#i know in the grand scheme of things it isn't the worst in the world like i still am getting a lot of amazing stuff done
daddy-socrates · 1 year
okay so, in a disappointing and frustrating turn of events, my thesis defense is once again postponed. i got an email like an hour and some ago where the department head said one of my committee members has enough comments and suggested revisions that it would make sense for me to work through them before going to defend it.
which! i get it, they want to make sure i'm at my best before i give the biggest presentation on the biggest project of my whole actual almost-career so far.
but it does feel like "you are bad at philosophy and also you suck. personally"
i know it isn't, and i've already gone through the whole process of mourning or whatever. but im especially bummed because like, 1. i now view my MA thesis the way i view my BA thesis ("technically got the credit" level work). and that sucks. it sucks!!!!!!!! until now i felt almost confident in it!!!!! :(
and 2. im still good to walk at graduation next weekend which is cool, but UNFORTUNATELY i was hoping that i would feel i'd EARNED it by having PRESENTED my thesis. it was always the plan that i would do the final revisions and get the full transcript and actual degree in august, but now graduation feels hollow and fucking fake since i can't defend until late june.
this sucks
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luetta · 2 months
idk if people on tumblr know about this but a cybersecurity software called crowdstrike just did what is probably the single biggest fuck up in any sector in the past 10 years. it's monumentally bad. literally the most horror-inducing nightmare scenario for a tech company.
some info, crowdstrike is essentially an antivirus software for enterprises. which means normal laypeople cant really get it, they're for businesses and organisations and important stuff.
so, on a friday evening (it of course wasnt friday everywhere but it was friday evening in oceania which is where it first started causing damage due to europe and na being asleep), crowdstrike pushed out an update to their windows users that caused a bug.
before i get into what the bug is, know that friday evening is the worst possible time to do this because people are going home. the weekend is starting. offices dont have people in them. this is just one of many perfectly placed failures in the rube goldburg machine of crowdstrike. there's a reason friday is called 'dont push to live friday' or more to the point 'dont fuck it up friday'
so, at 3pm at friday, an update comes rolling into crowdstrike users which is automatically implemented. this update immediately causes the computer to blue screen of death. very very bad. but it's not simply a 'you need to restart' crash, because the computer then gets stuck into a boot loop.
this is the worst possible thing because, in a boot loop state, a computer is never really able to get to a point where it can do anything. like download a fix. so there is nothing crowdstrike can do to remedy this death update anymore. it is now left to the end users.
it was pretty quickly identified what the problem was. you had to boot it in safe mode, and a very small file needed to be deleted. or you could just rename crowdstrike to something else so windows never attempts to use it.
it's a fairly easy fix in the grand scheme of things, but the issue is that it is effecting enterprises. which can have a looooot of computers. in many different locations. so an IT person would need to manually fix hundreds of computers, sometimes in whole other cities and perhaps even other countries if theyre big enough.
another fuck up crowdstrike did was they did not stagger the update, so they could catch any mistakes before they wrecked havoc. (and also how how HOW do you not catch this before deploying it. this isn't a code oopsie this is a complete failure of quality ensurance that probably permeates the whole company to not realise their update was an instant kill). they rolled it out to everyone of their clients in the world at the same time.
and this seems pretty hilarious on the surface. i was havin a good chuckle as eftpos went down in the store i was working at, chaos was definitely ensuring lmao. im in aus, and banking was literally down nationwide.
but then you start hearing about the entire country's planes being grounded because the airport's computers are bricked. and hospitals having no computers anymore. emergency call centres crashing. and you realised that, wow. crowdstrike just killed people probably. this is literally the worst thing possible for a company like this to do.
crowdstrike was kinda on the come up too, they were starting to become a big name in the tech world as a new face. but that has definitely vanished now. to fuck up at this many places, is almost extremely impressive. its hard to even think of a comparable fuckup.
a friday evening simultaneous rollout boot loop is a phrase that haunts IT people in their darkest hours. it's the monster that drags people down into the swamp. it's the big bag in the horror movie. it's the end of the road. and for crowdstrike, that reaper of souls just knocked on their doorstep.
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phantomnecromancer · 3 months
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪Female Geto Suguru⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
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2.2k words Content warning 18+, nsfw, smut, masturbation (f + f), oral (f! receiving), fingering (f! receiving) geto in this fic is a woman btw! pt2 soon Synopsis
you. In reality, Geto Suguru saw you as nothing more than a convenient tool, a pawn in her intricate plans to manipulate curses and bend them to her will. While you showered her with gratitude and adoration, she plotted and schemed behind that facade of benevolence, using your devotion to further her own dark ambitions.
Note from the author Oh my god, I'm so sorry for the delay, I completely forgot about this account. I've been really eager to write a fic inspired by a female version of Geto. It seems like there are lots of fanarts but no fics about her female version, so I decided to create my own. Like I said, English isn't my first language, so I apologize if there are any mistakes! I really plan to keep writing for Fem Geto in the future, and I even got inspired to write more about Cult Geto because there don't seem to be many out there. Anyway, enjoy, and see you in part 2!"
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―Geto suguru who was banished from jujutsu high
She is the worst curse user ever existed in the ultimate millennium
―The warm lights of the temple flickered to life. It seemed that it hadn't been in place for long; rumors circulated that the owner of the old temple frequently moved their residence. No one knew why they did it or if there was any malice behind his actions. The people didn't seem to care, as long as the burdens on their shoulders, forces they couldn't comprehend, were lifted from them. Those who visited said the owner appeared to be a very sweet person, asking for nothing in return for taking away the heavy sorrows and pain they carried.
The reason for your visit was a last grasp at hope. After consulting doctor after doctor, nothing seemed to alleviate your suffering. Gradually, you began to lose your sanity, reaching a point of no return. You felt watched, attacked, and even saw things that you knew were impossible in the earthly realm. Your pain was so intense that the thought of ending your life started to seem not so terrible.
Then, amidst the small talk of the village elders  you heard about someone who, according to their words, was a god reincarnated on earth. She could lift all burdens, and her noble soul sought nothing in return. You never considered yourself a religious person; you believed it was a complete scam, a mockery of human beings to strip them of their money while maintaining a pure image in the name of a higher power. However, what did you have to lose? Your last will, crying out for a reason to live, a reason to continue existing in this earthly realm. It seemed that the location was uncertain and constantly changing, but it appeared to be on the outskirts of the village, along a road whose name you did not know.
The soles of your shoes echoed with each step as you drew closer. There was no longer any doubt; this was not the idle chatter of the old ones you had overheard a few nights ago. The temple stood before you, immaculate and serene, its presence undeniable. The fragrance of incense and sacred wood wafted through the air, enveloping you in a scent that stirred a nostalgic echo within the depths of your memory.
It was spring, the season of blossoms, and flowers adorned every corner of the sacred place, their vibrant hues adding a touch of grace to the temple's tranquility. Despite your skepticism and lack of faith in such matters, you could now understand the profound solace this sanctuary offered to its believers. The peace it bestowed upon them was almost palpable, a gentle whisper of calm in a world filled with chaos.
Now, standing before the grand wooden door, your nerves began to fray. Even in a place where the energy was supposed to be gentle and benevolent, you couldn't shake the tightness in your chest. You couldn't tell if it was due to your past calamities, that darkness that seemed to follow you everywhere, or if this place simply gave you an uneasy feeling.
As you pushed the door, the creak of the wood flooded your ears, though it was no louder than the pounding of your heart or the white noise ringing in your ears. Stepping inside, your eyes were immediately drawn to the temple's interior splendor. The walls were a rich saffron hue, and the corners were painted a beautiful chocolate color, so polished you were certain they were cleaned daily. Some walls were a deep olive, adorned with protective amulets. Before you stood a small staircase leading up to a dais with a sliding door. Your eyes wandered for a moment, your gaze fixed on the curling smoke of the incense placed on one of the shelves. It seemed there was someone there, yet your sight did not reveal them.
”―You spoke almost in a whisper, feeling like a frightened puppy with its tail between its legs. Your hands were trembling and sweaty as you tried to dry them on the fabric of your skirt.―
Moments passed in a silence so profound that the only sound was the creaking of the wood beneath your shoes. Then, the sliding door opened, revealing a female figure. She was dressed in traditional Japanese attire, a "Gojo-Kesa." The woman was quite tall, especially compared to you, the difference in height stark and almost intimidating.
Her long hair was tied in a mid-bun, so black it could easily blend with the darkness of night. Her ears were adorned with black plug expanders, adding a distinctive touch to her appearance.
Her hands were clasped together, hidden within the sleeves of her traditional attire. She walked with such elegance that it was astonishing how she made almost no sound at all. As she reached the dais, she gracefully lowered herself to the floor, one arm resting on a red bench. A smile without showing her teeth spread across her face, radiating kindness and appearing entirely devoid of any ulterior motive.
"It seems I do not recognize your face, miss. You have never been here before, have you?"
 ―said the woman. Her eyes fixed intently on you, and you could feel her gaze as if she were trying to read you completely, peering into your very soul. All the while, she maintained that smile. Despite her persistent smile, which initially seemed kind, you couldn't help but feel it was turning into something more sinister. You couldn't shake the nervousness that gripped you; you wanted to speak, but your vocal cords seemed to be playing a cruel joke on you.―
Your voice came out almost in a whisper, your head spinning and feeling how your legs gradually weakened. 
"N-no, I've never been here before," 
you felt the urge to escape, the air was thinning, and a pressure on your chest assured you it wasn't just your minor issue weighing you down.
"Headaches, dizziness, feeling watched, hallucinations, and paranoia isn’t it?" 
she said, the smile creeping never leaving her face, almost as if she were mocking you. Her purple eyes stared at you as if finding amusement in your distress.
"H-how do you know that?"  ―you stutter, your hands now clasped tightly in front of your body. ―
"Come closer to me, darling." her voice flowed like honey, contrasting with the mocking tone of her voice. Her hand gestured for you to approach her, her body still laying lazily towards the bench.
The sound of your shoes echoing on the polished wood was the only thing audible in the room. Her eyes never left yours, making her intimidating, yet her physical allure was undeniable. You had never felt physical attraction toward a woman before, especially someone who, with just a gaze, could make your stomach tighten and your head spin.
Her arm lazily lifted, as if she were swallowing something with her hand. Gradually, the heaviness that had been tormenting your shoulders began to dissipate. Your eyes widened in shock, a look of utter disbelief spreading across your face. Meanwhile, the woman's expression turned to one of satisfaction as she held what appeared to be a yellowish orange crystal ball.
"Better?" she says with a satisfied smile on her face, as if she knew and took pride in her powers. It was as if she saw you as an inferior being to her, as if you didn't matter, an empty shell.
You felt completely liberated, the weight on your shoulders finally gone, and that feeling was enough to overshadow your doubts and fear of the intimidating woman before you. 
―Weeks passed, and it seemed you couldn't stop wandering around the same place whenever you could. You were so grateful to that woman that you felt you owed her your life. Her kind smile always thanked you for the small gestures, or that’s what you thought. Whether bringing incense or flowers to decorate the temple. You even stayed to clean and polish those chocolate-colored wood floors you adored so much.
Geto detested you, hiding that with her usual kind smile, applying sanitizer whenever she could, when you weren't looking or after you'd left. Yet, in her own words, you were the best-behaved monkey she'd ever seen. It seemed you genuinely believed she had made that gesture to help you, to help others, and to lift that weight from their shoulders. The reality was different: absorbing curses to store them and use them to her advantage for her new world.
"Miss Geto, I brought flowers! Where should I put them?"―
You say happily.  almost adorably, holding a bouquet of lavender, Geto's favorite. Her gaze returns to you, briefly eyeing your petite figure, that fake smile without using her teeth that she usually gave you. She shifts her usual posture, spreading her arms to point with her finger at a white vase adorned with blue decorations.
Happily, you place the lavender bouquet in the vase, your smile never leaving your face. You even came often to pray, spreading gratitude to the strange woman you believed enjoyed your presence. You are so foolish, thinking she enjoyed those little conversations you had with her or thought well of you. She saw you as nothing more than a mere toy to be used, just a simple monkey and nothing more.
As you sat down to pray as usual, your knees on the floor, you cursed yourself for wearing such a short skirt. It rolled up to your thighs each time you bow your head to the ground, showing those white panties that you carefully chose every day you went to the temple, like she was going to see them. The thin fabric barely covering your puffy folds that were already soaking wet— poor baby It wasn't your fault— she just looked so pretty every time and you couldn’t resist yourself. You just wanted to catch her attention. You wanted her to see you, to know you existed. You lived for her praise and that small smile that tugged every time you remembered her favorite flower or her favorite scent.
You didn't know why you felt this way; you had never felt any physical or emotional attraction towards a woman before, but with her, it was different. You wanted her to see you, your heart pounded every time you saw her arrive or whenever her eyes lingered on you for just a moment longer. 
And for mere seconds, you felt her gaze. Your head was on the ground, hands placed in front of you, and you deliberately shifted your hips forward, causing your skirt to lift, revealing the view of soaked panties, showing the thin fabric almost completely transparent with how wet your core was. You could feel how everytime you shifted yourself to sit down the friction in between bows, leaving a wet strip of juices all over the floor. 
This action did not go unnoticed by the dark-haired woman, and for the first time, a slight smile crossed her lips. Her purple eyes carefully examined the girl's figure. Of course, she noticed your advances, every time you blushed when she looked at you for more than a few seconds, or when she gave you empty compliments but your eyes seemed to sparkle every time she said them.
I wouldn't lie to you; she didn't deny finding the power difference over you fascinating. You might even seem adorable to her in her own way. She might even consider you deserving in her new world—the only monkey she wouldn't mind having by her side.
When she saw you innocently stand up after pretending not to notice that you had done that just to get her attention, a small smile graced her lips. You innocently adjusted your skirt, and it seemed you didn't even bother to wipe that spot in the floor where your wet pussy grazed. 
As usual, you bid her farewell with an innocent smile, lifting your head to meet her gaze, hands clasped together as you bowed slightly. Your eyes eager to take in every detail of the girl, hoping for her usual smile in return.
—She didn't deny it; she had spent a long time doing absolutely nothing since leaving the academy. Her world was her only priority; she needed nothing else, and nothing would give her more pleasure than the outcome of a world without monkeys. However, in the darkness of her room, it seemed to be the opposite.
Hand pressed into her sensitive bud, her index finger doing circular motions as she cupped one of her breasts pinching her nipple. Her forehead glistened with sweat, her mouth slightly open, and her back slightly arched. She felt ashamed to stoop so low—how could she, a monkey, wield such power over her? Days had passed, yet she couldn't stop thinking about her. She couldn't understand if it was her lack of intimacy in these past 10 years or simply falling for her charms. It was pathetic and it made her entire worldview shift—everything she believed was right, that mental state and opinion she had taken so long to accept, reduced to a mess of moans as she put two digits into her pussy pumping in and out. She could feel her walls clench more with the thought of her tongue inside your pussy, drinking your sweet juices. Her fingers finding that sweet spot that could make you see the stars in mere seconds. Her mind raced as she remembered you bending, showing that pretty cunt of yours, only serving to feed her thoughts further.
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Note author : This fanfic almost made my head explode! I'm the biggest hater when it comes to multi-part fics, but I swear I even fell asleep with the laptop on my legs. I hope to finish it soon, hopefully within this week, and not take a whole month just to complete one part.
©phantomnecromancer on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, modify or translate my works.
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bubbipond · 7 months
Por Being a Static Character in DFF
DFF Gives a great look on what happens when you’re backed up against a wall. Each of the boys have different paths but they all have different perspectives on what they want and how they will get it. Note: this is not me diminishing them being lil 💩 heads!
Static Character: is a type of character who remains largely the same throughout the course of the storyline. Their environment may change, but they retain the same personality and outlook as they had at the beginning of the story.
The friend group are in retrospect a bunch of boys who all have differing lives but also expectations of who they will be. Por, for example, is a great character to use to compare class systems between he and the other members of the group.
Por is a character who does not really change from the three years that past. Maybe he is a bit remorseful but definitely not enough to care to fix things. Non is "gone" and that leaves everything pretty finished off for him. When you look at the line up we see in flashbacks that the more obvious bully is Por. He treats Non like crap, pushes him around, talks bad about him, steals from him, and even lies on him. But when you look at him versus the other members, he's just a basic school bully who comes from a rich family with high expectations.
He is the easiest character to kill off because your immediate thought is, "well this dude is the worst" but is he? Outside of him taking the script which, as we see, is the least of Non's problems, couldn't Non have survived that abuse in the long run? He is fed up with their crap but he isn't completely fed up just about a script being taken. It's everything all at once. Killing Por gives the series the feeling of revenge and unidealistic redemption. You can see why someone would want him dead which is why he had to go first.
Him living would be quite useless in the grand scheme of things. If he had lived up to this point what exactly would his character be able to confess that the general public doesn't know? Everyone knows that script was not his and that he outwardly bullied Non the most. That wouldn't make for a great reveal at the end. His death is purely used to scare the other members and progress the story further. His death meant the drugs can really induce the fear living in each one of the other members of the group. He does not change much in the three years that follow Non's disappearance because he is made to be the character you focus on the most. You immediately hate him (whether or not you agree he deserves death) but he isn't exactly an antagonist. There really isn't one bad guy in this story. Everyone plays direct or indirect roles in Non's demise.
He also can be seen as a foil to Non. Where he has money, name recognition, and everything he "should" want in the world, he is miserable. He doesn't get affection from his parents and when he does it all comes from a lie. Then you have Non who is poor, relatively friendless, and an outsider. They make the perfect bully and victim in any type of media. But this show is not about a bully and his one victim. It's about what can happen when you break a person down so far they have nothing to lose. So, for that reason, Por can't change. He can't be remorseful (and I do not count about to be paled to death and whining as remorse) or filled with guilt because that is besides the point.
a/n: Anyway tell me what you all think! Is there another archetype you think he can fall under? Let me know below!
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
ORV Characters Ranked by Least to Most Likely to Commit White Collar Crime
You guys said you wanted my ORV takes, and I try not to say things unsolicited, so I'll drop the good meta-analysis and literary criticism that I'm known for. For comedy purposes please pretend that ORV is American.
Omniscent Reader's Viewpoint characters broken down by likelihood to commit white collar crime, least to most:
Lee Hyeonseong: he's convinced that he's never committed a crime in his life. Intentionally, of course not. Unintentionally, he takes shopping for groceries extremely seriously, and is sometimes so wrapped up in the fruit inspection experience that he'll leave without paying. Due to his innocent face, bulk, and sheer confidence, he's never caught. In an economically thrifty maneuver, KDJ always sends him on snack runs for parties and texts him math problems while he's there. He insists it's like couponing. It's not couponing.
Jeong Huiwon: similarly, of course she would never choose to commit a crime. Also similarly, when KDJ says, 'Hey, wanna commit a crime?' she always participates. Since the crime is normally targeted at rich people, KDJ can usually morally justify it to her. She calls this harm reduction. It's not harm reduction.
Lee Jihye: would love to commit a crime in theory, almost never in practice. She has an idealized image in her mind of the ideal high school experience and it involves grand theft auto. However, the worst she ever gets is breaking & entering and trespassing, mostly because she didn't stop to wonder if the building was abandoned or not. She can't even shoplift from Claire's.
Shin Yuseung: the kind of kid who sets the dissection frogs in the school laboratory free. Looks up illegal exotic animal trading on the deepweb and sighs in longing. But exotic pet trading isn't very Animal Rights of her, so she just leaks information to the CIA and busts the rings. Lee Gilyeong convinces her to track down shady sellers on Craigslist and bust their kneecaps. Neither of them view this as significantly different from the dissection frog liberation. KDJ gets her a rescued exotic cat for her birthday as a reward.
Lee Gilyeong: self-explanatory.
Han Suyeong: she's been pirating media since she was eleven and has never stopped. World-class expert in pirating everything. She's the unsung hero who rips the CDs and games and puts them online. Runs the pirating websites. Has never paid for a webnovel or manwha or manga in her life. Despite this, she insists that pirating books is immoral and that people should support small authors. The FBI knows she exists and has been trying to catch her for years. She brags about this constantly.
Yoo Sangah: has committed tax fraud before, will commit tax fraud tomorrow, is currently committing tax fraud. Embezzles her company's embezzlement. Insists that she's only committing victimless crimes, mainly because she doesn't view business executives as people. Her ability to evade the IRS is mythological and it's how KDJ got a crush on her.
Yoo Junghyeok: does not understand adult life well enough to knowingly commit any sort of white collar crime. He is this high on the list because he enables and helps KDJ in literally everything he does, especially using his clout as an influencer. This is because KDJ has convinced him that these things aren't crimes, and he doesn't understand adult life well enough to figure it out.
Kim Dokja: has done every white collar crime under the sun. I can't emphasize enough how much crime he does. He's currently blackmailing SYS's college tuition out of a US Senator. HSY makes the shell companies and launders so much money with him. Alternates between running a pyramid scheme and a ponzi scheme depending on the month. Started a cult that one time but we don't like to talk about that. Runs the betting ring for YJH's esports games. Fixes the games. YJH does not know he does this, but KDJ splits the profits and Yoo Mia also needs a college tuition so he decides not to think about it too hard. Big into crypto and runs every crypto scam you can possibly think of, which is normally where the the ponzi schemes come in. Steals YJH's identity often. Somehow everything he does is technically legal. The only crime he does not commit is pirating. Exclusively targets the wealthy and ultra-wealthy and has never stolen money from a poor person. Sugar daddies all of his friends and pays all college tuitions. Anonymously yet obviously sponsors huge amounts of money to YJH's Twitch streams, mostly in apology for the ID theft. Would really rather be living a quiet life in a big house with all of his friends, but that big house ain't gonna pay for itself.
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koishua · 5 months
the sheer amount of dystopian energy watching ppl rave about the met gala and have that and only that as their main concern when over a million lives in rafah are currently in active danger. i get that life moves on and that the "show" must go on and i myself indulge in entertainment but are we serious rn?? the surrealness of it all hurts my mind. what a terrifyingly simple life people lead i will never get. i can't wait for the day all of them perish. be it in this life or the next. there are people out there who genuinely lead the most simple, ignorant, comfortable, detached-from-reality, unconcerned, and cushy soft lives. and there are a lot of them. and they simply won't look and point out "hey! that's wrong! you have to stop!" despite knowing that one word from them and half of the population drops everything to do as they say. and even if they do not have that kind of social and political power, they don't even bother to lift a single finger or hear the screams of the abused, scorned, banished, hunted, burned, murdered. and because they do not know the pain of being chased away from a home, of being voiceless to the rest of the world, of having no power at all— the pain of facing humanity's worst— they turn a blind eye and forget. dismiss. refute. shun. to not know is not a sin, but i believe to not learn is. and this isn't just about rafah rn or the decades of anguish behind it. this is a story older than time. and it's still ongoing in so many other parts of the world to so many other populations who go unnoticed and unheard and it hurts me deeply when they refuse to be human. can't even call them animals because even animals have mercy out of their natural, built-in behaviours. i am not judging (who am i to judge, i am but a speck of nothingness in the grand scheme of things) people who aren't as vocal about this when i know that they are doing something to actively help behind the curtains. anything. something. but not doing anything AND not at least speaking about it and being a witness to it? what a world.
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SPOILERS FOR TOTK -- YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED My Dearest Friend, I do hope that when this letter finally reaches you, wherever you are out there in the world, that you are safe and well. I'll admit that things have been fairly uneventful around here since you left us. Which isn't a bad thing in the grand scheme of things. It's nice to not have an existential, people threatening crisis to worry about. But they have been quiet nonetheless. Normally I wouldn't dare to burden you further whilst you are focused on far more important things. However...the purpose of this letter is to address something that I should have done a long time ago. Something that my darling Yona has been saying I should have done since you came back to us. She made me aware of several conversations that you had with her, and with others here at the Domain during your time with us. Conversations about matter, which If I hadn't been as occupied as I was with the situation at hand, I may have been more sensitive too when we first spoke. There were days, some years ago, when the world was a much darker and smaller place, a shadow of corruption and chaos looming over everything we both knew and loved. During those dark times you and I formed a close friendship, one that I cherish and hold close to this very day, and one that I hope you at least still hold given what I know now. During that time we sought comfort in one another, we confided in each other about our darkest secrets, or greatest pains and desires for a world without death hovering over our heads. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you for those times, and how proud I was when you rid this land of the darkness and set us all free. To have been a part of your journey, to have known you during it. There's a reason why people say I don't ever stop talking about you, or what you have done to save my people and Hyrule in general. Well...that's the reason they give for it, anyway. There is another, though. One that has taken me the better of 5 and a half years to realise. One that if I had been more sensitive to you when you came back, I might have had the courage to admit too...at least to myself. I dare not say it to you in this letter to you because written words only go so far. I would rather say them to you in person... Therefore, at the request of my darling fiancee and of course myself. I ask that you come back to the Domain when your quest is complete, so that I may finally have the opportunity to say what really matters, to be what I should have been to you all along... You have a great burden upon you, one that I'm sure you wouldn't wish upon your worst enemy. (And believe me, I have some things I'd like to say to the Demon King when you finally face him, be sure to activate my sage form when you do...) But regardless of this challenge, I know that you have it in you rise up and face it. You are one of the most incredible, strong and inspiring people I have ever met, and stopping short of saying what I should have said all those years ago...and just a short time ago when you were here with us...I will finish with this. Go forth, find Zelda and make Ganon regret ever showing his face in Hyrule again. You were born to save us all...and we will be behind you all the way. You can do this, Link. I know it. I believe in you... Sidon. . . .
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elvenbeard · 6 months
ohhhh so many good ones but...hmmm. 1, 7 and 13 for the dark oc asks pretty please?
Thanks so much for asking!! :D
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Excluding murder, what is the worst thing your OC has ever done?
Objectively... working for Arasaka, probably? xD Which is pretty vague as an answer, but neither before nor after he contributed to things as fucked up as what Arasaka does. Now, he obviously didn't personally deliver illegal guns to war zones to stirr up conflicts so somewhere some rich people could benefit from the death and destruction and whatnot. He didn't come up with political schemes and ploys, he didn't have any personal grudges against anyone he worked against. He was a tiny cogwheel in a huge machinery with seemingly little impact and say, but I think that makes how bad this all was even worse. He turned a blind eye to what exactly he was supporting and doing, to the effects his actions had on other people, because as an otherwise very empathetic person he wouldn't have been able to continue working there. And in the grand scheme of things he really enjoyed his job, the data analysis, the scheming, the planning, the euphoria when something worked out exactly as it was supposed to, being a part of something bigger for the first time in his life. He definitely lost a bit of himself in the process, which led to him at some point betraying someone he deeply cared for - but in that moment he cared more for keeping the life he had built for himself.
7. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
That depends a bit on what he wants to get, I would say. He isn't someone to immediately jump to murder when the outcome for him is only material gain, for example. If it's a "you or me" kind of situation though, he has killed and would kill again if there's no other way out. A little bit of intimidation can go a long way already usually, and he's ruined lives of people before that he never even met in person.
I think the more interesting question isn't how far does he wanna go, but what does he want and how can he achieve it. Because Vince doesn't care that much for money or fame. He wants a reputation that makes him seem trustworthy and not someone you want to mess with. And from that he hopes to gain the power to do whatever he wants, live a good life, and know his friends safe and protected. All of this determines how far he is willing to go and what he is willing to do. He would not fuck over people that helped him get where he is, and he is loyal to a fault to his friends. The rest of the world can go fuck itself though xD
13. Who does your OC hate the most?
Johnny Silverhand, no doubt xD Not all the time, not in the end, but he never hated someone as fiercely as him for a while, especially in the beginning and especially after his bender - and especially because they aren't that different from each other in their personalities, and Vince hated that more than anything.
Not even his abusive mother comes close in terms of people he hated at some point, and Vince was more scared of her than truly hating her, but she's a close second.
In general though Vince doesn't hate easily or strongly, he doesn't hold grudges for long or at all.
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arts-and-drafts · 1 year
Canary (Life Series)
(Regarding Jimmy waking up in Last Life, and discovering he has been changed. I have a lot of thoughts about Canary!Jimmy and tried to compile them all! This has sat in my drafts for a while and I've decided to just post it instead of nitpicking it any further lol. Enjoy!)
CW: Death mentions, dehumanizing, deprecating thoughts, minor body horror
Jimmy didn't move for a long time after he first spawned in.
He felt them there. Wings. Hanging off his shoulders with just as much weight as his other limbs. Even when trying not to move, he would sometimes twitch as a human body does (he's human, he's always been human, and he always will be, he HAS to be, right?), and the wings would move too.
It settled an icy dread deep in his chest, to know he'd been changed like this. Against his will. It was so minor, but the mere fact that it happened paralyzed him to the core. What if this was just the beginning?
(What else would happen to him?)
Eventually, he got tired and cramped from his position, and he reasoned he didn't have time for a crisis right now. He could feel that there was something different in this world, although waking up with no memory as to how he arrived was also a pretty good indicator. He was in a death game. Again.
Well, the W--no, don't talk about them. They love it when they're brought up in conversation, and their attention is never a good thing to have.
Anyway, the...game makers tended to throw a handful of players in, so Jimmy at least knew he was not alone.
He set off to search for others. And, for a while, it was as normal as a death game could be, with a few twists of course. They always felt the need to shake things up.
But, Jimmy made friends, and was soon setting up shop as a member of the Southlands.
He turned his back on Grian to harvest some wood, and his friend froze. "Tim...you've got wings."
"Yeah, I gathered that." Jimmy replied with as much neutrality as he could muster. "I can't fly, though, I tried."
He didn't know what he expected, really. If Grian couldn't fly, with wings as grand as he had, why would Jimmy be able to?
(Good for nothing, as usual, isn't it just hilarious?)
"Are they at least colorful?" Jimmy asked, attempting to stay upbeat. "I can't see them, obviously."
Jimmy's wings were so small that even when he figured out how to move them, he couldn't see them, even when he stretched as hard as he could and nearly broke his own neck craning around for a look.
Grian looked constipated, like he didn't know what to say.
"They're yellow." He finally said. Jimmy nodded thoughtfully. "Fits the color scheme, at least--"
"They're canary wings, Jimmy." Grian interrupted, his tone akin to what it would be when telling somebody terrible news.
Jimmy stared blankly. "Okay? What does that mean?"
Grian looked at him for a long time, his mouth pressed into a thin line, until he finally shrugged and turned away. "Doesn't matter."
And just like that, they were back to normal, making "aha" puns while building up the Southlands base. Jimmy wanted to believe in the peace and the laughter that he knew was precious, so he didn't let his mind linger on their conversation.
He noticed Grian avoided looking him in the eyes from then on, though.
It was only later, when they were on their red lives and Grian's blade ran him through the back, that Jimmy couldn't avoid his thoughts anymore and he finally put together what his friend had been so odd about.
Jimmy was the first to die. Again. As if he was an omen that death was coming for the rest of them, a canary going silent in the coal mine that was this twisted game.
Of course. It was a cruel joke that Jimmy was the butt of. He didn't know what he expected.
The worst part was that the wings stayed when he woke up again.
This game was different, as they all were. This time, he had a Soulmate, who he met through death.
It really couldn't get any more poetic than that. Jimmy knew that the Watchers just loved it. It made his stomach clench with a bitter anger.
But he couldn't be mad at Tango. It wasn't his fault that a creeper dropped on his head. Just like it wasn't Jimmy's fault that he was going to die first.
He still felt crushing guilt at the fact that he took Tango with him.
If Jimmy was the Watchers' new joke, fine. But attaching him to someone else just to have them die too was infuriatingly unfair.
He was relieved when the next game was different. Nobody was bound to him, or his fate. Everybody was on an even field; 24 hours to live.
Going through the motions was easy. Set up camp, get food squared away, find a beginning alliance. This time, it was Grian and Joel.
They decided to call themselves the Bad Boys, and Jimmy kept his wings firmly tucked inside his matching leather jacket.
(Out of sight, out of mind.)
As the sun set on their first night, Jimmy stared at the stars from atop the smouldering mansion, squished between his allies in beds pressed so close together that they might as well be one.
Maybe this time would be different. Maybe the fourth time would be the charm, and next time Jimmy would wake up without the canary wings that sealed his fate from the start.
He'd always been one for hoping.
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Could I get Suit with an Mc that has a ptsd flashback over something she read?
Suit Saeran isn't exactly the most comforting person in the world. In fact, he is the last person in the world that should be comforting anybody because he doesn't even know how to comfort himself. Yet, say on the off chance that he found you in a crumpled heap of yourself because you saw something and it set off an episode you couldn't control.
It wouldn't take much for him to realize that you being in distress wasn't because of something he did. That's kind of the loophole when it comes to getting anything gentle from him. The key word is: gentle, it doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, but there's a huge difference between all of those words that define him as a person. A lot of people wouldn't expect gentleness to define him.
If he's not the one making you uncomfortable then he doesn't want you to be uncomfortable.
That probably sounds counterintuitive and it doesn't make any sense but that's the way his brain works when it comes to you. You're not allowed to be in pain if he's not the one causing it. So if you're in tears and unable to say anything, you might be surprised when he puts his jacket over your shoulders and sits next to you.
He doesn't say anything. If you look at him, he will scowl and look away.
He doesn't know anything about helping anybody but he does know that being alone sucks. When you are having the worst day of your life the last thing you want to do is be alone during something like this.
You don't have to say anything nor do you have to look at him. All you need to do is recognize that he is trying and that might be enough to make you feel comfortable. It might make you look at him a little bit differently or it might not.
If nothing else, it should spark something in you to see him a little differently just as he may see you a little differently.
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aedicula · 10 months
setting aside the valorization of genocide, thanksgiving is a better christmas than christmas (if one observes both). if you can replace valorization of genocide with Sociopolitical Awareness and Respect for Indigenous People and still hold thanskgiving in your heart (which no one is required to do), my argument in support:
as everyone knows, christmas itself is the worst part of the christmas season. by christmas at about 2 pm, the christmas joy has leached out of the world. even christmas enjoyers like christmas eve more than they like actual christmas because they really just like the idea of christmas. by christmas day at 2 pm, what are you really doing? looking at your presents? that's not even that good (see point 3 below). packing stuff up? ok! maybe have christmas meal? it's basically thanksgiving dinner with nothing to look forward to.
thanksgiving is situated so you can still enjoy a holiday vibe, music, foods, peppermint bark, etc. and it's still fairly new and novel in the scheme of the year. you are not sick of Holiday Season yet.
no pressure to RECEIVE gifts. this is more important than pressure to give gifts. receiving a mediocre gift is distressing because it lays bare that no one Truly Understands and Sees Me or Cares About My Interiority to where they can read my mind and anticipate i do not want truff hot sauce or cocktail infuser--and one thinks this should be clear to all so the fact it isn't...phew. so then one must feel guilty for someone else wasting their money.
no pressure to give gifts and thus spend money...a boon as i must go through the above anxieties with friends and family trying to determine if they have moved past colorful glassware and will now find it gauche, or if they already have a ravioli stamp, or if they don't have anywhere to hang a framed picture so now it's a burden on them, and if you mess up...it's over...they'll know you don't See them either
i am not the biggest fan of thanksgiving food but i love to make food, love to make a detailed plan and go to grocery store, am pretty good at it, and love to receive Praise for my food.
(important) most Office Job Havers get 3 days off for christmas, but pressures and expectations that it's CHRISTMAS and you'll have an awesome time, plus the practical reality that last-minute prep, christmas eve, travel (if necessary), cleaning your house for petsitter or guests (if necessary), tensions high...all of this means you cannot ENJOY the time. it does not feel like enough. many Office Job Havers get 3 days off for thanksgiving plus the weekend, but it's a trim half-day holiday with low expectations. that's 4.5 days you can use for CHILLING that do not need to be suffused with additional activities.
minor holiday in the grand scheme of things so if you don't like your family, many excuses available such as, "see you at christmas," "can't travel," "need to work," "going somewhere else." or you can do thanksgiving with family you don't like when tensions are less high while laying the foundation to not spend your christmas with them. there's a tactical move for all adult children for whom total estrangement would be more awesome than the status quo.
you can watch the dog show on tv and see the dogs. on black friday, you can go to the zoo if you want. it's not crowded at the zoo on black friday but they're probably open. and probably a lot of the animals need to be fed because there weren't many people on staff there yesterday. check it out.
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artekai · 1 year
Wow, they weren't kidding. Those nightmares can really hit you in your fears and anxieties
Vent under cut (if you read you have to promise not to judge and not to let it affect your perception of me)
I just dreamt that one of my friends texted me something along the lines of "Hey, I need to level with you. I found a romantic partner, and while this hasn't happened before, they fulfill all of my needs so let's not talk anymore" so basically just telling me they didn't need me anymore because they had a partner now so I should stop talking to them. And I know it sounds stupid and like it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things (it's certainly far from the worst I've had), but fuck has it been hard not to be afraid I'm gonna be left alone lately, and my brain just had to spell it out for me. I swear my heart physically hurt when I woke up lmfao, that's how bad it scared me.
I have to imagine it would be easier to deal with the actual, concrete, physical problems I have irl if I weren't also constantly anxious about losing everyone I care about. I'm a terrible friend so I don't see why they shouldn't get tired of me soon and move onto someone better. I know at least they deserve better. And what else do I have going for me if not my friends? They're the only reason I'm still sane. Fml.
I hate that I'm like this. I hate that it genuinely scares me to the point of making me feel physically sick. I've been getting the urge to self isolate again - granted, I've been busy and exhausted so that also makes it harder to socialize - but a part of me still can't help but feel like it would be easier to take it into my own hands, to strike first so it doesn't catch me by surprise. It's my fault that I'm afraid to lose anyone, anyway, for daring to let myself get close to them in the first place. But it always feels so good at first, doesn't it? I always get carried away by that feeling, even knowing what's inevitably coming, sooner or later.
I can't help but think I'm a horrible person for thinking that way, too. I literally come here and publicly display red flags every other day lmao. So I don't understand how my friends still think I'm worth being friends with. Why they didn't jump ship early on like the ones who did. They were right. I'm not worth the risk. I really aren't.
I don't know what's wrong with me, but there is something really wrong going on deep inside, and I really do feel it every day. No matter what I do I'm gonna end up hurting someone I really care about, either by pushing them away or pulling them in close, and I'm not sure which possibility scares me more. I should've stayed alone when I had the chance. It's not fair of me to drag others down with me - to drag really good people who don't deserve it down with me. Just because being alone was starting to hurt me. How selfish, isn't it? It was downright stupid to think I could do things right this time. I don't think I really believed it, I just wanted an excuse.
I really do hate myself a lot. I hate this is how I am, and how I feel, and how I think. I just wanna curl up and cry and forget there is a world outside of me at all. What I've really needed for a while is a shoulder to cry on. But when I try to open up to someone it feels like they jump straight to offering advice or trying to cheer me up or just get uncomfortable and change the topic, and, if they don't, I feel pressured to wrap it up quickly so as to not burden them too much. So how am I expected to open up when it feels like I'm not welcome to do so in my own terms? I'm so sick and tired of bottling shit up. I just want to let things suck sometimes. Because they suck and it's exhausting to pretend it doesn't affect me.
Sigh. I really do just need to break down in someone's arms. But really I just wanna lay down and die. Fml.
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clumsyparty · 6 months
Sometimes I hate being autistic
I dropped one of my favourite mugs and it broke to the point I can't fix it and use it to store pencils or something. I can't find a replacement, best I've got so far is the designer's website, so if worst comes to worst I can try contacting them, just on the tiny chance they could help out (unlikely, but I should try anyway)
I'm very attached to this mug, partly for sensory reasons, partly just emotional attachment to it. There's no reason to have this attachment, other than I've had it for a few years, its a mug that was MINE, not a shared mug, and I liked the design. I wasn't given it by anyone, there wasn't a time period I got it in that's super significant to my life.
But losing this is a big deal to me. I need it back. I'm doing as much as I can to get a replacement. But the situation is not looking good. And I know in the grand scheme of things, its not the end of the world. I'm lucky I am able to drink from other mugs and glasses and bottles and all that. This won't stop me from getting fluids. But this is causing a level of upset that is significant and I know isn't common for allistic people. Its just another thing on top of all the other stress I have atm.
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erabundus · 10 months
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anonymous &&. said... Ren meeting Acer tho
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short  answer  —  he  throws  acer  over  his  shoulder  like  a  sack  of  potatoes  and  runs.
long  answer  —  oh  boy  would  he  ever  be  HORRIFIED!  ren  has  a  very  strange  relationship  with  guilt  by  default.  i  swear  i've  talked  about  it  before,  but  he  has  a  habit  of  trying  to  shoulder  the  blame  for  things  that  aren't  necessarily  his  fault.  (  a  very  black  and  white,  all  or  nothing  way  of  thinking.  )  he  looks  at  kazuha  and  sees  himself  wholly  responsible  for  every  scrap  of  misfortune  he's  ever  had  to  endure  in  his  life,  completely  ignoring  how  unrealistic  or  impossible  that  actually  is.  despite  how  often  he  goes  on  and  on  about  the  inherent  CRUELTY  of  the  world,  he  isn't  content  with  simply  seeing  a  tragedy  as  a  tragedy  —  there  has  to  be  some  explanation,  some  reason,  something  to  justify  it  beyond  simply  chalking  things  up  to  random  chance.  to  assume  otherwise  would  be  to  admit  to  one's  powerlessness,  to  accept  the  role  of  a helpless  VICTIM in the grand scheme of things  —  and  he  refuses  to  view  himself  as  that.
he  basically  tries  to  shoulder  the  guilt  for  everything  as  a  way  of  taking  back  CONTROL.  because  if  something  is  his  fault,  then  he  can  also do  something  about  it  —  he  can  seek  out  accountability  and  try  to  right  his  wrongs  in  whatever  way  he  possibly  can.
all  this  to  say,  ren  would  meet  acer  and  see  himself  as  personally  responsible.  he  would  make  whatever  leaps  in  logic  needed  to  justify  it  —  if  his  family  were  still  alive  and  flourishing,  the  circumstances  that  saw  him  pushed  into  the  fatui's  hands  presumably  would  have  never  come  about.  (  and  so  on  and  so  forth.  reasoning  with  him  is  impossible.  )  it's all his fault. this  would  basically  be  ren's  equivalent  of  the  worst  possible  timeline, and it's all his fault.  he's  the  balladeer's  subordinate,  he's  wielding  a  delusion  that's  slowly  killing  him,  no  doubt  the  fatui  is  going  to  use  him  up  for  all  that  he's  worth  —  then  TOSS  HIM  to  the  wayside  like  all  the  others.  the  only  blessing  is  that  scaramouche  doesn't  know  who  he  actually  is,  otherwise  his  blatant  favoritism  would  turn  sour  very  quickly.
it  was  a  joke,  but  genuinely  i  think  ren's  first  instinct  would  be  to  get  him  out  of  there.  even  if  acer  would  be  opposed  to  it  —  he  would  basically  see  it  as  the  best  possible  thing  he  could  do  for  him  at  that  point.  ultimately,  ren  wants  any  version  of  kazuha  to  live  a  long,  happy  life.  he  doesn't  care  whether  he's  the  one  to  make  him  happy  or  otherwise  —  on  the  contrary,  he  still  sees  their  RELATIONSHIP  as  a  very  selfish  indulgence  on  his  end.  (  and  probably  always  will,  even  if  he's  gotten  better  at  ignoring  those  feelings.  )  he  was  content  to  stay  in  quietly  pining  hell  forever  before  kazuha  went  out  of  his  way  to  show  him  that  his  feelings  were  not  only  reciprocated,  but  he  was  INTERESTED in  having  a  relationship  —  with  him.  in  the  fatui  au,  he  would  see  getting  acer  out  and  as  far  from  the  fatui  as  possible  as  the  best  way  to  fulfill  that  goal  of  a  happy  life.  he's  not  going  to  have  a  life  if  he  continues  to  work  for  them;  he  would  believe  very  strongly  that  they  would  get  him  killed  one  way  or  another.
assuming  he  can't  pluck  acer  out  of  the  fatui  like  a  garden  carrot,  he  would  probably  (  though  very  reluctantly  )  settle  for  trying  to  WARN  HIM  at  least.  stress  that  he  should  go  —  that  he  needs  to  stop  using  his  delusion  and  that  he  cannot,  under  any  circumstances,  allow  the  balladeer  to  know  his  name.  probably  with  a  hefty  side  of  "leave  him,  you  can  do  so  much  better,"  because  ren  is  nothing  if  not  scaramouche's  number  one  hater.
no  matter  what  happens,  he  is  extremely  unhappy  with  this  turn  of  events.
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tokiro07 · 1 year
[Note: this was apparently in my Drafts??? I thought I posted it weeks ago, but no??? Apparently not???]
@maski1 replied to your post “THAT'S LOSER TALK!”:
I like the fact that the teachers made such a game tho. They were all so focused on victory that they forgot the most important thing
​Yeah, that was definitely the point that the teachers were trying to make, and it undercuts a different recurring element that we've been seeing this whole time: that the students of Cipher Academy are geniuses
Think back to when we learned that each class had been given a password for Glasses Weapons to access Class M. Iroha was impressed that groups of students, not professional codebreakers with years of experience, were able to crack the codes
Along with pretty much everything else we've seen from anyone other than Iroha himself, the students are portrayed as up-and-coming unprecedented talents, like Anonymity being able to solve ten puzzles on sight while also hiding the fact that she was even looking at them
These kids are incredibly gifted at what they do, to the point that it feels like you could just throw them into a real-world scenario and they'd be fine. Even Kogoe suggests doing just that with Iroha pretty early on, and he's easily the worst codebreaker in the series at the moment (not to diminish how good he is, he's just not supposed to be as good as everyone else)
But the thing is, everything we've seen so far has been simulated. None of it has required real-world experience, and none of it has put anyone at any real risk
"How did you guys win - sorry, I mean, how are you not dead?"
Because this isn't a combat scenario. This isn't a warzone. It's a simulation. It's training. It's a game. No matter how seriously you're meant to take it, the truth of the matter is that these are, in the grand scheme of how this world is set up to work, children's games
We've never seen the adults solving puzzles or breaking codes, but do you think that these professionals wouldn't be able to keep up with the likes of Anonymity or Yugata? Even if they're particularly rare talents, do you think they'd be able to outsolve Nikueda at their current level?
The teachers know that for however talented their students are, they're still just children, amateurs at worst and rookies at best. This is why they designed the game to have ambiguous rules, to test the students' abilities to read between the lines, and while most of them figured out that the rules of engagement were extremely flexible, only Iroha was able to truly figure out what the goal was, proving that even the weakest individual soldier can pull out ahead of the strongest
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meatmilkshake · 3 months
Avid believer in "just let people enjoy things"
One of my closest friends says "to be cringe is to be free". I think it's a funny way to say it and I love it, seriously. The other day I saw a tik tok of a lady having her flavored water with some syrup and people just couldn't stop commenting "It's not water anymore don't call it that!! it's juice!! It's juice now!! How many of those do you have a day?!! God I hate these 'water' tik toks!! So much sugar and flavoring, just have a soda!!"
Can't you waste your time on the internet saying something else? Is that really the worst thing going on currently? Isn't there something more important to be insufferably miserable about?
Of course it would be hypocritical of me to not point out that my personal rant isn't very significant in the grand scheme of things and what I'm saying isn't a new sentiment.
I just find it hard in myself to even admit my likes or dislikes with others in fear of my favorite things being criticized harshly when I know their significance in the betterment of my own life on a daily basis. Maybe a stupid drink to you may be a treat after a hard fucking day for someone else.
All this to say - Let people enjoy things. We all need our own comforts from the harshness of the world currently. We all need a community to be able to share our comforts with - and find solace in that.
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