#i know getting her features right is a big deal and i attempted it but
swasdoodles · 2 years
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an inconsistent clutter of quick cleos
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(Genshin Impact) Giving Headpats to Furina, Lynette, Arlecchino, Chiori, Lumine, Jean, Eula, Noelle, Ayaka, Sara, Yae, Shenhe, and Xianyun
No one requested this, as for the reason this post exists, the only thing I can give you is this image:
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Furina freezes up the moment she feels S/O's hand pick up her hat, only to ruffle her hair.
She squawks for just a moment, quickly blushing and pouting as Furina yanks her hat down.
(Furina) "D-Don't just start patting me out of nowhere!"
Crossing her arms, she looks away, trying to not look bothered about the whole affair.
She finds it highly embarrassing. At least in public.
The moment they're alone and she feels their hand, she closes her eyes and completely relaxes, humming in content.
There's still a blush on her, but it's far more subdued unless S/O starts teasing her about it.
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Lynette does not like just anyone rubbing her head due to her cat-like features.
In public, the top of her head in general is completely off limits.
But if it's just her and S/O at home, then she allows it.
In fact, when S/O's hand starts petting her head, she leans into them completely as her eyes close, just like an actual cat.
Her ears twitch a little, but her tail swishes left and right happily.
If they stop too early, Lynette's eyes slowly open and looks at them expectantly.
(Lynette) "...Why did you stop?"
Feeling the warm of their hand allowed Lynette to rest comfortably, and to space out to her heart's content.
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Arlecchino did the same thing to comfort many of the children at the Hearth.
Yet she didn't know what to do when S/O did the same, feeling her hair slightly ruffled.
If her S/O was taller (in which case "Dude, you look huge"), she really wouldn't comment on the height difference, but if they were shorter, THEN she'd be surprised they would even attempt it.
Arlecchino doesn't care if it's in private or public, but she would care if they did so in front of her kids.
Because then they'd see that she has someone that can make her comfortable too, which in turn makes them happy.
Seeing their father cared for puts them at ease, making Arlecchino thankful in her own way.
But as for the action itself: she would just talk to them in her usual tone, though with a bit of a "threat" lying underneath.
(Arlecchino) "Did you wish for me to pat your head too, S/O? I might be rougher with you than the others."
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Chiori raises an eyerbrow.
(Chiori) "S/O, what are you doing?"
Once they explain themselves, Chiori can't help roll her eyes.
(Chiori) "Did you expect me to get all flustered from that? Psh, it'll take a little more than messing up my hair to do that. Speaking of which, can you fix it for me? I'm a little busy here."
She finds it cute, yeah, but it's not that big of a deal.
Plus, she finds it weird.
Who just goes around, patting their girlfriends' heads unprompted?
Oh well, it's not like this was particularly harmful, so Chiori lets it slide.
But if they do that in front of customers or in public, S/O is dead.
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Lumine's body stiffens when S/O's hand ruffles her hair lovingly, before she quickly giggles.
(Lumine) "Hey, stand still!"
She quickly does the same back, though her retaliation is far more playful and destructive.
S/O's hair is an absolute mess now, Lumine giving a cheeky grin back.
(Lumine) "There, now you look better than before!"
It does not take long for the situation to quickly devolve into a tickle fight with both of them on the bed laughing.
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Jean takes a moment to register what S/O is doing, but after a few seconds she smiles.
Jean lets her shoulders drop, feeling more at ease by the second.
So this is how Barbara and Klee felt when she did the same.
(Jean) "Your hand feels quite nice, S/O..."
She doesn't realize her own flushed cheeks as her vision becomes slightly hazed with her affection.
If anything, she feels a little sad everytime they pull back.
It was such a relaxing sensation, and honestly made her feel a little sleepy.
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Eula's head feels a bit colder to the touch, but her body is rapidly heating up, especially her face.
(Eula) "What do you think you're doing, S/O?"
Hearing their answer, Eula pauses for a moment before responding.
(Eula) "Next time, you should ask for permission instead of rubbing my hair like I'm some sort of child...I don't recall asking you to stop either."
In classic Eula fashion, she doesn't tell them directly that she loves the feeling of their hands.
But she'd be damned if she was going to admit something so embarrassing.
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Noelle feels a mixture of pride and embarrassment everytime S/O pats her on the head.
On one hand it felt quite nice, and the gesture was very sweet!
But it made her feel a little childish.
She never voiced her latter feelings aloud, because it still made her flustered all the same.
(Noelle) "A-Ah...Um, thank you, S/O...!"
It made her want to do her best everytime just so she could receive such affection, and made sure to do it back to them!
But with her strength, she accidentally completely dishevels their hair.
Before promptly fixing it in nearly an instant with her skills as a dutiful maid!
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Ayaka exhales deeply, any words she had completely fading away in bliss.
These were the kinds of moments Ayaka longed for, to simply share affection with a lover of her own.
It made her feel quite normal as opposed to the prim and proper noblewoman she was forced to be.
(Ayaka) "If I may be selfish for a moment, might I ask for you to continue...?"
She'd be a little embarrassed asking for more, but her shame vanishes the moment she feels their hand on her head again.
Ayaka is too shy to initiate the headpatting on her own, most of the time having her hand almost reach her S/O's head before pulling away last second.
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Sara flinches and leans away from S/O on instinct.
(Sara) "What are you-...M-My apologies, I was just not expecting you to..."
Her hand fidgets for a moment before Sara lets out a sigh.
(Sara) "If you wanted to touch my hair, you can just ask."
Now that she was actually ready for S/O, she enjoyed the feeling of their fingers brushing against her hair.
It was relaxing as she let down her guard and enjoyed the physical affection.
Needless to say, Sara absolutely did not want S/O to do this in public.
Seeing Inazuma's general get pat on the head so lovingly would obliterate her image.
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Yae smirks as she leans her head closer to them, not saying a word at first.
Her ears twitch for just a moment as she opens her mouth to speak.
(Yae) "Well, does my hair feel nice, S/O?"
And before S/O knows it, her tail wrapped around their waist before bringing them closer and her the back of her head is resting on their lap.
Yae's hand waves nonchalantly, and her tone growing increasingly ever more teasing.
(Yae) "I expect to be pampered properly, S/O. You can't leave a job half-finished after all!"
Now, Yae expects S/O to tend to her hair, in public or private, she doesn't really care.
As long as there were some good reactions from S/O both was fine, though in public tended to provide the funniest result.
...Oh, and their hands did feel nice. But she'd figure it'd be more entertaining to let S/O figure that one out themselves.
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Shenhe knows this feeling well.
Cloud Retainer did the same thing whenever she meant to comfort her.
And of course, the feeling is much of the same when S/O does it to her.
WIth zero shame or hesitation, she closes her eyes and the corners of her lips grow into some semblance of a smile.
(Shenhe) "Your hands are soft, S/O...They feel good."
Instead of leaning into them, she grabs their entire arm and has their hand stay stuck in place.
But Shenhe is careful enough to not hurt them during the process.
She opens her eyes and calmly asks them:
(Shenhe) "Can you keep your hand in place for a little longer?"
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Xianyun had provided much of the same comfort to all her disciples before.
But never has anyone attempted to pat her head.
So when she feels S/O's hands do the same motion, she is stunned for a few moments.
Clearing her throat and adjusting her glasses, she puts on the best poker face she can.
(Xianyun) "W-Why did you feel the need to rub One's head, One is not feeling upset."
...The blush on her cheeks gave her feelings completely away, if the stutter didn't already do that.
Xianyun is far too proud to admit that headpat made her heart skip, and she would refuse to ever do so.
A mortal patting an Adeptus' head? Absolutely ridiculous!
...She wanted S/O to do that again.
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casuallyawkardd · 9 months
In His Vice
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Pairing: Dark!Miguel O'Hara x Wife!Reader
Summary: Something seems different this time when Miguel comes home late
Warnings: non-con in terms of pretending to be someone else, lowkey gaslighting, me attempting to write suspense, not fluent in Spanish so correct me if I mess up
A/N: I made the executive decision to write this fic in a first person perspective because I feel like that adds to the horror aspect so don't come for me. If you enjoy, be sure to join the taglist! Dividers by cafekitsune
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I could hear the wind outside, whistling as it shook the trees and bushes. When the weather woman had said there would be a storm tonight, I hadn't expected it to be this bad. Lightning could be seen in the distance, the sound of thunder following after. It took a second more this time, hopefully meaning the storm was going to pass quickly. The television had become background noise, my attention focused on the window as I watched the rain streak down the glass.
Today had been one of those days, the kind where I couldn't wait for it to be over. I had woken up on the wrong side of the bed, a recurring nightmare waking me at three in the morning; its contents making it difficult to fall back asleep, so I inevitably decided to start the day early. Coffee and an aspirin did little to help the headache I'd been developing over the last few days, deadlines at work materializing the throbbing just behind my eyes.
Miguel had seemed to take notice of my struggles, taking over breakfast duty and getting Gabriela ready for school. The feeling of his kiss still lingered on my temple, my fingers now massaging the spot absentmindedly.
"I'm gonna be a little late tonight," he told me, gently prying the emptied mug from my hands and taking it to the sink with the other dishes.
"But what about Gaby's soccer game?" I asked, the look of remorse on his face telling me he had forgotten. "Honey, this is the one that determines if they qualify for the championship. It's a big deal for her."
"I know, mi corazón," he soothed, but I pulled away from his touch. Quiet fell over the kitchen then, Gaby's happy giggles heard from the room over. "Y/N, look at me," he said and I reluctantly turned. Soft brown eyes looked back at me, the hand rubbing my back reassuring. "You know work's been hell lately, my boss really wants me to finish this project. After that, I promise I'll make it up to you and Gaby." That's what he always said. "I know things have been.. tense between us lately, but-"
"Let's not talk about this right now," I interrupted him, hiding the pang in my chest when a look of defeat crossed his features. I had every right to be mad at him. This wasn't the first time he had forgotten. It wasn't just about this soccer game, it was about every forgotten soccer game, birthday party and date night before. Was I happy my husband had gotten the promotion he rightly deserved? Of course, but had I known just how much his job would take away from our family, I would have suggested he negotiate terms.
Which was why I held my tongue as he and Gaby left the house. In hindsight, I could've been kinder to Miguel. Could have turned my head as he leaned in for a kiss, said 'I love you' when he whispered the same phrase in my ear. With no way to turn back time, I figured I could redeem myself tomorrow. He was always quick to forgive.
The rest of the day was as mundane as any, the stress from the deadline had seeped into my very being, becoming familiar as I submitted my final drafts. Then I was left with nothing, returning to the start of the vicious cycle that came with the job. At least I got to clock out early, meaning I had time to spend with Gaby.
She was a bundle of excitement, squealing when she saw I had come to pick her up early from preschool. Relatives always told me she'd grow up fast; I found that to be true. Expected to start kindergarten next year and she was already being mistaken for a second grader. Her father's doing most likely, maybe she'd end up being as tall as him someday. Sharp as a whip too, but that trait I always said came from me.
We decided on a mommy-daughter date at a nearby cafe, one I knew Gaby would like. The owner's cat loved to brush against her legs, mewling until I told her it was alright to give him a dollop of whipped cream. Keep her happy until she saw her papi wasn't at her game. She was disappointed, the bounce in her step fading when she came up to me afterwards, frowning in confusion.
"Not today, sweetheart," I offered her a sympathetic smile, "work needed his help very badly. You understand, yeah?"
Gaby nodded, but I knew my daughter well enough to know she was still bothered, "I wanted to show Papi that I used the move he showed me."
"Well you can show him after dinner, right?" The idea seemed to help perk her up, the two of us walking hand in hand back to the car to head home.
Only Miguel didn't make it home for dinner. Odd but not uncommon, unfortunately. It wasn't until it neared Gabriela's bedtime that I felt something was wrong. He's always home in time to put her to bed. A nagging feeling started in the back of my mind. He wasn't answering his cell either, going to voicemail instantly. After promising Gaby that I'd send him in to kiss her goodnight later, she finally settled and I took my post on the couch. Which is where I've been up until now.
A quick glance at my phone told me it was nearing one in the morning, that nagging feeling became something more. Something that dug into my gut and constricted my chest. The amount of missed calls he had was probably bordering on the edge of warranted worry and psychotic spouse. The thought of calling the police made my fingers itch, but I abstained. Miguel's a big guy, he can take care of himself...right? I winced as my teeth bit into the skin around my fingernails, pulling my hand away to assess the damage. It was a nervous habit I couldn't seem to shake, the cuticles an ugly red from irritation.
Then came the sound of a click, followed by the ominous crash of thunder. It was quiet, I almost didn't notice, but it was a new sound compared to the rain, thunder and static of the TV. My heart lurched forward, taking me with it as I rushed to the entry hallway. In the dark, I could make out a figure. Large and imposing, it hunched in front of the main door of the house, grunting as it shifted about in the black of the hall. I had become so paranoid that the sight left me momentarily speechless, throat suddenly dried when I tried speaking.
"Miguel?" was what I managed to get out.
The movements stopped, tension rising around me as the figure stood to its full height. I almost back pedaled as it approached, step by agonizing step coming closer and closer to me. The air around me felt thick, hard to breathe until the glow of the TV revealed this intruder.
"It's you," Miguel's voice rattled my eardrum, reminding me to breathe. "Why are you still up?"
"Where have you been?" I demanded, forcing my voice to remain at a reasonable volume. "Do you know how late it is?"
Miguel's expression hardened, not answering me right away and keeping me on the edge of my seat. I searched every inch of his face for a reason, a tell to let me know what had kept him, and yet I saw nothing. Why did I still feel so uneasy? "There were some complications at work," he explained, "It took some time to fix. I figured you'd be asleep by now, so I grabbed something to eat after everything was sorted."
"And that took you until one in the fucking morning?"
"Didn't know I had a curfew." He said it so bluntly, almost accusatory. The eyes that looked into mine were unyielding, wanting no question or fuss to his response. Not to push that which was unmovable. It wasn't an expression I was familiar with, at least from him, the glint of affection that lingered no matter how mad he got at me now snuffed.
"I..." I trailed off, unsure what to say next. The whirlwind of thoughts and emotions collected within me had me feeling unhinged. Was I being crazy? "I'm sorry, I was just worried about you," I settled on, swallowing thickly so my throat had lubrication.
"Where's Gaby?"
The question gave me pause, his evident impatience spouting words from my mouth. "Oh! Um... she's in bed," Miguel didn't seem impressed by my answer, "u-upstairs," I pointed in the direction mentioned.
"Mmm," was all he responded with, leaving me to shuffle out of the way as he beelined to the staircase. Then I was left alone once again, the suddenness of it making me wonder if I had just dreamed everything. The heavy footsteps above my head confirmed that our interaction was all too real, another crack of thunder giving my body the jumpstart it needed. All was well now right? That's what I told myself as I folded the blanket I had been using, shutting off the TV and making my way up to the second floor.
Miguel's home now, Gaby's in bed, everyone is safe and sound. I thought as I passed by my daughter's room, catching a glimpse of her father sitting beside her bed. I repeated it as I got myself ready for bed, brushing my teeth and washing my face of any leftover makeup. My pajamas were one of Miguel's t-shirts and I tucked my nose under the collar as I lay down, letting the smell of him ease my lingering nerves. There was nothing more to worry about, everything would go back to normal tomorrow.
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The sun woke me up, bright rays peeking through the curtains. Blinking away the haze of sleep, I still felt restless. The nightmares again, most likely. A nuisance that was bold enough to show itself in the night, but cowardice in that I'd forget them in the morning. As I wiped my eyes, the clock on my nightstand became readable.
7:30 AM
Overslept. It was what I needed to get me out of bed, rushing as I did the bare minimum to look presentable. Cold water to wash my face, teeth brushed, hair pulled back and managed, some sweatpants and slip-ons for good measure. Thank God I worked from home.
Gaby was next on my radar, moving quickly down the hall and rapping on her door with my knuckles. Opening my mouth to tell say it was time to get up, the words left me when I saw she wasn't in bed. Come to think of it, Miguel hadn't been in bed either. Did he even come into the room last night? Shaking my head to clear the thought, the sound of dishes clattering drew me to the kitchen. As I descended, the smell of pancakes was clear, the sound of quiet chatter and little giggles following after.
"Papi, quiero voltear el siguiente." Papi, I want to flip the next one.
The baritone of Miguel's laugh followed after, "Lo sé chiquita, pero debes tener cuidado." I know little one, but you have to be careful.
The sight of my husband and daughter making a mess of the kitchen was touching, last night's events feeling like a distant memory. Almost. To think those cold, hard eyes that had pierced through my very being, were now looking down with such warmth and tenderness.
"Mommy!" Gaby spotted me in the doorway, squeezing between Miguel and the counter to come greet me.
"Well, good morning to you too," I cooed, bending forward so we were eye level. Her arms wrapped around my neck in an embrace, my lips finding purchase on her cheek before returning the gesture with one arm. "What do you have going on here?" I asked once we had parted, smoothing down her curls.
Gaby shrugged, "I wanted pancakes," was her simple response. "You were sleeping, so Papi said he could make them."
I looked up at the man in question, who seemed more occupied with what was cooking on the stove than what we were discussing. "And they haven't burnt?" I teased, approaching him from behind. My hand touched the small of his back, thumb rubbing small circles into the muscle as I looked over his shoulder to analyze the aforementioned pancakes.
"I know how to make pancakes," Miguel quipped back, his tone suggesting I might have struck a nerve.
"Of course you do. It's just that last time-"
"I said I got it."
"Okay," was all I could really say, kissing his shoulder apologetically. "You're tense, Mig. You should take a warm bath," I commented, pulling away so as not to disturb him further. Gaby had taken a seat at the kitchen counter, nibbling on a small plate of fruit. Miguel had most likely prepared it so she didn't get impatient.
"Well, breakfast will have to be quick today," I announced, grabbing a grape for myself, "We still have to get you dressed for preschool and then-"
"I called the preschool," Miguel interjected and I turned to him, "she's not going today."
A small frown graced my features, "Well, I wanted to get a head start on my next article."
"Called your work too. Told them you weren't feeling well." Before I could protest, Miguel continued, "I took the day off as well, figured we could have a day together. As a family."
"Oh," is all I had left to say, "Are you sure? I mean that sounds great, but you said your boss was really strict about time off."
Miguel huffed, smiling wryly at my comment, maybe even condescending. "Yeah, well if he has a problem with it, he can kiss my ass."
My eyes widened at his sudden crassness, "Miguel!"
"Papi, that's a bad word," Gaby chimed in, nose scrunched in determination as she scolded her father.
Miguel's smile shifted to a genuine one, rounding the kitchen island to reach the little girl. "You're right, mi vida, I'm sorry," he said, kissing her temple and she squirmed at the contact. I watched as Miguel pulled away, combing his long fingers through her hair. Did she always look so small next to him? "Come on, help me plate the pancakes. The sooner you eat your breakfast, the sooner we can figure out something to do."
Gabriela nodded eagerly, jumping out of her seat and following Miguel to resume their work. I figured I'd let them enjoy each other's company, preparing coffee for Miguel and myself. As I had hoped, everything seemed to be as it always was once more, if not better. Usually it was hectic in the morning, Miguel sleeping in until the last possible second before getting dressed and walking out the door for work, Gabriela in tow. So having a moment like this was a rare treat, one usually reserved for the weekend.
And yet, there was still something that felt so entirely wrong. Something that made my stomach churn and the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Call it intuition, but as to what it was cluing me into, I had yet to understand. I racked my brain as to what could be causing this feeling to linger inside me. Chewing the inside of my cheek as I poured the coffee into two mugs. To one, I added milk and a spoonful of honey. The other simply got milk, each getting a thorough stir. I took both cups, sipping from the one with honey and offering the other to Miguel.
He took it without even looking at me, focused on making sure Gaby didn't hurt herself as she flipped a pancake. I thought nothing of it as I went to go sit down, maybe scroll on my phone now that I had time, but Miguel's disgruntled murmur had me turning to face him. "I don't want anything in my coffee."
"Oh, sorry I didn't know."
"It's fine, can you just remake it?" Miguel asked in a dismissive tone, holding out the mug to me to take. I set my drink down, taking his in both my hands and going to discard the contents in the sink.
When did he start taking his coffee black?
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Tags: @lazy-idate @lilly5799 @yougavemeyourheartyouknow
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mechaknight-98 · 15 days
Gathering Episode O: I pitch Zagoth triome to chrome Mox (NSFW) FT Jiheon
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Operator’s Notes:… well it happened
I pace my home listening to Ava excitedly tell me about the show she was running for her new company Tricell. It was a K-pop show featuring a bunch of Nugu Idols I adored who were not so Nugu anymore. It was a girl group extravaganza and she wanted my help making the show take shape. The only catch was that it had to be done in Racoon City Illinois. My first thought was no absolutely not as we were nearing the anniversary of its outbreak but Bela being the best convinced me otherwise. So I stupidly took a chance.
“Okay, great so you'll be the co-host with TJ. I'll send you the rest of the info later. Ava said in a tone that let me know something was off.
“Okay, what's the second catch,” I ask.
“Well you be working with Connor and Dexter,” Ava says.
“Okay,” I say as I shrug. Ava is surprised
“I thought you were mad when they left you?” she asked
I shrugged again in the video call.
“Is this it? If so I'll see you next week.” Ava says with a smile
Next week arrives in a flash and before I know it I'm in the lobby of the hotel all of us would be staying at. Despite not being the main logistics person (that was Ava) quite a few of the groups asked me how things were going to turn out. The groups in question and would be featured in the show were
Le Sserafim
Oh my Girl
Tj cautiously watched from behind me figuratively and literally. Especially when his ult bias and K-pop crush Yujin arrived. He attempted to say hi shyly but found himself unable to. He gave a polite wave and went back behind me.
One of the girls from Qwer (Magenta) liked my Zagoth Safari shirt and I chuckled, this led to me asking if she liked magic at the gathering. She nodded and said, “Do you play commander?” I nodded and replied
“Almost exclusively why?” I answered
“Oh great Chowon from Lightsum, and Yewon from Oh My Girl need a Fourth can you play tonight? We usually play with Jeewon but she and the rest of the Cignature girls are getting in late tonight” she asked. I nodded and Magenta smiled before walking off happily with the rest of her group. TJ approached me shaking,
“How did you do that?” he asked baffled
I looked at him confused, “Do what?”
TJ meekly pointed to the walking away idols “Talk to them…like they're normal?” he explains
I tilted my head confused as I answered “Because they are normal people.”
TJ was dumbfounded and I looked at him with a strange sense of paternal instinct kicking in.
“Look Theo it's not a big deal. While these women are talented and very attractive they are also quite dorky and very human. Treat them like they are the girl next door you have a partial crush on. Let your heart flutter but let it be grounded. I promise you they'll appreciate it. Unless you're just a weirdo like me then hide it.
TJ laughed and responded, “Thanks Hiro I needed that” I gave him a thumbs up as he went to his room. I hoped he'd take my advice to heart. Otherwise, this would be a long and painful shoot.
“That was kind of you.” an unfamiliar voice said behind me. I turn around to see Jiheon of Fromis_9 she smiles at me and says.
“You're Hiro right?” I nod and she smiles.
“Okay, I have heard stories about you from Dexter, Eunbi, Connor, and Yunjin. They say you're the most ruthless and diabolical deck builder they know.” I squinted
“I don't follow,” I responded.
“I want to learn how to play commander better,” Jiheon said plainly. I studied Jiheon’s expression for a moment trying to see if I was being taken for a ride, and when I only found sincerity I shrugged and said
“Okay, what colors do you play?”
“I like Red and Green, but I keep losing to all of the removal and counterspells.” I looked at Jiheon and said
“Okay let's get you tuned up.”
We went to Jiheon’s hotel room she was sharing with Hayoung. She looked up at me with surprise.
“Oh, unnie this is Hiro he's going to help me with my red green blue deck,” Jiheon explains.
Hayoung looked at me with surprise before saying, “Oh you're the one who bullied the Fimmies and their boyfriends,” she teased.
“Um no it was only one fimmie and her boyfriend and Eunbi and her boyfriend,” I respond Hayoung laughs happily and says
“Like that’s any better
I shrug defiantly back and say,” They team up against me because I play sultai which they all view as evil. Granted I am evil but not because of the colors I play. I'm evil because I lack remorse and a conscience.” they both looked at me and laughed I sighed and walked over to help Jiheon.
Hayoung rolled her eyes “Right,” she said sarcastically and then said “and what are you here doing?”
“Helping Jiheon get better at the game,” I responded flatly which made Hayoung giggle even more.
“Unnie please stop teasing him I need his help,” Jiheon said. Hayoung smirked and had me go on my way.
I followed Jiheon to her backpack and She opened her deck box and showed me, a Magus Lucea Kane deck. In it, I saw a bunch of expensive staples like Mana Crypt Chrome Mox, underworld breach carpet of flowers, and a few other pieces that made my eyes water.
“Is it bad?” Jiheon asked. I turned to her and said, “No but I can help.”
I got out my tablet and got to work finishing the deck based on what she had.
“So what do you want out of this deck?” I ask.
Jiheon looks at me confused. “Win
When we were finished I showed her and she was concerned.
“Why so little creatures?” she asked
“Well because this is more of a combo tempo deck to help you win more. Since you have all the really expensive pieces I'll just buy the rest of these cheap ones and help you.”
Hayoung laughed and said, “You're not evil.” I look at her and she just smiles at me.
“You remind me of my boyfriend Danzo. He's silly but he has a good heart. You have a good heart too.” I sigh and then fill an order at a nearby card shop, from what I am reading it's massive. I placed the order and picked it up for her along with the sleeves. When I finish helping her by explaining the combos and win Lines and what to say when she's in the position to Win. I also gave her a primer on Moxfield. She was elevated. She hugged me and said, “Thanks, Hiro. I hope I can finally beat them.” I smile and say.
“Well you should also talk to Hayoung sounds like she may know a thing or two.” Hayoung scowls at me but then smiles as she pushes me out saying, “Okay Mister Evil it's time for you to leave.”
After I finished helping Jiheon I went to my room to rest when I got a text from an unknown number.
“Come to room 808, and bring your strongest deck -Magenta,” the text said. I worried about it at first but figured who would try to abduct me, especially with all the other talent and random worth people here.
When I arrive I see Magenta, Arin from Oh My Girl and Chowon all setting up. Magenta (who smells like Whiskey) smiles when she sees me
“See I told you we'd get a fourth.” she slurs she guides me to my seat, and says, “Now sit mister. We were just getting ready.
I look around to see commanders. I see Mrs Bumbleflower (Arin), Vazi Keen the negotiator (Chowon), and Cecily haunted mage (Magenta). Their decks concern me but I do as Magenta asked earlier and bring out my best deck “Tasigur The Golden Fang.” I set it down and Magenta’s eyes go wide.
“Oooh where did you get this?” she asks seeing my alter for it.”
“A friend made it, and I have kept it since,” I responded. Magenta smiled and handed it back to me
“I love it. It tells me so much about you,” She slurred.
“Oh, really what does it say about me?” I ask teasingly. Magenta laughs and smiles
“That you value your individuality and growth, and will be rooted in that despite the sacrifices and changes you must make to yourself” I smiled until Arim who was sitting next to me interjected.
“That's what you told me!” she yelled. Magenta shook her head and said
“No, I told you that you are like authority each day you grow and change into your idealized self.” Magenta looks at me then at Arin and says, “The two of you make a good couple actually,” Arin blushes, and Chowon smiles happily. It's endearing.
“Okay, I have a bet. If I win you and Arin have to kiss,” I look at Magenta and then at Arin confused. Arin sighs and then says,
“Unnie please leave him be. He is not close enough to get your teasing.” Arin said firmly with an apologetic look directed towards me.
Magenta smiled and said, “Do you not want him because I'll take him.”
I blinked a few times processing what was being said before asking.
“Um, can we roll to start the game?”
Magenta turned to me and nodded.
We all rolled and I noticed that my starting hand had everything I needed to win. I looked around to see what other people’s turns would look like.
Arin who was first played tapped land and passed. Being next to her meant I was going second. I realized that if she's playing tapped lands then “using your strongest deck meant something different to them.”
I played a command tower and passed. Magenta was placed third and played a Sol ring into fellwar stone all off of an Og dual (tropical island)
On Chowon’s turn, she happily played a fetch land into a shock land then played carpet of flowers. In her second main phase, she played an ignoble hierarch off of the one green mana from the carpet of flowers. I sat there even more confused as on turn two Arin played Chrome Mox (pitching endless detour) and a mana crypt before playing her own Og dual (tundra) before landing a sol ring and her commander. Then she played an archon of emeria.
Unsure of the power level I just played a snapback (pitching a brainstorm) bouncing the archon on her endstep. On my turn, I powered out Tasigur and a rhystic study.
Magenta smiled one her turn as she played another Og dual (underground sea) after fetching it from bloodstained mire. She followed up by playing a Mox amber and her commander (from here on out no one pays for rhystic study) after that she played a mystic remora and passed the turn.
The rest of the game was pretty mishmashed like this as well. People played a flip-flop of expensive optimized decks and pre-con-level cards. It made me realize that I couldn't play as effectively as I usually do because they were not. This led to me watching more and intentionally throwing the game because I didn't want my “new friends” to invite me back.
So I took the loss in the game for the greater prize of playing with them again, despite the weird gameplay loops they created. However, that led to Magenta winning, and while I never agreed to her bet she insisted that Arin and I kiss. I turned to Arin who was blushing profusely I sighed and said “It’s no big…mph.” as I spoke Arin grabbed my face and kissed me. For a split moment, I understood why TJ was so flustered. When she broke the kiss my brain broke as well. Unable to process the insane turn of events I got up and said
“It's been a great night but I gotta get to sleep see you tomorrow.” as I walked out to my room. Chowon began laughing watching me stumble out.
I get back to my room and finally collapse after the long day. The next morning, I stumbled into the hotel’s breakfast lounge, still shaking off the fog of last night’s events. The memory of Arin’s kiss lingered in the back of my mind, making me feel all kinds of awkward. I wasn’t ready to face her, but as fate would have it, she was the first person I saw.
There she was, standing by the buffet table, unbothered, with a breakfast sandwich in hand. Her cheeks were puffed out as she chewed, clearly enjoying her meal. She looked… normal, and relaxed, like nothing strange had happened between us the night before. For a second, I just stood there, watching her, unsure of how to approach her.
Arin noticed me out of the corner of her eye and turned. Her expression shifted slightly—just a flicker of surprise—before she smiled, still mid-bite.
“Morning,” she mumbled through her mouthful of food, giving a small wave.
I chuckled, suddenly feeling a lot more at ease. “Morning. How’s the sandwich?” I asked as if that was the most pressing issue in the world.
She held it up like a prize. “Delicious. You want one?”
I shook my head, grabbing a tea instead. I wasn’t hungry, just… nervous. Last night’s kiss was like a ticking time bomb in my brain, and I wasn’t sure how to address it, or if I should at all. But Arin seemed completely calm, almost like it hadn’t thrown her off balance at all.
I sat down across from her, still feeling the weight of unspoken words between us. She took another bite of her sandwich, glanced up at me, and raised an eyebrow.
“You seem nervous,” she said, a bit of teasing in her voice.
I scratched the back of my head, trying to play it cool. “Well, last night was… unexpected.”
Arin set her sandwich down and met my gaze. “Yeah, about that…” She paused for a moment, thinking. “I didn’t mean to catch you off guard. Magenta can be… a little pushy, and I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
I nodded, feeling a bit of relief. “It’s not that. I just didn’t expect it, you know? But it’s fine.” I took a sip of my tea, then added, “I don’t want things to be weird between us.”
Arin smiled softly. “It doesn’t have to be. Let’s just… take it one step at a time.”
She returned to her sandwich, the tension slowly melting away. It was oddly comforting, sitting there with her, sharing a quiet moment in the middle of what was about to be a busy day. There was no pressure to say more than what needed to be said, and for once, I wasn’t overthinking it.
As she finished her breakfast sandwich, she looked at me again, this time with a playful glint in her eyes. “You sure you don’t want a sandwich? You’re going to need your energy for today.”
I laughed. “Maybe I’ll grab one on the way to set.”
“Good,” she said, standing up. “We’re going to be in for a long day.” I decided to grab a breakfast sandwich as I walked to the buffet Arin walked close to me and asked how I felt about Magenta’s observation.
“Well I don't know you all that well so I can't be sure how accurate it was, but for me, it was pretty much who I am.” Arin smiled
“Yeah, she does that. Also, I got a couple of glimpses of your hand last night when you weren't paying attention. You had some serious power in that deck. Why didn't you play it?”
“Well I'm not used to you all yet so I don't know how y'all describe powerful. I built this deck to beat one of the cameras guys who's been topping tournaments with his Rocco Caberetti Caterer build.”
“Oh, so you're a cedh player?” Arin raised an eyebrow.
“No, I'm competitive and don't like losing,” I respond.
“But you lost yesterday…intentionally.” she challenged and in that moment I felt at ease with her.
“That's different. I lost the game because I didn't want y'all to be like that. Oh, he plays too powerful. Mrs turn one tapped land.” Arin smiled and said.
“Oh Magenta was right me and you will get along just fine.”She leaned in closer to me as we grabbed more food. There was a moment, brief but noticeable, where my heart skipped a beat. Her presence felt… easy. Like I didn’t need to overthink things. Before I could dwell on it, we headed back to our table. As we sat down I heard someone say,
“Oh look it's Hiro. Let's sit next to him.” I look up to see Yujin and Tj walking next to each other. I smile seeing him so clearly elated and Yujin also looks very happy. They sit next to us with their plates of food and I tease TJ.
“What happened?” he smiles and starts his story.
Flashback to Yesterday
TJ had been pacing back and forth for what felt like hours. The advice the narrator had given him was fresh in his mind, but now that the moment had come, all of his confidence was wavering. He took a deep breath, mentally replaying how he was going to ask Yujin out.
Just ask her, he told himself. You’ve got this.
Yujin appeared a few minutes later, looking radiant, as usual. She smiled when she spotted him. “Hey, TJ! What’s up?”
He froze for a second, his mind going blank. Oh no… I forgot everything.
“Uh… h-hi, Yujin,” he stammered, his heart racing. Okay, here goes nothing.
“I was, um, wondering… would you like to… go out with me? Tonight?” He blurted out the words in a rush, barely looking her in the eye.
Yujin tilted her head, a slow smile spreading across her lips. “Are you asking me out on a date?”
TJ could feel his face heating up. “Y-yeah. I mean, yes, I am.”
There was a beat of silence, and he braced himself for rejection, but to his surprise, Yujin chuckled softly. “Well, that’s bold. I like it. Sure, I’ll go on a date with you.”
TJ’s eyes widened. “Wait?”
“Of course. Why not?” She winked. “I’ll see you tonight.”
Later that night, TJ found himself sitting across from Yujin at a cozy café. It wasn’t anything fancy, but the warm lighting and soft music set the perfect mood for a first date. His hands felt clammy as he tried to keep the conversation going, feeling her eyes on him the entire time.
“So… you like coffee?” he asked, immediately regretting how awkward it sounded.
Yujin smiled, sipping her drink. “I do. But you don’t have to be so nervous, TJ.”
He looked down at his cup, fiddling with the sleeve. “Sorry… I just didn’t expect this to happen. You saying yes, I mean.”
Yujin leaned forward, resting her chin on her hand. “Well, I like surprises. And you surprised me. I think that’s a good start.”
Her words reassured him, and as the night went on, he slowly started to relax. As he did Yujin liked what she saw. She saw his humor and wit.
“So how did Ava find you?” Yujin asks TJ who responds flustered
“I went to college with her and Hiro.”
“Oh really what were they like?” Yujin asks
“Guarded and more anxious but they seem better now
“Okay, so last question. “Why me”
“Well you've always been a pillar of joy since your debut in Izone, and you've become so great that I'd be a fool not to try”. TJ says. Yujin smiles and says “Congratulations you earned a second date”
Cut to now
Oh “that's super cute I responded. Tj smiles as we finish breakfast.
“Well we better get rolling,” I say to TJ and Yujin they both smile and wave me off as Arin and I go to the set. She rode with her members I drove by myself. I arrived first to see Ava who was all smiles.
“As always you are early,” she says. I nod and she says. “Now go meet with today’s groups. It's QWER, Oh My Girl, Lightsum, dreamcatcher, and Cignature. I figured you’d pair well with these more eclectic and zany girls.” She said happily. I rolled my eyes.
I introduced myself to the numerous girl groups and they were very nice, polite, and in general pleasant to be around I hit it off with Nayoung and Chodan in terms of filming and I think it helped the filming shine. Granted I was trying to play it “cool” to make the girls feel confident and comfortable with me as their host since the next couple of weeks we’d be spending a lot of long filming days together. I think it was fine for the most part except for one girl in particular. As I took a break from filming and found a break room to rest in I noticed something.
The atmosphere in the room was more relaxed this time, but there was still a tension humming in the air. The kind you notice when everyone’s gotten a little too comfortable, but there’s something under the surface, waiting to bubble up. After last night’s game, I knew them a bit better—or at least, I thought I did.
Magenta grinned when I walked in, her eyes playful as always. “So, after sleeping on it, how does it feel to lose to me?” she teased.
I chuckled, shaking my head. “Hey, that was a tactical retreat, not a loss. I’ll take you down next time.”
Chowon, who was sitting beside her, smiled at me warmly. “You did great for your first time playing with us. Though I did notice you holding back.”
I shrugged, trying to keep things light. “Yeah, well, I didn’t want to scare you all off with my ‘cedh’ skills.” I made air quotes, remembering Arin’s jab from the night before. The group laughed, but it was Arin’s silence that caught my attention.
She was sitting on the edge of the couch, quietly observing as the banter flew back and forth. Her gaze wasn’t on Magenta or Chowon—it was on me. And when our eyes met, it was like that unspoken connection from last night flared up again, stronger this time.
No words, just a lingering look. But it said so much more than a simple greeting could.
Magenta’s voice cut through the moment. “Oh please, you were too busy watching Arin to even play your best cards.”
I felt the heat rise to my face, and from the corner of my eye, I saw Arin blush, a slight smirk playing on her lips. “Unnie, stop teasing him,” she said, her voice calm but laced with amusement. “He was just getting used to our pace. We don’t all rush headfirst into a match, you know.”
“Is that what we’re calling it now?” Magenta quipped, raising an eyebrow at both of us.
I laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck. “I was just…feeling it out, you know? Trying to get a sense of how you all play.”
Chowon nodded, chiming in with her usual supportive tone. “You’ll fit right in once you get used to us.” She paused, her eyes flickering between me and Arin, something unspoken hanging in the air. “Especially with Arin keeping an eye on you.”
Arin’s smile was subtle, but there was that same pull between us, like last night—this quiet, simmering tension. We hadn’t talked much beyond the game, but I could feel her presence more than anyone else’s. It was like every move she made, every time she shifted in her seat or tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, my attention was drawn to her without me even realizing it.
At one point, as we all moved toward the small buffet table for food, Arin ended up beside me. She nudged me slightly with her elbow, her voice soft but teasing. “You did lose, though. Tactical retreat or not.”
I shot her a mock-offended look, trying to ignore the way my pulse quickened being this close to her. “Only because I didn’t want to embarrass anyone.”
“Sure,” she said with a playful smirk. “But next time, don’t hold back. I want to see what you’re capable of.”
Her words were innocent enough, but there was something deeper in the way she said it. Something that made my heart race. The rest of the group was chatting, oblivious to the growing tension between us. But in that brief exchange, it felt like we were in our little bubble, where every word carried more weight than it should.
We loaded our plates with food, the space between us feeling smaller with each passing second. As we walked back to the table, Arin’s hand brushed mine, and I swear the spark that shot through me wasn’t just my imagination. I glanced at her, half-expecting her to pull away or laugh it off, but she didn’t. She just gave me a sidelong look, her lips curving into a small, knowing smile.
When we sat back down, the group fell into easy conversation, but I could barely focus. Every time Arin shifted or spoke, my attention snapped to her. It wasn’t obvious to anyone else—at least, I didn’t think it was—but the pull between us was undeniable.
Magenta must’ve noticed something, though, because, at one point, she leaned over and whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, “You know, Arin, I think you and he are starting to vibe. Just saying.”
Arin’s face flushed, and she shot Magenta a warning glance. “Unnie, please.”
But Magenta just laughed, winking at me. “What? I’m just calling it as I see it.”
The rest of the conversation continued, but that charged connection between Arin and me stayed. It wasn’t something we were ready to talk about yet, but it was there. And it wasn’t going anywhere.
After filming Magenta invited me to another game. As I was packing I also received an invitation from Jiheon. So I decided to see if I could mix the playgroups. The group had gathered again, ready for another round of Commander before heading to sleep. I entered the room, spotting Arin, Magenta, and Chowon setting up their decks. As I approached, Magenta gave me a sly smile while Chowon waved happily.
“Ready to lose again?” Magenta teased.
Before I could answer, I noticed someone new sitting next to Arin, sorting through a pile of cards. She had a relaxed, confident energy and looked up when I entered the room.
“Oh, you’re the new guy,” she said, standing up and extending her hand with a smile that was both charming and direct. “I’m Jeewon. I heard you threw the game last night. Bold move.”
I shook her hand, raising an eyebrow at her boldness. “I just didn’t want to play too hard on the first night.”
Jeewon grinned. “Smart. Gotta keep ‘em coming back for more, huh?”
She stepped closer, her eyes scanning me for a second before locking with mine. “I like that. I like you.”
Her words came out so casually as if she was talking about her favorite card in the deck. Arin, sitting a few feet away, tensed slightly, but kept her eyes on her cards, though I could feel the shift in her mood. It was subtle but there, like an unspoken pull between us.
I blinked, trying to process Jeewon’s forwardness. “Uh, thanks?”
Jeewon chuckled, amused at my reaction, and sat back down. “I’m upfront, just so you know. I don’t waste time. If I like someone, I say it.”
Magenta laughed, watching the whole exchange. “Jeewon’s always been like that. Gets right to the point.”
I stole a glance at Arin, who was quietly shuffling her deck, her fingers moving a little more deliberately than before. Her lips were pressed together, but she didn’t say anything. The air between us felt charged, like there was something unspoken, simmering beneath the surface, especially after last night’s kiss.
Jeewon’s eyes flicked between us as if noticing the silent tension. “So, what about you?” she asked me, leaning in with a curious grin. “You into anyone in the group yet?”
The question hung in the air, and I could feel both Jeewon’s intense gaze and Arin’s quiet presence beside me. The room seemed to shrink for a moment as I fumbled for an answer.
“I guess I’m still… figuring things out,” I said, trying to keep it vague.
Jeewon shrugged, her grin widening. “Fair enough. I’ll give you some time, but don’t take too long.” She winked, turning her attention back to the deck she was shuffling.
Magenta leaned over with a smirk. “Looks like you’re in for an interesting day.”
“Actually about that…Jiheon invited me to join her group so I figured we could all group up and play.
Jeewon smiles and says, “See I knew I liked this guy. A true bridge builder. You’re probably like Arin and play something like Temur or Bant.” Jeewon said I shook my head.
“Nope Sultai,” I responded and Jeewon’s eyes widened and she narrowed them.
“Ooh a bad boy… that just makes me want you more,”
Magenta and Chowon both save me by saying, “Nope he’s a good boy through and through,”
Jeewon smiles and grabs my arm.
“Well then lead the way.”
As we entered the room, Jiheon’s voice rang out in triumph. “And that’s game! Told you I was taking this one home.” She glanced over her cards before looking up, her eyes locking onto mine. A grin spread across her face as she stood up, brushing past the others at the table.
“There you are,” Jiheon said, making her way over to me. “You know, I couldn’t have done it without your help last time. That little trick you showed me was perfect.”
Before I could even respond, she wrapped an arm around my shoulder, leaning in to press a soft kiss to my cheek. “Thanks for that,” she said with a wink, completely oblivious to the stunned silence that settled over the group behind me.
I caught a glimpse of Arin’s eyes widening, her face flushing, while Jeewon raised an amused eyebrow, clearly entertained by the sudden shift. Magenta exchanged a knowing glance with Chowon, trying to stifle a laugh as Jiheon lingered a little too long, still close to my side.
I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly, trying to gauge the reactions. “Uh… you’re welcome?”
Jiheon flashed another grin, completely unaware of the tension in the air. “Alright, who’s ready for the next game?”
Everyone nods and we shuffle groups. I am paired with Jiheon, Connor, and Yunjin. Before we begin though I ask if I can go to the restroom.
I take care of business and as I’m finishing up the door opens. I scream internally as I know I locked it but panic regardless.
In walks Jiheon. She stops for a moment as do I, while our brains try to process what is going on. Jiheon’s eyes wander down and she looks at my cock. She licks her lips then closes the door behind her and double locks it. She walks over to me and I’m still in the freeze response as she grabs my manhood. It’s warm in her hands she smiles and says, “Oh you’re so hard for me baby.”
She begins stroking me with leisured and languid strokes in between saying the filthiest words with her pretty mouth and smile.
“We don’t have a lot of time baby but I can see your balls are so full. I want all that cum on and inside me.”
Her dazzling smile made it hard to fight my attraction. She keeps stroking me and says, “Can I lick it?”
I moan and she smiles, “I’ll take that as a yes.” She says before licking my tip.. her pink tongue swirled around my bulbous head.
“It looks so angry. Are you neglecting yourself?” She asked. I nod helplessly before she takes me into her mouth fully. I moan again and she bobs on my cock. Getting her warm wet mouth all over my cock. Feeling bold she goes down the full shaft and lets me rest in her throat. She looks up at me and her big brown eyes drive me crazy and I have to resist the urge to grab her cheeks and fuck her face and let her do her thing.
She smiled and wrapped her tongue around my shaft. She slurped and gagged a few times before removing her mouth
“Okay, you’re ready.” She said before taking her shorts down. She slapped her ass and I watched it jiggle before lining up my rod and gliding into her soft wet snatch. She moaned.
“Oh, you’re so big inside,” Jiheon said enraptured. I started thrusting into her and she looked back at me smiling.
“Oh God! Baby this cock is so good.” Jiheon says as I thrust into her. She moaned and I slapped her ass. It jiggled just right and I smiled watching her tasty flesh fold and give way. Her wet pussy squelches around my cock as her slick pools under us. I feel my cock twitch with a familiar sensation.
Jiheon noticed and said, “Oh good are you close?”
“Mm hm,” I confirm. Jiheon smirks and says, “Just dump that big load inside of me.” I groan and she moans as I cum inside of her. I feel her tighten and her slick rushes all over my crotch.
After Jiheon smiles and says “Go outside first then I’ll be right behind a few minutes later. (She grabs my collar and pulls me in for a heated kiss leaving me hard again) we’ll continue this later.”
I smile at her as I pull up my pants and watch my cum drip down her thigh. I watch as she stares me down as I watch her pulls her shorts back up.
“Okay, you’ve gotten your show, now go.” She said and I did.
I walked and got to our table where Yunjin and Connor were waiting. They were bickering over whether or not Percy Jackson was a millennium or Gen Z. As always they were quite loud as well meaning that no one probably heard Jiheon and me go at it earlier. I got my deck set up and waited. As I did I put my head in my arms before taking a light nap. I wake up to Jiheon shaking me.
“Come on sleepy head.” She was saying as she shook me. I smiled and got everything set up for us. She leaned in close and laid her head on my shoulder. When she did that it felt natural, like I had always been in her place. Yunjin notices and yells
“Oh, are we doing two-headed giant?” I look at Jiheon and she bashfully smiles before nodding.
I looked for Arin and when I found her watching us I could see a competitive fire light in her eyes. I chuckled as we started the game.
Jiheon and I both have gemstone pre-game action in the form of gemstone caverns. The two red white players declared they were going first because they had to wait to use
“Oh, dear Connor says. This may be bad.” Jiheon and I both nod.
Jiheon, Arin, TJ, and I clean the house in all the games we play. Which leads to the rest of the players saying,
“Y’all play at the winners' table.”
We shuffle and cut and draw our starting hands. I looked around and I was going first. I draw for a turn and sigh.
“Before we begin does anyone have a way to stop me?” Everyone looks at me surprised then I ask does anyone have a mind break trap? Or any outbreeding counterspell?” The table shakes its head and I reveal my hand.
“Okay so here’s the combo:
1,) Play Mana crypt, Mox, vault, sol ring lotus then delve Zagoth triome and lotus to cast tasigur
2.) Neoform the tasigur to scholar of the lost troves then neoform that into hoarding brood lord
3.) Convoke hoarding brood lord and cast saw in half that was exiled off of brood lord
4.) Cast sacrifice and use the 8 mana to cast peer into the abyss with the second brood lord draw half my deck
5.) Okay so now divergent points
6 .) Play all my other fast mana and follow up with one of my win cons
7.) Cast demonic consultation thassas oracle
7.b.) cast nadu, lightning greeves, and spring heart Nantucket. This will bring me a nondeterministic loop in which I will physically draw the rest of my deck
7.c.) cast displacer kitten and Crabhomination then noxious revival losing two lives. This will start a semi-infinite cast loop that exiles everyone else’s deck and wins me the game.
8.)win the game.”
As I finished my explanation the other tables were all looking at me wild-eyed.
“Hold up you have a turn-one win in your deck?” Siyeon asked bluntly. I nod to Sakura and her complaints about how BS that is. I shrug and say,
“See this is why I throw games, because you all aren’t as competitive as me.”
“You don’t go to tournaments, though.” Dexter challenged.
I laugh and say, “Yet I still beat the breaks off you Mr. I’ve topped 8 tournaments and have an almost 45% conversion rate.” Dexter looks at me stunned and then twists the knife even further, “You beat the same people day in and day out I’m much more exhaustive in my choice of prey. I choose the biggest fattest strongest prey as they make the best meals. And I tear into their weak points and let those kill them rather than me. Then when the defiant spark has left their eyes I go in for the kill. Now please keep in mind this is all metaphorical. ” As I spoke I felt my voice take on a familiar edge which meant I was getting too frustrated. As I look into the eyes of everyone present I see various emotions: fear, excitement agreement, pity (that one infuriates me) disappointment but the main one I feel from all those around me is a collective terror. I begin to feed on that emotional energy floating in the room, but the feelings become muted. I decided to step out. I grab my stuff and take the elevator to my room on the fifth floor. When I exit I see the sponsor. She’s talking to Hunk the famed Umbrella Corps specialist. I crack my knuckles and ignore them as I walk around. I overhear them talking about plans and the lady turns to me.
“Oh, you're Avaline’s little mutt.” She teases. I roll my eyes as she says, “Roll your eyes all you want but when things go down you won’t be smiling or laughing anymore.” In the very pit of my being, I feel it. The desire to destroy to hunt to eradicate, and here she is presenting herself as the fattest juiciest of prey. I turn to her and speak slowly.
“Is that a threat?” I ask
I watch the lady’s mood shift from happy to fearful. Her “ally” also cowers a bit.
“Because I don’t take well to threats.” I could feel my desire for violence surging madly within me terrible visions surged within me as I looked at the both of them. Then they ruined it by backtracking
“No, we aren’t planning anything,” Hunk said.
I could hear his elevated heart rate give him away as a liar. I sighed and said
“Listen cowards whatever convoluted and half-baked scheme you’re coming up with leave me alone as well as my friends or you will both personally find out I’m less of a dog and more of a kaiju.” The lady smiled and her calming heart rate told me she thought she had some leverage
“Well, Mr Ballas. I will tell you that you can’t save everyone so maybe I just may be so inclined as to…”
Knowing where this stupid conversation was going I responded. I stood my full size and then hunched in closer to show them how small they were in comparison “If anyone I care about is hurt here because of your stupid plans, I will make sure He will be a vacation from what I will put you through because you’re right I can’t keep them all safe but you know what I can do that I’m way better at. Revenge. (I switch my tone from menace to calm and happy) now have a nice night and remember to leave my friends alone.”
The terror in the air tasted delicious as they took the elevator down. As they left the emotional high I had crashed and I felt drained. So I opened the door to my room and crashed into the bed.
The door creaks open a little later after I recovered a bit. The dark room I had left myself in was pierced by patches of light. I turned over to see what was facing me. It was Jiheon. She smiled mischievously as she closed the door. “You ready babe?” I could taste her hunger and her lust as she entered. The air permeated everything as I watched her inch closer and closer.
As she did a new piece of clothing would fly off in the dark room until she reached me. She leaned down and all I could see were her soft brown eyes. She smiled before her hands dipped down into my pants. She began to stroke me again. To get me to explode in her hands she began messaging my balls
“Oh fuck honey” I screamed Jiheon smiled,
“Yeah let everyone know how good I'm making you feel.” let everyone hear you scream my name as I make you cum.” her smile was evil as she began to pick up the pace before I couldn't take it anymore I bucked into her hips and my cum flew out to her face hands arms and chest. She smiled and stared t my hard cock still raging
“You animal. I love it Jiheon cooed before straddling me and then lowering herself on top of me. She smiled and said,
“I could get addicted to this; the size and gerth are just right for my tight pussy.” I moan she bounces on my cock.
“Fuck, honey. You're so wet.” I groan out as I slip and slide in and out of her almost soul-snatching pussy.
Jiheon smiles and says, “I know, now cum.” her words put me into a deep trance as I release another load into her as I keep thrusting into her. I can feel her tighten as well and she starts to orgasm making a mess on top of me. With a smug grin she smirked and said “I'll see you later baby,” and with that, she was gone as fast as she came. I lay in my bed confused and still hard. Unsure what to do I just go to sleep and hope tomorrow is less weird.
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kqulitz · 1 year
can u do a tom x reader where they’re meeting fans, signing autographs etc? she has a male fanbase and they both aren’t really a fan of it. one of them starts getting handsy, flirty and it’s obv that she’s uncomfortable. she kindly tells him to back off and he starts telling her crude things and tom just loses his shit, taking her outside to kind of comfort her? thank you!!💕💕
hands on
tom kaulitz x reader
summary: tom gets a bit annoyed when one of your fans attempts to make moves on you.
tags: established relationship, jealous! tom, protective! tom, creepy guys, fluff :)
lowercase intended
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
you smile politely at the fan before you. the line was almost done and he was busy blabbering on about how he owned all of your cd’s. “thank you, that means a lot to me.” you cut in, hoping to stop the conversation there. “it’s no big deal. hopefully i’ll see you at your next concert!” the guy finally takes his leave and the next in line shuffles up. you notice tom lingering in the corner of your eye, he must be waiting for you. you smile, signing whatever merch the fans were thrusting towards you, taking pictures, signing pictures. you found it exhausting, especially since your fan base was primarily men. it made tom uncomfortable as he was quite a possessive lover, and honestly there were a lot of experiences that made you uncomfortable too.
the last man of the night walks towards you, confidence in his walk. “hey, sorry for the wait, how are you?” you ask, yet he doesn’t offer you any merch to sign. “i’m all good, how about you?” he asks smoothly, glancing around a little as if he was making idle conversation at a party instead of meeting a potential idol. “i’m okay, just a little tired.” you chuckle. he looks at you, eyes dragging over your outfit, lingering down near your legs. you do your best to keep composure, but this guy was really freaking you out. “uh- do you have anything for me to sign..?” you ask anxiously, gesturing a little with your hands. “hm? oh, yeah. sorry, you’re just too dreamy, i must of gotten lost.” he grins. you almost gag. “thank you.” you respond, realising that the guy was pulling out a notebook. “i wouldn’t mind your number.” he winks. “i cant give my number out to fans-“
the man cuts you off. “i’m not just a fan.” he glares at you. “i’m your biggest super fan. i run your fan-club, i have every single cd that even features you- i even have one of your old broken guitars that you threw out back in hamburg.” he steps closer, you step back. tom tenses in the corner of your eye, you want to tell him that it’s okay and that this ‘super fan’ will be gone soon but you don’t want anyone to freak out. “i love you, y/n. only i truly know you.” the stranger leans in. he stinks of cigarettes, you almost retch. “please back away- i don’t want to have to call security.” you raise a hand, trying to gesture for him to step back. “do you love me too?” he asks, voice low and sultry. you want to cry. “hey, back off man!” tom’s hand grabs the guy’s jacket, pulling the stranger away from you.
security step in at tom’s command, pulling the guy away. you sigh softly, squeezing your boyfriend’s hand a little to soothe yourself. “thank you.” you mutter, resting your head upon his shoulder. “don’t thank me, baby.” tom mutters, hugging you. “let’s step outside, yeah? you look exhausted.” he mumbles, pulling you along gently. you give the rest of the band a wave in passing, watching them smile and wave back makes you feel a lot better. tom opens the door for you, and you step outside onto the steps. the fire exit door clicks shut behind the two of you and tom pulls you into a hug. he exhales rather shakily, so you hug him back tightly. “it’s alright, he’s gone.” you say to him, knowing he’s probably pissed. “i should be telling you that.” tom mumbles, you can only laugh. “i think we both need to hear it right now.” you mumble, resting your head on your boyfriend’s shoulder as you sway with him.
tom soothes, and so do your own nerves. “thanks again, tommy. that guy was… really freaky.” you laugh a little, pulling away. tom’s eyes look at you with pure adoration. “it’s no problem, babe. ich liebe dich.” (i love you) he mutters, kissing you gently. “ich liebe dich auch.” (i love you too) you reply between his soft kisses, it makes tom smile against your lips. you let your arm wrap around his neck to deepen the kiss, other hand rubbing his arm gently. tom hums lowly, breaking away and kissing your nose. “you ready to get out of here?” he asks softly, forehead resting to yours. “yeah. let’s go get the others.” you reply, a smile on your face.
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wutheringcaterpillar · 4 months
Omg hi! i was wondering if i could request a tommy fic? i was thinking during the whole luca changretta war tommy finds (Reader) who is a harley quinn typa gal in the psych ward gets her out and asks to help him kill luca?
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•Thank you for the request! Apologies it took so long to come out, hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Altered storyline, mentions of smut
The hallways were narrow as he passed by each barred cell, ignoring the familiar faces of many of his enemies. With each step he was inching closer to her menacing yet playful laugh. He was desperate at this point and being a Shelby he’d never like to admit that.
He really didn’t want to do this, but what other choice did he have? Y/N L/N was known very well for her crimes, many she had gotten away with until she attempted to blow up Tommy’s fucking pub and threatened his family, also the time where you had managed to do seduce his men guarding the company and breaking into the vault stealing a tremendous amount of money.
“Mr. Shelby, crawling back already are we? To what do I owe the displeasure?” She snarled at the sight of his frigid, cold stare. 
Folding his hands and standing with a straight back, feet implanted solidly in his stance, he released a disgruntled breath.
“I need your help. You’re the only one who’s been able to out play me numerous times, and we have a common enemy we both want dead.” She simply giggled and rolled her eyes, not at all phased by his demeanor. Was he being serious right now?
“Regardless of who it is, why should I help you? After all you’re the reason I’m in this filthy, low ridden place. What could you possibly offer me that I can’t already get myself?”
“You’re freedom. No strings attached after Luca Changretta is dead.” The man’s name rolling off Tommy’s tongue boiled the blood in your veins. He was the man who had killed your mother and made you an orphan, depending on others for food, living on the streets growing up all by yourself at the ripe age of twelve. 
He noticed the sudden change in your facial features and how your hands clung to the metal bars, knuckles turning white in anger.
“So what do you say? Do we have a deal?” 
The breath of fresh air warmed your body, refreshing your sense of smell. Tommy had a tight grip around your bicep, untrusting that you held any type of loyalty to the arrangement.
Shoving you roughly into the car and locking the doors, he drove off filling you in on what the Changretta’s have been doing to his family, mentioning the death of his brother John.
Pulling into the driveway, knowing it had been a long, painful day, he thought it was best just to show you to your room and create a plan of takedown the following morning.
Your eyes widened in shock at the big expensive house, surprised to see he had a maid waiting on him, yet you couldn’t steer away from all of the fine china on the walls, the glistening silverware laying out on the clothed table.
“If I had known where you lived I would’ve ramsacked this play awhile ago, I mean look at this!” You picked up the ferrarce pink egg in your hand carelessly, magnifying it’s beauty and not being able to stop thinking how much money the antique could get you. Grasping the object out of your hand, Tommy forced you around back to the stairs where you heard pitter pattering footsteps rushing past you down the stairs.
Seeing the little boy so alight and full of energy brought a profound joyfulness to you. A person’s childhood is so precious, supposed to be the best time of life, never worrying about a thing, not understanding the hatefullness in the world. It made you sympathize a little.
“You have a child?” Tommy wasn’t going to entertain any conversation of his private life. He was uncomfortable enough having you here in this house with Charlie but what choice did he have?
“Don’t get any ideas, breakfast is at 8 am. This will be your room, windows have been barred, any sharp objects have been taken out, don’t bother trying anything.” The room had nothing but a singular king size bed in the center of the white painted room, a bathroom attached with a shower, toilet, and sink but no towels.
“I know you’re fucking crazy, I don’t need you trying to hang yourself or some shit. Frances will bring you one if needed but one of my men will be outside the bathroom to ensure you don’t try anything. Take it or leave it.” 
Begrudgingly you tossed your belongings onto the bed, Tommy pulling out a cigarette in the process, glossing the tube over his plump lip.
It was all settled then. You’d head out first thing in the morning.
When the following day arrived you awoke to Tommy busting through the door, causing you to jolt upwards reaching for your weapon that wasn’t there thanks to his stupid rules.
“Artillery Square. It’s 8:01, you’re late. Get dressed. I want you to see how they operate.” 
Ripping the blankets off the bed, Tommy tossed you a change of clothes, black pants with a black hoodie marching your darkened personality.
Huffing, you looked at him expectedly awaiting for some privacy to which he rolled his eyes as if he hadn’t seen women nude before.
Closing the door he waited outside for you.
The car drive consisted of etching out a plan. Tommy knew they were following behind him and informed you of where he had weapons set up on the different floors and railings outside. Why did he have to plan everything and be serious? Didn’t he like risk taking every once in awhile, so utterly boring.
“Stay close.” The men had taken a different turn probably in hopes of throwing Tommy off but that wouldn’t work.
Passing by civilians he motioned for them to go inside that danger was near. They wasted no time in auietly running up to their rooms in fear, fully knowing that whenever a Shelby was around, trouble always seemed to follow.
Turning around Tommy realized you weren’t behind him anymore. Huffing and scanning the area he found you sitting on the curb of the sidewalk next to a bakery petting a stray pup with a croissant in your hand, as if there weren’t italian men scattered throughout Birmingham looking to complete their vendetta.
In a powerful stride he walked over to you, gripping the small of your wrist angrily and dragging you along with him.
“Hey! Y’know what your problem is Tommy? You’re so uptight all the time, jesus relax every once in awhile.” Rounding the corner, he shifted and slammed you against the alley wall effortlessly, causing your creamed croissant to fall to the ground, pissing you off.
“Really! That croissant was the only good thing going in my life, it gets tiring constantly being spied on and not being trusted y’know.” His hand struck you across the cheek, causing your head to whip to the left from his harmful blow, smacking against the brick wall.
“Ow! What the fuck Shelby!” Your stomach bubbled with fury, arms flailing and hitting his rock hard chest trying to fight back against his strong hold. 
“Listen to me alright? This isn’t some fancy fucking get away. We had an agreement, so stay hidden before you blow our fucking cover or I will take you right back to the fucking coppers and have you readmitted, Got it, eh?” She giggled menacingly, rolling her eyes from the masculine, testosterone fueled facade, not at all intimidated by him. If anything a little turned on by his threats and the chokehold he had you in.
In a quick, swift movement you giggled before raising your knee and striking him directly in the ball causing the older Shelby to hunch over in pain.
“Lay a hand on me again and I will drown you in your fucking sleep. Got it?” You snickered sarcastically, smiling at the feeble position you put him in.
“Now, let’s get back to business and set aside the pleasure shall we?” 
The two of you scoped Artillery Square, the block being hing with sheets and laundry around every turn while innocent civilians were inside the homes they rightfully owned.
Enough people had died from these fuckers, children included and Tommy refused to have any more unnecessary blood shed. 
Hearing footsteps from behind, Tommy motioned for you to follow him in the building. The empty hallways eerily quiet as bystanders were crouched in their rooms hiding beneath tables, fleeing to corners and shielding their children.
All of Birmingham knew the Chagrettas were in town and what a black hand meant. The italian Mafia had been a profound problem back in the state of New York, innocent lived being taken just for being in the same vicinity as who they were after.
Quieting the worrisome families, you raised a finger to your lips with each passing room, ears and eyes at the ready to think fast.
At that moment a bullet richoeted through one of the windows, hitting a metal wall and flying up toward the ceiling shattering a light bulb connected to a ceiling fan.
On high alert, Tommy whipped you around toward the other side of the hallway, pushing you forth by the low of your back. Birmingham wasn’t a place you were completely familiar with but Tommy knew these streets and buildings like the back of his hand.
“Go! Go!” As windows shattered, you held your bat at the ready, looking to fight as Tommy instructed you where to go, but you had plans of your own.
Instead you turned around, walking back out toward the parking lot where the gunfire was coming from.
“Where the fuck are you going?!” You shrugged your shoulders, glancing back at him daringly while batting your eyelashes.
The need and want to see Luca’s face again after so long consumed you but Tommy was faster.
In an instant he thrashed your body down onto the floor, saving your head from a bullet that would’ve went right through you skull.
“That’s enough. Save your fucking anger for later. If he sees your face he will be a step ahead. So just fucking listen to me!” You groaned from the tumble, slamming your hand on the floor in frustration.
Days turned into weeks until you were face to face with the man.
Hiding in a room, you filed your nails carelessly listening in on the conversation, awaiting Tommy’s cue.
“You can sign the papers on your fucking knees.” The intimidating man pushed the papers off the table, the contracts scattering across the floor in a whimsy manner. When Tommy still didn’t move, still didn’t speak it angered Luca immensely, causing him to flip over the table in fury.
“Sign the fucking papers.” Tommy’s crystal blue eyes never left Luca’s in fact he found his little performance quite hysterical. He simply smirked, attempting to hold back his laughter. 
“All of your blood relatives are gone Mr. Changretta. The men behind you will work for whoever the highest bidder is and well how the turned tables have turned.”
“Is that so?” When he turned around to face what were once his men, they stepped back with the guns in their hands fully aware of the plan Tommy had implemented.
“A friend of mine once told me big fucks small. So I had to find someone bigger than you. Someone whom you crossed years ago and has been locked up ever since. You see I did some digging as well.”
Coming out from the shadows, bat ready at the hand. You didn’t like guns as much, bullets were too much of an easy kill, you wanted to see him suffer. Tommy winked your way causing Luca to spin around only to be met with the brunt force of the wooden object against his skull.
At that moment Tommy fleed from his kneeling position, pulling his gun out to finally end this yet you stopped him.
“Allow me to do the honors. Boys stand down, I’ve been waiting my whole life to kill this piece of shit and oh how I want to see him suffer the way I did.
Luca fumbled to get up, a few of his teeth now lying on the floor while blood trickled out from his mouth like a river flowed down a winding stream.
The man jumped at you, spitting blood on your face. Oh how you loved a challenge.
In one powerful swing, the bat banged at his knee, shattering the bone completely leaving him once again on the floor writhing in pain. 
In that moment a flashback of your childhood rushed to your head. Remembering the moment you eere cowering in the corner of the kitchen floor, scared and terrified of this man who had just killed your entire family, leaving you an orphan.
You began to beat him relentlessly with the bat, blood splattering on your face as his face became deformed from the brutal blows.
When you began to cry hysterically, Tommy slowly walked to your aid pulling you into his warm embrace carefully, rubbing your temple soothingly as you welt into his shoulder. The motion was unexpected to say the least.
“He’s dead now love. He’s dead.” Your fist scrunched in the fabric of his shirt, tears forming a puddle on him as you tried to relax. He nodded his head motioning for Pol and Michael to leave the room. To make light of the situation, Tommy decided a joke was necessary which was rare.
“Seeing as this wasn’t your vendetta alone, do you mind if I-“ His hand settled on his gun, and he waited for your agreement.
He emptied the chamber of his pistol onto Luca’s body before escorting you back to his home. 
Offering you a glass of whiskey, he took a seat beside the fire nodding toward the chair beside him and pouring a glass for you.
The fire crackled in the darkened room, a comforting sense of relief after the strenuous events of today.
“Y’know you and me make a pretty good team, don’t you think?” Tommy smiled softly, something he hadn’t done in awhile.
Quirking his eyebrow, he pulled out a ciagrette, passing one to you before lighting the tube of tobacco.
“I guess you can say that.” There was a moment of silence before you stood up from your seat, walking slowly over to Tommy and straddling his lap. Your plush lips just centimeters away from his as your fingers intertwined in the strands of his hair. Your ass grinding down on his lap.
“Now that I’m a free little bird now, I don’t know about you, but I’m in desperate need of some stress relief. What do yuh say Tommy boy?” His hands placed on your thighs, he lifted you up effortlessly taking you by surprise and carrying you into the bedroom and slamming the door behind him.
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ineffabildaddy · 10 months
ineffabildaddy fic masterlist
all my fics are aziraphale/crowley🩵
you can read @bowtiepastabitch's analysis on some of the ways i explore queerness in my fics, with an excellent addition by @lalalunamoth, here!
i'm humbled to say that a few of my works have been recced by @fuckyeahgoodomensfanfic - you can read those posts here!
i have a ko-fi account where you can leave a tip here, if you're so inclined🩵
long time listener, first time caller (E, 22k so far, 4/7 chapters posted) - crowley is in love with the voice of aziraphale fell, late-night radio host, and the face of the handsome stranger he passes in the park every day. what will happen when he introduces himself, and when he has to choose between them? 📻 fic post here
take me as your wife (E, 7.1k) - a chance romantic meeting between crowley and aziraphale in a country inn in the 1750s sets off a chain of chases and surrenders🍷fic post here
complementary colours (T, 5.7k) - post-canon. aziraphale moves into crowley's cottage in the south downs and decides to do a little detective work to learn something he's never known about the former demon - his favourite colour🔎🌈 fic post here
angel and ash (E, 5k) - with art by @wasleichtesart! crowley begins to frequent queer bars in london, presenting as a trans woman under the name ash. one night, she stumbles upon a trans man known as angel, whom she recognises immediately...🪩 fic post here
creature of mine (E, 21k) - with art by @omens-for-ophelia! aziraphale buys crowley a snake plant as a gift, whose scent triggers a naga transformation. big dick aziraphale gets stuck in🌺🎁 fic post here
you're a mirror i cannot avoid (E, 1k) - south downs domestic, erotic softness as aziraphale reassesses what it means to be himself🪞 Tumblr | AO3
in your own time (E, 33k) - human priest au set in tadfield, in which crowley and aziraphale are childhood best friends finally reunited. catholic school, apple trees, hogback wood, holy sex, and more⛪️ fic post here
Just Up The Stairs (E, 39k) - cowrite with @foolishlovers, art by @omens-for-ophelia! quiet, gentle and romantic neighbours human au featuring lots of music and harry the rabbit🐇 fic post here
close (well, you couldn't get much closer) (E, 1.4k) - post-ineffable divorce shenanigans featuring crowley using a replica model of aziraphale's penis, through which aziraphale can feel... well, everything❗️
I'm Beginning to See the Light (E, 22k) - gentle enemies to ardent lovers office christmas party human au which quickly devolves into body worship and gender-affirming sex - transmasc az, service top crowley🎄⚧ fic tag here
Despite Knowing Better... (E, 10.9k) - aziraphale and fem!crowley deal with the ineffable divorce by meeting in the bookshop once a week to fuck, while attempting to hold each other at arm's length. things get messy in the process...💔
Strawberry Scripture (E, 6.5k) - pwp oneshot. aziraphale and fem!crowley celebrate averting the apocalypse by playing with food, and with crowley's scales...🍰🐍
UNFINISHED FICS (hopefully someday!)
crosseyed and painless (E, 2.9k) - dom!az and fem!crowley pwp in which crowley has asked aziraphale to help her relax after a long day, and the results are not at all what she expects💦
Many Different Ways to Eat an Oyster (E, 6.5k) - aziraphale and crowley meet in ancient rome, where crowley admits that he's a virgin. aziraphale sets about putting this to rights immediately🦪
i have waited (M, 0.4k) - poem in which crowley ponders how he has waited for aziraphale over the millennia🕰 Tumblr | AO3
core of a clementine (E, 0,5k) - touch-starved crowley explores the sweet torture of aziraphale's seemingly innocent, mundane actions🍊 Tumblr | AO3
you're so golden (E, 0.9k) - while coupling under cover of night in the garden of eden, crowley discovers that aziraphale has golden stretch-marks. and they aren't the only part of him that's golden...✨ Tumblr | AO3
Only in Dreams (E, 0.5k) - post-season 2 aziraphale pov musings, as he hopes to visit his lover in dreams, if not in the waking world🌫 Tumblr | AO3
Blasphemy (E, 0,4k) - crowley muses about holiness, blasphemy, and how they interact with sex with aziraphale✝️ Tumblr | AO3
Do You Remember? (E, 0.8k) - aziraphale reflects on his first time with crowley - a time in which "they aren't talking" post-season 2💘
Flecks of Stardust (G, 0,2k) - a love poem from aziraphale to crowley🖋 Tumblr | AO3
I Know (E, 0.7k) - crowley reckons he knows exactly how aziraphale wants him... 🌅 Tumblr | AO3
Solitude (G, 0,4k) - supreme archangel aziraphale reminisces on his encounters with crowley through the ages ⌛️ Tumblr | AO3
Please Touch Me (E, 0,5k) - touch-starved crowley reflects on the kind of connection he wants with aziraphale 💭 Tumblr | AO3
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scuderiadream · 10 months
falling behind ⟢
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daniel ricciardo x reader ₊˚⊹♡
summary : bumping into a stranger at your best friend's engagement party
authors note : okay sorry for the ia, hehe, been pretty lazy to write since i'm flopping but anyway happy reading precious people <3
[ p.s y/bsf/n is your best friend name! ]
a sickly romance in the air, lovers stroll without a care in sight. lately, you've been falling behind from falling in love, it was never such a big deal for you until your best friend's a new guy. funny enough, she invited you to her engagement party. surely this will be fun right?
you walked into the beautifully adorned venue filled with fairy lights twinkling around the garden. you started to mingle with the guests, sipping on a champagne and laughing, but somehow you couldn't help but start to overthink about your loneliness.
as you got lost in your own thought, you suddenly bumped into a random stranger. spilling your drink to his crisp white shirt, "i'm so sorry!" you said in a mortified tone "i guess i was too lost in this joyful atmosphere" you try to lighten up the mood in a sarcastic way.
he laughed, you couldn't help but notice how his eyes sparkled whenever he laughed "no worries the party does have a way of making us all a bit distracted" he replied with a cheeky smile.
"you know, i thought i knew everyone here, but i haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet. i'm daniel by the way" he tried to distract the topic with his cheeky smile.
"oh, right! y/bsf/n talks about you all the time! i'm y/n, her closest friend" you said to him as you cherish every features in his face.
in the midst of conversation, your best friend, approached you and daniel with her fiancé. "oh, daniel, i see that you've met our dear friend" she said, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "you know, she's been single for far too long" she gives daniel a wink.
you blushed and feeling embarassed at the same time, you slapped your best friend's hand gently to stop whatever she was doing. "ouch okay fine i was trying to help you anyway" "you're not helping, you're making me feel embarassed infront of a person i just met here" you both whispered to each other. daniel just chuckled and gave you a playful nudge.
as your best friend and her fiancé talks with the other guests, daniel starts to get closer to you "looks like we've been set up" he said, his eyes meeting yours, his playful smile causing butterflies to flutter in you stomach.
"don't smile at me like that" you say. "why? does it bother you?" he smiled more while moving more closer to your face, only a few inches away from kissing.
your cheeks starts to turn red, "aw your face is all red its cute" he teased you "shut up" you rolled your eyes in attempt to hide your flush while you walk away.
before you walked away, he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into a dance as the music filled the air, "what are you doing" you asked him "you don't know how to dance?" he asks
you shake your head. "okay then, just follow my beat" he put his hand around your waist , pulling you in, while you wrapped your hands around his neck.
you smiled like a little kid, admiring his twinkling dark brown. "you're cute when you smile, you should smile often" he chuckled, "when will you ever stop to tease me?" you sighed while laughing
"i can't help it, you're fun to mess with" he winks at you.
you both start to slow dance, you heard a whisper from him "you look breathtaking by the way" "you don't look so bad yourself, pretty boy" you replied back. "oh? flirting back i see?" he poked fun at your attempt to flirt him back. "haha whatever" you frowned.
"how about this, wanna ditch this party and go somewhere more fun?" he asks "hell yeah" you replied in excitement.
both of you decided to sneak out of the party silently while holding hands, trying not to get caught by anyone, thats when you started to realize, you're not falling behind anymore.
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jeankluv · 4 months
Birdie - Satoru Gojo | Chapter 10
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Words: 4,4K
Summary: You didn't like him, at all. But due to your bad luck you would have to be forced to work with him and different circumstances end up leading you to the fact that perhaps the word dislike is not the one you would use to describe him.
Tags: modern au, college au, fem!reader, academic rivals, he fell first, fluff, old money Gojo Satoru, abusive parents, slight slow burn, Satoru is a softy, secondary couple (Geto Suguru x oc), a bit of angst, no use of y/n, eventual smut, Gojo plays basketball
ac: _3aem
Notes: I was not going to post but Gege made my day with that 260 chapter, so here you have.
materialist | previous chapter | next chapter
Pinteres board || Birdie playlist || ao3
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You placed Satoru in front of you, hoping his figure would shield you from view. Of all the clubs in Tokyo, why did you have to run into that jerk here? You nervously bit your thumb, trying to come up with a plan to avoid being seen.
“Birdie?” Satoru tilted his head and looked at your face.
You sighed. That was true. You and Satoru were about to cross a line that had no turning back, but seeing that person threatened to ruin everything.
"Huh..." You looked at Satoru, trying to make the situation lighter. “No big deal.” You mumbled, shaking your head.
But Satoru saw through you. “There's someone here you don't want to see, right?” He deduced, his tone soft but insightful.
Your heart sank. How did he know? 
"How...?" You started, before he interrupted you.
"Your face dropped when you saw someone behind me and positioned me to protect you.” He explained calmly.
You blinked in surprise, amazed at him. How could he be so observant? Despite your attempt to hide it, Satoru saw right through you, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable. You swallowed hard, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension wash over you. 
You raised your gaze a little to face Satoru's. “I… Yes there is someone here I would like to avoid.” You admitted nervously. 
Satoru's expression was replaced with one of concern. “Do you want us to leave?” His voice sounded worried. 
You were conflicted, a part of you wanted to leave, the atmosphere had become somewhat uncomfortable knowing that that person was there. But the other part, the part that wanted to continue enjoying with your friends, that wanted to continue dancing with Satoru and that felt safe being close to Satoru's presence, wanted more than anything in the world to stay there. 
Taking a deep breath, you shook your head and smiled. “I want to stay.” You said firmly. 
“Okay birdie, but if you want to leave, tell me.” He said, leaning down to get closer to you. “Let’s go where everyone else is.” He grabbed your hand once again, just as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
As you and Satoru walked side by side towards where the basketball players and the girls were, you felt a pang of reluctance as you let go of his hand when you reached the group. It was like a part of you wanted to keep holding on to him, not ready to let it go.
Quickly sitting down next to the girls, you tried to distract yourself from the feeling of emptiness. Starting a conversation with your friends helped you momentarily, but your thoughts kept returning to Satoru and to that person. 
Looking at Satoru, you found him immersed in a conversation with his teammates, his smile illuminated his features. A bittersweet pain settled in your chest as you realized how much you enjoyed his company and the warmth of his touch.
“Something happened?” Kyoko whispered in your ear. You clenched your fists on your knees, Kyoko was the only one that knew about that guy and you knew her well enough to know that she would start to worry incessantly, so wanted you to  avoid telling her.
“Don't worry, you know that my battery wears out after drinking a little more than the usual.” You smiled, not giving any signs of importance.
Kyoko looked at you unsure as if she should believe you or try to get out of you what you were hiding but she ended up nodding and trusting your words. The conversation flowed normally up until Shoko announced her intention to step outside for a smoke, you rose from your seat, claiming the need for fresh air, you followed her lead. Satoru's concerned gaze followed you, but you reassured him with a simple gesture, telling him to stay calm.
Stepping out of the club, the cool night air greeted you, washing over your cheeks and your uncovered legs. As you took a deep breath, you felt a sense of relief flood over you.
Beside you, Shoko lit her cigarette, the glow illuminating her features in the night. You stood in companionable silence for a moment, simply enjoying the tranquility of the night and the gentle rustle of the breeze.
“You want?” Shoko shook the pack of cigarettes in front of you.
“It’s been a while since I smoked.” You told her.
“Oh you left it? Shit I shouldn’t have offered you.” She said, putting the box away. 
“I quit when we were in first grade, Kyoko hated that I smoked and helped me quit.” You explained.
“When did you start smoking?” Shoko asked you. “If you want to tell me, of course.”
“I think I was 15… I was dating my first boyfriend at the time and he was a heavy smoker, so he kinda dragged me in.” 
“Shit that’s awful.” Shoko gasped. “I was 17 and it was due to stress of not being able to get into college.” She let the smoke out of her lips. “At the end I got in but didn’t gave up smoking.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Now that Suguru and Kyoko are dating, maybe Suguru also quits smoking thanks to her.” Shoko smiled. “So you and Kyoko have been friends since the first year?” She said, taking another drag on her cigarette.
“Yeah, she was the one to approach me and ever since then we have been together.” 
You smiled remembering how Kyoko approached you that late spring when you were sitting on a bench alone eating a sandwich. She came at you like fresh air, like the morning sun heating your face. Kyoko entered your world to shake it completely.
“You care for her a lot right?” Shoko said.
You nodded still with a smile on your lips. “A lot, she is a sister to me.”
“She also cares a lot for you.” She rested her back on the wall. “When I met her, that time you were sick, she talked so dearly about you.” She smiled. “She even made Satoru sweat just by using her words.”
“Why would she?” You tilted your head confused.
“Oh you know, well it doesn't matter...” Shoko smiled. “Let’s head back.”
As you walked alongside Shoko, you suddenly felt a strong grip around your wrist, causing you to wince in pain. Surprised, you froze when you heard your name being called and instantly realized who was holding you.
Turning to face the source of the grip, your heart skipped a beat as you met the gaze of the unwanted individual you had been trying to avoid all night. It was him, the person you least wanted to meet.
"Hey, where do you think you're going?" He scoffed, squeezing his wrist.
You tried to pull away, protesting against the pain coursing through your arm. "Let go." You demanded, voice strained with a mix of fear and defiance.
Shoko looked back, worried about etching his features as she watched the scene unfold. “Let her go.” She intervened firmly, approaching you.
The unwanted individual's gaze flickered between you and Shoko, with a smile on his lips. “She and I need to talk, don't we?” He insisted, with a possessive tone.
Panic surged inside you as you struggled against his grip, the weight of his words sinking in. “Naoya, you and I have nothing to talk about, let me go.” 
Naoya let out a throaty laugh and looked at you. “Come on doll, you quit the bar without saying anything, you completely broke my heart you know?” 
Naoya Zenin, your former boss. As his grip tightened around your wrist, a flood of memories returned: the days of working under his rule at the bar, the constant fear and anxiety that plagued you every time you set foot in that place.
When you started working at the restaurant, Naoya seemed like a normal guy, who treated you with respect and care. But as time passed, his true colors emerged, revealing him to be a complete macho asshole who harbored an unhealthy obsession with you.
The fear of running into him at the bar became one of your biggest nightmares. The weight of your debts hang over you like a dark cloud, threatening to engulf you if you didn't continue to put up with Naoya's harassment.
Fortunately, Kyoko came to your rescue, offering you a lifeline out of the toxic situation. Now you only worked in the grocery store and you didn’t have to worry anymore about that asshole. 
But there he was, once again in front of you looking at you with those sick eyes.
Shoko called you out and you looked back at her. “You know him?” 
You clenched your fists and nodded as you turned your gaze to him. “Unfortunately.”
“Hey!” Shoko spoke. “If you don’t want to get in trouble, let her go and stay away from her.” 
“And what will a filthy woman like you do?” He smiled arrogantly while still holding your wrist.
“Oh don’t worry. She will take care of you.” And she pointed behind him.
Yuki was outside the club and was standing right behind Naoya.  He laughed ironically and Yuki with a half smile grabbed the hand that he was holding tightly to you and moved it away from you, causing a sharp scream to escape from Naoya's lips. Shoko on her part grabbed you by your arm and pulled you closer to her, moving you away from him.
“Show me your wrist.” Shoko demanded, so you did as she told you. “It's red. It hurts?” You nodded slowly. “We better put some cold in it. That bastard.” She said, bracing you against her. “Yuki…”
“I’m done.” She smiled. “Get near her again and you will see.” 
As Shoko and Yuki took you back to the club, you felt a mix of relief and apprehension swirling inside you. Naoya was left laying on the ground, mumbling incomprehensible words.
Shoko walked up to the bar and asked for some ice to put around your wrist so the redness would go away. When the ice touched your skin you grimaced in disgust at the feeling of the cold hitting your skin. 
“What happened?” Kyoko appeared right next to the three of you.
“Kyoko…” You whispered, surprised she came that fast. “Oh this!” You pointed to your wrist. “It’s nothing I tripped outside and hurt my wrist but it’s okay.” You smiled. 
“Ugh…” She held your wrist carefully. “You need to be more careful.” 
“It’s okay, Shoko and Yuki were there.” You tried to calm her down. “Now go back to your boyfriend.” You winked at her. “He is waiting for you.” You said and Kyoko turned to see him and then back to you.
“Are you sure you will be okay?” She insisted again.
“Super sure. Now go!”
Once Kyoko returned with Suguru, you begged Shoko and Yuki to keep the incident a secret, fearing unnecessary worry and complications if Kyoko and also if Satoru would go find out. However, their solemn expressions told you that keeping it secret was not an option.
"I'm sorry, but we can't hide this." Shoko said softly, her voice tinged with sadness.
You understood her concern, although it weighed heavily on you. Knowing that Kyoko would start to worry only increased your distress, but deep down, you realized that they were right.
"If they ask us, we will have to tell them." Yuki added, his tone firm but compassionate. "It's best that you tell them yourself, for your own well-being and safety."
Reluctantly, you agreed to talk to Kyoko and Satoru, promising to address the situation but choosing to wait until the party was over. You didn't want to ruin the night with those news and preferred to enjoy what was left of the night.
You went back and sat with Shoko and Yuki while Kyoko enjoyed her time with Suguru. Briefly you saw Satoru speaking with the same girl you saw him that time he was acting strangely and something inside you stirred. You clenched your fists and looked away from where the two of them were laughing. You knew you had no right to be angry because you and Satoru were absolutely nothing, but you still were. You were completely jealous.
You grabbed your new drink and took a big sip, feeling how it burned in your throat. You looked pathetic, with your drink in your hand, the alcohol rushing through your system and your gaze fixed on a person who was absolutely nothing of yours.
You wanted to get up from where you were, approach them and take Satoru away, to a place where only the two of you could be, where you were the only one who looked into those eyes and they looked back at you. A place where only you could see his smile. 
Oh fuck you had actually passed the event horizon and fallen into the black hole that was Satoru Gojo. 
There was no turning point. 
There was no escape for you. 
You watched her lean towards him, close, too close for your liking. You wanted to scream for her to get away from him. You stood up from your seat and felt the world spin slightly. But with clumsy steps and through the people you made your way to where Satoru was. When you were close enough you grabbed his arm and pulled him towards you.
“What…?” You heard him say.
“Satoruuuuu.” You stretched out his name, while you hugged his arm tightly. The alcohol was causing you to do things that had never occurred to you but there you were.
“Birdie?” He opened his eyes when he laid his eyes on you. “You are drunk?” It was a question but sounded more like an affirmation. “How much have you drunk?” He said with a worried tone. 
“Hmm…” You tried to think. “Like three… or maybe it was four. But I’m not drunk.” You smiled. “I’m just happy.” You rested your face on his bicep. “You told me you would accompany me drinking, but I'm alone.” It was a lie, but you wanted him to come with you.
“You are clearly drunk.” He looked at you with a serious face. “Come on.” He put his hand on your back and you started walking. “Mei Mei we'll talk about it.”
So her name was Mei Mei. You had never heard of her, but certainly for the only two times you had seen her she was someone with money and who moved in the same world as Satoru.
The same world as him. You were far from that world, in fact it was impossible for you to even think about touching it with your fingertips. 
“What are you thinking about birdie?” His voice once again taking you out of your own thoughts.
“Just… nothing.” You said with a sigh.
You both sat once again in the spot where you were just a few minutes ago. This time Shoko and Yuki and everyone else were gone. It was just you and Satoru.
You felt them grab your wrist and you quickly pushed them away, scared by the sensation. “Birdie…” Satoru spoke.
“Sorry… I fell and my wrist still hurts.” It was true, Satoru didn’t know.
“You fell?” He said with worried eyes.
“Just tripped and fell, nothing to worry about.” You tried to laugh it out. 
“Let me check.” He insisted.
“It’s pointless, Shoko already treated me.” You said showing him your wrist.
He checked your wrist carefully and then looked up to you. “This doesn’t look like you tripped. Birdie what happened…?” 
You looked at him and then to your hands, it was pointless to lie to him, you were going to tell him anyway. “An asshole grabbed me, but Shoko and Yuki helped me out.” You were leaving a lot of information out.
“Which asshole? Why?” His voice tone was serious. “Birdie, look at me.” And you did. “Tell me the truth. Are you really okay?” 
You took a breath and then let it out. “I was scared at first, but now, I’m okay.” You could see he was not convinced with your words. “I swore Satoru, I’m fine. I’m okay. I’m here with you, so there is nothing for me to worry about.” You gave him a smile.
He hesitated but ended up nodding. “Alright but if you see the asshole nearby, just…” 
“Yeah yeah, I know…” You shook your head. “Now let’s go for something else to drink.”
“No way.”
“Why?” You protested.
“Because you are starting to get drunk.”
“I am not drunk, just…” Jealous. But you couldn’t tell him that.
“Just what?” Satoru tilted his head.
“Nothing, it doesn’t matter.” You looked away. “But c’mon Satoru, let’s have one drink together. I’m not that drunk anyways.” You stood up and started walking towards the bar.
“You are not going to stop, right?” He whispered to your ear.
“Nop, until I get my drink with you.” You said, showing off your smile. 
He laughed. “You better not throw up on me again.” You grabbed your cocktail and looked at him offended.
“I was sick, you know?” You drank a bit. “You are not going to order anything?” 
“No, it’s enough drinking for me.” He shrugged. 
You linked your arm with his and rested your head on his shoulder as you walked back to where you had been sitting. The alcohol and jealousy were giving you a courage that you wouldn't have thought you would have at the start of the day. 
When you rested your head you felt Satoru tense up, did you make him nervous? 
“Being drunk makes you incredibly clingy, you know?” He said when you both sat back down.
Maybe or maybe I want to be with you like that.
You wanted to say it out loud but even if you were a bit, just a bit drunk, you didn’t have the courage to do it, so instead you remain silent, listening to the loud music playing and feeling Satoru’s heat next to yours. 
“Don’t sleep on me, please.” Satoru whispered to your ear.
“I won’t.” You said, although you were a bit tired. “By the way, did you come here by car?” 
He shook his head. “I came with Nanami.”
“Oh… the tall blonde guy Haibara’s friend.” 
“Yeah the one you said was handsome.” He challenged. 
“Your feelings are still hurt, Gojo?” You tease back.
“Nah because I’m obviously more handsome.” He flicked his head backwards.
“Sure…” Yes you are Satoru. “I haven’t seen Haibara…” 
“Oh I think he was busy.” Satoru said, looking away from you. “Let’s play a game.” He looked back at you with a smile.
“Play a game?” You tilted your head. “What are you 16? You want us to spin the bottle so you can kiss me or something like that.”
You watched Satoru swallow as you said the words ‘kiss me’ but then he shook his head and a smile appeared on his face once again. “No, I want 7 minutes in heaven with you baby.” And he winked his eye.
Oh you did have a crush on him for sure but he was still an annoying pain in the ass. “In your dream Satoru Gojo. Now for real, what game?”
“20 questions.”
“20 questions? Oh for real you hit your head and turned back time to when you were 16?”
“C’mon birdie. This way we could get to know each other better.” 
“Are you going to ask me what my favorite color is?” You said teasing him.
“Maybe, but listen to make this more fun, every time we don’t want to answer something we have to drink.”
“You don’t even have a drink.” You pointed out.
“I will buy one now. But c’mon birdie it will be fun.” He pouted.
“I thought you said I was drunk already, now you want me to drink more?” 
“If you don’t want to drink more then you will have to answer honestly.” He smirked. 
Ugh that stupid, handsome smile.
“Deal.” You said. “Go for your drink, I won’t be nice with you Satoru Gojo.” 
“I hope you aren’t because neither I will be.” He winked and went for his drink.
As you watched Satoru approach the bar counter, a whirlwind of emotions swirled within you. Despite the occasional urge to strangle him, his playful antics and teasing comments often testing your patience, you couldn't deny the genuine affection that had grown in you over the course of these weeks.
His company had a way of lifting your spirits, casting a comforting glow even in the most challenging of times. And as you reflected on the night's events, a soft sigh escaped your lips, mingling with the ambient sounds of the bustling club around you.
The two of you had shared intimate moments on the dance floor, lost in the rhythm of the music and the warmth of each other's touch. And yet, in the midst of the euphoria of the night, the shadow of Naoya’s presence had caused you not to take a step forward, a tricky step that could have complicated your situation with Satoru.
When Satoru returned to the couch, his smile radiant and infectious, you felt a surge of warmth flood your chest, erasing any doubt or hesitation that lingered within you.
“Okay.” He put down his drink. “You wanna start?”
“What an honor.” You smiled. “Okay Satoru, hmmm…” You thought for a moment. “I will be nice and ask you something easy, cat or dog person?” 
“Cat person, definitely.” He nodded. “Wanted to adopt one but I think I’m not ready for that responsibility.”
You nodded. “Okay now it’s your turn.” 
“Favorite color?” 
“Definitely a question a 16 year old would ask.” 
“C’mon birdie, answer.”
“Is that why the dress?” 
“Yes and because it makes me have nice tits.” You smiled with all your teeth.
“Definitely.” He said looking down.
“Hey!” You snapped your fingers on his face. “My eyes are up here, you pervert.” 
Satoru blushed a little bit and then he chuckled. “Yeah… I was just corroborating your point.”
“Sure…okay my turn I guess. Why did you chose this degree?”
“Easy. When I was a child, the stars and everything related to space intrigued me greatly. And I always wanted to find an answer to each of the questions that arose in me, so I decided to study that career to be able to answer the questions of my inner child.” You could see how his eyes shone when he said all that and how a wide smile spread across his face, showing some small dimples that you had not noticed until that moment. “How about you? Why did you decide to study this?”
“My mother used to be an astrophysicist, when I was little she would take me to the garden of my grandmother's house and talk to me about the different stars and constellations in the sky.” She shrugged, feeling nostalgia course through your body. “I guess our reasons are a bit similar.” You looked at him smiling.
“I guess so.” He smiled back. “Go ahead, it's your turn to make a question. We still haven’t drink a bit, you know.”
“Alright…” You paused and thought about what you could ask him, and there was a question that had been on your mind for a while. “Who was that girl you were with before?” You clenched your hand, making your nails dig into your palm.
Satoru looked around. “Who? Mei Mei?” You nodded. “Mei Mei is an old family friend. Her family runs a company and we usually meet each other at business parties and stuff like that.” He explained as if it was nothing. “Why? Don’t tell me you were…”
“I was just curious.” You cut him before he could say any other word. “You seem to get along with her. That’s all.” His gaze was on you. “C’mon your turn.”
“Why don’t you practice taekwondo anymore?” 
Oh. That question. The answer was quick, you had broken your tibia and fibula, the reason was because it was more complex and you didn't feel ready to tell Satoru. Not yet. So you grabbed your glass and took a sip. Satoru looked at you strangely.
“I’m not ready to talk about it.” You told him, to which he nodded. “Have you and Suguru ever had anything?” You asked him, causing Satoru to choke on his own saliva. 
“What's with that question?” He exclaimed. 
“Don't blame me, the whole first year Kyoko and I really thought you two were dating.” You shrugged.
“No, nothing has ever happened between us. We are best friends." He said. 
“Okay jeez, you got really nervous Satoru.” You teased him.
“Whatever.” He rolled his eyes. 
“But would you?” You kept on teasing him.
“Jesus birdie! Suguru now has a girlfriend and I…” He shut himself. “Those were two questions.”
“Oh c’mon.” You cried. 
“My turn.” He smiled cockily. Oh this was going to be a good one right? “Why do you hate me?”
“Hate you?” He nodded. “I don’t hate you Satoru.”
“Then why did you avoid me?”
“Oh that… I guess you don’t remember it.” He looked at you confused and you sighed. “The first day you dumped me, I fell to the floor and well you didn’t even look at me.” You said.
“I… I did that?” He said.
“Yeah… then I found out you were the rich kid from the Gojo clan and I guess, I didn’t want to have anything to do with you.” You shrugged.
“Shit birdie, I don’t… I don’t remember it.” 
“Doesn’t matter, you were on your phone, angry and besides you turned out to be a pretty decent guy, unless you are faking all of this.” You raised your eyebrow.
“I would never pretend to be someone I’m not with you.” He looked at you with the most serious look and you believe every single one of his words. “You believe me?”
“That’s another question already.” You said still looking at his eyes. 
“Then ask me another question, birdie…” He whispered and when you felt his breath touching your skin it was when you realized how close, once again you were from each other.
Your eyes indirectly went down to his lips and then returned to his eyes, you salivated as you noticed how your throat had gone dry and you took a breath. “How many shots would you need to kiss me?” Satoru stared at your face and you felt that the seconds it took him to respond turned into minutes.
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Notes: Someone commented that every single Gojo fic has a Naoya on it to make the reader suffer, but let me tell you something I was going to put Mahito first but I needed someone with money for future events, but don’t worry he got get into Gojo’s and Birdie’s business 😊
Also, another cliffhanger lol and this time you will have to wait until the 30-31, I have exams next week and I’m also seeing Taylor Swift, so I won’t be able to post anything.
Anyways, I hope everyone liked and thanks for the comments and kudos ❤️
p.s: but daddy I love him chapter 2 this weekend
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🏷️: @lavender-hvze , @crybabytoru , @sanriosatoru , @norvacaine , @sadmonke , @faetoraa , @hexipessimistic , @gojoful , @kitzusune , @sh0jun , @manyno , @ropickle , @lolsasuke , @milk3evee , @crunchypotatoooooooooo , @catobsessedlady , @zoeyflower , @starlostwish
95 notes · View notes
Something There (Chapter 12)
6.8k words
Roy Kent x Reader
Warnings: Language, fluff, references to smutty things, absolute fluffy fluff
Series Masterlist
A/N: This has... taken a while, lol. Honestly, I've been struggling with how to end this, mostly because I don't want to say goodbye to Roy and Bucky! But, all good (or at least halfway decent) things must come to an end. (Plus, I already know there'll be some blurbs featuring these two!) I hope you enjoy, and thanks for coming along for the ride ❤️
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“What would you say is your greatest accomplishment?”
Roy nodded towards me and smirked. “Can I answer for her?”
Another “Manager Monday”. Apparently, people liked seeing Roy and me sitting together and answering questions. According to Keeley, the internet referred to us as the “Mum and Dad” of Nelson Road. It was weird and a little flattering, if I was being honest. And, frankly, getting to goof around and not-so-subtly flirt with Roy on camera during work hours was a pretty good deal.
“No, you cannot,” Keeley chuckled. “Go on then, greatest accomplishment.”
“Winning my Olympic Gold Medal,” I answered, elbowing Roy when I heard his good-natured snicker. “It was something my grandpa and I talked about for as long as I can remember. And he did come see me win it. After that, whenever he introduced me to people, it was always, ‘This is my granddaughter. She’s an Olympian.’” I smiled at the memory before turning to Roy. “What’s yours? That year you led the league in red cards?”
Roy’s smile had my heart doing somersaults. “You fucking know it.”
With lots of laughter and poor attempts to hide our flirting, we got through a couple more soccer-related questions before Keeley broached the topic we both knew she was dying to get to.
“So, the internet has been debating between two couple names for you two,” she announced mischievously. “‘Boy’ and ‘Rocky’. Which do you prefer?”
Roy rolled his eyes. “Keeley,” he growled, as I snorted, “We’re not answering that.”
While we were more than happy to let our friends at Nelson Road know about our relationship and annoy them with our PDA, we had agreed not to make any big public show of things- at least not until the season ended. We were enough of a distraction when we were just a few blurry photos the night of the gala; we didn’t want to take away any more media attention from the club, not when our teams were on the verge of something great.
Keeley rolled her eyes. “Fine, fine. But once you two go public, you know better get used to those questions, alright? Because you guys are really fucking cute, and the internet loves you already.”
“We are pretty cute, I’ll give you that,” I chuckled, taking Roy’s hand and smiling at the grumpy coach- my grumpy coach.
In return, he leaned over and pecked my lips gently. “That better not fucking end up online,” he warned Keeley, thick eyebrows raised threateningly.
“We’d break the internet with that little kiss,” she teased, winking at me. “Better be nice to me, or I’m leaking that clip.”
“Careful,” Roy replied with a nod in my direction, affection sparkling in his eyes. “I heard this one’s got a mean right hook.”
Roy leaned on the doorframe, enjoying the view. Who would’ve thought that just watching someone put on makeup would make him so fucking happy?
But seeing her standing in front of his bathroom sink and applying that red lipstick had his heart skipping a couple beats. He liked this domestic thing, the sleepovers and the driving to work together and the making dinner and… everything. He wanted more of it, he realized. He wanted more of her. The word was on the tip of his tongue, the word that had been floating around in his head since they got together, since the gala if he was being honest. Maybe even before that, he didn't fucking know. But it was too soon, he knew. Things were already going fast enough and, although she was diving in headfirst just as hard, Roy was still worried about scaring her off.
Her playful eyes met his in the mirror. “Can I help you, Kent?” she teased.
He shrugged and pushed himself off the doorframe so he could stroll over casually. “Just admiring the view.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed a slow kiss to her cheek. “I like when you wear that color.” Another kiss to her temple. “Especially when it ends up on my neck,” he hummed.
“Fuck off,” she chuckled, elbowing him gently. “Come on, let me finish getting ready. Otherwise, you’re going to be late to your game, Coach.”
“Fine,” he growled. “But after the match?”
She whirled around and grabbed his face gently, her eyes bright. “After the match, I promise my lipstick will be all over your neck.” She pressed her body close to his. “And maybe some other particular places.” Her red lips formed that smirk he loved, the one he couldn’t believe he used to find annoying. “But only if you win.”
Roy grinned, eyebrows raised at her appealing offer. “Well, lucky for me I’m the manager of a winning team.”
“That is lucky,” she purred, nudging her nose against his. “Now then, can I go put on my new Greyhounds kit?”
His grin widened. “You got a fucking Greyhounds kit?”
She shrugged. “Of course. I’m part of Richmond. I like the fellas. And I’m pretty obsessed with their pain in the ass manager.” She smiled. “It’s about time I start rocking some Greyhound gear.”
Roy’s heart was soaring. He loved wearing her name and number on his back, even if it made their relationship obvious to anyone who was paying even an ounce of attention. And he’d be lying his ass off if he said he hadn’t pictured what she’d look like wearing his name on a kit. Granted, some of those pictures in his head were in his bed rather than at a match, but still. What a fucking dream come true.
“Alright,” he sighed, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Hurry up then, Coach.”
Roy probably would have skipped to the living room if it weren’t for this shit knee. With no one around, he didn’t bother hiding his stupid grin, the one he found himself wearing quite often these days. The internet had gone a bit wild with images of him wearing her name on his Whippets kit; he could only imagine the silly little fan edits and TikToks that would surely follow this match.
“What d’you think?”
Roy’s old man heart nearly stopped in his chest. The bright red and blue material hugged her figure perfectly, tempting him to rip it off of her and forget all about his match. The little Greyhound logo settled beautifully over her heart, just like the Whippets manager had weaseled her way into his. He was officially obsessed with the picture in front of him, he decided.
“Fucking perfect,” he hummed. He twirled his finger in a circle, eyebrows raised. He just needed to see one more thing. “Give us a spin, then.”
Her grin widened as she turned around, something mischievous in her eyes. Roy sat up a little straighter, unashamed to be so obviously excited to see-
“Does that fucking say Tartt?” he spat, pure disgust smeared across his bearded face.
Her laughter rang in his ears, almost magical enough to make him forget about this absolute betrayal. He narrowed his eyes at her as she turned back around, shameless amusement on her face. “What’s the matter, Roy?” she teased as she made her way over to where he slumped on the couch. “Don’t you think I look good?”
He reached out and tugged her onto his lap, doing his best to keep his stern expression. “I think,” he growled against her shoulder, pawing at the material, “that you need to take that fucking thing off.”
With a giggle, she grabbed his wrist and looked at his watch, reminding Roy of the night of the gala- their very first night. “Ah, no time to change, I’m afraid.” She pressed a gentle kiss to his temple, careful not to leave any lipstick on his face. “Let’s go, Kent.”
Still grumbling and growling, Roy allowed himself to be pulled off the couch and dragged out of the house. When she wasn’t looking, he shook his head and smiled softly at her. Even with such a stupid name on her back, Roy still thought that seeing her in a Greyhounds kit was his new favorite sight.
He just couldn’t wait to rip the damn thing off of her.
“Let’s fucking go, Greyhounds!” I screeched, ignoring the way Keeley covered her ears.
After everything that had happened this season, both on and off the field, it was hard to believe it was coming to an end. Tonight, the Greyhounds were only one victory away winning the Premier League. And, after weeks of wearing Jamie’s name and other players’ names on my back just to mess with Roy (and the internet), I was proudly wearing his name and our number on my Greyhounds sweatshirt.
Keeley leaned close and held out her phone. “You’re already trending,” she teased, showing off a blurry photo of Roy and me entering the stadium, with me wearing Roy’s name and my signature red lipstick as I smiled up at the Greyhound manager. “And so is this.” There was Jamie Tartt, entering the stadium, wearing a fanny pack and, as usual, a hat. Unlike usual, this hat didn’t say “ICON”; instead, it proudly proclaimed “ROCKY”.
I rolled my eyes as the guys took their places on the field. “Is that a reference to that stupid ‘couple name’ thing?” I groaned. “Because you’re all supposed to be helping us keep quiet, you know.”
The sly way Keeley narrowed her eyes had me almost squirming. “Yeah. Because the way you two act during Manager Mondays and wearing each other’s kits is really discreet.” Suddenly, her suspicious expression turned somber, giving me a new urge to fidget. “How’s it all going by the way? You and him? The two of you seem pretty damn happy these days.”
“We are,” I assured her, not bothering to stop my wide smile from filling my face. “He’s… well, you know how he is.” I gave a soft chuckle as I looked down to the pitch and watched Roy lean over to say something to Coach Beard. Perfect, I decided. That was how Roy was; perfect. From the way he stood during games, shoulders squared and all business, to the way he always stole a quick kiss when our paths crossed at work, to the way his strong hands tenderly adored me in bed, to the lazy afternoons on his couch, to the phone calls and texts that flooded my phone whenever we were apart, to the way he made me laugh and smile in between all those moments. Roy Kent was fucking perfect. “He’s Roy.”
Keeley’s voice brought me out of my thoughts. “I do know how he is,” she said carefully. The little clearing of her throat had me turning my eyes to her. Her eyebrows knitted together, as if she thought I would slug her at any moment. “And I hope this isn’t totally inappropriate, but we were talking last week- and he was saying he’s so fucking happy,” she quickly added, probably seeing my slowly raising eyebrows. “He’s just worried about being… clingy?”
I couldn’t help but laugh at how completely apprehensive my friend looked. “Oh, Roy’s clingy as fuck,” I said. “But I like it.” I shrugged, my eyes returning to the gruff man on the pitch that had weaseled his way into my heart. “I… I’m clingy too,” I admitted. “I think that’s why we work, actually. We’re both pretty intense people, we both do everything at full speed, you know? So, one person’s idea of ‘too clingy’ is my idea of ‘absolutely fucking perfect’.”
The smile on Keeley’s face was filled with joy and a bit of relief. “I’m so happy to hear that,” she said, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. “Really. He deserves the best and you-” She smacked a kiss to my cheek. “-are the fucking best, babes.”
The tips of Roy’s fingers tingled as he stared down Jamie, who was making a mad dash towards their opponent’s goal. There were only moments left before stoppage time ended in a tie and the match inevitably went to extra time, which had been a dangerous place for the Greyhounds all season long. If Jamie couldn’t beat both the clock and goalkeeper, it felt like their season would end in defeat. And Roy couldn’t have that. Not this season. Not when everything seemed to be ending so well, on and off the pitch.
Only one defender stood between Jamie and the goal. Roy held his breath as he watched Jamie move this way and that, doing a maneuver he knew Tartt hadn’t learned from any of the coaches on the pitch; he’d learned this particular move from the Whippets. And he’d apparently learned it well, because suddenly Jamie was in front of the goal, kicking the ball and-
Less than a moment later, the familiar sound of the referee’s whistle had all of Nelson Road in pure pandemonium. Roy sprinted onto the field, not caring about his stupid knee, and was instantly swallowed by the swarm of blue that was his team. He grabbed and hugged whoever was close by, not caring to see anything other than their wide eyes and wider smiles. He wondered ever so briefly if anything in his career would ever live up to this moment; he knew nothing before ever had. And, if he was being quite honest, he could live with this being the happiest moment of his career.
He was hugging Jamie tight, mumbling something about being fucking proud of the prick, when he heard some of his players call his name in teasing voices. He knew those tones; he’d been hearing them a lot lately, caused by one thing- well, one person- every fucking time.
Sure enough, when Roy glanced over his shoulder, the sight made his smile grow.
There she was, clad in her Greyhounds sweater, running at him. He knew she’d regret this run in the morning- they’d probably spend the whole next day icing ankles and knees- but she didn’t look like she cared. In fact, she looked like she didn’t care about anything other than Roy.
She threw herself into his arms and let him envelop her in a tight hug, one far too tight for two platonic managers to share.
“I’m proud of you,” she huffed into the crook of his neck. “So fucking proud, Roy.”
He released her slightly so she could gaze up at him, her eyes full of adoration and joy. Deep in his chest, Roy held a hope that she would stare at him like this for the rest of their lives. “Fucking come here,” he murmured, his hands leaving her hips to cup her face.
At some point over the season, Roy had lost count of how many times he’d kissed this woman. There were some kisses that were irrevocably stamped on his heart- their first kiss while sitting on his couch listening to Sam Cooke, the kiss in the rain after he’d given her the Team USA football, the sweet kiss they’d shared after he asked her to be his girlfriend- but this was probably his favorite so far. It was soft and slow, and it made the roar of the crowd go silent in Roy’s mind. He knew there was no going back from this; there would be photos of this kiss in the papers, and he’d definitely be asked about it in the post-match press conference. They’d once again be the subject of rumors and speculation, with Twitter users trying to put together a timeline and reanalyzing every little interaction they’d had over these last few months. It was going to be pure fucking hell.
But thankfully, his own personal heaven was in his arms.
When they parted, she wore a wide grin, the kind that made his heart skip a beat. “Congrats on the win, Coach,” she chuckled as she ruffled his hair. “Can’t believe you guys beat us to it.” She kissed his lips effortlessly, as if she kissed him on the pitch every day. “Whatever happened to ladies first?”
Roy shook his head and tightened his grip on her. “Just means the Whippets get to be the grand finale.”
“Grand finale,” she repeated, giving his jacket a tug to pull him back to herself. “I like the sound of that, Kent.”
Roy could’ve stayed on that pitch forever, holding her and kissing her, finally able to show everyone how he felt about her and how she miraculously felt about him. The feeling of winning the whole fucking thing, and having his girl in his arms, and hearing his team shout and celebrate, it was intoxicating as hell.
But, as Keeley reminded him with a giggle, there was pomp and circumstance to get through.
His whole body shook with excitement as he stood by Rebecca’s side and received the trophy. In the smiling crowd, he locked gazes with those familiar eyes. Could his smile get any bigger? he wondered. Surely that would be the morning headline: Richmond’s Roy Kent finally knows how to smile. And damn, if it wasn’t something he wanted to keep doing.
Once things began to die down on the pitch, Keeley began herding him towards the press conference he still had to do before celebrating with the team. He kept an arm wrapped around the Whippet’s manager as he finally made his way through the halls, to the familiar door that led to the press room. He paused in front of it, thinking about all the less-than-stellar moments he’d had in there. Announcing his retirement. Watching Jamie have a meltdown. Throwing a chair at George fucking Willows after being asked about Keeley. Being asked intrusive questions about his love life and the drama of this season. Some crappy things happened in that room, he admitted to himself.
But today? Today he walked in with his head held high; for the first time in a long time, Roy Kent felt nothing but good about himself and his life. His team was officially the best in the Premier League, and he had the girl of his dreams to kiss after the match. He allowed himself a smile as he settled in front of the cameras, enjoying the surprise on the reporters’ faces when they caught sight of his expression. In the back of the room, Keeley gave him a thumbs up before wrapping her arm around the Whippets’ manager, who shot him a wink that had his stupid grin widening.
Yeah. This might be the best fucking day of his whole fucking life.
The clamoring began before he even sat down. Roy rolled his eyes, albeit good-naturedly for once, and pointed to a familiar face, a reporter he didn’t fully hate. “Yeah?”
“Coach Kent, how does it feel to lead the Greyhounds to do the impossible?”
Roy leaned into his seat, determined to at least look relaxed. “Feels fucking great,” he said. “And I’m going to ignore that ‘impossible’ thing.” He smirked at the tittering from the reporters. “Because honestly, this team is fucking incredible. And anyone who thought this was ‘impossible’ for those lads hasn’t been paying attention.” After answering a few questions about the season and the match, he could see the journalists beginning to get restless. It was clear what they would be asking next. He pointed to another raised hand. “You.”
“A certain coach had an… interesting way of congratulating you,” the reporter asked in a timid voice. “Anything to say about that?”
For a moment, he glanced to the back of the room. Not to Keeley, like he usually did during these things, but to the pair of eyes that gazed back with a beautiful mixture of adoration and teasing. Another wink encouraged him to lean forward on his elbows and ignore the heat rising in his cheeks. “There’s a lot I can say about that,” he chuckled. “But, all I will say is this-” He looked directly at those bright eyes. “-I’m fucking mad about that woman. She seems to think I’m alright, which is nice. And she continues to be one of the most impressive managers I’ve had the honor of watching on the pitch. And I am looking forward to seeing her and the Whippets kick some serious ass next weekend.”
More questions were hurled at him, mostly excited and kind ones, but Roy didn’t really hear them. He was too focused on trying not to simply sit and stare at that pretty face that smiled at him and made him feel like he’d won more than the Premier League.
I pulled my dark blue blazer on and turned to get a good look at myself in the mirror. Dark blue blazer, white blouse, best jeans, hair up in a ponytail, red lipstick applied, necklace my grandfather had given me around my neck. This was it, I decided. This was the outfit of a Women’s Super League-winning coach.
“You look fucking amazing.” A pair of strong arms wrapped around me as a scruffy kiss smacked my cheek. “Like a fucking winner.” Roy smirked at me in the mirror. He looked damn good in his white Whippets kit, the number six on his back and something that kind of looked like love in his eyes. If my entire season wasn’t on the line, I’d be debating ripping off that jersey and throwing Roy onto the bed. “Gonna wear your gold medal?” he teased.
With an eyeroll, I slipped out of his grasp and sat on my bed. “Just toss me my sneakers, Kent.”
Roy raised an eyebrow as he moved towards my familiar Converse that sat perfectly next to the closet. “Wow, I get to touch the Match Day shoes? What an honor.”
“Yeah,” I chuckled as I took the shoes from him and tugged them on. “I’m hoping your luck from last weekend rubs off on me and the Whippets.” I knew that underneath my joking tone, he could hear my nerves. Roy always seemed to know what was going on beneath the surface.
Sure enough, he sat down next to me and took my hand. “Oi.” His voice was as soft as his gaze. “You’re going to be fucking brilliant.” He kissed my forehead. “Your team is incredible. You are incredible. You’re Coach Bucky. World Cup winner, Olympic champion, NWSL Coach of the Year.” He shook his head as he rattled off my résumé with a smile on his face. “You’ve fucking got this.”
“I know.”
He raised his thick eyebrows at me expectantly. “But?”
“But…” I sighed heavily and let my head fall against his shoulder. “There’s just so much pressure,” I murmured. “It’s our first season. And with all of my personal drama…” I closed my eyes. “I have to win. I have to show that I’m a fucking winner. If I don’t, I’ll forever be that slutty American who slept with Roy freaking Kent.”
He gave me a light shove. “Oi, I thought you liked sleeping with Roy Kent.”
“Roy,” I huffed. “I’m being serious. I need to win today. I have to prove that I deserve to be taken seriously. Everything I’ve built this year is on the line. If we don’t do this, I don’t know-”
“Babe.” Roy shifted and lifted my legs until they draped over his lap. His arms felt like a warm blanket as they wrapped around my waist and tugged me close. “You don’t have to prove shit to anyone. You’re lightyears better at this job than I am-” A snort slipped out of my nose. “-and everyone knows it, no matter what happens today. You are brilliant and accomplished. And if it’s not this year, it’ll be next year.” He gave me a squeeze. “But I believe in you. Your team believes in you. Rebecca and Keeley and all the Greyhounds believe in you. Fuck what anyone else says.” He kissed my forehead, lingering for a moment. “You can always just punch them anyways.”
Fucking Roy, making me laugh and forget my anxiety. As I smiled through my nerves and kissed his mouth, probably smudging my lipstick, all I could think was how badly I wanted him to make me laugh for the rest of my fucking life.
The feeling of pride in Roy’s chest was unlike anything he’d ever felt in his life. The energy of the stadium vibrated through his whole body, and he couldn’t help the lump in his throat when he saw how absolutely packed the place was. He walked confidently into the owners’ box holding Phoebe’s hand tight. He smiled down at his bouncing niece, with her bright eyes and her own Bucky kit. She was talking a million miles a minute, reminding him of Keeley, chattering all about how well she knew the Whippets would do and asking if Roy was really going to take her onto the pitch after the match if the Whippets won. Her yammering only stopped so she could give Keeley a hug and take her seat next to the blonde.
“Ready to see your girl in action?” Keeley teased over Phoebe’s head as Roy took his seat.
His broad smile would have been enough of an answer. “She’s gonna be so fucking brilliant,” Roy laughed. “I can fucking feel it.” He narrowed his eyes at Phoebe’s expectant face. “Add it to my tab,” he grumbled.
To his surprise, Phoebe shook her head. “You get a free pass today, Uncle Roy,” she informed him earnestly. “It’s a very big day for Bucky and you’re probably very stressed.” She nodded, her demeanor comically matter of fact. “So, I’ll let it slide. Just for today.”
“Thanks, Pheebs,” he chuckled, kissing the top of her head. He nodded to Rebecca as she took her spot on Keeley’s other side. “Boss,” he greeted with a salute.
“Coach Kent,” she replied, a sparkle in her eye as she saluted back. “Beautiful night for a game, hmm?” Despite her calm tone, Roy could see the way her fingers drummed on her lap nervously.
He smirked at her. “Ready to be the owner of two winning teams?”
She shook her head, holding back a laugh. “Not thinking about it,” she announced firmly. “I am just going to enjoy the match, cheer for our girls, and feel proud of them no matter what.”
Keeley, Roy, and Pheobe all just stared at her until a smile broke out across her face.
“Alright, yes, I’m fucking ready!” She turned her attention to the field, where the Whippets were beginning to line up. “Let’s go, Whippets!”
The quartet were joined in the box by Beard and Nate and Jamie, who looked quite comfortable wearing Kira Malone’s name on his back. There were deafening cheers all around as the Whippets were introduced. Roy’s whole body felt warm as he bellowed their names; even without being head over heels for their manager, Roy would feel beyond proud of these women. He’d watched them work all season long, through sweat and injuries and fatigue and the harsh media. And they’d done it all with smiles on their faces and their heads held high. They were impressive and inspiring, and Roy already knew they would win that trophy.
And they had ninety minutes to do it.
After the players were introduced, the Whippets’ coaches stepped forward to shake hands with the opposing coaching staff.  Of course, every eye in the owners’ box turned to Roy with mischievous smirks on their faces.
Not that Roy noticed. He was too busy jumping to his feet so he could cup his hands around his mouth and bellow, “Let’s fucking go, Buck!”
With that colossal voice of his, no one was surprised to see the manager look up in their direction. Her red-lipped smile was clear as day, and they all oohed teasingly when they saw her blow a kiss up towards them.
“Obviously that was for me,” Jamie joked, turning around and winking at his manager.
“Fuck off,” Roy chuckled as he resumed his seat. He gave the striker a light shove before turning his attention back to the pitch. Fuck, how was he supposed to focus on the match that was starting when she was down there, looking strong and confident and powerful- not to mention gorgeous. His heart hammered in his chest as he watched her in her element, shouting excitedly at her team and reaching out for Luke’s hand every now and then. Some part of him wanted to watch her forever; the other part of him couldn’t wait for the ninety minutes to end so he could wrap his arms around her and celebrate her victory.
A stray piece of popcorn smacked him in the temple and diverted his attention.
Keeley shot him that shit-eating grin and tossed a fresh piece of popcorn into her mouth. “You’re drooling, Roy-o.”
He narrowed his eyes at her and reached over Phoebe’s lap to steal a handful of Keeley’s popcorn. “Yeah, yeah,” was all he could manage. He smiled down at Pheobe, whose attention was rapt with the match in front of her. “Having fun?” he asked loudly, amused to find that her trance was just as intense as the one he’d just been in.
All the little blonde could do was nod, mouth slightly agape, as she watched the Whippets score their first goal of the match. The entire stadium was on their feet, deafening with their shouts and cheers as the players embraced. But of course, the only thing Roy could see was their manager and the way she looked up at the owners’ box, right at him.
Lucas was holding my hand so tight he was going to cause permanent damage to my blood circulation. Not that I cared; we had succeeded in keeping the game tied 2-2 all through stoppage time, and now Amanada Camacho had managed to secure a penalty kick. With my free hand, I gripped my necklace tightly, as if the little gold charm would somehow direct Amanda’s kick into the right direction.
The forward made her move, running towards the ball, and gave a powerful kick-
That sailed perfectly into the corner of the goal, out of the goalie’s reach.
In unison, Lucas and I let out sharp screams and crashed into each other’s arms, trading kisses on cheeks and foreheads. When the referee blew her whistle, we sprinted onto the field, greeting our mob of Whippets in a pile of hugs that evolved into a mountain of players and staff tumbling over each other. It was loud and chaotic- and beautiful. Somewhere in the reveling, tears had formed in my eyes, but they didn’t fall until I found myself face to face with Rebecca’s glowing smile and own teary eyes.
“Well done,” she said simply, wrapping me in a tight hug. “Well fucking done.”
I melted into her embrace- fuck, how was this woman so perfect that even her hugs were the best?- and finally let the tears fall. “Thank you for believing in me,” was all I could manage.
She shook her head. “That’s just the Richmond way,” she chuckled as Keeley approached us.
The blonde wrapped us both into a group hug, chattering about how brilliant the girls had been, how brilliant I had been, how we were going to have the biggest celebration ever once we left the stadium, how I’d better have brought a change of clothes like she’d instructed me so we could party properly.
But her excitement was drowned out by my beating heart when I caught sight of a pair of beautiful brown eyes sparkling at me.
“Kent!” I shrieked, breaking free of my bosses’ warm embraces. I sprinted towards him, this time under stadium lights and falling confetti rather than pouring rain, and launched myself into his arms. He caught me with ease, lifting me and letting me wrap my legs around him. With a couple of first place finishes under our belts, we were finally free to be as publicly insufferable as we wanted- which I planned on taking full advantage of. I figured a dramatic kiss on the pitch was a good start, and Roy seemed to agree as he attached his lips to mine hungrily.
“So. Fucking,” he huffed into my mouth between kisses, “Proud.” He held me tighter, pressing my chest harshly to his. “You’re amazing.”
I finally removed myself from the kiss so I could bury my burning hot face in his shoulder. He let me plant my feet back on the ground, but kept his arms firmly around me. “Roy,” I murmured, realizing I had something important to tell him. “I-”
“Bucky!” Phoebe jumped onto my back, nearly knocking me over.
“Pheebs!” I laughed, turning away from Roy so I could hug his niece. “I’m so glad you came,” I gushed. “Your team wins a championship next, right?” When I glanced up at Roy over Phoebe’s head, he was already gazing at me, something soft on his face. He’d been doing that a lot lately, I realized as I returned his smile. This gentle stare that held something significant, something I felt sure one of us would break down and say soon. Something I’d wanted to say since I first ran out in the rain to him.
But I didn’t have time to think about that. Not when my team was calling for me to join them to be crowned the Women’s League champions and hoist the trophy in the air and beam with pride as cameras flashed in our faces.
I was still beaming as I held Roy’s hand in the club the Greyhounds and Whippets took over to celebrate both of our victories; Rebecca was something of a blubbering mess as she took the microphone early in the night and thanked both clubs for their hard work, thanked our coaching staffs for surviving the wild ride that had been our season (Beard raised his eyebrows in our direction, clearly remembering being frustrated enough to lock us in a shed), and above all thanked Keeley for being her partner in the adventure of establishing what she knew would be a great legacy of women’s football in Richmond.
By the time Rebecca finished and called me up to make my own speech, I was close to joining Rebecca in her tears; unfortunately, I knew I wouldn’t look as graceful as she did once my waterworks began flowing. So instead, I focused on smiling as I kissed her cheek and took the accepted the microphone from her.
“How’re we feeling, Richmond?” I was answered with cheers and shouts from our teams and their loved ones. “I’ll try to keep this brief so we can get back to partying- although my Whippets probably already know I’m not as capable of brevity as the Greyhounds say Coach Kent is.” The mere mention of Roy’s name provoked catcalls and wolf whistles from both squads. “Calm down,” I laughed, shaking my head when I caught Roy’s not-really-annoyed eyeroll aimed at Jamie. “I just want to say thank you,” I continued once the commotion subsided. “Thank you to the Whippets, for all of your incredible work and dedication. I think we made it clear to the Women’s Super League and all of England that W.F.C. Richmond has arrived.” Cheers again filled the club, as well as my heart. “Thank you to our fearless leaders Keeley and Rebecca, for believing in us every step of the way.” Keeley’s little bow alongside Rebecca’s refined wave had me giggling into the microphone. “A special thanks to our dear Greyhounds. It was an adjustment learning to work together-” Coach Beard’s exaggerated groan could be heard loudly over everyone else’s teasing hums. “-but we managed.” I shot Roy a wink that was returned with a blown kiss. “And, personally, more than anyone else I have to thank my right-hand man.” My eyes found Lucas’s. “Luke,” I sighed. “You formed me into the player I was so proud to be. You mentored me into the coach I’ve become. You were insane enough to follow me here for this adventure, you held my hand during every scary moment and picked me up every time I fell. We came here for greatness-” I shrugged, gesturing to the assembled group of champion athletes. “- and I think we fucking found it.” Both teams hollered in agreement, but still managed to hear my last few words: “Richmond on three! One, two, three-”
In a blur of cheers and hugs and kisses, I finally found myself back in Roy’s embrace, accepting the chaste kiss he pressed to my lips.
“Wanna sneak off for a moment?” he hummed in my ear. “After that, I need to give you a proper kiss. And if I do that here, I think Beard might actually be fucking ill.”
I leaned into his touch. “Can’t have that,” I teased back.
We wandered away from the bar, ignoring the eyerolls from our friends when they caught sight of our lovesick expressions. We had warned them early on; they were going to miss the days of our screaming matches and insults. These days, instead of walking in on arguments, they walked in on make out sessions. Jamie had more than a few times accused us of trying to make him go blind. Even Keeley grimaced when I asked if she wanted to continue Manager Mondays next season, clearly regretting asking us to be more affectionate once we were public.
All season everyone bitched at us about getting along. We were only giving the people what they wanted.
Roy clearly knew what he wanted when he found a dark, isolated corner where he could press my back against a column that hid us from view. His mouth melded with mine as his hands lazily stroked up and down my sides. I sighed against his kiss and snaked my arms around his neck, pulling him flush against me. My mind was filled with thoughts of the weeks ahead of us; sure, we’d have a shit ton of press, but once the circus was over, this was all I wanted to worry about. We’d floated the idea of going on some fabulous vacation together, turning our phones off and isolating ourselves in a little bubble of sex and food and laughter. I’d told Roy we could settle plans once the seasons were ended, which he had seemed thrilled about. Or at least as thrilled as Roy could manage. But as I kissed him harshly and melted in his arms, I briefly considered that spending our entire break locked in his house with nothing but takeout, movies, and his bed sounded just as good as whatever destination he had in mind.
Still, we’d worked hard and gone through a lot; we deserved a damn vacation.
“You’re fucking incredible,” he mumbled as he began to wander down my neck. “Seeing you on the pitch today… and up there with your speech…” He groaned softly and pressed a slow kiss to my collarbone. “Don’t think I’ve ever loved you more than I do right now.”
My grip on him tightened as my body tensed up. Not bothering to hide my wide smile, I tugged at him until his face was inches away from mine. “You love me?”
His smile was sloppy and bashful, my favorite sight. “Fucking ’course I do,” he murmured as he brushed some hair out of my face. “You’re something special, you know that? I think I’ve loved you since that moment in the shed at the fucking retreat, hearing you say we were both going to win the whole fucking thing. Called it ‘fairy tale shit’.” He touched his nose to mine. “This right here, this is some fairy tale shit.”
“It is,” I breathed before closing the space between your mouths, pulling Roy into a tender kiss. Before I could deepen it into something a bit harsher, he pulled back, eyebrow quirked playfully. “What?” I chuckled.
“I love you,” he whispered, raising both eyebrows now.
I nodded, trying to hide the grin that was growing on my face. “So I heard.”
He rolled his eyes and took my face in his hands. “Anything you care to say to me, Coach Buck?”
He knew. Of course he fucking knew. He knew from the way I kissed him and the way I looked at him and the way I held him close whenever I could. He knew from the way we made love at night and made breakfast together in the morning. He knew from the way our fingertips brushed when we passed each other at work. He knew from the million little things we shared every day.
But sometimes, a fella needs to hear the words.
“Fine,” I huffed, all faux exasperation as I tugged his face back towards mine. “I guess I love you too.”
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 4 months
Whump Wednesday
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So as most of you know, words have...not been coming easily for me lately. In fact, words have not been coming at all lately. There's some stuff I've been dealing with offline that has contributed to my muse's disappearance, and truth be told, I've been a bit afraid of writing, thinking that perhaps my muse has up and gone forever and I just simply will never write again.
But then @thinkof-england shared with me her idea of taking on Whump Wednesday via a virtual spinning wheel, and she encouraged me to give it a shot with her, as perhaps just an exercise in getting back to writing again. So tonight, for the first time, we allowed the wheel to guide us...and the prompt we received was TW: amputation. What the hell was I meant to do with that, as my FIRST WHUMP PROMPT out of the gate?!
I said, "I'm going to try to just do a drabble. Just 100 words, that's all, no big thing. Surely the muse can make that happen." And then once the idea came, she managed a staggering 500 words. I have NO idea if these words are good or not, but they are mine, and they're 500 words more than I had when I woke up this morning. So behind the cut you'll find a small pentadrabble zombie FirstPrince AU featuring TW: blood, pain, mention of zombies, and implied amputation without anesthesia or proper medical care.
Please be kind. If this doesn't sound like your thing, please keep scrolling right on by. It won't hurt me in the slightest. What will hurt me are unkind words.
A strangled cry rips itself free of Henry’s lungs as Cash carries him inside the farmhouse and places him gently on the couch. Despite the proof of his immense pain dripping from his golden hair and written in every tense, taut line of his face, he buries the sleeve of his shirt into his mouth to stifle the sound. Ever their protector.
Alex produces a knife and cuts away the blood-soaked denim concealing his twisted and torn skin. Jagged holes from the rotting teeth of the undead fucker that attacked his husband continue to pour blood, already beginning to soak the floral fabric on the couch where he and Henry had once made love, long after everyone else had fallen asleep upstairs. Alex can still hear the soft laughter ringing out in the dead of night from Henry’s parted pink lips when he teasingly asked if they needed to seek out one of those ancient plastic covers. He blanches at the thought now.
But it’s the draining of blood from beneath Henry’s already pale skin that comes back into sharp focus as the hulking shadow that can only be Cash reappears over his shoulder. Alex, having no idea he’d left at all, turns to find a handsaw, a belt, and a bottle of rubbing alcohol bundled in Cash’s arms. His lips are a thin line as he kneels by the couch and rolls up his sleeves, until Alex stills his motions with a hand over his.
“I’ll do it,” Alex says softly, his voice a weak croak of a sound. He coughs, as if something as simple as the pollen count could be responsible for the paralysis of his vocal cords. He turns to Henry, then, whose blue eyes are bright with fear and pain and knowing, always just a step ahead of Alex despite his perpetual attempts at running as far ahead as he can into the future, to prepare a way for them. Henry’s never had to run. He’s always simply gazed up at the night sky in silence, as if the great hunter in the heavens is whispering and he’s the only one who can hear. Or perhaps it isn’t Orion at all, but a guardian angel.
Why then, Alex wonders, if Henry’s gift is knowledge, and if there’s some all-knowing being keeping watch over him from just beyond the stars, could something like this be happening to him?
“I trust you,” Henry says, his teeth clenched tight as he places a blood-soaked hand over Alex’s to still a trembling he hadn’t yet noticed. Henry’s golden wedding band glimmers in the dusk of another dying day, surprisingly free of the scarlet liquid still flowing freely from his wounded leg.
Alex’s lungs refuse to inflate when he draws air into them, and the minute contents of his stomach churn with the task he’s about to face, but he secures the belt tightly just above the wound, rests one hand on Henry’s knee for stability and support, and begins.
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seris-circle · 1 year
Keep It Under Wraps
Drew Starkeyxfemreader
Summary: Y/N and Drew, while on press in preparation for season 3’s release, try to hide a big secret.
Warning: Fluff, swearing, pregnancy
You were preparing for the interview at the Vanity Fair studio with Drew and the fellow OBX cast. You were styled in a lilac blouse that hugged your chest, accentuated by the pregnancy hormone enhancements raging through your body for the last 4 months. Trying to hide the bump for as long as you could in order to keep attention on the release of the new season rather than yourself, you paired this top with a high-wasted white pant that flared as it went from your waist down to your ankle. Of course, you intended to match Drew. Now newly engaged and with a baby on the way, you were the power couple on set.
You sat at the makeup vanity, staring at your figure, feeling like you looked so big compared to the rest of the ladies. Face puffy, boobs huge, and waist growing, no one couldn’t deny that you were with a child.
As you huff in a deep breath you feel arms wrap around your waist, rubbing your bump.
“You know you are the most gorgeous angel on this earth?” Drew said, laying a sweet kiss on your ear lobe. “I think even more gorgeous thanks to this little one”
“You’re just saying that because you have to,” You say giggling to yourself as you look into his eyes through the mirror. “I’m huge everywhere. My clothes don’t fit and I can barely breathe with the heartburn I have right now”
“I don’t think the growing features are too bad on you” He responded staring directly at your cleavage which was right in his face.
You smirk and turn around to face him. “Thank you, but keep it down for now. We have to get through this interview without it being completely obvious.” You say, his face dropping in the process.
“I don’t know why we have to keep hiding this anymore. Everyone knows we are together, why can’t they know about this exciting part of our lives?” He said, slightly raising his voice.
“Because, I don’t want to take the attention away from the show or the others. This is a big moment for all of us that needs to be shared. I promise I will stop hiding it when it is appropriate.” You said, holding his hands and reassuring him that his excitement can be released soon. You knew exactly when and where you were going to drop the bomb to the public since your friends and family already knew the news. “Now come on, we have to get over there” pulling him to the set for the interview.
There were two rows of chairs set up for the 9 of you. You decided to take a seat in the back in order to dry and conceal your waist from the camera view. Drew took a seat right next to you, grabbing your hand to calm you down.
“Who’s next?” Drew said attempting to kick the note card up into the air. Since you had sat next to him, it was now your turn. When walking over, drew managed to stay in the way of the camera’s view of you until you sat down and used the cards to block your bump. Once he was seated, you began.
“Drew isn’t allowed to answer any of these, he’ll get them all right!” JD exclaimed looking directly into the camera. You all laughed while drew put his arms up in surrender
“Ok… First question. Where and What did I study in college?” You ask your friends. Drew smiled at you because he knew right away but stayed quiet for the sake of the others.
“Biology! You wanted to be a doctor and deal with cells right?” Maddy yelled.
“Yeah, but where?” you followed.
“I don’t know” She responded, shrugging her shoulders.
“Providence?” Madison and JD asked in unison. You shook your head. The rest of the cast looked lost
“It was Salve Regina University, a small private school in Rhode island, so you were close with providence,” you said pointing to them.
“Next one! What was my childhood into adulthood cat’s name? AKA the Love of my life, sorry Drew” you said smiling, blowing a kiss to drew as he pretended to be heartbroken.
“I think we all know this” Chase said looking around at the whole cast
“Yeah, it's not like she talks about her all the time” Drew gocked. “So on three, 1…2…3”
“Willow!” The cast said in unison, making you smile.
“Y/N’s ride or die was that cat! I’m surprised if anything else in life would make her as happy” Maddy joked. There was something though and someone. Although you loved that cat, your soulmate was Drew and your new addition was a dream come true.
“Stop! You’re going to make me cry” you said and you were right because those hormones could start any tear at the drop of a dime. You noticed that drew threw you a soft look as the group began to laugh, you included. His gaze distracted you for second which brought you back to reality.
“Last question… “what is my special talent?” You raised your eyebrows and smirked
The group began to think, whispering between each other .
“I’m going to say ventriloquism” Austin said with some confidence, erupting a pool of laughter from the group. “No, but seriously, is it?”
“No, why? Do I look like I am?” You said nervously laughing. The group just made a suggestive look signaling that “anything is possible” vibe.
“Wait! I know!” Rudy yelled from his seat. “You know sign language” he continued.
You turned you card to reveal that he was correct.
“Ding Ding Ding” you said with a talk show accent. Rudy began to make finger guns towards the air as Chase pretended to make it rain cash on him.
Your turn was now over and now it was Chase’s turn. you asked the production team at VF to cut you walking back to your seat, they respected that and you went on with the interview, keeping your legs and arms crossed.
You had done so many interviews at this point, luckily some took place on the same day so you didn’t have to plan outfits that set an illusion on your body. It was now the night of the premiere in LA for OBX and you were getting ready to walk the carpet. Tonight was the night you were going to make your pregnancy public. You were going to do this by wearing a curve-hugging pink midi dress. It enhanced your tits and ass, while also putting the growing bump on full display.
You walk down the stairs into the living room of the house you and Drew shared. You joined him and his mom there. He was facing away from you talking to her so when you entered, her face lit up. He turns and sees you, mouth agape from your appearance.
He walks over and engulfs you in an embrace. Coming up to peck your lips.
“You continue to surprise me. You don’t know how happy and excited I am that everyone gets to know about our little babe.” He said smiling down at you, staring into your eyes. You smile back and then you take his lips into yours once more before you leave for the premiere.
Drew steps out of the car first, assisting his mother out, then you. As you step out and get close enough for the public to take you in, people begin to scream.
“OMG! Congrats” a fan yells as you walk by. A smile forms with all the positive responses you are receiving. As you get to the center for photos, you meet Madelyn.
“YAY, Mama!” She says taking you in. She pokes your bump for a photo.
As the night went on, you took photos with the cast and by yourself. Finally, you were met with the interviewers implemented into the carpet.
“Hi Everyone, I’m here with Y/N Y/L/N at the premiere of Outer Banks season 3. How excited are you for people to watch?” She asks, directing her mic towards you.
“I am very excited for everyone to watch. I know the fans have been waiting and I can tell you that they will not be disappointed.” You said smiling and nodding as the interviewer took the mic back to her mouth.
“Can we talk about you tonight and the news you may have to share?” She said referring to your growing bump that was hugged by your garment.
“What? This?” you said into the mic. “I have become a competitive eater and this is my proof from the last tournament I won…Just kidding. Yes, I am pregnant. About 4 months now and I am excited as ever.” You continued, your cheeks heating up with happiness.
“That is amazing, congratulations.” The interviewer stated and you mouthed thank you in response. “Now, I know you weren’t pregnant when filming, but if you were, what would have been one stunt that you would've backed out from because of how intense it was?” She continued.
“Ummm…Katie doesn’t really get into all the stunts and stuff. but she does a lot of dancing on tables at the boat club and that can be a bit dangerous in stilettos so maybe that.” You shrugged.
“Amazing. We love a party girl. Last question, what is one word you would use to describe season 3?” She asked
“Romantic” You say with a smirk. “Yeah, get ready to get your heart pumping with lust ya hopeless romantics” you looked directly into the camera.
“We will keep a look out for all of those hints and you on the new season of Outer banks, thank you”You shake her hand and then make your way into the theater.
The night had come to an end and you walked out of the theater with drew, hand in hand. You were getting Jodi situated in her Uber to make sure to had made it back to her hotel as Drew sat talking to Austin. It should have been him taking care of his mother but he had drank more than enough for the both of you so his sense of direction was off, but you didn’t mind. Jodi was so kind and loving that she was now more family to you than just your fiancés mom. As you waved her off, you returned back to Drew in a fit of laughter.
“Oh don’t you look happy” you said as you walked up to him. He pulled you between his legs as he hugged your waist.
“Ooooh I am baby. Everyone is. We got to tell them about the baby and the show and-“ he stopped talking as he nuzzled your bump. “Mmmm, I love you” he said in a dazed tone. Austin took this as a time to leave as he tried to give you a side hug and patted drew on the shoulder.
“I love you too and I’m happy about this secret being lifted of my shoulders” you responded as you ran your fingers through his hair. “Come on let’s get home, I’m exhausted” you backed up, pulling him to his feet. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer, giving you a kiss. You could taste the whiskey on his lips as they left yours.
“You look so good tonight, have I told you?” you nod as you lock eyes with him. “Yeah, but like really good. More than normal now” he responded then went to kiss your neck. You didn’t know why, but Drew loved your pregnant body, drunk or sober. Maybe it was that it was something that just brought you closer together, that you were carrying his child.
His state would have just lead to way too much pda so you tried to stop before he took it too far.
“Thank you, but we should save this until we get home” You said pulling him up to look at you. He pouted but obliged as you turned around to get to the car. You were guiding him to the get in but he stopped half way to yell;
“I am going to be a dad! I got the most sexiest gorgeous women pregnant! Whooo!” He yelled out to the world, not many people around but he hoped someone would hear. You just laughed and pushed him into the car. You followed in and took you seat next to him.
“I really am excited, but nervous too” he said pulling you close to him. He threw his arm around you and you laid your head in his shoulder. “But we’ll be great! I know it!” He reassured as he squeezed you tighter.
“I hope so” you responded looking up at him. He smiled back and you kissed him sweetly. The rest of the ride home was quiet as you just enjoyed each others embrace.
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cecilysass · 6 months
Shine On (11/16)
Read on AO3 | Tagging @today-in-fic
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Chapter 11: The Snow
Farrs Corner, Virginia February 23, 2015 7:45 am
Jackson can’t seem to sit still. He’s pacing all around the kitchen in meandering circles. Scully has managed to piece together from his brief, cryptic answers to her questions that he now knows his thoughts aren’t completely private. The news apparently hasn’t been well received.
Scully sits at the table, her chin in her hand, watching him seriously. There’s something else going on here, too—something more—and she hasn’t pinned it down yet. For one, Mulder disappeared upstairs in a cloud of anxiety, something big clearly on his mind.
“Was Mulder … worried about something?” she attempts.
Jackson just lifts his shoulders in a jerky shrug. “Probably.” He doesn’t add more details.
“Are you all right?” Scully says after another pause.
He’s moving again, walking back and forth. “Yeah,” he says. “I’m okay. Just really freaked out.”
“Don’t say it,” Jackson cuts her off, pointing at her suddenly. “I know, I know. Now I know what it feels like to have my thoughts spied on. I’m a hypocrite for being upset about it, right?”
Scully says nothing right away, but fixes him with what she hopes is an open and honest gaze. “Is that what I am thinking, Jackson?”
“No,” he says, finally still. “You’re not.”
She nods slowly. “Right. Now. Did Mulder happen to make coffee?”
“Yeah,” Jackson says, turning slowly to regard the coffee maker. “And … I made scrambled eggs.”
“You did?”
“Yeah.” Jackson walks to the stove and lifts the lid off the pan. “They’re still warm. You want some?”
“Yes, I do.” Scully stands up to get out plates. “Let’s eat. Should we make toast?”
Just as they are loading bread in the ancient toaster oven, Mulder’s footsteps on the stairs cause them both to look up. Jackson takes a wary step back.
“You’re going for a run, Mulder?” Scully can’t hide her skepticism as she walks across the floor to speak to him. He’s dressed for exercise—sweatpants, a long-sleeve tee, his running shoes—but his grim expression tells another story.
“Yeah,” he says. He eyes Jackson for a moment, looking as if he wants to say something, then turns and walks to the house’s front window, the one that faces the porch. He peers out cautiously. “Sort of.”
“What’s going on?” she asks sharply, lowering her voice.
“He’s been keeping something from us,” Mulder says quietly, his eyes darting behind her to Jackson in the kitchen. They both know that keeping his voice down is pointless, but he does it anyway. “Something … important. I need to check around outside again.”
“I should come with you.”
“No,” he says quickly. “Stay here, Scully. I think I upset him, and I think you should … just stay here with him.”
Scully nods slowly, feeling a thrum of anxiety. For the umpteenth time since yesterday, she attempts to mute her feelings.
“Try not to worry,” Mulder says, flashing her a small smile. “Hopefully this isn't a big deal. Go have breakfast.”
“Be careful,” Scully whispers urgently. “Take the stiletto.”
“Yeah,” he says. “Of course.”
For a moment he looks like he might kiss her cheek—he seems to bend down just a little—but he doesn’t, biting his lower lip instead.
“I’ll save you some coffee,” she says uncomfortably, a nod to a routine they had for years in what feels like another lifetime.
“Sure you will,” he says. “I won’t hold my breath. I know your caffeine habits.”
The words he’s speaking are playful, but he sounds distracted. He glances out the window again, and it scares her, the look of intense worry etched across his features. Her mind explodes into fearful questions—what is Jackson is keeping from them? why does it involve Mulder checking outside?—but she quiets these quickly.
“Hopefully no big deal, right?” she whispers.
“Right,” he says quickly. Another reassuring smile.
There are swirling eddies of snow flurries visible through the kitchen windows as Scully and Jackson eat their eggs and toast.
“Snow,” she remarks, her voice sounding small. “I wonder if it’s supposed to accumulate.”
Jackson’s eyes track the direction of her stare. “Yeah, it looks like it might.” He looks back at her, seeming to remember something. He takes a big forkful of eggs. “Happy birthday. Today’s your actual birthday, right?”
“Yes,” she says. She takes a bite, too, trying not to watch him too closely.
“You’re… 51?”
She nods, wiping her mouth with a paper napkin.
“So you were 37 when you had me?”
Again she nods, studying his reaction.
“Did you want to have kids?”
She hesitates only a second. “Very, very much.”
When he looks up at her, she knows he is using his shine on her, testing out the veracity of her claim. She can practically feel it.
“I was thinking about it,” Jackson says, shoving another bite in his mouth. “I think I might understand why my shine is so much stronger with you than with anyone else. Or at least I have a guess.”
Scully scowls and sips her coffee. “Oh? What’s your guess?”
“You’re a doctor, right?” Jackson says. “So you know that in mammals, there’s an evolutionary advantage to maternal-infant bonding.”
Her eyes widen at his language choice. Her chin goes up and down wordlessly.
“And that baby mammals learn to recognize their mom’s smell and sound, and learn how to, like, be in tune with her behavior so that they have a better chance of survival.”
She sets her cup down, slightly stunned.
“So if you think about my shine being one of my senses, like smelling or hearing, it’s logical that when I was an infant, still living with you, it developed to be… in sync with you. So I could know what you were thinking and feeling. And maybe once it developed in my brain or whatever, it stayed wired that way, even after all these years. It’s biology, right?”
“I had wondered… something along those lines myself,” Scully says, keeping her voice steady. “You’re very knowledgeable about biology.”
“I read a lot of articles,” Jackson says modestly.
Articles about what, Scully wonders? About maternal-neonate bonding? Is he worried about what he has missed out on by being adopted?
“Maybe a little,” Jackson says, looking down, and it takes her a moment to realize he is answering the question she was thinking. He then meets her eyes, and there is something unguarded there that reminds her of Mulder when she met him, Mulder the youngest she ever knew him, Mulder in Bellefleur, telling her his story. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” she says. “Anything.”
“Why’d you do it? Why did you decide to give me up?” He looks so earnest, so sincerely curious and vaguely hurt that it makes Scully want to weep. “I can feel how much you didn’t want to. How sad it made you. And when you did it, I wasn’t brand-new either, was I? I lived with you a while. You knew me. You have all these memories of me. And you were still with Mulder, weren’t you? It just seems like… I don’t know. I guess I don’t understand.”
“You really can’t see any reason why? Or… feel why?” she whispers.
“Not really,” he says. “It’s confusing to make sense of everything that goes on inside of you when you think about this.”
“Yes. I imagine.” She rises from her seat to pick up the coffee carafe, refilling her cup carefully. She uses the opportunity to take a deep breath, too. “I thought they would take you,” she continues, her voice eerily calm. “I was on my own. Mulder was gone.” She sits down again, clutching her cup tightly with both hands. “And I was just … absolutely terrified that I couldn’t protect you. Someone had already tried to take you once. I was so scared.” Her eyes fall to her coffee. “The adoption agency told me they’d find someone normal, loving, and far away. That you would be able to live a happy life.”
“A closed adoption,” Jackson says, and his jaw muscle twitches, just like Mulder’s does—which tells her that this is the most painful part. That this concealing of her identity is something that has upset him, stung him.
“It had to be,” she says. “Or I would still be a danger to you. To your new family.” Her voice breaks. “But apparently Mulder and I were a danger to you and your family anyway. I’m so sorry about that, Jackson. So sorry. I tried to keep you safe. I tried … so hard. By far the hardest thing I have ever…” She’s crying, and she can’t do anything to stop it.
Jackson watches her tears, looking perplexed. “I know,” he says. He tips his head, as if trying to see her better. “It isn’t your fault. I don’t really think they came after my parents because of you and Mulder. Probably it didn’t matter … whose kid I was in the end. It was me. It was just the fact that I existed at all.”
Scully sniffs, nodding, trying to take charge of her feelings again.
“I never wanted my children to be in danger just by the fact that they existed,” she manages. “I wanted you safe. I wanted your life to be normal.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t say my life was exactly normal,” he says, lifting his eyebrows. “It was never going to be normal.”
“As close as possible to normal then.”
“Yeah.” He nods thoughtfully. “I guess that’s what it was.”
There is a pause. Jackson taps the rim of his plate lightly with his finger.
“So there’s another one?” he asks.
“Another what?”
“You said you didn’t want your children to be in danger for the fact they existed,” Jackson says. “Not your child. You said children, like, more than one. Like plural.”
“Oh,” she says. She hadn’t realized this slip. “Yes. There was another child.” She pushes the remains of eggs around on her plate with her fork. “Once. She died long ago, before you were born.”
“I’m sorry,” Jackson says. He seems to be seriously thinking that over.
“I’ll tell you about her some time,” Scully says. “It’s not an entirely happy story, but I’ll tell you if you want.” She sets her fork down and steels herself to look at him. “The thing is, Jackson, is that I have lots I probably should tell you. And lots I could tell you, if you want to know. I’d like to do that. I’d like to … be part of your life, if you want. However that might look.”
Jackson’s eyes drift over to the window, which is busy white static. “Yeah,” he says softly, inscrutably.
“I think that’s something Mulder wants, too.”
“Yeah,” he repeats in the same tone. “He… actually wants me to live here with him and run track for the local high school. He’s thought about it. Going on runs with me and stuff.”
“Is that right?” The idea makes Scully smile. It’s just so Mulder. Not the Mulder of eighteen months ago, who was trapped in inertia, lying on a couch in frightening, stagnant darkness. But apparently the Mulder of now, who was ready to daydream about going on runs with his teen son.
“Well, he did daydream about that,” Jackson says, apparently shining her. His tone changes. “He might not be into that idea any more. We had a disagreement. He might feel different.”
Scully shakes her head in disbelief. She has no idea how to explain to Jackson how badly he has misunderstood Mulder. What are the words that could communicate this to a 13-year old, she wonders?
But then, she realizes, she doesn’t have to use words. Not with Jackson.
She closes her eyes and concentrates on a memory—a sequence of memories, really—from years ago.
Summer, just a few weeks after they first went on the run. A decrepit motel in rural Alabama. Waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of the shower running, the faintest undertone of Mulder’s sobs. Steam hitting her face as she drew back the curtain and stretched her arms out for him. My fault, Scully. You know I never really can protect anyone I love. You should get far away from me.
Jackson’s face twitches as he takes her memory in. “He was upset about me?”
“He was grieving.” She remembers how the water soaked her pajamas as she held his sobbing body, as she joined him in tears. “He hardly got a chance to be your father, and he didn’t get to say goodbye.” She clears her throat. “I don’t think he would ever stop being happy to get to spend time with you now, Jackson.”
Jackson looks down at his plate, quiet for a moment. “Why do you think Mulder can use his shine on me?”
“I don’t know,” Scully says. “My best guess is… he probably had a latent ability already, from what happened to him years ago. Maybe you somehow wake it up because of your own abilities. Maybe he’s been using it, subconsciously, to try to reach you.” She’s suddenly sad, thinking about it. “Maybe … he’s been doing it all along. For years. Without knowing.”
“And this is the first time he’s been close enough to me for it to work,” Jackson adds softly.
He stands up from the table, walking over to the window to look out at the falling snow. Scully’s eyes land on the back of his head, studying the familiar shape of his crown of brown hair. She imagines how much he will look like Mulder when he is fully grown.
“Your other child,” Jackson says in a voice of curiosity and wonder, pressing his palm on the window. “What was her name?”
It starts to snow almost immediately after Mulder steps outside. He puts up a pretense of going for a jog up and down Wallace Road, all the time actively scanning the horizon. No cars. No signs of anyone else out and about. Just gray sky and fluttering snowflakes.
He gives up on his fake run after about fifteen minutes and decides to come back and search the property again. It’s cold, and he’s underdressed, but he is also feeling a deep, primal pull: a compulsion to protect that he hasn’t felt in years.
The trouble is that he doesn’t quite know what this feeling means. Maybe it’s some phantom father instinct long buried in his psyche, juiced up by a painful history of losing sisters and sons.
Or maybe it’s … something else. This shine he apparently still has. Telling him to do something important for real reasons.
Regardless, something is telling him to stay out here in the snow—to keep looking.
The wind picks up, sending snowflakes spinning manically around him, an icy cyclone. Mulder spins himself around, too, looking everywhere he can see for any sign of something out of the ordinary.
His eyes land on a little cluster of trees about a hundred feet from the house. He has a sudden compulsion to go peek inside.
It’s so quiet out. Almost unnaturally so.
Snowflakes continue to whirl, winding and fluttering in a steady helix around his path. The morning light is pale and eerie. Mulder has the strange feeling he’s in a fairy tale. Like all the many snow creatures of myths and legends he has ever read about could be perched right behind any tree.
He thinks fleetingly of the Ijiraq, an Inuit shapeshifter who, according to the stories, lives in the snow and steals children. A person never actually lays eyes directly on an Ijiraq. He’s only supposed to appear in the very corner of one’s line of sight.
A nightmare, there in an instant, who takes a beloved child away forever.
On impulse Mulder turns around to look back at the house. Snow is already beginning to accumulate on the roof in stark, white veins.
Shivering a little, he turns back and walks up to the tight clutch of trees. Snowflakes have begun to melt in his hair. He’s going to be uncomfortably damp and cold.
He steps into the dark and dim cover of the overhanging branches. To his surprise, he sees a small hooded female figure standing alone there, facing away from him.
When she turns, his heart stops.
“Scully?” he whispers.
Because she is Scully.
Not Scully now, not the fiftysomething Scully inside the house he knows and loves, the Scully who has been at his side for years.
She’s Scully as he first met her: fresh faced and freckled and unblemished, the Scully who extended her hand in the basement of the Hoover building, the earnest and serious new partner who wanted to prove herself.
She is, impossibly, Scully in her twenties, standing before him in a dark wood, surrounded by a few errant snowflakes falling unhurriedly over her from the tree cover above.
Maybe this is a fairy tale. Maybe I have been bewitched.
“No. That’s not who I am.” Her voice sounds exactly like Scully of the past, too. High and precise, clear and authoritative. I’ve been assigned to work with you.
But as she steps forward, the light hitting her features more directly, he can see that what she says is correct. She’s not Scully. Just someone who looks incredibly, unbelievably like her, dressed in a sleek black coat.
“Who are you?” he demands.
Even as he speaks, he begins to realize, to remember. And as he does, he sees that this is no fairy tale at all.
“My name is Rose.”
“Rose.” He steps towards her, his legs beginning to shake.
“Rose ... isn’t your real name,” he says. He’s having trouble getting words out, but his mind is racing. “I saw the song lyrics Jackson had—”
“Yes,” she says. “You’re right. But that name you’re remembering—that’s not my name anymore.”
There was no body in the coffin.
He should have thought more about it at the time. He always should have considered the possibility. Why didn’t he, even once, all these years? He had only seen the body’s disappearance as a final insult to Scully’s grief, a cruel denial of any answers or closure, but he had never asked or thought further about implications.
“How…” Mulder feels light-headed. He hasn’t had breakfast, which probably was a mistake. He doesn’t know what to start asking questions about first. He looks up, as if searching for the words around him in the trees arching above him.
“You know what it is that I am?” Rose takes a careful step away from him, looking up at the top of the maple tree. “That I’m not… entirely human?”
“Yeah.” His mouth is dry. “I think I do.”
“You knew all along, didn’t you?” She throws a look back at him, alert and curious. “Even when we met before, when she attempted the adoption—you knew what I was.”
“I had an idea,” he says, “but …we never entirely knew what was going on back then.”
“You would have let her adopt me anyway?”
Mulder can’t help a melancholy smile. “Nothing could have stopped her,” he says. “But yes. Of course. It wasn’t your fault.”
She nods, absorbing this. Then she turns to him with her incisive, Scully-like stare. “From your work, you must know I wasn’t the only one. That I wasn’t the only product of the hybrid experiments,” she says.
“Yeah,” Mulder says. He watches a single snowflake flutter downwards and lets it land on his palm, watching it melt into a speck of water. “We knew that. About other hybrids. But we also thought the hybrid program was eliminated. After the Syndicate was eliminated, in 2000 or so.”
“No. There were still some of us left,” she says. “Hybrids of different ages and purposes. Not as many as there used to be—we were reduced in number. But when I was still a kid, a group decided to band together. To form a collective for safety. There were about fifty of us left then. Mostly those you called the Kurt Crawfords, although they don’t go by that name any more either.” She picks up an icy-veined dead leaf and studies it. “There were other kids, like me. Some products of experiments like I was. Some agricultural clones.”
Mulder feels like he needs to lean against something, like the world is spinning too fast.
“They called our group the Walled Garden. At first the purpose was to take care of one another, protect ourselves. Protect those of us who were younger. We had a group of safe houses. But we’re very smart, you know. We have… gifts, some of us more than others. We were able to make investments. Buy a large amount of land in Maryland. Build laboratories. Work on projects of interest to society.”
“What kind of … projects?”
“Stopping an invasion, for one,” Rose says evenly. “We did that rather successfully. And without any violence or undue attention. Even attention from you, Agent Mulder, and you were waiting for it.”
Mulder’s mouth opens and closes in shock. “You stopped the invasion in 2012? How?”
“I’m loyal … to the Walled Garden,” Rose says, looking away. “I’m not going to share all our secrets.”
“Okay. Okay. Why are you sharing this information at all?”
“There is always disagreement about how much more we should do,” Rose replies carefully. “There are some of us who would prefer we remain scientists and engineers. There are others who would like to see us… in more powerful positions in society. They say we deserve it, because of our natural gifts and strengths.” Her mouth twists. “Some in the latter group felt like we should be protecting ourselves better, taking care of loose ends left over from the Syndicate. Jackson’s name came up as one loose end. Because, see, he’s not one of us, but he … has some of our gifts. That’s perceived as a threat.”
“So you were sent to Wyoming to stop him?” Mulder’s voice is sharp. “To kill his parents?”
Rose’s face falls, and she looks so much younger. “No.” Her big eyes are limpid and haunted, exactly like Scully’s. “No. You’re misunderstanding me. Someone was sent for that job, but not me. I went on my own—to protect him. To bring him to you. Because I knew you and Dana would take care of him.”
Suddenly Mulder remembers so clearly what she was like when he last saw her, how small and vulnerable she was, how utterly alone.
And he remembers viscerally how much Scully wanted her. How he and Scully would have taken care of her. He is flooded with a sickening sorrow, thinking about what the little girl’s life must have been like after that. After they were fooled into giving up on her.
Emily, can’t you see? There’s nothing you can do. There’s loving everywhere, but none for you.
“Most of the other hybrids,” Rose says, her voice cracking slightly, “don’t have living family. They never really did, or their mothers died. They don’t understand. But I’ve always known that I had Dana. I have always watched out for her. And for Jackson, once he was born.”
“You must have still been really young when he was born,” Mulder observes.
“I knew when he was born,” she says. “I just did. And even when I was little, I knew I could keep him safe. And when I got older, and you and Dana didn’t know where he was? I knew. I always knew.”
Mulder feels tears pool in his eyes. “Please,” he says. “Please, I beg you, Rose. Please stay here and let me go get Scully. Please let her talk to you.”
Rose digs her hands in her coat pockets, turning abruptly away.
“We thought you were dead,” he says simply. “You don’t know how the loss was for her, back then. She was … never exactly the same after that. Please let me get her. Let her see you.”
“You know, Agent Mulder,” she says, “if I were really unselfish, if I really cared about Dana or Jackson, I wouldn’t ever be in contact with any of you. Every time I do it’s a danger to everyone.”
“Why?” Mulder pushes. “Are you being watched?” He takes a cautious step towards her. “I could get her right now, and we could talk right here under the trees out of sight. It would take only a few minutes.”
“No,” Rose says, turning back to meet his eyes. There is something in her tone that stops him from arguing further. “No.”
He glances over his shoulder towards the house, his heart sinking, thinking of Scully so close inside. He thinks of her drained, gray face on the flight back from California all those years ago. The way she sat in the airplane seat with her palms subtly facing upwards, like something had just been taken from her hands.
“Maybe we can talk again,” Rose adds. Her softened, moved expression makes him wonder if she is using a shine on him, too. “There may be a way for us to meet safely. All of us. Just let me… think about it, Agent Mulder. All right?”
“Of course. You promise?”
“I do.”
“You keep calling me Agent Mulder,” Mulder says. “You do know that that isn’t my name any more either.”
“But it will be again,” Rose says. “I hear that you and Dana will be back with the F.B.I. very soon.”
He scrunches up his forehead. “How did you hear that?”
She doesn’t answer the question. Instead, she smiles a closed lip smile that looks incredibly, unsettlingly like Scully.
“You probably would have been a really good father, you know,” she says. Her voice sounds quiet and high, like a whisper. Her cheeks are pink in the cold. “You seem like it.”
“Thanks, but I don’t know about that,” Mulder says ruefully. “I’ll try to do right by him now, but I really don’t know how good I would have been at raising him. I make a lot of mistakes in every important relationship in my life.”
“I didn’t … I actually wasn’t thinking about Jackson in this case.”
“Oh.” Again he is overwhelmed by a wash of sadness. “Well.” He shivers involuntarily. “I would have done my best, Rose. We both would have.” It sounds so futile, all these empty words about time now gone, he thinks. “I wish we could have tried.”
“It wasn’t meant to be,” she says matter-of-factly, lifting her shoulder in a shrug. “There’s nothing we can do now.”
And that makes Mulder think what he has always thought when faced with that notion. When a sister or partner has disappeared. When he has lost his life’s work. When a woman he loves has been infected with a virus and spirited away to Antarctica.
There is always something you can do. There is always something else to be done.
Which is what makes Mulder begin to believe he might finally, actually be starting to get better.
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melonberry · 2 months
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Wicked Game (part two)
Pairings : Jey Uso x Reader / Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings : violence , smut , angst , manipulation , infidelity , toxic relationships , kidnapping
Plot: The Bloodline is a notorious mafia gang in Pensacola. They trade illegal weapons with other dangerous criminals. Roman notices a change in Jey, his right hand man, and realises that his secret relationship with YN, a regular woman who works as a nurse, is the cause for his mistakes. Roman vows to make his life a living hell.. even if it means involving YN.
It wasn’t hard to find her. She was pretty active on her social media accounts. After he had saw them pictures he not only wanted to destroy her for ruining his big deal, but he also couldn’t deny he had wanted her.
Roman had found YN in person when she was on a night out with her friends. They had gone to a club and most them seemed pretty drunk so he knew it was going to be easy getting her alone.
Roman walked near her group before purposely spilling a drink on one of her friends. That friend ran off to the toilets, the other two trailing behind wondering what had happened. Roman smirked as he watched YN looking around for her friends not seeing the direction they had ran off in.
“I think they just bailed.” Roman said leaning into YN to whisper in her ear. She rolled her eyes before pulling out her phone, frowning, before putting it back into her purse.
“Thanks.” She yelled over the music before walking towards the exit. Roman followed her swiftly and once they were both outside he put his plan into action.
“Do you need a ride home?” Roman asked. YN looked at him like he has grown three heads.
“I’m a drunk woman, and you want me to take a ride from a complete stranger?” YN said and turned away from Roman starting to walk away.
“I’m not a stranger- well I am a stranger.. I know Jey. He’s my cousin.” Roman explained with a small smile on his face. YN looked at him and he could tell the sheer mention of Jey’s name had eased her out a little bit. “He’s not back from work but he wanted me to make sure you’re okay.”
YN hesitantly took a step towards Roman before noticing some of his features do match Jey’s and that they might well be related.
“Let’s go.” YN said lightly following as Roman led her to his car. He got into the drivers seat as he watched, amused, as YN struggled to get into the passengers seat. “You could’ve helped me like a gentleman instead of finding humour in my struggling.” YN slightly slurred her words before hearing the click of the lock on the car doors.
“Who said I was gentleman?” Roman said as he began to drive. YN could feel her heart beat increasing slightly and a bit of fear enter her body.
“This is the way to my house- I actually never even told you where I lived.” She said as she looked around the area Roman had began driving towards.
“That’s because we’re not going to your house.” Roman said, his whole persona changing. YN placed her hand on the car door handle and attempted to open it. “You even try it and you’ll regret it. Plus it’s locked.”
“Who are you?” YN asked, her fear now evident on her face. She was clutching her seatbelt til her knuckles had turned white.
“My name is Roman and I’m the leader of the bloodline.” Roman said. YN’s eyes widened at realisation. She had heard of the bloodline but thought it was a myth. And even though they aren’t a myth, she never thought she’d be a target of theirs.
“Oh my god.” YN said. She repeated the sentence to herself, her panic stricken voice igniting a fire in Roman.
As they pulled up to Roman’s house he got out the car before walking around to YN’s side and opening the door. He had half expected her to run as soon as he unlocked the doors but she didn’t move.
“Get your ass out of the car. Don’t make me ask you twice.” Roman spat as he ordered YN to get out the car. YN slowly vacated the vehicle and looked at the huge building in front of her. “Welcome to your home for the foreseeable future.”
YN was screaming for help whilst she had been locked in a room. She knew she was below ground because of the windows being high up but full of grass. The room was cold, quiet and dark.
Tears continued to fall from her eyes and her make up began to run. Why the hell did she trust that man. He is incredibly dangerous. She’d heard stories about the leader of the bloodline and they weren’t good stories. The rumours described a Roman as a criminal who showed no remorse and would slice your throat the minute you double crossed him.
But then her mind spun to what Roman had said that made her trust him. Jey. He said he knew Jey. Does he know him? Or had he been watching her?
Roman was sat in his office when Jey knocked on the door and walked in. Roman smiled at his cousin who looked a little bit confused.
“There’s the guy I’m looking for.” Roman said standing up and pulling Jey into a hug, a genuine hug.
“Uh, yeah twin said you were needed me. Have I done something?” Jey asked returning the hug before pulling away and looking at Roman. Jey could sense Roman was up to something but he didn’t know what. “Look, I promise I haven’t messed up again.”
“Listen to me Uce, I’ve forgiven your last mistake.” Roman said placing a hand on Jey’s shoulder. “Your last mistake has given me the best gift in return.”
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blakbonnet · 2 months
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AUTHOR OF THE WEEK: @saltpepperbeard
The second featured author of this week is the lovely, loquacious, and truly the best bestie anyone could have: Jodi ♥️ I don't know how she does it but Jodi's fics are fast becoming my most comfortable corner of ao3 to be in because she just has such a way with words, and I do think we should all let her write s3 😌 I also annoyed her into answering some questions for me and sharing her writing process:
What's your writing process like? Do you start with the beginning or the end? Do you write in order or as the scenes come to you?
So I *used* to write sequentially, ie from beginning to end, but the process has gotten more and more chaotic over the years—unhinged, one might say lol! Now, I typically start things off by drafting sections of a story, which ends up being a lot of dialogue more often than not. Like, there are *definitely* some wips in my drafts right now that are almost 100% Stede and Ed talking and nothing else lol (which I mean...staying true to their characters there if you ask me)! Then, if a bit of good description comes to me, I'll pencil that somewhere into the draft, too. And only *then* lol, if things are feeling right and the motivation is feeling high, will I actually attempt to write in sequential order—essentially just playing "fill in the blanks" and writing towards things I've drafted to mix everything all together!
...But sometimes my brain does still fast-forward and write future sections if the good ol' "shower/going to bed daydreams" strike. So it really just depends lol!
My 2014 writing brain, in Ed's voice: You are improving though! Kinda.
Favourite trope or headcanon you like to explore while writing?
...Squints at my tags on AO3 lol. If you see that almost *all* of my stories are hurt/comfort, no you don't <3. I just absolutely adore taking all the hurt Ed and Stede have gone through and soothing it with cuddles, kisses, and soft reassurances. Because man, *man,* have they both been through a lot. It's like Pandora's Box lol; once you start digging into the true depths of their hurt, you just end up with more and more and MORE. There's just so much that they both need and *deserve* to talk through as a crew—or talk through as a "two," as some have said lol, so I adore exploring that. I adore allowing them to have that space and that safety. *Particularly* with Ed getting to unpack things he faced in the earlier parts of Season 2, and with Stede getting to unpack...*anything.*
Also, because I write entirely in-universe, I'm a big fan of implementing some of the common, lovely headcanons. Ie, the crew coming to visit, the two of them maintaining a garden, the British never finding them, etc etc. I know not all of my published works reflect those, but a lot of my drafts do, promise lol!
Whose voice is easier to write - Ed or Stede? Why?
I *still* feel like I'm trying to nail down that ✨ kiwi cadence,✨ not going to lie lol! But, in sitting with this question and sort of going back and forth on it for a while, I think I'm ultimately going to have to land on Stede in most instances. Maybe because I'm one of the ✨ Stede-coded Girlies (gn)✨ , or maybe because I adore Ed so much and subsequently find it easier to gush over him narratively lol! But yeah.
Strangely enough though, I will say I find it easier to write Ed's voice when he's dealing with hurt, vs writing Stede's voice when he's dealing with hurt. I think that's because Ed is more open with his pain, and deals with it in more candid ways, whereas Stede likes to bottle things up and hide. So, it's subsequently harder to crack him open and let out everything that has backed up.
Your personal favourite thing you've written that you'd like more people to read
-Ed voice- Oooowaaaagggh.
Is coming to the table with two stories cheating? Because, I have two lol! I'm very proud of Scrumptious, and also Lovers of Beauty. The former because it was an idea that had been sitting in my head *forever* and I'm so happy it finally got realized, and the latter because it was my first go at writing other characters as well as an exploration of a very particular vein of Ed's hurt. Can't go wrong with Horny Stede and Ed in a dress either, I'd say lol!
What is the one word that you think you use a lot?
Lmao: INTERTWINED. I feel like it's shown up in almost every single story I've written post-season 2, if not *every* single story. I'm just a big fan of throwing their canon quotes in my narration, with the "breathing the same air" and "love letter" speeches getting the most mileage. OH and also Stede's mermaid speech, too; "I'm here. I'm here. You're safe" assuredly gets thrown into the mix as well lol.
Also uhhhh, on a sillier note, I'd definitely say that the good' ol "fuck" gets a lot of usage lol! Ed and I 🤝 enhancing many a sentence with it.
Do you have a beta reader? Have they made you a better writer?
I do not! We die like the Badmintons.
I instead rely on myself for the long and tedious part of my process I call "combing." Ie, going over my last draft with a fine tooth comb to catch typos or any other silliness to the best of my ability.
Would I benefit from a beta reader? Probably, yes. Would I spook from having a beta reader? Probably, yes PFFF. So, combing it is!
Why OFMD 🥹
God, this show. GOD, this show. I just take such a deep and personal comfort in it for so many reasons. I think the two things that snagged me initially were: getting to see queer people just *being,* and getting to see *older* people finding love. The way that this show portrays us in such a natural, lovely light is so, so refreshing. It's like how Taika has often talked about it; there's no triumphant "coming out" type moment, there's no sensationalizing anything, and there's no spotlight on the queerness. It just...*is.* Everyone just loves whoever the hell they want, and there's no questioning or even discussing the implications of that. And I adore that. I adore the *freedom* of that. It just makes the show feel all the more personable and cozier, too.
Also, man, to see older queer people finding love...I'm going to be vulnerable on main here; I don't have a lot of relationship experience, and I'm nearing my 30's. Western Society/Culture puts this *huge* pressure on people to find the love of their life and have it all figured out by their low/mid 20's, so not fitting that norm has been quite the gut stab for me. And yes yes, I know, it's all entirely fabricated and no one has the same timeline, but it still aches to see, particularly when a lot of media portrays love within that age group, if not *younger.*
So, to see these two men nearing *50* finally finding each other after a life of emptiness and pain? To see them finally finding the person who understands them better than anyone else? And to subsequently get the comfort that somewhere, sometime, you'll cross paths with someone who just *gets* you? Ooooagh.
I think that plays into another part of the show that I adore, too. Ie, the theme that "things are going to be okay." That, no matter how dark and dreary things may seem in the moment, you could still have your mermaid moment, and subsequently end up in a cozy little inn with the love of your life. That there's so much kindness and hope and *love* awaiting you.
It's just so comforting on so many levels and I adore it with all my heart. It's a shame that CERTAIN execs and people equivalent will never be able to understand the depth and the importance; they're entirely, truly missing out.
Please head over to @ofmdlovelyletters (who also made the header) and send your love to all your favourite authors (and authors of the week 😈 watch that blog for some special letters coming your way)
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mamashenanigans · 4 months
AU Fanfiction Poll
I have some ideas a brewing for AU fics.
Here’s a breakdown of the ones on my brain right now. I want to know which y’all think I should focus on.
1. Urges Chapter 2.
Set during AFO and Yoichi’s adult years, this AU explores what would happen if Yoichi never showed his brother the integral Captain Hero comics. AFO never took on the persona of the Demon King and never became All for One. But is this reality truly better? A dark fic that explores AFO and Yoichi’s interdependency and the effect of their Quirk Factor urges on their lives. Second chapter to feature Yoichi/Kudo(2nd user). Also, fat!AFO because I can.
Snippet about AFO reminiscing on his past
2. No-Quirks CEO AFO AU
Yagi Toshinori, otherwise once known as All Might for his fantastic work as an investigator, takes Izuku, his #1 fan, under his wing. His goal is to finally lock up the reclusive CEO of All for One Industries, Daiki Shigaraki, for his shady business dealings and connections to multiple murders. He tasks Izuku with infiltrating Shigaraki’s servant staff to find out information, but ends up giving the command for the young man to steal an ivory box always kept close to the CEO. Unbeknownst to Izuku, this box contains the ashes of Shigaraki’s cherished twin, Yoichi. Yagi plans to use it to force Shigaraki to admit to his crimes. Once Izuku finds out, will he side with his hero or decide to give back the only thing the CEO cares about…besides his beloved niece, the spitting image of her father.
Read more about this AU idea here.
Read a very rough snippet featuring Kudo and Bruce here.
3. Time Travel AFO Fix It AU
AFO hears about an incredible Quirk that allows the wielder to go back in time. Using other Quirks, he’s able to supercharge it to send himself back into a body of his in the past with all his memories (and possibly Quirks) to change the timeline so his twin, Yoichi, never leaves him. However, a side effect from him using the Quirk is that anyone within a certain radius of him will keep their memories of the old timeline. It just so happens that Izuku, Bakugo, Uraraka, and maybe others, were about to hit him when he went back in time. Now, these few from Class 1-A have to find a way to fix the timeline or, at least, destroy the empire AFO has built over 200 years. Oh, and Yoichi is still alive and with his brother…of course.
4. Yoichi Controls AFO AU
How OFA came to be is shrouded in mystery, but all the users up to Izuku believe it is to defeat the evil AFO. However, it is soon revealed that Yoichi, the first user, is very much alive and the actual mastermind behind everything in his attempt to make the world into his image. The small, frail twin always gets what he wants from his big brother—even the world.
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