#i know it's wendy here but pls
punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
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This scene with Punkflower since Hobie's Peter Pan but it's Hobie tryna be slick and Miles fucking with him by giving him a pink Hershey's Kiss instead
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saturngalore · 1 year
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fofofo afro puffs 🍇
just a simple afro puff hairstyle with four puffs and front braids! it’s named after the well loved and cherished (now slightly defunct) fofofo meal at wendy’s (iykyk). tysm to all my testers (pls redownload the hair if you were a tester bc i have edited/improved the mesh since then!) <3333
base game compatible (bgc)
maxis palette (24 swatches)
fem frame
not hat compatible
most ears are not visible
custom thumbnails
disallowed for random
all lods
please tag me if you do use my cc! i would absolutely love to see it! also, please let me know if you encounter any issues with my cc! here’s my tou. i hope y’all enjoy it <3
download via simsharefile (sfs) or on patreon - ALWAYS FREE!
tysm to cc rebloggers! @public-ccfinds @sssvitlanz @alwaysfreecc @maxismatchccworld 🏄🏾‍♀️
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
HEY WENDY! I hope you are doing good. I have with me this very✨interesting✨request. I hope you haven’t done one like this before. It’s more headcanons for bonten members reacting to mikey testing their loyalty. How would they react to Mikey asking them if they would let him sleep with their wife (reader). They are very loyal members to bonten/mikey but could this be too much for them??! You don’t have to do with all members . I’m more curious to know with with haru, kakucho , rindou and ran (separately pls) thank you 😊
I love this idea! Thanks for stopping by, love. Happy to hand this one over
Hand Her Over: Bonten Era Sanzu Haruchiyo/Kakucho Hitto/ Rindou Haitani/Ran Haitani x Fem!Reader
wc: 1k
tw: dub-con?
masterlist (take a look here if you're having a hard time navigating the masterlist via mobile app)
Hand Her Over Megapost
All of this begins with a simple request: "Your wife. Let me sleep with her."
Sanzu Haruchiyo
Sanzu doesn't hesitate.
"It's just one night," he murmurs into the phone, sitting across from Mikey and holding the device to his ear. "Do this for me, baby. For us."
Mikey looks up at his companion, feeling his cock harden with a sense of pride. His one turn-on, he explained to Sanzu, is you. You're a beautiful woman, everyone knew that. But not everyone would let him sleep with their wife. So maybe Mikey got lucky you were Sanzu's wife and not someone else's.
Sanzu stands up to argue with you, trying to coerce you into this one thing, this one favor, this one simple task, and you'd be rewarded handsomely!
"What do you want in exchange?" Sanzu wonders, leaning a hand on the wall. Mikey eyes his friend with curiosity, noting the beads of sweat forming on his face. "You want a new car? Alright. Done." Another pause. "And a bigger shopping allowance. I'll do that." You both seem to come to some kind of concession, and Sanzu hangs up, smiling widely.
"She'll be here in thirty."
Mikey leans back in his chair and looks up at his closest friend. "I want you to watch," he adds dreamily. Sanzu blanches but then comes to a sputtering start.
"A-a-anything for you, Mikey. I'll do anything for you." The smirk that crawls across Mikey's face is fully devious. Sanzu smiles back at him, deriving a deep sense of satisfaction from finally making his boss smile.
Ran Haitani
"No. Hell, no."
The usually cool-headed Haitani is shaking his head over and over. Mikey stands before him with an empty look, the kind where Ran knows he's devising a way to get what he wants.
"You can have anyone else." Sanzu leans on the door, crossing his arms as he watches one of his co-workers deny the boss his wife.
"Why?" Mikey asks. Ran stalls for an answer, reclining in his chair and crossing his legs.
"She barely has the capabilities of pleasing me," Ran lies easily. "You'd be disappointed."
"Then why are you still married to her?"
Rindou speaks up, his presence unaccounted for until he exhales. "She's got money connections," Rindou admits. "And a damn good set of lawyers that have kept us out of prison."
"But you don't love her." Ran's eye twitches. "You sleep around on her, don't you?" Mikey's trying to wind his way through his case for keeping this one thing to himself. And it irritates Ran to no end.
"I may have a mistress," he huffs. "But my wife is my wife."
"Would be a shame if she found out, huh, Sanzu?" Mikey turns away from Ran and proceeds out of the room, placing his hands in his pockets. When he and Sanzu leaves, Ran slumps against his desk.
"You haven't slept around on her, have you?" Rindou asks, and Ran lifts his head wearily.
"No," he murmurs softly. "I love her too much to do any of that."
Kakucho Hitto
Kakucho's hidden the fact that he has a wife and a child on the way from the boys for many years. So why would Mikey - of all of the men, he expected one of the Haitanis or even Takeomi - ask him to sleep with his wife?
Kakucho and Mikey stare at each other for a long while, measuring each other up, perhaps.
"Mikey." Kakucho folds his hands together, trying to be diplomatic. "I can't let you do that." Mikey eyes him, attempting to perhaps stare him into submission, but Kakucho doesn't back down.
"I'll tell everyone what you're hiding." Kakucho swallows hard. "And then, I'll let them decide what to do."
"You're turning out to be so cold," Kakucho whispers. "Is it because I have a family and you don't?" The slap he receives, in turn, isn't unexpected, but it does hurt.
Mikey doesn't make any other moves except to step back and drop his hand. "I could make it so both of us are alone." Kakucho breaks out in a sweat and feels his heart begin to race.
"Please, no. She's pregnant, I--"
"One night is all I'm asking."
Kakucho wants to rebuff him, wants to put his hands on Mikey and tell him no with all of the force in his body, but he knows one word might doom his entire family.
"One night," he relents softly, lowering his gaze. "If she says yes, then you get one night."
"She will," Mikey hums, smiling. "When I tell her what's on the line if she doesn't... she will."
Rindou Haitani
"She's going to say no, Mikey." Rindou shrugs, lazily poking at his gums with a toothpick. "She barely says yes to me."
"And?" Mikey's sprawled across the couch, hands behind his head. "I can be persuasive."
"You're not even her type."
"Are you?" Rindou's vision blurs, but then he laughs, shaking his head.
"Call her up, then. See what she says." The phone rings for a while until Rin's wife finally picks up.
"Hey." Your voice is curt, and Rindou wonders if he's caught you at a bad time.
"Hey. Mikey has a request."
"He wants you to sleep with him." There's a very long pause, and then a loud laugh echoes on the other end.
"What kind of fantasies swirl around in your head when you're at work, Rindou?" He huffs a breath, then looks at Mikey apologetically. "Tell Mikey if he can come up with a gold mine, then I'll agree." Mikey's off the couch in a flash, no doubt hurrying off to Sanzu so he can find a gold mine and give the rights to you.
Rindou takes the phone off speaker and then whispers, "You'd really do it?"
"Fuck no," you reply just as quickly. "I'm in Oaxaca. Now get off the phone. I'm trying to finish my massage and you're making my muscles tense."
"I could make them looser if you'll let me," Rindou teases, smirking.
"I'd rather eat a live stingray," you grumble, then hang up on him. Ah well, Rindou muses. Such a pain having a trophy wife who is only a trophy.
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ciaoteamo · 1 year
Lost Girl
pairings: Captain James Hook x f!reader
summary: Following Pan with your siblings has either got to be the best or worst idea you've had yet.
(A/N): this is how long every story with a part 2 would be if i didn't break them up😅 a request from my DM's, enjoy :) also i didn't spell check so bare with me pls
warnings: 18+ content
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further warning: dirty talk, breast kink, pet names, creampie
It was one of the more warm nights in London. And there was the perfect cool breeze make your curtain dance gracefully.
You'd decided to open your window for a while and enjoy the sound of nature. You definitely needed the peace after playing with the younger kids all day.
You were the oldest of the bunch and only had your own room because your father practically kicked you out of the nursery. You were upset initially, but it wasn't as if you'd left your home.
Your eyes were growing heavy, and the noise arounnd you was lulling you into your dreamland. That was however until you hear...
You quickly sat up from your bed and rush out of your room and up to your siblings room.
You swing the door open with fret and your jaw drops with what you saw.
"what in the world is going on in here?" You look frantically left and right, trying to take in the scene.
Toy's were absolutely everywhere. Your father, on the ground, seemingly looking stressed and angry. Your mother, dressed beautifully for their evening out, and Nana balled in the corner of the room.
Everyone (excluding father) rushed over to Nana, showering the poor dog in hugs and kisses.
"poor Nana?!" Your father asks in disbelief. "this is the last straw, OUT! OUT I SAY" He came over and grabbed Nana by her collar, dragging her out of the room without another word.
Your mother shook her head in disappointment and looked over at you.
"(Y/N), could you help me tuck in the little ones?" She starts to tuck Wendy in. You assist her, tucking in your brothers and adding extra blankets in case they got cold.
Your mother talks to you all for a bit and goes to close the window, Wendy speaks up before she could lock it.
"oh, don't lock it, mother! He might come back!"
"him?!" Your mother raises an eyebrow and you chuckle.
"peter pan! see, i found something that belongs to him.."
"oh? and what's that?"
"his shadow"
"mm, Nana had it. but i... i took it away" Wendy yawns out.
"oh? yes, of course... goodnight dear" Your mother retreats out of the door, you say goodnight aloud as well but when you go to leave, she places a hand on your arm.
"(Y/N) dear, could you please keep an eye on the children for me? With Nana being outside, i'll feel uneasy without you in here" She places a hand on your cheek.
"as long as you bring back my favorite sweets" You smile. She chuckles and kisses your cheek.
"i promise, dear. see you tomorrow" She gives your shoulder a gentle squeeze and rushes down the hall to your impatient father. You close the door and slip into Michael's bed since he was the smallest.
You close your eyes and tuck yourself in well, drifting off into slumber.
You wake when you hear music from the nursery music box playing.
"tink! shh!" You hear someone whisper before the music stops. Your heart starts thumping. You stay still not knowing what to do. Why did you mother leave the window unlocked? This could be a burglar.
You flinch at the sound of a thud a decide to finally sit up. A boy in green was fighting someone... or something?"
The fight however stopped and the boy was turned around and tending to something on his shoe. How in the world could you possibly sneak the children out?
Maybe you could strike him over the head with a -
"Peter Pan!" You hear Wendy say. You and the boy snap your heads toward her. That's when he finally noticed and realized you were in the room.
The boy look terrified of Wendy as she scrambled towards him. This was your first time ever seeing this Peter Pan that your siblings always wanted you to read about.
Does this mean Santa is real?
Peter was speechless, hurriedly rubbing what look like soap on his foot.
"you cant stick it on with soap, peter!" Wendy took the soap and turned on the lamp. "it needs sewing, thats the proper way to do it"
You close your eyes and take a moment to blink, just to grasp the situation at hand for a moment.
Wendy was still talking Peters ear off, and sewing his literal shadow to his shoe.
"girls talk too much" He cut into her story.
"yes, girls talk too m-... oh." Her smile fades at the realization. You gently toss the covers off of you and walk towards the two.
"excuse me boy, why are you in our house? and Wendy, this is a stranger, you know better!"
"oh but (Y/N), this is Peter. from our stories!" Wendy halts her sewing and shoves a book into your arms. You open it and see the poor handwriting and green boy on practically every page.
"this can't be..." You say to yourself in shock.
"no, this still doesn’t explain why you're here?" You frown your eyebrows.
"for my shadow of course! the dog jumped at me while i was in the window and grabbed it"
"well, what were you doing at the window?" You and Wendy ask in sync.
"i was listening to your stories?"
"but all of our stories are about you" Wendy replied. Which was true. You were 3 years older than Wendy, making you an adult now. But you never did stop reading and creating new stories for your siblings.
You never thought those stories were true though, you just heard of the story of Peter Pan and made your own bedtime stories from there.
"of course! thats why i like em, i tell em to the lost boys" He nodded and began to play some sort of small instrument.
"the lost boys?... oh! i remember, they’re your men!" Wendy says and makes the last stitch.
"uh-huh" Peter jumps up and looks at his shadow on the wall.
"i'm so glad you came back tonight. i might never have seen you"
"why?" He asks, still making goofy gestures.
"because i have to grow up tomorrow"
"grow up!?" He whips around.
"tonights my last night in the nursery" Wendy says with a sad look.
"oh Wendy, maybe father doesn't mean it. I didn't leave until i was 14" You add.
"no, i'm sure of it. father never breaks his promises, good or bad."
"you're right... well it won't be so bad, me and you sharing a room" You try to make her feel better.
"i guess you’re right..."
"so that means... no more stories?" Peter asks.
"mhm" Wendy hummed, on the verge of tears.
"no! i wont have it" Peter exclaims. "come on" He grabs her hand and starts to pull her toward the door.
"wait a second! she isn't going anywhere with a strange boy!" You tug Wendy toward you.
"He's not strange, he's Peter Pan! And that would be wonderful but... what would mother say?" She contemplated.
"mother? what mother?" Peter crossed his legs.
"a mother is someone to cares for you and loves you and tells you stories and nurture-"
"great! you can be our mother" He grabs her again but she stops on the window seat.
"well i'd have to pack and get changed and leave a note.. and i can't stay for too long and then i'll have to... oh but it's Neverland" Wendy smiles and turns.
"oh, i'm so happy, i think i'll give you a kiss"
"what's a..a kiss?" Peter asks.
"i'll show you" Wendy starts to walk toward him and you grab her.
"oh no you don't" Shimmering dust rapidly flew around and you start swatting.
"Tink, stop!" Peter says, using his hat as a net to catch the fast speck.
"John, John! wake up, he's here!" Michael says excitedly and crawls out of bed.
"huh...?" John gets up and puts on his glasses and gasps loudly. "jiminy!"
"what in the world was that?" Wendy asks, holding her hear and looking around.
"i think it was a bug of some sort" You answer, not too sure of it yourself.
"Tinker Bell. Don't know what got into her" He says, peeking into his hat and examining whatever it was inside.
"hello Peter Pan, i'm Michael!"
"and my name is John, how do you do?"
"hello" Peter greets.
"oh! look a firefly" Michael opens the hat
"a pixie!" Wendy corrects him.
"amazing!" John adds.
"i haven't gotten you're name yet!" Peter leans in your direction. You were standing closer to see this Tinker Bell.
"(Y/N)" You simply say.
The fairy shakes her head and makes bell noises, raising question in Michael. "what's she doing?" He asks.
"what did she say?" Wendy asks.
"she says you're a big ugly girl" He chuckles and she laughs along before realizing. "oh... well i think she's lovely" Wendy compliments to the angry creature.
"well come on Wendy, let's go!" Peter walks toward the window and Michael grabs Wendy's hand.
"where are we going? He asks.
"to Never Land! Peter's taking us"
"Us?!" You and Peter ask in unison.
"Wendy, we’re not going anywhere with this boy!"
"but how could i go without you all?"
"when i said "we" i meant we" You point to all of your siblings.
"(Y/N), please!" Michael begs, tugging onto your night gown.
"i'm sorry, Michael, no" You sigh.
"just think about it a little, (Y/N), it could be fun!" John urges.
"or dangerous! i can't risk it"
"(Y/N), it's my last night in the nursery... you remember what that was like! please come with us, it'll only be for a short while, right Peter?"
"sure thing!"
As if you needed any reassurance from Peter. If anything he almost ruined her resolve. But she was right. You remember having to leave behind your siblings and grow up, it was no fun.
You at least would like them to have a fond childhood memory.
And that's exactly why you’re flying hundreds if not thousands of feet up in the air. The view of the morning was beautiful, the sky was pink and the water was still.
"oh Peter it's just as i dreamed it's be... oh look, John there's Mermaid Lagoon!" Wendy exclaimed.
"by Jove! and the Indian encampment !"
"oh look! there Captain Hook and the pirates!" Michael pointed our cheerfully.
A canon fires and Peter tosses Michael behind to save him.
"look out!" He ducks. "Tink, you take them to the hideout and i'll draw off Hooks fire!" Tink pouts and starts to fly ahead.
You all quickly rush to follow her but she was going too fast. "Tinker Bell, you're going to fast for us!" Wendy called out. The fairy sped up. "Tinker bell!"
Another canon fires, causes a nearby bird with missing feathers to crash into you, knocking you off of your course. You were dizzy from all of the spinning that the incident caused.
You were starting to feel sick. "W..Wendy? John?" You quietly called out, the world was still spinning around you. You could only make out the Island.
You do your best to safely fly down, but you have a rocky landing, sending you tumbling and hitting your head on a tree. You groan and everything goes black.
"oh? and how might a half-whit such as yourself go about Finding Pan? hm?" You hear a man rhetorically ask.
"w-well cap'm i'd say we go-"
"I COMMAND YOU TO GO AND GET THE PRINCESS, SMEE!" The man cut the other off and you heard whoever it was scatter.
You wince at the yelling, head still throbbing from earlier, and crack your eyes open a bit to examine your surroundings.
"where am i..." You ask, more to yourself.
"you, darling, are on the Jolly Roger"
"Jolly... Roger? that's a silly name" You go to reach for your head only to discover your bound wrists.
"silly? i won’t let a girl out in her nightgown talk down on my ship"
"oh, your ship? is that why you were yelling at that poor man?" You raise an eyebrow.
"you dare stick your nose in the business of Captain James Hook, girl? why i oughta make you walk the plank, hm?" He takes his hook and lifts your head with it, the cold metal made your skin tingle.
With him being so close, you could finally see him in his entirety. He was tall, had long and curly black hair, sported a mustache and a (somewhat) clean shave.
He looked great in his coat, it hugged him perfectly around the waist. You swallow thickly, imagining sinful things.
You were so distracted that you hadn't noticed that he didn't move away yet. You look up at his eyes and slightly move your head.
"that um... that’s too bad then" You clear your throat.
"hm?~ what’s too bad?" He asks, tone completely different from before.
"making me walk the plank.." You quietly remind.
"yes.. oh! yes! you're a lucky lass, you. i'm sure Pan will be here in no time, looking for you" He makes a pleased expression and tugs on his mustache.
"and if he doesn’t?" You challenge.
"then i guess i'll have you all to myself" He grins at you, showing off his gold tooth and sending a buzz down your spine.
"well, be back in a bit, and i suggest you don't disturb me crew with any shouting" He slams the door behind him, making your head tingle again.
You look around what looked to be his office. He had maps with markings and shiny collectables littered everywhere. Books and papers piled on the desk, it looked like he was making another map.
You sigh and close your eyes, hoping that Peter would eventually find you. You knew this was a bad idea.
"SMEEEEEE!" You hear the pirate scream out. You didn’t know when you'd fallen asleep, but you did.
"keep calm cap'm, i'm comin!" Smee calls out.
You hear screaming, and the sound of a ticking clock. Your curiosity was getting the best of you, making you want to go outside.
"okay, (Y/N), think of a big house... lovely animals... Nana" You close your eyes and feel yourself floating. You get closer to the desk and reach for the small knife on the edge.
Just as you had it in your grasp, the door swung open, making you fall onto the floor and cut yourself.
"ouch!" You groan, though no one heard you. Smee rushed in behind the hysterical Captain and placed a towel on his head and a bucket under his feet.
"oh Smee... he almost got me" You heard the mans lip quivering. You tried to sit yourself back up while the men were distracted.
"i know i know cap'm, you rest and we can go back out for Pan tomorrow" Smee cooed.
"be right back cap'm!" Smee left.
"blast that Peter Pan.." He grumbled. You kept quiet and he suddenly sat up, looking around. "the girl, where is she?" He looked around the room before finally spotting you near the desk.
"why you-" He winced at the sound of banging on the door. You both flinch and the constant loud noise and he gets up angrily.
He swings the door open and is hit on the head with a hammer by an unaware Smee.
He staggered back, losing his footing and landed back in his chair.
Smee came in with a smile and a tea pot. "oh, cap'm! it's good t see you smiling again" Poor man must’ve been knocked silly.
"you know, there's trouble brewin on the island. women trouble" Smee starts. "I wouldn’t want this to go any further, but supposedly Pan banished Tinker Bell.."
Well, this was new to you.
He began pouring the water into the buckets beneath his feet, you scrunch your face up, knowing how hot it must be. "um, Smee, was it?" You clear your throat.
"yes dear?" He asks, still pouring.
"i think that water's a bit too hot..."
"oh of course not, the cap'm hasn't said a peep abou-"
"wooooah!" The captain jumps up. He immediately grabs Smee by the collar. "well you doddering imbecile, i... did you say Pan has banished Tinker Bell?" He quesriones.
"aye aye, cap'm. that he has" Sme stumbles out.
"but why?"
"well on a count of Wendy, cap'm. Tink tried to do her in, she did. Tink's terrible jealous" Your jaw dropped at the news. Tink tried to kill your sister?
"well well" James taps his chin in thought.
"thats why we ought to leave, cap'm. this ain't no place for a respectable pirate." Smee dusts his shirt and puts his nose in the air.
"that's is, Smee! that's it!" James smacks Smee on the back, sending the poor man to the ground.
"i'm glad you agree cap'm" Smee adjusts his glasses.
"quick! me coat." The captain casts his blanket aside. "me best dress coat!"
"aye aye sir, the sooner we gets going, the better!" Smee rushed to grab the coat.
"ah yes, a jealous female can be tricked into doing anything. my case of hooks!"
"aye aye sir!" Smee grabs a small purple box near you and hold it out to the captain. "here you are, sir. your Sunday set, sir"
"If we impress the pixie, convince her we're eager to help her, the wench may chart our course, to a certain hiding place.."
"our best hiding place is the Spanish main sir, i'll set our course- oh!" Smee is snatched up by Hook.
"and where do you think you are going?" Hook asks with a cheeky grin.
"to tell the boys we sails with the tide, sir"
"you will go ashore, pick up Tinker Bell, and bring her to me." Hook drops Smee square on the head. "UNDERSTAND?" He shouts.
Smee blabbers out an "aye aye, sir" and quickly rows away.
"ah, looks like things are looking rather good for me lately"
"excuse me?" You speak up. He breaks his longing gaze at the ceiling and raises an eyebrow at you. "if you don't mind me asking, why exactly are you looking for Peter?"
Maybe it's because you haven't heard any new stories in years, but you didn't know why he would be out to kill Peter.
"it's not my fondest memory with that cursed Peter Pan... he cut off me left hand and fed it to a crocodile!" He touched his golden hook. "it still follows me, trying to take the rest o me to this day"
You ball your lips, fighting back your chuckle. "you must take good then, no?" You question, now crossing your legs.
"oh you think it's funny, aye?" He smirks. You expected him to blow up at you, so your smile faltered at his response. You only swallow, unsure of what to say.
"say, i'm in a good mood, i'll turn you loose for the time being" He walks up and reaches behind you, untying your wrists.
He hums and grabs your wrist. "how'd this happen, my gem?" He asks, holding your cut hand with his hook and carefully pulling back the long sleeves of your dress with his hand.
"and no that i think of it how did you manage to get from there, to here?" He asks, walking behind his desk and grabbing a gauze.
"i um... flew?" You ask more than answer.
"you must’ve hit your head pretty hard" He asks, gently wrapping your hand.
"it's the weird truth" You shrug, thankful to be able to move your arms again.
"do you drink?" He opens a chest and pulls out a glass bottle with dark liquid inside. He pinches two glasses between his fingers and carried the bottle over in his arm.
He set everything down and turned your chair to the desk.
"i've only tasted a few wines" You answer. "and thank you"
He pours you a shot amount and gets himself a full glass.
"for what?" He asks. You lift your hand and he waves you off. "that was common decency"
You pick up your glass and catch a whiff of the drink, immediately scrunching up your nose. You take a small sip and you're greeted with a burning sensation.
"this is very... unpleasant, to say the least" You frown.
"yeah, it definitely isn't for a lass like yourself, i'll tell you that much" He takes a sip from his cup.
"oh please, i could finish this... it just take time, that’s all" You brace yourself for the second sip.
"if you say so, missy"
"(Y/N)." You say sternly.
"apologies, (Y/N)" He says coyly.
"and so i say, what do you mean that's Peter Pan? i never met the boy before, i thought he was a figment of our imagination."
"i wish that wretched boy was only a tall tale. he's nothing but a pain in my arse"
Hook was leaning back in his chair, holding his 1/4 filled bottle. You were sitting on the desk, legs faced away from the man to not give him a peek under your gown.
You lazily hold your hand out and he hands you the bottle. "you know, you’re a lot quieter now"
"and you’re more talkative" He retorts. You tilt your head back and waterfall some of the beverage, spilling a bit of it on yourself.
"aye... aye!! that's me best rum that you're wastin!" He grabs the bottle from your hands.
He was close, so close that your noses were almost touching.
"sorry, Captain" You say in a teasing manner.
"it's quite alright, it's been put to better use this way, no?" He asks, looking down at your neck. "may i?"
You dazedly looked at his lips, making out his words as best as you could in your state.
"yes... you may" You nod. You didn't know what he was asking permission to do but you weren’t going to question it.
His eyes glance up at you for a moment as he stood up, only to look back down again and reach out.
He undid the bow that held your dress together at your chest, showing your cleavage.
"kiss me" You squeaked out. "please.."
He quickly granted your wish, a hand coming up to gently hold the back of your head.
The kiss was hungry and rough, from the both of you. You didn’t know his reason, maybe it's that he's a pirate. But you've wanted his lips on yours since you've saw him.
You found him charming in the, embarrassing kind of way. You wondered how he of all people became captain.
The kiss calmed down a bit and he took the opportunity to glide his tongue across the slit of your mouth, making you open in surprise.
"mmf!" His tongue slithered him, tasting of Rum and something sweet. You hold his arms and pull away from the kiss catching your breath.
"do you not have to breathe??" You ask in between breaths.
"why are you holding your breath? breathe through your nose" He says lowly, bringing you into another kiss.
This time, you took his advice, breathing through your nostrils. "better, right?" He states more than asks.
The top of your dress fell from your shoulders and to the crease of your arms during the heated make out sessions. Hook slid his arms along yours, dragging the dress off along the way.
Your breasts were exposed to the cool air, giving you goosebumps and making your nipples harder than they already were. Hook takes notice of this and chuckles to himself.
"a bit cold, hm?" He places the pad of his thumb over one and rubs circles around it.
"mhm" You bit your lip. His calloused palms caressed the soft flesh of your torso in a massage.
"almost forgot about me rum.." He mumbles before attaching his lips to your neck, giving you kitty licks as he made his way lower. "tastes better on you" You feel him smirk onto your skin.
"oh really?" You utter. Your breath hitches in your throat once you feel his warm lips wrap around one of your nipples.
You moan and tangle your fingers in in his thick hair, tugging at it lightly. "oh how soft you are, my jewel..." His breath ghosts over your now wet bud.
He shows the same affection to your other nipple, let it go with a 'pop'. You were very sensitive now, firm and ready to be touched again.
"how often are you told how pretty you are, missy?" He carefully slips the remainder of your dress down your legs. Your underwear was soaked in your arousal, only making the cheeky pirate grin harder.
"technically speaking... i'd say almost everyday" Your heart races in your chest as he slips his shiny hook beneath the damp cloth and moves it down your thighs.
"mm..." He kisses your inner thigh and your back slightly arches. "that's not nearly enough for a pearl like yourself..." His lips came closer and closer to where you wanted them with each kiss.
"what do you mean?" You ask out of curiosity. He pauses for a moment, looking up with pure eye contact.
"i would tell you every hour of the day~" Your cheeks heat and you put a hand over his face.
"oh shut it" You say bashfully and he chuckles, removing your hand and planting a tender kiss upon your knuckles.
"it is the truth" His fingers slip between your folds, making you gasp and grab his wrist.
He stops and looks at you, waiting for a look of reassurance. "would you like to stop here?"
"will it hurt?" You ask, started to feel the weight of the situation.
"do you trust me?"
You only nod. You let go of his hand and he starts to skillfully rub your clit. You bite back your moans, letting out only a sigh.
You made the mistake of exhaling through your mouth just as he began teasing your slick entrance. Eliciting such sweet moans for the Captain Hook.
His hands grab yours and slide them up to your chest. "try touching yourself here, my sweet" He suggests. You place the palms of your hands over your breasts and awkwardly squeeze them with a giggle.
"like so.." James reaches out and just barely rubs your nipple, making your lower back tingle.
You copied his movement and hummed at the new feeling. He puts you unoccupied hand back and lowers his head between your legs again.
This time however, he put your legs over his shoulders. You felt your lips being spread and something soft, warm, and fast brushing over the bundle of nerves.
Your legs immedeitly try to close on him, but he keeps them open. Your hips rocked in sync with his tongue and beads of sweat formed at the intensity.
"you taste phenomenal... i could do this all day.." His low voice vibrated through you, sending your hand flying to his hair and gripping the thick locs harshly.
One last and low "mm~" from James, and you were over the edge, subconsciously holding his face as close as possible to you while you rode out your high.
You collapsed on the table, back flush against the wood. Hook peered over you with a grin. And his hand searched your body again.
"you're so perfect, a true diamond" Hook smiles, dragging his cold hook along your still hard nipples. He slipped a finger into you, making you gasp again, but this was one that he caught with a kiss.
You moaned into his mouth while his finger went deeper and deeper into you. The previous orgasm allowed him to slide the digit in with ease, letting him know to add another finger.
He deepens the kiss as he slides the second finger in. Going in and out of you at an insane pace. Your arms wrap around his neck and you break from the kiss for a second just to roll your eyes and hang your head.
"it feels so good..." Your voice broke.
Not long after your statement, you came undone, shaking violently with a broken moan. "oh James~" You pant, feeling winded.
"what is it, darling?" He asks with a voice full of sultry.
"this is crazy" You look up at him.
"it's about to get even crazier"
You were pretty sure you moans were ringing throughout the ship. Poor crew mates weren't getting any sleep tonight. The sound of James's thighs sticking to the bottom on yours.
A mix of his and your cum making a mess between the two of you. He would probably fill you to the brim if you let him.
James's eyes fixed on the way your breasts bounced with every one of his powerful thrusts, and more importantly, the new deep sensational feeling between your legs.
His back rested against his large purple chair, and his hips thrusted into you like there was no tomorrow.
"James i'm gonna- shit!" Your eyes squeeze shut as you experience your 3rd and final orgasm in this position. You were spent.
"gem~" Hook called out.
"hm?" You lazily look down at him.
"i need one more favor from you, if your up for it~"
"shit... just like that" His eyes peer into you as he watches you, making you feel even more naked than you are if possible.
You were sitting in the chair now. Squeezing your boobs around this mans aching penis while he jerked his hips towards you.
You curiously stick your tongue out, being greeted with the salty tase and soft feeling of his tip.
He let out a sound almost like yours and started bucking forward. You kept licking and squeezing and he kept letting out something like a whimper, it was cute.
"oh... i'm cumming" His large arms grab on to the head of the chair and he cums on your lips and chin. His eyes were low and tired.
"i could tell that felt good" You tease.
"oh better than you could imagine" He wipes your chin and kisses you once more. But he could feel a smile tugging at your lips.
"what is it?" He smiled back.
You shrug and slump into the chair. "I strangely feel happy"
"it's not strange, i feel happy too, love" He reassures and your cheeks heat.
"okay where's your bathroom? I need to get clean" You ask, escaping the enclosure of his arms holding the chair you were inn.
"you don't want to go there to get clean, us pirates use mother nature" He answers. He grabs his jacket and his button up and walks over to the office door.
His head was on a swivel, making sure no one was up. He beckoned you to follow him, so you did. He tosses down a ladder and began climbing down into the water.
You peek over the edge and see nothing but still, open water. It as sparkling from the moonlight. You take a few steps back and jump. Letting out only a yelp instead of the scream that fought to errupt.
You swim to the surface and wipe the water from your eyes.
"you'd fit right in with me crew" He shook his head. "those crazy bastards"
"you should try it sometime" You shrug. You start you dip yourself deeper into the water, rubbing your arms and face to scrub them clean.
You hear a faint Tick- Tok, in the distance. You look around with your eyes narrow, as if it would help you see further.
"do you hear that hook?" You ask.
"hear what?" He goes quiet. You see constant ripple coming toward you and look in his direction to see him shaking.
"are you okay?"
"s-s-s-smee... Smee" The Tick-Tok grew louder. and you turn to see a crocodile. Your heart races in your chest and it swims toward you.
You try to swim away but it catches up, and fast. You just knew you were going to die, hoping for a nice eulogy at your funeral, but it swam past you, licking its lips.
It wanted James, James almost jumped out of the water when he realized. "SMEEEEEE"
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skeelly · 10 months
my first moots :)
@swiftieannah @igave-so-manysigns @alltoounwell1989 @ava-taylors-version @theywillholdontoyou @evermore-4-life @fushiguroshotwife @literally-maria @swifitelover22 even though we barely interact with one another, i love you <33
just my beloved moots
@silly-goose-beans @urgirlielexa @almaaas-stuff @bookscorpion73 @yourinterruptingmyreading @reyna-obsessed @stars-over-ice-cream @lovestrucklovelorn @sluttycaseyjones @swans-chirping-in-the-distance @isitoversnowtvs @berryzxx @suburbanlegnd @funfeons @vibestillaxxx @shefollowedthestars sorry to the rest, im too lazy and need to mention so much more people, but i love you all and im willing to pay for your therapy. literally don't know how you guys keep up with me.
@mqstermindswift you already know i love you to death <3
@glitterfuturisticmortally sending lots of love. you're awesome! ilysm
@nqds you already know i love youuu lmfao. i love your blog sm and you're low-key my intimidating mutual i look up to so you best believe i flip (figuratively and literally) when you interact with me
@stvrlighhttt should have put you higher but this is in no particular order. ANYWAYS, ILY AND THANKS FOR HELPING WITH LITERALLY EVERYTHING.
@starchasers-stuff hii, ilysm! you're like my older sister on here ngl. goodluck with uni, i wish you absolutely nothing but the best! (ps: how's italian going?)
@urgirlnextdoorr HI, YOURE SO COOL! ily to bitss (pls tell me you remember lol)! <33
@blocked-zombieartist hellloo :))). ilyy, thanks for being my mutual. you're awesomeeeee
@reminiscentreader ilyyyyyy and your blogggg and your nameeee and your personalityyyy and everything about youuuu
@not-nomi although it's kinda weird to say this, cause you're a male, ILY! you're the first guy who's my friend on this app lol
@letmeseeallthefrogsinthecity HIII, IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!! CONGRATS AGAIN AND ILYSM
@urbanflorals you're so amazing, i wish i was more like you. ilyy
@cc-horan HII AHHAAH. you're so cool and thanks for being my mutual and friend :)
@niallermybabe you're funny and wholesome af, i love you
@mickeywheeler HIII FINN! ILY AND ALWAYS REMEMBER IM HERE TO SUPPORT YOU. hopefully your problems are all solved now :)
@remingtonreputation13 HI! CANT FORGET YOU, YOURE SO COOL AND PERFECT! ILY <33
@what-about-wendy hiiiiii, you're also low-key like my sister. ilysm and just remember that im always here for you :))
@svnflowermoon you have the coolest blog in the world. ily
@lucinda-008 holaaaaaaa te amo. no sé si te das cuenta, pero HE ESTADO APRENDIENDO ESPAÑOL y no sé si la gramática es correcta. sorry that's cringe, just wanted to show you :))
@dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies hi, ily! you're so awesome
@dumbass-lesbian hii. although we don't really talk anymore, i love you sm
@astraeasparrow ily. i find you so cool
@atwtmvftvtvsgavralpss you spam me like, every day and i love you for that!
@holdmyteaplease we don't talk anymore, like at all, but i still love you and unfortunately, i can't find my wip i was meant to send you 😔😔
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julysn · 5 months
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what’s your eta? || 01 : upstander
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ship: kyle broflovski x fem!reader
synopsis: Kyle voices some of his concerns to Y/N’s friends.
wc: ≈1100
notes: everyone’s in high school, canon divergence, based off of s21 e7 (doubling down), y/n is NOT heidi turner. slightly ooc, whatever.
read on ao3 | next
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notes: this fic is literally doubling down (s21 e7) but altered by me lmfaoo. this is the scene where kyle walks into the gymnasium during volleyball practice btw….,…
FUCK i’m posting this like decades after it was up on ao3 saur.. uh.. erm.. yeah. GOD THIS IS SO BUTT I. just read it. pls. i know it’s butt. i know it is asscheeks.
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When Kyle Broflovski first made eye contact with her, he knew he had to save her.
It had been about two and a half (or two-thirds, he wasn't sure) months since Y/N L/N had first begun dating Eric Cartman, and it was starting to really irritate Kyle. He was fed up with this relationship whether his annoyance was born from him or his subconscious. He was forced to watch as Cartman played with her feelings like a master puppeteer. He was forced to watch as Cartman dumped her, before manipulating her back into yet another relationship immediately the next day, the two acting like nothing had happened. He was forced to listen as Cartman brushed off his concerns, continuing to treat Y/N like shit no matter how Kyle advised him not to.
And the worst part of it all?
Y/N was a sweet girl.
Kyle knew it; he could tell. It was obvious. Y/N L/N could easily be considered one of the nicest, sweetest girls in their grade–hell, their high school. She was everything a man like Cartman didn't decide. She was funny yet kind, sarcastic yet caring, everything. He adored how she could be so friendly and gentle yet also flippant and relaxed at times.
He didn't have a crush on her, though. He was just worried.
But what would happen if he did develop feelings?
God, that was something Kyle didn't want to think about. It wasn't the thought of him and Y/N together that had thrown him off, it was the thought of what Cartman would try to do. After knowing him for around 16 years of their lives, he knew the boy inside out. He knew how Cartman would attempt to gaslight and manipulate. He knew about his blackmailing tendencies. The two of them knew practically everything about each other, and yet, they still hated each other like normal arch-nemeses.
So, if he were to ever get together with Y/N one day, what would Cartman do?
Kyle shook the thoughts away, looking down at his feet as they mechanically led him towards the gymnasium. He had to speak up and do something.
He sighs, pushing the gymnasium doors open and wiping away a few pearls of sweat on his hairline. His other hand instinctively ran through his hair, mentally and physically preparing himself for the little standoff–or, at least, that's what he saw it as–with Y/N's friends. He looked on as he saw the girls playing volleyball before he cleared his throat and walked onto the court.
".. Hey."
The girls immediately whip their heads around to face the ginger, some with narrowed eyes yet most just confused by the situation. "What's he doing here?"
"I know things have been difficult lately. I know you think us guys are all pigs, but that's just Cartman. Just know that... a lot of us boys think girls are amazing and smart and beautiful."
".. Uh, not, not like hot-beautiful, I mean like inside-beautiful. I.. I'm not saying you're hot. Or am I saying you're ugly. It doesn't matter–you're all hot on the inside. If we could all just see inside you, it would be hot.. fuck, you know what I mean." Kyle sighs, groaning and rubbing his eyes in embarrassment. He had fucked up his speech, how was he going to get his point across?
The girls stare at each other incredulously for a few seconds, some whispering to each other before one of them speaks up.
".. What do you want, Kyle?" Wendy asks, holding the ball in her hands as she furrowed her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes. The others had a sneaking suspicion about what this could be about, but obviously, they didn't speak up yet. They needed to let Kyle explain everything for himself first.
"It's about Y/N. You guys shouldn't criticize her for being with Cartman." He sighs, shoving his hands into his pockets and letting his calloused fingers play around with the packet of gum and keys inside. His mind was a storm of thoughts, the thunder and lightning being the repetitive thoughts of "I shouldn't have done this" or "What the hell am I doing?"
The girls shared a look once again, the silence making everything even more awkward.
Shit, did I fuck up? Kyle blinked, pressing his lips together to form a slit as he anxiously waited for a response. He knew deep down in his heart that he wasn't making a mistake, but damn, the looks the girls shared and the ongoing silence was making him rethink and regret everything that had just happened.
"Why not? Eric Cartman's the worst person on earth." Annie tilts her head, obviously dumbfounded. Some of the other girls nod in affirmation, agreeing with her (obviously true) statement.
"I know! I-I know that, okay? Trust me, I hate Cartman, who doesn't, but just.. give her some space, you know? You can't keep saying 'we told you so', because if you make her feel dumb, she'll double down and try to prove herself that it wasn't dumb." Kyle explains, nervousness evident in his tone as he shifts his weight from one foot to another. "You're gonna make her feel worse than she already does."
Once again, the room fell into silence with the occasional whispers being heard from the girls on the bleachers or the other side of the court. The curlyhead stood there anxiously, teeth sinking into his bottom lip as his hands continued to fidget with the various objects he kept in his pant pockets. He slipped one hand out, coming to brush off some non-existent lint and dust off of his baggy jeans.
Breaking the silence, Nichole was the one to speak up this time, airing out a concern that had lingered on everyone's minds until that very moment. "No offense, Kyle, but why do you care? Do you have a crush on her?"
"What?! No!" The ginger quickly defended himself, throwing his hands up and taking a step back as everyone in the gymnasium eyed him suspiciously. He knew it looked like he was interested in Y/N, but he was just worried! Right?
"Oh my god, he soooo likes Y/N," Bebe smirked, giggling softly as the other girls hummed and nodded in agreement. "It's like a love triangle."
"No, I don't!" Kyle quickly blurted out, his cheeks heating up in embarrassment as he sighed and walked away, leaving the girls to finish volleyball practice. He felt a bit, a tad bit guilty for interrupting–if someone just walked onto the court and made an announcement while he was shooting some hoops, he'd be pissed as well. But a part of him brushed off the regret because something else was on his mind.
".. Wait, do I?"
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cocogrrrl · 1 year
kamusta :)) could I req what it would be like to be besties w Tweek and work at his parents’ coffeeshop together? Platonic pls (omg a craig cameo would be chef’s kiss too) and thank u!!!!! <333
(headcanons and drabbles!) what it's like working with tweek at the coffeehouse :D special creek part in the end
tweek x co-worker + gn!reader (platonic), craig x tweek no cws wc: 1140
an: ayos lang anon! i thoroughly enjoyed myself while writing this :3
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The first day you started working there, Tweek was extremely nervous about you finding out about the bag of meth they have in the back.
You didn’t find out, though—at least not yet. You just assumed it was flavoring or sugar or something since they put it in all their drinks.
Anyways, Tweek was rather distant and cold to you during your first few weeks working there, only conversing with you when you needed help.
It’s not like he was avoiding you, though. He just didn’t know how to approach you at all. Like, zero clue. If he was being honest, he thought you didn’t want anything to do with him anyway. That’s why he never really bothered to be friends with you, just acquaintances at most.
That all changed when one of the customers had a big order for you two.
“So, three cappuccinos, one Americano, four flat whites, two lattes, and three black coffees?” You asked, looking at the list of orders in front of you. A few customers were waiting in line as well, so not only did you have to make them perfectly, but you had to do it as quick as you can as well. “That’s correct. I’ll need them to go in 15 minutes.” They said, handing you the money. “Alright,” you worriedly hummed, putting on the best calm face you could. Couldn’t they just have called in advance? Whatever. You looked at Tweek, who was just across the station. He had just served someone their drink. “Tweek! Can you help me out here?” You called, giving the person back their change. In his usual nervous matter, he nodded and rushed by you. “U-Uh, sure! What is it?” “We have a big order.” You said, waving the list of drinks the customer had ordered. He took a short glance at it, eyes quickly scanning the list. “Let’s split it. I’ll handle the lattes and flat whites while you do the rest?” You said, already rushing to steam the milk. “Okay! I’ll get right to it—ack!” He nodded, readying the cups.
Luckily for the customer, you two were efficient and quick and got it all done in time—although with some minor accidents (Tweek spilled some coffee on you because he jittered a tad bit too much).
Your service was rewarded, and they gave you a gracious tip—about 20 dollars, almost half of the price of their order.
“Phew,” you smiled at the blonde, wiping the sweat that fell to your forehead with your forearm. “Glad that’s over with.” “Yeah,” he nodded, returning the smile to you. “I’m so sorry for s-spilling coffee on you, dude.” You shook your head, giving him a pat on the back. “No worries. It’s nothing that vinegar can’t fix.” You said, taking a quick glance once more at your coffee-stained shirt. Good thing it wasn’t a personal favorite of yours, so you didn’t totally mind if it got wrecked.
After all that, you and Tweek slowly became a lot closer!!
You came to learn that he actually hated his job LMAO
He didn’t like it since it was more of a chore from his parents, than an actual job. He worked there even long after the coffeehouse closed for the day.
You felt bad for him, which was why you offered to work overtime whenever he did. Of course, he quickly shut that idea down, not wanting to be a hassle to you—even if you made it clear that you didn’t mind.
Whenever you two aren’t doing anything, Tweek would help you out with schoolwork. He was incredibly smart, on the same level as your other classmates Kyle and Wendy.
“Tweek, you amaze me.” You pouted as you watch him answer his math assignment with no difficulty. “Ack—it’s nothing…” He mumbled, not looking up from his work. “I just review our material early.” “Well, on the topic of homework,” you chuckled, some sort of specific intent behind it as you pulled out your physics textbook. “Can you help me out on this? It’s on vectors…” You nervously laughed as you flipped to the page with the topic. “Oh, uh, sure!” He nodded. “L-Let me finish my math first.” Needless to say, it didn’t too long to wait for him.
Craig would often go there to spend time with Tweek, especially during busier weeks when his parents made him work there over time.
You’d watch their little interactions together as you were making your respective customer’s order.
As you tended to someone’s drink, you spotted a certain someone approaching the register. You already know who it was. “Hi, honey.” Craig smiled at his boyfriend, his arm resting on the counter. “Hello, Craig!” Tweek chirped. “Are you ordering the—gah!—usual?”  “Mhm,” he nodded, sliding the cash to Tweek. “Alright,” Tweek sang-song, quickly making Craig’s typical three-shot, added sweetener latte. From the corner of your eye, you saw him expertly make latte art, the milk forming a little guinea pig as he swiveled around the cup. For a brief moment, Tweek headed to the back, saying that he needed to get something. In that short time, Craig nonchalantly greeted you. “Hey, YN.” He said as you rested by the edge of the counter, idly waiting for a customer to come in. You shared a few classes with him, but you didn’t really know much about him other than the fact he was the president of the astronomy club and that he had been dating Tweek for years now. “Hi, Craig.” You hummed, sliding the drink Tweek had prepared for him. He got the drink and nodded to you. “Thanks.” “No problem.” You gave him a polite grin. Tweek aptly came back—thank god. It’s not that you didn’t like Craig, you just didn’t know how to handle idle conversation. “I have something for you.” Tweek giggled, hands behind his back as he hid something from Craig. “Hmm? What is it, babe?” He peered in, leaning on the counter to see what he had for him. “Close your eyes.” Craig had his eyes shut, palms out open as he waited for whatever surprise his boyfriend prepared.  You saw Tweek place a small pouch in his hand. Your interest was piqued now as well. What was in the bag? You watched them leisurely though, seemingly like you didn’t care. Craig opened his eyes and gently lifted the bag with the tips of his fingertips, pulling it open as he reached for what was in it—a bracelet with the constellation Andromeda lying in the middle. Tweek mentioned that it was a personal favorite of his once. His eyes shone, a smile cracking at his lips as he put the jewelry on. “Tweek…” “D-Do you like it?” He asked, shifting his weight between his feet. “I love it, dear.” He hummed, collecting Tweek’s hands in his. “Thank you.”
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moony7drac · 1 month
Koopalings heacanons; Love language
I got inspired by me and a friend of mine for this, as we both know we love each other (platonic in this case), but show it in vastly different ways.
So, how do my Koopalings convey their love for each other?
General info:
The five types of love languages are:
- Physiscal touch.
- Verbal
- Acts of service
- Quality time
- Gift giving
Ludwig is mainly gift giving, with a denial on physical touch.
Iggy is mainly physical touch, with verbal as a pretty close second (or perhaps almost equal), and a hint of quality time (he hates that he hasn’t found something for him and his dad, and him and his sister to do together.)
Lemmy is mainly physical touch.
Roy is mainly acts of service, and a chunk of quality time.
Wendy is mainly gift giving/acts of service (her gifts are always something that you’ll need, like a nice suit for an important event.)
Morton is mostly physical touch.
Larry is quality time with physical touch.
Junior is gift giving and quality time.
More/Deeper info under the cut.
Ludwig’s gift giving is in the form of how he always makes his family a personalised music piece, which he spends hours, if not days, on to get it perfected.
And while he is never the one to initiate a hug or so, he is the one to pull away last.
He will also say to stop leaning on his head to Iggy, or to ruffle his hair with just about anyone, but he either doesn’t try to slap the hand/paw away, or does it with minimal power. (And sometimes even starts to softly purr when pet).
He will sort of give the physical touch too, though. Just not in ways most immediately think of.
It’d be like sitting on the couch reading something, and letting Larry lay against his leg while the younger one is playing a game.
Iggy is of the physical touch and some verbal love. The biggest example, is with Lemmy when either is not feeling well (or just ‘cause). Or with Ludwig, when he's overworking himself again.
Lemmy will often use Iggy’s chest as a mattress, and Iggy will hug/hold him in return. (And of course we have the whole thing of Lemmy standing on Iggy’s shoulders while they’re walking.)
As for with Ludwig, when Iggy notices that Ludwig is overworking himself again, (usually by not having seen Ludwig all day long, while he has been out of his room himself), he'll get to Ludwig’s room, get behind him, lays his arms over Ludwig’s shoulders and his head on top of his.
When Iggy “annoys” Ludwig, and Ludwig says something like “I hate you…” or “You’re a menace…” Iggy simply responds with “Love you too Luds/Luddy.”
Bonus on the physical, he is very quick to use his long and slim tail to wrap around someone's ankle during a hug. This isn't always a conscious doing, and it has happened that someone tripped.
Lemmy is mainly physica touch, as he is not afraid to jump onto anyone (usually back, but also shoulders with Iggy and Roy).
He loves to hug people, and lay/sit in people’s laps.
Roy is mainly acts of service, as he will see someone struggle, and help them out if possible. Like he did in Lemmy day 2024. If someone can’t get the new jar to open, he’ll say “give here”, and open it for them. Or, (in case if the small ones), he’ll grab the jar they want from the higher shelf, with a “here you go” or sometimes even wordless.
His quality time is through little things personalised on the combo.
Just Dance battles with Ludwig (usually late in the evening or night, as both agreed that no one must know).
Study sessions or simply physical research. (He and Iggy both took Biology in school, and due to this, sometimes accompanies Iggy when going out to find shit out (about plants or peole/creatures)).
Being Lemmy’s spotter while trying new tricks, as landing just that tad bit wrong can result in shit that not even Iggy or a trained nurse can really help with. But, Roy is strong enough to safely catch the little Koopaling, and is very quick to see when it (will) go wrong.
With Wendy it’s helping her while she’s making new clothes, or simply play dress-up. He’ll gladly let her paint his nails, as they’re often not that pretty on their own due to his love for fighting and showing off how strong he is. (And he thinks he rocks certain of the nail polish colours).
With Morton, it’s mainly the sparring sessions. But, what not many know, he’ll gladly watch shows and/or movies with his fellow strong brother. Or race each other on their motorbikes. (Quite a lot small things).
He loves to play against or with Larry in sports or games. He especially loves to play shooter games with Larry on his team. Together, with Roy’s knowledge on firearms, and Larry’s gaming skills, they almost always win.
With Junior, it’s an admittedly smaller amount of things and times. But, he’ll still gladly try to see who can get the farthest with their fire breath. Currently, Roy can go the farthest with the straight fire breath, while Junior can keep his fireballs going for longer than Roy.
Wendy is mainly a combo of gift giving and acts of service. She’ll make things you’ll need (soon). Usually this is clothes, like a fancy suit for an upcoming event. But it can also be something like a book for Ludwig or Iggy that has to do with whatever they’re researching. Or spices that she overheard were almost gone/empty on the kitchen.
Morton is very much about the physical touch. He loves to pick his siblings up and hug them. With the little ones also picking them up and put them on his shoulders. Although… He has done it once or twice with Ludwig and Iggy… (He would with Roy, but because they’re both the same size, it would bring him out of balance.)
Larry is quality time with a bit of physical touch
He’ll just be near/hanging our with Ludwig. Bake with Iggy. Do parkours with/against Lemmy. Spar or play games against Roy. Talk love interests (and sometimes fashion/trends) with Wendy. Just chill in Morton’s lap (usually when watching TV, or playing something on it). And play some sports with Junior.
But he loves to hug, and will sometimes also just cling onto someone’s leg. (This happened especially when he has just hatched. Ludwig still has a few scars on his leg from baby Larry’s claws…)
Roy usually just continues walking like nothing’s wrong. Morton and Iggy pick him up and carry him. And Ludwig looks down at Larry for a moment, giving Larry the opportunity to let go. Sometimes he does, but when he doesn’t, Ludwig just floats the rest of the way to where he was going. (He casts the spell onto on himself, so Larry has to really hold on. But, or course he never flies too high, so that if Larry fails to hold on, he won’t really be hurt from the fall.)
Junior is mainly gift giving and quality time.
Similar to Ludwig, he’ll always have a drawing ready for the person’s birthday. Usually this is a drawing about something he and the receiver like to do together. (Or just something that is really conveying their relationship).
One of the instances;
He has given Ludwig a drawing of the older brother scolding or explaining something to him once. Ludwig rolled his eyes, but thanked Junior anyway. Either way, it is a birthday present after all. But when he did something with blacklight a few days later, and it accidentally hit that drawing, a message of “Thank you for teaching and help me understand the boring stuff” appeared. (Yes, Ludwig shed a small tear).
Thank you for listening to me ramble if you made it this far!
If you have any questions due to this post (or a previous one, or just in general), please feel free to let me know/ask me!
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bi-disaterlol · 2 months
Style fic.
Hello tumblr! I've never posted on this platform before. This is my first contribution to the south park fandom. I hope you enjoy!
love and comfort.
Kyle was sitting on his bed one night, thinking intently about something, or someone. Stan, his super best friend, the person he cares the most about in this world. His dark hair and fair skin, the way his face looks in the dark, his blue eyes, the kind you could get lost in. Kyle really wanted to hug him right now and tell him about the anxieties that plague his mind on nights like these, the terrifying images of his thoughts his mind somehow conjures up in his dreams, the constant voices in his head that drive him insane, the ones that tell him that he's too much, that he shouldn't exist, the ones that tell him that Stan only has eyes for Wendy even though he doesn't even like her, his brain still manages to make him think these ridiculous things and he can't control it and it makes him cry at night but he doesn't tell anyone about this because nobody will understand how things go on in his mind, nobody does, and he's come to terms with that. Kyle looked over at his clock “2:03 am” he decided it was time to ask for some comfort from Stan for once.
Kyle: hey dude, I can't sleep.
Stan: me either, wyd?
Kyle: nothing. just thinking. can I climb through your window pls?
Stan: sure, but why? 
Kyle: i just really need someone right now.
Stan: ok.. i’ll be waiting.
Texting has ended.
Kyle climbed out of his window and walked over to Stan's house and climbed through his window and into Stan's room.
Kyle: “Hey.”
Stan: “Hey, you sounded really weird over text, are you ok?”
Kyle: “Can I tell you honestly?”
Stan: “Yeah, of course.”
Kyle: “I really don't feel good, I feel really stressed and kinda sick.”
Stan: “That sucks, I'm sorry. Why do you feel stressed?”
Kyle: “This is probably not gonna make any sense but I'm just gonna say it. Sometimes, I feel like I'm too much and that the one person I care about in this world will leave me or will eventually get tired of my stupid antics. The voices in my head tell me that I shouldn't exist and it would be better if I just ran away and stopped talking to everyone, that everyone would be better off without me. And on top of all that, I often get really bad stomach aches because I cry too much. I'm sorry if I'm boring you with this, nobody wants to hear about my stupid issues. This was a bad idea. I'm sorry Stan.”
Kyle curled into a ball and tried to refrain from bursting into tears.
Stan: “I didn't know you felt like that, I'm so sorry. You're not boring me, and you don't need to be sorry, you did nothing wrong, I promise. Don't listen to the voices in your head, they're wrong. You are an amazing, kind, smart, and funny person. The world would feel empty without you, I would feel empty without you, you make me so happy. No one can compare to how much you make me feel happy, I can actually be myself around you, you make me feel complete. You're my best friend, and I care about you so much.”
Kyle's pent-up emotions got pushed over the edge and he started crying. Stan pulled him closer to him and wiped his tears with his sleeve. Stan rubbed smooth circles on Kyle's back to calm him down.
Kyle: “You really mean that?”
Stan: “Yes, I promise. How do you feel now?”
Kyle: “Better, thank you. Can I tell you something?”
Stan: “Yes.”
Kyle: “I really like you, and not just in a friendly way.”
Stan: “I like you too, you are so cute.”
Kyle: “So, will you be my boyfriend?”
Stan: “You don't know how long I've wanted you to ask me that for, and my answer is yes.”
Kyle: “Thank you. I'm getting really tired.”
Stan: “Me too, good night.”
Kyle: “Good night.”
EDIT: this story is now posted on ao3! heres the link if you'd like to check it out: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59064799
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 9 months
(Yes I still got OrangeJuiceVerse Stan on the brain)
It is so important to me that OJV Stan is the most accident prone loser on the PLANET! Like other than Kenny, he’s cooonnnnstantly a disaster magnet also fucking South Park (Patrick Stump Voice: “STOP BY THIS DISASTER TOWN”) this man just forever is a victim of minor injuries. Ojverse Kyle may be the one with chronic pain, but Stan is out here getting hurt in the dumbest ways.
Like he’ll show up to school with one of those cvs finger splints and Kyle will go “dude how’d you break your finger, football?” And Stan is embarrassed as shit like “nah I uhhh opened the door wrong” “how the fuck do you open the door wrong” “idk I just did” smh loser dumbass.
Not to mention that he’s Tall and tall people are very at risk of hitting their heads on shit, he’s definitely *bonked* himself on cabinets and doorframes, also the amount of concussions this man sustained growing up it’s a wonder he has any brain cells left.
Thank GOD the fucker gets sober at 25 because he’s even clumsier when he’s drunk, there was this whole incident in college where he and Kenny, absolutely plastered, wandered over to a nearby park to do drunk parkour while dressed in their Halloween costumes (Kenny was dr frankenfurter and stan was eddie, they did Rocky Horror that year) (also this was referenced here) Kyle was PISSED bc Stan bruised the shit out of his back and yeah he and Ken were in Trouble for like two months.
This guy has totally burnt himself starting fires on camping trips, cut himself washing a knife, got too excited about the sword he bought for his wedding and fully put a hole in the wall slinging it around like stan you loser that thing is SHARP goddamn who let this man get a sword just so he could cut the cake with it (that thing (he definitely named it something stupid) was under Sharon’s protection right up until the ceremony bc my queen knows her fantasy dork son would probably slice his leg open if left unattended lmao)
Literally he’s also such a horrible patient when he gets hurt enough to actually affect his life, like he falls down the Widowmakers in the SP Survivor college house and totally should be wearing a neck brace for a little bit but he WONT bc “marj chill out the dr said it was just encouraged” bruh it literally took Cartman telling him he was a “goddamn hippie-hypocrite” bc everyone knows Stan’s overbearing as hell when anyone else is hurt or sick. When Stan broke his arm in high school he absolutely tried to get kenny to cut the cast off way too early bc it was itchy and stupid lmfao Kyle caught them with a pair of pliers down the plaster and almost lost his shit smh the Disaster Duo is the sole fuel to his high blood pressure hdasfjdhkl.
He really is such a hypocrite too, he’ll be out here running a high ass fever and ignoring it until he stands up and collapses and then he gets mad when someone else does the same shit. On god someone’ll trip and and skin their palms and Stan will be like “dude you gotta be CAREFUL when it’s icy outside” and then they’re just like “Stan I literally watched you eat shit in the parking lot racing Kenny to your truck like, yesterday.” Smh. Also this man does not remember to drink water ever he’s convinced any liquid counts and he SO fainted from dehydration at a student council blood drive in hs (Wendy was working the checkin station and got so mad at him lmfao he was like “wends pls don’t tell Kyle” and she told kyle and then the Red Cross worker is taping his stab hole closed while this boy she didn’t think would be a problem is getting chastised by both of them lmao. But of course he’s on Kenny’s ass to remember to hydrate. And lord during his stint as the school mascot for that one spring semester he’s out here at cheerleading practice reminding all the girlies to drink water and Bebe is like “pack it up Superman” (he totally looks like Superman) “did YOU drink water?” (This dumbass did not)
Anyway OJV Stan my sweet boy he’s well meaning but also accident prone and maybe a little adhd <3
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bosinclairsgff · 1 year
Requests Rules <3
Hey everyone, I want to get back into writing fanfiction and stuff like that! So here are my request rules and other important things to know! (I used to only write on Wattpad so I'm new to using Tumblr pls be nice <3)
Requests: open
Will do
Hurt x comfort
Head cannons
Sometimes mentions of abuse, kidnapping, murder or sh (there will be trigger warnings)
Light angst
Characters hurting the reader (there will be a tw)
Reader with depression or anxiety
Won't do
Pregnant reader
Child reader
Parent reader
x male, ftm, mtf or poly reader (I am not qualified to write about those as I have no experience involving them)
Characters I will write for
Halloween: RZ Micheal Myers, Corey Cunningham
Amusement: The Laugh
The Boy: Brahms Heelshire
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Nubbins Sawyer, Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Chop Top Sawyer, Drayton Sawyer, Vilmer Sawyer
Scream: Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Amber Freeman, Sydney
Friday The 13th: Jason Voorhees
House Of Wax: Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair
Saw: Amanda Young, Mark Hoffman
House Of 1,000 corpses: Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly
American Psycho: Patrick Bateman
Child's Play: Tiffany Valentine
The Black Phone: The Grabber/Albert Shaw
The Collector: Arkin
Silent Hilld/DBD: Pyramid Head
Carrie: Carrie White
Ghost Ship: Jack Ferriman
Thirteen Ghosts: Dennis Rafkin
The Shining: Jack Torrance, Wendy Torrance
The Invitation: Walter Deville
Midnight Mass: Father Paul
The funhouse massacre: Doll face
A nightmare on Elm Street (2010) : Quentin Smith
My Bloody Valentine 3-D: Tom Hanniger
Don’t breathe: Norman Nordstrom
The Purge Anarchy: Leo Barnes
Midsommer: Pelle
Thanksgiving: Sheriff Eric Newlon
Leather face (2017) : Jedediah Sawyer
American horror story : Kai Anderson, Kit Walker, Patrick March
Jennifer’s Body : Jennifer Check
Re- animator: Herbert West
Urban Legend: Brenda
Jeepers Creepers: Darry Jenner
Grave Enconters: Lance Preston, Alex Wright
Dead Silence: Jamie
The Dare: Credence, Dominic
31: Doomhead
Final Destination 3: Kevin Fischer
Longlegs: Dale Kobble, Lee Harker
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memberment · 23 days
Good morning everyone archive is back up I just woke up instead of getting ready to go to bed and I'm actually tweaking because I just remembered smoothies exist and I want one.
Anyways. Updates here today.
(7:54) the fact that I'm awake this early and it's because I like just woke up and am not just going to bed has me bugged. I feel like I need to take a nap to reset myself. But A Girl is at 10.2k so. We have that at least??? Will it get finished today???
I seriously hope so bc I've been literally dragging this out so long
(9:38) .... guys what if I dropped one of my current rotation ideas to make something Dovakien centric. Like based on all the tiny bits we do have from canon. Because..... I may or may not be thinking about it.
It's 11:57. I have yet to take a nap. And I'm honestly kinda sad over this rn (I am allergic to happiness and apparently it really shows when creek is involved, chat wtf is wrong with me)
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(6:07) guys I took a nap and have now settled on I'm finishing A Girl and then I very well may go back to finishing Genesis BC I WANNA WORK ON REVELATIONS SO BAD. ^The above is Karma. So now I'm just thinking about Trin in general and how it hurts my soul LMAOOO
(9:46) While I'm on here procrastinating, I just wanna note that I think it's kinda funny that Revelations will have almost a 'monster of the week' format. Like I fucking adore monster of the week stuff so actually having something like that and making it my own (despite the fact that it's in a four chapter rotation so it is month and not week), is both very funny and makes me very happy.
(1:23) I'm sorry imagine rejecting someone your their and your own peace of mind only for them to come find you the next morning and throw a stack of papers on the table in front of you and claim that they reject your rejection. LIKE PLS I FUCKING LOVE THE WAY I WRITE BEBE SHES SO FUNNY
(2:40) after getting completely distracted I am in the home stretch of finishing this. Then I'm jumping back on Trin for a bit. Maybe. Idk I'm afraid to write the end LMAOOOOO
YeAH IT'S Exactly one hour later and I'm back on Genesis. Can someone make the decision for me if I actually want to write Cartman into this or not.... Because part of me really wants to fucking do it. Like probably not in part one. Most likely not in part one. But I am debating on properly giving him a role.
(4:55)Guys I literally have five chapters left and now is when I decide oh hey you know what????
Maybe I should just erm... Tinker with Wendy's character a little bit. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN TINKER WITH HER CHARACTER A LITTLE BIT BRUH WHO DO I THINK I AM????
Okay wait it's 4:59 I actually already accidentally put Wendy almost exactly where I want to be so everything is fine now. I can live with this.
(6:56) and just like that I'm playing around with the New Beginnings Rewrite.....
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bellysoupset · 1 month
alrighty hiii 🦦 it’s been so long but i’m back!!!! i stopped reading for a bit bc life got busy but also bc i had to literally put myself on restriction from your blog bc i was fr obsessed and constantly checking to see if you had updated when you were on your break and so one day i was just kinda like “wow let’s be a lil more normal abt this i think i need a break too” HAHAHAHAH so i kinda just forced myself to stop checking for a bit 💀 but then i was back reading and simply not commenting bc i couldn’t find the time hahahahah!
ANYWAYS im not super sure what the last shtuff i commented on was but i do know it was around the time you were introducing max!!! so first off i wanted to say that I LOVE HIM <333 i was a lil weary at first but he grew on me and omg the fic where we get to hear his thoughts as/after vin takes care of him???? SOB
NOW. while i do love max, i don’t know how i feel abt the idea of a vin/wen/max throuple🤠 so i’ve been STRESSED LMAO💀 i think im just super protective of wen and i absolutely LOVE wen and vin together so so so much that the thought of anything changing SCARES ME sm😭 and like,, what if things dont work out and vin and wen end up breaking up bc of it???? i’d sob for days. i think more than anything though it’s that thing you/someone mentioned abt the throuple trope needing to be super careful in terms of not just making it wen+vin and max+vin separately, but actually them all liking one another romantically and sexually, and it’s just hard for me to visualise that happening between max and wen? but also,, we haven’t seen them interact too much yet which is super exciting bc there’s so much to explore!!! so while i’m scared abt it, im also super intrigued and i simple CANNOT WAIT FOR THE MIGRAINE FIC YOU TEASED!!!!! pls make it long and maybe a lil angsty 🤭😌🫶🏽 i’m super excited to see how their dynamic turns out to be in this situation!!!!
Oh my god, OTTER!! How are you babe?!!
JHsahfdsakj you described me exactly when I was on break, I had to uninstall tumblr from my phone because I couldn't stop lurking. I hope life is treating you well, darling!
Max has the super power of growing on people like mold <3 I know the trouple won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I hope you guys will trust me on this journey and hang in there.
I'm not entirely sold either, I'm just letting these characters take the wheel and I have made a promise to myself of not forcing anything on this blog. It's my "sparks joy self indulgent" corner, I mean, I'm writing sickness porn, I think if there's one place I need to be self indulgent it's here.
In my real life I'm a very planned author, I have outlines and I'm actually taking care with pace and wording and always checking with beta readers.... Here I want it to be relaxed and to just happen naturally.
So no, Vince/Wendy are NOT breaking up, no matter how the trouple pans out or don't, there's no world where I'd do that, I really enjoy my pairings!! And I'm very excited to hear your thoughts in the recent fics and the interactions between Wen/Max, oh ye of little faith 😂😂
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South Park AU (Beyond the Hotel)
Bare with us because the title for this AU is VERY bad. I literally had no idea what to name it.
anyways this au IS inspired by Doors (the roblox game.) and somewhat inspired by Hell Park
There are 5 or so main groups that are important.
The guiding lights (I need a better name for them cause Wendy is like the only person that guides them) - Gregory, Wendy, Rebecca.
Stan's Gang (Hunters) - Stan, Kenny, Carman, Kyle, Marjorine.
Craig's gang (Vloggers) - Craig, Clyde, Tolkien.
The Girls (Fighters) - Red, Heidi, Nichole.
The Foreign Kids (The Misfortionates) - Estella, Pip, Damien, Christophe.
Everyone here (minus the guiding lights) is ALIVE. (minus Pip he dies in the first chapter because of Damien.)
The monsters are - Bebe, Tweek, Pip (after Chapter 1), Jimmy, Pocket.
SHIPS - Gregstella, KyBecca, Creek, Stendy (maybe some others.)
NOTES - Stan and his friends are professional ghost hunters in a way.
Stan and Craig are cousins so whenever Stan has to travel for his jobs he brings Craig with him and Craig sometimes brings his friends, like now.
Stan and Craig grew up in South Park together. Stan moved away while Craig stayed for his friends and Tweek.
PLOT - A few random things have been happening in South Park. Crime has been on the rise, and people have been going missing left and right. It's all unexplainable. Some blame it on the Mayors poor choice in running the town, others blame it on religious reasons.
Craig didn't really care. It wasn't affecting him other than the mandatory curfew the mayor put in place.
Until it started happening to him. His boyfriend, Tweek Tweak, and his friend Jimmy Valmer went missing.
He calls in his cousin, a well-known "ghost hunter" of sorts. To come investing. See what's wrong.
Stan and his friends come back to South Park. They decide to check out some old hotel nearby the spot where Jimmy went missing. Everything about this hotel is old. Nothing works minus this elevator.
Against their better judgment, they go on the elevator and push up to the 2nd floor. Maybe Jimmy was just playing some big ass prank. He does that a lot.
They get to the 2nd floor but it doesn't top. It reaches the 10th floor before crashing down. They hold on tight to the walls as the elevator drops. They think they're about to die. Yet the elevator stops on a new floor.
Floor Zero.
They open the door and step into a new floor. This looks different than the old hotel they were just in. It looks old time but yet brand new. As if someone was keeping it in shape.
They stumble out of the elevator. Some are sick, some fall to the floor.
Craig falls to the floor as he fights the nausea building up. He hears footsteps approaching him. He looks up and sees around 4 people looking over him. They all shine flashlights at him, some use lighters while one holds a cross. They all speak over each other.
"Oh, Jesus! Are they hurt?"
"What if they're dangerous-"
They all speak over each other. One of the people bends down and looks at him. She glares at him, and she shines the flashlight in his eyes.
"He's safe. Go check the rest."
The others run off, presuming to do the same thing to the others.
"Tell Pip and Nichole to get the bandages... And get some buckets for their vomit."
She looks at him and his eyes. She doesn't give anything but a harsh glare at him.
"You must be really stupid to end up here, huh?"
"Welcome to the hotel."
(if anyone by chance sees this and wants more pls let me know i will GLADLY write more )
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joeltheresa · 2 years
pls if you do write for Wendy know you'll win every ounce of love I have to give I'm dying out here
I mean, since you asked so nicely <3
Creased Shirts
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Pairing: Dr Wendy Carr x (f)!reader
WC: ~1000
Warnings/TWs: Implied sex, (f)!reader because she's very obviously a lesbian BUT I haven't used any gendered language for reader. One night stand-ish.
Notes: Super quick little thing. I've been feeling kind of off with my writing lately, so apologies for that. Not proofread or edited.
Summary: You wake alone after a night together with the most put together lesbian you've ever met.
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It’s still dark when you open your eyes. 
The warm body besides you, the one you fell asleep next to, is gone. Your fingers search for it, tap the sheets until you reach the edge of the bed, and pull your hand back to your side. 
Not only is it dark, but it’s freezing. It must be what woke you, because even underneath the covers and a soft, plaid blanket, you’re shivering.
The idea that the owner of the apartment must’ve draped a blanket over you before she opened the window to keep you warm… your insides suddenly feel very funny. 
Doctor Wendy Carr. 
You met last night. It was warm, then. Hot, even. Your top stuck to your back the way clothes always do when summer nights are too warm and humid. The radio had been blaring out Bee Gees and Queen and your hips had been swaying in time to the beat. The man you danced with was an old army vet that had seen both Vietnam and central Europe and was old enough to be your father. 
He came every Friday evening like clockwork. Sometimes he sat in the bar with a cold one, head together with the younger vets. Other times, when his hip didn’t hurt too bad, he joined you on the floor. He always kept his hands at a respectful distance from your bottom and only ever flirted the way queer men do. 
When he needed to sit down (goddamn this hip, sweets), you sat down next to her. She didn’t necessarily look out of place, every sort came through here, but her shoulders were square and the way she stirred her cocktail was almost jerky. She had discarded her suit jacket, but the white button up underneath was still neatly pressed and her ankles were crossed.
Like a lady, you heard your grandma say, somewhere in the back of your head, and your lips tugged up in a half smile.
“You come here a lot?”
Her head snapped up and your eyes met for a moment, and some of the tension seemed to leave her.
“No”, she admitted. Then: “But you do.”
It wasn’t a question. 
Three hours later, she tugged the covers over you. The sheets were damp with sweat and the room smelled like need, like sex, like love. You had fallen asleep before she returned from the shower.
You find a discarded shirt and tug it on, and find her standing by an open window in the living room.
Wendy only wears the same shirt she had earlier tonight. It’s creased, unlike earlier, and only two of the buttons have been closed. She leans heavily against her right leg, and it almost feels lazy when she sucks in a deep breath of the cigarette.
Your cigarettes. 
“I thought you didn’t smoke”, you say and come to stand next to her. There’s only a moment’s hesitation before you wind an arm around her middle and press your chest to her back, top of your nose finding the crook of her neck. Her hair is still wet and the scent of her perfume lingers, something sweet and heavy you can’t quite place. Her soap must be lavender.
“I don’t”, she replies, but you can hear the smile in her voice. She holds out the smoke for you to take a puff, then has another drag for herself.
“I can see that.”
Silence falls.
Her body feels like a personal heater, where you’re pressed to her. It’s only when you brush against her wet hair that you’re reminded of how cold it is, and both your arms and bare legs have prickled from the chill by the time she puts the cigarette out. She has placed a plate on the window sill, something that shifts in brown or yellow. It’s impossible to tell in the dark.
Despite the freezing night, she keeps the window open for a moment longer. The gentle murmur of a car can be heard in the distance, and voices come from the street below. You believe you can hear the chirp of an early bird, and her breathing is as soothing as a lullaby.
“I have never done this before”, she admits, finally. When the words leave her, it’s as if the remainders of tension from the bar does, as well, and she leans against your body.
You exhale and her hair tickles your nose.
“What? A woman?”
She laughs, and it’s one of those chuckling laughs that almost sound as if they hurt, as if it’s coming from the very pit of her stomach and forces its way out before she can even try to hinder it. It’s impossible not to smile, to feel her happiness in your very soul.
“No”, she replies, when she has managed to catch her breath again. “I’ve never brought someone home, for the night.”
Now, that is difficult to imagine. The way her soft lips felt against your skin, the way her fingers mapped out your  body, the way she found spots to massage you didn’t even know existed.
You move to press your lips to her throat, linger by her pulse to feel it against your lips.
“Doesn’t have to be for the night.”
She laughs again and twists around, until she can wrap both arms around your neck. You bury your face between her collarbones and suck in another breath of that perfume, until it leaves your head swimming with nothing but her.
“I have work!”
You reluctantly pull away to glance around the room, until you find what you’re looking for. The soft tick-tack had lulled you to sleep earlier.
“Already”, she confirms. This time, she tears herself away from you and you straighten. When her eyes dip down to have a quick look at your lips, you don’t hesitate for a second.
She tastes of cold mint. Her lips are just as soft now as they were earlier. “If you stay”, she says, when she pulls away from the kiss and presses her forehead to yours. “Do me a favor and change the sheets. Shower. And brush your teeth.”
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julysn · 6 months
julia really needs to sleep: late night rants with yours truly
topic: this one gorgeous fanfic that got deleted on thanksgiving and now i haven’t been happy ever since.
time: 2:10 cst
i love ranting about this silly deleted fic
129 days.
a hundred and twenty nine days since that fanfic has been deleted and i couldn’t download a copy before the author did so.
i haven’t smiled since the day before. i haven’t laughed since the day before. i haven’t felt an ounce of joy since the day before.
i woke up on thanksgiving day expecting some good ass turkey but what i got was as if that turkey had expired and mold all over it.
NO SERIOUSLY THAT FANFIC WAS SO GOOD YALL DONT GET ME. it was a sp one and i don’t think i have ANY sp mutuals here?? so.. lemme explain..
it was a kyle broflovski academic rivals to lovers. fake relationship trope. i remember sm of the fic despite not having read it for months??/ i even downloaded a pdf so i could read it on a fight 2 detroit but I DELETED IT AFTERWARD. JULIA WTF.
plot/thingy/intro: so basically stan had to pull y/n into the janitors closet bc y/n was on the cheer team + bsfs with wendy (sp lore: stan and wendy are dating) and he tells her sm about college? FUCK I FOROT IT BUT ANYWAYS
also everyone’s aged up to hs. feel like that’s self explanatory but i am not reading an elementary fic hell no busters
and then craig and tweek (sp lore: they’re dating) walk in and they’re like “… 😦😦” bc one male one female in janitors closet why wouldn’t u think that and craig went “….this is our makeout closet” I LAUGHED SO JARD LMFAO
and so stan uses the excuse that he was confronting y/n about being on a date w kyle broflibskii!!11! omg. and it’s shocking bc everyone knows they’re enemies so craig + tweek believe it.
and since this took place during lunch, and kyle eats lunch in the gymnasium so the two go there and stan explains the mess he dragged them into and he’s like “pwease ☹️ pwease i don’t want wendy to think i cheated on her WITH HER FRIEND!” so yk kyle agrees and they hug and shit
scenes that happened that i remember: OMG. THIRD CHAPYER. y/n was eating in the gym in the bleachers and kyle used her lap as a pillow and they shared a peanut butter and jelly sandwich i loved this scene oh my god it was so cute
also: lore drop: y/n is cartmans cousin. i don’t need to say much to explain anything, if you’ve been on the internet for at least a month you’d know about his character
so after a game since y/n is on the cheer team she goes home and OH NAUR. CARTMAN LOCKED HER OUT FOR DATING KYLE OH NAURRRR. and it’s raining too! so y/n gets all soaked in the rain and kyle finds her so he takes her to his place and she has to shower and wear his clothes and it’s cute
they didn’t sleep in the same bed. NOOOOOO but he slept on the floor and let her take his bed what a gentleman k lived this fic so i loved it with all of my soul and heart pls come back.
dead on arrival by strawbebbyparks u changed my life forever.
ever since i first read that fic, i have been prettier. my hair looks better now, i look better now and i finally have a solid clothing style that suits me. i am feeling much more well.
i have not gotten sick within the time period that the fic was up on tumblr + ao3. but i swear i had a massive cold days after it got deleted. NOOOOOOOOOOO,,LKKK
please it was so good.
i’m manifesting that the author is just rewriting everything and she’ll re upload it w better writing + scenes soon bc I MISS DOA SM IT WAS SO GOOD
i remember having an online friend and in the middle of the night i’d be there and we’d be having a convo on how it was the best kyle x reader and no one could top it. doa was amazing
that fic motivated me into writing again too omg i remember reading it and immediately beginning to wri my own kyle fics
i remember waking up on summer days METICULOUSLY checking my notifications to see if k got an update email. and if i did i would be screaming and giggling and kicking my feet just reading it over and over again
also i’m js exaggerating like i’ve obviously been mourning the fic but i wasn’t THAT sad 😭😭
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