#i know i have a billion tags. but i will do it anyways
dolokhoded · 5 months
80-ish jesus 'verse disciple headcanons pt. 1 (peter, john, magdalene)
[ bc i gotta put those somewhere. i still dont know if this is set in the actual 80s in a normal timeline or if the whole universe is completely made up. i'll figure it out. shit's hard when jesus' existence as some normal living dude implies a definitive aspect of today's society doesn't exist at all yet ]
jesus’ right hand man yadda yadda
the most repressed man you will ever meet
very loyal, but quite close minded. until he meets jesus, at least, that’s peter’s whole thing
he really does believe the things jesus stands for but it's hard to change the mindset he was raised on in a day
he learns to accept people who are different than him. he learns to accept himself while we’re at it. ANYWAYS
peter gets married in his early twenties. not entirely because of religion or tradition or whatever, he really did love his wife and because they were in their twenties and they were stupid they found it to be the next logical step in their relationship
he’s poly
he doesn’t realize this until after he’s married and represses it forever despite literally being surrounded by queer people (assume everyone is queer unless i explicitly say they're not)
he sorts it out eventually. illa knows
that's his wife. she's a chemist and an environmental activist, they do love each other very much but they get divorced in the end because she gets offered a job in a project in norway that i would elaborate on if i knew jack about science, and decides she wants to live in different countries and travel the world
moral of the story don't get married when you're twenty and don't know what you want to do with your life yet
has some sort of personal feud with magdalene ???
she thinks it’s cause he hates women
it sort of is. he feels threatened by her. but also he wouldn’t care this much if it wasn’t personal
(really he's just very attracted to her. he doesn't like her, he doesn't exactly love her but they do feel closer to each other than all the other disciples but he's not in love with her. it's the same for her. but she's aro. they have a weird thing going on don't ask me, it's definitely a little intensified just because they never acknowledge or discuss it but whatever)
i know i’m making this guy seem like a major asshole and that’s because he is. but also they all are. he’s working on it !
andrew’s older brother and also the exact opposite of andrew
deep down he kind of envies him
peter works his family's business, at least until he cuts his parents off. don't ask me what the business is it doesn't matter
sells fishing equipment or something
can cook with some assistance. not kitchen banned.
grew up with very open-minded parents, but was still very sheltered.
he's a youngest child, so he was a little fussed over. his mother was very protective of him which led to him moving out of the family home and having to call his brother to ask how you make a doctor appointment
then having said brother james make the appointment for him because he was shy
idea guy. very creative very innovative. not always successful but at least his brain somewhat works?
the youngest of the group. 24 when big james was 28, jesus was 30, peter and magdalene were 32. i'll come up with a comprehensive age chart soon
majored in journalism when he joined the group, met matthew in class and roped him in
decided to change his major to creative writing
uses a typewriter to write. i haven't decided exactly what the fuck is going on with this verse, i'm leaning towards setting it in the 80s where everyone uses typewriters anyways but it's important that you know john would use a typewriter even if he had access to a laptop.
(with recycled paper of course)
likes to doodle on the margins when he's editing his shit. he's very right brained.
judas' narrative foil, therefore they hate each other
they don't full on scream death threats at each other at meetings like peter and magdalene but the passive aggression is there
LMAO ALL I TALK ABOUT IS THIS GROUP FUCKING HATING EACH OTHER i swear deep down they love each other uhhhh
matthew, he likes matthew. they're writing buddies
and peter and simon z and little james. and mary beth. john's cool with magdalene too
and philip and thad. everyone likes philip and thad they have 0 enemies
and everyone likes jesus. except judas who doesn't but it's okay cause he's in love with him.
some of them they like each other i promise. anyways, sorry, john.
cannot cook, but not kitchen banned
mary magdalene. obviously.
we have around three hundred marys so she goes by magdalene. though i find it more fitting anyways.
magdalene didn't know her father, her mother was lovely but she died of cancer when she was 10. susanna is the daughter of her godmother who lost custody of her when susanna was 15 because she had a drug addiction
so like. starting out with some lovely stuff
magdalene was in foster care until she was 16. then susanna turned 18 and she lived with her, finished school and started working any random job that helped them make rent
susanna is the only person magdalene can always rely on. and vice versa. she's a barber.
which i thought of before i realized susanna is also the name of the wife of figaro barber of seville. but isn't that hilarious.
anyways it's been rough for these two but it gets better i promise. they make it.
magdalene's working like three jobs trying to make enough to go to university, she wants to be a social worker. preferably work with inmates.
she's aropansexual
weird thing with peter is not of romantic nature. maybe queerplatonic except they're not friends. queeraggressive if anything.
it's just a thing. it's a sixth sense only aromantic people can comprehend. don't question it.
despite everything magdalene is an optimistic person. she's got a grasp on reality, but she's not scared of having her own dreams and ambitions, she's not going to let her past stop her from moving forward
she's had one serious girlfriend before she realized she didn't want to be in a romantic relationship at all and it was fucking crazy
she was very insecure already and magdalene kept enabling it by constantly ignoring her and seeming disinterested (which she was cause she was aro) which made the girl feel like she was only using her for sex and then she started getting paranoid and accusing her of cheating on her and it rlly escalated. crazy shit.
the girl was like. slightly more reasonable than magdalene is and one day just decided that aight im out of here and left. and then magdalene had a breakdown and tried to convince her not to leave because she needed to prove to herself that she was capable of love
yeah my girl is not okay. did you expect her to be well in her brain cause she's not
so yeah crazy shit. she works through it.
cannot cook. kitchen banned.
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yangjeongin · 10 months
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happy birthday @sukichuu 🖤
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loveletterworm · 2 years
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i wanted to draw sage again after i beat the game, but i kept forgetting to do that until just now...ah well better late than never or something
...also psst a spoilers version.  yes i know its been a month since the game came out already im putting it under the read more anyway. don’t worry about it
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Damn...she got autobalanced... 
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carcarrot · 8 days
do i really want to make individual drinks again
#reaching back into the file cabinets of my mind to remember how i made certain drinks when i worked at the cafe#in preparation for the possibility of this new job#it would certainly mean far less goofing off time than i have at my current job. and i value my goofing off time dearly#but the people here are so fucking annoying lmao. i hate them soooo much#not that the people at this new job would be any better. we're still dealing with investment bankers#godddddd. what i really would want (which would be impossible)#would be to go back to working at the cafe but like. still have paid time off and insurance lmao#but the cafe was a small business and he was not offering paid time off and insurance. and the pay was way less#but i did get to play whatever music i wanted. unfortunately you cant live on that#like i can always say no to this new job if its offered to me. but is my goofing off time worth:#2 dollars less in pay and a half hour to an hour's more commute. well i dont know#a shorter commute would mean i could sleep more. and have more time at home .#i mean i probably don't Need all this goofing off time. but its nice#i dont knowwwwwww#like even though im a bit nervous abt doing it again i know that i would easily fall back into the routine of making drinks#which i was fairly good at. my one drawback is that i cant do latte art but i dont know that theyd really care here#and (because i found the menu of where id work) theres not a ton of drink options?? just the standard stuff#its being called a starbucks cafe but 1) its not managed by them and 2) it does not have their 5 billion drink options#so thats good. less to worry about#doesnt look like i even have to make anything foodwise which i had to at the cafe#here it looks like people can just buy a pastry and thats it#the hours are like. the same i work now. also good#sorry im like using this post to think through my thoughts.#uhhhh oh i looked up the manager who looks like a weenie so im not keen on the prospect of interviewing with him#but i probably would have thought that about my current manager if id seen a pic of him prior to interviewing. i guess???#and with these kind of catering units it seems you dont often deal directly with the manager that much anyway#i just gotta see if i get good vibes#rn i have unsure vibes. but i need a sign to see if this could be good for me#oh id also save money on transportation. and taxes! bc i wouldnt be working in ny anymore#lol oops tag limit. well i hope you enjoyed my job thoughts you probably didnt i know i didnt
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outismm · 3 months
OUTIS send help, Doctor Who is the gift that keeps on giving 😭😭😭 i thought the Toymaker would be the end of it but folks in my Toymaker server made a few jokes about Six. and i had -no idea- about what kind of character Six is. holy FUCK i am in LOVE with this pompous, arrogant asshole 😖💖💖💖💖 he's so cute!!!!! so abrasive!!!! so......PASSIONATE!!!!!! i didn't know he was such a freak!!!! yes yes yes please do rewatch his era because i'm doing it for the first time and having a blast 😂💖
yes,,,, YYYYEEESSSSS. This is perhaps the best development that could have happened. I need you to know how quickly I scrambled downstairs like some sort of Ghoul to try and find the old boxsets and AUGHE!!!!
He's got such an incredible amount of drama and charisma and wild-eyed charm inside of him, I can't believe how this man has slipped to the back of my mind for so long. Even outside of his borderline regeneration-induced-mania during his first storyline, he's just. such a delight. Colin Baker is having the time of his life delivering every line, and you can TELL
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Look at him - what's not to love?
Also, this isn't directly related to our dear multicoloured man, but - thank you for giving me an excuse to Stare Affectionately at Classic Who! There are so many of those delightful quirks and silly set-pieces you can only really find in early 70s-80s sci-fi, sprinkled all throughout, I just,,, ah <3333 it has been so long
OKIE IM RAMBLING BUT >:) EHEHE I cannot wait to see you slip further and further into Doctor Who Fevers. Come yell with/at me anytime, I love seeing ppl experience Classic Who and all the wonderfully wild things it has to offer
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author i'm beefing with: "i feel slight revulsion about the word 'spiritual', it's got negative overtones, aren't you deluding yourself and others with it, keep it to yourself"
same author, literally twelve (12) pages later: *spends a page describing spiritual experiences, sharing them with the world, but insists they don't count as "spiritual" because they're about the physical material world*
my dude it's not just believers who try to have it both ways, huh
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harmoniouseclipse · 19 days
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For those wondering what happened after my Arlejean rant from like last year. Mental illness took over. I am cooking.
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sherlock-is-ace · 2 months
One thing about me is that if I see someone reblogging AI images, I will let them know 👌🏻
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bejeweledmp3 · 4 months
tell me why i'm considering opening the doc and writing fanfiction during my lunch break. ON MY PHONE
#talking tag;#totp tag;#i've been meaning to make a tag for the fic so. there#ok if anyone is curious (probably not but like. i like talking about these things) i split the fic in sections in my head#so every ''kimberly finds her father in blah blah'' is a section and that's how i keep track of them#so chapter 1 had sections 1-3 and chapter 2 had sections 4-5#and chapter 3 will have sections 6-7. it has to. for structure reasons#but section 6 is a very important one and she's at like. 8.5k words at the moment???? and i still haven't gotten to the last scene#OF THE SECTION. THEN THERE'S ANOTHER SECTION#which should hopefully be shorter (around 5k or less is my guess) because fewer things happen but. god#we're looking at a 15+k word chapter. if you're reading the fic hopefully you like long chapters cause!!! it'll be a long one!!!!!#also i am once again pointing out that if you're reading the fic and have absolutely anything to say about it PLEASE tell me#i love talking about this fic she's my child that i created. she's like a clay sculpture to me#i do mean to reply to ao3 comments but i'm shy 😭😭😭😭 but i reread them all a billion times and cry about them every time#i'm still thinking about the lengend that dropped that page long comment on chapter one. king (gn) if you see this i love you#when i reply to comments yours will be first. know that you have me and nat's infinite love forever and always.#truly i hope you like it and cand find peace in it. lord knows we all need it#well. anyways! i think i might edit the doc i'll see
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answrs · 4 months
okay I tried to get shots of it but it was the middle of a raid with all the attack effects and such but! Mega Latios/as has the Submas Sideburns���
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-> high speed transport
-> duality schtick (including the smile/frown motif)
-> triangle markings
look im Just Saying™
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volfoss · 5 months
sincerely i think the worst part of having bjds of different sizes and styles is you will get a guy bc u think he looks nice and then you realize his head is massive and doesnt mesh with ANY of your other guys...
#twist rambles#^guy that finally reached out to doa members to be like hi. HELP PLEASE. bc like... i dont normally have realistic sculpts so its really#scary for me. but its something where i think id like to umm. do a slightly different faceup than what i tried w him last time. bc hes a#robot to me. so i want to have the circuit boards and stuff showing. initially i wanted half his face to look like that but now im like...#small sections would look rly good of like. tiny bits of the skin peeling off to reveal circuitry. if that makes sense. but also its so so#hard for me as a guy w shaky handsssss augh#like. hes 70 cm tall and JACKED. and my other biggest doll is 68cm and pretty sldner so its so scary. this also reminds me i need to keep#wiping the old faceup/body paint off my other doll so i can like. well. make a silly b.lack jac.k doll ok :3 but i gotta get references too#hmm. much to do. but anyways. its so scary idk his eyes are a lot smaller bc his features are more realistic so like. im very scared about#it bc i just. yeah. its very different to my other guys bc like... i prefer a slightly less realistic doll. so its so scary. but i fell in#love w his face and his body ohhhh god yall dont even KNOW how bad and how much work thats gonna be. beautiful jacked so.nic the hed.gehog#body <- due to the fact he is blue. only partially tho. which is why im doing circuitry. bc i then dont have to um... wipe the 5 billion#spots of paint off. sorry thsi is so rambly in the tags but. its so scary for me#bjdposting
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hey if i follow you and if it’s not too much of a bother can you tag any of those donation or help posts with like, bscno or something? i don’t want to go into why i just do not like seeing them on my dash and i have filtered so many things like cashapp and donation but i still end up seeing so many of them. bonus points if you also tag anything related to american politics because i can’t seem to get rid of those even with america and american and liberal and conservative filtered haha please and thanks
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toestalucia · 2 years
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toestalucia / lunarcry / flovverworks
gran of granblue fantasy. captain of a crew of skyfarers, might not guess from first glance though. getting more powerful for each half year that passes. kind of struggling more too. big fan of dreams people call impossible. / multi, including lanna of island of happiness&sunshine islands. pop star who’s currently staying at the island as a break. really terrible at singing, but loves it with all of her heart. fishing is her hobby. / akira of promise of wizard. isekai life. cat lover. wizard lover. average person enters a weird elevator and gets called sage and tries their best to befriend twenty-one sage’s wizards. will compare u to a cat.
all written by stardust, anyway lets hang out
#anime rp#video game rp#harvest moon rp#story of seasons rp#scopophobia#eye contact#NEW MONTH NEW ME <- person who did not read ch9&10 yet like they said they would#took everything in me not to use sofia or fenrir for multi but.......the sos tags r the tags i dont have anythinig in it.....so#:D#anyway a3 fans....if ure outt here...#ok the real promo is the tags im here to tldr plots i want#akiwa. more talking about magic systems..akira only knows the wizards 'using magic with their heart' (cries about lwa again#a believing heart is ur magic.....) so i think meeting other magic-users is Fascinating for them#meeting pet owners...simple. akira does not have a cat. WANTS a kitty but. anyway animals are cute after all?!?!?#little siblings dynamic. on my knees. please.... akira being caring n supportive of younger ppl is my weakness#gwan. a..any kind of 'i know theres this power in me but i dont know what it is or how to activate it' vauge in regards to the blue...#in general those themes. gran just wanted to find their dad but has now been in worldthreathening scenarios a billion times#also just...being happy n fooling around#the opposite of what i want for akira. i want more older ppl looking out for gran. but i DO want gran looking out for younger ppl too#LANNA.........WHOMST I HAVENT WRITTEN IN YEARS AND YEARS............but....even then..........i want things#of lanna weighing her idol career vs her life on the island. lanna being aware shes not Amazing at singing#but tries her hardest regardless cuz she loves singing n performing#ok im cutting it short GOODBYE
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ieropski · 2 years
i kinda didnt wanna buy an electric guitar until i was like fairly okay at guitar but guitar center has some big sale going on right now and im like ... 😳
#i guess i just dont wanna be in like the situation where i spend hundreds of dollars on a guitar and then i stop playing it#unfortunately its the kind of person i am#which is why the tag is#wazo guitar journey take 2#like ive tried to learn guitar before and bailed on it#i also dont wanna like. have guitars for vanity ...??? if that makes sense#i do not know how to explain this#actually i think its fine to be a casual player and have a few because they're nice#you can be the worst player in the world but enjoy playing it. and id be like yes girl (gn) own a billion guitars#no different from like. having a ton of sneakers so long as you wear them every now and then#im a staunch 'if you buy it you should enjoy it' believer#but like i dont want to own guitars and never play them you get me???#i would like this to be a decades-long hobby for me#the problem which ive talked about before. is that i suck at sucking at things#anyways.#all this to say guitars are sexy and cheap right now#when i say sexy i mean like a guitar is a beautiful cool looking object#well. cheaper than usual i mean.#that was a lot of info that made no sense sorry#again. mute wazo guitar journey take 2 if you'd like#i like that most guitar buying guides are like 'start with the shape. you will become biased towards shapes and fall in love with shapes.'#instead of like 'this brand is xyz better in abc ways.'#anyways im thinking that les paul and jazzmaster and jaguar all look nice. sg's are hideous sorry.#edit: im gonna talk some more#i think im like set on this 'i have to be good at acoustic before electric' mindset become it seems more 'correct.' like how youre supposed#to read the book before watching the movie. but idk that that really applies to guitar? like most amazing guitarists today prob cant read#musical notation. which might seem 'correct' but who tf cares. if youre able to learn from tabs and youtube videos and sound amazing#much love to classical guitar (capricho arabe my beloved white whale) but my end goal here is to play the woody the woodpecker laugh LOL#sorry if ive been rude (?) here to acoustic/electric/classical/self-taught/lessons-believers alike. i just think its all pretty sick#also not saying any of those are mutually exclusive.
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sovaharbor · 3 months
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unproduciblesmackdown · 10 months
knock on wood but already had the thought about how the potential What If winstuk of ostensible post-7x03/WDE could just be....boisterous. effulgent. vibrant.
#and it could Not Be. we could have tuk be like i; specifically; hate you; specifically. bit of a damper esp. not assuming further material#but if there's the setup for Contrast Surprise in ''everyone hates winston & has been assaulting him or not moved to make sure he's not#assaulted all day'' bad time & he ends up Unleashed. perfect time to meet just out of frame like knock knock it's me your actual friennd...#anyways i have boundless thoughts; feelings abt WDE Impends that i won't try to expound & enumerate via thirty tags limits#representative is how atm the vibe is [mild] but earlier did have an adrenal response to secondhand info. which is also just a tuesday but#winston billions#winstuk#it could sure just be everyone lining up for a last chance at telling winston they wish he was dead & then forget he exists next ep#like what happens when he's been offscreen for a moment all these five seasons lol#and of course i've thought abt ''well it's not even off the table he litchreally dies offscreen lol lmao''#it's just like 4x11 time to lose forty followers overnight#causing mpc problems? maybe someone will kill you for real.#then his life will have served its highest purpose: upping the stakes for people who matter (rian going ''hope that doesnt happen to me'')#but this would be as likely as anyone following up on winston ever to even realize if he's alive or not. maybe if they Had to ask him smth#billions probably wouldn't be that mean but who even knows. do you want maximal drama out of the winston sendoff or not#like thanks for naming an episode after him and his dick energy i guess....could've just written him out offscreen entirely#but i also have the standards of ''yes i'm gonna be pissed if/when they write him out w/o treating him like another Person in universe''#and even if they do at all in some ways. i'll also be annoyed if they stick to the tradition of not letting taylor talk to him#i know someone official liked my livetweet about that backpat. you all had better do any damn thing. sigh. anyways#only Some expounding. the winstuk setup potential could also be cuntrageous as it'd be great if winston could be more generally
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