#graduation ceremonies are so important to me
daddy-socrates · 1 year
okay so, in a disappointing and frustrating turn of events, my thesis defense is once again postponed. i got an email like an hour and some ago where the department head said one of my committee members has enough comments and suggested revisions that it would make sense for me to work through them before going to defend it.
which! i get it, they want to make sure i'm at my best before i give the biggest presentation on the biggest project of my whole actual almost-career so far.
but it does feel like "you are bad at philosophy and also you suck. personally"
i know it isn't, and i've already gone through the whole process of mourning or whatever. but im especially bummed because like, 1. i now view my MA thesis the way i view my BA thesis ("technically got the credit" level work). and that sucks. it sucks!!!!!!!! until now i felt almost confident in it!!!!! :(
and 2. im still good to walk at graduation next weekend which is cool, but UNFORTUNATELY i was hoping that i would feel i'd EARNED it by having PRESENTED my thesis. it was always the plan that i would do the final revisions and get the full transcript and actual degree in august, but now graduation feels hollow and fucking fake since i can't defend until late june.
this sucks
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widegrinbigchin · 6 months
today a chunk of russian rocket destroyed a massive part of my art academy, Boychuck's academy of decorative art and design, Kiyv,
I'm lucky i wasn't there, but the aftermath of this attac is truly devastating for the academy, that portion of the building, it's ruined it's it's just gone... we lost our gym, your Congress hall, our gallery, our assembly hall... and that's not even a complete list
I feel devastated ... i don't even known what to say, only hope that there is no deaths(most people managed to evacuate to the basement shelter)
i usually don't share stuff like that here but this time i couldn't keep it to myself
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formula-nyoom · 5 months
Grid Graduation
Platonic!Grid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Being a racecar driver and actively pursuing a higher education is a feat in and of itself. You didn't let your career get in the way of going to college. But when racing seems to prevent you from attending your graduation ceremony, your fellow drivers decide to take matters into their own hands
A/N: Congratulations to all the people that are graduating this month or next month! I hope you guys have amazing celebrations. And to my fellow college students who still have a year or years left to go, we’re going to get through it, even if it seems like hell. I know that the color of the graduation gowns can vary by college or are usually black but I went with dark blue because that was the color of my gown when I got my associates degree. 
Some people would say it's stupid to try and get a bachelor’s degree while being a race car driver. 
“You already have a career. Why would you spend all your free time off track pursuing something you don’t really need?” is the question that was constantly asked to you during interviews. Your answer: because it was important to you. It’s common knowledge that karting and racing takes up most of a driver’s life. And while most drivers are able to pursue basic schooling and education during their karting days and early single seater days, once a driver makes it higher up the racing ladder, pursuing an education becomes second to trying to be the best race car driver on track. 
You on the other hand felt that your pursuit of racing should not get in the way of your education. And thankfully with the ability to take online classes, you didn’t have that worry. 
“You’ve refreshed that page five times in the last 30 seconds.” Alex said as you two sat in the drivers lounge. It was media day so thankfully neither of you had to worry about racing and instead your worry was focused on something else.
 “Can you blame me? I’m supposed to get sent an email that tells me whether or not I graduate today and I’m dying to know.” You said, refreshing the page again. You had finally completed all the required courses you needed to graduate and get your bachelors degree. Now you were just waiting for the confirmation that all the hard work, all the study sessions you had done between and after races, and all the all nighters was worth it. 
 “Have you gotten the email yet?” You looked up from your laptop to see Logan approaching with Oscar behind him. You refreshed the page again.
 “Nope. Still nothing.” You let out a frustrated sigh. All the other drivers knew about your pursuit of a college education while also being a race car driver. They had been nothing but supportive in your efforts and could tell how worried you were about having to wait for your college’s final decision on you graduating.
 “The email will come eventually. Staring at the screen isn’t going to help.” Oscar said. 
“I suppose you’re right.” You said, refreshing the page again. You were about to close your laptop, putting the matter temporarily to rest, when the page loaded and showed you had a new email. It was from your college.
 “It’s here!” You exclaimed. You were about to open the email when you paused your finger over the mouse pad.
“I don’t think I can open this. What if they deny me? Or what if this email tells me that I still have some courses that I need to pass to graduate?” You started nervously chewing on your bottom lip as worst case scenarios started to run through your head. Logan placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder
 “(Y/N), you’ve been working your ass off the past couple years to get this degree. They’d be stupid to not let you graduate.” Logan said. 
 “I can read the email for you first if you want.” Alex offered. That seemed to calm your nerves. You handed Alex the laptop and waited with bated breath as he opened the email. Anticipation started to build as it seemed to take forever for Alex to read the first line of the email
“Congratulations (Y/N) (L/N), you have met the requirements to graduate!” Alex exclaimed.
 “Really?” You grabbed the laptop and read the first line of the email that did indeed confirm that you were graduating. Logan and Oscar started to shake your shoulders in excitement as you started to laugh from happiness.
 “I’m graduating!” You exclaimed. Logan, Alex and Oscar let out cheers of excitement as you read the first lines of the email again.
“What’s with the excitement?” Charles asked as he and Max entered the driver’s lounge.
 “(Y/N) got the confirmation that she’s graduating college.” Alex said.
“Congratulations!”Max said. He ruffled your hair while Charles gave you a hug. You were practically beaming with happiness as you started to read the email out loud. 
“Congratulations (Y/N) (L/N), you have met the requirements to graduate! We commend you for this amazing accomplishment and we’d like you to attend the graduation ceremony on….June 7th.” Your voice trailed off after reading the date and your smile slowly started to drop.
 “Are you gonna go?” Oscar asked. You shook your head.
“I can’t. We’ll all be in Canada for Free Practice.” You said. It was true. Your college’s graduation ceremony was the same week of the Canadian Grand Prix.
 “Do you think your team will let you go?” Alex asked. “I mean, you’ve done Canada multiple times and you’ll do it again. But you only really graduate college once, especially considering you're a race car driver.”
 “I don’t think (Y/N)’s team will let her go. Free Practice isn’t something you can really miss.” Max said. He was right. Attending a graduation ceremony seemed like a trivial matter compared to your career. 
 “But (Y/N)’s worked so hard for this. Surely her team will understand.” Logan said.
“No, it’s…it’s ok if I miss the graduation ceremony. I’ve been given confirmation that I’m graduating and will get my diploma in the mail later this year. That’s enough for me.” You told them. But that wasn’t really true. You would have liked to attend the ceremony. If not for just the celebration but also for the sense of normalcy away from the racetrack and responsibilities of being a Formula One driver. 
 “Well we can still celebrate right? Maybe get all the drivers together for a dinner?” Charles suggested. You smiled a bit.
 “Yea Charles. A dinner would be nice. This is still a cause for a celebration. Even if I can’t go to the official one.”
Dinner with the other drivers was a nice celebration. It helped you forget about not being able to attend the graduation ceremony for a while. But the week of the Canadian Grand Prix seemed to bring up that fact again. It seemed the media wanted to remind you too.
 “Well, before we start taking questions, I’d like to say congratulations to you, (Y/N). It was recently let known that you’ve graduated college and now have a bachelor's degree.” The media commentator for the drivers press conference said to you as you sat on a couch next to George, Lando, Lewis, and Zhou. 
“Thank you. If I didn't have to be here in Canada, I'd actually be attending the graduation ceremony, which is happening tomorrow. But racing takes priority.” You smiled to hide some of your disappointment, but the other drivers seemed to notice.
 “I’m sure you and your family are proud of all your efforts. Maybe some of the drivers too?” The interviewer said, motioning to the drivers next to you.
“I’m insanely proud of (Y/N) for what she’s accomplished. She’s shown that racing shouldn’t get in the way of pursuing an education.” Lewis said.
 “I will say, (Y/N) has worked harder than anyone else on the grid.” Zhou said. 
“She won’t admit it herself though.” George said, nudging your side. You shook your head.
“In terms of something like this, even if I can’t attend a graduation ceremony, I’m proud of all the work I’ve done.” You said.
 “Well, I hope you celebrate or have already celebrated what is an immense accomplishment.” The interviewer said.
 “Me and the other drivers on the grid actually went out to dinner to celebrate the day I found out I was graduating to make up for the fact that I can’t attend the ceremony. It was a really nice dinner and I’m glad I have friends to celebrate my accomplishments with.” You smiled at your friends sitting next to you. They smiled back, but for a different reason. 
Despite your efforts to hide your disappointment, your fellow drivers could tell how upset you were about not being able to attend your graduation ceremony. And while the dinner was indeed nice, they wanted you to have a proper celebration for such an immense accomplishment.
That’s how George and Lando ended up knocking on your driver’s room door after interviews and media responsibilities were done for the day.
 “Hey guys. What’s up?” You asked as you opened the door for them.
“Put this on.” Lando handed you a bag with what you assumed had to contain clothing.
 “Why? What is it that you have handed me?” You gave him a skeptical look.
“Open the bag and find out.” Lando said. You did as he instructed and pulled out something made of dark blue fabric. At first you thought it was a dress, but unfurling it revealed to be a graduation gown. You tried not to frown. The only need for something like this would be for graduation photos, which you had already taken. But Lando and George were insistent and you decided to amuse their idea for now and put it on.
“Now what? You want me to get into a race car and drive around the track in a graduation gown?” George and Lando just laughed.
 “I don’t think the FIA will allow that. At least not in just the gown.” Lando said.
“Of course you can’t have the gown without the cap.”  George handed you a graduation cap with a tassel in your team color. The cap was decorated with a little race car on top that had a diploma trailing behind it. 
 “What’s…what’s all this for?” You asked, while putting the cap on. You don’t know why you decided to put the cap on, but did so anyway.
“It’s for your graduation ceremony of course.” Lando said. You frowned.
 “There’s no way I can attend that ceremony.” You said.
“We’re not talking about your college’s graduation ceremony. We’re talking about the one that’s happening right now.” George said. “Come on.”
George and Lando ushered you out of your driver’s room and started to lead you somewhere. You still looked at them with confusion. 
 “We already celebrated during that dinner.”
“But it wasn’t a proper ceremony.” Lando said, leading you towards the track entrance. By now, you were starting to suspect what George and Lando were up to. It wasn’t confirmed until they led you to the start line.
“You guys did not….” Rows and rows of chairs were set up on the track with a makeshift aisle in the middle. Each chair was filled with one of your fellow drivers or members of your team. Tears started to well up in your eyes at the realization of what was happening. 
 “We wanted you to have a proper graduation ceremony.” Lando said, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into a side hug. Now you were trying really hard not to cry.
 “C’mon. Everyone’s waiting for you.” George said. He and Lando walked you past all chairs, the drivers and team members applauding you as you walked past. 
Lewis and Fernando were standing at what was designated the stage and greeted you with a hug and a whispered “congratulations” as you approached. 
 “Shall we get started then?” Lewis, who had been designated the commencement speaker, said to get everyone’s attention. Everyone quieted down and took a seat
“We are gathered here to recognize the immense accomplishments of (Y/N) (L/N) in her pursuit of a higher education in the form of a bachelor's degree. Not only has she strived for what many have wanted to achieve, but did so while also managing the life of a Formula One driver. That is something not many can do.” Lewis said.
 “I now ask for Fernando to present the graduate with their diploma.” Fernando walked over to you and handed you a piece of paper, then the two of you shook hands as formality of a traditional graduation ceremony while George quickly snapped a photo. You looked at the “diploma” that was handed to you and couldn’t help but let out a laugh. It was a diploma template that you could find on the internet that included your name and the name of your college. Though the official seal had your team logo on it. 
“I now ask the graduate of 2024, to move your tassel from right to left and signify your newfound graduation status.” Lewis said. By now, it was getting really hard to try and keep the tears in as you moved the tassel from right to left. Lewis smiled.
 “It is my pleasure to present (Y/N) (L/N) as the grid’s graduating class of 2024.” Everyone stood up and applauded you. At this point you couldn’t keep the tears in any longer and started to cry but also cheer. Lewis pulled you into a hug, followed by Fernando, then Lando and George and it got to the point of just being a big group hug full of drivers.
 “Go on, toss the cap!” Logan exclaimed once the group hug broke away. Chants of “Toss it! Toss it!” started to echo till you took the graduation cap off and tossed it into the air, signifying that all that hard work was worth it.
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asdfghjklmals · 6 months
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff. mentions mental health. WORD COUNT: 3.4k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc. lover girl!oc. high school lovers.
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SYNOPSIS: satoru and oc gojo girlfriend finally graduate from tokyo jujutsu high school! AUTHOR'S NOTE: happy easter and graduation season for those who are graduating this year! 💚 i realized that when i was writing this, oc gojo girlfriend loves satoru so much. i used to write that satoru loved her more, but after this fic, i'm not so sure lol. REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions, please do!
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tokyo jujutsu high library
“who’s most likely to be on the bachelor?” you asked your bestfriend, shoko ieiri.
even though he wasn’t graduating this year, you and shoko both said in unison, “kento nanami.”
you giggled at the thought of how uncomfortable nanami would be as a bachelor contestant, “you know nanami would absolutely hate being on the bachelor though.”
shoko nodded her head in agreement while reading the other high school superlatives. “what about life of the party?”
again in unison, “satoru gojo.”
“how about this one?” shoko asked, “most likely to sleep through an earthquake.”
“if that’s not me, it has to be tsumiki.” you laughed out loud, knowing that your sleep was sacred to you and nothing could wake you up, “—and worst case of senioritis goes to you, shoko.”
shoko couldn’t disagree with that superlative. she grinned and read the next prompt.
“cutest couple obviously goes to you and gojo.” shoko chuckled before sighing. she pursed her lips, “ah—best bromance…”
“you already know who that should’ve went to,” you said with a soft frown, “satoru has been having a hard time this week—he thinks he’s good at hiding his emotions from me, but i know him too well.”
this week was your graduation ceremony for your whopping class of 3 tokyo jujutsu high sorcerers. jujutsu high school graduations weren’t that big of a celebration like most traditional high school graduations, but it was still important for the school to commemorate their young sorcerers on graduating—and also even making it to graduation given the dangers of being a sorcerer.
suguru geto, who was also known as satoru’s other half, his one and only, wasn’t able to be here to graduate with you, shoko, and satoru due to his decision to go his own way. suguru had a different vision in life, and he decided to leave everything behind to achieve it—including leaving behind his bestfriend, satoru. (read ‘to be present’ here)
shoko sighed as you looked back at her. it must’ve also been hard on shoko, who was a part of their trio. sashisu was shoko’s, satoru’s, and suguru’s group name. they were practically inseparable before you came along.
“suguru should’ve been here too.” shoko said quietly.
you patted her back softly, a measly attempt to comfort her, “i know.”
you heard the library door slide open, satoru waltzed through the door with a blue lollipop in his hand.
“you done perfecting your valedictorian speech yet?” satoru asked as he sat down beside you, kicking his feet on top of the library table as you and shoko closed out of the yearbook superlative tab.
you smiled warmly at him, “yeah, it’s been done.”
of course you were the valedictorian of your class. you took your studies very seriously compared to shoko and satoru. not only were you the valedictorian, but you also planned the graduation dinner that followed the very short ceremony. as the student body president, you had a lot to take care of this past month.
“can’t wait to hear it,” satoru said with a grin, “i better be getting a shoutout in your speech.”
“a shoutout for what?” shoko teased, “being (y/n)’s biggest pain in the ass the past three years she’s been here?”
satoru gasped, “more like being the biggest love of her life! if it wasn’t for jujutsu high, she would have never met me, shoko!”
you laughed at the two bantering back and forth before staring out into the distance. it was beautiful sunny day. tomorrow, you'd be graduates.
later that night
you shot a glare at your boyfriend, “satoru, did you iron your uniform for tomorrow like i asked you to?”
he smiled innocently at you, tilting his frosty head to the side in his attempt to look cute—which meant 'whoops, no'.
you sighed and held out your hands while satoru passed you his uniform with a grin, attempting to sneak a kiss on your cheek. you tried your best not to burst out laughing. hell, you were so in love with this man.
you popped off his jujutsu high pins and set them on his nightstand before stepping out of his room to head to the campus laundry room.
you heard satoru call out to you as you walked down the hallway.
“thanks sweetheart! i love you!”
a smile danced across your face. that satoru gojo whom you loved so silly, what were you going to do with him?
as you waited for the iron to heat up, you recited your graduation speech in your head. you were nervous. what if you tripped down the stairs while you grabbed your diploma from principal yaga? what if you messed up your valedictorian speech? or worse, what if you embarrassed yourself in front of the entire jujutsu high faculty and alumni?
"your forehead is going to have lines for days if you don't stop scowling."
you turned around at the familiar voice. satoru had come to find you.
"you can pay for my botox then." you retorted, sighing as you turned around to face him.
"what could your pretty little head be thinking about?" satoru asked. he hated to see anything but a smile on your face. “i know it’s not about how much you love me.”
you scoffed and chewed on your bottom lip before you grabbed the iron, gliding it down satoru's uniform.
"i'm worried i'm going to trip down the stairs, mess up my speech, or just completely embarrass myself in front of the jujutsu high faculty and alumni."
satoru gave you the ‘are you kidding me’ look and took the hot iron from your hands. he set it down on the ironing board and grabbed your shoulders.
"look at me." he commanded before resting his finger under your chin to guide your face to his, "sweetheart, the (y/n) (l/n) i know is perfect in every way. you walk confidently like this world is yours even in the highest heels, so i know for a fact that you won't trip down the stairs. you are a natural born leader and people gravitate towards you, so i know that your speech will grab everyone’s attention. you won't mess up because you've been working on this for the last month, i know that because i've been right by your side while you recited your speech a million times. and lastly, you won't embarrass yourself in front of everyone because you're perfect in almost every way. you're the pride and joy of the jujutsu community."
you pouted your lips and tilted your head to the side, "perfect in almost every way?"
"you're mean to me—" satoru teased before pressing a kiss against your lips, "—you don't kiss me in the mornings. which is a deduction to your perfect score."
you giggled as he peppered kisses on your cheek. one of your love languages was words of affirmation, and satoru gojo sure knew how to make you feel affirmed. you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and held him close.
"i guess this meanie will sleep with the kids tonight." you whispered as you bantered back with satoru, knowing he'd rather sleep next to you than sleep alone.
he paused and squeezed you tightly before replying to your retort, "wait, i like you even though you're mean. you can bully me all you want, i don't mind."
yours and satoru's laughter filled the laundry room. he didn't think he could get enough of your precious laugh. he'd say any ridiculous thing to help take your mind off of your worries.
the next day: graduation day
"thank you for coming to the 2010 jujutsu high school gradation ceremony." principal yaga began, "after we hear from both myself and principal gakuganji, we will listen to the speeches from the valedictorians of both high schools."
you sat between satoru and shoko, your legs would not stop bouncing in nervousness. after each speech, your heart started to race even faster as your turn came.
"and lastly, we saved the best for last. the valedictorian of tokyo jujutsu high school, (y/n) (l/n), will be giving her speech."
the crowed filled with jujutsu high faculty, alumni, a large amount of jujutsu clans including the gojo clan and your clan started to clap as their eyes followed you to the stage. satoru gave you an encouraging smile and squeezed your hand. he whispered ‘you'll be amazing.’ to you before he let your hand go. you gave him a soft smile before getting out of your seat.
you walked down the side of the auditorium and up the steps to the microphone.
"thank you for gathering here today to celebrate the 4 long years of training, learning, and dealing with satoru gojo." the crowed erupted in laughter as you winked at satoru. he shot a grin back at you.
“i'd like to start off with a moment of silence to remember our fallen comrades and past alumni who have sacrificed their lives to become sorcerers and to protect our community. they have our gratitude and highest appreciation.”
as you gave yourself and the crowd a moment of silence, your heart raced. you were so nervous, your hands started trembling as you fiddled with your printed speech in front of you.
'you won't mess up because you've been working on this for the last month, i know that because i've been right by your side while you recited your speech a million times.'
memories of satoru's encouraging words from last night filled your head as you took a deep breath to continue on with your speech.
"3 years ago, i joined tokyo jujutsu high because i wanted to get away from being home schooled and i wanted to experience this thing called life." you looked out into the crowd to see your clan, quietly watching you. "i didn't know what i was getting myself into at the time, but i have to say, the past three years have been some of the hardest, but most rewarding." (read 'love at first fight' here)
you thought back on the gruesome hand-to-hand combat trainings with mei mei, the tiring, long, and dangerous missions exorcising curses with satoru, suguru, yu, and nanami, the late night study sessions for exams with shoko. as difficult as it was, you'd do it all over... especially if you could meet satoru again.
"i'd like to give a huge shoutout to yaga-sensei, congratulations on your promotion to principal—and thank you for taking on not only two, but three special grade sorcerers during my time here."
a cheer for your sensei, masamichi yaga, erupted through the auditorium as you, satoru, and shoko clapped alongside the crowd.
"this evening is not only about celebrating our academic achievements as students, but also to celebrate becoming official jujutsu sorcerers. now i know that being a jujutsu sorcerer isn't for the faint of heart, nor is it an easy job. it's gruesome, painful not only physically, but mentally. which is why i'm happy to announce that our very own shoko ieiri is going to be hired on as our official in-house doctor for jujutsu high. she will oversee both tokyo and kyoto locations. congrats, shoko!"
applause began for shoko as she stood up from her seat and waved to the crowd. you smiled brightly at your bestfriend—even though you knew she cheated on a majority of her tests. however, shoko's talent in reversed cursed technique was second to none. she would be an amazing doctor, legit or not.
"one thing that happened during my 3 years here at tokyo jujutsu high school that changed my life for the better was—"
satoru muttered, attempting to finish your sentence, "—meeting satoru gojo."
"—becoming a guardian to megumi and tsumiki fushiguro. courtesy of satoru gojo." you laughed, "which i'm also happy to announce that satoru and i will be returning next year to join the tokyo jujutsu high faculty and staff. satoru will be in charge of training first year students while i will be the administrative secretary for both tokyo and kyoto jujutsu high locations." (read 'learn to love' here)
you cleared your throat, "now that we've shared the fun and exciting plans for your three graduates from tokyo jujutsu high school, i'd like to talk about something on a heavier note. those of you who know, know that there was supposed to be 4 students graduating today..."
you felt a lump in your throat, the thought of suguru geto not being here with you, satoru, and shoko shattered a piece of your heart. you were sure satoru and shoko were thinking of him in this moment as well.
"—because of this loss, as the future administrative secretary, i will be implementing reviews and mental health checks on all of our students every quarter. i believe that we need to check in on our students. my office doors will always be open to those who need a shoulder to lean on."
you understood that the idea of mental health was taboo, especially here in japan—but you knew that if you and satoru were going to be raising the next generation of jujutsu sorcerers, that you both were going to make a difference in the lives of your future students. megumi and tsumiki also encouraged that decision, as you and satoru did not want to see them suffer the same fate as suguru.
a loud applause struck the auditorium. satoru smiled proudly as he knew that you were going to make a positive change in the jujutsu society—and with you by his side, he could take on the impossible. even if that meant butting heads with the higher ups and starting out training first year sorcerers. he was going to make this experience fun and exciting for not only you and him, but for his future students as well.
you heard cheering from the gojo clan and your own clan. you saw touya and his new girlfriend, kana, hooting and hollering from their seats. you continued to shine brightly under the auditorium lights.
"before i end my little speech, there are some personal thank you's that i'd like to give. to megumi and tsumiki—you two are my perfect little angels and i will continue to strive to be a good role model for you both. to my fellow classmates—thank you for all the late night study sessions, the delicious meals in the dining hall, fun-filled sleepovers, and wild class trips. to my loving grandparents, genkei and kanao, and my brother, touya—thank you for believing in me and always pushing me to be the best i can be. to the gojo clan—thank you for always supporting me and for giving me someone like satoru." you smiled at the gojo clan's presence in the crowd and then turned back to face satoru. (read 'meet the gojos' here)
satoru gojo was beaming brightly, just like he always did. his blue eyes shined back at yours, awaiting your next line of thanks. your eyes watered as the love you felt for the white-haired sorcerer overflowed from your heart.
"lastly, thank you satoru—for believing in me and loving me unconditionally every single day since the first day we met on the sparring field."
you took one last deep breath and shouted, "congratulations jujutsu high school class of 2010! we made it!"
a final applaud erupted throughout the auditorium. you laughed in relief as you finished your speech and wiped the almost formed tears from your eyes. you watched as the crowd stood up in a standing ovation.
in a crowd full of people, your eyes could spot satoru gojo in a heartbeat.
later that night
after the graduation dinner, you and satoru sat outside in the courtyard of tokyo jujutsu high. the twinkle lights you ordered for the staff to use as decor danced against the night sky, illuminating the courtyard with a soft warm glow. and behind that warm glow, satoru's cerulean blue eyes glimmered. you could have sworn satoru had a blush on his face, almost as if he was embarrassed about something.
“can you believe we’re finally graduated?” you asked satoru in disbelief.
the last 3 years had flown by. you were officially graduated from tokyo jujutsu high. the next step this summer was to move out of the dorms and find a home to fit you, satoru, megumi, and tsumiki.
“not quite yet,” satoru said as he starting to unpin his buttons from his uniform. you gave him the 'what are you doing' look. he chuckled at your reaction.
satoru took off the second button from his uniform, taking your hand to place his button in your palm.
“now we’re officially graduated.”
in japan, there's a high school tradition for boys to give the second button of their uniform to the girl that they loved. this act has a special meaning that is equal to a heartfelt confession.
“isn’t it a no brainer that i should be receiving this button?” you giggled. you admired the button of his uniform in your palm, a sign of affection that basically said that you were his.
satoru leaned in towards your face, sneaking a kiss on your cheek. he wrapped his arms around you as you melted in his embrace.
“actually, you don't even have to answer, satoru. you’ve loved me for almost 3 years. it's a no brainer.”
“you mean i put up with a mean girlfriend for 3 years?” satoru laughed boisterously. he let go of you and booped your nose playfully. his signature cheshire grin spread across his face.
you grabbed his hand to hold his palm against your cheek, teasing him, "since i'm so mean, will you put up with another 3 years of no good morning kisses?"
the white haired sorcerer continued to grin, "i'll think about it."
you rolled your eyes at how dramatic satoru could be and mumbled under your breath, "you know how i feel about morning breath."
"yeah, yeah." satoru mumbled back at you, "gimme a congratulatory graduation kiss then."
you wrapped your arm around satoru's shoulders and planted a firm kiss on his lips. satoru pulled away from you and smiled, amused with how the night was going.
"sweetheart, i'd put up with another lifetime of no good morning kisses if you asked me to. as long as i get to wake up next to you every morning." (read 'sleeping with the enemy' here)
you scoffed at satoru's cheesy comment before kissing him again to shut him up. you were ready to venture into the next step of your life with satoru by your side—no good morning kisses and all.
“we’re gonna have to find a place to live in after graduation.” you said with apprehensive tone. not only did you and satoru have to find an apartment for the two of you, the apartment had to fit megumi, tsumiki, your spirit birds and the demon dogs too.
“it will be fine,” satoru reassured you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
you bit your lip, lost in thought. you wanted to make sure that the apartment you chose would be a safe haven for megumi and tsumiki. it had to be a home filled with love. ever since you and satoru took them in, you made sure that they grew up with everything they needed. whatever they wanted, you and satoru provided with no hesitation.
“you already know that the two pipsqueaks will be happy wherever we end up.” satoru said softly, “they just want to be with us.”
"you mean tsumiki just wants to be with us." you laughed, "megumi does not want to be next to you."
"i'll win him over, just you wait." satoru said confidently.
you knew deep down that megumi actually really admired satoru, but he would never admit that to his sensei's face.
"since we're on the topic of a place to live, we just need to make sure that our room is on the opposite side of the apartment from the kids' room."
you glared at satoru, knowing exactly where this conversation was going. he held his hands up in the air, feigning innocence.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 7 months
What is THE Sterek fic that everybody knows (and loves) in the fandom?
This is way too hard for one person to answer. What do ya'll think? I bet there's so many different answers. Let us know in the replies!
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We got lots of comments! I'm going to be adding them slowly so give me a minute ok.
From @lololovescheese:
Move A Mountain by ZainClaw
(9/9 I 69,005 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles goes camping with his friends in New Mexico after graduation where they befriend a biker gang led by Derek: a guy whom Stiles can’t decide if he will be either relieved or devastated to never see again once their week is up.
@pathsofpassion had a whole bunch!
Sum of it's Parts by kouriarashi
Wolf in the House by JoeLawson
(1/1 I 33,481 I Teen I Sterek)
“What? It’s totally an improvement. He’s not scowling, or dating bad guys, or slinking around in unsanitary places. Still a bit paranoid, but what can you do. At least he’s a lot easier to get along with when you can buy his affections with ear rubs.”
“And you always wanted a dog,” Sheriff added wryly.
“And I always wanted a dog.”
Stilinski's Home for Wayward Wolves by owlpostagain
(1/1 I 35,197 I Teen I Sterek)
“At least your puppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them to be well-mannered.”
“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly.
Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges, abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up and all but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, and sure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock duct taped to the vinyl siding:
DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school and accidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
The Importance of Turning Around Three Times Before Lying Down by otter
(10/10 I 40,293 I Teen I Sterek)
It’s like this dog has walked out of all of Stiles’ childhood dreams and into the real world just because Stiles wanted it hard enough. He is the most awesome dog ever, and he and Stiles have a bond. A deep, unbreakable bond because this animal is his soul mate, obviously. Now he just has to convince the dog of that.
Hunger by DiscontentedWinter
(27/27 I 55,382 I Mature I Sterek)
Beacon Hills. Two lost souls. A homeless boy, a lone wolf, and people who will stop at nothing to destroy them both.
(Sacred) In the Ordinary by idyll
(9/9 I 78,759 I Explicit I Sterek)
The Pack, after college, graduate school and the starting of careers, comes back to Beacon Hills. Nothing's gotten less complicated after all this time.
Based on a kink meme prompt that grew legs and got serious.
Note: This is a whole lot of pack!fic with a very slow build Derek/Stiles.
The Boy and the Beast by Dira Sudis (dsudis)
(1/1 I 116,686 I Mature I Sterek)
In which events in Beacon Hills go rather differently from the start, and a Beauty and the Beast (ish) story ensues. (Scott is not a teacup and no one sings about their feelings.)
@harlstiel has some.
The Searching Ceremonies by kouriarashi
I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek by DiscontentedWinter
(15/15 I 51,937 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles finds a baby on the porch.
It looks exactly like him.
Well, this is awkward.
Little Wild Animal by DiscontentedWinter
(23/23 I 61,036 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek Hale finds a feral human on his pack's property. Humans are supposed to be extinct. But then, Stiles is full of surprises.
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palmettoshenanigans · 3 months
In my head, "Mama Bee" can never happen so long as she is actively his therapist. She's too good of a therapist to risk crossing those sorts of lines, and with CPTSD, those lines are extra important.
When Andrew graduates, she is no longer his therapist. And I bet you, once he graduates and meets Bee after the ceremony, he brings this up in his own way. "You don't have to deal with me now," he probably says.
And you know what? Bee probably smiles the way she does over a mug of hot chocolate and says something like, "I was never 'dealing'." Cue some stilted circumnavigation around the subtext until Bee says, "I may no longer be your therapist, Andrew. But you still have my number. And I will still answer."
And so, just to see if the Enigma that is Bee will still hold up to time, he does. Once a month, maybe. And she answers, every time.
And once a month becomes a little more. And eventually Skype calls become a thing. Every Fox reunion has Andrew making his way towards Bee before anyone else.
He calls her when they adopt Sir and King. He calls her when he and Neil get hitched. He calls her when they buy their first home ( Wymack was who he called for house hunting help).
He yells at her when she has that heart attack.
He runs her first marathon with her.
And that's how Bee the therapist slowly becomes Mama Bee (but no one ever calls her that. Andrew won't even let himself think it. But even Neil seems to smile whenever Andrew willfully picks up the phone to rant to Betsy Dobson about the mundanities of life, just because he can. Just because he still has her number. And just because she will still answer.)
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phoward89 · 5 months
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Based on this ask
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is his own warning in and of itself. Cussing, obsession, masterbation (m & f), p in v (alluded to), Dark!Coriolanus, Young Politician!Coriolanus, Secretary!Reader
This one got away from me so it's a bit long. Whoops...
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You're at your desk, logging into your computer to start the day whenever the door to the office opens and in walks your boss. Senator Coriolanus Snow. One of the youngest Head Gamemakers and Senators in the history of Panem. He's only 24 years old and he's already so successful.
Crazy, right?
Your older brother was in the same graduating class as him at the Academy. Rein was a slacker that wasn't in the top 24 while Coryo- uh Coriolanus- was the top student, won the Plinth prize, and even did a short stint as a Peacekeeper to serve the greater good of the country (like his father General Crassus Snow did before him) before attending the University as a double major in Political Science and Military Strategies. Oh and while attending the University he interned under Dr. Gaul, became an Assistant Gamemaker, and even became the Head Gamemaker himself when Dr. Gaul died in a tragic lab accident involving her mutts.
And he did all of that by age 20.
Age 20!
After graduating from the Academy, Rein was shoved into the Peacekeepers by your father, retired Colonel Javanis Halvir. Your brother was sent to 8 and he complained in all of his letters about it. Once he was eligible to take the Officer's Aptitude Exam, your father had ordered him to sign up. So, Rein took the test and became an officer. He got assigned to PK Base D-12.
And that's what your older brother accomplished by 20. Oh and he also knocked up a local barmaid from the Hobb, causing your father to have a stroke. Your mother found it very comical.
And then both of your parents told you that you needed to redeem the family name, blah blah blah, and pushed you to be the top student in the Academy. So, of course you ended up in the top 24. And you mentored a tribute, a 17 year old boy from 7, that won. He was very proficient with an ax. You didn't have to do too much mentoring, he basically just hacked everybody to bits…
But you still won the Plinth Prize anyways. And during the ceremony for the prize, instead of Strabo Plinth handing you over the Plinth Prize it was his heir instead.
Head Gamemaker Coriolanus Snow.
After handing you the prize he had asked you to have a glass of posca with him, causing your mother to glare angrily at the interaction. Your father on the other hand was ecstatic that Coryo-uh Coriolanus- wanted to talk to you. He served under General Snow in 12; thought that Coriolanus was a man cut from the same cloth as his father.
Anyways, once you and Coriolanus Snow got to talking he admitted that he was going into politics and would need a personal secretary; an assistant per say to help him with his day to day tasks such as scheduling meetings, etc. and much to your surprise, he offered you the job.
That was a couple of years ago.
So, yes, that's how you got your job. And you really liked your job. It wasn't that hard to do plus it made you feel important that such an accomplished and powerful man trusted you to manage his life.
If you only knew that Coriolanus, who's been insisting that you call him Coryo for roughly a year now, has been lusting after you since he saw you in a cute dress that hugged your body just right when he presented you the Plinth Prize 2 years ago. Also, your boss is a dark soul. A cold man. But he does have a soft spot for you.
And only for you.
Which is why he greets you with a wide, manic smile that makes the corners of his baby blues crinkle. “Good morning, Y/N.” The platinum blonde senator says while crossing the room, heading to your desk.
“Good morning, Senator Snow.” You politely smile, pulling up the excel document in order to print out the day's schedule for your boss. And talk about your boss, he's holding a bouquet of white roses in one hand and a tray of coffee along with a pastry bag in the other as he stops at your desk.
Coriolanus sets everything down, only to grab the vase on the corner of your desk and bring it over to the trash. All the while saying, “I brought you some fresh roses, courtesy of Grandma’am’s rooftop garden, to replace the wilted ones on your desk.”
The blonde politician did that every Monday for you. He brought fresh flowers for your office vase. A vase he gifted you for your one year work anniversary last year.
Dumping the contents of the vase out in the trash can, Coriolanus gestured to the coffees and brown paper bag on your desk, only to explain, “The barista at the coffee shop got my order wrong, so I had to do a second order, but since I already paid for the wrong order I figured I'd give it to you.”
“Oh, thank you, Coriolanus, Sir.” You simply smiled, grateful for the free coffee. You were going to put a pot on in the break room as soon as you printed out Snow's schedule, but getting an unexpected cup of coffee’s always nice.
Perhaps you'll pay it forward and treat him to coffee tomorrow. The gods know that you have his coffee order memorized.
It's black, just like his soul, with a couple of sugar packets. Not Splenda, not Sweet ‘n’ Low, not Truvia, but real sugar made from sugar cane grown down in 11. Oh and he always has a chocolate filled croissant too.
You also know his afternoon tea order by heart along with his dinner orders from a handful of takeout places he prefers. Hell, you even know his liquor order for after hours meetings. But it's your duty to know those things since, after all, you're his personal secretary.
Literally his right hand woman.
“Darling, how many times have I told you to, please, call me Coryo.” Your boss shook his head at you while bringing the empty vase to the nearby bathroom to fill up with water.
It must've been at least a hundred times by now, maybe more. But it felt weird to you calling your boss such a personal sounding nickname. You're both professional adults, if you call him by his name it should be Coriolanus. If not then you'll just refer to him as his title, since he's your boss.
“You know I can't call you Coryo, Coriolanus. It's not proper; you're my boss.” You remind the senator, who's dressed to the nines today in a perfectly tailored three piece black suit- complete with a white dress shirt and striped tie, as he walks out of the bathroom and back into your foyer office with the filled up vase in hand.
A vase that looked dwarfed by his large grip. “We've known each other for a couple of years now, darling. I'd like to think of us as being on friendly terms, wouldn't you?” Coriolanus asked, placing the vase down on your desk and arranging the flowers in them for you.
You clicked the print button on your computer, only to swivel your chair around to reach the ink jet printer behind you. “Yes, we're friendly, but you're still my boss.”
“And as your boss I'm now ordering you to call me Coryo.” He told you, pulling out the coffee that was yours, due to error, and setting it on your desk while you watched the printer spit out the paper with his daily schedule on it.
“Fine, I'll call you Coryo.” You gave in, grabbing the paper and swiveling back around to face your him.
“I got two croissants since I had to get my order remade, so it looks like you'll be getting one this morning, darling.” Coryo told you, opening up the paper bag and pulling out a pastry. He grabbed a napkin that was stuffed into the drink carrier and put it on your desk, next to your coffee, before depositing your croissant on it.
“Thank you.” You simply smile. Handing him over his schedule, you announce, “Here's your schedule for today.”
The platinum blonde gives you a closed lip smile and nods before stretching his hand out for the paper. “You've got a dinner meeting tonight at 7 o’clock sharp with a political sponsor.” You reminded him, your fingertips brushing, while he grabs the outstretched paper from you.
Briefly glancing over the paper in his hand, he asked, “Would you like to go with me?”
“Dinner at 7 o’clock sharp. Would you like to go with me?”
Shaking your head, you politely decline his offer. “Oh no, I'm sorry, Coryo, Sir, but I can't go.”
“Why not? Got a boyfriend or something occupying your time?” The senator sharply asks, his baritone heavy with a tingle of jealousy.
Coriolanus prayed to every God he never believed in that you're single. If not, well he's going to go whack some unlucky bastard to free you up to be his girl. He's decided that he's tired of pinning over you; stalking you.
Coryo's ready to take things to the next level. He's ready to fucking corrupt you; make you his forever. He's going to be announcing his bid for the presidential runoff, the first step in becoming one of two candidates to face off for the presidency, and it's time for him to get into a relationship.
A public relationship.
And you're perfect for that. Coriolanus knows, without a doubt, that you'll make a perfect First Lady. That your beauty and slight innocence will be the perfect contrast to his cold, stoic, but regal stature. That you're a perfect fit for him.
Plus he's getting tired of paying for whores. Whores that he has to keep disposing of so that they can't blackmail him about his sexual appetite. Coriolanus prides himself of being from one of the founding families of Panem, from the Old Guard. He even runs on the Old Guard ticket; he can't have some disgruntled whore tarnishing his reputation.
It'd be much cheaper and easier to just get you into bed; fuck you in all the ways that he likes.
But he also has a soft spot for you. Coryo likes you. Okay, that's a lie. He's obsessed with you in such a dark, sick way that if he sees a man smile at you or get too close to you then he's killing that man. Yea, Senator Snow’s in love with you, or at least in his head he's in love with you.
It's more like an obsession.
“No.” You shook your head. “I don't have a boyfriend.” Well, you had an on-again, off-again thing going on with your neighbor across the hall from you, but since it's currently off Coryo doesn't need to know about that.
Coriolanus swore that he heard the heavens singing hymns upon hearing that you're single. Yes, now’s the perfect time for him to make you his.
“Then I'll have my driver pick you up for dinner tonight. Wear something nice.”
Once again, you decline him invitation. “You're my boss, I'm sorry, but I can't go with you tonight.”
Usually Coriolanus appreciates your professionalism and dedication to your job, but right now he loathes it. Why can't you just accept that he's taking you to his dinner meeting tonight. That he's showing you off on his arm for the entire Capitol to see.
Leaning against your desk, he gives you a piercing look with his icy eyes and tells you, “It's a very important business dinner with a political sponsor, Y/N, and you're my assistant.” A calculating look crosses the politician's face as he adds in, “It's actually, you might say, very vital that you attend dinner with me tonight.”
When he puts it that way.
“Okay, I'll go to dinner with you tonight.” You relent, causing a smug grin to appear on Coryo's face.
“Good.” Coryo grins, making his face light up like sunshine, as he grabs his coffee and pastry bag. “Since dinner's at 7, I'll have my driver pick you up at 6:45. That'll leave a 15 minute window to get to the restaurant.” The platinum blonde told you the plan before pivoting on his heel and striding over to his office. Pausing at his door, with his large hand hovering over the knob, he looked over his shoulder and told you, “Wear either a red or black dress, but preferably red.”, before opening up the door and disappearing inside of his office.
Oh, how did you get into this mess?
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Coriolanus sat at his mahogany desk, going over documents for various bills that he could either sponsor or just straight up deny. Honestly, most of the shit that got dumped on his desk he denied. If it didn't pertain to the Capitol and the Capitolites then he just shoved the document in his shredder and made a note to vote no, well in the Senate it was ‘nah’, on it.
And Senator Snow was notorious for voting nah on everything.
As he sat in his office going over mindless matters, he couldn't help but wonder about what you'd look like all dolled up for dinner tonight. He knew that you had a few nice cocktail dresses to pick from, but the mystery of whether you'd listen to him and wear something black or preferably red versus another color altogether made his head spin a mile a minute. He hopes that you're a good little secretary and listen to him about the dress.
But what he really can't help fantasizing about is what you'll be wearing underneath your dress. He can't help picturing you in a bra and panty set that hugs your body in the right ways. The senator's daydreaming about delicate lace molded against your most private parts, that are hidden away only for your lover to see.
And just thinking about becoming your lover, stripping you out of not just your dress, but your soft, delicate lingerie has his pants growing tighter. So tight, in fact, that it was downright uncomfortable.
Letting out a barely audible groan, the platinum blonde stood up from his desk and went over to his door. For just a moment, he leaned his forehead against it and debated on whether or not to call you into his office; have you on your knees underneath his desk for him. But then he decided against it; locked his door instead and went over to his desk chair to take care of himself.
You're not some district whore, you deserve to be properly wined and dined first before he has you on your knees for him- choking on his cock with tears and mascara messily running down your cheeks.
Oh, just the thought of you with your pretty mouth around his large cock had said cock twitching in his pants.
Quickly, Coriolanus makes his way over to the small sofa that's in the corner of his office. He makes quick work of undoing his belt, only to tug his pants and boxer briefs down just enough for his cock to spring free before sitting on the sofa. Spitting in his hand, he leans back into the sofa and wraps his large hand around his cock.
He feels his dick throbbing angrily in his cold hand while sliding his thumb over his tip’s leaky slit. The platinum blonde bites back a moan, and closes his eyes- pretending that it's your hand wrapped around his shaft and your thumb teasing his cockhead. Fuck, how he craves your touch. Using his thumb to spread precum over his tip and down the length of his dick, he started to move his fist up and down in measured glides.
Coriolanus knows he should just rub one out as quick as possible since he's at work, but the fact that you- the object of all his fantasies- is right outside won't let him. Being in such close proximity to you feeds his fantasies and he has to have a proper handjob session.
Coriolanus has to indulge in the make believe notion that you're the one pumping his cock up and down, twisting your wrist slightly every now and then. That it's you playing with his cum heavy balls, making his toes curl in his socks and black floor shines, as the fist around his cock starts to slightly pick up pace.
Gods, he's getting lost in his fantasy of you pleasuring him with your hands, hell even your mouth- that he's sure will be aching from his cock unhinging your jaw when you suck him off- that the loud ringing of his office phone startles him.
“Goddamnit! Can't I fuck my fist in peace?” Coriolanus grumbled.
He's angry that his fantasy was broken; that he has to fist his cock faster than he wanted to.
The phone continued to ring off the hook as he furiously moved his hand up and down his dick. He bit his lip and bucked his hips, spurting his cum into his left hand. The one that he was using on his balls before the damn phone started ringing like crazy.
Letting out an aggravated sigh, he grabbed a few tissues from the box on the side table next to him and wiped off his hand. Standing up to right his boxer briefs and pants, he heard your heels echo down the hall. Great, just great, now you're on your way to his office because the phone’s ringing off the hook.
Quickly, Coriolanus tosses the tissues into the wastebin. Rushing to his desk, he grabs the phone, only to slam it down. Hard.
Hey, he made the excessive ringing stop. Whoever called should just stick to the after 3 rings, hang up and try again later rule. Coriolanus has more important things to do than listen to a phone ring endlessly.
More important things: like jacking off to daydreams and fantasies about his secretary.
His secretary that's knocking on his door and asking him if he's alright.
“I'm fine, my darling.” Coriolanus called out to you while crossing his office. He unlocked his door and opened it, only to give you a manipulative smile while feeding you the bullshit lie of, “I just zoned out reading a grant proposal and didn't realize the phone was ringing.”
“Are you sure you're alright?” You asked, only to follow it up with the offer of, “I can always read some of those grant proposals and take notes on them for you, if you want. That way you won't get so bored to death reading them that you miss important phone calls.”
“You'd do that, for me?” Coriolanus asked, feeling a bit touched by your offer. Oh, how he thinks you're an absolute sweetheart.
A perfect angel sent to him from the Lord above. And he's your golden angel too.
Lucifer, that is.
“Of course, Coryo. It's my job to help you with paperwork.”
And before another word could be shared between you two, his phone started ringing. Again.
“Oh, I'll leave you to your call. Just put whatever you want me to read for you on my desk later.”
“I will, darling.” Coriolanus smiles at you, watching you walk away before closing his door.
Storming over to his phone, he sees that the video option light is blinking. Sitting down, he answered the phone and pressed the button to turn on his video call screen. As soon as the face of the half-assed idiot that was one of the Junior Gamemakers appeared on the screen he immediately felt a migraine coming on.
“Senator Snow, are you neglecting Head Gamemaker duties in favor of politics? You never answered my call.” The redhead man with a bad combover had the audacity to tell his boss via the phone screen.
Poor soul must not value his life…
“There’s 3 fucking months before the games, that I'm designing, so there's no damn reason for you to call me and let the phone ring off the hook. Are you incompetent? If you had the common sense that God gave a mule the. You'd know I was busy with other matters and couldn't answer your ridiculous call.” Coriolanus seethed in a long winded rant. His veins were protruding from his pale neck; a red vein was angrily popping in his forehead too. But it was his eyes that held so much hate in their icy orbs.
The man on the phone screen, despite being a few years older then Senator Snow, was a complete incompetent idiot in Coriolanus' opinion. Age certainly didn't make him any wiser.
“I'm a very busy man; next time you pester me I'll have you thrown into a tank full of rabid mutts.” Coriolanus promised the Junior Gamemaker before hanging up, hard, on him.
Coriolanus pinches the bridge of his nose and slumps into his overstuffed leather office chair. Letting out a heavy sigh, he rubs his temples and tries to calm down by daydreaming about dinner with you tonight.
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Your day went on as it usually does. You took calls and made appointments for Senator Snow. You also read and typed up some cliff notes for a few bills that Coryo left for you before he took off for lunch. He didn't say where he was going and you didn't ask.
When he came back from a power lunch, you knew he went somewhere for drinks cause you could smell a hint of whiskey radiating from his pores, he greeted you with a simple thin lipped smile and placed a container of food on your desk. He didn't tell you to take your lunch break, but the way he wordlessly moved his baby blues between you and the doggie bag he just dumped on your desk was more than enough to give you a hint that he wanted you to eat. So, you simply thanked him, before handing him some notes and taking the food he got you to the break room.
After lunch, the remainder of your day was mundane. Or at least it was until Coryo emerged from his office and strutted over to your desk. You didn't pay him any mind, figuring that he prolly just wanted the other bills back along with the notes you just finished up on them. So, when he perches himself on the corner of your desk, all the while suggesting, “Darling, why don't you leave early. You can pamper yourself with, say, a rosewater bubble bath before tonight's dinner. Yea?”, you're taken aback.
You're in total shock.
Your nose scrunched up, reminding Coriolanus of a little bunny rabbit, as you asked incredulously, “Excuse me, Senator Snow? You're sending me home early?” Softly, you trailed off, “To take a bubble bath…”, while tilting up a baffled arched eyebrow.
“A rosewater bubble bath.” The regal platinum man corrected with a long finger high up in the air. Leaning slightly, so that he towers over you as you sit behind your desk (and gets a nice little peek down your v-neck blouse at your modest cleavage), he tells you, “You're such a dedicated employee; I think you deserve to go home early and pamper yourself before I drag you out to a dinner with my potential political sponsor.”
And what he wasn't telling you was that Mr. Feathersworth was bringing his mistress along. Oh yea… So, technically, it's a couples dinner.
Really? He wants you to relax and pamper yourself before a dinner full of political talk? Wow. You weren't expecting that from your boss.
“My bath and beauty products are actually rose-vanilla scented, Coryo, not rosewater.” You told him, before you could even think better of it.
A smirk appears on Coryo's face and desire briefly flashed in his cerulean eyes. The imposing man favored roses; in fact it was his signature, so that fact that you used rose-vanilla scented bath and beauty products had his cold, black heart beating with warmth, life, and daresay love for you.
“Darling, you deserve to pamper yourself in that rose-vanilla bubble bath. We'll be in for quite a long evening; you don't want to be tense beforehand, now so you?”
When he puts it that way.
Sighing slightly, you gave in with, “Fine, I'll leave early and pamper myself with a bubble bath.”
“Rose-vanilla bubble bath.” Coriolanus corrected with a ghost of a smile tracing his lush lips. Patting your cheek, he tells you, “Go ahead and go, darling. I'll be fine here for a few more hours.”, before pushing himself off of your desk.
“Thank you. I'll see you later for that political dinner.” You genuinely smiled, grabbing your bag out from under your desk and shouldering it before standing up.
“Remember, my driver will be by at 6:45 sharp.”
“Oh, that's right. You need-” You began, intending to give Senator Snow your address, only to be cut off by a raised hand. “I have your address in my employee files, Y/N.” His baritone hung thickly in the air like honey stuck on a honeycomb; slowly dripping down, as he ordered, “Go home and pamper yourself; get all dolled up in something red, my darling rose.”
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As you sat neck deep in your tub, surrounded by bubbles, thoughts of your boss floated around your head. You never really thought much about him, or at least you didn't til now. Yes, you always thought that he was easy on the eyes- platinum hair (you always secretly wondered if the carpet matches the drapes), striking crystal blue eyes, a prominent nose, sharp jawline, tall and lanky build. But you never truly fixated your attention on his looks, or at least until now that is.
You can't explain it, but the interaction you had with him before leaving the office had your blood racing. You're flustered with dirty thoughts. Things that you've never truly let yourself imagine about Senator Coriolanus Snow.
But now…
Well, now you find yourself closing your eyes and thinking about your boss while relaxing in your bath; trailing hand over your breasts while your other hand’s rubbing your clit; dipping two fingers in and out of your pussy.
It's best to get this out of your system now, before you're stuck going to dinner with him tonight.
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“Coriolanus, I was expecting your driver to pick me up.” You gasp, hand tightly gripping the doorknob of your open door, as you're shocked by the sight of the tall platinum blonde standing in front of you- dressed impeccably in a deep crimson suit with a single red rose in his hand.
“Bentley drove me here.” Coriolanus informed you. “Now, what sort of gentleman would I be if I didn't walk up to your door to get you our dinner date?” He smirks, offering you the rose.
Your eyes widen at his words. “Dinner date…but I thought this was a professional dinner with a potential political backer, Senator Snow.” You tell him as you shakily take the offered rose from his large, outstretched hand.
“Yes, well, my darling, Mr. Feathersworth informed me that he's bringing along his mistress to Mizuna’s so I don't see why we can't mix some business with pleasure as well.”
Before you could utter a word, the door right across the hall and behind Coriolanus opened; out walked your on-off neighbor ex. Bastard was dressed like he's going out somewhere (or going out with someone). His sea-green eyes look over at you and lock Coriolanus back a bit curiously: portraying that he can't believe you're all dolled up and going out with someone so regal looking.
Deciding that you didn't like the look on your ex’s face, you put your hand on Coriolanus' label and press a quick kiss to his lips before telling him, “Let me put up this rose, Coryo, and then you can take me on our date.”
Coryo grabbed your face in one of his hands and kissed you again, this time his lips searing and hungry, before running his hand over your cheekbone and darkly smirking, “You can just take it along with us, darling. I'm taking you home with me tonight; it'd be such a shame for you to leave your rose alone on a side table all night.”
“You're taking me home with you?” You asked, finding this information entirely new to you.
At least your bronze haired ex wasn't standing behind Coryo; gawking at you anymore.
Pulling you out of your apartment and locking your doorknob, only to slam the door shut, he bluntly tells you, “I’d be a fool not to, Y/N, and, frankly, I'm anything, but a fool.” Coryo smoothly tell you while leading you down the hallway; towards the elevator bank.
And of course when you reach the elevator your ex is just stepping into it. Great, now you're going to be riding in an elevator with your on-off neighbor ex and your boss/sudden new fling.
Oh boy…
“After you, darling.” Coryo sweetly tells you, guiding you into the metal box while following right behind you.
You feel your ex’s eyes on you, burning a hole into the side of your face, as Coriolanus hits the buttons to both close the door and go to the lobby.
“Should've known you'd be cozy with Senator Snow, considering you're his personal secretary.” Flew out of your ex’s mouth as soon as he saw Coryo's large hand come to rest on the small of your back.
“Odysseus…” You chastise, nearly hissing at him.
Coriolanus snapped his head around so fast, it was as if it was going to spin off exorcist style, and narrowed his eyes at the bronze haired man next to you. “I can have you turned into an Avox for slander against Miss Y/N, so I’d mind that useless tongue of yours if I were you.”
“Coryo, calm down. My neighbor-”
“Ex” Odysseus supplied at the same time you uttered the word neighbor, causing Coriolanus’ face to turn into hardened stone.
“She doesn't belong to you anymore, Odysseus. My darling seems to have gotten tired of settling for beans and has upgraded to the filet mignon.” The senator told your ex in a smooth, but eerily cold tone. “You ought to consider yourself lucky that I won't be calling for your tongue, but I'm sure I'm we can agree to you not bothering my sweet girl anymore, can't we, Mister-”
“Odair. Name's Odysseus Odair, Senator Snow.” Your ex shot out, his voice fake and sugary, as he played with fire.
Snow melts, but fish fry. And unfortunately for Odysseus Odair he'd learn that the hard way after Senator Coriolanus Snow gets him exhiled to District 4 for the crimes of slander. Coriolanus' cold ass gives Poseidon Odair, Odysseus’ father, an ultimatum- either sign over his assets, investments, and company over to him and go into exhiled on 4 with his son or his son would be turned into an Avox for slander against you, the senator's personal secretary and girlfriend.
Coriolanus Snow was a cold ass to everyone except for you. Something that you'd come to discover in time. But right now it's not important.
No, right now what's important is keeping the senator from tearing your ex apart limb by limb.
Sensing that Coryo was starting to unravel (something that you've never seen and, frankly, didn't want to) you rubbed his shoulder while telling him, “Coryo, please, just let it go. You don't want to be in a bad mood before dinner with your political backer, do you?”
Coriolanus’ jaw twitched for a moment before he gave you a slight smile, “Of course, darling.”
Odysseus found Senator Snow's demanear changing into sweet and loving for you at the drop of a hat very alarming. Honestly, he thought it was downright scary that Snow went from menacing one minute to practically cooing at you the next.
As soon as the elevator came to a stop and the doors dinged open, your ex practically ran out of them. It made Coryo chuckle.
You and Coryo walked out of the elevator together, only to cross the lobby and head out of the building towards his car. His driver, Bentley, was standing by the black luxury sedan that was parked in front of the curb. Upon seeing you with the senator, he quickly opened the back door. You thanked him and let Coryo help you into the backseat.
“Oh, darling, I'm so sorry for not telling you earlier, but you look truly beautiful in your red dress.” Coryo told you, once he was settled in the back seat next to you.
“Thank you, Coryo. You look handsome yourself.” You replied with a smile as the driver took his place behind the wheel and pull the car away from your building.
“And tonight we'll make quite the debate as a stunning political couple.” The platinum blonde confidently told you as you rode to the high end restaurant the meeting with major political endorser Mr. Feathersworth, and his mistress, was taking place at.
Tonight is only the first of many spent at Coryo's side. It's safe to say that you're Senator Snow's darling sectary; that he has a soft spot for you. After all, he charmed you into becoming his girlfriend with the guise of attending a political dinner with him for work related purposes.
But you'd accept that dinner invitation again and again no matter what universe you're in because that dinner ended with Coryo fucking you in the backseat of his car. The poor driver nearly drove the car off a bridge and into the opposite lane of traffic he was so startled by what his boss and you were doing. Yes, the two of you still were clothed (for the most part) but Bentley knew that if he looked into the rearview mirror and saw something he wasn't supposed to then Snow would have his eyeballs pickled in a jar (literally!). And after fucking in the backseat of his car, a life was created with Coryo and you never left his side.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @tian-monique @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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thewritingrowlet · 3 months
The Past Never Passes, ft. fromis_9 Jang Gyuri
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tags: creampie, rekindled love
word count: 11k+
author's note: this fic was inspired by an ask from an anon. Another thing to mention is that I put another female character here for the plot, and the idea is to let the readers use their imaginations and put any likenesses they want onto this character.
p.s. I know Gyuri is no longer part of fromis_9 but for masterlist-keeping purposes, I wrote it anyway.
High school: the most memorable part of education for most people, including yourself. Sure, it’s not all smiles and giggles; you’ve had your fair share of struggles and hardships in the last 3 years. That being said, you still have a lot of things to be thankful for, such as your sweetheart, Gyuri, who you have known since you both were kids living next to each other. You’ve been very lucky to have her by your side through everything.
You see Gyuri talking to a bunch of mutual friends, celebrating each other’s graduation. You see her eyes light up and her lips curling in a smile when she sees you walking up to her. Gyuri excuses herself and approaches you for a hug. “Congratulations on being the best graduate, babe”, she says, “I’m so proud of you”. You mindlessly put your palms on her waist, “thank you, baby. Congratulations to you as well”. The headmaster, at one point in the ceremony, announced the top 3 graduates who have had the best grades, and you “beat” Gyuri for the first place just by some odd decimals.
“We have things to talk about, babe, but let’s enjoy the moment for now”, Gyuri says as she places a hand on your chest. You’re not sure what she wants to talk about, but considering that she said that without a smile, you’re nervous. “Sure, baby; we’ll go to the river tonight, okay?”, you say. Gyuri smiles slightly at you and leaves, so you take it as a sign of her wanting to keep the conversation for later.
Gyuri told you to go home without her because she wanted to talk to her friends more. She might not be the biggest social butterfly out there, but she keeps those she deems important within arm’s length. You agreed to her suggestion, so here you are, walking alone through the neighborhood to get home. For some odd reason, you start… missing her. You try asking yourself where this feeling is coming from, but you end up with none instead. Amid cluelessness, you eventually admit that only Gyuri can offer such closure—Gyuri would tell you that she’s here for you and will continue to.
No one is at home when you enter since your parents are on a business trip together. You head straight to your room and change into something comfortable. You hang your clothes tidily and look at it one last time. You smile and frown as you recall every single memory of high school: the first time you got perfect score on a test, the moment you nervously confessed your love to Gyuri, and the day where you sat alone on the riverbank crying because a teacher had been very mean to you—all those memories were gathered when wearing this uniform, the silent witness to every high and low of high school life.
You were lying in bed half asleep when your phone vibrated. You pick up the call from your dad. “Hi, dad”, you greet him, “I got home like 10 minutes ago and I’m now in bed”. “Hi, dear”, he greets you in return, “you’re on speaker and your mom is here with me”. Your dad apologizes for not coming to your graduation ceremony and asks how it went. “It was alright; talked to a bunch of teachers and friends and they congratulated me for being the best graduate”, you tell him, “I went home without Gyuri, though”. “Oh, that’s unfortunate; I wanted to say hi”, your dad says. You tell him that you’ll be seeing her later at the river, “she said she wanted to talk about something—pray for me, please; I have a bad feeling about this”. “You’ll be just fine; I’m sure Gyuri means well”, he says.
Your dad finally hung up the phone after talking about different subjects, such as offering you an internship at your parents’ company and potentially work for them after college. You asked if it’d be okay, considering the family ties, and he told you that it’d be indeed okay, and that the bigger picture is for you to climb up the hierarchy and eventually take over. “This is what they mean when they say privilege, isn’t it?”, you asked your dad earlier, earning collective laughter from him and your mom.
You hear the doorbell ring, so you rush to the door to answer it. “Hey, babe”, Gyuri says when you open the door, “were you asleep?”. You invite her in and come in for a quick kiss. “I just had a call with my parents. They said hi, by the way”, you tell her. “Do your parents like me?”, Gyuri asks, seemingly out of nowhere. You blink a few times in confusion, “I mean, our families have been close since we were kids, so I’d like to think that they do like you”. Gyuri nods gently, “good to know”.
You wait until the sun isn’t right above your head before going out with Gyuri. You offer her to get some sandwiches and eat them at the river’s park. Gyuri agrees to your idea, so you walk with her to a nearby shop for some spicy tuna mayo and egg salad sandwiches. She is oddly quiet during the walk, presumably floating about in the middle of her ocean of thoughts, but you don’t prod her as Gyuri probably has her reasons.
You and Gyuri take a seat under a tree on the riverbank. “This is for you”, you grab an egg salad sandwich from the bag and hand it to her. Gyuri holds her sandwich with both hands, but instead of opening the wrap, she starts sobbing. “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?”, you ask, concerned about her sudden waterfall of tears. “I’m breaking up with you”, she says, her words short but painful, “I’m so sorry”. You can feel your heart shatter into a million pieces, the explosion sending shockwaves throughout your body. “Can-can I ask why?”, you struggle to speak, “did-did I do something wrong? I swear I never cheated on you”. Gyuri shakes her head, “n-no, you didn’t do anything wrong; you’ve been a very good boyfriend”. As you’re about to open your mouth, Gyuri cuts you off, “I-I’m going to start training to be an idol”. “There it is”, your brain says, “idols can’t date, so she has to break up with you”.
The realization crushes you, and you can’t help but cry along. “I-I’m going to move to Seoul next week, and-and I want to start getting ready for that”, Gyuri says. You shut your eyes tightly, “and that-that includes ending us, doesn’t it? Y-you want to start burning bridges with people you know”. Gyuri turns to you and holds your hands, “please, babe, don’t say it like that. I-I just want something for myself—we-we weren’t supposed to end like this, I swear”. Gyuri jumps to hug you, endlessly apologizing as her hands are wrapped around your body. “I wish you good luck, Gyuri-yah”, you say as you break the hug. You want to say that you’ll be waiting for her to return, but that will probably never happen—you guess that she’ll forget you after spending a week in Seoul. Gyuri covers her face as tears keep flowing out of her eyes, “w-why does it have to end like this? I-I swear we were happy”. You remove her hands from her face and hold them with yours. “I guess that sometimes good things fall apart, sweetheart”, you say to her, your voice trembling from held back emotions, “promise me that you’ll do your best to chase your dream, okay?”.
It is when you lie flat in bed that tears start flowing out of your eyes again. Your brain isn’t being helpful, as it makes you recall every moment of your relationship. You cry and cry and cry until the dam in your eyes runs dry. “Good luck, my love; I’m rooting for you”, you say weakly as you wipe the tears on your cheeks. You roll onto your stomach and plant your face into a pillow, trying your hardest to calm yourself down and come to acceptance of the fact that Gyuri is no longer by your side.
After coming to terms with a broken heart, you decide to tell your parents about this. Your dad doesn’t pick up the call, but your mom does. “Hi, sweetie”, she greets you, “are you okay?”. She probably can tell by your weak and trembling voice that you are indeed not okay. “G-Gyuri broke up with me”, you summarize, “she-she wants to become an idol and we know that idols can’t date”. You hear your mom sigh, “so, what did you say to her?”. You hold back a sniffle before answering, “I-I told her that I wish her good luck”. You can picture your mom nod in approval, “not to be insensitive, dear, but everything will be fine; if Gyuri is truly meant for you, she’ll come back to you, no matter the distance between the two of you”. You accept your mom’s comfort and assurance and thank her for it, “tell papa about this as well, mama; I think he’d want to know too”.
You sit at a round table with 4 of your friends, and since you just met them this Monday, you’re still trying to remember their names: the guy with the glasses in front of you is Heo Gutaek, and to his right, between you and him, are the twin sisters Song Yuha and Song Taeha—obviously you remember Choi Jeonghan; he was the first friend you made in university.
Jeonghan, a classmate in Introduction to Accounting class, starts the conversation. “Hey, guys, there’s a new girl group survival show on BSK; you should check it out”, he says. He informs you further that the show premieres today and airs every Thursday at 6pm—it’s called Idol Academy or something. “Yeah, sure”, you say, “are you guys into music, by the way?”. “Yeah, I like boy groups more, though”, Taeha says—wait, that’s Taeha, right? Not sure, actually.
“Girls, I’m so sorry, but which one of you is who?”, you say to the twins, hoping that they won’t be offended by your question. It’s understandable that you can’t tell which one is who, since they go everywhere and do everything together—look, they’re even giggling at the same time! You’re starting to think that their brains are wirelessly connected or something. One of the sisters ties her hair in a bun and shows you a very small birthmark on the neck. “I’m Yuha”, she says as she points at it, “Taeha doesn’t have this”. You sigh, “well, I’m not going to move your hair and look for your birthmark every time I’m talking to you, am I?”. “I mean, I don’t mind being touched by you”, Yuha says softly with a wink. Your eyes widen as your cheeks turn red; there’s no way Yuha is teasing you like that after only having known you for a few days.
The cafeteria worker comes to your aid and helps you get out of the predicament. He puts down two trays full of food and drinks on your table. You let everyone pick up their stuff from the trays before taking your turn. You look to your left and see that the Song sisters have the exact same things: tonkatsu and sparkling water. “Do you always eat the same thing?”, you ask Yuha, who is the closest to you. Since Yuha is busy munching a piece of tonkatsu, Taeha answers on her behalf. “Yuha knows her way around food, so I usually just get whatever she gets”, she says.
You spent about half an hour eating and talking to your friends, and at one point, you bragged about getting the best graduate award from your high school. Yuha kept looking at you with a smile, and you were starting to think that you’ll be very close to her as time goes by. Can’t lie, though, the twins are very attractive, and their eye smile reminds you of… Gyuri. You let out a sigh, “can’t believe I’m comparing these girls to her”.
You offer your friends a ride to their apartments, and you find out that Jeonghan and Gutaek’s buildings are next to each other. “I assume you two live together”, you say to the Song twins. “Same building, different floors”, Taeha says, “I love Yuha, but I’d like to have some privacy”. Jeonghan sits in the front passenger seat while the others sit in the middle row. “You’ll have to tell me where to go; I’m new to this city”, you say to Jeonghan, and he nods in agreement.
Jeonghan types in his address on the navigation app and puts it on max volume. “In one hundred meters, turn left”, the app says in its catchy voice. In the middle seat, Taeha plays a song and sings along with Yuha, while Gutaek opts to bop his head along. “Wow, you guys are great at this”, you praise them, unfamiliar with what they excel at. Your praise makes the twin feel excited, and you can tell that they’re singing more seriously after hearing it.
One song finishes after another, and Taeha, before the next song starts, tells the crew that this is her and Yuha’s favorite song. “Let’s hear you two sing, Taeha-yah”, you encourage her. You see in your rear-view mirror that they’re waiting until the opening melody to end so that they can start singing.
한번 쯤 그려왔던 그 날이 올�� (Will the day I once wished for come?)
소중히 바래왔던 내 맘 넌 알까 (Will you know of my heart that was preciously hoping for it?)
오 빛나는 땀방울도 (Oh, even the glistening sweat drops)
언젠가 만날 널 위해 흘려왔어 (Were dropped to be able to meet you one day)
You bop your head along, enjoying the twins’ singing. It’s a shame that you don’t know the lyrics, because otherwise you’d be able to sing along—your voice might not be as good as theirs, but you enjoy singing along, nonetheless. You glance at Jeonghan, who has a smile on his face, “you’re enjoying this too, aren’t you?”. Jeonghan chuckles, “I mean, listen to them, man: they sound so good—I wonder if they’ll join the campus band”. “That is the plan”, Yuha says, “imagine if the band had twin vocalists; that’d be awesome”.
You were so busy enjoying the moment that you almost missed a turn. Thankfully, Jeonghan was paying attention to the road and reminded you. You scratch the back of your head in embarrassment, “sorry about that, man”. You stop on the side of the road in front of a building that Jeonghan pointed at. You roll down your window as Jeonghan and Gutaek walk towards the car after getting off. You give each of them a fist bump, “see you guys tomorrow”.
Yuha moves to the front passenger seat that Jeonghan has left vacant. She winks at you when you look at her, and you can’t help but blush again—thankfully, Taeha was busy looking at her phone and didn’t see your red cheeks, so you’re saved from double embarrassment. You shake your head rapidly and start driving again—towards the twins’ building this time.
“When is your birthday, by the way?”, Yuha asks, “I’m guessing you were born in the fourth quarter of the year”. You nod, “yeah, December 1st. What about you guys?”. “December 16th”, says Yuha, “I was born a few minutes before Taeha, but we’ve agreed to pay no mind to that—we’re twins, what’s the point of knowing who’s older than who”.
You stop on the side of the road in front of their building. Taeha jumps out of the car and enters the building right away after saying her goodbye while Yuha stays in the car. “Can I ask you to come up with me?”, she asks, and her voice sounds oddly sexy to you right now. “Sure, baby”, you blindside her with a pet name, and now it’s Yuha’s turn to blush. “P-park your car i-inside; I-I believe we-we’ll take a while”, Yuha struggles to speak thanks to you.
You get out of the car after parking it in a vacant spot, followed by the still blushing Yuha. You show her an open palm, and Yuha shyly holds your hand. She looks down to hide her crazy blush, “f-follow me, plea-please”. As you’re walking with her (presumably towards her unit), you whisper in her ear, “are you actually falling for me, Yuha-yah, or am I ahead of myself?”. Yuha dares not look at or answer you, opting to keep walking forward until you arrive at her door. “U-um-um”, Yuha stutters, “I-I think I’m falling for you”. “That’s cute, Yuha-yah”, you lean forward towards her, “I like you too”.
Yuha turns her back away from you and quickly unlocks her door. You follow her inside after taking off your shoes, “nice place, Yuha-yah”. Yuha musters up her courage and stands in front of you. “I-I like you, but-but I’m not ready to-to have sex”, she says. You show her a gentle smile, “that’s totally fine, Yuha-yah; we don’t have to have sex if you don’t feel like it—I promise I won’t manipulate you into having sex with me”.
Yuha invites you to sit on the sofa, and you unquestionably accept her invitation. You look at the clock above the TV and see that it’s almost 5 pm. “The show premieres tonight, right?”, you say, earning a nod from Yuha, “I’ll order some pizza for us”. Yuha twiddles her fingers in timidness, “c-can I call you oppa? I-I’ve always wanted to date an older guy”. You laugh, “I’m only two weeks older than you, Yuha-yah—but sure, if you want to, you can”. Yuha grins in satisfaction, “thank you, oppa”.
You tape your eyes onto the TV while Yuha picks up the pizza at her front door. For some reason, you’re feeling nervous about this. Yuha puts the pizza on the table and sits next to you, “you seem nervous”. “I am nervous”, you admit, “something is making me nervous, and I don’t know what or why”. You pick up a slice as the show starts and take a bite. You see a very well-known celebrity entering a classroom set and he introduces himself as “the homeroom teacher”. “That’s new”, Yuha comments as she chews, “I want to see the contestants so I can pick a favorite”. True enough, contestants start getting introduced to the viewers after the host has had his moment. Yuha glares at you when you call a contestant named Lee Saerom cute—she’s of legal age like you, just so we’re clear. “Seriously? I’m literally next to you and you said that?”, Yuha rolls her eyes in annoyance. You slap your mouth a few times and apologize for speaking so carelessly.
You pick up another slice as more and more contestants get revealed. Your heart stops for a moment when you see a particular contestant. “Wait, that’s—“, the shock makes you unable to finish your thoughts. “Hello, my name is Jang Gyuri”, the contestant says. You can’t believe your eyes and ears; there’s no way you’re seeing Gyuri on TV. You rub your eyes in disbelief, thinking that your brain is playing tricks on you. Yuha notices your odd behavior and asks you about it, “you know that girl, oppa?”. You blink rapidly to focus on Yuha’s question, “y-yes. I-I went to school with her”. You don’t want to reveal to Yuha that you used to date Gyuri in high school just yet since it’d most likely ruin the vibes.
 “Oppa”, Yuha says, snapping you out of your trance, “the show is done”. You look around the room, “o-oh, yeah, sure”. Yuha holds your chin and turns your face towards her. “What’s gotten into you, oppa?”, she asks, “you’ve been silent since that girl came out”. If you’re going to go further with Yuha, you’ll need to start being honest with her, and you think that this is a good opportunity for that. “Jang Gyuri was my girlfriend in high school. She broke up with me after the graduation ceremony to pursue a career as an idol”, you briefly explain to Yuha. She stays silent for a moment, thus making you think that you’ve ruined her mood. To your surprise, however, Yuha doesn’t act like her mood has been disrupted. “I did not expect you to say that, but I’m glad you’re honest with me, oppa”, she says with a smile, “I’ll be rooting for Jang Gyuri on your behalf”.
You’re pleasantly surprised by Yuha’s attitude on this, so you “reward” her with a hug. “You’re such a positive person, Yuha-yah”, you say to her, “I love you so much”. Yuha’s eyes widen, and her cheeks are painted red again. “O-oh, that’s so sudden”, she stutters, “I-I love you too, o-oppa”. You break the hug so you can storm her face with pecks, “you’re so cute, Yuha-yah”. Yuha plants her hands in your chest and pushes you away from her. “Th-that’s enough, oppa. My heart will burst if you keep going”, she says. You smile at her and peck her one last time, “I love you, sweetheart”. You see Yuha mouth “I love you too” before looking away to hide her shyness, and you feel a surge of warmth in your heart that you have not felt in the last few months of Gyuri’s absence—it’s very hard to stay composed and not burst out crying in front of Yuha right now, but you have to keep it in regardless.
Yuha mutes her TV so that she can initiate a conversation—or at least that’s what you thought she was about to do. Yuha positions herself on the sofa in a way that allows her to rest her head on your thighs. “Gyuri used to do this a lot with me”, you say in your head as you start petting Yuha’s head gently. Yuha grabs your free hand and places it on her cheek, “pet me here too, oppa”. You chuckle in amusement and do as Yuha asks, petting her on the top of the head and the soft cheek. “Your cheek is so… chewy”, you pinch her cheeks slightly, “very similar to Gyuri’s”. Yuha giggles, “really? Wanna have a bite, oppa?”. You bend forward and nibble her cheeks with your lips, “you’re so cute, Yuha-yah”. Yuha covers her face as soon as you leave her cheek, “y-you—um-um—you enjoy physical contact a lot, don’t you?”. “Yeah, thanks to Gyuri”, you say to yourself. You’re aware that you can’t say that to Yuha, so you come up with a different answer, “that is true; I especially like petting a girl’s head like this”.
You keep on petting Yuha’s head, and the comfort has sent her to dreamland. It is when you observe her facial features that you start seeing Gyuri. Yuha doesn’t look like Gyuri at all, so you suspect that your brain is playing tricks on you—in terms of looks, you must admit, Yuha can definitely make it as an idol, but you don’t want to give her ideas; losing another girl to the entertainment industry would be disastrous for you. You close your eyes so that you can put your mind at ease, as you’re sitting on a very soft sofa and a cute girl is using your thighs as a pillow.
The sound of your alarm stirs you awake at 5 am on a new day. In your half-awake state, you head to the bathroom to freshen up. It is when you’re fully awake when excitement and relief creep up on you—you successfully defended your thesis yesterday, thus marking the end of your study at university—and you find yourself giggling while looking at the mirror. “Congratulations on finishing university in 3,5 years, man”, you reach an arm out and shake your own hand through the mirror. You feel your phone vibrating in your pocket, “oh, Yuha is calling me”.
“Baaaabe, congratulations!”, Yuha says over the phone, “I’m sooooo proud of you”. You laugh, “thank you so much, sweetie. I couldn’t have done this without you”. You mean it with every fiber of your body; Yuha has always been there with you throughout university, being your equal in terms of grades, and occasionally beating you by odd decimals—the only reason you’re not graduating with her is because Yuha went on a student exchange program, thus “delaying” her thesis.
“Babe, I miss you”, she says in an aegyo-esque voice, and you see that she wants to change to video call. You accept the video call request and put on a wide grin. “Aaaaah, I can’t see you”, she complains. You turn on the lights with a laugh, “sorry, baby—what about now?”. Yuha smiles in satisfaction, “that’s much better. I can see my handsome and manly boyfie now”. You explode in laughter; Yuha is referring to that one moment on week one of the fifth semester where a professor called you “handsome and manly”. “Oh my God, Yuha-yah, until when are you going to tease me with that?”, you ask her, amused by her little stunt.
“I mean, I do think that you’re handsome and manly”, Yuha bites her bottom lip, “I miss your touch, babe”. “I mean, you refused my offer last time—there’s nothing wrong with that, obviously; you know what kind of guy I am”, you defend yourself. Yuha takes her phone and aims the camera at her crotch, “look, babe; I’m so wet for you”. She is indeed wet, as proven by the wet spot in the middle of her panties. “You want me, babe?”, you tease her, “you want to have your guts rearranged?”. Yuha starts touching herself and moaning on camera, “please come here and fuck me—I’m begging you”. “Well, since you asked nicely”, you show her your car key, “I’m coming”.
“Welcome—oh!”, Yuha yelps when you press her against the wall and hold her hands above her head. “Hi, baby”, you put a leg between hers, “horny?”. Yuha nods and starts humping your thigh. You look at her with a naughty smile on your face, “oh, Song Yuha, what would you do without me?”. “I-I don’t know”, Yuha breathes heavily, “I-I need you, babe, please”. You laugh, “the sun is barely up and you’re already horny? Fine, let’s play your game”.
You tell Yuha to take off her clothes first, “lie in bed after that, ‘kay?”. She obliges to your wish—Yuha is very obedient when she’s horny because she wants to maximize her chance to get fucked. “Y-your turn, b-babe”, she says, eyeing your body from top to bottom. You pull your T-shirt over your head, and Yuha responds by biting her lip. It is when your cock is free from its restraints that Yuha lets out a moan. “I haven’t touched you yet, why are you moaning?”, you’re amused, “are you that horny?”. Yuha defends herself by citing that her pussy’s muscle memory caused her to moan.
You join her in bed at put her in a mating press, “ask nicely and I’ll give it to you”. “Please, daddy, I’m begging you”, she airs her frustration for sex, “tear me in two”. You have no difficulty finding her pussy since you’ve had a lot of sex with Yuha in the past few years. You plunge deep into Yuha right away, her natural lube ensures smooth first penetration. You look down and see that Yuha’s firm stomach is bulging, “am I too big for you, babe?”. Yuha nods weakly, “y-you’re tearing me apart, daddy—harder, please”.
You oblige. You plant your mouth on Yuha’s neck while your hips pick up the pace. Yuha moans and screams as she feels the overwhelming stimulations on her body. She chants whatever nickname she can come up with, feeling desperate for an orgasm. “Oppa, daddy, babe”, Yuha’s brain struggles to choose a name, “please, I’m so close—fuck, yes!”.
A particular deep thrust sends Yuha across the line with a scream. “Pl-please, let me breathe”, she begs, so you retreat from her warmth to let her do so. “M-my legs are like jelly”, she inflates your ego, her legs trembling in front of your eyes. “Can you take some more or are you tapping out?”, you ask, longing for an orgasm. Yuha tells you that she wants more but needs to catch her breath for a minute. “A minute? Bet”, you start a countdown in your head.
As soon as the countdown reaches zero, you flip Yuha onto her stomach and pull her onto all fours. Yuha whimpers, “you’re gonna have to carry me around after this”. You slap her succulent ass cheeks, aiming to make them red, earning screams from Yuha after each one. “You’re mine”, you say to her, “the marks on your skin will remind you if you ever forget”. Yuha shakes her head weakly, “I-I will never forget, daddy”.
You plant your feet on the bed and fuck her like a dog. Her legs turned into jelly earlier, and it is now time for her arms to follow suit. Yuha doesn’t have the strength to support her torso and decides to drop onto the bed. You hold her hair in one hand and pull it, “who said you can lie down?”. Even though you have her hair in your hand, you make sure to not make it too painful for Yuha—you love her after all, hurting her is counterproductive.
Yuha begs you to let her hair go, so you do as she asks, causing her to drop onto the bed with a sigh of relief. “I’m close, babe”, you announce, “I hope you don’t mind if I cum inside”. Between her moans and screams, Yuha manages to answer, “yes, yes, cum in me, daddy”. You lodge your cock deep in her pussy and blow your load, “fuck!”. You pull out right away, and the lightheadedness almost makes you tumble backwards. The excess cum drips out of Yuha, and you take some in your hand, “nice and thick, just the way you like it, babe”. Yuha isn’t answering, so you move to check up on her, “there’s no way you fall asleep right away”. You roll Yuha onto her back and let her rest while you leave to get her some water.
“Welcome, new face”, an HR staff greets you in front of your dad’s company building. He hands you an ID card with your face and name on it, “I know who you are, but I was told that you want to be treated just like any other person”. You bow slightly, “that is correct, Mr. Park. I ask for your kindness and guidance”. He grabs your shoulders and tells you that you didn’t need to bow to him like that. “Your first assignment is to follow a senior, Miss Lee Haein, as she works with a girl group”, he explains. “A girl group? What are they doing here?”, you ask. The staff asks you to walk with him, “a subsidiary of this company is doing an endorsement campaign, and what partner is better than a girl group?”.
“Hi, my name is Lee Haein. I’m your, uh, handler—call me noona, by the way”. You shake her hand, “nice to meet you, noona”. Haein asks you to follow her to a meeting room where you’ll be, well, meeting this girl group before they’re handed over to the subsidiary for the actual endorsement. “Here, sit next to me”, Haein pulls back two chairs for you and her. “So, to brief you quickly, they are a 4th-year girl group with, uh, moderate popularity both at home and abroad. We’ll be working with them to promote a new drink”, Haein explains. You write down the brief in your little memo, “this will be the first time I’m meeting a girl group in person”. Haein chuckles, “just don’t fall for them, okay? I don’t think idols can date”. You show her your lock screen of Yuha’s selfie—she wasn’t wearing anything when she took it, but only her face and neck is shown on the picture, “I’m taken, noona; I’ll be just fine”.
You spend the time by talking to Haein about work and life, and she points out that almost everyone at the company knows that you’re the boss’ son. You scratch the back of your head, “I hope no one minds that I work at my parents’ company”. Haein giggles, “the fact that you don’t want to be treated differently helps us accept you in our midst”. You hear knocks on the door, and by reflex you tell them to come in. “Hi, they’re here”, a staff member says as he opens the butterfly door.
The girl group members enter one by one, and you notice that they’re wearing the same clothes and name tagsg. You write down their names on your memo one by one based on the order of entrance. “We will introduce ourselves—one, two”, a familiar voice says, “hello, we are Cloud Nine! Pleased to meet you!”. You’re forced to stop writing—you know who that voice belongs to. “There’s no fucking way”, words loudly slip out of your lips, and people look at you confusedly. Haein creases her forehead in bafflement, “what’s wrong with you?”. You’re snapped out of your little trance, “o-oh, nothing—I’m sorry”. You lock eyes with the girl on the far right; “Jang Gyuri”, you think to yourself, “fancy meeting you here”.
Haein invites them to sit, and Gyuri sits right across from you. “Hello, my name is Jang Gyuri, leader of Cloud Nine. Nice to meet you”, Gyuri introduces herself and has the others introduce themselves after. You’re not sure what to feel or think right now, but you can feel your heart beating fast. Haein thinks you’re nervous, so she takes point of the meeting. “My name is Lee Haein and this handsome guy next to me is a new employee at the company. He is the—“. You cut Haein off before she reveals your status, earning a pinch on the thigh from her, “hi, everyone. Nice to meet you”. “You look good”, Gyuri mouths to you, and you shake your head to stifle your cheeks from blushing.
Haein hands Gyuri some paper and tells her to pass it on. Haein then starts the briefing, “right, as you can read yourself, you guys will be doing a photoshoot and shoot some short adverts at a nearby studio. Some marketing people from the subsidiary and the two of us will follow you there. Any questions?”. One girl shyly puts her hand up, “c-can we get i-ice cream after?”. Gyuri lightly slaps the girl on the back, “please forgive us; she’s been obsessed with ice cream lately”. You put on a gentle smile, “we’ll buy some soft serve for each of you, okay? I promise”.
You tell them not to enter the studio right away and follow you to the dessert shop next door to get some soft serve. Other visitors turn their heads when they see you and the nine girls enter the shop, some even pull out their phones to record the sight. “Hello, can we get 9 soft serves, please?”, you say to the staff at the register. He tells you the sum, and you hand him your personal card. “That’s your card, isn’t it?”, Gyuri says softly, “thank you, babe”. While your heart does flutter hearing Gyuri call you that, you have something to address. “I haven’t been yours for nearly 4 years”, you whisper to her, “please don’t call me that”. You see that Gyuri’s eyes almost let out tears, her gentle heart stung by your words. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that”, you apologize to her. You see over Gyuri’s shoulder that one of the girls is looking at you, so you show her a smile and act like nothing happened.
After handing out soft serves, you ask them to follow you to the studio for the actual photoshoot. “I know soft serve isn’t the best thing to eat first thing, so I’ll get you some fruits and kimbap after this—is that okay?”, you ask them. “You’re not a regular employee, are you, mister?”, says a girl named Jina. “You caught me, Miss Yoo”, you decide to reveal who you are to them, “my parents own the company I work at—I believe they call someone like me nepo baby”. You hear some chuckles behind you, and one of them sounds like Gyuri’s.
You and friends—well, not exactly “friends”; more like collaborators—enter a photoshoot set, where a man with a clipboard is waiting for you and co. “Hello, my name is Baek Juwon. I’m the creative director for today. Pleased to work with you”, he introduces himself. After exchanging greetings, Juwon proceeds to explain to the group that they’ll take turns for pictures and then they’ll do advert shoots with 3 members at a time. “Okay, let’s start with Yoo Jina, Jo Yubin, and Kim Myongji”, he says.
While Haein is busy talking to some marketing guys, you take a seat a few meters away from the photoshoot set. You get on your phone to text your parents about the first day of working for them; “I think I’m having fun”, you say to them on the group chat. You see in the corner of your eyes that Gyuri is approaching, so you put your phone in your pocket. “Can I help you, Miss Jang?”, you say as she sits next to you. “Please, don’t call me that”, she says, “I know we’ve been distant, but you don’t have to hurt me like that”. Amused, you shake your head, “distant is an understatement—you’re now out of my league, aren’t you?”.
You notice that Gyuri isn’t saying anything back, and when you look at her face, she looks like she’s about to cry. You fish a handkerchief from your back pocket and hand it to her. Gyuri uses the handkerchief to wipe her eyes, “I’m so sorry”. “I’ve forgiven you long ago”, you sigh, “I’m glad it turned out well for you, by the way”. Gyuri chuckles, “I know how cold you can be towards people, but I never thought I’d be on the receiving end of that”. She’s not wrong: you have this habit of acting and talking like you don’t care about people you consider to be—oh, what’s the word—unimportant. You sigh, “there’s ice cream on the corner of your lips—clumsy as ever, huh?”. Gyuri wipes her lips with your handkerchief, “and you’re attentive as ever, babe”. You flinch a little, “please don’t call me that”.
Before you know it, it’s now lunch time. As you’re walking towards the green room for lunch, Haein says that she has something urgent back at the office, so she’s leaving Cloud Nine under your watch for the rest of the day. “See you tomorrow, noona”, you give her a fist bump as she leaves.
You sit at the big table with lunchboxes on it and ask each girl to take one. “So, what’s your story?”, Yubin asks, catching you off guard. “Excuse me?”, you say, caught off guard. “I saw Gyuri-unnie talking to you when I was doing the photoshoot”, she says—you didn’t know she was that observant. “We went to school together”, you answer her, not revealing the whole thing. Gyuri, however, proceeds to blindside everyone by revealing your past: “we dated in high school, and I broke up with him a week before the show started”. You slap your forehead, “my God, Gyuri-yah, why did you say that to them—the bridge burned down years ago”. Gyuri looks at her members one by one, “they deserve to know”. You can’t help but let out a sigh, “sure, whatever you say”.
Everyone stays silent during lunch, presumably trying to process what Gyuri has just revealed and figure out what they think of you. In your head, all you can think about is how Gyuri shouldn’t have revealed your past relationship with her and what it would have been had she not left you. You conclude that everything has turned out the way that the universe wanted, and that you have a plethora to be grateful for, like Yuha, for example.
“Oppa, I’m so sorry”, Yubin comes up to you after lunch, “I shouldn’t have asked you something personal like that”. You smile, hiding the discomfort from her, “it’s okay, I’ve made peace with myself—please, let’s continue our work and we’ll get out of here right after, okay?”. Yubin nods, “I like working with you, oppa. You’re such a cool guy”. You chuckle, “thank you, miss. You’re a cool girl as well”.
“Thank you for your hard work!”, you say to everyone at the end of the shoot, earning bows and replies alike from everyone on site. You ask Cloud Nine’s manager if they have other schedules after this, and he reveals that they’re done for the day. Gyuri comes up to the two of you, “oppa, I want some private time with him. You can leave me if you want to, I’ll have him take me back to the dorm”. Based on the manager’s expressions, you can tell that he’s not a fan of the idea, but he grants Gyuri’s wish anyway. “What do you want?”, you whisper to her. “I just want to talk”, Gyuri whispers back, “at your place, preferably, away from others’ ears”.
You don’t know what Gyuri has in mind, and you’re partially convinced that tears will be shed, but you give her the time and space anyway. “Follow me, please”, you walk to lead Gyuri to your car. “Nice car”, Gyuri comments, and you hum in response. “Remind me to lend you some clothes”, you say to her after getting in the car. Gyuri holds your hand that’s resting on the gear selector, “you still have this habit, babe?”. “Hah, she said it again—is she really trying to win me back?”, you sigh deeply, “yeah, haven’t got rid of it yet”.
“Have a seat, I’ll get you some clothes”, you point at the sofa as soon as you enter your apartment with Gyuri. You walk towards your bedroom and grab a T-shirt and a pair of shorts for Gyuri to change into—you guess that wearing a one-piece dress all day doesn’t feel comfortable for her. You take a knee in front of the sitting beauty, “I know we haven’t done this in years, but can I help you change?”. Gyuri nods gently and stands up, “I like that you still ask for consent”. “That will never change”, you turn Gyuri around and unzip her dress in one swift motion. You step away and turn your back against her, “you can continue undressing and wear the clothes on the table”. “You don’t want to look?”, Gyuri asks, “you haven’t seen me naked in years”. You roll your eyes, “I’m just trying to be respectful here; cooperate, please”.
Gyuri tells you to face her, presumably because she has changed into your clothes. “Cool”, you sit next to her, “so, what did you want to talk about?”. Gyuri holds your hand, “I still love you; why are you so cold to me?”. You stay silent as you think of an answer, “I’m not trying to be an ass, but you did this to me”. You hear subtle sobs from the girl next to you, “do you know how much I regretted breaking up with you? Do you know how many sleepless nights I’ve had, just spent thinking about you?”. You close your eyes as Gyuri’s words sting your heart. “Listen to me, sweetheart”, you pull out a pet name out of the deepest hole in your heart and hold her hand, “you did what you had to, and I did what I had to. We wouldn’t be in this position today had things turned out differently back then. Let’s not frown over things that never happened, because we have other things to be happy for”.
You hope that your words would comfort her, but they make Gyuri cry instead. “I would’ve been happy had I stayed with you”, she tries to hug you from the side, “fuck, why did I throw everything away?”. You never liked seeing Gyuri cry, and the sight makes you shed a tear yourself, “sometimes good things fall apart, babe, and we can only hope that they’re replaced with more good things”. “I hate not being with you, love”, Gyuri’s voice trembles thanks to the emotions, “I’ll do anything to win you back”. Your brain guides your eyes towards a frame sitting under the TV: it’s a picture of you and Yuha, taken after she surprised you on your birthday. “What would Yuha say if she saw me with Gyuri like this?”, you think to yourself. Gyuri sits on your lap, thus blocking your view, “please, please tell me I still have a chance to be with you again”. You smile gently, “if we’re really meant for each other, we’ll find our way back, no matter the distance between us”.
Your answer seems to be satisfactory, making Gyuri lean forward for a kiss. You put Yuha to the side for now and focus on Gyuri—you silently hope that Yuha won’t make a surprise appearance at your apartment like she usually likes to do. “I love you”, Gyuri says with a smile and teary eyes. She then points at the picture with her thumb, “who’s the lucky girl, by the way?”. “Yuha, Song Yuha”, you say, “I’ve been dating her throughout university”. Gyuri nods, seemingly in approval of your life choices, “she must be a sweet girl. I know you don’t fall for random girls”.
You pull Gyuri towards you for a hug and pat her back until her tears die down. “I wonder if you watched my show”, Gyuri says between sniffles. “Of course, I did—Yuha and I rooted for you”, you reveal, “she cheered loudly when they announced that you made the cut”. Gyuri giggles, “I hope I can meet her one day”. “Yeah, maybe”, you’re never one to say never, “she’d kill us both if you told her you’re my ex, though”. “Would she kill us if we have sex right now?”, Gyuri asks—conveniently, her tears have stopped coming out of her eyes. Amidst your fluster, you manage to answer her, “yeah, totally—I’m sure you understand why”. Gyuri pouts, “honestly, thinking about the fact that you have sex with someone else makes me jealous”. “You lost your right to be jealous years ago”, you defend yourself.
“Fuck it, I don’t fucking care anymore”, Gyuri jumps off your lap and pulls your shorts down, “I want you—right here, right now”. You halt Gyuri by grabbing her wrists, “Yuha won’t be happy about this”. Gyuri looks frustrated right now, “please, babe, just this once—I’ll make it worth your while”. Something is telling to see this through, so you decide to play along. “Hah, fine”, you say, “no one hears about this, okay? Not your members, not your parents; no one”.
Gyuri agrees to your terms, and she moves to suck your cock. You throw your head back and savor the first contact, “God, I’ve missed you so much”. Gyuri giggles, “I bet I’m better at giving head than your Yuha”. You thrust your cock into Gyuri’s mouth harshly, “mention her one more time and I’ll kick you out naked”. You take her gags as an answer—a sign of obedience. You take a handful of Gyuri’s hair and tell her to start face-fucking herself on your cock, and she does just that: Gyuri bounces her head on your cock, taking you deep and gagging occasionally. Feeling overwhelmed, Gyuri pulls away from your cock while coughing, “fuck, I forgot how big you were”.
Before the two of you continue, you have something you want to address. That being said, let’s move to the bedroom first, shall we? You pull Gyuri onto her feet and carry her to your bedroom. You make Gyuri sit on your office chair and kneel in front of her, thus earning a giggle from her. “You still like kneeling in front of girls, babe?”, she asks. You chuckle softly, “yes, I do—now listen to me, please”. You take a deep breath before saying your piece, “I still have love for you, Gyuri-yah, but I can’t dump Yuha for you—at least not right now”. “I won’t ask you to do that”, Gyuri rubs your cheek softly, “if you’re truly meant for me, you’ll find your way back to me—isn’t that what you said earlier?”. You’re glad to see that Gyuri is still the same understanding and mature girl from way back when, “I guess some things never change”.
Now that you and Gyuri have come to an agreement, you decide to continue where you left off. “Baaabe”, Gyuri surprises you with an aegyo—you know Gyuri finds her own aegyo cringe, “your sweetheart wants to be taken care of”. You palm your face as you’re amused by her little stunt, “what does sweetheart want?”. Gyuri jumps onto your bed and spreads her legs, “sweetheart wants you in between her legs—holy fuck, that’s so cringe”. You get on top of her and come in for a kiss. “I probably shouldn’t say this, but I’ve missed you”, you say to Gyuri, causing her to blush. “I-I’ve missed you too, ba-babe”, Gyuri looks away to hide her pink cheeks, “sorry, no one has said such thing to me in years”.
There are a few questions in your head right now, and to answer one of those, you need Gyuri’s help, “Gyuri-yah, what are we doing right now?”. Gyuri takes a deep breath, “I’m trying to steal you from your girlfriend”. You ask her to elaborate, so Gyuri adds that she wants to increase her chance of success by having sex with you to remind you of the old days. “I don’t know why you’re so determined to be with me”, you admit your confusion. “Because I really believe that I’m meant for you”, Gyuri says, “no disrespect to Yuha, but I know I’m perfect for you”. You’re somewhat offended by that; Gyuri has little clue about what Yuha is like as a girlfriend, and after nearly 4 years of absence, she returns and claims to be the perfect girl for you. “Is that so?”, you ask, your deep voice subtly laced with anger.
Gyuri rolls you onto your back and gets off the bed, “let me prove it”. She strips entirely before returning to your lap, and as a response, you take off your T-shirt and get equally naked. Gyuri wastes no time getting your cock in her. “Ngh, fuck, I forgot what it’s like”, Gyuri throws her head back, “is my pussy not perfect for you?”. She is indeed perfect; you took her cherry back then, so the shape of her insides is the perfect negative space of your cock. “Keep going” is your command, and you’re replied by a nod.
Gyuri lies on your body and starts sucking your neck while her hips are busy bouncing up and down on your cock. “I guess I’m not seeing Yuha tomorrow”, you mindlessly utter, referring to the hickeys that Gyuri is leaving behind. “Ah, ah—c-can’t you tell her you’re busy or-or something?”, Gyuri says, her breath irregular from the cardio exercise, “I don’t want to spend just one night—oh, fuck, baby”. You slap her plump butt once, “your manager will kill me”. “I’ll make something up”, Gyuri straightens her back and bounces faster, moaning and yelping as she goes; “cute moans”, you think to yourself.
“Baby, baby”, Gyuri closes her eyes and braces for an orgasm, “I’m about to explode”. You hold Gyuri by the waist and help her get to the line, “cum for me, baby”. Gyuri removes your cock from her pussy with a scream, and you feel her juice hit your thighs and pelvis. “Never knew you could squirt like that”, you comment. “Y-you never tried hard enough hehe”, Gyuri teases, her eyes still closed. You want to defend yourself and tell her that you always tried “hard enough”, but it’s probably a topic to be brought up some day else.
“Give me your cum”, Gyuri says after recollecting her composure, “hold on, actually; I want to feel your cock for a moment”. If pre-orgasm Gyuri was fast and impatient, post-orgasm Gyuri is now slow and gentle, the purpose being so that she can really feel your length and thickness.
“Baby, I’ve missed you so much”, Gyuri says between soft moans, “I regret everything”. The fluster throws you off, “wait, wait, let’s not say that”. You move to a sitting position and pull Gyuri onto your lap, “please, let’s not say that”. “But why? Why can’t I say that?”, Gyuri starts sobbing, “I do regret everything. I regret breaking up with you. I regret being a celebrity. Fuck, I regret hearing that you have a girlfriend now”. “Baby, please”, you softly call out to her, “we’re happy with our lives, aren’t we? We have things to laugh at and be thankful for, don’t we? You wouldn’t have had this career had you stayed with me—everything turned out the way they were meant to”. Gyuri presses her forehead on yours, “I’m so sorry; I’m so sorry for everything—fuck, I don’t want this career anymore; I want to be with you from now on”.
You’re torn: you don’t want to validate Gyuri’s words and send her spiraling in regret, but you also don’t want to leave Yuha—and/or hurt her—after all you’ve been through with her. Gyuri taps your cheeks to get your attention, “I want to leave my group next year and get married to you—fuck everyone and what they think, respectfully”. You lift her up and remove yourself from the warm cave, “you’re not thinking straight, baby. I can’t let you throw your career away like that”. Gyuri isn’t happy with the fact that you pulled out, so she impales herself on your cock again, “ah, God, yes—you-you don’t want to be with me? Make me pregnant and start a little family with me? I promise I’ll be a loving and obedient wife”. Gyuri has said multiple times that she dreams of starting a family with someone she truly loves, and you’d like to think that the “someone” she has in mind is you.
All the while you’re thinking about Gyuri’s words, thoughts of Yuha start creeping up on you. You have no reason to break up with her, as you’ve been each other’s solid rock, providing mental and physical support in moments of need—Gyuri demands your answer now, though. “Baby, how can you be sure that I’ll be a good man for you if I must hurt Yuha to get back to you?”, you try to reason with her. Gyuri bursts out in tears, “I fucking hate her. I hate that you still think about her when I’m right in front of you”.
You close your eyes and think of a better answer—something that can provide comfort or assurance for Gyuri. You’re not sure if this is a wise decision, but you’ll say it anyway, “babe, listen to me: stay with your group until the end of your contract while I figure out what to do with Yuha. Once we’ve done our part, I promise I’ll come running to you”. Gyuri shakes her head. “Not until the end of my contract—next year”, she emphasizes. You take a deep breath, “okay, fine—I pray that the universe helps us”.
Yuha asked you to come over because she wanted to talk about something, so here you are, in front of her door. You see signs of crying on her face as she lets you in. “Sweetie? Are you okay?”, you ask her. You make her sit on the sofa and kneel in front of her, “sweetie, talk to me, please”. Yuha holds your hands tightly, and you see that her eyes are coated with tears, “I-I’m moving to the US, babe”. Aside from the fact that you’ll be having a long-distance relationship with her, you don’t see other downsides to her moving to another country. “Okay, so what’s the problem, babe?”, you ask. “M-my dad wants me to marry someone as soon as I move there”, Yuha’s dam breaks, “so-so now he wants me to break up with you”.
In your head, you’re reminded of your mom’s words about soulmates, but you don’t want to appear insensitive in front of Yuha and make her think that she’s the only one holding onto the relationship. “Baby, with respect for your dad, I believe that he wants the best for you”, you try to plead with her, “maybe you’re meant for him and not me, as much as it hurts for me to say that”. “I-I don’t want to hurt you, baby”, Yuha can’t stop crying, “you love me, right?”. You smile gently, “I do, baby, there’s no question about that”. Yuha nods, seemingly satisfied with your answer. “I love you too, baby”, she says, “that being said, I’m breaking up with you”.
Yuha’s words sting you the same way Gyuri’s did all those years ago, so you can’t help but let tears come out. “You’re always obedient towards your parents, aren’t you, cutie?”, you say with a smile, “I understand, love—I’m breaking up with you as well”. Yuha jumps off the sofa and into your arms, “I’m so sorry; we weren’t supposed to end like this”. You press your lips on her temple, “it’s okay, baby. I’ll help you make peace with the situation and say that I accept this outcome”.
You hug Yuha until her storm of emotions passes by, patiently offering comfort for her. Yuha pulls away from the hug and looks at you in the eyes, “I’m so thankful for you, oppa. Thank you for everything that you’ve done for us”. You feel a surge of warmth in your heart, “I’m so thankful for you as well, baby. I’d like to sincerely apologize for my shortcomings, by the way”. “No, you’re always so kind and loving”, Yuha rejects your apology, “the sex is great too, by the way”. You peck her forehead, “good to know, baby”.
“Oppa, will I see you again?”, Yuha asks as she walks with you to your car. “I’d like to hope so”, you stop and make Yuha stand in front of you, “I hope that we’ll see each other again in better and happier circumstances, babe”. You peck her lips once, “anywhere you go, remember that I’m rooting and praying for you, every step of the way”. Yuha pulls you in for a kiss in response, “I’m praying for you as well, oppa. Goodbye, my love”.
As you start driving away, you see in your mirror that Yuha has started crying again, and the sight makes your heart ache—you know that her dad’s decision is final and that there’s no opportunity for negotiations, thus leaving you with no other choice but to leave Yuha. “I pray for your safety and happiness, Song Yuha”, you say to yourself.
While it is true that you’re still mourning the dead relationship, you still need to inform Gyuri about this. You call her while driving, and she picks up right away—this girl is always on her phone. “Gyuri-yah, Yuha broke up with me”, you tell her the summary of events, “can we meet? I want to talk”. Gyuri tells you to pick her up at her dorm, so you quickly drive there to see her.
When you arrive in front of her dorm building, you see that she has a cap and a mask—the classic celebrity disguise. Gyuri gets in your car as soon as you’re stopped. “So, does this mean that you’re mine again?”, she wastes little time to get to the point. You tell her to be patient and wait until the two of you get to your apartment.
Gyuri pushes you to the wall as soon as you enter your apartment. “You’re mine now”, she says with fiery eyes. “Just now?”, you tease her with a smirk, “you’ll leave me again tomorrow?”. She leans forward for a deep kiss. “You’re mine for eternity, my love”, she smiles, “can we order food, by the way? Me hangry”.
As soon as you lift Gyuri to carry her to the sofa, she wraps her long legs around your body. “I like that you make me feel small”, Gyuri says. You sit down with her and give her your phone, “order whatever you want”. “Okay, two double cheeseburgers and onion rings”, she announces her choices and throws your phone over her shoulder, “I hope that doesn’t break”. You shrug, “I mean, I can just buy another”.
“Okay, so, what do we need to talk about? Because all I’m getting is that you’re coming back to me”, Gyuri says. You stroke her cheeks gently, “that is the plan, but I have to ask: will you be mine again?”. She laughs out loud, “what the fuck kind of question is that? Of course I will”. The both of you just look at each other with a smile on your faces. “Leave your group”, you say to her, “I want your full attention; no comebacks, no promotions, nothing—just you and me”. You hope that she remembers her promise from a few months ago and commits to it. “Next year is my last, I promise. I’ll be yours entirely after that”, she says. You entwine your pinky with hers, “let’s not make empty promises from now on, okay?”.
You lean forward a bit to entice Gyuri into kissing you, and she does just that. Gyuri takes it a step further and invades your mouth with her tongue, keen on wrestling yours. You palm the back of her head and make sure she doesn’t pull away. That doesn’t work, however, as Gyuri still manages to break the kiss anyway. “Please, babe”, she inhales sharply, “I can’t wait any longer—I don’t want to wait any longer”. Both of you separate from each other so that you can get rid of your clothes. “I don’t want to wait either”, you say to her.
Your sofa is soft and all that, but it isn’t big enough for you to have sex on, so you take her to the bedroom. You let her continue where she left off and be on top while you lie flat. “I won’t let you pull out—oh, yes, baby”, Gyuri moans as she slowly sinks on your cock. You slap her butt a few times, “go on, make us cum”. She leans in for a kiss and begins fucking herself at your command, breaking it every now and then to let moans escape her lips. “You’re mine, you’re mine”, she chants faintly as she bounces on your cock at a steady pace. You can comfortably validate that, as you no longer have ties with anyone else but her. “Yes, baby, I’m yours”, you peck her lips, “you’re never leaving me again”.
Your validation works wonders to entice Gyuri, as she picks up the pace—this is usually a sign of her incoming orgasm, too. True enough, Gyuri announces that she’s about to blow. “Never one to last long, hm?”, you tease her. “Oh, oh, yes, fuck”, she moans loudly, “that’s your job”. That is a fact: you’re the one trusted to last long enough during sex, and you gladly do so every time. Gyuri screams from the top of her lungs as her orgasm hits her like a small truck.
Feeling weak, she just let herself go and falls limp into your warm embrace. “God, thank you for bringing him back to me”, Gyuri mindlessly says, “I love him too much”. “Too much? You make it sound like it’s a bad thing”, you say, earning a bite on the neck from Gyuri. “I hate you”, she says in fake annoyance.
You let her catch her breath and regain her composure in your arms. You take this moment to clear something up, “baby, I didn’t mean to tell you to leave your group like that; you can stay with them and extend your contract and all that”. Gyuri plants her palms on either side of your head, “no, I don’t want to; I want to be with you—can I work at your dad’s company, by the way?”. You giggle, “first of all, the company is mine—soon, anyway—secondly, yes, you can; be my co-CEO or something like that”. Gyuri accepts your answer, “well then, give me your cum, my dear co-CEO”.
You let her stay on top and thrust into her from below. Only now do you notice the bouncing plump tits in front of you. You pull Gyuri down to get in range with your mouth and suck a nipple. “Yes, baby, yes”, she urges you on, “that feels so good, fuck”. You want to know how she’ll react to tits stimulation after not having it for a few years, so you reach for the other nipple and tug slightly. Based on her scream, you can tell that she enjoys it—some things never change, indeed.
You unlatch your mouth from her nipple and announce that you’re close. “Yes—oh, fuck—please cum inside”, Gyuri begs you. You lodge your cock deep in Gyuri and blow your load, a vengeance since you were blue balled by her last time. Gyuri lets out a long moan as she feels the warmth of your gooey goodness. “My God, I’ve missed that so fucking much”, she says.
“Thank you for the meal!”, Gyuri unwraps her burger and takes a bite, “that’s so damn good”. Since she’s showed enthusiasm and enjoyment towards the burger, you unwrap yours and take a bite yourself. “Wow, that’s so juicy”, you comment as you inspect the patty. “Not as juicy as the cream pie”, Gyuri smirks. “Says the blushing girl”, you say, referring to her pink cheeks, “seriously, though, this is so good”. You lift the top bun off and stack some onion rings on the patty. “This should hit hard”, you say before taking a bite. As you’re savoring the taste, Gyuri makes another naughty comment, “doesn’t hit as hard as your creampie”. You pinch her cheek, “stop already, will you?”. After munching your way through dinner, you see that there’s only one onion ring left on the box. You grab it and take a knee in front of Gyuri. “Jang Gyuri, will you be mine?”, you say to her, the onion ring a substitute to a diamond ring. “Only if you stay with me for good this time”, Gyuri takes the onion ring from you and puts it in her mouth. You drop your jaw in shock, “I didn’t break us up, did I?”. She nods, “that’s true; I did. I’m terribly sorry for that, my love. I’ll stay with you forever—for real this time”. You reject her apology—not because you don’t find it to be sincere or whatever, but because there’s nothing to be sorry for; Gyuri is back in your arms now, and there’s nothing tearing the two of you apart.
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napakmahal · 4 months
Since it’s graduation season I started thinking. When I tell you that the Hamada’s are not a “hold the applause till the end” kind of family. But they also will cheer for people they don’t even know if they don’t get enough applause. To them education is highly important and valued so when you graduate from it that’s something to be proud of. Which is why despite Hiro’s complaints he is not allowed to dress casually to a graduation. Dress shirts and nice pants ONLY.
So the second your name is called to revive your diploma all you hear is Cass squealing at the top of her lungs, Hiro making barking noises, and Tadashi screaming: “THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!”
Don’t even get me started on leis. You already have a few to wear during the ceremony but once it’s over and it’s time to take pictures they are stacked on your neck like those ring baby toys.
Money leis, fresh flowers, beads, and character leis stacked so high you can barely see your face. And don’t get it twisted, the Hamada’s do NOT buy leis or bouquets. They make them no matter how long it takes.
Tadashi had promised you he was going to bed right when you hung up the phone the night before your graduation. But when taking pictures you noticed the caffeine jolts coursing through his body but also small needle marks on his fingertips where he string up all you leis. You know that he knows you figured out that he lied but neither of you say anything. By the time they’ve given you all the bouquets and leis you could pass off for a very small parade float.
And the grad party they would throw you. You don’t even know half the people there but somehow they all shake your hand and congratulate you on your major and jobs. (Tadashi has been praising you for your hard work like he gets pairs a six figure salary a month for it)
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
Wedding Bells
Characters: Riddle, Deuce, Epel, Silver x fem!reader (seperately)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Genre: fluff, romance
Proposals and weddings with your beloved!
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Riddle Rosehearts
Married life with Riddle comes in stages. It’s extremely difficult at times, especially in the beginning, and easier in others. You’d better be ready to take your vows seriously, because Riddle certainly will- even before you’re actually married. Especially the ‘for better or for worse’ part. He’ll outright refuse to hold a wedding until he can be financially and emotionally independent from his mother, refusing to subject you to her tyranny.
One way or another, Riddle will gain his freedom, either from gradually taking back control or from being disowned. Without the shadow of his mother hovering over him, he’ll decide to follow a path of higher education to law school. It’ll be a tough time period for you as a couple. Riddle is always busy studying and working hard, hoping to earn his degree early. He’ll attempt to help with house chores when you move in together, but he never learned practical home skills when he was younger. The combination of teaching him how to manage a household in addition to his school workload means that for a time, you will be doing most of the home duties.
The wedding discussion also has to be put on hold for a while. Your fiance is a perfectionist and refuses to hold anything but the perfect ceremony for you, with the most beautiful ring he can get his hands on. After graduating law school and landing a job, he’ll save up for the ring of your dreams.
He’ll propose after a romantic evening at home, under a full moon at midnight. Not everything went the way he thought it would- the ring was the wrong size (“What do you mean, fingers have sizes? I thought only shoes had that.”) and he burned the food at one point, but the two of you spent year waiting for this moment. Just seeing your eyes light up in disbelief and happiness when he finally gets down on one knee makes everything worth it.
Riddle will ask you to take the Rosehearts last name. He likes the idea of being joined, in life and in legal matters. Having his last name makes him feel like he’s truly your provider and protector. Plus, he’s just a hopeless romantic and wants to hear you being called Mrs. Rosehearts. He won’t complain if you don’t want to, though. Tradition is important to Riddle, but he respects your wishes much more.
The ceremony is small- held at an indoor venue in a courthouse, with just a few attendees. The Heartslabyul graduates will help set everything up, and catering is taken care of, courtesy of the Clover family. Riddle couldn’t be happier when he sees you walk down the aisle, escorted by Ace and Deuce. Deuce will give him a nod before stepping back, while Ace’s gaze will linger on Riddle’s a bit. The message is clear: take care of her, or else.
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Deuce Spade
The moment Deuce realized he was in love with you was the moment he knew he wanted to marry you. You are Deuce’s first and only love, and the only person he’ll ever need. The two of you are engaged just after graduation- he proposed on the spot without being prepared. He just saw you running towards him in your cap, diploma in hand and gown fluttering in the wind behind you, and blurted out, Will you marry me?
This was not how he planned the proposal at all, and he apologizes profusely when he realized he didn’t even get down on one knee or give you a ring. In the last week or so of school, he’ll practically be living in NRC’s metal workshop, learning to bend and hammer out a ring for you. And with Crewel’s help and a bit of luck, he’ll even create a small gemstone himself, to add to the ring.
He’ll definitely marry you soon after the ring is done. Like Riddle, you and Deuce have a small, private ceremony. Crowley was generous enough to let you hold it on NRC’s campus, with Ramshackle as the venue. The run-down, homely dorm you stayed in during your high school days was also the place you spent the most time with your best friend, so it’s only fitting you’d marry him there too!
While Riddle, Cater, and Trey agree to be Deuce’s groomsmen, Ace actually requests to be a bridesman instead! He says it’s because “this is the last time he’ll ever get you to choose his side over Loosey Deucey.” He’ll definitely send pictures of your day out to Deuce, rubbing it in his face that Ace got to have a self-care day with you while Deuce didn’t. Deuce can’t be too mad, though. After all, it’s him you’re marrying, not Ace :)
Deuce would actually discuss name changes with you before the wedding. He actually likes the idea of taking your name. He would feel very close to you by being connected to you by name. But he also likes the idea of you being a Spade because it’s like he’s bringing you into the family!
You’ll most likely move in with your husband and his mother for a year before moving to a small house nearby. Ms. Spade absolutely loves you, and dotes on you when Deuce is out working for the day. She’ll try to help you with your own work as well, especially if you’re working remotely or working from home a lot.
When Deuce is home, he’ll spend as much time with you as possible. There’s a lot of sleepy cuddling and long naps in your shared room. Even if he’s busy, he’ll help you and his mother with chores. Grocery runs are his favorites, because it gives him time to go out on a pseudo-date with you.
When on the couch together, Deuce loves placing your hands side by side, looking at the rings on both of your hands and thinking about how lucky he is. He can’t believe that you’re with him now, forever.
Once you finally get your own place, Ace will try to ask for a key. Deuce will give him one, and then change the locks just to mess with him.
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Epel Felmier
Epel didn’t even think about marrying you until the two of you moved back to Harveston. The townsfolk don’t have much news to talk about, so a lot of the gossip will be diverted to you and Epel. Every time you go out, expect to have at least three elderly residents asking when your wedding will be! Most of the time, you’ll laugh it off and assure them that you’re happy. But it’s happened so much that Epel begins thinking about it.
He brings it up to you one day in the orchard, lying in the grass with his legs propped up on a tree. This is the first time you’ve discussed marriage, and you come to an agreement- if your relationship in Harveston works out, in a year or two you’ll get married. It’s a simple plan, but people can’t help but notice Epel has a spring in his step now when he talks about his new fiancée.
With his degree in magical chemistry and background as a farmer in Harveston, Epel will always be financially stable. He is one of the few young people in the town and the older residents welcome the help with labor. With extra income from occasional jobs Vil will call in with, you guys are set! You have plenty of time to spend with Epel every day. It’s quite the pleasant life.
Your marriage to Epel will take place in the town hall. Every Harveston resident will attend, as well as many of your friends from your days at Night Raven College. The village elders insisted on doing everything themselves- making food, catering, helping with clothing and ceremony. It’s been decades since they were last able to prepare for a wedding party!
Originally, the gathering was planned to be relatively small, with just friends, family, and locals. But word got out that the Vil Schoenheit would be attending the event in place of the Bride’s father, and security had to be hired. Not only that, but the presence of nobles like Kalim, Leona, and Malleus garnered attention as well. Harveston’s economy got a big boost just from your wedding alone.
Much to Vil’s chagrin, you had hired Neige to be the live performance during your first dance with your new husband. He’ll complain about it for years, even if you reassure him that you would have asked him if he didn’t already have a part in the wedding party.
Epel is secretly smug that so many people are seeing you marry him. You’re his now! He’s yours! Take that, world! Everyone knows you’re Mrs. Felmier now. Speaking of that, Epel wants you to take his last name. He really wants you to be his in that way. He might pout a bit if you refuse but ultimately he accepts your decision. Either way, you’re his wife now! Nobody else’s!
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Two matching silver bands on yours and Silver’s ring fingers are the only indicator to the outside world that you got married in secret, on a humid summer evening before your final year at NRC. Worried about Lilia getting on in years and not being able to see his son’s special day, Silver asked you to marry him in a quiet, extremely private ceremony. Only Lilia, Malleus, and Sebek were present but Silver tried so hard to make it romantic. He promises that once you’re older, you can do it again, properly.
The ring exchange was overseen by Malleus, who had power for every official duty in Briar Valley. For Silver’s own band, he requested the gem on his magical pen to be turned into the centerpiece for his wedding ring. That way, he’ll never be without you or his magic now.
As the only humans in Briar Valley, you and Silver still need protection. Silver would never leave his job as Malleus’s guard either, so you’ll be living in the Thorn Fairy’s Castle for now. As a wedding present, Malleus had a new wing of the castle built just for you and your new husband, complete with a tower. It’s spacious and supposed to provide more privacy for newlyweds, but Lilia has a bad habit of barging into the rooms anyways, gushing about how his little boy is all grown up. If you need a place for more private affairs, the cottage out back might be a better location.
When you return to NRC for your final year, the rings on yours and your husband’s hands aren’t hidden. No one seems to notice, though. Not even the observant ones like Azul and Jamil. If they do, they probably assume that the rings are promise rings. Silver doesn’t bother to correct them- he’s wary of telling people already, lest someone target you for it. Stolen kisses in empty corridors are good enough… for now.
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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mrsparrasblog · 6 months
I know John Price would be the best Dad on earth but please let the Plot , ploting
Part 2
Your dad loved you; you were really sure he did, just not as much as he loved Tina, your younger sibling. You were the result of a one-night stand he had when he was 16, while Tina was a love child of your dad's new wife. You liked both of them; you really did. They treated you with respect; you stayed in their house while your dad was on deployment. So you couldn't really complain; they even let you stay while you did your apprenticeship, despite that you were over 20 now and full of age, but they made it clear: finish your apprenticeship and you're gone.
Your dad didn't say anything. Well, how could he, since he was always on some kind of mission, to save the planet or world? He was like a real-life Avenger. It just hurts sometimes when he misses certain events like your ballet performance, your appendix operation, your 18th birthday, and your graduation ceremony—the best of the whole year. But who cares about that when you have no one in the crowd to cheer for you?
The worst part? He did make time for Tina. He was at her elementary school graduation, at every birthday, and at her fencing competition, claiming it's not because he likes Tina more; it's just that fencing is more interesting than ballet. You would understand that, right? You were a good, smart girl. Of course, you would understand how important his job is, right? You're not a selfish little lady, he said.
For years, you thought he despised you, maybe because you were the spitting image of your dead mother or because you had the same interests as her but not like Tina. Tina was cool; she did fencing, wanted to join the military, and even got caught smoking weed. Your dad only laughed about this, telling her he did this too when he was young.
You and your dad didn't share the same interest; you liked everything that was hyper-feminine: ballet, pink, makeup, Taylor Swift. And you were becoming a midwife instead of a cool, badass soldier. His only expression was, "Are you sure, sweetie?" Of course, you were sure, and you thought your job was even more badass than his. You helped bring babies into the world; what could be better?
One day, you noticed he did love you. In fact, it was just harder to love someone at 17 than at 30, he said. He cried while saying this, begging you on his knees to forgive him for being such a crappy dad, and of course, you did. His affection and attention were almost like a drug to you; you didn't need weed when hearing "I'm proud of you, sweetie" did so much more to you.
It wasn't a surprise when you started to sleep with older men, craving the care and affection they could provide you with. The same affection you begged your whole life for. When your stepmother found out you got intimate with 40-year-old men every weekend, she told your dad, of course, that she did. And he was furious—more than furious. Giving you a lesson about safe sex—a bit too late for that, innit? And then he told you that he was disappointed in you, and it hurt even more than the neglect you needed to endure your whole life.
You were walking through the streets of Cardiff, enjoying the sight of your hometown; it was beautiful, especially at night. Suddenly, a man bumped into you—correct: the most handsome man you've ever seen in your life. He was tall with dark hair, mesmerizing eyes, tattoos and pale skin, and he was definitely old enough to be your type. Maybe that was the fairytale love story you ever dreamed of.
"I'm sorry, sir; my eyes aren't so strong in the dark."
He kissed your hand like you were some kind of royalty and smiled with the most charming smile. "A pretty girl like you shouldn't have to apologize," he said with a thick, beautiful Russian accent.
"Thank you, sir."
"Call me Vlad, princess," he said, and you told him your name, to which he replied that it was the most beautiful name he ever heard.
"Let me walk you home, princess. It's dangerous for a beautiful girl like you to walk on her own," he said with a cheeky grin.
"So you're from Russia? How is it there?"
"Beautiful; the nature is stunning. I live in Moscow, and you would love the architecture."
"I bet I would love it. If I have the opportunity to travel someday, I definitely will."
"Where would you go first, princess?"
"Hm, New York or maybe Sydney. No wait, the Alps. Ah, it's hard to decide, you?"
You mumbled while walking on the sidewalk; you didn't know why, but you felt safe like never before. Not even the dogs barked at him; he had this dark presence about him, but how he talked and behaved, letting you walk further away from the sidewalk, lending you his jacket, and caressing your finger with his thumb, made you feel safe and appreciated.
"I was almost everywhere in the world, but if I could decide, I'd say Moscow."
"Doesn't count; you live there." You pointed your tongue at him and threw a giggling fit.
"And who are you to decide this?"
"Like you said, a princess."
"And what does your Highness want?"
"Hm, ice cream."
You went to an ice cream place, both of you picking out an ice cream flavor; he insisted that he pay for your £2 ice like a gentleman, and you laughed.
"You're weird; chocolate-mint ice is a disgrace."
"It is good; taste it?"
"I won't."
You smeared the ice around your plump lips. "You sure don't want a taste now," you said, hinting at a kiss. He smirked and leaned in for a kiss. His lips were gentle, but there was so much passion behind the kiss and so much longing that you immediately moaned, making a fool of yourself. After what felt like hours, you split, trying to catch your breath.
"that was-"
You nodded before pulling into another kiss. The 10-minute walk home took 3 hours since you stopped every second, demanding his attention, and he gave it to you so willingly. You arrived at your door.
"So this is my door."
He kissed you one last time, "Sorry Princess," and then he pulled you into him, holding something against your nose, but before you could react, you were already far gone.
You brought him to your place, Price's house, with what he wanted; he wanted to kill every three of you, make a massacre, and then leave them for Price to see. But you were confusing him; he liked your presence; sure, he was just a man, and he knew you were the type of woman he watched when beating his meat, but normally attractiveness wouldn't affect him, especially not with Price's daughter. But you were nice to him even though you didn't know he was fucking Vladimir Makarov, so his plan changed; he needed to break you or have you and then rub it under Price's face that you were his now.
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heesdreamer · 2 years
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PAIRING ➩ heeseung x reader
SUMMARY ➩ sequel to YOU MAKE ME (could maybe be read as a stand alone but i don’t recommend it)
WARNINGS ➩ this is straight up full on porn.. i don’t often write full smut but! heeseung is very obsessed w reader in an unhealthy way and he has a pain kink, rough sex but it’s consensual and wanted from both parties
WC ➩ 6k
AUTHORS NOTE ➩ okay the point i made abt being anti part 2 comment still stands lol it just so happened im obsessed with this universe and these characters and i personally wanted smut for them so you guys get it as well lol! not proof read and i don’t rlly write smut much so idk if it’s any good lol but it’s 8am so i dont rlly care
“Are you sure she’s not going to care?” You were standing on a cracked cement porch, anxiously tugging on your bunny ears and hiding behind Heeseung’s tall frame as he messed with the lock on the door.
“Of course she won’t, she loves you.” He was shaking his head and trying to reassure you, swearing under his breath as he shook the handle with frustration.
He was referring to his grandmother that he lived with, a small frail woman who offered you kind smiles and slightly stale baked goods anytime her grandson brought you over for dinner or a sleepover.
She made the two of you sleep in the living room most the time, originally saying you had to sleep out there alone but eventually caving in when Heeseung really stressed the importance of sleeping beside you. You’d smiled softly when she had nudged you and called him clingy, knowing she didn’t even understand half of it.
You didn’t mind how clingy he was with you, always following close behind you throughout the school halls and draping himself onto your side in the library.
Heeseung had never been shy in his obsession with you, sometimes muttering things to you late in the night that caused a shiver to roll up your spine.
“Besides,” He was letting out a grunt as he finally managed to unstick the lock and shove forward into the old door with his shoulder. It flew open and he stumbled forward a bit before turning around to face you with a smile. “She won’t even know you were here.”
You frowned softly as you looked at his handsome face, adorned with two new piercings that weren’t there when you’d met him and a decorative black eye. He’d kissed you deeply when you first saw him with it, whispering into your mouth and requesting you didn’t ask him what happened.
You didn’t, because you rarely ever did, and simply kissed him back. The two of you carried a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ state of mind most of the time and it made things simple despite sometimes unnerving you with how little you still knew about him.
“Breaking in while she’s on vacation, you really are a delinquent.” You were retorting back to him and you took a few steps into the familiar house, not having been inside for a few weeks considering it was summer now and you and Heeseung spent most of your time together around different places, sleeping in his car or getting a cheap motel for the night.
You’d graduated not too long ago and Heeseung had attended the ceremony with a bright grin and a bouquet of flowers, not having gotten enough credits to actually walk himself.
It was easy for you to allow him to become your entire world, that feeling of familiarity and comfort never leaving despite how rocky your situations seemed sometimes. Throughout being low on money and having rough home lives, you never doubted what he felt about you and vice versa.
“You like me like this.” He was smirking down at you and leaning forward so he could close the front door, his arm going over your shoulder and trapping you against the wood for a few seconds. “Makes me interesting.”
“You’re interesting anyways.” You were frowning up at him, your hands coming up to hold his neck a few inches below his jaw and pull him down a bit so you could kiss him softly.
He was humming against your lips and immediately pushing himself forward so he could be pressed ontop of you, his hip coming up to your stomach due to the height difference. You could feel the bone and the thick metal of his belt pressing into your stomach uncomfortably and you shifted underneath him at the feeling.
“Does it hurt?” He was pulling back to whisper into your mouth when he noticed your movements and you nodded softly, wincing a bit at the feeling.
Heeseung was pausing for a few seconds before he was pressing himself harder against you, the studded spikes going deeper into your skin and you let out a small hiss into his open lips. He was kissing you again before pulling his hips back to avoid actually hurting you.
You’d realized pretty quickly that Heeseung had a particular taste when it came to pain, first noticing it in small things like the way he would bite down on your lip during heavy make out sessions. Then it transitioned to his breath hitching every time you’d pinch his arm for annoying you while you did homework, his habit of pushing you against the nearest surface and pinning you there.
The two of you had been taking it relatively slow, never surpassing long kissing sessions accompanied by rare heavy petting but he drove you crazy almost every time you were around him.
He’d get this certain look in his eye sometimes and your stomach would light up with want, taking in his large frame and the way he obsessed over you like you were the only thing he truly cared about. Sometimes you thought that you might be, as toxic as it sounds, Heeseung never applied any effort to anything or anybody outside of you.
“Tell me if it hurts.” He was whispering again and then kissing you before you could say anything, his hands going down to your hips to pull you tight against him at the same time he pressed his waist back into yours. You felt the sharp ends of the studs again and you gasped softly into his mouth.
“It hurts.” You whined and he let out a small hum, titling his head so the kiss kept getting deeper and messier every second. You could feel his tongue licking into your mouth and you stood on your tip toes so he could have better access.
“I bet it does.” He was retorting after a few seconds, his voice low and raspy now that he was out of breath and you felt your knees weaken when he was rolling his hips down into yours. The pleasure of feeling him against you was immediately followed by the pain of his belt. “You like it though, don’t you?”
He was asking but it wasn’t an actual question, already knowing the answer judging by the way you let out a small cry and wrapped your arms around his neck to keep yourself standing.
His big hands were leaving your hips, sliding down to hook under you thighs and you felt him lift one of your legs so it was wrapped around his waist. You whined again and he smiled darkly at the sound, glancing up at you before going back down to where your hips where fully meeting now.
After a few seconds of seeing if you were comfortable, he was rolling his lower half into yours again with more contact now that your legs were more spread. He was hard and pressing harshly against you, his cock tight in his ripped jeans and you let out a cry while gripping his neck tighter.
“Tell me you like it when it hurts.” He was demanding in a low voice, leaning forward to kiss your jaw softly and pet your hair back out of your face more. He gave you a look like he was waiting for permission for something and you nodded your head, melting at the smile he gave you when he slowly took off your favorite hat.
You didn’t say anything for a few beats, just letting out soft cries at the feeling of him practically dry humping into you against the door. You only managed to speak again when he was thrusting particularly hard and the spikes caught roughly on your skin.
“I like it.” You gasped out and ducked your face down into his neck, wrapping your leg tighter around his middle so he could have even more access to your aching core. “Fuck Hee, I like it.”
“I know baby.” He was quickly responding and you felt flushed at how calm he was managing to sound, meanwhile you don’t think you’d be able to stand on your own if he were to let you go. You tugged on his hair softly so he would move his head back to look at you and he paused for a second before doing so, watching you intensely.
You were leaning in to kiss him again, sloppy in your movements and you could feel spit running down your chin from the way you were trying to suck his tongue deep into your throat. He was groaning now finally and you felt a wave of pride at the fact you were affecting him too.
More than you realized, considering the squeal of surprise that was slipping from your mouth when he was reaching down to aggressively hoist your other leg up so you were completely being held up against him. You could feel how hard he was in his jeans, pressed into your middle as he stepped away from the door and swiftly carried you towards his bedroom.
You let out a small giggle when he was casually tossing you onto the mattress, bouncing slightly from the impact. It was immediately disappearing when you saw the look on his face, familiar and dark in a way that made your mouth part.
He was on top of you before you could say anything, kissing you deeply again and you tried to ignore the fact his knee was landing perfectly in between your legs. You were sure that if he moved up a few inches he would be able to feel you throbbing against him, feeling dizzy from how much you wanted him.
“My pretty bunny.” He was practically cooing at you now, resting on his elbows as he kissed down your jaw and neck. The difference between his sweet words and how roughly he handled you was making you head spin, your back arching off the bed so your chest could press against his. “Are you feeling needy baby?”
“Please.” You were whining out and reaching your shaky hands up to his hair, tugging at it and rolling your hips up to connect with his leg slightly. His eyes darkened and you felt one of his hands go back down to your legs, cupping under your knee and pulling you forward so your core was sat against his thigh. “Heeseung please.”
“Stop begging and fuck my leg.” He was cutting you off in your pathetic attempts to get him to touch you, slapping your hand away from where it was continuously pulling at the collar of his hoodie. You could feel your eyes watering from need but you tried to ignore it, rolling your hips like he told you too and letting out a long moan at the feeling of him.
He was watching you with amusement but his eyes kept darkening as you fucked yourself against his clothed thigh, arching your back and panting slightly. He was pressing it uncomfortably hard against you and you could feel him everywhere, so large in the way he was laying on top of you and moving your body around like a puppet.
“Look at my nasty girl.” His voice was low like he didn’t care if you heard him, mainly speaking to himself in an amazed tone at the way you were humping into him dumbly. “Using me to get off like this, my sweet bunny.”
“Hee.” You were crying out to try and get his attention back on you, the stimulation of his leg and voice driving you crazy with the lack of actual touching that was happening. He gave you a soft look like he was pitying you and your desperation, nodding softly and pushing your hair out of your face again before sitting up off your chest.
You watched him as he pulled his hoodie over his head, wearing nothing underneath and you let out another whine as you kept rubbing yourself against him. You’d seen Heeseung shirtless plenty of times, between cuddling with him in the mornings and wrapping his bruised rib cages when he’d come to find you late at night.
It still always made you feel insane, made you feel like the luckiest person on the planet to get to see him like this. He always would say he didn’t deserve you, preaching about how beautiful and otherworldly you are to him but you felt the exact same each and every time you got to see him, especially like this.
He was leaning back down to kiss you again after throwing his hoodie across the room and your arms immediately came up to wrap around him, rubbing your hands up his sides and tightening your hold on his skin until you knew it would leave a mark. You were moaning softly into the kiss and he seemed unsatisfied with the fact you were calming down, dropping off his knees so his hard on was pressed against you instead.
You didn’t process his movement until he was rolling his hips into yours again, pulling out of the kiss to gasp and look down to see where your bodies connected. He was rocking into you slowly and you kept your arms tight around him, digging your nails deep into his skin and drinking in the way he let out choked breaths into your neck.
He sat up again, just slightly this time and you watched him as he aggressively tugged your shirt over your head, nearly tearing it in the process. You felt shy immediately at the sudden air hitting your bare skin but he was stopping in his movements to stare down at you, pushing your hair behind your ear slowly and watching as you took deep breaths that made your chest rise and fall.
“Fuck.” He was eventually breathing out and he sounded completely transfixed, eyes shooting up to yours for a second before immediately going back down. “You’re so perfect.”
“Stop.” You were mumbling under your breath, reaching up to try and pull him back down on to you so you could have a bit more cover. He was shaking his head and furrowing his eyebrows at your insecure tone, although fulfilling your request and laying back on top of you. You gasped slightly at the feeling of his warm skin pressed against yours and he half smiled down at you.
“I mean it. I’d do anything for you.” His tone was serious as he said it and you stared into his eyes. The first few times he’d spoken like this you didn’t take him completely serious, thinking he was just flattering you or saying exaggerated things to try and express how much he cared for you.
You quickly realized that he meant exactly what he said every single time, especially in scenarios where he felt like you needed protection or that somebody had disrespected you in some way. You’d had to pull him out of restaurants for trying to go after men who stared at your ass for too long, whispering calming words in his ear every time he caught sight of your dad from the front window when he dropped you off.
“Anything?” You were whispering up to him, your eyes wide and faking innocence. As quickly as you realized he was serious, you also learned that you liked how he treated you. You liked to see how far he would go if it meant keeping you safe and happy.
“Anything.” He was repeating it firmly and you felt him rock his hips into yours again, your legs instinctively spreading to let him fuck himself into your clothed core as he kept speaking in that low tone. “Nobody could take you away from me, you’re mine now.”
“W-what if they tried?” You were trying to keep yourself collected enough to speak but your head was spinning from the constant feeling of his hard cock pressing into you so harshly. You’d never went this far with him but you thought about it every single time you were with him, just as obsessed with him when it came to touching and being together like this.
“I’d kill them.” He was shaking his head and his eyebrows were furrowing like the ideas was genuinely upsetting him, his hand sliding down to hoist your thigh back up so every thrust was directly hitting your throbbing clit. You let out a loud moan at the feeling and his eyes were shooting back up to yours, more wild now that you were egging him on. “It’s me and you forever, I’ll do everything to keep you with me I don’t care. Nobody can make you feel like I can.”
You couldn’t find the energy to agree with him but you were letting out small gasps of his name and clawing into his back every time he moved forward, one of your hands shakily coming down to tug at his large belt roughly until it caught his attention. His eyes shot down to where you were pulling and that half smirk was back on his face when he looked up again.
“Is that what you want?” His voice was teasing and you felt a dry sob wrack through you at how slow he was taking it, aching to feel him closer. “My baby wants me inside her?”
“Heeseung, please.” You were nearly fully crying now and you continued to tug at his belt in an attempt to undo it, successfully getting it out of the first latch and then whining in frustration when it got stuck on the second peg. He was laughing softly but his hands were smacking yours away as he quickly tugged it off and unbuttoned the top of his jeans. “I need it please, I’ll do anything.”
“Anything?” He retorted back and his voice was mocking this time, clearly referring to the way you had antagonized him a few minutes earlier. Nonetheless he was sitting up off you slightly to tug down your own pants, getting them down under your thighs and watching as you shifted around to finish the rest.
Now that you were both fully undressed you felt a wave of nervousness again, avoiding looking at him but feeling the way his eyes were hungrily scanning up and down your body. The vulnerability of being laid out in front of him strangely made a chill run down your spine and you could feel yourself clenching around nothing, knowing he was only a few inches away from being able to push himself inside you.
He still wasn’t doing anything after a few second and you finally glanced over to him with a pout, impatience coursing through you and your hand came up to rest on his arm and try to tug him back down on top of you.
It didn’t surprise you that he was watching you with an amused look on his face, liking the way you struggled and squirmed around his bed as you body tried to find relief somewhere. His big hands where sliding up your legs to rest against your stomach, pressing down against your rib cage and you sucked in a tight breath at the feeling of him touching you.
“Would you let anybody else touch you like this?” He was asking in that same low tone and you let out another impatient cry, knowing he already knew the answer and just wanted to hear you say it. “Answer me or I’ll get myself off and make you watch.”
His words were making your eyes widen with shock and you met his gaze, seeing how dark and serious they were as he monitored you like he was hunting you. You frowned again and he bit his lip slightly, tugging the metal jewelry that was hugging the skin into his mouth for a few seconds.
“Only you.” You were gasping out and nodding so he understood how much you meant it, his hands instinctively flexing against your middle at your words. “I only want you Hee, I’m yours.”
“Yeah you’re mine.” He was repeating himself again and laying back on top of you so he could pull you in for another rough kiss, his hand cupping your chin to stop you from moving. You let out a moan when you felt him spitting against your tongue, immediately swiping over it with his own and he let out his own groan when you were twisting your head to try and suck it deeper into your throat.
When he shifted again, your entire body arched at the feeling of him pressed directly against your sensitive clit. He chuckled into the kiss before purposely directing his hips into the same position so you could feel it again, gasping into his mouth and slapping his side in warning.
“Be nice.” He was mumbling into your mouth and you frowned when he was kissing you again, ignoring your smack against his skin and rubbing against you more and more until your head was completely spinning. “That’s my good girl.”
“I need you.” You were crying out and he groaned softly at the desperation in your voice, rumbling against your chest as he laid his head into your neck again for a few seconds. You could feel him biting down on your collarbone and a shiver ran through you as you ran your hand through his hair to get his attention back on you.
“You need me?” He was whispering when he picked his head back up, watching you intensely with a slightly wild look in his eye and you knew your words were fueling that obsession he carried in his heart, on the borderline of unhealthy with how eager he was to hear you repeat the words to him. “Tell me you need me again Y/N, tell me you can’t live without me.”
“I can’t.” You were repeating the words multiple times in a dizzy mantra, not thinking clearly considering he was still rutting against you as he spoke calmly and slow. If you didn’t know any better, didn’t see his fucked out expression as he stared down at you, you would’ve thought he was completely unaffected by how steady his tone was compared to yours. “Please Heeseung, I can’t. I’m going to go crazy, I need you so bad.”
He was nodding his head finally, seemingly satisfied with your words and he watched you for a few more seconds before his hand was running back down towards your ribs, passing them and softly caressing over your stomach instead.
A shiver ran through you and you watched his lip curl up at your body’s reaction, stretching underneath his piercing and you looked away quickly, more and more overwhelmed the longer you watched him. His hand was stopping just below your hip and you felt him squeeze the bone tightly, studying your expression for a few breaths before he was dipping down to swiftly kiss you.
“I can prep you.” He was saying into your mouth but the way he trailed off led you to believe he had another idea and you nodded your head eagerly for him to continue, hanging onto his every word. “Or I can just fuck you.”
You breath caught at the direct words, something that would normally make you feel shy if you weren’t completely lust drunk and desperate for him to do whatever he wanted to you. You almost told him that, told him you didn’t care what he did and you allow him complete control over your body, but instead you paused and tried to collect yourself for a few seconds.
“It’ll hurt.” He was saying, noticing you hadn’t gathered your thoughts and he was kissing you deeply again for a few seconds after the statement.
You both knew that wasn’t a dealbreaker at all, if anything the thought excited you more and caused your heart rate to increase. He seemed to know this considering the way his lip curled back into a smirk, your expression at the statement giving you away completely. You were wrapping your hand around his bicep that was still supporting his weight above you, nodding your head swiftly.
“My perfect girl.” He was cooing at you but his tone was almost mean, mocking you as he kissed his teeth suddenly. You glanced down to find the reason for his noise, flushing at the fact he was using his hand to adjust himself so he was lined up with your entrance. “Look at you, clenching around nothing just from looking at my cock.”
You flushed bright red and your eyes were snapping back up to meet his, drinking in how dark they were as he glared down at you. They were softening suddenly and he was kissing you again slowly, his mood changes causing your head to spin as you happily accepted the contact.
You could feel him pressing against you as you kissed, heart racing so hard it almost hurt at the fact you were finally going to have him completely, in all the ways you’d been imagining since you’d met him. Despite how twisted you knew he could be, he was sweet in the way he was caressing your face as he started to push into you.
Your mouth was parting in a gasp, face pulling back in a wince of pain at the sudden intrusion and you could feel your breath catching in your throat at the feeling of him nearly tearing you open.
“Breathe baby, fuck.” He was cursing under his breath and for the first time today, he sounded just as fucked as you were. His words were tight and forced and you figured it was because how tightly you were squeezing against him to try and stop the pain. “Bunny, you’ve gotta loosen up.”
You were instinctively shaking your head at the suggestion, your body screaming in rejection from how thick he felt pushing into you. You figured he was barely even halfway in considering how big he looked when you glanced down and you suddenly felt worried you weren’t going to be able to take him.
He stayed still for a few moments, letting you take deep breaths as he guided them alongside his own and you could vaguely feel his big hands pushing your hair out of your sweaty face and rubbing up and down your sides until the wave of pain subsided.
Then it was quickly replaced with a burst of pleasure, a small whine slipping from your mouth and you heard him almost chuckle in relief at the realization you’d managed through it. The pain was still there but it felt euphoric now that it wasn’t unbearable, the perfect amount of uncomfortable that you learned you liked so much because of him.
Heeseung was kissing you again briefly before pushing further in without any warning, a loud cry ripping through you as your hands came around to grip tightly into his back. He was sweaty under your hands and your stomach pressed against his when your back instinctively arched off the bed to try and run away from the foreign feeling.
“Let me fuck you, let me take care of you.” You could hear him grunting the words in your ear and you were nodding swiftly, immediately breaking into a fit of moans when he bottomed out inside of you and rolled his hips slightly to get you used to the feeling of his entire length.
“Heeseung.” You were slurring out and he laughed softly into your skin, his hand scrunching tightly in your hair before sliding down to your hip to hold you in place as he started to pull out of you.
You didn’t have time to catch your breath before he was slamming back into you with his entire length, a sob of pleasure wracking through you at the feeling of him fucking into you so aggressively matched with his big head keeping you pinned against the mattress. He was sucking in tight breaths near your ear but your head was too dizzy to hear him completely, lost in the feeling of him repeatedly ramming himself inside of you.
“All mine.” His words were slowly filtering in and you gasped again at how fucked out he sounded, almost angry as he spat the words directly near your ear. “You’re all fucking mine, my perfect girl. Just made for me, only I get you like this.”
You were trying to nod at his words or show him form of agreement but you couldn’t bring yourself back to reality long enough, you didn’t think he was paying attention anyways considering the way he was relentlessly pushing himself into you at a pace that was nearly too painful.
Heeseung was slipping forward slightly off his elbow, losing his balance from how hard he was fucking into you and you could feel his chest slam against yours in a way that shoved the breath out of your lungs. You knew you probably looked completely wrecked, tears streaming down your face as you let out continuous cries of his name and slurred words that didn’t make any sense.
You could feel that slightly familiar intense feeling building in your stomach, scratching down his back to try and communicate that you were getting close and he luckily seemed to understand because you could feel him nodding his head against your shoulder, his hips sloppy in their assault now as he got closer too.
When you were coming undone, your vision went black for a second and you could feel his hand slipping off your hip and reaching up to cup under your chin roughly, pulling you in for a bruising kiss as he finished alongside you.
The kiss was messy and painful, teeth clashing together as he licked into your mouth and you could feel him slowly pushing into you a few more times, tingling in overstimulation at the feeling of him pressing against your sensitive clit before he was stopping and leaning against your chest more.
His room was silent outside of the sound of your heavy breathing, trying to gain the air back that had disappeared and not returned since he threw you onto his bed. That vulnerable feeling was creeping back up and you suddenly felt very exposed even though he was completely covering your body, even more so when he was slowly slipping himself out from inside of you and clearing his throat gently.
At first you thought he was feeling awkward too, sitting up slowly and shifting off the bed until he could cross the room into the connected bathroom. You laid there in silence, slightly hurt that he had walked away without saying anything before he was swiftly returning with something in his hand, bending down to grab his hoodie and a pair of sweatpants before he came back to the bed.
You watched him in silence, biting your lip anxiously, as he pulled the sweatpants over his legs and glanced down at you. His eyes had completely softened now, that dark edge missing as he gently helped you sit up against the pillows.
“My perfect girl.” He was pushing your hair back again and pressing a wet towel, what you now realized was what he had went to grab, against your forehead softly. He was wiping the sweat from your face and trailing it down your neck.
You still didn’t say anything when he helped you sit up more so he could slip his hoodie over your frame, flushing at the fact he was letting you wear his favorite one despite the fact you were still sweaty and gross.
He was climbing back up on the small bed, the two of you barely able to fit side by side on it but you leaned into his body when you felt his hip against yours and he tugged you closer so you were halfway in his lap and laying your head down on his shoulder.
“You okay? Did I hurt you?” His voice was gentle and you smiled softly although he couldn’t see it, liking the fact he could quickly go back to being so sweet despite how rough he just was with you.
“Not in any way I didn’t like.” You were telling him and you picked your head up so you could look at his face.
His hair was a lot longer now, completely covering his eyes when it was dry and fluffy and he didn’t style it. You’d memorized every mark or scar on his features, stared into his eyes for hours on end and watched how they changed and shifted with each emotion he felt or every story he told you.
He had a specific look that he only ever carried when he was looking in your direction or talking about you, something past love and adoration. Something so intense that you would be scared of it if you didn’t feel it too, that deep pull to him that didn’t go away no matter how many days you’d spent together trying to figure it out.
“Stay here tonight.” He was whispering to you and you heard a hint of that insecurity that he sometimes carried back when you’d first met him, not yet showing you all of him and his personality and unsure if you’d accept him for his faults.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You were shaking your head and reminding him, a deeper meaning behind your words other than just spending the night with him here in this house. You knew he worried about you leaving him eventually, telling you a few times late at night how insane it would make him if you ever did.
It was easier to reassure him that you wouldn’t go anywhere, tell him you didn’t have anywhere else you’d want to be and you loved to be with him. It was easier to say this and try to calm his wandering mind over having to admit that you felt the exact same way, your skin itching at the idea of going without him for an extended period of time. You knew it would be dangerous to admit that you were just as crazy as he was.
So instead you kissed him softly and pushed his bangs out of his sweaty face, letting him hold you tightly in his arms and check over your body for any bruises or marks he might’ve caused.
He didn’t need to know how much you craved his insanity.
So instead you kissed him softly and pushed his bangs out of his sweaty face, letting him hold you tightly in his arms and check over your body for any bruises or marks he might’ve caused.
He didn’t need to know how much you craved his insanity.
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mrsackermannx · 1 year
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˚ ༘ *ೃ༄ ❝ COME BACK TO ME…❞
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ summary: gojo’s been plotting to get you back ever since you broke up.
୨୧ word count: 4.7k
୨୧ content: gojo satoru/reader, smut, no-curses au/office au, infidelity, exes to lovers, afab reader, light angst (strategic marriage/ breakup mentions), praise kink, porn with plot, love confession, overstimulation, pet names (baby, sweetheart etc), creampie, pussy-slapping, squirting, sprinkle of degradation, slight exhibitionism.
୨୧ author’s note: gojo brainrot finally gave way to some writing hehe, still getting used to characterising him so feedback is appreciated angels <3
"Don't shit where you eat," they say. They say that dating your colleague is never going to end well. However, even the most stoic people have a penchant for such relationships, not to mention the secret hopeless romantics. 
Workplace romances can make even affairs appear heartwarmingly wholesome. After all, there was something about trudging up stair after stair when the elevator was too full to them smiling at you just a desk away. Their voice fond as they offer you a sunny "Good morning."
That person who never forgets your favourite vending machine coffee, who pats your shoulder and tells you 'you're doing your best,' who lends you their umbrella, who opens up to you over a beer after overtime. Who notices when you get a haircut, whose eyes are seldom on their computer screen but on your lips. 
Not that you'd ever been unfaithful, not yet. But you'd heard countless stories. Girls talk, after all. You didn't judge, yet the point was although workplace romances could be wholesome and even sexually thrilling. They were sensational and exciting until they were over. 
Until that person no longer stays with you through overtime, bitter memories of you chugging vending machine coffee, swapping candy and chips together and then spit just like you and Gojo always did. You definitely never told anyone how many times you fucked on the desks of the colleagues you both thought sucked, especially not after you'd broken up.
You were together for a while, and although you couldn't say it out loud because it was still too painful, you missed him. A lot. In fact, you spent most nights, fist screwed up at your sides, eyes blurring in the darkness, questioning if there would always be that void he left that no one could ever fill.
Though, breaking up didn't cause the type of animosity that made people scurry from rooms when you interacted. Instead, it confused the hell out of your colleagues. It hadn't even been half a year since, and you and Gojo didn't appear to hate each other at all.
But the pain lingering in your heart ached and was annoying and inconvenient, like a stubbed toe that felt sore and tender for weeks and weeks—but in your case, months. However, Gojo was hardly being subtle with his efforts to ever so secretly win you back at every opportunity. He didn't mind playing the long game. He was going to be your last. 
All of you at the company came from important families in high social circles, marriage and dating. Love. It often came down to strategy, which was the only reason you were dating Miyano Haru, a Kyoto University graduate! CEO of a cybersecurity company! 
Guilt gripped at your gut as you yawned at the thought. 
Your families were shooting for a marriage ceremony during next year's cherry blossom season. But until then, Gojo wasn't slamming the brakes anytime soon. 
Whether that be surprising you with your favourite lunches, leaving tickets for movie screenings, galleries, or museums on your desk, or sending Google calendar invites to restaurant reservations or spa appointments via your work emails across the office floor. With sweet messages like,
Gojo Satoru has sent a "Spa day pamper package for two for this Friday.”
Surprise! You look tired this week baby. Let's go here Friday, yeah? 
Ps: You still look pretty, though. 
Just like you were still fucking dating. 
So today, when you're pitching a marketing idea in the monthly meeting, and Yaga cuts you off. Gojo cannot help himself. 
Yaga was a great man, someone Gojo was grateful to for many reasons, but fuck was this man old-fashioned and unaware of it. He refused to see your potential because he was eternally sceptical of the efficacy of women's ideas.
But you had the best ideas today. Gojo smiled because your ideas were always the best and that’s why this decision was so easy. He could fondly recall your rants about Yaga after every monthly meeting where you'd complain about his blatant misogyny; even Sukuna would let a reluctant chuckle loose to the show. 
All of you in the canteen at your table, Shoko, Utahime, Nobara and Maki at your side, growing passionate about gender pay gaps and audacious men at your company and then the world over. 
Nanami always said the right thing, and so did Higuruma, Yuuta and Choso. Gojo decidedly took the credit for Megumi being so eloquent and respectful. Inumaki was outrageous at times, and Yuuji was a lover of all people and argued fiercely for both sides. 
Those times were always fun. 
Yaga peered over his glasses, "Why don't you expand again on how you plan to execute this idea, Reader?” 
With one hand typing idly at his laptop and the other seating his chin, Gojo sighed so loudly all the eyes in the room cast to him. "Reader obviously has the best pitch for this project." 
He grinned as Yaga's knuckles grew white and he humphed before his voice sharpened, "So, are we really gonna make her explain it again?"
"For once, even I agree with him," Toji added.
Gojo winked as he looked up at you, and you felt yourself melt a little, even under the icy breeze of the conference room's AC. 
Megumi, Yuuji and Nobara huddled together under the oppressive communication Gojo and Yaga's eyes were engaging in. 
Gojo’s eyes narrowed, "So, what are you waiting for? Give her the project."
Nanami offered you a small smile and nodded before his expression soured, and he spoke before Yaga could open his mouth to protest. "I, for once, also agree with Gojo. I think we should open this pitch up for a vote?" 
Choso raised his arm, "Me too. I think it's just what we need, in fact." 
Maki nudged Yuuta and Inumaki before confidently booming, "I volunteer our assistance on the project!"
Albeit a little flustered, you bowed and thanked the room as Yaga reluctantly signed the dream project of the company to you. Sure, you were ecstatic you'd finally been recognised for your hard work and dedication, but you wanted to kill Gojo.
What didn't help was the aggressively obvious effect he had on you still. Sure, you had a new boyfriend, but Gojo didn't care. So that's why you found yourself lingering outside of his office door at 9pm because you knew he wouldn't care one bit. Like that man ever did overtime, you tsked. 
Gojo had been playing a game with you, knowing you'd finally relent, that you'd come to your senses and stop denying yourself of what you really fucking wanted. "Be selfish."
Everybody you'd asked today had told you he'd stayed in his office all day. So yeah, he really was doing this on purpose. His light was on, and he was baiting you, and you hated how easy it was for you to take it.
You knew he wanted you to barge in there, all flustered and mouthy, so he could shove you to your knees and fuck your throat open. 
Your boyfriend Miyano was sweet, he could talk about his feelings, and he didn't run away from emotional intimacy like others had. Like Gojo always had. But your family had set you up with him even though your shattered heart was still just that. Shattered. Your heart had been reduced to fragments— to a puzzle that only one genius could solve, he wasn’t prepared to give anybody guidance in the matter either. After all, geniuses couldn’t explain how to do the things they found easy. 
And although you were the one that ended things with Gojo, it hurt all the same. 
There was nothing wrong with Miyano per se. He came from a respectable family, one your family could bear you marrying into; though the Gojo clan would have been amazing, the Miyano clan wasn't terrible either. 
But you never wanted your family to arrange a relationship or marriage for you. You fell for Gojo instantly and hard. You loved him like you never loved anybody else. He thrilled you, challenged you, and made it seem like the world was too small for you both and that you could see it all when you stood at his side. He made everything and every day exciting but had the vexing ability to make you feel safe and at home all the same.
Gojo Satoru was irreplaceable in every facet of the word, in his work, friendships, and relationships. As fickle as he could appear, he was the first to call in a crisis and someone you could wholeheartedly depend on.
But Miyano was sweet and emotionally forthcoming but…entirely too normal. You didn't yearn to peel back his layers one by one and didn't care much for his childhood stories, unpopular opinions, or core principles. But you treasured the few times you’d sat with Gojo, pestering him to tell you anything deeper, anything that no one else knew. Watching with sparkling eyes as his voice grew so quiet you had to follow his lips until your eyes blurred instead. 
But it was rare he shared anything too personal with you. He had trouble with it more than most. Some nights, although you were sleeping in the same bed, you felt miles apart. 
Gojo had a wall with everybody else, like a layer of infinity that meant nobody could really touch him or delve deeper. They only saw and knew the surface that reflected back to them like a mirror. No one could truly ever get close. 
But it wasn't supposed to be the case for you, was it?
A fond and familiar laugh yanked you from your reverie, "Did you come to thank me? Because you can thank me by going to dinner with me tomorrow."
How was he larger than the door frame? You all but scowled as he leant down and tapped his cheek. "I also accept kisses as a form of repayment if you're willing," he said silkily, a jaunty grin on his lips at your expression. “With interest.” 
Your shoulders slumped, and you huffed, wilfully ignoring the growing heat ping-ponging between your bodies. "Why did you do it?" Your brows knotted, "I wanted to get it on my own, Satoru. And my pitch was strong enough. I didn't need your help."
He threw his hands up and yawned obnoxiously, smoothing the back of his hair down, "Well, what can I say? I'm a doer, not a talker."
You huffed, “No, I'm sure you're always talking."
"You got me there, but" he checked either side of the corridor before he looped his arm around your waist and yanked you into his office. “Game over.” 
"Satoru, I-" Your voice fell into a whimper as he flipped you against his door, his lips ghosting your earlobe as he caged you in. 
"Maybe it's because I know you like to hear my voice," he whispered. "I know you like being talked through it. And, I know you didn’t need my help, we just needed a little push.” 
We needed a final straw. 
You swallowed, fists clenched at your sides as his body suffocated yours. Heat quickly crawled up your cheeks as his large hands slid slowly down your sides, the familiar smell of his cologne igniting memories from the last times you smelt it so closely. Kissing down his throat, across his collarbones-
"What are you doing?" You finally mustered, your voice a breathless squeak. Seconds passed, and the tension blazed and kindled, refusing to be extinguished into silence. You didn't dare turn around to see him enjoying you like this.
"Nothing, nothing you don't want me to do," he said in a lilting voice, hitching the hem of your skirt up half an inch. "You've always been so vocal, so I doubt you'd lose your voice in a time like this, would you?"
"No," you hissed, curbing any further speech in case you fucking stammered.
"Don't worry though, baby. You're easy," he scoffed, "and you never stay quiet, not with me.” 
“Oh fuck you.” You gasped as he shoved his knee between your thighs to part them.
“Oh I will. But if that wimpy boyfriend of yours is doing his job, then I shouldn’t find your panties soaked in a minute, should I, princess?" 
A breath passed, and then he hitched it up a little further, resting his chin on your shoulder to taunt you more. "I see the way you look at me, baby. I know you and that look in your eyes. It tells me all I need to know, princess."
His hand caressed your quivering thighs, brushing your stomach and pausing at your chest. He gripped one breast before the other before it settled upon your throat, and he tipped your head back. 
His lips travelled down your temple, to your cheek, and to your neck, where he spoke, "Hm? Ignoring me isn't quite your style. Isn't that why you came here today?”
He kissed the corner of your mouth, and then you knew you were truly fucked. Watching as he pulled away with a grin spreading as slow and molten as melted chocolate. 
"I know you wanna kiss me," he whispered, blue eyes alight when you turned and showed him the blown-out lust glazing your eyes. "There we go, baby, that's it. Gonna kiss me?"
You nodded, already too far gone. His hand cupped the back of your head, and he met you halfway in a slow, sensual kiss. 
Your fronts drew together, and he shimmied up your skirt until it became a corset. Then he cupped your cunt, the pads of his fingers trailing feather light. Your vision hazed, and your fists curled tighter into his shirt. 
Your features were contorted beautifully with lust. "Do not tease me right now." 
He laughed as you scowled, his heart aching. He'd missed you so damn much.
"Oh? Want me to rub your pussy, baby?" he cooed, long fingers smearing the slick oozing through your panties.
"Now I know what you fucking came for,” he groaned breathily into your lips, waiting for your sign to continue. Your panties were the door, and his dumbing teasing movements were tentative little knocks. But he knew you liked to be stripped bare and fucked like you were his. This was just the final round of his game. 
You bucked your hips forward, needing more, needing him. You clung to him, tugging on his tie, "Satoru, Satoru, more, please," you whimpered through his kisses.
"I only satisfy what's mine, but you're not mine anymore, are you, sweet girl? So what can I do? Nothing."
You eagerly shook your head in protest, on your tip toes, just to drag your mouth down his jaw and neck. "Even though this needy pussy is leaking all over my fingers, responding to me like I own her," he tutted, "but I don't, do I? Pretty girl."
You made a noise half-whimper, half-growl, palming him through his pants until he hissed and then broke his feigned amusement from just how much you were riling him up. "I am yours, Satoru, always, always," you panted.
"I know that baby, but I need to know if she still is." He yanked your panties up so roughly the fabric strained against your clit and made you moan so lewdly you quickly covered your mouth.
"Needy girl," he said lowly before he drew his hand back and slapped your pussy. You moaned even louder, falling weakly into his chest. But you hardly fell far, as he grabbed your face in one hand and leant close.
"You like it when I slap your needy little pussy like this, baby?" His smile moved a millimetre as your eyes darted to his long, pretty fingers. "Want me to bury my fingers inside it till you come too? So you can stop being so needy?"
"Please, Satoru." 
"Then show me, show me how much you want them," he whispered, eyes shooting down between you both as he started to circle your clit, not daring to touch it. 
"Show me you're dying for it, and we can forget about all of this mess, can't we? You've just gotta show me who knows this pussy best.” The growing gravel in his voice turned the words into ragged commands.
In raptured submission, you yanked aside your panties and guided his fingers, back arching against the door as you ran them back and forth against your soaked cunt. Your breaths finally flew fluidly through the air, like his touch was what your body needed to convert the carbon dioxide. 
His jaw grew slack at the sight of you, getting yourself off on his fingers, clumsily rubbing your swollen clit against his fingertips, breaths huffing from your nose in the exertion. 
He leant into the beautiful image of you, moaning in your ear as your slick drowned his fingers. The slick wet sounds of your cunt as you run them back and forth, rapidly unravelling him.
"Look at me," he demanded, plunging two of his fingers knuckle deep until it squelched when you didn’t comply in seconds. You let out a humiliating whimper. The pleasure of the sudden yet sweet stretch danced through every nerve.  
He grinned, fucking his fingers inside, “You look so pretty like this, I should take a photo.”
"I can't…." You couldn't speak, not when his fingers were relentless inside like this, clenching and fluttering as he bullied that spot inside you.
But his name was a never-ending hot, sweaty mantra.
"Trying to give me scraps, huh? But you're mine," he spat. 
"No, I need you, Satoru. I need only you, only you," you babbled. 
The lustful look in your eyes catapulted him over the edge. He couldn't take it anymore, his palm granting sweet friction to your clit as he fucked you like the world was about to end. "I know you need it, baby. I've got you. I know.”
He tried to undo your buttons with his free hand but was too fucked out to do it, grunting for your help, so you did immediately. "Say the words, and I'll stretch this sweet pussy out with my cock after you come, baby.”
"I'm yours, please. Fuck me," you whimpered, your entire body shaking as pleasure climbed through your body, building until you felt the pressure about to burst. Your hands roamed his body, eager to feel him as you removed your own shirt.
But like an animal, he was all over you, kissing, licking, and biting as you squirmed close to your climax. His lips closed around your nipple, and your spine straightened at the softness until he bites it hard. 
You yelped, but he only laughed, "Hurts? Don't care, baby, it hurts seeing you with that loser, the number of times I've had to come in my fucking hand because of you."
The lewd sloshes of your pussy grew louder, and Gojo delighted in how you were now dripping onto the floor. So, he finally granted you mercy, pulsing his hand until you came in wild thrashing waves that rippled violently through your body. 
"Oh yeah? Did that feel good, pretty girl?" he whispered, tilting your chin to devour your breathless mouth. The press of his lips and the erotic flicks of his tongue were making you throb wildly on his fingers. "See, you do like it when I talk.”
He let out such an attractive laugh at your glare that you fluttered around him again. "Baby again? I'm not gonna leave this pussy just yet, let up, or I won't be able to get my cock inside," he hummed. "Isn't that what we both want?"
"Then do it. Put it in me." You spread yourself, and he bit back a moan. His eyes flickered at how you shook when his thumb brushed your clit experimentally. 
Your brows knitted at the lingering sensation, “Please, put it in me, now." 
"Oh baby, but if you keep squeezing like that." Gojo grew dizzy at how your pussy refused to let him go, helping you tug away his belt and zip down his pants. Hazy, as you let up enough for him to take his fingers out of your spasming cunt. 
"You really gonna let me fuck you right here, huh?" 
His eyes were half-lidded at the sight of you in your office heels, panties soaked and half-pulled down, shirt hanging limply and open, your skirt a thick black belt hugging your torso. 
You were a mess, his mess, his pretty mess.
"Oh baby, you're so beautiful." He knelt down, working down your panties with his breath uneven, kissing each knee as he worked them down each ankle and then tossed them behind him. 
"Shall I tell you something?" he mused, running his hands up and down your thighs as he kissed and licked at the slick threatening to stick them together.
"Yes, tell me." Your hands slid instinctively into his hair as he reached your pussy and kissed it.
"I'll be honest, yeah?"
He was waiting for a shaky, "Yeah?" so you granted him one laced through a whimper, so he suckled on your clit in return before speaking. 
“I can pamper you. Spoil you, fuck you, take care of you." His voice was almost hoarse, thick and affected by something other than lust—a different emotion.
"I know that Toru, I do."
"N' I can—love you, too," he murmured, voice so uncharacteristically small but soft like it used to be when he spoke to you at night.
You gasped. Gojo had never said those words, not once. "Satoru, I-" His tongue dove into your cunt, and you almost toppled forwards, but somehow in seconds, he was carrying you. Holding you close, you heard the unmistakable clatter of the desk's contents clatter to the floor as he pressed you down upon the cold surface.
His large arms locked your torso down, and he swiftly resumed tongue fucking your cunt, delving his fingers in and out. His heart was pounding with his confession and from your lack of reply. Though he knew he was fucking you so precisely and so perfectly that it was indeed impossible for you to respond.
Until you burst once more, hands tugging his hair, bucking your pussy into his face, greedy for not just more, but for him. For the actions to do more than the words you could barely manage, so overstimulated and so sensitive that you felt yourself heating up. But then, as your pleasure erupted, feeling your hot arousal coat your thighs, a garbled "I love you" ripped from your chest. 
Satoru froze for several seconds, and then it was as if someone found the remote and clicked play as he somehow tugged off his blazer and pants all at once. Ripping his boxers down just enough to grab the base of his cock. 
Peering down at you, hungry and lovesick. "Say it again." You giggled and tugged him down for a messy kiss, working off his shirt.
"I love you, Satoru, I love you. I've never been afraid to say it." Your body was still shaking from your blinding orgasm, and he loved every second of it. He loved that he was about to ruin you even more. 
His cheek brushed yours as he folded your body, rubbing the tip of his cock against your clit, "I love you," he whispered hotly into your ear, "I want you to feel like the luckiest woman in the world."
“I already do.”
“Yeah?” You moaned in tandem as he bucked his hips repeatedly, more of his cock easing in each time. Teasing you over and over, even though you were ready to take him, and he knew it. "Can you take me, baby?"
"Yes!" You whined, breath hitching as he tapped his cock against your cunt before he slammed in and filled you to the brim all at once. You both groaned, the sounds fading into seconds of soft relieved laughter. "Oh fuck, Toru, so good."
He moaned, voice shaky in your ear, "That's it, baby, you're so good. Take my cock. It's all yours. Take every single inch."
"Fuck Toru, you're so deep, too deep!"
"No, baby, feels good, doesn't it?" 
Before you knew it, he picked you up and slammed you against the glass overlooking the city. If you weren't on the top floor, you'd absolutely refuse. But Gojo always did like fucking you in front of Tokyo at night. 
"You can take it, baby, you can fucking take it, yeah? Cause you're made for me, so made for me," he panted.
"I can take it." 
"I know you can." He sucked and kissed on your neck, no doubt leaving his mark on you, as you wrapped your arms around his neck and took every slam of his hips. His stamina had always been otherworldly, never tiring, even as he fucked you standing up, hands sinking into the undersides of your thighs.
"Leave him," he moaned, not in the slightest asking. 
Luckily you didn't mind, as you tugged him closer and parted your lips, "I will, I promise." 
"Because you're mine, baby." His teeth were clenched, and he was groaning into your ear. Usually, Gojo could pace himself, but it had been so long, and you felt so good clinging to him like this, it was so close and so intimate. “I love you.”
So close, and so…
He blinked at the revelation that hit him like a freight train, he wasn’t going to run any longer. He liked the intimacy, he wanted to tell you all the stupid things you wanted to know now, he wanted to be close, he wanted you. He wanted to be everything you needed and wanted. 
"Are you gonna come?" Your voice was so sweet it gave him an instant sugar rush, "Come in me, baby, fill me, Satoru. Need your cum," you whimpered. “Want it?”
"Yeah? You fucking do, princess? Haah-" He pulled out and shoved your front against the glass. You moaned at the switch, and as he spread you apart before thrusting back in, his large hands engulfing each cheek. 
He lost it as you pushed your hips back on him, moaning and babbling, "Then let's have the entirety of Tokyo be a witness as I give my sweet girl what she fucking wants, huh?"
"Fuck, Satoru, feels too good! I'm close too!" you moaned, both of your bodies meeting in desperate sticky clashes of hips.
He whimpered, “We're gonna come together?" 
You were gonna send him over the edge tonight. 
"I’m so glad you came. Take me, take it, baby. Oh fuck.” His hands dug into your hips, making you take every single rope of his arousal. Lewd sounds tore from your throats at the sensation of him filling you deeply. After seconds of panting and melting into each other's arms, he still made no immediate moves to leave you.
He thrusted slowly to drive it deeper, "I'm not on birth control anymore," you squeaked. "But I'll take th-“
"Good. We're getting the family started just on time."
You giggled tiredly, "You're on board that fast?"
He squeezed you as he laughed himself, arms locked tight around your waist, "Do you wanna see the engagement ring in my desk or?"
He twirled you around to face him, "I was gonna fly you somewhere and propose, but I suppose the cats out of the bag." He pouted and got on one knee, kissing your knuckles, "You'll marry me, won't ya? Think of this as a practice proposal, though!"
You sighed, "God, you're a fucking idiot." 
"Heh, heh." He opened his desk drawer and produced a small black box. 
“I wasn’t joking, actually,” he popped it open with a proud smile, "Shoko kind of helped me pick it, said it was-"
It was beautiful, everything you’d always envisioned but had never described to him or anybody else. 
A slow tear slid down your cheek, another racing beside it seconds later, “Aww! Are you that happy to marry me, sweetheart?"
"Go away! But…yes."
He put the ring on the desk and cupped your cheeks, "Yes, you're happy, or yes, you'll marry me?" he asked tentatively.
You were half-expecting people to jump out with confetti because Gojo was just that ridiculous sometimes, but instead, you heard shrill knocking and then Nanami's voice, absolutely exasperated. "Gojo! You knew I was working overtime today." 
He shrugged, grinning at you recoiling into his chest and half-expecting Nanami to barrel in, "Probably the most action you'll get all year!"
He stroked your cheek, full of adoration. 
But I got her back. 
He always did like grand gestures. 
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©mrsackermannx: do not repost, plagiarise, translate or modify my works.
tagging: @afortoru @luvjiro @sixpennydame @4sat0ruu @fangirlings-world @romantichomicide95 @nkogneatho @p00pdev1l @utahimeow @hayakawasb1tch @yocoochbussin <3
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euniexenoblade · 19 days
According to your opinion as a maid connoisseur: Should chastity be part of the standard uniform, or a reward for great service?
God my brain wants to go like 49 directions. Here choose your answer.
Chastity angle: you are Immediately put into chastity. And as you perform well, we have special ceremonies where you are awarded for your devotion, where everyone gets to watch you cum and get your reward. You are rewarded with an even smaller cage. The time between ceremonies, those opportunities to cum, grows longer and longer. And one day you'll be as far as you can go (no more ceremonies, no more cumming).
Soft angle: don't you want to show me your pure, unadulterated devotion? Don't you want to do your very, very best? If you're free to touch yourself, you will be distracted from doing your very important duties. I don't want to force the cage on you, but I think it'll help you grow, both as a maid and a person. I promise Ill hold you, cuddle you, I promise I'll let you out here and there. Give it just a try? For me?
Mean angle: why would you want to cum? So you could be lazy and not do your work? You *will* be locked in chastity. Don't like it? You can go over my knee and all the other maids can watch you be punished. What's it going to be, maid?
Mommydom: *pulls you into a tight hug* you could be a chastity maid, it would certainly help your duties, but don't you want to be more comfortable? Let mommy diaper you. No icky, uncomfortable cage to pinch or embarrass you. Just a small, very cute waddle. You won't need to think about touching yourself, you won't have to think about going to the bathroom. Mommy can change you, or your big sister maids can help change you if mommy is busy. It'd be so cute, you'd be so very cute, and it'd be the highest devotion, everyone can see that you outrank them, they'll give you head pats, hugs, cuddles, they'll help you with so much. How about it sweetie? Wanna make mommy super proud of you and graduate to diapers?
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ransprang · 9 months
Coriolanus Snow x fem!reader (Let me do it for you)
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Studying alongside Coriolanus, you had to put in all the extra hard work to keep up. You wanted to excel, but he was trained to win. Before Sejanus’s fortune he was on his own, striving for the scholarship. Even now after he had got it all, a goal to work towards, he stayed at his best, he never wanted to be at a place mercy ever again. You were at awe at all this ambition but it always put you at a place behind him, you were second. It was not enough, you wanted to be ahead if not eye to eye with Coriolanus.
As you to approached the final year of university and the preparations began for the yearly Hunger Games, Dr Gaul put Corio in charge of making it extravagant, the best yet. Especially approaching graduation it was his time to shine, to take the torch of his predecessors. He was more than happy to do so, to prove himself and achieve his full potential. But, you were left behind, there were many tasks given to you too, but it just never felt enough. You had everyone’s respect, Dr Gaul always knew of your ambition. She took a sadistic pleasure in watching you try harder as she gave Corio the opportunities before your eyes.
One day as you prepared the logistics, planned the map and weapons for the new arena, your classmate ran to you with a summon from the Doctor. You ran to her room, as she paced her lab, “y/n I’ll give it to you.” You raised an eyebrow replying “what exactly?” Dr Gaul snickered “exactly what you want.” A part of you lit up, you never hid your intentions to achieve power and climb the hierarchy but was she really about to give it to you? You simply wanted her to say it out loud. Dr Gaul looked up with a slight smile “organise it alongside Coriolanus. You will give exactly your 50%, it’s your final semester project with him.” Your eyes twinkled as you held your head higher, chest puffed with pride “This year’s games will bring glory to the capital,” as you turned around and walked out of the room.
Later in the day you found Coriolanus, you were dressed in a smart red pencil dress. Hair neatly combed, in a braid, as you said with weight in your voice “please run me through what is done so far and I’ll give you the logistical report.” Corio looked cautious, he was paranoid. His plans, his glory, he wondered why he had to split his power, were you here to foil all his plans? But this didn’t matter, he had to graduate, and he was not going to fuck it up especially if the government thought you important enough to be sharing the work.
Coriolanus respectfully told you about the concept he was working on, the camera placements and sponsors. You listened to him carefully, hearing the enthusiasm and passion in his voice, bordering mania. He suddenly stopped dictating as he got quieter “we must intervene if we have to, change the course of things to get as many viewers y/n,” he raised an eyebrow. You gave him a smirk “couldn’t agree more, the capital must have its yearly entertainment, there should be blood, drama, love, and heartbreak. Even if we need to…” you stopped, biting your tongue. Coriolanus walked closer, curiosity brimming his face “If we need to what y/n?” He asked sternly, demanding a reply. He hated mystery. You looked at him pursing your lips, finding semblance and command in your voice “If we need to cheat, Corio.” You could see the iris in Corio’s bright blue eyes widen, the shock in his expression, it almost looked pleasant. “We shall tell no one,” Corio said stepping back, you could see a small smile. Both of you knew Dr Gaul didn’t mind, ends justify the means after all.
Both your minds combined, you and Coriolanus stood at the the head of the room announcing the start of the Hunger Games ceremony before the referee took over. Wearing your best dress, Corio was all suited up as you two walked back to your assigned seating with all your classmates clapping and eyeing you both down with envy.
The games began and so did the trouble. The tributes ran to get the weapons but only a few turned on one another the rest stood put. A pre planned protest, yet a powerful one. Everyone was at the edge of the seat, waiting to see further developments. The committee members exchanged glances, a sense of urgency in the air. The referree stunned “I guess they are standing still as to not splash the split blood,” becoming the only one to laugh at his flat joke.
You were scared, worried as to what to do when you looked at Coriolanus he was already looking at you with a similar look in his eyes. He made his way over to you “y/n we must do something about this.” He held your hand by the wrist tightly dragging you outside the surveillance hall, just as a peacemaker appeared with a message from the higher ups “you two have 2 hours to fix this, or you will be dealt with personally by the university board.” Corio was worked up, his hair a mess, he sat on a bench defeated. You turned to him, cupping his face in a moment of passion “Corio I have an idea, but you have to help me.” Hearing those words, and being fueled with hope once more he stood up tall and leant in for a kiss. You grabbed his hair as you two made out outside the door. You two pulled away “we don’t have time, but we need to get the families of the tributes under our control. We must tell them to urge the contestants to fight.” Coriolanus understood exactly what you meant, you both parted ways, as he sent out orders to all the peacemakers in the different districts to round up the families quickly. You asked the committee to organise mics for the family members and had them connected to the speakers inside the arena. Within an hour the family members were ready to talk, they begged the tributes to fight, informing them of the dire consequences. Corio pleaded Dr Gaul to erase the footage of these announcements.
You and Coriolanus returned to the surveillance hall, disheveled. Standing there you two were desperate to see the result of your scheme, the footage began from when the tributes stood straight with their weapons to now running across the arena attacking and hacking to win, with all the events in the middle erased. The whole room began clapping, and watching excitedly. The Hunger games were back on.
You and Corio exchanged glances, a twinkle in your eyes. As the games came to an end you two walked to each other as he pulled you in for a tight hug, you wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him in celebration. You two had graduated. Dr Gaul looked proud near the gate, who knew she had been a match maker as well. As you and Coriolanus pulled away from the hug, you pressed your lips against his, giving him a smooch. Corio smiled “you will work alongside me y/n, never out of my sight,” he said with conviction. Your heart beat faster, but before you could reply, all your classmates flocked around to wish congratulations.
Later in the evening Coriolanus sent a letter through a classmate which invited you for dinner, at his place. You were glowing from the victory, you hopped up on your feet to decide on a dress. Getting ready for a date, with a man you’ve always competed with, now you shared the win with him. You wanted to be at your best tonight, spending a little extra time on yourself you arriving a whopping 30 minutes late.
You walked into his house, the lights were dimmed, a table before you was set up with food, and a candle. Coriolanus was sitting on one end staring deep into the burning flame, you stepped forward in your heels as you called out “Corio?” But, he didn’t move. Puzzled you walked closer “Coriolanus? I’m here.” He still didn’t respond, just started at the flame in a trance. Just as it caught your eye, a broken wine glass beside him. His hand was tightly in a fist, with a piece of glass pressed through his palm and blood dripping down. You gasped “Corio?! Are you okay?!” Running to touch his hand, he finally moved retracting his arm. You saw the whites of his eyes were red like a bull, he then stood up, and breathed heavy “where were you?” Corio demanded an answer. Shocked at the situation “I was at home.” He snickered “Tell me y/n where were you?” You argued back getting annoyed “As I said, I was at home getting ready.” Corio paced closer “You live 10 minutes away from me, what makes you 30 late? WHY? what were you doing?” Tears brimming your eyes, but you could feel the heat of anger rise from the pits of your belly. You picked up the fork nearby, ready to stab the man before you, he caught your wrist. “You dare attack me. You want to kill me?”, you stepped back getting a little scared you asked “Do you want to kill me…?” You both went silent. The sound of heavy breathing filled the air, either of you scared to make a move.
The door to the room behind the hall opened, breaking the tension, Coriolanus’s grandmaa stepped out, a horrified expression donned on her face. “Are you two insane?” She questioned innocently. Corio’s eyes widened, you looked baffled searching for an answer as she spoke again “I was hoping for my handsome boy to have a nice cute date. What happened here? Please fix it, I will have none of this in my house.” As she turned and went back into her room leaving you two alone.
You looked at Coriolanus, as he gathered himself and tried to look composed. You cleared your throat as you looked for a first aid box nearby trying to forget what just happened. You sat him down on the couch as you patched up his hand, you both caught each other’s eyes. Getting lost in their depths, realising the amount of love between you two and what fools you had been. Corio leaned into a kiss, slowly biting your lip lovingly, yet felt like a slight punishment for being late. You smiled as you retaliated by dominating his tongue with yours to assert yourself. He wrapped you in his arms pressed your chest against his, as you further pushed yourself making him fall back on the couch with you on top. He held you by the waist as you kissed him while straddling. Coriolanus used his strength to flip you around to be beneath him, he positioned himself between your legs, dry humping you while kissing you deeply. You wrapped your legs around him, as you moved your hips with his rhythm, rubbing your wet panties against the hard buldge in his pants.
He pulled away, to take a deep breath and take off his shirt and unbutton his pants, as you helped him pull them down. He roughly you pushed you back on the sofa, harshly pulling aside your panties exposing your wet cunt to him. He ripped them off, leaving a red bruise at the waist line of where the panty had been. You moaned at the pain, as you dug your nails deep into his back leaving marks in return. He then pulled off your dress leaving you completely exposed to him. Coriolanus used his hand to guide his hard cock to rub the folds of your pussy, using his tip to play with your clit, he smacked his cock against your pussy. Watching you roll back your head and moan his name. He then pushed his tip inside your entrance, slowly moving his hips back and forth till the penis was completely inside you till his base. He leaned on top of you as your chests touched he began sucking on your neck. He thrusted in you as you moved yourself, to increase the speed. He was stretching you out , as you let your fingers get tangled in his hair, you guided his lips to your mouth. He grunted and groaned in your mouth as he got faster and as you reached climax you arched your back into him, pulling away from the kiss your let out his name releasing your fluids around his cock deep inside of you. Coriolanus pushed himself deep till you could feel his balls against your skin, he gritted his teeth together as he pumped you up with his cum. He finally exhaled, as he collapsed ontop of you, you softly hugged him closing your eyes and pressing your face in the crook of his neck. He too turned to face you, taking you into an embrace, as his cock was still inside you and your legs wrapped around. You two were tangled up together, resting.
Grandmaa Snow drank her tea in bed as she smiled to herself
your grandmaa,
admin sav
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fantomette22 · 1 month
A little something about the students dress
Alright so I was looking at references (to draw a character) and ended up doing a bit of research on academic dresses & graduations uniforms! I only find a couple of things so if someone have more infos I will be very interest!
So in Bloodborne we got those dear uniforms :
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The one with the robes is very classic of what people in old classic university still wear for big events and graduations such as in the U.S.A or UK. A decades/century ago they did wore those uniforms of course way more often. Now we wear mostly casual clothes.
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(This image always made me think of Byrgenwerth. With the balcony and all. That remind me of a post I made a while ago I have still no clue what those balcony were use for!!!)
At first, I discovered that between a bachelor/licence degree, master degree and phd/doctorate you aren't going to get the same clothes. Plus, colours can differ depending of : the level of the degree, the school or the field you graduate in (can differ depending the countries as well).
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Bachelor outfits are the most simple ones with not a lot of colours for most of them. Sometimes they don't have hoods but depends. Sometimes they seems to have very large selves like the Byrgenwerth one. The master ones have a bit more colours and I read generally long sleeves but that depends? Then the phd/doctorate ones are generally very colourful! And like the last sources below v They even had even more beautiful outfit for very important members (so I guess Willem pope outfit still make sense XD)
As for the colors it really depends the country etc but I read red is often associated with medicine and surgery (what a coincidence!). White / purple or even red is for theology and blue could be for sciences (Byrgenwerth/willem researches seems to be quite a mixt with theology/sciences so make sense).
(@katyspersonal we did talk a while back on colours on clothes meaning but hey it had have academic significations that fit well too! So in the end, drawing Laurence with white & red clothes is even more accurate now! XD) Oh I wanna draw him in an entire red academic dress now...Future drawing idea ).
Also I forgot to mentions that there's the hat/trencher that's part of it as well. It's not part of the set in the game but ennemies have it.
Also little side note: some dress have stripes or ermine bands on the clothes that represents their grades and also "academic curiosity, academic honesty, and academic courage."
So i suppose the garb Micolash, Damian & co have would look more similar to a master degree one? I guess?
But I won't throw any rocks at Fromsoftware even if the ones we got might not be too much detailed/ accurate because they sure did their homeworks to find and design those clothes. They aren't historians and they probably found a lot more things than I here (plus Japan don't have those dresses too). They're not going to design like 5 different outfits in the game too XD. (Yes I want more details for my story bc making things way more complicated is way more accurate I guess...) We don't know how exactly those types of institutions fonctions in Bloodborne universe too. And it's a fantasy world after all. So it's free real estate
I dunno if you guys @pyro-madder @karnaca78 @secteel or others could know more about it 🤔
But for now it's all!
Sources :
PS : I found this piece of medieval scholar dress and it really look like the same as the guy in the cainhurst painting and cut content Beltran!
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They are probably wearing a "simarre". Some magistrate/ university professor / religious clothes people would wear. So pretty oblivious and what we thought @heraldofcrow
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