#i know 'not playing at all' is the better option but this scratches the itch just enough that i dont feel tempted to impulse buy scratchoffs
whilomm · 1 month
note: pollmaker is thinking of the USAmerican lottery system (powerball, mega millions, state lottos, scratchoffs, etc), but poll applies to other countries lotteries systems so long as its still the same concept of "big ol state sponsered gambling shit", but not like casino style gambling. u know what i mean, Lottos.
questions for the tags: how regularly, what stuff you play, if you have limits for yourself, if you feel like its a Problem for you, and for funsies the usual 'first thing youd do if you won the lottery' shit
reblog to have absolutely zero effect on your luck either way. just like, absolutely no change in luck whether you reblog this or scroll past. this is the luck neutral post reblog in the next 30 seconds or dont who give a shit
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arolesbianism · 3 months
Thinking abt the random card au again. Why must it go so crazy hard I miss it sm
#rat rambles#random card au#no matter how far I drift from my bndori and sekai peak days the random card au keeps hitting me like a truck every now and then#it just scratches an itch that I havent been able to satisfy since my cr days years and years ago#I wouldnt say the random card au has super similar worldbuilding to my old cr stuff as that was much more large scale#but it still has a similar appeal to me I think#I think its the building entirely new worldbuilding based off of designs and general vague starting concepts and bringing them all together#that gets me invested as it feels so satisfying slotting it all together and then actually getting to play out the story in this new web#I loveeeee jumbled webs of worldbuilding and characters that all tie together in a way that makes it almost impossible to completely#seperate one cast of characters from another#I love the feeling of a world with a bunch of intertwining plots like that even if it makes it near impossible to format a normal story#like my cr stuff was just so much man I still miss it sometimes even if I hate cr itself#Ive become a much better story creator too now so I know I could make what I had so much better nowadays and I already like my old stuff#it just makes me all the more sad that I went so crazy hard on worldbuilding for a franchise that sucks ass </3#it may have been two of the worst years of my life but Ill also never reach that worldbuilding high again I think#oh also it made me actually start the slow slow process of getting more ambitious with my art and doing more digital stuff#rly thats the biggest reason the random card au pains me so since I wanna post stuff for it but man do I not wanna draw anyone from it#first of all human characters so already eh but also Id have to adapt the cards theyre based on into a design I can actually draw#so as much as I wanna make a billion random card au animatics I cant even bring myself to draw them normally#you see olivia and jackie are easier to draw because I just made shit up for their designs and as such made their designs very simple#but I cant just make shit up for bndori and sekai characters they actually have designs and hair that Id have to adapt to my style it sucks#I just wanna draw doggy arisa is that so much to ask for (yes yes it is I dont wanna figure out her hood)#also rip mygo yall will probably never get in but who knows maybe one day Ill have my second bndori era and then y'all will get in#its rly just the fact that they likely wont have enough cards to properly add them for another few years#especially if that other band also gets in if that happens neither are getting enough cards until the servers shut down lol#like I Could just pick and choose but thats boring#kinda ruins the point of the au y'know?#like tbf Ive cheated in the past by reroling two and limiting my options with several sekai characters#but thats just because at the time most sekai characters had almost no usable cards for this au and the two I rerolled were also unusable#like Im sorry but I couldnt just add normal ass hagumi and masking it wasn't happening
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ltleflrt · 3 months
Figuring out I'm on the ace spectrum was so difficult because I have always been a horny bitch. I knew what sex was at a fairly young age, because I'd asked my mom and she's one of those good parents who'll answer questions like those, and as I grew older and would ask more complex questions, her answers would evolve along with my curiosity and understanding of the world. And I remember having fantasies as young as 9 or 10 years old, even if they were hella vague and nothing close to what sex actually is lol
So as I became a teenager, and all my friends' focus turned from playing with dolls to flirting with boys, I automatically thought I was attracted to boys. And I paid more attention to Cute Boys than I did to Cute Girls, because girls were just nice to look at while boys were People To Have Crushes On. Because of heteronormativity. Looking back on it now, I know there were girls I liked to stare at just as intently as boys, although less often because I wasn't trying to pay attention. And I certainly didn't fantasize about girls because I started reading romance novels in 5th grade, so I was fantasizing about male romantic partners because that was the fiction I was consuming. I didn't even realize fantasizing about girls was possible until I was 17, and I had a few "am I a lesbian" internal crises for years because of it.
So when I did start having sex, I had A LOT OF IT with SO MANY different guys, and eventually a couple of women once I started accepting that bisexuality was real. But it was never really fulfilling. Not like my fantasies were. Not like my books were. I was slutty because sex was fun, I was horny, there were plenty of options so I kept searching for that satisfaction I was craving.
Getting married was a relief (even though it turns out I'm aro-spec too lol) because I was tired of hunting, and even if sex with my husband was meh, at least I had someone around to scratch that itch if I had it, and he didn't mind if I occasionally took care of things on my own because I'd read an especially hot scene in a romance.
I learned about asexuality in my early 20s, but I brushed it off. Couldn't be me, I'm far too horny for that. But I think that comes from the fact that everything you hear about Aces is attached to sex-repulsion or sex-indifference. I wasn't either of those things. I was horny all the dang time. I was fantasizing about sex all the dang time. I figured actual sex was meh because my imagination was so vivid that real life could never match up. Which could be true to an extent, but I think not as much as popular opinion would have us believe. If fantasy was really that much better for everyone, then I think we'd have less incels and unplanned pregnancies than we do.
In my 30s I finally saw people talking about The Spectrum, and I started examining my past, and I figured out I wasn't really attracted to anyone I had sex with. I do occasionally find someone attractive; there are men and women and enbies who make my skin feel tight and give me a little wave of lightheadedness lol... but it's always always the fantasy that gets me really going. If given the opportunity I wouldn't have sex with any of those people. Thank you, but no thank you, I'd rather just imagine it than physically participate in the act with them.
(Ok I might go down on them, but that's less about wanting sex, and more about being able to add them to my Tally. Hell yeah I want to brag about making *insert hot person* have an orgasm. There's PRIDE in that kind of accomplishment lol)
I have a lot of respect for aces that are not horny. I understand it even if I don't share the sentiment. And I feel like most of them understand me even if they don't share the sentiment. There's a solidarity between us.
Until I go into a fandom tag for a character that the aces have glommed onto because they're canonically ace or headcanoned as ace. Good lord, the non-horny aces can turn into downright vicious bastards if a horny ace sexualizes their blorbo.
This post is for them.
Horny aces exist. Please look up "autochorissexual, lithosexual, and aegosexual."
Refer to those definitions in regards to romantic attraction as well as sexual attraction.
Some aces may not fall into one of those definitions, because asexuality is a spectrum, but they may still be horny.
Horny aces are not disrespecting you by enjoying being horny on main. We promise we'll wash the stickiness off our hands before we hold your hands in queer solidarity.
And most importantly: Your blorbo is fictional and does not need to be defended from icky sexuality. They exist in an infinite multiverse, so your blorbo and my blorbo are not the same, even if they appear to be on the surface.
This post is also for the people who are confused about themselves because they're horny but don't actually feel attraction. You're not crazy, you're not wishy washy, you're not "waiting for the right person to come along" (unless you are, in which case I hope you find them). You're just a thin strip of color on a massive rainbow that holds more unique shades than anyone can perceive at a glance.
You're valid. You're one of us too.
And don't be mean to the non-horny aces. Tag your smut so they can avoid it. (But actually so I can find it lol)
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yandere-fics · 4 months
Laundry sniffer omega: once had caught Kass’ scent but never got to see her. Needed her wonderful scent so did her best to memorize Kass’ scent. With it memorized as best as possible, she began hunting for Kass’ place and scent. ??Needed it since their heat was coming up soon.?? Was planning to turn Kass’ laundry into a nest or add to it. Unfortunately, Kass’ scent is intoxicating to our little omega, and fries their brain and causes them to get caught because they forget to yoink and run.
♡ Stealing Kassien's Clothes For Your Heat ♡
(this was supposed to be shorter but then I ran with it. woops daddy kink sorry not sorry.)
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Having an alpha never appealed to you, sure you'd met some nice ones but you felt better off alone, however that caused a huge issue when it came to heats. You see, you had always been big into scents, you needed to smell a big strong alpha in your nest in your heats but being unwilling to actually pursue a relationship with an alpha no matter how good they smelled, you were left with only one option, steal items that smelled good for your nest.
You did have a rule though, never steal from an alpha who you knew had an omega, smelling another omega in your alpha's apartment could cause all kinds of issues plus you'd feel bad. Luckily for you most of the alphas in the company dorms were unmated however even the best smelling amongst them never were able to scratch the particular itch you had, sure it was enough to stop you from crying during your heats but it wasn't what you needed until it hit you one day.
You'd gone to deliver papers on a higher floor, a floor that smelt amazing and while you didn't want to seem weird, you also had to know why it smelled so good, of course you didn't say it smelled good, you simply asked what the smell in general was and someone informed you it was the smell of the manager who was out for the day but the scent lingers since she smelt the strongest in the office. After that it was only a matter of finding out if she was single though at this point you felt like even if she wasn't you'd try to get something anyways since that smell put you at ease in a way you'd never been able to feel before and your heat was quickly coming.
You were thankful she was single since it meant you wouldn't have to worry about any pesky omegas when you broke into her apartment, well first you broke into her office to see if maybe after she went home for the day she'd left a coat however there you'd been able to find her home address. It was a nice flat with very good security but you'd cracked company security so you doubted this would be a concern still you waited until you knew she had left for work for the day. You just hoped she didn't smell you in her office but if she did you would try to play innocent omega who was just so soothed by the scent and lost sight which is why you made sure to use scent blockers for this particular trip so even if she smelled the other one she wouldn't smell this.
"Aha, jackpot." It was dizzying to find your way around her apartment when every place smelled like an amazing place to place a nest but you steeled yourself, you had a goal you had to accomplish and if you pulled it off this time then you'd never have to use another alpha's things again, you could always steal from her and give the items back washed after your heats with no trace of you. Which is why you were so particular happy to find a pair a workout sweats and the shirt she wore to the gym, god it smelled so good you could almost understand why omegas were willing to get into relationships with alphas, you would have too if you hadn't discovered stealing.
The problem now was you couldn't bring yourself to part with her laundry basket, pouring it out on the floor and laying down on it, even sliding on one of her oversized hoodies, it was fine scent blockers would make it so even with rolling around in her things she wouldn't smell you and you could put it back in the bin when you left, you still had time, she would take time to return-
"Lovely, where are you?" The door slammed and bolted shut in the front room. You could have sworn she didn't have an omega, you'd check a million times and there was no one else in the apartment, you'd searched head to toe meaning the only person she could be referring to is you but how had she known you were there. You should have hid, you would have hid but with her deep growling voice and her scent all around you, your heat decided to start and you couldn't move even if you wanted to right now which you couldn't bring yourself to want to move even as she was about to discover a stupid scent pervert rolling in her laundry.
"Mmm, you smell so sweet, are you preparing yourself for daddy? I really appreciate it." She could smell you? You'd use a crap ton of scent blockers before you did this, an amount that would be detrimental to your health probably, how the hell could she smell you. Beyond that you also had a scent blocking collar on so how was she smelling you even with your heat starting, if you could smell like anything right now it would be very weak yet she seemed to enjoy your scent which made you preen in delight eliciting a chuckle from her as she marched towards the laundry room left in her binder with her cock, and it's giant knot, freed from her boxers. She frowned when she saw you weren't naked but then smiled. "Aww did you want to give daddy something to unwrap?"
You shook your head, you needed to get out of here fast, you were in a very dangerous situation but everytime she spoke and you smelled how badly she wanted you, you just couldn't find it in yourself to want to escape even as the back of your mind screamed to leave before she found out you were an underwear thief. You whined as she pulled you off your laundry pile nest before she carried you in her room and dropped you on her comfortable bed which smelled so much like her, you could only imagine she'd spent many a sweaty night on this bed stroking herself and imaging filling up her dream omega. You whined at the thought but then slammed your hands over your mouth, what the fuck was going on with you today, you had never WHINED like a bitch in heat before, sure you'd been sad but you'd never whined.
"Daddy's right here, sweetling, you don't have to whine." She chuckled before sliding off her hoodie that you had put on, you whined at the loss of what was now one of your favorite items but she simply continued to undress you like you were a birthday present she'd always dreamed of, you wondered bitterly if the omega she pictured in her head looked like you but you bit your lip, you had to get it together already. "As much as I appreciate you wearing my things, I would prefer to look at you fully when we seal the bond for the first time, lovely."
You tilted your head to the side before it finally dawned on you what she was going on about and why your scent blockers had failed, you were fated mates, she was about to lock you to her for life and that made you try to scramble away from her though not very effectively considering your mind felt like mush at the current moment. "No, I don't wanna."
If she heard you she pretended like she didn't though she did look at the scent blocking collar with distaste, taking a claw and snapping it off, smiling once that harmful thing was finally off your neck, she couldn't have her lovely little mate using something to damage her very nature now could she. You were just so cute as your legs twitched and even though you were trying to act like you didn't want her, your body told a completely different story.
"Daddy can't decide what she wants first, to taste this sweet little cunt of yourself or to feel it wrapped around my cock as I break in my pretty little mate." You shake your head back and forth, you could feel yourself slipping away and if you allowed her to do either of the two you would never be able to get away, your brain would become complete mush, all your years of avoiding a relationship would be for nothing! "Aww I know, you want my fingers sweetling but daddy can't control my claws at the moment so you'll have to wait for that at a time when I'm more in control."
It seems she decided on tongue and you squealed as she kneeled at the edge of the bed, wrapping her hands around her thighs and dragging you to the edge as well so you were pressed directly against her face. The moment her tongue prodded at your entrance though, you were gone, you couldn't ever hope to deny her, not when this felt so right, exactly where you belonged. You felt you would only ever be truly happy again in... daddy's apartment surrounded by her scent waiting for her to return home.
"You know lovely, daddy was very upset when she came in to work today and smelled you'd been all over my office and hadn't even tried to talk to me." She pulled away, her eyes darkening and her teeth seeming to sharpen as she stared up at you, causing you to let out a whimper wondering what she was about to say. "I was even more furious when I went to your dorm and discovered a slew of other alphas items laying on your floor in a nest, I tore them to shreds obviously."
"I was going to punish you when I finally found you..." You tried to squirm in her hold, you'd finally let an alpha have you and she was already disgusted by you for being a thief, this was why you never allowed yourself to date no matter how good the alpha smelled, you shouldn't have given yourself to her even if she's your fated mate, this was a horrible idea. She only tightened her grip and nipped your thigh in response, drawing the smallest amount of blood. "But then I smelled you in my apartment and when I smelled you in my laundry room, it occurred to me all those items had a similar scent to me, though weaker and worse, and I realized you've just been so needy this whole time since I hadn't found you yet, you were just trying your best to find a good scent for you nest which is why as soon as I went to work you rushed to daddy's apartment, right?"
Despite acknowledging your reasons she still sounded angry as she pressed her tongue in your hole, her growls causing additional stimulation, she pressed your thighs back against your stomach holding them there as her tongue continued to invade. The slurping sounds she was making a long with her scent being all around you causing you to get close very quickly which made you whine as she noticed that fact and stopped. "Shh, daddy still has to punish you for stealing and not even trying to just ask for my things for your nest. If you're good I'll let you cum on my knot, sound good?"
You nodded reaching to hold your thighs to your chest for her when she reached to line her cock up with you, eager to please her and make up for your indiscretion. You hands shook and almost fell when she actually began to press in however, it was an extremely tight squeeze and you turned your head to the side, breathing in her scent deeply to help yourself relax.
"D-daddy," You whined, your lip trembling as you realized her scent gland was too far for you to press your neck into it. You felt embarrassed asking for anything, a big part of the reason why you never wanted to have an alpha but with how good she was stretching you, the idea of rejection felt like a far off possibility. "I need your scent, please?"
"Oh fuck, you're so fucking sweet, can't wait to see how much sweeter you can get when you get used to being spoiled by me." She thrusts in up until the knot allowing you to feel how big a real know feels and you shudder when you think about how it'll actually feel once it's inside you. She lays her full weight on you allowing you to give her scent gland a big whiff almost purring in satisfaction as you begin to rub your face against it and suck on it. "Okay, daddy has to move now, will you be okay?"
You give a nod unable to say no to her anymore, you can't even remember why you were fighting against her, this was the first heat of your life you didn't feel extremely unsatisfied and instantly trying to find a new alpha with a scent that would finally make you have and now you finally had any alpha when a scent that would keep you happy forever, it would be incredibly stupid to throw her away, especially when she had seen your stealing and yet loved you anyways.
You had expected slow and gentle for your first matting however you also expected to never have an alpha in your life so all of your expectations seemed to be crashing down tonight. Her thrusts were brutal, and she quickly pulled out and flipped you around on your knees, an arm coming around to hold you up in almost a chokehold and the other arm wrapped around your torso forcing you to just take it as she pounded you from behind.
"I'm gonna keep you hidden away... so you can't be tempted... by those... filthy lower alphas... scents... ever... again..." She punctuated every part of the sentence with a thrust, grunting as she said each part. You clenched down at her word, now drooling as you waited for her to stuff you with her knot which you could feel against your hole ready and waiting each time she thrust in fully. "Aww would my lovely like that? You want daddy to keep you in your cute nest on her bed made of only her stuff."
You nodded trying to lean your head back to look at her which was difficult with her constant thrusting and the chokehold she had around her neck but she seemed to get the message, giving you an awkward kiss on the lips before leaning your head forward and to the side and she bit down, shoving her knot in finally and sealing her to you for life.
You thought briefly if you weren't surrounded in her scent you might have hated it at the current moment you didn't feel like you'd ever regret it.
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ryuichirou · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you had any NSFW AzuJami headcannons? Btw I love your art
Hi Anon! Thank you for loving my art, I really appreciate it!
And thank you for asking for some more AzuJami. Always happy to think about these two, their mind games and their attempts to keep distance from each other while still being drawn to each other (well, at least Azul is drawn to Jamil, who has his head full of other…problems…)
Here are some headcanons, I hope you enjoy reading them.
Their sexual relationship is a mutually-beneficial-nothing-personal type of deal. Jamil knows better than to make any type of a deal with Azul, so he does feel like it’s going to bite him in the ass one time. But everything’s been rather smooth so far, with no violation of their agreements from either of the two parties. Jamil just doesn’t want Azul to get the wrong idea about who they are to each other, so this agreement works quite well.
The main condition of the agreement is that both Jamil and Azul must reach orgasm; the means of achieving that goal are up to interpretation at any particular occasion. Sometimes it’s sex, sometimes it’s handjobs and other stuff.
Blowjobs are surprisingly rare with these two. For some reason it’s much easier for Jamil to give a head than to receive it: he isn’t used to getting served in any way and he doesn’t trust Azul enough (as if he would bite it off, come on, Jamil-san…). But at the same time, Jamil feels like Azul gets way too smug after getting his dick sucked, so he doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction too often. He is very good at it though.
In general, Azul tries to stay as composed and calculated as he can, just so they can keep playing an intellectual game of cat-and-mouse while pleasuring each other and having sex, but more often than not he becomes too aroused to think straight rather quickly. Azul adores Jamil, he is very needy and eager to touch him everywhere, and Jamil is very aware of that. He could’ve used it to his advantage easily, but has no reason to do it just yet.
Azul likes dropping hints about his and Jamil’s pastime whenever they talk to someone. Especially when this third person is Kalim, who is oblivious enough for Azul to be almost direct with his hints, with Kalim not really understanding what he’s talking about. Jamil hates it when Azul does that, especially when he’s looking at him while doing so.
Their go-to time for a quickie is during a lunch break; sometimes they do it in-between classes, sometimes after PE. Both of them are busy after classes, so this is their only option. Sometimes Azul laments about it, because he would like not to be in such a rush all the time, but they’re not lovers, so that’s out of the question.
Azul figured out that Jamil is more passionate when he is stressed and really pissed off. Sometimes he either pisses Jamil off on purpose or just waits for a perfect moment to appear when Jamil is at his lowest and visibly angry. For some reason, when he’s fucking Jamil while he’s angry, Azul gets away with more things. Like grabbing his hair or his neck or even smacking his ass when he gets way too brave…
Azul’s hands feel much nicer than Jamil has anticipated. Jamil is also quite surprised that Azul is stronger than he expected him to be, and his body is less soft that he expected it to be. Sometimes Azul squeezes Jamil’s body so tightly and rubs against his back so strongly that Jamil can’t help but feel some masochistic itch he has deep inside him getting pleasantly scratched.
Their go-to position is from behind, against the wall. Both of them considered doing it in a cowgirl position, but Jamil decided against it: in theory, it would give Jamil some power in the situation, but in practice it would only make Azul even more smug; and Jamil doesn’t really want to look at Azul smiling like a pervy old man looking at his mistress pleasuring him.
They don’t kiss often, but when they do, they subconsciously try to avoid their kiss being too gentle or sweet. Like they really have to try to bite each other’s faces off for it not to feel romantic. Not that Azul would mind gentle kisses from Jamil, it’s Jamil who doesn’t want to forget that they are not making love, they are providing sexual services to each other, and that’s it. Or is it…
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avrelia · 1 year
I am upset at Netflix canceling “Lockwood & Co” series. It was a good and very well made series with the possibilities to be great.
It’s been two weeks already, I know, yet I guess I was hoping the news were wrong, or Netflix will reconsider… But now the more I think the more it seems it had no chance.
It premiered in January, and I was hoping for a miracle, for granting another two season to tell the full story of a little agency that fought death, and capital greed, and changed the world to the better. And yet… I didn’t have that much hope.
For one, hardly anyone knew about it (save for those millions that watched it and loved it). But… there was no promotion whatsoever. One had to be a fan of the books and look for it, or stumble upon in browsing the Netflix.
For another, it was consistent with the Netflix decisions in the past several years. We still remember when Netflix was a plucky newcomer with wads of money they could throw at the shows struggling to find their place and their audience, buying quirky little shows, giving shows like Lucifer a chance to finish up their story. It was in another life, it seems. Yet even then it was sink or swim. Some shows became sleeper hits, others went largely unnoticed. Now, it seems, even being a sleeper hit isn’t enough – one has to be SUPER MEGA HIT immediately to get a chance at another season. All by itself, without Netflix involvement, and some did manage to it, whether because they were based on beloved property, like the Witcher or Wednesday, or scratching the audience’s itch just right. But a lot of great media is relatively small, especially in the first season, and now it has even less chance to prove itself, to grow to tell the story it wanted to tell.
How many shows had brilliant first season followed by ever better seasons? Most shows struggle at some point. Does it mean we will never have have full stories of anything being told?
Lockwood and Co. has an advantage of being a relatively short, self-contained story – five books altogether, with two of them already covered in the first season. Plus, the production is in UK, so less affected by labor disputes in USA.
It is not the first time a good show happens in the wrong time and in the wrong place and gets canceled too early. It is not the last time. TV is an uncertain landscape these days.
But it is hard to engage in any new story – knowing that we are not going to see it play out. What is the point of watching anything new, knowing it doesn’t have any fighting chance to continue? I hardly know. Only safe boring options are waiting for us. Or maybe not. But I mourn that one little great show hardly anyone new about.
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We know the usual story. Get called to the Pokemon world, wake up as a Pokémon, and get dragged into our first mystery dungeon...
Except we don’t see the struggle each human goes through adapting to their new body. Fur takes longer to dry than our skin, scales would probably itch when shedding, and accidentally breathing fire will be a constant worry for them. How do instincts work with the human mind? Some moves like Tackle or Scratch might be easier to regularly use than say—Razor Leaf. A whole new center of gravity to figure out while doing demanding exercise every day. Pokemon logic means all the options seem to have teeth.
The pokemon probably have different written language considering what we see in close shots in-game. Imagine for a moment being illiterate in a world that functions without the internet. Where the easiest way to earn money is by going to dangerous places where innocent people get lost daily in. Places that change their layout each time you go in and space bends to make these crazy dungeons with infinite foes. Most Pokemon we defeat in there disappear like illusions with us having to beat up enough to maybe find one mon who can actually talk.
If dungeon Pokemon are supposed to be the quote-on-quote “wild” Pokemon, then why do they still attack us after we save the world? How is attacking any non-dungeon Pokemon considered more riled up than normal? I wish the story went into further detail since we know some live-around dungeons. Like the Luxray/Manetric pack or the three-mankey. The word wild fits them better than the MD Pokemon.
Moving on, why do we only see helpful mature humans as the protagonists? Where are the poke-verse native kids who grew up with horror stories about people turning into Pokemon? I’d expect them to be pretty scared if it happened. There are probably some humans who want to profit from the main currency gold coins. Maybe some people are turned into Pokemon they know nothing about or dropped in places with ones not native to their home region.
What about more skeptic partners who don’t believe us outright when we say we are human? I mean, there will be very few Pokemon who know exactly what a human looks like. We might have been the ones to invent TMs in the universe. Literal CDs that contain moves with no computers in sight. What if the Ninetails’ Legend was more well-known making most picture us as manipulating monsters? The partner could form a team with us in the first game to watch over potential danger. A crazy mon could hurt themselves while an actual human will probably mess with something old.
Could humans even understand Pokemon? Or did Grovyle play charades to tell his human partner about something? Would scarves work on humans in the first place, wands I can see being farmed for them to take advantage of.
(Just a bunch of PMD thoughts I had recently. So many unanswered questions and mysteries left in the entire series. Needed to format my thoughts to get them out in all honesty.)
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patchodraws · 1 year
so, something that keeps coming back to me over and over is the idea of adapting Life is Strange - or rather, how can you adapt life is strange ?
a lot of other adaptations of narrative games rely on the fact that the game is telling you a straightforward (if not always linear) story, where it doesn’t matter how you get through the plot beats, just that you get through them. but with life is strange, the whole point is that it does matter how you get through the plot beats, and not just in the way that it affects the end choice or whatever: it’s in choosing which plot beats to go to - which decisions to ultimately make - that the player crafts their version of the story, and you can’t get a straightforward story out of that.
the other tricky part is the controversial ending. out of all the LiS games, the first one definitely had the most impactful ending, yet people are still debating which one is the better or more right ending, and that’s just not something you can really get with a traditional adaptation.
just as a thought experiment, i’ve been racking my brain for solutions to this little dilemma, and i’ve come up with a few:
the first is an interactive show, like bandersnatch or all the other interactive specials netflix got obsessed with after bandersnatch. the problem with that is that it’s a lot of resources for just one episode, let alone five; plus, at that point, why not just play the game itself? it doesn’t offer a unique enough experience to justify it
the next idea is an original prequel story. i know before the storm already exists, but there’s still plenty of time between that game and the first one. hell, there’s definitely a story to tell with the time leading up to and following rachel’s disappearance, and given teen dramas are still fairly popular, this could scratch that particular itch. it does unfortunately mean no max caulfield, who is just as iconic as life is strange itself, so it’d be a bit tricky to exclude her and still have it feel authentic.
one potential option is to not canonize any ending, simply finishing the show on max being given the choice and not having made it by the time credits roll. i imagine as much of an interesting artistic choice that would be, though, plenty of casual viewers would probably feel extremely shortchanged by not showing what max chose. of course, you could also canonize one ending, but then you just get the same problem of the original ending being controversial but on a potentially larger scale.
something less offensive could be to make an entirely new ending. DN had indicated before that the original bay ending would see chloe survive the shooting but end up in a coma, letting the story end on max being in the hospital with chloe waiting for her to wake up. on the other side of things, the bae ending could finally get the reworking it’s been owed for years, showing much more of the storm’s aftermath, who survived, what became of chloe and max once leaving the town, all that jazz. it could be new enough to appeal to fans tired of the same two endings from before while also not immediately alienating casual viewers
at the end of the day, this is all just me thinking out loud, and personally i’m not sure if i want a life is strange adaptation. i love the aesthetic and vibes of the original game and would love to see that put onto television/streaming, but this is such a tricky story to adapt like this that i would only want to see it if it was done right and in a way that would respect fans of the original game while also reaching a new audience of people who might’ve never played the game. until then, i’m glad the adaptation that was rumoured to be in pre-production is still, well, in pre-production
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azure-steel · 5 months
Continued from here
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In the short amount of time that they had been together – comparatively short, to how long they had to be apart everyday – Sephiroth had quickly grown accustomed to the blond’s fascination with braiding his hair. 
It was a ritual that the First enjoyed to observe; and though he undid Cloud’s work every time in the morning before taking a shower – a mere matter of dresscode. Hairstyles were to be kept ‘simple’ to not cause distraction in battle, and his was already stretching that rule in its natural state – he had found himself noticing how few particular locks had started to take a curl to their shape, the fleeting memory of the infantryman’s work lingering even after hours.
And as he watched the blond finish his work and rest against him, the silver-haired remained silent, and listened. Cloud could say such interesting things… but why did he sound like he believed none of it? It took away part of the charm in his words, if he couldn’t sell his dream convincingly.
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“… So you’re not willing to work hard and pay my price honestly; but it sounds like you wouldn’t mind to steal me.” He said, amused at the thought, and unable to resist the implicit tease in his own words. His head craned to the side slightly to cast half-lidded eyes smiling with irony. To praise Cloud for such an intent would be inappropriate, given his role and position. But at the same time he was endeared to know this young man was ready to risk it all just to have him for himself.
“You’d have to take me someplace quite far to escape.” He noted then, deciding to humor that fantasy, however temporary. Green jades blinked slowly, relaxing their expression, as vertical pupils wandered to the tall windows of the bedroom, the smoky sky outside, trying to imagine what was beyond. “Where will you take me?”
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It was funny really; what started as something little beyond the physical - a means to an end, an itch to be scratched - had so suddenly evolved into this emotional rollercoaster complete with dips, troughs, the dizzying highs the dramatic stomach churning lows. Cloud had somehow become so invested in ... whatever this was, too afraid to ask the inevitable questions for fear the answers would not be what he wanted to hear. 
Sephiroth was probably already quite aware that he could do so much better.  He was becoming a casualty to his own desire and he was so certain it would be fatal. 
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He was falling so damn hard for this man, with each second of Sephiroth’s presence he could steal, every touch, caress, every kiss...  It was never going to be enough, and he couldn’t remember the precise moment where he’d begun counting down the days until these liaison's would inevitably come to an end.  As all good things did.
But for now the First Class SOLDIER seemed eager to indulge the blond in his fantasy though it takes a moment for Cloud to come to his senses and begin to play along. He eventually did, with a coquettish grin and a shift of his body to straddle the other man's lap.
"If hard work was all I needed to do then I'd graft my fingers to the bone, yeah? I don't think a meagre infantryman's wage will ever amount to enough though --" he leans in close then, brows touching, noses brushing together as Strife's voice would dissolve into little more than a breath against his lover's lips, hands rising to cup the other's face, with an arch to his back forcing their chests to brush together "-- Stealing you might be my only option~"
he punctuates that statement with the softest nasal hum, a quiet - albeit amused - sound as he sits back a touch, gaze lowering once more to the ends of Sephiroth's braid, the fingers of a single hand finding their way back to play with the tips of silver hair while the others would draw lazy pattern at the base of his neck.
"As for where we'd go... anywhere, everywhere? we could just travel the world, see sights without marring it with briefings and goals in mind. Just... be... yeah?" He seems visually mesmerised by that silver lock of hair still, playing it in his fingers, rubbing it against that strong bare chest. Unable to look the man in the eye...
"We could hide in plain sight in the undercities, become mercenaries, put our skills to good use for the common people. We could go to Kalm and eat great food, camp out near Cosmo canyon... make love under the stars... Make our way north to Icicle Inn, wrap up warm, sit by an open fire and drink hot cocoa.
"Heh, they'd chase us for a while, but we'd always be three steps ahead,. And eventually they'll forget about us, they'd have to let us go and we could settle someplace, like Nibelheim where it's quiet and peaceful, or even some place remote in Wutai... I dunno, any place is home, as long as we're together..."
He would lean upwards then, capturing the corner of Sephiroth's mouth with his own, a soft kiss only made that touch deeper with the cup of his palm against the other's pale cheek.
"And I'd protect you --" Another kiss, on the opposite side of his mouth.
"Love you --" lips connecting full then as if to drive this final statement home. Because he wanted to believe it, to live in this dream just a little bit longer before it was inevitably tore from his grasp. But he allows another moment to pass, to let it sink in, to allow them both to bask in the essence of this fantasy, lips parting with a soft click and their brows would meet once again.
"I wouldn't let them take you from me, because you'd be mine."
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letsbenditlikebennett · 9 months
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TIMING: Beginning of September PARTIES: @kadavernagh & @letsbenditlikebennett SUMMARY: When Regan finds out that Alex was shot and refuses to go to a hospital, the medical examiner finally, and after much exasperation, tells her to come by the morgue to get her wound checked out. CONTENT: Self harm
The whole way over to the morgue, Alex reasoned with herself that this was a better call than going to a hospital. She was pretty sure that hospitals had to report gunshot wounds and the new additions would likely raise more questions than she truly wanted to answer. She’d toyed around with the idea of not going to the morgue at all, but after the full moon hit, that wasn’t really an option unless she wanted to tell Kaden she’d all but beat herself up in the bunker and opened her own stitches. 
Of course, it wasn’t quite that simple. The restless energy that had coursed through the werewolf the previous night was There had been no sitting still after she’d gone through all of her prey and was left with a suffocating, empty bunker. Somehow that energy manifested in the form of an itch she couldn’t quite scratch and an inability to sit still. The scrapes, scratches, and bruises that painted her limbs had been evidence last night’s full moon had been anything but normal. She wasn’t sure what Dr. Kavanagh would make of it, but what was important was that Kaden was none the wiser. Alex knew her cousin would find a way to blame himself for it somehow. 
The morgue had that clean chemical smell to it as she made her way toward Regan’s office. Even the chill in the air felt pretty standard for what the facility was meant for. Alex didn’t think keeping dead bodies in a hot building would be fun for anyone involved. Something about the death made her a little uneasy considering the role it had been playing in her life lately, but this was a doctor’s visit… which somehow was not any better. She waved uncertainly toward the receptionist. “I’m here to see a Dr. Kavanagh?” 
The call from Marcy was expected though not entirely welcome. “There’s a young lady here to see you. She limped in. I’m pretty sure she’s not dead yet, so I don’t know why she’s asking for you. You ever going to explain that to me? While you’re at it, if you’re seeing live patients, can you check out a mole on my shoulder?” Regan shuffled through the list of possibilities in her head and landed on precisely who this must have been. Kaden’s child cousin. Alex. Possibly with a bullet in her body. The thought was a wave of ice and reminded her to steel herself. She had seen far worse in the living and especially in the dead, and her equanimity could not waver.
In the lobby, there was once again only one possibility of who was there to see her. Regan wished for not the first time that she could shed this cinniúint-thréigean coat. “Come.” She didn’t look at the child beyond the flash of red hair she’d caught in the corner of her eye, though she wanted to observe her. The chilly reception (or at least chillier than usual) was petty, she knew, but the morgue was not a hospital, and it was maddening that the Langley family seemed to treat it like one. Kaden was putain enough. Now there were two. 
“Cad tá mé ag dul a dhéanamh leat?” Regan found herself muttering a question Cliodhna had muttered herself on a near daily basis, regarding her granddaughter with worn resignation. Regan had understood the question to really mean, “what good are you?” when it had been directed at her. Outside her office, she finally turned to meet the child’s eyes. She was young, but the tight expression on her face – masking pain, Regan thought – and dotting of scrapes and contusions across her skin suggested she was older than her years. Regan’s eyes narrowed, though not unkindly. She carded the door open. “Sit down, explain everything to me, and give me a very good reason why I should not be sending you to the hospital.”
The medical examiner was not a particularly large woman, but the way she moved around and commanded respect made her seem larger than life. It made Alex feel smaller than she already was, which was pretty damn small considering she’d been the same height since she was like eleven years old. She supposed she also shouldn’t have been thrown off by the cold way the doctor addressed her either, but something about it still made her wince and hold on tighter to the edges of the flannel she had all but wrapped around herself at that point. Dr. Kavanagh wasn’t even overly harsh. Her eyes definitely weren’t cruel, the werewolf just already felt exposed. Ashamed. Because hadn’t she been taught to tend to her own wounds like Andy and Kaden had? 
“Hospitals are for humans,” Alex answered as if it was obvious. It was a show, but not a very good one. Her fingers fumbled over the hem of the green plaid and she knew she’d need to give a better answer than that. This had been a bad idea, but the full moon had only made things worse. “Kaden mentioned the mutated animal thing. When I was shot, I didn’t look like a person. I look like one now… but I’m still not.” 
The word monster was practically at the tip of her tongue, but Alex wasn’t sure that one wouldn’t get her carted right off to the hospital. She wasn’t entirely sure how much Regan knew, but some of her oddities seemed to indicate she should know something. Especially considering she probably saw some pretty strange deaths. She shifted nervously on her feet and only slightly cringed when the movement caused pain. “Uh,” she started, “Everything… well, I was… mutated. And someone shot me. Then the full moon happened and I lock myself in a bunker so mutated me doesn’t…” 
She looked down at her feet. Alex couldn’t even speak what she knew she was capable of. “Think I had a bit of a panic attack while mutated,” she mumbled, not quite meeting Dr. Kavanagh’s eyes as she rolled up her sleeves to show various bruises, scrapes, and scratches, “My cla– nails get really long. That’s the uh… scratches.” 
What were the odds the doctor would buy that one? It was the truth, but the truth was often harder to believe than a really good lie. 
“They are, yes, and I’m not about to do any procedures that couldn’t be done on a human.” Regan rolled her eyes. Why did everyone think they were some exception to going to the hospital? Why people thought they weren’t human was another question, but one Regan knew she wasn’t going to move the needle on. “Just as morgues are for humans, by the way. But for whatever reason you find this more palatable, and I just want you examined by someone.”
But with some recent context, Alex’s explanation made Regan’s thoughts immediately turn to Gael. This sounded like… what was it he’d called it? Wolfitis? No, lycanthropy. Did the two of them know each other? That question made her brow crease. Regan wasn’t sure she liked that, especially if this child was one of the people trying to spoon feed him all of this strange terminology, all of these lies. Gael had mentioned precisely this, though – someone who had locked themselves in a bunker and injured themselves in there.
Other questions cascaded from there. If Alex was shot because of this… mutation, and she had the same illness as Gael, could this have been the individual Gael was warned about, the one targeting people with this specific health condition? That was a sobering thought.
Regan realized she had been silent for some time. She gave the child a nod and stretched her gloves over her hands. The girl was nervous, almost trembling, and she had never been great at putting people at ease. Though Regan suspected some of it was that Alex was talking to a doctor about any of this at all. Perhaps she could help ameliorate that fear. “I might be familiar with your condition.” Regan looked down at her then took a seat across from the girl. She knew she’d need to be on her feet shortly, but she had learned in interacting with next of kin and patients that they felt more comfortable on the same level. “My condolences that you are afflicted. I am close to someone who–” With a jolt, she comprehended what had come out of her mouth, and she cleared her throat, wiggled uncomfortably in her coat. “I have an acquaintance who may have the same ailment. He handles it differently than you.” Regan waved a hand as if to dismiss any talk of Gael. Her stomach felt like a hot pit. Acquaintance was correct. Fearg an chinniúint, why had she not said that first?
As Alex rolled up her sleeves, it at least gave Regan something else to focus on. Something comfortable, something she knew. Something that wouldn’t dip into the unfamiliar territory of acquaintance-plus relationships. Regan surveyed the girl’s skin. Alex was pretty scraped up, pretty bruised, but Regan didn’t see anything demanding her attention. She spoke after a moment, not rudely, but also not dancing around the point. “We both know I’m not interested in seeing minor incised wounds on your extremities. Will you show me the gunshot wound?”
“Palatable,” Alex murmured, “Right…” She wasn’t exactly sure she considered this trip to the morgue palatable. If it hadn’t been for the way she chewed at her wound during the full moon, she wouldn’t be here at all despite the fact Dr. Kavanagh had practically demanded she come get checked out if she wasn’t going to a hospital. There was also no way in hell that Alex was willingly going to a hospital, so here she was at the morgue, letting Regan in all her tame exasperation check out the re-opened stitches that she refused to show Kaden. She wondered if doctor-patient confidentiality applied here because she’d really rather this not get back to Kaden, but Alex wasn’t so sure she should be pushing her luck here. 
Nerves made it hard for Alex to look up and meet the medical examiner’s eyes. Instead, her gaze wandered over the half packed boxes that were strewn across the office. She remembered Regan vaguely speaking of leaving when she had offered up those books, but that had felt like a whole lifetime ago. 
“You are familiar with it,” Alex perked up. It was hardly an admission that the doctor believed in the supernatural, but at least she thought it was plausible. Maybe that meant she didn’t think Alex was completely insane. “How does he handle it,” she asked, genuinely curious. Given her own debacle with the bunker this month, she knew she had to be open to ideas even if she wasn’t sure they’d actually be good ideas. 
It wasn’t surprising to Alex that the medical examiner wanted her to get right to showing her the worst of her injuries. The gunshot wound was why she was here and why Regan was frustrated with her for not seeing a doctor at a hospital. Still, she swallowed nervously as she pulled down the hem of the cargo pants she was wearing to reveal where the bullet had grazed her left hip. The stitches looked about as chewed through as they were and fresh blood had dried up around it. Even looking at it made her feel light-headed and she cursed herself. “Uh, this is it. Do I…” She trailed off, unsure of what she was supposed to do. She couldn’t recall ever having gone to an actual medical professional. 
“I’ll tell you about it shortly,” Regan said, knowing what lay ahead better than Alex, and knowing she’d be grateful for the distraction. “For now, just stay still.” She gave the site a careful look, as one might assess the virtues of a renowned painting in an art museum. To her, there was beauty in such an ugly thing. But the fact it was on a live human being tainted such a lovely show of anatomy. It was immediately clear that Alex should have gone to a hospital. But the wound could have been much worse, all things considered; the bullet had grazed her, not hitting bone or even really leaving a full entry wound. But any bullet at any distance could be lethal, or disfiguring at a minimum, and Regan was sure this one had caused great pain. 
And then there was the attempt to fix this. The sutures were chewed up, mangled, almost as bloodied a sight as the wound they were poorly tethering closed. They couldn’t have started off that way (even if they were poorly-applied then, too). It looked like an animal had done this. She was sure Alex wouldn’t give her the truth as to how this happened, even if perhaps she thought she was giving it. There was one other remarkable thing: the bubbling blisters surrounding the margins of the wound, as if the bullet that struck her had also burned her skin. It was true bullets were heated as they were fired, this appeared to be something more. Like her skin had rejected the material of the bullet. She thought of her own hands, scarred with iron discipline, and a connection was sparked only to be swiftly rejected. Alex was not fae.
Regan hissed a breath of air through her teeth and finally turned up and away from the wound, looking Alex in the face. “The good news is that there’s no sign of an infection. But… well, first of all, you need new stitches, which means removing the current ones, which will hurt considerably. I apologize in advance.” Alex wouldn’t want to be standing for that. And her wiggling would make things harder. Regan sighed, her eyes flicking over the table. At what point did it make sense for her to invest in a procedure chair for her office? That would be a fun one to explain to the higher ups. For now, she made due with pushing the table directly up against one of the chairs. It was a sturdy thing. It would hold. “Can you lie down on there? I’m going to apply new ones after I remove the old. Do you think you can keep still?”
“Appreciate it,” Alex responded kindly, “And I can manage that.” It might make her light-headed and nauseated, but she could sit still through the pain. Her parents had made certain of that even if she had never been graced with the accelerated healing to go along with the hunter training. It didn’t change the way her heart felt like it was pounding in her ears rather than her chest. She almost wished Dr. Kavanagh would explain now and put off the inevitable, but the wound the silver bullet left behind was the reason she was here. With how she chewed through the stitches, she wasn’t even sure it was in a state Kaden could deal with and she didn’t want him to. He’d only worry and that protective streak he had would only grow. 
Alex chewed at her bottom lip nervously as she watched Regan move one of the tables up to a chair. The office wasn’t set up for patients of the living variety which made sense considering it was a morgue. Somehow, that still seemed better than a hospital and the inevitable questions they would ask. Not that Regan didn’t have questions, but she seemed to consider the possibilities of mutants. Werewolves were kind of mutants, just not the superhero kind like Phoenix and Cyclops.
“Kind of figured,” she nodded, “Both on the new stitches and the pain. It’s fine.” It was not fine. As she sat down in the chair, she already felt the sweat begin to pool in her palms and across her brow. If her lip hadn’t gone right back to its place between her teeth she was fairly certain it would also be quivering. Even if she wore a brave face, Regan was a doctor. Physiological evidence would tell her everything she needed to know and it brought the werewolf a great deal of shame. If it wasn’t so damn sad, it’d almost be laughable that a monster was shaking in her boots over a medical examination. She laid down on the table and something about the fluorescents shining down made her want to crawl out of her skin again, but she was sure to stay still as a log. “Ok, I’m ready when you are,” she breathed out through gritted teeth. 
Regan worked swiftly and adeptly. And though Alex was shaking, she did eventually seem to calm herself down. It was easier once the worst was over – removing what remains of the old stitches. Putting the new ones in was easy by comparison, though Alex still wouldn’t appreciate the feel of the needle on what was still a rather raw wound. She wasn’t great at distracting patients during procedures – usually any distraction would fall on dead ears – but she would try. “That acquaintance I mentioned. He… camps.” That hardly sounded like a solution at all, saying it aloud. She wondered if it would sound just as foolish to Alex. “It might not be precisely the same ailment you’re dealing with. I don’t know if you sleepwalk. But he seems to think that things are better when he camps, rather than being confined to his bedroom.” Either way, though, Gael seemed to wake up with blood under his fingernails and a dead animal carcass or two nearby. 
As she finished up the last of the stitches, she seemed to grow heavier. Camping was helping. She wasn’t sure she could say the same anymore, given that Gael was attacked by some animal last time. Almost fatal. The maddening man thought he was lucky that the creature had just missed clamping down on his spine, but Regan didn’t believe in luck, and even if she did, what was lucky about almost dying? “I’m not suggesting you camp in the woods,” Regan clarified, “It didn’t go so well for him last time. There are too many dangerous animals lurking about. Bears. Coyotes. Screaming moose.”
While the explanation did little to clarify anything for Alex, listening to the medical examiner talk was a welcome distraction to the increasingly unbearable pain in her hip as the wound was tended to. Some of it sounded vaguely familiar. If asked, she would probably tell those who weren’t in the know about werewolves that she was going to be camping that night. It was close enough to the truth, hiking out deep into the woods to turn into wolf-monster and eat dinner/sleep was basically camping, was it not? The sleepwalking bit was curious and made her wonder if Gael was her acquaintance. “Camping,” she said through gritted teeth, “Wanted to give that a try myself.”
There were more questions, but none came to mind as Alex made a concentrated effort to remain still and keep her limbs from trembling. It worked well enough for her legs, but her hands were shaking under the sleeves of her jacket ever so slightly. So she let the thought of further questioning go until Regan finished up the last of the stitches. Even then, she needed a moment to recover and only barely caught the doctor saying that she didn’t recommend camping. 
“Not worried about coyotes and bears,” Alex explained, “Could live without the screaming moose, though I’ve never actually seen one scream.” It didn’t seem like the point. She knew Dr. Kavanagh was pointing out the dangers that lurked in the woods, but even with the context of her having some sort of mutation, she didn’t think the doctor realized that she was one of the dangers in the woods if she was out there. “Mutation kind of,” she trailed off, unsure of how to explain it, “Gives me some protection there. And me being deep out in the woods is a lot safer for everyone else. Mutation is… weird.” 
It’d be a lot easier to just say werewolf, but Alex wasn’t too sure how well that one would fly. “But you mentioned sleep-walking… the person you know doesn’t happen to be a chemistry professor, does he?” 
“Do you know who else thought they could deal with the coyotes and bears?” Alex probably saw where this was going but Regan continued anyway. “At least a hundred of my decedents, probably more. And I haven’t even worked here a full year yet.” Regan sometimes needed to remind herself that she had nothing to fear from anything, that no wild animal could harm her, but most people were the opposite; they held more confidence than they had the right. “Whatever capabilities you have were not enough to protect you from your assailant, nor whatever chewed you up after.” Nor Gael, from the animal that almost took his life last time he went camping. Speaking of… did Alex know?
Yes, she knew Gael. And now Regan couldn’t help but wonder if the mutated child in front of her was one of the scores of individuals who had been trying to convince Gael he was a werewolf. Something clenched in her chest, and she itched with discomfort. Caring was such a bothersome thing. She kept her voice stoic so as not to betray that Alex was correct. “Rather inappropriate to try and figure out which individual I’m referring to, don’t you think?” She raised a brow as sharply as the needle and finished up the last of the sutures. “Fortunately for you, I will not fault nosiness, as I exhibit plenty of my own. But you won’t get your answer from me.” If she wanted to ask Gael, that was her prerogative. For a second – a second too long – she entertained how Gael might refer to her as something other than an acquaintance, and the thought made bile bloom in her stomach. 
“There. You are done.” Regan rose to her feet and gave Alex a self-satisfied look. “Now, are you going to tell me why you allowed an animal to chew on your first set of stitches? Because I don’t want a repeat of that. You will not enjoy that, either.” Regan had a feeling Alex would either tell her nothing at all, or make up some outlandish story involving werewolves and vampires and ghosts. She had to wonder if a doctor in the ED would have been able to coax out the truth, or at least more of the truth than Regan could get. The dead were more honest, every time.
When it came to Wicked’s Rest, coyotes and bears were the least of her worries. Even though most bears had considerable size on Alex they still didn’t stand much of a chance against a werewolf. Maybe if grizzlies were in the area, she’d be slightly more concerned, but as it stood, the standard wildlife of Maine seemed safer than literally ripping herself apart in the bunker. It seemed like the extent of her ‘mutation’ wasn’t exactly clicking with the medical examiner though and she wasn’t even sure how to explain her choice to camp in a way that would make sense. “Well, still safer than the alternative,” she shrugged, “And that was different. Someone like him would have found me anywhere… and nothing chewed through my stitches.”
Not that she was sure that Regan would believe her. Alex was a bit more on the monstrous canine side when she had in fact chewed through her stitches. That wasn’t nothing, that was just herself having a little werewolf panic attack in a bunker. Even if she had the energy to explain following having her stitches removed and replaced, it wasn’t like there was an explanation that most would find reasonable… hence, why she hadn’t gone to a hospital. 
Though she was quickly reminded of the medical nature of her visit when Regan shut down her question about Gael. When most of the patients were dead, Alex thought it was easy enough to forget about the whole patient/doctor confidentiality thing… but she was alive. Gael was also alive. “Right,” she stammered, looking down in embarrassment, “Forgot the whole doctor patient confidentiality thing… Only heard of it in theory, never in practice.” 
Given, Alex hadn’t actually ever been to a normal doctor. At least Dr. Kavanagh wasn’t going to hold her question against her. The delivery was still cold, but there was something of understanding in it too. Even though cold sweat still clung to her skin, she smiled, “It’s scientific curiosity. We both like to understand things… and okay, maybe a little bit of it is nosiness.” 
Of course, the question of what happened to her stitches came and the truth was Alex didn’t have a good explanation. Even if she hadn’t done it to herself, the state of her injury did in fact imply she let something do this to her. But Regan talked about mutations… maybe she could hint at the truth. She ran a sweaty palm through her tangled hair and looked down at her lap. “I didn’t let anything chew through them,” she answered nervously, “I was locked in a bunker alone. I did this to me… while I was sleepwalking.” 
“And I’ll grant you the same privacy… mostly.” Regan had already decided she’d make an exception and tell Kaden about this. They were cousins. And from where she was standing, Kaden was the responsible adult, the one who should have insisted that Alex be placed in front of an emergency room physician. But the man was too stuck in his own phobia to help her. Oh, yes, she certainly had some words for him. Náireach bórd.
Sleepwalking. There it was. Her thoughts turned to Gael once more, and an exhausted sigh swelled in her lungs. At this point, both Alex and Gael were viewing reality through such distorted lenses she wasn’t sure which of them was correct about any aspect of this illness. “Lycanthropy,” she could rule out. But short of that, anything else was on the table. And unfortunately, it wasn’t an autopsy table. That would be too easy. Regan rolled her gloves off and discarded them, keeping her eyes on Alex. “That isn’t physically possible. You can’t chew through something on your hip. I have never known anyone to be that flexible. If you’re going to argue otherwise, then I ask that you show me right now.” But that would not happen, she was sure of it. “And if you were asleep, how do you know what happened?” Regan raised a brow, a moment of triumph settling over her face before she realized the unknown still loomed.
She also realized that, sometimes, there was no winning. Regan sighed, her shoulders tensing. Briefly, she considered extending a hand to Alex to help her off the chair, but she had already removed her gloves. “How does it feel? Is your movement alright?” She gave Alex a sharp look. The commanding eye of a doctor who knows patients will almost always act against medical advice. “Be good to your hip. No vigorous exercise for at least eight weeks. Light exercise is acceptable after four. Keep the site clean. Tell me if it begins to smell like an infection or leak fluids.” Her gaze softened, only slightly. “I do not have lollipops. They would have given you one at the hospital. Go there, next time.”
Mostly. Alex wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to know what that meant, but she hoped it meant that Kaden wasn’t going to find out about her stitches being chewed through. He knew something was up and realistically she knew she could only avoid it for so long. Kaden was a stubborn pain in the ass like that. No matter how hard she tried to push, he kept being there. Almost annoyingly so, but that was more her frustration than anything else. So instead of getting clarification, she simply shrugged. She couldn’t get an answer she didn’t like if she didn’t ask the question. It was a sound philosophy as far as she was concerned. 
“Some people call it that, yeah,” Alex mumbled. It wasn’t like she could exactly prove her point. Even if she had mastered shifting outside the moon, it wasn’t like she was going to turn into a large wolf monster in the middle of the damn morgue. With how seriously Regan took her job, she was pretty sure the doctor would not be even remotely chill about an animal in her otherwise pristine office. Part of her wished Regan could understand, she wanted the doctor to believe her, but she wasn’t going to push. Instead, she shrugged. “Like this jacket too much to ruin it.” 
Alex stood up from the chair and grimaced slightly. Even if she wanted to, vigorous activity was definitely not on the table. She let out a pained laugh. “Think I can manage skipping the heavy physical activity. But noted on all of the above,” she paused, “I appreciate you taking the time to fix the stitches back up.” Then, there was something a little less cold in Dr. Kavanagh’s gaze, but she was fairly certain that was wishful thinking. Still, the ‘not joke’ was humorous. “Yeah, yeah,” she shook her head as she headed toward the door, “Think I’m a little old to bribe with lollipops… but sentiment is noted and appreciated.”
Was she ever going to willingly go to a hospital? Not a chance. Alex figured if she had more than one conversation ever with Kaden, the doctor probably already knew as much. She figured she could at least try to keep herself out of trouble so that word of an injury didn’t get back to Regan again. 
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the-missann · 9 months
Honestly, I was talking to my brother and got another idea for a game. Especially after Princess Peach Showtime.
I'll preface this by saying PPS is the perfect game for girls and women imo. Female main character, outfit changes, aesthetic color scheme--everything about the game gave me nostalgia and it isn't even out! I'll be looking forward to playing it (if I have the money 😷) because it makes me actually feel like a female without the color pink as the only color or horrible gameplay attached to it.
But it's sad as hell that it takes so long for something like this to come out. I got Super Princess Peach a few years after it came out and as a little girl, that was the most enjoyment I got out of a game that didn't have hot male characters keeping my attention.
Obviously, the main issue is men game developers. I'm not gonna be all "video games are men's fantasies and bla bla" I don't care because all I want is for some games to be a woman's fantasy ☺
If I knew a female game developer, I would help her in a heartbeat to make a game that actually caters to what women look for in games. Men can keep Cammy being literally butt naked if I also can get Lee Chalon in more swimwear 😌.
I understand the sentiment of girl gamers and that if games didn't have "heterosexual man juice" sprayed all over it, things would be better for us; but it's not gonna change and I wouldn't want it to because I grew up with games that had big breasted women and useless damsels I had to save, and I love some of those games *cough*DMC*cough*. I just want there to be more on both ends of the spectrum.
So, honestly, that's my TED talk, but I at least wanted to show the kinds of ideas we could be getting alongside our usual games.
~Read on if your interested~
Speaking of usual, where is the Huniepop with male characters 😤
Like, do people not realize that a game full of hot dudes with the main point being to engage sexually with them would be the first thing I'll throw $20 at?
Anyways 😀
My first real idea is a collectathon for house items, clothes/outfits, and other accesories.
Imagine Mario Oddessy, but just with the clothes. Instead of collecting the moons, you'd collect various items of clothing you could dress your character up in. A sofa for the house you live in or an accessory to style an outfit with.
I think, just maybe, there's a correlation with Animal Crossing and The Sims being popular with a female audience.
Personally, I don't like the current climate of ignoring a woman's natural interest in fashion and things that look good. I get that it's a stereotype, but all stereotypes are based in reality.
It's bad that girls are being shunned away from wearing a pretty outfit just because that's seen as "girly", but guys are "cool" when they have a good fit and even get praised if they "break gender roles" [insert sigh here]. I even think about how much this would help trans girls to discovery themselves more.
And it doesn't have to be something stereotypically female either. I'd never wear a skirt or dress, but you best believe if a flowy jacket or cute sweater came my way, I'm wearing that shit and I'd love to play games that allowed it, if they weren't unplayable and unbearable.
I usually hate platformers, but I'd love one if my objective was to get clothes and other designing items for a house or my character.
Next Idea
Obviously, VNs are usually the games associated with women, but I'd enjoy one that had gameplay on the side. You know, scratch the itch that Obey me! just doesn't.
Obey Me! Is perfect having guys who are likable without forcing random female hate as "conflicts". However, there's nothing to the gameplay so I'm usually pretty bored after a while.
And even if there is some kind of gameplay, you usually are forced to be romantic and there's no platonic options. Like, I was reading a post by Hamilton Hour and a review said exactly how I feel, they said this:
A lot of the time, I feel like romance games often push you into pursuing a relationship with someone, and when you don’t, the character will get sad and then you feel awful about it.
Original Post here
And no truer words have been spoken!
Seriously, what is with games doing that? Why not give us more content in the game and make all three if you want. Like Stardew Valley, there's options to be an asshole, to be platonic and options to be weird/overtly romantic. It makes it interesting to replay the game and see different choices.
I got off track though, back to the VNs with no gameplay. I really mean for there to be more romance oriented VNs with male characters that have gameplay. Like, Phoenix Wright, Danganropa, or Professor Layton but with romance lol.
I say this because there's tons of dating sims where the primary objective is to date women and they're always super good. Again, if anyone needs help I'd be willing to work on creating a story. Just ask.
Next idea
This isn't really an idea, but just something I wanted to say.
I super want more fighting games with male options that don't look like they were made for no one to love. I just think it's so convenient that female characters who are made to be "unattractive" are still the prettiest things on the planet.
Also, has anyone ever noticed that male characters in fighting games that are attractive are always married or devoted to another? However, most women aren't. Like Mortal Kombat for example. Now, I don't play this franchise so I could be wrong, but I have seen it and try and keep with the latest releases.
And I just happened to notice that the human characters who are male are usually married or dating someone.
On the opposite end, females in Mortal Kombat are either widowed, single with someone who has just a crush on them, or so butch they don't care for romantic relationships.
You can't be more blatant than that.
Street Fighter takes the design approach to turn away women. Seriously, name one male character from SF who's traditionally attractive then name a female, I guarantee you, you'll run out of men.
Then there's Tekken, my favorite.
Tekken is my fav for that very reason. There's a wide range of characters who have no romantic involvement, but they look human and *gasp* they're attractive?? What kind of sorcery...
Lee Chaolan
Leo (ik they're essentially non-binary, but all that means is both get a victory)
Hell even Paula and Law fit this imo.
And my personal fav, ❤ Dragunov ❤
I know he doesn't (sometimes) fit the traditionally attractive group, but bro have you seen some of his renders?
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Idk I just find him pretty
Bite me any day sir *rawr xD*
Yeah he's 27, and looks about 40, but someone likes that irl (aka me) and I ain't special. So I know others would probably appreciate the older looking gentlemen type and not just the baby faced hottie (dilf come on).
Next Idea
The last thing is more related to writing than an actual game idea.
You know how in Zelda you're saving... Zelda?
Well, why the hell isn't there a game where I'm saving Link (and no, the CDi games DO NOT count).
I mean in general, I'd love a game where you play as a heroine and you're saving a male character. Don't even get me started on the many ways that could work.
A god is wounded and it's up to her to save him
A prince is captured while on enemy lines, no one else is capable of infiltrating but her.
Needing a vessel, your childhood friend's body is snatched
Afflicted by a curse, she knows where to find the remedy
Like come on, is it that hard to make a male in need? No it's not, dudes are human too and sometimes they need help. Enough with this solo shit, if men could be alone than why the hell do they all want girlfriends or need wives make it make sense
All this is to say, female coders, developers, writers, we need ya'll 🗣🔊
And as I've said throughout this, I would not be opposed to helping someone create the story of a game they're developing.
Thanks for reading, if you got to this point, be sure to take care of your self, drink some water if you haven't or get some sleep if it's late 🍂
~Buh-bye now~
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wraithwritten · 1 year
some random totk thoughts. major story spoilers ahead
honestly I didn't come in playing this game for the story. unfortunately. which is what Zelda used to BE for me. after getting my story hopes set too high for botw and getting disappointed, I came in with a "story is secondary here" mentality and it shouldn't be considering how important story is to me overall. I came in here namely because I wanted to explore and just fool around. and having both the sky and DEPTHS (which I love the most) and a familiar but different hyrule is scratching that itch for me. basically treating this as my sandbox. so I can say I'm VERY satisfied when it comes to my gameplay and exploration needs. I only wish ultrahand building wasn't so janky to me (I think I need to turn off motion controls since I'm hardly using them this time around)
So that said. hate the rehash of how the majority of story cut scene use is linked to the past AGAIN. and the sages are very underdeveloped and kind of just there (hell even compared to TP I'd even say and those guys were just kind of there) and. not gonna lie. feels like they didn't know what to do with Zelda so we kind of have a semi-redo of zelda being majorly absent. and here we have all this talk of her sealing powers and now time manipulation and. she neither attempts to seal ganondorf away nor do we really get her. actually honing in on her time powers. despite the hints from poor poor plot device Sonia (I AM SO SORRY QUEEN YOU GOT THE DEAD WIFE TREATMENT). in terms of what the story shows us and implies. no. straight to the last resort "lose yourself and become a dragon" option. Zelda girl you deserve so much better especially after what you went through during the calamity and keeping ganon in stasis for 100 years. So as of now I'm not 100% done with the story, at the point where I'm about to use this amazing flying bike build to get up to hyrule castle where puppet zelda is but first I'm gonna get more stamina so I can get the master sword. but anyway. I'm kinda... just waiting to see how this all ends and I'll gather up more thoughts from there.
as a quick aside, all this makes me wonder now is who are the three other dragons??? three of the sages? past zonai? and unrelated but does rauru count as the seventh sage? it's emphasized there's just six and he's just there but STILL (if this is elaborated on I have not done the kakariko ring quest on account of not being able to access them thanks to that one guy).
also not a big fan of early hyrule being depicted as a more tribal people and the so described "good king of light" being the guy who bought civilization and technology to them. I obviously can't speak on this matter but I'm seeing something.
I also have some nitpicking as someone into worldbuilding and overall zelda lore but I'll leave that unsaid for now.
Some positives. more enemy variety thank god. now I'm not as bitter knowing moblins and bokoblins and lizalfos are the main fodder because at least there are other basic enemies beyond them. Would have liked more undead enemies though and poes being actual POES but I understand why they gotta be a more easily obtainable collectable soul currency. I would have liked a new yiga variant and a return of the bow users too but oh well. I LOVE them having bases in the depths though.
love the return of dungeons and ACTUAL bosses that feel more in line with past games. I was not a fan at all of the blights but I'm a BIG big fan of the more varied bosses here and their designs.
finally had some true genuine shit yourself moments beyond the repetitive guardian jumpscares from botw thanks to the depths. also seeing the silhouettes of gibdos in the desert made me yell I cannot begin to describe how happy I am some freaky as fuck enemies are FINALLY in the game. they're like weird redead bugs here. wish they screamed and froze you up still.
I also like seeing how Hyrule has changed in the past ??? years or so. would have liked confirmation but I'm glad everyone seems to be in the boat of a 4-6 year range.
overall though I'd say despite my fun and feeling totk improved on botw's gameplay for me and I'm getting waaay more enjoyment out of it, what I'm really yearning and itching for is in the older games and probably won't truly come back. anyway I wanna replay oot and mm and tp soooo bad. these three are THE essential games for me with mm and tp pretty much hogging the #1 fave spot
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calico-kiwi · 8 days
my dad and my brother and i had so much fun doing a zelda totk playthrough together, and after finishing it we’d been on the hunt for a new game to scratch the itch for a while
after a few months, my dad happened to stumble onto elden ring in the playstation store menu
of course me and my brother are online and into the gaming sphere enough to know elden ring was the game when it released and that a lot of people loved it
so when my dad asked if that’s a game we’d be willing to play together (and by together i mean sitting around the couch and passing the controller between the three of us to take turns) my brother and i were like “yeah sure!”
let me tell you now; we have been playing so much god damn elden ring
at first we were all like “this is wack” because none of us had ever played a soulslike game before and neither my brother or dad knew/realized what the genre was or entailed
and also we just… didn’t understand so many things about the game. from certain basic mechanics to what we needed to do to how to level up or spend points
we knew going in (or at least i knew) that it was going to be hard. especially considering my dad and i are gamers in spirit but not in skill (a sort of yes in theory no in practice type of thing)
but my dad was like “there’s no way it’s supposed to be this difficult. this is ridiculous!” to the point where i could tell he was being more frustrated with the game than enjoying it (though we were all hooked enough to like the game and become addicted to it)
my cousin, however, had recently told me he’d just restarted his elden ring play through so he could try out a different/better build, so there was a decent amount of me texting to ask questions (as a way to progress check and compare how well we were doing against how he was doing)
needless to say, very disheartening to have almost the same amount of hours (minus a few) and only about half the amount of levels
at some point my dad kept asking what the heck kind of stats we should be investing our runes in (we’d not really understood what the hell we were doing and put everything into strength and a few into vigor, and we’d started as vagabond so our stats were all over the place)
my cousins response was honestly exactly what i was expecting and something i already told my dad; it all depends on what build you’re going for
so now we’re like, “well shoot, we’ve sunk 13-14 hours into the game and our stats are way out of wack, the build we want requires wayyy different level distribution, and we didn’t even start with the base that we should’ve”
my dad was very much like “let’s see how we can make this work” but i knew that if we really wanted to have fun that there was only one logical option
you see, i love fighting ranged, it lets me be much more smooth brain and gives me an excuse to use the auto-lock feature and spam a single button
additionally, i love anything magic related and think it’s incredibly cool
all of us were like “hoydee doydee arcana = magic lets pick something with high arcana so we can be a wizard” (hence why we chose vagabond)
but the mage build required a totally different base. and i could tell my dad was very sad that we wouldn’t really be able to pivot at this point to try and switch to a mage build
but i said, “no settling! samurais are cool but we all know in our hearts what we really want!”
and so i suggested we restart from scratch. 13-14 hours isn’t really that much in the grand scheme of things, honestly. we were so early game it was laughable
so we restarted! with a mage build! (why the fuck is it called astrologer tho that’s so confusing)
immediately we started having more fun. the different was insane
the tutorial alone showed just how much better this was gonna be for us
so we started building up our little mage guy
and now, honestly probably 30+ hours later on this save after only a week, we’re almost to the level 100 mage build, we’re undeniably hooked (and lowkey addicted), we’re having so much fun, and me and my brother spent most of father’s day hanging out with my dad on the couch, playing elden ring
i am for sure the breadwinner of this elden ring family though
they lose so many runes it’s deplorable, to the point we’re the only way we really level is from me farming on my own while i watch my shows (you’re WELCOME to my dad and brother for all the money and levels i’ve got us 😤)
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Breaking Good - Five Games That Scratch the Destructive Itch
   Some games are all about creation, building up the world and the people around you. These are not those games. Have you ever had the urge to just break something? Has a rough day got you feeling frustrated and needing an outlet? Don’t want to blow your actual house up, and are willing to settle for a virtual version? Try out these games! Here, you can tear apart everything from cars and buildings to entire cities and global populations without even getting out of your seat. Get ready to channel all those destructive urges into this handful of games all about the art of annihilation. Read on to break it down one game at a time - enjoy!
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Besiege    Good news! Someone has entrusted you with the construction of medieval siege engines. A master architect like yourself must build deadly war machines to destroy your enemies - assuming your creations don’t accidentally just tear themselves apart the moment they start rolling. You have countless weapons and upgrades at your disposal - flamethrowers, saws, spikes, cannons, bombs, rockets, armour plating, and more. Manoeuvre around traps and the environment with steering (or just blindly flailing around) to launch attacks upon the panicking enemy forces, their camps, their castles, their own machines, and so on. There’s also plenty of “eh, that’s good enough” moments where the scorched remains of your construction just happen to flatten one last bit of the enemy camp to earn a technical victory. Finally, you can enter the unlimited-resource Sandbox mode to make some truly staggering behemoths that will bring everything in its path - including your PC - to its knees.
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BeamNG.drive    Strictly speaking, this is merely a driving-themed physics simulation, with a handful of driving challenges for some more standard gameplay. Of course, we all know that “physics simulator” is just code for “how fast can I mangle this car?” Enter Beam.NG’s sandbox, and you’ll be able to answer that question and more with a wide-open playground, littered with obstacles, ramps, half-pipes, bot controls, gravity options, and everything you could need for all your automobile abuse. It’s a great way to spend some spare time answering all the important questions, such as: What happens when this hatchback is struck from all sides by five trucks accelerating at Mach 5? Which sports car fares better under Jupiter’s gravitational pull? How many lamp posts do I need to hit to peel this tour bus like a banana? The sky's the limit - literally, because I once propelled a limousine straight up like a rocket before it flattened against the map height limit like it was made of paper.
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Plague Inc: Evolved    Global pandemics are the last thing anyone wants to dwell on at the moment, but there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a bit of virtual virus-spreading! In Plague Inc., you can pick your poison, choose where your patient zero appears, and let yourself feel like a cackling supervillain for a little while. Carefully select your methods of transmission to spread across the land, skies and seas around the globe before anyone realises what’s wrong, then hit them with the symptoms all at once and watch chaos unfold! It’s highly satisfying to watch those population numbers dwindle and the world turn red as newly-infected dots consume entire countries. Eventually, humanity tries to fight back and you’ll need to battle the world’s efforts to concoct a cure - no laboratory will be safe for long! In this game, you can wipe out the planet’s entire population with careful planning and ruthlessness, all from the safety of the digital screen - no need to wash your hands after playing with this particular plague.
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Teardown    What’s this game about, you ask? It’s in the name - tearing everything down! Playing as a legally-questionable demolitionist, the player is hired to destroy buildings (and sometimes steal stuff from the rubble), then make a hasty getaway before police arrive. There are plenty of tools of destruction unlocked over the course of the game, from the reasonable (sledgehammers, welding torches, and so on) to the overkill (dynamite and other explosives, and even a shotgun). Use the tools of the trade to strategically - or randomly - knock out the load-bearing supports and watch as the entire mansion, shopping centre, docks, or whatever you’re demolishing crashes down and shatters into millions of little voxel bits. The modding community really cranks up the destruction to a whole new level: slice entire cities in half with a flick of the mouse, punch whale-sized holes through skyscrapers with giant cannons, or go full Majora’s Mask and flatten the whole place by bringing down the moon. Another job well done!
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Goat Simulator    Behold, the original and definitive “mischievous wildlife enters city and causes problems on purpose” video game: Goat Simulator. Why is a goat so intent on trashing the town and bending the laws of physics to its will? Who knows? It’s a goat, it - and the player - can do what it wants. As you unleash your hoofed havoc across the unsuspecting town, you’ll discover unique hidden interactions that transform your goat and grant new abilities - flying majestically through the air, scaling skyscrapers with your stretchy tongue, or summoning demonic powers to drag every nearby loose prop (and pedestrian) towards you. The game truly embraces the hilarity of ragdoll physics; nobody in this game seems to have a cohesive skeleton as they flail about like a wet noodle at the slightest headbutt. In Goat Simulator 3 (yes, it’s so big they had to skip a second game), the goat is set loose on a brand-new sprawling map, now with friends in co-operative mayhem!
   Okay, put down the sledgehammer - that’s enough destruction for today. Unless, of course, you know any other games that might fit this list that you’d like to share; if so, feel free to let me know! Feedback, reblogs and likes are all much appreciated!   Thanks for reading!
An Aussie Button-Masher
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reiningsoral · 2 months
facts um. that nobody asked for but idfc
light is additive, pigments are subtractive. this means when you add all the light primary colors (red, blue, green) they make white light, and when you add all the pigment primary colors (yellow, cyan, magenta yes i KNOW magenta isnt technically a color shut the f u c k up) they make brown/black!
muscles cannot push, they can only pull. the reason you can "push" your arm out is because different muscles pull in different directions
if a bee was bigger, it wouldnt be able to fly, as it's wings would be too thin. the only reason bees can fly is because theyre teeny tiny.
elephants thin k that humans are cute in the same way humans think puppies are cute.
cuteness aggression is caused by the brain trying to "relieve" the cute feeling, in the same way scratching an itch relieves the itchy feeling. the brain's only logical way to get rid of the cute in order to stop the feeling is to kill it, thus making it not cute.
the smallest bone in the human body is in the base of the ear!
every four or so years, sea foam is whale semen because they mate every four-ish years
tigers dont have a mating season. while they tent to mate in april, they dont have a specific season of fertility, which means they can mate at any time of the year
cats developed meowing as a way to communicate with non-cats. cats talk to each other with a series of non-verbal signs and body language
foxes scream. loud.
the woods isnt very scary, actually. its only scary if its silent
green eyes are rare because they're a mutation of blue eyes, which are a mutation of brown eyes.
playing piano can improve your cognitive function and make you a bit better at math
in welsh mythology, fairies' preferred mode of transport is via corgi
people in middle school through high school literallly do not have functioning brains. the prefrontal cortext (the bit of your brain that helps with dicision making and weighing options) is not fully developed until youre around 25ish (thats why middle schoolers are assholes)
the earth is a giant magnet
the reason eating pineapple hurts a little bit is because the acid is disintigrating a teeny bit of your tongue
its bad to lick your lips because the thin and fragile skin there is too sensitive for the enzymes in your saliva
the fruit orange came first, the color was named after it
neither the chicken nor the egg came first, evolution is a spectrum. trying to say which "came first" is like trying to say where red becomes orange in a rainbow.
ravens are much bigger than crows, have stronger and bigger beaks, longer tails, and live longer
the word "promiscuous" used to be a synonym for casual and haphazard
people used to think tomatoes were poisonous because they ate them off of lead plated, and the lead soaked into the tomatoes when they were cut on the plates
a lot of medicine was discovered on accident and is, in fact, mold
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sonic-spirit · 2 years
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Unicorn Prince Sonic
One of the things that are really driving my snakebite piercing infatuation lately is the idea of using them in a ponyplay setting. Like. Come on. I am 1,000% sure that using someone's septum piercing in a sexy roleplay scene is just A Thing, because in my head that will always be WHAT IT IS FOR (cuz, yanno, a bull's nose ring is used for leading them, if you do such a thing to your bulls--not super common in most dairy operations I've been around, but I'm sure there's outliers, and I've seen enough photos to see that the practice is still very much alive).
Just. Hnnnnf! Yes, reins. To the lips. Directly. And like. I don't want no one with hard hands up in, I don't want to be yanked around. I've seen the kind of bits cPony likes (cPony's site is one of THE ponyplay resources, for the uninitiated), I know there's people that're into that, into the restrictive tack, hash bits, and severe bondage. ^_^;; But I'm more into ponyplay from a natural horsemanship direction of things. I desperately want to work out how to tie a rope halter for a human face (this requires me to sit down with some rope and practice my terrible knotwork), I like the soft rubber snaffle that's the safest option for human teeth anyway...and I just want someone to gently work me in the dance of really beautiful horsemanship. I've gotten to do it from the trainer's side, gotten to roundpen and long line horses, gotten to play with and train them, and build that bond, be that person that the horse knows and looks to for strength, built that out of lightness and strength...and I also want to feel it from the other side.
Like, if I'm gonna talk about what draws me to ponyplay, and pet play in general, I like the idea of being someone's beloved pet. I like the idea of being able to release, and just be, and act off my weird instincts and impulses, and not have to think about it so, so hard all the time, and track everything all the time. ^_^;; I want to be able to let my hyper-vigilance drop, and be weird, and have that be okay. Which like, I live with my lovely mates, things are a thousand, thousand times better, and despite the efforts of capitalism, we're mostly safe. But it's still a thing inside me, born of trauma and dysphoria, and this is the shape of release that draws me. ^_^ Which quite frankly isn't surprising in the slightest.
Anyway. So while a large proportion of the ponyplay art and stories I've run down focus more on the bondage and loss of autonomy, I'm more about the being an animal and being worked with side. And I also really like the idea of slight, currently possible or not actually possible but seemingly feasible bodymod stuff. Because of course I do. But even in the context of petplay. Like, a few stories I read on the Transformation Story Archive have stuck with me for years and years for like. You could do that. Like, in particular in My Life As a Dog, the scene where her new mistress takes her to be groomed, and she's given glue-on teeth and claws as well as whisker piercings in her cheeks and...yeah, fuck it's hot. I'm not as crazy about some of the more abusive aspects of stories like that, but yeah. There's some itches they scratch.
So yeah, I really like the idea of almost ceremonial reins coming off snakebite piercings, and being led and guided by gentle hands. Look, I'm a simple boy with simple desires!
Uncensored Version on My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unicorn-prince-72178053 Uncensored Version on My Website: http://www.sonicspirit.net/gallery/2022/unicorn_prince_sonic.php Uncensored Version on Inkbunny: https://inkbunny.net/s/2815666 Uncensored Version on Weasyl: https://www.weasyl.com/~sonicspirit/submissions/2163416/unicorn-prince-sonic
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