#i love all of them and i WOuld purchase them as stickers
teadragn · 9 days
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new stickers on my Etsy for the halloween season! They are of my own characters, if you've been around a while you've probably seen these guys from past spooky seasons!
Get them here!
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There's this show i only watched one episode of called ugliest house in America, and the premise is that the host goes around America looking at submitted ugly houses and the Most Ugly house gets remodeled at the end of the season.
All this only matters because the one episode I caught made me just.... really sad. They show three houses per episode and I don't really remember the other two houses because they were bland and not that interesting, but the one house, the one that won that round and was closer to being remodeled was obviously an artists house.
Everything in this house had been customized around the previous owners life Pasion: birds. And I do mean everything. They had literally printed out dozens of various drawings of birds and plastered them onto the basement wall. They had made tile mosseics of cranes right on the front entrance. Drawn egrets with what I'm pretty sure were crayons on the walls. And it was really obvious how many hours and how much love went into making this house something beautiful to that artist. And here it was, being toured around on television, touted as the ugliest house in America.
Every time they saw another bird the show played up the hosts surprise and eventually disgust. How WEEIRD that this unnamed, presumably dead artist was soooo into birds that they carefully crafted their whole life around them. The attic was an aviary for (the current owners assumed) pigeons. How silly and foolish and stupid that artist was for ruining the market value of their home by making it a shrine to something they loved. Do I blame the current owners? No. Of course not. I certainly wouldn't want to live in a house plastered wall to wall with birds with an attic that still smells like bird. But it's just..... the way they talked about it was upsetting.
There was no compassion for the person who put so much time and effort into lovingly crafting a house they really were happy in. The genuinely well done and skilled crayon drawings on the wall talked about the exact same way as you'd talk about a stain on the carpet. Unsightly. Strange. Unmarketable.
I look at my own room, lovingly crafted to be my oasis after a hard day. Halloween decoration sticker bats permanently on the wall. The ufo mural I spent a good month on that would probably be more at home in a minigolf course than a bedroom. Years of artwork both handmade and purchased tacked up to the walls. How much of it would the host mock. Teal walls sanded down and painted the off-white eggshell of marketability. It's going to happen regardless, I can't take the mural with me and even if I live in this house until I die someone will be here after me and they probably won't want it. But there's a certain kind of.... humiliating exposure of watching someone's heart and soul get torn apart on television. The ugliest house in America.
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astermath · 1 year
sweet like you🍓
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pairing: carmen berzatto x fem!reader
summary: carmen stumbles across a local farmer’s market on accident and discovers a family run strawberry stand. he discovers that not only the strawberries are delicious and sweet, but so is the girl selling them to him.
word count: 2.1K
notes: yk what’s really funny,, i never realised so far a lot of my fics involve the color red. perhaps it’s becoming my new favorite color and I love to make it obvious dsgdfsj,, anyways first time writing for carmen, been obsessed w him since the bear came out. i’m a whore for jeremy allen white in case you haven’t noticed. anyways this will def get a part two!!
P.S. let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list for further carmen berzatto related content! comments and reblogs are highly appreciated, requests are open!
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Saturday was farmer’s market day.
Every Saturday morning, dozens of independent businesses, farmers and food stands would come together at Lincoln Park to sell their wares. It made for a colorful and interesting blend of smells, sounds and sights, and for most, a great way to start off their weekend.
And Carmen was no exception to this. He’d first stumbled upon it by accident on his way to the Beef. Taking a wrong turn because of his still waking morning head resulted in him walking through the park and, unavoidably, being distracted by what vendors there were. A chef at heart, he couldn’t help but look around the wide array of fresh ingredients available for purchase. He’d taken out his notebook and started writing down business names as he tried a sample every now and then. 
He held a bag of fresh paprikas in one hand, making his way down the line before he came across a peculiar and seemingly very busy stand. The fresh, sweet scent of strawberries allured him, stepping closer to take a look at what they had to offer. And it was exactly that, just strawberries. It appeared to be a family business, your mother and father packing orders, and you at the front taking them and accepting payments. For a second he just kind of stood there, bag in hand, staring at you. There was no way you were from here, Chicago doesn’t let a smile like that survive very long. Or maybe that was just his cynical mind doing its usual thing.
He snapped out of it when you glanced his way, looking to the side. He felt his cheeks getting warmer, embarrassed that just looking at a pretty girl got such a reaction from him. He’s a collected person, he should be acting like one. He took a deep breath and got in line. Lord knows what he’d be using strawberries for, he’d figure something out, might as well just eat them as a snack while the season allowed it.
“Hi! How many?” Your voice was sweet and chipper, something he couldn’t even think of being after taking orders all morning. Somehow, you kept it up.
“Oh, uh...” He looked at your display, before remembering that all you sold were strawberries, so browsing just made him look even more stupid. “How many... Strawberries?”
“Boxes. They’re 500 grams, 5 bucks each. So how many?” Your smile remained the same, though you were slightly amused by his confusion. 
“Oh, right. Sorry.” He could have sank into the ground right then and there. Of course you meant boxes, who in their right mind is buying individual strawberries? “Uh... Just one box is fine, please.” He reached for his wallet while you took over a box from your mom.
“Great! That’ll be 5 dollars please.” You took the slightly crumpled bill from his hand, storing it in the tin box in front of you and quickly writing down something on a paper. Seemed like you still did everything by hand, he couldn’t imagine what a mess it would be if he had to do that at the restaurant.
“Here you go, have a great day!” The box you gave him was neatly wrapped in brown paper, with a sticker serving as a business card on top. 
“Uh...” He stared at the sticker, reading over it before looking back up at you.
Ask for her name.
Her name.
“You too.” 
You idiot.
He picked up the box and walked away, walking a little faster than usual. He was never good at talking to people, but god, that was just embarrassing. He opened up the packaging, and took out a perfectly plump strawberry. He took a bite, humming as the juicy sweetness washed over his tastebuds.
Lunch rush had just ended, and Carmen was sat outside the back of the restaurant with Richie, smoking as per usual. Except now, a small cardboard box sat between them. It was almost empty as the two of them snacked on the fruit between puffs of their cigarettes. 
“Ya know, I read somewhere on Facebook that these are supposed to help with uh... Cancer or something.” Richie said, throwing the green leafy part back into the box. 
“You’re a fuckin’ idiot, cousin.” Carmy smiled to himself, back leaned against the wall as he brought the cigarette to his lips.
“Oh, why’s that huh? Cause I can’t read shit online anymore without having to do an hour of research behind it?” Richie furrowed his brows, blowing smoke out his nose.
“No, stupid,” Carmen put the cigarette out on the concrete. “Cause you’re fuckin’ smoking, man. The fuck is a strawberry gonna do against that.”
“Yeah, well... I try to stay positive, you should fucking try it sometime, ya depressed asshole.” He grabbed another strawberry. “Where d’you get these from anyways? Shit’s pretty good.”
The image of you working at the stand flashed through his mind. “Passed by some random farmer’s market this morning. Might stop by there again, got a ton of fresh produce there for not much money.”
“Speakin’ of produce.” Richie used his thumb to point back over his shoulder to the kitchen. “Place’s out of onions. Your magical farmer’s market got those? Cause we need more by the dinner shift.”
Carmen groaned, wanting to curse at Richie for not letting him know earlier. But honestly, if it gave him a chance to go back, get more delicious strawberries and possibly redeem his awkward first impression to the pretty girl there... It might not be a bad idea. He checked the time on his watch, early afternoon, you’d probably be wrapping up right now. If he was fast, he could totally still make it. “Fine, but I’m taking your car.”
“Don’t crash it.” Richie said as he got up, ready to get back inside.
“You’re the one with a suspended license.” He joked, catching the keys Richie threw at him that were totally not aimed at his head.
“Fuck you cousin.”
Parking was a bitch, as always, but Carmen had managed to find a stall selling onions for about half of what he usually got them for. He was starting to like this market, not just for the prices, but because these were all people who worked hard and loved their products. A lot of work goes into putting something out there to sell, he would know. 
He realized he might be pushing his luck if he still wanted to see you, but he decided to take the chance nonetheless and walk down the lineup. It seemed to be his lucky day, as he caught sight of your parents loading up mostly empty boxes back in the car. You were working on breaking down the stand, doing so with relative ease. You were currently folding up the tables, kneeled down onto the ground. 
Again, he stared. Honestly, how could he not? It wasn’t every day he saw someone so beautiful, and with a sweet personality to match. Granted his only interaction with you had been brief, but still, he got a good vibe from you, and he was usually so distrustful.
You looked up, and by pure coincidence, your eyes met. His eyes were so intense, hues of blue that anyone would recognize, even from a mile away. You certainly recognized them from this morning at least. Your face brightened with the same smile he saw you had before, and for a second he wondered if it was just a customer service thing. 
“Hi! Hope you enjoyed your strawberries!” You got up, holding the folded table under your arm. 
“Sure did.” He put on a bit of an awkward smile. God, why was he doing this... What was he even supposed to say?
Your eyes squinted slightly when you read the words on his shirt. “Nice shirt... Oh, wait, you work at the Beef?”
His body tenses up a little when you mention the restaurant. Given its... Peculiar reputation, that question could be followed up by any kind of statement. “Yeah, yeah, I uh... I kinda run it now.” He decided not to mention Mikey. Seemed a bit overkill to mention your dead brother to someone whose name you don’t even know.
“Ohhh, that’s you! Yeah, I’ve seen you smoking outside before.” You extend your hand and you both introduce yourselves. “I work at a café just two blocks over. You might have seen it, it’s called Odette’s?” 
Carmy nodded. He knew that place. He also knew the cranky old French lady who owned it. “Ah... Yeah. Menu still the same?”
“As long as Odette is still alive, I doubt she’ll ever let me change anything. ‘Over my dead body, cherie’”. You jokingly imitated her French accent, chuckling to yourself.
Carmen smiled, glad that he’s at least not making a complete fool out of himself now. This was good, he knew this, work and food, those were his safe topics. “Yeah, well... Maybe if she tasted one of these strawberries first, you might convince her.” 
“Huh,” You thought to yourself for a second, imagining your usual grumpy boss overflowing with glee after trying the fruit from your family’s farm. “You know what, I’ve never actually thought of that. Maybe I’ll try it out!” You smile. “You know I’ve been meaning to try and serve some of my pastries there. I’m a huge baking fanatic, but she’s so... Set in her ways. I don’t know if my amateur baking skills could possibly convince her, no matter how tasty the strawberries I use are.”
“Yeah, I know what that’s like...” Carmen thought about his crew, and how much they loved their so called ‘system’. Change was good, change meant progress, but it was also scary. On that part, he didn’t blame her boss for refusing to switch things up. “If you want, I could help you out. I’m a full time chef, so... Always willing to taste test.” He hoped his poorly masked excuse to stay in touch came across as friendly, and not pushy. He always felt like he was overthinking everything when he was trying to socialize, like he was reading off some type of script. Your chipper personality made things a tad easier, at least. 
“Really?” You seem to brighten up even more. Carmen is sure there’s light shining from your face from how excited you look, but he doesn’t mind. It’s amusing, almost... Cute.
“Yeah, I don’t see why not. Just uh... Let me know when.” He puts his hands in his pockets.
“Of course!” You pause, realizing he’s probably expecting you to give him some kind of contact information. Unless he was planning to use telepathic communication. You put down the folded table. “Right, sorry, uh...” You laughed awkwardly and pulled out a pen and an old receipt from your back pocket to scribble your number on, before handing it to him. “There we go!” 
Carmen’s eyes went over the number, putting it in his wallet so he wouldn’t forget to save it later. “Cool, cool... So uh, text you later.” He silently cringed at his own words, trying painfully hard to play it cool. 
“Yeah, totally!” Your mom called your name, and you look over your shoulder, seeing her gesture to you to hurry up. “Be right there, mama!” You chuckled. “Sorry, duty calls! But yeah, I’ll hear from you. And if I don’t, I know where you work, Berzatto.” 
He chuckles slightly at your joking threat. “Sure, I’ll hold you to that.” He gives you a curt wave before walking off and letting you go back to work. 
He really hoped you didn’t mean that “threat”. He’d rather die than let you see him at the Beef right when they got such a bad hygiene rating. 
He was laid down on the couch late at night, watching an episode on the food network about an olive farm in Italy. He wondered if your family’s farm was anything like this one, and remembered he hadn’t even saved your number or texted you yet. Carmen rubbed his sleepy eyes and pulled out his phone, saving your number under a new contact and typing out a few quick texts. He stared at the screen for a few seconds, realized he was overthinking it and fell asleep not long after, the sound of an elderly Italian woman speaking on TV in the background.
[unknown]: hey, it’s carmen
[unknown]: guy from the beef
[unknown]: next thursday work for you?
You groaned in your bed, looking over at your phone and cursing yourself for forgetting to turn off your notifications. “The fuck...” Your eyes squinted at the brightness of the screen. A sleepy smile adorned your face when you read his name, saving his contact and texting something back quickly before putting the phone away and going back to sleep.
[y/n]: for sure!
[y/n]: let’s do 4:30 PM? café closes at 4 anyways so we’ll have the kitchen to ourselves :)))
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stariikis · 7 months
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 | 𝐧𝐫𝐤 ˖ ࣪⭑
synopsis ; like the moon needs the stars, riki's whole life would crumble without you. his inspiration, greatest motivation, and his muse.
pairing ; artist!nishimura riki x muse!reader genre ; fluff, established rs, realllly really short drabble of thoughts
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this love's possessing me, but i don't mind at all
There are a million ways to say, 'I love you.'
Aren't there?
One chasing after their certain eye-candy may purchase a whole bouquet of that person's favourite flowers. Another would pour their heart and soul onto a piece of paper, a subtle love confession decorated with stickers and fanciful designs. Another might try their hardest to impress them with whatever their forte is.
Riki, however, takes all these and mashes them into one gorgeous painting on an easel.
He emerges from his 'workplace', one of the study rooms in your shared apartment. A blank canvas, about the size of his hand, accompanies him out. Not to mention the various brushes, the bristles sticking out all over the place revealing how loved they are. The paints, watercolour in a small box, acrylic aligned in their designated tubes, and oils of any colour possible.
Lips puckered in a pouting motion, he scans you as if wondering what light he wants to paint you in today. Where he wants to set up his painting station for the next few hours.
The reasons for his choice of background go from the smallest of things to the most obvious. It could simply be the style of your choice of clothes, but once it had been because of the way you reacted when he woke you up in the morning.
He used a fiery red base colour for that artwork. Perfectly encapsulating the constant frown you wore the rest of the day. His words, not yours. They could only ever be his words.
When he finally dismissed you from 'work', he paid you for your efforts with a kiss.
Your sour expression morphed instantly. In the blink of an eye, it was almost as if you had never woken up on the wrong side of the bed.
it's taking over me, don't wanna fight the fall
Today he quietly brings you to the edge of a field, just as sundown occurs. He looks up at the sky, cotton candy clouds bleeding into a warm hue of orange. Nothing leaves his mouth. An absolute silence has overcome him.
And knowing that there's no need for you to break it, there's no need to coax him out of this state for the better, comforts you deep down to the core.
It's like you know exactly how to go about routine, as you settle yourself in the wispy, tall grass and wait for him to set up his materials. However, after propping up his easel, he doesn't unpack his paints and brushes like he usually does. He doesn't unroll his scuffed-with-paint marks apron.
He merely gazes at you, soft and mesmerised.
As an artist, he should have neutral feelings towards his muse. He should be evoking surrounding emotions and feelings. He should be drawing them from deep within himself, and expressing them on the canvas before him.
A muse is only meant to be an inspiration. At times, it's the subject of the art piece. However, it's never the sole purpose.
But the way Riki looks at you proves all that wrong. The way his calloused hands held yours on the way to this destination. The way he scoots closer to you just as you drift off into sleep, and whispers all the newest paintings he's made. He confesses all the sketches he makes are of you. He can't get you out of his mind, he murmurs in a shaky tone, he can't rid himself of your influence on his artistry.
But he's so in love.
Why would he ever want to?
it's like supernatural ₊ ⊹.𖥔 ݁ ˖
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thank you for reading! i'm so sorry to anyone expecting me to write any other members. i'm just too addicted to writing for riki... i promise they will have their own fics soon. pls scold me if i don't churn them out... TT
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Bittersweet 1
No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc. 
Part of the Sweet and Spicy AU 
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk. 
18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you. 
Summary: Your startup business catches the eye of a powerful rival.
Character: Loki Laufeyson
Please comment and reblog if it’s not too much. I always love getting to chat about these stories and hearing all your ideas! You all are wonderful and loved. 
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“So, the Green Bundle includes a Match truffle, chocolate mint smoothies, and green tea infused fudge,” you explain to the trio of women across from you. “The deluxe includes peppermint cocoa as well and comes in a this mug.” 
You present one of the few kits you have left in your inventory. As big a deal as getting a stall at the event was, you hadn’t expected the crowd. You’re overwhelmed, especially realising you’re the only stand with only a single body. 
“That’s so cute,” the taller brunette remarks, “what about the Pink kit? It says strawberry and creme?” 
“Ah, yes, that one sold out rather quickly today. I can offer a voucher for my online boutique or I can sell you a sampler box? It has the strawberry and creme as well as my more popular flavours.” 
“Do you do this all yourself?” The curly blonde asks as she eyes the chocolate dipped cherries. 
Another body crowds in, a tall men bending to peruse your hand-painted sign listing all your bundles and boxes. He pays you little mind as he eyes cling to the letters and he reaches to pluck up one of your cards. You return your attention to the blonde. 
“Yes, they’re all hand-crafted. The mugs as well but I don’t do those. I’ve a friend who makes those.” 
“The packaging is so pretty,” the first preens, “can I have a sampler then?” 
“Sure,” you answer, “I do the packaging as well. All the stickers, the bows I tie myself, and I decorate each box.” 
“Wow, that’s so cool,” the middle on remarks, “I’ll have a sampler as well and the green bundle.” 
“Sampler for me,” the third agrees. 
You go through the same process with each. You grab the product, put it in a bag, seal it with a sticker, and ring them through with a tap of their card. They all seem excited for their purchase and it’s contagious. It’s been a hectic day but you’re running low and you don’t think you’ll make it through to closing. Still, it’s good advertising. 
“Green tea fudge?” The tall man slithers towards the center of your counter, “an unusual combination.” 
“Yes, that one took a lot of experimenting.” 
“Mmm,” he still has your card in hand, bending it slightly as he flicks it with his thumb, “the red bundle. Cherry, red velvet, and...” he leans back to check the sign, “cayenne. Interesting.” 
“I try to make sure there’s variety in each,” you explain. 
“Yes, so it seems. I’ll take a red then.” 
“Sorry, sir, um, I’ve sold out of most. I still have the yellow, the black, and the green--” 
“Sold out?” He raises his wrist to give an emphatic glance at his watch, “either you’re very popular or ill-prepared.” 
You’re surprised by the accusation. He’s rather blunt. You’ve dealt with many different types today but they’ve all been relatively pleasant, after all, it’s hard to be in a bad mood at a Baking Show. 
“Fair, I wasn’t expecting so many buyers, sir. But you have my card, you’ll see my online boutique is listed--” 
“But I want to buy now,” he says as he tilts his head, dark brows rising just slightly. 
“I understand, I apologise for the inconvenience, but I just don’t have the red on-hand. I do have a sampler here--” You grab one of the variety boxes, “it would have the cayenne and the cherry.” 
“Do you think a one-person operation like this is sustainable?” He inquires sharply. 
You wince and shake your head, “sir? I’ve only just started. I’m sure with growth I’ll have to adjust.” 
“And do you have a business plan or is this some Etsy venture with no goals?” 
You nearly choke. You don’t know what you’ve done to offend him. 
“Well, sir, if you don’t want to buy, I do have free samples available. I don’t have any of the red flavours but I do have some banana peanut butter and salted caramel apple--” 
“I didn’t ask about samples,” he insists, “I’m asking about your business plan.” 
You bat your lashes and look around. Has he come to this event just to interrogate people over their bottom line? 
“I suppose it’s something I will have to review after today,” you contend. 
“I’d say,” he tucks your card into his jacket pocket, his hand lingering within as he pulls out a leather wallet, “if you have any questions...” 
He slides a card free and offers it. You take it hesitantly and read the gold font on matte black cardstock. Black Snake Chocolatier. You run your fingers over the embossed lettering and narrow your eyes. You peer over at the large banner over that business’ booth. He must be from over there but he’s not exactly dressed for the work. His suit is pressed and stainless. 
“I did sponsor that one,” he pulls your attention back, “but I’ve come down to take measure of my competition and possible... acquisitions.” 
You nod slowly as you meet his green eyes. Is this intimidation? 
“Loki Laufeyson,” he offers his hand as a glint of silver in his hair catches the light, “might I have your name?” 
You trade your name and a handshake. He squeezes enough for you to wince. He lets go and you slip his card in you apron pocket with all the others collected from your fellow vendors. 
“I’ll certainly take a sampler,” he says, “see if this little venture has any teeth.” 
His every word is like a bite. He speaks with the fangs of the very logo of his business. You put his purchase into your phone and offer the square for him to tap his payment. He processes it and swipes up the box before you can package it. 
“Do you want a bag?” You ask. 
“I can handle it,” he tucks the box under his arm. “Best of luck to you doing the same.” 
He glances around and slowly moves aside as a group of new customers set in. A family of five with three hollering children with grabby hands. Your eyes widen as you smile at them as best you can. This day has truly tested your social battery. 
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popfizzles · 1 month
oh that's so exciting I'll definitely be saving up till then! one last question regarding these for now, but upon ordering a comfort character, does that also include YOUR characterizations of them? (say, if I wanted one from your specific Cuphead)?
I've considered it!!
Normally, we steer away from AU/non-canon type of characterization to keep sticker work at a minimum. I draw a character once and we use that sticker design for every subsequent order for that character. For your example, we already have a Cuphead sticker! But it's of canon, on-model Cuphead! So all box orders for Cuphead would come with this sticker!
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[btw if you like this art you can actually purchase it as a sticker here from our Print on Demand listing, along with a matching Mugman and Devil :D]
But I MYSELF would love to have a Cuppatrouble Cuphead sticker, for my ME, you know what I mean??
So maybe I would make an exception for Cuppatrouble characters because it is my AU. I will have to talk with Kitty about it of course but <3 maybe
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modelbus · 2 years
streamer!reader who doesn’t like spending money on themselves x tommy who loves to spoil his gf
The man who refuses to spend money on himself spending it all on his gf… I like it.
Pairing: CC!Tommy x Fem!Reader
Spoiled Streamer
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You aren’t sure why he’s like this.
Tommy won’t even spend money on himself! His biggest purchase was a hundred-dollar lightsaber he adores, and even then he still calls it stupid that he bought it. All signs pointed to him being a stingy motherfucker.
So why, exactly, did he buy you practically everything you use to stream?
God, if only you had the answer.
He just walks in, chucks something at you, then walks out. Sometimes it’s small, a thing of your favorite candy or a stuffed animal. Other times it’s the three-hundred-dollar headset that’s been sitting in your cart for months.
It’s not that you don’t love the gifts, or that you don’t appreciate them, it’s that you can only allow him to buy you so many things before you start protesting. Really, you don’t need anything he gives you! You keep it all, obviously, but still.
And it’s impossible to hide from your viewers. Once, you mentioned wanting a lava lamp on stream. After a moment, you had stated you’d never actually buy one, considering how you just never seemed to get around to it.
So how the fuck were you meant to explain the lava lamp that appeared next stream?
Tommy isn’t even trying to hide the fact he’s spoiling you to death from your fans. He threw a stuffed animal of your favorite Minecraft mob at your face on stream! On three separate occasions!
So you might’ve started fighting with fire. He gives you a random mousepad? You give him a set of raccoon stickers. For some insane reason, you thought it would genuinely work.
Instead, you started a war.
On this fine Monday morning stream, you’re anxiously awaiting him to discover your latest comeback to him buying you a whole goddamn shelf. Not one, not two, but three giant Lego sets.
He’d probably be so in awe that he wouldn’t even strike back. It was the perfect plan! So, you weren’t too worried about him interrupting your stream. Until he does.
“How did the sheep escape again?! Where are they getting out?!” You scream, waving your hands fiercely at the screen. It was like magic! You look away and they're all over your house!
“Hey!” Tommy exclaims, popping his head into your streaming room. He’s holding two bags, and you sigh.
“Hi, Toms. What’s up?”
“So, Wil was talking to me ages ago about back support or whatever. I completely forgot about it until today, Y’know?”
“Uh-huh…” you’re not sure where this is going exactly, but you have an idea.
“So I bought you a back pillow for your chair!” He exclaims, holding the item up.
“It’s for your health! And I bought myself one too!”
Oh, if he bought himself one, then it was fine. It wasn’t part of his spoiling war. You didn’t know when he started caring about back support or posture or anything, but maybe it’d actually be helpful. Especially because of how bad his posture was.
“Oh, and you know the gaming chairs we were looking at?”
“Weeks ago?”
“Yeah, I bought you that one you liked. It’ll be here in two days; I got the fast shipping.”
“The one I- Tommy!”
He waltzes out, shutting your door behind him and leaving you gaping. The chair he was referring to was about the same price as the three Lego sets you bought him. And it was a single chair!
This was absolutely ridiculous, and you aren’t afraid to voice that to your stream.
“I can’t fucking believe this.” You groan. “I don’t need a new chair! Fucking insane! He’s fucking insane!”
Secretly, you’re just a little excited. It was a really nice chair, okay?!
“What do you guys think? Why are you all laughing? Stop! Stop laughing at me!”
You stop reading chat, fighting the smile that wants to show at the messages. Because even you have to admit: Tommy spoiling you? It’s sweet.
But you can’t let that show, you have to play up your act. So you flit your eyes back to your screen and what you were doing originally. It wasn’t like you could fight Tommy on the chair, he was quite the stubborn person.
“My sheep!” You cry out, realizing even more escaped. “No!”
“Oh, forgot these!” Tommy exclaims, opening your door just to throw a box of candy at you then shut it.
“Ah!” You exclaim, barely managing to catch it. “TOMMY!”
From outside the door, you hear him laugh.
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arcade-chaos · 7 months
Tongue Tied Valentine
Sun/Moon x reader (a bit sun centric, sorry sorry), they/them reader no use of Y/N.
Warnings: light self bondage, nothing overtly suggestive beyond a joke or two
Notes: late but still (technically) on time! Recycled drabble from a different idea, thank the aces for voting for fluff lmao. Enjoy!
Really they should’ve expected this hectic outcome. Valentine's day for children was nothing more than an excuse to eat as much candy as physically possible, maybe one or two trying to slip extra special spider man themed cards to their crushes only to run away screaming when that same crush came close. A time for chaos and lots of red confetti, but the attendants seemed to have gone a bit more… overboard than they had initially anticipated.
Sure, the kids had their little mailboxes set up made from tissue boxes and googly eyes, most of them had ended up dinosaur themed after one kid had an idea everyone wanted to copy. They littered the tables in little rows, surrounded by paper flowers, ribbons, confetti- it looked like they had both ignored charging in favor of stringing every inch of the place in reds and pinks.
“So so do you like it??” Sun bounced out from the chaos, spinning them around until the colors meshed together.
“It's very you Sunny-” They snorted, swaying as he held their shoulders upright.
“Good good good- Charline I said no slime in the ballpit!- I wish you had gotten to see it before they were ruined but-”
“Sunny it's okay, they look great!” His eyes darted over to one or two torn streamers about the room, before snagging on yet another rowdy child climbing into a slide.
“Timmy that’s not how we play on the slide!” He patted their arm in a soft apology before running over, not before the kid was flushed out by two more kids sliding down into him. The only one to seem particularly bothered by it was Sun, who was careful to check them all for bruises before letting them run off. They watched for a moment before wandering towards the tables, eyeing the piles of candy in each box as they passed by, more out of curiosity than anything.
They paused near one of the tables, where their box sat with the one Sun made, painted half blue and half yellow with a little divider section for each of them. There were one or two in their box, mostly from the kids whose parents seemed to enjoy chatting with them, but the attendants' boxes were nearly empty, save for a clearly recycled doll themed valentine someone had taken the candy from. It made sense, they supposed, most of the adults only counted the kids in the daycare for their purchasing, why buy candy or stickers for a robot. It still made them feel sad, they had worked so hard to decorate and make little cards for each of the children, it was clear they really loved this holiday. With a firmer step now they marched to the desk, settling down with a few sticky notes to sketch out some plans.
If I run to the drug store on my break I can probably get some stickers… Maybe one of those giant plushies or something- it would take the whole break but maybe if I get someone to cover put down for me- They shuffled the papers as Sun came back into view, carting one of the younger kids away from a particularly rowdy game of tag. He sat her down gently at the table and offered some crayons, sitting on the floor nearby to color with her as he watched the game progress. He paused while shifting, glancing down at the boxes in the center of the table with a strangely still expression. He was pulled out of that thought by the little girl waving a crayon at him, demanding his addition to her drawing. They sighed as he cooed over it, clearly he was disappointed. They both deserved something special, if only they had remembered in time.
As if sensing the momentary distraction from their caretakers the kids began to shout, two in need of help with a shelf, one climbing up the netting, and another yelling at them for doing so. Sun took off to pull the kid down while they distributed plastic food to the children, who immediately launched into playing El Chips, whining when the assistant tried to walk away to help another kid tie their shoes. There wasn’t a moment to sit let alone think, by the time the lights dimmed they had only managed to grab a small handful of glitter vials and a single pair of craft scissors, not even the pair they wanted.
“Alright little comets, gather up now.” Moon hummed, pulling them away from their games and the shadowy corners of the playground. It didn’t stop them from bouncing about, even trying to enforce the no candy until after lunch time rule had its breakers. “Settle, or you won't hear the very special story we have prepared! And to think I worked so hard on it…” The kids shouted in protest before being hushed, settling into a lump in the story area. Just when they thought they could slip away Moon’s arm was around their waist, pulling them over to a stack of puppets. “Just follow my lead.” He murmured, ignoring the oohs and awws of the children at the display. Moon was a natural at leading the show, leaving them to improv with their own puppets as his screamed in terror at the fierce dragon on display. As the moondrops kicked in and the kids got sleepy it drifted into a calmer romance, the kids clapping as the handsome knight kissed the dragon and they bowed into their happily ever after back on the pile.
“Nighty night.” He called, his fingers curling as the ones still awake echoed his words. They glanced at the clock and winced, at this rate they’d never be able to make it to any store, let alone one carrying last minute valentines. “You should eat something starlight.” Moon chided, pushing them towards the door gently. “I’ve got them.”
“Thanks Moonie. I’ll be back before lights on, okay?” They knew how lonesome he got, only allowed a few precious hours together. His grin widened, his head spinning around before swaying upside down.
“I look forward to it.”
The rest of the plex was faring no better. The area just outside the daycare pickup was flocked with parents and couples, flooding around specially themed displays of the glamrocks. The music pouring over the speakers was cute, if not a little goofy, of Freddy covering some song old enough to be cheap but not too old as to be irrelevant. After pushing past a couple hundred people they managed to get into one of the breakrooms, seldom staffed by people.
“Happy day before half off chocolate day.” Quinn joked, his jazz hands making their grin no wider.
“Why are there so many peopleeeeeeee??” They groaned, feeding a few quarters into the machine for a drink.
“Special concert, with bonus chocolates from your fav if they're willing to shill. And boy howdy are they shilling.”
“I don’t suppose they have any kind of plushie option huh?” Quinn eyed them, the corner of their mouth twitching into a smirk before being covered.
“I don’t think so but I can bother em. They’d probably be glam themed anyhow, none of your precious boys I’m afraid.” He snorted as they choked, both of them ending up coughing.
“Oh shush, it’s for them not about them!”
“Ohh? Finally making a move then-”
“No no, I’m sure it’s totally above board, no need to worry about little ol me.” They groaned, rifling through the snack supplies Coral usually restocked. Cheez-its are basically lunch right?... I just wont tell them. They glanced over as Quinns watch beeped, one of the Monty themed ones he always had, they were pretty sure those weren’t standard for mechanics but hey, what did they care.
“They said no generic plushies, most of them are over fivty bucks anyhow- what the FUCK”
“Christ-” They groaned, fighting the urge to recalculate their budgeting on a napkin. A hundred bucks would put them way under their needs anyways.
“You could always make em something, don’t your boys have crafts n shit there?”
“I’ve been trying but the kids are being well- kids- and I doubt they’ll get better after naptime.”
“Mm. Maybe try online? There’s probably a million broke or forgetful valentines going down the same rabbit hole.” They nodded, waving as Quinn quickly stood to walk out.
“What do you MEAN he got two??” Chica’s snickering through the watch was loud enough to hear even as he left them wallowing, scrolling through stolen pins for a glimpse of an idea. Most of the listicles had more time than they did, lots of paper crafts and yarn. Those that weren’t offering crafts had less Faz-bear approved recommendations, most of which sounded like a sensory hell and a sticky nightmare. Although…
“Moonie psst.”
“You don’t have to whisper.” Moon mumbled, trying his best to keep his folds straight and careful.
“Sorry sorry, but maybe there's more paper in our stash upstairs-”
“I checked upstairs sunshine, this is the last of it.” They really should’ve watched the stock before letting the kids go ham on their mailboxes, there was hardly any glitter left and most of the glue sticks had been dried out by neglect.
“Under the mattress too?”
“You used those for snowflakes, remember?” Sun whined inside their skull, Moon was sure if he was up front he’d be pulling at their face. “It’ll be alright, we just have to be careful with this paper.”
“But its already crinkled!! It needs to be perfect- did you see how upset they looked?? There was hardly anything in their box- and they worked so hard on it!!” Moon sighed, placing the paper down so he could pull his knees tighter.
“I thought I’d have more time. Maybe that play was a mistake.” Half of the kids had tried to wake up, most of them after one kid had a particularly sour nightmare about being hunted down by a hungry dragon.
“Hush, you did great!! It’s not your fault I should’ve watched the clock more- we can always take down some of the ribbons if we need more paper-”
“No no, you said it yourself, we have to make this one perfect.”
They really wished their luck would’ve held out, as though stuck by Apollo himself the rest of their day was spent chasing the kids as they switched between hide and seek and trying to tag each other with ‘cooties’- in this case just some kids making kissy noises. Better than a licked palm they supposed. The attendants seemed just as tired, racing around trying to distract them with calmer activities that were pushed away in favor of more games, even a movie couldn’t settle them down. By the time it had simmered down most of the kids were gone, the last usual wave of parents sneaking closer as they both tried to get a head start on cleaning. Luckily the last few were enraptured by a game of house vs house, with a storyline too convoluted to even try to follow. Sun seemed even more anxious by the moment, glancing up at the clock as though he didn’t have an internal time sensor, waiting for the parents to pick up their kids and their pounds of candy.
“Moooom!” One of them shouted, waving through the window as a few parents made their way past the departing crowd.
“Can you get them for me Sunny? I’ll clean up the crafts area for you.”
“Okie dokie!” They both perked up, Sun skipping off to greet them as they shifted and brushed crayons into the box. A roll of white ribbon sat partially unspooled, allowing them to roll it before slipping it into the apron pocket. They could’ve sworn there was a pink one, but white would be good enough.
“I’ll be over here cleaning the house! Feel free to relax, starlight!” They swallowed their nerves, watching as he disappeared around a corner.
“Can do!” Bingo. They were careful to duck behind the desk, carefully cutting strips of ribbon with the safety scissors as their face heated up. It would be fine, the two had been begging for a sleepover for a while now, surely the metaphorical “I’m your valentines gift” gesture could be translated to a friendly sleepover right? “Hey Sunny?”
“Y- Yes star??” They swallowed down their nerves, tiptoeing towards the hidden door leading up to their room.
“I have a surprise for you- if you want! Both of you? I mean-” They struggled, palming at the knob as they crept around the corner of the frame.
“Oh!! Us too- I mean we for you- I mean-”
“Oh! Cool! Um, is it okay if we meet in your room?”
“Yeah! Just give us a second, okay?”
“Mhm!” They practically leaped up the stairs, trailing their hands along the rail as they tried to keep the wonky bow intact. A lot of the sites for looking up knots weren’t allowed by the plex’s wifi, but as long as they weren’t strained it would be just fine.
“Starlight?” Sun called from beyond the tube, shifting around the opening.
“In here!”
“Oh good good. Could you close your eyes for me reaaal quick? I want this to be perfect.”
“Sure! Sure… Actually, we could both close our eyes and do it at the same time maybe?”
“Yes! Yes, perfect.” They tried not to shiver as he snuck inside, jingling as he nearly tripped over their mess. “Okay okay… On three?”
“Happy valentines-” They both froze up. They were practically mirror images, Sun’s own ribbon in yellow making him hold his hands out in front of him. They swayed for a moment before breaking into a grin, both of them laughing as they struggled to stay standing.
“Looks like we both had the same idea, huh?” Sun giggled, settling on the cushion on the floor.
“I suppose so! I meant to make you a really good one, honest, but the day went so fast and… Well…”
“It’s alright Sunny, I blanked too.” They settled close, their cheeks burning as they shifted. “I um. I was going to offer to sleepover tonight- if you wanted-”
“Really?!” he jumped, his arms looping over them to trap them both in the ribbon. “Oh we would love that!! We can watch movies and play games- I just got a new one, a really really good one I promise!”
“Sounds good! Uh, Sunny?”
“I uh. I’m kinda stuck.” They glanced up as he straightened, his rays twitching for a moment as he thought.
“I have no clue how to untie this.” They snorted, their forehead smacking into his chestplate. “Don’t laugh! Moonie tied them all weird!”
“Lemme see, maybe I can get you untied without the scissors.” They shifted, managing to wiggle out of their bonds before trailing their fingers along his arm. The repeated transition of silk to metal was soft against their touch, Sun’s chest whirring as he watched them slowly mull over the knots. If their eyes lingered for a bit too long, or took a bit more time than needed, he wasn’t complaining. Not while he had his valentine.
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theresattrpgforthat · 8 months
hello! I've played the fallout ttrpg (the one they had to pull the rights from when it was pretty much done so they called it Exodus instead), I wish it didn't suck so bad! Is there any system I could borrow that would fit with Fallout's setting? I love the world in itself, but Exodus was rushed and published half-baked
THEME: Fallout
Hello friend, I have quite a few games for you to check out today! Some of them are direct homages, while others simply just have elements that might remind you of the video game.
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Rebels of the Outlaw Wastes, by Nerdy Pup Games.
Play misfit outlaws fighting against the authoritarian Powers That Be in a hyper-saturated, film-grained, retro dystopia. Save the future with the power of friendship, whoopass, and explosions! Features sticker-based character advancement, effortless cinematic vehicle action, and player-driven Ride-or-Die system usings d4s, d6s, d8s, d10s, and d12s.
This game is a bit more colourful and punk-rock, and a little less morally grey than some of the more popular Fallout games. The designer cites some pretty colourful inspirations, such as FLCL and Six-String Samurai, but also concedes that you can make the tone fit that of Borderlands, Fallout, and Mad Max. It depends on how you build your world - what tech was there before? What kinds of weirdness persists? What beliefs have survived?
You’ll make skill rolls that can be boosted by gear or your personal style, with anything above a 4 granting you a success, with bonuses for rolling even higher at an 8 or a 12. Badges are the representations of character growth, tied to the skills that you choose to improve, somewhat like how concentrating on certain skills in Fallout gives you access to perks. If you want a stripped-down basic idea of the rules for this game, the designer has a Pay-what-you-want playtest that you can download for free, just to dip your toes in the water.
Earth: After Death, by Hammer City Games.
Boasting deep and crunchy mechanics reminiscent of the golden age of 90s TTRPGs, Earth, After Death focuses on OSR-style gaming, dungeon and hex crawling, fast-paced combat, high lethality, and a unique and fascinating setting to explore.
There’s plenty to do: kill mutants, explore ancient ruins, get lethal radiation poisoning, find a gun that has infinite ammunition, use psionic powers to blow up peoples heads, replace your legs with tank treads, and more!
This is a chunky, old-school style game that takes care to mention that your level-up system is just like the advancement system in Fallout games. You’ll be dealing with mutations, ghost machines, bartering for gear, and hex-crawling through dangerous wastelands. The character sheets point to a lot of moving pieces, so if you like wrangling together a character that does exactly what you want them to do, you’re going to have a lot to play with here. It looks like mutation is also a pretty big deal in this game, with over 100 different kinds advertised on the game’s store page.
Right now just the Wasteland’s Handbook is available to purchase, but the kickstarter for this game will be taking off later this year. If this sounds like your kind of game, then maybe hop over to the website to get in on the first full edition as it releases!
Fallout: The Roleplaying Game, by Modiphius.
In 2077, the storm of nuclear war reduced most of the planet to cinders. From the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization will struggle to arise. A civilization you will shape. How will you re-shape the world? Will you join with a plucky band of survivors to fight off all-comers and carve out your own settlement? Will you team up with pre-existing factions like the Brotherhood of Steel or Super Mutants to enforce your own ideals on the Wasteland? Ghoul or robot, paladin or raider, it’s your choice - and the consequences are yours. Welcome to the Wasteland. Welcome to the world of Fallout.
Utilizing Modiphius’ celebrated 2d20 cinematic role-playing system, the Fallout RPG will take players on an exciting journey into the post-apocalypse! Create your own survivors, super mutants, ghouls, and even Mister Handy robots. Immerse yourselves in the iconic post-nuclear apocalyptic world of Fallout, while gamemasters guide their group through unique stories and encounters. The 2d20 edition of Fallout is as close to the bottlecap bartering, wasteland wandering, Brotherhood battling excitement as you can get.
Modiphius gets the license to make a lot of games for different properties, so a Fallout game fits in alongside other big titles like Dune, John Carter of Mars, and Alien. This company uses their own 2d20 system, with a focus on inventory and Perks in an effort to make the game recognizable to any typical Fallout fan.
That being said, the game has come under fire for being poorly edited and inconsistent when it comes to finding the right rule. The company updated the game last year and released a Settler’s Guide book, so this might be something that’s a bit more read-able now. But if you want something set directly in the Fallout universe, this is your game.
WASTELAND, by MaelikGames.
WASTELAND is a simple tabletop RPG about adventurers in the world that has only recently became hospitable after a War that might not end all wars, but almost ended the world. You and your friends decide whether this world is bleak and hopeless, like the one in Metro, or somewhat whimsical, as in Fallout. 
Much of the inspiration from Fallout appears in the character options of this game. Arkanites are homages to Vault-Dwellers, Radkin are inspired by Ghouls, and robots are, well, robots. The talents also look like they are directly inspired by Fallout perks, such as Animal Friend, which allows you to turn hostile animals into allies. Gear and inventory are both very important in this game, which is something that I never find surprising in post-apocalyptic games, since having to track inventory feels like a pretty important thing in a game about scarcity. Your skills are also based on a percentage of success, because you’re rolling a d100, with the goal of rolling under your target number. If you’re looking for a game that can mechanically reflect much of what’s available in the Fallout video games, this might be for you!
Dystopia Rising: Evolution, by Onyx Path.
No one knows how long it’s been since the world was blasted with nuclear radiation and became infested with the undead. The survivors of the Fall were the first strain of deviation of the human condition and were able to make it through the rapidly spreading epidemic. Finding a community of decent size in this world is rare; finding one that has any concept of equality or morality is rarer still.
Oh, and people have the unnerving ability to come back from the dead, regrown from the very virus that destroyed the world.
This is a completely different world from Fallout and yet I think it might still be worth talking about in this rec post. Dystopia Rising has a rich, detailed world, with various factions and faiths, and your characters are differentiated by the Strains that have helped them survive. There are plenty of conflicting beliefs that can be the seeds for unlimited conflict, including various faiths in things like evolution or the preservation of humanity, strains that give you psychic powers, and a universal ability to come back to the dead so many times before you’re turned into a mindless zombie.
There’s plenty of opportunity to fight things hand-to-hand, but there’s just as many possibilities to politic your way out of tough scenarios, which is a hallmark of Fallout New Vegas. Not only that, there's no clear "good guys": this is a complicated world with complicated people. If you want a game that carries a lot of similar themes of Fallout but puts you in a new setting, maybe check out this game.
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past
Extinction Punk, by Extinction Punk.
Wastoid, by Jason Tocci.
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loklove48 · 5 months
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ettawritesnstudies · 10 months
Help me break even on my writing costs!
I bought myself a lifetime subscription to ProWritingAid which is an editing software I've used in the past. Now that I'm out of school and can focus on my writing, I'm buckling down on Runaways and I'm determined to get this story into your hands by October 31st, 2025. This is going to involve a lot more refining and editing, and I know that this purchase will be an investment not only for this book, but for all my work in the future.
I spend a ton of time and energy maintaining my website, reading and reviewing ARCs, interviewing authors, and supporting folks here on tumblr. If you've been following this blog for any amount of time and you appreciate what I do, this kofi is the best way to say thanks. I also want to turn this from a hobby to a career, which means eventually, my writing should pay for my writing instead of me funding all this out of my day job.
I'm not asking for donations. Instead, I'm asking you to buy my stories. Recently, I listed six explorations from the worlds of Runaways and the Real World Sequence, and there will be more to come soon. Each of them is just $1, or pay what you want. There are also stickers for sale if that's more your style. Get them for yourself as a NaNo reward (or consolation prize), as gifts for your writer friends, for Christmas gifts! The holidays are coming up and I'm participating in the shameless merchandizing.
If you don't have the funds to spare, there's certainly no obligation, but if you're feeling generous, I would appreciate reblogs just as much. The Writeblr community has been truly life changing and I cannot say enough how much I appreciate how much your support and enthusiasm means to me. <3 <3 <3
Happy reading,
Etta Grace
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fairiedance · 2 months
A new simple design for the fundraiser, found here. Mostly made for t-shirts (you can change the background colors of the shirts on their product pages):
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As usual EVERYTHING I RAISE is for my best friend to support his friends and family in Gaza and the West Bank (and surrounding areas in the Levant suffering collateral damage). At the moment mostly funds are going towards people he knows in Gaza to help them afford basic necessities as prices continue to climb.
I haven't talked about my friend on here much recently, but talking about the people involved in fundraisers seems important to keeping the fundraisers going strong. So I'm going to share a little story that just happened:
My friend has refused to receive presents from anyone since the war began; he feels weird having nice things while his loved ones suffer. Even getting him to accept this fundraiser for his family was a struggle, he's just not good at accepting help. He also won't buy himself anything for the most part.
Well he's very annoyed at me now for buying a new pair of shoes for him (his old ones had 6 inch tears down the side and were actively injuring him). I did relent and give him the old ones back with the best repairs I could manage (they're holding up for now), but he won't accept even the smallest gifts from me unless I let him pay me back for the new shoes, which of course I will not do. This includes the cup of tea I usually bring him at the gym (which was previously exempt from the gift rule). We argued back and forth about this stupid cup of tea for a long time yesterday, neither of us would let the other leave the parking lot without it.
Long story short I flung the cup of tea through the open window of his car as he tried to drive off, and it of course exploded everywhere. He picked up what was left and poured it all over me, gave me a hug and drove away. I don't think I've seen him laugh that hard since the war started honestly.
I love our ridiculous, weirdly combative friendship. He's like the brother I never had. Thank you all for helping me support him.
Here are some other shirts from my shop (my friend is modeling the exercise shirt in the top left, face removed for privacy):
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You can find these designs in my shop HERE. To see a design on different products click on the display product and scroll down or go here to browse by design. Most designs are available on a wide range of products (shirts, stickers, pins, hats, notebooks, etc).
Thank you to everyone who has helped out so far! We greatly appreciate all the support, and we hope you are enjoying your purchases.
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bugeyedfreaks · 11 months
I saw this being sold online, you all wanted me to buy it, so I did, and now you can all see what horrors you’ve wrought upon me.
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The first thing that I noticed when I opened this package up is that it smelled terrible. I didn’t even have to open up the envelope you see in the picture: the actual shipping envelope smelled bad. It was definitely a soap smell gone very wrong. Needless to say, this wasn’t a good sign of what was to come.
… well, spoiler alert, it really doesn’t get any worse. In fact it’s a little underwhelming. 😆 But read on anyway because I do suffer a little while doing this, and I know if you all love at least one thing about me… it’s my suffering. 💖
I opened it up, and the first thing I looked at was the instruction manual that seems to be written in the perspective of the Professor. That’s kind of cute and on brand. I also chuckled because both of the soaps in this kit are named after Buttercup, the Powerpuff Girl who hates bathing the most. Whoever made this knew what they were doing and I love them for it. I hope putting this together made working at the Delta Education company a bit more fun for them.
Here are the instructions for people who like to read 20-year-old instructions of crafts for babbies:
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After I looked through all of the instructions, I found some PPG stickers (not shown because I’m already pushing my photo limit for this post) as well as all of the ingredients for our experiments. Oooooh~.
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I was actually a little bit disappointed, because I thought there would be more ingredients involved to make these things (you know, like an actual educational science kit would normally have), but this is all it came with. The shampoo base was just premade shampoo without the (apple!) scent in it. The green soap was just premade soap, cut into chunks that you would melt and pour into little heart shaped molds. The little glitter stickers in this picture weren’t PPG themed, and the “PPG trinkets” were straight up just erasers.
So, yeah, it was… underwhelming. From what I can gather from the other kits I saw being sold online, I suppose these were “educational” in the sense that they were used in educational settings. They were probably just little craft kits for kids in classrooms rather than kits that were going to teach them anything substantial (I think the other kits I saw were for making jewelry and door hangers… just fun projects for kids to have fun and learn how to put things together 🤷‍♀️).
Still, I purchased this kit, and I’d be damned if I didn’t actually get some shampoo and soap makin’ out of some of these ingredients. …and I say some because I had to find out whether I should even USE these products, given the warning on the front of the bag that said the contents warranted adult supervision. I mean, I’m an adult and I felt like I needed another adult.
There was absolutely no way that I was going to use the shampoo base, because I am pretty sure that it would make my hair fall out or disintegrate my scalp if I tried using it (or even if I touched it). It looked really slimy, and had a weird, translucent stringy texture to it, so I tossed it. I snipped open the apple scent packet because I was curious to find out if it still had a scent to it… and it was actually sort of pleasant! It had a bit of a chemical after-scent to it, but it wasn’t the worst thing I’ve ever smelled. Still, I don’t think I should be putting a 20-year-old scent anywhere near my body (I probably shouldn’t have even smelled it, come to think of it… my chemistry teachers would have been so ashamed of me) so I decided I would not be using it in the final product either.
I opened up the green soap, hoping that that would actually be okay or at least smell normal, and… I actually gagged. BLEEEEECH. That’s where the awful smell had been coming from. Immediately tossed it in the trash. It was AWFUL, and there’s absolutely no way, not even for the sake of comedy, that I would willingly put it in my microwave or even let it come in contact with my skin (although yet again, like an idiot, I smelled it… oh well, my idiocy has its limits, I guess). I looked online later and also found out that, apparently, glycerin soap can produce mold and ferment after 4-5 years… so yeah, it was probably a good call for me to trash it.
That means I now didn’t have any of the actual soap products I was going to use to make these! However, I had a trick up my sleeve (at least for the solid soap) and that trick was called… buying new soap to use. 🤣 I got some dye, grabbed some apple scent to add to the soap, and voila! BUTTERCUP SOAP!
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Beautiful! 💚
They’re actually kind of cute, and I’m using them as little dish soaps right now (I’ll probably toss the erasers later though… I don’t think they’ll work after being in glycerin soap that long). The new apple smell I bought is, weirdly enough, not as great as the 20-year-old one, but it’s still something I totally think Buttercup wouldn’t mind using, even if bathtime was still torture for her. I also ended up making some blue soap themed for Bubbles (aka the original Soap). As for the shampoo, I basically just added the apple scent to some shampoo I already had and decorated the bottle that came with the kit accordingly.
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…and that’s all she wrote! There it is! Soap and soap for your hair made with help from a kit no one else but me would, in their right mind, ever purchase! I hope you are all now fulfilled, free to live enriched lives knowing what mysteries were enclosed in the kit, and that I successfully made something with it for your enjoyment. It was all… for you! 💖🫵💖
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popfizzles · 1 year
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Hi guys!! This is going to be a long one!
Now, first things first, if you didn't know, I run an Etsy shop with my sibling @kittyacelia!
We're starting to branch out the things that we sell and offer (like jewelery, pay-to-use bases, and acrylic charms) but the thing we started with, and arguably the thing we are most known for, are Comfort Character Boxes and Letters!
You can receive a box full of snacks, beauty-care, and feel-good items--everything inside is catered to YOUR interests, as you will fill out a form after purchasing! Each box also comes with a letter and a sticker of the character you chose! The idea is that it will feel like your favorite character will have sent you the box themselves! We've got a short list of fandoms that we're very passionate about, and if you're ALSO passionate about some of the same stuff that we post, we would love to work with you! We work our very best to make sure everything is as in-character as possible, so we try to stick to things that we know. If you don't see your fandom listed, please feel free to send a message to the Etsy shop and double check before purchasing! We just restocked in time for the December holidays! You can buy our boxes for any occasion (birthdays, pick-me-ups, or if you're just feeling like getting a nice treat for yourself), but if you're looking to guarantee your box or letter arrives in time before the New Year, you should definitely purchase it now!! Our boxes have an estimated turnaround time of 10 weeks, and last year we had some weather trouble and got snowed in. So, better safe than sorry! There's also no issue with purchasing a box as a present for someone else; just know that you will have to fill out a form full of info on their behalf if you'd like to keep it a surprise (so be prepared to answer some questions like "what's your favorite color/animal/candy/etc." and "do you have any allergies we should know about?") [If you're interested in taking a look at the sizes of boxes we offer, you can click here to look at the listings we have in stock!]
We're having one last call on our Sticker Blowout Sale!
Any stickers that you see listed on our shop at this moment will be the last time they're listed individually (and with free shipping to the United States) like this! If you are interested in any of the characters listed, now would be the time to buy them!! If you don't, you will not see them again for a VERY LONG TIME unless you buy a box or a letter. Once January hits, we will be totally rebranding and cleaning our shop page so it's more cohesive, uniform, and easy to navigate! This will also include starting to add sticker packs, where you can choose to buy individual character stickers from a listing, or purchase a large batch of them at a discount! BUT this means that we will not be listing stickers until we have a large amount of them finished for one fandom, which will likely take a while, doing extra character stickers when we have time away from the boxes and letters. So again, you have until January 1st to buy the rest of the stickers listed on our shop. After that, any leftovers will be removed from the store, and will not return until we have large amounts of them finished. They'll be listed permanently by fandom in batches at that point! [To take a look at what stickers we have left from our Blowout Sale, you can click this link!]
And, as always, thank you all SO MUCH for the continued support.
We love our job, being able to bring people so much happiness!! We're ready to keep on delivering gifts to you from your favorite characters, and we're looking forward to bringing you so much more than that in the future!!
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citylighten · 3 months
Hello it's me and I'm in your "Asks" ☺️
What/who made you come to simblr and what/who made you stay?
Hello!! I'm pretty sure when I came to simblr I had no idea who to follow beyond cc makers, specifically @ebonixsims & @xxblacksims. My simblr account was born due to the fact I had purchased TS4 for the first time and I wanted to make a cute bedroom for Eve, as I was procrastinating on cleaning and decorating my own bedroom. That was it! That was literally it! 😂
So I was just following random simblr blogs, and eventually I saw the storytelling community due to a reblog or something. I thought it was so interesting, because like everybody else when I played the sims I constructed a narrative in my head and to see people took their narratives seriously I thought, "okay, I want to try that too."
Also, in my childhood I loved to play games like Disney's Magic Artist Cartoon Maker where you just placed 2D stickers of Mickey Mouse and friends on a background, so I'm not surprised storytelling became the thing I felt the most passionate about. 😂
What made me stay were two things. The first was the stories I found by other people and the second thing is the bonds I formed with them, once I got out of my shy state, that is.
Although I had read a hand few of stories, @rebouks definitely had the first story that stuck out to me. Both in terms of narrative and visuals! @cinamun's story was the second story I became full-heartedly obsessed with. I saw a handful of posts back when Hope was a kid, and like...the characterization was so strong with Indya, Darren, and Lil' Hope that eventually I got curious about who they actually were and read the story from the beginning. And let me say reading Things Fall Apart from start to finish was the most inspiring thing as a new storyteller who didn't have editing skills that were exactly good. Because cin's editing was n o t h i n g like it is now and with each past post I read, I saw how she experimented with new things, slightly tweaked Indya's appearance over the years. But more than that, I noticed how her story grew in terms of readers. TFA did not always get a lot of notes. It was truly a, "okay, if Cin can progress like this, I can too. If Cin can grow like this, I can too." But yeah, rebouks and cinamun are absolutely my biggest inspirations with visuals and editing. And the fact they're both very sociable people when you message them was also encouraging, because there wasn't a sense of elitism that you can find in other fandoms spaces. This made me feel welcomed and like I wasn't a pest.
After that, I read more stories which led to me creating really strong friendships! Like, Hungry for Love by the user formally known as shanisims always stands out to me. That was another story I loved and obsessed over lmao I said it recently but @straightouttasimulation is a reason why I add prose to my story caps and she's even the reason why I attempted to do gifs. Because SHE started experimenting with gifs first! And then to see how she could pull them off, I thought: "okay, let me give it a try." All and all, she's a great mutual. I love her dearly. Then I met @digital-deluxe who shared my love for the mafia genre, and shortly after I think I began talking to @ardeney-sims. Tags led me to meet @swiftviolets who was also into the mafia genre and of course, @havenroyals and I started clicking a lot! And there's so many more people I love and cherish that I'm mutuals with [but I don't wanna like, tag everyone] BUT THE POINT IS I don't think I would be excited to log onto my dashboard if it weren't for the people I talk and joke around with. Even though it's good to try and like...be there for everybody in a community because people can feel overshadowed or neglected, communities are really about the people you vibe with the most because they're the ones who directly impact your experience.
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nocturnalfandomartist · 4 months
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.˳·˖˚₊‧ Find all the info below! ‧₊˚˖·˳.
Since I want to offer so much, here's a little guide to help keep track!
Go to my Ko-Fi page!
Linked above!
Select Commission Type
See "prices" section below.
(OPEN) Portrait (Illustration)
(OPEN) Full Body/Scene (Illustration)
(OPEN) Character Doodle Page
(CLOSED) Ref Sheet
(CLOSED) Custom Emotes
(CLOSED) Character Design
(OPEN) Banner
(CLOSED) Character Tool Design
Choose your character(s)
See below in the "OC" and "Fanart" commission sections.
Choose your detail
Once I get good enough at lineless, I may implement that as well.
Choose your style.
Style A
My default art style.
Style B
A somewhat simpler style, inspired by video game graphics.
Style 0
A variation of style A with more rough, not-clean lines. It's a secret to everybody... Specify this while ordering!
To be expanded in the near future!
Portrait (PfP) | 《OC/Fanart》 (OPEN)
Description: A minimally posed image of a character from the chest up. The face is the primary focus.
Lines | A: $15 | B: $10
No coloring add-ons are required, but selecting + Simple Background is optional.
Flats | A:$20 | B: $15
+ Profile Flats ( + Simple Background or + Full Background is optional. + Fully Colored Lineart ($20) is optional).
Rendering | A: $25 | B: $20
+ Profile Rendering/Shading (+ Simple Background or + Full Background is optional. + Fully Colored Lineart ($20) is optional).
Full Body | 《OC/Fanart》 (OPEN)
Variation 1 (Simple Background): A minimally posed image of a character's full body, in which they are the central subject. This is used to showcase the design from the front only; think like the official art you would see on a character wiki.
Variation 2 (Full Background - Scene): What you typically think of in terms of commissions. Request a drawing of one or more characters together, usually with a background and in the middle of a scenario (such as a fight or a picnic).
Lines | A: $25 | B: $20
+ Full Body Lines. (Selecting + Simple Background is optional. + Fully Colored Lineart ($20) is optional).
Flats | A: $30-35 | B: $25-30
+ Full Body Flats. ( + Simple Background or + Full Background is optional. + Fully Colored Lineart ($20) is optional).
Rendering | A: $45-65 | B: $40-60
+ Full Body Rendering/Shading + Simple Background or + Full Background is optional. + Fully Colored Lineart ($20) is optional).
Character Doodle Page 《OC/Fanart》 (OPEN)
Description: Give me a character you want to see me draw and a prompt or two, and I'll take it from there! Comes with mostly half-body doodles ("doodles" actually meaning lines + flats).
Default Doodle Page | $50
Comes with 4 doodles on the page.
Large Doodle Page | $65
+ Large Page. Comes with 6 doodles on the page.
Massive Doodle Page | $80
+ Massive Page. Comes with 10 doodles on the page.
Ref Sheet | 《OC/Fanart》 (CLOSED)
Description: An un-rendered sheet displaying a pre-existing character from a front angle, a side angle, a back angle, and your choice of either a 45° angle or the opposite side angle.
Emotes | 《OC/Fanart》 (CLOSED)
Description: A set of emotes based around one character or theme (ex: a set of custom emojis with different fruits conveying different emotions). These are intended to be turned into emotes on platforms such as Discord servers, and the person who purchases them is responsible for turning them into custom emojis or stickers.
Character Design | 《OC》 (CLOSED)
Description: Send me a description of how you imagine the character, some backstory (if possible), and any potential inspiration. Your choice between Full Body, Concept Sketches, and Ref Sheet. Please note that, if you intend to draw this character yourself or use it in something such as a webcomic, I must be credited for the design at least in the project's credits and socials.
Full Body
Concept Sketches
Colored Concept Sketches
Ref Sheet
Banners 《OC/Fanart》 (OPEN)
Description: A long canvas typically consisting of small character/background art and the fic/blog title. Only available for SFW TLoZ fics, for now; but this restriction does not apply to blogs. More often than not will have a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels, but can be changed at request (proportions cannot exceed 2000 pixels on an individual side).
Base Price | $25-30
No add-ons required, simply includes a simple composition of a natural scene (plants, clouds, water) or some furniture. Not necessarily restricted to this, but that general level of complexity.
+ Blog/Story Title) | + $5
+ Subject (Animal) | + $10
+ Subject (Character) | + $15
Add-on could either include a portion of multiple characters, or ONE Full Body Character.
+ Subject (Building) | + $20
Chara. Tool Design 《OC/Fanart》 (CLOSED)
Description: Request an illustration or design for an item/tool relevant to your campaign or character (ex: their signature weapon).
Posting: When your commission is finished, please specify if you would be comfortable with me posting it on main. When I do so, it will be:
Glazed to protect against AI scraping.
Tagged with your user on the given platform (Insta, Twitter, or Tumblr).
Backgrounds: My experience with backgrounds is not limited, but my skill definitely is. That being said:
I will accept commissions with detailed backgrounds, but please be aware that this may take much longer and not come out exactly as I hope for.
Please limit backgrounds involving buildings. I need the practice, but I cannot guarantee how good they will be compared to natural background elements.
I am not drawing cars, I'm sorry. Maybe a carriage or something, but not cars. I don't like tracing so I don't want to have to draw a car, because that will inevitably lead to me needing to Google an image of a car and draw over it.
Some of these things are flexible for BANNER COMMISSIONS specifically.
No sexually explicit content.
Nothing HINTING at sexually explicit content.
No sexualization of characters, ESPECIALLY MINORS. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
No fetish-y commissions.
You CANNOT commission me to make illustrations intended to feed a generative AI, especially to mimic my style. I don't care if you commissioned me, you only paid me for one piece. If I find that you have begun replicating my art with an AI, I WILL be taking action. YOU AGREE TO THIS WHEN YOU ORDER FROM ME.
Please see the two sections below regarding OCs and fanart.
Regarding OCs
Designs & Refs
I can draw your character based on a physical description or a collection of refs you provide! If you don't have a face to the character yet, see below:
If your character is not yet designed and you want them to be drawn for the first time, you will need to select a Character Design commission. This will cost WAY more, but I expect to be compensated (especially if you plan to publish whatever you're using them for). I can go off of a moodboard, storyline, playlist, inspirations, etc.
Offensive Material
If your OC or the content you request surrounding them is harmful to any minority groups (including exaggerated, harmful stereotypes and anything of the like) it will be refused. Yes, this is different than representation and inspiration. (I can't believe some people need to hear that).
Robotic Characters
I should be fine drawing characters with robotic parts or animal-like robots. However, I will not be drawing anything that's a modern-style mech of sorts, especially if it leans into vehicle territory (transformers type stuff). I am incapable of drawing them.
If you're concerned about where your character falls in this, please ask me. Your commission will be refunded or can be changed if it so happens your mech character is out of my capabilities.
Anthro Characters
I am fine drawing aliens and anthro characters, but nothing hypersexualized. If the OC you send me falls under NSFW territory or fetish art, it will be refunded. To each their own, but that's just not my style.
Regarding Fanart
Fandoms I will accept:
The Legend of Zelda
Little Nightmares
Spy x Family
Sonic the Hedgehog
Super Mario Bros.
Infinity Train
Regarding Ships:
For the time being, I will only be accepting ship commissions for Zelink/Shink/Marink/Telink/Hildavio. I will, however, draw anything platonic. This may change in the future.
Regarding Fan Redesigns
Feel free to commission me to draw your fan designs of canon characters (or my own, if you like them)! If you would like to commission me to draw someone else's designs as a gift for them, please be sure the person in question is okay with other people drawing their designs. Even if they are, I will be sure to credit them for the design and link their posts with the designs as well.
More Info
RedBubble Shop
I'm currently working on designing cute animal stickers to sell on Redbubble! They'll be themed around different times of day and have their own mystical twist. When they're done, there will be more info here!
Some examples of my work:
Style A
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Style B
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Notice: I hope to open up commissions in even more styles and Commission types as time goes on! Anything listed as "closed" till needs a bit of work. I'm also thinking of prioritizing sketch requests from monthly supporters, if that becomes a thing (still figuring that out). Doing wallpaper commissions for phones could also be kinda neat? Keep an eye on things here. :)
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