#i know that all good stories have to follow a naming theme so the normal thing to do would be to like
spearxwind · 8 months
ough i really want to name like, a location in one of my headworlds after Nidavellir cause its literally such a dope name fr
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baby-yongbok · 9 months
A Feeling
Boyfriend!Bang Chan × Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst with a pinch of sugar at the end
Summary: There's a feeling in your chest that you can't seem to shake.
Warnings: Mentions of betrayal, Themes of cheating, Drinking, Broken Glass, Name calling. (I think this is it, let me know if I missed anything)
A/N: Happy Birthday Dear Chrisssss, Happy Birthday to you! + I've been having some issues with writing due to my health so I hope that this piece is good lol I got approval from my best friend and I trust her so here you go! This is one of the many posts that I'll be making for Our Leaders birthday so be on the look out!
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The sting of bourbon flooded your throat as you threw back yet another shot. What was supposed to be a date night with Chris turned into you ordering a meal for one and him staying late at the company to fix a sudden studio mistake.
It wasn't the fact that your date night got canceled that bothered you, it was something else. It was a feeling that lingered in your chest. A feeling that something was wrong. You couldn't quite put your finger on it and the more you wondered the closer you got to finishing half a bottle of bourbon by yourself.  At this point you might as well wait for Chris to get home. It's about three in the morning now so he should be home any -
"Baby?" Your boyfriend's voice startled you out of your deep thoughts. "What are you still doing up?" 
"I kinda got… stuck. And then I got the bourbon out and ended up a little drunk.. so put the two together and you get this." Motioning towards yourself hunched over in the barstool you sigh.  "I couldn't shake this feeling..." 
"Are you sober enough to talk about it?" Stalking towards you slowly, Chris takes the empty seat next to yours.  
"Maybe it's best if I'm not sober for this? Maybe it'll make it easier to ask you and depending on the answer I wouldn't mind having it be harder to remember."
Confusion consumes his features as he leans forward, crossing both of his arms on the kitchen island "What could possibly be bothering you this much, babygirl?"
"I feel like.. there's something you have to tell me. I feel like today, something happened and you need to tell me but you aren't sure about it." Chris perks up a bit as you explain yourself to him. "If my feelings are correct then I need you to tell me what it is right now. Cause I can't sleep with this in my chest."
Running his hand over his face he covers his mouth for a second as he takes in all that you've said.
"Chris?" He looks up at you, directly into your eyes. "What is it?"
With a heavy sigh Chris squeezes his eyes shut as he prepares to speak. "Your friend… you know how you asked me to get Michelle a job at the company?" You shake your head as you follow his story. " Well ever since she started working there she's been.. suspiciously enthusiastic to see me. I thought that maybe she was just grateful that I got her the job and decided not to read too much into it"
Sighing, Chris runs both of his hands over his face and then looks down at the marble of the island. "Today, she went with us to assist with the Hilfiger shoot, she was just there to help make sure that it all went smoothly. Everything seemed perfectly normal until we were in the vans on our way home. I sat in the back and she made it her mission to sit next to me even though she was supposed to be in the other van. She was quiet for a bit, just listening to me Han and Felix talk until she suddenly tapped me and started talking about fate. She said that she's been waiting for an opportunity to get closer to me and this job has given her that." 
He pauses as he takes a second to read your body language. You couldn't hide how tense you are even if you wanted to. Your first instinct was to explode before he could even finish his story. You wanted to call him a liar for saying that Michelle, your best friend since preschool, would say such a thing to him but sadly you knew he wasn't lying. After being with him for three years you've learned how to tell when he’s hiding something from you. 
"I told her that I didn't understand. I told her that she knows I'm with you and I'm happy in this relationship. I told her that I only got her the job because you asked me to. She proceeded to talk about how much she... how much she liked me and then she told me that watching me during the shoot turned her on... then she, she uh.. she kissed me." 
You urgently sat up in your seat as you imagined just what he said. There's no way that Michelle would do that to you… right?  "And I pushed her away immediately, as soon as I processed the feeling I panicked and Han saw it all."
Quietly, you start to piece together everything that Chris just put out in the open. There’s no way that Michelle would never betray you like that. The two of you are partners in crime, you love each other, you respect each other.  
"Michelle -" You pause, your buzzing thoughts making it more difficult to complete your sentence..  "She wouldn’t -" 
You attempt to process the information over and over, the fuzziness that the bourbon’s caused making it a bit hard to piece it all together clearly but you know that it's true. It’s obvious that Chris isn't lying. He scratches the back of his neck when he's lying and on top of that, he has no reason to tell a lie about Michelle.
 "That fucking skank" Your glass shatters on the kitchen floor as a storm of anger closes in on your senses. You stumble to your feet and go straight for your cell on the kitchen counter.  
"Y/n" Chris swiftly stalks after you, grabbing your waist from behind. 
"Fucking let go of me." You fight his hold but all it does is make him hold onto you tighter. 
"You're drunk, if you're going to call her, do it tomorrow." You continue to fight him, the rage you felt was only enhanced by the bourbon and you knew that, yet you couldn't find it in you to calm the storm in your chest
"How could she do this shit?" 
"Baby, please calm down." He drags you down to the kitchen floor and pulls you into his lap. To you, it felt like you were still fighting but you were still now, being cradled by Chris as you sobbed into his chest. The transition was unbeknownst to you, it was so sudden.  
"How could she do that to me? She knows…" Chris shushes you as he strokes your hair. His thumb softly rubbing soothing circles into the exposed skin of your thigh. 
"She knows you're mine." 
"I'm sorry, I was never going to keep this from you. I just didn't know.. I didn't know how to tell you. I was going to give it till the morning." 
"Did you like it.."
"What?" Looking down at you with furrowed brows Chris’ grip on you loosens just for it to tighten again.  "No, no I didn't. I pushed her away. I immediately felt… dirty and scared.. scared that she'd cost me your trust, scared that you'd freak out so badly that you'd hate me for even saying anything. I hated every second of it and I hate every second of this feeling that it left me with. I love you, Y/n. I've never wanted anything with anyone else and that includes Michelle."
Silence envelopes the two of you as he holds you and you him.  The situation at hand was looming slowly around the two of you. You're almost positive that Chris will call Han in the morning to confirm everything that he told you. And you'll call Michelle and ask her why the fuck she thought this was okay.  
"We should get you some water then into bed, it’s late" Slowly you nod your head to agree with him but before you can stand Chris scoops you up in his arms bridal style and stands. " I don't want you hurting yourself on the glass." 
You look down at the shattered shot glass on the kitchen floor then back up at Chris. He’s watching you with soft eyes, a weak smile pulling at his lips. A surge of desire washes over you and you can't help what happens next. Grabbing his face with both of your hands you kiss him hard and passionate. He kisses you back with the same hunger allowing your energies to mix in a delicious and raw display of passion. As his lips tangle with yours he takes a couple steps back, away from the mess on the kitchen floor. You can hear the crack beneath his shoe as he steps on a piece of stray glass. 
You comb your fingers through his hair, grabbing some of it and pull slightly at the roots. A moan slips from his lips and it drives you over the edge.  
"Please." You both are panting as you pull away and plead for him. " Please, I need you."
"You're drunk." He looks down at you with sad yet lust flooded eyes.  You can tell it's killing him to deny you of your desire. "Trust me, I want to but you're wasted and not even two minutes ago you were angry and crying...Right now you only want me to prove that she can’t, ask me again tomorrow and I won't hesitate" 
"Okay." The Silence comes back to hug you both as he carries you into your shared bedroom and sits you onto the bed.  
"I'm gonna get you some water and clean up that glass. You should shower and change into something for bed." He kisses you on your cheek and you watch him as he walks away. His black t-shirt and joggers fit him beautifully and you couldn't help but resent him for it just a bit. You don’t move, your thoughts are running too wild for you to think about doing anything else besides calling Michelle and yelling every profanity that you can think of at her. You almost don’t notice Chris come back into the room with a bottle of water in hand and confusion written on his features.
“Are you going to shower?” You look up at him with your glazed eyes, searching his features for the right answer but it’s no use. 
“I don’t know.” You whisper and Chris takes a step towards you, Standing in front of you and gently guiding your head to rest on his stomach. You sigh at the contact, taking in his gentle touch.
“Maybe we’ll just call it a night? Shower in the morning.” You nod your head lazily as a tear runs down your cheek and soaks into the cotton of his shirt.
“You’re mine, right?” He pulls back from you a bit to see your face. He cups your cheeks in his hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. 
“All yours, only yours.” His eyes stay on yours, a soft and loving gaze that you know holds nothing but the truth. You shake your head slightly, grinning a bit. 
“You promise?” He returns your grin before leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“I promise.”
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lyomeii · 1 year
never forgetting about you
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->warnings: yandere themes, manipulation, angst, maybe this can be read without being yandere at all? Spoiler from the main story ending
-> request by anon! Hi 👋 I know I requested the same thing, but I forgot to add some details. Can you do a yandere sung jin woo where the reader is from the real world but falls in love with sung jin woo even though the reader knew that he was going to fall in love with who I forgot her name is so the reader gives him a yellow tulip flower ( which I think means love from one side ) and then the reader goes back to the real world and after some years sung jin woo brings the reader back and keeps them with him (sorry English isn't my first language :) anyway have a good day ♥︎~
->a/n: have a good day too anon! I loved writing this one since i never got a request like that before :) it was kinda of a challenge, but trust me that only made me more happier when I finished this. and I changed the flower, since i do know that yellow roses means friendship.
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-> maybe this was all a dream, a really realistic one, yet you don’t seem to find a way to awake from it no matter what. you are living in a apartment in south korea, that’s fine and you can handle it, you are a grown up adult inside a teenager body who knows to take care of yourself… but the huge portal in front of your ‘home’ was what caught you off the guard.
-> the design was similar and didn’t took much time to realize you are inside the world of solo leveling, as much that sound exciting and a little weird, you felt something bad coming up. Could that be since you know how the story is going to end? Probably so, but it’s a dream so why not spend your short time here to met this new place?
-> you didn’t care if it a school day or not, you dressed in comfortable clothes, got your backpack and began walking around the streets while admiring every corner. Even with you being incapable to enter the portals for oblivious reasons, seeing such new environment is enough to make you wonder if this truly a dream, not to mention the delicious desserts that you brought during you little journey til sun dawn.
-> the next day, you got scared when you realize you still inside of this new world, where your new parents discovered you ditch class to walk around. That’s don’t sound well neither the grounding you received it from them, you felt bad with how worried they look and the many tears in their eyes, making you feeling so guilty about it. Such a great way to find out you are stuck in solo leveling forever.
-> getting used to this new life and world is actually fast? studying is now easier since you were a graduate in past life, your slowly gained your parents’ again and continue to have what you consider a normal life if you don’t count the many portals and hunter you saw in daily bases, since one of your parents is an A-rank healer and the other one works for the Korean Hunters Association, in which area? You never bothered to ask.
-> they are pretty busy with their job, yet they always made time to spend with you growing up and letting you choose what path in life you wish to have. Many people were somehow disappointed when you told that you have no desire to become a hunter like your parent, much to their happiness, knowing that you are save from dangerous situations and seeing you following your dreams to reach whatever is inside your mind.
-> what they don’t know is that your dreams ( as much it sound stupid ) is to meet the many characters you adore from the story. It don’t need to be a full interaction or get to met them and friend them, just to be near them already make you feel happier. However it didn’t took much time to met some of them as you expected.
->first you met no other than the chairman of the hunter’s association, Go Gumhee, who turned out to be a closer friend of one your parents, how much you wished to learned more about your family prior of this meeting. The old man was what you expected, someone kind and somehow fun to be around, not to mention he treats you as a family member and his wife enjoy your presence.
-> and when you grown up to leave school and to get a properly job, the old man offered one at his work, but you denied and decided to enroll in the university in order to get a degree for one of the courses there. Life going normal, yet one day you manage to met another character you love, the protagonist himself, Sung Jinwoo.
-> he is already taller and more mature by appearance, meaning the incident already happen and now he is in his way to become the strongest hunter of all times, that only make you even more excited to let him and that what you do in the first opportunity.
-> with the excuse to visit one your parents at work, you manage to met with the chairman and he introduced you to the most recent S-hunter of south korea. Honestly, you don’t know how you didn’t pass out nor asked for an autograph, could that be you were to shocked to believe in your eyes?
-> that moment happen so fast and of course, you expect to never met the protagonist again nor have a great importance in his life, regardless of being thrown inside of this world, you don’t have any special skill that make you different than most people, yet something manage to bring you two together as closer friends.
-> it was weird, to befriend the main protagonist who everyone wants to be closer, but you just got enough luck to be considered someone important in his life. Jinwoo even introduced you to his sister and mother, both who adore you in their life, not to mention the many dinners you had with them.
-> stupidly you were in love with Jinwoo, well who wouldn’t fall in love with a man like him? Gorgeous, cares about his family, good personality and an amazing cook? You did and so did —-. You can’t really blame her neither the many girls who fall over his charms, however you always knew you didn’t stood a chance with the person he is going to end with, the story is already finished when you got inside this world and you fear that you might be here one day.
-> in what seemed to be another day in your life, you gave Jinwoo a yellow rose to him before he left to another dungeon. His cheek went little red, mostly due the fact that none has ever gave him a flower, his sweet smile almost melt you immediately.
-> he thanked for such gift and left after hugging you while speaking how much your existence to him meant a lot and how he wishes to never loses you. Oh. that was weird, did something bad to Jinwoo to say something like this? Maybe, but your head is spinning so much that you can’t even think about that now.
-> the moment you stepped inside your apartment, you vision where fully black and you couldn’t hear anything nor feel when your body hit the cold ground. There is something holding you back from waking up and opening your eyes, but the sound and smell did help you recognize where you are. A hospital.
-> for what you thought to be ages, you finally open your eyes to confirm your suspicions. Laying down in a hospital bed and to make things even more crazier, you are back to the real world, not inside solo leveling. Was all of that a dream? It felt so real and you live there for years, but, according to the doctors, it was probably a dream since you were only in a coma for a few days.
-> you really don’t know what to do. was that all a dream? Those moment you had with yours parents from that world were fake? Like the people you interact there such the chairman, Jinah and even Jinwoo himself are nothing but part of your mind, still you keep those memories inside your heart, regardless of being real or not, you enjoyed every second at their side.
-> Jinwoo panicked when hearing the news from your parents. You just vanished from your apartment, your classmates nor coworkers saw for a few days and now you are considered missing.
-> how could that happen? you gave him that flower to him and disappear from earth, he told many of his shadow to search for you in all place of the world and yet, no sign of you anywhere. Just like you never existent at all, like you were part of their imagination, but the memories he and many others have means that you are real, just missing.
-> he desperate wants to look after you to find answer to why you vanish and where you are now, but with so many things happening right now. The monarchs are going to attack soon and he have to be there to stop them, Jinwoo has no other option than searching for you after the whole situation get solved.
-> and that he does, when he uses the cup of reincarnation, jinwoo spend years fighting the many the monarchs and monster send to defeat him, only to him being the victorious one. when he did return and began a normal life, he start looking for a way to look after you with the help of his shadow and that ‘person’ that has connections with the rulers.
-> his shadows didn’t find a trace of you and your parents even married in this new timeline, they didn’t have children, leaving bothering the rulers to know why your existence ceased and being scared, they told Jinwoo the true.
-> honestly, he never saw that coming, hearing that you are from another world and that you are back to your world almost broken him down in instant. He loves you and you left him so easily, is there any way to bring you back? Any way to use his power to make you stay at his side?
-> the rulers saw no other option than answering him and of course told him a way to bring you back with a relic of them, of course Jinwoo didn’t hesitate to bring you back to this world using the said object. And in minutes, you are back to this world, almost.
-> you exist now in this world, but you are laying down in a hospital bed in a coma that doctors fears that you won’t wake up soon. for what he knows, someone find you in a terrible state in their way to work and brought you to the closest hospital, where you are now staying. without any information about your identity or family, a doctor from the hospital and their significant other, a businessperson. those two were your parents originally in this world.
-> everything is going back together, except for you and him, Jinwoo feels that even you are back in this world, he feels empty and lonely. He can spend his time at your side, but can’t hear your sweet voice nor you laughs when he tells a stupid joke.. was this a mistake? Bringing you back in such state? Were you happier in your original world? He hopes to learn more about your true self when you finally wake up.
-> but for now, the doctors and your legal guardians wonder who is responsible for leaving so many gorgeous flowers in your room daily.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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stardustpinkart · 4 months
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Lucifer transformed back into his normal form. "Sorry for scaring you. I see you've discovered singing." He mused, sitting next to him.
Adam nodded, grinning. "It's fun, I really like it. I think it sounds nice... Um- ... I'm sorry, which one are you?" Lucifer tilted his head and laughed lightly. "Lucifer. I usually stay as a snake when I enter the garden?" The man perked up. "Oh yeah! The white one! I'm Adam!"
Lucifer couldn't help but grin at the human's enthusiasm. He adored it to be honest. "Trust me, we all know who you are. How are you enjoying life so far?" "Oh, I really like it! I like learning new things about myself. So far I've learned that I like sweet things, like fruit, and soft things like those other horse things- with the.. branches.. on their heads?" "Deer?" "Yeah, deer, I like those."
The angel smiled along with Adam, just as excited as he was about his discoveries. "You wanna know what else is soft? Here, I think you'll like it." He extended one of his wings out for Adam to feel, accidentally brushing it against his side. The human jumped and covered his side, a surprised grin spreading across his face followed by a sweet sounding giggle.
Lucifer gasped and scooted closer. "You're ticklish! I didn't know we were giving that to humans! Oh this is great, you're going to have so much fun-" "What's.. What's ticklish?"
The angel grinned, excitedly. "Lift your arms a little bit, I'll show you." Adam did as he was told, lifting his arms up. Again, Lucifer extended his wings, gently brushing them against Adam's sides. The human snorted and slammed his arms down, laughing. Lucifer pulled his wings back to avoid having them stuck under Adam's arms, instead reaching out and gently digging into the sides of his tummy.
Adam shrieked and threw his head back, laughing. Not wanting to overwhelm him, Lucifer slowed to a stop, and pulled his hands back. After a moment of giggling and catching his breath, the human looked back up at the angel, sitting up and smiling.
"Can you do that again?" -------------------------------------------
Based on this cute lil fic I found on Tumblr :) Theres an abudance of Hazbin stuff at the mo, a lot of it really good!
Its nice to think how it might have been in the early days. I grew up catholic, schools and the like(though we didnet really go to church or anything) so I know a few bits. The basic stories, Adam and eve, etc. I believe Lucifer was gods most beloved angel, even had a diffrent name, untill he fell. And that supposedly it hurt him terribly when his beloved angel did.
So since Hazbin already has an alternate lore, what REALLY happened in the beggining. I'm sure Adam would be a lot more innocent to begin with, more pleasant, after all, being nearly made, exploring LIFE. The worst aspects maybe came later especially if heaven and its angels overlypraised him, "Adam could do NOTHING wrong", which led to his arrongance and rudeness and cruelty. Perhaps in the beggining, Lucifer and Adam were even friends? It was later events that changed all that.
There is NO sexual themes here, just that of COURSE, Adam and Eve were naked in the garden. They coevered themsleves in leaves in shame after eating the fruit of knowledge right?
I was stumped for colours cuz, they do seem to vary. Like, Sir pentious, his new form was a lot less scary and threatening in heaven. SO I figured, when he was still alive and just starting in the world, he would have a more mortal colour scheme yeah? As would Lucifer have a softer angelic colour scheme back then
I really enjoyed drawing this :)
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otonymous · 2 years
Caught Between a Wall and a Hard Dick (Grayson) (DC Nightwing - NSFW) - Kinktober 2022
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(First posted on Pa*t*reon (pls see link in pinned post)! - early access Sept 25/22)
Kinktober 2022 Prompt #1: STUCK IN A WALL (aka kabeshiri - yeah, I had to look this one up LOL)
Warnings: NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language and mature themes - reader discretion is advised.  Potential trigger warnings include: outdoor sex (in a sense lol), being stuck in a wall/"glory hole" type situation, some bits faintly wavering towards dub-con, mentions of masturbation, brief mention of edging
Word Count: ~3700 words (I promised myself I would keep these to 1500 words max.  Didn't happen.  Story of my life 😂)
Author's Note:
Hello lovelies!
Hope October is treating you well so far! 💕 Since we are dealing with more mature topics (Kinktober being the name of the game and all 🤣), please check out the warnings listed above!  That being said, please know that this fic is absolutely ridiculous, and I laughed myself silly writing it.  All in all, a good time was had.  I hope you will have fun reading this one, my friends!
-XOXO, Otonny 🥰💕
PS: Please suspend your disbelief and just imagine for one hot second that triple woven kevlar can be ripped by the bare hands of one super horny superhero.  Thanks! 🤩🤣
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“Okay, on the count of three.  One, two, three!“
“Ow…ow!  Ouch!  Stop!  Nightwing, stop!”
“This isn’t working.  Thank god Batman isn’t here to see this.”
“This wouldn’t have happened if Batman were here in the first place.  He’d use the door, like a relatively normal person would, not try to show off by somersaulting through a hole in the wall.  Stop laughing, Dick!“
“All right, I’m sorry,” Nightwing wheezes in between peals of laughter, broad shoulders shaking as he tries to catch his breath.  “To be fair, no one told you to follow me through the hole.  Also, ‘Batman’ and ‘normal’ have no business being in the same sentence together.”
“I thought I could make it.  Clearly, I was wrong.  Damn these birthing hips!”
You struggle some more, kevlar gloves gripping onto brick for purchase as you attempt to push, pull, do anything to free the lower half of your body from the wall it was currently stuck in, your ego now thoroughly bruised in light of your previous declaration that you could do anything Nightwing was capable of doing.
So when tonight’s training consisted of you keeping up with him as he raced across the rooftops of Blüdhaven, you followed close behind, fighting to keep your breath even and steady as you ran, swung, flipped and jumped, doing so well at keeping pace that even you were surprised until Nightwing jumped — no, glided — through a hole in a wall on the rooftop of an apartment building, his form so perfect, he made it look like child’s play, so easy that anyone could do it…
…or so you thought until you got stuck, reality hitting hard in the form of a vice-like squeeze about your hips by brick and cement that refused to budge.
And now, your ass was literally an easy target, vulnerable and exposed to the dark night beyond while the upper half of your body fumed at one costumed Dick Grayson, still snickering in the stairwell of the decrepit apartment complex.
“Okay, so I need a bit more training before I can come out patrolling with you.  I get it.  But can you please stop laughing and help pull me out before someone comes?!  I don’t want to have to fabricate some weird sex fetish to explain why I’m wearing a mask and cape.”
“All right, just relax.  I’m moving.  Guess I’ll have to use the door this time.”
Dick draws out of sight and then you hear a click and thud, the heavy steel door echoing down the stairwell though Nightwing had done his best to let it close softly behind him.
You can sense his approach: the faint vibrations of his footsteps on the tarmac, the quiet rustle of limbs heard so faintly through cracks in the wall one might have missed it if one hadn’t been trained to listen.
You imagine Dick, his blue eyes behind the mask trained intently on your ass and you cannot keep a sudden rush of heat from rising to the surface of your skin, cheeks burning in a way you wanted to think had absolutely nothing to do with how close he was likely standing to you now, the sharp V of his hips level with your jutting rear end, scratching his chin as he contemplated how best to free you short of blowing up the wall and waking up everyone in a three-mile radius.
“Hey Nightwing, everything okay out there?” 
You try to keep your voice as low as possible, but cringe at the way it still echoed in that stairwell, the acoustics absolutely perfect for a Black Canary performance.
“Ahem, uh, yeah.  Just, uh, trying to figure out the best way to…dislodge you.”
“Not to seem ungrateful or demanding, but could you please hurry it up?  Believe it or not, this position’s not exactly comfortable.”
And it was true.  Just not necessarily in the way it would seem.
It wasn’t so much the physical strain of being bent over and stuck that presented a problem; Dick had trained you well enough in the gym and out in the field that maintaining this position for an extended period of time wasn’t an issue.  Rather, it was the thought that his undivided attention was now focused on your ass; that he would have to put hands on your hips and thighs in order to free you from your prison.  Even thinking about this set your nerves on edge, reminding you of the time Dick had accidentally touched your breast in the midst of practicing an aerial maneuver. 
At that time, he gave no indication he had even noticed what had happened, occupied as he was on making sure he caught you before you had the chance to fall to your death on a pile of overflowing trash bins sixteen stories below.
But you, you had burned red beneath your mask, thanking god all the while for the fact that it was too dark for him to really see your face.
Although, you suppose he could with those infrared cameras he had built into his mask…
Never mind.  
You weren’t going to think about that.  And you definitely weren’t going to ruminate on the excitement you felt to have his hand on your breast.  Or how large and manly they looked whenever he peeled his gloves off at the end of a long night of patrolling, right before reaching into the cupboard for a box of sugary kid’s cereal as a snack before collapsing into bed.
No, you were determined not to think of those twilight hours spent lying awake in the room next to his, wondering if Dick could somehow sense your heart pounding through paint and drywall as your fingers traipsed beneath the waistband of your pyjama bottoms to pretend your hand was his, rubbing insistent circles over the wetness that would inevitably pool between your legs every time you thought of him:
Dick Grayson.  Nightwing.  Your mentor and partner in the fight against crime.
Now is neither the time nor place, you scold yourself, steering your thoughts towards the more pressing matter of why you could no longer hear him on the other side of the wall.
“Um, Nightwing, is everything okay?  Are you all right?!” you ask, panic starting to set in to think that somehow, unbeknownst to you and the upper half of your body, trouble had come calling for your partner and booty.
Though presumably, you would’ve heard something.  The wall did have a hole large enough for a person to slip through (albeit not one with hips that Shakira would’ve been proud of).  And Nightwing was more than capable of taking care of himself in any situation.  So what, then, was the cause of the radio silence?  The fact that you could no longer sense any movement behind you?
“You’ve torn your suit.”
Voice catching in your throat, your strangled reply echoes like a ghoul in the night.  It wasn’t so much your outfit that you were concerned about — that triple woven kevlar could somehow rip without your knowledge.  What you did find concerning however, was the way Nightwing was now behaving: strangely out-of-character.
“Right…” he continues, voice barely audible on the other side of the wall. “…here.”
You clap a hand over your mouth, attempting to muffle the sound that escaped the moment you felt his touch: one long finger running along the seam that joined your skintight suit down the middle, sliding down the small of your back and over the curved crevice of your backside to close in on the heat between your legs.
You start to sweat, temperature suddenly spiking in reaction to the weird turn of events — as if the night could get any more bizarre. Holding your breath, you wait for Dick to crack a joke; say something lighthearted to ease the tension like he could always be counted on to do.  Except this time, he doesn’t.  This time, he says:
“This is dangerous.  Your suit is compromised.  We need to fix this.  Immediately.”
Different.  Darker.  Dick’s voice is even lower now in both tone and volume, so much so that you have to strain your ears to hear him. The measure of his words is slow and sure, and it makes you twitch, hips shifting in an animal inclination to wiggle your ass in order to please him.
“Wh-what do you suppose we do?” you ask, palms planting on your side of the brick wall so as to exaggerate the curve of your back.
In your mind’s eye, you imagine Dick’s breath catching — much the same way it did that time he accidentally caught you running naked from the shower to your bedroom because it was laundry day and you had forgotten to replace the towels in the bathroom you shared as roommates.
For a moment, he had stood frozen: mouth open and blue eyes fixed to your bare breasts, the creamsicles he had left the apartment a few minutes ago to procure for the two of you dripping down both hands. And then, he had abruptly turned his back to you, muttering something about chasing down ice cream trucks that didn’t want to stop.
But you had caught it: the desire in his eyes.
Undeniable, like the flush creeping up his cheeks or the tent in his jeans before he spewed “Sorry-i-didn’t-see-anything” and ducked into his room, pulling the door closed behind him with his foot because he was still holding on to two melting lumps of citrus-flavoured ice cream.
It was the elephant in the room.  The big, unspoken cloud that constantly hung over the two of you when you weren’t preoccupied with discussing training plans or the moves of petty criminals and supervillains, a topic neither dared to broach because it would make things way too messy, too complicated…
…too good to be true? 
Was it really too good to be true?  And if so, how good? you can’t help thinking, having left the ball in Dick’s court and waiting with bated breath for his next move.
“I think there’s only one thing to do to get you out of this sticky situation.”
More rustling of limbs behind you.  Perhaps your partner moving in close, kneeling to get a better look at what he was dealing with. Which could only mean one thing:
Dick’s face was now in your ass.
He touches you and you jolt, feeling the slip of his finger through the rip in your suit, right at the junction of your thighs.  You wonder if Dick could feel it — the soaked gusset of your panties.  But the suspense lasts for all of a second before he mutters,
“God, you’re wet,”
and adds a second finger to the first, Nightwing gripping onto your suit to tear it down the middle in one swift motion, exposing your flimsy panties to the night.
Legs growing weak, you lose your balance for a moment, falling into the brick at the waist.  Your clit pulses at what had just transpired, ushering in a new wave of wetness that threatens to spill down your thighs.
“There.  Now that part of your suit has been removed, try squeezing through the hole on your side.”
It was bullshit and you knew it.  The suit was thin to begin with; shaving off a few millimetres wasn’t going to do much.  But you obey regardless, moving your hips from side to side in a manner so suggestive you felt your nipples harden to think of the effect it must’ve been having on Dick.
“Like this?” 
Laying it on thick, you feign innocence in an attempt to see how far the charade would take you.
“Yeah, just like that.  But it’s not good enough.  I think we ought to get rid of this too.”
And just like that, your panties fall away with another unceremonious rip.
“There.  Spread your legs.  Wider.  Yes, like that.  Try moving now.”
It was insanity.  
How his instructions aroused you so, even with Dick’s voice muffled and muted behind a brick wall.  You couldn’t see him, and he had barely even touched you aside from doing what he needed to do to tear off your panties and the bottom half of your suit.  And yet, he had you on edge, every shake and tremble of your body foreshadowing a climax so intense it threatened to make you scream so loudly it would wake everyone in the building.
The evening air blew cool across your skin, a contrast with the wet heat radiating out from between your legs, obediently spread for your mentor’s inspection; a crude reminder that you had an audience.
So you put on a show, exaggerating the arch of your back as you walk your hands further down towards the base of the wall, playing up the angle of your ass in an attempt to beckon, to entice…
…to prod Dick into crossing the tension-filled line the two of you had been toeing for months now.
“It’s still not working.  I think I need a push.  A thrust from behind.“
There.  The final nail in the coffin.
All Nightwing needed to move.
You can hear it, sense it; the flurry of activity as a half-step brings him towards you: the cool sensation of Dick’s dark suit as he pressed his hips into your bare skin, the familiar sound of a glove slipping off before his palm is resting on the small of your back, a shudder of breath rising from the cavity of his chest, escaping in a soft hiss the moment he feels the touch of you, skin to skin.
He really was so obvious.
“Are you sure about this?  I-I can always try the explosives, if you want—“
And a gentleman through and through.
“Just fuck me, Dick Grayson.”
Another intake of breath, sharp this time, and Nightwing’s moan transforms into a growl, low and guttural.  You bite down hard onto your lower lip, doing your best not to draw blood though it was imperative that you did not scream.  But the feeling of Dick’s lips on your body — tracing kisses in arcs that rounded the flesh of your ass before traversing the sensitive skin of your inner thighs — made it difficult not to, especially when they grew in urgency, his tongue extending to lap the length of your slit, the heat of his breath combining with an appreciative hum that you felt more than heard, thrumming through your core.
“Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmy—“
You barely recognized the sound of your own voice: pitched high and growing in desperation by the second in a way you knew would make you cringe later on to remember when you were dressed more casually in a t-shirt and jeans.  Because there was no way you’d ever forget the way this felt: Dick’s tongue laving slow before flicking fast across your swollen clit, the man’s mouth on your pussy nothing less than pure magic in the way he brought you just to the edge of orgasm before backing off, teasing you in this way over and over again.
They said he was a pretty boy with a face too handsome to shoot, a man who had no trouble scoring even after having made some bad life decisions, like wearing green pixie boots, or even sporting a mullet.  It didn’t hurt either that he could easily count his rear end among his best “ass”-ets: pert and ample and shapely enough to fill out his suit like nobody’s business.  But it was only now that you were realizing that when it came to Nightwing, looks were only a tiny part of the equation.
Because the way he worked you over was almost criminal — sinful with how good it felt to be at his complete mercy that you were actually thankful to have gotten stuck.  Having sat himself between the wall and your thighs, Dick ate you out with gusto, his fingers busy kneading the flesh of your ass when they weren’t sliding into your pussy, taking turns in competing with his tongue to see which could elicit the most salacious moans from your lips.
“Better keep it quiet over there.  Don’t wanna wake the neighbours.”  
The smirk is obvious in the voice of the hypocrite who shamelessly chose to ignore the wet sounds he himself was producing with his head between your legs, Dick lapping with abandon as his fingers gripped onto your hips, encouraging you to rest more of your weight onto that handsome face.
Your breasts ache within the confines of your suit, sorely missing the action on the other side of the wall.  In desperation, you touch yourself, trying in vain to feel pinches and caresses through material that just refused to give.  Frustration mounting, you accidentally let out a petulant whine — much to your horror.
Whining was never your thing.
But then again, neither was having sex through a hole in a wall.
“Baby, if you wanted more, just ask.”
Baby? BABY?! Did having midnight sex on a rooftop in the heart of Blüdhaven mean that you and Dick were at the point where terms of endearment were allowed?  Also, how was it possible that the word sounded a million times sexier coming from his mouth?!
Dick pulls away and there is more shuffling, more movement.  You imagine him pulling down the bottom half of his suit until it sits below the diamond-cut V of his hips, the sleek black second-skin hugging the rounded curves of his perfect glutes.  You imagine his tights bunched around the bulky musculature of his thighs, the same ones you covertly juiced over every time it was leg day at the gym.
You had always wondered whether he wore underwear beneath that unforgiving suit, and if so, how it was even possible for him to hide those lines.  For now, however, you were content with settling for the image of Dick Grayson pulling out his, well, dick, and slowly stroking from base to tip and back again, a smile on his lips as he contemplated the messy smear of your wet pussy, spread wide and waiting beneath the hazy glow of the city’s ambient light.
“You ready for your second lesson of the night?” he asks.
“Second lesson?  What was the first?”
“Not to jump through holes in walls unless you’re absolutely sure you can make it.”
You’re so lucky I’m horny as fuck right now, you grit your teeth.  “Right, of course, Professor Nightwing.  And what’s the second lesson?”
“I’m gonna teach you how to be quiet in any situation.  Now get ready for a pop quiz.”
You almost choke on it; the air that catches in your throat the moment Dick enters you fully with a single thrust of his powerful hips.  You can feel him, the base of his cock flush against your body, your walls pulsing in reaction to the sudden intrusion of his length, his hardness, his girth, Dick’s fingers spreading your cheeks wider as he attempted to bury himself even further.
“Keep quiet now.  Not a peep, understood?  Or else it’ll be an F for you.  And I know you don’t like to fail.  Isn’t that right, teacher’s pet?  Yes, that’s what I thought.  Such a good kitty.”
Dick reaches down as he says this, hand between your legs; petting and teasing as his fingers skirt over your clit in an attempt to see how wet you could get, how tightly your walls could squeeze around him.
He settles index and thumb in a crescent about the circumference of his cock as he picks up speed, savouring the feel of your delicate skin stretched thin and wide around his body, every stroke dislodging more and more of your mutual arousal, the creamy evidence eliciting a guttural moan from the man that you considered entirely unfair when you were forced to keep quiet in a stairwell that possessed the acoustics of an opera house.
“This feels incredible.  You are incredible,” Nightwing sighs, stopping to pull back for a moment, as if to admire the sight of your pussy trembling from his administrations, right before diving back in with renewed speed and vigour to make you clench both hands into fists, biting your lower lip until it was blanched of blood.  “God, I could fuck you all night.  All day too, for that matter.”
Dick Grayson had always been chatty.  Apparently, sex was no exception.  It made you blush; every sweet, filthy word falling from his lips adding so much to the lasciviousness of the situation that you weren’t sure which turned you on more: the way his cock managed to hit just the right angle at just the right time, or the way he played with your mind, his verbal calisthenics every bit a match for his physical prowess.
And though you did your best to stay quiet on your side of the wall, the lower half of your body was a different matter — arousal made obvious to your partner with every slick slide of his cock in and out of your body, the wet sounds of your copious juices dripping down to smear the insides of your thighs and across the hard, muscular plane of Dick’s groin.
Nightwing was right.  It felt incredible.  Even when stuck in a wall, he could’ve fucked you all day and night and you’d still want more, eager and willing to take him deeply into yourself, to have Dick do whatever he wanted with you.  Because you trusted him like you trusted no other:
You trusted him with your life.
And perhaps it is this very thought that sends you, makes you feel free to let go; stepping off the ledge of control to let the most intense orgasm of your life take you. 
Dick fucks through it: pushing through the clenching pulse of your walls around him, your pussy milking his cock as he neared his own completion.
But not before he gives you one hard, final thrust from behind.
Because Nightwing — always dutiful, always resourceful — would never leave his partner hanging, stuck in a brick wall with her bare ass exposed.
And right before you pass out from the arrival of a second orgasm coming fast on the tail end of the first, you feel it:
Your hips finally sliding through the hole…
…and your head meeting the ground.
And one Dick Grayson muttering:
“Oh shit.”
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Ahahahaha!!  Hope y'all enjoyed that ending! 🤣 Thank you so much for reading till the very end!  Much love to each and every one of you! For more juicy reads, please check out my P*a*t*reon page (please see link in pinned post)!
👀👉🏼 Feel free to peep the Masterpost here!
-XOXO, Otonny 💖🥰
"Caught Between a Wall and a Hard Dick (Grayson)" is copyright 2022 Otonymous, all rights reserved.
(Illustration taken from Nightwing Cover #88 by Bruno Redondo)
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absurdthirst · 1 year
What A Difference A Day Makes {Javi Gutierrez x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 8.4k
Warnings: Somnophilia, oral sex (male receiving), cum play, pregnancy, hormones, mentions of cheating, stalkers, kidnapping, angst, forced c-sections, mentions of murder, medical trauma, childbirth, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex, vaginal sex
Comments: Life is fantastic. Your fiancé is incredibly sweet and his writing career has taken off. With a baby on the way, everything is perfect. Until him hiding a small secret from you alters life completely when an unhinged woman kidnaps you to take your baby, and your spot in Javi's life.
🚨🚨DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT - This story contains dark themes of kidnapping, attempted murder, forced c-sections🚨🚨
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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You smile as you admire your fiancé. The way the morning sun shines onto his face as he remains asleep. You woke up before him, needing to pee, and you noticed the way his cock is hard, laying on his tummy, and you couldn’t resist. He fucked you last night, leaving both of you to fall asleep naked, but you want more of him. You reach down, pushing the sheet lower so you can wrap your fingers around his cock. He grunts, making you smile, and you lean in to kiss along his neck. He groans, still asleep, and you love how he twitches in your grip.
Javi doesn’t want to wake up but he had to. The most wonderful feeling is wrapping around his cock and he knows what it is without even opening his eyes. “You are insatiable, my love.” He rasps out, his normally soft voice rough with sleep and he turns his head, seeking you out before he even looks at you. The curve of his lips is loving and he is always enchanted with how you look first thing in the morning. “Do you need me to fuck you again?” He asks. “Did I not do it right last night?” He is joking, you had screamed his name and nearly collapsed against him in pleasure but he likes you to admit that you just need him.
“You know you did it right last night.” You tease, kissing his jaw, “I need you again though. It’s the hormones. Have me horny for you all the damn time.” You chuckle softly, continuing to pump his cock. You love how he looks when he just wakes up, hair all over the place.
“Hmmm.” His eyes slip back closed and his head tilts back slightly, exposing his throat and the lines of his neck in pleasure. “Those hormones of yours do keep my cock busy.” He jokes. “Though it was my cock that made your hormones go crazy.”
You giggle, leaning in to kiss along his throat. “That too. It’s like an endless cycle.” You murmur against his skin and you can’t wait any longer. You let go of his cock, giggling when he whines and you straddle him, reaching down to notch him at your cunt so you can sink down onto his cock. “Fuck baby. Always so damn good inside of me.” You moan, placing your hands on his chest. Your bump makes it impossible for you to lean down and kiss him nowadays.
“Bonita.” Javi groans, reaching up to hold onto your thick waist, even thicker now that you are growing his child inside you. Life is perfect for him, the movie with Nic has led to two more movies. The last one, where he met you, was his favorite. It had brought the love of his life to him, a chance meeting on set by one of the actresses led to flirting, to dinner and now - eight months later - to this. “You look so good. Like an angel.”
You look down at him, knowing your hair must be a mess and your bump is huge but he’s looking at you like you hung the moon. You start to move, working your hips up and down so you sink down onto his cock, grinding him deeper inside of you. You’re addicted to him lately, unable to get enough, and it’s frustrating that he has to dedicate time to write his latest script. You’ve been out of work since you got pregnant, Javi insisting that you stay at home, and you’ve been nesting, turning his bachelor pad into a family home perfect for welcoming your son when he is born. “I love you.” You murmur, cupping his cheek and your heart flutters when he turns his head to kiss your palm. You start to pick up your pace, rocking your hips and you are close but you need his hands. “Can you rub my clit, babe? Just need a little more.”
“Whatever you need.” Javi promised, cock twitching deep inside your tight walls as he slides his hand across the roundness of your belly. He loves you like this. The ‘oops’ became his fondest joy when he realized you were not upset. He can take care of you while you are pregnant, he wants to take care of you. To keep you safe. His thumb presses against your soaked clit and he groans. “Someone is needy, amor. Do you want to scream my name again?”
You nod, loving how he expertly touches you, knowing exactly what you need. “Yes. Yes. Always do, my love. You - you are always so good to me.” You pant, rocking down and using his chest as the leverage you need to pick up the pace, his thumb pressing against your clit just right. “Fuck Jav. I - I’m gonna-” You choke as you clamp down on his cock, so easily worked up nowadays due to your pregnancy. Combined with the gorgeous man beneath you, you cry out his name as you cum around his cock.
Javi groans out your name, loving how you fall apart for him, he stops rubbing your clit, just holding his thumb against it while you quake with pleasure. Wanting you to ride it out completely before he moves. “Muy bonita, amor.” He hums, caressing your side.
You love how he’s looking at you and you shift off of his cock. “Want you to cum down my throat for me baby.” You shuffle down the bed between his thighs. You grip his cock, bending down on your knees to take him into your mouth. His groans of protest make you chuckle and you pull off of his cock to look up at him. “How do you wanna cum? Want me to jerk you off? Cum on my tits and bump? Or you want to fuck me?”
He bites his lip, pulling you up off his cock. “I want to cum on your tits and bump.” He confesses, knowing that it will be sexy to you. Since you’ve been pregnant he’s loved painting your skin with his seed. Marking you like he obviously has. He loves seeing you wear his cum. “Please baby, want to see you covered in it.”
You nod, shifting to lay down and he scrambles to kneel between your legs. You reach for his cock after you spit into your hand, pumping his length just how he likes. You love the way he’s looking down at you, his hungry eyes taking in your body. At first, you were worried he wouldn’t like the changes your body has gone through but he loves it, admitting he has discovered a pregnancy kink. “Cum for me Javi. Want you to cum on me.”
He owes you so fucking much. He had been so lonely here. Determined to make it in L.A. and not go back to Spain, he didn’t want to deal with the family business left in shambles. He wasn’t a violent or confrontational person. He just wanted to make movies. Coming here, meeting you, it has been amazing and he doesn’t regret it for a moment. You allow him to explore sexually too, being an amazing lover and not making him feel foolish for his want for affection. “So fucking beautiful.” He groans, brows furrowed and his toes start to curl. “I’m not- I’m gonna cum, baby.” He warns you, just like he always does. Groaning when he feels his balls pull tight and you smirk at him right before his cock explodes, coating your tits with the first hot rope of his cum.
You smile, watching him as more cum coats your tits and down to your bump. His jaw clenched as he cums and you work him through it until he’s gently batting your hand away. You are painted with his seed and you can’t resist swiping your finger through a streak to bring it to your mouth, sucking off the salty essence.
“Fuck, fuck you’re so good to me.” Javi pants, a dopey, happy grin on his face as he tries to catch his breath. It was an amazing wake up call. “Lay back, bonita. I will get the rag to clean you up. Are you hungry? Thirsty?” He wants to take care of you, to make sure you have everything you need while you are carrying his child and thankfully, you let him fuss.
“I’m always hungry.” You joke, “and thirsty. Your baby has me craving the Spanish omelet you make.” You bite your lip, watching him shuffle off of the bed to grab a rag for you. 
“I can make you that, amor. You want some tea?” He asks and you nod, heart fluttering when he tenderly cleans you up. He’s so sweet and yet he’s fiercely protective over you, especially since you’ve been pregnant. His popularity has grown exponentially since his second movie and he has fans now, especially since he went on Jimmy Fallon to promote his new movie with Nic. 
“Thank you.” You shift to stand up, waddling slightly since you’re nearly eight months. “I love you.” You murmur, kissing his jaw while you take the rag into the bathroom to put it in the laundry basket. You need to pee and brush your teeth before you get ready for the day.
“I love you too.” Javi grins at you before he turns to grab some boxers to throw on. He can’t remember if the housekeeper is coming today or tomorrow and he doesn’t want a repeat of three months ago when she walked in on him pouring you a bowl of cereal naked. “I will go get started on your tea and omelet, amor.” He calls out, smiling to himself. He can make you breakfast, get you set up and then work for the rest of the morning on his newest movie idea. 
Once you’re dressed, you head into the kitchen to find Javi just finishing up breakfast, and your stomach twists at how hot he looks cooking for you. “Thank you baby.” You kiss him softly when he sits down beside you at the kitchen counter. You take a bite of the omelet, groaning softly and the baby kicks his approval inside of you. When you have a few bites, you grab the mail sitting on the side, going through it and you see your name on an envelope with no address. You frown, opening it to see a piece of paper, blank except for “see you soon x” on it. “Javi. Do you know what this is about?” You don’t like it. A chill running down your spine and your instinct tells you it’s about Javi. Maybe he’s cheating on you.
Javi looks over at the letter and his eyes widen, quickly reaching out and snatching it from your hand. “Nothing, amor.” He stammers slightly. “Just something that I was thinking of. A surprise for you.” He shakes his head and laughs, grabbing the rest of the mail before you can look through it. “They must of been mistaken because I decided not to do it.” His lie is flimsy but he goes with it anyway. “You have your tea, so I need to get to work, okay?” He rushes around the counter and kisses your forehead before speeding out of the kitchen. 
You frown, watching him rush off, and immediately you’re suspicious. You had no reason to think that Javi is cheating on you until now. He’s sweet and kind and everything you have been searching for in L.A that seems impossible to find in most men. He’s handsome and successful and you realize that a lot of women would offer him her body for the chance to step up the ladder in the industry. You’re not stupid but you had hoped Javi wasn’t the type, especially when you’re pregnant. 
You push the omelet away, suddenly not hungry, and decide to go for a drive. You need to get out of the house and think. You scribble a note for Javi to find when he’s come out of his office and after cleaning up, you leave the house, needing to get some air. 
“Shit.” You huff when you see your tank is nearly empty so you drive to the nearest gas station, getting out to fill up when a woman approaches you. “Oh look at you. How far along are you?” She asks and you smile, caressing your bump. “Nearly eight months.” You tell her and her smile turns into a smirk, immediately making your smile fall. “Perfect. It’s time.” She announces and surges forward to push a needle into your neck. Your mouth opens to scream for help but it’s too late when you pass out in her arms.
“I am telling you it is a threat!” Javi hisses on the phone, angry that his manager is not taking him seriously. “It doesn’t have a post mark, it had to be from the same woman!” There is a secret that Javi has been keeping from you. There have been a series of disturbing letters being sent to his manager and his offices. Talking about how she loves him and they need to be together. That she is the perfect woman for him. Later expressing her extreme displeasure for learning that he was involved with you. There had been a vaguely threatening and ominous tone to the letters, so Javi hadn’t told you about it. Not wanting you to be stressed while you are carrying his baby. Now she’s putting letters in the box, which means she is close by. “I don’t like this at all!”
“Calm down Javi. It’s probably just someone trying to throw you off your game. We had this happen a few years ago with an actor. He was in line for an Oscar and his damn ‘arch nemesis’ was sending letters to his house and our offices.” His manager practically rolls his eyes at how childish it was. “It will stop. I promise you. It’s just a prank.” His manager assures him. “Now, get back to work. The producers need a new ending asap.”
Blowing out a breath in frustration, Javi disconnects the call and crumples the letter in his hand. He needs to talk to you. Tell you to stay inside and he will get more security around the house. “Amor!” He opens the office door and walks out, looking in the living room for you, normally around this time, you are watching one of your shows that you have been binging. “Amor? Where are you?” He moves through to the kitchen, heart dropping when he sees the note on the counter, “shit!”
Javi immediately rushes back to his phone, calling you, but it goes to voicemail. He tries again, and again, but you don’t answer. He’s panicking now, trying to remember the log in to the location tracking you had opted into, both of you trusting each other so you never check it but it’s good for emergencies. He curses, hating that he can never keep the same password, but eventually he logs in and sees you on the highway, heading out into the desert. He frowns, confused and he tries calling you again. This time, the phone is answered. 
“Hey baby. I wondered when you’d call.” A female voice answers but it’s not you.
Javi’s heart drops into his stomach, pulling his phone away to make sure he hadn’t misdialed but it’s your name on the screen. He says your name cautiously. “Where is she? Let me talk to her please.” He tries to keep his voice neutral, not wanting to upset whoever is on the other end.
“She’s currently asleep right now. Pregnant women need their naps.” She tuts, “don’t worry though. She won’t be a problem for much longer.” 
Javi’s blood runs cold. “What do you mean?” He asks, trying to remain calm. 
“Didn’t you read my notes? I’ve been wanting to talk to you for so long. You’re - your writing just speaks to me. I love it. I love you. I want to be with you Javier.”
“I- that sounds interesting.” He murmurs, searching around frantically and he finds his iPad on the kitchen counter and rushes towards it. He will text his manager. “I can meet you, where are you? I always love meeting fans.”
“I don’t want to be just your fan. I want to be your wife. She’s not good enough for you. She doesn’t love you as much as I do. I would die for you, baby. So I’m gonna solve your little problem. I’m gonna get rid of her but…I - I can’t have kids and I desperately want you to be a father so I’m going to cut the baby out of her. Now, I know you’re worried about your son but it’s okay. I’m a nurse. I can figure it out.” She promises Javi, making it clear that this has been planned out.
“Mierda.” Javi’s blood runs cold and he swallows harshly. “No, uh, don’t- I mean, our baby should be born at a hospital, no?” He asks, typing desperately to his manager to call the police now. “I always imagined being there for the birth of my son. I want to - to cut the cord.” He opens the tracking app on your phone and watches as the icon moves on a deserted road, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. “Let me be there, for our son.”
She sighs, “I don’t want you to change your mind about us, honey. She needs to be gone. I don’t want her to interfere with our new life. If you want to be here, you can, but only - only if you promise to let me do my job.” 
Javi nods, “I promise. I won’t change my mind. I just want to be there for the baby. Our baby.” He manages to push the words out of his mouth, to say what he needs to say to save you. 
She hums, “fine. I’ll text you an address to meet me at then I can bring you to the house. I have her drugged up so she won’t feel a thing. If anyone is with you though baby, I’ll know and I’ll drive away and they’re dead. Both her and the baby.”
The call disconnects and Javi starts to panic. “Shit! Shit!” His hands shake as he dials his manager. “The crazy bitch has my fiancée!” He shouts as soon as she picks up the phone. “She’s going to cut our baby out of her! She says she wants to be with me. But I can’t - tell me the police are on the way!” He had sent the manager the coordinates and the log in for the tracking app, giving her access to give to the police.
You wince, head throbbing as you try to open your eyes. You are on a bed and you groan when you try to sit up. “You’re awake.” 
Your eyes suddenly widen, looking over at the woman from the gas station. “Who the fuck are you?” You ask, heart hammering in your chest. 
“I’m Javier’s wife. Or I will be once I get you out of the picture. He’s gonna be mine and we will raise your baby as ours.” She says, like she isn’t insane. 
“You crazy bitch.” You bark out, shaking your head, “Javi doesn’t even know who you are.” 
She chuckles, almost mockingly, “oh he does. I’ve been sending him notes for months now. Didn’t you get my letter this morning?” She asks, tilting her head and you inhale sharply, remembering the note she sent. You thought Javier was having an affair. Turns out, he was being stalked. 
“I - he wouldn’t want to be with you. He loves me. Our baby.” You retort and she scoffs, “I can’t have kids. He’s used you to get pregnant. So we can have our family.” 
You shake your head, not believing her. You need to get out of her. “I, uh, I need to pee. The baby sits in my bladder.” 
She nods, walking over to unlock your wrist from the handcuff she had attached to the bed. “Any funny business and I’ll just kill you. I can get the baby out before he dies too.” She warns and you swallow down the sob that wants to work its way up your throat. You make your way to the bathroom, peeing while you check for any windows. There aren’t any. “Shit.” You hiss, wondering how you’re gonna get out of here.
“Yes, Javi- God I’m so- so sorry.” His manager chokes out, horrified that this is happening. It will put a fucking halt on the screenplay and they are locked into a contract. Plus there’s the not so little issue about Javi’s fiancée and baby. She’s not a heartless monster who only thinks of business. “I told you that-“ The phone beeps and Javi pulls the phone from his ear. 
“Fuck- she’s going to pick me up from the house.” He hisses, looking at the small dot on the map where your phone is. “Fuck, the police need to get there!”
You sob, the reality of this situation hitting you and you cover your mouth when she knocks on the door, telling you your time is up. There's no lock on the door so you open it up, stepping out into the house again and she's standing there waiting for you. 
"Come on." She grabs your arm and you don't struggle, knowing you need to be smart. 
"Can I get something to drink? I'm thirsty." You tell her and she shakes her head. 
"No. You can't eat or drink before the surgery." She says and you frown, "surgery?" With a chuckle, she looks over at you, "the c- section silly." 
Your eyes widen and you try to get out of her grip. "No. No. It's - I'm not even eight months. He isn't ready. I - I can't - you can't -" You choke, eyes darting around the room as you try to find an escape. You scream for help, "you can't have my baby. You - you fucking psycho." You shout at her and she shakes her head. 
"I can and I will. I have the equipment to keep him healthy. I've been watching you for months and I'm sick of waiting for my baby. For Javi. I'm impatient and I'm ready to start my life. I was going to kill you that day...the day you had the flat tire. It would've been so easy to kill you but then I watched you find out about the baby. I can't have kids, you see, and I so desperately want Javier to be a father. So here we are." She explains.
"Please don't do this. Please - not the baby." You sob
Javi is tearing his hair out, torn between racing to the safe to grab the guns there and driving like a maniac to the blip on the screen to save you himself, and staying put in case she still has you in the car. The police are on the phone with him, the urgency of the situation finally resonating and he’s on FaceTime with his manager and the police. “Hurry.” He chokes out, shaking his head. His phone is gripped in his hand and he presses the button to call your phone again. He needs to make sure you are okay. “Where is she?” He hisses when the phone goes to voicemail. “Are they there yet? What’s taking so long?” He demands frantically, nearly in tears. 
The woman, whose name you still don't know, has had enough of your shrieking, and she grabs you, sticking you with a needle again. "Fucking silly bitch." She huffs and decides to go ahead and prep you for surgery. She only has so much time and she doesn't have time to pick Javi up so he can be here. She has to get started. She works fast to prep you, washing herself up and doing what she has witnessed in surgeries she has attended but she's never done this before. Taking the scalpel, she cuts across your belly, eager to get to the baby with zero regard to your health.
“Mr. Gutierrez, we are two minutes from the location.” 
Javi barely hears the police officer in charge of keeping him appraised as he paces in the kitchen. “I should have warned her. I should have hired private security.” He had grown lax since he had come to America. In Spain, at his compound, you would have been safe. “GO FASTER!” He screams in frustration, terrified of having you ripped from his life like everything else.
The police are at his house and have the body cam footage on their iPad so Javi can see what is happening. The police break the door to get in and the first thing they hear is a baby squawking. “Police!” They shout and walk into the room that’s been used as an impromptu operating room. You’re on a table, cut open and blood is everywhere while she holds a tiny baby in her gloved hands.
“Oh god.” Javi feels like he’s about to throw up. “Help her.” He demands, his voice choking up as tears spill down his face at the violence of the scene in front of him. He’s never liked blood, even in movies, but this is horrific. “Help her!” He wails, collapsing into a torrent of broken and incoherent Spanish as the idea of losing you becomes his stark reality.
The police tell the woman to put the baby down and hold her hands up. She shakes her head, “no! You can’t take my baby from me! He’s mine. My husband will be here soon. Please, listen to me. She stole my husband. She deserves to die.” She says and the police move fast. Careful of the baby in her hands, one officer takes the baby while 3 others restrain her. 
“Get the paramedics in here now.” The officer orders, having had an ambulance on arrival. She is screaming, begging Javi to help her and the paramedics rush in as she is taken away. The baby is carefully carried away for immediate medical care and the other paramedics work on helping you. All while Javi watches helplessly and unable to do anything.
“Please, please help her.” Javi sobs, dropping to his knees in front of the iPad and watches in horror. “Please.” He doesn’t pray but he is praying now for a miracle. “Where-“ he chokes out when the screen shows them swiftly lifting you onto the gurney and immediately starting to roll you out of the room. “Where are you going?” The police officer responds with the hospital they are taking you to and Javi scrambles to get to his keys, needing to meet you there.
When Javi arrives at the hospital, the nurses tell him you are in surgery. The baby is in the NICU for monitoring. “Would you like to see your son?” The nurse offers, trying to calm Javier down after he came sprinting into the hospital. Javi nods, swallowing harshly and his eyes sting from the tears he’s cried. He follows her through the hallways until she opens the door and points to the incubator. “You have a son, congratulations.”
Javi stumbles forwards. Sobbing at the sight of his son covered in tubes and attached in wires. Unable to hold him because he was ripped out of your body in such a cruel way. “Mi hijo.”he murmurs, frowning and shaking his head. It’s not right that you aren’t here, that you aren’t cooing over him. 
“Mr. Gutierrez, what do you want us to put the baby’s name-“ 
Javi shakes his head. “No. We- I won’t name him until she can be there.” He chokes out, remembering how you said you wanted to decide after seeing his sweet face. “He needs to be with her.” He demands suddenly, turning back to the nurse. “As soon as she’s out of surgery. He needs to be in the room with her. Their own private room.”
The nurse nods, knowing that she shouldn’t allow that but you’ve been through enough. Javi reaches into the side to touch his son’s tiny hand and he chokes when the baby grips his finger. He doesn’t know how long he stands there until the doctor finds him. “Mr. Gutierrez, your fiancée is out of surgery. She’s in recovery. She lost a lot of blood so we did a transfusion and she - the woman who cut her - did it too deep and with the wrong tools. We tried to repair but…but in the end we had to perform a hysterectomy. She will not be able to have any more children.”
Javi closes his eyes, Devastated that you have lost the ability to have more kids. It was a joke that you would have ten more. Not that he cared about it as long as you were alive, but he hates that you don’t have the choice anymore. “I want to see her. Now.” He demands when he opens his eyes again. “The baby too. Both of them. I need them together. Please.” He begs the doctor, feeling like he has to be able to have both of you where he can keep an eye on you. He almost lost you at the hands of a madwoman.
The doctor agrees, knowing better than to argue with a man who nearly lost everything. He is escorted to your room, the baby pushed alongside him and situated in the room where you are unconscious still. “They are alive, there is still a long road ahead but they are here.” The nurse reassures him after she checks on you and leaves, letting Javier walk over to you.
“Shit.” Javi drops into the chair beside your bed and picks up your hand, limp in his. “This is my fault, amor.” He moans, hating himself for not protecting you. You are so still and he knows you will be wrecked when you learn what happened. “I should have warned you. I thought she just- she wanted me. They told me it wasn’t unusual to have obsessive fans. That our security we had was enough.”
Javier sits there for another twenty minutes, just silent except for the baby’s oxygen going and your machines beep as you wake up. Blinking and wincing are the harsh hospital lights. “Ja-” You try to croak out his name but your throat is so dry. 
“I’m here, hermosa. I’m here.” He says, inhaling deeply as he stands to hover over you. 
You try to figure out what’s going on, your hands shaky as they find your stomach. It’s now flat and you start to panic, your machines going crazy. “Baby.” You choke out as it comes back to you. The psycho woman and how she was going to cut your baby out of you.
“He’s safe.” Javi rushes out to assure you. “He’s safe, he’s right here!” The machines start to alarm as your pulse and blood pressure sky rocket with anxiety and panic. Alerting the nurses who come pouring into the room and push him out of the way so they can see to you. “I’m here, amor!” Javi promises, looking over their shoulders and trying to catch sight of you as you start to struggle and fight against him. “Our son is safe! You are safe!”
You hear his words and force yourself to calm down, not wanting to be sedated again. You pant, your entire body feels like it’s been hit by a truck and you slump back onto the bed. “Javi.” You call, needing him when the nurses tell you to keep calm, you need to relax. You inhale deeply, gripping Javier’s hand when he comes to stand beside you. “Where is he?” You ask, your heart in agony when you think of your son. 
“He’s here. He’s in an incubator and he’s healthy but they are monitoring him since he’s early. He’s so beautiful, amor. He’s perfect. She didn’t hurt him.” Javier promises and you tilt your head, wanting to see the baby. 
Javi watches you cry as you look over at the baby, his own tears a product of guilt and relief that both of you are okay. “He is here, amor. He won’t be taken from this room. I made them put you together.” The doctors had been understanding and assured him that the baby would be tested here if need be. Javi chokes out a small sound. “I am so sorry, amor. I should have protected you.”
You shake your head, squeezing his hand. "You didn't know." You choke, "how could you - you have known?" You sniff, feeling Javier wipe your tears with his free hand. 
"I - the letter you got this morning...it was from her. I've been receiving them at the office and I - I didn't think she knew where we lived until you opened the one at the house." You stare at him, mouth open in shock that he knew about her to some extent. You let go of his hand, feeling a little betrayed that he didn't tell you.
Javi reaches for your hand again, his heart cracking when you pull away from his touch. “Sweetheart, I didn’t - I didn’t want to worry you.” He rushes out to explain. “You were carrying the baby. They said it was probably nothing, I didn’t want you to worry.” His eyes are pleading with you to understand but you won’t even look at him. “I didn’t know. I just - she was obsessed with me. I didn’t know she would attack you.”
"You didn't tell me, Jav. How - what else haven't you told me?" You choke, wondering if he's been keeping more secrets from you. 
He sits down, inhaling deeply, and he's trying to accept that you will hate him after this next thing. "The doctors...she didn't cut you open properly and they - they tried to fix it but they couldn't so they...they had to give you a hysterectomy." 
You inhale deeply, barely even able to process the news before you burst into tears, sobbing again. That woman has taken so much from you. “Go away.” 
The words freeze Javi’s heart and he immediately starts to tear up again, knowing he’s going to lose you and his son over a woman who he hadn’t even known. “Amor-“ 
“Go away!” You scream through your tears, making his face scrunch up to try to stop the wall of tears that start flooding out of his eyes. “I don’t want you here.” 
Javi lurches out of his chair, unable to say anything and he knows it won’t make any difference. This morning he had woken up with the perfect life and now it’s destroyed. He pushes out of the door and stumbles down the hall to collapse against the hospital wall, sobbing as he sinks down to the ground. 
You sob, mourning the children you can never have and you know, deep down, that Javi couldn't control this woman giving you a botched c-section but he could've told you so you were aware. 
The baby starts to cry and you stop yourself sobbing, pushing yourself to get out of bed despite the absolute agony you are in, barely able to move but you make it to the incubator and look down at your son for the first time. He looks just like his daddy. "Hey, my little love." You coo, tears still running down your cheeks as you reach in to caress his tiny hand, sobbing when he grabs your finger. You wish Javi was here but he's gone and you don't know if he will come back. You shouldn't have sent him away but you need time to process.
Javi sits outside the door, broken but unable to leave the hospital. He can’t, he can’t leave you. Not after everything that happened. He knows you are inside that room, safe with his son. Tears dried, and he could do nothing but just sit on the floor, staring at the door to your room in hollow eyed agony. He’s fucked up more than he ever had before and you hate him.
You sit there staring at your son for as long as you can until the nurses come in to offer you food and check on you and the baby. The doctor comes in and tells you that tomorrow they will take the baby off of oxygen to see how he does. If he’s breathing on his own, you can hold him. “What do you want to name him?” She asks and you bite your lip. 
“I was going to name him with Javi. We were going to decide together.” 
The nurse comes over to you and lays her hand on your shoulder, “he’s been sitting outside for hours. He hasn’t left you.” She announces and your heart flutters, knowing he could’ve gone home. 
“Can you send him in?” You ask and she nods. The medical staff leave you and you watch as the door opens, Javi standing in the doorway. 
“Hi.” He murmurs and you pat the spot beside you on the bed. 
“Come here. We need to name our son.”
Javi slowly moves over towards the two of you. His eyes fluttering between you and the baby, longing so deep in his eyes. Gently sitting down, he tucks his hands together between his thighs and looks over at you hesitantly. “What do you want to name him, am-“ He stops himself from calling you ‘amor’, sure that you don’t want that. You are angry at him and you have every right to be. You almost died because of him.
You had discussed some names but decided to wait. You thought you’d have another six weeks to decide. “I…I know we discussed the name Nicolas. After Nic. I think it suits him. Plus, his entry into the world was like a goddamn horror movie. Nicolas…Alejandro…after your grandfather?” You suggest, looking at Javier. His maternal grandfather was his favorite, shaking his love of cinema. You are still grieving the loss of your future children but you can’t fully blame Javier, he was doing what he thought was best.
If it had been any other time, Javi would have lit up at naming his son after his favorite actor. But he can’t muster the energy, too heartbroken. “If that is what you wish to name him.” He agrees softly, looking at the baby as he sleeps inside the incubator and wishes he could hold him. “It is your choice.” Javi can be a bit morose at times and right now he is spiraling inside, only able to ground himself by looking at his son.
“Javi.” You murmur and he doesn’t look at you. “Javi, look at me.” You request and he turns his head to meet your eyes, his are full of guilt and sorrow. “Please…I can’t - I’ve already lost so much. I don’t want to lose you too. I love you Javi. Did you mess up by not telling me? Yes. Did you make that psycho kidnap me and give me a botched c-section? No. You didn’t directly cause this and I- I’m gonna be hard to handle through the coming weeks as I process this. I’m still in shock to be honest, but please don’t make me go through it alone. Don’t let her win. I love you, even after everything, I still love you. I can’t lose you too. Our son needs you. I need you.”
“I would never leave you.” Javi’s voice wavers slightly and he blinks back a new set of tears. “I- I don’t - I thought I was going to lose you. Terrified of it. And then you-“ he shakes his head, knowing that it won’t do any good to blame you when you had told him to go. “I would never leave you.” He reiterates, his voice firmer.
You reach for his hand, squeezing it and you lean in to press your forehead against his. “I love you Javier, always have, always will. I’m so sorry I can’t give you the big family you wanted.” You choke, tears stinging in your eyes.
“I don’t care.” Javi promises you, reaching up and wiping away your tears as they spill over your lashes. “If you ever wanted to expand our family beyond our son, we could look into it.” He would never be opposed to that, “but I will be happy to just have you and Nicolas for the rest of my life.”
You lean in to press your lips to his, soft but loving, and you know the weeks ahead are going to be hard but you can do it if you have him beside you. Javier and Nicolas are all you care about right now. Your perfect morning turned into a nightmare but you still have the man you love and your baby. The future is going to be bright, you’ll make damn sure it is. You won’t let that psycho win.
To say that Javi hadn’t slept is an understatement. Propped up on his elbow, he watches your stead breathe as you still get your rest. Eyes soft with love and protective as your brow creases slightly. He can only hope you aren’t dreaming right now, the nightmares always get bad leading up today. Leaning in, he drops a soft kiss on your shoulder and the sunlight starts to filter in from the curtains.
You wake with a gasp, sensing Javier’s kiss on your shoulder, and you smile when you see him looking down at you. “Morning baby, did you sleep?” Your smile turns into a frown when you see the dark circles under his eyes and you trace them softly until he grabs your hand and gently kisses your fingertips. 
“I was watching you sleep.” He admits and you slide your hand down his chest. 
“That’s not creepy.” You joke, leaning in to kiss his jaw. “I didn’t have any nightmares.” You reveal, relieved that you didn’t dream about the night Nicolas was cruelly brought into this world. Therapy has been a great tool for you to process, even three years later.
“That’s good, amor.” Javi ducks his head down to press his lips against yours softly. “I wanted to be awake if you needed me.” He admits, slowly winding his arms around your sleep-warm body and pulls you closer. “I also checked on Nicolas every hour.” He admits, knowing that his need to protect you may border on obsession. He had moved you from the house that anyone had known and put you up in a home that had a secure wall around it for his own peace of mind.
You smile, kissing him again. He makes you feel so protected, maybe overly so, but since that night, you and Nicolas have been under the security of Javier. Especially since he’s become even more well known for his screenplays. “My protective husband.” You coo, kissing his jaw, “Nicolas won’t be up for another hour. I need you baby.”
“Are you sure?” Javi pulls back and looks into your eyes seriously. You had been ashamed of your scars for a long time, despite Javi assuring you that he found you as sexy as he always had. Leaving the decision to try to have them fixed up to you. But he always wants to make sure you don’t feel like he’s pressuring you. “We don’t have to, amor.”
“Yes. I’m sure.” You’ve been working through it with your therapist and you decided to not have the scars fixed. They are a reminder of what you went through and you know Javier loves you, you have slept with him, of course you have, since that night but it’s mainly been when you’ve got a dress or shirt on. You haven’t let him see you without the scars covered and you want to change that.
Javi moves, turning away and climbing out of the bed to remove his boxers. Since Nicolas, both of you have started sleeping in clothes and he never wants you to feel like you’re doing something wrong by wearing a nightgown. “I will make you feel good, amor.” He promises, sliding back into bed and shuffling under the covers so he can work his way between your thighs to eat your cunt in the dark.
“No. I want to see you.” You tell him, pushing the covers down. You bring his hands to grip the edge of your nightgown. 
“Are you sure, amor?” He asks, frowning, and you nod. “I’m sure. I want to do this. I need to do this. I want you to see all of me.” You insist, heart pounding in your chest.
Javi nods, smiling up at you before he starts to kiss his way down your body, paying special attention to the scars that had both given him Nicolas and nearly taken you from him. 
You swallow the lump in your throat, tears stinging your eyes when he presses kisses all along the scarred skin. “Javi.” You sigh, running your fingers through his hair as you fall even deeper in love with him in that moment, the way he just accepts you completely.
“So impatient.” He teases, grinning up at you even though he knows you aren’t pushing him to move on. He kisses down your stomach and the top of your mound. “Spread your legs wider, bonita.” He urges you. “I want to see the gorgeous cunt I get to eat.”
You oblige, spreading your legs wider, and his groan sends a shiver up your spine. You haven’t let him see you during the daylight for so long. To look down and see his hungry gaze…it already has you on edge. You whimper when his breath fans over your cunt and you moan his name when his tongue slides through your folds. “Oh shit, my love. That - that feels good.”
Javi is ravenous. Loving that he gets to see you, all of you, while he eats you out. One hand reaches up, squeezing your breast gently while the other tangles his fingers with yours, holding onto your hand. This is what he needs, what you need today. A reminder that you are here, Nicolas is safe and that woman will never touch you again. He flicks his tongue over your clit and sucks it into his mouth, watching your expressions as you get closer.
“Oh fuck, baby.” You pant, “always so good to me.” You squeeze his hand, closing your eyes and tilting your head into the pillow as his tongue lathes over your clit, sensing how close you are. You pant, thighs starting to shake when he sucks your clit into his mouth and you can’t help but cum with a soft cry of his name.
He moans into your flesh, loving how you are still so responsive to him. Working you through your pleasure with gradually softening sucks and then languid licks so that he doesn’t miss a drop of your juices. Smirking proudly to himself as your chest heaves. “Good, amor?” He asks, kissing your clit gently before turning his head and kissing one thigh and then the other. 
“Always so good. Come here baby. Want you inside of me.” You reach for him to drag him up your body. He obliges, shifting to hover over you and you reach between you to stroke his cock while his lips press against yours. “I love you.” You murmur, stroking his cock and he shifts to position himself between your thighs.
Javi pauses, giving you a soft smile and he leans down to brush his nose against yours. “I love you, bonita.” He coos as he rolls his hips forward and sinks into you until he is bottomed out and groaning your name.
You gasp when he pushes deep, never getting tired of how he feels inside of you. You whimper and caress his shoulders, letting him take a moment until he starts moving inside of you. “Baby. I- fuck - you feel so good. Always so good. Ever since the first time.” You tilt your head up to kiss along his jaw.
Javi groans, lowering himself to your body and holds you close. “I love you baby. So fucking much.” He turns his head and presses his lips to yours. “You feel amazing, like heaven.” He promises, slowly starting to roll his hips, wanting to stay as close to you as possible.
There’s no rush. Nicolas won’t be up yet and you love how Javier feels inside of you. Taking his time to roll his hips just right and you love the skin to skin contact. Wrapping your legs around him to pull him closer, you kiss along his jaw. God knows what you did to have a man like this love you, no matter what. He adjusts his hips and you moan softly, enjoying the way he grinds against your clit.
“Still so beautiful.” Javi murmurs, rocking his hips. He kisses along your jaw, wanting to draw this out and make you feel like the goddess you are. You are everything to him. Even more now that you were when you were carrying Nicolas. “All mine. My bonita esposa.” You hadn’t gotten married yet but he feels like you are. He’s in it forever.
Hearing him call you his wife, even though it’s not official, sends you over the edge. He grinds into you just right and you pant out his name as you cum, clamping down around his cock. Nails digging into his arms as you cling to him, shaking beneath him.
Javi moans, loving how you squeeze him tight. His pace picks up, rocking his hips faster as he fucks you through it. Chasing his own release and he starts scattering kisses across your lips and down your neck. “Te amo, te amo.” He whines, thinking of nothing but you before he finally stiffens and pushes deep, painting your walls with his seed.
Like he said, it’s heaven. The soft morning light comes through your curtains and you breathe Javier in, enjoying the way he pants to catch his breath. “So good, my love. I love you. Love you so much.” You declare breathily, knowing today, you will both need to reassure each other as you always do when you remember what happened.
Javi smiles against your lip. “Always, mi amor.” He promises you. He nearly lost you three years ago and it’s something that he’s vowed will never happen again. You and Nicolas, you are all that matters. He honestly knows now why Nic was willing to do anything to keep his family safe.
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maxmagic · 1 year
LONG post featuring my opinions on this design and her concept and also Vivs character design decisions in general
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This design singlehandedly made my account rise from the fucking dead because of how much opinions I have on it
TO NOTE : I LIKE Helluva Boss as a show. Is it perfect? No. Do I think it has issues from both writing and design aspects? Yes. Do I like it regardless? Also yes. You can like a show and still have criticisms of it. Also Viv has answered some criticisms about Beelzebubs design and I will talk about them too
Final warning cuz this is LONG and rambled at points
By this point we are all aware that once a new character gets revealed in Helluva or Hazbin , there's always opinions on it.
But Beelzebub truly takes the cake on how divided people are on her design. People either adore it or hate it with a blinding passion (and some just don't like it cuz they have a Viv hate boner).
I have to say I actually really like it as a stand alone design. Remove her from the story and context it's genuinely an appealing design with fun and bright colors. I personally don't mind the early 2010's sparkle dog look. It has a nostalgic charm to it and if you followed Viv for long enough you know she really likes that aesthetic. She has good colors and color placement and my main real dislike is the weird hair.
And she's animated BEAUTIFULLY !!! Real props to the animators for being able to make this design look nice in motion because god lord is it complicated. This will be a criticism later, but again, its really amazing on how they made this design look good even though we all know this must have been a real bitch to animate.
The real issue that come to me with her design is when you put her in the show and have to think about who she is, what she is, what her lore is ect.
Firstly: Her not being 'lore accurate' kinda falls flat given that none of the designs thus far have been accurate to what they're based on. Like Asmodeus has elements that tie him to his demon name counterpart (with the rooster tail and 3 faces) but they're more allusions then design inspirations. Lucifer is literally just a top hat twink and Mammon (even tho we haven't seen his full design yet) is clown/jester themed. Viv has made it clear that this version of hell isn't supported to be an accurate depiction of biblical hell. So she can really do whatever she wants with her interpretation. Her not being an insect, although disappointing since we don't really have that in the show, is only just a matter of personal taste.
HOWEVER there's still a lot of discrepancies with her design.
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So she's supposed to be a Bee-Fox hybrid... Where's the bee??? Like take away the hexagon background, where is the bee part of her design? She has antenna and wings but... They don't really do much. The antenna are fine and its smart they placed at the tip of her ears, but the wings are straight up not bee wings!!! They look more like pixie wings and they're so small half the time I forgot they were there. Couldn't you have added.. idk some stripes?? she has stripes on her ears but they don't look like bee stripers more so general Viv design details. It's weird given she uses stripes so heavily in other designs yet the BEE character doesnt. Maybe add some fuzz like how bumblebees have?? Maybe trade that stupid lava lamp tail/hair if its too complex. I really don't like how she has normal hair and also a weird liquid part and liquid tail. It adds too much visual noise and just doesn't gel well wit the rest of her design. Her lava lamp stomach too just feels like needless addition of animation work for something that just doesn't add anything. Her colors ( despite being nice) kinda clash against all the other hellhounds who have a muted black/grey/red color pallate. It makes her look like an 13 year olds OC thats been edited in
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Literally the only things that changed are her colors, size and eyes. In my opinion this should have been her base design because the colors and bug eyes lean into more of the bee aspect. Plus with these colors she fits more with other hellhounds.
Like right now the normal design feels 97% fox with just the most subtle bee elements slapped on. If it wasn't for the background, look me in the eye and tell me this design is a fox bee hybrid.
She also doesn't feel like a prince? She's dressed very casually and doesn't have nearly have enough of an imposing vibe. I didn't know she was a prince until it was said in show. I thought she was just some high rank demon performer. Its kinda disappointing given how grand, larger then life look and energy Asmodeus had. They were introduced in the same way via big song number, but Asmodeus felt like a Prince of Lust, Beelzebub felt more like a performer of Gluttony rather then a ruler.
Also why if she a hellhound in the first place? i saw somewhere on twitter that its cuz her people are hellhounds but that doesnt make sense. Lucifer isn't a human and Asmodeus isn't a succubus, so why does Bee have to be a hellhound? We know that hellhounds are the lowest ranked amongst hell natives, so how do people outside of gluttony feel about her? She is treated like royalty but is also a hellhound, the lowest demon. It causes a needless paradox that makes you question the worldbuilding of the show.
Also why are hellhounds the lowest rank in hell ? and why are they associated with gluttony of all things? I am going to be honest when I say I completely forgot they were native to gluttony because gluttony has a beehive aesthetic and like wtf do dogs have anything to do with it . Like other demons shown have themes that tie them into their respective prince or sin, but we aren't shown why hellhounds in particular are gluttony. Like it feels like a minor thing but when you present information about worldbuilding and show stuff that contradicts it, people will question it.
And why is she dating a hellhound? Or more so why is she so open about it. Like its been shown in the show that Stolas and Admodeus dating imps is a taboo thing so her being so open about her relationship with someone whose even lower then an imp. Again its going back on lore and worldbuilding being contradicted. If you're going to make rules for a show, stick to them.
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I'm putting these two side by side cuz I have the same complaint about them.
How are we suppose to know this?? First the gluttony ring severally lacks any circus motifs (it has more of a bee theme then a circus one), but Bee ESPECIALLY doesn't have ANY hints at being circus themed, let alone animal trainer.
I knew that all the princes had a circus theme but from I (and from what ive seen in other comments) though she was an acrobat or like dancer of the sort. Literary nothing in her design says she is an animal trainer. And also the hippie 60s spirit is also not anywhere in the design. Just because a design choice is clear to you doesn't mean its clear to everyone else. A good design makes its points across loud and clear so everyone can understand it. This really feels like she's making it all up as people ask. She probably isn't but it really comes across that way. You cant just say something about a design that just isn't in the design or its not shown properly. This is an issue a lot of Helluva and Hazbin Hotels characters have (look up any of their trivia and you'll see how bad some designs are communicated), but with Bee its emphasized tenfold because she's suppose to represent all these different things (fox, bee, prince, party girl, animal trainer, DA sparkle dog, 60s hippie free spirit) at it just isn't conveyed or is put in such a way where you cant clearly tell what it is. It honestly feels like Viv had in mind to have a Kesha pop party girl character and just made her a prince. Shes trying to justify all these things and saying them like they're obvious when they're clearly not!
This design suffers from having too many ideas slapped on it that just don't work and actively work against each other.It makes me less excited for the future prince designs
If youve come this far good for you for sticking around to this way too long of a ramble about a probably one off character in a popular indie cartoon :D
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silverskye13 · 3 months
What is the Tournament story so far? We hear about it in the newest chapter but it gets glossed over and I really like that sort of aspect
Do they different paths it'll go on depending on who wins???
Tell me about it I love this!
The tournament story!
No idea if it'll get talked about in depth in the plot so, yeah sure, possible (very probable) spoilers under the cut [and a very, very long rant about Colosseum lore because I have brain worms.]
First of all, format: The tournaments are basically scripted plays which hinge on set-up fights as payoff for story beats. All tournaments follow the same basic format.
Introduction: Here is the lineup of characters fighting in the arena for this tournament! There are too many gladiators to ever showcase them all at once, and there are smaller more informal productions sprinkled in between the big spectacle performances. Helsknight competes in every big spectacle performance, and will make an honorary appearance in the smaller more contained shows. (The smaller shows tend to feature smaller names and less skilled combatants, so he doesn't compete in them very often for obvious "we all know who's going to win here" reasons. The only reason he competes in those is as a favor, in which case he might show up as a final act Deus Ex Machina to save a scripted winner. This doesn't happen very often -- crowds don't like predetermined winners unless there's a really good story to go with it.)
Major plot: Something happens at the end of the intro causing the "main" characters to pick fights with each other that dictate the rest of the matches. This is when anyone allied to a certain side will also pick that side. This will always result in a deadly match, often times several, where everyone on the individual sides faces each other. Sometimes (rarely) this results in a melee, where a full scale battle is enacted on the field as the climax of the plot. There are a lot of scripted/acted monologues, and the Colosseum is often arranged into a staged arena to fit the theme of whatever the main plot is.
Minor plot: A smaller, lower stakes background plot to add levity to the main plot and break up the story beats. This is where beast masters will compete to show how well trained their beasts are, jousts will happen, feats and contests of martial strength or skill will happen. It's the palette cleanser. It will break up the tournament fighting that makes up the major plot beats. (This is also when sneakier characters might enact plans, try to get combatants to switch sides if that's relevant, or meta characters might explain denser plot beats for the audience.)
Intermission: Go get your snacks!
Minor plot climax: the winners of the smaller feats are announced, and if there was a point tie in any of the competitive categories, they will figure out who wins here, often by doing a last demonstration of skill and letting the crowd decide who has the most pinache.
Major plot climax: The big final fight(s) where the plot line is decided. Whatever the decision is for this fight is often the foundation for the next one. Particularly gnarly finishers will result in grudges that can be exploited later for plot. Sometimes the showrunners will break this by releasing a large monster into the arena halfway through the fight, forcing a "oh now we who hate each other must work together" story beat. This is normally foreshadowed and scripted ahead of time (wouldn't do for the combatants to kill each other before the wither spawns in), but every once and awhile, to keep things spicy, it will be a surprise for the fighters too, just to get more genuine shock from their "actors". Helsknight hates this, and showrunners have been known to face his fury if the fight was particularly harrowing (they're in the habit of keeping gift baskets and competition prizes on hand to smooth things over now, though Helsknight still insists it's the principle of the thing.)
Helsknight has been the reigning Champion for ages, so most of his plotlines have to do with challenges to his title. He's been a heel (bad guy) character for awhile, mostly because EB was the Colosseum's darling, representing the idea of rigorous fairness with a lot of plot points that emphasized integrity and goodness. When Helsknight was up and coming, it was natural for him to take an antagonistic role to that, ousting a paragon from his throne. Now he comfortably fills the spot of Tyrant Lord, clutching his crown with godlike strength, and total disdain for those beneath him -- though he hands out rewards and favors to those who do him good, which leads to plot points where he comes in as a Deus Ex Machina for someone else's losing fight. This doubles nicely with his habit to take very real offense when his honor is threatened, and occasionally breaking script because he's pissed off about something. (The showrunners have learned if they want a long, interesting final fight, they can't write lines about Helsknight being a coward.)
Helsknight vs The Red King
As his title implies, The Red King is a leader whose main character traits involve amassing followers through might and loyalty. His Loyal Hand is the crafty underling who goes about during tournament matches "converting" likely followers to the King's cause. There have been a handful of matches where Red, either because he thinks he can rule the Colosseum better, or because it's his divine right as a king, tries to lead a revolt against Helsknight, often leading to a 1v1 between the two of them that has always ended in Red's loss.
The most recent tournament plotline, Red was given dreams of great misfortune befalling hels, the coming of a monster that would destroy the city and everything everyone holds dear! Oh no! He spends the tournament getting the greatest heroes of the Colosseum to join his cause (with help from his clever Right Hand) in stopping this calamity from falling. He approaches Helsknight once, asking for his help, but the dignified Tyrant, holding a grudge against all the attempts of the usurper, tells him to sink or swim on his own. So Red goes to face his calamity, and a wither is let onto the battlefield, with a small army of wither skeleton minions. They fight, and when the fight hits a suitable high point, Helsknight comes striding in, begrudgingly helping because the world won't end on his watch. A tyrant can't rule rubble. When the fight is over, Red and Helsknight end as shaky allies, with Red swearing fealty to the knight so long as he continues protecting hels, the home they both share.
Helsknight vs Bratwurst
That was until MythicalSausage's hels (the guy Helsknight kicked around like a hackey sack in chapter 9) came onto the scene. He's been dominating the small show fight scene, a pretty decent midrange fighter with cool demon powers that act as a convenient third-act power up during his fights and a pretty charismatic disposition as a heel character. He got good enough to start doing trial runs in the spectacle fights as a minor character. In his second appearance, when he was supposed to challenge Helsknight and establish himself more firmly in the story canon as an ambitious antagonist, he broke script and insulted Helsknight's honor. Helsknight, predictably, broke script in retaliation and kicked his ass, instead of doing what he was supposed to do -- let the new kid get some good hits in to make the crowd happy before humbling him to set up a new story beat for the next match. The showrunners, understandably upset by the debacle, kicked Bratwurst back onto the small circuit, and set about tweaking their upcoming brackets in a way that would redeem some of Helsknight's public image.
The Current Tournament Story:
So, Helsknight, who has firmly re-established himself in the public eye as the tyrant heel, is perfectly set up to be the villain in the next arc. With some string-pulling from the Demon, the story they've crafted for the current tournament arc is that Red, upon hearing of the cruel defeat of one of the new gladiators at the hands of their "I'm trying not to be a tyrant anymore" Champion, challenges Helsknight on the grounds that their bargain was for the protection of hels, and Helsknight has gone out of his way to show that he only cares about his pride. He only fights in battles he knows he'll win (Mythical Sausage's hels) and or for his glory (swooping in to save the day at the last minute in the wither fight). To prove his claims true Red is initiating a trial by combat -- if Red wins, not only is Helsknight no longer Champion, but he is proved guilty of the sin of pride, only ever showing his face in the Colosseum to inflate his own ego. Helsknight accepts the challenge, so sure not only of his own skill, but that he's held his end of their pact, that he will not only face Red, but also his beloved Hand in battle. All who wish to fight in the name of the Champion's glory may do so, and all who wish to dispute his honor may join Red. Thus the sides are cast, and the tournament begins. Any gladiator fighting on Helsknight's behalf will be given a red cloak and plume (if wearing a helmet). Any gladiator fighting on Red's behalf will wear the Dogwarts red-and-white, with a white plume if helmeted. In between the matches, depending on who wins or loses, Helsknight and Red get to do banter, while Martyn connives on the sidelines, giving his teams a hand with weapons and armor. No matter who wins or loses, the final fight is between Helsknight, the Red King, and his Loyal Right Hand.
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whetstonefires · 9 months
The thing about the Shazam! (Captain Marvel but they don't have the rights to call him that) movie is that overall it's pretty good? Even if I question the pacing choices made in terms of screentime breakdown for '14yo boys making mortifying life choices and humorously failing judgment calls' vs. 'character development wrt to literally anything else about this fairly large cast.'
It's hokey; it should be. It's got some decent themes and fun character bits and set up good solid hero/villain parallels to subvert.
But it massively clotheslined itself with a major storytelling fuckup connected to the opening hook mystery, whose resolution is meant to be the emotional inflection point of the whole film.
Because the thing is, this movie chose to be slightly interesting in how it approached its 'family' themes. In a variation on 'family of choice' (since your foster family are in fact assigned by the government and Billy not having a choice about living with them only about trusting them is a major story element) it went for the more nuanced and kind of interestingly grimy take that the people who are actually in your life giving a shit about you matter, if you let them, and that you need to stop giving the people who failed to love you power over your happiness.
Which is not a bad premise at all! As messages for a movie about a kid being sent to a group home go, that's the most upbeat you could possibly get and still be tied to reality.
The Vasquez couple are written and played well in these terms too because they really, genuinely care, and are making so much effort, but as system graduates themselves they never had competent parenting modeled for them and god does it show.
And the mental health problems of the kids who got enough characterization to have them were similarly...realistic in a best-case-scenario sort of way.
But! Still with the but! Even though they pulled off a lot of this fairly touchy premise rather well, there's a crack in the foundation that makes the whole movie kind of collapse on a thematic level.
Because the movie (following the prologue introducing the villain's backstory) opens with a juicy emotional hook where small Billy is separated from his mother at a Christmas fair and never sees her again.
Cut to some years later, establishing status quo scene, he's a Troubled Youth rebelling against the system in an endless quest to find his mother and go home. He is committing minor felonies to get access to police information about women surnamed Batson so he can go to their houses because eventually one of them has to be his mom.
His case worker after he's picked up again refers to his mother as 'someone who clearly didn't want you,' which Billy rejects as bullshit, and he's valid! Because that is not what you say when you have actual information. That's a surmise. That's a sentence that says Child Protective Services and the police couldn't find her either.
Especially because you don't immediately chuck a kid into foster care because he's found unattended. Maybe you do that later, after a lengthy period of oversight, depending on his mom's reaction to having him returned and her race and socioeconomic status and apparent mental health and so forth. But you don't just not contact her, and you definitely don't refuse to tell the kid about the result once you have.
The only normal situation where an accessible record exists of a kid's original parentage but it's denied to the kid is in sealed adoptions, which are a formal procedure that clearly didn't happen here. There is every indication in this opening sequence that his mom was never found.
Which means she's a missing person. Either because they located the correct Billy Batson and his adult never came back to their house (which would suggest foul play or some other drama) or because despite being old enough to be in school and knowing his own name, no one could find evidence that Billy existed prior to turning up at that street carnival.
Which would constitute a very mysterious situation! What is he, from a cult? Another dimension? Did someone (in the social worker's proposed scenario, Billy's mom) erase all record of her kid somehow? Was magic involved?
So: the way we're introduced to this scenario, there's a legitimate weird mystery here that none of the adults in Billy's life care enough about to do anything but tell him to write it off, the way they have. That his missing person clearly did it on purpose.
Billy's being ridiculous because if what he's trying would work then he wouldn't need to do it; his social worker could have arranged a meeting years ago. So it's a useless self-destructive behavior he needs to let go. But he's valid, in that he's being very obviously failed by the system and is doing the only thing he can think of to try to address his situation for himself.
And then! The Big Reveal is that his mom has been living under her maiden name in the same city as him this whole time.
Which the Gamer Kid Who Turns Out In This Scene To Be A Hacker (he's about 10) learned by. Breaking into a federal database.
So he goes to her house and it turns out. She'd been a teen mother and her babydaddy walked out after marrying her, and her parents cut her off, and she was depressed and felt like a bad mother so. When she saw the cops had her kid, she just walked away. And she wants to believe he's been happy and better off without her.
And the emotional arc of the film rests on how Billy comes to terms with this. With the fact that his past will never take him back and he has to learn to find joy in himself and his present situation and his future.
Having let go of that idea, he's able to emotionally commit to his gaggle of foster siblings and realize that unlike the villain, who was obsessed with punishing the people who never loved or accepted him, or the wizard who was focused on finding The Perfectly Worthy Champion, what you needed to be good and not lost was to be part of a mutually supportive group, like the wizard Shazam was before he and his siblings were betrayed. And then they can be a superhero team, woo!
And that part is actually depicted fairly well, all things considered!
But the problem is that the audience, to vibe with this properly, has to roll with the revelation that Billy was wrong to cling to the mystery of his vanished, beloved mother and the fantasy of going home again.
We have to be willing to participate in the idea that the Resistant Child Subjected To Foster Care was in the wrong.
And he wasn't! He wasn't wrong! His understanding of the situation was flawed but it should not have been flawed in this manner.
Because this scenario as it's depicted doesn't make any sense. The cops do not just keep your kid without following up if you fail to collect him from the baggage claim. CPS does not fail to provide a kid with the readily available evidence that he's been voluntarily surrendered to them, when he keeps running off trying to go home.
Why would they do that, after all? Billy's misbehavior was a huge hassle for them. They gained nothing by denying him access to his mother and the information about her that was, you recall, sitting totally available in a government database that could be hacked by a random 10 year old asian-american orphan. They just...made their own lives harder for no reason, while extending the suffering of a child in their care.
If the cops tried to return him back when and she said 'no i left him with you on purpose please keep him' maybe she gets prosecuted for child abandonment and maybe not, but either way, billy would know about it.
But if the screenwriters had made it clear early on that this information had been offered to him and he'd chosen not to believe it, they couldn't get a proper Reveal at the end because it would just be Billy being unable to continue pretending something the audience had known not to believe all along.
And they couldn't cram a good reason for the scenario they'd set up into the space they'd accorded it.
So they were just like, it's fine, if we cram enough cliches into this space people will react to the familiarity and go 'ah yes i know this one' and go along with it, and not notice that this isn't an actual coherent reply to the question that was set up an hour ago and therefore is emotionally unsatisfying somehow.
Anyway this is an important storytelling guideline: if you put in a mystery to control either the actual plot or, even worse, the emotional storyline, that mystery and its resolution have to make internal sense.
If you pull the Real Situation out of your ass, and it's not a matter of red herrings or That One Fact you didn't have that makes all the rest fit together differently, but in fact no one involved could have figured this out and especially if the people who did say this in the first place had no good basis for it, but still get narratively awarded the Correct trophy in a way that contributes to the thematic climax so the audience has to care. Then that will not get good results. It will make it hard to deliver on your intended themes.
Some people will not notice or care! This is true! But a lot of people will, and you'll get enough of a better punch even with the other folks, if the setup and denouement fit together properly and don't require reaching, to matter.
And when people do notice at all, rather than their naturally flowing along with the climax you're steering toward and experiencing A Story, there will be a tendency to notice you standing there placing roadsigns toward the Intended Emotional Response, and call you a hack.
People call out plotholes way too vigorously sometimes, so I want to be clear: it's not the lack of supporting logic I mind. It's that the active presence of illogic, of what's presented as a chain but is broken along its length, means the central character arc intersects with the core theme in a noticeably forced way. Which is bad craftsmanship on a meaningful level.
There is a loss of cohesion where you cannot satisfactorily resolve how the scenario we were initially shown came to be superimposed over the revealed truth, because that relationship between elements is very important to making a 'revelation' storyline land, you know?
In this case it's particularly vexing to me because the last-minute asspull and its thematic weight reaches back around and at the last minute moves the whole movie thematically to the other side of the line wrt whether it's approaching Billy, our protagonist, as a subject with whom we're supposed to identify or an object whom we're supposed to observe.
It makes all the high-school-freshman-posing-as-adult gags retroactively less funny because we were now more explicitly laughing at him, and takes a lot of the depth out of the emotionally sincere moments.
Up to that point I had really appreciated how, despite wavering that way, Shazam! hadn't actually fallen to the MCU Spiderman temptation to dehumanize its protagonist. Which seems to arise out of this weird tendency I've noticed to assume the natural sentiment of adults toward adolescents is bemused contempt, and that therefore if they ask their audience of paying grownups to empathize too closely with a teen hero instead of setting him and his Immaturity up as a clown for our amusement, they'll get themselves banished to the Children's Fiction ghetto.
And, of course, if they'd been fully committed to one side or the other of 'Billy is a protagonist the viewer relates to closely' or 'Billy is a protagonist the viewer relates to distantly,' they wouldn't have gotten snarled up about how much information to hand over when.
Committing to either option (giving us only as much information as Billy had and constructing a story that was solid from a being-Billy angle or giving us more information than Billy and operating confidently in the realm of dramatic irony) could have worked quite well. But because of the mixed signals and unstable narrative distance, they wound up with a distinctly weakened finale.
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awhimproned · 10 months
you don't understand guillermo and his arc
have i got your attention?
hello, my name is nia, and welcome to me opening a blog solely for the sake of yelling into the void my analysis/meta of the haha hehe silly vampire show.
Small introduction/index right before beginning:
Spoilers for s5 finale!
Re-framing of what wwdits is really about and setting the record straight as what to expect and what not to be angry about.
Discussing how Guillermo's arc of letting go of his vampirism isn't, in fact, a let down or a missed opportunity and quite the opposite, is in character for him, in line with his character arc, and wasn't "all for nothing".
Long ass post (not exaggerating), so click "read more" and buckle up. Here we go.
I have to start this by reiterating that first and foremost, this is a batshit insane comedy show with batshit insane, morally bankrupt (yet endearing) and complex characters. It's not interested in telling a story or a plot, it's not interested in being pretentiously deep, and I say that for the people who can't really come to terms with the format and that the show is going nowhere, because it's not supposed to be going anywhere, it's just the daily lives of vampires and their little adventures and sometimes struggles. In a weird way, it's slice of life.
This show isn't like Good Omens or Our Flag Means Death in which you're concerned with an overarching plot. Even season 4 and 5 seem to look like it has an overarching plot, the term you're looking for is contained theme of the season. It's like "villain of the week" format. Only for the seasons. S1 we had the baron, s2 we had vampire slayer guillermo, s3 we had the vampire council, s4 we had nadja's night club, s5 we had vampire guillermo -- and these are just very broad summaries.
There ISNT an overarching plot, it's the character arcs that are starting to pick up, which guillermo's is the strongest and most reoccurring.
It's episodic even when there's a theme and plot of a season, and it's meant to be bite-sized and contained and followable. Someone who doesn't know this show can watch one episode from season one and one from season three and it wouldn't be that jarring depending on the episodes, like, the cast were able to answer "what episodes would you recommend to someone who hasn't watched the show" on the tumblr live ask.
The writers and the producers of wwdits are concerned with making you laugh, exploring how insane and unexpected places they can take things with a cast of vampires of the past who haven't quite adapted to the modern times and are devoid of common sense and knowledge most of the time in a mockumentary style. Yes, you know this already, I know, it looks like I'm being patronizing or condescending.
But do you know, really? I'm talking to a certain demographic, so please don't take this personally.
What most of these people consider dropping the show over, like the reasons "nothing changes" or "things go back to the usual and it's getting old" or "they throw ideas away" or "serious stuff gets brushed over so quickly" don't consider that these are often done on purpose.
Half because of the format and that the documentary crew can't be there all the time to capture every little thing and character moments you are naturally given in a normal TV show/movie, and half because it's one of the core themes of the show, that nothing ever really changes and these are centuries old vampires who are so closed off to change. That's the thing. That's what it's all about and that's where all the jokes are stemming from.
In a normal comedy show, you might perhaps see the characters being unhinged together, but you would also get to see their most private and vulnerable moments, (like maybe brooklynn 99), and you take that as granted, it's sometimes spoon-fed through cinematography and what's purposefully caught in camera per director and writer choices.
wwdits follows a very clear show-don't-tell narrative of characters putting on a front for the cameras, and you have to read between the lines more often than not to figure out these unreliable narrators, otherwise you might miss some things and take it at face value.
one example of this in my opinion is the relation between laszlo, baby colin robinson, the bastard children he doesn't like to talk about and the baby he turned into a vampire. the latter is very much played as a joke, the bastards are throw away line by nadja, but when you take baby colin into the picture and how happy it made laszlo to be a father (no matter how questionable), how (questionably) amazing he was at it, and how losing baby colin robinson downright made him grieve and mourn (like. he abandoned nadja to look after this child), you get a clearer picture as to why laszlo might have made a baby into a vampire and why he doesn't like to talk about the children he's fathered. maybe it's because he wanted to be a parent at one point, maybe with a vampire baby he could have a child who wouldn't die. it seems deeper than it was at first glance, the complexity is hidden beneath the layers of vampires being funny assholes.
other times you have to not overthink it and learn to accept some things are purely for shits and giggles. no matter how many levels of fucked up they are on. it's literally no use discussing the morality or how wrong things are. and on a framework such as this, the running gag being characters being left somewhere when their plot-relevance is over (benjy, jim the vampire, derek, the hybrid creatures etc.) shouldn't come off as surprising or lazy writing. because that's it, that's the joke.
This isn't to say this is a get out of the jail free card for not having progression or development.
I'm just saying that the vampires getting into shenanigans and everything being okay in the end despite all the drama is the status quo, and if you're going to have a problem with "sunrise sunset" and are so impatient with the theme of change being explored at a slow pace, then this show is not for you.
You are perfectly welcome to be frustrated with everything resetting, but you also have to know this is what you signed up for. The show is both trying to tell you something using this storytelling device to navigate the inherent cycle of stagnated repetition of the vampires' lives AND showing you that things ARE changing at the end of every season, bit by bit.
It's entirely on you that you don't notice and/or care it wasn't in the way you wanted it to be.
Like what they did with Guillermo.
The consensus of the arguments I've seen on this site consist of:
they finally made him a vampire and took it away from him and it was for nothing
it wasn't explored enough and well-enough
it breaks canon for him to be so squeamish about killing when he's been committing atrocities the whole show and it's a lazy reason to turn him back
nothing came of it. it ruins his character
he should have stayed a vampire it's what he wanted and deserved all along
it doesn't make sense with the narrative, they are writing him so differently now like he suddenly doesnt want to be a vampire? his character arc peaked in s3
First question: have we been watching the same show?
I'm going to walk you through this step by step for analysis sake, bear with me.
Who is Guillermo de la Cruz at the beginning of the show?
He is a fucking loser.
He is a pushover, has no confidence, deep down he's become so twisted from all the resentment and spite built up from being so overlooked, underappreciated and being cast aside. He has no life, he pays to live there as a familiar, his entire life is dedicated to Nandor, he's so tiny, has no presence.
And we establish his main motivation and want: to become a vampire.
But why does he want to be a vampire? Antonio Banderas in Interview with a Vampire. This apparently "inspired Guillermo because he had never seen another Hispanic person onscreen as a vampire". Yes, he projected and self-inserted to Armand, yes we know.
When you look closer, you'll pretty soon understands he craves the power he'll receive once he becomes a vampire. He'll become cooler, "sexier" (like he says that he doesn't feel any sexier when he became a vampire), nobody can look down on him, he can finally be someone, leave the old, pitiful Guillermo behind, it's all he's betting on. He doesn't want to grapple with his problems, the sexuality he represses, the Catholic guilt; he wholeheartedly assumes he'll just be a new person once he becomes a vampire, and for that, he'll do anything. He doesn't want to be a vampire, he wants to be a new, burden-free, hot-girl-eternal summer Guillermo who will demand respect just by existing.
Vampirism is the get out of the jail free card for him. The easy way out of his flaws and insecurities.
There's something called character's want vs. need in writing. What a character wants may not always be what they need. This is perfectly portrayed with Guillermo. Becoming a vampire isn't necessarily what he needs.
What he needs is making peace with himself, growing, acceptance, love, establishing confidence, finding his power -- self-growth.
the problem is he thinks vampirism will automatically give these to him. it couldn't be farther from the truth. this is a typical case of thinking the grass is greener on the other side.
So, naturally, discovering he's a vampire slayer is ruining everything for Guillermo, setting him up against the vampires whom he's trying to be a part of, to be accepted and loved by. It's threatening his found family.
Even though it's the most competent, confident, sexiest, and in element he's ever been in his life. It's what he's best at, when he's doubting himself the least, when he shines the most, the abilities come to him from within.
And he can't allow himself to embrace it. He still thinks vampirism will give him what being a Van Helsing is already giving him. He's gaining his footing, sticking it to the vamps who don't appreciate him where they deserve it, standing up for himself, being sassy and cunty, opening up, GROWING.
Yet he doesn't see it.
He believes he'll be whole once he becomes a vampire. You see him benefit so much from the van helsing genes but not once does he embrace it or actually celebrate his identity, embrace himself and who he is when it's what made him bloom in the first place. HE DOESN'T SEE IT.
He wants to renounce being a vampire slayer. He says it in season 5 to the baron. He full on wants to give up what makes him, him.
Hell, the symbolism of being a vampire slayer getting in the way of his transformation by fighting off the vampirism is so ironic and symbolic at the same time:
He can't find his true self and what his heart truly wants and needs if he doesn't give up the idea of being a fucking vampire. His true self has been within all along.
Guillermo's arc didn't peak in s3, it wasn't even close to being completed, because he hasn't found himself yet, he hasn't accepted himself yet. He hates being a vampire slayer deep down for setting him against the vampires and what he wants to become. Yes, he went through tremendous growth. He was powerful, he gained agency. But it was because THE POWERS VAN HELSING DNA GAVE HIM ON A SILVER PLATE. It wasn't that he accepted it. It wasn't that he found a sense of self in it.
He just got a preview of what he could become, is all. It made him think he was ready to become a vampire. He would never choose to stay a human/vampire slayer before the events of s5, it's always been about the endgame for him.
And it's so sad because Nandor is like. So stoked about vampire slayer Guillermo. He's so proud and giddy about him "being a warrior" because he knows Guillermo better than anyone and just when and how he's at his best. It's just that Guillermo doesn't see it and Nandor does. Just like how he knows Guillermo wasn't ready to become a vampire and how hard he would really take to actually killing people.
In retrospective, season 5 was about things we want not really being the things we thing we want.
They show that guillermo has gained the things he's wanted -- the love and friendship of the vampires and them deeply caring for him, thinking of him as family just in the way he thinks of them as, their respect, and he didn't need to be a vampire to get that. He already has the power he craves deep down.
He doesn't see it. He's not aware of any of it, he's so laser-focused to what he wants that he hasn't figured out how to handle the ugly side of vampirism, he hasn't even thought of it -- because he doesn't see any bad in being a vampire. He's so enticed by the power, the promise of sexiness and transformation and so blissfully ignorant by what he has to do to survive from being on clockwork in doing the dirty work for the vamps.
And precisely because of that hey show that guillermo wasn't ready to be a vampire -- yet. Because how can he be ready when he hasn't even figured himself out yet? When it's painfully obvious what he really wants isnt being a vampire but something he desires on a more emotional needs level?
And the most glaring point of this is how brutal and bloody his transformation was. It wasn't how he imagined or wanted it to be. He just wanted to be a vampire, and right off the bat everything went wrong.
He wanted it to be Nandor. He wanted it to be earned. He wanted it to be poetic, sexy and climactic.
Instead it was miserable and horrifying, the biggest shame to a vampire, and he had to keep it a secret to save his own life and nandor's -- hell, he wasn't even a full vampire, nothing had changed. Nothing had changed. When everything was supposed to change. (Catch the theme?)
And the thing he's happy about? The itty bitty powers he slowly starts to gain. Nothing else about vampirism is doing it for him. The raw meat craving, for one. He even cringes when he's drinking the blood Nandor gives him.
He only really wants the powers. He even goes on a little power trip when he fully turns. He's on a brief high until it comes to feeding.
And then the reality fully sinks in.
Guillermo has to come to terms with having to harm people if he wants to be a vampire. It's not the same as leading people to their deaths, he can't take the moral high ground by making the excuse he's not the one doing the killing or anything, vampires have their victims and he just handles the aftermath. Hypocritical? You bet your ass it is. Guillermo is considerate and horrible at the same time. That's what being complex is about.
Sure, there are ways such as not fully draining and just drinking his fill, but he isn't ready for tackling those topics yet. Vampirism was about becoming a new person for him up until that point, not having to drink blood to survive.
And figuring out that no, if he's given the choice, he wants to stay human has to be more devastating and earth-shattering for him.
Because everything he's worked for in the past 14 years, now, is up in the air for Guillermo. What does this mean for him, when will he go from there, is he still going to be a familiar, can he still stay with the vamps?
What does being a vampire mean to him now that his entire sense of self and future he'd built upon it is gone?
Here's what Yana Groskaya has to say about it:
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This is one of the core themes of season 6.
In a sense, they've taken Guillermo's one and only hyperfixation away that was limiting his character. They've opened him up to new explorations.
He has to consider what being a van helsing could mean to him now that he can fully face his real self and there isn't a time limit to brush it under the rug so he can fully focus on becoming a vampire.
He has to face himself, learn about himself, go out more, discover himself better.
This also in a way is a direct parallel to Nandor in Season 3, and it's an interesting thing that it was Nandor who helped Guillermo to realize what he really wanted.
This wasn't "all for nothing" - it was a major beat in Guillermo's arc. To face what he naively and childishly wanted to "fix" himself had to be considered more seriously:
Nandor going "This is what I was waiting for" when Guillermo beat him in their fight in season 3 means SO MUCH MORE in this context.
Guillermo, in his BEST, having all the power, going all in on Nandor, seemed ready, as a slayer, he didn't hesitate to fight, harm, or throw hands, he could handle vampires and vampirism, and Nandor saw him fit. THIS was what he was waiting for. "You are alive because I let you live" and full on proving that statement. That he wasn't afraid to kill. For Guillermo to be ready in his soul, and it was his vampire slayer identity readied him. He had it in him all this time.
But in season 5, he has renounced it. He SAYS he has renounced it to be a vampire.
He has to embrace that part of himself to be truly ready.
Him becoming a vampire at this point in his life was so wrong on so many levels, they showed that Nandor would know when it was the right moment and he would do so right by Guillermo, and showed that really, what you think you want isn't actually what you want/need.
So no, this was bound to happen eventually, and an entire season dedicated to it was amazing in my opinion. Amazing things are coming for Guillermo, please don't be discouraged.
Thank you for reading this far.
I also want to write a Nandermo analysis at one point because I'm more passionate than ever and so excited (i loved what this season did with them), but we shall see!
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manjiroscum · 2 years
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Character/s: alien!Kakucho
Warnings: f!reader, mature language, explicit sexual themes, reader is a tease, monsterfucking, unprotected sex, breeding kink, kakucho has 2 big 🍆 + a long tongue, doggy, couch sex, dirty talking, cum eating, blowjob/throat fucking, implied marathon sex, and use of pet names. Minors do not interact.
Note: here is the first entry for kinktober, sorry it’s late... this is dedicated to my sweet bby dawn @lalunanymph 💖
❖ kinktober ‘22 masterlist | ENTRY #1
Summary: Your new neighbor’s dick(s) is out of this world.
WC: 2.8K
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Kakucho loves the earth more than most homo sapiens ever could. Compared to the dreary and almost desolate planet he hailed from, the earth was far more interesting and had unique customs that varied wherever he could travel to. Eventually, he was tasked to settle down. And he did, in a quaint house that was minutes away from the park where he normally would jog in the early morning because he learned from an earthling that it is beneficial to their body. Yet, despite acquiring such knowledge, Kakucho could never be a human being nor possess a body that functions the way it would. And this extends to his reproductive parts.
He was never required to have a human mate. No, the only directives he was given upon embarking on this journey were the following: live on earth, explore, study about the species that live on the planet, do not get caught, and go back home if he had gathered enough knowledge. This was his third year on the rocky, terrestrial plant. He may enjoy trying all the food it has to offer, learning the countless languages its habitants speak, and making ‘friends’, but it has been quite a lonely experience for the extraterrestrial. Contrary to the way his human friends think of his kind, or what they like to endearingly call ‘aliens’, Kakucho was not heartless, unemotional nor thought of himself as superior. But due to this stereotype, he found it hard to form long-lasting relationships. He was quite sure he'd stay naive about the way earth dwellers courted one another and how they reproduce… until a certain someone moved into the one-story house next to his.
“Hello! Thought I’d drop by to greet my neighbor,” you cheerily spoke, eyes sparkling under the sunlight that somehow seemed to shine down on your beautiful face. Kakucho was not a stranger to the feeling of love or lust, yet he couldn’t help but curse in his mother tongue under his breath. You were absolutely brimming with life—or charming, as Izana, one of his human friends would simply put it. Raising a brow at the odd language he uttered, you slightly backed up. With a sheepish glance at the attractive man, you weakly laughed. “I-is it a bad time? Do you understand what I just said?”
Kakucho wished he didn’t panic. Clearing his throat, he nodded a bit too vigorously then returned the warm smile you shot him before he felt his own nerves get the best of him. “Y-yeah, of course, I understood. Sorry about that, I was just taken aback. I thought you were here for a different reason—ah, welcome to the neighborhood!” He was sure he sounded lame. According to Izana, humans who were considered lame could never be invited to any special gatherings. He can’t have that, especially when his new neighbor was so pretty that if you ended up hating him, Kakucho doesn’t know how he’ll recover from that.
He might have to move away to get rid of his embarrassment. Or worse, go back to his home planet.
“Ah, it’s alright. And thank you!” The smile on your face returned, which caused relief to sweep over Kakucho. As you introduced yourself and asked for his name, unbeknownst to you, Kakucho was too focused on your lips the entire time. This is good. If he can get you to keep smiling, then maybe he has a chance at—wait a minute, a chance at what exactly? This can’t be what Izana has been laughing at whenever the topic is on the table, right? About love at first sight… Just as Kakucho was formulating his thoughts together and figuring out why he was acting this way, you bid him farewell. Again, he couldn’t help but curse and yet, thank the cosmos for sending such an exquisite human his way after years of merely dipping his toes in the water out of fear of being discovered.
Shit, does he like you?
Most earth dwellers may have a fascination for aliens such as him, however, Kakucho knew better than to outright reveal himself. He has seen those alien movies and he wasn’t impressed. But fuck, how difficult it is to keep pretending that the cat that occasionally visits your house is afraid of him or that the television isn’t working because of the faulty satellite dish and not because of his nature. He can’t also explain why he is so great at crane games just because he could see through the machine’s rigged system. There came a time Kakucho knew you were so close to finding out he was lying about knowing why you were feeling hot and bothered by the confused expression you wore. Perhaps you catching a cold wasn’t the right answer.
“Don’t ‘ya feel hot and bothered whenever you see me, Kakucho?”
Kakucho tries to avoid the chances of you interrogating him. Not that he had any qualms answering questions which he already had a planned response to—like how he got his scar, where he lived, and why he decided to run a small business. Those replies were already given to him by his superiors. An identity he had to embody. He just wished his boss had also prepared responses to whatever inquiries you may throw and ones that seem believable. Kakucho can’t outright say his favorite species was another alien race in the galaxy or that his favorite food to eat was something out of this world.
There were even times he feared his cover would get blown at any day you invite him to your home. He didn’t know what to say when you questioned him if you can walk around naked in your own house. He supposed it was fine. The videos he often sees Izana watching in secret were humans with no clothing on. The giggle you made sent shivers down his spine in fright, scared he answered wrongly, swaying your hips as you walked towards him.
“Kaku, are you sure you want to see me with no clothes on?”
You really got him on edge every time he came over. Despite this, Kakucho didn’t have the heart to get angry or refuse you. He may be breaking the one directive of not getting caught by just spending time with you whenever he can yet he can’t stop.
Fuck, he can’t stop seeing you and basically dancing to your every whim. Kakucho was like a moth attracted to a dangerous blaze. This was bad and he was down horrendously for you. The only thing that was stopping him from confessing that you awakened his primal need to have a mate was his true form. You might run off in terror and that alone will kill him inside. Such uneasiness was raised to uncountable numbers on one fine evening when you pushed him down on the couch, a killer smirk on your lips. The speechless extraterrestrial nearly passed out at the sight of you sitting on his lap and leaning down to kiss his cheek.
Holy shit.
“Kaku, tell me honestly…” you whispered against his cold ear, sensually running your free hand up his cool chiseled chest that the polo shirt couldn’t hide. Kakucho was on high alert, unable to relax his nerves that were all over the place. And yet, he was also hypnotized by the sound of your voice right next to his ear and the warmth of your body. Simply put, he was in a compromising situation. “I know you’re keeping something from me. Not only are you strange, but your body temperature isn’t common—it’s like I’m friends with a dead guy, ‘ya know?” Failing to answer, Kakucho remained silent which prompted you to continue. “Kaku, you and I had our fun times… You can tell me anything. Other than being my neighbor, I’ve considered you as a friend—maybe even more.” At that fact, Kakucho’s mood suddenly picked up. He then stared at you, those mismatched irises you’ve come to love filled with surprise. Kakucho was about to say something along the lines that yes, to some degree he felt the same, when you cut him off with a kiss, one that was brimming with longing. Tongues danced to the tune of ecstasy that Kakucho could feel his dicks twitch and turn hard. His nostrils are able to smell your arousal.
You almost screamed out of pure joy. For months, your mind has been at its wit’s end trying to figure out if Kakucho likes you or if he was just leading you on. Despite his strange actions, you greatly fell for the man and wished he would pay attention to you. It wasn't every day you get to have a hot neighbor and one so cute, too. All your worries left the building the second he was kissing you back, tossing his inhibitions and you did the same. The tension along with the pent-up lust released and found solace with every touch and kiss. Yet, Kakucho had to know. He had to ask you if you were okay with this—loving an alien who had been lying about his existence the whole time… He wished you wouldn't freak out or run. Or perhaps, both.
How will he tell you the truth without doing that?
“Kaku, what's wrong?” you questioned as he pulled away, brows furrowed in deep thought that it scared you. Maybe you were just assuming the whole time and were disgusted by you. Eyes turning glassy, you stayed silent as you waited for any rejection or command to get away from him. What happened was the total opposite of what you imagined. Instead of any form of harsh treatment, Kakucho got up from the couch and started to undress. The heat from in between your thighs traveled up to your face at the mere action. Glorious it was to see his chest and the muscles there flexing as he got rid of his shirt, glistening slightly with sweat. His scent made your knees weak. You were so mesmerized by the little 'show' that you didn't pay any attention to him removing his pants along with his boxers to reveal not just one oddly shaped hard cock that slapped against his toned stomach—there were two.
“Sorry, I… wasn't sure how I was gonna tell you this. That I’m… not actually human.” Kakucho swore you froze up for a moment at the confession. He supposed it was a very valid and much-anticipated reaction. Anyone would be too stunned to speak, especially since aliens were ‘nonexistent’ to any realists. Hands gripping his polo, Kakucho waited for your comment, violent reactions—anything that will indicate you finally took in the reality in front of you.
If things do go south real fast, then he will have no choice but to…
“Is… Are these real?” you whispered, catching his attention immediately. His eyes went wide upon seeing you reach out to touch his stiff cocks that were oozing with what seemed to be precum. Kakucho let out a hiss once you wrapped your hand around one, thumb rubbing the tip teasingly. His unattended cock bobbed as the other started leaking more precum once your tongue made contact with the leaky tip. What a vulgar sight it is. Back on Kakucho’s planet, no one would dare to lick or touch it. “Huh, they’re very… sensitive. It makes total sense now. The cold temperature of your body, your lack of knowledge on certain things… But it’s alright. You’re still such a cutie and I like you.”
To see you down on your knees, sucking on what you can, it was no wonder Kakucho wanted to cum right there and then. His breaths were shaky, hands coming down to fist your hair. You couldn’t help but smirk proudly at the feat you just earned. It is already a big deal to suck and have sex with an alien—a handsome one who has two big dicks—yet to have him moan like a virgin was something else.
What a reward this is.
“Lemme—shit, can I take the lead?” Your foreign lover questioned softly, his hand tucking back the stray hairs that hid your face from him. “Don’t want you to—ah, fuck… Don’t wanna tire you.” Of course, how could you say no to his offer? Your addled mind was consumed by lust as your eyes rolled back once the tip hit the back of your throat. Kakucho tested the waters first, slowly thrusting his hips until he settled on a brutal pace that should have bruised your pharynx. Your muffled moans and whines filled the living room along with his ragged breaths. It wasn’t soon before he was spilling his thick globs of semen straight down your esophagus. His loud groan was almost deafening. His other cock came untouched, spurting all over your fucked out expression as you gagged around him. The milky substance ran down your lashes and chin. What set his mind on fire was the possibility of you taking his two dicks successfully in your mouth, but that can wait. You can wait.
Kakucho was bewitched by the sensation and your obscene state. Jaw unhinged and cheeks warm, you slowly swallowed the remaining cum in your mouth then presented your now empty mouth. Flesh ignited by it, Kakucho pulled you up to kiss you squarely on the lips, tasting you and himself. Moaning into the kiss, you maneuvered him around and pushed him once again onto the couch. You wasted no time straddling him, grinding your clothed pussy on his erect cocks, desperate for friction down there. After a couple of kisses and his hands tearing your clothes apart to caress more of your burning flesh, you were now in the nude and pressing his face into your breasts.
“Suck on my tits, please,” you whined. Kakucho instantly agreed and wrapped his mouth around one of your nipples. He supposed it was no use hiding his other ‘otherworldly’ features from you, letting the true length of his tongue slip out and lick around your tit. Your eyes went wide and suddenly chuckled, fingers weaving through his midnight-blue hair. “Fuck, wanna have that tongue down my throat—mhm…” Your mouth felt full, the muscle leaving no place untouched. Every nook and cranny. Drenched with your juices, you parted your wet folds for his eager eyes to behold. “Fuck me, Kaku. Wanna feel that cock of yours inside. Pump me full of your cum, please. Pump me so full like a slut—your slut.”
Whether he had hesitations or not, your alien lover was quick to nod his head and got up. You bent over the couch, hissing as Kakucho slid his long and girthy cock that easily parted your damp cunt. “R-rub my clit, love. Ah…” Your jaw fell slack at the feeling of his fingers drawing circles on your clit as his cock entered, close to losing the strength of your legs. He grunted at how tight and warm you were inside. He could stay inside of you forever and just keep pumping you with his seed. Maybe getting you swollen with his children will be a breakthrough for his expedition and be beneficial to his superiors. Those ideas of his soon faded away into the back of his mind as his hips went with a rapid pace. Your cries for more and for him to fuck you and talk dirty echoed around the house. The salacious noises of skin against skin and his other cock slapping on your ass was a far better visual and auditory experience than those lifeless videos Izana watched. So much better.
“T-tell me, Kaku—ah, ah—do you like my pussy? S-say you do!”
Kakucho groaned.
“P-please, tell me!”
“Yeah—fucking hell, I love it.”
“Good, good… Ah, tell me, do you wanna cum inside me? Gonna knock me up?” Endless curses then poured from your tongue at the image. “Gonna give me children? Gonna make me look pregnant as you fill me up?”
Kakucho echoed your words as best as he can. His left hand cupped one of your tits while the other continued to rub your clit. Your nails dug into the couch’s headrest at the delicious and mind-blowing fuck of your life. Head bobbing and tits bouncing with every hard smack of his hips, you unknowingly came and whined helplessly. Kakucho then followed with a grunt, pumping your cunt with hot strings of cum. If he weren’t holding you, your face would have met the couch. Out of breath, you waited for your spasming to calm down. Kakucho’s mind was in a slight daze. And yet, his other cock was still painfully hard and just waiting to shoot out semen. Before you could even gather your thoughts and ask for him to fuck you again, he was quick to slip his other cock into your abused pussy again. This was going to be a long night, but you didn’t care at all, stupidly smiling as Kakucho began to speed up again, eager to make your wishes come true.
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🎐taglist: @cryptred @wakaslut @festive @marism @wakasa-wifey @zuuki @stffychn @keijisprettygirl @bunnyjiros @tobidabio @leavemealonebutinpink @kamisoria @httphaitani @chloee0x0 @sanzucide @tokyometronetwork @riszu
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sitp-recs · 11 months
Hey! Hope you're doing good!! :) I'm wondering if you know any Drarry fics that have mythological elements / stories as part of the plot. For example, a fic based on Greek myths like Hades/Persephone?
Hi anon! I’m doing great, what about you? :) oh that’s a really cool ask, I hope you enjoy these! I strongly recommend checking khalulu’s stuff as they always explore different mythologies and cultures across their works. I’d love to get more recs on this theme, too!
Veðr by @shealwaysreads (M, 3k)
Norsemen have ranged far enough inland to find Harry, alone and abandoned by his kith and kin. But they bring far more than danger with them, they bring adventure, they bring magic.
Sweden | A Midsummer Night’s Dream by @drarrelie (M, 5.5k)
With the war finally over, you’d think Harry would finally be granted that “normal life” he’s always dreamt about. Finally free from the Dursleys, from that nose-less megalomaniac, from Horcruxes, Hollows, Death Eaters, Dementors, Prophecies… you’d think that he, for the first time in his life, would be allowed to be just a normal teenager. You’d think he’d deserve that much, right?
S’Mitten by khalulu (G, 6k)
Harry and Draco aren’t enemies any more, but it seems their history will always stand between them – so let’s try some other histories on for size! The fickle finger of fate is muffled in one of Mrs Weasley’s mittens. Did I mention kisses?
East of the Sun and West of the Moon by khalulu (T, 6k)
One stormy Thursday evening, a big white bear named Draco turns up to carry Harry away from the dreadful Dursleys. They get along fairly happily together until one night Harry’s curiosity gets the better of him, and Draco is whisked away to his wicked aunt’s castle, East of the Sun and West of the Moon. It will take a strong wind to bring Harry that far…..
What Country, Friends, Is This? by khalulu (M, 8k)
When Harry and Draco are paired up for a nebulous “capstone project” in 8th year, Draco suggests they use it as an opportunity to take a free Grand Tour of Europe. Harry isn’t interested in being grand, and they soon veer off the beaten path. The journey to find what (and who) you really want can lead to unexpected places. (As well as Bertha Jorkins’ aunt, Illyrian Serpent cults, heroic baby Draco tales, and Slytherins singing Motown.)
Birds of Dreams / Remover of Obstacles / Guardian of Waters by khalulu (G, 12k)
Harry is exploring his Desi heritage, and Draco runs into him in colourful circumstances. Luna has a penchant for puns and the Patils watch Bollywood. Paper is folded, a flying carpet takes an Indian road trip, and a phoenix is found. Love blooms along the way, a flower that’s free.
Sparks from the Fox’s Tail by khalulu (T, 17k)
Draco is frustrated with his career as a travel writer, when a mini-tirade from Mrs Weasley and an encounter with the portrait of an intrepid great-great-great-aunt lead him to Finland to study wandless magic. Harry is – just being contrary and following his sweet-tooth, or taking the subtle route to saving the world?
The Hardest Hue To Hold by @cavendishbutterfly (M, 17k)
Harry needs to get the hell out of England. So he sets up a teaching assistantship in America, hops on a plane, and heads off to a fresh start. Except there’s a familiar face among the university faculty, and it’s really not the familiar face that Harry wanted. Or at least, it’s not who Harry wanted at first.
Offer Up Our Hearts by @tackytigerfic (M, 23k)
Harry Potter has a very nice life, thank you very much. He's a top Curse-Breaker with a lucrative Ministry contract, and exciting prospects ahead. Sometimes he does wish that he had time to pursue something official with Draco Malfoy - they're half in love with each other, after all, and a great team (in and out of bed), though Draco is still one of the most infuriating people he knows.
Memory Lost | You Found by @maraudersaffair (E, 30k)
After his Auror training, Harry's assigned to guard the Department of Mysteries - specifically the room where Malfoy is being held in comfortable captivity. Yet no one will tell him why, and what's more concerning? Malfoy doesn't remember Harry at all. To uncover the mystery, Harry must travel all the way to Egypt where he discovers a magical community living in the great pyramids and a long held secret that is dangerous to anyone who knows it.
The Compact by astolat (E, 64k)
Hermione frowned. “The real question is why the magic of Britain would be failing now, in fact.” “That is not the real question!” Ron said loudly; he’d woken up fully by now, and Harry had too; it was starting to sink in that they’d found the problem. “The real question is, how do we fix it?”
A Sense of Scale by @fantalfart and dragontamerdrarry (M, 70k)
In which Draco spends an obscene amount of time thinking of new nicknames for The Living Git, lying to himself and using his charms to seduce an extremely uncooperative sentient school.
The Stars Have Courage by @fantalfart (M, 85k)
Draco waited five long years to watch his husband wake up from a coma. He's not ready to meet a Harry with no memory of anything that happened after he died at The Battle of Hogwarts, twelve years ago.
Close Behind by @oflights (M, 134k)
To rescue Draco from the Underworld, Harry has to look forward. Unfortunately, Draco has to look back.
Bonus: dark fae AU 🧚‍♂️
Mushrooms of Wiltshire by @shiftylinguini (T, 5k)
There's no point unpacking―Harry's not staying long, and besides, there's just bundled rags in his valise. The illusion of belongings, of a man heading to a new position at a prestigious manor―one beset with rumours of old magic and of impish forest dwellers causing chaos and mayhem amid the phosphorescent toadstool glow. Bugger the job. Harry's here for the rumours. He's been chasing them for years.
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Original Writing Project: 916
OKAY, now that I've edited the first few chapters enough, I think it's finally time to have its debut to you all!
This is an original sci-fi story completely written by me, with MAJOR influences from things like Gundam and whatnot.
I want to post it here to get your all's feedback and just to share some good ol' storytelling, so please let me know what you guys think of it, your feedback/comments is always read by me!
I expect to have the first few chapters out sometime during this week after your normal schedule of simping, but this post will just be covering what the main idea of the story is/what shows/games is influencing it.
Below the cut is the blurb, inspirations, main characters, and a story excerpt!
First of all, thank you so much for even pressing the keep reading tab/showing any remote interest. I understand this isn't really what you come to this blog for, so it means the world to me!
Anyways, first up is the story blurb:
Story Blurb:
The year is 1177. Thirty-four years have passed since the battlefield had been introduced to the bipedal warmachines known as Soldat D’acier. Though they only stand a few meters above tanks, they were able to reduce armored divisions to scrap metal, and fortresses once thought impenetrable transformed to piles of rubble.
The entire continent of Anis rushed their militaries into an arms race to have their own versions of these steel behemoths.
In the name of expansion and rightful conquest, the country of Florence had declared war on Cumbria in 1155. The invasion saw countless deployments of Soldats on both sides, and death quickly followed in their wake. The two nations signed a peace treaty to end hostilities after five long years, but their crimes wouldn't be so easily forgotten by the people, nor its creations.
Now, the man-made atrocities emerging from the "Enhanced Human Initiative" stoke the flames of war once more, forcing an uneasy alliance. And from the same crime that threatens them, comes their final hope: Enhanced Human 916.
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Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Mobile Suit Gundam: Narrative Mobile Suit Gundam: Unicorn Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeta The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon, Scarlet Nexus, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Girls' Frontline,
I was not joking when I said the major influences are from Gundam. At first I was worried about not being 100% original, but eh. Write what you love, right? Elements of the story, themes, suits, and a unholy amount more is snatched from all the Gundam shows listed above.
Armored Core 6 is what inspired the look of the "Soldats", and how combat flows in the story. The main lead, 916, is called numbers bc of the player character 621. (I also learned that the reasons I chose that number came from my subconscious, specifically Darling in the Franxx and that character, 196 aka Ikuno)
Scarlet Nexus inspired some of the tech things regarding the pilots being able to "read each other's minds" so to speak. Pretty much a less space-magic version of being a Newtype from Gundam, as well as other characters.
Trails of Cold Steel and Girls' Frontline inspired the other cast members, and speaking of which:
Main Cast:
Wolf Company
Enhanced Human 916, "Vi", Age: 21
A young man who escaped the "Enhanced Human Initiative." Due to augmentation and surgeries, he remains stoic and emotionless, but thanks to his adoptive family, has shown signs of opening up. Earned his nickname after his violet eyes.
He pilots the Soldat R1-N0, "Rhino", a bulky mech utilizing rush and ambush tactics, armed with a 60mm Autocannon and Heat Dagger.
A/N: Titular character, heavily inspired by Byleth (Fire Emblem Three Houses), and Mikazuki (Iron-Blooded Orphans). My second favorite character to write so far in the story, ironically.
David Collins, "Boss", Age: 53
Leader of a PMC called "Wolf Company". David took 916 in at a young age and raised him to be part of the "family". Loud and proud, he takes great pride in all serving underneath him, and has known to have a temper in anything regarding his age. Earned his nickname since calling him "Boss" was more comfortable for everyone.
He pilots the Soldat "Juggernaut', a machine with the legs of a tank, but upper half of a mech with arms. Armed with wrist-mounted machine guns and twin battle-cannons on top of its shoulders.
A/N: Inspired by Maine from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. Don't look too much into that, don't worry. You can also tell from just his dialogue how much I like writing him too. He is my number 1 favorite to write.
Chloe, "Flare", Age: 35
Second in command of "Wolf Company. Chloe is extremely loud, complementing her foul-mouthed nature. Generally regarded as the "Big SIster" of the team. Earned her nickname from her extremely short temper.
She pilots the Soldat "Mantis", a lanky and smaller machine focusing on blitz tactics, able to leap surprisingly massive heights due to its inverted legs.
A/N: Inspired by Bianca (Gundam Thunderbolt), Sasha (Attack on Titan) and Miku (Darling in the Franxx). To everyone I have shown this story thus far, she has been the fan favorite, including her partner in crime:
Hayes, "Screw", Age: 32
The newest "rookie" of Wolf Company. Impulsive, a little too confident in himself but admittedly a talented sniper, Hayes is always eager to prove himself. Earned his nickname from either screwing himself over, or the enemy.
He pilots the Soldat "Phantom", a mech focusing on stealth and sniping, able to keep itself off enemy radar.
A/N: Inspired by Connie (Attack on Titan) and Zorome (Darling in the Franxx). Him and Chloe are a fun combo, as you will soon see.
There's eight more main characters, but I'll let you read their introduction yourself! 916 and Wolf Company will be the ones we'll be following the most throughout the story. Though this part of the cast was heavily inspired by Iron-Blooded Orphans. For those who watched the show, again, don't read too much into that.
The last thing I'll have for this post will be an excerpt from the prologue to get things started! Hopefully my slow ass will have the prologue out soon, so please look forward to it!
Without further ado-
Story Excerpt:
“Doctor Moreau, do you think we go to heaven?” asked the small girl.
Doctor Moreau stopped typing for a moment as her eyes glanced over the terminal, seeing the child laying on the operating table, standing out from the rest of the clean black walls and white tiles. The room was supported with soft lights illuminating the room, complemented by the blue screens and dizzying amount of automated surgical equipment quietly whirring into position.
Moreau pushed her aging white hair away from her eyes, looking at the child, subject designated 403. 403 was about seven, she barely stood up to Moreau’s stomach and had long black hair that stopped at her shoulders. The light blue gown was slightly too big for her, the sleeves extending over most of her hands and just revealing her fingers. Seeing her face again reminded Doctor Moreau of 403's rather inquisitive nature. 
“Why are you asking that, 403?” Moreau replied, her tone indifferent. Her fingers went back to typing as she sighed. “If you’re worried about the procedure, the chips are perfectly safe to implant. There has been no previous record of anyone dying from-”
“-But I’m going to die after.”
“After the chip goes into me. Will the others and I go to heaven?”
The question had caught the doctor completely off guard. Moreau had answered questions such as, “Will this hurt?”, or “Do I have to?”. This question was something she could not answer with her usual dismissive tone. She sat up straight in her seat now and turned to look at the child. 403's eyes were still fixated on the ceiling.
“Why are you so certain you’re going to die, 403?”
“That’s what my brother told me. When the chip goes into our brain, we’re sent off to die.”
The girl’s voice stated it as a matter of fact. There was no confusion in her tone of what was to become of her. Doctor Moreau had no response as she stared at 403 with her mouth slightly open. The child simply turned her head, facing her and expectantly waiting for an answer.
“... I certainly hope there’s a heaven, 403. I’m sure heaven will allow good kids like you and your brother.”
“What about my friends? Will they-”
“We’re about to begin the surgery. Please face up towards the light and close your eyes.” Moreau bluntly cut off the conversation.
403 pouted, but complied. It was clear that the answer did not satisfy her as much as she wanted it to. Doctor Moreau took a second to recover and focus back on the job at hand. Facing back towards the terminal, she began typing once more. With the input of several passwords and confirmations, the surgery to implant the combat data-chip into 403’s brain would commence. Afterwards, she would be sent to her brother’s unit, and be deployed to the battlefield.
Just like all the others.
This room had always been nothing out of the ordinary to Moreau. The same procedure had been repeated more times than she could count and yet why did this one make it so hard to breathe all of a sudden?
“Doctor Moreau?”
“Yes, 403?”
“Can I ask one more thing?”
“You may.”
“Can I listen to that song you always play? The one that goes ‘Lalalalala~’? I want to hear it one more time before I sleep. I really like it.”
Doctor Moreau’s lips suddenly dried up as she once again stopped typing. With a slightly trembling hand, she turned to the radio sitting on her desk and nodded.
“...Of course, 403. No more questions, please.” 
She could see the smile form on 403’s lips as the mask was gently put onto her face, the anesthesia slowly starting to pump into 403’s lungs.
“...Thank you.”
Doctor Moreau swallowed hard as her finger pressed the on switch of her old radio. Despite being in such a high tech surgical room, her radio was comically outdated. It was a small gray oval-like object that only had a speaker and a few buttons. To even put music in it, she had to insert a smaller rectangle that contained the songs in it via tape. It was a gift from her father when she was 403’s age, the thought of their roles being reversed not lost on the doctor.
‘Sing, sing a song Let the world sing along Sing of love there could be Sing for you and for me…~’
Doctor Moreau could hear 403 softly hum along to the song as her voice gradually became quieter, and eventually turning into soft breathing. The whirring of the surgical equipment and the radio being the only things in the room left making noise. The only remaining step was for Doctor Moreau to approve the procedure to implant the chip into 403’s brain.
“Is there heaven…” the doctor quietly repeated the question to herself, attempting to ignore 403’s startling self awareness of the situation.
"Authorization confirmed, Implant procedure beginning.” A deep robotic voice rang out across the room as the sound of a drill began drowning out the other equipment. Doctor Moreau sat on her chair as she closed her eyes, waiting for the procedure to be done and turning off the radio in the process.
 “For me, I don’t think so…Heaven was lost to me long ago.”
‘Sing, sing a song Make it simple to last Your whole life long~’
The Doctor was snapped out of her melancholy as the music continued playing. Sighing, she moved to turn it off for good.
“Piece of junk is starting to-” She stopped as her finger was about to hit the switch.
The radio was still off.
Listening closely again, Moreau realized the singing was coming outside of the door.
‘Don't worry that it's not Good enough for anyone Else to hear~’
Creeping towards the door, the doctor put her ears to it and heard what sounded like a chorus singing. The song wasn’t over the intercom, otherwise the voice would be far clearer.
Instead it sounded like- 
A sudden sense of dread hit the doctor as she swung the doors open and ran towards the hangar. Multiple guards and scientists were opening the doors along the long gray hallway, joining Moreau and investigating what the noise was. When they finally got to the railing after the doors slid open, none of them could speak. 
‘Just sing, sing a song (Just sing, sing a song) Just sing, sing a song~’
Inside the massive hangar stood rows of countless Soldats, giant bipedal machines that stood several meters tall, lined up next to each other as if they were statues. Their bulky legs stood firmly in place and the compact yet slender arms did not move an inch.
The only things moving were their horned box-like heads, slowly moving side to side in perfect sync. Each of the voices emerging from the Soldats were different but singing in perfect harmony.
Their normally offline and horizontal segregated visors were suddenly flickering to life with blue lights, illuminating the large dark room with bright blue rays.
‘La la la la la, la la la la La la la la la la laaaaa~’
Doctor Moreau could hear the voices of security guards rushing down the stairs to halt the singing, shouting orders at the others to back away.
However, the doctor could only hear their cheerful singing along with her breathing becoming noticeably shorter with each second, feeling her chest tighten.
Once again, the question 403 springed up to the forefront of her mind.
“Is there heaven?”
And that's the first part of the prologue done, hope to have this out soon, and again if you got this far, thanks for taking the time!
See ya soon, and back to the normal content for now!
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resowrites · 1 year
The Fight Before Christmas (part 2) - oneshot.
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Summary: All is finally revealed, but will Henry and his girlfriend’s relationship ever be the same? (follow on from this oneshot, but can be read as a standalone story).
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Girlfriend!OC
Warnings: 18+ only (adult themes), angst, fluff, relationship difficulties/argument, brief mention toxic family dynamics, brief mention of illness/end of life care, brief allusion to smut, dialogue heavy, time hopping/vignette style, language, pet names, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 4549
A/N: Phew, here it is folks. Sorry it’s a little rushed. This week’s been crazy and I ran out of time. I hope you all enjoy and as ever, please let me know your thoughts. This piece is a big bowl of happy/sad soup, please take care when reading as I know it can be a difficult time of year. I wish all of you a safe, peaceful Holiday - R x
My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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The Fight Before Christmas (part 2) - oneshot.
Saturday 12:38 am
Henry hurried back inside, dazed and confused about what just happened. A rhythmic thumping noise then stopped him in his tracks. It was Kal plodding down the stairs. He usually hid in Ollie's office during the colder months, the warmth of the radiator under her desk providing a cosy place for naps. He crouched down and cuddled his boy. He must have heard the arguing, gone into their bedroom like he normally did at that time, and found them both missing. He wracked his brain for what to do. If he did go after her, she might not come back at all. But he just couldn't fathom why she was so determined to get away. He knew it wasn't anything he'd done, it was now technically the weekend which also meant he was officially off work until January. He'd been so looking forward to spending Christmas with her. Kal nudged at the hem of her coat, which dangled from the hook above them and whimpered. She'd left without it.
He shot back up and tried to find his phone, eventually realising it was still in the kitchen. He knew she probably wouldn't pick up, but he had to try. "Hi, this is Ollie. I'm sorry I can't take your call. Leave a message and I'll get back to you, thanks!" Just hearing her voice made his stomach drop. He tried to stay calm and think logically about where she might be headed. The nearest hotel was only a b&b and took a good two hours to get to, even at that time. Her only friends within an hour's distance were Rachel, Laura, and Claire. Laura used to be a nurse, but she also had young children. Would she bother her at that time? What if Laura didn't pick up and he couldn't reach either of them? His mind carried on racing until he felt something warm slide across his hand. Kal had followed him into the kitchen and was licking his fingers. "What am I gunna do mate, eh?" Kal's head merely tilted from left to right. He sighed and noticed the glass still spread out over the counter. He'd tidy up, keep ringing round for a bit, and then make up the sofa just in case she came back. But his plan didn't reassure him for long. Not when he actually looked around and knew that, already, the house seemed to have changed completely. He stared back down at his phone and decided to try texting her as well.
Saturday 8:06 am
"Oh Laura, thank God. Is she alright?"
"She's fine, didn't you see my text? I'm sorry I missed your calls--"
"She needs to get her hand stitched!"
"Don't worry, I've already taken care of it--"
"Well where is she? Can I talk to her?"
"Henry, calm down. I promise you, she's alright--"
"Good, then I'm on my way now." She hesitated.
"I'm not sure that's the best idea…" Henry's hand hovered over his car keys.
"What do you mean? I need her home, Laura." The worry in his voice made her heart pinch.
"I know, but I think she should stay here for a bit. What the hell happened? She was in a complete state… are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine - and I still don't bloody know! She's been acting strangely and I pushed too hard trying to find out why. I think something's up with her job, but it's not like her to just run off… something else must have happened. I've never seen her like it before, she got so angry she smashed a bottle she was holding. Has she really not said anything to you?"
"No, but then you know how stubborn she is. Don't worry, she's welcome to stay but I'll try and get her home as soon as I can. Right, I better go ring round and see if I can get some antibiotics, her hand will be okay but I don't want it getting infected."
"Yeah, sure, sorry I'll let you go. Thanks for all of this though and I'm sorry you were disturbed so late. How are Jack and the kids?"
"Yeah, all good. He'll be back in time for Christmas so my mum's looking after them while I sort out the house."
"Oh God, I'm sorry we're bothering you."
"Nah, I'm enjoying the company actually. I haven't seen her in ages so it'll be good to catch up. Please don't worry yourself, though."
"Easier said than done. To be honest, I'm afraid she won't want to come back."
"Don't be silly, she adores you. All will come right eventually, okay?"
"I hope so. Please keep an eye on her though, I'm worried about her state of mind. She isn't eating, either." She hesitated again, wondering whether or not to tell him Ollie hadn't touched her breakfast.
"I will, and I'll keep you updated. Take care of yourself, alright? And stop worrying."
"Okay, you take care as well… and give her my love." She gave her assurances and they said their goodbyes. She then peered through the kitchen door. Ollie was still sitting in the armchair, staring into space.
Friday 8:11 pm
"Ollie? Wh-what are you doing here?" She was in no mood for stupid questions and quickly but carefully pushed past her mother. "Ollie, don't go up there… he won't want to talk!" She let her mother's voice bounce off the stairs. When she came to the right door, she found herself holding her breath.
"… Dad? Dad, it's me, Ollie." He lifted his sagging head from the pillow and blinked until his eyes came into focus.
"W-why… why are you here?! Get out… now! Go on, go…" His rage quickly dissolved into a coughing fit.
"Dad, please. I've been trying to see you for weeks. I even had mum leave the phone by your bed so I could ring. B-but that doesn't matter now, how are you?" For several minutes he didn't respond, choosing instead to keep his cold gaze fixed on her face. Eventually, she looked away.
"… I-I'm sorry?"
"Thirty-three years of age… and what do you have to show for it?" Her mouth went dry. "You should be a director at that company, and what are you? A glorified calculator. Why don't you toddle on back to him, while you still can? He'll get bored of you eventually…"
"That's not true."
"Oh, but it is. He doesn't love you. You're a failure, my girl. My biggest disappointment." There was no use countering his words with the same arguments she'd made time and time again. Compared to her sisters, she'd always been treated unfairly. And that wasn't about to change.
"… I-I just came to say, I'm sorry. For everything. I forgive you as well. Please, be at peace Dad. I love you." She then hurried from the room, almost bumping into her mother who it appeared had been listening in the entire time. They stared at each other for a moment. "I… wish you could have done more to help us." Her mother went to speak, then stopped herself. Ollie looked to the floor, her tears blurring her vision. "Goodbye, mum."
"Are you warm enough, darling? Here, let me put the seat warmers on…"
"I'm fine, love. Honest." Henry stopped fidgeting with the dials and the pair locked eyes for a moment. She cleared her throat. "… Thanks for coming to get me. And I'm sorry, for all the… theatrics." He smiled softly.
"Don't be daft. I'm just glad you're alright."
"No, I mean it. I shouldn't have handled things the way I did or said--"
"Darling, it's alright. And I'm sorry too. You said you needed space and I should have listened." An idea then popped into Henry's head. He didn't know if he could pull it off, but he'd look into it the minute they got back. "Christ, have you ever seen so much traffic on these roads? I'm sorry, I'll try and get us home as quick as I can."
"Don't worry, I don't need to be back for nine."
"Oh? Okay, well we should still be back before ten." Henry shifted awkwardly in his seat. It was less than a week until Christmas and although he was desperate to know more, he wasn't about to risk asking questions.
"It's fine actually, I won't be working again until January. I've… decided to go freelance." There was a long pause.
"Ollie… did you lose your job?" She sighed.
"Not exactly. Do you remember that presentation I had to give?" He nodded eagerly, trying to balance his attention between her and the road. "Well, it was to suggest some better ways to balance the books… the company's bracing for recession. Anyway, afterward, my new boss thanked me for my 'little talk,' but said he'd decided just to merge my department instead. I could either take a pay cut or redundancy. I gave notice right there and then. The cheeky fucker even asked if he could take me out for a drink and see whether he could find something else for me." She sniffed hard and wiped her face.
"Oh, my darling…"
"No, it's fine. Really. I know someone else in the company who went freelance about a year ago. They've already let me know they're happy to help me get set up. It'll be tough at first and I'll need to be close to my client base… but in the long term I should have greater flexibility." She tried to smile convincingly but Henry could see the fear in her eyes. At that moment, her phone pinged.
"Well, I'll be here for you every step of the way. I'll always support— darling? What's wrong?" She quickly shut off the screen.
"I, uh… nothing. It's nothing."
"… Ollie, what's going on?" She swallowed back the lump forming in her throat.
"It's nothing, darling. I mean, nothing that's worth discussing at the moment." The rest of the journey home was silent.
Boxing Day
Things had more or less returned to normal and they spent a lovely, if hectic, couple of days with Henry's family. They travelled back late Christmas day night so they could spend Boxing Day together. They even waited to exchange gifts. It was a tradition they'd kept from the beginning of their relationship. No matter their plans over the holidays, Boxing Day was just for the two of them. And this year Ollie was more grateful for it than ever before. She wasn't normally awake before Henry, but she took the opportunity to curl into his chest and feel the warmth of his skin against her own. "Mmmm g'morning… do I take it I'm getting my Christmas present before breakfast?" He growled into her neck, the sensation making her squeal.
"Oh behave yourself, I was cold… that's all."
"Mm-hm, I believe ya…" Henry climbed on top of her, pulling down the waistband of her pants while he smothered her with kisses.
"Henry! S-stop it!" He harrumphed, collapsed on top of her, and buried his face in her neck. "Er… what are you doing?! Get off, I can't breathe!"
"You said you were cold so I'm keeping you warm! Mmmm you've got your baby smell…" Henry breathed deeply, refusing to budge. She sighed.
"Hey, wait a minute, where're my bloody presents?" Henry's nose had led him straight into the kitchen, where she was making a cooked breakfast. He then tried to lift a slice of bacon straight out of the frying pan, causing her to swat his hand.
"OW! I only wanted a nibble… am I to be starved of a Boxing Day morn as well?"
"Oh shut up. How many times do I have to tell you? No eating until I've plated up. And your presents are under the tree, santa obviously didn't check his list twice this year." Henry smirked and shuffled off into the living room. "Hey! No bloody peeking!"
"There you are my sweet boy, is that good?" She watched as Kal dived into the bowl of cooked giblets, smoothing down the knitted Christmas jumper she'd made for him, over his back.
"Hey, why does he get to have his presents before me?"
"Cos he's not a whiney little shit. That's why."
"Well, it's a good job I'm the forgiving sort. Heads up!" Henry lobbed a present straight at her, almost conking her on the head.
"Jesus Henry, you almost took me out!" But he just grinned and carried on munching away at some leftover toast.
"W-what… what’s this?" She opened the box to find a large, plastic magnifying glass.
"Well, you know how you're really vain and won't get glasses--"
"I'm vain?!?!"
"… I thought it might come in handy," Henry then reached over and clicked a button on the side, "see? It lights up and look, it even folds in half…"
"Oh? Well then you know where you can stick it…" He struggled to hold in his laughter.
"What? That's a lovely gift! I bet you didn’t put as much thought into mine…"
"Well why don't you open it and see? I'm tempted to throw it but I might strain my wrist…" Henry lifted the heavy box onto his lap.
"Christ, what did you get me?" He ripped away the paper.
"It's a Hollywood mirror, like the ones you get in your trailers. Now you can be the star of the show, even at home…" Henry rubbed his jaw, trying to hide his smile.
"Well, d'ya like it?" He nodded, still unable to look straight into her deadpan eyes. "Oh good. You got any more for me?" Henry pointed towards another box. She gasped the minute she opened it.
"You got me new headphones?! Oh, Henry… these must have cost a fortune!"
"Do you like them? They're proper noise-cancelling ones."
"So I don't have to listen to you anymore?! Oh my God, I love them! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He chuckled.
"Well, what?!"
"Where's my kiss?" She sighed and plonked herself next to him, pecking his fuzzy cheek. "Is that last one for me?" Henry eyed the final box beneath the tree. She gulped. Normally they promised only to buy each other a couple of joke presents. She reasoned that he spoiled her enough, even though they both knew that wasn't quite true. She'd never let Henry spend much money on her. She felt she had enough of her own and more to the point, it made her uncomfortable. But she hadn't anticipated the headphones. Uneasily, she watched as he ripped open the paper. Henry stared down at the gift for several moments. A boxset of Witcher books.
"I, er… thought you might want to double-check the source material." To this day, she didn't know how she managed to keep a straight face. He cleared his throat, put the books aside, and got to his feet. "What are you doing?"
"You've got a five-minute headstart."
Henry spent most of the next hour chasing her around the house, culminating in sex which lasted a further two. "Hey, do you remember our first Christmas?" He whispered eventually, his body still wrapped around her own.
"Mmm, you mean where you broke the oven door checking on the turkey?"
"I was just seeing if it was done!"
"… Or to make sure it was cooking evenly."
"Well what can I say, I'd yet to fully appreciate your culinary prowess. I think even my mum's turkey can't beat yours."
"It did that year." Henry chuckled. "But thanks for the bargaining chip. I've got something to hold over you now if ever you should cross me…"
"Ollie, look at me." She turned her head. "You've got to learn to be more forgiving…" She swatted him on the arm. "Right, come on, we can’t lay here all day."
"Oh, I thought you'd want another round?"
"Always. But come on, get dressed and then meet me in the car."
"Why? Are you throwing me out? On Boxing Day?! Oh, Henry. It was only some books." Henry ignored her deadpan face.
"Well, as deserved as that might be, it's actually so I can give you your last gift. Just put together a bag of any extra stuff you want to bring, your clothes are already packed."
"What d'ya mean? Where are we going?"
"You'll see. Come on, shift it." He spanked her backside and pulled her out of bed.
"Well hang on, I better get some knickers as well. I know you won't have packed them." Henry smirked.
She jogged downstairs, her rucksack already on her back, only to find Henry still in the living room. "Oh no, don't tell me the car won’t start? Didn't you only just fill it up?" The look on his face was unreadable and his arms remained crossed. "Henry, what is it?"
"Your mum just phoned." A pit opened in her stomach. "She's been trying to get hold of you since Monday. Your father’s been moved into end of life care."
"Yes, I know." She dropped her rucksack to the floor and began rooting around it, more for something to do at that moment than anything else.
"Apparently he's been sick for a while."
“I only found out last month."
"… And you didn't think to tell me?" She moved her chargers to another pocket, concerned they'd scratch her tablet. "Ollie?"
"What, Henry?" She snapped back up, exasperation now lacing her voice. He had to tread carefully.
"Why didn't you say anything?!" She sighed.
"Because you'd just given me the promise ring and found out you were playing Superman again! Things were so happy that I wanted to wait, but then they told you they were recasting, and after that came Christmas. When exactly was I meant to tell you?!"
"Don't make excuses Ollie, there's never a right moment for that sort of news and you know it. I mean I knew something was wrong, but I never suspected it was this. You've spent all this time with it weighing on you, and for what? If it was my father you wouldn't have been able to do enough for me!"
"Your Dad's not like mine!" She tried desperately to hold back her tears. Henry rushed towards her. "No, stop! I’m okay, really."
"For God's sake, stop it! No, you're not. None of this is okay! Is that where you were Friday? What the hell did he say to you?!" Relief washed over her. At least her mother hadn't told him that much.
"Nothing, we said our goodbyes and parted peacefully. I was just exhausted by the time I got back, it was a bloody long day."
"Stop lying to me, Ollie. And why aren't you talking to your mum? You can't just cut off your family— "
"Henry, enough. I'm not discussing it. Today's supposed to be our day." Henry sighed and bowed his head.
"… I just wish that, for once, you could trust me enough to be honest. That's all." He kissed her forehead, picked up her rucksack, and headed out the door.
For the first half an hour, the journey was mostly silent. Eventually, she couldn't stand it anymore. "I'm sorry, okay? I hate that part of my life, and I didn't want any more of it bleeding into everything we've built together--"
"Ollie, you never have to hide anything from me!"
"Just let me finish. I thought I was protecting us from all of it but… clearly not. So, in the new year, I'm gunna get some help."
"What, you mean like… therapy? Darling, I'm not going anywhere, surely you know that?"
"It's not just for us, I need some help trying to process everything better as well." Henry's heart sank.
"Okay… but please know that I'm here for you. I mean it Ollie, there's nothing you can't talk to me about. Will you let me pay for the sessions? What else can I do?"
"My savings will cover it, darling. And you do enough for me, you always have." Another silence descended over the car.
After an hour and a half, they finally arrived at a little cottage, perched along with its neighbour in the corner of a meadow that rolled down to a private beach. "Oh my God, is that the sea?!" Ollie clasped her hands together in delight. Henry just smiled, grabbed their bags, and led her into one of the most beautiful living rooms she'd ever seen. Low oak beams and a large, roaring fireplace framed the neatly whitewashed walls, all currently adorned with holly and ivy. "So… first impressions?"
"It's beautiful," She ducked in and out of the other rooms, her excitement only growing, "I could stay here forever!" His smile grew wider.
"Well that's lucky… cos it's yours." Henry winged a set of keys right at her, the shock of what he'd just said almost causing her to drop them.
"You what?!"
"I've still got some paperwork to sign, but it's yours darling."
"I, I…" She fell to the sofa, struggling to comprehend what was happening. He gently took a seat beside her. "Henry… you can't buy me a house!"
"Why not?" She jumped to her feet and quickly started pacing about.
"Because it's too much! We already have a lovely house! Oh my God, it must have cost the earth, at least me pay half--" Henry climbed to his feet and rubbed her shoulders in a vain attempt to calm her down.
"You're not paying a bloody penny. Consider it our holiday home if you must, but I wanted you to have a place to go when you need space. I know you find being at home tough when I'm away, so this can be a change of scenery. You love the sea and I'll feel a lot better if I know you're safe and comfortable here. And don't worry, there's a lovely older couple next door, they've already told me they're happy to help look after the place when we're gone." She was so overwhelmed she couldn’t speak. He wiped the tears from her eyes and cradled her face, "will you please accept it?" She dashed back into the hallway and Henry could hear the unzipping of her rucksack.
"… Only if you accept this. It doesn't quite compare to a house, but I hope you'll like it all the same."
"You got me a Christmas card?" She ignored his deadpan face and snatched back the envelope. She then took a deep breath.
“Henry William - and one I still can't pronounce - Cavill. You live to irritate me," Henry's look of confusion was replaced by a set of pursed lips, "you somehow manage to make more mess than Kal, as well as shed twice as much hair--"
"Is this actually leading somewhere?"
"And I'll be amazed if I don't lose all of my hair by the time you lose the rest of yours. All that being said, I don't want to miss another second of any of it, ever again. Will you marry me?"
"… What?" His voice was small and confused.
"I said, will you marry me?!" Henry blinked a few times and took a couple of steps back, rubbing his forehead as he chuckled.
"Are you serious?" She nodded eagerly. "No… you want to marry me? For real?!"
"Yes!" He then rushed towards her. Before she knew it, she was in a fireman's lift being wildly spun about while Henry whooped and cheered at the top of his lungs. Poor Kal could only bark in confusion.
"HENRY! P-PUT ME DOWNNN!" By the time he stood her upright, she was close to falling down. Henry grabbed then her cheeks, which gradually helped the room stop spinning.
"Are you sure though, darling? You were adamant about not getting married. You're not just doing it because, well… I mean a lot's going on at the moment."
"Henry, whether it be love or demonic possession, I truly wish to marry you--"
"But you're not just asking because I bought the house, are you? Are these actually Playstation vouchers?" He picked up the envelope that had dropped to the floor in all the chaos.
"Oh… I thought you wanted Xbox ones?" Henry's mouth fell open, causing her to snicker. "Why don't you just open it?" He eyed her suspiciously before tearing open the envelope. "As I was the one to propose, I thought you'd probably want to pick out the rings. So… is that a yes then?" Henry's vision blurred as he looked down at the invitation for a fitting at a bespoke jeweller.
"Henry?!" She wiped the tears that spilled down his face as he nodded.
"… But what about our promise rings?"
"Well, they can be our engagement rings." Henry chewed his lip, still struggling to believe what was happening.
"So are you going to be a 'Mrs?' And take my last name?"
"Are you gunna wear a dress?"
"Can I call you 'wife,' now? All the time?"
"Mmm… let's say twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night. And only after we're married."
"Okay well let's circle back to that… can we have guests? Not too many but a few? Where are we going to have it? And when?!" His face was so eager and bright that she couldn't help but smile.
"Well… this place looks like it's got a nice little garden. Why don't we have it out there as soon as the weather's warmer? We could then go back to ours and have a garden party, that way more people could attend afterward--" Henry quickly pulled her into a tight hug.
"… You don't have to do this just to make me happy." She smiled against the middle of his chest, the weight of his arms around her only adding to her comfort.
"I'm doing it because of how happy you make me, you silly sod."
"I love you, my darling."
"Right up until you leave more for an eighteen-year-old?" Henry tutted.
"Look at me, I'm not going anywhere. How could I ever leave my wally Ollie?"
"But what if my arse gets bigger?"
"… How big are we talking?" She bopped him on the arm. "Well I suppose I can always have the doors widened," she rolled her eyes, "don't worry! As you said, I won't have much hair left by then, no one else will want me." She sighed. "I love you, my darling."
"And I, you. Fuck knows why."
"Well, maybe this'll also help. I'm not leaving in January."
"What? Why?! You said I could have this place to myself!" Henry roared with laughter.
"I thought you'd be pleased!"
"Well… I suppose. But what happened?"
"Filming got pushed back." She eyed him warily.
"Darling, I want to be with you--"
"But you can't just turn down work! What will--" Henry gently clamped his hand over her mouth.
"Ah, much better. Now, are you gunna say it back or what?" She shoved his hand away.
"Say what, you arch idiot?"
"You know what!" She sighed again.
"I love you too. There, happy?" Henry tilted her chin and kissed her deeply.
"More than any man on God's green earth."
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genericpuff · 5 months
hello! i was wondering if you're familiar with the process of a canvas story becoming an original/how long it normally takes? there was a comic on canvas i was following that was supposed to become an original but after almost a year of no updates and no move to originals, the author made a post about merch and then dropped off again. can it really take a year or longer to make the transition or is it more likely the author lost interest in the comic? (and i understand that redrawing pages or preparing a buffer would take time, it's more the complete lack of communication/updates and only popping up to drop merch that seems concerning to me)
Ah, I'm not an Originals creator so I'm definitely not an authority on this or fully informed of how things work behind the scenes in any way shape or form, but there have definitely been loads of cases where Canvas series took that length of time to become Originals. It often comes down to a variety of factors including (but not limited to):
If a series needs extensive time for pre-production and building a buffer, this can be affected by the genre (ex. action comics may take a lot more time to put together than romance comics due to having a lot more dynamic scenes that aren't just characters talking to each other)
Some creators will opt to leave their original Canvas episodes untouched but others will decide to rehaul them entirely for Originals. This means a lot of redrawing which adds onto that pre-production process.
Preparing for an Originals schedule isn't just preparing a buffer and/or rehauling episodes, for many creators it's also building extensive reference libraries made up of head turnarounds, expression sheets, 3D models, etc. for all the things they can reuse during the production process.
Webtoons itself ultimately decides when a series is set to launch, so despite a comic being ready for release, its actual launch date is often left entirely out of the creator's hands and up to Webtoons. Obviously I don't have any insight as to what decisions Webtoons is making on the backend and why (and neither do its creators in a lot of ways tbh) but sometimes it can be based purely on what Webtoons wants to release in that cycle depending on genre, theme, etc. Don't cite me on this because I'm VAGUELY remembering this from memory, but there was one incident where a creator was on a hiatus in between seasons and Webtoons announced their series was returning in the promo banner reels... before actually informing the creator their series was coming back. So that, of course, led to a lot of scrambling on the creator's part to put out all the promotional material they could to get their audience prepared for their series' return. If I dig up their name I'll be sure to update this. Though I also have a pal (who shall remain unnamed) who's an Originals creator who also had to deal with some very annoying lack of communication between themselves and Webtoons as to when their series was launching, if I recall correctly it was basically left up to a last minute "they'll call you when they call you" type situation.
All that said, there's undoubtedly only so much this particular creator you're referring to is allowed to say, and for all we know, that creator may know about as much as you do in regards to when specifically their series is launching. Unfortunately it's just the way of the beast with Webtoons, they're not exactly great at communicating so that lack of information ends up being extended to their creators and their audiences as well.
Hope that helps give you a little peace of mind that the creator is unlikely "ditching their project" and more so just still in pre-production phase! Definitely sending y'all good vibes that it releases soon <3
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soulmatebracket · 1 year
Soulmate Bracket: Round 1 [Side A — Part V]
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Provided reasoning under cut:
Wei Wuxian & Lan Wangji
They are canonically called soulmates!! In the live action this is platonic due to censorship and in the book it is romantic but the term actually used is zhiji (知己) of which soulmate is the closest english translation but is more literally like. the mirror to your soul. your own self in another person. i am not good with translations only wei wuxian dies but lan wangji mourns him for thirteen years (despite wwx being hated and despised by the world) because he can never love another. when wwx is brought back he recognises him instantly despite being in someone else’s body. they literally would find each other in any time or place
Oh boy. Ok. They're not explicitly called "soulmates" in the show/book but Netflix does use that categorization in its description of "The Untamed". Nor are either of them technically reincarnated BUT Wei Wuxian does get resurrected in another man's body through some shady necromancy, which is pretty darn close. They've got a fascinating relationship journey (basically enemies/rivals to lovers) Mr. Follow-All-Rules-To-The-Letter Lan Wangji meets Mr. Break-All-The-Rules-In-The-Name-Of-Fun-And-Showing-Off Wei Wuxian at teenage exorcist summer camp, they go through some sh*t, Wei Wuxian dies, Lan Wangji spends over a decade trying to find any sign of his lost soulmate while raising his adopted kid, then the shady necromancy happens and Lan Wangji IMMEDIATELY clocks that this guy simultaneously solving exorcist issues using slightly questionable means and causing shenanigans is Wei Wuxian. He might be in a different body pretending to be another crazy man, but HE KNOWS it's his guy because he acts the same and he knows the secret love song Wangji wrote for Wuxian that he shared one time in a cave during one of their near-death bonding experiences. Then history starts kind of repeating itself, only this time they stick together and make sure EVERYONE knows that they've got each others' backs, and they are absolutely legendary. Also Wei Wuxian is INCREDIBLY dense and it takes him just about until the end of the story to realize they're both gay and in love. They're complex and fascinating and tied to each other by the red string of fate so tightly that they are incomplete without each other. That's destiny, baby. They're soulmates, always and forever. (Possibly literally as the proper practice of exorcism (called "cultivation" in this world) can lead to immortality, and you know Mr. Follow-All-Rules-To-The-Letter Lan Wangji has the potential, and he will drag his guy along with him so they are never separated again.)
Okay so I feel like it could be argued if they count but the Netflix description of the show calls them soulmates and WWX *did* get reincarnated and then almost immediately run into LWJ who had been mourning him for 16 years. LWJ composed a little musical theme for them that ties them together and WWX playing it on a super out of tune flute is what let LWJ fully recognize him. Their magic which comes from their souls is very compatible and neither of them have ever been normal about each other in their life even though WWX spent a long time being extremely dumb and repressed about his very gay feelings (they are romantic soulmates, just takes them a bit to get there). Big "you and me against the world" vibes once WWX becomes the number 1 wanted guy in the entire universe due to dabbling in dark magic even though WWX was like "lan zhan if someone has to kill me i want it to be you" (LWJ did *not* want it to be him and did his very best to keep WWX alive even though it meant betraying his clan and the world as a whole). They got fake married as teens back when LWJ didn't even like WWX. There are multiple moments where they parallel other soulmates/soulmate-coded characters (song lan and xiao xingchen, baoshen sanren and lan an). They're the only two characters who get to be happy at the immediate end of the story and that's because both of them being alive and together and getting to wander around fighting monsters and playing music and being grossly in love is all that they both need.
Utena Tenjou & Anthy Himemiya
[SPOILERS] at the end of the series, it is revealed that they weren’t living in the real world this entire time. Utena was sent somewhere else. Anthy goes to find her in the movie, and Utena has lost all of her memories of Anthy in that world. At the end of the movie, they end up escaping to the real world
Utena falls in love with Anthy on first sight and makes sure she becomes her prince without even remembering who she is. They're stuck in a timeloop and eventually find themselves together near the end escaping from the horrors theyre trapped in. (Spoilers kinda) Anthy is hinted to have came back to life after being burned st the stake for being seen as a witch so the reincarnation exists,,,(they're in love your honor vote for my silly sapphics)
Every version of RGU is the narrative repeating itself. Devouring itself again. The serpent eating its own tail. Utena fights for Anthy again and again. Anthy betrays Utena, or lies to Utena, or cannot save the both of them quick enough. Anthy escapes, or they both escape, or they both get trapped again, and the story repeats, and Utena is winning the hand of the rose bride, and Utena cannot escape the narrative. Each time the story is told again Utena cannot quite remember how she got here, but it gets more familiar each time. RGU is a time loop that the characters can hardly escape. In every version, Anthy and Utena find each other. Betray each other. Find each other, again.
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