#i know how much he tried to fix everything so im happy im able to do it.
spookysinner45 · 5 months
Wooooooooohooooo!!! So fun times! I finally got the entirety* of my downstairs all deep cleaned and finally cleared up!! 🎉🎉🎉
There's still a lot more work to be done but at least it can be done not in shameful filth 😭💙
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orchidyoonkook · 20 days
To What We Were Before, And All The Things After | JJK | Ch. 8
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Title: Photo Shoots and Blasphemous Discoveries
Pairing: Prince!College Student!JK x Fine Arts Major!(F)!Reader
Series Rating//Genre: (M) | College AU, Mild Royalty AU, Smut, Angst, Fluff, S2F2L, Indiffernce to lovers, sloooowwww ass burn
Summary: You're just there to help JK with his final project, so why are you being doused in water, facepaint and smoke? Art. Art is why.
Warnings: T, language, fluff, angst, honestly this one's kinda wholesome and fun, some photogrpahy jargin in there, but nothing a quick google search can't fix if you really need to <3, it's mostly surface level jargin. Also the smoke machine works cuz JK has great ventilation due to the massive windows being open, so don't worry bout that XD, some light and fun name calling, some world building. Ask if you need clarification on anything. That's all I think!
Word Count: 11,684
Release Date: September 1, 2024. 4:30PM
A/N 1: Surprise! Happy JK Day.
Series: Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven
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PJK [7:36pm]: Saturday afternoon. my place. 11am.  PJK [7:36pm]: bring an extra set of clothes, something warm. Sweats if you have them. PJK [7:37pm]: also, Im gunna need your shirt size
The first three weeks of November have flown by and dragged on at the same time.
The weather’s getting colder. You need a thick jacket if you want to be anywhere outside, and all leaves have fallen from the trees, leaving pines the only ones left with their winter coats on. Hot chocolate from greenhouse cafe has become part of your life’s blood so you don’t freeze, and gloves with pocket warmers inside them are once again a part of your everyday. 
But November skies have returned. And you frequently set up camp on the drying grass beside the greenhouse, dressing your canvas with oil paint to their likeness as it’s the only paint that doesn’t dry the second it’s out of the tube in the cold, static air.
Jungkook told you earlier in the week the shoot would most likely be this weekend, and that he just had a few final strings to pull together before being able to confirm. So with that in mind, you intentionally tried to finish all your work before this weekend, knowing the shoot will take a while to complete.
He mentioned it may leak over into Sunday depending on how much you get done on the first day, which is fine with you considering you usually spend Sunday evenings at his place anyway. You’d consider it an extended edition of your regularly scheduled broadcast.
And speaking of regularly scheduled, you haven’t missed a single movie night since Nel left. Granted, it’s only been three weeks, but even missing the two you did because of Nel had made an impact. 
You’d gotten so used to them, having that time to destress and unwind before the week starts. A nice little routine that helps reset you both mentally and physically.
Suddenly not having that was…a weird feeling you try not to remember. 
And you are more than happy to never miss another one ever again.
You aren’t sure what Jungkook tells Adaline he’s doing during movie night, but she’s never interrupted you, not even once. And it’s something you are increasingly grateful for, because she is one of the things you destress from as your unspoken rivalry always amps up the closer to exam season you get.
It’s Thursday evening, and you’re in your room finishing up a Microeconomics 3 assignment while piano music plays on a speaker in the corner. You use it to help you focus, and it’s working its magic as you’re finishing your work in record time. 
Music has always helped you work better, and you credit it largely with how you’ve been able to keep up with everything in your schooling.
Yuri’s in her room, doing homework as well you assume. Or maybe texting Tai—the dreamy, big dicked Ilcalos island Count—you swear she’s only put her phone down for sleep and showering, as she’s constantly checking to see if he’s messaged her. And you hope it turns out well for them, Yuri deserves someone who treats her well. Especially after the whole Jungkook debacle—which you’re not allowed to bring up—and then the poor rebound you aren’t allowed to talk about either. You’re just happy she’s finally found someone worth her time.
Picking up your phone, you shoot Jungkook a text back.
You [7:40pm]: okay! saturday at 11 sounds good. I’ll bring sweats and warm socks
You message him your shirt size too, curious as to what he’ll use it for, but you’re sure you’ll find out in due time. You always do.
Subject to many of his homework assignments, you’ve been posed and lit and adjusted every which way. 
Jungkook is incredibly professional when you’re with him as a model. Light touches to correct posing, always with a ‘may I’ before he does, and he fills the room with kind words, good vibes, and fun music so you never feel awkward. 
At first you were really iffy on the whole idea when he first asked in September, because it would be the prince of your nation photographing little ol’ you. You weren’t anything special—yet—and you’re still never one for being in the spotlight, or for being on camera. At all. But if it was just for homework, and you were helping out a friend…you figured why not? 
It helped that all of your worries immediately faded when you saw the results of that first shoot.
An email from a very non-princely email address found its way into your inbox. The subject was the date of the shoot, and the only message inside being:
 thanks. Hope you like them. 
Let’s do it again sometime.
When you opened the attachments you made a quick dive to catch the phone that fell from your hands in shock. 
You looked…beautiful. Like you never had in pictures before. Not in school, or at graduation, not even in the ones you took of yourself. 
You didn’t know you were capable of looking like that. 
Like how he saw you. Captured you. 
And you’ll never admit you’ve held your chin a little higher with every shoot since.
They make you feel powerful, attractive. More confident, and sure of yourself, as if you were always meant to be in front of a camera. Like you’d been in front of one since before you could walk.
They do that for you.
He…does that for you—with his pictures, of course.
Jungkook is very talented. Very skilled with his camera, and you find yourself looking forward to the concepts he comes up with every time. Trusting him and whatever his vision is wholeheartedly. 
Though a small, immature piece of you is also pleased he still wants you to model, and not Adaline. That he finds you easier to work with over her.
Your competitive streak never fails to come out, even with the smallest, secretive things.
Take that Adaline.
You gladly help him out with his homework, and he does the same for you. 
If you ever need a male reference or a profile study. Anatomy practice, features practice, likeness practice. Anything and almost everything, all you have to do is ask, and he sits still or places whatever you need in front of you while you sketch.
Hands, however, have always been a personal favourite of yours.
They’re one of those things that can be drawn a hundred different ways and never look the same. Always a new position you can put them in. Consistently able to shake things up. And one set is never like the others—like eyes. There’s little differences in all of them and that’s where their magic lies.
You do these studies at the greenhouse, it has the best light to shadow ratio. When you ask him for one, he’ll switch to working with one hand, while the other does whatever you tell it. Normally either placed on your table or if there isn’t enough room, which nine times out of ten there isn’t because of all your supplies, you stick your foot on the lower metal frame of his table and he rests his arm, wrist or palm on your up bent knee. 
Due to this, you’ve unintentionally come to find out that his hands are very strong, very calloused, and very, very warm…
Also! Aside from hand studies, you love loose figure studies because they’re great warm up sketches. And what Jungkook doesn't know is that you have dozens of warm up sketches of him. Doesn’t know you sneak pictures here and there when you can, hiding them in a hidden album on your phone entitled ‘hmwk screenshots.’ And he definitely doesn’t know that when he’s sitting at the cafe, nose deep in assignments, you doodle his features or his outfit in real time.
A nose here, a jacket there. A muscular forearm covered in tattoos also tends to find its way onto your page every so often.
He’s got a good physique. And the ridges make for excellent anatomy practice. So does the intricate line work of tattoos, and fabric rippling. Especially in drastic lighting. Consistency is key in maintaining and improving your work and it’s not like any of these sketches will ever see the light of day anyways. 
They’re just, well…practice. 
A sigh escapes you, and you refocus on finishing your microecon work. You still have two more assignments to get done before Saturday at eleven.
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“And why are you working with some random girl when I’m available, again?” Adaline asks. She’s currently sitting on Jungkook's couch in your spot. He’s setting up tomorrow's materials against the big white wall by the floor length windows that showcase his balcony.
It’s why he chose to live here instead of in the dorms or on campus. His place isn’t enormous, like most people would think, it has enough room for everything a regular student needs: bedroom, kitchen, workspace, living room, bathroom, even a guest room. But the one thing he keeps different is the big white wall where a dining room would normally be. 
Jungkook’s place has high ceilings, 10 feet tall, which is higher than the average but not excessive. And the wall that connects his kitchen to the balcony is a perfect mock studio. He can even keep all his equipment there; lights, gels, backgrounds, tubs full of props, camera cases, lenses, and more all stored in neat shelving against another wall. 
“Because students volunteered for extra credit, and she’s who was assigned to me,” a small lie, one he was sure that Adaline wouldn’t dig into too deeply. 
“Why didn’t you tell me I could volunteer?”
“Because you didn’t need the extra credit?”
She pouts, and goes back to her phone.
Adaline also doesn’t know it’s you he’s photographing and that is one hundred percent intentionally planned by him. 
He could sense something between you two after you made that one comment after fall break. He notices now how you stiffen slightly every time he mentions Adaline, and the one time he mentioned you in passing to test the waters, Adaline changed the conversion topic almost immediately. A look of annoyance, or maybe even insecurity in her eyes.
So he’s been lucky that Adaline has never wanted to see any of his schoolwork prior to or after the singular shoot he did with her. 
Lucky she hasn’t seen your face fill up his screen constantly. 
And extremely lucky that she doesn’t know about the hidden folder buried deep in his desktop labeled ‘eqpmt rcpts’ filled with dozens of candid shots of you.
To be fair, you don’t know about them either. They’re random, shots taken every now and then where he thought you looked happy, focused, or just existing. True candids of the most candid person he knew.
It started that day with his first assignment from Professor Hirmer. He’d taken those quick pictures of you painting, and then simply never stopped. 
He has pictures of you in the courtyard, walking and talking to Yuri, you smiling. He has some he took on his phone when you’re over for movie night, invested in the film or talking to him. And a bunch of you painting at the greenhouse. It’s hard to take secret candids when he’s right beside you, but he manages seeing as you haven't caught him yet.
He even has a few of you and Nel, love clearly written on your face in every single one of them.
Whenever he spots you before you spot him, and he has his camera on him, he takes a couple. 
They’ve amassed into a healthy sum, but he thinks of it as a harmless habit as no one will ever know. And it’s not like he’s following you around to take them or using them for anything nefarious. 
He just likes taking your picture. Capturing your spirit, your candor. 
Your realness. 
You are wholly yourself, always, no holding back, all of the time. 
And to him, it feels like coming up for a breath of fresh air.
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“Hey!” you say as you let yourself into Jungkook’s apartment. You’d knocked but no one answered and it was currently 10:56am on Saturday, so you knew he was here. Plus, his door was unlocked.
“Jungkook?” you call. 
No answer.
You take your shoes off after closing the door and locking it. He should really keep his door locked. 
Very quickly become best friends with the couch, you toss your backpack of warm clothes on the floor while you wait for him to make an appearance. 
There’s shoot equipment everywhere; lights in the corner, some with soft boxes on them, gels laid out on the coffee table, and what you’ve come to learn is a lens case sits on the couch beside you in Jungkook's usual spot. 
Jungkook has also somehow managed to find some small trees in blue ceramic pots and what you’re pretty sure is a smoke machine. 
But the most peculiar thing is what looks to be a kiddie pool up against the wall with a folded tarp at its base. 
Well that's…interesting…
You hear a door open somewhere in the apartment and running water. 
“Jungkook? That you?”
“Hey! Yep. Just give me a sec, I’m almost done.”
The water sounds cease and Jungkook makes his grand entrance as he turns the corner holding a large watering can. Your eyebrow raises.
“For the trees?” you ask.
You point to the watering can currently making his veins pop. 
He laughs, “Oh! No. This is for later. You’ll see,” and walks to the other side of the room by the pool. 
“Aren’t we mysterious today,” you say, following him with your eyes. He’s in ripped black jeans that accentuate the muscle definition of his thighs, and a matching baggy shirt. When his back is turned you snap a quick picture. The fabric folds on his baggy shirts are some of your favourite mindless things to cool down sketch.
“Nah, just focused. We have a lot to get through today.”  He sets down the watering can and you can see the moment the switch flips from friend to photographer. “The guest room is ready for you. There’s a clothing rack inside with each look labeled. There’s also makeup and face paint, if you could bring out the make up after you're done changing, that would be great. We’re gonna start with ‘Bright and Bold’, okay?” 
You usually use the spare room as a change room when you have to switch clothes for a shoot. But they were always from your own closet. He’d tell you the concept he was going for and you’d bring a few options to choose from.
Makeup you were used to, though. Jungkook loves abusing your artistic abilities for his shoots in the way you decorate your face or body, saying they make his works a level up from the rest of his classmates. 
They also usually make for some of the coolest pictures you have of yourself.
This is the first time he’s ever bought clothing, though.
You shouldn’t be as surprised as you are, this being his final assignment for an important class, and him being as serious as he is about his work and the final product. But you can't help it, you’re excited to see everything he’s chosen for the shoot. 
For you.
For the shoot.
“Yep, sounds good. Be out in a few,” you reply. He nods in acknowledgement before moving to set something up and you don’t stick around to find out, grabbing your bag and heading towards the door lined hall. 
The guest room is modest and clean. White sheets and gray comforter with, surprisingly, two throw pillows to spruce it up. The walls are white too, but you’re pretty sure that’s because Jungkook’s not allowed to paint the apartment per his landlord's wishes—a thought that still makes you laugh.
He could buy any place he wanted, but chose to rent. ‘To get the real university experience,’ he explained when you asked him the first time you went over.
Black furniture accents the room. A comfortable looking leather chair sits in the corner by a glass door that leads to the balcony. It has a small table beside it. There’s a dresser with a mirror in the other corner and of course, in the center of the room, is the bed. It’s a nice room. However, the newest edition is what’s keeping your eye.
Four shirts hang from the rack at the foot of the bed. The first is vibrant and colourful, the second a light neutral short sleeved V neck, third is strapless and skin coloured, and the last is made from thin black fabric you assume will be skin tight by the looks of it. 
As promised, they’re all labeled with a sticker. 
You throw your bag on the bed and grab the colourful one first. Its sticker says ‘bright and bold,’ and you put it on after removing the shirt you came in, then zip it up. The material feels heavy, durable and expensive. You check the tag on the inside seam and see it’s from Ilkaya, one of the biggest and most expensive fashion designers on this side of the realm. 
Your eyes bug out of your head, and you try not to breathe too hard for fear of ruining it. Your routine of thrifting all your clothes makes you pretty damn sure you can’t even imagine how much this cost. 
It feels good though, comfortable, not itchy. Really freaking expensive.
You look at yourself in the mirror, and you have to admit you look amazing. It fits perfectly in all the right places, compliments your skin tone, and even brings out your eyes. Begrudgingly, you admit to yourself that maybe there’s some sense in what the price tag could be. But it would still be a ridiculous sum for a jacket.
With one last look in the mirror, you grab the palettes, brushes and other tools off the dresser, and leave your designated dressing room for the day in favour of returning to the living room. 
Jungkook’s got music going from your shared playlist. Insisting on making one after your second shoot together, when he decided you both agreed to the arrangement becoming a regular thing. It’s a good mix of both of your musical tastes, even though you guys figured out quickly that you liked pretty similar stuff anyway. 
“What do you think? Does it work?” You ask as you turn the corner. 
Jungkook fiddles with this camera before looking and pausing for a moment to take you in. You hope you look okay, but the weird look he has on his face makes you backtrack a bit. 
“Is this not the one you wanted? It had the label on it. But I can go back and double che- ”
“You look amazing,” is all he says, and your worry slides off you instantly. He smiles wide, the one you’ve come to recognize as genuine. 
“Thanks. But the colour’s doing most of the work for me,” you say, smiling back shyly.
He has a white background set up, and two differently coloured gel’d lights sit on opposite one another, a third, smaller floor light faces the background. A backlight, he’d call it. 
Bright and Bold indeed, though there is the matter of-
“What do you want me to do for my make up?”
“Actually,” he sets down his camera gently on a table, “Is it okay if I do it? I want it to be a little more on the amateur side and I don’t think your years of refined talent would let you get the exact look I want.” 
That’s new. But you're here to stand and look however he wants you too, so you allow him with a nod. 
“Sure, where do you want me to sit?”
“Here’s fine,” he says as he pulls a stool that was off to one side close to one of the windows. “As long as you don’t mind holding the make up. I don’t have a table to set them down on.  Should’ve thought of that, sorry.” 
You can tell he’s mentally scolding himself for forgetting something.
“No no, it’s fine,” you say, taking your seat, “I don’t mind, really.” 
Placing the balls of your feet on the bar that holds the chair legs together, you make your lap even enough to set the palettes out, and use a hand to hold all the brushes. 
Jungkook laughs, noticing your feet as you sit, “Cute socks.”
They’re light blue with a fox face on them, and little ears stick up from the elastic around the ankle. 
“Thanks,” you laugh too, they’re your favourite pair. “I call them my fox socks. They’re lucky.”
“Let’s hope so. Wish me luck fox socks,” he calls to your toes, and you wiggle them in response.
He picks a brush and chooses a colour. “Close your eyes and let me know if I’m pressing too hard. If it isn’t obvious, I’ve never done this before.”
You close your eyes and whisper, “Will do.”
It's a uniquely intimate experience having your makeup done. Willingly letting someone get up close and personal with you, allowing them to see every potential scar, blemish and pore in the name of beauty and for the sake of creativity. 
In this case, it’s also a little questionable considering where you feel the brush putting down colour: cheeks, lids, temple, nose. However, you’re simply a pawn in a well thought out plan, so you sit and wait for him to finish.
“Annnd done,” he says, making a final swipe with the brush on your cheek. “You look great! I didn’t hurt you, right?” he asks, showing you the makeup in a palettes mirror. Your face looks like it’s been attacked by a rainbow in the best way. You smile, taking the mirror from him and looking at all the little details. 
For a first timer, Jungkook did a really good job. 
“Nope, I’m good. How do you want me?”
Jungkook leads you to the backdrop, placing you in front. 
“One second,” he says, grabbing a remote and clicking a button to lower the black out curtains on the windows, and then another that turns off the apartment lights. He also clicks on all the lights he’s set up and you’re quickly illuminated by a bright red and purple as well as the back light.
“I’m good to pose?” he asks. 
You love that he always asks first. It makes you feel safe and considered, consenting to every touch prior to its occurrence. 
Jungkook instructs the first pose to have your hands on the sides of your face, making slight adjustments so that you don’t cover any of the makeup. And for the first time, his touches leave little sparks where they land. 
You’re sure it’s just because of the lights or that the shirt is thick and makes you warm. 
Or maybe you’re just nervous and need to get the first photo jitters out of your system.
Soon enough, the camera’s pointing at you and you smile the brightest you can. He’s given you the prompt of ‘you’re so excited and happy you can’t hold it in,’ and you work with it the best you can, taking the first few with the pose he gave before being given full reign. 
It’s a decent way into the first shoot when Jungkook says, “Hmm…we’re not quite there yet, I need a bit more,” and follows up with, “How about ‘you’ve just been commissioned by the Modern Art Museum to have the leading showcase for next year’.” 
You smile the biggest you think you ever have at the thought. Because that’s the dream, that is the biggest goal you could achieve. An entire gallery of your work as the primary exhibition in the Western Shores Modern Art Museum? You couldn’t go any higher. It’s every artist's dream.
“There you go! That’s it!” The camera’s capturing quickly as you imagine what it would be like to have your own showcase at the WS-MAM. Incredible is the first word that comes to mind, your work in the biggest museum on the continent? You can’t even imagine, but you want to. 
One day, you promise yourself. You’ll do it one day.
“Okay,” Jungkook says, breaking your daydream, “Let me switch out the gels for new colours and go again. These are great so far though, you're doing amazing.” 
You hold your hand out for a high five and he smacks it. “Go team!” you say, and he laughs.
An hour and a half, a makeup fix and three lighting changes later, the first shoot finishes. You collapse on the couch and rub the muscles on your thighs. 
Jungkook plops down beside you, nose deep in the pictures he’s just taken, double checking everythings good.
“This is a fantastic start, I hope we can keep it up all day and finish before tomorrow.”
“Me too,” you say, and you mean it. Shoots with him are always fun, but inevitably tiring. “I’m gonna to grab a water, want one?” 
“Yes please,” he replies without looking up.
In the kitchen, you open the fridge to grab the two bottles and notice a box, stamped with a coffee mug that has a greenhouse inside of it, on top. The greenhouse cafe’s logo. 
“Can I ask what’s inside the cafe box?” you ask as you sit back on the couch and pass him a bottle.
“Ah, caught red handed,” he says, setting his camera on the table and taking a swig. “I may have asked Vivan earlier this week to make sure there was an overstock of tarts so I could grab them for you as a thank you for today.”
That’s so sweet. He’s never gotten you a thank you gift before, especially not in the form of the most delicious pastry to ever exist. Maybe you should get him something for all the times he’s helped you with homework? A solstice gift maybe?
There’s heat forming in your chest and you really hope it’s not the beginning stages of heartburn. Maybe Jungkook has antacids. 
“You didn’t have to do that, I’m happy to help.”
“So you don’t want them then?” his shit eating grin making a glorious comeback because he knows what your answer’s going to be.
“No! I want them. I most definitely want them.”
He chuckles and puts his water down.
“Okay Donatello, glad you accept. Let's move on to the next set up. There’s makeup remover and cotton pads in the room, and some moisturizer too if you need it.”
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The next shoot is called ‘Regality,’ and it has you in the strapless shirt. You find out it’s quite a low cut when you put it on. There’s enough to cover you, but there’s definitely a lot of your chest showing. However, under the shirt on the hanger is a scarf to cover yourself with, which you think is very considerate.
“Makeup?” you ask as you come out again, scarf covering you.
“Neutral, but strong. Kind of like how my mother does,” the background is still white, but you have a hunch that it will remain white in this picture, unlike the last one. “This one is going to be black and white, so try to emphasize your natural beauty.”
You ignore that he essentially just said you're beautiful, surely he’s just being kind and professional. Making sure his model feels good about herself. 
You put on a coat of mascara and go light on the shadow so it won't be too dramatic on film. You also use a shade of lipstick that adds just a tint to your lips and a blush that makes your eyes pop.
Jungkook has you sit on the stool from earlier and faces your body three quarters of the way towards the camera, but keeps your head turned in profile. 
“Oh! Almost forgot, one second,” Jungkook jogs to his room, coming back with a palm sized velvet box. “I had my mother send these over for this shoot. She has better taste than me, so I let her pick them out.”
Your stomach plummets to the floor when he opens the box. 
Inside are two dangling diamond earrings, and quite possibly the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen.
And now you’re terrified. 
“Jungkook, I can't wear those. They look like they’re worth more than my house, my car and my tuition combined.”
He takes one out and places it in your hand for you to put in, it’s the length of your index finger. And all you can think about is the potential houses you’re holding as you look at it. 
It’s a semi-rectangular earring, encrusted with four columns of diamonds that cascade down, each column longer than the previous. Like a sparkling waterfall you can attach to your ear.
“Don’t worry about it, mum said she never wears them anyway because they’re part of a set that the necklace was lost to years ago. Please,” his face is nothing but reassurance and small smiles, “You’re giving them a chance to live again.”
You couldn't say no to those eyes even if you wanted to.
So you reply, almost breathless and still against your better judgment, “Okay.”
Placing them in one after the other, they have a significant, understandable weight to them. You take a couple deep breaths so you don't freak out, and then you return to your previously designated pose, profile set, body facing the camera.
“Can I adjust?” Jungkook asks, after taking a step back and getting a wider view. 
You nod gently, still terrified of the earrings.
He makes sure the earring is visible and untangled first, before a finger gently comes beneath your chin, and lifts it a bit higher. 
The feeling they leave behind is all you can think about as you stare at your place on the wall, Jungkook snapping away. Not even the soft light illuminating your profile is enough to make you blink.
This shoot goes by quickly, and you’re relieved to get the earrings back safely inside their box.
“It’s like 2:45, wanna break for a late lunch?” Jungkook asks. 
“Please, I’m starved,” you say, returning from the guest room after tossing on the sweater you brought. “What's on the menu?”
“Well, we have two options,” he says, looking very faux serious, “1. We order out from wherever you want and awkwardly wait for it to arrive because the next shoot is not one we can’t prep for, then eat, then shoot.  Or 2. I make use of the ingredients I bought to make Bulgogi Kimchi Fried Rice and you get lunch and a show.”
You're shocked. 
Jungkook…cooks? Oh this you absolutely must see.
“Hmm….” you say, pretending to really mull it over in the same ‘serious’ tone, “I’m thinking I’ll have to go with option two, Chef. But I’ll lend a hand where I can, no use in standing around doing nothing.”
“Every chef needs a sous.”
With both of you on task, lunch is getting made quickly. Jungkook has all the ingredients to make ‘my buddy’s famous family recipe,’ a man who you assume is a chef back at the palace. The island countertop is currently covered in them; onion, kimchi, marinated bulgogi, gochujang, cooked rice, eggs and more. 
You’re surprised at how skilled Jungkook is in the kitchen. He’s cutting the ingredients like he’s been doing it his whole life and working the pan over the stove like the proper technique has been drilled into him since birth. 
Thirty minutes pass, and after both of you shed a tear at the cut onions and evenly split the remaining tasks, you’re sitting on the couch about to take your first bite. It smells delicious. Your mouth is watering and you can’t wait to dig in, stomach painfully empty by this point.
Finally taking that first bite, you nearly die of euphoria.
“Ouhmahgaud,” you say, mouth half full. Jungkooks on the other side of the couch, trying not to cough out his own food from laughing at your reaction. His eyes are nearly shut with how wide he’s smiling.
“Good?” he asks after swallowing his food first, like a civilized person.
You’re vigorously nodding as you swallow your own helping in hopes you’re understood.
“You’re giving me this recipe. I need it. I don’t think I will survive if this is the only time I ever get to eat it.” Your bowl is almost half gone already. Thank god there’s leftovers, you will be having more.
Plus, you want to make it for your mom when you go home, she’ll love it. 
“I’ll text it to you later, don’t worry.”
You’re very sure the look on your face conveys the gratitude you feel and the rest of the meal passes in a very comfortable and satisfied silence. 
Twenty-ish minutes later, after letting your seconds settle for a couple minutes, Jungkook gets back to business. 
“Next look is the most adventurous, it uses the facepaint. Are you okay with contacts?”
“I think so, never tried them before though. Just give me a few before we start so I don’t explode when I stand up.”
“All good,” he says, before quirking a lip and adding, “I really don’t feel like explaining why there’s kimchi and bits of you all over my walls to either of our parents, so take all the time you need.”
You laugh, firstly at the visual, then at the idea of Jungkook meeting your mother. That would be something you needed on record, paper and film.
After a minute, you get up, the guest room making your acquaintance once more. 
“This one is called Enigmatic,” Jungkook calls.
“Got it!”
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You take longer than normal to change, maybe eating before putting on the skin tight shirt wasn’t a great idea. But at least it was stretchy. 
It has long sleeves, a high neck, and is a very dark midnight black. There’s a matching black scarf for this one too, and a safety pin attached to the corner.
“Okay, what's the plan for this one? I hear facepaint is involved,” you say, back for round three, scarf in hand.
The background of the set is black now, a close match to your shirt. Jungkook is by the smoke machine, currently set up on the stool and plugged into a nearby outlet. 
You hold up the scarf, questioningly.
“That’s to go over your head after the paint, but let’s see if you can do contacts first, they’re in the washroom. Need help?”
“No, I'm good.”
You don’t succeed at first, but after a couple attempts you look in the mirror and see purple eyes staring back at you. You love them.
“I look like a badass,” you say, returning. The smoke machine’s been turned on and it’s created a completely different atmosphere. At your reemergence, Jungkook shuts it off and comes close to give you a look. You freeze a little at the eye contact, his browns meeting your currently violets for a prolonged moment.
“They look better than I’d hoped, this is going to be great.” 
He reaches under the gels on the table for a piece of paper. It’s a makeup model face with the look he wants drawn on. “Are you able to do something like this?”
The diagram shows the cheeks, bottom half of the nose and down all the way to the neck as black, and the eyes and up as white, bleeding down into the black like smoke. You’re going to need eyeshadow for that part. If you did that with the face paint it would just become a gray mess.
“Yep, but it’s going to take some time to get it right.”
“That’s okay, I’ll use it to get the smoke machine properly set up.”
You use one of the palette mirrors and start with the white, covering the top of your face and making a good base layer for the eyeshadow. Then fill the bottom of your face and neck with the black. Carefully, so as to not make gray, you use a large brush to cover both sides with their respective eyeshadow shades, before blending them together like the reference. Your skin starts to feel like it’s on fire by the time you're satisfied and you check your phone for the time when you finally finish. 
Not bad. You put the scarf over your head and cover your ears with it, using the safety pin to hold it in place. 
Jungkook takes one look at you and lights up. 
“Have I ever mentioned how talented you are, and that you make my schoolwork so much more fun? Because I feel like I should again even if I already have.” Your cheeks heat, glad he’s excited you’re able to help. “How did you manage to make it look even better?”
“I do vaguely remember mentioning something about a deal with a semi-suspicious genie,” you joke. And both of you break out in giggle fits after a second, recalling the conversation from forever ago. 
Running through the same steps of lighting, posing, and adjustments, Jungkook then flips on the smoke machine and lets it fill the room heavily before starting to take pictures. 
You’re sitting on a small box this time, so that you’re slightly lower than the camera. Jungkook tells you to keep your hands at your sides and look up, just above the rim of the camera lens. It creates a very interesting look, and you're excited to see the results. 
He has you do a couple more poses before allowing you to do your own thing once more, trying to think of what would look mysterious and enigmatic.
You try to let the music inspire you. This is a look you’ve never done before, so you’re finding it a bit difficult to get into it despite Jungkook's helpful prompts and suggestions. But you flow a bit better with it as time goes on and you become more comfortable.
An idea pops up out of nowhere and you have him do a close up from the middle of your chin to the middle of your forehead. You stare straight into the lens to really showcase the purple contacts and makeup.
“This’s the one for sure,” he says, taking a few more. “Great idea, why didn’t I think of a close up in the first place?” You know he's talking to himself at this point. 
It’s close to 6:15pm when Jungkook decides he has enough pictures for this look. You don’t mind the longer shoot seeing as you set aside the day for this, and you can’t wait to see how these ones turn out in particular.  
You’re halfway through getting the face paint off, a mountain of gray stained cotton pads beside you, when Jungkook turns the music down.
“Let’s do a light, early dinner and then shoot the last one?” he asks. “I kept this one at the end because it’s going to create the most mess and it’ll be nice to have dinner out of the way for when I have to clean up.”
“More mess than this?” you point to the cotton pad mountain.
“Much more.”
“Light, early dinner it is,” you confirm, not wanting to have to wait till late to eat. “But can we order out so I have time to get the rest of this off?”
“Sure, what’ll it be?”
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Clean faced, moisturized and ramyeon filled, you and Jungkook are preparing for the last shoot. Or well, lightly arguing.
“On me?”
“From that thing,” you point to the contraption he calls a c-stand that will be holding the very full, very large watering can over your head for an extended amount of time, “And into there?” you point again to the kitty pool on top of the tarp that’s underneath the watering can c-stand. 
“That is the plan,” he looks amused at your slight distress.
“Are you nuts? What if it falls on me? How do I know it won’t unhinge and I’ll have a nicely cracked open skull to explain to my mother on Solstice break?”
“It won’t fall and you know it won't because you trust me and trust I wouldn’t put you in unnecessary danger. But if it does, tell your mom I say hi and sorry.”
You scoff at him, unbelievable. “So you admit there’s a bit of danger!”
Jungkook sighs, and looks to the ceiling. “Yes, YN. There is a touch of danger. But that’s only if, somehow, the c-stand I have triple safety checked, duct taped twice, and quadruple secured with four fifteen pound sandbags, decides that you deserve a watering can to the head.”
You side eye his tone. This wasn’t an unrealistic worry. But you do trust him. And trust he would never intentionally put you in any danger.
The trees are set up near the backdrop that looks like a row of brick houses. The shot is supposed to be ‘The Calm after Before the Storm,’ where you look relieved and happy in an ‘outside’ setting while ‘rain’ falls over you, also in black and white.
“Fine, but if I hear one peep from that thing,” c-stand staring down the tip of your finger once more, “I’m tuck and rolling and taking you out while I do it.”
“Very fair!” he says relieved, and goes to set up the stand with the watering can. 
You’d changed into the neutral V neck after dinner, and he’s asked for no makeup. So all you have to do now is stand and pose while trying not to die from foreign objects falling from the sky while you get wet.
Easy, right?
It is incredibly difficult, and you’re glad he made this one last because you’re at best; slightly miserable. Only the promise of a hot shower, hot chocolate with whip cream and marshmallows and your pick of whatever you watch afterward is keeping you going.
You started this one just shy of 8pm after waiting 45 minutes for the food. And it’s nearing 9:30 now. Jungkook has had to refill the watering can four times, dump the kiddie pool twice,  and you swear if you don’t finish within the next twenty minutes, you’re going to collapse from shivering.
To be fair, he does fill the watering can with warm water, but it only stays warm for so long before freezing water is pouring on you for the millionth time tonight. 
“I have one last idea, and by the way, I’m never doing this concept again so don’t worry about that, but also… don’t shut down the idea immediately okay?” Jungkook says. 
The watering can is almost empty again and you’re relieved that your time is almost up. That in itself should make for a good picture. He snaps it.
But his tone makes you a little wary, “Okay… what is it?”
“Pretend I’m Nel and you’re seeing me for the first time in six months, like you do at the end of April.”
Well, you didn’t have that down on your photo shoot prompt bingo card. 
Are you okay with the idea? You aren’t sure, but aren’t not sure either.
“I mean, I’ll try. Maybe you could give vocal cues to try and help? But don’t make it weird.”
“I won’t, promise,” Jungkook pauses for a second before adding, “Does he call you baby?”
You nod, and you distantly hear and ‘okay’ as you slowly allow yourself to get into that headspace.
You start, and the camera starts going.
You’re in the airport, waiting for Nel, ‘smoosh’ paper in hand. The gate opens, and through all the other passengers you see him, see that he’s in one piece, see that he’s safe. 
Your face illuminates with relief at that so much so that you don’t even notice the water that starts running down your face. 
You hear a ‘hi baby’ and in your head, it’s coming from Nel’s mouth as he nears you. You smile impossibly wider at the thought of seeing him, feeling him. Having him here with you. 
You look happy to see me, ‘Nel’ says.
“I am,” you reply. 
There’s repetitive clicking in the distance, but you ignore it. It’s probably just a flight attendant's heels on the floor.
“I missed you.”
There’s a long moment of silence before Nel speaks again.
I missed you too, baby.
You’re shivering hard now, lost in thought, unaware of reality. 
YN, Nel calls.
“Yes, love?”
“Babe, what is it?”
“YN, hey,” you're being shaken gently.
“Hmm? What?” you slowly arrive back to the present. Strong hands grip your shoulders. They feel nice. Solid. Deliciously warm. 
A very concerned looking Jungkook comes into focus, camera dangling around his neck and reaching for you.
He’s the one holding your shoulders, trying to get you to come back to reality.
“There she is, welcome back,” he lets go and grabs a blanket from somewhere and wraps it around you. “We got the shot, go take a shower and warm up okay?”
“Okay,” you say, still a little dazed, but present enough to function.
You step out of the pool, holding on to the hand Jungkook offers to balance—Warm. Solid. Strong—and head straight for the bathroom, making a pit stop in the guest room to grab your bag with fresh clothes. 
The hot water cements your place back in reality, letting it warm you up and cleanse you of the day. 
You have no idea what just happened with that whole Nel thing, but it was a new feeling and a new headspace and you really aren’t in the mood to analyze or acknowledge, so it’s shoved onto a top shelf in the back of your mind for a later date.  
Once you're able to return to the directory of your mind, you don’t know how long you’ve been in the shower. But you know you’re clean, no longer cold, and in the mood for hot chocolate, so you step out and dry yourself with the towels Jungkook laid out for you on the toilet seat.
They’re soft. So soft in fact you consider only for a second shoving one in your now less full bag to take home with you. However, you do rather enjoy your friendship with the prince, so you think better of it upon second thought. 
Dressing in your sweats, you exit, tossing the towels in the hamper and your bag of the clothes you arrived in back into the spare room.
“Better?” Jungkook asks as you sit down in your spot on the couch for the last time tonight, wrapping up in the blanket he left for you. He’s in the kitchen but heard you coming.
“Much, thanks,” you sniff, “Is that hot chocolate I smell?”
Jungkook returns from the kitchen, two mugs in hand. “With extra whip cream and marshmallows, as ordered.”
You carefully take it from him, giving your thanks and happily slurping away the second it’s in your grasp. 
“Alright Caravaggio, what are we watching?” he asks, sitting down on his side, sipping away on his own. 
Sometime between you leaving for the shower and coming back out Jungkook changed into his own comfy attire, and tidied up the studio space as the pool and tarp are nowhere to be seen.
“I’ve thought really hard about this, all of however long I was in the shower,” Jungkook mutters something about 35 minutes; you ignore him, “And have settled on ‘A Miser Brothers Solstice’.”
He whines just a little when he says, “But it’s November.”
“So, Solstice isn’t until the third week of December,” he’s saying this like his point is the most obvious thing in the world. 
It’s not.
“Your point?”
“That it’s November, and you want to watch a Solstice movie.”
You’re mockingly outraged.
“Who made you town grinch? I didn’t realize we had a holiday hater in our midst.” 
You loved the holidays, all the big ones, and the small ones, but Solstice was special. 
“I’m not a grinch, I’m just not there yet, mentally.”
“Then get ready to dive in head first, because you said I could pick the movie for risking my life for you and I pick ‘A Miser Brothers Solstice’.”
Jungkook doesn’t argue further, but he does roll his eyes as he puts on your movie with a small smile hidden behind his drink.
It’s sometime during the first act, you’re lying back against your corner of the couch, feet up and under the blanket when you ask, “What are your solstice break plans?” 
Jungkook takes a moment to part from the TV, very invested for someone who was so against it half an hour ago. “I have a lot of ‘princely duties’ to do for Solstice, like standing and looking thoughtful while my dad gives his annual Solstice speech,” you snort. “Then there’s the palace dinner, the parade through the capital, and the live televised event,” he says in a tv announcer's voice, “Where my family and I light the Solstice Star. And then there’s the new year and that in itself has another long list of things I have to do. Besides things like that though? Not much, and then it’s back here.”
You often forget who he is. 
That behind those kind eyes, and small smiles, behind the greenhouse study dates, and movie nights, and photoshoots, Jungkook has an enormous responsibility constantly looming over his head, counting down the days until he finishes his schooling. One that’s just waiting to drop onto his shoulders forever. 
You often forget that Jungkook is the Prince, first in line to the biggest throne in the realm. That you spend your time with not only Jeon Jungkook, friend and photography student, but also, His Royal Highness, Prince Jeon Jungkook, Heir Apparent and Future King of The Western Shores.
He just makes it so damn easy to forget.
You only asked because you thought maybe he had plans with friends or family, completely forgetting about all of the things the royal family does during the holiday season to celebrate with the nation, their people, and now you feel like an ass for even bringing it up.
But there’s something in his answer, or lack thereof, that snags your attention. 
“What about celebrating with your family and friends in private?”
“No time,” Jungkook’s stare goes distant as he brings his knees up and puts his arms around them, resting his chin. “Friends are always busy with palace preparations and dad’s not really the sentimental type. We celebrated when I was younger; big family breakfast, presents, tree decorating, whole thing. But after I turned about 13 or so, it started dwindling pretty quickly. Now it’s just me and my mom exchanging a gift with each other at midnight under the palace tree.” 
You don’t think you’ve ever heard something so heartbreaking yet beautiful in your life. 
“Your mum sounds wonderful, I’m really happy you two get that time together.” 
He looks at you, and you can tell by the look in his eyes he loves that time with her more than anything else. 
Solstice is supposed to be the time you spend with your family, blood or chosen. The time where you all gather to cook and bake, and exchange thoughtful gifts with the ones you love. The time where you truly cherish one another and count yourself lucky for all that you have. 
Solstice is your favourite time of the year.
To not spend it like that just seems…wrong. Horribly, painfully, awfully wrong.
“What about you?” he asks.
You don’t want to make him feel bad, so you tone down your answer, taking away the meat and giving the bones.
“My mum and I cut down our own tree and decorate it with the ornaments we’ve collected over the years,” you have them from every place you’ve ever visited, and your mum kept all the ones you ever made as a kid. You even get a new one every solstice to take a picture for and label with the year.  
“Then we bake solstice cookies until our hands cramp and survive off only them until solstice dinner; a turkey, honey glazed carrots, mashed potatoes with gravy, essentially if it waters your mouth, it’s there,” he chuckles at that. “We do gifts for each other too, opening them on solstice morning before making hot drinks and reading in the breakfast nook until the sun sets or till we get hungry, whichever comes first.”
Jungkook's eyes glow, radiating warmth, a lazy smile on his face as he listens to you. 
“That sounds really nice, YN.”
“It is,” you reply, looking him in those radiant eyes as you do. He looks… happy. Happy for you, that you get to have something like this that’s so special. It breaks your heart a little…maybe you can help.
“You wanna make some solstice cookies with me before break?”
His look of happy shifts to one of slight panic.
“What?” you question, and comically ask, “Have you never made solstice cookies before?”
He hesitates before answering a very quiet, “Uh…N-no.”
Your shock must be incredibly evident in the way he almost flinches at your reaction.
So you try your best to keep your voice level when you ask, “What do you mean, no?”
“I mean no. I’ve never made solstice cookies.”
That’s it. You can’t hold back any more, you’ve never heard anything so blasphemous in all your life.
“You’ve never what?  How is that even possible?”
He shrinks into himself a little more.
“The palace pastry chef always makes them because that’s kind of his job,” you stare at him in disbelief. “Is this really that big a deal?”
You swear there’s cog’s and smoke flying out of your ears. Solstice cookies are a religion in your household. You know dozens of recipes by heart, always finding a new one each year to try and up your game. You cannot imagine a solstice without making them. Wait no, actually you can, but it would be because you’re dead.
You held back in your answer earlier, for his sake, but you and your mom’s hands cramp up because you make enough cookies to give a box to everyone in the neighborhood. It’s one of your favourite traditions, and your neighbours even look forward to it every year, going so far as sending you both recipes to try out.
“Big dea—you’ve never fucking mad—not even when you were little? No one brought you to the kitchen and let you help? Aren't all your friends back home the pastry chefs' kids or something?” You don’t mean to sound harsh, but your tone is a little more passionate than you were intending. 
But Jungkook knows you, knows you occasionally get that passionate about things, and takes your outburst in stride. 
“Yeah, one of them is, but we don't sit around the oven and make cookies all break long. And his dad is always too busy to teach us even if we wanted to.”
You decide something. Right then and there.
“This year you are.”
“Mark your last Saturday off because I'm going to show up here, ingredients-a-plenty and teach you how to make solstice cookies. I have a million recipes up here,” you tap your head with a finger, “But I'll choose the easiest ones. And I’ll come over early so we can spend the day making all of them. I can’t in good conscience leave for the break knowing you’ve never made them.”
He sighs. “Do I have any say in the matter?”
“Absolutely not.”
Jungkook stares at you and you can’t figure out what he’s thinking. You’re worried he’s going to say no anyway. To say you’re crazy and that they’re just cookies and that he has more important things he has to do on his Saturday before leaving for home.
But he doesn’t. And you should’ve known he wouldn’t, not after all the time you’ve spent together. 
You know better. Know him better.
“Alright Picasso. Sounds like a plan. I’m looking forward to it,” he decides, and goes back to watching the movie. 
It’s the first time he’s ever repeated a nickname.
“Wait! The wind guy wants to replace who?!” Jungkook shouts. 
You laugh at his confusion, and rewind the movie.
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Jungkook wakes up sore.
His back is killing him, which makes sense since he’s half lying on the couch, half on the ground. 
The TV’s silently playing some slideshow of movie recommendations based on recent watches. 
He checks his phone, reaching for it on the coffee tale. 
14% battery. 
Shit, he fell asleep. 
After the solstice movie he wanted to watch its predecessor. You had no qualms and so on it went, but he doesn’t remember much after the brothers started fighting.
Hearing soft, even breathing next to him he turns to see you, hunched over in your spot asleep, no doubt in the process of ruining your own back.
He should go to bed.
You should go to bed. 
But you’ve never stayed the night.
What should he do? Should he wake you? 
But you look so peaceful. And it’s nearing exams. You barely sleep when it’s exams season. 
Instead, Jungkook goes to check the guest room, but it’s a mess with yesterday's comings and goings. Make-up and clothes and hangers strewn everywhere.
Quietly, making a decision he hopes you won’t kill him for in the morning, he pads back to your sleeping form. 
It’s for your back, he tells himself. No other reason.
Deja vu sets in as he scoops you up from the couch, blanket and all. Just like last time, you gain enough consciousness to know to wrap your arms around his neck, but not enough to wake up. Your head rests on his shoulder and he selfishly savours the feeling as he walks down the short hallway to his room.  
Jungkook sets you down gently on one side of the bed, and your arms release, slumber undisturbed as he tucks you in.
He goes back to the living room to retrieve your phones. Yours is still at 56%, and he places it on the table beside you when he returns.
Climbing into his side of the bed, he’s careful not to touch you.
Though he wants to. 
His sleep deprived brain is too slow to block out the thoughts that start to race. Thoughts of how he wants to turn around and pull you into his chest, slide an arm around your waist, and kiss you goodnight. How he wants to wake up in the same position, you still in his arms. 
But he’s also awake enough to know that will never happen. That you’re with Nel, and happy with him. That he’s drawn that nice, big line.
He’s awake enough to know you being in his bed is a fluke, unintentional.
A one time thing.
Plugging his phone into its charger, he sets it down on his own bedside table and pulls the covers up, falling back asleep.
His back facing you. 
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An exhale wakes you.
Warm and cozy, you take a deep breath and roll to your left side, stretching on the way over. The scents of clean linen and something familiar find you. It’s comforting, that smell, but you can’t place it.
Another exhale, but this time you feel it as well as hear it.
You open your eyes to see a sleeping Jungkook face not a foot from your own and you jolt in shock, falling off the bed in the process. 
You look up from your new seat on the floor, ignoring the pain in your side from landing, and peer over the covers to check on Jungkook, who, miraculously, hasn’t woken up from your tumble. 
Relieved, your mind focuses on more pressing questions like ‘how did you get here?’ And ‘why were you in his bed?’ 
The last thing you remember was being halfway through the prequel to A Miser Brothers Solstice on the couch, watching Jungkook more than the movie because of how invested he’d become in the story. 
But you aren’t on the couch now. You were in his bed. 
The bed of the Prince of the Western Shores. 
The Prince who has a girlfriend, and you, who has a very long term, very serious boyfriend.
You hear a vibration, and following the sound, you find your phone on the bedside table. 
You quickly grab it quickly and go to the living room as quietly as you can manage. 
There’s a large number of unread texts. 
SlurryYuri [11:08pm]: hey, just checking in. You didn’t get home when you said you’d try for SlurryYuri [11:31pm]: Helloooooooo? YN? You there? SlurryYuri [12:14am]: it’s getting late YN, when are you coming home? Are you on your way?
Missed Calls: (3)
SlurryYuri [2:43am]: it’s been hours, so you better be dead or have crashed in the school somewhere. Either way I’m kicking your ass when you get home
Missed Calls: (2)
SlurryYuri [9:36am]: you’re still not home?? YN seriously, where are you SlurryYuri [10:23am]: If you don’t message me back in an hour I’m calling the police and filing a missing persons
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. You crashed hard, the shoot must have taken more out of you than you thought, so you never texted Yuri you were going to crash in a sleep pod at school like you’d planned too. 
You make quick work of messaging her back, glad she unintentionally gave you just the excuse you needed. 
YN [10:25am]: ohmygod I’m soooooo sorry, it was the school one. I fell asleep in the school. I’m sorry for worrying you. I’ll be home soon, promise. I’m just going to grab breakfast first. Again im sorry
SlurryYuri [10:27am]: thank the gods youre okay!! Don’t ever do that to me again YN! I don’t wanna be the one who has to break news to your mom!! She’s too nice.  SlurryYuri [10:27am]: and take your time getting back if your rushing for me, I’m not at the dorm SlurryYuri [10:27am]: Tai showed up yesterday out of the blue and took me dancing. We’re out getting brunch right now, and he has plans for the rest of the day SlurryYuri [10:28am]: Im just glad you’re not dead in a ditch somewhere
YN [10:29am]: me too, and okay I will. Thanks for checking up on me and making sure im safe, youre my favourite
SlurryYuri [10:30am]: damn right I am, see you tn <3
YN [10:30am]: see you <3
You exhale deeply, that was fucking close. 
Your stomach rumbles and it reminds you that you actually need to get breakfast. 
What could you have? You could order in again, but that means a wait time and you are hungry now. You could raid Jungkook's pantry, or see if he has any fruit, but then you think that’s a gross invasion of privacy when it’s not movie night and you haven’t asked if it’s okay. 
The egg tarts!
You dash to the fridge, the marvellous sight of a greenhouse inside a coffee mug comes into view. Stuffing one down before you even get the box from the fridge, you exit the kitchen, sit down on the couch, setting the box on the coffee table. Once opened in front of you, you realize there is a healthy amount of tarts inside. 
How many did Jungkook ask for?
Speaking of, a bed-headed, yawning Jungkook makes his morning debut, still in last night's clothes.
“Hey,” he says groggily, walking over and stealing a tart.
“Hey!” you say back, not nearly as friendly. 
“Overnight tax, Picasso. Room isn’t free.” He chuckles at your faux outrage, popping half the tart in his mouth as he walks to the kitchen and grabs something from the fridge. Returning, you see it’s a morning protein shake. 
“So is that name the one you’re sticking to now?” you ask, picking up another tart. At this rate they won’t last until lunch.
“Yeah, that okay with you? It’s your name in my phone after all.”
“It is?” You didn’t know that.
“Yeah, has been since the start.” 
You’re quickly learning that sleepy morning Jungkook is very different from morning post work-out Jungkook, friend Jungkook and photographer Jungkook. His voice is deeper, he’s a lot more relaxed, and maybe even harmlessly borderline flirty, like he’s not all there yet. Softer. 
“Picasso’s just fine. A compliment really.”
“Oh? And what am I in your’s then? Hopefully something just as nice?”
You tell him like it is.
“PJK?” he asks, incredulous.
“Yeah? It’s obscure enough to not be recognizable if someone were to see it, but enough for me to know who it is.”
“Nah, you need something better, PJK is boring.”
“It’s your initials.”
“And boring,” he’s really not letting up on this. 
“Well...what would you save yourself as?”
He mulls it over for a minute before deflating. “Okay, fair point, but I seriously want a new one. Something that can rival Picasso.”
“Do you have any nicknames? Something not completely obvious?”
For a morning person, Jungkook sure is taking his time. Maybe he was only a morning person before 8am, and then if he got up anytime after that he became a normal person who despised mornings like everyone else.
“Uhh…Vivian calls me JK, but that’s essentially the same thing as PJK. My buddies back home sometimes call me Kook, but I don’t think that works either. My mum has one for me that I will not disclose to anyone so long as I am breathing. So I guess not.”
A lightbulb dings over your head. “What about your security? Don’t they have special code names for you when they detail you? Like bear or eagle?” 
“Yeah, but it’s not nearly as badass as either of those.”
“Fess up,” you say. Now you have to know.
“Hare?” Now it’s your turn to be incredulous. “Like a rabbit?”
An idea pops into your head and an evil grin spreads across your face, one you know is already setting worry into Jungkook’s still awakening brain as you change his name.
“I don’t like that look,” he confirms. “What’d you change it to?”
You flip your phone around and hold it up to him.
“Bunny?” he says incredulously once again.
“I give you Picasso, one of the greatest painters of all time, and you think giving me bunny is anywhere near on par with that?”
Teasing him is far too fun, especially when he makes it this easy for you.
“Oh absolutely. In fact, I think it’s the best name I could possibly set it as.”
Jungkook disagrees, vehemently. “No, change it back. PJK is fine.”
“Too late. You dug your grave, now lie in it.”
Jungkook brings a hand to his face, pinching the crease between his brows and takes a very long, deep breath, exhaling just as dramatically. 
You take that as your victory. But you’re sorely mistaken.
He launches at you, reaching for your phone and you scream, reaching your arm to keep it away from him. You have a fox socked foot on his chest to try and keep him back. His right arm is holding him up near your hip on the couches edge and he’s reaching with his left as far as he can without breaking his sternum on your heel. 
“Give it!”
You try to bring up your other foot to push him away, but Jungkook is strong, and forces both it and the one on his chest down with the arm that was supporting him, temporarily keeping himself up with his left hand on the back of the couch. 
With your legs out of the way he can almost reach his phone. But in his distracted state, misses the couch when he goes to put his supporting arm down again, and flips onto the ground, taking you with him. You scream, but his arms wrap around you as he makes sure to take the brunt of the impact, landing on his back, you safely secured to his chest. 
There’s a moment of pure stunned silence, you resting your forhead on his chest while you process, him not letting go of your waist as he gets a breath into his winded self, before you’re both laughing as you take in what happened.
“You okay?” he asks.
“Yeah, you?”
He takes a second to respond. “I’m great.” 
You push to sit up, and he releases you from his hold, but that was a mistake. Because now you’re sitting on his lap. 
It takes an entire three seconds of you staring at him and him staring right back before you jump and scramble off him as fast as you can. 
“Sorry.” you say in unison, you standing and him from the ground. It’s a painfully awkward 8 seconds before you break, cackling at the whole situation, and he joins in with you again. 
Jungkook brushes off his pants as he gets up too. “Got any plans before tonight,” he asks, business as usual.
“Nope, cleared my schedule in case this went long, I’ve got the whole day.”
You swear his smile grows two sizes.
“Well in that case,” he looks to the TV, then back to you, “Wanna start movie night early?”
An entire day to relax and chill out before the hell that is exams season takes your every free second? 
Yes please.
“Solstice movie marathon?” you propose slyly, near devious.
“I’ll get the popcorn,” he confirms, already halfway to the kitchen.
You spend the day like that, on the couch watching movie after movie, both pretending the little incident never even happened. 
But you make sure to go home after movie night this time. 
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Chapter Nine: TBR
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A/N 2: This chapter kicked my ass but it's here and I couldn't be more thrilled. I really like how it's ended so I hope you guys do too.
A/N 3: As always, Thank you for reading, loves. Xoxo - Yoon <3
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enwrites · 1 year
Cloud Nine (p.sh) — pt. 2
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pairings: brother's bff!sunghoon x afab!reader
warning: 18+ MDNI !! (not proofread at all im so sorry)
genre/cw: smut, somewhat angst, emotional tension, unresolved feelings, pining, sunghoon is dumb and emo, crying, arguing, unprotected sex (wrap b4 u tap pls), riding, slight fingering, slight usage of pet names, breeding, body worship kinda?, jay is still very much your brother here and is overprotective of you, heeseung cameo + mention of jake, fluff if you squint i think (lmk if anything was missed!)
synopsis: after what happened the previous week, tensions are high. sunghoon is left to his own feelings and thoughts as he tries to overcome the mess he made. will he be able to mend things and fix the trouble he caused?
wc: 5.7k words
a/n: here is the long awaited pt two which now concludes cloud nine, everyone cheer!! i've been meaning to post this earlier but got side tracked lol but also tumblr deleted this and i had to redo the layout. tysm for all your kind words and feedback so far on my blog! it means so much to me. i wasnt too happy about this in the end but i felt i needed to finish what i started, ty for bearing with me <3 and again hope u all enjoy~
[ masterlist ] [ part one ]
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A week has passed since the incident took place. 
Days grow long, painful almost as lingering feelings grow stronger and stronger. Sunghoon just couldn’t bring himself to come face to face with you any more. Hell, he couldn’t even face your brother either, his body trembles a bit, remembering what came after. 
Both of your faces drop realizing Jay had been awake the entire time. Sunghoon looks at you as he starts to panic, gathering his clothes back on at the speed of light. You follow him, putting yours on as well. This was not going to be good. The both of you trying to hurry down the stairs to get Sunghoon out, Jay beat you guys to it. The look of anger plastered all over his face, arms crossed as he stood up hastily from the couch, his eyes on the both of you. 
If looks could kill, you both would be dead, lying lifeless on the ground. 
Sunghoon shutters as he comes face to face with his best friend as he hangs his head low. You tremble as well, your brother has always been scary to you. His stare was so cold, you felt like your living room had turned into Antarctica. You scurried down, making your way slightly in between the two boys. “Look, Jay, it’s not what it—,” he cuts you off.
“Not what it looks like? You two were just fucking?! How could you two do this to me? How could YOU do this to me? That’s my fucking sister?” He finishes off as he jabs his finger into Sunghoon’s chest, anger and disappointment running through his veins. Sunghoon lets out an exhausted sigh, running his hands through his hair. Anxiety coursing through his entire body, he felt like he needed to run away and hide. 
“Jay, please just liste—,” Sunghoon shakily speaks up only to be cut off. He knew this wasn’t going to end well. The two of you both knew that once Jay got angry, there was no stopping him.
“What the fuck is there to listen to? I've heard enough, you had ONE rule, anyone else but my sister!” Jay shouts at Sunghoon’s face, the younger boy hangs his head low again. He didn’t know what to say. Small cries were heard as he turned his head to the side, heart breaking as he saw tears running down your face. He wanted to reach for you right there, to hold you. To tell you he was going to fix this. But he couldn’t. 
Too overwhelmed by everything that was happening, you just stood there, silently crying as the two boys looked at one another. No one dared to utter a word. The silence was heavy and suffocating within the room. All you could think about was how glad you were that your parents weren’t here for any of this. 
“Jay… please just—,” Sunghoon tried to speak up once more, Jay was pushed to the edge. “Just get the fuck out of the house, I can’t even fucking look at you right now… you’re lucky I don’t just kill you right now,” Jay spits at him one last time. Sunghoon had no choice but to leave. He takes one more look at you, his entire world shattering. You look back at him with tear stained eyes, wanting to stop him. But you couldn’t. No one would do anything. The boy hung his head low as he made his way out of your house. Getting into his car, that was when it all came out.
The tears he was holding back poured out of his eyes as he tried to compose himself to drive off. Did he really just lose the two people he loved all in a single night?
Now Sunghoon was contemplating whether or not he wanted to finally make his way to classes, ditching every single day since then. The days grow long and cold, especially not having his best friend there, or anyone there for that matter. Who was he supposed to talk to about all of this? He had been ignoring your messages since that night, not really knowing how to face what just happened.
He wanted to speak to Jay and explain his feelings. But how the hell do you tell your best friend that you’ve been secretly in love with his sister this entire time. He just couldn’t. He always knew Jay would kill him, having given him the “don’t you dare go after my sister” speech the first day they met. Jay has given all of his friends that speech. Sunghoon knew better and he especially knew what he was doing that night was risky. 
Guilt washed over him like a wave onto the shore, crashing onto everything into its way. Even if he were to try and mend things, he can’t lie and say he hasn’t been the greatest to you either. Sunghoon didn’t mean to ignore you, he really didn’t. He tried to push his feelings aside, he wanted things to go back to normal. He knew he was hurting you as he ignored your texts and calls to him. Maybe he wasn’t good for you after all. He didn’t want to hurt you and he didn’t want to hurt Jay as well. Sunghoon groaned into his pillow as frustration and sadness filled his body. Wallowing in his sadness, he was taken back to reality as a persistent knock was banged onto his dorm room door. His heart fell to his ass. 
What if it were Jay? What if it were you? Surely you wouldn’t want anything to do with him after being ignored for a week now. He hesitantly gets up, making his way to the entrance. Impatient, the person behind the door pounds onto the frame once more. Sunghoon gulps, palms getting clammy thinking who it could be. Before he can pull it open, a voice loudly speaks up. 
“Dude I know you’re awake, just open the damn door already!” Yelled the person behind the door. He lets out a sigh of relief. Opening the door, Heeseung makes his way in. Pushing past the shorter boy, he makes his way to the desk and sits on the computer chair. Letting out a deep sigh, he scrunches his nose as he takes in the dorm room. Sunghoon takes notice of his distasteful expression, head hung low as he realizes how bad his room really did look. 
“God… you look rough, when was the last time you even showered?” Heeseung spits, shaking his head in disappointment. This was the worst he has ever seen the boy. All of his years of knowing Sunghoon, not once has anything affected him in this way. Not even Sunghoon’s very first girlfriend had this effect on him. Heeseung was fed up with seeing his two closest friends feud, so he needed to make a change. Heeseung had always known how much Sunghoon really liked you anyways. 
Everyone knew how much the two of you secretly liked one another. 
Heeseung wasn’t stupid and he knew Jay wasn’t either. Jay was just stubborn and has always been that way. Of course, who’d want their best friend to fuck their little sister? But Heeseung knew there was no changing Sunghoon’s feelings for you as well as yours for him. Anyone could see it from a mile away, even tens, thousands even. 
Sunghoon keeps his head low, not being able to make eye contact with the older boy either. “I don’t know… maybe like yesterday…,” Sunghoon muttered. He definitely didn’t shower yesterday.
“Yesterday my ass, this place is a mess dude… keep this up and Y/n is definitely not gonna want your stinky ass, figuratively and literally, yuck…,” Heeseung says in disgust as he eyes the empty ramen cups and cans all over the boy’s desk, reaching to his floor. “Plus Mrs. Kim has been on my ass to get you to come back to class… you realize attendance is important right?” The older boy finishes almost as if he was lecturing Sunghoon. Sunghoon throws his head back, a groan erupting once more from him. 
“Yes I know dad… and Y/n doesn’t want me anyways, she probably hates me right now,” Sunghoon grumbles as he sighs, sadness lacing his tone. Heeseung rubs the temple of his, exhausted at how far this has come. 
“You really are fucking stupid,” Heeseung chuckles. Sunghoon, now annoyed, sits up to look at the other. “Look if you just came here to give me shit you can leave!” Sunghoon loudly said to him. Heeseung puts his hands up, surrendering.
“I’m just here to help bud—,” Sunghoon cuts him off. “Help my ass? How exactly are you helping?” Sunghoon bites back, anger brewing within him.
“Maybe if you haven’t been hiding for a week, you’d know how badly Y/n and Jay are fighting, better yet you’d know how badly she needs you right now. Yeah, Jay isn’t so happy, who would be? You literally fucked his— WHAT THE FUCK?” a pillow was thrown to his face before he could finish. 
“Before I was rudely interrupted, both of them miss you… no matter how much Jay hates to admit it, he misses you. He’ll get over it eventually, everyone knew you two had the hots for each other anyways,” Heeseung rolls his eyes as he finishes. Sunghoon cocks an eyebrow, confused at the last statement.
“What do you mean everyone knew…,” Sunghoon quietly asks the older boy. Heeseung sighs again as he face palms himself, clearly Sunghoon was not the smartest guy alive. 
“Dude… we’ve all known since high school… you aren’t very slick … we see your eyes traveling… we see the way you look at her and stuff, Jay isn’t stupid. He just hates to admit that you actually like his sister, I mean who could blame you, she’s smokin—OW!” Sunghoon throws a water bottle to Heeseung’s head, not wanting to hear the last part. But Heeseung was right. He had been in love with you for as long as he could remember. Bittersweet feelings fill his chest as he remembers the first day he met you. 
He remembered the day Jay had introduced you to him as the three of you decided to walk home from school together that day. To say he was in awe was an understatement. Remembering your cute smile, your sweet tone, and the way you giggled at his jokes. Ever since then, he had always teased you any chance he’d get. His small jokes turning into rather more annoying pranks, he loved just getting a reaction from you. The more you grew annoyed by his presence, he took notice as it made him secretly upset. But you never once pushed him away, you always made sure to still make him snacks if you were making anything, you always packed an extra lunch in case he wanted some. Sunghoon felt your lingering touches, no matter how “mad” you seemed to get at him.
But of course, your older brother held the two of you back. He knew it was wrong for him to go after his best friend’s sister of all people, so he tried his best to suppress his feelings. He made it a point to mess with you whenever he could. It was the only time you’d look at him, acknowledge him even. So he hid his feelings for you, but not well enough apparently. 
“Helloooo, earth to Sunghoon? Are you coming to class today or what?” Heeseung snaps at Sunghoon, bringing him back to life. Sunghoon blinks a couple of times before getting up. He needed to speak with Jay. He needed to see you again. Puzzled, Heeseung looks at him with furrowed brows. 
“Yeah… let’s go,” Sunghoon utters as he gathers his things to get ready to leave. Heeseung stands up, sucking in his teeth and stopping the boy in his tracks. A confused expression washes over Sunghoon’s face.
“Uhh… yeah before we go… I’m gonna need you to shower and brush your teeth… and I’ll help freshen up this room for you in the meantime— I got a feeling you’re gonna need it,” he pushes the boy into the direction of his bathroom, before getting ready to clean the dirty room for his friend. Sunghoon chuckles, as a smile creeps onto his face. He knew he could always count on Heeseung.
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Sunghoon lets out a deep sigh as Heeseung’s car pulls into the campus parking lot. His heart felt like it was going to explode. What if he wasn’t ready?
“I’m not ready,” he softly speaks up, catching the attention of the other boy. Heeseung sighs again as he turns his car off, looking towards the younger boy. 
“Look, Hoon, you know I love you— no homo, but I hate seeing you like this and I hate seeing Jay like this. You two need to fix whatever this is, okay? I’m here for the both of you no matter what and that’s not going to change,” he looks at Sunghoon to reassure him that he was in fact being serious before continuing on. Truly, it broke his heart to see one of his best friends in this state of sadness. 
“And I know how much Y/n means to you, trust me when I say you two are perfect for one other. Jay isn’t heartless you know, the two of you mean a lot to him and I know he’d want you guys to be happy if it meant he had to share you with his sister— man this sounds so fruity but you know what I mean!” Heeseung gives Sunghoon a playful punch as the two of them laugh it off. Sunghoon takes a deep breath in and exhales out. He couldn’t go any longer without seeing you. With that, the two boys make their way out of the car and towards the campus. 
Stares fall upon the two as rumors clearly spread like wildfire. These were the consequences they paid for going to a smaller campus. Sunghoon looks to the floor, watching his feet as he makes his way to his first class. Maybe everyone did know. 
Plus he didn’t look the greatest at the moment either. Noticeable eye bags lay plastered on his face, hair a bit disheveled as he sported just a baggy hoodie and some sweats his first day back. He looked rough. 
He and Heeseung finally get to their first class and take their respective seats at the table they frequented. Sunghoon knew Jay had this class as well, anxiety eating away at him as his heart rate increases, he felt like he was going to hurl all the ramen he ate last night. He crosses his arm as he slams his head onto the table, too afraid to face his best friend. 
“Dude, it’s gonna be okay, it’s just Jay,” Heeseung says nonchalantly. Yeah it was just Jay, it’s not like he hasn’t seen Jay beat guys up for breaking your heart or anything. It’s not like he hasn’t seen Jay almost kill a guy for laying his hands onto you unprompted. He knew how much you meant to Jay and he was afraid Jay wouldn’t understand how he felt. And what he heard that night definitely didn’t seem like Sunghoon liked you as much as he did. For all he could’ve known, it might’ve seemed like Sunghoon was using you. 
Sunghoon raises his head from the table as he looks up, catching eyes with Jay as he makes his way through the door. Jay wore an uninterested expression on his face, Sunghoon not being able to read how he felt. He trembles a bit under his stare, as Jay takes a seat across from him, next to Heeseung. Without a word being spoken, the professor makes her way in, delighted to finally see Sunghoon back and well. 
“Ahh, Sunghoon, it’s nice to see you joining us again, alright now let’s get back to where we ended off yesterday,” she says to the whole class as everyone fishes out their books. Jay seemed almost too calm for Sunghoon’s liking. Sunghoon decides to wait until the class ends to speak to the other boy. To say he was nervous was surely an understatement. 
With the blink of an eye, class was over. Sunghoon nervously looks over to Jay as he sees the boy packing up his things to get out. Jay gets up, not even acknowledging the nervous boy as he makes his way out of the door. Sunghoon hurriedly gathers his things as he runs after him. You’d think he was actually in love with Jay or something. He manages to catch up to him as they both make their way out of the back exit. 
“Jay, dude wait— hold up please!” Sunghoon shouts, panting as he lets out a breath. Jay stops in his tracks as he turns to look at Sunghoon, taking in his noticeably rough appearance. Jay sighs, gripping the strap of his backpack. Sunghoon wore a pitiful expression, not knowing what to say. 
“Look Jay, I know what I did was really fucked… I know you’ll never forgive me… but I really, really—,” Jay stops the boy in his tracks, cutting him off.
“I know you like her, I’ve known for a while actually,” Jay deadpans. Sighing once more, he continues on as Sunghoon’s expression puzzles. “I’m not stupid, I see the way you look at her, c’mon dude, I just didn’t think you two would be like that while I was in the house… I don't wanna hear my sister like that! You could’ve at least taken her to your dorm or something…,” Jay trails, cringing at what he was put through last weekend. “Plus you could’ve literally just told me,” Jay rolled his eyes, shaking his head at the distraught boy. 
A confused expression overcomes Sunghoon’s face. “How was I supposed to tell you?! You said you’d kill me!” Jay groans loudly, face palming as annoyance grows within him. 
“I say that to everyone, but you’re literally my best friend, who else would I trust more,” Jay states as if it was obvious information. 
“So… are we cool?” Sunghoon asks softly. Jay rolls his eyes once more before a slight smile appears onto his face. It was really pathetic seeing his best friend this way.
“We’re about to not be if you keep her waiting for you and if you hurt her, I will seriously kill you,” Jay sternly says as he gives Sunghoon’s arm a little punch. “Seriously dude you should not be wasting your time with me, Y/n has been crying all week over you, you should really fix—,” Sunghoon cuts him off before hearing the last part.
“Oh my god— Y/n,” Sunghoon loudly says as he pushes Jay aside, running to find you. Jay shakes his head. All he could only do was hope you two would be okay. Your mother once said, to never get in the way of love. As much as he wished his best friend didn’t fall for you, he always knew the two of you liked each other. He just hoped in the future, he would never fall victim to your disgusting acts.
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Sunghoon ran around the campus, asking anyone and everyone if they had seen you. Panic courses through his veins as he starts to think maybe you didn’t want to see him. Pushing his thoughts aside, he told himself he’d deal with the consequences later. He just needed to see you again. His head snaps as he hears an all too familiar laugh. There he sees you sitting at an outside table with a few of your friends. He hastily makes his way to you, catching the attention of those at your table. 
“Is that Sunghoon?” Your friend asks, catching your attention. Your heart starts to race. You turn your head around, catching his eye as he stands in front of you, hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath.
“Sunghoon? What are you doin—,” without giving you a chance to speak, he grabs your wrist, ushering you to get up. “Let’s talk somewhere else, get your stuff,” he pants out, tugging you a little. Confused and almost excited to see he was alive and well, you gather your things as you mumble “sorry” to your friends, only to get devious smirks in return. After gathering your things, Sunghoon takes your bag as he starts to pull the two of you away, heading towards the dorms. Luckily, the buildings weren’t too far. 
“Sunghoon— Sunghoon! Wait, where are you taking me… why haven’t you been speaking to me?” You let out, as the taller boy continues to still drag you away and off campus. Sunghoon not listening, too deep into his mission to get you two to his dorm room, you let out a frustrated sigh. “Where are we going?” You ask once more as you are now being dragged down a hill. 
“Dorm,” Sunghoon nonchalantly replies back, your face heats up a bit, you’ve never been to his dorm before. Before you knew it, you were in front of a large building, not too far from campus. Sunghoon pushed past the doors, leading the two of you up the stairs of the building, too impatient to wait for the elevators. Students around you, staring at the two of you concerningly, watching a stern Sunghoon drag you around. You give them a sheepish smile, hoping to reassure them that you were okay.
Now on the second floor, the two of you make it down a hall. Sunghoon stops the two of you in your tracks, fishing his keys out. You stood in front of a door with a big ‘202’ on it. The nerves start to get to Sunghoon as he now realizes the situation in its entirety. He wasn’t really sure what he was going to say to you. Will you hate him? Do you hate him? He shook his thoughts away, hurriedly opening his door, letting you in first. You awkwardly step in as he closes the door behind you. Taking in the room before you, the scent of his cologne fills your nose. You walk your way to his bed, taking a seat as you watch him pick up a few lingering articles of clothing on his floor, throwing it into a basket. 
“Ahem,” you cleared your throat, gaining his attention. Making sure to move your bag to his desk chair, he walks towards you, taking a seat on the bed as well. You shift a little, making some room. To you it seemed like nothing, to him he feared the shifting meant you hated him. Did you even wanna be around him right now?
“Hoon what’s this all abou—,” before letting you finish, he cuts you off pulling you into a kiss. Taken aback, your eyes widened, softening against his touch as you gave into him. He deepened the kiss, reaching up as he laced his fingers through your hair, taking all of you in. Oh how he has missed you dearly. You pull away as tears form in your eyes, looking down onto your lap you fiddle your fingers. He reaches for your hand, taking it into his. The tears, now falling onto your lap as you couldn’t look him in the eyes, confused as to why he suddenly decided to acknowledge you again. 
“H-Hoonie… why did you leave me hanging?” You shakily asked, reaching your free hand up to wipe your tears away. His heart breaks as he watches you. Quite frankly, he didn’t know why he ignored you either. He reaches both of his hands up, taking your face into his palms, wiping your tears away with his thumbs. You secretly admit that after all the whole situation was somewhat silly but you couldn’t help but still be hurt as you felt like he didn’t reciprocate feelings back. Sunghoon takes in a shaky deep breath, tucking your hair behind your ears for you. 
“Y/n you know I’m stupid— right?” He softly asks you. You nod your head in response. Sunghoon reaches his hands back down to yours again, taking them in. “I’m so stupid, the stupidest guy ever, I wasn’t really sure what to do after that. I was afraid and feeling too many things all at once I guess I was just scared.” He lets out as a sigh left his mouth as well. 
“I know that’s not an excuse and I know this may sound crazy but I really like you Y/n…,” he trails as he looks at your face trying to get a hint as to what you were thinking. He hangs his head low as he was afraid of hearing your response. He gives your hands a little squeeze, bringing you back to life. 
Did he just say he liked you? A slight blush creeps up your face as you sniffle, wiping what was left of your tears away. His heart pounds rapidly, he felt like he was going to throw up whatever leftover instant ramen he had in his stomach. “Please Y/n… say something… anything…,” he whispers. You look up to him as you lay your head onto his shoulder. 
“I like you too Sunghoon,” you let out. His heart felt like it was going to explode. He needed some sort of reassurance. He wasn’t hallucinating now— was he?
“No Y/n, I really like you,” he says against your head. Now it was your turn to feel like your heart was exploding. Butterflies fill your stomach. “You really are so stupid,” you giggle as you lift your head up, looking him in his eyes. Before letting him speak, you pull him into a kiss. His hands instantly reach for your waist, holding you as you lean into him. He lets go of the kiss, putting his forehead against yours. “Y/n I’m really sorry, I know you’re probably still upset with me but—,” you cut him off as you pull his lips into a kiss once more. The two of you kick your shoes off, scooting your way further into his bed. Sunghoon’s back hits the headboard of his bed, you deepen the kiss straddling him as his hands linger down your waist and to your ass. 
“Off… please,” you mumble into the kiss, tugging at his hoodie. Taking the hint, he takes off his hoodie and shirt in one go, leaving him in just his sweats. You bite your lip as you take him in. The sight of him shirtless drove you insane. Sunghoon smirks as you stare at him, mouth agape. 
“Like what you see?” He winks at you. You roll your eyes as you sit on his lap, a moan leaves your mouth as you feel his noticeable bulge. He bucks his hips up into you, gripping your waist as you grind down on him. Small whimpers fall from your mouth. Sunghoon grows harder and harder as the sight of you dry humping him got him excited. He gropes your ass, leaving a slight smack on your cheeks. You let out a yelp, surprised at the sudden sensation. He reaches up to unbutton your shirt, needing to see you. You take this moment to free yourself from your clothes, shimmying out of your skirt, leaving you in just your lingerie. Sunghoon does the same, taking his sweats off. He looks back up to you, still leaning against his headboard. 
“Fuck Y/n, how many of these little outfits do you have?” He says as he caresses your body, feeling you with his hands. Here you are, clad in a little red lingerie set, sitting on top of him. All for him. He hungrily pulls you down into a sloppy makeout session, your arms reach behind his neck, pulling him in closer as you grind onto his bulge. He swears he could just cum all over you like this. He pulls back, trailing kisses down your chest, reaching behind your back, undoing your bra.
“As much as I like these on you, I prefer them much better off,” he says, laying kisses onto your breasts as he looks up to make eye contact with you. The shyness of the situation kicking in, your face heats up. You reach up to cover your face as he pulls your arms back down. He kisses all over you as a hand reaches for your boob. He gropes your boob, pinching your nipple between his fingers. He latched his mouth onto your other, sucking your tit like his life depended on it. You let out a loud moan, trying your best to not cause a noise disturbance. He pulls back with a pop, reaching his hand down to your pussy. To his surprise you were already soaked, the same way you were a week ago. 
“God, you are so pretty Y/n, you’re mine… all mine… fuck how did I get so lucky?” He says looking into your eyes as his fingers now circle your clit. Your body felt like it was on fire. You needed him badly and you needed him now. 
“All yours Hoonie— no one else’s,” you let out as you hump into his fingers a little. Your hands trail down to his boxers as you tug onto them, needing to feel him inside you again. He motions for you to get off. He takes this moment to take his boxers off as you take your panties off. He lays down onto his bed, putting his arms behind his head. Now fully naked, you reach down, legs still over him, you grab his painfully hard cock, giving it a slight stroke. He groans, bucking his hip into your hands. 
“Fuck baby, how about you show me you can ride, you’re awfully good at it don’t you think?” He says, giving you a devilish smirk. You squeeze his cock, giving him a slight eye roll. The thought of you riding your pillow fills his head. The memories forever now etched into his brain as a keepsake. He needed to experience that for himself. Not being able to handle the heat, you hover over his cock, rubbing his tip against your slick folds, earning whimpers from the both of you. 
“You’re so fucking wet, have you been waiting for this?” He groans out as you rub your wetness all over him. You eagerly nodded back at him, mumbling a little “yes” in response. You slowly sink yourself onto him. Sucking in your breath, you didn’t remember him being this huge. Sunghoon throws his head back as he feels your tight cunt, sucking him in and swallowing him whole. You finally get all of him in, sitting down on him. Your pussy felt so full as you pulsate, squeezing around his cock. He bucks his hip into you, needing you to move. 
“You feel so much bigger than last time,” you let out, slowly moving your hip up his shaft. Moving back down, he whines out your name. Your heart skips a beat. You move your hips up and down, increasing your pace. You lay your hands on his chest, riding him as you let out moans of his name. Sunghoon knew he needed to fill you up again. He puts his hands on your waist, gripping your sides as he helps you bounce on him. Watching your tits bounce, he was awestruck. 
“You look so hot Y/n, taking my cock so well baby, such a good girl for me,” he pants out. You whine as you let the pleasure overcome your body, you feel your first climax approaching. Sunghoon bucks into you, your cunt squeezing around his cock. 
“Hoonie~ I-I’m gonna c-cum!” You shout loudly. He fucks into you harder, holding you up as he repeatedly hit your g spot over and over again. 
“Fuck baby, you’re so fucking tight, cum for me,” he groans out as your pussy tightens even harder. He has never felt anything like it before. With one more pump, you let go all over him, screaming his name. Before you could even come back down, he flips the two of you over, pounding into your pussy. He takes one of your legs and throws it over his shoulder, pumping deeper into you. Overstimulated, you start to tear up as he continues to stroke harder into your cunt. 
“Too much… please Hoonie… g’nna cum … again,” you cried out. He reaches down, taking your lips into his. He shoves his tongue in your mouth as you moan into his mouth. He was so close to reaching his own climax as well. He pulls back as a slight trail of spit forms between the two of you. 
“So close Y/n, cum for me again baby,” he coos into your ear as he fucks into you harder. You scream his name once more as your nails dig into his back. Holding him close, he pumps one last time, before he erupts into you, his cum filling you up as he groans out your name. He slowly pumps a bit more as he rides both of your highs out. He trailed kisses down your neck and looked up to you, pulling his cock out slowly. Sitting up, he watches his cum spill out of your hole, fingering it back in slightly like the very first time. This was never going to get old. You hold yourself up slightly with your elbows as you cock an eyebrow at him. A puzzling expression lay on his face. 
“What? No picture this time?” You chuckled, breaking out into a smile. He giggles at your question, leaning down to give you a peck on your lips. The two of you look into each other’s eyes, butterflies in both of your stomachs now. “I forgive you by the way,” you say, breaking the silence. Sunghoon gives you a toothy smile.
“Good, cause you’re all mine…,” he speaks softly, giving your forehead a kiss. You giggle, smiling at him endearingly. You knew your life was going to be extremely different now. But nothing mattered in the moment but you and him. 
“All yours Hoonie… all yours,” you pull him down, nuzzling into his neck, not caring about the mess the two of you just made all over his bed. Sunghoon picks up his phone, checking the time. His face turns pale. Confused, you took a peak, your face now losing color as well.
*Heeseung sent you a message!*
Heeseung: jfc we could hear the two of you all the way from Jake’s room 🤮
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maxineryx · 8 months
Warnings: Depression, murder
When Suguru Geto fell into a long and dark spiral of despair and misery, you knew exactly what to do.
It was clear that the others hadn’t realised his weird behaviour or even how the depression took a toll on his looks, which seemed slightly stupid to you, but you figured that perhaps they had all been occupied by surviving in the Jujutsu world, rather than worrying about a friend.
However, since you were also a sorcerer, this hadn’t made much sense to you.
You decided to wait until someone else noticed. In the meantime, you tried your absolute best in helping Suguru become happy again, with the will to live in this cruel world. You were his girlfriend after all, and seeing your beloved absolutely shattered made your heart shatter itself.
You talked to him, hugged him, bought him things. You never forced him to say anything he didn’t want to. He was too scared, nervous that perhaps if he told you just a little about how he was feeling, you’d be quick to leave, because his mind was an endless storm full of dark thoughts he would never think to share, even to you.
You asked him about his days, supported him, and tried to make him eat after realising he had lost a ton of weight. Yet nothing worked.
Then soon you found yourself exhausted by completely sacrificing your energy on Suguru, but you would never dare to call it ‘sacrificing’. You swore that if anything happened to him, you wouldn’t forgive yourself for not being able to help.
And after realising that his friends didn’t pick up on any of this, you decided to confront them, because what good friends wouldn’t notice their friend’s soon-to-be downfall?
Satoru didn’t believe you at first.
But after recalling Suguru's behaviour over the past few weeks, Satoru knew that something wasn’t right.
So the both of you attempted to help him. Satoru spent less time on training his Reversed Cursed Technique, instead spending more time with you and Suguru, whilst you just carried on with what you did before consulting with the Six Eyes user.
It was going well. You noticed sudden, but good changes in your boyfriend’s behaviours and appearance. Suddenly the black circles under his tired eyes became less visible each day, and his knotted hair became more smooth and knotless. His weak voice returned to the gentle and caring one he had before, and he started leaving his room more often. Although you knew that there would always be a scar engraved into his heart, you felt nothing more than pride for managing to fix it, to fix your slightly strained relationship, to fix his life before anything unforgettable happened.
On that day when everything turned back to normal, you could finally go to sleep knowing that your boyfriend was back after so many nights of crying and worrying for him. You went to sleep so peacefully, eyes closing instantly after hitting the bed, with a smile on your face.
And when you woke up, you were horrified to hear that your Suguru Geto, the one who you pampered with kisses every day, the one who cried on your shoulder every day, had just committed mass murder.
The news caused you to stagger backwards, supporting yourself against the wall as the startling information sunk in, your breathing coming out in shaky, rapid breaths.
Your mind was racing with all sorts of thoughts.
It was going so well. It was going so well. He was getting better. You thought you helped him.
Did you happen to make it worse?
Was it because of you that they planted an execution on him?
Was it… your fault?
A/N: To the anon who requested a Gojo fic, if you see this, know that I have noted your request down. Im not sure if it will be done quickly, I have many things to do atm, but you will get it soon :)
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ranhaitanisgf · 11 months
ofc i HAD to join on this event 🤩 may i have a scenario for “oblivious ‘best friends’ “ & “getting sick” with inui? where reader FINALLY realizes that inui actually cared for her more than a friend would ? preferably fluff 🛐 TQSM LOVE I APPRECIATE IT [cry] <3
— inui [inupi] seishu // obvlivious best friends // getting sick
[𖤐] ANON THATS SO SWEET !!!! im sorry for disappearing for so damn long !!! i hopeeee yall enjoy this, as i went wayyyy over word limit once again !! i also rewrote this like two hundred million times cuz i was struggling w the vibes idk ... anywho. enjoy my loveliessss xoxooooo
wc ; 1.7k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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inui was worried. 
well, he wasn’t sure that that was quite the word to sum up how he was feeling at the moment, but it was the best he could come up with at the moment. 
his worry had started around a week ago, when you had stopped showing up to toman meetings. it was highly unusual, since even though you took on more of a strategic role rather than a fighting role, you still would attend every meeting to offer your input on different issues and how to solve them. you prided yourself on your intellect and being able to strategize, so the first day you hadn’t shown up, it was already ringing alarm bells in his mind. 
after the second, third, and fourth day, inui was sure that something terrible had happened, and somehow nobody had told him. however, even after asking around all the divisions, and even mikey himself, he concluded that nobody had a clue as to where you were. every time he tried to call your cell, it went straight to voicemail, and all the texts that he sent were still on delivered. 
and so now, as any best friend would do, he showed up at your apartment. 
he had visited a couple times in the last week, repeatedly pressing your doorbell and knocking on the door for what seemed like forever. he didn’t want to intrude into your home, but his worry was getting to its peak, so, as an normal person would do, he decided to break your door down. 
sure, he felt pretty guilty about it, especially since your landlord would probably give you hell about it, but the pros outweighed the cons in this situation. 
pros: he gets to see if you’re safe. 
cons: your landlord gets angry and increases your rent, your door is broken until it gets fixed, your neighbors will be upset (maybe), you might get kicked out of your apartment. 
yeah, in his mind, the pro outweighed the cons. 
with a strong kick, inui swiftly kicked beneath the handle of your door. as expected, it wasn’t the strongest thing, so it opened rather easily, even having the courtesy to stay on the hinges. 
“(y/n)?” his voice rang throughout your apartment, feeling a bit on edge at how messy everything was.
 had someone broken in and kidnapped you? did you get robbed and they ended up abducting you? what if-?
“what…the fuck.” inui’s jumbled thoughts cleared up the moment he heard your voice, (was it a bit more raspy than usual?). you had emerged from your bedroom, a blanket heaped over your shoulders as you blankly stared at him. 
“(y/n)...” without much thinking, inui took a couple hasty steps forward and wrapped his arms around you, relief flooding through him. “do you have any idea how worried i’ve been? why didn’t you pick up any of my calls?” you sniffled a bit in his embrace, making him step back a bit to get a better look at you. 
your eyes were rimmed red, and now that he was paying more attention, he realized that you were really warm. your hair was quite a mess, and despite the thick blanket that you were holding over your shoulders, you seemed to be shivering. 
“well, that’s ‘cause my cell’s been dead and i haven’t charged it.” you jerked a thumb over at the living room couch, which your dead cell phone was laying on. “what’re you even doing here though? did you break the door?” your eyes wandered behind him, seeing your door wide open, looking back at inui as he froze a bit at the question. 
“yeah…i’ll pay for a new one. is this why you haven’t been responding? because you’re sick?” 
“i think you’re smart enough to answer that question yourself.” you mumbled, turning around and walking back to your bedroom. “now, if you’ll excuse me, ‘m gonna go back to sleep…” after taking another couple steps though, you felt yourself stumbling as your vision began to blur. 
your wavering frame was steadied by two arms at your shoulders, quickly leading you to sit down on the edge of your bed. as your vision came back, you noticed inui kneeling in front of you, his brows pinched together with worry as he slipped his cool hand onto your forehead. 
“you’ve had this high of a fever this whole time?” 
“yep…” you could barely keep your eyes open at this point, your head bobbing up and down as you tried to stay awake. 
“hm…just go back to sleep.” 
“will do…” you mumbled, flopping back onto your bed and getting under your blankets. 
inui looked down at you as you passed out almost immediately, feeling worried and a little bit betrayed. why hadn’t you called him? had you been taking care of yourself this whole time? 
he settled onto the edge of your bed, carefully pushing some strands of hair out of your face. gently, he pulled some of your blanket up, tucking you in, the corners of his lips turning up as you buried yourself deeper in the blanket. 
“...up…(y/n)...wake up…” you groaned at the subtle shaking of your body, turning over to try and go back to sleep. “(y/n)? just wake up for a few minutes and you can go back to sleep.” the smell of something good wafted through the air, which was enough to make you slowly open one eye, turning back over.
inui was above you, leaning over as he made sure you were awake. his blue eyes became a bit softer when you finally opened both of your own eyes, staying over you for a moment more than was necessary before leaning back. carefully, he handed you a small bowl of rice, a fried egg on top of it with some soy sauce, handing you a pair of chopsticks. 
“you should eat if you want to get your strength back.” you dug in without another word; the most you had been surviving on in the past week was crackers and cheese, since that was the only thing you were able to eat without doing any sort of cooking. 
however, your eating paused when you felt inui pushing some of your hair to the side, unpeeling a cold pack and carefully sticking it to your forehead. he was a little bit closer than he probably needed to be; you could see the flecks of green in his blue irises, his eyebrows still pinched together a little bit as he looked at you. 
now that you were a little bit more awake, you became quite conscious of how messy your hair was, and even more so noticing how sweaty and gross you were. your fingers ran through your hair, trying your best to take some of the tangles out as you looked to the side, embarrassment flooding through you. you hadn’t called anyone on purpose; you hadn’t exactly wanted anybody to see you like this. 
“er, thanks…” 
“...seishu…?” you questioned, feeling a bit awkward as he seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. he looked back at you from his seat on the edge of your bed, a somewhat faraway look in his eyes. 
“uhm, are you alright…?” at your question, inui opened his mouth, then closed it again, seeming to be thinking about something. he mulled over it for a few more moments, the silence feeling just a tad awkward, before he started to speak again. 
“i wish you had called me.” he said, a tone of hurt in his voice. “i was worried that something may have happened to you…and even if you’re just sick, i just…” inui paused, fiddling a bit with a piece of his hair as his ears turned a bit pink. “...i wish that you would rely on me more.” he sighed, his head pulling down a bit as he stared at the ground. 
the straightforwardness of his words caught you wholly off guard; you had not been expecting that sort of response from him. 
you felt some guilt flood through you at seeing his sadness, laying your chopsticks across your bowl as his words echoed through your head. you supposed that you probably should have just let him know that you were sick instead of trying to disappear for a week or two, since you probably would have also been worried if he had tried to pull a stunt like that. 
“i’m sorry…i just didn’t want anybody to see me like this. i don’t exactly look the best right now, so-” 
“you look good.” 
“...” you stared at the boy seated next to you, trying to find any sort of lie in his eyes. instead, he just kept looking back at you with the most honesty in his eyes, a slight smile across his lips. “you’re a weirdo…” you murmured, feeling your heart skip a beat when you realized that he seemed to be serious with his words, (was your face feeling hot because of your fever?). 
inui didn’t reply to your half-hearted words, instead taking the bowl from your hands and placing it on your bedside table. 
“you should get some rest.” you stayed sitting up for a moment, your eyes tracing over all his fluid movements. his blue eyes suddenly flicked back to you, the eye contact finally breaking the trance you seemed to be in, making you immediately lay back down and cover the bottom half of your face with your blankets. despite the embarrassment you were suddenly feeling, there was also a giddy feeling you felt as you watched inui adjust your blankets, making sure that you were all covered up. 
“are you going to leave?” 
please say no.
“well, no…your door doesn’t close now, and i’m not going to leave you here to let just anybody walk in.” 
“oh, right. forgot about that…” you giggled a bit at inui’s sheepish expression as he stood up, clearing off your bedside table and standing up. 
“get better soon, (y/n).” there was a small smile on his face as he exited, gently closing your door behind him. when you were sure he was gone, you couldn’t help the euphoric smile that spread across your face, pulling your blankets a bit over your face. 
did that really just happen!?
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 7 months
Ok a rant about Cerri bomb and how much I HATE her
In the addict music video she was a very supportive friend of Angel and I loved her in the pilot! I wish we got that supportive best friend to Angel in the final product, but unfortunately she is a woman in a vivziepop show.
She’s AWFUL now I can’t stand her, the way she tried to make Angel relapse was so weird like pilot cherri wouldn’t do that! I also really dislike her design it has to be one of my personal least favourites (not the bottom though nothing is worse than alastors design to me) she isn’t enjoyable to watch anymore she had potential if she’d only been introduced earlier! Imagine if she was introduced in episode 4 and played the supportive friend she was originally supposed to be!
And GOD I hate her ship with pentious, it was SO RUSHED, so poorly done and the ship isn’t very “so cute and in love!!” When you remember she showed literally NO interest in him until Angel brought up that he has 2 dicks, and this is supposed to be a romantic relationship we CARE about.
Cherri didn’t need a romantic relationship she needed CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT we needed to get to know her! If you’ve only seen the show and no other Hazbin media at all (which shouldn’t be required you should be able to get all your info FROM THE SHOW) you’d barely know anything about her character or who she is. I wish we got pilot cherri bomb, and that she got a design update, and that her and pent’s relationship was either taken slower or didn’t happen at all
You silly little creature you, you have me writing in my notes app instead of Tumblr because I’m about to go crazy!
Cherri Bomb. More like Cherri what the hell happened
Anyway I’m gonna tackle this one thing at a time, and also forgive me if I word something weird I just woke up an hour ago at the time of writing this.
First thing, design: I personally quite like her design since it very loosely reminds me of Iris from Ruby Gloom with ofc the one eye, the very rowdy personality and kind of the hair, but those are very broad design choices and its just me remembering some random girl I thought was silly but like Iris did it better.
Okay now second thing and then we go into literally everything else: My blog has been an angry pit of despair for everything in Episode 6 as of recent so let’s tap into that again 🤏 just a little. I am going to give my classic centrist opinion and say I don’t mind Cherri Bomb all that much but I absolutely get why people dislike her, and I mean this in the kinda way as people who dislike… Idk Fukuchi from BSD. WILD jump in fandoms but gimme a second. I can’t 100% say that Cherri Bomb in the pilot was better than the series since we have no idea if maybe for some reason she was intended to be like that offscreen, but judging by the pilot and “Addict” alone, it’s very unlikely. I could see her maybe being a bad influence at times and being like “Loosen up dude we’re in hell and its Friday” or something (idk if they have Friday in hell but everyday is probably Monday 🥁) but overall I feel like she’d end up apologising for it. However on the other side of things, I can understand why Cherri did that in Episode 6. Of course not to say this is okay, but Cherri is still very clearly not in the “redemption” mindset. She’s happy the way she is and is really only focused on certain aspects of issues. We see her comfort Angel in “Addict” but thats basically the extent of it. Cherri’s definition of “self-care” seems to be less of actually taking care of yourself and more like just letting go and having fun instead which really only gives a momentary fix to the issue, much like how substances can be abused. Do you kinda see what im getting at? Cherri offering Angel drugs while he’s trying not to relapse is not okay, full stop. But her reasoning as to why makes a bit of sense for her purpose in the show which is honestly not much, since, as you said, she is a woman in a Vivziepop show.
To my knowledge Cherri is like 30-ish years younger than Angel Dust in Hell experience so she’s likely not reached a point where she’s gotten tired of how things work, as well as the fact we don’t really have much of an idea on her backstory aside from that random shot in “Addict” of that guy in a puddle??? But generally she seems to be in a better position than Angel is, so there isn’t really any reason for her to want to change, yknow? I will say I do like exploring characters that are good friends while still being bad influences at times, but I’m going to be honest I feel like thats really not what Angel needs right now. I wouldn’t be as pissy about it if she did end up apologising afterwards (I’m just gonna headcanon she did for my sanity) but even then as Angel’s friend we don’t know like… anything about her. I would’ve really liked to get some kind of callback to the pilot where Cherri mentions she thought Angel was dead until the random Sir Pentious turf war, and maybe we could see her actually being worried about Angel again instead of those 3 frames in “Addict”, but Hazbin is rushed and I guess we don’t have time for that. And also YES it would’ve been great to see her in Episode 4 and actually doing something but again, Vivziepop is boring.
Going forward I would really like to see Cherri, if not become a patron, at least try to be a better friend and sure if she wants to keep doing stuff she can keep doing it, but just don’t encourage other people to relapse. It is very simple.
SIR PENTIOUS! About Sir Pentious, this is going to be incredibly short. I don’t hate the ship but also I’m not really crazy about any of the Hazbin Hotel ships? I also don’t really hate any except for the genuinely horrid ones but thats basic sense. I absolutely agree with you, Cherri does not need a romantic interest. Romance doesn’t always = growth and growth should not always = romance. She needs some genuine character TLC and I hope to god she gets some in season 2. We’ve only seen a few minutes of her so I have yet to give a firm opinion, but as of now I’m just hoping they do something actually interesting with her instead of just alluding to Sir Pentious ship. Also the penis thing. 1. What was that, and 2. It made me and my friends briefly pause to sex Sir Pentious and come to the conclusion he is likely transgender/hj
TLDR; Please give us a fun Cherri Bomb again. ☹️
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kuureii · 1 year
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We all die someday dont we?…
(riko!yuu au)
Yuus 18 in my au
Warnings: Angst, Blood, Gore, No happy ending,
Side note: riko amanai does not belong to me, she belongs to gege akutami and jjk alone, i only use her as a oc claim in my au
They say you never know when your going to die in life, its either two things: You can grow old or die early. Thats the cycle of life isn’t it?
I knew from the moment i was able to comprehend what my purpose was is that i was nothing but a placeholder or a vessel for someone on the jujutsu society…. Yuu Amanai…the “Star plasma vessel “ for master tengen, he has a reputation for a god-like figure on the jujutsu society.
How unfair.
Is that my true purpose in life..? Just a vessel for him?
I always wanted to see the world..i wanted to see its beauty..i want to see everything it hides.
I wanted to live the life i truly want to live…with misato by my side, gojo and sujuru too… i want to run away from the fate that waits for me..
But not every wish can be granted right?
I died young…the fate that i so wanted to run away from made its choice.
Yuu amanai..age 18.. a shot to the head is the cause of my death…killed by toji fushiguro.
Selfish bastards from the jujutsu society rejoiced for my death. Some mourned
I know its Gojo and Suguru.
I know my death affected them.
After all, they were the ones supposed to protect me aren’t they? I dont blame them.
I never did.
They cared for me like im their sister, not a vessel or a placeholder for master tengen, they see me as yuu amanai and fulfilled my last wishes.
I wanted to run away with them
Its so unfair….
Somehow, its like the gods pitied me and gave me a chance..they placed my soul into a new world…and made me attend a new school
Night Raven College
A school that worships the villains (Great 7).. Can’t say my journey was quite unique during my time there.. waking up in a coffin and being nearly burnt to death by a raccoon. And also being known as the “magicless prefect” and the only girl in an all-boys school..
Turns out that raccoon became my familiar and soon turned into the closest family member i have in this world.. Grim..oh how i love him..
I made many friends in that school. Ace and Deuce being the closest friends i have..our friendship started rocky but in the end, im happy i met them..
I wasn’t lying when i said my journey was eventful in that world haven’t i?
Somehow people had mental issues in this school. And being the magicless prefect i am, i had no choice but to help them.
Overblot followed by another overblot
The cycle never ends. But in the end i was able to help and become friends with them along the way..
Along the journey i made,i gained a lot of male admirers from this school my friends slowly being some of them
I tried to ignore it seeing as they haven’t had any female contact for once in a while
Besides they look at me like im the prettiest girl they have ever seen
Im pretty I admit, but not that pretty
Why cant they understand that…they’re liking someone who’s originally dead..?
Months pass by as the overblots have somehow reduced in this school, i was finally able to get the rest i deserved..i was finally happy
But that happiness didn’t last long.
The final overblot happend, Much to everyone’s nightmare
The 7th overblot being Malleus draconia.
He put everyone to sleep including me, so i gotta do what i gotta do.
I have to fix it.
To my suprise, i found out a lot about malleus.His past, his secrets,his origins, his mother, everything about him.
After a while with the help of sebek and silver, i was able to snap him back to reality.. i saved someone again.
I saved everyone again. I was finally able to wake up everyone, I was finally able to wake up again.
Why cant i..!
Why cant i wake up…!?
This is bad…did my fate caught up again..?!
Am i dead too in this world…??!
NO..!! WAKE UP…!
My pleas went deaf to the ears of the gods.. i sobbed as the darkness finally ate my body whole..
I wasnt….able to…say goodbye…Again.
Soon enough the darkness flooded my senses, enveloping my soul whole, like a blanket of despair and sadness…my soul sinked onto the abyss once again…killing me entirely.
Yuu amanai..dead at 18 reborn onto another world as a second chance..died once again at age 19. Closed eyes like she was sleeping but this time.. She wont be waking up ever again as her soul passes away at an eternal slumber.
“Good night yuu..its time for you to rest”..a voice whispered so sweetly at her ear as she took her last final breath in the world of twisted wonderland
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kookblurx · 1 year
always and forever - kth
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→ SUMMARY: Falling in love with him was easy.... so easy that it didnt felt real in the end.
→ GENRE: one-sided love, drama, sadness, heart break
→ RATING: 13
→ NOTE: hey guys, so i came up with a new theme and yes i deleted arranged marriage. im really sorry to everyone who wanted to keep up with it but i needed some change. i will upload one shots from now on and maybe some short fics about various kpop groups ( ofc also about BTS ). hope you will enjoy them.
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meeting him felt like a truck had hit you. full speed into the right spots. seeing his smile while he talked with the others in the office, stole your breath as you hid behind your computer screen. you could see the little sparkles in his eyes whenever someone cracked a joke. after a week you could memorize what his favourite coffee was and how he always made his way to the snack corner, first thing in the morning. it was weird. you knew all his habits but his name was still a mistery to you. you were never interested in the man who worked in your company but something about him was different. how he talked, walked, how he treated everyone with respect and how he always had a bright smile on his face. it made your heart skip a beat ever single time. it felt like you were back in highschool, experiencing your firsl love all over again.
the moment of truth came as you were ordered to bring some documents to the floor he was working in. your hands became sweaty as the elevator slowly reached the 5th floor. would he be happy to receive the documents from someone as plain looking as you? nervously you fixed your hair in the mirror before the doors slowly opened. it was now or never. pressing the folder against your chest, you made your way over to his desk. of course he was surrounded by other co workers, especially woman. for a moment you stopped. it would be so easy to give the documents to someone else, telling them you are in a hurry. no. like this you will never be able to ask him for his name. taking a deep breath your feet carried you over to the crouded desk. pushing yourself past the other woman in their pencil skirts, you finally managed to get to him. clumsy as you were, it was inevitable that you bumped against his shoulder.
"Im sorry"
you mumbled while pressing the folder against your chest. instead of getting mad at you he flashed you with his beautiful smile again, before reaching out his hands.
"thank you ... uh ..."
this was your chance to introduce yourself, to finally take a step closer to getting to know him. as the other woman looked you up and down ... your voice became stuck inside your throat. they were all so beautiful compared to yourself. he surely doesnt want to know your name, he had plenty of company. his eyes, however, were still glued to you, waiting for an answer.
"Me? ... Oh im Y/N"
"Thats a beautiful name. I'm Kim Taehyung"
since that day everything changed. you finally had the courage to greet him in the mornings and even spent your lunchbreaks with him. taehyung was an easy going guy who, to your suprise, didnt liked the attention he got from the other female workers. he preferred to be alone but he was fine with your company. you were easy to talk to and didnt tried to get into his "pants". your days had been filled with so much joy that you wished that this would never pass. that you two would keep continuing like this.
"You know .. I dont even get it. Why do they all seem interested in me? The day i got here.. suddenly everyone swarmed me. Not only the females but also my male co workers"
taehyung kept munching on an apple piece you had shared with him while he kept ranting about the attention he got from his co workers. like he did every single day. you couldnt help but laugh at it everytime. it was funny that a guy like him wasnt aware how he effected others with his presence. he wasnt even aware that your heart nearly jumped out of your chest whenever his fingertips accidentally touched yours.
everything could had be perfect, it could had stayed like this forever. just the two of you spending their lunchbreaks together and hanging out in bars after work. that was enough for you, at least for the time being. after a while taehyung stopped spending his lunchbreaks with you. no one knew where he always went during his breaks but taehyung was always back on time when the break ended. somehow he looked brighter than before, he was literally glowing whenever he had the time to meet you. something had happened in his life and it made you feel uneasy.
it was one of those nights you two spent at your favourite bar. the air was chilly as they were annoucing the first few days of december. sipping on your glass of alcohol your gaze went over to taehyung. even today he was more busy with his phone than talking with you, everything you said hitted a wall. it was hopeless. something, or someone was keeping him on his feet. grabbing your glass more tightly you made a decision. nearly at the same time the two of you turned around to face each other
"Taehyung I - ... !"
"YN ... You know- ..."
blinking in suprise you started to laugh. finally he had looked up from his phone to talk with you.
"You go first. You were on your phone the whole time so .. tell me, whats up"
suddenly taehyung became extremely nervous, you never saw him like this before. his cheeks grew red and he kept fidgeting with his phone inside his hands. somehow he seemed ... in love? no that cant be right? someone like taehyung wouldnt fall in love that easily with someone like you.
"You see ... I ... met someone! Thats why im always on my phone. She is really sweet and we both hitted it off immediately after i met her in a bar. I didnt knew if i should tell anyone about it yet but ... you are basically my best friend so .. i thought you should know it first!"
best friend. hearing those words from the person you love the most, sent daggers through your heart. with all the strenght you had left, you gave him a smile.
"Thats ... Thats awesome! Im happy for you Taehyung"
that night you cried into your pillow as your heart shattered into tiny little pieces. it was your fault. your fault for not telling him sooner, for being happy to just spend time with him .. it was your fault for thinking he would be by your side forever.
as expected it spread like a bush fire that kim taehyung found himself a girlfriend. she was a beautiful woman who worked one floor underneath your office. beside her appearance she was also really kind and tried to befriend you. she said "friends of taehyung are my friends too!" it made you sick to your stomach that she was literally perfect. perfect for him.
days, weeks and months went by without a single change. your heart still ached whenever you saw taeyhung in the parking lot with his girlfriend. they always held hands with each other or he kept embracing her as he said goodbye. you thought that, after 5 months, it would become easier. it didnt. for you, taeyhung was the perfect guy. a guy you could picture a future with but he wasnt meant for you. you two werent meant for each other. if fate would had wanted that .. it would had given you the courage to confess to him sooner. that woman was his destiny. you were just a by stander in his story. a friend. a best friend.
after a year of working in the same company, taehyung announced his engagement with her. everyone was invited to the wedding, including you. you wanted to decline but it didnt felt right. like in the past you were too scared to speak up. you didnt wantes to ruin his happiness. taehyung was too important to you, even now after all this time.
the wedding was beautiful. taehyung and his wife were beautiful. looking up at the sky while the freshly married couple shared a dance, a tear rolled down your cheek. it felt bittersweet watching the love of your life getting married to someone else. carefully someone placed a hand on your shoulder, quickly you wiped away your tears. after turning around you noticed that it was one of your co workers. in all this chaos of the last year you had forgotten his name. a soft smile was seen on his face as he gently squeezed your shoulder
"it hurts huh?"
"what do you mean?"
with a motion of his head he pointed at the newly wed couple
"that girl over there, the bride.. i had a crush on her for weeks. sadly it never worked out"
you werent really sure if you heard that right. fate was a tricky thing who liked to hurt people in the messiest ways. but it also loved to bring together the people who needed each other the most. with a smile on your face, you faced the stranger as he offered to go over to the bar to grab some drinks.
after the wedding the stranger you met there kept visiting you at your desk. by now you finally were able to get his name. he was Hoseok, in short, Hobi from the same floor as you. he worked as a secretary for the boss so you hadnt seen him much around. healing each others hearts wasnt an easy task but it was better than handling it alone. none of you could avoid gazing at the person you lost. whenever taehyung walked past you or the woman ... one of you always followed them with their eyes.
love hurts. one sided love hurts. it shatters your heart into million little pieces. while one person is happy, the other drowns in sadness. it took you 3 years to finally fell out of love with taehyung. him switching companies also helped a little bit. you two still talk sometimes. not often but taehyung made sure to meet you at least 4 times a month. the last time you saw him he told you about the baby which was growing inside his wifes belly. he sounded so happy as you tried to swallow the tears and the sadness. even if you got over him, seeing him so happy and sharing stories about his family .. still stung a little bit.
the contact between you two became less and less .. and finally after 5 years ... it stopped. you hadnt heard from him. he never called back and you didnt even knew how he was. if he still worked in the same company, if he moved .. if he was still together with her, nothing. while living your life to the fullest you never had managed to get rid of the photo you took of him one summer day. from time to time you took it out of your drawer. remembering the good times you two shared with each other. despite everything ... you still hoped that he kept his bright smile. no matter where he was right now. you hoped ... he would never lose it.
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angelpuns · 1 year
RAAAAAAAAAAAAH CASEY JR BEING SO SWEET--- Ranting anon DID see your post abt the commentary stuff btw and IM SO GLAD YOU APPRECAITE THESE!! (ngl was starting to feel like it'd get annoying soon lol-) but INTO ANALYZING! Omg Casey Jr being so sweet in the new update! He's so understanding and kind and actually asks Leo "Hey, what's up, what are you doing" and asking him stuff instead of telling him things like the bros tried to do I just KOIJHUGY- Lil Leo is so sweet! He just wants his family back man and the fact that he's already so open with CJ proves that it isn't hard to get him to talk, you just have to prove you're trustworthy! And CJ did! Lil man just wants to go home and the fact that his reasoning for trying to unbrainwash his dad is always that someone else needs him, not that Leo needs him! That little detail just shows off how bad he wants to be a hero and how he wants his real family back and I just K,MNJHBG MY HEART!!!! Plus that he just wants to go home, man he's a tiny little kid he's gonna get tired and frustrated so quickly and now at least he can rely on Cj for just a little! I love everything so much- K,,JMNHGBV you've stolen my heart, thief- /pos
oh you just wait until later NO SPOILERS BUT YOU JUST WAIT CAUSE!! I am so excited about CJ and Leo's lil arc here it is so so so so important-
CJ: what are you doin
CJ: makes sense makes sense
I def feel like if he'd had more time to talk with Leo, Mikey would be in a similar situation of at LEAST being able to have Leo explain to him how he's feeling. like Mikey will never fully get it and I think Leo knows that to some degree. KIDS ARE P EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT OKAY
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retrospectiveintolife · 8 months
Welcome to Samdalri
this is my review of welcome to samdalri kdrama.
review without spoilers:
Its a healing drama set in the coastal areas of Jeju where the lands meet the sea. Because of that there are plenty of scenic shots of waves rolling and underwater shots of fishes and haenyos. however the most healing part of the drama is the warm best friend to lovers plotline that has to endure separation, loss and misunderstandings. They're backed up by their wonderful power rangers squad ready to drop everything at a moments notice to help one of them. Its a refreshing take on friendships thats very welcoming. its a must watch when life is hectic and you just want to have a good time with a kdrama.
Now, about the kdrama itself,
This is the only kdrama of Ji Chang Wook that I've liked after healer. Healer was amazing and is easily one of my top 10 kdramas of all time. I haven't liked a single drama of his after that. not that he's a bad actor. he's amazing but his recent choice of dramas were not exactly my type. So I've avoided them like a plague . So I trusted Shin Hye Sun and started this drama and I'm so glad I did. I got reminded of how amazing of an actor Ji Chang Wook and rewatched healer at once. I missed watching Ji Chang Wook on screen, is all.
And, I think the rest of the casting is also perfect. Ko Mi Kyung as Ko Mi Ja absolutely stole the show. the side storyline of her friendship with Bu Mi Ja was not only relevant to the plot but also an important factor for me to love this drama so much. rarely portrayed well is female friendships in kdramas. This friendship is reverent to me. She is also easily one of the best kdrama mothers I've seen. I don't know about anything else but if i become a mother, i hope to god i am able to create a safe environment for my kids so they can confidently come to me to when they're having a tough time, knowing I wouldn't judge them and that i will try my best to help them with it, like Ko Mi Ja.
as for the storyline I loved the pacing. the main character is going through a very hard time in life where she is misunderstood by everyone around her. the drama takes its time to show us how she falls apart, repents and tries to fix things and when none of that works, how she gets gets over it, because that's the only way out. Not an uncommon theme for kdramas, the "finding myself " theme has been employed multiple time but rarely done well.
the romance plots of her sisters were also well done and my absolute favorite thing of all is that there were no shots of the second lead pathetically crying over her. Hes one of my favorite second leads of all time, along with Han Seo Jun from true beauty.
Im not sure of the official ratings but this drama was definitely a 10/10 for me.
definitely check out this drama if youre into stuff like
best friends to lovers
slow burn and angst
good female friendships
first love
happy ending
found family and original supportive family
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hoeforalbedo · 2 years
zodiac — leo ( im not well informed abt the moon, sun, rising stuff lol )
initials — kw
deck — aphrodite ( second )
personality — both emotionally and materially, i am a genius. big claims, ik but no ones gonna brag for me so ill simply take it upon myself ;) ive also been told that im very conversational w the way i have friends that r all so different, but im also incredibly literal and pretentious so its a small wonder how i dislike people so silently.
im heavily opinionated and enjoy arguing w someone in a way that makes them wish they kept their mouth shut ;) i love material things such as the value of education or money in abundance, it always made me feel sure of myself.
id like tartaglia from gi pls !!
sorry if it was a mouthful, but this was very fun :)
A/N: Shawty I love your attitude I swear. Also I definitely agree with the last paragraph. Having money is like that sort of reward you get after working hard to get where you are. Nothing wrong with having those values for money. I’m a bit materialistic myself.
"It was worth a try."
"I loved you since we were kids."
"Honest feelings and bad timing makes the most painful combination."
Warning: Arguing, Angst no comfort, I’m so sorryyy
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You both were once genuinely in love. Key word, was. When both of you got into a relationship, it was much different than being friends. When you guys first met, you were just innocent children you saw the world as nothing but cupcakes and rainbows. That was until Tartaglia fell into the Abyss. When he came back, he was different. No matter how many times he tries to act like his old self, there was always that lack of light in his eyes and all his words were all just lies.
Still, you love him and he said yes because he does have some sort of feelings for you. He knew that he’s still fucked up and he knew the dangers of being involved with you but at the same time, he needs you and so he hid everything. He continued to deny his past and every single day, you wake up to a cold bed and a cold house, wondering, worrying where the fuck he is. 
When he’s home, he genuinely tries to make you happy and even when he’s away he would send you expensive gifts. As much as you loved being spoiled by him, what’s the point when he’s not there? 
When he left for a whole week, each night you would stay awake in hopes that you’d be able to catch him when he walks through the door and give him the biggest hug. Unfortunately that never happened. As the days past, the more you lacked sleep and the more you lost hope.
The night he finally came back, he caught you in the living room with you back to him. You heard him though. “What type of job takes you a whole week without coming home and always leaving you all bloody and bruised?”
“It’s just some hustle, Y/N. No need to worry,” He laughs it off and once he makes his way in front of you, it was no longer a surprise that he had cuts and bruises and his past scars. 
“I don’t understand why that side hustle leaves you coming home on the brink of death,” You say, your voice never changing yet your eyes say all the emotions there is. “Are you part of the fatui?”
“Don’t think of me as stupid because I know, Tartaglia.” You know his job is wrong. He may have killed people and that leaves a bad taste in your mouth. You have values and despite your love for Childe, you can’t handle the fact that he’s dangerous.
“So what if I am? Are you going to go like everyone else?” 
“Wait no I can be better. I’ll be better for you! I love you Y/N!” He begs but once your mind is set, there’s no turning back.
“It was worth a try but you need to fix your shit up.” It may have come out very harsh but you didn’t go back on your words.
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captainb00ger · 9 months
man i know i should give you up, and just let you go. it hurts more to try to keep you around more than it ever did when you cheated on me, because your hearts turning cold. you used to light up my world, now when i see you with him my day turns cold and tears fill in my eyes. you’ll never care the way you used too, and i think im still mourning the person i thought you were. i was so ready to change my whole life.. went to rehab and was so excited too start our new chapter, but you were never faithful even when you said we couldn’t be together if i was doing drugs & when we got out of rehab you already were living a new life with new dudes.. giving all of you away, while i was pining for you.. planning what amazing lives we would have now that we were sober & happy.. i thought you were sleeping at night while i was sending you paragraphs about how much i love you, and how proud of us i was that we finally were gonna do something about our out of control life’s.. come to find out you had a dick in your mouth and every other part of you.. while telling me you fucking love me. that’s not fucking love, you don’t fucking love me & honestly you never have.. unless your definition of love is shitting on the people you “love”…. i hate that i was the last to know, because im always the last to know, and that’s just another example that we don’t see each other the same way. i saw you as my other half, the best part of my fucking day, the person i wanna share every aspect of my life in.. clearly you just don’t see me as your best friend, or you just don’t know what that means. i just wish you would have never given me the false hope that you were ever serious about me. i lost you over night, while i was trying to get myself together you just couldn’t wait a month. i was getting better for us, but thank you for giving me the push i needed to be better, even if i have to give that part of myself to somebody else.
i will never forget how happy i was that i was gonna get the chance i never had with you; sober & happy.. sober for the first time in 10 years, and you couldn’t even wait for me before you went and fucked somebody else, and i get it you went through a bunch of shit, but so was i. dealing with fucking ian. and trying to make sure he was staying away, and i did that for you. everything i do is for you.. somehow you have the nerve to say im selfish, and how much of an asshole i am, yet i have over 300 screenshots of you sending pictures, telling people you wanna see them, and the fucking icing on the cake was calling me fat, and talking about how dumb i am & that i’ll never find out about what you’re doing behind my back. you have really done some fucked up shit, but that night you broke me, and what broke you will never be able to fix you.
that ends tonight. this year i will remeber how to love me, so i never have to wonder if im good enough. i wont have to worry about how much weight im putting on, because its just your opinion. this year i will rely more on myself, and learn to be content with the fact that you choose this, and in a way, you keep choosing this.. i have tried so hard to get the chance i thought i so desperately deserved, but i deserve somebody who will choose me, no matter my weight, how much drugs i have, or how much money is in my bank account, because those things don’t define me, and aren’t the most important things in my life. too bad you have made it abundantly clearly that’s all that matters to you right now. i hope for your sake of having a genuine friend like me, you’ll see the error of your ways, but ill never wait around for you th way i have been EVER AGAIN.
this year i will love me, and not ever live by somebody else’s expectations ever again, because i will just be effortlessly me, and unapologetically at that too.
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darkartistyt · 10 months
welcome back to atticus explaining shit that no one asked about! our subject today: theodore sanchez
i need to infodump about my son okay
cw: mentions of child death and undeath, slight body horror (i think? im not entirely sure what to classify it as tbh)
i wont go into excruciating detail about any of this, but i figured i should give a warning regardless
i dont remember if ive ever posted art of him on tumblr but those whove seen my artfight profile may have seen this boyo before
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have you ever wondered, "hey atticus, what the hell is up with the scar? like half his face is missing!" well it all has to do with my boy's duterogonist tragic backstory (tm)
born theodore maddison, theo lived through a happy early childhood. his parents, while not terribly wealthy, still had plenty of money at their disposal and had no issues spoiling the kid. he had no siblings, but he got along well with his classmates and had plenty of friends.
one summer, when he was just about to turn seven, him and his parents got into a car wreck in which none of them survived. however, theo was destined to become a member of the Great Prophecy, so obviously he couldnt stay dead forever, and who better to revive him than the magical embodiment of death itself?
reaper (the magic he was destined to obtain) suddenly becomes aware that its destined user has perished and rushes to see if it can fix things. unfortunately, it realised what had happened and where they were buried way too late, so the souls of his parents had already deteriorated and their spirits moved on. and theo, being a small child and thus having a stronger soul, was close enough to complete death that reaper had to act fast. it worked, but at the cost of his soul being fractured
reaper also teleported his body above ground and held him close to try to keep him warm while he slowly woke up
theo had no idea what the hell just happened. all he knew was that he was weak, freezing, kinda hungry, and in the arms of some kind of magical entity. he was certainly afraid, but he was too exhausted to panic. reaper was still able to sense it and, via telepathy, tried to assure him that everything was going to be okay
...yeah emphasis on tried because things were certainly not okay. for one, while reaper did what it could to heal his physical injuries sustained from the crash, it was unable to completely heal the side of his face that had gotten practically torn off, and the incomplete healing left him with a huge scar and some exposed bone, though it was able to restore his eye. in fact, a lot of the spells reaper tried to cast were unable to be completed because of the soul issue. if it were to push too much, it could accidentally break it further, which would render the revival process null. secondly, as the duo came to learn, a fractured soul does a lot worse than fuck with spells used on the person; theo will occasionally be hit with spells of dizziness, his body will become extremely cold, and he'll lose the ability to breath all at the same time. thankfully, reaper is able to keep the poor kid from re-dying, and they eventually learned that this stuff is often triggered by extreme stress or a magic overpower
over the coming years, the two grew closer, reaper being theo's sole protector. it also tried to fix the soul issue, but to no avail, so instead it made a promise that as soon as hes ready to accept it as his magic, it will do everything in its power to protect him. (it was going to do that anyway tho but it figured it would be more successful acting as an internal force than an external one)
little baby theo lived on the streets for a while, not knowing how to get back home and eventually giving up. reaper acted as his mentor, teaching him what was edible and what wasnt, how to avoid people, how to use shapeshifting to hide the scar, and how to steal food without getting caught. he didnt last long before being spotted and sent to an orphanage, however
a few years later, when he was 12, he was adopted by ash's family. from them, he met new friends like lucas and his soon-to-be boyfriend ray as well as their older sisters, callie and dee-dee. callie was the first to realise he was also a prophecy member, though that didnt happen until he was 15
around that time, dee-dee and callie would get in fights a lot, most often with callie initiating them. theo, trusting dee-dee over callie, sided with her in pretty much any dispute, especially if it was Prophecy-related. during one of their fights, callie tried to hit dee-dee with magic and missed in a fit of rage, accidentally hitting theo right in his eye instead. she ended up completely burning it, to the point that reaper was unable to salvage it at the time
so now theo's half-blind, though he managed to work out an arrangement with reaper to grant it the ability to see out of its replacement for the eye so long as theo keeps control over its movements and reaper sends him information about what it sees when needed
another neat little thing is that the symbol in the eye changes based on his emotions. the default is an "x" because theo said so (pirate special interest go brrrrrrr)
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gogomeaty · 1 year
Do you mind telling about your oc headcanons?
Well it wouldn't be headcanons but actual canon for them, and i don't have too much rn because im still planning lore.
She was the princess of the Moon and she wasn't okay with everything the absolute monarchy get to do with the people so there was several occasions she had argues with her dad, the king, who was getting sick of her attitude even when it was assured that some day she would be the queen and do whatever the way she wanted. But she wanted to do the right thing at that moment and hidden from her father she always got to the city and help the people.
And after everything she did the father punished her with banishing her from the moon which he did at some point. That's all i have for now for her, I have ideas for what happen after that but i need to write down and think of if better because it have serious themes I prefer to make everything right while writing.
She lived in Jupiter, her natal planet, when she met Dhekea meanwhile Dhekea was being moved through planets to get to planet the father wanted her to be isolated (i haven't thought of it, probably would be Pluto) and even if it was prohibited to talk to the old princess she got a way to do it.
My idea is that Unri helped Dhekea to get out of all the translation thing but i don't know yet how but from there they become friends and stayed together.
She was rescued by Dhekea when she was still a little girl living by herself in the streets of Saturn and since they got together she was like a mother to her also why Unri is like a sister to her because the two were together when they found baby Aileen.
Aileen is originary from the Moon as well but her parents wanted to scape the horrible situation of it and decide to move to Saturn but everything went wrong with it because Saturn people weren't okay with Moon people moving there in case the monarchy went to that planet searching for fugitives (thing that happen but it's a serious theme so i have to work very hard on it that's why I'm not talking more about it now, still working on it)
Saturn originary, helping to the development of the entire planet in science and other stuff but the impact on the Moon monarchy in Saturn and it's disaster made her traumatized at the point of not talking again and nobody knew how to help to make her talk or communicate in a efficient way so the science university or whatever she were with kicked her out and all she helped now was work of said university and the recognition was snatched from her hands.
Dhekea showed Christy how to talk telepathically because doing it was only something high standard people were able to do to keep information out of low people ears, also from everything that happen with her recognition she become colder and have problems making bonds and trusting peoole.
She's from Uranus and everything was fine and happy for her in comparison to the rest but one day her parents gifted her a small ovni, so, excited Selenite decided to try it for the first time; she didn't know how to use it obviously and even when their parents tried to stop her to ride it she did it anyway.
The ovni crashed into the earth and it went days inside the ovni scared to go out of it till one day a excited voice outside called her attention making Selenite to peek out and realize it was a human, making her to panic while the boy outside only screamed "SELENITE, A SELENITE!!!".
Eventually the boy was the only who help her to fix the ovni and they became friends,,,, then a couple. SO yeah Selenite name is not Selenite but her human boyfriend called her that the first time they met so now she says that's her name even tho she have say him she's not from the Moon but from Uranus which it only made the boy laugh bc yknow the joke with Uranus; Selenite didn't understand at the beginning but now it's one of her personal jokes.
The real name is Qalea.
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hookingminor · 3 years
how i look on you - tyson jost
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a/n: im gonna run out of josty gifs for all my fics lmfao I literally do hate everything I write but alex said it was okay <3 this is also dedicated to my polaroid anon u know who u are I love u so much baby cakes this is for youuuu no broken jaws here bc how else would he eat pussy happy bday to my pretty boy (affectionate)
word count: 4.8k
summary: just bday smut guys idk what else to say
warnings (18+): very nsfw, smut (unprotected + oral), cream pie, use of a camera for nudes? idk how to say that it’s just A Lot
Everything was in place. Light music filled the bedroom as you fixed the finishing touches: lighting the last of the candles and spreading the last of the rose petals on the bed. It was a bit much for a birthday and a little cliche, but you thought you’d go all out since you technically didn’t get Tyson a gift.
He was just so hard to shop for. Literally impossible. He always shrugged it off when you asked what he wanted because he genuinely didn’t want anything. All he cared about was spending time with you and maybe going to a nice dinner or having a quiet night in, which was honestly insufferable when you wanted to give him something as nice as what he always gave you.
Instead, he gave you nothing when you pestered him about ideas that you eventually gave up asking. But in your opinion, you’d really outdone yourself this year.
You hadn’t seen Tyson all day except for when you left his apartment earlier this morning, needing to get your day started just as much as he needed to get to practice. The game last night had ended in a win, which meant a little extra press for the boys afterwards, and Tyson had been so tired by the time you’d been able to meet him at his place that you just fell asleep when you hit the bed. You couldn’t even ring in his birthday properly because he was snoring on your chest. He may have tried a little something in the morning, but he blew his chance by waking up too late.
“You’ll just have to wait until tonight, pretty boy,” you pouted with fake sympathy.
“Unfair. It’s my birthday,” he whined.
“Then you should’ve woken up half an hour earlier,” you said. “Now get going before you’re even more late.” He groaned the entire time getting ready, shooting you annoyed puppy eyes from the bathroom as you lounged in his bed and stared at him with a heated look that was practically begging him to join you back in bed.
You’d left his apartment about an hour after him to get on with your day, which was essentially some minimal work before you began birthday preparations. Tyson was at practice and then out to lunch with the team, and you made him promise he’d spend the afternoon calling his family before he made his way to yours to pick you up for dinner.
Only you wouldn’t be having dinner because you had something else in mind.
With one last adjustment of your hair and outfit, you did a little twirl in the mirror to hype yourself up. You were a little nervous, to be honest. You hadn’t exactly done anything like this before, and it was a little daunting.
Your nerves spiked when you heard Tyson’s staccatoed knocking on the front door just a few moments before he let himself in.
“Babe?” He called, and you heard the jingling of his keys hitting the table.
“In my room!” You shouted back. You turned towards the mirror one last time and took a deep breath. Now or never.
Footsteps sounded as he drew closer, and you perched yourself on the edge of the bed and leaned back on your arms.
“Are you almost rea—” His words cut off as he came to a halt right in the doorway. “Woah, what’s all this?” Tyson stood before you in his signature plaid pants, paired with a black turtleneck and you had half a mind to jump him right there looking like that.
“Your birthday present,” you replied simply, smoothing out the sheets beneath your hands.
“I thought we were going out to dinner?” He asked, still a little confused as he took in the sight before him of you adorning an Avalanche jersey, of course with his number and name on it.
“Clearly, it was a ruse. Are you really going to ask about dinner right now when I’m sitting here like this?” You tossed back with a smirk.
Tyson shook his head furiously. “Absolutely not.”
“Then come here.”
As if sense were knocked back into him, he came alive at your request. He wasted no more time before approaching you, moving to stand between your legs while his eyes glazed over your body. “New jersey?” He asked, letting his fingers tug at the material on your shoulder. You nodded.
Tyson bought you nearly every jersey of his, the standard jersey, the white version, the Nordiques one, but for some reason you didn’t own the navy third one, so you brought it upon yourself to buy it for tonight.
“So are you my present? Do I get to unwrap you like a gift?”
“Yes, but I have a little something extra for you.” He raised an eyebrow at your coy reply, and you turned on your hands to crawl a few feet towards the box resting on the nightstand. Tyson let out a shaky groan when your jersey slid up a few inches, giving him just a glimpse of the lace you had on underneath.
You returned with the package in your hands, holding it out for Tyson to take. He undid the ribbon, shooting glances between you and the box and pulling out a simple polaroid camera.
“What’s this for?” He wondered with furrowed brows.
Pulling him closer by his belt loops, you untucked his shirt and ran your hands over his bare abdomen. “You know how you have a few pictures of me in your ‘taxes’ folder?” He nodded. “I thought you might like something a little more… permanent.”
“Are—Are you sure?” His eyes widened when he realized what you were implying, and he was now looking at the camera in his hand like it was a million dollar watch.
“I trust you,” you reassured him, letting your hands dip back to his waistband. “Just try not to get my whole face or anything in the more explicit ones you wanna take, but other than that you’re free to do whatever you want to me tonight. But you better make it count because there are only ten film slides in there.”
“Anything, huh? You sure about that?” There was a dangerous gleam in his eyes.
“Mhm,” you hummed with a smirk. “You can have me however you want. You’re in charge tonight.”
“Well then, if that’s the case…” he trailed off, devouring you with his eyes. “I know what I want my first picture to be. Turn around and get on all fours.”
You eagerly obliged, flipping over and crawling up the bed. You wiggled your ass at him as an invitation, to which he chuckled. The bed dipped behind you as he kneeled on the mattress, hands immediately grabbing your waist to tug you back against his crotch. A deep groan of pleasure sounded from his throat, a soft mewl from yours, and he spent a few seconds squeezing your ass before he picked up the camera again.
He adjusted your jersey, lifting it over your hips enough that he could make out the black lace of your thong and shifted your hair out of the way so his last name was on full display.
“Stay just like that,” he ordered from behind. “Fuck, you look so hot like this. You should always be wearing nothing but my jersey.”
A flash lit up the room a second later, and Tyson’s hands left your ass to pull out the film. He set it down on the bed gently before he was flipping you onto your back and crashing his lips to yours. “I love you, you know that?
“I love you too.” You grinned against his mouth.
He broke the kiss momentarily to check on the polaroid, and you both saw your body on the tiny rectangle splayed out with ‘Jost 17’ centering the photo. “This one’s staying in my wallet,” he declared, tossing it on the nightstand before focusing his attention back on you.
“Nine more,” you teased.
“You spoil me, baby,” he groaned, kissing you fervently. “Now, can I see what you’ve got on underneath for me?”
Tyson pulled back far enough to give you space to shed the jersey. As much as he loved seeing you with his name across your back, a name which he intended to give you one day, he was far more excited about the new set he knew you had on. He tore off his own shirt swiftly and in one movement, tossing it somewhere on the floor so he wouldn’t miss you sliding the fabric over your head.
And what a sight you were.
Underneath revealed more of the black lace he saw earlier. Thin material covered your hips and waist, just barely sheathing the top of your ass, but the view didn’t stop there. His eyes trailed over your stomach and upwards to the matching brassiere, and he physically had to stop himself from mauling you.
“Fucking hell, babe,” he said on a sigh, all the breath escaping his lungs at once.
“Do you like it?” You smirked at him.
“I like it so much I think I’m gonna need you to pose for me.”
A fire lit in your stomach at his words, and you perched yourself on the bed to get into position. He grabbed the camera again and waited for you to finish fixing your hair before he brought it up to his eye. You flashed him your best saucy smile, and the flash was blinding you a split second later. The photo joined the previous one on the nightstand as Tyson started his own little pile of polaroids.
He barely gave you a moment of reprieve before he was tugging you by your ankle and flipping you onto your stomach. “Baby, your ass looks so fucking good like this,” he groaned, a quick slap following his words. With his hand still gripping your ass, you saw another flash appear from behind you.
Kisses trailed up your back after he set the picture aside, sporadic and chaste, until he reached your shoulder. You rolled onto your side to meet his kiss properly and let your hands roam across his bare chest.
You made out for some time like that, running your hands over his abdomen and up his chest to his pecs, over the straining muscles of his shoulders and to the hair you knew he loved being pulled. His cock rested between your bodies, hard and tight through his pants.
Sliding a leg between his, you pushed Tyson onto his back and moved to straddle his waist. “I think I wanna have a little bit of fun with this,” you whispered against his ear, letting your lips trace lightly over his skin. “If that’s okay with you?”
Tyson was rarely able to tell you no. Ever. Especially when you looked like a goddess above him. All he could do was gulp and nod his consent before a smile spread across your face. “Good,” you said. “I think you’ll like this part, and since it’s your birthday I’ll even let you keep your hands on me.”
You lifted his hands and placed them over your hips. Seemingly content with this agreement, he let you continue your ministrations of placing kisses under his ear, along the scruff of his jaw, and down the column of his throat.
Fingers dug into the flesh of your thighs and ass as Tyson tried to get you to shift your hips, but you managed to stay still despite the little voice in your head telling you to move. He let out a particularly strained moan when you reached his collarbones, growing impossibly harder beneath you as you continued your path down. Tyson’s eyes had fluttered shut at some point because when you glanced up at him, his head was thrown back into the pillow, tendons in his neck on full display. Eyelashes rested along his cheeks as his mouth fell open in a gasp when you reached the waistband of his pants, but his eyes were snapping open when you removed your lips from his torso.
There was a glazed-over look in his eyes, and he was about to protest your halting until he saw you pick up the camera. You focused his body through the viewfinder, angling the top to show just the bottom half of his face and where the trail of lipstick kisses he hadn’t noticed yet started, going all the way to the bottom of the view to show your thighs straddling him.
You pulled the film out and waited a couple seconds before the vague outline of the image started to appear. “Oh, Tys, I just might have to keep this one for myself,” you sighed wistfully, placing it gently on the side table.
“Yeah? Well, then I need to have my own copy,” he tossed back, snatching the camera from your hands and turning it on you. He focused the camera with one hand while the other touched your jaw. His thumb padded over your pouty bottom lip before he slid it into your mouth and you closed your lips tight around it.
You were sure your lipstick was all smudged and messy after the litter of kisses you just left on his chest, but you also knew Tyson would cherish that fucked-out look of you later. And he would love this next look of you even more.
“Keep that camera in your hands,” you said, shuffling down his legs to settle yourself between them.
Unbuttoning his dress pants, you unzipped them and tugged them down his legs along with his fitted boxers until his cock sprung out. Tyson took a quick second to kick his pants onto the ground.
Your hands slowly crept up his thighs, and you lowered your head to follow the path with more kisses. A hand fell to the back of your head in an attempt to nudge you closer to where he wanted, but you were adamant in maintaining your slow pace.
“Your cock is so pretty, baby,” you moaned at the base, attaching your lips to the underside in a kiss before you let your tongue roll out and up the length of his cock. His cheeks bloomed with heat at your praise
“Fuck.” His grip tightened in your hair. “I’m not going to last long if you keep talking like that.”
“Hmm?” You ran your tongue over the head of his cock. “Is that so? Maybe I should just be quiet then?” You raised an eyebrow to challenge him before closing your lips around the tip and sucking.
“Jesus Christ, baby.” His chest heaved below you.
You repeated the action: pulling off and licking over the tip before taking him in your mouth again, deeper this time. Tyson was always vocal when it came to oral, and right now was no exception to that. Sounds from deep in his chest erupted past his lips while he muttered incoherent words of praise when you took his cock all the way into your mouth.
It was fleeting, just enough to get him slick enough for your hand, but it had his arm falling to the bed beside him.
You let your hand take over as you slid your mouth off. “Stay focused, babe. Wouldn’t want you to miss out on this picture perfect moment.”
Fluttering his eyes back open, Tyson let out a moan of approval when you placed your mouth back on him. He watched his cock disappear between your lips for a few pulls before he remembered the camera in his failing grip.
It took all his effort to focus on the image through the viewfinder as he held the camera with one hand, and he tried his hardest to capture it as quickly as possible so he wouldn’t miss out on the real thing in front of him. Click.
He captured a shot of your face from the nose down, tongue laving at the underside of his cock while your hand gripped his base. As soon as the flash lit the room, he set the camera next to him, not bothering to remove the film before taking your head in both hands to pull you off.
“I’m not coming down your throat right now, babe,” he said with shaky breaths. “I need to taste you.”
“It’s your night, you don’t have to…”
“The day I don’t wanna eat you out is the day I’m dead and buried six feet under ground. Now get up here and spread your legs, baby. Need a reminder of how good your pussy tastes when I’m on the road and starving for it.”
In one swift movement, he was rolling your bodies over, sliding the camera to your hand before he started trailing kisses down your torso. He took his time nuzzling your neck, scratching his scruff along your cheek while he sucked bites along your throat and reveling in the small whimpers coming from your lips.
He nipped along your collarbones, licked over your shoulders and the tops of your breasts, and let his fingers slide the straps of your bra down your arms. You arched for him when a hand snaked underneath your back, and the lacy fabric was thrown to the side without a second thought.
Lips reattached themselves to your newly exposed breasts and his tongue circled your tight nipple before he sucked them harshly between his teeth. Wanton sounds of pleasure filled Tyson’s ears as your hand tangled in his curls and tugged. He gave your other breast equal attention then continued his path lower, kissing down your stomach and over your covered mound.
“I know it’s your day and all, but please don’t tease me,” you whined, twitching your hips closer in hopes he’d just remove the garment altogether. You were soaked through your panties by now, a fact Tyson now knew after tracing his tongue over your center.
“Hmm,” he hummed in contemplation, but the vibrations weren’t helping your situation.
“Please,” you pleaded, pulling his hair for emphasis.
Tyson wasn’t one to tease you when you didn’t deserve it, and with all the trouble you’d gone through tonight for him, he was extra inclined to give you what you want. Sliding his thumbs under the waistband of your panties, he slid them down your legs and tossed them behind him.
Hell, if he thought he had enough film he’d use one of them right now, but he had other plans. Maybe he’d buy more film and ask for an anniversary present in a few months…
He was taking a minute to soak in your dripping cunt in front of him, but the fingers tangled in his curls tugged harshly when he took too long. “Easy, tiger,” he chastised with a chuckle before diving back in.
Languid licks ran through your folds, lapping at the wetness thoroughly. He alternated between slow and long licks and short, hard ones, bringing you to the edge the best way he knew how.
For a moment, he pulls back, catching your attention while your eyes cast down to him. A long trail of spit leaves his mouth and lands on your pussy, pulling a low moan from you and causing your hips to twitch under his hands. Two fingers come to rub his spit through your folds before he kisses your cunt again.
“Picture, baby,” he reminded you, the words muffled against your thigh where his scruff rubbed along the skin. “Need you to focus here.”
Your hand scrambled to find the camera, hitting your pinky against the side and bringing it back to your chest. The hand on his head didn’t want to relent, but you needed it to prop yourself up just enough for you to focus the viewfinder.
Using whatever core strength you could muster up with his lips encircling your clit, you returned the hand to his curls and took the picture as quickly as you could before letting your body flop back down.
“Done. Now hurry up and make me come, Tys,” you groaned.
He muttered a quiet ‘demanding’ against your slick cunt but did as you asked. He pressed his tongue flatly to your throbbing clit, rubbing it the way you needed, and slid two fingers inside of you to send you careening down that mountain of pleasure.
Tyson crawled his way up your body with kisses until he reached your lips, hitching your legs over his hips while his cock nestled itself between your thighs.
“Please fuck me,” you mewled, clenching around nothing and needing desperately to be filled.
“I will, baby.” He ran his cock through your folds but didn’t enter you. “Needy little thing, aren’t you?”
You were ready to beg again, but his hand centered his cock and he was pushing into you with one deep thrust before you could get any words out. Both of you let out simultaneous ‘fuck’s when he settled fully inside you, your muscles squeezing him tight as his cock dragged against your walls.
He set a pace that was nowhere near close to satisfying you. It was deep and slow and infinitely pleasurable, but the slow thrust of his hips did nothing to quell the fire building in your stomach. “Faster, Tys,” you pleaded, eyes rolling to the back of your head. You needed more.
“Patience,” he chuckled darkly, pulling back to rest on his thighs and tilt your hips up higher for him.
“Oh, god,” you moaned, the angle hitting deeper somehow. You never knew how it was possible how he could slide deeper into you when he fucked you, but he proved you wrong every time and you could effectively feel him in your stomach.
“Feel me here, babe? So deep inside you I never wanna come out?” He echoed your thoughts.
His hands moved your hips to fuck yourself on him, stilling deep inside you after a few thrusts. “Move, Tyson.”
“Hold on a minute,” he chides, grabbing the camera. “I need to savor this.”
Your eyes had long since closed in agony as you waited for him to move, an arm over your face while you begged for him to put you out of your misery. A hand spanned your stomach, his cock stilling deep inside of you with his thumb digging into your flesh briefly before you saw another flash.
Reaching back over you, he sets the picture on the nightstand before attaching his lips to your neck and sliding back out of you to resume a faster pace. He didn’t hold back now, fucking you with a fervor that makes your head spin and your jaw go slack.
The second his fingers touched your swollen nub, that intense need to come filled your body, starting at your toes and working quickly to reach your lower abdomen. Tyson hitched your leg high over his hip and attached his lips to your jaw. He nipped along the skin there, bordering on the edge of pain with his bites.
“Come on, baby. I know you’re close,” he whispered in your ear, the telltale sign of your cunt clenching around him letting him know.
“Oh fuck,” you whined.
“Come for me.” He tugs on your ear with his teeth and feels you crest that high that sends your pussy pulsing around him. “Fuck,” he groans, letting his head fall onto your shoulder as his own high reaches him, and the familiar sensation of his cum filling you up nearly sends you into a third orgasm.
Tyson stills inside you, the only sounds are your panting breaths until he works up the energy to slide out of you. You’re thoroughly stuffed even after he removes his cock.
The sight mesmerized him— it always has— his cum dripping slightly out of your pussy. He’s never been able to stop himself from playing with it, and tonight is no different. Fingers drift down to your spent pussy before you’ve even fully recovered, running through your soaked folds to spread the wetness around to Tyson’s liking.
A pitiful mewl leaves your lips when his fingers dance lightly over your oversensitive clit, which turns into a weak moan when they slide lower and push back into your entrance. He keeps a slow pace, thrusting his fingers inside and out and you know he’s doing it to satisfy his own fascination rather than work you up.
“Hand me the camera?” He asks, not bothering to tear his gaze from his cum-soaked fingers.
His left hand has to hold it awkwardly while his right hand stays on you, and you can’t help the intrinsic clenching of your pussy around his two fingers curled against your front wall, his cum making a mess of your folds and dripping down his hand. Click.
After he sets the film down, he’s lowering his head back to your pussy and pressing his tongue against you. “Shit, Tys. Again?” Your hand shoots down to grab his hair in an attempt to pull him away.
“Yes, again,” he teases you, spreading your folds with two fingers. “It is my birthday, remember? You can give me another one.”
How could you deny that?
Tyson took his time eating you like you were his last meal and he wanted to savor every second of it. You were mindless within minutes, just an incoherent heap beneath him while he brought you to the edge for a third time that night. This one was less intense but seemed to go on forever while his fingers dragged it out, the sounds of his and your cum mixing together downright filthy.
More kisses littered your body when he was finished as he crawled back up to meet your lips in a soft kiss. There was no greater view than the sight of your blissed out face after being freshly fucked in Tyson’s opinion. Your eyes glazed over, your skin was hot, your body was pliant, and Tyson loved seeing you that way. He loved knowing he made you that way.
“Well? Did you like your present?” You asked, but the words were muffled against his lips.
“I loved it,” he answered with a smile. “And I love you.”
Rolling off to your side, he pulls you with him. One arm keeps you pressed closely to his body while the other scrambles to collect the pile of pictures gathered on the nightstand. One by one, he filters through the stack, showing you each picture.
“Jesus, maybe I shouldn’t look at these right now because I’m just going to want to bend you over again,” he comments with a groan when he gets to the one of your tongue on his cock, and you feel it twitch with interest under your leg.
“Come on.” You rolled your eyes as you sat up and stretched. “I need a shower because someone got me all dirty.”
He follows you into the bathroom, hands on your waist while he stays close behind you. Unable to keep to himself, he makes the short walk to the ensuite ten times longer by distracting you with shoulder and neck kisses on the way.
“Wait, I still have one photo left.” The realization hits him and he leaves you standing inside the bathroom while he dashes to grab the camera to take the last photo.
You raised an eyebrow when he placed it in your hand before grabbing you by the waist and spinning you around to press your back to his front. You quickly understood what he wanted when he posed you in front of the mirror and you got the first good look at yourself since before Tyson got home.
An arm wrapped around your abdomen and pulled you close while the other crept up to close around your neck, fingers pressing lightly into your throat to tilt your head to the side as he bent to press a kiss to your neck.
Lifting your arm, you positioned the camera at the mirror while your free arm held the one around your middle and you snapped the shot.
His kisses didn’t stop after you set the camera down, and you had to pry his hands off of you in order to make it to the shower. Even then, his hands found a way back to you as he crowded you against the shower wall.
“You’re insatiable tonight,” you gasp when he squeezes a breast in his hand.
“You’re irresistible tonight,” he retorts with a nip on your bottom lip. “You’re irresistible every night, actually.”
Hot water surrounds you from all sides, slicking your skin while Tyson grabs greedily at every inch he can reach. “I changed my mind,” he muses, a harsh slap sounding against your ass. “Turn around, bend over, and hang on to the bar. I’m not quite finished with you yet.”
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sukifoof · 2 years
i normally just ramble in the tags about my undertale thoughts but i have been Thinking About This as im replaying ut for the millionth time... i LOVE the way ut depicts grief and guilt and relationships after a traumatic event (so tw for that kind of stuff)...... SO i keep thinking about how toriel leaves the ruins and it must be. so Weird for flowey??
most likely in all of his runs she just kind of stays in there cuz she doesnt have a reason to leave. but once frisk falls she does have a reason and apparently she leaves early enough to be able to get to new home shortly after your time in the true lab and thats so.... This Kind Of Sticks Out To Me... especially with how flowey says into the echo flower that toriels Not looking for you and she'll forget about you and replace you. of course this is flowey and he LOVES his projection
BUT!! he follows behind frisk the entire game and i wonder if he saw toriel leave the ruins and it made him SO upset... he already has a lot of issues with feeling replaced and im sure this. would Definitely mess with him..... so i keep thinking about his relationship with the characters and how frisk is managing to fix their problems.... toriel finally left the ruins and papyrus has more friends and undyne isnt so. u know and alphys is learning to forgive herself and be more confident and asgore has finally given up on the war and it seems like everything is Perfectly Fine and yet. Flowey Is Still Here
he doesn't Get a happy ending and he tried to fix everyones issues in the past but to him his parents are forgetting about him and getting a new kid and then theres papyrus... i wonder if him making a new friend makes flowey worry about being replaced in that regard too even if papyrus gives him no reasons to feel that..... but Anyway it must be super weird for this random kid to show up and to relate to them but it Definitely feels like they're your replacement..... And Then Theres Chara
i think a lot about how. chara is Barely mentioned. everything we learn about them is basically through flowey or that segment in new home but for the most part theyre very. Forgotten About?? that probably upsets flowey SO much... to wake up after The Plan and know that theyre gone and everything has changed and you and your parents are the only ones that remember them but your mom seems to just be getting New Children and your dad is trying to kill every human that falls after them.... like. Man. no wonder flowey feels so alienated from everyone its like the whole world is moving on without him
and i really like that!! i think its such a good way to depict what depression and ptsd feels like. its extremely lonely and it Really feels like. no one Gets It because everyone else just gets to move on while you have to deal with this giant event. and what?? just. continue???? the only person that could possibly Get It was the one that died. and the fact that chara is gone is definitely messing with floweys perception of them... because he believes theyre the only one who could understand they are immediately better than everyone. and that kind of loss can definitely. make things seem that way
flowey probably feels that if he allows himself to forgive himself and chara thats betrayal. its not Fair for him to be able to move on while chara never even got to live. why should he be allowed to make friends and be happy and get gifts on christmas when chara isnt here for any of it?? he already feels he betrayed them once and the fact that hes still alive probably fills him with The WORST survivors guilt......... and it makes him lash out at everyone. why should Anyone be allowed to live a happy life if chara isnt here. hes done everything he possibly can but he still cant get chara back and he feels trapped. its just not fair to him
thats probably a huge part of why he feels he lacks compassion. its not Fair for people to be happy after what happened with chara and hes just stuck repeating these thoughts over and over and over (which i think is So Cool that its like. different timelines to show that hes stuck in his mind repeating everything but he still cant get back to before he lost chara) and its probably very. cathartic for him to be able to cry and scream about how lonely he feels..... he just wants to be able to cry and to be understood. a lot of times it can feel hard to cry about something so traumatic because its hard to admit how much it hurts so i think it was So good for him to just be allowed to cry on frisks shoulder
i was probably going somewhere with this when i started this post but now im just kind of rambling...... thank u toby for flowey his grief and trauma responses are written so realistically and i think about it so much
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