him and said.
"Don't fret. I love you. I've done my best to lived and be strong for you. I bet I've done my best, but I'm too weak. I want to stay but I have to leave for good. I'm sorry..." As she blew away like dust in the sky.
He suddenly woke up and found his darling sleeping near him and gets hurt but less than his nightmare, she woke up and looks at him.
"Hey don't cry. I'm sorry, I dunno know that you're worried about me."
Okay I couldn't help myself and now I'm doing a short drabble for each of them from the perspective of darling when they wake up. Only did four but if you want me to write the rest let me know.
You’ve become so accustomed to his smile when you wake up. The sight of Formaggio sat cross-legged next to you, staring dead ahead at the end of your bedroom honestly scares you more than anything he’s ever done. Are you still dreaming? You blink. The mirthless expression on his face doesn’t disappear.
“Maggi?” you call, praying the sweet nickname he adores will placate him. He turns over to you, a warm hand coming to your chest as his smile returns. But there’s a sadness behind it.
“Heya kitten,” he responds.
“Is everything okay? You’re kinda scaring me. Never seen you like this before,” you admit.
“Aww I’m sorry,” he apologises. “Nothing’s wrong I promise. I just got myself worked up over something but it’s all fine now… you’re fine.”
His smile becomes warmer and he lies down next to you again.
“You get back to sleep now. Let’s do something nice tomorrow. I’ll cook you something sweet for breakfast. Yeah, we’ll make it our day.”
There was a time you never could have fathomed Prosciutto looking vulnerable. It’s a visage of heartlessness he likes to put up a lot, but ever since he took you to his home it’s become a common sight. He paces. Hair dishevelled, breathing heavy. Only you can see him like this.
“Oh, you’re awake-” he mutters, marching back over to the bed as if to pretend he never left it. “I didn’t disturb you did I? Apologies, Darling, if I did.”
“No, no… you didn’t disturb me,” you lie. Prosciutto nods and slides a little further down the bed, though nowhere near enough to get back to sleep. He is quiet, for a minute, as are you.
“Bad dream,” he finally confesses.
“Yes. About you.”
Maybe it’s cruel, but the admittance warms your heart a little. It’s moments like these that are making you accept he really does care about you, as much as first impressions suggested otherwise.
“I’m sorry,” you tell him.
“Why? I should be thanking you,” he chuckles. “You bring so much joy to me, don’t ever forget that.”
He rubs your hand under the sheets. “Get back to sleep,” he tells you. “You know how much your health matters to me.”
“Bedda! Bedda wake up!”
Risotto’s course breath tickles your ear as he whispers you back to consciousness.
“Huh? What is it? Are we in danger?” your murmur, the nature of your captor’s occupation always keen in your mind.
“No sweetheart. We’re fine. Just… are you alright?” he asks sensitively.
“Uh yeah? Was I wheezing in my sleep or something?”
“No, I-” Risotto shuffles into a kneeling position, shoulders hunched shamefully. He looks almost like a child. You’ve never seen him like this before. “I’ve been a fool,” he sighs.
“Why, what have you done?” you ask, confused.
“I had a nightmare,” Risotto finally admits. “That’s why I woke you up. I’m sorry, it was very stupid of me.”
“Oh Ris that’s okay,” you tell him, without needing to think about it. You shuffle closer and hug him. “It’s okay, I can tell you’re shaken.”
“No… I should be the one protecting you from your fears. I don’t like you seeing me like this,” he ruminates.
“Well tough. I’m here now,” you smile, resting your weight against him.
You wake with a jolt as you suddenly feel a great force on top of you. Instinct takes over and you claw at whatever it is, flinging them off of you.
“Hey hey hey! It’s only me sweetie!” a voice assures. Gelato, you should have guessed.
“That doesn’t help much!” you shout defensively.
Gelato scurries away from you, putting up his hands in a show of peace. You notice he’s almost fully dressed, though the warmth in the sheets next to you suggests he was sleeping there a while before you woke up.
“Sorry baby, just instinct. I had a bad dream about you and my first reflex was to jump on you to make sure you were okay. Sorry about that one honeybee,” he shrugs lightheartedly. “So… can I get back into bed with you?” he tries his luck. You sigh. You admit you do feel a little sorry for him being so shaken.
“Sure. But I’m telling Sorbet you jumped on me.”
Gelato tuts, but smiles.
“Okay. Fair’s fair.”
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dameronology · 2 years
Hey hope ur doing gd
Do you think jaded reader would be protective of poe? How would they react if someone is rude about him or if he was in danger???
OOOH this is a good question
(for context: jaded reader is from this series for those that don't know)
i reckon a massive pillar of their relationship would be a mutual need to protect the other. with the war raging on around them & the fact they're constantly going on dangerous missions, it's pretty much second nature but jaded! reader is definitely a lot more upfront about it
before every mission it's gonna be "do u have ur gun? do u have ur knife? do u have ur other knife?" and then "it's ok i hid one in your boot just in case :)"
it's never in an overbearing way - just like a "i have to make sure i've done everything humanly possible to make sure you're safe" kinda vibe
and poe appreciates it!! it looks fucking insane to other people when he rocks up to a mission briefing with 11 knives and 14 spare guns but hell, he'll just smile and brag about what a bad-ass s.o he has
if poe was in danger, they're literal only focus would be saving him. forget sleeping, forget eating, forget literally anything else. they're not gonna think about a single thing til they've rescued him (assuming it was a scenario like he'd been kidnapped or stranded on a mission etc)
everyone is scared to go near them because they're snappy at the best of times but that only increases tenfold when they're stressed. like...a danger to life kinda stress. everyone just lets them get on with whatever they gotta do.
and they'd be surprisingly vulnerable once poe is okay. only in front of him and literally no-one else bc he is the sole person in the universe who will ever see the softer side to jaded! reader
as for someone insulting poe in front of them?? yeah they better fucking run.
like far, far away
actually, they should probably just leave the planet tbh
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kainscape · 3 years
Hello, I'm kinda new so I'm sorry if you don't want to write this.
Asa and jesse with an reader that is Brazilian (idk if you have watched modern family but she is a bit like Gloria)
I hope this is okey (also I saw that you wanted something fluff to stop crying lol same! So could you make it fluffy maybe where the reader just goes into a raging fit and they have to calm her down bc she is cussing someone out in Spanish bc they told her to fuck off to her own land!)
Sorry this is maybe a long ask I don't normally write this much lol.
Alright, bye!
Hi!! It is perfectly fine to be detailed in the asks! I’ve never watched modern family :( but I have a decent idea of what to write for this! I don’t know if you wanted Asa and Jesse separate or together but for now I write those two characters separate. Once I actually get more comfy writing for them than I will do them together!
Jesse and Asa with a Brazilian S/O:
Jesse Cromeans
Jesse found your personality interesting to say the least. The way you told people off when they said something mean. You truly spoke your mind and he liked that. It showed you could take care of yourself.
Sometimes, your feisty personality can cause a bit of a commotion, yelling at people because of what they said. Like now, you were yelling at a rude person that told you to “fuck off to your own land.”
You called Jesse, knowing he could deal with this and telling yourself you had some place better to be. But the person just kept talking down on you. So you handled it your way, threatening them in your native language.
You didn’t care for the stares people gave you, just focused on not killing this Idiotic person in front of you. By the time Jesse arrived at the store you resided in, the poor person looked like they feared for their life.
Rightfully so, your tone and body language radiating confidence and anger. To be honest, Jesse found you attractive when you were like this. You’re a strong person and he searches for that in his partner.
Once he thought the scene should come to an end, he walked up behind you quietly as he nodded to the door, looking down at the frightened individual. They scurried out the building, watching from the glass window as they hurried down the sidewalk.
You were still pissed at the audacity they had, running a hand through your hair. You whipped around, heading to walk out the door too but there was a large figure in your way.
“Get the hell out of my way!” You didn’t bother to look up, only shifting to walk around them. A light hand grabbed your wrist, holding you to where you couldn’t move from them. You looked up, ready to call this guy off too.
That was until you realized it was Jesse. You scoffed, shaking your head as you moved to his chest. “About time you came here. Thought I was about to slaughter that guy right there.”
He wrapped his arms around you, a quick hug before ushering you out the door with a firm grip around your waist. You continued to complain about the guy, Jesse nodding along with everything you said as he opened the car door for you.
He would end up taking you to a more quieter store, a pristine place that was clam and collected. No more racist or misogynistic people. Just a place where Jesse can help you distract yourself from the incident.
After you’re done, you guys go to the park to have a nice, refreshing nature walk as Jesse signs to you all the different things he knows about plants. He might even ask you questions about your family tree and your home land.
He loves to learn from you, attentively listening as he tilts his head. He’ll ask questions to make sure you know he’s listening. Once you guys find a spot to rest at, Jesse will hold you close into his side, a comforting arm wrapped around your shoulders as you enjoy the shade from the sun. Such a good bf <3
Asa Emory
Asa doesn’t know how he stands you with your snarky remarks to him and the attitude you carry around. But, none the less, he loves it about you. Knowing that you’re not totally dependent on him when he’s doing his work. (But it makes him feel good that you still come to him for your problems)
He had just gotten home from the college, dressed up more clean and precise for the date you guys planned today. Luckily, you got up early with him so you had plenty of time to get ready.
You hurried down stairs in your nice outfit you bought, showing it off to Asa as he’d usually ask you too. Your smile was warm and sincere, the best thing to come home to he decided.
“How do I look?” He rolled his eyes at the question. Obviously he loved it, and by the way you were smiling, you already knew the answer. He would sigh, a small smile on his face as he complimented you. “Now, come on, I want to see the new restaurant they have opened up.”
You kept the smile, walking to the door as he exited with you, locking it behind him. You both entered the car and drove to the destination.
You knew by now that when something new and fresh was in town, Asa was quick to inspect it. Sometimes it felt like he was the damn health inspector. He would just avoid the workers entirely as he walked around the dining area, admiring the paintings and walls.
He heard a few conversations as he walked by, some spoken in an unpleasant manner. That was until he heard an all to familiar voice yelling. He was back to the other room in an instant, taking in the commotion.
You were yelling in your native language, mixing between English and Portuguese insults. Somewhere in the mix of words, he understood that you were yelling at them because they told you to “fuck off to your own land.”
Asa believed that you would be able to handle this, maybe a little to well by the way you were walking towards the now cowering person. Once you had quit raging at the man and your tone died down, the person ran out the restaurant in a hurry.
Though he knew you were well prepared to stand your ground, it didn’t stop him from feeling that rage and sadistic urges bubble up inside him as that pathetic person talked down on you. He didn’t like when people interrupted your time together, especially when it was in a negative way.
He was swift in his movements, grabbing your wrist to drag to you back to where he was once feeling of the wallpaper. The dining room was quite fancy and calm, opposite of the incident that just happened.
He knew you were in need of some peace, and so was he. Asa wasn’t about to let this night slip away because of some stupid persons words. He pulled out the chair, letting you sit down as he took place across the table in front of you.
He took in your facial features, noticing the hints of irritation and annoyance still there. He cracked his fingers, as he thought about his choice of words. Asa wasn’t the best at comfort, but he tried with you.
“Don’t let that useless person keep you frustrated. Let’s continue the night we planned.” He looked over you again, seeing if his words had any impact. Your face seemed to relax, sighing as you gave him that smile he liked. You nodded to his words, soon distracted from the waiter giving you menus.
A few minutes passed, Asa looking over his menu to you. You were deciding what you wanted, a clear thinking face on you. He was almost.. proud at the way you didn’t take the shit some people did to you. Of course, it’s not like he’s gonna outright going to say it, but he’s happy at the way you are.
You looked up, making eye contact with your boyfriend who quickly looked back down at the menu. Asa cleared his throat, furrowing his brows as he “read” the menu. You only chuckled, closing the booklet as you laid it down flat.
“What is it?” You had a smile on your face, your elbows resting the table. Asa glanced up at you, slightly shrugging his shoulders as he was quick to look back down to actually decide on what to order. “Nothing.”
It was a decent night for both of you, a few conversations you started up yourself. He didn’t answer back as much, but you grew used to it as you happily carried the small talks.
Once you two returned home, Asa acted a little more gentler, small touches here and there after you dressed into more comfier clothes to sleep in. He would hold you closer than usual, deciding that it would be best to keep you calm for the night and let you forget what happened entirely. At least he’s trying :)
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diffuserlover · 2 years
Hellow hellow there, new follower here
I'd actually like to request a ship with Stray Kids, ATEEZ and Enhypen, and I don't mind underage ships.
So, about me, basically, I'm an 03 liner that was born on October, I am latin-german so I have like a really diverse personality and habits because of how much the families differe. I am currently a second year medical student but don't fit in the 'always studying' stereotype. Usually I'm a really outgoing, kinda loud and really friendly person in the kind way to the pount were a lot of people tell me before they knew me they thought I was an hypocrite 🤠, n e wayz, my mind is usually all over the place to the point that I forget a LOT of things, were I left some stuff, what I was supposed to do, places I've been in vacation,sometimes I even forget what I was saying mid sentence and leave the topic hanging, with that said, I lose a lot of stuff too bc i have really poor eyesight and sometimes I just don't see them lmao. I am also a social butterfly that laughs to laugh, istg I love genuine laughs and smiles, they make me so do happy, like, laugh more I'm enjoying it. Another thing that makes me super happy is just, existing, not doing nothing, looking up at the sky, at the nature (since i live in a tropical area).
Some hobbies of mine are doing maths problems or number problems, painting, dancing, writing, looking at the sky and listening to music, I also like movies and videogames but the hobby kinda relies on the mood I'm in.
And finally, love languages. I am a sucker for physical touch most of tge tine but sometimes when I'm not in the mood for p.t I'm either acts of service or simoly just quality time since my career doesn't let me have a lot of time. I am NOT a words of affirmation type of person, I have a really hard time expressing myself and my feelings since I don't know how I feel or I overthink it a lot, and I also have a hard time taking compliments in like dude why.
Sorry for the typos, I write faster than my eyes can analize what I wrote, and thank you for your time! 🤍
Hiii! Thank you so much for requesting! I am so so sorry it took so long!! I really hope you enjoy your ships!! <3
Stray kids:
I ship you with…
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I think Han kinda feeds off your energy, he may be an introvert but he is very energetic and fun just like you
Han can tell you forget things easily he does that sometimes too but really tries to help you the most
Goals of introvert and extrovert relationship
He knows you like music so he often brings you to the studio to just listen to some of the tracks he’s made and see if you like them
Video games with the two of you are a mess, you guys are always so loud yelling and getting so hype
You try to get Han to cloud watch with you but unless he’s in the mood it’s hard to do it with him
Han is the clingy type and knows your love language is quality time so he thinks clinging is quality time
Han loves to fluster you with compliments, he knows you don’t know how to take them but he loves to see your face after
Overall you and Han are very playful and loving<3
I ship you with…
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He is your protector
Comfortable silence is everything
Though he can be very quiet at some points, when it’s just the two of you he can be such a little baby
He loves how fun and enthusiastic you are
Little has hearts in his eyes when he sees you smile
He cares a lot about you and wants you to do good in school, so he sits down and “studies” with you so you do study
He leaves post it’s around the house when he’s going to be gone for longer so you don’t forget where things are even if you know, he doesn’t ant you stressing out
You guys go on a lot of trips together just chilling together
He wants you to hold him so bad but doesn’t say it
Overall you balance each other out and are a very good fit
I ship you with…
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Honestly Jake pushes you to study more, he says he’s doing it out of love
He likes how outgoing g you are as it pushes him to be more outgoing as he can be more of the shy type sometimes
Jake wants to take care of you and also be taken care of
He definitely forgets things a lot too but tries to make an effort to help you out
Jake loves to just spend time with you, it doesn’t matter what you guys do
He does like to actually go out and do fun activities than just sit there and watch the clouds but he could still do it if he’s in the mood
You guys always go on walks together especially if you have a dog
He loves to dance with you, well mostly watch you dance not in a creepy way
You guys have to shows you watch together and you guys aren’t allowed to watch it separately, Jake gets mad if you watch an episode without him
He’s definitely really clingy to you
Overall you guys are just so sweet and caring towards each other:)
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
Hi~! I was wondering if it’s alright to request a ship for stray kids please?
I’m 22 years old and I’m a Gemini. My pronouns are also she/her.
My personality changes depending on who I’m around, but with strangers I’m usually super shy, anxious and awkward. I have major social anxiety, so meeting new people freaks me out and it’s hard for me to make new friends. Once I’m comfortable around someone I’m the complete opposite! I’m much more talkative, bubbly, sarcastic, feisty, sassy, cuddly, outgoing, dorky, playful and a crackhead lol. My friends would describe me as being sweet and gentle, but with a ✨spicy✨ side. I’m not afraid to speak up when I feel it’s needed and it can get me into trouble sometimes. I’m also usually the oldest in friend groups, but I often get mistaken as being the youngest because of my youthful nature and looks. I love helping others out and making them smile. I’m more of an observer in social settings, I like to “scope” out my surroundings before I feel safe enough to converse with others. There are times I can be very sensitive, emotional, and insecure because I overthink EVERYTHING 🥲. So I definitely need lots of cuddles and reassurance. I’m good at reading others emotions and I can mirror them too, so I guess you can say I’m an empath. I can get annoyed and overwhelmed easily, but it doesn’t take long for me to get back to my normal bubbly and giggly self. SUPER forgetful and I often times space out. I have a bad habit of cursing when I’m frustrated and I self isolate when I’m feeling anxious and worried. I’m also a sleepy person, so no matter how much sleep I get I’m always tired.
I enjoy playful banter and teasing with my friends and partner. That’s how I show my love 😂. I also ADORE cuddles and hugs, but only from close friends and my partner. Being touched by someone I don’t know makes me feel anxious and can trigger a panic attack. I have really bad mood swings, so having someone more on the calmer side would help balance me out. My love languages are gifts, words of affirmation and physical touch.
I love animals and kids, but babies kinda make me anxious lol. I also have a pet cat named Jasper and he is my baby 🥺. I LOVE anything cute, soft, fluffy and cuddly such as pillows, blankets and stuffed animals. I enjoy taking naps, baths, watching trashy shows, drama, video games, makeup, musicals, shopping, making others laugh, tarot readings, traveling, nature, going on walks and drives, star gazing and cloud gazing, fashion and singing (but I’m way too shy to sing in front of others). I DESPISE spiders, crowds, loud noises, being yelled at, waking up early and confrontation even though I love drama LOL
Thank you so much and I hope you stay happy and healthy~! ���💜
Hi @ermbabyel!! So in SKZ, I really think Hanji would be the perfect fit for you. Like, I barely read the first few lines of your ask, and my mind was already screaming "Hanji Hanji Hanji lol. You say you're shy and anxious when meeting new people, right? He's like that too, but being teensy bit more extroverted will allow him to actually approach you instead of just watching from afar. And once the two open up to each other, I can legit sense the loudest and funniest duo come to life. He's big on hug and cuddles, so he'll always be able to show you his love, and I think he's pretty used to having love shown to him through banter bc Lee Know exists. So I really don't see him as being offended if you do get into a play fight with him, and on the contrary, he will play along. Having had suffered from anxiety, he appears to be the kind of person who will be able to understand what you're going through, and he will always be there to hug you better if you ever suffer from social anxiety or a panic attack.
I wouldn't really call him "calm," but he definitely is quite balanced, so I think he will be able to deal with your mood swings without losing his cool. He also seems like the type to really enjoy random couple activities or dates like going on walks or even just staying in watching TV. It's just, I think he's overall an amazing fit for you.
Hope you liked this, and I wish you the best of health and happiness as well💖
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hi I'm back again. Anyways; as always you don't have to answer if you don't wish! How do you think the residents would react to a young Pureblood MC? (I'm talking about young like a minor.) With that Gen Z in a nutshell personality. Obviously no romantic feelings, just in your opinion how do you think they'd react? all of my questions are just "coincidentally" oddly specific aren't they, totally
Oh shit whaddup I love the idea of Gen Z MC!!! Young pureblood it is, here we go! I’m going to be moving from the assumption that they’re like Comte/Leo; very sympathetic to humanity and sometimes have existential crises (trauma babeyyyyyyyyy). As such, I’ll also be assuming she’s not super close to her family given she rejects the larger vampiric hierarchy/superiority paradigm, memes and modernity, all that jazz
I hope this fits the bill! c:
Under a cut bc is a lonnnnnnng boi~ Click after Napo to see everyone else’s! No explicit triggers that I’m aware of, but if anybody sees anything I missed feel free to let me know
Comte’s reaction:
Absolute baby, he has decided this is his grandchild--no he will not change his mind or take constructive criticism. Get’s ESPECIALLY concerned when he starts to see signs of that “nothing in life matters 😎” nihilism, but doesn’t pester them about it or becomes naggy. Growing up he had similar issues with the prospect of eternal life surrounded by creatures with a mortal lifespan, so he doesn’t judge. He’s more like nah we all hit that vibe, let’s see if we can get their mind off it c: I feel like Gen Z really understand and appreciate the importance of culture and art, so I feel like they would bond a ton over trips to museums/plays/concerts! Invites them to tea time if he ever sees them particularly silent (ah yes, repression) or particularly tired, and does his best to ensure their safety without being intrusive (has briefed the men to escort/accompany her as needed, though Sebas usually does it).
If he sees fangs out around baby he will thrash the shit out of the perpetrator--unless it’s an accident. No excuses. That’s a child. Doesn’t give a FUCK if they’re another pureblood even with all the arranged marriage bullshit. He said what he said. (Remember that biting between vampires or vampire + human relations is considered something that’s only done between intimate partners, so he is having none of that for a minor)
Leonardo’s reaction:
Also certified granddad, but he’s the one that enables shenanigans and is just like “oh worm” when it comes to the existential dread (it’s a Tuesday). At first though Leo is basically that meme like: (Stupidman = Leo, Maddie = MC)
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Not all purebloods are necessarily dangerous, but most are either incredibly indifferent to the plight of others (especially humans) or actively range from like playing social mind games to being sociopathic murderers/etc. the list goes on. As such, Leonardo is suspicious to no end until he sees that the kid really doesn’t have any ill will in her. She jokes with Sebas (they quote vines on the daily) and works with him normally; even when Leo asks Sebas he’s just “????? bro she’s just my kouhai, thanks for worrying tho”. One day he’s tasked with escorting her to grab groceries and assorted things for the mansion, and she freezes in place before bolting across the street. Turns out she saw a kid trip in the road and fall, and a carriage was moving fast from the other side--it likely wasn’t going to be able to stop. She scoops up the kid and holds them close, and when the parents try to thank her profusely she just seems more uncomfortable with the praise than triumphant. She didn’t want the kid to get hurt. If she could do something about it, it was as simple as that.
From that point on they’re hella chill and hang out together, usually just bonding in silence. If they’re an artist, he’ll offer them pointers and technique manuals--will help however he can. If not, they’ll just be reading together in the library now and again. If she falls asleep, he’ll tuck her in and watch over her (cue red eye meme when the door opens, but then it’s just Vincent so he c:). He’ll often pay close attention to her eating habits to make sure nothing’s amiss with her health since she’s still a growing pureblood. If she struggles with what she is a lot (given she’s sympathetic to human beings) he’ll synchronize his Rouge drinking with hers to make sure she doesn’t starve herself ;-;. Even if she’s just forgetful about drinking/eating, he’ll do what he can to make her life easier (that’s how he shows his affection uwu)
He will, of course, also tease her about being a baby until she kicks him in the shin while Comte sighs and tells him to knock it off with a smack upside the head
Napoleon’s reaction:
Not granddad energy, but you better believe he’s in a weird territory between sheer admiration and “I am your older brother now, eat your vegetables” “But I don’t even need vegetables” “Eat your vegetables and I’ll take you to a crepe shop” “............deal” 
Basically it’s unlikely MC is super close to her siblings or even has any (pureblood children are a rare feat) so she’s like......wary, but then she just ???? this is.....kinda nice? Just having somebody that cares in a chill way, but still fully encourages her to throw men across the street if they’re hurting women/children (high fives her every time). He’ll often invite her to the swordplay lessons with the kids alongside Isaac’s teaching; she’s free to join in the learning, or honestly just hang out with people closer to her age (he’s v concerned about her having friends that she can relate to and talk to freely). 
Protective in a subtle way, like Leonardo. Escorts her places and helps her carry groceries without fail when Sebas is running other errands. She becomes his crepe shop cover buddy whenever he has an intense hankering for sweets: “wanna go to that crepe shop around the corner” “you’re just too chicken to go alone, fool” “do you want crepes or not nunuche” “............BOKBOKBOK” “aight that’s it **gives her a noogie**” (they go anyway and have a marvelous time rating the crepes from best to worst, they got a whole list goin’) 
Glares Arthur down if he so much as LOOKS in her direction
Mozart’s reaction:
Mozart is just the “what is with this sassy, lost child?” meme. Doesn’t dislike them, but they are just not remotely threatened by his haughty disdain by any extension. And he HATES IT. The MC is always just “Okay, boomer” and he just ?????? He doesn’t know what it means but it’s openly dismissive, so he mad.
Like idk if y’all know this meme, but it’s the same energy as:
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It’s only when he notices she’s always punctual and careful with his requests that he starts to warm up. For example, she makes him a mocha by combining the way he likes his coffee and hot cocoa to perfection when he falls asleep at his piano. (She feels bad for him after Comte explains because--though he’s got a stick up his butt--he’s clearly distressed in his new surroundings ;-; Plus, the kind of perfectionism Mozart exudes is an extension of internalized shame, and when she begins to see that she really shifts her approach.) As such, he begins to soften to her presence. He begins to see that she isn’t indifferent to his existence, it’s more that she sees no need for intimidation and believes admiration is earned (basic respect isn’t a privilege, it’s a right). When he figures that out, he stops being so barbed and terse--starts to relax. Offers to let her stay and listen to his pieces if she wants, and she’s honestly touched given his clear struggle with vulnerability. Cuddles with Schelm at the window as he plays, and they become good friends. 
As a result, Mozart becomes fiercely protective despite her sturdier nature as a pureblood and has hissed venom at Arthur about the fact that she is off fucking limits. Doesn’t leave her alone in the same room as the other men unless it’s with Jeanne or Comte; he don’t trust like that.
Arthur’s reaction:
Sweating a lot at the sudden collection of baleful eyes sticking to his back everywhere he goes, but figures he brought it on himself to an extent. That being said, he can’t really get a word in edgewise given she just walks away when he tries to engage in conversation or compliment her.
Tough nut to crack this one, but he doesn’t let it discourage him. The only way she’ll give him the time of day is to play chess--and she kicks his ass soundly every single time. He’s fascinated by her extensive analytic ability, but she keeps silent about her strategies and thinking. Dazai and Theo always love to watch him get his ass handed to him, but he considers it a really interesting experience; it gives him insight into her mind, no matter how much she tries to hide. Patient, efficient, brutal--this kid has seen some shit, probably.
It’s after that point he just concedes she probably won’t let him in, though it doesn’t diminish his curiosity about the future; and perhaps traces of dread. What does the future look like for both her and Sebastian to be that stoic and aloof? It worries him...
Vincent’s reaction:
Vincent is v v impressed by her sense of self, and honestly sees a lot of Theo in her. She’s a little more reticent than Theo, but she has this same commitment to protecting the vulnerable and penetrating through the lies/shitty convictions of others. She is not a person who bends easily, but even so there’s a quiet kind of gentleness to her: she always chats to him v calmly, asks if he needs anything and is doing okay, doesn’t get impatient when he drops things or forgets his apron for the laundry. I think he would respond very positively to her presence, even if it wasn’t intentional. He just brightens up like a little sun and asks her out to picnics for fun; he has no greater intention than enjoying her smile and silly antics (he doesn’t always understand the references, but the way she executes it with so much dry wit--like Theo--makes him laugh). He just feels the warmth of family/familiarity around her ;~;
Ironically, they’re both exceedingly concerned for the other because they’re too self-sacrificing jkashlgdks like this is 100% a case of “I can’t let a young lady risk getting hurt” “Vincent I’m literally indestructible please just let me do this” “But it still hurts” “But I don’t want you to scar--” (This conversation extends so long that the author felt it would be more beneficial to add an etc. here). 
He admires her and trusts in her abilities more due to the nature of her maturity, treats her like a cherished friend and sometimes younger sibling (not condescending but very indulgent; gives her the last of his sweets for example, or pats her on the head when she’s feeling gloomy--more of a wholesome puts her first). But make no mistake, he will throw hands in milliseconds if she gets ganged up on or can’t handle a threat--he just lets her handle most things bc she’s capable~
Isaac’s reaction:
Torn. Because on the one hand, she’s very serious and conscientious about her work--doesn’t want to inconvenience or trouble anyone--and he relates to that heavy.
She’s also got insanely chaotic energy when the mood strikes, so when Dazai starts doing his random shitfuckery you better believe MC is upping the ante. (I’m talking AH. ENSLAVED MOISTURE. levels). So Isaac essentially oscillates between thankful for her fortitude to bashing his head against a table for every second he knows her.
In all seriousness though, I would see Isaac as being pretty concerned. Like Vincent, they’re both self-sacrificing to a fault--and he doesn’t want that for her, especially given how young she is. Often tells her not to overdo it or to ask for help if she looks overwhelmed, though it’s not condemning; he says it softly with a neutral look on his face. (He considers it a Certified Mood^TM). He just wants to give back all the care she puts into helping around the house. He doesn’t feel right watching a kid work so hard without reminding her that she should find time to have fun and live for herself too. There will be plenty of time when she’s older to get serious.
He has a fairly easy time interacting with her because of his experience with kids; he takes her seriously (when she’s not clowning) and treats her autonomy with respect. If anything, she’s probably the protective one. She knows he’s an aberrant so she pays laser attention to when he’s suffering and brings him Rouge (not scared because she’s stronger than him and not human lmao, and she sees no need to put Sebastian at risk). When that uni pres pesters him, she goes cold and angry and asks the man to step off when she sees him start to downspiral. They’re essentially on equal footing (he has more life experience, she has more bodily strength/confidence). They're just chill and kind with each other (babies of the mansion, beloved by all).
Theodorus' reaction:
Because he is a manchild, he will be chill/generally indifferent until Vincent starts being indulgent with her (bro-con). He won't be violent or anything like that, but he will pout a storm and try to verbally shoo her away. Because she's a woman, intelligent, and likely a feminist--this will become hilarious because she will not remotely take him seriously. She will just ignore him or roast him in seconds before moving on with her day. Otherwise he doesn't care much because he doesn't have time to play babysitter (unless there's no one else to help).
At the most, he'll make sure she's safe and use the excuse that Vincent would be upset if he did anything less. If she likes/loves dogs and plays with King while she's there, he'll soften up and thank her for taking care of him. If she makes hella pancakes, he'll be the proudest about it--ruffling her hair. If she protects Vincent in any capacity, he'll be torn between jealous, grateful and impressed; he likes a kid that can hold their own and take responsibility within their abilities.
So their relationship is v much like a chill uncle with their niece; fond, but not necessarily super close or spend a ton of time together. He has his priorities, but he won't be an asshat (mostly).
Jeanne's reaction:
Jeanne is confused on so many levels. He doesn't dislike her spunk he's just staggered by her level of sheer reckless, righteous rage. (And he's a bit wary in the face of another pureblood as a potential enemy) but after a bit more time around her he relaxes. She's fairly simple to understand when you get to know her; cares about others to a fault, existential dread, overworks herself. Stays watchful, but he just treats her like the younger kids that Napoleon brings by the weapons shop when they need armor for practice. It can get a little funny because he’ll just be like “uhhhh uh kids like sweet stuff right? Here have some of the macaroons somebody brought by earlier, I don’t like ‘em that much anyway.” And she just “??? Thanks???” He doesn’t mind being around her, just doesn’t really know what to say so they often fall into comfortable silence after exchanging small talk. She likes that he isn’t complicated; what you see is what you get with Jeanne. It’s nice not to have to keep her guard up every second of the day,
When he sees her feeling particularly down, he’ll take her to that little field of white lilies behind the mansion during a full moon night. The silver light seems to make the petals emit an ethereal glow, and she makes him a flower crown in thanks. He listens kindly if she wants to talk, and if she doesn’t--that’s okay too; he’ll just give her a head pat.
Honestly he finds a lot of relief in the fact that she's a pureblood, because he feels less nervous about her being fragile or her getting fatally hurt when he’s not around. Will still be very gentle with her and protect her when she’s in proximity
Mission Status: Fucking Wholesome
Dazai’s reaction:
Big brother time? It’s big brother time!!!! He instantly makes it his subtle mission to look after her, though he’s v lowkey abt it. She takes one look at this depressed mofo climbing in through the window and just goes “aw yeah, this guy FUCKS” and they become besties at a glance. They basically make a game out of who can be the most absurd whenever they’re in the same room. Comte and Leo find it utterly hilarious, Napoleon is digging a grave for Isaac in the backyard (we all know his heart won’t be able to take it. Mozart is probably next. A moment of silence for our fallen.)
I just imagine them like that one post (@/acoolguy):
Dazai: You ever have to shake your leg because there’s a rock in it? MC: That’s your bones Dazai: Every day I learn some more
He’ll always share treats with her and brings her along for walks if she’s feeling wanderlust; he knows how hard it can be, how restless the heart becomes so far from home. He does his best to distract her with their ongoing jokes, but one day it starts raining very suddenly while they’re out. He rushes her under the nearest tree with broad, broad leaves and settles his haori/overcoat over her head. He looks incredibly serious as he looks to the sky--almost glowering at the dark clouds gathering, He doesn’t look at all like his usual fun-loving self in that split second, even though he’s back to his good-natured chirping “Guess we’ll just have to wait out the downpour. MC, are you cold? I should have been more careful.” She shakes her head and shares the coat with him, holding it out insistently until he relents. Their hands brush and she notices they’re freezing, but she doesn’t say anything. She seems to sense he has a lot on his mind, and leans her shoulder against his. The silence feels fragile; she doesn’t want to risk shattering it--shattering him. It is often said that it is an act of great courage to wipe away someone’s tears. But it can also be an act of great gentleness to turn away, to pretend one cannot see them fall (whether visible or not).
One day, after MC returns to her own time, Dazai returns to his room to find two shadows hanging from his window. Though a little crude--they’ve obviously been made by a beginner--it’s clear what they are. Rain ghosts. (Sebastian later explains it was MC’s wish that he have them, and Dazai only smiles very, very gently in response.)
Shakespeare’s reaction:
MC gets one look at him and knows something’s off. She can’t quite tell what it is, but he doesn’t feel like the rest of the family. She can sense something behind him, something lurking; but she can’t quite place it. (Comte has mentioned before that purebloods can sense each other, so I imagine MC knows right off the bat he isn’t a normal sired vampire--she just doesn’t know enough to identify exactly what it is.)
That being said, she is sus. He keeps talking like some kind of weird ass court jester/fae, and she hated his work when she had to do it for school (only enjoyed the Hamlet memes because, let’s be real, that shit is uproarious). When he tries to coax her to see Vlad with him, she says “'Sblood, do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe? Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.” And he just freezes in place before he starts laughing. Considers their battle of wills well-played, and warns her not to go out alone--doesn’t bother her again. Though sometimes enjoys listening to her conversations with others for good roast material. (No he is not taking notes, no this new chara is just fire and feral for no good reason--nothing to do with MC)
Sebastian’s reaction:
The l o r e, MC. Give him the forbidden pureblood lore. Will be incredibly curious and ask about what vampires are like outside of the mansion, for science of course. If he senses discomfort though his questions will die down completely--it’s not his intention to make her uncomfortable. He’s just curious! 
Despite his stoicism he’s actually a very, very understanding and warm person.  Will listen to any teenage jadedness or hopelessness with fond patience, recalling the days he was similar. He’ll offer what advice he can. He’s not one to be preachy, but if he sees someone at a loss, he’ll offer what he thinks might be a productive direction for them. Given her removal from her home and parents--even though she’s already well into high school--he’ll sympathize deeply with her position. Will be a firm but gentle guardian (hello Mansion Mom #2), offers her candy every time she does a chore exceptionally well or offers assistance without prompting. She’s sus and takes it reluctantly at first, but after she tries one in private secretly loves them. Sebas is just silently “you like krabby patties don’t you, squidward”. If she’s honest, she’s comforted by the sense of normalcy and care he gives, the harmless joking and easy respect for others (unless otherwise provoked).
When she finds out about his hobby considers him to be a Fucking Nerd^TM and wants to shove him into a locker, but in reality is endeared by how much he genuinely cares about the men. She thinks it’s a harmless fascination, and she senses the oddest...ephemerality about him. Because of this, she becomes pretty protective; he’s a human and he’s too nice for his own good. While she identifies in one sense, she worries in another. Pureblood are sturdy, but humans can’t necessarily sustain that kind of constant self-giving for long...
Also bc my tag game too strong adding it here: #i love the prospect of pureblood MC trying to bring Sebas and Napo together #MC: bruh i got this #Sebas, full of gay panic: wait, MC nO--
Meme tl;dr in the tags also for your enjoyment! I’m sorry this one took a little longer than most to finish!
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pazii · 3 years
Ooh hello may I get a Genshin matchup as well?? I'm 18+ so I'd like a romantic matchup w one of the older men pls!!
Some things about myself:
I tend to come off as very social and friendly bc I'm too socially awkward to decline a conversation haha. I'm usually good at making small talk if the other person asks questions but I can't really come up w topics myself. The one exception is if they ask about my interests bc I will go on for literally hours (and on multiple tangents) if they don't stop me lmao
I've almost always got a smile on my face. I'm not the type to get angry or jealous easily, I'd most likely just be sad, and even then I'd never show it to anyone. It's like, I'm supposed to be the one supporting my friends, they can't see me like this
In extension to my last point: I hate being perceived as less than competent. I only accept failure when I'm alone. If someone's watching me I start to worry about my performance and tend to fuck up even more.
My memory for my day to day life is kinda terrible. It's not that I'm forgetful per se (if I focus on something I can certainly remember it), I just don't pay attention to the details of my daily life so if people ask me what I had for breakfast I wouldn't know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In contrast, I have an extensive library of random trivia in my brain. Whether it be the properties of every element on the periodic table or the evolutionary relationship between animals and fungi or the reason why we have an asteroid belt. If you ask me anything about the natural world I'll probably have an answer.
My love language is quality time and physical touch
My hobbies are drawing, creative (prose) writing, and piano! Tho I wouldn't let anyone watch me drawing/writing/practicing
I love cats and really any living thing. I'm the person who would trap the spider and take it outside. This is prob a result of my biologist training lol, learning about living beings gave me an appreciation of all life
I like one on one time with my friends/loved ones. We could be going out on a fancy date or just chilling at home, as long as it's just the two of us. Large gatherings wear out my social battery much more quickly.
As for dislikes, I can only really think of food preferences lol. I hate onions and mushrooms (green onion is okay tho and garlic is absolutely delicious). If someone will eat my mushrooms for me while I tell them about the different fruiting bodies of fungi I will marry them sdjfsjfks
I hope this was enough info and wasn't too rambly!! Thank you in advance :D
Hello!! I apologize for the long wait and hope you like this!
I match you with...
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Zhongli always wants to get to know his beloved better so he tends to ask you a lotof questions about yourself
Which is how you both usually start conversations, the small talks you make he will extend them into a bigger conversation
Zhongli is an excellent listener so there would never be any boring conversations when he's here
He finds it absolutely adorable when you ramble on about your interests
He loves that you're always so cheerful with a sweet smile on your face but it always makes him worried since happy is the only emotion you're willing to show him
He loves every part of you and understand that humans experiences sadness,anger, all kinda of emotions
He is very understand when you tell him you're not comfortable with showing him
He is very patient and would still reassure you a lot that he's here for you and would do anything for you
He hates to know that you're hurting alone and not being alone to do anything
Zhongli has an amazing memory so don't worry, he will remember your day for you
He loves to hear all the small trivia you have memorized and finds your ability to remember them really amazing
He in turn will tell you little knowledge he has memorized over time as well
Zhongli loves spending time with you
Even of you both just sat in silence enjoying each other's company with a drink/ tea
He is very interested in your hobbies and will ask you about them
As mentioned before, he is very patient and understanding so he will always oblige your request and leave you alone when you wanted to be
He loves any loving touch and will definitely hold you in his warm embrace
Zhongli also appreciates all kinds of life
He loves animals and humans, any creature in this world honestly
They peak his interest and wouldn't mind having many conversations about them with you
The two of you loves playing with the dogs and cats around Liyue harbor
As for dates
Star gazing? Facy dinner date? Just a walk around Liyue harbor? Stay at home to enjoy each other's presence?
Sign him up!
Anything you'd like to do, he's down
As long as you two are together and having fun <3
He would definitely help you eat the food that you dislikes since he's not a very picky eater except for seafood
I can see you guys having a lot of bounding time while dinning together
Just many lovely conversations
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gunmetal-ring · 3 years
Stream of consciousness
They're rly turning this whole Stephanie Eugene thing into a middle school romantic comedy huh
Hahahahahaha shithead son
See this is why it would have been nice to fucking see the goddamn transition between Alexandria and commonwealth instead of jumping 1 month ahead. But I'm not bitter.
Aaron! Hi! Oo somethings on the dl
Oooooo Daryl "doesn't matter to us"
Oh that's so nice. Honoring deanna. So weird that she and Pamela knew of each other
Awwwwwww zekes getting surgery and he brought Jerry along for support!!! And omfg i keep forgetting about money being a thing "what about his bill" like jfc
Pamela kinda reminds me of Jane lynch in a way
Oh OK so oceanside still exists. Tbh it's kind of fucked up that they didn't help Alexandria when they were starving...? Unless I'm misunderstanding something?
God Lance is a dick. Wild to me that Pamela is completely incapable of killing walkers. Nice to see Daryl got his crossbow back. Also I just realized he's not wearing the armor. Why is everyone so dirty?
Omfg going on a hunt as networking what the actual literal fuck is wrong with these people. Jfc it is WILD how completely capitalistic these people are
Haaaaa calling pam out on her privilege. Nice.
Maggie's accent seems fainter for some reason
"Natural order" Uh nothing about the commonwealth is natural girlfriend that's literally the point
Oh zekes in a shitty apartment too. I hate that. Poor guy. I rly wonder if this is bc of the contention between mercer and zeke
Ha Carol is not subtle in the least "anything... come up?" HA he pieced it together!!!
I rly don't understand WHY there aren't more doctors and shit like it's been 10 years!!
Goddammit I fucking love carol
I am here for Maggie calling out Pamela like holy shit I love her
Alright maybe Pamela isn't totally useless I guess. Altho she definitely sees this as a clit measuring contest and Maggie's like "You go right ahead girl. I got nothing to prove"
Aw rosita and Eugene. Altho coco being so out of sight is making me nervous. Wow so Eugene doesn't trust rosita... interesting. If anything SHE shouldn't trust HIM since he's been all in since day 1
2 turkeys is more than they've had in weeks? What? It's been over a month since commonwealth showed up I thought they already met with them and got food?
HERSHEL JR YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Lil pumpkin head
Mercer is divulging... bonding... advising... ooo
Zeke doesn't like pineapple on pizza. Canceled. I won't hear a word about it. Perfect pizza is Hawaiian + red pepper flakes + parmesean cheese. Read my fic roots if you don't believe me.
Maggie's in over her head? Doubtful. Even before her whole revenge arc. Lance dissing hilltop... yikes. Tbf it is a bad idea breaking up before Alexandria is fully up and running to adequately provide for hilltop but whatever
Mm Lance is pulling on hershel jr... honestly I'd get it. Just for the medical assistance alone. Swarm incoming... yeah no shit you guys are shooting guns!!
Oh hell yeah mercer in close combat that's what I'm talkin about
What the FUCK this is gun safety 101 don't fucking shoot near people?! What the fuck?!?!? Mercer I thought you were better than that!!!
Maggie's pissed that daryls bought in... oohoohoooo
So Eugene essentially is in love with 2 women. What a weird scenario lol. I wish he would cut off that fucking braid jfc
Eugene... yeah... like you're a fuckin idiot. Sorry. I wish we could have SEEN some of those subtle cues in his and fake Stephanie's relationship there's the five hundreth demerit for Kang&Co for skipping the 1st month
OK so... the manuscript... wasn't a memoir? Goddamn she is so fuckin dorky jfc. They're both so. Fuckin. Dorky. I'm caught between cringing and smiling.
Uh oh Daryl hugged maggie!! Ship alert!! (Just kidding)
Diane is leaving. I'm sorry but like this is just not impactful. Aaron and Gracie would have been more impactful. Lydia would have been more impactful. Hell the oceanside girl would have been super duper impactful. Diane is basically a nonentity.
So Pamela doesn't encourage a work life balance. Why am I not surprised. She's like a less shitty Jeff bezos. Ok not that bad but still.
Lance I get that you feel like you have something to prove but guns are so passé and also a bad idea.
Kang are you FUCKING kidding me?! MORE people?! What the FUCK god fucking DAMMIT
You know what i am growing increasingly concerned that Daryl is going to kill Leah for the commonwealth. He's either forced to or has to in order to keep his cover or wants to protect them or something. If this happens I'm actually gonna be really angry.
A good episode. One of the better ones of this season. I don't have too many criticisms
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i-need-air · 4 years
Okay, hey it's me again!! (The anon where you matched Shinsou, Kiri and Hawks too!) I'm just gonna use 🌿 from now on so you know it's me!! Also fun fact; I'm bilingual! I'm fluent in German and English and I'm also currently trying to learn Spanish :')
First off; I got so giggly when I read what you wrote about me!! I don't even know why, I just had an instant smile on my face!! :D
I hope it's not too much off a bother but I'm dying to know what you'd think about either Iida or Aizawa matched with me? I know you probably get a lot of asks and I don't wanna bother you but I just recently got into mha and I love too many characters and I love how to write for them! Just answer this when you have nothing better to do! Thank you so much and have an amazing day!! ❣
Since I did one with Shinsou and I firmly believe he is Aizawa's long lost child [meaning they have a lot of things in common, reactions and tastes too] I wanna go with Iida! He's totally different from the others and it will be fun to end up these match-ups with him! Let's give it a go!
× He's just in ✨awe✨ staring when he first sees you but can mask it pretty decently. Until you look at him and he stutters???
× Ok, I just saw the light;; Iida noticing and complimenting your make-up. Knows colors by names, asks questions and slowly learns about make-up because of you and his compliments just— are so on point? So observant and just likes that you're so creative in general.
× He's extroverted but like completely opposite of you, lmfao. While you're the social butterfly, he's more stiff yet together you make the conversation flow so naturally? I just really get the feeling he'd just let go a little more around you.
× Loves the spunk but if you throw some sass at him, this guy does not know what to do with himself. I mean blush. I mean stutter. I mean he's adjusting his glasses nervously and scolding you bc he forgot how to function.
× He's okay with giving you independence. I mean, he wants to be a hard working pro hero someday and continue his family legacy, but don't think he'll forget about you. Like ever. You're his motivation, actually. Also, this dude is so loyal [idk, it's random but like— mad loyal, dies hard for u type of loyal???]
× [So amazed bc you speak so many languages and wants to learn too bc RESPECT]
× Iida will struggle with physical touch bc he's kinda shy but loves it at the end. He's such a soft, good guy 🥺💕💞💕
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kimlineroom · 5 years
Him And I (21+) c. 1
Before yoy read:
WARNINGS: → incest, matter of life and death, multiple smuts, supportive bts, and many more
Summary: Taehyung comes back to Geongchang for a 3 weeks break and to mend the broken relationship with his dear sister. Suddenly this sick, twisted, unknown feeling pops up in his life and he realize... That he's in love with her.
But there's more to it.
Disclaimer: if you don't like this theme of incest, please do not read it. I will not be responsible if you're triggered although in this chapter there's nothing happening between taehyung and the oc. Although, it'd be best if you read the first chapter to understand the story more, just a heads up. All grammar mistakes is mine to blame bc english is not my first language and i am new in tumblr! This is a new experience to me lol. This fic is also cross posted in ao3 btw. Enjoy!
It was on Saturday.
  Miu wants to practice her vocals for her performance for the audition but she just feels so lazy and all she wants is to just roll over and sleep. That's exactly what she wants. But it doesn't go as planned.
  She ends up eating breakfast at 7 am with her parents and enjoying the morning air. The window is open, and everyone knows how she loves sitting by the window, so no one dares to take that spot from her. She closes her eyes as the breeze hit her face, humming in agreement. Her parents look at her and stifle a laugh. She seems to notice though.
  “What?” she asks, raising an eyebrow at their faces who try to stop laughing at her for whatever reason.
  She just stays still and looks out the window. How can people laugh at her? It's very confusing. What's so funny about a girl who's sitting on a chair staring out the window? She waits for an answer as she sips her coffee that morning with a hum of approval. Coffee has always been her favourite out of other hot drinks. In a way, it calms her a lot in the morning. An energy booster, too.
  Her mother let out a laugh, “Nothing it's just that you stare out the window and your expression when the wind blows on your face is priceless, honey.”
  Mrs. Kim said, patting her shoulder and her father's laugh also echoes as he seems to enjoy his wife's statement. What's so funny about that? She asks in her head, puzzled. She continues to stare out and let them laugh at her all they want. She notices the birds flying together in the distant, making her smile. Nature had always influenced her. It's something she can't describe.
  There's something about them that calms her, like this coffee. They made her feel all warm inside while she sips her coffee and connects herself with nature. It felt so peaceful and all her troubles would go away for a reason. She remembers when she was a child, she used to run out on an adventure into the woods at the back of their house. They sometimes went camping there (funny, yeah) so she got used to the forest. She knows the trails and all, and she loved listening to nature. The wildflowers, the tall trees. They're all very heart-warming to her.
   Her eyes would light up at the mention of camping because she knows her parents would drag her into the forest because that's their camping spot. She would jump in joy if ever they would go out and camp or visit the waterfall or something. She loves them very much and she'd ditch her phone anytime for nature. Maybe that's also one of the reasons why she has little friends in school; that she doesn't socialize much. But it didn't bother her unlike it bothered her parents or her brother. Brother…
   Her hands that were on her thighs under the table slowly inch towards her abdomen and wrap around it instantly at the mention of her brother. Why she did it? She doesn't have an answer. It lingers on her stomach for a while, until she snatches them away and put her hands on the table, snapping herself and letting herself resurface into reality. Her parents talked about their jobs. Mrs. Kim is a writer, a not so famous one but good enough in Daegu meanwhile Mr. Kim is an ordinary office worker. They also own a farm at the back of their house, and when things get busy, she's the one handling them. She and her brother but since he's away for work now, so it's only her, not that she's complaining.
   Her brother is Kim Taehyung. The Kim Taehyung of BTS. he is 23 years old, and right now, he is on tour in Japan. She looks down into the black coffee, the colour made her uneasy for some reason as she thought about him. 3 weeks he spent his day off with them and 3 days since he returned to his idol job, away from his break at this house. Taehyung. When one would think of him, everyone would say how easy going, thoughtful, and handsome he is. Yes, it's true, but there's more than that. Taehyung is more than that to her.
   She could see her mother taking the newspaper on the table. It's today. Mr.Kim had retrieved them earlier when her mother cooked breakfast.
   Her mother turns to her. “Look, it's your brother. The tour is a success as usual.” She says, sipping her coffee and letting Miu grab the newspaper, reading it. Or rather, looking at the headline that has pictures of her brother and his bandmates.
    She stares at the now blue-haired man on the stage, a little too long that she doesn't realize how bizarre it would look to other people if they see her, staring at her own brother's picture like this. Creepy. She didn't mean to linger her eyes too long on his recent picture, but she can't help it; she misses him very much. The headline is about the Love Yourself tour that's starting again. The excerpt of it is saying about how BTS had become international and over millions of tickets being sold and clean. They're performing in Nagoya tonight. Nagoya...she always dreams to travel to Nagoya.
   “You ok there, buddy?” Her father asks, looking at her with warm, kind eyes.
   His face reminded her of her brother. Well, Taehyung is his son after all. Why wouldn't she think of him when she looks at her father? She smiles at him and set aside the newspaper and lean on the table.
   “Nothing. It's just that...I miss him.” She said, meant every word.
   Everyone knows how close they are. How the two Kim siblings were inseparable until Taehyung chased his dream as an idol that his parents approved of. Taehyung is lucky, he has parents who support him no matter what decision he makes and a sister who loves him no matter what he does. It was hard for her when Taehyung walked out because he's the only friend she ever had; no one, except for her best friend Nayeon could make her feel accepted.
   Taehyung is her everything. Her brother, her friend, her companion, her…
“No need to be sad, kiddo. He'll come back soon. Besides, three weeks off is kinda long for an idol and I'm sure your time with him before he left for the tour is well spent, right?”
   Yeah. It was well spent indeed. She smiled bitterly and nod her head. She looks out the window again, and her eyes scan the small hut that she, Taehyung, and their father built when she was only 7 years old and Taehyung was 11. Her eyes linger on it, remember the day Taehyung gently take care of her, making sure she doesn't get hurt when she's helping while their mother makes them hot chocolate and watch as her family works together in harmony and peace.
   It was a peaceful day and it stays attached in her head. How can she forget? It was one of the most precious moments to her. The memory of her and Taehyung. She remembers Taehyung's sweating face as he lifts the woods and helped their father. She remembers how it felt so right to be laughing, to be helping, to be side by side with her brother. True, that she's very close with her brother and she will always be, according to him. Taehyung, even when he lives in Seoul, would always call them every day without fail.
   She remembers how Taehyung and herself would hang out at that old hut that they built, lying on the wooden floor and looking at the trees, the breeze pampering their faces. When Taehyung had his weeks off before he left for the tour, he stayed with her there and hang out with her, listening to each other's crackhead culture talks. The way her brother hugged her, the way his head rested on her shoulder lovingly, the I love yous that they delivered to each other…
   “Hey, since it's a day off, how about we go somewhere?” Her father says, snapping her out of her daydream.
   He's now standing beside her mother, a steaming cup of coffee in his hands as he looks at his wife and his daughter. Her mother seems to be in sync with her husband, so they are waiting for her answer. To be honest, she doesn't mind. Even though she supposed to start her practice for the audition, that usual lazinesslingers in her body. Ever since Taehyung left, her body had been in a lazy state. Why? She gulps, remembering such an event and quickly cast it aside to answer her parents.
   “Sure. Where?” She asks lazily, stirring her coffee then sipping them slowly. It's still hot.
   Her father thinks for a while, leaning on the counter and think of where their destination would be today. Suddenly, he claps his hands together which resulted in her mother to flinch. Mrs. Kim has always been a scary cat, just like her. They laughed at the woman.
   “You scare me!” she screamed, hitting her husband in a playful manner. Perhaps, it has been too hard of a hit because he jumped and let out an “ow.” They all laugh again, and Miu wonders about what would today be like if Taehyung is by their side. By her side. It would've been even more fun. What could he be doing, right now? Miu wonders, her laughter still lingers with them, but it dies as she stares at the black, steaming hot coffee. It's like staring at a hole. A hole in her heart that is.
   “As I was saying,” Mr. Kim pause, eyeing his wife in a flirty manner and look at his only daughter with a smile as he continues. “I think it'd be fun to drive off to that favourite waterfall that you love so much. It's only 30 minutes’ drive there.”
   He says with a smile as he realizes how much his daughter loves that place and as her eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of the waterfall. Good choice indeed. All her troubles are forgotten at the mention of the waterfall that she loves so much. She stands up, fixing her dress immediately and walk out of the house to their car.
   “I'll be waiting in the car. Hurry up!” She ushers them, sprinting to get outside leaving her parents in the kitchen with a smile on their faces.
   “Well, let's go.” Mr. Kim said, beaming at Mrs. Kim.
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