#i lied. i also do it for the lords brother-boyfriend
insinirate · 1 year
I just want you to know that I had a very similar anon come into my ask box about a week or two ago claiming how KW was more popular and "everyone is over that incest shit" etc. Makes me wonder if its the same person just going around to ppl who draw for both KW and KV in some ship war tirade to try to start shit.
Its like anon doesn't realize that a lot of us can and do ship both. And that we do not care if one is more popular than another, and we're just feasting on the content for both ships.
Your content is fire for both- and considering how painful canon is, god forbid you want to draw some soft stuff for the twins. I, for one, appreciate and adore it greatly and it fills me with such joy. There are plenty of artists who draw or write the darker stuff or more "blatantly" incestuous (though you're right, theyre blind if they can't see it in yours), but that doesn't mean everyone has to.
Keep doing you. People enjoy your work because you clearly love what you're making and that is what is most important.
what a severe and chronic case of talentless behavior if true 😕 projecting onto creators like that is a surefire way to signal that anons never made anything worthwhile in their life
either way i hope they dont bother anyone else, and ty for sticking around 🤞 i do what i do for the lord and the lord alone
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bengiyo · 11 months
Only Friends Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, Atom admitted to Cheum that he lied about Boston, and then Cheum reassured her brother and not once did she apologize to Boston for what she did or said to him. Ray and Sand started their boyfriend era, but Sand is pathetic and wants to give it up for Boeing. Mew and Top are back together, and Mew is still sorting out how he's doing to manage his sense of embarrassment and betrayal about everything that happened. Nick and Boston destroyed Atom together (not sexily) and Boston offered for them to be boyfriends until New York in the only couple showing anything resembling grace. Also, Yo and Plug got back together.
"Begin Again"
We finally got to have the threesome and Sand bailed.
Ray isn't wrong here! Sand does need to make a choice if he doesn't want to be with both of them.
Why does Top need to apologize to Sand about Boeing? FUCK THAT!!!
That was a lame apology, Cheum. Also, Boston, you do not need these fickle hypocrites for friends.
Reminder that Sand spread revenge porn about Top around, so I think we're even.
Did he just call roller-blading a vintage sport? How dare they
Boston is wearing a Faith, Hope, Love shirt.
Oh, Sand, pathetic until the very end.
I get wanting to cut down on group strife, but Top and Ray do not need to be friends.
Suddenly these hoes acting like they give a shit about each other? Mew is just here so he can be right about Ray needing to quit drinking and be monogamous with someone else.
Sand just called himself a dog? Not a slay.
Boeing and Boston? Mond scored almost every boy in this show!
I'm still with Boston here. He only offers closeness to Nick.
Here the two losers go again.
No one can go lower than Sand, so his advice is useless.
I'm so over this room full of assholes acting morally superior to Boston.
This group of people should not be playing truth or dare.
Well well well First adds yet another boy to his counter.
I hate that Mew asked Nick about his future just to dig at Boston AGAIN.
Ah, so this was for appearances for Cheum.
I did want Nick and Boston to break up, but not like this.
I did not read Mew as ready all the time, but okay I guess.
Is this fire to affirm that he wasn't lying about the story from earlier?
Oh lord I do not want Sand and Ray going into business together.
Suddenly Mix planning to cause problems.
Well that was... stupid.
Final Verdict: 7.5, I Had Fun, But It Has Problems. I'm not a fan of the final episode focusing on slut shaming Boston. I don't get why the other couples think of themselves as so superior to Boston. We spent an hour and 12 minutes taking a weird victory lap over Boston's apparent defeat. This is just so shitty. What a milquetoast way to end this. I would have rated this higher because I had fun for a lot of this, but the final two episodes pushing so hard for these hoes to end up monogamous only to end on a weird tag with the sultriest man who exists as GMMTV is so lame.
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jeysmullet · 1 year
darius martin x female reader (moxley's younger sister)??? darius and moxley's sister are sneaking around and dating but get caught by moxley??
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Darius Martin X Moxley!Fem Reader.
enjoy xoxo.
Y/n Moxley.
I did not have hiding a relationship from my brother on my 2023 bingo card, yet here we are.
I was currently trying to sneak out of the hotel room, my boyfriend and his brother share, without anybody seeing me.
I make Darius check the hallway before i walk out.
I make sure i’m as quiet as i can be, seeing as it’s 1:26 in the morning. I was almost to the elevator before i heard somebody call out my name. I silently prayed to myself that it wasn’t who i thought it was.
i slowly turned around and saw Paul, also known as Wheeler Yuta.
“Paul, hi.”
“Y/n, What are you doing up this late? you okay?”
Paul questioned as i tried to come up with a lie.
“I, um, was just hanging out with Anthony, and i fell asleep for a little bit in there.”
I lied straight through my teeth hoping he would believe it.
I think he did because he just nodded his head before saying something else.
“Oh, well get to your room safe, you better hope Jon fell asleep.”
“Yeah, goodnight Paul.”
i sighed out, thanking every lord there is that he believed me.
I walked to the elevator, pressing the button waiting for it to come down.
When it finally came down, i hopped inside of it pressing my floor number.
When i arrived to my floor, i stepped out of the elevator and began walking towards my room.
I swiped the key card, and heard the lock click open.
I pushed the handle down, opening the door as slowly as possible trying to be quiet.
When I made it into the room, i closed the door back quietly walking towards the beds.
I sighed in relief when i saw Jon fast asleep.
I put my things down on my bed and went over to my suitcase grabbing some pajamas from it. I just grabbed some shorts and a shirt before walking over to the bathroom, and closing the door.
After i got changed, i heard out the bathroom turning off the light and closing the door.
I walked over to my bed, and got in it putting my phone on the charger. I put my phone on the nightstand, turned off the lamp, and rolled over letting sleep take over.
Y/n Moxley.
Location: Arena.
I was in my dressing room getting ready for my match when i heard a knock on my door.
I got up from the couch after i finished tying my boots up, walking over to the door.
I opened the door revealing Darius. I gasped and pulled him inside the room closing the door.
"What are you doing? You could have been seen."
I said looking at him with wide eyes.
"I know, i just wanted to make sure you got in with my problems last night. You didn't text me and tell me if you did."
He softly spoke looking down at me.
"I'm sorry, i was so caught up in trying to make sure I didn't get caught that i forgot to text you."
I sighed before putting my arms around his neck.
"You're okay, i just wanted to make sure you were good."
I felt his arms snake around my waist pulling me closer to him.
I brought his face down to mine pushing my lips against his.
I felt his arms go from my waist to the back of my thighs. I jumped up letting my legs go around his waist.
I started feeling him move over to the couch. I felt my back go against the couch.
He moved away from my lips down to my neck.
“Ohh fuck.”
When he started going lower i heard a knock on the door.
Me and him shot up looking at each other.
“Go in the bathroom.”
I whisper yelled to him.
With that he quickly walked over to the bathroom and closed himself in it.
I made sure i looked presentable before going over and opening the door revealing Jon.
Oh shit.
“Hey y/n.”
“Heyy Jon, what are you doing here?”
I asked him as he walked in.
“I can’t come see my sister before her match?”
He questioned as he raised his eyebrow.
“No No No, you can. You just stopped by so suddenly.”
I panicked trying to think of something while i keep glancing towards the door.
“You sure? You seem off or something.”
“No, i’m good, just nervous for my match tonight.”
Just then a sound of something falling came from the bathroom.
Jon looked at me before getting up and walking over to the bathroom.
“Wait no!”
I tried to say but before i could stop him, Jon was already face to face with Darius.
“Oh shit.”
I said looking between the two.
“Y/n, you got something you wanna tell me?”
Jon said looking away from Darius for the first time since he’s seen him.
“I’m sorry.”
“So how long were you fucking around with my sister and didn’t tell me?”
He questioned Darius as he walked up on him.
“Jon, don’t do that. Why do you have a problem anyway? Im a grown adult.”
“Y/n, I wouldn’t have a problem if you would’ve just told me. Do you not trust me or something?”
Jon looked at me, and he looked somewhat sad when he asked that.
“No, i just thought you would be mad because you always used to tell me never to involve myself with somebody else in the business.”
“Y/n. I wouldn’t have been mad, maybe a little bit upset but never mad,”
He looked at Darius before continuing.
“and i know Darius is a good kid.”
Darius smiled.
“Just don’t hurt my sister or else i will hurt you.”
“I promise i will never do that.”
Darius said as he walked over to me putting his arm around my shoulder.
Jon looked at us and cracked a smile.
“I guess i approve. Y’all are cute i guess.”
I yelled making both the men smile before Jon came towards us wrapping us both in a hug.
I smiled to myself knowing that i have the two most important men in my life right here.
Hope y’all enjoyed🖤.
tags 🏷️| @hooks-martin
xoxo vaeh.
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bettysupremacy · 1 year
Let me rant please;
I think this is unpopular but I literally love carol and Tommy, please let me explain.
Also please don’t attack me I am just a girl and I will cry. These are my opinions.
The duo= Tommy and Carol
They’re friends with Steve and everything is fine. Steve’s happy, the duos happy. I mean they literally share food in the cafeteria. That’s so adorable. They must have been friends for a good while. Then Nancy comes in. Nancy with her good grades, Nancy with the (sorry) definitely superiority complex, who never talks ill of someone, I’d be a little annoyed too. Who are you to come into my friend group and start calling us cliche ? girl I’m about to fight u.
They literally shit talk like normal teenagers I promise the world will be fine even though they talk behind peoples backs. At least it’s not to their face? idk LMFAO. A little gossip is healthy. Also Steve always seems to think what they say is funny until Nancy ruins it😒 (that was a joke please don’t hurt me)
Also it wasn’t tommy and carol who peer pressured their best friend into shotgunning a beer.. just saying.
I think everyone also started to think they were mean kids ( I mean kinda ) when they broke J’s shit, but they were so valid to do that. Like yeah they could’ve gone about it better, definitely less property destruction, but they’re 16 and they just found out (what they think is a) perv (sorry Jonathan) took photos of them partially undressed, and they just broke his camera. I’d have ruined his life!😭 if you took photos of me about to have sex with my boyfriend from my window I literally would have made sure you never got into a college, and I’m dead serious.
“I was looking for my brother” tell that to the police babe.
Also the thing about Steve getting upset with Nancy because she told the police or whatever. He doesn’t know the gravity of Barb missing like we the viewers or Nancy do. He’s a teenage boy with an abusive father who doesn’t want to get in trouble if the father finds out about him having friends over. No, he should not have told that to Nancy, but also he was valid in his feelings when he was scared for his dad to find out.
ALSO STEVE APOLOGIZING TO NANCY IM GONNA BE MANIC. “I panicked, I mean I was a total dick.” “Yeah, you were.” WHAT??????????😭 Steve may have panicked and broken the kids camera, yeah he should maybe think about apologizing for that (even though he really doesn’t need to because the kid used the camera to take photos of him naked), but he was NOT a dick for standing up for himself I’m gonna freak out. And Nancy not accepting his apology like she’s a saint in this situation? girl go to hell omfg.
And Nancy KNOWS what Jonathan did was wrong because she calls him out in the woods, oh lord.
I know someone’s gonna hate hearing me say it, but even though what Nancy did definitely was not cheating, it was most certainly disrespectful to Steve. Like here’s this boy that she knows he hates, here’s this boy that she knows definitely has some feelings for her (because he took photos of her naked while she was unaware?) and Steve comes over to apologize to his girlfriend (when he really has nothing to apologize for; besides the camera) and she blatantly lies to his face about where she’s gonna be! Like ok yeah she definitely couldn’t have told him she was going “monster hunting”, but she’s hiding the fact that she’s going to be with someone she knows her boyfriend doesn’t want her hanging around. 😭 I love Nancy tho, don’t come for season 3 or 4 Nancy I’m serious.
Another thing is when Steve and Jonathan got into that fight or whatever, they were being good friends to him ?!? honestly if I got into a fight like Steve, my best friend would have been shouting for me to kick his ass too, maybe even getting in because she can fight and I cannot, but that’s not the point. And when the cops came, they helped Steve escape. It’s just they had a poor choice of words at the gas station, but honestly their words were valid. And Tommy was a good boyfriend for defending Carol. Like, we as the viewers know Nancy didn’t cheat, and was deeply traumatized to be alone that night, but they don’t! They divulged in his delusions, let him drive to her house to check in on her, he caught her “cheating”, honestly the shit that I would have said if my bff’s boyfriend cheated on her? Hell no. Sign him up for the military, pop his tires, put mashed potato mix in his lawn before it rains, I would’ve done worse than the movie sign. But Steve cleans the sign cause he’s sweet and has better morals than me.
Honestly Steve is just plain better than me for saving J and Nancy cos if u had “cheated” on me and now intergalactic monsters r after u? have fun!!!<3 I am NOT saving your ass! And if he had listened to the duo, his heart wouldn’t have been broken 3 episodes later in season 2
In conclusion! Tommy and Carol weren’t assholes, they were teenagers, and that doesn’t make Nancy and Steve saints for seeing sense and growing up quicker. That also doesn’t make Steve and Nancy villains. None of these teens should be villainfied (is that a word ?) for being the way they are, because they’re teenagers who still have to grow and mature and some just do it quicker than others. Please stop attacking my best friends tommy and carol. They were just ride or die frl. This show is easily my favorite for the way they portray teens. It’s so incredibly accurate it hurts.
Nancy and Steve aren’t the villains but they could easily be painted to be. Tommy and carol aren’t the villains, but they could easily be painted to be. It’s point of view, which everyone has, and by that definition everyone is a little in the wrong, but that doesn’t make them world class villains and the others heroes. You’re literally the hero of your own story. I’m getting heated now I’m gonna post this ♡
Also I didn’t like barb don’t shoot me.
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web-novel-polls · 11 months
Priest (Author) Character Tournament
⚠️ Submissions CLOSED ⚠️
Link to Masterpost
One character per submission. If you want to submit multiple characters, please do so in separate forms.
Only the character and the novel they’re from is required, but propaganda is highly encouraged
Please submit the English and/or most common way to refer to the novel. If you want to submit a novel without an English translation, please describe it AND the character. The description is not required but HIGHLY encouraged since this tournament is being run in English.
If you’re not sure which novels were written by Priest or are interested in her other novels, here’s a link to a helpful carrd.
Tag: #priest character tournament
Current Submissions below the cut
(CW: spoilers, misgendering as a joke, death/murder, cannibalism, swearing, suggestive language, physical abuse)
[Last Updated: Match 11th, 2024]
Submissions (15/15) 
Chang An from Bestial Blade / Shou Cong Zhi Dao
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Just a little guy with a big fuck-off saber. Was sickly from childhood (later in the book it's discovered to be a heart condition), but did not let that stop him from studying the blade. Sleeps a lot when he is not fighting. Beat his boyfriend with a stick that one time (was absolutely in the right).
Image Link (from cover of thai edition)
Cheng Qian from Liu Yao
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"Now, in Cheng Qian's eyes, there were only two kinds of people in this world: people who are no match for him now, and people who will be no match for him in the future."  - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect, Chapter 38
No propaganda submitted
Sassy child who cares about his found family/sect SO much
The “meanie” from the description - “A cultivation story about how a declining sect is restored by a narcissist, troublemaker, meanie, idiot, and wimpy kid.”
“No matter how many foes, they cannot bend my will.”  - Cheng Qian, ch.29 
"He believed that when he was alone, he could do anything all by himself. For a lone person, when he reaches the peak of his achievement, he's still alone; when he falls to the depths of the abyss, too, he's still alone. Even if his head were to fall from his shoulders, wouldn't that just be a scar on his body? What was there to fear?" - Ch. 36
Chu Huan from Of Mountains and Rivers / Shan He Biao Li
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His vibes are insane. A character pipi made by putting Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu in a jar and shaking, and then wrapping the result in the most unassuming shell possible. That one post that went like "perfectly normal man that has something seriously wrong with him" might as well have been made about him. Kills like 20 ppl in his introduction scene, falls off a cliff, gets on a bus, and agrees to become a teacher for those random guys he met because one of them is hot. Speaking of, his bi awakening and accepting it happens in a span of like, one second. *Sees a hot guy* welp, homosexual attraction is not a sin! Also, somehow has perfect tumblr shitposter vibes. Was asked what's a word for "good brother" in his language and after careful consideration said "bitch". Did I mention he's insane? "Play me a tune, and I'll go along with your BDSM play." Or that time he woke up after being clinically dead for a bit (saw his deceased loved ones asking him to go into the light and all) and to his bf's frantic questioning of "Does it hurt?" immediately went "Yes. It hurts a lot. You have to kiss it better." like bestie your priorities.... Anyway yeah what a guy.
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Feng Xiaoshu / Princess Jing’an from Lord Seventh
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Badass lady who leads troops and can split a person's head in half with her spear <3 
Han Muchun from Liu Yao 
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"Only I, your master, would not detest you, my dirty girl. If it were your first senior brother here, he would have stewed you."  - Han Muchun to Shuikeng, Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect, Chapter 29
[No propaganda submitted]
Took some disciples for his declining sect and unexpectedly became a father
Han Yuan from Liu Yao
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“Unlike us that had a vagrant life, domesticated kids are shy; I have to look after him in future.”  - Han Yuan about Cheng Qian
Cringefail loser(most affectionate) dragon boi. Gone edgy but his family loves him anyway.
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“our fav -1 braincell kiddo”
The “idiot” from the description - “A cultivation story about how a declining sect is restored by a narcissist, troublemaker, meanie, idiot, and wimpy kid.”
Huang Jinchen from Itinerant Doctor / You Yi 
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His style has captivated me... Emotionless sniper who is considered more weapon than person on the clock; busks on the subway in his free time. Part of a clown4clown couple. Killed a human being for the first time at the age of 8. Apparently gives mind-blowingly good massages. Also had 'The Little Match Girl' fairy tale metaphor in the book which uh hurted me.
Jing Beiyuan from Lord Seventh
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Honestly what a guy. He was dealt such a bad hand and yet he stays Chillin’… by which I mean sacrificing both his own morals and his physical safety to put a guy that he’s fundamentally ‘meh’ about at this point on the throne because everyone else is so much worse. He wants to be a dad so so badly it’s heartbreaking (until it isn’t!). He has Old Man Vibes™️ because he remembers three centuries worth of past lives and it makes him deeply weird but he’s still the prettiest boy anyone has ever seen. He was a jasmine plant for a while. 10/10 best at taking naps and pretending to be a loser. Go king give us nothing <3
Li Yun from Liu Yao
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[No propaganda submitted]
The “troublemaker” from the description - “A cultivation story about how a declining sect is restored by a narcissist, troublemaker, meanie, idiot, and wimpy kid.”
Made “water that bathed toads’ feet” (Golden Toad Liquid)
A weird animal/bug kid, which I respect SO much 
“Resident mad scientist and frog enthusiast… an annoyance (affectionate)”
Mu Xiaoqiao from Bandits / You Fei / Legend of Fei
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"People tended to apply the highest of standards when judging the behavior of revered saints like the Sword of Mountains and Rivers: if they made even the smallest of missteps, they would be deemed unworthy of their sterling reputations, and be lambasted for hypocrisy. But people were much more magnanimous towards Mu Xiaoqiao and those of his vile ilk, for as long as these fiends didn’t go around killing everyone in sight…or as long as this violence was directed at others instead, they could sometimes even find something perversely charming about these villains." (Bandits, book 3, chapter 13)  Callout for who? Callout for me. Pipi is very right about this but also she is the one writing her murderous gays so epic and sexy and fascinating and irresistible and…
Tong Ru / Lord Beiming from Liu Yao 
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“Beiming? Who deserves the title of Beiming? That’s merely an arrogant title given by some short-sighted people.” - Lord Beiming, Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect, Chapter 16
[No propaganda submitted]
“It’s just death, nothing serious.” - Lord Beiming, ch.30 
***I, the poll runner, have not gotten to the Lord Beiming reveal, so I’m not 100% sure the quotes from where I’m at are correct/for the same person (since there’s another person trying to claim the title of Lord Beiming)
(Also, Tong Ru and Han Muchun are sharing a picture because it’s way too blurry with just one lol)
Wen Kexing from Faraway Wanderers
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Character of all time (to me). Cannibal. Malewife. Flaming homosexual. Strongest mfer in jianghu after literal immortal. Surprisingly realistic portrayal of c-ptsd and dissociative disorder considering all of the above. Half of the couple that rewired my brain chemistry and gave me unrealistic expectations for romance -_- 
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Wu Xi from Lord Seventh / Qi Ye 
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My beloved snake boy!! He goes as a hostage to a foreign land at eleven years old in order to maintain uneasy peace between his country and the empire that colonized them (and on that note, his initial language struggle was so good), then he manages to help keep his love interest safe from thousands of kilometers away via peerless potions skills, then he goes and *wins his nation's freedom* via martial might and court negotiations, and then he heals his man and gets him home. Like bulletpoint by bulletpoint I think he might have actually managed to accomplish the most out of the cast by the end. (Qi Ye is a palace intrigue novel btw, so it's amazing that the one character who had zero patience with palace intrigue was the one who accomplished so much lmao.) And all this while being a 20-something borderline-yandere ML obsessed with his first love. What a man. What a legend. Not to mention his epic healer skills were the reason Zhou Zishu survives Faraway Wanderers. Wenzhou get their happy ending because of him! Also, he hand-raised the most lovable animal sidekick of all time (sable!!!!!) before said sable defected to his husband. Vote for Wu Xi to make sable happy.
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Xi Ping from Tai Sui
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He is literally everything to me. Pure chaos condensed into a single person. Everyone loves him, everyone hates him. He does his best, he doesn't try at all, he beats up monsters with a qin, he brought about the destruction of the entire cultivation world…
Yan Zhengming from Liu Yao 
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"I've grown into this age, but other than this face that my parents had birthed me with, there is nothing on my person that holds any sort of value. What right do I have to change the thousand-year tradition of our sect? In any case, even if the sect tradition makes no sense whatsoever, it's still something left behind by our master."  - Yan Zhengming, The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect, Chapter 38 
[No propaganda submitted]
The “Narcissist” from the description - “A cultivation story about how a declining sect is restored by a narcissist, troublemaker, meanie, idiot, and wimpy kid.”
THE prettiest princess; he’s literally referred to as Niangniang (a term for an imperial concubine) at least once
He is such a materialist who is even described as caring more about money than life, but "When he thought of Cheng Qian, he suddenly felt like there was nothing else that he desired in this life" (Ch.56). 
Dealers’s Choice
Han Tan/Shuikeng/Puddle from Liu Yao
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"Puddle had one merit, and that was that she knew how to act when it came to her own benefit."  - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect, Chapter 31
Little birb shimei lol
Is literally the daughter of the Yao Queen and a mortal who the others just. adopted. 
The “wimpy kid” of the description - “A cultivation story about how a declining sect is restored by a narcissist, troublemaker, meanie, idiot, and wimpy kid.”
Sheng Lingyuan from Lie Huo Jiao Chou / Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire
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[No propaganda prepared]
Xuan Ji from Lie Huo Jiao Chou / Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire
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[No propaganda prepared]
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Wattpad Fics (2) Masterlist
part one
Baby - genderfluidmikey michael/luke 22 Parts
Summary: luke may look heartless but he sure does love his baby.
Beauty - afibloom ot4 43 Parts
Summary: Everyone knew not to look and definitely not to touch the beautiful man named Michael Clifford. He was the precious baby of the notorious Calum Hood after all. But (un)fortunately for Luke Hemmings and Ashton Irwin, they simply didn't listen.
behind the bars - wastedheartmuke michael/luke 32 parts
Summary: Michael and Luke share a history but they also share a prison cell.
Fall for You - FINEHEMMINGS ot4 102 Parts
Summary: luke can't sleep at night, so instead he spends his time messaging his favorite band members
girly - genderfluidmikey luke/calum 27 Parts
Summary: calum may be girly, but luke likes him and his pink little skirts.
Hatred - adorately michael/luke
Summary: Luke and Michael absolutely despise each other.
I'm not calling you Daddy - larrymylarrents michael/luke 19 parts
Summary: Millionaire Luke Hemmings is looking for a sugar baby and happened to come across 19-year-old Michael Clifford.
jet black heart - poppunkfob michael/calum 20 parts
Summary: in which michael has a jet black heart
punk!michael & nerd!calum
Lie To Me - afibloom ot4 57 Parts
Summary: Luke being arrested for the possession of drugs made Michael believe that he would never be surprised by his boyfriend's secrets ever again.
But the reality of it was, was that it was only the beginning of all the secrets and lies. Everything soon gets revealed out into the open for those involved to see.
Add the drug lords Ashton and Calum to the mix, and things start getting even messier.
Riding Hood - mikellyart michael/calum 13 parts
Summary: When the fiery Michael Clifford bumps into the school nerd, Calum Hood, things get rather interesting. Basically put, Michael really wants to ruin Calum.
Ripped Tights and Late Nights - youmeathemmo michael/luke 22 Parts
Summary: Michael's fully aware of the fact that what he's doing is wrong, but Luke's beckoning him closer with crooked fingers and an easy smirk and Michael's never been able to resist his baby boy.
Stripper!Luke, Lawyer!Michael
Rose Petals - afibloom ot4 41 parts
Summary: A hurt tattoo artist, a crazed painter, a confused druggie, and a controlling gangster...It sounds like a chaotic mix of colors that shouldn't be able to mix, but instead they take that expectation and they make themselves blend together instead.
Skirts - genderfluidmikey michael/calum 18 Parts
Summary: "i really like your hair"
"i really like your skirt, beautiful"
start a fight - fivesecondsofsheeran michael/luke 44 Parts
Summary: prisoner!michael likes to pick on parole officer!luke
Sugar Daddy - WhereTheGhoulsGo michael/luke
Summary: Agreeing to be a sugar baby was a choice.
Falling in love was not.
Luke Hemmings has money, and he has a lot of it. What better way to spend it all than to get a sugar baby from his favorite male strip club?
Michael Clifford is a male entertainer, just a young guy trying to survive and provide for his younger brother. When one of the club's clients offers him a deal he can't resist, Michael is thrust into the vast world of sugar daddies and sugar babies.
Tangled Sheets - Princessofmuke luke/ashton 29 Parts
Summary: Ashton isn't your ordinary 16 year old high school boy,he's on the edge of breaking down and it won't be pretty. Caught up between the non stop bullying,anxiety and fighting parents Ashton struggles to breath.
But one night changes his life forever , the one night his only 'friend' Michael invited him to a party.
"it was a mistake but why is he captivating my mind?"
The Princess And The Slave - Sparkling_5sosFreaks ot4 38 Parts
Summary: "I just don't get it, you adopted me and Luke as your sub and yet you treat Luke like he's a princess and you treat me like a slave." OR Where Calum and Ashton adopt Luke and Michael as there subs but only treat one with the respect they deserve.
Undercover - afibloom ot4 43 Parts
Summary: Where Michael Clifford is an undercover agent and his new mission just happens to be the criminally murderous Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, and Ashton Irwin.
But things don't go as plan when the dangerous men take too much of a liking towards the undercover man…
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anonil88 · 2 years
The White Lotus Ep 5 and 6 Liveblog
Episode 5 thoughts
Tanya is annoying but I hate to see these men con her and belittle her.
The way this couple is looking at Harper is oooo its hot as fuck. Aubrey is so fine too.
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The opera scene is actually very sweet but I am still suspicious of this man and his whole group.
Oh they are broke.....damn tonya you are about to be "had".
That is a ginormous secret that Daphne just dropped. Whew lord they better hope that secret doesn't get out because they are in a dysfunctional but happy stable marriage.
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"Uncle" or uncle? Cause he has been giving me rent boy since this group showed up together.
Albie might be an actual nice guy but he screams incel at moments, other moments he just seems like a sweet boy trying not to be like his dad and granddad.
I think Lucia is going to have a fiance or something because that guy was like.....hmmm. Oooo or that could be her brother and he is trying to be like "be more discreet".
Episode 6 thoughts
Can these four fuck already cause they're drawing out this jealous power play, and I don't want to come out of this show hating either Daphne or Harper. We as a society really do love a deranged woman.
I want Mia and Lucia to have the best life ever because they done so much for this hotel and only one is being paid.
Ethan is hot but man does he got some serious resentment bubbling against Cameron. It is kind of funny that he was so "IM NOT CHEATING" only to turn around and start thinking his wife is going to petty fuck his "friends". (He definitely may be right based on Cameron's past but I need him to take a second, collect himself, and then bring it up. Oh wait but then he'd have to take his wife's approach.
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This 3 generation men trio being turned away from a matriarchy mirrored household is pretty funny. Its even funnier because they may be blood related.
Ethan is bugging! Daphne and Cameron are messy and full of lies but they are really functional. They also clearly do care about eachother whereas Harper and Ethan don't even seem to like eachother. Sexual attraction aside in ep 1 and 2 all he did was talk down on what she wanted to do on the trip. It was pushback from every side and he was the one person who could be like "oh honey that is a great choice" without it seeming ingenuine. I wonder why they got married.
Not these gays about to set Tonya up with a boy toy and snow ❄. I hate it because this group seem to have alterior motives. British boy is drowning himself in alcohol to prepare for whatever meanwhile killing Portia's mood.
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Not the replacement ending up an actual creeper.
Boyfriend? Fiancee? Ughhhh oh Valentina is hurt. Hey at least the receptionist is a little aware that it hurts but still wanted to celebrate her birthday.
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Ethan has mur der in his eyes. 😭
Granddad realized he might be a bad person after not getting what he's been searching for. The comfort of a woman. 😂 someone has mommy issues for sure.
That's a very pretty martini glass. The stem is so skinny and the bowl/cup area is so thin as well. Very nice glasswork or prop pulled.
I thought for a second they weren't actually going to have a party/a gallery. But they didn't lie about that at least.
A gun? To a blizzard? Oh Tanya please be careful.
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Is Valentina not out out? Ohhh she's just never done that. Mia is actually being very sweet albeit forward about this.
Lucia and Albie actually really do like eachother, even if this ends up just a trip romance.
Valentina looks so afraid and Mia is like let me give you a birthday gift.
Jack is a rouse I think in general and especially now getting her to stay away from the villa, but he also being an obnoxious United fan so he should probably sober up.
Ay Valentina get you a lil something something on your birthday.
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Not Ethan making up scenarios, this is going to end up so so bad. Especially with all these statues that provoke the mind and expose the truth of everyone's intentions.
I wonder how much of what is happening to or being told to Tonya is false and how much is true.
The reddit super sleuths were right, like how tf did they even catch this all those previous episodes. Albeit that is one of the weaker storyline this season, the Greg or Carl dude Tonya shacked up with in season 1.
Boy toy just out here in his birthday suit but I appreciate that he's taking the gentle approach with Tonya.
SERIOUS! Can someone identify the painting of the woman with the dagger?
Oop not Jack spilling fucking tea. I hope Portia a. Helps Tonya see the light and b. Stops complaining to this boy so it can't be used against her later.
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Ep 7/Finale next week woot woot. My prediction is its Cameron, Ethan, and then a red herring. Trailer is looking mighty spicy for the finale. Also, I like that the Italian actors are getting their own moment to shine in certain episodes for their character development and we get to see their post show bts talk back. "All the characters are tragic and funny."
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mosviqu · 1 year
huge engene yes true no lies were detected in ur statement!! they do be sounding like slam poetry but i love it ngl.-. DONT EVEN START DUDE I DONT THINK BELIFT WILL REMOVE IT CUZ THEY PROBABLY THOUGHT THAT THIS WOULD HAPPEN BUT BOY WAS I PISSED WAKING UP TO KENGENES SENDING A TRUCK OR EHATEVER AND THEN SEEING THE SUNGTAROOKIES NEWS WAS THE WORST MORNING I HAD IN A WHILE LITERALLY DIDNT GO ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR THAT DAY I WAS SO UPSET so yeah i saw it lmao😃 if i really try to i kind of see it but i would have never thought about it ngl but now i love it even more🤭 it do be screaming camp rock vibes!! and i'm so glad u like the album🥳😭
i hope zbone wont do noise music cuz i will be pissed oh god;-; SO TRUE BRING THE CUTE ONES BACK PLS!! idk if u talked about it or heard about them but the new hybe boy group does have happy vibes with no noise music but somehow i'm just so not vibing with it.-. i'm trying my best to do so cuz we have 3(!!!!) 03liners in there lmao
i think my minecraft addiction shows here as well but i would be so happy to find that out lmao i think i would probably have the same reaction when i found out giselle made lps videos when she was younger (although idk if that was actually her) i so understand the wilbur brain rot!! YOUR NEW BOYFRIEND WAS A CULTURAL RESET IM HAPPY HE LIKED IT
no cuz same i stared at the video for a while💀 i think seventeen atp will just remind me of u cuz i saw dino pink hair and i also immediately thought of u upon seeing him!! it would be so great if they did the tiktok part of it atleast wahhhh
I COULD NEVER DO A BRITISH ACCENT AND THAT MAKES ME SO SAD but im glad u are living the best british life in ur head sometimes lmao😌 we will see but it will stay like this for a while till i figure out something more okay lmao (liebestraum anon💕💗💞)
AHAHAH nothing bad with slam poetry At. All. 😌😌 ngl i do get where youre coming from, they must have expected this reaction. I am honestly glad they kept it despite the trucks and all 😭 but are those fans not embarrassed. like bestie......get a life 😭😭😭😭 dont even mention sungtaro tho bc i am still mad and heartbroken over this 🤠 they really debuted them....for no reason..? oh lord. im burning the SM building down as we speak!
LITERALLY like noise music had its era but i think we can put it behind us now.....please.... like some of the 4th gen debuts are a whole CIRCUS 😭😭 AND I DID TALK BAOUT BOYNEXTDOOR ACTUALLY AHAHA i listened to one of their songs and i actually vibed with it so hard ive been waiting for a fresh concept. THREE 03 LINERS ARE U KIDDING ME now if this doesnt lure me into stanning 💔
GISELLE DID WHAT NOW ???? I DIDNT KNOW ABOUT THAT 😭😭😭😭😭 iconic. sO iconic. Your new boyfriend was a cultural reset but i remember my brother showing it to me before i knew of wilbur and lovejoy and i was like what the actual FUCK is this.
jihoon had us masmerized 🤡🤡 omgomg thats so sweet actually 🥺 svt are one of my ults hhh i recently got back super into them hhh also dino reminding u of me as he should!! boyfriend ❤😌 still waiting for treasure super challenge altho i think we are not getting it 😔 at least i got cix seunghun version to ease the pain💔
NO BC ME NEITHER my account is like the weirdest mix of everything bc i taught myself english pretty much,, so my source of accent is whatever media im obsessed with in that moment 😭😭😭 but my british accent sounds very bad thats why it always stays in my head only❤
0 notes
A new servant desperately struggles to understand what exactly Merlin is:
A cryptid? Arthur's boyfriend? Simply a dude? The court jester? Something else entirely? Who knows, certainly not the new guy.
The first time the new kitchen-hand, Tristan, saw The King’s dark-haired servant sprinting down the corridor, he couldn’t tell if the man was laughing or crying.
He was fast, faster than Tristan thought possible for someone whose arms were so full of laundry, but he politely steps out of the way, coming to the conclusion that he must’ve been late for something. At least... he did think that, until he turns the next corner to see three of The king’s most trusted knights peering out of windows and into random doors. Tristan freezes in the corridor, he’d heard that servants were treated extremely well here, but he’d only been employed for a few days and he didn’t want to risk anything by pushing past or addressing his betters.
One of the knights, Sir Leon, his brain helpfully supplies, spots him stood there, and his annoyed frown quickly morphs into a friendly smile:
“Pardon me, sorry, I don’t suppose you’ve seen Merlin around anywhere, have you?”
Tristan’s eyes go wide and the grip he has on his tray tightens, but he forces himself to take a breath and answer, trying his best to keep his voice even:
“Merlin is... The King’s manservant? Tall, with dark hair?”
Another knight pushes forward, he looks to be the oldest, with dark hair falling in an almost deliberately tousled way around his bearded jawline. His charming grin seems just a little too wide to be genuine, but Tristan isn’t quite sure if that’s because he’s about to take pleasure in punishing someone, or if he’s just being polite to a stranger:
“Yeah, yeah that’s him, seen him? Arsehole turned our shirts pink in the wash, and something tells me it was deliberate.”
Tristan gulps at the accusation and he takes a shaky step back, but before he can even think of defending the stranger that he now thinks must’ve been crying, the last of the three knights, a giant, if Tristan believed in such things, steps forward:
“Don’t worry, we won’t beat him too much.” 
He says it with a grin and a quirk of his eyebrows, but once again the kitchen-hand can’t tell if it was cruel or genuine, if he was being sarcastic or not.
“Uh... yeah, he turned left at the end of this corridor, but I didn’t see where he went after that, I apologise.”
Sir Leon waves away his apology with a smile, looking to the long-haired knight with a raised eyebrow:
“The stables?”
The man grins widely, nodding his agreement as he turns his grin to the giant. Sir Leon offers Tristan another soft smile, murmuring his thanks before moving past him, elbowing the other two to prompt them in to thanking him as well. The three of them march down the corridor with almost vindictive smiles on their faces, and Tristan prepares himself to see a vacancy note, or possibly a funeral invite, posted on the notice board by the next morning.
When he passes a window that evening to see the King’s manservant being carried on the giant’s shoulders as five other knights pelt them with gloves, a grin on every face, he decides that... well... it’s probably best to just not to ask.
The next time he sees Merlin, a few days later, The King is also there.
This is the first time Tristan has been in Arthur Pendragon’s presence, and though the other servant’s all rave on about how awkwardly kind he is, he’s a bundle of nerves. Not even Cook’s stories about how often she whacks The King’s knuckles with a wooden spoon when she catches him about to pilfer something stops Tristan’s heart from racing. 
The King was overseeing a few of the servants decorate the main hall for a feast, and whilst Tristan is certain that that’s not something The King normally does, he doesn’t question it, just thinks that maybe the other servants had been telling the truth, and he was a genuinely nice, but normal man. 
Merlin stands at his side, and though Tristan can’t hear their conversation, the two of them are clearly bickering over something. The servant can’t help his curiosity, wanting desperately to move closer to find out what sort of things The King allows his servant to bicker with him about; luckily, the table right next to them has yet to be laid, so he moves towards it quickly. He doesn’t even glance at them, terrified of being caught out, but perhaps Merlin surviving the knights non-wrath the other day is encouraging him, and his steps don’t falter. Their words come in to focus, and he has to stop the confused, and slightly horrified, frown from spreading across his face:
“Arthur, I swear to the Gods, if you make me wear that hat again, I’ll piss in your wine and serve it to you in front of a crowd.”
The King scoffs just as Tristan shakily begins laying down the cutlery:
“That’s treason, Merlin.”
“Do I look like I care? Not only will I piss in your wine, I will not hesitate to push you over a balcony at the first opportunity. This hall is high up and it’s a long way down to the gardens. He drank toxic wine and turned loopy and tipped himself off a balcony and went splat! That’s what people will say. I’m not wearing the Godamn hat.”
Tristan has to focus extra carefully to stop himself from gasping; Merlin just threatened to kill The King... that’s got to be a death sentence. Pissing off some knights that he’s obviously friendly with is one thing, but threatening to kill The-
“Ha ha. Very funny. If you can’t tell, Merlin, I’m being sarcastic, I know you struggle with complex concepts like that.”
Merlin just rolls his eyes, crossing his arms as he says with no hesitation:
“My mind is more than capable of coping, My Lord, it’s your belt I worry about being able to cope nowadays.”
Tristan bites his tongue to stop himself from yelping and turns away so neither of them can see his horrified face. The King just makes an outraged noise in the back of his throat, and Tristan can hear Merlin snort in laughter at whatever expression Arthur was wearing to match such a noise:
“Go to the stocks. I want you there for three hours.”
Tristan lets out a confused breath; Merlin threatens to kill The King, and gets playful sarcasm, but he implies The King might be a tad overweight, and gets sent to the stocks for three hours? How is that-
“Yeah... no. Not happening. The feast starts in less than two hours and I still have to help Guinevere organise some stuff in the courtyard, do Gaius’ rounds for him, then put an extra hole in your belt and help you get dressed because, despite being a grown man, you’re still an idiot who’s incapable of putting clothes on in any sort of decent manner.”
Tristan finds himself relaxing a little. This seems to be the norm for them, but surely... surely The King had a line somewhere, and a servant just flat out refusing to be disciplined must be where it lies?
Arthur just scoffs, and Tristan angles his head in such a way that he can see him roll his eyes:
“Fuck off.”
Merlin grins, seeming to cast a suspicious gaze over the room to make sure no one was watching and somehow completely missing Tristan stood just there, before saying quietly:
“You love me really, you prat.”
With that, Merlin reaches up to yank at a lock of The King’s hair before hurrying off in the direction of the courtyard before Arthur can react. The King jumps slightly, clearly caught by surprise as an annoyed flush rises on his face, but Tristan just frowns in confusion when his shock gives way to a softly amused smile.
The next few times Tristan saw Merlin made him fear for the servant’s safety. He was being taken on hunts by The King and his knights, that’s meant to be for squires, to learn the ropes and gain experience in tracking and riding. 
He supposes it isn’t entirely unheard of for a servant to follow their master on a hunt, but with the way Merlin complains without pause, and The King in turn complains about his complaining, he thinks it would better for everyone if Merlin just... didn’t go. When he brings it up to another servant, a lovely woman named Guinevere who had helped him get unlost at least three times in his first week, she just laughs and smiles at him pityingly:
“I wouldn’t worry, those two have been like that forever, they’re practically inseparable.”
Tristan responds with a rather intelligent sounding:
Gwen laughs softly again, shaking her head and patting his shoulder consolingly:
“You’ll get used to it, they’re just... like that.”
She gives him one more smile before turning to wave the boys out of the gates and walking back to the castle as if this were the most normal thing in the world. Tristan supposes that it probably is.
The next time Tristan sees Merlin leave the city gates with the knights, Sir Elyan, Sir Mordred, and Sir Lancelot this time, it’s distinctly worse. Because he’d caught sight of the patrol rota last time he ran food down to the training ground, and he was certain that those three had a city patrol right about now.
Before he even has time to gape in shock, he hears Merlin’s pleading voice as he trails Sir Elyan like a lost puppy:
“Please, El, I promise to stay out of the way, I will do anything, but I swear to the Gods if I have to spend one more minute around that prat, I’ll hurl myself from the battlements.”
Swearing to the Gods and threating to hurl various people, including himself, from significant heights seems to be some sort of theme for The King’s manservant. Before Tristan can consider the implications of that, Sir Elyan turns to Merlin with a wide, teasing grin on his face:
“You know, I would’ve let you tag along for free, Merlin, but now that you’ve promised me something I feel the need to take advantage.”
Tristan tenses at that, a shot of ice spiking down his spine. He has keen eyes and sharp ears, he knows that Sir Elyan is the lovely Gwen’s brother, Sir Mordred seems to have an... odd worship for the servant, and he’s definitely picked up on the close bond between Merlin and Sir Lancelot, but is this where Camelot’s image comes crashing down in Tristan’s head? He knew that it was better here for servant’s than other Kingdoms, but there are always people who’ll take advantage of their position, no matter where you are. Merlin’s shoulders just drop and he asks in a sulking voice:
“What do you want?”
Tristan grits his teeth, moving his gaze so no one would catch him glaring at the knight as he tries to figure out a way to help, a way to get this virtual stranger out of being... abused, in such a manner. If he’d carried on glaring, he would’ve noticed Elyan’s soft smile and amused raised eyebrow:
“Next time you gather herbs for Gaius, bring back some more of those flowers that you got for Gwen. She said they added vibrancy to the house, whatever that means, but they make her happy, so...-”
Merlin just giggles and nods and Tristan relaxes, looking back to them with a confused smile on his face. That was... actually kind of sweet, he can definitely see the resemblance between the knight and his sister:
“-AND I want whatever Arthur’s having for dinner tonight, his food always looks way nicer than ours.”
Merlin lets out a faux annoyed groan, but then rolls his eyes and grins, nodding:
“Consider it done. Can we go now? I really don’t want to risk him seeing me and giving me some stupid chore to do.”
Elyan laughs and nods, and the four of them begin making their way out of the courtyard and into the city. Sir Lancelot finally joins the conversation, clearly amused as he says:
“You know it’s literally your job to do chores, right?”
Merlin turns to glare at him as Sir Mordred and Sir Elyan laugh, and Tristan only just hears his reply as the castle gates shut behind them:
“Fuck off.”
Tristan decides it would be pointless to bring this up to anyone again, he figures he’ll probably just get the same answer as last time.
The next confusing incident happens only a few days later. But Tristan supposes that at this point... it really shouldn’t be confusing. Gwen was right, he did just... get used to it.
He heard the steps pounding down the corridor before he saw him, but they were coming fast and hard, so he presses himself against the wall, holding the tray to his side to protect it as best he could as Merlin comes skidding round the corner. 
He stops just long enough for Tristan to calm himself by spying the wide grin on his face, but he’s quickly sprinting down the hall again, laughing as he waves whatever it is he’s got clutched in his hands. The second set of loud, rapid footsteps stops Tristan from stepping away from the wall quite yet. Just a moment later, Sir Gwaine follows Merlin’s skidded path around the corner, though the heavier man overshoots slightly and he runs into the wall opposite Tristan with a crash and a deep groan.
The rebellious knight gives a wide-eyed Tristan an awkward nod before pushing himself off the wall and following Merlin’s blazing trail, screaming down the corridor:
“I warned you Merlin!! Don’t come between a man and his ale, now give that back you bastard!”
Tristan hears Merlin’s laughter grow louder, even from the two corridors away that the other servant had managed to race to.
He shrugs to himself, waiting for a moment to see if anyone else was going to come barrelling around the corner before sighing, and continuing his journey up to the visiting Lord’s chambers.
It was unusual, he thought, how quickly he’d come to terms with the fact that a servant was sassing The King and pranking the knights and inviting himself on various hunts and patrols that he really had no business on. Unusual indeed.
He’d learnt to ignore it. Or at least brush it off.
In the two weeks since Merlin had (presumably) stolen Sir Gwaine’s skin of ale, he’d seen the servant call The King a long list of imaginative insults (what the hell is a dollop head?), walk around with Sir Leon’s cloak on because he was a little chilly, accuse someone of treason (and somehow been right about it), and threaten to kill at least seven people; including, but not limited to: The King himself, The King’s already dead father, some stuck up Noble (though that was under his breath, Tristan just happened to be stood next to him), and Sir Percival.
And Gwen was... absolutely right. He's just... like that. He's Merlin, and that’s what Merlin does.
So when he turns a corner in a rarely used to corridor to see him pressing The King against a wall, snogging the life out of him, Tristan simply turns around and walks back the other way. Both of them look fairly happy with the arrangement, and they’d probably chosen this corridor for the exact same reason Tristan had: it was out of everyone’s way, and was unlikely to be inhabited.
He thinks it’s odd, how... un-odd he finds it. He absent-mindedly thinks that, with the way they acted around each other, he really should’ve seen this coming. A sudden thought occurs to him, and he ducks into a storage cupboard, laying his tray down carefully as he rummages through the boxes. He lets out a quiet “Yay” when he finds what he’s looking for, carefully picking up his tray with only one hand and nudging the door open again with his hip. 
He walks back towards the corner he had just turned (and turned again) making a conscious effort to keep his steps quiet; he places the danger sign, usually used where walls had collapsed or windows had been smashed, in the middle of the corridor, a clear indication of “Do Not Enter”.
He nods smugly at his quick thinking and easy handy work before mentally planning the quickest route to the kitchens and following it hurriedly.
He casually wonders if he has time to circle around to the other end of the corridor so he could put another sign down before Cook gets angry at him for being late. Probably not. At least, not before they... finish up and move on. Hmm. He suddenly panics about the thought of them seeing the sign and knowing that someone had spotted them but... well. Hopefully they would just appreciate it and move on.
Yet again, he decides not to bring this up to anyone. He may or may not have overheard a few of the knights making some sort of bet, and he may or may not want to watch on with amusement as they fail to realise that all of them have already lost.
Tristan smiles to himself; working here had turned out to be rather entertaining, in the end.
I know it’s short, but I really didn’t know what else to add without it sounding like I was just repeating myself over and over😅
I hope y’all enjoyed it!!
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twistedmusings · 3 years
What Are You Writing?
A/N: JOKES ON YOU GUYS, I'M AN OBEY ME WRITERS BLOG NOW. Nah not really, I mean maybe I might start thinking about making one in the future but I see all these awesome writers in that fandom and I get i n t i m i d a t e d. Nevertheless, I did want to pull a harmless prank on my readers so...enjoy a labor of love and possible regret as I now have to work on other requests ó uò
How would the brothers act with a Writer MC?
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-He almost jumps when you walk into the room, practically shouting his name as you go to stand next to his desk and take a peek at what he is working on.
“Can I help you? “You certainly can.”
-You place a notebook next to his stack of paperwork and take a pen out, opening it up to a blank page before staring at him and building up your courage to ask the next question.
“What would you do if I suddenly asked you to be my fake boyfriend for a day?”
-You certainly were keeping up with your role in being the one human he isn’t able to pin down, huh?
-He asks what in the world you are talking about and you squat near him so that you can explain what you were doing. RAD proved to be a lot more stressful than you thought and you didn’t need to remind him that you were playing therapist to seven demons so you needed some sort of break.
-You tell him that in the human world you had a habit of writing ideas, snippets and even random bits of dialogue when you got stressed so you had asked Satan to lend you a notebook and a pen so you could unwind but you had gotten stuck in one scene.
-The character you were writing was loosely based on Lucifer so you decided why not ask him what he would do in order to get some inspiration!
“So here I am! I don’t need an entire synopsis I just want to know because maybe that will spark something inside of me.”
-Pen to paper, you look up at Lucifer ready to write anything down and even though you were looking him straight in the eye you were not paying attention to just how hard Lucifer was staring at you.
-You really had no idea how he felt about you, did you?
-Even with the pact making, the Hellfire Newt Syrup incident, the countless of times he had tried to flirt with you to the point that anyone without eyes could tell how he felt about you, your human brain did not seem to accept the fact that the eldest of the seven demon lords had fallen for you.
-Was this just another way of torturing him? Who would have thought that you would be such a cruel master?
-If only he wasn’t bound to you by the pact. Not that he regretted it but without the pact the ‘need’ to submit to you wasn’t as strong, all he would have to do is grab your chin, turn your face towards his so that he could tell you explicitly what was going through his head every time he saw you--
“...I would walk you to class, first and foremost. We would leave the House of Lamentation together and arrive together as well. Maybe some impromptu dates. Free tutoring as well.” “That’s tempting~ Would you let me hang around in your study?” “You are already welcome to do that.” “Aw, when did you get so soft?”
-Get the hint already!
-Your hand is scribbling down every idea he says, making quips here and there as you both talk extensively about your fake dates would play out. The idea of having you all to himself without his brothers around was already so tempting yet here you were talking about it like it was just a passing thought.
-That wouldn’t do.
-He grabs the top of your pen and smiles when you look up at him in confusion.
“At end of the day, I want to make you feel like the most important person in my world. I don’t want there to be a single doubt in your mind that you belong with me. Pact or no pact, you changed me in ways I couldn’t even fathom, MC, and I am doing everything in my power so that you will see just how important you are to me.”
-Your eyes are staring up at him, wide and with surprise as he dares to cup your cheek.
-He did it. He had gotten through to you! All he had to do was lean in and--!
“Can you repeat that one more time?! Oh my god Luci that was so good! I’m showing this to Satan when I’m done! Thank you so much!”
-Lucifer’s hand drops to his lap as he watches you pick yourself up and run out of his study, his fist clenching in his hand as he thought of just how blind you could be for not seeing what he had tried to convey with those cliched words! Of all the humans--!
-He stops as he hears your giggles outside of the hallway, unclenching his fist and sighing as he tries to look at the positives.
-There had been a flush on your cheeks, of that he was sure. Which meant that in some way...his words had made an impact. He hoped it would take just a few more cheesy lines for you to fall for him.
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-From the top of his head to the tip of his toes, Mammon could feel himself shiver as you called out his name. Ever since he made that pact the way you would call out his name would send a pleasant shiver down his spine as he turned to greet you.
-Levi told him that you had been looking for him and he had practiced his greeting at least five times to make him look as cool as possible.
“Yo MC! I heard you were looking for the Great Mammon!”
-See? Wasn’t he cool?
-The brothers watched as you didn’t even greet Mammon, you just grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the living room telling everybody that you needed to talk to him privately.
-Privately? As in you two alone? Together?
-Well of course you wanted to talk to him alone! His awesome ways had probably finally gotten through to you and you were about to confess to him. Suck on THAT Lucifer!
-You push him into your room before closing the door and turning to look at him.
“I have something I need to ask you. Do you think you can help?”
-The words escape him before he even thinks them.
“I want to go out with you. Tonight. Almost like a pretend date.”
-Fireworks go off inside his head as he feels tears prickle at the corners of his eyes. This was real, you were asking him out! You had picked him out of all his brothers despite how many messes he got you in and how much trouble tended to follow him--
-Wait, pretend?
-You proceed to show off your little book of writings, explaining to him that you had gotten stuck in trying to describe a hidden date between the protagonist and the love interest.
“They are trying to hide the fact they are dating from everybody so that they won’t get in trouble. I figured that a human and a demon going on a date is already somewhat of stigma as it is so I just want to see how it feels so I can describe it better.”
-He can’t really describe the sadness that he feels when you tell him it would all be pretend. Too much for dropping Grimm on wishing wells. He was going to go back and fish them all out tomorrow. What a letdown!
-Here he was, the GREAT Mammon letting a human toy with his heart like this!
“You won’t get in too much trouble if we do this...right?”
-The worry in your voice is what makes him look into your eyes. Your hand was on his as you looked for any signs of discomfort from the Avatar of Greed. Your eyes were entirely on him.
-Mammon’s subconscious: More of that please.
-You looked so worried for his well-being. Mammon had no idea who had told you that humans and demons were not allowed to date but they had clearly lied to you. There was no stigma whatsoever. And in retrospect he should reveal that to you now so that there would be no misinformation on how much he wanted to take you on a not pretend date.
-But all your attention was on him. Your body was facing his way, your hands on his as you licked your lips nervously. More, more, more, more he needed for you to look at him more--!
“Tch. Making such a complicated request. You could really get me in trouble for this, MC!” “You’re right, I shouldn’t push it--” “But I guess if you are asking me, I could spare a couple hours...for you.”
-You both share a smile as you hug him close, his arms wrapping around you tight as he tries to keep his smile from breaking out into full blown giggles.
-This worked out for him as well! He was going to give you the best date of your human life so you would have no choice but to fall for him! You better get ready!
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-You wrote some fiction, he wrote TSL fanfiction, Levi was probably already aware of your talent once he asked to beta one of his other works and you came back not just with some beta but with some actual USEFUL feedback unlike Satan going on about his spelling mistakes. -So you are already in his room when you ask for his help, grinning as you hold up the small ideas that you had written for your proper introduction into the TSL fandom.
“I want to write an AU about Henry and the Lord of Shadows in an arranged marriage!”
-The premise was simple. You wanted to write about the Lord of Shadows and his Henry having to marry each other in order to bring peace to both of their kingdoms. The marriage proposition was sudden and each of the seven brothers was against it but you wanted to show just how much Henry was willing to sacrifice to help the people who he cared about the most.
-And you loved drama like this.
-You hold up your book as you keep ranting to Levi, the other caught up in your plot as he closed his eyes in order to better imagine it.
“And I want a moment where the Lord of Shadows tells Henry that he doesn’t have to do this. That he wants him to be happy and doesn’t want him to be stuck with a reclusive Lord for all his life.”
-Of course, of course. The Lord of Shadows had always hoped for Henry’s happiness and he had also sacrificed a great many of his previous ways in order to gain his best friend’s praise! Levi was proud, you understood these characters so well! So he pipes in with his own thoughts.
“I bet Henry turns to him and asks why he is so against the idea! It would push the Lord of Shadows to confess that he has secretly longed for Henry’s affection and attention all this time!”
-You both grin before you stand up, putting on a fake sad face as you take Levi’s hand in yours before pressing them to your chest.
“Am I not worthy to be your spouse? Do you hate the idea of marrying me that much?”
-Levi is caught up in the moment that he doesn’t even notice how close you two are, instead moving even closer as he cupped your cheek.
“You? Not worthy? It is I who is not worthy of you. After all you have done...can I be selfish enough to call you mine?”
-Oh this was practically writing itself! You really hoped that Levi remembered some of these lines. You pull away from his touch dramatically before sighing as you decide that this scene would be a good catalyst moment for a confession.
“Have you ever thought of me that way? More than what we have now? I’m embarrassed to admit it but...I have on many occasions longed for something more.”
-Levi’s expression softens in a way you haven’t seen before, keeping a hold on your hands as he follows up with you seamlessly.
“If I told you about my fantasies...about the deep need I feel to keep you away from prying eyes and hoping that yours would remain on me despite the others who so badly wish for your hand. Would you still see me in such high regard?”
-Shit he was good. The prying eyes bit was perfect! Now to end it with a bang! You feel Levi pull you by your waist so you are pressed against his chest, eyes looking down at you as if begging for your reply. So you do what you have read in many other books and take his face in your hands.
“Keep me. Forever.”
-You both stay that way for a few seconds before you pull away and let out a giddy squeal, rushing over to your book and writing down the lines that you could remember, gushing about how Levi had just given you the best ending ever.
-What you didn’t see was the poor demon standing there, arms still pretending to hold someone as the spell broke for him slowly. He needed to process just what the hell just happened.
-He had held your hands, touched you, had you close enough that he could feel you against him and you hadn’t even moved away! Levi could still see how warm your hands were on his cheeks and the words that you had said to him were now slowly coming back to him as he remembered his embarrassing replies!
-You jump and turn when you hear a clatter behind you, turning around to see that Levi had fainted and was now slumped against one of his many manga bookshelves, face all red and a dopey smile on his lips as he repeated your words over and over.
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-If you had a writing buddy in Levi, then you got a plot bunny buddy with Satan.
-With the amount of books that he has read and the number of genres he is into, you are surprised that he finds your ideas mildly interesting. They were all just cliches and purely for your enjoyment so when he asked you if he could read some of what you had written you were too shocked to notice that he had already taken the book from your backpack.
“A love story...interesting.”
-You two were in the library, looking for a certain book about black magic casting as well as some examples of ritual circles that you needed to complete for your next assignment. Or rather you were looking for the books, he was just following close behind you as he read your latest entry.
“How are you stuck in this scene?” “Huh?” “How the main character meets the second love interest. It’s pretty obvious.”
-Well excuse you for having writer’s block. You know that he was trying to be helpful but his help always came with some sort of sarcastic twinge that, while endearing during some situations, was incredibly annoying when he was criticizing your writings. You turn back to look at him as you stop at the spot the book was supposed to be in.
“I haven’t necessarily fallen in love with anyone lately, you know! It’s too specific a feeling!”
-Satan’s eyes take in the way you tip-toe to try and reach the book, cursing under your breath as you struggled to get it from the highest shelf. Devildom libraries were notoriously famous for having ridiculously large bookshelves and only a ghost attendant would be able to help you. He looks down at your book and then back at the small scene before smiling as he snaps the book shut.
-Surely a bit of inspiration is all you needed, correct?
-You feel a hand on your lower back, another brushing the hand reaching out for the book and grabbing it for you. Satan smiles as he holds out the book to you.
“Black magic casting...and you needed something about ritual circles, right? It seems the perfect book is right next to you.”
-He ‘accidentally’ brushes your cheek when reaching out for the book behind you, humming for a moment before he puts it back and looks down at you without moving his arm out of the way. Satan had just effectively trapped you in a rather flawlessly executed Kabedon.
“...Satan...the book…” “It wasn’t the right one. Or maybe I just wanted an excuse to get you in this position.”
-Your eyes were shining, the book was pressed right against your chest, he could even see the small blush adorning your face as the situation became quite clear to you. Now he wouldn’t tell you that he had practiced this sort of scenario by himself in his room just in case you ever asked him for help finding a book, better for you to believe that this had all been just a ‘happy’ accident.
“You are looking at me so seriously, MC.” “I know what you are doing.”
-He dares to move closer, his shadow casting over you as if to hide you from prying eyes. If you made the first move, there would be no one stopping him.
“Yeah?” “This would be perfect! A library setting! Gives me a chance to make the character like a cool librarian type!”
-Satan stays silent as you grab the books you need and snatch your notebook from his hand, stating that you were going to check these out immediately and then head home. He turns back to look at the place you were just standing at, the place where you had been completely at his mercy.
-Dammit, he should have blocked the other side too.
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-Asmo was ecstatic when you asked him for his book collection.
-It annoyed him to no end when people thought that the only way he consumed his erotica was through personal experience and porn. In his opinion, after personal experience, the best way to enjoy his usual favourite activity was reading erotica. The descriptions, to get into the thoughts of the inner characters and seeing how they essentially lose their minds to the pleasure. It was thrilling.
-So when you come knocking at his door one night and ask for one of the books you usually catch him reading, he is both excited and curious.
“Which one do you want darling? I have the first volume of ‘Eternal Dom Love’, ‘Baring My Soul to a Demon’, ‘Captive Human’--” “You have anything like...with dirty talk?
-Oh now he is really excited and curious.
-He looks around his small library and pulls out the book he thinks is best for what you desired, holding it out for you to take but pulling it back quickly with a grin. Asmo wasn’t going to just let you walk away after telling him something so interesting~
“I’m a bit possessive about my books, MC~ What are you going to use it for? Recreational reasons?”
-You blush and cover your face with your hands, not really embarrassed for asking but instead embarrassed that you were about to tell him what you were going to do with it. But you steel yourself, you had heard Asmo flirt in the club before and from how quickly his dates had insisted on taking it to a more ‘private’ area, you knew he had the thing that you desperately needed.
“I…” “Yes?” “I’m-trying-to-write-the-prelude-to-a-sex-scene-in-one-of-my-stories-but-I-have-no-idea where-to-start-so-I-need-material!”
-Asmo blinks before grinning as he got in your face, pushing the book into your hands as he asked you what the story was about, who were the characters, had you based them off of anybody and just what kind of sex scene where you planning?
-He had no idea you had that kind of talent, where had you been hiding that all this time?
-You slowly explain the plot to him, getting a bit more into it as you see how much attention Asmo is paying to your every word. Out of all of the brothers you didn’t expect him to be so interested in one of your stories! The scene you have in mind is somewhat clear to you so you try to explain to him just what you think is missing.
“It is a demon and a human. They are clearly not supposed to be doing this. Yet that is--” “What makes it all the more appealing.”
-Asmo had played this out perfectly given the little time he had to work with. The more you talked, the closer he got to you. The closer he got, the more you moved away subconsciously. Your body instinctively wanted to make room for him and give him his space but you let out a small ‘meep’ when the back of your knees hit the side of his hanging chair and you find yourself sitting down as he kneels in front of you.
“They both know that if they take such a intimate step with one another they might not be able to go back to how they used to be before. Everything will change.”
-You nod as Asmo touches your leg, hand moving towards your thigh as he rests his chin on your knees.
“But what is so wrong with change? You said the demon is a charmer so they would want to charm them throughout the whole thing. It would start out slow, teasing even, probably testing out the waters as they see what their human likes and doesn’t like."
-He scoots closer and traces your fingers, the digits wrapped tightly around his book as he continues..
“They would eventually lose control, wouldn’t they? The passion would be too much for them to handle and they both would lose themselves to their lust. Although it wouldn’t be just lust…”
-Asmo looks up to meet your eyes, straightening out as he leans in closer to the point that you are shutting your eyes and leaning in as well--it’s not that you haven’t had experience with kisses but surely the demon of lust’s kiss would spark something inside your head--!
-You open your eyes when you feel the book leaving your hands.
“I changed my mind. I think this would be a much better title for what you are looking for, Sweetie.”
-He holds out your hand for you to stand up and you almost want to ask Solomon to cast some sort of spell that would make you forget everything that happened in these moments. You closed your eyes like some highschooler waiting for their first kiss--you were better than that!
-You thank him and make your way out of his room, running back to yours as fast as you can without noticing Asmo’s mischievous smile as he waved goodbye. It was always good to play the long game~
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-You two had stopped at Madame’s Scream because Beel had complained about being hungry yet again. Besides you both had done rather well on an examination so--why not celebrate?
-You only had a small fizzy drink while Beel had ordered himself something called ‘The Herculean Parfait’, something about it holding 25 scoops of ice cream plus whip cream, nuts and some waffle cones at the bottom. Now the waiter had brought out two spoons but it was clear that Beel would only be needing one.
-This was rather normal for you two, Beel eating his fill while you stared at the blank page of your small notebook. You were trying to write a cute scene with a couple sharing a dessert at a coffee shop where they first met but you were struggling to think of a fluffy scenario.
-Was feeding your partner considered cheesy nowadays? You tap your page twice before looking at Beel. The second spoon remained untouched, some ice cream specks stuck to the shiny, concave surface as the Demon of Gluttony continued his ice cream carnage. You grab the spoon and take some from the side that had yet to be eaten.
“Hey Beel”
-The demon stops eating and looks at you as you hold out the spoon to him, his hunger suddenly stopping as he looks at the sugary contents stacked high on the spoon you were holding out for him.
“Say aah!”
-Beel blinks but doesn’t think twice the moment you give him the command, opening his mouth and eating the sugary confection off the spoon, his smile growing as you let out a small giggle.
“Did it taste good?" “Mmm~!" “I’m glad.”
-He abandoned his own spoon as you scooped up some more, opening his mouth as you kept on feeding him. Beel had no idea what had brought this on or why you were suddenly feeding him. It wasn’t like he was complaining, however. Yes your pace was slow and such a giant parfait would surely melt with how slow you were going but he didn’t care, instead opening his mouth wide as you kept on feeding him.
“So Beel…” “Mmm?" “Does it feel any different when I feed you?”
-Beel frowns when the spoon stops but decides to answer your question so that he could go back to eating. Why would it feel any different? Well, it somewhat did? He didn’t know how to describe it but he does feel a lot fuller than before. He is actually tasting the food as you take your time scooping up some more. He had picked out so many different flavors and he could taste almost every single one.
“I wouldn’t say different...but food certainly tastes better when you give it to me.”
-You immediately stop and put the spoon down, smiling as you start to writing down what Beel had just said. You could essentially build an entire scene around that! What a good idea coming here--
-Your pen stops as you look at Beel, your pen falling from your hands as you see the puppy dog look he was giving you. He looks at your hand and then at the spoon.
“Why did you stop?”
-Beel smiles happily as you go right back to what you were doing, the notebook forgotten as you continue to spoil your demon. You had a feeling that this wouldn’t be the last time you were doing this.
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-Belphie yawned as he cuddled you closer, your hands moving so they would be wrapped around his neck but still holding onto your phone. He closes his eyes and tries to drift off but frowns when he hears your fingers tapping on your screen. He could probably sleep through the sound but he didn’t want to.
“Turn around.” “Huh?” “Just turn around.”
-You do as he says, now pressed against his chest as you continue to type. Belphegor was close to falling asleep, pressing his nose against your shoulder as he breathes you in---
Tap tap tap tap
“Fuck this.”
-He grabs your phone and drops it off the bed, your protests being muffled as he wraps his arms around your neck to pull you close. You tap his arms twice before wiggling out of his hold, sitting up on the bed and looking at him while he glared back at you.
-What did you think you were doing typing away on your phone? Belphegor never really asked you for much but when it was cuddle time it was cuddle time. You weren’t supposed to do anything *but* cuddle during cuddle time so you clearly needed to stop being distracted.
“What do you think you are doing?” “Taking care of your distraction.”
-You both stare at each other as he sits up as well, clearly letting you know that if you were to go and dig for your phone he wasn’t going to let you. At this point, it really was useless to argue with Belphegor. As the youngest, he was used to getting what he wanted with little setback. So you lay back down, ignoring the triumphant smile Belphegor gave you as he went right back to cuddling you.
“I was writing something.” “It can wait till later…”
-Belphegor yawns and wraps his leg around you, ignoring the little ‘hmphs’ you were giving him as well as the words you were muttering to yourself. But what good would it be if you weren’t cuddling up to him as well so he decided to give in as well.
“What were you writing about?”
-Oh this was new. You turn to face him, talking about the scene you were working on. This couple had just had an exhausting day and they were eager to lay in bed together but their work or other responsibilities were keeping them from cuddling at night. You explained how you wanted to describe the exhaustion one was feeling from not having their partner with them.
-The demon of Sloth hummed when you mentioned how tired the character was and speaking up about how he knew how they felt. You chuckle and mention that it seemed that everything made Belphegor exhausted nowadays. He shakes his head, opening his eyes so he could look at you.
“No. I mean that everything gets heavier when you’re not with me.”
-You try to cut it in and ask him what he is talking about but he beats you to it.
“I get more energy when you are around. I actually want to do things aside from sleeping. “Are you saying you like hanging out with me more than sleeping?” “Don’t push it, MC.”
-Both of you laugh, your body cuddling closer to the demon as you yawn. A part of you was still annoyed that Belphegor had shoved your phone to the floor because now would have been a prime time to write that he had just said but as your eyes grew heavier you just hoped that you would remember it by the time you woke up.
-Belphegor opens his eyes once he feels your breathing evening out, smiling as he leans in close and presses a kiss to your forehead.
“You weren’t far off...I do like you more than sleeping...sometimes…”
-He yawns and wraps an arm around your waist. What a good idea it was to lock the door so none of his brothers would bother you two. Your nights were his, after all.
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helaintoloki · 4 years
Hello! May I request Five, along with his s/o (who also has abilities) and Luther meets Five older self to get the briefcase?
a/n: I always struggle when it comes to writing fics based on specific scenes and I think it shows here haha // also I brought back your fave since you guys asked for her so much but this is the only time!!!
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The sudden slam of the door pulls your gaze away from the daisy bush you’d been tending to and up at a disgruntled Five. His eyes are nearly bulging out of their sockets and his hair is drenched from the sweat that coats his face, and it’s with hesitancy that you slowly rise from your crouched position in the same exact moment that Five clenches his jaw with a loud pop.
“Well?” You prod uneasily. “What did he say?”
“We’ve got a deal,” Five swallows harshly. “But that doesn’t mean I trust him.”
“Isn’t... isn’t he you?”
“Exactly,” Five says through clenched teeth, only seeming to further your confusion.
You hadn’t exactly been paying attention when Five explained his plan to find another way home, but you knew it had something to do with finding his older self and something to do with homicidal rage. This didn’t exactly surprise you, and when he asked for your help you accepted without protest, but if you had known just how messy things would get you probably would have given your answer some more thought. Nonetheless, you’re here now, and with a small frown you tuck a daisy into the pocket of Five’s uniform jacket then push back the sweaty strands of hair that stick to his forehead.
The door opens again, and this time it is Luther who emerges with an older man in tow. His eyes meet your own in a glare, weary of your presence and unsure of what business you could possibly have being there right now.
“Who’s the Girl Scout?” He whispers to Luther.
“Actually, she’s kind of your girlfriend-“
“My girlfriend,” your Five corrects through clenched teeth, a pleasant surprise considering the fact that this is the first time he’s ever acknowledged you as his partner. “I don’t really think you’re her type.”
“We better get going,” Luther interrupts with a nervous laugh before the two can truly get into it. “Wouldn’t want to be late, would we?”
The two Fives stare at each other silently before moving, and with a skip in your step you happily follow alongside your anxious boyfriend. He’s extremely on edge and jumpy, everything appears to be a threat to him and he scares various children that pass him by— You’d laugh if the situation weren’t so serious.
“Mind your business!”
“Five, you need to relax. Luther says you can’t get all crazy, remember?” You try to coax him.
“I’m not crazy,” he scoffs with offense. “This is the greatest I’ve ever felt in my entire li- I’ll give you something to stare at!”
“Lord, help me,” you sigh, flinching as Five yells out again, “you wish you could pull off these shorts!”
“You know what, I’m switching with Luther,” you utter in defeat before walking ahead to catch up with the two men in front of you. “Can you handle him because I can’t.”
“Oh, geez,” Luther sighs before leaving you alone with Five’s older counterpart.
“So how do I end up with a hippie like you?” He asks almost condescendingly but you take no offense. This guy seems just as nervous as the one behind you.
“I have powers,” you shrug only for him to look upon you incredulously.
“What kind?” He asks, watching in subtle awe as you grow a tiny dandelion from the palm of your hand. “How’d that happen?”
“I like to think it was all the drugs my mom took while she was pregnant with me,” you answer with a shrug, and it seems to satisfy him for he presses you no further.
“I know you’re planning to double cross him, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t kill my boyfriend,” you say nonchalantly. The Five beside you lets out a bewildered laugh.
“Who said anything about double crossing?”
“I know you,” you explain, “and I know you’re going to try to save your own skin. But I also know that if either of you fucks this up then you’re just going to mess up the timeline.”
“Listen, kid-“
“Y/n, my name’s y/n and you love me in this timeline. You haven’t loved anyone since Delores.”
His eyes soften at the mention of his mannequin counterpart, a moment of weakness that lets you know you’re getting through to him.
“I know it was scary being alone for so long, and I know you’re not a bad person. So could you please just think about it? It would really stink if I never got to meet you. Well, younger you, of course.”
He says nothing as you walk ahead of him and towards the Grassy Knoll, a skip in your step and a flower tucked into the belt of your skirt. It was odd, meeting someone you didn’t know— well, at least not in your lifetime— who seemed to know so much about you. He didn’t like you very much but he could understand why his younger counterpart might have gone soft on you. You were a light in the dark and a beacon of hope during a time of utter disaster.
Behind him, his younger counterpart is on a tangent. With all the conviction in his little body he proclaims himself as a father to his uncomfortable brother, and the act draws unwanted attention from those who pass by. But then he watches as the boy pulls a dainty daisy from his pocket, inhaling the scent deeply as if it’ll ail all of his troubles. And perhaps it helps because it’s from you.
“Daisies,” the old man scoffs, shrugging off his moment of weakness before continuing on his way to the Grassy Knoll.
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theclockworkmonk · 3 years
Out of the Mouths of Babes — Chapter 2
Read on AO3
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Chapter 1 on Tumblr
Prompt: “Uncle Ron said something about Harry knocking Ginny up, but I don’t know what he means,” Teddy said.
"They can't be serious…." Harry muttered in disbelief as he stared down at the very official-looking letter.
"Who's serious about what?" asked Ginny, stepping into their living room.
Harry jumped and quickly tried to hide the letter behind his back. "Nothing!" he squeaked.
He should have known better. Ginny got a mischievous glint in her eye and darted around him, trying to get at the letter. They spent a minute chasing around each other, but eventually Ginny faked him out into tripping over the coffee table, and she quickly snatched the letter out of his hand with a triumphant laugh, making Harry once again wonder if she wouldn't be even better at Seeker.
"Ooooo," Ginny sang dramatically as she saw the emblem at the top of the parchment, "an official statement from the Wizengamot! Have they come up with a new award to bestow on you?"
"No, it's even worse," mumbled Harry.
"Oh, well now I'm very interested," Ginny teased, "am I worthy to take a peek at such official correspondence between such important people?"
"Well, it actually concerns you too, Missy," said Harry, crossing his arms, "so go ahead."
"Hold on, let's see if I can get the right tone." Ginny cleared her throat, pointed her nose in the air, and continued in her haughtiest tone,
"To the esteemed Harry James Potter,
After consideration of your actions to serve and protect the Wizarding World of Great Britain, as well as the recent discovery of your lineage to the Ancient and Noble House of Peverell, previously thought to be lost, it is with great honor and pleasure that we offer to restore your line to its former status by bestowing upon you one of the vacant Lordships!?"
Ginny dropped her character and her mouth gaped open in disbelief. "Along with the accompanying seat on the Wizengamot!" she finished quickly.
She looked up at him with wide eyes, and her face split into a wicked grin and Harry knew he would never hear the end of this.
Harry snatched the parchment back.
"Yeah, so in other words," he began before she could start getting her jokes in, "they're embarrassed by how many of their seats are still empty after half their members were thrown in prison or fled the country for being Death Eater collaborators, so they're once again trying to use me as their poster boy so they can look like they've turned over a new leaf. Except they clearly haven't, since they only deemed me 'worthy' after they found out which dead pure-bloods I'm descended from, so they're still the same navel-gazing, inbred aristocrats they've always been!"
By the time he was finished, he was shouting and he panted to catch his breath.
Ginny, however, still found the whole thing hilarious.
"Oh, it breaks my heart to see Lord Potter so displeased," she bowed low to him with a flourish of her hand. "Let me know if there's anything a lowly peasant like me can do to serve you."
"Yeah, yuck it up, Weasley," said Harry dryly, "Like I said, this affects you too."
She looked back up at him with a sardonic look. "How does your having to sit through long parliamentary bullshit have to do with me?"
"Well," said Harry, stepping toward her, "if I'm a Lord, that means that, if I ever get married one day—"
"Hypothetically speaking," said Ginny.
"Yes, then that hypothetical girl — whoever she might be — would become a Lady."
"Hmmm," hummed Ginny thoughtfully. She wrapped her hands around his neck and he snaked his arms around her waist. "So you think this is relevant to me because you're hoping to make me your Lady? That's mighty presumptive of you, Lord Potter."
"Well, I wouldn't say hoping," lied Harry. "It's just a logical possibility to consider, strictly because you're pure-blood, of course. But I'm still keeping my options open. After all, you know how much of a ladies man I am."
"Yes, of course. But you know…" said Ginny thoughtfully, tracing circles over Harry's chest with her finger, "'Lady Ginevra Potter….does have kind of a nice ring to it."
"Oh, but things would be expected of you, m'Lady," said Harry, "and you would definitely have to stop all that Quidditch nonsense. Such a vulgar and violent activity is beneath a woman of your standing."
"Oh, well, I guess that's settled, we have to break up," Ginny sighed, "We're just a part of two different worlds."
"I'll always remember you," said Harry romantically, "but alas, I must kiss you goodbye."
He bent down and gave her a kiss, then they broke apart as they cracked up into laughter.
"Come on, I'm not going to let anyone call me a Lord," said Harry, rolling his eyes, "and obviously I'm not actually going to sit on the bloody Wizengamot. Those seats are transferable, so I can give it to someone who will actually know what they're doing. My first instinct is your dad, but he probably won't want it either, and they'll do anything to get him off again. Andromeda would probably feel at home there, but could do some good. Or maybe McGonagall."
Ginny groaned. "You can be so boring sometimes, you know that? You have a chance to put Luna in a position of power, that would drive them insane! Oh, or how about Aberforth, that would be hilarious!"
Harry laughed. "We're not all agents of chaos like you, Gin. I swear, sometimes I think you're Eris in disguise."
"Oh, you think I'm a goddess?" Ginny flirted, "then I guess you better worship me."
"Hmmm," Harry kissed her again, but then sighed and pulled back. "Sadly, there's no time for that, we're already running late for dinner at the Burrow."
"Alright, should we go together or do you want to keep up the pretense that we're actually living in different flats?" she asked him pointedly.
He gave a weak, embarrassed smile. "I know it's ridiculous, and I might be a coward, I've just managed to escape your mother's disapproving stare so far in my life, I'd like to keep it that way as long as possible."
Ginny rolled her eyes but led him by the hand out the door of their flat, past the wards they had put up. Harry wrapped an arm around her waist, and turned on the spot, feeling the squeeze of Disapparition.
"Come on!" urged Ron, "I'm hungry!"
"What else is new?" laughed Hermione, as she finished a letter she needed to send and tied it to Pig. After she sent the little owl on his way, she turned around to see her fiance standing by the fireplace, bouncing on his feet like a child on Christmas morning.
"Honestly Ron," said Hermione, shaking her head, "one would think you haven't eaten in a week, and there's no way that your mother even has dinner ready yet."
"Yes, but her pre-dinner scones should be coming out of the oven right now!" said Ron cleverly, "And I might as well have not eaten in a week, don't pretend like I'm the only one who's sick of our sad attempts at cooking."
"Alright, alright!" said Hermione. She joined him by the fireplace, threw some floo powder into the grate, and together they stepped into the green flames.
"THE BURROW!" Ron shouted clearly, and after the spinning sensation and flashes of various fireplaces, they stumbled into the sitting room of Ron's childhood home.
Ron's excited smile faltered when they saw the sitting room completely empty, with no one there to greet them. He recognized the overlapping voices of his family instead coming from the kitchen, and with a rush of horror he feared that his precious scones were already being eaten by an army of Weasleys. He led Hermione by the hand across the room towards the kitchen, and he started to make out individual voices.
"I just don't understand why they haven't told us!" said his mother.
"He probably knows what we're likely to do to him," grumbled Charlie.
"You've been away too long, brother mine," chuckled George, "I guarantee you she's the one keeping it under wraps."
"In any case, we know that pushing the issue will do nothing but make things worse," said Ron's dad gently, "We just have to—"
"Scones ready?" asked Ron loudly as he and Hermione entered the kitchen, and Hermione had to resist the urge to swat him. The conversation he had interrupted seemed interesting, and her suspicions were confirmed (and her curiosity inflamed) when all talk instantly ceased the moment they walked into the room. Six heads snapped towards the arriving couple as Molly, Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Percy, and George widened their eyes in surprise and fear, like they were caught discussing something covert. Hermione also noticed how a few of them (mainly Ron's two oldest brothers) then narrowed their eyes venomously at her and her boyfriend.
While the kitchen of the Burrow was usually one of the warmest, most welcoming rooms in the world to Hermione, she noticed a distinctly cool, tense atmosphere this time. She looked sideways and saw that even Ron had clearly noticed, his eager smile slipping from his face.
There were several seconds of silence as the older family members' eyes all flittered between each other, holding a silent conversation that Ron and Hermione didn't know how to join. Then the loud ding of the kitchen timer made them all jerk suddenly.
"Wow, do I have great timing or what?" said Ron proudly, trying to ease some of the tension in the room, but some of his laughter died in his throat. His stomach didn't let him dwell on it, however, as Molly bent down to take the scones out of the oven, and the sweet, fresh smell filled the kitchen.
After she put the plate of scones on the table, Ron casually flicked a cooling charm over them before grabbing one greedily. The other Weasley men took their own, but they looked more like it was just something to do with their hands. While Ron hummed as he took a big bite, they chewed theirs thoughtfully.
"I should check on the washing," said Molly quietly, without looking at anyone. She grabbed a laundry basket and headed outside towards the clothesline.
"I'll help!" said Hermione cheerfully. She was always happy to help with the chores at the Burrow, but she also wanted to get one of the Weasleys alone to figure out what they had been talking about.
Molly didn't answer and continued outside with Hermione behind her.
"How have you and Arthur been?" asked Hermione pleasantly.
"Well, my days are still dreary, with no children left in the house," Molly sighed. "I knew that children don't stay children forever, but I certainly wasn't expecting my younger ones to hit so many milestones so quickly….and in the wrong order." She finished more quietly
Hermione frowned. Did Molly think she and Ron were getting married too soon? She had never expressed that before, she was overjoyed when they had announced their engagement.
"Er….well, Ron recently got promoted from Junior Auror," said Hermione uncertainly as she began helping Molly take garments off the clothesline and put them in the basket. "He'll be taking more serious cases now." So his career is well on track, if that's what you're worried about.
"I'm touched that you and Ron are willing to indulge that to me!" said Molly sharply
Hermione pursed her lips. Her patience was running out.
She stepped towards her soon-to-be mother-in-law and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Molly…"
For the first time, Molly turned to look at Hermione and the younger woman flinched back at the cold distrust and disapproval she saw in her eyes. Hermione felt a rush of deja vu, and after a short moment she realized where she had seen that look before: it was the same look she had received from Molly her fourth year, when the older witch had believed Rita Skeeter and was under the impression that Hermione was Harry's manipulative girlfriend, breaking his heart by messing around with Viktor.
"Mrs. Weasley...have I done something wrong?" asked Hermione weakly.
Seeing the hurt on Hermione's face, Molly's own harsh expression softened and was replaced with a wave of guilt. Her eyes got watery and her lip trembled, and before Hermione could say anything else she suddenly found herself being hugged tightly.
"No dear, you haven't done anything wrong," said Molly in a choked voice, as Hermione awkwardly patted her back, thoroughly confused. "I'm just being silly. I understand you're not choosing sides, you're just being a good friend."
Molly pulled back, and was smiling weakly at Hermione.
"Er...thank you," said Hermione, more bewildered than ever. "I don't mean to be rude, Molly, but I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."
"Oh no, of course not," Molly winked dramatically, "There's nothing to tell, I'll drop it. Come on, dinner is just about ready."
Before Hermione could insist more strongly that Molly explain what the hell was going on, Molly picked up the now-full laundry basket and returned to the house, leaving Hermione blinking dumbly behind her.
As Hermione followed his mother outside, Ron continued to chew into the warm, buttery scone, barely looking at his surrounding family members, the earlier tension all but forgotten to him.
"So….little Ronnie doesn't come around for dinner as much as he used to," Bill pointed out.
"He and Harry have been burning the candle at both ends at the Ministry," said Percy.
"Hmm-hmm," Ron nodded, engrossed in his scone, not looking up to see the stern looks on his brothers' faces. "More than we need to be, honestly. But because of Harry's saving-people-thing, he's always sure that the next case will end in disaster if the dark wizard isn't caught right now, and of course he would be lost without me, so whenever he's working overtime I am too." He shrugged.
"Oh yes, I think we're all well aware how loyal you are to Harry," Charlie said darkly, "Even over other, older loyalties, as a matter of fact."
"Charlie…." began their dad warningly.
Ron looked back up, and grew uncomfortable again when he saw that all of his family members were looking directly at him. Earlier, he had assumed that the awkward tension in the room was because he and Hermione had interrupted an important conversation, but it seemed to go beyond that, like they were pissed directly at him for something he had done.
"What's going—"
He was interrupted by his mother re-entering the house, holding the laundry with one hand and wiping tears from her eyes with the other. Hermione followed in shortly behind her, and Ron looked pointedly at his mother and gave his fiance a quizzical look, but Hermione just returned a confused, helpless shrug.
"The roast should be almost done now," said Molly happily, and waved her want to send a flurry of plates and cutlery flying to settle in front of where each of the Weasley men were sitting.
"And I'm such a terrible mother, I neglected something," chuckled Molly, and bent down to kiss the crown of Ron's head. "We all missed you, dear."
"Mum…" Ron grumbled awkwardly, but he saw his brothers look at each other with slightly guilty expressions, and as they followed their mother's lead, the atmosphere of the room became friendlier.
Charlie drew in a deep breath and sighed. "I need a drink."
"Excellent idea!" pipped George. He waved his wand and summoned a large bottle of firewhiskey from the cabinet along with several glasses, which zoomed right past Molly's face, causing her to jump and shriek.
"For the last time, only the cook can summon in the kitchen!" Molly scolded him, "I won't have this room devolve in complete chaos of flying objects until someone gets a concussion!"
"And I know you don't always act like it, but you are all of age," said Arthur, raising his eyebrows at George pouring several glasses of whiskey, "so I see no reason why you can't bring your own drinking supplies instead of raiding mine."
Molly huffed. "Well maybe it will be best if we stopped keeping that poison in the house—"
She stopped abruptly as they heard a faint pop from outside, coming from down the pathway, and Ron knew that Harry and Ginny must have arrived. Instead of beaming and rushing out into the garden to greet her two favorite children, however, Ron saw his mother gasp and a bit of the color drain from her face. His family members all looked at each other with that same expression he first saw when he came into the room.
Charlie gave a low growl and picked up a glass. "Yup. Definitely need a drink."
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mammonshuman92 · 3 years
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Mammon & GN!MC
** TW: Stalking, cussing, religion (ish? I guess?)
| part two | | part three |
It’s been nearly 6 months since you left the Devildom. You picked up where you had left off in the human world: college, work, home, repeat. Sure, you missed your family while you were away, but now your heart aches almost constantly for the new family you loved so much, that you had to leave behind. (Not that you really had a choice in the matter.)
 As much as it hurt to leave the brothers, Diavolo was right. Establishing harmony and unity with the three realms won’t go over too well if one of the human representatives doesn’t go back to the human world, now will it? Still, it sucks. Life is so boring without all of them.
And quiet.
It’s not like you don’t talk though. Yeah, Diavolo has that rule in place where they have to take turns talking to you because “human’s lives are short” and they were “taking up too much of your time”, but that’s not really going to stop them, is it?
Well kinda, actually.
You can’t really argue with a direct order from the demon lord, after all.
Is it Asmo's day to call? You thought to yourself, trying to remember (not that you ever could) the schedule Lucifer came up with. Your own schedule was hard enough to remember.
You had been picking up extra shifts at work and staying late to study at school when you could. Finding any reason to stay busy or get out of the house. The deafening silence was too much to bear.
"I wonder when I can go visit? I should call Diavolo.." you said to yourself quietly.
You were walking home from your shift at the coffee shop near campus. The sun was just starting to set and the air was slightly crisp, causing you to pull your jacket a little tighter.
If it weren't for the brilliant pinks and warm oranges cast on the sky by the setting sun, it would've felt like a regular night in the Devildom. Memories of your last few days spent there came flooding back, bringing the sadness along with them.
In just one year, you had gotten so close to everyone, but you had gotten especially close to Mammon. He was responsible for you in the beginning of course, but the connection was undeniable (no matter how much he did deny it). He was a total simp for you, and you for him. It was rather cringey to everyone else. He could be a handful at times, but that tsundere really is a great boyfriend. Leaving him behind was... well, there's no words for it.
Rounding the corner, you could see your house perfectly. Now that the sun had gone down a bit more, it was getting darker and you were suddenly thankful that you remembered to turn on the porch light before you left.
You pulled your keys from your jacket pocket while climbing the few steps to your front door, and something caught your eye. Your stomach dropped.
Not again..
You plucked the folded piece of paper that was stuck in the screen door and quickly made your way inside, locking the door behind you.With a heavy sigh, you tossed your keys on the table by the door and dropped your bag on the floor beside you. You immediately went to shower and change not giving the paper a second thought.
Not everyone in the human world agreed with the Devildom exchange student program. After you and Solomon had arrived in the Devildom, there were numerous protests by a group much like the Westboro lunatics. They were without a doubt against the program and called for it’s immediate termination. Thankfully, their personal hatred was no match for the opportunity for the realms to find peace.
 When you had returned, you noticed people whispering about you, calling you names and giving you dirty looks. You've even received quite a few pieces of hate mail. Granted, the people opposed to the program were very small in numbers, even if it didn’t seem that way. It didn't bother you though. Demons ended up being some of the most important people to you. Not to mention you were kinda in love with one of them. People could say what they wanted about the Devildom and about you, their words didn't bother you.
You were still towel drying your hair when your phone rang. Tossing the towel, you rushed to the living room to fish it out of your bag, Asmo's face popping up on the caller ID. You were right, it was Asmo’s night. You were secretly hoping it was a certain greedy demon’s turn to call (not that he doesn’t text you almost constantly.)
Asmo was the same as usual. Talking animatedly about this and that, gushing over new beauty products and outfits, filling you in on all the gossip you were missing. While he was rambling, your eyes fell onto the paper that was in your door. Might as well look at the newest piece of hate mail, right? 
You began unfolding the paper, quickly giving Asmo an “omg!” about the gossip he was dishing (even though you hadn’t been paying attention.)
Upon seeing the contents, all the color drained from your face. You were sure your heart sank into your stomach, but you could hear the rapid beating in your ears. You suddenly felt hot, and the air around you seemed thick.
Then the adrenaline kicked in.
With shaky hands, you quickly checked the front door making sure it was locked, and headed to the back door to do the same. You rushed around checking the windows and pulling all the curtains closed. Everything seemed fine, nothing out of the ordinary. Still, that didn’t settle your nerves any.
“MC, dear? Did you hear me?” The sound of Asmo’s voice brought you out of your frantic state.
“Huh? S-sorry Asmo. I guess I s-spaced out.” You tried your best to keep your tone normal and steady your breathing, as to not alert him to anything. You really should give him more credit, though.
“MC? Is everything alright?” His tone was different, no longer playful and flirty. You could hear the concern.
“Yeah, I’m fine. More hate mail is all. No biggie.” You lied. Maybe he would believe it..
There was a pause on his end, “You’re STILL getting it? Don’t they have anything better to do?” Good, he bought it. For now, anyway.
After about 10 more minutes Asmo said his goodbyes, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
This piece hate mail turned out to be something much worse than the run of the mill stuff you usually received. Inside there were pictures. Of you. At work, at school, the grocery store, ...outside your house. There was also a newspaper clipping that had a picture of you and your family, from when your parents first opened their bakery a few years back. There were red ‘Xs’ marked through everyone’s faces...
The only words scrawled inside read, “I’ve been watching you. You will pay for what you’ve done, whore. And don’t even think about telling your demon fuck buddies. I know everything about you and your family. It’d be a shame if anything happened to poor old Mom and Dad because their child is an unholy slut.”
You read it over and over, tears streaking your cheeks. Hate mail was nothing new, but now this? A stalker? 
Maybe I’m just over thinking it. The other hate mail was spicy too. But these pictures... There is NO way I’m over thinking this..
“Regardless, I can’t tell the brothers.” You shuddered at what their reaction would be like. It would definitely make all of Diavolo’s hard work on the exchange program obsolete. It wouldn’t be good for any of the three realms. There was still a long way to go, but the program was a giant step in the right direction to obtaining peace and understanding. If dealing with some backlash and hate mail could help get closer to that goal, then for the sake of the greater could, you could handle it.
“For now, I will bear this burden myself.”
- {3 weeks later} -
“Are you okay?”
The simple question nearly made you squeak and nearly jump out of your skin. You turn and meet the worried gaze of your lab partner. You weren’t super close with her, so you knew your current state had to be bad if she was picking up on it.
God, do I really look that bad? You got a good look at yourself this morning, and yeah, you absolutely look that bad. But then again, you haven’t really slept in a few weeks. You had gigantic purple eye bags, your hair looked like a family of birds took up residence in it. Your skin was pale and lifeless, and you began skin picking at your nails due to the anxiety. You’d even lost about twenty pounds.
“Sorry, I guess I was spacing out.”
“It’s alright. It’s just- no offense, but you look awful. Have you been sleeping?” She asked, eyes scanning your face.
“Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Promise.” You lied. She nodded and gave you a weak smile, dropping the subject for now.
You hadn’t really been paying attention to class today. Well, for the last several days, really. You’ve been putting in less effort for a lot of things lately. You’ve been slacking off bad at school and barely keeping up at work. Not to mention you never sleep anymore. How can you though?
You left class early and although it was still early in the day, you decided to skip the rest of your lectures for the day. You’ve always been a fantastic student, so taking a day off wouldn’t really hurt anything. And seeing as today was Thursday, you didn’t even have work today. Same as every week.
 Upon arriving home, you were relieved to see that there weren’t any notes left for you. Yet, anyway.
Ever since the first letter a few weeks ago, they’ve been showing up constantly. Only a few times the first week or so, but now you get at least one every single day. They’re also increasing in severity. The sender seems to be becoming more and more unhinged with every passing day.
“Dirty demon whore!!”
“You’re a HUMAN!! How dare you taint your body with demons!”
“I will cleanse you and make you pure again.”
There was so, so much more. All of it growing more and more explicit with each letter.
The whole thing was taking a huge tool on you, but what could you do? Your family’s safety was on the line. You so badly wanted to tell Mammon of even the cops, but you couldn’t live with yourself if anything bad were to happen. Whatever this psycho had planned, you would gladly put yourself in the line of fire to save those closest to you.
The whole situation has also affected your relationship with Mammon and the rest of the brothers as well. At first, you tried to hide what was happening, but they started getting suspicious and asking questions. Always wondering why you sounded so tired and why you kept cutting their phone calls super short. You always rejected their face time requests, knowing that your drastic change in appearance would be alarming and alert them that something was wrong. Lately, you’ve barely talked to any of them. Especially Mammon. He’d be the first to figure out something was wrong with you and come here ready to fight.
That honestly didn’t sound too bad. You wanted nothing more than for him to hold you while you ugly cried. Breathing in his scent while he rubbed soothing circles on your back.
Your heart started to ache.
When you got home you decided to take a nice, hot shower to hopefully help ease some of your tension and possibly begin to get a handle on your quickly deteriorating self care status.
Once you felt somewhat normal again, you put on your comfiest pj’s (which included one of Mammon’s shirts) and plopped yourself on your bed in the fetal position. It was the only thing that kinda helped ease a tiny bit of the feeling that everything was spiraling out of control. The warm scent of your most favorite demon helped calm you.
*bzzz* *bzzz* *bzzz*
Damn. I almost fell asleep..
You sat up, rubbing your eyes and reached for your D.D.D. on your nightstand. The called ID made your heart rate accelerate and your palms sweaty.
It’s him.
“Mammon..? I thought it was Beel’s turn to call?”
“I don’t care about Lucifer’s stupid schedule. I need to talk to ya.” His tone made him sound like he was on edge.
“Oh, ok. What’s up?”
He scoffed, “Really? You’ve barely messaged me back in three days. The last time I called, ya hung up after five minutes.”
“Oh. I’m sorry, I’ve just been busy.” Every lie helps break your heart just a little more. 
“You’ve never been too busy before. Besides, shouldn’t ya be in a class right now or somethin’? It ain’t even noon.”
“I left class early and I’m skipping the rest of the day.” You explained.
“..Hmm.” He replied, you could detect suspicion in his response.
It was quiet on his end for a moment.
“..Do ya got another boyfriend? Cause The Great Mammon is definitely better! And-and, I’ll kick their ass!”
“What? Mammon, no. One boyfriend is almost more than I can handle.”
“Wha- hey!”
For the first time in who knows when, you actually giggled. It felt so good.
“So, you swear nothin’ is wrong? You’ve been actin’ so weird.” His voice was heavy with concern.
“Yeah, I swear.” Lie.
As good as it felt to talk to him, you needed to end the call before he ended up dragging the truth out of you. If any one could figure out what was wrong with you, it’d be him. The two of you had spent so much time together, that you can practically read each other like a book.
“I gotta go, ok? I have work later and I need to get ready.” Lie. But, you needed to get off the phone with him before he suspects anything.
“Yeah, sure.” He sounded so defeated. You could almost hear him pouting.
After a quicker goodbye than you usually have when getting off the phone with Mammon, you fell back onto your bed with a heavy sigh.
That was a little rough, but he seemed to believe it. I hope this will all be over soon.
With that, you quickly fell asleep, lulled by the memory of your demon’s voice. Although you wouldn’t sleep long, at least you got to fall asleep to the thought of him.
*bzzz* *bzzz* *bzzz*
Geez, are ya gonna answer or not? Ya always pick up on the second ring when I call ya.., Mammon thought.
Finally, on the sixth ring, “Mammon..? I thought it was Beel’s turn to call?”
Man, hearing your voice is like music.
“I don’t care about Lucifer’s stupid schedule. I need to talk to ya.” His tone made him sound a little rougher than intended, but it was all the same. He needed to hear you voice.
“Oh, ok. What’s up?”
He scoffed, “Really? You’ve barely messaged me back in three days. The last time I called, ya hung up after five minutes.”
I miss ya like crazy. Ya keep avoiding me..
“Oh. I’m sorry, I’ve just been busy.” 
Huh? But, MC is always busy doing somethin’ and it never stopped em’ before..
He started getting an uneasy feeling deep in his stomach. He could tell something was off, but he just didn’t know what it was.
Is it ...someone else? Nah, MC wouldn’t do that. ...Right??
“You’ve never been too busy before. Besides, shouldn’t ya be in a class right now or somethin’? It ain’t even noon.” He didn’t try to hide the pout, that he knew you could hear, in his voice. His own thoughts were beginning to hurt his feelings.
“I left class early and I’m skipping the rest of the day.” MC explained.
“..Hmm.” He hummed. Thoughts started swirling around in his head.
MC never skips school, not even at RAD. Somethin’ is definitely going on. And what’s with the short answers? MC always talks like crazy. Maybe they’re mad at me?
It was quiet for a moment while he tried to sort through his thoughts.
“MC?” He asked, finally breaking the silence.
“..D-do ya got another boyfriend? Cause The Great Mammon is definitely better! And-and, I’ll kick their ass!”
“What? Mammon, no. One boyfriend is almost more than I can handle.”
“Wha- hey!” You giggled at his response. It was small, but he heard it. It made his heart swim.
All joking aside, he did believe you. Something was definitely not right with you though.
“So, you swear nothin’ is wrong? You’ve been actin’ so weird.” His voice was heavy with concern.
“Yeah, I swear.” Those three words caused his heart to sink.
That was a lie.. MC only says ‘I swear’ while tryin’ to act like somethin’ ain’t wrong..
He pushed his thoughts aside for the time being and continued the conversation. It only lasted a few more minutes before you started saying your goodbyes. Again, cutting the call short.
“I gotta go, ok? I have work later and I need to get ready.” 
Hmm. Why does that seem weird?
“Yeah, sure.” He sounded so defeated.
There was, without a doubt in his mind, something going on. Something that would make you lie to him..
One way or another, he was going to find out.
“Mammon? Are you alright?”
Mammon was sprawled out on the couch in the common room. After talking to you, he was lost in his thoughts and feeling rather down. Beel passed by the common room on his was back from the kitchen when he saw his older brother. Noticing that he looked sad, Beel went to investigate.
Mammon looked up to meet Bee’s concerned gaze and with a sigh, he sat up.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Mammon said, as he stood up to leave. Beel could tell he was obviously lying, but decided not to press the issue.
Mammon stopped a few paces away from Beel, and turned back around to face him.
“Hey, Beel. Was MC actin’, I don’t know, “off”, the last time ya talked to em’?” He asked the sixth born, thinking maybe you had accidentally let something slip.
Beel’s face seemed to twist up a little bit, and he nodded.
“Yeah, kind of. MC used to sound excited when I called, but now they hardly talk at all. And they used to send me pictures of the food they were eating and new recipes, at least twice a day, but it’s been about two weeks since the last one they sent.” He explained, sadness in his voice. While in the Devildom, you were his favorite person to eat with.
Mammon nodded at his brother, getting lost in his thoughts again.
So, it’s not just me. MC is actin’ strange with Beel too..
Neither of them had paid been paying enough attention to see Asmo enter the room.
“Mammon, there you are. I’m going out, and I need my new bag from Majolish. The one I let you borrow. And i swear, if you sold it-” Asmo stopped mid sentence when he noticed the sad state two of his brothers.
“Is it about MC?” He asked, nonchalaunt.
Mammon’s head snapped toward his brother.
“What do you mean? Did they say somethin’ to ya?” Mammon asked quickly, taking a few steps closer to his brother.
MC and Asmo always gossip with each other, so maybe they’d tell him somethin’..
“Calm down. MC really hasn’t talked to me much in the last month. I’m so hurt! Who else am I going to talk beauty products with? Lucifer? Goodness, no.”
“Asmo!” Mammon said loudly, trying to get the fifth born back on track.
“Oh, right. Let’s see.” He put a finger to his chin and thought about it. “Hmm. The only thing I can think of was during the last normal conversation I had with them. They said something about receiving a piece of hate mail. They said it was no big deal, but I distinctly remember MC seemed flustered by it. Which I thought was weird, considering it’s definitely not the first one they’d received..” Asmo explained.
Hate mail? MC has only mentioned it to me a couple times. Do they really get it that often..?
“How long ago was that?” Mammon asked. He felt like he was on the brink of something. Just a few more puzzle pieces..
“Hmm, it was right before MC started acting distant toward me. So, about three or four weeks, maybe.” Asmo explained. That’s around the time you had started acting weird with Mammon too.
“So, maybe something happened to MC.” Beel suggested.
“No, MC would tell us. ..Right?” Asmo questioned.
Mammon was so confused.
What is goin’ on with you, MC?
After talking with his brothers, Mammon holed himself up in his room. He didn’t really want to be around anyone at the moment. His thoughts were driving him crazy and giving him a headache. What was he not seeing? What piece of the puzzle was he missing?
He started going over your last conversation again, for the millionth time, looking for any kind of clue. But, you seemed normal. Well, your new normal, anyway. Distant, short answers, not giving too much to the conversation. What were you hiding?
It was something about the end of your conversation, but what was it?
He remembered your small giggle. The memory caused a smile to break out across his face. It gave him a tiny bit of hope that you were still there. That you still loved him. That whatever was troubling you, wasn’t making you forget them completely.
It was after that though. You had said “I swear”, which was a red flag, considering you only say it when you’re trying to convince him you’re ok when you’re really not.
He sighed, and rolled over on his bed. He looked at the alarm clock on his night stand, numbers glowing an angry red.
MC is probably at work right now..
Something caught his eye.
Today is Thursday... MC never works on Thursday. I guess the schedule coulda changed. No, cause MC specifically requested to always have that day off for some reason. Delivery day at their family’s bakery, I think. ...MC lied, again..
Then it hit him.
The small little lies. Avoiding all of them, even him for weeks now. Barely talking when you do answer the phone. The way you always sounded so tired and out of it.
It had something to do with what Asmo said about the hate mail.
“Hmm. The only thing I can think of was during the last normal conversation I had with them. They said something about receiving a piece of hate mail. They said it was no big deal, but I distinctly remember MC seemed flustered by it. Which I thought was weird, considering it’s definitely not the first one they’d received..”
Mammon didn’t even know that you’d been receiving that much hate mail. Sure, you’d told him about it a couple times, but he didn’t think it was that bad. Maybe it was actually pretty serious. Is that why you’d been so distant.
Mammon got up from his bed, and began pacing around the room. He almost had it figured out, he could feel it.
Asmo said MC seemed flustered, so it had to have somethin’ to do with the hate mail they received that day, since after that is when MC started actin’ weird.What if it’s somethin’ bad. Like, bad bad. 
He stopped pacing.
The thought of MC being in danger was...
Mammon grabbed his jacket, where it was thrown onto the pool table and left his room in a hurry. He was on his way to Lucifer’s study, mentally preparing himself on the way. He was sure he knew what his brother’s answer would be, but he wasn’t going to just sit here. He needed to know that you were, in fact alright, with his own eyes.
I’m going to the human world. Whether Lucifer allows it or not.
| part two | | part three |
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mageofseven · 4 years
Brothers react to MC who has been running on little to no sleep and coffee for days but keeps saying they’re fine and not about to collapse
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Decided to put these together since their prompts are pretty similar.
Also, Belphie's section kinda took it's own turn 😅 it's not bad, simply went heavier on the nightmare aspect of the one ask and doesn't really have much in the way of the caffeine or sleeplessness, but I hope you like it nonetheless~
Not the habit of his that he wished them to mimick, if he's honest.
Is very worried about their health, both physical and emotional.
Confiscates the rest of their energy drinks and refuses to let them attend RAD the next few days so they can stay home and sleep.
Any arguements on the matter fall on deaf ears
And if they try the pull the "You do it too!" card since he often uses caffeine to get him through sleepless nights of work, he will remind them that he is a demon and his body can take a lot more strain than theirs.
Stays home with them to make sure they sleep; after all, he has been tasked with keeping them healthy just as much as he has with their physical safety.
Catches them trying to work on homework in their room on the first day and all but carries them to his room.
Makes them sleep in his bed while he does paperwork at his desk.
Whenever he'd hear them whimper in their sleep, he'd wake them and help calm them.
Has to do this a lot over the course of the next few days and becomes even more concerned.
Eventually asks if something is bothering his Love that is fueling these nightmares
And if they'd rather not talk to him about it, he offers to help them get in touch with a therapist that they can talk to.
Ends up setting the human on a better track physically, but acknowledges that their emotional wellbeing is more difficult and more so depends on what they are willing to do for themselves than anything he can do for them.
Oh lord, they got this boy worried.
Not that he will straight up tell them, but still.
Gets Lucifer to let the two of them skip school for a few days to try fix them up (normally this would be a hard no from the oldest, but even he noticed how sleep deprived the human was and knew that it was necessary to fix their sleep schedule and have them rest).
Mammon was the only one that knew about his Human's nightmares though and honestly, he wasn't sure how to handle that part.
Step one! Put down the Monster, human!
Step two! He's dragging them to his bed and they are staying put till they fall asleep!
After that...the Avatar of Greed has no clue what to do.
The man lays down with them and relaxes them enough to fall asleep.
He stayed by them, just in case. He tried laying in bed with them, but eventually the man got uncomfortable so he switched to walking around the room or sitting on the couch. He avoided leaving the room or doing anything too loud though.
When he first noticed their cries from the bed, the man dropped his phone on the couch before rushing over.
He hovered over the bed for a minute. Should he wake them? Is it better to let them them sleep through it?
But as MC let out another whimper, the man knew he couldn't just do nothing.
"Oi! Babe!"
The human woke with a start and clung to their boyfriend before they were even aware of it.
Mammon sat on the bed and let his Human lean against him and cry. He didn't really know what to say so he just stroked their hair awkwardly as they cried.
"Was it the same dream?" He mumbled once they calmed down.
Silence. How was he suppose to help if they didn't wanna talk about it?
"I'm sorry..." MC whispered.
"Don't be sorry, babe; just talk to me 'ere."
MC tugged at him so the two of them could lay back down together.
"I don't wanna think about it..."
The second brother shut up at that, feeling like an ass for pushing them. Of course, MC didn't see it that way though; they knew he was just worried.
Mammon stayed in bed with them this time, not leaving their side even once after they fell back asleep.
After about a week of focusing on sleep, MC gets better physically, but the nightmares were still an issue.
It helped having Mammon close to them though so they were at least less frequent. The demon still has no clue what they keep dreaming about that scares them so much, but his Human feels safer with him there so that's something.
MC tried really hard to hide their issue from him so he didn't worry
But of course, the third brother isn't blind and eventually noticed the extreme caffeine intake and lack of brain power
Leading him to ask questions and finally make his Henry admit they've been avoiding sleep for the last few days because of some really bad nightmares.
Immediately blames himself. The Avatar of Envy falls into a pit of self hatred, telling himself he should know this stuff and that MC kept this from his because they think he's weak and worthless and--
Yeah. MC has to spend time and what literally energy they have assuring him that none of that is true.
It was a Friday evening so no school to miss. Instead, Levi gets MC to go to sleep early
Which they agreed...as long as they could sleep with him.
Cue the blushing. The couple had yet to actually sleep in the same bed together yet or in the case of his room, the same bathtub.
Didn't really feel he could say no though with his Henry needing him so badly though.
MC could feel their boyfriend's heart pounding from nervousness as they curled up in the tub together; it didn't really calm down till the human fell asleep and Levi heard their soft breathing. It was actually pretty calming.
Not enough for him to fall asleep though. I mean, this boy usually stays up all night playing video games.
Ends up playing a game on his phone with the volume muted.
Eventually feels MC pressing up against him in their sleep and crying into his shoulder.
The boy freezes.
What was he suppose to do?! Does he wake them?? But they need sleep! But they're having a nightmare! Gaaah
The demon debated this for a few minutes before finally shaking them awake.
Even when they awoke, MC still cried against him.
Surprisingly enough though, the human was willing talk about their dream.
The nightmare they kept having...was about about him leaving them??
The envy demon's brain was stuck on buffering...what did he just hear?
The man didn't even feel like he deserved them, but some part of them was actually afraid he'd break up with them?
Dude couldn't even wrap his head around it, if he's honest.
"That'd never happen... I'm not dumb or anything, Normie..."
Though he doesn't like that they've worried about this so much that started having nightmares about it...their boyfriend is also kinda relieved because of them? Like, the bad dreams are proof that they actually love him just as much as he loves them, despite his self esteem (or lack of) always trying to tell him otherwise.
Caught onto things pretty quickly and tried to simply ask them to go to sleep at a reasonable time that night
Just to discover the next day that they had lied to him and stayed up all night doing school work.
Annoyed, the blonde becomes a lot firmer with them. No more caffeine.
Once the human started to crash, Satan led to his room and had them sleep in his bed.
"I don't want to...dream it again."
"What is it that you keep dreaming, Kitten?" He asked, eyebrows raised
But they had already fallen alseep.
Concerned, the blonde stayed right next to them, sitting on the bed and reading a book while his other hand on top of theirs as they slept.
At some point during the night when Satan was ready to go to sleep as well, he felt the human's body suddenly tense up and their breathing became heavier.
He got up to put his book back on the shelf and MC almost instantly cried out in their sleep.
He dropped his book down on a randomly pile before sitting back down, calling out to his Kitten and shaking their shoulder.
The human woke up and found themselves clinging to his leg.
Satan stroked their hair.
"Shh. It's okay, Kitten; you're alright."
When the human calmed down, he discovered that they have been having the same dream the last few nights--or they believe it to be the same dream. They always forget it once they wake up, but it always makes their heart race and they just cry till feel empty inside, like they are not even inside their own body, but hovering outside of it.
He could feel it, how disconnected they had now become from themself, the world, even him. They were with him yet not.
The next few nights, he runs different magical tests on them to see if he can find the source of these strange nightmares that seemingly force themself out of their own body.
He will get answers. Satan cannot leave his sweet Kitten with this issue.
One of the few brothers that MC never tried to hide their problem from, though partially because they usually sleeps in his bedroom so Azzy was woken up by their thrashing and cries from the nightmare a few nights before they tried to use caffeine and sleeplessness to fix their problem.
Keyword here is tried; their boyfriend refused to let them do this to themselves. He knew better than most how important sleep was for a person's health and beauty and wasn't about to let the human sabotage themselves.
Ends up lighting a calming incense and massaging their back and shoulders before launching into a talk session. What's the dream about? Has anything been making you stressed lately? Azzy needs to hear all of it.
Finds out that they've been dreaming about...well, their past with their family in the human world. Some bad memories that get twisted into something even worse in the dreams.
"Doll..." Asmo, still sitting behind them from the massage, wraps his arms around their waist and kisses their neck then cheek.
Has mega long vent session about their family in the human world. Asmo lost some precious beauty sleep, but it was worth it because when the two finally went to sleep, MC didn't have a single nightmare that night nor the next few nights after.
As long as the human vented every once in a while instead of bottling it up, his Dolly was able to sleep with no issues.
Another one MC shared a bed with and knew about their nightmares.
In all honesty, I just can't imagine MC trying to hide anything from him and make it far enough to even have the caffeine and sleepless night issue.
Beely is simply too caring and observant. He's also someone I'd personally have trouble lying to since he's so sweet and I think many others would feel the same.
Instead, the big guy would comfort them each night, waking them from their nightmare and hold them close for a while before asking if they want some water or snack.
He'd listen to his Muffin talk about their the nightmare if they comfortable with it and promise them that regardless of what the dream was about that they're safe with him.
Would probably go to Satan and ask what he knows about the topic and if there's anything he can do to help stop MC's nightmares.
The poor guys just never wants his Muffin to feel scared or unsafe, even in their sleep 😔
Another brother they never lied to about it, but honestly, only because MC was never given the chance to.
I mean really, how do you hide sleep and dream issues from the freaking Avatar of Sloth?
The very first night they had the nightmare, Belphie was woken up by some of their thrashing and cries.
Instead of waking them up however, the demon used his powers to slip into their dream to see what was causing them to break down so hard in their sleep
And didn't like the answer he found.
When he peaked into their dream...he discovered that it was about that night. About the Incident™️.
He watched another version of himself with his hand wrapped his Human's throat, killing them all over again.
Honestly, the sloth demon isn't when he did it, but found his real self materialized in the dream and on top of his dream version, beating down on the fake him and eventually choking him till the fake simply disappeared in a puff of smoke.
MC was on the ground, regaining their breath as they watched the two Belphies fight. When the fight was over and the remaining Belphie was alone on the floor, crying angry and frustrated tears, the human got up and rushed over to him.
Belphie pushed them away, avoiding their hug.
"Dummy. You shouldn't try to comfort me. I haven't even told you this is a dream yet..."
MC had no way of knowing what was happening then was a dream so from their point of view in this small memory turned dream, Belphie was nothing more than a copy of the man who tried to kill them, but they still felt the need to comfort him...
Devil, he didn't understand them. Not in this moment in the dream or in the waking world. This human... after everything, how can they care about him? How can they love him?
And with that, Belphie made them wake up and the two were back in the real attic, curled up in bed.
The man sat up and scooted over to the edge of the bed, feet on the floor and head in his hands.
It took the human a few moments to adjust to what just happened, but eventually they wiped a few tears away and scooted behind him, hugging their boyfriend from behind.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't. You didn't do anything wrong, Butthead..."
Man, what's wrong with them? Belphie just didn't understand them. His brain was stuck on a loop with that thought.
"Belphie, I know you're different. You're not the same now as you were that night."
"Yeah, but I still did it," He raised his head and turned around to face him. "And don't pretend that it doesn't matter anymore because you wouldn't being having a nightmare about it if it didn't matter."
Their boyfriend had a point. The Incident™️...it was a traumatic experience for them. I mean, they died. Yet because MC forgives him and has fallen for him, they try to so hard to downplay it so they won't hurt him, but in truth, all it does is drive the seventh brother crazy.
"...You're right. It does matter." MC said softly. "But not as much as you matter to me."
MC took his hand and squeezed it.
"I love you... I don't want you hurt over this anymore."
"What, like it's okay that you hurt over?" Belphie took his hand back and stared intensely at them. "Promise me. Promise you won't keep downplaying this and you'll let me...shit, I don't know. Do anything you need."
"I..." MC lowered their head. "Okay."
Belphie pulled his Human into a hug.
"I love you, Butthead." He mumbled. "Don't ever try putting me before your own feelings or even your mental health. I'm not worth that..."
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thechangeling · 4 years
Kit reflects on his life and his sexual orientation. I guess this is kind of a character study peice but also partly headcanon.
Ok so massive trigger warnings for internalized homophobia and biphobia. Also a 2012 definition and understanding of bisexuality and gender sk sorry about that but I wanted to be accurate to the time period.
I still have a lot of internalized homophobia even in the year of our lord 2021 so I wanted to work through it in my writing I guess.
"I think you're only fighting for the sake of fighting. Because it's the only state in which you can function. The only way to stop that voice in your head from driving you insane. The one telling you that you should be ashamed of yourself for having loved him."
- Black Sails: Season 2 Episide 5
Kit could remember the first time he felt it as clear as day. The first time he felt that twinge at the pit of his stomach after being reprimanded for talking about his crush on a boy. The inward cringe that followed. That disgust others showed him, reflected back onto himself.
Self loathing became as easy as breathing at such a young age.
He could distinctly remember being in mundane first grade and being asked by a loud girl with light blond hair and crystal blue eyes who he had a crush on. Kit had seen no reason to lie at the time. He had told the girl that he had two crushes. One on a girl in their class who was shy and asocial (he had always had a thing for nerds apparently) with her jet black hair that was always full of hello kitty clips, and another on a boy in a different class who was blond like him with a round face and a giant friendly smile that Kit loved to stare at.
At the time he had no real sense of the seriousness of what he was saying. No sense that he was breaking an unspoken rule in the eyes of his classmates. But Kit would never forget the look on the girls face. The eyes that narrowed in distain, the curled lip and the way her nose crinkled in disgust as she she said, "boys arent supposed to have crushes on boys. That's gross." And the cackling laughter of his classmates surrounding him.
And the feeling that followed, the one that would become as familiar and easy as breathing.
That pinch in his gut and the way his blood went cold like someone had just injected him with antifreeze. And then the sinking in his chest accompanied by the realization that he had done something terrible. Kit realized that day that he could never make that same mistake again. So after that day he vowed never to talk about his interest in boys ever again.
The first time he heard the word gay he was eight and it was as an insult. It wasn't directed at him but it still felt like it was. He learned to make the connection between the word and disgust and contempt. But as he grew older he became relieved, because he knew he liked girls. He had always thought they were pretty with their soft skin and nice smelling hair. This meant he wasn't gay so he was safe. He convinced himself that he had just been confused before when he was younger.
So he grew up pushing those feelings to the side and telling himself convincing lies over and over until he finally believed it, and Johnny Rook made it easy. Kit was often so preoccupied with running cons and keeping a low profile that he didn't have much time for self reflection. When he found his gaze wandering, he told himself he was just being curious or suspicious or just appreciating an attractive guy from a purely aesthetic point of view and there was absolutely nothing else to it. He kissed pretty girls whenever he had the chance and enjoyed it and relished in the fact that this meant he was safe.
From an outside perspective it may have looked like Kit Herondale was losing control of the situation.
Maybe they were right.
Tiberius Nero Blackthorn felt like a giant fuck you from the universe for believing that he could ever escape this. Or maybe he was a test. But whatever Ty was, it was a little hard to care when he was animatedly explaining the reproductive cycle of a starfish and beaming at Kit with his rare carefree smile that made Kit feel like he was drowning in bliss.
And despite everything. Despite Kit's fear, it made him want to smile too. The urge to reach out and touch Ty was like a burning in his veins, accompanied by the foolish belief that if Kit could just run his fingers through Ty's matted black hair or press his forehead against his, then everything would be alright.
Kit wasn't sure if he should be grateful or furious.
"How beautiful" had been his first thought upon seeing him. Slipping out of some deep treacherous part of him before he could stop it. Followed of course by the shame.
But he wasn't gay. It didn't matter that Ty was beautiful and captivating and made him feel like he was strong enough to fight the gods themselves given the challenge. It didn't mean anything. He was just confused.
And when Julian made a comment about Herondales having a certain type when he called Clary hot, he ignored the twisting of his insides and the painful fact that his thoughts were drifting off into forbidden territory. He pretended that he was what Julian said he was. What he was supposed to be.
When Livvy had asked him to kiss her it felt like a lifeline. A way to distract himself from all the chaos in his life as well as a way to take his mind off of Ty. A pretty girl was giving him something to cling onto, if only for a moment. He still paused to look upwards. An automatic reflex. Almost as if he was a magnet trying to snap back into it's original place.
Livvy kissed him and although it was nice and sweet, he still felt nothing. Only longing for something else.
Then he learned about Kieran and how he was basically Mark's ex boyfriend. He had been sure that Mark was dating Emma so he asked Livvy about it. She had given him a confused look and just said that Mark was bisexual.
He had heard the word before, mostly to describe celebrities who wanted to make a name for themselves in the tabloids. Kit had always quickly dismissed it before he could allow himself to actually ponder the idea. It was safer to assume it wasn't actually real, because if it wasn't real then it couldn't be him. He wouldn't have to face up to the fact that an attraction to men and women sounded uncomfortably accurate and familiar.
Bisexual. It gnawed at him in his sleep. Poking at his insides and refusing to let him forget it. And so Kit clued his eyes shut and squirmed his way out if it. He thought of the way Ty's smoke coloured eyes seemed to bore into Kit's soul. The sharp angles of his cheekbones and curve of his cupid's bow. Kit thought of the way Ty had asked if he could give Kit a permanent rune and when Kit had answered sarcasticly, Ty's crestfallen expression had horrified him to the point where Kit had practically begged Ty to do it.
Anything to get that look off Ty's face. But it wasn't like that he reminded himself. It wasn't love. It wasn't love.
Jesus. Love. Just the idea of the word sent Kit into a blind panic. And there was that old familiar feeling curling around his gut. That same disgust. That shame.
Not towards Ty. No of course not. He could never feel that way about Ty, or Mark or Kieran or Helen or Aline or anyone else because they didn't deserve it.
But he did. He always did.
When Livvy was killed, Kit almost felt a sense of relief because at least now he had something else to focus on, something g else to worry about. If he was focused on protecting Ty from his own worst instincts then he wouldn't have time to get list I'm thoughts he shouldn't be having.
He knew this made him a selfish horrible person. Kit accepted it.
Kit knew this plan of Ty's was a reckless and horrible idea but he just couldn't stand to see him in pain. He also couldn't bare the thought if what might happen if he refused to help Ty. Also he was helpless in the face of Ty's pleading gaze. Deep down Kit knew that he would probably do anything for him.
He would break himself trying to put Ty back together.
It wasn't until Ty actually attempted the spell that Kit finally cracked. He couldn't let Ty go through with this. He couldn't risk it.
Why? Something inside of him pondered.
Because Kit was going to die if something happened to Ty. The spell was going to go bad and Ty was going to get hurt or killed and Kit's heart was going to be brutally ripped from his chest and it was going to be unbearable.
"I love you Ty," he breathed, hating himself instantly. "I love you."
Ty didn't respond. He didn't react, didnt even flinch. Just stared blankly at Kit.
It was going to ruin him. It was going to swallow him whole.
Yikes that was kinda all over the place sorry.
I'm basically tagging all if my mutuals at this point. Let me know if you want me to stop tagging you. @scrat-is-god @playwithravenclaw @lavender-scented-rat @knifescythe @ti-bae-rius @irene-blacxthorn @dianasarrow @doitforthecarstairs @jazzkaurtheglorious @waterlillies @zfoxdraws @julieandthefandoms @older-brother-kit @anxiousbookenthusiast @ilikebooks8 @nott-the-best @stxr-thxif @magnus-the-fabulous-entp-bane @autumnangel20 @hufflepuffyskam
Also let me know if you want to be added!
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The lesson starts with Simeon and Levi laughing over how Lucifer forgot Diavolo in the game. Belphie complains about what a pain in the ass it was cause Lucifer made Belphie and some of the others go back into the game to get Diavolo and how Belphie had to start with the party at the beginning and so was unable to straight away teleport them to the castle and how as it was the second play through everything was harder and how diavolo had been so pissed he’d given them all the silent treatment, though Belphie did end up chuckling about how much that had freaked out Lucifer. Belphie says that as an apology Lucifer had finished all of Diavolo’s paper work and given him a free day off so Diavolo would be visiting. Levi says that he’ll be shutting himself in his room then and when MC asks about it Levi says that it’s not like Diavolo is coming to see him and it’s not like he cares about seeing Diavolo either. That truthfully he doesn’t really like Diavolo all that much cause he’s too serious and scary and cause they share no interests so Diavolo won’t have any idea what Levi talks about and how he’s scared he’ll say something dumb in front of him and piss Lucifer off. He makes MC promise him to him away from Diavolo. Belphie says that you shouldn’t spend time with a person you don’t like anyway. Simeon says that maybe you should take the opportunity to get to know a person better before you decide whether you like them. MC can agree with either Simeon or Belphie. Simeon then gets a call from Lucifer asking him to send the other 3 home cause Diavolo has gone missing.
At home Belphie says maybe Diavolo actually ran away from home to freak out Lucifer as revenge for the whole game thing. Satan and Beel greet them at the door. Satan to show them something funny and Beel to get one of Simeon’s sandwiches from Belphie. Satan takes them to the living room where Lucifer is pacing and screaming down the phone at Barbatos, yelling about not  being able to find anything yet and demanding Barbatos calls him the second something turn up and if he can’t get to him then one of the others, before keeping the call and trying to figure out who else he can call and traumatise. Mammon is trying to get Lucifer to sit down and calm down and breath for fuck’s sake. Mammon gets yelled at for his efforts cause how the fuck can Lucifer calm down when Diavolo is missing. Except, yeah Diavolo might follow a stranger if they offer him candy, but y’know Diavolo’s an ancient incredibly powerful being I’m sure Lucifer can afford to calm down a little but whatever. Mammon tries to get MC to calm Lucifer down and honestly I love Mammon so much he’s such a good brother is2g. If Mc commands Lucifer to stay he um “EEKs”? and then blushes about the sound he just made (I’m not into romancing Lucifer at all but am I the only one who thinks he’s turned on by MC’s power over him despite his whole Sadistic Dom personality? It happened once or twice in the very beginning of S2 as well) According to Asmo while Diavolo had been going through the portal to the human world Barbatos, who has the flu, had sneezed and now they have no idea where in the human world Diavolo ended up. With the saddest expression Lucifer says, “Oh Diavolo, where have you gone!?” and I’m??? You want me to let MC come in between that!!? Lowkey wish OM! Did something like the Arcana where when MC picks a LI, a couple of the remaining LI get together. In every version where MC doesn’t pick Lucifer I desperately want him and Diavolo to get together and in the versions that MC picks either Lucifer or Diavolo I want there to be the option for the three of them to be in a poly relationship, pls. MC asks why they can’t just call Diavolo and Mammon says they’ve tried a bunch of times but being unable to. Levi says he knows someone who might be able to help
Levi takes them all to his room and Asmo is in tears as he tells levi it’s fine if his friend is imaginary cause asmo has a lot of imaginary friends – aka in his words first he imagines a beautiful man and then a beautiful woman and then well he imagines them all fucking and the fact that this otome game has 11 LIs and not a single one of them is straight is just…beautiful. I’m so happy wtf. Levi insits his friend exists and when MC says they believe him he says that even if he makes other friends that won’t displace MC’s role as his friend. Lucifer tells him to cut the BS. And it’s Alexa!? Levi introduces them to fucking Alexa and I’m screaming sir pls. It’s called Crowe here though and he completely dismisses MC’s “fnkfjkjdjkjkdvjkfd pls tell me you understand wtf that actually is” by saying how Crowe is always up to talk to Levi about any interest Levi brings up and the rest of the brothers are greatly impressed while MC goes through a crisis in the corner. Beel asks if there’s a little person inside it who talks and casts spells. Belphie while blushing asks if he can talk to crowe and I can’t fucking believe after 3 seasons MC’s gonna be replaced by fucking Alexa. Belphie asks crowe if it’s Levi’s friends and gets a “If you say so” which Levi gets really excited about and what it likes about levi and gets “how he’s able to turn everything into a negative thing” which levi takes as a compliment and this is really sad guys but then again I did once spend weeks trying to get Siri to agree to date me so… Belphie then asks Crowe to turn Lucifer into a rabbit, it obviously doesn’t work. Levi asks crowe where Lord diavolo is and MC becomes increasingly more annoyed at being the only sane person in the room. Crowe obviously doesn’t know how to answer that.
Asmo asks about the sensitive spots on Lucifer’s body (wtf asmo c’mon) and Satan asks for Lucifer’s weaknesses, Crowe answers with “I’m sorry. I can’t answer that” which the brothers take to mean that crowe knows but is refusing to say. Lucifer threatens him to keep quiet and Crowe says he understands, Belphie is upset that Lucifer threatened crowe and Levi says he made Crowe sad. All the while MC is losing their mind and insisting that Crowe’s just tech, while the brothers all ignore and talk over them. In what is probably a fit of jealous rage MC commands the brothers to all sit the fuck down and explains to them that crowe really is just an electronic device. Levi refuses to believe them and insists Crowe is his friend. This somehow leads to Levi giving crowe Diavolo’s phone number and Crowe tracking his phone and Lucifer remembers “oh yeah shit missing boyfriend”. They end up in a karaoke bar. The sweet relieved smile on Lucifer’s face when they find him is everything. Diavolo asks how he looks dressed as a human and MC compliments him. Mammon scolds Diavolo for worrying them and Asmo says he feels silly to have been so worried now, Lucifer tries to herd Diavolo back home but Diavolo says he can’t go cause a note on the door (in devildom script) says the room is cursed and only allows you to exit once you get a 100% score on the karaoke machine. Asmo’s pissed cause he has a spa/salon appointment, Levi has a gamin event, Beel has a buffet and Satan’s pissed cause he wanted to think up of more cat related hashtags he could try searching up and I’m- Lucifer says it’ll be easier to do the task than try to break the curse using magic and Diavolo agrees. Belphie says Diavolo looks way too happy. And look I’m just gonna say it now cause we ALL know it – Diavolo’s definitely behind this and using it as some way to hang out with the others.
Asmo’s happy about being able to sing karaoke and Levi complains but is also searching for anime songs so. Belphie and MC think the situation is strange cause doesn’t being in the human world mean this shit doesn’t happen to them anymore? Diavolo says the bar is owned by the three legged crow group (aka yatagarasu) – the Devildom’s largest holdings company and developers of the D.D.D.. Their mascot (Blackjak) is one of the chat stickers. Diavolo’s the majority shareholder of the company. They’ve been expanding to the human world as well, mostly because of demand from sorcerers and witches. They also developed crowe, with Levi having a prototype. Levi realising crowe’s not a real person starts crying (and wiping his face on Satan’s clothes) about crowe got him tickets for a band and how cause Levi thought crowe also liked them he made sure to buy two tickets for both him and crowe and I’m just this is so sad. MC takes the opportunity to sweep in and say y’know I’m your friend and hold Levi’s hand to which Levi blushes and thanks them. Crowe’s the one hosting the Karaoke and says if one person manages a 100 score everyone can leave and that to make things interesting he’ll be throwing in some surprises. Crowe: All right then, party on! Diavolo: PARTY ON!!!!! :D Lucifer: *SIGH*
Asmo goes first cause he’s the best singer they have, Levi complains about Asmo being good at everything when he has nothing and MC teases him about being the Avatar of Envy. Asmo nails the first part of the song but in the interlude as one of crowe’s surprises Asmo starts hearing his fans screaming to him (which no one else can hear) and starts the second part a bit late so his score is 88. As punishment for not scoring a 100 Crowe kills Asmo. Or rather he sends him to be tortured till someone is able to score 100 and set him free. Lucifer, as expected, is not pleased. Levi is excited about how this is suddenly a game of life or death. Lucifer is very much not pleased with that. Diavolo’s also extremely pleased. Lucifer’s going through it. Mammon (who was so busy picking out a song that he didn’t notice one of his brothers got kidnapped) volunteers to go next. Though he’s not as good as Asmo he’s apparently a very good singer and once sang lead vocals in a band at RAD. Mammon chooses a love Ballad “Even if I wind up as a demon, I’ll always love you” and oh baby… the brothers immediately realise Mammon fucked up when choosing the song, Diavolo goes ??? and MC ignores them all to do  what they always do best and that’s to be Mammon’s #1 cheerleader (still can’t get over how much MC took charge and planned everything during Mammon’s bday event and had the brothers start giving him his little presents/notes a whole week before the actual date, when in every other bday event they just took a backseat role and let the others plan and fix everything up while they distracted the bday person. Whether you ship them together or not you gotta agree Mammon’s got a real special place in MC’s heart.) Anyway MC cheers Mammon on and Mammon blushes and stutters and then refuses to sing the song cause he realises he just picked to sing a love song in front of the person he’s in love with and tries to switch his song last minute. But cause he completely missed his cue to start he gets scored 0 and sent to hell. Satan says Mammon should be fine cause he’s used to that sort of thing. Diavolo: :D WOW :D THIS :D IS :D TERRIBLE :D ! :D   Lucifer: Really, cause your face is saying something else entirely…
They all sit silently looking sad for a bit. Lucifer says Asmo & Mammon were their best chances of getting out with perfect scores, satan wonders (with a sad expression) where they are and what’s been done to them. Levi says let’s be real Asmo’s probably getting off rn. Lucifer says they need to focus on who’s here rn and getting out. Diavolo volunteers to go next and Lucifer shuts him down, Diavolo whines about it. MC asks if it’s cause Diavolo is the heir and they can’t risk losing him. Lucifer agrees. Diavolo reluctantly agrees but in exchange he wants Beel & Belphie to sing next together cause he once heard them at a RAD festival and they were amazing. Beel starts ordering everything on the menu. Lucifer says if they harmonize they might be able to get a perfect score. The twins sing perfectly together and Dia & Luci are beaming until Beel’s food order finally arrives by materializing on the table all Hogwarts style and well you can guess what happens then. Lucifer seems uncharacteristically rattled and upset by all this and I mean yeah he has to slowly watch his family disappear in front of his eyes while he’s unable to do anything about it – this is probably his worst nightmare. Plus if they don’t get out chances are he’s gonna end up stuck in a tiny room for the rest of his life so
They’re silent and sad for a bit till Satan says that Levi sings a lot of karaoke alone in his room. Levi says it’s not really karaoke and that he just puts on his headphones and sings along with the opening but also how does satan know that!? And satan says, well who doesn’t know that and Levi freaks out and turn to MC and they’re like lol yeah sorry and Levi freaks out more and wishes for death while Diavolo very happily says that Levi must be very talented and that he’d love to hear it someday and Levi starts floundering and deflecting. Satan says Levi shouldn’t be so modest cause usually when they go out to karaoke he doesn’t let any of them leave till he’s sung all his anime songs and Diavolo asks if Levi’s being shy cause he’s there. Levi blushes while Diavolo keeps complimenting him and encouraging him to sing and MC remembering their promise to Levi bails him out by basically saying he’d be too nervous around new people to get a perfect score and Diavolo lets it drop after Levi agrees with them. Satan’s need to leave and watch cat videos becomes too great and he volunteers and Lucifer happily encourages him. Diavolo gets closer to MC and says so did you do something to Lucifer again? Had one of your therapy sessions? And MC teases and says maybe. Diavolo happily says he knew o=it cause usually Lucifer isn’t willing to admit how highly he thinks of Satan and he actually calls MC a “family therapist” and I’m so glad someone finally said it, at this point MC should be getting paid is2g. Satan sings his favourite ballad and Diavolo compliments his singing while Lucifer just compliments Satan as a person in general for striving to do his best in everything and facing challenges with a cool head. Diavolo laughs about how much praise Lucifer’s giving out and Lucifer says he’s just stating the truth. Lucifer says satan should get a 100 until the tv starts showing cat videos, Lucifer yells at satan to not get distracted and satan is able to resist it until it starts showing a pile of sleepy kittens curled up together, who are starting to doze off. It’s too much for satan to stops the song to coo at them, he gets an 83 and is taken away. Levi says that even though it was fun at first he’s starting to get scared. Diavolo asks if Lucifer wants to go next.
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