#i know what happens to Witch but that’s as far as I’ve gotten
sprooknooky · 2 years
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I’ve been rereading Eden’s Zero and oh my god lesbian robots
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malenjoyer · 21 days
I know right now may not be the best time to say this, but I'm kind of still processing how fast this all happened. As someone who likes to look over artists' past work esp my fav works daily and just suddenly noticed that they're almost all gone: twitter, instagram, and tumblr. It frustrates me that not only has this situation affected you, but how it really takes one selfish and inconsiderate person to ruin everything for others. I truly hope that you can heal from this and maybe we might see those pictures again, but this is just soo much to process. Just love and support for you <33333 🥹🫶😭🫶🫶🫶🫶
Hi. I’ve privated a lot of my work on tumblr and Instagram, so they’re not gone forever. I still have a lot of positive memories with them so I didn’t want to delete them. I wanted to keep all the nice comments and support I’ve gotten over these past few years.. I might unarchive them sometime in the future when I’m more okay with it being looked at. Twitter, I had no choice but to delete it, especially ones with dick, jason, and Peter Parker. My brain freaked out a little bit from seeing evidence of the person saving my art and making fake clip files with them. Logically, I am aware deleting my old art in response is stupid.
But it wasn’t limited to just comic art, it was other interests I had too which was really uncomfortable that someone would go to the extent of pretending they like other stuff I liked. They would also paraphrase tweets I’ve made about my personal life onto their own twitter. That just isn’t okay.
Every interest I’ve ever fallen in love with meant a lot to me. This is probably not publicly known information since I’m relatively private, as a depressed autistic person, a lot of who I am is what I end up liking. My friends and relatives describe me as dressing up like a cartoon character, because everything I like is so visibly obvious. I become utterly consumed in my favorite things. Suddenly, it feels like all of my control was taken away from me. My interests collected over the years were no longer just mine, it was someone else’s because they decided to lie and it was easier to continue lying. I don’t know how much was saved. There was a screenshot of a message with over 8+ of my art works sent excluding the fake files.
I don’t have control over it. The impersonation of my identity and my life experiences.
But I do have control over who gets to see what I put out in the future. I could probably write this better but I’ve rewritten a lot of things within these two days. Rewritten posts over and over so it sounds less aggressive, less hurt, less like I am trying to call for a witch hunt and more just taking extra precautions. I don’t think I have the energy to rewrite this to seem less vulnerable/pathetic.
I want to apologize to everyone who hoped I’d keep my past art public. I know how it feels. I’ve been fans of artists who just blew up their account one day and never came back. I only privated them on tumblr and Instagram. That’s all I can do. Honestly, I’m hoping a part of my brain just forgets some of this happened since depression does come with memory loss.. This post is now too long.. but I hope it gives some insight for what’s happening on my side of the brain. I appreciate all the support so far.
If you see me acting a little weird on twitter, I’m just trying to regain a sense of control over my identity.
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alexawynters · 5 months
Scarlet Whispers pt 10
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Gif not mine, as always
Trigger Warnings: Some gore and violence.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Female!Reader
Rating: M. Minors DNI
Masterlist with parts 1-9 here
Chapter Ten
A/N: I Googled the recipe for authentic Hungarian Chicken Paprikash in order to see how difficult it might actually be to make, and as someone who can’t cook but three things, I have to say it looks hella complicated. I’m giving Reader far more credit than I would ever give myself with regards to kitchen skills.. That said it sounds delicious and now I want it :’(  Someone pls feed me. Also I felt super bad that I went so long without posting when I had this just… sitting in my Google Docs, so uh… have another chapter. I only have 12 written so far though so I guess I better get to steppin’. sweats nervously
The pair of you had elected on a movie marathon today, watching the Hobbit series together on the couch when Wanda felt it. That telltale tingle in the back of her mind, signaling that her wards had been tripped. This wasn’t the alarm for a breach, but rather letting her know that someone was at the perimeter attempting to get in. Pearly teeth grit in rage - how dare someone ruin her perfectly good afternoon with you? Everything was coming together, and now someone had the audacity to try and intrude, possibly to try and take you away from her? Wanda couldn’t have that.
Pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, the redhead informed you she needed to check on one of her projects and it might be a while. Your pout was quickly kissed away, Wanda directing you to play the new video game she had gotten you last month. Unintentionally, you had been putting it off - between spending time with Wanda and trying to play all the other video games you had, there hadn’t been much time for it. Excitedly, you agreed, getting the disc ready before putting it in the console, as Wanda stepped away. Sure it would be better with the woman by your side, but you could be patient while she worked on her projects. 
Or at least, you would try to be. Healthy relationships and all, you had to be able to spend time apart, and you certainly spent enough time together even if secretly your selfish heart thought not enough.
Out of your view and satisfied you were preoccupied for the foreseeable future, the witch conjured her battle regalia, and stepped through a portal to the ground's perimeter. From the moment she stepped through, the cause of the alarm became readily apparent - Stephen Strange stood just beyond the barrier looking smarmy as ever.
Wanda was getting really sick of that stupid goatee.
“Stephen,” Wanda said, calmly, “How did you find me?” She asked, but she didn’t truly care, the how didn’t really matter.
”America didn’t sell you out, if that’s what you’re asking. The trail of death and destruction you’d left pointed me in the right direction. It took a while but eventually I found where you've been hiding, as you had to know I would.”
The witch hummed noncommittally. “I’m just trying to get my family back, Stephen. You of all people should understand that. I’ve seen what you have done to try and reunite with Christine. Can you blame me for wanting to be happy? Why do you get to choose the reality we all must live in, but when I try to make a life for myself, I’m labeled a villain?”
Strange knew there was some truth to her words, but he was never one to back down. “The family you had wasn’t real, Wanda. They never wer-”
“They were real to me!” The witch seethed, cutting him off.
“In almost every other universe, we are together and happy. If I have to go through you to make that happen, I will. To you they aren’t real, but to me they are my family, and I would burn every universe for them.” Red eyes blazed in rage, and Stephen had no doubt the Scarlet Witch meant her words.
Nevertheless, the sorcerer had no patience for empathizing with his former colleague. There was an innocent person in her grasp and it was his duty to save them. “You have to let her go, Wanda. You can’t hold her against her will like this.”
A sinister chuckle. “Against her will? Does she look like she’s being held against her will?”
With a flick of her stained fingers, and a hazy one-way portal appeared off to the side of them, showing where you were currently engrossed in playing your new video game: Baldur’s Gate 3. From there the scene changed to the recent dates you both had been going on, and how happy you were spending time together, focusing on just how enamored you looked gazing up at Wanda. Another twitch of ink-tinged digits, and the images were gone.
The sorcerer had to admit you didn’t look unhappy, but that didn’t mean all was as it seemed. He knew there was no way she had come clean to you about everything she had done to get you here. If she had, surely you would have run for the hills by now, or at least attempted to. Things wouldn’t be so rosy for you if he left you in her care, Stephen was certain.
“Be that as it may, this Y/N doesn’t belong with you. You decimated entire universes in your search for her, leaving countless innocents dead in your wake. Does she know that? Does she know that you murdered her parents in this universe?” He asked, knowing full well the answer.
His words stung, Wanda knowing that some part of him was right in this instance. No, she hadn’t told you, and initially she had never intended to. As she had gotten closer to you though, Wanda realized she wanted you to know. Not to hurt you, but to solidify that she would always keep you safe from any harm, no matter who it was. She loved you, truly, and wanted you to know everything about her. However, she couldn’t risk that until she was sure your heart wouldn’t turn away from her with the knowledge she revealed.
“They were abusing her, Stephen! In your infinite wisdom, did you know that? Do you know the life she led before me? I’m not her captor, Strange, I saved her! Here she is happy, and I provide her with everything she could ever want or need. Taking that away from her for the sake of your pitiful morality and duty, that would be the real crime. Y/N deserves to be loved, to be happy, and so do I. Don’t take that from us.”
Strange knew he couldn’t win on logic alone. This would undoubtedly end in another showdown, but he was hoping he could reason with the witch. “It’s not just about rescuing her from your clutches, Wanda. You have caused real harm to the multiverse. Untold suffering, trillions annihilated for your selfish obsession. You have to be stopped, Wanda. What’s to prevent you from killing Y/N when she doesn’t fall in line like you want? What will you do then, toss her body aside like so many other innocent people, tearing through countless more universes to find another copy? When will it stop?”
“I would never hurt her!” the redhead snaps, her magic flaring out in warning. She was blatantly ignoring the fact that not long ago she was chasing you through a forest in the fear and anger that you were leaving her. Even then though, she had never planned to hurt you, certainly not kill you. Only to teach you a lesson. Wanda deeply resented that Stephen thought she would ever purposely hurt you. Not to any lasting degree at any rate. She loved you. You were her everything, the key to her happiness.
The witch took a steadying breath, calming herself. She had to think of you first, and she didn’t want to risk a battle so close to her home with you in it. “I have no intention of leaving this universe ever again, Stephen. I can’t say that I am sorry for what I did - it has brought me here with Y/N. But we are happy here, and unless someone comes along to threaten my family, I otherwise have no need to ever harm anyone ever again.”
She paused to look Strange in the eyes, trying to convey her sincerity. “Please Stephen, just go. Leave us in peace. This doesn’t have to be a fight. I’m so… tired… of fighting, Strange, but I want to be clear: I will never give up what is mine. I will neutralize any threat to her, or her happiness, and that includes you.”
The sorcerer couldn’t deny that Wanda looked every bit as exhausted as she suggested at this moment. Unfortunately, he still couldn’t allow the greatest threat to the multiverse that’s ever existed to continue free. Stephen believed that Wanda believed she wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, but that didn’t mean that he trusted her temper. Having already proven volatile at best, and if he left her alone with you, there was nothing stopping Wanda from going on the rampage he expected her to, should you step one toe out of line.
With a deep sigh, he looked at the ground, pondering his options, wishing there was another way. “I’m sorry, Wanda. I can’t take that risk. Not with someone as powerful as you. I’ll ask you one last time, let Y/N go, and surrender. This doesn’t have to end in blood.”
The witch tilted her head, studying him. “I’m afraid that’s where you’re wrong, Stephen.”
Purposefully she strode through the barrier to her home, no longer protected by it, able to engage if necessary. “I won’t let you take her from me. I won’t allow anyone to take her from me, ever again. I have grown so much stronger since we last fought. If you insist on your foolish crusade, this will end with your blood.
By now Wanda was mere feet in front of the sorcerer, refusing to back down. “Like you said, Strange. Last chance.” She tilted her head again, and a chill ran down Stephen’s spine at her determined, if slightly unhinged visage.
Strange sighed, moving to take a defensive stance, when suddenly the witch’s arm was protruding from his chest. He let out a surprised grunt. He hadn’t even seen her move, but he could feel the agony radiating throughout his body, proof enough that she had.
With a disgusting squelch, Wanda withdrew her hand, his heart clutched firmly within, still beating. Horror darkened the man’s face as he stared in shock. He hadn’t even seen her move, much less been able to react. How had she gotten so fast? Pain and shock prevented him from even speaking.
“I’m sorry it had to be this way, Stephen, but I told you. If you continued to come for me, it would be the Scarlet Witch you would be dealing with.” With an almost regretful look at his flabbergasted expression, Wanda crushed his heart in her hand before dropping it. What was left of the ruined organ thudded onto the ground at almost the same time his body did.
Wanda turned and began walking back towards the cottage, not looking back as she waved her hand. Red phosphenes surrounded Stephen Strange’s body as it disintegrated into ash. She neglected to take a portal this time, electing instead to take the long way to the house in the hopes the night air would steady her. It didn’t.
Eventually setting foot in your shared home, Wanda cast a glance towards the living room and was relieved to see you were clearly still enthralled with your new game. So engrossed were you, that you failed to notice Wanda, hand and arm covered in blood, as she headed towards the bathroom for a shower. Though she could have cleaned herself instantly with magic, she knew she was in no state of mind to return to you just yet. Despite how unaffected Wanda had made an effort to appear to Strange, her sins were weighing heavily on her heart. Killing someone she had once fought beside was not something she relished. Another death she was going to have to explain to you one day. Since the walk hadn’t done anything to ease her troubled heart and mind, the witch set about taking a shower. It stood to reason you would hear it and not question her continued delay, buying her time to not only clean up but hopefully also clear her head. 
Her shower was longer than usual, with less time spent cleaning than simply existing. Rivulets of water ran down her face as the redhead stood beneath the showerhead, staring sight unseeing at the shower wall. A necessary evil, she told herself. That didn’t make the weight of his death any less burdensome. What was she supposed to have done? Even if she had let him go, eventually he would have come back, the insufferable pest that he was. Likely then with numbers that even the Scarlet Witch might struggle with. She couldn’t have risked that. Risked you. Never again.
Why couldn’t he have just left her well enough alone? Wanda had meant what she said: she had no intention of universe hopping anymore. All she had ever wanted was her family. Now that she had you, she could begin rebuilding that, and you were making such good progress for her. Why would she want to start over with another variant of you, when you were just… so perfect for her? She still missed your Avenger variant, but every day that hole in her heart hurt just a little less. Besides, something about you specifically had a hold on her heart in a way she hadn’t anticipated.
Maybe in the beginning Wanda might.. have gone searching for another if you had not panned out as she expected. Terrible as that was to admit. Instead, from the moment she laid eyes on you before even entering into this universe, she was gripped by you. It was Fate, she was sure of it. And now? She couldn’t bear the thought of losing you. Of ever even trying to find another. Out of the vast multiverse, there was only this version of you. She wanted you as you were, and she refused to let you go or allow any harm to come to you. Even if it meant protecting you from herself.
A shuddering breath was exhaled, and Wanda began slowly rinsing the blood off of her face and out of her hair. She may have left you with a video game to keep yourself entertained, but Wanda knew from experience if she wasn’t there, it wouldn’t be too long before you would come looking. Wanda had become your rock, your favorite person. You could be playing your favorite game of all time, but if Wanda was not present, you wouldn’t have nearly as much fun. It was sort of cute how you would look for her at every opportunity, unable to stand being without her for too long. She felt similarly, and hoped you knew that now.
Finally clean, and deeming herself capable of functioning again, the witch changed into her most comfortable pajamas before mindlessly making her way back to the living room where you were. Absorbed in your game as you were, you only vaguely registered Wanda’s presence returning. You scooted slightly on the couch to make room for her, without ever taking your eyes away from the screen.
“Hey, Wands!” you said, enthusiastically. “How is your project coming along?”
The former hero was not ready to speak just yet, so she simply hummed instead, and leaned against you. She took comfort in your familiar warmth, even if your arms weren’t around her just now, your presence was enough to be soothing.
The lack of a proper response caught your attention. You almost didn’t turn to look at her, being in the midst of a pivotal battle, but you were glad you did. Hazel eyes puffy and tinted pink from crying met yours. Alarmed, you immediately stopped playing, controller forgotten in your lap, the game not even paused. Turning to the older woman, you placed one hand on her arm, the other to her cheek which she leaned in to.
“Wanda? What’s wrong? Has something happened?” 
Oh her precious detka, thought the witch. Always such a big heart, eager to provide comfort and aid. Perhaps if she were to tell you, maybe you would understand. Maybe you would forgive her. As she took in your concerned gaze though, she knew she wasn’t ready to risk it. Not right now. Instead, she shook her head to your question, unwilling to answer it.
“Can we not talk about it right now?” Her Sokovian accent was slightly more pronounced.
Though you were dying of curiosity as to what could bring someone so mighty to tears, you didn’t press. It’s not as if there would be something someone as powerless as you could do anything about whatever it was anyway. All you could do was ask and offer comfort. Wanda would tell you when she was ready. Until then, this was your opportunity to return some of the love and support she had provided you with, and you positively ached to bring that to her. Wordlessly, you pulled her into your arms, leaning back on the couch until she was laying atop your body. Murmuring gentle words of reassurance, you held her close, occasionally running your fingers through her auburn locks.
After a while, you grabbed the remote nearby and turned the tv from your video game to the DVD player. The Dick Van Dyke show began playing softly in the background, and Wanda’s chest bloomed with love for you at your thoughtfulness. She nuzzled further into your embrace, staying that way for the better part of the rest of the day as you both dozed intermittently.
Hours later Wanda slipped into a proper sleep, and once evening had rolled around, you took it upon yourself to cook dinner. Though you hadn’t wanted to part from the witch, she clearly needed the rest, and you wanted to surprise her by making dinner for her. Carefully you rolled her away from your chest and onto the couch instead, placing one of the pillows beneath her head. The only indication she registered any change was the slight, adorable scrunching of her nose. Why was this woman so damn cute?!
The kitchen had never been your chosen domain. Before Wanda, you were more likely to burn a pot of water than actually cook something successfully. Now you were hoping some of her lessons had rubbed off on you as you rummaged through the pantry and fridge trying to locate ingredients. With any luck you would be able to throw together and create something vaguely resembling an edible meal.
It was a pleasant surprise for you to discover that you currently had all the ingredients available to make Chicken Paprikash - Wanda’s favorite meal from her home in Sokovia. Going through her recipe note cards, it didn’t take you long to find it, and soon you were throwing seasonings in a pot along with some onions, tomatoes, peppers, and the chicken. While that was cooking, you prepared the noodles. A little under an hour later, and everything was coming together. You just hoped it wasn’t trash.
The aromatic and savory fragrance must have awoken the redhead because she sleepily padded her way into the kitchen to find her sweet surprise. You couldn’t see her yet, your back to her as you stirred the food while it simmered. Though unable to carry a tune to save your life, you were humming quietly to yourself with your earbuds firmly in place as you focused on making the delicious meal. Precious.
“Are you cooking, detka?” Wanda asked just loud enough to be heard over your music, and you jumped, startled. Blushing you turned to face the witch and grinned sheepishly.
“Uhh.. if you could call it that?” you chuckled, pulling out an earbud. “I just thought since you’re always taking such good care of me, maybe I could return the favor?” Voice lilting upwards almost in a question, hoping you hadn’t overstepped.
Moving to stand next to you and see what you had made, Wanda’s eyes widened as she took in the familiar dish. “Is this chicken paprikash?”
“Haha, yeah uhh.. my attempt at it at least?” You absentmindedly rubbed the back of your neck  - a nervous tick you’re pretty sure you didn’t have as a child until you started watching anime to learn the nuances of facial expressions better. It wasn’t until well into adulthood you learned most people don’t actually do that. Embarrassed, you fought not to slap your own arm, and instead simply lower it like a normal person.
“I hope I didn’t butcher it too badly. I tried to follow the recipe you had on the card since we had all the ingredients, but I can’t speak to the integrity of the dish as I haven’t tasted it yet. Besides, you're the true connoisseur here, so even if it seems okay to me, your superior palate might be able to tell the difference.” The joke rolls easily off your tongue, followed by a quick wink.
To you this was no big deal, you were just trying to be kind. But to Wanda? This was the sweetest thing anybody had ever done for her, and it reminded her almost of when she taught your Avenger variant how to make the dish. The other you had never tried to make it for her in return however, opting simply to learn about the meal while Wanda cooked. Now, looking at the beautiful dinner you had created for her, simply because it was her favorite and might cheer her up, Wanda felt her heart about to burst with affection for you.
Unable to hold back, deft fingers gripped your neck softly, quickly pulling you in for a searing kiss. Pouring all her love, affection, and appreciation into the kiss. You were surprised, but not unhappy with this turn of events. It hadn’t been your goal, per se, a kiss from the woman you were coming to love. However, if she wasn’t melancholic anymore, then you considered your goal accomplished. Your arms came to wrap around her neck, though you were careful to keep the spoon from making contact with her clothing or hair, you had heard her take a shower earlier and didn’t want to ruin that for her.
The kiss simmered into something soft and sweet. Meanwhile your food, unfortunately, was starting to bubble over. Hearing it, the pair of you sprung apart, with you frantically pulling the pot off the eye of the stove, stirring it to return to the intended consistency. Embarrassed and amused, you both burst into giggles at the almost mishap.
“Thank you, Y/N. This is incredibly sweet of you, I-” The redhead pauses, unable to eloquently convey everything she felt in that moment. “Just, thank you.”
The wattage of your smile could have been seen from space; you were so happy. “Of course, Wands! Any time.”
While you turned off the stove, Wanda set the table so you could begin plating your dinner. Jokes and laughter flowed easily between you as you both enjoyed your meal. Wanda, who never doubted your cooking skills, though you are pleasantly surprised, enjoyed that the paprikash is not only edible but rather delicious.
As you and Wanda settled into the domesticity of it all, the witch found her heart becoming light once again. So incredibly kind and thoughtful, you brought her joy, and filled her with hope. She resolved then and there to tell you everything one day. Deserving of that much at the very least, Wanda prayed, hoping, with all her being, that you would forgive her when the truth was finally revealed. For now though she sank into the warmth and comfort you provided, falling for you just a little more with each grin you flashed her way.
A/N 2: I’m not proud of what I had Wanda do in this, but I still have some left-over rage for how Stephen treated Wanda. All she needed was a little empathy, especially from the man who made the call to allow the events with Thanos and the Mind stone to play out as they did, basically letting Vision die. For no good reason. No you can’t convince me he was right. Its lazy plot writing that out of thousands and thousands of possibilities, none of them could have involved sparing Vision, or at least making his death mean something. I’m a Wanda apologist first and foremost, and I will die on this hill. Wanda deserved better, especially from those she called “friends”. Also, I stan women’s wrongs 😛
Taglist: I remembered this time!! @dorabledewdroop
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sleepanonymous · 5 months
In light of recent events (that I fully missed and only caught the resolution of), I figured maybe I should drag this post out of my drafts instead of sitting on it like a coward.
TLDR: It’s important to respect the band, but it’s equally as important to respect your fellow fan’s wishes to not know Sleep Token’s identities.
(These two asks are from the previous drama, not what happened yesterday.)
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I’ve had those 2 anon asks sitting in my inbox from that drama last month with a Tumblr user revealing Sleep Token’s names in a rant post because the guys did not unmask during/after the Wembley ritual. I hate to bring this back up but I feel guilty because I pretty much tossed a barrel of toxic waste onto that existing dumpster fire and walked away as everything exploded. I’d gotten back to everyone who DMd me and sent non-anon asks, but couldn’t answer these two. I didn’t want to publicly put that tumblr blog on blast because I did not want it to look like I was trying to instigate a witch hunt.
I had planned on ignoring these two asks since I had no way to DM the anon users, but figured I may as well use this as an opportunity to talk about something else: Sleep Token’s identities and respecting the band member’s wishes to stay anonymous.
Nowadays it’s nearly impossible to simply look up “Sleep Token” and not have the guy’s names and/or faces spoiled. It’s not your fault if this has happened to you, and you aren’t a bad person or disrespecting the band. Even if you looked up the information on purpose, that doesn’t make you disrespectful. It’s human nature to be curious, especially in regards to things that you love.
It’s okay if you know the names and faces of the member’s of Sleep Token. It is not okay to pass this information along in Sleep Token fan spaces, even if you disagree with the anonymity aspect or believe it’s just a gimmick. It is okay to be curious about the members and search for information about them online (such as old projects, public accounts, etc). It is not okay to harass them or their friends/family online (and yes, commenting “Worship” is harassment outside of Sleep Token’s official accounts). It is okay if you don’t find Sleep Token attractive after seeing their faces. It is not okay to hate on them or bodyshame them, especially in Sleep Token fan spaces. It is okay if you recognize the guys out in public, such as outside a venue. It is not okay to draw attention to them, take unsolicited photos of them, or approach them with anything other than respect.
The point I’m trying to make is that you can only be responsible for yourself. I am in a space where I regularly use Sleep Token’s first names, and relentlessly censor myself outside of that space to make sure I don’t accidentally namedrop. If I, an adult with ADHD and a 50 second attention span, can do this, so can you. Know that if you are refraining from openly sharing/spreading information about the band’s identities, you are not only respecting the Sleep Token’s wishes to remain anonymous, but you are also respecting countless other fans that are trying to avoid that same information for their own reasons.
It’s also important to remember there are people on the other side of the screen before sending hate. It’s easy to forget that a living, thinking, feeling, human reading what you’re saying. The best way to deal with people online who give you strong negative emotions is to block them and forget they exist.
If you’ve read this far then I just want to say that you’re amazing and I love you (especially if you’re my mutual or follower). You’re all truly the best community in this fandom. I hope you’re having/had a fantastic day. Forehead kisses and Large Mug Morning Espressos™ for all of you.
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wintersbitterfly · 1 year
au: vampire!mina
cw: mentions of blood
the warm summer breeze that softly blows your way makes you close your eyes with a sigh as you finally reach a lake, one that’s out in the middle of the woods, but not one that’s too far from where you live.
the summer dress you wore flows like a feather. you stare out at the lake where it ripples along with the wind.
you keep walking until you come to a stop on both feet, looking at your surroundings carefully.
waiting for someone in the dark like this can be unsettling, but the moonlight that shines so brightly tonight made you feel less afraid.
you weren’t afraid unlike everyone else in your town who was in fear of the vampires, werewolves, witches, any kind of “monster” that lives in this society you called your town.
naturally, you were just born to be fearless, and that gave you the courage to wonder out like this in the middle of the night.
suddenly, you felt arms wrap around your waist, causing you to jump a little catching you off guard.
but relaxed as soon as you heard that familiar giggle in your ear, “sorry, my love. i didn’t mean to scare you.”
you playfully scoff before turning around in your lover’s arms, facing her where you’re met with a bright smile.
“i don’t get scared, mina. in fact, you’re lucky i wasn’t close to staking you.”
mina rolls her eyes, “you know me and my presence too well to stake me.”
lips pursed, you sigh from defeat knowing she had a point.
wrapping your arms around her shoulders, you smile, “i’ve missed you.” you say.
“i’ve missed you too, my love.” lips come in contact with yours for a soft kiss.
you no longer shiver from the feeling of mina’s cold touch or her cold lips on yours, having gotten used to it ever since you met her.
the girl holds you nearly flush to her before pulling away and engulfing you in hug where she nuzzles her head into your neck, taking in your scent.
well, two scents at the same time.
“how are things going? how are the girls? how are you?” questions flow from your lips like a river.
she chuckles, “it’s okay. the girls and i have just been up and down with nightly duties, such as watching over the counsels castle. other than that, this is what i do besides those plans. i prefer this more.” mina explains.
you giggle before you pull away from the hug to look at mina’s face, your thumb brushing against her cheek.
suddenly, looking more and more at her face, her smile and doe eyes just made you sad all of a sudden.
it only reminded you of how different you both are every time.
you both aren’t different personality wise. ever since meeting you’ve both had the same interests and hobbies.
but human and undead is the struggle you both had.
after learning mina has been a vampire for 2700 years of her lifetime, you tried distancing yourself away from the woman.
but she kept coming back to you every night, coming to your bedroom window and knocking softly to get your attention. she wants to see you.
“what’s wrong, my love? you seem so down all of a sudden?” she asks with a look of concern.
you sigh.
“what will happen between us?” you ask.
“i-what do you mean-”
“you know what i mean, mina.” you cut her off.
your lover sighs softly before speaking up, “we’ll figure something out, sweet girl.”
you scoff, “how?”
silence was all that came from mina. she truthfully didn’t know.
“mina, you’re 2700 years old. you’ve been around for so long. and it’s not going to be long before you have to watch me di-”
“no.” mina cuts you off with the shake of her head, “don’t say that.”
“it’s the truth,” you say with sadness in your voice.
mina shakes her head once more before pulling you into a deep passionate kiss.
“i promise you that we will find a way, y/n. i don’t have all the answers on how to solve this issue, but i chose you for a reason. i love you. and one day i plan on tying the knot with you. i’m not letting you go, my love.”
you nod slowly, “i love you, too.”
another hug she pulls you into. one where she holds you in her strong grip and doesn’t let you go while you do the same.
but another thought circles your head. an idea that mina has went against ever since laying eyes on you, and only one word gave all the answers with no explanation needed.
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Yennefer saying 1, Yenskier
Here's some post-season 2 Yennskier with background Geraskefer.
"Could you hold me? Please."
Yennefer knows that casting the spell will probably kill her. All of Tissaia’s dire warnings about what happens when a mage burns themselves out ring in her head. She barely survived Sodden Hill and she know she shouldn’t risk that kind of loss of control again, especially not so soon after regaining her powers.
But soldiers found her, Geralt, Jaskier, and Ciri in the little farmhouse where they’ve been hiding for weeks now. Geralt is injured, his movements clumsy as he holds off three soldiers. She doesn’t know where Ciri is. The princess is hopefully hiding somewhere, but she’s probably about to do something reckless and dangerous. She can hear Jaskier shouting, taunting their attackers as he tries to draw them away from Geralt.
Yennefer turns and finds the bard backed up against the wall, holding a ladle like it’s a bludgeon and making anatomically improbable suggestions about the mother of the soldier approaching him with a sword. The soldier raises his blade and Yennefer knows there’s no time for her to hesitate. She may not survive, but she needs to make sure that Geralt, Jaskier, and Ciri get out of this alive.
For the second time in less than a year, Yennefer throws out her hands and lets her chaos run wild.
Yennefer wakes in the middle of the woods, her mouth tasting of ash and blood and her entire body aching. Her head is cushioned on a scratchy woolen cloak that reeks of horse and there’s a blanket thrown over her. A few feet away, a campfire crackles merrily and on the other side of the fire, Jaskier strums his lute. There’s a furrow in his brow and his tongue pokes out of the corner of his mouth in concentration.
She takes a moment to observe him before she croaks, “Geralt? Ciri?”
Jaskier’s head jerks up, pure relief flashing across his face. “They’re off catching dinner.”
“No, love.” He puts down his lute and rounds the fire to sit next to her. “Geralt caught a sword to his side, but you know witcher healing. He bled a lot, took a couple of potions, and then started acting like nothing ever happened. Ciri doesn’t have a scratch on her.”
“I’m perfectly fine.” He brushes a lock of hair out of her eyes. “Thanks to you.”
“Idiot. Shouldn’t taunt people with swords.”
“I’ve spent over two decades taunting a man with a sword. It’s worked out pretty well for me so far.”
“Idiot,” she says again, too tired to hide the fondness in her voice. 
“You scared the shit out of us, Yenn,” Jaskier says. “You slept for two days. We didn’t think you were going to wake up.”
“They were going to kill you and Geralt and take Ciri.” Yennefer closes her eyes, trying to block out the memories. “Are the soldiers dead?”
“All of them. And the house is burned to the ground. With all my favorite clothes inside, I may add.”
“Pity you were able to save your lute.”
“Yes, I got luck—hey!”
Yennefer smirks, eyes still closed.
She feels him let out a long sigh. “You nearly got yourself killed.”
“You nearly got stabbed for insulting a soldier’s mother.”
“Well, I had to do something to piss them off enough that they wouldn’t go after Geralt.”
Yennefer grits her teeth. “Don’t do it again.”
“I won’t if you won’t.”
“You impossible fucking bard.”
He presses a kiss to her forehead. “You impossible fucking witch.”
She hates this fucking man. She would tell him that at length, but moving her mouth is starting to feel like too much effort. She’s exhausted and acutely aware that the hard, cold ground she’s lying on is much less comfortable than the bed she’s been sharing with Jaskier and Geralt for weeks now. She’s gotten used to not having to sleep on the ground.
Jaskier sighs. “Anything I can do for you, Yenn?”
Yennefer hesitates, then asks, “Could you hold me? Please?” A few months ago, she wouldn’t have dreamed of asking for such a thing. It still feels odd to show that kind of vulnerability. But she’s cold, hurting, and all too aware of how close she came to never being held by Jaskier again.
“Of course.” The blanket lifts off her for a moment as Jaskier slides under it, curling against her side and tucking the blanket around both of them. Eyes still closed, Yennefer lifts her head off the cloak to settle it against Jaskier’s shoulder, a far finer pillow. His arms wrap around her, warm, secure, and achingly familiar. Yennefer settles against him, soothed by the feeling of him against her. The ground is still hard and her body still aches fiercely, but it’s a little more bearable with him holding her.
“Do me a favor,” he says softly. “Don’t almost die on me again.”
Yennefer knows she can’t promise that. None of them can, not when they’re on the run with the most wanted princess on the Continent. She can’t imagine how the four of them will all manage to get out of this alive. But Jaskier doesn’t need to hear that and she’s not above lying to her bard when necessary.
“I won’t,” she says. “So long as you don’t taunt any more men with swords. Except for Geralt. He would miss it.”
“No more taunting men with swords.” She knows he’s lying, just like she’s sure he knows she’s lying. But right now, curled up together on the ground, holding each other, they can both pretend that they believe it.
Hurt/Comfort Dialogue Prompts
Tag list: @kueble @mollymawkwrites @feral-jaskier @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @dawnofbards @thisislisa @tsukiwolf42 @mosaicscale @rockysstupidity @fontegagrilledcheese @kuripon @help-i-need-a-cool-username @julek @flowercrown-bard @eveljerome
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 8 months
Hi! Can I Request Matt Jackson x Fem!Reader with the prompt “ What can I say? You were out of my league.”? Ty 💗
Out of my league 
This should have never happened, you were out of my league. How could someone like you fall for someone like me
Word count: 662
Main Masterlist
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Matt’s  Pov
This past year had been crazy, between getting suspended to All In, to say it was a rollercoaster of emotions would be an understatement. Though it made me appreciate all the things I have in my life, a perfect example, the woman of my dreams who lies in bed with me, head on my chest in a peaceful slumber. 
I wonder how I got so lucky, how someone like her fell for someone like me, but let's be honest it was more like how I fell for someone like her. I remember the day I first met Y/n all those years ago in Japan. She was cold, vicious, bad and everyone knew it, yet I found her so interesting. I would often find her smoking outside venues, she would roll her eyes at me everytime I commented how bad that was for her. As far as the way we lived life we were polar opposites. 
She smoked, drank, partied, had tattoos and people feared her. I would hear the rumors that she was a witch, practicing witchcraft during her spare time. She was a “spawn of Satan” while I was “a good christian boy”. I never drank, did drugs or smoked. Not even trying it, living the straight edge lifestyle that was the opposite of Y/n’s. I knew she was bad news but I was so drawn to her, it was like she had me in a trance. 
When I joined bullet club I was able to spend more time with Y/n since she helped form the club. During that time I got to know her, the real Y/n. Believe it or not we had a lot in common. Soon enough we would often go out together after shows and talk for hours, just as friends but during these conversations I found myself falling in love with her and I hated myself for it. I knew she would never want someone like me, I knew I should not be with someone like her but her presence was like a drug, her scent made me intoxicated, I needed her. Why would a bad girl want to be with a good guy, everyone knows that’s not how it works. 
I told Kenny about my feelings towards Y/n and was shocked when he told me to bite the bullet and ask her out for real. 
“I think you're overthinking this Matt. Just ask her out, the worst thing that could happen is her saying no and it’s awkward for a little while” Kenny told me 
“But she is going to say no. Why would she want to be with someone like me?” I told Kenny 
“Look Matt, I’ve known Y/n for years, longer than I’ve known you, I know her type. She normally goes for softer guys and I don’t mean you're soft but I’m saying you have a chance here. We both know she isn’t anywhere near as cruel as she makes it seem.” Kenny was right
“Would you like to go out with me?” I asked Y/n nervously 
“Like on a date?” She responded 
“Yeah, on a date” 
“Yeah, I would really like that Matt” 
“Really? I’m surprised you said yes” I told her truthfully
“Why would I say no?” 
“I didn’t think you would want to go out with someone like me. Especially as more than friends”
“What makes you think that?” 
“What can I say? You were out of my league.”
Often that day replays in my head, if I never asked Y/n out we would have never start dating. If we didn’t date we would have never gotten married, never founded AEW, never started a family together. Although I still strongly believe she is out of my league I’m forever grateful for her being in my life. We balance each other, a perfect fit in my eyes. She is the love of my life and I will do anything for her. 
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fallen-gravity · 1 year
I’ve seen some criticism that Belos’ defeat was underwhelming. All of that build up and he just crashed. Do you see that or is there a hole there?
Honestly, even though I completely disagree, and gesture to the whole of Luz becoming a Titan and tearing away at Belos up until he had nothing left as being far from underwhelming, even if we're only looking at the scene where he's melted away by the acid rain and then curb-stomped by Eda, Raine, and King....isn't that what he deserves?
If Belos had gotten this big, over the top anime sequence type of death, with whole crowds attacking him and him fighting tooth and nail and reaching near victory, that'd be exactly what he wanted, isn't it? Any outcome where he looks like a hero, any outcome that made him look like a hero dying in action for the good of the people, is exactly what Belos would've wanted. It would've proven exactly what he's been saying all this time. If Everyone had beaten him to death, he, in his own dying mind, would've been vindicated that the Boiling Isles was full of savages.
But the fact that he succumbs to rain? to nature? There's no heroic way to paint that. It's incredibly pathetic. Everyone on the Isles knows that the rain is acidic and fatal, so even those who may have sympathized with him otherwise would hear that his cause of death was rainfall and thought "god, what an idiot, dying in such an easily preventable way." One of my personal favorite comments on this came from....either a friend on discord or some other tumblr post, I can't remember which, was the comment that pointed out that Belos melting away in the rain plays a really neat little parallel to how evil witches are always defeated in stories in the real world; they're melted away by water, and essentially what happens to Belos is no different; the rain melts him to mush, just as regular human realm rain made of water would melt evil witches of fairytale lore to mush as well.
It's not about getting a big, dramatic death scene. It's about getting it over with. Belos is gone, and that's that. There's no mourning or even any real celebration, outside of Raine commenting that curb-stomping on his melting corpse felt satisfying. It just Is, and now that he's gone, they can work on restoring the Isles like he never existed. It's exactly the kind of ending Belos would be furious about, the kind where he just becomes some pointless little blip in Boiling Isles history. Obviously Luz + co are still trauamatized by the whole ordeal, but I guarantee that even as few as two generations down the line, the name Belos or Philip Whittebane is gonna be nowhere to be found anywhere in the BL records, and he would fucking hate that
Which is why it's such a satisfying way for him to go. Get fucked, old man, you're not even getting the satisfaction of an overdramatic death scene. Get rained on.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
can you do a Wanda x Reader where reader is badly injured and Wanda finds them but its too late.. very angsty
a/n: omg anon you understand my language. i love angst so much. thank you for this request! word count: 1.4k warning(s): depictions of severe injury - blood - graphic wounds - angst - torture- ambiguous ending(?) wanda maximoff taglist: @nyx-aira @astralqche @exclusivitymajor @justyourwritter69 @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @wandsmxmff note: reader has been/was kidnapped and tortured by whatever evil organization you want to envision (i was thinking the same “ten rings” that kidnapped tony in iron man bc i rewatched it today)
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You didn’t know how long you had been in the cage. They kept you hidden away in a dark corner, trapped between two sets of metal walls, with one small slit for food and a semi-functioning toilet. You knew it had been days since they last “talked” with you. Your skin bore the memories. Bruises littered your skin, open cuts stung with possible infection, and your fingers aching with blinding pain from the hammer they had brought down on them.
You prayed for it to end.
The door to your cage slid open ominously, revealing the leader of your captors. You scooted as far back as possible, shaking your head over and over as he reached in a pulled you out like a misbehaving dog. He threw you on the concrete floor of the cell, placing a heel on your chest, keeping you down. You continued to sob, begging him to stop.
“Oh, does the little baby want me to stop?” His condescending voice triggered alarms in your head as one of his henchmen came forward, knife in one hand, bowl of salt in another. Your sobbing stopped as panic built in your mind, knowing what was about to happen.
You rasped out, voice hoarse from being kept from water for so long. All the men did was chuckle as they set up. The leader removed his foot from your chest but you knew better than to run. You learned that the first day, the bullet wound in your thigh a painful reminder. He kneeled down next to you, playing with the knife nonchalantly.
“Tell me how to kill the Scarlet Witch.”
You gasped as he trailed the blade on the inside of your forearm, watching it with fear. You kept telling yourself one of these days your pain would end, either by death or rescue you didn’t care.
The Leader didn’t like your silence.
With one swift motion, he sliced into your arm, causing you to hiss at the pain. He made a hand motion at his henchman, who silently gave him a handful of salt. The Leader made direct eye contact with you as he pressed the salt into your wound, causing you to let out a howl as pain and an overwhelming stinging sensation erupted through you. The Leader smiled at you, impatient, now bringing the knife up to your cheek, while one hand continued to press salt into your fresh cut.
“Now, answer my question.”
They tried a new tactic everyday, attempting to get you to reveal the way to kill your girlfriend. Every time you kept your mouth shut, they increased the punishment.
Today, you were in a sorry excuse for sleep, when your door kicked in, revealing The Leader and a handful of men. They injected something into your neck, immediately taking away your fight. They hung your wrists up with rope, straining your joints and painting your skin with more blood and bruises. Today, you had a bit of confidence. You glared at The Leader as he opened a box, the contents hidden from your view.
“I’m not telling you anything.”
Your voice was steadily declining, days of being unused taking it’s toll. The Leader chuckled, a dark sound which sent chills down your spine.
“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve gotten everything I need. Today is…” he waved his hands around, “for my benefit, for fun.”
With that, he pulled out a scalpel and a butchers knife, holding them out towards you.
You merely stared at him, swallowing with a dry throat. The Leader shrugged, putting down the scalpel and lifting up the knife. He walked around you, causing your breath to increase with panic as you could no longer see him. You heard a slashing sound, your clothes being ripped from the back. Before he struck you, he whispered something into your ear.
“Since you defended your witch, you’ll die like one.”
Wanda tore apart every base they went to, she destroyed entire buildings in her rage.
You had been taken and she couldn’t protect you. Her magic flickered dangerously through the Compound’s walls as Tony searched a grid for any signs of you. Wanda paced back and forth, wearing a hole into the floor of the lab. Natasha watched her worriedly but kept her distance at the pure anger radiating from the brunette. Tony slapped the counter in excitement, making eye contact with the witch. He merely showed her the coordinates of the last know location of your captors and she disappeared in a swirl of red. Tony and Natasha looked at each other before suiting up, a dreadful feeling sinking in their guts.
Wanda didn’t give your captors any time to react. Once, they had a front door and multiple guards. Now, they had no door and only charred skeletons littering the ground. She stormed through the base, eyes glowing scarlet as she blasted henchmen away from her, sending them into walls with bone cracking sounds. Her magic reached out to you, calling for you, searching. Wanda knew she didn’t have to be so destructive, her magic was powerful enough without having to put on a show.
But she wanted to send a message.
She didn’t know The Leader left one of his own.
Wanda was quickly approaching giant iron doors and with a flick of her wrist, they crumbled to the ground like paper. She stepped into a dimly lit hallway, watching as a man exited one of the rooms. His hands were stained with red and he smiled at the Scarlet Witch. He spread his arms out like Wanda was a long lost friend.
“So, you finally join us. But a bit too little, too late.”
His taunting tone irked Wanda and she wrapped her magic around him, watching as something akin to fear bled into his eyes. The magic seeped into his mouth, his eyes, his nostrils before his neck was snapped to the side by Wanda’s pure anger. As The Leader’s lifeless body drooped to the ground, she noticed something about the ground he had once stood on.
It was stained with blood.
Fresh blood.
Wanda felt her magic react with familiarity and she gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. She raced to the doorway, almost collapsing to the ground at what she saw. It was like all the air had been sucked out of her lungs.
Your body lay in a pool of your own blood, your skin torn and bruised, cut and burnt. A giant gash on your stomach bled onto the floor, creating a river of red around you. Your chest was moving slowly, like every breath was a burden. Wanda collapsed onto her knees next to you, pulling you into her arms and letting out a sob when she saw your back. Slash marks covered your skin, dried blood and fresh blood mixing gruesomely. She maneuvered you gently, using her magic to ease your pain. Your eyes blinked open heavily and Wanda smiled at you, tears welling up in her eyes.
“Hi, beba, I’m here.”
You smiled before attempting to respond, your body rejecting the action, causing you to erupt in a fit of coughs and sobs. Wanda shook her head as tears began to fall, cupping your face in her hands.
“No, no, hey save your strength, I’m going to get you out of here.”
She spoke reassuringly, more for her than you. Wanda watched as you gently nuzzled her with your head, looking deep into her eyes before you closed yours, slumping against her.
“Oh no, oh no nono! probudi se dušo, molim te probudi se! Wake up baby, please wake up!”
She let sobs wrack her body as she hurried her face into the crook of your neck, pulling you as close as possible to her. She rocked back and forth on the ground, trying and failing to heal you with magic. The damage was too great.
Wanda heard the other Avengers attacking the base but she couldn’t move from her spot. She continued to rock you back and forth, not allowing herself to believe the worst. She felt Natasha, Tony, and Clint stand in the doorway of what was your cell, watching in agony as Wanda crumbled to pieces and you slowly faded away. Wanda leaned back, pressing a kiss to your forehead with trembling lips, whispering against your skin.
“Don’t leave me, Y/N, beba, don’t leave me.”
a/n: i hope this wasn’t too terrible! I love writing angst so much so i hope I delivered!! Thank you for reading!!
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transboysokka · 10 months
Chris watches Howl’s Moving Castle for the first time
* Another one I’ve heard mentioned a lot and know nothing about
* HOLY SHIT GIANT MOVING CASTLE?? idk what I was expecting
* Oh, so Howl’s a bad guy?? omg is he a werewolf I s2g if he’s a werewolf named howl…
* Claiming Sophie on behalf of the Trans Community
* Oh no is that him why is he dressed like some anime guy, he reminds me of the beast in beauty and the beast after he turns human. Is this a beauty and the beast adaptation??
* Don’t let him seduce u Sophie be strong!!!
* I do love the wild fantasy elements of all of these movies, and this one feels like it’s gonna do some worldbuilding. Into it.
* What is with these movies and creepy old ladies?
* I do think maybe I have a weird phobia of old people? Wild way to find out
* Jesus Christ I just know that scarecrow is alive
* Oh maybe not
* Aw he’s so sweet
* This studio loves to animate flying things and old ladies. But hey, this is the first one I’ve seen that doesn’t start with someone moving somewhere new, so we’ve got that going for us
* Lmao the scarecrow did bring her a house
* This castle freaks me tf out and I haven’t even seen inside. Real Baba Yaga energy
* Bye Turnip, what a cutie
* Okay so the fire is a cute lil guy
* Magic door? Into it. So where is she really and why is it so Cottagecore
* “Calcifer said I could come in” “I did not!”
* That bacon looks so good and I don’t even eat bacon
* I love the idea of something being built into a spell to keep you from telling anyone about it
* I love calcifer and I love Sophie’s dynamic with him
* Turnip is back, yay!!
* I bet he’s under a curse too
* I wonder if he’s the missing prince!!
* I could probably paint that lake
* I’m really intrigued by him as a character though
* omg that’s Christian bales voice as howl lmao no wonder these dubs are so uncharacteristically good
* omg I’m looking at the English cast kw this SLAPS
* goddamn am I having gay thoughts about a weird anime guy noooo
* I’m crying why does howl have to be such an ugly dog
* how does the Lauren Bacall witch fit in that little carriage thing if she’s so huge, I swear this is one of the funniest movies I’ve seen in a long timd
* ok but I still don’t really get why Sophie had the spell cast on her in the first place, she wasn’t bothering nobody before
* I’ve gotten some antisemitic vibes from characters in other ghibli movies so far and I’m not a huge fan of the fatphobia with the villain, I just gotta say
* Lmao the dog isn’t even howl?
* wait why tf does the castle have a mouth
* why is the bad witch tagging along dump her ass
* So Sophie is young when she sleeps? I don’t get that
* Ok…. So she’s just…. Young again?
* Creepy?? Toy cave??
* Wtf why are these movies so confusing
* I might be imagining it but Sophie does seem to be gradually getting younger
* I love how gung-ho Howl is about his family and his house. Love that in a man.
* Found family themes just Get Me, u know?
* On one hand I don’t Get What’s Happening with the war, but also… I Get this movie
* Also still don’t get the aging and de-aging and I’m not sure if it’s only supposed to be metaphorical or what
* So… why did he eat her hair??
* I gotta say that I love that the only sound the ugly dog makes is us a dry cough
* Maybe the dog is called heen bc he has chicken feet and heen is like hen
* yeah I have no idea what the fuck is going on right now
* Wtf howl is just… right there?
* Why was his heart even gone in the first place? Seems like he had it the whole time anyway. Did he know calcifer had it? Like I really don’t get any of that
* Lol why is Sophie his true love
* And now they’re just gonna end the war???
Okay that was definitely more fun than any of the other ones I’ve seen so far. CONFUSING AS FUCK like I don’t get it at all but it was really fun. Really funny, with GREAT characters, and I was loved Billy Crystal Fire Guy, so glad I happened to watch the dub.
Also I can’t explain it, but this one is just For The Gays
I’ll watch Princess Mononoke next
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magxit · 1 year
I am going to ruffle some feathers here but it needs to be said.
I am a proud POC. I’m 28 years old lesbian who grew up in a rough neighbourhood.
I will admit that when I first heard about things that this Matty Healy had said and done.. I was irate.
I reacted on my emotions first and I was there on TikTok arguing with anyone who defended Taylor and Matty. I supported the speakupNow fan movement. I used my voice to spread my anger across whatever platform I could get my hands on and with each new bit of information… I got angrier. I boxed up every last bit of Taylor Swift merchandise. I sold my tickets to the Detroit show.
Then I stumbled upon the first POC who wasn’t angry with Taylor or Matty. He was angry with the fans and the toxic fan culture. Then I found another. Then I found a handful of POC TikTokers, those who were part of the LGBTIQA community and those who follow the Jewish faith and they weren’t angry with Taylor and Matty. They were angry at the fans. This, at first, made me even angrier. I felt betrayed by them far more then I ever did Taylor - and yes, I had felt betrayed by her as well.
I believe our voices have a right to be heard and I was fighting for people to listen to our communities so I listened. Just to try and understand their perspective.
The first was an older man. He broke down the entire situation with each claim and explained how things weren’t what they seemed and I found myself wanting to put my emotions aside for just a bit and do my own research away from the media or social media influence. Everything floored me. So much of what happened was taken so far out of context that I couldn’t believe it. I’ve experienced injustice of our words not being believed or twisted or misunderstood for decades. I’ve watched my family go through unthinkable things. I know and understand just how far the media can take something and twist it to fit a narrative they want and that is exactly what was happening.
Then I saw the death threats to Matty and his family. I saw people saying that they hope he ODs or that he would make Taylor a drug addict etc etc and I watched as this hate spread like wildfire and be worse day in and day out… and if you dare spoke out against the herd mentality - then you were called racist, a bigot and more. I had a blonde, white Taylor fan call me things that she was accusing Matty of being simply because I didn’t agree with her and completely trashed me for not listening to the POC voices.
I kept doing more and more research and I was certain that what was happening to Taylor was… horrible. Her own fans went for her throat. When she made the speech that she was happier now then she ever had been before… And then watch the fans blow up on her… it was beyond heart breaking. It’s no wonder she went into hiding.
This was 100% the fans. I expect hate for that and I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t post this but that’s fine. The fans are toxic and are doing to Taylor the very thing she said she hated. Her fans are tossing her in the basement unless she does what they want. The fact that millions of, generally white woman, want to control what Taylor did with her life was just… there’s no words for it.
Then to see the celebrations over the break up? Unreal.
They didn’t even want to consider there may be more than what they think.
There’s proof that this was an unnecessary witch hunt.
Joe - the ones these same fans are begging to come home and calling him “dad”… has played a lot of horrible kinds of characters including a rapist and a Nazi. His opinion on people of that sort?
They’re not that bad. That people like Nazi’s aren’t bad people.
Let that sink in. Fans are going to destroy Taylor’s wants and tear a man apart for something that was not what it seemed in terms of the salute and other things but Joe was literally defending people who were Nazi’s and more.
But Joe has never gotten an ounce of hate about it. In fact, that same toxic fandom will blast Taylor for Joe leaving her. It’s her fault. He deserves better.
These fans don’t care about Taylor’s happiness. They want a puppet to control. They want to spend all this time and energy into bringing her and Matty down instead of being out on the streets trying to make change happen for issues around the world.
Like the abortion bans, women losing rights to their own body or mind. Or the fact that the corn industry is mostly trafficking victims and what goes on behind the scenes on websites like corn hub is a million times worse then what Matty is being accused of enjoying.
They forget that he was there for his ex FKA Twigs when she went through the whole ordeal with with Shia. Him and Ice Spice follow each other and ice spice is a massive fan of the band. They forget that he has seemingly done more advocacy then Taylor has and Taylor does more for communities then most celebrities.
Joe says Nazi’s aren’t horrible people. Silence.
Matty sneezes and is attacked.
They see Joe as Prince Charming. Not the snake he really is. Because he’s a hot blonde white man.
No. I am not a 1975 fan. Never in my life would that happen. I just think Taylor and him deserve a lot better then what HER fans did.
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wisteria-cherry · 6 months
in which you’re forced to decide between starvation and humiliation
embarrassing, that’s what this is.
stuck in a bed, practically alone in the hospital wing save for grayson creevey, who, in his defense, was sort of there because of you.
see, you’d have quite enough of those slytherin gits, and, in your indignation, had challenged one of them— bellatrix black— to a duel. marlene mckinnon was your second, of course. creevey was laying in bed as a result of a deflected jinx, nursing an abnormally large pair of teeth. that didn’t stop him from talking, excitedly explaining how he’d gotten pictures and how he was so excited to see what bellatrix thought about the whole ordeal. he reminder you of rita skeeter, a witch who was two years older than yourself, and three years older than creevey.
regardless of creevey’s unintentional intervention, bellatrix had turned out to be a better dueler than you’d thought, and she’d attempted to petrify you. luckily, her charm hadn’t quite done its job, and you could move, somewhat, but it did hurt quite a bit. you were glad you didn’t tell the marauders about the whole ordeal; they’d be i hysterics if they found out that you, a normally even-tempered person, had lost your temper and dueled bellatrix black, sirius’ own cousin.
of course, anything that can go wrong, will.
you resist the urge to groan. you weren’t half as proud as james and sirius, but you certainly didn’t need them to see you in such a pathetic state. you snuggle deeper into your blankets despite the mild stinging that coursed through your body, almost like when your foot falls asleep and it gets pins and needles when the blood goes back to it.
“love, what happened?” sirius’ tone was sympathetic, but he was laughing. james was equally as amused. remus was slightly more sympathetic, but peter was indeed giggling. you don’t answer, mainly because it hurts.
“we heard you got in a duel with bellatrix.” remus added.
“did you win?” peter asked eagerly. james snorted.
“she lost, pete, do you see bellatrix anywhere around here?” james gave you a far-too-haughty look, as though he’d never lost a duel (he hadn’t). you couldn’t even defend yourself because he was right. and because it hurt to move.
“don’t worry about it. slytherin has won one out of, what, 20 times?” remus glanced at the other boys. “i’ve lost track of the times we’ve beaten them.”
“food, dear.” madam pomfrey appeared, rolling a cart over to your bedside. “move along, now, boys, i’ve got to feed her, and she’s got to rest, and merlin knows you lot aren’t good for either.”
“we are too good for both!” sirius declared indignantly, before settling himself. you felt a wave of dread, worse than the one that had overcome you when they first arrived. you knew that look all too well: that sly, cheeky look on sirius’ face that could easily land him a spot in slytherin, the one he used when he tried to charm any and every adult that would listen.
“in fact, my dearest madam pomfrey, why don’t you let us handle it? we’re quite capable, you know, and she is our dear friend. and you do have other patients who i’m sure need check-ups.” sirius beamed. james and peter immediately caught on. remus cast you an apologetic glance.
please no.
“please, madam, can’t we do it?” james insisted. madam pomfrey looked skeptical, but even she didn’t see any reason to refuse. plus, the marauders were infamously annoying if they didn’t get their way, and madam pomfrey was far too stressed to deal with such things.
“…i don’t see why not.” she agreed finally, and james, peter and sirius whooped triumphantly. “but you let her rest once she’s done.”
“yes, ma’am!” james saluted, peter and sirius following suit. madam pomfrey only sighed again, moving away to tend to creevey, despite your desperate attempts to become telepathic and beg her not to let you die this way.
sirius plopped himself down on the side of your bed, studying your face for a moment before grinning. anyone else would describe that grin as boyish and happy and maybe even cute, but all you saw was pure, unadulterated malice. he took a spoonful of porridge, positively radiant with evil glee.
“open wide, love,” he cooed teasingly as james snorted and remus did a double take, probably appalled, but nowhere close to the degree at which you were. instead, your bottom lip jutted out in a pout. your dignity had suffered enough, hadn’t it?
“c’mon, love, open up or i’ll have to do it for you.” sirius coaxed, shit-eating grin on full blast.
“hate you.” you mutter, your throat dry from not speaking for an extended period of time.
“you love me. open up!” sirius replied cheerfully, and, very reluctantly, you parted your lips, and sirius spooned the porridge in. it was tasteless, and the texture was questionable, but it was food, and you were already starting to feel better. more likely than not, madam pomfrey had included some sort of healing aspect to it.
“my turn,” james announced, practically giggling as sirius passed him the bowl and the spoon. you could feel your cheeks burning, but you wanted to heal as soon as humanly possible so you could (hopefully) regain your dignity. “open up, now!”
“humiliating.” you mutter, pleased to find that it hurt slightly less than before, but again open your mouth and allow james to feed you another bite. you swallow, not bothering to chew, since the consistency was more like yogurt than anything.
“i’m killing all of you once i’m better.” you inform each of them before accepting another bite from sirius. “except remus.”
“oi, i didn’t do anything!” peter held his hands up in surrender.
“ok, just james and sirius then.” you decide. it was now perfectly comfortable to speak.
“kill ‘em with kindness.” james grinned. “and we are kind, aren’t we, padfoot?”
“the kindest.” sirius agreed solemnly as he fed you the last bite. you had never been more grateful for small portion sizes. “now, love, should we tuck you in, too?”
“madam pomfrey?” you called loudly. “they’re bothering me!”
“hey!” james protested. “we are not!”
“are too.” you stuck out your tongue as madam pomfrey briskly came over.
“out, you lot,” she ushered, waving them away. james and sirius stood up, protesting desperately.
“we weren’t, really!” james insisted.
“i don’t care. out.” madam pomfrey said firmly, and you cast the boys smug smiles as they left. remus bid you a polite goodbye, naturally, but james and sirius were clearly not having it. the two, and peter, glared at you; it was the signature glare that told you, “we aren’t really mad, but you are definitely going to regret this.”
you probably would, but for now, peace and quiet.
and dignity.
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esotheria-sims · 1 year
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Sims Tag
Got tagged by the fabulous @deedee-sims - thank you! 🤗 Throwing in a random in-game pic because I can.
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
Hum, tough one. I guess being struck by lighting is pretty cool, not that I get to see it that often. Also being hit by a satellite, but I’ve literally never seen it happen in my game unless I cheat.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Alpha, obviously. Although I prefer to call my style ‘semi-realistic’.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
I used to, but now I’m like, nah. Let those sims have some meat on their bones!
4. Do you use move objects?
All the time, bruh.
5. Favorite mod?
If I only had to pick one, then Gunmod’s radiance lighting. Picked based on the fact that it’s always the first mod I get whenever I have to reinstall.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
I think it was Nightlife? But my PC from back then was so weak that I couldn’t get the EP to work at all, save for a couple outfits that were randomly showing up in CAS.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
Been pronouncing it ‘aLive mode’ ever since I started simming. I never even knew there was a debate about it until I saw a post on simblr some years ago.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
What, just one? D: I have a bunch of faves, and you can probably tell who they are by the fact that they crop up in every new iteration of my game.
9. Have you made a simself?
Never, nor do I plan to! Having a sim version of myself in the game would just feel weird.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
I don’t know them all by heart and I’m too lazy to google 'em, so pass. xD
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
I wouldn’t say that I necessarily have a favorite, but I noticed a lot of my sims tend to have black hair.
12. Favorite EA hair?
Imma go with hairshortcombed solely based on the fact that I don’t have a burning urge to replace it the second I see it in my game.
13. Favorite life stage?
Adults, duh. And teens. They’re pretty fun too.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I do a bit of everything, but I definitely lean more towards gameplay, especially since starting my BaCC.
15. Are you a CC creator?
Yep! Got my own cc tag and everything! 🙂
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
I want to think so! ^^
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Sims 2 all the way, babey!
18. Do you have any sims merch?
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I think it’s gotten more consistent? I’ve been trying to find a balance between realistic and cartoony cc to maintain that elusive ‘semi-realistic’ look that I’m so fond of, and I like to think that I have a pretty good grasp on it now, after so many years of simming.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
Never had one, lol.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
One favorite cc creator? BRUH. I have a 10GB downloads folder, and you better believe every creator whose cc is in there is my favorite! 🤣
23. How long have you had a simblr?
11 years! Golly, has it really been that long?
24. How do you edit your pictures?
By offering a blood sacrifice on a full moon. Nah, kidding. No blood is spilled during my editing process, though it does feel that way sometimes, considering how effin' long it takes me to iron out all the small kinks that annoy me about my screenshots. I kinda hoped having a dedicated photoshop action would help, but it only speeds up the process so much, unfortunately. :(
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
For Sims 2? Dunno man. Maybe a higher-res remake with all existing EPs/SPs and all known issues ironed out. Which is probably never gonna happen, but a girl can dream, right?
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
I’m partial to Apartment Life because it introduced witches, one of my favorite supernatural life states!
I’m tagging: @blackswan-sims @eleysims @episims @rudhira @ho3sferatu @analog-mothman @nervosims @frauhupfner @mrs-mquve-cc and @gphoenixsims! But feel free to ignore! ^^
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Hellfire’s Mama fox; Eddie Munson x fem!oc Chap. 6.1
*Author’s note*
HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY EDDIE MUNSON!!! One year ago today you came onto the show and literally stole ALL of our hearts. Unfortunately I couldn’t get the whole chapter done but I’d be damned if I didn’t at least post up something in honor of the one year of season 4 of Stranger things for his debut. So to any and all readers out there enjoy part one of this chapter and I hope to have part two up in like a day or so.
Now this chapter specifically is set in Eddie’s POV cause one I said it could be and two it’ll really show just how much Eddie cares for Roxxi and it really needed to be from his POV esp. this chapter after what happened in the last chapter. 
Warnings: Flirty Eddie MAJOR FLIRT AND TEASE!! Some mentions of angst, mentions of suicide (past event not current in this timeline), fluff, SMUT (the next part will be some MAJOR smut so underaged blogs or bot blogs you’ll be blocked I’LL BE CHECKING)!! 
Chapter 6;
The Bard and the Elf-witch’s anniversary
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*Eddie’s POV*
The rest of the week went by in a blur.  Even though she says she’s fine, I knew Roxxi still kept thinking back to her encounter with her cousin Steve Harrington.  God if only I had known, hell I’ve been over to Family video throughout the summer and I didn’t even see Harrington once whilst I went in there to rent Wayne and me a movie.
It was Friday and as unfortunate as it is, I had begged Roxxi to take a mental health day.  She didn’t need the stress of Fridays piling up on her with all that’s been buzzing on her mind.  And as promised (more like forced) I had agreed to come to class and take notes for her.
Truthfully I hated leaving her alone when she got this way. The last time she was like this after an encounter with Steve, she had slit her wrists in her own bathroom.  Had I not gotten there in time, I—I don’t even want to think about what would’ve happened.
“Eddie, you alright man?” asked Gareth.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Just thinking about Roxxi.” I said picking out a pretzel from my bag and popping it into my mouth.
“You still wanna go through with Hellfire tonight?”
“Of course. You know the rules. Just didn’t feel right leaving her alone today, that’s all.”
“Still going off about you know who?” asked Jeff as he sat down with his lunch.  I hummed with a soft nod.  “Say isn’t yall’s anniversary coming up or something?” I perked up.
“Already? Jesus Christ last year it felt like a fucking eternity for it to come.”
“Maybe you can cheer her up on your anniversary. You always seem to make her day brighter every September the 21st.” Gareth said.
“What’s September 21st?” Dustin’s voice soon spoke up as he and Mike finally joined out table.
“Eddie and Roxxi’s anniversary.” Gareth told them.
“Wait so you guys—are you guys really married or is it like—” Mike started off but I flicked a pretzel at his head.
“No you little shithead.” Not yet anyways.  “Today marks the first time Roxxi and I met back in the sixth grade. She wore a Queen t-shirt, which I’ll praise her for. Her hair was done in a tight-knit ponytail and she had in her hands her journal which had various band and solo artist names written all over it. All ranging from Queen to REM, to Elton John and Bowie. Even Fleetwood Mac made the cut. She sat down at a table far in the corner, looking like a lost little fox kit. But that’s to be expected when someone goes from the 4th to 6th grade.”
“Wait she what?” asked Dustin incredulously.
“Oh yeah. Back in the day she was like a female Einstein or some shit. So much so the school board thought she could skip the 5th grade entirely and go straight into sixth. Which made her a target to some of the sixth grade bullies.”
“And one day I saw her being tossed around by said jerk wads. They were literally tossing her around in the alleyway between there and the high school.” Gareth first started out the tale I’ve always told of my meeting with my One.
“So gathering my courage, I preformed my best Gollum impression and made the boys piss themselves and run like cowardly dogs.” Jeff said.  “But then, just as I was about to ask if she was alright, she looked up at me with those hypnotic, piercing (e/c) eyes of hers.”
“And it was then I knew,” both he and Jeff struck themselves in the heart finishing my tale.
“I was hooked.” They both finished together, to which the whole table began to laugh.  I smirked snidely before standing up and chuckling alongside them as I sat myself between both Jeff and Gareth.  Placing my hand on their shoulders, I looked between the two of them before quickly pulling them both up.  I wrapped my arms over their necks bringing them close as I told them.
“And without the two of us, there wouldn’t be a Hellfire for you guys. And without her, you guys wouldn’t have become my lead bass and drummer for Corroded Coffin. So be thankful that I met her that day, for without her, there’d be no us. So show some respect to your DM’s first meeting, okay?”
“Yes Eddie.” They both shuddered nervously.  I smirked and gave them a playful slap in the face as I gathered my shit up.  
“Now if you all will excuse me, I have some planning to do before Monday. Hellfire’s still happening, 3pm sharp. Don’t be late.” I walked out of the cafeteria and headed to the library for some quiet time planning on how to make this anniversary more special than all the others in the past.
After school I went over to the payphone to give my Queen a call and to check up on her.  The phone rang a couple of times, my heart racing hoping she’d answer until I heard the click and her voice came on the other end.
“There’s my gorgeous girl.” I said leaning up against the payphone.
‘I take it that school went okay?’
“Babe, it’s school. It never goes okay with me. Boring lectures and even boring-er teachers.”
‘And this is why you’re failing English. Boring-er is not a word.’
“All words are made up Mama, isn’t that why we have our own English language while the British supposedly have theirs?”
‘Touché I’ll give you that.’ I grinned victoriously.
“But I’m sure you had a more fun day than me. At least you didn’t have to deal with O’Donnell’s nagging voice for a day.”
‘Just sat around, cleaned up a bit, watched some TV.’
“See you got to have all the fun.” I teased and I knew she was rolling her eyes at me statement.
‘I also finished that last bit of leftover pizza from last weekend. So if you were looking forward to that, sorry.’
“No worries. I’m already planning on having something else for dinner.” I lowly sung out seductively twirling the cord around my finger.
‘Eddie Munson! You eating me out does not equal a meal!’ I couldn’t help but smirk.  Oh man she was so easy to fluster sometimes.
“Actually sweetheart what I was going to suggest was some Benny’s but maybe I should go with your idea. After all you are better than any burger or milkshake they could ever make.”
‘I walked right into that one didn’t I?’
“Yes you did.” I heard her groan as I let out a chuckle. “In all seriousness, you’re okay right?”
‘Yes love. I am. You were right, I just—needed to take a day for myself. But that doesn’t mean this should happen more than three times. Remember we’re graduating together.’
“I know, I know. This will count as day 1. After Hellfire, I’ll pick up some Benny’s and then I’ll be home okay?”
‘Sounds good. Kick some ass and wow the guys tonight.’
“As always. But you know it’s not the same without my Dungeon Mistress.”
‘Get home sooner and maybe we can make up our own campaign. One on one.’
“Oh babe don’t tempt me.” I heard her chuckle.
‘Okay tough guy, I’ll see you whenever you’re done. Better get going it’s almost three.’ I looked down at my watch and saw that she was right.
“Shit! Okay babe sweet you love you so much buh-bye!” I hung up the phone and quickly raced towards the theatre to start the campaign for the day.
As promised, after the campaign was over I drove to Benny’s, picked up our order and then drove back to the trailer.  I parked the van and right there on the porch I saw my beloved feeding one of the local stray cats that come by our trailer.
Ozzy, a skinny black cat with orange eyes was a favorite of ours.  He came around just shortly after Roxxi had moved in with Wayne and I, abandoned by his own mother so Roxxi took it upon herself to feed him and take care of him.
“Honey, I’m home.” I sung out as I held up the food.  She and Ozzy turned to me and Ozzy let out a loud meow in hello.  “Hey to you too Ozzy, hadn’t seen you in a while. Hope you’ve been making good choices.” He let out another meow as he raised a paw in the air to the bag of food.
“Ozzy, if I’ve told you once I’ve told you a thousand times.” Roxxi started off as she picked him up.  “You do not eat people food, it’s not good for you.” He let out another low meow as he squirmed in her arms wanting to be put down.  “Now go eat your wet food like a good kitty.” She reprimanded as Ozzy went back to the can of wet food and ate from it.  “What are we gonna do with him?”
“No idea. I swear in another life he must’ve been human.” I said shrugging as the two of us went inside.
“I wish we could take him in as our own cat.”
“Me too babe but you know Wayne’s allergic to cats.”
“I know. And I don’t want the old man to be held up because of something he can’t control. It’s just with Halloween around the corner, I worry for his safety.” I set the food down and wrapped my arms around her, burying my face into her neck.
“He’s resourceful, and cunning. Just like his mama.” She smiled softly as I pecked her cheek.  “Now c’mon, let’s eat.” We headed to the kitchen and gathered our food before heading to the couch and turned on the tv.
“So how was the campaign tonight?” she asked.
“The boys didn’t expect that twist you suggested to me. Totally threw them off and fucked their entire gameplan they had going.” She smirked softly.  “And speaking of campaigns, your upcoming Halloween one, you still gonna do it?”
“Uhh duh!” she said as if she were answering a dumb question.
“I just wanted to be sure you weren’t pulling my leg when I saw your holiday campaign folder. You got it all done and checked out? Sure you don’t need me to have a quick peak?”
“I already told you Eddie, no peeping toms at my Halloween campaign. Now did you managed to find your Beren character sheet?”
“Yeah. Finally after digging through my locker I managed to find it. Still haven’t found his figurine though. Jesus I wish I knew where that went.”
“Maybe I’ll talk to Sinclair about it. I’m told his sister’s been getting into the game and made the guys current figurines. Maybe she can make you a new one.”
“Ahh yes, Sinclair’s infamous sister. Wonder if we’ll stick around to see her enter High school?”
“Don’t go talking like that Eds. We’re gonna get out of here, and then every summer we might just visit and reunite with the Hellfire gang. And who knows, maybe Henderson could take over as DM when we go.”
“He does show much potential. Though the kid needs to get his ego in check, I swear that tone of his is gonna get him into trouble one of these days.” I pulled her close so her back was against my chest before laying a kiss to the top of her head and looked down at her wolf tattoo.
I took her tattooed arm and raised it up before lifting my other arm which had the fox tattoo and had our forearms placed together.
“It really was a great idea meleth nin. Especially when we have the other’s animal spirit tattooed on us.”
“If you ask me, you’re more of the fox than I.”
“Oh c’mon Eddie you’ve seen the foxes that come out every now and then. They’re full of energy, hyperactive and above all extremely dorky but they do it so adorably. If anything maybe I should just call you Papa fox instead.”
“Excuse me? Who are you calling a dork?” I asked offensively but in a playful manner.
“I said adorably dorky.” Well I wasn’t gonna take that lying down.  Without a word, I stood up and walked briefly away from her, my back facing her as I crossed my arms over my chest.  “Eddie? Eddie come on. I didn’t mean anything by it!” oh she was too cute whenever she pleaded like that.  “Eddie please don’t be mad, I’m sorry okay? I just—” that’s when I made my attack.
With a cry I quickly gathered her up in my arms and carried her towards the bedroom and dropped her on my bed.
“You big, sneaky, son of a—” I then pounced on top of her, my body hovering over hers as I pinned her arms above her head.  I noticed how her breathing hitched and I knew her heart was racing.  I gave her a devious smirk before lowering my face down to her neck and kissed her pulse point, the one spot I knew got her every time.
I softly growled as I kissed and nipped at her neck while I felt her squirm underneath me and she let out her sweet little mewls that always got me.
“I am the only wolf in this pair,” I whispered huskily into her neck.  “Ever question that again,” I kissed down the right side of her neck.  “And the Big, Bad Wolf will come for you. And he’s not so merciful, especially towards beautiful girls.” After a few more kisses on her neck to fully drop her guard, I made my real attack.
I blew a raspberry right into the right side of her neck that she had now fully exposed to me.  She let out a screeched laughter as I felt her legs kick under me but I placed my hips down to hers to pin her fully as I continued to deliver my raspberry attack to her soft, sensitive neck.
“Eddie! EDDIE NOHAHAHA! STOHAHAP!” she spoke through her laughter.  God I swear no drug on earth could compare to her laughter, I could get hooked on it forever. “NO NOT THAT! NOT THE WOLFIE NIBBLES AHEHEHE!!” oh yes the wolf nibbles my darling.  Along with raspberries she loved hated whenever I could give her some ticklish nibbles.
All across her neck and shoulders and even her collarbone I gave her nibbles, raspberries and ticklish kisses (with kissing sounds included). Finally I decided to take pity on her and cease my attack leaving her a panting mess.
“What….was that….for?” she whined softly as she tried to catch her breath.
“What? Can’t I show my best girl how much I love her?” I asked nonchalantly.
“That was mean Eddie!” she whined sadly.  “You tricked me and then tortured me.” Aww my poor sweet girl.  
“Okay maybe I did go a bit too far, forgive me?” I asked with a head tilt and cutely nudged my nose against hers as I stared deeply into her eyes.
“Will you give me snuggles and no tickles?”
“I swear.” I said crossing my heart.
“Then I forgive you.” I smiled and gave her a sweet kiss to her lips before rolling on my back and brought her close to my chest, her face burying just above my heart.  I kissed her forehead as I wrapped my arms around her, my thumb stroking her bicep softly while my other hand stroked through her hair.
Jesus Christ how did I ever get so lucky to get a girl like this to fall for me? She truly was an ethereal Elven princess who fell for the lowly Bard Ranger.  And come Monday, I’m gonna make this the best anniversary she’s ever known.
Monday soon came.  The one thing that sucks about today is that we’ll have to spend most of our anniversary at school, but on a brighter side at least I don’t have to worry about not having one class without her today.
I got up as early as I could and started to prepare us breakfast. Now I’m no gourmet chef or anything like that, but I do know how to make a mean Munson Supreme (eggs sunny side up, bacon, and orange juice).  After setting up the table with some wild flowers I had picked up outside in a cup as the center piece, I heard my girl’s footsteps coming into the kitchen.
“Good morning my Queen.” She looked at the table then up at me before asking me.
“Is it today?” I nodded as I took one of the flowers from the center piece and held it out to her.
“Happy anniversary Roxxi.” She took the flower and sniffed it softly.  She came up to me and kissed my cheek lovingly.
“Who would’ve thought on a Monday you’d get up this early and do all this?”
“Ye have little faith in me my beloved. I’m wounded.” She giggled as she shook her head.
“But I love it Teddy-bear. And I see you’ve made your Munson Supreme.”
“Only the best for my girl.” I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close and nuzzled our noses together.  I forced myself away from her and pulled out her chair for her to sit down.  She thanked me and I pulled her chair in as I gathered up and prepared her breakfast on a tray.  “If you had stayed in bed a bit longer, I could’ve served you breakfast in bed.”
“Woke up to feel that my teddy bear wasn’t beside me anymore. You know I sleep better with you by my side.”
“Same goes for me Foxy Roxxi.” I winked at her.
“Your animal nickname is much cuter.”
“Yours is adorable. And sexy if I might also add.” She rolled her eyes as she began to eat her eggs.
“Agree to disagree.” Even though I didn’t want to, I nodded to her.  “So, besides school, any plans you’ve got for us tonight?”
“And that’s where we divert from the previous years. This is a special anniversary for you my darling, you won’t know what I’ve got planned for us.”
“Okay I see you. Very well, I’ll trust you on this Eddie. But if you take me somewhere just to murder me, I’ll come back and haunt your ass.”
“Damn you caught me. My ultimate plan was to kill you by cuddles and tickles.” She playfully glared at me.  I cheekily grinned at her before blowing her a kiss as we continued our breakfast.
We did our morning ritual as always and once we were backed up ready for school, I quickly raced out and opened the door for her as I extended my hand for her to take.  She thanked me again as she got into the van and I shut the door behind her.  I went back around to the driver’s side and told her as I started the engine.
“Okay sweetheart, pick our tunes for the week.”
“Sorry did you say week?”
“You usually never let me take control of the radio for more than 2 days.”
“Like I said, we’re doing things differently this year. Now pick which mixtape shall be ours today.” I watched as she took out her mixtape box from under the seat and dug through it until she found the first ever mixtape I ever made for her when we first began dating.
She placed it in and soon ‘Stand by me’ by Ben E. King started playing.  I saw her tap her tall and index fingers along the side of the door to the beat of the cello blaring from the radio.
“There’s no one on earth I would ever have done this for. Not a single metal band song at the time.” I told her.
“It’s still so sweet that you did that. Thankfully by the next one you gave me, you had included some stuff from your bands.” She said taking my hand in hers.
“All cause you said you’d be open to hear some of their love songs. Sure some of them aren’t the normal slow, love ballad but the lyrics ring true.”
“Follow me now and you will not regret. Leaving the life you led before we met. You are the first to have this love of mine. Forever with me till the end of time.” she said quoting Black Sabbath’s love song N.I.B.
“Jesus is there anything more sexier than you quoting Sabbath to me?” I reversed the van at a normal speed before putting it in drive and drove at a normal speed.
“Is the Eddie ‘the Speed’ Munson actually obeying traffic laws?”
“I could easily put this van in park and follow through with my fake murder plot against you.” I playfully threatened her as I gave her the look.  She stuck her tongue at me and gave me a cheeky wink as I drove us towards the school, all the while our hands reconnected and I stroked the back of her hand with my thumb.
As usual school went on the long, boring path it always did every Monday.  However this time during lectures in secret, I secretly passed notes to Roxxi telling her how beautiful she looked, how smart she was, all the basics and plus a little bit more.
Along with the secret note delivery service I provided for each class, I also did my best to take as many notes as possible as well as praying to whomever above that they wouldn’t give us too much homework tonight, I got places to take my lady tonight.
When school was finally over, I guided Roxxi towards the theatre and right as we came to the doors she asked me.
“What are we doing here Eddie? We don’t usually come to the theatre until weds. to compare notes for the next campaign.”
“I told you my love, for our anniversary, things are different.” I snapped my fingers before the doors opened on their own (thanks tech geeks for staying afterward to help with this).  Her eyes widened at the doors magically opening on their own.  I held my hand to her and we walked in together.
Inside our D&D table was halfway set up with both our figurines of Beren and Lúthien standing side by side along with the D20 dice and a candelabra all lit up.  I stopped her just short of the table while I came around to my throne, my hands leaning against the table.
“Lúthien the ethereal, Elven white witch, Princess of the Border Forest, you have braved through many hardships, battled demons the like of which no one in our company could ever imagine. And now, now you must face another quest. The quest of Two Lovers, and you will be the deciding factor in which path both Beren and yourself will travel. What say you my fair lady?” I spoke in my DM voice.  She pondered as she looked between me and our figurines.
“What are the stakes?” she asked.
“A voyage of passion, bliss and a union of a bond the like of which had never been seen before. Or you end up taking them down a road of darkness, suffering and agony so horrifying and so unbearable that not even being trapped in a troll-hoard could compare to what could happen to our two lovers.”
As always when she was in deep thought, she took the ends of the right side of her hair and twirled it in her fingers.  Even with the short curl, she still managed to twirl the multi-layered strand of hair around her finger.  She then looked up at me and said in a firm, determined voice.
“Give me the D20.” I smirked and grabbed it before tossing it at her.  She caught it straight into her palm and observed it.
“You get three shots. Don’t waste them.”
“Three shots? Pretty humble of you Dungeon Master, either that or very reckless of you for allowing me some additional help.”
“Let’s just say the three rolls you make will decide the whole quest itself for our Lovers. Now milady, take your first shot.” I sat down upon my throne with my arms cross over my chest as she held the dice between her hands.  She first had it roll between her palms before I saw her shake it up and then tossed it across the table.
The dice bounced and skipped across the table board until landing on 13.  Not bad for a first roll.
“Lucky 13, not bad for the first roll. The start will be fairly easy for our lovers to come across.” I took the dice and threw it back at her.
“You sure you’re not going easy on me today?”
“When it comes to D&D, I never kid around my fair lady. Let’s see what your next roll shall be?” she did the same thing again but this time she shook the dice up a little bit longer than her first roll before letting it go.  With a skip and a leap, the dice rolled until it began to spin around and landed on 8. I hissed softly as I gave her a pained expression.
“Guess I went down the wrong path?” she asked.
“Not the best but I won’t say it’s the worst. Your last chance, and who knows maybe you’ll get lucky. I’ve seen it happen before when it comes to the wire.” I rolled the die between my fingers before tossing it back at her.  She and I looked at each other and I gave her a slow nod.
She took a deep breath in before holding my d20 to her lips and began to shake it up.  She had that die in her hand for a full straight minute before finally letting it go. It flew across the table as I slowly rose from my throne to see where this would all end.
The d20 soon began to slow down and start to pick where it wanted to go.  I was at first seeing low numbers which made my heart race but then by a miracle, it landed on crit-hit 20!
“CRIT HIT!!!” She exclaimed.  I threw my head back laughing as I threw my arms up in the air rejoicing. At least by sunset we’d get to the best spot in town and then end it all with a bang.  I came around towards her and narrated.
“It all began where it left off;” I took Roxxi into my arms as hers wrapped around my neck.  “Beren and Lúthien after leaving their company to set off on their own adventure together, they were settled in their cabin, Lúthien by the fire in her grand chair built by her husband. Beren had been noticing how his wife hadn’t been acting like herself. So he proposes; ‘My beloved, set your needlework aside. We’re going on an adventure today.’”
“‘Meleth nin,’ Lúthien says.” Roxxi soon joined my narrating. “‘We have seen many of the world already, what more is there to see?’”
“‘Unlike previous adventures we are not seeking the glory of treasure or seeking out new lands. But the pleasure of viewing the world with my wife. Will you not give me that?’ Beren asks his beloved Elven Queen.” I said as I stroked Roxxi’s cheek, gently brushing aside some of her tri-colored strands out of her face as I stared into her eyes.
“‘It does sound tempting.’ Lúthien begins to ponder. She looks at her husband and begins to understand why he is doing this for her.” She placed her hand against my cheek.  I turned towards her palm and softly kissed it.  “‘Yes. Yes we deserve an adventure. Not for value or glory, but for love. For our love.’” I smiled and I leaned forward and kissed my Lúthien.
“‘Then let us saddle the horse and be on our way.’” I said as I gathered up my D&D stuff and blew out the candelabra before taking Roxxi by the arm and the two of us raced towards the van.
We quickly got in and I started the engine as her mixtape resumed playing.  But she quickly ejected it out and began to find a new one to listen to.  She popped it in and soon Foreigners “I wanna know what love is” soon came on the speakers.  This was the 2nd mixtape I made her, that I had added some metal love songs to from not only mine but the bands she was starting to love at the time.
“So where did you find Beren’s figurine at? And how did you get my Lúthien figurine as well?” she asked me.
“Turns out I left Beren at the last summer session we ever had at Gareth’s place. He told me last week how he had found it when he and his mom were doing some fall cleaning. As for Lady Lúthien, I have my ways.” I gave her a cheeky wink as I drove us to our first destination.
We first started off with dinner at the old 1950’s diner that I took Roxxi on our very first date.  I still remember how she wore that cute black skirt with rose petals stitched across it, and a gorgeous blouse to match.  Boy did I look underdressed but bless her heart she thought she overdressed.
Nonetheless she was a vision, and I knew right then and there I had to hold onto her and not fuck this relationship up.  Fast forward to seven years later (three of them being just when we finally started dating) and we’re still together.  Sure we’ve had our ups and downs especially this past year but we’re taking it one day at a time.
“Shall we get the usual?” I asked her.
“Whatever you want babe. I’m game for anything.” She replied.
“But this is for you Roxxi, now if you want something different I will give it to you.”
“You know you don’t have to go out of your way for me sweetie.”
“Spoiling my girlfriend on our anniversary is not going out of my way.” I reached out and took her hand.  “I want to do this.” She softly smiled at me as coming up to our table was the same waitress who served us on our first date, an old lady named Rose.
She was like your average 70 something year old woman, however unlike every old lady who cowers everytime I make a public appearance, she saw me like her own grandson (whose supposedly a metalhead like me who lives out in San Francisco).  She always told me to get my hair out of my face so Roxxi could see my eyes better and to always pay for the date.
“That time of the year again kids?” she asked us.
“Don’t you know it. Sorry we couldn’t do it last year Rose.”
“No worries dearies, shall it be the usual?”
“Yes. But instead of the chocolate milkshake can we get the oreo mix?” Roxxi answered.
“Absolutely sweetie, two chicken sandwiches and fries and one oreo milkshake coming up.” she took the menus from us and went over to the kitchen.
“An oreo milkshake?” I asked.
“The Dairy Queen up in Indianapolis had something called an oreo blizzard and it changed my life forever. It’s basically a milkshake but has oreos in them. When I took notice that they had some new milkshakes and an oreo was one of them, I had to do it.”
“Hope it’s better than your oreo and peanut butter idea. I still can’t believe you talked me into trying that.” I shuddered remembering that god awful taste.  Now I like oreos and peanut butter as much as the next guy but combining them together, gross!
“Oh that’s rich coming from the guy who still drinks pickle juice whenever he gets the chance.” She mocked.  When there’s absolutely nothing left to drink and all you find is some leftover sliced pickles, a rotten tomato and expired celery, you tell me which would you choose.  But truthfully it wasn’t half bad when I got past the third sip.
“Okay kids here we are, fresh and hot out of the oven.” Rose sat down our meal as well as the oreo milkshake which I’ll admit it did look pretty good.  Two main oreo cookies stuck out above and were leaned up against the cup, and I could see both above and through the cup oreo crumbs mixed into the vanilla ice cream.
Roxxi took her spoon and dipped it first before holding it out to me.  I leaned forward and took a bite of the ice cream mixed with oreo crumbs and my god was that something I never knew I needed.
“Well? Pretty good huh?”
“That is the second greatest thing I’ve ever tasted.”
“Second? What’s the first? No wait don’t answer that.” I snickered as I dipped my fries into the shake before popping it into my mouth and we continued our dinner date in peace.
After paying up front and heading back to the van, Roxxi said.
“Now you said that my second roll though it was low, it’s not as bad of a path.”
“Ahh yes. Hold on I need to make a quick phone call real quick. You go wait by the van, I’ll be right there in a moment.” I pecked her cheek before quickly racing back towards the payphone at was at the corner of the diner. I dug through my pockets for the change and put it into the payphone before dialing up the number.  It rang a few times before he finally responded.
“Jeff, hey it’s me. Turns out Roxxi and I will be heading to your place after all.”
‘She rolled low didn’t she?’
“If she had rolled less than seven then we’d be at the library doing our homework. So can we come over?”
‘Yeah, you’re lucky my mom’s out of town and my dad’s visiting my sick grandmother.’
“See you then man.” I hung up the phone and walked back over to Roxxi.
“What was all that for?”
“Just to confirm where we’re heading off too next. Now like I said, unfortunately it’s not a fun or memorable activity but it must be done for the fun to continue. But due to your roll of 8, there is a catch to this.”
“Which is…..”
“We’ll need some assistance with that.” We got into the van and I turned on the engine before pulling out of the diner and drove us to Jeff’s place.  I pulled into his driveway and she said.
“Jeff’s house? Why are we here Eddie?”
“Unfortunately due to the date of which our anniversary on, I was forced to acknowledge that it was a school day and that in order for us to graduate, we do need to get our—homework done.” I shuddered at the end of my statement.  “Seriously, why couldn’t our special day always be on a weekend like Friday or Saturday. Hell I’d even take the holy day of Sunday, at least then the streets and shops wouldn’t be as crowded.” I felt her take my hand.
“Eddie Munson, have I ever told you how proud I am of your dedication these past few weeks?”
“You tell me every day. Besides I made a promise, and for our day I’m willing to really make this work. Which brings us here, study session with Jeff. But his house holds a special place too, remember?”
“Uhh—was it—no it…..no I don’t.” I smiled softly and ducked my head in before explaining.
“Middle school, talent show. You had done the cheer thing with Chrissy Cunningham, and the guys and I had our first live performance as Corroded Coffin. We came here after the show when you both won second place, which was bull! You should’ve won first!” She playfully rolled her eyes.  “We were out by his pool, and I looked at you and that was the moment that my feelings for you had changed. I no longer wanted to just be your friend.”
I stroked her cheek softly before brushing my thumb over her soft lips.  I felt her lips pucker up slightly as she kissed my thumb.
“You never told me that.”
“Was waiting for the right moment to confess that story.” She smiled softly at me before leaning in and softly kissed me.  I cupped her jawline and softly deepened the kiss but I had to hold myself back.  Just wait Eddie, you’ll get your chance tonight.  “As much as I would love to continue this, I don’t think Jeff would appreciate us having car sex in his driveway.”
“Yeah, and neither would the neighbors. Don’t wish to scar any kids with the van rocking.” I pecked her lips before reaching behind and grabbing our backpacks and we exited the van and headed up Jeff’s porch and I rang the doorbell.
He opened it up and allowed us to come into the living room. Jeff was in both our English and History class so we all agreed we could get those assignments done first before Roxxi and I would move onto our next two classes.
Now truthfully nothing really fun happened throughout this time frame cause I made a promise that today there’d be no funny business. If I got confused with something, Roxxi was there to guide me through it or explain it better than what was described on the paper.  At least until we started our math homework, that’s when Jeff came into play.
Being in AP Trig, he knew how to read numbers and formulas better than anyone.  So he helped us with understanding our math assignment until we had every last bit of homework completed.  And boy did my brain feel like it was put through the blender then spat out before being shoved down a toaster and be burnt into a crisp.
“So what’s next on you guy’s anniversary plan?” Jeff asked.
“None of your business, thanks for letting us crash here Jeff to do the boring stuff.” Roxxi playfully nudged against me before she said.
“We’ll see you tomorrow in English, Jeff.”
“See yah guys, and happy anniversary.” We both waved him off before loading the van back up.
“And finally comes my crit-hit reward right?”
“You are correct milady. And a good thing we got done when we did cause the sun’s just about to set and hopefully we’ll get there before it gets dark.” I turned on the van and backed out of Jeff’s driveway before punching the gas and sped off towards our final destination.
Pelennor fields.
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inkandpaperqwerty · 3 months
List: The Sequel
So, I mentioned this in my weekly post, and I actually managed to get it done this week! Below is a list of stories I haven’t posted yet but am currently working on, which is something I've done before and really enjoyed handing out to people. 
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Criminal Minds – Through the Gate – Edward has no idea what world he just woke up in, but there was a murderer, and there was blood everywhere, and he got the distinct feeling he wasn’t in Amestris anymore. Meanwhile, the BAU team is trying to figure out who this blonde boy is and how he got such advanced prosthetics. And what is this alchemy he keeps talking about? It’s like nothing they’ve ever heard before. ((This one is at 12,299 words, so it’s not that long, and I’m not entirely sure where I want to take it. Definitely going to try and get some work done on it in the coming weeks, as this is the only story from my previous list that has not been posted yet.))
Supernatural – Untitled – Xal has no idea how long he’s been enduring Heaven’s Persuasion, but it’s been a long time. He has no idea why Heaven is telling him to do what they’re telling him to do, but he knows he doesn’t trust it. He has no idea where the Winchesters are, but he knows he has to get to them. There’s a lot he doesn’t know, but at the same time, there’s a lot he does know, and maybe… if he plays his cards right… he can do a little persuading of his own. ((Part 3 of the Building Bridges series. I’ve started this one, but I haven’t gotten very far.))
Avengers – A Song by Any Other Name – Just a little oneshot set in the Restitution universe wherein Tony gives Steve, Loki, and Thor a list of songs that have some pretty nonsensical lyrics. They listen to them, and immense confusion ensues. (This one I would say is about halfway done, and it will be posted as Chapter 8 of Restitution Bonus Features.))
Supernatural & Criminal Minds – Friendship is Magic – “Now that you’re all awake, it’s time to get down to business.” The BAU team and both Winchester brothers wake up in captivity, but they don’t stay there long. Their captor releases them, gives them some resources, and reveals that the cases they’ve been working are perpetrated by both a normal human and a witch. They’ll have to work together to catch their targets, but… that’s much easier said than done. ((I don’t like this summary, but it gets the point across. I think it might be a while until you see this one because it’s turning into a very complicated, in-depth case.)) 
Supernatural – Untitled – Dean knows that hunter’s markets put monsters down. It happens all the time. He knows this. But when it’s about to happen right in front of him, it doesn’t seem to matter how unruly and violent this angel is. He has to do something to stop it. So he offers half a grand, and suddenly, he owns an angel. Only the angel isn’t grateful. Instead, it wants to kill both him and Sam—desperately—and they have to find some way to change its mind. ((I know I’ve done a lot of Slavery!Supernatural stories, but it’s a favorite of mine, and I can’t help myself. I don’t intend to make this one very long, but honestly, I have no idea where it’s going to go. We’ll have to wait and see!))
So, this is what you can expect to see in the coming days! I would love some feedback letting me know what you’re looking forward to or something you would like to see depicted in these stories I’m working on. Let me know what you think!
Also, please keep in mind that, even though I am working diligently on these stories, I am also working on getting my first book published! Cataclysm is finished and fully edited, and now we've moved on to the formatting phase. There's a lot going on, and it's bound to take away from my fanfiction exploits. Thank you so much for your patience, and thanks for reading this!
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kyberblade · 4 days
twenty questions for fic writers
Thank you so much for the tag @littlemisspascal ❤️
1. how many works do you have on AO3? - For this account? 7. Altogether? *Looks off into the distance hauntedly* Too many…. 😮‍💨
2. what's your total AO3 word count? For here? 315,097 Altogether? *Twitches from flashbacks*
3. what fandoms do you write for? The Mandalorian and The Last Of Us.
4. top five fics by kudos
Back To You
Dincember 2022
Drabbles || Din Djarin x Reader
Dincember 2023
5. do you respond to comments? I try to. Sometimes I don’t know what to say but I try to.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I guess that would have to be the end of the epilogue for BTY? It’s just kinda while happy, leaves you on a well damn note.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? If I say BTY people are gonna pitchfork me bc it’s a cut away before the good part. Um…. Probably the end of my Drabble Give it to Me in Basic.
8. do you get hate on fics? I have in other fandoms but not in these so far. 🤞🏻 I didn’t get any until people found out I was a “fake” fan for only seeing the movies and not having read the books yet and then it was a whole gatekeeping thing. Then suddenly my fics weren’t worth reading. 🙄 But, you know, we let shit go here.
9. do you write smut? I haven’t. I have written spice, and lots of heat, but I haven’t gotten that far yet. I don’t think I ever will. I’m an awkward turtle of a human.
10. craziest crossover: @fordo-kixed-rex and I have a crack fic idea for a Mando-TLOU crossover. 🤣🤣🤣 But I have actually written an SPN/Teen Wolf crossover once upon a time, and every time I read it again, I’m like, “Why didn’t this actually happen????”
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes, but not that I found it, it was pointed out to me. Once I lived through the massive FFnet duplicate debacle, but also I’ve had people ask me if I thought fics were copied.
12. have you ever had a fic translated? Um…. I wanna say no but the back of my head is saying yes.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes. In my THG and Teen Wolf days I did it often. @grippingbeskar and I have teamed up a few times here. I say that. She writes awesome things and then I scream about them and make a few suggestions she turns into beautiful things.
14. all time favorite ship? Razor Crest. JK. The N1. JK JK JK!!! ….. Millennium Falcon. I’m just teasing. Chuck and Sarah from Chuck. “Tell me our story.” 😭 Nobody fucking touch me.
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15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Some things from other fandoms, I’m sorry. Drama happened and you just…. There’s nothing there anymore. I’m sorry.
16. what are your writing strengths? I’d like to say fluff and being able to paint clear pictures (usually.) I’m told my dialogue is realistic and writing immersive, and fight scenes high gear, but idk about all that. I cringe at most all of what I write. I’m just glad if it’s not run on sentences or lots of “and”s and “quickly”s. These are just things I’ve been told. Most of the time I’m 🫣 when I go over what I wrote. And then I yeet it out to all of you.
17. what are your writing weaknesses? Listed above. I use too many words to say simple things. I say things very confusingly. I use too many words in general. 🤣
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? As someone who has written in Mando’a and Huttese, I am all for it, just don’t like the headache. 🤣🤣🤣
19. first fandom you wrote in? THG 🫣🫣🫣
20. favorite fic you've written? Oh Lordy. Once again, I cringe at most of my stuff, but I’m really happy with how both BTY and Shatter have come together.
EDIT: AGAST! I forgot to tag people!!! Asdfghjkl!!!
@grippingbeskar @the-ginger-hedge-witch @dontletyourchildrenwatchthis @what-the-heckin-heck @joelsgreys
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