#i love being a little kitty in a big city!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
seekingthestars · 5 months
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i sit in boxes and pounce on birds
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i take naps
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i wear a plethora of the cutest hats~~~
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itstheghostofmypast · 7 months
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Choi San x (f)Reader
Summary: At this point, he didn't know who she loved more, him or Byeol, either way, he was happy. What else could Choi San ask for other than his two favourite girls in the world getting along?
Warnings: NONE
Word Count: 2.1K
Est. Read Time: 10 min
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
A/N: No- see @edenesth 💗 did this to me. This timestamp is for my saviour, the one and only @edenesth 💗 , like we should totally blame San for posting such domestic core pics- no wonder we get all delulu- PS THIS COLLAB HAS ME DYING
@edenesth version: [12.58]PM
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"San?" she called out, walking down the hallway as she paused in front of the wall-length mirror, fixing her hair once more and checking out her outfit, simple, crisp and a dash of purple. Very different from her usual office attire, very colourful too- after all the first time he had seen her she was in a plain suit, a white dress shirt and slacks, running around collecting printouts for the upcoming spring magazine. That also being the first time he had realised how much he loved the word 'simple'. Okay, fine, perhaps she was dressed on the softer side, but was it so bad to play cute for once? Especially, if she was doing so to please her man. Call it her way of simping.
Truth be told, she wasn't even sure if he was going to show up, after their extensive tour, when he had mentioned the upcoming off days he was to get, she had suggested going to his home town to relax, leaving the city life for a while and although it pained her to know that she would be too busy with her own work at the office, also known as the company he too worked in, she wanted him to rest and relax away from the hustle bustle of his idol life, what she did not expect that after a week of his departure to Namhae, the very next weekend her fluff of a man would be ringing her doorbell in the late hours of the weekend.
"Byeol wanted to see you and so did I, I spent a week there and I'll spend a week here."
Was all he the dimpled man had made his way inside to the living room, opening the carrier to let Byeol out, the living room already a place of her liking. She had been here with San a couple of times; she had also been a very important part of their relationship. Especially on their third date where he had delicately brought up the topic, "Are you allergic to cats?"
"No, why?"
"Do you like cats?"
"Yeah, why?"
He never really answered her question that night, only smiled at her, leaning over the table to add more meat to her plate considering the late hours of the night, her hunger had distracted her from asking more questions, already too emotional at the thought of this angel of a man sacrificing his portion of protein for her - especially after grilling it so well. The only thing that did change was that the next morning she received around 400+ pictures of San's first love, Byeol.
The first time he had brought Byeol over, he was cautious and attentive, making sure both his girls were happy. He asked her cute questions all day- maybe she just found them cute because it was him, or perhaps it was because he was letting her in, into his domain, which is the little kitty roaming around the house.
"Can I put the litter here?"
"All your windows are locked right?"
"Do you mind if I keep the food bowl next to where we eat? She feels lonely otherwise."
"Can she sleep on your bed? I brought her cat mat just in case."
"Can we leave the bedroom door open a bit, so she can come and go without waking us up?"
He stopped when he realised, she wasn't even responding, panicking he looked up from the cat supplies. Maybe she felt like he was intruding or invading her privacy but was too afraid to tell him. Maybe bringing in Byeol was a big step he shouldn't have taken so quickly. What if she meant like she liked cats, at a normal level, like 'oh a cat.'  Not like cuddling them or baby-talking to them. Turning around his eyes scanned the room to spot her holding onto Byeol, carrying her like a baby and cooing at her. It was only then he realised how loud his cat was purring loud enough for it to echo in the silent room.
"Hmmm? You say something, Sannie?" she looked up from Byeol to him, eyes as curious as a cat's, hand resting on the cat's tummy, letting Byeol grab her hand with her soft paws. His heart felt as if it were about to burst out of his ribcage, running to her and landing on her palm, beating in it with an intensity that would borderline scare her. Licking his chapped lips the feline-eyed man shook his head, a genuine dimpled smile forming, one that would send thousands flipping with joy- or in her case have her gushing over it in solitude.
Thus, giving birth to a ritual, often he would spend his free days at his own home, sometimes calling her over, and gratefully his family welcomed her with open arms. On other occasions, he’d drop by to her apartment, bringing their 'daughter' with him.
She remembers the time Byeol had gotten sick. Unfortunately, San was busy that evening, and his parents were out of town so Byeol was to stay with her. Not an issue, at least it wasn't until the third night when San checked his phone after hours of practice late at night. He had decided to stay at the dorm, travelling would be more tiring she understood, but as the man checked his phone his heart almost stopped.
"Byeol is sick, she's vomiting. "
"I'm taking her to the vet."
"She's shivering."
"Okay, my car isn't working!"
'"I ran here, dw, made it in time, they're checking her."
"They say she has a fever, some bug?"
"They want to keep her overnight, idk I mean I can't just leave her here. She looked scared."
"I'm not leaving, but she's sedated. They say she'll be fine."
"San plz reply soon."
"San I'm scared."
Choi San had never run faster in his life he was sure of it, because the moment he burst into the 24/7 pet clinic his lungs were burning worse than a forest fire, his eyes red and blurry, the world around him extremely out of focus as he stumbled to the reception, about to take the patient's name but someone called him instead.
His head snapped in her direction, running to her, enveloping her in a tight embrace, trying to calm her down as she began to shiver in his embrace, her words coming out with choked sobs. Hand pressed against her head, he rubbed her back up and down with the other one, looking through the glass window at his cat, sprawled on the table with an IV tube attached.
"It's gonna be okay, it'll be okay."
It took almost an hour to calm her down, he had tried to convince her to go home, she had work the next day but she refused, instead blaming herself for Byeol's health. Though the doctor had assured him it was not because of her incompetency, but the cat food, the cat food Sanhad insisted on changing. Once she found that out, Choi San had to get an earful the remainder of the night, “How can you- I told you not to do that!”
“Babe I- “Don’t babe me! She doesn’t even like salmon! She prefers tuna.”
After the wonderful argument, that through the eyes of an elderly couple waiting for their dog looked like a cute domestic quarrel, came to an end. San remembered sitting next to her sulking as she gave him the silent treatment, though a few moments later her head had landed against his shoulder with a thump, followed by her snores. That night Choi San had realised two things, firstly that he was in love with her and secondly, she probably loved Byeol more than she loved him.
Hence, today they were supposed to go to a cute cafe she had been eying for a month. They had planned on taking Byeol out but since the cat had decided to stay up all night, running around the apartment she was tired today. San had just mocked her, claiming that Byeol knew it was Valentine's Day so she wanted her parents to spend the day together. However, he later countered himself with a, "Though each day is like Valentine's Day with you, love."
Clearing her throat, she dusted off the invisible dust, adjusting her cardigan before making her way to the living room once more, calling out to her significant other, "San! I'm ready to let's go." though his lack of response was confusing her, so she called out again, "Sannie where are you-" her word stopped as soon as she turned the corner, into her living room, spotting a giant starfish sprawled out on the wooden floor. Next to him was Byeol, staring down at him, San's hand pressed against his cat's back in a soothing manner, but she knew what he was doing, making sure his cat didn't move because Byeol was not only pretty but smart too, she knew what her dad was doing.
Sighing she walked closer to him, standing next to Byeol who looked up at her, blinking slowly, before turning back to stare at San. She stared down at him, arms crossed before slowly poking his side with her foot, watching him pretend and stretch, groaning as he cracked an eye open, "Oh~ you're finally done?"  
"Mhmmm." Raising a questioning brow she nodded, "And?"
"Oh, I mean" Sitting up he stretched his legs, much similar to how Byeol would do so, "Byeol said her mommy was taking so long in the shower that we fell asleep, waiting for you…" his words trailed off when he turned to look at her, his breath hitching at the sight of the soft pastels, the pretty purple, purple really was her colour. Clearing his throat he quickly got up, standing to talk in front of her, merely a few inches away from her as he stretched his arms over his head before casually bringing them down, not so discreetly wrapping them around her and slamming her into him, smirking when she whined.
"The dress will wrinkle Sannie." she tried to push him away but he pulled her closer, leaning down to peck the tip of her nose, "You can't look like a pretty pixie and not expect me to hold onto you like Captain Hook kidnapped Tinkerbell."
"What an analogy."  she mumbled, letting him squeeze her into his warm chest, feeling the vibrations as he chuckled, "You look very pretty…I like your cardigan."
"Thanks, your mom gave it to me last birthday. " Her arms wrapped around his waist, letting him gently sway them from side to side.
“Who do you think chose it?” he smiled down at her, finally meeting her with a gentle kiss, one she savoured greatly, hands fisting his shirt as his palm pressed against her back before slowly trailing down, though their little moment came to halt sudden when a high-pitched squeak caught their ears. Pulling back, she looked down at Byeol, frowning before turning to look at San, “Why isn’t she wearing her leash?” “What do you mean?”
Tutting at her gorgeous idiot of a man, she pulled away completely before crouching to grab the cat and walking towards the door where they hung coats and her leash. “I said we’re going to the café.”
“I know,” he mumbled scratching his head, a bit confused as to what she meant, “I got a booking for it, no? Why are you – we can’t take her there and it's almost time for our reservation.”
“Aww~ don’t listen to daddy, Byeol” San watched her talk to his cat instead of him, watching her put on Byeol’s harness and leash, somewhat impressed because Byeol never let him do that this easily, though the next statement had him blushing mad. “He’s a bit slow, handsome, but slow, he forgot we’re going to a cat café, you’ll have fun there~ Won’t you baby~”
Letting out a hearty chuckle he closed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief, of course she’d come up with this idea on her own. She had mentioned earlier how leaving Byeol home wasn’t fun especially when the cat was their ‘child’ and leaving their child unattended was cruel. He watched the cat jump off the table and onto the floor, meowing up at his lover who sent Byeol a flying kiss, San didn’t know what heaven was, but if anyone were to ask him to describe what it looked like, the view was right in front of him.
“Any kisses for me?” He asked walking up to his two girls, who were almost out the door, pausing when she winked at him, “depends big boy. Might need to send our baby back home for a while if that’s what you want.” And that had the man shivering with excitement running after her as the two made it to the elevator, already planning on asking someone or one of the guys to watch his little baby for the night, so he could have a night with his kitten.
“Don’t worry, I think that can be arranged, kitten.”
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Taglist: @edenesth @mlysalt @spooo00oky @cereal-simp @yessa-vie
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seancekitsch · 4 months
What about the Vees sharing reader?
this is actually kinda sweet despite the fact that they're all literal villains? i love them im not sorry
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When Valentino has you, it’s the closest thing to all of you being a polycule. Valentino loves being physical with you, anywhere, everywhere. But Valentino is a busy man, and Val enjoys watching you with Vel and Vox, often filming it for his private collection. Hell, sometimes Val even watches you and Kitty play. He’s also a big fan of sharing you with Vel and Vox. Sometimes all at once. Thats the only time Vel will be anywhere near the other two, just to get her hands on you. Val loves the way he towers over you, loves gifting you weapons and taking his time polishing and customizing them for you. He’s obsessed with making sure you’re armed and protected, even though with the Vees you’ll literally never need to use it. He sneaks videos of you into Vee’s movie night rotations, often enough that the others expect and look forward to it. Honestly he doesn’t love the big lavish dates with you, his favorite thing is to take you in the back of his limo and drive around Pentagram City with you, sometimes getting freaky, but more often than not its champagne and him pointing out his favorite neon signs to you and being excited to have you all to himself in this little private way. 
When it’s Velvette in your room she likes to play hard. Dressing you up, dressing you down, taking you apart just to put you back together. She loves to leave her mark on you any way she can, whether it’s love bites and bruises or a matching tattoo she designed. She’s all about extremes in your relationship. Vel is the one least likely to share when it’s her time with you, definitely not above throwing things or shouting at the guys when they come sniffing around. If they come on dates, they’re your muscle to make sure you’re well protected when she takes you clubbing or to an expensive or experimental new restaurant. She actually forces Val and Vox to go on their own little date nearby so that they don’t bug the two of you. She actually takes the time to print out and make physical collages of pictures of the two of you, writing sweet and funny little notes and adding stickers before hanging them up on her wall. (Theres also one of the four of you but that collage is much harder to find.) Vel loves gifts and little physical trophies and mementos of your relationship, little physical reminders of you. Her most prized possession is a necklace you made for her one night at the very beginning of your relationship when you binged Voxflix and played around in her workshop until dawn. 
When you’re on Vox’s arm he’s possessive and boastful. He loves showing you off as his partner and plaything, taking you to any press event dressed in only the best and holds you close. The paparazzi has hundreds of pictures of him tonguing you in front of the Vee tower and getting in and out of limos. Val swears his boyfriend hires the paps to get more photos of the two of you. Val and Vel know to flank the two of you at these events, but they always get their secret little moments. Val loves to escort you for smoke breaks and share cigarettes with you, kissing the smoke from your lips. Vel loves to take you to the bathroom under the guise of fixing outfits and make up but you always end up coming back more disheveled. Vox doesn’t mind, in fact, he loves that you’re being so well taken care of. He feeds off the attention though, the head rush when his fans overheat from your constant kissing and touching. He loves when you fawn over him, and he takes care of you in return. Vox is always the first to draw you a bath or offer a back rub after a long day or cook your favorite meal just because. 
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julihlaufey · 2 months
Conversations On The Roof
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✧⁠*⁠。A hero doesn't always have a good day. And on one of your worst days, there's nothing better than a rooftop conversation with Deadpool to make you sleep better. ✧⁠*⁠。
Obs: This is my first work in English. You can also find it in Portuguese on the profile if you want. Good reading! ⁠♡
Female Reader/Sfw
The nights in the city could sometimes be quite cold, especially after a day of work.
If your practices could even be called that, you didn’t receive any rewards for your actions, but to be honest, you were used to it by now. The big thing about being a hero was that you never got paid for your deeds. And if you ever messed up or slipped, all the "thank you" smiles for saving the day would fade, and the judgmental looks would appear. That was just another one of those days. You were sitting on the roof of a house near your favorite restaurant.
A place where only extremely "healthy" foods were sold. Perfect for the end of days like these. Your feet dangled against the wind, brushing the suit that covered you from head to toe.
Your hands were too busy savoring that masterpiece of cheese and grease that was your snack. And your dreams were too lost in watching the people flocking into the small restaurant to notice you were no longer alone.
— And another tough day for our Spidergirl. One more for the list!
— How many times do I have to tell you. I don't use that name?!
— Então qual é o nome do seu herói? — Ele perguntou, já sabendo a resposta.
— ... Ainda não sei. Mas eu vou decidir. - Você olha para o lado, vendo-o rir por baixo da máscara e sentar-se ao seu lado de forma preguiçosa.
— This time I remembered to ask for extra mustard. - You said, handing over his still-wrapped sandwich.
— E queijo extra? — perguntou Deadpool, animado por depois de tantas vezes, você finalmente ter se lembrado.
— Wasn't it without? - You replied, watching the smile on his face disappear instantly. — Just kidding, extra cheese.
He gave you a playful punch on the arm, starting his meal. His legs swung carelessly.
— Looks like my day was a piece of crap, but yours was wonderful.
— You say that because I didn't try shoving you of the roof today or because my legs are swinging?
You roll your eyes.
— Because of the legs.
— Nah, it was crap. The idiot of the day found out I was coming and holed up in a panic room. The son of a bitch even mocked me through the security camera, can you believe it? - He said, pulling his mask up above his eyes this time, staring at you.
— And you couldn't get through a little panic room?
— I'm a mercenary, my love, not a magician. Unless you want me to be. - He added in a suggestive tone, leaning closer. You're lost count of how many times you rolled your eyes around Wade.
But surprisingly, those provocations and confident laughs were the best part of your day.
— But no. I didn't get that jerk. It's for next time. And you? Couldn't save the kitty from the tree?
— No. He suffocated on the rope in front of his ten-year-old owner.
He stared at you. For a moment, Wade thought it might be true, but he quickly caught on.
— Got it. My target escaped, but it was very hard. His son had to die, and he watched through the camera, unable to do anything.
— The little girl went into shock until her mom arrived, having to see him bloody and hanging.
— The boy was carrying a little truck. The father must have given it to him before I arrived.
— The little girl ended up hospitalized, and they don't know if she'll ever recover from the trauma.
— ... There was a baby and-
— No.
— Damn. - Deadpool slapped his leg in defeat. — But seriously, did you get the cat?
— Screw you. It was a fire case. The couple arrived, and the house was engulfed in smoke. I only managed to get the kid out.
— Isn't that good? You stopped a brat from dying. That's pretty sexy to me. You chuckled weakly at his infamous attempt to lighten the mood.
— They asked me to try to get to the safe. The couple's savings were there, and he had just lost his job.
— They can get the money back, darling. You weren't that bad.
— She's eight months pregnant, Wade. - You said, with a heavy voice. It wasn't easy to recall that stressful afternoon.
— ... Yeah, you got me there. And unfortunately, not in the way I wanted.
Rolling your eyes with a weak smile, you took a sip of your soda.— But look. You're a hero, you had to save their lives. Isn't that the hero's deal? The bad guy, the fire, was stopped, and the victims, the family, were saved. You did everything you could, cupcake.
— You're not used to failing and then having people look at you and curse like you're the worst person in the world...
— Ah, believe me, sweetie. Whether I kill, don't kill, or don't even show up at all, I get cursed.
You smiled faintly. Wade's jokes could usually cheer you up, and you truly appreciated his attempts to lift your spirits. But that day, things were a bit deeper.
Deadpool noticed, seeing that you didn't react as usual to his jokes. Crumpling the brown sandwich bag, he tossed it aside, giving his drink one last sip and patting his thigh twice.
You turned your head, confused.— Come on. Don't be afraid, I swear I don't bite. Unless you ask.
Laughing a little and rolling your eyes for the twentieth time that night, you accepted, resting your head on his leg.
— It's comfortable. - You commented impulsively.
— Thanks, I work out. I promise it gets even better higher up.
Feeling a slap on his knee, Wade laughed, taking off his mask completely. You felt his hand still warm through the glove, moving your hood aside and stroking your hair.
— Now, do you prefer a bedtime story about unicorns or how I beheaded a guy yesterday?
The soft touch. The calming breath that synchronized with his laugh as Wade tried to recount his work yesterday as if it were a fairy tale. Your eyes began to blur at each streetlight.
Your head relaxed and rested its weight on Wilson's lap. Maybe after a tiring and stressful day, all you needed was a session of Wade talking non-stop until you fell asleep.
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shuenkio · 3 months
My solace | 🎞️ yjw
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Paring: Jungwon x male!reader
Genre: Fluffy
Cw: nothing but somehow a demand?
Summary: You finally reunited with your solace
Non proof read/wc: 0.9
Eng is not my 1st lang.
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When we first met Jungwon, he was a baby, and everything that he did was give a cuteness-aggressive trigger whenever he moved.
He's smaller than most, with a round face that’s irresistibly endearing. His cat-like eyes gleam with playful mischief, making him so adorable in your eyes that you can’t help but consider him your very own little kitty.
Forever won't last being together as friends with Jungwon; you're changing schools because of your father's work, which is at the side of the city. It's kind of sad being separated from him, but before you left, you gave him a friendship bracelet as a memory.
If he missed you, all he needed to do was look at this colorful bracelet wrapped around his wrist, which could bring him back to those old days. He did cry, but he had to let you go.
Nobody would want to separate from their own friend, especially a best friend. Nevertheless, for now, he can't do anything about it, and he hopes that he will pass by you in the future.
As you hug him for what feels like the last time, his warmth envelops you. His familiar scent lingers, and you can feel a slight tremble in his embrace. This hug, this fleeting moment, holds all the words you can't say.
"We'll meet again, right?"
"Again, we will meet, Jungwon!"
"Swear it!"
"I swear, Jungwon, I hope we'll be this close again in the future!" That was the last conversation with him, which you're cherishing the most.
He is nothing but a gift from heaven that God sent to you, yet you still can't keep him and have to leave. A Memory.
Five years later, you started your life as a junior at Seoul University. It's taking blood, sweat, and tears to get in because you're applying as a scholarship student.
The sun rises up from its sleep, and your alarm clock starts to roar at six a.m. in the morning. Wasting no time, you began to prepare yourself for your new adventure as a student at the university, which will give you a different experience from school.
While making your way to the office for your schedule for the day, you accidentally bump into a taller guy. You quickly apologize for your clumsy behavior; however, when he's response back, his voice feels familiar as it's clicked in your brain and signals you to lift up your head instead of bowing down your head. You look up to see that it's your long-lost friend, Yang Jungwon.
Eventually, when you meet someone who was once your solace back in your childhood, you are left speechless, unable to find the right word to say, as if a cat got your tongue.
Jungwon didn't hesitate to show you the friendship bracelet that you left for him as the last thing for your relationship together, pulling out his hand from his pocket and rolling his wrist for you to see along with the brightest smile you've been craving.
You throw yourself on him, wrapping your small figure around his torso desperately. You're still processing what was going on, but one thing you knew was that he's Jungwon.
Jungwon is caught off guard by your sudden move as he stumbles a little, yet he still lets you hug him, and he returns back with his hand tracing down your back, too.
"I miss you, Jungone," you mumble under your throat as you still have your hand on him. You didn't care if people were staring; being reunited with someone you love is not something you should be embarrassed of.
You continue to nuzzle your face on his chest, trying to inhale his Jonh baby powder scent, but it's like it's gone, replaced by a manly perfume instead.
"I missed you too, m/n; we finally meet again!" He flashed a smile, and his dimples were still visible on both of his cheeks, giving you a nice chill that sent down to your spine in realization. Nothing had changed at all except his height.
"You gotten so big? I thought you'd stay a baby forever." You protest, narrowing your eyes in disbelief. He was at your nose height the last time you saw him, but now he's taller than you.
"People growing up, m/n, and so do I; nothing to be surprised off of you." Jungwon is giggling at your comment while he crosses his hand around his packing chest; clearly, he's working out.
"But I still see you as a baby; I'm older than you!!" You respond by placing your palm on your hip and giving him an angry look as a joke.
"Oh, shall I call you Hyung then? Lol" "Ashh noo, just call me by my name, hyung feel... old. "
Both of you are having a great time having a conversation together, with your reunited again as your promise in a delightful feeling that intertwined once more.
This time you won't leave this comfort zone ever again; you are determined to stay here, where you called home with your friend's presence, who's more than just a friend in your eyes.
"Don't leave me again, will you, m/n?" Jungwon unexpectedly said, out of topic, as he looked at you with a serious yet soft gaze, This is not a favor but a demand. You know it every time he speaks in this tone. But you don't mind about it; you will stay no matter what.
"I won't; I will never leave you again. Jungwon—"
"Never again, my solace." 
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥🗣️ crd to all pics&dividers
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storm-angel989 · 3 months
Hey I was wondering if you could do valentine's daughter where she gets hurt during an exterminator.
Like let's say she is six or something and she gets curious on why she has to be in her room on a specific day and the vees won't tell her anything just that it's a 'special' day.
So one day when no one is looking she go's outside to see what so 'special' about it.
Just to be chase by some angles luckily the Vees see her with one of the many cameras in the city and save her. But she get a scar from it.
How would the vees react to it?
Also hope your have a nice day!
Hi All,
This is the prompt this post should answer- in all my tiredness last night I posted to the wrong request! Rest assured I'm working on this request above- so many google docs and ideas, so little time!
Anonymous asked:
Dude, what about a Valentino x Daughter! Reader where they forget the door open or something like that, and she decides to go out (she's like, 3/4 years old) and when she comes back, she's holding a random cat and wants to keep it. I think it would be pretty funny lol
Also, i love your content!! 💕
So sorry!
<3 Mandy
Hi friend,
Such a busy weekend! But this light topic is one that popped into my head right before bed- so I had to write it! Enjoy!
“What do you mean you can’t find the baby?” Valentino screamed as he slammed his hands into Vox’s desk. “Where the fuck is my daughter?
In front of him, images flashed. Inside the building, outside, all throughout pentagram city. A still screen time stamped five minutes ago of his daughter wandering out the backdoor, propped open with nothing more than a wedge of cardboard. 
“I told those fuckers,” Vox began. 
“Find her, now,” Valentino cut him off. “I don’t care what you do, I’m going outside to…”
“Daddy, kitty!” 
Both men turned around to where Reader stood, cradling a black and white cat. They stared at her in a mix of horror and disbelief. 
“Bebita, are you okay?” Valentino demanded as he ran to his daughter.
She took a step back. “Daddy no. You’ll scare kitty.”
Valentino stared at the creature clutched in his daughter's arms. Not only was the cat almost as big as she, but it truly was taking being held in a toddler’s death grip incredibly well. 
“Where the fuck did you find a cat?” He demanded. 
“Outside,” Reader replied nonchalantly. “Kitty needs home.”
“Oh fuck no, kitty does not need a home,” Vox began.
An expression crossed Valentino’s face. He stood up and turned to Vox. “You’re the one who lost my daughter. You tell her she can’t keep it. And no cheating.”
Vox set his jaw and stared at his niece and her newfound companion. “Reader. Sweetheart. You can’t…give Uncle Voxxy the cat.” He knelt down and reached out as if to take the cat from his arms.
To his dismay, the cat hissed.
“My kitty!” She yelled and she turned away. “My kitty!”
“You know what, fine. Keep the cat, I don’t care,” Vox said with defeat. “I can’t say no to you.”
“My kitty!” Reader sang as she turned away. “My kitty need snack. Daddy? Snacks.”
Valentino glanced at Vox with an amused expression on his face. He turned away to follow his daughter back to the elevator.
“Your responsibility now,” he said aloud to Vox. “Feed it. Clean it. And if something happens to it, its on you.”
“Fuck me,” Vox groaned as the door shut. “Fuuuuccckkkkk”
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jordisblogg · 1 year
shuri x spidergirl!reader hcs
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warnings: fluff, tchalla and ramonda are alive.. for a little, major character deaths, flirty!reader
it was weird how you and shuri first met. she was on a mission in new york, encountering a villain, when suddenly a string of web came into view snatching her up before she could get pounded by the giant fist that was coming down and smashing into the pavement.
“aren’t you supposed to have some kind of danger sense? you ain’t see that big ass fist coming?”
shuri looked up and saw what was keeping her from falling 15ft from the air. you.
you looked so beautiful, mask bunched up at your forehead, showing off your gorgeous brown eyes and long curly lashes. the setting sun gleaming so perfectly off your caramel brown skin. and your curls not being able to be covered by the mask so they stayed down on your shoulders.
“no, but thank bast you caught me before it did”
you smiled.
“..nice accent.”
shuri let her helmet disintegrate, revealing a small smirk that was held on her lips.
“thank you”
and from that moment on it was nothing but bliss for the two of you.
it was awhile after you and shuri started dating and the public was starting to catch on rather quickly.
it would be during interviews after you had just caught a criminal. paparazzi were left and right of you, sticking microphones in your face trying to get you to answer questions.
“spider-girl, are you currently in a relationship with the black panther?”
“spider-girl, over here!”
“we’ve seen you and the princess of wakanda hanging out around the city, are you both dating?”
you would never give them a straight forward answer. simply shrugging your shoulders, pulling your mask over you face and leaving the scene.
you can’t say that you blame them with all the constant back and forth flirting between you two. what may have started the rumors is that you’ve started to develop a new nickname for your girlfriend. kitty.
shuri will never tell you, but she likes the nickname.
“easy kitty, wouldn’t want you to hurt that pretty face, would we?”
“aw, you care about me kitty?”
“like i’d ever let them come near you, kitty”
when you both did eventually go public, nobody was surprised but they were ecstatic! you both were trending all over social media.
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you smiled in amusement as you scrolled down the comment section.
user37292: “not both my wives getting tg😮‍💨”
user2904: “yea we knew y’all wasn’t slick with alla that flirting😒!”
user01607: “AHHH cuties!!!”
shuri would always send you reassuring texts if she knows you’re about to go on a mission. doesn’t matter how big it is. she always makes you put your safety as a priority, knowing your desire to save and protect surpasses your need to save yourself.
“be safe my love, please don’t get yourself into any trouble and don’t get yourself killed.”
“no promises🤭! love uuuuu💗💗”
“i love you too❤️”
“y/n i’m serious!!!”
you love to bug shuri. it’s your favorite pass time. even though she lives all the way in wakanda. you make sure you call her at least 8 times a day. yes.. 8. not that she minds. she loves talking to you.
“hi baby!!”
“hi my love”
“whatchu doin?”
“in the lab, are you alright?”
“yea.. you wanna see my challenge?”
shuri loves to say your the light of her life. you constantly make her smile with your crazy antics even thought some of them make her genuinely worry for you. but she learned that was just how you were.
“y/n?! what the hell happened to your face?!”
“this guy rocked my shit!”
“..are you okay?”
“yea.. i think it makes me look bad ass not gonna lie”
you and shuri give each other pet names like most couples do. hers for you are: my love, usana, sithandwa sam, and princess. and yours for her are: kitty (JOKINGLY), mami, baby, and when you had finally learned some xhosa, you started calling her wam yedwa (my one and only)
once shuri had decided you both were deep enough in your relationship for you to meet her family, she called you to tell you to pack a bag and that a talon fighter was coming to get you in the morning.
you made sure you dressed appropriately, seeming as you were going to be in front of royalty. you didn’t feel like you would make a bad impression, but that didn’t stop you from being nervous, shuri having to constantly reassure you during the flight.
“i’m royalty? it’s the same as talking to me”
“girl you don’t count”
they both loved you though! tchalla was the most pleased, constantly picking on shuri.
“it’s about time my baby sister found herself a person!”
“please be quiet”
during your stay, she had took you into her lab to show you some of the new inventions she was working on. most of them were for you. you loved the way she talked about her work, the way her face would light up or how she would stay on one topic for hours. god she was so cute.
shuri would always love taking you to events as her plus one, and vis versa. the way the slick black dress would compliment your curves just right and have you showing a bit of cleavage would leave her drooling.
and you loved to see her in a suit, you’ve told her that. seeing her in a suit matching with you always brought “unholy thoughts” as shuri would say. seeing her gold adornment piece underneath the blazer and with the gold grills to match! wheww.. that combo would leave you a mess.
despite you making a lot of money from your hero work. shuri still spends a whole lot on you. constantly sending shit tons of flowers to your doorstep, buying you everything that you look at for longer than 2 seconds, taking you to expensive restaurants. it did not matter. there was no limit to what she would get or do for you.
“shuri, baby, i think i’ve got enough”
“just this necklace and then we’ll leave”
you love taking shuri on nightly outings after a mission. you both could be chilling at your apartment and you’ll look down at her laying in your lap, tinkering with her kemoyo beads, and just stare.
“you wanna to go web-slinging with me?”
you would have her hold onto you extra tight as you both were standing on top of a very high building.. a little too high for shuri. the entire time you swung all that could be heard in the air were shuri’s high-pitched screams or her fussing that you nearly hit a building but wouldn’t have time to finish once you would start swinging again. we’ll say that was the night that started shuri’s fear of heights.
i like to think it’s canon that shuri had started to have panic attacks after the death of her brother and mother so you would always help her when she was having one or if she was and you weren’t there she would call you. the soothing sound of your voice, the constant kisses on her forehead and your soft hand rubbing circles on her back helped calm her down.
“it’s okay baby, i’m right here. deep breaths”
you were a cuddle bug and shuri loved it. she loved when you ran your fingers through her curls or traced the tattoo down her shoulder while she laid her face in the crook of your neck .when she would always ask you why you liked to spoon her so much you would say:
“you already top me in bed, shit- i can’t have this?!”
shuri stays touching you 25/8. whether it’s holding your hand or having an arm around your waist. it keeps her calm when she’s around you. she feels safe. it’s gotten so bad that she’s started to follow you around like a lost puppy sometimes and she doesn’t even notice it.
you could be in the kitchen making you both lunch and she’s right behind you, both arms wrapped around your waist as she nuzzles her face in your hair.
“i think i’ve spoiled you too much..”
shuri spends so much time around you that she’s started picking up on your lingo. you find it funny but adorable when she uses it.
“then the bitch threw me into a building!”
“into a building is wild”
when she’s not fighting for her country, shuri loves to take you out on dates. there will be things that she had asked you wayyy before you two were even a thing.
“what would be your ideal date?”
“fair or arcade date!”
and she would still remember after all this time. she had asked because she knew she was going to end up with you and she wanted to you to be happy. she had never been in a relationship before you so she wanted to make this one count. to make sure you were the one.
when shuri had finally gifted you your own custom set of kemoyo beads you finally felt like you two were official. she had waited because she knew you did a lot of crime fighting and didn’t want them to break but once she modified them she knew it was time.
“yes, i wanted to make sure you were ready first.”
you love giving shuri spidey kisses.
“why do you always hang upside down to give me kisses?”
“it’s like a reward”
you love to ask shuri stupid questions in the middle of the night just to piss her off.
“when did you realize you were gay?”
“since i was born. go to sleep”
shuri’s tender headed. so when it was wash day for her you’ll need to prepare yourself for her whining.
“ow! usana, stop tugging!”
“i barely even pulled..”
you love buying your merch for her to keep when your away on missions. so her room is basically filled with a bunch of spider-girl plushies, cards and action figures.
“can’t help it that i’m famous baby”
shuri loves to say that your powers get on her nerves when you aren’t using them for hero purposes. when your with her in her lab and she hasn’t given you that much attention you’ll use your webs to pull her backwards having her set right between your legs while you sit on the table.
“will you stop that? i have to finish!”
“can i get a kiss first?”
people know that you and shuri are dating and they’re full aware of who you are. but that doesn’t mean they won’t try anything. girls will constantly come up to her, giving her compliments and asking her questions. one was even so brave as to trace one of her hand tattoos (she snatched her hand away quickly) . she says nothing and glances at you giving her the deadliest look, daring her to say something back to them. not wanting challenge you authority she stays quiet.
it doesn’t matter when or where shuri calls you, you always answer.
“sithandwa sam, are you busy?”
*literally in the middle of fighting a monster*: of course not, what’s up mami?”
a/n: ok going to bed. bye
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moonspirit · 7 days
Hello Moon,
Something you mentioned yesterday that I want to expand on: Dad Armin is a massive shutterbug; he gets his hand on a camera and becomes obsessed with capturing every moment in his family lives,
Some of the Armin and Annie's favorite photos are
Pictures where Annie is doing her exercise routine with the baby in a baby carrier slung to her chest (Mommy-Baby exercise time, he calls it)
Armin is sitting next to his child’s crib, reading a book about the ocean (taken by Annie)
The baby wearing a small cravat sitting in Granpa Levi’s lap, the baby with a big smile, and Levi with his usual stoneface (Armin swears he can see a slight smirk at the corner of his mouth)
Connie making funny faces while the baby laughs historically (Connie has a new face for them every week, and it always gets a laugh)
A disgusted Jean passes the baby off to Armin as stream of baby vomit runs down his new shirt (again, Annie took this one; she refuses to get rid of it, much to Jean’s chagrin)
A confused Reiner, holding a very grouchy-looking baby. The baby has their arms crossed and gives a face very similar to their mother's. (Annie had never been more proud of her child)
Pieck is wrapped in a massive blanket cocoon with the baby sleeping peacefully on top of her (Works every time she says)
Finally, a massive photo of the whole family clustered around the baby during the child’s first birthday, with the now one-year-old baby in the center(cake smeared on its adorable little face)
Of course, there would be entire volumes of photo albums, but these are particular favorites of Armin and Annie.
I love these shots so much oh GOD they're ADORABLE T///////T Allow me to add a few more:
A candid shot of Armin and Annie standing on the beach as the tides sweep in, his trousers and her skirt hitched up, holding their child as water sprays over them, windblown and laughing away.
A secret shot of Annie and the baby (slightly older) pilfering the pantry or refrigerator in the middle of the night.
An adorable shot of Armin in his suit grinning proudly with butterfly clips and tiny braids done all over his hair, courtesy of his daughter's brilliant hair-dressing talent.
A sweet and soft shot of Annie and the baby sleeping as the late afternoon sunlight washes over them, their pet kitty or doggy also curled up next to them.
The Ambassadors on an overseas trip ft. Aruani child! So many proud uncles vying to hold the little girl's hand and take her on a small jaunt around the new city T/////T
Pieck and the child in the middle of nefarious and illegal activities - a super candid secretive shot of the two absolutely up to no good :3
Falco and Gabi being the SUPER PROUD niece and nephew and giggling over no longer being the youngest in the bunch.
A candid shot of Levi watching Aruani baby sleep T^T
Aruani child's very first day at school - a crybaby in her uniform!
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richeeduvie · 20 days
Okay okay super random. I was at the zoo this weekend and when I say I saw a man that looked exactly like Roman… button up shirt and hand running through his hair and all. I was flabbergasted. But it made me think about baby jr, baby, and Roman all together at the zoo <3 baby jr and Roman would get matching face paint
I can't stress enough how much Baby loves to see Roman as a father. She loves him just as much as Roman loves her and she loves him a little more, finds him even more beautiful when she watches him being a daddy.
Roman and Baby Jr get lions painted on her the sides of their face. They're big cats.
"Big kitty!"
Roman can't stop staring at her just being a beautiful, happy little girl. But Baby and him never let go of her hand. He almost thought of being one of those stupid-fuck, embarrassing parents and put Baby Jr on a leash cause a zoo is just...filled with people and their musk and they do not know how to walk. It's like the normals never learned how to put one foot in front of the other or how to leave them alone.
He puts his fingers under his nose, thumb on his mouth - tracing.
"Do you smell that? Is that the people of this city?"
"It's the smell of the zoo, Rome."
He coughs, Baby Jr giggles.
Roman, Baby Jr, Baby - they make their way around the zoo to look at big animals behind glass. He kinda just blinks at them and makes odd, almost sexual comments. As Roman does, but it manages to be mostly PG? Almost, if Baby Jr's too focused on the animals, the words turn over to an R-rating.
"That bear is itchy. We should go in there and scratch his back."
"You're like way too kind and also a genius but I don't think bronx-caged Yogi would be grateful for your generosity."
He makes a series of faces that make his wife and daughter laugh when he tries dippin dots. Baby feeds him spoonfulls before kissing him under an umbrella.
"Flavored fish eggs were supposed to be the future of ice cream?"
"They're good, no?"
But Roman takes every bite Baby gives him. People stare in passing when he begins to bite her shoulder during their little break from walking, but to the little girl in their lap, it's just Mommy and Daddy being Mommy and Daddy at the zoo.
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disgustingpunk · 9 months
So High
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you, the campus pill popper whore, are known to be down to do drugs and have sex with anyone, the golden boy keigo is in a bet to see whether or not he’ll be able to fuck you.
characteristics: college au! coke whore! reader, bimbo! reader, rich boy hawks, toxic! reader, hawks is obsessed with you, reader has big boobs, ass, and thick thighs, reader is a bitch
CW: keigo is in love kinda??? drug use, smut, hair pulling, degration m/ receiving, praise f/ receiving, oral female and male receiving, pussy drunk hawks, submissive hawks, bimbocore, motorboating, hand job, biting, mentions of shoplifting, and fragil masculinity.
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“they look like candy it’s so fine,” you say to your friend while holding the half burnt joint, “like doesn’t this look like those little smartie candies? and the coke just looks like pixie stick sugar.”
you hold up the pill towards your friends face and she laughs, “they’re really cute honestly, are you bringing them to the party?”
you smoke the rest of the joint you both were sharing and put it out on your pink hello kitty ashtray, the smoke burning your throat and lungs as the smell reeked on your clothes and in the smoke filled room, “i’m popping one before i go to the party and snorting a line.”
“smart,” your friend says, “we don’t want anyone tryna ask for some.”
you both laugh as music softly plays in the background, your roommate groans and looks at you, taking her head phones off, “you guys are lucky i don’t report you!” she scolds, “drugs are so bad for you! i’m surprised you haven’t like… overdosed yet on that weed.”
you and your friend go silent and look at each other, and just start cackling, you snort and she makes a duck sound from how dumb you roommate was about weed. “are you actually fucking dumb?” you ask, “just shut the fuck up and mind your own business.”
your roomie rolls her eyes, “whatever, you guys are just jealous that i’m top of the deans list and i have a scholarship!” she says, her pose becoming prissy and giving a cocky smile. “you guys aren’t gonna have anything going good for you if you keep this up!”
you roll your eyes, starting to get annoyed by this bitch.
you both went to high school together and you still are shocked on how she acts like this still, as if she didn’t have a fucking foursome with members of the football team, cheated on multiple exams, you caught her copying your homework back in high school, if anything YOU should be on the list.
i mean of course you’ve cheated on a few things, and you did fuck the basketball team in just two weeks, but you own it, you’re not ashamed of who you really are, you don’t act all perfect like she does.
“bitch shut the fuck up before i bash your face into that little computer your sugar daddy bought for you!” you threaten.
“how dare you threaten me! my dad is the CEO of-”
“just shut the fuck up, take off that purity ring cause we all know what you really are.”
her face went red with that comeback, “coke head slut!” she yells, putting her headphones back on and going back to her computer.
now you’re smart, but not that smart, more like street smarts, growing up in the bad part of the city actually makes a difference to others, rich kids like her and other people on the campus don’t seem to understand that some people don’t have some prissy attitudes, sure you do drugs and whatever but you’re still thriving in life, people like her are all the same.
“alright,” your friend stands up, i’m gonna go up to my room and go to bed, i got class in the morning,” she says, wiping her hands off on her jeans, her kitten heels making a click click click sound, “night y/n!”
“night!” you call out back, hearing your door close. you stand up and sigh, taking the air freshener and being generous enough to cover up the skunk smell.
you pick out the pajamas you wanna wear for bed, a short light pink nightgown that barely covers your ass, you walk over and turn off the light, allowing yourself to go into a deep slumber.
the next day, you wake up at about maybe 3 pm (due to the amount of weed you had inhaled AND the pills) and made sure to take a shower before applying anything on her face.
you liked the shower hot, like extremely hot, the feeling of the warmth on your bare skin made your after high calm down a bit, you made sure that you always smelt good, the shampoo and conditioner you always used was yes, expensive, but shoplifting from the convenience store isn’t THAT bad when you’re in college, you call it “borrowing”, you’re just borrowing a few things to keep.
the shampoo was a passion fruit cherry blossoms smell, it made your hair smell good even if you were sweaty, your conditioner was a matching smell, making your [h/t] soft/stand out in front of people.
your body wash was the same scent, if you were near someone, they would automatically get drunk off of your body wash.
you loved your body, absolutely obsessed with your body, and so was everyone else, the stares from women and men, the sway of your hips, purposely wearing a tiny skirt so that people would see the underline of your ass, a skirt so short that if you bent over, everyone would see what you wore, undercut shirts to show your breasts, everything about you was perfect.
but there was one thing on your body that you hated.
body hair.
now you’re not like those girls that shave their pussy or legs every single day and then brag about it to other girls cause those are the girls that you steer clear from.
but you make sure that no body hair is on you, not on your legs, not on your arms, you hate pubic hair too, of course you can’t shave it everyday, so instead you just waxed it raw.
you would wax the hair that would grow under your nose, and wax your unibrow.
when you got out of the shower and put on your fluffy bunny slippers, you walked towards your mirror and started to blow dry your hair and apply some makeup, you loved makeup, you hated those stuck up bitches who would judge you for wearing makeup, false lashes, pink eyeshadow, black under the lid eyelid pencil, and most of all, your hello kitty pink lip gloss that tasted like vanilla.
you walked towards your closet to find a pretty pink outfit, something that screamed “bimbo”.
and then you saw it you’re favorite skirt.
it was a tiny pink skirt that showed a lot of your ass, it had rhinestones attached on it, causing the light in the room to make it shine, you picked out a tight white tank top that said “cum slut” in pink letters.
in about the 3 hours span of you being ready, you get a text from your friend, telling you to come to her dorm while she gets ready for the party.
you smiled and put on your platform heels that have a strap and wraps around your leg.
7:30 pm
party starts at 10:00 pm
8:30 pm
party starts at 10:00 pm
“surprised you haven’t scored with anyone at a party yet,” touya laughs as he puts on a random band shirt that was in his dresser, “you’re rich, so shouldn’t girls be all over you?”
keigo rolls his eyes and ruffles his wet hair in a towel, “it’s not that, just haven’t seen anyone that’s good enough,” he replies, “i like bimbos, i haven’t seen one that’s caught my eye yet.”
touya groans about just thinking about fucking a bimbo, “bimbos are absolute freaks, dude,” he laughs. “there’s that one girl, y/n l/n, she’s so fucking hot dude, has the most perfect tits you’ve ever seen.”
keigo chuckles, tying his shoe and looking up at touya with a smile, getting ready to help set up the party that was happening in his frat, “why haven’t you hooked up yet?”
touya rolls his eyes and groans, “i’ve been trying to but she’s either too dumb to notice or she’s high.”
“a lot of bimbos smoke weed,” keigo says, “it’s typical of them.” standing up and looking at touya, leaning to the side and resting his body on it.
touya laughs and just stares at him, as if what he said was a big joke, “oh, you’re serious?” he gives keigo a confused look, “she doesn’t smoke only weed dude, she pops pills and does a LOT of coke, she gets them from tomura.”
keigo lets out an “oh” and gives a confused look, “so wait, why can’t he hook you up with her?”
“he won’t let me, won’t give me any info for some reason, but i know he’s not fucking her, that’s for sure.”
“why do you think that?” keigo asks, lifting an eyebrow in confusion.
“tomura never comes out of his room unless he’s going to classes or running errands, and is airways playing video games, so why would a chick like her have sex with him?”
keigo laughs and shakes his head, “what if he is and you’re just not able to fuck her like every other girl you’ve done it with.”
touya smirks, “oh yeah?” he says with a cunning smile. “fine then. let’s make a bet. if i hit first you cough up $100, if you do, i cough up $100, sound like a deal?”
keigo hesitated, is he really going to bet money on whether or not they’ll be able to hook up with some dumb bimbo? then again, if she’s not paying attention to touya out of all people, maybe she’s special, maybe her pussy is just special, there’s nothing special about a woman, keigo always thought that woman had a few jobs to do and nothing else. cooking, cleaning, and sucking dick.
“deal.” he agrees, shaking his hand.
when the party started it became packed very quickly, the jungle juice was hitting everyone and people were doing keg stands, practically fucking as they would grind or make out with each other, it was filthy, dirty, disgusting, it was perfect.
the whole time, touya and keigo were standing against a wall, holding a drink in their hand and watching the crowd, searching for you.
the moment you walked in, keigo knew it was you they were betting on, touya didn’t even have to tell him, he just stared at you, you held onto your friends arm and waved her goodbye as she went to go dance with some guy, probably her boyfriend.
for some reason you weren’t scared of someone trying to grope you, you knew the safety precautions on this stuff; get a drink, hold it, cover it, and down it all while you dance, get a refill, and start back over.
“alright, that’s her, you go first, if you hit, send me a video or photo.” touya says, shoving keigo towards the crowd by his back.
keigo looks at him with an annoyed expression cause of what he just did, soon forgetting about it and becoming done with it.
when he walked into the living room to go find you, he saw you sitting on the couch on a guys lap, whispering in his ear as he had an arm around your waist and was gripping your thigh, you smiled and leaned forward towards the table, taking a rolled up dollar and snorting white powder with your nose.
keigo almost lost hope, about to walk away and tell touya that nobody is getting money, until the guy went in to kiss you and you put your hand in front of his lips, saying something that keigo couldn’t make out, the guy rolls his eyes and you get off his lap, he gets off the couch and walks away, angrily bumping into keigo’s shoulder.
if he wasn’t betting on you, keigo would’ve argued with the dude for bumping into his shoulder, but since he was, he let it slide.
you sat back down and took a shot, not knowing (or caring) that your skirt was riding up way too high.
he decides to finally walk over and see if he’ll have a chance, hoping that he doesn’t lose out on $100.
when he sits down next to you, he was captivated over how good you smelled, cherry blossoms, his favorite scent on a woman.
you turn and look at him, giving him an annoyed look, “can i help you?” you ask, attitude in your voice.
he liked the attitude though, he didn’t like when women didn’t have that innocent voice, he loved when they acted like a brat, it made him feral, he loved fucking attitudes out of women, putting them in their place, which was the bedroom or kitchen.
“i saw what happened with that guy, he looked like a scumbag,” he laughed, “why’d you reject him.”
you roll your eyes with a smile, looking over at the group of girls on the other couch you were talking to, you look back at him, tilting your head and batting your eyelashes, “and why would you wanna know?”
he shrugs, “i’m just curious.”
you smile and scoots closer to him, “i don’t like men like him,” you answer. “he’s not my type.”
not your type? maybe touya’s right, maybe tomura and you aren’t fucking.
“what’s your type?” he asks, whispering it in your ear, causing you to smile, knowing that he doesn’t care about the guy, he just wants to fuck.
you take out the bag of pills you had stuffed in your bra, forgetting to take them at your dorm, you take out a pink pill and pop it in your mouth, it had a little heart on it, taking your drink to sip it.
“what’s that?” he asks you.
“you want some? it’s molly, ever had some?” you ask him, holding the bag in his face.
he shakes his head no, you shrug your shoulders and give the bag to your friends so that the three of them could have the rest.
“what’s your name?” you ask, ignoring the question he asked you. it caused keigo to look confused on why you’d wanna know his name when you’d probably never see or call him again.
“keigo, what’s yours?”
you shake your head and laugh, “y/n,” you say in his ear, nibbling on his earlobe and putting your hand on his thigh, close to the bulge in his pants, making him let out a little whimper.
“you think im hot right?” you ask, “i saw you looking at my boobs a bit, do you wanna touch them?”
he just sits there in awe as you take off the straps of your shirt and pull it down to expose your bra, “touch them, they’re real.”
he didn’t need you to ask you twice, immediately putting his hands on you, feeling the softness underneath his fingertips, your pink silk bra exposed, you laughed as he fondled them messily.
“do you wanna go upstairs?” you ask, looking at his pretty face, he looks up and immediately nods yes, he can’t stop staring at your e/c eyes.
you stand up and grab his hand, your bra still exposed to everyone, he doesn’t even realize that you’re taking him upstairs to a bedroom in his own frat, is he not getting the message?
he was cute, he looked kind, you knew he’d probably be rough, but does he not realize that he’s gonna get drunk off of you?
the guy was just some dumb jock who acts big and bad but he’s literally drooling over you.
you open the door to what seems like touya’s room, the moment you open the door you practically throw keigo in there, making him land on the bed.
he sits up and stares at your smiling curvy figure, his erection feels uncomfortable from the zipper.
“what do you wanna do?” you ask him, “i’ll do whatever you want, whatever you’d like, whatever you want me to be.”
he gulps and stares at you, his face red and hot, if he was in looney tunes his eyes would be big hearts right now.
“you wanna put your face between them?” you ask, taking your hands and groping your breasts, pulling the pads of your bra down and exposing your entire chest to him. your nipples erect from cold air in touya’s room, keigo immediately nods in excitement, standing up and grabbing your waist and putting his face between your breasts, you smile, a sweet smile not a cunning one, you liked the way he was completely submissive and captivated by you, and he liked it to.
keigo thought for a second that maybe you were the love of his life. amazing figure, beautiful eyes, beautiful, oh you were absolutely beautiful. he’d wake up in the morning to you sucking his cock, being able to record the entire thing, he’d take you out on dates, buy clothes, give you his card so that you can go shopping, you looked like the type of chick to steal stuff from places, hell he even wanted to put a bet that the outfit you were wearing was stolen.
you started feeling movement near your leg, you glanced down to see keigo humping and thrusting the air as he moans into your chest.
you smile and pull him away from your breasts and stare at his flushed red face, is eyes were practically pink and there was drool dripping down from his mouth and connecting to your breasts.
he smiles at you as if he was drunk, he wasn’t drunk though… okay more like pussy drunk, or boobs drunk? whatever you call it.
he didn’t even wait for you to say anything, he just rammed his lips into yours, cupping your face into his hands.
you’ve never really kissed any of your hookups, it just wasn’t your thing, only a few times really.
but for some reason you kissed him back, running your fingers through his hair and wrapping your arms around the back of his neck, keigo smiled into the kiss, lifting you up off the floor and placing you gently on the bed.
you go to undo his belt until he lays you down denying you from trying to do anything, rolling up the bottom of your dress to expose your crotchless pink panties, they were silky and had a little bow on top, your pussy was wet, extremely wet, as if you hadn’t been touched in months (you actually got fucked the other day.)
“you’re so pretty,” he whispers, kissing your stomach and holding your hips.
the way his voice sounded so sweet, innocent eyes, and was practically drooling seeing you.
hawks grabbed your thighs and pulled them closer to his face, eyeing your perfectly waxed pussy, taking a glob of his saliva and spitting right on your clit, your back arches from the sensation of his spit, loving the way that he’s generous enough to spit on your pussy instead of going for the real thing right away.
you feel his lips on your clit, sucking and licking over and over again, you became drunk off of him eating you out.
he stopped, looking up at you with dough eyes, “control me please, teach me what you like.” he whimpers, his face red and sweaty as his hands grab onto your squishy thighs.
you flashed him a sinister style, hoping he knows what he’s in for.
and then it hits him, he just asked a woman, an EXPERIENCED sex crazy machine, control him, his man-hood is ruined, thinking about if you told anyone about you controlling him, his frat brothers would tease him everyday! or worse!
before he could even say anything, you grab him harshly by his hair and force him to lick you, “oh you’re doing so good my pretty boy,“ you moan, grabbing both sides of his hair and forcing him to keep doing that.
the only thing keigo was thinking of is what you called him, pretty boy, it made his cock stand up even more, causing it to painfully scrape against the zipper.
you notice his little wince and stop, leaning him back by his forehead, causing him to sit on his legs, his crotch facing you as you stare at the big buldge in his pants.
“awww poor baby, does it hurt?” you ask him, more like tease him, he doesn’t know, and he doesn’t wanna know.
he nods yes with a little whimper coming out of his mouth.
you kiss him, biting his lip as you slowly undo his belt and unbuckling his pants, pulling them down far enough where his cock wouldn’t be caught stuck in the zipper.
he wore red boxers, they hugged his muscular thighs well, but what really matters is what’s underneath.
you sit up and stare at him, officially taking off your bra, “take it out, you fucking slut.” you say to him.
he is shocked by what you called him, first it was pretty boy, then baby, and now slut? what if you’re right? maybe he is a slut? i mean, he’s had only like 5 bodies, but does that make him a slut!
“i-i’m not a slut!” he stutters, looking at your face, you weren’t angry, you were just disappointed in him, he was so submissive and now he wants to be dominant.
you sigh, “then what are you?” you ask him
“w-what?” he asks, “what do you mean?”
you roll your eyes and lift up your skirt, putting the straps back on and getting off the bed.
“well fine if you won’t answer me, then just sit there and watch me walk out.” you say in annoyance.
is this guy’s masculinity really THAT important? it’s just sex, of course if you’re into weird stuff then yes you should be judged, but it’s so normal for a man to be submissive in the bedroom, hell tomura did it, dude actually let her step on his back with stilettos and begged for her to use him.
keigo was literally just being normal.
keigo falls on the floor and crawls to you, “wait!” he stops you, holding your ankle from being able to move, “what do you want?”
keigo gets on his knees and wraps his arms around your thigh, looking up at you with big eyes, his lip quivers for a second and he kisses the thick skin.
“i need you, please, i want you so bad, i’ll do whatever you want, just stay with me and i’ll do whatever you say!”
you rolled your eyes, grabbing him by his hair and forcing his face onto the floor, taking your shoe and placing it on top of his head, keeping him there and making sure he holds still and isn’t able to get up.
“you know you’re pathetic, right?” you spat in annoyance, “you seemed so fragile about your masculinity earlier, but now you’re begging for me to control you? you’re so weird.”
he tries to nod but he isn’t able to move his neck, “i know i am,” he whimpers, “i’m sorry, do whatever you want to me, i’m sorry!”
you take your foot off him and squat down, your knees cracking on the way down, “then admit it.” you spat, “say you’re a pathetic man who loves to be controlled by women.”
“i’m a pathetic man who loves to be controlled by you!” he cried, probably because of the fact that you were gripping his hair as hard as possible.
“oh you’re such a good boy~” you tease, taking your hand off his hair, your hands move to his cheeks and scrunches them, causing him make a fish face.
“open your mouth,” you command, watching his innocent eyes stare into your sinister ones, his mouth popped open fast and he just stared at you, waiting for you to do whatever you were trying to do to him.
you kiss him, hot and messy, your tongues clashing together as you cupped his face in between your hands, you pull away from him, drool connecting from both of your mouths, he’s panting, going in for another kiss until you put your hand over his mouth to stop him.
“nuh-uh,” you deny, standing up and grabbing his hand gracefully, your hands felt soft to him, he was absolutely in love with you, he was even imagining marrying you, having you make him get on the floor, his cheek touching the floor as your heels would be on top of his head, he’d beg for you to let him touch you, you’d just degrade him, and he just wanted to taste your lips everyday.
it was as if you changed moods, you grabbed his hair and forced him to lay on the bed, the mattress dipping as you bunched up your skirt to show your panties again.
“i’m gonna turn you into a man’s worst nightmare,” you taunt, grinding your clit against his cock, he whimpers, ignoring your sentence as his head hits the mattress, looking up at the ceiling in complete bliss. “gonna make you my bitch, i mean, this is what men are meant for, you’re meant for keeping my pussy relaxed and stuffed, you and your stupid frat buddies are so dumb that you don’t even realize how superior we are to you.”
“you’re superior!” he whimpers. “please just let me feel you!”
you smile, your hand gripping his hair, forcing him to look at you as you slide his cock inside you.
he was big, but you could handle it, his cock and balls looked exactly how you imagined it to be looking at his appearance. clean, cut, shaved and smooth, veiny, it wasn’t perfect of course cause there was no such thing, but it was in your #2 list.
“i’m superior?” you taunt, moving your hips back and forth, making him go cross eyed, drool went down the side of his mouth, if they could, his pupils would turn into little hearts and his eyes would be pink.
you let out a small “oh fuck” as he started to thrusts his hips up inside you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he does it.
he stops and makes you go up and down on his thick cock, your walls gripping him as yours and his groans fill the room.
“for a rich boy you’re actually good,” you laugh, cupping his face with one hand as you look into his eyes, the other squeezing his throat, your boobs rubbing against his chest, “maybe i should have your babies, we could get married and i could milk the fuck out of your pockets, buy the most expensive things with your money.”
he nods as he looks at you in lust and in love, not even realizing what he’s nodding to.
his hips started to buck up faster, his dick was absolutely drenched from you, easily slipping in and out of you.
keigo knew your pussy was used, but it felt like you were a virgin, tight, wet, warm, you had the most perfect cunt he has ever had.
“keep going, just like that, good boy,” you praise, moaning from how good his dick felt inside you, “i wanna cum on your face, maybe you should jerk yourself off while i do it?” it wasn’t even a question, it was a command.
he immediately nodded at you, “please cum on my face, i wanna taste you so bad, please!” he begs, forcing you off him, waiting for you to shimmy up to his face.
your thighs felt perfect around his face, soft, squishy, and thick. his tongue immediately attached to your clit, licking you all over as if you were the last meal on death row.
you looked behind you and saw his hand moving up and down on his shaft, smiling at how submissive he was to you.
you began grinding your face against his tongue, loving every second of it, he was probably the best pussy eater you’ve ever had, he felt so amazing, his tongue was perfect, he was perfect in general, almost perfect, you just hated that frat brother bullshit.
“you want me to cum in your mouth?” you ask him. “wanna taste me? you want me to cum on your tongue and have you swallow it?”
he nods eagerly, his nodding caused his tongue to go up and down on your pussy fast, making you gasp, your back bended and your hands met his thighs.
before you could even speak, your cum exited out of your body and all over him, making you scream and shake in pleasure, gripping your breasts and teasing your nipples, practically humping his face like a dog in heat.
you got off of him, smiling and straddling his waist, your pussy hovering over his cock, “wanna cum inside me? your cum can just drip out of me after we’re done and we go back to the party? you want that?”
before keigo could talk, you put his dick inside you and started bouncing on top of him, he felt like he was in heaven, gripping your ass and making you bounce and fuck him even harder.
you gripped his hair and made him sit up and look into your pretty e/c eyes, he stares at your fucked out face, red and teary eyed, or was that him? maybe it was both of you.
when keigo came, it was an orgasm he’s never had in his life, he came hard, and there was a lot, it not only leaked out of your cunt, but leaked down his cock, trailing down his balls and dripping onto the bed sheets.
after you both caught your breath, you got off of him, fixing your tank top, skirt, and shoes as if nothing happened, as if you don’t have his cum dripping down your thighs, as if he isn’t laying there ready to fall asleep.
you straighten yourself, letting your hair stay messy, you looked so hot when it was like that, and even keigo thought it too.
he just laid there in disbelief about everything that just happened, realizing how submissive he was for you, how he let a woman control him when it should be his thing.
before you could even close to door and leave him there, you looked over at him.
“i hope you realize that you’re my bitch now.” you taunt, shutting the door and leaving him naked on the bed with cum soaking his body, you walked away confidently from the room, your heels clicked on the hardwood floor and down the stairs.
you look to your left and see touya leaning on the side of the wall, walking over to him and putting your manicured hand on his chest.
“hey emo boy,” you coo at him, whispering in his ear, “you miss me?”
he smiles, “how’d he do?”
what keigo didn’t know was that either way, he didn’t ACTUALLY make a bet, well he did but only on keigos part.
touya just wanted the poor blonde to get some pussy really, and out of anyone’s it had to be yours, honestly he really needed to be shown that a real woman isn’t submissive and whatever, real woman is you, confident, cunning, sexy, perfect.
you and touya have been hooking up for months now, he was your favorite boy toy, the best one in your mind, of course now he had competition with blondie upstairs.
but what you liked now was that you had keigo, who was submissive and let you control him and whatever he did, and then you had touya who was controlling, rough, made you do or say whatever.
“anyways,” he says, pulling his wallet out of his pocket, handing you a $100, “thanks for your service.”
you smile and swipe the money from his hand, stuffing it in your bra.
you both went silent, he looked around the room and sighed, facing his turquoise eyes into your e/c ones.
“so,” he trails, “got any energy left for me?”
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seraphsfire · 1 year
Life situation & kitty update! Help me stay in Seattle instead of being forced to go to wyoming
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Hello! I was able to make rent this month, but so far I cannot make rent for next month.
Ko-fi has been holding donations since paypal has been flagging them as "income" so that no longer works.
If you would like to help me out using paypal, the link is HERE. I will look into other venmo and cashapp. you can also reach out for a commission! If you donated via paypal and would like me to draw you a little something in thanks, please let me know!
I also put together an AMAZON WISH LIST , most is things for the kitties or food and some non-essentials / self care things for the hell of it that are things i haven't been able to buy myself for a while. Other than rent, kitty supplies and food are what I spend most $ on.
More on what I'm facing and what my kitties need:
about the kitties:
My sweet kitty Jade, needs a steroidal shot for her dermatitis. She should have gotten another one on the 25th, but I had no money to take her to the vet and she started ripping her fur out and made big, golf-ball sized spots completely bald on her armpit and chest :'( We put her on benadryl, moisturized her, and gave her a little jacket thing to help but I can tell she's really uncomfortable and really needs a vet visit to get that. it's $80 just to visit my vet and i'm sure the shot could be anywhere from 10-40 dollars, I really don't know. She's not in danger of pulling huge chunks of fur out thanks to the little jacket but she's really not happy and it makes me so sad.
About my situation (kind of long, sorry):
My Parents (mostly my mom; it's very hard to get responses from my dad) gave me rent money for September, but then made it clear that she will no longer help me financially under any circumstance if I want to "choose" to live in Seattle, then I'm essentially on my own. She doesn't want to give me money because she doesn't want ours to be a "transactional-based relationship" (after spending my entire childhood having them pressure me to move out on my own)
My dad is convinced that since Seattle is a city, it is very unsafe (and too full of Democrats) and that we would be safer living in their small town of Pavilion, Wyoming--which is literally just like, a few very spaced out neighborhoods. The nearest actual town is a 30 minute drive, and it's not very big either, and I don't drive. I would be snowed in *with them* for 4+ MONTHS every year, and every summer unable to leave the house for weeks because of the heat.
My dad has told my sister and I that if we choose to live right next to them, where they could have complete control over our lives, they would even buy us a house--but because we're not doing that, they refuse to support us in the life we've chosen for ourselves. They do not see the cruelty in this and think we are being nonsensical staying somewhere like Seattle which is "dangerous" and they do not like that it is full of non-republicans. I came out as queer in 2016, something which they have never spoken about since. I would likely be the only (out) queer person for MILES, and I don't feel like being the guinea pig for whether the anti-gay people there are the kind who ignore you or the kind who will hatecrime/kill you (:
Since I'd be at zero in my bank account in wyoming, they would have complete control over what I eat (not fun since I have a messed up digestion), clothes I buy, where I go, and how I behave just like they did when I was a child, or they'll start taking things away hoping that "tough love" will work. (it just made me mentally ill lol)
If I start a job in a week and a half I might be okay, but if I can't start until after that I won't have enough for October rent. I have one interview coming up but the future is still very up in the air.
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kipscorner · 6 months
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Monsters! Feel free to change pronouns, relationship mentions and anything else to match your writing preferences! Part of the list has been put under Read More due to it being a long list!
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“Uh... my friends call me Phlegm.”
“Mr.(Mrs/Miss/etc) [Name], can you tell me what you did wrong?” “There is nothing more toxic or deadly than a human child. A single touch could kill you!”
“You can't make me!”
“Yes, it's dangerous work and that's why I need you to be at your best.”
“it's going to be a perfect day to maybe, hey, just lie in bed, sleep in or simply... work out that flab that's hanging over the bed!”
“I don't believe I ordered a wake-up call, [Name].”
“Did you see me? I'm a natural!”
“Hey, wasn't I great? Did the whole family see it?”
“You've been jealous of my good looks since the fourth grade, pal.”
“Big deal. Guy takes five steps and he's there.”
“I told you, call me [Name].”
“We just wanted to wish you good luck today.”
“Quiet! You'II make him lose his focus.”
“Oh, Googley-woogley, you remembered!”
“So, uh... are we going anywhere special tonight?”
“But it's impossible to get a reservation there!”
(singing) “You and me! Me and you! Both of us together!”
“You know, pal, she's the one. That's it. She is the one!”
“Oh, and, uh, thanks for hooking me up with those reservations.”
“Oh, no problem. They're under the name Googley Bear.”
“I wasn't scared. I have... allergies.”
“Do you hear that?It's the winds of change.”
( mocking voice ): ''You hear it? You hear the winds of ch...? –Oh, what a creep. One of these days, I am really... going to let you teach that guy a lesson.”
“[Name], you didn't file your paperwork last night.”
“I'm watching you, [Name]. Always watching.”
“You're the boss! You're the boss! You're the big, hairy boss!”
“She wasn't scared of you?”
“I could've been dead! I could've died!”
“I will personally put you through the shredder!”
“I love working with that big guy.”
“[Name] and I are like brothers.(sisters//siblings/etc)”
“We're just going through a rough time, sir.(ma’am/name/etc) Everyone knows you're going to get us through it.”
“Now, that's my boy(girl,etc)!”
“I've never seen anything like you today. You were on a roll, my man.(girl/etc)”
“So get this-- as if dinner wasn't enough I'm taking her(her/them/etc) to a monster truck rally afterwards.”
“You know, I am so romantic sometimes I think I should just marry myself.”
“'Cause I got to tell you, buddy that face of hers, it just makes my heart go...Yikes!”
“Your stunned silence is very reassuring.”
“No, no-- stay back!”
“Oh, [Name], I've had a lot of birthday... well, not a lot of birthdays but this is the best birthday ever.”
“I was just thinking about the first time I laid eye(eyes) on you-- how pretty you looked.”
“What a coincidence, running into you here! Uh, I'm just going to order something to go.”
“Get out of here. You're ruining everything.”
“Please remain calm. This is not a drill.”
“Well, I don't think that date could have gone any worse.”
“Well, a kid flew right over me and blasted a car with its laser vision!”
“I tried to run from it, but it picked me up with its mind powers and shook me like a doll!”
“It is my professional opinion that now is the time to... panic!”
“No, don't touch those, you little...! Oh, now those were alphabetized.”
“It's okay, it's all right. As long as it doesn't come near us we're going to be okay.”
“I have no idea but it would be really great if it didn't do it again.”
“How could I do this? How could I be so stupid?”
“That thing is a killing machine!”
“I bet it's just waiting for us to fall asleep and then wham! Oh, we're easy prey, my friend-- easy prey. We're sitting targets.”
“Using mainly spoons, we dig a tunnel under the city and release it into the wild.”
“That's it, I'm out of ideas. We're closed. Hot air balloon? Too expensive. Giant slingshot? Too conspicuous. Enormous wooden horse? Too Greek!”
“Are you sleepy? You want to sleep? ls that what you want? Huh?” 
“No. Hey, hey, that's my bed! You're going to get your germs all over it. ( sighing ) Fine. My chair is more comfortable anyway.”
“Will you go to sleep?”
“Oh, boy, how do I explain this?”
“How about I sit here, until you fall asleep? Go ahead. Go to sleep. Now. Now... go. Uh, you... go... to... sleep. ( imitating snoring )”
“Really? Well, in that case, let's keep it. I always wanted a pet that could kill me!”
“Is that a joke? Tell me you're joking.”
“[Name], I'd like to think that, given the circumstances I have been extremely forgiving up to now but that is a horrible idea!”
“Don't panic-- we can do this.”
“Actually, that's my, uh, cousin's sister's daughter…”
“That is the weirdest thing you have ever said.”
“That's a cute little dance you've got. It almost looks like you've got to…”
“Where did she go? Oh, did she disappear? Did she turn invisible?”
“[Name], my tender, oozing blossom you're looking fabulous today.Is that a new haircut? Come on, tell me. It's a new haircut, isn't it? That's got to be a new haircut. New makeup? You've had a lift. You've had a tuck. You've had something. Something has been inserted in your skin that makes you look like...”
“Ready or not, here I come! I'm getting warmer! Any second now! Fee fi fo…”
“Don't you think I'm aware of the situation? I was up all night!”
“Yeah, well, until we know for sure we're going to act like nothing happened, understand?”
“You're right, you're right. We're just two regular joes on our way to work. We will blend right in!”
“Very good. Now bon voyage!”
“That's what I decided to call her(him/them). Is there a problem?”
“[Name], you're not supposed to name it. Once you name it, you start getting attached to it!”
“ow put that thing back where it came from, or so help me…!”
“But if it was an inside job I'd put my money on [Third party].”
“( whimpers ) last night was one of the worst nights of my entire life, bar none!”
“Sushi? Sushi?!! You think this is about sushi?!”
“So I said, ''If you talk to me like that again, we're through!''
“Oh, well, hello, there. What's your name?”
“I got us a way out of this mess but we got to hurry.”
“Oh, you're all right! I was so worried! Don't you ever run away from me again, young lady(mnan/etc)! Oh, but I'm so glad you're safe.”
“We're going to get our lives back. The nightmare is over.”
“Okay, first of all, it's cree-tin. If you're going to threaten me do it properly.”
“Well somebody's certainly been a busy bee.”
“I'm sorry, [Name], but [Third party] said I'm not allowed to fraternize with victims of his(her/etc) evil plot.”
“We got to get out of here now! We can start a whole new life somewhere far away!”
“I was going for a snake ninja approach with a little hissing.”
“How many times do I have to tell you? It's all about presence!”
“[Name]? [Name], it's me…”
“[Name]? No, no, no, no. It's okay. I was just…No, no, no, no, no, don't be scared. That wasn't real. It's just a...I was just…”
“Does anyone else know about this?”
“All you had to do was listen to me-- just once! But you didn't, did you? You're still not listening!”
“Welcome to the Himalayas!”
“Snow cone? No, no, no. Don't worry-- it's lemon.”
“Did you see the way she(he/etc)... looked at me?”
“Take my buddy, Bigfoot. When he was banished he fashioned an enormous diaper out of poison ivy. Wore it on his head like a tiara. Called himself King Itchy.”
“Look at that big jerk. Ruined my life, and for what?”
“Wasteland? I think you mean wonderland! I mean, how about all this fabulous snow, huh?”
“Okay, rule number one out here. Always…No.Never go out in a blizzard.”
“None of it matter...Wa-wait a second. None of it matters?”
“So, now the truth comes out, doesn't it?”
“What about everything we ever worked for? Does that matter? Huh?”
“What about me? I'm your pal. I'm... I'm your best friend. Don't I matter?”
“I'm sorry, [Name]. I'm sorry we're stuck out here. I didn't mean for this to happen. But [Third Party]’s in trouble.”
“'Whoa, whoa, whoa. ''We''? No. There's no ''we'' this time, pal. I-if-if you want to go out there and freeze to death you be my guest... because you're on your own.”
“I never should have trusted you with this.”
“Let's get you home.”
“You don't know how long I've wanted to do that, [Name].”
“I was just mad, that's all. I needed some time to think.” “I'm being attacked!”
“No, I'm not attacking you. I'm trying to be honest. Just hear me out. You and I are a team. Nothing is more important than our friendship.”
“If you start crying, I'm going to cry and I'II never get through this. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you but I am now.”
“[Name], I am baring my soul here. The least you could do is pay attention!”
“Somebody's got take care of you, you big hairball!”
“[Name], if you don't tell me what's going on right now, we are through! You hear me? Through!”
“You expect me to believe that pack of lies, [Full name]!”
“Go get 'em, Googley Bear!”
“What a plan-- simple, yet insane!”
“How are we supposed to get to it now? Oh, it's a dead end, [Name]!”
“Hurry up, hurry up! Give me your hand.”
“Jump! I'm behind you!”
“Hurry up! Keep moving!”
“You stupid, pathetic waste!”
“You've been number one for too long, [Name]. Now your time is up!”
“Mama, another gator got in the house!”
“Give me that shovel! Come here!”
“All right, I got a move here. It'II bring down the house.”
“I think we stopped him, [Name]. You're safe now.”
“She's(he’s/etc) seen too much. You both have.”
“Well, I don't know about the rest of you guys but I spotted several big mistakes.”
“Two and a half years of undercover work were almost wasted.”
“What, you mean... you mean, I can't see her(him/etc) again?”
“I bet we get the rest of the day off.”
“Come on, pal, cheer up, we did it!”
“Oh, sure, we put the factory in the toilet, and... gee, hundreds of people will be out of work now. Not to mention the angry mob that'II come after us when there's no more power, but, hey... at least we had some laughs, right?”
“Oh, I love kindergarten. Best three years of my life.”
“[Name], you're such a charmer.”
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tadpole-apocalypse · 8 months
tagged by @vspin. Thank you fren!
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name: Morgan. Just Morgan.
nickname(s): someone probably called her freckles a few times?
pronouns: she/her
star sign: not applicable
height: I hadn't thought about it honestly...a little bit shorter than Astarion since that tends to be how I draw them.
orientation: Pansexual, but prefers men due to them being a forbidden fruit for most of her early life.
race: Human. Probably.
romancing: Astarion and Halsin
fave fruit: Pears
fave season: Winter, less work to do and more time to play in the snow!
fave flower: She doesn't know much about flowers, but she likes the white ones that look like bells.
fave scent: Fresh bread. It's nostalgic for her, she was tasked with being the Baker Mother's assistant and helped with making everyone's daily bread. She likes walking through food markets near her shop in Baldur's Gate to smell all the fresh pastries and bread products.
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: hot chocolate because caffeine sets off her wild magic, but she'd really prefer a nice sweet wine.
average sleep hours: normal human sleep hours
dogs or cats: No, her and her Vampire lover have normal pets, like a brain that is also a Kitty and 4 undead ghoul servants they named Gortash, Ketheric, Orin and Brain.
dream trip: She'd like to see another big city someday! She likes the bustle of the crowds, the local marketplace and food scene, various festivals for all sorts of holidays she never knew of, for races she is still learning about.
amount of blankets: Everyone who sleeps loves many blankets, this is known, and her boyfriend generates no body heat and actually steals all of hers. I feel like the blanket situation during most of the early acts is pretty poor, they probably have something basic to keep off the worst of the chill but nothing cozy until they get to the city proper. Then the Elfsong Tavern has all these thick, furred blankets and she just cocoons herself and hisses when Astarion tries to touch her with his ice cold hands.
random fact(s):
(stealing your fact about languages >:3c) Morgan's native tongue is an obscure dialect of Elvish that is spoken mostly by Feywild Eladrin. I feel like she should have an unusual accent because of this but I kind of just like, write her with a valley girl accent because that's how I talk, lol.
her wild magic is very active and tends to surge in response to her emotions. She's learned to control her emotional responses pretty well and is a fairly zen person overall. She took up meditation after accidentally setting loose a couple of cambions in the marketplace during a heated haggle. Oxus is who suggested and taught her the techniques! Then during the events of the game, she starts joining Halsin in his morning meditations, which is how they start to grow close.
tagging @withersily, @collegeoflore, @eeblingtheshade, @grandmother-goblin, @thebearmuse and @bl3ss3dbyt1amat or like, anyone else that wants to do this ofc!
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
OOOOH NOOOO I'M OBSESSED WITH HEATH... FUUUUCK!!! This was so well written and fun! I love this character so much, he's so hot and likable, even though he's so dominant and possessive. Actually he might be hot because of that. Oops lol
I've never had a thing for gargoyles before but I have a crush on this guy. the bookstore scenario is so cute, and the way he's so casual and rough around the edges, then suddenly breaks his composure and fucks the life out of the reader is just perfect. I've been daydreaming about this all day. What's Heath's apartment like, if you can tell me? :D is he the owner of the bookstore? LMAO loved the shading of the reader's sad human boyfriend. I'm guessing Heath has a nicer place and more money than the reader, too. I love that aspect, it adds to the dynamic of him being more powerful and taking care of his cute new little human, while also putting his claim on them by taking them into his 'territory'.
His loyalty is so cute. Bet it'll be so fun for him to get to wake up with the reader, spend the whole morning together and go to work together. Poor thing can never fake being sick to get out of work again, though XD how much patience do you think heath would have for the reader if she struggled with depression and couldn't necessarily be very productive? Reading this I was just thinking about how different I am at home then at work because I only have enough energy to be productive for so long before I crash and become useless lol
I hope you don't mind the wall of text! I got so inspired by your piece I couldn't help it. Thank you for writing things for us, your blog is amazing :)
Haha I’m glad you like him! I don’t know why but I’m obsessed with sort of average everyday leads, though Heath does own the bookstore. He’s not like a psycho CEO or anything, though. He’s a pretty laid back guy who literally hired you because he thought you were cute. This was really fun to answer, because I adore Heath!
Here are the answers:
As for his apartment: 
He lives on the 22nd floor of a building overlooking the city, but it’s not crazy expensive or anything. He’s pretty much upper middle class, but has a good savings and retirement plan. It’s got two bedrooms, a bedroom and a study for his bookshelves, with a large wide balcony. 
He has a cat named Aero and a fishtank with freshwater fish. He likes dogs, but he’s not a dog person, preferring quiet snuggling with his kitty.
He also likes to be surrounded by living things and keeps easy to care for potted plants. His balcony is packed with plants in terra cotta pots he’s raised from cutlets that he’s collected from various little old ladies that come into the bookstore. I just imagine him having a whole fan club of grandmas who found out he’s into balcony gardening and wont stop gifting him cuttings from their plants at home.   
Heath likes to read so he’s got a ton of old special edition books he saved for himself from running the bookstore and comfortable chairs. 
He’s not a slob but he was definitely a bachelor before you. Most things in his house are practical except the books. His house looks very casual with oversized comfy, but quality furniture in cool neutral shades. He does have a nice wooden bedframe on his very large bed, for his very large body. He even has matching sheet sets and pillowcases. 
He doesn’t know much about decorating so he’s excited to decorate with you. Before you moved in he just had fan posters he got from the bookstore and framed, which he wasn’t particularly attached to. His walls were painted gray before you and he’s excited to pick paint colors with you. 
He usually uses his balcony as his front door and flies up to his apartment. He will give you a ride. 
He’s a big cuddle bug and a huge introvert. When he’s at home he’s a ton more cuddly and touchy than he is at work. At work he puts on a bit more of a tough, boss facade, but at home he just wants to curl up on the couch and read books as much as possible. 
His house is noticeably quiet. He doesn’t watch loud movies. He doesn’t listen to loud music. When he does play video games, he wears headphones. He likes a peaceful atmosphere at home. 
If the reader struggled with depression: 
He would be very sympathetic and want to get you help from a doctor because he’s very data driven. He likes to learn everything possible about a subject before he takes action. He’d probably want to go to some of your doctor’s appointments with you just to make sure you’re getting the help you need and that he is doing everything right to help you
He would be really gung-ho about treatment and help you organize your medications, buying you cute little pill containers to put them in
He would definitely let you stay home on days you just weren’t feeling up to it because really he’s more worried about you than how you behave as an employee. He will always want to cuddle with you when you just want to stay pressed in the couch and sometimes read you books while you take your depression naps
However, he would be really strict about doctor mandated schedules, which might cause friction sometimes. He will drag you out of bed and make you do some exercise! He will chase you around with a water bottle and remind you to drink it! He will make you go to bed on time! He will insist on buying healthy food for meals! He will carefully watch your drinking and give you glasses of juice and say they are alcoholic when you are overdoing it. He’s not above tricking you when you are being silly or stubborn, but most of the time he’ll just fuck the sense into you.
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jodjuya · 4 months
Played "Little Kitty, Big City" today. Absolutely adorable game. Really loved it.
If you, too, really loved LKBC then I very very heartily recommend "Lil Gator Game"!
Shares all the key elements:
Indie game!
Adorable animals in an adorable art style!
Low stakes chill vibes!
Smashing inanimate objects just because you can!
Self-directed adventure!
Playful energy!
Being Helpful!
Central gameplay loop is exploration with a focus on verticality, combined with associated traversal mechanics & traversal puzzles!
Doing little quests for little guys!
Dozens of different hats to wear!
Young protagonist who is broadly inept but Trying His Very Best on account of being Filled With A Sense Of Determination!
Making new friends!
Trash is currency!
"Dignity? Never heard of the guy!"
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 9 months
Klee's Day in Sumeru
Also known as the Worst Idea in the History of Teyvat
Thanks to my family for helping me with the concept and execution
CW: Fluff, Klee-typical chaos, maybe a little angst
A/N: This is just a little bit of fun while I try and recharge from my long fic. probably not my most eloquent work, but right now I just need a change in pace. This is also half HC and half fic in a weird sort of way
Characters: Klee, Albedo, Tighnari, Cyno, Alhaitham, Kaveh
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Who the hell came up with this idea?! not me.. ok totally me and my family. was very interesting conversation
So... I can only see this happening if Albedo came to teach a class on alchemy and couldn't find a Klee-sitter
Someone decided that after the Good Hunter Stove Incident, Kaeya would not be the best person to Klee sit and Jean is just too busy and very boring. So to Sumeru, Klee goes
Klee is extremely excited and of course promises to be on her best behavior
But still, Albedo is taking the most explosive child known to Teyvat into a great, big forest. He had an inkling starting out, but it could prove to be a bad idea
Spoiler: Tighnari has no hair by the end of it
The trip started alright. Klee is a really good kid and very wholesome.
Both Klee and Albedo were very interested in the flora and fauna, all of which is completely foreign to both of them
Unfortunately, Klee has never seen a rishboland tiger and decides to go pet the kitty cat. After all, it looks like a big version of the cats in the Cat's Tail
When it tries to scratch her, she lets loose one of her treasures and sets a small portion of the forest on fire
Tighnari, being the wonderful forest watcher that he is, comes to the rescue
Klee then receives the worst scolding she's ever gotten before.
Tighnari tries to be gentle, because Klee is obviously just a child, but the menace just set a portion of a rain forest on fire (a part of Tighnari is secretly impressed)
He offers to baby sit because he takes one look at Albedo and his frazzled look and decides that there is no way Albedo is up to handling an explosive-loving child in such a green place
After a few days of instructing Klee on the dangers of the forest, he brings her to Sumeru City to meet Cyno, Nilou, and the others
Once again, Klee promises to be on her best behavior and this time she's determined to do it
Cyno, surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) adores her. She canonically plays TCG so they play several games, though he's saddened when she doesn't understand his jokes
On the fourth day of Klee's visit to Sumeru, Tighnari turns her back over to Albedo
It might have been the worst thing he could have done
While Albedo does his lectures, Klee wanders off. She ends up finding a supposedly out of the way place to start tinkering with her treasures
It doesn't take long for a few inquisitive Kshahrewar researchers to find her and decide to help
Klee is super excited because most people try to curtail her explosive making. The researchers seem to be more enthusiastic than she is, so she happily follows them to a lab where they get to work
Not long after, Klee and the scholars have made the biggest jumpty dumpty the world has ever seen. It's also the most unstable jumpty dumpty the world has ever seen
While the researchers are recording their work (as researchers do) and Klee is smiling so gleefully, it goes boom, destroying a several rooms in the Kshahrewar Darshan.
Thankfully, due to some magical shielding one of the smarter scholars set up (shielding made in case of more explosive experiments and research topics) and a clearing of near by rooms, no one was seriously injured
Alhaitham and Kaveh are the first on the scene--Alhaitham thanks to quick reaction time and Kaveh because he was heading in that direction to start with.
Alhaitham, one of the most calm and collected people in the Akademiya, lets loose a string of blistering expletives, before going on a lecture. Every now and then Kaveh nods his agreement.
He stops when he hears Klee crying and realizes that there's a kid in the corner.
Even the serious and logical Alhaitham softens. (such is the power of Klee) He goes over and awkwardly wipes away the dust from her face.
"What happened?" he asks her, trying to tone down his voice.
A situation so far out of his expectations has him on his metaphorical heels. After all, what the hell is a scarlet clad kid doing in a Kshahrewar lab and what the hell is exploding.
Klee explains, through hiccups, that Albedo was doing something and she was bored and that the researchers were helping her build a new and improved jumpty dumpty recipe.
At this point, Cyno and Albedo had reached the origin point of the explosion.
Cyno starts interrogating the researchers while Albedo checks Klee over for injuries.
When Albedo is sure she's alright, he pulls her in for a hug.
"You have to be careful, Klee. You could hurt someone."
"The nice people said it was OK. That I could build the biggest treasure ever."
Albedo just sighs and looks over at the cowering researchers. "You shouldn't talk to strangers, Klee."
"But everyone in Mondstadt is so nice."
Archons save me. She's just too innocent.
Soon, Cyno comes over to the two visitors.
"I'm sorry for the trouble," Albedo says before the Mahamatra can speak. "Klee loves making treasures, though she almost never sets them off inside."
"The researchers are taking full responsibility. They said they approached Klee while she was tinkering with something and asked her if she wanted help building something bigger. I, personally, am not going to blame her for the recklessness of a few researchers."
"Thank you so much."
"If you'd like someone to watch over her, I can do so. I don't mind taking time off if it prevents the demolition of buildings and the destruction of more forest land."
"Please. I still have several more days of lectures and I don't have the time to watch her."
"Then I'll speak to Lesser Lord Kusanali. Perhaps the Lesser Lord would like to meet such an interesting young lady. Would you like to meet the Dendro Archon, Klee?"
"Dendro Archon? Like Lord Barbatos?"
"Please, Big Brother Cyno!"
The last few days go without a hitch, with Klee spending most of her time learning Sumeru children's games from Cyno and Nahida.
Eventually, however, it is time to return home, where the dreaded solitary confinement awaits a wayward, wholesome pyromaniac.
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