#i know some of you have already done this but i LOVE being nosey so thought i'd offer the opportunity to snoop <33
hopeinthebox · 1 year
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late to the party as per but finally giving this one a go - AND pestering some music favs with a tag <33 @cordiallyfuturedwight @banghwa @thvinyl @aprylynn @pauls-mccharmly @monismochi @thatredwine @huhfeatjhope 💜 and anyone else who fancies a go
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vertigoed · 1 year
seasons | satoru gojo
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all your life, you’ve lied but satoru knew the truth.
summary: fem!reader x richboy!satoru, childhood bestfriends, satoru is an aspiring start up entrepreneur, reader is in established relationship with toji and in lawschool (reader aged 22, satoru 24)
your friendship with satoru was strictly platonic. this was what you'd swore to everyone throughout most of your life, like a mantra playing on a broken record. that the son of the famous architect was like your older brother and that you'd rather die than see him as a man.
when you first met him, you were only 8 and he had just turned 10. his parents had recently gotten divorced, resulting in a moody satoru moving in next door, with his mom who dressed fancy and smoked a lot.
you were an extroverted child, a bit nosey and always wanting to befriend every kid you encountered. satoru, however, was the opposite. he exuded an air of shyness and snobbishness, often wrinkling his pointed nose in disdain at the things he found unamusing.
you didn't let that bother you and always knocked at his door, asking his mother if the boy can come out and play.
initially, his mom would have to drag him out, but eventually he started to warm up to you. he started to share his candy without you having to plead and some days, he'd shyly knock at your door to ask you to play.
despite satoru being older, he'd often be seen shadowing your every move, akin to a lost puppy, listening to your childish demands and playing the games that you liked.
once his voice dropped, he stopped being so obedient and started to boss you around, which of course led to many childish arguments. when you started to wear padded bras, a noticeable change occurred in satoru's behavior. he became increasingly awkward, abruptly getting up and leaving if you'd touch him the wrong way or avoiding your eyes if you wore something a bit revealing.
high school was rough for the both of you. girls either hated your guts or befriended you to solely get close to satoru. while satoru had to deal with his class mates oggling at you in the hallways and constantly being asked if he's 'done it' yet.
you lifted your head from your arms, frowning in annoyance as you were just about to drift off to sleep. you tiredly watch sakura stroll over to you with a pink box in her hand.
"i was just about to sleep," you rolled your eyes, resting your chin on your hand with heavy lids.
you were barely surviving with just four hours of sleep as you stayed up all night cramming for an exam. you were in no mood to deal with sakura, already knowing what she wanted from you.
"can you give this to gojo senpai?" she hummed, placing the box on your desk, "and maybe invite him to my birthday party? of course, you need to come too-"
"do it yourself," you buried your face into the crook of your arms, hoping she'll take the hint to leave.
"please," she began to whine, crouching down next to you so she was at face level. you felt her gently shake your shoulder, "i'm too scared and you're like super close to him. just say it's from me-"
"ask shoko or suguru," you snapped.
you hated that all the girls in your grade expected you to be satoru's postman. it was almost a daily occurrence where you'd find chocolates and letters at your desk with his name labelled on it.
but one thing you hated more was when they would personally come up to you for a favour and beg until you gave in.
"but they're older and scaryyy.. please y/n."
"fine!" you groaned, cutting her off as you were unable to tolerate her pitched voice, "let me at least sleep until lunch is over."
"yay you're the best! love you!”
you could hear the girl get up and walk away, sliding the door shut behind her and finally leaving you alone in the classroom.
"she's such a rude bitch sometimes," sakura's loud voice echoed into the hallway.
"she thinks she's top shit just because she's friends with gojo senpai. but seriously, she's just his lackey don't you think so?" you heard another voice chime in and the girls all burst into laughter.
"yeah, she probably does his homework for him and wipe his ass or something because there's no way someone like gojo senpai would want to hang out..."
you felt your blood boil with anger, not necessarily at sakura, but more towards satoru. it was infuriating that people saw you as nothing more than just gojo satoru’s friend. you were sick of school feeling like his kingdom and you were some sort of side character who’s main purpose is to deliver gifts for the almighty gojo.
you look at the box wrapped in baby pink wrapping paper with a blue bow placed on top. "i'm his lackey?" you bitterly muttered to yourself, ripping the paper off.
it was a box of nama royce chocolate. you scoffed at sakura's stupidity of gifting food that was meant to be refrigerated. you scoffed down the chocolates, leaving the wrapping paper on your desk so sakura would notice.
coincidentally, you spot satoru's white hair walking past the room with shoko. you angrily sculled back some water to wash the chocolate down, before stomping out to chase your friend.
"satoru!” you take an airy breath before calling out to him.
he spun at the sound of your voice with a bright grin, his eyes trailing to the box in your hands .
"yo! another present for me?" he greeted you, blue eyes glistening with excitement, "are those nama chocolates? are they still cold-"
you stomped over and shoved the empty box into his hands, "they were cold," you lied (they were room temperature) "and really fucking delicious."
"you ate it?" he looked surprised, slowly opening the box to see it bare and looked back up with disappointment, "but they're not meant for you to eat..."
"from now on, i'm going to take a cut of your presents," you narrowed your eyes before turning to shoko who seemed to be entertained by the little scene, "hey shoko-"
"wait why are you mad at me?" satoru cuts you off and much to his annoyance, your eyes remained firmly on his friend and not him.
"it's annoying right?" shoko linked her arm with you, ignoring the taller boy, "i know exactly how you feel. before you joined this school, i had to put up with the same bullshit."
"people think i'm his lackey," you sulked, letting the older girl walk you down and leaving a confused satoru behind, "and they all think they can use me to get close to him, i'm so over it!"
"i know, we overheard those girls talk.... it's infuriating but don't let it get to you," shoko gave you a sympathetic smile, giving your arm a small squeeze in reassurance, "seriously, i don't know why people put that dumb ass on a pedestal. he's got a pretty head but it's just an accessory with nothing inside."
you laughed a little too hard at shoko's roast.
"i can hear you guys talk shit aboout me! and shoko can you tell y/n that i stood up for her to those-"
"don't worry, we'll be graduating soon so you won't have to deal with him any longer at school," shoko flashed you a grin.
following his high school graduation, satoru moved into one of his father's apartments in ginza as it was closer to his university.
despite him no longer being your neighbor, your friendship remained resolute. you would go over to his apartment almost daily after school, where you'd have a study session, then force him to buy you dinner. thanks to satoru's help, you graduated with grades good enough to get into law school.
things started to get rocky when you got into your first serious relationship at the age of 20.
the moment satoru somehow found out that your boyfriend was 37 with two kids, he lost his shit. he showed up to your door with an expression so dark, his voice so low and fraught with tension, that for the first time in your life, you felt a pang of fear within you.
"you just turning fucking 20 and you're whoring out for a guy who's almost double your fucking age?" he hissed, an unmistakable scent of alcohol lingered heavily on his breath.
"w-what? how did you find out?" you freeze at the door, slightly too frightened to move.
you purposely kept your relationship with toji fushiguro a secret as you were afraid of satoru judgement. you didn't expect him to be this upset though.
he pushed past you to let himself in. "does that matter?" satoru raised his voice. you couldn't tell if he was disappointed or disgusted. "are you with him for money? because you know i can take care of you, you just need to let me know!"
you shook your head, unable to find your voice as satoru was partially correct. money played a big part in your relationship with toji but he didn't have to know that. you bit your lip, sucking in your teeth, "money has nothing to do with this," you lied.
his brows knit into a tight scowl, "so you genuinely like that old fucker?"
"i-i," you tried to think of words to say. "you haven't even met him, he's really nice-"
"he's 16 years older than you!" his fist slams against the table, causing you to flinch in shock. his face softened, immediately regretting his outburst, "i'm sorry.”
"i'm not a kid," you spoke quietly, taking the seat next to him at the table, "i-i get why it may seem wrong but he cares for me and i'm sorry i didn't tell you. it's only been a couple months-"
"so you want to be a step mom at 20?" he said, letting out a humorless laugh, "you're in law school and you want to waste your time dating a old geezer who's got two fucking kids?"
you couldn't look at him in the eyes and kept your gaze firmly on your lap. having two kids was last of toji's issues. the man owned several clubs across roppongi and shibuya where he money laundered billions, as well as hosting highly illegal, drug infested parties for japan's top 1%.
toji getting caught was near impossible due to his connections with the law enforcement. but you were still afraid of the possible consequences of being a criminal's girlfriend and what it may do to your future career. you knew satoru had every right to be worried.
"stop being like this satoru," you let out a shaky sigh, "j-just stop caring so much."
"oh my god y/n," he groaned into his hands before tugging at his white strands in frustration, "you're fucking killing me here. how do you expect me to not care when it's you?"
"look i get it. i'm like your younger sister and obviously you'd be protective-"
your breath hitched as satoru moved at lightning speed, pressing his lips against yours. he was too quick for your mind to process what was going on as your eyes remained wide open.
it was a blur of dizzying heat, your stomach doing somersaults in a panicked, frenzy mode as your brain was screaming for you to do something- anything.
"are you okay?!" you pushed him off, your heart pounding violently against your chest and blood rush through you in a way it shouldn't.
you couldn't understand why your stomach was swarming with monstrous butterflies and your legs felt like custard. you should be repulsed, not nervous.
"no, just trying to make a point that you're not my sister," his mouth settled somewhere between a smile and a frown as his icy blue eyes bored into you.
he swiftly leaned into you again and cupped your cheek, his touch causing your breath to hitch. " you should be with me instead,” his voice barley above a whisper.
your eyes were almost bursting out your head as you stared back in disbelief, it had to be the alcohol talking.
and for the first time in your life, you felt yourself weak before his famous blue eyes that everyone seemed to swoon for. your heart fluttered and your eyes trail down to his soft lips. that kiss felt like a fever dream, you wanted to feel it again so badly...
wait, what the fuck is wrong with me?!
"you're wasted," you snapped out of the trance, breaking eye contact, “w-we should talk about this when you’re sober."
"what does he have that i don't?" he spoke calmly, his cold fingers digging into your cheek, ”besides fucking kids? was the kiss that awful?"
you pulled his hands off you, still feeling his blue orbs burning into you as you defensively cross your arms. objectively speaking, it wasn't like he was lacking in any way, if anything he was a perfect boyfriend candidate. but your friendship with him was also perfect- so perfect that you were terrified of ruining it.
your mouth opens and shuts, caught in the grip of uncertainty as your mind battled itself. you couldn't bring yourself to admit the unexpected allure of his lips- you just weren't prepared to acknowledge that truth yet.
“i'm with toji," you said softly, lowering your eyes, "i think you had too much to drink tonight, you need to leave."
his face dropped and it was like all the lights in his eyes went dim. with his shoulders slouched, he shoots you a fleeting look before leaving without another word. you found yourself tossing and turning all night, unable to close as your eyes as the hurt look he flashed upon you was etched into your memory,
the next morning, satoru acted like the kiss never happened so you followed suit and tried to forget it- after all, he was drunk so he probably blacked out.
the day you realised you loved satoru as more than just a friend, you were a few years too late.
"you're dating rumi yoshimoto?" the words escaped your lips louder than intended, causing a few heads to turn in the cafe. your face heats up in embarrassment and you try to relax your composure, "-is this why you asked to meet up?"
this was your first time seeing satoru in a couple months so when he asked to meet up at a cafe, you were bursting with excitement, even putting on some makeup before leaving the house. your shoulders deflate in disappointment and your stomach felt as if you've been punched in the guts.
"yeah," he nodded, looking up from his hot chocolate, "it only happened last week."
words failed you in that moment as a mixture of contradicting feelings wash over you. you should be happy for him, or at least be curious about the details. so why did you feel a sickening sense of jealousy?
it made sense for satoru and rumi to be together. they had been friends since college; she worked under him at his startup tech company and they were both attractive and available. on the other hand, you were already in a three-year-long relationship with no right to be salty.
"wow, this is the first time you've even spoken to me about another girl," you tried to sound nonchalant, but your stomach churned. you take a long sip of you drink to wash down the tightness of your throat, "i never even thought you'd be interested in rumi."
satoru's love life had been virtually non-existent- or so you thought- aside from a few casual one night stands in the past that he never bothered to discuss with you. you'd try to get him to talk about the few girls he hooked up with, but he'd scrunch his nose in disgust in response.
he had thousands of beautiful girls at his feet, yet he'd claim nobody was good enough for him. rumi was the last woman you thought would be good enough for gojo satoru.
"i guess i only started liking her a few weeks ago."
you shift uncomfortably at the thought of satoru and rumi dating. act normal. why are you being such a weirdo? you silently scold yourself,.
you take a small breath and force the corners of your mouth into a smile. "h-how did it start?" you kept your attention on your melon soda, stirring it with the straw, "who confessed to who first?"
"she asked me out then i told her to give me a couple weeks to think about it," he leaned back in his seat to stretch out his long arms as he yawned, clearly showing that this conversation was boring him. you couldn't help but admire the cords of muscle in his thick forearms bulge with each flex of movement, "but, anyway that's me. how's your life been?"
"huh?" you blinked, breaking your gaze away from his body and hastily divert your attention elsewhere. you prayed he didn't see you checking him out. "oh um, good. i finished my exams so i'm done for the year and uh... going on a trip in a few weeks."
"to where?"
"europe," you gulped, stirring the ice cream into the green drink.
satoru kept quiet. he didn't even have to ask who you were going with. toji fushiguro had become the forbidden topic between you two.
"rumi huh?" you take a tip out of your drink, hastily changing the subject to break the tension, "how long did she have feelings for you?"
you've only met rumi a handful of times but it was enough to get a slight feeling that she had a crush on satoru, as you noticed her lingering stares on him whenever you met her at one of his parties.
"she said since freshman year in college, so six years or so," he shrugged, "i don't know how i feel about dating someone who works under me though."
you wanted to tell him it's a horrible idea, that rumi could never match his energy and he should break it off. you bite your cheek. you should be supportive and play the best friend role like you're supposed to.
"love can grow over time," you gulped, fiddling with the hem of your sweater underneath the table, "just give it a chance."
you were burning with self hatred at that moment. you coulnd't understand why you were so bummed out by this, why it was so upsetting that-
“i wish you'd stop me."
a baby started screaming on top of their lungs simultaneously as he spoke. you furrowed your brows, leaning in, “huh?”
you weren't sure if you just misheard but did he just say? no, you must've misheard.
“nothing, i said let's go,” he looked away and got up, “i'll pay."
you follow the six foot four man outside, the cold winter air brushing against your skin, causing you to shiver and tighten the scarf around your neck. you watched how satoru walked with confidence, head held high and ignoring every head that turned to admire the model like man.
"let me drive you home," he turned to you, "i parked a few blocks down."
"okay," you nodded, quickening your pace to close the gap between you two, "so, how's the business going?"
"good," he answered, "i've got a meeting with an investor next week."
you get into his sleek black mclaren, buckling yourself as he started up the engine. "do you mind if we drop by the office on the way to yours? just need to grab my laptop," he said, resting his hand behind your head rest as he reversed out.
“i don’t mind,” you answered, playing with the rings on your finger as you looked out the tinted windows.
your mind drifts off to the night satoru kissed you. even three years later, you frequently thought about it. you always questioned if it was fueled by the alcohol or genuine feelings; wondering what would’ve happened happened if you kissed him back and what if you didn't push him away- would you have left toji and be his girlfriend instead of rumi?
truth be told, you weren't even certain how you felt towards satoru at this stage. the thought of being in a relationship with him terrified you. you were never a believer in true love and rather believed in statistics that proved 70% of relationships fail in the first year.
you simply loved him too much so you didn’t want to risk possibly losing your friendship over a relationship that was bound to fail.
satoru pulls into the parking lot of his office that was tucked in between a diner and a vintage records shop. satoru’s office was location on the top floor of the 50 storey building that his father owned and the rest of the building was shared with other businesses.
you raised a brow when you saw rumi's car was also parked. you casually announced that you'll follow him in.
"i’ll try to be quick, ten minutes max," satoru turned to you in the elevator as you smoothed down your hair.
"yeah, that's fine," you shrugged, checking your reflection in the mirror.
satoru's stare lingers on you, breaking off when the elevator door opens, revealing the woman you were hoping to see. your eyes trail down to her outfit, a tight midi skirt and cream colored turtleneck.
"h-hey guys!" rumi's voice was pitched, clearly surprised to see you, "what are you doing here?"
her usual black hair was curled into loose waves and she wasn't wearing her thick rimmed glasses that hid her features. she looked pretty and you hated that.
"hey, i'm just getting my laptop," the arctic haired man greets the girl, oblivious to her stunned reaction.
you knew rumi never liked you- or at least, was uncomfortable around you- but, you didn't mind that, especially in times like this, watching her squirm bought you satisfaction.
"hey rumi, congrats on the new relationship!" you chirped brightly at the taller woman, a wide smile plastered on your face, "i'm guessing that's why you're all dressed up?"
satoru shoots rumi a cursory glance without much expression.
"oh... s-satoru already told you," she stuttered, looking at her new boyfriend, who was oblivious to her tone with her lips pressed into a tight smile.
"well, i'm going to be in the office, text me when you get home," the tall man gives his girlfriend another fleeting look before leaving his defenseless girlfriend to your antics.
the dark haired woman wrapped her arms around herself, shifting uncomfortably in her boots, "s-so what are you guys doing after?"
"oh us?" your tone was causal and light, "we're probably going to chill at mine."
rumi's face goes pale and you notice her jaw clench ever so slightly. you laugh and give her a light slap on the shoulder, "what's with the face! don't worry, it's nothing like that," you giggled.
poor rumi start to laugh with you, although she didn't know what was so funny. rumi swallowed her discomfort. after all, you're satoru's childhood friend, practically family and she'd only started dating him a week ago.
"i'm not worried," rumi plastered a smile, meeting your eyes.
well you should be, you think to yourself but instead, you smile back at her. "oh by the way," you lowered your voice, "you got like food stuck in your teeth, must've been from lunch."
you gesture at the left side of your mouth, your lips curled into a faint smirk. rumi turns her head down to the floor and pressed the elevator button to go down, muttering a goodbye to you.
did you feel like immature? yes but what could you do when all you could see is green?
you give the door a quick knock before stepping into the office. satoru was busily typing away at his laptop, not even bothering to acknowledge you.
you walked over to his chair to peek over his shoulder, scrunching your nose at all the complicated coding stuff. you sat yourself on the massive couch facing the french windows.
one prominent feature of the's office was the wall made entirely of glass stretching from floor to ceiling, showing a panoramic view of lively shinjuku below. the sun was setting, casting a gorgeous hue of purple and red over the cityscape of towering buildings with glistening lights and billboards. no matter how many times you've visited his work place, you couldn't get over this sight.
you then tried to focus on your phone, mindlessly scrolling in between apps. a fan edit of satoru's high school photos showed up on your tiktok feed, your lips twitch into a wistful smile as you reminisce on your youth.
back then, people expected him to become an athlete or a professional mma fighter due to his innate atheletic talents. nobody expected him to enroll in computer science and all thought he was wasting his gift.
little did they know satoru also happened to be a coding genius. at the age of 20, he was making headlines in the tech industry, labelled as the gen z mark zukerberg. tiktok and twitter soon found out about gojo satoru, which led to him becoming an online sensation with millions of fans thirsting over him.
your eyes float over to your friend. you were still in disbelief that satoru was finally in his first relationship at the age of 24. as stupid as this may sound, but you never thought this day would come- well not this quick anyway.
"i can feel you staring at me," he broke off your chain of thoughts, catching you off guard. your face heats up in embarrassment and you hastily avert your gaze away. he stood from his seat as he packed his laptop into his bag, "what did i do?"
"nothing," you shook your head as you got up from the couch.
suddenly, you heard satoru's stomach grumble. "i cooked pasta for lunch, do you want some?" you asked as you wait for the elevator.
you bit your lip, watching the flicker of surprise crosses his eyes as he hesitate to answer.
"yeah alright." satoru brushed off the slight prick in his moral compass, telling himself there was no harm in just going over to a friend's apartment for dinner.
so when rumi texted him asking him what he was doing later that night, he lied and replied saying he was at suguru's apartment. when in reality, he was sitting on your couch, lighting up a blunt, with you sitting comfortably close.
he tried to ignore his conscientious side nagging him that this was wrong. not because you're a woman.
but, because it was you. the one who made his heart race whenever your skin brushed against his. only you could turn him on just by your scent or the way you looked up at him with glistening eyes. only you could get him hard by innocently bending over to pick up the fallen remote.
it was you that he was alone with while he's in a committed relationship, which was why he had to leave.
"i have to go," he took an airy breath, standing up from the sofa without a glance.
he never thought of himself as a good guy. in fact he’s done plenty of morally questionable things in the past. but he knew he wasn't going to let himself become a cheater like his father.
"what, why?" you get up as well, following him to the door as he hurriedly shrugged his jacket on.
you grabbed his wrist so he'd face you but his 6'4 frame wouldn't budge.
"i-i shouldn't be doing this," he said with a stoic expression.
"why? we're just watching a movie," you were beyond confused as he was laughing at the movie ten minutes ago. you racked you brain, trying to think what you did wrong that could've upset him so much.
satoru pulled out of your grip and seemed to hesitate to say something before shaking his head and letting out an exasperated sigh, "i'll text you," he murmured, before closing the door behind him.
you don't notice the tears pooling down your eyes, lips quivering as your knees dropped you to the floor. you were only watching a movie with him, something you've done a million times with him. it hurt to know things were going to change from now. you felt pathetic, wallowing like this in self pity and regret.
you wished you didn't care so much and that you could be happy for them. it wasn't like you could rewind the time and change the past, but still, you desperately wished you could take back those words you said.
you thought back to all the times satoru had cared for you, in a way nobody had before. he was never the type of person to verbally express his love, instead showed it everyday with abundance.
satoru was the type to remember you complaining about your headphones being uncomfortable and casually get you a new pair the next day, under the guise that he accidentally bought himself two sets.
there was a phase in high school when you and satoru would often have petty arguments and you'd act like a total brat to him, your teenage hormones fueling your emotions to hurl hurtful insults. surprisingly though, satoru would still drive you to school the next day, albeit, it was always a silent car ride as he still held a grudge against you.
he knew every detail about you and sometimes you felt like he knew you better than yourself. he kept you grounded, always pushing you to be better. even when he was drowning in college exams, he'd still make time to tutor you and helped you keep in track with your studies, knowing you lacked self discipline and would procrastinate if he didn't do so.
when your grandmother passed away, he wasn't sure what to say to comfort you- instead, he cried with you and stayed until you were okay. with satoru by your side, you never once felt alone. it was no secret that you loved satoru but it was daunting to finally realise how deep it was.
was this how satoru felt when he found out about toji?
i didnt proof read this but yay thank u if u read this far.
(reader is so messy ik )
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birdbaddie · 3 months
Spar: Gone Wrong
Oooooo we starting to get fancy up in here.  More slop that I have cooked for you to enjoy! Thanks for reading and toodles! ;)
--SUMMARY-- Where you try out your new move and it gives Satoru a heart attack.
Satoru Gojo x Teacher! f.Reader
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“Yuji! Stop being a nosey idiot!” Nobara hits Yuji over the head with her phone as both of them walk up to Megumi and the year 2’s. 
“It’s not being nosey when you’re practically showing off your texts to the entire world!” he rubs his head as they bicker.
Megumi sighs in defeat as he hears his friends get closer. They’re only down the hall but he already feels a headache coming on. 
‘At least it’s not that idiot.’ That he’s grateful for but it’s still lunch so anything could happen, especially in this school.
Thinking about that idiot, he wonders where you are. Because where you are, Gojo is usually only 2 feet behind. He remembers you mentioning you have PPA time to plan lessons for next week but he couldn’t remember which day you said you had it. It was usually the same scheduled time every week, but after a certain blindfolded menace complained and whined to principal Yaga for 4 days straight about it being on the same days as his off days- her schedule was magically changed. 
He recalls how confused you were when Gojo gave you the ‘great news’ but you accepted it fairly quickly because that was just who you were. Even though that was a certain charm that Megumi loved about you, Being that aloof and naive in the field they were in was nothing short of dangerous. The only reason the higher-ups haven’t done anything about it was because of the power you held. That and you were Gojo Satoru’s spouse.
“That would be interesting, What do you think Megumi?”
At the sound of his name, he was snapped out of his thoughts. 
He sees Nobara scowl at him not listening and points an accusatory finger at him. “You’ve been around those two longest so surely you’ve seen them spar before?”
At her words, he can only guess they were talking about you and Gojo. 
“What about it?” He’s only ever seen you guys spar twice, Gojo winning one and you winning the other. Both times Megumi didn’t know how it was going to end due to your techniques basically being opposite of each other. Where Gojo had some of the strongest offense techniques known in jujutsu history, You had the reverse. Big strong wings that could get you anywhere as fast as Satoru’s warping technique and a mutated version of cursed energy the higher-ups like to call ‘blessed energy’. It lets you create shields out of this energy that repels any cursed technique, even Gojo’s purple hollow.
He could never get a scratch on you (not that he’d want to anyway) And you could never do the same because of your lack of offensive techniques. In that way, Megumi could say you were made for each other. 
Maki crosses her arms as she sports that usual bored look.
“We were gonna ask that idiot if he could take us for lunch but Inumaki said there were bentos for us in the fridge anyway,” so it was PPA day, you usually got up early to make them for everyone as you couldn’t help yourself if you have the time. Megumi gets one every day anyway but if he let everyone else know then he’d have them all on his ass and that’s just another headache he’d rather avoid.
“So if we’re stuck here, Panda came up with the idea of asking those two to show us how they’d spar” Maki genuinely looked interested in the concept. You had helped her how to handle different weapons in her first year so he couldn’t blame her for being curious how her sensei would handle herself in a ‘real’ fight.
Even though Gojo made it clear that most lunchtimes, it was his time to chill with you and just you- Megumi knew the idea of another spar with (Y/N) was filling his need to be near you and tempting his ego at the same time.
“Fine, but I’ll just say this to give you guys a warning,” Megumi started to walk towards your office where he knew both of you would be, not caring if any of them caught up or not.
He shoves his hands in his pocket as he thinks back to those two spars he’s witnessed before- rare excitement building inside him.
“Neither of them hold back”
“Toru, slow down! You’ll choke if you keep eating that fast!” Satoru loved it when you doted on him, it felt domestic to him and it was a nice change from killing curses all of the time. It was also one of the reasons he fell in love with you in the first place so he guesses he’s never grown bored of it.
He smirks as he leans his head over the shoulder of the small sofa, knowing it was annoying you by how nonchalant he was about it.
“Well sweets, if you didn't make this so nice every time then maybe I wouldn’t eat it as quickly” The smug smirk on his face only irks you more as he wasn’t taking it as seriously as you.
Putting down your pen and pushing your swivel chair behind you to stand up, you simultaneously picked up your own bento and worked your way to the sofa Satoru was currently taking all the space on.
“If I feed you myself, you’ll slow down right?” You made it sound more of a request than a question and that was what gave Satoru the victory. It was always easy to pull you in the direction he wanted and he liked to abuse that power every time. This situation itself has just become such a common occurrence now, that the back and forth has reduced to the absolute minimum.
He takes his legs off of the other side of the sofa and sits up properly, still sporting that shit-eating grin as he makes room for you to settle in properly next to him. Most times he does feel some sort of guilt for doing what he does but in most cases, it was only for your best interest. For example- now, you have been at that desk on that computer for at least 3 hours straight. He was sure if you didn’t get out of that chair for another hour you would lose circulation in your legs. And with you basically being on top of him it was a win-win situation.
“ I definitely wouldn’t refuse something like that,” he gave you his bento as he quickly snatched your own from your other hand. “ But only if I get to do the same for you”
Seeing the soft look on his face even with the blindfold gave you tingles up your arms. 
‘This man could say anything and I'd still be whipped’ 
Mirroring his look, you gently fixed his blindfold where it had begun to slip on his undercut. Him leaning into your hand as you caressed the back of his head, playing with the little hairs.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing” You sighed blissfully as you moved your hand to the side of his face instead. He overlapped your hand with his own, playing with the engagement ring on your finger. 
“Well if you know what I’m doing then why haven’t you stopped me?” He challenged your statement so swiftly but it was just as easy for you to come up with your own reply. 
“I never said I didn’t enjoy it” You recognised his little efforts for you to relax and it was just natural at this point for you to give in without much fight. 
He fought high-grade curses nearly every day and you were called nearly every meeting as a bodyguard for the higher-ups. You would be a fool to pass up any chance to be this close to your fiancè. Not being as strong as most of the other jujutsu sorcerers offensively, you were barely only graded as a semi-grade 2 so you were not called on as many missions as most others. Instead, you were used as the unbreakable shield to protect the higher-ups and lead escorts for related important people to them.
Satoru would always be worried about you when on any mission and vice versa, but it was never a question of if you came home, it was a matter of when. Both of you know better than to doubt the other's ability but it would be impossible to stop that worry from appearing.
“Love you” his usual smirk comes back as your hand moves to your chopsticks.
“Love you too idiot” The endearing look on your face makes it obvious you didn’t mean that nickname and as this was precious time, Satoru decided to ignore it just this once in favor of starting to feed you. That doesn’t mean he wouldn’t get back at you later for it.
5 minutes go by with you both still feeding each other with little conversation in between before a knock sounds at the tatami doors. You look at Satoru, letting him decide what he wanted to do and by the look on his face, it didn't look like he was all too happy from the disturbance. 
But before he could tell the person on the other side of the door to kiss his ass, they heard Megumi’s voice come through.
“Oi Idiot! You in there?”
Widening your eyes, you gave Satoru a certain look as your wings twitched behind you. Looking back at you he only groaned inwardly as he stood up.
‘She has a softer spot for him than me’ he whined to himself as he set your bento on your desk and worked his way to the door. 
“This best be important” he whispered as he threw open the door with an indifferent look.
Behind the door, he could see all of the first years and the 2nd years grouped up and whispering amongst themselves.
Growing confused by the sight of everyone there he wanted to get straight to the point so he could go back to spending time with you.
“What did you guys need?” No quip or annoying comment showed all of them that Satoru Gojo wasn’t that happy he was just interrupted from his free time with you. Hopefully, the incentive of this idea would be enough to convince him.
“We were wondering if we could watch you and (L/n)-sensei spar” 
Satoru’s eyes widened as he was briefly surprised. He thought they were just gonna ask for money to go to that new fair in the nearby town or ask him a stupid question about Panda’s fur or something. Before he could answer, you piped up from right beside him. Caught off guard from the question he didn’t notice how quickly you came up to the door.
“Well I have been working on a new move, it would be nice to try it out properly- but why the sudden interest?” You had been working on this new skill for a while now and because of how busy you and Satoru have been lately, it was quite difficult to know how effective it was.
“Wait really? How come I didn’t know about this?” He turns to you and wraps both of his arms around your left, feigning a sad and disappointed face.”I thought you loved me?”
Megumi scoffs at Gojo’s over-the-top display.
“Idiot” He mutters.
“I didn’t mean to not tell you! It’s just slipped my mind since I’ve only worked on it a bit each week” You genuinely looked guilty and Megumi didn’t know whether to sigh or laugh.
Megumi instead cleared his throat, if he didn’t stop you two- this would go on for the rest of lunch and they would have no time to spar. The number of times he missed his solo book club because of the same reasons- He only had a designated time for those classrooms dammit!
This time Satoru looked at you, letting you decide what you wanted to do as either way he would still be by you anyway. 
Thinking about it some more you started to grin as you crossed your arms.
“What’s the score right now? Seventy to seventy-one?” Understanding your words, Satoru copied your grin as he looked down at you.
“Think you can even it up sweets?” Already thinking of ways to win, he brushed his hair back with one hand in his pocket.
“I think you shouldn’t underestimate me” You let your wings brush against him as you walked past and down the hallway towards the training grounds. Your feathers leaving a tingling sensation against his cheek.
Satoru bit his lip and willed his excitement to go down as he was still on school grounds, All students following closely behind you now as well as he was left to catch up. 
Still lingering by the door, he stared down the direction you went as you turned the corner and secretly gave him a challenging smile.
‘Game on Princess’
After calming himself down and thinking of a battle strategy, he worked his way outside where he saw the students had created two designated areas on the steps. One had your name and the other had his messily written on big white cardboard sheets. How they managed to do it so quickly he didn't know. 
“YOU GOT THIS SENSEI!” turning to Yuji’s voice, Satoru sent him a cocky smirk until he realised what the areas were for- face immediately dropping.
They were areas for them to guess who would win. 
And only Yuji was sat by his name. 
Turning to the rest of the students he put one hand on his hip and one on his heart.
“Do none of you think I can win???” Despite his act of trying to get them to pity him, they were only annoyed more.
Nobara being the one to speak up.
“If you don’t get your ass down there now, I'll be the one beating you up”
“Tuna, Tuna” 
Gasping dramatically, he held his head up as he went the rest of the way to his spot on the training grounds.
“Even my own students don’t believe in me” pretending to wipe a tear from his blindfold.
As both of them were finishing up their stretches, Nobara turned to Megumi with a prevalent question that had been lingering in her head for a while.
“Is it just me or does this seem insanely unfair?”
Locking eyes with Nobara, he paused eating his bento- putting the half-eaten ginger-chicken slice back on top of the rice. 
“What do you mean?”
“Well Gojo-sensei has infinity and limitless, I’ve only seen (L/n)-sensei create shields” Before Megumi could say anything, Yuji piped up from across from them. His cheeks full of the bento you made for him.
“That’s a point! Can’t Gojo-sensei teleport as well? (L/n)-sensei doesn’t even have the speed edge on him” 
Megumi grumbled as those two went off on a tangent. To be fair he had been thinking the same the first time he was about to watch his guardians spar. It was clear to everyone how he favored you over Gojo and as he caught your eye mid-hamstring stretch- giving him a small wave, it took him back to that first one. He was barely 7 years old, yet he already knew to trust you more than Gojo. He watched you guys from his bedroom window, silently cheering you on. From then to now, your techniques and the way you fight have come a long way but back then you couldn’t form your shields for more than 5 seconds at a time before they dissolved. But where you were training him for months before that fight, he saw you steadily improve your skills. Not just relying on your technique.
 So when he saw Gojo win he remembers the disappointment he felt for you as Gojo helped you up. The memory was a bit foggy now but he’d never forget the way you ruffled his hair as you gave him his miso and rice the next morning, calling him-
‘My little believer’
“She has more of an edge than you think morons”
“HUUHH, WHO ARE YOU CALLING A-” but before Nobara could wack him over the head, a loud bang was heard and you and Gojo were on each other in less than a second. You threw your left leg at his ribs, covering it with a shield. It easily went through his infinity- as if it wasn’t even there. But before it managed to touch him, he teleported behind you ready to twist your arm. 
Using your wings, you unfurled them and let them spread out as much as possible, not only blocking his attack but you flew back as hard as possible, knocking Gojo as he stumbled backward.
Quickly shooting up into the air, only about 15 feet, you did a half backflip-curling your wings in as you shot down to your target.
Warping again, Gojo landed a few meters behind where you would land, readying a lapse red. He didn’t want to take any chances in this fight because he had no idea what the ace up your sleeve was, but he couldn’t lie that he wasn’t at least a little bit intrigued.
“He’s doing a lapse red already?!?!” Panda stood in shock not knowing how it escalated so quickly.
“Sit down dumbass you’re blocking my view” Maki nearly tugged panda down herself before he crashed back down on the step.
You turned and to the students, it didn’t look like you turned quick enough. The lapse red shredded through the training grounds until it just stopped. Every student except one stood on their feet with wide eyes.
The dust cleared and the students couldn’t see you, Thinking Gojo just disintegrated you they all started yelling at him.
But Gojo only smiled as he leaned a bit to the side, you flying right where he just was, missing his neck by just a few centimeters. At the sight of you, the students all sat back down.
“Nice try princess, but your energy gives you away every time”
Narrowing your eyes, you carried on with your strategy. All you had to do was make sure he couldn’t get too close to you. You can get away with a lot of things with your techniques but if you let him engage in hand-to-hand combat with you, you’d lose instantly. You weren’t physically as strong as him at all and he had more experience in that field. It was how you lost over half of the duels you two had.
You knew your energy was more visible than others, probably twice as potent as Satoru’s. Because of the nature of it, you understood you would be less than helpful on missions involving curses graded 1 and higher. They would find you before you would find them.
Good thing this new move you’ve been working on centers around it.
The back and forth went on for about 10 more minutes until Gojo decided enough was enough.
Seeing the familiar hugh of his hollow purple, you felt relieved as you were starting to tire yourself out. Gojo could sense that too and he was feeling a bit nice today.
Flying alongside the forest, you let the final parts of your plan fall into place. Covering yourself with your shield. At this point, you’ve shown the capability of your shields- hopefully letting Satoru put his guard down. 
And as the hollow purple shot across and towards you, you feigned shock, letting your wings falter for a second. And as the technique touched your shield, you let it absorb the power. Only letting it shatter at the last moment of force. Letting it blow you backward and into the forest.
“Blessed technique; veiled armor”
With a victory smirk, Satoru pirouetted and bowed toward the students as if he were on a stage and just performed a simple magic trick.
Straightening up quickly he pointed enthusiastically towards Yuji.
“Yuji! I dub you my favorite student!”
After no reply, he dropped his arm as he looked at his students' unreadable faces. Waving his arms up and down.
“At least give me some praise for being a super awesome and strong teacher!”
Another few beats went by and no one did anything, not even move. 
Hands now laying limply by his sides, he was about to reassure his students until a flash of black ran by him.
Turning, he could see Megumi’s strands of hair disappear into the forest followed by his divine dogs.
Confused, he stared at where Megumi ran in trying to figure out why he would do it. Before, he’d never worry over either of you this much after a spar. He knew how strong you both were and he knew Satoru wouldn’t hollow purple you if he knew you couldn’t handle it.
Taking a step towards the forest, about to follow Megumi, he staggered.
His breathing grew uneven as his thoughts stopped altogether.
‘Wait…..why can’t I..’
Tugging his blindfold quickly to bunch around his neck, he let his six-eyes search the forest. 
That usual constant hugging feeling was gone. That feeling of comfort gone. That warm-soft feeling that always calms his thoughts- gone.
He only ever feels this when he has to go on missions, when you have to go on missions, and when he is ever away from you. You would still be in the same city, and he could still feel that good feeling. Like a blanket on his soul.
Your energy was a constant since he met you, but right now.
He couldn’t feel anything.
Instantly warping to Megumi’s trail of curse energy residue, taking note of Megumi’s tight expression he could tell he was silently seething at him. But right now their main priority was finding you so any conversations could be had later. So Satoru clenched his teeth and became serious- something Megumi didn’t see often.
Thoughts were running through both of their heads like wild but they both tried hard not to let them waver from their goal. Guilt was prevalent in both minds, not that that was surprising. 
Following the path created by Satoru’s hollow purple, they both noticed how it started to become narrower and narrower. Three emotions became prevalent, Churning your bento that suddenly became so heavy in Satoru’s gut- Anxiety, hope but the strongest was dread. Those three emotions feeling so familiar to him. He didn’t know what he’d find at the end of the wreckage, and he dreads at the thought of what he might've done. 
“You best hope she’s ok”
Keeping his focus in front of him, he barely regarded Megumi’s sharp words. 
“Or I’ll kill you before you can say sorry” 
Gojo always knew Megumi had more of a soft spot for you. That was evident the day he brought him and Tsumiki to meet you for the first time. He’d tease those two non-stop and you’d always be there to defend them. But in his opinion- you only won him over because you bought him that one book that he’d been eyeing through a shop window.
But you were his fiancè, he was pretty sure if anything happened to you he would never be able to forgive himself. He’d probably retire outright too. He’s already let down one of the most important people in his life- and that was his maximum.
Steeling his focus, Megumi’s divine dogs suddenly shoot forward, obviously following your scent now.
Warping to keep up with the dogs he left Megumi to catch up. The caved path had gone into single meters in width and the dogs started to maneuver to the left- darting into the densest area of the forest. 
It only took about 25 seconds more but the dogs stopped at the bottom of a large dead tree. The humongous branches and twisted roots make the area look more haunting.   
Seeing the dogs sniff at the base of the large tree, Satoru slowly made his way forward to see. His fast and shallow panting not only from the long spar with you and the run to get here but also the fear that gripped his throat- tightening with each step forward.
Shooing the dogs to the side, he willed himself to look at where you were. 
Or what was left of you anyway.
A single button from your uniform lay there- slightly browned from where his purple hollow started destroying it.
The world was silent for a few seconds.
Satrou Instantly thought back to that fight with Toji, where he created a giant hole in his side.
Oh god, had he eviscerated you?
It was only meant to be a playful thing to distract you from your work. 
You guys did the same back and forth every other week, why was today the day it went wrong?
His six eyes tunnel-visioned onto the button, he swore it was mocking him.
He bent down to grab the button, legs shaking and almost giving out on him. Any moment he’d feel like he would break completely, shattering into a million pieces.
As soon as his trembling fingers grazed the still burning button, something crashed onto his back holding him down.
He couldn’t care though, at the moment all of his fight had vanished and he felt like an empty shell. Thinking it was Megumi ready to deliver the final blow he closed his eyes and waited.
“I win!”
His eyes shot open, he felt gentle hands turn him around so he was looking straight up at the person straddling him.
“I’m sorry I landed on you! I needed to surprise you and it was the only thing I could think of on the spot, I’m honestly just glad I- Satoru? Are you……crying?”
Either Megumi had killed him and he was in heaven or you were perfectly safe without even one scratch on you. 
He didn’t even realise he was crying, but when he felt your usual delicate fingers wipe his tears away he knew it was real. You were real.
He could feel the air finally able to enter his lungs fully as he closed his eyes in relief. 
You were okay.
You were safe.
You were with him.
The sounds of the forest filled the silence. Satoru used his hands to double-check you were there, running along your legs and your arms and finally resting on your face.
“Never leave me, ok?” words so soft and fragile you almost missed them.
Furrowed brows and a small confused frown graced your face as his sky-blue eyes stared dazedly into your own (e/c) ones.
“Toru what-”
“I thought something happened to you when I couldn’t feel you, I thought I ki-” He choked on a sob before he could finish his sentence. He started to shake as he couldn’t control the sobs and the cries leaving his mouth. “I couldn’t- I-I didn’t-”
“Shhh, everything is ok Toru, deep breaths” 
Having him sit up, he wrapped his arms securely- almost protectively around you as you rubbed circles on his back. This was nowhere near as bad as he was when he came home last year after being ordered to kill his best friend, but it still filled you with guilt that you were the one who caused this in the first place.
After his body had grown more lax and the wet spot on your shoulder stopped growing in size, he slowly pulled Satoru off of your shoulder so you could look him in the eyes.
“Toru I’m so sorry, I should’ve told you what my new technique was. I never meant for you to think I was hurt-” Your own sobs in regret starting to overwhelm you.” Oh God, S-Satoru I’m so sor-ry”
A small smile grew on Satoru’s face as it was his turn to wipe your tears.
“You must-must’ve been so scar-scared, and I was-s the one that did that to yo-you”
“(Y/N) It’s ok now, you’re ok”
Leaning forward until both of your foreheads were touching, you let your wings sag and curl around both of you as if to shield you from everything else.
You both waited until both of you calmed down enough to stand. 
“How did you do that anyway?” 
You hummed in confusion as he began to pick out leaves and sticks from your hair from where you were camping in the canopy of the trees.
“Your energy, It’s like it just poofed”
Giggling at his wording, you released the technique and let your energy flow around you again. He visibly relaxed as you also started brushing mud and gravel from his shoulders from where you tackled him earlier.
“It’s a technique I've been working on for a while now, basically I create a concentrated viel around myself and it keeps all traces of energy inside. It needs a lot of concentration and energy to keep it going and flexible though so I’ll need to work on that.”
“I’m really proud you’ve managed to do this yourself princess, just……next time give me a warning”
Looking up at his face from his uniform, you notice how tired Satoru seems. Dazed and droopy eyes, slumped shoulders, and a general look of sluggishness as he shuffles on his feet.
Standing on the tip of your toes, Satoru bent and met you halfway as you shared a gentle kiss. You wove your hands around the back of his neck as his sneaked around your waist. Neither one of you wanted to let the other go as Satoru pulled you closer until there was zero space left between you two.
Eventually, you both ran out of breath and slowly pulled apart. Eyes fluttering open, you searched his sky-blues for any lingering fear but you only found love.
“I promise”
Grinning, Satoru leaned down again to initiate a more heated kiss but he was interrupted by the clearing of a throat.
“If you just wanted to kiss in the forest, I would’ve stayed behind”
Groaning at Megumi’s poor timing, Satoru pulled his blindfold up and fixed his hair.
‘Menace of a child’ 
On the other hand, you started laughing at Megumi’s statement. Strolling up to him and pulling him in for a hug too.
 He shot up since he was 6 years old, now towering over you and he was still only 15 so you were he was going to rival Satoru in height. So he also had to bend down to hug you back properly, but like Satoru, once he could feel you there and alive- his shoulders sagged with relief as he just enjoyed your presence and your energy surrounding him.
Megumi was never one for words so you felt everything as he held you tighter than usual. Taking into account how Satoru reacted, you could tell Megumi was trying hard to suppress his emotions. Instead, letting them flow through him by the hard grip he had around you. You reached up to stroke his hair as you found out that was the best way to help him sleep when he was small, So you just used that knowledge to calm him down. 
When his grip loosened, you let your hands fall as you took the chance to make sure he was ok. 
He was about to say something but Satoru threw his arm around his shoulders roughly and started ruffling his hair.
The annoyance quickly returned on his face as he shoved Satoru away, calling back his divine dogs as he stalked away. 
Hearing him mutter about being around too many idiots or something as he made his way back to the other students.
Feeling Satoru weave his fingers with your left hand, you noticed some strands of hair not in their proper place.
Letting you fix his hair with your free hand, the moment you pulled back he quickly snatched it with his left hand and warped you two back to the group of students.
“Satoru! We left Megumi…” Quickly shaking off the surprise of being teleported, You turned back to the forest to look for Megumi. 
Forgetting Satoru was still holding your hands, he twirled you and dipped you until pulling you back up and wrapped his arms around you, that whole sequence making you dizzy.
“Eh, brat deserves it”
Rolling your eyes, you wiggled out of his hold and walked over to the students.
“Sensei! We thought that idiot killed you for a second” Panda yelled as you saw how tense the others were, even the usual stoic-faced Maki looked like she just saw a ghost. Frowning at what you did to everyone, you lit up again as you thought of a way to make it up to everyone.
“ No more studies for the rest of the day and I’ll take all of you out tomorrow to the new Sushi place that just opened!” 
Cheers were heard as the tension started to dissipate, students asking each other what they were going to do now with their free day.
Feeling your own tension leave your body, you decided that was enough excitement for one day.
Turning back around you had a quick hug with your fiancè and gave him a peck when you made sure the other students weren’t looking.
“Anyway, I best get going- the babysitter has a group project meeting to go to and I convinced Principle Yaga to let me work the rest of the day from home.”
“‘kay princess, want me to take you there now?”
“Thanks, Satoru but Ijichi is already waiting by the entrance and he said he’d also drop the babysitter home”
Kissing him again you walked up the stairs to grab your bag from your office.
“See you soon everyone! Love you Toru!” waving at everyone you heard them all shout goodbye and a loud ‘I LOVE YOU MORE!’ from Satoru. You giggled as you disappeared behind the large Tatami doors.
The conversation came back and Yuji came up to his Sensei in curiosity, noting he was still staring at where you disappeared. He thought it was amazing how in love you two were and you both didn’t care who was around to see it. He hoped he got that one day.
“Sensei? What did she mean by baby-sitter?” 
Satoru snapped out of his thoughts as a wide and proud grin stretched across his face- Always getting giddy whenever he gets to talk about his son.
He pulled his wallet out from his back pocket and let the comically long picture reel fall almost to the floor.
“BEHOLD! My son!” The first picture being a still frame of an exhausted but happy you in a hospital bed holding a baby with snow-white hair and Satoru next to you wrapping his arms around both of you.
Satoru scrambles to fold back up the pictures he’d been admiring alone in his classroom. But he wasn’t fast enough as his classroom doors burst open with a very furious Yaga. Satoru felt sweat bead above his blindfold as the two faculty members stared at each other.
Yaga did a quick look around the room and snapped his head back to Satoru.
Satoru glossed over the fact that was the second time someone had threatened his life today and let out a loud screech at the approaching principal. He tried to run away but his collar was snagged as Yaga started to drag him to his office. His limbs flailing around trying to free himself and pleading with Yaga to let him go because his butt was starting to get sore.
“Strongest my ass-”
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atlasofthestaars · 9 months
hii! this is my first time requesting ever, but I just love your writing so much that I just have to ask:
can i request general headcannons with mk1 Bi-Han and female reader? if you’re comfortable with writing nsfw, can i also ask for some of those? I dont have anything specific in mind but im just dying for you to write more for Bi-Han, i think you write him soo well.
if you can’t/don’t want to do those, its totally ok! i just had to request from my favorite mk writer. thank you soo much!! 🫶🏽
notes: oops i should have done these. a LOT sooner LMAO. idk if my headcanons are gonna be unpopular or not but this is how I see the bastard (only semi affectionately) most of these don’t really apply to female reader until the NSFW tbh, but even then I’m not too descriptive? I kinda wrote these informally but at the same time, very analytical?? You’ll see HAHA these are more like my rambles than shorter hcs. I probably should have made the NSFW parts sexier sounding LMAO they’re very like, analytical.
I also can probably do more of these if you guys want?? I just kinda wrote whatever but I’m certain I could write tons more  HAHA
Btw ty for liking New Era and being so patient for your wait ! <3
Bi-Han would only be with a partner, imo, if he truly loves them. Loyalty, trust, etc. are all important to him. To be with a person for the sake of being in a relationship imo is not his style. Especially if his father wanted an arranged marriage? He would not be happy with it. He can rule by himself, thank you very much. 
When Bi-Han loves you, he loves you. He may not say it much, but he does. It is not as if he thinks saying “i love you” is stupid. No, he understands it is important, he just knows that you know already. In rare moments where he is nearly overwhelmed with affection for you, he’ll say it first. But I think it is more likely he would only say a simple “i love you too” after you say it.
I can’t imagine Bi-Han to be the type of person to fall for someone at first sight or jump into dating someone quickly. I think the only way he’d fall for someone is to be friends with them first and slowly he’d fall, then the feelings would hit him all at once.
Bi-Han finds it hard to deny you. Even when he says no, he is probably thinking of other alternatives for you. Idk! I think this man would be kind of a simp deep down if he truly found someone he loves. But not like overboard, it’d be very subtle. Which is a lot for a frosty man like him.
Bi-Han’s love language imo, is acts of service. Probably small things like making you breakfast, helping you do your hair if you have longer hair, maybe even showing you how to properly stretch if you often feel sore. Little things that add up.
Bi-Han would allow you to be in his office just to enjoy your company. He probably wouldn’t talk much, mostly just listen in those moments when he’s concentrating. Your presence alone is enough for him when he’s working.
If he’s giving gifts, I imagine he’d probably be the type of person to place it in a place you’d see it, but no one else would. He’d leave a simple note like, “thought of you”. I don’t think he’d give it in person because he’s far too stiff to make it feel romantic enough,
I don’t think dates come often. but when they do Bi-Han would do something probably quiet and with just you. He’d rather spend the precious time he has not doing his duty with just the person he adores, no one else.
Probably not at first, but after you’ve been together for a while I think he’d allow you to brush and comb his hair. It’s not that he is particularly touch adverse with his hair, I just think he’s really fussy with it.
Not a fan of PDA. He doesn’t like the looks others give him and how he can tell that they’re thinking how did he get someone to defrost him? Far too nosey for his tastes. But if you want it, he’d probably indulge you in maybe a bit of hand holding. Maybe a peck on the cheek or on the lips once in a while, but he’s generally a private person.
Bi-Han has cold hands. Nothing he can do about it. Even with his fine control of cryomancy, there’s the lingering chill that is stuck to his skin.
I’d like to imagine that he would give very soft kisses in private. A kiss on the hand, a kiss on the forehead, etc. Small moments. 
Probably has given you one accessory the same shade of blue as his uniform. It pleases him just to see the subtle way you match.
Ok. Listen. He’s a virgin. It’s not that I think he’s a “saving myself for marriage” type of man, I just think that he would not really be attracted to people enough to want a fling or something unserious. 
He probably is very hard to arouse unless he knows he won’t be interrupted or if it is work time. He’s just very regimented like that. Still, if you were to try and tease him by a little touches or with some particularly revealing clothing, then he supposed it would be a little harder to keep his mind off of the way your body feels under his hands.
Anyways, he probably will want to take the dominant role. I mean, it’s Bi-Han. But he won’t deny you if you ask for something, at least, until he learns that teasing you works very, very well. Then you’ll probably have to learn some more patience.
I think he knows for the most part what to do, but he just doesn’t have any hands-on experience for him. He’s a visual learner, want to teach him?
I think Bi-Han would at first think he would prefer receiving than giving, then after realizing how wonderful you look when you fall apart at his touch, he would think he very much prefers giving. It gives him almost a sense of power to see it, it makes him want more.
Still, he wouldn’t deny you if you were to give him a blowjob. It is undeniable how lovely you look on your knees, sucking his cock just to please him. 
If you give him a blowjob, look up at him. It drives him wild and he will probably entangle his hands in your hair if he hasn’t already.
Bi-Han would probably take sex as seriously as training. He’s here to please you after all.
With that being said, I think he’d be probably full of vigor doing anything you wanted. For example, you’d probably feel it the next day with how hard he’d thrust. Or you’d be guaranteed at least one orgasm with him eating you out, because he is a very stubborn man and he won’t stop until he sees you unravel upon his mouth.
I don’t think he’s very vocal. Probably grunts and muffling his noises in your skin.
Back to the teasing idea, I think he would develop a liking to teasing you, edging you if you will. The moans you make, the way you tremble under his touch…it is very appealing to him. Plus, he has a sharp eye, he’d notice how it seems to make the pleasure in the end so much more than if he gave you it right away.
I think he wouldn’t notice it, but if you pull his hair it would ignite some sort of fire within him. 
I like to imagine he would want to kiss during sex here and there. Your lips just look even more lovely in those moments.
He’d probably love to cum inside of you. It’s a little fantasy of his. He wouldn’t though, if there’s a chance for a child. It’s not that he doesn’t want children, he does, he just wants to wait until things are just…right.
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illegal-spiegel · 2 years
Right Out of a Fairyjail
Pairing: Osamu Dazai x gn!reader
Genre: angst? fluff? idek man
Warnings: mentions of death
Summary: You meet Dazai in jail and are instantly annoyed by him. Why is he so dramatic? Will he ever shut up? Why is he so nosey?
WC: 1.5k words
A/N: lol I wrote this for a friend's OC and just changed the name. So sorry if you find any errors and if Dazai is OOC </3 also get the title? like fairyTALE lol-
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"Whatcha in for?" 
You look up from your nails that you were picking at to look at who spoke. Across from you sat a man with bandages wrapped around his arms and neck. 
You raise a single brow in question, trying to decipher if he was indeed talking to you or not. He’s currently staring you down, so he must be, but why would he be asking you such a personal question? 
“What, cat got your tongue? I know, I know. I’m quite the looker. I’m going to have to ask you to please refrain from falling in love with me though. I already have quite the trail of broken hearts I’ve left behind and I’d hate to add another to the path,” he says dramatically, placing a hand on his chest and faking solemn. 
You do nothing but snort before looking right back down at your hand, using your thumb to scrape out dirt from underneath the middle finger’s nail. “Why are you laughing?” No response. “Am I really so good-looking that the cat has *actually stolen your tongue?” You don’t look up this time. “Oh, I see. You must be mute. Clearly, you aren’t deaf since you looked up when I first spoke.” What is *with this guy? “Was it some terrible, horrible, grotesque accident or were you just born that way?” he continues to pry. You’re honestly flabbergasted by how rude and disrespectful this guy is. He has no shame. 
You sigh and drop your hands into your lap, looking through both of your and his cells’ bars to look into his face. “Are you always this charming or am I just receiving special treatment?” you ask sarcastically, giving him a blank look. 
“Fuck!” he suddenly screams, genuinely looking panicked and honestly freaking you out a bit. “I’m being charming! Shit! Well, there goes your poor little heart. I’m so sorry. I was trying to warn you and was doing my best to be ugly, but with a face like this, I guess it’s just impossible,” he pretends to cry, wiping at his dry eyes and shaking his head as if he’s ridden with guilt. 
You continue to stare at him, expression completely blank and yet another sigh leaving you. You’re already dreading the whole process of being arrested and having to get out of here, but this guy is making it that much worse. 
When you don’t respond, he opens his eyes and raises his head to see what your reaction is. Finding you completely unamused, he blows a raspberry as he leans against his bars. “You’re no fun,” he whines, pouting at you. 
“Sorry, I didn’t realize I came to jail to have fun,” you sassily remark, rolling your eyes. 
“What? That’s the only reason I came! Are you saying jail *isn’t fun?” he shrieks, trying to shake the bars. He then presses his face to the bars and looks left and right, finding an officer standing guard not too far away. “You *lied to me? After all this time? I thought…I thought what we had was special!” he screams, pretending to sob. 
“Shut it, Dazai,” the officer gripes, seeming just as annoyed with him as you. 
“Officer Foster, you wound me,” he pretends to cry, pouting at the man and again wiping at his completely dry face. 
“Have you ever done theater?” you suddenly ask, standing up yourself and walking to your cell’s bars too. His attention turns back to you and he raises a brow. 
“What? No. Why?” he asks, seemingly to be genuinely confused. 
You can’t help but snort. He’s so dramatic and actually a pretty good actor, yet he didn’t get those skills from something as basic as acting in a school play. Interesting. “No reason.” 
“Hm. Well, you still haven’t answered my question.”
“Which was…?”
“Whatcha in for?” he repeats from before, his brown eyes seeming to glint in the dim lighting.
“Oh, forgive me. I can’t believe I forgot to tell you, a complete and total stranger, such information,” you say sarcastically, pretending to be ashamed. 
He grins at you. “It’s okay! No hard feelings! All is forgiven!” he teases, smirking at you. You drop the act and gives him a bored look. 
“I really don’t see how it’s any of your business,” you respond, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“What if I go first? Will you tell me then?” he offers, leaning closer to you in his cage. 
“Why so interested?” you counters, tilting your head. 
“No particular reason. I may or may not have been here a few times and yet this is the first I’ve seen such a pretty specimen like yourself locked up in the joint. Plenty of big, scary men with tattoos and mustaches, but no dainty cuties like yourself. Color me curious,” he explains, that ever-present smirk back. 
“Did you just call me a specimen?” you ask, squinting your eyes at him. 
“Anyway, I digress,” he ignores, “So, we got a deal or what?” 
“Sure, whatever,” you grumble, pressing your temple to the cool metal of the bar as you watch him. 
“Excellent!” he shouts, cheering and jumping like he just won the lottery. He then suddenly grows serious as he tightly grips the bars, his expression suddenly grim. “I murdered a man.” 
Your brows furrow but other than that, you don’t react. Dazai’s brow raises just a hair as he leans impossibly closer to the bars, waiting for some big reaction that’s not coming. After a pregnant silence, he lets out a groan and throws his head back. “You really aren’t any fun at all! That normally always gets people! They either freak out and become scared of me, or they suddenly act like we’re brothers from another mother and ask me for details.” You just continue to stare, clearly unimpressed with him. You knew he was lying. 
He blows a raspberry as he’s trying to get brown hair out of his face, his lips pouty. When that fails, his head whips to the side to get the hair out of his eyes only for it to return right back where it was after a few short moments. “Okay. Truth is, I *almost killed a guy. Kinda. It’s a long story. All you need to know is that he deserved it and I’m an innocent man!” he states dramatically, returning to trying to shake the bars. 
You give a disbelieving hum as you nod your head, turning to walk back to your seat. “Right, of course you are,” you pretend to agree, nodding your head. 
“Well? What’s your story? Why are you in the slammer?” 
You stop right in front of the bench that you were sitting on previously, staring down at it and looking at all the carvings on it. “Still don’t see how that’s any of your business,” you respond sassily, turning to take your seat once more. He starts whining. Typical. 
“C’mon! Don’t be such a sourpuss! I told you why I’m here! It’s only fair you share as well!” he continues to whine and shout. 
“I never asked you to share,” you reason, smirking at him. He opens his mouth a few times and closes it, pondering your words. 
“But you agreed to it!” he argues. 
“Did we shake on it?” 
“No, but-”
“Did you make me swear to it?” 
“Well, no. But-”
“Did you make me do the very serious pinky promise?” 
“Would you stop that? I’m being serious here!” he cries, pouting at you. You chuckle and crosses one leg over the other, giving him a once-over. Maybe he isn’t so bad after all. He’s very entertaining. 
“Fine. I’ll tell you,” you agree, watching him perk up. He then stares at you, excitement and intrigue written all over his face. Your smirk only grows when you don’t continue after that, watching his face slowly fall and impatience start settling in. 
“Gah! C’mon! Out with it! I’m dying here! I gotta know!” 
You hum as you lean back against the concrete wall, crossing your arms over your chest. “I killed a man…” you admit softly for only him, and possibly other inmates, to hear. Wow, that felt good to get off your chest. You might as well confess your sins to someone who you’ll never see again. 
You watch Dazai, waiting for a reaction just as he had done earlier. His expression falls and in its place confusion takes place, trying to figure out if you are joking or not much like he was earlier. You stare at each other for a long moment, trying to figure out what the other is thinking. 
Before either of you could say anything more though, the guard from before is walking over to your cell. “Alright, we can’t hold you any longer. You’re free to go…” You hum and stand up, dusting yourself off as you walk towards the door. 
Once it’s unlocked and screeching loudly on its hinges as it opens up, you walk out and pause in the hallway. You look into Dazai’s cell, finding that his eyes had never left you. “Maybe we’ll see each other again. You said you come here on occasion, no?” you tease, smirking at him. And with that, you start walking away. 
“Wait!” You pause, turning to look over your shoulder at him. “Can I at least know your name?” You smile at this, facing forward again. 
“(Y/n),” you state simply before continuing to walk without learning his name in return. It’d be best if he never saw you again. 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
More with Dazai
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⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
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cinamun · 7 months
Hey fren! I have a ton of questions. Lmk if I’m being too intrusive or nosey lol.
I love your story, I always have to give you your flowers when I write you!! All hail the Queen 🙌🏾🙌🏾💐💐💐
Ok my questions:
For starting out posting and editing, do you keep a schedule for yourself to stay organized? Rn I’m finally posting on my simblr after 3 years but I find myself just constantly taking screenies instead of posting and organizing the story. It feels chaotic lol the only organizing I’ve done just for game play in general is shopping for CC every other day (it’s an addiction)
A question I wanted to ask for a while is, if you are commissioning someone for poses what are the average prices you pay (or better yet, what do you think a good price is to pay for pose commission)? Sometimes I have these perfect poses in my head and when I’ve searched for hours I normally just end up giving up.
Lastly, I noticed your post from yesterday said you had 25 photos loaded in photoshop. Do you have all the art board (or images) side by side to edit them consistently and simultaneously?
Thank you if you answer!!
Good morning bestie!! Let me just go on ahead and adjust this crown right quick lol THANK YOU and I got you!
I'm chaotic and impulsive but I have a little bit of a routine. Follow me under the cut!
Okay, SO!! For the first question about posting and editing.... I usually have an idea for the next scene while working on the previous one. So when I go in-game for story updates, the idea is already there and I'm just setting up shots and making the scenes look good. I don't have a schedule other than my posting schedule, so when you mention last night, I was editing pics that I had taken earlier in the day or the day before. So my schedule is usually sitting in photoshop all night the day before I post.
For pose commissions, I've only done that twice. I've had real good luck over the years finding poses or animations for anything I've needed. I would say make an offer to donate to them if you know their shit is dope and move anywhere between $5 to $10 USD. For the poses I commissioned, they weren't released publically so that's extra special (tip them more!). Also keep in mind if you're asking for accessories to be used, how many sims are in the pose, etc. For pose searching, try to be as vague as you can. "ts4 cleaning poses" and then see what comes up is one example and don't shy away from animations! They work with pose player, most without WW and can make for some great screenshots.
I load up all the pictures in Photoshop plus whatever templates I'm using (like the texting one or the dust overlays), and edit in order of sequence. This is where all the dialogue happens so sometimes I edit out of order if I know the dialogue for one scene already and maybe not the others. I hope i'm making sense lol. I spend a lot of time on this part because the words might change given which picture I've decided on (some scenes I take multiple screenshots of and multiple angles and then decide later which one to use). I go pic by pic, doing editing and adding dialogue individually then saving them, closing them and moving on to the next one. Once I'm completely done then I flip through them a few times as if I were the reader to try and catch any typos, etc.
This got really long but let me know if that helps or if I can elaborate more!!
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springdandelixn · 2 years
Behind Closed Doors - Part V
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41825796/chapters/107173545
Roommate!Loki x Reader
Summary: You and your roommate, Loki, have come to a mutual   arrangement. But as time passes by, you can’t help but wish for it to be more.
Warnings: angst - honestly, I think this is all there is
I apologize for the wait but here it finally is! We’re almost to the end, my loves! And I hope y’all stay for the finale.
As always, your comments and likes are highly appreciated. Reblogs would make me the happiest as it would share the weird love story of these two haha.Thank you once again and know that I love every one of you 💚 
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
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For days, your mind has been in a constant haze. As if in a state of limbo, uncertain whether you should talk to Loki about what transpired at the cafe or remain silent as you have been before that fateful day. You choose the latter, for you no longer desire to have any more heartaches to ensue and after seeing the black eye and bruise on Loki’s cheek after bumping into him the morning after in the kitchen, you’re glad about the decision you’ve made.
It even makes you scoff at how childish both men have been. Though you blame Steve for being nosey altogether and Loki goading him doesn’t make him innocent either. 
They keep their distance, all the same, something you are thankful for yet still make the effort to avoid them. Blocking Steve’s number the same night and ignoring Loki when you see him in passing, making it clear to him that you do not wish to be within his orbit. 
You no longer fear or worry about his presence but the pain has been your regular companion throughout the days. Loki’s words still echo in your head that you would find yourself in a daze at the most inconvenient moment, at work, in the kitchen—that cost you burning an egg, even during your baths, that it only urges you to keep scrolling through the list of rentals on your browser. 
You’ve changed your routine once more. But this time, you revert back to when you were living alone. You still leave the coffee pot warm, not wanting to fresh grounds to go stale but gone are the days of you slaving away in the kitchen just to prepare him a meal. You still make one, but only for yourself to take to work. And at times, you’d not prepare anything at all, opting to purchase at the cafe or the convenience store close to your office building.
And your weekend, you filled them with viewing schedules. Waking up early to meet the homeowners and check the units they offer. You even found yourself perusing the furniture store, being a constant window shopper at IKEA, and dreaming of the amenities you wish to decorate your future home.
You wake up late Monday morning, calling Maria and texting Sam to tell them that you’ll be doing a half-shift for the day. One of the apartments you’ve been eyeing for a while has finally called the night before and agreed to let you view the place the following morning. And with so many positive reviews you’ve seen about the building, in regards to location and accessibility, even with how friendly the neighbors are, you’re not passing up the opportunity. 
All dressed in work clothes and with your purse in your hand, you look down at your phone to check the time. Loki is home. But it’s late enough for him that you’re banking on the fact that he’s already gone to bed. You don’t want him asking questions as to why you’re leaving later than usual, you don’t even plan on telling him that you’re moving until your final week in the apartment. It’s a douche move, you have to admit. Constantly berated yourself about the insensitivity especially when so much would be at stake, but you’re done thinking of others, of him. 
Besides, you’ve kept aside some rent money to help him get by for a month. That would be enough, right?
When you hear no sound coming from the main room, you quietly open your bedroom door and make your way to the front of the apartment. But the aroma of freshly brewed coffee takes you by surprise, making you look at the kitchen to see the machine lit and the pot half full. But what surprises you even further is the sight of your lunch container sitting on the kitchen counter. 
You walk towards it, curious as to why it’s out then blink when you see it full through the transparent lid. Pasta, and a side of chicken taking up the space. Your eyes then take notice of the sheet of paper tucked underneath. Placing your purse atop the counter, you take the sheet, your heart constricting when you read the inscription. 
I took the liberty of preparing your meal for the day. You’ve done it for me so many times, I want to return the favor. I’m sorry if it’s only now that I’m doing this. I hope you have a great day today at work, Darling. 
Always Yours, Loki
It’s the first time he’s made contact with you since that night and you will yourself not to cry as you stare down at the letter. But such efforts are a lost cause as the words blur in your vision, the tears flowing freely down your face. Your hands shake and you have to lean against the counter to compose yourself. The note brings back all the emotions you’ve felt since the night he confessed his feelings to you and more from the past. 
You want to forgive him. You really do. To bury the hatchet and start anew. You still love him for god’s sake but you don’t know where to begin, how to even begin. You’re still too broken to take that step and there’s a small voice in your head that continuously tells you that he’s crossed the line, that what he’s done has created more damage than could possibly be fixed over another conversation. 
Yet a small smile forms on your lips as you look down at his note once more then at the food he’s prepared. You fold the paper in half and tuck it in your purse. Wiping the tears from your cheeks with the back of your hand, you head over to the pantry to take out your lunch bag and stuff the container inside before grabbing a thermos to fill it with hot coffee. 
You’re thankful for his effort and you’re not stupid nor heartless to put it all to waste. 
 “The living room is attached to the kitchen. The washer and dryer are just at the end of the counter and you have a kitchen island that also serves as a dining table if that’s alright with you.”
You nod as Jonah, the unit owner, shows you around the apartment, hand gesturing to the rooms he’s mentioned and following him like a lost cat through the wooden flooring. 
You look around the place and notice that it’s much smaller than the apartment you share with Loki. A one bedroom and bath with a balcony attached and the kitchen and living room furnished with the necessities. Your eyes then land on the single armchair sitting at the side of the coffee table, and you cannot help but think about the one back at your place, the one Loki has claimed for himself. And all of a sudden, you imagine him sitting on the furniture. Mug in hand, wearing that black Henley shirt you love on him while he looks at you with a smirk playing on his lips. 
You blink away your thoughts and divert your eyes from the couch, your mind running in circles and hearing yet not listening to what Jonah is saying as he shows you the bathroom and then the bedroom. “It has a walk-in closet and my wife said it’s something most young women like to have.” He comments with a chuckle and you smile at him if only to be polite, walking into the room when he pushes the door wide and humming in approval of its coziness. 
There’s a queen bed in the middle, similar to the one you have and your mind begins playing with you once more as the image of Loki sleeping on the bed fills you. His toned back moving between the sheets and duvet as he breathes and his raven hair fanned around the pillow under his head, looking peaceful in his state of slumber. You force yourself to look away, almost bumping into Jonah as you scurry out of  the room.
You feel a shiver run up your spine and your chest tightening as you clutch on the armchair tightly. Your eyes scan the place, looking for something to keep you grounded but everywhere you look, all you see is him. Loki cooking in the kitchen with a wide smile on his face. Him watching the game on the television while he cheers on his favorite team. Loki standing on the balcony, looking out at the view and casting a perfect silhouette as the sunset before him.
You don’t understand what is happening to you, why images of Loki continue to appear. You wanted to move out to get away from him, to leave the pain behind, yet he continues to plague you, haunt you, even in this place where you knew he couldn’t follow. 
You feel a hand rest on your shoulder and immediately flinch, moving away from the culprit and almost instantly feeling ashamed when you look up to see Jonah with his hands up in defense, his blue eyes full of concern as he takes a step back. 
“My dear, are you alright? Do you need to sit down?” He asks and you look around to get a grip on reality, giving him a nod as you move to sit on the couch.
“I—I'm fine.” You stutter your response. “Just—the nerves. Moving and all.” You lie.
“I understand.” He smiles at you but the look on his face tells you that he doesn’t believe you. “I know moving isn’t all that easy.” He says as he walks over to the balcony and slides the door open. You inhale deeply as the cool autumn breeze blows in and brushes against your face. “Do you have any questions about the place? Any concerns?” He asks as he takes a seat on the armchair, his ankle resting above his knee as he leans against the arm of the seat.
“Uhhh—” God you feel like a fool. Ever since imagining Loki on the armchair, your mind wasn’t fully focused on the tour. Too busy questioning why your mind continues to conjure images of him. “Not really.” He chuckles and you look down at your hands in embarrassment. 
“Very well. If you don’t mind, I do have a question for you.” You look up at him. “More like a screening question really but might I ask why you’re wanting to move? What of the place you have now? Bad landlord?”
You look down at your hands once more as you rub them against your thighs, a soft sigh leaving your lips as you think of what to tell him but only coming up with the real reason you decided to move out in the first place. To run away. “My roommate hasn’t been the best to live with lately.” It’s not entirely a lie but it’s not the whole truth either. 
“I see.” You hear him hum. “But they savory enough to live with before? What changed?”
You sigh. “—so many things.” And it shocks you at how open you’re being with this stranger. 
He doesn't know you and you don’t know him either. You could easily refuse to answer his questions and just end the viewing all at once. But with how he’s looking at you and how soft he speaks, the timbre of his voice almost dampening the tension that surrounds you, you can’t help but feel at ease and feel the desire to let out all your frustrations. 
You haven’t spoken to anyone about what happened to you and Loki. There’s no one to tell. Not even your best friends for not only have you not found the time to inform them of the ongoings of your life, but you don’t want to pester them with the woes of your heart. With how pathetic of a drama your life has reached. Yet here’s this man, probably old enough to be your dad, giving you something akin to support that you didn’t know you desperately needed. 
“Have you talked to them about it?”
“Have you told them why you no longer find them bearable to live with?”
“I don’t— I—” You stutter and he chuckles lightly at your confusion. 
“You should talk to them. Iron out any wrinkles before you move.” He says, his fingers tapping against his shin as he keeps his eyes on you.
“Why? Wouldn’t leaving be better to avoid any bad blood?”
“Do they know you’re leaving?” You shake your head to the negative. “Then that would cause even more bad blood and life is too short to make enemies.” He speaks as if he’s taking from experience. “And running away doesn’t really solve anything.” He adds and your eyes widen at his comment, feeling vulnerable with how much he’s reading into your emotions. “Not that we wouldn’t want you to rent our place, that would be marvelous actually. But if you don’t clear things out before you move, then you’re just bringing your problems wherever you go.”
“I never said I was running away.” You say almost defensively. 
“I know. But you look like it.” He answers as if it’s an obvious fact. “I was in your shoes once. That’s why I bought this place,” His hand waves around the apartment before resting it back on his leg. “So that I could get away from all my problems. Start fresh. Clean slate. Easy. But my problems only followed me back here and the apartment never truly felt like home, it felt more like a prison because I would willingly shut myself in.”
You stare at him as the advice he gave you begins to slowly sink into your bones. You’ve never had a decent talk with Loki. Even after he told you of his feelings, not once have you both sat down and faced the problem head-on, and here you are once more, finding ways to avoid him. Running away and with how your mind began playing with you, you can’t help but agree with Jonah. That the problems will just materialize themselves if you don’t attempt to fix them. 
“Talk to them. It’ll also help you breathe easier.” He smiles and you give him a sincere one back. Your heart feeling somewhat light from his words of advice. “So, if you’re still interested in renting out the property, just send us an email and my wife will get back to you with the paperwork. I’ll even keep the place vacant for a month until you decide.”
Your eyes widen in surprise at his offer. “Oh—you don’t have t—”
“It’s alright. Really.” He chuckles at your state of shock. “I see myself a lot in you and I know when to offer help, especially to someone who needs it.”
You nod and follow him when he stands, shaking his hand when he offers it and walking to the front door. “Thank you so much, Mr. Morran. For everything.” You smile and give the apartment a once over before looking back at him. “You do have a lovely home.”
“Please, dear, Jonah will do.” He says, giving your hand a gentle pat before walking with you to the elevator. 
 “I’m beat.” Sam groans as he swivels in his chair, giving yours a light kick that makes you face him curiously. “Coffee break?” You look at your thermos and see it empty, nodding at his request before taking your wallet and phone and standing from your seat. “Starbucks or 711?”
“Depends. Are we feeling fancy or are we feeling cheap?” You laugh and follow him to the elevator. 
As you and Sam walk across the lobby, you turn your head when you hear your name being called and freeze when you see Steve approaching you. You take a step back, Sam’s hands holding your shoulders when you bump into him as Steve steps closer.
“What’s wrong?” Sam asks, looking at Steve curiously. “Who’s that?”
“Nobody.” You answer before righting yourself. “What do you want? I thought I said to leave me alone?”
“Please. I just want to talk.” Steve says and you snort when you see the fading bruise on his eye and the cut on his lip. “Just coffee or even no coffee. We can talk right here. Please, just a few minutes. That’s all I’m asking.” 
You didn’t think that you would see Steve again. You thought he got the message when you blocked him completely. But you were too confident to think that he would stay away. He was persistent the first time and it would only be natural that he would do the same a second time around. 
Your brows draw together as you take on Steve’s image, huffing out a breath before looking back at Sam. “I’m feeling Starbucks today. You?”
“Starbucks sounds nice.” Sam grins. 
You turn to Steve. “You’re buying Sam’s coffee too. Just coffee and talk. We have fifteen minutes to spend.” You say curtly and walk out of the building, Sam walking in step with you and Steve following behind like a lost puppy. 
You sit down with Sam as you wait for Steve to get your drinks. You sense him looking at you and probably itching to ask who Steve is. So you face him and give him a sigh, rolling your eyes when you see the smirk playing on his lips. 
“He’s my roommate’s friend and he was an ass to me.” You simply say and turn your attention back to the busy cafe. 
“He looks pathetic.” You snort at Sam’s comment before facing him with a raised eyebrow. “I mean, he’s one burly dude yet he’s begging like a kid just for you to talk to him? He must have done something really stupid for him to get to that level.”
“You could probably say that.” You chuckle and then look up when Steve approaches your table, two large cups and a small one nestled in the paper tray. 
Sam looks at the cups and reaches for his, standing from his seat right after. “Alright. I guess I’m no longer needed here.” He says, raising his cup to Steve. “Thanks for the coffee, dude. And you,” He turns to you and winks. “He messes with you, you know where to find me.” He grins, nodding once more at Steve before leaving. 
You take yours and hum at the warmth of the cup when you wrap your hands around it. Taking in the aroma of the macchiato before looking over at Steve as he sits across from you. 
“Okay. Talk.” You instruct before taking a welcome sip of the hot beverage. 
“No. Let me stop you right there.” You cut him off by holding a finger to him. “That’s not my name and I would really appreciate it if you would stop calling me that.” You snap, tamping down your growing annoyance with another sip. 
“I’m sorry—” He frowns and bows his head, looking down at the table. “For everything. I overstepped and that was wrong for me to do.” You hum mid-way as he speaks. “I just—I really like you and became protective of you and seeing you crying? I couldn’t bare it.”
“So you had to threaten Loki for you to bare it?” You mock before shooting your eyes to the heavens when he looks at you with confusion. “It’s not only that, Steve. You and Loki can beat the shit out of each other and I couldn’t care less,” That’s a lie. Of course, you would care about Loki getting hurt. “but you kissed me. Two times. Even after we talked about staying friends and you were even the one who suggested to be friends.” You huff and flex your fingers to calm your nerves. “You’re a great guy, Steve. Really. You’re sweet and I enjoyed your company a lot but you just went overboard and it’s become too much.” You sigh deeply and face him once more. “I don’t know if I can be friends with you. If Loki invites you to the apartment again for a game night or whatever you guys usually do, then I’ll be civil but beyond that, I’m not really sure.”
“I—” He looks at you almost to the verge of tears then nods. “I understand. And I’m really really sorry.”
“It’s alright,” You nod and look down at your phone, standing when you notice the time. “My fifteen is over. I should be heading back.” He nods at you and you make to walk away but when you glance at him once more, seeing the defeat in his entire being, you can’t help the swirl of pity that fills you.
Yes, he’s stepped on some boundaries but what you said is true. That he is a great guy. If he didn’t cross lines and respected what you wanted, you don’t doubt that the both of you would have been good friends. 
You let out a sigh and groan inwardly, poking his muscley arm before nodding your head in the direction of the door. “Walk me back.” You tell him and you don’t know why you’re even tossing him a bone. But Jonah’s words from earlier runs through your head and you can’t help but agree that life is indeed too short to make enemies. 
You don’t want Steve to be your friend, that you have already established. But you don’t want him to be your enemy either. 
“Really?” He asks. 
“Just walking, Steve.” You put your foot down and give him a serious look. “Nothing more.”
You want to roll your eyes when he gives you a wide smile but stop yourself, walking over to the exit and feeling him trail behind you.  
 Friday finally arrives and you stay laying in bed after your alarm woke you up. You forgot that you booked the day off in hopes of looking for more places to view but after the last one, you decided to put a halt to the search, taking in Jonah's words about talking to Loki before even considering taking the leap of moving. 
You’ve been staring at the images of the apartment for the past couple of days. Admiring the fixtures and how perfect it looks for you to live in. But you refrain from sending them an email, even more now as Loki continues to leave you with his gifts: food prepared and packed on the kitchen counter, even taking the liberty of filling your tumbler with coffee himself. The letter has also been a mainstay but he’s now added flowers to the mix. 
Each day is different. Some days a bouquet and other days, a single-stem blossom. And it makes you think where he gets these for you know where he works, you’ve passed by it a couple of times in the past to drop him off some dinner, and not once have you seen a flower shop nearby. 
The clang of a pan sounds from outside your door and you sit up, looking at the clock on your nightstand and taking note of the time. Loki is home. And you don’t doubt that he’s fixing you up something to eat. Getting out of bed, you make your way to your ensuite to wash your face and brush your teeth, slipping on a hoodie over your camisole before taking a deep breath and quietly opening your door, not wanting to startle your roommate from his task. 
And just as you expected, he’s busy in the kitchen. Your lunch container already sitting on the counter, a bouquet of sunflowers resting beside it. You know that he’s making an omelet from the aroma that fills the living room. 
Talk to him. You hear Jonah’s voice in your head as you continue watching Loki. Your teeth worry your lip as you try to find the courage to do so. You’re still nervous about facing him, that’s the reality of it. Your body shivering lightly just from the thought of speaking with him again after a week of silence. But he’s right. Jonah is right. Either you choose to move out or stay, you have to fix the bridge between you and Loki. He means a lot to you even with the lingering pain and as much as you wanted to run away from him, deep down, you know that you don’t want to lose him. 
Slowly, you make your way to the living room, breathing through your nose as you try to calm your nerves then leaning against the back of the couch to spectate him in his role of chef. 
“You don’t have to do that.” 
“Jesus Christ!” He yelps and you can’t help the giggle that escapes your lips at his reaction. His face then softens albeit still shocked from your sudden appearance and you move over to the counter, sitting on the stool. “I know—but I want to.” He says, sliding the egg dish into the container. 
“I mean, you don’t have to do that because I don’t have work today.” You tell him, resting your elbow on the marble surface and then leaning your cheek against your fist. “Booked the day off today.”
You’re talking. That’s good. Keep going. You push yourself and tighten your fist, grasping onto the courage that tries to flee. 
“Oh,” Loki says, placing the pan back on the stove. “You can still eat it later today. Or you can eat it now?” He gives you a small smile, opening then closing a drawer before handing you a fork. “Breakfast.”
You take the fork from him and slice through the dish, humming as you take your first bite. “Uhhh—needs salt.” You comment, Loki immediately turning around to grab the salt shaker from the spice cabinet and placing it beside you. “Thank you.”
You eat in silence. Loki watching you from across the counter, happy that he’s keeping his distance. You’re ready to talk to him but touch is a whole other subject you can’t quite grasp on.
“You’re speaking to me again.” He says as you finish your meal, looking up at him before nodding at his words. “Does that mean you’ve forgiven me? You’re no longer angry with me?”
“Angry? No.” You shake your head before letting out a soft sigh. “Forgiven? No either.” He frowns. “But someone told me that I should talk to you. Fix things between us before—” You hesitate for a second, exhaling hard before you continue. “—before I leave.”
“Leave?” His eyes grow wide and in an instant, he’s beside you. You slip out of the stool and hold your hand out to him, Loki stopping, pain and panic etching on his face as he looks at you. “You’re leaving?” He asks once more. “You’re leaving me?”
“Things have just been too much lately, Loki.” You mumble, fiddling with your fingers as you try to cough out the words in your throat. “And I’ve been so confused and hurt and I just wanted to run away from it all. To run away from you.”
“Please, let me finish.”
He nods and you swallow thickly as you push on. 
“I found a place. Far from the city—probably 30 minutes by car and an hour by transit.” You move to sit on his armchair, hands folding atop your thighs, the weight and tension of the moment weighing you down physically and emotionally. “I already met the owner and he’s agreed to hold the unit for me until I’ve decided.”
Hope glimmers in his eyes, taking a step closer to you. “That means you haven’t—”
You shake your head. “Not yet.”
“What’s stopping you?” He asks although cautious. 
You sigh, rubbing your hands against your knees. “You. You’re the one stopping me, Loki.” There’s strength in your words and the emotions you’ve been tamping down since last week begin to bubble over. Your tears spill from your eyes and your fists clench tightly against your skin as you choke out your next words. “Because everywhere I look, I see you! All I saw in that apartment was you! You sleeping on the bed. You watching your TV. You smiling that stupid smile of yours while watching the sunset!” You heave, wiping the tears away harshly with your sleeves. “I love you so much and I wish I didn’t. I wish we just fucked like normal people and that I never grew feelings for you. That way, I can move out without a hitch. But you’re imprinted on me for some reason and I can’t get away from—”
Your words get muffled when Loki presses his lips against yours. And you could feel your heart exploding, your hands reaching up to grab his wrists as he cups your face, lips, and teeth crashing against each other in a desperate kiss. You’re filled with need as his mouth moves greedily against yours, his hand moving to cradle the back of your head as he keeps you close. 
You scold yourself as you find yourself kissing him back, your lips moving in their own accord, feeling that if you stop, your heart would stop along with it. 
The kiss breaks when you both come up for air, Loki sliding down on his knees before you as he takes your hands in his own, pressing them against his lips as his tears begin to fall. Your heart constricts from the pain that radiates from his face.
“I’m so sorry—” He chokes out, his hands tightening around yours. “It was never my intention to hurt you. I would never want to hurt you but I did and now you’re suffering because of me. Because I was arrogant and selfish and a coward and—” He looks up at you, his mouth agape as if trying to grasp the words he wants to say. But you stop him, taking your hands from his to hold his face, shaking your head as you try to wipe away his tears. 
“I’m sorry too—” You frown, your lips quivering as you try to stifle your tears. “I was so scared to think what you would do if you found out how I felt about you. I pulled away when we should have talked. I should have been braver else we wouldn’t be in this shit show.” You lean down and press your forehead against his as you can no longer bare to see the pain you’re causing the man you love. 
It’s finally dawned on you. Your mistake since the beginning. Yes, he’s hurt you but seeing him now, just how broken he looks and how much pain he’s in, you know just as well that you’ve hurt him just as much. He’s tried countless times to reach out and all you did was pull away. 
But you only did so to protect yourself. To protect your heart. Yet as you were trying to do just that, thinking it would be the best plan of action, you were breaking his in return. That everything he’s called himself, selfish, arrogant, a coward, was a reflection of you. You owe him just as much as he does you and you know that you should do just as much work to rebuild the relationship you once had. But you don’t know where to start. 
“We’re so broken, Loki.” You mumble. I—I don’t know what to do. How do we fix this?” 
“We’ll take it slow.” He says, almost enthusiastic yet wary, facing him when he tips your chin up. “We’ll start from the ground up. Do all the works and rebuild what we once had, maybe even turn it into something better.” There’s a smile fighting to show on his face but the frown wins the battle. “Even if it means we remain friends. Just—please,” He gasps, taking your hand and pressing it against his cheek. “Please, stay.”
You swallow hard and move to slide down from your seat, joining him on the floor and wrapping your arms around his neck to hold him tight. You both sob in silence, the cries of your hearts screaming loudly in the frigid morning. 
You don’t know if this would work if this is what you both should do. You try to think of running away once more, of pulling through with your original plan but just the thought of saying goodbye to Loki as you pack your things and go, and seeing his face as you close the door, makes is hard to breathe. That a life without him, as pathetic as it sounds, would be a dull one to live in.
Then and there, you make up your mind and press a kiss on his temple as you nod. Your hand cradles his head as he buries his face on your neck, the sound of his cries tearing into your chest.
You whisper. “I’ll stay.” 
 You both end up on his armchair. His back against the seat and you on his lap, sitting in silence as you hold each other, making up for the time you both lost since the day you pulled away. Your eyes are sore from all the tears and when you look down at him, you see his eyes red and puffy and it makes you run your fingers through his hair and press a kiss on each eyelid. 
His asleep. Beautiful even with how distraught he looks. His lashes fanned over his cheeks and his lips slightly parted as he breathes. He looks peaceful and you feel the same, leaning down to press a kiss on his forehead as you rest your cheek once more against his hair.
Your mind then flits back to Jonah. His advice swirling around you and you can’t help but think that he was sent by the heavens. Probably sick and tired of all the nonsense of your actions and decided to intervene and help you and Loki find each other once more. 
Things are still beyond okay for the both of you. But you won’t hesitate to test the waters and give your best effort in rebuilding the bridge you both once had. To tie back the strings you both weaved together and make it whole once more. Though you are hopeful and that itself is enough. 
“I’m rooting for you, Loki.” You mumble against his hair, your tears threatening to fall once more as you’re filled with so much love for this man. “I’m rooting for us.”
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Tag list: @mochie85​ @stolenlucifer​ @michelleleewise​ @rmoonstoner​ @muddyorbs​ @javagirl328​ @lucylaufeyson3​ @huntress-artemiss​ @ariacraigggg​ @silverfire475​ @lonadane @123forgottherest​ @catalina712 @lokiprompts​
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hollywoodcannon · 2 years
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Anonymous asked: So how does it feel knowing you got rewarded for being cruel? Yea, we figured out the timeline and we all realize there was only one night that you could have possibly gotten Nickie pregnant. And someone, not gonna name names, said Nickie was in near tears as she stormed out of the bar because of what you had said and did.
Curious Anons!
His shouting had encapsulated all the jealousy and animosity stowed inside of his heart. Cellared covetousness for who he couldn’t have, the woman whom he didn’t have, several emptied Budweiser bottles, beer slurped down the throat one right after another, hadn’t done any good in cooling Brian’s nerves that unfortunate night, his bubbling anger. It was painful enough to see her talking to the man. An unknown - handsome in the face but nothing too great - worse when the music turned slow, the two of them dancing on the floor, holding each other close. Awful were the things that the Loose Cannon had said to Niccola. Straight to her face without an ounce of care in the world, their argument taken outside, both the bar and the alleged boyfriend abandoned. Obscene accusations and whatever else felt good to fall from their lips spoken aloud; the best of friends fighting over the most pointless of causes. But Brian wouldn’t have admitted to that, then. Never confessed to wrongdoing, for pride was too powerful. Notorious - for the next song, why don’t you just get to it and save all of us bar patrons the trouble, and dance on his cock. We both know that’s what you really want - some part of him was happy to see Niccola stomp away so upset. A bigger piece guilt-ridden and heartbroken. 
It wasn’t long after that they found themselves together again. Niccola and Brian, naked and drunk and aroused, clothes shredded to strips and of no more use, their love and attraction consummated on the bed, the floor, and even standing. Over and over, like wild animals, skin bitten into with love bites as keepsakes. Hair pulled and scratches down the spine - declarations of love screamed into the lust fueled haze - Niccola a virgin no more. Pregnant, too, pleasures that were unprotected, as free to do as they pleased as the soon-to-follow rumors. If there was ever a moment that the Loose Cannon prayed that he could change, it would have been that. No early morning plane ride taken. No separation from Niccola and their baby. No months thereafter alone, himself drunk and frustrated and feeling betrayed, the misunderstandings that plagued their blooming relationship. Brian wished he could go back and fix it all. Even after the fact, when folks around the WWF still asked about it, didn’t care about what lines they crossed. 
“How does it feel? It feels fucking great!”
Brian retorted, mouth curved in a snarl, a picture of annoyance. “Since you seem to know so much about mine and my woman’s private life, you probably already know how great it was. Must’ve enjoyed the show, because you wouldn’t be here bothering me about it if you didn’t. Or, maybe, you’re just a nosey prick! And don’t you dare speak to me as if you’re some high and mighty god! You don’t know me. Yeah, fine, I’m an asshole, but, pal, I don’t try to hide it. That’s just who the fuck I am. Don’t talk to me as if you know my feelings for Nickie. Just to keep it simple for you, I love her. I’ll always fucking love her, no matter what happened on that night or not. You must have no brain in your tiny fucking head if you think seeing her, hearing her, cry didn’t hurt me. I’m not a monster.”
“Unlike you and your little posse of gossip starters. I should whip all of your asses for even thinking up such dogshit! You do realize that you’re speaking about my girlfriend, right? The mother of my son? I have half the mind to knock all your heads together and just beat whatever is left of you! You pathetic Spock-haired nerd, get out of my face, and stay away from me and Nickie. Or you’ll be searching for more than just your dignity!”
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elainesinlane · 3 months
🔑 archive #1 - nifalyn drabble
She says “Once I’m actually out there,” because for the past 2 months, the only “military training” they’ve been doing is reading books as thick as M.ina’s skull, (she doesn’t like M.ina.) one lesson after another, Shadis talking their ears off about god-knows-what, and exams. Stupid, useless, practical exams. (That doesn’t mean she’ll fail the exams though, no.)
It’s been three hours. Three hours, Five minutes, 15 seconds. The amount of time N.ifa has spent in this class. Three, unbearably long, hours. Whatever boring, and, probably, useless stuff Shad.is has been saying for the past three hours has went in one ear and out the other. I won’t think about all this once I’m actually out there, you know. Actually training. Sparring. Fighting t.itans and whatnot.
So, for the past three hours of another lesson she couldn’t care less about, all N.ifa has done is mindlessly tap her fingers away on the table and try to block out her teacher’s agitating, grating, voice. Hopefully she doesn’t get caught, but, hey, if she does, maybe then she’ll actually experience something.
If she’s being honest, the only ‘interesting’ thing that’s happened around these parts has been, surprisingly, E.dalyn. Brooding, bitter, old sourpuss, E.dalyn. Once, N.ifa tried talking to her, and without missing beat, shuts her down with a cold shoulder. Now, normally, with people like her, N.ifa would back off and keep her distance, but honestly? She’s intrigued.
Why, you ask?
It’s because Edalyn LeBlanc is a fucking prodigy.
She’s amazing in everything she does. Top of their class, excellent skills, a perfect body, amaaaazing hair, a natural-born leader, and, by the way, did she mention the, amazing, not-one-stray-strand, amazing hair?
The kind of girl that just makes you believe that God has favorites. Rumor has it that she’s from Wall S.ina; you know, where all those bougie, first-class, rich people live. I mean, it would explain the amazing hair so, it is a plausible explanation. But why would she choose to join the military if she was already living a stress-free, royal, high-life there?
Something you should know about N.ifa G.unn.hildr: She’s a very nosey determined gal. So, for the past two months that she’s been here, N.ifa Gu.nnhil.dr has done attempts to… befriend Edalyn.
Very futile attempts, by the way.
I think we’ve already established by now that Eda.lyn is perfect. And Nif.a just has to know how. So, her master plan is if she can befriend perfect, no-nonsense, coolgirl E.da, then maybe, just maybe, she can be ‘cool’ too! And you know, have a little some of that fame, seeing as she’s the one that’s ‘tamed’ the unreachable, wild tiger. Lion. Bear. Whatever. And so far, Eda.lyn has rejected her left and right. Even each ‘hi’ of N.ifa’s gets embarrassingly shut down by one very judgy side glance.
She looks over at E.dalyn, appearing to be lost in thought too.
She’s probably only not paying attention because she already knows this and thinks she’s above all of us! Nifa thinks.
Which is the thing Nifa wants to learn how. How to be above all her peers. And even though Eda.lyn’s tough to get to, she wasn’t giving up. The blonde prodigy was a challenge. Nobody loves challenges more than Ni.fa Gun.nhildr. She was going to be her friend, come hell or high water.
“This week, we’ll be starting our first sparring lesson,” Sh.adis says. N.ifa's snapped out of her boredom and the tapping immediately stops. Finally, something new! She thinks.
"This would be a good time to know your fellow cad.ets, as you'll be assigned a partner by Wednesday. We'll also be having a practical exam by the end of the week, so I suggest that both you, and your partner, are capable."
Yes! This is it! The perfect opportunity has finally presented itself, and now all she has to do is to grab it. She'll talk to Edalyn, ask her to be partners with her, hope and pray that some of her coolness rubs off on her, and success! It's a fullproof pla–aaand Edalyn's walking out the door.
Shit! She's leaving! Apparently Sha.dis had already dismissed them about a minute or so before, and Nif.a has been zoned out, thinking how great this is for her and how God is good and holy and right. She hadn't even noticed Pe.tra waving infront of her face until now.
"Hello? Ni.fa? Ya still in there?" Pe.tra says, lightly knocking against N.ifa's head.
Nif.a is too distracted, she'll deal with her friend later. "Yes! I gotta go! Bye!" Determined as ever to get to Ed.alyn before the others do. She knows that blondie's a perfect target for newbs who only want to get ahead. Not her though. She's not a newb. Anyway, Pet.ra's a bit taken aback by her reaction, but nonetheless shrugs it off. She'll ask about it later.
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dorefasolsido · 7 months
Do you ever wonder how Atheist people raise their kids?
I mean, just normal? I was raised by an atheist and an agnostic, I guess the only difference is that they never really taught me about religion whatsoever, so when I was asked in school which faith I identify with, I had no idea what to say. But they never told me I can't read the Bible if I wanted to (only read part of the kids' one tho), and we still celebrated Christmas and Easter like everyone else. Tbh, hearing about some people's experiences with growing up in religious households, I'm glad mine wasn't like that.
If you’re atheist, would you raise you kids believing in God or not?
I'm more of an agnostic, but if I ever had kids (which I don't want to), I'd raise them like my parents raised me. They can explore on their own, I can answer some questions, and that's it. I won't push anything onto them, especially not something I don't really believe in either.
How long does it usually take you to finish answering a survey?
Depends, I'm done with some in ten minutes, others in half an hour or more.
Do you spell it gray or grey?
Usually grey, but depends if I'm using American or British spelling.
If you make surveys, how do you decide about its title?
I don't.
When are you going back to school?
I'm done with school.
If you don’t go to school anymore, what do you do?
I work, attend German classes, deal with the crushing reality of everyday existence. As everyone else.
Do you care about other people’s status messages?
Hmmm where? I can only check those now on WhatsApp, and yes, I do that. I'm too nosey not to.
Do you like reading self help books?
Nah, it's just not for me.
What is your opinion on sex change?
Those who want it should go for it, I'm glad such options exist for trans people.
Do you think that this will take away the essence of gay pride?
I have no clue what this means, tbh, but the answer is probably no.
What do you do when you tell a really bad joke?
I laugh at myself and give myself a highfive while others all sigh and groan.
If you’re still a virgin, how important is your virginity to you?
It's not important and I think the whole concept and discussion around it is stupid. Like, I'd just get rid of that whole idea entirely. It seriously fucked with my head when a gynecologist reacted like I'm some mythical creature just because I'm over 20 and have never had sex with a man. I'm still dealing with that shame sometimes, and I'm not even attracted to men like that.
If you have lost it already, do you regret it?
As I said, it doesn't mean anything to me, so no, I wouldn't regret it. But tbh, I can't see myself in that situation, being ace and all.
Do you believe in marriage? Why or why not?
Well I mean sure, but I don't personally see that much of a point. I guess there are financial benefits and so on, but ehhh, I don't know.
Do you like having a huge group of friends or would you rather have few close friends?
A few close friends.
Do you have any goals for this summer? If so, what are they?
Summer is far away, but I'd like to travel somewhere, I guess.
Or do you plan on getting a summer job? Or do you already have one?
I have a job--not just a summer one.
If so, where do you work and what do you do?
Content writing and translating.
Do you watch the TV Show Skins? If so, who’s your favorite character?
I don't.
And which generation do you prefer? Or do you equally love both?
Refer to the above.
Do you know someone who still typpe thiszz wayy?
Has anyone ever typed that way?
Would you take a break after graduating from high school (like, postpone going to college for a year or so)?
Well I didn't--it's not exactly a common thing to do here, but I think it's not bad. Like, if you can afford it, why not travel a bit before college?
Do you feel tired after stretching?
Not normally.
Can you get a strike at bowling?
I did a few times. Beginner's luck!
Do you use Facebook? If so, what is your favorite application there?
I don't use it anymore.
It seems like everyone’s addicted to Twitter these days - are you?
Nope. I'm barely ever on there.
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bexisanidiot · 8 months
Some random pleasant Bee facts I recently thought of (long list lmao)
She doesn't fully understand transgender stuff, she's supportive. But she's doing her best- (if she was first formally introduced into the person when they already transitioned she'll just assume they've been born the gender they transitioned to they just have masc/fem features).
She sometimes tends to be very curious, nosey even but she makes an attempt to be subtle or focus on smth else.
She's typically the most quiet member of foxhound, she doesnt speak on the Battlefield cuz she's focused. But on base she is sometimes seen talking to Mantis or another member.
Her parasite flare gives her the ability to heighten her hearing and sight, like she can hear any human heartbeat from a mile away. Plus it's like Quiet. Ofc she kinda rarely uses it.
She's EXTREMELY protective of any kid she finds, typically she will refuses to use any weapon when there is a child in the area and she is aware of it. Even if the kid is trying to rip her into peices she's still like "ima protect you with my life".
Her first language is technically UK English since it was the first language she understood.
She's a very fast learner. Usually
She has a falconry license, considering the fact she has a Snowy Owl companion.
She can only understand Japanese when it's spoken, when it's written down she has some trouble.
She fully knows Czech/Russian, English, Navajo, Kikongo, Afrikaans, small bit of Turkish, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, and Vietnamese.
She used to spray paint but she hasn't done it in a very long time.
She struggles with scientific words/names. Especially the long ones.
She's loves Honey Nut Cherrio cereal & Applejack cereal.
Her favorite type of candy is butterscotch.
She tends to write in Navajo if it's a personal note or whatever. Cuz almost no body knows it.
Certified 60s - 80s type of of rock/metal music fan (EX: Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, Queen, Elvis Presley).
She has played the very old video games.
She doesn't usually carry around a mobile phone with her. She'll only have it with her if she's with family or not on a base.
She loves to take pictures, a reason why she has so many pictures of Mantis and her kids.
She's camera shy.
She tends to be insecure of her own body believe it or not.
The heaviest sleeper ever-
She wears a tank top and simple leggings underneath her suit (2005) and she'll only not have the suit on if she's in her quarter's.
She dislikes being unhygienic and overall dirty, it drives her crazy and it reminds her of Vietnam considered she has no choice of to be dirty-
She's crazy about proper recycling and littering. She likes to be as clean as she possibly can.
She's definitely scares Ocelot.
She's not the best at emotional comfort but she can give really good advice on how to deal with something.
Due to her body heat, she is basically living hot chocolate.
She has had a big hyperfixation on ancient Greek and Norse mythology in the past.
She has stolen her knives from a random foreign traveler or a solider in the late 60s to early 70s.
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Helping- Howard Wolowitz (3)
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Pairing: Howard Wolowitz x Reader
Characters: Howard Wolowitz, Leonard Hofstadter, Penny
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon: “Hi!! Please could I request a Howard Wolowitz x Hofstadter! Reader where Y/N and Howard have been dating in secret for nearly 3 years because Leonard wouldn’t approve of them. Then everyone finds out. Thanks.”
Word Count: 624
Author: Hannah
After dropping the bombshell on Leonard that you and one of his best friends had been dating for three years, you then told him that you were moving in together.
“You’re what?!” he all but shouted. “I’m going to kill him.”
Leonard got up and stormed out of the room, you were quick behind him. “You only said you’d kill him if he got me pregnant!” you yelled as you ran behind him. “He hasn’t done that!”
“I haven’t done that!” Howard yelled in confirmation as Leonard stood with his arms crossed, staring Howard down.
Howard looked at you in confusion. “I told him about the house,” you relented, walking over to him to stand by his side.
“And the whole pregnant thing?” he whispered in your ear as Leonard continued to stare him down. “Not yet right?”
You laughed, smiling at him but shrugged, leaving a confused expression on his face.
Leonard cleared his throat. “So, you’re going to live together huh?”
The two of you nodded like children getting told off by their parents. “Howard’s mum suggested it, she didn’t want the house to be empty.”
“Oh, so his mum knew?” Leonard questioned, but you could tell from his tone he wasn’t angry.
“Like we could’ve kept it from her,” you joked. “That woman is as nosey as anything.”
Howard laughed, nodding in agreement with you. “That she is, I think she loves Y/N more than me at this point.”
Everyone else laughed but Leonard eventually relented, moving to make a drink but Howard followed him, so the girls came to swarm you, wanting to know everything.
“Hey man,” Howard approached Leonard slightly cautiously, but breathed a sigh of relief when Leonard offered him a beer. “I know she’s probably apologised already, but I need to apologise to you myself.”
Leonard nodded, taking a sip of his own beer to let Howard continue.
“I didn’t want to keep it from you man, I wanted to come clean, but you’d warned us off her and I didn’t know how you’d react,” Howard paused to sip his own beer. “Look, we wouldn’t have been together this long if it didn’t work, I wouldn’t have asked her to move in with me if I didn’t love her, and honestly I wouldn’t be living with her if I didn’t think she was the one.”
Howard checked briefly to see if you’d heard him, but you were chatting away with Amy and Penny, so he knew his secret was safe for now.
Leonard smiled at his best friend before bringing him into a quick hug. “She’s happy with you,” he told Howard once they were standing apart again. “She’s happier than I’ve ever seen her, and you’re happy, why wouldn’t I want that?”
Howard smiled and the tension left his body. “Not killed him yet then?” you quizzed, walking up to place your hand on Howard’s back.
Howard put his arm around your shoulder and Leonard rolled his eyes. “That’s going to take some getting used to,” Leonard commented with a smirk on his face.
You rolled your eyes. “Wait till we’re living in the same house,” you joked.
Leonard grimaced, going over to Penny to bury his head in her shoulder which made her laugh.
Howard sighed in contentment, as did you when he pulled you into his side.
“So, you know how we said not yet?” he quizzed, a small smile on his face when you looked up at him. “How long until it stops being not yet?”
You shrugged, a similar smile on your face. “I couldn’t drop three bombs on Leonard in one day,” you confessed as you pulled a little white stick out of your back pocket. “It’s stopped being not yet.”
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rinnelovebot · 3 years
Gosh if it hasn't been done already,, rinne and rei relationship hc, please? Welcome!!!
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*ೃ༄ Rei Sakuma and Rinne Amagi relationship hc’s
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Believe me, you will absolutely always know how loved you are. Between his over-the-top dramatic monologues about the color of your eyes and the way you laugh, plus his need for physical affection, there is never a dull moment, and never a second that you won’t feel like the luckiest person in the entire world.
Rei is actually quite clingy, I would imagine. He likes to follow wherever you go whilst holding onto your hand, or having his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you two walk. Taking walks with Rei are among the most comfortable things in the world!
The dates you both can go on are limited to the indoors, and he knows how potentially annoying that could be, for the both of you. So, because he’s just so amazing, he’ll occasionally take you somewhere outside, bringing a parasol and sunglasses along with him. He might look funny to everyone around you, but it makes you happy, and he would give absolutely anything and everything to see that.
Temple kisses are most definitely his forte. It’s his absolute favorite way to show affection to his lover! He’ll pull you into him, placing a hand on the back of your head before pulling you in to kiss your temple tenderly as a goodbye, lingering for a few moments before heading off to a rehearsal or wherever he may need to go in the moment.
Another way he likes to physically show his love is by hugging you from behind as a greeting, or when you least expect it. He’ll teasingly scold you, saying how vulnerable you looked, how it could’ve been some random man who had just tried to come up and hug you, and how unbelievably lucky you were that it was just Rei, your beloved boyfriend~.
He tries his best to stay awake for some time during the morning hours before falling asleep until sundown. Rei knows his sleep schedule is very difficult to work with, so compromising with you is the best course of action. But you know, joining him for a nap couldn’t hurt every now and then.
Rei strikes me as a very gentle and tender lover, always being soft with you (though teasingly), and making sure you’re always comfortable and happy. As we know, he’s a massive empath, so seeing you, the love of his life, happy, makes him happy as well.
He is incredibly romantic. Presenting you with a single rose randomly, kissing your hand as he leads you, and promising himself to you constantly are all things that are very common in your relationship. What a guy.
Though he always has your back, and you know he does, do try to help him out every once in awhile. He is always taking care of and guiding you, so every once in awhile, he would greatly appreciate if you told him that everything was right with the world, and held his face in your hands. He’s a big softy with you already, but this would make him absolutely melt. Plus, it’s a rare and cute sight to witness the almighty Rei Sakuma’s face when he’s caught off-guard. <3
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Holy shit is he annoying. Sometimes he’s more like a doting and nosey big brother than your boyfriend, to be perfectly honest. Annoying you energizes him. But don’t worry, he would never go too far. He does love you, after all. He would never want you to be actually upset with him. And if you ever were, he would apologize with a million rounds of cheek kisses.
He reeeeeeally loves when you wear his clothes, especially in front of others! It reminds him that you love him, and that you’re comfortable enough to wear items of his clothing in public! And it’s just absolutely adorable to see you walking around in a shirt that clearly is too long for you.
Half of your relationship with the man is Rinne dragging you to join him in his shenanigans, pouting if you say you don’t want to come with him. Having you by his side gives him a constant flow of confidence and added strength (not that he needed any)! Though he does sometimes get you both into trouble, he always knows how to get you out of it, too.
When he isn’t dragging you outside to just about every single activity in the world, he is super lazy. That meaning, some days he just wants to lay on the couch and watch TV. He won’t stop whining until you join him, and prepare to not get up from that couch until at least midnight. And by that time, your red-haired boyfriend most likely passed out for the night, and you might just be lucky enough to wriggle out of his grip to use the restroom.
Rinne loves bragging about you to Crazy:B, saying that his lover is a perfect little angel whom the world could never even hope to deserve! He is a bit dramatic when it comes to you being a conversation topic, but it all the more shows just how much he loves you! He’s your biggest fan out of anyone, and he is not afraid to show it to the world in the slightest.
On top of that, Kohaku, Niki, and HiMERU are constantly telling you both to get a room. Rinne is massively big on PDA, kissing and cuddling you at every chance he gets. Rinne will aww at his unit members and declare that they’re just jealous of the incredibly strong bond you have with each other!
He loves holding objects out of your grip, even if you’re around the same height as him. He gets a kick out of seeing you struggle to reach for said object, probably groaning something like: “Knock it off, Rinne!” Or “Stop! You’re so annoying, urgh!” You just look so cute, he can’t help it! Eventually though, he’ll make you a deal. If you want the object in his hand back, you have to give him a kiss!
When it’s just you and him, he gets much softer and calm. He’ll splay himself across your body, nuzzling his head in your chest and taking slow, deep breaths. Especially when he’s tired, he can be the biggest baby ever. He’ll mumble something about how much he loves you, and how lucky he is to have you. It’s adorable, but if you ever brought it up to him when he’s fully conscious and around other people, his face may just begin to match his hair!
Hiiro thinks you’re amazing! He’s always talking about how he gets another big sibling once you and Rinne get married, and how excited he’ll be if he ever gets a niece or nephew! Even if that did happen, it wouldn’t be for awhile, you both would always remind him. Though, Rinne has always had the thought of proposing to you in the back of his mind! <3
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filipinoizukuu · 3 years
hello mr simp do you have any thoughts on the leeks 👀
Okay, it's no secret that I'm an All Might stan. I LOVE All Might. Very very much. Not just as a simp, but genuinely, I enjoy his character SO MUCH.
--And unlike what some people may think, I'm not totally blind to his flaws. I know he sucks as a mentor and that he's done way more harm to Deku than good. He's.... not perfect. in every sense of the word. The whole point of AM's character is that he is a DEEPLY FLAWED individual— but at the end of the day, still good.
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This new chapter gave me SOOO many new feelings. I'm not gonna lie to y'all and say I was a Stain apologist beforehand because I wasn't. I disliked Stain to a certain degree, but I also knew he was morally grey enough that I was able to still quite appreciate him as a character. This chapter was about EVERYTHING to me because I honestly did NOT expect Hori to go in this direction and for things to happen the way they did. It was too good to be true! Too fanfic-y! The disbelief I felt when I read what happened was on par with when Bakugou and Deku had that apology and kinda-hug in the rain!
But this disbelief is not because it was a bad thing.
I think the writing in Chapter 326 is phenomenal. The moment that All Might was really beginning to lose hope in not just himself as a hero, but himself as a PERSON... we finally hear the opinion of someone who would abso-fucking-LUTELY make or break the last of his spirit.
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Stain is, as much as his views are pretty agreeable and his label is that of a vigilante, still a pretty shitty guy. He's tried to kill literal kids who got in his way, even if said kids made pretty dumb decisions. AM hearing what he has to say is absolutely mind-boggling to him because he knows all of that. He knows Stain is a shitty person and that his worldview is perhaps terribly skewed. He knows Stain has spent a hot minute frying his brains down in Tartarus and isn't good at making judgment calls. Knows that for all intents and purposes, Stain's opinions are not to be trusted.
But the thing is... Toshinori also knows that Stain, regardless of the soundness of his mind, is telling the truth.
Regardless of how fucked-in-the-head Stain is, we as readers are able to acknowledge that he isn't blinded by hero worship. Sure, he's bitter, cynical, and quite the absolutist--but Stain is still clear-headed enough to be able to see AM's flaws for what they are and accept them, ultimately proving to Toshinori that the power of All Might was never his own but rather the legacy that he inspired.
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The society MHA takes place in is flawed. We all know this. Heroes, as a concept, had been corrupted into being purely about good and evil. Purely winning fights for money or fame or the abstract concept of victory (coughs Endeavor and the no.1 spot coughs), making heroism as we know it about flashiness and power instead of mercy and the desire to help others.
All Might symbolizes the ideal version of the Hero Society. He represents doing the best you can. Being a hero until you reach your limits, and then going even past that. He symbolizes pure intention and the desire to be a hero not for material gains but because of the pure want to make society a better and safer place. Stain refers to Kamino Ward and the statue as a "holy land" because he believes that through and through, AM's only had the purest of intentions and morals. To him, Toshinori was like a deity that had no fault in making society what it was in the present because that accountability fell on the generations of heroes that failed to fulfill his legacy.
The point being, Stain understood that All Might was fundamentally not about 'being there' for everyone 24/7, but rather the message his presence had sent.
All Might's monologue at the beginning of the chapter essentially boiled down to the ideas that:
A. He regrets not being there properly for Deku
B. His image was a delusion that ultimately led to the downfall of hero society.
To break this down, his problem with Deku is his inability to be a competent mentor. It shows that he has led him down dangerous and horrible paths (Deku's stubbornness to do things by himself and his 'dark' arc post-war), and is unable to bring him back into the light even if he tries. It was only when Class 1-A had intervened that they were able to get Deku to rest and let people tag along, after all, which is why Toshinori was far too embarrassed to follow him into UA's walls even after everyone had come out with umbrellas.
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Stain disproves this in two ways.
First, he says that it was never about All Might's ability to actually be there for people. The whole point of what inspired Deku to be the inherently good-hearted "true hero" he is today is because of the values that AM's brand had instilled in him as a child. AM's biggest positive impacts came from behind the screen where he was used as the proof that true heroes can and do exist. Deku does want to be exactly like All Might, yes, which is why we see Toshinori leading him down the same path that he walked--but the underlying message of this is that the very first thing All Might gave him even before OfA was the courage to help fix society.
I do believe Deku is an innately compassionate person. Most people in the series are. However, what makes All Might's smile so uniquely impactful to what it did to Hero Society is the way it gave people courage to help people. Less hesitation. Less bystander syndromes. The ability to move without thinking. Because you can feel the want to help a person, but the courage to be nosey and actually do it? That's portrayed as something AM's image teaches people.
The second way he disproves AM's insecurity of dragging Deku down is that he makes it clear that this pain is somewhat of a necessity in reforming society. He says, interestingly enough, that this is but the 'middle process' in reforming society. This spills over to how he addresses Problem B, but what Stain is essentially saying here is that this sort of brutality and isolation that Izuku faces is impermanent. A phase. It implies that even if Deku is struggling and Toshinori is unable to help him, it is something that needs to happen before they re-realize the ideal heroes All Might's image is meant to create.
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The second problem in regards to how All Might feels about current society (how it's collapsing because of him, etc. etc.) is more interestingly addressed. There are many things that Stain says--like how Toshinori doesn't need to actually be the one to fix society with his bare hands. The current society is not his fault because of the fact that it is not finished developing. I'm not sure if I can go so far as to say that Stain means this in the sense of the Scorched Earth method of tearing everything down to build it back up better-- but I can say that Stain still has faith in society to rebuild after this period of chaos.
This rebuilding starts with the old generation of heroes correcting what they messed up (i.e. Endeavor v Dabi) and more importantly, paving the way for a better generation of heroes that was inspired by All Might's image. Heroes that are led by people like Deku, who is defined by his proclivity to help without thinking. The violent deconstruction of society is about exposing society to the raw truth of All Might's image that not everybody can be as strong as him-- which is why we have to take care of each other.
When the lady comes in to remove the sign and start cleaning the statue, it's symbolic. It's a clear metaphor that the past few chapters are the turning point for society as a whole, and how people are starting to remember what real heroism is. From the distrust that was seeded in society ever since LoV had surfaced, we are seeing that trust being returned TEN-FOLD now that people can see not only the mask of a hero's smile, but also the person underneath.
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I think it's some really neat symbolism here too about how Deku, who's metal mouth guard was literally all about representing All Might's smile, is shed.
This is hero society dropping their masks. Letting people see them for as they are. Toshinori revisiting the statue in this form makes all the more impact because he shed his mask ages ago during the Kamino Bust, so this is him coming face to face with the image he's created and seeing the differences between them, and how his image continues to live on even after he's almost completely Quirkless. The lady cleaning the All Might statue shows off the fact that things can be repaired again--that society can be clean (hehe stain pun) again.
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It's interesting to me here how Stain offers the information from Tartarus.
He doesn't care anymore about his life. It's evident. He disagrees with what the LoV is doing, but believes enough in Deku to think that it's time for him to retire the mantle of 'Stain'. Unless this is another test, it's very odd for me to hear that Stain is offering a blade and his life to someone he isn't even sure is All Might.
But the impact of this action reads loud and clear.
This is Stain taking pity on All Might. This is him realizing that All Might too is a person behind the hero. That Toshinori Yagi is incapable of doing anything past the image he had already created. By offering that knife and information on Tartarus, Stain is giving control back to Toshinori. He is giving AM the chance to do something big again to help society's reconstruction. To be a part of the revolution that he so badly deserves to see. That knife is essentially an exit ticket from the sidelines, and one last chance for All Might to be able to see what his image has done for people.
I personally think that the main reason Stain is willing to die then and there by Toshinori's hand, despite not being sure that he is All Might to begin with, is because of the final impact it creates that it isn't about Toshinori Yagi's true power as a person, but the image of All Might. It is because he looks like the symbol of peace, that Stain (the literal HERO KILLER) feels comfortable laying his life in his hands and giving away valuable information.
If that isn't a great testament to the power of AM's image, I don't know WHAT is.
I guess all I have to say is I absolutely love what Stain did in this chapter. Everything felt so incredibly symbolic and emotional and as someone who absolutely ADORES All Might and what he stands for in the story, this felt like a cool balm after seeing Deku tragically reject his bento box a good few chapters ago. I have a few more opinions about symbolism, and how I think Deku's generation of heroes is going to stray from the old gen, but I think that's a discussion for another time.
Thanks for reading 'til the end!
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helloalycia · 4 years
girl next door [one] // wanda maximoff
summary: somebody new moves into the flat next to yours and you feel the need to introduce yourself, only to learn she's not very talkative
warning/s: none i don’t think??
author’s note: first part to a three-parter i’ve been working on, hope you like it! (also the masterlist needs to be updated so soz about that)
part two | part three | part four | part five |masterlist | wattpad
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Shopping bags in hand, I returned from the supermarket to my flat when I saw the usually-vacant flat next door to me in use. The front door was slightly ajar, with several moving boxes in front and the sound of someone moving about inside. Huh, so someone moved in. It had been vacant for half a year now – it was nice to finally have a neighbour!
I headed to my own flat, my nosey self taking a peek through the door to see if I could have an idea of who was moving in, but I couldn't see anyone, so I continued to go into my own place and unpack my groceries. After doing so, I decided to head next door and introduce myself, excited to meet someone new in the building.
The boxes from earlier were gone now, probably all inside, and the door was shut like I usually saw it. I sucked up a breath before knocking on, a friendly smile reserved on my lips for whoever would open.
It took a moment, but the door finally opened and revealed a brunette with bright hazel eyes and a mildly confused expression on her face. She seemed strangely familiar, but I couldn't quite pinpoint it.
"Hey! I just wanted to come 'round and introduce myself. I'm your new neighbour." I pointed to my door next to hers and added, "I saw you moving in earlier. I'm Y/N."
She pursed her lips, eyes glancing around subtly before looking me up and down. "Er, hi... I'm Wanda."
I detected a slight accent in her voice with the few words she spoke and became immediately intrigued since everyone in this building was usually the same old American. I didn't ask about it though, as I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable at our first meeting.
"Nice to meet you, Wanda," I returned with a smile. "I've been living here for a year now, so if you need a hand with anything or need pointers for where to get the best Chinese, I'm your girl." I paused, expecting some sort of reaction, but she didn't move a muscle. Swallowing awkwardly, I added, "Of course, if you just need a hand with unpacking or anything, I'm also happy to help."
She still didn't reply, and in fact, she looked a bit peeved with my presence which made me realise that maybe she just wasn't a talkative person.
I cleared my throat nervously before finishing with, "I'll, er, I'll leave you to it. Sorry to disturb you..."
I chewed on my lower lip as I avoided her piercing gaze and went back to my own place. Not everybody was interested in befriending their neighbours, I got that, so I respected her decision and decided not to bother her in the future. It didn't make me feel any less embarrassed at my intrusiveness though.
I didn't think much of it until the following morning when I was watering my plants out on the fire escape. My fire escape was joined with the neighbour's – the neighbour that usually didn't exist but was now Wanda. The brunette was stood there, drinking some coffee and staring out into the distance. I debated wishing her a good morning, but decided against it as I recalled her being quite introverted. Instead, I awkwardly watered the several plant pots I had, opting to stay quiet so I could be in and out without bugging her once more.
To my surprise, she spoke up and it took me a second to realise she was talking to me.
I held my watering jug upright as I glanced in her direction. She was already staring at me, deep set eyes darkened over the rim of her coffee cup.
"What's that?" I asked, not sure what she’d said.
She cleared her throat, eyes flickering to the plants to distract from her discomfort. "I'm sorry. For being strange yesterday. You were being warm and welcoming and I just..." She paused, releasing a shaky breath. "I've had a bad past few weeks. I didn't mean to take it out on you."
I definitely wasn't expecting that, then realised how many bad days I'd had and taken out on random strangers. I didn't blame her and instead felt bad for her – moving into a new place was supposed to be exciting, so I couldn't imagine what had ruined her past few weeks.
"Well, apology accepted," I said with a small smile. "And I hope things begin to look up for you soon, Wanda."
Her lips twitched into the tiniest of smiles and I noticed how different she looked when she wasn't down in the dumps – she was quite beautiful.
I finished watering my plants before giving her a final smile. I was about to head back inside, but I hung back curiously.
"Er, Wanda, if you don't mind me saying," I started randomly, "you seem familiar. We haven't met before, have we?"
She raised her eyebrows with surprise. "Oh, really? You don't kn–?" She tilted her head to the side, as if expecting me to understand, but I wasn't sure what she wanted. "I... I guess I just have one of those faces."
I studied her curiously, trying to figure it out. But nothing was coming to mind, so I hummed in agreement. "Yeah, I guess so... anyway, enjoy the rest of your day."
She nodded. "You, too."
The next time I saw Wanda was probably a week later, just after I collected my mail from the mailroom. I'd received one of those random free trial boxes for a subscription I must have accidentally signed up for – a box of different flavoured trail mixes – and felt bad throwing it out since it was still food at the end of the day. There were nuts in the mixes, which I was allergic to, so I decided to knock on Wanda's door and see if she wanted them.
I hadn't spoken to her since she moved in, except for the occasional good morning on the fire escape if we saw one another, so I hoped she was a little happier compared to when we last spoke properly. Maybe whatever had bothered her was resolved now.
When she opened the door, she seemed surprised that it was me, probably not expecting me to stop by again after last time.
I offered her a smile. "Hey, Wanda. I, er, hope this isn't a bad time."
She shook her head after recovering from her surprise. "No, no, it's not. Is everything okay?" She paused, glancing around, unprepared. "Do you want to come in or...?"
"It's okay, I'm good here," I said when I saw how uncomfortable she seemed. I wasn't just about to invite myself into her flat because she felt she needed to ask. "I just stopped by because, well, do you want this?" I handed her the box, adding, "I got a free sample in the post. Didn't wanna throw it out because it's food, y'know? And I'm allergic to nuts, so my throat will probably puff up and stop me from breathing which isn't good."
I laughed awkwardly, internally cringing at how I spoke utter nonsense because of her lack of her words and my stupid need to fill the silence.
"Unless you're allergic to nuts too," I added as an afterthought, when she glanced at the packaging with no readable expression. "In which case I should probably throw them right away and this whole thing is stupid."
After what felt like an eternity of me not shutting up, she lifted her gaze, eyes softening with a hint of amusement.
"I'm not allergic to nuts," she assured me, before nodding. "Thank you, Y/N."
I relaxed, not even realising how tense my shoulders were. "That's– that's good... so, how are you settling into your new place? All good, I hope?"
Subconsciously, I chewed on the inside of my mouth, wondering why I was so eager to speak to somebody who clearly didn't want to speak to me. She was so quiet, not a woman of many words, yet I couldn't help but feel responsible for welcoming her.
"It's nice," she said, glancing around thoughtfully. "It's quiet. Private."
I nodded in agreement, eyes falling to her doorframe as I said, "Yeah, that's true. Nothing eventful ever happens here."
She hummed, acknowledging my words. I figured the conversation had ran dry and I'd stayed a little too long, so I tried to think of a way to end it without her feeling forced to. Instead, she spoke up next.
"I like your garden."
I furrowed my brows, wondering what she was talking about.
"The flowers on our fire escape," she clarified, small smile tugging at her lips. "They're beautiful."
I stifled a laugh. "I mean, thanks, but it's barely a garden. I've always wanted a proper space to grow stuff, but obviously I can't have that here."
"Well, you've done a great job with what you have," she complimented, and I was sure it was the most she'd spoken to me since moving in. I suddenly didn't feel like she disliked my presence as much as I once thought.
"Thank you," I said gratefully. "Maybe you can start your own alongside mine some day."
"Maybe," she shrugged, "but probably not. Everything I touch–" She paused, life leaving her eyes momentarily, and head looking down to her shoes. "Everything I touch dies."
I pressed my lips together, not expecting the awkward silence to follow. Wanda seemed stuck in thought and I wasn't sure how I'd managed to bring the conversation down so suddenly, especially with the talk of flowers.
"The lovely thing about flowers," I began, earning her attention and hoping to brighten the mood, "is that they only require a little love, some sunlight and some water to keep going. They tend to take care of themselves. Perfect for even the blackest of thumbs."
She let out a breath through her nose, a half chuckle and half acknowledgment of my comment. It was the closest I'd get to a response, so I ran a hand through my hair and took a step back.
"Anyway, I'm glad you're settling in okay," I concluded with a kind smile. "Again, if you need anything, I'm just next door."
"Thank you," she said, returning the smile, and her eyes sparkled as she did. "Have a good afternoon, Y/N."
"You, too, Wanda."
The apartment complex I lived in rarely had people entering that I didn't recognise – I'd lived here long enough to know who was who, even the postwoman and maintenance guy. So, when I was leaving for the supermarket and saw a suspicious-looking man walking down the hall, eyes checking every door, I grew curious.
"You okay there, sir?" I called out to him after locking my front door.
He looked my way, readjusting his cap lower on his head, casting a shadow over his face. "Er, yeah..." He hesitated, glancing at his phone before looking to me again. "Actually, maybe you can help me. I'm looking for Wanda Maximoff's apartment. Do you know which one that is?"
I narrowed my eyes at the tall stranger. "I'm sure you can understand my concern when I ask who's asking."
"Oh, no, I completely understand," he said with a nod, and I could swear I had seen him before. "I'm an old friend of hers."
I quirked a brow. Strange man who claimed to a woman-who-lived-alone's friend? That had trouble written all over it. And from one woman to another, I was concerned, even if I didn’t know her very well.
"That's not saying much, sir," I said, biting back the annoyance. "I think that maybe you should–"
I stopped speaking when Wanda's door opened and she popped her head out. She looked to me before spotting the tall stranger, shoulders relaxing.
"I thought I heard you out here," she mumbled to the stranger, before stepping out fully and giving me a reassuring look. "It's okay, Y/N. I know him."
I nodded, glancing at the man, before meeting Wanda's eyes knowingly. "If you're sure..."
She seemed comfortable as she crossed her arms, hugging herself. Smiling reassuringly, she nodded. I relaxed when I saw she knew the suspicious stranger.
"In that case, sorry 'bout the interrogation," I apologised to her friend. "But, you gotta understand with the whole getup you have..."
Her friend chuckled deeply, looking to his shoes with amusement. "Yeah, sorry about that, ma'am. Didn't mean to worry you. It's nice to know Wanda here has thoughtful neighbours though."
"I'm twenty-two, not a ma'am," I said with amusement, before shaking my head. "Anyway, I should get going. Sorry again."
Wanda and her friend nodded as I left them; I was just glad it wasn't some creepy perv stalking our building – that had happened once.
I headed to the supermarket to do some shopping when I saw Wanda again, this time in the milk aisle. Well, she actually saw me, her trolley stopping before mine as she got my attention.
"Oh, Wanda, hey," I greeted her with a smile. "Fancy seeing you here."
She cracked a smile. "Yeah, well, I needed to pick up a few things. Milk, actually," she grabbed some from the fridge to prove her point, "when I saw you."
I nodded, before remembering earlier and feeling a little embarrassed. "Hey, er, sorry about before with your friend. I hope I didn't offend them or anything."
"No need to apologise," she said with a shake of her head. "It's actually very nice of you to have my back like that. I mean, we don't even know each other that well, but you watched out for me. I appreciate it."
"It's the bare minimum of a neighbour," I joked, before settling into genuine smile. "Besides, I'd like to think you'd do the same."
"Of course," she agreed, nodding slightly, before her eyes drifted to the fridge.
I noticed that every conversation we shared felt unfinished, like there was more to be said but neither of us had the guts to say it. Like now, for example, I wanted to check in and see if she was okay, but I felt like I was overstepping since, as she'd put it, we didn’t know each other very well. So, I changed the subject instead.
"So, just milk then?" I asked, nodding to her trolley which had a few bits and bobs in.
She was confused for a moment, zoning back into reality, before it registered in her mind and she answered, "Along with a few other things. And you?"
"Pretty much same," I said with a shrug.
Her eyes lingered in my trolley as she stifled a smile. "That looks like a lot more than a few things, Y/N." 
I almost laughed. "Technically, yeah, I guess..." I met her curious gaze, explaining, "I'm having a meal with my sister, her boyfriend and my boyfriend at my place tonight. Cooking a lamb roast." She raised her eyebrows with mild surprise, making me shrug dismissively. "It's not that big of a deal, but there's a lot to prepare and I like things to be perfect, so yeah."
She licked her lips and nodded. "It sounds great. Good luck, I guess. I'm sure it'll turn out wonderful."
"Fingers crossed."
She chuckled, glancing at her shoes, making her dark hair fall in front of her like a curtain. When she looked back up, I couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked.
"I'll leave you to it then," she said, before redirecting her trolley around me. "See you whenever."
"See you." I nodded as she walked past me, shoulder brushing mine and leaving me startled at the weird effect she had on me whenever we spoke.
It didn't last for long though, so I brushed it off and continued to do my shop. The evening couldn't come soon enough, and I soon found myself entertaining my boyfriend, my sister and her boyfriend at my dinner table.
"So I was cooking us a nice meal, as we planned, and she ended up having a go at me because of the mess I made afterwards," my boyfriend, Teddy, was explaining to my sister and her boyfriend, Caleb. "That's why I don't try to be romantic anymore."
I paused from sipping my water, looking over at Teddy with an are you serious? look on my face. Y/S/N and Caleb laughed at Teddy's story, but I wasn't as amused as they were.
"Aw, c'mon, babe, don't be pissed off again," Teddy pleaded teasingly from beside me. "It's a joke. I'm joking."
"But that's not how it happened," I corrected him, before looking to the couple before me. "What Teddy means to say is that I had just cleaned the kitchen and told him that when he cooks, he should try to clean as he goes along so it's easier, but of course, he drops cream everywhere and I had to clean it out of the crevices of the counter. All over again."
Y/S/N and Caleb laughed at my retelling of the story, and Teddy frowned playfully as he looked my way.
"And that's definitely not the reason you're not romantic," I said to him promisingly. "When was the last time you even got me flowers?"
He tried to take lead of the conversation again, straightening up and asking, "When was the last time you got me flowers? Feminism, Y/N. It goes both ways."
He was never usually this obnoxious and it was irking me. Y/S/N and Caleb assumed it was all a joke, so were laughing it off, but I was starting to get frustrated. How could he try and make me look terrible in front of my own family?
"I bought you flowers two weeks ago when you got your promotion, remember?" I answered him with a raised brow.
"Damn, she got you there, Ted," Caleb said like it was a burn.
I subtly clenched my jaw and distracted myself with sipping water. Teddy sighed and tried to wrap an arm around me, but I pulled away slightly.
"Oh, come on, you're not mad, are you? This is all in good faith, babe," he said lightly.
I downed my water and looked between them all. "I think I'm gonna get some air. You guys enjoy your drinks."
They all chorused their disagreements, but I couldn't be bothered dealing with them when they were tipsy and annoying, so I ignored them and headed to the fire escape for a breather.
When I reached the railing, I sighed immediately, feeling like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Until I heard a creaking noise and jumped with surprise before seeing Wanda sitting on her side of the fire escape, drink in hand.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," she said apologetically.
I breathed out, turning around and leaning my back against the railing so I could see her better. "It's okay, it's not you. I just– I forgot you could be there. Used to living without a neighbour. It's taking some getting used to."
I forced a small smile to reassure her, before looking down and taking small breaths of fresh air. Teddy could get under my skin at times, tonight being one of those times, and it was happening more and more lately. Why couldn't he just be less... annoying?
"Is everything okay?" Wanda asked, and I looked up fo see her green-gold eyes glowing in the dark under the moon light.
"Yeah," I said with a nod. I glanced inside, seeing my three guests laughing it up like I was still there. I collapsed on my chair and stared into the bustling city ahead. "Why wouldn't it be?"
Wanda hesitated. "Didn't you have that dinner tonight?"
I leaned in the palm of my hand, mumbling, "Yeah. It's still going on. I just needed some air."
Wanda must have sensed there was more to my words – it didn't take a genius to see that – but to my relief, she didn't push on. All she said was, "Oh, okay," and stayed quiet.
The two of us sat there, in a comfortable silence, staring into the city and revelling in the moon's presence. It was beautiful out, though not a single star could be seen because of the city's pollution. Instead, the moon hung high above our heads and conflicted with the many street and building lights of New York City, thriving even past dusk.
I probably could have stayed there all night, preferring Wanda's silent yet comfortable presence to whatever was waiting for me back inside. But to my dismay, I was called back in and sighed quietly to myself. 
"I should head back in," I excused myself, standing up to leave. But I lingered by the door, asking Wanda, "Have you eaten dinner yet?" She seemed puzzled with my question, and I continued speaking anyway. "I made a lot of food and have loads of leftovers I can't finish myself."
She seemed to understand what I was implying and shook her head. "That's okay, Y/N, thank you."
"Wanda, I insist," I said with a small smile. "It'll just go in the bin otherwise."
She was still reluctant. "Honestly, it's fine."
i wasn't taking no for an answer though. "I'll stop by in a bit to drop it off."
"Y/N, I–"
"See you then!" I exclaimed before heading back inside and leaving her no choice to deny it.
"There she is," Y/S/N called out to me when I returned. "You feel better?"
"Perfect," I said sarcastically.
She laughed. "C'mon, we're all sorry. Besides, Caleb and I have to go now, so we want to end on a good note."
Was I being too butt hurt? Probably.
"Right, sorry," I said, looking to them all, before saying, "Do you guys want any food to bring back with you?"
"You guys enjoy it," Caleb said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "It was delicious though, Y/N. Thanks for the lovely evening."
"Anytime," I said with a tired smile, before leading them to the door and looking to my sister. "Let me know when you're home, yeah?"
She hummed in agreement, before pulling me into a tight hug. "Love you, Y/N."
"Love you, too," I returned with a playful eye roll.
After bidding them a goodbye, I was left alone with Teddy, who was surprisingly washing the dishes.
"This your way of apologising?" I joked, stopping by the sink.
He glanced at me with apologetic eyes. "Depends. Is it working?"
As I met his brown eyes, I thought back to how frustrating he was acting earlier. He must have been acting out in front of guests for some reason, but he wasn't always like that. Maybe I was overreacting. 
"I'll let you know when you're done," I retorted, making him smile with amusement.
As he did that, I worked on filling some containers with leftover dinner for Wanda, being sure to include a generous amount of everything.
"Who's that for?" Teddy asked, noticing what I was doing.
"Wanda, my new neighbour."
"Never heard of her."
I gave him a knowing look. "Hence the word 'new'."'
He returned the stare. "What I mean is, I've never seen her around."
I shrugged, finishing packing the containers and stacking them to carry. "She prefers to keep to herself."
"What, like a weirdo?"
I rolled my eyes. "No, Teddy. She's just private. Introverted, if you will."
"Sounds like a weirdo to me..."
I chose to ignore him as I left the flat and headed to Wanda's. She opened up quicker than usual, probably since she was expecting me this time.
"Bon appétit," I joked, before holding out the takeaway containers. "It's lamb roast with veg, potatoes, some gravy and bread."
"You really didn't have to," she said, though accepted the food. When she glanced down at it, she added, "This is a lot for one person."
I couldn't help the smile on my face. "Enough for second's. You'll have to let me know if you like it. It's my best recipe."
She snickered, eyes meeting mine. "I'm sure it's delicious... do you want to come in?"
Stepping to the side, she looked to me with what I think was a hopeful expression. I felt bad when I smiled sadly, shaking my head.
"I'd love to, Wanda, but I've actually still got my boyfriend over and I can't really, y'know..."
"No worries," she was quick to reassure. "It's– no, it's okay, honestly. I just thought I'd ask."
It was the first time she'd ever asked and meant it, which meant she was finally getting comfortable with me. I would have preferred to go in, but I couldn't just leave Teddy, nor kick him out.
"Maybe we can hang out tomorrow?" I asked hopefully. "If you want, that is. Because I want to. But I don't want to just invite myself over."
She seemed amused as she nodded. "Tomorrow sounds great. Maybe I can make you dinner, as a thank you for this food."
I grew a little excited at spending a bit more time with the quiet, reserved brunette. "I'd like that."
She nodded, lips pursed into a suppressed smile, and glanced at the food in her hand. "Great. Well... have a good evening, Y/N. And thank you again for the food."
"Good evening," I returned, subconsciously memorising the rare smile she gave me, before leaving her to it.
When I returned to my flat, all I could think about was the next night and getting to know Wanda.
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jinx-jade · 4 years
Secret Dreams chapter 1: Let the chaos begin.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, currently eighteen years old and completely exhausted with jet lag. She flopped onto her hotel bed and stared at the ceiling, unsure how to feel at this moment in time. Was she supposed to be happy and excited, or anxious and terrified? In all honesty, she was most likely a combination of all the above. The reason for Marinette’s distress?  Jagged and Penny had decided to bring Marinette with them for a charity gala in a different country.
The overexcited rockstar and his lovely assistant/wife had dragged Marinette to many different galas and events in many different places around the world. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue and there would be no need for Marinette’s freaking out and spiraling. The cause of the young designer’s stress was where Jagged, Penny, and Marinette were visiting.
Gotham, New Jersey, in The United States of America.
Also known to Marinette as the same country, state, and city her soulmate lives in. That’s not even mentioning the fact that the charity gala they will be attending is being hosted by her soulmate’s family. While Marinette would like nothing more than to meet her soulmate in person and not just when they’re both unconscious, she was rather worried about meeting his family.
Marinette and her soulmate Damian have a rare type of soul bond, but according to studies their bond was more commonly known as the dream zone. The dream zone is a space that their bond created for them to be together while being apart. The bonded souls are brought to the dream zone whenever they are unconscious and stay there until they become conscious again. 
The definition of being unconscious in the dream zone could mean anything from asleep, to being knocked out, in a coma, or even dead. This means that if you have a dream zone bond and your soulmate died, they would simply stay in the dream zone. While the dead soulmate is stuck in the dream zone, the living soulmate can visit them whenever they are unconscious. Making it so the bonded pair was never alone and never truly leave each other
 While some bonds only appear when you meet your bonded, the dream zone bond activates as soon as the younger of the bonded pair is born. This makes it so the bonded pair are together most if not all of their lives. As a result, Marinette and Damian know everything about the soul bonded to them.
They had decided relatively quickly that they would not keep any secrets from each other. Keeping secrets from their mate could cause strain on their bond. They enjoyed talking to each other about anything and everything. Keeping secrets from their mate was pretty much an impossible task anyway. Secretes from other people was a completely different story. Keeping secrets from others was how they stayed alive as long as they have.
 The League of Assassins viewed soulmates as a weakness that needed to be disposed of as soon as possible, so Damian never said a word about his mate. Ra’s and Talia had both made sure to check Damian for any signs of a bond. When they saw that Damian didn’t have any physical bonds they just assumed that his bond would appear when he met his soulmate, or he simply didn’t have one. Not having a soulmate wasn’t uncommon. Only two out of every three people had a mate.
This assumption from Ra’s and Talia sparked an idea for the young bonded pair. Marinette and Damian decided to pretend they didn’t have a soulmate. This decision made both of their lives a lot easier. Damian never had to hunt down and kill his mate, and Marinette didn’t have to share personal information about her bond with nosey kids her age. 
They had made this decision when they were five years old and stuck with it. According to everyone and anyone they knew, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Damian Al Ghul-Wayne don’t have soulmates. This created the current problem, Marinette was going to meet Damian in person, at a gala his family is hosting. A family that believes that Damian doesn’t have a soulmate. 
She could sense the chaos brewing.
Marinette let a grin appear on her face, replacing the worried look she had previously been wearing. Sitting up just enough to look at the alarm clock, she saw that it was already two in the morning
‘Damian should be done with patrol by now’ Marinette thought to herself as she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.
Marinette opened her eyes as she appeared in the dream zone. Looking around to see if Damian was there yet.
“You should have been here before me Habibti” Damian chastised her, seeming to appear out of thin air behind her as he wrapped his arms around Marinette’s waist. Marinette let a small smile play on her lips as Damian’s hold on her tightened the slightest bit before loosening again. Letting her know that he had been worried about her.
Marinette knows full well that Damian was never really allowed to communicate his feelings through words. He was trained to not show any feelings at all. Even now, when Damian has been living with his father’s family for the past eight-year, he still has trouble putting emotions into words. As a result, Damian communicated through his actions more than he did his words. While his words might say one thing, his actions and body language usually say something else. Very rarely do Damain’s words and actions line up.
Turning around slowly, Marinette linked her arms behind his neck, Damian’s hands still resting on her waist, “ Sorry about that mon amour,” Marinette purred back in response, tilting her head to the right while slowly batting her eyelashes at him. Somehow looking every bit the picture of perfect innocence and mischief. 
Damian looked over her facial features, inspecting her from any hint of something being amiss. He nodded to himself, seeing that whatever was bothering Marinette had already been taken care of. At the very least, Marinette had already come up with a way to handle the issue.
Damian leaned forward luring her into a soft, lazy, kiss. He brought her closer to himself, which Marinette easily copied, wrapping her arms a bit tighter around his neck. Once their need to breathe outweighed his desire to be this intimately close to his bonded, Damian broke away from the kiss, inching away slightly to rest his forehead against hers.
Marinette let out a content sigh before speaking in a soft tone, “Sorry for worrying you, Dove.”
Damian let out a hum in response, letting her know that he accepted the apology. Pulling away completely, Damian quickly caught Marinette’s hand, guiding her to the living room looking part of the dream zone. Damian sat in the corner of the couch, settling his bonded into his lap, Marinette easily complied. 
Something Marinette had learned years ago was that Damian preferred being in control of situations. When something fell outside of his control, he would get anxious, causing him to do small repeated movements such as tapping his finger quietly against his thigh, arm, or table. If Damian feels that the situation is too far out of his control he'll lash out, be it physically or verbally.
“What are you thinking?” Damian questioned looking at her curiously.
“How much chaos would be caused if Gotham’s ice prince showed this much affection at the upcoming charity gala,” Marinette informed him with a smirk
Damian scoffed at his girlfriend, rolling his eyes, “You and your chaos”
Marinette lightly smacked Damian’s arm as she gasped as if she were offended, “I’ll have you know that I made Jagged’s, Penny’s, and my outfits for the gala! That’s not even mentioning the fact that I was also commissioned by your father to make your family’s outfits as well!”
Marinette huffed before her smirk returned, “I did a lot of creating, so of course I have to balance it out with some chaos.”
Damian let out a chuckle, “Then let the chaos begin.”
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