#i love 2003 turtles and most of the other iterations of turtles and in my own kinnie canons / headcanons theyre somewhat mixed up
djpachipikachu · 4 months
doodle dump of unreleased aus that r still actively in my Brain Often but i dont post shit about them
⚠️warning for old art and blood and injury drawn and death mentions⚠️
magic lily au:
main theme -
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summary is that leo is transported to the samurai rabbit universe instead of his family’s arms through a trifecta of his ninpo, mikey’s mystics that begged for him to be safe, and the ki stone sensing a hero in need
when leo lands in the world, he doesnt know any japanese aside from simple phrases he grew up with; “thank you”, “please”, “excuse me”, “help me”, “i love you”, etc
him and yuichi fall in love and he remains there for a few years ! however . theyve all known since the beginning that the ki stone would take leo back once he was healed. she was clear on the fact he was only there to be helped , not to live there . so yuichi and leo hold off the inevitable, despite leo missing his family horribly and knowinf they think hes dead , despite knowing how selfish it was to have one more day with each other , they avoided the ki stone until they go to the temple together and leo is ripped from the world without even a chance to reallt say goodbye to everyone
uhhh etc etc they were their first and last loves as they were both on the aro spec and didnt have a need to find that kinda love again they just . wanted each other and blehhh
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i have a playlist for it as well ! my oldest au , started since i got into the fandom
[temp name]
my original usagi/tmnt iteration with miyamoto usagi as the main protag ! i still want to create a comic and really officially send this out so i wont spoil a lot, but !
the basis is that usagi lives in a post apocolyptic solarpunk society and is forcibly sent back in time to a cyberpunk city where the seeds of a war have begun to sprout, dropped in the middle of the highest tensions between three turtles and their eldest brother who is on the enemy side
doomed siblings, doomed toxic yaoi, doomed Everything, its inspired by idw and 2003 so what else is there to expect
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only showing the beta design for usagi ! i have a lot of other drawings for this but again, spoilers
historical graves au:
this one is the most recent of the bunch, just putting my version of yuichi for rise into a more usagi yojimbo styled setting ! the story is entirely different from the fanfic and im still working on it But
yuichi is the great grandchild of miyamoto usagi instead of a distant ancestor , so the debt of the shogun’s assassination is that much heavier and Far more dangerous to hold. yuichi and his adoptive little sister, hana, have recently escaped the mass murder and pillaging of their rabbit village (the same one that mariko and kenichi and usagi grew up in) and are on a journey to find their aunt for sanctuary
along the way, they run into a lot of familiar faces, such as the hamato clan , who has karai as their jōnin ! also yuichi gets possessed by jei at some point
hes trans too so he “disguises” himself as a boy to be more hidden as they travel
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ive got one more original iteration but theres like . nothing i want to share from it rn lmao
SOOO THATS IT basicallt !!umm if anyone wants to know more about any of these aus id be happy to answer ! u can request doodles of them too !
if u read this far ily and im kissing you
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deadtiredghost · 3 months
Tmnt facts that are canon cause i said so:
All Leo's are sci-fi fans of varying degrees of old sci-fi series/movies
But MM!Leo thinks the old movies are old and thus has no major franchise to obsess over, he is just big into any of the more modern movies of the genre: I'm thinking Interstellar, Blade Runner, idk many more. And then he started watching Final Space and eventually got into Futurama.
But he still would think the other Leo's are old and a bit lame for enjoying old anime so much.
All the Donnie's and Leo's are the musical fans, but that doesn't mean that Raph and Mikey can't enjoy a musical too! Especially 2003!Raph who grew up watching shit like high school musical and teen beach movie with Leo and Donnie.
The 2003 boys all teamed up to sit on Mikey and tape Mikey's mouth shut cause he would dramatically and badly sing the songs otherwise.
2018 crew are hard into Hamilton of course while 2012 have a knock off version of it that flopped but Mikey loves.
2003 have a musical version of Lost Boys and Faries that could possibly be comparable with some rap songs and some emotional ballads.
Bayverse and MM have batman while 2018 have a weird mixture of some irl media and some really obvious knock offs. 2012 has Wingnut and Silber sentry as comics to replace Marvel and DC in their universe and we all know how 2003 is on superheroes.
All the Mikey's are naturally talented at drawing apart from 2012 who's skills apparently just got transferred to literally every single one of his siblings.
2012!Mikey's writing looks like chickenscratch and his drawings are chaotic in an abstract art kinda way, while 12!Leo can draw anime, 12!Karai is decent at drawing anything reallt, 12!Donnie preffers skatching items and backgrounds rather than people and 12!Raph is the one who does art the most in the fam.
The 1987 turtles are stuck in 1987 and have been since 1987. They like crossovers for the change of pace but 87!Raph and 87!Donnie very much dislike how other turtles have treated them in the past so take any and ever chance to fuck with their alternates in retaliation, feigning innocence well enough that they keep getting away with blatantly insulting their iterations to their face.
Leo is the tea drinker in the family across iterations but most of the iterations don't drink coffee - rottmnt gets into coffee wars (sans Leo and Splinter) but other than that 2007!Donnie and Bayverse!Raph are the only rabid coffee drinkers.
most of the Donnies drink energy drinks if they want a caffeine boost - the nonbinaries and their Monster especially.
The MM kids aren't allowed coffee because Splinter read a watched of child-raising YouTube videos and banned it. Of course that doesn't stop them from sneaking out. MM!Donnie is trying to convince him to allow coffee while MM!Raph just sneaks in his energy drinks.
2003!Casey was convinced the turtles were adults for at LEAST the first month into their friendship.
The ampunt Mikey wears stickers is directly proportional to the amount of leeway Splinter gives him - with the used-to-be-human Splinters being more strict on not personalising his weapon while the used-to-be-rat Splinters such as MM gives the go ahead.
The outlines of this rule are 03!Splinter and 18!Splinter of course who have entirely different ways of handling their adhd child.
And then there is bayverse!Splinter who said fuck the stickers, yes of course my 15-year-old children can have tattoos.
(And yes I firmly believe they were 15 in the first movie, and I attribute their tattoos to Splinter not really seeing the harm in it, or caring much as long as it won't hurt them.)
18!Leo is biologically the eldest but no one knows this apart from Draxum who will never tell at this point. Splinter aged them based on size.
On the other hand, 03!Leo is the biological youngest but only Donnie knows this (science shit to find it out) and will never tell anyone because he found out that 03!Mikey hatched first and that information can never be allowed to get to the turtle in question.
2012 Casey is transfem but doesn't know it yet and 2018 Casey is what 12!Casey will look like at 20.
All Donnie's watch anime and all Mikey's watch horror movies - despite how much they may or may not scream at the horror movies.
07!Mikey sells art online and 07!Leo becomes a language tutor in their 20's. Ironic as 12!Raph attempts to sell art online but becomes too emotionally attached to his work and 12!Donnie attempts to tutor for a time but is a terrible teacher.
Leo is a basketball or baseball fan, Raph likes wrestling and basketball, Donnie will partake in basketball or volleyball and Mikey prefers dancing but is open to playing anything... just not watching.
Splinter always watched the tennis, becuase his grandmother did. Leo likes to put it on but doesn't like playing it.
Mikey will forever be confused why the others enjoy watching sport. This stemms from when he was 12 and trying to watch his cartoons and Splinter would always take control of the TV during the Olympics. Mikey is still very salty and has an agenda against the Olympics and any other big sports match on their communal TV.
All the Leo's before 2012 just didnt use the Internet or any electronics as a kid and thus struggles with electronics massively.
Conversely 2012 and 2018 Leo were both on tumblr as kids and read fanfic about Space Heros and Jupiter Jim respectively.
And in addition: Donnie was on the Internet far too much as a kid.
(12!Donnie will never tell but 12!Mikey befriending Chris Bradford on Facebook hit a bit too close to home.)
After Don, Raph is the best at mechanics, other than 18!Raph who is kinda shit at them.
Splinter taught all of the turtles first aid but Raph and Mikey are patched up the most by the other two, which leads to the other two being more confident and skilled at first aid.
Leo's first aid experience is very much similar to an army medic, using improvisation based on his prior knowledge without any of the proper hospital procedure while Donnie's is much more based on his research into medicine and thus much more clinical.
The outliers are the 18!kids cause Donnie finds biological shit kinda disgusting unless he HAS to do it.
And then there is the 87!turtles who don't really get hurt for longer than an episode's run time. Despite this every single one of them are able to accurately and skillfully carry out any medical procedure should the need arise becuase cartoon logic and convenience. It is a skill they have and its usually 87!Donnie ordering them about while 87!Raph plays nurse.
Mikey and Raph spray paint together sometimes in all iterations other than 87.
87!Mikey and 87!Leo have never kmowingly committed a crime.
Mikey looks up to Leo most out of his siblings, and Leo would look up to Mikey in turn if he could get over the jealousy towards his youngest brother.
There is not a single itteration where Leo doesn't sometimes kinda wish he could be more like Mikey - he has never voiced these feelings and hates that he feels this jealousy.
If you wake Leo up from sleeping he will be alert, a bit grumpy about it, but will never turn you away. He rarely gets a full good night's sleep anyways, ans becuase of this he is prime target to bother when he is awake... up until they turn 14 where Leo gets into the habit of pretending to be asleep so Mikey doesn't bother him and starts meditating until he falls asleep.
The prior headcannon excludes rottmnt and mutant mayhem.
Mikey starts bothering Donnie more and joins him in the lab late at night a lot.
If you dare to disturb Raph's beauty sleep you will get a pillow to the face and a shouting to at the least.
Everyone of the turtles loves Kung Fu Panda or whatever similar movie exists in their world. They won't admit it but its because Poe reminds them of Mikey.
Raph maintains that he doesn't like physical contact much to get out of hugging the sweaty humans in his life. He is actually fairly chill with hugs he just hates the feeling of sweat on his scales so much, and learnt that the hard way when Casey brought him in for a hug after a fight and he shoved him off and blustered a bit. But any of his siblings hugging him is fine, he only ever shoves them off out of annoyance.
Donnie is the least huggy turtle, but he will sometimes lean his full body weight on April - which is fine in most iterations but some cannot handle the weight, I'm looking at Bayverse.
If Mikey were a human he would be a borderline nudist when home and everyone who lived with him would complain about it.
Like [insert hair covering here] and a fluffy dressing gown from when he was 9 wrapped around the waist if you're lucky.
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tmntkiseki · 3 months
The post where I discuss my thoughts on the 2003 turtles and romance
Oh boy, this is easily the post I feel the most anxious about throwing into the wild just because I know topics concerning romance and shipping can be, uh, pretty touchy in online fandom spaces. But hey, you can't please everyone and one or two people have expressed curiosity regarding my thoughts on the 2003 turtles and their (entirely hypothetical) love lives, so, you know, here we are! 2003 Turtles and romance post away! Just remember that this is largely opinion-based and that if you do disagree with with me, that's fine; just be polite and respectful about it if you do decide to say something.
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So, if at least one of my previous posts is anything to go by, I am of the opinion that the 2003 turtles are pretty heavily ace coded. Are they completely uninterested in romance and/or have no desire or need for a romantic relationship? That is up to personal interpretation; what is true is that Peter Laird himself stated that the 2003 turtles do not experience attraction towards humans, a statement that is supported by a line uttered by Mikey during "More Worlds Than One," the fourth episode of the Ninja Tribunal season.
Mikey is more or less saying that he might find Chikara attractive if she were a turtle, which makes perfect sense to me! This is, after all, an iteration where the turtles' mutation didn't involve any human DNA coming into the mix (it was 100% pure Utrom ooze), so if they are capable of feeling physical attraction, it would most likely be towards other turtles, not humans. As for aliens, other mutants, and what have you, I have a sinking suspicion that if the 2003 turtles don't experience physical attraction towards humans, then they don't experience it towards non-humans as well. (I am thinking specifically of the 2003 version of Jhanna in this regard. The original comic version of "The People's Choice" did seem to imply that Donatello had become smitten with her by the end of the story, but in the Season 4 animated adaptation of the issue, his feelings towards her were deliberately left ambiguous and he just seems understandably bummed that she went home so soon at the end of the episode.)
All that said, there is a distinction to be made between being physically attracted to someone and being emotionally attracted, and that is the thing with the 2003 turtles. While they might not be able to experience physical attraction by virtue of being the only members of their species, I do think that they are capable of feeling attraction on a purely emotional level. It is easy enough to cite a couple of moments where Don becomes noticeably flustered around April (ex: the scene towards the end of "Space Invaders - Part 1" where he visibly blushes when April says she could "just kiss him"), but I would also like to bring up "Beginning of the End." The start of the episode includes a scene where Raph and Joi are talking by themselves at the back of the Tribunal's ship, and Raphael sounds a bit bashful when he asks Joi to come visit if she ever finds herself in New York. While these can be chalked up to the writers successfully sneaking in a couple of ship tease-y moments under Peter Laird's nose, it does show that romantic attraction for the 2003 turtles is possible, but it's always going to be with someone that they've developed a significant emotional bond with, which leads into my next point (as well as the more speculative section of the post.)
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Any romance involving one of the 2003 turtles would be the definition of a slow burn. Leo, Raph, Don, Mikey—it doesn't matter which of them gets landed with the romantic subplot. If their love interest is introduced early on in Season 1, they are not going to get together until the beginning of Season 3 at earliest, and that's assuming they get together at all.
The fact that the 2003 turtles only experience attraction on an emotional level does obviously does play a major factor in why a romantic subplot with any of the boys would be so long and drawn out. Attraction, for them, would not be instantaneous--there may be some innocent curiosity towards their potential love interest(s) if they have personality traits/personal skills that they personally find appealing (chemistry is so, so important, I cannot stress this enough), but for romantic feelings to take hold, they really need to know and trust the person that they're being set up with—basically, it's a "friends to lovers" situation for all of them! And how long it would take for those romantic feelings to develop is dependent on both the initial circumstances of their meeting as well as the turtle in question. For instance, Michelangelo is easily the most extroverted of the turtles personality-wise and if he meets his intended love interest under positive circumstances, romantic feelings are likely to develop significantly faster. Contrast with Raphael, who is much more cynical and thus distrustful; if his love interest initially starts out as an enemy of the turtles, they are going to need to overcome a number of hurdles before they even get to the point of being able to exist as friends, much less lovers.
Besides that, though, I would like to bring up one of the key thematic pillars of the entire TMNT franchise; family. These boys value their familial bonds so much that any love interest would need to get along with all four of the turtles, not just the one that they end up actually dating. Like can you imagine Leonardo dating someone who loves him but hates Mikey and is constantly badmouthing both him and Raph? Of course not! Leo probably wouldn't even consider getting together with them because his brothers would take priority over any romantic feelings he may have for someone. If you wanna date someone from Clan Hamato, you have to be considered a part of Clan Hamato and reasonably get along with everyone in it; no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Outside all of what I've said so far, I would say that anything else is entirely up to one's own headcanons and personal preferences for each of the individual 2003 turtles. Is Raphael the most likely turtle to end up in a romantic relationship, or Donatello? Is Leonardo romantically attracted to both men and women, or just men? Would an ideal love interest for Michelangelo be someone who shares a lot of his personality traits, or his complete polar opposite? I could go into detail for each of the 2003 turtles in terms of my own personal preferences for them—stuff like how likely they are to end up in a relationship as well as how it might play out depending on the dynamic, but this post has already gotten a bit too long for my liking and I think it's about time that I stopped.
Thank you for reading this long ramble! I'm off to make some mac n' cheese!
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thecomicsnexus · 2 months
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July 2024
By Kevin Eastman, Edgar Alan Poe, Jim Lawson, Tristan Jones, Gary Carlson, Chris Allan, Erik Burnham, Lloyd Goldfine, Ciro Nieli, Andy Suriano, Tom Waltz, Ronda Pattison , Tom Napolitano, Steve Lavigne, Paul Harmon, Frank Fosco, Adam Guzowski, Sarah Myer, Luis Antonio Delgado, Shawn Lee, Khary Randolph, Emilio Lopez, Michael Dialynas, Pablo Tunica, Freddie E. Williams II, David Petersen, Ken Mitchroney, Aaron Hazouri, Dan Duncan, Sophie Campbell, Jodi Nishijima, Stan Sakai, and Emi Fujii.
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Come and enjoy stories that will remind you of the 40 years of turtle history.
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SCORE: 10 *
* Assuming you are familiar with these iterations.
This is a strange read, and curiously, there are three or four highlights for me, and they are not exactly the ones you would imagine.
Spoilers after the break...
The first story by Kevin Eastman is in the Mirage section of the book but... well... I'll leave at that... I wouldn't call it the Mirage we knew.
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There is a story by Lawson and Lavigne with the Rat King that... it's fun. But, you know... I wouldn't even try to fit it in canon... the amount of continuity physics you need to bend to place this story is not worth the time. Just enjoy as a new story by these two iconic Mirage artists.
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This other story by Tristan H. Jones and Paul Harmon requires more analysis. I'll revisit it on my gang wars video and try to give it more context... but unfortunately... it's just too vague. All I can say for sure is that it happens in the future of that incomplete saga, but the narrator just takes too many artistic choices to be taken at face value.
Also... I believe this is the first official (frontal) appearance of Agent Bishop (unless I got the character wrong, but Jones already tried to introduce him in this saga). I think he is still holding on to it, and I really hope he gets to tell his story. I wouldn't mind a mini-series... just saying!
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The Volume 3 story was... not for me. The dialogue alone felt tired.
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The Archie adventure was short, eventful, and funny... and it looks amazing too!
In just four pages a new character was introduced and... a new love story was implied! And it's not just a gratuitous cameo... this is a funny sequence.
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The Saturday Morning Adventures (the de facto 87 story) looks amazing as usual, but I didn't find the story that interesting. However, it started a theme that would run across most of the stories in this special after this one: Master Splinter.
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The 2003 story is a... loose canon?
Hun is Slash, and Shredder is back... so make of that what you want. All I'm going to say is that this felt a lot like watching the beginning of a 2003 episode, with the narration setting the tone.
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The 2012 story was one of the least interesting in the previews, but I have to say... it was probably one of the best. It brought back a villain and it technically serves as an excuse to continue the series?
But to me the best thing about the story is the art. I am surprised Ciro Nieli didn't do more comic book work for the Turtles all these years. In fact, if they somehow decided to continue the 2012 universe in 2D in this style... I'm all in. Well, who am I kidding... I would be in anyway... but this looks amazing.
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Andy Suriano did probably the most interesting story in the book. Now, I am not sure if his style doesn't translate well to static panels or what the problem is with the comic format... but it doesn't matter... this small story brought in a lot of things that ended on the editing floor after the show's second season was reduced to a few more episodes. There was a rumor about a female turtle, and not only it is here in all its glory, but there is also a brother?
And come on... it's so Lou Jitsu to die with a cliffhanger.
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There are two IDW stories. One is another Splinter story, but the other one is perhaps one of the best in this book.
The Ronda Pattison story takes place just before the Armageddon game, and it shows the five turtles in full sibling dynamic (even Jennika). It was refreshing to see these turtles having fun for a change.
There are no stories by the new team, but... well... that's just starting.
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fabuloustrash05 · 5 months
Some of My TMNT Hot Takes (PART 2) 🔥
Warning: More Opinions
Part 1 Here
I don’t like that in Mutant Mayhem Donnie is not a “science guy” but instead is more of an anime and pop culture geek. I’m not against him being an anime fan (I love anime too) but I wish we saw more of his science and being a tech genius side instead of him just liking stereotypical “nerdy stuff”. If that makes sense.
I don’t like the Punk Frogs (any version).
The 87 crossover episodes in the 2012 series (as much as I did enjoy them & are great episodes) should not have happened. They leave no real impact or development to 2012’s overarching story and just waste time. These episodes could’ve covered more important things that 202 was desperately lacking like like character exploration and character dynamic development. It was just nostalgic fanservice. The arc in S5 specifically would’ve work better as a movie instead of a 3-4 episode arc in the (most likely non canon) final season.
Shinigami being Mikey’s second love interests ruins her character a bit (for me personally). That was a pointless decision that did NOT need to happen. She would’ve been our first recurring female character to not be a love interest, but nope!
People are allowed to like/ship Donnie x April in ROTTMNT (this is coming from someone who’s not crazy about April being shipped with the Turtles).
I ship Yuichi with 2012 Leo more than Rise Leo (still ship Rise Leoichi, but I just think 2012 Leoichi is way more interesting, plus 2012 Leo deserves a good love interest).
The humans in Mutant Mayhem look ugly af (I know that was probably an intentional design choice but still. It looks bad.)
I hate Raph x Casey (any ver). I’ve stated in part one that I don’t like Raph (any version) being in a romantic relationship with human characters and yes, that meant him with Casey. Not only that but Raph and Casey being a couple ruins their whole dynamic and iconic friendship I love so much. I’m all for friends to lovers but they are a line that should not be crossed. Not every friendship needs to turn romantic.
2012 Karai’s hair looks bad.
Fans often over exaggerate Rise Donnie’s character and badly mischaracterize him in fanfics and fan comics to the point it makes him feel like he’s an entirely different character.
Shinigami should have been revealed to be a villain.
Rise Donnie was just as mean to his brother as fans claim 2012 Raph was to his. Yes, they both do love their families and I’m NOT saying either of them are abus!ce (they’re not), but fans praising Rise Donnie for doing similar things fans criticize/hate 2012 Raph for doing just makes them hypocrites.
Venus does NOT need to be in every iteration of TMNT. It gets kind of annoying when fans keep on saying that she should be in all the other iterations when in truth her presence would not make sense based on the already established canon story. The only (recent) version of TMNT where I think her being included would’ve fit the best and deserved to make her comeback in is ROTTMNT.
The side plot of 2012 Karai being mutated and later getting brainwashed by Shredder was a waste of time and the most boring arc in the series.
2012 April, Donnie and Casey being in a poly relationship does not fix anything with their problematic dynamic and massive flaws with one another. I'm not saying you can't ship all three of them together, you do you! Idc But in reality their relationship would be a train wreck, that's why I personally don't ship 2012 Capriltello.
Renet is probably one of the most powerful allies the Turtles have in the 2012 series.
Rise Donnie would NOT hate 2012 April. He’d go crazy over her psychic powers and want to study them to help her explore them more.
From what I've seen so far, Leo x Usagi seems like the only GOOD ship in the 2003 series (this hot take might change tho).
Raph had the best character arc and development in the 2012 series and changed the most out of the four brothers. Next would be Leo. With Mikey and Donnie have little development (or none at all sadly).
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acidichcl · 8 months
I’ve been seeing people make their own tmnt iteration for a while now and i wanted to finally join in the fun. Im not as creative tho so 😭 whatever. Heres me doodling the main cast to get an idea what they look like in my version
Edit: this is kinddaaa outdated. Theres been a few changes to their designs
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I wanted to get the 2000s cartoon vibes. And i was thinking of sgt frog too while making this so there might be the same vibes. I love sgt frog. I call this version TMNT: Against All Odds. Probably sounds corny but idk, sounds catchy
Some info about them under the cut
April’s the one who dressed them up based on their interests. Excluding leo’s and donnie’s techs. Donnie made his tech and leo’s hologram control thing. And leo’s hologram necklace is actually a gift April got from her science teacher, Baxter Stockman. More on that later tho. Maybe. Idk yet
In my version, things are more lighthearted. Shredder is an alien that took over the utroms planet and so the utroms escape to earth. Theyre like pests tho, they carry ooze that makes ppl sick. Theyre not TOO harmful, but theyre bothersome. the turtles do fight crime that happens and also tries to help out with utrom situations. The turtles are mostly carefree and has a more positive outlook on everything. Leo tends to be the most innocent, other than mikey. They both have so much joy and love in their hearts bless them
The best way i can describe donnie is that he’s like Rise donnie but less vocal abt his sense of superiority and intelligence(?) my donnie is more mysterious and puts on an off-putting facade just for the fun of creeping people out. He cares for others tho and it rlly shows that hes kind hearted. Just a bit weird and sometimes takes his pranks too far (he pranks his brothers with his inventions to show how impressive his inventions are. Sometimes it fails and so their adventures consists of them having to get around donnie’s invention problems) if you watch Sgt frog, then u can tell i got heavily inspired by Kululu lol
My raph is basically like 2003 raph i think, just a bit nicer
For April, i wanted to make her be a popular girl in her school. Shes not a mean popular girl. She just is popular for some reason and shes cool with everyone. Everyone gets along, mostly, but she just doesnt like being around people and prefers to stay home doing her own thing. Shes an art kid who loves anything artsy, especially making her own stories
Overall theyre just having fun tbh. I want them to not have trauma for once😭 or at least not yet. Other than the whole utroms situation, their problems are mostly them wanting to have fun outside and do normal people stuff but April doesnt let them cuz she knows people will be weirded out by them. And other shenanigans. I do have more plans for them but for now, this is all
Close ups without the little notes:
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dysfunctional-doodle · 7 months
What is your favorite and least favorite version of all the turtles?
I feel like it’s fairly obvious who I favour the most if you read my chat fic, Too Many Turtles (I have a lot of bias, oops) but I shall break it down.
Ok so favourites:
1987: Michelangelo (come on, he’s a surfer dude and actual angel)
90’s: Donnie (the snark he has with Casey makes my day, though Mikey is still second because he genuinely has the best relationship with Donnie I love watching those two interact)
2003: Mikey, duh. Just look at my blog and my fanfics. I love this chaotic gremlin.
2007: Mikey (again! Especially after hearing about the cancelled sequel of him joining the foot, his brothers demutating, etc. I will say I am looking forward to finally getting to the 2007 plot line in my chat fic, it’s gonna be great >:) )
2012: Raph (I haven’t watched much 2012 at all, I just can’t. I don’t know why people think it’s good in all honestly aside from a few episodes, but from what I’ve seen and mostly read about Raph gets way too much abuse dude, someone give this turtle a hug)
Bayverse: Donnie, followed closely by Mikey. (Idk why but the “younger sibling energy” they give these two is actually great. And Donnie’s little stims and the fact that he licks the icing off pop tarts and puts them back in the box just about pushes him above Mikey.)
2019: Mikey (again. Come on. Have you seen him in that movie?)
Rise: Donnie, followed closely by Mikey. (For me they are both pretty much even in different ways. I love Donnie’s chaotic neutral status and Mikey got boosted quite a bit after the movie, and the rage I feel whenever I hear about hall the episodes he was the star of but then they cancelled almost all of them.)
Mutant Mayhem: Mikey (Something about seeing him sadly look through a sewer grate at the humans with that music in the background made me want to protect him forever. Also I love his effort to try and be a comedian but his jokes are…um yeah. As a second I would actually say Leo - I know, strange for me - but idk, he’s just an anxious mess.)
And now least favourites, strap in boys:
1987: uuuh Leo I suppose. Kind of a fun sponge
90’s: again, Leo (though this doesn’t mean I dislike him; I really liked how happy he got when Raph woke up and the way he guarded him before then. He’s just the least favourite.)
2003: Leo (again, the same reasoning i iterated with 90’s. I really like this Leo but compared to the other brothers…he falls a little shorter.)
2007: Leo (Patronising Asshole)
2012: OK, this one is weird. I dislike Donnie the most by far only when he is simping for April. When they let him not have this as his only character trait he’s actually fun to watch but DEAR GOD I hate him when he kept being a creep to her.
Bayverse: Leo (He insulted Mikey, he must die /jk)
2019: Um I guess Raph? I like all of them pretty much equally, don’t really have a least favourite at all.
Rise: Leo (yeah I don’t like him. Don’t get why the fandom does. Still an ass)
Mutant Mayhem: Donnie (idk why, I like everyone else much more. Don’t get me wrong, I still like him though)
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purplecatghostposts · 4 months
i'm asking a few people, do you have any tmnt fanfic recs for short stories? like 5000 words or less? i love to read turtle fics but my attention span is pretty low. thank you so much if you do and even if you don't!
I absolutely have some, yeah!! Wasn’t sure what iteration you wanted so I went for a mix of ROTTMNT and TMNT2012, but if you want anything from the 2007 movie, 2003 show, or the Bayverse movies, just ask and I can grab those as well!
The Disappearance of Donatello’s Eyebrow By Monobrobe- ROTTMNT, just under 900 words! A short, silly story of the brothers being brothers! Donnie losing his mind is very funny-
You And The End Of The World By Catatonicatnap- ROTTMNT Movie, this one has a couple character studies, all under 2k! Written in second person and very well done!
And I Appreciate How You Raised Me By Moogsthewriter- TMNT 2012, Mikey wants to give Leo a card for Mother’s Day and gets a little help in doing it! Veryyyy sweet! 1.2k words!
December 13th: There Is A Place For You Here By Angelmichelangelo- TMNT 2012, Splinter learns to care for four baby turtles! So so SO sweet, I love them a lot!! Just over 2k words!
Swept Away By Chaos_Breeds- ROTTMNT, April and Donnie get into a bad spot when the sewer floods but it pays for your best friend to be an aquatic turtle! Excellent Hurt/Comfort and a great look into their friendship!! Just under 2k words!
An Act Of Yokai Kindness By BiographyDivider- ROTTMNT, Splinter takes the Turtle Tots to the Library! Splinter’s struggle in parenting four kids alone and the kindness of the librarian is so <3333!!! Love this fic! 2.8k words!
Recording (A Reminder Of What We Almost Lost) By Starlight_Artemis- ROTTMNT Movie, Donnie hears a recording of what went down in the Prison Dimension. Short and sweet Hurt/Comfort!! Leo gets a hug <3 900 words!
Family We Choose By Taizi- TMNT 2012, Casey and Mikey get into a tight spot but they got family so they’re gonna be okay. Loveeee the characterization in this one, plus some good ol’ Casey & Mikey friendship!! 2.5k words!
Sometimes I Can Still Hear His Voice By Catatonicatnap- ROTTMNT Movie, Casey, April, and Splinter call the turtles but haven’t realized Leo is okay yet. Honestly one of my favorite ROTTMNT fics in general, it’s canon in my heart <3 2.3k words!
Calling An Uber After The Apocalypse By MagicalSpaceDragon- ROTTMNT Movie, the boys need a ride back home so they call an Uber. Both silly and sweet <3 600 words!
So If Chocolate Is Bad For Dogs Does That Mean It’s Bad For The Mad Dogs (And Other Questions About What Turtles Can Eat) By Catatonicatnap- ROTTMNT, April brings some chocolate for the boys to enjoy only for all of them to stop and think about whether or not they can eat it. Absolutely FANTASTIC dynamics and a great fic! 2.8k words!
Let You Down By Windify- TMNT 2012, Leo tells his brothers what he saw while on the Fear Spores. Delightful Hurt/Comfort and heals my heart <3 2k words!
Anddd that’s what I got for now! There’s probably some others but these are the ones I remember enjoying the most! Hope you find some you like, happy reading!!
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turtletimewriting · 7 months
2003 turtles tickle headcannons
Putting this under the read more because I kinda feel bad that this will be in the main tag.
Obligatory older brother tickle monster
He doesn't snap often. He doesn't tickle his siblings often. And that makes it worse. He strikes unexpectedly. You never see it coming.
He just absolutely adores tickling his brothers though. Just loves hearing their laughter and how silly it is. He's tickling them with a huge grin.
The one that Splinter tickles the most
Ultimate weak spot is under his chin. Which, thankfully, is a harder spot to reach.
The only one who's feather ticklish. A fact that the others happily poke fun of.
The instigator of the most tickle fights. It claims it helps control his anger if he takes someone down by tickling them during a spar rather than getting worked up and upset.
His ultimate tactic is to pin the person down as quickly and harshly as he can so he can wreck them quicker.
He's conditioned his brothers into learning the difference between pinning during a spar and being pinned to be tickled within an inch of their lives.
He's the most paranoid of going too far so he can be sudden and aggressive but he stops the second he think they're uncomfortable.
Snorts. A lot.
Can't take what he dishes out.
Ultimate weak spot is probably his feet but a special mention should be his knees.
If Raph starts the most tickle fights, then Donny is not far behind him.
Those two tickle each other the most. Out of them all. Not a week goes by without either of them tickling each other and launching an all out war. Tickling in the Splinterson household, is associated with those two.
Donny is great at scribbling and tickling. He typically goes with light tickling and it's enough to bring everyone down.
He tickles with the aim to shut people down.
Unfortunately, he is my favourite turtle from this iteration so that must mean he is the most ticklish. Sorry. I don't make the rules.
His sides are an ultimate killer.
Tears up really easily when being tickled.
Genuinely enjoys it.
Who would've guessed, the prankster loudmouth has the most inventive creative ways to tickle.
Lots of raspberries.
Lots of gloating. So much teasing. Someone please shut him up.
He adores tickling Donny the most since he lights up bright red to his teasing.
If he could build a tickle machine then he would.
Ultimate spot is his sides as well. But it's a lot more evenly spread. He's evenly ticklish everywhere.
Big belly laughs when tickled.
Thrashes like he's dying any time someone gets close to him.
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deadpool1763492 · 7 months
Do you have a favorite and least favorite turtle? For 03 since that’s the iteration I am most into
Well, my favorite in 2003 is easily Leo mainly because I relate to him so much, with Don being a close second.
Least favorite is definitely a more difficult question to answer. Honestly, the 2003 iteration of the turtles is among my top favorite versions of all of them because of how well written they are. If I had to pick though, my least favorite would probably be Mikey (which hurts to say because I love writing him so much). Nothing against him; he's my favorite Mikey yet, but I just love the others a tiny bit more.
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tending-the-hearth · 1 month
I lost u again 😭 I'm sorry
I'm here to talk about ur 🐢angst au if it's ok🥺
1) I was genuinely happy to see u including the bay bois into ur fic. Not a lot of ppl like them which is a shame cuz I think theyre great(I'm biased lmao I love all iterations)And I honestly can't wait to see the bay fam interact with everyone else.(Honestly the 2012 bois desperately need elder siblings or like a stable adult figure in their lives cuz YIKES they keep losing everyone 😭)
2)U mentioned B4 in a hypothetical scenario that the other alternates would freak when they realized the 2012 bois were constantly fighting kraang daily. Do u think it would happen again when they realize the extent of like what they had to go thru? Like aside from the comics, 2003 and 2012 r like basically getting beaten up in every way possible 😭 (the creators literally were like hmm 🤔 how should we torture them today? And got paid for it😭 like have u SEEN the stuff they go thru? My bois :(( )
The 2012 bois stepped out of isolation and practically turned into soldiers as soon as they went topside. Splinter taught them how to fight so they could defend themselves but then they had to do more than just defend. So much more :((
How do u think the other would react if they ever find out about this info?-🫘
the bay boys are actually one of my absolute favorite iterations of the turtles. i think their characterization is done so well, i love the relationships they have with each other + splinter + april, and their fight scenes are some of the most engaging!!
I think the 2012 boys would, at first, be a little unsure about totally having to rely on older versions of themselves, because the only older sibling figures they have are Xever and Chris, so having a new group that is totally prepared to take them under their wings and take care of them so they don't have to take care of themselves? It would be very, very odd for them. And yeah, they'd also be hesitant to trust them just due to the amount of abandonment issues they've all got, but I do think that once they get past all that, they're absolutely inseparable from them, especially Raph and Leo and their bayverse counterparts!
OHHHHH i have so many thoughts about the absolute horror the other groups feel once they realize just how much fighting the 2012 boys have had to do.
you're so right, they've been fighting for years nonstop. With the Bayverse boys, they fought Shredder twice, never encountered the Kraang, and really only had run-ins with the Foot. The MM Boys are new to everything, and they've only ever fought Super Fly and a few others. The Rise boys are kind of the only ones who come close to how much the 2012 boys have fought, but even they've only fought the Kraang once, and Shredder isn't as much of a threat to them as he is to the 2012 turtles.
I have an idea in my mind of Donnie showing the others a video of all the brothers from a few years prior, like just something they made maybe a little bit after they started going topside, and Mikey starts laughing and says "I forgot how different you used to sound, Leo!"
and the other 2012 boys also start laughing, so ofc Blue asks "what, did you go through puberty or something?"
and Leo just shakes his head and says "We fought the Shredder, and I basically went into a coma for a month before waking up, and my voice changed since there was a shit ton of damage to my throat"
there is just the LOUDEST silence after he says that, and the others immediately start to talk over each other, attempting to make it sound less awful, but just doing a terrible job.
Raph: "It's no big deal, I got my brain switched with a Kraang, and I've honestly lost count of how many times I've been poisoned during fights"
Mikey: "I got trapped on the Kraang's home planet for a few months! That really messed with my sense of time, though"
Donnie: "I got disintegrated."
but it does not help at all, and the 2012 boys suddenly find themselves in the middle of a giant group hug, with the Splinters all holding their boys close, and the bayvers boys secretly making plans to make sure their little bros don't ever get hurt again, meanwhile the MM and Rise boys are wondering if it's possible to send anyone who has ever hurt their big bros into a black void.
(also the Raphs comparing fights and injuries and Red talking about how his shell was cracked during the fight with the Kraang when he was protecting Blue, and they all ask Raph how his shell was cracked, and he tells them it happened when he was a toddler and a Kraang robot attacked his sensei and his brothers and he fell out of the carrier and had the cart land on his back and the others just have to try SO hard not to start crying and bundling Raph in as many blankets as possible)
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indieyuugure · 1 year
Hi again!!! 😄 Been wanting to ask you this for a while so I decided to go for it!!
If you had to pick your top five fave/ least fave TMNT characters, who would you pick?? And what do you think about Mutant Mayhem? Are you excited for it??
Thank you!! Have a great day!!
Hm, for my top five favorites, I’m gonna exclude the turtles cause I feel like it’s just a given that they’re at the top of my favorites list. The favorites list is organized as 1 being almost as good as the turtles, and 5 being they’re only there cause I love the others more.
Bebop and Rocksteady, any iteration, I’ll watch an entire episode of just these guys being a lovable duo of stupidity.
Casey Jones, any iteration, something about him, I just love him. He would be #1 but sometimes he’s just too cringe.
Lou Jitsu, what’s there not to love?
Rise and 2003 Splinter, they are how to write a Splinter.
The Trash Wizard, I know he’s a background character that shows up in like maybe 3 episodes of Rise, but he gives me such Cabbage Merchant vibes and I love him. Also this picture:
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Alright and now my least favorites, this is going from 1 is most hated to 5 is barely tolerable.
2012 Usagi, I literally hate this guy. He’s so annoying and I can not understand why people like him so much.
Savnti Romero and Renet. These episodes are so dumb and a waste of time. 2012 Renet is at least more has a more tolerable personality and she and Mikey are such a cute duo, but that’s really the only exception to that rule. I hate time travel plots .
2003 Karai, you had your chance girl then you stabbed my boy in the shoulder and gave him PTSD, you should’ve died in the final battle, you don’t deserve the compassion of the turtles.
2012’s one episode appearance villains, like Really? That was the best you could do? Their just so…ugh, why am I even watching this episode?
Irma, every iteration. Dude, just shut up, no one cares.
Lol, there we go those are my favorite and least favorite TMNT characters :]
Mutant Mayhem. Idk, definitely very excited about it, but I try not to get my hopes up too high. Very very few movies actually live up to my expectations, so I always try to hope it’s gonna be awesome but expect it’s gonna be trash, that way I am happily surprised when it’s actually pretty good.
So far my favorite TMNT movie is Batman Vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, there’s so much that is absolutely incredible about that movie and it’s only rivaled with the Rise movie. I’d like to see if Mutant Mayhem can compete.
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tmntkiseki · 26 days
I have finally watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (beware for OPINIONS)
And the tl;dr opinion: I am surprised by how much I liked it
Obviously, it wasn't as good as the first movie and I definitely have a few issues with it, the biggest one being that with the exception of Donatello, the turtles barely used their weapons. I know this was because people complained that the first movie was too violent, but C'MON, PEOPLE. If Leonardo has a pair of swords strapped to his back, he should be using them, damn it!
My other big issue is Casey being completely absent from the plot. I might have been forgiving towards this if they provided an explanation somewhere in the script (something like "His mother is not doing well and he needs to take care of her,") but he's just gone with no acknowledgement that he even exists and it is so jarring when he was such a prominent member of the cast in the first film. Subsequently, I'm extremely divided on Keno. I do really like him as a character, and I wouldn't mind if they brought him back in another iteration at some point, but he ultimately feels like a substitute for Casey that they didn't actually need.
But otherwise, most of my complaints range from minor nitpicks to stuff that I'm not necessarily sure is actually a problem. For instance, the turtle costumes don't look as good, but I feel like that's more to do with the brighter lighting rather than a genuine decline in the overall quality (the darker lighting of the first movie did a lot to hide the imperfections in the suits.) April being played by a different actress certainly is weird, but Paige Turco does a pretty acceptable job playing our intrepid reporter, even if I do still prefer Judith Hoag. The overuse of slapstick comedy is a little grating at times, but there were a lot of jokes that made me laugh so I can let it slide. You win some, you lose some.
The really interesting thing though is that unlike the final two seasons of the 2003 series, the tonal change didn't actually bother me all that much. I think it was because despite the tonal change, the turtles, for the most part, still felt very in character when compared to the first movie. In Fast Forward and Back to the Sewer, there were a number of lines that genuinely went into "He would not fucking say that" territory, but here? Yeah, it' still the same turtles from before, just a little bit goofier.
And now for a bulleted list of pretty much everything I liked or am at least accepting of.
Even if I'm sad that Leo, Raph, and Mikey barely use their weapons, the fight choreography for the movie was still fantastic.
I know that both Raphael and Donatello's voices were recast for this movie and in terms of Raphael, Laurie Faso does such a convincing impression of Josh Pais performance that you can barely tell that the actor was changed.
As for Donny, I actually like Adam Carl's voice for him better than Corey Feldman's (not sure if this is a controversial opinion or not, but that is how I feel)
Speaking of Donny, they did put more emphasis on him being the tech guy of the turtles. That was the only thing I found off about him in the first movie, so I'm glad about this.
Listen, I know Jordan Perry's character is basically a stand-in for Baxter Stockman and he might as well just have been Baxter Stockman, but there is something I just absolutely love about him and his dumb bow tie.
Tokka and Rahzar... not entirely sure how I feel about these two? I think I like their concept enough and for the sake of the movie's plot they were utilized reasonably well. I just wish they had more personality than "literal infants." (Also, I feel dumb. I've been pronouncing Rahzar's name as "Raah-zahr," but for most of the movie, it's pronounced like razor.)
Even though there aren't really any significant character arcs in this movie and thus very little character development for the turtles, I did really like the brief angst that Don and his brothers had after finding out their mutation was a complete accident.
Frikkin Super Shredder. His appearance was extremely brief, but I can understand why the concept has been revived so many times in the franchise since this movie because it is so cool.
Do genuinely love the movie's soundtrack. Who the hell is Vanilla Ice, though?
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redheadlesbianfreak · 4 months
I am curious what are your opinions on Raph? I mean 03 and 12 because those are my fav iterations. He’s my favorite and Donnie is my second favorite I love their dynamic.
Hey--I'm so sorry for the late response!
Yes, I really enjoy the 2012 and 2003 versions of Raph so much. I think he's a really well-done depiction of a teenage boy who's struggling with anger. The way he gets frustrated with his family is particularly realistic, but at the end of the day, he still cares for them deeply and it's lovely to see that. In a boy's cartoon, there is something really special about the "toughest" turtle being the most protective and openly loving/affectionate.
I love how he's a dick to his brothers in one episode but then hugging them in another. I love how he acts like they annoy him but is often shown tending to his brothers' wounds when they get hurt. I think that's a realistic depiction of how sibling relationships between teens work, as someone with siblings. I am such a sucker for tough characters with softer, gentler sides and I also love that as a quality of "positive masculinity."
In terms of my favorite relationship dynamics for 2003 and 2012. My favorite relationship dynamic in 2003 is definitely Donnie and Mikey, their chemistry is unmatched in my eyes. I love their bizarre misadventures where they fuck off and go to Atlantis or some shit. This is just my opinion, but I get the sense that Mikey and Donnie are extremely close when I watch them in 2003. In 2012, I really love the way all the turtles interact. But my favorite is Mikey and Raph's relationship, it's so intriguing and sweet to me. I love how they're dicks to each other, but are also pretty damn protective of each other too!
Man, I love the way TMNT handles familial relationships so much...
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battlekidx2 · 1 year
Rise of the TMNT First Time Watch Thoughts
Rise is a series I didn’t get into right when it came out. It was released very soon after my favorite tmnt cartoon, 2012, had ended and I was going through a major transition in my life. 
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I watched the first few episodes, but my schedule was jam packed and I fell off of watching it rather quickly. I still wanted to give it a shot but later when more episodes were released and I could binge it because I felt that this show deserved more than a fleeting shot. But I didn’t really get around to watching it in full until recently.
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I do want to say right off the bat that the backlash against this incarnation when it was first announced was ridiculous. The show hadn’t even aired and people were rallying to cancel it. You can’t judge the quality of something before seeing it and changing something from past iterations isn’t necessarily a bad thing even if it is an adaptation. 
My rule for adaptations is that what’s most important for new iterations is that they understand the heart of the series and characters that they are adapting and I would say that Rise clearly understood the heart of its characters and series but it just chose to adapt it in a different way. And in my opinion that’s great.
And I’m not going to pretend that all the changes worked for me. Some changes just didn’t mesh with me personally and I found myself preferring certain iterations of the characters and their dynamics/arguments from past iterations more. It’s just a matter of personal preference.
I have spoilers below the cut but I want to say that if you haven't watched it I really recommend giving it a shot!
I want to get into my full actual thoughts on the series now that that’s out of the way.
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While Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles is a great series, it got off to a bit of a rocky start. The first half of season one, while fun and full of amazing action scenes, wasn’t the type of start to absolutely grip me like the first seasons of 2012 and 2003. It did, however, manage to set itself apart from the other iterations of the turtles and firmly establish the unique personalities of these versions of the turtles, Splinter, and April O’Neil. 
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The show clearly had some issues finding its footing at first and I think one of the major issues was that the show itself had trouble figuring out how exactly to implement the changes it made to the lore and characters from past incarnations into the first season, which led to pacing issues and some mixed characterization that took a while to get used to from characters such as Splinter (he gets a lot better later on and I really grew to like him but at first I wasn’t that fond of him). 
But, while I didn’t personally love the first season as much as other iterations of the teenage mutant ninja turtles due to this slow start, once it established its lore and changes and firmly knew what it wanted to be the show really took off and could reach great heights in a way completely unique from the other interpretations. 
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This shift occurs about halfway through the first season with “The Evil League of Mutants” when the origins of Splinter and the Turtles and their connection with Baron Draxum finally get revealed (in a really good musical number I might add). This is where I really started to get invested in the new lore of this series and the changes the show made to the characters and backstory.
This is when everything that was slowly and sometimes awkwardly established started to come together and form a much clearer picture of what this series was trying to do. Those disparate pieces that felt a bit strange such as the new characters of Baron Draxum and Big Mama, the idea of the yokai, and the very different and at times kind of perplexing iteration of the foot clan finally interacted to hint at an endgame for this season and it worked much better than I anticipated.
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I also was glad we finally got some development for Splinter, his relationship to the turtles, and his backstory. Up until this point he didn’t really work that well for me and the lack of any meaningful interactions between him and the turtles was a bit off putting, but starting with this episode so much new information was revealed about him that vastly improved the character and endeared me to him.
This continued development for Splinter leads to some of my favorite moments from the series.
For example, one of my favorite moments from the first season is when Splinter tricks Donnie and Mikey into going to a demolition derby with him. When Donnie discovers that Splinter lied he gets really upset and believes that Splinter didn’t really want to spend time with him.
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It’s made clear leading up to this point that Donnie is really effected by the lack of attention and affection Splinter gives him and before now it was mostly said in a joking way that didn’t betray just how deeply it hurt him but he finally lets it out in a rare moment of vulnerability. And in response Splinter calls Donatello by his actual name for the first time in the series and apologizes. There’s a real and authentic moment of connection that wouldn’t have hit the way it did if Splinter wasn’t characterized the way he was early on. (I also absolutely love rise's version of Donnie.)
It’s not something that necessarily makes him more likable earlier in the series but that characterization early on makes his development and eventual connection with his sons heartwarming. 
The season’s momentum doesn’t stop with “The Evil League of Mutant” or Splinter’s development. It keeps building until it finally reaches the finale, which is a great culmination of all that came before, and ends with the shredder finally being formally introduced into the series and things feeling really dire for the turtles. 
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This version of the shredder took him in a completely different direction from all the ones that came before and took a big swing by making him a man merged with a demon. One that’s thousands of years old that the Hamato clan was staked with keeping contained forever.
While this version of the shredder doesn’t have the depth of 2012 or the menace of 2003 they managed to build him up in a way that made his threat feel palpable. The desperation to keep the foot from collecting the dark armor paired with the revelations about the Hamato clan’s duty made it so that the inevitable confrontation felt like one that must be avoided at all costs.
This connection to the Hamato clan brought in an interesting conflict between duty and family for Splinter that we hadn't gotten to see before. When the turtles are captured Splinter is pulled in two different directions one that upholds his duty and one that preserves his family. Splinter eventually chooses his sons over his duty. (This carries over into the second season when they managed to combine the two and become their best selves as warriors and family.)
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Another really fascinating aspect of the finale that I haven’t touched upon is how it subverts expectations by having Baron Draxum simply be a stepping stone for the shredder’s release. Up until this point Baron Draxum had been the closest thing to a big bad the series had. We had followed his plan step by step and believed he was the one pulling the strings only for the rug to be pulled out from under him at the last second when the turtles believed they had won.
This led to a cliffhanger that had me on the edge of my seat. It really felt like this was another turning point in the series like “Evil League of Mutants” had been…
But I don’t really feel like the second season carried that momentum over as well as it could have. The battle with the shredder wasn’t the tour de force I expected or the turning point in tone I anticipated. And there are things that were set up in the first season that, when finally seen, felt like anti-climaxes. This is most notable to me in the season premiere and the episode “Goyles, Goyles, Goyles” when we finally see the day that Splinter and the turtles were mutated.
With the premiere it was a weird split between things I absolutely adored– Leo finally displaying his excellent planning and leadership skills– and things I felt were anti-climactic compared to the build-up– the turtles’ fight with Shredder. 
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I feel like the Leo stuff is self explanatory. Everyone knows that Leo is traditionally the leader of the turtles and up until this point Leo didn’t show much of that or have any significant development outside of a few select moments, but this was the episode that really showed his potential. 
It wasn’t just his ingenious plan that was really enjoyable to see come together, but also the fact that he knew his brothers well enough to trust in their skills and know exactly how they would be able to fend off and find the shredder. 
As a longtime fan of the turtles I loved this development. I had really enjoyed this version of Leo before now, but this was the moment that won me over to this version of him.
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But the way the show handled the face off with the shredder didn’t really work for me. The biggest reason was that most of it happened off screen and then when we did get to see what was going on it was to show that the shredder was weak to tickling. 
After all that build up for the shredder and what a threat he will pose the way it went fell flat, especially considering how the first season finale ended with the turtles thinking they beat the shredder only for a much more powerful version to emerge from the smoke to face them down.
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The ending with Big Mama set up some very interesting possibilities that I was excited to see come to fruition in the future (and eventually lead to a phenomenal season 2 finale) but it and Leo’s arc didn’t negate the disappointment I felt with how the shredder and his showdown with the turtles was handled.
Goyles, Goyles, Goyles felt like an intentional anti-climax, but even with that obvious intent it still fell flat for me. This moment was one of my favorite reveals of the first season. The way it was revealed in song by Draxum and his henchmen and the amazing still animation reflecting the words was a real turning point in just how much I enjoyed this series as I said above. And when we finally got to see exactly what happened… it was almost all a joke.
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And this type of subversion is very common in Rise. It usually works better for me though because there isn’t as much build up and excitement towards them like there was for the shredder fight and the Draxum and the turtles backstory. 
In fact, there are plenty of moments in this series where this type of subversion works really well for me. In the season one finale the random reveal that the turtles cracked Splinter’s teapot as children and never told him being an important plot point was one that worked really well for me. 
The biggest difference between those subversions is that the one in the finale didn’t magically solve things or completely dampen the more dramatic and emotional moments. The teapot reveal didn’t retroactively make Splinter’s decision to put his sons above his ancestral duty any less meaningful and it didn’t magically save the day like they expected it to. It allowed things to still carry the weight they were meant to while still being funny and unexpected.
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The show goes back to problem of the week episodes and as a result does fall into a few of the pacing and tonal issues that plagued the first season, but they were overall stronger and more fun episodes here than they were in season 1 due to the fact that there is a larger cast to bounce the characters off of and a lot more locations to explore. This allowed for some really interesting and unexpected character pairings that made some of the most entertaining episodes of the show.
The episodes centered on April and Splinter are a particular favorite of mine in season 2. 
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I wasn’t expecting how much I would adore their dynamic, but it was easily one of my favorites in the entire show. I really liked Splinter’s unwavering faith in April and how they came together to better each other. 
Splinter very rarely has this type of relationship in any of the other shows. He’s mostly the one lifting others up and giving them wisdom and is rarely the one getting support in this type of way. April is able to interact with Splinter’s past in a way the turtles in this show can’t and it allows him to re-establish a connection to who he was in a healthier way than he had prior to her coming into his life.
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It’s a great mutual relationship that finds a unique spin to what their dynamic usually is in turtles canon.
Now it’s time to talk about the final few episodes of season 2. These episodes showcase all the best aspects of the Rise show. They take what the series does differently from all the other interpretations and run with them, really showing what the show can do at its height.
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These episodes gave me the shredder showdown I was hoping to see in the premiere. He posed the type of threat he had in many of the other shredder incarnations and served the turtles losses that they struggled to bounce back from.
This is the type of enemy shredder should be and the way they had this tie into Splinter’s past was amazing and moving.
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The episode where the Baron Draxum sent the Turtles into Splinter’s mind was one of the most emotionally poignant episodes, showing the pain and emptiness of Splinter’s life before he mutated. It puts Splinter’s life before and after the turtles into stark contrast.
Splinter isn’t alone like he felt like he was before and he found a new family after the loss of his mother that gave him the strength and courage to accept the duty he had rejected because of the loss it brought him.
Splinter has grown from the character I was most disappointed with to one of my favorites of the series and this episode really hammered home just how great the writing for him in this series has been.
Splinter isn’t the only one that gets an increase in focus, April also gets some spotlight and a unique and unexpected role in this finale.
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April’s growth from human ally to the turtles to a member of their family was amazing to watch. Having that bond that had been cultivated over the course of the two seasons that culminates in these episodes where she becomes an honorary member of the Hamato clan, fusing with Karai and teaching the turtles the way of their ancestors, was such an interesting change from past iterations of the character.
It really felt like her arc and relationship to the turtles was coming full circle when April was the one to talk Raph out of his despair. It really hammered home how far all of them have come and just how much a part of this family April is.
April’s talk to Raph leads into a great moment where the brothers unlock their mystic powers through their connection and trust in one another. They aren’t alone in this struggle or the fight with Shredder. It doesn’t come down to just one of them but their whole family. 
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The heart of the turtles and their various series, at least to me, has always been the Hamato family and their bond with one another and this moment shows just how much this show understands that.
There’s just so much about this finale to gush about but there were two minor issues I had. Those are the reveal of Cassandra Jones and Splinter naming Leo the leader.
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Cassandra Jones felt like a last minute reveal. The series made a few jokes about Cassandra being called unnamed foot soldier yet had her as a recurring character so it felt obvious that she was going to be a legacy character in some way but having her be Casey Jones felt odd. 
I don’t really know a better way of putting it. I’m not mad or anything and I don’t believe the show butchered Casey like I’ve seen some people say (especially considering how they brought Casey Jones into the movie), but it felt like the most out of left field choice rise had made up until this point. (I do want to say that I feel like this could have turned into a very interesting interpretation of the character if the show was allowed to continue and flesh this decision out.)
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And Leo being named leader was especially rushed considering just earlier in the finale (parts 2 and 3) the show really felt like it solidified Raph as the leader. He was the one who was able to make the tough calls and he was the one who learned to trust his brothers in a way he needed to be the best leader he could be.
Leo only really had the second season premiere to set up the idea that he would make a great leader and strategist if he really applied himself but that thread felt like it was dropped for the rest of the season and had no real buildup within the finale unlike Raph’s leadership skills.
These didn’t really impact my enjoyment of the episodes especially considering that they were such a small part of the finale and they were both fixed/expanded on in the movie.
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Speaking of the movie. It was absolutely phenomenal. 
This movie focuses on Leo and his journey into growing into a leadership role for the team with the Kraang as the turtles’ adversaries. 
Right off the bat this movie is considerably darker than the main series with the opening alone showing blood and the deaths of both Mikey and Leo. It immediately shatters any possibility of past conveniences present in the series like the Kraang being ticklish or the turtles escaping due to incompetent sidekicks. 
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There’s a palpable danger established by this shift in tone that carries on throughout the movie and creates actual tension and stakes to the sacrifices made later on. 
I can also say with full confidence that this is easily the most intimidating the Kraang have ever been in turtles canon. 
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While the Kraang have been threats in some of the series and even beaten the turtles more than once I never felt like they were the overwhelming threat they are here. That the turtles were completely outmatched.
This amazing update of the kraang and the threat they pose is paired with a great arc for Leo where he has to confront the more immature and impulsive side of him that has been ever present in the series up until this point.
These flaws had been addressed at varying points throughout the series proper but they were never treated anywhere near as seriously as they are here. 
And it addresses these shortcomings through Rise’s interpretation of the classic Raph and Leo conflict.
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Raph and Leo are almost always the two brothers that come into conflict the most often in every iteration of the turtles. Their ways of thinking are incompatible in ways that make it hard for them to see eye to eye. This was something the main series of Rise didn’t really address. For the most part the brothers got along well and any conflicts they did have were either resolved or ended on a joke which fit with what the series was trying to do with them before this point.
I’ve heard a few complaints about this because the conflict between Leo and Raph is something the movie makes it seem like is a recurring problem for them when in reality Leo and Raph don’t really get into any real serious arguments/conflicts throughout the series. In fact, Raph almost never gets angry the way he does at the beginning. Rise Raph’s anger is almost always aimed at himself rather than others. 
And I can understand that to a degree because these aspects weren’t really established in the series but I don’t think either of these inconsistencies really hurt the movie and are in fact explained rather well within the context and time frame given. The conflict itself is well written and has the two coming to an actual understanding that feels organic to both characters.
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The movie’s take on Leo and Raph’s conflict has the two switching places from their usual roles. Leo is the impulsive brother that does care deeply about his brothers but makes mistakes due to his personal flaws that gets them in trouble, while doubting/going against the older brother’s wishes/orders. Raph is the older, more responsible brother with the weight of his brothers lives on his shoulders because of his position as the de facto leader of their family (at least before the season 2 finale).
It’s not necessarily a completely unique take on the conflict since the roles are simply reversed with a few tweaks to better fit their characters but it plays out in a way that makes Leo’s arc and journey of growing into his leadership role very impactful in a way that separates itself from 2003 and 2012 Leonardos.
Leo’s arc culminates in such an amazing and heartbreaking sacrifice that, while it obviously didn’t last, was the moment from Rise that hit me the hardest.
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The way the movie managed to really hammer home the weight of Leo’s decision and the growth of his character in that moment through everyone’s reactions, the music, and the stunning animation and coloring was incredible.
Outside of Leo’s fantastic arc and the Kraang the animation is absolutely stunning. There’s a reason the fight with the Kraang leader was all over the place after this movie released. The animation for Rise has always been fantastic and here is no exception. I don’t really think I can add anything to this point that hasn’t already been said by anyone who has seen the film.
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Honestly if you haven’t seen it yet you should definitely give it a shot.
I’m just really disappointed this movie is probably the last we’ll see of Rise of the Tmnt because from my experience watching the series for the first time this show just continually got better. It introduced and hinted at so many elements from past iterations of the turtles near the end that I really wanted to see their take on.
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Overall I think Rise is a really fun series that has amazing highs and a finale and movie that are legitimately great but it is a bit inconsistent in terms of pacing and tone with a rocky start and contains some changes to the characters that didn’t work completely for me personally. 
At its best this show easily stands toe to toe with the heights of the previous series. And in many ways those heights are completely unique from all the other iterations because of how much it twists the previously established lore and characters to make them its own.
After watching this series I can completely understand why so many people love this iteration of the turtles and I do consider the show great. I will definitely re-visit many of these episodes and the movie time and time again.
Extra Thoughts
What is it with tmnt series and dark futures? There’s Same as it Never Was, Mutant Apocalypse, The Rise Movie, The Last Ronin, etc. The brothers can never catch a break and get a nice happy ending can they?
I really love this version of Donnie and I think he's the character that worked best for me in this series. Donatello has always been my favorite turtle and in early iterations of the turtles I was a bit disappointed with how underutilized he was in the series. The episodes focused on him were great, but until 2012 Donatello was easily the most underappreciated turtle with the least amount of focus and screen time of the four. 2012 and Rise finally gave him the attention and focus I always wanted.
I kind of feel bad for saying this but I prefer Rafael and Leonardo’s conflict in the 2003 show, 2012 show, and 2007 TMNT movie to their conflict in this series. I also prefer the Character interpretations of Rafael where he’s the hothead. Where he chafes under Leo’s leadership and is forced to grow and mature so that he can handle his anger in better, more productive ways. I’m not saying this version of Rafael is bad or that Leo and Raph’s conflict isn’t complex, just that I personally prefer different versions of these things. And I completely understand that that’s personal preference. I think that this iteration will definitely work really well for other people and I think that’s great.
I really enjoy this version of Mikey and I'm disappointed he is given significantly less focus than any of the other turtles in this series. All the rest of the turtles get episodes dedicated solely to them and their struggles even April gets more individual focus than Mikey in season 2. I think Mikey is a great character to bounce off of but I was disappointed he never really got much time in the spotlight.
While the lore grew to become one of my favorite things about the series, not all of it worked for me. It was actually mostly the mystic pizza joint and some of the yokai that didn’t work for me because Big Mama, The hidden city, Draxum, the battle nexus, and the shredder/foot all grew on me whereas that part didn’t. I think this had more to do with the fact that the episodes centered on this part of the world were my least favorite in the series than anything else.
This series made the interesting decision to move away from the more grounded tone of past turtles incarnations. The turtles, at least in the shows, had progressively gotten more and more grounded in “reality” with even Donnie’s inventions, while still being incredible, reflecting the limited resources they would realistically have when living in the sewers. This series abandons any tether it might have had to reality and has the turtles out in broad daylight with only hoodies/tops to hide in, Donnie's inventions are even grander than before, and there's a whole hidden city where the turtles can be normal. They also immediately get mystic power and rarely interact with street level crime like their past incarnations. In some ways this worked and made the series immediately recognizable and stand out from its predecessors but in others it made them feel very disconnected from their roots and what made them so relatable in the first place which unfortunately alienated some people.
This ended up working really well for me after things started to come together and I think it’s a bit unfortunate that this will be a roadblock for people getting into the series.
The backlash the character designs got is something that I never really understood. Each turtle looks completely unique and for most of them you can grasp aspects of their personality and what they like by looking at them. This is a mark of good character design.
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los-ninos-tortugas · 1 year
Important question: which VERSION of the Turtles are the Mystery Gang meeting? And which version of the Mystery Gang are the Turtles meeting? Or do we have several variants meeting each other at once? For example, the classic Scooby Doo Where Are You gang paired with the 84 Turtles, the Live Action Scooby gang paired with the Bayverse Turtles, the Be Cool Scooby Doo gang paired with the Rise Turtles, the Mystery Incorporated gang paired with the 2003 Turtles, and the What’s New Scooby Doo gang paired with the 2012 Turtles. For some reason a villain has brought them together - perhaps to pit the different groups against each other. They have had enough of meddling teenagers solving mysteries!!!
(Brought to you by someone who is both way too invested in TMNT and also really likes Scooby Doo.)
Okay for real this made me laugh so thank you for that. All the different combinations are very funny and the idea of some villain who is super tired of meddling kids of all varieties, human and turtles alike, is kinda hilarious lolol. Admittedly though, I don’t think it’s something I could handle the execution of, it’s very big, lol.
I think if I had to come up with a version that could fit in the run-time of say, a 45 minute TV special I think the most potential for fun and hijinks comes from either a combination with the 87 turtles (because they’re just so fun and silly inherently) or with the Rise Turtles (also really funny). Not that I don’t love my 2003 boys but they’re just on the edge of a little too serious I think. I just can’t imagine them doing the hallway chase gag set to a fun pop song.
As for the mystery gang themselves… hmm sometimes in these sorts of specials we get almost a whole new iteration of the gang in order to fit the world they’re in but to just pick a specific version… okay frankly I’m biased because I grew up watching both Scooby-Doo Where are you? And What’s New Scooby-Doo, but the classic gang is so early days that they don’t quite have personalities yet so they’re a little boring, I feel like the What’s New Scooby-Doo gang is the best bet lmao.
If it’s the mystery gang and the 87 turtles I think there could be some fun with identity mix ups between Daphne and April, since they kinda look alike (and I could be remembering wrong but I think this is the iteration of Daphne that has an interest in journalism). Maybe she and Daphne are like, secret distant cousins or something and that’s why the gang is visiting New York (I haven’t really watched the 87 show yet, so everything I know about the 87 turtles comes from Turtles Forever)
With the Rise boys and the mystery gang, I still think there’d be that human connection with April as the sort of liaison because again, famous mystery solving teens, and aspiring teenage journalist, April has got to get the scoop and the boys are coming along for the ride. Heck, maybe the gang is accidentally following the trail of one of the Turtles’ rogues, thinking that it’s a person in a costume and not a mutant, and that’s how they cross paths! Hijinks ensue.
Overall I just think the potential for comedy is really good. Also I think it’d be really funny if the turtles are more astonished by the talking dog than the gang is by talking turtles lololol.
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