#i like thw show but like………. i am annoyed
I finally got why I love so much the "dragons are gone" ending in the books while I hate it in the movies:
The books set the dragons free.
The movies simply sent them away.
That's basically the idea but I had a vision yesterday at 3am so I will be getting into detail below the cut.
The books have a very strong message about slavery. Some would say that it is a concept that is only important within the context of the last five or four books, but the ones that have been paying attention to the saga as a whole knows that there are things happening in the background. You know, stuff like
People eating dragons
People stealing dragons from their families so
The dragons can serve the vikings
And they're expected to obey because
People threaten to turn them into bags.
That's mostly the first book.
Dragons are constantly showed as unsatisfied with the status quo trough out the books, some more annoyed with the vikings than others. We have complete monologues from different dragons before the war is even a possibility. Sincerely, when it happens, it feels natural.
The idea of freeing the dragons is not one that comes up in the last book, not even close. The first time it is considered an option is in book 9 (I think), and, by the time being, we've already stablish lots of concepts as slavery within human beings, the dangers of a war, how this could lead to the end of all and freeing the dragons is the only option.
It is fatalist to say the least, but it's not going out of nowhere. There is a lot of worldbuilding (more on that later), but it is also the right thing to do. By the time Hiccup is presenting the option, Cowell has made us root for the dragons to be free and wild and do whatever they want, even if what they want is to hide under sea for thousands of years. Or if they don't want, or if the want to but just not in that moment, they can do it.
Oh, yes, because they leave GRADUALLY.
It is a sad ending, but still manages to get as satisfactory because, yet again, we know this happens and the books remind us this will happen eventually every time they can. “There were dragons when I was a boy” is literally the first phrase in the saga.
And then we got the movies.
The movies never followed the books. Like, not very much. The writers decided that they wanted to tell a story of a broken relationship between a father and a son while using dragons, the heroic and prophetic aspects of the books were getting on the way of that and they scrapped the idea. So, no, you can't tell me the movies actually follow the books.
However, if you're very technical, you know the Hiccup we see in the movies resembles Hiccup I, the one that stopped the war between vikings and dragons in the books, stablishing an equal relation between the two races. And this idea of the movies being a prequel can work for the second and specially the first movie, disregarding the fact that there are no prophetic or magical elements at all.
But THW exist and... Exist.
Suddenly the writers and producers decide that they want to follow the books and want to get rid of the dragons, something that is completely against the message of the other two movies.
(I am just talking about the movies, the shows-books relationship is very different and I will someday make a post ranting about it)
The movies do NOT talk about the dangers of dragons being with vikings or how the vikings mistreat the dragons or how bad is slavery or anything like that. The second movie does, yes, but the second movie also sends a message about how people benefit of being with dragons. They have their dragons and they're strong because of that friendship. Being at war with one another only brings loss and suffering for both bands while being together promises an actual future. A bright future that no one imagined before the first movie and that now they cling to.
Dragons and vikings are friends and together cand do basically anything.
That's a very strong message, you know?
And you know what? The third movie decided that such a strong and important message about friendship should leave the franchise completely.
“Free the dragons” it's a concept that doesn't fit with the movies. They're not slaved, they're not away from wildness and, most importantly, they CHOOSE to be with the vikings in the first place. They are already equals, they can do what they want and, you know, they are with the vikings because they want to.
But no, let's do a movie about letting friends go as if it could actually fit in the saga.
(I know it could actually fit but the execution was terrible).
As I said before, the movies resembles Hiccup I befriending dragons and we know how it ends. And someone who has never read the books will go and say "well, it was bound to end that way, why are you mad?” I tell you the difference right now: there's 1000 years of difference between the befriending and the parting in the book, 1000 years in wich we witness the deterioration of said friendship (from being friends and equals to being slaves). That's no what happens in the movies. The films give us 6 years and the only deterioration is within Toothless' character and how they made him a horny dog.
The dragons shouldn't have leave. This was a whim from the writers that thought that ending both stories the same way would be cool. It isn't. At all.
Long story short, it doesn't fit thematically. The movies and the books have different themes with different concepts and different characterizations of the dragons. While the books got story building and present the theme's since the beginning, the movies get it out of no where ignoring the themes in previous works.
Anyways, go read the books they're jewels and the ending isn't as shitty as thw make it look
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aita for not tipping my nail tech?
super low stakes. typically i Always tip for these kinds of services but i went to this new techs house for the first time and it was just like, kind of a weird experience nothing crazy though. when i walked in her apt smelled really strongly of cat which on one hand totally understand like Its Your House but also like it wasnt like, regular part and parcel cat smell of just having an animal it was pretty noticeably strong.
as i was sittinf down i bent down to let her cat sniff my hand for example and she yelled at him loudly to leave and sprayed him, i was like “oh i like cats its no problem!” but she’d still yell every time he came over which was a bit weird. she was also on the phone for like 60% of my appt which i dont mind either i was just sitting there like🧍tho lol since she didnt say anything to me about it either - like “oh im calling my sister btw” nothing like that she would just randomly start calls. also at one point she took an in progress pic of my nails which was also fine i was just like oh huh am surprised she did not ask. lastly she was watching a really weird show the whole time that was like … from what i gathered like a relationship show but all the guys were being weirdly misogynistic.
she wasnt outright rude AT all and also the nails look great, i have just been to other private techs who work at home & different shops and this was for sure like a kind of anomalous experience (derogatory) so i didnt tip bc nail services are pricey anyways. like i said ir was nothing atrocious and any of these things on their own id be like totally non annoyed by at all and as it stands i wasnt ANNOYED at all i just thought it was An Experience. if anyone asks i will happily refer them to her etc cause like i said the nails are gorgeous was just a weird service.
obligatory i know that nail techs set their own prices so u dont *have* to tip in thw way u do servers waitresses etc. but i usually do.
What are these acronyms?
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the1975attheirverybest · 11 months
Hi anon, I want you to know your not failing academically at all. And your not being overdramatic or dickish.
I know that my input here is entirely unwarranted but I felt the need to assure you because I know that shit is hard. I don't know what year your in but I want you to know that you aren't failing. I'm in second year of my degree and I'm behind on 4 weeks of readings and I have missed a few classes here and there. Which considering in first year I had 100% attendance freaked me out, but taking a step back and thinking for a sec it wasn't the end of the world and it isn't for you either. I know it seems like a big deal but it's not, as long as you don't miss any major assignments you can pass the year just fine, which yeah assignments suck but they are basically all that matters particularly if your a first year, just pass the year, first year barely counts anyway because unis know stuff like this happens, it's a new environment in a new city with an entirely new schedule. It's terrifying.
I know uni with mental illness is awful, I spent my first year contemplating dropping out every day because I just couldn't leave my bed or dorm, i know how it feels to close your eyes and wish you never existed. But I promise you that it gets a little easier as you go, and as you talk about it. I don't know what uni your at but in thw UK they are required to have a wellbeing centre for students who can offer support for depression and depression episode's and i know that's scary but it saved me a lot. You aren't wrong to be annoyed at your freinds, it gets frustrating to have to hear the same reply over and over of "mood" or "same" but I'm sure they meant no harm, that doesn't chnage the fact that you have every right to be annoyed.
Uni does feel quite isolating a lot of the time, hell my chronic loneliness is worse than ever and I have a girlfriend for fuck sake. Its the way its set up,but if your friends are good ones, ask if you can talk to them, and if not, as a UK student I am always happy to lend an ear and encourage you to go get up and eat and study if you need. Your not alone I promise.
Anyway, I'm always here if you need anon, your doing great just talking about it and I'm proud of you. You've got this. Go to the shops and get a few bits and bobs that are easy to cook because a real meal might help.
@ 🐸 anon!!! You’ve got mail.
I second this. Ambrose is right. You’re close to the situation now so you’re still processing it. But once you’ve had time to clear your mind, you’ll see that missing a lecture is okay. I get it. I started my undergrad an obsessive stickler and by the end of it I was just like “they’re lucky I’m even showing up at all, lol.”
Also, I know that you said you don’t feel close enough to your uni friends to talk to them about stuff, but have you considered getting, like, an accountability buddy? You don’t have to confide in them about how you’re feeling/ why if you’re not comfortable. But, you could ask if any of your friends would like to do a check-in a few times a day/week/ whatever works best for y’all.
Like, with my ADHD and depression and shit, I find that I’m most motivated when I have a deadline. Not one that I set for myself cuz I can easily just change that deadline. I have to feel like someone else is depending on me to meet the deadline. So, I’ve started asking to meet with my dissertation committee to like do a check in and quick progress report. With those meetings looming over me, I feel the need to have something to show them, which forces me to do SOMETHING. It’s not a perfect system but it’s better than nothing lol.
You can find a friend to meet and study with or like hang out once a week get some coffee or a drink and tell each other what you’ve been up to or what your goals are for the week. Not to shame or police each other. But to commiserate and encourage one another? It may not be a good system for you. Everyone’s different. So like whatever works is always going to be the best option. But sometimes you gotta try out a bunch of approaches before you land on something.
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puppetboysx3 · 1 year
Matilda the Musical is my less favorite movie ever // ranting
if any of this is hard to understand , english isnt my main and i am not sober
I am a big musical fan , my started learning english because i fell in love with musical and because of my love for the Matilda (1996) movie , i had the vhs for it and it was one of the first movies i ever saw . I love this movie with all of my heart and i love the book its based off , so when i found out they had remade it i wanted to watch it . so i found it online and watched it one night well i was really tired , hoping that i would love this moive just as much as i did for the Matilda 1996 movie . th movie fucking sucked and i hated it so much that i have breakdowns every other week because i rememmber its real . they made to many changes to from one to the other , cut out a bunch of inportant stuff , changed and added characters, and thw worse thing of all they fucking removed Micheal (the brother) . micheal didnt add alot to the plot but added alot of motive to the characters , being the oldest and getting more care from his parents helps show that Matilda is neglected by her parents , showing the child that the parents love vs the one they hate shows alot of what Matilda doesnt want to be , which give a easy goal to think about until the plot picks up . they cut out the scene of the dad and Agatha with the car , where he learns about the school and gives Agatha a reason to dislike matilda straight away unlike in the 2022 movie where she just doesnt like matild . Agatha is given way to much forces , yes shes the villain but the 2022 movie makes her less of a villian and more just a poor out of luck soul , shes a good villian in the first moive because you dont feel bad for her and shes easy to hate , but in the 2022 version you start to feel bad for her story. i think the 2022 movie would work well if it wasnt a remake of the first moive, if you put the 2022 movie alone without putting it next to the 1996 one , its a decent movie , but the second you put it next to something like the 1996 verison its upsetting because it didnt need a remake , it was good , its a good movie , not a prefect one but a good movie nonetheless . the remake adds this traveling library instead of the the large public libary like in the 1996 one , the idea is ok but its not played off the greatest and generally i find it annoying , adding this character matilda could go to for help makes me not want her to win as much because they is lying when she could just ask something to this lady and have the chance of getting help but she doesnt , the world feels brighter and happyer in the 2022 version where in the 1996 it feels dark and isolated , as a child i could sympathize with matilda and see how she was struggling and i wanted her to win and be able to find a better life and the pay off was good , she got a better life . but with the 2022 movie she isnt really struggle , yeah its a bit sad but she seems mostly content with her life and not as resentful to her family , which just makes her happy ending bittersweet to me , cause it doesnt really feel all that earned . i migyht rant more about this today if i think of it again -OM
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punchholesinthesky · 2 years
im annoyed at the incompetent coppers in this book I am reading.s they are blindsided by someone who uses an alias in their professional work. they think she murdered someone based solely on proximity, even though she had reason to be there and gave them the work she was doing.
like how is someone not telling you the legal name they never use a red flag? how is that lying? it's literally your job to find that shit out ffs
oh she's suspicious cause she's private???
they claim she did it cause her bootprints were near but failed to notice the lack of blood in them? or her clothes? bludgeoning someone is not a clean job
also have they looked if she was even capable of it? like what height was the murdered likely to be? how much force was used? etc ? no they have not
they say oh but we found this photo which proves you knew the victim!
no it proves they were at the same party. years ago.
it'd be pretty dumb of her to kill someone when there's a lot of evidence showing she was there. a lot of which she provided.
plus she has absolutely no motive
between this and someone else being prevented from joining her, it seems that what the evidence is saying is whoever killed her knew there was going to be someone else there, and is attempting to frame said person
so the question is
who knew about this meeting? who knew about this secret tunnel? who had access?
who had motive? who benefits from the death?
so incredibly incompetent they tried to rile her up by bringing up a painful traumatic past event.
and a completely irrelevant one at that, which they had no right to even know about
oh, also the husband, whom she was divorcing and he had shady dealings, changed his name and they did not know that either. they havent looked at his financials, who he's been in contact or anything!
just 'oh thats suspicious. anyway let's look at the girl without motive again'
and now theyre interviewing the husband again whos clearly and shamelessly redirecting them back to her
oh and ofc the main cop thinks shes cute, and is basically flirting with her to try and get in her good graces which is incredibly unprofessional
and the book is like look at this sweet guy! he doesnt wanna arrest her hes just bad at his job! hes being hard on her to overcompensate!
also, the dead wife's friends told the cops the husband was jealous and controlling, and they have also done absolutely no checking
i'm not saying the husband did it.
i'm saying the husband is the first place you look and all they did was check if he had an alibi
at 70% theyre thinking hey we should look into the husband some more.
and thats only cause a lawyer chwed them up and their boss told them to stay away from our poor girl
personally i think it's likely someone the mc works with is involved
they also have not even looked into the victim's life all that much? which seems like a logical step
they suspect the victim's gran was murdered as well, but no suspects there. its worth mentioning theres no way our girl couldve done it and yet..
idk how much longer i cant stand this
i have a low tolerance for bullshit. at least this kind
give me real problems, not idiot balls
her love interest is kind of annoying too, upset she didnt tell him thw truth about her family and background
but how is that any of his business???
she mentions at the beginning how theyve only been working together a few months
and shes understandably private due to a traumatic past.
his feelings dont seem very important
if they started going out yeah but a new friend youre not yet sure ia trustworthy?
now that she's managed to catch the husband in the act they actually discover his evil plan
say sorry but not sorry (sorry it hurt you but the questions had to be asked)
and now they say 'oh its all circumstantial we cant do anything' about the husband
and now theyre like oh hey those incriminating emails were bs actually
the same idiots who said her timestamped photos werent proof????
oh and apparently her idiot colleague /love interest hasnt spoken to her in months
yeah im definitely not reading book 2
the husband seemed so damn guilty I thought thered be a twist, an accomplice something
not the husband looks guilty cause he is and the cops are just incompetent idiots
ugh, shame i like the MC and its a cool plot but holy shit did this need edits
theres a lot of talk of ecology and bat dna but a lot of glaring plotholes
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fuckyeahself · 2 years
also i think the umbrella academy would be less insufferable if the siblings just. had a groupchat
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Dude I just had a dream that I found out four really exciting things, and at least two or three of them had to do with Dan and Phil. The only one I remember is that I somehow saw next Sunday’s John Oliver show (even though I was very aware it was Tuesday) and Dan and Phil were on it celebrating their ten year wedding anniversary. I also distinctly remember a light blue cake with a dark blue icing one and a brown icing zero for some reason.
#oh and the also had those atupid party hats where the elastic digs into your skin#okay how big brained am i?#i knew it was tuesday PLUS i realized the show was shot with guest stats on set so i was like oh this must have been filmed a while ago#bc of corona#and then i was like hmmm i wonder if that means they had to celebratw their anniversary super early to film this?#also for some reason i found it on my homophobic stepdad’s computer?#i think they also uploaded to the gaming channel in the dream but i dont remember the videk#also one or two of the exciting discoveries defintely had to do with minecraft#i think one of them was something like when you break leaves sometimea random valuable stuff will drop#which i realized even in the dream could be pretty annoying especially if you just want an apple or something#but the reason i even thought of that is bc i spent yesterday binge watching dream and georgenotfound#i miss dan and phil together 🥺 im like the lady in the radio show ‘oh idk youre just so cute together’#there was also a section of thw dream where my stepdad came intk my room (which he never does) looking for a specifix shirt for some reason#so he could like clousgaze or somethingn??? he found a shirt while he qas looking thta i was like ooh imma wear that tommorrow but its fake#but gave me a heart attack bc i thought he was confronting me about watching something on his conputer (even thiugh the video was pulled up)#also he found a necklace i definately Do Not Own with like metal feather tribkets on it and gave ot to me saying#you and (brothwr) will need this for border disputes (????? idk)#i tried to make a list of this things but i couldnt remember them all even in the dream i thibk i only got three#i very distinctly remember that i was planning to make a textpost about the things i found out so of course i had to wake up and do it#also this all happened in deadass an hour of sleep#percussion strings winds words#dream
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
If if Kai’s, Chrono, dabi and hawks s/o leaves them with their new born baby to take of them because she wants to go out and have coffee with her friends
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For real? You betrayed him.
He has work to do, he has other responsabilities than to take care of some-
*kid makes grabby hands at him while his s/o pleads him with puppy eyes*
...alright, you won.
Probably will just keep the baby on a near crib as he works on his desk though.
But do not be fooled, Chisaki has always an eye open to his kid.
If the baby just start to make too many noise he just will sigh in annoyance and pick them up... after checking up if the kid is clean or not.
Again, I have many scenarios of Papa Kai in here so just check the list of my au 😚
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Typical responsible father but also likes to mess around.
Always trying to teach his boy to say papa/daddy/dada first to your betrayal.
Makes sure to take a day off and stay away from kai because like, you know, ERI-
Likes to do upsie dasy si ce he loves hearing his son giggles and wants him to not fear the heights.
10/10 for papa Hari.
You know those baby carries? He definitely has one of those since his arms would be sore fron all the work he does.
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Wrong choice since this man is spoiling this cutie with (red or white i dont even know anymore) haired baby.
Sits her on his laps as he plays with the so TINY COMPARED TO HIS hands.
Like: "this one goes up" *holds one arm up as his daughter coes* "Now this one" *lifts the other and after hugs her and makes her hug herself, amirking at her little giggles*
Pure 😭
I headcanon that his daughter would develop her quirk quite... early.
He would be holding her while messing with his cellphone until tiny Rei sneezed and little joilst of blue fire let out.
Cue wide eyed Dabi at his daughter "...sHIT-"
If you thought he would let his daughter meet granpa Enji even through television you thought wrong.
He would put the channel on, points at Endeavour and teachea hjs girl the world "Fucker".
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Like Dabi would spiul the hell out of his twins babies.
Holds each one on each arms and start to flap his wings for them to laugh.
He chuckles when he sits down on the floor and those cutie blondies babies reach for his red feathers and coo... but he immediately lifts them up if ther start to mouth them.
Definitely has also a baby carrier and takes them out on a flight.
I dont doubt that he would find Endeavour on his flight and just flops dpwn to mess around with the number one hero.
"You know what's cooler than a baby Endeavour-san?" He would say as he plays with the hands of his daughter on the baby carrier in front of him.
*sighs* "I am afraid of this but what Hawks?" Thw hero would ask annoyed before Hawks turns his back to him and open his wings to show his son mumbling on his own hand.
"Two babiES-" "Hawks WTF?! How did you even magane to do this-?!"
No questions asked.
Pouts that he cant feed his little birdies chicken yet so he just settles for the milk then.
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atlaese · 3 years
Disney wants every thing for themselves. Annoying. I'm hoping for a revival. Hope we get it. They announced tosay that they will nevr work with Scarlett again after her lawsuit. Insane.
I will try to find articles or movies to show you what I mean about catholism ruling someone live but in gist there are so many microrules that you need to do everyday. It really limits your growth as a person, you need to be smart to get out of the mindset and eapically for matt who has in an orphanage and there fore didn't have many outside connections. Technically you are not allowed to think anything else beside what is given to you. They have the notion of believe don't question.
You can alsp take into account the fact he decided to become a lawyer. It's not an easy job and especially for an orphan it is like an achievable dream? Sure he wants to help people but does he actually benefit from it? And if the devil is the punisher what is Matt as a human?
As for when it comes to a romantic relationship because he definitely loves women, how much is he willing to contribute to a relationship or does it give me thw urge to run away and hide? We could be talking about it all day. He loves the warmth of a relationship for sure.
❤️❤️ you are really lovely, loving doing this with you.
i am manifesting a revival for all of us, bestie we deserve much more matt and daredevil content. wait are you kidding? god i hate greedy mouse man. they ruin everything good.
oh, if it's not a bother for you that would be very interesting! i did go to a catholic school but was never very catholic myself, so for me its very hard to grasp. but i can see how, when you were raised very catholic and were in a orphanage for most of your life, that could play a large factor in your personality and actions. i like to think he will grow out of this 'limited' mindset and decide that he isn't half as bad as he thinks he is.
honestly, kudos to him for going to law school (ivy league even, if im not mistaken?) and being a damn good lawyer. you really need to know what your limits are to be one, and i feel like he's a great one. i'm kinda sad we didn't see more 'lawyer-y' things in the series, but maybe i should watch suits for that 😅. that's a very interesting comparison you're making there! i feel like matt might be inbetween: not fully a devil but more a demon? someone to guide the lost and terrible souls to their damnation? very interesting to think about it! (you could write a whole ass dissertation on matt i feel like!! i would read it tbh. )
yes omg hahahaha!!! i feel like he's quite the womanizer when he has a good day/week/month whatever. but in the end he would love to settle down one day with someone he trusts 1039539%. like a real life angel for him, someone who pulls him out of his dark mindsets and pushes him back into the light. even when he doesnt feel like he deserves it. (he does though). i bet being in a relationship with him would be so rewarding though, he seems like someone who'd literally go to hell (i- sorry zgjhrgzk) for someone when they are in need of something. and he gives great hugs. i bet he loves to snuggle. like a lot. and kisses. don't get me started on those.
pls i love doing this so much lmao!! this is really fun! 💗
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look at him, ah. too pretty. too adorable. precious. must be protected at all costs.
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cottoncandy-jester · 4 years
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Lie down darling it's time for a dream
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Bakusquad with a bara crybaby S/O
You may ask yourself"proxy what's this?!"
To answer youe question I have no idea I just want to indulge okay?!
Plus come on, a big buff reader being a bottom for their shorter lover is just amazing how could I not?!
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Katsuki bakugo
Honestly he was the reason you cried the first time you guys met
He finds you to be both annoying and adorable
The way you hide behind him though despite you being taller makes his ego puff up
He is very soft around you and tries not to make you cry but sometimes he cant help himself
If he's the one who made you cry he was just aggressively kiss you while mentally screaming at himself for being so dumb
Anyone who makes you cry is dying
Even if you flinch cause of someone they are dying
Your soft behavior calms him down though if he's amped up though
Your tallness does irritate him though like who TF said you could be tall!
Is constantly yanking you down to kiss you
If anyone teases him about being the shorter one he goes boom
Let's everyone know that he's top dog between you two by biting your neck everytime you make out so others could see it
Speaking of make outs..when you cry during making out it makes him FERAL!
"look at the little baby, you're crying cause it feels so good eh? You want more kisses? Heh. Whatever"
You sniffle softly as bakugo run his fingers through your hair while straddling your waist. Today was a hard day during class and thw stress made you break down, you had to fight against bakugo and of course you going easy on him pissed him off so he snapped at you.
The two of you now sat in the dorm lounge while bakugo tried to stop your blubbering by kissing your tears away. A feeling of guilt weighted his chest down as he petted your hair and let you nuzzle your face in his chest if you wanted.
"come on [y/n] I said I was sorry, I didn't fucking mean it..so stop. I love you"
His soft whispers in your ear made you start to settle down and he smiled at the soft kisses he felt against his chest and neck. He simply sighs softly before picking his head up only to see deku and mina staring at the two of you with a crazy look. Bakugo growled loudly but looked at you before holding his anger since he didn't want you to cry again.. he'll kill them later for now you were the most important thing on his mind.
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Eijirou Kirishima
This boy is crazy about you!
Like you are perfect in his eyes and he is constantly praising you til you are super red
He liked your height cause it's fun to hug you from behind or compare hand sizes
He gets pouty when he tries to kiss you but you are too tall like lean down so he can kiss your perfect face
He finds your fragile behavior super cute like you're shyness makes him smile
He will punch anyone who makes you cry like he almost got into a fight with bakugo when he made you cry
He gets annoyed if anyone calls you scary looking or asks if you're some delinquent cause you're tall
"please don't talk about him that way! He's really sweet and that is gonna hurt his feelings!"
Honestly cuddles for days
Your chest make him drool
If your hero costume has any part of your chest or even shirtless he is gonna stare
Work out dates together are to be expected
Seeing you get fit makes his knees weak
"i-i can't do sit up when y-you kiss me like that"
Your shaky voice made the redhead hold back a laugh as he sat infront of you holding your feet. He kissed you everytime you came up and after ten of those you were flustered and too shy to go on. Kirishima found your behavior so adorable that he just couldn't help but wrap his arms around you and kiss your cheek
"can't help it! My manly man is just so cute!"
You whined softly at his praise before you found yourself shyly nuzzling your face in the male's neck
"kiriii~ you're embarrassing me"
"oh? Can you not handle my compliments? What if I call you manly and handsome? What about cute oh and sweet! Not to mention you are just perfect..so perfect"
The praise was too much for you and you started to feel dizzy. You fell limp in the male's arms which made him panic so he pulled your face back from his neck to look at you only to see you were all red and freaking out
"k-kiri..called..me.. perfect-"
Your muttering made Kirishima laugh nervously before he kissed your head softly.
"okay tall guy let's cool you off before you explode"
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Denki kaminari
If you thought Kirishima was bad with the praise denki is worse!
All his pervy energy is poured onto you and you can't handle it
Like constant praise and affection
Also..chest...man boobies is his weakness
His face is in-between your chest 90% of the time when you're together
Not only that but constant groping your chest
"[y/n]..your chest is like a girl but better! Sooo soft!"
As far as your crying he is the one to make you laugh when you're stressed or panicked
Will get hella pissed if someone were to make you cry
If he catches you crying best believe is will smother you with kisses and love to the point where you are flustered and laughing
As far as your height he is totally jumping on your back or asking if you can pick him up every once in a while
Will brag about you to everyone..like everyone
"[y/n] is so cool! They are so strong! plus their muscles are so sexy!"
Will say pervy this about tour chest to other people as well..like he has no shame!
"heh. During training his hero outfit ripped and i saw his yummy boobs!"
"y'know [y/n] is a dude rig-"
"gahhh! I'm so lucky! His cup size is like triple some of the girl sizes!"
You let out a shaky sigh as you heard a muffled groan from the male sitting in your lap with his face buried in your chest, well at least he was alive.
You were on your bed playing animal crossing while denki had his head buried in your shirtless chest. He requested you to be shirtless and you agreed since he's seen your shirtless before but this was getting kinda worrying
"h-hey denki, are you okay? You've been pressed against my chest like this for an hour..can you breathe?"
When you got no response you panicked before pulling denki back slightly only to see his face which was filled with bliss and joy, his eyes sparkled and his face flustered with the lack of air while blood dripped down his nose
"you're bleeding!"
You felt tears brim in your eyes as you tried to move to get a towel but denki simply latched onto you and nuzzled his face into your chest.
"I'm fine! I just- really like your warm chest"
You shivered lightly when denki gazed up at you with a sly grin
"you are too cute I can't help but cling to you like this y'know? My cute guy with such a cute body"
Before you could speak you winced at the feeling of a bite on your nipple
"heh oops-"
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Sero hanta
he wants to know how you got so big and buff like huh?!
Honestly when you two first met he was scared of you
Now he just loves you lots and lots!
He isn't about huge PDA like denki and Kirishima but he will hold your hand and even kiss it from time to time
Best believe he will tape someone's mouth shut if they make you cry
He finds your fragile behavior really cute and you have gained the nickname bunny cause of it
He loves touching your muscles and just cuddling with you
If he's the reason you ever cry expect him to do everything in his power to cheer you up
Sero looked at your weeping form curling up in the bed, you two got into a simple argument that left you in tears. He can't even remember what you two were fighting over but it was all stupid now, the male gulped thickly as he reached out and touched your hair before crawling up next to you so he could see your crying face.
"hey..bunny, look at me babe"
With a slight hesitance you faced him and felt him a kiss your tears away while holding tour hand tightly in his
"whose the best boyfriend in the world?"
You didn't speak but only whined lowly as soft sniffles escaped you but you were starting to smile so that was good. Sero simply kissed along your cheek and your lips very softly
"come on, who is it?"
"yeah it's you, I'm sorry"
His voice sounded shaky as you two locked eyes before you hug sero close and mumbled out a soft I love you which he returned before you two cuddle close enjoying the other's warmth.
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Mina ashido
Soft boy lover #1
Like she is so in love with how soft you are it's ridiculous
She adores hugging you and clinging onto you even if it makes you super flustered
She likes showing you off and bragging about you whenever she can
"[y/n] is so cute when he gets all flustered! He is just the cutest thing ever!"
Please let her give you many kisses
Will go protective mode if she sees you crying
"who did it! I'll fight them! No one makes my cutie cry!"
She wants to train with you as much as she can cause you are strong and she wants to get stronger
Loves to sit in your lap all the time
You have a bad habit of looming over her when you want something and it scares everyone
They don't know if you wanna kiss her of kill her
You found yourself standing over the girl while she was innocently chatting with jirou, you were as quiet as a mouse so she didn't notice you but it was clear you wanted something. You really wanted attention but wasn't sure how to get Mina's attention
Would it be rude if you were to hug her from behind? What about if you tao her shoulder to gain her attention? You stood there thinking but to anyone else you looked absolutely bloodthirsty.
"uh- hey mina, I think your boyfriend doesn't like me talking to you..so creepy"
You snapped out if it and winced at the insult, creepy?
You let out a hush sniffle as mins turned to face you only to wrap her arms around you and hug you tightly, she noticed your tears and shot jirou a quick glare if annoyance.
"a-am I creepy, mina?"
"oh, sweetie no! Of course not! You're my teddy bear, lean down"
You did as she said and leaned down before feeling her grab your face and cover it with kisses upon kisses. You felt your face flush as you whined lowly
"minaaa p-people are staring!"
"let them stare! They can all see how much i love you!"
You hugged the girl close as she kissed your face and you shyly returned the attention though you felt like dying from how flustered it made you.
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i was high almost the whole time this is a reaction ig sjsjsjs
Clay is narratating baby boy
Who tf died?
I called it monty fucking lived I FUCKING *flips tables*
So winston shut the fuck up if alex fucking goes to jail 🔪🔪🔪
Monty is horrfying omfg also the way hes talking abt the racial system
period tell him clay
aYO WHAT THE FUCK CLAY??? Is monty alive???
Clay looks so good shut the fuck up everyone
Dylan Minette pls sir get in guts
Clay is going insane lowkey scared
I miss Ryan Shaver n Scott Reed, end post
clay is too pretty im-
i hope tyler is okay ;-;
They are dating iM IM SORRY????
i just realize wtf is sheri? Where has been😭
clay lowkey reminds of tony
Tyler :(
tyler and clays friendship>>>
"ass shoes" - jess
Shes MOVING????
"Clay-cray" "clazy" the way i wanna marry Jessica
The way im high as hell the monty illusions i hate em
Alex dad >>>>
The only cop i stan
quick break: black lives matter.
okay Tony serve the looks
Where has justin been
ohhhhh justin was OHHHH
Okay but im zach showing up eveeywhere high as hell
justin n clay >>>>
Matt >>>>
jess n justin >>>
god i love this show sm sm
tony = tylers mom
Zach n alex stay a million feet apart for no reason
did he replace scott where is scott fuck u
cookies: stan
alex is so nervous
I love zachs vibes
oh new guys name is charlie sisjsj
justin what ;-;
you know what you tell her honey :(
I feel you lowkey jess :(
oh no ;-;
alex looks so good rn sir pls
everyone: alex dont say anything
alex: SO FUCK YOU-
why does bill looknso diifferent
winston: mourning over his bf :(
winston needs to stoo being weird
Justin n clay getting new phones so sweet
Clay looks so good in that pic ;-;
why does everyone look so goddamn goos in the season wtf
ani n jess would make good friends with Sheri :(
I am one of the few who does like ani ngl
Justin serves looks sir pls
i swear i lean toward women but yall 😭the men in this mf show
Clay quit being awkward
I want ani and jess to live together
she best see her mom every weekend
does ani not like clay????
Yall jess best not be starting a forest fire
I forgot ani and bryce were fucking
ani is thicc lowkey
Yall i have work im upset
Is that the same whisper sound from assassins creed
ayo what the fuck?
yes jessica you fucking tell him
wtf is metal detector gonna do bro
I hate boland anyways
Estella is so pretty
Who is she Jess??
Im confused
Zach >>>>
zach breathes and im all "wow so hot"
is no one going to college???
you getting cut if you are mean to my boy
thank god for ani
Fuck winston this lil mf gives me the heebegeebes
justins going to college imnso proud
oh shit winston is fine tho
also wtf do you mean it can kill you ima mess this mf up
okay ani pls dont call clay out (she wants a knife to her face)
poor clay has to pretend hes okay for everyone else
Im tired of seeing monty beibg a creep
Ani: *whispers* clay no wait-
fuck off yall bitches
who the fuck ONG
monty n hannah n bryce: haunts ppl
yall mfs really wanna box HURT CLAY-
ani n clay: know who killed bryce
im sorry???
tell ani clay :(
alex: worried abt alex
zach quit being mean to ur bf
zach is being so inconsiderate eat ass bro
:( they still wont take them back annoying
justin dont-
Snitches get stitches end up in ditches qnd get no bitches bro you know the code
okay clay dont get all pissy bro
that was a weird transition
i had no idea he was a senior why didnt they say that
oh ny god this explains the absence of ryan then ig but i miss scott more than anything ong
This confirms clays in love with scott i dont make the rules
clays jeans >>>
i was expecting hannah tbh not ani
omg no clay :( u cant save everyone- it would have been more powerful coming from hannah lowkey disapointed
clay is finally getting help, proud
Clay looks so fine omg im sorry but he looks great
everyone in this seasn is looking so fine wtf
Winston is so pretty :(
he rlly liked monty my heart lowkey is broken
no :(
Im going to sob
I have a feeling theyll kiss again and itll be on zachs volition
The anxiety i havfor alex
Also lowkey zach kissed back
the fucks i give ima write so many fics istg yall
brb ima go get high rq
they are gonna trace it all back to clay im so nervous
tyler best keep his mouth shut
Clay is so funny sjsjsjs hes so scarcastic like okay emo edge lord
season 2 is still superior i stand by that statement
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neonwizardheehee · 4 years
personal rant & brain dump bc I’m listening to bigbang and feel emo:
so i have a few topics that are circling my mind thus this will get messy (as usual hahaha)
- music as I said I’m listening to bb and the way I wanna cry??? mainly bc i miss my sis talking about them and being all happy and proud.. and just her in general v.v I feel like i overdid her with kpop and that doesn’t feel good. i was supposed to be the baby but i got too invested and now i am so damn invested i scare her :((( it makes me so sad :( but idk how to stop.(current mood & playing: let’s not fall in love) 
 - romance the new girls i met here are so different from the friends i have bc they are extroverts. i never had extroverts as friends before so i feel blessed now. we only met recently but they already were so open to me about things no one ever told me. like 3/4 girls i met talked to me about their first time and BOI i was so glad that we casually talked about it bc my other friends wouldn’t do that in a million years bc they are too shy. it really felt good. also no one judged me which was very reassuring. albeit me feeling a bit dumb bc i couldn’t really add to the convo but apparently I get better at listening ig? also that made me think that sex and dating shouldn’t be such an “important” topic as it is with my friends before. one friend sees it as an achievement to have a s/o but doesn’t talk about it or either brags (kskssk giiirl that’s so funny yet annoying XD yes u can be proud of your boi and brag bc i’m here for that bc i’m just so happy for you but ... not at random moments XDD). this made me realize how ppl refer to their s/o when talking to others. bc my friends who are very chill with their relationship always say their name while said friend (and ofc some others where having a relationship is important) always say “my bf/gf” or “ex” when that specific info is not relevant to the story they are telling XD
anyways it also made me realize how BAD i am with talking about my own feelings and wishes. since talking about my worries feels like complaining and i am good at that - but it feels random and uninteresting for anyone to hear i think to myself (it prob isnt). i feel so smol when asked about that topic and all i wanna answer is “???”. even if there is no pressure. idk why I’m like this and it makes me feel sorry for the people around me :( I’m so confused and idk what the question is. i can do better with writing but idk why but i wanna find out one day hahah. maybe i should just ask my new friends for advice since they are not judging me and i trust them and want to learn to be better with that. altho there’s this thought that I’m uncapable of love which frightens me a lot. I know i’m okay without it and i don’t mind but i feel so sorry for the people who like me? it also might be natural and I’m just stressing myself over nothing so idk what to ask and do -since you can’t force love right? i mean i don’t really believe in love at first sight i guess but rather spending time with that person and liking them a lot. so id why I’m pressuring myself so much with this :( maybe i am just too scared? or maybe i am anticipating too much? it all could be possible bc for everyone love is different and every relationship is different. so it’s mostly me feeling sorry for not giving back as much as i should and could :( - that’s also the reason why I’m so pro polyamorus relationships bc I know I’m not enough and idk how and if i want to fix that bc idk the rules bc there are none hahhaha - but also that makes me feel good bc i know i’m not responsible for someone’s happiness. i am too egoistical and these thoughts work as a self-protecting mechanism I KNOW that’s why i do this. so i’m not stressing myself even more. i just feel so unfairly precious when someone genuinely praises me when we’re just two ppl and no one else :( might be bc i don’t understand that feeling yet. i def want to know that but also i’m scared that it’d take me down a road where i loose myself (for some foolish reason idk why). so in the end ig I keep trying and get used to that (i already made loads of progress this year so ig i shouldn’t feel like I’m being too slow)
- studying okay so next topic is also just me feeling like i do too few. this week went quite okay and i managed to study on out study server everyday (ofc i had my bad days but i still at least smth). well yesterday i hastily did some vocab and then teh whole day i spend with friends & kpop... like LITERALLY until the night. a friend of mine was proud of me for taking a break (me too yesterday) but today i don’t feel good about that :( i missed so much. i’m scared it’ll kick me out of my study routine (since it was so hard to get my ass down to study itself!). i really want to be the person who’s studying every day and feel good about that. so since i have another thing planned today i don’t think i’ll get much done today as well :(((( i just wanna be a wise guy who knows a lot T.T i already made progress i know but... i want more.. i really wanna do well here and not be stuck behind like i was for the past 6 years :( i wanna have ambition again and not just pass... i kind of hope i can manage to study at nights on days like this but also i need my sleep so i stil have to find a solution for that. bc even tho i regret not studying as much i don’t regret hanging out with people. that’s smth i missed out in my first semester and so important in times like this were I’m stuck on my own. 
- religion so i have one christian friend here and yesterday we talked about church services and stuff like that and it was cool learning how it’s with her bc she goes to a very modern church (instead of me going to a traditional one 4 times a year). Suddenly i got sad tho and felt like crying :( even tho she was just stating her opinion i felt attacked and wanted to cry. after some thinking i think it’s just the way we are used to talking about religion bc we both grew up in an area where religion is looked down onto. for me .. i turned to myself and made up my own thoughts and beliefs bc i am too scared to talk and ask someone about it bc of all the accusations around me. religion was not smth to be discussed and only smth for yourself and maybe your family for me. the girl had to fight her way through all the “churches are old and fucked up and scary” things and since she goes to a modern one has good reasoning against them - that’s perfectly understandable and I’m so proud of her for speaking up like that. but like... it hit me on thw wrong side bc i am used to these old traditions and kind of like them even :( so it felt like she was insulting me. even tho she wasn’t.  i just dont know how to talk about religion and how to practice reading the bible or praying and hearing her talk about how she does all these things.. makes me feel invalid :( it’s like the only thing that i have is that i was raised a christian. but y’know for me it was okay since i learned in school not to practice or show my religion.. so idk how to do it... and i feel baby and sad if i have to ask her for some reason. i tried to look up this on the internet but ofc everyone is even more crazily involved there and it scares me SO much. so i unfollowed everyone hahah. i also have this one podcast but i still feel bad bc i’m not able to really read the bible on my own ig :( these days I’m just blaming it on the translation that i have but deep down i know it’s me who’s not able to ask questions at the text. maybe i should try to talk to someone... my sis who’s also in the same situation as me... or said girl to take me along and feel like a complete newbie and a little bit like an outcast bc religion for me is so different than to her.
- christmas i really enjoy the christmas spirit but i also already wanna cry if i think about gifts. i hate that i have so many people i love and will prob get smth from them so i have to make smth in return. i am overwhelmed and scared already. i didn’t even make a list yet T.T feels like i should block time to figure out gifts in my schedule bc I’m just putting it off more and more :( and also i already feel sorry for everyone bc they will get shitty gifts bc I’m so bad at this :(
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shewolfofficial · 5 years
Vampire!Levi Headcanons
I've decided to do some headcanons to try and get rid of my writers block, it's really annoying and I've decided on doing headcanons and small drabbels for now to get back into working like I used to
Warning: Cursing, Mentions Of Blood, Suggestive Themes
× Modern! Au ×
¬ You bet Levi was around since the early Victorian ages, that's when he was first turned into a vampire
¬ Levi was turned into a vampire by his former lover, Petra Ral. Yet a few weeks after he was turned, Petra was found out to be one of those creatures and was killed almost instantly
¬ Levi didn't enjoy having to feed off of other people at first but after a few months he came to terms with that as the only way of survival
¬ He'd seduce people and once they're in a secluded area he'd pounce
¬ Levi's not one of those evil vampires though that kill for the fun of it, he still has emotions and pity for those who fall victim to him
¬ Though when the modern ages came, of course he adapted like any other person, he became a bar-tender in a local club in your home town/city
¬ You met Levi the night you walked out on your cheating boyfriend, going to the next best place where you'd occasionally hang out with friends
¬ "You look like you've had a shit day, what do you want?"
¬ "Blue WKD please, you're right on the shit day thing though- caught my boyfriend snogging some tramp earlier"
¬ You and Levi got close faster than either of you expected, though Levi was hesitant on trusting you at first since thw whole Petra ordeal that happened a few hundred years ago
¬ If you got into a relationship with Levi he wouldn't tell you the vampire part for a few months until he's comfortable to
¬ The future of your relationship really does depend on whether you accept him being one of those creatures or not, obviously it would end if not
¬ He would literally lose it if you did, he doesn't want to scare you off from basically killing another person
¬ Levi would be confused if you asked him to take some of your own blood
¬ "Why do you take other's blood and not mine? I bet mines's good you know?"
¬ "Why the hell do you want me to feed off of you?"
¬ Yo if you two get kinky up in the bedroom you het he's going to be nipping and licking a lOT
¬ His eyes flash a crimson for a few seconds when he gets aroused
¬ Levi did feed off of you one time, but he made sure not to take too much blood incase he would drain you
× AoT! Au ×
¬ One of the reasons Levi is Humanities Strongest is because he is a vampire, that and his family blood being the Ackermans
¬ Of course very few people know about him being one, Erwin, Miche, Hanji- the veterans who had known him for years
¬ Levi's canines are a tad bit sharper and longer than anyone elses, though it's not a obvious sight, only a minor change
¬ When Levi met you, he was intrigued at first, your scent reeled him in like a bumblebee to a flower
¬ Would often make up excuses to see you more, he's even more protective of you, though he won't let it show often
¬ One time you accidentally knicked your finger and it began to bleed, you were more concerned over the fact that when you looked to your right you had your captain staring you down with no expression whatsoever
¬ Believe it or not- your relationship started because of a steamy make out session in a cleaning closet with him one night
¬ That same night you found out about him, he just straight up told you
¬ "You do know I am a vampire right?"
¬ One time you'd never forget it, Levi punched someone and they genuinely did fly back a little
¬ They also made some cracks in the walls
¬ For a short man, he'd easily hold at least eight people at once
¬ Blame it on the vampire strength
¬ Though if you're a kinky little shit you're in for one hell of a ride since sex with him is goD LIKE
¬ He'd teasingly suck on your neck while letting his teeth graze your skin
¬ He can be one horny motherfucker if there's a full moon out
¬ Since he has some super speed that he can use when he wants, you bet Levi would fuck you faster than anything
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vanillakitty20 · 5 years
Sth i found in my ff.net
I never really finished it or editted but i just wanted to show it to the world. Now, feast your eyes on more of my shcist!
Chapter 1: Solangelo~ Demons
Nico huddled in a blanket burrito by the thinning flames of the hearth in the Hades cabin. It was cold despite the fact that it wasnt even far into the night yet. He snuggked closer to the son of Apollo's tense body, absorbing its warmth.
When the days are cold...
"No, idiot." he said, " You'd loose if you play that one. Only 300 attack power"
The son of apollo looked up to the son of Hades, frustratiin knitting his facial features, "This game is so hard!" he groaned.
Two hours spent, attempying to teach his blond friend this game proved futile.
"Its not." Nico rolled his eyes, "Maybe you're just stupid"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
And the cards all fold...The doors to the Hades cabin burst open revealing one daughter of apollo called Kayla.
Nico glared at her at the door as he scrambled to pick all tyhe cards that had flown onto the floor in the sudden gust of wind. The clod pinched at his skin as he did so.
"Sorry to interrupt but the camp fire is starting soon" she said.
"Alright, gimme a minute" Will said.
Kayla nodded, closing the door and exited.
"Is it a thing for you Apollo kids not to knock?" Nico demanded, annoyed at the mess of cards and pieces strewn accross the floor.
"Nah" the blond grinned, " I'll help you pack."
And the saints we see are all made of gold...Nico picked up the pieces one by one handling them with care because he cherished them. Why wouldnt he? Will got it for him. His eyes land on a particular statuette in the rubble, the Hades one... the one that cost Bianca her life... Will had gotten him that one too. He closed his eyes, hamdling the pale gold-coloured cold piece of wood between his fingers.
"You okay?" Will asked.
When your dreams all fail...
"Yeah fine" he waved him off, opening his eyes to find sky blue ones staring right at him in concern. Nico felt the lightest of blushes spread accross his cheeks and he looked away, going back to packing up his game of so many pieces.
When had Will started caring? Nico didnt know he was just glad he did. He helped Nico through a
lot of things. He thought back to those nights that he had those nightmares of that place.
And the ones we hail are the worst of all...He'd always wake up screaming and flailing and shaking in fear with no one there to help him, no ine to twll him its not real, no one to keep him safe from the scars in his memories.
And the bloods run stale...He often saw himself dying in that jar or that place he dare not mention. He'd be scarred and dowsed in blood, that of tye momsters whose lives he had to take and his own.
But that was all before Will. Now, Nico would wake up to the blond by his side, whispering that everything would be okay and that he was there. Nico didnt care when Will started caring. He didnt carw gow they became close. He just cared that Will was there and that was what he feared.
He thought this as he picked uo the reat of tge pieces in silence beside thw son of Apollo who seemed lost in his own thoughts.
I wanna hide the truth...Nico would be lying if he said he didnt like Will. It was plain obvious. The son of Hades only seemed co!fortable around his sister and Will. Nico knew itd be lying if he said he didnt like Will but thats what he feared, the truth of hus feelings for the blond.
He glanced up at the boy beside bim who seemed to do same at the same time, causing their eyes to meet. They both pull their gazes away.
Will could never find out. Nico told himself.
I wanna shelter you...Telling Will was a major risk he knew he'd never have the guts to take. he didnt want to loose Will. He didnt want Will to hate him because he fell in love with him. Besides, Even if Will loved him back- which seemed far from possible- he'd be putting him in danger. Not telling him was protecting him.
But with this beast inside...Protecting him from Nico himself. Not since tartarus, Nico hasnt been the same. He raged quite easily and always puts so many people in danger. His body jist wanted to let its anger out. All the anger he had on himself thaT had been bottled up. When he got mad, he became rage beast and he couldnt afford to burt Will who got on his nerves most of the time.
Theres nowwhere we can hide...
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I am sorry, but, I am so not okay with the way everyone is treating Clarke and I am not just saying that because she is my favourite character, but, the 100 has always been a show about challanging the common, about the dilema of what makes things right and what makes them wrong. It was always about the fact that everyone is flawed and no one is innocent, everyone has made mistakes and everyone knows and accepts that they pay for those mistakes somehow, and now everyone is acting so mighty around Clarke!!! Characters like Murphy who was initially portrayed as the scum; the person who would do anything, sell anyone to keep himself alive. Raven who almost got everyone killed because she was dwelling over not being able to walk. I love those characters and I love how flawed they are portrayed because it makes them humans. I mean I get that Clarke was wrong, but, she was alone for 6 fucking years so that THEY would be alive so why is everyone acting like she is thw worst person on earth, like she did nothing good ever for them?!?!?! Why is no one putting themselves in her shoes, she made a mistake (she is no saint), but, she did it because she was trying to protect the only family she had for the past 6 years (she was being overprotective and acted silly, but, ain't all mothers like this!!!!!) I hope this arc will be over soon and they will all realise how stupid and selfish they are acting because if we go back to all the times these people have wronged Clarke, but, she never treated them like that it would be a very long and annoying list.
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broomswept-thoughts · 3 years
Dang, why do I get weirdly pissed off when Tammy talks formally to me or says things that are pure hearted? I get really irritated for some reason. I think for the formality part, it makes me feel like I need to be cold back in order to be taken seriously I guess, and it makes me annoyed to feel that I need to put up a front that's not genuine. Maybe I feel irritated because it makes me wonder and second guess if I'm just being over emotional or extra. I guess it feels invalidating,like how formal speech in the therapy thing makes me pissed off because it makes it seem like the other person is looking down on me when I'm trying to be vulnerable or just communicate equally. And they're trying to appear higher up than me. I think it's rooted in insecurity for why I feel rage lol. I guess people just communicate in different ways when they're stressed emotionally like in arguments and I end up being v sensitive to people and how things appear from my own POV.
I think insecurity might be why I dislike it when I hear pure hearted or too good to be true sounding phrases. I guess it just seems fake and not like a real person to me. But maybe I'm just anxious of my own "badness", and I'm trying to drag people down into emotional muck to satiate my own deep set of wanting to be good/ better morally than other people because I've made that my identity for too/so long. I think that makes me irritated, but it's because maybe I don't like other people clearly showing me up in terms of being a good person. I think I've thought of myself as good for so long, that I get insecure when people are out there who are much better than me as people.
I think these are thw reasons why I can't let go of my irritation towards Tammy sometimes. They piss me off, but at the root of it is my own insecurity and feeling of losing myself or who I am in relation to others. Whew, glad I thought this thrkugh rn.
I think for ways to he better and not feel this way, I can try to recognize that people are allowed to be angry and upset and express that in their own, healthy ways, and I don't have to talk like them to be valid or to be "sane"/ have good reasons to feel upset. I think for the second, I think I need to step away and realize that there are many ways in which I can become a better and more compassionate, reflective, person. I think I need to put down my pride and insecurity, and let myself learn more from people who are better than me, rather than focusing on how bad I am in comparison or how much I need to do to be better.
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