#i love giving gifts. i love putting in effort. i love showing how deeply i care. i love talking to people. i do.
poethebeloved · 2 days
A TATINOF Mini-Retrospective
I recently re-watched TATINOF (+ the making of documentary) for the first time in ages, and it immediately transported me back to being 13 watching it live. As The Phagenda™ is imminent, I thought I would compile my thoughts here on the experience watching it 8 years later:
This show feels both very situated in 2016 and also timeless. The humor is incredibly of the time (old memes, unfortunate Kanye mentions, random XD vibes you know and love), but I can see a 2024 version of TATINOF where the beats of the show stay similar and the jokes are updated to more current internet culture
My sense of time was completely shattered watching this back and realizing how much dnp content was around that I thought came out much later? In my mind the gaming channel was much newer than I thought, but at the time of TATINOF it was already almost two years old. They had already gone up to PINOF 7? Time is an illusion
This project is, above all, a love letter to the community. The standard of influencer tours was shattered by this show. If it wasn't already proven by the effort seen in the performance itself, the behind the scenes documentary really cements that this was not a cash grab. This was not a little QnA set up to sell M&G tickets, this was a thank you to all the people that made TATINOF possible. The show does not compromise, it does not try to give you an easy in. It is filled to the brim with references and lore all the way back to 2009, and you either get it or you don't. Dan and Phil know their audience so deeply, and they really give the people what they want. They are playful in teasing, but they never mock their audience for the true admiration and passion they have for the content. It is a gift, and it is a celebration
Taking a look at this show now, since the two have come out, is also quite the trip. There is a dance around queerness that is both deliberately put in as a bit of cheeky fanservice (how did we let them insert brokeback mountain fanfic into their stage show... girl) and also unspoken but palpable. I don't know if I could even correctly articulate what I mean, but what I will say is there was a reason a bunch of queer teens flocked to them, and even through all the trauma of being such big stars while being closeted, I hope dnp have happiness and peace being out gay men and having that audience stick by them :)
Lastly, I think my respect for Dan and Phil grew even more than I thought it could re-watching this. These are two deeply creative people that had a vision and made it even grander than they anticipated. Like, Phil learned magic?? They crafted an entire musical number??? This is a show for the culture, and it will stick with me as one of the best live performances I have seen due to how passionate the two were about it. I teared up a bit, especially during The Internet is Here. As I said, this was a project full of love- for their audience, their careers, and for creation itself. Dan was right, nobody else could top it
To close this out, here is a little picture I took at the tour :-)
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technicolorxsn · 11 months
maybe I should
#i kinda want to meet with him again before im too busy again....#one more time to feel connected rather than isolated#i tried... i did talk to people and try to connect but... it feels like no one ever hears me#i get responses but no questions back#i hate always having to do all the work in everything.. sometimes i wish someone else would for a change#i dont like having to make all of the effort...#i hate that once i start it becomes expected#and if i stop or ask for change im 'being mean' and it hurts#is it really so much to ask for someone to want too?#it makes me feel like people only put up with me... only placate me#maybe its true.. it has been in the past#i dont think they cared about me.. im not sure she did either anymore#i just... make myself useful and sometimes i wonder if that's the only reason im kept around#because of kind words and gifts and my willingness to play mom and therapist and fill whatever need#what if thats all im good for?#i love giving gifts. i love putting in effort. i love showing how deeply i care. i love talking to people. i do.#but i hate that its always my 'job' my 'responsiblility'#and if i ask for any reciprocity im in the wrong.. im too much work or im just straight up wrong and 'what do you mean i totally do? youre#just needy and crazy'#im so tired....#i wish it were also seen as what it is rather than it becoming expected..#its a gift not an obligation.. i want people to appreciate what i do rather than expect it..#at least hes not like that.. not really#hopefully i can meet with him this weekend
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adlery · 6 days
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→ You give them the prize you won from the claw machine
→ Note: fluff, grammatical error
→ Tw: none
→ Adlery's speaking: last post before I went on hiatus for a while :(( btw enjoy LUVIESS<3
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- Blushing mess-
- He didn't expect that you would literally play the game to get him one of the stuffed toy
- You get him a cat plushie that you find it amusingly the same as him, white with black spots and it resembles well with him
- ngl you're kinda proud that you only get it by two tries, you grin widely while giving him
"For you! It's very cute like you, Sakura-kun!", a playful tone hinted by you. He tried to form a word to protest but ended up stuttering from the embarrassed, "H-huh?! I'm not!", then he slowly muttered a "thank you... i- I will keep it" with his face still having the visible red flushed to which you beam by it.
- You can't help but nearly punch the claw machine after you saw a pure smile on his lips while he's looking at it
- You're not missing the chance to tease him giving you a kiss as a reward
"K-kiss??", you successfully make him stop functioning, (he ends up giving you one anyway):3
- When he gets home, he will lay on his bed and hold the gift up in the air, looking at it for a long time
- Boy will blush again remembering the moment before
- Sakura is not often getting a gift from the past so it's off when you did, but he is surely not complaining tho
- He also deeply appreciated that you put effort earlier to get him one, especially trying to get the specific one that you said it resembles him
- at the end, the cute stuffed cat he got will always be the one that he holds when he is sleeping<3
You would jokingly ask if he sleeps with it but being a tsudere he is, he will not admit, "Of course not! i... will never sleep with that" you know that's not true by his obviousness so the teasing will never end.
- You both are having a date and you saw a new claw machine that was placed near the convenience store, it's the accessory one
- At first he playfully challenged you to win the couple ring only as a joke
- Do you take it? nah, you didn't
- You literally spend your money on the claw machine to get that damn thing while he is standing beside you, finding your struggle cute as he watches you turning the paddle back and forth to get it
- He would encourage you more since he saw how you look really determined, your eyes stay focus on the claw and then the ring box repeatedly
- After a few more tries, the claw finally catches and drops it into the hole, to which you cheer and immediately take it and grinning with pride while handing the gift to him
"Here you go, it's not really that hard", hearing that, he chuckled and kissed your forehead, "I can see that", he ironically said before checking the ring and taking your hand on his. "It's lovely. Thank you, dear"
- Afterwards, he would slide the ring on your fingers, acting like you both getting married to which results you to blushing furiously and even tease you about it
"Well I need to practice first before the real event, right?", then he wears it too and shows it to you. "It fits perfectly, dear", "I'm glad then", you laughed, seeing yours and his fingers wearing the couple ring together
- When you both went home, he would pay back the money you used to get the item, even if you don't want it, he will sneak it inside your purse or pocket without your knowledge
- At school, he will show it off to others, and tell them how sweet of you trying to win it for him
- Poor Sakura cuz not once but countlessly he heard Suo speaking about it to him
- Suo loves to hold your hand since he can feel the round metal accessories you wear met his while swinging arms together
- He would cherish it so much<3
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©Adlery : Like and repost are so much appreciated 🎀
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Soooo I was wondering if u could maybe possibly write an alastor x reader where reader has a secrets admirer and alastor is super jealous but he can't show it bc they're technically only friends and acting protective would be weird.
Bonus points if the read is completely oblivious to his jealousy and eats the snacks from the gift baskets all the time, right in front of him, and wonders why his eyes is twitching so much.
👀 I don't have time for this but-
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being a red flag fr
Description: ☝️⬆️
What does Alastor care if someone wants you? He has no interest in taking you for himself. Nope. Not. At. All.
Would laugh if anybody tried to claim he felt something for you other than mild fondness
It's just been a particularly annoying few weeks because of all the gifts being sent to the hotel with your name on them, from some persistent admirer
So he does his best to convince you that they aren't good enough for you
Alastor feels his mood sour when he hands you a bouquet of flowers, your face lighting up at the sight of them as you hold them like they're precious
He misses the way your smile falters a bit when you read the tag, a small part of you hoping they were from the demon in front of you instead
"Another lackluster gift from what must surely be the most lackluster admirer on this side of the pentagram. Just look at how wilted those flowers are already!"
You shake your head and toy with the petals on the flowers, picking off the dying ones delicately
He loves me... he loves me not...
"Oh hush, it's rather darling that someone took time out of their day to give me something so thoughtful.."
You walk away to put the bouquet into a vase so you miss the twitch in Alastor's eye, the tight clenching of teeth and fierce grip on his staff
"Thoughtful? Those are yellow roses! Yellow roses stand for friendship, not romance! You can do so much better!"
Or another time, you offered him a chocolate, munching away on sweets while holding a heart-shaped box
"Are you confessing to me? You shouldn't, I'm quite the heartbreaker just so you know~"
He regrets saying the words the moment they leave his mouth, but they're the only thing keeping a blush off his face, taking a chocolate to shut himself up
You only hum and roll your eyes, putting a hand on your hip as you shake the box at him, mostly all an attempt to get his eyes on the candies instead of your blushing face
"No, my secret little lover dropped off a bunch of these and I can't possibly be expected to eat all of this myself, now can I?"
The sweet treat suddenly feels bitter in his mouth and he wants to rip up the box in your hand
"Oh, so that's why these taste so uninspired! Most likely store bought instead of homemade, such a shame."
You only snort and shake your head, popping another chocolate into your pretty mouth
"Who makes homemade chocolates anymore? Let alone take time out of their day to have them delivered to me?"
Alastor is embarrassed by the warmth and genuine emotion in his voice, his smile softening as he looks you over
"Someone who cares about you enough to recognize you're worth the effort, my dear."
He leaves quickly to avoid any further embarrassment, blushing deeply and sliding the rest of the candy boxes into the trash on his way out
"I'm simply doing you a favor, my dear!"
He doesn't see your sputtering and blushing as you try to comprehend what just happened
Alastor can handle the flowers, chocolates and all other sorts of gifts but when the letters start pouring in?? He's about to lose his mind
It's been at least three letters a week, and he's sick of finding them outside the hotel. He actually rips up the ones he gets to first
He finds Charlie and Angel leaning over your shoulder and reading a letter in your hands, a soft blush on your face
Charlie was cooing over how sweet the letter was while Angel was obviously teasing you, making your blush deepen
"And just what is that in your hands, my dear?"
You jump and try to hide the letter but Angel quickly snatches it away to keep reading it, laughing as he does
"Toots here got another love letter from her secret admirer~ They think she's just the most precious babe around~"
Charlie is squealing and fanning herself with her hands as she jumps up and down, making you groan and hide your face in your hands
"Isn't it just so romantic? They're really head over heels in love with her!"
Alastor feels his eye twitch as he snatches the letter from Angel to read it over himself, ignoring the noise of protest that comes from you
Finally, he glances over at you, crumpling the letter up and ripping it into pieces in front of everyone
"Well now! That was about the worst thing I've read all day!"
It felt good to rip it up, picturing it to be your admirer instead
You stand there in shock, eyeing the bits of paper then Alastor, Angel and Charlie slowly backing out of the room only to peek their heads back in
"They... they said I was beautiful."
Well... now he feels a little bad...
He recovers quickly though and wraps a casual arm around you, guiding you away from the mess as Niffty runs in to clean it up
"That's exactly what they wrote in the last one! It's nothing new, I'm afraid! Truly, you deserve better than that!"
You pout and lean your head on him a little, trying not to look disappointed about the letter
"Yeah? And just what do I deserve?"
He grins at you and leans in, pulling you closer to him
"Let me show you, my dear~"
You simply roll your eyes as you let him lead you out of the hotel on a walk, enjoying the weight of his arm around you
There's no more secret admirer after that, which suits you both just fine
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yourpsicodelicbitch · 5 months
juno signs and their specific love language pt3🦋🪷
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Spy x Family
juno shows us what’s the style that functions better with you -relationships, meaningful committed partnership-, the characteristics of our ideal partner and more.
birth chart + tropical + whole sign system
take what resonates, leave what don’t 🎀 you don’t have to necessarily identify with it.
how I’ll describe sag junos ideal partner: they’re telling you the truth. they put you in your place. they’re not letting you go until you open your eyes. they know they can’t control things but they’ll do everything to put a smile on you. your grin melts them. they wish you infinite joy. they won’t impose their mindset. they’ll let you be. sag juno travel between minds, social groups, countries, etc. they’re so absorbed by the unknown, they want to eat the world, they search that in a partner. first of all, they need a best friend who’s also their partner, someone who they’re NOT trying to be other person/ to only show an aspect of their person. they want to feel and be captivated by others mindset. I’m not only referring about knowledge of books and etc, I’m referring to experiences and what the other have had learned to deal with it. they’re captivated by the way their partner outcome without effort a situation that, at first sight, is seen as problematic, but the other will joke about it. it’s giving they want a sugar mommy/daddy. sag juno specific love language: they’ll put you in your place.
this is a more “I’ll kill and die for you” type of vibe. you want them to be your protector? how I’ll describe scorpio ideal partner: they’re so obsessed and consume by their partners. “obsessed” it’s not the correct word to describe it. they want nothing to happen to them. they want to get to know them deeply, since the beginning of their existence 😭 they want to know their traumas, they want to know why are the way they’re, the events who left a mark on their soul. EVERY DETAIL. how you feel about them, I think they consider a lot the emotions of their loved ones -partner- and how an experience/person made them feel. in conclusion, scorpio juno is needy jk THEY WANT CRAVE LOVE INTENSITY. they don’t like their partner to be superficial. they search for the meaning of “growing together as a couple”. they want to change -transform- with you, bc of you and beside you -NEED THEIR IDEAL PARTNER TO FEEL THE SAME-. scorpio juno has standards, “if you don’t have this I won’t be with you” kind of vibe. the love language of scorpio juno is staying with you no matter what or trying to make things easier, to protect your soul. ik I’m not mentioning a single and practical love language but scorpio juno is so intense I can’t 😝
THE DELUSIONAL OF THE DELULUS. definitely gift giving or quality time love language. I imagine pisces juno in their head, spacing out, thinking about their crush and their crush is BESIDE THEM. EVERY TIME they open their eyes and leave the “best qualities of my soulmate/ideal partner” space they’re disappointed asf. I’ll describe how I think the ideal partner of pisces juno is: the incapability of setting boundaries i fear😤 PLS the handmade gifts, pictures, songs, drawings, every existing expression they can explode their artistic potential will be given to you, the chosen one. THEYRE THE DEFINITION OF EMPATHY, idc what others will say. they’ll show you parts of themselves others don’t know and don’t have the honor to enjoy. they’ll fucking accept you and take care of you generously. the things they’ll do for you comes from the bottom of their hearts. they’re so pure ☹️ but they could get lost in the idea of love, relationships. they won’t hesitate on helping you, as impulsive and incoherent as they are for who owns their heart. they literally FEEL their heart in your hands if they’re in love with you. they’re so vulnerable, you could throw away their heart AND THEY WILL LOVE YOU ANYWAYS. reminds me of a puppy eye person or an artist 😝 specific love language of pisces juno is GIVING THEIR HEART TO YOU (and they’re not deciding it, it happens) -yes, the same as their partner would bc THEY NEED TO BE RECIPROCATED- and also zoning out bc of you.
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♡ Based on personal experience and I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
♡ English is not my first language.
♡ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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cepheustarot · 6 months
Your future love relationship: with whom and what will be
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best.
Paid readings
Pick a pile. Choose one or more pictures. Trust your intuition.
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Pile 1: This person will look strong, fit, most likely he often does sports and therefore he looks muscular. But in addition, he also has a strong inner core, he endures all stressful situations, solves all problems, he is not of those who give in to emotions, it is important for him to first deal with problems, things. He can also be called a determined man and all his achievements he achieves through hard work, through the efforts he has put in, he does a lot to realize himself, his desires. Self-fulfillment in life is just as important to him! This person is not only able to work well, but also to rest well, he really knows how to unload their head from complex thoughts and enjoy the moment without burdening himself with problems. It can also be called the soul of the company, as it emanates the aura of a friendly person, with whom it is easy to enter into a dialogue and can be discussed anything, it is easy for him to maintain a dialogue with anyone. In addition, he is energetic, active, he can have quick speech and active facial facial expressions, he can walk fast or do something quickly. He has leadership skills, he is able to lead people, he is able to work in a team, he is ready to take responsibility for his actions. 
Your relationship with this person will be very strong and stable, you will trust each other, maintain, together cope with difficulties, you will feel that you have become family to each other, you will have a strong connection between you, You will achieve much together. in addition to that you will have an understanding, your relationship will not be deprived of passion, playfulness, between you will be a lot of romance and flirting. 
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Pile 2: I’d like to point out that maybe your partner will be younger than you! Or he can act like a child at times, be naive at certain points, but these details are not critical and should not prevent your relationship from developing. The person himself is quite lucky, successful, all his beginnings and new cases are accompanied by success. I would also call him unpredictable, his actions and thoughts are difficult to predict, as he has the traits of an adventurer and, figuratively speaking, today he will want to go to the other end of the world, and tomorrow will conquer the mountains. I mean, he’s pretty easy-going and he’s very easy to accept that kind of offer. By virtue of his character, he constantly gets into various stories, from which, of course, he gets out, because fate is on his side. Also this man is not deprived of romance, he quite openly shows his feelings and his love, a lot of flirts, give a lot of gifts, a lot of making nice gestures. The person himself is also emotional, he can quickly change mood. He is quite young and inexperienced, so he does not have enough experience of life, but nevertheless he is open to everything new in his life, in this respect he is quite bold. 
Your relationship with this person at the beginning will be filled with romance, you will be constantly together, as you are deeply in love with each other and without the presence of anyone near you will quickly miss each other. You can even idealize each other during this period! However, over time your sense of obsession will fade away and only love, warmth and affection between you will remain, you will be able to exist together, complementing each other, and separately, continuing to do your business. 
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Pile 3: The person himself can be closed, it is difficult for him to open up to people, he is not inclined to show a lot of emotions and tell about his feelings, just it takes a lot of time to trust another. He has a realistic view of things, he tends to objectively assess the situation, relies on logic and facts, rather than on feelings and intuition, in the dispute it is important to prove his point of view rather than show empathy and look at the situation from the side. He can criticize people, but he is also self-critical, has high demands on himself and people, he is perfectionist, tends not to believe in himself and his powers, so he tries a lot to achieve results. Perhaps he’s still a troubled man, prone to thinking too much. He is also one of those who is willing to help people, extend a helping hand, support, he is happy to share his experience and advice, he is generous, honest with people, he appreciates people close to him. 
Your relationship will develop rapidly with this man, you may have common goals and plans and you will achieve them, you two will succeed! But I see here you may not see much of each other, you may meet from a distance and you may often miss each other. But at the same time you will be sincere in your feelings, you will love each other. 
Thank you for reading! I will be glad of any feedback 🖤
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danse--macabre · 3 months
unpopular astarion headcanons r.e. mirrors and reflections:
while I love the memes around this, I don't think, unless you had a particularly charismatic tav/durge, the whole party would draw him / contribute to some kind of spell where he could see his reflection. Obviously there's room for difference given how many routes your playthrough can take, but generally: he's not universally loved in the same way Karlach is, he's not the heart of the party, he's mostly clinging to the edge of it (and that's fine!)
I think showing him his reflection would impact him deeply and therefore if it is done at the wrong time/place, he'd actually resent the person who did it. this is because you're making him appear vulnerable.
e.g. if the venue is too public, if the others could see, he'd dislike the fact that others can see a moment of vulnerability
alternatively: if your approval with astarion is too low, he'd automatically distrust it / question your motives. this is someone who simply does not believe that people will be kind unprompted to strangers (because doing so violates his worldview and in some ways makes his abuse feel crueller -- if no one cares, there's a logic to what happened to him, at least)
the more permanent the method, the more effort put in, the more likely he is to have mixed/negative feelings towards it. a sketch is a kindness, but not one that requires a great sacrifice or planning - it's easy to dismiss as a fleeting gesture (while he will keep it, obviously, to look at, because he's not that willing to believe his own bullshit).
in contrast, if a permanent method of showing his reflection was given - e.g. a charmed mirror that casts a spell - I think astarion, with a high approval PC, would feel on some level obligated to pay that 'debt' back. astarion strikes me as someone who distrusts thoughtful, non-flippant gifts because again, he's used to transactional relationships.
I also think it might strike at an insecurity: the knowledge that astarion lacks autonomy/independence to deal with his own issues by himself, and, with some bitterness, is dependent on the PC to help him. if you give astarion an enchanted mirror, he, on some level, feels he is dependent on your magic and your supply of magical items to gain access to an element of his humanity. that doesn't entirely sit comfortably with him.
the "best" way to deal with this? let astarion figure out how to handle this himself. for example: gifting him a 'mirror image' spell scroll or something similar. give him time to study the scroll and he'll find a way to cast that spell himself. mechanically, astarion isn't a wizard, but narratively, his default class is arcane trickster, he has access to magic, I don't think it is really that much of a stretch to believe he could achieve that. in general, I think handing astarion the tools to achieve his own goals by himself will be more appreciated than handing that to him on a plate.
however! counterargument to consider: it may be more valuable in the long run to confront astarion's fear of dependence and the sense of reliance that exists particularly in a tav run, where you the PC have 'saved' him without needing to be saved in return. he needs to realise that the PC isn't expecting anything in return for friendship/romance.
either way, i think showing astarion his reflection is going to be more fraught than one might expect - a generous gift, obviously, he will take (he's been poor and starving enough not to turn it down), but there might be some tension beneath any show of gratitude your receive (or he might feign disinterest, if approval/trust is low enough!)
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argisthebulwark · 5 months
Love's A Funny Thing
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summary: assigning my favorite Skyrim men one of the five love languages. gn reader, no pronouns or y/n used feat: Erandur, Miraak, Cicero, Brynjolf, Balimund, Erik the Slayer, Vilkas, Arnbjorn, Teldryn Sero, Farkas warnings: none
Words of Affirmation
Erandur wants nothing more than to express how deeply and all encompassing his love for you is. He loves you with each breath he draws, every day spent in your presence only strengthening your bond. The shimmering pink light of sunrises and easy breeze through a perfectly autumnal forest make his mind drift to you, often recounting the beauty he finds in the world and how it relates to you. With your hands clasped in his he admits his love for you, interrupted only by the tearful kisses you plant across his face. 
Miraak has spent lifetimes cultivating a vocabulary and puts it to good use. In languages long forgotten he whispers of his love to you, shaking the walls when his Thu’um aims to make it known to the entire world that he is yours. There is nothing but sheer adoration when he tells you how deeply your claws have sunk into his heart, how his soul spent centuries yearning for yours.  “I have wasted lifetimes searching for you, my beloved.” Miraak murmurs against your lips, voice low and velvety. “And I would face all the terror of the world again if it allowed me a few more moments in your arms.” 
Quality Time
Cicero could easily display his love with any of the love languages, even some secret bloody ones he's thought up too, but quality time means the most to him. It is most natural for him to show his love by sticking to your side - accompanying you on missions to ensure your safety and only sleeping when you’re pressed to one another, he shows you how deeply he cares by remaining with you. He wishes for nothing more than to make you laugh, to hear your voice and bask in the presence of his beloved Listener. 
Brynjolf has lost many people. There are so many friendships cut short and people he’s spent more time missing than knowing them. He makes a consistent effort to never lose time with you - after thinking Mercer snatched away another loved one, Brynjolf changes his ways. The endless nights spent working in the Cistern are replaced with a staunchly enforced time when the workday ends.  “You’re not my Guild Master anymore,” he interrupts when you hastily remember an unfinished task during dinner. “We’re home, love. I’m nothin’ but your husband here.”  He will not miss a moment with you. The days spent grieving you altered his view on work - nothing takes precedence over time with you. To him, nothing is worth losing time with his beloved. 
Gift Giving
Balimund may not have much extra time in his busy days but he always whittles out a moment for you. He often surprises you with practical gifts - perfectly balanced blades with intricate handles and jewelry intended to withstand the nastiest of spells. Each gift he gives was forged by his hands outside your home, an individual piece made just for you.  “It’s to ensure you make it back to me in one piece,” he says after strapping the beautiful dagger into a sheath at your side. His gifts are beautiful, crafted purely to show how much he adores you. 
Erik loves hunting for the perfect gift to give you - taking mental notes of what draws your eye when visiting shops, especially the items you put back after spotting the price. He knows how reluctant you are to purchase anything not deemed ‘essential’ but always finds time to slink back into the shop and buy whatever brought a smile to your face. He doesn’t care much for receiving gifts, pouring all the love he can into the specific things he can give to you. 
Acts of Service
Vilkas may have trouble with flowery words but he ensures that you know how deeply he cares. Even if his tone is harsh his intentions are good - if your footing is off or your swing is weak he could lose you. He takes on the role of Harbinger when it becomes too much for you to carry alone, offering help before you think to ask.  He cannot sit under the moonlight and tell you how his heart yearns for yours, but he will clean your wounds without hesitation. Vilkas will bandage you, will piece you back together with his own two hands without a second thought. He will wipe your tears and send your armor off to be repaired to show how deeply he cares for you. 
Arnbjorn would kill for you. Please give him an opportunity to kill for you. Although he cannot untangle the web of feelings in his mind and he isn’t one to shop for gifts he will show you in a heartbeat just how deeply he cares. He has loved and lost before - he does not intend to lose you. His blade is always ready should you ever need it, eyes and ears vigilant for any impending threat.  He is not a man of many words but you feel his love - there is love in the way he ensures your blades remain sharp and pack is fully stocked. Arnbjorn’s love is seen in the way he threatens anyone who dares to cross you and remains at your side during meetings, a silent threat to any who would harm you. The words are difficult for him to say but you know his love is there when he carries you off to bed after an especially hard day or slides you a drink without having to ask.
Physical Touch
Teldryn doesn’t think before pulling you out of danger. It is hardly a thought - his arm hooking in yours and tugging you closer, his body shielding you from danger. Even when his hands are bandaged and bleeding he checks you for injuries, fingers carefully skimming over every inch of skin in search of wounds. Your touch assures him that you are alive, that you are still with him.  His touch is a quiet comfort, an occurrence so common it becomes a natural extension of yourself. His thigh pressed to yours when you sit or the hand resting on your arm while you speak, an ever present reminder of his feelings for you. 
Farkas is ecstatic to find someone as physical as himself. From a young age he learned that Vilkas didn’t express emotions in the same manner but you understand him. You indulge his love of touch; excited hugs upon surviving an especially bloody battle or a friendly slap on the back after a drunken joke, a tender moment heightened by your hands roaming over one another. Farkas is in love with the way you react to him - the flush in your cheeks after he kisses you and the thoughtless way your hand reaches for his, the comforting swipe of your thumb over his hand when lost in thought. He simply has too much love for you to keep it all inside. 
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starb3rrys · 8 months
could I request hc of what thing make hunting dogs fall in love with her more
Hi! This is such a sweet request, I’m such a sucker for some sweet fluff! I wasn’t too sure if I should’ve added Teruko or if you only meant the male hunting dogs- so I decided to go with the safest option (sorry Teruko). Anyways, without further ado, enjoy these head-canons!! <3
Things that make the hunting dogs fall deeper in love
Hunting Dogs x GN! Reader
Ft. Tecchou, Jouno, Tachihara, Fukuchi
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Loyalty: Tecchou always catches his heart skipping a beat whenever you express your loyalty. Wether it be your loyalty to him, your beliefs, your ambitions etc. he can’t help but love you more for it, to him loyalty is something that shows strength in a person.
Open mind: Tecchou has a very open mind when it comes to food combinations, so it’s no surprise that he loves it when you’re open to trying his weird food combinations of the day. Aside from food, Tecchou also finds it admirable when you agree to try new things; new style, new haircut, literally anything your sweet heart desires he will 100% support you.
Support: Tecchou adores knowing that he has you there to support him. The times when he is feeling down and you’re there to hold him and motivate him to get through the day is enough to put a smile on his face. He cherishes the moments when you make it clear that you’re on his side, the moments when you encourage his job, his dreams, his goals and ambitions are the one’s he carries in his heart.
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Communication: Jouno loves being able to have open and honest conversations with you. Something about being able to sit down and just talk about each others troubles, concerns or even needs makes him happy. He doesn’t like having to guess what’s troubling you so he appreciates it when you yourself are honest about what is upsetting you, communication is key!
Reactions: Jouno is always amused with your reactions whenever he’s around. He finds it precious when your heart beats faster as he talks to you or walks by, or the way your body relaxes as he wraps his arms around you in a tight loving embrace.
Voice: The sound of your voice is the most entrancing thing he has ever heard. He could spend hours or even days listening to you talk about your day, your hobbies or even interests and he would never get tired. Your laugh is like music to his sensitive ears, nothing could ever compare to it.
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Understanding: Since Tachihara has to go undercover for two different organizations with totally different values, he appreciates it when you try to comprehend him and his actions. His heart flutters every time you are willing to look beyond his exterior and see from his point of view.
Trust: Tachihara adores the fact that there is so much trust in your relationship. He cherishes the trust you have in him; his abilities, his words, and decisions. He can’t help but smile knowing that he’s fortunate enough to have your unwavering trust.
Patience: Your boundless patience was one of the first things that captivated Tachiharas heart. It was the little things— your gentle smile after he came home late, the understanding nod when he made a mistake, and your calm reassurance during his moments of doubt. To him, your patience is a gift he treasures with all his heart.
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Respect: Fukuchi is deeply touched by how respected and appreciated you make him feel. He can feel himself fall deeper and deeper in love whenever you respect his decisions, his time, his efforts. He will make sure to let you know just how much he appreciates you :).
Independence: Allowing each other to have your own space and privacy is something he loves in your relationship. Fukuchi can be very reserved at times, so having a s/o that respects that and isn’t hovering over his shoulder every minute of the day is like heaven.
Compliments: When I tell you- his brain shuts down whenever you give him the slightest compliment, I mean it. He literally CTRL+ALT+DELETES whenever you tell him something simple like, “You look handsome today!”. Fukuchi is no stranger to praise and compliments, but when it comes from you? He doesn’t know what to do with himself.
Im ngl, I forgot Tachihara was in the hunting dogs.
It didn’t click in my head until I was just about to press “Publish”- I still love him though!
As always, I hope you enjoyed these little head-canons!! <3
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shall-we-die · 5 months
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How romantic are they? || What would they do to make their s/o happy? || Cliche or rather creative?
↬[Fandom]•⊰ {Jujutsu Kaisen}࿐
↬[Warnings]•⊰ {None}࿐
☰[Main list]•⊰ ────┈┈{0042}┈─╮
╰┈➤Likes/Reblogs are appreciated࿐
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Gojo Satoru is quite a romantic person when it comes to his s/o. He loves to shower them with affection, and will often go out of his way to do things that make them happy. He'll surprise them with thoughtful gestures, whether it be by planning romantic dates or surprising them with their favorite gift. He's not afraid to be a bit cheesy or cliche at times, but he also has a creative side that he likes to show off every now and then. No matter what, he will always go above and beyond to make his special someone happy.
Geto can be rather romantic, however he does not make grandiose gestures for his loved ones. He is more of a subtle kind of guy and his small but considerate thoughts are enough to show his affection. When it comes to making his significant other happy, he tends to be creative as he puts a lot of planning and strategy in everything he does. Geto is always on the lookout for ways to surprise his loved ones and make them feel special. His idea of a romantic date might include a dinner at a nice restaurant and then going for a walk to watch the sunset together.
Sukuna is not a romantic person in the traditional sense. He is not one to show mushy emotions or shower his s/o with compliments or gestures of affection. However, he does care deeply for his s/o and wants to make them happy. Instead of being openly romantic, Sukuna shows his love for his s/o through his actions. He protects and supports them, and is never far from their side. When they're feeling down, he'll do his best to cheer them up with a joke or a compliment.
I think Nanami is quite romantic. Though, he is not good with words of affection, his action say much more than his words. And when he wants to make his s/o happy, he is the most creative. If they are just in private, he will give a warm hug and a kiss and make her dinner or cook snacks for her. But if they are out in public, he will do such a way that they will be the centre of attraction, like holding her hand while walking or whispering sweet things to her ear.
Inumaki can be a little cliché but he thinks he is a romantic person. He usually goes for the traditional approach, such as buying flowers or taking his s/o on a date, or he would write something special for them. But sometimes, he will also surprise his s/o with a meaningful gift, such as a cute charm bracelet or a necklace with a matching heart pendant. He won't spend much money when he is giving a present to his s/o, but he will try to be meaningful and creative.
Megumi is a romantic at heart. He enjoys showing his love and affection for his s/o by buying them gifts, surprise dates, and thoughtful gestures. He finds creative ways to make his s/o happy, and doesn't mind being cliché in doing so. Whether it's flowers and chocolates on Valentine's day, or a romantic picnic by the river, he does what he can to make his s/o feel special.
As a person with a big heart, Yuji is very romantic and creative when it comes to doing something special for his s/o. Whether it be with romantic gestures like cooking dinner together or coming up with a thoughtful date idea, he puts a lot of effort and thought into them. Some of his ideas can be a little cheesy, but he is always sure to surprise his s/o with something that they'll remember. So even if it's cliche, he'll still make it a memorable experience.
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
A while ago you said in a post that Ace’s isolation seems to come from how he values Yuu and Deuce’s friendship more and I think you perfectly worded how I feel. I would like to hear more about it if you have more to say!
Like yeah he’s a very friendly and outgoing guy. He can easily make friends/acquaintances but there’s also a clear line between those friends and where Deuce Yuu and Grim stands.
He gets along really well with his seniors as seen by his relationships with the basketball club, Playful Land and hell I bet this new event will prove that too. But it gives me more of a vibe of a younger kid endearingly annoying his older classmates than friendship.
Among the first years, he doesn’t seem to be as close to them as Deuce is. Like Deuce and Epel have this whole bond going on because of Chapter 5, Deuce and Jack are in the same club etc. Ace is kind to his fellow first years and helps them out like in Fairy Gala If with Ortho but again there’s this divide. Everyone knows it’s Ace, Deuce, Yuu and Grim as the group.
Multiple people have mentioned how those 4 are constantly together and how it’s rare to see one without the other and I think that’s really important when you take into consideration on how Ace literally ditched his last girlfriend because they were too different in terms of taste (well there’s more to unpack with that but that’s not what I’m here to talk about). Quality time is hugely important with Ace in my opinion, he wouldn’t hang out with people he hates and seeing the amount of time he spends time with those three and how the game makes an active effort to make us pay attention to it tells us that yeah Ace definitely values his friendship with Deuce, Yuu and Grim more than the others and why Ace feels so separated from the other first years at times.
He also tends to keep people at arms length because of his inability to really express affection towards his friends so it just comes across as him being snarky and mean when that’s really not the case. This also does show with Deuce Yuu and Grim yet goes to help them whenever he gets the chance, buys gifts for them, spends time with them etc. Like bro his actions tell otherwise it’s so funny he’s like a tsundere.
I think his exterior kind of makes it hard to people to really get close to him and I think he purposely does that, so to see him have obvious bias towards a group of people is really important.
Gotta admire his loyalty, once you’ve proven yourself he’s sticking with you for the rest of his life. Sorry for rambling but uh yeah your response gave me thoughts.
I would like to thank the aceyuu community for their continued dedication to putting deeply insightful character analysis in my inbox. I love you all so very much. I also love your icon very much, Gen 5 best pokemon (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
it gives me more of a vibe of a younger kid endearingly annoying his older classmates than friendship.
Yes very much this. Ace is the baby of his family, and there seems to be a decent age gap between him and his brother. He repeatedly talks about wanting to be like his seniors, and Jamil mentions at least once he is generally respectful towards them. His level up lines imply he wants to try challenging Riddle again, but it seems less because he disrespects him and wants to be dorm leader and more because he wants to prove he's gotten stronger.
Friend groups
So I have been thinking since the first and second time we talked about this trying to pick out who exactly Ace's friend group even is outside of Yuu and Deuce and ??? Deuce knew who Epel was before you properly met and he and Jack do seem to get along pretty well but Ace? I feel like maybe the intention might be to have him be closer to Ortho and Sebek, which sort of makes sense. They're all the youngest in their families and look up to their seniors to varying degrees but still. Ace specifically, like you said, is literally always around either Yuu or Deuce. In Idia's lab wear vignette Ace literally stays over alone with Yuu to watch horror movies and sends Grim to get the drinks alone 💀 like sir? Hello? And he implies he's done this more than once??? I like the idea of quality time being important to Ace, he says the most important thing for him in a partner is someone you have fun with and like being around so yeah. That makes sense for him.
I think back on how Ace initially interacted with Yuu and Deuce and, while at first I was a bit hesitant to say Ace keeps people at arms length, but you can literally see him doing that in the prologue. He's a brat towards people his own age, and while I imagine he has always been super popular to a degree I don't know if I can see him ever having had as deep of a friendship with anyone as he has Yuu and Deuce. I'm not sure if I would say he does it on purpose 100% of the time, but his Suitor Suit vignette does seem to imply he does it when he feels particularly embarrassed by something. He isn't just like a tsundere, he is one and honestly I was not expecting to like him as much as I do because tsundere isn't really one of my favorite tropes.
Gotta admire his loyalty, once you’ve proven yourself he’s sticking with you for the rest of his life. Sorry for rambling but uh yeah your response gave me thoughts.
Never apologize for rambling, it is the last thing I will ever take issue with and that goes for anyone in my inbox.
I hard agree. Ace's loyalty to Deuce, Yuu, and Grim should scare anyone trying to mess with them. I am waiting with baited breath for Grim overblot he is just going to pop off I JUST KNOW IT PLEASE YANA PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE
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hwnglx · 1 year
oh can you please do a reading on enhypen member's ideal type, if you don't mind? thank you. <3
thought i'd include a short (.. ig?) summary of them as bf's. i recommend listening to each of the songs while reading through every member, i chose ones that i felt would really suit their dynamic with their lovers. (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
enhypen's ideal types based on tarot and astrology, take it with a grain of salt
heeseung virgo venus
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physical traits pagofw, char, 3ofw
youthful appearance. energetic and lively aura. athletic build. seems to be very open to all types of looks -> doesn't have a specific type.
personality traits 8ofp, moon, 3ofc, wheel
heeseung likes people who put a lot of effort into their relationships. he's very mature and knowledgable, so he's aware that commitments take a lot of work. he needs someone who shares that mindset with him. the type of person who's willing to reflect on and deeply think about their actions. his virgo venus makes him want to be able to have deep conversations with his partner that just flow. he needs there to be a natural understanding between him and his loved one. he needs someone clean and wise who adapts well to change, but can also have let lose and have fun sometimes. though he definitely wants his partner to have a sense of maturity so they're on the same wavelength, he doesn't like them being stuck up or uptight. he's attracted to people who are sociable and get along with others easily.
“i don't hate the way you keep me up your touch blurred my vision it's your world and i'm just in it”
him as a boyfriend 8ofp, kingofc
+ as i said, not only does he expect his partner to work hard for the connection, he's also more than willing to work on himself, in order to be a trustworthy, kind and respectable boyfriend. his venus in virgo makes him not only very loving and considerate, but also very attentive, observant and detail-oriented. he'll probably surprise you with how well he remembers the small things you told him about yourself. gift you things you talked about wanting very long ago, or take you to places that are uniquely special to you two only, like the place where you first met. a very understanding, devoted and thoughtful boyfriend. his virgo venus also makes him very selfless, so all his focus will be on serving and pleasing you. if you can, you'll chose the menu, you'll chose the date location, you'll chose the movie you two watch. you'll probably have to remind him to think about himself from time to time as well. - although heeseung will be very self-sacrificing, he's very selective over who he dates. virgo is a sign that's all about perfection so he has very high expectations and standards not everybody is able to meet. the 8 of pentacles (card of hard work and effort) coming out contiuously makes sense. also, he'll probably get surprisingly upset if things don't go after plan, like you not giving him the reaction he wanted to see or the date he planned for you two somehow not working out. he probably also will struggle showing his affection in a physical manner and be more reserved. he can easily overthink everything concerning your relationship and be overly cautious, since he wants nothing but perfection for you.
jay taurus venus
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physical traits 10ofw, 2ofp, 10ofc, 6ofw
more mature look. balanced and harmonious facial features. very glamorous and attractive beauty. someone who draws everyones gazes in. so pretty that it's almost unrealistic.
personality traits highpr, 7ofw, 4ofp, 8ofp
jay is a serious man. so he needs someone mature and intelligent, who doesn't only take life just as seriously, but also devotes themselves to the relationship just as much as he does. like.. he'll literally give his all to you (heart, soul and money) so he would like that to be reciprocated, at least in an emotional sense. he likes the type of person who has a lot of inner depth to them and carries a sense of mystery with them. someone who is strong, has thick skin and is able to fiercely stand up for what they believe in. he likes people with a hard shell, who aren't very easy to figure out. he'd probably also really be attracted people who aren't afraid to challenge his opinions as well. although that could easily lead to him bickering with them, that's more or less his love language. he wants someone who has their own values and doesn't get swayed easily.
“the flowers still are blooming then leaves will turn again but time will be frozen for us”
him as a boyfriend kingofp, 7ofw
+ because of his taurus venus, he's all about sensual pleasures in relationships. so you definitely will get a lot of expensive presents, flowers, fine wines, dining at elegant restaurants with nice music or sleeping on expensive silk sheets. and he'd probably also take you shopping and carry all your gucci bags for you. his favorite date will definitely be you two only though. he'll also be extremely protective. definitely won't shy away from confronting other people who peaked at you for a little too long lol. very loyal. you will be his top priority. he'll make it his responsibility to not only stay faithful and devoted to you but also take good care of you at all times. god forbid you ever feel sad in his presence. - my god, is this placement stubborn. he'll probably have an hour long discussion with you over the most trivial things just because he wants to hear he's right. he'll also get jealous too easily and be overly possessive. that hour long discussion might come from him accusing you of hanging out too long with your male friend or something. or you not returning his kiss in the presence of others. like, it's just way too easy for him to get mistrustful of you. he'll also overcommit and hold on to you way too tightly. even if the relationship turned toxic, he'll struggle letting go of it. men with their venus in taurus definitely aren't the best placement to break up with.
jake scorpio venus
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physical traits 4ofc, 2ofc, wheel
likes people from all over the world. classic type of beauty. gorgeous and dazzling eyes. symetrical features. someone who has many different sides to them -> can go from more casual and laidback styling to elegant and expensive looks.
personality traits pageofc, 2ofsw, tower, 3ofsw+moon&herm
jake really likes his partner to have a dreamy and romantic air to them. the type of person who looks incredibly sweet and innocent on the outside, but can unexpectedly change into a completely different person once he's alone with them. someone who doesn't put all that much of themselves on display for others. he'd want his lover to have darker and more sexy sides to them, that only he is able to see. he really likes the unexpected thrills in relationships, it seems. so he'd like his partner to surprise and shock him. he's also drawn to people who are almost too sensitive. i think he likes the thought of being able to fix and heal someone. since he'd want an emotionally deep connection to the one he loves, he'd want a person who's willing to share their past bad experiences with him and trust him fully.
“as long as you're with me, you'll be just fine nothing's gonna hurt you baby nothing's gonna take you from my side”
him as a boyfriend lovers, 8ofsw, emper
+ when jake loves, he loves intensely. you can definitely expect him to be all in with your relationship. not only is he a very affectionate and sweet boyfriend who's attentive to your needs and will probably surprise you with the cutest gifts, he also has an incredibly attractive and magnetic charm. since he very much knows that, he'll be very seductive and sensual with you. maybe even seduce you at the most random or most unfitting times lol. like.. scorpio venus men are irresistable and they know it. and tbh, really damn amazing at lovemaking. we're talking intimacy. but make no mistake, he can absolutely be a gentleman with great manners when he needs to be. he'll really enjoy taking charge of the relationship and lead you. jake would actually make a great family father, i imagine him really liking that traditional life. - honestly, he can just get too much sometimes. like he'll obsess over you, and some independent people can easily feel uncomfortable with that. he can also get manipulative, he'll play games and use tactics to test you sometimes. like make you jealous on purpose and test your patience, just to get a reaction out of you. he'll enjoy seeing the power he has over you a little too much. while at the same time, he himself will get jealous way too easily. his fear of losing you can make him too possessive.. once you date a venus in scorpio, you basically belong to them. it just ain't for the weak.
sunghoon scorpio venus
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physical traits hieroph, aceofp, magic
more humble and traditional beauty. natural features. healthy and luscious hair. someone who isn't over the top with their styling but still has something intriguing to them.
personality traits 7ofsw, 4ofp, tower+3ofp, pageofc
sunghoon seems to really appreciate loyalty in his partners, which makes sense since his venus is also in possessive scorpio. like he actually gives me very possessive vibes. so i think he'd really want his lover to be someone who sticks with him, even during unexpected changes and challenging times. since he himself will devote himself to his relationships completely, he appreciates trustworthy lovers who won't make him question their faithfulness. he also likes it when his partners aren't too open with everyone and keep to themselves more, someone more on the introverted and reserved side. but also gentle and kind, someone who is in tune with their emotions and intuition. he doesn't want people who are superficial and needs a lover who's interested in developing close and deep connections to not only others, but especially to him.
“nervous, trip over my words you're so pretty it hurts baby, i'm yours”
him as a boyfriend strength, knofp, 5ofp&queofc, star, lovers
+ another scorpio venus, another very passionate lover. tbh, i always thought that this guy must have some scorpio placements in him, since there is a certain intense and darker energy to him. so finding out his venus and mars are in scorpio, makes a lot of sense. sunghoon will really want to be a strong and reliable existence for his lover. he'll be a boyfriend who can't stand seeing you suffer and will put his all into taking care of you, especially emotionally. his scorpio venus makes him want to feel like you're all his, so he will make sure you will comfortable and nurtured whenever you're with him. so, that you basically have no other choice than to be in love. like, he can actually get surprisingly affectionate when he's with his loved one. and really make you feel special. he'll love spending time with you alone, so he'll put all his effort into making the time beautiful for you two. - although he'll be very caring when it comes to your emotions, he'll probably prefer keeping his own feelings hidden away. i can really imagine it becoming a problem in the relationship, it'll be too onesided. like, he'll have his entire focus on you but you'll rarely be able to really talk about his inner world in an open manner. he'll also be unexpectedly moody and probably surprise you with how emotionally invested he can actually get once you two fight. he'll be very consumed by your relationship, but at the same time, not like being honest about that and making himself vulnerable.
sunoo gemini venus
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physical traits death, queofsw, strength
mysterious and darker aura. looks more detached and cold from the outside. poker face with striking features. strong and intense presence. turns everyone's heads.
personality traits 9ofp, kingofp, 9ofw, fool, judg, magic
sunoo definitely seems to be attracted to mature and independent people. he really likes it when his partner is powerful and confident, the type of person that'll make him gaze in awe at them while explaining the amount of sht they've been through. since he himself is a very sensitive person, he needs someone who's very strong and better at handling difficulties. in a "been there, done that" kinda way. they have their know-how now. someone who can teach him to let go and trust in himself more. a reliable person he can lean on. he likes people who know their path and have a strong purpose in life. his gemini venus also makes him value communication a lot, so he needs someone who clicks with him very well when talking. the type of person he could talk to about everything for hours without it getting boring.
“i'll tell you how i almost died while you're bringing me back to life baby you're my angel, angel baby”
him as a boyfriend 7ofw, temp, 9ofc, 7ofsw, aceofsw
+ not only is sunoo a person with almost scary duality to him anyway, his venus in gemini makes him have the same duality in romance as well. things definitely won't get boring with him as a lover. his love language can be sweet acts of service for you, like making you breakfast (i can just picture sunoo making the cutest little breakfast for his lover so well i'm in tears). but he'll especially enjoy having hour-long deep conversations with you, where you share your hopes and dreams and talk about life. he'll enjoy texting you all the time, probably send you the cutest good night texts and many lovey dovey heart emojis. he'll also be very flirty, adventurous and enjoy many different types of activities with you, just keep him stimulated at all times. - as i said, gemini venus people can be very two-faced. his cancer and aries combination makes him very hot and cold anyway, but his gemini venus can also lead to him suddenly acting differently according to who he's with, which can make him seem dishonest or ingenuine. like, it'll almost be him putting on different masks every time circumstances change. and you'll just be left there wondering where the ever-smiling and giggly sunoo from 2 minutes ago just went? he can also easily lose interest in people. if you aren't interesting enough to him, it won't be hard for him to just look for the next, more fun person. he's also very good at playing the victim. he knows how to use his charm and wit to get what he wants, which can get irritating.
jungwon aries venus
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physical traits lovers, 4ofc, devil
extremely alluring and charming aura. looks unapproachable but very attractive. magnetic and deep eyes. darker and long hair. isn't afraid to flaunt their beauty. dresses in a way that shows it off. someone you can't avert your gaze from.
personality traits knofc, pagofsw, herm
jungwon likes his partners to be very confident and self-reliant. his aries venus makes him very energetic and passionate, so he needs someone who won't be imitated by his fiery attitude in love and can keep up with that. still, aries people can have a very childlike charm too, so although he doesn't want them to depend on him, he can't stand them being too stuck up as well. he needs someone who's easygoing and fun-loving. someone who won't be afraid to openly flirt with him and be direct and straightforward. he'll be attracted to people who aren't too shy to actively pursue him and be just as bold as him. aries venus people can at times be confident to a point of delusion. so someone who can boldly challenge that will attract and intrigue him for sure.
“cause every time you strip away my pride humble me down to my knees you're exactly what i need”
him as a boyfriend devrx+magic&knofw, 8ofw
+ don't be fooled by jungwon's sweet and innocent looks, because this boy brings the word passion to a different level when it comes to romance. if he is into you, you will definitely know about it. he's aware of how irresistable he can be, so he absolutely won't shy away from using his charm and making the first move. if he sees you at a party and is intrigued, he'll probably tell you how stunning you look right in your face, no matter the circumstances. aries venus people love the thrill of a chase for sure. he'll be very big on physical affection too, so don't be surprised to have him just pull you into a kiss out of nowhere, or insist on holding your hand all the time. still, he won't be possessive in an extreme manner, so you won't have to worry about him being too clingy. he'll like you to be independent as well and give you your own space to be your own person without depending on him. - aries people are the definition of impatient. you need to keep him stimulated all the time, otherwise it's way too easy for him to get bored in your relationship. it can be hard to keep up with his energy levels and fast-paced attitude for sure. he can easily get frustrated if things in your romance progress too slowly, he'll be all in from the very beginning. his frustration can also be expressed in an overly angry manner, aries people are very short-tempered and prone to sudden bursts of anger. he can almost become scary, so definitely not for someone very soft or weak-hearted. jealousy can also become a thing, if something you did somehow hurt his ego. since aries people can be a little too self-absorbed, he won't like the thought of you liking someone more than him.
since niki is still a minor, i don't think it's right for me to do romantic readings on him. hope you can understand and still enjoyed the read ʚ♡⃛ɞ
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weaveandwood · 24 days
Writing Prompt - Gale hosts a camp cookout! Everyone has to bring something to the party. Ora gets very flustered watching him cooking, and one thing leads to another...
Anything for you my love! I wanted to have this done closer to the holiday on Monday but here we are.
NSFW Words: 1982 CN: Oral Sex Watching Gale cook was one of Ora’s favorite pastimes. The sharp focus he got when he was doing something he loved was so attractive. From the very beginning of their journey together she had found her eye drawn to him, but especially so when he was cooking - something about the way his forearm muscles flexed, the furrow of his brows, the precision in his cuts. Someone that exacting with food would surely be as exacting in other areas of their lives, a fact Ora found out first hand almost a tenday ago, when he confessed he loved her and proved his diligence to her pleasure almost every day since. His attention to detail, whether it was spell casting, cooking, or remembering the exact amount of freckles that were sprinkled across her hipbone was one of the traits about Gale she loved the most. 
Now, with Ketheric Thorm out of the picture and Gale very obviously not blown up, he had suggested a celebration dinner where everyone would bring their own dish to the courtyard at the Last Light Inn and contribute to the meal before the party left on the road to Baldur’s Gate with the sunrise the next morning. Not one to relinquish complete control of the meal, he offered to cook the main dish, and claimed his usual prep spot in their campsite, leaving the others to find somewhere else to work on their contributions. Auroria walked up to Gale holding a loaf of bread that she managed to talk Jaheira out of.
“The best hunter in our party shows up with a loaf of bread?” He teased. “No matter, it will go perfectly with what I have planned,” he smiled and kissed her cheek as she pulled over a stool to keep him company while he cooked.
“I’ll have you know it took plenty of effort to get Jaheira to give up this loaf of bread. I’m positive the only reason she did was because we took out Ketheric. She also gave me this,” she smiled as she held up a bottle of wine, one of the better bottles housed in the basement of the Last Light Inn.
“Another thank you gift?” Gale asked, taking the bottle and looking at the label. “I’ve had this before, this is an excellent wine. Almost too good to be enjoyed at a party, better to be shared in more intimate surrounds,” he lowered his voice and winked - winked! -  as he put the bottle under the table, obvious in his intention to take it back to his tent to drink alone with Ora later that night. After they finished whatever battle, scouting mission, or strategy session they had for the day, she loved spending wine-drunk evenings with him while he read to her, his warm voice making even the most academic of passages sound downright sinful, often leading to other sinful acts before the night was over.
As he resumed his culinary work, the rhythmic sounds of the knife hitting the cutting board took Auroria back to the thumping of the bed against the wall the previous night, when the two of them managed to secure one of the rare private quarters at the inn - the first thank you gift from Jaheira after defeating Ketheric and restoring Reithwin, breaking the Shadow Curse. After so many nights spent together in bedrolls on the hard ground, sharing a bed, a real bed, was revelatory. They had chased their first releases that night quickly, desperately, a confirmation of their survival, of defying the gods. A fire burned within her as she watched his elegant hands curve around the knife handle much in the same way they curved around the back of her neck whenever he kissed her deeply. 
Why did he have to push his sleeves up like that? It was maddening how she couldn’t draw her gaze away from them or the tendons working in his hands as he grabbed a tomato. The way his hair fell forward into his face as he leaned over, slicing it - each slice precisely the same thickness. The way he bit his lip as he looked for the next ingredient needed. Was she standing too close to the fire? It was suddenly very hot in this area of the camp. 
“What’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours?” He asked, catching her staring at him. 
“Nothing appropriate,” she smiled. “Have you ever been told just how attractive you are when you cook?” 
He chuckled, slicing an onion now. “Well, considering how my last relationship before you was with a goddess who didn’t require food, and then I was a hermit for over a year…no, no one has ever told me that.” 
She stood up, brushing a strand of hair out of his face before leaning in to whisper into his ear. “Well, let me be the one to tell you that every time I watch you cook, I want to peel all your clothes off right then and there and give you as much attention as you give these vegetables.” She planted a kiss on his neck, knowing it drove him wild, confirmation coming in the form of a low groan. “And since we are the only two people in the camp right now, we should take advantage of it,” she said as she nipped his earlobe. 
He set the knife down, kissing her. “As much as I want to take you to my tent and give you every attention, there’s still some prep to do before we are supposed to reconvene at the Last Light Inn, my love. I promise to leave you doubly satisfied before you sleep tonight.” 
“You always do, and I will hold you to that,” she laughed. “But I said I wanted to give you all the attention, remember?” She kissed him again and pressed her body against his, feeling his growing desire for her. She reached between them, her hand rubbing his growing erection through his pants. 
He kissed her deeply, his tongue sliding against hers. She felt him gasp against her as she reached inside his waistband, under his undergarments and felt him, growing harder as her fingertips brushed over him. 
He broke the kiss and looked at her, a hint of nervousness on his face. “Out here, Ora? What if someone comes back to camp?” 
She kissed his neck again, smiling against it. “You are Gale of Waterdeep, I have utter faith that you would figure something out,” she smiled as she unbuttoned the front of his pants and loosened the laces on his briefs, enough to keep him covered but grant his hardness enough freedom for her to wrap her hand around it. His sharp intake of breath encouraged her and she started slowly stroking him, feeling him grow even harder in her hand. “I would have you right here, but I know you value privacy, and your tent is just over there,” she whispered. “Maybe you can take just a short break?”
“Gods, Ora, you will be the death of me. But I will die a happy man.” He kissed her and took her hand, putting aside his current duty and leading her to his tent, lowering the flap behind them. 
He put his hands on her hips and kissed her deeply. Her hands wrapped around his back, pulling them closer together. He reached between them for the bottom of her shirt, his hands running under the hem, against the soft skin of her stomach.
“Take it off,” he whispered. 
Auroria nodded, pulling off her shirt, leaving her in only her bralette, much to Gale’s dismay. When they stole time together at the end of the day she never wore anything under her shirts. He ran his fingers along the edge of the embroidered fabric, dipping just barely inside it to feel the even softer skin of her breast. His other hand drifted down, rubbing her over the fabric of her leggings. A soft moan escaped her lips. 
“Gale, I’m supposed to be giving you the attention, remember?” She laughed, her knees almost buckling from the friction between her legs and the way he was looking at her, a man starving. Like he hadn’t feasted from her the night previous, like they hadn’t spent the morning in each others arms, bringing each other into relaxed bliss as the sun rose. She reached between them, unbuttoning his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders. Gods, she thought, admiring his chest, running her hands over it. 
“You’re so perfect,” she whispered, kissing down his neck, over the orb marking, down his chest. “Now, take off your pants, my love.” She smiled as he gladly acquiesced, standing naked before her as she lowered herself onto her knees in front of him. She looked up at him as she wrapped her hand around him again, hearing him gasp as she stroked, his fingertips resting on her shoulders for balance. 
“Let me touch you,” he whispered. It was still difficult for him to accept receiving pleasure with no expectation of anything in return, no matter how many times she told him she enjoyed it as much as he did. She looked up at him, making eye contact as she flattened her tongue, licking the length of his hardness before taking just the tip in her mouth. 
She thought he might fall over. His eyes darkened with lust and he moaned loudly. His hands went to her hair, tangling in it as she took him farther into his mouth, sucking softly. One of her hands traced up his thigh, feeling the muscles underneath his gorgeous skin before settling on his hip. 
“That feels so good,” he said, watching her intently, his hips starting to rock in tandem with her hand and mouth, making her take him deeper. She hummed against him, loving the feeling of him against her tongue. She stroked him from base to tip, her mouth following, drawing new and louder sounds out of him. She was suddenly glad they were the only ones at camp - she loved when he let himself get lost in pleasure. His hips rocked faster, urging her to suck harder, faster, deeper. His hands were on her head, guiding her as he set the pace. 
She could feel his body stiffen, his breathing become more labored as he neared the edge of his release. She moaned against him, looking up and catching his eyes as the vibrations went through him. He looked down at her. He looked so undone, she had such power over him in this moment. 
“I’m going to…I’m almost…” he whispered. He maintained eye contact with her as he gave two more quick thrusts with his hips, crying out loudly as waves of pleasure washed over him, sending him over the edge. Auroria felt him pulse and throb in her mouth as his release coated her tongue before she swallowed it. 
“Gods, I love you,” he said, smiling as he reached down and stroked her face before helping her stand up.
She kissed him deeply. “I love you too. Thanks for letting me distract you for a moment,” she smiled as he pressed his forehead against hers. “We should probably get back out there and finish up. I’ll even help.”
“Ora, I’m not sure that’s the boon you think it is,” he laughed, remembering the last time she helped him unsuccessfully. 
She smiled and narrowed her eyes at him. “Get your clothes on wizard, and I’ll see you at the inn, then. And don’t think I won’t hold you to your promise of making sure I’m doubly satisfied tonight!” She laughed as she walked out of the tent. 
He smiled and shook his head as he reached for his discarded clothes. Gods, he was glad he didn’t blow himself up.
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seriesxwriting · 1 year
It’s you I want for Christmas
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W stiles stilinski
Warnings- kissing, swearing.
Series- teen wolf
Summary- you and stiles are best friends but Christmas time brings around love. And stiles is tired of hiding the love he has for you.
Requests are open🫶
“Hey! stiles over here, what are you doing in town” I laughed running over and hugging him. “Y/n, What a coincidence” he giggled hugging me back. “How?” I pulled a funny face while being a bit confused.
“It’s nothing ignore me- I’m just doing some last minute Christmas shopping” he wiggled his eye brows. “Cutting it close huh, it’s Christmas Eve” “yeah well I have no clue what to get the person” stiles shrugged looking around at some of the shops.
“Well, Maybe i can lend you a hand I’m just about done here” I shrugged making my bags known. Stiles looked at me deeply and grinned. “I’d like that” he told me nodding his head. I couldn’t peel my eyes away from him, something about my best friend just drew me in. More than I could ever admit.
“Perfect- who’s the gift for” I shook my head subtly breaking the mesmerising spark that we had between us. “Uhhh well it’s a secret but it’s for a girl” “bit vague” I giggled nudging him as we began to walk through town. “I can’t give away much” he twinkled at me.
“Is she part of the pack?” I questioned but stiles just tapped his nose “all I’m saying is she’s very special to me- I want to ask her out and I want to get her something to show her how I feel” stiles told me. I tried to push down the feeling of pain twisting in my stomach. I tried to ignore the lump in my throat the want to cry. I tried my best to ignore the feelings I had for my best friend while we shopped for the girl who owned his heart.
“You alright y/n?” Stiles laughed shaking me slightly “yeah- of course I am it’s Christmas” i nodded forcing a smile. Stiles took my arm cheerfully “so where are we off to?” “Well what girls don’t like jewellery” I pointed to one of the shops close by. It was painted a dark green with golden curly writing at the top on a wooden frame. Stiles pushed the door open and the bell rang out.
He turned to me after shaking the snow off his face and coat. Stiles then put a gloved hand out and wiped the snow off my coat and out of my hair. We both giggled together flicking snow at one another. “Ugh I love the snow but I don’t love looking like a wet mess” I sighed removing my Beanie and my knitted cream mittens. “You never look a mess y/n, I don’t know how you do it” stiles shrugged with a cheeky smirk.
“Ooo that one’s pretty” I breezed past the compliment pointing at a necklace behind the glass. I appreciated it I did, but i couldn’t look past the fact we were in this shop for another girl. “Do you like that one?” He questioned coming behind me staring at it. Slowly I turned and looked up at him. Stiles was so handsome from his baby brown eyes to his soft skin. He was truly all I wanted for Christmas.
“It’s super pretty, but that’s just my opinion- what type of jewellery dose she wear” I asked softly, stiles looked down at me now. Our faces were inches away from another’s. “Do you actually know” I raised an eyebrow at him. Men don’t really pay attention to that stuff. “She wears a lot of gold jewellery and she has a lot of colourful stones” stiles told me while looking around the store.
My mouth hung slightly open “you- pay attention to detail” I announced walking around the little shop. “Well she takes a lot of time and effort to present her self- and she’s beautiful how could I not notice”. I turned around to look at him but he was already staring at me. My heart was pounding against my chest. I couldn’t listen to this anymore. “Well it sounds like we have similar taste so- this shouldn’t be too hard”
I sighed snapping the eye contact we were holding and looking through the shelves. Until my eyes laid upon something I couldn’t turn away from. While side eyeing it I noticed the price of the ring. “What are you looking at?” Stiles questioned trying to figure it out. “That ring but it’s-.” “-it’s beautiful” stiles cut in walking over. “It’s a lot of money sti” I joined him but I was completely mesmerised by it. “Trust me y/n she’s worth every penny and so is her happiness”
“This ring was once worn by a princess from England” one of the ladies that owned the shop walked by us. “It’s stunning” I batted my eye. “Is this the one?” Stiles turned to me smiling. “She will love it- I’m happy for you two” I rubbed his arm putting my feeling aside. “She hasn’t agreed to a date yet” stiles smirked side hugging me.
He brought the gold ring with a beautiful shiny square emerald in the middle of it. It had carved out gold swirls around the Center piece with tiny diamonds engraved. I waited outside for stiles to come out again. And he did so with a huge grin.  “I’m glad your happy” I clasped my hands together.
“What time are you and your family coming round tomorrow for Christmas?” Stiles asked me with his hands in his pockets. “Um- quite early I think around twelve” “perfect, I promise this Christmas will be better than last years there won’t be any fires this time” stiles laughed leading me towards the car park.
“Well it was entertaining watching your dad try and work the fire extinguisher” I held my stomach remembering. “What about when we were ten and your sister smashed your kitchen window trying to throw you a fork” stiles sniggered “oh my mum was so angry”. I stopped in front of my car looking up at him. “It really wouldn’t be Christmas with out you y/n” he hugged me tightly.
“Considering we’ve spent Christmas together since before we could walk- it really wouldn’t be the same with out you either sti” “thanks for all your help y/n” he pulled away fluffing my hair out. “So will your mystery girl- be coming tomorrow?” I wondered holding my breath for the answer. “Yes, she will be” he twinkled, I solemnly nodded “cant- wait to um meet her” I wiggled my eye brows. “I’ll see you tomorrow beautiful” stiles patted my arm before walking through the snow to his famous jeep.
Christmas Day
*knock knock*
“HEY! Oh my god merry Christmas!” Stiles dad smiled opening the door welcoming us in. My mum and dad and two sister walked into the house singing Christmas songs and greeting the rest of stiles family. I walked in last with a bright smile. “Hey Noah thanks for having us this year” I hugged him “oh y/n Christmas isn’t Christmas with out the y/l/n’s here” “me and stiles said the same thing yesterday” I laughed softly while he closed the door.
“He’s in his room if you want to go up” Noah nodded in the direction of the stairs. “Thanks” I beamed making my way up to my best friend. I knocked on the door and pushed it open. “Yes come in” he laughed though it was too late. “H-hey” I stood awkwardly as stiles stood with his top in his arms. “Merry Christmas” he smiled softly “yes- yes merry Christmas” “what did you ask Santa for” stiles joked throwing on his top.
My heart beat slowed down now. “I asked him for… this Christmas to be just as entertaining as all the rest of ours” I jumped onto his bed laying down. “You look lovely anyway” he winked at me “not too bad your self stilinski” “so when’s the lucky girl arriving” i propped myself on my elbow. But again stiles just tapped his nose. “Sti Why are you being so weird about this? You tell me everything”
“because I value your opinion y/n- your the most important person to me so I need to- handle this right”. I was quite shocked that that’s what stiles came out with but- it was kind of nice. “Stiles! Y/n! We’re opening presents!” My mother yelled up to us. “We’re being summoned” he laughed picking up his phone and sliding it into his pocket. He put his arm out for me “m lady” “your such a joker” i sniggered shaking my head and walking past him.
Me and stiles had seats saved for us on the sofa. Everything went so fast wrapping paper flew everywhere. Laughter and chatter filled the air with everyone in the room loving Christmas together. Eventually all the younger kids went to play with there toys and all the adults went to talk in the kitchen about how drunk they plan on getting. Me and stiles stayed sitting on the couch.
“That was eventful” he laughed falling backwards getting comfortable. “Yeah but it’s not enough for me, something always goes funnily wrong, I need the entertainment” I widened my eyes with a grin. “Well I can’t say I disagree with you” he rubbed my knee. “Uh- your girl missed the presents, I wanted to her reaction”. Stiles laughed shaking his head “well technically all the presents haven’t been opened yet” stiles rolled his head over to look at me.
I pinched my eyebrows together and he jumped up and reached into the Christmas tree. “This is for you” he gave me a little present wrapped in sliver paper. “Sti are you serious- we made a pact when we were twelve that we wouldn’t buy each other presents” I sighed melting into the sofa. “Exactly we were twelve y/n” he laughed sitting down next to me. “Will you just open it” “if you promise me this is a one time thing because I feel so awful right now”
“One times thing” he put his hands up laughing. I sighed again but with a little smile now. I peeled open the neatly suck tape and out came a box. It was so pretty but when i opened up the lid my eyes expanded. “No- sti you gave me the wrong one” I shook my head but he was staring into my eyes. “No- y/n I didn’t” he admitted sitting up now.
“I don’t- understand you said there was a girl coming and that- you wanted to ask her out you can’t give this to me” I shook my head “you are the girl y/n” stiles started playing with his fingers. I didn’t know what to say to him. I was so confused and excited at the same time. “Y/n- say something” stiles half laughed. “So I’m the girl- you want to ask out?” I looked into his hypnotising brown eyes with a grin. Stiles nodded slowly. “Ask me out then”.
Stiles laughed, I couldn’t turn away from the boy. “Well, y/n y/l/n I happened to have fallen in love with my best friend and I’m really hoping I haven’t ruined anything with you by hoping that you- feel what I feel too” “I do” I blurted out jumping into a hug. “Fucking hell I thought you were in love with some random girl and you were bringing her round for Christmas” I pushed him gently pulling away. “I’m sorry I’m so sorry” stiles laughed his head off but grabbed onto my waist.
“I apologise, I am sorry but- your the only girl I’ve ever wanted” “I can’t believe you planned this whole thing I- your just- I’m in love with you too sti I have been for years” “i know how you feel I do” he smiled rubbing my hand. “I also planned this” stiles giggled pointing upwards to a Christmas mistletoe. “fuck it- I’ve wanted to do this for so long” I pulled our faces together. I could have sworn I heard fireworks go off in the background. The spark me and stiles had was so strong.
I really did love this boy and I wanted to bawl my eyes out when he told me there was another girl. But to find out all this planning was all for me made me feel so special. “Stiles! Y/n- Noah left his gun and your father y/n has just shot it through a window shattered it and then shattered Noah’s car windscreen” my mother came in laughing her head off. Just as she was rambling she caught us kissing.
“Are you two- are you- was that what I think it was?” She stuttered smiling a wide smile. “We uh…” I trailed off with a smirk of my own. “Yeah we have something to tell you” stiles nodded with a little shrug. “And- everyone else” I added in sliding the ring on my left hand. My mother just continued smiling while bobbling her head at us holding hands.
“Guys! It finally happened” she yelled out into the house walking away.
My masterlist for more like this!💗
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
An eventful holiday - Thea Queen x Male!reader
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A/N: based off the 1x09 holiday episode because I've started a DC show rewatch and forgot how much of a crush I used to have on Thea
When Oliver came back from the dead he had a lot of new things he had to adjust to, one of the hardest being that his little sister who was only twelve the last time he saw her was now seventeen with a boyfriend.
He wanted an opportunity to bring his family closer after learning they stopped celebrating Christmas when he and his father went missing so Oliver planned a big Christmas party to make up for lost time.
However he didn't expect you to be invited as Thea's plus one.
He, Thea, Moira and Walter just got their photo taken when you walk in holding a bouquet of flowers.
"Hi, uh Thea invited me," you say seeing the angry look on Oliver's face, "Mrs. Queen these are for you."
You hand Moira the flowers and she thanks you, Thea kissing you on the cheek and showing you to the food table.
"I didn't get a chance to tell you how amazing you look tonight," you smile, grabbing a christmas cookie and taking a bite of it.
"You clean up pretty nice yourself," she says, drinking a glass of champagne and taking in the sight of you in your suit.
"Well I wanted to impress your brother, I don't think he likes me very much," you admit.
"Because he doesn't know you and he still doesn't want to believe I'm not a little kid anymore," she tells you.
"Maybe we should hang out sometime, just the three of us so he and I can actually get to know each other," you suggest.
"You're putting in a lot of effort to get the approval of my brother," she chuckles.
"That's because I love you, I want him to know that I'm serious about us and would never do anything to hurt you."
Thea smiles and kisses you sweetly, putting her empty glass down on the table, "I love you too and I think we should go upstairs for some privacy so I can give you your christmas present."
"But we exchanged gifts already," You say confused as you and Thea had a small get together with your family a few days prior.
"This is the part of your gift that I couldn't give you in front of your parents," she grins.
You had no idea what was in store for you but you quickly down a glass of champagne as she takes your hand and guides you towards the stairs.
Oliver sees this and glares at you, about to follow you two with intentions of kicking you out of the party but his mother puts her hand on his shoulder to stop him.
"Let them be Oliver," Moira says calmly.
"You're really okay with what they are going to do up there?" Oliver huffs.
"They are young and in love, in case you've forgotten your father and I tried to stop you sneaking around with girls when you were their age and yet you still always found a way," she chuckles.
"She's not ready to be in a relationship this serious," Oliver states.
"And you were?" Moira laughs, "you have to accept that Thea is not the same twelve year old she was when you left."
"Excuse me mom, I need to get some air," Oliver sighs, heading to the front door.
Meanwhile upstairs you are sitting on Thea's bed as she locks her door, sauntering towards you and climbing in your lap.
"Go ahead and unzip my dress," she says and you reach up, pulling the zipper down her chest to reveal the black lacy bra she has underneath.
"Wow," you mutter, the top of her dress falling off her shoulders and bunching around her waist.
"You like it?" She asks it.
"You are so beautiful Thea," you say putting your hands on her waist and kissing her deeply.
The kiss intensifies, Thea slipping your suit jacket off and tossing it to the floor before unbuttoning your shirt.
You pick her up and flip her over, letting her get comfortable against the pillows.
Thea moans softly as you kiss down her neck and along her chest while pulling her dress the rest of the way off her body exposing the lacy black panties that matched her bra.
"Merry Christmas Y/N," she says, biting her lip.
"This just may be the best gift I've ever received," you mutter, your lips traveling along her stomach which results in her hips rocking up for any form of friction.
You spend a while exploring her body and working her up, fully enjoying your gift, your fingers are gently rubbing her over the lace and her arousal is starting to soak through the material so you finally rid her of it.
You stand up and remove the rest of your clothes as well but look around, "Wait where's my jacket?"
You spot it on the floor and dig around in the inside pocket pulling a condom out.
"Were you expecting to get laid tonight?" Thea teases as she lifts her chest up to unclip her bra and tosses it aside.
"Not at all but it's always better to be prepared right," you chuckle, taking the condom out and rolling it on.
You reposition yourself back on top of her, spreading her legs apart and settling in between them.
Thea gasps when you ease the tip of your cock inside her, slowly pushing it the rest of the way in.
"Does this feel okay?" You ask and she nods.
You give a few rolls of your hips so she has a chance to adjust before you find a more steady rhythm.
She throws her head back, her chest in the air so you take the opportunity to nip at her neck and collarbones.
"Just like that," she moans, grasping at the sheets under her.
After a few minutes she feels her release approaching and reaches down, rubbing firm circles over her clit.
"I'm so close," she groans.
"Me too," you grunt, picking up the pace.
With just a few more thrusts Thea is cumming, her walls tightening around your cock and her eyes rolling back.
Seeing her like this takes you over the edge as well, riding out your highs together.
After cleaning yourselves up you're blissfully laying naked in her bed, a sheet loosely around your waists with her head on your chest when there's an urgent knocking on her door.
"Thea make yourself decent quickly, Diggle just called and Oliver's been in a motorcycle accident we need to go to the hospital right away," her mother says through the door with an obvious worry in her voice.
"Oh my god," Thea says, jumping out of bed and grabbing her clothes off the floor.
"Hey, what can I do for you?" You ask trying to comfort her as you both get redressed.
Thea opens her door surprised to see her mom is still standing there.
"Y/N you can help by seeing our guests out after we leave," Moira says.
"Of course Mrs. Queen," you say awkwardly, pulling your suit jacket on and kissing Thea's forehead before heading downstairs.
"Walter is bringing the car around," Moira says as they follow suit, "and Thea dear fix your dress, I do hope you two were using protection in there."
"Mom now is not the time for that!" Thea yelps in embarrassment realizing her dress is still half unzipped.
Well this certainly was the most eventful holiday Thea has had in a long time.
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moonartemisia · 8 months
Through His Strings || Itoshi Rin × Fem!Reader Fic
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(Itoshi Rin birthday special)
Tags: Hints of fluff, NSFW, smut, foodplay, edging, rough play, oral, fingering, mutual stimulation, protected sex, teasing, romance, age-gap, mentioned of Japanese words, character aged-up, rin will be around 19 in this story, reader is around 22 (if you don't like the story, you may kindly scroll away)
Note: This is a late entry for celebrating my boy's birthday. It ended in 2 months while having a writer's block
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"Huh? You never celebrated Rin's birthday before?"
In a moment of shock, Anri realized as her fellow team manager and analysis exclaimed. You of 22, another hired of the blue lock facility, team manager, and soccer analysis, and long-time partner of the puppeteer egoist, Rin Itoshi — never had celebrated his birthday before.
Much to Anri's disbelief knowing Rin's deprived character, You managed to pull him into their relationship despite his first-time lover. Rin did eventually work with you very well, as you carefully understood him a lot.
Although, in this case, spending some quality time together with Rin off of the Blue Lock's facility. The two of you personally haven't celebrated Rin's birthday. Nothing is going about a reason as to why you never get to ask nor questions Rin.
You think as if Rin is too exclusive and has his personal space to celebrate his birthday. But you being Rin's girlfriend is something that you both should've enjoyed while it's his special day, of course.
You avoided Anri's eye contact at her, tilting your head lower, sighing;
"Well, for long — I can't clearly seem to think Rin wouldn't like celebrating his birthday, his parents never informed me when they're planning to. I guess you should say it is a personal matter that he doesn't get to feel enjoyment as much as before. If I put it that way?"
"(Y/n)... you're his girlfriend, even if you're unsure to plan for his birthday, maybe make an effort to surprise him? I bet without a doubt he will appreciate it. Not in a way he expresses — just showing how grateful that it feels to him wouldn't be nice?"
You xontemplated for a bit — to simply put it that way; you don't know where to start on surprising Rin. Especially not knowing his reasons but based upon his upbringing and his gloomy change. You deeply think it is a personal matter. Rin doesn't get to celebrate his birthday at all with anyone. Unless if you would change the course of events, you love him with all your heart after all.
"Okay, I'll give it a try. In fact, it's been like 4 years, to be precise. I never get to question Rin on why he isn't letting anyone celebrate his birthday."
Anri assured you with a smile, she responding—
"I'm pretty sure Rin will answer once you surprise him. It can't be that hard to plan a birthday party. Something simple is better than a grand venue for him or none at all. You are surprising how much you mean to him. Besides, you did your best to understand Rin. But, when was the last time you encountered Rin doing things on his birthday before?"
"The usual, he plays horror games or watches horror movies."
You flatly answers Anri to her reaction, her eyes questionably blinking at your words. The Rin Itoshi is definitely weird... he likes dark stuff?
"Ah— normally he does that, but I don't mind about it. I get to play horror games with Rin sometimes."
"I see... uh — but most importantly, you get to have quality time for him. Anyways, you better get going and plan something on his birthday. It's coming soon, Miharu!"
Nodding at Anri's encouragement. You thanked her for giving an idea upon Rin's upcoming birthday. Heading off planning what would be the best gift to give for Rin's birthday.
This is much harder than I thought. He is a soccer player, he loves horror and stuff... I don't know what to give him—!?
You're turbulent with the decisions you needed to decide in order to buy Rin's gift — as a reminding girlfriend is specific on the choices. However, you can not give him all of these to him... materialistic things are the ones you are bad at thinking of as a gift. Since the you already know his hobbies and what he likes or not. You are detailed of the things you know of him from heart, you have thought about a person whom you care, deeply.
Should I buy him new cleats? But I guess Rin already has a new pair... Residents of Evil Games he probably have all of the latest to the newest release... uhm, a language book? I know Rin can pick up some languages he is rather a fast learner, although he doesn't have any interest in reading. Plus, a soccer addict he is only focused on soccer — perhaps a soccer ball? Ah, this is so frustrating!!!
Out of the blue, suddenly you missed your balance while fixating your plans over what gift you should give to your boyfriend. A trip on the foot against your heel with a slight hit scratched down —
Oh shi—
"Careful there..."
You blinked. Surprisingly, your head was pressed over — a warm, soft, yet cold scent of ackwood fragrance. A familiar tall stature as you looked up, meeting your eyes on those gleaming shades of teal you recognized...
It's Itoshi Rin.
"Watch your step next time, (Y/n)... you almost fell down."
The breath of his stern voice swayed up tingling your spine. You can't take your eyes off of him as the youngest Itoshi gazed down at you into his arms tightly.
"T-thanks, Rin—"
"You're in a hurry, (Y/n). Is everything alright?"
Rin asked, still holding onto you, his girlfriend, keeping your bodies enclosed. You reassured with a nod before answering him.
"Just some errands I have to handle with, don't worry."
"I can help if there are any problems."
Although you reassured Rin, eventually you turned down his offered assistance. Hopefully, this won't question the birthday boy sooner, but you have to make up excuses not to spoil your plans. You smiled, shaking your head —
"No need! It's fine."
"Are you sure? I mean, I'm pretty free enough to—"
"I already said no worries, Rin! Sorry about that, but I have to rush. This is important. I'll probably get back to you when I'm free, okay?"
The tall Ace was puzzled by the way you dashed off. He has a hunch of whatever you're up to something. However, you don't really want to spoil such a special day; with that said, keeping search to head out and plan some simple decorations and a cake for Rin to blow later. One thing you could ever do to is you would do all the things for Rin's birthday to be perfect, as fine as you thought it would.
Rin may not be experiencing celebrating his birthday with just the two of you since the start. It's quite odd to think how you will convince Rin to come over. You made your way instead to initiate planning his birthday inside your flat.
It'll be awkward if I asked his parents to help out, right? I mean, Rin doesn't celebrate his birthday unless it is personal for a reason. Yet there's Sae— but that's another story for now... I wanna make him happy for once!
At the time, you managed to bring what you needed, a cake from your favorite cafe and cake shop. You carried a fruity shortcake that has the birthday greeting and chocolate syrup written his name in Kanji. Some simple birthday decorations to display, balloons, and strings, lastly... but that's those are the rest you bought yet the gift on the other hand isn't.
"Gosh, I'm going to text him... Probably, this would do for now, right?"
Well just here at my apartment is fine, but the gift... You sulked.
You settled to get your preparations done. The time passed half an hour to set simple decorations, and you placing the cake down at the center of your kotatsu. Huffing aside, standing to look at your set up, all the lights were hanging by the wall, and a bit of balloons were left below besides the sofa along with the pillows to compliment your display. And last but not the least, a birthday banner. You won't definitely go overboard about the display if you think of putting a cardboard cut out of Rin. That's too much of a birthday dedication you put setting these all for him. However, you're worried you don't have a gift to present right now. Such a waste of effort.
What really steps up is to surprise Rin for his special day — meaning to say his first special day with you. That's all it matters. Your lips perked a small smile, paying your efforts off while you waited for the perfect moment to call Rin.
Okay, that settles it. I should call him now...
You sighing to pick up his mobile number on dial. Patiently, Rin's number beeps through the phone before a silent click notified.
"Rin, hey there..."
"You good? Earlier, you were in a rush. I was asking what's bothering you a while there."
He seems concerned, judging by the tone of his voice that you couldn't help giggling.
"Ah, I'm sorry for that earlier, babe. There was nothing wrong lately, I promise you. How about this, I'd like you to come here at my place, I'll tell you why."
"Right now? I'm here outside at the bay. Why not here over the phone?" Rin quipped.
"Just come, I'll tell you. Are you not busy at the moment?"
The young Itoshi sounded a bit skeptical at your invitation. He doesn't seem to get it why.
"No, then I'll go over there at your place, just walking. I'm busy reminiscing my thoughts for a bit. You could've joined me to whatever you're doing with your errands. As much as I'm happy to assist you."
"No need, thank you, Rin. I'm fine and done. Alright, I'll be seeing you here, waiting."
Through his windy, coarsed voice answering you back, Rin immediately turned off his phone. Walking towards his way through the busy streets nearing your apartment where there will be a special surprise awaiting. It didn't took long for the soccer ace to arrive at the apartment's main doorstep. Rin looked up; reaching for the knob — opening it. Soon as he went inside walking passing by the doors, Rin stopped. Appearing in front of the your room number with a press of a finger, ringing the door bell.
"(Y/n), it's me..." Rin called.
He peered over the windown hole of its door. Checking if his you're present, his bright teal eyes notices the unit looked dim — inspecting around through the hole.
Until a click coming from the entrance, Rin was curious as he opened the door slowly. When he faced the room, a pop of confetti burst right on the spot.
"Surprise, Rin! Happy birthday!" You said while holding the cake, already lit up before he came as you time his arrival.
His eyes dilated the moment you stormed to his way of surprise. Rin couldn't process what was happening, but his eyes windowed, feeling a warm greeting coming from you and the cake you're holding sparks his expression.
"You — I ... you remembered?" Rin stuttered for a moment, his head tilted up swooning his long bangs. You can tell to his reaction, he looks speechless and delighted by your special dedication.
"Yeah, of course! Why wouldn't I? Heh, happy birthday, baby."
"All for this? You shouldn't have to—"
"As much as I wanted your birthday to be special, Rin. Plus, it's our first celebration we had together as a couple. Enjoy your birthday here, alone."
He couldn't take how much you put everything for him. Rin knew that the two of you hadn't celebrated his birthday for years. It made the tall player feel a bit guilty for not letting you know amongst anyone who could celebrate his birthday. Rin never doubted how lonely it is to be, but birthdays are just normal days for him to just rejoice in a new age of this year. Now that he has you, everything has changed. The two of you went inside of your apartment, skipping the interlude.
Like a stubborn kid he is, Rin didn't make a wish as he blows the candle directly on his cake.
You frowned at his bluntness, brushing it off giggling. "Really? No wish?"
"Come on, it's my birthday... (Y/n), I won't waste any minutes in silence for a wish."
"I bet you have wishes you wanna make. Care to share?"
The young Itoshi whisked his eye contact away, quietly pondering his thoughts.
"One thing for sure... I wish to beat my brother just for the sake. I know he will recognize what I have... Complicated to mention as you know what I aim for."
You understood what he meant, solely for this purpose, to fulfill his dream of becoming a striker and in hopes for his brother’s recognizing downfall. This piqued your curiosity to ask him why you and him haven't celebrated his birthday. You sensed as a clue of thought towards the way Rin mentioned his past again.
You were aware of their brother rivalry ever since Rin explained it to you — a year, when the two of you are dating. Sae crushed his dreams that the brothers used to share. His older brother that Rin looks up to — betrayed their dreams over an unreasonable decision without knowing what could've cause Sae's light to fade into the darkness. Sae departed from Japan to Spain in order to be a striker; completely diminished as his shadows were. He chose a different path that made Rin puzzled, angered, and felt lost over him. Never did Sae open to his family about what had happened to him there as far as Sae lives on no longer to be a striker, but a known midfielder on the field.
"Rin, can I ask?"
"Hm?" His head bobbed at your side, looking at you.
"Why aren't you celebrating your birthday? Well, especially me? I know it's a tough and personal question for me to ask. Come to think of it that I'm your girlfriend who's willing to pay respect on whatever you want or decide. But if it's about how your upbringing led by Sae's change of heart. Then, I'll understand for sure."
Rin stayed silent for a moment, though your words stood up right. It was all for the sake he didn't want to face Sae after all that occurred. It frustrates him whenever his parents tried to convince Sae to come home from Spain just to celebrate and greet Rin. Keeping the broken brotherhood hidden from them. Rin, dully requesting his parents not to invite Sae as he makes up excuses, which started it all.
"I don't, I just don't want to celebrate it. Yet, every time my birthday comes, my parents always throw me a party along with niichan... howeber, things have changed, and I don't expect coming from him to say a word. Not even a bit."
"Simple as I can put it... birthdays without him or so it's a normal day for me. But..."
He closely moved a few inches closer to you, his eyes deeply staring over your glimmering pupils that he can see himself through. The moment where he placed his hand on top of yours firmly. Rin isn't good with words openly. It's difficult to express what he wants to convey his emotions.
"You're here... and I'm happy with that, I thanked you for putting this for me."
Those soothing words of gratitude escaped his lips and felt a tingling music. Genuinely, Rin's eyes aren't showing any disappointment or dissatisfaction about a simple birthday until it pop you—
"Ah, sorry, I forgot that I don't have a gift for you."
Yeah, I have to remind him that
Rin didn't mind, shaking his head slightly, bringing himself closer to you. His left arm glided at your waist to go next to him. Pressing each side — eyeing as you look at his soft, alluring, gently eyes. You never seen Rin this soft. The birthday boy seems pleased.
"I never wanted a gift. Much more what I want is you..."
He replied as soon as he got to reach his cake using his finger. The white creamy frosting swiped through his slender finger, gazing at it before sucking it to taste.
"Not too sweet." He commented,
"Wanna try some?"
"Umm, sure."
Remaining his stern facade while using the same finger, he hooked another frosting from the cake. He brought it closely to your face.
"Here, suck it."
"But, I can get a plate—"
"No worries, it's clean. So, here, " as he assisted to let you lick his fingers clean, a lewd thought of your head distracted you when his finger was right in front of you with frosting coated on top. You were a little hesitant as if Rin isn't ick about this.
But, you dragged his wrist, holding it more, bringing his finger towards your lips. You slowly let your tongue out, proceeding to supple the coated frosting on Rin's finger. It tasted right, especially when it's on him. Delecting the right amount off sugary egg whites toppling your saliva, you opened your mouth a bit to suck his finger clean without a spick of cream on. There's a slight of fruity citrus lingered your sinuses coming from the fruity shortcake. Soon as you let go from sucking his finger connecting a strand of saliva through your gapped lips.
Rin was watching he didn't expect how this — mewl reaction the moment you sucked his fingers like a baby who needed milk from a mother. It instantly made the young Ace feel a knot on his stomach just by seeing the way you indulged his finger with cream on it. His ears reddened at the sight of you.
"You're right... it taste good."
You said looking at Rin, your voice almost trembling as your lips numbed.
"I guess the cake would sit elsewhere than the plate would it?"
Before you could say a word, you noticed Rin got some naughty fingers right up onto his sleeves. Two fingers went to swipe another coating of frosting messing the cake in the process — smudging on your cheek, lips, and neck. A turmoil of conflicted excitement yet a turn on — alluding approach Rin had in his mind. With a slight pull over your body next to his, he came sealing his lips on yours deeply. Tasting the creamy frosting, the rest of it gotten a messy trail over the corners of your face. Rin is busy taking every sweetness he flicked the frosting on your lips, shoving his tongue inside your opening wet walls and tongue to play.
It's afloat of addiction heating between the two of you savoring each other's tongue. This doesn't leave the soccer player to travel his wet muscle all over you, licking your cheeks that left with more frosting going down to your jawline. Such a delectable treat coming it seems the birthday boy enjoys. He paused for a bit, glancing at you.
"You know what? Fuck the unplanned gift..."
He pushes you onto the edge of the sofa, you meekly thud over the hardened cushion — Rin's hazy teal eyes suddenly speaks eagerness to devour you. Reaching his hand to caress and cup your cheek that stained his saliva.
"Guess that I have the perfect one to unwrap tonight."
Even a growl upon his lips snatched back again, his body hovering on top of you — taking his charge tasting his sweet little present under. He stopped halfway just to take a good look at your neck. His eyes locked over, where he covered the side with frosting. His hand dusted your strands of hair away to give a clear view on where he can place his dessert. The closer his goes, jaded with unbearable desire — implanting his kisses on your neck. Tilting your head aside giving him access to taste you.
"Hmm, R-rin..."
"Stay like that. You're so delicious."
A humming squirm escape through your lips that made the young Itoshi feel butterflies, the oozing excitement filled his explicit urges to unwrap you— his presentable sweet gift. As he resumes to give those sticky licks and nibbles through. He aches for your beautiful and ravaging figure, Rin can't get enough that your flesh blends well into the coated frosting he playfully painted you. He didn't care about your supposed gift. He wants you, and only you.
His fingers wiggled through the hem of your blouse teasing it, slightly pulling, tugging, and snakes down all the way by the buttons he brushed. While lapping your skin delicately than the cake you prepared for him to eat. You're far off better than that sweet treat leaving beside the kotatsu with smothering ruined frosting displayed. But what not having two desserts to enjoy won't hurt? You unraveled your eyes meeting his dark hair below before he could even unbuttoned you but stopped.
"(Y/n)..." He breathes under your neck.
"Move your blouse away, or I'll undo it."
You compile to his demand, and he sets aside to let you unbutton your blouse one by one on those circular pegs. However, the puppeteer striker can't hold his patience while watching you slowly undress yourself.
"Ugh, fuck it. You're too slow—"
Aggressively, Rin pushes you back to the sofa, your back laid down, taking full control to take off your garmet away from his sight as he pleads to. His hands went over to toggle it, undoing the buttons fast-paced — tearing the buttons almost ripping it apart. You watched — flustered at his needy urges. As he is close to completely unbuttoned your blouse that revealed your cleavage, your bra fully suppled the cupping breasts underneath. Rin noticed a frosting that left from his delectable licks stained down on your collarbone to the valley line of your chest. With his stern reaction, remains sneakily licked his lips that entices you. Never did you see Rin in his control like this. Nonetheless, you'll give the birthday boy what he truly wants. He presses himself down on you to take the mark on. It tickles your senses, heaving a moan upon his guard. Rin grunted a bit — even a mild view of your body could kill or broke himself. Just by how mesmerizing your body is to him.
"I would mind coating you more than just the frosting, (Y/n)... in fact I'd fucking go more than you pictured than a cake itself..."
It didn't make it long for Rin to tear down your blouse aside while hovering you close to his body. The heat tensed so much that you couldn't hold yourself — embracing Rin's head over to your chest tightly as he can to feel you. Finishing the part where his left hand took the deed — going to unclasp your bra behind, mastering his hand with a "ting" sound of the hook. Your eyes dilated that Rin's fingers managed to do that in one go. Now exposing those bouncing, suckable, lapping nips before his eyes. His subtle expression remains, but not his eyes leaving into temptation to eat you whole.
He gets another stroke of frosting to coat over your nipples. The sweet and touched fingers shivered you badly. He teases your nipples pinching them. Rin advantages this moment to see how tempting this would've been — breasts coated with frosting. The jaded emo stared, a hand slowly placed cupping your other breast peering below the meeking nip. Letting out his tongue to give a good sucking taste. You flinched —
"Don't move, I'm just getting started..."
He replied intently focusing on sucking you. The sweet frosting invited his tastebuds turns him on. Rin never did such crude things to you over a food. Yet, it turns the hell out of the young Itoshi, murmuring how good you taste for him like a wolf munching his prey under. You're helpless — Rin toppled you in this mess for a special day turning into something steamy you didn't expect.
How juicy and perky your nipples glazed on his saliva, cleaned by his wet muscle that glided you electrical feelings you couldn't describe. Heavenly feeling, but lewd. Rin grunted once more as he continues to tease you switching to another breast sucking the left. Meanwhile his hands slide down to your pants, as if this is a difficult thing for the naughty puppeteer to get away with it. Just a few strokes under your denims — hurdling a moan. You can obviously sense his teasing are getting more aggressive and impatient. Although your pants are in the way, Rin growled annoyingly as he replaced his hand away — a thigh eagerly went to go in between yours rubbing it to get your clit some attention.
"R-rin wait— "
He didn't listen, Rin pauses looking up to you his bangs wavering his right eyes messily.
"This might take awhile..."
All the minor teases and engaging of food that happened, the two of you couldn't get enough of this play. Rin had enough of the fun, things were about to hit real. He ordered for you to strip fully naked in front as you were sitting on the sofa — legs spread open. Rin was left in his usual cold expression but lies with devious schemes upon his sleeves. What a birthday blowout indeed for the young Itoshi to explore his inner desires after smudging lots of sticky frosting on top portion of your body. But, no it wasn't enough for him.
"Rin... I don't think I can spread it like this wide for you..." the mewling response coming from the shyness gut, Rin showed a sly smirk.
"Keep it that way... you ain't seen the rest of what I can do."
He nearly bends down to you, the cake was later ruined from all the taste testing, now for the fun part. Curiously Rin had a few frosting strokes to cover over your wet clit and slit gently through his fingers — you gasped.
"That's ahh... R-rin you're so dirty—"
As the lateral ignorance he pulled off, his eyes were glued onto your opening moist pussy. His fingers laid to play on them with frosting. Look how much of a treat you are.
Rin thought, you were concentrated over him blinking your eyes to watch his head go lower to your clit as he savors you. He flickered a tongue out to get the essence he wanted to smell — the smell that you belong to him, your beloved sex scent that alludes him deeply. You trembled under his touch, traveling your hand onto his head ruffling his dark hair. It encourages him to keep going as he eats you in absolute best. Whining and shaking on him. Your legs were stiffened trying to manage them wide open for Rin.
He was too busy eating your pussy down, but his hands grope your inner thighs for support, it relieved you as he goes. Still your hands are over his hair, moaning by his tongue play all over. He opened his mouth entering the sweet addiction brimming his tensions. You couldn't keep your legs open on one second as his hands were there assisting support.
"A-ahh... ahhh~ Rin, more—"
You cooed over, Rin definitely eats you good and feels you good down there. However, his lustful anticipation met with his crotch bulging over his pants. But that didn't matter at all for him to treat you first until he can order once more.
With a slick of his messy hair aside using his left hand away to brush a few strands, that send you off of the edge. You leaked juices onto his lapping mouth that Rin left without a single drop. He looks at you.
"You came badly, huh? I'm not done with you yet."
After a little tongue tease to your pussy his slender and long finger went to touch your slit first, a slow stroke of his finger shivered making you huffed another gasp of air — insatiable he does sinful things to your body completely aching for the young Itoshi below you.
You can feel your legs getting numb the longer he teases you, but Rin oh good Rin loves the sight of you being helpless against his grudges. His fingers went up to play and rub your clit melting you away.
"A-ah.... ahhh~ Rinrin—"
You purred, Rin's face came up closer, smirking.
"Beautiful response, that's what I love to hear..."
He keeps continuing to play that cute little nib of your pussy until you can't fully control yourself. With a mischief movement Rin does, adoring such sweet pleases coming from your cute voice. He lowered his strokes in — entering your walls through his brim. His long fingers feeling your clenching wet pussy leaking at your core.
"A-ahhh—! Ha— Rin please!"
"Please what, hm? You want this? I see what you're getting."
He pushes his fingers through, this time with force; going back and forth to feel the sore tightening walls. You tear a bit feeling the warmth below as Rin is focusing to make you loose yourself for him. Though at this point he'll have to save your orgasm for later —
"Don't cum until I say so, you hear that, baby? If you cum I'll make sure you won't be able to see lights tonight."
You meeked, crying over the river watching your pussy getting fingered by Rin's strokes over and over. Pleading to him as if you're chanting a prayer — helplessly oozing onto his command.
Rin enjoys this view and side of you getting weak so badly for him and he will keep you on the edge. Claiming that you are under his control. That you yearned for this moment belonging his touch. However, the growing grunts became erratic. Somehow looking at his own bulge through his pants — he won't be behaving at his own might doing finger fucking on you.
"Ah fuck this — "
He stopped halfway on meeting your orgasm, you almost left yourself feeling the urge to cum soon. But Rin demanded no.
You stared at the tall soccer player minding his own pants. He brought his fingers up to him mouth a bit licking your pre-cum. With a hint of smirk upon his face.
"Sweetest cake, dear..."
He turns over you leading his fingers to your lips poking it to have a taste of your own as well.
You obliged his request, lapping the tongue out of your mouth as you suck his fingers coated your cum — it taste like the cake from where he smudged all the way. Once that it has cleared, Rin intends to lower his pants, aching at the sight of his boxers showing his needy dick. Rin hissed by how hard it is, your arousal then arises by the view of his cock bulging visibly over his undergarment.
"Y-you need help? I can fix that...."
"Well, I don't mind a hand now, right? Be a good girl for me, stroke my cock while I finger you until I can fuck you any moment."
"Still not gonna let me cum?"
"Not until we both do."
Rin comes forward to your side of the sofa, he places himself; you volunteering to purr over as well. Slightly bringing your legs again wide open — little numb from earlier. You help Rin adjust his strap from his boxers away that jolts his cock out like a spring.
"Oh..." you gulped
"As if you've never seen my cock in ages, (Y/n)..." Rin commented hissing how it throbs out in front of you, chuckling.
"H-hurry... hand me."
You nodded, back in position this time — fingers are over again your walls gently. Rin's cock twitching by your hand those feathering strokes entices him so much that his head went up against the leaning cushion causing him to groan.
"Hnngh... ahh, (Y/n)..."
A playful interactions of you both, one's hand slowly rubbing his exciting friend for an invitation later while he fucks your pussy using his fingers that spreads you into milky heaven already sends you two into ravishing ecstasy. You couldn't help how hot it is — a teamwork better than how Rin could see in his soccer game.
"(Y/n)... don't stroke it faster. Let it be ah—"
Rin wants to keep this orgasm for the real fun part. But you couldn't help it as his dick craves for you wet muscles and mouth inside.
He sighed, taking your fingers out sensing you're about to cum for a moment.
"You bend over, come on... suck my cock."
Bluntly Rin commands you bringing your mouth on his needy cock for a good head. A birthday boy giving so many requests on his special day indeed, it wouldn't mind you. You're feeling the similar arousal around his grip. You sat down on the floor meeting his cock as it twitches before your pleasing eyes. Your throat lumping needing to take this up a notch for some good dick. You placed your hand once more on his rod, Rin patiently looks at you as your eagerness to relief him makes your gut knot hard.
While your hand does the job, leaning your head on the tip slowly tasting his succulent pre-cum on the weehole that tingles you. Goosebumps left your body tasting his glucose fluids — Rin can't stand how good that felt. Hitching his breath under you, his hand moving towards your hair rubbing you as you bobbed your head a bit up and down for you to suckle his milky pre-cum.
"H-hey... don't — not so fast..."
The young Itoshi grunted, looking down at your bended figure pleasing his dick. Your eyes were intently gagged onto his hardening cock. Rin could feel he is about to cum any moment.
"(Y/n)... didn't I say not to make me cum just yet? You naughty Missy..."
He brought up his hand through your locks, encircling his hand around your head. He gripped a few strands forcing you to stop sucking his cock as you meet his lustful teal eyes.
You cooed at this rough moment. Rin pulled your hair the way it makes you feel so submissive to him. His pre cum was painted onto the corners of your mouth which he expects so. But not purposely going to reach his limits just yet —
He stayed still onto the sofa before he slowly let's go of your hair. He gestured his palm, patting his thigh while he examined your nude figure so helplessly. Another order to be prompted —
"This will be going all night for us... but, go get me a pack of condom by the drawers — I bet you have one..."
You nodded to his complaint, simply getting what it seems to be protected from a wild session. Rin wanted to savor his special day with you until you couldn't seem to fully compromise yourself to the limit. As you brought the condom along in your hand before Rin gently snatched it away. He breaks a tear of the condom using his mouth.
To be added...
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@moonartemisia 2023☆ | do not copy my works
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