#i like it and it’s bad vs. it’s good and not for me vs. i don’t like it and i think it’s bad vs. it’s good and i love it? all valid!!
ariseur · 2 days
ok i saw you wanted some requests so im here to give you an idea!! im really angst about gojo right now and i need an angst fic. (spoilers for the manga)
ok so: gojo x reader but readers cursed technique is to be able to see into the future (but they can’t do anything about it or talk about it) and they get a vision of the gojo vs. sukuna fight and what happens. they get all upset about it and cling to gojo, trying to get him not to go. (established relationship pls🙏🏻)
sorry for the drabble, i’ve been aching for someone to write this haha
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ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ notes - i’m not gonna lie anon, i just finished the manga and i fell to my knees when i saw this request. ilysm for this but you are EVIL ( kiss me rn thank you for providing me with this angst )
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ warnings - spoilers for jujutsu kaisen manga chpts 222 - 236, character death ( canon ), weirdly descriptive mentions of you choking back words ( like that feeling you get when you’re trying not to cry and it feels like there’s barbed wire in your throat😭 ), gojo calls you “my girl” twice so fem!reader in mind when writing this, i didn’t really describe it as much of a technique i mainly kept it like you were seeing visions since i didn’t know how to correlate the ct i’m sorry!!, intended lowercase, hope you guys enjoy 😚💕!!
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ word count - 1654 words, 9068 characterss
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gojo turned around, his footsteps coming to a halt down the hallway of the infirmary. his face tipped towards you, cocking a bit as he let out a low hum of question.
upon seeing his face, your stomach clenched; a deep regret swirling in your abdomen. with a look at his face, your bottom lip quivered with furrowed brows. he stood there, trying to decipher your expression as he awaited an answer. his eyes, narrowed with confidence stood out on display rather than shielded from his blindfold. there was nothing left to hide now, not his strength and not his arrogance. you remembered how you had always begged him to take it off at least once, just so you could see his pretty eyes.
and now looking back retrospectively, it didn’t matter. those visions you saw, how real they felt. they couldn’t have been dreams, they always haunted you as they showed up everywhere. your eyes fell to satoru’s pink lips, pressed together in confusion before another thought intruded your head — another sight to behold as you felt like gagging upon remembering his bruised face, the blood spouting out from his mouth tainting his lips.
“i just,” you swallowed thickly, “i don’t think it’s a good idea to do this just yet.”
he sighed, giving one shake of his head before he stepped forward towards you. your head hung low, your words choked at the back of your throat as they threatened to escape their enclosure behind your uvula. “megumi’s in danger, people are watchin’ — i can’t postpone it, baby, you know that.” his hand placed itself on your shoulder, softly rubbing against the fabric of your shirt where the seams met.
“i’m not saying that— i just mean,” you closed your eyes, letting out a quiet, shaky breath. you recalled the conversation that happened not too long ago, back with ijichi and shoko. lamenting with all the memories back in your youth, along with reminiscing over everything that’s happened. shibuya, megumi’s possession, okkotsu’s return. everybody who’s died, it haunted you like no other knowing there was nothing you could do to prevent it; kugisaki, nanami, all those lives dealt a bad hand at their dreadful end. even yuuji itadori, someone so young being used so carelessly.
“damn, so it’s just the four of us left.” gojo’s voice had echoed throughout the room of your previous conversation. your head tipping back against the cold lockers as you stood in the corner, the scent of tobacco wafting in the air and seeping in through your nostrils from shoko’s cigarette whilst she stood not even a few feet away from you.
“well, there’s still also that idiot.” she huffed, transparent smoke slipping out in thin shapes from past her lips.
being around her for so long, the smell became indelible in your brain, your senses immediately causing you to retrace back to ieiri’s bad habit. even now, as you stood in front of your beloved — even as his distant musk flew up to your head as it had just barely intoxicated you, the smell of cigarettes and menthol was still unforgettable. you remembered the scratch in your throat as you hummed in agreement, your voice uneasy and raspy from misuse as gojo looked back up at shoko. “. . that’s true.”
eyes fluttering closed, you let out a small huff as you heard ijichi debriefing about something related to nanami, not that you could pay attention anyways. the voices and the images and the downright fuckery that went on in your brain was too loud for you to focus on anything else, including satoru’s face right in front of yours as you stopped recalling the transpired events as your head bowed down even further.
“look at me,” you heard him say. he gave your shoulders a gentle shake as his hand snaked up from your arm to your chin, trying to redirect your attention back to him no matter how much your head resisted. “where’s my girl at? don’t be shy, jus’ talk to me.”
your eyebrows crinkled as they met in the middle, the slight bit of skin creasing at contact when you finally looked up at him. his lashes ridged around his upper eyelids, pupils gazing ever so delicately as they softened at the sight of you. his thumb turned to face vertically, grazing your lip as he cocked his head; and then, he smiled. what once was so comforting long ago, where you two would spend mornings lazing around in bed as you’d forget about the first years, forget about yaga, forget about responsibilities. it was like you were in that high school bliss again, unable to care about anything more than the person right in front of you — even if they were drooling all over your arm. his smile, canines on display, only made you feel sicker about what you knew.
he pulled you into his chest slowly ( giving you enough time to thrash out of his embrace and tell him to knock it off, even if it’d hurt his pride a bit ) and as he rested his chin on you, he mumbled against your ear, “you can cry it out, you know.”
“‘m not crying.” you smacked his shoulder, pulling away as you sniffled — an obviously very convincing sign of totally not getting upset.
he snorted, “okay ma’am, don’t need the attitude — i’m just saying you can if you needed to.” he kept you at an arms length before he tilted your chin up again, causing you to roll your eyes and give him a sharp huff.
“gojo—!” you heard from around the corner. a high, stern voice interrupting the small bickering back and forth between you two. his hand faltered on your face, his thumb no longer brushing your cheek as your body tilted to the side only to find utahime walking in your line of sight. her eyebrows raised at the two of you, her mouth quirking to the side in shock as she sputtered, “not to ruin the moment but,” she shrugged slightly; a way of telling you indirectly, ‘it’s time.’
“few more minutes ‘hime, and i’ll be out.” he called out singsonging along as she walked away.
“don’t call me that,” she repeated in the same cadence, her voice collecting more distance the further she retreated — allowing you guys to have a moment before they prepare to go out.
satoru turned back towards you, his smirk growing wider as you looked away, your hand grabbing the one glued to your faced as you savored the warmth in between his fingers. “ah, there she is,” he teased, “my girl.”
he hummed, his hands squeezing yours. your eyes zipped up to his. “please,” you pouted at him, “be careful, yeah?”
he laughed as he shook his head in amusement. taking a few steps back, he extended both of your arms before ceremoniously letting go. “i think it’ll be okay — i am the strongest, after all,” gojo chuckled.
you managed a meager, bittersweet smile as you let out a wry laugh. no matter what kind of sounds left your lips, he always relished in them knowing only he could pull them out of you. whether it’s a small laugh, a full on abundance of giggles, whimpers along with your squirming about that he’d always tease you for; satoru never failed to appreciate them. even your groans of discomfort when he’d piss you off, all it took was some sweet talking and a trail of kisses along your jaw and he’d bounce back all sunshine and rainbows.
it wasn’t your voice or your body ( although those were major bonuses, might he have added ), and it wasn’t even the way you’d purse your lips to stop an embarrassed smile from painting itself on your face whenever he would make a stupid joke ( another thing he had loved about you ) — it was the fact that you saw him. he wasn’t the strongest when he was with you — he was ‘toru, only satoru.
he began to walk away, his shoes tapping against the hard floors as you watched his white robe flow behind him. you swallowed back a small whine at the back of your throat as you watched him leave; his hand about to slide the double doors open until you called for him once more. “satoru—?”
“huh?” he let out an airy laugh, mixed in with the syllable.
you put a hand on your hip, swallowing to try and moisten your dry throat. you let out an awkward laugh, “i love you — so much.”
gojo put a hand to his mouth before sending it off with you as he blew you a dramatic air kiss. “i love you, always.”
and with that, he turned away; the door sliding open with a satisfying sound before it closed behind him. left alone, with your thoughts only growing louder. you couldn’t help but scrunch your eyes shut, your hand clutching your head as your fingers buried themselves under your hair.
behind that door, gojo stood as he took a deep breath. he had burned your face into his memory, his brain fading back into images of your eyes — so piercing, always searching into his own, whether that was for the better or worst remained unknown in both his and your mind. as always, you had come, you had seen, and you had loved.
as he walked out to where utahime and gakuganji were waiting, he couldn’t help but think about you. satoru gojo could be held down by anybody, with all of their might — and be stabbed with sharpest of swords and the strongest of curses, but he’d never stop loving you. because you had never stopped loving him. satoru gojo had never stopped being seen by you; for he wasn’t the strongest, merely satoru.
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𐙚 taglist ; @seternic @sad-darksoul
𐙚 requests are open — june twenty second, 2024
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lookninjas · 2 days
Pick a song from a bad description! You do not have to recognize any of the songs to vote (although tbh I feel like this is one of my most obvious ones -- there is an actual song title in one of the choices). Just go from the vibes. Pick whichever is funniest to you, or matches your current situation, or whatever makes a random bad song description appeal to you.
At the end of the week, I will take the poll results and use them to arrange the songs in a playlist, from the song with the lowest amount of votes to the song with the highest amount of votes. If you would like to hear the playlist, leave a comment or put it in the tags of your reblog, and I will tag you when the playlist goes up. And if you really can't wait to know what a song is, send me an ask and I will answer it.
And please reblog the poll! 'Cause this is as close as I can come to sending you guys a mixtape, so if you share it with your followers and they share it with their followers it's like we're all getting a mixtape, and that's fun. So let's keep the mixtapes moving.
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cherrybomb107 · 2 days
Okay, so, I’ve been thinking about it for a while now and I think I’m finally able to articulate my feelings about Vi becoming an Enforcer. Stick with me, cause this’ll be a rant, but I promise it’ll all make sense (I hope).
As I’ve said before on here, I feel like the Arcane fandom across different platforms is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Here, vs the subreddit is a whole world of a difference. That difference being so large is part of the reason why I feel how I feel about Vi becoming an Enforcer. It’s not so much that I don’t like it(cause it’s not that I don’t like it; I hate it actually. REAL BAD). But, if I tried to talk about WHY it bothers me so much, some dude bro with a superiority complex and 0 class consciousness is gonna be like “Um ackshully, Vi is trying to protect her community. Why are you mad about that but not mad about Jinx being a TERRORIST?! Huh? Huh?” Then I’ll be accused of being a moron who didn’t watch the show . And then if I tried to defend myself I’d get dog piled and downvoted to oblivion.
So, first of all, irdgaf about Jinx being a terrorist. So what? What goes around comes around. When she burns Piltover tf DOWN, Imma sip on an ice cold beverage and watch, cause fuck em. Secondly, I understand WHY Vi is joining the Enforcers. Just like I understand why women can be raging misogynists. And why immigrants become Trump supporters. And why poor people join the military. And why Black people perpetuate respectability politics. I understand why members of marginalized communities join the opposition responsible for their marginalization. I understand that at its core, these people understand, at least on some level, that the powers that be are punishing them for existing as themselves. So, in an effort to take some of the heat off, they’ll internalize the messages they’ve been force fed since forever. They’ll try to change. Try to be “better”.
But see the problem with that is, trying to become “one of the good ones” and “rise above it all” doesn’t work. For the simple fact of no matter how hard you try to assimilate, you’ll never be one of “them”. You can parrot all the talking points, you can change your hair, the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you dress etc. But no matter what, you’ll never be accepted wholly. You’ll always be on the outside looking in.
I say that to say, the thing I hate most about Vi becoming an Enforcer is that I’ll have to see a character that I love dearly fall victim to this mindset. In a show full of tragedies, is this not yet another one to add to the list? Piltover took Vi, a scrappy kid from the Lanes, slaughtered her family in front of her, locked her up and threw away the key, and convinced her that the only way to save her sister was to put on a uniform, and enforce the will of the crooked politicians who don’t care about her or her people.
That’s what’s got me somewhat scared for season two. I really hope they frame Vi’s reluctant decision to join the Enforcers as another tragedy in and of itself, instead of just “a necessary evil” or worse “the right thing to do”. Cause it wasn’t the right thing to do. It was just the only thing Vi felt she could’ve done.
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cripplecharacters · 10 hours
Hi, I have a quick question regarding your ask about people becoming disabled from using magic.
I promise this isn't some sort of "gotcha" I just have autism and sometimes I don't understand things.
If using magic and becoming disabled from it counts as the "disability as punishment" trope, why is it okay to have people become disabled from doing other dangerous things?
(Obviously this doesn't apply if the lore is literally something like "The Gods don't want you to use magic so they made you get disabilities from it to punish you for doing it.")
I'm just confused I guess because it really didn't sound like that anon was using disabilities as a punishment (like my above lore example), just as a consequence for doing something dangerous.
Where are we supposed to draw the line between something being a punishment VS someones actions having consequences?
Really, it depends on how it's framed.
Magic causing a disability is a bit dodgy but can be done correctly, but when it's because of a curse or because they've done something wrong, or "the price to pay," those start framing disability as a negative thing. Whenever something is the price that needs to be paid for anything, it qualifies to me as a punishment with cool framing. And because that thing is so often disability, it plays into a real-life misconception that disabled people are the way that we are because we've done something wrong or we did something to deserve this.
It's framing disability as a negative thing, really. Yes, you can have magic causing a disability and it can be fine or even really good, but when it's a negative thing, that plays into negative stereotypes, like the stereotype in some religious settings that people are disabled because we've done something to offend the god(s) of a denomination when we're just disabled because we exist. So, it's kind of a semantics issue. How it's framed. Framing it as a neutral thing vs framing it as a negative thing. That's the line.
Mod Aaron
Hi lovely asker!
So I personally don't mind the trope of Magic induced Disability so to say. But I think the main part is the autonomy of the character.
If we have the character that uses their magic of their own will with knowledge of what will happen, I don't see this as a punishment or anything bad. The character has autonomy and is doing something willing that they know will lead to something else.
Then we have the character that is already disabled and uses magic that exacerbates their disabilities. This again like the one above is good, it shows the characters autonomy that they know doing so will lead to making whatever symptoms of their disability worse.
Then we have an outside force/other being that gives the character magic and gives them the knowledge that using the magic will disabled them. This one walks a fine line just because usually it depends on the fine details and how the author writes each characters interactions.
So wether this outside force/being gives the character a choice is where it makes the breaks the story. If they give them the choice of "you can walk away just as you walked in here or you can take the magic but know this will happen" it can be good, especially because you can show that the character doesn't find being disabled as something "bad". Now if they don't give the character a choice or give them an ultimatum that's when it gets bad and begins to fall into that trope.
Another example is exactly how you explained it that another being/outside force doesn't want the character doing something so they use disability as a punishment. This one is just not good, and is exactly the prime definition of Disability as Punishment, that should not be done.
My point is that the Magic Induced Disabilities or magic that exacerbates disabilities is a perfect allegory of an everyday disabled person. We all do things of our own will that we know will make symptoms worse (eat foods, drink alcohol, not wear braces etc) or that will disabled us in some other way. But the whole point is autonomy, we have autonomy. We're allowed to do things, dangerous things even, even if it means making things worse for ourselves.
~ Mod Virus 🌸
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Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 100 (Woohoo!! 🥲) You have been warned...! 👌
We did it. We have FINALLY reached Mission 100 of Spy × Family and...
We are continuing the heartbreak with this one fellas...! 🥲 So without further ado, let's discuss Mission 100, shall we...?
In this chapter, we see exactly what happened to Martha before she is rescued at the end of Mission 99, and it is not a pretty sight in the slightest... 😔 A tank fires in her direction, but she survived it because...:
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(I can't-- I just can't right now... 😭😭😭)
After that, Martha sees that some of her friends/comrades didn't survive the blast like she did, and then we cut to probably one of the most disturbing I've seen in this manga:
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That BASTARD literally shot that poor girl POINT BLANK in the face ALL BECAUSE SHE WAS SCARED AND TRIED TO RUN!!!
Words cannot describe how horrible this is and how much I dispise heartless pieces of shit like this FUCKING guy...!! 😠
Moving on, Martha witnesses what that bastard did just before another tank fires at the trenches and everyone who isn't dead is told to retreat into the forest... We then see Martha wandering around the forest looking for her group...:
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ENDO, WHY!!! 💔😭💔
Then, two Westalis soldiers confront Martha and...:
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...She falls into the river and when she comes to, she's in the house that we saw her in the end of Mission 99 and she's greeted by a goodest good boy named Baron and an old woman named Mrs. Anabel...:
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I don't know if she's connected to anyone or not, but regardless, she and Baron saved Martha's and that's what's really important...!
Martha asks Mrs. Anabel about her clothes and she tells Martha that she threw them away and can use her daughter's clothes because...:
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What Martha says at the bottom of this page makes me wanna cry... It just makes me think how heartbreaking it is that there are people out there who can't believe or understand why someone would take care of/help out someone considered their "enemy"... 😔 And sadly, it's because of the stupid "Us vs. Them" propaganda that was shoved down their throats for years that makes people think/feel this way...
Moving on, Mrs. Anabel tells Martha about the village that she's in and that it's full of refugees who have lost their homes due to the war. Martha then laments that all she wants to do is to go home, so...:
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Man, the way Martha looks on the bottom panel just makes me wanna give her a hug so bad... 💔😢💔
After she sneaks out, Martha notices that the stars in Westalis' skies are the same as the ones in Ostania (which almost made me cry) and after walking for a bit, she decided to take a break... While resting, Martha sees all of the things that Mrs. Anabel packed for her (some money, bread to eat and a scarf that Mrs. Anabel was knitting), but when she looks at the map the has "Go home" written on it, this happened...:
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MY HEART!!! 💔😭💔
And that was Mission 100, I can't believe that we finally made to the big 100...! 👍
All this sadness is KILLING ME, but I love it at the same time...!! 🥲👍 I have no clue what Endo has in store for us in Mission 101, but I'm excited and scared of what possible horrors this man is gonna bring us next...! 😰
Jokes aside, I truly believe that Endo is one of the best mangaka I've ever seen...! His writing for Spy × Family is beautiful and haunting at times, while also being goofy and insane...!! 😆 He just knows how to strike a perfect balance in my opinion, and I wouldn't have it any other way...!! 😁
So to you Endo, here's to a hundred more chapters!!! 🎉 (Maybe...! 😅) And until the next Mission; take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! PEACE!! ✌😁
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chnt-confessions · 3 days
i think i'm the only person in the entire fandom that has any genuine empathy for elijah, and i'm stuck thinking there's something deeply wrong with me for that. i feel like quite a lot of people split black on him (and joshua) and then split white on jedidiah, and sydney. the ONLY two options are to dehumanize or objectify him. no hate to jedidiah-likers, but jedidiah is not a victim. he doesn't act entirely the way he does because of trauma, he acts that way because he implicitly looks down on sydney. what kind of man jeopardizes the entire world for a man that he let gravely sick in the first place, only to gaslight and neglect him?? all this because of mommy and daddy issues that, like, 70% of the population has?? i had to headcanon extra issues and trauma for him to just to keep myself sane. i don't mean to invalidate his trauma, but he has lived such a privileged life and can easily go to therapy and yet. i'm sorry but it's bojack-horseman levels of "how tf do you expect me to feel bad for you? lmao." like, i need him to get better because people will likely die if he gets any worse, but other than i couldn't care less about this guy. i'm way more sympathetic to sydney because he's trying his best but he seems to have an empathy deficiency of some kind (it's not his fault but it is painfully obvious sometimes and i wish i could fix him but i have to fix myself first because i also deal with this); i also relate to the "feeling unlovable" aspect of things.
we have only seen elijah at his worst. the elephant man is elijah "mental breakdown, 2 years and counting psychotic episode" core; did everyone just assume he was born like that? and if he was, that would also make me sad tbh. he had a similar upbringing to jedidiah and yet he does not show it at all and i'm wondering what tf was different. he also generally sucks at being a villain sometimes (i.e. telling sydney his weakness, letting sydney go back to jedidiah, reacting way better than most people would when sydney told him that he couldn't get the journals). when jedidiah says "sydney, you're always fine." vs when elijah says it; jedidiah said it to gaslight sydney and because he feels bitter about the fact he's working so hard to keep sydney alive and can't use it to manipulate him (i'm joking but i'm also not joking), while elijah was just being a little acolyte and also he's symbolically the earth, so when he says the earth will catch him when he falls, he is fr. idk what snapped in him with the murder-suicide thing but considering that he is the earth, and unfortunately due to sydney's weird little mind and jedidiah's horribleness, the earth is, like, post-apocalyptic now so it probably has something to do with that (idk why he switched from stabbing to burning alive; probably cuz of the theatrics/j). anyway, he does suck and he needs to go back to russia and never come back for everyone's good, but i really do think he would be better than jedidiah could ever be (yes, even with therapy; i'm literally speaking facts/hj) if "everyday [wasn't] a living fucking nightmare." and i'm constantly like "._." whenever i remember that jedidiah is the reason "everyday is a living fucking nightmare." also i really wanna see someone do elijah/the elephant man analysis/interpretation that doesn't reek of disgust and hatred (or lust; do whatever you want, but i'm judging you rn), just for variety tbh. here is his official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/389N5sUULTXFC63I3CSn7c?si=756dacaa18cd491c some of the songs in here are, like, "???" and i want to see someone's else's take on them (even elijah haters tbh) sorry for the essay, that's all i wanted to say :)
also im so happy that i can say this anonymously, thank you chnt-confessions for doing god's work, i love you platonically <3
(ABOUT THE LAST PART) no need to apologize and I'm really glad to make you happy!!
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rgr-pop · 2 days
okay actually i have to inform you that i have fallen for a man academic who i believe has a postdoc distance gf. i don’t even know him. he’s so unproblematic it’s unbearable. i thought this was a fake crush as a joke but i am realizing i’m down bad. just need them to get married and seek a bourgeois situationship i guess that’s all i can hope for..
i once dmed him his own (good, unproblematic) take and THAT guy’s take on some academia gender discourse du jour and i was like “chad (him) post vs virgin average leftist guy in academia.” and he was like it’s sad how some people refuse opportunities for solidarity . i was like please kill me. i think i’m in too deep
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murfpersonalblog · 2 days
IWTV S2 Ep7 Musings - Loustat Ep5 Revisited (Spoilers)
I decided to do this one first, cuz I have the least to say about it.
It was pretty clear cut and showed exactly what I expected/hoped it would: CONFIRMATION ON EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED IN S1--
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Diabolical frame, cuz it's pretty much like, Welp, you're here in Europe, after I distinctly told y'all the European vampires were vicious and not to come here! VOILA! 😬
And I love how his back is to the audience, cuz this bit REALLY isn't about the performance--this is Lestat venting, talking right to Louis, even though he's clearly having difficulty meeting his gaze.
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Mild way to put it, but wtvr.
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There's that word again: "compromise," which Lestat blamed Louis for leading to "spite--" both Claudia's, AND Lestat's own spite towards THEM. Cuz Lestat was constantly holding back; "fought my nature, controlled my temper."
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TOO EFFING BAD, you woke the sleeping effing DRAGON!
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Backflip into the coffinroom, omg, I accidentally cackled. 😅
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Amen! Lestat put his hands on Claudia first, now you gotta PAY!
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"It will end in your death"--excuse me, Lestat?! DEATH THREATS!?
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That's right, bash his head into the effing coffin! Now we know what the dent was from! Look at that blood stream! Yeah, you BETTER hold back, Lestat; take this arse whoopin!
I like how S1 focused on the blows Lestat dealt to Louis, as it was from his & Claudia's perspective; but now we're seeing more of the blows Louis dealt to Lestat as he gives his perspective. But it still shows that although Louis' fighting, he's still on the defense, cuz Lestat is often just LETTING Louis hit him--LOUIS can't AFFORD to just LET Lestat hit him, cuz "mighty...most ancient blood...godlike strength" Les will REALLY injure him whenever he does! This is NOT an even fight, even if the perspectives are now more evenly shown.
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Exactly! You wanna KILL Louis!? But Lou, don't get cocky now; Les is LETTING you do all this to him, cuz he knows if he gets serious that's your behind. 😬
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Bites all over Lou's jaw & neck, gosh--look at YOUR face, Louis. U_U
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(I can't WAIT to read the fanfics that come out of this; they're gonna make me cry.) No, unfortunately. I don't think Louis had any intention of going anywhere, even after all that (LOUIS GOT THE DEED, that's HIS house--YOU leave!). And congratulations; thanks to you, Les, Lou wasn't even able to WALK for three effing years afterwards.
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Claudia calling for her Daddy Lou, I can't. 😭 This poor baby girl has regressed to her inner child--she's so dang scared.
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I've been in this exact situation IRL, and y'all want me to feel sorry FOR LESTAT!? AFTER HE CHOKED "built-like-a-bird" Claudia and beat the mess out of her Daddy Lou right in front of her!?
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Chile, the sword-cane's right there; let's get to choppin! 😤🔪🔪🔪
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Apropos for Lioncourt, but that's way too good for him--take him to the EFFING SWAMP and let the GATORS feed on him! I want SWAMP KING LESTAT. 😭🐊
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I'm gonna LAAAAAAAUGH, oh he's cracked and I love it! You KNOW they talked to a woman who's been in this EXACT situation.
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Oh, this is every woman who talks big to her abusive husband right b4 he lands her in the effing hospital (or the morgue); we all saw the Ray Rice footage when he knocked her TF out WITH EASE when she got up in his face talking smack in that elevator. 💀
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Your FATHERS temper, but this is the coven writing his lines "teased until you toppled;" they don't know about the Marquis vs Gabrielle.
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It wasn't cuz Lestat was tryna spare Louis or save him from himself or protect him or whatever--LES WANTED TO BREAK LOU.
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It could've been 2 effing FEET. "A hard fall, nothing more;" eff you Santiago!
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Yeah, gaslight us some more whydontcha; half the fandom LOVES using that reasoning to handwave aside "abuse" when it's done to the character they DON'T like. 🙄😒 Then it's just awful takes about how Louis & Claudia deserved what happened to them and it's "karma" and it's not Les' fault cuz they're monsters & Lou bloodied Les' face.
And biting w/out consent is RAPE, clown! AR said it over & over that it's a violation of the most intimate act b/t vamps who share emotions, memories & sexual pleasure thru the blood! But watch some braindead takes use Santiago's words as gospel just to Gotcha! anyone who says anything against Louis for Ep5. 🙄😒
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CRICKETS. Cuz LESTAT TRIED TO KILL LOU, just like Claudia said! "A wolf congratulated for not killing her pups"--that was scripted. But "you can't script a hurricane!" NO! That's right; set the story straight!
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Look at him crying, I love how they do the blood tears effect, as their eyes get redder & redder. The sound of Sam's voice as he's crying is just making me wanna yeet myself into the sun--but it's the middle of the night, alas. U_U "I couldn't force him to love me so I broke him. What is worse than that? Crushing what you cannot own." But I thought Louis was saying "Come to me" and luring you with his wicked vixen ways~! The math ain't mathin, Santiago! 🤭
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Claudia said it best: "Let's meet vampires WORTHY of your love!" Unworthy in NOLA, unworthy in Paris--cuz he's STILL gonna throw CLAUDIA under the bus to save Louis, and she KNOWS this.
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WAY too effing late--Les had his chance to apologize sincerely the night he dropped Louis 20000 leagues from the frikkin stratosphere! Claudia DGAF, LOL. And Louis looks away from Lestat; bye Felicia!
Chile, I need SLEEP! I been up all dang day rewatching this episode & screaming at the ether!
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
I love Raph and haven’t said that enough so to be more specific I love that Raph is a soft boy who loves bear plushies, a gross boy who eats an assortment of things that are definitely better left alone, a smart boy who is more than capable of taking down villains through planning and fortitude alike, a strong boy who is dedicated to training his muscles and fighting prowess, a teenage boy who loves his brothers but is more than happy to tease and roughhouse with them, an angry boy who sometimes lets his anger take a hold of him to cover the fear, a gentle boy who is generous with hugs and affirmations to those he loves, a capable boy who takes on more than should ever be expected of a teenager, a good boy who just wants to be a hero and slowly comes to realize the cost of that duty, a good boy who has no reservations about putting himself in the way of harm coming to his family, a good boy who’s a great brother and son and person and deserves only the best the world has to offer.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt raph#rise raph#he’s so wonderful frfr#my poor boy is traumatized but still so proud of what they accomplished because they’re HEROES#what started as something fun - Saturday morning cartoon-like heroes vs villains esque - soon becomes his calling#and he loses himself a little along the way#because the world is TERRIFYING now#if they don’t do something about the bad things in the world then worse things will come#and Raph CARES too much to let it happen#even at the expense of his own happiness and youth#and he luckily reigns back that fear - knowing his family is there to keep an eye out with him#and he finally lets himself be a kid again#he’s very well rounded and his flaws are so good because (like the others) they are ALSO his strengths#I like how it’s softly implied that bears are his fav animal too bc that’s cute af#headcanon that he likes them so much because a stuffed bear was the first toy splinter managed to get Raph#but yeah one of my favorite things about tmnt is that the characters are well rounded and rottmnt exemplifies that immensely#with raph being no exception!!#amazing big brother and character#there’s a REASON in my tmnt main character tierlist he’s S tier!!!!#hot take but in terms of who should be leader I think it should be less who’s the better leader-#-and more who’s the better leader FOR THIS SPECIFIC MISSION#bc all four can be great leaders fight me on that#APRIL can as well 100%#doesn’t need a designated leader for them to succeed#they just need ~communication~#one of my favorite things tying Raph and Leo together is that they both *hide*#I’ve talked about Leo’s many masks a lot but Raph has one too#and it’s the mask of a hero - the mask of the protector
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cairoscene · 10 months
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Brian David Gilbert on Sad Boyz
feels fandom relevant.
[ID: A series of screen captures of Brian David Gilbert speaking on a podcast: "The thing that you invest your time in can feel so important to your identity that occasionally you feel, like, you need to close it off from other people in order to keep it safe. And I think that's where a lot of nerd culture, all that gatekeeping stuff, all of the toxicity stems from that thing where it's like, "In high school I didn't have a lot of friends or connect with a lot of people, but I did have this comic book, and now this comic book is super popular, but these people don't like me. That must be because they're not real fans."" End ID]
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thebrainrotsreal · 2 months
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EVIL MARK, EVIL MARK, EVIL MARK!!! I want to be coherent about this season but please picture me foaming at the mouth and running on the walls. S2 being what if Mark's just like his Dad? Insanity. I love this show. Anyways, AU where an Evil!Mark tries to make Our!Mark worse, and Our!Mark tries to make the other better. Something something confronting your idea of the worst version of oneself. Plus, tweaked black and yellow costume because I saw it and immediately went murder hornet lookin' ass and knew I had to draw it. Evil ass Mark. Horrible. I think he should be dragged kicking and screaming into redemption.
#mark and the fact he is fighting for this fucking life to avoid the Many Bad Endings???? im pacing. getting out the red string.#when the season is about who you are and what you could become. when trying to be good is an active choice and a struggle.#RAHHHHHHHHHHH#chewing on the bars of my enclosure...when every mark is evil OUR mark is the outlier. the exception. the OTHER. RAHHHH#dog poetry being mark poetry because how often can you kick a dog before it starts snarling before you raise your hand?#how often can you beat it before it rips into you without mercy? when it bites not at your hand but at your neck?#when does violence for survival and violence for vengeance start and end? when your opponent is down and you keep drawing blood?#circling and pacing and losing my mind over this btw if you care#anyways self vs self gets me going crazy. did you know i loved the end of atsv? because it shows.#i think o!mark would lose his fucking mind at what evil wasp looking mark has done + this mf wasp would LOATHE mark's kindness#they both see the other as the WORST version of themselves and they can't stand it. They can't shatter the mirror but they think they can--#--change the reflection.#evil mark seeing mark and seeing what he USED to be#mark seeing what he COULD be#CAN U SEE THE VISION??????#digital art#invincible rotating in my mind#invincible fanart#fanart#mark my beloved#mark grayson fanart#mark grayson#invincible s2#invincible show#mark like hello this is my secret twin and he is NOTHING like me hahahaha anyways wanna debate about having mORALS and LIFE#mark grayson vs the urge not to accept every responsibility as his own#he's batman coded that way#ok im done yapping#if this happened in the comics in any way shape or form dont tell me JACK SHIT or i will PUMMEL YOU with my SHOES
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scintillyyy · 3 months
can you really talk about tim's tendency to idolize and place dick on a pedestal and his semi-entitlement to understanding dick without also talking about dick's tendency to project his own feelings and insecurities onto tim and also his semi-entitlement to his right to try and micromanage how tim should feel and react about things. i, personally, cannot.
#dick and tim#anyways trust me when i say that none of this is meant in a negative way because this is what i Like about them lmao#forever thinking of the M/F fight where dick expects that tim will go alone with his line of thinking just because he says so#and is shocked when tim doesn't and instead has his own thoughts and feelings abt the matter#and babs has to tell him that tim isn't him & had a fundamentally different experience to him#it's like hmmm very realistic to me#the way they do this to each other in a way that almost is depersonalizing but like isn't actually#it's more just that they understand each other so well most of the time that it's easy to forget that they're their own person#with their own thoughts and feelings#like hm. there is something very realistically siblings about it in that#older siblings do tend to try and dominate the relationship with their thoughts and feelings because#their first memories are of being expected to lead their sibling and the sibling usually comes at a time when the older sib is v possessive#so the older sibling conceives the younger sibling as belonging to them and being kind of a hm extension of them vs their own person#meanwhile the younger sibling has no knowledge of a life where the older sibling doesn't exist#and the younger sibling's experience is that of observation of the older sibling from basically the very first day of life#so the younger sibling will often see and perceive the older sibling in very interesting ways#they're always learning something with thay observation good or bad#and thus probably develop more instrinsic understanding than even the parents do#and conflict comes because each is their own person but it's hard to see them that way sometimes#anyways there's also another thread where for dick it's hard to conceptualize tim's family of origin as real compared to them#but that's like mainly headcanon just know i'm right and it's interesting
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y0unginhumans · 1 year
i have bias towards BB leo
this is all in good fun if someone makes any trouble for it they are getting blocked
Sep Leo AU: @dianagj-art / @separatedleoau
Red Rover: @red-rover-au
Bloodbath: @trubblegumm
Solitude AU: @elmeowmeow
Tentative Devotee: @s0fti3w1tch
Separated AU: @cupcakeslushie
The Night: yours truly
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puppyeared · 13 days
i feel like im not making any sense but does anyone else feel like there are stories that let u run with them and ones that spell everything out for you
#im reading that post that says artists are directors of audience reaction and not its dictator:#'you cannot guarantee that everyone viewing your work will react as you are trying t make them react. a good artist knows that this is what#allows work to breath. by definition you cannot have art where the viewer brings nothing to the table ... this is why you have to let go of#the urge to plainly state in text exactly how you think the work should be interpreted ... its better to be misinterpreted sometimes than#to talk down to your audience. you wont even gain any control that way; people will still develop their opinions no matter what you do#im thinking abt this again cuz i was thinking maybe the thing that lets adventure time work so well the way it does is cuz it doesnt#take itself too seriously that it gives the audience enough room to fuck with subtext and then fuck with them back yknow. i think it was#mentioned somewhere that they werent even planning to run with the postapocalyptic elements that are hinted in the show but changed their#mind after the one off with the frozen businessmen and dominoed into marcy and simons backstory. on the other side there are stories that#explain too much to let the story speak for itself and i think it ends up having to do more with the crew trying to lead ppl in a certain#direction than expand on what they have and i see a lot of this with miraculous. like when interviews and tweets are used as word of god in#arguments and it becomes a little stifling to play around with it knowing the creator can just interject. u can say its the crews effort to#engage with its audience but it feels more like micromanaging. and none of this is to say there ISNT room for stories that spell things out#theyre just suited for different things. if sesame street tried abstract approaches to themes and nuance itd be counterproductive#a lot of things fly over my head so i need help picking things apart to get it- but it doesnt have to be from the story itself. ive picked#picked up or built on my own interpretations listening to other ppl share their thoughts which creates conversation around the same thing#sometimes stories will spell things out for you without being so obvious abt it that it feels like its woven into the text. my fav example#for this might be ATLA using younger characters as its main cast but instead of feeling like its dumbed down for kids to understand why war#is bad its framed from a childs point of view so younger audiences can pick up on it by relating to the characters. maybe an 8 year old#wont get how geopolitics works but at least they get 'hey the world is a little more complicated than everyone vs. fire nation'. same for#steven universe bc its like theyre trying to describe and put feelings into words that kids might not have so they have smth to start with#especially with the metaphors around relationships bc even if it looks unfamiliar as a kid now maybe the hope is for it to be smth you can#look back to. thats why it feels like these shows grew up with me.. instead of saving difficult topics for 'when im ready for it'#as if its preparing me for high school it gave me smth to turn in my hands and revisit again and again as i grow. stories that never#treated u as dumb all along. just someone who could learn and come back to it as many times as u need to. i loved SU for the longest time#but i felt guilty for enjoying it hearing the way ppl bash it. bc i was a kid and thought other ppl understood it better than me and made#feel bad for leaning into the message of paying forward kindness and not questioning why steven didnt punish the diamonds or hold them#accountable. but im rewatching it now and going oh. i still love this show and what it was trying to teach me#yapping#diary
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aeoris4lovers · 7 months
i know travis guiding them was 100% travis and not in character as chet bc he didn’t even have the voice going, but i also would like to imagine that chet did exactly that.
i like it generally bc he has moments like that where he drops the chaos when things get serious (i’ll never forget watching him and orym talk about will and realizing that oh god, under all those layers of whatever the fuck is going on with him, he cares so much).
but i really like it in this specific situation too bc i’m pretty sure imogen was the one to step up after his confession and immediately say they weren’t going to leave him, and i can totally see him avoiding the conversation in the moment but then stepping up to guide her and taking it really seriously out of appreciation.
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harbingersecho · 2 months
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grif's surgery but just a little more... obvious?
I actually rly rly ADORE frankengrif but I don't have an in-show reason why he'd have extensive long-term allogeneic skingrafts on his face 😔
#rvb#red vs blue#dexter grif#grif#*24#mine#art#cw wounds#Look I love biology stuff like this so I like researching what would be at least semi-plausible even if it's just for a dumb halo show that#makes 0 sense where CPR cures a headshot but i cant help it!!! and like the 'lazy' reason for it would be sarge is just crazy like that but#its not a good reason imo. and like the things he lists needing replacement are mostly internal and body parts which makes sense#considering how grif got injured by sheila like I could 100% see that rupturing organs and crushing his hand and there being burns etc#but like nothing points to grif needing any surgery above the neck and i dont think anyone mentions his face being different? i could#make up injuries for him but nothing in the show actually supports that he'd need grafts for anything but his body..#I'm SOO ready to be convinced otherwise btw like I said I want an obvious frankengrif to be true so bad !!#AGH would it be too insane of me to make like a surgery/injury overview thing for grif just so i can convince myself abt this idea...#i can bend to some fun stuff tho im not a total joykill u know! thats why i give his body the mismatched donor skin look despite allogeneic#grafts not being permanent w/ current tech. like it really doesn't matter if it's realistic or whatever but also Yes It Does.#and like during/after chorus would grey offer to 'fix' it? i imagine the feds could mesh a skin so they could use grif's own skin..#or like during rats nest when they got reassigned?
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