#i like to think ling said one(1) nice thing to him and he was just like
worldsokayestdragon · 2 months
Greedling's introduction is actually really funny because Greed does the typical evil possession rant about "your friend's gone I'm the only one left!" and Ed looks into his eyes midfight and is like "I know Ling's still in there" and it seems like the set up to some long epic struggle where Ed will have to reach out to Ling to prove he's still alive and help him overpower Greed
And then maybe two hours later Greed tracks Ed and Al down like "hey I have a message from Ling could you give it to Lan Fan for us? No clue what it says but that's probably fine. anyway don't try to foil our evil plans! or do I don't actually give a shit. later losers."
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red-viewe · 11 months
Dear secret admirer
In which your secret admirer prepares you gifts- and a letter.
A.A x reader
J.V x reader
' I love you.
You have taken my heart and I can't seem to take it back. My soul desires your happiness, but will burn out if I find that you don't love me the same. For this reason, I will cowardly find myself behind the ink, praying that you too return my shameless love.
-love, your own secret admirer'
Azul sighs, putting down the pen you gifted him and rereading the letter over and over again.
'This is stupid.' Leaning back in his chair, running his hair through his hair while gazing at the gift he carefully hand prepared for you.
Azul was content before you. He was alright.
But he wouldn't say he was happier. Love hit him harder than a punch to the balls. He resisted the urge to hug you, the urge to tell you, "I would never hurt you." Everytime you lookes on guard when he was around. He wished to have night ling conversations with you at sunrise, kissing your lips softly, lovely, telling you, "I love you. I love you. I love you." Over and over again.
Azul looks over to his present for you.
It was in a black box, with an elegant purple ribbon on the front, storing a beautiful pearl necklace he handmade with the help of his eel friends.
'I hope they like it.' Azul smiles, closing his eyes in relaxation.
"Azul~! Is the present ready for delivery~?" A energetic Floyd Leech barges into Azul's office, happily startling his thoughts.
"Ahem, O-of course" Azul said fixing his glasses.
"Make sure no one sees you." Azul reminds the eel.
"Of course~~"
'You're beautiful.
You're so pretty. I could stare at you and not be tired of it. When I'm stressed, or i can't seem to fall asleep, I think about how much you would hate it if I overworked myself, making a part of me want to work even more, just so you could worry about me. It's so nice. You're so nice. I want to be able to hear your voice every day. Make me your number 1.
-sincerely, your secret admirer.'
Jamil Viper was a busy man. Having to take care of Kalim is not an easy task.
But love finds a way into even the busiest of hearts.
He hated feeling warm everytime you walked by, or when your hand just barely brushes against his. He wanted to spend every momment he could with you, but Kalim was a chain. And you were one of the many things he couldn't have.
Was he overthinking this?
He thought that you could never love him. Until last week, when he overheard Deuce, ace and grim teasing you about your crush on Jamil.
When Jamil was sure no one was near or in Ramshackle, he slowly placed a small basket in front of the door, with an envelope addressed to Y/n L/n.
The basket contained some of your favorite snacks, bracelets he made for you, and a store bought cake from his hometown that he knew you would like.
Placing the basket down on your porch, he quickly pulls up his hoodie as he walks away, his cheeks warming up on the thought that you would find the basket.
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kattythingz · 1 month
YJ x FMA Pt. 5
Aka the au where Ed absolutely must remind every child soldier hero he runs into that they are, in fact, still children. Without picking any favorites whatsoever, of course.
(Jk, it's obviously M'gann. Fight me.)
🧡 Pt. 1 💛 Pt. 2 🤍 Pt. 3 🩵 Pt. 4 💙
M’gann didn’t think she was fully awake when she opened her bedroom door the next morning to the smell of food.
She’d made a pretty good habit of getting up around nine every morning so she could surprise Conner with a breakfast. It was admittedly corny of her, and it didn’t always work out, but she made a regular effort nonetheless. If she couldn’t drag him into a breakfast, then she was always on time to make cookies instead. Last week, Conner had even been waiting for her, asking awkwardly if “she had cookies to make or something”. He hadn’t tried joining her outright in the kitchen yet or anything, but they were getting there! She just knew it.
But she digressed. All that was to say, she was a little surprised when she heard muttering from the kitchen.
She floated instead of walking to avoid startling the person if it was Conner, and she was almost sure it was him when she got near enough.
That cursing was pretty distinctive, though.
“Ed?” she called tentatively at the threshold, just in time to catch Ed jolting hard enough to slip his fingers on the pan handle and burn himself.
He recoiled instantly, dropping the pan with a loud clang. “FUCK!” 
“Oh my god!” M’gann yelped and rushed over. “I am so sorry, I should’ve made some noise first—are you alright?! Here, the sink is right over here if you—!”
She stopped when a smile, of all things, crossed Ed’s lips and he chuckled.
“I barely felt it, don’t worry,” he said, still laughing. “Don’t you dare apologize for something like that, that’s amazing. I didn’t even hear you.”
“That is another thing you will have to ‘get used to’, I’m afraid.”
It was M’gann’s turn to be startled at the amused voice behind her. She spun toward Kaldur sitting at the island, nursing what looked like a slightly burned omelet and a glass of orange juice. Which meant M’gann had definitely overslept, if he was already here at the cave and not his own place in Atlantis.
“Kaldur,” she stuttered, cheeks warm at the dual praise now. “That’s funny, I didn’t see you there either.”
“I have my own methods as well,” he said with a slight smirk.
“Tell me about it,” Ed said, pulling both their attention back to him. “You lot are gonna be the cause of my premature heart attack. Scaring the shit out of me one by one.”
He was already returning to his task of cracking eggs into a bowl, so M’gann asked Kaldur instead, “What did you do?”
“I only thought to help with preventing a mess,” Kaldur said, meaning—
“You literally made water float out of nowhere, you little shit!” Ed whirled around with a pointed spatula, and Kaldur’s smile held valiantly at the other end of it. “I thought I was going crazy. A little warning for that would’ve been nice, considering you’re supposed to be the polite one.”
“I believe I did warn you,” Kaldur hummed, “when I made my presence known first.”
“I changed my mind, don’t fucking talk back to me. You’ve been spending too much time with Ling.” Ed huffed, but he was obviously smiling when he turned back to the stove. “M’gann, have you eaten anything yet?”
It took her a second to realize Ed had used her Martian name. Probably because that was how he’d heard it from Ling, and Ling insisted on using her proper name—if she preferred it. M’gann didn’t mind being Megan to begin with, but she had to admit, it was nice hearing her name in its Martian pronunciation too. 
Though, she was surprised Ed had said it so easily. Her name wasn’t hard to pronounce, but it was “heavy” by Earth standards; when Robin and Wally had tried saying it, they’d needed to pause before connecting it in a sentence.
“M’gann?” Ed’s question pulled her out of her thoughts.
“Sorry.” She smacked her forehead and floated over to his side. She didn’t get it yet, but it was apparently considered rude on Earth to talk at someone from a distance. “You can use my Earth name, you know, if you want. M’gann and Megan mean the same thing to me.”
“At this point, I’ve heard the first one more thanks to Ling,” Ed said. “If you’d prefer it, though—”
“Oh, no! I was just saying. I don’t mind.” It made her really happy, actually.
“Good. I would’ve had to kick Ling’s ass too if you had a problem with it.” He shook his head, reaching for something beside the stovetop. He furrowed his brow when he only touched counter, opening his mouth to ask something—
M’gann, perhaps overeager, beat him to it.
Ed turned to accept the plate normally, a “thank you” spilling blindly from his lips, before his eyes widened at the plate being hovered at his eye-level. Catching the muscle memory too late, M’gann lowered it sheepishly to his height instead.
It was a long second before he accepted it.
“Thanks…” he repeated. “Let me guess, another thing I’ll have to get used to?”
M’gann giggled at the resignation in his tone. “Sorry about that.”
Ed finally smiled. He turned back to the pan, freeing the omelet from the surface and passing the plate easily to her.
She started at the offer, accepting without thinking, and he grinned.
“Don’t be,” he said. “That’s still amazing.”
She wasn’t used to hearing such direct praise from an adult—Ling said Ed was older than him, hadn’t he?—so she needed a second to remember to say over her skipping heartbeat, “Thank you. Like you said yesterday, though, that’s nothing special by my standards. Everyone on Mars can do it. We learn it as kids, even.”
Ed sounded genuinely interested, so she moved to the island with her plate and continued, “Oh, yeah. There’s a bunch of local games tailored to nurture exactly that skill. It’s as important as learning our first word—through telepathy, that is. We learn that too before out-loud speaking.” 
“We have a similar standard in Atlantis,” Kaldur said. He’d finished his food, and was leaning into the conversation with a noticeable spark in his eyes that M’gann was always happy to see; he was their friend before their leader, though he seemed to forget that often. “All Atlantean children like myself are trained in the ways of hydrokinesis since infancy. Speaking comes shortly after we have usually achieved our first trick.”
Ed’s infamous curiosity must’ve been sparked, because he put his back completely to the stove and leaned against it in favor of the conversation now. “That is so fucking cool, what the hell. But, wait, you said something about knowing ‘sorcery’ too—”
“Atlantean sorcery.” Kaldur nodded.
“Right. That. So, is that a different thing? Or can everyone do that too, and you just chose to get a mentor for it?”
Kaldur paused suddenly, along with Ed and M’gann, at a distant noise from down the hall. It sounded like the slam of a mechanical door for a split second, accompanied furiously by a mad sprint, and—
M’gann jumped with Kaldur at the yell directly at the threshold, spinning together to blink at the source.
Ed deigned his attention to it much more slowly, and with a great roll of his eyes.
“A little louder, idiot prince. I don’t think Conner heard you yet.”
Ling’s eyes further widened where he stood panting, swallowing his breath for a palpable moment frozen on Ed. He’d obviously overslept and woken in a panic. His hair was wild and loose around his shoulders, his mouth agape—and he was completely shirtless.
M’gann’s face burned, and she turned away quickly. She didn’t need visuals to imagine the look on Ling’s face, anyway, when he breathed a second time, “Ed. You’re still here.”
Ed smiled in the corner of her vision, lifting off the counter. “Where else would I be, dumbass?”
“You… You weren’t there when I woke up. I thought—”
Ling’s already short breathing cut off at the same time Kaldur looked away with a polite grimace. M’gann could guess the cause of that interruption, then.
She counted one, two, three beats before Ed said, “You thought what?”
M’gann risked a peek at the couple now, and she couldn’t help her instinctive smile at the starry-eyed look on Ling’s face. It felt like, already, she’d seen more faces from Ling caused by Ed’s presence than his absence. And Ling had talked a lot about Ed before his undue arrival in their world. 
“I thought…” Ling sucked in a breath. “My hoodie was missing.”
“Is that what this is called?” Ed pulled back from Ling to observe the oversized sleeves of his red hoodie that did belong to Ling, now that M’gann noticed it. She’d known those pants looked familiar too; she helped Ling pick out those black short pants with the golden design up the legs herself, when they’d gone shopping for clothes for him.
Ling’s expression positively melted on Ed as he hummed a noncommittal answer.
“This doesn’t seem like your usual style,” Ed remarked with a questioning eyebrow at Ling. “Isn’t this a little sweltering for your sensitive skin? Not to mention the color. Although, it is an upgrade.”
He cracked a grin there at the end, and Ling chuckled.
“Well, I wasn’t entirely thinking of myself when I chose it,” he said warmly. “I’m glad to see my judgment hasn’t slipped, after all. Those really are your colors.”
Ed blushed bright and spontaneous. “A-Are you still half-asleep? What’s with the directness? And go put on a shirt already! What the hell are you doing running around this freezing place like that? Don’t tell me you’ve been prancing around like you did when you were sixteen—!”
Ed wasn’t the only one caught off-guard by Ling’s loud, bubbling laughter out of the blue. Kaldur’s eyebrows shot up at the rare sound triggered by practically nothing.
“I haven’t, I haven’t!” Ling said, beaming wider than the sun, and Ed’s face somehow colored redder.
“Y-Yeah, well, good! Now, seriously, go change.” Ed twisted out of Ling’s loose hold, grabbing two eggs from the carton as he passed it. “Or I’m eating your portion too!”
That made Ling yelp, and he actually stumbled. “Don’t even joke like that, Edward!”
“Good thing I’m not joking, then! One minute, Ling. One! Two—!”
Ling was gone down the hall in three. M’gann slapped a hand over her mouth to—badly—cover up a laugh, and Kaldur outright chuckled next to her.
Ed grinned by the stove too, and it felt like something in the cave had shifted.
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ninjakk · 2 years
Hi! I wanted to ask you something that’s been bugging me for a while: I want to know who’s the oldest between wx, and, for a long time, I thought it was WWX, since he says that they met when they were 15 and it was spring (then, LWJ was the youngest because his birthday is on January) but I remembered that MXTX uses the chinese age with Jin Ling (the text says JL is 15, but he should be 13 chronologically) so I don’t know if it was used with wx too. I think the characters for occidental/oriental age are different but I know -10 of chinese🤔who do you think is the oldest? The thought of them actually meeting at 13-14 is funny, though xD
Hi Anon,
Well, I'd have to say LWJ is older than WWX, because WWX has called him 'WangJi-xiong' in the past, as well as 'Lan Er-Ge' and 'Lan Er-Gege' which are all used to address someone older than you. Unfortunately I don't speak or read much Chinese at all. But as far as I'm aware; Both Xiong and Ge/Gege mean 'older brother' - the latter is just less formal, more cute/flirty way of doing so.
I'm not sure if MXTX gave LWJ a birth date - I've only ever seen her attribute one to WWX in an interview 🤔
So I would have to assume LWJ is older, because of the honorifics WWX uses for him ☺️
I think if you do the math (which isn't my strong point mind! 🤣), WX are definitely 15/16 when they meet. WWX had been guarding his first kiss for 20 years, and that was 5 years after they first met. Also, they both have courtesy names. MXTX said she lowered this from the usual age of 20 to 15 to fit in with the story.
As for JL... * Scribbles down numbers like a mad scientist - akin to what I imagine WWX was like while inventing things in the Demon-Slaughtering Cave... *
At the start of the novel JC confirms JL is going to turn 15 that year - so he's a little younger. Since he said "15 this year" he might have only just turned 14 as well. So I think this adds up nearly, give or take a few months? The first siege at the Burial Mounds was "nearly three months later" after the Bloodbath of Nightless City. Since JL was just over a month old when JYL died, he'd be around 4 months at the time of WWXs demise. With us not knowing exactly when WWXs was reborn within the thirteenth year since his death - this could add up to the extra months, rounding everything off nicely to coincide with JL being 14 at the start of the novel.
You are right, the traditional Chinese method of counting a person's age is a little different. You're 1 at birth instead of being 0. It gets a little complicated after that, because they then add another year onto that age once the child reaches their first Luna New Year as well. So depending on what month you are born, you could be classed as 2 pretty early on! Even though you would be technically perhaps less than 1 by modern calculations. After your first Luna Year, your age is then calculated by the turn of each new Luna Year. So it will be a year in between thereafter, if that makes sense. But as far as I'm aware, MXTX did not use this method when giving her characters their ages. I think this might stem from people being a bit confused with JLs ages - but hopefully the above helps to clear this up a little.
Just to further support my musings! If MXTX had used the traditional Chinese method for everyone's age, A-Yuan would have been too young to act the way he did when the novel states he was "one or two" years old. Because he was able to walk, talk and play very competently - making me assume he was definitely older than if his age was being calculated the traditional way.
As for WX meeting when they are a little older, I'm rather glad to be honest! Especially considering some of the sexual tension and flirtatious behaviour at times over their youth 😂
Anyway! I hope I managed to answer your question Anon 🤗
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Me trying to line up JLs age with WWX's resurrection... 🤣
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joyeeuxe · 1 year
Reading Chong Yue operator file
(with some, i mean a lot of commentary)
I really adore him ughhhh, a good big brother we finally deserve
I used google translate to tl texts from aceship so it might not be 100% accurate, keep it in mind. Will edit here and there if i find more reliable translations
And let's see
Chong Yue works as martial instructor (he taught wushu) in RI
Ling requested Doctor not too overwork.assign him to many missions since Chong Yue came to RI to rest
Chong Yue files censored his combat skill test result as ■■
His medical test indicates that he has normal body, a very well worked out one (the one who wrote seems kinda thirsty lmao)
Archive 1
He has strict morning exercise routines everyday and because he teaches martial art, everyone learning with him are expected to follow his routine
Everyone noted that he is just a normal guy™ compared to his little sisters
They said he is gentle and nice person auhwhdwjjs da ge
Archives 2
Initially other OPs are avoiding him because they think he is a serious person
But then when other OPs discovered he have many hobbies (wood carving, literature, poetry and brewing coffee etc) they started to invite him to various said activities and got shocked when he accepted their invitation lmaoo
He is interested in modern cultures and open to try new things
When he joined the movie production, he learned how the technologies relating to film making in two months 😭 he's a fast learner huh
Archives 3
Nian said that Dusk was reluctant (?) To see Chong Yue when he visited, so she created a painting of her and a hut with surrounding mountains (she basically trapped Chong Yue inside her painting for a whole night). And by the morning, Chong Yue basically shattered the painting and Dusk asked when did he find out, he replies he knows from the start because which big brother that doesn't recognize his little sister? (Chong Yue knows that the 'Dusk' accompanying throughout they day/night was just a painting) and Nian commented that Chong Yue was playing along just to make Dusk happy
Chong Yue was trying to persuade Dusk to go and live with him and Ling at the frontline (basically he doesn't want her to be lonely and a shut in) but he failed yeah lol
Nian mentioned that when Chong Yue wakes up (as a Sui fragments, he sealed himself and molded a mortal body, it seems that Chong Yue is in mortal body and the rest of his siblings are not because Nian said that the 2nd brother will try to get Chong Yue to teach him how to do that after knowing this secret) seems like his 2nd brother knows how to do it too
Apparently the sword on his tail is where he sealed his true form??
Archives 4
This archives talks about Chong Yue wanting to retire after defending Yumen for so long
It said that Chong Yue hates killing the most yes he is the one who did killing the most too (the war and all)
He has acquaintances with many people, but the more acquaintances he has, the fewer he knows (god this sounds so sad...ahjbfjhef)
Chong Yue expressed that he loves the mortal world so much and wished that the world to stay in peace (as in not let Sui get revived and wreck more havoc and no more war i guess). That he is no longer 'Shuo' (his real name) but now 'Chong Yue' (his mortal name) because Chong Yue is a part of this mortal world (CRIESS)
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blorbologist · 8 months
Hello yes I would like to know more about your Fullmetal Alchemist AU because that was amazing. The Ashari doing alkahestry, *chef's kiss*. Delilah as Envy, genius move. Saundor as Lust, perfect casting is perfect.
Vex with the title of Sewing Life Alchemist, much better person than the original holder of the title. And that Truth took part of her heart, oh that's good.
!! Thank you so much! I love this AU but it has so many moving parts it's hard even for me to juggle them sometimes pfft.
God there's so much to talk about uhhhh:
It's a super complicated AU in part because I'm including Campaign 1 PCs as the older cast (Vex, Vax, Percy, Pike and Grog are all in the military, Keyleth gets a bit of Scar and Mei's roles, Tary is Somewhere) and the Campaign 2 PCs as the younger (Beau and Caleb fill the role of the Elrics, Jester is probably Winry-ish with some Mei elements, Veth is a chimera, idk what Fjord is up to, Yasha is likely Ishvalan, Essek gets to be Ling <3, idk what I'm gonna do to Molly and Kingsley. Probably terrible things. He might be Hoenheim/Father/idk. Maybe he'd fit better as Ling then Greed but I Like Essek Best Ok). Which is complex enough on its own (I can get conflict between the kids and their military babysitters with Beau and Percy butting heads), but what makes it extra dicey is the homunculi. I want to try and ensure that the main villains have a good balance between CR1 ones and CR2's, but whereas many of VM's antagonists are connected (Vecna/Sylas/Delilah/kiiinda Ripley, all the Conclave), the M9's are very disperse - and with all these enemies it's hard to unite them under one goal. Do I include the Conclave? What about the Iron Shepherds? Lucien's group? Avantika? So for the oneshot I just said fuck it and narrowed in on the most Perc'ahlia relevant information (and had Keyleth there instead of Jester, to stick to the C1 cast).
I've shuffled around a lot of the alchemical signatures of several characters due to what fits and what doesn't - for instance, though Vex neatly fills a lot of Roy's role, she is never associated with fire. Caleb, however, is, so the Ed-equivalent gets to be the Flame Alchemist. As a Ranger, Vex is very difficult to make fit into the State Alchemist system, so I made her role more research-focused (while still keeping with the terrible guilt and shame that Roy has that I think fits Vex nicely as well). As the Sewing Life Alchemist, she can be a more successful Shou Tucker: I figure she stumbled on Trinket (an early state-made chimera), tried to learn how to fix him, and so ended up roped into that research division to keep her from blabbing. A lot of her research focused on healing and accelerating growth, and she has a knack for using every ounce of power offered by Equivalent Exchange; as a result it was easy enough to slot her in with the team creating viable human-animal chimeras - the people who originally fucked up Trinket. By that point, it's too late to get out. So she has a lot of Guilt <3 Elaina died either to plague (like Trisha Elric) or got burnt in one of those staged conflicts to get souls/blood for the nation-wide array. Vax gets to snipe up bits of Hughes, Havoc and Nina's roles in the story: I'm unsure of if he's been used to keep Vex in line before, but he certainly gets fucked up by Lust. I'm unsure if the military then steal him away and turn him into a chimera, or if Vex is forced to do that to her own brother to keep him alive. I really want to include some thematic nod to 'take me instead you raven bitch', though, so. Help?
Nixing the up-and-coming Colonel being the Flame Alchemist also impacts Percy's role: I knew I wanted him to be tattooed with secrets like Riza (if you cant tell from Get your hands dirty, I love the concept), but without Flame Alchemy, what could be worth hiding? After some fanangling, I decided that the de Rolos have a decent lineage of military service, especially as State Alchemists, and though Percy never showed the knack for the magic aspect he grasps the theory very well (and instead tinkered with guns). So, as the spare, he offered to get the family's research tattooed on his back. Least he could do - until the estate was swarmed and everyone was killed by some fuckers and Percy was tortured for the code to the notes on his back. Envy (Dewiwah) and Dr.Ripley were behind most of it, with Delilah taking on the faces of people Percy knew both to get her foot in the castle and to torment him. He joined the military in an attempt to protect himself, only to slowly start figuring out that they were the ones who ordered the hit, at which point he stages a lab accident and has Vex heal his back juuust enough to maintain functionality but otherwise ensuring it scars. I'm suspecting the secret was either that his family stumbled on the nation-wide array or something that put Father's plan in huge hot water. Cass is probably a hostage-ward of the Briarwoods and might not know Delilah is responsible for anything given her changing face :D
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lanaevyssmoved · 10 months
helloooo Afhiri sounds SO lovely. can you tell me more about how they feel at the start of act 1 about her predicament with the tadpoles, her companions, etc etc if you want!!
it might be cruel to say that they're pretty damn simple . actually no its not ive decided theyre pretty damn simple. literally wakes up and has a panic attack because where is flute?? where flute?? WHERE. FLU TE? flute was no where to be seen (depression). a very sad clown exploring this ship literally with minimum interest because flute :( flute :( this is a child who has lost their autistic hyperfixation toy.
lae'zel is hot. the sword scene is hot. hiri has immediate gay panic and forgets flute for 2 whole seconds. asks lae'zel if seen flute. lae'zel doesn't even know what a flute is.. smh. sticks around because was told to. does whats told (for now........ ominous.) so to start lae'zel is literally party lead this clown is NOT a protagonist (for now...... no im not making that joke twice)
SHADOWHEART IS HOT... absolutely ignores lae'zel to free shadowheart. literally dumbass tries to pull the door off. lae'zel ends up being the one like "maybe u should look around if u INSIST on saving this HALF ELF." frees shadowheart :) oh my god you have an autistic hyperfixation too?? your rock is so cool!!!!!!!
the flute is not rescued. please F's in chat for the lost flute of afhiri's childhood. her father made her that flute and it's DEAD. AND THERE WASN'T EVEN TIME FOR A FUNERAL.
the first thing they do after hoarding all of the fish on the beach like a little goblin creature is find gale's portal. shiny. Oh My God is that an arm without a body? that is Soooo cool...... high fives. they free him of course!!! used bard Magicks to calm that shit down and free the silly man. she finds him SOOO silly. he is such a silly little guy. his lil expressions and hand movements are SO funny. she wants to get acting classes from him so she can be just as funny and then she'll rank up in Clown. she's sure of it. (he is a clown to her. a truly excellent clown. there's real talent..........)
after that she gets knife throat by astarion :( not very nice of you :( i would have given you money if u wanted :( oh not a robbery? OH WE'RE WORM BUDDIES? friendship acquired :) they genuinely don't have any more thoughts rly at the start because he is mean and she doesn't understand its mean and looks at him stupidly like a dog who cannot understand the new word u just said. tilts head :)
their friendship stat is SO high all of a sudden. this clown has had NO friends their entire damn life (weirdo coded) and suddenly they've got SOOO many best friends oh my god they're so excited for the campfire stories hehee :)
next is oh my godd its the hot. gi..gi... Girlfriend? :) no its gith u stupid clown. get pied. ANYWAY tells the tieflings some absolute BULLSHITERY. this clown is So good at lying (this is a positive. their moral code is kinda messy.) and frees lae'zel :) shadowheart doesn't trust lae'zel but how can you Not when she's Also Green? I'm Green? You're Green? Da Ba Dee
after that its oh my god is that A GOBLIN? never seen a goblin before. finds them extremely cute. they're also kind of green (positive). and A WARG? can i PET IT? No? It'll eat me? bite off my hand? chew up my suit? this is supreme sadness. wait- flute still gone. that's supreme sadness. ALSO WYLL IS FUN!!!! wyll gives her fairytale hero prince vibes and is absolutely fascinated and thinks as a bard should sing of his tale because hes so cool (please don't trust them. they will make him sound like a fool.)
hearing about the spooky scary teeth-ling from wyll is super!! exciting!!!! a devil?? fought in devil war?? fire?? death?? epic story . we must find out more (not to kill. to talk to. must have some REALLY COOL STORIES!!!) very easy to convince wyll not to kil- OH MY GOD HOT?? HOT? ?? literally hot. this is the most Supreme Gay Panic. afhiri never thought about girls (or boys) like this before. none of the Lads give the Panik.. but these girls are a little too much (fainting vibes) also karlach is so fun :) daydreams about karlach throwing her like a javelin into battle
the tadpole though :/ they don't know!! everyone keeps saying. bad! evil! bad! removal! death! kill! and they're like :/ idk guys.. worms are kinda cute. u ever seen a worm do a lil wiggle on some mud? its so cool.. i wish i was a worm..... everyone is concerned. do not trust them with decisions (they trust them with decisions. they are All stupid.) they name the worm. the worm is named little buddy. it's not creative. it's not a name. but this is Little Buddy and she talks to her little buddy sometimes. she even wrote it a song. (she doesn't consume more little buddies. that's weird.. this is HER little buddy and those are OTHER little buddies. there's only one little buddy for her....)
extra: GUARDIAN. oooohhhhh my god .. never seen someone soooooo CLOWN. (this is false. guardian looks nothing like a clown. theyre projecting HARD. guardian plays along because this is clearly going to work better than being Hot and Mysterious). trust them explicitly (reminder: not smart), treats like another Best Friend like the squad. gets sad they don't ever join them in camp for her performances. does private performances sometimes :)
DOUBLE EXTRA: the possession.. of Flute 2.
a daring tale of (gale takes some of the squads money and buys them a flute. cannot bare to see the sad puppy dog eyes any longer.) AN INCREDIBLE ADVENTURE OF PERIL AND DANGER... THERE WAS GNOLLS AND GOBLINS AND MAYBE A BEHOLDER!!!!! gale.. an incredibly brave adventurer.. this is going in his next song
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aoxue · 10 months
Let's give you some for your man Jiang Cheng uh CHENGYAO?? Chengqing. Cheng. Lan. Imagine (song lan)
Ask game
Ah, my man! Let me preface this by saying that what follows is largely about CQL!Jiang Cheng.
Ship it? Not… really? It's amusing but I don't really spend time considering it seriously
1) Why don't you ship it? In thinking through this, a few things, I guess. I think it's because there's a single point that gives these characters any sort of deeper connection than just being work colleagues who see each other at conferences occasionally: coparenting Jin Ling. Which is substantial! I think they could have funny and potent divorcee energy, which might be funnier if they never were in a relationship. Or it could be nice if they got along really well, actually -- until JGY's shadow activities come to light, JC explodes, and nobody has a good time. I also just feel more strongly about Jiang Cheng (and other characters in this ask) than I do about Jin Guangyao, which makes it harder to get invested in the ship.... I also think the draw of 3zun permutations seems a little more obvious for JGY. Still, it's not a hard no!
2) What would have made you like it? Again, it's not that I dislike it, more the of compelling cases I've seen made for them. (I know they're out there; I haven't spent much time looking.) So seeing them stuck in more scenarios together, in canon or in fic, probably. Exploring more layers of connection besides just Jin Ling. I do not have the additional mental energy to do all the imagining myself lol
3) Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? Like I said, I think there could be some fun and interesting dynamics! JGY's amicable, smooth approach to social situations could be a really nice counter to JC's temper. Both of them are younger brothers who are very aware of their shortcomings in their fathers' eyes (one of them dealing with that considerably more and more harshly than the other).
Ship it? I do…
1) What made you ship it? Again, CQL-verse -- but they really tried to make it something, and it landed, for me. Jiang Cheng's little looks of admiration and fondness at Gusu summer camp…. They both carried around that silly comb for a silly amount of time, and it meant something to them, and they could have been something if they weren't in the roles they were in the time they were.
2) What are your favorite things about the ship? They end up on different sides of a war, but they have so much in common. The profound love and dedication to their brothers and their clans. Having to be aware of how others perceive them and their families at all times. Both clearly driven and talented at what they do. And it's the things that make them similar and drawn to each other that ultimately keep them apart. Neither one will abandon their clans, as much as they want to keep the other person safe, and the world they're living in forces them to choose one or the other. :/ I also love a strong woman who could keep Jiang Cheng and his temper in check, whom he adores. What can I say
3) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Maybe less of an unpopular opinion and more a critique of the ship itself, but yeah, it'd have been nice for JC to show more gratitude to her and Wen Ning. I get why he couldn't DO more to help them, but like. Say hi and thanks while you're visiting Burial Mounds, maybe. Show her beloved brother a little more respect.
Ship: CHENGLAN (? songcheng??)
1) Why don't you ship it? They... live in different worlds with different priorities and people who are important to them! In CQL, Song Lan is a cool role model to bright-eyed teen JC, and to older JC, he's a reminder of more simplistic days that now seem sour; in MDZS, Song Lan is just some talented kid to him? I think a little teen hero crush on SL from JC might be the most interesting and cutest of these, but… Song Lan is not a man who gets into a relationship unless he's really serious about it, to me. It wouldn't go anywhere. He is also spoken for lol
2) What would have made you like it? Xiao Xingchen not existing, idk
3) Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? There could be some really interesting explorations of both of these guys being on the receiving end of secret nonconsensual organ/core donations from people they love a lot. Also being the (near) sole survivor of having their whole sect/temple wiped out. I don't know, maybe they could get acquainted and develop something post-canon. Who knows
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eigwayne · 2 years
Foolish Chances
The Untamed/ Chen Qing Ling fic by @eigwayne Sequel to A Little Spoiled (not required though)​
AO3 Links: A Little Spoiled | Foolish Chances | Chapter 2 Tumblr Links: A Little Spoiled | Foolish Chances ch.1 (I’ll make an AO3 series once I figure out a name, but for now, please navigate via the links above)
Chapter 2: Rendez-vous Wen Qing receives a letter (via a curious Wei Wuxian). She arranges a short get-away and Jiang Cheng shows her a new trick he picked up from Nie Huaisang's books. (The trick is smutty, I almost forgot to warn you, gentle readers, my apologies. This chapter’s second half is smut.)
“Wen Qing! I have a letter for you!” Wei Wuxian announced- loudly- when he returned to the settlement. He waved it above his head.
“Qing-guniang has a letter?” one of the uncles wondered, a bit too loud, and Wen Qing stormed over to grab it before anyone else got too interested. Heedless of danger as always, Wei Wuxian grinned and held it higher.
“I was doing my perimeter check,” he explained, dancing out of her reach. “I didn’t know I’d be playing delivery boy! Really, you should tell your friend to leave it in a safer place. Like with the offerings from my admirers!”
“And let those simpletons know I’m receiving correspondence? Hah!” She followed him easily, her skirt swirling as she matched his steps. She couldn’t reach the letter but she kept up with his footwork- a minor miracle after how little she trained herself lately.
“Oh, come on!”
“No! The last thing we need is your fan club thinking the rest of us are reachable! It’ll be nothing but ‘Wen-guniang, put in a good word for me! Wen-guniang, grant me an audience with the patriarch!’ all day along!”
“It wouldn’t be all day…”
“It would!” She made a move like she was reaching for her needles and Wei Wuxian promptly stopped and handed the letter over.
“So I warded your mail tree,” Wei Wuxian said like he hadn’t interrupted his train of thought earlier. “It’s not quite in my normal barrier but it’s close enough to keep most of the wandering dead away if they escape. And I added a little ward to keep the hole in the trunk dry. That’s where I found the letter. You’re welcome.”
Wen Qing ignored him, which was definitely not the reaction he was looking for (it was good to see him so lively but she wasn’t going to encourage his shenanigans). Instead, she took a few steps away, opened the envelope, and pulled out the letter.
‘Greetings to Wen-daifu. I know it hasn’t been that long since we last met, but I would like to see you again. I will be traveling soon and will be passing through Yiling-‘ Wen Qing refolded the letter and took a few more steps away. Wei Wuxian took the hint and stopped trying to peek over her shoulder. He waved her off, like he was the one with something to do, and she headed to the cave for some privacy. Wei Wuxian and A-Yuan’s voices soon rang out in play behind her.
The letter named the date he would be in Yiling and again expressed wishes to see her. He was foolish enough to sign it “Jiang Wanyin” and she was glad she’d gotten it away from Wei Wuxian. She would never endure the questions if Wei Wuxian had confirmation it was Jiang Cheng who was writing to her. She’d never endure the hurt he would hide if he didn’t get a letter of his own.
She thought about refusing the meeting, or not showing up, after she tucked the letter away and went about the rest of her chores. It was a foolish thing to do, to run around with a man at all, never mind Jiang Cheng who had a sect to look out for and a brother Wen Qing had ruined, and who was frankly not nearly nice enough to A-Ning (which was complicated, she admitted when she was feeling gracious, with that whole “his job is basically to destroy fierce corpses” thing. She didn’t often feel that gracious, but the thought had snuck in once or twice). It was also foolish to let that man think he could just write a letter and she would drop everything to come to bed with him.
Wen Qing did not consider herself a fool normally. But she remembered the way it felt to have Jiang Cheng’s hands on her, his arms around her. And she certainly felt foolish for how much she wanted that again.
So when the day came, she went into Yiling.
There was a teahouse at the far edge of town. The tea was mediocre at best, the sweets barely more acceptable, but it was well stocked and cheap, so travelers and skinflint locals alike kept it in business. It was also far enough from the market where Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning sold their produce that they were unlikely to cross paths, even if there had been a crop ready to sell. Just to be safe though, Wen Qing set her brother to preparing what radishes were ready for pickling and their greens for drying, to bulk their stores before the best growing season ended, and Wei Wuxian was supposed to start teaching A-Yuan to write.
She arrived, wearing her second best robes (the best being the peach-colored gown she wore for their tryst three weeks before, too showy for Yiling but safely tucked in her qiankun pouch). Jiang Cheng was already there, talking to a man in Jiang Sect colors with a vaguely familiar face. The man nodded and said something in a low voice, and then left, striding away like a man with a purpose. Wen Qing gave a little curtsy and turned her face downward, hoping he wouldn’t notice her, mumbling an “Honored immortal,” the sort of greeting that normal citizens sometimes used for cultivators. They didn’t know most cultivators weren’t actually immortal, after all.
She held her gaze to the floor until she was certain he was gone.
“Chen Boliang didn’t even notice you,” Jiang Cheng grumbled when she reached his side. “I should whip him until he cries for being so unobservant.”
“It served me well, not being noticed, so please don’t,” she said. She placed a hand over one of his. His sour expression melted into a slight smile and her heart skipped. She removed her hand like he burned her, snatching it away, and sat down for a cup of tea. It was mediocre as expected, the sort of tea she would have turned up her nose at in Qishan, but there was no tea at all in the Burial Mounds so it tasted like heaven.
“Has he been with you long?” Wen Qing asked about his subordinate, just to make conversation.
Jiang Cheng nodded. “He was with me when we discovered Yiling.”
‘Discovered Yiling.’ He surely meant the former supervisory office, when Wei Wuxian had killed so many Wen soldiers through spirits and the terror they wrought, and Jiang Cheng had found her in the cells below the main house. It was doubly lucky Chen Boliang had paid her no mind; he might have recognized her as the woman from the cells, who had clearly been a Wen.
Did Chen Boliang know about the comb his sect leader left for that Wen woman, the half-spoken promise? Did he know why Jiang Cheng stayed behind an extra night in Yiling while the nighthunt group headed home today? Wen Qing didn’t dare ask. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know, either. It would only lead to spiraling thoughts on what Jiang Cheng’s sect must think of their leader and his absences.
Despite her nerves, she still finished her tea and followed Jiang Cheng when he left. He politely asked her if she was done first, a shy look creeping onto his face, but he still took the lead when they left and Wen Qing let him. A Sect leader should be commanding, after all, and her work on his golden core- Wei Wuxian’s golden core- would be for nothing if he wasn’t a worthy sect leader.
(She tried not to think of the golden core often. When she thought of it in context of Wei Wuxian, she regretted even letting A-Ning talk her into it. When she thought of it in context of Jiang Cheng, she swelled with pride. No one else had created such a man, dragged him up from despair and mundanity like she had. But no one else could ever know, not even the man himself. She had to content herself with knowing his core was working, and leave it at that.)
They decided to fly to the next town over; Yiling proper was too close, too many people had seen Wen Qing and Jiang Cheng there even if they didn’t know them, and might make a connection. It was a lot of trouble, but his reputation was too hard-won and precious to risk. She didn’t dare think about hers.
(If she did, she would only remember how far she’d fallen, and she’d worry what the people who saw her leaving the teahouse with a well-dressed man would think.)
She didn’t hold him as close as she would have liked as they flew, leaving herself and him space to maneuver. His body radiated heat, and if she opened up her senses, she could feel his spiritual presence like an electric storm brewing in her arms. The thought of taming nature itself through him made a thrill run through her. ‘Such hubris,’ she scolded herself, but it didn’t make the ache below her stomach lessen any.
They landed outside the town, in a strategically secluded copse of trees, and he was a perfect gentleman as she changed into her flowing pink-orange robes. Even though he would be removing them later, even though their whole purpose here wasn’t gentlemanly at all. Wen Qing thought about pinning him against a tree and showing him that she understood the hidden meaning of his letter. She was shrugging her plain robes off and almost left them there, the urge to just grab him was so strong. ‘I know you want me,’ she almost said. ‘Why are we pretending so hard when we could have just had each other under our tree hours ago?’
But she knew the answer to that. Reputation, reputation, reputation. And she had to agree.
As for turning his back while she changed, well, she had admitted to herself that his stumbling inexperience was charming.
“You look beautiful,” Jiang Cheng said when she was dressed, hunger seeping into his voice. She could almost feel the sparks when he took her hand. The fussing was worth it, at that moment, and his tone, his heated expression, made her feel beautiful in a way she never cared about before, without his gaze to inspire it.
She felt wanted, and it was intoxicating.
“Kiss me?” she said, and he obliged. It was disappointingly light and it must have shown on her face because he touched his lips to her forehead and apologized.
“I don’t want to get to involved now. You deserve better than a carpet of fallen leaves.”
Wen Qing suspected her standards were too low because she found that incredibly romantic, but she acquiesced, and they walked into town hand-in-hand, like a pair of sweethearts traveling to market.
“Do you need anything?” he asked as they walked through town.
“No,” she told him, even though she could list at least ten things she wanted for the settlement. She had already accepted so much from him. Any more would kick off an endless cycle of debt, even if it was just in her mind.
He bought her things anyway. A decorative comb no wider than the length of her thumb, with three short chains with small pearls dangling on the ends. A length of linen that was meant for something practical but delicate, like a fine lady’s socks, and would most likely make underclothes for Granny and A-Yuan. A jar of powdered dried chilis and a packet of candied ginger.
“You shouldn’t,” she said, and meant it, but she accepted the items nonetheless. “I can’t pay you back,” she told him, but she ached to kiss him and that would probably be enough for him.
“Touch me,” she demanded when they reached the room he rented. He had just set down his purchases and wasn’t even standing straight again, and he gawked at her, uncomprehending. She took a step closer and pulled the pin from her hair. “I’ve been waiting for you to touch me since I read your letter. When I decided to meet you, I knew what you wanted. And I want it too.”
“And I want it too.”
The words stopped Jiang Cheng’s heart. Of course he wanted her to want him, but hearing it was something else. He took her hairpin from her and tossed it onto the table with her gifts. Then he pulled her into his arms. “This is better than the clearing,” he said, as if justifying the wait. “You’re certain?”
Wen Qing nodded and looked up at him through her eyelashes. The sight of her dark eyes, her fluttering black lashes, the curve of her lips, all of it went straight to his gut. And lower, of course. He didn’t have a chance to pick up his reading again while he was on a night hunt, but he remembered the images vividly. “I want to try something with you,” he told her, leaning closer.
“Try something?” A hint of suspicion crept in her voice and her expression became guarded.
Jiang Cheng tried not to scowl. She had good reason to be nervous; he hadn’t explained a thing after all. But having to admit he’d gotten help… He tried to dodge it. “I heard about some things that feel good. You’re the only one I would want to try them with.” Her expression didn’t soften yet. “You’re going to make me say it?” he snapped.
“Forgive me if I’m hesitant, but there are any number of things you could be talking about, and I haven’t heard good things about some of them. We’re adults. We should be able to talk about these things.”
“Well, forgive me for being hesitant! It’s not exactly easy to just… say these things! What if you think it’s weird?”
“It’s better than being mysterious about things you want to do to me!”
“I thought it would be more romantic!” He felt silly, arguing about romance while he still held her. Because his embrace hadn’t slacked at all. “We’ve barely even kissed and you want me to just tell you I want to taste you?”
She reached up and kissed him hard, nearly slamming their lips together. “We’ve kissed,” she declared. “Now spit it out.”
He gave up trying to control his features and scowled. “I wanted it to be romantic. I wanted to treat you well and undress you and all that, and you ruined it.”
“You ruined it yourself. But you’re cute when you try to look tough, so I’ll let you try again.”
“’Try to look tough’? Wen Qing, you impossible woman!” He was insulted, but she had her arms around his neck still, and she also looked cute when she tried to be stern so the feeling faded quickly. “I got some books from Nie-xiong,” he admitted. “I wanted to learn when women want. And there was one… Ever since I saw it, I wanted to try it on you.”
She still looked skeptical, so he tightened his arms around her and made himself keep going. “He was so overcome by her beauty that they didn’t even undress. And I know that feeling. Because when I think about you…” He paused to kiss her, the slower, languid type of kiss that made the heat rise in his body. He licked her lip, asking permission to make the kiss deeper. Wen Qing relaxed in his arms and leaned against him. He felt a surge of joy- she accepted him!- and tried to hold himself back, to take his time and make it last. It took more concentration than the hurried kisses from their previous encounters, but he was rewarded as she arched into him and made a small, needy sound.
He broke the kiss, not without regret. “I want to do that to you in other places,” he said as she panted against his mouth. “I want to take off this dress and kiss you underneath.”
“Yes,” she breathed, and she kissed him again. This one was demanding and hungry. She tightened her arms around him, pressing against him so tightly he could feel his belt digging into them both. He would have to fix that. So he swung her up into his arms and crossed the room to the bed, laying her down as gently as he could, which was, admittedly, harder than stories made it out to be. But he got her safely to their bed (their bed! It was a thought he wanted to have more often, every day if he could). He unfastened his belt and dropped it to the floor with a clunk.
He caught her eye then, her gaze hot and wanting. ‘She wants me,’ he thought, and although it wasn’t the first time ever or even the first time that day, it still made a jolt run through him, pure joy at being needed by Wen Qing. He leaned over her and brushed her hair back from her face. “I’m going to kiss you everywhere,” he told her. Her lips parted in anticipation, her eyes dark and huge, and she reached up to touch his face.
“Please do,” she told him. What could he do but start kissing her? He began with her lips, coaxing her mouth open and tasting her again. He couldn’t resist nipping a little when they parted. His hands went to her sash and he loosened her clothing until he could peel away the top layers. He kissed her neck, cautious not to leave a mark where it could be seen, as his fingers found the ties of her bottommost layers. She wriggled beneath him, trying to get out of the unfastened layers quickly even though the length of her skirts were trapped beneath them. Her struggling pushed her body up against him, her breasts pressing into his hands as he untied her top.
As much as he would like to enjoy the feel of her in his hands, he didn’t like to see her trapped and fussing. “I got you,” he said, trying to reassure her. He seized the peach fabric and yanked it out from under her. At least one seam ripped from the sudden movement and Wen Qing’s arm pinkened from the friction. But she was free from those layers, at least. He arched down to kiss the delicate skin. “Sorry,” he murmured. “I guess I’m in too much of a hurry.”
“Definitely not too much,” Wen Qing said, and there was a touch of impatience and breathiness in her voice. She took her hands in his and brought them back to her chest. He obliged her; his research had noted that a woman’s breasts were sensitive, and responsive to touch. Of course, his research was just Nie Huaisang’s pornography and one night with Wen Qing prior, but it was fairly uniform in that conclusion so far, so he squeezed and pinched, gently at first, and then firmly when she made appreciative noises. Her nipples peaked between his fingers and it was so gratifying to feel her response, his erection throbbed in answer.
Wen Qing’s hands went to the tie of her top as he teased her chest. It was awkward and they got in each other’s way, but soon she opened her shirt and bared her chest to him. “I believe you said you were going to kiss me everywhere?” she said. He couldn’t say no to that, so he lowered himself to reach, kissing the plain of her chest under her collarbone and up the slope of her breasts. He held her breasts, squeezing them to keep her nipples pert. His tongue darted out to taste them and she moaned. It was brief and soft, barely more than a sigh, but it was all Jiang Cheng needed for encouragement. He grasped on nipple between his lips. Wen Qing writhed under him and bit back another moan, so he did sucked hard and swirled his tongue. He switched breasts and lathed the nipple to a peak. Leaving it nice and wet, he trailed kisses down her stomach, his hands following on either side, caressing her body.
His travels were interrupted by her last layer of bottoms. “Definitely too much of a hurry,” he said, his voice growling in contrast to the sweet moans from Wen Qing. He sat up and shrugged off his top layers, since it was now far too hot in the room (maybe it was just him, reacting to Wen Qing’s beautiful squirming). He moved quickly and surely, so there was no time to get self-conscious about his scars and ruin things overthinking. Then he yanked off the rest of her clothes, until all she was wearing was the ribbon in her hair.
He repositioned himself, knees between hers, and resumed kissing his way down her body. He nipped at the skin below her ribs, licked a line down her stomach, traced a circle around her belly button. He ran his hands over her hips (and tried to ignore how sharp they were. That was an issue for another time), and caressed her thighs as he kissed lower and lower.
“Don’t tease me,” she said. She was trying to be commanding, and it was certainly a command, but she was writhing and panting and it sounded like begging. Jiang Cheng smirked and ran his hands up her thighs again.
She set her hands on his shoulders and gave him a little shove downwards. “Jiang Wanyin!” she complained.
“Tell me what you want. If I have to say it, so do you.” He kissed her, halfway between her bellybutton and the dark curve between her legs, just to let her know he wasn’t unaware but was definitely teasing despite her command. She moaned and shifted her knees apart, giving him a glimpse of her delicate, heated folds. He resisted the urge to lick his lips.
“I want you to kiss me everywhere,” she said, squeezing his shoulders. She loosened her grip but only to run her nails over them. “I want you to put your mouth on me.”
He kissed her lower as a reward. “Yes,” she sighed, and he went lower. He moved his hands closer, put his fingers on the temptingly plush outer lips that hid her entrance, and parted them gently. She made another soft encouraging sound. Her folds were pink and already glistening with her slick. He wanted more than anything to taste them.
His books were of divided advice on the next part, though. Should he start with kisses? Explore with his tongue? Or dive into her entrance? He would have to rely on her cues. But since she was so intent on talking today… “Tell me what’s good,” he said. Then he leaned in and pressed his lips to her folds.
Wen Qing hummed a little, and sighed when he sampled her with his tongue, and gave him a “Keep going” when he lapped at her entrance. She tasted sweet- not literally sweet like sugar, but like having her was precious and ‘sweet’ the only word he could come up with for it. Not that he usually wrote poetry of any sort, but something about this moment, about her, made him want to. With his nose just as buried in her folds as his tongue, and his ears attuned to only her voice, his whole world consisted of Wen Qing and nothing else. She was all he could hear and taste and smell, all he touched besides his clothes and the sheets, and when he opened his eyes, all he could see was her quivering body.
He loved it. If the world ended while his face was buried between her legs, he would die fulfilled.
Wen Qing’s hands gripped his shoulders for support, and he decided exploring her folds was the right choice. He pushed her thighs further apart and licked a stripe with the flat of his tongue, slow and taunting, from the entrance of her body to the sensitive nub above it. Her breath hitched and she made a short keening noise.
“Good,” she panted. “It’s good. Keep going.” So he did. He lapped and traced circles and sucked at her until she started rocking her hips into his mouth and telling him he was good. That only renewed his devotion. Hearing her say “You’re so good” made him want to hear more. He wanted to be good for her, wanted to hear her cry out her approval. Her hands shifted to his hair but the tug didn’t matter as much as making her call his name.
And she did call his name. Her back arched, her hips canted up into his mouth, and she cried out, “Wanyin!” as she pulled him hard into her, using her grip on his hair. Slick gushed and he lapped it up, which only made her moan more. Eventually she collapsed back onto the bed, her legs trembling and her hands resting strengthless at her sides, and she begged, “Wait, give me a moment, please, wait.”
He gave one last lick and she gasped, beautiful and breathy. When he raised his head, she stretched her legs and let them fall to the mattress. He looked up at her expectantly, but she only panted, her eyes closed and her whole torso heaving with the effort of breathing. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Finally, finally, she shifted to look at him, bracing herself partially up on her elbows.
“I’m sorry I pulled your hair,” she said. “You were too good. I couldn’t control myself. I’ll try to behave next time.”
‘She said next time!’ Jiang Cheng hid his smile by resting his head on her stomach and she flopped back onto the pillows, like that was too much for her. She stroked his hair, gently this time, and even though his cock ached for attention, he was happy for the contact.
“You were so good to me,” Wen Qing said as she petted his hair. Her voice was distant and her speech languid, like she was thinking out loud. “You must want to come too. Can you give me a bit longer? That was very nice and I’m not sure I can move.”
“You don’t have to move if you don’t want,” he told her. He wasn’t sure what he would do yet, but she was more important and if she was too tired, he would do all the work. And if necessary, he was fairly experienced in taking care of his own needs by now. Those books had helped him in that department as well.
“No, I have to take care of you, too,” she insisted. She wriggled up onto her elbows again. “It’s only fair.”
He lifted his head and frowned. “But if you don’t want to…”
“I want to.”
Wen Qing was, as far as Jiang Cheng was concerned, the most beautiful and wonderful woman in the entire world. He crawled up to kiss her sweet lips, forgetting he tasted of her. She still accepted the kiss gracefully even though the taste made her scrunch up her face, and somehow even that was cute.
She put an arm around him when he broke away and gently pushed to one side. He obediently and somewhat hastily followed her unspoken instruction and lay down beside her. She turned toward him. “I can’t let you do what we did last time,” she said. “It’s not the right time.”
He gaped at her, trying to understand her evasive words. She flushed and snapped, “In my cycle. I don’t want to get with child.”
“Oh!” Jiang Cheng felt foolish, of course, but this was the first time he’d had to worry about such things. She hadn’t mentioned it before and he wasn’t knowledgeable enough to think of it, relying on her for cues in his inexperience. The spring books were no help; the only story he’d read so far that dealt with the topic claimed a certain position was best for achieving that result, but it had been more of a comedic moment than anything else.
(It was a short story about a well-endowed man, and there were so many analogies involving and references to horses it made Jiang Cheng wonder just what he was reading. The scene claimed that mounting a woman “as a stallion does a mare” would surely result in a child. He’d stopped halfway through, unable to imagine Wen Qing allowing such a position and too unnerved at the direction things were going in the story, as a horse-tail whisk was presented shortly after.)
“You don’t have to do anything,” Jiang Cheng said, even though his cock throbbed in protest. Wen Qing gave him a look like he was being foolish and wrapped her hand around him.
He didn’t last long after that. Wen Qing’s touch was firm and sure, and maybe her hands were roughened by the work she had to do but it was good, and she told him he was good, and soon he spilled over her fingers. He lay in her arms until his heart stopped racing, and lay there a while longer simply because he enjoyed it, the feel of her warmth around him and her skin against his. They eventually had to wash up and dress for dinner, but the desperate urge to touch had ebbed and Jiang Cheng moved comfortably around the room with her, their hands touching, helping each other with their hair in a way that felt natural, like when he imagined how spouses should be, like in the stories.
(Not Nie-xiong’s stories, of course. Hair touching led to a second round, often more athletic than the first. No, this was more like something his sister would like, where a couple found perfect harmony and all the sex was offscreen.)
He presented Wen Qing with another dress in pale aqua once he collected his wits enough to remember it was in his qiankun pouch especially for her. Combined with her beauty and poise, it made her look like a fairy, and Jiang Cheng was overcome by the desire to have this every day. Not just Wen Qing in his bed, but by his side. Her confidence was attractive and her skills were invaluable, and-
He shook off the thought. He was being ridiculous and dreamy, and Jiang Cheng’s personality only let him have that for so long before his reality in again. He could have this for the night and maybe into the morning, but that was it. There was no use listing all the reasons he wanted her when it had to end so soon.
By the time they descended the stairs, he was just as dignified and proud as a wealthy young master should be. He was a perfect gentleman at dinner, of course, but they walked back to their room hand in hand and her thumb rubbed slow circles against his skin until his heart pounded. He ached for that dream-like feeling from earlier, for Wen Qing in his arms or he in hers, until they were all that mattered in the world.
He could have this for tonight, he told himself, and swept her up into his arms.
Notes: Chen Boliang is a random name that felt good. I did not note the characters and I don’t know if he’s going to show up again or not, so don’t worry about it.
I know Jiang Cheng is being weirdly okay with his thing with Wen Qing being temporary when he hung onto to his siblings so hard in canon. I'll explore that more thoroughly in the future if I get a chance (I've made a note about it) but for now, remember Wen Qing hasn't made him any promises.
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capybaraonabicycle · 1 year
1, 8 and 17 for the fic writer ask game?
Thank you so much for the ask! Those are not the easiest ones for me but I will try to do my best :)
Also I am putting this under a read more because it got long.
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
I don't know!! Something short since I tend to write oneshots? Something with River? Something with fluff?
Maybe actually A Bright Blue Box, which surprisingly does not even mention River (which doesn't happen very often. I am very good at making things that are not about her about her anyway.) But it has a family reunion, a lot of fluff, Sontarans, Jenny, the TARDIS and the fugitive Doctor and it is rather new. And it performs my favourite (and pretty regular) thing of throwing people I love together that have very little chance of ever meeting in canon. So, I think that would be a good place to start.
And then I would advise to read Fix you(r hair) afterwards because it has 12 and Missy and you will understand what I mean with including River where she has no reason to be. And it is fluffy, too and a little angsty, which seems to be my main mixture of emotions.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
I think I have already said in some other ask game that I rarely use songs to inspire fics - mostly I am dreaming about making dw music videos when listening to songs, actually (not that I know how to video edit). Or I am using songtitles for fic titles because I can't come up with anything myself.
That said, there is one highly specific song that I have been considering using for a fic: Frau Zielinski und der Finsterling
Which does not exist on youtube so sorry, you have to make do with the spotify link. It's in German, anyway.
The song describes the reaction of a primary school student to her class teacher taking a leave due to clinical depression. The student continues to describe a being, called the 'Finsterling' (finster=dark/gloomy and '-ling' is added to make a creature out of it) that used to be near the teacher all the time but - contrary to her - hasn't left the school and is still around. There are some really nice vague verses about it like
Nur einer lacht sich immer eins: der Finsterling Stand gestern da und heute und ganz sicher während ich hier sing' Durch ihn hindurch gehen Blicke und auch Stimmen Er steht beim Rechnen da, beim Malen und beim Schwimmen
But someone is always laughing (up his sleeve): the Finsterling Was standing here yesterday and today and definitely while I am singing Gazes and voices pass through him He is standing there for calculation, for painting and for swimming (lesson)
Durch ihn hindurch schwingen Fenster, Tafeln, Türen Wer ihn nicht sieht, der kann ihn aber spüren
Windows, blackboards and doors travers him Those who can't see him, can still feel him
I think the Finsterling would make for a good alien and the setting of the song could be explored similarly to 'School Reunion' or 'The Caretaker'. One would have to be a little careful with the execution, to make it more 'Can you hear me?' and less 'Forest of the night' but I feel like it would make a good fic.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
So, we all know about the 'Mels was a Division agent, actually' AU by now and that will probably stay number one here for a while. But I have actually written a rather specific AU or started it that I am not planning on publishing, so let's talk about that:
It's a coffee shop AU, so far, so usual. Just that I was writing it during the beginning of covid so it's a covid coffee shop AU. And I wrote it a little for my sister who was obsessed with the 'Feel again/Live again/Breathe again/whatever again' ya novel series by Mona Kasten at that point.
So it follows Bill who is living together with Gian (from the book series) and works as a barista in the university coffeeshop TARDIS with her co-worker Nardole and her boss Peter (12), called 'The Doctor'. While simultaneously taking classes at uni because Peter's wife River is a professor who has become her mentor and smuggled her in.
Just that nothing of that is really happening right now because covid and there are only online classes. But at least the TARDIS (which btw has a telephone box in a corner and a terracotta Ood head for tips) is open again and Bill is crushing on a new regular (Jane - 13) who is sporting homemade rainbow and space related masks. And appears to have a gorgeous girlfriend called Yaz.
And then Bill is part of Gian's friend group consisting of Isaac (who is way too much like 11 in the books for that to be a coincidence, so I just wrote him as 11 basically) and Sawyer (and, you guessed it, she turned into Mels in my interpretation). And they keep teasing her about her crush and try to get them together - by suggesting Bill steal her phone number from the contact cards they use to trace covid outbreaks among other things.
And I think Martha and Missy were also professors at university and the Ponds provided pastries for the TARDIS. And Jane had a father named John (10) and a sister named Jenny and a dead mother named Rose, which we found out when someone made a joke whether everybody's name in the family started with 'J'.
So, yeah, it is ...interesting and unfinished and I doubt anyone would want to read it. Especially since Bill/13 is a rather weird pairing I would never get into in anything but an AU. I mean, that is practically her granddad in canon. But in a human AU, where 13 and 12 are very different people, I am okay with it and Moffat made that Bill/Nardole conversation during covid that implied something along those lines. And I wanted to write for Bill and I am not a big fan of Heather and the concept of the book series called for a love interest.
So there you go. I had a lot of fun with it but from the get-go decided it would only be for me and my sister.
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floof-writes · 2 years
also. not to request two prompts. but i just read your tag on the post so i want to give you something to live vicariously through: the chain playing d&d together
I had a very in character moment and wrote a thousand or more words for all the requests I've gotten so far. Instead of living vicariously this turned into torturing Four with my own pain. Do note that I do these in whatever order I want and other asks are on their way.
Title: To Kill A God
Words: 998
“Hey, just checking, you’re still good for Dnd on the fifth, right?” Four asked, their fingers and all but Legend’s name crossed. He’d resorted to actually calling people at this point so they’d respond.
“Wait, that’s on the fifth? I can’t, Ravio and I are going antiquing that night.” 
One of the colors wouldn’t stop thinking ‘f’ and instead of letting Blue’s obscenities come out Four took a very deep breath. “Antiquing,” he repeated. “On Dnd night.” 
“Yeah sorry, he’s only in town for so long,” Legend said, but he didn’t sound sorry at all. Four couldn’t believe it. This was like, the fourth time in a row they’d canceled, and it was because of antiquing? It was like nobody even cared what happened to the lich king!
“Plan on the twelfth then,” Four managed before hanging up. He chucked his phone at his bedspread and crumpled up the list.
“Hey Warriors, when did you say your leadership retreat was again?” 
“Starts the Friday after next. The twelfth, I think?”  
Four’s face dropped. “I hate you,” Blue said, but Red thought that was too mean and backtracked. “But like, not actually. I love you.” They frowned. “I just hate you right now,” Vio clarified. 
“Sorry,” Warriors said, wincing. 
8 People Who Pay Income Taxes + Wind Play Pretend Every Friday
Oct 3, 7:03
Next session is on the 19th. Be there or be square. 😡:)
Don’t hate me…
Warriors, don’t do this
I don’t get back until like 1 am on the 19th 
Four demonstrated extreme maturity and did not rip up their session notes, but it was a very close thing. 
“That’s okay, Sky, it would suck to lose your scholarship, you should definitely study,” Four said very very nicely, even though his insides were turning into lava. “How about the thirty first?” he said tightly.
“Isn’t that Sadie Hawkins?” Time said, and why Time knew that but not the correct way to eat cereal was beyond Four. 
“School dances are the worst, Time,” Four said, gagging. “We have Dnd.” 
“Wind’s totally gonna get asked though,” Legend said with a snicker, carting his brand new antique clock through his and Sky’s dorm room. “And he won’t say no.”  
Four flipped him off.
Mom said it’s my turn on the valid
Oct 17 9:17
Did anybody get asked to Sadies?
*looks Titania in the eyes while eating all her apples*
No lol
Mi patria es la mar 
Punishing me for wondering what rocks taste like is thought crime
Ha. Suck it, Legend. 
“Finally, Dnd tonight!” Four shouted, practically bouncing down the school hallway with Wild on his heels. “You’re in charge of bringing food by the way.” 
“Obviously,” Wild scoffed, rolling his eyes. Then he stopped. “Wait, tonight?” 
Four’s gut went cold. “Yes tonight, where’ve you been?” 
“But tonight’s Sadies!” 
“And nobody is going! I asked, remember?” 
“No, you asked if anybody got asked! Four, I did the asking!”
“It’s a girl’s choice, dipshit!” 
“Well it’s not like a girl was gonna ask him!” Wild shouted back. His face went red and he added more quietly, “And maybe I was having more of a girl day anyway.” 
Oh for Hylia’s sake, Four suddenly felt like a very strong competitor for Wild’s idiot title. Sure, Wild had been questioning for awhile, but this was the first time he’d said anything definitive about it. But couldn’t Wild have his highschool romance on a night that wasn’t dnd night? Four hid his face behind his AP Stats textbook and walked away. 
“Hey, you can’t get mad at me for rebelling against gender norms, Four!” Wild called after him. “Gender is a social construct!” 
Even God can’t hear us here
Nov 3, 7:13
Wild stop changing my name to ‘real life furry’
Okay real talk for a second, I think Four might implode if we don’t play soon 
Wild Child 💛🤍💜🖤
Real talk: he bought me a calendar last week
Oh! Muppets right?
Wild Child 💛🤍💜🖤
Nah mine was pride themed?
Guilt motivated?
Wild Child 💛🤍💜🖤
Oh no doubt
*and you all thought I couldn’t RP a barbarian*
I think he’s just given up at this point
Can we all commit to next Friday, November 10th, 6 O’clock? 
Four glared at the screenshot Legend had sent them, but beneath Time’s question was six whole ‘yes’s’ so he would take it. 
8 Flaky Whores + Four Play Pretend Every Friday
Be there or somebody’s body is gonna get harmed
Nov 10, 5:24
Wild Child 💛🤍💜🖤
[A selfie of Wild, who has a butterfly bandage on their temple and scratched up arms and hands. Behind them, Hyrule is in a hospital bed, looking ridiculously banged up but offering a thumbs up to the camera anyway. Wind is giving him bunny ears and Twilight has his head in his hands.]
Wild Child 💛🤍💜🖤
Hiking accident beat you to it Four
*and you all thought I couldn’t RP a barbarian*
[A picture of Four with his face resting on a pillow of crumpled up character sheets and dice. His DM screen has half-fallen on his head. Warriors looks on in distaste and concern.]
*and you all thought I couldn’t RP a barbarian*
He’s been like this for twenty minutes
Wild Child 💛🤍💜🖤
Hyrule says he’s sorry but also he has a Grade 2 concussion so like take it with a grain of salt
God is Dead 🌈
The Lich King kills all of you 
God is Dead 🌈
Except Hyrule’s sorcerer because he’s too high to understand his sins
God is Dead 🌈
The end
Wild Child 💛🤍💜🖤
What about me? 
God is Dead 🌈
You specifically go to hell
Wild Child 💛🤍💜🖤
God is Dead 🌈
Dragon Hoard
God is Dead 🌈
I hate all of you
Wild stop changing my name to ‘real life furry’
So… next Friday?
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ineffectualdemon · 2 years
Hello....I'm not the anon who asked YOI & SVSSS, but can I ask the same questions (fave characters/why you love them and fave moments) but this time about MDZS? Thanks if you want to answer.....
Absolutely happy to answer!
Top 5 MDZS characters!
5. A-Yuan/Lan Sizhui: baby A-Yuan was so so cute and fun but I also really enjoy how he's just this good guy. He's calm and patient and kind but he's also not like outstanding or a genius. He's just a dutiful nice young man with two dads and a dead uncle. Anyway he just makes me happy
4. Lan Wangji: controversial I know to put him so low. I do love him just not as much as some of the other characters. I love how autistic he's coded since I am autistic. I love how he basically wrote Wei Wuxian a note that said "get out of my school" because he couldn't handle his crush but was devastated when Wei Wuxian got out of his school.
I love his desperate attempts to help Wei Wuxian. I especially love how he had grown in the years of their separation. While Wei Wuxian always saw him as confident before Wei Wuxian's death I see a Lan Wangji who was unsure and uncomfortable and not clear on how to help or what to do.
Whereas Lan Wangji post Wei Wuxian's resurrection is completely confident in himself and his decisions. He's able to tease and flutter Wei Wuxian the way he had flustered Lan Wangji before. It's a realistic maturity he's been granted
3. Wei Wuxian: I love his energy and how morally grey he is. He has strong convictions and does what he thinks is right but (at least in his first life) he also believes that his ends justify his means.
He is impulsive, charming, oblivious to his own sexuality to an incredibly familiar degree, and can dish out teasing but can't take it
He loves with his whole being but he also hates with his whole being. He's a creature of absolutes which I love
He also really needed to explain things better to people in his life holy fuck
I also like how death matured him. He has regrets and wishes he did some things differently and is just calmer post resurrection which is good
I also like how he is very much an unreliable narrator because his perception and reality are not at all the same
2. Lan Jingyi: the most un-Lanlike Lan to ever Lan. He picks fights with everyone, he's loud, he'd abrasive, he picks on Jin Ling, he picks fights with sect leaders!
I love him
1. Jiang Cheng: he is a complete asshole but I love him. I just feel for him with his story. His mom was abusive, his dad was neglectful of him, he felt unwanted and a failure and everything impressive or good that he did was overshadowed by Wei Wuxian who he still loved! And tried to help and protect in his own way for a long time only for it to feel like it had all been thrown back in his face in favour of strangers
Like if you really think about the story from his perspective it's hard not to feel for Jiang Cheng. He's angry and hurt and an asshole but also he loves his close ones, especially Jin Ling, so much. And Jin Ling feels so safe with him. He never worries that Jiang Cheng will harm him but he's worried about disappointing him. But the way Jin Ling is loyal to Jiang Cheng speaks volumes
Jiang Cheng is selfish. In thst he wants to protect what's his and only that but that's also what makes him interesting
There is a lot I identity with when it comes to Jiang Cheng and feel like at the end of the novel there is a door open for him and Wei Wuxian to heal even though it will never be what it was
Top 5 moments
5. When Young Wei Wuxian first meets Lan Wangji and in particular the aftermath where he says out of no where about Lan Wangji not liking him "he's not that pretty" only to internally realise he is that pretty and ignore the pouty feeling Lan Wangji ignoring him gives him
Like that is so incredibly gay and the fact he doesn't realise it is just...I was like that at 15 I get it
4. When Lan Wangji in the cave is done with Wei Wuxian's shit and bites him. How can you not love that scene?
3. Jiang Cheng being physically restrained trying to protect Wei Wuxian from his mother in front of the Wens. As badly as it goes I really think that's an insight into his real character and a moment that highlights why they were willing to go to such lengths for each other (cause remember Jiang Cheng only lost his core because he got caught so Wei Wuxian could escape)
2. The Kiss on Phoenix Mountain: I mean it's iconic isn't it? Also definitely opened a door for Wei Wuxian I'm just saying. Someone acquired a kink that day ...
1. The confession scene. Again it's just iconic with Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji ruining Jin Guangyao's villain moment by being gay and in love is just *chefs kiss* actually the whole temple scene where Wei Wuxian's various relationship drama is aired out while Jin Guangyao is like "hello? This was my big emotional moment?" Is just brilliant
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luukeskywalker · 7 months
20 questions writer meme.
THANKYOUUU @crimsonrainseekingflower FOR TAGGING ME!! <33
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
92!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!??! WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?!?!?!?!!?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
409,439 i feel a little lightheaded tbh
3. What fandoms do you write for?
erm a lot of them LMFAO but my main fandoms are star wars, mxtx novels, one piece, and then supernatural once in a while
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Pros and Cons of Keeping Wei Wuxian's Spirit Hostage - hua cheng keeping wwx's spirit safe during the time he was dead, 12k words, 4.5k kudos (this is insane)
there's a STALKER in the CLOUD RECESSES??? - hualian adopts wei wuxian and raises him, he goes to cloud recesses and causes trouble :3c, 5.7k words, 2.7k kudos (this is also insane to me)
sun beneath the sea - merman wangxian au i wrote for the mdzs reverse bang! 19.2k words, 1k kudos (this is slightly less insane)
Jin Ling and the No Good Very Bad Terrible Year of Cloud Recesses Bullshit - my first mdzs fic! 2.9k words, 912 kudos (thank you?!?!?!)
a kiss with a helmet is better than none - omg the first non mdzs fic on this list LOL, this was a short dinluke fic i wrote when i first got really back into star wars. 1.1k words, 911 kudos (LOVE U GUYS!!!)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do usually within the first two days! after that i tend to either get too busy and feel bad responding to comments super late or i just plain forget ;A; but i read every comment and they mean the absolute world to me!! i'm trying to get better at responding but it really isn't my strong suit.....
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
this is a tie imo between the precipice from my skywalker palindrome series (i prommy i will upload another installment.....eventually), and Star Light, Star Bright (which is about apollo dreaming of clay while he's in the hospital for the courtroom bombing)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
in my personal opinion it's gotta be No One Lives Forever, my deancas big bang - it was a labor of love, and also how much i wish certain plot lines could have been wrapped up more properly!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
occasionally i get a comment telling me they didn't expect my fics to be full of "gay shit" but i think those comments are mostly funny, like, bestie this is the gay shit fanfic website. but once in a while people will bookmark my fics with fairly negative comments/judgements and that's just like.......why make that public????
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
hehe. i love writing smut. idk what "kind" this would be but i tend to gravitate towards silly weird sweet kinda kinky sex???
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i do write crossovers! i haven't in a while (unless you count mxtx novel crossovers which only half count imo LOL) but i think the craziest one i've ever posted is the star wars/animorphs one that is unfinished and will probably remain unfinished for a long time ;~;
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i know i've definitely had elements of my fics show up in other people's work before but it's not something i keep track of these days, i don't have a lot of time to read fic ^^;; however a few months ago i did find some podcasters had read my fic aloud and commented on it and put it up on the free tier of their patreon??? they said really nice things about it which was a shocker but i feel my insides curdling whenever someone reads my ao3 username out loud HAHAHA
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i have had them translated a few times! i think pros and cons has a translation or two floating around, and i thiiink? some fics from skywalker palindrome have been translated? i know someone asked and it took me a few days to reply to tell them yes (again, terrible at replying, that's my bad)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not exactly a singular fic but i love co-writing series together with my bestie!!!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
AAUUUGH YOU CAN'T ASK ME THAT. I CAN'T ANSWER. but i did one time listen to wangxian.mp3 about fifty times in one day, recently
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
so many.
if i HAD to pick one, i guess i'd say....the straight up 10k of twilight au moshang i have hiding in my google docs. maybe i will just post what i have and leave it at that one day because that was a lot of work to never share it LMFAO
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue, visual description, characterization
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
FINISHING THE DAMN THING. both in terms of actually sticking to a fic long enough to finish it, and also the concept of endings as a whole.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i don't think i've personally done it, but if i needed to i'd like to make sure it's accurate, readable, and translatable for someone who doesn't read the language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i actually can get a link to it if fanfic dot net is still working!! (spoiler alert: it is...for now!)
anyways, the first fic i wrote/published was for the lost boys. it hardly counts as a fic bc it's more like a meme that was going around at the time on ff.net, which was a "you've seen [x media] way too many times if...!" list of in-jokes. here it is. and if you want to look at some of my other extremely old stuff i wrote over ten years ago, be my guest i guess! fair warning a lot of it is not great!
20. Favorite fic you've written?
i know this is cheating but i have to say i think my favorite fic i've worked on is the skywalker palindrome as a whole. it's a series of fics but they work together to tell a story that remains an open-ended tragedy. we know where anakin ends up. luke knows who anakin becomes. and it seems like nothing luke can do will turn anakin away from that path. this is the rare situation where i actually have a very clear idea of how it all ends, and i just need to write my way there - which is going to take quite a while QAQ
tag time!!! @deusexvalerate GET TAGGED!!!!!
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
I'd like to see more of the Jiang Cheng has spider venom fic. Mostly because I want to see him bite someone else. How about a Jin?
Normal For the Spider - Extra: 5 People Jiang Cheng Bit, Some of Whom Deserved It
1 – Wei Wuxian
“So I’ve been exchanging letters with shijie on account of the whole theoretically banished business,” Wei Wuxian said as they strolled down the Qiongqi Path together, Wen Ning behind them making shy stuttering friends with the handful of Jiang sect disciples Jiang Cheng had brought along with him – he’d deliberately picked the friendliest and most social of the lot, the ones that acted like overgrown puppies and wanted to adopt everyone they met, and sure enough they’d mobbed Wen Ning like a bunch of crows intent on raising the poor little sparrow they found into a proper bird. It was no more than Wen Ning deserved, in Jiang Cheng’s opinion. Someone needed to socialize him, and clearly neither his sister nor Wei Wuxian were doing crap about it.
“That’s nice,” Jiang Cheng said. “If by nice you mean extremely suspicious. What about in particular?”
“Your family inheritance.”
“Is this about the summer house we have near that mountain lake? I told you, it’s been deserted for years and may possibly be haunted by something resistant to the usual liberation techniques, but if you really want to go there, you’re of course allowed…”
“That’s not the inheritance I meant and you know it.”
Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. He did know it. “What questions do you have now?” he asked. “More medical stuff from Wen Qing?”
She’d recovered from the venom very well and immediately started wanting to know everything. Recovered a little too well, in Jiang Cheng’s opinion.
“No, this one’s for me,” Wei Wuxian said. “We’re going to Lanling City in order to let Jin Ling bite me as a way to establish familial ties and let him ‘absorb’ good aspects from my personality, right?”
Jiang Cheng nodded.
“So in some cases, biting is an act of affection?”
Jiang Cheng nodded, a little more warily.
“Then how come you’ve never bitten me?”
“It’s only affectionate when you’re a baby,” Jiang Cheng said. “Once you grow into your childhood venom, it starts being dangerous, even to family; you don’t do affection-bites after that point. And when you’re an adult…well, you saw Wen Qing!”
“Eh, she’s fine now,” Wei Wuxian said cheerfully. “I feel like I missed out! It’s not fair, Jiang Cheng. I deserve a bite! I’m practically your brother! We share essential bodily organs!”
“Wei Wuxian! Don’t talk about that!”
“Bite me and I’ll stop.”
“I’m not biting you just to make you stop being annoying –”
2 – Jin Zixun
“What are you doing here?!” Jiang Cheng demanded. “This is an ambush! Is the Jin sect considering waging an act of war against the Jiang sect?”
Jin Zixun scowled at him. “Not against the Jiang sect,” he said haughtily. “Against the Yiling Patriarch.”
“He’s my head disciple!”
That got a confused sort of frown. “But you banished him…?”
“Rumor,” Jiang Cheng said, with dignity, the way they’d always planned. “Baseless rumor, that’s all.”
Rumor he’d never denied, and had instead implicitly encouraged so that people would leave his Jiang sect alone for a little while as he gathered up strength and resources to tell them to fuck off.
“But…” Jin Zixun hesitated. “You just – attacked him?”
Jiang Cheng glared at Wei Wuxian, still lying prone on the ground with his head in Wen Ning’s lap to elevate it and his neck bandaged but still a little red – surely the paralytic had worn off by now?
Wei Wuxian noticed him staring and gave a jaunty little wave, grinning and very clearly regretting nothing, which meant that the paralytic had worn off and he was just lying there to be comfortable while watching the fun.
“A friendly exchange,” he said, trying to maintain his dignity. “Also? Not the Jin sect’s business. What about you? What did you want with him?”
“I want him to remove the curse he cast on me,” Jin Zixun said, and he strode forward before Jiang Cheng could stop him and kicked Wei Wuxian in the side. “You hear me, you bastard?! I want the damn thing gone this instant or else –”
3 – Wen Ning
“So this is going to be a little awkward to explain,” Jin Zixuan said, rubbing his face. He looked tired, but that was possibly a side-effect of having Jin Zixun as a cousin. “Tell me, why are my cousin’s flunkies – er, I mean, my cousin’s friends convinced that it was Wen Ning that poisoned him?”
Jiang Cheng scowled.
“No offense meant,” Jin Zixuan added, nodding politely to Wen Ning. “It’s just, you know, you’re very much not a Yu, or even a Jiang.”
“No offense taken,” Wen Ning mumbled, though to Jiang Cheng’s eyes he looked a little pleased, even if his stiff wooden face still didn’t do emotions all that well. “It’s nice not to be automatically feared.”
“It’s because Wen Ning punched Jin Zixun in the face at the same moment that I bit him,” Jiang Cheng interjected, because someone needed to answer the actual question. “And then Jin Zixun fell over and someone started shouting about corpse poison – even though he’s obviously turned purple! Purple venom, purple spider, purple lightning…what part of this thematic color scheme is not obvious?!”
“Technically, the livor mortis spots generated by corpse poison are also purple,” Wei Wuxian said, completely unhelpfully. “According to Wen Qing, it’s the lack of oxygen in the blood pooling under the skin or something, which is the same thing your mom’s poison does.”
“Do you think you’re helping?” Jiang Cheng demanded.
“No, not at all. Did I sound like I was helping? I didn’t mean to.”
“I’m going to bite you again, you little…”
“My father isn’t going to want to let Wen Ning through the door if he’s considered a possible threat,” Jin Zixuan said, wisely deciding to carry on with the conversation despite their bickering. “You know he’s been saying all those things about how dangerous the Yiling Patriarch is – this’ll just feed into that.”
“I’m not going to Lanling City without Wen Ning!” Wei Wuxian exclaimed. “Wen Qing made me promise! It’s his first time visiting such a big place, too!”
“I’m pretty sure Wen Qing made you promise not to leave him behind because she was worried about your well-being, not Wen Ning’s ability to be a tourist,” Jiang Cheng said.
“Doesn’t matter! I’m not leaving him, and I’m definitely not going to not attend the party, so you have to fix this!”
“I don’t know how to fix this –”
Wen Ning coughed lightly. “Uh,” he said. “Jin-gongzi…would your father let me in if I wasn’t a threat? Say, if I was unconscious?”
A moment of silence.
“…does venom work even on fierce corpses?”
“Of course it does,” Jiang Cheng said irritably. “It wouldn’t be much of a defense mechanism for a cultivator if it didn’t.”
4 – Jin Guangshan
“I didn’t mean to!” Jiang Cheng said, his hands over his mouth. “I really didn’t mean to! It’s Wei Wuxian’s fault!”
“How is this my fault?!” Wei Wuxian asked. He looked amused, which was never a good sign, and even less so given the extreme crisis of the situation. “I wasn’t even in the room.”
“You encouraged me to keep biting people as a solution to everything!” Jiang Cheng hissed. “It got me in the mood. I wasn’t thinking!”
He looked down at the unconscious (and swiftly purpling) Jin Guangshan and grimaced. There was no convenient Wen Ning to put the blame on this time: it had been just the two of them, Jin Guangshan and Jiang Cheng, alone in a room together. Jin Guangshan had wanted to have words with him, sect leader to sect leader, which mostly meant that he wanted to throw his weight and seniority around to try to brow-beat Jiang Cheng into doing what he wanted, except that wasn’t going to work because Jiang Cheng was prepared, okay, he’d worked so long and so hard to try to build up the Jiang sect until it could resist Jin sect pressure.
And he’d probably just ruined everything.
“He has legitimate grounds to declare war against us now,” Jiang Cheng said miserably. “Or maybe to demand that we hand over that stupid Tiger Seal he keeps bugging you about as reparations, or in order to keep him from declaring war…”
“We can’t let him have it,” Wei Wuxian said at once. “It’s far too dangerous. I’d destroy it, first.”
“But then he’d still have a reason to strike against us…”
There was the soft sound of someone clearing their throat, and at first Jiang Cheng thought it was Wen Ning but when he looked up it was Jin Guangyao, instead. He looked the same as always, gentle and personable and smiling, which struck Jiang Cheng as being unaccountably weird for some reason that he couldn’t figure out until he remembered that the man’s father was currently lying on the ground being poisoned and maybe Jin Guangyao shouldn’t be smiling so much.
“If you don’t mind,” Jin Guangyao said, “I might have a suggestion that would get rid of that problem…”
5 – Wen Qing
“…and long story short, Jin Guangyao is going to run Lanling Jin until Jin Zixuan is done having kids, which may be never based on the soppy looks he and my shijie keep exchanging, and we all have the Jin sect’s blessing to move back into the Lotus Pier,” Wei Wuxian concluded. “All’s well that ends well, right, Jiang Cheng?”
Jiang Cheng crossed his arms and glared, admitting nothing.
“I’ll be happy to move anywhere that has decent food,” Wen Qing remarked. “This damn place won’t even grow radishes properly, and it’s Yiling; the radishes should be practically growing themselves.”
“I’ve arranged for some farmland for your people,” Jiang Cheng said, because practicalities he could do. “There’s still lots left over from before the war, lying fallow, and some of the places are medicinal herb fields – we need people with cultivation to tend to those, so I figured that might work for you. You’d have half regular farmland, to make sure you can grow whatever food you feel you need to be comfortable, and the other half, the herbs, can be sold to the Jiang sect at profit.”
“That sounds good,” Wen Qing said.
“Especially since they’re medicinal herb plants,” Wei Wuxian chimed in. “You could stock up on medicines you need!”
“A lot of medicines have to be obtained through trade, you utter nincompoop! I can’t make medicine just using what a single medicinal herb field will generate!”
Jiang Cheng nodded approvingly, thinking to himself that at least there was someone else in the world who understood exactly how aggravating it was to have to deal with Wei Wuxian’s unbridled and illogical optimism on a regular basis.
“And as for you,” Wen Qing said, turning to Jiang Cheng, who blinked owlishly at her. “Don’t think I missed the part of that story about how biting people is a sign of affection!”
“It’s – what?! No, you don’t – that’s when we’re children– it’s –”
Wei Wuxian started cackling.
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trashexplorer · 3 years
BLCD 2022: January Releases
Ew it’s already 2022
✓ - have
💡 - interested
✘ - not interested (but will probably still listen to)
🙏 - dying for
1. Kabukicho Bad Trip 💡
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Release Date: 2022/01/08
Cast: Saitou Souma x Shirai Yuusuke
Synopsis: Host Miyama Tooru has climbed to be the No.1 host in Kabukichou with his ability to "read minds" and his handsome face. Of course, that power is a secret to others. Furthermore, he has another secret: he’s actually a hardcore fan of a male model, Hikawa Mizuki…!
One day, he meets Mizuki by chance. Tooru who feels like he's reached Seventh Heaven, peeks into Mizuki’s mind on a whim and finds himself being tied up, caned, and toyed with there?!
Comment: Congrats to Peach! Living the dream! 😭 I don’t actually like this, but we stan!
2. Omae ni Dakareru Nante Kiitenai! ✘
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Release Date: 2022/01/14
Cast: Kumagai Kentarou x Nogami Sho
Synopsis: Even though he’s an ordinary office worker, it has become part of Natori’s daily routine to have a dry orgasm while watching AVs featuring crossdressing men. One day at an alumni gathering, he reunites with Seo who he learns works in the AV industry, and asks Seo to introduce him to a girl who can help him understand anal sex. But the person who enters the room is Seo himself…!! “The person who plays the top in that AV you love so much is me.” With that thought, Natori finds himself coming just like the feminine men in the AVs…!?
3. Madou Soshi Season 1 Second Part 💡
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Release Date: 2022/01/23
Wei Wu Xian - Suzuki Tatsuhisa
Lan Wangji - Hino Satoshi
Jiang Cheng - Midorikawa Hikaru
Lan Xi Chen - Morikawa Toshiyuki
Jin Ling - Murase Ayumu
Lan Sizhui - Kobayashi Yuusuke
Lan Jingyi - Shimono Hiro
Nie Huaisang - Matsuoka Yoshitsugu
Jin Zixuan - Takahashi Hiroki
Lan Qi Ren - Shingaki Tarusuke
Wen Ning/Ghost General - Hoshi Souichirou
Su She - Ichiki Mitsuhiro
Narrator - Miki Shinichirou & Kanehira Yamamoto
Synopsis: Adaptation of the second half.
4. Shitsuren Junky 🙏
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Release Date: 2022/01/26
Cast: Suzuki Ryota x Nakajima Yoshiki
Synopsis: He could never tell him the way he feels about him... but getting physical is different!! Keita is on the hunt for love, but he always seems to get dumped and end up fighting. Ryujiro (Ryu) is his friend since high school that he seeks refuge with, who tends to his wounds... the very guy who made Keita develop a habit of falling for straight guys, and Keita has been in love with him forever. Ryu is a nice guy who was willing to oblige Keita when he got drunk and said he might die if he didn't get horizontal with someone. He holds his hand and rocks him like a lover, so sweetly that Keita can't help getting the wrong idea... 
Comment: I have high expectations for this because I actually like the manga, so Suzuki Ryota better step it up lmao. Imagine debuting as an R18 main lead in a Taka and Fifth Avenue work, TOPPING NAKAJIKI. 
5. Ikemen no Senpai ga Jitsu wa Doutei de Junjou Deshita ✘
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Release Date: 2022/01/28
Cast: Okitsu Kazuyuki x Nogami Sho *damn Nogami’s ass be on a world tour this January
Synopsis: Saijou Ibuki, a salaryman, and his junior, Tachibana Yamato, are lovers. Saijou, despite his popularity with the girls in the company, is actually a virgin! Watch as these two try solving that problem using various methods!
6. Yoiyoi Monologue 🙏
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Release Date: 2022/01/28
Cast: Eguchi Takuya x Saitou Souma *NICE
Synopsis: Yoshino Shion, the newest addition to the movie club, declares that he has joined to find a boyfriend! Though retired, Shion meets Inaba Rei, the club’s former deputy director during his introduction, and... ends up going out with him?! Rei was quiet and aloof, but was undoubtedly respected in the club — a fact Shion thinks of as a waste. The realization that things with Rei aren’t exactly going according to his ideals is slowly creeping upon Shion, making him anxious. 
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oneisallallisone · 2 years
All I Know, All I Know Greedling x Reader fic Chapter 9
In a land ruled by alchemy, there are some who would call you a sorcerer. You intend to understand what this means. Along your journey you end up getting mixed up with two strange brothers, a military conspiracy, a potentially world-ending event, and the avarice of something more than human.
Chapter 1
Read on AO3
All I Know, All I Know
Chapter 9: Amestrian Food Isn’t That Great Anyway
“Ling, you’re kidding.” You were almost laughing. “They found you on the side of the road?” 
The young lord took a bite of his drumstick, talking with his mouth full, “Yup! I probably would have starved to death if the Elrics hadn’t found me!” 
“Wow, some prince,” you said with a teasing smirk.
“Oh, I’m sure it wouldn’t have been that bad,” Winry said, twirling her noodles. “Your attendant would have found you eventually. Don’t think I haven’t noticed her following us all afternoon.” 
The shadows were long and the sunset was red as the three of you sat at an outdoor cafe in downtown Central. You had wandered around the city for a while, looking for a good place to eat, and upon Winry’s words you also recalled seeing a masked shadow move out of the corner of your eye every now and then. 
“Why doesn’t your attendant sit with us?” you asked. 
Ling shrugged. “Lan Fan doesn’t like to be seen interacting with me in public.”
“Oh, no, it’s not like that! It’s just safer for both of us if she keeps her distance. Unless she’s coming to my defense, that is. 
“Well, I’m going to get some to-go for her,” Winry said, pushing her chair back. “What does she like?” 
“She’s not big on Amestrian food…” Ling said. “I’d have to see the menu again. You know what, I’ll just come with you.” 
The two of them stood up from the table, and you were left alone with other peoples’ chatter filling the air, and the soft, red light of the setting sun starting to fade. Street lights flickered to life one by one. 
Your thoughts drifted to Alphonse. You knew he had his reasons for asking you to stay behind, but if something happened to him and you weren’t there…
A weight filled your chest. You started to wonder if maybe you should have been more persistent on going with him. 
“What’s with the long face?”
You looked up. It was Winry, her gentle eyes full of concern. 
“Just…worried about Alphonse, is all.” 
The mechanic sat down across from you and put a hand on your arm. Her brow crinkled. “Yeah, me too. But we have to believe he’ll come back safely.” 
“Do you think I should have gone with him?” 
Winry shrugged. “I don’t know. But I do think it’s a good thing that you’re here, too.” 
You dropped your eyes from her gaze. 
Winry reached out to cup your cheek. “Hey, cheer up! Your pouty face is going to make me sad.” 
“I’ll do my best,” you sighed. “Hey, where’s Ling?” 
“Oh. He’s still inside. Taking way too long. And it looked like you were feeling a little bit off, so I figured I could come back and keep you company.” 
You allowed yourself a soft smile. “Thank you, Winry. You really are one of the kindest people I’ve met since coming to Amestris.” 
Winry smiled back. 
It wasn’t a way she had ever smiled at you before. 
“(y/n)!” Ling’s cry split the air. 
Had Winry’s teeth always been that sharp? 
“Get back! That’s not Winry!” 
Your heart fell to your stomach. Winry’s odd smile twisted even more. Red crackles of energy filled the air as the person—the creature—started to transform into someone else. 
Your eyes widened. 
Before you could jerk away, the once gentle hand on your cheek moved violently to your hair. As the creature’s transformation stopped, you could see that it was one of the people from the Fifth Laboratory, one of the people that Ed called “homunculi”—it was the one with hair that hung down in strands, who had eyes of the darkest purple. 
“Envy,” you breathed. 
“Nice to see you again, koldun.” Envy’s fist in your hair tightened, and they slammed your head onto the table. 
You were vaguely aware of people gasping behind you. You were also vaguely aware of the sound of someone running towards you. Aside from that, all you knew was that the world was spinning. 
“Let’s say you and I get even, hm?” Envy snarled above you. 
“Get away from them!” 
Was that…Ling? He sounded so far away. Envy sounded far too, but Ling must have been off by miles. 
You felt your power surge. It was involuntary, in time with your breath and the spots that danced in your vision. Your palm lay upturned on the table, and a wave of purple energy burst from it. 
Envy jumped back. 
You felt hands on your shoulders pulling you up. “(y/n)? (y/n) are you alright?” 
Winry. The real Winry. She pulled you from your chair, keeping an arm around you as she led you away from the table. 
“I’m fine,” you mumbled. “Just dizzy.” You felt a bit of blood trickling from your forehead and into your eye. 
It was then that you saw Ling standing in front of you and Winry. He pointed his sword at Envy. “You must not be human,” his voice, low and accusatory, was more serious than you had believed him capable of. “What are you?” 
Envy turned up their nose at the prince. “Why? Who’s asking?” 
Envy lunged at Ling, but Ling sidestepped the homunculus and tripped them with a quick extension of his leg. “Just a curious traveler.” 
You could hear the smirk in Ling’s voice. 
“Say,” Envy said, picking themself up from the ground, “You wouldn’t happen to know the pipsqueak, would you? Seems like you already know his sorcerer friend.” 
Before Ling could answer, you broke away from Winry’s grasp and put yourself between the prince and the homunculus. The world was still off-center, and more blood had leaked into your vision, but you concentrated your energy around your fist and struck Envy with a punch backed by your power. Their jaw cracked and they went staggering backwards. 
“Leave him out of this,” you demanded through gritted teeth. 
Ling turned to you. “Sorcerer?” 
By this point, the other patrons of the outdoor cafe had scattered. Good, you thought. No need to hold back as much. 
You flexed your hand and a sphere of energy started to take shape. The next time Envy lunged at you or Ling, you would be ready. 
“Whoa!” Ling shouted. “(y/n), that’s amazing! How are you doing that?” 
“I wish I knew.” 
Envy saw the energy gathering in your hand and narrowed their eyes. “Oh? So you don’t know where your power comes from?” 
You squared your jaw. Admitting anything to Envy was the last thing you wanted to do.  
But even still, your silence was telling. 
“Wow, what a waste.” Envy shrugged. “Imagine all that you could be if you did understand your power. Such lost potential.” 
“Shut up!” As you yelled, your power surged from your palm and sprung towards Envy. The homunculus twisted out of the way. 
“Struck a nerve have I?” 
You hurled more violet energy at them. Sure, you were angry, but more than that you felt humiliated. You were a pinnacle of magic and might; how could Envy see right through you? 
“(y/n),” Ling said. His voice was harsh, but not in a way that was meant to be mean. Only to catch your attention. “Something’s wrong.” 
“You think?” 
Ling put a hand on your shoulder, stopping you from throwing more magic at Envy. “Not just with…them. It’s Lan Fan. She’s not here.” 
You wiped some blood out of your eye and the realization of Lan Fan’s absence settled into your blood like ice. Ling had put himself in harm’s way, she should be here… 
It was then that you heard a crash behind you. 
You turned to see Lan Fan, her mask on and her hood up, lying between two halves of a broken table. A huge, bulbous creature lumbered towards her. Lan Fan jumped to her feet and brandished a kunai in each hand. When the creature charged her, its tongue spilled out of its mouth and you could see that it had the same tattoo that Envy did. The tattoo also shared with the one called Lust. 
Ling sprung forward immediately. “I’ll help Lan Fan, you deal with that one!” 
You turned to face Envy again. “What is it you want? Revenge for the Laboratory incident? If it was, you would have brought your other friend with you, and not…that one.”   
“Very clever,” Envy said, daring to step closer to you. “I’m sure Lust would have loved to be here, but she’s off dealing with that pesky suit of armor and the Flame Colonel.” 
The words felt like a slap, but you allowed no emotion to show on your face. “What is it you want?” you repeated. 
“What I want, dear koldun,” Envy took another step forward, “Is to see what you can do.”
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