#i know when some time passes it'll be better but now its just so fresh and recebt
bonito-flakes · 1 year
okay you can laugh at me for being such an emotional mf but you see , i have this colouring app and i was mindlessly colouring a drawing while watching the last good omens episodes and . I haven't finished doing it but . it's a bookshop :[ and when I think about finishing it it just reminds me of season 2's last episodes and i get so emotional . so now i have this
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sitting unfinished there and I don't think im capable of finishing it :[
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asunflowerana · 1 month
— to give you comfort
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your love got your back. you don't need to deal with your period alone anymore.
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— to give you support
iwaizumi is there for you the moment the first inch of pain reaches you. he's attentive to each expression or movement, and it anguishes him to watch you endure such suffering every month. he can't just let you by yourself, so even if he can't take the pain out of you as he wants to, he tries his best to ease your ache with what he's been learning.
he started by studying physical methods to relieve cramps, then practicing with himself (to make sure it wouldn't bring you more pain than necessary), until finally guiding you through. And bless this man, because you never felt so much relief as you now feel with the "husband-healing-cramps" monthly sessions. how did you live without knowing those tricks?
"hold still. don't move love, just a few more secs." there is your strong saviour, holding your legs upwards as you lay on bed with a heated pillow supporting your lumbar. he said you can't change positions every time you feel an ache, or the pain would only increase.
holding comfortable positions is the secret, and now you understand why he's so good at what he does. you offer him a gentle smile in gratitude, face relaxing as you pass another wave of pain. he gives your ankle a caring peck, gazing at you with fondness. "that's my girl."
— to give you warmth
some might think that voleyball is what motivates bokuto to get bigger and stronger. while that is partially true, it doesn't mean he's not thinking of you, of being able to protect and support you with his body, in any way he can. it comes very handy, when your period comes.
bokuto's embrace feels like a warm and soothing bath on cold days. you feel yourself surrounded by a cozy, firm mass of muscles and soft skin, smelling fresh and home, not ceasing its warmth for a single second. you're overwhelmed by a strong but gentle feeling of being cherished like the most precious thing on earth, and that's so good, especially 'cause it comes from a honest heart and intention.
that's how bo cares for you, in a simple, daily gesture, that can be done whenever and wherever you are, but that has the same wonderful effect, coming from his chest, stomach, arms, shoulders, hands, breath, chin on your head, soothing squeeze and soft words:
"it'll go away soon, baby. hold me tight, okay?"
and it eases you pain, better than any medicine could.
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note: i hope you guys enjoyed this as much as i did. we all need some comfort during these hard times, right? let me know if you want a part 2. i have some other haikyuu boys in mind for that.
© asunflowerana 2024 — all rights reserved.
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jamietxrtt · 6 months
“keep your eyes shut.”
😈 gratuitous whumpy drabble time
Driving Jamie Tartt to hospital was not, he had to admit, Roy's idea of a good morning.
A good morning was a warm cup of tea on a cool morning, a nice leisurely two hours of defrosting time when nobody tried to talk to him at all.
It was not rushing out of the house with a granola in one hand and a coffee in the other, and nearly spilling said coffee everywhere when he tripped across an unconscious body. And then waking said body and manhandling it into a car to go to hospital while it protested within an inch of its life.
Roy thought that maybe, once in the car, Jamie would give up the fight and go get his stitches and concussion check quietly.
But Jamie never could make things easy, could he?
“I’m really alright,” Jamie said for the nineteenth time. “It’s been bleeding on and off all night, y’know, and I’ve managed not to keel over and fucking die so far.”
A low growl crept from the back of Roy’s throat. “All night you spent sleeping on my porch steps like a fucking dog.”
Jamie took the washcloth down from his forehead to scowl at Roy, and fresh dark bulbs of blood sprouted up along the gash through this temple.
“Oi!” Roy barked. “Pressure.”
Jamie rolled his eyes, but did as he was told, pressing the cloth back to his head.
“You could’ve rung the fucking doorbell, you know.”
Jamie waved him off. “Knew you’d freak out. Which you did. I didn’t want a fuss.”
“So you thought it would be less alarming to let me find you passed out and fucking bloody when I opened the door in the morning?”
Jamie winced. “Okay, yeah, maybe not the best plan. But I’m alright, really.”
Roy grunted. “We’ll let the doctors decide that.”
“It’s not an argument, Jamie. We’re already nearly there.”
“We’re— what?” Jamie looked out the window shield, as if noticing for the first time that they were moving. “What the fuck, why're you going so fast!”
“Speed limits are for people without medical emergencies in their passenger seats.”
“Crash the fucking car, why don’t you,” Jamie muttered. “You old enough for them to take away your license yet?”
Roy growled again.
As they pulled into the hospital car part, Roy realized why Jamie was so reluctant about the hospital thing.
He’d figured the kid was just being contrarian (read: an arsehole) and difficult for fun (read: a little prick). Or trying to maintain some tough-guy veneer, as if anybody fucking cared about how tough you were when your head was bloody cracked open. But as soon as the hospital was in sight, Jamie started shifting uncomfortably in the passenger’s seat beside Roy. By the time the car was parked, Jamie’s eyes were wide.
“I— uh…” It was always strange, how Jamie managed to do this. Managed to go from Jamie Fucking Tartt, prick extraordinaire, who’s favorite pastime was getting under Roy’s skin, to Jamie, just Jamie, wide-eyed and spongy and bone-achingly young, in a matter of a few seconds. Threw Roy for a loop every single time he did it.
“I really don’t want to do this, Roy.”
Now that the car was parked, Roy could turn to assess him fully. The injuries didn't look any better than they had when he'd first shaken Jamie awake-- the gritty scrape along his chin, the darkening black eye clinging to the bottom of his socket, and, of course, that garish slash, hidden in the center of a purple bruise, ripping from Jamie's temple to the top of his forehead.
(Probably more injuries that Roy couldn't see, but he was trying not to think about that at the moment lest he start shouting.)
But now he could see that Jamie's hand, fallen into his lap with the cloth bunched up in a fist, was shaking.
"You don't like hospitals," Roy said, more a statement than a question.
Just as quickly as frightened, vulnerable Jamie had appeared, he vanished again, Jamie's glare snapping up across his face like a window shutter. "How'd you guess that one, Einstein?"
Roy ignored him. "It'll probably be quick. They'll give you a concussion test, pop a few stitches in your head, give you some Paracetamol and send you home."
Jamie visibly shuddered.
“I… Will you.” Jamie kept his face turned away, unable to look him in the eye, as he mumbled something.
“I said, will you go in with me?” Despite the situation, Roy managed to notice that Jamie’s ears were going pink. “…Please?”
“Well, of course I’m going in with you.” Roy shook his head. “What, you think I’m gonna drive you here and kick out out on the curb and drive away? I’ll help you check in and all.”
“I didn’t mean—” Jamie gave a frustrated scoff, glancing back at Roy. “Not just the waiting room. I mean, like… will you go in with me, to do the fucking— tests, and stitches, and shit.”
“Oh.” Roy didn’t know what to say. Jamie’s ears turned an even darker shade of Red.
“Nevermind,” he said quickly, starting to get out of the car. “It’s stupid, I’ll just—”
“No, no.” Roy caught his arm. “Of course I’ll go in with you. If the nurses and all them let me.”
Despite his crimson ears, Jamie’s face flooded with relief. He nodded.
“And there you go,” the kind doctor said, putting away the cleaning swabs. “All cleaned out. Now we just have to pop a few stitches in and you’ll be on your way.” She smiled.
It wasn’t Sarah, as much as Roy had lobbied to try to get his sister to treat Jamie, she was busy with other patients (and no special treatment, Roy, she echoed in his brain). But this doctor was kind, another woman, older, with smile lines around her eyes.
Privately, Roy was glad Jamie’d gotten a lady doctor. Earlier, one of the nurses taking his tests had been a man, an older man, shining light in Jamie’s eyes and asking him questions. Roy noticed the way Jamie started to stumble over his words, and he had a suspicion it wasn’t entirely due to the concussion.
Jamie seemed more at ease now with the lady doctor, but he eyed the tiny needle she brought out and leaned away warily.
He made a noise in the back of his throat, like a baby seal. “You’re gonna use that on my head?”
“Don’t worry, love, it’s all numbed up, you won’t feel anything.”
Jamie looked to Roy, panicked. Get me out of here.
“You did just fine with the cleaning,” Roy told him, quietly. “Why is this different? You won’t feel it.”
“Because she’s putting a fucking needle in my head, maybe?” He leaned as far away from the doctor as she could without falling off the examination table.
Roy knew people were often scared of needles— had held Phoebe through more than one tantrum about a flu shot— but this wasn’t like that. It wasn’t a syringe. It was tiny, really, a small little curve of metal the doctor had to grip between tweezers to even hold. Nothing to be afraid of, in Roy’s view.
But Jamie seemed to disagree. As the doctor picked up the needle with a smile, producing some special-looking thread, Jamie lost it, cringing as he turned away.
“Ah, yeah, no. No, I’m not doing this.” He started to get up from the examination table. “I’m not. I’m not. I can’t.”
“It’s alright, love.” The doctor frowned as the wound on Jamie’s head started bleeding again. “I’ll tell you what I’m doing the entire time I’m doing it. I won’t do anything more than necessary to close the wound up, hm? Only take a few minutes.”
“No,” Jamie shook his head vigorously, then winced. “I never should’ve come here, I— Fuck—”
The lady doctor turned to Roy, a placating smile on her face. Could you…?
Roy cleared his throat, stepping forward. “Jamie.” He took the younger man’s hand.
The sudden act of touch seemed to shock Jamie out of his panic. Roy wasn’t usually a hand-holding type.
“You’re okay,” Roy said. “I promise.”
Jamie’s eyes flitted between the doctor and Roy.
“How about this?” Roy said. “You close your eyes, and I’ll stay right here holding your hand, and she’ll do what she needs to do and you won’t even feel it. And you can just talk to me. And when you open your eyes again it’ll be done.”
He remembered a few months ago, when Phoebe had to have blood drawn and threw an absolute fit about it. Roy had sat by her side and talked to her, told her don’t look at it, look at me, distracted her until it was done.
Jamie looked back at Roy, his eyes wide and full of fear.
Fuck, how did he manage to look so fucking young sometimes?
“I’ve got you,” Roy promised. “Close your eyes. Trust me.”
After a long, uncertain moment, Jamie slowly squeezed his eyes shut.
“Okay. Okay. Good lad.” Roy watched as the doctor began to work. “Okay. She’s wiping the new blood up with another one of those pads. Okay. All clean.”
Jamie’s hand was shaking. Roy squeezed it harder.
“She’s got the needle and thread, now, she’s going to start—”
Jamie jerked away when the tweezers got close to his face, his eyes starting to flutter open—
“No, Jamie, it’s okay. Just keep your eyes shut, alright? Breathe.” Jamie obeyed, closing his eyes tightly again. Roy took in an over-exaggerated breath, and Jamie followed suit.
“Good. Good lad,” Roy said as he watched the needle poke through Jamie’s skin. “You’re doing good.”
Jamie took another deep breath.
“She’s already halfway done, see? You’re okay. You’re doing good.”
Jamie started to shake underneath the needle, and the doctor paused. Didn’t want to poke him anywhere unintentionally, Roy thought.
“It’s okay. You’re alright.”
The shaking ceased, and the doctor finished the job, clipping the thread with a single snip.
“All done,” she said quietly. She smiled at Jamie. “No more needles.”
Roy went to drop Jamie’s hand, but the younger man clung on. His eyes were still shut.
“You can open your eyes, Jamie.”
He did. Looked around him, observed the absence of a needle (the doctor had put it away), and relaxed. He let go of Roy’s hand. “Sorry. Thanks.”
Roy shook his head. “No. You did well.”
Jamie’s hand drifted up to touch his forehead, but the doctor stopped him. “Oh, careful, love, careful. You don’t want to mess up those stitches, hm? Then we’d have to do this all again.”
That was an effective deterrent. Jamie kept his hands to himself.
“Let me call Nurse Osgood.” The nice doctor smiled again. “He’ll just do one more once over, and then you can be on your way, hm?”
Jamie’s eyes were still a bit faraway, so Roy nodded for him. “Thanks,” he told the doctor, and she left.
“That wasn’t so bad,” Jamie said quietly, his voice hoarse. “Thank you.”
Roy shrugged. “It’s nothing.” He patted Jamie’s shoulder gently. “You ready to go home?”
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anvoo · 1 year
Little reminders for An
As I thought, I was super sad this morning.
It's hard to describe the feeling, but I know that there's at least one other person that's going through the same thing. People say feelings emotions and thoughts make you human and alive; part of me agrees, takes it in, and cherishes it, but another part of me wishes that other part would just go jump off a bridge, along with all its precious "feelings, emotions, thoughts, and insecurities".
It felt like a loss, not being able to talk to Cat right now. My mind kept going in circles, cycling from memory to memory, conversation to conversation,... I reached out for my phone and browsed TikTok for the longest time since weeks, months even.
What used to be my go-to method to pass hours upon hours before, now I could barely scroll for more than 30 minutes without having my mind invaded by thoughts or something else; either I'm getting old, or something's changed how I feel- and go about it.
Eventually, I pulled myself up, got dressed, albeit slowly, and hauled my ass outta the house.
"It'll maybe be nice to go outside and get some fresh air and sunlight. It's ok if you don't think it'll help, or it's annoying or whatever; 5 minutes, and if you really think it's a waste of time, you can go back", I told myself.
And hey, both not to, and to my surprise, it helped. Taking in nature, no music or distracting phone-stuff, being in the moment, brings a certain sense of peace and calm. I managed to re-read what I wrote yesterday, let it process, sink in, and made some peace with it.
Self-love and care aren't self-indulgence, but it's rejecting self-neglect, and doing what you believe is right and good. It's accepting and trusting yourself and the process, that what you believe will lead to a better future is true, and continually guiding yourself towards that end.
"It pains me to see you sad. It hurts me when you spend all your days inside, wasting your time away on mindless distractions. I want you to go outside in the sun right now because I love you and care about you, and because I want the best for you." The things I say to those who I care about, I'll practice saying it more to myself.
"I love you too much to let you drown in your sorrows", so I went out to the park, and basked in the sun today. "I love you too much to let you feel bad in your own skin", so I went to the gym, for the first time since forever. "I love you too much to let you suffer, and worry about your academics and future", so I'm making plans and focusing on that. "I love you so much, that it hurts me deeply to see you sad", I still cry during the moments when I could tell myself, and have me listen that I don't need to be strong enough to do everything, or that I'm good enough, or that I care about me to not want to see me sad.
Taking a step back, I think it will be ok, and it's not as bad as my mind makes it out to be sometimes. I love being dramatic, tragic romances, ups and downs, and grand stories and giant loops and turns, so much so that I even subject myself to thoughts and feelings, just to entertain that little side of me.
It's not a loss, that me and Cat are choosing to give each other and ourselves some time apart. She's still just a text message, a phone call, or roughly 7 hours by train away. We're doing what we believe is best in the long run and also short run for us, for me, and for her. For us both to be always anxious, and empty, with only each other's company as the cure, is just not very nice, and that's not love.
Yeah, you're right. I'm not doing this just because I think it might be good for me in the future, but also because of the not-so-great effects it has on me right now.
Sitting there, feeling super anxious, just waiting, distracting myself. Wrestling with my own thoughts, mind, and feelings, the mental energy I needed for that left me exhausted and demotivated to do anything else. Still, I think to myself, "If I could get my things in check, and "just" be better, and "just" change my mindset, I could handle everything, and stay in contact." But that's not realistic, and that's not a kind thing to think and expect from myself. I'm not perfect, and I shouldn't expect myself to be. The unhealthy thoughts and habits I have, are mainly products of many of my insecurities and struggles, and they're not going anywhere unless I tackle the roots of them. Sitting around and coping, spending all my time and energy to deal with the symptoms, is no way to live, and no way would it last.
Nothing would change if I just keep that way, forcing and expecting me to pretty much be a different person, while constantly mentally exhausting myself. I'll be the same anxious, miserable guy, barely holding onto some outside validation, telling himself that it'll get better.
I want to be happier, and that requires changes!
I made a promise to myself before, to try my best and prove to me and others that I can do the things I set my mind on, and I will keep it. I'm in control, and my choices, from insignificant to significant, shape and determine my days and life. I want to realize my potential, to tackle my struggles at their roots and take control of my mind and mental, to be happier.
Part of me wants Cat to be dependent on me; part of me feels validated that she feels sad and empty without me, and that I am akin to a drug to her. But on the other hand, that part is also emotionally dependent on her; that part sees her as the cure, the solution to all my struggles and problems (which are completely unrelated, and logically I know well where they lie, and how to start working on them); that part craves for validation itself, and its insatiable hunger for that just grows and grows. I accept that it is a part of me, and I will not beat myself up over it, but I do know that it is a part of me that I do not want to, and will not keep feeding. I care about Cat, so I want her to be happy. I want her to be able to enjoy her life and handle things ok, and not have to be exhausted, empty, or sad. I'm doing this and suffering a little in this way right now (instead of suffering a lot in another way haha) not just for me, but for her too. It's anxiety for me, and it's the emptiness without for her. Our really heartbreaking talk last night really showed me how much I was struggling, and how much she's struggling too. I want our relationship and connection, now and in the future, to not be tainted and made so difficult and sad by our own struggles and insecurities. I don't want this to be the case, both for me and for her. I wouldn't want her to miss out on having the great "Me" in her life haha. I want also my future relationships, both platonic and romantic, to not be so dictated and affected by my own inner struggles and insecurities. I want to be happier, stronger, and more in control so that I could be around, and have a positive impact on the lives of those important to me.
Yep. It's not just for you right now and a little bit for Cat, but also for your future girlfriend/wife! You'll bring great things to her life, and think of all the stories you'll have to tell. Goldmine, I'm telling you.
Haha, yeah you're right xD It's for my future girlfriend/wife also. Here's to me, for choosing self-love, for choosing my happiness and future. We're doing this so that we have the focus, the distance, and the time we need to settle in with our lives, to add colors to them, for us both to gain a sense of self and learn to navigate through tough times so that me and her both could come out stronger and happier than before. I want to be able to pull focus on myself, and my future. I was stuck running away from my problems, finding refuge and comfort in other things and other people; not anymore. I care about myself too much to keep doing that. All of my decisions, and all that I'm doing, is for me, and I'm proud of myself. I love myself too much to have it any other way.
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reality-suckssssss · 1 year
Meeting you and getting to know You felt like fresh air filling my lungs on cool spring morning after barely breathing at all.. you made me feel things I hadn't felt in so long, you have gone through so much that it breaks my heart when i think about the stories you've shared. How have you gone through all of that yet you're still such a beautiful soul. You may be a little sarcastic and you tease and joke a lot but you're genuinely one of most respectful and kind people i know. Looking back i think it was impossible for me to not fall in Love with you, you're everything I've ever wanted and looked for in a man, you are hard working, kind, respectful, very family and goal oriented. Your voice is a beautiful melody. Hearing you laugh or seeing you smile lights up my cold gloomy soul and never fails to make my heart race, your beautiful soft honey colored eyes that turn into crescents every time you genuinely smile always shock me by how absolutely stunning you are, it's like looking at a sunset painted sky the way your smile lights up your whole face with a wonderful glow, your laugh is sweet and soft. I love how you carry yourself in the world with such confidence and grace. A strong man that doesn't back down. You are so smart that its actually Annoying and the way you teach and help those around you that need it is admirable, not many take time to help anymore. Every day that passes I get to know You a little bit better and every time we talk I feel like crying because i just want to grab you by the hand and tell you that I have feelings for you. That you bring so much joy and light into my life but I know I can't. I'm a coward I know but I can't take rejection from you. My heart wouldn't be able to handle it and as pathetic as it may sound neither could my mental stability. I'm holding on by a thread.
I keep hoping you'll find Your courage and tell me you feel that same way. you are flirty but not, playful but not, some days you give me attention or nothing at all but the way you Act with me is different than how you act with others. I know you like me too! This isn't only one sided and I can see that in the way you interact with me and in the way those beautiful honey eyes look at me like you have a million things to say but can't say them so you just tease me and you're sarcastic with me. Recently i notice that you wait for me or look for me. i want you to overcome all the obstacles in the way! come to me and tell me that you too are going insane but I don't know if it'll ever happen.. you have other things holding you back and I understand my darling but right now holding onto you is hurting me, I know your my person even if in this lifetime I am not meant to be yours. this hurts more and more as the months go by. Funny how you're the cause of my happiness but also the cause of my pain, so I need to let go. I need to let you go and hope that one day maybe you'll come to me.. the thing is I don't know how to do that because we're friends now, how do I let go of you without cutting you out of my life completely? I can't just cut you out completely, you've done nothing wrong my darling so I can't just cut you out and pretend you don't exist so how do I let you go? I don't know what to do :(
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writteninkat · 3 years
Greed | Ushijima x reader
summary: "I didn't like how my teammates watched you a while ago." He admits, his hands clenching on the counter.
"I don't think they understand how you're mine and only mine." He whispers against the shell of your ear, his hot breath tickling shivers down your spine.
word count: 3.5k
warning: 18+, name calling if u squint (???)
a/n: this is a reminder that you are amazing, you are loved and you matter. | masterlist for 100 followers event
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The boy's volleyball team never paid any attention to the girls as they were always busy with their own training and the two teams played and trained in their own separate indoor volleyball courts. But today is a little different. The floor of your team's court needs changing so the girls and boys have to train under the same roof for a week, and it'll be the first time seeing each other play.
Toshi knew you play volleyball, he knows you were the ace, as a matter of fact, his whole team knows as well. But they didn't know you were this good.
You throw the ball up high in the air, jumping as high as you can and throwing your hand forward, slamming it at the ball. The impact of your hand at the ball always felt so good, the heat and sting of it always gave you some kind of adrenaline and you loved the feeling.
The ball is hit so hard your teammates at the other side of the net barely had any time to react before it hit the wooden floors, giving your side a point.
You smile widely, catching the ball the coach throws at you for a second chance at serving. "Y/n calm the fuck down!" Your teammate yells, "We're not playing for real right now have some mercy!"
"If you can't receive my serves, how are you going to receive the serves from other school who'll surely be better than me?" You yell back, doing another jump float, your form tricking the other team as if you're doing another hard serve, causing them to step away from the net. Your palm then simply pushes on the ball, resulting it to barely go over the net. The players at the other side dives in to try and save the ball, but it hits the ground a second before they do.
The whistle is blown and your side of the court wins. "Y/n! You're a menace to society!" Your teammate jokingly yells, fake-crying on the floor making you giggle. You walk over to your duffel bag on the bleachers and take out your towel, oblivious to the many pairs of eyes on you.
Your short shorts always rode up your thighs and sometimes even ass whenever you played, so you hated wearing the uniform but your long shorts were jn the washer right now, you didn't really have much of a choice. Your uniform hugged your body perfectly, every curve and every hill accentuated by the two pieces of cloth around you.
Your boyfriend's team are bewildered by your skills. They never expected you, so sweet, so gentle and so kind towards them being able to produce such monstrous serves and spikes.
"Y/n!" You hear Tendou call, creating an immediate smile across your face. You loved Tendou, after dating his best friend, the two of you became so close and it's as if you two are best friends too. You watch him run towards you, volleyball in hand. "I never knew you played so good."
"You guys are too busy to watch me play. Why? Wanna join me sometime?" Tendou smiles at your offer, immediately nodding his head. "Yes! Please! Let's olay at my hou-"
"There's no way Y/n's playing with you." Wakatoshi says involuntarily, his eyes widening at his words as his teammates give him questioning stares. He never raised his voice before, nor has he spoken without being spoken to. "Unless! Unless I play with her first." He covers it up, looking away with the faintest blush across his face.
You tilt your head to the side, putting two on two together before smirking. Ah, my adorable, jealous boyfriend. Whatever am I supposed to do with you?
When practice finishes, you go your separate ways from the team. Unlike them who had homes to return to, your home is three hours away from the school and no way in hell were you traveling a total of six hours a day just to get feom and to your house. Getting a dorm in the campus seemed a much better idea, plus, it helped you spend more time with your boyfriend.
A hand snakes its way around your waist and despite sweating for three hours tonight, you can still smell a combination of the scent of your boyfriend's perfume and his shampoo. He smells minty and fresh from his shampoo and at the same time he also smells of lavender and sandalwood.
He continues to wrap both his arms around you as he stands from behind you, his forehead on your shoulder. "Want me to give you a massage once we get back?" You ask, placing a hand on his forearm.
Wakatoshi doesn't speak for a moment and you were beginning to think he fell asleep, but moments later he lifts his head up and takes another step forward, your eyes widening as you feel him poke at your ass.
"I just realised I've never seen you in your uniform before," He breathes out, "You look so sexy baby."
Heat rises up your face, your boyfriend's never said anything like that before. Sure, he once complimented how good yer legs look in shorts or how he likes seeing you so 'comfortable' without a bra on, butbhe's never been straightforward like this.
You can feel yourself creating a pool of slick in your underwear. God, this can not be fucking happening...
"Let's go to my dorm." His voice is an octave lower and he sounds out of breath. "Girls aren't allowed in your dorm building."
"I know most of the people in that building and they know me, they won't tell. So come on," he pulls at you, leading you to his building. He looks back at you, neediness and lust filling his eyes. "I need you right now."
Toshi didn't need to sound like he was begging, you were still going to follow him, but now that he sounds like he wants you so bad he can't control himself anymore, it's making you wanna run to his dorm and rip his clothes off.
You bite on your lower lip, letting him lead you to where his room is.
As you pass through a hall, you smile and wave shyly at some of the familiar faces you see, they look as if they've just seen a ghost. But can you blame them? Ushijima Wakatoshi is currently leading a girl to his room. This is the first time, it should be recorded in the hall of fame or something.
Once the both of you reach his door, which is at the bery end of the hall, Toshi takes his ID card, about to swipe it to unlock the door until he stops midway. He turns around and looks at you straight in the eye, "You don't have to do this if you don't want to. I don't want to be force you."
You blink at him once, twice, thrice- you take the card from his fingers, quickly swiping it on the lock. You push your boyfriend inside the dorm before looking to your right where the boys in the hall still have their undivided attention at you. "It'll probably get loud, you guys play some music or something." You yell before entering the room and slamming the door behind you.
Immediately, you push your boyfriend onto the wall, leaning in to press your lips on his. Finally, being able to touch your boyfriend after a long day of tiring practice feels to freeing and good. A shiver runs up your spine when he licks your bottom lip, asking for entrance. When you grant it to him, he pushes his tongue inside your wet cavern, immediately exploring it like he's a curious speleologist.
His one hand grabs your waist, immediately being able to grab almost half of it given your size differences and his other hand cups your jaw, tilting your head to the side to gain better access.
Your hand travels down to the waistline of his sweatpants, pushing your hand inside, feeling strained cock from inside his underwear as your fingers skillfully stroke it.
"Mmmm-" You hum, pushing Toshi off lightly. "We need to take a shower first, we've been sweaty for hours." You tell him, your hand still going up and down his shaft.
He sighs, pulling your hand out of his pants before pulling you inside his bathroom. Inside, he pins you against the wall, his lips on yours as he begins to lift your shirt, only breaking the kiss when a piece of clothing has to come off from around your heads. He pushes your shorts down along with your underwear, letting them pool around your ankles. He pulls your body closer to him, the tip of his clothed cock pressing against your wet folds making you moan into his mouth.
With one hand, he clasps the lock of your bra behind you, letting it fall on the floor along with your other clothes as his other hand begins toying with your pussy.
"You feel so wet down there. Was it when my teammates were staring at you?" He growls, making you lift a questioning brow. "What... What are you talking about?" You breathe out, sucking in your bottom lip in between your teeth as you grind your hips against his hand, greedy for more friction.
"You like it when my teammates are watching you? Watching as those small fuckin shorts get caught in between your ass? Hmm?" Toshi pushes a fingers inside making you mewl, your walls clenching around it, wanting more. "You like it when people watch you?"
You shake your head, moaning out profanities as you dig your nails on the skin of his shoulders, still rolling your hips and still wanting more of him.
"N-no, no! I only want you to watch me, Toshi!" You whine, moaning loudly once again when he pushes yet again another finger. He scissors his fingers inside you as your walls clench around them hungrily, greedy for more. "You're fucking mine, you got that?" He grits, thrusting his fingers inside you, hitting the particular bundle of nerves again and again leaving you screaming in pleasure with just two of his fingers.
"Yes! Yes, oh yes! I'm yours, Toshi! Fuck!" Your eyes roll to the back of your head, feeling yourself shake as you cum around his fingers, your cunt squelching around them. You breathe heavily, rolling your hips as you ride out your orgasm.
Toshi takes his fingers out, causing you to whine unconsciously when your hole begins tightening around nothing. He places his hands on either of your lower thighs, pulling you up and hugging your legs around his waist as he leads you to his shower.
He puts you down, making sure you can stand by yourself before hooking his thumbs on either side of his sweats, pulling them down, letting them pool around his ankles. Your gaze is immediately on his member, it's looks so hard and red, the size much bigger than usual and precum is currently seeping out of it.
"Like what you see?" Toshi smirks, this whole side of him completely taking you off guard. You love it. You twist the shower knob on before getting on your knees before him. He steps forward towards you, watching you as you take his dick into your small hands.
You look up at him from below, opening your mouth as widely as you can, rolling your tongue out. You begin by giving his precum-covered head some kitten licks, cleaning it up beforetaking half of his length in your mouth. You hollow your mouth, pushing your head lower as you feel his tip already hit the back of your throat.
"Yeah, take that dick like you want it for dinner. My cockslut..." He hisses, taking you by the hair. He tugs on a fistful of your hair, causing you to roll your eyes back in pleasure and moan loudly, the vibration stirring your boyfriend up even more. He begins thrusting his hips slowly, throwing his head back as you play with his balls and the rest of him that you couldn't take in your mouth.
"That's right, lap up my cock so fucking good, angel. That's right- ah! oh god..." His breathing becomes irregular and his thrusts slowly become more frantic. The tip of his dick continues abusing the back of your throat and tears begin to pool on the corners of your eyes, your cunt dripping wet at the thought of your boyfriend face fucking you at this moment.
Your hand plays with your pussy, drawing circles around and on the clit, chasing after Toshi so the two of you can cum together. "That's right, you're mine. This mouth is mine, and I'm not fucking sharing you with anyone." He seethes, his thrusts getting sloppier and sloppier by the second until he thrusts particularly deep inside your mouth, the tip of his dick going down your throat as he cums inside you, hot liquid going down your throat has your pussy clenching around your own fingers.
He pulls out, watching as you swallow his load until your mouth is empty of his white seed. The corner of Toshi's hand twitches into a smirk as he wipes a thumb over your bottom lip, immediately you suck on it as you look up at him teasingly.
"Let's wash up, darling." He pulls you up, taking his shampoo bottle and squirting a small amount on his palm, wiping it on your hair continuously until it begins to bubble up. He then proceeds to pour his body wash all over your body, hands roaming around you.
He presses kisses on the shell of your ear as he massages and squeezes your breasts, pinching and pulling at your nipples before going down and washing your slippiery folds. He copies what he did to your breast down to your ass, kneading them like fine bread before guiding you when the water is hitting. As you wash off the soap suds, he pours the same kind of shampoo on his head, combing his fingers through his soap-sud covered hair before following it by lathering his soap all over his body. His hands go up and down his well defined abs and pecks, teasing you as he slowly trails it down to his shaft.
He watches you watch him clean himself, letting you pull him closer to you, letting himself be hit by the running water. Once all the soap is rinsed off, you step away from him and take a towel, drying off your hair infront of the mirror.
You watch in the reflection as Toshi walks out of the shower and towards you, his usual indifferent expression across his face. He runs his haze down your figure before pulling on your towel, setting it down on the counter.
He leans forward, trapping you between him and the counter as he places both of his hands on either sides of your body. "I didn't like how my teammates watched you a while ago." He admits, his hands clenching on the counter. "I don't think they understand how you're mine and only mine." He whispers against the shell of your ear, his hot breath tickling shivers down your spine.
"Why won't you make me yours?" You challenge him, looking at him dead in the eye. He looks at you for a second, two seconds, three- he spins you around, pressing his lips against yours.
"You're playing a really dangerous game, darling, and I'm not in the best mood tonight." He growls through the kiss, his tongue more aggressive and lips harsher than usual. "Show me how to play it, maybe I'll get to know the rules and it won't be as dangerous as you say it is." You shoot back, running your hands all over his naked torso, feeling ever elevation and dip of his sculpted chest and abs underneath the pads of your fingertips.
Toshi growls into the kiss, turning you around once again and pushing you down on the counter. He presses his tip against your dripping folds, slowly entering you as to not hurt you in any way. He lets you adjust to his size for a few moments and the moment you begin rolling your hips, he combs his fingers through your damp hair, pulling on it and forcing you to see yourself being fucked in front of the mirror.
He thrusts relentlessly into you, the tip of his cock hitting places your fingers never hit before. Your jaw hangs open as you moan loudly, taken in a trance at the feeling of your boyfriend abusing the certain bundle of nerves inside you.
Toshi lifts a leg up on your side, the feeling becoming more and more overwhelming as his thrusts become deeper, much faster and harder. Your walls clamp around him tightly, making him click his tongue. "Yeah that's it, this pussy is all fucking mine, isn't it."
He pulls at your hair, letting go of it before cupping your face, forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror. "Look at you. Look at how lewd you are right now. You feeling good clamping down on my cock like that?" He asks, his thrusts never once slowing down. The feeling becomes overwhelming to the point where you couldn't form words, and instead you nod your head as to not make a fool out of yourself.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel the knot tighten in your belly, your jaw hangs open as drool begins to drip out the corner of your mouth. Your boyfriend breathes heavily into your ear, "Wanna cum? You wanna cum right now?"
"Ye-yeah... yeah fuck...wanna...wanna cum... let... let me...cum...." You lose your capability to form coherent sentences and capability to talk. "I'm fucking you so dumb right now, aren't I?" Toshi smirks, shoving two of his fingers inside your mouth, pressing them on your tongue as he watches you make a mess out of yourself.
Your moans fill the bathroom completely and you feel yourself hanging by a thread, simoly waiting for a word, that one ward that'll have you releasing so hard your legs are for sure going to give out. Just one word-
"Alright my darling, you deserve this." Toshi growls into your ear, letting go of your face in the process. "Cum."
You cum all over his cock, your clenching walls trying to milk him of his own release. Your back arches and toes curl as your boyfriend continues thrusting inside you, thrusts becoming sloppy and uneven as well as his breath.
Once you finish, he pulls out, cumming all over your ass, hot white ropes of his release reaching all over your ass, back and some even on your hair. He moans loudly, throwing his head back as he presses his length on your ass. The two of you stay there panting for a good minute, soaking in what you just did before Toshi begins pulling away. He looks at his artwork on you, mentally patting himself and telling himself 'good job' before he snakes an arm around your limp body.
"Come on, I'll wash you up." He carries you back to the shower, once again going through the process of soaping your body to make sure you're clean before setting you down on his counter. You flinch and hiss at the contact of your pussy on his counter, it hurt.
Toshi kisses you all over you face, muttering apologies about being too harsh in return you tell him it wasn't his fault at all. He dries up your body and hair, letting you brush your teeth before carrying you to his bed. He dresses you up in his clothes and takes out your special kit- basically a box full of skin care products in case you slept over.
"I'll do your skin care for you, just lay down and relax yourself. He says, sitting cross legged on the floor as he rummages through the products inside the box. You look at him, smiling to yourself and asking yourself how the hell you got so lucky to score someone like him. "Do you want charcoal or a strawberry mask tonight?" He asks, holding up two of your favorite mask packs.
You place your hand on his cheek, caressing it softly. "I love you." You whisper out, his eyes widening as it catches him off guard. Toshi feels his heart sink to his tummy as butterflies flutter and dance all over it. He smiles, a faint blush across his cheek. "I love you more." He kisses the tip of your nose.
Toshi then proceeds to just stare at you for a few moments before looking like he snaps out of his trance. A deep blush takes over his face as he buries his face on your chest in embarrassment. You laugh loudly, asking him what was going on.
"You're too cute, I'm never sharing you or this side of you to anyone." He mumbles against your chest, making you smile widely. He turns his head to the side, eyelids halfway down, "I'm greedy for you and only you. Never sharing you with anyone, ever."
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alvhiedeir · 3 years
Little Red Elf
Thor X Reader
3174 words
This is longer than intended and quite different than requested and I have no excuse than my lack of discipline but I hope this is good enough
You are seriously thinking about investing on a security camera.
No, it wasn't that you were worried about being robbed. It's was being, 'gifted'.
In an almost daily basis, different items would make it's way to your doorstep. Black roots, hyacinth, hellebores, poppies and other herbs that would usually not grow around the area. It was nice, that was the first thought you had. You were no Circe, the great witch of Aiaia, but such ingredients could and did help greatly with your draughts. So as much as this occurrence should startle you, you brushed it off as the doing of one of your friends working for Lord Osanyin who would usually send you samples of anything new. You figured business was just doing better than usual for her to give you this much.
Two weeks, it continued on. When you rise for the day, there would be a neatly placed bundle of herbs or plant on your front steps. Always perfectly centered. And for two weeks, you accepted each and everything in such giddiness.
That is until you until today.
"I haven't been given you anything, (y/n)," She turned away from the selves she was organizing and continued, "it's been pretty busy lately for the last month with the arrival of new supply from Asia."
Her answer gave you a sudden feeling of uneasiness.
"Then who," your voice trailed, dragging the weariness and alert in the air. Your friend was quick to catch the shift of your mood.
"But think about it," she placed the bottle she was holding and walked towards you, "those herbs are rare and what are the chances of a random miscreant obtaining it?"
It eased your nerves a bit to hear her words.
"Or maybe, you finally have an admirer even if your always holed up in your home!"
She laughed at the jesting glare you sent.
"Like you're any better, cat lady."
"Hey! Having four cats does not count as being a cat lady!"
"Sure, whatever you say."
You shared a laugh, the tension thinning out. After saying a few words, she went back to the counter to pack the herbs that you bought, the reason why you were there in the first place.
"You bought quite a lot. What is it for anyway?"
"Loki wanted some draughts to "bring entertainment around this damn boring halls", his words not mine."
She laughed, commenting how it sounded just like him. She handed you the carefully packed products, with a small purple ribbon tied on the basket as she always did for you.
Just as you're about to leave she called out.
"If you're still disturb about the whole mysterious gifts, why don't you try staying up to see who it is?" You thanked her for her suggestion and concern and with a wave, headed back home.
To say the least, her suggestion was not very successful.
After you went home, you got started on the ordered draughts and by the time the moon greeted the sky, your eyes were already heavy. Being stubborn, you stayed sitting in your kitchen, chair facing the window to see if anyone or anything would past by.
The minutes were slow and before you knew it, the sun has reclaimed its place. And there was yet another gift. A freshly uprooted crab apple tree that barely passes as an adult. How in the world did they get this one?
Another week fast approached and the gifts arrived just as fast. Cornel bark, elecampane, silver fir, the list goes on. Each night, you attempt to desperately stay awake to catch but a glimpse would always end up with you succumbing to sleep. It didn't matter if it was for hours or a mere minute, by the moment your eyelids flutter open, it was already there. Perfectly centered as always, in an almost mocking way.
"You missed us again", you could hear the ridicule from it.
As days flutter, the gifts and your frustrations would only intensify. One time it was antlers from a dear Australia. The other day it was the tusk of a bore. Yesterday it was the blood of steed. The last one made you panic a bit, but thankfully in came only in a small vial. It eased your nerves, albeit slightly that the animal was minimally harmed.
You tried sleeping in the morning so that so that you could roam at night. But when you rise from your chair for a drink or to go the toilet, the sneaky bastard have already placed another gift. You went as far as sitting on your doorstep for the whole night, but even that didn't help. The gift was on your window.
You were at your wits end with this "Persistent Santa" shenanigans (it was your friend who called them that. It was that or creepy-pile-of-dung-that-had-to-much-time). Whoever they were, they are good.
You sighed tiredly again, the dark bags proving Your fruitless efforts.
"Wow, you look miserable!" You silently snapped at the voice, too sleepy to argue but to proud to ignore it. His laugh was laugh, always happy to see others demise.
"Just give me the money, Loki." You impatiently thrust the basket full of draughts to him, eager to leave and maybe sleep for a few days.
"Aren't you greedy." The more he teases you, the more punching him right in the face became an increasingly good option. As if reading your voice, he raised his hands in mock surrender.
" I would pay you, but," he dragged his voice as floated closer to you, "I dont have my money right now. And the old man is calling me so can you wait a few minutes for me?" He smiled, oh-so-mockingly sweet at you.
A tomato would have been jealous of the tint of your check. The itching call for violence is now an unignorable howler. But before you can give in, the god of mischief is already pushing you into one of the rooms, claiming your silence as agreement. In a blink, you were in a well decorated room. The walls were cream in color and golden leaves decorated the corners. Threre were shelves of book against one side of the wall and-
"Wait a minute." Snapping out of your trance, you shouted, voice filled with vile, "Loki!"
But sadly, it came too late and the door have already been shut and only his feint mocking voice telling "enjoy!" Was heard from the other side.
You could sighed, pity for your own predicament. Moving towards one of the shelves with a colorful string of curse words following, you might sa well entertain yourself with something. The books were more old, and probably cost more than your soul. Each one was placed neat and organized, neither a speck or spot of dust could be seen. But one particular book caught your eye.
With a gentle finger, you traced the gold imprints on its spine.
Herbs, Medicine and Witchcraft
Unlike everything else, this one book was placed different. It was pulled slightly forward, as if recently placed back but someone else other than the organizer. When you pull it out, you also noticed the small, almost miniscule dirt on its cover. But other than that, it was nothing special.
"I didn't think they'll have this kind of book."
You sat down and flipped on a random page. It was filled with information about different plants that can be used for both medicine and, surprisingly witchcraft. It included their typical use, characteristics, side effects and their locations. And it was very specific too.
"I wonder if I can borrow this."
Page upon page was flipped, despite the fascination dwelling in you, drowsiness became unbearable. It was just so quiet and peaceful here. Maybe a few minutes won't hurt, right?
"Loki will be there for a while anyway. Might as well." Your reasoning seemed to make sense with your tired eyes and you rest your head. Not even bothered by the fact that you used the book as your pillow.
It'll just be few minutes anyway.
It wasn't a few minutes.
Slowly, your eyelids fluttered as consciousness begin to come back. You sighed contently, that nap certainly helped with your mood. You buried your nose deeper into the soft cloth you leaned on and inhaled. It smelled like fresh lilacs and the sun.
Wait, cloth?
You lifted your head and saw, indeed there was a neatly folded cloth on the place of the book. It was pale apricot, almost faded white and now that you are looking properly, it was a short robe?
"I starting to think you were not going to wake up."
Do you know the sound of a startled walrus with a respiratory disease? Imagine that, but worse. That how you sounded as you whipped your head in surprise to the voice. Right beside you was the god of thunder himself, Thor. The difference in size between him and the chair he was resting on was almost comical. You would have laughed if it wasn't for the fact you want to live a longer.
"He-hello Thor-sama." Damnit, what did you stutter?
He casted his eyes sideways to acknowledge your greeting, glacing right back into reading afterwards.
Looking yourself, it was then you noticed the book he was reading was the one you were previously sleeping on.
"It didn't seem like you were using it," his voice was monotone as for usual, "aside as a pillow, that is."
Ahh, the sheer pleasure of being swallowed by the ground right now would be nice.
"Ah! That- I! Yes..." You simply stared at your lap instead, fist clenched tightly on top. Better to stay quiet that to embarrass yourself further.
Thor was in between being an acquaintance and  a work friend. Neither of you talked much, aside from greetings and small talk but was more than used to his presence with the number of times you had to deliver things to Loki, enough so that you don't have to tremble everytime you meet.
But sitting this close, in a close space, alone, this was definitely the first time.
And it'll be the last if you're not careful.
The silence was suffocating, for you at least. You have almost jumped in your sit when he flipped a page in the book.
A minute passed and you are so closed to jumping out of the window. The room was too quiet. Making small talk won't be bad at times like this right?
"It's a nice book."
Wow. If you could, you would have hit yourself in the back of your head. Great thinking, really.
He merely nodded and the silence dragged once again.
"There's a lot of useful information in it."
Stop, just stop. Please stop digging your own grave.
"That's why it's a shame to be drooled on."
"I do not drool!"
In the distant, the sound of funeral bells rang clear in your head. The life you lived was good. Your friend will remember what flower you wanted to be placed on your coffin, and she can have your house, maybe even your-
Before you could complete your will, you heard a smallest of chuckle from the other god.
You stared at Thor and sure enough, there's the tiniest arch in his lips. His eyes remains on the pages but - shit - has he always been this pretty?
Between the brief greetings and quick glances, it was hard to appreciate his beauty. Though mostly blank, his face was clear and smooth. Not a single blemish as one might expect from a god who knew battlefield as his home. He was no Aphrodite nor comparable to Paris, but he himself held a beauty of his own. You couldn't quite decide on if it was the light from the window or it was simply him that was glowing?
His neck flexed in the smallest notion as he read. The muscles of his shoulders were relaxed against the table.
Heavens. Those muscles.
You blushed on your thoughts. You tear your eyes away from his physique, the wooden table suddenly very interesting.
"It is rare to see you without Mjolnir, Thor-sama."
"I don't bring him when I read."
"Him?" The question lingered on your head. Was Thor one of 'those' people?
"Do you read often?"
"Are you interested in herbal medicine?"
"Is that so?" Your answer was awkward just as the air around you. But to the very least, the tension have eased out knowing that he didn't  obliterate you so far.
"Um, Thor-sama?"
Curse you and your need to fill in the silence.
"May I ask why you are reading a book about witchcraft? You do not seem the type to be interested in it." Realizing what you said was potentially insulting, you quickly apologized, eyes wide as you tried to explain. "Not that you don't look like it! What I mean is, um, - that." You stumbled over your own words with nervousness but he simply kept his eyes in the book, barely even glancing at you.
"... give you." His voice made you stop with your gibberish. Catching only the tail-end of his words, you looked at him questioningly. Only then did you realize that it has almost been a minute since he flipped a page, almost as if your question startled him as well.
"Ma-may you repeat that?"
There was a short pause before his answer came.
"So that I know what to give you."
Furrowed brows and confused eyes marked your features.
"So that I know what to give you."
His words repeated in your head, like an stubborn echo inside a cavern.
"I know what to give you."
"Give you."
Oh shit.
"You're the Persistent Santa?!" The chair you previously sat on collided with the floor with a loud "thud". Hands planted heavily against the table, you casted accusing eyes to him.
Before any other words were uttered, your senses made its way back to your head like a harsh slap of water. You just yelled at the strongest Norse god. You might as well have dug your own hole and painted your tombstone.
But all fear and confusion left you as you stare at the fore mentioned god. He was not glancing down anymore but instead his eyes found its place opposite of your direction. And if one would look close, really intently stared, the faintest of red could be seen blooming in his cheeks.
"He-he's blushing."
Thor is blushing.
"You shouldn't be shouting here." His voice did not have the same air of threat and authority it usually holds. If your ears were right, it almost sounded like he was embarrassed.
Silently picking up the fallen chair, you sat down with your eyes burning holes the robe infront of you. Which you have almost forgotten was there.
Thinking back to the times you interacted with him, one word would usually come to mind. Quiet. He would acknowledge your presence or sometimes even greet you during the times you bump into one another but has never to made a conversation. Compared to Loki, you have always figured that maybe he was just more refined.
It wasn't until you heard his tale from your friend that you have gathered a sort of fear towards him. You knew how gods are, how vile and wrathful they are. And a god of his caliber could wipe you with a single flicker of his finger.
You would now bow and act more politely to him. Going as far as trying to avoid any contact with him.
But now sitting a mere foot apart, you felt no threat. No danger. And only then did you realize that you have never really felt any danger to begin with. When he speaks, he did not have the murderous aura that they claim to choke anyone.  He had never given you any reason to fear him, it was only you who decided to believed other's opinion.
"I'm sorry."
As if a trigger, his head turned to you upon hearing your timid voice but you dare not look at his eyes.
"You don't-"
"Not just for yelling."
Where did you get the courage to cut him off? You do not know. But, still with the false bravery, you continued.
"I mean, I have been very rude to you for a long time,"
"You have never been mean to me and I only returned the gesture by fearing you without any basis of."
With every fiber of yours screaming otherwise, you turned to look at him in the eye.
"I'm really sorry."
The longer you look into those golden eyes the more the heat on your neck spreads to your cheeks.
Guess his hair isn't the only thing red now.
"It's nothing," surprisingly it was Thor who turned away first. This time though, you eyes remained on him with a small smile. Youu have been missing out on so many things. But now, you have the eternity to catch up. And you're sure as hell you will.
"Just Thor."
You laughed a bit, a sound that you did not notice brought a smile on his own lips.
"Why did you give me those gift anyway."
He turned his head to the other direction, but your keen eyes could see his tainted red ears.
"Loki said gifts were a good way to get close to someone." You grinned.
"I should have known better than listen to him."
His words dragged a loud laugh from you. The thought of him asking Loki, of all people for an advice was something you thought you'll never hear. And the small pout in his voice upon the next statement both brought you giddiness and butterflies.
Your hands instinctively covered your mouth, but still the sounds slipped through. And if you would have opened your eyes that moment, you would have seen the adoration in Thor's as he watches you.
Yes, it was embarrassing to ask his cousin for advice and finding those herbs was a hard task. But if seeing you like this, with lips arch into the most beautiful smile he have seen filled with happiness he once thought he couldn't bring you, then he would do it a thousand more.
Outside the closed doors, Loki grinned at himself. Trying to get you two was a pain with how standoffish Thor was by this was the most entertainment he had for a long time.
"What the hell are you doing?" It was one of Odin's crow that screeched from beging, as they watch the god smiling, and by experience it never means well.
"Oh nothing," he sing-songed. He floated pass his uncle but never before saying,
"Hope you're ready for grandkids!"
But they did not receive an answer, only a chorus of laughter from the god of mischief as he drift away.
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If you don't know who's Circe is, she's a witch in the Greek mythology that turned sailors into pigs. Odysseus met her during his travel home from the Trojan war. She turned his men into pig too. And it's a book of Madeline Miller too! You should really read her books.
This was requested by @tenshi-san and I apologize that I might have strayed too far from your prompt. I really hope I did your husbando some justice. He was so hard to write because that only thing I can see him as is bored😂. But I hope you still like it!
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purposelynana · 3 years
What Did I Watch: #16
Bad Buddy turns something simple (Romeo and Juliet, but make it BL) into something that is worth to be discussed for. A conversation about passing trauma to your children. A sin of a father. Healthy relationships where the two sides know how to meet in the middle. A couple who actually did compromise. I could go on and on about how much Bad Buddy really raised the bar in term of showing the real societal problems.
I'm not saying this could be the greatest of all time. It's nowhere near I Told Sunset About You where BL going art house and depicts queerness at its finest. It got GMMTV's budget after all, we just couldn't ask more. But we live in a time where your choice of shows is limited because censorship and streaming companies keep shoving you with unbelievable romance. Bad Buddy is a breath of fresh air. It holds simplicity dear to its heart. It shows you that any of these circumstances could be happen to you. Its clichés is not something laughable, and actually I'm glad it didn't descend into lakorn territory because Thailand tends to do that when they have a simple story.
And God, can we talk more about our two geniuses, Ohm and Nanon? This is why people, BL should be played by some actors with a lot of experience under their belts. It has been an open secret that many actors use BL to mark their presence in the industry and gain fandom. It's fine if they know how to act. Thank God, P'Aof picked OhmNanon, those 2 guys know how to act. Like acting for real. Every scene got to be played to the extend I believe that their relationship will be doomed as shit. Also the way P'Aof directed and completely trusted his actors, I actually believe that he's a actor's director. He let his actors set the tone and dialogue which is a good thing if the actors are dedicated enough. It's not that I'm saying his actors on previous projects a lot worse than now, but his project significantly became better when he picked the right actors for certain role.
One more thing, during Bad Buddy's shoot P'Aof directed many scenes with different directions so that the editor had many options to pick which one could be broadcasted. Oh my god. Like this is the problem with ATOTS for me. ATOTS seemed not having enough shoots so they picked whatever was available. Well if your actors can execute a scene with one go is not going to be a big deal but yeaaaah... Directors should have enough time so that they could figure out how to direct actors the right way.
Naturally Bad Buddy has its flaws. Some of its supporting actors appeared to be not on the same level with the main actors. Well this is also one of my problem with GMM. Of course they need to market their new actors but.. give them a proper acting training. I couldn't help but cringe.
On the other hand, hands down the best BL series at the moment. We only can hope the remaining episodes could maintain its cleverness and not go down into madness. Fingers crossed.
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I dropped Rainless Love In A Godless Land moons ago. When I decided to pick it up again, I thought well I hope the story wouldn't end up suck. Well, I was wrong. It sucks.
Oh my god, I'm so mean hahahaha.
If we can set aside all of the romantic plotline, it was actually better than any kind of similar drama in the past. The world building is actually great and makes me wondering if they got enough time to venture, it'll probably far more better than what was already has been given to us. But, the romance man, it didn't sold me at all. Then the fact that the apocalypse which should be the main vocal point, suddenly towards the end was just vanished into thin air.
What's the point? To scare the audience? To understand what's at stake? Like I don't get it. Why? Like you turned the world upside down then all of the sudden you decided not to? What the fuck??? Might as well not making the goddamn drama at first place.
Then the whole LIE. I get it. At first my brain was kinda short-circuited. But, I managed. You wanted so bad to have a happy ending and you determined to erase whatever obstacles by using the final trope, 'let's go back to the past'. Bah, lazy writing.
HAH. Such a shame, you got a good premise, killer acting then bam... nothing happened.
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Meanwhile queen Alice rules.
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sckyie · 4 years
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song: streetcar by daniel caesar
word count: 2.6k
genre + warnings: angst to fluff; reminiscing in past heartbreak, breakdowns, timeskips, swearing, someone gets slapped
pronouns used: she/her
a/n: here's part 2 to driver's license,, i hope this was okay >~< i had to include a new song to the mix (its going into the playlist) soooo enjoy :) also my ratio for angst to fluff is TERRIBLE im sorry
Ever since you had confessed your feelings to your best friend, you had became so distant from everyone. Knowing you might've ruined one of the best friendships shook you. Lately you'd been driving around past curfew just to keep your mind off him. Passing all the street lights just felt like you were driving down memories. 
That flickering light at the corner where Oikawa had helped you after crashing your bike into a pole. Or that bright cool light by the park where you, Iwa, and Oikawa first started playing volleyball. Or that one littered with stickers where you told both the boys that they better remember you when they were famous. 
Apathy overcame your entire being. Nothing seemed to matter anymore, who knew heartbreak could have this effect on a person? It was hard going to school, avoiding Oikawa in every hall, dodging Iwaizumi on your way out, and even trying to ignore Kasumi was too much. It hurt like hell but you didn't want to know what Oikawa had to say. More so, you didn't want to hear what he was going to say, you knew what he'd tell you.
Two months until graduation.
It had been a over a month since that confession. The bright girl everyone used to know dulled out. No one knew why nor how it happened. It only stung between you and the boy you knew you could never love. Oikawa and Kasumi remained together despite the lingering thought of those words you said to him. 
"I- You- Ugh! Just go away, I don't want to see you!" The crack in your voice shook those hidden feelings within you.
"Why not!" Oikawa held onto your forearm, restricting you from running away.
"Because I fucking loved you idiot!" You screamed as hot tears rolled down your cheeks. Oikawa froze at your words, unable to process them.
"You...loved me?" He asked.
"I still fucking love you! God, I hate you- I just- Let go!" You shoved him away from you. "I'm leaving. If you try to stop me, I'm never speaking to you again."
Yet, you never spoke to him regardless. The sudden break between you two effected Iwaizumi as well. Although he had no part in the situation, he was torn who's side to take. He knew your secret but he couldn't betray both his best friends. Seeing you two spilt was like watching glass break. It's sudden, scattered, irreplaceable but if you tried to fix it, you could cut yourself or ruin the glass even more.
Oikawa took your last words as your goodbye. What was worse was that, he couldn't bring himself to find the right words to say to you. How could his best friend love him and never tell him? He never did end up telling Kasumi that he loved her. He began to question his feelings about her and well, you. 
One more month until graduation.
"Hey Y/n, are you going to the third year dance?" Hanamaki taps your shoulder as you doodle on your notes. You shook your head, knowing well enough how you'd have to see Oikawa and Kasumi together. "Come on, we're all going."
"No thanks," You smiled. A sudden ache in your chest hit you as you looked back at your notes. "I don't like dances."
"Liar," Matsukawa joins into the conversation. "What happened to you?"
"Hm?" You looked up, tilting your head at him.
"Just come along, we'll drive," He suggests. "You don't need a date. Just tag along with he boys and Kasumi."
"Again no thanks," You turned him down. "I'm not on good terms with Oikawa right now. I don't want to see him."
"Well, then let's all four go together then. Me, you, Mattsun, and Iwa," Makki says. "We lowkey miss having you around."
"Yeah, come on, we don't have to go with them," Matsukawa agreed.
"Promise we won't hang around them?" You ask solemnly. They nod at you, prompting you to let out a long sigh. "Fine. I don't have a dress, do you guys want to come with to find one?" 
Two weeks until graduation.
You stood in line with the three boys to get inside the ballroom for the dance. You carefully adjusted Matsukawa's corsage that matched your dress. Kasumi and Oikawa had came later, waiting farther back in line. He rests his hand on her waist as he examined the people in line when he spots you. This was the first time in forever since he could see you clearly. He had only caught glimpses of you through the halls, never seeing your face.
Was that the reason the guys didn't want to ride with him? For you? It hit a bit knowing they chose you over him but he knew how you haven't hung out with anyone lately. Always avoiding people, never trying to talk to anyone. 
Inside the ballroom, you and the boys sat together at your assigned table. The songs seemed redundant, leaving you four to occasionally get up to dance. It wasn't until a slow song that caught your attention. You had your head leaning against Iwaizumi's shoulder when you spotted Oikawa and Kasumi walking center stage.
"I'm gonna go outside for some fresh air," You say, standing up. You adjusted your dress before walking away to the outside patio. The muffled sound of the slow song was heard as you rested your arms on the railing. You closed your eyes, trying to focus on the sounds of the streets nearby. It was hard to drown out the feelings of Oikawa after seeing him with Kasumi. You feel the pain well up, trying your best to resist crying.
You open your eyes as you feel something being placed on your shoulders. "You'll get sick out here," Iwaizumi says, standing beside you. "You're thinking of him aren't you?"
"Can we not talk about him?" You breathed, tears slowly rolling down your face. "I just don't want to think about how bad I fucked up."
"Well," Iwaizumi looked down at the ground. "Will you dance with me?" You turned to see him holding out his hand for you. Taking his offer, Iwa holds you close as the music played. He let you cry in his arms, knowing well enough that you needed this. Having held all your pain behind driving, you couldn't show how much you were in pain. 
"Thank you Iwa," You sniffled into his chest. 
"I'm always here for you," He smiled. "You're like a little sister to me...It pains me to see you all dull and hurt...When Makki asked you to come out with us, I didn't expect you to agree but I'm glad you did." 
"Can I tell you something?" You panted for air through your tears.
Oikawa held Kasumi close, carefully swaying back and forth together. With her head resting on his chest, he was able to see through the patio window. He spots you and Iwaizumi dancing but for some reason it stung in his chest to see that. Why is he hurt? He's with Kasumi and he loves her, right?
Graduation day.
A group of cheers goes around the ceremony as your final day in high school is finally over. You greet your old classmates one more time, saving your close friends for last. For some reason, all the pain you previously carried had faded away. You approach the gate to meet with your friends for the last time before you go off your separate paths. Makki and Mattsun agreed to text you more to keep up with each other.
Iwaizumi had hugged you once last time, telling you to do your best. You smiled for the first time in a while. It was strange but Iwa was glad to see you starting to move on. You and him agreed to update each other on your mental healths and to hang out whenever you'd visit. Then it was the one you dreaded.
Saying goodbye to Oikawa, it'll be the last time you'll see him. You waited patiently for him as he was caught up by some fans and Kasumi. When he did manage to leave the underclassmen, he spotted you waiting. "Hey babe, can you go on ahead? I want to talk to Y/n," He says to his girlfriend. She nods happily, walking by you as she left. 
"Hey," He stops a few feet away from you, scared to step any closer.
"Hi," You said. "I have a few words for you." You let out a small chuckle, leading him to believe it was something good.
"Good or bad?" He laughed.
"Well," You started. "I just wanted to say goodbye for the last time...It was nice being your friend and I know how rough it turned out in the end...I'm sorry for not telling you before how I felt. I just thought I wasn't good enough for you and that you'd fall for someone else. Kasumi is a great girl and you two are amazing together...I really wish you guys the best...I know you'll do outstanding in volleyball like the king you are. You better not forget us when you're famous..Listen, I have to go before I'm late, so this is...it...Goodbye Tooru." You wiped a tear from your cheek, smiling at him. You quickly turned around, disappearing into the city. 
"Wait! Y/n!" He rushes after you, only to get lost in the crowd of third years saying their goodbyes. Oikawa felt tears well up in his eyes as he desperately looked around for you. "You didn't let me say..." He whispered to himself.
A week later, Oikawa and Iwaizumi join each other to lunch at your favorite restaurant. Iwa scrolls on his phone waiting for the food while Oikawa looked at the booth you two would always get. "Hey Iwa-chan?" He asks. "Do you know where Y/n decided to go after graduation?" Iwaizumi stopped scrolling to think back at the third year dance.
"Can I tell you something?" You panted for air through your tears.
"Anything," Iwa replied.
"I'm moving away from Miyagi immediately after graduation," You sniffled. "Remember when we were kids and we said we wanted to live in Tokyo or Kyoto?"
"Y-yeah," He was a little shaken up hearing that you'll be leaving so soon. 
"My uncle just moved to Kyoto and he offer me a room there...and I said yes," You started to trace circles on his back. "It's by that college I wanted to go to and they have good jobs there and-"
"You don't have to explain yourself. You'll do amazing out there," Iwa chuckled. "Just promise you'll visit sometime?" He knew how much you needed to be away from Miyagi. Although it pained him, he knew it was only for the best.
"No," Iwa lied. "I haven't seen her. She hasn't texted in a while.
Three months after graduation.
You got into a cab on your way to your new job at a café. You stared out the window, admiring the new city you live in. Learning to adjust and work around the city was tough. The feeling of calling Kyoto home was strange, knowing that it wasn't. 
Ever since you had said goodbye to Oikawa, things in his life changed. He believed losing you wasn't fair, not knowing where you'd gone always haunted him. He had broken up with Kasumi over the guilt held over his head. Always thinking about you when he was with her wasn't right. With you being gone, his only priority became volleyball. 
You however, had let go of those old feelings you held onto. That last goodbye satisfied you, letting you sleep at night and allowed you to love yourself more. You've grown so much from dull slump you were stuck in for weeks. Though living in a different environment made it feel like you weren't even there.
Oikawa roamed the streets slowly approaching different shops along the sidewalk. He had some free time before the practice match he had, so it wouldn't hurt to explore, right?
That's when it happened.
You closed the door to your cab, turning towards the café's direction. Your eyes lock onto a set of familiar pupils. Frozen in time, the two of you never exchanged a word yet, suddenly a rush of emotions filled you both.
Pain, anger, fear, regret, almost everything you felt in the past came back to you seeing him. Standing before you, the man you once loved. The man you might still love.
You snapped out of your thoughts, walking towards him, stopping a few feet away from him. "Y/n what-" You raised your hand, harshly impacting Oikawa's cheek. His hand flies up to his face, holding the spot you smacked.
"You seriously broke up with Kasumi for me?" You growled. "Y-you're an idiot y'know? She was good to you too! Also ignoring Iwa for volleyball? I told you not to-"
"You kept track of me?" He whispered, a slight smile creeping on his face.
"W-Well obviously! I ask Iwa about you from time to time," You muttered. You looked up to Oikawa and saw him grin down at you.
Before you could say anything else, Oikawa puts his two hands on the sides of your cheeks. He pulls your face close to his, crashing his lips against yours. You tense at the action, gripping his wrists. He doesn't pull away until you settle into the kiss.
Your hands melt away from his wrists and reach for his torso. Your lips moved together in sync, almost as if it were a familiar feeling. He pulls away from you, pressing his forehead against yours. "You never let me say my goodbye," Oikawa snickered. "You said goodbye to me then disappeared without a trace."
"Sorry," You blushed. His hands move to your waist, still holding you close to him.
"I wanted to tell you that..." He took a deep breath before continuing. "I love you too. I'm sorry I'm so late in telling you and I'm sorry for being caught up with Kasumi. I didn't know what I was doing and I couldn't talk to you...I fucked up for not seeing how much you- well how much I loved you...I know this is all late and you probably don't want to hear any of this but-"
You tiptoed and kissed his nose, making him stop. "How'd you find out you loved me?" You looked at him curiously.
"I was driving down your street and all the old streets we'd walk through," He started. "It reminded me of you and then I saw that white streetcar. The one that is always parked by the laundromat? It made me realize how much you meant to me."
"Seriously? That old junk car?" You laughed.
"Hey, it reminded me of you okay, just seeing it whenever we hungout and passed it," Oikawa squeezed your hip, making you chuckle at him. "Will you ever forgive me?"
Your laughter ceases as you look up at him. "I had to learn how to drive on the highway on my own, jerk," You brought up.
"Is that a yes?" He smirked.
"...No...Maybe," You squinted your eyes at him. "You owe me ramen."
"Wait how'd you know how I've been these last few months?" Oikawa pulls away from your hold.
"Oh Iwa was the first to know I was moving, I asked him to check on you every now and then. I just wanted to make sure your pretty face doesn't do anything stupid. You did by the way, you did some stupid shit," You grinned. "Hey are you hungry? I can get you something from the café for free." You turned away from him, heading to your job.
"Hey you can't just insult me then leave, come here," He runs after you stopping you a few steps away from work. Oikawa plants a rough kiss on your lips before looking down at you. "The only stupid thing I did was not tell you I loved you sooner."
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @d0llpie @elianetsantana @joy-laufeyson @kac-chowsballs
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charliedawn · 3 years
The Joke's on Us part 4
Warning : possessive behavior.
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A dark shadow floats on top you and gently caresses your face.
" Soon..We'll be reunited, old friend."
Penny gasps, recognizing that shadow from the deep confines of his memories..Maturin had mentioned him when they were still friends.
" Shardik.."
At the mention of his name, the shadow quickly turns towards Penny whose breath stops. Shardik's smile widens and he floats on top of Penny to stare at him straight in the eyes.
" Ah..You must be one of the creatures Maturin created. A shame, I really thought you would be more..impressive ?"
Penny only snarls at him before responding with a threat.
" What were you doing ? I swear that if you touch her..I'll kill you."
The entity, far from being intimidated, only laughs loudly at Penny's menace which seems to amuse him more than anything.
" Really ? And how will you do that without your powers, Penny ? Don't forget that I am as powerful as you were and as old as Maturin. Funny, the old turtle really thought you and Pennywise could stop me when he is gone. Imagine how much he was disappointed when he realized that your hatred towards humanity was blinding you. He never got you those powers to use them against humans, or children..He wanted you to protect them. But, now that the old turtle is dead and you two are too weak to stop me. I'll be able to rule over that planet. I'll suck upon its energy until there is nothing left. I'll even start with you little charming town. Derry, is it ?"
Penny glares up at him, but had to admit that he can't protect you like this. Now that he is only human, he is happy, happier than he's ever been..but..The shadow chuckles evilly in the shell of his ear.
" That planet has been without order for much too long..It passed its life expectancy hundreds of years ago..But don't worry, as soon as I will have ate her, Maturin's powers will be in me and I will make sure to bring an end to humanity.."
Penny growls at the mention of you being eaten by Shardik and tries to jump on him with a roar.
" Don't you dare touch her !"
However, he suddenly wakes up, covered in sweat and sees that you are the one who woke him up. Your eyebrows are tensed in obvious worry and, without any words, Penny wraps his arms around you. He had felt fear before..but not like that..never like that..His heart is racing against his ribcage and he is holding onto you like it is the last time.
" P..Penny ? Are you alright ?"
Your question makes him open his eyes and come back to reality. You are running your hand gently on top of his head, smoothing his hair in the process to calm him down. He finally steps back and looks at Pennywise that had woken up as well. The both of them had felt it..He was coming back. You look at the both of them with a confused expression and finally ask, tired by the secrecy of both men.
" That's it. What's going on ? Why do you look so grave all of a sudden ?!"
Penny doesn't answer, he only stands up and gets out of the room without another word. You turn towards Pennywise, hoping for some kind of explanation. He doesn't peep either and only returns to the sofa that had become his bed for the time being. However, you don't let it go and sit in front of him with a determined look on your face.
" Now, you're going to tell me what's going on."
You didn't mean to make it sound like an order, but you couldn't just let them fend for themselves anymore. Pennywise finally turns towards you and sighs loudly before telling you what this was all about.
" Penny and I always had a very deep connection with Maturin, we could feel his presence and so could he. However, Maturin is not the only entity out there. The world has at least 12 entities guarding it. One of them being Shardik..Shardik is one of the twelve guardians of Beams that hold up The Dark Tower. It is a cyborg bear that stands over forty feet tall and one ugly unkillable bastard with more energy than millions of suns. He was pissed to know that I killed his brother and wanted to come and exterminate this planet on which lives his brother's murderer..But like many, he was scared of us. But now that we lost our powers ? He's coming, and with you being the turtle's successor ? We will all die for sure."
You lean against the back of your chair and sigh loudly. You only are a painting teacher..Of course he would crush you. But, that didn't mean you had to give up.
" Well, aren't you the optimist ?! Why don't you show me how to fight instead of complaining ?!"
He ignores you and only turns his back to you as he pretends to fall asleep again. You stand up and suddenly throws his blanket off. That get a reaction and you can hear a growl from him as he stands up to face you menacingly.
" Why ?! You want to know why ?! Because of this !"
He suddenly takes you by the shoulder and digs his thumb in your wounded flesh. You whine in pain and Pennywise immediately retracts his hand.
" Do you really think that you'll ever be able to vanquish Shardik the bear with a human body ?! He would squish you in an instant! Learn how to heal yourself, then we'll talk about your fighting skills.."
You glare at him: deep inside, you know he is right, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating. You humph at him before leaving the room to join your bedroom, but then, you hear someone crying upstairs. You follow the sound and find Penny, sitting on the floor and leaning against one of the corridor's wall. He looks up at you when he hears you approaching and you crouch by his side with a reassuring smile.
" Hey..We're going to be okay..Alright ?"
You try to comfort him, but he only sobs.
" What if..What if you can't beat him ? What if the only solution is for us to get back into who we were ?"
You sigh, knowing that if there were to be no other solution, you would have to break your promise..You would have to hurt them, one way or another.
" I guess I'll have to change you back. I know that I prefer you to have the choice but..If there are no other solution, I'll have to break my promise. I can't let you die. Not when I know I could have avoided it.."
You sit next to him and you both stay quiet for a moment, lost in your thoughts until Penny looks at you with his eyes full of uncertainty.
" And what if I don't want to get back to what I was ? What if I want to stay human ?"
You can't help but smile and tears start to build up in your eyes..Why couldn't the universe leave them alone ? You are so close to them finally accepting their new forms..
" Then, I'll guess it'll be my job to be sure that you don't have to."
He smiles back and before you know it, you are both holding hands. You don't try to get it out, even though you know that at any moment, Penny could come back to his old ways. You're not scared of him, you aren't even sure if you ever really were ? You don't even notice that Pennywise had climbed up the stairs and is now looking at the both of you from afar with a slight frown. He only turns away and waits when he is safe in is bed to grunt.
" What does she find in him..?"
Unaware that his eyes glow a slight orange in the dark for a second.
The next day, you decide that it's grocery shopping time. However, the two clowns are still sound asleep and you take the opportunity to get out alone. Once in the street, you take a breath of fresh air and start walking towards the shop, wondering what you should buy for the two men. You enter the shop and start looking around. You are lost in your thoughts and don't see another person coming in your direction. You suddenly collide with said person and look up to see a man with blue eyes and a nice smile.
" I'm sorry. I didn't see you there."
He extends his hand towards you and you take it with a grateful smile.
" No. It's me. I should have looked where I was going."
His smile widens as you shake his hand. He introduces himself.
" I'm Dan. I don't really know my way around here. I'm the new teacher from down the block."
You smiles politely and introduce yourself as well.
" I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you. I'm the Art teacher of the neighborhood."
His eyes seem to light up at the mention of you being an Art teacher.
" Really ?! You're the Art teacher ? My cousin never stops talking about you. Tom ?"
You seem to remember last time and wince at the memory. Seems like Tom hadn't said anything about the incident..You try your best to keep your composure and automatically feel that you need to make amends somehow.
" Do you want..Do you want a coffee ?"
He smiles again and nods.
" Sure ! Lead the way."
You take your groceries and pay them before getting out. You end up in a small coffee shop and both take what you want before sitting outside.
" I'm sorry. You must think it's weird that I never came before. I just moved in from the States so..Tom isn't even aware that I'm back yet."
Oh. Well, you still hoped that Tom hadn't talked to anyone about what had happened. You smile and shake you head.
" Not at all. Tom is a very nice boy and I always like to meet the families of my students. It helps to understand them better. Although, it's the first time I actually invite a member for a coffee."
" I should be honored then."
He takes a sip of his coffee before winking playfully at you. You blush and let a small chuckle.
" To tell you the truth..Tom and I have been quite distant since our older brother died. I do sometimes feel guilty for leaving him, but.."
You see that he is concerned and put you hand on his compassionately.
" I'm sorry..It must have hurt."
You had heard about Tom losing a brother, he did have a period when he could only draw dark things. Horrible things. It must have been a shock for everyone in his family. Dan smiles gratefully at you before answering.
" Don't worry. It's been a year now. I'm stronger than this."
You smile sadly at him, but then feel two very familiar shadows looming over you from behind. A hand grabs your shoulder and squeezes it in silent warning.
" Hi Y/N. Who is this ?"
Penny..And Pennywise is certainly not far behind. Dan stands up and stretches his hand towards them with a bright smile.
" Oh ! Sorry ! My name is Dan, I'm the brother of one of Y/N's students. And you are ?"
You are about to answer when Pennywise does it for you. He takes his hand and smiles forcefully.
" Pleasure. My name is Robert, and this is Bob. We're her roommates. Unfortunately, she seems to have forgotten about us this morning. You should have woke us up, Y/N. We would have helped you with the groceries."
He may sound calm, but you know better: the way he pronounces the last word makes you understand that he is pissed. Even Dan seems to understand as he retracts his hand and addresses you one last smile.
" Well..I should go. It was nice to meet you, Y/N."
However, he still writes something on a piece of paper and hands it to you.
"Here is my number, just in case."
He then gives one last nod in acknowledgement to the two men before turning and walking away. You have cold sweat running down your back as you can feel the murderous glares of the two clowns behind you.
" Let's go. Shall we ?"
Penny finally ask, more like commands as he grabs you harshly by the arm and drags you towards the house. You just have the time to get your bags. As soon as you are home, you run towards the kitchen and pretend to be busy with putting the grocery items on the shelves and in the fridge.
" W..What do you want for..?"
You don't have the time to finish your sentence as Pennywise suddenly comes behind you and wraps his arms around you.
" Now, princess..You're going to turn around and face us. We're not angry. We just want to talk."
"..Just want to talk..?"
You repeat with a broken voice, making sure that you heard right. Pennywise only nods slowly and you gulp loudly before turning around with your eyes closed tight.
" Come on, darling..You know that we want to see your eyes..Come on."
You tentatively open one eye, then the other in shock. They are not angry..They are very mad. You see that their eyes have changed colors and their skins are white..the same white than a few weeks ago. Suddenly, Penny takes you by the throat and pins you to the fridge while Pennywise presses his nose again your throat. He then inhales deeply and growls perceptibly.
" Looks like your little stunt hurt us more than we thought..I'm smelling your fear, sweetheart. And it smells delicious..One more minute, and we would have surely taken our true appearances back."
You don't understand. You hadn't hurt them, so why are they taking their clown forms back ?! Why are they angry even ?! You try to breathe, but Penny's mouth is against yours in a second..You open your eyes wide 'Everything makes sense now. They are jealous. Pain..They're in pain. You whimper when he bites your bottom lip. But, you don't open your mouth and he groans.
" You are going to open that mouth, sweet thing..Or I'm not sure you'll have a mouth to close at the end of the day.."
You open your eyes wide and tears are falling down your face. You don't have a choice but to open your mouth. But before he could do much, Pennywise gets a hold of him and throws him away from you.
" What the heck, Penny ?! When I said we were supposed to talk, I didn't mean by putting your tongue in her mouth ! Jeez ! Get a hold of yourself, kid !"
For a moment, shame and guilt seem to take a hold of Penny and he shakily stands back. He seems confused himself..Why did he do that ? Pennywise is taken aback by the clown's kiss..Where the heck did he even learn that from ?! Pennywise then returns to you, curled into a little ball on the floor and his heart tightens..Sh*t. They got carried away..Again. He sighs loudly and takes back his human form. Penny also loses his white skin and his yellow eyes. He wants to approach you but, you cry out.
" Don't touch me !"
Penny freezes and tries to nuzzle your neck as an apology, but you frown and push him back.
" No, Penny ! I'm angry ! You didn't have the right ! I didn't want you to be my first kiss ! I wanted someone who loved me !"
He looks up to Pennywise for help, but the older clown just shrugs. He has no idea of what to do..Truth is, he doesn't even know what all the problem is with "first kiss". He knows that a girl had to remain pure in order to marry when he was still alive..But he thought that rule had been abandoned long ago ? However, you seem very upset and Penny doesn't like it when you cry. He tries to think of a solution, of anything to make you forget what happened..He wants to get out the music box, but in your rage, you grab it and smash it against the wall. To your horror, you realize too late what you've done and Penny roars before pouncing on you, his teeths bare and ready to chomp on you. Pennywise tries to make him get off you, but he is too weak and Penny doesn't have any problem pushing him aside. However, Pennywise falls and knocks his head against a nearby table. You can see blood, and so does Penny. Penny quickly gets back to his human form and shakes Pennywise to wake him up.
" Pennywise ! What's going on ?!"
Pennywise only groans in pain when Penny shakes him again. You instantly come by his side and automatically feel the sweat covering his arms and forehead. You then see a strange mark on his neck and blood starts getting out from his nose, eyes and ears. You quickly unbutton his shirt and gasp in horror.
" Oh my God.."
He was covered by black sports that seemed to spread all over him like a..a disease.
" P..Pennywise. Did you have the..?"
" The black plague ?"
He guesses and you nod. He sighs and finally nods.
" Yes. It was not as bad as my family though.."
You bite your lower lip..By how fast it was spreading, he had a few hours at best. The disease seemed to have survived with him. You are about to call the ambulance when Pennywise stops you.
" Don't..Don't call the hospital. Those bastards won't know what to do..They're not prepared. Plus, they could get infected."
You sigh before remembering that..
" Pennywise..You bit me."
Your voice is shaking as you wonder if you will have it too..? Pennywyse's eyes widen and he curses.
" Sh*t. I have no idea.."
You have trouble breathing and put your hands in your pockets as you pace back and force, wondering what you should do ? You suddenly feel something inside your palm and quickly get it out to look at it. Sam's number..Inviting him could maybe break the deal and make them return to what they were ? Save them ? You shiver at the thought. Yes..But at what price ? You look back at Pennywise, his eyes are closed and his breathing very bad..You don't have a choice. You call him. It doesn't take you long to have him on the other side of the line.
" Hello ?"
" Sam ? Hey ! Could you come over ?"
You emphasize on his name, which make both of the clowns groan loudly in disapproval. However, they know what you're trying to do and don't try to stop you.
" Yeah ! Sure! I'll be right here !"
You force yourself to smile, still wanting to sound excited as to see him. However, the clowns seem to slowly change and growl loudly in the background. You hang off and look at them with a small sad smile.
" You know that it's the only way..Please, don't make this even more complicated than it really is."
Both clowns seem to understand your sacrifice and Pennywise slowly takes your hand with, for the first time in forever, tears in his eyes.
" Thank you, sweetheart."
You only nod and then, ask Penny to move him upstairs, as for Dan not to see him. He reluctantly agrees and helps you move the man upstairs. You then ask Penny to go hide in the basement. You prepare yourself and it doesn't take long for the doorbell to ring. You take a big breath before opening the door and letting Dan in. He looks around and finally smiles at you.
" Hi. So, what did you want to talk about ?"
You bite your lip and start thinking of a good reason for his presence.
" I..I just thought that it's been a long time since I've last had company and I wanted to see you again.."
He smiles and nods before sitting down on the couch. You gulp loudly before sitting beside him and looking at everything but him. He seems to catch on your nervousness and gently runs his hand on your back to soothe you.
" Hey, if you're not ready, I understand. I can wait and.."
" No !"
You hadn't meant to sound so desperate, but Pennywise was dying and you didn't know how to save him but to hurt him the only way you could. You take Dan by the collar and suddenly kiss him on the lips. He seems surprised at first, but reciprocates soon enough. You open your eyes and see that his are closed, he is actually enjoying the kiss. You smile. Maybe it wasn't so bad ? Penny and Pennywise would go down to the sewers and you would get to have a normal life back. However, you should have known that things wouldn't be so simple. Dan starts to be more persistent and slowly slides his hand up your thigh.
" No, Dan, wait.."
But he doesn't wait and only deepens the kiss to shut you up. Suddenly, someone pushes you apart harshly and you see Penny that took back his original form. He glares at Dan and growls menacingly before taking you in his arms and running in the basement. When he stops, you call him, nervous and scared that he would hurt you.
" Penny ?"
You ask, afraid that something had gone wrong..But, Penny only smiles with his multiple rows of very sharp teeths before answering you in his familiar high-pitched singing voice.
" ~I'm back.."
You smile in relief, but Penny suddenly takes you by the throat and you only have the time to look at him with widened eyes.
" Don't look at me like that..We wouldn't want Shardik to come and get you.."
When you fall into complete darkness, you barely hear Penny adding something in the shell of your ear.
" Don't worry. When all of this is over, we'll make sure to remind you who you truly belong to..You've been playing with us for too long, pet. With no humanity to abide by, there will be nothing to hold me back.."
Whereas upstairs, Pennywise enters the room transformed as you and takes Dan by the neck to kiss him harshly. However, when Dan opens his eyes, Pennywise is standing before him with a large grin.
" Surprise, shawty ! Not the person you were expecting, huh ? What ? Never kissed a clown before ? Remember that when the girl says no, it means no."
And then, without a warning, Pennywise sinks his teethes into Dan's shoulder. However, he doesn't scream. Pennywise feels something acid in his mouth and quickly steps back with a sour growl.
" You aren't human.."
Dan only chuckles before sitting on the couch in a nonchalant manner. His skin quickly turning to a pale shade of white and his eyes brighten almost mischievously.
" Man..Didn't think it would take you this long to figure it out.."
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Baby Love - Part 10
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A/N - Finally an update!! 💕
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chrisevans I'm so excited to announce that Y/N and I are expecting!! We are both over the moon.... i cannot even put into words how happy i am right now.
Mama and baby are both doing great and Dodger is thrilled that he's about to become a big brother.
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It was a few weeks after the premiere, middle of May, my 5th month in my pregnancy that Chris finally put out the announcement and surprisingly it went well....better than i could ever have imagined. The messages from Chris's fans were amazing! Of course there was still some haters but nothing that was too awful or couldn't be ignored. It was nice that it was out now and i didn't have to worry about someone finding out and leaking it to the press.
Chris was scheduled to start filming 'Defending Jacob' a series for Apple TV mid June through to July. The good thing being it was filming in Massachusetts, 20 minutes from home so he wouldn't have to stay away.
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Chris was finally upstairs getting ready so he could head to set, he had been whining this morning about wanting to stay home with his girls.
I was currently laying on the sofa in a sports bra and shorts, with my now 6 month belly showing while i watched some crappy daytime show.... i had removed Chris's t-shirt when i started getting hot flushes.
"Okay im ready to.....go. Jesus christ why are you half naked right now?" I looked round to see Chris looking me up and down like i was the tastiest thing he'd ever seen. I rolled my eyes looking back at the TV "hot flushes, i sweat through my shirt...i feel like I'm burning alive"
"Such a drama queen" he chuckled
"Excuse you?..... you wanna try going through this??" I snapped, i knew as soon as it was out of my mouth it was uncalled for and instantly felt bad "I'm sorry i didn't mean to snap.... is the damn AC even working?" i said almost feeling like i was gonna cry. Chris came walking over crouching in front of me with a cold cloth and draped it across my forehead.
"That should help a little and i got you some ice..." he passed me a cup of ice chips and i cried.
"Hey! Whats wrong?"
"You're just the best boyfriend ever"
"Awww" he chuckled pressing a kiss to my forehead.
"Don't.... I'm all sweaty and gross"
"I like you all sweaty" he wriggled his eyebrows making me laugh "and you're not gross..... you're beautiful. I nearly had a heart attack seeing you laying here looking like this.... now i really don't wanna leave"
"You have to, stop making excuses"
"I dont want to leave you alone like this..."
"I wont be, Scott's coming over we're gonna go for lunch later"
"Oh.... "
"You're okay with that right?"
"Yeah of course" he smiled before leaning in to give me a kiss.
"Hey! its just me!" Scott yelled from the front door on cue.
"In here!" I yelled reaching my hands out to Chris to help me up into a sitting position.
"Yikes! what is going on with you you're a mess" Scott said looking concerned.
"Thanks! Thats just what i needed to hear Scotty" i scooped out an ice chip and popped it in my mouth.
"Hot flushes" Chris told Scott and he pulled a face.
"I'll be okay in a minute, it'll pass. Though im pretty tempted to go jump in the damn pool right about now"
"Stay outta the pool sweetheart, maybe a lukewarm bath or shower would help?"
"I'll be fine Chris, you need to go or you're gonna be late"
"I don't wanna leave you alone...."
"Err hello? Im here, she's not alone" Scott said coming to sit next to me on the sofa.
"Can you put your shirt back on.....i don't feel comfortable...." Chris started to say while looking me over again.
"Stop! I am not putting that thing back on when i feel like I'm in the pits of hell Evans!" I said pointing at the soaking wet t-shirt on the table " besides Scott's seen me in my bathing suit plenty of times.... I'm wearing more now than i was then! also incase you forgot.... I'm not his type"
"I feel insulted!" Scott gasped before smiling at his brother.
"Just go to work! I will call you if i need anything, we'll be fine".
Chris sighed but nodded, he leant in and gave me a kiss and finally left for set.
"Geez he always like that?"
"No, he's got a little more protective as the pregnancy has gone on but that was new"
"He's probably just worried about you. This is the first time he's had to really leave you since you've been pregnant"
"He'll be back tonight! He needs to chill out. I know i sound like a bitch and i really don't mean to but i literally feel like Satan himself is roasting my body!"
"You want some more ice chips?"
"Yes please".
After another 30/40 minutes i finally felt myself cooling down.
"Oh thank god! I think it passed"
"For now"
"Thanks!" I laughed "I've had a few hot flushes here and there but nothing like that... that was brutal!"
"Well I'm glad it passed, why don't you go take a shower and we'll go get some lunch, it will do you good to get some fresh air, we can even take Dodger"
"Sounds good to me".
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Scott and i grabbed lunch at a small family run cafe that was kinda tucked away, not a lot of people actually knew about it which was the reason we chose this place when we'd have lunch....it also had a small outside seating area where we could sit with Dodger.
Once we were done with lunch we took Dodger for a walk in the park where he found a new friend, they ran around together for a good half an hour.
"Wow he's gonna be beat" Scott laughed as we sat on a bench watching the two dogs running around.
"Good! He has too much energy!"
I chuckled "i'll be wanting to sleep and he brings me his toys wanting to play its exhausting" i said exaggerating, truth was i loved that Dodger always wanted my attention.
"Well he's gonna have to learn to share you when my niece arrives"
"Do you think he'll be okay with the baby?"
"Im sure he will, Dodge is a good boy"
"The best, i just worry. I worry about everything lately though" i laugh rubbing my hand over my belly "you ready to head back?"
I whistle and call for Dodger and he comes running straight over allowing me to attach he's leash.
"Lets go home bubba" i scratched behind his ear before handing the leash to Scott.
We got back to the house and let Dodger out of the car, he ran straight towards the front door and started growling and scratching at the door.
"Hey stop!" Scott said quickly and Dodger turned to look at him before starting again this time barking loudly.
"Whats his problem?"
"I don't know....."
"Maybe Chris is home?"
"His car isn't here....." i opened the door and Dodger ran inside sniffing everywhere.
"Hey Chris you home?" Scott called out but i already knew he wasn't, this didn't feel right.....
"Scott, somethings wrong....."
"What do you mean?" He asked turning to me looking concerned.
"I don't know its just a feeling i have"
Dodger suddenly ran past us and up the stairs, we followed him up to find him sitting outside mine and Chris's bedroom scratching at the door.
"Chris....." Scott called again thinking Dodger just wanted to get to him but no answer, the house was silent.
Scott stepped forward and opened the door and we both gasped at the what we saw. The whole room was trashed.
"Scott..... what if someones still in the house?" I turned to him with wide eyes as panic set it.
"Stay in here with Dodger, I'm gonna check the house..."
"No! Just call the cops, stay in here with us!"
"I'll be fine! They're probably long gone, Dodger would be going crazy if they were still here...but i just wanna make sure".
"Please be careful! I'll call the cops"
"Okay lock the door behind me".
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes @bellamy-barnes @buchanansebba
Baby love tags @jennmurawski13 @mybabyboytony @ms-betsy-fangirl @vampgirl1997 @ajosieface @afuckingshituniverse @chmedic @esoltis280
@southerngracela @bethabear12 @letsdisneythings @sellulii @katiew1973 @princess-evans-addict
@deidrahouseofpain @siren-queen03 @shipatheart @little-dark-empress @xxloki81xx @lizzyclifford13-blog @booktease21 @lets--be-honest @thevelvetseries @farfromtommy @mery-be @drakelover78
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junquisite · 4 years
Victon as Vampires 7
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WARNING : Mature content, Slight sexual, Blood drinking.
Seungsik rang the bell once. No response. Twice and no response. He was considering breaking the door when the door opened to reveal a slightly wide eyed Saeri staring at him.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"What's wrong byungchannie?"
"It's Saeri." 
"What happened to her?" Seungsik asked as he started packing his bag and picked out a paper to write a note.
"There were these girls who had been picking on her for a while. I saw them a couple of times and I asked her but she said she could handle it but hyung! Today there was this huge blood stain on the ground and it smelled like her and someone said they saw someone falling and I think it's her but I'm scared to check on her."
Byungchan said all that In a breath and Seungsik rubbed his forehead.
"she wasn't there but her blood was?" He asked and Byungchan frantically agreed.
"Okay she must have gone home. Why didn't you check on her?"
"I was scared hyung. We saw how Hanse even lost control when he was one of the strongest. What if I do too?" Byungchan said and Seungsik could sense the pout he probably had on.
"I'll go."
"You fell down the building..?" He asked, trailing off at the end when he saw no visible signs of any injury on her.
"How did you know?" She asked as she gave him way to get inside and he saw her limping slightly.
"Byungchan told me. Someone saw it. We can get those girls suspended or worse, in jail."
"Won't we need to show my injuries?" She asked as she picked her shirt up to show him an almost healed injury and he sighed.
"I can get you a few weeks off though." He said and she giggled and nodded.
"Did you drink blood? You should. It'll help with the healing. Do you have any blood bags?" He bombarded her with questions and she snickered.
"I have two." She answered and he turned around.
"I'll get you a medical prescription for leave and bring you some blood bags." And within a blink, he was gone.
He came back and tried the doorknob to find it open.
"You should close your door." He muttered and heard her giggle.
"I'm not human, remember?" She asked and he scowled at her.
"Where were your supernatural power when they pushed you down the building roof?" He shot back and he saw her putting the empty blood bag in the trashcan.
"Who said they pushed me?" She asked and there was a glint in her eyes that said something entirely different actually took place.
"What happened?" He asked as he took a seat on the couch and she joined him, the limp not there anymore.
"They were bullying me for spending so much time with Byungchan. Didn't knew he was that popular but I can see why. They took me there and threatened me to push me off the edge so to mess with them and traumatize them, I fell down. They were so freaked out. I enjoyed it too much." She ended it with glee and he rolled his eyes at her.
"At the cost of breaking your bones?"
She shrugged. "I'll be perfectly fine in a few minutes. But they won't be." She said and he smiled at her antics.
"Here" she said as she passed him a glass of blood, mixed in red wine and he raised an eyebrow at her.
"Subin told me you liked it like that. Expensive taste, I must say." She said he picked it up.
"Not expensive wine, I see." he commented and she pouted.
"I'm a broke university kid. Spare me." And he laughed at her.
"Won't you get drunk?" he asked her as she drank her glass in one gulp.
"not really. I'm like you guys in that matter. I can't get drunk unless I drink someone's blood who's drunk. It's annoying." she said and scowled which made Seungsik laugh. She was cute, he had to give her that.
"Still at least eat something with it."
He insisted and she groaned as she got up. "I'm sure i must have something" she mumbled as she raked her refrigerator and he made a mental note to do grocery shopping for her.
"Lemme fry some chicken." she said as she struggled to open the pack. "You're a halfling. Use your strength." he muttered from the couch and she glared at him. Finally opening it, she picked a knife to cut it into pieces when a loud noise resounded in the apartment from outside and in a  fright, she accidently cut her finger slightly.
she cursed when she turned to go to the tap to clean her wound when another pair of hands grasped her hand. she looked up to see a Seungsik very focused on that small cut, his pupils dilated, canines peeking out while he stared at her finger in a daze.
"Seungsik?" She asked and when he didn't look up at her,  slight fear crawling in.
"Seungsik?" She asked again, trying to pull her hand away from him but his grip only tightened.
Saeri was slightly freaking out now.
At no point had she considered being stuck in this situation and Seungsik was supposed to be the oldest one who hadn't  lost control in decades. He shouldn't be acting like this!
"You're hurting me Seungsik." She tried, hoping it'll get the point across but a slight growl came out of him as he leaned slowly towards her hand and licked at the blood.
A shudder passed her when he moaned lowly after tasting her blood and then he was quick to look at her face, eyes focused but on her neck as he backed her up to the counter.
"Seungsik-ah" she said as she felt herself willing to give in to him as her back hit the kitchen counter and he stopped, as if gaining slight sense and took a step back.
"Come here." She said as she hooked a finger in his belt and pulled him closer, the intimacy attacking him with her smell as he groaned, hands tightly gripping her waist.
"You need to tell me to stop right now." He said as he saw her eyes staring at him.
That was all it took for Seungsik to crowd her against the counter, one hand tightly gripping her waist as the other gripped the back of her neck and without any warning, he sank his fangs in her neck. The exact opposite side from where Sejun did a few days ago, mark already long gone.
It was better than anything he had ever had. Yes he was used to blood bags now but nothing could surpass the taste of fresh blood and its power and mix it with the extremely almost aphrodisiac smell of her's and even the strongest of Vampire would lose his control, Seungsik was an example.
He pushed his leg between her legs when he heard her moan, felt her gripping his hair and shoulder and muttering a constant chant of his name which made him push his leg harder against her.
It did what he wanted to see, she gasped loudly and the smell of arousal mixed with her blood was making him go crazy. 
Crazy enough to keep on drinking even when he felt full.
Even when he knew the point he should stop at.
Even when he heard her telling him to stop.
Even when he felt her heartbeat slow down to normal pace, and then to even slower.
When he heard her whimper his name and it sounded too weak did he realised what he had done and he pushed himself off her, watching her as she grabbed the edge of the counter and cursed loudly, hissing when she touched the mark he left.
"I'm sorry.." was all he could stutter out.
He didn't meant to drink more than he should. He really didn't.
But he couldn't stop.
A couple minutes passed and she stumbled to the refrigerator, him about to catch her when she was going to fall but she caught the counter again.
She pulled out one of the blood bags he had brought over and unceremoniously drank it straight from the bag, finishing it in one go and leaning slightly on the counter after it.
"I feel dizzy." She finally said, looking up at him and his still dazed face as he continued to stare at her neck.
Consciously, she tried to cover the mark with her hand and looked away, feeling the little bit of blood she had in herself rushing to her face.
In a split second, a hand was pulling her hand away from her neck and the same hand was on her face then.
"I didn't knew you could blush." He finally said, feeling the warmth under his hand as she flushed even more at that.
"Only sometimes." She muttered, looking down at the floor.
"You should drink one more blood bag." He finally said and she nodded, picking out one more when he spoke again.
"Do it slowly. Don't rush." 
As she took the first sip, she felt his hands snake in around her waist, face hiding in her neck near his bite and when she felt soft lips pressing just above the bite, she whimpered.
"Please no more." She whispered and he pulled back to place a kiss on her forehead.
"No more. I promise. Let me just stay close to you." He said and she agreed, going back to her blood bag as he pressed small kisses near the bite, every now and then coming up to her jaw and nosing till her collarbones.
she felt him getting bolder, his hands coming up to unbutton the top two buttons of her shirt and then going back to her waist, slipping inside the shirt and she couldn't hold back the shivers from the cold hands.
His kisses went further down with every passing second and she was holding her breath, waiting for his next move when he went back to kissing her neck and she let the breath go.
She gasped loudly after that when she felt his hand quickly unbuttoning her pants, hands sneaking inside as she whimpered, closing her thighs automatically and he whispered to her, "I'm sorry to cause such a mess to you. The least I could do is get you off." 
She was about to protest until she felt his hand slipping inside her panties and he inserted one finger inside her and all she could do was whimper.
This was nothing like what she felt with Sejun. He had pulled away too quickly because everyone had come but Seungsik, Seungsik had gone over and beyond and left her dizzy, even if it was because of lack of blood. When he had pushed his leg between her legs, it took all of her willpower not to grind down on him but now he had his finger inside her and he was whispering the filthiest things in her ear and all she could do was whimper and beg for more.
She needed her release.
The blood bag was long forgotten, now on the floor with him pushing her to the counter, his one hand holding a tight grip in her hair, baring her neck to him which he continued to assault and mark to his heart's content, knowing they would be gone in a couple of hours. His other hand pumping now three of his fingers inside her at a torturous pace - switching between going fast and painfully slow while he continued to tell her how good she smelled, how he could smell her arousal and if someone was to come even close to the building, any supernatural being could smell her, how wet she was around his fingers and how easy it was for him to slip his fingers in her.
He could tell she was close when she kept on clenching around his fingers, and her moans got louder. He quickened his pace to a bruisingly fast pace and when she clenched painfully around his fingers, his name leaving her lips between the moans, he dipped down to kiss her and shut down all her moans as she came down from her high, his fingers pumping inside her helping her ride her high.
He pulled his fingers out and she whimpered at the soreness. He pulled back to stare at her, his eyes darting between her lips and her neck and he bent forward to place a quick peck on the bite and then coming up to kiss her.
Then he proceeded to take a couple of steps back from her and licked his fingers clean looking at her in the eyes while she whined.
She was being tortured and she was loving every moment of it.
They stayed in that kitchen for a while. Her trying to catch her breath and him tracing her every move and breath of her's with his eyes, committing it to memory.
The calm was broken when her phone rang in the living room.
"I'll get it for you." Seungsik said as he darted out and in a second, her phone was beside her ear, a small muttering of "it's Sejun." Leaving his lips and she could hear a slight disdain at that.
But she let it go.
Half an hour later, seungsik was dropping her off at the cafe. Sejun had called to ask her if she was okay to work and she had agreed to come. 
"Are you sure you're okay?" Sejun asked as soon as she entered the cafe, his eyes staring at the leaving silhouette of Seungsik as she nodded.
"I have a couple of weeks off from university Though so I can work any hours now." She said.
Before Sejun could say anything, one of the part timers, the one who told him about Sejun came to him.
"Can you switch with my morning shift for a couple of weeks? I have some important homework to catch up on!" And Saeri happily agreed.
When she was in the backroom, trying to tie her apron, she felt hands slipping around her waist as Sejun grabbed the strings of the apron and tied them behind her.
"You sure you're okay halfling?" He asked again and she turned to him, smiling, as she tied her hair up in a ponytail.
"Yes Sejun. Don't worry!"
But he wasn't interested in the answer anymore. His eyes were focused on her neck, in particular at the neck bite taunting him with fading signs of Love bites littered around it.
This was a call of war to him. By none other than Seungsik.
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jem-2096 · 4 years
Brunette from Mars - (Peter Parker One shot)
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Warnings: Swearing, mentions of fighting/abuse, FLUFFY AF! 
(This could be read as ftm!peterparker and/or regular MCU Peter Parker)
This one shot is inspired by the song mars by Yungblud. Go give it a listen if you haven't! 
You and the brunette haired boy with deep honey coloured irises quickly became good friends. You commuted to school each morning together after learning you lived in the same apartment in Queens while your first day of highschool in homeroom. You were paired for some lame icebreakers to get to know other students. He had nervously blabbed to you about how he had moved apartments with his aunt over the summer and as you got to know him better over time, he let you know the reason why they moved.
You quickly learned that the brunette was a great listener, quick witted, fairly thoughtful, determined with his studies, had a passion for tinkering with programming and computer tech and secretly kept a picture of Daisy Ridley as Rey from Star Wars in his desk that you won't let him live down. 
Two summers ago, the brunette had quite the glow up that to be honest made your stomach do flips. After returning from a trip to Detroit with his Aunt May to visit family, the brunette came back to school with his braces off and a nice build to him compared to the lanky string bean he was when he had left in that June. 
With this overnight glow up also came this new habit of him flaking on you and really everyone without reasonable explanations. He would come to school with bruised knuckles, scratches on his face, and more often than not bags under his eyes. Although he seemed exhausted, his smile and upbeat self usually didn't seem to waver. His eyes did however seem to say otherwise whenever his honey brown irises met yours. 
Unless he flaked on an important commitment, you didn't display emotions or words for his lack of presence. His world didn't revolve around you and you accepted that. You reminded yourself to try not to hold him back from what he loved because you were a good friend and wanted what was best for him, even if it was draining him. 
"I'm free to study for algebra after dinner tonight." You stated to the brunette, looking past him out the city bus window as the buildings, and trees whirled past you. You weren't looking for an answer at this point, just giving him an open invitation to come over if he had nothing better to do on his Thursday night. You saw him nod out of the corner of your eye as he leaned his head against the pole you both were holding onto and closed his eyes. The bus was quiet this morning as you watched the orange sunrise dance over the brunette's features and could hear the beat of whatever song he was listening to through his headphones. 
A GPS like voice came over the bus intercom as you turned the corner. "Grand Central Parkway at 65th Avenue". You pulled the chord on the side of the bus for the bus driver to stop and gently shook the brunette's shoulder. As you saw his honey coloured eyes once again, you nodded in the direction of the door for you to both get off. 
You were early to school today seeing as you made the transfer bus in time for the first time in forever. Walking through the dewy grass on the field together, you pointed at an open picnic table near the tennis courts. 
Setting your backpack down, you opened it grabbing out two granola bars and an apple. The brunette slumped down beside you to face away from the sun. As he set his coffee on the table, his head immediayley went into his folded arms. You placed one of the granola bars infront of him, and sat facing the courts. Stretched your legs out and crossing your ankles, you flipped through one of your novels, quickly finishing up your AP lit reading before class. 
"Thanks." You heard him pipe up in a monotone voice as he shoved the granola bar in his pocket. You nodded, nose still in your novel. He knew by now that he didn't have to put on an act around you. "We gotta go in, in 20. I'll wake you in 15, kay?" 
He nodded as his head was back in his arms, facing away from you. You heard him let out an audible sigh as you finished up the last of your notes. 
"Pete?" You ask hesitantly, resting your hand on his shoulder. He didn't respond. "You know, you can tell me anything right? I won't push you. The offer still stands. No judgement. Alright?" You say quietly, softly rubbing your hand down his jacket clad back and let it drop off to collect your things and pack up your bag. 
The alarm you set on your phone goes off as you see him prop his head up and wipe his eyes on his sleeve out of the corner of your eye.
'Oh Peter. Sometimes, as close as we are, I wish it didn't feel as though there was a cement wall between us.' You thought to yourself as you scrolled through your phone. As you both stood to walk up to the school, to your surprise, as cold and distant as he had been recently, he pulled you into his side. You wrapped your arms around his torso giving him a quick hug. 
After taking attendance in home room and catching up with MJ about her latest find in the school library, you were dismissed to your first period class. "Leave your window open at 6." You heard the brunette pipe up at your lockers. "Always." You nodded, giving him a small smile before parting ways to your classes. 
You quickly glanced at your alarm clock on your desk reading 8:30 pm. Quickly realizing you were running out of graph paper in your notebook as you flipped to a fresh page, you scribbled down the next practice question. Your headphones blasted one of your new favourite songs as you disconnected them from the bluetooth on your phone to play out loud. "Do you feel like your irrelevant, do you feel like your just scared as fuck.." You quietly sang along, writing a note to get more graph paper in the near future, as you heard a thud from the window beside you. 
Swiveling in your chair, you look up to see the silhouette of the brunette. As he steps into the light of your desk lamp and sits on your bed you can see his eyes are red and his knuckles are beginning to bruise again. He kicks off his sneakers as you hesitantly stand from your chair to go and to sit beside him. 
He immediately buries his face in his hands as he quietly cries. You try your best to not show the hurt on your face from seeing him like this as you gently rub his back. You go to sit behind him up against the wall. You bring your hands around his waist gently holding him, letting your legs dangle on either side of him and rest your head on his shoulder. 
When you no longer hear uneven breathing, you sit back up and one hand goes to the hair on the nape of his neck, softly playing with his locks, while the other gently rubs circles on his back. 
"I'm sorry." You hear him sigh out. "Im so fucking sorry." He pleads as he begins to cry again. "I'm here. Just breathe Pete." You say calmly as you wrap your legs around his waist and hug him tighter. You take deep breaths for him to mimic to try and calm him back down. 
"I keep fucking up Y/n/n, and I don't know what to do anymore." He painfully lets out. You take in his words and quickly think of an appropriate response. "Everyone I try to become close with has ended up hurt or passed away, I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders and have to fill his shoes. No matter what decisions I make I still always end up letting someone down. I'm just so fucking tired Y/n." Although his words are a jumbled mess to you, you nod. You let go of the tense brunette and sit beside him. "Take your shirt off and go lie on your stomach." You say to him as he looks at you somewhat confused but does as he's told and props his head up on his folded arms. 
You can see the faded scars and healed wounds on his arms, shoulders and back, wondering who gave these to him. As you sit straddling his waist, your hands go to his shoulders and back massaging his tense and knotted muscles. He lets out a big sigh of relief after realizing what's going on. He softly mewls as you gently work the knots out. Once all the tension in his back and shoulders is gone, you lay close beside the half awake brunette. 
"Thank you." He states sincerely, as he rolls to face you. You know that his words of gratitude are for more than just the back massage. You nod, reaching your hand up to run your hands softly through his locks to relax him further as his eyes flutter shut at your touch. "We're all only capable of so much Pete. Please, don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm. It's a hard pill to swallow but its impossible to win every battle and win everyone over. I know it's easier said than done, and it'll take some time to figure everything out, but I'll be here every step of the way though alright?" You whisper softly, and reach for his hand giving it a squeeze as he nods. "I'll let you get some rest." You sigh out, sitting up, bringing the blanket at the end of the bed over his larger frame and bend down giving a kiss to his temple. "Goodnight love." You whisper.
After another hour and a half of battling through algebra questions, you quietly change into some sweats and open up your netflix account to get your mind off your math problems and your worries of Peter. Picking up your laptop, your half empty waterbottle falls to the floor with a thud. Your gaze darts over to your bed to see the naturally curly headed brunette sound asleep. Your heart flutters as you catch him pull the covers up to his chin and nuzzle his nose into the pillow and blankets while he curls his legs up into the fetal position. You sit on the floor beside your bed as the light from the movie on netflix illuminates your bedroom. You have the subtitles on and the movie on the lowest volume as you rest your back against the bed frame. 
After a few minutes you begin to hear the brunette stir and roll over to face the movie. "Is this that BoxTrolls movie?" You hear him croak out in a deep voice that makes your heart flutter. "No, this one's Paranorman. It's in my top 5." You respond, your gaze still on the screen. You feel his fingers playing with the ends of your hair softly, trying his best not to disturb you even though you've seen this movie more times than you can remember. 
He pushes all of your hair over to one of your shoulders and rests his chin on the opposite one. "You know, you don't have to sit on the floor right? I don't bite Y/n." He states sleepily in your ear. You quickly catch your breath at how close he is as you comprehend the words coming out of his mouth and nod standing. You place your laptop on your desk chair and wheel it over in front of the bed. Looking over to the brunette laying confortably in your bed, he holds the blanket open for you to get in. "One sec." You say as you take off your hoodie, revealing your white tank top underneath that clung to the hills and slopes of your natural curves. You had ditched your bra long before the Brunette had arrived, remembering that it's laying in the clothes hamper and not on your body. You looked back down to see the brunette's arm still holding the blanket open, his honey eyes on you. They slowly wandered down your silhouette to see the loose sweatpants hung low on your hips and back up to meet your gaze. The dark room concealed the deep blush you felt on your cheeks from his gaze. 'Too late now..' you thought as you climbed under the blanket. Your back rested up against Peter's larger frame. His arm snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to him. "Is this okay y/n/n?" The brunette questioned. You nodded, trying your best to calm your breathing as you felt his warm, gentle touch on your skin. You hoped and prayed he couldn't hear your heartbeat pounding in your chest. 'I feel so safe and at home in his arms but the last thing he needs right now is a girlfriend. And why would he want to be with me anyways. We're just friends and he probably just needs physical affection from someone right now.' You thought to yourself. 
You let out a soft sigh at your thoughts. "You okay sweetheart?" He asks softly, as you feel his warm lips peck the back of your exposed neck. Your face is on fire at this point. 'He's just tired Y/n. Calm down. Dont say anthing stupid'  "Yeah, I just feel safe in your arms." You murmur loud enough for him to hear. 'Idiot. You ruined it. Shit shit shit.' 
It became deathly quiet between you two. You could hear his breathing, the rain hitting your bedroom window, the cars driving on the street below, your upstairs neighbour walking around their apartment and the dull volume of the movie playing from your laptop.
"Y/n/n?" You heard him whisper.  
You rolled over to face him, burying your face in his chest, breathing in his warm cologne and body wash as you wrapped your arm around his waist and tangled your legs in his. Although you didn't have all the answers you were looking for, this the closest you two had been in over a year and you were happy that he was finally starting to let down his walls. 
He stroked your hair, planting a kiss on the crown of your head. "Goodnight love." He mumbled before all the sounds around you in the silence of your bedroom coaxed you to sleep. 
You had woken up to your alarm at 6:30am to find the spot beside you empty. 
The brunette swore that was the best sleep he had had in months he thought, reminiscing as he climbed down the fire escape after quickly showering and getting ready to meet you before catching the bus. You heard a knock on your window before he slid it open and sat on the sil. He fiddled with tge metro card in his hands as a small smile crept onto his face watching you concentrating on finishing your eyeliner and mascara. You take a step back to look in the mirror to see if your wings are symmetrical, seeing the brunette looking at you with a sheepish grin in the reflection. He looked well rested for once, his eyes kind and soft, glancing at you in adoration. Your heart beats out of your chest as you spin around to look at him. 
"One sec." You say quickly rushing out to the kitchen to grab some food before packing up your bag. Pulling on your coat and beanie, as you walk towards the window sill the brunette is lounging on.
"Before we go, I uhm... forgot to tell you something.. last night." He says looking down at his hands as you reach out gently hold his larger ones. "Y/n.. I uhm-" he looks up at you, scanning your features, trying his best to read your emotions. You see him glance down quickly at your soft lips. 'I can't take this. Screw always being a good friend.' You thought as you leaned in, placing a hand on his cheek and a soft kiss to his lips. Your thumb stroked his cheek as he leaned back in for another. Your forehead rested against his. "Was that what you wanted to tell me?" You asked in a hushed tone, looking down at his lips again. He nodded before giving them another peck. "Uhm.. we better go before we-" "oh.. yeah, your right. Shit!" You say, quickly checking the time on your phone. 
As you dashed down the fire escape and towards the bus stop, his hand never left yours as you jogged behind him giggling at his antics of repeating "Shit" as he saw the bus waiting for you at your stop as you both jogged towards it. You couldn't see it but for the first time in a while, a genuine smile adorned the brunette's face and through whatever he was battling with, knowing you were by his side, there would be plenty more to come. 
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6desolateyears · 3 years
Today has just all gone so horrible. I can't even think very good right now, it's hard to get words out because I've been keeping in all day. I feel sad and angry. I want to cry and scream. I started sobbing earlier because I'm hurting and everything hurts. I'm doing a bad job right now at being a friend. I'm doing a bad job at taking care of myself too. I just was screaming all day, then if not that crying, and then the dissociativeness. It was a blur. I feel like the past 24 hours hasn't passed and I'm still stuck in the day before. I don't feel like I've slept. Its like when you're up late until 5am but you're not going to say it's the next day until youve actually slept, that's what's resetting your day. I did sleep today, normal sleep, and then naps off and on. So I don't know why I'm stuck. It's frustrating and a lot of emotions. I feel overstimulated. All these things of overwhelmedness are the same things Ive felt for the past few months, maybe the past year. I'm trying to avoid using the same weirds, but it's all I can think of. That's what I feel. Sometimes in different variations but I'm still using the same words. Which is hurting. I'm hurting I guess. I have been. I lost the people that were away from this situation, I can't talk to them anymore, so everyone else left is in this with me. I need the reprieve though. I'm trying to find people. It's really hard though. I need the outside, fresh air, that people away from this situation can give me. It makes me feel sane. I've haven't for awhile. The group is planning on going camping. I know that that always makes me feel better, it was my idea technically. What if stayed home though? Away from everyone. Now that I think about it. It could be nice. Lonesome. I feel that a majority of the time anyway though. So perhaps we will see. Job stress. I'm applying to jobs. I don't have money. I don't want to work. I don't want to stay at home everyday though so I guess it'll help in some ways. Every day that I'm not hanging out with people is spent on not hurting myself. I put a lot of effort into thinking about this. I don't have my razors with me so I'd be using something random in the house which has honestly been the biggest deterrent. If I'm home though, there will be probably little to no hesitance, resistance. Which is not bad per se. That's a lot to dive into though that I don't have the energy for. I'm glad I cried today though. I haven't for awhile. It's been hard to. I still feel my emotions. They hit me like a bus, which is why I was yelling. They get kind of consuming which is probably why I don't have the energy to cry after. I did it today though. I have therapy on Wednesday. It's starting to feel like nothing is helping again. I hate feeling that way. I hate feeling unmanageable. It is not very fun. We will see. For when I return again.
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joyisntyoj · 4 years
Seal stamps, stamps with whatever designs, papers and pens, stickers, pictures, dried flowers, heartwarming messages, and a lot more.
When was the last time you wrote something on a literal piece of paper for someone?
Have you ever personally given someone a handwritten letter or sent it from the post office?
Is writing a letter still a thing today, or you just use whatever app you have because what is the point if other ways are more convenient, right?
Maybe, you are more the vocal type of person and, you just say what you feel instead of writing it down?
Perhaps, you are none of the above because what is important is your presence in their lives and, that is more than enough?
Still, how lovely it is to keep something that has sentimental value. It unnecessarily means that you are hoarding something because what's to not treasure from precious memories in a small piece of paper in an envelope?
This story is for those who never get tired of expressing themselves in whatever form they know, but most especially to those who write.
May you never run out of papers, inks, and thoughts to compose. to more unforgotten memories preserved in letters.
To: Mayari.
How are you? I wish things were getting better, just like what I always pray. These days, sleeping at night suddenly became serene as well as waking up in the morning. Sometimes my days are dull and typical...I believe? But most of the time, it's either I'm feeling blue or extra sad, or was that the same? I kept on blaming the pandemic, but for real, I'm just a mess. Silent battles are truly tough. I wish I had the courage and strength just like yours. Be safe. Stay sane. I'm really trying my best to be legit all right.
With so much love and kindness always and all ways,
Liway is the name, exhausted with life. Mayari, someone out there, maybe a supreme being or plausibly not always receives Liway's letters. Sometimes Liway writes 10 messages at once and sometimes none at all. Mayari is the only recipient of such letters that even Liway never knew they were received by the random recipient it thought was just nobody. It all genuinely started on having a recipient written on the "To:" part at the post office. Though seriously, it doesn't even have any home address. It's super weird that it's for Mayari and no address, and were received.
To: Mayari.
The night has come. This time, it feels heavier than usual. Tears are suddenly falling. I noticed that an unwelcome visitor came. The familiar pain is hugging me again, so tight that breathing is getting harder. I hate everything. Yet, I came to realize a lot of things. Afterward, I'm feeling blessed and grateful. Am I getting crazy? Before I went to bed, at the dinner table, I felt uncomfortable with the conversation we had, my family, about myself back then. I really hate it when they keep on bringing up what happened in the past. I already moved on... I think... so can they stop mentioning those moments? Honestly, whenever anything from the past is introduced again and remembered, I tend to feel like it just happened yesterday. Everything is coming back so fresh and new; fun, pain, sweats, and tears. I hate it.
PS. Mayari, can you send me some courage? Preferably in capsules, So I can have it in my intakes and be sure I'll be really having it in my system literally.
With so much love and kindness always and all ways,
Continues writing so many letters filled with how living is like. Liway felt tired and exhausted. A few days ago, it was super overwhelmed that crying is unavoidable. Then this morning, Ms. Walmy called for a little chat and checking up because it's never too bad to check up on somebody, most especially when you're a counselor. It's your job, so uh? Anyway, though Liway was out of focus on the call, it was able to be accomodating and warm in return. It reciprocated the thoughtfulness with a sweet smile.
To: Mayari
Hey! Today I was mad because firsthand, I experienced that thing I usually hear from other people. The "don't-post-something-revealing-on-social-media-but-love-yourself-but-that's-not-appropriate". Well, I don't even know why I'm reacting super outrage towards it. Because knowing that my family is just concerned for me since the internet is frankly scary. I mean, I did nothing wrong, so why? Maybe deciding to be confident on the internet is not necessary for them. But for me, it is! So how should I deal with this? A friend consoled me, and I feel better. Still tho, my mood is already ruined. Oh gosh.
With so much love and kindness always and all ways, 
Welcoming a new week, the usual Liway is busy with the household chores. Some may find it stressful, but this one is pretty different. Scrubbing the floor, washing the dishes, brooming on the side. Later on, folding the clothes, fixing the bed, and a lot more things. It looks like it'll be tiring its body out until the nose bleeds, and passing out is the last resort to rest. How come it's easier to clean an actual mess than the one inside the head and heart?
To: Mayari.
Beloa visited me today. My childhood and the only friend left I have up to this day from elementary school. If you get what I mean? It's been a long time since we had a chat, especially that things are super complicated these days. She's doing really well, and I couldn't be more proud. I'm still amazed at how we manage to be friends because we both don't like each other to begin with. It's so funny that we even pulled each other's hair in the 4th grade while the class is taking the annual picture for the school year remembrance. What are the odds in this even, right? HAHAHA. Today was warm and bright.
With so much love and kindness always and all ways,
Dates suddenly don't vary in these letters. Even the concept of time is somehow gone. What's important is regardless of not having these "important details" like the usual, Liway can keep up and be consistent in sending its letters. Liway never missed a chance to send a letter to the address less recipient, which left the post office staff to ponder with it. But as time goes by, Alle, the clerk, is no more surprised 'coz she's used to everything now. The envelopes unfailingly vanished the moment it was dropped inside the mailing box. Indeed, a magical mailbox.
To: Mayari.
I never knew how amazing pretending could be. You know that thing where someone usually says I'm okay, but really not? The inner saboteur that was triggered by their trauma is real-real-real. A car is useless when it's not moving if you wanted to travel to faraway places. Does that make sense?
PS. It sucks that our bathroom is the only "semi-safe space".
With so much love and kindness always and all ways,
Polar bears are really fascinating. They get to hibernate. Then, after the time being, back on hunting and living their lives. Ligaya was one of Liway's hero. A lot knew Ligaya for being a superhero, although she does not have that fantasy powers. Just like the polar bears, too, Ligaya has been hibernating for quite some time but kept on saying that she was not. Liway saw it all. Maybe a bear's hibernation is different from a human-being, hmm?
To: Mayari.
IDK what to say, but I just wanted to be consistent at the very least in sending you letters.
PS. The radio was broken, but in my head, it's working. It kept on playing nonstop music. Is this a poetic way of saying I'm overthinking things?
With so much love and kindness always and all ways,
To: Mayari.
A lot happened lately. Somebody lost a precious one, and here I am, having a renaissance moment. It's a crazy ride, but for all it's worth, the pea has grown into a beautiful plant. Hope it made sense coz finally, everything is making sense to me now. Little by little, slowly and surely.
With so much love and kindness always and all ways,
To: Mayari
Hey!! I hope you are doing great!!! These days, everything felt surreal. I get to be active everywhere. It's draining, yet I feel so alive than ever. I had this thought that time is indeed just a concept, hmm? I mean, anytime is the right time to do what you want and whatever it is. Nothing is too late, most especially when it comes to growth. OH, being late in class still counts but FOR REAL RIP TO THE ONLINE CLASS SETUP -_-
PS. May we never run out of time to be the best versions of ourselves. LOVE WHOEVER YOU WANT. fck the situation, but SOON, GO ANYWHERE YOU WANT. SPEND FOR YOURSELF AND FOR YOUR LOVED ONES. FEEL EVERYTHING.
PSS. May we leave this world with fewer regrets and more amazing memories.
With so much love and kindness always and all ways, 
Quite a lot of letters were already sent. The post office is getting more and more letters, as well as Mayari. Still, NO REPLY. Maybe some other, Liway will be able to hear Mayari's words.
To: Mayari.
*here's an envelope just in case you want to write me something*
With so much love annd kindness always and all ways, 
'Tis the season to be jolly. LOL Nah. Liway has been out for the past weeks. By out, means on a hibernation mode. A L O T R E A L L Y happened. It's hard to put it into words. I guess Liway will end these letter-sending shenanigans or just lazy and trying to give out some excuses //
To: Mayari. 
Ever since I was taught how to move around the kitchen, I've been assigned to be Mom's assistant while cooking for the feast every event/occasion we'll be celebrating. It's tiring but super fun. Getting your fingers bleed and while unaware is cool LOL~ 
PS. Why does it feel so good to overthink things while doing the dishes? What's with that scenario.........
With so much love and kindness always and all ways, 
Tireless hands, heart, and mind with countless thoughts and feelings, papers, and pens everywhere—WRITING; it surely is one of the best ways to vent. Though letters can’t hug and wipe one's tears, witness waves of laughter, ease the pain, and such, the comfort from every word written is more than enough.
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Suddenly time barge in and reminded me that this is enough. THIS IS ENOUGH FOR 2020...
A new chapter has arrived, and maybe it's time to move forward. Maybe this is where it all gonna stop for a while. I mean, writing is somehow tiring, literally. Probably, Mayari might reply with the number of letters sent anytime soon, so maybe waiting is all that needed.
No rush in moving on.
Little did nobody know, Liway is writing a letter to her "ideal" self.
The letter-sending-to-nobody thingy of Liway is really mind-boggling, right?
Mayari is Liway. Liway is Mayari.
The things that Liway wanted to say but cannot articulate well were always sent to Mayari. Mayari is the version of Liway it wishes to become in the future. 
The weak Liway longs and hopes to have "that" someone by her side to look up to. That's why she always writes letters and keeps them in the memory box.
The post office thingy was actually her shared room at home: the table at the corner with no lights but so much mess. It's that post office.
It's pandemic, so how can a post office be open and how brave she is to go out, right?
That saying, "be the hero you wanted to have when you were little", is the best explanation of Liway's way of venting and expressing.
Nobody knows when Mayari will come to life because it's no certainty that we can be the ideal self we all wanted to happen. 
For now, Liway is fighting her battles and screaming louder to the universe,
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To be continued...
Happy New Year, Mayari. ✨💜
This is like an excerpt from my quarantine shenanigans for 2020 LOL.
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shawtygonemad · 4 years
What Is This Feeling: Chapter 10
Fem!9th Doctor x Male!Rose Tyler
WITF Masterlist
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"I still can't believe you brought us to a couple's retreat," Ross smirked staring out at the blue sea ahead of them.
It shimmered and shined in the afternoon's sunlight. The pair decided to take shore leave to Bora Bora in the thirty first century. It was a nice vacationing spot for both humans and aliens alike. They were currently relaxing on the beach, enjoying the breathtaking sight underneath their sun umbrella.
"S' not a couple retreat! There are families here as well," she took a sip of her banana daiquiri. "Besides, you're the one who said we needed a 'vacation'. Isn't everyday a vacation for us?"
"I meant a vacation from all the running and heroics. Don't get me wrong, I love it. I do! 'S just that my ankle still isn't fully healed from when I injured it during the witch hunt that was chasing us. S' still sore to run on," Ross explained.
"I told you that I have technology that could heal it instantly..."
"I know, but it should heal properly on its own. S' not like its life threatening. It'll be right as rain after a few days. 'Sides, I'm sure all this sun could be good for us. We're as pale as ghosts!" Ross laughed.
The Doctor smiled. She didn't mind this all too much. They've only been here for a day. A few more couldn't hurt, especially if it made her little human happy. And if she got to see that much of Ross's skin. He was currently leaning back in the lawn chair, one hand behind his head while the other rested against his bare stomach. He was beautiful.
"I'm just surprised you're not wearing your usual leather. That bathing suit is a nice change though," Ross smiled at her.
The Doctor turned her head away, hoping to hide her blush under her sunglasses. She didn't want Ross to see how much he affects her with any of his words. Her bathing suit was a black one piece with a pair of shorts on top. It was fairly modest compared to most of the other bathing suits they've seen on the beach that day.
"S' not like I had much of a choice between you and the TARDIS conspiring together against me! Sometimes I wonder if she likes you more than me some days," The Doctor shook her head. Ross just laughed.
After that they sat in comfortable silence. Until Ross slurped his drink indicating that it was empty. He began to sit up, and go to the bar to get another. The Time Lord gestured for him to stay.
"Allow me," She said as she got up. The Doctor grabbed his empty glass. "You need to stay off that ankle as much as possible if we want to be running around saving the world in a few days. Just relax. Doctor's orders," She gave him a wink before turning away and heading towards the bar.
Once she approached the bar she noticed the creature working behind it. They were a Junite from the planet Junifer. She was tall with purple skin that had Navy freckle- like spots peppering her body. Her eyes were intense. They were black with a bright yellow iris. They're species were so beautiful! They also knew how to throw one hell of a flower festival. Ross and her still needed to attend sometime.
The Junite was too busy addressing a worried human woman to pay any attention to her. This peaked the Doctor's interest due to the hysteria in the woman's voice.
"What should I do? Where should I go?! This resort isn't that big! Something must have happened to him," the woman explained.
"Ma'am, this would be a job for the security. If you go to the front desk and explain what happened then they will be able to help you," the bartender replied.
The human was on the verge of hyperventilating. The Doctor decided to step in.
"Sorry to intrude, but I'm the Doctor. I might be able to help. You just need to take a few deep breaths first," the Time Lord spoke.
The human followed her lead, took a few deep breaths, and began to calm down. "Very good. Right, now can you explain to me what has you so distraught," the Doctor asked.
"My son. He's disappeared. My husband, myself, our eldest daughter, and our son were all watching one of the beach performances that was going on. My eyes were off him for two minutes, tops! I looked back over to him and he was gone! He's old enough to know he's not supposed to take off alone. Someone must have taken him! We've search all over to no avail!" Tears began to run down her cheeks as she handed a photo of a boy maybe eight years old to the Doctor.
"Was there anything strange that happened before you realized his disappearance," she asked.
"Everything was normal. We were all having so much fun. I just want my little boy back," the human cried.
"What's your name," the Doctor asked.
"Suzette. Suzette Rinsky."
"Suzette Rinsky, I will do whatever I can to help you find your boy. However, you should still go and report this to the manager so we can have more than one person on the lookout," she gave the woman a reassuring smile. The Doctor was always a softie when it came to children. Maybe it was because of how many were on Gallifrey that day…
Suzette thanked her and began to retreat towards the main building.
"That was very kind of you," the Junite commented.
"I do try my best," the Doctor smiled.
"It's such a heartbreaking situation. He's the third one to go missing in the past two weeks," she said as she grabbed Ross's empty glass. "Would you like another?"
"Yes, thank you." The Doctor leaned forward against the bar. "What do you mean, the third one in the past two weeks?"
"I mean exactly as I say, miss. A couple went missing last week, and have yet to be found. They thought to have perhaps checked out early, however all of their items were still left in their room. No one has seen them since."
The Doctor nodded her head, trying to figure this weird coincidence out. "When was their disappearance noticed?"
"The morning after the bonfire celebration we held. I was working cocktail at that party, and specifically remember serving them at one point. They were thought to have left in the middle of the festivities."
"Where was this celebration held," she asked curiously.
"Right here on Pier beach," the Junite answered and passed the fresh drink to the Time Lord.
"If you notice anything else, let me know… what's your name?" the Doctor asked.
"Zamora," the Junite answered.
"Right then, Zamora. Let me know if you can remember anything else," the Doctor said quickly before grabbing the drink, and turning back to return to her companion.
This was no coincidence that both disappearance happened on this beach during some sort of busy festivity. Now the next question was where they went, and what could have taken them. The Doctor handed Ross his drink once she returned. She needed to make an excuse for her to sneak away and have a look around. She wanted Ross to relax and not stress out. Three missing people didn't seem too hard for her to solve on her own. Besides, Bora Bora couldn't be that large for them to hide.
"Did you get lost," he joked.
"Of course not. I was just informed that there was a problem with our room reservation, so I need to go to the main building and get things straightened out." Ross began to get up once more, but the Time Lord laid a hand on his naked shoulder. "No need to get up. I can handle this. You just stay here, soak up that vitamin D and drink your fruity drink I got you." The Doctor began to walk off, but turned around quickly. "Oh, and don't forget to keep reapplying your lotion. I don't want you burnt to a crisp by the time I get back." She tossed him a bottle of suntan lotion from her bigger on the inside pockets.
"I want you home by midnight, young lady! Do you hear me?" Ross teased her.
The Doctor smirked as she walked away. She decided to head back to their room to change into something more comfortable, and less revealing. She had a feeling that there was going to be some running involved on this adventure, so she needed her combat boots. Once she was changed, the Gallifreyan went off to scout the resort scanning everyone and everything with her sonic on the way.
She received a weird energy reading near an inclined forested area. She began her hike up while following the energy source that was on her sonic. The signal led her all the way up towards a cliff that over looked what seemed to be a secret waterfall draining into a large body of water. There was nothing out of the ordinary to her. Unless…
'Oh, I hope I'm right,' she thought as she back up a few feet before sprinting forward and jumping off the cliff. She free fell for a few seconds before plunging into the waters below. It took a few moments for the bubbles to clear, so she could get a good look at what was below the water.
'Maybe I should have kept that daft suit on if I was going to get this wet.'
Once the bubbles cleared she was able to see what was hiding under the water. Just as she had suspected, there was a rather large ship that reminded her of something you'd see on Star Trek. She swam down deeper to get a better look at the ship, and search for a way in. Under the belly of the ship was a hatch that must be how these creatures were able to get in and out with those missing people. The Doctor realized that she would need air soon, so she quickly took out her sonic and unlocked the hatch. She quickly climbed through and shut it after her. The water was quickly drained from the chamber.
The Doctor walked over to the door and soniced it open. She quickly started to sneak through the corridors looking for any clues as to who might own this ship, and where those missing people were. Just as she was rounding a corner the doors at the end of the corridor slid open and two Junite guards exited the room. The Time Lord quickly hid in a doorway around the corner that she had previously rounded. She waited until the two guards were out of sight to return to way she was going. She was definitely going to check out the room they had just exited. The Doctor slinked up towards the door and instantly unlocked it with her sonic.
'Clearly this is a Junite ship. Now the question is why is it hiding under water in Bora Bora and not on Junifer.' She thought to herself as she entered the room.
The lights instantly flicked on as her stepped inside. She was completely shocked at what she saw. There were rows and rows of holding cells that held all different kinds of species behind glass walls. As she walked along the corridor she saw that each cell was labeled with what species and planet they were from. Except these weren't holding cells. These were exhibits. This was a zoo! The Doctor walked on in disgust. How could the Junite's do this! They were usually a peaceful and reasonable people. They worshiped flowers for Rassilon sake!
The Doctor stopped as soon as she came across the human exhibit. "A normal human family from Earth" it read. Inside was the missing little boy, and what she assumed were to be the missing couple. She placed a hand on the glass encasement.
"I'm going to get you out. All of you," She said determined.
"I'm afraid that won't be happening, Doctor."
The Time Lord turned to see Zamora stand there with guards at her sides.
"What have you done? This is sick and inhumane! I thought your people were all about peace and flower power," The Doctor held up the peace sign to emphasize her point.
"Humans used to do this with animals on their own planet. They preserved them, and kept them in top shape to be viewed by the world. Now they can be viewed by the universe," Zamora explained.
"But why," The Doctor questioned.
"As of recent, our flowers have not been blooming. The ones that do bloom aren't as vibrant and lively as they used to be. Our festival has diminished, and no one comes to visit or celebrate anymore. We must find a new way to bring the people back. What better way than an exotic zoo? However, Doctor, we are no longer taking applications for female humans of your age. So, we won't be needing your services." She grabbed a golden headband tiara from a nearby solider. "We don't need you getting in our way."
Two guards grabbed her arms and held her as she struggled against them.
"We're just going to distract you until we've gotten our final specimen. Think of it like this… now you'll finally get to enjoy this 'couple's retreat' your companion often spoke of."
"What is that?" The Doctor raised her voice as Zamora approached her with the gold band. "No! Stop!"
The Doctor was knocked unconscious as soon as the band was placed tightly on her head. It wouldn't be coming off anytime soon.
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