#i know that's not how sentences technically work but *sh*
auburnlaughter · 4 months
Plant plant plant plant plant
Plant Company it is then! Thank you for the ask, and here are your sentences.
WIP Wednesday Game - Plant Company (original story)
Ben took his time folding the next shirt, trying to think how to explain. Conny, naturally, saw right through that delaying tactic.
"So, no, you haven't, and no, you weren't going to, but now that I've asked …"
"Now that you've asked, yes, that would probably be a good next step," Ben sighed, setting the shirt aside so he could appreciate the full weight of Conny's amused stare.
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pandenewie · 11 months
PROLOGUE: The Contract
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Niki has never been big on love. It’s become a running gag in the friend group, as all of the boys have fallen in and out of love over the years while Niki makes sarcastic comments from the sidelines. His friends all claim he’s just being immature, that he’ll soon meet someone and stop being “bitchless” (in Sunghoon’s words). But Niki doesn’t know when that day will come and to be honest, he doesn’t really care.
What he does care about, however, is the teasing. Being the baby of the group, he’s used to getting away with pretty much anything. He’s usually the one dishing out the insults and jokes - not the one at the receiving end. So when Jake started the running joke that Niki was going to be forever alone and all his other friends jumped in on it - to say he was not impressed would be an understatement.
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“Wait, you guys seriously broke up?” Sunoo asks in disbelief, causing Jay to shrug. “Dude, summer break is supposed to be when you start relationships, not end them. That’s completely backwards.” Heeseung shoves his younger friend, earning an eye roll in response. “I know that but things weren’t working out. You guys know what it’s like.” Jay says. “Well, Niki doesn’t.” Jake laughs, causing the rest of the group to snicker towards their youngest. “Haha, really funny guys.” Niki says sarcastically.
“So, no summer romance for you, Niki?” Sunghoon teases, ruffling Niki’s hair. “Don’t rub it in!” Jungwon laughs, trying to nudge Sunghoon off their friend. Niki rolls his eyes at their teasing. “Rub what in? I doubt you have anything going on.” He points out, his words causing Jungwon’s cheeks to pinken slightly. “I was working most of the break…” Jungwon mumbles, annoyed at how this was somehow turned on him.
“At least he has an excuse.” Sunoo states. “Yeah, what’s yours? Other than being too cool for yucky love?” Heeseung teases. Niki can feel the annoyance bubbling in his stomach as his friends continue to laugh. “What if I told you that I did have a summer romance? Maybe some of us aren’t so immature that we need to talk about it 24/7.” Niki grumbles. The sound of Jake’s high-pitched cackle only annoys him further, as he watches his friend almost collapse from laughing.
“Sorry… just the fact that you thought we would believe you is, like, really funny.” Jake giggles, wiping a tear from his eye. “I’m not kidding! Just because I have a personality aside from whoever I’m dating, doesn’t mean I’m not dating at all.” Niki points out smugly.
He’s technically not wrong - Niki certainly isn’t the type of person to limit his discussions solely to his relationship status. The only problem with his sentence is that he isn’t in a relationship. Not even close. He hasn’t even had his first kiss yet - but his friends don’t need to know that.
“So you had your first kiss then?” Jay asks, raising an eyebrow. Okay, so apparently they do know that. “He’s making it up, Jay.” Heeseung rolls his eyes, causing Niki to scoff. He’s not sure why his friends not believing in his fake relationship makes him so angry, but it does. “I’m not lying. I just like to keep some stuff private.” Niki mumbles, suddenly avoiding eye contact. “Wait, he’s blushing! It is true!” Sunghoon exclaims, pointing at Niki’s red cheeks. He’s blushing because he’s embarrassed but, sure, that works too.
“Alright then, who’s the special someone who stole our maknae’s heart?” Jungwon teases, throwing his arm over Niki’s shoulder and nudging him in the side.
Shit… Niki hadn’t thought that far ahead. He can’t name someone that they know, because the guys will ask them about it. But what if he makes someone up and they call his bluff? He’s never been the best under pressure.
As Niki’s brain scans through every person in his year, he suddenly lands on Y/n. It’s almost perfect - a friend of a friend, so it’s not completely insane if they were to meet, but also someone with no ties to anyone else in the group. The closest would be Sunoo, whom they share a history class with but Sunoo doesn’t even go to history so Niki highly doubts he’ll know them.
“Their name’s Y/n.” Niki mumbles, growing slightly dizzy from Jungwon’s shaking. The group all look at him puzzled as they try to rack their brains for any knowledge of Y/n. “Who the fuck is Y/n?” Jake asks, confused. “Probably made up.” Heeseung shrugs, causing Niki to roll his eyes. “Y/n L/n, my year, they’re in history with Sunoo.” He clarifies, wanting to immediately slap himself. Why the hell did he say that? “Damnnit, the one class I don’t go to.” Sunoo sighs, pouting slightly.
“It’s fine, you can just introduce them to us, right Niki?” Sunghoon asks, teasingly. Um… what? Niki looks up to see the rest of his friends, looking at him expectantly. “Oh haha… I mean, yeah I guess. I’ll have to ask them first but… okay.” Niki rambles.
He absolutely will not be doing that.
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Niki wasn’t lying when he said Y/n had no ties to the group - so much so that he hadn’t even seen them all day. He likely would have forgotten about the whole thing, if it weren’t for Jake and Sunghoon bringing it up every 5 minutes.
“So… are you gonna tell us more about your romantic summer with Y/n?” Jake asks, wiggling his eyebrows. “Um… what do you want to know?” Niki asks nervously. “How did you guys get together? You can’t leave school lonely as fuck and then come back with a whole ass relationship and not give us answers.” Sunghoon points out.
Shit. Niki really hasn’t thought this through. How do people get together? Is he supposed to describe some big romantic event that happened? He really should have planned this out…
Looking around nervously at the group, he tries to think of a story. Something simple and romantic, but not so crazy that it sounds unbelievable. His eyes land on Sunoo’s drink, the familiar pink and yellow can catching his attention. Sunset Pash - it’s his friend's latest obsession, a passion fruit blend that’s refreshing and light. The can causes a light bulb to go off in Niki’s head.
“It wasn’t anything crazy. We were both at the beach for a week with our families and just ran into each other. One night, we went to watch the sunset together and we just kissed… then when we got back, we figured we’d try dating.” Niki shrugs, trying to make the whole thing sound as nonchalant as possible.
“Kissing while watching the sunset? How romantic.” Heeseung teases, causing Niki’s face to heat up with blush. “Our baby really is growing up.” 
“So when do we meet them?” Jay asks, causing Niki to internally groan. Why do his friends have to be so nosy? “Give him some time. It probably hasn't even been a month yet.” Jungwon says. Niki has never been so thankful for Jungwon's rationality before. “And knowing him, it probably won't last till then.” Jake snickers. “First of all, rude. Second of all, Y/n wouldn't want to hang out with you guys, anyway. So you will not be meeting them.” Niki says.
“I have history last period. Maybe I'll actually go today and ask them myself.” Sunoo shrugs, causing Niki's eyes to widen. Sunoo can't go to history! If he talks to Y/n, he'll find out that they're not actually together and Niki will be exposed for lying. They'll make fun of him for that even more than they did for him being single. Niki will just somehow have to track Y/n down before last period and convince them to play along with his lie.
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Niki has no idea how to track down Y/n. He doesn't know what classes they take (except for History, which is apparently last period) and even if he did - he probably wouldn't know where the classrooms are. Realising he probably won't just magically run into Y/n, Niki settles for plan B - Eunchae.
The first few times Niki tried to get Eunchae's attention fell flat - earning him nothing but a scowled expression and whispered “Shush”. He tried tapping her on the shoulder, nudging her in the side - he even threw his pen at her.
Eventually, he settles for a good old-fashioned note; I need to talk to you written in bold ink and subtly slipped onto her desk. Eunchae reads the note carefully before rolling her eyes.
“What is it? I already told you, I'm not giving Jay Yunjin's number.” She replies in a hushed whisper. “No, it's not that. This is more important.” Niki says. Eunchae looks at him suspiciously, making Niki sigh. “I need to talk to Y/n about something but I don't know their classes.” He admits. 
The suspicion on Eunchae's face gets swapped with confusion as she takes in Niki's words… what does Niki want with Y/n? As far as she’s concerned, Y/n and Niki have met like twice.
“What do you need to talk about?” She asks. “Um… that's between Y/n and I.” His answer does not satisfy her, evident by the deadpan expression on her face. “Well now it’s between Y/n, you and me… spill.”
Eunchae has never really been someone Niki confides in… but right now, she’s the only person who could potentially save him from devastating embarrassment. “If you tell anyone, I’ll tell them all about your anger management teddy that you use to take out your aggression.” Niki threatens, his words making her eyes widen. “Don’t you dare talk about Mr Stuffles.” Eunchae says, earning a shrug from Niki. “I won’t tell if you don’t.”
Eunchae looks at him with narrowed eyes before holding out her pinky, Niki quickly securing it with his. “Okay, so I kind of might have lied to my friends and told them that Y/n and I got together over summer break so they’d get off my ass about being single.” Niki admits. Eunchae chokes on her saliva, looking at Niki in disbelief. “You’re kidding.” She laughs, making him shush her as he nervously looks around the room. “I’m not,” He says in a hushed voice. “So I need to find Y/n and get them to play along before Sunoo talks to them during last period.” 
Eunchae has to stop herself from laughing out loud. “You’re such an idiot.” She giggles. “I’ll help you though, just because this is insane.” Eunchae pulls out her phone and starts typing a message to Y/n. “I think they’re in calc at the moment and then they’ve got bio and then history… I’ll double-check though.”
Thank god Eunchae is so willing to dish out information on her friends.
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The sudden call of their name causes Y/n to stop in their tracks, spinning around with a slightly confused look on their face. They spot Niki leaning against a group of lockers, his hands in his pockets and a stupid smirk on his face.
“Niki?” Y/n asks, having to rack their brain to remember his name. They honestly don’t think they’ve ever spoken to him without Eunchae present. “Can we talk? It’s kind of important.” Niki asks. Y/n looks up at the clock to see that they’ve got 5 minutes till their next class starts. “Uh… just make it quick, I guess?”
“Okay so this is going to sound really weird but like, I promise it’s not actually-”
“-Sorry, that’s actually my locker.” Niki’s sentence gets cut off by a kid pushing past him, causing his ears to flush pink with embarrassment. “Oh… yeah… sorry about that.” Niki coughs awkwardly, causing Y/n to giggle slightly. The two move out of the way of people and Y/n gestures for Niki to continue.
“Okay so basically my friends have been making fun of me for like… years, because I don’t really date people and I was getting really annoyed with it, right? So I made up a little story about how I started dating someone over summer break and my friends asked who and I just said your name without thinking so now my friends all think we’re together and Sunoo’s going to ask you about it in history today so would you be able to maybe pretend that we’re in a relationship for a little bit?”
Y/n stares at Niki blankly as they try to take in everything he just said. He made up a story about them dating? All because his friends were making fun of him?
“I get that this is probably really uncomfortable for you but I promise, it’ll all be sorted out soon I just-”
“How did we start dating?” Y/n asks, cutting off Niki’s sentence. He looks at them confused, making Y/n smile slightly. “If I’m going to get questioned by Sunoo, I need to know how we got together.” They say simply. Niki goes to reply but gets cut off by the bell ringing, indicating that they need to get to class. “Meet me on the bleachers at lunch, we can talk about it then.” Y/n smiles, causing Niki to immediately perk up. “Oh… okay.” He agrees, a little too eager. He continues to stand there like an idiot as Y/n waves goodbye before walking to class. Oh shit. Niki needs to get to class.
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Y/n doodles little stars in the corner of their page as they wait for Niki on the bleachers. A few minutes after lunch started, Niki comes running over, his bag slung loosely over his shoulder.
“Sorry, my friends were pestering me about hanging out with you.” He pants slightly, dropping his bag next to Y/n’s feet before sitting down. “It’s okay, I wasn’t waiting too long.” Y/n replies sweetly, closing the cap on their pen before turning to Niki. “This is going to be our contract.” Y/n states, holding out their notebook so Niki can see. So far, it’s just an empty page - except for the words NDA (Not Dating Actually) written in orange gel pen, surrounded by scribbled stars and hearts. 
“Why do we need a contract?” Niki asks. “If we’re going to do this fake relationship, there needs to be some boundaries, things we will and won’t do together.” Y/n clarifies, opening their pen to write the first rule.
Rule One: Eat lunch together
“Why is that a rule?” Niki asks, his eyebrows furrowed. “All the other couples at school spend at least one of their breaks together. If we want people to believe we’re actually dating, we need to fit in.” Y/n shrugs. “So we’re just… adding stuff we have to do together?” Niki asks, earning a nod from Y/n. “Stuff that’ll make our relationship believable, yeah.”
Niki thinks for a moment before reaching into Y/n’s pencil case and pulling out a purple gel pen. “What days are you free after school?” He asks, making Y/n look at him slightly confused. “Every day but Friday.” They say, earning a nod from Niki. Y/n places a hand gently on his shoulder and leans closer in an attempt to see what he’s writing.
Rule Two: Wednesday = study date
“Why do we have to have study dates?” Y/n asks. “There should be at least one day a week where we hang out outside of school, right? That way if people ask it’s more believable.” Y/n can’t argue with his logic so they just nod in agreement. 
“We should do some boundaries next.” Y/n mumbles, carefully taking the book from Niki’s grip. They quickly jot down their rule before passing the book back.
Rule Three: No Kissing
“Wait.. but won’t it be obvious we’re not actually together?” Niki asks, causing Y/n to sigh. They guess he’s right… the other couples at school do a lot more than kissing. They’ll stick out like a sore thumb. “I guess you can kiss me on the cheek and stuff… just not the lips.” Y/n clarifies. Niki nods, jotting down (on the lips) next to rule three before quickly writing the fourth rule.
Rule Four: Don’t fall in love
Y/n can’t help but snort when they read what he wrote. “Do we have to specify that?” They ask. “Just being specific, I’m quite a catch, you know.” Niki teases, making Y/n playfully roll their eyes. “I don’t think we’ll need that rule, but okay.”
Y/n takes the notebook once more and jots down the fifth and final rule.
Rule Five: Break a rule, break the contract
“What does that mean?” Niki asks. “If either of us breaks one of the rules, we stop this immediately.” Y/n says simply. Niki nods. That seems simple enough. “Is there anything else you want to add?” Y/n asks, looking at Niki expectantly. He hadn’t even thought to write a contract to begin with so he shakes his head no. “It’s sealed then.” Y/n smiles, signing their name at the bottom of the page with a heart. They then hand the book back to Niki, watching as he writes his name in bold print next to their cursive one.
“I was going to ask… why are you going along with this? I mean, it’s not like you’re getting anything out of it.” Niki mumbles as Y/n begins to pack up their pens. “I don’t really have a reason not to. You said your friends were making fun of you and if doing this will help them stop then I don’t see why not.” Y/n shrugs, looking at Niki with a small smile.
Y/n is a good person - almost too good. They’re a part of the school’s sweethearts, Y/n, Eunchae and Danielle, also known as the sunshine trio. Whilst others wouldn’t do something unless they had something to gain, Y/n does so without even batting an eye. As long as it’s not hurting anyone, they’re in. Niki is beginning to think that they were the perfect person to drag into this mess.
“Can you tell me the backstory now?” Y/n asks, their lips curving downwards into a slight pout. A tiny part of Niki’s brain almost freaks out at how cute they look, but he quickly pushes that thought to the very back of his mind. “I tried not to be too specific, I just said we were both at the beach for a week and ran into each other. We kissed one night while watching the sunset and started dating when we got back.” Niki shrugs, causing Y/n to nod. “...so it’ll be our one month soon?” Y/n asks, causing Niki to look at them confused. “People usually wait a few weeks before going away to try and beat the summer rush. If we went on holiday a few weeks before summer break was over, that would mean we’ve been together for almost a month.” Y/n says.
Niki hadn’t thought to rationalise it out like that. He guesses it makes sense, though. Y/n is probably a lot more prepared for this sort of thing than he is. 
“Is there anything else I need to know?” Y/n asks, tilting their head slightly as they look at Niki. “You can probably just make the rest up… just let me know what you say so the stories are consistent.” He says, earning a nod from Y/n. 
They hold out their phone, causing Niki to look down at it with confusion. “I’ll need your number.” Y/n clarifies, causing Niki’s mouth to drop into an “o” shape. Just as the two finish exchanging numbers, the bell for the end of lunch. The two start collecting their things and Y/n suddenly stands in front of Niki, expectantly. “Do you want to walk me to class?” They ask, holding their hand out for him. “Oh… uh… I guess I can do that.” Niki mumbles, carefully taking their hand in his, as if it were made of glass.
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Walking hand-in-hand with Y/n down the school halls was not how Niki imagined his day to end. He can’t help the way his cheeks flush a subtle blush as a handful of classmates notice the pair. Just his luck, the two even run into Jay and Heeseung on the way to class - resulting in Heeseung almost spitting out his water when he noticed the couple’s intertwined hands.
“I didn’t know this was all going to be so… public.” Niki mumbles as the two finally make it to Y/n’s classroom. “Welcome to dating in high school.” Y/n replies softly, peaking into the classroom to check if Danielle is there yet. When their eyes land on their friend, they send a small wave before turning back to Niki. “I’ll text you later?” Y/n asks, smiling when Niki nods. He doesn’t know exactly how to say goodbye. Does he give them a hug? A kiss on the cheek? Niki settles for gently squeezing Y/n’s hand and giving them a quick head pat, before turning on his heel and walking to his own class.
Y/n almost laughs at Danielle’s confused expression as they sit in the empty seat next to her. “What the hell was that? Since when were you close with Niki?” She asks, causing Y/n to bite their lip nervously. “I’ll explain it all later.” Y/n whispers, lowering their volume when Mr Yoon walks into the room.
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Sunoo didn’t end up questioning Y/n that afternoon, Mr Yoon not giving him the opportunity to do so. He forgot how fast-paced his teaching was - blink too long and he’ll be on a completely different topic. Sunoo did, however, see Y/n and Niki’s cute little goodbye at the beginning of class. And with the way that Y/n and Danielle quietly whispered to each other throughout the lesson, there certainly seemed to be something going on between his friend and his classmate. He’ll just have to investigate another day.
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TAG LIST (open): @j-wyoung @thesassy-mia @luvistqrzzz @yourmyst4r @heerinnie @odisdad @wzy3ka @mrchweeee @rizzkisworld @beomsbeanie @ablackbtsstan @sweet-kisses-and-bloody-screams
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purelyfiction · 2 years
Small Doses - 2
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Jake “Hangman” Seresin x F!Reader | Part 1 |
Summary: After a very spontaneous weekend full of unpredicted characters, Knockout returns to work - only for the same character to greet her as well as a whole host of problems that follow him.
Word Count: 7,003 words
Content Warning: This story will have TopGun: Maverick plot line elements to it and will possibly spoil the movie for you. Please be aware. This - and all of my stories - is 18+. By continuing to read you agree that you are 18 or older and that any content you come across is by your own discretion. || HEY THERE’S SMUT DOWN THERE SO YOU BETTER BE 18!!! (unprotected piv (don’t be hangman - use protection pals), fingering, light bondage, spanking, more really hot and reckless nonsense)
Author’s Note: um... so hey! long time no see i know, i know - life has been crazy and hard to keep up with and I haven’t been able to finish up this chapter. It’s been driving me up a wall and giving me the worst writers block. But!!! Y’all can thank @callsignthirsty because she single handedly brought it back to life for y’all. i’m getting back on the proverbial horse so to speak and will hopefully be getting more regular about my writing. I missed these two and all of y’all so I hope you’re ready for more Knockout and Hangy :)))
                                     █ ✪ █▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█ ✪ █
You had to take a day to get your sights re-centered after the spontaneity of running into Hangman at the Hard Deck. 
In fact you’d been so distracted, even Amelia had something to say when you’d picked her up that day. 
“You’re being weird,” she instigates from the passenger seat - a spot she rarely gets to sit in since it's usually the three of you and you are always in shotgun. 
“Am not,” you retort, glancing at her before looking back to the road. 
“Your shirt is on inside out.” Frazzled, you glance down to see the seams of the shirt you’re wearing - the telltale sign of an inside out shirt. 
You nod and sigh. “So it is.” A clearing of your throat comes as the teenager tries again. 
“So what’s the deal? Is it work? You got some big secret mission you can’t tell us?” The spitting image of Penny starts tearing into you before she gasps. “It’s a boy.”
“It is not.”
“Is too.”
“Is not.”
“Is too!”
“I broke the lamp in my room,” you confess. Amelia’s face stretches, a hand covering her mouth. 
The reality was, you couldn’t give a shit about the lamp right now. Or the fact that you technically hadn’t broken it — Jake had.
Jake had done a lot of damage this weekend. 
“Mom is gonna lose her sh-”
“Finish that sentence, I dare you,” you say with a laugh, shaking your head. 
After losing fifty bucks, the lamp in an old shoebox under your bed is the furthest conversation topic you and Amelia focus on. Conversation shifts and the weekend goes on without a hitch. 
Until you’re at the base, about to enter a conference room with Cyclone and Warlock at the head of the table. Receiving word that you are sought out by both the Admiral and Rear Admiral puts you in a bit of a tailspin. The entire walk to the conference hall has you tracing your steps, wondering if you’d made a huge error. You take a centering breath before opening the door. You’re seemingly interrupting a conversation with a third-party, which makes you pause in your step, hand still on the doorknob. Warlock clears his throat before redirecting the discussion. 
“Which is why we’ve decided to bring you a second set of eyes.” You smile at the man standing at the foot of the table as you finish your step. Apparently, this was also your conversation too. As Bates begins to introduce you, you turn and direct a respectful nod to him. 
“Meet Lieutenant Commander Benjamin, callsign, Knockout. In turn, I introduce Captain Pete Mitchell, call sign: Maverick.” The brunette gives you a smile and the small glint of recognition that dots your memory begins to expand when you realize how stiff he’s become. And for good reason. Your brain starts into a montage of discussions between you and Penny while you were about to embark to TOPGUN for the first time. How she’d met a pilot that ended up teaching at Miramar shortly after his tenure there and how every now and then she’d run into him. Amelia then informed you, when she was old enough, that every time he flew into town they’d end up picking up where they left off and it was a vicious cycle. 
The same old flame that Penny kept reginiting is your co-instructor. 
You retrain your focus to hear more about the mission at hand, learning that you’ll have a month or so to get every aviator in shape. Seems like a tight timeline but you’ve learned not to argue with Simpson, seeing as he is pretty rigid. The two admirals then instruct you to meet them in the hangar in the next fifteen minutes. 
Maverick joins you as you walk towards the respective hangar. “So… Lieutenant Commander,” he speaks up. “That’s… a big deal for your age,” Pete begins as you step with his stride, sunglasses perched on your nose. 
“Yes. I’m incredibly proud of it.” You keep conversation short for now, primarily due to the fact you’re trying to get into your teaching mode. 
“As you should be.” Mitchell is quiet for a few steps before piping up again: “Benjamin. You wouldn’t happen to be related-”
“Yes. I would.” You watch from behind bronze lenses as he meets your gaze and nods. “I also know far too much about your reputation, Captain,” you warn as the contents of the hangar become clearer. Pete shuts up as you get within earshot of the group, walking into the metal skeleton of the hangar above you as Bates finishes Maverick’s introduction. The older of the two of you starts his soliloquy of sorts, leaving you to look over the faces of the group. As you do, you begin to recognize each of them by name. 
You’d met all these people at the Hard Deck on Saturday-
“It’s my pleasure to introduce my co-instructor, Lieutenant Commander Benjamin, callsign Knockout.”
In the past five months, there had only been one day you’d been nervous to take on the task of teaching at TOPGUN. That’d been day one. 
And today, as you lock eyes with unmistakable green ones.
 █ ✪ █▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█ ✪ █ 
The dismissal of class has you nearly darting out of the hangar but not quickly enough. At least, not fast enough to avoid Hangman’s voice. 
 “Lieutenant Commander.” You keep walking. 
 “Benjamin.” Four more steps -
 “Knockout.” Finally, you fold, stopping and turning to look at him. Jake’s hands are out at his sides, a look of ‘what the hell’ on his face. 
 “Yes, Seresin?” You’re careful to keep a professional boundary between you, hoping it’s drawn clearly enough for him to catch on. It takes a moment but his expression twists as he clears his throat. 
 “When were you going to tell me you got a promotion?” It’s not the question you’re expecting out of his mouth, but once it’s there, you struggle with an answer. 
 “You… never asked.” A shrug as you look around you to make sure the coast is clear. “We… need to discuss a few things.” The reminder is clear and he nods in agreement. 
 “Yes. We do.” Jake drops to a whisper: “My place… I’ll text you the address.” A nod and he stands upright before you dismiss him, letting him move at his rushed pace back to base, his shoulder grazing your own as he swiftly departs from the airfield. You follow his pace to head home, to freshen up and regroup.
 After a quick change and a rinse off in the shower, you grab the keys to your Jeep and give some excuse to Amelia as you run out. Penny is at the bar, so you’re grateful that the young girl is finally old enough to be left at home alone. Climbing into the vintage baby blue vehicle, you turn the engine over as you enter the address Hangman sent to your phone. 
 You pause, seeing the last message in your chat history. 
 Seresin: Happy Birthday, KO. Any plans for the day?
 Benjamin: Not many, but that’s fine LOL
 Then he’d called.
 The rest of the chat was similarly structured: two or three bubbles on each of your birthdays. A rouge message for a holiday here and there. 
 Shaking the sullen feeling spreading through your chest, you shift gears. Soon after, you’re throwing the phone onto the spare seat next to you, as you pull away from the curb and head in the direction provided by the robotic voice coming from your phone. 
 As you pull into the apartment parking lot, you realize: he never called. He said he would, as he’d slipped out your window, but he didn’t. It’s only been two days, so maybe you shouldn’t hold it against him. After all: here you were, at his apartment. 
 Four flights of steps later, you’re knocking on the door of 4B, rocking on your heels. You’d changed into the first thing you’d seen in your room, which had happened to be a pair of leggings and a flowing sports top. Paired with the sneakers, you looked like you’d gotten lost on the way to the gym. When the door finally swings open, Jake has already walked away from the door and made himself at home on his couch. With a light scoff, you enter the apartment, shutting the door behind you and watching him as he leans onto his hand that’s propped on his thigh. 
 “So this teacher thing is… a new development?” he questions, meeting your eyes as you nod. 
 “No…yes? I mean I’ve been teaching since I got here…” Your answer doesn’t seem to be enough to stop the inquisition of questions from him.
 “You said you’ve been here for months. Why didn’t you tell me? First the promotion and now this? You mean to tell me you didn’t know about this? I seriously doubt that.” he gripes, leaving you standing in the entryway of his apartment, mouth gaping as you avoid his eyes. 
 “No, Hangman, I didn’t know this was a thing until this morning. They pulled me from my current assignment for this. Now would you stop asking questions for like,” a pained sigh leaves you as you take the far end of the couch, “two seconds? That’s all I need, two measly seconds.” As you fall to the couch, Jake stands and rotates in the direction of the kitchen. 
 He tugs the fridge door open, grabbing a glass bottle from the door. By the time you can even think to ask for one, he’s already got the top of it off and is drinking it. You give a less than amused glare toward him before prying it from his hands once he sits down. 
 “Thanks for the beer,” you sneer before taking a swig. Hand frozen in a drinking motion, he looks at you with a scoff. 
 “You’re welcome,” he groans as he stands back up to retrieve another. “So. Lieutenant Commander.” There’s a song-like tone to his words, leaving you to look at him with one eye as he sits in front of you on his coffee table, opening up the beer bottle with the class ring on his hand. You pause the sip you’re taking to watch as the cap falls to the cheap wood and begins to spin on an axis until it falls on its face — leaving you looking at Jake, face to face. 
 “Nice trick,” you mumble as he takes a swig of his own beer, but continues on his thought process. 
 “You gonna talk, since, that’s why we’re here?” He leans back on the table, a large hand gripping its side. You finally can take a second to notice what he’s wearing: a pair of gray heathered sweatshorts and a cotton graphic tee. The shorts are riding up ever so slightly, showing evidence of the California sun on his skin in the form of swim-trunk tan lines. A small bit of gunmetal pokes out from beneath his collar — dog tags. Can’t say he’s not consistent. The metal is a sharp contrast to the overall comfortable aesthetic. There’s something softening about seeing him like this. The last time must have been in his dorm back in Nevada…
 “Okay, okay. What are we doing about Penny’s lamp?” you try, just as you start sipping at your beverage, seeing his face twist from unamusement to a shake of his head, a small smirk on his lips as you start to giggle with the bottle on your lips.
 “This again? She must really fuckin’ love that lamp, Kody,” he snickers and you shrug. 
 “It’s vintage, I don’t know what to say.” You finally reach forward and set the glass down on the table, leaning back and crossing your arms. “Obviously, I think you know-”
 “Did your parents raise you in a damn barn?” Jake scolds, grabbing a plastic coaster at the end of the table, only to wiggle it in your face, picking up the bottle and slipping the disc under it before setting it back down. “Coasters, LC. Coasters.” 
 Your jaw drops with mock surprise as an astonished laugh leaves you. “Oh I see. IKEA street tables that you saved from the landfill get love and care but Penny’s Tiffany lamp gets shoved under my bed.” 
 “I am offended you think I would subject my apartment to street trash.” Jake tsks you before leaning forward. “Ten bucks on Craigslist. Target Exclusive table.” 
 You can’t help but roll your eyes, “Oh, of course. That makes it so much better.” 
 He smirks. “I like to think so.” 
 Finally, you begin trying to tackle the difficult conversation that’s waiting for the both of you. “In all sincerity, what happened Friday night… it can’t happen again. Not with work being the way it is now.” 
 The blonde tilts his head with a look of feigned confusion. “Really? I thought the teacher-student thing would’ve been right up your alley. We can try a nurse and doctor routine if that suits your fancy.” He’s leant on his knees now, a wild smirk on his face. You give him a disgruntled look and he sits up again. “Really, Kody, it’s not as big of a deal as you’re making it.” He lets the alcohol hit his lips as you sigh. 
 “It is Jake. This could be detrimental to my, hell, to both of our careers, which is why it can’t happen again.” 
 Jake is grabbing your drink before you finish speaking and pressing it into your hand with a shake of his head. 
 “Who’s gonna know? It’s after hours at the end of the day, so why should they care? And hey, we got through bootcamp without a problem, didn’t we?” he asks with a small cheers of his beer against yours before he sips it. 
 Your stomach drops when he asks the question, encasing you in ice.
 Jake doesn’t give you a chance to respond, let alone get too in your head about what he’s just said. He sets his own beer down — on a coaster of course — a cold hand landing on one of your thighs, a warm one on the other. “But, I get your concern.” 
 Your eyes widen slightly at his statement. 
 “Really?” You lean back further into the couch as he nods. “I guess that settles it then. Right?” 
 “Yep.” Jake simply replies, his focus no longer on the conversation, which is clear as his fingers start to run along the elastic fabric of your leggings. 
 “We agree… we can’t sleep together while this is going on,” you try again, a grip of his hand changing your tune slightly as you finish your sentence.
 “Absolutely. Couldn’t agree more.” 
 You find it hard to believe as he shifts to your side of the couch, lips pressing against your neck. 
 “Jake. I’m trying to have an adult conversation about this,” you warn, but your body is already betraying you as his grip trails up your sides, carefully pulling you closer. 
 “Oh, I know, keep going, I’m listening.” It certainly seems that way as he continues to tongue at the spots he’s been messing with along your neck. 
 “Jake,” you huff, hoping that you don’t sound as breathless as you’re beginning to feel, “come on.”
 “Come on and what?”
 “You know what.” You can feel the smirk on his lips as his breath trails along your skin — silently taunting you despite the fact you can’t see his features.
 “Come on and get on with it? Or, come on and stop?”
 “The second one.” As you answer both of his questions, his hands are moving to your hips and guiding you backwards, further and further until you’re flat on your back on his couch.
 “Then say it.” He presses a kiss to the corner of your lips and you lean into it before you can stop yourself. “Tell me to stop, Kody.” You’re following his lips as he pulls away further, dark eyes meeting yours. 
 Your jaw is slacked, your breathing heavy, chest moving at double its normal rate. Words fail you, and while you’re trying to think of something, anything, to give a solid, rational reason — he returns to the spot under your jawline. 
 “Because, you see, Kody–” the words are hard to make out with his lips latched to your skin, tongue glazing over every spot as he drifts along “–I don’t think you want me to stop.” His hands begin to roam from their spot on your waist. “No, no, I think… that you want me to touch you… to keep you under me as long as I want. To get rid of every important thought in that pretty brain of yours — forget the world… work… everything.” There’s a near hiss to the sentence, so low and sultry it sends a shiver up your spine. “But I need to hear you say it, first.”
 His fingers dip below the waist of your leggings, but they freeze there as he sits and listens. Your mind tries to work through the white noise, the consistent bah-bum bah-bum of your heart clawing up your throat until it’s reverberating in your head and making it hard to string together a coherent set of words.
 Jake’s lips curl into a smile that tells you he knows exactly what he’s doing to you. “Baby, I mean it. You just say the word and I'll do all the thinking for ‘ya. I'll be in charge of making the decisions. Make you feel good. How's that sound?” Although patronizing, it flips a switch in your mind. 
 You aren’t the lead for this assignment — Maverick is. He makes the hard decisions. He leads the lessons. If no one knew about you and Hangman… nothing would change.
 So really, what would it hurt?
 From above you, Jake retreats a hand from your torso to bring it to his mouth, mockingly holding a radio receiver, and making an intercom noise. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. The cabin doors are closing and we're about to take off to pound town, so if you would like to get off the plane, this is your last opportunity to do so.”
 You’re not sure whether to laugh or roll your eyes, so you’re doing the former and knock your knee against his in a swift upward motion as he hovers above you. He looks down at you expectantly. “I can’t believe you used pound town in a sentence.” Your tone comes off as slightly disgusted, yet Hangman tilts his head. 
 “Gotta say something fast, because flight crew is about to close the cabin door for the taxiway.” You roll your eyes. Can’t believe he’s doubling down on the pound town thing. Then he leans in close, husks against your ear: “Do you not want me to tie you up and wrap your thighs around my ears?”
 You groan, caught between annoyance and want at the mental image he paints with those words. “Fuck yes, why didn’t you lead with that?” Finally, you reach up and pull his head down to level with yours, his lips feverishly capturing yours as you kick off your shoes. His fingers quit teasing at the waist of your leggings and tug them from your hips, carelessly tossing the fabric somewhere — out of sight, out of mind.
 His lips cascade down your neck to your collarbone, exposed by your slouchy top. Your casual outfit is making this process of getting you out of your clothes so much quicker for him and he isn’t complaining. 
 “Can you” a kiss “wear this” a nip “more” a lick “often? I’ll have you naked in seconds and it's so efficient,” he hums along your skin, kisses sneaking between words. 
 “Why are you still talking?” you lament in response. 
 Propped up on his knees with his hands caressing the exposed skin of your sides, Hangman gives you a hard look. “This coming from the woman who said this was a bad idea,” he sneers. 
 You’d roll your eyes, but it’s true. “I stand by that,” you repeat, defending your previous position even as green eyes turn mischievous and his hands come to grip your waist. 
 “Actually, you’re lying under me,” he hums, a gasp leaving you as he presses your torsos closer together. “Kinda’ defeats the statement.”  
 “What? You’ve never chased a bad idea before?” you tease. “I find that hard to believe.”
 “You keep saying this is a bad idea.”
 “Shut up, Seresin.” 
 “Can do, LC.” You watch his smirk stretch as his fingers undo the tie from his shorts. He pulls the braided string free and presents you with his palm. You raise an eyebrow in question. What does he want? A medal? “Hands,” he instructs. You lift your arms and he takes each wrist gently in his one hand. Dilated jade eyes meet yours, and you find yourself waiting on his next instruction with baited breath. “You have a word?” 
 A safe word, of course. It’s genuinely been so long since you’ve needed to have a safe word that it had completely skipped your mind. But within a split second you have one. “Nevada.”
 Hangman stops short, cord slack where he'd been trying to figure the best way to wrap your wrists. When his eyes meet yours with a nod, the smallest smile flickers over his features. “Nevada it is.” Jake returns to the task of tying the cotton string around your wrists. 
 You watch him intently, when an idea pops into your head. “Always prepared, huh?” you ask, mentally cheering as Hangman takes the bait, a prideful smirk splitting his face. 
 “Of course, gotta be ready for anything.”
 You mirror his smirk as he falls into your trap. The only thing better than Hangman in your bed — “And you call Rooster a boy scout.” — is an irritated Hangman in your bed. You watch with glee as his face falls and he pulls your restraints tighter until the braided string burns against your skin and your wrists are bound in front of you.
 “Shut up, Benjamin.” It’s grumbled under his breath as he puts the final touches on a knot against your skin. You stay quiet for a moment as he finishes, tucking the strings away before looking him dead in the eye as you test your bindings. 
 “Make me.”
 Hangman smirks and pulls his shirt from his shoulders before tossing it to the floor with your leggings. Instead of the witty repartee you’ve come to expect, he readjusts you on his sofa to give himself more room to work with. Then, without giving you a second to breathe, he crouches between your legs and pulls your underwear from your hips. You inhale sharply as his breath ghosts over your slick folds, now exposed to the cold air of his apartment, but he doesn’t make a move to close the distance. No. He lets you relax first. Then he pounces.
 Your back arches as your hips try to simultaneously jump away from and into the warm press of his tongue, your lips parting in a sultry noise that has Hangman smiling. His lips are slick with your arousal, pupils expanding to overtake the verdant green of his eyes. “I don’t think I will,” he says with another lick, this one barely brushing your clit and you jolt. “I think I like it much better when I can hear you.”
 As Hangman makes good on his promise and wraps your legs around his head, you suck your bottom lip between your teeth. It tastes like his coconut chapstick, blended with the slightly stale taste of hops from your spontaneous happy hour — but the thought barely registers, because this time, Hangman doesn’t pause before he’s on you.
 It’s almost instantaneous how your body reacts to him. Hips jolting, bound hands attempting to reach out to him — failing, of course. The thought of having your hands bound seemed so sexy while they were free, but you’re beginning to regret the makeshift bind now that your fingers itch to lock into his hair. To push and tug and encourage him with each lap of his sinful tongue. Instead, you rock against him only to whine when he shifts back and a strong hand presses your hips into the couch. It would be hot if it wasn’t so frustrating, the sudden lack of friction makes you dizzy and a light groan slips from you before you can try to bottle it up. 
 You feel like soda that’s been shaken up. You want to stretch out your arms, to dig your nails into the cushions above you and scream as the electric tingle spreads through you until you’re ready to burst. As it is, all you can do is clench your fists to secure yourself for the pending wave. With your wrists locked together it only boosts your temptation to grab something. Your inner thighs are already pressed so tightly against Jake’s sharp jawline, it doesn’t seem possible for them to squeeze even further. Inevitably, there’ll be bruising, that you’re absolutely sure of. You clamp down harder anyway, grabbing at him any way you can and your back arches, which really speeds things up. In response, Jake’s grip on you tightens and he pulls your hips towards himself as they instinctively try to jump away. 
 “Where ya goin’, darlin’?” It’s muffled by the curves of your skin but dripping in promise, dark eyes glancing up at you with a devious grin to match. “I ain’t done with you.” He licks a fat strip up your cunt and smacks his lips. “Now, be a good girl and cum on my face.” The words go straight to your gut, forcing a strangled noise out of you as Hangman doubles down on his efforts, your thighs quivering where they’re still pressed to his ears. Your shoulders rock against the couch under you, barely keeping a constant pattern in your breathing as your entire body is set ablaze. Large hands smooth over your thighs as you come down, a gentle effort to calm the jittering motion as warm strokes of his tongue work to clean you up. Finally, he’s patting one of them, trying to pry his head from your grip. “Not so tight, baby,” he keens, pulling himself up onto his knees, a hand moving up to wipe across his lips, only to caress his jaw in feigned pain. Your breath is returning to you after its jolting disappearance mere seconds before, a slight laugh leaving you. “I thought you said earmuffs?”
 He scoffs before twisting his head in an attempt to crack his neck. “Yeah, earmuffs not a fuckin’ vice grip.” A hand pushes through his hair, an attempt to reset himself, like a bird preening his feathers. ”It’ll be in the New York Times headlines tomorrow,” he cracks, before annunciating each word with a flash of his hand: “Pilot Dies Doing What He Loves Best.”
 You let a roll of your eyes follow your miffed expression. “What, sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong?” 
 You don't feel his hand as it sneaks its way between your thighs, but you know something is coming when his lips curl into that infuriating smirk. ”A finger, maybe,” he huffs, said finger sliding in with ease, before he crooks it up against a sensitive spot within you. “Besides, I thought we’d established last time that this–” his finger retreats “–is mine.” With a heavy hand, he plunges in again, forcing your hips to jolt up at the sharp movement. The waning oversensitivity. You let out a whine. “Isn’t it, darlin’?”
 “I dunno,” you hum, watching a questioning expression flit over his face, “you might have to remind me.”
 He huffs, his hand withdrawing just as quickly as it had appeared. “Well, now you’re just asking for trouble.” Hangman curls two fingers around your bindings and pulls you up until you’re almost chest to chest, only your bound wrists between you. You smirk, leaning in to close the distance between your lips, teeth clicking around air where you’d expected to find Hangman’s bottom lip.
 Fingers curl around your chin as Hangman chuckles. “Bad girls don’t get kisses, Kody,” he taunts. In the next instant, he’s got your knees on the floor and the rest of you bent over the same damn coffee table he’d been boasting about earlier. Before you can say anything smart, a hand comes down on your ass and you jump, hip bones smashing against the edge of the table. “They get spanked,” he says and you can hear the satisfaction coloring his words, feel it in the way his palm rubs over your hot skin. “So what d’you say? You ready to apologize?”
 “For what?”
 “That mouth, for one.”
 You roll your eyes even though you know Jake can’t see it. “You love my mouth.” You yelp as his hand comes down on your other cheek.
 “Oh, I do,” he agrees, “but it keeps getting you in trouble.” Your thighs tense when his hand disappears from your skin. “So what do you say?”
 You huff, giving in if only so that your ass won’t be too sore to fly the next day. “What am I apologizing for?”
 “Take your pick,” Jake drawls, hands smoothing up your spine and lips brushing over the red splotches on your asscheeks. “Calling me a bad idea.” He is. “Trying to bite my lip off. Insulting my coffee table.”
 “You want me to apologize to your street table?”
 “Target exclusive.” A sharp nip to reddened skin. “Sorry it doesn’t have a name like Penny’s ugly lamp. See, apologizin’ isn’t so hard.”
 Your forehead thunks against wood veneer. “I’m sorry I was mean to your coffee table.”
 Hangman hums. One of his hands trails over the knobs of your spine until calloused fingertips whisper around your cunt, the skin tacky with a mixture of his drying spit and your arousal. “I’m not sure I believe you.”
 “Bite me.” You regret your words instantly, but instead of biting you, Hangman merely grazes your skin with his teeth.
 “Next time,” he says, scooting closer to you until the hot line of his cock nestles along your cunt, rutting against you in a tease of what you hope is still to come. Then, absentmindedly: “I wonder if I could fuck some manners into you.”
 Your shoulders bunch in a shrug. “Worth a shot.”
 One of Hangman’s hands plants itself near your head, his other helping to guide himself into you. “That’s my girl.” But he stops with the fat head of his cock pressed to your slick folds. “Now ask me nicely.”
 “Jake,” you whine, pressing your hips back but only succeeding in driving yourself a little more insane.
 “Come on, baby. Use your words.”
 You turn your head to get a look at him over your shoulder, hot cheek pressed against the stupid coffee table. “Please fuck me stupid, Jake,” you groan, half from exasperation. “Need it. Feel so empty.”
 Hangman leans over you until his chest presses against your back and leaves a lingering kiss on your cheek. Your jaw goes slack when he finally pushes in. “That’s it, baby,” he groans against your ear before hiding his face in your neck, and you know you’ve got him right where you want him. “Taking me so well. Always so good for me.”
 “Fucking move, Jake,” you curse. A moment later, the hand by your head shifts to gather your hair at the base of your neck, only for Hangman to use it to arch your back slightly, lips to your ear. 
 “Nicely, Kody.” You outright moan at the display of domination and go slack in his grasp. “Don’t you want to be good for me?”
 “Please, Jake.” You swallow to wet your dry throat, lashes fluttering to brush against your cheeks. “I’m sorry I made fun of your street table, but I’d like it a lot more if you fucked me over it.”
 “Knew you’d come around,” Jake says as he lowers you back to the table, but you’re to the point where you just hope you cum. You don’t have to worry about that, though. Not with Jake. He may have left all of the others hanging, but never you. At least, not in this regard. “It’s a great table.”
 Hangman lets go of your hair, but that doesn’t stop you from throwing your head back when he locks onto your g-spot with an eager thrust. “So good!” And you’re hardly aware of anything except the way his body plays yours like a fiddle, but Jake can take your answer however he likes - he could take it to hell with him so long as he doesn’t stop. So long as he stays stretched over you and inside of you. His voice in your ears, and ambrosial taste on your tongue.
 “That’s right, sweetheart,” he grunts, wrapping his hand around the edge of the coffee table for more leverage to fuck into you. “Thought you could just quit this? Thought I’d let this pussy go?” Your only answer is a drawn out moan. History would say yes, but fuck you’ve never been happier to be wrong in your life. You’ll gladly be wrong more often if it means finding yourself under Jake. You rock backwards to meet him halfway, the clap of sweat-slick skin dampened by the roar of blood rushing in your ears. It’s almost as good as flying. The rush. The light, dizzy feeling. Like a high. Each moment is unique but blurring together and vaguely familiar.
 When he pulls back too far and slips out of you, you raise your ass up and give it a tempting swivel. Greedy hands capture your hips and hold you still so he can push back into you.
 This, proves to be the coffee table’s undoing.
 You yelp, only avoiding a faceful of apartment floor thanks to Jake’s quick reflexes as a loud crack echos off the walls. Broad forearms have slid under your waist, stopping your momentum as Jake’s prized possession meets its demise on the carpeted floor. Both of you are panting — both from the sudden cease in activity and in some semblance of surprise. When you finally register what’s happened, you can’t stop the terribly loud laughter that leaves you as Jake pulls you back up to your knees and eventually onto the couch, away from the scene of the crime. 
 “Shut it, Benjamin,” he mutters, haphazardly pulling sweats back up around his waist — not that they stay up since the drawstring is still digging into your skin. He looks back at you from over his shoulder, where you sit with your bottom lip between your teeth, biting back laughter. The longer he looks at you the more his own expression cracks as he joins you while you continue to laugh.
 “I guess it’s a good thing I apologized to your table,” you wheeze when you manage to get enough air back into your lungs. “You know, now that it’s no longer with us and all.” The laughter continues as Jake covers his face with a hand, both of you reeling, stomachs aching.
 “So,” you draw out. “You wanna untie me so I can help you clean this up, or…?”
 And while Hangman shakes his head no, he reaches out to untie your wrists all the same. “Leave it,” he says as he massages the red, bloodless lines crisscrossing your arms. “We’ll pick it up after.”
 “After?” You grin, eyes half-lidded as you give Jake a onceover. He’s still hard, cock tenting his loose shorts.
 “Yeah.” He tosses the drawstring to the side, intending for it to land on the coffee table, but it lands, instead, on top of its debris. “Gonna have to take this to the bedroom unless we want splint–”
 Knock! Knock! 
 “Yo, Jake! You good?” It’s Coyote. Your wide eyes meet Hangman’s.
 “What is Coyote doing here?” you hiss as quiet as humanly possible.
 “I think we were supposed to get drinks.”
 “You think?” It’s a struggle to keep quiet, but Coyote finding you in Jake’s quarters — naked in Jake’s quarters — could mean the end of both of your careers. You’re his commanding officer, dammit!
 “Jake?!” Coyote’s sounding a little more frantic and you’re worried that he’s going to try the door next. God, did Hangman remember to lock it when you got there?
 “Yeah, man!” he’s shouting a response and already wide eyes look pleadingly at green ones, silently begging him to get Coyote the fuck outta Dodge. “I’m good.”
 “Alright, so… you gonna open the door?” You’re in the middle of locating your clothes from around the room, pausing as Jake looks at you — as though he’s incapable of selecting the correct answer, which is obviously ‘no’. You shake your head frantically, leaving Hangman’s response. 
 “‘Fraid that’s not happening, Machado.” You’ve finally located your shirt on the floor but before you can grab it, Hangman’s hands grab your hips and pull you off balance and onto his lap.
 ‘What the hell are you doing?’ you mouth at him, brows drawn in a stern frown.
 “Why’s that?” Oh, you know, just a typical Monday night with his very naked commanding officer on his fucking lap in his living room. You watch as the gears turn in Jake’s head, you’re nearly about to tell him off and try your luck climbing out the window when he replies. 
 “Got a girl in here, man.”
 “Ha!” Coyote barks a laugh. “You work fast.”
 Not fast enough it seems. You try to stand but Jake’s grasp around your waist is impassible, leaving you stuck between a proverbial rock and a hard-on. Despite the situation, Jake’s lips curl into a smile against your neck. “Please,” he continues, falling into the same teasing back and forth he and Coyote have always had, “you would too with a face like this.”
 God, you want to smack that look right off of his face.
 “And that body!” Coyote laughs back.
 “Javy, please,” Jake chides, an ever growing smirk on lips that continue to tantalize your skin, trapped in his arms and the worst possible situation. “You’re making me blush.” The blonde snickers as his friend joins him from the hall. Like a cat trying to escape a child’s manhandling grasp, you continue to push from Jake, which he finally catches on to. “Alright, man, unfortunately, I’m gonna have to ask you to get goin’.”
 “What, you don’t wanna share?” the other pilot propositions from behind the incredibly thin — I mean, seriously, what kind of door allows a damn conversation like this to happen through it — door.
 You stiffen at the insinuation. The idea that Coyote could find you out. Flush your entire career in an instant.
 “Not this one.” 
 Your expression softens at Jake’s answer. In the line up of answers A through D, that was not one of the responses you’d anticipated. To be fair — the question itself was rather unpredictable to start with.
 “Ten-four. Just make sure you wrap it.”
 Jake answering grin is lecherous when he turns to you. “Ah, come on, baby. You’re not gonna make me wrap it, are ya?”
 Exaggerated heaving noises filter through the door. “I’m leaving.”
 “Good riddance,” Hangman calls after him as you breathe out a sigh.
 “Thank god.” Jake’s grip is still tight around you. Neither of you are exactly fighting to move just yet. Maybe that’s why his hands find your waist, lips trailing down the back of your neck and along your shoulder. Normally, you would’ve melted into it, but right now? Your stomach is doing somersault after somersault after the entire interaction. “Hangy,” you mumble, hearing his hum from behind you. “It’s dead.”
 He chuckles as he sits back finally. “Dead as the table?” A sad laugh leaves you as you finally slip from his fingertips, standing up and looking at the wreckage below you. 
 “Oh yeah.” You nod, finally snagging your shirt from the floor and pulling it over your head. “Ashes to ashes.” 
 “Dust to dust,” Jake continues, slumped into the depths of the couch. 
 “Street trash to street trash.”
 “Hey!” he corrects, brows furrowed, and you can’t help but giggle at your jab, relishing in your own amusement.
 When the both of you finally sort yourselves out, you offer to help Jake carry what remains of the coffee table down four flights of stairs  and out to the green dumpster in the parking lot. You set the broken pieces on the asphalt, stretching out your back slightly once it's down.
 “Did you, uh…” With one of the legs in your hand, you point to the table before your eyes rise to meet Jake’s — facial features filled with annoyance. “Did you want to say something?” You gesture to the table, slapping the leg in your hand against your free palm.
 “Shut up, Kody,” he snides, picking up the broken and disassembled parts of his table and throwing them into the dumpster. 
 “Alright, I’ll say something.” You look at the stained wood table leg in your hand, clearing your throat. “Ikea table–” 
 “Target,” Jake’s correction comes, leaving you to glance at him, nodding. 
 “Target table: Our acquaintance was short lived. Much like you were.”
 Jake lets out a low chuckle, he’s trying to hide it, but he’s not doing a very good job of it. 
 “You were mediocre at best.” 
 “Excuse me?” Jake interrogates, an eyebrow raised in silent retaliation.
 “I was talking to the table.” A scoff comes from him before he squats down to pull said table from its spot, up and into the dumpster as you hold the lid open. With a thud the lid returns to its closed position as Jake lays his table in its final resting place upon a bed of trash and brushes his hands free of dirt. He starts off in the direction of your car but even in the few feet he’s managed to get between you, you can hear him mumble under his breath. 
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whumpasaurus101 · 2 years
*takes u out of my pocket*
my most talented son!! 🥰🥰💖
do you have any shock collar content for asher 👀
Okay ik ive been texting you loads abt how much i hate this and what not BUT ONCE AGAIN, IM SO GRRRRR CAUSE I WISH I DID A BETTER JOB IM SORRY- i acc havent really written much shock collar so i feel like maybe i can write it a lot better HUIKJDHKDH but someday i wanna do party time part 2 and have more shock collar content in that >:3
CW: shock collar / cursing / 'mutt' used as a name
“Let me go!!!!” Asher growled, fighting off the men who were holding him. They shoved him onto the floor in front of Antonio’s desk, who stood from his seat, taking off his glasses with a heavy breath, “Boys?”
“Sorry for disturbing you boss,” One of the workers sighed, almost out of breath from how much effort it took holding back Asher, “But this little shit was trying to cause trouble with a newbie.” The worker emphasized his sentence, kicking Asher hard in the ribs.
Antonio had run this boxing gym for a while now. He has dealt with all kinds of fighters. The broken, scared, defiant, confident, weak, strong, you name it. But Asher? Asher, quite frankly, made Antonio want to quite frankly beat the ever loving shit out of him. Antonio sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly before nodding, “Leave it with me, thank you boys.” And with that, the group of trainers walked back to the training gym, out of Antonio’s office.
“I didn't do shit,” Asher growled, rubbing his side while practically pouting like a child. “I highly doubt that. I can always pull up the CCTV security footage if you’d like.” Asher froze and shook his head quickly, only making Antonio chuckle, bending over slightly and tilting Asher’s head up by a finger under his chin, “You never learn, do you?”
Asher growled, ripping his face away from Antonio, “Don't fucking touch m-” He was quickly cut off as Antonio grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked his head so he was face to face with Antonio, “Listen here, you little shit. I am sick and tired of putting up with your bullshit every fucking day-” 
“…technically it's not e-every d-”
“Silence.” Asher was backhanded hard and a small whimper escaped his lips before he tried to cover it up with a growl, but just Antonio chuckled, walking over to his desk and opening a drawer, “Do you remember that day I used the taser on you?” 
Asher instantly paled, gulping and shifting anxiously, “Oh o-of course. How could I ever forget such a wonderful day. You know what, you and I have the most amazing time tog-”
Asher immediately looked up to Antonio, “Wha-what the fuck-” His hands flew up to his neck, desperately trying to pull at whatever had been latched around his neck. “Hm, what’s the matter, little pup?” Asher growled, rushing up to his feet as he clenched his fists, “Don't you dare call me that.”  
Antonio smirked and chuckled, “Ohhhh, you will want to watch your mouth from now on.” Asher’s eyes turned cold and he stepped right up to Antonio’s face, jutting out his chin in defiance, “And why’s that?” 
Antonio’s eyes practically sparkled as he took out a controller, simply pressing a button and watching the show happen before him. 
Asher’s eyes went wide as his whole body seized up and with a cry as his knees buckled and he collapsed to the ground. His arms flew up to his neck, desperately pulling at the shock collar as much as he could, “SH-SH’T- Tu-turn ‘t o-o-’ff-ff-” His whole torso and back seized up, twitching and beginning to shake. Antonio chuckled, bending down to his hunkers and brushing a hair away from Asher’s face, “Beg me, dear.” 
Asher growled, snarling as he grit his teeth, “Like sh-sh-i-it I will.” Antonio smirked, “Suit yourself,” And with that, Antonio stood up and sat at his desk, starting to fill in paper work he had been procrastinating for weeks. 
Asher slammed his fist against the floor, trying to get Antonio’s attention. His body was on fire. His lungs felt as if lightning struck through them. “Th’s ‘s b-BULL,” He bellowed with another punch to the ground. Antonio just chuckled, spinning his pen with his finger absentmindedly, “You know what I want, Asher.” 
“Wh-wh’t you want, n-nah, bu-bu’ wha-whatchya ne-...nee-d is a li- FUCK- a li-fffff-fffe.” 
Antonio simply hummed, his fingers twisting up the dial to the control, smirking as a scream ripped from Asher’s throat. “I must admit, I’m impressed at your pain tolerance,” Antonio chuckled, “I mean, managing to keep that annoying act up while being shocked at nearly the highest setting. I'm… almost… surprised…to be honest!”
Asher’s body twitched with a grunt, “Th-th’nks alo-ot, asshole.” Antonio studied him for a moment more before switching off the collar, watching with a smirk as Asher’s back slumped to the floor, his body aching as he tried to catch his breath. Asher cursed under his breath as his body occasionally twitched, glossy eyes staring at the ceiling, “Ge-get it ‘ff…”
“I told you what I wanted, dear, and you haven't given that to me. So, shall we continue, or are you willing to beg?”
Asher clenched his jaw before bringing his eyes up to meet Antonio’s, “Bri-bring it, bitch.” Antonio scoffed, rolled his eyes before turning the dial full. Asher screamed  this time, his whole body completely seizing as his head hit the floor, heels digging into the carpet of the office, his back arching in pain, “Sh-sh’t, pl…”
“I'm sorry, speak up darling, I didn't quite hear you,” Antonio pressed, knowing how close Asher was to breaking. He watched as Asher’s face screwed up, what the fuck was he to do??? He wanted the pain to end more than anything but there was no way in fuck that he was about to beg to Antonio.
Suddenly the shock stopped as there was a knock on the door. Antonio slammed his fist against the desk, “What is it,” He growled, “Nobody is to come in while I’m work-”
“My sincere apologies.”
Asher froze at the familiar voice. Fucking Rodger. 
“Heard my boy was causing trouble.” 
Antonio scoffed, “When is he not?” That made Rodger chuckled, “Mind if I sit in?” Antonio gestured to the seat where Asher lay near, “Take a seat! I'm not letting Asher leave until he begs- but… you might wanna get comfy, god knows how long he’ll take.”
“Well, Asher, “ Rodger chuckled, delivering as hard of a kick as he could to Asher’s ribs. Asher groaned, his hand flying to clutch at his ribs with a groan, “F’ck o-o-’ff…” Rodger laughed, looking up at Antonio, “You really think he’s going to break???”
Antonio simply shrugged, “Worth a try though! Want a go?” Rodger quickly extended his hand, “Oh, you fucking bet.” The second the control was put into his hand, Rodger instantly turned the dial.
“FU-FUCK- Stopstop-st- SHIT- stop-” 
“Not the words I’m looking for, Ashy boi.”
Asher snarled, his top lip curling up, “D-dn’t call me tha-thah-” “I think that's the least of your worries right now,” Rodger scoffed, resting his feet up on top of Antonio’s desk, ignoring Antonio’s disapproving look. 
Asher’s eyes fluttered as his head suddenly felt dangerously light, “Sh-sh’t…” Antonio gulped, his eyes snapping over to Rodger, “He-hey uh, take it easy on him, he looks like he’s about to pass out.” Rodger simply waved his hand dismissively, “Oh please, he’s just being a dramatic little shit.”
“Mmhnn-” Was all Asher managed before his eyes rolled up to his head, and his body fell still. Silence. 
“I can hear you smirking.”
“You know, you can always leave the mutt with me for a week or two, I’d bet I could have him broken in that amount of time.”
Rodger laughed, shaking his head, “Funny. Hilarious. But I might take you up on that offer, I could do with a break from the idiot.”
“Sounds like a deal, you just hit me up and I’ll be there.”
“Deal. Now, help me carry him to the car, will ya?”
Taglist: @likeit-or-whumpit @milk-carton-whump @yesthisiswhump @appy-polly-loggies @happy-whumper @hold-back-on-the-comfort @tears-and-lilies @heathenwhump @whumpkinpie @happy-little-sadist @shywhumpauthor @cursedscribbles @whump-queen
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ciboriaadastra · 4 months
out of curiosity have you designed any conlangs?
Technically, no. In that I haven't progressed to the point of creation where you could construct conversational sentences with them.
I made an attempt to design a conlang for my angel characters a year or two ago, but my energy for it fizzled out as I struggled with figuring out the direction I wanted to go with it. Designing a conlang requires more thought in decision-making rather than throwing a bunch of different language features into the pot and seeing what happens. Still enjoyed the process, though, which is why I keep it on my interests page.
I can show you what I do have, and if you know anything about conlanging you can probably point out an immediate beginner error lmao
This is my consonant chart
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Too many consonants. 40 is entirely too many consonants. I initially justified it as I wasn't making a human language, so I could utilize as many as I thought might be useful, but it ended up being harder to work with.
And here's the word list:
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I designed verbs to have a differentiation based on how violently the action is done, indicated by harsher sounds. I thought it would be interesting for angels to think it integral to communicate whether an action happened gently (implying virtues of humility and patience) or with a lot of force (implying potential for injury, wrath of the gods, or a lack of humility/patience/generosity/kindness/etc.)
For example, "aad" would be used to describe a leaf falling from a tree while "a'adz" would be used to describe a ceramic plate that fell and shattered on the ground. Since the plate could have injured someone if they were hit by it on the way down, if they accidentally cut themselves trying to clean up the mess, or if they stepped on the shards...the fall is assigned as violent. A'adz is also the term used to talk about an angel being exiled (the Fall of Lucifer).
"Kos" has harsh consonant sounds because seething implies anger, which is unvirtuous behavior.
My choice of consonants was mainly to construct words that imitated the sound the action made. Take biq/biş/biź for instance. The uvular plosive (q) in biq is meant to imitate the sound of water dripping, the palatal fricative (sh) in biş the sound of water running, and the palatal fricative (zh) in biź the sound of water splashing the ground when you drop a full bucket.
"Aad" also imitates sound in that that's the sound you make when you fall: aaaaa *thud*. "A'adz" is similar with it adding the sound you make when you realize that fall really hurt (hissing or sucking your teeth).
"T'ah" is imitating the clicking sound people make at crying babies to try to soothe them.
I think the rest of the words can be inferred from there.
I didn't end up making a vowel chart, I think that's where I started to struggle. I did note down some other things, though:
Word roots are in (C)V(C) order. Nasal consonants can't cluster, except for m + ng at the onset
The first syllable is always stressed
Apostrophes indicate glottal stops and aspirations
Nominative case marker (I'm gonna be fr I don't remember what a case marker is anymore)
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harleiquina · 1 year
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"May siblings be together, for that is the first law. May their union be true in anytime, because if they fight each other they'll be devoured by those outside" (José Hernández, "Martín Fierro").
So, today I found out that there was going to be a picket to support the WGA strike in my country (Argentina) and relatively close home. I wish I knew it sooner, I would've liked to join... but
I'm not a guild member (reason why I never received any kind of news about it) because...
Technically I'm not a writer (a professional, I mean. The ones that get paid to write) which leads me to...
I have a job that I hate and I can't just skip a random day because...
Even If they pay me very little, I am the breadwinner at home and every little cent counts... since...
My country's economy is a bloody mess that could be solved in over 50 years, if we are lucky.
So, here I am, making a post in solidarity to the Strike while waiting for the calls to start to ring. This might be a lenghty (and personal) one.
My journey into writing:
It was hard to answer the old question "what do you want to be when you grow up?" as a child because I wanted to be everything (except Doctor and Vet. I still don't like the idea of inflicting any kind of pain to heal someone -yes, I do know that anesthesia is a thing but it does wear off, did you know that? And painkillers too!).
At school I absolutely hated writing as homework, however I always ended up telling stories (my grandfather's folk tales) in the schoolbus for a limited audience. It wasn't until 7th grade that I realized that I was able to have original ideas and put them on paper... then I started to love writing and I would put my best effort into it. Yes, those were silly little stories usually prompted by whatever paragraph or sentence our teacher gave us (twice my aunts laughed at something I was proud of and I won't lie, it did hurt back then. Probably I would laugh now too). Still, coming up with something new was exciting.
In my senior year of Highschool I had "Applied writing" a subject that, supposedly, was there to teach us how to make our resumes, formal letters and other stuff that is "useful" in the work place or life itself. But that's not what I've learned.
I had Marcela Bullentini as my teacher. Someone that was quite scary with her desire for us to speak properly (eliminating the 'sh' sound from our bonaerense accent that changes words like "lluvia" -rain- to make it sound "shuvia", or our usual "perdón" -forgive me- instead of "lo siento" -I'm sorry- EVERYTIME she would answer with a mighty "only God forgives" to remind us that we were using the wrong term). After a few months of trying not to get on her bad side, I started to like her because I could tell that she loved writing and reading. And that's why she never gave us those boring lessons the other classroom's teacher (and school Principal, mind you) gave her students. She taught us the basics tools to write news, anecdotes, opinions and scripts for audio-drama (podcasts weren't a thing in 2009) and even TV (we did had to shoot a short film by the end of the year. Yes mine does suck). She is the reason why I considerated making a living out of writing. When the school year was coming to an end and it was time to enroll in College or the University and my classmates would ask "what are you going to study?" I answered them "I would like to be a Movie Director or Script writer". Guess what was their response... "Why?" usually followed by "that's too easy"
Too easy.
Too easy? How come? Why the Arts are "easy"? Why do you think that your dream of becoming a Sport's Journalist is better than mine wanting to tell stories? You'll still have to write something, you idiot!
Still, I did not followed my passion because making a living off the Arts is quite hard in here. You have to know someone who can "get you in" or beeing a professional boot-licker or work in the worst things ever, beeing completely stepped over and then you might ✨️MIGHT✨️ have a chance to do something true to yourself. And I wanted to be the argentinean Tim Burton, I knew nobody would've backed me up. So my aunt gave me an idea "why don't you try with Advertising? Many movie directors and writers began with Ads". So... off I went to Advertising School.
For those of you that don't know, Advertising is divided in 3 major branches: Accounting (the bridge between the Clients and the Agency), Media (the ones in charge of the budget and with the contacts to publish/play the ads everywhere) and Creativity (the ones that make the ads). I belong to the 3rd group and guess what? We're still thought off as an afterthought... as if making or writing for an ads campaing is something that is "easy", something that anybody can do. That we, the creatives, are just lazy people that every now and then receive a task, like anybody else would toss a bone to a dog, to "do something". To be fair, since I've never worked at an Agency I do not know if this kind of behaviour is present in them too... but all my classmates had this attitude and if they were meant to be the future of this profession, then I'm better off doing anything else but working as a Copywriter.
So here I am today, working as an Over the Phone Interpreter with over 20 stories locked in my head (and scribbled across many notepads and documents in my PC), too tired to write after work and trying not to sit on the computer on my free time because I spend the whole day, 5 days a week sitting in front of it. Still, sometimes I do get things done. My brain doesn't stop just because I have no time or because I'm tired. I know I'll get things done... eventually.
But Laurita, what does this have to do with anything?
This is my blog, I write what I want.
Context was needed.
As I said the whole "writing stories isn't serious enough" "it's too easy" "you can do something better" has been plaguing my life since day one. I was even able to see a glimpse of my favourite teacher's hopes and dreams for me crash in his eyes when I told him that I was studying to become an Advertising Creative. (I'm pretty sure all my teachers thought I would become one of them, or a doctor, or a lawyer, maybe even a scientist).
People!... Telling stories is important!
I dare to say that ours is the oldest profession (not the other one 😏) because whenever a lesson had to be taught, or something needed explanation, there was someone ready to tell a story about it.
Telling stories was never just entertainment. People seems to forget that even the silliest fairytale was meant to leave something behind with their audience. For ages my family and I wondered about the Magic Fish, a russian folckloric tale (a very lazy young man goes fishing in the ice for once in his life and catches the magic fish that promises that if he lets him go, he'll grant any wish he has. The guy ends up living in a palace made of gold and marrying a princess) and then it hit me: it was not the story itself... but the posibility of making many kids go fishing in the ice hoping to catch the Magical Fish that will grant them any wish. Well done, slavic people, well done 👏🏻👏🏻
I do not understand the constant dissmissal of our craft. Well... yes I do. People think it is easy because we make it easy for them. What's the point of creating something inaccessible? Why would anybody need to have a Post Doctorate in whatever field to understand a comic, a joke or a novel? We turn dozens (if not hundreds) of different concepts that fly through our minds into something understandable to anybody.
I watch Cinema Therapy where both hosts analize the psychology behind stories and characters. It is all in plain sight, we all know that Indiana Jones is resiliant, that Aragorn is a non-toxic man... but do you know how my family reacts when I tell them about any of their videos? "Isn't that reading too much into things? It's just a story, it's fantasy!"
It is a story, it is fantasy... but in order for it to work it has to be grounded in reality. Otherwise no-one would feel a thing for any of them!
And who does the dirty work? We do. We have to come up with real non-existent people so their fantastical escape is a good one. One that will make them forget their worries, one that might break their heart in a thousand pieces but carefully put it back with the warmest and stickyest-sweet glue you can find.
Oh! You know who killed the victim before the detective? That's because we feed you the clues so you can participate too.
Whenever my teammates in college had a "creativity attack" and started shooting ideas for ads, I'd step in to tell them why it would be impossible for us to use them (or at least why they didn't worked at all). They would get angry, of course, so I'd suggest them to do it themselves and what was their answer? "You do it, you are the creative one" So you make up your mind, buddy, either you trust me or not. You cannot have it both ways.
People doesn't realise the power that we hold, they think that we just come up with anything off of thin air. They ignore our investigations, how we observe the world and learn from it. They ignore our minds but get surprised even with the most obvious plot-twist (as it happened to mom, I told her something that was going to happen on her soap opera -so the bar was very low- and when it did happened she was like "how did you know?" I was tempted of answering with a "I'm a writer, I see what they are doing" but I just said "because it was obvious" If I actually tried to explain to her how I came up with that she would've thought that I needed help 😵‍💫). We accumulate knowledge like a dragon hoards gold. Anything is useful, anyone is useful. Don't make us turn you into a villan for our book or movie.
But still... we always get short-handed, stepped on, underappreciated.
We are the weirdos, the ones that live with their heads in the clouds, the "lazy" ones that spend their whole day on the computer "doing nothing" and can't close deals or use brute strenght to do their job. The ones that make up imaginary things hence things that have no value.
We know that it's not true. We know that we deserve better.
We had enough of that.
That's why we strike.
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dancing on dreams, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader, (very) minor jungkook x reader
summary: The wrong guy shows up in your car – Jeon Jungkook. Big sigh. He’s drunk out of his mind and blabbering away. Then the right guy who you’re supposed to pick up, Min Yoongi, says Jungkook’s apartment is on the way. Might as well drop off passed-out Jungkook and make sure he’s okay. Or Yoongi could fuck you on Jungkook’s bed. That also works.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, tiny bit of crack; alcohol consumption; smut (fem reader, fingering, f-receiving oral, penetrative sex); fluff; non-idol!AU - friends with benefits / lovers? with Yoongi; you two fuck slightly on top of and next to sleeping Jungkook, tsk tsk; technically JK is in his red My Time outfit lol
repost, originally called ‘a–dick–ted’  and then I realized tumblr doesn’t like that lmao
now playing – don’t threaten me with a good time by panic! at the disco
“I’m not as think as you drunk I am.”
That’s what Jeon Jungkook slurred to you as he flopped into your passenger’s seat, the stench of alcohol so strong you recoiled. He was wearing a thin red blazer and his sheer black shirt was missing half the top buttons, revealing his tan, muscular pecs.
Also, he wasn’t supposed to be in your car.
“Get out.”
Jungkook hiccupped and squinted at you. “Noona! What’s up? I didn’t expect to see you here,” he continued, completely ignoring your annoyed look. “I thought you didn’t party.”
You narrowed your eyes. “That’s because I don’t. I’m picking someone up. Get out of my car.”
He shot two finger guns at you. “Eyy, that could be me.”
“It most certainly is not you, Jeon Jungkook. Now yeet yourself out of my car, please.”
He spread his legs, red slacks way too tight for him and his thick thighs and calves. He was wearing patent black leather oxfords as well. The only reason Jungkook bothered to look this good was to get attention. You sighed loudly. You shouldn’t have left your doors unlocked. You had been waiting outside the party house for only ten minutes. Lights and laughter boomed from the home, livening the late night. Too many drunk people were making out on the porch. It was a fucking mess. A minute ago, you were alone, playing on your phone, only to hear the door click and to see the wrong person saunter into your car.
Jungkook slapped his thighs and you flinched, looking away.
“Hey, I thought we were cool,” he grinned, tilting his head. His long black hair was half-tied back, curly from sweat. “I only tried to kiss you that one time.”
You rolled your eyes. “No, you tried to put your hands down my pants, you manwhore.”
Jungkook made a disgusted face. “Whoa, hey, no, no. I’m not a manwhore.”
Your eyebrows rose so high you thought they left your face.
“Your harem says otherwise.”
You pointed outside your car. Seven girls were clinging to the railing, staring at Jungkook in your car. Jungkook turned his head and grinned, waving. Then he abruptly shook it, turning back to you.
You gave him a deadpan stare.
He struggled to complete a full sentence. “What I’m saying is…” Five full seconds of Jungkook trying to conjure five brain cells and failing. “Yeah, okay, I kiss people and touch and stuff…” You were ready to punch him out of your car. “But I’m a…” Hiccup. He looked slightly green.
Then he opened your car door and stuck his head out, vomiting.
“Ugh, gross,” you frowned, repulsed. You looked around your car and found a half-full water bottle in your cup holder. Jungkook turned around and you shoved it into his face, shooing him.
“Rinse out your mouth before you speak to me again, animal.”
Jungkook stared at the water bottle and took it, grimacing. Then he unscrewed the cap, placed it to his lips, and took a big gulp, sloshing it in his mouth before gargling and spitting onto the grass. You looked away, shaking your head.
Not to mention he just indirectly kissed you.
Double ew.
You heard him do it again and then noisily drink the rest, crushing the plastic with suction. You turned back to see Jungkook shoot the crumpled plastic bottle out your car.
“What the fuck? Why did you litter?” you scowled.
Jungkook looked out the window, surprised. “Oh. You’re right. Sorry.”
You narrowed your eyes. Out of your peripheral vision, you noticed Jungkook’s harem rush to the fallen water bottle, claiming it triumphantly like crows to a shiny bit of aluminum foil. Okay, well… at least it wasn’t litter.
He cleared his throat, pointing at you. “Anyway, as I was saying, I’m not a–”
“Dirty little fuckboy?”
His head jerked back, dark brown eyes narrowing at you.
“How do you read my mind?” he muttered.
You rolled your eyes.
“Anyway, I’m a virgin.”
You blinked at him and his half-open shirt.
Jungkook grinned at you and gave you two thumbs up. “Eyyy.”
Your jaw dropped, but before you could say anything else, you heard a sharp tapping at the driver’s seat window. Two pointed, dark brown eyes squinted at you, frowning. Oh. The person you were actually supposed to pick up. His upper lip upturned a bit, giving him a kitten-like pout.
“Why is there vomit on the passenger’s side and why is Jeon Jungkook passed out next to you?”
You started your car and rolled your window down, grimacing at Min Yoongi. He was wearing a black and navy bomber jacket, white shirt, and distressed black jeans. Ah, his hair was black again. You always told him he looked best in black hair. He raised an eyebrow at you.
“I left my doors unlocked for you and he just waltzed in.”
Yoongi looked past you. “He looks dead.”
You snapped your head back. “He was awake a sec–”
Jungkook was asleep, mouth open, half-slid down the passenger’s seat. Absolutely gone.
You heard Yoongi open the backseat door and slide in. He smelled like whiskey and his pale face was a bit pink, but he didn’t seem as drunk as Jungkook.
“Well, he lives in my building, so I guess we’ll just take him home,” Yoongi said absentmindedly.
You shot him a pained look. “Yoongi, why?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know, it’s the moral thing to do?”
You groaned and began to drive.
“You have to help me carry him.”
“I most certainly will not. He’s your friend.”
“You will.”
Five minutes later, you and Min Yoongi were dragging Jeon Jungkook’s dead weight up three flights of stairs, absolutely hating life, and wondering why you decided to wear your heeled black ankle boots today. Sure, they weren’t insanely high, but they weren’t the right shoes for the job. Plus, your flared red miniskirt and gray cropped long-sleeve weren’t helping either. Your shirt had a cat graphic on it that said, “go away,” with two middle fingers.
You felt it described you very well, actually.
Finally, after having made it to the metal door of Jungkook’s apartment, Yoongi crammed his hand into Jungkook’s tight pants’ pockets, feeling around.
“Key’s on your side.”
“I’m not touching him any more than necessary.”
Jungkook raised his head for a half-second, eyes barely open.
“Where’d the party go?” he mumbled and then dropped his head into your shoulder. His chiseled jaw cut into your flesh, alcohol-stained breath against your cheek.
“Save me from this hell, Yoongi.”
Yoongi chuckled deeply and reached around Jungkook’s waist. The back of his hand brushed against your hip and you flinched, eyes flickering to him. His pink lips curved into a crafty smirk. You rolled your eyes and waited as Yoongi yanked Jungkook’s keys out of his pocket, unlocking the door.
“Come on, Jungkook, step please,” Yoongi murmured softly, nudging Jungkook’s legs with his own. Jungkook groaned, head lolling.
“He’s dead,” you muttered as the two of you lugged him into the apartment. “Let’s leave and let the Grim Reaper find him.”
Yoongi ignored your complaining. He lowered himself, throwing Jungkook’s full weight on you. You grunted, extremely disgruntled, as you fell against the wall, using it as support. You had to hold Jungkook’s upper arms to keep him upright, squeezing his hard biceps. His hips hit you in the lower stomach. Ow. Yoongi closed the door and locked it, meandering on where to put the keys, settling on the hook next to the door.
“I’m going to be crushed to death. Is this guy made out of rocks or something?”
Yoongi continued to ignore you, crouching down to remove Jungkook’s shoes. You sighed loudly, staring up at the ceiling. If Jungkook wasn’t Yoongi’s friend, you probably would have pushed him into his own vomit and let the she-wolves have him.
Alright, no, you wouldn’t have, but you weren’t happy about these current events either.
You jumped as you felt Yoongi’s large hand encircle your left calf. You jerked your head down to see him staring up at you, raising an eyebrow. His fingertips kneaded your bare skin slowly. You narrowed your eyes at him and he reached for the zipper of your black boot, sliding it down. One first and then the other, hand holding your calf the entire time. Then Yoongi stood up, dark brown eyes observing you with a spark of amusement. You thinned your mouth into a line and abruptly kicked your shoes off in his direction. Yoongi dodged you easily, smirking.
Jungkook shivered and slumped, his shoulder blades hitting your sternum.
Yoongi laughed, pink gums flashing, and grabbed Jungkook by the armpit, hauling him up.
“Let’s get him to the bed.”
“I’m ready to chuck him to the floor,” you hissed, rubbing your chest ruefully.
Using the last of your patience, Yoongi and you managed to dump Jungkook onto his bed. Thankfully Jungkook’s apartment was tiny and somewhat clean, so you didn’t have to go very far. You sat on the edge of the bed, panting, as Yoongi calmly removed Jungkook’s blazer and tossed it aside. He gently slapped Jungkook’s face, and Jungkook made a noise like a dying duck.
“Hm, he’s pretty far gone.”
“No shit, you think?” You prodded the soft navy sheets of Jungkook’s bed. They were pretty nice. Maybe you could find the tag and write down the brand later.
Yoongi adjusted the taller man so he was on his side. He looked down at him, pursing his lips.
“We should stay for a bit. Make sure he doesn’t choke.”
You groaned, slapping the bed impatiently. “Who cares, Yoongi? He did this to himself!”
Yoongi smiled, walking around the bed towards you. Jungkook started to snore. Very loudly. His dark hair was curled around his forehead, his long lashes fluttering.
“See? He’s not dead.”
You stiffened as you felt Yoongi stand in front of you, his hand tracing your cheek to turn your head to face him. Your eyes shifted from Jungkook’s sleeping form to Yoongi’s sly smirk. His slightly rounded cheeks were still tinted pink.
“Shh, don’t complain. I’m here with you,” he said softly, caressing your cheek.
You narrowed your eyes at him. “You owe me.”
He leaned down, eyes shimmering with amusement. “That I do.”
And then he kissed you, inhaling your scent and tasting like whiskey. You sighed softly into his mouth, licking his soft lips and pressing back against him. You forgot how it started, really. Perhaps a passing touch? An accidental brush of his fingers against yours? His knee leaning against your thigh for a little too long? Your hand holding onto his shoulder to grab something, maybe a little too tightly? Soon it had become a game of cat and mouse, sneaking hints of each other in innocent public gatherings. Your clothed breasts pressing against his back, trying to squeeze past. His hand brushing against your hip, fingertips tracing the waistband of your pants.
It didn’t really have a name. You two just did it, relying on eye contact, seeing the reaction of the other, spurred on by more and more dangerous actions, upping the ante. Shorter and shorter skirts, his fingers touching your bare thigh, making you shiver.
Yoongi placed a hand on your thigh now, sliding it up. You slapped yours over it, drawing back a little from his intense kiss.
“We’re on Jungkook’s bed,” you breathed, cocking your head towards the sleeping male.
Jungkook snorted in his sleep.
Yoongi grinned. “So?” His dark eyes dangerous, so dangerous. “Bet you still want it.”
He pulled his hand out from under you and put them on your knees, eyes locked with yours. You gave him a warning glare but he spread your legs, lifting your knees up and back. You fell onto your elbows, gasping as he tilted his head, licking his lips as he viewed the wet spot of your red silk panties.
“You wore the nice ones today,” he observed. “Excited to see me?”
You stuck your tongue out at him. “Maybe I just like being pretty for myself.”
Yoongi smirked, getting onto the bed, crawling over you. “You’re already pretty. You don’t need clothes for that.”
Your felt your ears burn at the compliment. You reached up to pull his head down so he could kiss you again, hungry, deep kisses as he lifted your hips, pressing the wet spot on his bare thigh where a massive hole had been ripped in his jeans. You moaned softly, feeling him grind into your soaking pussy.
“I love those jeans,” you whispered, grinning.
Yoongi chuckled. “Me too.”
Snoring Jungkook rolled over and his leg smacked against your elbow.
Yoongi reached down and eased your panties to one side, pressing his thigh against your bare slit. You whimpered quietly, rocking your hips into his leg, stimulating your clit. He continued to kiss you, light, feathery kisses, playing with your tongue and lips, gently nipping at your skin.
“Don’t you feel nice?” Yoongi purred. “Doing something wrong?”
You smirked, wiggling your eyebrows. “Isn’t that what we always do?”
Yoongi kissed down your neck, humming. Your elbow rubbed against Jungkook’s leg as Yoongi began to suck on your flesh, making your back arch. His tongue licked at your hot skin and he blew on it, sending shivers down your spine. He slid down, removing his leg, and replaced it with his hand, pressing it into your wet heat. You gasped, sliding down, arm pressed against Jungkook’s muscular thigh and calf.
“I love the sounds you make,” Yoongi whispered, breath tickling your skin. “Music to my ears.”
He slid a finger into you.
“A-ah, Yoongi…” You clutched the sheets, catching a bit of Jungkook’s pants in your grip.
He thrust it in and out of you, slow, pushing your shirt and bra up. Licking your nipples lightly, watching you tilt your head back, eyes closed. He inserted another into your tight, wet hole, feeling you clench around them, sucking him in.
“So sexy,” he mumbled around your nipple, pushing it with his tongue. “So fuckable.”
You gasped as he increased the pace, simultaneously sucking on your nipple. The wrongness of it all made it even better, pleasure mounting fast as you felt your stomach tighten, so close, Yoongi knowing all the best spots to melt you. You breathed his name, pussy tightening as you came, soaking his fingers with your slick juices, humping his hand slightly.
He thrust into you a few more times, slowly, before sliding out and placing them in his mouth, sucking off your taste. He smirked.
“Turn over.”
You exhaled before trying to roll to your right. Yoongi stopped you.
“Other way.”
You frowned. “Jungkook’s there.”
Yoongi grinned mischievously.
He licked his lips, purring your name. So sweet, so enticing.
You let out a puff of air and lifted yourself to your elbows. You turned your head, seeing Jungkook’s head flopped to the side, mouth open. The sharp line of his jaw, his pouty pink lips, his closed eyes. Still very not elegantly snoring away, and yet you noticed the way his dark hair curled around his forehead, his tiny ponytail mussed from being asleep.
“He likes you, you know,” Yoongi said.
You snorted. “He’s upset I’m not trying to make out with him so he’s trying to touch my lady bits.”
“Same thing.”
You turned your head back, seeing Yoongi shrug out of his bomber jacket. “Did you know he’s a virgin?”
Yoongi’s dark eyebrows raised. “Oh? Interesting.”
You shrugged. “Well, that’s what he said in my car anyway. I don’t know if it’s true.”
Yoongi chuckled. “It probably is. Jungkook’s sappy like that.” He waved a hand dismissively. “Needs to be the love of his life and stuff.”
You tilted your head at him. “And you?”
Yoongi smiled at you. “I don’t need that. I only need you.”
Your heart tightened in your chest. “Hah, right.”
Yoongi leaned forward, pressing his lips to your forehead. “You think I’m lying, but you know it’s true. I always have the most fun with you.”
You scrunched your face and felt Yoongi grab your shirt, yanking it and your bra over your head. You puffed your cheeks at his insistence, but Yoongi grabbed your breasts, rubbing his thumbs onto your hardened nipples. You moaned into his mouth, kissing him back, tongue against tongue, drinking him in. He nudged you to your left.
“Come on…”
You sighed against his lips. “Alright, alright, you bad boy.”
He smirked as you rolled over, careful not to touch Jungkook’s thighs and placing your hands on either side of his hips. Your knees ended up in between his, tightly together. Jungkook’s sheer shirt had eased out of his waist, abs peeking out from the bottom. You swallowed, feeling Yoongi moving behind you, grasping your panties and pulling down.
“You shouldn’t try to fu–”
Your words turned into a gasp as Yoongi’s tongue swiped up your dripping pussy, licking it all up. Your arms trembled, cries dying in your throat as you stared at asleep Jungkook, trying not to make any sound. Yoongi began to noisily eat you out, shoving his tongue inside you and scooping out your juices, his hands spreading your ass. Your shoulders dipped, hands spreading outwards. He slid down a little, finding your sensitive bundle of nerves and licking at it roughly.
“Yoongi, fuck,” you hissed, arching your back. His tongue was too good, so good you almost forgot you were positioned above dozing Jungkook’s dick and abs. Jungkook sighed, turning his head the other way and resuming his snoring. If Yoongi’s tongue wasn’t going to make you pass out, then you were definitely going to get a heart attack if Jungkook woke up in the middle of this.
Yoongi’s mouth latched around your clit and he sucked, hard. Your shaking hips rolled into his face, raspy breaths rattling your chest as you struggled to stay silent, feeling your pussy leaking onto his cheeks, so wet you could hear it behind you.
“Oh, fuck, fuck,” you hissed, sliding down, nipples brushing against Jungkook’s clothed thighs. “Fuck, Yoongi, I’m so fucking close…”
If Jungkook woke up now, you wouldn’t have noticed because pleasure raced up your nerves, intoxicating you, Yoongi’s expert tongue licking and sucking on your clit, so wet and wonderful and tight it was taking over you. Your hand lost balance and your righted yourself, planting it onto Jungkook’s abs. The contours of his muscle molded to your palm as your hand slid up, low moan leaving your lips as you came again, Yoongi opening his mouth and sucking it out of you. Your body shuddered, fucking his face as your rode out your orgasm, nails curling onto Jungkook’s chest.
Jungkook moaned in his sleep, breathy and deep.
The sound brought you back to reality and you jerked your hand away, startled at you were touching him. Yoongi lapped at your pussy leisurely before straightening. You turned your head to see his very self-satisfied expression.
“Looks like dream Jungkook liked that,” Yoongi smirked.
You shook your fist at him. “I touched him!” you whispered angrily.
Yoongi looked unbothered. “A tragedy.”
You pushed yourself off the bed and stepped towards him, legs tangled in your panties. You irritably kicked them off before poking Yoongi in the chest. Now you were only in your red skirt.
“What was that for, huh?” you whispered heatedly.
Yoongi grinned. “Fun.”
He took you by the waist and pulled you to him, kissing you deeply. Now you could taste yourself and the whiskey, sweet and bitter, mixed with Yoongi’s lust as he led you with him. He pushed you back onto the bed, kissing you eagerly, smiling, making you smile too because Yoongi was so much fun, so naughty, and you would never know it from his usual bored expression when he was out in public.
Yoongi undid his jeans as you reached into his back pocket for his wallet, squeezing his ass as you did so. You took the condom out, still kissing him, still licking his lips, unwrapping it. He pushed his clothes down, freeing his cock and you rolled the condom down, moaning as your felt his hard length in your hands.
“Right here?” you murmured against his lips.
“Fuck yes,” Yoongi drawled. “Right next to your favorite drunkard, Jeon Jungkook.”
You laughed. “Alright, he’s annoying, but he’s not a drunkard.”
Yoongi thrust into you and you whined in pleasure, raising your hips to meet him. A playful smirk danced on his lips as he began to roll his hips into you.
“He’s not, but he is today and so I’m going to take advantage of it,” he panted, fucking you nice and slow and perfect, making sure to stretch you out, filling every part of you with his cock.
“Ah, Yoongi, you’re so good,” you gasped, tightening around him, heightening the pleasure. “Such a nice dick.”
He grinned wickedly. “Excuse me, I think you mean the best dick you’ve ever had.”
You smiled back, meeting his hips, slapping them together and making a deliciously sloppy wet smack. “You’re right, the best dick I’ve ever had.”
Jungkook rolled over a bit, exhaling serenely.
Yoongi dipped his head against your ear, moaning softly as he increased the pace, fucking you hard into Jungkook’s bed. “Think he can hear us?”
You chuckled. “You want him to hear us.”
“No,” Yoongi replied, far too mischievously to mean it. “But maybe he should, because your pussy sounds sexy as fuck.”
You sucked in a breath as Yoongi pounded you, falling back a little so your tits bounced. Yoongi’s dark eyes flickered down to you, sparkling with appreciation as you bit your lip, flicking and pulling on your nipples lightly, heightening the pleasure.
“I’m close,” he groaned. “Squeeze me harder.”
You did, tightening your core and he threw his head back, moaning silently as his hips slammed into yours, once, twice, and he came, loud smack of your hips meeting and his cock throbbing into your walls, spurting his cum into the condom and making it swell inside you. You exhaled hotly upwards, tipping your head back, Yoongi’s name drifting out of your lips in bliss.
He just felt so good.
It might not have a name, but it didn’t need one, because Yoongi’s eyes found yours and there was only ecstasy, perfect, lovely, wicked ecstasy of the mighty who had already fallen.
Jungkook woke up immensely groggily, head pounding, his sense of space and time completely and utterly fucked.
But he wasn’t dead, so… yay?
He frowned and rolled over. He was in a soft place. A bed. He breathed in deep. His bed. Nice. But he smelled something else. Jungkook squinted. He could see someone. He touched his chest, finding his shirt still on, barely. He still had his pants on. Oh, good. He didn’t accidentally lose his virginity in a drunken stupor.
He recognized that large pale hand. Jungkook frowned again, squinting harder. Yoongi-hyung? But the hand was over a pair of soft breasts, squeezing them together.
“N-noona?” Jungkook croaked.
You reached over and placed a hand over Jungkook’s eyes.
“Go back to sleep, Jungkook. You need to sleep.”
That’s true. Jungkook did need to sleep. This was probably just a dream anyway. No way Yoongi-hyung and noona were naked in his bed, tangled in his blankets. That would be nuts. Totally crazy. Jungkook drifted back into slumber, softly snoozing away.
second act. dreaming in reality a–dick–ted au
extended playlist where did the party go by fall out boy the mighty fall by fall out boy
860 notes · View notes
agustdakasuga · 4 years
Between The Bloodshed | Chapter 4
Genre: Mafia!AU, Angst, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Doctor!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Being a freelance doctor, this was just supposed to be any other job, helping a private client and taking care of him through his recovery. But you were not expecting to get caught in something so much darker that would change your life entirely.
What was supposed to be a nice night out, hanging and getting to know the boys, became much worse and now, you don’t know if you should continue to keep your distance from them or not. 
Warning: This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. It may contain depictions of violence, blood shed/ gore and mentions of abuse. Please read at your own discretion. Chapter warning: reader gets assaulted
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There were three driven vans that the boys separated to. You looked between the 3, not sure where to go. 
“Me, me. You’re supposed to be taking care of me.” Jimin hooked arms with you, dragging you to his van with Jungkook. Taehyung went with Hoseok while Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin rode together. Jungkook and Jimin sat in the middle two seats while you sat in the third row. 
“Ready to get sh-wasted?” Jungkook grinned. 
“Not with you guys. If I have to take care of 7 drunk babies, I’m leaving. Alone.” You scoffed with your arms crossed. Jimin threw his head back in laughter while Jungkook gave you a flat look. 
“So where are we going?” You asked. 
“Jin hyung’s place.” Jimin replied. You still had no idea what Jin’s place of work was but considering it was dinner, you would assume that it was a restaurant.
“We’re here.” Jimin announced and the van door opened. You stepped out and looked up at the big building. The word ‘Epiphany’ was lighted up on the sign. Suited men surrounded you, Jungkook and Jimin. The doormen bowed to the 3 of you, opening the double doors for you to enter. You were greeted by a room with many tables.
“Stay close.” Jungkook said softly and you nodded. Looking ahead, you saw Yoongi, Jin and Namjoon walking in front. 
“Don’t worry, doc. We won’t be playing tonight. We’re just here to eat.” He smirked. You followed them into a luxurious restaurant, where you were led further into a private dining room. 
“I’ll admit, of all the places that we could have gone for dinner, I wasn’t exactly expecting to come to a casino.” You turned to Jin.
"We’re just here for dinner.” Jin shrugged as he pulled a chair out for you to sit. 
“Do you play cards, doc?” Taehyung asked.
“I was taught by my dad. But I don’t play regularly.” You explained as wine was served at the table. This time, you didn’t stop the servers from filling your glass. Technically, you weren’t working anymore and it was a fancy place so you didn’t mind drinking just a little bit.  
“Anything you fancy?” Hoseok asked as you looked through the menu. Of course, it was very fancy dishes. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll order for you.” Jin winked. You raised an eyebrow. 
“I didn’t exactly ask for help but I guess, you are the owner of this place.” You chuckled. Jin smiled at your reply, not expecting anything less from your reply. He raised his hand to the manager. 
“Yes, sir.” The manager gave a deep bow as he stood beside Jin. You traced the rim of your wine glass as Jin gave him the orders. The wine was nice, fancy just like this place. 
“Psycho-analysing again?” Namjoon chuckled. 
“I’m off duty, Namjoon. Merely observing the architecture while I enjoy the wine.” You grinned. He nodded his head, lifting his glass up to you. You did the same, clinking your glass gently against his. Someone cleared their throat and you saw Jimin holding his glass out to you as well. You laughed, clinking glasses with him.
“Care for a few rounds at the table later?” Namjoon offered. 
“We’ll see.” You shrugged. 
“I promise we won’t take that much money from you.” He raised an eyebrow with a teasing smile on his face. You scoffed but didn’t say anything else as the food was served. 
“Tuna ceviche.” The cloche was opened, revealing the beautifully plated dish. You grabbed the cutlery and began to dig in. The food was definitely good and the ingredients had a high class quality to them. You took a few bites and sipped the wine. 
“How has it been working with us? It’s almost the end of your first week here.” Jungkook asked. 
“It’s okay.” You shrugged. 
“In other words, we’re too boring for you.” Yoongi scoffed with a roll of his eyes. You grinned, shooting finger guns at him with a wink, to which he replied with a flat look. 
“Of course, my Yoonie knows me best.” You smiled. Yoongi glared at you. Now that you knew he hated nicknames, all the more you wanted to use them. 
“Would you like us to get injured more?” Taehyung asked. 
“If possible, yes please.” You nodded your head. Hoseok and Jimin burst out laughing at your curt reply. Of course, you were a ‘healthcare professional’ so you weren’t suppose to be wishing that your clients needed more medical help. But Jimin’s injury earlier today at ‘Serendipity’ was the first real medical emergency the family had. 
“I’m going to the washroom. Excuse me.” You stood up, folding your napkin neatly and placing it on the back of your chair neatly. 
“Let me bring you.” Jin followed suit. 
“No need. I saw it on the way in.” You waved him off. You grabbed your phone and left the dining room. The washroom was just not far and you were able to walk there without being surrounded by guards. 
“Hey.” Someone called out to you when you came out. You turned to see an unfamiliar face there. He leaned against the wall, a smirk on his face. 
“I’m talking to you.” He said. 
“And I’m walking away from you.” You gave a backwards wave as you continued to make your way. But he grasped your arm to stop you. You spun around, ready to hit him. 
“Nuh uh.” He caught your wrist. 
“I saw you coming in with the owner and his friends. You must be close to them.” He stated. You frowned at his statement, yanking your wrist away from him but his grip on your arm was tight, making you bit your lip. You weren’t going to outwardly show that you were in pain from him. 
“I’m just an employee.” You glared. 
“And how many people have fallen for that lie?” He chuckled. 
“Whatever business you have with them, doesn’t concern me. You’re wasting time coming after me.” You said. His smile dropped at what you said, turning into an angry frown. 
“You little-” 
The male couldn’t even finish his sentence before he was knocked off his feet. You jumped in shock, feeling your heart pound against your chest. Turning your head slowly, you saw Jungkook standing there. 
“Next time, just let us accompany you when we offer.” Jungkook whispered in your ear, putting an arm around you. You didn’t even realise how much you were trembling. You and Jungkook watched your harasser stand on his feet, obviously enraged. Jungkook hid you behind him but held your hand to keep you calm. 
“You’ll pay for that Jeon Jungkook.” He glared
“Brave of you to pull this in Jin hyung’s place. Shallow of you to try and come after her.” Jungkook growled. 
“Shallow? Or smart?” The male chuckled as he stood back up, rubbing his aching jaw where Jungkook had punched him.
“What’s going on here?” New voices came and you saw the other 6 standing there. Jin had a deep frown on his face. They saw how you were pressed between Jungkook’s back and the wall. 
“Yoongi hyung, escort her out?” Namjoon asked. Yoongi nodded, meeting your eyes and holding his hand out to you. You shakily placed your hand in his. 
“Let’s go.” This was the first time you heard Yoongi speaking so softly to you. You followed him out. Even as the suited guards came to surround the two of you, Yoongi still held your hand. When you tried to turn back and look, Yoongi moved to put his good arm around your shoulders. 
“Don’t look.” Was all he said. He led you out and into the van. 
“W-What about-”
“Don’t worry about them. They’ll come later.” Yoongi told you as he waved his hand for the driver to start heading home. When the car arrived outside the property, you and Yoongi got out. 
“Go change and meet me here.” Yoongi said softly. You nodded, going to your room and peeling your dress off to change into comfortable clothes. 
“Fix her a cup of tea.” You heard Yoongi commanding as you came down. The maid quickly scurried away to make you a cup of tea. 
“I’m fine, Yoongi.” You said. 
“I don’t know if you’re trying to convince me or yourself. If it’s me, just know you’re a horrible liar. It’s okay to be shaken, (y/n). We know how tough you are, there’s nothing else to prove.” Yoongi raised an eyebrow, pouring a glass of whiskey for himself. You sat down next to him. The maid placed the cup of steaming tea on the table. 
“Thank you.” You whispered, leaning forward to take the cup in your hands. Yoongi sipped his whiskey, glancing at you from the corner of his eyes every now and then.
“Why didn’t you scream for help?” Yoongi asked. 
“I didn’t know if he was going to be dangerous. He was more interested in my association to all of you rather than me as a person.” You sighed. 
“I know.” Yoongi said. You stared at him with wide eyes. He didn’t even same affected by what happened. Now that you think about it, none of the boys did. It almost seemed normal to them. 
“We’ll speak tomorrow, you should go to bed. It’s been a long night.” Yoongi finished the rest of his whiskey. 
“Goodnight, Yoongi.” You also finished the rest of your tea, placing the empty cup down. You stood up, only to be pulled into an awkward side hug. Yoongi hugged you, letting you press your face against his shoulder. His one arm squeezed your waist. 
“You’re okay.” He whispered. You shook, fighting the tears that threatened to fall. Yoongi stayed there, letting you find security and warmth in his embrace. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t apologise.” Yoongi stroked the back of your head. After much deliberation, you pulled away and headed up to your room. Just as Yoongi heard your room door close, the front door opened. 
“Hyung.” Jimin called. 
“She just went up.” Yoongi informed, bringing his empty glass to the bar and pouring more whiskey in. 
“How is she?” Hoseok asked worriedly. 
“Shaken. But she’ll be okay.” Yoongi replied, closing the glass decanter and placing it back on the shelf. Namjoon came to get himself a drink too. Taehyung came in last, yawning tiredly.
“You’re dirtying the ground with that thing.” Jin nodded over to what the younger had in his hands. Taehyung rolled his eyes, heading up to his room. The staff of the house didn’t need to be told twice as they cleaned the ground that Taehyung dirtied with his entrance. The boys all split up to shower and change out of their soiled clothes. 
“Meeting in the conference room.” Namjoon said and everyone gathered inside. Jungkook locked the door after everyone entered. 
“We have to tell her tomorrow.” Yoongi said, leaning back in his chair. 
“Without a doubt.” Jungkook added with a nod. 
“Consensus?” Namjoon looked to the rest. Taehyung just shrugged, leaving the decision up to the majority. Hoseok and Jin nodded their heads in agreement while Jimin seem to ponder for a while. 
“What’s wrong, Chim?” 
“She’s going to leave.” Jimin said softly. 
“We already knew from the start that this can happen. We’ll tell her everything and whether she wants to stay or not is up to her.” Jin crossed his arms. Jimin and Hoseok sighed, they weren’t shy to admit that they considered you a good friend in the time you’ve been here. 
You couldn’t sleep. You sat up in bed, looking at the time before slipping out of bed with your slippers. Heading to Kookie’s cage, you bent down and saw him still blinking at you. 
“Can’t sleep either?” You cooed as he hopped forward to sniff your hand. 
“Come on.” Opening the cage, you carried him up and left the room. Kookie looked around curiously while he stayed perched in your arms. 
“This is my office, Kookie.” You turned on the lights. Placing Kookie down, you let him explore the place while you sat at your desk. Chuckling, you watched Kookie sniff everything curiously. 
“Come here, you. Don’t go missing on me.” You placed him on your desk, stroking his back as you read to try and tired yourself out. Thankfully, the boring medical book managed to work as you were there for two hours before you started falling asleep. That was when you decided to call it a night, closing the book and putting it aside.
“Time for bed, Kookie.” You yawned and held Kookie in your arms. Leaving your office, you retreated back into your room to turn in for the rest of the night.
By the time you woke up, it was almost noon. You brushed your teeth and changed into more presentable clothes. 
“Good morning, Kookie.” You went to his cage. Kookie jumped around, following you down, excepting when you helped him down the stairs. You made your coffee and fed Kookie. 
“The masters are waiting for you in the dining room, doctor.” The butler informed. You stopped drinking your coffee. 
“Thanks.” You nodded your head. After Kookie finished eating, you held him in your arms and headed to the familiar dining room. The boys were chatting but stopped when you appeared at the door way. You bowed your head and walked in, going to your seat.
“Good morning.” You greeted, placing Kookie down to roam. 
“(y/n), we had a meeting last night. And with the events that happened, we thought that we should tell you a bit more about our family.” Namjoon started. You bit the inside of your cheek. 
“I’m sure you would have guessed. But I’ll just tell you that we do business in the underworld.” He informed. 
“I see...” Was all you could really say. 
“You don’t have to be afraid, you’re here to work for us, you don’t have to worry about being harmed around us.” Yoongi said. You nodded your head, as if that was any consolation. 
“But unfortunately, we can’t say the same for those outside the house. You understand the dangers that come with this lifestyle, take last night for example, those kinds of things happen on a regular basis.” Hoseok sighed. You bit your lip, maybe you over reacted with what happened last night. If it happened again, what would you do? 
“What’s going to happen to me...?”
“If you decide to stay, we will protect you, of course. You can trust us on that.” Jimin said. 
“That being said, we understand if you would like to nullify your contract with us and leave. Don’t think about us, think about what makes you comfortable. You don’t need to give us a reply now.” Namjoon said. 
“Okay. I’ll... think about it.” You told them as you finished up your breakfast. 
“You can take the day off.” Taehyung told you. 
“No, until I make my decision, I am still a worker here under a contract. I’ll be in my office if anyone needs me.” You stood up. When you saw Kookie sitting in Jungkook’s lap, you decided to leave him and headed out of the awkward dining room. 
You made yourself another iced coffee before heading to your office. You sat down and turned on your computer. There were some emails from hospitals and your mother, which you ignored for now.
Search: ‘Serendipity Park Jimin’
Jimin’s face appeared. He was smiling, posing for a red carpet photo at some charity event. Related to his page, were the profiles of the 6 others.
‘All ranked in the youngest, richest entrepreneurs, these 7 young men from South Korea remain a force to be reckoned with. This is shown by the net worth of their individual companies and joined ventures with one another. The 7 were last seen at Korea’s annual winter gala, an invite-only prestigious charity ball, giving big donations.’
You read through the few articles about them. Of course, the public only spoke good things about them. They probably had just as much power as the government. 
“Come in.” You replied, quickly closing the search windows. Taehyung came in, his house slippers shuffling against the ground. He sat on the bed. 
“Can I help you?” You tilted your head. 
“Nope.” He popped the ‘p’ and looked out the window, swinging his legs back and forth. You nodded your head slowly, beginning to reply to the emails that were in your inbox. Taehyung was one of the ones you weren’t sure if you were friends with, the other was Namjoon. 
“Wanna play a game?” Taehyung asked. You blinked at him like he had grown two heads or something. 
“I’m working...” You said, gesturing to the computer. 
“Work, work, work. That’s boring!” Taehyung grasped your wrist to pull you up. You let out a loud gasp as you body seized up. Taehyung’s eyes widened in shock as he let you go. You stumbled backwards, crashing to the ground. 
“(y/n)-” Taehyung reached out to help you. 
“No. I-I’m okay. Sorry.” You frowned, keeping your head down. The door opened and you turned your head to see more people there. 
“We heard a crash, is everything okay?” You heard Jin’s voice of concern. They headed over and saw you on the ground with Taehyung standing there, staring at you in shock, probably thinking that he hurt you.
“What happened, Tae?” Jimin asked his best friend. He headed over to where you were still situated, putting his hands underneath your arms to hoist you up and sit you back down on your chair. 
“I...I...” For the first time, you’ve never seen Taehyung so flustered or speechless. He was usually confident and had a way with words. 
“It’s not his fault. You didn’t hurt me, Taehyung. It’s just... I need to get over what happened yesterday. And when you grabbed me, I just freaked out. But it’s not your fault.” You said to the male. His eyes were now focused on something else. You followed his gaze to your wrist, gasping and quickly pulling your sleeve down. 
“(y/n).” Namjoon stepped forward. 
“I’m okay.” You assured. Namjoon wasn’t buying it. He held his hand out to you and you stared at it. You sighed in defeat, placing your hand in his. He slowly pulled your sleeve up. 
“Was this from yesterday?!” Jungkook screeched at your black-blue wrist. You nodded, ashamed. 
“And you told me you weren’t hurt.” Yoongi shook his head. 
“It’s not a big deal. I can handle it. It’s just a small bruise.” You shrugged. Hoseok went to grab the first aid kit and Jin help with placing the healing balm over it, wrapping it up with a gauze after. 
“You shouldn’t work for the rest of the day. You should ice it and just rest.” Hoseok frowned. You didn’t like it, you hated being babied and seen as weak.
“We know how tough you are, there’s nothing else to prove.”
What Yoongi said to you last night came back to you. 
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Charming Girl (J.JK x Reader) 🎀☁️💜🔞
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Good Girl!AU, Angst (a bit), Fluff, Smut of course because I can’t write anything normal these days smh
Warnings: Koo has a fight with his GG and says some mean things, Taehyung has a brief appearance and it’s actually all sfw and fluffy but he curses a lot so beware, smut, usage of toys (a vibrator to be specific), manhandling/restriction of movement, GG swallows because y’all should empty the plate when the meal is good, Mentions of past infidelity and overall toxic relationship, there’s a scene where Jk spits in GGs mouth, pls don’t judge lmao
Summary: Jungkook really didn’t mean to say the things he did. He’s not even sure how his brain could even come up with such hurtful things; yet he did, and now, knowing that you’ve taken shelter in Taehyungs apartment out of all places, he’s forced to clean up his mess- and for the first time he can’t ask you for help.
Good Girl || Sweet Girl || Smart Girl || Brave Girl || Pretty Girl || Charming Girl || Enticing Girl
Taglist: @sweetenedcooky @ggukkieland @btsismybias22 @darkgvk @daddypkj @flowerprincess24 @crazylittlemay @zeharilisharaban @teresaisla @tangledsparkles
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You had everything planned out. You even thought about making an entire PowerPoint presentation on why this was a good idea, why this should be done immediately; yet you decided against it, simply planning on explaining it to him the traditional way instead of overdoing it. This was technically his apartment after all, you were simply living with him and sharing rent and space.
Ever since you were small, your family had pets. Your parents had a dog that died sadly when you were young, later on you got your own pet; a guinea pig named Harold, whom you had all throughout your childhood. Harold died of old age when you were barely 14, and you felt as if your heart had been ripped out and buried in your yard instead of the small Tricoloured body. Ever since then you had promised yourself to get another pet when you were older.
When you had your first relationship, it lasted for a year or so, your ex had never wanted a pet. He'd complained that it was as if he was getting a child- and that he wasn't ready to be a dad yet. So you never got one during that time, even though time and space were there.
Now at 22, you had the space and time (and money most importantly), yet you didn’t have the approval of your dear housemate and boyfriend living with you. You didn’t really think it would be an issue honestly; he’d always been an animal lover- so you couldn’t quite understand the situation you got yourself in.
„But look, I’m gonna do all the work, I’ll only have them in my room, you won’t even notice they’re there!“ you whined, walking after him out of the kitchen. You knew you were being a little childish; he’d said two times already that no, not right now, and no, because no. He couldn’t quite give you a full answer that could satisfy you, and you had already noticed that he was grumpy, but you had grown so safe around him that you didn’t spot the warning signs.
„God y/n can you please sh-...“ he inhaled, rubbing a hand over his face, trying to calm himself. „Please, not now. I’m really not in the mood.“ he said, and you pouted at him. Usually he would find it cute, but right now he was too riled up to really let his vision lead his thoughts. He’d recently started to get more and more agitated whenever he came home, always tired and frustrated. And he didn’t tell you what it was, so maybe that had fueled your pettiness towards him.
„Well tomorrow you’re gonna be grumpy too!“ you said, raising your hands, before facing him. „If you can’t tell me why not then I’m doing it anyways! I’m not just going to blindly do what you want just because-„ you said, but he suddenly snapped, voice way more forceful than yours, making you back off a bit.
„Yeah well if you would do what I said you wouldn’t be standing here throwing a tamper tantrum like a fucking toddler!“ he yelled, taking your opening mouth as another attempt in trying to persuade him. You actually however, wanted to apologize. Those words died down inside your throat when his next left his lips. „Can’t you act your age just for a second? I’m really into fucking you, but also acting like a father isn’t on my list of favorites, thank you very much-„
It was almost comical how his own voice slowly lost volume and tune at the end of his sentence, as soon as he saw the way your eyes widened, face evolving into a look of something he never wanted to see, let alone because of him; it was a look of betrayal, hurt, and even shame- because deep down he knew there was a spark of honesty in between his words, but he also knew that this was you, this was something you couldn’t control. And he’d just used these insecurities and flaws against you.
Your delicate hands suddenly clenched, creating small but angry fists, unraveling just to weakly Push his chest, eyes suddenly swimming with frustrated water that trickled down your cheeks. He just stood there frozen, forced to watch how you stormed away into your room, not even his bedroom you two had been sharing these nights, and he still stood in the exact same spot when you emerged again with your small pink sportsbag, rushing past him and leaving his apartment with nothing more than the lingering scent of you, and the suffocating feeling of his own voice still heavy in the air. A chuckle escaped him, lacking any form of happiness or humor as he began to sob into his hand trying to keep his emotions inside. The wall next to him cracked loudly as his knuckles came in contact with it; breaking skin and wall the same, yet the pain he felt inside his soul was greater than the sting of his scratched up hand.
Right now, Jeon Jungkook really hated himself.
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You didn’t have high hopes honestly, and as the door opened, you only looked at the mismatched socks of the older friend of Jungkook. Alex didn‘t have an own apartment, and you honestly didn’t have enough money to stay at a hotel, so Taehyung had been the only option left. You had his number still, and he’d answered to your text that he was home; yet you still had some worry down your throat that he wouldn’t let you in. He simply opened the door fully, leading you inside, and showing you were to hang your jacket and leave your shoes.
His apartment wasn’t huge, but it was nice; you didn’t expect what you saw at all. It was warm, it smelled nice- not like your own home of course, but you’d expected his living space to be a bit more.. chaotic. He was quiet, walking into the kitchen and pouring two cups of something, before placing them down on his living room table. Here and there you could spot small things that showed he lived there; his Juul on the windowsill next to his balcony door, polaroids taped onto the wall, or his sweater halfheartedly thrown over the couch. You sat down on the edge of said seating place, your pink socks running over his light wood laminate. It was scratched, showed that he’d moved the furniture a couple of times since he lived here. Your eyes snapped towards the soft looking slippers he tossed next to your feet, shoe size way too small to be his. „My uhm-„ he scratched his head a bit before actually looking a bit shy. „My girlfriend she.. her feet get cold easily on my flooring so uhm, you can use these.“ he said, and for the first time you actually looked at him. His red hair was gone, dyed pitch black, a little curly too- it suited him well, you decided. „Ah yeah I- Guess I wanted a change.“ he said, going into the kitchen to shut down the lights before sitting down, looking at you. „So.. trouble in paradise huh?“ he said, taking a sip of his cup, eyes watching you.
You felt your eyes sting again, and Taehyubg Shuffle around in his spot. “I just..” you said, before reaching for the mug, hands uncaring of the hot temperature seeping into your skin, taking it as a punishment in a weird way. “I didn’t think About him you know? I mean, he told he he likes to take care of me but.. maybe he changed his mind?“ you said, shrugging your shoulders and sighing. „Sorry to invade like that too..“ tryout mumbled, back arching as if to cower. Taehyung clicked his tongue, crossing his legs.
„You’re Not, don’t worry.“ he said, setting his cup down with a crack against the table. His hands were so different from Jungkooks you noticed; fingers longer and thinner, nails wide. He was a tall person, so it made sense. „Jungkook can be.. difficult.“ he said, leaning his head on his hand. „He doesn’t show it but he’s clumsy. That combined with his usefulness when it comes to apologizing doesn’t really make a good mix.“ he admitted, smirking a bit as his phone lit up from the table, showing a notification from Jungkook, before vibrating a bit again and again, stopping at the count of 12. he didn’t comment on it, but continued. „I don’t think he meant what he said in a bad way. I guess he’s having a bad day, which doesn’t make it better honestly.“ he shrugged, and you bit your lip. „Also lean back a bit will ya? You look like you’re about to break a bone.“ he said, and you sat down more properly.
„I’m worried Taehyung.“ you said. „He.. I really like him, but I’m so scared he’ll get tired of me.“ you mumbled, finally taking a sip, hot chocolate swishing over your tongue, liquid warming your throat as you swallowed. „They all do.“ you whispered into the cup, and Taehyung got serious.
„Have you’ve been in a relationship before?“ he asked, and you nodded.
„Hmhm.. he cheated when he noticed I wanted to wait longer than he did. He stayed with me though because I paid for dinner. His words by the way.“
Taehyung laughed humorously, giving you a look of empathy. „Dickhead.“ he said. „Listen, Jungkook doesn’t know how relationships work. He’s horrible at it honestly, worse than me.“ he said, laughing a bit. „He doesn’t know jackshit about stuff, so you gotta teach him.“ he said. „I’m honestly surprised you both are together at all. Cause he knows this, and he never continues in things he’s bad at.“ you nodded at this. Though he knew Jungkook way longer than you did, you also knew this small detail about him. You'd wondered several times before, but you've never asked him openly about his actual dating history. If you were honest you didn't even knew if he had one to begin with. Maybe he'd always been like he was before you? You couldn't know. "What I'm trying to say is-" Taehyung said, breaking the silence, before standing up and patting your head a bit playfully to cheer you up. "Give it time. Don't try and fix things this time; let him do the work for once. God knows he needs a slap in the face once in a while, you've been babying him too much." He laughed, and you actually smiled as well. Maybe you really did need to wait. After all, his words had hurt deep down in your soul, leaving you embarrassed and insecure- he should get his cut of the cake as well. Sharing is caring, and all that.
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Whatever the fuck that was he did that night, it definitely hadn't been sleeping, that much was clear to him. He honestly looked like shit, he'd been told at work, and after several hours of snapping at his coworkers because of his headache, he'd been sent home for the rest of the remaining day, leaving him to visit his local doc and calling in sick for the last two days of the week. He highly doubted that he'd gain enough energy to really get anything done- having made mistakes over and over again today, leaving him with a feeling of uselessness. And the worst part?
Coming home.
Now usually, this would be his favorite part; he'd lay his head onto your lap while you looked at something on your laptop in the living room, or he'd get to catch you silently humming along a song on your phone while you cooked something. But he'd fucked things up these days, so his apartment had gotten a stale aftertaste as he walked through his door, nothing greeting him but silence. The lights were off, darkness swallowing the rooms until he switched them on. Has his lights always been so cold? He never noticed anymore whenever you were there.
He knew he was supposed to do something, but exactly that was the issue. He didn't knew what- because even if he asked you for forgiveness, it wouldn't make up for the crack that he'd seen in your eyes, not to mention how he didn't feel like he deserved it at all. He knew you would accept his apology as soon as he'd say it to you, and that made it so much worse for him. He couldn't even start to imagine how easy prey you were for men- and not in any way good.
This had become an issue over time. He felt like he had to protect you from everything it seemed, yet he also wanted you to become more independent- but there was the issue. He was actually scared. Because if you started to become less and less dependent on him,
would you still want him, if you didn't need him?
This had been a question riling him up greatly. It popped up randomly in his head, making it hard to really think of anything else- because deep down there was this voice, telling him that no; as soon as you found the amount of confidence you should have, considering your angelic character in his eyes- you'd start to see what an actual asshole he was. He'd never understood what exactly you saw in him to begin with. Sure, he had the looks kind of, he knew that from the amount of flirty comments he'd get, but character wise he was an absolute garbage can. He was picky, needy of being held in high standards, he craved praise and recognition. He was selfish, wanted everything for himself, and hated sharing anything. He was too honest, swore way too much, and had a chaotic way of keeping track of things.
He'd punched the poor wall in the living room again last night, the remnants still lingering like a bleeding wound, white dust from the broken material scattered over the dark carpet. After he'd heard you went to Taehyung out of all people, he'd completely lost it- eventually falling asleep on the couch, crying like a toddler after a tantrum. Ironic, since he'd called you one, when in reality it seemed that he was the immature one in this relationship.
This time he simply let himself fall onto the couch, a stray blanket still crumpled up pathetically on the cushions, looking almost how he felt. He knew he should do something, but he couldn't get himself to- simply falling onto his side, just to fall asleep, dreams haunting him much worse than before without you there to soothe him.
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After staying with Taehyung and his Girlfriend for two days, you felt like you were intruding, in a way. You also didn't like to run away anymore, deciding to face whatever would be waiting for you at home. Jungkooks friend had driven you, asking if he should come upstairs with you but you had declined- this was something you needed to do by yourself.
To say the apartment was a mess was an understatement. Empty noodle cups on the kitchen counter, sink filled with dishes. The bathroom door was open, showing that he'd been showering just recently it seemed, yet the clothes on the floor made you wonder if it was in a hurry. Even though he was chaotic, Jungkook was never really messy in a way. But the way everything looked told a different story.
You also noticed just how dark it was. The curtains were closed, room stuffy from not airing out like you did every morning, and the couch looked like he slept on it. But why? Even if he felt bad, he could at least sleep in his own bed, you wondered.
But you also noticed the lack of the person in question.
Worried, you crept into the bedroom, not finding him there. What helped to ease your mind however was, that his open dresser was still filled with clothes- he didn't leave.
So wherever he was, maybe at work? You decided to clean up, and get things a bit more comfortable around the small apartment. He did tell you to be mature, after all.
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Opening the apartment door with a bit of struggle considering the items in his hands, he instantly noticed something different. Maybe it was the fresh air, the amount of light in the apartment, or the fact that soft music played in the background, dishes clattering in the kitchen. He slowly set down everything he'd bought, almost tip-toeing into his home, eyes widening upon your form standing in front of the sink, hands occupied inside soapy water. You didn't turn around, but he could see in the way you bit your lip that you'd noticed him already, yet chose not to look at him. You feared one look would be enough to set you off, make you cry, and you knew this would probably end up as something new he could complain about. Okay, maybe not, you knew he wouldn't, but you were so unsure how to act around him now that it just felt.. awkward.
And Jungkook hated it.
He chewed on his lip as well, moving to get the stuff he'd bought set up inside the living room, wordlessly working on setting down the doggy bed, placing the other bags filled with food and toys down as well. You couldn't help but peak around the corner, almost comically leaning behind the wall between the kitchen and living room, only showing a fraction of your face. Jungkook actually chuckled at the picture you posed to him as, although it did sting a bit that you seemed too cautious around him now to actually get closer. "Can you come over here for a second please?" He timidly asked, and you looked a bit hesitant, before eventually walking closer to him, sitting on the floor in front of him, with a bit of space keeping you both apart. He sighed, before lowering his head. "I.. You can't imagine how fucking sorry I am for what I said. I didn't.. I had no right to talk to you like that, and I really fucking regret it." He said, making you nod, not looking at him either, occupying yourself with a stray string of your sock that you'd accidentally put on inside out. "I'm just.. I dont know how to actually explain it without sounding like an ass, so I'll just.." He started, running a hand through his rather long hair. "I've been noticing how you started to change like, you're becoming so much more confident and I love it, I really do, but at the same time it absolutely terrifies me because-" He sighed, scratching his neck and hand reaching out to you, not really grabbing or anything, but simply brushing against your smaller hand with his finger. It was a pathetic gesture really, but he had to clear his throat again before he spoke. "The more you can stand up for yourself, the less you'll need me, and I.. I know I sound like an asshole but I need you to need me, I just.. I need to have you lean on me and like, make me do shit for you because I'm selfish, yeah, I'll admit it. I'm a fucking dick who needs to get his ego stroked and-" Suddenly your hand grabbed his, both hands running over his tattooed skin on the back of his, and he looked at you with the eyes of desperation written in capslock. You smiled at him, so understanding and warm that he felt like crying.
"I'll always need you Jungkookie." You said, scooting forward and straddling him, burying your head into his chest, inhaling the familiar scent of him as he wrapped his arms around you, his head in the crook of your neck. "Who's gonna kick someones butt when they bully me in PvP games?" You said, and he chuckled, laughing, and pulled you even closer for a moment before you pulled away from him, brushing his hair out of his eyes and intentionally messily wiping his eyes, making him grin and laugh before grabbing your wrists, kissing your nose, cheeks, your entire face before you gasped for air from laughing so hard, begging him to stop. "What do you-" You said, catching your breath. "What is all that though?" You asked, and he pulled out his phone out of his back pocket, sniffling still a bit as he tapped away on his cracked screen, before he showed you a picture of a small white puppy, pink tongue peaking out of its mouth as it looked at the camera. You squealed, before connecting the dots. The dog toys. The bags filled with food. "No way.." You said, eyes wide as he became a bit shy.
"I know you wanted something small, but.. I found her on our local shelter's website, and I met her yesterday. I thought, a dog could be a good addition-" He said, before you hugged him again, squealing into his chest and making him chuckle. "Don't let yourself be fooled though." His eyebrows raised as he playfully looked at you in a serious way. "She's your personal bodyguard- an absolute killer machine if someone gets too close, we already talked about that." And you had to snort at the image in your head, imagining Jungkook all serious talking to the white fluffy dog about guarding his owner. "We're getting here on Monday, so we got two more days to go until then." He said, and you nodded, not letting go of him. He ran his hand over your head, suddenly more serious again. "I really mean it though." You raised your head at that, looking at him questioningly. "I.. I really like how you are. Deep down I guess I know that you're actually the mature one in this, so I guess I at least want to feel as if I have the upper hand, you know?" He said, and you smiled at that.
"Well, you do though." You said, leaning your head to the side before toying with the hem of his shirt. He looked at you now, before you answered. "I still.. trust you." Your voice got a bit breathier, before you said your next sentence. "You can do all you want with me. I'm yours after all." And he groaned, letting his head fall back. "What?" You questioned amused.
"Don't say shit like that right now-" He whined, trying to force the image of the cute puppy into his head instead of you, lying underneath him in all your glory, ready for him to- nop, no no no, cute puppies, cute puppies. But you didn't understand his standpoint it seemed.
"But why though? Don't you.. you know, want to?" You said hesitantly.
He shook his head. "No, you know I kind of always want to but.. I don't want you to feel as if that's all I want." He said, looking stressed. You smiled again, leaning into him.
"I mean, that's not true. I know that." You answered, before getting a teasing spark inside your eyes. "Either that, or its so good that you go as far as to get me a cute puppy." You chuckled, and his eyes got just as impish as yours, hand smacking your behind in a playful way.
"Careful. You could charm anyone into buying you a dog with those eyes." He said, smirking. You grinned proudly, and he suddenly attacked your neck, lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder, the sound of your laughter music to his ears. He actually hadn't slept in his own bedroom solely because of the reason that he'd be tormented with the memories of you both, showing him almost mockingly what he'd almost lost. Now he didn't feel pressured anymore, he felt as if he was worthy enough to be in here, as weird as it sounded.
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Letting you fall onto the mattress, you giggled as you jumped a bit on it, making him grin as he crawled over your form, immediately attacking your lips in a searing kiss, not even asking for entrance at all, simply taking. He slowly grew more and more impatient, hands grabbing and running over your skin almost possessively as he growled out his displeasure about your choice of shelter. He didn't say it out loud because he had no right to talk about it, plus he was deep down grateful that you've spent the night there instead of somewhere else, but he hated the fact that you slept over at Taehyungs place. He knew you'd never be unfaithful, yet he couldn't help but feel insecure when you left, knowing that you could easily find someone else, someone better in his eyes than him. The time apart made him cherish you again in a new way, teeth biting your skin gently, leaving marks on your skin that would soon blossom beautifully in different shades. You mewled at that, his grin reappearing, before he opened his infamous drawer under his bedside table, taking something out that seemed to be still packaged. You looked curiously, yet turned all shades of pink when you saw what it was.
"Hm.. you like it princess?" He asked, opening the plastic and cardboard packaging of the device as you began to grow a little more restless at the sight of it. It appeared to be a vibrator of some sorts, coloring just the way you liked it- soft pink with white details, making you wonder how on earth something so sinful could also look so pretty. You'd never really cared for toys like that, but Jungkook had talked about maybe using them before. "Thought you'd like it." He said lowly. "You're gonna love it once I'm done with you." He promised, glad that he saw the small green LED light up- it luckily came pre-charged, so he could use it right away after he'd cleaned it with a babywipe. "Hm, lets see what it can do, yeah?" he huskily proposed, sitting on his legs in front of you. "Strip princess. Lemme' see my gorgeous baby." He said, and you started to undress just as he told you. You've long stopped feeling self-conscious around him after all the times he'd seen you, and he also always made sure to make you feel good about yourself, so you didn't hesitate anymore when it came to things like these.
As soon as you laid there, bare as the day you joined humanity, he used the tip of the toy to gather your slick between your legs, nudging against your very center, making you jump a bit at the foreign feeling. He smiled like the devil himself as he covered it in your own personal lubrication, before it entered you, making you sigh. It definitely couldn't match up to his own length, that was something you immediately noticed, but once he clicked a button, your whines started to sound in the room, making him smile at the view of your squirming form. Oh how long he'd imagined about this exact moment, the way you moved even more bewitching as he could've imagined to be. His mind tried to burn the image into its memory, the way your toes curled, your hands grabbed the sheets, or how your hips moved in a rhythm only you seemed to feel. "hmm, so sweet. You look absolutely divine like that pretty baby." He hummed, before turning the intensity up, making you gasp a bit. He chuckled, moving the vibrator around a bit so the additional small detail close to the switches and buttons pressed against your clit, making you huff out deliciously. He'd always been addicted to your sounds, the way you responded to him oh so well- he felt like he was watching a goddess unravel in his bed, as cheesy as it may sounded. The way you trusted him, gave yourself to him, let him control you like this- it made him feel as if he was on drugs, higher than he could ever get from any substance people used to cloud their minds with. He didn't need anything illegal or toxic to set himself free and let his mind reset back into place. Not when he had someone like you at his mercy, ready to be played with however he may wanted.
As his free hand moves to fondle your breast, kneading the flesh in an almost massaging way and kissing you silly, you yelled out his name as you came undone, breaking apart just to be put together by him later. Your mouth was open in a silent scream, and as he spotted the small strand of saliva still connecting you both he couldn't stop himself from letting a drop of his own fall onto your tongue, pupils dilating at the way you simply swallowed, uncaring how just plain dirty this entire tiny gesture just was. God he'd buy you an entire kennel full of dogs if it meant he'd get to see you like this, all his and his only. He decided to not enter you as you still whined from overstimulation, taking the toy out of you as you weakly reached for him, asking him to help you sit on a little. He helped you as you clumsily tokk him into your mouth, eyes closed and pace steady as he began to groan under his breath, brushing his hand through your hair as he fondly looked down onto your head, lips around him so perfectly that it didn't take him long to suddenly gasp out, giving him no time to warn you. Yet he only felt you swallow before letting him go, his tip sensitive making him hiss a bit, breathing heavy. "God you're perfect." He breathed out, kissing you feverishly as he slowly calmed down, laying on the bed, toy long forgotten on the floor next to the mattress.
You woke up as you felt something cold and weirdly damp against your inner thighs, spotting Jungkooks naked torso as he took out another babywipe, cleaning you with gentle movements. The soft smell of the wet tissues made you smile a bit, as Jungkook used one to clean himself up as well before joining you in bed again, pulling the covers over you. "I really mean it you know." He said, and you hummed questioningly. "I know I don't say it very often if at all but.." he looked at your face with fondness, before he pulled you closer again, letting you rest your head on his bare chest. "I really love you." He said silently, and you smiled, kissing his skin as he placed one to your shoulder, his hand running along your spine.
"I really love you too, Jungkookie." You said, before falling asleep, content and happy in his arms.
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"I can't wait to see you holding the pink leash of the cute little princess."
"Do you mean the dog or you? Because I wouldn't mind holding eithe- OW, WHY DID YOU HIT ME?!"
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nepenthendline · 4 years
S/O having an epileptic seizure - Tendou, Koganeawa, Tanaka, Goshiki, Sugawara and Aone
My medical degree coming in handy here lol, this technically counts as studying, right? Also I’m going to cover a range of different seizures and that they are aware of your epilepsy, so I hope that’s ok! These are all going to be mini drabbles!
I just want to say I don’t have much experience with epileptic seizures besides studying them, so I hope this is realistic enough, I put a lot of effort into it 💞💞
Request: idk how many characters you accept so i’m sorry if this is too many!! but could you do tendou, koganeawa, tanaka, goshiki, sugawara and aone with a s/o who has epilepsy and has a seizure when they’re hanging out? :)
Seizure types covered: Atonic, Complex Focal, Tonic, Tonic Clonic, Absence and Myclonic
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Tendou - Atonic Seizure:
The two of you were sitting in his bed, cuddled up to each other while watching a show on his laptop. You had both spent all day studying so this time was for the two of you to relax together, pushing through the tiredness. His arms were loosely wrapped around you as you leaned on his shoulder, breathing his scent. 
As his fingers were brushing over your skin, he felt your body stiffen suddenly, before going limp and falling forwards. Since he always paid close attention to you, he was able to quickly move the laptop out of the way, allowing your head to safely land in his lap. He knew you weren’t in pain, or that you would probably even remember this moment, but it still sent his heart racing every time he witnessed a seizure. Brushing your hair away from your face, he pulled the blanked closer, covering your body to keep you warm. 
It was only a few moments before you opened your eyes again, blinking and looking around the room in confusion, but he was instantly there to comfort you. 
“It’s alright, sweetheart, you’re safe. You can lay there for a little longer, ok?” He gently spoke, caressing your arm as you settled back into his touch, still trying to regain your senses. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled, reaching out to pull the forgotten laptop closer and set your eyes back on the screen once more. He let out a light chuckle before speaking.
“Sh, you don’t need to apologise. Although, if you didn’t want to watch the show, you could have just said so,” he teased with a smirk, laughing as you swat his leg in protest. 
Koganegawa - Tonic Seizure:
You didn’t know too much about playing volleyball, but Koganegawa always begged you to play with him, often resulting in you both throwing the ball back and forth with him showing off a great deal. 
He was trying to teach you how to spike, setting the ball to you in different places as you did your best to jump high and slam it down. You’d miss multiple times, turning to him with a pout as he laughed, but he gave you a thumbs up and a ‘good job’ no matter how badly you did, all with a beaming smile on his face. 
You were motivated to learn though, for him, and once again threw the ball up over his head, ready to set to you. After tossing the ball in the air, your body went stiff and your vision blackened as you fell backwards.
As his arms rose to direct the ball to you, he took a glance in your direction and saw you crumble to the floor. His quick reflexed kicked in, lunging towards you in an attempt to catch you with wide eyes and a pounding in his chest, although he didn’t reach fast enough as he heard the thud from your head making contact with the ground below. Before he could call out to you, your eyes slowly opened again, as you raised an arm to rub the back of your sore head. 
“Are you ok? Are you hurt? Do I need to call someone?” He frantically asked, putting his arms around you, aiding you as you pulled yourself forward to sit up, groaning a little at the slight throbbing in your head.
“I’m fine, it’s ok, I just hit my head a little hard,” you reassure him, taking the hand that was held out in front of you to help you stand. Coming behind you, he, gently, moved your hair and checked over your head, letting out a sigh of relief when he saw no major damage. His hands dropped to your sides, holding you steady as he pecked the top of your head. 
“Ah, you’re so brave. I’ll get you some ice cream on the way home, that always makes me feel better when I get hurt.”
Tanaka - Absence Seizure:
After a long day of walking around town, visiting different shops and eating at a cute cafe, you were on the train coming back home, settled closely to Tanaka as he held your hand tightly. 
He was talking away about the tournaments the Karasuno team had coming up soon, discussing all the strong players they needed to face and telling you stories from their practices. 
As he spoke, you couldn’t help but admire him, smiling away as you watched how passionately he talked, how his carved jaw moved and the way he eyes seemed so piercing. After every sentence or so, he’d give you a grin back, squeezing your hand as you nodded along with his story. 
“You’ve seen what Hinata’s like though, he’s crazy, right?” He asked with a laugh, looking at you for your reaction, although he didn’t hear your voice reply to him, nor did he see your sweet smile. Your face had turned limp as you stared beside him, unaware of his focus on you. He stopped speaking, carefully watching over you and stroked the back of your hand with his thumb. 
It was only a couple seconds before your eyes snapped back to his, opening your mouth before closing it again and swallowing, “sorry, could you repeat that?” 
He simply gave you a smile and kissed your cheek, before carrying on with his story, where you trained your eyes and thoughts on him once more.
Goshiki - Myclonic Seizure
You often had to remind your boyfriend to study since his brain was filled with volleyball 99% of the time, so you tended to study together regularly during the week, allowing you to both get work done while also spending time with each other. 
You sat across from him at the table, pen in hand as your eyes dragged over the textbook in front of you. Gazing over towards Goshiki, you giggled to yourself as his expression - his teeth had a firm grip on his lower lip, and his eyebrows where tightly knotted together as he stared down at the page, furiously scribbling answers, before crossing them out again. Reaching over, you brushed your fingers on his knuckles, grabbing his attention. 
“Take it easy, do you need a hand with a question?” You asked, still trying to hold back your smile as his cheeks flushed a little. 
“Uh, yeah. I don’t know how to solve this equation,” he muttered, pointing to a string of numbers and letters on the page. You were about to lean over to look, when your arm suddenly spasmed, launching your pen across the room, hitting the floor with a loud clunk. It continued to jolt a couple more times, before your body relaxed. 
Goshiki looked at you with widened eyes, unsure of what to do. “A-are you ok?” He asked timidly, watching as you looked away. 
“Yeah, m’fine,” you murmured, getting up to grab your pen, however he stood up first, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“It’s ok, I’ve got it,” he spoke, picking up the pen and passing it to you. Sitting back in his seat, he noticed the way you fiddled with your pen and kept your head down, avoiding looking his way. 
Taking a deep breath, he reached forward and grabbed your hand. “You don’t need to worry about it, it doesn’t bother me at all.” His voice was quiet but you could tell he was genuine, especially by the squeeze of his warm hand on yours.
Sugawara - Complex Focal Seizure:
Lazy days were a common date for you two - spending your day huddled in each others arms watching movies, talking or playing games. You had both been craving cookies, so you made your way to the kitchen, shuffling through the cupboards for ingredients to bake your own. 
Sugawara was in charge of handing you the ingredients as you stirred and sifted them into the bowl, dipping your finger in every now and then for a taste, giggling and ducking away as he tried to reprimand you. 
“Ok, just the chocolate chips left,” he spoke, turning round to hand you the bag. As his eyes found you, you dropped the spoon, bringing your arm close to you and tightening your hand into a fist. Your other arm fell to your side, fiddling with the edge of your shirt as you looked ahead in a daze.
Gently, he placed the bag down and slowly walked towards you, calling your name quietly before allowing his hand to settle on your lower back as to not startle you. With his other hand on your hip, he brushed soothing circles on your skin while whispering to you, reminding you he was there and taking care of you.
As you started to come around, your body released its tension and you could feel his strong but delicate hold on you, keeping you steady. 
“Let’s sit you down for a moment, you’re doing alright my love,” he spoke, guiding you towards the nearby chair and sitting you down. When you became aware enough to look at him, you found his crouched in front of you, holding your hands in his, massaging your cramped palms as he smiled up at you. “Are you doing ok?” He asked, concern showing in his voice despite his calm exterior. You gave him a nod, attempting to smile back at him in your, still, foggy state. He sat with you until you settled down and felt back to normal, before helping you get up and carry on with your backing, although, this time, keeping an eye on you a little more. 
Aone - Tonic Clonic Seizure
Aone was sat on the sofa, flicking through the movies on the TV before finally settling on one to watch as you were in the kitchen preparing snacks. With the movie ready, he unravelled the blanket by his side, draping it over the seats and arranging the cushions ready for you both to snuggle up. 
Footsteps became louder as you walked in, placing the bowl of popcorn and bags of treats on the side table next to your boyfriend, bending down to press a kiss on his cheek that left them tinged with warmth. 
He lifted up the edge of the blanket, as if an invite for you to crawl in, holding out a hand to pull you closer. As you were about to walk round to him, your body tensed, your limps hardening before you fell to the ground. Aone quickly jumped out of his seat, catching you before you hit the floor and slowly lowered you down as your body shook. 
With one hand softly brushing over your hair, the other tugged a cushion from the sofa, sliding it under your head for comfort. His face twisted, eyes sharp as he watched you jolting and heard the distressing sounds of you heavy breathing. The next few minutes seemed to last for hours as your body continued to shake, and it broke his heart that all he could do was watch by your side, wiping away the spit that trailed from your mouth. 
Slowly, your body grew still and your breathing quietened down. You looked up at him with tiredness overcoming you, blinking slowly as your muscles relaxed. His large hands scooped under you, lifting you to lay on your side and allow your body to recover. His eyes only left you to grab the blanket from the sofa, before covering you and caressing your cheek with his finger as you calmed into a slumber. The movie was long forgotten as he sat by your side, watching over you and comforting you as you slept, not leaving for even a moment.
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nctsjiho · 3 years
King JiHo (Favourite JiHo moments)
Fan Video by ‘Haechan’s Children’ on YouTube
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(indented text = comments added by the maker of the video) I’m 100% convinced that this is JiHo’s world and we’re just living in it. Here’s some moments that prove this <3 Enjoyyyy~~
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[[N'-135] New Thangs🙆‍♀️🙆‍♂️New Thangs👍👃 | ‘영웅(Kick It)’ 인기가요 대기실 비하인드]
NCT 127 was chilling in their dressing room, backstage, waiting for their turn to perform ‘Kick It’. JiHo sat in one of the chairs in front of the mirrors, ready to get her make up done. Taeyong who was holding the camera walked up to the girl ready to interview her.
“And here we have our lovely JiHo getting ready for our stage.” He commented, earning a hum from the girl. “How are you feeling- oh? What’s that?” The camera wasn’t pointed at anything anymore as Taeyong leaned in closer to the girl then readjusted the camera again to focus on JiHo. His hand reached out to grab her chin and his thumb lightly pressed against a purple spot beneath the left corner of her lip. “Is it real?” The concern was audible in his question and JiHo nodded.
“I thought it was fake! What happened? When did you get that bruise? It looks painful.” Taeyong kept firing out questions which had both JiHo and the make up artist, who was currently working on her, laughing. “It doesn’t hurt too bad.” JiHo answered coolly, her eyes darted to the mirror in front of her and she noticed Mark walk behind her.
“Mark and I got into a fight yesterday.” Taeyong gasped and Mark snapped his head towards her after hearing his name. “What?” Both men asked shocked at the statement. “Mark hit you?” Taeyong asked once again pointing towards the bruise on JiHo’s face. “What are you talking about?” Mark stuttered over his words and turned his head to take a closer look at the bruise. JiHo didn’t say anything as Taeyong put down the camera on the table in front of them and started scolding the innocent boy.
Both JiHo and the make up artist were laughing and JiHo decided to grab the camera and point it towards both boys. “Oppa. I’m just kidding, leave poor Mark alone.” She explained, trying not to laugh again.
Johnny who had been watching everything happen had joined the group wordlessly. “Lim JiHo! You can’t joke about things like that!” The leader scolded and Mark let out a relieved gasp. “What?” She laughed at his expression. “I know we didn’t get into a fight, but I almost started second guessing myself that I somehow did do that to you.” With a hand on his heart, the panic lingered in his eyes for a few more seconds before it slowly vanished.
“You two are so gullible, oh lord.” JiHo chuckled and Johnny now settled between both boys, patting them both on their shoulders. “Taeyong you should’ve known better. If JiHo did get into a fight with Mark, we all know Mark would be the one to come out that with bruises. Not the other way around.”
She has these boys wrapped around her finger and she knows it!
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[NCT 127 Talks "Superhuman", Tour, and KPop]
“What makes NCT 127 different from every other boy band?” Jaehyun’s eyes met JiHo’s, who is sitting on the front row of members next to Jungwoo. They shared a smile as Zach, the host, continues his question.
Johnny translated the question to all the other members and JiHo slowly brought the mic up to her lips. Once Johnny finished translating, the female voice of JiHo resonated through the room. “Well...” She stopped there with a nod and everyone started laughing.
After Taeyong and Johnny finished their answer JiHo grabbed her mic once again. “Just want to clarify, I’m not saying I’m the only reason we’re different, I’m just saying, if you’re calling us a boy band then of course me being a female member would technically already make us different from all other boy bands.” She quickly added.
“How does that feel? Being the only girl in a group of men.” Zach asked and JiHo shrugged. “It doesn’t feel abnormal to me. I think after knowing the guys for such a long time I just like, kind of found my spot with them and it just feels normal.” “I think JiHo sometimes forgets that she a girl...” Johnny added carefully, his voice turning a bit unsure at the end. With the boys laughing in the background JiHo waved a piece sign in front of the camera closest to her and started “acting cool” before talking into the mic with a deeper voice. “I’m part of the boys. Part of the homies. Ya know?”
JiHo sweetie, I know you wanna look cool, but all you’re doing is looking adorable. Please stop I’m gonna have a heart attack
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[⚾️시티고 야구부⚾️ EP.1 라커 급습 | NCT 127 Baseball Team]
After Johnny’s joke about copying Mark(’s butt), Taeil spoke up, “Aren’t we missing someone?” “Where’s JiHo?” Yuta spun around once as if he was looking for the absent girl. “Tsk. Again, she’s late-” “Lee Haechan!” A voiced boomed off of frame.
JiHo walked in with a confident stride stopping in the middle of the room and staring straight into the main camera. “Don’t speak about your baseball team leader like that.” She said in a cold tone. “Sunbaenim, where were you?” Johnny asked. Since the age rolls were reversed, JiHo was now the oldest in the group. “I just came back from the gym as the leader of the cheerleading team who just finished practise.” “You’re also their leader?” Doyoung stifled a laugh and JiHo turned to him sending him a glare. He put up his hands in a defensive pose and took a step back after which JiHo turned back to the camera.
“Why? Don’t you believe me?” “I don’t know JiHo. It’s just that-” Mark stopped talking before being able to finish his sentence as the girl kicked up her left leg. She caught her foot with her left hand and pulled her leg up until it was next to her face, extended into a heel stretch. Her right hand was also in the air, showing of how great her balance and flexibility is. She kept the pose for a few seconds before bringing her foot back down to the ground. “Wow!” The boys gasped in surprised.
JiHo isn’t trying to be flexible, flexible is trying to be JiHo
She eyed Mark who quickly acknowledged the fact that she fit as the role of the cheerleading team. “Don’t underestimate me Markie.” The teasing tone along with the nickname sent a shiver down the boy’s spine, the other boys either oohing or being slightly scared themselves.
Why is Mark always the victim of JiHo’s teasing?? I can’t with them
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[‘To You’ #3]
The whole ‘To You’ series was really sweet and emotional. So this isn’t as funny as the previous clips, but I felt like this still fits the theme so well. I also think that not that many fans have seen this before, so after this clip you should watch all 3 videos <3
PS. this isn’t the full clip but here are some of my favourite parts of Taeil’s message to JiHo
“It must have been hard right? Your position in the group is very special and it must come with a lot of pressure.” Taeil’s eyes fell into his lap, a sad smile on his lips. “But you always try to hide your hardships from the group.”
I believe what he means with ‘position’ is being the maknae of the group as well as being the only girl
“I wished that you could come to us more and open up about those things, because I know that everyone (in the group) would drop everything they were doing in a heartbeat to hear you out.” He took a deep breath before continuing.
“Haechan is the mood maker in the sense that he likes joking around and being loud, but you also are a mood maker. Just in your own unique way. You’re such a good listener and observer so you notice things other people might not. You approach members silently or make small gestures, which mean a lot, to cheer someone up. But you can also be funny and loud. I appreciate both of those sides of you.”
I’m not crying, you are ::>_<::
It was silent for a little as Taeil seemed deep in thought. “I know you don’t like to be treated in a more special way than the other members, and the older members really try not to show it. But in our minds... and in our hearts, you do have a special place. I know you are a strong person and can protect yourself just as well, if not better, than the other members, but I can’t help but want to protect you.”
“Whatever anyone says, those people who aren’t our fans or don’t understand us, I hope you don’t take their painful words to heart. Because you are just as fit to be in NCT as any of the other members.”
I’m so happy to see how much NCT cares for JiHo, not that I ever doubted that they didn’t, but seeing this was so heart-warming and JiHo’s reaction was so sweet as well as her message to Taeyong (but you have to go watch the original video for that ;-) )
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[[Un Cut] Take #4 I ‘NCT - RESONANCE Pt. 1’ The Future ver. Jacket Behind the Scene]
The camera focused on JiHo who was currently doing her individual shots. She was wearing a beige oversized long sleeve that showed of her collarbones but covered up most of the rest of her body.
JiHo squatted down and tilted her head to the side to show of her jawline. The staff were complimenting her as the shoot went on.
A particular switch in poses had elicited a surprising response from one of the female staff members. “Wow~ Has she always been this pretty?” She said in awe, which caused everyone to start laughing and agreeing.
After JiHo’s shoot it was Ten and Kun’s turn. During Ten’s individual interview he brought up the event that happened before his shoot started. “I heard that the staff was surprised by JiHo’s visuals.” He chuckled. “My baby is very pretty everyone. Don’t forget that or you’ll be surprised and fall in love with her like the staff member did.”
I don’t know if I’m freaking out more because Ten just called JiHo his baby or because she called her very pretty so casually? Also thanks for the warning Ten, but I’m already madly in love with JiHo so... a bit too late for that.
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[Idol Crushes? | HDIGH Ep. #xx Highlight]
“Weren’t you promoting (’Revolution’) recently?” Jae (Day6) asked AleXa who was sat next to him. She hummed. “Actually it was around the same time that NCT was promoting their music.” “Oh did you talk to them?” AleXa shook her head whilst laughing but then stopped suddenly as if she remembered something.
“She wasn’t promoting with them at the time, but I saw JiHo sunbaenim backstage.” This comment perked up Jae’s interest as he sat up in his chair. “Did you introduce yourself?” “Yeah she actually noticed me first and came to say hi.”
Diane, who was the person behind the camera gasped loudly. “Why haven’t you told us about this?! She knows you?” The small girl nodded embarrassed and then explained what happened on that day.
“She’s super nice and complimented my music and dancing. I didn’t think I’d ever been at such a loss for words as back then. I got so nervous because even though she’s really nice, she has such a strong presence? If you know what I mean?” Jae and Diane hum in understanding. “Just seeing her up close like that was so intimidating. Like she told me she was there to support her members so she didn’t have any makeup on, but she was still insanely beautiful.” Jae laughed at the girl’s dramatic explanation. “You sound like you have a crush on her.” AleXa stuttered for a second before replying. “I think I might!” They all laughed.
“Did you exchange phone numbers?” Diane asked and AleXa nodded excitedly. “We did! We don’t text each other often, but every once in a while she reaches out after a new podcast episode comes out to tell me about the parts she liked.” “Oh so she watches this?” Jae’s eyes widened. “Yeah.”
AleXa turned to the camera and waved. “JiHo sunbaenim, if you are watching this, thank you so much! I hope we can get closer someday.”
I don’t know AleXa that well, but I think a collab between her and JiHo would be so powerful!
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Thanks for watching this video guys! And leave a comment on what kind of content you want to see next, byeeee o/
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jennibeultimate · 4 years
Personal recap Worlds 2021 - Ladies SP
Yes I am back with personal recaps 😁 and as in personal it's totally my opinion and you can agree or not. Tell me what you think if you want.
First I needed to calm down because this was a nerve wrecking ladies short program and I thought I wouldn't care that much for the scoring (knowing it would be sh*t anyway) but yes I was mad. But I think I am calm enough now to put normal sentences out.
Rika Kihira was robbed. Period.
Her mysterious "q" calls were just bullsh*t and watching the replay multiple times I would say ok for the 3T being a bit short on rotation but the 3A I just don't see it. (and German ESP commentators had the same opinion) The program is fire 🔥 🔥 🔥 Rika performed so well. And this deserved just sooooo much better. Sorry bby that you don't get the benefits like some others. ❤️
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Anna is my lovely fairy. ❤️❤️❤️ I do like her skating a lot. Her jumps not that much, but I can live with that (I am not a technical nerd). Her musicality is otherwordly. I don't see her being that much better than Rika though. Didn't see such a clean and secure combination from her in ages. She really is mentally very strong. In practice she was in tears a lot, in competition you could see no insecurity.
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I am happy for Liza! Her story is really impressive. She is not a skater I root for because I like her skating so much, but because I think her fighting spirit and her guts are amazing and big role model for other skaters in Russia and in general struggling with puberty. You can make it again after 6 years, you have to fight. The 3A was one of the best for her. Her jumps are superb and I am glad that she at least did get a higher TES than Anna, but her PCS are really questionable. But well looking at Sasha's PCS, Liza's doesn't seem so astronomical anymore. Still ridiculous...but at least Liza was flawless. I am not a fan of her new program, I liked "Spartacus" better but it seem to serve her well. So.
Kaori my love 😍 The layout just didn't play out well for her. The combo being shaky costed dearly. But also the 3Lz edge call dropped her score badly. I don't actually have a problem with her score, but just looking that she is the only skater in the Top 10 field to receive a real edge call, while Bradie and Anna get away without any "edge" problem is just unfair. If you score favorably than do the same with everyone. Kaori's speed is unparalleled. Her program grew so much during the season, a very difficult program to make it work but I like it. Anyway Kaori was good and chances for the podium are super slim anyway.
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Sasha Trusova - her trainings looked super secure (5 quad clean free) but when it counts she hardly delivers. 34 PCS were super generous for her program. Compare that to Kaori and Karen and so many others and it's just undeserved. 12th place hurts though. I predicted her to not be Top 3 after the SP but 12th place was hardly in my guessing. If she can skate a somewhat clean free skate, she still has a little chance on winning. That would ofc depend on other skaters and favorable PCS but it's not impossible. I hope she can leave the competition with a good feeling. 12th place is not what she is capable of.
Yelim Kim - what an excellent combination. 👌She had plenty of time at landings. The program is a bit bland and risk free. The dress game is A+++! ❤️ I have a soft spot for Yelim since juniors, the fairytale like appearance and movement makes her a sentimental favorite of mine. I was gladly surprised by her score. One of the only scores I could agree on.
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Karen Chen - Karen skated beautifully. I am not super flashed by her program but I am happy she delivered so well. And superb 3Lo! 👌 I think if Rika received a "q" on her combo Karen should have gotten the same, but she is American so nope...
Bradie Tennell - anyone knowing my recaps, knows I am hardly a Bradie fan but her programs are interesting and I like this short a lot. But today she just didn't deliver. Her score should not have come this close to Kaori.
Haein Lee - same as for Rika. If a "q" is applied to Haein and Rika than why not Karen? Hello? Haein is really lovely to watch and musical. She has all the right abilities to place high in the future. Wonderful. 😍 I was a bit surprised to hear Helene Fischer's "Ave Maria" (Helene is on of the biggest stage names in Germany) There are so many Ave Maria's and they chose a German singer? 😂
Absolutely heartbroken for Satoko. 😭💔 Her program should receive the highest PCS but she didn't even get as much as Trusova. What a big joke that is. She is such a beautiful skater. What a beautiful dress too. Just nothing worked for her today. What a tragedy. 💔💔💔
The other heartbreak was Maé Méité. 💔💔💔What a sad story that is. Finally she was able to practice without pain and now probably achilles tendon. She could barely walk. I am so devastated for her. Wishing all the best to her. May she return soon.
Alexia Paganini was also really off. Sadly she didn't make the cut. 😢
Lastly I want to add a few pleasant surprises:
Loena Hendricks - Shame about the fall, but everything else was excellent. Glad she got a good scores. So glad she is back!
Josefin Taljegard - She is on 🔥. Surely her technical content isn't as good as that of other skaters but her emotional connection and performance to the music are extraordinary! ❤️ Watch Josefin, you won't regret it!
Madeline Schizas - pleasantly surprised by Madeline. Delivered greatly. I wish for her to maintain that 2nd spot.
Lindsay Van Zundert - Skating first you are usually out of the free skate, but she made the cut with a lovely "Allegria" performance. 😊
Good luck everyone for the free skate! May the judges get the memo that we want fair scoring!
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Any complaints about judging I do are always against the judges not the skaters themselves. I hate how unevenly applied the rules are and that judges are playing favorites so hard it's apparent. It's so unfair. Be strict or lenient on every skater from 1st to last the same way. Scores are so whack they only make me mad.
This was a wall of text, sorry. 😅 If you see me not talking about COVID-19, it's not because I don't care but because that's not my main object here and I absolutely won't watch out for behavior that violates any rules. I think everyone is doing everything with the best intentions. I don't wish ill upon anyone. Covid plays a big part here as well, but I like to concentrate on the positive aspects of Worlds and the skating in general instead of being mad about things that are hardly in my power. I'd rather look at what I can do myself and how I can help my locals. I am also tired about my whole day normally being all about covid that I just don't have the energy to talk about it any further.
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uwu-shinsou · 4 years
Night Owl
Summary: Shinsou has recently joined class 2-A. He’s always seemed to be a little tired, but is it your imagination or are those bags under his eyes getting darker?
Warning(s): Small use of language, that’s all!
Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader
Genre: Fluff, honestly just fluff uwu
Word Count: 2,700+
A/N: Hello and welcome to my first bnha fic!! I’ve written quite a bit of fanfiction but this is my first time doing it on tumblr :3 Also yes, this fic is technically set in the class’s second year, and with my headcanon of Shinsou being placed into class 1-A (or I guess 2-A now) because I won’t accept it any other way. I’m also considering taking requests if anyone is interested in that (: 
You puff out your cheeks, brows furrowed deep with thought. Aizawa’s droning lecture faded into the background as your focus deepened. Chin resting in your hand, you tilted your head as your eyes burned (metaphorical) holes into the back of Shinsou’s head. While you had known of him for a while because of the sports festival, you’d only begun to actually know Shinsou much more recently. Watching him during his secret-but-obvious test for the hero course was fascinating, and it was clear to your entire class that he had the potential to become a great hero. As soon as Aizawa announced that he had passed his test, your class had been persistent in persuading your teacher to add him into your class. Something must have worked, or maybe it was just by chance, but it was announced that 1-A would be receiving a new classmate the following school year.
Unsurprisingly, Shinsou fit into your class well. He seemed a bit reluctant to try to connect at first, maybe nervous to be put into such a new atmosphere, along with the pressure of now being a part of the hero course. But really, all it took was one night of you, Kaminari, and Kirishima forcing him to play a Mario Kart tournament and he settled right in. Since then, you found yourself getting along with Shinsou pretty well. It felt like the two of you shared a sort of natural connection, and you were sure he had to feel it too.
But there was a problem. A personal problem, for you really, because Shinsou was hot. And it was fine before he joined the class, really. You were simply content to occasionally see him around school, daydream from afar of running your fingers through his luscious hair while he had no idea who you were.
It was MUCH harder to innocently have those thoughts with the two of you being friends, and when he now sat in the seat directly in front of you. It was actually harder and easier; easier to get side tracked and zone out staring at him, and a lot harder when you’d miss important parts of class or, even worse, he’d almost catch you staring. 
You couldn’t help but stare at him now, though. You’d seen him almost nod off in class at least three times today, and while Aizawa’s lectures could feel long winded, Shinsou didn’t seem the type to knock out in the middle of class. Something is definitely off about him today.
“Y/L/N.” You shot up straight in your chair at the sound of your name, panicked eyes meeting those of your teacher. “I hope you’re paying attention to class today, or do you find the back of Shinsou’s head to be more interesting?” Your cheeks flared with heat as the bell rang, saving you from having to give some kind of answer. Aizawa’s eyes glittered with something that you couldn’t quite read, but had you tensing up even more regardless. “There will be a quiz on all of this next week, so come prepared. You’re dismissed.” 
Several of your classmates groaned about the quiz the second Aizawa left the room, and you were pretty sure Kaminari was crying. But it all faded into the background as you shoved everything on your desk into your bag, prepared to make a desperate not-quite-running fast walk out of the room when Shinsou turned his chair around and planted his hands on your desk. Ah shit, I was too slow.
“Soooo y/n,” he drawled, leaning down to rest his head on his folded arms. He blinked up at you through lidded eyes, a small lazy grin resting on his face. Oh god it should be illegal to look that good. “Is there something I can help you with?”
You willed your cheeks to not become even redder and slung your bag over your shoulder. You flashed him a wide grin, “Class can get so boring when it’s not hero stuff. And I mean, can you blame me for wondering how you get your hair to look so soft?” Shinsou’s eyebrows quirked up and his grin spread further.
He sat up in his chair with a mischievous look on his face. “What can I say? Having hair this gorgeous is a burden I must bear.” 
“You poor soul, braver than Japan’s pro-heroes,” You reply, one hand on your heart and the other wiping away a fake tear. He gave a small laugh and you found yourself lost in his lovely purple eyes, eyes that took your breath away and made your heart do a flip inside your chest. But your grin slipped away as you really looked at him. Is it just me, or do the bags under his eyes seem darker than normal? 
“But really Shinsou, I kinda noticed that you almost fell asleep like three times in just the last hour and, well, I was wondering if you’re doing okay?” Your hands gripped your skirt as you looked down at your feet, toeing at the leg of your desk. “I mean, I don’t want to be too intrusive or anything, but I just wanted to let you know that if- if you need anything…” You trailed off, looking back up at him. 
His smile faltered and his eyes slid away from yours. He brought a hand up to run through his hair. “Ahh yeah, it really isn’t a big deal. I’m just a little tired.” He then stood up and grabbed his bag, backing away from your desk. “Anyway I should probably study for that quiz, I’ll see you around, y/n.” You blinked and Shinsou was already out of the room. 
You stood there for a second, feeling lost at his sudden rush to leave. I know that I was hoping to make a quick escape before too, but I don’t understand? Why did he just leave? 
You were shaken out of your stupor when a pair of hands wrapped themselves around your arm and started to tug you towards the door. 
“Hellooo?? Earth to y/n? Anyone there?” Mina called as she led you out of the classroom, waving a hand in front of your face. “Or are you too busy thinking about a certain purple haired boy named Sh-” 
“Mina!!” You hiss, cutting your friend off as she cackled to herself. “I will literally destroy you if you try to finish that sentence,” you say, shooting her your best pouty glare. She withdrew her hands from your arm, holding them up in front of her in surrender. 
“Okay, okay! Will not mention mister hot-and-broody outside of our rooms, got it,” Mina said, giving you a mock salute. You playfully slap your hands at her as she easily dances out of your reach, laughing gleefully at your feeble attempts. “Come on though, y/n/n, what was up with you today? You must have been really zoned out for Aizawa to have called you out like that during class.” The two of you passed through the doorway to outside, heading towards the dorms. 
You huff out a sigh, clasping your hands together. “I know that I probably watch him a lot more than you do, but haven’t you noticed that Shinsou has been kinda out of it this week? Like he was super into class and hung out with everyone, but now he just looks, I dunno know, exhausted? Eternally tired? I’m worried about him,” You confessed.
Mina hummed in thought, staring down the path that led towards your building. “Did you try just asking him if he was alright?”
“Yeah, I did today. He said he was fine but he was definitely lying,” you say, frustrated. “His eyes were one hundred percent more dead than they usually are. And I don’t want to seem insensitive or force it out of him, I just wish he would let me help with whatever the hell is bugging him, cause I care about him, you know?” 
You look over at Mina with big, sad puppy dog eyes. “Oh y/n/n,” she coos, wrapping her arms around your shoulders and smooshing you into her as tightly as possible. “I know you’ll find a way to help him. You’re the purest, most kind soul in our entire class. Plus your looove for Mr. Purple is stronger than any- EEEEK!” Mina shrieked as you tickled her sides.
“I WARNED YOU!! ” You shouted over your shoulder, laughing as you sprinted into your class’s dorm building, Mina yelling and giving chase just a few steps behind.
You rolled over in bed, huffing out a sigh as you looked at the clock. 
“Uhhhhggg,” you groan out. You’d been trying to fall asleep since eleven, but apparently your mind was set against resting. You slapped your hand over to your bedside table, grabbing your water cup, trying to take a sip but getting nothing.
“Empty? You gotta be fucking kidding me right now,” you mutter out loud to yourself. With an annoyed sigh, you roll out of bed and make your way down to the kitchen.
You step out into the common room and stop short of the kitchen, hearing a faint sound from the living room. Did someone leave the T.V. on? Tip-toeing, you head towards the living room to turn off the television, but freeze behind the couch when you notice that it’s occupied with a lump of a person under a blanket. Who the hell is asleep on the couch?? 
And then the lump moved. 
Okay not asleep. Oh god what if they think I’m being creepy and watching them?? Gotta go gotta go gotta-
“Hey who’s there?” The muffled voice makes you stop in your tracks, and you watch the mystery person sit up and turn around.
You blink. “Shinsou. What are you doing down here still?” You ask, his face bathed in shadows from being backlit by the T.V.
“Oh, y/n/n it’s you,” he says, flopping backwards onto the couch. You make your way around the side, setting your water cup on the coffee table before collapsing down next to him. You run your gaze over his face, taking in the heavy lidded, bloodshot eyes, his messy unkempt hair. 
“Have you slept at all tonight?” You ask, trying to casually probe to see how he’s doing. “Or is it a binge-shows-until-the-sun-rises kind of night?”
He huffs an amused sigh, fixing his eyes on you from his corner of the couch. “Well I didn’t really mean to be awake still, but here I am.” You flash him a sympathetic smile. “Hey, listen,” he says, becoming a little more serious. “I know that you were worried about me in class today, and it really isn’t a big deal, but the truth is, I just sort of have a tough time getting comfortable in new places.”
“Oh,” you say quietly, putting the pieces together. “So you probably haven’t been sleeping well lately since you moved into our building.”
“Yeah not really,” he admits. “And there’s something else- but it’s stupid, really.”
“I’m sure it’s not,” you assure him, scooching closer.
“No, no it is, I shouldn’t have even brought it up,” he says, shaking his head. You do a big scooch along the couch, getting even closer and start to poke him all along his side. His mouth splits into a toothy grin as he starts to try and shove your hands away.
“Shinsoouuu,” You coo, your pokes becoming incessant as he laughs and grabs for your hands to stop you. His hands find your wrists, flipping you over and pinning you on your back. You freeze, blushing furiously and blinking up at him in surprise. You become hyper aware of the way he was straddling your body, his knees on either side of your hips. His hands held down your wrists as he leaned over you, some of his hair hanging down to tickle your face, his nose a few inches away from yours. “Well that was uh, kinda fun,” you breathe.  
He was completely still for a moment, seeming as surprised as you were. Then he was releasing your wrists, moving back off of you and onto the couch. “Sorry, I got caught up in the moment,” he says, running his hand through his hair and averting his eyes. Your breath caught in your throat at the sight of him. Is… is he blushing?? 
“It’s okay, you really don’t need to apologize,” you say, giving him a shy smile. “I didn’t mind at all.”
Shinsou looks up at that, and seems to come to a decision. “So, the stupid thing that I mentioned? I had to leave my cat at home when I first moved into the dorms, and I sleep worse without having her to cuddle every night,” he says. “I even got this like, weighted blanket thinking that it’d help? And it kind of does but not always. It doesn’t have the same feeling, you know?”
Your heart went out to him in sympathy, understanding. It must be hard having to say goodbye to his cat. “Shinsou I-”
“And I’m sort of a night owl anyways, but without Muffin I just can’t seem to sleep well.” He concludes. “So yeah, that’s it. Silly, right?” 
You reach out and firmly take his hands in your own. “No, it’s not silly. It’s normal to feel sad having to leave your pet, I’m sure you really love Muffin” you say, looking down at your joined hands. “Sometimes it can take awhile to adjust. I know I was anxious during the first few weeks moving on campus, and it’s probably extra hard having to move again.” You look back up at him. “I just wish there was some way I could help.”
You start to pull away, but his grip on your hands tightens. “Maybe there is a way? For you to help?” he says hesitantly. Shinsou looks up at you through his lashes, eyes lidded, hair messy, cheeks flushed- and whatever it is he was about to ask you to do, you were already sold. If he keeps looking at me like that I might stop breathing.
“You could stay down here with me so I can fall asleep, just for tonight?” He asks quietly.
“Yes,” you breathe. “Of course I will.”
Shinsou worked his way back to where he’d laid his pillow on the couch, scooping his blanket up from the floor. He fluffed the pillow and moved to the inside of the couch, against the back cushions.
He looked back at you with a tired smile, and patted the space beside him. “Ready to sleep, kitten?” 
You inhaled sharply and your heart skipped a beat, every part of your body melting at the nickname. You crawled across the cushions, settling on your side facing Shinsou. He sprawled out beside you, pulling the blanket up over your bodies. He turned onto his side, his eyes meeting yours.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve had a sleepover,” he whispered, making you smile. He shifted a little bit, and asked, “Hey y/n, can- can I hold you?” 
“Yeah, sure,” you whisper back, face warming. He moves closer, sliding an arm around your waist and pulling you into him. You take a deep breath and close your eyes in bliss, enjoying the feeling of being held close by Shinsou. “You know,” you murmur to him. “I think I almost passed out at the new nickname.”
You feel the vibration of his laughter through his chest. “Are you saying I should call you that from now on, kitten?” You feel a big grin spread onto your face as you let the nickname sink into you.
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to function right if you call me that all the time,” you mumble, nuzzling into his chest. Shinsou reaches up and runs a hand through your hair.
“Special occasions only, then,” he whispers, letting his hand fall down to your waist again and fully settling in. You feel Shinsou’s breathing evening out, the tension in his body leaving as the both of you edge towards sleep. Before drifting off, you hear Shinsou murmur, “Thank you, y/n. I’m glad I have you.”
“Always, Shinsou.”
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bao3bei4 · 4 years
i have basically covered the material in this post several times on my twitter. but this is, in my opinion, the only s*xy t*mes with w*ngxian take you need. 
(cw transphobia, transphobic slurs, antiblack racism, mentions of csa and bestiality in fiction)
edit 6/10/21: hi! i’m realizing people are still reading this! this was written in response to aja romano’s vox article on the fic that was published in late february of this year. i had been frustrated with how their article seemed to miss the point in many ways, because they never talked about the substance of the fic. which, i mean, fair. i wouldn’t want to read a 1million word fic either.
but i already had, so i thought i’d write about some things that i believed needed to be part of the conversation. namely, that its author wasn’t a harmless troll, but a person i genuinely disliked who i believed should be deplatformed.
i think virtual1979 is a bad person. 
i think a lot of people mainly know about sexy times the phenomenon more than they do sexy times the fic itself. i have the dubious honor of being one of the few people who has actually read large portions of the million word fic, and that’s why i wanted to write this meanspirited hit piece. 
the fic is down right now and the author’s notes and comments have both been deleted, which is why i cannot provide screenshots. however, these are all quotes i have saved from when the fic was online, and i’m happy to talk with anyone if you feel any of these quotes are mischaracterizations of the fic. 
i also want to be clear this is not a “callout post” and i’m not trying to “cancel” them or whatever. i am just explaining why i don’t like them, why i don’t feel bad they’re being harassed, and why i do not find them sympathetic at all, and perhaps why you should also adopt these stances. 
let’s start with transphobia. 
sexy times with wangxian is transphobic. this much is apparent from the tags. virtual1979 tagged the following: F*tanari, d*ckgirl, Sh*male. they use this language in the chapters that include a character with both a vagina and a penis. 
they refer to this character (wei wuxian) with the pronouns “he-she.” the following excerpt is a fair representation of how this wei wuxian is referred to in the chapters where wei wuxian has a vagina and a penis. 
[Lan Zhan] would never be turned on by a female, and he would actually be turned off by a drag queen - but this… this Wei Ying, it’s Wei Ying, and he-she looks [...]
i know these words are common in porn categories, but they are also slurs. virtual1979 also uses hermaphrodite to refer to this set of anatomy, which is not strictly a slur, but definitely a stigmatizing choice of language. 
they have repeatedly made clear they are not open to criticism. they have also since removed the comment section. making an intersex character for the express purpose of using transmisogynistic language towards them in your million word porn fic isn’t annoying the way their tags are, it’s actively fucked up. 
fanfiction has a transphobia problem, and if we’re talking about sexy times with wangxian in any capacity, we must be clear: sexy times with wangxian is part of that problem too. 
secondly, virtual1979 is also complicit in ao3’s racism problem.
i think the way they write about chinese characters and settings is annoying and racist, but they are a malaysian chinese person, so i do have some sympathy for them. i am committed to having some patience for people who are annoying if they themselves are working through the prejudice they have faced. 
they’ve commented as much: 
Not gonna lie, this fic has been a steep learning curve for me despite my roots being Chinese as well, but I have absolutely zero knowledge in some of these aspects!
and i’m happy on some level they can get in touch with their roots. who among us has not been cringe and diaspora. any criticisms i have of their portrayal of chinese people will stay private and be made to other people of color.
i’m going to be clear here i don’t think the actual comment they made makes them super evil or anything. but this essay IS clearly in response to That Article, which did mention racism in fandom. so.
i think we have all seen the infamous karen comment they made, in which they compared people who criticized their tagging with “Karens,” equating antiblack state violence to... mean comments on ao3? and “SJWs,” which, eye roll. no ageism but you’re 41 why the hell are you complaining about sjws
anyway. i am deeply frustrated by the co-option of the word karen. a stand-in for a particular type of racist violence white women specifically can and do inflict has become fused with that reddit-type mommy issue “can i speak to the manager” internecine white resentment. 
so their trivialization of antiblack racism is another reason i don’t like them. again i KNOW it’s petty to point this out here, but this to me shows that virtual is afflicted with the same kind of fandom brainrot that aja is, where everything comes back to that same sort of self-centered bullshit. 
sorry for that jab. julian told me that aja thought that cql was about callout culture and all i could think was “wow! just like virtual thinking that--” because i also have spent too much time on twitter this week. 
this is just like. part of this ongoing pattern i’ve noticed with virtual, where they’re aware enough of real problems to acknowledge they exist (police violence, accessibility issues caused by their tagging) but are determined to double down on their minor relative persecution as king, shittily drawing parallels between like... real problems and fandom problems. equating the two or allowing the second to take priority over the former is like... par for the course for this type of person! 
third, this is just another clarification on more parallels between ao3 discourse and sexy times that went completely unremarked on by That Article. 
i would rather DIE than get into discourse. but why did they write this sentence: 
Lan Zhan’s rational mind finally broke with a tsunami of pedophilic lusts [...]
by the way that is the start of a 430 word sentence. and yes this fic does contain hundreds of thousands of words of aged down wei wuxian. make of that what you will. 
also why would you make wei wuxian teach baby chickens how to sexually pleasure him. do you hate these characters. what’s going on. i think mxtx should be able to sue virtual for that one. 
there’s a very obvious connection between mainstream ao3 discourse and sexy times that went completely unremarked on in That Article. sexy times contains multitudes and some of those multitudes are bestiality and explicit childfucking. 
this is not unrelated to fannish culture, they are not unfamiliar with fannish norms, blah blah blah. this is just normal fandom. they’re not subverting shit, they’re just a normal fan who unlike 99% of fanfiction writers on twitter, spends more time writing than posting. this has taken their fannish tendencies to cartoonish heights. 
finally, they don’t care about mdzs or wangxian. they’re literally just horny and spiteful that’s it. this isn’t a question of like... “ohh they were a good faith participant in fandom until they went joker mode” and the REAL villain is society/ao3. like no they wanted to write shitty porn, and when they found out they were annoying people, they decided to double down because they could be the main character of the mdzs ao3 tag every time they found a spare hour to write. 
here are some select receipts on that topic:
they do not care about canon: 
MDZS has quite a complicated and expansive plot and history, and enough content that one can choose to tune out certain parts and still get to the end of the story in one piece. Also, because of its source, some fans may not fully realize the nuances, cultural aspects (ooh, cultural appropriation is another triggering topic) or the full breadth and depth of the source material, such as a person like me, who is half-baked in terms of knowing what the canon universe is all about. So I end up playing with characters and settings technically borrowed from the story, and make them do things that would otherwise run counter to the original source material - and that draws quite some flak from those opinionated people I mentioned just now. It's part of what makes the fandom toxic. It's like they're the self-appointed guardians of the source material and they act like they own the rights to question such questionble fanworks, and dare I say, try to take down those that cross certain lines too.
they are just horny: 
After that giddines of extra drunken Lan Wang Ji scenes at the beginning, I'm blessed with Lan Wang Ji (Wang Yibo's, actually) fuzzy nips! Bless Bless Bless, and Amen! muahs the nips on the screen
anyway they did get nuked over wishing covid on people. 
so yeah. i want to be really clear. this is my thesis: i do not feel bad for them. you should not either. i do not like them. you should not either. that’s ALL!!!! 
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draven-imani · 3 years
Journal 8
I met the Queen of Mendev. Which somehow managed to still be impressive even after meeting the Inheritor a few days ago, which speaks pretty highly to her. Aaaaaand the Queen kind of sort of knighted me and gave me a promotion to commander of own legion and I don’t know what to do and I’m freaking out a little.
Right. Right—let’s just take it from the top.
Our little group had met up at Defender’s Heart when we got word from Commander Spriggans that there was an attack on the horizon. We made our way outside and saw an enormous force approaching. There were a number of those colossal Ulkreth demons that Hiskaria had seen demolishing buildings during the first attack, as well as a full army of lesser demons. They were marching on us rather than teleporting straight in—we figured specifically to show off their might to lower our morale.
Then, before the army could reach us, a second army from the East came charging into battle. Above them great metal machines flew overhead, and they dropped into the middle of the demon army these huge metal scorpions, which landed and began shooting the demons with beams from their tails. A person with green hair and glowing lines down their body gave a battle cry as they grabbed onto one of those giant metal scorpions and caused it to shoot that appeared to be an empowered disintegrate out of its tail into one of the Ulkreths.
The United Mendev-Numeria Alliance had joined the battle, just in the nick of time. With the use of their ‘Annihilator robots’, those big scorpions, and ‘laser guns’, and all sorts of other weapons I’d never even dream up they cleared out the demons. Even Hiskaria was about speechless. I think her words were something like “I thought Kevoth-Kul didn’t have that many of those”.
We were all incredibly pleased with how that went, and everyone was heading to Defender’s Heart for a victory ‘we didn’t get crushed by demons for another day’ drink, when a messenger came to get the four of us. Apparently Queen Galfrey had come to Kenabres herself. And apparently she’d been told about what we’d done the day before. And apparently she wanted to meet with us personally. She gave us the option of meeting at her personal war tent or at a place of our choosing. We decided it seemed most polite to meet at her tent. Melody and I decided to go dressed in the fine clothes we’d gotten from the kind shop keeper who had given us the free incredibly nice clothing for saving his wares the other day. Hiskaria and Luna…did not. It turned out it didn’t really matter. I will compared Queen Galfrey to the Inheritor in one way—she is a warrior as much as anything else.
When we arrived to the Mendev-Numeria encampment, we were met by the green haired person, Coremagon—an android, the first I’ve ever met. They had a particular quirk, in that they were not particularly good with emotions, and kept blowing up in anger. It also turns out they are Cassandalee’s herald. I would say I bet that was pretty cool for Hiskaria, but honestly considering her goddess talks in her head, maybe it was kind of mundane compared to how utterly in awe I would have been in her place.
I admit, I may have gotten Coremagone riled up a little. I wasn’t necessarily trying to. I was actually trying to help. Legitimately. I’m not exactly the best with emotions myself. I figured, it’s more pleasant to focus on trying to feel the good ones than the bad ones, right? That’s what I do, at least. Smile.
Well, apparently telling the herald of the god that they should smile is a bad idea.
I got thrown into the air by a whirlwind and landed on my ass.
They got told off by the queen though, so I got a little vindication.
We went into Queen Galfrey’s war tent and met the Queen herself. She was an incredibly striking figure. Definitely more warrior than bureaucrat. She waved a hand over her war table, and an enchantment in the table went off that caused a feast to appear, and she invited us to sit and eat while we spoke of recent events. We confirmed the reports she’d received of what had happened at the Grey Garrison, and she told us some of what has been happening at the borders. The Stormlord’s forces have been attacking at the borders of Mendev since the fall of Kenabres, and without the Wardstone’s barrier it is now only the armies of the crusaders standing between them and the rest of the world.
She said that while some people understand the gravity of the choice we made, and the lives we saved in doing so, others are calling us traitors for destroying the final shred of the barrier and the last hope of renewing it.
Queen Galfrey had a new task for us. As a member of the Crusades I am, of course, obligated to see this through to the end, but she offered to the others that if they wanted to help to clear their names and to do something to strike a blow against the demon hordes, she had a mission for us.
Her Majesty asked that we travel with a legion of her men to Drezen, to take back the captured fortress, and to retrieve the Sword of Valor, the very banner once held aloft by Iomedae herself, which if hung in the town again would expel the demonic forces. Currently the bulk of the forces from Drezen were with the Stormlord on the border, and the Queen intended to take her army to keep their attention there while a smaller strike force went in and took Citadel Drezen. I mentioned that we’d discovered that Stauton Vhagn was involved in the attack on Kenabres, and that he was holed up in Drezen as well. The Queen felt this was all the more reason to strike while the iron was hot and take Drezen back from him.
Luna said she would be willing to help, but she had no desire to lead an army. Queen Galfrey agreed that Luna and Melody were not members of the crusades, and therefore the choice was theirs to not take such a role. She also asked Hiskaria for her paperwork, and signed off on her release papers, before sending them off to be returned to Kevoth-Kul via some sort of magic portal. She said that technically Hiskaria was free to go now, as she had done more than enough to warrant her release in good faith. However the Queen had a feeling that Hiskaria would see this through to the end, and Hiskaria agreed that she wanted to do so as well.
With that said, Queen Galfrey declared that she was going to have each of us knighted and titled for our services. Should we survive this, apparently we’d each have land back in Mendev should we want it. That’s. A lot. That’s more than I ever expected to get out of all this. I didn’t come here to get anything, except maybe a little justice for those who died, and the ability to stop as many people from being made victims as possible. Actual physical rewards never really crossed my mind.
Actually surviving to the end of all this never really crossed my mind if we’re going to be brutally honest.
Melody was titled Lady-Lady Melody Legro, Lady of Grace
Luna was titled Luna, Lady of the Crescent Moon
Hiskaria was simply titled Lady Hope—Hope being her last name and something meaningful given her story.
And I guess now I am Sir Draven, the One-Eyed Knight.
I guess it’s a good thing I decided to quit being so self-deprecating about my scars after last night, or I might have felt a bit of a sting about the big thing that held me back all these years and kept me wallowing in the Raven Corps being what she decided to highlight in my title.
Okay. There might still be a little bitterness there. But—I’m working on it.
With this done, we were given a timeframe to expect to go—we will be leaving in three days time. Then we were dismissed, except for Luna who asked to remain to ask the Queen something in private. The rest of us gave her privacy and remained outside while she talked to the Queen about…whatever that was about.
Then we headed back to Defender’s Heart for a little revelry and to meet three new allies who the Queen had brought to our attention would be joining us with the legion. Aron Kir, a master spy with a strong knowledge base in siege warfare. His boyfriend and an old friend of Melody’s, Sosiel Vaenic, a Shelynite cleric and tactician with a vast knowledge of demons who didn’t really understand Melody’s desire to keep her heritage on the down low. And last, smallest, but certainly not least, Nurah Dendiwhar, a halfling bard who kept the sangrias coming throughout the night from a seemingly never ending box on her back. The three were extremely colorful and enjoyable characters who I was feeling very optimistic about working with.
Then while we were chatting, Commander Spriggans flagged me down. We shared a drink, and he handed me new orders from Queen Galfrey. Hiskaria was officially no longer part of the Raven Corps. And neither was I, since I would be leaving the city and therefore the Corps behind.
Instead, as I alluded to earlier, I had gotten a promotion. Commander of my own legion. I have a couple of days to think of a name and to get everything in order. Commander Tirabade—I guess I should be on first name basis with her now like everyone else? Irabeth is coming as well, as neither of us have field experience outside of Kenabres, but she has longer experience as a commander and is meant to be an advisor of sorts.
Inheritor help me that might be the strangest sentence I’ve written in this journal so far, Irabeth Tirabade is supposed to be my advisor on being commander of my own legion. It has been a few hours and this is still surreal to me. Aravashnial is coming along to lend his magic expertise as well, and Anevia wouldn’t be caught dead being left behind with Irabeth going.
Oh! I had forgotten in the middle of everything else, Queen Galfrey had some of her personal clerics see to Aravashnial and Anevia, so their injuries from the attack are no more. It is a relief, especially in regards to Aravashnial’s eyes. Queen Galfrey offered to do the same for my own eye, but I declined. I explained that I’d already learned how to fight with one eye, and I’d have to readjust if she healed me now. Which is very true, although perhaps not my only reason after the other day. It’s a good reminder, too.
More surprisingly, Horgus is coming as well. He’s going to be managing the army’s funds, field supplies, basically all around making sure the numbers are in order and we don’t run out of what we need when we need it, or get overzealous and overstock on something we don’t need. Which is all well and good with me, I don’t have a head for numbers myself. Hiskaria’s volunteered to help him and I’m more than happy to let her. She’s proven with her magic and assisting Aravashnial that she’s good enough at bookkeeping.
As for me…I’m a bit at a loss. I talked to Leto, of course. Asked him how he does it. Plays off being the cool confident leader like he does. Well—obviously it’s because he is. His answer basically boiled down to fake it until you make it, which is so not the answer I wanted to hear. There’s no way he’s been faking that confidence all this time. I’ve seen him, that easy charisma that just draws people to him. He’s in a league of his own.
I guess I’ll just keep pushing on forward like I always do. It seems to somehow work out, although I’ll probably have to hit a few stumbling blocks along the way. ‘Just act like you have confidence’, hm? I hate him sometimes. He’s infuriating. I don’t think he even knows how he looks to everyone else.
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King Falls AM Episode Twenty: Referencing Aladdin Don’t Make It Right
King Falls AM Transcript
Episode 20: Referencing Aladdin Don’t Make It Right
Run time: 22:17
First Aired: Feb 15, 2016
Summary: Sammy & Ben get a quick update on the little ones off Route 72 and learn live on-air that not everyone had a great evening on the night of the Valentine’s Day Dance.
(For a list of characters and references from this episode see the end of this post)
[King Falls AM theme plays]
Troy: Hey folks, if you or anyone you know has any information on these hybrid werewolf slash human baby thingamagigs-
Sammy Stevens: Is that a technical term, Troy?
Ben Arnold: Can you please let Troy finish, Sammy, this is important!
Troy: Heh, thanks, little buddy.
Ben: Go on, Troy.
Troy: Well if you see those little beasts or have information on them you just got to let us know. Don’t harbor them, they could have the rabies and or the colic. And please don’t try to adopt while it’s in its human form, cause that ain’t gonna end up well. Just use your common sense and be safe.
Sammy: Thanks for calling in officially with police business and alerting the public to the issue.
Ben: Yeah, nice hearing from you on the job, Troy.
Troy: Whilst I’m still on official police biz, I’d like to make one more little statement if I could, fellas.
Ben: Dude, of course! The floor is yours!
Troy: Well the sheriff is a real foul mood regarding these hybrid wolf babies and what have you just running amok, and he wants to make it completely, perfectly, crystal clear that if anyone should have these animals or any other illegal animals in the city limits of King Falls, they will be apprehended and exterminated on site with extreme force of malice. King Falls is a zero tolerance town for any illegal animals of any kind, up to and including wolf-human hybrids.
Ben: So… uh (clears throat) you’re saying that anyone listening that may have access to a cute and cuddly but illegal animal should do… what?
Troy: Now I’m not talking to no one in particular, I mean this isn’t a warning, it’s just a fact. Sheriff Gunderson is making it a personal project to bring down any and all animals that shouldn’t be in town.
Sammy: But cats are fine, is that right, Troy?
Troy: No doubt about that. Ain’t nobody gonna get any cats while I’m patrolling the streets, friends.
Sammy: There you have it, folks. If you or anyone you know has any information on the werewolf puppies last heard from around Route 72 or any other illegal animals not allowed in the city, please contact the sheriff’s department at once.
Ben: (sounding strained) Thanks for the info, Troy.
Troy: All you listeners, you stay safe out there, alright?
Sammy: Thanks, Troy. We’ll talk to you soon, sir.
Troy: Roger that, Sammy.
[The sound of a phone hanging up]
Ben: (clearing throat) Well… that’s good information there, huh?
Sammy: Are you okay, Ben?
Ben: Yeah! You know, I’m just… I’m not a fan of the idea that Gunderson is sending out gangs of thugs to dispatch animals, man! Aren’t there real issues for law enforcement in this town? Last week, I saw old lady Turner jaywalking in front of the grocery store.
Sammy: So you’d rather Gunderson take down the organized jaywalking underbelly of King Falls?
Ben: No, I actually helped her cross the street, but the point is that this werewolf issue seems like an animal control issue! Let Ralf Harkins take care of this! Why are the police even involved, man?
Sammy: Your guess is as good as mine. Moving forward-
Ben: Yeah! Yeah, uh, moving forward we’ve got about thirty minutes of open calls lined up before acclaimed ebook author Kirk Sycamore- don’t judge this, Sammy- will be joining us to talk about his new book Dead Tom Turkey: The Perils of Uncooked Poultry.
Sammy: I’m sorry, what now?
Ben: I mean… it’s a thing. Undercooked anything can’t be good, right?
Sammy: I would assume, but seemingly that one sentence just covered everything you need to know. Cook it longer.
Ben: Then it might get dry. I don’t know man! Don’t look at me like that! Merv emailed and asked to book this guy. His book topped Beauregard’s King of King Falls, it’s got to be worth something, right?
Sammy: The perils of uncooked poultry.
Ben: In thirty minutes.
Sammy: I don’t know if I can hold this excitement in for thirty minutes, Ben. You must be bursting at the seams! Surely you’ve waited your entire journalistic career to talk about under-broiled birds.
Ben: Uh, if it makes this any better, apparently this is a novel, not an instructional guide.
Sammy: (outraged) That actually makes it worse! This is a fictional piece of work?!
Ben: Merv emailed this to us, Sammy.
Sammy: Listeners, please immediately stop what you’ve got going on and mark this down: I’m going to do my damndest to get you the info on Merv’s book of the month club. I’m on your side and I am fighting for you.
Ben: Merv, if you are listening, I do not need to be cc-ed on the email you are penning. 
Sammy: (laughs) You heard it folks, that’s coming up quickly, but until then we are taking your calls, King Falls. What would you like to talk about this evening, Ben?
Ben: Whatever’s clever. 
Sammy: Talking about whatever’s on your minds before what is sure to be a Pulitzer winning interview. 
Ben: It’ll be good- you’re making fun- but it’ll be good. 
Sammy: How could it not be? You heard our story, King Falls, now let’s hear yours. 
Ben: Give us a call at the station- 424-279-3858, or hit us up at the tweet machine!
Sammy: That’s @ kingfallsam and @ kingfallssammy respectively. Line seven you are on the air with King Falls AM. 
Pete Meyers: You’re saying to yourself: I don’t think Pete Meyers would listen to a show of this terrible quality, as handsome and as smart as he is. He’s probably watching Big Bang Theory or something. 
Sammy: That is exactly what I was thinking, Pete. 
Ben: Word for word, almost. 
Pete: Look, I don’t like talking to the two of you either. 
Ben: Yet you continue to call! And listen! And show up at events!
Pete: Ben if you don’t drop a little bass out of your voice I will roundhouse you right in the gullet the next time I see you. You hear me? I will skullf-(beep) your mom.
Ben: So now you’re threatening me? Do you hear this Sammy?
Sammy: (annoyed) Just hang up. 
Pete: (stammering) Whoa, wait, wait, alright? You know, I’m sorry. I’m a little emotional right now… I would never intentionally try to scuff up my lugs on your face, Ben. I apologize. 
Sammy: I don’t think that-
Ben: What’s the matter? Got a vampire not appreciating the hedge art you’ve been clipping into the bushes?
Pete: Well it’s kind of about him- did you say vampire?
Ben: (triumphantly) Knew it! Man, just fess up and tell everyone that your boss is a vamp!
Pete: Ben Arnold, I just bought domain to your name. And you know what? I’m going to fill up all the pages with babies and donkeys. What’s the world going to think of you? Some weirdo guy, making an internet site about babies and donkeys? Yeah, that’s right-
Ben: (all riled up) Oh yeah? Ooooooh, Pete! Why don’t you come down here, look me in the eyes, when you’re saying this huh? Huh?!
Sammy: Guys. 
Ben: Meanie!
Sammy: Guys! That’s enough. Pete, state your problem or move along. 
Pete: Alright, fine. I messed up big time. Worse than the time I dressed up as Edward Scissorhands for Halloween and ruined Mr. B’s hedges. Apparently I pushed a button or didn’t-really-push-a-button on a fancy thing… that’s beside the point. What I really want to know is- did you guys hear something funny on your station a week or two back?
Ben: Um, um, I’m hearing something stupid right now but I don’t know if that’s-
Pete: Come on, Ben! Be serious. I take you seriously- I almost respect you! Now, I heard a little something like maybe you guys got hijacked or something like that and I just wanted to know… you know, what’s up.
Ben: This again?
Sammy: Wait, Ben, we’ve heard this a few times actually. The shotgun guy said it, we’ve had a number of tweets about it. We don’t know anything about this but apparently another feed cut into ours about a month or so ago. 
Pete: Oh sh-(beep).
Ben: Watch your language, Pete.
Pete: Watch your… face, Ben.
Ben: Wait, what the hell are you and Beauregard up to? 
Pete: None of your damn business. 
Beauregard: (from the background of Pete’s call) Yard boy, what are you doing in this chamber without supervision?
Pete: Uhhhhhhh what? Uh, Mr. B, uh nothing!
Beauregard: Don’t act like an ignoramus around the transmorgrifier. 
[There are metallic clanks and scrapes in the background and the sound of metal pipes moving around. A whirring humming sound begins like a machine turning on which grows steadily louder]
Sammy: What the hell is going on over there? Pete?
Pete: You made me mess up again you butt smackers. 
Beauregard: Don’t just stand there all slack-jawed and drooling. Turn it off this instant. Celestia!
[The whirring cuts off and there is the sound of a call ending]
Ben: What the hell?
Sammy: Well, folks, this is a first for me that I believe an on air failed attempted felony will lead us right into break.
[Cheerful music starts as a commercial begins]
Ernie: Hey there! Ernie Salsado’s leather bound books ain’t your normal bookshop. Maybe you’re asking yourself: Ernie, whatever do you mean? What I mean is that Ernie Salsado’s leather bound books is more than just a hipster reading book nook. We don’t carry none of those cheap-ass paperback books or harlequin novels here, plus you sure as hell ain’t gonna find nothing to read on your I-pad kindle whositswhatsits. For what I understand it’s only first edition leather bound books and (???) up in this joint. Maybe you’re thinking you need to gussy up your place to impress some broad or you have a real need to make people think you got a bigger vocabulary than some Johnny come lately. Either way, Ernie’s got you covered. That’s a book joke! Ernie Salsado’s leather bound books- we got fancy books! F-(beep) you, pay me.
[King Falls AM rock music plays then fades out as the commercial break ends]
Sammy: Ernie Salsado’s leather bound books? There’s two of these stores here? I’ve never even heard of one of them until Rich McGuff! I don’t know what’s more surprising, Ernie’s entrepreneurial rise in the community or him almost making me forget what happened before the break…
Ben: I’m literally afraid to comment one way or another on this. 
Sammy: (amused) He is an intimidating specimen. 
Ben: (carefully and slowly) If he… likes to hear that, then, yes, you are right. If not, please don’t slander that gigantic human!
Sammy: Ha, no slander intended. We’re taking calls and counting down the seconds before we get a riveting interview with the man who some call the Dan Brown of bird related mysteries. 
Ben: Wow, they say that?
Sammy: No, they don’t! (laughs) The phone lines are still lit up, let’s take some calls.
Ben: Good evening, you’re live on King Falls AM. 
Greg Frickard: (smugly) Well look who decided to pick up the phone. 
Ben: (quickly) Um, let’s take another-
Greg: Hey, Sammy! I’ve got a topic of discussion. Let’s talk about how that co-host of yours is just gonna sit there all quiet and not even mention the fiasco he caused earlier this week at Granny Frickards!
Sammy: Greg? Is everything okay?
Greg: Oh, it’s not okay, Sammy. That- pardon my French- moron, that he would even-
[the sound of a call ending]
Ben: Whoops!
Sammy: Ha! 
Ben: Line five you are on with Sammy and Ben!
Sammy: Wow, it looks like you learned a thing or two from Chet, I see. 
Ben: Don’t know what you’re talking about!
Caller: Hello?
Sammy: So what happened at Frickard’s?
Caller: Are you talking to me?
Ben: Nothing happened to… let’s just-
Sammy: Not only are you my broadcast partner, I thought we were friends! 
Ben: Hey! We are friends! I just didn’t think to tell you that I happened to have dinner at Frickard’s earlier in the week.
Caller: Hellooo?
Sammy: Uh huh. This wouldn’t happen to be the same night Emily was on a business meeting with Greg, would it?
Ben: I really don’t recall but it might have been… that’s a good question. 
Sammy: You don’t recall going to your least favorite restaurant in town, which you never eat at, on the night of the King Falls Valentines Day Dance where your main squeeze-
Ben: Watch it.
Sammy: Where the girl you pine for-
Ben: Watch it!
Sammy: Where Emily Potter-
Ben: Thanks.
Sammy: Happened to be roped into a business meeting with Greg Frickard.
Ben: My mortal enemy. 
Sammy: Paid sponsor of King Falls AM. 
Ben: Whatever. 
Sammy: You don’t recall if that’s the night you dined at Granny Frickard’s?
Ben: Ehhhh it’s not really ringing any bells! 
Sammy: Maybe we should call Emily. 
Ben: Don’t do that!
Sammy: Things coming back to you now? 
Ben: Did- ugh… can I fill you in at break and not on the air?
Sammy: You’d better! You know, I’m a little sore that you didn’t tell me to begin with! And this was days ago! 
Ben: I’m sorry, man, it’s just it’s not the best story. Believe me.
Caller: Hello? Can we talk now?
Sammy and Ben: No!
[The sound of a call ending]
Sammy: The turkey guy is not sounding so bad right now.
Ben: Ha, why don’t we try… lucky line one, you’re on King Falls AM. 
Greg: Hey Ben Arrrnold! Why don’t you tell the whole friggin town about you showing your butt and ruining my business meeting with Emily Potter!
Ben: Greg, I really don’t wanna get into this. 
Greg: Ohh, you can’t talk in front of Sammy and the whole town- what’s the matter? Frog got your tongue?
Ben: That's not a saying. 
Greg: You sure didn’t have a problem causing a ruckus at the restaurant! In front of Granny no less!
Ben: Can we take another call, Sammy?
Sammy: Is this true, Ben?
Greg: You can’t deny it, Ben Arnold! I’ve got it on camera from multiple angles! You are a heathen.
Ben: Why do you have me making a scene on camera?
Sammy: Multiple angles?
Greg: I’d like to say it’s just the security cameras… but, if you must know, I hid a few cameras around the Froggery for my big night. 
Sammy: You call a business meeting your big night?
Greg: With Emily Potter I absolutely do! She is the most beautiful creature in King Falls!
Ben: So you admit that it was a date?
Greg: It was a business meeting with a gorgeous woman! Take it as you will!
Ben: You’re so creepy! God!
Greg: Oh, so it’s creepy. Wanting your gramma and your future children to see the moment their future mother and I fell in love? Recorded for prosperity forever. Probably. Classily edited to voice a man and everything. 
Ben: Yeah! It’s creepy!
Greg: (singing) I’ll make love to you! Like you want me to, oh baby hold me tight I will love you all through the night…
Sammy: That is really creepy, Greg.
Greg: You’re just a heathen. You don’t know what love is. What do you know? Tell them what you did, Ben!
Ben: I’m not getting into this on the air, Greg. Let’s just-
Greg: I am a paying sponsor of this show, Ben Arnold! Fess up, right now!
Ben: What are you gonna do, Greg?
Greg: So help me I’m gonna ask Granny- real nice- to pull your sponsorship money!
Sammy: Greg... are you crying?
Greg: (in a high pitched voice) No...
Ben: Hmm, so you’re threatening the show over a personal issue?
Sammy: Greg, we appreciate what you and Granny do for the show and the station-
Greg: I’m glad to see one of you does.
Sammy: But I’m not about to let you threaten taking money away from the station to pressure Ben into talking about something he doesn’t want to. Do what you got to do. 
Greg: Ha! Don’t think that I won’t wake up Granny right now!
Ben: You want to talk about this on air, Frickard?
Greg: Tell the people what you did. Just tell them!
Ben: Ugh, okay. So, I made a reservation for myself at the King Falls best f-(beep)-ing Froggery the same night as your video taped date with Emily. 
Greg: Keep going.
Ben: Jack-In-The-Box-Jesus, this is ridiculous. Sammy, I made a reservation and I made a scene! The end.
Greg: Details, heathen!
Sammy: Details would be nice here, Ben. 
Ben: So, uh, (clears throat) I got there right as Emily was sitting down. 
Greg: At a table right next to ours! He requested it!
Ben: That is also true. 
Sammy: Ah.
Ben: And that’s that! I watched Greg lose his mind. Nature took its course. 
Greg: He ordered every single flambé frog special on the menu.
Ben: Yeah? So?
Greg: Everybody who’s anybody knows that that’s the most romantic frog dish in the world! And you cleaned us out!
Ben: So what? You don’t need romance on a business meeting!
Greg: You ordered twenty of those things just for you!
Ben: And I paid for twenty! What’s your point?
Greg: My point? You didn’t even eat them! You brought in Chipotle!
Ben: Yeah, man! Cause frogs are gross!
Greg: You… you’re gross!
Ben: Oh yeah?
Greg: Yeah. You’re gross! A gross heathen and I… I hate you! I hate you! Ha! I said it. I hate you.
Sammy: Guys…
Ben: I’ll do you one better- I never liked you to begin with. You creep me out. 
Sammy: Ben…
Greg: Well, heh, that’s not what your mom says.
Ben: Don’t you bring my mom into this.
Greg: Your mother things I am a fine, upstanding, entrepreneur, and model citizen!
Ben: She’s an idiot then! Sorry mom.
Greg: Heathen!
Sammy: Guys! (Clears throat) Okay so you disturbed Greg’s meeting with Emily. You ordered food you didn’t eat. I-is that it?
Ben: Basically! He lost it because I was probably in the shot of his candid camera date!
Greg: I lost my temper, but you had it coming! You get Emily whenever you want and I schedule months in advance!
Ben: Yeah, and you did it during the Valentine's Day Dance. Just real messed up, man. You’re a stalker. 
Greg: Who showed up at whose date, Ben?
Ben: I was just having dinner at my favorite sponsor’s restaurant.
Greg: You don’t even like frogs!
Ben: Nobody does!
Greg: Why don’t you tell them how you got escorted off the premises?
Ben: You just did, idiot!
Sammy: If you were just eating, or not eating as the case may be, how did they have the grounds to toss you out of Granny Frickard’s?
Ben: Ugh. I- I may have started throwing tiny hush puppies in Greg’s general direction.
Greg: You, you, you may have? Pah-lease! You were pretending to be Nolan Ryan while you’re lobbing them at my head.
Ben: You had no right to kiss Emily’s hand!
Greg: Well you wouldn’t have even known if you weren’t, you know, stalking us to begin with!
Ben: Yeah? Well, uh, stay away from Emily!
Greg: Well I won’t have a problem doing that since she hates us both.
Sammy: I’m sorry, what’s that, Greg?
Ben: Can we move on… please.
Greg: Emily left in a huff and said she wasn’t a prize to be won. Totally thought she was roleplaying and I called her princess Jasmine… Which she also didn’t appreciate… 
Ben: Nice touch, dumbass. Referencing Aladdin don’t make it right.
Greg: It’s kind of ludicrous when you think about it. I mean, she is a prize to be one. She’s the trophiest of trophy wives to ever be trophy won!
Ben: She’s pretty mad, Sammy.
Sammy: It sounds like she kinda should be…
Ben: She probably hates me now, man. Stupid stunt…
Sammy: I’m sure she doesn’t hate you, Ben.
Greg: Oh yeah, she hates him big time. I mean, she hates us both, but it’s basically a win for me. She was only lukewarm to my intentions but she can’t stand Ben now. She’ll eventually come back around to the Frog Prince if, uh, he’s out of the picture.
Ben: Greg.
Greg: I’ll take your apology on air, Ben. But I would also like it written on a nice piece of cardstock so I can show it to Granny.
Ben: I sincerely hope that you catch a frog-based STD and die.
Greg: And I hope that you find another perfect woman to fall head over heels in love with, Ben, because you just struck out. You stuck out big time.
Ben: You’re an imbecile! Nobody likes eating frogs! It’s 2016, Greg! You’re gross!
Greg: Ha! Shows what you know. Some cultures consider frogs the poultry of the pond.
Ben: Literally no cultures say that!
Greg: Oh yeah? Well ask Kirk Sycamore when he comes on, he’ll show you.
Ben: I’m not asking anybody anything.
Sammy: Greg, I think it’s best if we part ways for the night.
Greg: Fine! No skin off my bubble butt! Later haters!
[The sound of a phone hanging up]
Sammy: I think-
Ben: Can we just go to commercial, Sammy? I just- I can’t right now.
Sammy: D-do you want to? Is that on schedule?
Ben: No! And, no… Ugh, just take a couple more calls before the bird man pops in.
Sammy: Lucky line one you’re live on-
Caller: Hi, Sammy. Hi, Ben…
Sammy: Good evening, Emily. I assume you’ve been listening.
Emily. I’ve been listening.
Sammy: You know what, let me put you on hold so you can talk to Ben off the air.
Emily: No! I’d like to talk to Ben on the air, if you don’t mind, Sammy.
Sammy: You know, I uh… Ben?
Ben: Uh, whatever you want, Emily.
Emily: Okay, you know I don’t hate you, Ben. Far, far from it.
Ben: I’m so sorry Emily. I just, I lost it sitting there, thinking that you were all alone with that creep and-
Emily: You acted like a real ass.
Ben: I know I did!
Emily: I’m not a child, Ben. When I told you that I would love to go to the dance with you, that was the truth. But when I also told you that I was a woman of my word and was going to honor my prior engagements, as stupid and contrived as they were, I meant that too.
Ben: I just-
Emily: You acted like an ass!
Ben: I know, but-
Emily: There’s no explanation that will make this better, Ben! You acted like a jealous boyfriend and I’m not sure if you know this, but you aren’t my boyfriend.
Ben: Can I just say-
Emily: Even if I wanted you to be before, you aren’t. So you have no right to act like this!
Ben: (Pausing) You wanted me to be your boyfriend?
Emily: Before the incident there was no doubt about it.
Ben: After?
Emily: I- I- uh- I can’t let my feelings override the fact that you treated me like a kid, Ben. I am a grown woman! I am a professional woman. I don’t need some white knight to save me from the likes of Greg! And while I appreciate the idea behind it, like I said to you and I said to Greg, I am a person! I have feelings! I’m not a prize to be won! 
Ben: I really messed this up, I’m… I’m sorry. Emily if you’ll just-
Emily: I just- I need some time to evaluate what the next step is. 
Ben: Because you hate me.
Emily: No! Bec- because I lo- I strongly strongly like, probably definitely on the verge of more. I mean, I was scared to death that you were hurt or worse during Lincoln’s revenge! But I was scared even more when I saw you acting like a high school bully during that meeting. 
Ben: You strongly strongly like me?
Emily: I do. But it’s, it’s gonna be a little bit before I can trust you to be okay with that.
Ben: I understand. 
Emily: But I… I wasn’t going to let another minute go by of you think that I hated you. Cause I don’t. But you really need to fix this.
Ben: And I will. I- I promise.
Emily: I hope so. (pause) Ah, goodnight, Sammy. Ben.
Sammy: Goodnight, Emily. We will talk soon.
Emily: I’m sure of it. Ah, I actually wanted to talk to you about being one of the library’s spring break speakers soon. I’ll send you an email.
Sammy: Oh, please do. Anything to get the kids back in the library after, you know, Lincoln’s revenge…
Emily: Thanks, Sammy. Goodnight, guys.
Ben: Hey- hey, Emily?
[The sound of a phone hanging up with a beeping that slowly fades out. The King Falls outro music and credits begin.]
Nolan Ryan: a baseball pitcher.
The Big Bang Theory: A television show.
Edward Scissorhands: a charactor from an old fantasy movie by the same name about a man who had scissors for hands.
Harlequin novels: a trashy romance story.
Sammy Stevens, Ben Arnold, Troy, Greg Frickard, Emily Potter, Pete Meyers, Beauregard, Ernie Salsado.
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